#and i mean ENJOY like. being genuinely invested and happy about things
nayatarot777 · 2 months
What Do You Love About Your Lover?
This reading applies to past, present or future lovers. Committed or casual.
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• Pile One •
Before I get into the reading, you guys may be a little toxic, Pile One 😂.
Something that you love about this person is how they have different masks that they wear with others. There’s something about you enjoying the way that they pretend to not have feelings for you or the way that they simply don’t show how they truly feel. I’m seeing that you can see through the mask but this intrigues you even more. This is giving “I like complicated people” ngl. There’s a way that this person tries to gaslight you out of seeing who they truly are and how they truly feel for you, but you get a kick out of this because you can tell that they’re lying. It’s like you perceive this as somewhat of a positive thing because (to you), this person hiding their feelings is proof that they truly do like you. Or that their feelings must be deep despite them not being a deep person, so it’s more authentic and easy to believe that they actually do genuinely like you. You also love how they’re very self-indulgent. How they focus on themselves and how they appreciate themselves. This person has a high sense of self-worth that attracts you to them and they might be the type to actually try to work on the parts of themselves that are damaged and in need of repair. The following is what makes me think that you guys are my toxic pile: you enjoy how they run away from intimacy. How you have to chase them and try to “tame” them in a way. Their fear of intimacy triggers a “I can fix you” switch in your mind, and you actually love this. Not something that I’d advise to feed into but 🤷🏾‍♀️. That’s what I’m seeing lmao.
Extended Reading: What Does Your Lover Love About You?
Personal Readings
• Pile Two •
You don’t seem to have a very serious or committed connection to this lover, but you love how the passion is there all the same. You love how they reciprocate your feelings and your energy. How you like each other equally and things are quite intense and open between the both of you. You love how this person is someone who you can just have fun with. Someone who you can just enjoy your time with - with good sex, good food, good conversation. You love how you’re getting to know this person a lot more. You find them interesting and find yourself awaiting their reply to your messages or missed calls. I feel like this is someone who you actually wait around to hear back from, which may not be your usual temperament with the people who you date. You love how the conversations that you have with this person are rich and go deep. I’m seeing that this person is a chaser. You’ve picked up on their fear of abandonment and linked this to why they’re so open to investing time and energy into you, trying to keep you as happy as possible. And although this type of energy may put you off when it comes to others, there’s something about this person that makes that type of behaviour endearing. You love how they’re so invested into you and how they’re willing to chase after you in a way, which makes you feel appreciated. It feels like this makes you more open to putting energy into reciprocating the energy.
Extended Reading: What Does Your Lover Love About You?
Personal Readings
• Pile Three •
You love that your lover is a source of stability for you. They’re just a stable person in general. Someone who offers a lot of security and permanence to the relationship as well as their own life - and, in turn, yours too. This is someone who’s very serious about planting seeds to something that can grow to endure the test of time. They’re not about fleeting desires or quick thrills. However, despite this stable energy, you appreciate how they’re not rigid. They’re actually quite flexible with their routines and their plans in life if it means that it’ll benefit the both of you in the long run. You also love how you can see that they’re healing from heartbreak from their past. They don’t sit and stew in their pain for long. They want to move on from heartbreak and pain that they’ve experienced in their past and mend themselves back together. For some of you, this person is finding freedom from a toxic relationship. For others of you, they’re freeing themselves from addiction and putting themselves back on track to a stable life. You love to see this. You also love how, despite their heavy past, they’re so lighthearted. Their energy is bright and very healing - not just towards themselves but you too. You love to see the way that they recognise the things that they need to heal within themselves. How they’re open to traumas or triggers in their subconscious mind coming to the light of their consciousness. You love how they’re willing to adapt their behaviour and their mindset towards life and the relationship when necessary, for the sake of healing and moving forward into more stability and security.
Extended Reading: What Does Your Lover Love About You?
Personal Readings
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l0t4n · 5 months
a/n I just caught up with Noragami - since the last chapter is coming out in three days, I want to write fanfic for it, but I have absolutely no ideas -3- such is the world... I may write an nsfw version of this prompt too, lmk if there's anything specific you would want to see out of that!
Contains the brothers, gn mc. In honor of that one chat where Belphie reveals he has a hoard of embarrassing sound files of his brothers - what would they record you saying/doing when you aren't looking?
-since he spends so long away from you for work, a lot of the recordings he holds onto are likely accidental/taken from conversations he wasn't even involved in
-a boring video call he had to attend for work where you pop in for just a moment, before realizing he's on call and scurrying away
-a voice memo Diavolo sends him where you're talking in the background
-and he secretly holds onto his favorite voice clips that the others send to make fun of you
-knows it comes off rather desperate and strange, which is not the way he wants to come off
-but can't bring himself to delete any of them
-I would say what would happen if you found his collection, but he would move the three realms to keep it so you wouldn't even suspect it exists
-he will record literally anything
-any time he can pull up the voice memo app fast enough to catch something is good enough for him
-especially fond of catching clips of you while you're audibly happy, like when you're laughing or talking about a topic you're invested in
-also saves any clips he can get his hands on
-he doesn't feel bad about recording you, nor does he hide it from everyone else, but he is very sensitive to the thought of you finding out specifically
-he still isn't very careful
-will openly ask you to repeat yourself whenever you make a good joke or after you start rambling about something you like
-he just won't tell you it's so he can get his phone out and record you, even if he has to hold it behind his back or underneath the table to do so
-there's a high likelihood of you finding out eventually, since he's notoriously bad at being sneaky
-once you do, he will obviously jump to explain how it's not at all because he likes you…
-he's embarrassed at first, but moves on from it quickly if you don't get upset
-definitely the most prolific offender
-his collection of mc voice clips is the largest
-amassed through skills he's learned from his many other collection-based hobbies
-may go to the extent of wearing a hidden microphone any day he knows he'll be around you a lot, then editing it down to the best clips once he gets home
-he CANNOT run the risk of missing your best lines
-saves any lines he gets from others too
-may take voice clips as debt payment from Mammon if the clip is good enough
-all that being said: he is very, very aware and very, very self conscious of how creepy this comes across
-he honestly doesn't mean it that way, collecting is simply a hobby that brings him comfort, so of course he winds up combining the things he enjoys
-it's not like his collection of mc voice clips is the ONLY audio-based collection he keeps
-(but it's definitely the one he cares the most about)
-if you find out by snooping through his DDD or computer, he will be so utterly ashamed
-will sequester himself away like never before
-his physical health may genuinely be at risk if this occurs, please reassure him that you don't find it creepy
-very picky with what he deems a worthy mc voice clip to save
-may ask you to record yourself reading for him
-if you ask why, he might say he wants to know the contents of the book, but wants to do something else while he listens
-that is partially true, he will listen to you read while multitasking or doing chores or homework
-but he also listens to it while reading along with the physical book, or otherwise during times when he could absolutely read it himself instead, or just to fall asleep to…
-of course, if anyone has any clips of you meowing, he will demand to have them for safe-keeping
-but otherwise, his collection may be larger due to the individual size of the files, but in terms of actual quantity, he probably has the fewest audio files of your voice
-nevertheless, if you were to find out how many times he re-listens to the clips you send him, he would get rather defensive at first
-admits to it and softens up quickly, though
-if you were to tell him that you don't mind, he would probably ask you to record yourself reading for him far more often
-stickler for quality, second only to Levi in that department
-while he will collect voice clips of you to listen back to on bad days, he will not take low quality or barely audible clips
-actually very offended at the idea
-your beauty is best represented through audio at the highest possible quality!
-will not hesitate to tear into Mammon for this, or Lucifer especially, if he ever manages to find out about his own collection
-will mostly collect his clips by asking you to record things for him to put in his DevilTube videos
-he may or may not actually use them, but more likely to slip it in if he knows you'll watch it later
-will also hide the fact he's trying to record your voice by pretending to take impromptu videos for Devilgram
-those, he's even more unlikely to post, even if he knows you're watching
-usually just says that, upon rewatching, it revealed too many “personal details”
-doesn't actually care much if you find out about his collection, but will get upset if you don't make your thoughts known on it
-he went through all that trouble collecting only the best clips, the least you could do is let him know how you feel…
-doesn't really care much for it
-may save any of the sickly-sweet ones Levi records of you saying things like “good morning” and “I love you”
-otherwise, enjoys spending time with you in person much more
-when he's enjoying your company, it doesn't really strike him to record whatever you're saying
-but when he's lonely or missing you, he either falls back on the clips the others catch, or asks you up front to call him/send him audio files/come see him
-isn't actually shy or nervous about asking you for voice recordings outright, even to the extent of asking you what to say on occasion
-will be very pleased and send you clips of himself talking as well if you let him know that you don't mind
-may be a bit excessive with how frequently he asks you to record something and how frequently he sends you voice notes, however
-has a secret trick up his sleeve
-you would ASSUME he's asleep all the time, and thus too unconscious to catch recordings
-but you would be partially incorrect
-while he does trade with Levi and Satan frequently, especially for long audio files for him to fall asleep to, it turns out that merely pretending to be asleep is a wonderful way to get people to ignore you while you record them
-they let their guard down and talk to themselves, which is how he acquired all the other voice clips he has of his brothers saying embarrassing things
-since he sleeps in your room so often, he enjoys collecting clips of you sleep talking, or things you say right after waking up
-isn't really embarrassed about keeping the clips, although he won't find it important enough to tell you or ask you for recordings outright
-where he otherwise would've tried to play dead or keep the phone a reasonable distance away from you before, however, if you say you don't mind
-he will become a menace
-any time you say something he wants to record, he will immediately pull his phone out, shove it in your face, and ask you to repeat yourself
-is not subtle at all with the way he hovers near you, holding his phone going forward
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freckliedan · 6 months
in your opinion do you think that now they’re not in the closet publicly anymore, it’s not that they necessarily care that people think/know they’re together, it’s just more that they want to keep their actual relationship private?
ooh this is a good question honestly! i mean, they've said it themselves that they're private, and their actions back that up too. i think a huge part of the way they've navigated the privacy for their relationship while & since coming out has been about setting a clear boundary, considering the past violations of their privacy?
but honestly i think there's another huge piece of why they've been so private over the last five years and why that's changing now! i think the gaming channel hiatus era has been their individualization era, which was important for dan especially. like, phil had some time as an adult to learn who he was before he met dan; all of dan's identity formation as an adult happened in the context of his relationship with phil.
spending your entire adult life in a relationship with someone, AND living with them AND working together AND having shared friends for the vast majority of those years? speaking from experience: you can reach a point where you're less able to identify your own individual wants and needs and strengths and dreams, even if it's a healthy and beautiful relationship.
especially if there was any level of tumultuousness in your home life lol
with the added pressure of being a public figure it makes a lot of sense to me that a hard reset had to happen for dan's exploration of who he is and wants to be and enjoys doing with his career to succeed! dan is not okay being fucked over is such a heartbreaking thing, but the time dan spent almost completely out of the public eye followed by a fully solo tour & span of his career shere he was regularly posting is like—it makes sense!
it makes sense that the last 5 years were focused on everything but their relationship! but it also makes like equal sense to me that they're returning to the gaming channel and joint content and a higher level of being open with us, too.
they tried fully solo careers. and i'm sure they both know now, what they like doing independently of one another. but it's so clear to me that they've returned to the gaming channel because they genuinely love to make videos together, and it's a part of them making a fully informed choice about their future careers.
like. it actually really grinds my gears when people say that dan and phil only came back to the gaming channel for the money, tbh! because yeah, i'm sure it's one of their best options for bringing in money. but like... yall they are rich people. they absolutely have money invested. they absolutely are having their money managed. they almost certainly could pull off never working again if they wanted to.
they wouldn't phone it in just for money, not with the standards they've consistantly shown themselves to have for the work they do. like, yes, they're doing their job and making money for it. but i just don't understand seeing this as anything but a choice they made because they love working together—and because they're sure of that, having spent half a decade on solo projects.
the individuation era ending also makes the higher level of being open about their lives make sense. i've always thought we were due for a being loud about how happy they are in their relationship era post coming out and. well. this is definitely that. i can't say i ever wanted to hear this much about their sex lives but i also can't truly say i'm surprised!
i think this is an era of shifting boundaries to be at least a little more open regarding their relationship and life together and i think that's what they're boiling us about this gamingmas! ultimately they're always going to keep more to themselves than they ever share with us but like. things are changing!
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mazeinthemiroh · 2 years
i’m deep in my feels rn haha could i request a soft little skz reaction where their s/o puts a lot of thought into learning about their interests and stuff? i want the skzers to feel special and appreciated cos they are :(
stray kids reactions to their s/o putting effort into their interests
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genre: general
word count: 0.7k
warnings: none
pls like and reblog if you enjoy! feel free to request anything <3
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channie is a workaholic and so his interests lie with what he is working on at the moment. he would absolutely love it if you took an interest in his work, and will even run you through how to compose a song, write lyrics, produce, etc... he might even let you make a song with him on the side for fun! i mean, it's not impossible. he's made a whole song on one of his lives! so doing it with you should be easy, and really makes him happy.
lee know
minho has quite a few interests but the one that dominates his heart the most is, obviously, his cats. he can't help but speculate on different toys he should buy them and whether they need any supplements or different meals. he loves taking care of his babies ;-; so when you take an interest in his fluffy children, his heart simply melts. it's definitely important to him to that you get on well with his cats because he loves them so much <///3
binnie's main interest is working out. which, of course, is not for everyone. if you are the type of person who likes the gym just as much as he does, he would love to share his time at the gym with you! if you are not the type to usually go to the gym or don't regularly work out, but still try your hardest to get involved with that interest of his, changbin will be really flattered and make sure he will help you and make your gym experience worthwhile, since you're doing such a nice thing for him.
hyunjin would probably appreciate his s/o doing this the most. he likes feeling understood. but also, he spends a lot of time on his passions and interests, in particular, his art so they have become really important to him. they are a part of him. so the fact you want to get involved in what he loves? he's over the moon. he would love to teach you how to do certain techniques and even share his hobby with him.
han loves getting into new things to watch, especially anime! forget sleeping, he's bingeing the new episodes of what he's currently watching atm. he loves it when you get involved with the shows he's watching because it means he has someone to completely rant about the plotline or openly simp over a character with someone who knows what he's on about. it makes him feel like he has a voice and he can express how passionate he feels about a character being killed off in the third episode because wtf?? he needs someone to talk about this with!!!
this gamer boy would LOVE it if you joined him playing video games. he's so invested in the storylines of certain video games and will get so excited when you ask him about it and genuinely take an interest. and he will happily tell you all the things he knows. he gives you advice on what each of the characters does and which is the best character in his correct humble opinion. will be super excited to play these video games with you and will really appreciate you being interested in what he loves.
seungmin has been getting into more artsy stuff lately. he likes photography, for instance, and likes to get outside and look at the world through a different lens other than his own eyes. he would love it if you were to join him on a little photography date uwu. ALSOOOO reading dates are totally his thing. he loves burying his head in a good book, and having you taking an interest in his hobbies means that he can share these peaceful moments with you.
jeongin is a fashion lover. we know how well he dresses and how his style is always on point. even if you are not so keen on passion but find ways to make his interest feel understood, he will love you even more. like sometimes you will get him an expensive item of clothing or maybe even suggest going clothes shopping with him. he likes it when you ask for advice too, so he can put his fashion knowledge and expertise to good use!
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demetris-cocksleeve · 7 months
Hello!! I'm fairly new to the twilight fandom and your blog is one of the bests i've ever seen so far! So, if you're comfortable/not buzy, could you please do the volturi kings (separated or poly, both are fine!!) reacting to the reader being a goth, i imagined since they're ancient beings, the goths that invaded the Roman Empire would be the first thing coming to mind lol
Once again, your blog is definitely a favorite now, so i might just give myself a name for future requests, i think 🦇 would be fine if no one's using it :)
Have a good morning, afternoon or/and evening!
(A/n: Stawppppp you're makin me blushhh🙈 I definitely recommend @kiiwiigii (her kinktober is 🥵 and her fluff fics will literally rot your teeth) and (she doesn't write often, but she has an AMAZING NSFW mini series called Uses of a Secretarial Desk👀:) @alecvolturi)
(A/n: I went with headcanons. I hope that's okay with you!)
(A/n: Also- It's a bit difficult for me to write the kings since I personally don't vibe w/ em, so I hope you like it😭😅)
Word Count: -
Summary: Request above
Warnings: None
Age Rating: None
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Volturi Kings x Gothic! GN! Reader
Firstly, the Volturi are known art lovers so while the Visigoth sacking Rome might be what the word is acquitted to off the top of their heads, they would probably attune it moreso to the gothic art style of the mid 12th - 16th centuries
This being said, gothic makeup is VASTLY different from the painted arches and quatrelobes of the art period
You'll definitely have some explaining to do
You'll have to excuse them. They're not invested in human fads and expressionistic styles
Now on to the individual reactions/thoughts:
He definitely finds your style interesting
Not in a judgmental aunt "interesting...😒" but an intrigued interest
He likes to watch you do your makeup, letting out the occasional amused "hm" when you do something unconventional with your look (grey contour, painting your neck black, extreme eyeliner, thin angled brows, etc.)
As for the music?
Doesn't really get it but at the same time does? Idk how to explain my thought process
He basically vibes with the lyrics and meaning but sometimes the instrumentals are hit or miss
He really enjoys the instrumentals that are more spooky/calm to the ones that go harder
Overall, if you're happy, who's he to say anything?
Do you want fanon or accurate?😅
He might give you a strange look or cock an eyebrow when you go all out with your look but he silently appreciates how much effort it takes to perfect it
If he doesn't like the song playing, he'll either grab your phone and skip it or just leave the room
This man is throwing shade left, right, and center lol
It /is/ all in good fun though
He's a bitch, you knew that from your first meeting
"Are you sure that's how you want to go out today?"
"Interesting attire, dear... *side eye*"
He doesnt hate it, don't get him wrong
He just finds it... odd
Out of all the kings, he's probably the most art geek of them all and is stuck on the name of your style
"Goth? That is not gothic, pet... *cue middle ages art speech*"
Openly criticizes the music
Either bans it from being played around him or loudly complains about it
Is the most vocal about your appearance
Constantly praising how you look that day
He got a second chance at his life partner. He's gonna be damned if he doesn't appreciate everything about you even down to the barely-different-who-is-he-kidding-they're-the-same-as-the-ones-you-already-own shoes that you just bought and are excited about
It's not even him lying either
He GENUINELY loves your look, simoyl for the fact that 1) he has seen you get ready... that takes skill and 2) you clearly enjoy the style and seeing you confident and secure in yourself is enough for him
He can take or leave the music, but he will keep that to himself until he dies (get it? Bc he's immortal?)
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fluffyhare · 2 months
I know I gush a lot about lee!Avery, but, the thing is... I think about ler!Avery a lot, too.
Gosh, the way he thinks tickling is so fascinating, and also so much fun...
The way he gets excited and a bit mischievous at the prospect of tickling someone, and then that eagerness turns quickly into sly teasing, because he is so playful... And there's nothing he loves more than making his friends happy and giggly, in any way he can...
He's practically made for tickling, too... with his scientific attitude and skillful, soft fingers. Since tickling doesn't exist in Cirropa (Cirropians have a unique way of touching each other, which I'll expand on later), it's a relatively new concept for him, which makes it all the more intriguing. Plus, he's especially fascinated by humans who enjoy it... it's so endearing for him that the delicate, warm, soft humans he delights to observe would take pleasure in being made to laugh that way... That they enjoy laughing just like he does, despite being so physiologically different, and they have such a special and unique way to experience it...
It's not just a flash in the pan for him, either. Tickling -- human play -- is a game, and one that he wants to not just learn, but be good at. It intrigues him that humans are not all ticklish in the same places, and though he's interested in finding your most ticklish spots, he's also interested in finding the spots you enjoy the most. Your enjoyment and comfort with being tickled by him is his utmost priority, so he's very invested in making the session as fun for you as possible. He holds a certain reverence for humans... he feels honored to be allowed to tickle you, that a human would trust him enough to be so vulnerable... to allow him to exploit that vulnerability through tickling. Though he does want to learn and understand all he can about tickling, teasing, and how it affects different people, that scientific curiosity never comes at your expense. He also knows that you are weaker and much more fragile than he is, and he will handle you with tender, expert care.
Playing right into his curiosity, is his fascination with humans in general, particularly how they are unique and different from each other... which means he genuinely gets excited to tickle people with all different body types and dispositions, and delights in learning how different personalities and bodies react to his tickling. Particularly interesting to him is shyness; he finds it adorable that it's often the shyest, most bashful humans who enjoy tickling the most... generally, they are also outrageously ticklish, and particularly enjoy his gentle brand of teasing.
If Avery cares about you, he will be particularly tender. If he loves you or considers you a friend -- which, frankly, is an incredibly low bar, since he already loves humans as a whole, he has a huge heart, and loves to make friends -- he will all but dote on you as he tickles you. He will respect anyone he is tickling no matter what, but if you're his friend, he will be particularly invested in gently pushing your buttons, making you blush, and trying to heighten your enjoyment as much as he can. He considers every chance at tickling you an opportunity for him to learn something new, whether it's a new spot, a particularly effective technique, or a certain combination of words that makes you uncontrollably flustered. The better he can make the session for you, the better it is for him.
The sweetest, most charming part of all this, is... though Avery would naturally be curious about tickling, anyway... It holds so much significance to him because of how important it is to Casper. He wants to understand tickling and teasing on the deepest level possible, not just for scientific reasons, but because he wants to share it with his partner and their friends.
God, I could go on and on...
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alovelyburn · 8 months
Why do you ship Griffith and Guts, considering they will never be canon?
The glib answer would be "because I read the series." But let me not be glib.
Okay there are different definitions of "canon" when it comes to pairings.
If the question is "why do you ship them when they're never going to ride off into the sunset together," the answer is "because it's a fascinating dynamic and I don't have any investment in relationships I enjoy working out or characters that I like being happy."
If the question is "why do you ship them when they have no canonical romantic interest in each other," the answer is "because I disagree with that statement."
And like I said yesterday, I always back my perspective up, so here we go:
In the Beast of Darkness scene where the Beast in question suggests that Guts only keeps Casca with him as an excuse to keep longing for Griffith, the use of furigana over the kanji on "yearning" or "longing" is specifically chosen to modify the meaning to reflect romantic love. [Link 1] [Link 2]
Miura had stated that in manga androgynous characters typically favor their feminine side and fall in love with men, and he felt that he couldn't write an androgynous character without being committed to portraying that. He was talking about Duranki, but it's interesting in light of Griffith's design and how much more andrognyous he became even at the same time as Miura started talking more about having been heavily influenced by Shounen-Ai. [Link 1]
Also he stated that Griffith was inspired by people he knew who could not love women and instead focused their affection or friendship on men. Then, on another occasion, he referred to Griffith as having fallen in love with Guts, which is the reason for his extremely unGriffithlike behavior. [ Link ]
Miura once said that Griffith provides the fuel that Guts needs to continue living. Before someone says that's because Guts is so mad at him, I agree with that, but also bear in mind that his feelings about Griffith are specifically lampshaded described as complicated and conflicted and not just hate. [ Link ]
The writer of the OVA also stated that Guts and Griffith's feelings for one another are complicated and involve many different feelings, including romantic love. [Link 1] [Link 2]
Now mind you I did genuinely think the story itself, the staging of panels, the tropes evoked, the narrative choices, the visual cues and the language used already implied all of this. Compare some of the Golden Age scenes with them to pages in a romance manga, for example. But for people who don't see it that way, perhaps these things will contextualize the perspective of those who do.
Anyway, long story short, I do think they canonically have romantic feelings for each other mixed in with all their other complicated positive and negative feelings, and I don't care about couples getting together or being happy, I just want interesting stories and relationships.
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attorneytrash · 28 days
I really really really love Such Terrible Tales, it's one of my favorite fanfictions of all time!! I was wondering how you write a "period piece" so well with all the terminology, dialog, and flow of the work feeling so reminiscent of 19th-20th century novels! (It still has its roots and humor in the modern era, but you get me.) Do you do a lot of research and editing before you publish a chapter or does it just flow naturally for you? Did you read a ton of Jane Austen and bodice rippers before penning the Jackdaw? Have you you plotted out Such Terrible Tales in full before writing or do you just fly by the seat of your pants (or do you do a mix of both)? Sorry if this is nosy, I'm just so curious and invested and I'm looking into writing fanfictions that captures a similar feeling myself ^q^
OH MY GOSH HIIIIIIII wait i've never gotten one of these before. this is so exciting. fair warning my advice will be terrible but you did ask
first off thank you I can't believe you think i write a good "period piece" (what is the period? we just don't know) because I feel like i'm so slapdash about it and it's all Vibes. ANYWAY I'M REALLY REALLY HAPPY YOU'RE ENJOYING THE FIC. TRULY
genuinely one of the reasons I started writing STT in the first place was because I was on a kick of reading stuff that takes place in that general era (again, what the actual era is remains unclear). A few people have pointed out the Jane Austen of it all, and I think when I was in the middle of reading an austen novel you can tell because of the language in those chapters. basically, I don't know if this is true of everyone, but I tend to lean into the style of whatever I'm reading at the time. I also think it helps, if you like audiobooks, to listen to audiobooks in the style you want to write in! Especially with older works, audiobook narrators are really good at getting the flow and cadence of the language across, and it helps get your mind flowing along and sort of "hooked in" to that style. or it does for me at least!
ALSO I do jot down a lot of notes, specifically little turns of phrase that I like! so for example, I wrote down to use the word "directly" meaning "right now" (as in, "I will read you the letter directly") and "presently" meaning "in a short time" (as in, "we're expecting his arrival presently"). Little things like moving words around too ("what have you there" rather than "what do you have there" etc) give it that sort of feel. if that makes sense. i just take a lot of notes
One tip I will give is that a little really goes a long way with old-timey language. I notice it less when listening to the audiobooks, but in older books the sentences are LOOOOOOOONG which is what makes them so hard to parse sometimes. And often in romance novels that take place in victorian or regency era they'll overdo the language to the point that it makes you roll your eyes (though I'm sure I've done that once or twice too)
ANYWAY I'M PRATTLING ON SORRY as for the plotting. I have a bare-bones skeleton that has all the larger plot twists in it, so I can make sure to foreshadow things. That being said, I think part of what's fun about a serial fic is coming up with things as you go while still having to stay true to what you've already written. One thing I will say is that it's EXTREMELY helpful to keep a couple cheat sheets: one is a timeline, which keeps track of all the events that happened in the past, when they happened, etc. The other is a list keeping track of what every character knows and when they find it out. It's saved me many times when I've forgotten who's aware of what secrets etc.
YOU'RE NOT NOSY AT ALL and in fact I'm seriously thrilled to get an ask like this bc i could talk about writing for days. I hope your fic goes well and that you have fun with it ^^
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shuttershocky · 7 months
hey shutters, what are your feelings on punishing gray raven?
Posted about it before, but I loved the combat and thought that the way they adapted action game design to a touchscreen was genuinely brilliant. They had fantastic animation and some incredible boss design to boot.
Unfortunately, being a gacha game (even the most generous possible one with a 100% rate and a 60 roll pity, meaning spooks were impossible and you could always guarantee getting a new character since you always earned more than 60 rolls between banners) meant that you grinded plenty of things as chores, and without some autoplay system for grinding that was disastrous. The gacha system was also limiting as well, because while you could get everyone for free, extra copies granted power boosts that were undeniable, and this was a grave mistake to make for a game of this genre.
When it comes to the character action games that inspired PGR, people grind hundreds or even thousands of hours on the same things over and over in pursuit of mastery, not in-game resources. It didn't matter to me that I could get all the weekly resources from the Warzone arena game modes while remaining F2P: there was a Leaderboard and with it, a ranking system, and I could see a glass ceiling limiting those that wanted to climb it.
Even if I played perfectly, destroyed every wave of enemies as fast as I could without taking damage, there was no way I could surpass a whale running the same team composition but whose units pumped out much higher numbers due to the power boosts from extra copies and waving the 5 star weapons. Not only did its mobile game form limit the combat's possible depth (even if it was already very impressive and much more complex than its peers), but the gacha made the pursuit of mastery meaningless.
A ranking system where the very top is gated by money can never be a meritocracy, and the longevity of a hardcore action game lives and dies by its ability to entice its player to hone their skills. People like Donguri or Koudai T have their fans because of the thousands of hours they put into action games to make some of the most stylish and brutally difficult displays of execution.
But that's from the perspective of a hardcore fan. I explained this better in another post, but I could have been happy playing PGR casually if its world wasn't also so... Bland.
Unfortunately the incredible animation does almost all the character work, because there's very little charm otherwise to these characters and very little appeal overall in PGR's sci-fi world. I think I'm fairly easy to please, but even I struggled to enjoy any of the story chapters or events.
By the time they tried making Lucia slowly get reset while dueling Qu a tragic and emotional moment as if I cared about Lucia at all prior to this, I was pretty done trying to get invested in the setting. Lol.
So yeah, I think fondly of PGR! I think the developers are very talented and are amazingly capable action game designers who only got better at their strengths over time. Unfortunately, PGR committed the greatest cardinal sin of hardcore action games (I don't feel like playing to get better) and gacha games (I don't care about any of these characters) alike, so I fell out.
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yokiidokii · 1 year
May I request hc's of The Gang with a male reader that's new to Cognito?? Just a normal guy that was suddenly thrusted into a crazy company to work in
I thank you for taking me up on my offer, I hope the wait wasn't too much! I wanted to write something good and I wasn't happy with my first go around so this was my second take >:)
Warnings: Absolutely nothin, you are so safe baybe <3
Another one??? She'd sigh but considering how good for both her and the company Brett turned out to be she can't complain about it.
She'd have probably gotten all of her "You aren't who you say you are" theories out on Brett so luckily you are spared. for now.
Would give the most thorough tour. Like you will know all the places that you need to by the end of this tour along with a good handful of the people who work in them.
I feel like Reagan would be pretty interested in what job you would be there to do? Like she's got no clue what you were hired based on- please tell her it wasn't the firmness of your handshake.
Regan reeks of a burnt-out gifted kid it's because that's what she is SO I'd imagine that she would be incredibly good at helping you figure out all that shitty 'welcome to the company keep us a secret or we disappear you' papers. Like she knows why there are so many but it can get overwhelming for a first-timer to read about all the ways your employer can see in on your life when you aren't paying attention and also how many ways they plan to kill you.
She would be vaguely interested in your outside life, maybe not as much as some of your other coworkers so it may not come up as often as either of you would like compared to general water cooler conversations.
Okay sweet girl would try and be entertaining or fill the quiet with jokes or something and it would absolutely come out like a threat SHE'S TRYING SO HARD SHE DOESN'T MEAN IT.
WOW!!! Another guy in his exact position? Your impending friendship has to be fate.
He'd be more than glad to show you around! This place is pretty easy to get lost in but he assures you that you'll get used to it after a while.
Brett has the most heart, he found his family at this place! So he's going to try his best to give you all the reasons why this place may be a madhouse, but it's a madhouse ~with heart✨
He's got something nice to say about basically everyone and everything that resides within Cognito, so you'll have at least one reason to like everyone here!
Pretty laid back but very welcoming! I mean he was once in your position. Sometimes you get some serious imposter syndrome being surrounded by all these cool brainiacs and walking, talking conspiracies, so if you ever need to talk his office door is always open <3
This man is as warm as the fluffiest thickest comforter you have ever seen and doubly as welcoming so he's sure to try his darndest at including you in things and introducing you to his friends!
Would be so willing to listen to you talk about your life outside of work, but if you don't want to? That's cool too! He can talk about his life outside of Cognito! No bonding time lost ;)
Being normal doesn't always mean being boring. He is invested in finding out what interesting secrets hide within the walls you've put up.
So okay, he will genuinely try and help you around if he's tasked to. He can show you the places you need to be and introduce you to a handful of cool people HOWEVER he will sit back and laugh as you experience the madness. He enjoys the confusion and probable moral panic.
He won’t leave you floundering though. Andre is a talker, the tour will be full of weird info he knows but he will also be asking you questions about how you ended up here like the whole time? He’s just a curious lil fella :) 
Also would be someone to lounge in your office, if you don’t have anything to decorate it off the bat he might think it’s a little bit boring however he won’t say anything. But you may start noticing more small and funky novelty objects appearing in your office.
(It’s him. All of them are from him and they are so silly) BUT! They all stay, they hold sentimental value AND they make your space less boring and more homey :) TRIPLE WIN!!!
Helpful in his own special Myc kinda way, like a little bit of an asshole about it but not so much that it feels like he’s being a total dick? He’s still helpful but he’s using terms from Cognito that you definitely do not understand yet. He’ll explain it son, he just wants to watch you squirm for a minute as you try and figure it out what the fuck he’s talking about.
His tour would be like some emotional rollercoaster? You don’t really know what’s going on here so he’s going to fuck with you. Hyping up what’s beyond this door as some big scary bad thing and it’s not, it’s just craft services- it’s just to amuse himself.
Simillar to Andre in that he will laugh and tease you about shit, but he will absolutely have more amo because of the whole mind reading thing? More stuff akin to him mentioning Brett’s lovely memory of Dane Cook routines in episode 1. It’s just the Myc special baby well one of them anyway ;) 
He’d obviously have a preference to tell you more nice things about the gang? Even those might not sound nice but uh- they are for him? HOWEVER he will tell you to never tell them or he will find you. You are slightly unsure if it’s a real threat or not???
Ok, Gigi would be one of if not the most helpful to be able to show you around.
Based on how she acted with Brett- she might flirt with you, but like who would complain about that have you SEEN HER????
Knows where the best places in the office to get cell reception are 
She lives for the gossip and will gossip about all the coworkers she introduces to you. Is it true? Probably. Will you trust her? Up to you~ it’s all true okay– eat this shit up. SHE HAS THE GOOD SHIT.
Honestly? Her welcome would be nice? Like her own work is super chaotic but she knows how the fuck to handle all this. She knows how to help you deal with all this chaos.
Would ABSOLUTELY look you up on social media to know what you’re all about.
Ears are always ready to listen. Absolutely ready to listen to you spill all the tea about wherever in the company you do end up in. Even if it’s her own she knows interesting shit is always happening within these walls - GIVE👏🏻HER👏🏻THE👏🏻DEETS
OK SO NOT TO BE RUDE BUT- She is going to judge your bland ass office hardcore. She just is, it’s a fact of life. She’s got recommendations right away.  Follow her orders. Please-
Actually kind of wholesome??
You might actually get a decent tour, I think it’s fair to say based on him that it would be pretty biased? Especially about what part of the company he hopes you’d join *wink wink nudge nudge*
The tour would probably be surprisingly thorough? Especially his section and Andre’s! He knows the most about those two places so that isn’t the most shocking? Though some of the other places get the bare minimum knowledge.
He would also be able to show you the best places for napping, Old man naps <3
There might be a little less said, but what is said is important. So if he gives someone or something a compliment know that he means it.
I mean he was a normal man once, he still kinda is? Y’know minus the dolphin stuff? So if you need someone to hash it out with when the company gets too much you could come to him. If he likes you enough he might let you launch a missile somewhere- please have restraint. Please.
He’d probably also want to talk, please indulge him in getting to talk about his life at least a little bit with serious responses and care. He deserves some genuine care too and it makes the whole… whatever you two have going on feel more mutual to him :D
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system-of-a-feather · 2 years
Tip from an "old" DID blog on tumblr and someone who is professionally diagnosed and has been in treatment for over four years, but really try to stop giving a shit about if people think you are "fake" or if your behavior is "cringe" or "sus" or whatever.
A lot of the claims people make about "not how DID works" or "signs of faking" tend to also overlap with things that are skills you CAN acquire and rewards that come with healing. If you stay too fixated on worrying about if you are faking / looking like you are faking / being perceived as faking, it's going to be hard to really enjoy the genuine rewards that come from healing.
There are always going to be dumb people, and that is even more so true online. If someone thinks you are fake, its not the end of the world. If a whole subreddit thinks you are fake, its not the end of the world. All they can do is be mean from 100+ miles away from you. Live your life how it makes you happy, experience your experiences as they naturally appear, and feel free to engage in the skills you develop while doing so without feeling the need to get approval from a masked anonymous audience.
Regardless of if you "are fake" or whatever, just ride out your experiences and regardless of what you do and don't have just existing is going to do you much better than getting lost in rumination of whether you are or are not faking or if others think that.
Your life is yours to live and people being judgey don't need to have an affect on how you live.
A lot of fakeclaiming tropes are rooted in "well the DSM" or "well someone who actually has it would struggle" - like yeah, but you all do know that people can >heal< and >recover< and that despite DID being a "severe mental illness" it actually has a decently high room for life improvement because the DID itself is hardly "the issue" as much as it is just straight up the trauma, and like, while it might not look that way when you are in it, PTSD and C-PTSD are ""curable""
Like really putting too much emotional investment into what a bunch of people on the internet get their panties twisted about over just isn't worth it. Mean people will be mean. Stupid people will be stupid. Internet people will be internet people.
Leave them in the dust to cry about it and go on with your life and don't humor their negativity and chronic nosey whingeing disorder.
Also no I am not writing this to procrastinate having to study because I have painful senioritis again.
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strawbubbysugar · 2 months
I apologize if this is like out of pocket or anything and you just wanted to vent and not get replies or anything, but I wanted to say this, hopefully it’s okay:
I’m sorry your brain is being mean to you right now and that it’s hard to write. You don’t sound ungrateful at all, I feel like if I were in your shoes I’d feel the same way. Getting a bunch of interest and comments on fanfic stuff and then less interest and comments on your original stuff I’d imagine feels really disheartening, and anxiety would maybe make you feel like your story isn’t good enough or your ideas suck, and I’m so so sorry :(
I just want to make sure you know that you’re an amazing author, your stories are more than good enough, and your ideas DO NOT SUCK. I don’t think I’m alone in this when I say that your characters and stories take up lots of space in my head rent-free, and there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think about them! They’ve made me so happy and inspired creativity in me and help me get through my day when the world is shitty. The worlds you create are so magical and alive and in-depth and it’s so clear and obvious how much care and thought you put into everything you do!
I know it feels not great to not have as many people invested in your original stuff, but lemme tell you they are missing tf out. Not only are they missing out on your fantastic writing and drawings and art, but they’re also missing out on such a fun and wholesome community. It’s so fun seeing you answer asks and make doodles and I love the inside jokes in the little Bubby community you’ve created! We all have so much fun here learning lore and telling jokes and sharing art all pertaining to the amazing things YOU’VE created!
Thank you for sharing your art with us and thank you for answering our questions and thank you for commenting on our fanart of your stories and characters and thank you for sharing lore and tidbits and fun facts of your worlds! And also just thank you for being a really cool and understanding and supportive person :)
Genuinely such a wonderful thing to say, this made my entire year <3<3<3 I cannot express how grateful I am to have wonderful people like you enjoy my work <3<3<3
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highladyelenna · 27 days
hey! im what some would consider a "gwynriel" but ive seen sm hate on ur account for liking elriel when u literally tag pro gwyneth too! genuinely its like people assume that bc ur an elriel that ur being mean to her :( its sad to see especially since it is ultimately its just a book. having hyperfixations and being SUPER emotionally invested is valid but real people fighting to this extent over fictional characters is crazy 😂
i really love reading your takes even if i dont agree because your theories make sense! and seeing a version of elain who embraced the night court would be so so so so cool. but i dont think she will since sjms introduced gwyn (part of me is a lil disappointed she didn't do that with elain, but im hoping she'll write something cool like that for us in the future)
i just want all of these characters to end up with as peaceful of an ending as possible, including lucien, tamlin, and eris. i think beron and hybern poisoned sm of prythian over the years that everyone deserves at least a chance to redeem themselves after amarantha. but i think elain's book will handle koschei for sure, shes ready to do more and i wanna see what shes gonna do to him 👀
Hiiii, thank you sm for the kind words🖤
I try my best to always put “this is just my opinion” or “this is just a rant” I understand not everyone’s going to agree with me and that’s okay, i don’t mind. But, yes, to respond to my posts with hate is wild. Like I’m always up for a friendly discussion but if you’re gonna attack me then i won’t stand for it.
One thing about me that I try to work on is being the bigger person and not responding to comments that are coming at me. I’m just really defensive, but something I’m working on.
I’m glad you as a “gwynriel” can see that I have no hate for Gwyn. I actually love her and think she deserves better than what it seems she’s been getting right now.
Yes, I do prefer Elriel simply because I love a forbidden love trope. And I’d love to see the mating bonds be explored more in terms of rejection. Do I wish Lucien any ill? No, I actually hope he finds someone. If Elriel does happen. I want him happy! I also want Gwyn happy. If Elucien happens, I want Azriel to be happy!
I’ve stated in comments before, but it always seems to go unnoticed, but i’m pro-elain’s choice.
If she chooses Lucien, yay. If she chooses Az, yay. If she chooses neither and enjoys figuring out her fae life alone? YAY.
I’ll be happy either way!
As for Gwyn, I just want her to be happy. She is a sweet happy bubbly person who loves with her whole heart and what SJM has written so far is only setting her up for heartbreak and it’s very sad to me bc she’s the least deserving of it. I actually really hope we get to see more of Gwyn’s family history! I want to know her parents. I want to know how she came to live in the night court.
And I agree I’m a sucker for a happy ending and if we get to see all these characters happy i will be here for it!!!
There are certain characters I really don’t care for, yet! But seeing more of their background is always fun! I love seeing characters go from sidelines to a fully developed person with a story!🖤
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your-phantomfield · 1 month
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i .. ii .. iii circa 2051 for anonymous
Dating Hinata Himezuru...
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Loving Hinata Himezuru leads to the kind of relationship where everyone you know is calling you ‘married’ even before you’re officially dating. To be fair, that is what it looks like more often than not. Hinata takes anyone she grows close to and adopts them right into her family; anyone she runs into during the day is probably going to be invited over for lunch or dinner, anyone who stays for dinner sees a good chance of being invited to stay the night, etc.
Once you’ve got her heart, this behavior escalates. It’s already her love language! Hinata is a girlfriend who greets you at the door to her house as if you own it, tries to help you take off your jacket and/or shoes, knows your schedule well enough to already have a meal you’ll love waiting on the table, and will definitely want to feed some of it to you if the two of you are alone. This girl is 110% wife material.
If she had it her way, she’d like to have you spending more time at her place than your own. She may not remember it well, but she spent a painful period of her childhood alone, and she’s been very social since. She just loves having you around. She likes getting to see you and touch you as much as she wants, she likes getting to hear your voice in the house, she likes to watch you getting along with the rest of the people she cares about, she likes when you’re the last person she says goodnight to before she goes to sleep and when she can be the first person to greet you in the morning… It’s a nice way to live, she thinks. It feels like you’re already one big happy family! It would be nice, to do this for the rest of her life.
There are few days when you won’t be seeing her at all. Even when you don’t spend the whole day together, Hinata finds ways to sneak a little date in somewhere. She likes to invite you to join her on any errands she has, or ask if she can help you out with your own. If you can’t go together, she’ll still offer to do your errands for you, or pick up something for you while she’s out- that way she has an excuse to visit you while dropping things off!
It may feel like she spoils you too much sometimes. You don’t want to take advantage of her, or see her work herself ragged!
Still, try to let her help in whatever ways you’re comfortable with. This is how Hinata shows her love. She knows she isn’t the smartest or most capable person in the world- she knows there are a million things in your life that she can’t help you with. So it’s important for her that she has opportunities to support you in the ways that she can.
If we describe her preferred expression of love to give as ‘acts of service,’ then what she most likes to receive is ‘quality time.’ The sorts of dates she enjoys are focused on just being with you, rather than any specific activity. I mean, that’s obvious- what other explanation is there for a girlfriend who would list grocery shopping as one of her favorite date activities?
With that in mind; another one of her favorite things to do on your mini-dates is to just chat for a while. You don’t have to go anywhere fancy, you don’t have to do anything exciting- what Hinata wants most is to hear your thoughts and share her own with you.
Tell her about your day, tell her stories about you and your friends. Tell her about your hobbies or whatever you’ve been watching or reading! Tell her any fun, weird, or scary dreams you’ve had!
She’s a great listener, always visibly interested in anything you’re talking about. She gets invested in even your most boring stories, and has something compassionate to say at the end of all your saddest ones. It comes naturally to her because it’s just part of who she is as a person.
She genuinely loves life! She finds something to appreciate in every single moment. From there, it’s easy to put an optimistic spin on anything.
She’s been through enough in her own life that you’ll never have to be afraid of her diminishing your problems or not empathizing with them- she’s overflowing with patience and compassion. But from that angle of understanding and appreciation, she’s always able to think of a way to improve the situation, whether it’s a concrete solution to try and move forward, or a hug and something tasty to start moving on.
Being with Hinata means being part of a huge family. She has no blood relations left, but a large circle of ‘found family’ that are eager to love you almost as much as she does- as long as you promise never to break her heart. Yuki and Akira both enjoy making their fare share of “I’ll beat you up if you ever hurt her!” threats at your expense. Don’t let their brash attitudes fool you- they get attached just as quickly as she does. They like you plenty, they just also like to run their mouths.
In turn, Hinata is very interested in meeting anyone in your life. As far as she’s concerned, any friend of yours is her friend too! She’s grateful to the people that take care of you and, by defaults, trusts anyone you trust. Whether it’s your family, your friends, or even your chummier acquaintances, Hinata’s excited to meet them!
Hinata loves most types of handcrafts. She does a lot of sewing, she’s tried embroidery and knitting and crochet, she’s done a little bit of origami and can almost make one of those fancy napkin sculptures that you find at expensive restaurants. She just loves to make things and work with her hands.
So, get comfortable finding places to put gifts! Hinata starts making you something warm every time she hears a weather forecast suggest it might get cold soon. She decorates her own cute cards to give you every holiday, and sometimes just for fun.
She especially likes when she can make something you’ll be using a lot. Something that will help with your lifestyle or hobbies. Patching up your clothes (or even better, customizing them with some cute embroidery) is am always helpful option that she absolutely loves to do.
When you date Hinata, you have a relationship for the rest of your life. Even if something were to happen and things didn’t work out, she’ll always be your friend, and you’ll always be family to her. The point is, Hinata doesn’t do any relationship casually.
People are already joking about it all the time, but one day, she’d really like to marry you. It doesn’t have to be now, or any time soon; she’d like to go to nursing school next, and she already spends every day with you. You’re already family. She’s in no rush.
But it might be nice, someday. She could wear a big Western-style white dress like a princess from a fairy tale. You’ll be her true love, the sun shining haloing you like you just stepped out of a storybook. She’d like a wedding on a sunny day in a park, with enough space and food for everyone. You could send out a thousand invitations! Both of your ‘families’ would be there, everyone either of you have ever loved, all having fun together.
A perfect happily ever after.
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
I'm happy you like the character, Anon, lolol ^^; Also, this makes sense as a lot in the series his brothers gloss over his plans and ideas. Aged up as usual.
Yandere! ROTTMNT Donatello Prompts 20 + 34
Pairing: Romantic
"I've been waiting too long for this...."
"No one else understands me except you!"
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Stalking, Clingy behavior, Delusional behavior, Manipulation, Kidnapping, Forced relationship.
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Donatello was used to his brothers not giving him the attention he feels he deserves. Not many people understood him or wanted to talk things out with him. April did, yes, but other than her not many enjoyed his intellect and chat.
Then he met you, purely by chance when he was going undercover, and he started up conversation. He was surprised when you showed fascination and wanted to know more about his tech. Nothing malicious like his encounter with the Purple Dragons, genuine curiosity even if you didn't totally understand it.
"Woah, you like this stuff!?"
"I can see why you'd enjoy it. Honestly, you're quite talented."
"... You have no idea how much that means to me-"
You compliment him and his genius. He barely gets compliments from his brothers and his father, so hearing you so invested gets in his head. He's never shared contact info with someone so fast.
His family was happy he made a new friend once you passed a background check. April was too. You seemed to make Donnie very happy.
Chats between you two would go on for hours. Voice calls, video calls, video games, in person visits.... It was weird to not see Donnie talking with you.
"(Y/N) totally gets me, April! We talk nonstop!"
"That sounds great, Donnie! But, you are taking breaks, right?"
"Why would I need breaks? I adore all the texts and calls we share-!"
Donatello's behavior around you screamed crush. He wanted to impress you to get more of your praise. He went into withdrawls when you couldn't talk with each other.
His brothers thought he was being obsessive. They tried not to worry too much about it as he gets like this with video games too... although this felt more and more like an issue as time went on. He wasn't even like this with idols.
"It needs to be PERFECT! This little device is sure to impress (Y/N)...."
His brothers knew they had to do something when Donnie started putting work into drones and trackers. It was obvious what he was about to do. It was not going to be pretty....
"Donnie, you are NOT using those on (Y/N)."
"I wasn't going to!"
"Really now? Why else would you be making a tracker and drone while muttering about (Y/N)?"
"I want to impress (Y/N)...?"
"No, dude. You're being creepy. For (Y/N)'s safety, you need to chill out."
In response to their purple brother's creepy behavior, they do whatever they can to keep you away. Although, when you love someone, something like this does the opposite effect. It only drove him closer to you....
Instead of making Donnie re-evaluate his choices, it made him panic. His own family removed the one person who understood them. Did they not want him happy?
Not understanding what he was doing was wrong, he snapped.
"I've been waiting too long for this...."
The purple gear around you prevented you from moving. Cuffs were wrapped around your wrists, while something was wrapped around your neck to keep you still. Donnie doesn't show any sympathy, only a look of adoration.
"My brothers feel we aren't meant for each other... but I've calculated EVERYTHING."
"Why would you do something like this, Donnie?"
"Isn't this tech amazing!? I made it comfortable enough to not hurt you, just for you. It took me weeks ever since they said we couldn't talk anymore. Then, of course, I have this to keep track of you!"
Donnie holds up a small tracking device, your eyes widening.
"That... didn't answer my question- Where am I, anyway?"
"Oh... my lab. It's all sound proofed though, so, no one's getting in."
"Alright... can you please answer my question, Donnie?"
You're trying to stay brave, not wanting to set him off. Clearly, you made friends with a psychopath. Someone driven to the edge with obsession....
"Hm? Oh, right... well-"
Donnie leans closer, holding your head in his hands.
"No one else understands me except you!"
"Is that why you kidnapped me!?"
"No need to panic, my dearest! Think of this situation like... Romeo and Juliet!"
He backs away and stands up dramatically, grinning.
"My family wants us apart! However, our love is too strong! We're meant to be together! No one can tear us apart...."
"Please, Donnie, you have to know this isn't some play or fairytale fantasy!"
You shake in your restraints, trying to emphasize your point.
"I'm in restraints, in your lab, while you play out delusions. If anything, this is closer to those tales of dragons kidnapping people!"
Donnie gives you a strange look, like you destroyed his fantasy for a moment. His eyes then narrow and he crosses his arms.
"I thought you understood me!"
He screams, looking hurt.
"I thought you'd understand this is how our love story goes! One of drama! One of passion! One perfect for US!"
"You KIDNAPPED me, Donnie!"
Donnie refuses to listen, delving into a sad state. Then he sighs before looking towards you again.
"I... I know but I promise it's the first step to make things work between us! Just give me a chance. The restraints are temporary. You'll be living here for a bit. Do not worry, either! I have all your favorite things ingrained in my head to care for you!"
He steps closer again to hold your head, kissing your nose before giggling. This was clearly not the friend you knew. You had no idea he was this... unstable-
"You have no choice, anyways. There's no running... and I'll find you anywhere."
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mollymarymarie · 5 months
hello love!!
i just finished a re-read (one of several) of DYH and i came here to tell you (remind you really, it’s yours ofc you know this) how lovely and brilliant it is!! i went back to my original comment on ao3 and realized my first read was just over a year ago which is so wild.
i have so many thoughts but the one that i can’t help but smile about—the thing that has really stuck with me as i started publishing my first fics and writing more regularly and being more invested in this fandom over the past year—is your response. you replied back! and that was the first time i had really interacted with an author on ao3. you were so kind and thoughtful and overall i could tell that you really cared and wanted to create space for conversations about your work that made it feel like we were all on the same level, loving these characters together.
there’s so much discourse rn on fandom and popular fics and interactions within this space that are harmful and negative, and it’s all so valid. like, you did not owe me a response. you don’t owe anyone anything as a writer. but the community aspect to fandom is still very much present and wanted and for folks not on tumblr, most of that discourse happens in fic comments. so even a small interaction over a year ago in the comment section of one of my favorite stories is still HUGE to me, because it made me feel like i could interact; like the space was also mine to claim. and i am so very grateful to you for making that happen, even unconsciously.
you’re a superstar and a fabulous writer and i’m sending you all of the flowers and sweet treats and affection in my arsenal <3 thank you!! hope you’re having a good day :)
I am so happy you took the time to send me this because it means SO MUCH to me. Because I really do try to be as kind as possible, especially to those who are already so kind to me to read (and reread!) my work and comment on it and enjoy it! This genuinely made me tear up 🥹
This is what fandom should be! A space for community and conversation and connections, enjoying things that we love together! I'm so thankful you think I'm a good author but I'm also just a regular ass nobody lol. it might take me some time to reply to comments or asks (especially now that I'm not as active as I used to be) but i met some of my closest online friends through comments and messages on Tumblr and ao3 so I love those connections
I wish I could say, yes, interact!! Don't be afraid!! But that would be hypocritical of me, because I don't interact much anymore specifically because of negative interactions. But your incredibly thoughtful ask has reminded me that the good outweigh the bad by far ❤️
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