#and i was p much in the dark. just using my phone as a flashlight
ppulverse · 4 months
spilled coffee all over myself... it's 5am... why does god hate me...
0 notes
fhrlclln · 1 year
con la brisa | k’uk’ulkan/namor
SUMMARY -> out of your own curiosity discovering the unique entrance of the underwater cave had you finding more than you expected while vacationing. the god is intrigued to say.
k’uk’ulkan/namor x fem! reader
masterlist (to be added)
GENRE -> nsfw/smut
WARNINGS -> bpwf spoilers, meet-cute scenario, a lil slowburn, namor is a lil’ bit cold at first & smut as usual (p in v, unprotected sex, oral sex; both!receiving & fingering)
WC -> 7,876
a/n: after watching wakanda forever had me bawling like so much. and so, okay, i know this isn’t my usual writing but i fell in love with the song con la brisa and namor cuz aquapapi. and i thought i’d write a long fic just for him. lIKE THE VISUALS OF THE SCENE IN TALOKAN AND THE SONG!?!?!?!? absolutely amazing and captivating and there’s namor. 😫 but anyways… enjoy my namor smut ig. and happy holidays everyone <3
TRANSLATIONS: YUCATEC MAYA -> máak lu'um - surface dweller/land person, ki'ichpanech - pretty girl, le paalo’ - child , je’el - yes, dejaremos ti' le destino decida - we will let fate decide, in na'atik - i understand, ba'ax úuch - what happened?, jach asab u jump'éel siibal - it is more than a gift, ka ma' in k'áat ka u detenga - and i don’t want it stop, in ts'íiboltikech - i want you, ma'alob - good, ko'ox - let us go, in yakunaj - my love, jats'uts - beautiful, t'aan - speak, táan jach mojado, wáaj tuláakal ti' teen? - it is so wet, all for me? mierda - shit, perfecto - perfect, jach jats'uts yáanal tin - so beautiful under me
likes, reblogs & comments are greatly appreciated !! <3
enjoy !!
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it’s quiet.
only the sound of the waves and the sound of the cool breeze hitting your ears envelops your senses. your body is floating above the water, sun hitting your face, eyes closed and relaxed as you let yourself float amongst depths of the sea. the water is cool against your skin, the scent of salt hits your nostrils mixing in with the freshness of the air. heaven is all you can describe at such serene calmness the water offers you this day.
as beautiful the secluded beaches are here in yucatan. you knew better to be not trespassing here. and as stupid it was to swim near night falling, the rays of the sun had turned orange among the horizon of the beautiful ocean. you knew it was time to get back to your hotel you currently resided. but here you are, water still glistening your salty skin, shorts concealing your bottom and your top the bikini you wore still damp as ever. the sun was setting, the trees swayed as you headed back to the direction of where you came from. wary of a chill on your spine erupt as if you felt like you were not alone in the secluded beach.
but as always, fate seemed to spin you to get lost in the woods.
shit. you think to yourself, the unfamiliar path dawning over to you as you sighed to yourself, trees all over your view. you knew the area well enough for the past few days and now was the time you would get lost? unbelievable. you bit your lip, trusting your gut to go further, night already taking over the once pristine blue sky. better to walk and let faith guide you to a road than to stay amongst the wild animals and insects inside the forest. you could say you’ve done one of the stupidest tourist shit you vowed not to do.
the cicadas faintly started to get louder as the darkness took over the forest. you grabbed your phone, turning on the flashlight as the leaves scrunched underneath your feet. the bushes seemed to grow larger as you gently passed by them with your arm shoving them away. expecting the familiar highway to come in view.
but you stopped, the path had ended as you were face to face with a cave of some sort. your eyes sparkled in the dark, suddenly intrigued with this new location you found. a hidden gem in these parts. you cautiously stepped closer to it, feeling as if you’ve entered someone’s territory. you lick your lips, shutting the flashlight of your phone as moonlight filled the area perfectly.
“water?” you mumbled to yourself, bending down to see the small cave was filled with water. “of course it is, dumbass.” you rolled your eyes to yourself, letting your hand touch the cool water.
it rippled beneath your fingertips as you glided your hand to feel the temperature, the scent of sea salt again fill your senses, your curiosity getting the best of you. you noticed how the deep the pool of water was, noting it might be an entrance to a underwater cave of some sort, you guessed. but you needed to go back, remembering the hotel waiting for you.
you looked around once more, guessing that this has been around here for a long time. you smiled, proud to say you would dive in here if you got the chance and the gear to do it. you stood up, brushing yourself from the dirt that sticked to your knees. you turned back and headed to the bushes again, to find another path. for a moment, you adjusted the bag you were carrying, your phone in your hand suddenly slipped from your grasp, hitting the ground with a thud. you cursed yourself for your clumsiness, bending down to grab it. the water in the cave suddenly splashing catching your attention warily.
you froze, slowly standing up, clutching your phone tight as you watch a figure came from the dark depths of the cave. the water splashed around as your heart thump loudly. seeing as a manly figure came in your sight despite the darkness. warnings in your mind erupted, remembering what you had heard of recently.
the man from the sea. a ancient god.
you distinctly remembered the words of the locals and the village elders about a man walking along the shores, feet with wings they had said. their ‘god’ walking amongst them. you don’t know much, but you feared this legend and the god as so did the people here. anything was possible nowadays. but you remained silent, studying his figure as he emerged into the moonlight. stepping in to your view, golden jewelry adorned his neck, he wore only green shorts and other accessories from his wrist to his legs. his feet, however, caught your interest seeing wings adorn them. and ears flourished with a jade like square earrings. he brushes his wet hair back, chest rising as he breathes in the air, his dark eyes finally gazed to yours.
oh, fuck.
you clutched your bag tight against your body, a shiver ran down your spine as his gaze pierced through you. you’ve trespassed. your mind shouts, your heart thumping louder.
“i’m sorry for i-intruding.” you speak up, careful for your tone to be calm and respectful. gears in your mind clicking, his face yet did not react whatsoever other than he steps forward, making you step back cautiously. he seems to notice it, sensing your own fear as he minds himself, creating a presence you knew not to anger. as stoic his expression was, his eyes seem to tell otherwise.
“you’re not from here.” he speaks, breaking your daze when you stare at his face. cold yet curious his tone was. knowingly now you think he’s attractive the more you study him. thoughts then circling how he just came from an underwater cave and ankles with wings on them.
“i’m not…” you nodded, gulping. “i got lost and stumbled here. n-no other intention.” you added, sensing him that he expected another answer.
“no?” he questions, stepping forward again, closer to you, making you freeze on the spot. you breathed out shakily, gazing his eyes that hold a predatory look. he towered over you, intimidating you further.
“no…” you softly said, the atmosphere almost changing, not once did you leave his gaze. a fire in the man’s gaze fueling him elsewhere.
the god stared down at this surface dweller, he hummed, trusting your answer, yet still skeptical. you were not like the other surface dwellers that he encountered coming into the entrance of the cave. you looked innocent enough, a foreigner of the area, a tourist you are. he shifts his gaze to your eyes and to your lips that softly spoke those words of reassurance. he notices your hands tremble, the cold of the night he presumed was getting to you or the fear of him. he’ll let you go, he thinks, merciful enough. the disturbance of the water merely caught his attention, he swam to it, ensuring that his nation would not be discovered.
“who are you?” you asked, astonished now for a man who’s ears you noticed are pointed. the fear slowly washing away. namor was intrigued to say, a curious thing you are.
“i have many names.” he spoke quietly, accent sharpening his words, a wonderful one you deemed as you listened to him. “my people call me k’uk’ulkan.” he gauges your face, seeing it full of wonder.
“but my enemies call me namor.” he finishes darkly, a threat. a warning set in stone. many would have run from him by now but you intrigued him further.
“namor.” you tested the name on your lips. the god felt himself shift in his place, seeing as you turn from his gaze, something stirring inside him after you uttered his name so softly.
“and you are?” he now asks, formalities thrown as you met his gaze again.
“y/n.” you uttered your name as the chill of the night shivered you so. he also tests your name in his tongue, accent enveloping each syllable smoothly with a crisp ending.
“roaming around the outskirts of the village is dangerous, máak lu'um. what has brought you here?” he speaks further, a word so unfamiliar to you. not spanish or what, which fuels your desire to learn him now.
“just took a swim by the beach.” you answered with a shrug. “it’s beautiful out the atlantic ocean.” you added as he hums, nodding.
“you’re not from here as well, are you?” you suddenly ask. he doesn’t look like the locals in the area. his outfit is as different from modern clothing, which in his case is very minimal. he cocks his head to the side as you looked back to the underwater cave. he is taken aback at your forwardness but contemplates whether he should tell you but he only offers a simple answer to your curious mind.
“interesting.” you quipped, examining his peculiar jewelry then to his chest, which catches you off guard how well built he is. tan pecks glistening with water, a fluttery feeling in your stomach making you feel a little flustered for checking him out shamelessly. 
“you live there, i presume?” you ask, pointing to the cave. he seems to still, eyebrows tensing as you notice how defensive he is. “not that you need to answer…” you offered weakly, a little scared now.
“mhm.” he grunts, stepping pass you, not answering the question, leaving off a cold aura. he needed you away from here as soon as possible, remembering his intentions from the first place when you disturbed the waters of the entrance.
“come, it is getting late. let me escort you out, ki'ichpanech.“ pretty girl. he offers his arm out, muscle bulging out. you seem to be too trusting as you complied with the strange man with wings on his feet. not knowing how dangerous he can be, a man that has lived for more than a century, a god to his people and a king of a nation sealed from the whole world beneath the depths of the sea.
he is the feathered-serpent god.
“thank you.” you took his arm, walking beside him, arm resting with his making your heart thump. he was warm for a man who just swam in a deep underwater cavern. he smelled like the ocean itself, which was not that unpleasant, you stare at him for a time as you two walked along the woods. leaves scrunching both of your feet.
namor, on his behalf, didn’t expect he’d be talking with a surface dweller for this long nor offering to escort you out the forest. he despised all things that came from the surface world, a land that he swore to himself to hate to the bones. yet now, you who peaked his interest made his usual thinking sputter.
innocent, curious, soft, kind…all things he doesn’t expect. the feel of your skin to his fueled his desire further as he tried to suppress it. noting the way his cock twitch when your fingers brushed against his hot skin.
“are you not cold? it’s so cold out here.” you shivered, unintentionally pressing against him for warmth.
“it is…tolerable, ki'ichpanech.” he amusingly says, watching as your other arm hugged your waist for warmth. your bikini covered breasts pushing up by your arm making him swallow a lump as he looks ahead. intriguing.
“what does that mean?” you ask, glaring at him with a pout.
“ki'ichpanech?” the ancient language rolls on his tongue flawlessly.
“yes.” you looked back to him seeing as the familiar sounds of faint chatter filled your ears. the village must be close.
“a compliment, le paalo’.” he simply explains. “one for you to find out for yourself.” he smirks, making you sigh beside him.
only silence fills the void between you two, an unspoken comfort that had the man beside you wonders how calm you are. being escorted by a man who you just met. he wonders how your pretty little mind works
“you said you have many names.” you started. “what do you prefer to be called?”
“it is up to you what you wish to call me.”
“k’uk’ulkan then?” you uttered, wishing you didn’t butcher the pronunciation. “you said your people call you by that.”
“je’el.” he agrees, which you take it as a yes. a silence transpired again, but it doesn’t take long before your own curiosity gets the best of you. asking him questions now out of the blue, all subjects leading how he swam inside of a underwater cave without any gear and the most asked about his ankles with wings.
namor seemed to tolerate your mind, offering vague answers and none about questions where he resided or came from. he offers you to teach the mayan words he answers along the way, resulting you to ask him if he always knew how to speak english fluently. in return, he asks you as well. you gladly tell him about vacationing alone in mexico, saying that you needed some time away from the work you had back home. and that you just wanted a moment of peace to yourself here by the beaches. exploring, learning about the locals and their culture respectfully.
but in all fashion, it had to end.
which broke your heart slightly when the sound of the locals grew louder. lights from their village enveloping your view as you two arrive in a secluded area wherein the familiar dirt road is.
“you are a strange woman with curious questions.” he begins as you step out of the bushes, facing him with a slight frown.
“says the man who has wings on his feet.” you quip back playfully. he smirks at that, eyes alert as he looks back to see the locals. your heart thumps, wishing for him to come with you. but in his eyes you knew it wasn’t possible even if he didn’t necessarily say it out loud. you just knew.
“speak of this to no one, ki’ichpanech.” he utters, you nodded at this. the situation weird enough for you to obey.
“will i see you again?” you ask gently, hope in your tone. namor feels something stir inside him as he licks his lips, stepping forward as he brings your hand up to his lips, kissing it softly. soft delicate skin. he thinks, a fire set alight to the both of you as his piercing gaze never faltered as your chest rose at the sudden electric feeling.
the hand kiss was a gesture of his growing affection towards you which he fears may not stop. you should be cowering away from him, a man who’s hands are stained with blood for hundreds of years. he shouldn’t even be talking with a surface dweller at all and you shouldn’t see him again, but…
“dejaremos ti' le destino decida.” he only offers those unfamiliar words to you with sincerity. you drew your hand back, not asking anything further as he steps back into the forest, eyes still looking into yours. a series of laughter interrupts the two of you as you look away from for a moment seeing the villagers laughing amongst themselves. you look back to the bushes, only to find that he’s gone.
you only stood quiet, the scent of sea salt lingering, his warmth you realized you missed. the night grew colder as you think to yourself with a cheeky thought in mind.
you’ll meet him again.
and you did.
countless of times now after a couple of days had passed. the next morning of that faithful night lead you to go back to the same spot you met him, toying with the water, disturbing it when he was already behind you at that time. in which namor wouldn’t say he has been keeping an eye on you whenever you visited the beach again. you were thrilled, greeting him with your smile. he seemed a bit reluctant meeting you again, telling you that you should not be talking with him. you countered back, asking why then he appears before you when he could’ve ignored her. he smiles at that, offering you a chuckle for the first time. his smile catching you off-guard.
“you intrigue me so, ki'ichpanech.” he would say as you two walk along the shores, talking, asking more about him. he tells stories you never had heard of, legends and so.
“you like it.” you’d tease with a grin. he doesn’t affirm but he does agree in the inside.
your growing friendship with the god only grew larger when the days passed and each day he reminded you to never speak about this strange relation you had with him. you only had weeks left before going back home. a month vacation in yucatán was slowly nearing it’s end and you feared you may not get to see your mysterious friend ever again. you had to cherish the weeks left in counting.
and the subtle attraction you were feeling was growing larger.
he showed you the vast hidden wonders the beach hid as he took you for a swim. the corals, the tide pools, even in the deepest parts of the sea. it was so fascinating to you to see him swim so freely, like it was just a normal thing for him. you had already known that he is not human from the first time you met him. further, he only describes himself as a mutant, the story of his mother and how the first of his people came to be. the talokanil.
“my mother mourned to return to the land wherein she once lived.” he speaks, the waves crashing, you two sitting beside each other on the soft white sands of the shore. watching the sunset over the horizon, a beautiful sight to always see. intimate it felt.
“she was human you had said?”
“je’el. she made me a promise to bury her in the soil of her homeland.” you watch carefully how his eyes catch a glimpse of longing. “but nothing could prepare me for what i found.”
a chill ran down your spine seeing his expression drop into the most chilling hatred you could ever seen from a man. the slavery, those spanish men, the corruption of colonialism that had fallen amongst the surface world. wars broke out, diseases everywhere, more and more tragedies you guessed he would have witnessed for living for 500 years. you were somewhat touch to know how he’s opened up to this, to you.
“there’s nothing that would change how us humans would still be.” you began, sympathizing with him and knowing his hatred for the surface world. “humans are greedy. power is their desire, their lust. the world up here is fucked up.” you chuckled airily, staring off to the ocean.
“you seem to harbor the same resentment to your own world, ki'ichpanech.” he says as you shrugged at it.
“the world is too corrupted nowadays.” you rolled your eyes. “work is work, you work then you die. money is in my head always back home. so yeah, i do hate it up here.”
“you desire to be elsewhere? is it why you are here with me?” he grins as you scoffed at him even though it was true as the blush evident on your face was enough evidence. he has been shamelessly kinda flirting with you over the past days—
…you like him, a lot. it was no surprise you had catch feelings for the man. you learned he is kind and somewhat warm underneath the defensive and cold exterior he had put up when you two first met. he longed for his nation to be free from the terrors of waiting for anyone who’d try to discover them.
“you were a nice surprise to me.” you smiled gently. “but yes, it’s a nice escape here out from the city. even though i hate it here, it quite beautiful to live in.”
“in na'atik.” he hums, intrigued to say how one surface dweller could speak so ill about their own home. his resentment towards the surface world was still growing in him. humans are greedy like you had said, but you, out of all the surface dwellers that had tried to come near him or his nation, you merely just stood before him that night. astonished at him, wonders in your colored irises that held a compassionate understanding for him. he feels his chest swell and throat constrict. that same mushy and fluttery feeling that arose to heat his cheeks and the tip of his ears. overwhelming yet so addicting to feel.
what were you doing with him?
namor only watches you as you stare off to the ocean. he wants to picture this moment in his mind, a mural he now wants to paint for you. a story for you, your curious questions about him and your smile that was like the most beautiful pearls of talokan. he doesn’t want to admit it, nor shall he want to think about it now. dangerous it can be, he only hopes that this would last quicker for the sake of both of your hearts. and for his purposely knowing all would might end in tragedy if he is to act on this.
but he is wrong.
another set of days had passed and tomorrow, that you dreaded, you’ll be going back home. it seemed like time had passed by faster than you expected. you stand alone again by the beach, this time a mesh white scarf wrapped around your arms as you take in the sea breeze again, savoring the moment. namor had wanted to see you again as usual, you knew he was either walking along the shore or might emerge from the sea, waiting for you.
but now he was walking towards you, expecting your bright greeting yet he only found you staring at the horizon again.
“ki'ichpanech?” he starts, softly calling for you. the waves crashes again as your sundress swayed with wind. you met his gaze, snapping out of your thoughts as you composed yourself before the god.
“k’uk’ulkan.” you face him, a little surprised but you smiled at him still. namor watches your serene smile do not go up your eyes. he knows already, you could tell. he always could tell how you were feeling.
“ba'ax úuch?” he asks, enough for you to understand as he stands in-front of you, softening his gaze as you glanced back to the sea, sighing deeply.
“i’m leaving tomorrow.” you finally said, seeing as his expression still as those words he dreaded as well came from your mouth. it’s too soon, he had plans to—
“in the morning.” you confirmed, your heart breaking seeing his stoic expression falter. “to be honest, i don’t want to go.”
“then don’t.” he says, every patience in his body wearing just for him to spew out anything for you to not leave. all his walls he build up for the first time for you already was gone, he accepted it that he wanted you by his side even if you don’t know fully of his true feelings. he had to at least say something before this could all end.
“i can’t.” you shakily said, an overwhelming feeling overcoming you. you didn’t want to leave this place, you didn’t want to leave him yet. “besides, whether i like it or not, i’ll be forced back home.”
you gripped the chiffon scarf, knuckles baring white as namor didn’t know what else to say. every signal in his mind told him many ways he could make you stay but he knows either way you’d be gone. and that this whole relationship you have with him is going to end even if it just had started.
“come with me.” he finally lets it out as he grabs your hand to his. “i wanted to show you something.”
“you have a gift for me?” you teased as his fingers interlocked with yours. he merely chuckles making your heart thump, alongside the feel of his calloused warm hand fits perfectly to yours. you know there’s this silent crave, a want between you two. you never acted this strange tension with him. you always thought he only tolerates you at how adamant you are seeing him, but now… you’re not sure.
“jach asab u jump'éel siibal.” he says, guiding you back to the forest, the familiar path to the underwater cave. “i want you to see a glimpse of my home.”
“k’uk’ulkan.” you scolded, brows knitting as you followed him, letting him guide you. “you had said that your nation is something to be kept away from the surface world. i am apart of that.”
“it is not necessarily talokan yet, ki'ichpanech.” he counters as you two step to see the familiar structure. he ushers you to stand by him in the pool of water but you stop,.
“i don’t want to risk this.” you argued, seeing as he contemplated at that. he was holding back something he’s been harboring, you sighed as you step back, hand letting go of his as he stands in the water. a feeling of deja vu erupted inside you. he looked absolutely the same the night you met him. just that his defensive posture were now soft and relaxed as he gently smiles at you.
“one last night, ki’ichpanech.” namor held his hand out again. “and we will forget all of this in the morning and continue on with our separate lives.”
“but that’s not all, is it?”
namor tenses, he doesn’t really know if a tinge of fear had finally come to him. you can see pass through him, every knit of his brow or clench on his jaw. and he can see you hesitate— you want this, he can tell. every grip of your mesh scarf, the furrow of your brows, the sadness and eagerness in your eyes. you awaited for an answer as he nods.
“come with me.” he steps closer, water splashing, moonlight dawning over you two. “you had said you hated to go back to your home then stay. stay with me.”
he gently brought your hand to his chest as he stared into your eyes. like a trance he is how serene you are underneath the moonlight. your face softening with realization that he’s asking you to live with him. to stay by him forever. you could feel the thump of his heart underneath his skin, he intimately pressed his forehead against yours, never leaving your sight. you didn’t know what to say but just let him continue.
“this does not happen so often. and i fear it will never stop. ka ma' in k'áat ka u detenga.” he whispers, lips brushing against yours, he is holding himself back not to rapture you here and now. sparks flew when you felt it, his other hand situated on your hip. a raw sensation you had now felt for him.
“what about my own life here?”
“i am not so cruel to not give you a choice, ki’ichpanech. but yes, i cannot risk you going back home for my nation if you were to choose to come with me.” you nodded at his words, understanding him. and now you gambled with the possibilities as namor waited patiently for your answer. your mind gambled with the possibilities, you’d leave everything behind.
“and if i chose to leave now?”
“then we will part ways and forget all of this.” he offers a small smile, concealing the pang in his chest.
“why me?” you quietly asked, the words he offered sinking in your mind.
“is it not obvious?” his nose brushed against the tip of yours, heat in his tone. “in ts'íiboltikech.”
a shuddery breath exhales through your lips. his warmth and his closeness should have been the answers but you could not imagine for a god— someone who’s deemed as a god to be wanting you. namor’s patience was wearing thin, if you chose to leave, he’ll gladly accept that, but he somehow hopes for the other one. your eyes shined, his heart thumped as your lips opened—
“in ts'íiboltikech.” you repeated his words as his irises darken, a grin forming as he gladly pulled you closer to him, the cool water splashing around the two of you. the cicadas quieting down, two hearts beating as one.
“ma'alob.” he whispers darkly, sending a shiver down your spine. those words of confirmation had him surging to capture your lips to his. he waited long enough, every night, every morning he thought of you. you were a plague in his mind, corrupting him to think of the most sinful things and the ones he yearned in his own thoughts.
and your lips were sweet, sweeter than the fruits he ever tasted in his life, and he wonders in the back of his mind if your cunt would taste sweeter. making his cock twitch at the thought.
you let out a tiny gasp, wrapping your arms around his neck, the chiffon scarf dropping to the ground. the built up tension between the two of you finally at it’s peak, sizzling down as he moved his lips slowly on yours. slow and passionate, wanting to savor it. your cheeks bloomed with heat when you felt the outline of his prick press against your stomach, hard and hot. catching you by surprised at how particularly needy he felt. but you were as well, absently rubbing your thighs against each other.
he pulls away, breathless making let out a tiny whine. “ko'ox.” he smirks, guiding you deeper in the water, your sundress getting wet but you didn’t care about that. only focused on the man who gently puts something on your face. you look at him questionably, he was holding up a mask of something.
“the dive is deep.” he explains, as he locks the mask in, ushering you gently with adoration in his eyes as you inhaled deeply, following his command.
“breathe, in yakunaj.”
“amazing.” you uttered, staring up to the ceiling of the cave. glowworms were hanging by the stalactites. it emitted this soft blue hue while the sound of the waters of the cave joined in the beautiful scenery. your heart bloomed, you could almost forget about your own home by now. but a tinge of hesitance caused you to overthink this. was it right to leave everything behind? you questioned yourself, standing by the edge, close to the water.
how quick you are to throw everything away.
you bit your bottom lip, nervous you are, wondering if anyone back at the place you called home would question where you are in the following days— months even. you sighed to yourself, pushing it all away in the very back of your mind. you’d worry about that in a more appropriate time. but now here you are, feeling flushed remembering his lips, all thoughts away but just him.
“jats'uts.” his voice echoed, you jumped a bit in surprise as you turned to face him. the beads on your dress rattled, your cheeks glowed as namor went beside you. his eyes draped along your body, the traditional dress he provided for you after your sundress had been absolutely damped was an exquisite sight before him.
“beautiful.” he translated, dark eyes meeting yours. he steps closer, seeing your small shy smile. “the dress suits you so.” he grins.
“thank you for this.” you gestured to the beautiful dress, letting yourself be drawn in his beady orbs as you neared him, letting his hand slip to yours again.
“has this place always been your sanctuary?” you quietly asked as you two walked towards the hut he showed you a while ago that was filled with his murals. you were amazed to see how he had depicted his and his people lives on the wall by the stroke of his brush. the story of how the first talokanil came to be and so fort.
“yes. a place where i can be in solitude.” he nods and leads you inside, never leaving your side.
“and from here, talokan is just down below?” you looked around the room, stopping to admire the big mural on the wall.
“deep below, ki'ichpanech.” he responds, standing beside you, holding something in his hand. your eyes caught the glimpse of a beautiful ornament.
“this is beautiful.” you blurt out, looking to him for approval to touch it as he merely smiled.
“it was my mother’s.” he explains as you touched the beads gently, admiring how pretty it is.
“you said it was made for her before she turned talokanil?” namor nodded, liking the way you remembered his stories.
“as my first gift, i want you to have this.” he grasps your wrists making your heart burst. “a token for my affection.”
“you’ve given me enough. i feel like i should give you something in return.” you pouted as he ties the bracelet on your wrist, ignoring your furrowed look as he kisses you softly before you could protest more. you hummed between his lips, shutting up quickly as you eagerly reciprocated.
“it is not enough.” he says, squeezing the side of your waist. “you’ve already given something in return, in yakunaj. your presence here in my home is enough.” 
his lips descended down to kiss your jaw, peppering down to your neck. inhaling your scent as he nips at your neck. pressing you harder against him, bulge brushing again on your stomach as you craned your neck to feel him sigh blissfully before he sucked and nipped, intent to make you feel mushy in his arms.
“k’uk’ulkan.” you whined as he chuckles.
“your body reacts so eagerly.” he whispers. “have you been waiting for me to touch you like this, ki’ichpanech?” you couldn’t respond but nod lightly, the warmth of his overwhelming. your lips are sealed from embarrassment how right he is. the scruff of his beard tickles you so as he bites a bit harder making you grip his shawl. the only item of clothing you noticed he wore after countless times you had seen him in those green shorts.
“t'aan.” he commands, hands descending down to grasp your ass harshly. you squealed as he hoists you up, legs automatically wrapping around his waist. hands on his broad shoulders as he guides both of you to the bed in his hut. your back hitting the bed, him towering over you. you could see the feral look in his eyes as you can’t help but obey him.
“je’el.” you whimpered as he slants his mouth to yours again, eating you up. he can’t help but smile at how his language rolls off your lips, his mayan lessons paying off to you. your soft hands cupped his cheek, fueling the desire. his hand descends down to caress your thigh, rubbing gently before your dress pools to your stomach, lower half exposed to the cold air. namor could feel the heat he yearned as his fingertips gently brushed against your exposed cunt. you bare underneath the dress he provided, his aching cock wishing to come out.
“táan jach mojado, wáaj tuláakal ti' teen?” namor pressed his fingertip gently on your aching nub. you gasped, back arching, eyes slightly widening how the two of you are now doing this—
“please.” you begged as he only applied pressure, no rubbing or whatsoever, he seemed so smug as he had you this desperate. he shifts from his place, shrugging off his royal shawl, dropping it to the floor as he removes anything that might get into his way as he opens your legs, looking up for your consent as your eyes meet his.
“please.” you affirm again as he gingerly kisses the top of your knee.
he doesn’t know what fucking ambrosia fills his scent but the sight of your bare glistening cunt makes his whole body react accordingly. he descends down, kissing your knee before resting comfortably to kiss your inner thigh, the scent of your arousal tingling him.
“perfect.” he groans, can’t help but kiss your aching clit. licking his lips as your hands laced through his dark locks as he laps away like a starved man. you moan out, his tongue working wonders. you could not believe how eager he is to eat your cunt up like it’s his last meal. every flick, lick, kiss and suck, all over again and again making your thighs clamp hard around his head.
you fear you might suffocate him with your own cunt but you remembered the man literally breathes in water. namor could do this all day, he thinks, growling at how fucking tart your nectar is— how fucking dripping it is for him— only him.
namor melts between your thighs, in dazed and drunk. the sound of your muffled moans as the plush heat of your thighs at either sides of his face had him groaning. he sucks harsher, feeling your hips stutter as he puts his arm on top of your stomach to hold you in place. never stopping his feast, the more he licked and lapped, the more you begged with his name. his other hand could not help but slide down to his, gripping his clothed bulge, a shiver ran down his spine at the pressure that he could not take anymore.
“k’uk’ulkan…” you repeated, feeling your stomach coil in the pressure of his sinful mouth and tongue. he hums, pulling back, sitting up as his lips glistened with your arousal, fueling your desire as you whined. he palms himself, still staring down at you as you stared at the prize just under his hand. you carefully sat up, all thoughts seemingly trashed in your fucked-out mind. namor’s chest rose as he breathes in how angelic you are crawling towards him, your face dazed out and mouth glistening with your own saliva, hungry.
“what do you want, my love?” he asks as he grins making you momentarily look up to meet his eyes. you didn’t say anything as you pressed your lips to his bare stomach, making him shudder as his abs flexed the moment your soft lips touched his heated skin, the grip on his clothed cock tightened as you trailed down to meet his happy trail.
vixen. he surpasses the urge to call you that out loud, not when your hand is now shoving his hand away from his cock. he lets you do whatever you want with him, anticipation in his blood as your fingers curled in the hem of his shorts. ready for you to pull it down but you stopped for a moment as you stared up to him again, a plead in your gaze.
“can i?” you ask quietly.
something inside him breaks hearing your soft voice ask for his permission. he lets out a breath, hand coming up to caress your cheek as you nuzzled against his palm, waiting for his answer.
“je’el.” he nods, his words coming out in a slight tremble. he could feel himself succumb to the thought of you doing anything with him— everything in fact. you grin suddenly, breaking the eye contact as you pulled his shorts down completely, him helping you get it off as you tossed it to the ground.
namor groaned as his cock bounced up slightly, the cool air making him bite his lower lip as you gawked at it. you were speechless, taken aback, not expecting that it would be— that girthy in size. you gulped, remembering the countless times you would glance at his bulge whenever you two were either swimming in the sea or walking along the shore, it was something you couldn’t help but feel dirty for imagining what he truly looks like down their.
but now you’ve seen everything.
“you can take it, no?” he suddenly quips making you grumble in determination as you lulled yourself back from staring at his shaft. you wrapped your hand around his base making the said man shut up as he sighs out.
“i can.” you mumbled, totally not intimidated by his fucking length and girth overall. you pumped him slowly, right amount of pressure seeing the tip leak out a bit. wondering how you are making a said ‘god’ now weak on his knees, hearing little huffs come from his mouth but still looking so composed. you admired how reserved he looks as you dart your tongue out to lick the fat head.
“mierda—“ he grumbles, a hand gripping the back of your head as the other fumbled with your breast and whatever skin he can reach as he stays still watching you finally engulf him slowly. your mouth stretched accommodating his size as you hummed, liking the way he taste and maybe a tiny bit saltier— you were not complaining though.
“look at you.” he speaks with adoration, admiring the way you started to suck him off, letting him in deeper inside of your hot cavern inch by inch you can take. the way you are on your knees for him, glancing at him from time to time as you meet his hungry eyes. he resists the urge to fuck your mouth, savoring how determined you are to make him feel the same pleasure as he did on you. you were serious to making him feel good, bobbing your head up and down as your other hand gripped his base, pumping him where your mouth can’t reach. your eyes watered as the tip hit the back of your throat, making you gag a bit as you pulled him out, panting.
the string of saliva appeared as you licked your lips, kissing the tip again as you gently put him in your mouth again. namor hissed feeling the coil in his stomach almost snap. you continued on with your pace, liking the way you could hear his labored breaths and little groans, making you smile a bit as the salty taste of him had you addicted.
this is torture. namor thinks as he lets you suck him off for a bit before abruptly pulling himself out of your mouth, making you whine. he chuckles seeing your expression before he captured your lips again, tasting himself as he pushed you to lay back on the bed. you reciprocated with eagerness as you opened your legs for him to slant himself there, cock grazing your cunt making you let out a low moan in his mouth. namor swallows those pretty sounds of yours before pulling away as he pressed his forehead against yours. a knowing look in his eyes as you waited for him to speak first.
“can i?” he finally asks, grinding himself on your cunt. you whimpered, looking down to see how desperate he is before looking back to his eyes.
“please.” you muttered, cupping his cheeks as shuffles in his place. his hand reaching down to grasp himself, positioning his head to rub against your entrance as you cursed at the wet feeling.
“k’uk’ulkan…” you mewled, anticipating he’d ram himself inside of you this instant but he’s patient as ever as he rubs the fat bulb of his head on your clit, gathering enough slick before finally pushing in slowly. making your back arch at the intrusion as your hands fly down to grasp his broad shoulders.
“is it too much?” he suddenly asks, concerned, watching you carefully. you smiled at his concerns as you kissed the tip of his nose.
“it’s perfect.” you whispered, clenching around him to signal him to get on with it. namor growls as he does what you want, bottoming out in you as deep as he can go. he stills for the moment, you two immersed at the feeling of each other. a sort of fuzzy feeling of something special how connected you two are. gentle caresses and kisses of encouragement exchanged between the two of you as he finally gives an experimental thrust.
“perfecto.” he sighs, kissing you again as you grinned. namor grinds into you slowly at first, feeling the way your walls clench around him as he hits a spot. he leaves kisses on your face, marks on your neck, whispers of undying loving words how you make him feel so good. you merely moan out his name as he starts to pick up a good pace that has you desperate on him.
“jach jats'uts yáanal tin.” he pants, hand caressing you everywhere as he stares at your blissed out face. each hard snap of his hips making your body bounce at the intensity. the lewd wet slapping adding in as heat and sweat enveloped you two. you whimpered at how his cock was hitting that spot making your hips wiggle and back arch. it felt so sticky yet so good at how he’s so passionate about this.
absolutely perfect. your mind screams as you wrap your arms around his torso, grasping his back as he fucks you with vigor. your whines like a sirens song to his ears, he rests his lips on your forehead as he pounds into you. feeling himself on the verge as you clenched around him tightly as ever, a signal to him that you were also cumming. namor kisses every inch of your face before swallowing up your moans you were about to cum. your heart pounded in synch with his as he desperately fucked into you. you gasped loudly, gripping his skin, nails digging, body convulsing with pleasure as his thrusts became sloppier, pounding in through your orgasm.
“ki’ichpanech…” namor practically breaths out your name next, eyes shutting for a moment as he feels him release. one, two, three powerful thrusts sends him home as he almost rips the beddings apart above your head. blood rushes to your ears as the intensity stops. he slumps a bit, laying his weight on your body but not too much, fearing you’d be crushed. both your breaths only to be heard as it fills the silence of the room.
everything slows down the moment when his eyes flutter open to meet yours. the exact same eyes he had first met in the moonlight. your heart soars to see him soften as you kissed him gently, soft and pillowy it felt, something slow after that. your hand instinctively brushes the stray hair from his forehead, sweat beading there. he plants more kisses again on your face as you giggled, only gasping as he removes himself abruptly. there are so many things you wanted to say to him in those moment but all are left unsaid when he laces your hands together. a glint in his eyes, all you adore.
“stay with me, ki’ichpanech.” he says, as if you would leave him. you can’t help but nod quickly as ever like you did when he asked you to go with him here. you knew what you were in for and you were sure for it, knowing your heart won’t stop beating so loudly when he smiles now as you mutter a verbal confirmation out, concealing it. the glimpse of his mother’s bracelet on your wrist a wonderful glimpse of a future.
“i will.”
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Black Light 5
Warnings: namecalling, violence, other dark elements. Proceed with caution.
Note: Please let me know what you think as it helps me a lot with ideas and I love interacting with you all.
Part of The Club AU
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"Look," you put your fist up, recalling what Hottie told you, "I don't wanna but I will defend myself."
August's blue eyes pinpoint on you, dropping to your fist and running back up to your face. He lets you go as he tilts his head and you're shaken by the deep rumble that rises from his chest. He's laughing.
"You'll defend yourself?" He muses as he tucks the flashlight into his pocket, "as much as I could use the entertainment... go get your friend and get out."
You frown and slide your phone out, checking the screen as he backs away. You see her message. Sent ten minutes ago.
"Uh, sir," you call after him, "she's upstairs. Could you maybe help me? Otherwise, I could get lost."
He stops and rolls his eyes, letting them drift back to you.
"Alright, well, then you can't blame me if I stick around a bit long--"
He storms forward and grabs your upper arm. He turns you and marches you out of the barroom to the staircase. He shoves you ahead of him and trails closely behind you. You grasp the railing and his knuckles snap across your ass, "hurry up."
"Hands to yourself," you yelp over your shoulder but do as he says.
You get to the second floor and he grabs your forearm, hauling you forward with him as he looks around. You feel tiny next to him as he searches above the heads of dancers. He sighs and you look to your left as you sense a flash on the floor. Odd.
You see a shining rectangle at the end of the hall. You check your phone, straining with one hand to open the chat. No reply. You text again, "where are you?"
The light flickers and you try to pull away from him. He grips you tighter, "where do you think you're going?"
"Down here," you say.
You point and he reluctantly lets you free. You scurry ahead of him and go down the hall. You bend and pick up the phone, seeing your last message on the it before it goes black again.
"Oh!" You wave it at him, "it's hers..."
You look to the side as you hear a thump against the door there. Your eyes round and you glance back at August. You hold the phone with yours in one hand and try to turn the handle with your other. The door doesn't budge.
"Um, a little help," you back up and face him.
"It's a coat room--"
"So! Open it!"
He squints at you and his nostrils flair, "Don't tell me what to do."
Still, he turns and puts a hand on the handle, the other flat on the door. He pushes once, then bolsters his strength and tries again. As he does, there's a noise from the other side. You hear Hottie cry out. He lets go and kicks the door, revealing her as she claws and kicks at the man trying to restrain her.
"Get him!" You holler.
August doesn't move. You stand awkward as Hottie manages to free herself and staggers out. You latch onto her arm and pull her close as the bouncer watches the other man. The stranger is unfazed as he comes to the door and fixes his jacket.
"Interrupting my fun," he sneers.
August considers him and angles a brow. He peeks at you from the corner of his eye. Then he looks at the man again, "you can't make a buck fucking sluts in the coat room," he jams his thumb towards the end of the hall, "go."
The other man scoffs and glances at Hottie with half a smirk, "really, dude, we were just getting into it."
"I want my cut. You keep bringing in dimes and I won't let you in anymore. So scram."
The man huffs but leaves. You stand in confusion as you cling to your friend. She glares at her attacker and you have to hold her back from following. August blocks her as he shifts to block you both in.
"Now you, and you," he jabs his finger in your face then hers, "you leave my club and don't come back."
"Fuck off. You're gonna let him hang around and--"
"He makes money. What do you do?"
She jerks away from you, reeling her fist back, but you keep her from swinging. You put your other hand out at August as he tenses and you chuckles nervously. You insert yourself between them.
"It's cool. Everyone. It's cool," you smile, "we'll go. Just don't hurt us."
"Get out of my way. This guy deserves it--" Hottie jostles you.
"Please," you keep in front of her, "please... I wanna go."
She stills as August flicks his brows up in victory. You give him a sheepish look as you sidle towards the wall with Hottie behind you.
"We'll just be..."
"Oh, I'll make sure of it," he clamps onto both of you, an arm in each hand, "I better not see either of you again."
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writers-ex · 1 year
the black spider
??? x fem!reporter reader
warnings: breeding, unprotected sex, g!p, praise link, mentions of blood and violence, gag?, riding, multiple rounds
word count: 1.2k
Taking the bus route you make your way downtown near Midzy Street like the hotline mentioned and look around. An uncovered manhole is on the other side of the street along with some white string that looked oddly like web fluid leading down the hole. You cross New York traffic like a boss and make your way down not drawing any attention to yourself, using your phone flashlight you follow the trail of webs and faint noise that as you get closer the sounds of fighting and groans fill the air. 
Peaking your head to the side with your camera lens you snap a photo and see and smell the open area with the lizard and ‘spider-girl’ battling it out. Taking a few shutter shots you watch her get her head bashed against the wall making her cry out as the villain laughs. Concerned for her well-being the lizard approaches to claw her face you step out of the darkness and set your camera to flash rushing close to the lizard taking a picture of him blinding him momentarily giving her enough time to shoot some webs to tie him up and electrocute him with the water he was standing in. 
As the sounds of police sirens were heard she turns to look at you and clutches her side falling face-first down. You were able to catch her and drag her to safety before the police came and took the lizard away. Now out of the sewers you look around and realize that all that dragging and carrying lead you to your apartment complex somehow (aka the power of fanfiction). You take her up and lay her sleepy figure on the couch, finding a first aid kit you slowly undress her leaving her mask on to see that she just had a good size cut on her side which didn’t tear too deep into the skin. 
As you patch her up you take a moment to admire the hero’s figure and wonder why she had to hide it. Your appreciative gaze must’ve been too hard that you didn’t notice the hero stir and wake up to watch your eyes on her body. 
“You do realize that I’m not tasty to eat? I’ve tried and failed.” Startled you jump back and fall flat on the floor groaning as your butt takes a hit. 
“Sorry…” she tries to get up her lips tremble before she lays back down. 
“Yeah that’s not happening Ryujin…oh that’s my name. You deserve to know that at least for saving my life. Thank you um erm- I didn’t catch your name.” Watching her still you sit up a bit and turn to face her better.
“Oh um…I’m…I’m a reporter at the daily bugle I don’t think my name is worth mentioning…but I’ll keep yours a secret Ryujin? It’s the least I can do for my favorite superhero.” Her cheeks pink as she slowly lifts her mask off to get a better look at you. Eyeing your body in the half-lit room she feels her cock twitch, like her, you were half-dressed in your pajama shorts and crop top waiting for her to wake up. Seeing that Ryujin was in a bra and her tights that were feeling tighter by the second, her gaze changes making you shiver.
“You know… I wish there was something I could do to repay your kindness- help me out of my tights... please?” Nodding quietly you stand up and help her out of the pants and suck in a gasp as you see her hard member out free. “What? These tights are enough for me to not wear underwear? Why? You haven’t seen a girl's cock before princess?” Red at the nickname you shake your head slightly as she bites back a smirk. 
“Want to …try riding it? I promise it feels great~ take off your shorts and I’ll show you. Think of this as a small thank you for helping me with my problem, I can help you with that pool of wetness you have there.” 
Closing your legs you turn around and slide them off before slowly moving on top of Ryujin who helps you to get in position. “Forgive me if I can’t be of much help princess, you’ll have to do most of the work but I think we’ll both have some fun~”  You slide down and grip the couch top with your lips parted as Ryujin holds your hips. “Ahh you’re so tight when was the last time you had sex?”
“I…it’s been too long.” Getting comfortable with her cock deep you look down at her. “Ready… Ryujin?”
“Ride me beautiful.” 
And you do. Starting slow you move up and down letting out low whines as she stretches you out.
“Good girl.” Her words only add fuel to the heat growing inside your stomach. Going faster your apartment fills with sounds of skin slapping and both your breaths panting. Ryujin praises you the whole time making you go from speaking to babbling words and getting drunk on the feeling of her in you. 
Eventually, you fail to notice her sit up and start to thrust in you with each drop you take making her cock poke out of your stomach. You scream in pleasure but she covers your mouth with her webs and shakes her head. 
“Can’t have the neighbors file a noise complaint and call the police now can we angel? Go ahead and cry out now my webs will muffle the noise~” sure enough all the cries and pleas coming from your mouth are muffled letting you ride Ryujin as you please without worrying about the noise. 
With time your body gives in and you shake from your hard orgasm all over her chest. Laying back you try to hold yourself up but Ryujin has other plans and holds you up and flips you facing your ass to her as she takes her time pounding into you going for round two. You simply feel tears stream down your face from the pleasure and overstimulation as she goes harder and harder praising you the whole time. Her hands on your breast you barely hold yourself up as your body is at her mercy. 
“I’m going…to….make you mine so…forgive me for…the roughness princess….but let me breed you…” with each thrust, she doesn’t give you enough time to react she licks her lips and shoots her cum inside you as you fall down with her deep inside you. Before you give out completely the last thing you remember is feeling full and content as your surroundings turn black. Waking up to the sunlight you find yourself naked and in bed, glancing at a nearby mirror your neck and chest are covered in love bites. Memories of last night flood your mind making you sit up and cry out at the pain of it all. 
“Ryujin!! Where are you?” 
You try to get out of bed to go check on her and sigh realizing it was pointless- you would have to call in sick today. Laying on the bed your eyes stare at the ceiling but after taking a minute you rub your eyes and realize that there’s a note webbed on. Using your zoom on the phone you read the message and smile a bit.
Sorry princess had to run, I’d love to repay you properly with a date tonight if you manage to make it out of bed x. Meet me at the same place you stole my heart?
ps take-out works too
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head back and find the red spidey
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cryptidofthekeys · 1 year
“Little... Bunny...”
Me? WRITING OC CONTENT?!? :0!!!!! *points at this story with shocked expression*
sooo yeah I uh made this OC literally just today and to distract myself from dentist shit thats upcoming and well apparently my brain also was so proud of him that he deserved a story
first, here’s a link to his desc: https://cryptidofthekeys.tumblr.com/post/706821528060379136/winslow-winchester-zombie-baker-oc
but also
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Death, Blood, not really cannibalism if your a zombie BUT uh there’s mentions of baking a human into a treat, Strangling
Also not a reader insert but you can insert yourself IF you so desire
Winslow was shambling through the forest, moon high above its head, shining down on said forest below, he was following the trail of dripping blood that one of his victims so carelessly left behind, he stared down to the ground for a few moments, even if the moon hadn’t been out, his eyes are so much better than any humans in the dark.
He could see all too well in the darkness, his victim had to use a flashlight to see ahead of themselves, it didn’t, besides, how this started was apparently someone was snooping in places they REALLY shouldn’t have been… It found them hiding behind one of the crates of candy that Winslow had stolen from a candy shop nearby.
Winslow remembered their terrified scream when they locked eyes with it, it especially took some sadistic pleasure when they began to hyperventilate when he reached down to grab them, the look of fear in their eyes, however they had bumped the crate, causing it to topple over and the candy to spill out.
The candy instantly caught Wins’ attention, his gaze snapping to the sugary sweets piling onto the floor, that was a weakness of his, he had a MAJOR sweet tooth, couldn’t resist candy when it was presented to him.
So of course it shambled over and knelt down, beginning to feast on the spilt candy and this gave the victim ample time to run, oh p l e n t y of time… Winslow ate pretty much all of that candy that had spilled onto the floor before getting up, picking up its pitchfork and then heading out.
Now how did they begin to bleed? Well, when they bumped into the crate, it must’ve cut them somewhere, either that or they injured themselves on something while running out into the forest, either way, the trail was left behind… However, Winslow didn’t care about running after them either, no no, sometimes it loved to just purposefully drag out the hunt.
And besides, Winslow wasn’t worried about them getting away, even if they had somehow managed to get past all the bear traps its laid out over time, if the trail of blood disappeared, if they made it out of this forest, it had their scent, it could track them down no matter where they went, it continued to follow, slowly behind.
Meanwhile… The victim in question was running as if their life depended on it and it did, tears in their eyes not only from the pain of their wound but also because of fear, they looked around, eyes darting everywhere, they were frantic, they had no idea what that thing was but whatever it was, it definitely had bad intentions.
They had no idea where they were even going, all they knew is that they wanted out of this godforsaken forest, their flashlight flickered slightly the more they jostled it, they couldn’t help it, at every sound they heard, they snapped the light toward it in fear that he had found them.
They continued running as fast and as far as they could, they had tried their cell phone at least a few times but there was no service out here, they had even tried screaming and calling out for help even though they knew deep down nobody would hear them out here, deep in the forest like that.
Eventually they thought they were coming to a clearing, maybe an opening, maybe… Maybe! Th-The end of the forest! They squinted as they continued running that way and then their eyes widened, a bright smile on their face as they realized, this was it! This WAS the end of the forest! Holy shit they were almost there, almost to freedom!
This caused them to speed up even more, their freedom was so close, it was right there in their reach, they could taste it and then suddenly…
They yelled out as they came crashing down on the ground, they had tripped over a branch right at the threshold, their eyes widening when they fell on the ground, they winced in pain but thankfully for their sake, their ankle hadn’t been twisted or broken, they just hurt their chest and stomach mostly.
The only bad thing that happened to them was that their flashlight had shattered, but that was the least of their problems, besides, they could see town lights in the distance so they just picked themselves up, dusted themselves off and then continued running.
. . . Eventually, they had made it back home, sprinting inside and locking the door behind them, they sighed in relief and slumped down against the door, their hands and body trembling, okay… There’d be plenty of time for this in a bit, first they needed to call the police, and that’s exactly what they did.
Called the police and explained in detail what happened to them, they didn’t mention this dude looked like he was literally undead, it looked like a zombie as they didn’t want the police to think they were crazy or anything like that, you told them where the incident happened and then they told them to keep their doors locked and windows shut.
After getting off the phone with them, they sighed in relief, it… It was going to be alright, they… They were going to investigate… They were going to investigate this mess and they wouldn’t wouldn’t have to deal with this nightmare anymore, after just staying slumped against the door and trying to calm down.
They eventually stood up and began to get ready for bed, they first made themselves some tea to further relax beforehand, they sat on the couch and watched some tv to further distract themselves, as they flipped through the channels mindlessly and sipped on their tea.
A sudden noise startled them, making them nearly drop their cup of tea onto the floor, they almost immediately stood up, they felt anxious, there’s no fucking way… There’s no way it found where they lived! Hell, last they checked.
He hadn’t been close to them the entire time they ran, hell they weren’t even sure he followed them! For all they knew, it didn’t and they had just freaked out the entire time for nothing, but either way, they set their cup of tea down and looked around for something, anything to defend themselves with.
…All they had was the tv remote in hand but it was better than nothing, if worse came to worst they’d throw the remote at it for a distraction, either way “...H-Hello?” They called out, nothing responded back as they took a few more steps toward the direction of that noise they had heard.
It seemed to be coming from the bedroom, it was dark, they couldn’t see a thing in the room which made them gulp nervously, th… There’s still no way, they just had to be hearing things surely! …They hoped that was the case anyway, for their sake.
They tried calling out again and when they got close enough to the darkened room, they heard that noise again which nearly made them drop their ‘weapon’ of sorts “W-Who’s there?!” They cried out, clearly distressed and then everything fell silent.
…The silence made them even more uncomfortable than the noise did, it stayed this way for what felt like an eternity before finally, something was walking from the darkness, this caused them to scream which startled the being… That turned out to be their cat, simply walking out of the darkness.
They looked at their cat who looked confused and scared “O-Ohhh… O-Oh… It’s you… I’m- I’m sorry bud” They apologized and knelt down, gently petting the kitty who rubbed up against the legs and head, meowing in a concerned manner, they sighed “...I-I’m fine, I just… Need some sleep… C’mon”
The cat chirped at that as they walked back over, turning the tv off and setting the remote down, finally heading off into the bedroom, they had made sure to seal the windows just in case and then finally they showered to get the dirty filth off them from hiding in that god damned cabin, then they brushed their teeth.
And finally, they walked over, plopping down onto their bed, they felt something jump onto the bed and smiled when they felt a soft warm ball of fur curling up next to them “...Goodnight…” They mumbled before promptly passing out.
. . . *SLAM!* They were startled awake when they heard a loud crash, it sounded like their door had been broken in, their cat even screeched and ran off somewhere, they tried to grab the cat but it was far too late for that, they heard loud heavy booming footsteps slowly moving through the house, it sounded like they were heading straight for the bedroom… Shit!
They quickly rolled off and scrambled under the bed, it wasn’t the best hiding spot but they needed something and fast because right as they got under the bed, they saw it…
The figure’s boots stood in the doorway, it stood there for a few moments and oh god… They could hear heavy breathing and then when it started slowly walking into the room, the heavy footsteps only accompanied the breathing, a mixture of sounds that terrified them.
They made sure to clasp a hand over their mouth to stifle their breathing so they couldn’t be heard as the figure shambled around their room, they heard some sniffing “...I… Know… Yer… H e r e” The figure spoke, voice deep with a southern twang to it “I can… Smell ya… Yer s c e n t…” A pause before they heard a raspy chuckle.
“Ya can’t… Escape from me… Followed… Yer scent~” Their eyes widened, there’s no way… That was impossible! He was just bluffing! …R-Right? There was no way someone could do that! Then they saw a pitchfork slowly come down into view, the pointy bits scraping against the floor as he checked the bathroom.
Then he proceeded to check the closet as they tried to keep quiet, their body trembling with fear as he stabbed into clothes piled on the floor of the closet, piercing through a lot of them, they heard him grunt a little before finally his boots slowly turned around and now he was facing their bed.
Their eyes wide, watching in horror as he even more slowly approached the bed, as if he were approaching slowly on purpose, and then a raspy chuckle “...Wanna know somethin’, little bunny?” There was a pause as he stopped directly in front of the bed. At first, they thought he was going to kneel down.
But instead, they screamed when the bed was suddenly lifted with o n e hand alone and thrown against the doorway of the bedroom, it even broke through it along with some bits of the wall “I knew ya… Were under here th’ whole… T i m e~” They felt tears pricking their eyes “I-I don’t know who you are… O-Or wh-what you are but P-PLEASE!”
They cried, sitting up and scrambling until their back hit the wall as they had nowhere else to go. “P-Please don’t kill me!” He then knelt down over them, they whimpered when feeling his hot breath hit their skin, he reeked of death and decay, and honestly it looked dead as well, it looked like a… A zombie!
Their breath hitched in their throat, eyes wide when they felt a hand wrap around their throat, they instantly reached up to grip at his wrist “N-No no no! NOnonono!” They cried as they were then lifted up against the wall, the hand already too tight, they felt broken jagged nails piercing their flesh.
Sobbing, they looked into the other’s eyes, his eyes dilated with excitement “P-Ple… Glk!” It squeezed a little tighter and they struggled, legs kicking as it held them in place against the wall, they wheezed and spluttered, coughing and trying desperately to get some air “H-Hhngh..! P-Pl… ea…se…” They rasped, hands gripping at its wrist, trying to tear it off their throat.
“I-I…. I’ll… G-Gi… hh.. Give you… an… Any…thi…ng” It’s expression never changing, just a mania and relishing in their suffering before finally holding up the pitchfork with the other hand, they tried screaming and crying for help, struggling and squirming even more in its grasp, legs banging against the wall as they stared, horrified at the weapon about to pierce them.
And then finally… Winslow sunk the pitchfork directly into their stomach, he listened in delight at the agonized scream they had let out when he let go of their throat, blood quickly pooling around the wound, especially when it drove the weapon further into them, their body convulsed with pain.
Their struggling ceased slowly, their frantic kicks slowing down until their feet simply went limp, they died with a horrified expression on their face but that just seemed to delight Wins, it looked over its handiwork, tilting its head slightly, looking them up and down before finally prying the pitchfork from the wall and their body.
The body falling onto the floor with a loud thud, Winslow stared down at the body for a few moments before chuckling to itself and picking them up, swinging them over his shoulder “...You’ll make… A g r e a t… Treat…” And then as it slowly lumbered out of the house with its fresh meal in tow… He thought about all the great dishes he could prepare with them.
All the treats he could potentially bake them into, it made Winslow drool with excitement, but there’d be plenty of time to figure out what it wanted to bake them into when it got back home to its cabin deep in the woods. . .
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blackenchanting · 1 year
Welcome to Ravens Borough episode 21 season finale part 2
Somewhere in the unheard of town of Ravens Borough
The contents of this story are nsfw therefore not for children
The lights buzzed and flickered as Eva walked through the back of the hearts of steel where the walls were painted a boring shade of gray seeing a few old arcade machines with out of order notes on them
"Interesting." Eva said. Looking around at all the games pacman, miss pacman, Tetris, donkey Kong, as she came to a stop in front of an all black arcade machine that was only advertised with the letters P o l y b I u s,
"Not fuckin with that. I've heard the stories." Eva said. Ignoring the note that said offline as she continued through the boring grey hallway until she came to a door
"What have we here?" Eva said. Opening the door where she found Ameila spinning in an office chair
"Huh. So this is where you sneak off to." Eva said.
"Welcome to my office how broke are you" Ameila asked
"Surprisingly, not very, it's nice." Eva said.
"Bills bills bills lawsuit bills bills.." Ameila said as she stopped when the lights above them flickered
"Lawsuit?" Eva asked.
"Huh.. must be a windy night tonight" Ameila said continuing to place her bills in her binder
"My guess, yeah." Eva said when with a clack the lights went out one by one plunging the bar and the rest of the town into darkness with the only lights on being that of a large complex hiding in the woods…
"Well… definitely windy" Ameila said as Eva looked at her glowing green eyes in the dark
"Fuckin normal human eyes." Eva said, getting her phone out and turning the flashlight on.
"Don't worry i'll have the place up and running it a moment" Ameila said smacking into her as she fell on top of her and got back up. Moving to the breaker box across the hall
"Might not just be this place." Eva said.
"No idea I can't see outside" Ameila said opening the breaker and flipping the switches
"Do you have a backup generator or something?" Eva said looking around for a way to see outside.
"I have one for the fridge but I never had one installed for the rest of the building" Ameila said
"Why?" Eva asked
"This building was gutted in the nineteen fifty's and reworked into the hearts of steel. So all the wiring is spaghetti.. I'd pretty much half to be gutted again to get a back up generator in and would cost more then the bar is worth" Ameila explained.
"And yet it probably uses more power than most places around here." Eva said.
"Of course. the bar never closes thats why is so popular" Ameila said
"Exactly. Which is why I'm surprised you don't have one for the whole building." Eva said.
"I just.. but I.. ehhhhhhhhhhhhh" Ameila said
"I know. The wiring. Which absolutely should have been replaced by now." Eva said.
"And presto!' Ameila said flipping a switch as absolutely nothing happened
"Great work boss." Eva said. As Ameila looked up and around
"Well Fuck me right in the ass" Ameila said
"Tempting but sorry, that's reserved for Rob." Eva said.
"Your loss. You won't find another ass quite like this one just prime for the taking" Ameila said giving it a flirtatious little shake
"Ma'am, I can take Rob's ass whenever I please. But let's worry about the power and not sex mmkay?" Eva said.
"Hey I won't tell if you won't" Ameila said closing the breaker and turning around.
"Sorry but I'm reserved by a certain nuisance." Eva said.
"He's my nuisance" Ameila said walking back to her office with a little sway in her step
"Aww that's cute." Eva said, looking for a way back to the bar.
Ameila came back out and clicked a button causing a big flashlight to turn on
"And this is why I keep telling people to always keep an old police flashlight on them" Ameila said
"Useful. I need a headlamp honestly." Eva said.
The two walked through the bar as Eva smacked into a wall and was pulled by Ameila as they made their way up the stairs and through the alley until they came to the block out front which was pitch black
"Looks like the whole town's out." Eva said.
"You mean to tell me..." Ameila said
"The number your trying to reach is unavailable or outside of communication range" the rotary phone said as Amelia unplugged it from the fridges back up generator
"Well I hope they're okay…
Robins snoring became apparent as Rob laid there with bloodshot eyes listening to it
"I don't fuckin remember you snoring." Rob said.
He opened the door moving to the railing to get fresh air as he stared down at the Aston Martin
"Hope they're alright." Rob said. watching cars drive-by in the dark when a person stumbled over to the railing and injected themselves with a syringe of bright liquid "ayy.. give me you.. give me your wallet" they said holding up a gun
"No. I don't think I will." Rob said.
"You think I'm…you think I'm fuckin around buddy.." they said pushing Rob against the railing and grabbing him
"I see you and your friend driving around in that Aston Martin.. you telling me you can spare a few dollars to help a broth.."
The barrel on heavy iron two point o came back and launched forward sending sparks out of the muzzle and launching a bullet through the air. Causing the person's head to blew open killing them instantly as the fell to the ground in a pool of blood.
"Jesus.. christ…" Rob said looking up at heavy iron two point o then to Robin who was holding the gun out..
The two drove in silence as they hit the road again
"Thanks." Rob said.
"Yep" Robin said
They passed a sign as Rob tossed a dirty shovel out the window watching it disappear into the sand.
"At least this time I didn't have to dig my own grave." Rob said.
"I don't think this is an approvement" Robin said
"Not even a little bit. I was just gonna throw him over the railing." Rob said.
"He would have died either way" Robin said changing gear
"Probably." Rob said.
Eva walked up the pathway towards Orion's lodge as she passed the no trespassing sign looking at some of the rusty old cars that sat around the lot
"Grrr!" Orion growled as he stood diagonally on the side of an old rusty chevy Impala as he pulled on the mirror with all of his might
"Is that what I think it is?" Eva asked, adjusting the headlamp she put on.
"Come on you son of a bi- Ah shit." Orion yelled as the mirror snapped off, launching him into the side of his truck.
"Ah fuck!" Eva said, rushing over to Orion. Who stood up and examined the mirror which was perfectly intact.
"Yeah that's what I think it is." Eva said catching the matching mirror to their sixty seven Impala
"How much?" Eva asked, checking the mirror.
"Fifty and it's yours." Orion said
"Sold." Eva said, handing over fifty bucks.
"Alright bring it in next week and i'll install it or you could do it yourself." Orion said limping over to a rusty broken down Chevy belair as he threw up the hood which groaned
"How do you think I got here? Anyway, we kinda need your help with this power outage." Eva said.
"There's a power outage?" Orion asked looking at the lodge which was nicely lit
"Yeah, the whole town's out. We figured out how it happened, and you're the first person I thought of. No idea where Chris is currently so." Eva said.
"That guy couldn't fix a stove if it told him how to." Orion said
"Yeah but he'd probably have an alternative power source or something that could fix the radio tower anyway, can you fix it or not?." Eva asked.
"Come on you know my slogan" Orion said
"How much do you need to fix it?" Eva said.
"Yes" Orion said
"So twelve cases, got it." Eva said as Orion grabbed a hand held toolbox and tossed it in his truck.
"We gotta make sure everyone is safe. So restoring power is a huge priority." Eva said.
"No promises" Orion said
"Let's just get to it." Eva said getting in the Impala.
Eva took off in the impala hitting the dirt road as it kicked up dirt and flew down the trail followed by Orions truck. The lights and siren came to life as it followed the Impala.
"Easy on the gas there woman" Orion said to himself flowing the Impala down the mountain side the Impala turned as it kicked up more rocks and dirt at the tow truck which severed out of the way shaking the truck
"Yep definitely shouldn't have put a v eight in that thing" Orion said swerving again they flew past a turn off as a pair of police lights came on and turned onto the road behind them
"Wonderful" Orion said turning the truck as it swerved
The Impala and the tow truck raced down the mountain as fast as they could with the police car in tow
"Haha! This is not how I was expecting tonight to go!" Eva said. Drifting around the corner throwing more dirt before they both hit the road and took off towards town as a another police car turned onto the road behind her while she swerved out of the way of the chevelle coming towards her
"Come on, just lay off!" Eva said.
"Looks like fun" Ameila said grabbing her hand break and drifting between the Impala and the police car and tailing the Impala
"Holy shit!" Ameila said as they drifted around a corner smashing the chevelle into the back of the Impala taking out all four headlights on the chevelle
"Children.." Orion said, keeping the first police car behind him.
"We got a radio tower to fix." Eva said, calmly. Mowing down a light pool damaging the front end of the Impala.
"Guess i'll be seeing those two tomorrow if we make it out alive" Orion said as Eva watched the chevelle dart off course through an alleyway
The Impala turned the corner again as the chevelle flew out the other end of the alley and smashed into the police car sending them both spinning out and blocking the road just as the tow truck made it through
Sometime later they calmly drove up the dirt path to the radio tower which was nicely lit up.
"Well then." Eva said.
"Uhuh" Orion said looking at the tower that towered over them
"Wasn't expecting it to be lit up. But, most of the main work should be down there in that little shed." Eva said.
"Guess you didn't need me after all" Orion said, looking at the shed.
"Honestly I have no idea what we gotta fix." Eva said.
"And you think I do, I drink beer and blow shit up for a living" Orion said.
"This is a good point. We could probably just wait it out really, I'm just getting antsy haven't heard from Rob in a while..." Eva said.
"Ameila sacrificed herself to get us here im at least gonna take a look" Orion said limping towards the shed with his toolbox
"Fair enough." Eva said.
Orion grabbed the door but it didn't budge..
"Alright hand me a beer" Orion said cracking his knuckles
"Here ya go." Eva said, handing Orion a beer.
Which he cracked open as he examined a large piece of tnt.
"This will work nicely" Orion said, lighting the stick of dynamite and placing it next to the door as he took a sip of his beer and watched it a mere few inches away.
"Well alright then." Eva said.
"Oh right" Orion said moving back away from it
The fuse got smaller and smaller until with a bang the door exploded into shards
"Alright what do we got here" Orion said limping into the shed with his toolbox as he looked around
"Does saffron know about this habit?" Eva asked.
"Absolutely.. Not" Orion said opening the breaker box
"Noted." Eva said.
"And if she does then I know who told her" Orion said turning in Eva's direction as he fixed the green bandana around his head
"Ahhh.. good ol breaker switch number ten" Orion said flipping it causing a low hum as with a clack the light in the shed turned on followed by the town slowly lighting back up
"Perfect." Eva said.
".. that was too easy.." Orion said skeptically looking around.
"Oh thank fuck." A man said to himself from behind a rock. As orion's ear twitched
"Hmmm. We are not alone" Orion said
"Ah shit. Not good. And I'm not prepared to explain anything shit." The man said nervously.
Orion came out with a large pipe wrench
"Welp, looks like they did my job… now I gotta fix the door…" the guy said standing up and adjusting his jumpsuit.
"Alright, who the hell are you?" Eva asked as the guy walked over to the door.
"Mike Oxmaul. The guy whose job you just did." The guy said. As Orion tossed his bag in the truck Ignoring his presence
"Now I'm gonna ignore the unnecessary use of explosives and make sure shits still good, you two go back to town." Mike said as a creature of some kind ran off towards the woods.
0 notes
gabzlovesu · 3 years
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐬 - 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐦 (𝐩𝐭. 𝟑)
nanami x black!reader
Song: Collide by Tiana Major9 and EARTHGANG
Warnings: blood, mention of self-harm, depression, car accident (let me know if I missed anything)
Summary: Nanami regrets his actions and tries to find Y/N, only for her to be worse off than he thought.
Note: Nanami’s thoughts are in italics. Also, don’t judge me if I got the medical stuff wrong y'all, I literally used the little knowledge I learned from my A&P classes as well as Grey’s Anatomy, so go easy on me...
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Nanami was currently sitting in a dark, empty classroom. After seeing you and having a rather stressful training session with his students, he just needed some time to himself. He’s always been composed, but he was finding it hard to keep up the act when his entire world was crumbling at his feet.
I had no choice but to do what I did -- it was the only responsible decision. If anything were to happen to Y/N because I was a jujutsu sorcerer, I would never be able to forgive myself. She’s better off without me anyway, I know there’s someone out there who could make her happier than I ever could.
To Nanami, this made perfect sense but there was something that made him regret his actions: when he looked at you today, all he saw was pain; the sweet and happy Y/N that he knew was no longer there, instead, he saw a broken woman with a heart full of misery. The sparkle in your eyes that he loved so much was gone.
It’s all my fault. I caused the very thing that I wanted to prevent: you getting hurt. I was an asshole and now you’ll never forgive me, but I don’t deserve you anyway.
Before Nanami could continue berating himself, his phone started ringing. He didn’t need to be pestered by Gojo right now so he declined the call. Yet, his calls didn’t stop, so Nanami gives up and answers the phone.
“What Gojo? I’m not really in the mood for --”
“It’s Y/N. She’s been gone for like three hours. She told me she was going to her father’s grave and I haven’t heard from her. I checked her last location and it was near the school, could you please go check it out?” Hearing this news makes Nanami begin to worry, immediately thinking the worst. “I don’t know what Y/N has been dealing with lately but I do know that she needs you, so please find her.”
“Send me the address.” Without hesitation, Nanami grabs his coat and heads to his car. Nanami could count on one hand the number of times he’s ever been serious, but hearing the concern in his voice and the way he begged, he knew that Gojo meant every word.
When Nanami was about halfway there he had a feeling that something bad happened to you, so he called an ambulance just in case. Why else you be on a road in the middle of nowhere for hours? The closest hospital was twenty minutes away, but he was only ten minutes away from your location so he was preparing himself to provide first-aid until the professionals arrived.
He finally arrived, but you were nowhere to be seen, and the fact that it was dark and raining didn’t help at all. Nanami gets out of the car and starts searching for you, yelling your name and hoping you’ll respond. While his heart fills with panic, he prays to the heavens for your safety.
I’ve already lost her once, I can’t lose her again. Even if I can’t get her back, I just need to tell her how sorry I am and how much I truly love her.
“Y/N please, if you’re out there say something.” He walks a little further down the road and looks into the vast darkness extending past the tree line. He smells something burning over in that direction, so he looks around with his flashlight as he steps into the ditch.
The scene he saw before him made his heart stop: Your car was crumpled and turned on its side. All of the windows were shattered and dark smoke was coming from the engine. “Fuck,” was all Nanami could say before rushing over and checking if you were still in the car. Luckily the heavy rain stopped your car from erupting into flames.
He crouches down and peers through the opening that used to be the sunroof; he can see you lying on the driver’s side windows with your back to him. Your clothes protected your skin from the glass but they were ripped in the process and you managed to get a scar on the back of your neck. His eyes continue to scan your body, then he notices the piece of glass piercing your abdomen.
“No, no, no,” Nanami begins muttering to himself. He was wise enough to not remove the glass, preventing you from bleeding out, but he needed to retrieve you from the car. The glass was too large to fit both you and it through the sun roof; his other option was to try the front window, which had a lot of sharp glass and the possibility of hitting the engine.
Without wasting anymore more time he rips off his jacket, unbothered by the cool air of night, and wraps it around his arm to knock out the rest of the front window. Nanami gently turns your body so you’re laying on your back and begins to slide you through the window while being careful not to move the protruding glass.
The noise of faint sirens disrupts the silence just as Nanami frees you from the car. He checks your pulse which is weak; he checks your breathing next, and it’s also weak. Although your condition could be better, he feels a little relieved that there’s still a chance for you to live.
The ambulance pulls up and two paramedics hop out with a stretcher. “She has a faint pulse and her breathing is weak and irregular. She’s been out here for a few hours.” They thank Nanami for the information as they place your cold body on the stretcher and cover you with a thermal blanket.
“I suspect hypothermia due to the patient being in the cold rain for an extended period of time. Let’s bag her and stabilize her neck in case she sustained trauma to her spine. We’re out of warm compresses so I’ll insert an IV with warm fluids to start reheating her body.” Nanami lets the paramedics work in peace, only speaking to answer their questions.
Nanami watches you through the window in the hall. The paramedics kept your body stable until you reached the hospital to receive treatment. The piece of glass, which narrowly missed your liver, was successfully removed; yet, the fact that you were still unconscious was concerning. The doctors believe you have a concussion since your head CT scans came back clean.
“How’s she doing?,” Gojo asks as he walks up to the blonde man. When you were being treated in the ambulance, Nanami called him and let him know which hospital you were being taken to; he knows how much he cares about you so he’ll endure his presence for now.
“Y/N’s stable, but they don’t know when she’ll wake up.” Both men enter your room, Nanami stands by the wall while Gojo goes right to your side to hold your hand.
“Do you know what’s been going on with Y/N lately? I’ve never seen her like this before, and I don’t know what to do. I’ve been there for her the best I can but nothing I do helps.” The white-haired man looks over to Nanami, eyes desperate for any information or advice he could get from someone he deemed a friend.
Nanami had nothing to offer; all he gave was a sigh and lowered his head in response. “Does it have to do with you, Nanami? I noticed the two of you haven’t really seen each other since I found her in her apartment, and she hasn’t been talking about you like she usually does.” Still, Nanami stares at the ground teeming with guilt.
“You bastard look at me! What did you do to Y/N? Are you the reason all of this happened?” Gojo has never reached this level of anger with Nanami before, after all, he had so much respect for the man. But when it came to you, nobody could hurt you and get away unscathed.
Gojo wasn’t the only one with emotions running high; his outburst pushes Nanami to the breaking point. He punches the wall, shaking with rage, and finally responds. “You think I wanted this to happen? I loved her more than you could ever know. I was just trying to protect her and make sure she ended up being happy!”
With that Gojo releases your hand and gets in Nanami’s face. “Oh really? How many times have you told yourself that lie to feel better?” He grabs Nanami by his shirt. “I could really fuck you up for what you did to her,” he growls through his teeth.
“Why are y’all so loud,” you question softly as you hold your head. You last remember being in the car, but now you’re suddenly in the hospital and awoken by Nanami and Gojo arguing with each other.
“Nanami was just leaving,” Gojo says without even turning to you, instead he kept his eyes on Nanami, daring him to say something. Wanting to avoid further confrontation, Nanami turns to go but you stop him.
“Stay. We need to talk. Could you please give us a few minutes Gojo?” As much as it pained you to look at the man who broke your heart, you couldn’t help but notice his solemn expression and want to try to salvage your relationship.
“Ten minutes, that’s all he gets. I’ll be out in the hall so shout for me if you need me Y/N.” Gojo leaves the two of you to talk, but not without eyeing Nanami as he goes out the door. Although you know his intentions were good, you wish Gojo would stop being so hard on Nanami; the pain he’s feeling is plastered on his face, so how could he not see it?
“Come sit,” you gesture to the chair next to you. He hesitates at first, but Nanami eventually sits, continuing to stare at the floor. “When you came to my place that night, what did you mean that you couldn’t protect me and give me the happy ending I want?”
The man who was always put together and stoic was now breaking down right before your eyes; it was a sight you would never forget. “I was afraid,” he says through his tears. “I was afraid that I could never give you what you wanted, even it was a simple as just being happy. Being with you endangers your life in ways you can’t even begin to imagine, Y/N.” He looks up at you, hoping you’ll believe him while he’s in his most vulnerable state ever; you’re the first person he’s ever let witness this side of him.
“How would I be in danger, Kento?” You see an internal struggle within him after you ask that question like he’s keeping information from you. “I need you to be completely honest with me.”
“There are cursed spirits. I’m a jujutsu sorcerer, so is Gojo; it’s our duty to exorcise those spirits and train future sorcerors. I’ve watched people I know die while fighting cursed spirits. I would never want to expose you to that.”
“That’s not a decision for you to make, Kento. I choose what I want to be exposed to. Why didn’t you tell me this from the beginning? It would’ve made everything so much easier if you were honest with me.” Your tone was soft, afraid to be rash with the man who was already at his emotional limit.
“I didn’t know if you would believe me, you might’ve thought I was crazy,” he says with a soft chuckle. For the first time tonight, he looks you in the eye. “To be honest, I was actually afraid of failing to make you happy, Y/N. I’ve never felt this way about anyone else, it’s scary putting so much love and affection onto one person. I’m not sure if I’ll ever be good enough for you.”
“You could ask for money, cars, houses, whatever materialistic things you want and I can give you that. But a happy ending? I’m not even sure what that is, much less how to provide that.” You’re taken aback, never thinking Nanami would be insecure about something like this; hearing all of this only makes you fall more in love with him and happy that he’s willing to be vulnerable with you.
You fail to hold back a light giggle. “You’re overthinking it way too much Kento.” You flash a tiny smile his way. “My happy ending isn’t as complicated as you think it is; all I want is to just have you here by my side. As long as we’re together and happy, I don’t care about anything else.”
There’s that sparkle in your eye that missed so much. He promptly stands up and hugs you as you lie in the bed, careful to not cause any pain. “I’m so sorry, for everything. I’m sorry I wasn’t the man you needed me to be. I’m sorry I said all of those hurtful things. I’m --
“Shhh, it’s okay. I forgive you Kento.” You stroke his head that’s laid on top of your chest. It’s been so long since you’ve felt this warm feeling. Nanami makes you feel things that no one else can. “I’ve missed you so much,” you whisper above his head.
“I missed you too.” He lifts his head and turns to you, cupping your face while admiring your beautiful features. Even though you’ve been through hell, you still look like an angel. He slowly leans in, but before your lips could connect Gojo busts through the door.
“Alright, alright lovebirds. You’ve made up, you’re in love again, we get it. This isn’t the place to be making out ya’ freaks.” The two of you laugh in response to his silly intrusion. Gojo continues his rant about you too, meanwhile, you zone out and think about how much you love the blonde man before you. You gently squeeze Nanami’s hand with the little strength you can muster and mouth the words ‘I love you’. He mouths them back then places a gentle kiss on your cheek when Gojo wasn’t looking.
The darkness you felt within you was no longer there, and your shattered heart was born anew, burning bright with your love for Nanami Kento. This surely wouldn’t be the last obstacle in your relationship, but this only proved that the two of you will weather any storm that crosses your path.
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barsformars · 3 years
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g - fluff
p - mingi x reader
w.c - 797
t.w - none
c - stargazing....what a peaceful and beautiful activity right?
a.n - hehe wrote this one really quickly,, actually had something else for mingi but i wasn't satisfied at all so here we are jdjdje
t.l @closer-stars @jeongyunhoed @fairyofdusk
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seonghwa | hongjoong | yunho | yeosang | san | mingi° | wooyoung | jongho
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Is stargazing on the school field on your bucket list, or was it ever on it? Because it was definitely at the top of Mingi's, the boy always trying to convince you that it would be much more fun and special than going to a random spot outside school. You don't know about that, and exactly because you don't, you were curious. What could go wrong anyway?
Apparently, a lot.
Mingi reached into his pocket for his wallet, wanting to keep it in his bag instead so that he could sit on the grass more comfortably, only to realise that it wasn't there, and neither was it in his bag. "Shit, I think I dropped my wallet," Mingi said, giving you that sheepish side glance and guilty smile of his you've come to expect everytime you're with him.
With a scoff, you looked into the darkness that seemed to stretch on forever ahead of you. "You better hope it's around here," you groaned. If it wasn't, there was no way the both of you would be able to find it with ease.
Initially, you and Mingi decided that it would be much faster if you split up to search, besides it was just the field, it wouldn't be too scary. But ten steps away and Mingi was already begging you to come back, "my back feels so exposed, the demons could snatch me away any moment."
"What about stargazing? The demons could drag you to hell super easily since you're already on the ground." You said, unbothered.
"Don't say that!" Mingi yelled, turning around to blind you with his flashlight turned on. "Besides, I didn't think it would be this dark! How could they not even leave a single light in the school on?" He had already ran over to you, sticking himself right next to you. You shook your head at him as a grin crept into your face, fleeing as soon as Mingi catches it and whines to not laugh at him.
After three minutes or so, you spotted his wallet lying on the grass not too far ahead and you immediately dashed forward to get it, shocking Mingi, causing him to chase after you. "Don't leave me alone!" With you bending down to pick his wallet up without warning, Mingi could not stop in time and tripped over you, knocking you over as well in the process. You ended up bumping your head against his knee just as he was about to draw it up towards his stomach, eliciting a sharp yelp from the both of you.
"Mingi!" You cried out in pain as you tried to get up, throwing his wallet back at him in annoyance when you failed, plopping back down to the ground. In a panic, he got back up in a hurry to check on you, his hands clutching your head gently.
"I'm sorry! Are you okay?" You couldn't help but stare at his face, observing the way his eyes widened as it filled with concern and worry, and how he blows onto the spot where you had hit your head, as if that would make it better.
You pushed him away softly, your heart starting to beat a little too loudly. "I hate you," you mumbled. That was obviously a lie but Mingi took it a little too literally, trying to grab a hold of you while you were getting up. Not a smart move, because he was now hovering over you with you lying beneath him.
"Are you mad at me?" He pouted, hurt written all over his face.
You huffed, staring up at him and looking him straight in the eyes. "Yes." Maybe you shouldn't have said that so seriously, the boy looked like he was about to cry. "Why do you look even better up close? And don't pout like that, it makes me want to kiss you."
Mingi's eyelids fluttered as he shook his head in disbelief, unsure whether he had misheard you. When he sees the pink on your cheeks with your phone's flashlight lighting up the surroundings dimly, he doesn't doubt his ears any longer. "That makes two of us, I guess."
"Go for it."
Just as his lips were about to sink into yours, a bright light shine on the both of you, causing you and Mingi to whip your heads in that direction.
"Stop rolling around on the floor like pigs in mud and go home! Kids these days!"
Guess the stargazing has to wait for another time, but that kiss....let's just say that you sneaked one in as the both of you were scurrying away to get your belongings.
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Shadow From The Window (Leonardo)
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Imagine your scared of the dark and alone, but your sexy hero-in-the-half-shell comes to sleep at your side, after a long partol. Exausted, he forgets how easy you startle, and comforts you.
(SFW but blushy, leaning Fem!Reader/ but also gender-neutral, Bayverse Leo, no swearing, FLUFF, a lil spooky at the start but all sweet and completely handle-able. Its safe 💙)
(So, this is my first official post here and I'm so excited! First of all, HI EVERYONE! I'm so happy to have found my peoples and to be here uwu, I love you all. Hopefully, this brings you comfort to rest before bed, or in the middle of the night. Want me to do one for all the boys? Lemme know!💙)
I am writing this at 2-3 am, after imagining this scenario to comfort myself, settling down to rest. The thought of Leo hiding in the dark, makes the dark a lot less scary. (Tho I decided to write it instead of resting lol) LETS GET IT!
Its 3 am in your studio apartment.
You've been living in New York city for a while now, but its always been a hassle to fall asleep in your own place. That's been the hardest adjustment after leaving home... how scary it can be on your own. Truth be told, you're 'scared of the dark'. Not nescessarily scared of the darkness itself, but the shadows in the corner of the room... the random noises and things that go bump in the night... the mere thought in the back of your mind that something, as ridiculous as it sounds to others, will come and get you once your guard is down.
There you lied, stiff as a board on your back. The covers, pulled up to your neck, as you breathed in and out as silently as you could. Why did you still feel like you had to hide from monsters or bad guys in your own home? "Dang it, y/n..." you sighed, wiping the nervous cold sweat from your forehead, overheating internally from the anxiety.
"WHY... why did I have to watch that horror movie with Donnie?" You thought, internally shouting at yourself. "He said its not scary, that its 'too absurd to be plausible, and thus won't trigger a reaction of fear'. So much for a slow and steady introduction to the genre!"
You should have known when Raph said "Nope, I'm out." Donnie sat there the whole time, laughing at the movie at the scariest and most ill-timed moments... and you recall just glaring at him, teeth chattering, whispering to yourself:
"Yeah, he's cracked alright."
Just because something isn't scientifically proven, doesn't mean it can't happen... or hasn't happened, right?
"Ugh..." you groaned, curling your lips into a gremace, scared your groan was too loud amongst the unsettling silence. "I can't sleep with the lights on again..."
Glancing toward your phone, you noticed a blue light illuminate the screen, informing you that you got a new text. But that blue light... it instantly made you think of the blue-loving turtle you so dearly loved. The light of your life.
'Leo would protect me.'
Ah, that comforting reminder that you would feel so safe in your boyfriend's arms... if only he were here with you.
But... he wasn't. He was probably out on patrol, far away, and unable to come any time soon, even if he could.
"That's it." You said, taking and deep breath and mustering up all of your courage, throwing the covers off and dashing to the light switch.
*flick!* And... everything in the room was normal. It was comforting, but you scolded yourself for not accepting that everything was already secure, and nothing was lurking in the dark.
Everything was still, as you closed your curtains and lied back down in bed.
"Light on it is." You sighed, before the light suddenly flickered by itself.
"Oh crap-" you muttered, taking a gulp, as the power went out. "OH CRAP, ITS JUST LIKE THE MOVIE-"
Now, you felt screwed. You lied as still as possible, for what felt like forever, refusing to close your eyes. Dang it... DANG it!
Grabbing your phone light, you quickly tip-toed to the bathroom, trying to pee as fast as you could, so you could get back to your warm bed where it feels semi-safe.
As soon as you opened the bathroom door, you noticed your curtains flowing and twirling in the night wind. Street sounds from the never-sleeping city below echoed faintly through your widely-opened window.
"My window... is open?" You thought in horrified shock, examining your surroundings in the dark carefully.
You froze in your tracks, as your phone light turned itself off.
A chill went down your spine, as you stood there in the center of everything, slowly backing to a corner, where you planned to crouch in the fetal position, so you could see all angles of the room for the rest of the night.
You took another step back, and another, before you bumped into a large mass, standing behind you.
'Not the wall...' your brain registered, feeling the heat of whomever or whatever this tall thing was, radiating against your back.
"Hello, beautiful~" A deep voice chuckled, startling you.
Jolting around, you saw a dark, tall shadow, looming before you.
The fear disoriented you, quickly rushing adrenaline through your body, as your fight or flight reacted. You quickly let out a shriek, chucking your dying phone at the shadow and darting quickly toward the window.
The shadow caught the phone instantly, with lightning fast reflex, as a large hand suddenly wrapped around your wrist, gently yet firmly pulling you back into the room before you crawled out onto the fire escape.
"WHOA, hey hey! Y/N easy! Its okay." A gentle, farmiliar voice assured, gently pulling you around to face him. "Its just me!"
"L-let go!" You whimpered, still not realizing who it was. "P-please..."
"Hey, its me..." he softly whispered, as your breath began to steady, blinking a couple of times as his identity fully set in. "Shh, sh sh sh." He lulled.
"L-Leo?" You squeaked in disbelief.
The figure slowly leaned into the moonlight, casting over you from the open window, revealing his GORGEOUS, icy blue eyes. Those intense-yet-soft eyes... that you knew and loved more than anyone else's. That comforting, strong, lovingly soft gaze, that instantly reassured you that you were safe.
"Your aim is getting better," he softly chuckled, smirking with his adorable grin. Leo slowly slid your phone before you, onto the moonlit sheets, barely revealing his outstretched, chiseled, manly hands. "I'm so sorry I scared you, love. I didn't mean to... I would never on purpose..."
Leo's voice sounded composed, but also ashamed and regretful, as he became more serious to apologise. He always spoke so softly to you...
"Leo, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to, I-" you desparately assured, bursting into tears. "I-"
"Hey hey, I should have knocked, or called. I'm sorry I scared you, sweetheart. I thought I would suprise you in a good way, not startle you." He murmured, reaching his large hands out to gently grasp you, holding you in his arms.
"Oh... I'm so happy to see you!" You sighed, falling against him.
"Donnie felt bad about that scary movie, he told me about how scared you were and begged me to check on you." He whispered, with that composed, reassuring voice.
"Oh Leo... you really came." You whispered, sniffling back your tears.
"Of course, my love... I came straight here after patrol. I would have come sooner, but Raph was getting his shell handed to him by this big..." he hesitated, biting his lip.
"Leo?" You asked, wondering why he stopped.
"-You know what? It doesn't matter." He gently corrected, changing the subject.
"What? What was it?" You innocently asked, curling up against his warm, sculpted chest.
You could feel Leo's skin grow warmer with a blush, as he slowly and sweetly welcomed your embrace, holding you close.
"I'll tell you during daylight. Just... sweetie, I'll never let anything bad happen to you, as long as I live. You're safe, whether I'm near or far. Okay, sweetheart?" Leo promised with his deep innocent voice, planting a soft kiss against your forehead.
Suddenly, you heard a generator power on through your front door, and the power flicked back on.
You could at last see him. See his muscled arms around you, and the tails of his worn out blue mask resting against his chest, along side you. His plastron... rising and falling as he took in slow breaths.
Leo was so careful holding you in his arms... like you were this precious, tiny thing, that he adored with his entire existance.
"Hey, you... you there?" He muttered, growing increasingly bashful in his tension.
"I'm here." You gently assured with a smile, before pulling away to examine his handsome face.
Leonardo. Sexy, handsome, justly-confident, fierce leader. This fearless, giant turtle mutant, who was unlike anyone else in the world. His jaw clenched from sudden bashful nervousness, as his gaze shyed away from your eyes. Your stare always overwhelmed him... it was such an intimate thing to meet his eyes.
Leo cleared his throat, as he slowly reached out to your face, ever-so-carefully wiping away a tear from your cheek, watching intently and focusing as he did so.
Over cautiously gentle so he wouldn't risk hurting you with his strength.
"There we go..." he softly whispered in satisfaction, sighing with a relieved smirk.
"Can you..." you began, with every ounce of security and confidence you could muster. "Can you... stay? With me, all of tonight?"
You felt your cheeks blush intensely, blooming red, as Leo bit on his bottom lip. His eyes widened, as he fully realized your question.
"Y-yeah, o-of course I can..." Leo answered, all of a sudden a thousand times more innocent and adorable, intensely flattered and touched that you wanted him to stay at your side. "Uh... I'll... uh-" he began, moving back from kneeling on your bed before you, aimlessly pacing into your tiny kitchen.
Leo usually was so bold and certain, organized and authoritative, when he was on the move.
You recalled how you had seen first-hand how he can lay out the strategy of attack for the boys. He could be flipping into action, or running through the rooftops as he did it, with perfect coordination in his speech and movements. But with you and only you, Leo wasn't able to get the words out when he was this nervous or bashful.
He had a tendancy to overthink things.
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Leo wandered into the cupboard, beginning to steep some tea on the stove as his tongue caught up with his brain.
"Do you want... tea?" He gently asked, clearing his throat.
Such husband material...
"Ah, sure." You grinned, sweetly answering.
You realized how safe and secure you felt now, with him in the studio. You weren't alone anymore.
Leo didn't say much while he prepared the tea. He hyper-focused to distract himself from the nervousness of staying at your place, ALONE with you for the night. He paced around without speaking... doing little thoughtful things, like closing the window and locking it for you, shutting the closet and bathroom door, and picking out the perfect cups for the two of you, from your DC glass cup collection.
(Leo liked the Nightwing one since it was blue, and he always gave you the batgirl one, because you loved purple. He loved it when you would geek out and tell him how those heroes were the perfect couple... it reminded him of the both of you, and hoped that you gushed about him like that when he wasn't around.)
Leo brought the cups over, moving carefully with his eyes on the glass, gently placing one in your hand, and his own at your bedside.
"I"ll sleep right here, beside you." He thought out loud, examining the hardwood floor panels.
"Ah, Leo, you're not sleeping on the ground." You ordered, taking a long drink from your cup.
"Its no trouble," he assured, unlatching and taking off his belt and sword straps, placing them on your countertop. Leo sat down across from your bed, and began taking off his customized traditional ninja footwear, so all that remained were his pants and mask.
Why did this make you blush and get so flustered, the way he lifted those muscular arms over his head? Its not like he's taking anything revealing off...
"Modest like Leo... modest like Leo..." you whispered under your breath, recomposing your wandering thoughts.
He slowly walked up to you, lying you back and pulling your covers over you. Leo gently placed his hand against your cheek, staring deep into your eyes, as a soft smile rested over his lips.
He slowly nuzzled his nose beside yours, cherishing every small movement, before planting a soft kiss on your forehead. Then, he pulled away.
You felt your arms involuntarily reach out to him, taking his face into your hands. You both stared innocently into one another's eyes, before you made a bold move, planting your lips against his. You gently kissed Leo's lips, and he kissed you back, in the most respectful, admirable, and sentimental way possible.
Kissing Leo always felt so intimate and special... even as soft and innocent as it was. Leo made the tiny gestures special to you again.
"Leo, would you please... hold me?" You whispered, tightly closing your eyes and resting your forehead against his. "Please, sleep with me tonight."
"S-sleep with-" he panicked, turning vibrant red. For the first time that night, he realized that you were wearing blue pj's... and you looked gorgeous in them. Suddenly his heart began to pound through his chest, as his posture stiffened. "Sleep... together? Like... m-make love together?"
"Ah not like that!" You bashfully assured, unable to hide your shy grin. "Just... sleep together, at least for tonight."
He took a deep breath in, that sounded shaky, like the remenants of your kiss and closeness gave him the chills. The thought of you being together in the most close and intimate form made him overwhelmed, causing him to slightly tremble. Leo invoulintarily giggled, pecking a kiss against your nose, before he pulled his mask off.
"Alright." He grinned, suddenly much more eager and confident, leaning close to you as he set his mask on your night stand, switching off the light switch with a mere stretch.
Suddenly, it was dark again. But, a peaceful dark.
"Will you, Leo?" You muttered.
"Yes." He whispered, so softly and so intimately, gazing bravely into your eyes. "Yes, Y/N."
You beamed with joy, resituating to the side of your bed, curling up and watching Leo with an adorable, excited expression. Leo broke out a nervous, adorable chuckle, as he hesitantly sat down on your bed, realizing how massive he was on the size of it. He downed his tea like a shot, (wanting to finish it as fast as possible, so he could do this soft and intimate thing with you) and clearing his throat. Blushing, he slowly lied down on his back, slowly turning to his side that faced you, and hesitantly placing his hand over your shoulder, unsure of what was too much touch.
You giggled, sliding his hand on your waist, so you could sit up and pull the covers over him. "O-oh..." Leo murmured, stiffening up from his shyness.
This was very overwhelming to him, since he really liked taking things slow and was inexperienced to everything involving romance before you. But... you loved that. It was like everything was new to you again too. It endeared you beyond belief.
You lied on your side, examining his face one last time, as he examined yours, trailing your fingertip across his sharp jawline.
"I really love you..." he whispered, meaning every word.
"I really love you too, Leo." You softly agreed, as you continued to smile.
You and Leo talked quietly for a bit, sweet whispers between soulmates, as you scratched his shell and caressed his shoulders to help relieve his stress and tension. He would slowly drift off more and more, talking less and less, gifting you with tiny, soft, slow kisses, all over your face instead.
You both drifted off to sleep, and slept wonderfully side by side, as safe and sweet as can be, just the two of you.
And, as you found out in the morning, Leo was a total, clingy cuddler in his sleep. Throughout the night, he had nuzzled closer and closer, wrapping his arms around you and cradling you, until you were cozy against his body, sharing the same warmth.
💙 Sweet dreams.💙
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serendipityunho · 4 years
Fire & Flames
× genre: smut, fluff, college au × pairing: badboy!Hongjoong x Reader (fem.) × word count: 5.9k × warnings: explicit language, alcohol consumption, fingering, handjob, oral, clit play, slight choking, pull-out method, hand kink, praising, explicit sex
× synopsis:You never expected to fall into the arms of the notorious bad boy of the campus, Hongjoong, after getting locked out. But yet again, he never expected for you to end up in his arms either. 
‘Come to the party’, they said. 
‘It’ll be fun’, they said.
If only you knew you’d be walking home barefoot, holding your heels in your hands in this cold midnight. To begin with, the party wasn’t even that fun. People got high, people got fucked, people got knocked out. When was there anything new?
It was like any other college party, but with more beer kegs this time and Wooyoung didn’t get too wasted, which was an achievement. You never knew how people didn’t get so bored after the first hour of being surrounded by sweaty drunk bodies and actually not worry about being in the danger zone of being vomited on. 
Your best friend had already fucked off with some guy at the party, leaving you with the set of apartment keys since you had dropped them down the drain a few days ago. She was already too wasted to give you a lift home before tending to her businesses with whoever she caught, now you’re shivering down the street with your feet so numb you could barely feel the pain of the gravel stabbing at the bottom of your feet.
The apartment building wasn’t too far from sight, it was only a minute walk before you found yourself standing at the entrance with the flashlight on your phone on as you fumbled with the keys. Wait.
“Fuck!” You wish you were seeing things, anything other than the fact that you were holding the wrong set of keys. None of these belonged to you. 
Your best friend had given you the wrong keys, and you were too homesick to even bother checking them before leaving the party. Great. Now you were locked outside with a nearly dead phone and frozen feet. 
“Come on, come on, pick up” It felt like forever before the robotic voice answered, sending you straight to voicemail as you sighed in defeat. 
You wouldn’t have found yourself in this predicament if only you had listened to yourself and stayed home instead of allowing yourself to be dragged to that god awful party. You couldn’t even think properly with your constant shivering as you sink to the floor, ass getting cold from the pavement. 
There was always Jongho who didn’t live too far. No, he’s probably at a boxing match tonight. Or Yeosang. Eh, probably in a chicken coma with his girlfriend. 
Another sigh left your lips, hot breath evaporating into the cold air as you hugged yourself not that it would make a difference to your warmth. You didn’t want to go back to that party, not when people were finally starting to throw up on each other and couples occupying the bedrooms. 
Everything but the 7/11 beside the abandoned warehouse, and the bar was open, all other warm and cozy places were closed dark. The 7/11 looked empty, and that was the problem. You didn’t want the cashier’s eyes on you the entire night suspecting you of stealing shit. The bar it is.
You lift yourself off the cold steps of your apartment building before patting whatever residue was on your dress. A grimacing look took over as you looked down at your heels. You really didn’t want to wear it again unless you wished for your feet to stop working the next day. At least look decent before entering.
With every step, your feet felt like they were on complete fire. You were bound to collapse at any given moment. 
Just. A. Few. More. Steps.
The neon sign beamed brightly, almost making your eyes ache at the sight as you pushed through the entrance. A subtle buzz surrounded you almost instantly as your eyes land on the pool table then onto the bar with only a few drinking.
It was definitely much warmer than you expected it to be. But it was more than enough. 
“First time at a bar?” Your eyes stopped looking around and shot to the bartender in front of you, wiping the surface with a cloth before swinging it over his shoulder.
“It’s that obvious huh?” You place your clutch onto the counter before taking a seat on the stool, sighing in relief as your sore feet take another break from walking in heels.
“Very. Would you like a drink?” 
“Um, a martini would be nice, thanks” Money shouldn’t be used recreationally right now. But, a drink was needed in order to keep your cool.
“So what’s a girl like you doing here so late?” The bartender didn’t look up as he started mixing your drink, ice shackling inside the shaker.
“I got locked out because my roommate gave me the wrong keys and now she won’t pick up” 
“Have you tried calling her again?”
“No, my phone is about to die” The glass filled with the beverage pouring out from its shaker as the bartender pushed the drink towards you.
“There’s a payphone over there if you have any change left” 
“Yeah, if I had change left, thanks though” 
Another customer appeared in the corner of your eye, sitting down just one seat away from you. You could sense a burning gaze in the side of your head as you kept looking down, stirring your drink with the little toothpick you got with the olive.
“What made you come here?” From the very first word spoken, you immediately knew who it was. 
“That’s none of your concern, Hongjoong” You were met with a well-known smirk the moment you turned your body to the blonde-haired man.
You weren’t surprised to find Hongjoong at a place like this. It fits in well with his rough agenda anyways. That is, being the boy most parents warned their daughters about and the boy many others either despised out of jealousy from stealing the attention of girls they tried too hard to get.
“It’s quite concerning to see you at a bar so late. Did something happen that finally drove you out of the house?” Hongjoong chuckled, tilting his head to the side as he smirked.
“The only thing that drove me out of the house was a promise that my roommate would do all the housework for a week if I went to this party with her” 
“But this idiot gave me the wrong keys when I left and now I’m locked out with a dead phone while she’s off fucking some random guy” You scoffed, downing the rest of your drink before fidgeting with your fingers.
“Do you want to use my phone?” Hongjoong reaches for his back pocket, slinging out his black phone before unlocking it.
“No point, she hasn’t picked up any of the other fifty calls I left her” A flash of empathy washed over Hongjoong’s face as he remained silent, nodding his head subtly as you turned back around.
Maybe if you didn’t spend the most of your money on this martini, you’d be able to snag a cheap motel room for the night. Or perhaps some slippers instead of torturing yourself in these heels.
“You could... stay at my place if you’d like? Just until your friend comes back of course” Those were the words you never expected to leave Hongjoong’s mouth. 
“I don’t want to trouble you” 
“Well, where else are you going to go?” Nowhere. 
You were quite surprised that Hongjoong, out of everyone, had offered you a place to stay for the night. Many would think he’d just snicker and walk away from the looks of him. But on this night, he doesn’t look that uptight as usual.
“You’re right. I guess it’s better than nowhere” You sighed before reaching for your clutch, pulling out a few crumpled pieces of cash to leave at the bar.
“C’mon, you look tired as fuck” That was nice to know. 
You followed Hongjoong out the bar, standing in front of what seems to be his motorcycle. It was sleek and black, you saw him ride it to campus every day, zooming out the parking lot in a flash as people admired behind their books.
“Thanks” You take the helmet from Hongjoong’s hand before slipping it over your head, adjusting it before swinging a leg over the motorcycle.
“Hold on tightly” Hongjoong revved the engine as you snaked your arms around his waist.
“You trust yourself without a helmet?” 
“Do you trust me?” Hongjoong turned his head slightly, letting you catch a glimpse of his eyes. 
“Well, I’m going home with you aren’t I?” You wrap your arms tighter around his waist, lifting your feet off the ground as he does the same.
It felt like your heart was about to jump out of your chest at any moment as the wheels on Hongjoong’s motorcycle started moving. You were immediately hit with the cold air once again, goosebumps rising along your arm as you clutched tighter onto Hongjoong.
The neons lights of shops along the street passed by in a blur as Hongjoong sped down the street. It didn’t feel as cold as before, maybe because you were literally hugging someone.
Hongjoong slows down at a set of traffic lights, making your grip on his abdomen loosen as your heart calms down from the adrenaline. Hongjoong’s icy blonde hair glistened under the light, it looked miraculously soft and silky. You lowkey just wanted to run your hands through them.
“Scared?” Hongjoong kept his eyes on the road as he spoke up.
“What makes you think that?”
“You’re hugging me like a koala”
“Okay, maybe a little bit” To be completely honest, you were scared for him too. Riding this death machine without a helmet is ballsy. 
“You can trust me” Now that was another thing you’ve never expected to hear from him.
You were already so used to the cold, your skin felt numb as you grew used to the cold despite Hongjoong lending you his leather jacket halfway through the route. You felt kind of bad seeing goosebumps on Hongjoong’s arms as he endured the cold. 
“You don’t mind loose clothing, do you?” Hongjoong unlocked the door to his apartment, dropping the keys onto the kitchen counter before letting you in.
“Uh, no, anything would do. Thanks” You stepped into the apartment, it was neat and clean with a few pizza boxes on the counter. 
“Are you hungry?” Hongjoong’s face lit up as he pulled onto the fridge door, scouring at what he could find. 
“No, I’ve lost my appetite for the night already” With your sense of smell ruined by the thick aroma of alcohol and whatever at the party, you couldn’t bare to eat without wanting to throw up. 
“Here, you can take this room. And, uh, here,” Hongjoong lead you to a room with a bed freshly made as if no one had slept in it before, handing you what seems to be one of his shirts and some pants. It wasn’t like they were too oversized so you didn’t need to worry. “, the bathroom is right there by the way”. 
“Goodnight, Hongjoong” You flashed a small smile as Hongjoong scratched the back of his head, avoiding much eye contact before inching backwards out the door.
“Y-Yeah, goodnight” You stifled a chuckle before turning back around as the door closed behind Hongjoong. 
The room wasn’t too big or too small. It was just perfect. It was masculine enough not to mistake it for a woman’s room. Maybe this was someone else’s room. It wasn’t a new discussion around campus that Hongjoong had a roommate. But where was he?
It was a relief to finally strip off the party clothes, well, dress. The soft material of Hongjoong’s shirt made you feel at home, a subtle masculine scent lingered on it as you held the collar to your nose, sniffing it before stretching your arms out. A man who smelt nice was always attractive.
It was a pleasant sleep before you woke up in a cold layer of sweat, gasping for air as you shot up from the bed. You weren’t so sure if you were still dreaming or not, maybe both. 
The only thing you could hear over the ringing in your ear was the sound of your heart pumping loudly out of your chest as you focus on your surroundings. Almost everything was completely black other than the window with the moonlight shining through. 
It wasn’t uncommon for such sleepless nights like this, you’ve had them since you were a child after some rather unfortunate events. Some you could never seem to forget. Since then, you’ve learnt to cope with it. 
It wasn’t much of a big deal as you grew older, nothing an ice-cold glass of water couldn’t fix. That and probably a few episodes of TV that you’d forget in the morning.
You felt gross just sitting in the bed, quite sorry for whoever actually sleeps on here. The red numbers from across the room beamed 3:29am as your feet touched the ground before stepping towards the door.
Hongjoong was probably already dead asleep at this time of night. You’ve never met anyone who sleeps with their door open before. Making your way down the corridor, the wooden floor creaks subtly beneath you as your eyes lingered around the dark space. 
What you didn’t expect to see in the kitchen was Hongjoong himself, making you halt in your spot as he looks up from the counter. Arms rested against the counter with a glass of water in his hands.
“Why are you awake?” Hongjoong’s voice was raspy, probably just woke up not too long ago before you.
“I had a nightmare” You hesitantly make your way into the kitchen, fidgeting with your fingers as Hongjoong hops off the stool.
“Do you usually have nightmares that wake you up?” 
“Only when I don’t have my pillow, childish right?” It was another thing that helped you cope with nightmares. The long pillow that your parents had given you before they moved away helped majorly. You couldn’t have a proper goodnight’s sleep without it.
“Not at all. Actually, I can’t sleep without my pillow either” Who would’ve thought this baddie was actually a softie?
“So, how come you’re awake?” Your eyes flickered from cabinet to cabinet, questioning in your head which one the glasses were in.
“I was thinking” You were about to take your chances, opening up a cabinet only for a glass filled with water enters your view. You gladly take the glass from Hongjoong’s hand as you turned back around, facing him entirely as he maintained a distance.
“You must be thinking about something deep to stay up this late” Your dry throat felt relief after the first sip of water, finally, your body felt like it wasn’t on fire anymore.
“Would you say BuzzFeed quizzes are deep?” Hongjoong chuckled, leaning back onto the counter with his arms crossed. 
“What kind of person stays up at three in the morning thinking about BuzzFeed quizzes?” 
“Me, surprisingly, San too” 
“San, the rich kid, San?” 
“That’s the one” 
By now your glass was half empty, rubbing your thumbs across the glass as you take a seat next to Hongjoong. Your eyes glued onto the scenery outside of the window, moon hiding behind the trees of the small forest next to Hongjoong’s apartment building. 
“How are you not tired?” Even you were tired and you were barely awake for more than five minutes.
“I’m used to getting calls from my drunk friends at this time telling me to pick them up. It’s kind of like a subconscious alarm clock now” Hongjoong slips around the counter, inching back towards the corridor.
“How fun” 
“It’s going to be hard for you to fall asleep, isn’t it?” Hongjoong flashed you a concerning look before leaning forward with his hands pressed against the edge of the counter.
“I normally end up pulling all-nighters when this shit happens” Your finger swipes along the edge of the glass as you make yourself comfortable in your seat, accepting your fate for the night.
“I know I’m no special pillow, but perhaps, I could help?” Hongjoong scratched the back of his head, cocking a brow before pushing himself off the counter.
“What, you want to hold me to sleep? Is that what you’re saying?” It was sweet, really. Just a surprising thoughtful gesture you never expected.
“No- maybe- yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying”
You found it quite charming that Hongjoong had offered you such redemption from tired eyes in the morning. With no further words, you hopped off your stool and brushed passed Hongjoong with him following closely behind. 
The bed didn’t feel icky anymore the moment you touched it again, lying on your side as you wait for Hongjoong. You didn’t see him come in but you knew once the side of the bed dipped and a warmth covered your back. 
“Wake me up if I start snoring”
“You snore?”
“I don’t know, that’s why you need to tell me”
A soft chuckle issues from behind, feeling the wave of Hongjoong’s breath against the back of your neck. You could tell he was hesitant of actually holding you with his hand lingering over your waist. Softly grabbing his hand, you snake his arm around you, holding his hand in yours as you let him get comfortable.
“Can you sleep like this?” With Hongjoong hugging you like this, it wouldn’t take more than a blink of an eye to fall right back asleep.
“Can you?” He did say he needed his own pillow to be able to sleep too. 
“Only if you don’t move too much” You could feel your eyes shutting close as Hongjoong started playing with your hair, growing more comfortable in your presence. 
You never knew how much you enjoyed the feeling of someone playing with your hair until now. The way Hongjoong’s fingers tangled in your hair as his fingertips gently massaged your scalp calmed you, it was like a silent lullaby putting you to sleep.
“This is so much better than a pillow” You murmured, flipping onto your other side to face Hongjoong. His eyes were droopy, close to shutting as he rests his hand at the back of your head. 
“I’m glad” 
“You don’t sound so tired” 
“Because I’m not” Hongjoong chuckles, drawing little circles on your back as you subtly snuggle closer, lifting your face slightly to see him better. 
“It’ll be weird if one of us is awake” You could see the corners of Hongjoong’s lips curve upwards into a soft smile, making you do the same as your fingers trace his jaw.
“Sorry, but I have no more sleeping pills” 
“You need to get tired somehow” By now, your face was just as close to his as your body was against his body. 
“What do you suggest I do?” Hongjoong had stopped drawing his little circles on your back, smoothing his hand over to your waist before rubbing his thumb along the exposed skin his shirt had uncovered. 
At this distance, Hongjoong could probably hear the sound of your heart beating like crazy in your chest. Your hand had trailed down from his neck to his chest, hand cupping over his heart as your eyes flickered up to his. 
“Me” Hongjoong couldn’t mutter another word as your lips locked onto his, kissing him passionately as your arm snaked around his neck.
Hongjoong kissed you back just as hungrily, hand caressing your waist as they moved down to your hips and pushing you onto your back against the bed. Your tongue swiped across Hongjoong’s bottom lip before biting it softly, earning a vivid smirk against the kiss. 
Your legs wrap around Hongjoong’s torso as he pushed his body between your legs, swivelling his hips against yours with the noticeable tent rubbing against your aching heat. You couldn’t help but moan against Hongjoong’s lips as his hands slide under your, or should you say, his shirt, roaming every inch of your skin.
“You look so good in my clothes” Hongjoong growled against your lips before trailing his kisses down your neck, harshly sucking on the skin as he hikes up the shirt right above your breasts. 
“I look good in everything” Your fingers run along the skin of Hongjoong’s waist, hiking his shirt up before letting him pull it over his head. 
“You’re not wrong” A small gasp left your lips as Hongjoong takes a breast into his mouth with his hand cupping the other, squeezing it gently as you play with the hair at the back of his head. 
“Mhm” Your hips grind upwards against his hard-on, desperate for some friction against your throbbing clit and dripping wet cunt. 
You couldn’t help but grip his hair tighter as Hongjoong swirls his tongue around your nipple, sucking on your breast as his hand caresses your waist before hooking under the waistband of your pants. Suddenly, you didn’t feel the need to sleep.
Your legs slide up and down against Hongjoong’s sides before lifting your hips, letting Hongjoong cascade your pants down, throwing it onto the floor as his lips smother your stomach in kisses. His warm breath scattered over your skin as Hongjoong trails his wet kisses down to the waistband of your panties, fingers teasing your inner thighs with harsh squeezes.
Your face scrunches in desperation as Hongjoong pulls your panties down, licking your skin gently before kissing just above your clit, making you clench around nothing yet gushing over the slightest touches. Hongjoong eyes you from below with a devilish smirk, pushing your legs further apart before hooking his arms underneath.
“You look even better like this” Your legs twitched slightly as Hongjoong kisses your inner thighs, blowing softly against your sopping wet pussy, sending your eyes rolling to the back of your head as your hips subconsciously buck up towards his face.
“You’re such a tease” You moaned out, arms stretching above your head as Hongjoong kisses your clit before lapping his tongue at it.
“I know” A breathy moan left your lips as Hongjoong sucked on your clit, swirling his tongue around the bud of nerves as his fingers slip between your folds. 
It was quite a feeling seeing Hongjoong lapping away at your pussy with the glimpse of moonlight shining through the window, highlighting his back as his arms flexed with each movement. You couldn’t hold back another moan as Hongjoong slipped a finger into you, pumping slowly before adding another.
Your face furrowed in pleasure with Hongjoong’s eyes piercing at you from below, lips attached to your clit as he hooked his fingers deep in you. If breathing wasn’t difficult before, it definitely was now.
“Fuck, right there” Hongjoong’s tongue worked faster, fingers coating in your arousal as Hongjoong peppers sloppy kisses all around before reaching up for your lips.
Your knees bent instantly as Hongjoong buried his fingers deeper in you, pumping faster until you could hear the subtle squelches of your juices against his fingers. His teeth clash with yours as your lips hungrily meet each other, moving in sync with your arms pulling him closer.
It felt like a film of buzzing sensations had just washed over your body with each pump growing faster. Hongjoong’s palm rubbed over your clit, making you moan against his lips. Your lips hovered over Hongjoong’s, mouth wide open as Hongjoong’s hand worked faster, fingers slipping out and smearing your juices over your clit before rubbing it.
“Shit- fuck, Hongjoongohmygod” Your abdomen tensed hard as you nerves spark with each rub, close to emitting a firework in the pits of your stomach as Hongjoong’s fingers circle at your clit.
“You like that?” The whisper against your ear made you moan a soft ‘yes’ as Hongjoong’s face dips into your neck, kissing your jawline as you pull on his hair.
“Oh mmphhhfuck” It was only a matter of seconds before you had felt an explosion of bliss triggered by the pace at which Hongjoong was circling at your clit, making your legs tremble as they stayed opened by Hongjoong’s hand firmly planted against your thigh. 
Your brows furrow deeply, jaw clenched as Hongjoong smears your release on his fingers again before bringing them up to your lips, letting you take them into your mouth and swirling your tongue around his fingers making sure to keep your eyes locked on his. A groan escapes from his lips as he admires you from above, lips brushing against yours as he rubs his legs against yours.
“You want more?”
“Please” You bring your knee up to his crotch, feeling the hardened length over his sweatpants before rubbing your knee against it subtly.
“Fuuck” Hongjoong swiftly pecks your lips before standing on his knees, tugging his sweatpants down before throwing it off the bed, leaving him in his boxers.
The moonlight highlighted the crevasses on Hongjoong’s body, from the lining of his back to the lining of his abs. He looks tremendously good at this angle, making you lick your lips in anticipation before standing on your own knees, palming Hongjoong’s hard cock over his boxers.
Hongjoong cups both sides of your face, pulling you closer for a hungry kiss as a hand flies up over his, kissing him back just as passionate. You could feel his cock twitch under the material of his boxers, waiting to be held and clenched around.
Your palm rubs against his clothed dick, making him moan as he bit down on your bottom lip. Hongjoong’s hips bucked forward against your hand, rolling it subtly with the movements of your hand.
Your tongues lapped together as Hongjoong pulled you closer by the waist, cupping your ass before giving it a squeeze. Your head tilts as Hongjoong smothers your jaw in soft kisses before trailing them back down to your neck, making you moan a soft ‘fuck’ as you tug at his boxers, letting his cock spring free as you pulled them down.
“There’s a lot of things I could’ve done to sleep,” Hongjoong runs his hand through his hair, eyeing you down as you lower yourself down on him with a hand wrapped around his dick “, but I never expected this”. 
“Are you telling me you don’t want this?” Your tongue licked a stripe from the base of Hongjoong’s dick to the tip, letting the tip of your tongue sit on his slit as your hand caressed the rest of his dick.
Hongjoong throws his head back with a groan before taking a hold of your hair between his fingers. His face scrunches in pleasure as your lips wrap around his dick, keeping eye contact as your head bops back and forth, swirling your tongue around the base of his cock throbbing in your mouth.
“Mhm fuck-” A breathy moan fell between Hongjoong’s parted lips, brows furrowed deeply as his thighs tremble at the feeling of you slobbering on his dick.
The grip on your hair tightens, slightly stinging as Hongjoong rocked his hips subtly against your mouth. His abdomen tensed hard as a rock the moment you took his length deeper, letting it hit the back of your throat before pumping the rest of what you couldn’t reach with your hand.
You could taste the precum spewing from his dick as your wetness felt like it was about to drip from your pussy. Hongjoong shot you a daring look as he admired you from above, mouth gaping as broken moans fell from his lips.
Your mouth comes off his dick with a pop as you continue to pump his length, running a hand up from Hongjoong’s abs to his chest only to have Hongjoong grab your wrist, spinning you around as you fell on your knees and hands. You smirked as your head turned to the side, seeing Hongjoong caress your ass cheek with both hands before spreading them apart.
“So beautiful” Your back dipped deeper as you push your ass back, letting the tip of Hongjoong’s dick poke at your entrance as he slides it up and down your slit, coating it in your wetness as you crave the sensation.
It was almost a feeling you quite missed as Hongjoong pushed his dick into your hole, stretching it out with a moan coming from the both of you as you take in his length. You almost forgot how good it felt to have someone bury their cock deep in you before rolling their hips. Hongjoong just brought that sensation back to your memory.
“Fuck, Hongjoong” With your knees digging deep into the mattress and arms stretched far above you, Hongjoong grips your hips, squeezing them before rolling his hips into you, just pushing his dick into you deeper than before. 
You run a hand through your hair, pushing it back as Hongjoong thrusts into you, starting slow as your breathing quickens with each hit into your body. You could feel Hongjoong leaning down, pushing your hair to one side before attacking your shoulder with sloppy kisses, hot breath fanning over your sensitive skin.
His hand remained on your hip, squeezing it still as the other travels up from your thigh to your breast, fondling it before reaching for your neck. A quiet moan left your lips as Hongjoong wraps his fingers around your neck, squeezing ever so gently as his thrusts grew faster, knocking the air out of your lungs. 
“Ohmygodnnghh-” It was a hoarse moan thanks to Hongjoong’s fingers pressing down on the sides of your neck as pleasure shoots through your body with each body lurching thrust. 
“You’re right,” Hongjoong plants a soft kiss behind your ear, still holding on to your neck as his hand on your hips moves between your legs, fingertips lingering along the skin before circling at your clit “, you do look good in everything, even with my fingers around your throat”.
“Maybe even better down my throat” You smirked, a devilish grin carving into your face as you turn around, pulling Hongjoong’s face down for a harsh kiss as he slaps his hips in you.
You couldn’t help but push your ass further back, letting Hongjoong slam his cock deeper and harder into you with each thrust. Your mind slowly thickens with lust and senseless thoughts as Hongjoong rubs your clit in pace with his thrusts, making your eyes roll to the back of your head as you grip the sheets tighter.
“Oh?” Hongjoong cocked a brow, smirking with you before flipping you on to your back, spitting at your pussy before sliding himself in again, thumb rubbing your clit as your legs wrap around his waist.
Your breasts bounce with each thrust knocking you up and down with pleasure and nerves buzzing in the pit of your stomach. You entwine your fingers with Hongjoong’s before dragging his hand over your stomach to your chest, grabbing your breast with his hand as the other rubs your clit. 
“Oh fuckkkk mhmm oh god” Hongjoong rolls your nipple between his fingers, squeezing your breast before sliding it back up to your neck, thumb swiping across your bottom lip, letting you softly kiss it before wrapping your lips around it. 
Your eyes only roll back further when Hongjoong quickens his pace, making you tighten your legs around his waist, trapping him as sounds of skin slapping against skin grows louder. Your back arches off the bed in response to Hongjoong grabbing both sides of your hips, rutting himself into you at a relentless speed. 
It was almost as if he was trying to dig deeper, thrusting harder into you as your jaw was left hanging, inaudible moans trying so hard to escape with each thrust sparking something new in your body. All rational thought flew out of your head as your mind was left on nothing but soaking in a puddle immense pleasure and bliss.
“Yesyes- oh fuck yes” Your face scrunches in pleasure as your brows furrowed deeply, cupping your breasts in your hands as you look down to Hongjoong pounding himself into you. 
Hongjoong’s jaw clenched hard, on the brink of breaking as he grunts through gritted teeth, slamming his hips faster into you with his hands keeping you in place. It felt like confetti exploding in the pit of your stomach with each thrust bringing you closer to a high much more than just confetti, nerves buzzing into a firework ready to combust at any given moment. 
“F-Faster mhmmfuckk” Hongjoong shoots you a glaring stare with his hooded eyes, smirking with his parted lips. 
Your legs couldn’t hold around Hongjoong anymore, sliding off like jelly as your toes curl with every passing second. And with each of those seconds, you could feel it coming, the way your heart threatened to jump out of your chest at any moment and the way your back arched with each static euphoria coursing through your veins ready for combustion.
“Yes! Yesyes oh god! Yes- mmphhhmmfuckk!” It felt like you’ve lasted forever until the ball of buzzing nerves in the pit of your stomach finally flooded throughout your body, filling every inch with nothing but toe-curling, eye-rolling blissful euphoria and pleasure. Hongjoong groaned as he felt your warm release around his cock, desperate to chase his own high while fucking you senseless. 
“Ohhhh god- fuckk” Your legs tremble as Hongjoong pulled out quickly, removing his hand from your hip to pump at his throbbing twitching cock above your stomach, gazing into your eyes before landing down for a kiss. 
“Mhmmfuck ohmygod-” Hongjoong groaned against your lips, body twitching as you felt his warm release spew onto your stomach, panting like crazy with each kiss stealing another breath of air. 
“All out, baby, all out” A hand cups one side of Hongjoong’s face as you wrapped your other hand around his cock, milking the rest of his high out as he heavily drops his head into your neck, panting as if it were his last. 
Hongjoong’s cock twitches in the palm of your hands, droplets of cum still dripping onto your stomach as his legs collapse. You smeared the rest of his cum over the tip of his cock, thumb swiping over the slit before Hongjoong lifts his face again.
“You’re fucking amazing” It was a mere whisper but you could hear him clearly over the pounding sounds of your heartbeats. 
“Clean me up before you go complimenting me” You swiftly steal a peck on Hongjoong’s lips before pressing your palm against Hongjoong’s chest, pushing him up onto his knees.
“How is this supposed to make me sleep when I just want more now?” Hongjoong yanks a few layers of tissues from the box on the bedside table, catching his releasing into the tissue before carefully trapping it with another layer of tissue.
“More? Oh god, you’re awake awake” You chuckle, running a hand through your hair as Hongjoong collapses on his back beside you.
“It was your idea” 
“But did it work though?”
“You mean, do I want to sleep now?”
“Yeah, do you?”
“With you? Definitely” Hongjoong opens his arms for you to snuggle closer, fingers drawing little shapes on your shoulder when you lay your head on his chest.
“Snnggff-” It was quite amusing how Hongjoong managed to hide his secret cheesy persona.
“Wait, I can’t. This is weird”
“What’s weird?” 
“This is Yunho’s bed”
Copyright © 2020 by serendipityunho All Rights Reserved
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escapewithbts · 3 years
Unexpected Envy (Part Two) - Jimin
This ending is incredibly cheesy and fluffy (dare I say almost cringey haha) but I hope you enjoy it :)
Part One
*Jimin third person POV*
Jimin couldn't stop worrying the whole way home. He didn't realize how tightly he was grasping onto the steering wheel of his Porsche until he parked and took his hands off it, seeing that his knuckles and fingers were bright white.
He wasn't sure why he was feeling the way he was; he just knew he felt irritated, sad and concerned all at once.
When he got inside he removed his make up and colored contacts and changed into sweatpants and a white t shirt. He kept checking his phone, seeing if you needed rescuing or if Yeonjun had gotten on your nerves. But there always was nothing. Just the Mickey Mouse face of his lock screen wallpaper staring back at him, making him feel like he was being mocked.
He took his phone into his room and laid on his bed, staring up at the white ceiling. The image of you tonight in that beautiful black dress that complimented your body so well floated into his mind. It made him smile. But then he saw you again, gripping Yeonjun's forearm, telling him you weren't leaving, picking Yeonjun over him. He suddenly felt nauseous and his heart started pounding. He checked his phone again, paying extra attention to the time. It was already 11:30pm... how much longer were you going to be out? When would you be home?
Then a horrible thought entered his mind. What if you didn't come back to the apartment tonight at all? What if Yeonjun had charmed his way into you and took you to his place? Jimin had never known you to have a one night stand, or sleep with someone you just met, but what if he didn’t know you as well as he thought he did? What if things had changed?
He shot up from his bed and felt a sudden wave of dizziness, the blood rushing to his head. He ran his hand through his hair and sighed. He couldn't just lay here and think about you with Yeonjun. He was going to drive himself mad.
Still, he couldn't help but type a text message to you:
‘11:32 p.m.
Hey, I made it home. Are you ok? Let me know if I need to come get you.’
He didn't care if he sounded needy. He felt needy. He just wanted you to know that he cared...
...and make sure you knew he would come get you instead of have you end up going somewhere else...
Jimin then locked his phone and made a promise to himself not to check it unless he felt it vibrate in his pocket. He strolled out to the living room, sat on the couch and turned on the tv, attempting to clear his mind of all his confusing worries. He knew he wouldn't be able to sleep until you were home. He would wait up until morning for you to come back if he had to.
*Your POV*
Around 1:30am you quietly unlocked the front door to Jimin's apartment, assuming he was asleep as you hadn't heard from him for 2 hours or so. The door clicked shut behind you; the light from the hallway fading and leaving you in pitch darkness. You hadn't memorized the layout of his place yet, so you grabbed your phone out of your coat pocket and turned on the flashlight.
As soon as you raised it up to illuminate your way, a face appeared in the bright white light.
You let out a yelp, backing up and slamming your elbow on the doorknob behind you.
"Ow, Jesus, Jimin, what the hell?" you cried out, holding the spot that had been hit, "I thought you would be asleep."
"I wanted to make sure you made it back okay." he responded flatly.
"Well I had until now," you mumbled, rubbing your elbow.
Jimin retreated further into the apartment and you followed, stumbling a little as you had had a few more drinks at the party and their effects hadn't completely worn off yet.
As you walked into the living room you realized how much your feet were killing you from all the dancing you had done in the heels you were wearing. You bent down to take them off, but suddenly felt dizzy and lost your balance. You were sure you were about to make a fool of yourself and fall onto the floor, but before you knew it you felt strong hands grab hold of your waist before you could fall. You looked up into Jimin's face just inches from yours. He looked concerned and a little annoyed. Your cheeks flushed and you looked away.
"Are you drunk?" he suddenly asked, letting go of you and stepping back.
You shook your head and stepped out of your shoes, blisters already forming on your feet. You shrugged.
"No, I mean, maybe a little... I-I don't know. I feel fine."
Jimin sighed and ran a hand through his ash blonde hair.
"You should have just left when I did, (y/n)." he said in a disappointed manner.
There he was, sounding so controlling again. What was his problem?
"I told you, I wanted to stay. I had fun."
Jimin looked at you, his expression cold as ice.
"So you had fun with Yeonjun?"
You nodded.
"Yes. Yes I did. He's very sweet, and polite and a great dancer."
Were you purposely describing Yeonjun similarly to Jimin to try and make him jealous? Maybe. The slight buzz you still had was clouding your judgement.
Jimin's eyes narrowed and he licked his lips while running his hand through his hair again. Then he turned away and sat back down on the couch.
"Do you think you'll see him again?" he muttered quietly, not making eye contact.
Although he had offered, you hadn't taken Yeonjun's number, hadn't made any plans to see him again. It was just all too soon. You didn't think it would have been fair to him. Your heart still belonged to someone else.
Someone else sitting right in front of you.
You shrugged.
Jimin responded with a “hmm”, just staring at the tv in front of him that was playing late night infomercials.
There was a pause as you just stared at your best friend, unable to read his emotions.
"Okay, well, thank you Jimin-ah, for having me as your plus one tonight. I'm really tired so I think I'll head to bed. Thanks for waiting up for me, too." You gave him a small smile before turning around and heading into the guest room, heels in hand.
You changed into pajama shorts and an oversized t shirt, then went into the adjoining bathroom to get ready for bed. You looked at yourself in the mirror; much of your make up had faded from time and the sweat of the dance floor. Your once perfectly styled hair was now slightly wavy and frizzy. Your cheeks were red from the effects of all the alcohol. You sighed, grabbing a make up remover wipe and swiping it across your face until your natural self was looking back at you. At that moment you couldn't help the thoughts that began to creep into your mind.
Yeonjun was clearly interested in me. He's an idol, too. He's willing to try. Why won't Jimin? Why doesn't Jimin want me?
Your eyes started brimming with tears, you cheeks getting blotchier. How were you supposed to continue being Jimin's friend when you felt this way? Everything just felt so awkward. You wished you could just go back in time and stop yourself from telling him how you truly felt.
A sudden knock at the bedroom door interrupted your thoughts. You quickly splashed some cold water on your hot face, attempting to hide the fact that you were almost in tears.
"Come in," you said softly, walking back out into the bedroom.
Jimin opened the door slightly before stepping inside.
"Hey," he said, looking at the floor.
"Hi." you replied, your heart pounding.
What did he want? Was he here to finally talk about how off your friendship had been over the past week? Did he not want to be your friend anymore? Your mind was going a mile a minute.
He walked over and sat on the end of the bed, still not looking up at you. He ran a hand through his hair again and then rubbed his face before speaking.
"I-I don't..."
Don't say it, don't say it.
"I don't want you to see Yeonjun again."
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing.
He finally looked up at you, a look of plea in his dark brown eyes.
"I don't.... really know what to say, Jimin. It's not really your call to make."
He cocked his head and knitted his brows together.
"You don't want your best friend's opinion?"
You scoffed.
"First of all, it sounded more like a demand. Secondly, in this regard, who I see and who I don't... well I don't really think your opinion is valid. Especially since-"
You stopped before you could finish, feeling your stomach get in knots.
"Since what?" Jimin asked softly.
You folded your arms across your chest and looked at the floor.
"Come on, Jimin, you know what..."
He shook his head.
"I have no idea what you're talking about, (y/n)."
He couldn't be serious.
You suddenly felt furious, all your emotions building up inside at once.
"Jimin! Come on! You-you don't want me! Therefore who I choose to date and not to date is really not up to you! You can't keep me from other people just because you don't want to be with me!"
You couldn't stop the tears from falling this time. Jimin immediately rushed to you and pulled you into arms, your head laying in the crook of his neck. You hated that you let yourself be comforted by him, but it felt so familiar and safe.
"(y/n), look at me. Please look at me."
You looked up at his handsome face, his full lips, the strands of bangs that fell over his eyes. He looked sad, almost like he was going to cry, too.
He cupped your cheek in his hand, wiping a tear away with the pad of his thumb.
"I-I do want you (y/n). I do want to be with you," he closed his eyes tightly, "Aiish, if you even knew how jealous of Yeonjun I was tonight. How happy you seemed dancing with him. How he made you smile. I miss that, I miss us! And I don't want you to ever dance with another man like that again or-or have him make you smile like that. It killed me. I was a mess when I left without you. All I could see in my mind was the two of you together, wondering if you were even going to come home tonight. I was afraid I had lost you as a best friend, which only made me realize how much I want to truly be with you, how much I wanted it to be me and only me..." he trailed off, burying his face in his hands to hide the tears that had welled up in them.
You stared at him in shock through blurry tears.
"But Jimin..." you quivered, "what about what you said last week? About how I deserve someone who can focus fully on me? "
Jimin shook his head and looked into your eyes, wiping his tears away with the back of his hand.
“I think... I was afraid, because you do deserve someone who can do that... and so much more. But (y/n), I want to try. Please. You mean the world to me, and I don't ever want to feel the way I felt tonight again. We've managed to stay friends all this time, and now with you closer than ever, I really think we can make it work. I want to give you my everything because you are my everything."
You nodded slowly, letting a few more tears falling down your warm cheeks.
Jimin lifted your chin to look at him.
"I love you, (y/n). And I'm so sorry this is what it took to make me realize it."
You stared up into his dark eyes, hope and sincerity behind them.
“I love you, too, Jimin. But I need you to be sure you’re capable of this, that this is truly what you want. A week ago you didn’t feel this way, right? And I can’t lose our friendship, I can’t lose you. I don’t want to get hurt.”
He bit his bottom lip and looked deep into your eyes, a pained expression on his face.
“I won’t hurt you. Never. This is what I want. I want you. Please, (y/n), give me a chance to prove it to you.”
He tucked a piece of hair behind your ear and looked down at your lips before slowly pulling your face to meet his. You loved the feeling of his soft, luscious lips on yours. It was something you had only ever dreamed of for so long. It felt so comfortable, yet so passionate and new.
You pulled away and was met with a big Jimin smile. You couldn't help smiling back.
He laid his forehead on yours and closed his eyes.
“I will strive to make you the happiest person in the world, (y/n). Every day. Okay?” he whispered to you.
You nodded against him, relishing in the feeling of being this close to the man you had loved for so long.
Then you pulled back, a grin on your face.
"Do you think we should thank Yeonjun? Send him some flowers or-or a collection of BTS CDs?" you joked.
Jimin laughed, crashing his body into yours in typical Jimin fashion.
Then he gently grabbed your face again and shook his head back and forth.
"No, no,no," he giggled, "not a chance."
And you two shared another wonderful kiss.
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alj4890 · 3 years
Angst Prompt
Dawn’s Early Light
(Part Three to One Fateful Night)
As requested by many of you.
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(Liam x OC) in a one shot continuation of the angsty One Fateful Night.
A/N Here's some happiness to the angst so many sent messages about. I know it is still bittersweet in a way, with Riley being dead and all, but I think it gives our favorite prince a chance to find true love after all. On another note, I had at one time considered Liam meeting someone in Washington D.C. in another story where Riley died the night of the Homecoming Ball in Book 2. I guess this makes up for deleting it and never posting, LOL.
Part 2 The Dark Before the Dawn
 @kingliam2019 @texaskitten30 @yourmajesty09   @gkittylove99 @krsnlove   @mom2000aggie @twinkleallnight @lodberg @sweatyrysconnoisseur ​ @motorcitymademadame ​
Dawn’s Early Light
Somewhere in Maryland...
Liam grimaced at the voice coming through loud and clear from his cell phone. The one time he convinced Bastien that he could travel on his own and the man still made certain to call every hour.
"Yes?" He huffed.
"Your current location?"
"That at the moment is a little difficult to pinpoint." Liam squinted through the pouring rain. "One of the roads was flooded and the numerous detours have sent me further east of D.C."
He could hear frantic mutterings in the background, papers shifting and clicks from computers.
"Pull over and we will try to locate you." Bastien ordered.
Liam looked about at the flour lane highway, barely able to see five feet ahead of him. "There isn't a spot to do so. I'll call once I find a safe place."
"Your majesty," he could hear the frustration in his Head of the King's Guards' voice, "this is why I insisted we fly down together."
"And I knew this was my last chance to take a road trip of sorts." Liam countered. "You worry too much, Bastien."
"And you don't worry enough." Bastien muttered. "If you haven't found a place within the next hour, I am coming to find you."
"Make sure to bring a rowboat." Liam teased. "That's probably the best way to travel here."
His jest was met with silence.
"Bastien?" Liam glanced down at his phone and saw the call had dropped. Tossing it back in the passenger seat, he continued on down the road.
Outside of Annapolis...
"No!" Autumn pleaded when her tire burst. "You've got to be kidding me!"
Pulling over onto the shoulder of the highway, she tried to call her parents.
"Gee, thanks for no bars." She grumbled, chucking her phone back into her purse.
Reaching for her coat she prepared herself mentally to change her own tire.
Why did Dad have to make it so boring? He knew I wouldn't pay attention!
It had been ten years since she had sat through that lesson, day dreaming of the cute guy who sat next to her in chemistry class.
And just like her lack of luck with Mr. Chemistry, she was about to fail miserably with her tire.
She pulled the flashlight and tools out her father insisted she keep in her vehicle at all times and stepped out into the rainstorm.
"Any creepy serial killers out there," she yelled towards the darkened woods that lined the highway, "now is NOT the time to mess with me!"
She paused in removing the jack from her trunk. "That goes for any wild animals unless you're the helpful kind from fairy tales."
She snorted at her own joke as she set reflectors along the road. "And if you know of any princes, do send them my way."
"Alright car, you and I have been through it." She patted it's side. "All the snow storms in Pennsylvania. New jobs. New apartments. Ex boyfriends." She knelt by the flat tire. "Let's get through this and I'll treat you to a tank of premium gas."
She removed the hubcap and blinked when a pair of bright headlights pulled up behind her.
"Didn't I specifically demand no serial killers?" She muttered to herself as she saw the silhouette of a man start walking her way.
"Pardon me?" A cultured voice called out. "Are you in need of any assistance?"
She lifted her hand to shield her eyes from the light. "I wouldn't say no to some help."
Her mystery person stopped a couple of feet away from her and studied her tire.
"Where's the jack?"
She handed it to him and watched as he expertly began to raise the back end up.
"Here's the tool kit." She handed it over, discreetly keeping a screwdriver in her hand in case he was a psycho.
"I hate to keep you out in the rain, but could you shine your flashlight here so I can remove the lug nuts?"
"Right. Of course." She dutifully lifted it where he directed.
"Perfect." He turned to smile at her. "Thank you."
She blinked at how handsome he was. "I, no problem. I should be thanking you."
"My pleasure." He looked around. "I don't suppose you know where we are, do you?"
Oh no. A hot psycho. Just my luck.
"Um, don't you know?" She took a cautious step back.
"I've never been in this part of America before." He explained, unaware of her trepidation. "I lost GPS about two hours ago."
"Oh." She relaxed and stepped closer. "We're about forty-five minutes from Annapolis.
"How far is that from D.C.?" He asked.
"About forty minutes or so depending on traffic." She tilted her head. "Let me guess. You're a politician or aide of some sort."
He chuckled. "Not really."
"You certainly don't sound like the men in Washington."
"Oh? And how do they sound?"
"Arrogant jerks. Every last one of them. Even the mailroom guys act like they rule the world." Her nose wrinkled.
"Ah." Her handsome stranger removed her flat tire and placed the spare on. "Not fond of men in power, I take it."
"Not really." She squatted next to him, hoping she would remember his actions in case she had another flat tire some time in the future. "I guess there's bound to be one man out there who actually wants to serve the people instead of having them serve him."
"I see." He glanced over at her. "I like to think there are honest rulers out there."
Her brow furrowed. "Rulers?" She studied his profile. "You're not American, are you?"
He shook his head. "No."
"Where are you from?" Her eyes narrowed in thought. "Your accent is hard to place."
"Cordonia" he grunted as he tightened the lug nuts. "Have you heard of it?"
"It sounds familiar." She muttered.
"It is a tiny but beautiful country in Europe." He explained.
"Isn’t every European nation?” She teased. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard of of one that I would turn down a vacation to.”
He began to lower her car back down with the jack. "All done."
"I don't know how to thank you." She pushed her wet hair back, wondering how horrible she must look as she picked up the safety reflectors
"No need." He smiled warmly. "Have a good evening, my lady." With an instinctive bow, he turned and walked back to his own car.
"My lady?" Her lips quirked with humor. Perhaps the fairy tale animals had sent her a prince. "Hey! Wait!"
He paused with his car door open. "Yes?"
"There's an all night diner a few miles ahead." She took a deep breath. "Would you like to follow me there? We could dry off and I could buy you a piece of pie as a thank you."
Her hero's smile grew brighter. "I'd like that. Lead the way."
"I'm Autumn." She held her hand out as they waited to be seated.
"A pleasure to meet you. My name is Liam." He took her hand and bowed over it.
"Is that how people greet one another in Cordonia?" She asked.
"It is the norm from where I grew up." He responded with a sheepish grin.
He shook her hand. "Is that better?"
"Your way was fine." She glanced down at their clasped hands. "I just feel a little under dressed for such a proper greeting."
"Nonsense." Liam continued to hold her hand. "A little water logged perhaps, but lovely nonetheless."
Her lips parted in surprise.
"Just the two of you?"
The pair turned toward a waitress.
"Yes." Autumn replied. "Just us."
"Follow me." She sat them at a table and handed over some menus. "What can I get you to drink?"
"Coffee, please." Autumn replied.
"I'll have the same." Liam added.
"Coming right up."
"Autumn?" Liam tested her name. "Were you given that name due to being born in the fall?"
She shook her head. "My parents have a warped sense of humor. I was born in April."
He laughed causing her to smile once more.
She thought his laughter had such a warm encompassing sound that made her want to hear it often as she could.
"They also wanted to have their kids' initials for Pennsylvania." She rolled her eyes. "My older brother, Patrick, took care of the P while I completed it with an A." Her own laughter bubbled out. "Then my unplanned younger brother was born and threw those initials out the door."
"What did they name him?" Liam asked.
"August, since he was born in January. Being that he was a surprise, they went with another A name to have an, aaahhh, moment at the end of P.A.."
Liam shook with his laughter over her parents. "They sound delightful."
"They sound that way," she teased, "but when you live with them..." Her smile softened. "They really are great parents and my brothers aren't too bad either."
"I have an older brother." He told her. "Leo and I were never as close as I wished we could have been. He spends so much time traveling and exploring the world that I don't have the heart to pressure him into coming home more often." A sadness came over him. "I've never seen him so happy as when he sends me pictures from his latest adventure."
"He's a wandering soul." She added.
"Precisely." Liam refocused on her. "And a wanderer withers and dies if tied down."
"What about your parents?" She asked.
"My mother died when I was very young and my father passed away about five years ago." He explained. "I'm close to my stepmother, Regina. She and Leo are all I have left for family."
"I'm sorry." Autumn mumbled. "I didn't mean to dredge up painful--"
Her breath caught when he laid his hand over hers. She thought she could actually feel herself getting lost in his blue eyes...which was something she teased her friends over every time they mentioned something like that. Yet here she was, finding herself falling for a man who changed her tire in the rain.
He gently squeezed her fingers. "Nothing to apologize for. I miss them but I am done grieving."
As their waitress brought them a fresh pot of coffee, Liam realized how true that statement was. He was done grieving for all of his lost loved ones.
"Now then." Liam looked up from his menu. "Do you work in Washington?"
"I do." She replied. "Not in a political aspect though."
"What do you do?" He asked.
"I'm an archivist at the National Air and Space Museum."
His expression brightened with interest. "I've always wanted to visit the Smithsonian. To work and preserve the very fabric of your nation's history must be fascinating."
"It is!" She leaned forward as she became more animated about her work.
Deciding to prolong this conversation, the two ordered a meal before indulging in pie.
Liam listened, asking questions that only made her more excited in sharing this piece of her life.
It was rare for Autumn to find anyone interested in what she did.
"Right now, my team is working on digitizing everything we have on rocket tests during the 1950's." She explained. "Reading through the vast paperwork, various film and photographs, all audio recordings; I get to sift through every bit of it for our records."
"I once assisted an archivist at the palace library." Liam told her. "I discovered long ago manuscripts and journals in a hidden nook." His smile softened at the memory. "It was all by accident. My best friend and I were playing in one of the ballrooms when the soccer ball we were kicking around struck a piece of the baseboards, causing a hidden door to open."
Autumn's eyes widened. "It's a wonder you didn't get in trouble with the palace curators. They do not appreciate anyone playing around the exhibits."
Liam chuckled. "I was lucky the curators were fond of me."
"You knew them?" She asked. "Were they family members?"
"They aren't family, but I did know them." He replied, being deliberately mysterious about who he was.
He hadn't had a normal conversation in years. When she didn't recognize him, he felt a lightness he had felt on that long ago night in New York. He had forgotten how it was, how it made him feel. So often, people said the things they thought he wanted to hear. He missed the back and forth of sharing personal tidbits.
Autumn grimaced when she realized she had basically dominated the conversation for nearly an hour.
"Enough about my work," she smiled at him, "what do you do? Did you come here for business or to finally see the Smithsonian?"
He chuckled before taking a sip of his coffee. "As much as I would prefer spending my days wandering through museums, I am here to meet with government officials."
Her nose wrinkled. "I’m sorry. I do not envy you for that." Her eyebrow lifted. "What's the government like in Cordonia? Do you have a prime minister or something similar to our president?"
"We are a constitutional monarchy with the king as the Head of State." He explained.
"I see. Then you work in some capacity for him?" She continued. "You must to be here for meetings."
Liam lowered his eyes. "I suppose you could say that."
"So what's your job title?" She persisted. "Are you a member of the house of lords or whatever you have? Aide to the king?"
"I have a higher position than anything like that." He hedged. "Which is why I'm the only one to attend these meeting the next couple of weeks."
Her brow furrowed. "The king doesn't handle stuff like that?"
"He does which is why I'm here." He focused on her eyes. "The king is the only one to handle the approval for trade agreements and maintaining friendly relations with other countries."
"Then why isn’t he..." She burst into laughter. "You really had me going there for a moment." She shook her head at him. "Nice try, but no king travels alone on highways in a Nissan Altima."
"I do when I want to appear a regular man." He explained.
"Because isn't that royalty is all about?" She giggled some more. "Living life as a middle class man."
"I'm sincere." He argued. "I really am the King of Cordonia."
Her laughter died. "And just when I thought you weren't mentally unhinged." She sighed while picking at her piece of blueberry pie. "I knew you were too good to be true. No man can be both selfless and handsome without a few screws loose."
Liam's elation she found him attractive caught him by surprise. It wasn't that other women had not said similar to him at various functions. It was that he actually felt attracted to her too.
"I can prove I'm the king."
"How long have you believed you were king?" She asked. "Any chance you've thought you were someone else at one time? Napoleon Bonaparte? King Tut?"
He snorted on his laughter. "I've been king for over six years now. The rest of my life was spent as a prince."
"Uh huh." She poured them each another cup of coffee. "Guess that explains why you weren't banned from the palace for playing soccer."
"It is my home." He pointed out.
"Sure it is." She patted his hand. "And I'm sure you're the best king out there who knows how to change a tire."
"I only know because my best friend taught me." Liam explained. "He was one of the few people in my life who did not allow me to become a spoiled prince."
"Right." She smiled at him. "It's been great and all." She reached into her purse for her wallet. "And I do thank you so much for your help with the flat tire, but I should go."
"You don't believe me?" He asked.
"I believe you believe it." She said cautiously.
Liam quickly pulled his phone out and handed it to her. "Look up Cordonia."
"Just because you think you're a king doesn't mean you can order me around." Her eyes narrowed in warning. "Besides, I wouldn't use your phone. You'd probably have me looking at some doctored photos of yourself."
"Forgive me I didn’t mean to make it sound like a command." Liam ran a hand through his hair. "I've never met anyone who didn't believe I am who I say."
"First time for e everything, huh?" She hesitated when she saw his disappointment. "Fine." She searched for her phone. "I'll play along if you find our waitress. I'm going to need more pie as I research you."
He grinned while doing as she asked.
Autumn wandered of it was because it was the middle of the night that made her sit here with some guy claiming to be--
"No!" Her eyes darted from the images of King Liam of Cordonia to the Liam sitting at her table. "You're really a king?!"
"Would you care for another slice of blueberry or a different type of pie?" He asked with a bright smile.
"Blueberry." Her jaw was still dropped.
"Another slice of blueberry please for the lady and I'll have a slice of apple."
"Why on earth are you traveling lone highways in Maryland?" She asked when their waitress left.
"I flew in to New York for a few meetings with U.N. representatives. Our representative is new to her job and I wanted to encourage her." He explained. "Then I suppose I caught a bit of wanderlust from my brother and wanted to drive down to D.C." He took a bite of his new slice of pie. "It's rare I am able to convince my security team to let me out of their sight, but there are times when I like to be alone with my thoughts."
"I guess you have a lot of people demanding your time." She conceded.
"I do, which is why I make time for the people and activities that are important to me." He looked up at her. "Experience has taught me how fleeting time can be and we should make the most of every moment we are given."
"I like that." She cut into her slice with her fork while scrolling through images of Cordonia. "A lot of people get so easily wrapped up in their work and don't realize that they are missing out on so much more."
"Are you one of those people?"
Autumn paused chewing to consider his question. "Sometimes. I can get so wrapped up in a project and shut out the world going on around me." She shrugged. "Then something happens to shake me back to reality."
Liam grinned when it hit him that his being confirmed king had not changed the way she spoke to him.
As if reading his thoughts, her fork clattered on her plate. "I can't believe you really are a king." Her head tilted as she studied him. "You really don't act like how I imagine one would."
Liam folded his arms on the table and leaned forward. His bright blue eyes held her gray ones. "How should I act?"
She snorted. "For one thing you wouldn't have stood out in the pouring rain to change a tire."
"Aren't fairy tales filled with princes rescuing damsel in distress?" He countered.
She rolled her eyes playfully. "It isn't like you slayed a dragon."
"According to your imagination, what should I have done in that situation?" He countered, delighted with her not putting him on a pedestal.
"First off, if you were on a," she made quotation marks with her fingers, "road trip, you'd probably be in a limo since your private jet is tucked away in a hangar somewhere."
"But then I would have a driver and thus not able to be alone." He reminded her.
"True." She propped her chin on her hand and smiled. "We'll forget the car then since you are chivalrous and in need of a break." She gestured with her free hand around the diner. "A king wouldn't come her, happily order food, nor be willing to sit here for hours listening to some girl talk about museums."
"Why not?" Liam asked. "He could have been hungry since he had been lost for a while."
"I guess that's a reasonable possibility." Autumn muttered.
"And if he wanted to know more about the damsel he rescued, then shouldn't he be at least willing to remain here with her?"
"Maybe." She forced herself to look away from him. "Then again, maybe this is a night for things out to the ordinary to happen." She asked their waitress for their check.
Autumn shushed his arguments, insisting on paying for his meal.
At that moment, Bastien and some guards walked in.
Liam's eyes widened. "Bastien? How did you find me?"
"We have a tracker on your phone, your majesty." He explained. "We really need to get you to Washington. You have an early morning of..."
Liam tuned him out and focused once more on the lady he had met tonight.
"It's my fault." Autumn spoke up. "I wanted to thank Liam with some pie for his help earlier."
She stood up and held her hand out. “Thank you again for helping me.”
Liam pressed a soft kiss to her knuckles. "It was a pleasure to meet you, Autumn."
"I..." She could feel her entire body blush with that simple touch. "I'm happy to have met you too, Liam." She grimaced. "I mean, your majesty. Should I curtsy?"
He chuckled. "Just Liam with no curtsey is fine."
"Liam no curtsey." She winked at him. "Nice name for a king." Nodding farewell toward his guards, she slipped out of the restaurant.
Liam watched her drive off from one of the windows.
He wondered if he had just met the one.
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aka-indulgence · 4 years
Hmmmmmmmmm, for the game thing, do the word Snack!
You walked around in the dark, waving your flashlight this way and that way as you stumble blindly through the cave.
It was pure dumb misfortune that literally landed you here. One second you were having a leisurely hike in the woods with your friends. the next you stepped on some roots covering up a hole and tumbled down into earthen tunnels. You heard something crunch in your bag when you did, but thankfully, when you went to check, nothing important had been lost- just a bag of snacks you’d been carrying around. You checked your phone- you must’ve separated from the others some time back, and when you tried to contact them you found no signal. You attempted to climb back up the way you came from, through the same roots that dug into the ground, but to no avail. All you got was some rope burns (root burns?) for your trouble.
So here you were, wandering around aimlessly, hoping that these tunnels would lead somewhere out.
You thank the itinerary list for telling you to bring a flashlight, even when you thought you wouldn’t need it. You gulp as the occasional wind blew through the tunnel, creating moan-like sounds that sent shivers up your neck. The beam of light shuddered along with your hands, less because of the cold and more fromt he eerie silence, the suffocating feeling of being alone.
But where there’s wind, there’s an opening! You try to tell yourself optimistically. If there was only one entrance, there wouldn’t be such a draft.
After what felt like hours of being alone with your thoughts and fears (occasionally wondering if anything else lived down here... something you quickly shoved away before the thoughts turned to paranoia), you stopped when you saw a hint of moss on the ground. You had been walking alone in the dark, with some patches of light here and there from above, but this moss wasn’t near any of those patches. To your delight, you saw the tunnel, where it bent, is starting to get brighter the more you advance.
Please be an exit please be an exit!
You smile when you turn, seeing at the end of the tunnel... light.
Your way out.
You almost squeal happily at the sight, after being alone and afraid for so long- you’re finally going to be out! You don’t know where, but, it’s better than being down here!
You make haste towards the light, your steps echoing all around you as you run towards it-
Only to stop as you get closer, your heart almost stopping in your chest when you see what’s in your way.
A giant spider web.
You freeze in your spot, the chill from before nothing like the icy cold that grips your heart now. You felt as if someone had just doused you in freezing water as your eyes trail the patterns shaped by the web, tangling, intricate... giant.
This... this couldn’t be made by any ordinary spider... could it?
The web was thick, like a rope, and there were big spaces in between the silk, something a bug would easily fly through... like this web was made for bigger prey.
And it definitely didn’t look old and abandoned like a cobweb... it looked relatively fresh. Used.
A lump forms in your throat as you look behind you.
Was a giant spider walking around back there and by luck you missed it?
You looked around the web again, expecting to see the monster...
... and you don’t.
But you see a crevice on the side, gaping and as dark as the tunnels you were walking around earlier. Your hair stands as you search for any signs of something terrifying, eyes watching you...
... nothing.
... Phew.
You look at the web. Was there a way you can get through that..? Could you maybe walk through one of its holes and cross the other side unnoticed? Trying to cut it sounds like a very bad idea...
You take a few tentative steps closer, wondering if you just moved your body like this you could maybe slip through, and...
Ok, nope, that’s not happening. You’ll touch the web, and who knows how strongly it’d stick to you if you touch it.
You were desperate to get out but... not desperate enough to risk getting trapped on a large web.
I just hope I won’t meet anything scary on the way out... You think to yourself. This can’t be the only way out, can it? You take a step back...
... and cringe when you feel something sticking to your shoes. You look down to see fibrous webbing on the ground, thicker at the base of the web and thin as it spreads out on the ground. It isn’t thick enough to keep you in place, but lifting your feet pulls strands of it off the ground, almost like when you’ve got gum under your shoe... a lot of gum.
The image grosses you out a little and fills you with an amount of dread you can’t quite place, and you struggle as quietly as you can to get it off your shoe, but it’s much stronger than it looks and you squirm a bit as you try to get it off you.
Distracting you from the creature that was slowly crawling out of the crevice, awoken by the minute shudders you made when you stepped on the webbing.
It crawls out one leg at a time, its legs latching onto the web, eyes focusing on the cute little thing wriggling at the base of its web.
The nervousness on her face.... it’s adorable.
You only get more webbing on your hand when you try to lift it off your shoe and you’re trying to get that off when you’re suddenly keenly aware of the feeling that someone’s watching you. A shadow skitters out of the corner of your eye... and you look up.
Your face blanches at what you see. A giant spider, with 8 sharp legs perched on the giant web above you. And not only that- where it’s head should be sprouted a spine, forming the upper body of a skeleton similar to a human’s, except these were thick like muscles, and its skull was much rounder. Two eye(light)s pierced yours, and below it was a set of teeth... two huge fangs catching your attention almost immediately.
Your body stiffens.
“well well well... what do i have here? it looks like a little snack has wondered her way towards my web...” The spider speaks, his(?) smile widening when you flinch at his voice. He starts crawling towards you, and icicles form in your heart. You don’t know what to do- you want to run away but you’re shaking so much you don’t think you’d be able to stand up.
“aww... what’s the matter? you look a bit... tangled up...” he chuckles, and you squeak when you realize he’s halfway across the web, and he’d be upon you any time. You dig your hands into the ground and pull your legs with all your might- a move that the spider quickly zeroes on, and instantly, he jerks his abdomen, and out of its end shoots two webs at your feet, gluing you into your spot. You gasp, eyes as wide as saucers as you look at the quickly hardening web, almost wet when it first lands on your feet (and a bit warm...), but dry when you reach out to touch it. You’re still looking at it curiously (and terrified) when two spindly legs land on either side of you, and you look up when the monster straddles you. You press yourself into the ground as tears well up in your eyes, scared out of your mind.
The monster tilts his head and smiles again, and starts bending four of his legs to get closer to you. He plants two hands on either side of your head and you turn away, gritting your teeth when his skull gets close to you.
“trying to leave so soon, dear? why- we’ve only just met!” he teases, grinning so wide, showing off his fangs to you. You shudder, wondering what you could do to try to get away-
You make a little eep! sound when his claws find your face, digging into your hair and scratching your scalp in the slightest. “what’s your name, little thing? i’m sans... it’s such a pleasure to meet you.” His sockets crinkle, as if he was curious enough to know the name of the human he’s probably going to eat soon.
Your mouth feels dry as you stutter your name. “P-please, Sans...” you almost whisper, “d-don’t... eat me... I didn’t mean to disturb you in your home.”
“ahahah... no one stumbles into a spider web on purpose, my darling.” Sans says, idly running his thumb across your cheek. “i must say... you are quite soft... softer than anything else i’ve caught here.” He says almost absent-mindedly. “and of course you don’t want me to eat you. but i must eat nonetheless, and you were unfortunate enough to walk into my home.” Sans says, almost sadly(?), and he starts to grip your back, and panic sparks in your chest.
“N-no wait please!” You hold your hands out in front of him, “t-there must be a way! Isn’t there something I can do?”
You shake and shiver as tears well up in your eyes, terrified for your life, your heart thumping wildly in your chest. You don’t see how Sans’ sockets widen when a tear spills out of your eyes, your breaths shaking your whole body.
“Please...” you beg under your breath, squeezing your eyes shut.
“...” Sans is silent. and when his other hand brushes your waist and goes under you, you think he’s not going to hear you and is going to bite your neck out any second now. So you’re surprised when he lifts you up carefully in his hands and says “very well.” 
His hand grips your middle (his thumb reached half your stomach, and his back fingers could cover your back no problem!) and he lifts a leg towards where you’re caught in the legs, slicing the webs with the end. Your hair stands thinking about how sharp his legs must be to cut it so easily, but Sans only chortles when he sees your face.
“it’s magic, little thing. i can manipulate it to my will.”
His tucks you into his arms as if you were a baby, and your breath hitches as he climbs up the wall sideways, never looking away from you.
“i am... lonely. it’s not often i get to talk with my prey... you seem pleasant. why don’t you and i... have a conversation? just for a while. if you convince me, i’ll let you go.” Sans says slowly, as he reaches the crevice.
“but if not...”
His grip turns hard, more like a trap than a safety net. “i’ll get to keep you.”
Sans looks deranged when his grin widens, the only thing you could see other than his eyelights as he slowly drags you into his little hiding hole in the wall, and you frantically look for a way out of this to no avail, as the darkness swallows you and you’re trapped with the spider.
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The power was out, and something was in the room with us. I'd felt it with my feet when I was going to the bathroom. It was soft and warm, but I don't think there was any fur. The skin, if it was that, was smooth and slick.
I was hoping Julie wouldn't notice me creeping back into bed. I could just pretend to not have to go pee. Just forget all about it, and if it gets really bad, your body will wake you up anyway, right?
Outside, the thunder crackled, bidding another torrent of rain against the windowpane. The wind's howl escaped from the gap in the window frame. I clasped Julie's hand.
"What's the matter?" she asked.
"There's something here with us. Something on the floor. I don't know what it is."
Julie touched my cheek with her hand, rubbing a finger against the edge of my mouth. "It's probably nothing. Just go."
I noticed a stray leaf stick against the window, stopped flat in its attempt to invade our home. It was soaking wet, and it slid down the window at a slug's pace.
"I'm sleepy," I lied, and snuggled with Julie. Her warmth put me at ease, and the warmth she'd left on the bed below her was even more soothing. There's something about occupying that second-hand warmth that really clams your spirits.
"It's nothing," Julie said, striking the sides of my hair. "Nothing to get worked up about. You and I have both been through much, much worse."
I gripped her tighter and buried my face into her side so I didn't have to look at anything, not even the dark.
Julie massaged my scalp, perhaps without realising she was doing it. "Let's just light our phone flashlights and we'll see what's out there, okay?"
I groped at the bedside table to find my phone, and as I slid it towards the bed, a cloak of sleep nearly grabbed me. The next thing I knew, the phone wasn't in my hands, or on the table. I patted the bed hoping to find a flat little slab, but...
"I lost my phone, Julie," I groaned. "It slid off the table. I can't find it. Do I call 911 or the Autobots?"
"What would you call with?" she asked.
"That's..." I paused and touched my forehead. "What's not the joke I was expecting to make."
"Surprises are good," Julie snickered, but I wasn't in the mood for it. I pulled her closer to m while she spoke. "Come on, let's see what we've got."
She reached for her phone on the other bedside table. Meanwhile, I buried my face in the pillow now, as if pushing into the pillow is how you sleep well. A few seconds later, after no sounds from Julie, I heard her swear.
"I can't find my damn phone," Julie said. "Did you see it?"
"Can't say I have." I answered truthfully.
"Let's wait until dawn, then. I'm sure everything will sort itself out."
I wasn't sure. But she said it, and that's all that mattered to me.
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darkmulti · 4 years
It’s Only Fair
Pairings: Mingi x female reader
Genre: Smut
Work Count: 2.4k exactly
Synopsis: Falling in love with your female group member is not a good idea. But Mingi fell face first.
A/N: I have a couple of notes
- warnings are after the undercut. Don’t read if you aren’t into dark themes.
- I kinda edited it. You know when you read something, but don’t pay attention so you really have no idea what happened and have to read it again? Yeah, that’s what I did. Story of my life. I take her home
- back at writing shit smuts🤡
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⚠️Warnings: choking, hair pulling, dacryphilia, fear kink, size kink, breeding kink, big dick mingi
Writers block on this one. My apologies:’(
The bright moonlight gazed in through the living room window. It was close to midnight when your group Ateez, finally came back home after a long day of practicing. Seonghwa carried you in his arms up to your room, since you had already fallen asleep in the car. San and Hongjoong passed out on the couch and the rest of the boys headed back to their rooms.
Seonghwa tucks you into your bed and admires your angel face. He kissed your forehead and was about to leave your room, but you pulled him into your embrace and told him to stay. “Y/N I have to put my pajamas on. I can’t sleep in my sweaty clothes.” You gasp. “Seonghwaaaa! I didn’t shower!” You jump up and run to your bathroom, disgusted with yourself. Seongwha stood there with his mouth slightly open. “You faker! You made me carry you out of the car all the way to your room! Do you know how heavy you are?”
You were giggling, but then his words registered to mind. You poke your head out and look at him. “Heyyyy! I’m not heavy! Don’t be mean, Seonghwa!”
“I’m not mean! You can’t get mad at me for speaking the truth.”
You pout at him. “You’re a big meanie! Leave my room!”
He laughs and leaves your room, without fully closing the door, but you didn’t notice. Instead you hop into the shower, wash your hair, and scrub down your body, while humming to ‘Twilight’. Once you finish, you step out of the shower and wrap the clean, white towel around your body. The mirrors were all fogged up so you couldn’t even see yourself. You turn the fan on and leave the bathroom, only to see Mingi laying on your bed with a toothpick in his mouth. You sharply inhale, stopping yourself from screaming and hold onto your towel tightly.
“Mingi!” You hissed. “You gave me a mini heart attack! What are you doing in my room?”
“Your room door was wide open so I just came in.” He said, casually. “Well can you get out now, I need to put some fucking clothes on.” Water dripped onto the floor from your hair, oddly arousing Mingi. “I’ll leave after you agree to go for a car ride with me.”
“Car ride? Mingi, I’m tired.” You throw your head back and mentally roll your eyes.
“Then I’m not leaving your room.” He clutched onto your plushie, setting it on his bulge to hide it. “Fine, I’ll go, just get out.” His face lightened up from hearing your words and he left your room with the plushie still in hand, still hiding his boner. “I’m giving you 15 minutes to get ready.”
You put on a clean pair of pyjamas and fuzzy socks since it was just going to be a midnight drive.. or well you thought. You ring out your hair with the towel then throw it on the chair. “Mingi! Lets go.” Mingi comes out of his room with grey sweatpants and a white shirt on. “Shh, Hongjoong and San are sleeping in the living room.” You nod and make your way downstairs, trying your best not to bump into anything.
The both of you successfully made it out of the house without disturbing the other members. You got into his car shivering, because it was pretty windy and your hair was wet. It was really nice bonding with Mingi. He was so nice and charming, it always warms your heart. You felt like you could tell him anything, knowing that he will not judge you.
Your first stop was at a drive thru where both of you ordered ice cream. Yes you were cold, but who can say no to ice cream? While licking your ice cream, both of you started singing Ateez songs, mocking each other's parts and making fun of the other members. You were too distracted to figure out what was going on, and where Mingi was going. He drove you guys out of the city to a forested area, and that’s when you start to notice your surroundings. “Mingi, where are we going? Our house is all the way back there.”
“Don’t worry. I want you to see something.” He drives for a little longer then parks in a layby. “Lets go.” He unbuckles his seat belt and you look at him in disbelief. “I’m not going out! There’s mosquitoes and wild animals out there, plus I’m in my pyjamas!” You exclaim, throwing your hands in the air. “Y/N the bears don't care about your penguin pyjamas. Trust me, you would want to see this.” You groan and get out of the car, slamming the door shut. Mingi turns his phone flashlight on and points it at the woods.
He starts walking into the woods and you quickly run next to him, intertwining your hands with his much bigger hand. “I’m scared, Mingi.” You faintly whisper, clinging onto him. “That’s how I felt when my dad took me here.”
“What do you mean?” You ask him, holding his hand tighter. “My dad took me here, and told me that he proposed to my mom somewhere around here. He told me to bring the love of my life here as well.” His words made your legs stop. You look at him in confusion. “Why are you bringing me here?”
“Put two and two together. I like you.” His sudden confession took you by surprise obviously. Mingi was a brother figure in your life, in fact all of Ateez were. You couldn’t date them, you couldn’t fall in love with them. What will atiny’s think?
“M-mingi, I’m flattered really, but we can’t date and you know that.” You try to let him down easy, not wanting to hurt his feelings too much. “Why can’t we date? We have a perfect cover, we can tell the members and no one will be suspicious about us hanging out since we're in the same group.”
“No Mingi, we can’t let our group and fans down like this. We can’t lie. Besides, I-I really don’t feel the same way. I’m sorry.” You mumble out quietly, looking down at your feet. “Excuses and lies are all that you do. You probably like one of the other members, but you’re just lying right to my face. I saw the way you asked Seonghwa to stay with you to cuddle, make love, kiss…” he said, slowly walking closer to you. “N-no, you have the wrong idea Mingi! Seonghwa is more like an o-older brother, and I t-think of you and all the m-members the sa-ame.” You gulp and blink back the tears, suddenly feeling terrified.
“Mingi please! I’m sorry that I hurt your feelings, but it just feels wrong.” He doesn’t respond. The man kept walking towards you, making you feel anxious so you made a run for it. You were petrified. You kept running, not acknowledging that you were running deeper into the scary woods. You heard Mingi close behind and came to a halting stop, shaking from fear. You get down and curl up into a little ball, not being able to see, because it was pitch black in the forest. You sob into your hands, feeling helpless until you hear someone panting and stopping next to you. “P-please don’t hurt me. I-I’m scared.”
Mingi picks you up and holds you in his arms. “Don’t run away like that. With me you’re safe.” You cry into his chest, still shaking. “I’m sorry. You scared me earlier.”
“Is the idea of us dating scary to you? Do you think my feelings are just a joke?” Again, where did he pull that out from. “Of course not Mingi” You say, defending yourself. “I don’t think you confessing is a joke, but can we please discuss this in the car? This setting is getting me anxious and I don’t like the feeling.”
“No. We are going to talk about us right here, right now!”
“THERE IS NO ‘US’ THERE WILL NEVER BE AN ‘US’, NOW TAKE ME HOME!!” You screamed and cried out in anger. Unconsciously, you start backing away from him, having that same feeling return. Reality stormed into your mind, expressing that you’ve made this situation much worse for yourself.
You held your breath and tried to bolt again, but Mingi pulled you back by the hem of your pants. You softly moan when you feel your panties pull up, stretching in between your private lips. Your panties had rolled up, and put pressure on your clit, making you bite down on your lips, so you wouldn’t moan.
“Mingi ah, please.” He pulls you closer to him and wraps his hand around your waist. “Feels good, doesn’t it?” he grinds his rock hard bulge on your ass cheek. “What if I told you that I can make you feel even better?” He whispers in your ear. It was tempting, but you couldn’t. It seemed like a choice that you would really regret in the future. “Mingi, I don’t want to. Please respect my decision.”
“That's not an option Y/N.” he wrapped one arm around your neck to keep you still and his other hand pulled down your pants along with your panties. “MINGI! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” You scream and try to get out of his embrace. “Scream all you want little girl. No one will hear you. You’re just waking the bears up.” The man pulls down his own pants and rubs it at your entrance. “P..please! You’ll regret this Mingi!”
“Why? If I get you pregnant with my child, we are stuck together forever.”
“NO! PLease!” You were screaming at him with all your heart, until you felt something completely demolish your insides, making your screams for help and mercy turn into heartbreaking sobs. “Mingi it hurts! Please! I’ve never done anything to you! Please don’t do this to me!” You cried in his arms, hating this new feeling.
Your insides were being exposed to this new pain that seemed impossible to get used to. Your blood leaks down to the ground and some smear on Mingi’s cock, being the only source of lub.
“I hate you! Please!” Your pussy clenched around his cock every time he recklessly pounded in. You lay your head low, letting him take advantage of you. Your voice was too small and weak to be heard at this point. The friendship you built with Mingi was destroyed forever. Your heart clenched at the thought of it, but it was him that was doing this to you. Why were you guilty and sad?
Mingi gripped your hips, launching you forward and pulling you back harshly on his cock. His nails dug into your beautiful, soft skin causing you to squirm. The skin slapping got noticeably faster and his arm around your neck pulled back farther. His cock pounded in from behind, while your back was arching and your head was resting on his shoulder.
His grip restricted you from being able to breathe properly, so you tried to tap his arm to know. “M-mingi.” A hard spank lands on your butt, making you hiss. “It’s sir to you, you little slut.” His other arm wraps tightly around your stomach so he can feel himself. “M- I mean sir. I-I can’t-” Mingi cuts her off by placing his hand on your mouth instead of your neck. You mumbles against his hands, but Mingi couldn’t make it out.
“Shut up and take my cock, little one.”
Little one. Another thing that turned Mingi on. She was tiny compared to him. He felt like satan fucking his angel. Which made him feel so powerful, it only aroused him more. Your tiny hands gripping his arm that was around your stomach, was another reason to fuck you unconsious. “Please sir. S-something weird is going on down there.”
Mingi smiles. “How does it feel, little one?”
“Like a knot in my stomach, sir.”
“Does it feel good?” He said grunting and thrusting harder.
“J-just a little bit.” Your cheeks heat up at your own confession. It might have felt good, but it was wrong on so many levels. “Sir, what is this feeling?”
“My little one’s gonna cum for the first time.” He held you closer to his body, clenching his jaw and ramming into you harder. “S-sir, not too hard! Please!” Your head dropped just like your tears. This was you giving up. Something that you never wanted to do. He aggressively pulls your hair back making you wince. “Please Mingi! What if we get caught?! We’ll have to leave the group and let our members down!”
“Don’t try to guilt trip me, little one. I will fuck you whenever I want and will even ask one of the… actually all of the boys to join me. It’s not like they haven’t thought about it either!”
Your heart dropped upon hearing his words. As if it weren’t already broken enough. The people that you trust with your whole life, thought about taking advantage of you?! It hurt, so you stayed in denial. “YOU’RE LYING! THEY WOULD NEVER, EVER DO THAT TO ME!” You kick your feet and cry louder, because Mingi started going harder after your tantrum. “Really? You have no idea that San steals your panties, cums on it, then puts it back? These panties that you’re wearing probably have his cum on it right now.” You shudder in disgust. You thought it was vaginal discharge but it was San’s cum this whole time. And you’ve been wearing them without even knowing. “I’m not done yet little doll. Wooyoung has pictures of you naked and he shamelessly jerks off to it with Seonghwa. And Seonghwa plays a role in getting these pictures. Why do you think that he leaves your bedroom door open every time?”
You remain quiet. You had no words to say, you were just nauseous by their actions. More tears poured out of your burning eyeballs until you felt that knot in your stomach release. Cum came rushing out onto Mingi’s cock and a few thrust later he came inside of you. You didn’t even care that he came in you. Disappointment and sadness took over you. “Now you know the real truth. And when we go home, I’ll invite the boys to fuck you too. It’s only fair.”
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karihighman · 4 years
Witness – Upstead AU
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Hailey couldn’t believe it. Well, she could believe it, since she saw it happen right in front of her eyes. But she really could not believe that she would be the one to witness such a thing.
She was walking to her car from her family’s Greektown cafe and bakery, where she worked, and she heard a rustling in the alleyway across the street. She turned, but couldn’t see anything. She had just put her key into her car door to unlock it when she almost jumped out of her skin.
A gun shot.
That she knew she heard.
Before she could even blink, the gunman was fleeing the alley. He was panicking, but not only from the crime he had committed. No, Hailey had a feeling he wasn’t from around the area, because if he were, he would’ve ran the opposite way, as the back of the alleyway would dump you onto a service road, which would make the perfect getaway.
No, this guy ran to his right, forward, and even crazier, in the direction of Hailey. She had tried to avert her eyes, but she felt frozen with fear as she heard strangled sounds coming from said crime scene.
Oh god, was someone dying? Shit. She couldn’t just leave them there. She had to help.
She blamed it on her masters in psychology, which she was just two more months away from completing. She was splitting her time between school, and work. It was actually how she met her now-roommate, Vanessa. They studied at CCU together.
Hailey whipped out her cell phone and dialed 911. She was talking with the dispatcher when she cursed herself for not shining her flashlight in the dark alley. She flipped it on, and in front of her was a man, couldn’t be more than 5-10 years older than she, lying on the ground.
His words were mangled, but it took Hailey a moment to realize it was because blood was spilling from his mouth. She held her breath, as if that was going to help something. She was trying to find where the actual wound was, but she was having a difficult time.
The man’s fancy suit jacket was covering his arm that put pressure on his abdomen. Shit, that’s not good, Hailey thought to herself as she tried to assist. “Yes, at 501 S Racine. Yes, he’s been shot in the stomach, he’s bleeding really bad, please hurry.”
“Ma’am, paramedics and police are in route.”
Hailey heard the dispatcher as she dropped her phone, not caring where it landed, and turned her attention to the dying man in front of her.
“Sir? Hey, the ambulance is on its way,” she tried, but he wasn’t responsive. “Hey,” she said with a bit more authority. “Do you know who did this to you?”
He barely moved his head up and down, but that was enough for Hailey. “Who? Who did this?”
“My,” he croaked, his speech cut off by the gurgling of blood. Hailey idled helplessly as the man’s eyes shifted closed.
“No, no, no. Hey, hey!” She exclaimed, ears perking up when she heard the sound of the sirens. “Sir, please hold on. They’re almost here.”
She saw a myriad of flashing lights, red, blue, and white. She had the most idiotic thought when she looked at it. It reminds me of the flag. As fast as it entered her mind, it was gone as she screamed for the first responders to get over here. She wasn’t sure if they could see them from the street.
She saw shadows along the brick wall, rushing to meet her own. She didn’t expect to be pushed and prodded, but she supposed it was what needed to be done. She was plucked up by a paramedic, while 2 tended to the man. He was up on a gurney and into the first waiting truck before the one that stood by Hailey spoke.
“Ma’am? Are you hurt?”
Hailey hadn’t spoken yet, but when she brought her hands up to her face to brush her hair out of her eyes, she found them to be covered in blood. His blood. She felt her breath come in spurts, and she felt like she couldn’t move, let alone say anything. So much blood.
“Okay, we’re gonna get you to Chicago Med just to be safe,” the medic told her, leading her zombie-like frame over to the second ambulance. “Did you see what happened?”
Hailey parted her lips only a tad, still unable to form the simplest of words: yes. So, in a disturbing twist of events, she took her bloodied pointer finger, and etched a “Y” onto the back of her hand, which was clear of blood. She felt like she was watching herself do these things: showing her hand to the medic, hearing calls for a cop to follow them to Med, and a distinct two taps on the back of their truck before it propelled forward.
What the hell just happened?
Jay wasn’t the hugest fan of the late night calls that Intelligence seemed to always pick up. Well, at least not lately. Seemed like he barely clocked in two hours of sleep a night because he was always on the clock at work.
He wiped the sleep from his eyes as he surveyed the remnants of the crime scene. They couldn’t call it a murder yet, because as it stood, their victim was on his way to the hospital. Blood littered the brick wall, some trickling down to the unevenly paved cement ground.
He rubbed the back of his neck as he took it all in. Why the hell would someone be shot here? It was just outside the dinkiest shopping lot, with a bakery across the street, a gas station on the corner, and a couple of random stores in between.
“Halstead,” Voight’s voice echoed over his own thoughts. “Get to Med. You’re interviewing the witness.”
Jay opened his mouth, wanting to at least get someone else to come with him. Ever since his ex-partner and subsequent ex-girlfriend Erin left a few years back, he’d been rotated through all the rest of the Intelligence Unit. He’d felt most comfortable with Adam, as the two were able to dick around in their free time to take the edge off the homicides and robberies they dealt with every day.
But, because Adam was a bit – according to his fiancée Kim, a lot – dismal, he’d managed to get stuck with a needle while chasing after a suspect a few days back. He was holed up at the apartment he shared with Kim until the end of this week, when his tests would come back. Just to make sure he didn’t catch anything. Adam had called it a “free vacation”; Kim called it “the dumbest decision he’s made in a while.”
So, he was left without his usual buddy, and everyone else had already been assigned a job. Kevin and Kim were out canvassing, meanwhile his sergeant and sergeant Platt were knee deep in the middle of a discussion. It made sense that the only other missing piece was the witness statement. The medics had whisked them away before anyone could speak to them. Jay didn’t even know if he would be speaking with a burly guy or a timid girl.
Only one way to find out, he figured as he climbed back into his truck. Off to Chicago Med, he went.
When he arrived a short time later, he saw a flash of red hair, which meant his brother was making his rounds. “Will!”
The redheaded older Halstead turned at the sound of his name. His face softened for a split second when he saw it was his younger police brother, but fell serious once again when he realized why Jay was there. He’d not been in the operating room while Dr. Marcel was working on their gunshot victim, but, he knew by hearing the experienced surgeon call “time of death” that they couldn’t save him.
Him turned out to be interim Superintendent Jason Crawford. And Will, being the nice guy that he is, would break the news to his brother.
“Jay,” he said carefully as he walked over to his brother. “He didn’t make it. I’m sorry.”
“Dammit!” Jay said, slamming his fist against the nurses station. Maggie gave him one of her looks, and Jay mouthed a “sorry.”
“Shit. Will, who was it?”
“Ex-superintendent Jason Crawford.”
Jay just stood there for a second, mouth slightly agape. Well, fuck. This couldn’t get any worse.
He slapped a hand over his mouth as he began to pace. Will’s hands steadied his shoulders, making him focus again. “Jay. Go make yourself useful and interview the witness. I think April’s finishing her vitals now,” he nodded his head across the way. Jay’s head swiveled, following until he saw April’s coiled hair and nurses uniform.
Got it.
“Yeah,” he said, giving Will’s shoulder a quick pat of gratitude. “Thanks.”
He made his way over towards April, and when he asked her how they were doing, he was surprised when she said that “she’s good to go. No injuries, just shock. Blood was not hers, it was your victim’s. All yours, detective.”
He played off his surprise with a cough. “Thanks, April.”
He finally turned to face this mysterious woman, and was met with the brightest blue eyes he’d ever seen. Her blonde waves were mussed, but he assumed that was from the hospital staff poking at her all night. Her lips were pursed, and she sat calmly on the hospital table.
“Hi,” was the first thing that tumbled out of his mouth, and if it was remotely possible to stick his foot in his mouth whilst standing up, you’d better believe he would’ve done so. Really, that’s all you got? He tried to pull it together so he wasn’t just gawking at her. “I’m Detective Halstead, with the Intelligence Unit. Can you tell me what happened?”
She blinked, running a hand through her hair. “Yeah, sure. I was walking to my car, and I heard a noise. I wasn’t thinking much of it until I heard a gunshot. Once I remembered how to use my legs again, I ran over to where the guy sat, er, lied. I asked him if he knew who did this to him, and he nodded – well, as best he could. He only said “my” before he passed out, or went into shock, I don’t know. I’m not a doctor. But, if I had to guess, it was someone close to him, because a close range shot like that suggests they were within arms lengths of each other.”
Jay was in the midst of scribbling down her answers when his ears perked up at her suggestion. He felt a small smirk play on his lips, and he miserably failed to tamper it down. “Not a doctor, huh?”
“Nope,” she responded, popping the “p.” Sensing he’d want an explanation, she tacked on: “Future psychologist.” She nodded, the smallest of smiles gracing her lips. She held out her hand, and Jay had forgotten what the custom meant. Damn her prettiness.
He regrouped, placing his hand against hers to shake. Their fingers connected, and even though it was a simple handshake, he’d not felt anything during all the other hands he’d shook in his lifetime. Not a one.
“Hailey Upton.” Even her name was pretty.
He locked his eyes on hers. “Detective Halstead, but you can call me Jay.”
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