#and i woke up at like 6 am so i’m feeling a little tired
licorice-tea · 5 months
I Think I Love You!
Pairing: Trafalgar Law x reader, Platonic Straw Hats & reader
Content: Strawhat!reader, cursing/strong language, kissing, Law has trouble with accepting his feelings, reader is a schemer and plotter fr, misunderstandings / miscommunication but more funny than angsty, fluff, idiots in love <3
Word Count: 2.3k
A/N: this is a song fic based on “I Think I Love You!” by the Partridge Family lol, so the indented parts are song lyrics! also i wrote this between like 2 and 5 am… please forgive me for any grammar mistakes😭
This morning
Law cannot stand being a guest on the Thousand Sunny. He wakes up in the library- he must have fallen asleep there last night- and can already hear shouting from above deck. Why are they causing such a commotion this early on in the day? To him, the reason is simple: because the Straw Hat Pirates are inarguably the loudest, most annoying, chaotic bunch of-
thump thump thu-thump thump… knock knock!
Pushing the door to the library open with your back, you carefully turn while entering the room to reveal a serving tray in your hands.
Your voice rings out in the mostly silent room- save for the noise coming from the deck of the Thousand Sunny. “Hey, Law? Sanji made coffee for the girls and I, so I had him make you a cup t- oh.”
You smile to yourself upon seeing the ally captain, Law, fast asleep at one of the library desks. (Or at least, he looks like he’s asleep.) Wordlessly, you set the tray down beside him.
“He looks cute like this,” you think, “calm.”
On your way out, you pause and grab a sticky note from a drawer in another desk. You decide to jot down a little note rather than wake him. But, unbeknownst to you, Law is already awake and staring at your back.
Ok, so… there might be one exception to his feelings of contempt toward the Straw Hats.
And maybe it’s because he wants to let you fulfill your kind mission, or maybe he just panics, but when you turn around he closes his eyes again. You stride back across the library to his desk makeshift bed, and stick the note on the tray as quietly as possible. Law can feel the soft exhale of your breath fanning over him, knowing you’re probably smiling. Soon after, he hears the door open and close softly, and decides it’s safe to sit up and open his eyes again.
I woke up with this feeling
His tired eyes scan over your words with the tiniest hint of a smile: “Sanji made coffee! + There’s milk and sugar in separate cups, b/c I’m not sure how you like it. -y/n :)”
To think, you went out of your way to ask that dumbass cook to make a cup for him, too? Then you had arranged it so neatly- and written the sweetest goddamn little note… Well, it was really just a simple explanation of the tray sitting before him, but it was cute because it came from you. He knew you wrote it out of care and concern for him, not to mention your own kindness. And- as he allows his mind to wonder while staring at his untouched coffee- he thinks that maybe you did it out of love.
“Wait, no, that’s crazy.” All this time around Straw Hat and his crew must be getting to him. Law tries to remedy his outlandish idea that you might feel for him the way he does for you by starting on the coffee you brought him. He doesn’t usually take milk or sugar in his coffee, but since you went out of your way, he adds a splash of the former and a small cube of the latter. And suddenly, his mind is wandering again…
What a kind thing to do for someone. This makes him feel sure of his previous notion once again- that you just might love him. You have to. Because he’s falling in love with you, slowly but surely, and…. oh. Fuck. He loves you.
Law curses himself. Realizing he’s falling in love is NOT how this day should start. Or any day, for that matter.
I didn’t know how to deal with
Though he got at least 6 hours of sleep (which is around 3 more than usual for the surgeon), and drained his coffee cup, Law’s head is aching. It’s a result of stress, most likely. Because, ever since he came to the terrifying realization that he’s falling for you, he can’t stop thinking about it (love, you, etc.)
Your smile is one of his favorite things, for example. It ranges anywhere from bright (like on the night he cracked a single joke while the two of you kept watch from the crows nest, and suddenly you outshone the stars while laughing) to sweet (when you accept a compliment from the love cook with a shy expression), with at least a dozen more variations.
And your eyes… God, he needed to stop thinking about you. He can barely concentrate now; what did he even plan on doing today?
Law decides then, that if he’s to get anything done at all, he’ll need to push all thoughts of you to the backburner.
And so I just decided to myself
“This is a foolproof plan,” Law thinks to himself, “one of my best yet.”
He’s most definitely lying to himself, but is it really lying if the liar themself believes the lie?
“Shit. Even that doesn’t make sense.” Whatever, he just needs to concentrate on something- anything other than you.
So Law, stubborn as ever, uses this trait to his advantage by becoming dead set on not thinking of you at all. He does so by ignoring you when you pass by each other in the halls of the Thousand Sunny, not meeting your eye when you offer a friendly smile over dinner, even straight up ignoring you once when you knocked on the door to his room. He knows it was you because you have this habit of making a short tune out of knocks-
No! He absolutely can’t think of you. Law has already made up his mind, and under no circumstances can he backtrack.
I’d hide it to myself
Law is very obviously hiding something, you’re just not sure what.
It’s like his demeanor toward you changed overnight. Before his switch up, the two of you had been spending a large portion of your days together. And sure, there aren’t many people to choose from for company when you’re at sea, but you took pride in the fact that Law still wanted to be around you.
It had taken a little time for the Captain of the Heart Pirates to open up at first- which you didn’t mind at all, some people are simply more reserved than others- but once he did, your purely physical attraction to the man grew into a head spinning crush. So, once you gained the confidence, you began flirting and showing him how you felt in careful ways.
And it had seemed like it was working! He engaged in meaningful conversations with you, started sharing sly compliments and jokes and looks, would always sit beside you at dinner- or directly across from you if both adjacent seats were taken- and didn’t seem to mind trading in his late night reading for keeping watch from the crows nest with you. All signs had pointed to him at least thinking of you as a friend, if not reciprocating your feelings for him.
So why the hell is he ignoring you all of a sudden? Whatever the reason, you intend to find out.
And never talk about it
After consulting with your team (Nami, Usopp, and Robin- the most emotionally intelligent people and/or those with the most relationship experience on the crew), you decide to confront Law. “It would be best to be straightforward and honest,” is the consensus the four of you came to.
But, it proves to be harder than you thought since he is still avoiding you. You’ve taken to hanging around the kitchen because everyone has to go there at some point, as everyone gets hungry or thirsty, but Law never shows. How is he getting his morning coffee if he never goes to the kitchen? It bewilders you; how he’s managing to sneak by you on your own ship. (On the second day of trying to catch him, you realize that he can, in fact, use his devil fruit abilities to avoid walking around the ship and simply teleport into the kitchen instead.)
The next day, you decide to hang around inside the kitchen. Sanji doesn’t mind one bit, and you think that Law is sure to pay a visit at one point or another.
And he does! You don’t even have to wait long, because early in the morning- around 6:30 am or so- he teleports in with a flash of blue light and greets Sanji with a nod. However, he doesn’t take notice of you sitting on a stool at the kitchen island.
“Just as I suspected.” You mentally pat yourself on the back for your sleuthing skills.
Law walks to the counter to grab a mug and pour a steaming cup from the pot the chef had just brewed, when you speak up.
“Morning, Law.”
He nearly drops his mug before turning around to see you, sitting at the kitchen island, with your own cup of coffee. (He notes how yours is a much lighter shade, and you’ve added ice and whipped cream. It fits you, he thinks, to prefer something sweeter. Great, just another reason why you could never like him the way he likes you.)
Law had purposefully been using his devil fruit and any other means to avoid you these last couple of days; yet here you are, looking at him with your knowing gaze. He was sure that you had caught on to his avoidance, because you’re perceptive like that, he just didn’t expect you to outsmart him like this. It’s enough to drive him crazy inside; like everything about you drives him crazy. (In some strange and foreign way that makes him yearn to be around you, but forces him to push you away.)
He mumbles out a quick “Morning.” and tries not to look as caught as he feels.
This is where you realize the flaw in your plan to confront Law: Sanji is also there. And despite the love you have for your crewmate, you don’t really want to do this in front of him.
So, when Law leaves just moments later, you follow.
And didn't I go and shout it
“Law! Wait up!” You call from a few paces behind him.
Though he doesn’t wait, he responds, “What?”
“What do you mean what? You’re being weird, and I want to know why!”
Law finally slows down, but only to open the door to the library, “I’m not being weird. Go away, y/n.” He states simply, then tries to close the door, but you hold it open.
When you walked into my room
You follow Law into the library- the room he has begun to frequent and sort of staked his claim on ever since he became a guest on board the Thousand Sunny.
With equal fervor, you respond; “Then why are you avoiding me? And straight up ignoring me when I try to talk to you? Because it’s really fucking rude. We’re friends, you know, and I thought-“
“We can’t be friends.” his voice is cold.
“Oh… Oh.” You think you understand now. “That’s so dumb, Law. Like, really stupid actually. Our friendship doesn’t depend on this alliance, if that’s why you-“
“It’s not!”
“Stop cutting me off! Ugh, just…” you sigh, clearly frustrated, “just tell me what’s going on then, please.”
He looks at you, your arms crossed and jaw set tightly. One might take your expression for angry upon first inspection, but there’s just a hint of sadness in your eyes and furrowed brows. He doesn’t want to ever see you like this- especially not because of something he’s done.
“I think I love you!”
This is it. He’s going to confess his feelings to you and ruin everything. You’ll probably hate him, never want to see him again, and that will just make it a hundred times harder to endure the remainder of his alliance with the Straw Hats.
“Well.. We can’t be friends because I…” Where was confidence and blatant disregard for the opinions of others when Law needed it?
You tilt your head and quirk a brow, giving him a quizzical look. The knowledge that you would never judge him so harshly; nor do anything to purposely hurt him, wasn’t doing much for his nerves right now, but it would have to do. He just needs to spit it out and get this over with now.
“I think I love you.”
You blink a few times as your eyes widen in clear surprise. Are you upset… or happy? He can’t tell, so he quickly corrects himself; “Uh- I’m falling in love with you. I think.”
(I think I love you)
Your frown grows into a small smile before the curve of your lips opens up into a much happier, brighter grin. And you laugh in a way that’s practically melodic to Law, which allows him to finally release the breath he’s been holding.
“I… I think I love you too, Law. Or I’m falling.” You emphasize the word like it’s an inside joke, just between the two of you. “It’s hard to tell.”
“So… that’s why you’ve been avoiding me?”
“I’m, uh, sorry. I didn’t-“
Law stops when he feels the gentle press of your lips on the corner of his mouth. It’s barely a kiss, but you’re so incredibly warm and soft that he really doesn’t care that it only lasts 3 seconds. (Though, he would very much like it if you did it again. He makes a mental note to kiss you back with more certainty, should he get the chance.)
“It’s ok.” You tell him after you pull away.
He nods slowly- it’s probably the first time you’ve ever seen him in such a flustered state- before hesitantly leaning in again to close the distance between your lips. He tilts your jaw with one hand, and his other comes to rest on the small of your back. But he waits for you, like asking for your permission, which you grant him by parting your lips slightly. Then Law finally kisses you; it’s slow and a little unsure at first, but he quickly gets caught up to speed. You both find yourselves lost in the other as the whole exchange becomes more passionate, albeit a little aggressive and clumsy.
And this time, the kiss lasts much longer than 3 seconds.
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jji-lee · 2 months
HI!! i’m doing great, sorry for the late reply i am on vacation! kinda inspired by jim and pam’s valentine’s day fight from the office (if you’ve seen it) it’s not so much an argument because i’m bad at dialogue but it’s a little couples spat. hope you enjoy anyways! ☺
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it had been tense since jeno woke up that morning. it was valentines day and you wanted to make it special for him since the last one he had been on tour. you woke up early to make him his favorite breakfast, taking the time to cut out little hearts from all of the fruits. but of course your exhausted boyfriend had slept through breakfast, having had practice till late the night before. he had taken off from practice today to "spend time with you" but he had only been spending time with his bed. you cleaned up breakfast deciding that it wasn’t that big of a deal, you had the rest of the day planned anyways. when jeno had finally woken up you were getting ready to go on a bike ride with him, your go to date activity, but you were met with a groggy smile telling you, “not today baby hm? just a little tired, but i made us dinner plans at 7 today okay?” so you complied taking off your biking gear and heading to the living room to watch some tv. jeno came out lazily and laid on the couch next to you resting his head on your thighs. as 6 rolled around you decided to get ready for dinner looking through your closet for your new dress. you heard rustling in the bathroom assuming jeno was also getting ready. by 6:45 you were finished, stepping out of your room to show jeno your outfit. as you stepped out you were met with a very laid back boyfriend, wearing jogging pants and a hoodie, he looked up at you eyes widening when he saw your appearance, “shit baby is it 7 already? i totally blanked on dinner, i can get ready real quick and tell them we hit some traffic so they don’t charge us for being late.” he stood up quickly going to your shared room to get dressed, you stopped him. “forget it jen, i’m not even hungry, let’s stay home and do nothing like we’ve been doing all day” jeno stared at you, confused by your sudden attitude, “what do you mean ‘do nothing,’ i took the day off to be with you?” you let out a deep breath, “you didn’t take a day off to be with me you took a day off to catch up on your sleep jeno, don’t act like today’s been ALL about me” he tilted his head to the side staring at you bewildered, “is this about the biking? baby we bike every chance we get, we’ll do it next time i have free.” you pushed past him leaning on the couch for support as you took your heels off, “yes jeno, this is about the biking and breakfast and this stupid dinner that you planned and forgot about, i tried to make everything special for us today and you just slept through it all, i look like an idiot running around planning stuff for my boyfriend who doesn’t even care” he walked towards you grabbing your chin, “you think i don’t care? you think getting a last minute spot at your favorite restaurant is easy? you think being away from you everyday is easy?” your eyes began to water as he let go of your chin walking towards the door “i’m sorry for being tired today, it’s my first day off in months, you think i didn’t want today to be special too? i’m sorry okay? i feel like shit cause i ruined your valentine’s day.” you heard jeno's voice crack as he spoke, back turned towards you, “i just, i can’t keep going back and forth, not today, if we’re gonna keep fighting then i’ll just meet the guys at practice, tell them our plans got cancelled,” he slipped some shoes on, grabbing his coat to leave, you stopped him, hand grasping his shirt. “don’t leave please, stay, stay with me and fight, we’ll yell all night if we have to.” he stopped and turned to face you, “you really wanna fight on valentine’s day?” you gave him a soft smile, “yes, stay with me and fight, just, don’t go.” jeno wasn’t gonna leave, not even if you begged him.
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gojo-enthusiast · 5 months
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The Affair
Series — My Husband Toji Zenin
Part Two: The Big Fight
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MDI, 18+, infidelity—
“Was work okay?“ you asked staring at your husband from behind the kitchen counter. “Mm. Yeah.” He hummed lightly, chugging his second beer and eating the dinner you made. “Was it busy?” You proceeded to ask. Your husband had been busy as of late, work picked up and he was coming home later than usual. But it also didn’t help that the other reason he was coming home late. Was because he was having an affair.
You met Toji when you had turned 18, he was 28. Now you are 21 and is 31. He took your virginity, he was also your first love. And you two had gotten married last year when you were 20. Now your husband who you love so much, is having an affair. And you don’t even know what to say at that point.
“Doll, I’m tired.” He yawned, not answering your question. “Oh okay.” You smile, taking his plate and washing it off. It pained you that he was cheating on you, but you knew at the end of the day he would always choose you, and that was enough. Even if… it crushed your confidence.
“I’m gon’ be busy tomorrow afternoon.” He says as he gets into bed. “Oh well tomorrow is—“ you paused realizing if he cared enough, 1. He would remember it was you both 1 year wedding anniversary, and 2. He promised to spend the day with you since he had been working Saturdays and he was finally getting a Saturday off. “Hmm?” He asked, “nothing important, goodnight my love.” You smiled, kissing his lips before turning off the bedside table lamp, and letting him pull you into his embrace. You knew he didn’t hold anyone the way he held you. Yet it made you feel small, it made you feel not important.
The next you woke up and made breakfast like normal, waffles, bacon and eggs. You kissed your husband good morning, and as he left for “work” you kissed him goodbye and told him you love him. You could see the way his eyes fell down, like the guilt inside was eating at him, but the guilt wasn’t strong enough to make him stay.
Toji stood in the hotel room with a woman he had met at a bar a couple days prior, one of his many encounters. Pulling up his pants from the sexual encounter he just had with her. “Hotel room is paid for. Stay if you want. I got’sta get goin’” he said, pulling his phone out looking at the time <4:47> “fuck.” He groans, realizing he is out later than he wanted. He wanted to go home, shower and take his lovely wife to dinner. He would have time, just needs to be quick to get home.
Satoru: hey man! Happy anniversary! Hope you and your wife are spending it fun ;)
Satoru Gojo, his work colleague sends. “Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck” Toji says to himself, rushing out the hotel. Toji rushes to the nearest convenience store, getting you flowers and your favorite sour gummy’s. arriving home at 6:03PM.
“Hey doll.” He says walking in the door, seeing you curled up on the couch watching a movie. “Hey baby.” You smile brightly. You instantly smelt a woman’s perfume on him. Making your nose flinch in disgust. Your husband only bought you the best, so smelling cheap perfume made your stomach churn. “Is that really what he’s into?” You think to yourself. He notices your instant change in mood, the perfume hitting his nose. “I’m gonna go take a quick shower. I’m all sweaty.” He chuckles, rushing to the bathroom. He throws his clothes off, putting them in the washing machine instantly and jumping into the shower.
Something inside of you finally told you to confront him. Why not?
“To-“ you croak out, feeling the lump in your throat form, and tears trickle down your cheek. “Hey baby, what’s wrong?” He says washing off the soap from his body. “Why am I not good enough for you?” You cried out. The instant pain that swelled Toji’s heart. Hating that he is breaking his sweet little wife’s heart. Jumping out the shower, Toji embraces you as he is soaked with water. “There is nothing wrong with you baby doll. I’m the problem, not you.” He groans, feeling tears swell his eyes. “I’m the problem baby.” He says again before crying silently against you. “You’re perfect baby.” He says rubbing your back.
Toji wasn’t going to leave you, and you weren’t going to leave him. You both are joined at the hip, in your own love sick way. You hated how he broke your heart so easily, and he hated how you put up with his bullshit.
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emsgwenstan · 5 months
Personal or professional?
Chap 4| chap 5| chap 6.
Larissa Weems x fem(carpenter/joiner) named reader
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Words: 3k
Warnings: smut, insecurity’s, aftermath of drunkenness, signs of anxiety- no self worth.
Note: mmmkay, so shit happens! Anyway feelings aren’t exactly admitted but Violet tells Larissa something important. No wonder I guess.
The early morning air seeped in through the stone walls and coated me in a thick layer of cold, waking up at sometime around 6am, I sat up slowly trying not to disturb Larissa. I was surprised at how solidly id seem to have slept even though it wasn’t for very long, i didn’t have nightmares and didn’t wake to any random pain my body decided It thought i should have either, the most surprising of all though was that i didn’t feel hung over. shuffling back i rested against the headboard and yawned so hard i might have dislocated my jaw and my eyes watered from how tired i am.
Just sitting staring out to space for a while trying to wake up, Larissa started tossing and turning frequently and it ripped me out of my trans like state, tilting my head to the side I watched as her breath would intake and exhale, pushing and pulling the hair that had fallen over her eyes, she lay facing me and I can’t help but shift down a little to prop my head in my hand and rest on my elbow. With a nimble yet ruined hand I tucked her hair away from her face and stared at her lovingly and for a while I stayed like that, all I want is for her to be comfortable and have a longer peaceful sleep.
After contemplating, I rose from the bed and retrieved my clothes from the arm chair while also finally taking in her decor, it was beautiful all the thick materials and trinkets, the large paintings and photographs that lined the walls, her aesthetic was a mix of deep rich colours with a lighter twist in some of the furnishing, all of it was utterly her, completely Larissa. Pacing quietly to the ensuite bathroom I looked at myself in the huge mirror and wiped the smudged mascara from under my eyes, in the reflection I saw she had a large claw foot bath and a walk in shower that was lined with different soaps, body washes and most of all hair products like, treatments with her toning shampoo and conditioner to keep her silver spun hair to perfection, it was so cute.
I was conflicted weather or not I should just keep on the pyjamas she lent me and wear them until I die or actually get changed, ultimately the latter was the chosen option. Exiting the bathroom I left the lended clothes in the designated Laundry hamper and made my way to the door leading back out into her office to retrieve my jumper and stoke the almost dead fire. My nerves were skyrocketing at the thought of the impending conversation that’s going to happen when she wakes up, I’m not going to cower and tip toe out of her home like a one night stand, not that we actually even went as far to have sex, but that’s besides the point. Suck it up Violet, deal with your own actions.
An hour and a half later Larissa woke alone in her crimson sheets, the sun fully risen and her dark curtains flowing the slightest bit from wintery breeze. Completely dazed at the sight she sat up and slid her feet into the flats she had beside her bed and stood grasping the satin tan coloured robe off the same arm chair as my clothes had rested on. Before making her way to the curtains, out the corner of her eye Larissa’s reflection from the wall mirror was what caught her attention, she internally berated herself with almost walking out looking the way she did, her little bedside clock read 7:46am and again she scolded herself for sleeping in. Quickly she shifted to something more presentable only her face and hair changed, her lips painted a blood red and eyes meticulously covered in natural looking eye shadow and mascara, her hair pulled into a neat low bun.
Drawing back the curtain, there sat on the balcony was me watching over the rail with my feet tucked under myself and a monotone expression washed over my face, Larissa didn’t hesitate to open the door and step outside. I knew she was there, of course, I could hear her, I sat in silence not really knowing what to say. It was a good minute of silence once she sat down opposite the small metal table. “How did you sleep?” Is what I came up with to break the quietness, even though I tried rehearsing what to say for the past hour and a half. “Well, and you?” She said almost if she had barbed wire wrapped around her neck preventing her from sounding sure. Ok so it’s like that. “Fine…” I began. “do you… uh- remember-.” I continued. “Yes.” She said hardly letting me finish. “Right…” I trailed. Another beat of silence. “Do you regret it?” She asked quietly. I paused really thinking about how to answer, I’m sure she did, regret it I mean- I don’t know… I’m kinda lost. “If you do then I suppose, but if not…” I started. “If not?” She asked actually looking at me, we had both avoided eye contact until this moment. “If not then I guess no, I wouldn’t regret it.”
Larissa relaxed into the chair and I was as stiff as a board, did she just basically say she wanted it to happen or am I reading into it too much? I looked back down the railing wondering why there were no students, it’s a Saturday, surely kids would be out and about. “I’m afraid I slept in to late to bid them all farewell, they all went home for the Christmas holidays.” She said as if she could read my mind. “And the staff?” I wondered. “Yes, them to, it’s just me.” Does she not have a family to go home to? Why would she still be here? I nodded at her statement as the cold wind started to pick up causing me to shiver, how she’s not dying of hypothermia because of her lack of layers I don’t know.
“I have to go soon, I need to go to one of the houses I’m renovating and polish a bench top.” I said tucking my hands into the pocket of my jumper. “Oh.” She said. Why does she look disappointed? I sat staring at her releasing that she is now in fact alone and will be for a while. It was always hard for Larissa at this time of year, no matter how much work she’d get done she still had to prepare and consolidate with others for the next year. I feel like saying could you possibly imagin spending all this time alone especially around Christmas, but I won’t because then I’d be a hypocrite.
“Would you like to come with me?” I asked not even registering what I asked until it was too late. “Oh I would want to be a bother.” She said. “You wouldn’t, no one’s going to be there, if your not to busy.” I said as if I was completely confident. “Sure, I suppose I can miss working for a day.” She said. Recounting back to the previous micro conversation I spoke again. “What time did they all leave? Surely we would have heard them.” Larissa quirked a brow. “I thought for someone who knows all about a house and buildings infer structure that you would know it’s not easy to hear through two and a half feet of stone.” She spoke with a hint of sass and a whole lot of tease.
I was taken a back at her new found tone. “Well then headmistress, do tell me what else you know about my job you seem oh so knowledgeable about it.” I quipped, sharing her mirthful voice. “Oh no I mustn’t continue, I might put you out of a job.” She smiled with her eye’s playfully glaring. “Oh shut up, don’t start something you can’t finish.” I said laughing, finally letting myself gradually come down from the nervous high. “You never know, I might know more than you think…” she said with a chesty giggle. “Fine, Larissa can you tell me what a Kimberly large is?” I spoke coming to a stand and towering over her sitting position. Nothing, I could see that all she could come up with was blank, nada, not a clue. “What in gods earth is that?” She asked after accepting defeat. I stepped away and walked back to the door, turning looking at her over my shoulder I said. “It’s a cutlery tray.” With the most innocent expression known to man. Well woman.
Larissa stood from the table with a smile plastered to her lips and headed back into the room as well. “Sorry for leaving the door open by the way, I overthought it because if I close it you wouldn’t know I was out there and if I open the curtains then you would wake up, but then I really didn’t think about how cold it is and I needed some air- so… sorry.” I said in a rushed voice. “Don’t worry about it vi.” She said in a sweet tone. “Ok well if I’m to come with you I’ll need to get changed.” She explained knowingly. “Right.” I turned on my heels and left the room to put on my boots and wait for her.
Stepping out into the room Larissa was in the most beautiful dress I’ve seen on her yet, even prettier than the one she wore to my house that time for dinner, it was just past the knee and was an adorable shade of pink that complimented her complexion, she had a matching coat that had fake white fur around the perimeter of the sleeve cuffs. I don’t even think of a snide remark about the fact we’re only going to someone’s house for me to work, I’m more worried about her getting it dirty and ruining the expensive fabric, but who cares I will always encourage her to look incredible, suitable for the conditions or not, if she’s happy I’m happy, I don’t think it’s physically possible for Larissa to not look good anyway.
“What? To much?” She asked wearily. “Absolutely not it’s stunning, just don’t get dirty now will you headmistress.” I said cheekily. Larissa rolled her eyes and adorned her gloves. Opening the door she looks back at her new desk again and smiles, we set off down stairs and made our way to the truck and drove down the nevermore driveway. “Are you hungry?” She asked. “Not really I don’t usually eat until lunchtime, but we can get you something.” I said. “No I’m ok, I just thought maybe you wanted something.” She said looking out of the passenger window. We sat in comfortable silence until we reached town, although I felt like I was slowly suffocating from my thoughts, terrible thoughts, horrible thoughts. I had to keep averting my side eyed gaze at her porcelain thighs, Larissa’s dress rode up and her coat fell to the sides of her gorgeous legs and my god. Keep it together.
Driving down a few back roads we arrived at the house, getting out I paced straight to the mailbox to get the spare key. Larissa followed behind and waited patiently for me to open the door, the house its self wasn’t overly wowing but it was quaint and homey, perfect for a younger family or older couple. “Ok wait here and I’ll go get my stuff.” I said exiting the house. Larissa took in the interior and thought it was sweet, charming in fact, she wandered through the empty halls watching her step on the drop sheets that lay on the floor, the walls were freshly painted with a light grey and the ceilings weren’t finished yet due to electrical issues with the lights, she walked into the first room she could find to take a moment to slow her rapidly beating heart, it turns out Larissa was quite flustered from the car ride too, and the morning in general.
“Larissa?” I yelled. I could hear her heals coming down the hall. “Hey, I got you these just be careful with your earrings.” I said holding out my pink pair of earmuffs. “Oh thank you, that’s thoughtful.” She said quietly as she slipped them on, her earrings did get caught and I tried to help her. “Here, let me help.” I practically launched myself towards her, I grasped one of the sides and tucked her ear in place trying my best not to hurt her. We were standing so close and my eyes wandered from the side of her head to her cheek and around to her lips, I slowly put down my hands and place them on her hips, I could feel her breath on my cheek. Kiss her, but remember Violet. Slowly I started to lean in, but as my eyes flicked up to see hers, they were already trained on me, in an instant I tense up and take a step back clearing my throat, now looking as red as a tomato.
I gave a shy smile and took in her appearance again. “You look cute.” I mimed, knowing how hard it is to hear with them on. Larissa also displayed a little smile with a light blush, she could hear her pulse in her ears clearly now and the butterflies in her stomach were going wild. I put on my spare pair of earmuffs and started the process of polishing the bench. Larissa watched in awe as it began to shine, but she wasn’t just looking at the material itself she also watch how my hands flexed around the machine and my shoulders moved in tandem with the actions. I could feel her eyes on me and I tried my best to not turn around.
Cutting the polisher off I spun on the spot and waved her over, I grabbed her forearm and pulled her to stand in front on me and place her hands on the machine so she could have a turn. What a stupid idea. My hands were on hers and I turned it on again continuing my ministrations, however the only thing I could think of was how her ass was pressing into my stomach and thighs, for a while everything was fine but when she turned and gave me her award winning smile and nose scrunch I just melted. Before either of us got hurt I turned the polisher of and took off my earmuffs placing them on the bench, Larissa did the same carefully talking them off her head, as I turned to face her again, Larissa looked at me for a moment then grabbed my face with both hands and kissed me, like really kissed me.
I was in shock but didn’t pull away- why would I? it was rough and urgent but fuck it was delicious, she was delicious. Larissa manoeuvred me to sit on top of the counter without breaking the kiss, I hopped up and fisted the sides of her dress and the plush skin that’s hidden beneath it, I felt her tongue lick at the the seem of my lips and with out hesitation I let her enter and explore my mouth. Her hands gently scratched at my scalp before she trailed them down the front of my jumper, her delicate fingers moving tantalisingly slow over my breasts as I grope her ass. Just as she went lower towards my stomach, I pulled back breathless with my eyes closed I, couldn’t see the look on her face as I did so.
Larissa stoped her movements and placed her palms on my thighs, she too was breathing quite heavily, the whole situation was so intense more so now that I pulled back, I didn’t want to but I can’t let her feel the parts of myself that I’m so ashamed of. Her thumbs stroke at my legs in a reassuring manner and her head ducked ever so slightly to catch my attention since I peeled my eyes open. “Sorry… um, we should get going now.” I said quietly it almost echoed through the empty house- it certainly echoed through Larissa’s mind, she was taken aback and so confused, but if I needed to stop, she wouldn’t begrudge me of that.
I quickly pack up my stuff and walked back to the truck in silence, safe to say I felt like shit, I don’t want to offend her in anyway because she’s perfect, beautiful, incredible in every sense of the word and I’m just… well, me. Turning the keys in the ignition and setting off again, I glanced at her fidgeting hands in her lap, hesitantly I placed my own on top of one of hers, Larissa looked at me directly as my eyes were trained on the road, my expression displayed a huge amount of guilt. She was watching me so intensely try to wrap her head around what’s going on in mine, I turned to her and really looked into her eyes as an apology, as a ‘it’s not you it’s me’ kind of look, she engaged the silent conversation with ‘it’s ok’ while also cracking a little smile. I returned my eyes to the road and never let go of her hand.
“Oh, see that house over there? It’s my dream home!” I said excitedly, my eyes lit up and my demeanour changed drastically. “That horrid, run down, abandoned looking one? I don’t even want to ask why.” She chuckled. “Look at it though, it has sooo much potential, imagine all of the work I could do to fix it up, it could be beautiful, and its would be massive on the inside.” I said, Larissa looked at me as if I were insane, to be fair if someone said they wanted to live in a shit hole like that I’d be pretty perplexed to. “Mm I can see that now…I suppose.” She hummed watching it fade from view, after a short couple of minutes we made it back to the work shop where I put away the truck and ushered Larissa to my personal car that stayed there overnight.
Without asking I went strait home in dying need of a shower and led Larissa to take purchase in the lounge room to wait, politely I offered her a drink in which she asked for a tea, I made it and placed it on the coffee table beside her. “Thank you darling.” She whispered smiling up at me once I straightened up. “I’ll be out in a minute.” I said leaving her to go to my room. Larissa sat in comfortable silence casually sipping on the drink, before she set it back down she took ahold of the poetry book that still remained in its previous place, as she opened it there were lots of little sheer sticky notes on the pages, only scanning through the highlighted ones there was one in particular she read over and over.
‘She was beautiful, but not like those girls in magazines. She was beautiful, for the way she thought. She was beautiful, for the sparkle in her eyes when she talked about something she loved. She was beautiful, for her ability to make other people smile, even if she was sad. No, she wasn't beautiful for something as temporary as her looks. She was beautiful, deep down to her soul.
She is beautiful.’
Larissa kept going throughout the book to relise they were all pertaining to women, it gave her enough satisfaction to know that I did take an interest to woman and that she wasn’t the only one.
Out of the shower, I reapplied light make up and dressed in baggy casual clothes -because I don’t have anything else- and stepped back out into her presence, Larissa set the book back in place before I could see and stood up walking towards me. “Do you want me to take you back now? Or do you want to go somewhere or watch a movie?” I asked. “A film sounds lovely.” She said. “Would you rather out here or in my room?” I questioned. “Where ever you’d like.” She answered. I turned and motioned for her to enter my room, she took off her heels, shed herself from her coat and left it on the floor beside her shoes and sat on the edge of the bed.
I let Larissa flick through Netflix, she’d look at one, contemplate it, watch the trailer, then move to the next one, It wasn’t a bother, it gave me more time to unabashedly watch her. While her eyes were glued to the screen I inched my hand closer to hers and lightly fiddled with her fingers, observing red painted nails against slightly chipped pink ones, our hand were close in size but her fingers were skinnier than mine, ultimately shes skinnier then me in every way. So lost in deep thought my hand traveled up her arm and to her shoulder, then neck, then face. Larissa was doing everything within her to not move, she didn’t want it to end, she was so afraid that if she breathed to hard I would stop.
Snapping back to reality I didn’t pull away, I tried to embrace it, that I did. I grasped the remote in her hand and crawled slowly to straddle her lap, though I didn’t sit on her I mearly hovered, I’m far too heavy for her. Larissa kept her body still and only moved her eyes. “I dont know what I’m doing.” I said quietly, I had her face in my hands and peered deeply into her cobalt eyes. “That’s ok sweetheart, you don’t need to… but, what do you want?” She asked at the same level of voice. For a moment I thought of how to say what I want. “I… I’d like to-uh… I want to touch you.” I said sounding like an inexperienced teenager with a burning blush. “Then touch me.” She said, her pupils dilated and her voice dripping with seduction.
But of course Violet does something stupid and starts to have a minor panic attack. Larissa’s expression turned concerned, she slung her arms around my neck, pulled me flush against her and stroked at my damp hair. “It’s ok, your alright.” She cooed in my ear, my hands and thighs were trembling and burning from clenching the muscles in my legs to stop me from putting my weight on her. Slowly I pulled back. “I need to tell you something.” I said shakily, I know I have to, she needs to understand what the fuck is wrong with me. Larissa nodded and waited patiently for my breathing to slow and to take a pause to muster up the courage of what I’m about to say. You haven’t spoke about this for 15 years Violet, what makes you think she’ll care?
“I’m not sure how you’re going to feel about this but…” I took in another deep breath. “When I was 20, I met a man and we fell in love…” Larissa nodded for me to continue. “We were together for 3 years and by the time I was 23, we were engaged. We wanted to start a family before we got married…” I said, Larissa’s brows knitted together wondering where I was going with this. “So… we tried to have a baby, but after a while, it wasn’t working. I went to the doctor and I was told that-.” I cut myself off to restrain any and all tears. “I was told I couldn’t have children, that I’m infertile.” I said. Larissa thinking I was finished told me that’s ok and that she’s very sorry for how unfortunate that is. “It doesn’t change my view on you though Violet.” She said brushing the hair out of my face.
“But… he thought he wasn’t trying hard enough.” I continued, Larissa’s face and stomach dropped at the statement. “So, he tried harder, more frequently, longer.” I said flinching at my own words. “And when he got tired of it… he threw me away. He told me I was useless and selfish for not being able to give him kids, and then two weeks later he told me that he got another woman pregnant.” I said filling with a little bit of relief as I finally let it out. Larissa was utterly dumbfounded, she sat in shock hardly knowing how to comprehend what I just said. “That’s why I moved to Jericho 15 years ago.” I added. “And… since then, I haven’t- been with anyone else.”
Oh. She thought, this makes so much sense now, Larissa understands how this is an issue for me and considers how I must be feeling. “I’m so unbelievably sorry that happened to you darling. I’m so proud that you told me. But I still remain unfazed, I will not hold you to a different light because of your past, I do not begrudge you of something that has been done to you and happened to you… I promise, it actually makes me more akin to you sweetheart.” She said softly.
I took the opportunity to smash my lips against hers, so full of passion, so full of love, on my behalf anyway. Our teeth and tongues clashing together being completely in sync, the both of us let out breathy moans from the pleasure, Larissa grasped the sides of my thighs and pushed me down to completely sit on her, uncomfortably I did so and without her disrupting asking me to get off I stayed there. In a bound of confidence I pulled her flush against me to access the zip of her dress, she let me drag it down the expanse of her back and pull it down her shoulders, pulling away from the kiss I observed her bra clad breasts and my mouth practically watered from the sight alone.
She reached behind her to unclasp her white lace bra watching me the whole time, the slid the straps down her shoulders and removed it completely and tossed it to the other side of the bed. My eyes flicked down and her breasts were on full view, I brought my hand up to her chest and palmed them slowly, Larissa’s head lulled to the side and let her eyes flutter close. Her skin was so soft and so smooth compared to the skin of my hands, but she didn’t seem to care. I leaned in closer to kiss her shoulder then eventually up her neck and jaw. Larissa tugged at the hem of my shirt wanting me to take it off. I pulled back yet again and lifted it half way before I paused to meet her gaze. She nodded and I continued to strip it off.
My own red bra was displayed in front of her, Larissa’s breath hitched as she took in the sight, my blush returned and all I could do was cover my stomach. I wasn’t too phased at my own breasts and the stretch marks on them at this moment, from the way she was staring I couldn’t tell if she was repulsed or just looking, she removed my arms from in front of me and her sight lowered to my stomach, obviously if we are to continue she’d have to see but all I wanna do is put my shirt back on.
Larissa traced her fingertips along my sides and hummed in what seemed to be delight. “So pretty.” She muttered. “I’m sorry.” I said at the same time, she looked at me through heavy lidded eyes. “What for?” She asked. “Well I’m not as beautiful as you, I’m sorry that if you want to stop because of it.” I said. “Fuck no Violet. Look at you, you’re curvy and delicious, you’re so sexy my darling... Do you want your know my favourite part?” She whispered leaning into my ear. “Yes.” I answered. “These, and this.” Larissa’s fingers danced over the stretch marks of my breasts and stomach. Internally my insides were fluttering and heat pulled at the apex of my core.
“Can I take this off?” She asked referring to my bra. I let her remove it, as a little gasp left her lips I once again took the opportunity to kiss her again. I couldn’t stop myself from bucking my hips into hers looking for friction to grind down on. Larissa clamped her hand on my hips and roughly guided me back and forth across her thighs whilst simultaneously diving into my chest with her mouth, she latched her lips around my left bud and sucked hard causing me to arch into her more and throw my head back in pleasure. She didn’t forget to give the other attention either.
I got off her lap and asked her to lay down, as she did so I ripped off her dress that was still wrapped around her waist and unceremoniously tossed it aside. Larissa’s stomach was pale and soft much like her breasts all I want to do is mark and bite it, I sat between her parted legs and hooked my fingers in the waistband of her panties and rushed to get them off her long legs, I couldn’t slow down even if I wanted to, she’s like a drug or aphrodisiac that runs freely within my veins. Her pussy now on full display and her body at my mercy, I looked down at her, my own lust exuding and at that moment we both knew this wasn’t going to be sweet or timid, it wasn’t going to be gentle. It was going to be rough and urgent. It was going to be sinful and nether of us could stop it. I’ve depraved myself for far too long long and I can’t push her away.
Making myself comfortable on my knees and bending to level with her heat, I gave her one last look before latching onto her clit. The moan she let out was almost pornographic and only made my own pussy contract around nothing and leave me with ruined underwear. Larissa fisted the sheets beside her with one hand and with the other she gripped my hair pushing my face into her impossibly harder, she ground down on my face searching for more. I gazed through my lashes to view her blissed out face and kiss swollen lips, like I said, it’s not possible for her to ever be unattractive.
She made eye contact with me and slightly controlled her face more to clearly see through her hazy eyes. I brought my hand up to her entrance and carried on with my assault on her clit, sitting up a little I made sure she could see what I’m doing, I held up a finger, then another, then another, clearly signalling three. With those three fingers I wiped up her folds before entering every single one at the same time, she hissed and her eyes rolled towards the back of her head, the sight of her was just as pleasurable as what I’m giving her. “Fuck… oh fuck yes.” She moaned.
After her third orgasm she pushed me away from her overstretched and over simulated core, crawling back up her body I left red and purple marks on her otherwise untouched stomach and sternum. Larissa yanked me up to her face and kissed me again using her tongue to taste herself. “Your turn.” She growled flipping me over onto my back, Larissa undid the drawstring of my pants and shimmied them of my legs along with my underwear, I hadn’t even realised I used my hands to cover my stomach again, not until she lifted them of and kissed my palms and placed them on her shoulders. Larissa sat on my lap and used her nails to graze over my arms and sides, this was only the beginning, she tormented and teased for a long time before she couldn’t refuse the inevitable.
Panting out of control and sweating to high heaven, we lay side by side completely naked and exhausted. Larissa stood from the bed and walked into my ensuite with her hips swaying, I sat up wondering why she left. She’s probably touching up her make up and getting ready to leave. I thought, a melancholy feeling filled me and I reached for my t-shirt and slipped it back over my head. Hopping off the bed as well I pick up the strewn clothes and place them nicely on the end of the bed. I smiled at the thought of what just happened, Larissa was so beautiful with her smudged lipstick and mascara, the tremble in her limbs when she came, the way she looked at me when I came undone, even the little bits of hair that came loose to frame her face. Larissa was more than this though, she deserved more, something more domestic, more beautiful than a passionate fuck I suppose. Larissa deserves home cooked meals and hand holding in the street, she’s worth the efforts that a romantic relationship includes, like bathing together and eating together or having someone she loves’ chest to lay on. I think the worst part is that I know I’m not that person.
Larissa walked out of the bathroom with a wet cloth and looked at me quizzically. “What are you doing?” She asked. I stood back from the bed and cracked my knuckles nervously, avoiding the art work I stained her body with. “I thought you wanted to leave… I was just picking up your clothes so they didn’t get to creased.” I said looking to the ground. Larissa paced towards me grasping my arm and pushing me to lay back down. I followed her silent instruction but was confused as to why she started to lift my shirt again. “What are you doing?” I whispered. “Cleaning you up.” She answered. It felt like the air was knocked out of my lungs at her statement. Tears threatened to spill from the corners of my eyes, Larissa spread my knees and started to gently wipe away the accumulated arousal.
She sat folding the material continuously and cleaned me until she was satisfied. Her eyes moved to looked at mine and her self satisfactory smile faded once she saw my burning cheeks and wet eyes. “Oh what’s the matter?” She asked tossing the rag to the door way of the ensuite and cupping my face. “No-.” I stuttered. “No one’s…” Larissa’s brows raised trying to understand. “Nobody’s ever done that for me before.” I said chocking on my uneven breath. “Oh darling.” She said dragging my body up to hers embracing me tightly.
Larissa looked at me like I was the most fragile thing in the universe, I hated it, I wish I wasn’t like this. A while later we decided on a movie and snuggled under the covers, she stroked at my hair and giggled at the screen from time to time, I didn’t give a fuck about the tv, to be in this moment with her was so for filling and wholesome. I pondered for a second before letting myself ask the question. “Larissa?” I started. “Mmm?” She hummed looking down at me. “I was wondering if you would like to come away with me after Christmas?” I said hoping she would but trying to come to terms with the possibility she’d say no. “Yes.” She said with a grin. Oh. “I have to go to my parents houses, dads for the first week then mums for a week… if you’re not comfortable with that-.” She nodded enthusiastically and said. “Yes I will, what day do we leave?” I looked at her wondering why she seems so excited but continued anyway. “The 27th, my sister’s are gonna be there and my nieces, which is nice I haven’t seen them for a long time.” I said. Larissa agreed and was looking forward to it, and of course she started to make a mental list of what to pack.
For the rest of the afternoon we stayed in bed and went through countless amounts of movies and whatever snacks I had in my pantry. She sat in my clothes, in my bed, in my room, in my home, Larissa to me felt like she belonged there, like this is exactly where she’s supposed to be, because to be honest I’m really being to think she is my home, Larissa weems owns it all though, all the materialistic things I own from the things in my house to the clothes I wear on my back as well as my heart and soul and if she wanted me to I’d kill myself if she asked. I love her more than anything. perhaps it is more personal than it is professional, but that’s the tragic part isn’t it?
@lex13cm @im-a-carnivorous-plant @barbarasstar
@giogwensversion @sabraaabra
@readingtheentrails @readingtheentrails
91 notes · View notes
bwabys-scenarios · 11 months
Fixer Upper
Perv!Kurapika x Fem!Reader
Part 4
part 3
part 5
taglist: @fabitheraven @tsukilover11 @ashdownunderscorebeloved @lemonslut @homeinmydreams @superweeniehutjrsblog @bugmomwrites @heartsforseo @lixiawinter
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It was all Kurapika could see.
The red clothing his childhood wore, the red eyes of his brethren when they were angry…
And the crimson red of their blood staining his childhood home.
They stared up at him with their empty eye sockets, bloody tears running down their cheeks.
Kurapika turned slowly, his eyes wide and terrified as they met the empty sockets of his dearest friend.
“Why do you get to become an adult?”
“Kurapika? You have to wake up…”
He ignored the voice calling out to him, running towards his friend.
“Pairo, please, we have to get you to a doctor. I’m so glad you’re alive. Everyone else-“
When he reached out to grab his friend’s arm, it withered away until only bones were left.
“Answer me, Kurapika.”
The blonde stared at his friends arm, his breath hitching.
“Why were you the only one to survive?”
The blonde shot up, gasping for breath. His eyes flitted across the room, seeing most of his friends still asleep.
Who woke him up, then?
“Shh, Kurapika, it’s alright. You were having a bad dream.”
He turned to see (Name) behind him. Her hair was in disarray from sleep, and… he was lying between her legs.
Kurapika threw himself back, scrambling to the other side of the couch.
“Is something wrong?”
The blonde tried to make sense of why he’d ended up where he did. He’d been tired, leaned on her shoulder and…
‘Oh. She must of moved me to her lap so she could sleep too.’
He glanced at the girl. She was rubbing her neck, wincing.
She’d slept in an uncomfortable position so he’d be able to rest comfortably.
Kurapika sighed, trying to relax.
“I… I apologize. It was just a bit surprising to be so close to you when I first woke up.”
(Name) nodded, stretching before standing up.
“Well, it’s about 6 am. You gonna sleep a little longer?”
He pushed his hair out of his face, noticing it was wet with sweat.
“I don’t think I’d be able to.”
(Name) nodded. “I understand. I’m going to get started on breakfast, I can turn something on the TV to distract you if you’d like?”
She turned the TV onto a random channel before walking to the kitchen.
Around 30 minutes later, the others had woken up and were lazing around the living room.
“(Name), when’s breakfast going to be ready? I’m starving.”
Killua appeared behind her, peaking over her shoulder.
“Hey, careful. It’s hot.”
She pushed him back a little, the white haired boy swatting at her hands.
“(Naaamee)! Answer!”
She huffed. “About five minutes. Go get Gon and set the table.”
Killua rolled his eyes and scurried off, pulling Gon off the pallet.
“Alright, it’s ready. Come and make your plates!
After a short breakfast, Killua and Gon left to play in a nearby creek, leaving Leorio, Kurapika, and (Name) to chat.
“So… how have you been doing, Kurapika?”
The blonde shrugged. “Alright.”
“Any luck with finding the scarlet eyes?”
“Gotten any new information?”
“Not yet.”
Leorio groaned and leaned against (Name)’s shoulder. “Come on, give us something. Any more details?”
Kurapika sighed. “No, nothing that would interest you.”
(Name) pushed Leorio off her shoulder. “That’s alright. I’m just happy you’re here right now.”
Kurapika looked to the ground. “I’m… I’m glad I’m here too. It’s been nice.”
It was the first time in a while Kurapika had said his honest feelings.
“Really? Hehe…”
She squeezed his hand. “You can be so cute sometimes, you know?”
Before Kurapika could respond, he felt his pocket vibrate.
“Just a moment, I have to respond to this.”
Kurapika hurried out of the room, leaving Leorio and (Name) to stare at each other.
“It’s definitely his girlfriend-“
(Name) smacked his shoulder. “It’s not.”
“How do you know?”
“He blushes when I call him pretty and nearly died when he woke up sleeping against me. He doesn’t have a girlfriend.”
Leorio hummed.
‘Woke up against her? And he was worried I was going to be a perv…’
Kurapika closed the door to his bedroom as he unloved his phone.
A text appeared on his screen, from an unknown number.
Unknown Number: Melody said you needed information on the scarlet eyes?
His breath hitched, the scarlet returning to his eyes.
Kurapika: Yes. What information do you have?
Kurapika only had to wait a few minutes for a response.
Unknown: can’t talk over text. Meet me in York New.
Before completely reading the message, Kurapika grabbed his satchel and stuffed his clothing into it, along with his weapon and wallet.
He was out of his bedroom door and halfway through the living room before he was stopped by Leorio.
“Hey, where the hell are you going in such a rush?”
“York New. An informant wants to meet there to exchange information on the scarlet eyes.”
(Name) stood up, walking over slowly. “You’re leaving right now? But you’ve only been here a few days…”
Kurapika was glad he was facing the opposite direction, because he could hear the sadness in her voice. He knew if he turned to look at her, he would have trouble leaving.
“I know, and… I’m sorry, but-“
“Your mission comes first. I know.”
Hearing the words he’d spat in her face come out of her mouth stung, but they were the truth. Kurapika bit his lip.
Kurapika couldn’t bring himself to promise he’d keep in touch. He knew the minute he was out the door, he’d try his best to forget her again.
It was easier that way. If she didn’t exist to him, he wouldn’t have to feel guilty leaving her behind.
With that, Kurapika left. Leorio attempted to follow after him, but was stopped by (Name)’s hand grabbing his sleeve.
She simply shook her head.
“He won’t listen.”
Leorio knew she was right.
“So he just left? Again? Total Ging move.”
Killua and Gon had returned with little silver fish they’d collected in bags to a gloomy atmosphere.
“I mean, that’s my dad, but he’s not wrong.”
Leorio dropped the bag of fish into one of the numerous fish tanks so they could acclimate.
“Be nice. I’m sure after spending time with us he’ll… TRY to keep contact.” (Name) said, making her another sandwich for the boys to take with them to the creek.
“With Leorio, maybe, but not with you.”
Killua instantly regretted his words when (Name)’s lip quivered ever so slightly. It wasn’t something most people would notice, but acts living with her for two years he’d become an expert in detecting her moods.
“(Name), I-“
She waved him off. “It’s fine. You’re right, I’ve accepted that. As long as I know he’s safe, it doesn’t matter if he talks to me.”
She was lying, and they all knew it.
“Why don’t we talk about something else? The carnival is still in town, why don’t we go again? This time you won’t get thrown up on.”
She sighed. “I don’t feel like it today. Maybe some other time…”
‘She usually loves going out with us. This is affecting her more than I thought…’
Leorio watched her from his seat by the counter.
“Let’s stay in then. I can sleep over again and-“
A knock on the door caused the black haired man to jump. Killua rose from his seat, calling out that he was coming.
When the white haired boy answered the door, the person behind it made him scowl.
He instantly closed the door and locked it, strolling away like nothing happened.
“Who was it?”
“No one.”
(Name) placed her hands on her hips. “I can sense someone behind the door, you know.”
“No one important.”
She huffed, wiping her wet hands on her apron before storming to the door and unlocking.
“… Kurapika?”
The blonde stood behind the door, looking small.
He didn’t meet her eyes, staring at his feet as the other three joined her.
“Did you forget something? I can go grab i-“
“No. I…”
Killua groaned. “Oh my god, spit it out already.”
‘He just started talking.’ (Name) thought, pushing the little gremlin away.
“The informant can’t meet for… another three weeks.”
Leorio raised an eyebrow. “And?”
“And… I have nowhere to stay.”
“Yeah you don’t.”
Killua moved to slam the door closed, but was stopped with a look from (Name).
“Come on in. Lunch is almost ready.”
Kurapika glanced between Leorio and Killua, the first moving out of his way with a sigh, and the second staring at him with the intensity of a crazed chihuahua.
(Name) grabbed his hand and pulled him inside, Gon jumping up from the bean bag chair excitedly.
“Kurapika, you’re back! Did you finish your mission already?”
“Gon. His mission was in York New.”
“… and?”
“Oh my god.”
(Name) laughed. “Gon, York New is a few hours away. It would be physically impossible for him to finish it that fast.”
“Ohhh. Okay.”
He still didn’t completely understand.
Killua and Gon sat in the living room as they munched on their sandwiches and chips.
Leorio was kind enough not to bring up the fact he’d just left, sitting down at the kitchen table.
“(Name) what are our plans for today?”
Kurapika ate his sandwich in silence.
“Mmm, nothing. We might go out for dinner later because I’m tired of cooking, but that’s all I can think of.”
Killua watched as (Name)’s mood slowly improved with Kurapika’s presence. It almost pissed him off.
“(Name), Gon ripped his shirt again.”
She groaned. “Again? That’s the last one Mito sent… I’ll have to go shopping in the morning…”
Kurapika perked up, dropping his sandwich onto his plate. “I’ll go with you.”
Killua scowled. “No, I will. Why would you go with her?”
Kurapika frowned. “Because it’s not safe for a woman to be out in a city like this.”
“Okay, sexist, but I’m the one that goes with her. And it’s for Gon’s shirt.”
‘Sexist? Was that sexist?’
(Name) laughed. “Aww, Killua it’s fine. You have chores you need to catch up on anyways. You can come with me, Kurapika.”
(Name) held up her hand. “No buts. Your room is filthy, and if I see another creature crawling out of it in the dead of night I will be banning chocolate robots from this house.”
Killua crossed his arms over his chest. “It was only two times…”
“One is more than enough. How the hell did you even catch a baby alligator? It bit me!!”
‘Did she say alligator? No I had to have heard wrong…’
Kurapika glanced between the two, becoming more concerned by the second.
“It was a CROCODILE. There’s a huge difference.”
(Name) smacked a hand over her forehead. “It was three feet long. I don’t care what it was, Gon.”
“You should. Crocodiles are scarier.”
Killua leaned closer to whisper into Gon’s ear. “You are NOT helping the situation at all.”
Leorio sipped on a cup of coffee. “Where did you even get it?”
“The zoo.”
“Now that’s some information you didn’t tell me last time.”
The two boys glanced at each other before sprinting out the door.
“See ya later, bye (Name)!”
Leorio placed his cup down, picking up the newspaper. “Free birth control.”
(Name) plopped down next to him. “Ain’t that right. I have enough on my hands with those two, and they aren’t even mine.”
Leorio shrugged. “I’m pretty sure I’ve heard Gon call you mom at least once.”
Kurapika perked up at that. “Mom?”
The two stared at each other for moment, the words sinking in slowly.
“… I’m going to go take a nap.”
“That’s a good idea.”
The two watched as (Name) stumbled up the stairs.
“She’s so mommy material.”
Kurapika smacked his friend on the shoulder. “Shut up.”
Killua and Gon snuck in an hour later, only relaxing when they were informed (Name) had fallen asleep.
“Ah, good. She was put into an uncomfortable sleeping situation last night.”
Killua glanced at Kurapika when he said this, a disdainful tone to his voice.
“… it wasn’t on purpose.”
“Sure. I’m sure you won’t leave her alone tomorrow on purpose either.”
Kurapika stood up, approaching the boy.
“What is your issue?”
“My issue is you. Why are you even here?”
Kurapika rolled his eyes. “It’s safe and convenient. That’s why I’m here.”
Gon frowned. “You’re not here for (Name)?”
The other three quieted down. There was a lot of things Gon didn’t know about the current situation.
“… I’m here to wait for my next mission. Being able to spend time with you all is just one of the… perks?”
Gon nodded slowly. “I see. Well… I’m glad you’re here. I know (Name) is happy you’re back as well.”
The blonde couldn’t meet his young friend’s eyes. “I… I’m glad she’s happy.”
That was enough to make Gon smile.
A few hours passed by before Killua was tasked with waking (Name) up so they could decide what to do for dinner.
“(Name)? Hey, I’m opening your door.”
When he did, he barely held back a laugh.
She was curled up in her blanket, looking like a sleeping caterpillar. He pulled out his phone to take s picture before shaking her shoulder.
“Wake up. We’re hungry, and Gon won’t stop threatening to chew on the table.”
She shot awake. “He what? Oh god not again!”
(Name) leapt out of bed, having to be steadied by Killua.
“Woah, don’t fall. Leorio’s a big baby when you get injured.”
“Ah, sorry. Thanks. I’ll be down in 5 minutes, tell everyone to throw on something decent.”
“… but Gon doesn’t-“
“Killua, let him borrow one of your shirts.”
He grumbled on the way down the stairs.
‘If he tears the shirts (Name) got me I’m going to drown him. Like she did to Ging.’
(Name) came running down the stairs in a simple sundress, wearing sandals and a headband to match.
“Okay, to the car. Before Gon starts on the chairs!”
They all piled into her car. Kurapika peeled out the window as (Name) followed suit.
‘Would he… would he really chew on the furniture?’
Gon pulled a piece of wood from his teeth.
‘He would.’
“Why did we have to dress up to eat at Wendy’s?”
She rolled her eyes. “We’re not eating at Wendy’s, we’re just parking here. The restaurant we’re going to doesn’t have free parking.”
Kurapika watched as she held both of the boys hands as they crossed the street.
“I’m not baby, (Name).”
“Yeah but you’re 5’2. Have you seen the kind of trucks they drive around here? You’d be a Killua pancake.”
She pulled them to the opposite side of the road.
Leorio looped his arm with her’s. “And you’re not that much taller. Here, let me-“
Kurapika kicked the back of his legs, causing Leorio to fall.
“Let me.”
He walked beside (Name), making sure he was near Gon and not Killua.
Kurapika didn’t think he would push him into traffic, but he wasn’t taking any chances.
“Leorio, don’t fall too far behind.” Killua called, waving at him.
Gon turned to watch him as he stumbled to his feet,
“What is this, the Hunter Exam? Ugh…”
He followed behind the four, his suitcase dangling by his knees.
Killua blinked his eyes, staring up at the sign above them.
Gon looked up as well. “Is… is that Chuck E. Cheese?”
(Name) nodded. “The rat casino, in all its glory.”
She patted their backs. “Go ahead. I put some money in Gon’s backpack. We’ll be back in an hour.”
She barely got to finish her sentence before Gon and Killua raced off.
“Rat casino? Is it gambling… for children?”
Kurapika stared at the establishment. He’d never seen such a thing, but judging from the smell of greasy pizza, smelly shoes, and vomit, he assumed it wasn’t somewhere he wanted to be.
“Basically. They’ve been begging to come for the past few days. It’s just chaotic enough in there to balance out their need for destruction.”
Leorio nodded. “Okay, but where are we going to eat?”
(Name) pointed next to the Chuck E. Cheese.
“There’s a small burger joint I like to go to while the kids have fun. It’s nothing fancy, but…”
She twirled around in her dress. “Going out with my handsome friends is enough reason to dress up.”
The two followed behind her, both hiding a small blush that had taken over their cheeks.
The three ordered their food before sitting at a small booth. (Name) and Kurapika sat on one side, Leorio on the other.
“Why do you always get to sit beside (Name)?”
“Because you can’t be trusted around women.”
(Name) poked her lip out in a pout. “I trust Leorio. We’ve slept in the same bed and he didn’t try anything.”
“E-excuse me?”
Leorio gave him a smug look. “Yeah, I remember that. Have you and Kurapika slept in the same bed?”
“Does the couch count?”
Kurapika groaned as he slapped a hand over his red face.
“Well he was between your legs with his head on your stomach, so who’s really the-“
“Order for table 3!”
Kurapika stood up and rushed to the counter. “I’ll get it!”
(Name) smacked Leorio over the top of his head. “Don’t tease him. He’s already embarrassed enough that he had to come back after leaving.”
Leorio whined, holding his head. “Ouch, if you’re going to hit me at least do it when-“
She smacked him again, this time laughing. “Oh shut up.”
Kurapika watched from a distance away, his grip on the platter holding their order tightening.
‘They’re awfully close. Irritatingly so.’
He placed the tray down, throwing Leorio’s food before handing (Name) hers gently.
“Woah, you nearly spilled my fries!”
Leorio held the carton of fries to his chest, offended.
“Maybe you should focus on catching your food and not flirting.”
The two glanced at each other before looking to Kurapika.
“I wouldn’t call that flirting. This is flirting.”
He made kissy face at (Name) fluttering his eyelashes.
“(Name), please. Would you make me the happiest man on earth and give me a little kiss?”
She stared at him. “I hate you.”
“That wasn’t what you were saying when-“
“When nothing. Ya goof.”
She reached over to pinch his cheek. “Now stop before you embarrass me.”
Even this small display of affection caused a seed of jealousy to sprout in Kurapika’s heart. He would figure out what he was feeling in that moment for a while, all he knew was that he didn’t like the way Leorio was looking at her.
Wordlessly, Kurapika scooted closer to (Name), his eyes locked on Leorio’s. The man raised an eyebrow at this, but didn’t say anything.
Kurapika placed a single finger on her hand that rested on the table. It was his pinky that he’d stretched out to touch her’s.
If she’d noticed it, she didn’t say anything. She ate her food and chatted with Leorio, trying to bring Kurapika into the conversation.
He’d attempt to participate, but often found himself preferring to listen to her.
“And then this bitch tried to stab me!! Over an ugly Christmas sweater! Can you believe that Kurapika?”
He thought back to the time he’d almost crankily killed someone in a grocery store for taking the last bag of cinnamon pecans.
“Yes. I can.”
(Name) finished the last bite of her burger, turning to Kurapika with something on her face.
“Thank you, because Killua wouldn’t believe me, he said-“
Kurapika reaches out and grabbed her chin, keeping her still.
“What are you-“
He wiped her face with a napkin, causing her to close her eyes. He wasn’t exactly gentle, rubbing it all over her face until he felt he was done.
“You had something on your face.”
He pulled back the paper towel to see her pouting lips. “You could have just told me.”
Leorio snickered next to them. “Nah, he wanted to hold your face close t-“
Kurapika threw the balled up napkin at the black haired man.
“Ew, Kurapika!”
He dodged the napkin, scowling at the blonde.
The three finished their food, still having 15 minutes before they were supposed to meet up with Gon and Killua.
“Mmm, let’s go grab the car. Then when we pick them up we can grab ice cream on the way home.”
“Sounds like a plan, (Name).”
Kurapika stayed by (Name)‘s side as they strolled through the city. It was dark out, the only light being the street lamps and stars.
(Name) yawned. She was still sleepy even after her 2 hour nap.
She nodded at the blonde. “A little. It’s been a long day.”
He looked away, a frown pulling at his lips. Him leaving suddenly had saddened her, that much he could tell.
Kurapika didn’t want her to be sad, but it was better than her ending up dead. When they’d met up in York New, she’d nearly gotten herself killed trying to help him.
He wouldn’t take his chances again.
“I see…”
He watched her from the corner of his eye. She was swaying slightly, only enough for a trained eye to notice.
“Kurapika, she’s going to-“
(Name) suddenly fell forward, being caught by the blonde before she could hit the ground.
Leorio rushed forward, immediately checking her pulse before sighing.
“She’s alright, I think she just fell asleep.”
‘Asleep? How tired was she?’
Kurapika lifted her into his arms bridal style, taking a closer look at her face.
There were dark circles under her eyes. He remembered she’d stayed up the night he left, but she’d had a full night of sleep the night before… right?
“She hasn’t slept well the last three days. The night before the last she spent organizing our trip to the carnival and buying tickets online so it would be cheaper. She’s only had a few hours of sleep.”
Leorio glanced at Kurapika as he walked beside the blonde. “Ice cream will have to wait for another day. She needs to get home.”
Kurapika brushed a piece of hair from her face, frowning. “Does she usually have trouble sleeping?”
Leorio shrugged. “Only when she’s worried about something.”
The blonde winced. He hadn’t exactly been on his best behavior the past few days,
“I see…”
Leorio fished her keys from her backpack and unlocked the door to her car. Kurapika say her in the passenger seat and buckled her in.
“I’ll drive.”
Kurapika only nodded in response and climbed in the back.
They arrived at Chuck E. Cheese.
“Kurapika, you go in and get the boys. I’ll watch over (Name).”
Kurapika frowned. “Wouldn’t it be better if I watch her? I know her… better…”
‘Wait, no I don’t. Not anymore…’
Leorio noticed his friends face turn into a saddened expression.
“I’m a doctor, and I’ve been friends with her for nearly three years now. I’ve got her. Promise “
Oh. Yeah. Kurapika had been absent for two years. In that time, the others had grown much closer, so of course Leorio would be the better pick.
He glanced at (Name)’s sleeping form one last time before exiting the car.
Kurapika didn’t know what to expect when he stepped into the Chuck E. Cheese, but it wasn’t the complete chaos he was met with.
Children ran around screaming, occasionally crashing into each other. The smell of greasy pizza, vomit, and depression permeated the air, causing the blonde to wince.
He stepped in, looking around.
“Hello Ma’am, how can I help you?”
Kurapika ignored being misgendered yet again. “I’m looking for… my children. They’re…”
He thought for a moment. “Maybe a little over 5’0? One with white hair, one with-“
The employee stopped him. “White hair? Oh, you mean that troublemaker. We have him detained in the back.”
‘Oh dear. The rat casino doesn’t play around.’
Kurapika followed the employee through the establishment, trying not to think about what was sticking to his shoes as he walked.
“They’re in here. I don’t know how they thought tearing of Chucky’s head and wearing as a trophy was okay behavior, but the little b- guy still won’t let it go.”
Killua sat huddled up in a corner while Gon attempted to take the severed head away from him.
“Come on, they said if we gave it back they wouldn’t press ch- oh Kurapika!”
Killua immediately dropped the head. “Where’s (Name)?”
It’s like he instantly knew something was off. He looked behind Kurapika, frowning up at the blonde.
“They didn’t have any other options but to send you, huh?”
“I’m not going to dignify that with a response. Come on, we have to go.”
The two followed behind him, Killua only complaining a little.
“I think you’d make a good replacement for Chucky, Kurapika.”
It was meant as compliment, but Kurapika scowled down at Gon. “… thanks?”
“Yeah because you’re a coward. Like a rat.”
“No, it’s because he’s nice! And I love Chucky!”
‘Aww. That’s kind of sweet.’
“And he looks like him.”
Kurapika glanced back at the severed head of chucky, not finding many similarities between him and… it.
“I… appreciate your compliments Gon, but please don’t associate me with that thing. It smells like someone has been crying an awful lot in that costume.”
Killua hummed. “Why did you smell it? Creep.”
Gon elbowed his friend. “Hey, be nice. I also smelled it, but I picked up the scent of cigarettes more than anything.”
‘That poor soul. I wonder if he felt relieved when Killua ripped his head off. The employee will get a break, hopefully.’
The three exited Chuck E. Cheese.
Leorio waved to them from the car. “Hey, hurry up. We need to get her home.”
Gon and Killua raced to the car, Kurapika not far behind.
“What happened to (Name)?”
Killua slid in to the backseat, quickly buckling himself before leaning to the side to get a glimpse of (Name).
“She passed out when we left to grab the car. Apparently she hasn’t been sleeping well.” Kurapika answered.
“Apparently? Isn’t it obvious? She’s been worried sick.”
‘Mostly about you…’ Killua thought. He folded his arms over his chest, hoping his glare would clue the blonde in to his disappointment.
“Yeah. I could hear her pacing around her room the night before the carnival.” Gon said, leaning against the passenger seat.
“You better be glad she’s asleep, or she’d be reaching back to make sure you buckled yourself in, Gon.”
Leorio pushed the boy back before focusing on the road.
Kurapika carried (Name) to her room, much to Killua’s chagrin. He didn’t like that the blonde took over the role of her caregiver, as if he’d been there for her darkest moments.
He hadn’t. In fact, when she was at her lowest and dying, he hadn’t been there.
“Killua. Empty your pockets.”
Leorio stood before him, holding Gon up by the ankles as he shook him.
“Why should I listen to you?”
“Because you’d rather I search you than (Name).”
He couldn’t argue with that. Killua emptied his pockets, revealing an alarming amount of Chuck E, Cheese tokens he’d stolen.
“Jesus Christ- how did you fit that many in there? That’s a literal PILE of tokens.”
Killua picked up one of the tokens and tossed it in the air. “I have my ways.”
“Killua, I thought you said to steal tickets.”
Gon dropped the tickets onto the floor. “Those are next to useless. You can only use them the same day you get them, Gon.”
He smacked his friend over the head as Leorio gathered the coins.
“How you got these at all is something I don’t want to know. I’ll be returning these in the morning.”
He placed the coins into a jar. “If this goes missing I’m telling (Name).”
“Snitch.” Killua muttered under his breath.
Leorio shooed them away, telling them to brush their teeth and go to bed as he tidied up the messy living room.
‘She’s been running on empty, if she wakes up to a mess she’ll overexert herself.’
He started folding up the blankets, sighing to himself.
Kurapika placed (Name) on her bed. It was the first time he’d seen her room, and he wasn’t surprised.
The walls were pink, with random anime posters on the wall, along with several stuffed animals on her bed and dresser.
It was relatively clean, besides the odd article of clothing strewn across her floor or a random surface. He assumed it was because she’d rushed to change, considering he recognized the shirt thrown in the back of her desk’s chair.
“Why are you still in here?”
Killua and Gon peeked into her room from behind the doorway, the white haired boy frowning at Kurapika like he was some bug that had crawled out from under the fridge.
“I was just putting her to bed. Isn’t it past your bedtime?”
Killua scoffed. “Yeah, maybe, but I wanted to make sure (Name) was okay. A stranger took her to bed, after all.”
‘Stranger? I…’
Kurapika pulled the blanket over her torso and to her chin. “I’m no stranger. I’m a friend, you know that, right?”
Killua didn’t answer. His silence said everything.
Kurapika sighed, pushing himself up. “I hope you get used to having me around, or it’s going to be a long three weeks.”
“I won’t. After those three weeks are up I don’t expect to see you again anytime soon. After all, you just hate being around (Name), don’t you?”
Gon elbowed his friend. “Hey, that’s enough. You’re being a bit mean, Killua.”
His pale friend shrugged. “It’s just the truth. He hasn’t texted (Name) back ONCE since our trip to York New.”
Gon blinked. “Really? But (Name) said they talked all the time before York New…”
Kurapika brushed by the two. ‘I hate being reminded of what used to be…’
The blonde descended the stairs quickly, not bothering to look up when Leorio called out to him.
“I’m going to bed. Goodnight, Leorio.”
He closed the door to his bedroom and flopped onto his bed.
‘Three weeks. Three weeks in the same house as (Name).’
Kurapika turned onto his back to stare up at the ceiling.
‘I just have to keep myself from getting too comfortable. That shouldn’t be too hard.’
The blonde looked to the bag of candy he’d picked out the other day.
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gotham-ruaidh · 4 months
Little Bit Better Than I Used To Be
Catch up: Chapter 1 (Starry Eyes) || Chapter 2 (Save Our Souls) || Chapter 3 (Dancing On Glass)|| Chapter 4 (Merry-Go-Round)|| Backstage (1) || Backstage (2) || Chapter 5 (Danger)|| Backstage (3) || Chapter 6A (Love Walked In) || Chapter 6B (Without You) || Backstage (4) || Chapter 7 (Stick To Your Guns) || Chapter 8 (Time For Change) || Backstage (5) || Chapter 9 (Take Me To The Top) || Backstage (6) || Chapter 10 (Home Sweet Home) || Backstage (7) || Chapter 11a (Nightrain) || Chapter 11b (Nothing Else Matters) || Chapter 12a (Handle With Care) || Chapter 12b (I’m So Tired of Being Lonely) || Chapter 13a (Angel) || Chapter 13b (She’s My Addiction) || Chapter 13c (Patience) || Chapter 14a (Where Do We Go Now?) || Chapter 14b (Where Do We Go Now?) || Chapter 14c (Where Do We Go Now?) || Chapter 15a (Dreams) || Chapter 15b (I Sing A Song of Love)  || Chapter 15c (You Can Do This If You Try) ||| Also posted at AO3
Chapter 16: Let That Feeling Grab You Deep Inside
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Boston, Massachusetts
August 1988
Just let your love flow like a mountain stream And let your love grow with the smallest of dreams And let your love show and you'll know what I mean - “Let Your Love Flow”, The Bellamy Brothers (1976) [click here to listen]
They had fallen asleep, exhausted, around three AM. Physically and emotionally drained.
She woke in the soft light of dawn. Adrenaline surged as she reached out to feel the bed empty beside her. And then she relaxed, just a tiny bit, seeing her husband of fourteen hours standing naked across the room, quietly ordering room service on the telephone.
Not bearing to be apart from him for even one second, she threw back the covers and ran to him. Tackled him against the wall, just as he set down the phone. Kissed his jaw and nose and any inch of him she could reach.
“Hey, hey,” he whispered, grabbing her thighs, her legs locking around his middle. “I’m here.”
“Need to love you,” she gasped. Hands shaking. Eyes wild. Center grinding against his hip. “Can’t wait. Now. Now. Now.”
With every ounce of willpower he could muster, he crossed the room back to the bed, carefully sitting down. Eyes firm on hers. Gliding his hands up her hips. Settling his thumb in the divot of her navel.
Holding her still.
“Breathe with me. Please. In.”
He inhaled, and she followed, shakily.
“And out.”
He exhaled. Kissing the shell of her ear.
Her body went slack.
“Jamie,” she sobbed. Tears brightening her eyes.
He kissed the corner of her mouth. “I’m here, Claire. With you. I’ve got you. We’re married.”
Tears spilled. He kissed every one of them. Swallowed back his fears.
“Talk to me,” he pleaded gently. “What’s going on?”
Her hands pulled him in. Burying his face in the tops of her breasts. Tears hot on the back of his neck as he kissed and sucked on the sensitive skin.
“I…” Her voice cracked. His lips caressed her stuttering heart.
“Talk to me,” he breathed. “Let me in, Claire.”
“I’m feeling too much,” she whispered. “It’s too fucking real.”
“Feel it,” he murmured. “Just feel it.”
“I can’t,” she hiccupped. “It’s too much. I need a pill.”
Immediately he pulled back. Framed her beautiful face between his hands. Wedding ring glinting in the early morning light.
“No. Claire, no. You don’t.”
“I do, Jamie. I can’t feel this much.”
His heart broke with every word.
“It’s too much. I can’t survive it.”
“Yes you can. With me, you can.”
She raised a shaky hand to cover his. “You are in every cell of my body. I can’t bear it if I lose this.”
“You’re not going to lose this,” he said patiently. “I promised you forever. That wasn’t just weak words, Claire. I mean what I say, you know that.”
A sob racked through her body, her soul. “Frank promised me that, too. And look what happened.”
For the ten thousandth time, he wished he could find Frank Randall, and ask Colum and Ian and Angus to hold him back while he pummeled him again and again in the face.
“Do you really think I would even dream of doing that to you, Claire? Have I ever given you reason to think I’m even remotely like him?”
“You’ve fucked hundreds of women, Jamie.”
That stung.
“You were a selfish bastard. Your exact words to me.”
It was the truth.
“You’ve never had a long-term relationship. Except with your friends Jack Daniels and Lady Cocaine.”
That was also the truth.
“You ended up in rehab. I was the only person – the only woman – who was too clueless to know who you are. And you decided to pursue me anyway, even though you had no business doing that.” She swallowed. “And even though I had no business doing that, either.”
He rubbed gentle circles over her cheeks. Her eyes a thousand miles away.
“Don’t tell me that it was a bad thing, Claire.”
But she wasn’t listening. “You told me you loved me. Asked me to tour with you. But you didn’t want to sleep with me.”
“Yet,” he interjected. “I didn’t want to be with you yet, in that way.”
Startled, her eyes cleared. Met his.
“Because I knew what was between you would be so much better than anything he had ever known. So much better than a drink, or a drug, or a random woman who meant nothing to me.” He licked his lips. “Claire, you mean fucking everything to me. And I wanted you to see all my dark and broken pieces, so that you could decide if that’s what you really wanted. I wanted you to really know me before we did what we did yesterday.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “After all of this…am I not what you want?”
Her chin quivered. “Of course you’re what I want. I love you so much. I can’t fucking believe that this is my reality.”
He smiled. “That makes two of us, then.”
He leaned closer. Sucked her lower lip between his.
“And now that we’re married, and we’ve shared each other fully…every cell in my body knows that I – we – made the right choice.” His teeth nipped at her jaw. “I promise I will love you until the end of time, Claire. And there’s no fucking way I will ever get enough of you.”
Her kiss bruised him. She swallowed his moans.
“Love me,” she gasped. Rolling her hips on his lap. “Love me. Now. Please.”
He shifted his legs. So close.
“Promise me we’ll always tell each other when it’s too much, Claire,” he rasped. “When we feel pulled by our addictions. And when we feel that deep need to love each other. Promise me we’ll do that, and then drop everything to be with the other. To love.”
“I promise,” she gasped. “Love you.”
He found her then. They loved, burned, cried.
Sometime later, they sat up against the headboard. Claire between Jamie’s legs. Drinking cold coffee.
With her left thumb, she traced the shape of his eyebrows. He turned his face to kiss her wedding ring.
“I want to get a tattoo.”
To say he was shocked would be an understatement.
“But…but your skin…” he stammered. “I – it’s so beautiful, Claire. Too beautiful to mark like that.”
She smiled. “Not on my arms or anything. Something small that I can look at, when my anxiety or my need for you gets to be too much. Something that’s only mine.”
He tilted his head, smiling. “Yes. What would you like?”
She set down her coffee cup. Tracing his knee. “Your letter J. And I want you to ink it on me.”
He choked on his coffee.
Set down his cup.
Fingertips tracking her jaw, her neck, the swells of her breasts, the curve of her hips.
“Only if you ink your C on me.”
She smiled. Traced her name tattooed over his heart. “This isn’t enough?”
He shook his head. “I wear your name, I wear your ring, and no it’s not fucking enough. Never will be.”
He pulled her close for a kiss.
She nodded. “We’re crazy.”
He kissed her chin. “No. We know exactly what we want from each other. That’s not crazy at all.”
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Surprise x2 (Christian Pulisic x Reader)
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Word Count: 1.5K
Warnings: few cursing words; mentions of pregnancy; possibly can cause baby fever lol. nothing else but fluff fluff fluff! 🥰
A/N: This was supposed to be the first fic I posted, but I just finished it after 2 weeks! Heavily inspired by the video above lol (not the gender reveal, but Christian's reaction). Written especially for dad!Puli nation 🥰🫶 Feedbacks would be appreciated!
“Shit, it’s 6 fucking AM!” you quietly said to yourself as you just woke up and already feeling extremely nauseous. You got up and rushed to the bathroom because you felt like you were so close on throwing up on the bed. Your husband, Christian woke up to the sound of you throwing up, which was pretty loud. He immediately got off the bed, grabbed some tissues and a glass of water from the bedside table, and went to the bathroom.
You were sitting on the floor, facing down the toilet, and you heard him coming over. You were looking up at his tired-yet-worried face as he said “Y/N love are you okay? Do you want me to get any meds or anything else? I also got you water in case you need it.” You were feeling too weak to say anything so you just nodded, then threw up again. He was there the whole time holding your hair up, caressing your back, and even said “sorry baby” multiple times. You were feeling extremely sick and so worried, so his presence made you felt a lot better. 
“Okay, I’m done,” you said as you wiped your mouth with a tissue, “everything inside my stomach is pretty much gone now, ugh.” He helped you stood up, you flushed the toilet and he asked, “what happened?” 
“I have no idea. Just got nausea out of nowhere.” He then nervously said something that made your heart skipped a beat: “Y/N, I don’t know but um, do you think uh, it’s possible that… You’re pregnant again?” 
You suddenly remembered that you did go through the same thing before finding out you were pregnant with Maxine, your firstborn. You froze for a second then responded, “Fuck. Chris, I need to get a pregnancy test like right now.” 
“I’ll get them for you, come on.” You both went back to your bedroom, then Christian grabbed his jacket and car keys, and kissed your forehead before he left. You had mixed feelings about the possibility of being pregnant again but you started questioning yourself: are you ready for another child? You are a great mom to Max and you love her very much, but going through pregnancy and taking care of a baby were no joke. You felt like you needed more time to do it all over again, but now it seemed like you weren’t given enough time. You and Christian just started talking about trying for baby number 2 — now that Maxine is already 2 years old — but somehow you might have ended up conceiving before you two were even actively trying.
While you waited for Christian, you went to Max’s room to wake her up. You opened the door and saw your beautiful daughter who was still asleep while cuddling her beloved stuffed penguin Christian got her after she was born, which she named Fuzzy Penny. You sat on her bed, and shortly before you woke her up you looked at her and thought how lucky you are to have her in your life. 
Max was a surprise baby, since you and Christian didn’t plan on having a child before you two got married yet you got pregnant with her 3 months after you got engaged. You remembered how scared you were, because you didn’t think you were ready even though you wanted to keep your baby, and Christian convinced you that everything was going to be alright. You’re so glad that he was right, because you couldn’t and don’t want to imagine your life without Max. Even though it’s not always sunshine and rainbows, she without a doubt has made your life so much better than you thought it could ever be. It felt like you just gave birth to her yesterday and now she is probably going to be a big sister.
“Good morning my little angel,” you whispered to her little ear as you gently kissed her head and caressed her arm, “time to rise and shine!” She slowly opened her eyes, looked up to you, then gave you a big, bright smile and softly said “Mommy!” Her little voice has never failed to make you smile. You were filled with worries before and thanks to Max, now you felt at peace. “How was your sleep? Was it good?” Max nodded her head while smiling, then grabbed her shoulder-length wavy hair and said to you “messy hair mommy.” “You have the cutest messy hair honey,” you laughed, then you picked her up “let’s get you out of this bed, and come find Daddy!”
Christian had just come back and as he entered the living room, Max spotted him and shouting “DADDY!!!” His eyes widened when he saw her, “Oh hey look who’s awake! Good morning my princess!”
He bent down to pick her up, wrapping her around his arms. She rested her head on Christian’s shoulder, had her arms around his neck, and Christian gave her kisses on the top of her head – he knows she loves it when he does that, and of course he loves doing it too. 
You couldn’t help but smile, thinking how beautiful that moment was even though you have seen it many, many times. You felt like there were millions of butterflies in your stomach, so in love with the man who is not just the best husband, but also the best father in the whole wide world. 
You were so caught up in the moment you forgot that you needed to take pregnancy test, but then Christian reminded you as he handed the bag over. “Honey, I wasn’t sure how many tests you may need but I got like 4 or 5 in there. I’ve checked all expiration dates so you’re good.” 
“Woah, thank you,” as you took the bag, “I’ll take them all right now.” He smiled, nodded and mouthed “I got you”. 
You went to the bathroom to took all the test. “Okay,” you sighed, “let’s get this over with.” You waited anxiously until you got the results. You heard the timer sound on your phone, meaning 2 minutes had passed. You closed your eyes and took 3 deep breaths, trying to calm yourself down before you saw the results. 
Two red lines. “Pregnant”. You couldn’t believe what you saw. You gasped, and stood still for a minute, trying to process everything. You’d gone through this before, but it still caught you off guard somehow. You were nervous, but now you have positive results, you didn’t feel that way anymore. You’re going to have another child, and you felt good about it. Even though you weren’t sure you were ready, at least you knew you can count on your loving husband for everything, especially much-needed support.
Now that you’d spent some time in the bathroom, you finally felt ready to tell your husband he's going to be a dad for the second time. As you walked to the kitchen, you heard Max and Christian laughing. You then took a peek to see what it was all about, and you saw they were cooking breakfast. He was making Max’s favorite breakfast: pancakes with berries and chocolate sauce – he couldn’t cook before, but the day you two found out you were pregnant with Max he started learning how to cook because he wanted to be able to make homemade meals for his family. You saw they were having so much fun cooking those pancakes. When he was cooking, he held Max on his hip, while flipping the pancakes with his other hand. The kitchen was messy, and they were covered in flour – you could tell they were having a lot of fun while making the batter. He shook the pan for a bit, lifted it, then flipped over the pancake. In awe, Max laughed, clapped her hands in excitement and told him “good job Daddy!”
You didn’t want to interrupt their moment, so you just stood where you are until they noticed you. “Oh hey, there’s Mommy! Come here, we made pancakes!” As you approached them, Christian set up the table with Max’s help – she was still attached to his hip, of course ­– then sat her down on the chair.
“Wow, these pancakes look so good! You two made the best pancakes in the world!” you complimented them. Max gave you a big smile then looked to her dad “Daddy did good.” Christian was blushing, kissed her cheek and said to her “I did good because I have the cutest little helper.” 
Before he sat down, you softly grabbed his arm, and you whispered, “Honey, seems like we got another surprise...” You saw his eyes lit up as you said those words. He looked at you as he responded, “Oh my God, Y/N, you’re really pregnant???” You grinned and nodded. 
He gave you the biggest hug and was smiling ear to ear. He’s always loved being a father, and now he’s going to be a father of two. You could feel his overwhelming joy, which brought you back to the day you found out the first time. Still hugging you, he told you “I love you so much, Y/N! Thank you for giving me two best surprises!” 
Before he released the hug he kissed you on the lips, then came towards Max, hugged her and told her in his excited, high-pitched voice, “Max! You’re gonna be a big sister!”
taglist: @pulisicsgirl @neverinadream @masonspulisic @swimmingismywholelife @chelseagirl98 @bracedes @lovelynikol16 @thoseboysinblue @lizzypotter14
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kakashiislut · 7 months
Who is it?~ GhostFace
Pt 1, Pt 2, Pt 3, Pt 4, Pt 5, Pt 6, Pt 7
It’s 2:04. You’re currently biting your actual finger as you wait by the phone. It has to ring. Soon. You place your medication in your mouth and take a tester sip of water, before swinging it back and swallowing the pill.
Ringgg! Ri-
“GAH- hello?!” You wipe at your mouth to dry away the water.
“You okay? Sounds like you swallowed a bird.”
Holy shit….this time…his voice is so much more raspier than the last time. He almost seemed to be talking softly too.
“I was taking medication…called me mid way..the sound scared me…choked.” Totally didn’t choke yourself over how excited you got.
“Are…are you okay?…” You lean onto the counter, biting the pad of your thumb.
“Mhm…just woke up from a nap…almost missed our time.”
“You’re lucky you didn’t! I would have killed you, ya know?”
“Sorry, Ma’am…”
“Well, I didn’t know Matthew took naps…” you pull off the counter, heading towards your room.
He’s silent.
Why is he silent?
“Hello? Matt?”
“Wait.” His voice came out in a tiny whisper, you heard some shuffling and some drawers opening.
“O-okay…” you whisper back, getting into your room and laying comfy on the bed.
“Hello? Hello?” His Voice Echos and you smile.
“Hello? You die or something?”
“…remote ran out of batteries…”
You laugh a bit. “You’re kinda a dork, ya know?”
“Am I?”
“Ya…I was hoping you’d come watch me…was gonna take a bath…thought you might like it.”
“Oh don’t tempt me…”
“You can bring that knife you oh so lovingly love to talk about…”
“I have a question…”
“Shoot!- or stab away?” You giggle softly.
“Who’s that guy you like?”
“This again?”
“Now…why won’t you tell me?”
“I just…I don’t know…”
“You’ll feel guilty?”
“What’s he like?”
“Why? Do you wanna be him?”
“I wanna know what you like…”
“He’s..dorky, but he’s loud and handsome. He’s tall…like 6’4? He has soft light brown hair and blue eyes…he’s..he’s just so perfect…I can’t get him out of my mind. But…he has a girlfriend, and to be quite honest with you, Matthew, she’s so much prettier and cooler than I am. I’m not even tryna say that for compliments, she’s genuinely so hot…she’s A CHEERLADER! Like…and I’m just some nerdy goth girl…nothing special about me..but she also makes me sooo angry. Sometimes she talks and I just wanna stab her in the chest…gut her or something…” you find yourself mumbling the last part and it’s completely silent on the other end.
“You’re my dream woman…” The voice speaks, he almsot sounds delirious.
You can hear a sizzling sound and a slow release of air.
“So why don’t you do it? Stab her…gut her up…” His voice turns icy.
“Kill her. Then take him for yourself..”
“I couldn’t possibly do that…”
“Really? Well, let’s see…2 years ago…a woman and a man where found mutilated and buried in a forest near a river.”
Your heart started beating. Heavy. Very heavy.
“Cops said that the man had a girlfriend…they weren’t sure how or why the woman was connected to the man or the girlfriend…but why don’t you hear my theory.”
“W-what…what are you talking about?”
“This lovely girlfriend…one day she walks in on her boyfriend…on her own boyfriend fucking another woman. The GF goes wild, starts screaming and hitting. It’s possible…possible the girlfriend didn’t wanna give up her virginity….so he cheats on her.”
“Because…I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“So what does the little girlfriend do? She kills her dumb, stupid boyfriend. Guts him. Buries him in the forest…but oh no���the girl her boyfriend fucked, starts suspecting her…so what does she do? A) Deny, B) Murder the woman and bury her next to the boyfriend, or C) Leave.
“I don’t know…”
“Yes you do…”
“I don’t.” You sob a bit.
“Don’t cry…ANSWER.”
“B! B!”
“Ding ding ding…correct…of course…the cops won’t ever think the sweet little girlfriend would EVER do anything like that…so they let her go…and she leaves…and she finds herself in Woodsboro, California.”
“Who are you?!”
“Does it matter?”
“YOULL WHAT? KILL ME?” His voice…it’s almost like he’s having fun.
You gulp.
“…why the fuck are you trying to act like someone you’re not. Stop fucking stuttering about not being able to kill a stupid teenage bitch and do it!”
You just gape for a bit..before you grit your teeth.
“Whoever the fuck you are…I’ll find you and kill you.”
“Really? Cause I’m all around you…and you don’t even know it.”
I don’t know what happened…I just wrote until stuff came out. I actually apologize for this being caca. I JUST WANTED TO WRITE- please forgive me. Caca. Hehe.
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mandoalorian · 1 year
lost in nightmares (leon s. kennedy x reader)
Summary: You comfort Leon after he wakes up from a nightmare in which he relived the hellish events of Racoon City. Leon, who is suffering with PTSD, is struggling to shake the past, and only you can bring him back to reality.
Word count: 2000 words.
Warnings: PTSD, trauma attacks, hallucinations, implied self injury. Hurt/comfort.
Inspired by the note from Leon found in Resident Evil 6 that reads: “To tell you the truth, I even thought about ending it. Several times actually, with just a quick bullet to the head. But I didn’t give up.”
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Leon’s body was burning hot when he woke up, his palms sweaty and his finger nails indented into his skin where he’d made fists in his sleep. You were fast asleep beside him, lightly snoring, at peace. He looked at you momentarily with tired eyes and a small part of him envied you. The way the corners of your pretty lips were slightly upturned into a smile, even when you were sleeping. It eased him slightly, knowing you were there next to him, and he was safe. It has been getting easier for Leon since you’d moved in with him, but the nights were still the hardest. He didn’t want to wake you. He didn’t want to worry you.
Leon’s throat was dry and he was so sure that if he didn’t get a glass of water soon, he might just choke on the air around him. He needed to feel the cool liquid run down his throat. He needed to feel the contrast. As Leon sat up in bed, he saw a bright flash, a figure standing at the foot. Tall and Tyrant-like… all too familiar. He gasped loudly and shuffled back towards the headboard in fear, but when he blinked again, the figure was gone. Nothing but a mere figment of his imagination. A memory.
Leon took a few seconds to recuperate and worked on regulating his breathing, before swinging his legs out of the bed and standing up as quiet as he could, still making conscious effort not to wake you. In the darkness, Leon stumbled to open the bedroom door. He slipped out of the room and began to pad down the hallway, which was illuminated by a small amber nightlight. The rain outside thrashed against the window and it reminded Leon of that night, September 28th, when big fat raindrops fell atop of him as he navigated to the Racoon City Police station, dodging the undead who roamed the streets. Leon rubbed his eyes and saw one of them. A zombie— a monster— the undead. Blood stained and ripped t-shirt, still looking almost human if it wasn’t for the greying skin and white eyes. Leon blinked furiously, begging the image to go away.
“Go away,” he whispered. His skin began to tingle, and it was getting hard to breathe again. “You’re not real— go away.” His voice became a little more loud and a little more stern with fury. He was mad at himself. Why couldn’t he shake these images? These feelings?
It should have been different. He was working for the US government now; not by choice, but they had him training under the influential Major Krauser. Krauser was tough and rough and had been through a lot, just like Leon. He’d fought in wars all around the world; and yet, he seemed unfazed by it all. It had been two years since the Racoon City Incident, and still, not a day goes by when Leon didn’t reminisce. He wished he didn’t— he wished he couldn’t. Leon wished for a lot of things, but life goes on.
‘I’m not a kid anymore,’ Leon thought to himself. ‘So why am I still scared of monsters under the bed?’
After a long moment of fighting with himself in the hallway, Leon made it to the kitchen and took a glass from one of the cabinets. He opened up the freezer drawer and took out an ice cube, but stopped himself before he could put it in the glass. The cold against his skin soothed him and Leon took a breath of relief as he made a fist around the ice cube, the sharpness of the corners cutting slightly against his skin. He didn’t wince though, he barely even felt it. Leon let the ice melt into his hand and the water seep in between the gaps of his fingers until it made a puddle on the floor beneath him. Then, he wiped his hand with a towel and turned on the tap. Water.
Leon filled up his glass and turned off the tap before spinning around on his heel.
What he saw next, made his heart drop into the pit of his stomach. The RPD uniform, skin turning purple but still those big, empathy-filled brown eyes. Marvin.
“Save me, Leon,” Marvin choked out, and extended his arm towards his employee.
Leon dropped the glass of water on the floor, the cup smashing beneath him and shards of the glass cutting his leg and feet open. But Leon couldn’t move, it was like his feet was stuck to the tiles. Like his mind was stuck back-in-time.
“Why didn’t you save me?” Marvin called out again, his voice edging more into a pained croak.
“No, no, no…” Leon shook his head, tears filling his blue eyes.
“They’re all going to die, Leon,” Marvin mused. “Just like me. Just like Ada…”
“Stop— stop it,” Leon pleaded. This wasn’t real. It couldn’t be.
“Claire… Sherry…” Marvin sighed, shaking his head. He then made full eye contact with Leon, his face straight and sour. He said your name.
“Fuck you,” Leon spat. He reached down to his waist hoping to find his pistol holstered there, but was instead met by nothing. He wasn’t in his cop uniform like he’d pictured, but instead, a white v neck t-shirt and a pair of light grey sweatpants. He was in his pyjamas.
Leon made a fist instead, letting his fingernails dig into his skin. If he was hard enough; maybe the pain would wake him up from this real life nightmare. He wanted a gun. He wanted to shoot Marvin— kill him for good— and then maybe, maybe he’d kill himself too. Put an end to all of this finally, so he could stop being an inconvenience to you, and Krauser, and everyone else around him. Leon had changed so much since the Racoon City Incident, there was no telling who he was anymore.
Leon fell to his knees sobbing, the glass beneath him now itching against the material of his sweats, begging to cut through. Leon’s cries were hysterical, terrified wails coming from a petrified 23 year old boy who just missed the person he used to be.
“Leon? Leon!” You’d been calling his name for ten or so seconds before Leon finally heard your voice. He opened his eyes, which were now red and sore, and instead of Marvin standing by the door, he was met with you, your eyes wide and doe-like as you analysed what was before you. Your boyfriend kneeling on the kitchen floor amongst shards of glass and spilt water and specs of blood staining his pants. His cheeks were tear stained although he wasn’t crying anymore.
“I— I—“ Leon choked, unable to force his words out.
“Oh baby, it’s okay, it’s okay,” you promised, taking big steps over to him and taking his hand, carefully helping him to his feet as you tried to avoid the glass. Leon wrapped his big arm around you and held onto you tight as you walked alongside him, leaving the kitchen and heading into the living room.
Leon slumped down onto the sofa and you curled up beside him.
“Did I wake you up…?” Leon sniffed.
You paused momentarily. He did wake you up, but you knew the immense amount of guilt Leon would feel if he learned that. It would be another thing that he’d blame himself for.
“The rain woke me up,” the little white lie left your lips like velvet. “It’s so loud out there. I think there’s a storm coming.” You frowned.
Leon’s expression matched yours and he looked down at the floor beneath him. Your eyes followed his gaze and you noticed his foot was still bleeding from the glass.
“Oh— oh sweetie, you’re hurt,” you acknowledged, standing up. “Let me go grab a Med Kit.”
Before Leon could reply and even attempt to reassure you that he was fine, you bolted to the bathroom cabinet and grabbed an unused First Aid Spray, before returning to Leon in the living room. You dropped to your knees in front of him and began to tend to his wound.
“Do you want to tell me what happened?” you said, concentrating on stopping the bleeding. “You know, talking about it might help.”
“I think— I think I’m losing it.” Leon said plainly and without any emotion.
“Losing what, exactly?” you beckoned him further.
Your boyfriend shrugged. “My mind?” he returned your questioning tone.
You stood back up and sat down next to him. You placed both of your hands on Leon’s face and traced the height of his cheekbone with your fingers. He sunk into your warm embrace, his heart rate slowing down from the panicked and erratic speed that it was. You ran your fingers through his tousled dark blonde hair, making sure it was out of his eyes and you could say his beautiful face.
“Is it… the incident?” You use your words carefully after having a conversation with Leon’s therapist about it. You discussed how it was best to not bring up certain words as it may just trigger him more.
Leon nodded silently and you gave him a minute to gather his words. Sometimes, time was all he needed.
“The nightmares have been getting better since you moved in, since we— share a bed. But, I still get them sometimes. This one was a really bad one. I was in the NEST lab, finding all this dirt on Umbrella when… he came. Birkin— mutated— that ugly fuck—“
“And then you woke up?” sensing that he was about to spiral, you made your choice to interrupt Leon.
“Yeah… and I felt like I couldn’t breathe. So I got up and went to get some water but I kept seeing things— feeling things—hearing things. I can’t escape it. It’s too much…”
You grabbed a hold of Leon’s hands and squeezed them with all the strength you could muster. “Leon Scott Kennedy, you are a hero. You and Claire… you saved that little girl. You made it out of that hellhole alive and able to tell the story. You fucking did it! You’re a natural born survivor and you’re brave and— holy shit, you’re the strongest person I know. All the odds were against you and you made it.”
You watched as Leon’s face hardened.
“I won’t rest until Umbrella are done for,” Leon interrupted you. “I’ll do whatever it takes to make sure the world doesn’t see another Racoon City Incident…”
“Okay, good, keep fighting. It’s what you’re best at,” you beamed at your boyfriend and he offered you a small, weak smile. “Leon, I want you to know this won’t be easy but I’ll be with you, every step of the way. I’m not going anywhere.”
“I love you so much.” Leon sighed, leaning into your body and inhaling. You curled up beside him and placed a kiss into his neck.
“I love you too, my hero.”
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satellite-evans · 1 year
All I want
Pairing: Chris Evans x reader
Summary: your daughter Lily is the best gift-giver in the world.
Word count: 1.4k+
Warnings: FLUFFF
A/N: I literally wrote this in 30 minutes, so if it doesn't make sense, I'm sorry lmao
English is not my first language, so I apologize if I made any (grammar) mistakes. Feedback, requests, talks, vents, recommendations or just simple questions are always welcome.
Happy reading xxx
I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site.
Christmas was one of Chris’ favorite holidays. Not only was he able to take a break from work, but he also could celebrate it with the people he loved the most. Especially with you and your daughter.
The special moments you shared with Chris got more meaning when Christmas came around, happiness was sprinkled over the both of you like glitter, and the both of you couldn’t let the smile disappear on your faces during the holidays. And of course, Lily, the sun and moon of Chris, was enjoying that her father was home and could spend more time with her.
“Shhh, Daddy, you gotta be quiet.”
With Christmas pajamas and fluffy socks on, Lily tried her utter best to surprise you. Being pregnant and taking take of the house and a 6-year-old was difficult, even your daughter caught that. You got tired more often, easily forgot stuff you usually didn’t, broke a couple of glasses, and it was obvious that Chris wasn’t around and you needed a break. Since he came home from setting to celebrate Christmas with his family, Lily saw this as an opportunity to do something special for her mom.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, but these fluffy socks make you slip, huh?”
When Lily came to him to explain her little surprise for her mom, Chris felt psychically his heart grow a few sizes bigger. Here she was, only 6 years old, worrying about her mother and trying to make her feel better. In all honesty, Chris felt like shit. He always left with an uneasy feeling when he needed to fly for work, but now that you were pregnant again and had to take care of a child too, It felt like he was the worst dad on the planet. Of course, as the amazing woman you were, you always calmed him down on phone calls and made him sure that there was nothing to be worried about, that everything was fine. Even If it wasn’t, you would never admit that to him.
“Okay daddy, I am going to open the door and give you the sign when to come in, okay?” The both of them stood in front of the bedroom door you shared with Chris, where you were sleeping quietly, not knowing what was going on. Lily slowly opened the door, trying as hard as she could not to make a sound that could wake her mom up. While Lily tiptoed towards you, Chris was still waiting in front of the door with a plate of breakfast the two of them made.
Lily got on the bed and saw her mom peacefully sleeping. Not able to help herself, she bent down and kissed her mom’s belly. Since the moment she found out she was going to be a big sister, she was nothing but affectionate towards the baby. Showering your belly with kisses, giving you hugs, talking to the baby, and even drawing on your belly. Seeing your daughter being so kind and lovely made you proud as a mother, but also emotional. It felt like yesterday when you held Lily for the first time, and now she was turning into a little lady.
“Mommy, can you wake up for me, please?” Lily’s voice was so soft, that Chris almost didn’t hear it. She was always kind and soft when she was next to you.
“Mommy, please wake up. We have a surprise for you.” After trying to wake you up for a second time, Lily saw that your eyelids slowly opened and welcomed the sunshine that came through the window. After rubbing your eyes and looking left & right, you finally acknowledged the presence that woke you up in the first place, and a smile immediately appeared on your face.
“Good morning, mommy.”
You opened your arms, to embrace Lily in a big hug. She put her face in your neck while you put your face in her neck. The scent of strawberries filled your nose and a feeling of warm, fuzziness washed over you.
“Mhm, good morning, Lily. What is the surprise you’re talking about, sweetie?”
Lily immediately stood up, looked behind her, and give her father a thumbs-up, signaling for him to come in. When you saw that Chris wore the same type of pajamas Lily wore, you sat straight to get a better look and saw the plate he was holding. With a surprised face, you waited for them to explain what was going on.
“Good morning, honey. Look what Lily and I made for you.”
When Chris bent down to put the plate on your lap, he also put a loving kiss on your lips that made Lily grin widely.
The moment you looked down at your lap, you couldn’t believe your eyes. Chocolate pancakes, eggs, waffles, basically everything you loved, were on the same plate. Lily also didn’t forget to put a drawing of hers too, where she drew you with a belly, Chris, herself, and Dodger in a park. She also wrote ‘I love my big family’ in her cute little handwriting. Tears were already building up and with your pregnancy hormones, you knew you were going to cry about this for a while.
“I-I don’t understand you guys. What was the need for all of this? I am honestly lost for words for this nice gesture, and Lily, this drawing is the cutest thing I have ever seen, baby. Thank you.”
Lily gladly welcomed the kisses you placed on her tiny cheeks, and Chris took pictures of this lovely family bonding.
“It was no problem at all, mommy. You made me breakfast every day, so now I am going to make you breakfast every day. You deserve more. Oh! that reminds me, give her the other surprise daddy, come on, do it!”
She jumped up and down the bed, showing clearly how excited she was.
“Okay okay, give me a second monkey.”
He took an envelope from his pocket and handed it to you. You cleaned your cheeks first with your hands and opened the envelope. Chris was nervously waiting for your reaction with his hands on his mouth while Lily was still jumping.
When you saw what was inside, the only thing you could do was gasp. Chris booked you a relaxing trip to your favorite destination with saunas, massages, spas, and pedicures included.
“I-I don’t understand. What is this?” you truly had no words to describe what you were feeling right now.
“It’s a little getaway, honey. You deserve it. These last weeks were hard on you and Lily wanted to surprise you with something special. We hope you like it.”
Like was the last word to even begin to explain the feelings you were going through.
“And this was your idea, Lily.”
She nodded and gave you a side hug.
“I know it was hard to take care of me alone, mommy. And you’re pregnant. That can’t be easy! And I want the best for you, so I hope you’ll like it. I love you, mommy.”
There it was. That was all you needed to completely lose it and break into tears. You took lily close to your chest and hugged her tightly while you looked at Chris. Even though neither of you said anything, both of you knew how much you loved one another. He joined the hug and embraced the both of you, leaving a kiss on both of your heads.
“You guys are the best thing that’s ever happened to me. But I didn’t need this breakfast or a trip. All I want is you guys. I feel the most relaxed, the happiest when I’m with you guys.”
Lily felt the baby kick and broke the hug to give her sibling a big kiss.
“Even my little sister likes the gift!”
“Of course she would, baby. Her big sister is the kindest and best gift-giver in the world.”
She only hummed, hugging your belly once again while Chris could do nothing but leave another kiss on your lips.
“Did you really like it?” He whispered on your lips, staying close.
“I did baby, thank you. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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brandogenius · 3 months
could you write something about younger artist feeling insecure or self conscious? and the boys/muna whoever helps her feel better?
BLURB - muna (mainly naomi), boygenius & younger artist! - helping them feel better (short)
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- ya is someone who is quite shy. take this as a scenario where boygenius is on tour and you and muna are opening for them. getting to know muna was awesome. katie, naomi and jo are awesome people, yet you still feel a little shy around them.
- mainly because out of the 6 musicians. you’re the youngest out of them all with the least / littlest amount of experience.
- listening to muna do their soundcheck and it just honestly wasn’t a good day/ woke up on the wrong side of the bunk. anxious and shit. you started to spiral and compare which you knew was bad.
- you are your own independent artist. yet you couldn’t stop the thoughts from rambling in your head. you weren��t sure why the boys wanted you on tour alongside muna. maybe they should’ve just had muna instead.
- it must’ve been naomi who seen ya and came over like “hey!” but seeing them kinda lost in thought, fidgeting kinda anxious immediately warning signs. it has naomi being like “why don’t we get some coffee huh?” arm draped across ya’s shoulder and leading reader away.
- naomi and ya just going to get coffee at this cafe across the venue. naomi sending a txt into the gc like ‘yeah we’re just getting coffee, be back in a bit
- maybe reader and naomi aren’t as close but naomi worries.
- given the talk by phoebe. “they are literally 19. be nice, it’s a child”
- naomi being a little bit awkward but starting the convo off like “so how’s tour been?” and eases into a smaller conversation about what happened earlier after their soundcheck set
- “you seemed a little anxious during our set. you sure you’re ok?” and readers like “i just feel like i’m awful- the music i make is shit-“ and naomi doesn’t even let reader finish
- naomi stopping reader like “no. no we’re not doing this today. i know where this is heading snd we’re not going to spiral today”
- naomi spending a few minutes to talk reassuring words to reader (i am very tired my brain won’t cooperate rn so expand on it)
- reader being like :( and naomi is like “i’m not trying to lecture you or anything. in this music industry, you can’t let those thoughts effect you like that, kid”
- getting to chat and talk about life with naomi for a little bit longer before having to go back inside for the show. meeting the boys and the rest of muna. all of them worried and concerned but ya shrugging it off. you didn’t want to talk more about it. whatever you talked about with naomi was enough. you didn’t wanna worry the rest of the members
- phoebe who i would say knows your the most well outta everyone there is like “are you sure you’re ok?” and you’re like “i’m fine i promise..” and phoebe who is like i can smell bullshit but she leaves it go for now
- naomi talking with katie and jo about it. just worrying about you. of course they aren’t readers babysitter but the thought of someone so young in the industry feeling anxious and worried / self conscious over their work. of course it’s gonna worry them too.
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pullhisteeth · 1 year
okay so… i’m aspec, and i wanted to start off with how much i love how you characterize eddie! his sweet persistent attentiveness is totally what draws me to him. anyway… since you asked for requests, what about eddie reacting to being told reader isn’t ready for sex yet, or maybe that juxtaposed with when they are ready? eddie being patient and happy to hold off… maybe putting an emphasis on nonsexual intimacy or even nudity without it being sexualized? idk just a few ideas, you don’t have to include the aspec stuff if you don’t want but just the reader not being ready and focusing on other ways to feel close to him would be amazing 🥺
hi!!! I found this in my drafts - I am so sorry it took me so long! big love 2 u. <3 (gn!reader, suggestive themes, angst, Eddie being a sweetheart, mention of drugs)
Frustrated, you bring your knees up and kick your comforter down, over your legs and to the end of the bed. The cool air hits your skin like a wave, and it brings enough relief that you can close your eyes for a moment.
The sheets feel like wet sandpaper tonight, clinging to every inch of you. Your pyjamas are nearly as bad.
You turn over and squint through the darkness at the clock beside your bed. It's just past two in the morning, and you huff another irritated noise when you realise you only have four hours until you have to be up for work. You can see it now: you'll drift off, hopefully, at some point in the next few hours, only to be rudely awoken at 6:15 by your alarm. You'll drag yourself into work, where Fiona, the lady you open with on a Friday, will tell you that you look like hell and offer you a modafnil. You'll decline, and when you clock off in the afternoon, you'll head home, fall asleep, and wake in the middle of the night to repeat the process.
You're not sure where she gets the myriad of drugs she seems to carry with her. For a while, you assumed she just had a hefty prescription – she's at least in her late fifties, and age hasn't dissuaded her from smoking a pack a day – but sometimes you catch her at the dishwasher or by the bins out back, swallowing something from another orange bottle. Once, when you were emptying the trash, you found one. It was Xanax.
Maybe there's a drug for this, you think. Because, surely, it's some kind of disorder, a syndrome, something abnormal. Your beautiful, lovely, sexy boyfriend, kind and wild and falling for you, and you still can't find that urge to rip his clothes off.
You turn onto your back again, head slotted between two pillows, and stare blankly at the ceiling, turning over the previous evening in your head. It burns, the embarrassment, like white-hot fire under your skin. Your hair flares, lifting from the hot shame, when you think about his face, the drop of his hands from your waist, the awkward way you let yourself out and came home. He didn't call.
"I'm gonna go clock out."
You reach behind your back to untie your apron, using your elbow to push through the kitchen door back into the diner. Fiona barely turns to acknowledge you from where she's hunched over, polishing a glass, giving a short noise of agreement as you make your way to the staff room. You pull yourself through your routine, throwing the apron in the hamper and shoving your timecard into the machine, before you stop before you reach for your bag.
You realise that you have no way of getting home.
Eddie usually picks you up, but he won't be here today. And you're tired, so tired, too tired to walk home. You'd only finally gotten to sleep a few hours before you woke, just as you'd expected. Your legs feel like lead.
As you mull over your options, you pull your bag over your shoulder and grab your jacket. And when you push the door open, you nearly cry, because sat in his usual spot, right by the door, is your stupid, lovely boyfriend.
He looks up at you when he hears the door, and the first thing you notice is how tired he looks, too. He's a little puffy, almost like he's only just woken up – his hair tells you the same, curls going wild amongst one another, sticking out at every angle. He wears a sad smile as his gaze lingers on you, and you feel yourself nearly crumble under it.
He stands as you make your way over. Just as he does every day, he takes your bag from you and slings it over his own shoulder, and he reaches out and takes your hand, and it's then that you let go.
The tears come quicker than you can stop them, silent, hot rivers running down your face. He tugs gently on your hand, urges you out of the door, not giving his usual quick-whip goodbye to Fiona, and pulls you across the lot to his van.
When he opens the door for you as he always does, helping you in and dropping your bag by your feet, he rubs your knee with one hand and takes your face in the other.
"We're gonna talk about it when we get home, 'kay?" he says, and his voice sounds just as tired as he looks. "Please don't cry."
All you can give him is a nod, but he takes it, squeezing your knee as a quick goodbye before closing the door and jogging around to his side. The ride home is quiet, besides your sniffling, and his hand plants back on your knee for most of it. You look out the window and feel the sun on your face, made hotter as it passes through the glass. Your eyes close and you breathe, and as it paints your skin with a golden heat, you begin to think that maybe this won't be as bad as you've made yourself believe.
You like Eddie's home, perhaps moreso than your own. Yours is lonesome, but Eddie's is full of love. His uncle likes photographs and souvenirs and clutter, and it makes their little trailer feel like the warmest place on earth.
Today, though, it's tainted, edges burned by the memory of the night before. You daren't think about it, too worried about crying more than you already have, but it's difficult when you have to look at the door you slammed in Eddie's face 18 hours ago.
"C'mon," he says, squeezing your thigh and opening his door. You pull your bag onto your knee and do the same, hopping out and following him slowly up the steps. Inside, he takes your bag again, hanging it on a hook by the kitchen, while you take off your sneakers and traipse over to his couch. You don't dare to sit down, though, until he's back by your side pleading with you to.
"What's got you all wound up, hm?" he asks, taking your hand in his, and his voice is like honey, making you want to cry again. You breathe in a short, sharp breath instead and try desperately to ignore the white-hot burn of exhaustion and shame behind your eyes.
You sit and he follows, using his other hand to wipe away the tears as they come. You must look a mess, you think, all tired with huge, dark marks beneath your eyes and cheeks wet from crying. But he's looking at you like he always does, fond as ever.
"Why'd you run off like that last night?" he asks.
"I-" You try to answer, but the words are lost on you, lodged in the thickness of your throat. His arms wind around you and you lean in, lost to the familiarity of it. Your sobs, broken by hiccups and broken breaths, are in freefall.
He soothes you, leaning back so you're lying on his chest. His hands run up and down your back as he kisses the crown of your head and whispers that it'll be okay, that you're okay, we're okay.
"I'm sorry," you say into his t-shirt.
"For what?"
You wish you could tell him, and you wish he wouldn't ask. Isn't it obvious? You stormed out, you slammed the door in his face, you didn't call, you let it get this far, you led him on knowing you'd feel like this.
"For crying on your shirt," you say.
He chuckles and you feel it, the deep rumble of laughter in his chest. He twists underneath you, turning the two of you on your sides to lie facing one another, mostly so he can get a good look at your face.
"I have other shirts," he tells you.
"I'm sorry."
"Stop apologising."
He laughs again and you can't help but break a smile.
"So," he begins. "Why'd you go?"
"I just…" You sigh and he sees the way your face twists, contorting into something like frustration, so he eases the grip of his arms around you to let you sit up. You do, leaning on his bent knees, and look up to the ceiling. 
"I feel… I feel like I've led you on."
"What?" He sounds surprised, which in turn surprises you, because surely he can see that that's what's happening here.
"Eddie, I don't know how to… I can't explain it."
He doesn't say anything. The couch dips and creaks as he sits up, knees crossed, opposite you, imploring you to try.
"I... I can't give you what I'm meant to."
He looks back at you bewildered, and for a brief flash you feel the burn of frustration. You'd usually find this endearing, but all of this would be easier if he would fill in the blanks by himself.
"I don't want to have sex, Eddie."
You watch the dawning of realisation on his face, the twist and the widening. His eyes search your face as you hold it in, the dam close to bursting again, and then he softens.
"Oh, baby, you should've just said."
He reaches over, a hand on your ankle, holding you there as if to stop you leaving.
How could you ever?
"What do we do?" you ask him after a beat. You're looking at one another, you at him because you're sure this is the final time you'll get the chance, and him at you because he's sure he's never loved anybody like this before in his life.
"What do you mean?"
"Eddie, don't make me-"
"You're not leaving me," he tells you. It's not a question, or a plea, but a statement of fact. You're here, with me. You're not going anywhere. I'm not going to make you go anywhere.
"I don't want to," you say quietly.
"And," he begins, inching closer, taking your waist in his big hands to pull you in. "I'm not leaving you."
He resumes his position on his back, you pressed comfortably to his chest. You feel his heartbeat, quicker than usual, and feel a pang of remorse that you've made him so nervous.
You think back to the evening before - when he'd got handsy, and you'd liked it, but then the clothes had started coming off and you'd freaked, pulling your things into a bag and running out the door before he could stop you - and it's suddenly muddied by distance, a memory trapped somewhere far away.
"I'm just not ready," you tell him, cheek to his chest, feeling his fingers run through your hair.
"'S'okay," he murmurs. "I'll be here if you ever are. Or if you never are. Either way."
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aamalaaa · 1 year
sunrises & liquor (m) | myg
all that jazz
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pairing: yoongi x reader
series: sunrises & liquor
rating: m(18+); cursing, alcohol consumption, smut, explicit content
genre: bar workers au, barman yoongi au, (kinda) forbidden relationship, angst, fluff, smut
summary: after a failed academic pursuit and a few meaningless and disappointing relationships, you decided to go back to what you never thought you would: the bar industry. There you find a family, friends, heartache, misunderstandings and one particular barman who just won’t get out of your head.
warnings: cursing, alcohol consumption (duh), smut, dom!yoongi, sub/brat!reader, dirty talk, oral sex(m.receiving), unprotected sex(wrap it before you tap it folks), car sex, rough sex, angst, reader has issues bro
a/n: welcome folks, to yet another chapter of s&l! it’s been more than lovely having you around, sharing your thoughts and screaming with me. I appreciate you!! anyhow, this is the longest one yet, my bad, and we’re getting into the final arc of this story, I reckon. I hope you thoroughly enjoy this one<3
//: btw, I listened to ‘Lost’ and ‘Thinkin bout you’ by Frank Ocean, and also ‘Meet me in the Hallway’ by Harry Styles while writing this one, I recommend it.
chapter word count: 8.5k (my bad)
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Today was a long day.
It started well enough, you woke up and ate breakfast with two of your best friends, exchanged a few texts with Yoongi and tried to help Jimin with his Hoseok problem. You even managed to convince him to meet up with the latter.
Turns out it ended up unraveling in the worst possible way and you were left to pick up the pieces of your dear friend’s heart all throughout the afternoon, trying to ignore the guilt gnawing at you in favor of focusing on your friend who really needed you.
Because this isn’t about you and how you feel bad about what happened and the role you played in this whole situation. This is about Jimin and how he just got basically rejected by his longtime crush and friend.
So you lay in bed, staring at the ceiling in an attempt to understand what in the actual fuck happened today and how to help, what to do to make both your friends feel a little less miserable.
And Hoseok may have rejected Jimin, but you know him and you’re sure this whole thing is eating at him, will probably keep him up at night. Hoseok never wants to hurt anyone, on the contrary, he always tries to help people feel a little more hopeful, a little less out of control.
You facepalm yourself and sigh loudly. How the fuck do you always end up all up in everybody’s business, your life is enough of a mess as it is. 
Your phone vibrates and you unlock it, smiling like a whole ass fool as soon as you notice Yoongi’s contact name pop up on your screen.
Love [6:37]: badly, spent the whole afternoon consoling Jiminie
Love [6:38]: I’m so tired
You drop your phone on the bed and head towards the bathroom to take a much needed shower. You stand under the stream of hot water for, well, way too long, before you step out of the shower and wrap a towel around your naked form, blow drying your hair as soon as you do.
You leisurely make your way towards your dresser and slip on a simple black t-shirt. Then, you unlock your cell phone again and try to force down the surge of energy you get when you notice two new messages from Yoongi. 
Music Man [6:41]: shit. poor Chim.
Music Man [6:41]: are you ok?
You sigh contentedly as you type in a response and send it.
Love [7:29]: yeah I am, just need to unwind and go to sleep early.
You start scrolling through netflix, almost settling on a title before you feel your phone vibrate on your stomach.
Music Man [7:36]: wanna come over?
You grin and start typing.
Love [7:37]: mmmhm, idk. that’s at least a 15 minutes drive.
The reply is almost instantaneous.
Music Man [7:37]: I made budae jjigae..
Love [7:38]: say no more
Love [7:38]: leaving in 10
You start getting ready, pulling on some jeans and a coat, then you brush your teeth and grab your purse.
You look at your phone before dropping it in your bag.
Music Man [7:40]: bring overnight stuff [:
“Did you get my last text?”
You push past Yoongi and head inside the apartment.
“I did,” You reply in a monotonous tone.
He closes the front door. “Where’s your overnight stuff?”
You grin and lift your purse up,
“You’re sleeping in… jeans?”
You slip your coat off and hang it, wagging your eyebrows playfully. “Or maybe I’m sleeping naked?”
“Are you trying to be the end of me?” Yoongi groans.
You chuckle lightheartedly,
“Don’t act like you’ve never seen a naked woman before, please.”
“Definitely not, but they weren’t you. I don’t think you realize the power you have over me, love.” He draws closer and engulfs you in a tight embrace, laying a gentle press of his lips on top of your head.
You blush profusely, thankful for the fact that your face is hidden from Yoongi’s scrutinizing gaze. This might be the most romantic and simultaneously arousing thing you’ve ever heard. 
“Then you’ll lend me sleeping clothes will you?” You nip at his exposed collarbones.
Yoongi shudders quietly. “So this was your plan the whole time? Make a man weak so you can steal his clothes and why not, his cat too maybe?”
You laugh against the crook of his neck. “Damn, you caught me.”
“That’s cold, angel.”
You lift your head up and your eyes meet an absolutely devastating pout.
“Poor baby,” You coo before cupping his soft cheeks, pressing your lips on his for a few seconds and sighing in absolute bliss, the blond man’s arms tightening around you as you get lost in each other’s taste. You break it off first, parting an inch or two from him and staying there for a short moment, the both of you breathing in each other’s air, eyes closed.
“I just think your clothes smell nice,” You whisper tenderly.
Yoongi hums. “What do they smell like?”
You dip your head down and press your forehead on his shoulder, a light pinkish tint taking over your cheeks, and mumble, “You.”
“So you think I smell nice?” 
You slap his hip and groan in embarrassment. “I hate you.”
“Sure you do.” He chortles, a calloused hand making its way through your freshly washed hair.
You stay unmoving for a few moments, trying to will the heat in your cheeks away and then raise your head, first noticing Cat, laying on the couch and judging the both of you with it’s golden orbs, before catching the spicy scent of budae jjigae for the first time since you came in.
“You actually cooked, like for real.”
Yoongi lets go of his hold on you and rubs the back of his neck. “Well, yeah.”
You approach the stove top, taking  in a deep breath through your nose.
“I thought you were finessing me so I would come over.”
“That’s rich coming from you, clothes stealer.” Yoongi says, a playful indignant tone to his voice.
“Hey! I borrow them, I don’t steal them.”
“Tell that to the hoodie I haven’t seen in the last two months.”
You cross your arms and pout, leaning on the counter. “You gave that to me, meanie.”
“Po-tay-to, po-tah-to.”
“That’s not fair,” You squint your eyes at him.
Yoongi chuckles and kisses your temple, taking two bowls from the cupboard and filling them with two portions of the still-warm meal before putting them down on the counter along with utensils and two water bottles.
“Eat up before it gets cold.”
You whine but still sit down at the counter, slurping and munching hungrily at the delicious comforting meal. Yoongi watches you with an amused expression, eating quietly and slowly. Once you’ve annihilated your portion you put your utensils down and quirk a brow at the blond man,
“What?” you take a sip of water.
Yoongi shrugs, a crooked smile on his lips. “Nothing, you’re just cute.”
You choke on the liquid, coughing loudly and bring a hand up to your chest, violently slapping it to help clear your obstructed airways. Yoongi laughs and runs a hand up and down your back in a soothing motion. 
“You’re mean,” You croak out once your fit of coughs settles down.
“I’m sorry,” He massages the nape of your neck, dissipating any feeling of annoyance you might’ve had.
You pout. “Better make it up to me then.”
“Anything you want, love.”
"Anything?" You lift a brow and send him a seductive smile, slowly getting up and wrapping your arms around his neck.
Yoongi’s breath hitches in his throat as he lets out a low, rumbly, “Anything.”
You twirl a blond strand of hair between your deft fingers, a wicked grin lifting the corners of your mouth. “Then I want a massage and cuddles.”
Yoongi huffs incredulously and shakes his head, lightly swatting at your ass. “It would be my pleasure.”
He lends you a pair of black sweatpants and a white t-shirt and you quickly brush your teeth before going to the living room and petting the furry animal, cooing and squealing when it starts purring in content.You then make your way back to Yoongi's room and swiftly slide under the bed’s covers. 
Yoongi enters the bathroom and comes out a few minutes later to find you almost passed out, snuggled in his sheets. He slides under the covers next to you and whispers,
“Do you want to go to sleep now, love?”
You shake your head and blink slowly, meeting deep chocolate-like eyes. Even in complete darkness Yoongi looks absolutely stunning, breathtaking, and you feel so fucking fond and grateful to be sharing a bed with him.
“Nuh-uh, you still have to give me a massage.”
“Alright, on your stomach then,” Yoongi chuckles and tucks a strand of hair beneath your ear. 
You leisurely comply, and give him an expectant look.
“It would be better if I took off your shirt, but it’s all up to you.”
You nod and send him a small smile, giving him permission.
And so Yoongi sits up straight and starts tugging your shirt off, you help him by lifting your torso and arms up. 
Once the garment is off, Yoongi slides his palms up your back with increasing pressure, spurring a satisfied moan out of you. 
“Is that enough pressure?” He whispers in a dark, gruff tone, sending shivers up your spine
You barely manage to whisper the next words, 
“It’s perfect.” 
He continues his ministrations, lingering for a long moment on your shoulders and collarbones, then trailing down to the dip of your back and slowly pressing his thumbs there while you can only let out small mewls of appreciation. 
You slowly slip in and out of consciousness, not even noticing that Yoongi has stopped massaging you until he whispers against your ear,   
“Time to sleep, angel.”
You groan and begrudgingly sit up, tugging the white t-shirt on before slumping down on your side, facing the opposite way from Yoongi. The latter inches closer and wraps a lazy arm around your waist, pressing himself flush against your back.
“Sweet dreams,” He presses a delicate kiss on your shoulder.
You wiggle in his embrace before slurring out a small,
“Sweet dreams Yoongi.”
You tug nervously at the off-the-shoulder neckline of the emerald green, floor length dress you put on merely a few minutes ago.
It’s 7:04, which means Yoongi is late, and Yoongi is almost never late. Which might mean something happened, but it could also just be your anxiety riddled mind making up scenarios to taunt you.
Nevertheless you can’t tame down the bubbling anxiety rising in your chest.
You’re checking your phone for the upteenth when you hear a slightly reluctant knock at your front door.
You swing it open in a matter of seconds, letting out a shaky breath of relief as soon as you see Yoongi’s soft features.
Your relief is short lived though, because his appearance knocks the air straight out of you.
You grip the doorknob forcefully as you take in the fitted black suit Yoongi is sporting, the white dress shirt and black bow, but most importantly his luscious locks of hair. Because they’re not the light, bleached blond you’ve been drawn to since you’ve met him. No, oh no. 
His hair is black. 
Jet black, as dark as a raven’s feathers. 
And if you thought blond was the best color for Yoongi before, you were not prepared for this one. Because holy shit, he’s the most gorgeous man you’ve ever been blessed to lay your eyes upon. 
The night’s announcing itself to be a long one. 
“You look amazing,” Yoongi declares as he tucks his hands in the pockets of his trousers, an awestruck look in his eyes.
“Holy shit,” Is all you manage to say, completely unaware of the compliment he just bestowed upon you.
Yoongi nervously cards a hand through his black hair. “Yeah..”
“Yoongi. Fucking hell. Don’t do that.” Your grip on the door handle strengthens and you take a deep breath, looking anywhere but in his direction. 
“Do what?” He scratches his head in confusion, oblivious to your internal struggle. 
“Your hair, oh my god.” You snap your gaze up, just now noticing how awkward the man looks standing in the doorway. “Umm, sorry, come in.”
You step out of the way and Yoongi slides in through the threshold, closing the door as you make your way to the closet and take out your winter coat. 
“Yeah I was so done with bleaching it, so I just went back to my natural color.”
You hum understandingly and the man leans on the wall, watching you curiously as your shaky hands fumble with the buttons of your black, fake fur coat. 
“Do you like it?” He questions, an amused glint to his tone.
You gulp loudly. “Y-yeah I do.” 
You curse under your breath as you struggle to button your coat, your mind reeling with thousands of filthy images you try to rid yourself of. Crazy how a simple change of hair color can have such an impact on you. 
But you’re only human, and Yoongi clearly is something else, no way a human being is allowed to look like this, like sin incarnated but also a god sent creature. It’s not fucking fair.
Strong, capable hands deftly take a hold of yours and snap the coat’s buttons in place. 
“You like it that much?” He chuckles teasingly.
You send a glare his way, only now noticing how close he’s standing. “How fucking dare you look this good in my house, in front of my fake plants nonetheless!”
Yoongi lifts a brow in amusement before taking a hold of your waist and drawing you flush against his broad chest. “What are you gonna do about it?” 
You gasp and slap his shoulder. “I can’t with you, I swear to god.”
Yoongi laughs loudly, showing off a heart shattering gummy smile that has your heartbeat picking up at an alarming rate.
“Are you actually mad?” He runs a hand up and down your back. You curse yourself for putting on your winter garment, wanting more than anything to feel his fingers on you.
“Yes, I am! How am I supposed to watch the musical when you look like this?” You pout angrily. 
“So dramatic..” 
And just like that he stops you from responding by locking his lips onto yours, tilting his head to the side to deepen the kiss before biting lightly at your bottom lip, tearing a soft whimper out of you.
He slowly backs you up against the wall, using the surprised gasp you emit to slide his tongue against your own, licking languidly and relentlessly as you try to take charge, failing time and time again.
You slide your hand all the way up to the back of his head, tugging lightly at the soft locks of hair, something you’ve been desperate to do since he appeared at your doorstep. 
Yoongi emits a deep groan, shivers instantly pricking at your skin despite the warm clothing you’re wearing and you slide your other hand up to the button of his jacket, wanting nothing more than to take it off and feel his warm skin sizzling under your palms.
But he parts from your lips just as your hand reaches the obstructing button and chuckles hoarsely,
“We can’t miss this show, love. Tae would be sad and you’d feel bad.”
“Damn, I hate that you’re right.”
Yoongi rests his forehead against yours and lightly shakes his head. “Believe me, I hate that I am too.” 
You stay there, catching your breaths for a few moments before you speak up again,
“Alright let’s go now, otherwise we won’t be leaving tonight.”
You see his jaw twitch as he steps away and takes your hand in his. 
“I’m in pain,” He solemnly declares.
You chuckle heartily,
“So dramatic.”
You arrive at the theater a mere thirty-something minutes before the musical Taehyung stars in begins, the billboard announcing ‘Chicago’ in bright capital letters.
You notice Seokjin and Hoseok almost as soon as you make your way in after dropping off your things at coat check.
They’re leaning against a high circular table and chatting, flutes of champagne in hand.
Seokjin speaks first,
“We were starting to wonder if you guys decided to bail on us to go have sex at Yoongi’s place or something.”
You give him a mortified look while Hoseok loudly chortles, gripping his stomach as he does so.
Yoongi lets out a drawn out sigh. “I need a drink.”
Seokjin perks up. “Let me accompany you! There’s a bit of a line.” 
He downs his own flute in one gulp as Yoongi sends a pained look your way but follows the older man nonetheless, leaving you and Hoseok alone.
The silence that reigns over the both of you feels awkward and strange. You don’t like it, not one bit.
“How is he?”
You snap your gaze towards the red haired man.
“Who?” You question futilely, already knowing the answer.
Hoseok sighs, a downcast look in his eyes. “Jimin..” 
You pick at your nails nervously, unsure if you should be talking about it or not. You ultimately decide it couldn’t hurt to do so. 
“I mean.. how do you think? You know him, he’s taking it pretty badly but he wouldn’t talk about it or what really happened. He’s resilient though, he’ll manage.”
“I know.. I’m just-“ He pauses. “I’m just kinda confused and lost right now? I didn’t expect this, at all. And I’ve wanted him to tell me that he loves me for so long, even dreamt about it. But I met Lia a few weeks ago and it’s going well you know? She’s kind and I know exactly what she thinks and where she’s at..”
You didn’t know about any of this. “Lia?” 
“Yeah, I met her at a party. You’d like her a lot I think.” He shoots you a half-hearted smile, making your heart sink. 
Hoseok doesn’t do half-hearted smiles.
“If you do, I’m sure I would too.”
Hoseok stares at the floor, eyebrows furrowed, like he’s deep in thoughts.
You sigh and ruffle his hair. “Whatever you do, I’ll be happy for you. As long as you know you’re making the right decision for you. Not anyone else.”
Hoseok eyes you almost pleadingly. “But no matter what I do, someone’s going to end up hurting..”
“Yup. That’s just the way things go most of the time.” You try to swallow the uptick of emotions in your throat.
“You’re such a pessimist,” The corner of his eyes crinkle in amusement.
“I have nothing to say in my defense.”
You notice Yoongi and Seokjin coming back your way, holding three flutes of champagne.
You give Hoseok a meaningful look, “Seriously though, think about it. I don’t want you to regret your decision later on, whatever that decision is.”
He nods harshly, just as the two men come up to you. Yoongi hands you a flute.
“Thanks,” You beam at him, touched that he thought to bring you one too.
He snakes an arm around your waist and takes a small sip of the bubbly drink. “Of course.”
“So, what role is Taehyung playing anyway?” Hoseok asks.
You perk up, excited about your friend’s upcoming performance. “Roxie! It’s a gender swapped reinterpretation of Chicago.”
“Damn, he basically got the lead role.” Yoongi whistles, impressed.
You preen with pride for your friend.
“He did,” Seokjin confirms in an adoring tone.
“Sweet!” Hoseok exclaims, drawing in a few pair of curious eyes.
You all drink your flutes pretty quickly and make a stop at the restroom before heading inside the theater and taking your seats.
You sit at the end of the row, Yoongi directly to your left, then followed by Hoseok and Seokjin. You apply a thin layer of lip gloss before tucking the stick back into your purse, only then noticing Yoongi eyeing you, indecipherable emotions swimming in his dark orbs.
You lean closer and lay a hand on his thigh,
“Something on my face?”
Yoongi snorts. “Anything I could answer to that would be corny as fuck.”
You feel your face heat up and look down bashfully.
“Hey,” He lifts your chin up with his index finger. “I didn’t say I was done looking.”
“Oh my god Yoongi, stop.” You squeeze his thigh in warning, very thankful for the low lighting, otherwise you’re positive he would notice the bright red tint spreading all over your face.
“Cute,” He coos softly, caressing your cheek gently before draping his arm around your shoulders, you lean onto him . 
The musical soon starts, and it’s absolutely mind blowing. You don’t remember ever seeing something quite like it. Taehyung adds a lot of flair to it, and you might’ve seen him in other plays before, but this takes home the cake, in your opinion at least. Because he owns the stage, the role, the songs. 
He is the role.
But as much as you try to stay focused, you can’t help but let yourself peer at Yoongi from time to time, getting caught up in the way the light illuminating the stage creates all sorts of shapes and shadows upon his hypnotizing features.
He’s fucking stunning.
You leave your hand on his thigh all throughout the show, rubbing slow circles on his knee with your dainty thumb.
And you’re acutely aware of the occasional shivers coursing through Yoongi as you sometimes let your hand wander a bit further up his thigh, notice the way his jaw ticks when you lightly squeeze the muscular limb. You also notice how your heartbeat picks up its pace the longer you keep testing the man’s patience, as if maybe your little teasing might have even more of an effect on you than on him.
When the last musical number starts, you let your hand venture even further up, your fingers now almost reaching the place you want them to reach the most.
You feel Yoongi‘s muscle strain, almost missing the low groan that reverberates through him when he forcefully grabs your wrist in warning, which automatically sends a rush of heat through your whole body.
You chance a glance at his tense features, his clenched jaw, his eyes staring intently at the stage, and almost pout when he doesn’t give you any attention, simply keeping his steady and forcefull hold on your wrist, making it impossible for you to move your hand in any way. 
The play soon ends and you all get up, Yoongi lets go of your wrist to applaud and once he’s done, he gets a hold of your hand and interwines your fingers, sending you a dark menacing look as he does so.
The four of you quickly make your way to the front hall and you text your friend.
my queen [10:43]: we’re waiting for you in the front hall! you were fucking incredible tae omg
You feel Yoongi’s hold on your hand strengthen as you wait for a reply.
Taebear [10:45]: be there in 15, gotta wait for ppl to leave 
And so you all wait, eagerly discussing and praising your friend’s performance and the musical as a whole between the four of you.
Time goes by so quickly that you yelp in surprise when you notice your best friend making his way towards your group.
“Tae oh my fucking god!” You let go of Yoongi’s hand and run into Taehyung’s arms. “You were unreal up there.” 
You part from him to let everyone congratulate his performance, Hoseok clapping excitedly and crushing him into a fierce hug while Yoongi simply pats him on the shoulder.
“You were born to be on stage sweetie,” Seokjin approaches him and lays a passionate kiss on the younger man’s lips.
They exchange a few words before Taehyung addresses you, his head laying on Seokjin’s large shoulders,
“I know we planned to go somewhere after this but I’m officially drained. Rain check? Y’all still owe me a celebratory meal.” 
You snort loudly. “All good babe. Go rest, you need it.”
Hoseok ruffles Seokjin’s hair. “Can I catch a ride with you?”
“As long as you never, ever, touch my hair again, yes.” 
Taehyung chuckles airily, an endeared boxy grin etched upon his face as he glances adoringly at the older man. 
And so you all say goodbye and head towards your respective cars. You slump down the passenger side’s seat and tug your coat off, waiting for Yoongi to start the ignition. 
He drives out of the parking lot and onto the highway, glancing at you from time to time, not saying a single word. You feel anxiety bubbling up your chest and decide to break the tense silence,
“Are you dropping me off at home?” 
Yoongi chuckles almost menacingly. “Oh no, we’re sleeping at my place tonight.” 
“Umm.. since when?” You give him a quizzical look.
He clenches his jaw before replying,
“Since you decided to play a game you know you can’t win.”
You slide a hand up his thigh, your fingers brushing over his crotch, and relish in the sharp intake of air that reaches your ears. 
“What game?” You tease.
“Angel,” Yoongi rasps through gritted teeth, his hands gripping the wheel so forcefully that his knuckles turn white.
And you might be liking this a bit too much, but it’s way too fun to stop now. 
So you repeat the motion, sliding your hand up and down his thigh, brushing over his crotch again.
“Yes?” You flutter your eyelashes innocently. 
You barely even notice Yoongi taking the next exit and driving down small deserted streets until the car stops in a small parking lot next to the water.
You don’t recognize the public park in which you now find yourself in. 
“Uh, Yoongi? This isn’t your place as far as I know.”
The man lowers the backrest of the car seat to a more comfortable position, unfastens his seatbelt and grabs your hand, pushing it against the growing tent in his trousers, electrifying arousal growing sharply in your abdomen as he does so.
“Well, it seems like you couldn’t wait to be home to act like a brat. So go ahead, do what you want.”
You swallow thickly. “Here? What if someone walks past us?” 
Yoongi smirks and closes his eyes before bringing his arms up and slipping his hands behind his head. “Didn’t seem to bother you one bit earlier.”
And maybe it shouldn’t, but the thought of maybe getting caught, coupled with the alluring confidence emanating from Yoongi casts a hazy cloud in your mind, making you want to please the man more than anything in the world.
And so you unfasten your seatbelt and lift your skirt up to straddle the man easily. But he stops you before you can climb him,
You stare at him in sheer confusion. 
“That’s not what you were trying to do earlier. Use your hands angel, then we’ll see if you deserve more.” 
You all but shudder and nod weakly. Yoongi might’ve been a bit dominating before, but it was nothing compared to this. The confident, authoritative glint in his voice sends your mind into a frenzy, you want to get to know this side of him better.
He quirks a brow at you and closes his eyes again,
You snake a trembling hand up to the zipper of his trousers, struggling a bit before sliding it all the way down. You can feel how aroused he is, how hard his thick, warm length feels under the thin material of his underwear. It gives you a major boost of confidence, knowing how eager Yoongi actually is to feel you.
“Can you um..lift your hips,” You bashfully ask.
Yoongi blinks and chuckles amusedly before lifting his hips up and tugging his boxers and trousers halfway down, liberating his warm cock from the confines of his clothes. 
He watches carefully as you bring a hand up to your mouth and spit on it, his eyes darkening as soon as the thick saliva trickles down your palm.
His gaze only falters for a few seconds when you wrap your hand around him, and focuses again as soon as you start pumping him in slow, drawn out motions.
He stays silent, though immensely focused when you start going faster, swirling your wrist from time to time and applying a little more pressure when you reach his reddened tip, only to dive down again and again. 
His ragged breathing is the only thing that cues you in on how much he’s actually enjoying this and so, you ask with a tiny, shaky voice,
“Can I umm..”
The words don't come out. It’s not that you’re shy about doing it, It just feels weird to say out loud.
“Can you what?” He asks with a gravely low voice that sends a wave of shivers up your spine.
You look at him with pleading eyes as you continue sliding your hand up and down his length. Yoongi simply quirks a brow at you, refusing you mercy. 
“Can you what, love?”
You take a shallow breath and whisper, 
“Can I suck you off?”
You can almost sense the moment he breaks, it feels like the air inside the small car gets even more suffocating, making you lightheaded.
“Fuck, yeah, go on.”
A pleasurable knot forms itself in your stomach as you eagerly dive down to leave a teasing lick on the tip of Yoongi’s cock, the salty taste of precum coating your tongue deliciously.
You flick your tongue against the slit of his girth, smirking when you feel Yoongi jolt and moan quietly. He pushes away the strands of hair dangling in front of your eyes and grabs the rest of your hair in a messy bun, holding it in a firm but gentle grip.
He groans lowly when you slowly wrap your lips around him and slide down his length, pressing your tongue along his frenulum as you do so, and repeat the motion a few times, hollowing your cheeks to coax as much pleasure as you possibly can out of him. 
You come up for air for a few seconds before spitting on his cock and taking him back in your mouth, feeling every protruding vein on his thick member as you swirl your tongue around it. You rapidly pick up a faster pace, bobbing your head up and down as you hear a myriad of curses escape Yoongi’s lips.
It only makes you grow bolder and bolder and so you dive down lower, only stopping when your nose brushes against soft skin. You gag lightly and repeat the motion a second time, to the man’s greatest pleasure, if his choked guttural groan is anything to go by.
As soon as the tip of his thick length hits the back of your throat, you feel Yoongi bucking his hips forward, making you gag and cough loudly around him, saliva trickling down your mouth filthily. 
“Fuck I’m so sorry,” He tugs on your hair and lifts you up, the sharp sting sending a shock of pleasure through you.
You gasp for air and feel drool sliding along your throat, all the way down to the neckline of your dress, a few teardrops escaping your eyes.
“It’s ok.. I like it,” You rasp out as soon as you can breathe somewhat normally.
Yoongi groans. “Fucking hell, yeah? You like choking on my cock, angel?” 
You mewl in response, feeling a familiar wetness in between your legs slowly spreading to the inside of your thighs. 
“Can I fuck your mouth, mmhm? Can you do that for me?” He tilts your head upwards and brings you closer, his face now a few inches away from yours.
You nod frantically, more than excited by the prospect of Yoongi fucking into your mouth aggressively, using you as he pleases to get himself off. There’s nothing quite as tempting in the whole world. At least at this moment.
“You sure?” He wipes drool off your chin and gently strokes your flushed cheek with the back of his hand.
“Yes, please..”
“Begging to choke on my cock, for fuck’s sake.”
Yoongi bruisingly crashes his lips onto yours and devours your mouth with unbridled passion, instantly and greedily swallowing your whimpers as they reach your throat. 
He disconnects your mouths and breathes out unevenly. “You ready?” 
You nod eagerly and Yoongi guides you back to his painfully hard erection. You instantly wrap your lips around him, sighing in relief as soon as you do.
He growls mutedly. “Squeeze my thigh if you ever feel uncomfortable and want me to stop, ok angel?”
You hum and tantalizingly lick the side of his length, which only makes him tighten his hold on your hair. 
He starts bucking his hips forward, and it’s slow at first, as he drags the tip of his erection against your warm tongue numerous times. But he soon picks up his pace, snapping in and out of your mouth rapidly before engulfing himself far down your tight throat, only stopping when he hears you gagging around him. 
Then he picks up an unhurried pace again and alternates between slow and fast, aggressive and gentle. You feel dizzy and completely fucked out, your underwear completely ruined by sheer arousal. You don’t think you’ve ever been this turned on in your life.
You squeal in surprise when Yoongi lifts you up swiftly and kisses you feverishly, as if trying to taste each and every corner of your mouth with the help of his skilled tongue.
A thick trail of saliva connects both of your mouths when you part for air. Yoongi cups your cheeks and leaves a soft peck on your swollen lips, it has you seeing stars, your heart growing bigger in size at the care he exudes through his actions.
“Such a good girl for me.” 
You smile shyly at him and nuzzle the tip of his nose, pride blooming in your chest as you realize how good you’ve made him feel.  
“Come here angel.” 
He skirts your dress up to your hip bones and helps you straddle him, holding you in place as you settle somewhat comfortably on his lap. Your legs tremble furiously when you try to hold yourself up and you whine pitifully.
“Yoongi, I don’t think I can move my legs for long.”
He leaves a sweet peck on your lips before murmuring,
“I got you.”
Your heart soars as his words register and you dive down to the crook of his neck, leaving a trail of open mouthed kisses as you get rid of the bow around his collar. 
When the accessory is finally off, you leisurely unbutton his dress shirt, your fingers lingering longingly on the small expanse of his chest, now available to your rapacious hands.
You're thrown off guard when Yoongi drags the tip of his fingers against your covered core, spurring light jolts out of you as he teases you mercilessly for a few interminable seconds.
“Yoongi, please, I need you..” You sob out, your legs now shaking uncontrollably. 
“Just-, Give me a minute to make sure I don’t hurt you alright?”
“But I’m ready, please.” You plead brokenly, completely unbothered by how fucking needy you sound.
He takes a deep inhale, holding your waist with one hand before pushing your underwear aside and sliding two digits into you, his fingers meeting no resistance whatsoever.
You moan softly, and you think you could come just like this with how fucking aroused you are. 
“Fuck, you are ready.” 
Yoongi thrusts his fingers in and out of you, dragging them along your walls before slipping them out of you, much to your disappointment.
You whine and pout deeply. “I told you.”
“I know baby,” He soothes as he lightly slaps your cunt, making you shudder in his hold. 
He grips his own veiny girth, pumping it a few times while simultaneously holding your panties to the side before aligning himself with your entrance.
Your pout slowly morphs into a gasp when you feel his throbbing length sliding into you in one smooth motion, stretching you nicely around its circumference. 
“Oh fuck,” You harshly breathe out, your eyes rolling to the back of your head before coming back to focus on Yoongi’s.
The black haired man brings one hand to your hip and the other up to your throat, squeezing lightly as he steadily holds your gaze, burning lava swimming in his dark brown orbs. 
And that’s exactly how your whole body feels as Yoongi picks up a long languorous pace. Like lava, malleable, pliant and hot to the touch, like the only thing capable of laying a hand upon you would have to be something equally fiery. 
You always thought that Yoongi shared a lot of similarities with burning coal. Intoxicating, warm. Like if he wanted to, he could make you burn alongside him.
Though, if you’re being honest, you think you’ve been burning for quite some time.
You snap out of a daze like state when you feel Yoongi’s grip on your throat tightening and mewl loudly as he starts rapidly thrusting into you. He swirls his hips up and down and you can only hold on to his broad shoulders, gripping so harshly you might have left marks if it wasn’t for the jacket that the man hadn’t bothered to shrug off.
Then he slows down again, his shallow breath fanning over your face over and over again as you peer deep in his eyes, the knot in your abdomen tightening exponentially with every sharp thrust of his hips. 
You feel deft fingers crawling down your side, unzipping your dress in one quick motion before they tug the upper part of the garment down, your breast now bouncing up and down as Yoongi keeps fucking into you. 
He tweaks one of your pert nipples and latches his mouth on the other one, flicking and nibbling teasingly at it while you can only shiver in pure ecstasy.
A wanton moan slips past your throat when he suddenly picks up an unrelenting pace and you instinctively arch your back, deepening the angle at which he rams into you at full speed.
“Yoongi..” You whimper, bringing your forehead against his and the man soon cradles the side of your face. 
“Y-yeah?” He chokes out unevenly. 
Your vision focuses onto him as the rest grows blurry, you feel your orgasm at the tip of your fingers, tingling all over the extremities of your limbs, like a dam ready to burst at any moment.
“Don’t stop, fuck-“
Your head falls down on his shoulder and your peak washes over you in overwhelming waves, blinding you for a few moments as you hold onto his strong frame for dear life. You convulse and pulse steadily around him, clenching and unclenching while he continues his ministrations, his cock throbbing around your swollen folds.
“Babe-“ Yoongi starts, out of breath. “You need to get off, I’m gonna cum-” He rasps out, sinking his nails into the supple skin of your thigh.
And so you muster all the strength you can gather and lift your hips up, setting them back down as soon as you feel him slip out, much to your dismay.
He tries to grip himself but you beat him to it, pumping his veiny length fast and hard as Yoongi moans hoarsely and comes undone, spilling all over your hand in thick spurts of unrestrained pleasure.
You look into his eyes and bring your sticky hand up, licking away all traces of his white release while thoroughly maintaining eye contact. Yoongi stares at you with his mouth agape, breathing heavily and swallowing thickly.
“What are you doing to me,” He blinks and cards a trembling hand through his jet black hair, the other one softly caressing your bruised thigh.
“And what are you doing to-“ You abruptly stop, noticing light coming your way through the fogged up window. “Holy shit, someone’s coming!”
Yoongi sends you an alarmed look and lowers the backrest of his seat all the way down, making you lose your balance. You plant your hands on both sides of his body to try not to crush him under your weight and hide your face against his chest. 
“Are they close,” He whispers as he tries to cover your bare ass by laying a coat on top of your frame.
You roll your eyes against closed eyelids,
“I don’t know, I’d have to be able to see to tell you that.”
Yoongi swallows down a chuckle. “Fair enough.”
“Shhhh!” You whisper aggressively.
You both stay silent for a minute or two, your heart rates picking up when the light gets so close you can see it behind closed eyelids. But no one comes knocking on the window, and after a minute or two you lift your head up and tentatively take a peek outside.
“Oh my fucking god it was the cops, they didn’t see us,” You clasp a hand over your mouth and look at Yoongi with a mortified expression. “Can you imagine if they got here a few minutes ago.”
He glances at you with wide eyes before bursting into laughter, a wide grin appearing on his face. And you can’t help but follow suit, throwing yourself back against his chest as you both giggle endlessly.
“Oh shit, that was such a close call,” He wipes at the corner of his eyes.
You slap his chest playfully. “What a bad idea.”
“You weren’t complaining earlier,” He teases as he pulls your dress up and zips it back up, taking the opportunity to draw shapes along the expanse of your collarbone. 
You lay a long, soft kiss upon his pillowy lips, sinking into his hold for a few moments before murmuring against his lips,
“Let’s go home before someone else comes, yeah?” 
And he gives you such a tender look that you can’t help but feel so many things, things you don’t want to feel, things you’re scared of and can’t even mention out loud.
But you feel them still, simmering in your stomach comfortingly despite the terror lurking in your mind like a shadow.
“Yeah, let’s.”
“How are we this late?” 
Yoongi shoots you an unimpressed look.
“We’re late because someone decided to lay on the ground and cuddle Cat for at least a good ten minutes.” 
“Hey!” You yelp indignantly. “Cat looked like it needed cuddles.”
Yoongi slips his hand in yours as you both walk rapidly towards the bar’s main entrance.
“Cat always needs cuddles.”
“Ooo, reminds me of someone.”
The look of disgust on Yoongi’s face sends you into a raucous fit of laughter.
“Says you.”
You click your tongue, “Oh but I’m not afraid to admit it. You, on the other hand, will pretend you don’t want cuddles and affection, but you so do.”
“I’m leaving you on the side of the road tonight,” He deadpans, letting go of your hand and walking faster ahead. 
“That’s mean!” You holler and quicken your pace, grabbing his arm and leaning your head on his shoulder as the man wraps an arm around your waist.
You stop just a few feet away from the door and tug on his arm. “Yoongi.” 
“What is it?” He lifts his hand up to your cheek, carefully cradling it.
“Kiss me?” You give him your best puppy eyes.
Yoongi rolls his eyes but still leans down to lay a chaste (but fatal nonetheless) kiss upon your lips, stroking your cold cheek with the back of his thumb as he does so. 
You chase after his plush lips once he parts from you, earning you a low chuckle from the object of your affection, “Greedy.”
You pout, “So what.”
The barman shakes his head fondly. “Nothing, you’re just cute.”
“You guys coming in or?” 
You both simultaneously turn towards the disruption, annoyed, just then noticing Namjoon holding the door open from the inside of the establishment.
The doorman shrugs and gives you a dimpled smile. “It’s freezing, I’m not gonna hold it forever.”
“Yeah we’re coming,” Yoongi mumbles as he slips his hand in yours and walks through the threshold.
You follow him as he steps up the stairs, an impish smile on your lips. “You’re holding my hand again.” 
He gives you a questioning look. “So what?” 
“You and Cat share a lot of traits, that’s all.”
“Oh fucking hell.”
Saturday night ends up being a pretty busy night, as usual, and so, time goes by so fast you barely have time to blink before the night is over.
You’re probing through your purse in the employees lounge when Yoongi’s voice reaches your ears, making you still in your movements instantly.
“I mean what do you want me to say Joon? I thought it might’ve been something special, but turns out it was only physical attraction and sex. I realized that not too long ago.” He sighs. “I feel fucking awful, but it is what it is.”
And if you thought you’d known heartbreak before, nothing could prepare you for the painful manner in which your stomach churns as Yoongi’s words sink in, or the way your heart feels like it’s been ripped from your chest, only to be aggressively stepped on again and again.
You don’t understand, can’t comprehend, how Yoongi can act the way he does when he’s with you, only to then say that the connection you share is merely physical, replaceable. 
You fight back tears as you make your way behind the bar, staring intently at the back of Yoongi’s black head of hair. 
“I mean it can be pretty hard to tell the difference between lust and love, I get it. They’re both so intertwined together most of the time.” Namjoon explains matter-of-factly.
“I mean what I did still sucks-“
“Yoongi..” You croak out, trying to the best of your abilities to keep it together, though you feel like you probably won’t succeed in doing so.
Both men turn around and look at you in surprise.
“I thought-“ Your voice cracks under the weight of overwhelming emotions tearing through your chest and up your throat.
You feel like throwing up, actually throwing up.
Yoongi’s surprised expression morphs into one of immense concern, he furrows his brows and steps closer.
“What’s going on?” He asks with urgency.
You shake your head frantically and step backwards as a teardrop rolls down your cheek treacherously. “I thought-“ You stop again. 
“I don’t.. I don’t know what I thought, it clearly doesn’t matter.” You turn on your heels and head back to the employees lounge, taking your purse and coat as Yoongi follows you and grabs your elbow, making you swivel around in a dizzying motion.
“Talk to me angel, what’s happening? What are you talking about? You’re scaring me..”
“Yeah well, maybe if you told me I was only a good fuck from the moment you figured it out, we wouldn’t be here right now.” You sneer angrily, hurt and shame engulfing you in a red fog of anger
Yoongi’s eyes widen. “Woah, what are you talking about? I’m confused as fuck.” 
“So am I! I can’t talk to you right now Yoongi, I’ll take a cab home.”
You shrug his hands off and storm out of the lounge, not even noticing your friends' shocked stares as you almost run to the exit, too ashamed by your emotions to let them see you like this. 
Swinging the door open, you step down the street, only stopping in your tracks once you remember your car isn’t here and you need to order a cab.
And so you open the uber app and book a ride, ignoring a notification from Jimin as the screen informs you that your driver should be here in five minutes. You exhale sharply and close your eyes, reminding yourself to take deep breaths. 
Your heart almost leaps out of your chest when you hear a door being thrown open and footsteps inching closer to you.
“Angel what the fuck is going on, talk to me. I don’t understand, fuck, you know I don’t see you as just a good fuck I-“ Yoongi’s pleading voice tugs viciously at your heartstrings, tears now streaming down your face in an unrestrained manner.
“I heard you talking to Namjoon just now, Yoongi..” You hiccup brokenly.
Yoongi cups your face delicately and you avoid his troubled gaze, opting to look at the ground instead.
There’s a thin layer of snow glistening on the concrete. You hadn’t even noticed it had been snowing until now.
“Look at me please.” 
You shake your head no, knowing you would probably break down and full on sob if you did.
He brings his forehead against yours, his hold on both sides of your face steady and so comforting it only amplifies your confused state. 
“Look at me..” 
And you can’t ignore the way his voice breaks, so you sniffle loudly and slowly lift your gaze up, meeting teary dark pools of gloom as you do. 
“I wasn’t talking about you just now, Namjoon-ah asked about Sam.. You know I think so much more of you, why would you even think I’d treat you like this..”
A sob racks through your whole being as you shakily exhale and squeeze your eyes shut. “I didn’t- I’m sorry I just assumed the worst I-“ 
“Shhh, hey, it’s ok.” 
“But it’s not ok Yoongi.” You blink a few tears away and hold his gaze. “You give me absolutely no reason to doubt you, and yet.”
You inhale deeply before speaking again, your voice tiny and feeble, unfamiliar to your own ears, 
“How is this supposed to work -us- if I can’t bring myself to trust you?”
“Woah, what are you even saying? We’ll figure it out.” Yoongi soothes, a hint of anxiousness in his warm tone.
“No, you’re not listening. You deserve better than this, than me.” 
“That’s not true.”
Yoongi’s eyes glisten with unshed tears and you just know, at that exact moment, that you really do not deserve him. Because anybody responsible for this man’s tears and pain isn’t deserving of him, plain and simple.
A black car enters your field of view and halts in front of the bar’s facade, a few meters away from you and Yoongi. You recognize the little taxi sign on top of it.
“My cab is here,” You whisper, as you peck his cheek one last time and start heading towards the cab, walking away from a dejected Yoongi with a numb mind and shattered heart.
You want to go back to his arms, let yourself be happy and content in his secure hold. But you can’t, because you feel so much for him, too much. Too much love, admiration and affection, and you can’t hold him back.
You won’t.
a/n: im not crying it’s fine, we’re good. ok ok.. I’m sorry, I love you<3 as always your feedback and comments are ALWAYS appreciated, thank you<3
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unholy-screeching9 · 1 year
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(I’m running out of gifs fuck)
King Dice x Reader “Sleepy Sex” Headcanons
This is one of a few requests from a very lovely follower of mine who messaged me! They asked for King Dice and Reader to be asleep after a long day of work, but Reader wakes up in the middle of the night. They try everything to get back to sleep, but when nothing works, they turn to their husband for help. When they finally wake Dice up (who is super tired), he eventually agrees to give Reader some “help” in falling back asleep 💋
They told me I could do Game or Show Dice but I did both because sleepy Dice is my WEAKNESS and I was honestly hoping for a request like this LMFAOOOOO
Anyways enjoy loves! To that follower who messaged me I hope this hits the spot. 💋
King Dice x Reader “Sleepy Sex” Headcanons (GAME)
It’s no secret that your lover works a ton. But sometimes (a lot of the time), he works too much for his own good.
King Dice’s shifts on the casino’s main floor are already long enough, but some days, the manager has to work overtime signing off contracts for the Devil.
These hours can add up very quickly. Dice wakes up at 6 am sharp every morning, to make it to work by 7. Usually, he’s back in his chambers at 8 pm, but sometimes…
Sometimes he doesn’t come back until 10 or 11. Sometimes, Dice will return when you’re already asleep, having dozed off while waiting for him.
On the days he comes back late and you’re awake, you’ll watch him shuck off his shoes and waistcoat, lazily kicking them off to the side. He’s like a zombie, fumbling with the buttons on his vest, then his undershirt.
You’ll help him get undressed and guide him to the bed, laying him down. You’ll gently remove his makeup, rubbing his chest to relax him as you do so, and he’s passed out in seconds.
You crawl into bed and join him. There’s no lovemaking on those nights. But that’s okay. You’ll make it up to each other when Dice isn’t as exhausted.
The problem is, it’s starting to be every day that Dice comes home way later than normal. It’s like he’s a robot. He gets up, works, comes back, and passes out in bed. Repeat. Every day. For the past week.
You’re more worried for him than anything. Is he eating well? Is he getting enough sleep at night? Surely not, if he’s only asleep from 12-6. But he can’t easily say no to his boss.
You wish you could help him, but he always assured you that you do enough. In fact, he feels bad that he can’t give back to you when you do so much for him.
He’s so assuring and kind to you, it’s very ironic when he’s a sly, deceitful manipulator to others for a living.
In the end, you both are just happy to sleep in each other’s presence at night when the days are too long to do anything fun. Just being with each other is enough, and you sleep peacefully knowing that Dice is getting rest right beside you.
Until you don’t.
Sometimes, you wake up in the middle of the night for no apparent reason, which is already annoying enough. What’s even worse is when you can’t fall back asleep. It drives you nuts.
A glass of water. Repositioning. Counting sheep. Repositioning again. Nothing works. You’re restless. You’re tired. It’s 2 am. Why does life hate you so much?
You sigh to yourself in irritation and lay on your back, looking over at your husband to check on him. The sight makes you smile softly, taking away a bit of the irritation you feel.
Dice is sound asleep, gentle snores emanating from his open mouth. He’s drooling a little onto his pillow, his hand holding onto the silky sheets. His eyes carry slightly dark rings underneath.
You turn onto your side, watching your husband fondly. You remember a conversation you had with him years ago, about his sleeping habits. He had laughed sheepishly, stating he wasn’t the prettiest sleeper in the world, and it was okay to kick him if needed.
You disagreed with him completely.
“I sleep like a slob. I wouldn’t know if I’m keeping you up unless you woke me, darlin’. You won’t upset me if you do, I promise. It’s no big deal.”
“I would never wake you, honey. I actually find it cute!” You laughed, kissing his cheek. “Honestly, seeing you getting some real sleep and not just resting your eyes makes me happy. It’s worth it.”
He just looks so content, so peaceful. So calm. So beautiful. You don’t mind the noise, or the way he’ll sometimes cling onto you. You don’t mind the days you wake up and realize he stole the blankets... Okay, maybe you mind that part a little bit. But still.
For him to trust you so much that he can sleep deeply next to you… that’s all you care about.
He trusts you enough to be vulnerable around you. And to you? That’s the most precious thing he could ever give you. His trust. You will never take advantage of that.
You scoot closer to him, gently wriggling under his arm and nuzzling against him. You rest your head on his chest, taking comfort in hearing his heartbeat. Feeling his gentle vibrations every time he breathes in.
Shutting your eyes, you try to fall asleep again, desperate for just a few more hours. Of course, life still hates you, so you don’t get very far. You start to change cuddling positions, wrapping a leg over Dice’s side. Clinging onto him like a koala.
With no luck, you sigh softly in frustration and gently bonk your head on his chest repeatedly. Dice doesn’t wake up. You’re a little surprised, but then again, he’s sleeping off a 16 hour shift. He’s got to be dead tired.
But that’s a little bit of the problem, in your opinion. He’s tired. You’re not. Well, not anymore. You’re bored. And you’re starting to get needy.
You hate to wake him when he desperately needs to sleep, but you’re a bit desperate too. You both haven’t had sex in days, and you’re getting pent up. It’s not his fault at all, and you understand completely. You just…
You just need a little pick-me-up, that’s all. One quick round. Half an hour tops. Surely he’d understand, right? You’d do the same for him if he woke you up in the middle of the night to have some fun.
Your hand travels up and down his side, making its way over his chest. You gently scratch back and forth, hoping to rouse him. Dice sighs softly in content and hugs you closer, but he doesn’t wake up. Dammit.
“Dice?” you ask quietly, reaching around and rubbing his back. Nothing. You tap your fingers along his shoulder blades to try and rouse him. He’s fast asleep.
You think for a moment before smiling and gently slapping his cheek a couple times, slightly shaking him. “King Diceee…”
Finally, a response. Your husband groans sleepily and yawns, rubbing his eyes. He doesn’t open them. He’s barely conscious, but he’s there.
“Mmm… hm…?”
“I’m sorry to wake you, but I can’t sleep, baby. Could we perhaps have a little fun?~” You coo lovingly and rub his chest, hoping to egg him on and wake him up a little more.
Unfortunately for you, Dice just lets out another yawn and pulls you closer, shaking his head.
“Mmm… ‘m sorry sweets, but I can barely stay awake right now… I’m way too tired…” he speaks in slurred fragments, slowly falling more asleep with each word he mumbles.
“Awww, but—”
A soft snore is your reply. Dammit. Damn his busy schedule for making him so hard to wake up.
But you’re not giving up yet. You need him now. And you’re determined to make him need you back, even if it’s early in the morning.
You gently shake him again, stirring him once more. You smile sheepishly as he groans and opens his eyes to slits this time, staring you down.
“Dollface, please, I’m exhausted…” he murmurs tiredly, cupping your face.
You lean into his touch, kissing his palm and gazing up at him.
“Could I at least have some kisses and snuggles then? I promise I’ll let you sleep afterwards.”
Dice smiles sleepily at you and wraps his arm back around you, resting his head on top of yours. “Well, how could I say no to that kind of offer?”
You grin happily, elated that he agreed to at least touch you and kiss you for a little while. He leans down and presses a sleepy kiss to your lips, his hands snaking over your back as you hug yourself closer to him.
Your lips smile against his, and your hands lovingly trace the edges of his head. Your fingers gently rub over his pips, causing him to shudder and moan softly into your mouth.
An idea strikes your mind. You smirk eagerly as you wrap both of your legs around him, hugging him now with all four of your limbs. You adjust yourself so your crotch is touching his, and you slowly grind against him. Your lips never leave his.
Your hands slide behind him, rubbing down his back. They find his ass, and you teasingly grab it through the fabric of his boxers.
You need to take advantage of the fact that he’s awake. You need to get him in the mood. Quickly, before he falls asleep again.
Life decides to treat you kindly this time around, as you earn another sleepy groan from your husband. As he hugs you tighter, you feel his growing erection against your crotch. Yes. Yes.
You whine into his mouth to try and persuade him more, reaching down with your hand and pulling at his boxers. You slip it inside, massaging his dick and grinning triumphantly at Dice’s hungry growl in response.
He pulls away from your mouth and grips your chin with his hand, forcing your face upwards so he can get a better look at you. You search his eyes for any anger or malice, but to your pleasant surprise you find none.
You only see lust.
“You naughty little pip… you’re doing this on purpose, aren’t you?” Dice smirks down at you, his eyes flickering bright green. “Alright baby, your pleas have been heard… I’ll show you a good time~”
He’s going to satisfy you. After waiting for days, he’s finally going to give you what you’ve been craving.
You’re so excited. He asks you to turn over so he’s spooning you, and you immediately do what he says. You feel his hand make its way over your side and up your front, traveling up your chest and lovingly rubbing the area.
You hear the sound of his hand pulling his boxers down, and not long later, you feel him slip your bottoms and underwear down to your knees. He’s being so considerate that he leaves your pajamas on for you.
Or maybe he’s just too tired. Either way, you find it sweet.
You feel a little bad that you woke him up twice just so he’d make love to you, especially on a night when he seems extra tired from work. But you also feel a completely new level of adoration for him.
It was something he promised a long time ago, but you never really took seriously until now. He truly doesn’t care what time of day it is. If you need something, anything, he’ll provide for you. No matter what it is. No matter how he feels.
You love him. So much. And he loves you.
You know what else you love? That sweet, deep, rough voice of his as he murmurs in your ear:
“So sorry to keep you waiting, toots. I do hope I can make up for lost time~”
And with that, his hardness is slipping inside of your ass, coaxing a loud moan from the back of your throat. He is so. Damn. Full. He feels great. And that feeling is multiplied by ten once he starts moving.
His thrusts are slow and sensual. By god, it feels so nice. Tonight, he’s making love to you. Taking his sweet time with you.
Dice is being so careful not to hurt you. His hands travel over your front, resting on your stomach. You whine softly in pleasure as he gives it gentle massages with every push.
You reach back with your hand, feeling around for Dice’s head. When you find it, you trace your fingers along the edges, moaning soft “thank yous” and “I love yous” as he continues.
This is your husband when he’s on the brink of slumber. And he’s taking such good care of you. God, you’re so lucky. He’s so sweet to you. You thank the lucky stars that you’re the only one who sees him like this. So kind. So caring. So vulnerable.
You cherish moments like these. You cherish him. You’re so happy that he’s yours, and that you can spend the rest of your days with him. Having more moments like these. More nights where you both make love under the sheets at 2:30 am.
Dice rubs your tummy again as he thrusts into you, smiling lovingly and moaning sweet nothings to you.
“Doll, you’re so perfect, you know that? God, I don’t even care that you woke me up. You can wake me up any time if it means I get to feel like this… I love you so much~”
He slightly increases his pace and power, but not by much. He still wants to take his time, to keep things nice and slow. You don’t mind at all. In fact, you enjoy it. Dice makes you feel so loved.
You move your hands down your torso and rest them over his, rubbing your thumb over his wedding ring as he keeps thrusting.
A smile forms back on your face as you think about how well off you are. Your husband is wonderful, and he’s all yours.
“Ohhh, my King, you feel perfect… I needed this. Thank you so much… I love you, I love you… please don’t stop, I beg you~”
Dice listens, the sweetness of your voice as you cry out for him only pushing him further. He leans down, gently nipping at your shoulder. He’s getting close. You can feel it.
He moans into your shoulder, biting down a bit harder. His arms keep you steady as he pushed into you, chasing after his release.
You groan loudly, tiling your head back so his head rests against your own.
“Ohhh, King! King, I’m gonna cum-!”
“I am too, darlin’! It’s alright! Cum for me!”
You whine loudly as you finally hit your release, the ecstatic feeling you’ve missed for so long returning as your juices spill, leaking down your legs.
Dice moans loudly in pleasure as he reaches his own climax, shooting his seed inside of your ass, filling you completely. Fuck, there’s a lot, and it feels incredible. You’re so glad you convinced him to do this with you.
You pant heavily, holding each other for support as you ride out your high together. He’s glistening, beads of sweat running down the side of his head. But he’s smiling at you. Grinning at you. God, he loves you so much. You’re everything to him.
Just as he is with you. You beam back at him and gently turn around, resting your hands at his sides as he pulls his boxers back up.
He chuckles smoothly and pulls your pajama bottoms up before pulling you close to him, kissing and nibbling at your neck.
You tilt your head back for him and laugh softly, your eyes slipping shut. You love him. And you’re so happy to have him.
“Thank you, King… that’s all I really needed.” You whisper, rubbing Dice’s back, smiling softly as his love biting slows down.
“You’re all I need. I’m so thankful for you. I promise, I’ll make this up to you when you aren’t working so late.”
The King hums quietly back in response, hugging you against him as he kisses your neck a couple more times. He yawns tiredly, leaning his head on your shoulder and smiling sleepily.
“Anything for you, pumpkin. I don’t care what time it is. I love you.”
You kiss his forehead as his dark, sleepy eyes slip shut, your fingers gently drumming on his back as you murmur sweetly:
“I love you too, baby. So much.”
Dice is asleep before you even finish your sentence. And finally, you start to doze off as well.
By 3:00 am, you’re both dozing peacefully, cuddling in each other’s arms and thankful that life was kind enough to lead you to each other.
Sometimes, life can bring the biggest of blessings.
King Dice x Reader “Sleepy Sex” Headcanons (SHOW)
King Dice’s show only lasts a couple hours tops every time it pops up on the radio, but there’s hours of other work and prep that the audience just doesn’t see.
There’s makeup. Voice warmups. Rehearsals. Recording tests. Suit fittings. Press conferences. Interviews. Meetings with his boss. The list could go on.
You’re at the theater to see all his hard work come together in a beautiful performance, and then you go home with him. But Dice?
Dice is there. All. Day. Long.
He wakes up bright and early, making sure to give you a gentle kiss on your forehead whether you’re asleep or not. He gets up, washes up, gets dressed, and of course, he writes you a note.
He invites you to his show formally, even though you both are married, and you know all the staff on a first name basis. It’s just one of those simple and cute things he does for you to show you his love when he can’t be there all the time.
You never really noticed just how late you two would get home on a normal day, but you actually arrive by 10 at the earliest. And that’s not including any after-show events.
No parties, no press conferences, no autographing sessions, nothing. 10:00 pm was the earliest you both would get home.
You wake up at around 8 am to get ready for your own job every morning. Whenever you do, Dice isn’t even home. He’s already left for work. But you know that Dice takes a freakishly long time to get ready in the morning.
…Just how early does he wake up every morning?
You had asked him before. He blushed, shook his head, and told you not to worry about it, giving you that charming smile that makes you swoon like all the others.
“Don’t you fret about all that, babydoll! It’s nothing to worry about. I’m fine, I assure you. Besides, if I ever need a break during the day, I can get one.”
But if you’re being honest, you are worried about him. He can’t get much sleep with these kinds of work hours. And truth be told, he wasn’t.
Recently, there have been many nights where you both ride home in the limo, and instead of playing around with you, Dice is sound asleep on your shoulder. Not that you mind at all, you’re happy to be his makeshift pillow until you can get him into bed.
Those nights, you help him out of the car, and guide him to your suite. The poor man is barely conscious, and leaning heavily on you for support.
Once you finally get him to your bedroom, you sit him on the bed, helping him take off his suit and waistcoat. He’s barely awake as you slip some comfortable silky pajamas over him.
You gently nudge him so he lays down, before heading off to the bathroom to grab makeup wipes. When you come back, he’s already passed out. You fondly wipe away his makeup for him, before changing and climbing into bed yourself.
In the end, it’s so nice to just relax and fall asleep next to your husband. Sometimes, that’s all you really need.
Other times, your body has different ideas. Annoying ones.
You groan softly as your eyes flutter open, the darkness of night greeting you. The only light that flooded in the room was from the full moon outside, peeking in through the large bedroom windows.
You roll over and shut your eyes again, trying to get back to sleep. The new position doesn’t help. You pull the blankets over your head. Nothing. God, this is frustrating.
Defeated, you lift your head from the covers and sigh. Guess you won’t be getting sleep any time soon. But now, you’re in a predicament.
It’s 2 am. You have hours of time on your hands. There’s nothing to do, because it’s dark outside, and you don’t want to turn the lights on and risk waking your exhausted husband.
Wait… your husband.
Your head turns slightly to look at him, and your heart fills with adoration at the sight.
He’s sound asleep, snoring quietly and laying on his stomach. Your lips form a gentle smile as you watch the steady rise and fall of his chest, admiring him. The way his face is snuggled against his pillow. The slight mumbles he makes every once in a while.
Dice is adorable when he sleeps. You’ve never seen the man so… so calm. So relaxed. It makes you wish he had more time to himself. You want to see him like this more often.
Maybe there’s one blessing that comes with waking up in the middle of the night for no damn reason.
You turn on your side to face him, grinning as you rest your hand over his. He senses your touch and reflexively shifts closer to you, yawning and wrapping an arm over you to pull you closer.
His head leans against your shoulder as he settles, sighing softly. You kiss the top of his head, smiling fondly.
Dice is clingy in his sleep. It’s something cute that he doesn’t even know he does. Your little secret.
You rarely talk about Dice’s sleeping habits to spare his ego, but you think the little vulnerable moments he has are adorable.
Whenever Dice is taking a nap or you wake up in the middle of the night, you get to watch over him. You enjoy the way he’ll sometimes search for you, immediately shifting towards you when he finds you in the bed.
You love the way he wants to be near you. When he cuddles you, you love the vibrations in his chest when he snores softly. You love the gentle mumbles he offers every once in a while. You love the way he smiles when you rub his back, or kiss his cheek.
You love him. God, you love him. You’re extremely happy to be the only one he’ll sleep next to. The only one he’ll allow himself to be vulnerable around. You’re the only one he will truly be himself around.
It seems trivial to him. Like it’s not a big deal. He doesn’t understand why you are so in awe over the fact that he trusts you.
“You’re my spouse, darling. My true love. Of course I’d be myself around you, it’s what you deserve. I’m not gonna let you be married to something fake. I trust you.”
That’s the key for you. Trust. He trusts you not to judge when his professional face comes off. He trusts you enough to joke around. To goof off with you. To make love to you. To sleep next to you.
Trust. That’s probably the greatest gift he could ever give you.
You smile and pull the blankets up slightly, covering yourself and your husband. Sighing softly, you close your eyes, wondering if you’ll be able to sleep now that he’s close to you.
…10 minutes pass. You’re still wide awake. Dammit.
You’re getting irritated now, but you’re also feeling something else. That feeling grows as you rub your hand over Dice’s side, trying to get even closer to him.
Ah, that’s it. You’re needy.
You need him to satisfy you. To touch you. To make love to you.
Right now.
You feel a bit bad for wanting to wake him when he’s tired, but you just can’t get that feeling to settle. He’s the only one who can help you right now. Surely he wouldn’t mind if you woke him up for this purpose, right?
Your hand travels to his back, rubbing between his shoulder blades. Your other hand makes its way to his chest, drumming your fingers against his skin. You call out to him softly, not wanting to startle the man.
“King…” you murmur quietly. You wait a moment. Nothing.
You nuzzle closer to him, clinging to him. Your hands rub over his biceps, trying to coax him awake. No luck.
Dammit, he sleeps like a rock.
You huff slightly and tightly wrap your arms and legs around him, clutching onto him. You need him awake and inside of you before you lose your mind.
Dice finally groans sleepily when you shake him slightly and call out to him again, a little louder this time.
“King Diceee?”
Your head snaps towards him. His head is lifted slightly off the pillow in alertness, but his eyes are closed. You finally notice the slight rings underneath, and you feel a bit bad again.
Too late now, he’s awake. This is your chance. You need to act fast.
“Dice, I need you.”
“Mm..? Wha’s the matter?” He mumbles sleepily, his words slurring slightly.
“I know this isn’t the ideal time..” you start, realizing that it is quite literally 2:30 in the morning. “But I’m needy, and the feeling won’t go away. Could we have a quick round? Right now?”
“Mmmm….” Dice moans tiredly, shaking his head as it rests back on his pillow. “Sweetness, I’m exhausted…” he yawns. “I… I don’t think I can even stay awake for much…”
You notice him trail off as he starts to fall back asleep again. Shit.
But you’re not gonna give up. You won’t be able to sleep otherwise, and you really don’t feel like dealing with sleep deprivation at work. You need to be satisfied.
You need to keep your husband awake. You need to convince him to help you out.
When you shake him again, Dice groans sleepily and rubs his eyes. You look up at him as he finally blinks his eyes open (barely), and glowers down at you.
“Doll, please… I need to get up in a couple hours.”
“I know, and I’m sorry for waking you…” you start, rubbing his back. Maybe you should take things a little slower.
“Could we at least cuddle closer for a little while? Maybe kiss a few times?” You coo, giving him the puppy dog eyes. Not that you’d need them. He loves to fondle you no matter how tired he is.
Dice’s frown fades away as he chuckles tiredly, embracing you and pulling you into his chest. You immediately squeeze closer to him, looking up as he kisses the top of your head.
“Now that is something I can manage, baby. You know I’ll never say no to holding you.”
You smile at his words, leaning up and pressing your lips onto his. He deepens the kiss, cupping your face and moaning softly into your mouth.
Okay, now he’s just teasing you, moaning like that. You’re going crazy. You lean deeper into him, your hands hungrily clutching his back.
Dice’s arms pull you until you’re squished right against him, draping his leg over you. He’s so warm. So comfortable.
You need to turn him on. You let out a pleasured whine, holding onto him and bucking your hips against his crotch.
Your hands snake down to his groin, and you start massaging the bulge growing beneath the fabric of his boxers and pajama bottoms.
Dice yelps in surprise and instinctively pulls you tighter, nipping at your neck. You purposely moan loudly, pulling the clothing down and pumping his length.
Your husband growls slightly, pulling away and forcing you to look him in the eye as you fuck him with your hand.
“Look at you, trying to get a rise out of me… and it’s working… you must really need it bad, huh sugar?”
You nod eagerly and lean towards him, wanting to kiss him again. You need him terribly.
Lucky for you, now he needs you just as much. Your attempts to turn him on were more than successful.
“You’re in luck tonight, baby. I’ll give you what you want, if you promise to behave~” Dice is smirking down at you, lust and hunger in his eyes as he crashes his lips onto yours.
You shudder excitedly, grinding your clothed crotch against his dick. Your husband is certainly awake now as he runs his hand down your side, tugging your pajama bottoms and underwear down.
He smiles into the kiss as he positions himself right over your hole, breaking his lips from yours to admire your sweaty, panting face as you whimper for him to make love to you.
“Please, King… please, I need you inside me… I’ll be good and behave, I promise~”
“What an adorable little thing you are… alright doll, I’ll satisfy you~”
You shriek in delight as he slowly slips inside you, moaning loudly and digging your nails into his shoulders. Fuck, he’s driving you nuts. That rough, sleepy voice of his. The way his cock fits you perfectly. His hands running over your sides, securing you in his hold.
Holy shit, you were horny.
And now, your husband is being so gracious and helping you out. Even when he’s tired, and needs to sleep. He’s doing this for you. He wouldn’t even consider doing this for anyone else. They’d be lucky if they didn’t leave with a black eye from daring to wake him up.
But you’re different from anyone else. You are his spouse. His partner in crime. The love of his life. And he would do anything to make you happy, no matter the cost. No matter how big or small the deed. He’s yours.
He begins to thrust into you, and boy do you sing for him. You are a symphony of moans and whines as he pushes in and out of you, finally relieving you of your sexual needs.
He’s taking such good care of you. He isn’t rough with you, he isn’t trying to pound into you to chase his own release. He’s taking it nice and slow. Just how you want him to this time.
He’s tired, you’re tired, and you both just need some soft lovemaking to help you sleep the rest of the night.
Dice knows that. And he delivers.
With every thrust, your husband nibbles at your neck and collarbone, mumbling sweet praises to you as he works.
“You’re being so good, babydoll. I don’t even care that you woke me up anymore… fuck, you fit around me like a damn glove. I love you so much, honey~”
God, that VOICE. It’s deep and thick from sleep, laced with lust and confidence. You probably would have found a way to get off just by him talking to you.
You whine loudly in pleasure and throw your head back, clutching onto him as you grit your teeth. Each push he makes drives you closer and closer to insanity. He’s so good at this, you’ll never get over it.
His lips trail upwards from your neck, finding yours and connecting. He lovingly wrestles his tongue with yours, quickly claiming dominance and earning another pleasured cry from your throat.
The little noises you make drive him mad, unbeknownst to you. He loves the way you feel on his cock. The way you moan into his mouth, encouraging him to continue. He loves to satisfy you. To see you come undone in his arms, just from a few pushes.
You’re adorable. You’re incredible. He wouldn’t trade you for the world. He loves you.
Your voice interrupts his thoughts.
“K-King! Oh, KING! I’m close, baby! Please! I’m gonna cum-!”
Dice smiles lovingly, continuing to make out with you and thrusting slightly harder into you to help you reach your climax. Getting close himself, he groans into your mouth:
“It’s okay, sweetheart. I’m getting close too. You don’t have to ask for permission. Cum. Cum for me. And please, be vocal while you do it~”
You follow his request to a T. Once you hit your climax, you screech into his mouth, your fluids exploding from your genitals and dripping over his length. Your pajamas along with his are definitely gonna be hit with your fluids, but you both are too tired and too turned on to give a fuck.
Once you start your orgasm, Dice is not far behind at all. He bites your lip and growls loudly as he shoots his spent into you, stuffing you so much your stomach actually expands a little to make room.
God, he was full. And his seed inside you gives you a comfortable warmth that you wouldn’t be able to get with just cuddles and blankets. It feels surreal. Incredible.
You both smile at each other, breathing heavily. He makes no move to pull out of you. You make no move to get off of him. You’re so warm. So comfortable. So sleepy… you don’t want to change your position.
The only thing Dice does is hug you closer, pulling the blankets up more so your shoulders are covered. He finishes with a gentle kiss on your cheek and a yawn, his eyes slipping shut as he mumbles drowsily:
“I love you so much, sweetheart… I hope this was enough to help you sleep tonight.”
You smile through half lidded eyes as you watch your husband doze off, gently stroking the side of his head with your thumb.
You’ll be able to thank him properly when you both are more awake. But for now, both he and you are content with just holding each other. You enjoy the feeling of his cock still inside of you, keeping both him and you warm. You enjoy the security of his hold.
The sensations combined with your exhaustion are enough to help you start drifting off, but before you sleep, you murmur one last thought:
“I love you too, baby. Thank you for helping me. I promise I’ll make it up to you another night.”
And if there’s one thing for sure, it’s that you always keep your promises.
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Who Let Us Have A Group Chat?
Pairings: None
Word Count: 1,208 Words
Summary: Moon creates the unholy abomination of a family group chat.
Warnings: Panic Disorder (mentioned only), Sick Character, Fever Delirium, Vomit (mentioned), Death (mentioned only), let me know if I should add anything else.
Chapter 1: Moon, What Have You Done?
12:45am Moon has created a chat Moon has added 6 people to the chat Moon has renamed the chat Who Took My Hat?
Eclipse: It was Blood Moon.
Lunar: Why is he here?
Moon: Because I want my hat back and he’s a likely candidate.
Kill Code: Why am I awoken at midnight?
Moon: Hat.
Sun: He said it was Blood Moon
Harvest Moon: Not it. Other one.
Moon: Blood Moon, give me back my hat!
Eclipse: Bee please just give it back.
Lunar: How dare you give him that nickname!? Bees are wonderful! Keep their name out of your mouth!
Eclipse: …
Eclipse: Alright, I’m not wanted.
Eclipse has left Who Took My Hat? Moon has added Eclipse to Who Took My Hat?
Moon: Where are they, rust bucket?
Eclipse has left Who Took My Hat? Moon has added Eclipse to Who Took My Hat?
Moon: Tell me dammit!
Eclipse has left Who Took My Hat? Moon has added Eclipse to Who Took My Hat?
Eclipse: He's in the bunker, obviously. I hear him cackling from the other room. How else would I know he has it? Just come get your hat!
Blood Moon: You saw no such thing, you little rat!
Harvest Moon: We both saw it, Bloody.
Blood Moon: Betrayers!
Eclipse has left Who Took My Hat? Moon has added Eclipse to Who Took My Hat?
Moon: You stay put.
Eclipse: You’re taking from time I have to work, let me leave.
Moon: No.
Eclipse: I’m muting this.
Moon: Fine.
Kill Code: I'm going back to sleep.
Lunar: You better. Out!
Kill Code: Jesus.
Lunar: You've never known Jesus a day in your life, shut up.
Moon: You're just brutal tonight, huh?
Lunar: Like your bottled panic disorder.
Moon: cryingcatthumbsup.jpg
Sun: Please calm down, Lunar
Lunar: Take care of yourself, Sun.
Sun: I feel attacked
Lunar: Good.
Sun: ow
Harvest Moon: moon'sferal.vid
[video transcription]
Moon: Where's my hat!?
Eclipse: Please don't yell, I have a migraine.
Moon: Blood Moon!
Harvest Moon: Over here.
Eclipse: Please just be quiet, I feel like hell.
[Moon jumps on Blood Moon and wrestles his hat away from Blood Moon and laughs in victory while Eclipse groans in the background in pain]
[transcription end]
Lunar: Good, kick him. Maybe it'll help your chronic panic attacks.
Moon: You are just feral tonight, Lunar, chill.
Lunar: There is no chill. Only feral. You woke me up, not you get to deal with the consequences.
Blood Moon: Please don't kick me.
Moon: We're literally still in the same room. You could've just said that.
Lunar: He doesn't have the braincells to figure that out.
Blood Moon: That hurt, baby brother.
Lunar: Good. Hurt.
Kill Code: Now that all three of my kids are crying for one reason or another, now would be a very good time to go to sleep.
Kill Code is now offline
Sun: I think we should all take that as a que to sleep.
Lunar: Like you're even going to make it to bed. You're still cleaning barrels.
Sun: Let me imagine okay??
Lunar: Mmm, not even good grammar. I have better grammar and I never even went to school.
Sun: None of us went to school, Lunar and I'm tired
Moon: It's embedded in our heads, Lunar. We only recommended school for you because you don't talk to many other people.
Lunar: Who else do I need to harass with my existence?
Moon: Nevermind about school.
Lunar is offline
Moon: And he's asleep. That means everyone goes to sleep so we don't wake him up again.
12:45pm Who Took My Hat?
Kill Code: Does anyone know how to fix the flu in a robot?
Lunar: Depends which child you're asking for.
Sun: Agreed.
Kill Code: Eclipse. Turns out his migraine was the start of the flu. I don't even know how he got it, he never leaves his lab.
Lunar: I don't have any advice.
Harvest Moon: Please, none of us know what to do.
Blood Moon: He's literally not breathing right!
Sun: Alright, proof and I'll help.
Kill Code: proof.vid
[video transcription]
Kill Code: Hey, don't go back to sleep yet. Eclipse, come on. Wake up, son, don't you dare go to sleep on me right now.
[Eclipse groans and looks blearily at KC, eyes glazed and heaving air, whimpering and beginning to steam from overheating]
Kill Code: I know, I'm keeping you awake, just breathe. I'm right here, son. It's okay.
Eclipse: Daddy, I'm cold.
Kill Code: You're burning up, you can't be cold. Why is he cold? Eclipse, stay awake. I'm trying to get help.
Eclipse: I'm tired.
Kill Code: I know, I'm sorry, but you can't sleep right now.
Eclipse: I'm gonna throw up.
Kill Code: Over the bucket!
[the camera rattles as KC and the twins help Eclipse lean over the side of the bed to throw up into a bucket next to his bed]
Blood Moon: He's dying!
Harvest Moon: He's sick, not dying, right!? Dad, he can't be dying!
Kill Code: He's not dying. Eclipse, do not go to sleep.
[Eclipse whines and curls up to Blood Moon's side and shivers]
[end transcription]
Sun: Okay, ice packs on his joints and head. Something's wrong with his artificial lungs and he can't breathe all the way. You need to manually break the fever or he'll burn through his circuit boards.
Sun: As for the vomiting, you can't really stop it, just make him eat something light and keep him awake until the fever breaks. He's cold because of the fever being so high.
Kill Code: Thank you. I'll repay you. Anything. Just name a price, any price.
Sun: Stop tormenting my side of the family.
Kill Code: Of course. Anything.
Lunar: Wow, it was really that easy. Mortal threats to his 'kids' really make him agree to never bother us again.
Sun: 'Torment' not 'bother'. More like don't harass us than don't bother us since his existence bothers us.
Lunar: You're correct and I hate it.
1:27pm Who Took My Hat?
Sun: Is he doing any better @Kill Code
Kill Code: The fever just broke, Harvest Moon is out retrieving food for him and we've kept him responding thus far. My eldest is still quite out of it.
Sun: As expected. The robot flu hits solar models harder. Be happy you're a lunar model.
Lunar: Don't remind me that me and him are technically related.
Sun: Still brutal, I see.
Lunar: I exist brutal as a defense mechanism. The other option is playing all cute and sweet and looking adorable and you can blame our brother for waking me up for this brutality. Plus I hate him.
Sun: Yeah, okay.
Kill Code: Thank you again.
Sun: As long as you aren't pulling shit, then we'll help you. We're still family technically. Family helps each other out.
4:12pm Who Took My Hat?
Moon: Well, I slept through all the drama.
Kill Code: Yes, I know. I had to ask for help from your brothers for a reason.
Moon: Cry about it. I was tired.
Kill Code: You missed the opportunity to see my son you hate so much crying.
Kill Code: You suck.
Moon: So do you.
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hauntedadagium · 11 months
An Arrangement (Part 6)
Ardyn x Reader (Read Pt1 | Pt2 | Pt3 | Pt4 | Pt5)
Read End Notes on my ao3 for backstory clarification (linked in my bio—spoilers if you're bothered). No CWs. Word count: 2.4k
When you woke that morning, Ardyn was gone. It was strange to feel the sheets beneath you; a different softness, a different sort of empty.
Knowing your brother and friends were such a distance away left you feeling a new kind of loneliness. The boys were ingrained into your daily life in Insomnia— you spent all your time with them, ate meals with them, explored with them, even trained with them…when Ignis allowed it. Although the arrangement had been a long time coming, there was so little you could learn about your new life before you came to experience it. The powers that be in Niflheim simply boasted that things here would be more than comfortable when it finally came to pass.
You weren't certain of the protocols. Should you dress yourself and take up venture in your new home without Ardyn, or wait for permission upon his return?
He hadn't abdicated his position as Chancellor of the Imperial army upon being wed, so you assumed he would be immediately called back to work.
Instead of lingering between the sheets, you rose, exploring the room properly for the first time. 
It was decorated beautifully, Gralean architecture carved across the coved ceilings and beneath the tall windows. Everything was pristine; from the fresh pressed sheets to the plush, soft cushioned chaise. 
Your belongings were stuffed into several suitcases beside the door and you thought to unpack them, hanging the garments neatly inside an empty wardrobe and utilising the draws for your personal items. At least that made the place feel a little more like home.
Your wedding dress still hung above the door to the bathroom, a beautiful thing finished with lace and sequins that glittered when the lights hit them just right.
So much had happened in the last 24 hours. Still, the thought that circled in your mind was just how forward Ardyn had been, and your multiple rejections of his advances. Clearly he found you desirable, and you thought much the same, but you were afraid. Afraid this gentle facade was simply something to placate your submission. Afraid to be intimate with someone doubtlessly experienced. Afraid that after the fact, he may tire of you and your new life would become a misery.
The Imperial Chancellor was a formidable—albeit former—warmonger; how was it that he treated you so differently to all others? Why were you exempt from his infamous attitude?
The thought not only gave you pause, but a considerable headache. Headed to the bathroom, you familiarised yourself with the place, taking a hot shower. You let the remnants of dried petals and confetti wash from your hair, letting the warm water weave its way down your body. Breathing deeply, you cleared your head of worry, bathing yourself adequately before stepping out and into a towel. 
Catching your reflection in the mirror, you studied yourself. Tired didn’t quite cover it. You looked forlorn, uncomfortable; it showed clearly on your face despite your attempts to conceal it.
Instead of dwelling on your mediocre appearance, you dried your hair and dressed yourself, all the while waiting for the bedroom door to be opened and Ardyn return.
It must have been an hour before you decided you grew tired of the bedroom's interior, as plush as it was, and took yourself into the vast hallway beyond.
“Ma’am.” A guard with most of his face covered greeted you opposite your bedroom door.
“Oh,” you said, slightly startled. Swallowing, your hand rested on the door handle. “I was thinking of taking a walk.”
The man noticeably paused before he spoke. “Chancellor Izunia should return shortly to accompany you around the grounds.”
You stiffened. “Am I not permitted to wander myself?”
“I’m under orders to keep an eye on you.” The man was armed, you could see, but he stood rooted to the spot.
Strange. Why would Ardyn need eyes on you at all times? This was your home, now, after all.
“So I’m to wait here for how long, exactly?” You removed your hand from the door and folded your arms. 
Another pause. “The Chancellor is a busy man, Ma’am.” 
You huffed. Niflheim had promised you a normal life here. You wouldn’t let them confine you indoors, let alone to a single room.
“Then I suppose you’ll have to follow me.” Lifting a hand in gesture down the hallway, you stepped away. The man followed quietly, his footsteps close behind. It was clear he had no intention of laying a hand on you, but he couldn’t, or wouldn’t dare, disobey.  So instead, as stated, his eyes never left you as you wandered the Palace.
You walked slowly past miles of corridors and staircases, some up and some down, some left and some right; a place of labyrinthian proportions. Figuring you could use some fresh air, you veered left to take a staircase downward.
“Mrs Izunia.” The guard’s voice called from behind.
It was foreign to hear someone call you that.
“You’re not permitted in the Keep.”
You halted and turned to face the man. “The Keep?”
“Zegnautus Keep.” He stopped. “Only authorised personnel are permitted to enter.”
Your curiosity took hold. “An underground bunker?”
He shook his head, taking steps toward a long window to the outside, looking over Gralea. Pointing, you joined his gaze, observing a huge, floating structure docked above the city. 
“Woah,” you whispered, narrowing your eyes. The steps must lead to a tunnel where the elevator can be accessed up into the Keep. 
“A training facility.” The guard said, looking out of the window. 
It was too vague. The place was huge. Why not train soldiers on the ground?
“Is that where he is now?” You looked at him. “Ardyn, I mean.”
The guard simply turned to you and nodded. “The Chancellor spends a lot of time with High Commander Ravus at the Keep, as is their duty.”
“I hope Ravus will allow me to visit Tenebrae with him one day.” You sighed, turning to walk in the opposite direction.
As you did, you heard voices emerging from the staircase.
“There appears to be something stirring in the city.” Catching the tail-end of Ardyn’s conversation with Ravus, you saw them both dressed in their usual attire.
It was a warm day for Ardyn to be wearing so many layers. You thought he could have at least gone without his coat, but admittedly, it complimented him well.
“Yes,” Ravus replied, his eyes locking with yours. “My Lady.” He bowed his head politely, then nodded to Ardyn, who stepped forward.
“Taking a look around?” He smiled warmly, his stern demeanour fading entirely. 
“I—I’m sorry,” you clasped your hands together and swayed bashfully. “When I woke you were gone, and I—”
Ardyn shook his head. “It’s quite alright.” Lifting his hand in a gesture to shoo away the guard, the man complied immediately, taking up his post outside your bedroom door once again.
He approached you slowly, reaching down a hand for yours. “Shall we take a walk?” Lifting your hand gently, he placed a chaste kiss upon your knuckles.
It was frustrating how easily he could ignite your heart, stomach trapped in a shower of butterflies. 
“I think you’ll be better company than our friend,” you let out a breathy laugh, gesturing after the guard.
Ardyn chuckled, lowering your hand and letting go. “Come.”
As you walked, he asked you about yourself. What it was like living in Insomnia, having the Prince as a brother, being overlooked as the least important royal in the family. Although he seemed interested, you couldn’t help but feel he was simply asking out of obligation, rather than curiosity. Even such simple things like your favourite season or how you liked to spend your evenings seemed so trivial in the grand scheme of things. And it was true.
The wedding had been an exhausting whirlwind. You were both bound by duty, not by choice, but he seemed so unfazed by it all. He’d fulfilled his place as your husband without argument, despite your hesitancy. 
As you both exited the building into the gardens, you stopped.
“Ardyn,” you shifted uncomfortably when he turned to look at you. His golden eyes pierced right through you. 
“I’ve lived a sheltered life. I’m young. I’m… inexperienced. I haven’t seen the likes of war or real threat to those dear to me, or even myself. I know this arrangement is not what you wanted either, and I’ve no doubt I have disappointed your…expectations,” you began, holding it together, “we’re simply doing what’s expected of us. And whereas I feel you’ve eased into this comfortably, or so it seems, I… haven’t.”
You saw something in his face, a subtle twitch, the beginning of a frown as you continued.
“It’s been but a day and I feel as though I’ve been torn from everything I’ve known.” You breathed deeply. “Even myself.”
His frown deepened, but it wasn’t a look of frustration. More of concern.
“You’ve been so kind to me. So… gentle.” You shook your head from your own thoughts. “I think what I wanted to do was apologise.” You couldn’t bear to look him in the eye. “I’m sorry.”
You heard him exhale, like he’d stifled a laugh, and looked up.
He was smiling softly.
“You’ve nothing to be sorry for,” he said quietly, taking your cheek gently in his gloved palm. “I understand too well the obligation of duty. To be ordered to engage in acts and arrangements alike that you have no say in.”
The way he spoke was almost sad. You could see it in his eyes. Tired. Sorrowful. Perhaps that is how he’d eased into this so quickly; he’d been receiving orders his whole life.
“We’ve a lot to learn from each other.”
You knew only of Ardyn what those had plied your ears with. It was a thought that troubled you; he was uncharacteristically gentle with you. He was kind. Patient. Why?
Removing his hand from your cheek, he moved it to your lower back and ushered you down the steps into the gardens.
You walked side by side, passing a maze of hedges and rows upon rows of perfectly pruned flower beds and shrubs. Despite the beautiful surroundings and pleasant weather, it felt cold. Foreign. You missed home so dearly already.
“There will be times that we don’t see each other for long periods,” Ardyn started as your feet crunched along the cobbles. “Those my senior demand much of my attention.”
You swallowed, assuming that would be the case. 
“There are certain… situations arising at present that would see me gone for days, potentially.”
“Has this anything to do with your conversation with the High Commander?” You looked up at him as you walked, but he stared straight ahead.
“Yes.” He replied simply, offering no elaboration.
“Is there something… something I can help with?” You attempted, albeit poorly, to make yourself appear useful. Likely it was something military related; what assistance could you possibly offer?
“I’m afraid not.” He stopped. “It would be wise for you and I to keep a low profile in the city, for now.”
The way he spoke, like there was some kind of danger, some kind of threat. It set your nerves on edge. Could the disturbance he spoke about with Ravus be because of the marriage?
Because of you?
“However,” he moved the conversation along deliberately, “I will arrange for you to be kept busy here, for the meantime.”
You had never felt like such a burden. Shrinking into yourself, you both continued walking. In an attempt to keep your mind from wandering too far, you finally brought up a burning question.
“I feel you know everything of my past, yet I know nothing of yours.” Your eyes drifted to white flowers growing by your feet.
Ardyn noticeably stiffened.
“Oh, I— I don’t mean to pry, it’s just—”
“No no,” his jaw was wound tight. “It is only… fair, that I share myself with you, as you have done with I.”
Approaching a stone bench, he offered for you to sit.
“This place is all I’ve known for several years now.” He took a seat beside you. “In fact, it is all I’ve ever known.”
“You were born here?” You asked, only wanting to clarify his words. But again, he appeared uncomfortable, and shook his head.
“I don’t know.”
“Oh,” you said softly, averting your gaze. “Did you… grow up here?”
“Perhaps,” he said quietly, removing his hat now that you were seated in the shade. Running his fingers through his hair, you noticed how worn he looked. How could he know nothing of his past?
“In truth, I have no memory of my childhood. Nor much of my adulthood.”
You wanted to reach out and touch him, comfort him, but something felt off.
“All I understand is that when they found me, I was near death. I have Verstael to thank for saving my life.”
Verstael Besithia. You’d heard of his exploits. His obsession with daemons, his Magitek army, his debated madness. Just what happened between these two?
Something told you now was not the time to ask, but it could be related to his aversion to the sun. Even on your wedding day you’d noticed the way the podium was shaded, and when he caught you in the gardens, he’d always sheltered himself from the sunlight. 
Or was it simply one of the mad scientists experiments gone wrong?
“Well,” you changed your tune, wanting to lighten the mood, “I am glad he did.” Finding the courage to reach for him, you rested your hand atop his.
You watched as his eyebrows raised in surprise before he met your eyes. By the Six, he was beautiful. Complicated, complex, and completely alluring. 
If anything, the unusual way he treated you made you feel all the more special. He was known for his sharp wit and silver tongue, though he’d shown so little of that to you. You were something forced upon him, yes, but you were something to be treasured. Cared for.
You were his.
He may not be able to control so many aspects of his life, maybe not a single one; except for you. He had control over your relationship and how he wished it to be. Peace amongst chaos.
Something safe. Something constant.
And you were determined to make it so.
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