#and have just been friends with sero forever
theloveinc · 1 year
something something cello player(?)!bakugo developing an eensy weensy, teeny tiny crush on classically trained singer you who background vocalist sero found to sing in their little jazz band
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nights-legacy · 5 months
What Agreement?! - Bakugou x Reader
Main Masterlist ~ MHA Masterlist ~ #2
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I hope you like this!
Requested by @simply-trash5
1722 Words
+ You and Bakugou had been close ever since 1st year. After graduation, you two stayed close. From working at the same agency to being with each other's go for almost everything. Save for the few things he only shares with Deku and Kirishima. You thought from how personal and soft he sometimes acted with you, that he shared your feelings for him.
I sighed as the train ride seemed to take forever. I could hear the whispers and clicks of people's phones from both sides of me. I ignored it, having got used to it over the past couple of years. Finally the train made it to the station and I quickly got off while dialing my phone.
"Hello?" Mina chirped on the other end.
"Hey Mina. Sorry I'm late. I'm just a few blocks away so I'll be there in a few minutes.
"Great! I was starting to wonder. But Y/N, to have is something you should know. Kat..." The sound of some fangirls coming towards me caught my attention.
"Damn. I thought they were going to leave me alone. You'll have to tell me later Mina. I'll be there in a few minutes." I hung up the phone.
After about 10 minutes, I was able to slip away to get to the party. I walked a few blocks to the restaurant. I was greeted first by Sero outside who was out for a smoke. I found Mina next who as soon as she saw me, she looked panicked a bit.
"What's wrong Mina? You look like you've seen the worst thing in the world." I chuckled. "Where's Bakugou? You mentioned him."
"Not the worst for me but for you maybe." I gave her an amused but curious look.
"Okay now you have to tell me." We walked into the actual room for our party.
"Well let's just say, um... Katsuki..." I listened to her until Katsuki's voice caught my attention. I quickly zeroed in on him, only for my stomach to drop by what I saw. Katsuki was standing across the room next to Kirishima. Kirishima wasn't the deal, it was Katsuki's arm around some girl I've never seen before, shoulders. "Yeah that."
"He has a... date?"
"Yeah. I tried to warn you on the phone. I'm sorry."
"I, um... That's fine." I stuttered.
"Y/N?" Katsuki looked over at that moment and saw me. He waved me over.
"I'll talk to you later, Mina." I walked over to the three standing there. Kirishima and I swapped greetings before he gave me a sympathetic smile and walked away.
"Y/N. This is Maya. My girlfriend. Maya,  this my best friend Y/N."
"Nice to meet you." I shook her hand. "Wow Kats. A girlfriend. I had no idea."
"Yeah. We wanted to keep it on the down low from everyone until we got more comfortable With each other."
"Oh that makes sense. Especially with our crazy friend group." I forced a chuckle. Plus, to prove my point Denki screamed something across the room before the lights flickered.
"Spark plug..." Kat muttered. Maya giggled and set her hand on Kat's chest. My throat closed off at seeing how close they were. Kat still didn't like us touching him outside a high five, a shoulder touch, or back slap even after all these years.
"Well, I'm going to greet a few of the others. It was nice meeting you Maya."
"It was nice meeting you too!" She said sweetly. I smiled and walked away. I could feel my eyes stinging as I walked towards a blurring figure with purple hair.
"Hey there Stormy." Shinso greeted me softly. I wiped my eyes. I looked up and he gave me a sad smile. 
"Hi." I greeted. 
"Come here." He held out his arm. I settled into his side and he hugged me tight. "I'm sorry."
"Don't be. It was bound to happen."
"Yeah. But we all thought it would be with you." He said softly. "Rooting for it actually." 
"Yeah. Sorry to disappoint."
As the weeks went by, Kat invited me out to hang with him in Maya. I went most of the time but eventually I started to distance myself from him. Kats kept calling to hang out but I made every excuse to say no. I even started to pair up more with other heroes for shifts.
"Okay. I'm heading out for the day." I said as I packed up my stuff. I stood up from my desk and grabbed my bag.
"See ya later." Sero said while saving over his shoulder. "Oh by the way. Katsuki is getting real antsy about why you've been avoiding him."
"I haven't been avoiding him. I've been avoiding ... them, together." I admitted. He sighed and turned to me.
"Y/N, babe. I know seeing him with someone hurt but he is still my best friend. You keep acting like this, you're going to hurt him."
"I know." I plopped down in my chair. "It just hurts seeing the man I'm in love with with someone else. I mean it was bound to happen but I didn't think... I mean, Kat never showed interest in dating much, ever."
"I know. It took us all by surprise. Even Deku."
"I just can't stand the sight of them being all lovey. It's like a knife to the heart thrice times over."
"Um... Y/N."
"And I'm so in love with him that I don't know if I can get past this."
"I can't help but love him, Sero." I said before looking up at him. He looked a little pale and gave me an apologetic smile. I gave him a confused look.
"You what?!" A familiar voice snapped from my right. I quickly looked to see Kat standing there with a confused glare.
"Why didn't you tell me?!" I panicked, looking at Sero.
"I tried!" I looked back at Kat and he stood there with his cams crossed.
"Explain." He said in a condescending tone. The tone made me a little upset. And hurt. I looked away and got up.
"I'm leaving." I walked towards the elevator.
"Oh no you don't." He snapped and followed. I rolled my eyes and covered him in fog so he couldn't follow.
Later that night, I was sitting on my couch watching some TV. There was a familiar knock on the door that made me freeze up. I looked at the foyer before getting up. I walked to the door and opened it.
"Really? Fog?" He said unimpressed.
"Worked didn't it." I said. He rolled my eyes. I went to close the door.
"Wait!" He put a hand on the door keeping it open.
"Kat, I can't do this right now."
"Y/N. Please let me in. We need to talk." He said quietly, trying to hide the fact that he was pleading.
"I don't want to." I started to close the door again.
"It wasn't real!" He shouted, panicked. I paused and reopened the door.
"What wasn't real?" He sighed and ran his hand through his hair. I finally noticed how disheveled he looked, like he had gotten dressed in a flurry and his hair was entirely out of place.
"The relationship with Maya." He said. I was silent for a minute.
"WHAT?!" I exclaimed. He bit his lip. "Get in here!"
"Okay." He stepped in and kicked off his shoes. We walked in farther.
"Explain!" I snapped.
"Maya and I made this little agreement."
"Yeah um."
"So you lied to everyone?" I said in disbelief
"Well, yeah." He said. "But..."
"Katsuki!" I scoffed. I was pissed at him. "Why would you do this?! This isn't like you. You don't lie!"
"I know but..." He rubbed the back of his neck.
"I just can't believe you would do this and..."
"Will you just listen to me?" He snapped. I looked at him only half surprised.
"Yeah, yeah." I nodded. He sat down.
"I did it because I thought it would make you jealous and if you had feelings for me, you would speak up or do something. When you didn't I figured you didn't have feelings for me." He sighed heavily and sat back on the couch. "But then I heard you today."
"Shit. Right." I muttered and hugged myself.
"Maya agreed to help me and I shouldn't have done it but I did. It hurt us both in the end." He let his head fall into his hands. I had never seen him act like this, so it must really be bothering him. I sat down next to him. "I nearly caused myself to nearly lose another best friend. Again."
"You haven't lost me." I said softly. He looked over at me.
"I haven't?" I could see the doubt hidden in his eyes.
"No. I wasn't going to leave you. I just needed time to get past the fact you were with someone else. As you probably heard me say to Sero, I'm in love with you and it hurt to see you with Maya." I admitted. "I had to face it sooner or later but I wasn't going anywhere."
"Oh. Good." We sat there in an awkward silence. I was looking down at my lap. "Hey, look at me."
"What?" I looked up at him. He took a big breath. Cupping my chin, he moved in closer.
"Tell me to stop and we can go back to being friends." He said. There was a beat of silence before I pulled him in the rest of the way by his shirt. The kiss was the complete opposite then you would think coming from Bakugou Katsuki. It was sweet and longing when I thought it would be, well rough and hard.
"We are not going back to being just friends." I said when I pulled away. He chuckled and slithered his arms around my hips, pulling me close. He pulled me into another more passionate kiss.
"Fuck no." He said breathlessly.
"I think we need to thank Maya majorly. We owe her big time." I chucked.
"Oh she benefited from the arrangement too." I lifted an eyebrow in confusion and curiosity.
"How so?"
"She was trying to make the girl she likes jealous too. Except, it worked in her favor." He huffed and did his trademark Bakugou pout. I giggled. I looked up at the clock.
"Okay come on." I stood up, holding out my hand. He gave me a bitch face but took my hand anyway.
"We're going out for something to eat." I pulled him up. "And you're paying."
"Fine but I get to pick the place." He smirked.
"Fine by me."
Tag List: @iris-shihabi @cl0verbby @lilparcheesie @keigos-baby-bird @evilunicorns4minions
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tteokdoroki · 10 months
✩࿐TRACK 05: SUMMER. hanta sero (2K)
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about. after a whirl wind summer of fucking around - sero realises he’s in some deep, deep shit. he’s in love with you, but you’re set to move across the globe by the end of the season. what the hell is he gonna to do?
warnings. minors, blank and ageless blogs do not interact! suggestive, sfw, slight angst, fluff, happy ending, sneaky links, mentions of (car) sex, friends with benefits to lovers, love confessions, sidekick + fem!reader, pro hero!sero.
things to note. reee can you believe the series is almost over? one last fic and then we’re done sobs!! this one is so corny but i love it !! some lovely sero content for you this humble saturday, i hope you enjoy <3 - masterlist / series masterlist / series playlist ✩
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this was so fucked up. 
everyone had warned sero about what he was doing. his playboy antics would soon catch up to him and soon he would be the one catching feelings — he had listened to his friends but he didn’t think it would be true. he wouldn’t be this fucking whipped for a girl who was bound to leave him by the end of the season.
of course, bakugou had been the voice of reason, but his reasoning was worth questioning since he had just flown half way across the country to get back together with his girlfriend. they were going to make it work this time. lucky them. 
but hanta isn’t in the same situation as any of his old high school friends — he’s been messing about with a sidekick from bakugou’s agency who was set to transfer to america right after summer ended. doing things he shouldn’t have been doing, fucking you in places where he shouldn’t have, catching feelings when he shouldn’t have. at the start of this sneaky arrangement, the dark haired hero had told you that everything in the romantic sense was off limits.
no love, no lips, no strings. 
unfortunately for him, he can’t seem to get enough of you. he’s been trying so hard not to fall in love, but every time you kiss it’s like you’re healing all of his wounds and filling him up with life. sero first noticed it was bad when he caught himself avoiding flirting with other people, ignoring subtle invitations back to their place all in respect for your feelings. since when did hanta sero care about not hurting you? since when did he like you enough to always have you on his mind?
he would call it off as soon as the leaves turned. at least that’s what he’d promised himself — no more favours, he would act like your summer romance never even existed…but sero finds himself warming up the idea of holding you close through summer nights, growing excited at the feeling of your head against his chest so you could hear his dull heart beat.
it’s disgusting how fast his mind had changed about you, a sickly sweet and syrupy feeling coursing through the hero’s veins and clogging the arteries that led to heart just from you looking at him. like right now. your big doe eyes trained on hanta as you throw his shirt over your naked body. you’re giggling awkwardly, revelling im the brush of his sweat slicked skin against you own after the pair of you had fucked around and gotten a little messy in the backseat of his car.
he would never let this happen if it were anybody else, but you just had to be different.
“you’re staring, han,” you coo, teasing him. mocking him. as if you know how whipped he is for you. from your place, bare between the thighs in his lap, you lean forward and let your lips connect in a slow and sensual kiss — hanta lets you guide the motion and settles his calloused hands on the curve of your waist, chasing your sweet taste and your softness as he tries to cherish the moment knowing that this won’t last forever. “you good?” 
the way you breathe against sero’s open mouth drives him fucking insane — like a drug with a high so worth it he doesn’t mind if the crash kills him. “s’nothin’ princess,” he can’t help but lie, keeping his voice even. who would he be if he admitted that that he wanted more than this summer situationship he was putting himself through just for the sake of being with you. “don’t you worry your pretty little head.” 
he gives your waist a reassuring squeeze, but it does nothing to soothe the pout on your face. “hanta, we’ve been doing this long enough for me to tell when something’s bothering you,” looking away from his obsidian eyes, you trace a random pattern against the black ink  tattoo on his right shoulder, colouring outside of the lines. “you can be honest with me.” 
sero so wishes that he could be. however there’s some sort of innate barrier in his mind that stops him from admitting his truth to you. telling you how he feels won’t stop you from going across the globe to live out your fullest potential as a hero and everyone knows that long distance doesn’t work. it would never work with hanta, you probably wouldn’t be able to trust him enough… not with his past fuckboy reputation. 
“i promise it’s not worth worrying about, gorgeous.” he boops your nose, heart siezing in his chest when your face scrunches adorably at the contact. “once summer ends and you’re on the way to the states, you won’t need to stress over me, kay?” 
a quiet fills the car once sero finishes speaking, and panic takes a hold of his battling emotions. did he let slip what the real problem was? 
“you want to end this, don’t you?” your lips press into a thin line but you don’t make a move to pull away from him. the black haired hero blinks, his mind blanking. it’s now or never. “god! how could i be so stupid. to think i was going to stay here for you! i should have never gotten myself involved with you, bakugou warned me about this. he said as soon as i caught feelings it would be over and you would never feel the same—“ your mouth runs a mile a minute, all of your thoughts coming out as a whiny blur. 
it takes sero a moment to realise, but his brain catches one detail throughout your ramble — nestled between your hiccups for breath and the sound of cicadas in the bushes outside of his car. firmly, he grips your wrists before you can pull off of him — guilt settling his features when he notices the tears beginning to brew in your pretty eyes. 
“what?” you snap, voice wobbling. “let go of me hanta.” 
“no!” he snaps back. “look at me, princess.” 
“get off!” 
“just give me a second!”
both of your chests are heaving, your eyes wide and wet — and sero can’t believe how fucking beautiful you look even when teary eyed. even when it’s because of him. “just, let’s wait a minute. let me talk, okay?” once you give sero the okay and stop withdrawing from him, he pulls you to lay on his chest (just like he’s done many times before) so that you can hear just how fast his heart is racing for you. “princess,” he begins, brushing a hand down your spine to make you shiver and curl into him some more. “i’ve never been good at this feelings thing… i’ve never even been in a proper relationship b’fore…”
“is this supposed to be making me feel better, han?” 
the dark haired hero rolls his eyes despite the flustered expression that settles on his features. “aye, didn’t i ask you to let me finish?” sero half-heartedly scolds you, covering his face in embarrassment while his fingers curl in his bangs in frustration. he peeks one midnight black eye open at you once you quiet down. “good girl.” 
you pinch his nipple in response. “watch it.” 
“alright, alright, sorry princess,” inhaling deep, sero takes the plunge. “i’ve never been in a proper relationship, before you?” his lean shoulders raise, indicating how hard he’s trying. “like…this past summer, you’ve made me feel happy in ways i didn’t even know were possible. i wake up in the mornings ‘n i’m thinking of you. going by to bed it’s the same…and I can’t even explain the way i feel when i get to see you.” 
hanta feels your gaze on him, yet instead of clamming up, he swallows his pride and pushes forward. “when…when you leave; i feel like it’s going to kill me. and this isn’t me asking you to stay, princess. it’s me tellin’ you that i broke every rule i had in place for you. i think…i think that i love you.” 
a burning sensation pricks at the tips of sero’s ears as a blush spread over his body and you remain quiet. giving your hips a squeeze, he dares to look up and meet your soft stare. 
“say somethin’, princess.” 
“you love me?” when you finally snap out of your reverie, stunned into silence by your fuck buddy’s speech, you somehow manage to croak the words out shyly. sero nods once.
seconds later, a shining smile breaks out on your face — practically illuminating the back of sero’s car. “yeah. yeah i love you…” he mumbles, tipping his head up towards yours as he brushes a calloused thumb over your slightly chapped bottom lip. “i know we said no love but… i really want to…” 
“kiss me, hanta.” comes your soft command and he wastes no time in doing what he’s told — lurching forward to capture your hot mouth in a slow, calculated kiss. hanta sero pours every feeling he can’t seem to say out loud into you, hoping that you’re able to grasp how much he’s fallen for you. 
panting and with burning lungs, you pull away from one another when the need for air becomes way too much. “if you couldn’t already tell by that kiss, i love you too hanta.” you say, pressing your forehead against his, grimacing playfully at the feeling of his sweaty bangs against your sticky skin. 
“i’d fuckin’ hope so,” sero beams, grabbing your chin to get another taste. “‘m gonna miss you when you leave me.” 
“i’ll miss you more,” you breathe back, cupping his face. “we’ll figure this out.” 
“right. we’ll figure it out together.”  hanta agrees, opting to live in the moment with you instead of dwelling on what’s to come. and even though he still thinks it’s fucked up that he tried and failed at not falling in love, he truly is grateful for the three months you’ve had together this summer — looking forward the to the many more you’ll have in the future.
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꒰ end. — all rights reserved © tteokdoroki 2023. do not copy, repost, translate & recommend elsewhere.
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First Dance
Announcements: I have a requests box open on my profile! (I think... I’m still working on how tumblr works). I write for MHA, Harry Potter, Attack on Titan and Naruto so feel free to send me some requests!! 
Summary: You’ve known Bakugou since your UA days but at the alumni dance things feel a little different between you two. Flashbacks included. Bakugou pov mostly. 
Warnings: Fluff! Fem reader. Pining. 
Bakugo tried to loosen his tie, it was hot in the dance hall. It was good to see Class 1A back together again, even if he would never admit it. Class 1B on the other hand... damn he wanted to strangle that pompous straw haired copy cat Monoma. He took a deep breath and focused back on the group he was talking to. 
Kirishima was talking animatedly to Shoji, one arm around Mina. They took a while to get together after graduation but Bakugo was glad it happened, he was tired of hearing Kirishima pine after her. Half and Half was busy talking to invisichick Hagakure and Sero. Denki was scheming in a corner with Mineta and slowly Bakugo’s gaze glided around the circle, over Jirou and right onto you. He felt a tightness in his chest and for some reason the room felt warmer. 
Damn it. He thought he was over this stupid crush. It had been three years since graduation and he hadn’t seen you at all since you just came back from doing work overseas. He hadn’t gotten the chance to speak to you since your return. He had kept putting it off. His eyes lingered on you, your smile and that stupid dress you were wearing. 
Although you were deep in conversation with your old friend Jirou, you couldn’t help but feel someone’s gaze on you. Your eyes slide from Jirou’s face, over her shoulder and you make eye contact with Bakugo. In the time you had been gone, you heard that he had been climbing the charts and was now the #2 hero, right behind Midoriya. You had never really gotten over your high school crush on Bakugo and you received notifications on your phone anytime a news story came out with his name on it. You felt your cheeks turn red under his gaze and quickly turned your attention back to Jirou. 
“Something on your mind?” Bakugo had been so focused on you that he hadn’t noticed Kirishima walk right up to him and started looking back and forth between Bakugo and you. 
“FUCK! Shitty hair! You can’t just walk up unannounced. I could have blown you to bits...” 
“C’mon man! Just go talk to her.”
“I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.” 
“Don’t be like that Bakugo... remember the last time we were at something like this?” 
He said no but Bakugo had been beating himself up for three years over it. 
It was the graduation dance. The last night before everyone started going their own separate ways. Bakugo had plans to go to Tokyo and start his own hero agency right away. You on the other hand had plans to work overseas and “pay back” in a sense, the foreign powers that helped Japan during its struggle with All For One. You wouldn’t be gone forever, just three years, however there was a certain someone you were hoping would try to make you stay. If he had asked, you would have stayed. 
The party had lasted forever. You had danced all night until you had to take your shoes off because your feet were so sore. The girls kept you busy all night with the usual scheming, gossip, photos, bathroom trips and of course the group dancing. You were gonna miss these girls. You couldn’t think about it or you would start crying. Bakugo on the other hand was acting strangely tonight. He kept walking close to you, acting like he had something to say but then you would make eye contact and he would frown and walk away. You wondered if you had done something to piss him off... Well whatever it was, you might never know. Your flight left in two hours and your ride to the airport was on its way. You heard a slow song start and instead of awkwardly waiting around for someone to ask you to dance, you decided to slip out of the dance and wait for your ride. You might not be able to handle all of the goodbyes anyways. 
At some point in the night Bakugo couldn’t find you. He had been working up the courage to ask you to slow dance all night. He requested three slow songs already. For the first one he just couldn’t get the words out and ended up telling you that you had something on your face. The second time that stupid bird asked you to dance and Bakugo just had to sit and watch from the side of the dance hall. He finally convinced the DJ to give him one more slow song and now you were nowhere to be found. Bakugo was scanning the room looking for you and just before he could give up, Ochako walked right up to him and asked him to dance. He reluctantly accepted. 
“It’s going to be so weird not seeing everyone together anymore. I don’t think I’m ready.” Ochako was trying to make small talk but Bakugo could barely hear her. He was focused on finding you out in the crowd.
“I’m surprised you didn’t ask Y/N to dance...” Ochako said slyly. 
“Huh??” Bakugo’s attention snapped back down to her. 
“I mean, you like her right? Everyone says you like her.” 
“Tchh.” Bakugo looked away but his ears turned red. He didn’t know how everyone knew but he was gonna kill Shitty Hair if he found out he was the leak. 
“She left you know.” 
“What?” Again his attention was 100% on Ochako. 
“She slipped out when the song started. She’s probably on the way to the airport soon.” 
“Already?” Bakugo felt the blood drain out of his face. He wasn’t ready. He hadn’t asked you to dance yet. He hadn’t told you that you looked pretty in your dress, he hadn’t asked you to walk through the gardens with him, he hadn’t had the opportunity to finally confess to you... to maybe kiss you. 
“Go get her.” Ochako had stopped dancing. 
Bakugo looked down at her a little stunned. 
“Go! Go get your girl Dynamight!” She said it louder and caught the attention of others. Kirishima stopped dancing with Mina and looked over to Bakugo. 
“WELL? Go after her!” Mina shouted. 
“C’mon think like a man!” Kirishima added. 
“Ooh! It would be so romantic!” Momo said enthusiastically. 
“SHUT IT!” Bakugo yelled but he was already running out of the doors. 
The brisk night air hit his face as he catapulted himself out of the dance hall and headed towards the front gates.  
“Damnit! This is taking too long!” 
Bakugo stripped off his jacket and tie and threw them behind him onto the dirt path. He rolled up his sleeves and used his quirk to catapult himself into the air. He blasted his way to the front gates in less than two minutes and just in time. 
You were about to get into the car. You had the passenger door open when Bakugo fell out of the sky and skidded to a stop right at the UA gates. His hair was disheveled and he was wiping his hands on his pants. Your heart skipped a beat. 
Reality caught up to Bakugo in that moment. He didn’t know what to say... “Come back and dance with me.”?? That would be ridiculous. 
“Uhh... I... are you... leaving?” He managed to force out some words, some question, even if that question had a million other questions behind it. 
“Yeah...” You gave him a confused look. Wasn’t it obvious? 
“Oh. Off to the States right away then?” 
“My flight leaves in like two hours.” 
“Right. Well, I just wanted to say...” Bakugo was at war with himself. He had to say he was afraid. He had faced villains on very power level but somehow this was more terrifying then every one of those encounters combined. He wanted to say so many things, 
“I’ve loved you ever since I met you! I wanted to dance with you! Your dress looks amazing! I’ve admired you as a student as a hero but mostly as a person. You’re beautiful inside and out! You were the first to be kind to me and I want to protect your kindness for the rest of my life! AND MOST OF ALL I DON’T WANT YOU TO LEAVE!!” 
But Bakugo didn’t say any of those things. 
“You wanted to say...?” You asked. Bakugo had stopped in the middle of his sentence and was giving you a wide eyed look. 
“Yeah I just wanted to say... good luck.” He opened his mouth again as though to add on, but he snapped it shut again. 
“Oh...well...” You can’t say you weren’t disappointed. But it was always a naïve hope that Bakugo might share your feelings. You quickly smiled to cover your disappointment. 
Bakugo watched as you smiled and ran towards him throwing your arms around his neck. He felt the breath leave his body and his arms clamped around your waist and he buried his face in your shoulder. 
“Thank you Bakugo.” and with that you were leaving his arms, getting into the car and slipping away. 
Bakugo had spent the last three years replaying everything that went wrong that night. He had tried to move on, he went on so many dates in the first year that he lost count. But he never could make it to the second date. He tried focusing on his career and he rose pretty quickly after he gave up on dating. But it was hard, playing wingman for Kirishima and Kaminari, being a groomsman at Izuku and Ochako’s wedding and watching you post about your foreign adventures, only wishing he could be there with you. It made his blood boil thinking about all the people you could be meeting who might catch your interest. All because he was too afraid to make a move that night. 
“You do.” Bakugo’s attention snapped back to the present as Kirishima said this. Bakugo merely scoffed. 
“I know you remember Bakugo. You got so wasted afterwards and all you could do was whine about how you let her go. Actually... it’s the only thing you talk about after you get drunk...” 
“Shut up or I’ll shut you up Red.” Bakugo warned. 
“Alright... But I’m gonna ask the DJ for a slow song and if you don’t ask her to dance I’m gonna tell everyone about that time two years ago you fought that laughing gas villain and-” Kirishima couldn’t finish his sentence because he had to dodge Bakugo’s oncoming blow and run to the DJ’s table before Bakugo could catch him.
Damnit. Bakugo watched as Kirishima talked animatedly to the DJ and pointed to his phone. The music started playing moments later. Kirishima was right though. Tonight he wouldn’t mess up and let you slip away again. He turned and found you still talking to Jirou, right where he left you. He strode over to you, blatantly interrupting your conversation and held out his hand. 
“Dance with me.” 
You looked up at him with a look of shock and he realized he still had no sense of tact even after all these years. Your shock faded into a grin and he felt relief flood his body. 
“Alright.” You took his hand and he pulled you in and slid his other arm around your waist. You began to sway to the music and everything else seemed to fade away. 
“How was your time away?” Bakugo asked his head tilting down. 
“It was amazing! Oh you would have loved it! There was so many things to see, so many landmarks and museums! I learned so much! Oh and I met a lot of people too!” Your face lit up as you spoke. 
“Oh really?” Bakugo felt his heart drop at that last part. 
“Yeah! I wished- I mean I wish you were there to see it.” 
“Hah, maybe next time princess...”
“Princess? Are you saying I look like a princess?” 
Bakugo turned red. 
“You wish y/n.” 
“Oh come on, is it so hard to say I look good? I put some effort in you know.” 
You were both silent. You didn’t know what to say next. Maybe you flirted a little too much with him. You were just so excited to see him again, you couldn’t help it! 
“You don’t look good.” 
“You look great.” Bakugo said blushing and avoiding eye contact. You leaned up so your lips were close to his ear. 
“You look pretty great yourself.” 
Bakugo couldn’t help it. A shiver went down his body and he could feel his face turn as red as a tomato. He stopped dancing. He pulled back and looked at you. 
Then he leaned down, his hand cupping your face and he gazed into your eyes as if asking for permission. Permission which you gave. Suddenly his lips were on yours and he was kissing you. He was kissing you like he was drinking up your soul, pulling your face up into his, his lips surprisingly tender. He handled you like you were precious. It was nothing like how you imagined kissing Bakugo would be but it was amazing. You broke off the kiss when you started hearing the cheers. 
“Man we’ve been waiting forever for you guys to do that!” Sero yelled across all the cheering. 
Bakugo didn’t even care. He just grinned down at you. 
“You’re telling me Soy Sauce...” Bakugo said but only loud enough for you to hear. 
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kingkatsuki · 9 months
this random thought popped into my head and now I cannot control the brain rot. Thinking about !streamer y/n and !mod bakugo!! streamer y/n who ‘accidentally’ flashes when she sees !mod bakugo enter chat. streamer y/n who feels a rush when they see bakugo block weirdos in chat. Streamer y/n who pretends they don’t have a favourite mod or fan but let’s mod bakugo get away with everything! Like the hold he would have over you 🥹🥹 I love him!
- 🎀
Omg I love this idea so much!!
Mod Bakugou would stop any guys from treating you like shit or talking down to you because you’re a girl, especially if you’ve got a cutesy aesthetic.
Since joining the server you’ve managed to play with him before so he knows how good you are, and if anyone tries to talk shit he’s like “She could end you in one shot, shut your mouth or get muted.” Like he’s not here for their shit.
You secretly light up whenever you see he’s online because he’s always looking out for you, so you make sure to ping him in main chat to say hey, and he rarely responds if it’s busy but you’ll notice the little explosion reaction that he uses beneath your message to indicate he’s seen it.
His friends always tease him because he’s got the biggest crush on you, even though he’s never actually seen your face. But Sero is constantly talking about the soft spot he has for you whenever he’s doing his mod duties.
He’ll never admit it to anyone, but he searches your name in the server to see if anyone’s been talking about you and equally to see what you’ve been talking about whenever he’s not online.
Bakugou always messages you first whenever he needs a partner to game, or someone extra for the team because he just knows he plays so well with you and that he usually wins when you’re on his team.
He’s already in love with your voice, in game you’re so cute whenever you almost get shot or die— the little squeal you make when it happens he wants to record and keep it forever. And he’s been in a voice chat with you and even though he was on mute the entire time he could listen to you talk for hours. And you’re adorable whenever you say his name when you notice he’s joined.
One day you’re brave enough to stream with your face, and you call it your big face reveal and Bakugou could die. You’re the prettiest person he’s ever laid his eyes on, no exaggeration. And now you’re more confident you start posting outfit pics or face reveals in the server. Where there are a tonne of comments on how pretty you are and how good you look, and how people want to date you so bad— but you’re always looking out for a little emoji reaction beneath your pics from Bakugou🥺
And then it’s time for you to make your own server because you’ve got enough subs, and you’re nervous to do it but Bakugou is already in your dms encouraging you to go for it. And he agrees to be one of your mods😭 so you do!!
And it takes off SO fast. A thousand new members in just a few days, and your poor mods work so hard to make it a great place— but of course Bakugou is your favourite.
Anyone that says anything lewd or inappropriate about you are muted or kicked in seconds. Usually with a comment below it like “fucking imbecile” “dumbass” or something like that. He’s also always the mod you’re gushing about the most, and your fans/followers are now starting to tease that you might have a crush on mod Bakugou. And he wouldn’t ever admit it, but he reads those messages with the dorkiest smile on his face.
So normally you tell your mods to be nice to fans and give them the benefit of the doubt, but Bakugou can roast anyone he likes and he always gets away with it. Occasionally you’ll ping him with a cute “Bakugou don’t be mean!!” and he pretends that doesn’t give him a hard-on. It only makes him wanna be meaner.
And one day you’re getting ready for a follower celebration stream, listening to music and doing your make up in the private mod only chat and Bakugou joins. Just as you’re sitting there in a towel from your shower as you fix your makeup, and you turn to face the screen to see who joined and you’re so surprised it’s him. Excitement gets the best of you and you reach up to wave, but your towel loosens and slips and he gets the quickest EVER flash of your tits and now he thinks he’s died and gone to heaven. You’re apologizing profusely and hiding your camera and he’s telling you it’s fine and don’t panic he didn’t see anything (he totally did) and now he’s going to have to spend the rest of your stream with his cock throbbing between his thighs.
You know whenever it’s Bakugou deleting a message during your stream too, because he’s so quick. He’s there telling people to stop being assholes or lose their privileges and people are even commenting on how lucky you are to have such a great mod. Even though he’s terrifying😂😭
After your stream you’re in his dms to apologise again, and he just keeps telling you that it’s okay and that you did such a good job and how proud he is of you🥺
And you keep trying to get him to collab with you on a stream because he’s got his own channel, but he never posts his face on it and as much as he’d love to collab with you the thought makes him SO nervous.
YOU ALWAYS ALMOST DIE when he enters chat, because you get so distracted🥺😭
He’s the only mod that has your actual phone number and you text outside the channel and server. He’s always sending you pics of his day, and you’re always sending him outfit pics.
And the server see you both together in private voice chats ALL the time so your fans/followers start jokingly shipping you together🥺 and someone draws fanart of you but it’s just you and a guy wearing a black hoodie pulled up over his head because no one in the server really knows what Bakugou looks like besides one “face reveal” he did where it was just a webcam of him in super low light wearing a black hoodie.
But you freak out over it because it’s adorable😭 and everyone is pinging Bakugou to get him to comment.
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kierewrites · 2 years
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navi - masterlist
Bakugou x Reader
Art: @taro-k
Mood Song: sky
Summary: Quite literally against his will, Bakugou is forced to introduce you to his group of friends at the Summer festival. Little did he know, if his friends hadn't of been there, things could've gone much worse.
Warnings: nothing really, mild fight scene
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“Wow Bakugou, how’d you snag a girl like this?”
“How is a girl touching you and smiling at the same time?”
“Y/n did he kidnap you? Blink twice if you’re being kidnapped.”
These were just a few of the many questions thrown to the growingly irritated blond as he stood before his friends with you snug into his side.
You were never supposed to be here. You were supposed to stay his sweet little secret just a bit longer, but he knew your hidden relationship wouldn’t last forever, especially with his all too nosey friends.
Somehow you managed to sneak into his dorm while he was making dinner for the two of you, and as he was doing so he happened to be making plans with his friends to go to the Summer festival in the city. As soon as you heard those words you were quick to chirp your offer to join.
As soon as Bakugou heard the “Who was that?” on the speaker, he knew his fate was sealed.
And just as he thought, he watched months of meticulous planning and strategy flush away as his friends pushed every possible button regarding his “secret” girlfriend. The worst part is they knew he couldn’t snap like normal since you were there.
“She’s so sweet, she’s making my teeth rot!” Mina exclaimed, quickly grabbing your hands and tugging you from Bakugou’s grasp, earning her a sharp growl, “How do you do it?”
Mina’s eyes sparkled as she saw Bakugou mouthing sinister threats from behind you, but you simply smiled and squeezed the pink girl’s hands, “Just wait till I tell you how sweet he is behind closed doors, it makes my teeth rot.”
Everyone’s eyes seemed to widen at this, including Bakugou’s as his palm gripped at the top of your head and moved you back to him, causing you to trip a bit over your feet.
“Did I not tell you to keep your mouth shut?” Bakugou snarled, tugging your head back to look at him, only to see you giving him a cat-like grin as your eyes sparkled up to him.
He absolutely hated how the sight made his chest tighten.
“Did I not tell you to stop being so grumpy?” You poked back, sticking your tongue out before looking back towards his excited friends.
“This one's definitely a keeper.” Kirishima spoke with a grin, giving Bakugou knowing eyes which only flustered the boy more.
Having all of his friends approve of you, joking or not, made your heart warm a bit. Your friends warned you before this date that if your boyfriend’s friends don’t like you, then your relationship would be doomed to fail. Of course you didn’t believe them that much, but that didn’t stop the anxious feeling in your stomach when you first arrived.
“Whatever, I’m going to use the damn bathroom before we get started,” Bakugou huffed, nudging your shoulder until your eyes met with his stern ones, “Stay here.”
Your wide eyes immediately dropped into an unimpressed stare, sarcastically nodding your head as if to say, “where else am I going to go”, until he walked away with his hands shoved deep in his pockets.
Shaking your head with a grin you looked back to his friends, seeing as they were already making conversation about their class today. Though you didn’t know much about UA, you still loved listening to the stories. 
“There is no way your teacher comes to class in a sleeping bag.” You snorted, eyes falling on you as you bursted into laughter, “Isn’t that guy a pro-hero too?”
The nods of his friends had you bursting into even more laughter until Sero held up a photo of the familiar pro-hero, “He’s Eraserhead!”
Your mouth fell at the name, your eyes scanning over the man covered head to toe in a full yellow sleeping bag that sure enough matched the face of the pro-hero Eraserhead.
Slowly your lips began to curve upward as giggles bubbled from your chest, “This sounds like the craziest school ever, I wish I could join in for a class one day!”
Though you knew the request was rhetorical, Bakugou’s friends still began to make a plan on how they could somehow sneak you in for a day. Surely your grumpy rule-abiding boyfriend would decline, but the thought was still nice.
After a few more minutes of their discussion you felt yourself begin to zone out for a bit, your mind wandering to the whereabouts of your boyfriend. Though it was most likely due to a long bathroom line, you made a mental note to tease him about falling in the toilet.
Snorting to yourself, you lifted your head to join back in the conversation until you felt firm poke at your shoulder causing you to jump. Expecting to see the familiar ash blond tufts before you, instead you were met with a tall brunette.
Blinking a bit, you looked up to him with curious eyes as he grinned down to you, bending down to your level.
“You with anyone cute stuff?”
The direct question made your cheeks flush, not sure if they were referring to your group or rather a more specific person. You hadn’t even noticed how your arms wrapped around yourself in a closed off manner.
“Yeah I am… I’m with my friends.” You spoke cautiously, pointing to the group standing behind you with a raised brow, “Do I know any of you?”
The boy leaned back up and stood before his other two friends. You tried your best to examine their faces and see if they were possible classmates you didn’t recognize, but the sneers on their faces weren’t promising.
The brunette before you seemed to eye over the group behind you, after doing a sweep with his eyes he seemed to not pay them any mind.
“You shouldn’t, but we can fix that.” The tall boy said, hand wrapping around your wrist gently as he began to tug you along his side.
There were forward people in this world, but that didn’t mean you should just let them do what they want. Knitting your brows, you tugged your wrist from his grasp and gave him a firm stare.
“I don’t know you, I’m with my friends, and I have a boyfriend.” You spoke sternly, feeling more confident as you added the last part in as you saw their eyes widen a bit.
“So please leave me alone.”
Your little outburst seemed to shock them initially, but it faded quickly into frustration as he took a bold step towards the space you made between them.
“You’re real annoying, you know that?” The man hissed as he grabbed at your wrist again, but with a much tighter grip, “Don’t be a brat and come with us.”
The new grip on your wrist caused you to yelp in pain, your feet stumbling forward as the man tugged you off with his friends. 
You may not of had a strong quirk, but that doesn’t mean you were going to let some jerks drag you around. Letting out a growl you tugged your wrist away once again, except this time you didn’t break free.
“Let me go you asshole!”
The darkened glare in the man’s eyes made your heart skip a beat, your arm beginning to tremble as you began to realize what may be happening.
Luckily a pair of yellow eyes locked onto you as Mina heard your initial yelp from behind the boys. Once she confirmed you seemed to be struggling with someone her eyes narrowed.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing, punk?”
Mina’s sudden change in tone caught all of the boys’ attention, their eyes following hers to see you trying to escape the random man’s hold.
“Y/n do you know these guys?” Kaminari said cautiously, though he already knew the answer as your worry filled eyes looked to him.
“N..No I don’t-” You began to speak, but you were cutoff when the brunette tugged at your arm causing you to stumble into his back as he locked his other arm around your waist.
“She doesn’t know what she’s talkin about, we’re all pals in school!” The boy said with a grin, though his grip only tightened on you as you tried to yank yourself from his grasp.
Bakugou’s group of friends stepped closer, faces growing more serious as the situation unfolded before them.
“Oh yeah? What school do you go to then?” Sero sneered, narrowing his eyes when mild panic began to set in the three boy’s eyes.
“Why don’t you wannabe heroes mind your business, and we’ll be on our way.” The short boy beside you spoke, fists cracking together in some sort of menacing way.
You had no doubt Bakugou’s friends were capable of taking these thugs down, but a small pit of worry grew wondering if they actually would. After all, they didn’t know you that well. It could possibly taint their hero records if they got in a fight with some random jerks.
You felt your breathing begin to grow ragged as you felt panic swell in your chest. You searched the eyes of all of Bakugou’s friends until you noticed Kirishima already looking at you. Though his stance was defensive, his eyes were gentle. You felt your rapid pants stop as he gave you a knowing nod, your head tilting a bit before his hand formed into a sharper version of itself.
“Not gonna happen I’m afraid.” Kirishima said with a sigh, his friends already activating their quirks before dashing forwards without a second to spare.
One of the boy’s behind you was quick to meet in the middle, his arm forming into a large hammer as he swung at your group of friends. Sero and Mina seemed to disappear in the crowd while Kirishima took the attack head on, letting the large hammer smash right against his arm.
The sound made even you wince as you were afraid to see the aftermath, but when you opened your eyes again you were shocked to see Kirishima’s arm with not a scratch on it.
“W..What the hell?” The man stuttered, eyes wide until he felt two fingers jab against his spine.
“You thought that was cool? Wait till you see what my quirk is.” Kaminari spoke with a grin, his eyes already seeming to spark up before a surge of electricity shot from his fingers and spread all along the thug’s body.
The man on the other side of you began to nervously activate his quirk at the sight of his friend being taken down, his fingers beginning to drip into a goo like substance.
“Hmm wonder what that could be…” Mina said in false curiosity, her lips curving up into a smirk as she shot a metallic like substance directly at his arm, “Bet it’s not worse than acid.”
The sound of the goon’s cries echoed through the air, all eyes on the scene now as a small crowd began to form around you all.
Before you had much time to react, the sound of what you thought was a rope launched behind you, the grip around your waist loosening as you looked back to see a white substance around the thug’s neck.
“W..What the hell is this?” The man choked out, immediately trying to tear the substance away from his neck, only to find it was stuck to his skin.
“I’m personally going to enjoy this.” A voice cooed from behind the man before he was yanked back and down, the sight confusing you until his head cracked against something hard causing you to wince as his skull was met with Sero’s knee.
Your mouth fell in shock, watching as the three men struggled to move on the ground until you bumped into a figure behind you. Whipping around you noticed the familiar red eyes that were staring at you before.
“Are you alright Y/n?” Kirishima spoke softly, gently lifting your wrist up to see if any damage was caused.
“We’re so sorry we didn’t notice earlier!” Mina cried with a frown, pulling you into a tight hug before examining your face.
“D..Don’t apologize.” You said gently, laughing a bit as you looked at the four of them with wide eyes, “You guys are amazing! I can’t thank you enough.”
Though still a bit shaken, you felt relief wash over you as the situation dissolved. The small crowd around you seemed pleased with the outcome, but ultimately fizzled away as security was called towards the situation. 
If Bakuogu’s friends hadn’t been here… you had no idea what could’ve happened.
“What the fuck is going on here?” A stern voice shouted, that tuft of ash blond hair shoving through what was left of the crowd before he motioned to the commotion, “What did you dipshits do while I was gone?”
Bakugou’s eyes scanned over his friends before falling on you, the frustration immediately melting into concern as he saw your glassy eyes look up to him through your lashes.
“Some jerks tried to take me somewhere, but your friends took all three of them down!” You cried, trying to fight your lip from quivering before wrapping your arms around Bakugou and shoving your face into his chest, “You guys are my heroes.”
The ash blond’s eyes widened as you shoved yourself into his chest, your quivering form made his heart race with guilt and anger. He should’ve been here to protect you. He couldn’t imagine how terrified you were.
Swallowing thickly, Bakugou wrapped both of his arms around you and squeezed tightly, hoping to provide more reassurance of your safety before glancing over to his friends.
“Thank you shitheads, I owe you one.”
His friends simply nodded, giving him reassuring smiles except for Kaminari who pretended to be shocked at Bakugou’s “heartfelt” gratitude, but he was quickly shut up by two jabs to the ribs from Sero and Kirishima.
“Now where the hell are those fuckers who messed with my girl.”
Without so much of a word, the crowd seemed to dissolve, leading a direct path towards the three thugs that laid severely injured on the ground.
One of the men weakly lifted their head to get a better look at the menacing voice until they met the gaze of Bakugou. His eyes widened as he quickly tried to back up on his elbows away from the boy.
“T..That’s your boyfriend? He’s the freak from the UA Sports Festival!”
Bakugou simply sneered down at them with a cheshire grin, his fist beginning to pop from his quirk, the sound alone making them all shriek.
“I tried to tell you.” You said softly in between sniffles, giggling a bit at your boyfriend’s taunting actions.
The ash blond felt his chest warm at the sound of your small giggles, squeezing at your side gently before looking down to you, “Stay with my friends, okay?”
Nodding slowly, you left his grasp and stood with his friends who quickly moved away from the scene to check up on you.
Once you were all out of good distance, Bakugou’s deadly stare returned to the pathetic men before him. With fists clenched, he gave one last chuckle before locking eyes with them.
“Now you die.”
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ms0milk · 1 year
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𝟐 | 𝐈𝐧𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞, 𝐒𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠
ー✧ prince!bakugou x royal guard!reader
"Magic can manifest a million ways, but from forever til today the only way you ever pictured proper magic was flowing from sweaty palms and jagged fingers."
no cw the Terrible Roadtrip™ pt 1/2, bkg is a huge asshole, i can't promise you won't fall in love with kirishima, you have to put your faith in me for this fic, pls trust me. 3.1k
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Kirishima Eijiro has always been kind to you. A wave, a nod, a sharp smile, he never ignored you in the castle when you happened upon each other, but thinking about it, you’ve never actually spoken. There was never a need and the prince always maintains the perfect amount of hurry to keep his companions from acknowledging staff.
Kirishima likes to dance with the girls who work in the kitchen so they’re too giddy to lecture him about stealing snacks. He likes to sleep in, and for some reason he likes training with his violent prince. Kirishima gets bruises but not cuts and you think it’s probably because of his magic. He sometimes cries while feeding the birds. Now Kirishima crouches so close to you that your shoulders touch and his warmth feels so familiar.
“Like this,” you correct. You stop him from placing another log on the fire before he knocks over the entire structure. Across from you, Sero huddles closer in the chill of evening while Denki investigates the kettle hung on irons to check if hot water is ready. Mina rummages for mugs. Camp tonight is tucked in the clearing of a felled maple tree much to the prince’s dismay, as it’s too dark to read by the sunset under foliage. So he busies himself untacking horses and with anger taken out on leaves, twigs, and the general inanimate.
Early in the morning, just an hour into the journey, a pink finger poked out of the carriage window ahead of you and beckoned you closer. The pink finger was of course attached to the pink girl, who rested her head on her arm while you rode beside her. “I don’t think you know who I am,” she cooed and you were quick to apologize to the nobles; they must be noble if they were guests of the prince; and if you had been on solid ground you would have taken a knee.
“My Lady, please forgive my behavior this morning.”
His Highness scoffed and you didn’t dare look his way.
Mina, Denki, and Sero. Kirishima introduced the travelers to you from his spot beside the prince, who took up at least a quarter of the small space with his spreading and growling and kicking of friends.
From what you could see on horseback, the inside of the carriage was just as delicately beautiful as the outside. Silver stars held the royal blue quilting in place and a little chandelier twinkled in the very center of the ceiling. White silk draped above them. Bench cushions trimmed with silver tassels and decorative knots, and when you dared to lean closer you could see the wallpaper wasn’t all quilt– there were rows and rows of flat ribbon with embroidered shells, and figures depicting some sort of scene across the trim.
“Get your bigass head outta here!”
It was your turn to be snapped at by the prince and it startled you backwards a bit in your saddle. His showy red eyes trained on yours for a second before he shut them tight and leaned back in a cross-armed huff, “Already got four fucking twats suffocating me, I don’t need more hot breath'n my ears.”
“Apologies, Highness,” you spoke this line clearly in lieu of, once again, formal introductions. But you couldn’t be fazed. It counted as the second time he looked at you, twice in a day, and that was more than the last fifteen years combined.
A sneeze from Denki ignited the prince’s fury in full and soon the carriage was a ring match. Sparing a glance to Shinsou, who chuckled at Denki’s misfortune on horseback through the window opposite yours, you slowed to let the travelers sort out their frustration alone. As you fell back, the silver of the window framed Mina’s pretty pink smile.
Mina is very nice. Across from yours and Kirishima’s little fire now, she hoists a red tin cup above her head and mouths, “Tea?”
“Please. Thank you, M’lady.”
She beams every time you call her that. This time she shouts through the clearing to the prince and all of the horses, “Hear that Kats? I’m a Lady.”
“You’re a fuckin' menace is what you are.”
These were strange nobles– friends, even. To be speaking with the prince so casually. What was Sero doing in soldier’s gear earlier?
Before departing, you and your travelers were instructed to change into the riding clothes provided to you. “No gambeson,” droned Aizawa when you tried to avoid removing your red Aldera uniform. “Your measurements were sent to our royal tailor, I promise these travel clothes are much more comfortable for riding.”
So now your dragontooth brooch, pinned rebelliously to your collar, is all you’re allowed to remind you of home. It clicks softly against the silver details of your lifeless white blouse. You feel sick riding another queen’s horse, and wearing another queen’s colors is almost all you can handle. On solid ground beside warm Kirishima, you’re sore and thankful to be finished traveling for the day.
By the time the sun began to set, the prince had a sparkling fist swung out the window and his companions let out yelps of pain from the receiving end of his anger, “I’m sick’a breathing your stinkass air!”
Mina and Sero, both carried under one of Kirishima’s strong arms, melted from the carriage doors with much moaning and many grumbles. Denki tripped on the single step again, directly into Shinsou’s back and the two of them hit the ground. Only the prince seemed to have any amount of energy left and took to immediately examining the grounds Aizawa chose for camp.
“No bitchin,” Master Aizawa grumbled before bundling himself up in the driver’s seat of the carriage in a thick woolen blanket. The blunt interaction was all you would get from him tonight.
These woods gnarl with the same vines and fruit that wrap up your Aldera castle so safely, which meant Jeanist’s halberd made quick work of the familiar trees when it came time for you to chop firewood. Kirishima loved watching this part most, as you instructed and explained the basic nature of maple and the best angles to hit it. “The axehead here,” you tossed your halberd higher into your grip to point at the blade, “isn’t at all made for this. But the carriage ax is too heavy for me.” You were quick to nurse your finger between your lips after forgetting just how sharp your mentor keeps his tools and Kirishima jumped at the opportunity to take over.
Jeanist takes you camping sometimes. He calls it playing favorites when other soldiers ask, but rarely do you do anything with Jeanist besides train, camping included. Splitting wood was day one. You can recognize nuts and leaves, hunt creature and beast by bow, dagger, and lance. A fire was the simplest thing you could think to do tonight and it has Kirishima drawn in with sparkling eyes, begging you to teach him how to lean the sticks to one another or shave kindling from bark.
“Y/n, won't it go out?”
Your name brings you back. You place a hand over the Champion’s before you’re completely aware of your surroundings, to keep him from fiddling with anything else, “I promise it won’t. Look.” And point to the white hot hollow just below the tent of flames. Embers are what’ll keep your campsite warm all night, not a raging fire on big logs. It’s a simmering sense of pride you feel that if you were good for nothing else, you could at least start a fire in a rainstorm.
Aizawa is long-asleep on the driver’s bench. The carriage twinkles at the very edge of the clearing, you imagine to keep it safe from flames or potential explosive fury in conversation around the campfire. You smile behind the hot mug that Mina hands you at the thought of arriving in Takoba on a single singed platform– all that would be left of the fairy carriage after the prince’s companions antagonized him a few words too far.
“For you,” Shinsou murmurs while he winds his way around the campfire with bedrolls for each traveler. He drops yours beside your seat and overcome with– something– laziness? His master’s contagious exhaustion?– tosses one over the fire to the prince who is approaching camp, having given up on his mission for readable light.
You’re one step closer to that singed carriage, you think, when the prince catches the bedding in a fist and drops it where he stops at the farthest point from all of you in the circle. His broad chest vibrates inside furs.
“Keep it down.”
This is a very obvious assertion to everyone but you, that it’s time for the prince to go to bed. The sun just set, you bewilder and then he does in fact kick open his roll beside the fire and settle down with his back turned. Other than yourself and Shinsou, the company lets up a knowing chorus of, 'G’night Bakugou's that catch you by surprise. You look to Kirishima for confirmation and when he’s too busy poking at your fire to notice, you lower your face into the steam coming off your mug.
“Is that your magic?”
When you cast your eyes up to see which company member has taken to immediately disrupting the prince’s peace, Mina is the one watching you. You’re supposed to be checking the carriage for wear and reinforcing the perimeter before tucking in for the night, and you suppose it was only a matter of time before someone noticed you slacking in your duties. You breathe the steam in from your tea slowly, so it doesn't burn you, but enough that it warms your motivation to move away from the fire. Kirishima is looking at you now too, when you pull your dark Takoban cloak around your shoulders and dust off your knees.
“Stay,” you smile at him, “Eat, be warm. I have to check in with Master Aizawa.”
Shinsou peers up at you from his seat between Denki and Sero. Mina clears her throat, “But you didn’t answer the question.”
Did you miss something? You glance between the faces of your sitting company to try and sort out the pieces of their conversation, but she’s looking only at you.
“Are you a flame mage?”
Then Sero laughs. He laughs like he doesn’t mean to and covers his mouth, which ignites the purple blush across Mina’s face. “I–I didn’t–! Was that weird? You guys are thinking it too, c’mon–”
“I don’t say everything I think, Mina.”
“Spare me, yes you do!”
The prince, laying deadly still and very much not asleep, grunts. The Champion leans back to look up at you as you stand above the group, still a few steps behind in their conversation. He offers you up your mug again as an invitation to sit, “They’re just curious is all.”
“I don’t do magic,” you murmur, only to him. You take your cup from his hand but before he lets go, he tugs downwards to pull you back to his side. The fire is hot but not so big that you can’t sit exceptionally close to it.
“So no to fire magic?” Mina pipes up again, “What do you do?”
“I don’t, M'lady.”
“Don’t…do anything?”
“I do plenty,” you chuckle, “but I can’t do magic.”
A growl sounds off from the prince who’s dragged himself up to sitting in the single blink of an eye. He seems less irritated with the lack of sleep he’s getting and more by your apparent lack of magical aptitude. Like it’s a personal slight.
“What’s the point of you then?”
You don’t dare eye contact when he speaks, but you’ve heard this kind of intimidation from his mother. Kirishima is looking, and he points sharp in his prince’s direction to clip short whatever might come next.
You rally, “I swear I’m no less competent than any fighting mage.”
But Prince Bakugou is no longer interested in you, and only barks when Mina throws an acorn cap at the back of his head. Kirishima nudges you a bit when you try to dip into your mug again.
“Have you ever tried?”
“Tried what?”
What used to be your smile twists into confusion, but the Champion presses on, “You’d be surprised how many people think they can’t do any magic at all, when really their gift is just specific! Like, uh— the man who works proofing ovens in the kitchens at home only has one fireproof hand,” The redhead has himself chuckling along with the rest of his friends but presses a flat, gentle hand into your back to keep you safe from his enthusiasm, “You can imagine the day he found out his other half wasn’t so flame retardant.”
The prince looks like he’s winding up to yell at you all again over his delicate sleep schedule so Denki is quick to butt in with, “Why not try now?”
Today is a lot to take in. Promises, apologies, a lesson in campfires, but you aren’t going to add mage training to the list. You balance the mug under gentle fingertips, “I don’t need magic to do my job.”
“That’s badass.”
“But Y/n, what if you have some crazy world-ending power?!”
You look to Shinsou for a bit of level-headed support but he turns away to let you simmer in the attention alone, smiling.
“Or what if you can, like, bring back the dead? Or heal the sick! How many sick people have you touched recently?”
“Or dead people?”
Mina and Denki try to bounce as many ideas off each other as they can fit into the next few seconds before the prince blasts their heads off and you feel like a real afterthought in all. But the questions subside, the prince doesn’t blow, and now you’re expected to answer. Even the Champion at your side is looking at you with those soft red eyes of his. You dip your lips back into your mug for a warm sip before responding, “I wouldn’t know.”
Kirishima’s the only one who really understands what you mean and tries to change the subject but Mina scrambles across the small clearing and gets a hold of you before he can speak. She’s gentle when she takes one of your hands and stretches it out towards the fire.
“When I use magic, I relax my arms like this,” she wiggles her fingers, “and it just oozes outta me.”
“Literally,” Sero chuckles. Mina shakes you back into focus before you can ask him what he means.
“What if you relax real good– here hold your hand just like this– and then boom! You blow up the whole campsite. Your magic could be really powerful like that.” She has your arm outstretched, the one not holding tea, and she’s miming going limp with her own hand. You give in. She’s a royal guest, and you’re in no position to deny her. Your eyes flutter closed.
You used to try this as a kid, willing your own magical gift to manifest in your bedroom after Jeanist called for curfew. It feels the same now as it always has, not that you’re concentrating as hard as you used to at eight years old. It feels like nothing. Magic can manifest a million ways, but from forever til today the only way you ever pictured proper magic was flowing from sweaty palms and jagged fingers. You curl a little closer to your knees but commit, and flex your fingers the way you’ve seen beautiful magic made before.
“Try to picture something pretty.” You’re not sure who says it, and gods you feel silly, but you comply and focus on the warmth that tingles your fingers from the fire in front of you. For some reason, the first thing you imagine is velvet.
Immediately your hand is so hot you have to open your eyes to keep from snatching it back to your chest.
It’s the light that you see in your dreams in that little cup your fingers made. It’s the stars that fall from the sky in corners of the castle at night. White, purple, orange, and blue. It’s the same as the prince’s beautiful magic, in your own outstretched fingers for a single fleeting, flickering moment. Your heart is in your head. Your eyes wide and trembling. It’s just a second of pure bright light before the spark bounces off your palm hot enough to make your eyes water, and dies as quickly as it is beautiful into the campfire.
Beats of excitement tap your chest as you look to the group, but the prince’s eyes are the first ones you see and he looks altogether too happy with himself for you not to realize. Bakugou shakes the rest of the sparks from his fingers and doesn’t fight the smirk spread across his lips, though, the very second you meet his gaze he bristles. The group around you shifts uncomfortably. What’s he supposed to do with those big eyes of yours, huh?
“Don’t be an ass Bakugou, we’re just having fun.”
“s’not my fault she’s gullible.”
Kirishima’s warmth isn’t enough to keep you at the campfire. The horses started snorting at the fireworks and so you nestle your cup in the dirt around the fire to regain your focus, “Apologies, Highness. I’m acting unprofessionally.”
“Y/n don’t–” Mina tries to salvage your company but you smile,
“I got comfortable before even feeding the horses.”
And you do mean it. You’re standing now and you make sure to nod to every member of the company before you back into the dark of the far camp, “Good night everyone. Thank you very much for the tea.” It’s okay. You’ll set up your bedroll near the carriage in the dark so that the crackling fire doesn’t keep you from hearing footsteps. Yes, you’ll sleep alone like you’re used to, with the familiar smells of horses and finally get some rest.
“Good night Y/n,” Mina whispers. Denki throws a disapproving acorn cap across the fire at Bakugou’s bare shoulder. He ignores it and takes a sip from his mug. Sero throws another.
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tagged angels ✧.* nnubee cherrykamado nonomesupposedto zombiewarprincess kotarousproperty strawberry-mentos69 sveetnn eirlysian lunrai cherripunch26nch26 km74744 arayoflia
(tumblr keeps deleting the end of my fics, including my reader tags! I didn't re-tag the lovelies above because I'm sure they're getting sick of the notifications as I try to fix it. tags will be back to normal next ch! if you've signed up for the tag list, have no fear, I think I've figured it out)
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beeismessingaround · 2 months
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☆Hi! So i wanna post a little about my mha DR because im really hyperfixated on it rn😭
So here it goes Ig if you have any questions feel free to ask Im more than willing to respond
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I don't have a faceclaim but I used AI to try and mimick what I kinda look like
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Also if u see me using any pics where the hair is longer it still makes sense because I spontaneously change mine anyways
Quirk ⭐️
Quirk Description: it's called celestial control and I can basically control the moon and the sun , and based on the time of day, as in if its day or night I have different abilities
Day; I have energy manipulation, energy absorption, light manipulation, manipulation of the light spectrum, pyrokinesis and I can change light into physical matter
Night; I can manipulate shadows and dreams, I can create illusions,manipulate gravity, I can teleport between shadows, I can control blood (which doesnt have to be in people's bodies) and have other vampirism attributes, I can also manipulate the stars and their light into weapons and blasts
Drawback; Guys I haven't thought of one yet HELP 😭😭😭
Also during solar eclipses something diff happens but I'll probably make a whole other post about that
Hero Suit !
So I don't have like an official hero suit but just so you guys understand the vibe of the suit which isn't really a suit anyways
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Now this does have some practical functionalities I haven't thought of which ones but it does also it isnt a dress in like the picture it has pants I promise
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Backstory :D
My backstory is not as intriguing as half of the people here it's so cringy but like idk
My parents weren't exactly common folk in this case my mother was a pro-hero called storm (yes same powers but not that storm) and my dad was out of the picture. From an early age, I exhibited an affinity for the sun and moon.
As a child, my quirk manifested unexpectedly. One sunny afternoon, while I was playing in the backyard, I reached out to touch a sunflower.And to my surprise, the flower caught on fire. My mother and my grandma who were both there there at the time were both amazed and concerned.
But mother dearest being a pro here handled it pretty well I would say, later on during my younger years I jst kept discovering I could do stuff it's like every day I would wake up and it's like wow I didnt know I could do that
Neat Ig
Anyways I had a pretty chill childhood I'll say, but I did know shoto and Momo and Iida before coming to UA cuz rich people know rich people.
Relationships <3
So my S/O is Bakugo but my dear people I have a DR that is practically the same as this one but my S/O is Shigaraki cuz he's my favourite character, I jst didn't know how to make him my S/O in this one and I love my Angry Pomeranian man aswell so, anyways if u see me calling Shigaraki my S/O its jst different DRs
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Anyways he's so silly lol
Name:Katsuki Bakugo
Love language:Quality time and physical touch
(his definition of quality time is training until my bones are mush ☹️☹️☹️)
Confession:Angrily blurting it out in an argument...Guys I'm a sucker for this
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10/10 accurate representation of our relationship
I'll probably make a separate post with scenarios I've scripted in my DR lol
☆Now for the friendships !!
So my friendgroup is mostly the bakusquad, I've been a mha fan since 2019 so yes bakusquad is forever in my memories
But if you don't know here is the bakusquad members
☆Bakugo - S/O
☆Kirishima - He's honestly my like best guy friend here
☆Mina - I Love her SM my bestie <333
☆Sero - He's the mom friend I appreciate him
☆Denki - I'm so excited to jst do dumb shit with him
Yeah those are all my best friends emphasises on Mina tho
Out of the bakusquad I scripted 2 of my CR friends in
☆Bea - Either keeps me from doing dumbshit or does it with me i love her, I made her s/o todoroki cuz Im nice
☆Mari - Childhood friend I've known her for 9 years now I think,most loyal hoe on the planet, obsessed with mickey mouse,just that should let you know she needs no s/o
And I'm also rll good friends with Jirou, Hagakure and Tsuyu I'm clearly a girl's girl
I dont have a bad relantionship with anyone in class cuz I scripted mineta out #self-care
This is the seating and dorm arrangements btw and i will take no criticism for them😙
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There are the dorms which were also meticulously crafted to however the fuck I wanted them ☺️
Anyways I think that's all I have to say for now ask any questions if u have them and yh sorry for any spelling errors english is not my first language
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dynamimight · 1 year
content: bffs to lovers, this is the Best Friend Sero fic i've been talking about, calling sero "honey" as a bestie and a lover supremacy~
sero hanta is your best friend.
you've known each other forever, and yet not for long at all. a lifetime of friendship has cultivated into pure beauty over the years of your being together, and being with him is pure bliss.
anyone could tell how much love you two have for each other from nothing but a glance.
he's always there; holding your hand, calling you dear, curling up against you in whatever weather. his laugh is the most joyful sound: it pours out of his mouth, flows through your ears, seeps slowly into your heart. he's sweet like honey, so you only deem it right to call him so.
sero hanta is your honey.
the love you have for him is all encompassing. you remember the time when you thought that was a problem, that being in love with your best friend could never be allowed, that your pure and beautiful friendship would crumble like a rotten statue if you were to ever let the boy know how you grew to feel about him. the turmoil you felt almost overcame the love, and you would have forgotten how well your best friend knows you if he hadn't randomly shown up at your door. with your favorite snacks and a stuffed animal in hand, he basically begged you to let him back in because "two weeks is 13 days too long to have not seen your face, dear." and when you looked up at him, your heart settled. he had the tendency to do that; to calm you down. you remember the moment you hugged him at your doorstep. when his arms wrapped tightly around your waist and he pulled you closer, he let out a sigh, almost as if he was holding his breath awaiting your return.
sero hanta is in love with his best friend.
he realized it the same time that you did, although neither of you were aware of each other's feelings. that's why he showed up on your doorstep that day. even though his nerves were going crazy, he had to see you because you're his best friend. because he's in love with you and he can't bear it when you're away.
sero hanta confesses on a half-date.
it's one of many that you two go on: a long walk along the pier, hand in hand, pointing out different shells you see along the way. right after he "won back your heart" (as he likes to say) he jokingly got on one knee and asked you on a bestie date. one arcade and a food truck later and here you were, lazing about as the salty breeze blew by.
when he grabs your other hand to stop walking and gets down on one knee, you expect another silly proposal. what you get is much better.
sero hanta: your best friend, your honey, the love of your life, reaches for a something in his pocket with one hand before returning it to yours. it seems like a simple necklace upon first glance, but you realize it's a heart-shaped locket once you see it in the right light. he looks at you with so much emotion that you're stunned into silence. water collects in his eyes more every second at the thought of this confession being the end of you. but hanta gathers the courage to confess, and on one knee at your favorite spot, he tells you just how much you mean to him. your best friend since forever tells you that he wants more than forever with you.
and when you tell him that you want that too, that your forever could only be with him, the air turns sweet.
honey finds it's way back into your heart.
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mareenavee · 9 months
WIP Whenever~!
Oh hey it's actually Wednesday already! I have been tagged by a great deal of amazing people! Let's see -- @kookaburra1701, @ladytanithia, and @skyrim-forever! I'm tagging the similarly fantastic: @paraparadigm, @polypolymorph, @changelingsandothernonsense, @thana-topsy, @thequeenofthewinter, @dirty-bosmer, @wildhexe, @expended-sleeper, @throughtrialbyfire, @elfinismsarts, @rainpebble3, @saltymaplesyrup, @gilgamish, @tallmatcha, @archangelsunited, @snippetsrus, @miraakulous-cloud-district, @nuwanders and YOU. Yes you. Please absolutely consider yourself tagged and tag me back if you post! Here's a snip of chapter 30 of The World on Our Shoulders. Some of you may have seen versions of this before :> More soggy emotions, because, of course. OF COURSE.
Teldryn buried his face in his hands and Geldis squeezed his shoulder. He let the silence wash over him — not that it was actually silent. The crowd left him anonymous, another sad fool alone at a bar, which, to be honest, was for the best.
“She doesn’t want me here, either. She wants to go home, back to just…everything she had before. Even after what we’ve survived. Even after realizing what we are,” Teldryn said. He picked at the sweetroll again, crumbling it onto the plate. “She doesn’t owe me anything, of course. I was the s’wit who thought for half a second the feeling was mutual. And clearly, I was wrong.”
“Did you ask?” Geldis asked. Teldryn glared at his friend.
“Oh, I don’t know, Geldis. Did I ask my married friend if she lo — ” He paused and cleared his throat. “No, I didn’t ask her.” He sighed heavily again and crossed his arms over his chest, mind filled with the iciness of the distance she’d put between them, even after everything. A whole northern sea, dark waves to drag him under and everything. He’d added to it, too, not innocent at all in the endeavor. He shivered. “I didn’t have to.”
“You’re an idiot, Teldryn Sero, that’s what you are,” Geldis said evenly and put up a hand to prevent him from protesting this. “You’re gonna carry this around until it tears you apart instead of resolving it — just like a hundred other issues I’ve seen you struggle through. And you know what? It is, in the end, up to you to make the changes instead of cozying up in the corner over there deep in your cups, becoming another mess I’ve got to clean up.” He leaned in and shook Teldryn’s shoulder. “Even if it’s a no, it doesn’t mean this is the end of the world. But clear the air, for Gods’ sakes. And let her go if that’s what she wants. Plenty of fish in the sea, no matter what you believe about fate and other nonsense.”
Fate and other nonsense indeed.
He didn’t say anything at first. Geldis understood part of this, in his way, but not the entire story. Not the echo. Not the gravity of the situation Nyenna was about to face. Teldryn had lost someone he’d loved before due to the trappings — or failings — of heroism, watching across a vast expanse of sand as the earth quaked under his feet, leagues away from the damage. The Red Year, not long after he’d chosen to leave everything behind. A whole life he’d refused, a whole person he could have been instead of…this. He was no stranger to wrong choices and the urge to simply…run away. To put it all behind you and keep going. From an ultimatum or a destiny, it didn’t matter — the cause was the same. Guilt, fear, grief, and a deep unshakable conviction that you are simply not good enough. And have never been.
Sometimes she visited him in his nightmares, the one he’d left for the job in Elsweyr. She was still so clear in his head, almost two hundred years later, like he had only just turned from her offer of peace. When the horrors faded and left room for regret, he felt the memory of her hands held tight in his like the ghost of a missing limb. Every so often, he swore he could still smell the light scent of her coda flower perfume, her own recipe mixed with sweetbarrel blossoms and the spice of juniper. There was never a time back then when his mind hadn’t been occupied with feeling stuck, so why did she still torture him like this? It was as if she served as a haunting reminder of what could happen the second he let himself be seen. It would all be gone from him in a flash, and then what?
He did not deserve peace. Not then, not now. Part of him was still convinced all of this chaos with Nyenna was just another extraction of debt due to one God or the next for that specific misstep. Sometimes he could go years without remembering. Years soaked in Sujamma, true, but years nevertheless. But then, times like these? Given the chance to start over, it seemed he never quite could. Or perhaps he was never quite worthy. He both wanted to walk away and couldn’t.
Geldis was right in a way. Maybe if he cleared the air, then he could go and prevent another disaster. Or try. And then it could be the same as it’d always been. Square one. And Nyenna would fade from his memory, same as the rest, eventually, no matter how long it took. He had eternity, anyway. It would be better this way. Hurt less, if he was lucky, if he could find the words to begin with.
Sure. You keep telling yourself that, you s’wit.
He wanted another Sujamma, but he knew it would do him no good. He took the sweetroll that he hadn’t crumbled to nothing and bit into it like an apple. There were things to do to prepare for the trip to Skyrim. Geldis would have to accept the subject change. He wasn’t going to bring up things that had been done with long before Geldis was even born.
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whyareyouhere66 · 1 year
Mezo Shoji x Male Reader - Pulled Away
Mezo Shoji (MHA) x Male !Traitor! Reader
Request: Could i please request mezo shoji with either a male or gn reader where the reader is super kind and soft and nice and whatnot but they turn out to be the ua traitor and they sell out deku (or another classmate) to the league? Idk i just want more shoji appreciating and content but I'm also craving some angst :'D
Content Warnings: Angst, mentions of violence, unedited.
I think I’ll probably make a part 2 for this, as there is lots of room for more and the ending is open ended. So if you would like that or have any ideas for what part 2 could include, feel free to share <3
The tall buildings that stood on the grounds of U.A high school were quite crowded today- without any classes to keep students busy, the groups of teens resorted to sticking around the dorm rooms for a rare day of relaxation. 
At the famous 1-A dorm, a familiar crowd of teens were gathered around the common room.
“C’monnn let’s go outside! The suns finally out-“ Kaminari whines, his head dangling over the couch. His legs were propped up against the back of the couch, just missing Sero’s head. 
“No,” Mina says, shutting it down nonchalantly, “too much work this week- I’m tired.” 
The conversation had been dragging out for probably 10 minutes, with only short intervals when one would get distracted- before Kaminari would catch another glimpse out the window and bring it right back to the start. Y/n shook his head with a small smile- the bickering was, of course, nothing knew. But that simply made it more comfortable. 
Sun was leaking in through the windows, shining a spotlight onto random spots of the carpet. Y/n could feel something shift behind him, throwing a glance over his shoulder to where the large build of his boyfriend rested.
Shoji’s arms were together, like closed wings as he sunk deeper into the couch cushions- allowing Y/n to sink with him. Shoji already accepted that he was like a pillow in the relationship, Y/n leaning closer against his torso as if he could curl into a ball and sleep at any moment. 
His arms were crossed, making him smaller to fit against his boyfriend better- and the faint chatter of their friends served as a sort of background noise. 
Shoji caught Y/n staring, the latter seeing how his face turned pink at the edges of his mask. It pulled a bigger smile from him, and he leaned in closer to Shoji before tuning back into their friend’s conversation.
The group talked of the training they had just done the day before- an extensive, but classic, work of fighting against faux villains. 
“I think I’ve gotta work on strengthening my arms once more- while using my legs has been helpful, I can’t rely on it forever.” Deku admits, rubbing the back of his neck bashfully. Uraraka nods in agreement, looking down at his own hand thoughtfully.  
“I’m just trying to see if I can aim the things I levitate, like- position them a certain way to attack, y’know?” She adds, looking up at the rest of the group. 
“So, bordering on telekinesis?” Kaminari raises an eyebrow, and Uraraka flushes in embarrassment. 
“Yeah, I guess that’s another way to put it…”
Y/n sends the girl a big smile, thumb rubbing across Shoji’s hand in his lap. “I think that would be cool- you should try it!” 
The words make Uraraka brighten more, and she turns to face him. “Thank you, I appreciate that!”
Y/n simply nods, still smiling.
The gravely voice echoed through the bar’s walls- bouncing off the old bricks and ringing through Y/n’s ears.
In front of him Shigaraki stood, hunched over the wooden table with his head hanging down. The table was near empty, the blue-haired man’s shaky hands practically gripping the surface. 
Y/n sat in a small wooden chair, hands clasped together in his lap. Shigaraki was looking at him expectantly, the eyes of the rest of the League boring into his figure through the shadows of the dark room. 
He no longer felt the same relaxed feeling he had found in Shoji’s arms on the couch, just hours prior. Now that the sun had set, he remembered the dread that had filled him upon preparing for this meeting.
“Goodnight, guys!” He calls out, shutting the door to close himself into the room. The sound of their footsteps shuffling away slipped into the room, until he was sure they had left the hallway.
At the sound of the door clicking shut, his shoulders fell and he turned around as if his mind was suddenly drowsy. 
The boy runs one hand down his face, closing his eyes for just a moment before looking back at the clock sat on his nightstand.
8:34 PM
With a small sigh, Y/n walks to his closet and rummages through the clothing, shuffling through hangers until grabbing the plain, black hoodie he’d reserved for these specific occasions. The simple fabric and low hanging hood did well of shadowing over his features- for if he were to be seen, all they would notice was the baggy clothing and hunched figure. 
Pulling the hood over his head, he walked to the window- taking one last peak at the room he would be unable to return to until hours later. He longed to go to bed, to sleep and give into the slow dropping of his eyelids- but he couldn’t.
Letting the powers of his quirk lead him off the campus grounds, he was gone quicker than the robotic security guards could notice. 
Y/n looked at his hands, running his thumb over the other fingers before looking up to meet the villains eyes.
“Earlier today in the dorms we somehow came to conversation of our various weaknesses, or faults…” Y/n started, earning the raise of an eyebrow from a now intrigued Shigaraki. “As you may have seen, Deku’s arms are weak- he’s still trying to rebuild strength in their use. He says he relies too heavily on the legs,” he trails off once more, “he is also distracted. He overthinks too much, find a way into his head and it’ll put him into a temporary sensory overload.”
A moment of silence follows behind, Shigaraki grinning like mad as he threw a glance at Kirogiri. “Keep that in mind…” he stated firmly, turning his twisted gaze back to the boy in front of him. 
“L/n has done us good once more,” he walks around the table, stopping short by Y/n, “congratulations.” The words, his crackly voice making him shudder. He gives nothing more than a nod in response. 
The blue haired man continues walking, but turns around again in front of a doorframe. 
“You all know the drill- keep ya’ mouths shut, and come back again same time next week.” His grin is still visible, sticking out from under the stray hand clinging to his face. He turns around finally, stepping into the buildings shadows. “That’s when the plan will begin…”
For days on end, Y/n felt on edge. His shoulders were constantly up and tense, pushing into his neck uncomfortably. He knew of the plan Shigaraki had mentioned, he’d heard the conversations and even worse- he’d given information. 
His conscience constantly nagged at him, only giving him a split second of laughter or smiles before pulling him right back into the suspense. 
Even now as he sat, comforted by the presence of his boyfriend, he was scared. Because Y/n knew that not only will the plan lead to pain amongst his friends, but pain in the relationships he’d built. He couldn’t bear the thought of having to look Shoji in the eyes, the way he was looking at his figure now and instead of seeing that peaceful look- he would be seeing betrayal. 
Shoji sat, back against the headboard and arms relaxed at his sides. There was a book laying open on his lap, and Y/n laid half on his side staring up at the white haired boy.
He looked so relaxed, something Y/n wanted to always see on his lovers face. But it would always follow with shame.
“This is who you’re turning against…”
Y/n closed his eyes shut. 
“I don’t wanna do this shit anymore…”
Without thinking, his hand moved up and grabbed one of Shoji’s spare hands. 
The touch caught the bigger boy’s attention, and even if the mask hid it, a small smile grew on his face.
From his eyes, he simply saw a tired Y/n with his face tucked into his arms. He found it cute, squeezing the boys hand softly. 
“Tired?” He asked, glancing over from the pages of his book.
Y/n hummed out a response, because oh, his voice.
He gripped Shoji’s hand more tightly, eyes narrowed as they peak over his arm. 
“It’s gonna be ok…” He thought, giving himself harsh reassurance to follow his face hardening.
“It’s all gonna be ok….”
And those words he repeated to himself, over and over again- until he felt isolated in his own bed, the skin on his back suddenly felt cold. The more he thought those words the more he longed to be in the warmth of his lover and partner- and so he crawled up, landing in Shoji’s lap. 
The boy’s face flushed, pink peaking out of his mask, and Y/n felt himself being engulfed by the warmth of multiple arms.
His upper body was now completely covered by Shoji, his legs poking out and tangling in with the white haired boy’s legs as well.
Y/n could feel how is shoulders dropped ever so slightly, a trapped breath escaping. 
“You know I love you, right?” He asked, voice tired and raspy. 
Shoji, still flustered, nodded. “Yeah, I know… I love you too.” He says, resting his head against the top of Y/n’s.
But that was what worried him.
Because it might not be the case, for much longer.
The sound of yelling and clashes boomed through the large training arena.
Another fake setting had been set up, the scenery being a large park that eventually lead to large concrete buildings. 
Y/n sat at one of the bleachers, next to his friends. Aizawa had paused the training, now in front of a sweaty group of teenagers as he explained something Y/n didn’t have the energy to listen to. 
He used a spare rag to dab the sweat from his forehead, before taking sips from his water bottle.
Today was the day.
Y/n threw a glance over to his phone, checking the time.
1:27 PM
The same feeling of dread spread through his abdomen, squeezing at his stomach as he knew what was to come.
But it was too late. There was nothing more to do than sit and wait.
And so, just as Aizawa comes closer to the end of his lecture- the first round starts.
A large book echoes through the arena, alerting everyone. Yet still, no one gets a chance to move before the large, purple mist began to grow in the center of the “park.”
Shigaraki was the first to step out, followed closely by Dabi and Toga. Aizawa’s hands curled into fists, his yellow goggles now covering his eyes, his hair and scarf whirling around in makeshift wind. 
By now most of the class was up on their feet, hero costume’s conveniently on as they too got into a fighting stance. Y/n felt himself try to stand up, tired legs stumbling a bit before he caught himself. But still, his arms stayed at his side.
Shigaraki stepped forward, causing everyone to tense. But, to their surprise, he raised his arms up in what seemed like false surrender. 
“Oh, calm down, ‘heroes’, give a man a second to speak, will ya’?” 
The sarcasm ticked Bakugou off, and in his usual fashion, attempted to launch himself at the villains. However something stopped him- his body freezing midair as if someone was holding him up. This shocked the whole class, eyes falling onto a new person- a new villain.
Y/n let out a shaky breath, recognizing the deep blue and purple outfit she wore. 
Her hand was outstretched, aimed towards Bakugou. Y/n had the displeasure of knowing who she was- part of Shigaraki’s “master plan.” 
With powers of telepathy and telekinetic abilities, she was the leagues way of “getting into” Deku’s head- just as Y/n had advised.
Well shit.
Soon more purple portals began appearing, one or two members emerging from each- until the whole class was surrounded.
Aizawa, not looking away from the villains, called back at the teens. “Stay back- do not attack yet.” He advised, and surprising enough, everyone listened. But their fists never lowered from their defensive places.
He narrowed his eyes at the woman, his eyes beginning to glow a bright red- but before he could erase her quirk, she dropped her hand. And with it- dropped Bakugou.
A loud ‘thud’ rang out, followed by a groan as Bakugou glared up at her. “Fucking psycho-“ he started, but Aizawa held a hand towards him.
The woman shrugged simply, a sly smirk on her face. “Sorry to steal your thunder, Erasurehead,” she stepped toward, “thought I’d make it easier for you.”
Shigaraki stepped up, now by her side. “I’d like to introduce you to the new member of the league.” He smirked, and Y/n felt he knew what was to come. He could only hope Shigaraki would keep his secret, keep his mouth shut so Y/n could continue this betrayal in silence. But, it seemed Shigaraki’s big ideas just excited him so much- the second they’re put into action, he must narrate it step by step, so his enemy knows just how they’re going down. 
So, in other words, Y/n was screwed.
“We must do something!” Iida called out, fully prepared to rush forward into action. But Aizawa refused.
Deku stood in tense silence, thinking through plan after plan in a last minute effort to see a way out. Sweat dripped down his forehead- he felt stressed. 
Y/n looked at him from the side of his eye- he could basically see the plans forming in his head. 
“Oh no….”
The standoff continued, Deku mumbling to himself quietly, the group had grown used to it, Uraraka and Tsuyu putting themselves between him and the villains in hopes he would have a plan for them soon. Y/n almost cringed- he saw how the woman’s smirk grew bigger and bigger as she stared at the green haired boy.
Finally- he put the final pieces of the puzzle together, whispering something quick to Uraraka that Y/n couldn’t hear. In the matter of a few seconds, Uraraka was dashing towards the outer circle of their class- and Deku had launched himself into the air.
It was inevitable, what happened next.
Deku had reeled his leg back, a war cry erupting from his mouth as he grew closer and closer. But, just like Bakugou, he was stopped short.
Only this time, a thick, blue mist began floating across his eyes- the green irises appearing a more blue, or purple color. The entire arena could hear it this time, confused whispers erupting as millions of scattered thoughts and words fizzled in the air. Among them, Y/n heard split parts of Deku’s plan- words such as “trick” and “quirk” floating around only to be lapped over by random sentences. 
His mind had been scrambled.
Just like he had told Shigaraki.
Another thud echoed around- and Kirishima let out a shout as Deku was forced to the ground. 
“Get away from him!” Uraraka cried, watching as the woman who had yet to name herself walked to him. She kneeled to his level, grasping his hair at the back of his head.
“Sorry about that..” she grins, shoving his face into the ground- bloody nose staining his freckled skin.
Shigaraki was the next to step forward, clearly quite proud.
“Isn’t she lovely?” He practically smeared, only to get angry glares from the teens in front of him. 
“What did you do?!”
“You bastard…”
The words bounced off him, no effect whatsoever. 
“Oh, it wasn’t my idea…” Shigaraki starts, the hand clasping his face unable to hide the large, chapped smile that came from his lips. The words made Y/n’s heart drop- here it was.
The moment when he would lose all he’d ever learned to love.
“Isn’t that right…”
Confused looks began replacing the angry ones.
His gaze slowly filtered over to Y/n, a few of his classmates following in suit as they stared at the sweaty boy. 
The boy froze.
All around him he could feel the looks coming from his friends, boring into his skull. The exact thing he’d been fearing for weeks had finally happened- and he had no idea what to do.
His fists were clenched at his side, wide and panicked eyes staring into the ground. He knew that standing there, frozen like an idiot, was going to do nothing for him. 
“What is he talking about?” Kirishima asked.
“Y/n? Are you the…” Sero didn’t even have to finish that sentence, everyone knew what he was getting at.
“Don’t. Look.”
Bakugou was next, demanding an answer. The League didn’t even have to make another move- just as planned, the heroes were falling apart.
“Answer us damn it!”
“Oh my god…”
The words made Y/n’s fists clench tightly, breathing becoming ragged. His mind felt the way Deku’s had felt just minutes prior- too many words swirling around for him to pin one exact feeling.
His name, now whispered from the lips of his lover, shut his mind down into silence. As soon as he heard it, the voice he longed to hear constantly, his head bolted up.
It took no longer than a split second to find the eyes of Shoji- and just as they did, he could feel his heart breaking.
The eye visible to him was so full of hurt, it made Y/n want to hurl. He didn’t want to be the reason for that look- he couldn’t be. He was supposed to be the reason for eyes full of love- full of joy. Eyes worth millions in beauty and admiration- not betrayal and…fear.
Y/n couldn’t talk, his throat had run dry. 
He tried to step forward, his hand trying to reach for the white haired boy ahead- but a blur of black and grey stopped him, his glaring teacher now between him and what he wanted most. 
“L/n.” Aizawa’s voice was strong and firm, and Y/n shakily stood up taller, for he knew he would shrink otherwise. 
“I-“ before he could finally speak, the familiar purple mist began to swirl behind him- and Shigaraki’s hand reached out and pulled him in. He went from standing in front of his teacher to standing by Dabi and Toga, the latter grinning at him maniacally. He whipped his head around, seeing that his friends had followed the movement and now stood to stare at him from a different angle now. Yet still, through the crowd of familiar faces, he found Shoji’s first. 
“Shoji..” he muttered, the tall and muscular boy looking at the ground, multiple fists clenched. 
“Welp, looks like we’ve already done enough damage…” Shigaraki said in a raspy voice, his hunched body facing Y/n- but his face looking out on the class. “Step one is complete..” he continued, “can’t wait for step 2.”
With that, the portals grew once more- engulfing villains into its mist once more. A sense of panic filled Y/n- this might be his last, and only chance to explain. He took a step forward, reaching for Shoji. 
“S-shoji!” He called, but Dabi grabbed his arm. The purple fog began surrounding him, but he continued to call out- his arm and face being the last to get captured. 
Y/n called, over and over as his boyfriend finally looked up from the ground, watching with an indescribable look on his face. It felt like dread, panic, pain, and hesitance- stuffed into one. From the side of his body, one hand picked up just a bit, as if he too, was reaching out for his traitorous love. 
“Please, I-“
“Shut up.” Dabi interrupted, with the same monotone voice as always. “Your boyfriend isn’t going anywhere.”
But that was the problem. 
He was. 
He was going away from Y/n, being pulled too far out for Y/n to grab back. 
This was only step one. And he had already lost it all. 
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Thinking bout this last entry . Still making my way through the anime so i have no idea who would be Koda, but ive seen someone named Eri fill the child spots in aus before so i'll use her for now
Izuku: But he's a bear.
Aizawa: Yeah?
Izuku: You know, a bear? Grr?
Aizawa: I know what a bear is. I suggest you go look in the woods.
Mina & Kaminari: *SCREAMING*
Kaminari: Whoa! Look out! She's after us!
Mina: Oh, jeez.
Kaminari: You gotta help us!
Mina: You gotta hide us!
Kaminari: Oh, jeez. Too late. Here she comes!
Mina: I told you that was no moosette.
Kaminari: Well, she looked like one from behind.
Katsuki: What's gotten into you two?
Kaminari: Well, it's that time of year, eh.
Mina: Spring fever.
Katsuki: Spring what?
Mina: Yeah, you know, like the birds.
Kaminari: Yeah, and the bees. And the moosettes. If you know what we mean by moosettes.
Katsuki: Yeah, well, don't look now, but your girlfriend's back.
Jirou: *RAMPAGING towards them*
Eri: We don't need anybody else.
Sero: You can't run from love. It has a way of tracking you down.
Katsuki: Wait a minute. You can talk. I mean, you can understand me?
Izuku: Yeah. The spirits did it so when I found you, I could talk to you.
Katsuki: Whoa, whoa. Wait a minute. You... You've been looking for me? Why?
Izuku: Well, this is why.
Katsuki: You've kept this? After all these years.
Izuku: The great spirits told our shaman that this amulet bonds us as one.
Katsuki: Really?
Izuku: So now you and I have to go to Hokani Falls-
Katsuki: Together? Like when we were kids?
Izuku: -and burn it.
Katsuki: And burn it! Burn it? What?
Izuku: It's no big deal. It's only a little trinket.
Katsuki: Little trinket?!
Izuku: Uh, well, what I mean is, we were just silly kids. They won't let me get married until it's destroyed.
Katsuki: Hmm. Let me think about this. Sorry, can't help you.
Izuku: What? Kacchan!
Katsuki: So, have fun burning the silly little trinket on your own.
Eri: So you're Deku. Katsuki was just dreaming about you.
Katauki: I was not.
Eri: Were too. You should have heard him: "Deku, Deku."
Izuku: Oh, what am I gonna do now? If I can't burn the amulet, I'll never be able to marry Shoto. *sniffs*
Katsuki: *realizes Izuku really likes this guy* *is sad*
Izuku: My dad is up there somewhere.
Eri: My mom, too. Do you miss yours?
Izuku: Yes. But you don't need to wait for the lights to find her, Eri. She's always with you. In here. Once you love someone, they stay in your heart forever.
Katsuki: *is sad*
Eri: Katsuki, did you give Deku the amulet because you loved him?
Katsuki: *SIGH* It was a long time ago.
Eri: But he's still with you in here. I can tell.
Katsuki: Ah, Eri, it doesn't matter.
Eri: Well, if you do love him, shouldn't you tell him?
Katsuki: It's a little more complicated than that. Anyway, it's over.
Inko: Is there something wrong?
Izuku: Mom, I'm so confused. I thought that when I burned the amulet, the bond would be broken, but in my heart, I... I'm sorry, Mom. I can't marry Shoto.
Izuku: Kacchan! No, don't!
Shoto: *pushes Katsuki off a cliff*
Izuku: Kacchan! How could you? *pushes Shoto away*
Shoto: What?
Izuku: He was my friend!
Katsuki: *MOANS*
Izuku: Kacchan?
Katsuki: *bear noises*
Izuku: I can't... I don't understand. I'm sorry.
Katsuki: *takes Izuku's hand, places it over his heart*
Izuku: I love you, too.
Eri: I asked the spirits to turn you back into a man.
Katsuki: What?
Eri: So you could be with Deku.
Katsuki: No, Eri.
Eri: It's okay. I just want you to be happy again.
Katsuki: Deku, I can't.
Izuku: But I can.
Katsuki: Deku?
Izuku, now transformed: How do I look?
Katsuki: Like a bear... except they gave you antlers.
Izuku: What?!
Katsuki: Kidding!
Izuku: *laughs*
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sparkles-and-trash · 2 years
Shouto and his friendship with some of his classmates, headcanons ~  
note: this have been on my wip list forever, and I really wanna write something soft rn, so... yeah! also, if a friendship you enjoy isn't here, it's not because I don't like it, I just might have to do a part 2 <3
when Shouto started at UA, he hadn't had a real friend in his whole life, and frankly, at that point, he was okay with that
there's something about how you don't know how to miss something you've never had
but suddenly, Shouto has a few friends
he didn't even mean for it to happen, it just did
and oddly enough, it kept happening
before he knew it, he was spending one-on-one time with almost everyone in his class
and the oddest part of it all was that he enjoyed it a whole lot
some of them made sense to him, like with Mido-, no, Izuku, and Ochako, Iida, and even Bakugo, who he either had a lot in common with, or spent a lot of time with early on
others made no sense to him what so ever, but he enjoyed them all the same
like his "self-care nights" with Mina and Ochako
he wasn't sure why they kept inviting him, but he enjoyed it too much to ask
he enjoyed how they offer to paint his nails (he always says yes), and he thinks they both have very interesting thoughts and goals for being Heroes
and they always help filling him in on internet slang and pop-culture stuff, and never make fun of him for not knowing
the same goes for Sero and Denki, they'll occasionally have a chuckle when he asks very seriously about these silly stuff, but they both think Shouto is the coolest guy ever (he has no idea tho), and they listen to him talk about training and stuff like he's a genuis
Kirishima tries to help him with the pop-culture stuff too, but Shouto have learned that Kirishima is sometimes as clueless as him, he is just clueless with confidence
so Shouto always thanks him for his help, but does a quality check with Mina, Ochako, Denki, Sero or even Izuku
when Denki finds out Sero and Shouto have these little manga nights where they trade mangas and discuss them etc, he decides he wants something fun to do with Shouto, too!
he tries a few things, but it turns out they both really like drawing
so they take a couple of courses together online, tries different methods, coal, acrylic, pencils, oil paint, yanno, just a bunch
while Shouto isn't interested in eating much other food than soba (he does it, but out of necessities), but when he sees Sato bake one day, suddenly he's very interested in baking
it's kind of like art, you see?
Sato is a little shy about it at first, but after a while they have a real good time together
to be fair, Shouto had a good time the whole time, he couldn't tell Sato was shy at all lol
one day he hears that Izuku, Tsu and Koda is going to volunteer at a local animal shelter, and when Izuku invites him, he's very happy to join them
but while Shouto expected kittens and puppies, it turned out this was a wildlife centre
at first he was a little awkward, he knew how to handle kittens and puppies, but raccoons, badgers and foxes???
but quickly, he and Koda starts helping this little raccoon baby, and Shouto is delighted
not only is the thing fascinating, and cute, and happy to see him, it purrs when he cuddles it!
so now, the four of them do this every couple of weeks, or more when they have the time
one day, Shouto is in the common baths pretty late, and he's surprised to find Shoji there as well
he's used to finding others there at this time, but what surprises him is that Shoji isn't wearing his mask
Shouto isn't sure if he should mention it, but he's curious, so he does (the convo can be read at the end of this post)
after Shouto tells Shoji that he has a "nice face", Shoji actually starts taking his mask off sometimes when he and Shouto is alone.
Shouto doesn't know it, but Shoji is planning to talk to him about it some more, and is actually so grateful for that blunt, but honest conversation
Shouto isn't sure how it works, but sometimes he and Bakugo do homework and study together, and while Bakugo sometimes growls when Shouto mentions it, he is pretty sure it means they're friends now, because Bakugo is sure not denying it
and that's good enough in Shouto's book
one time in their second year, Shouto gets sent to Hawks' agency with Tokoyami when Endeavor is our of town, and Shouto is very happy to get someone else to study for a while
Tokoyami tries to warn him what Hawks can be like, that even though he's much better at including Tokoyami in the work now, and that they do more background work after Hawks' wings were injured in the war, Shouto is still very excited
but fifteen minutes in, Hawks has already made ten jokes about grilled wings, called Tokoyami his "lil' bro", and shown Shouto the little Badtz-Maru plush he refers to as "Tiny-yami" and Shouto is just like
"...is he always like this?"
and Tokoyami just keeps doing his work while going; "yep."
and maybe Shouto understands Tokoyami a bit more, after that
did he learn a lot from this work study? sure.
did he also have some fun while doing? yes, he did.
does he also feel like he aged 50 years during the study? he sure as hell does.
Shouto and Shoji convo: Shouto: You're not wearing your mask. Shoji: No, not right now. Shouto: ...You have a nice face. Shoji: You do not have to lie, Todoroki. Shouto: You can call me Shouto. And I'm not lying, I hate lying. Shoji: Well, I know my face is not nice. It makes kids cry. Shouto: A lot of things makes children cry. My face does sometimes, too. Shoji: I didn't know that. I'm sorry. Shouto: That's not your fault. And I try not to take it personally. *silence* Shouto: Well, I'm going shower now, but I meant what I said. You're face is nice. Shoji: Thank you, Todo- Shouto: You can call me Shouto. Shoji: ...Shouto. Thank you, Shouto.
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blushinggray · 1 year
change of plans: part 9
sero hanta x fem!reader
part 9/? (part 8 | part 1)
The talk (aka the holiday party cont.)
cw // discussion of feelings, fluff
Sero leads you back through to the dining hall, crossing the dance floor towards the opposite wall. Opening one of the big glass doors, he lets you walk out first to the wide balcony outside.
There are a few stragglers standing around here, mostly smoking, some talking. Not many, since it's so cold out. But Sero guides you to a corner that's a bit farther away from everyone else and leans his back against the railing.
"Want some more water?" He offers you a bottle that you saw him swipe out of an ice bucket on your way out here.
"Sure. Why not." You nod.
He twists the cap open for you and hands you the fresh bottle, and you thank him before gulping down a third of it. When you hand it back to him, he also takes a drink from it as well.
The air is chilly, and the atmosphere is stiffer than you had hoped to start off on. After psyching yourself up in the back of your mind most of the night, you have no idea whether you should just get straight to the point or ease into the talk you've been waiting to have all this time.
"Sorry it took me so long to find you tonight," he says first, thankfully, "I have a few friends in town and I've been showing them around since yesterday."
"Oh yeah. You mentioned them before." You recall him sharing with you during a phone call a few nights back. "Are they here tonight?"
"Yeah. Took them forever to get ready, but we finally made it about an hour ago." he sighs, pulling at his own clothes, "They insisted on styling me up for the occasion, too."
Well, at the very least, you can say that if this was what took him and his friends so long, then it was somewhat worth the wait. His outfit is also pretty simple, but it suits him. A warm yellow sweatshirt underneath his puffy black jacket, some dark jeans ripped in a few places, and a nice pair of olive accented sneakers that match the beanie on his head. And a thin silver chain hangs around his neck over the sweatshirt. There's nothing particularly holiday themed on him aside from the red and green tinted lip ring, but you can't find much to complain about.
"You look good." You say, resting your hands on the railing but pulling them away after a few seconds because the cold metal is quickly siphoning your remaining body heat.
"Thanks," he chuckles, finally giving you a onceover for himself, "Could say the same about you, but you look way better than just good."
You let out light scoff at that, your lips curling up against your will, "Yeah, I'm sure." You deflect with a sarcastic remark. But after a moment, you reel back to say, "Thanks."
Because it's a compliment, not a line. You have to remind yourself to just take it as it is.
It's a little easier to get the conversation rolling after that, the two of you quickly sharing your end of semester woes before another eventual lull settles in.
And he asks, "So, you and Kaibara, huh?"
You scoff again with a shake of your head, already judging yourself for even having entertained the idea of messing around with your ex again. "It was just mistletoe."
"Yeah, I know." Sero says, sinking further back against the railing he's propped his arms on, not making complete eye contact with you, "I heard from Mina though, that... you and he had a thing before."
What the fuck, Mina?!
Not that it's something you feel the need to hide from him, but in the aftermath, it certainly does make this conversation a little more complicated. You have half a mind to defend yourself or bring up that girl you saw him with all those weeks ago, but that would be counterproductive.
So instead, you say, "Yeah. I guess you could call it a 'thing.' Not totally dissimilar to the thing that we have going on right now."
"Yeah? And what kind of 'thing' do we have going on, exactly?" he asks.
"I don't know, actually. That's what we're here to talk about tonight, isn't it?" you return the question.
"Right." he agrees, suddenly looking a little awkward. Quite uncharacteristic for him. This must be out of his usual comfort zone, too.
With the lingering courage from all the drinks you had tonight, you at least make clear, "I'll tell you this, though: I do not want another Kaibara situation."
Sero seems to snap to attention and finally looks you in the eye, listening intently.
"What happened between me and Sen... really fucking sucked." You find yourself admitting, "I really liked him, but he didn't want anything serious. So he kind of just let me fade into the background and I was pretty messed up over it for a while."
"What the hell? What an asshole." Sero stands up straight, looking genuinely upset, "And he still had the nerve to try and approach you tonight? I'm gonna—"
"He hasn't changed; that much I know." You hold a hand up, gesturing for Sero to stand down, which he does. "Which is why I didn't fall for it this time. I don't like him anymore, so it wasn't that hard."
Sero takes your word for it, turning around to lean forward on the railing, facing the same direction as you this time. Somehow, it makes you feel a little more aligned this way. So you continue.
"But, honestly, you and Sen are kind of similar in some ways. That's why I tried to steer clear of you for a while." You finally admit.
"How so?"
"Well, for starters," you chuckle, "You're both incredible smooth talkers. And you've both got that tall, attractive, cool guy charisma about you. All the playboy charm too, of course. Come to think of it, Sen also likes playing around with cameras.
"At the beginning, I just got that vibe that you and Sen were the same type, so I decided to keep my distance. Though that obviously didn't work out..."
Sero humors you with a cheeky smile, "Yeah, well, if he was stupid enough to let you go only to come crawling back with an assist from Mistletoe Man, then I'd argue that we're nothing alike."
You share a chuckle with him over that, "I know that you and he aren't the same. Like what you said over the phone that other night... I don't think he would have ever told me something like that. And... and I was actually really happy to hear it."
He smiles at that. That soft, sweet smile that shows just a little more of that boyish joy he hides behind all that flirty charisma. The one that sets him apart from Kaibara.
"But still," You hold strong, intent on making things clear tonight, "If there's any chance that it's gonna turn out like how it did with Sen, then I'd rather know all that now. Because even if you say you like me, if you're just gonna keep me around when it's convenient but still mess around with whoever you want... then I'd rather we just stop all of this. Here and now."
"I don't want that." He says immediately, surprising you and striking you in the heart at the same time. "I don't know what kind of shit was going through that jackass's head, but I'm not stupid enough to treat you like a backup plan."
He takes a small step closer, enough that your arms are brushing and he can take your cooling hand in his big, warm one, "[Name], I meant what I said. I really do like you. I miss you all the time. These days, I kind of wish I could just call you every time I think about you, just to hear your voice. Even though that would be like, way too much. You honestly spend so much time in my mind that I should charge you for rent."
You whip your head away as you burst into a laugh, but after you take a second to calm down, you turn to face him again, "Always got a line on you, don't you?"
"Maybe it sounds better in Spanish," he smiles down at you, leaning closer to speak into your ear, "Pasas tanto tiempo en mi mente que debería cobrarte la renta."
You groan, fighting everything within your nature to keep from rolling your eyes in what's supposed to be a more serious moment. As well as hiding how affected you are by his natural code switching.
And failing at both.
"Okay, okay." Sero relents, pulling you by the hand to bring you closer to him, "I might lay it on a little thick sometimes, but that doesn't mean there isn't truth to it."
"Right..." You nod sarcastically, thinking back to all the times he's compared you to an angel or a flower or a decadent food or something.
He sighs quietly through his nose as he brings his free hand up to touch your face, caressing a thumb across your cheek. His eyes are searching and his expression is kind of... almost sullen?
"Could you really not tell how much I've liked you this whole time because of that?" he asks.
"Well, it's not like it's just that." you pull your face away from his hand, before he can feel the heat creeping up against his fingertips, "All you'd ever do is take me straight back to your room. It's not like you ever tried to ask me out on a date. And sometimes—"
You take a short breath because now you're really about to put it out there. How you really feel. What you've been holding in.
"Sometimes, I'd still see you around campus getting close or flirty with other people. Only a few days after we were together, too. Can't say that really inspires confidence that you were 'serious' about me or anything..."
Sero takes a few beats to process everything you've just said, studying your face.
Until finally, he says, "You're right."
"I'm what?" You're slack-jawed.
"You're right." He says again, as if acknowledging and accepting a simple fact, "I've been doing this whole thing kinda backwards from the start. I'll admit that, at first, I figured I'd just work the usual charm until you eventually opened up to me."
Now you're wide-eyed. Because you did not expect to hear any of that. You had hoped that he would be honest with you tonight, but you didn't know he would be this honest.
"And at first, it was fun, 'cause I thought it was working. But... you know, " he stops to scoff with a shake of his head, looking down as if reflecting deeply, "You're something else, [Name]. Took me a few tries before I realized I never really got your attention unless I was being real. You always saw right through me. And honestly, I kinda liked that. Felt like you mellowed me out without making me feel bad.
"All that said, I figured there was no way you couldn't tell bad I had it for you." He finishes with a small snort of air through his nose as he shakes his head again, this time with a small smile.
"See through you?" It's your turn to scoff, because what? "I think it's more like I just have a lower threshold for all the cheese and sugar you spew out."
He lets out a loud laugh into the garden over the balcony. Then he lets go of your hand to wrap his arm around your waist instead, pulling you flush against his side. Which you don't mind, since it's getting colder by the second out here. But a lot of Sero's body heat is blocked off by that puffy material of his jacket, so you can't leech off of his warmth like you'd like to.
"There it is, right there." he chuckles, looking down at you. And you can feel his fingers caressing and squeezing at your hip as he continues, "That's why I can't get you out of my head. I don't know if it's because you're good at teasing me, or that you make me laugh, or that you just keep surprising me with how freaking interesting you are. But every time you leave, you just make me wish I could be with you a little longer."
You gasp a little when he tilts your head up by the chin again, waiting until you meet his eye before continuing. Problem is, you don't know how long you can stay in your feet if you look him right in the eye as he says all of these things to you.
"But you're right. I haven't been paying my due diligence to earn your trust." He says, face suddenly serious, "I thought I was being patient or 'taking it slow' or whatever, but I was honestly just half-assing it. To the point where you thought that I'd still be interested in anyone else, apparently." He says, as if scolding himself.
You gulp, nerves frazzled.
"Are you not?"
You have to ask. You want to know. You want to hear it from him.
"No. Of course not." He swears, lifting your chin higher and lowering his face down closer to yours, effectively increasing your heart rate, "I don't know what or who you saw me with, but I promise you, I don't want anyone else. I don't think about anyone else. I haven't been with anyone other than you since that first day you stepped into my room and fucking— smiled at me like that..."
He takes a deep, harsh breath as his hand trails down your neck to rest on your shoulder, his thumb caressing your collarbone gently. He's making a face like he has so much to tell you, but he doesn't know how much he should reveal.
Which, ironically enough, is exactly how you've been feeling about him this whole time.
"I look at the photos of you sometimes and just... get lost in them. Look, I know! I know that sounds fucking cheesy, but I don't know how else to explain it. You're just that captivating, bella. It just makes me want to be around you all the time."
There's a softness in his eyes as he says it, so no matter how much it sounds like a line, you can't bring yourself to deny the sincerity of his words.
"You do?" You chuckle, "Even when all I do is roll my eyes at you?"
He chuckles back, "Yeah. Because I like that about you."
You're about to make another joke, but Sero brings his hand back up to caress at your cheek again, which suddenly makes every word he says feel that much more intimate.
"I like how you filter through all my bullshit and actually listen for the real me." He says, burning you up with those dark, molten eyes, "I like it when you sing and how you harmonize so naturally with whoever you're singing with. Or how you eat like you're really enjoying yourself. Or how you use French whenever you're too shy to tell me something." He smiles, pulling you closer by the waist at that last sentence, "I like all of those things."
"Oh." You reply intelligently.
Fuck. What the fuck are you supposed to say to all of that? You're barely able to process all of it as it is. Your heart is kind of busy pumping blood everywhere except your brain.
And it only gets harder when Sero leans down to leave the softest kiss he's ever given you on your lips before he rests his forehead against yours. Your brain is starting to short circuit from all of the tenderness by the time he asks, "What about you, querida? What do you think of me?"
"I—" You croak and immediately reel back to clear your throat.
Pulling away from his face, you're suddenly rather appreciative of the cold air as the breeze cools your burning face. The rest of your body, though, disagrees because suddenly a light gust of wind hits the balcony and a shiver runs through you until you're physically shaking.
"You're cold." Sero realizes and starts unzipping his jacket, "My bad, I forgot you're only wearing a sweater."
He's about to pull the jacket off of his shoulders, but you stop him with your hands on his arms, "No, it's okay. You don't need to give up your jacket."
"I'll be fine, [Name]." He insists, even though he clearly only has one layer underneath as well.
"Well, just— Can you just let me... do this instead?" You kinda of mumble the last part as you burrow yourself into his chest, slipping your arms beneath the flaps of the puffer jacket to wrap around Sero's deliciously warm torso.
You can't hold back your sigh of relief as you melt into the toasty comfort of Sero's chest and waist. When his chest rumbles against your cheek as he chuckles, you feel even warmer, from the inside. Sero must tuck his hands into the pockets so he can bring the jacket flaps up to cover your back as well. And suddenly, you find yourself thinking:
This is what you wanted.
Now that you feel safe and protected from the cold, you're able to reflect better on everything he's said to you so far.
All of it was kind of shocking to hear because you're still getting used to this honest, straightforward side of Sero, but when you start to process it all, you realize that he's really telling you what he feels and wants.
It was a rocky start, but he likes you.
Things didn't go like he planned. Well, same for you.
He's not interested in anyone else. Neither are you.
He looks at your pictures and thinks about you when you're gone.
He's... paid just as much attention to you as you have him.
He's noticed your habits, embarrassing and otherwise. And he still likes you despite them. Because of them. And who he gets to be around you; himself.
Though after hearing all of that, you suddenly feel like he's the one seeing through you.
And... you don't hate it.
In fact, it's quite the opposite. In a way, it always has been, but you've never completely let yourself embrace it. All of the initial caution and fear of another Kaibara situation and the hopeless yearning and painful emptiness you once went through that led you to keep Sero at a distance this whole time... Some of it's still there. You don't know if you'll ever be completely rid of it.
But you reflect on everything Sero has said to you, and everything your friends have said to you, and scale out your desire with your fears. Do you want this enough to risk going through all of that pain again?
Admittedly, the inside of Sero's warm, jacketed embrace, where you're surrounded by his scent and pressed against his muscles, is not the most neutral headspace. But after everything he's told you, for the first time, you want to believe him. And you want to choose him.
You want him.
And if he really, truly wants you... Well, you suppose you'll just have to find out if he means it or not.
"I like you." you say into his jacket. Then you pull your head back to look up at him to say again, "I really like you. I think— I think... behind all the playboy, machismo stuff, you're really one of the... coolest, most interesting, and fun people I've gotten to know. So I... uhm... I wanna..."
He's been looking at you intently, hanging on to your every word with the corners of his lips climbing higher and higher through each one. But when you start to struggle at the end, his grin turns into that playful, teasing one.
"Yeah? What do you wanna do?"
You huff harshly, burying your face into his chest again as the frustration manifests into heat in your cheeks. And ears. And neck.
But he waits patiently for you to gather your courage, rubbing your back gently with his hand through the jacket pocket until you're ready.
After a few more seconds, you swallow another deep breath to face him again, "I just... wanna see where this goes. For us. For real."
You start to pout as he only silently holds your gaze, smiling as he savors the moment, before saying, "Yeah. I'm good with that."
"With only you and me, right?"
"Only you and me." He confirms.
"Okay. Good." You stumble around for something better to say, and come up with nothing, "Me, too."
"Great." He just smiles down at you, clearly amused.
Good god, what the fuck are you doing? You have to hide your face in his chest again because you have no idea what you're even supposed to do next with a vague ass goal like that. Well, surely you both have the same idea, but exactly what step are you even supposed to take now?
"How about a kiss?" He pulls back a bit so he can lift your chin back up to face him, leaning his face down until he's just brushing his nose to yours, "To seal the deal."
You're absolutely shackled by the hold of his eyes, half-lidded, dark as midnight, and just clouded enough to blur any more lines you had held in place between you. Since you can't find or form the words, you just nod and reach up, closing your eyes.
That small fear that he might laugh or back out is quickly swept away when you feel him eventually close the distance. And you know he didn't hold out at your expense, because he sighs like he's savoring something he's waited to taste for a long time.
You wonder if you can taste it, too. The dimension in a kiss that's now seasoned with honesty, earnestness, hope, and promise. A kiss that lays down the first brick in a foundation of trust.
Sero's hands come out of his pockets to cup your face so he can properly mold his lips against yours. He pushes and pulls, bringing your lips with him in paired dance, occasionally adding a dip of tongue, or a small nip, or coming up for the deepest yet shortest breath he can take so he can swing right back into it.
Yeah, you can taste it. It's somewhere in there, behind all the layers of passion and ardor and deep set desire, you can tell it's in there. If only he would give you an opportunity to properly savor it for yourself.
But even when you pull away, panting and gasping for air, Sero doesn't let you roam far from his arms. He only holds you against the balcony — keeping his arm between your back and the metal railing to protect you from the cold — and looks at you with those eyes. Those eyes that you can finally read, and understand, and accept.
Eyes that have only ever expressed deep affection for you, despite your doubts. Eyes that seem to revere you rather than just see you. Eyes that only seem to stir up the hunger in his chest even deeper, until he swallows you right back up to sate it.
"Mmh! Sero..." You moan out when he squeezes at your thigh just beneath the hem of your skirt. When did his hand get there anyway?
"God, you are so beautiful." He huffs as he leaves kisses along your jaw and ear and cheek and back to your mouth, "Have I told you how gorgeous you look tonight, bella?"
"Mmn! You may have..." You gasp as his hands climb daringly higher, squeezing just below the meat of your ass.
Sero groans into your ear when he feels no panty line beneath your tights even when he reaches your ass. And when he grips and pulls, your cheeks spread just enough to get your thong wedged between them.
"Ah! Sero, wait!" You pant, reaching back to hold his wrists where they are, "There are still people around."
"Mm... you're right, baby. I'm sorry." He sighs heavily as he gives you another long kiss before stepping away.
Wow, that cold night air is like a shock of lightning now. But it gives you clarity. Clarity and self awareness return to you as all the warmth you had just leeched off of Sero begins to fade again.
There are still stragglers around, though they seem to be keeping clear of your and Sero's little corner more so than before. Which you're both thankful for and somewhat embarrassed about. Though you can't be bothered to care for too long as Sero comes to hug you with his jacket from behind this time, bringing your back to his chest and warming you right up again.
He kisses your temple before nuzzling his cheek against it, "Thank you, [Name]. For giving me a chance."
You hum, wondering if you should give him a cheeky retort as usual. But you decide that maybe he deserves a bit of genuine praise for once.
Leaning more of your weight back against his chest, you say, "Thanks for being upfront with me. I'd appreciate it if you did that a little more often."
"I'll try." He laughs, "You know how poetic you make me."
"Poetic or corny?"
The two of you laugh and share a little more banter, rocking back and forth in this back hug position until Sero says, "I gotta tell you something though."
"What is it?"
"I really wanna take you on a proper date now, but I'm gonna be out of the country for the rest of the winter vacation." He says apologetically, kissing your temple again.
"In South America?" You ask, suddenly recalling how he mentioned he visits family pretty often.
"Yeah. I probably won't be back until after the new year." he confirms, "I'm really sorry to ask this right away, but will you wait up for me?"
You scoff out a laugh, "Well, it's not like I was planning on fucking Sen or any of my hometown friends for the holidays."
"God, I hope not." He groans with a subtle whine as he nuzzles into your hair and beret, "But you never know. Plans change sometimes." he reminds you, "I just wanna know if we'll still have a chance once I'm back."
You let out a sigh, "If you still need to know that, then you must not actually know much I like you."
"Oh? You like me?" He grins wide, like this is the first he's hearing of it. And he kisses your cheek when you give him the predictable groan and eye roll.
"Yeah, I do. Enough to make me a little stupid in the head." You shake your head at yourself, but let Sero hug you closer as he laughs in glee at your confirmation, "So don't worry. I'll wait up for you."
He leaves a few more kisses along your temple and cheek before he lets go of you to turn you around to face him again. Then leans down to kiss you deeper again for a few long beats.
You're struggling to breathe normally again by the time he pulls away to say, "Thank you, querida."
He looks so freaking hot when he smiles like that, all soft and sweet, but still full of want. You're unable to think anything rational when he's just calling to you with that love maker expression.
So you honestly feel like you're taken over by something else when you pull him closer again by the collar, replying, "sure thing" before bringing him in for another kiss.
The moan that Sero lets out is different from any of the other sounds he's made so far tonight. He's been pretty tame so far, even with the ass groping and light frenching, but this noise... Some switch must have been flipped inside him.
You've only heard him moan like that a few times before, with a deep, almost pained rumble from his throat that's rooted from his chest. It usually appears in those moments when he's restraining himself, like he's trying to tame his own mind or body before falling off the edge. And you clearly recall getting a very rewarding ache in the aftermath of those instances.
It pulls some sort of Pavlovian reaction in you, like a bell that makes you wet with anticipation. When Sero moans like that, it means that something delicious must be coming. And it only makes you kiss him harder.
"Ugh... mami, please." He groans, pulling away from your mouth but pushing his hips into yours. After taking a few moments to catch his breath, he leans in to kiss at your jaw by your ear, "Can we spend the night together? I fly out tomorrow but I wanna be with you for as long as possible until then."
You laugh a bit, already giddy at the idea, before kissing him to answer, "Yes."
You're caught up in another bout of giggles as he kisses you all over your face and neck this time, making you laugh until your beret almost falls off over the railing. When he helps you catch it, the two of you break out into giggles again before eventually separating and standing up straight.
"You wanna get out of here?" He asks, taking your hand with a smile.
You nod and follow him back to the doors that lead into the dining hall. But once you step inside, you spot something hanging from the ceiling that suddenly sparks an idea in you.
Your eyes dart around the room until you spot Ashido, standing by the dessert table with a drink in her hand as she talks to some friends. Then just after you spot her, the current song scratches and transitions into another — a popular Spanish pop song that is actually the perfect diversion.
"Actually," you squeeze Sero's hand, stopping you both in place. He gives you a curious look that you answer with, "Can we stay for this one song?"
"Yeah, sure." He agrees with a shrug.
"Okay!" Your grin splits wide across your face, "I'm gonna go ask Mina to hold my bag. I'll be right back."
"Well, I could just—"
You're gone before Sero can say another word, dashing over to your friend and hurriedly getting her attention.
"Girl! Oh my god!" She immediately shifts her attention to you, "How'd it go??"
"Good! Pretty good." You chuckle, opening your bag to take something out, "I'll tell you more about it later, but can you do me a favor for now?"
"Yes, of course! Anything!" She accepts immediately and without question. You knew you could count on her.
Not a minute later, you're back at Sero's side on the dance floor. He looks at you with an expectant smile, so you just pull him closer as you start singing along to some of the Spanish lyrics that you know.
For some reason, he seems shocked, as if this isn't one of the top hits on the radio right now. But he quickly recovers, singing along with you as he spins you under his hand. It does get a little sensual when the beat drums into a smoother groove that has you rolling your hips back into his for a bit. Though he takes it all in stride and takes hold of your waist to help you grind into him.
It's all great fun, but you're mainly just using the rhythm to move the two of you slightly closer to one spot on the dance floor that you had been looking out for this whole song. You're only slightly off target by the time the song ends and transitions into another, but you close up the rest of the distance by dragging him by the hands for the last few steps so you can direct his gaze up at the mistletoe hanging above.
He blinks up at the sparkly, little decorated plant, then he lets out a satisfied laugh when he looks back down at you. You don't even have to use any strength to pull him down for a kiss, he's already on his way down by the time you get your hands on his jacket collar.
It's a sweet kiss. Appropriate for the the public, but still tender in its own right when he puts his hands on your waist to bring you flush against him. Not much compared to all the kisses you've shared just outside on the balcony, but it's exactly what you wanted.
"Happy holidays." He hums when he finally pulls away.
You chuckle back and take his hand to lead him over to the side of the hall where Ashido is waiting for you.
"Did you get it?" You ask her.
"You bet I did." She winks proudly, shaking out the piece of film in her hand before handing it to you, along with your bag. Then she leans in to whisper, "I also took a few on my phone. I'll send them to you later."
"Thanks." You laugh as you look down at the polaroid photo, which is pretty much developed.
"What's all this about?" Sero inserts himself, looking between you and Ashido.
You smile down at the photo of you and Sero kissing beneath the mistletoe, perfectly placed and without too many people in the background. Quickly pulling a pen out of your bag, you scribble out the name of the song that was playing with the date along the bottom before handing it to Sero.
"Here. For you." You say.
Taking the polaroid, Sero looks down at it with increasingly wide eyes. He studies it for a short while, as if processing the entire thing, before looking back up at you and Ashido.
"What's this for?" He asks with a small grin.
"You're always taking photos of me, but we don't really have any of us together. So here's one to start," you explain, gesturing at the polaroid, "Candid, honest subject and all. Like you like it, right?"
The grin falls from his face as he looks at down at the photo again, suddenly reinterpreting the entire thing. Then he lets out a breathless scoff, the corners of his mouth turning up against his will.
What he does next happens so quickly that you don't even realize you've been pulled in for another kiss. Sero's hand cups the back of your neck and head as he pushes down on you like he's trying to physically crush you with his lips. You only make a short noise of surprise as you cling to his jacket for balance before eventually returning the kiss.
You're a little unbalanced by the time he pulls away, but he supports you with an arm around your waist to keep you against his side.
"Thank you. I love it." He leaves a kiss on your temple before turning to Ashido as well, "Thanks, Mina. For everything."
"You're welcome." She says rather indignantly at him, with a proud smirk on her face. As if she's done more than just help you take a photo...
You only exchange a few more words before you announce that you and Sero are going to take off. She wishes you a good night and reminds Sero to bring her back a souvenir from his trip before going on her way.
Sero sends her off with some sort of expression and gesture that you don't really get, but he turns his full attention back to you right after.
"Ready to get out of here?" he asks.
You nod, "Vamos."
part 10
92 notes · View notes
haikyuuwaifu · 11 months
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Genre: Humor, Fluff
Warnings: Swearing
A/N: From here until just before the end it’ll be split between Y/n and Denki. Different views on their lives and how things are going
I was June and you were my Johnny Cash
The first meeting:
“I can’t even believe I agreed to this.” Katsuki huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. Y/n only hummed, her eyes focused on the screen before her. She didn’t fail to notice the way Touya’s eyes flitted over to the blonde next to her, and she made a mental note to text Fuyumi about the latest development later. It had been over a year since the two friends had moved into their condo. 18 months if anyone asked Katsuki but Y/n preferred not to keep track. On this day, Y/n and Katsuki were going to meet the rest of Shoto’s bandmates. Last time Y/n had asked, Shoto had managed to find a bass player, and the man had somehow convinced Shinsou to be the band's keyboardist. The tingling of the bell alerted the shop's occupants to new arrivals. At the sight of familiar pink hair, Y/n’s face broke out into a grin. “Mina!” She cooed, moving from behind the counter to pull the woman into a hug. Mina’s fiance Hanta, moved around the woman to give Bakugo’s hand a shake. “It feels like forever since I last saw you!” The pink haired woman cried, squeezing her friend tight. Sero handed Katsuki a bag laden with vacation souvenirs. “There’s a bigger bag back at our place.” He huffed, causing the blonde to cackle. An hour later Hanta was discussing a future tattoo idea with Bakugo as Mina and Y/n chatted. Mina had taken up the couch in the waiting area, and Y/n was sitting perched behind the check-in counter. “Suki and I are going to meet Shoto’s band.” Y/n supplied, causing Mina to grin. “I want to know how the man convinced Shinsou to join.” “Shoto promised Shinsou a date if he’d join.” Touya supplied, leaning against the counter. Y/n let out an ugly noise as the shop door opened. As she and Mina cackled like the hyena’s they were, Katsuki’s eyes narrowed at the newcomer. “Shitty nerd.” He grunted, making his way toward the door. Standing at the entrance was a tall buff man, freckles splattered across his cheeks. His green curls were coifed nicely, and his undercut looked like it had been done within the last few hours. “Kachan!” The man supplied, face breaking out into a cheery grin. Katsuki wanted to say more, but Y/n’s wheezing was pissing him off. “Oi, shitty brat shut the hell up.” Izuku watched with nothing but amusement clear in his green irises as the woman on the couch tossed a pillow to the pretty woman behind the counter. He bit his lip when he watched the pillow make contact with the back of his childhood best friend's head, and laughed, when he watched his friend attempt to jump the counter. “Just for that you shithead, I’m not going to join the band.” Katsuki huffed, pouting. Y/n simply shrugged, taking a seat in her chair. “That’s fine. If you back out I’ll just rat you out to your mom.” The blonde was ready to strike again, when Izuku let out a chuckle. “Seems you’ve had your hands full Kachan.” He grinned, giving his blonde friend a wink. “I’m Izuku Midoriya! Kachan’s childhood best friend, and the front man of the band!” He supplied, giving the shop occupants a wave. At the man’s smile, Y/n’s stomach began churning.
3 months later
“You guys actually sound amazing” Natsuo shouted, causing the band members to wince. “Shut the hell up! We’re right in front of you dumbass!” Katsuki barked, chucking his drumstick at the other man’s face. “He’s having an adrenaline rush.” Shiggy grunted, handing Y/n a drink. “You guys were awesome.” Y/n smiled in thanks, taking a sip of the alcohol greedily. “Talk about a fucking show!” Rumi shouted, her new girlfriend blushing as she apologized for her girlfriend's loudness. “No worries Momo, believe it or not she’s that loud whether she’s at work or at a concert.” Y/n teased, patting the space next to her. “You guys were amazing!” She complimented as Y/n gave her hand a squeeze. “Thanks! This is our first show together believe it or not.” Before the woman could say more, Izuku and Shoto stepped through the curtain, the greenette all smiles. “That was great!” He cheered, giving their Bass player a high five. “We got held up talking to an agent. They said there’s a band battle comp coming up, and if we win it, they want to sign us in for a deal.” Touya let out a whistle, wrapping his arms around his volatile blonde boyfriend. “You gave them dad’s card right?” The man asked, as his brother nodded. “Let them know to set up an official meeting on Monday. The question is, do we want to do the competition?” Bakugo looked over at Y/n, snorting as he watched her whisper with Momo. She was in a really good place right now and he was worried that if they went to the competition; they’d run into the shit head and his “crew”. Y/n looked up from her drink, noticing that all eyes were on her. “Huh?” she squawked, causing Izuku to smile. “Sho and I met an agent after the set sweetheart. They want us to enter the band battle competition coming up. If we win, they’ll give us a contract.” he mumbled, kneeling down to her level. Y/n took a sip of her drink, giving Izuku a nod. “Let’s do it!” Katsuki let out a cough, his face turning serious. “If we do the competition, we’ll run into you know who.” He supplied. Y/n only scoffed, downing the rest of her drink. “Who gives a shit about that when we have a competition to win!” She shouted, causing everyone else in the room to cheer.  Standing, Izuku scooped her up and spun her around. Katsuki’s eyes narrowed only slightly before Touya whispered quietly. “He’s not going to hurt her.” Katsuki only scoffed, stealing the beer in the other man’s hand. “I’ll be the judge of that.”
Never one without the other, we made a pact
Izuku watched as Y/n laughed at something his mother had said. His mother, Katsuki’s mother, and Shoto’s mother decided to host a picnic to celebrate the band’s upcoming competition. Y/n was all for a day of free food and drinks. Katsuki had spent a majority of the planning process arguing with his mom about catering before ultimately deciding he would do the cooking himself. Across the picnic tables, Katsuki could be seen arguing with Enji over burger patties. The older man was trying to explain to the blonde how to properly grill a stuffed patty but the blonde wasn’t having it. Touya was sitting with Mitsuki, the two gossiping like a couple of grandma’s. His bandmates were spread across the reserved area, conversing and hanging out. Touya shut the shop down and all his employees were spread out mingling and playing games. “You should ask her out.” Shoto supplied, taking a seat next to his best friend. Izuku let out a nervous chuckle, rubbing the back of his  neck. “I don’t know what you’re talking about Sho.” The other man merely rolled his eyes, folding his hands and settling his chin a top them. “Anyone with eyes can see you have a thing for Y/n. Except for Y/n.” He huffed, as his best friend blushed. Izuku’s eyes searched for Y/n again, only to see her making Caramel apples with Shinsou little sister Eri. “I don’t want to mess up the band dynamic.” Izuku mumbled, as a hand whacked him on the back of the head. “Fuck off with that bullshit ya shitty nerd.” Katsuki griped, taking a long sip of his beer. “You’re not gonna hurt her. If you did, I’d kill ya.” The blonde declared, giving his friend a manic grin. “But I’m so sick of watching you pine. Just last month you put that chick in her place for invading your boundaries.” He scoffed as Shoto nodded. “You’ve known Uraraka in high school and before Y/n it never really bothered you that she would hug up on you and stuff.” Shoto supplied. “I didn’t want Y/n to get the wrong idea.” Izuku mumbled sheepishly. “Then fucking ask her out already. You’re not that shithead ex-boyfriend or whatever the loser wants to call himself.” Katsuki snarked, “Your mom looks like she’s going to keep her for the family if you don’t move any faster, and my ma said if you don’t do it then she’s gonna set her up with someone. Somethin about the woman being too good to be single.” Izuku could only roll his eyes, as he let out a sigh. “I’ll even help you out.” Katsuki grinned, barking out Y/n’s name. 
The woman in question made her way over to her friends, a drink in her hand. “What’s up Suki?” Katsuki said nothing, as he gave Izuku the side eye. The green haired man ran his fingers through his curls as he took a breath. “I want to take you out Y/n. On a date.” He mumbled, unwilling to look her in the eye. Y/n blinked owlishly, her brain processing the man’s request. When it clicked, she let out a laugh, reaching out to grab his hand. “I’d love to go out on a date with you Izuku!” She cooed, giving his fingers a kiss. Izuku gave her a blinding grin. Around them, their friends and family cheered.
The date itself had been amazing. Katsuki made sure of it by insisting he cook them a 5 course meal. Izuku wanted to take Y/n to a restaurant but the blonde would hear none of it. The morning of the date, Katsuki had kicked Izuku out of his home to prep the courses. Izuku had spent the day on Shoto’s couch, trying not to psych himself out. When he went to pick Y/n up, she’d rendered him breathless. Upon the arrival to his home, Izuku and Y/n were both surprised to see that Katsuki had set them up on the patio outside. Izuku’s parents had bought him a house when he’d graduated, with a view of the nearby lake. Y/n and Izuku spent the evening sipping their wine and enjoying their dishes. There was never a lull in conversation and Izuku had never laughed so hard on any of the dates he’d been on before. It was now the end of the evening and the couple was currently standing outside Y/n’s door. “I had a really great time.” She grinned, as Izuku rubbed his neck sheepishly. “I had a really great time too sweetheart.” He mumbled, his cheeks tinting pink. “I um,” He began, as Y/n looked up at him curiously. “I wanted to tell you, that I want to take you out on another date. All the dates.” He began, clenching his fists at his sides. “This isn’t some kind of joke for me. I want to date you with the intention of being my girlfriend. I won’t ever treat you like that guy before, because you deserve everything. The title, the gifts, the communication, all of it.” He stated, eyes filled with determination. “You deserve all those things and so much more; and I want to be the one who gives that to you.” Izuku had been so lost in his rant that he hadn’t noticed the tears at the edge Y/n’s eyelids. “I might not be the best, but I promise I can work toward being the best for you.” He whispered finally looking at Y/n. He was surprised to see her crying, but she had the biggest smile on her face. “I would love nothing more.” Y/n whispered, pulling the man into a hug. “I promise, I’ll be the best boyfriend you’ve ever had.” Izuku whispered, giving her a squeeze. “NOW PLANT A FAT FUCKING KISS ON HER AND GO THE HELL HOME!” Katsuki barked from behind the door. Y/n let out a laugh, as she heard Dabi make an ugly sound as he gave a full belly laugh. Izuku flipped the peephole off, swooping down to cover Y/n’s lips with his own. 
a/n: Next chapter will see a pov of how Denki is doing and what’s been going on in his life
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wellthebardsdead · 1 year
The mourned and the heretics pt1
Follow up from this post
Kaidan: Morrowind ey? When do we leave?
Riiju-Lei: I? You guys, want to come along?
Taliesin: Of course~ as, charming as skyrim is, Xelzaz & Sero have charmed me with tales of blacklight and I’d love to see it for myself~
Kaidan: aye, and the dominion has no presence there.
Khash: When are we going??
Riiju-Lei: *remembers his mothers stubby tail, where it had been docked and punctured for a chain to be looped through it to bind her to her station in the ash rice fields… the whip marks on her back and legs, her smooth numbs were her horns had been hacked clean out* …
Xelzaz: *gently pats Khash on the head* Morrowind is still a very. Very dangerous place for argonians Khash. I’m safe because of my ties to house telvanni but, you yourself have told me that other argonians attack you, and with many, many violent ones still rampaging through the land, it’s not safe for you there.
Khash: but- I can protect myself I-
Riiju-Lei: Xel is right Khash… please. *pats her head and smiles* stay home.
Khash: b-but I missed out on the trip to solstheim too! This isn’t fair!
Caryalind: oh Khash, it’s not all bad. Miraak and I will be sitting this one out too.
Riiju-Lei: you will be?
Caryalind: of course! Someone has to help Lydia watch the kids.
Miraak: Besides, I have a lot to catch up on with Paarthurnax… Khash, would you like to visit him with me? He quite liked the flower crown you made him last time.
Khash: I- wait! Really?! I can actually come meet him now?!
Miraak: of course. So long as you’re alright with flying.
Miraak: so long as your father is okay with it?
Riiju-Lei: I’m fine with it, just- please don’t let her fall off.
Nerevar: *chuckles* well childcare is sorted then, Lucien? Inigo will you be coming?
Inigo: Yes absolutely! Are- things okay there for khajiit though?
Nerevar: I believe so. Of course there are a few bad yams to spoil the crop but it’s a lot more pleasant there now than it was a few hundred years ago.
Inigo: great! Count me in then!
Lucien: Oh can we please visit some dwemer sights there?! I want to see how they differ from skyrim and solstheim.
Nerevar: I can take you to the court of my old-… Acquaintance… Dumac. *sighs* it’s not in the best shape now, but I spent many days and nights there with him… he was my closest friend next to voryn.
Riiju-Lei: *gently holds his hand*
Nerevar: *smiles and squeezes it* though, now we’re a lot more than just friends.
Riiju-Lei: speaking of which… the reason we decided to leave for morrowind now is… we’re getting married.
Everyone: WHAT?!
Khash: b-but you promised I could be the flower girl!!
Riiju-Lei: and you will be Khash. When we come home and have a ceremony here that is.
Nerevar: because we both have such widely different pantheons and cultural rules, given he was raised in a nord household. We’ll get married in morrowind first and unify our houses.
Riiju-Lei: then come home and be married under the eyes of mara.
Khash: so? So I won’t miss out then?
Riiju-Lei: *smiles* no dear, I want you and all your brothers and sisters to be there. But morrowind is a very long trip away, and you really hate water. More than taliesin does I believe.
Taliesin: my stomach and I. HIGHLY, doubt that.
Khash: I do hate water… *plays with her shirt a little*
Riiju-Lei: Oh Khash… *pulls her into a hug* it’ll only be for a couple months dear. You won’t even notice we’re gone…
Khash: but that feels like forever… what will I do on my own?…
Riiju-Lei: you won’t be on your own Khash. *smiles* you’ll have Cary and Miraak, and Lydia and your brothers and sisters. You’re not on your own anymore little shadowscale…
Khash: *looks down shyly then back up at him* will you bring me back something pretty??
Riiju-Lei: *chuckles* yes Khash. I’ll keep an eye out for a bow maybe. Or a new dress. Maybe some interesting flowers we can grow here.
Khash: *gasps and claps her hands* Ohh! Yes please!!! *hugs onto him* but- wait. If you two are getting married… Mr nerevar what do I call you?
Nerevar: *smiles* whatever you’d like Khash. It’s not my place to demand a title from you. But I’ll raise you along side LeiLei, and I’ll love you and all your siblings as my own. Speaking of which- aren’t you? Playing hide and seek right now?
Khash: …I FORGOT I WAS IT!!!! *bolts out of the house scrambling to find the other kids*
Kaidan: *snickers* She’ll be okay… so… when are we leavin?
Nerevar: in a couple days. It should give everyone time to prepare. It’ll be a very long trip.
Lucien: I’ll write home tonight and- is there somewhere I can redirect my mail?
Nerevar: I’ll give you the address to the Mournhold post house. They collect all the correspondence for the temple separately for us.
Xelzaz: I? Temple? Sir?
Nerevar: of course, that’s where we’ll be staying mainly and we’ll travel from there. As head of house indoril and the Hortator it’s the seat of my kingdom. You’re all my welcomed guests.
Taliesin: Well then~ I’ll start packing~
Sero: Me living in a temple~ it’ll be a miracle if it doesn’t collapse on my head haha!
*Meanwhile in the bowels of the clockwork city*
Vivec: *steps into the main chamber after making light work of all the guards both flesh and metal* my, my… *removes his hood and mask, pacing around the room, staring at the mechanical corpse of sotha sil* what a number you’ve done to yourself my friend… *walks to it and pulls a ceremonial mask from his cloak, placing it onto the corpses face* no matter, let me put you back together… *takes muatra in his hand and slices his thumb with the tip, letting his blood drip into the open screaming maw of the mask* awaken back to this realm Seht, walk the waking dream once more so we may take ou-
Vivec: *looks around hearing the familiar voice of sotha sil* Seht?… *looks to the corpse but senses no life or response from it… before slowly glancing up to see the steam from the many pipes and valves forming into the shape of a dunmer* you… you promised… You promised we’d ascend together!!! Instead you left me here to fester in this body!!! You left almalexia to wither away with your disfigured corpse!!!
Sotha sil: *glares down at him, form twisting and shifting in the steam* That was before I saw the person you really were, Vehk. Before I saw the person she, really was… When we betrayed Nerevar we agreed it was for our people. For the betterment of our people… I held true to that promise and left them this city so I may continue to help them… you two. Fell to vanity. Greed. Lust. And power corrupted you both and when the heart began to fade from your grasp your true colours revealed themselves from beneath the grey and gold. Almalexia killing me was the last phase of my plan. By striking me down with the last of her power I ascended… please my friend. It is not too late for you to do the same… Don’t pursue this path… it will only lead to your end…
Vivec: *glares up at him gritting his teeth in anger* you knew she was coming to kill you… you planned this! You used her and left her to die!!
Sotha Sil: She made her choice even in her madness… If this is the path you wish to take Vivec… I will not help you… goodbye my friend *disappears as the steam suddenly evaporates*
Vivec: *steps back and laughs softly* you… h-heheh- you sneaky- FUCKING BASTARD!!! *runs muatra through his mechanical corpse ripping it from its now obsolete wires and framing letting it drop and shatter to the floor* I should have listened to alma and killed you when we did nerevar… *pulls another ceremonial mask from his cloak and looks around the chamber before spotting a pile of bones and armour nestled haphazardly in the corner of the room, her body just left there to decay by nerevar when he walked as the nerevarine* At least she’ll help me… *walks to the bones and gently places the mask on the skull before squeezing his blood into its mouth* Breathe life once more, walk the waking dream… *steps back watching as the bones begin to connect and sinewy tissue begins to worm and twist its way over them like hundreds of writhing worms that give way to muscles and organs before being covered in a dark, grey, flesh* Rise now. Almalexia.
Almalexia: *floats up from the ground, landing on her feet letting the mask drop to the floor revealing her new dunmer face* …Agh- *snaps her head back and gasps in a deep, long breath as she opens two, red eyes before bellowing out a roar like a wounded animal* NEREVAR!!
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