#and Lys calmly put his pants on and put him to sleep
mitsuki91 · 6 months
... Tonight I am haunted because there is NO WAY my mind came up with so much ansgty Coryo WTF- 😡
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nouearth · 11 months
baby-sitting for miguel o'hara.
miguel o'hara x m!reader headcanons.
part ii.
warnings: smut, perverted!miguel, stalker!miguel, top!miguel, bottom!male reader, small!male reader, weak!male reader, sir!kink, thoughts of sex, masturbation, fingering, spying, kinda dubcon (?), heavily focused on sweat and smelly musk (hehe).
notes: say hi to my first miguel story! i couldn't stop thinking about him ever since I rewatched the movie, tbh.
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—at first, miguel was rather reluctant to hire you for babysitting.
—your experience was almost non-existent, if it hadn’t been for that one time you babysat your nephew… eight years ago. of course, you left that part of information out.
—but miguel deemed you trustworthy, concluded that so even before he ran a background check on you.
—and so far, he seemed correct.
—on the first day, he was just as nervous as you were, leaving his precious and sacred gift to the world with a complete stranger—it was frightening and if he had the choice, he wouldn’t have done this.
—he would tell you about the cameras installed throughout the house—mostly for the safety of gabriella’s, but your well-being was also a considerate factor in this choice. 
—you were small, and if miguel said that you looked weak, you’d probably say a questionable thank you considering how quietly submissive you were towards him.
—later that first night, miguel knew he made the right choice in picking you (out of a measly three candidates, but still). 
—you managed to get gabriella to sleep by her bedtime, one routine that miguel still hadn’t figured out yet.
—but to be fair, babies woke up and slept according to their own terms, so did they really have a bedtime other than day, afternoon, and night?
—like the first night of many, you bid him goodbye after being paid.
—goodnight, sir! i’m pretty much free all summer until my semester starts, so if you need me on stand by or something… go crazy!
—all right, I’ll keep that in mind. 
—and… thank you.
—something ignited in him when you guys spoke. it must’ve been… what, your fourth interaction together? 
—the first few have been more formal—interviewing you, introducing you to gabriella, and checking up on you with a phone call. it was limited, a thick barrier that miguel would put up between you and him because it was work—just work.
—even though he sent you off fairly quick, the interaction was long enough for him study you like he never did before. 
—he never realized how handsome you were, optimism practically seeping from your smile to your voice. it was a stark contrast to his moodiness, strained by the constant amount of stress put on by work, and furthermore by an ongoing divorce case.
—but he liked you, more than he’d like to admit.
—miguel liked the way you would tuck your shirt into your pants. a younger version of him would’ve labelled you a nerd, church boy even.
—but he found it attractive when the fabric laid on your chest with the right amount of tightness—a slightest exposure that would have him staring for an embarrassing amount of time.
—he also found it attractive when the peak of summer closed in on you.
—one day, you would show up at his doorstep in shorts.
—you preferred walking. 
—no wonder you were so radiant to him, you practically soaked in the sun every day before you two would meet.
—sorry if i look like a mess, sir- i look gross, don’t i?
—that feeling in him returned again, churned like butter as he would watch the sweat calmly roll down your aching legs.
—i’d be lying if i told you no, wouldn’t i?
—you were a mess, miguel would go on to agree to himself. not because of the way your hair sparkled in the sun as it latched onto sweat—but because of the way you were completely oblivious to how you made him feel.
—it only grew stronger with subsequent meetings.
—you can use my shower, you know. it’s gotta be uncomfortable to be sweaty in those clothes for—what—eight hours?
—no, no! I’m fine, sir. i don’t think it would be right of me to-
—well, just throwing it out there in case you needed to. 
—next time, then!
—and the next time, you would carry an extra bag of clothes because you and miguel both knew the outcome.
—it was a proud moment when miguel could smell his body wash on you when you left that night.
—sure, he probably bought the most generic brand he could find. but he has never smelt that scent on you before, so it inflated his ego to know that you’d be walking home in his usual scent.
—sleeping in his scent.
—like every other night, a shower would mark the end of miguel’s day. it was his favorite pastime—all thoughts were left behind as soon as he stepped under the shower head, letting the warm spray of water wash him of stress.
—when he stepped out, something caught his eye in the corner of the tiled floor—something blue.
—your briefs. 
—you forgot to take your briefs with you because you were rushing when you heard gabriella suddenly cry.
—it would’ve been off-putting by anyone else, but this was you.
—this was your briefs, miguel would then hold up like a trophy. a piece of fabric that would contain and cover you—touch your most vulnerable parts.
—with the current feelings miguel had for you, it would’ve been a missed opportunity if he simply threw it in the washer.
—so, he doesn’t.
—11 am. where miguel would usually find himself sleeping by this hour—he was inhaling the scent of your musk instead, scrunching your sweat-stained briefs to his face as he jerked off in bed.
—in all honestly, he was ashamed to admit that he loved the smell of your sweat.
—but miguel would nonetheless take deep whiffs, desperate to smell you in your most vulnerable state.
—and he comes at the very last second when he can.
—it wasn’t enough for him though, so miguel doesn’t waste a single second to jerk himself off again—his cum lubing his sensitive cock up with a generous amount of stickiness and slick.
—good morning, sir!
—(m/n), i thought i said that you can call me miguel?
—oh… right! sorry, that completely slipped my mind. i must’ve forgotten.
—never stop forgetting, miguel muttered to himself, fucking his heavy cock into  the depth of your briefs.
—he loved the way you called him sir. it made him feel authoriative and only fueled his want and need to protect you—you and your weak body. 
—you’d be powerless if something were to happen to you, and the chances of that happening were well in your wits since you continued to insist on walking home.
—unbeknownst to you, every night miguel would follow you in the shadows—an undisclosed bodyguard of some sort—until you reached home.
—even then, he wasn’t fully relaxed because most crimes always took place domestically.
—he would watch you from below, through your window, for quite some time, making sure your parents’ house was a danger-free zone. 
—and it wasn’t until you took your pants off and began stroking yourself through those same blue briefs, that he was finally at peace. 
—fuck... miguel stopped fucking into your briefs to take another whiff of the fabric until his nostrils stung—a mixture of you and him together now. 
—the fabric clung around miguel’s cock as his thick precum was the only glue that pieced him and the presence of you together. 
—he would think back to how you would suck on two of your fingers as you stroked yourself to nothing but lewd thoughts—your eyes tightly closed to visualize your perverted mind into reality. 
—what are you thinking about? who are you thinking about? is it me? are you thinking about my cock?
—the air in his bedroom has gotten heavier, thick with sex as he sweated under the cloud of you fingering yourself with the clumsiest yet neediest precision.
—he spat on his cock to slick it up again—because he could go on for hours—replaying back to the night where he watched you completely juxtapose with the innocent image he had of you prior.
—your hips were lifted up, legs awkwardly bent back as you dug into yourself, working your hole open deeper with one, then two, then three fingers because—miguel was right. like a spell, you were thinking of him and his cock.
—he had to be big, you were so sure of it. the fact that you strained your neck from looking up at him was a telling sign that he was, as ignorant as that was.
—and you were practically drooling at the thought of his cock stuffing you with the most fulfilling amount of pain and pleasure.
—you’d want him to be ruthless with you and show no mercy as he couldn’t care less about the way you whimpered and cried out for him to stop.
—fucking you from behind as his strong arms held you in a headlock, applying pressure that would frighten a choke out of you.
—because you were nothing but his fuck toy.
—it was all overwhelming for miguel on that night, almost too good to be true and he had to squeeze his cock through his sweats to make sure this was reality.
—you would confirm that it was, with the image of you coming all over your chest and stomach, all to the pathetic plunging of your fingers.
—and miguel does too, coming powerfully, to the point of shudders running down his broad back, into a part of your briefs where it would hold your own dick because he wants his smell to be imprinted on you, inked deep into your flesh.
—until you smelled like his.
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nouearth. please do not repost, plagiarize, or translate my works. and if you like this story, please reblog and leave a like!
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multifandomgirl08 · 2 months
Be Something You'll Love and Understand [Mini Verstappen Series]
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Dad!Max Verstappen x Daniel Ricciardo (Platonic)
Summary: He knew that he should have called his mom yesterday but he was still wrapping his head around the idea of being a father.
Warning(s): N/A
A/N: This is set the day after the Prologue.
Title taken from Simple Man originally by Lynyrd Skynyrd covered by Shinedown.
Words: 1.6k
Previous Part → Next Part Mini Verstappen Masterlist
Max had never felt more sleep-deprived in his life. Even staying up for a 24-hour endurance race had never made him this tired.
Daniel had been at his apartment last night helping him with Nico. He helped Max order formula, clothing, and diapers. Most of it would be delivered today. Both he and Daniel had to look up instructions on how to make the formula out of powder and warm water, and then how to put the bottles together so that Nico could eat.
Right now he was running on less than 8 hours of sleep, and Daniel was sitting on his couch with Nico who was finally asleep after a diaper change and a bottle that he didn’t end up screwing the portion size up.
He pulled his phone out of the front pocket of his pants and dialed his mom. He knew that he should have called her yesterday but he was still wrapping his head around this whole thing.
He let the phone ring in his ear for a few seconds before he heard the dial tone come to an end. “Mum?” He asked.
“Max?” She questioned back. The sound of her voice made some of the tightness in his shoulders go away.
“I… I need your help.”
“What’s going on Max?” He could hear the unmistakable sound of concern in her voice. It was something that he was still growing used to at times after not having remembered much of the time that he got to spend with her when he was a child.
“You remember Amelia?” Max’s eyes fell over the open letter that laid face up on his coffee table. Her scribbled words ran through his head. You’re the best thing for him. He had taken to finally reading it when Nico had managed to fall asleep around 4 am.
“Yes,” She started to say.
“She, she was pregnant when we ended things. I didn’t know, she never told me.” He started with. He was trying his best not to break down into tears. “Mum, she left me the baby.”
Sophie said nothing to him for a few moments before he heard, “Oh Max.”
“I don’t know what to do. Daniel has been helping me since I found out yesterday.”
“Here’s what’s going to happen.” She calmly said. “I’m going to pack a bag, and then I’m going to take the first flight that I can to get over there.”
Max just nodded even though his mother couldn’t see. “Has the baby eaten?” She asked.
“He ate an hour ago, Daniel finally managed to get him to sleep.” Max could hear the distant sound of typing through the phone.
“That’s good. Let him sleep for as long as possible. You and Daniel can take turns with him, and nap in between until I get there.” 
“Mum?” He half asked.
“Yeah, Maxy?”
“Thank you, I love you.” She was dropping everything to fly to Monaco to help him with this. She didn’t have to do it. She could have just stayed home and tried to help him with this from a distance.
“I love you too, I should be there in a couple of hours. My flight should get in by 4, I’ll take a cab so you don’t have to pick me up. Okay?” Max tried to find the clock on the wall and saw he would only have to wait 5 hours until his mother would be here.
After getting off the phone with Sophie, Max was able to get some sleep. It wasn’t much, he had been awake when Daniel had gone up to his apartment to grab a change of clothes, Max’s eyes started to feel heavy as he was lying on the couch. At some point he woke up, forcing his eyes open to see Nico still on his chest, and the clock read 4:29 pm.
He could hear the sound of keys banging against the front door to his apartment before the door opened fully.
“He’ll be happy to see you.” He heard from Daniel. “He’s out of his element with this.”
He couldn’t hear his mother’s response, but he did see her dark hair from where he was lying on the couch.
“He was still sleeping when I went to let you in.” Max could hear the wheels from what he could only assume was his mother’s suitcase.
“Max?” Sophie asked, looking out into the living room. He tried to move up the couch without moving Nico. As he tried to sit up, Nico let out a disgruntled whimper.
He met the eyes of his mother and could see the shock in her eyes. It was one thing for him to tell her that he had a child but another to see him with a baby swaddled into his chest.
“Hi Mum,” He did his best to move Nico into the crook of his arm. He didn’t want to wake him, but he did want to sit up on the couch.
Sophie made her way over to him leaving her bag by Daniel. She moved to sit next to him before peering into the bundle of blankets to see the little boy sleeping. She said nothing as she looked at Nico.
“Can I hold him?” She asked.
Max didn’t even have to think about moving Nico into her arms. He saw her lean back into the couch and then placed Nico into her arms. He could tell from the look on his mom’s face that she was a little shocked to be holding a baby that he had a part in creating.
In the background, Max heard Daniel mention something about putting Sophie’s bag in the guest room before leaving the two of them in the living room.
“How are you managing?” She asked. Max couldn’t help but slightly shake his head.
“Not well,” If his mother wasn’t holding Nico he would have put his head into her lap. He wanted to tell her what Jos had done, but he also didn’t want more bad blood between his parents. It was only in the last few years after he turned 18 that his parents had finally managed to co-exist with each other peacefully.
“What are you not telling me?” His mother knew him too well.
“Dad…” He tried to start saying, “He knew about Nico. He tried to pay Amelia off so I wouldn’t know about him.”
Sophie said nothing, she just kept rocking Nico in her arms for a few moments.
“Was it because of her… or was it about you racing?” Max knew that she didn’t really have to ask.
“You already know the answer.” He said flatly.
“Well, I’m sure to him he was doing what he thought was right by your career.” Max knew that his mother didn’t have to defend Jos or take his side on things. Was Max horrible for wanting her to tell him that Jos was out of line for making choices for him? Max was 22, he didn’t need his father going behind his back and making choices for him that he didn’t agree with.
“But what about what’s right for him?” Max gestured to Nico.
His mother gave him a soft smile, “Well, as his father. It’s up to you to figure out what you think that’ll be as he grows up.”
Max felt like he could start spilling all of the things that he didn’t want to do as a parent, every possible insecurity that he had, and the concerns about how all of this was going to work in the long run.
Max was grateful that Nico was in Sophie’s arms while the thoughts were running through his mind.
“How’s he doing, sleeping, eating?” Sophie gestured to her arms. Max started to talk about Nico’s odd sleep schedule. Every three hours almost on the clock he needed to either eat or sleep. 
Max talked about the formula mishap, he had given Nico only three ounces, then he was still crying because he was hungry. Max made more but Nico only drank a bit not finishing the rest of the bottle.
When Nico started to get fussy, Max moved to the kitchen assuming that he wanted to eat, but instead, Sophie stuck her nose right up to Nico’s diaper and declared he needed to be changed. Max pulled out the diaper bag that Nico came with, finding the last two diapers left. Sophie had asked for a soft towel since they would be changing Nico on the couch since Max didn’t have a changing table.
Sophie oversaw as Max changed Nico’s diaper, only suggesting to not strap him into it so tight, after all, it was a diaper, not a racing seat with five-point harness. Max got it right leaving a two finger space in the front before snapping the bottom of Nico’s onesie back in place.
“Have you figured out how you are going to manage your schedule and him?” Sophie had asked after Daniel had offered to order all of them dinner.
“Not yet, I thought a nanny for when I am not home but for now, I can take care of him until I have to leave for promo in February.”
“That’s smart,” Daniel said. “Gives you a few months with ‘em before the season.”
Sophie gave Daniel a soft smile.
“I’ll stay with you until you find someone you like.” Sophie was quick to offer.
“Mum, no.” He immediately protested. Victoria just had Luka and his mom should be back in Belgium helping her, not worrying about him.
“I know what you’re thinking, but Victoria has Tom. You need me right now, just until you find a nanny and figure out a schedule for my grandson.” Sophie looked over to the couch where Nico was lying between a few pillows. He was fast asleep for now having just finished a full bottle of formula at the correct portion size.
He wanted to protest again, stating that he could figure it out. Sophie gave him a soft but stern look that he read as, I’m not leaving, deal with it.
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Mini Verstappen taglist: @karmabyfernando, @barcagirly, @sachaa-ff, @iamahallucinationnn, @musingsbyshreya, @glow-ish, @nonsensical-nonsence, @fanboyluvr, @champomiel, @gothicwidowsworld, @lighttsoutlewis, @itsalwaysgay, @minkyungseokie, @mynameisangeloflife, @ursforever129, @aundercover, @bborra, @mindless-rock, @cixrosie, @barcelonaloverf1life, @taylorslovesswifties13, @konsti081, @mellowarcadefun, @smnthnclj, @brekkers-whore, @lpab, @thedecalcomania-blog, @xoscar03, @em-gvf01, @haikyuen
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itsjustrosee · 1 month
hihiii !! could you maybe do a highschool au minho x fem!reader fic based on the song "wet dreamz" by j. cole?
i've always loved that song and always wanted to see a fic based on the story in it ahhhh
bro I kid u not that is literally my favorite fucking song YES I WILL DO THIS. this gotta be one of my fav requests
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Wet Dreamz (Minho x fem!reader)
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Context: Tmr highschool au, listen to Wet Dreamz by J. Cole, that's what this fic is based on, (the song is a bit 18+ jus letting yall know)
Warnings: Spice, smut, and cursing
Word count: 4.4k
! I proof read but there might still be spelling mistakes !
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Minhos heart beat quickly while you gently and slowly removed your shirt, revealing the white laced bra you had on underneath. Minho's breath hitched and the boner in his pants hardened as you began taking off your shorts in front of him. Clothes scattered the floor as Minho looked at you up and down, his eyes staying on your body as if trying to commit the image of it to his memory.
Stepping towards him, you guided his motions and helped him remove his shirt. Minho griped your hips gently as he brought you closer to him, putting you on his lap as you wrapped your legs around his waist, and your arms around his neck. Minho leaned in first and merged his lips onto yours.
Your tounges worked in unison as they began pushing and pulling apart with each other. The tension in the room was heavy and thick as you both continued to kiss each other, becoming more desperate and needy. Minho could feel himself grow harder under you and he couldn't wait to get more of you.
Before the situation could escalate any further, you pulled away, looking Minho in the eyes as you began to speak. "Minho," you whispered calmly and softly into his ear.
"Yeah?" Minho asked with a slight hesitation in his voice. He wasn't even sure of what he wanted to hear you say exactly, but he was hoping that it would be along the lines of you wanting to go further with him.
Everything at that moment felt like a haze as you brought your face back to look at him. As you opened your mouth, Minho expected to hear your voice and the words he so desperately wanted to hear you say, but instead, he heard the opening cords of the Eye of the Tiger by Survivor, ringing in his ears.
Suddenly Minho woke up, drenched in sweat as he jolted up from his sleep. His heart beat fast as he looked around his room, but you were nowhere to be found. Eventually, his brain caught up with him, realizing what had happened.
It wasn't the first time he had had a wet dream, and it definitely wasn't the first time he had had a wet dream with you in it. He sighed as he shut off the alarm on his nightstand, which was gifted to him by Thomas, who had somehow programmed it to play Minho's favorite song instead of a boring old alarm. However, the song was starting to become increasingly more irritating each and every morning.
As Minho got dressed and brushed his teeth, getting ready for school, his mind couldn't help but wander back to you.
You were another senior in Minho's grade and he only shared one class with you. Math. Even though Minho was a relatively smart kid, he hated math. I mean, who didn't? But the only thing that made up for it was the fact you were in his class.
Minho would be lying if he said he didn't have a crush on you. He'd also be lying if he said that whenever you were near him his heart skipped a beat and his cheeks reddened, but it's not like he could help it. You were gorgeous. The way your long (H/C) hair fell over your shoulder when you spoke, or how it swayed when you walked, was enough to make Minho pass out. You had a slim and fit figure that Minho couldn't help but fantasize about. Let alone that, but you also had an ass that made people look once the first time, then do a double-take to see if it was even real.
It's not like Minho only liked you for your looks though. There was so much more to you than that. You were probably one of the funniest people Minho had ever met, and you also had the personality of an angel. The way spoke could make any guy faint after hearing it, and Minho almost did after hearing you talk to him for the first time during class.
It was early September when Minho stepped into math class on the first day of school. He walked through the door, looked at the seating chart, and sat down. When you walked into the room, Minho's eyes were on you and only you as you stepped towards the teacher's desk, asking her something that he wasn't able to make out. He was lost in thought as his mind began racing, so when you came over and asked him something he didn't even hear you the first time.
"Hello?" You spoke and Minho's heart melted after hearing your voice.
"Oh hey. Sorry did you ask me something?" Minho said, his mind finally beginning to catch up with him again. He took a moment to get a better look at you as he realized you must've been a new student because trust me, he would've been able to recognize a face and a smile that beautiful from a mile away.
"Yeah, I did, but it's alright." You said with a chuckle while pausing for a moment before continuing, "Are you Minho? Mrs. Johnson told me that's who I was sitting next to." You spoke while referring to the teacher sitting at the front of the room who began to stand up, eager to start her lesson.
"Yeah, that's me. And you would be?" Minho asked as you began to sit at the desk next to his. Minho thanked every god there was that for some miraculous reason, you were assigned to sit next to him.
"I'm (Y/N). It's nice to meet you Minho." You said while giving him a warm smile that made Minho's cheeks flush.
Ever since that moment, Minho and you only grew closer. Talking to each other so much during math to the point where the teacher got so mad that you both were forced to communicate through passing notes.
But that wasn't the only thing that had grown since then. Minho's feelings for you grew more and more intense every single day and he didn't know how much longer he could try and hide them for.
"Minho!" Newt exclaimed as he nudged Minho's shoulder, snapping him back into reality.
"Jesus Newt what is it?" Minho asked as he rubbed his eyes with his hands and readjusted himself in his chair as he sat up further. His mind began to come back to him as he reevaluated his surroundings, remembering that he was in the library with Newt. They had both made the habit of visiting the library during their free period to work on schoolwork or to just talk with each other.
"I literally called your name like five times." Newt said with a scoff before looking at Minho dumbfounded, "Dude we're supposed to be working on that project we have in Latin?" Newt says while trying to catch his daydreamer of a friend back up.
"Oh shit right," Minho replies with a sudden realization. "Sorry man, my mind has just been somewhere else today," Minho said with a sigh as he took out a binder from his bag on the ground to the left of him, setting it on the table he and Newt were currently sitting at.
Newt, who was to the right of him sitting in his own chair, rolled his eyes before speaking again, "Right, and when you say 'somewhere else' you really just mean off thinking about (Y/N) right?" Newt questions with a smirk on his face while Minho glares at him.
"Oh fuck off Newt," Minho says while looking at Newt, who appears to be too busy staring behind Minho than at him. Minho turns around to see you walking over and immediately his face reddens. He prayed that you hadn't heard what he and Newt had been talking about just a moment before.
Newt shot Minho a look as you walked between the both of them, your voice making Minho melt as you spoke, "Hi Minho, Hi Newt. What are you guys up to?"
"Oh uh- nothing much, I was just working on our Latin project," Minho said with an awkward smile while running his fingers through his hair.
You gave him a nob but before you could reply Newt spoke, "You mean I was working on our Latin project while you were busy daydreaming." Newt said with a chuckle, a wolfish grin spread across his face as Minho began to stare daggers at him. His gaze radiated 'Say one more thing Newt and I swear to god I will kill you'.
You replied with a giggle as you began to explain, "God I am the same way. I'm sure my chem partner hates me." turning to look at Minho with a warm and sympathetic smile that made Minho's heart skip one too many beats. He often wondered how you could just effortlessly make Minho's heart quicken and mind spin. Maybe you had some sort of superpower. Minho wasn't quite too sure what it was.
Minho chuckled in response to your statement. How could anyone ever hate a girl like you? He thought to himself, though he knew better to than to say something like that aloud.
Minho hears you mumbling a curse under your breath as you take your phone out of your pocket and look at the time. "Oh shit- I totally forgot that I promised I'd meet Brenda at her locker during her free." You say while fumbling with your phone and Minho sees you presumably shooting a quick apology text to her before putting it away. "I gotta go before she gets even more mad at me, but it was nice seeing you guys." You explain while giving Newt a wave goodbye.
You take a couple steps around Minho to his left and right before you are about to keep walking away, you stop to put your hand on his shoulder.
"I'll see you next period." You say with a smile while giving Minho's shoulder a quick squeeze and Minho can only smile in reply as the words he planned on says got caught in his throat.
As you removed your hand from his shoulder, Minho could only watch as you walked away. Was that real? Was he dreaming again? He rubbed his hand on the back of his neck, wondering if you even knew how your actions had such an effect on him.
Newt once again knocked Minho out of his thoughts with his patronizing laugh, "God you're down horrendously for her."
"Shut up"
"You should tell her how you feel. That's all I'm saying," Newt said while putting his hands up in innocents.
"Yeah maybe. But I don't think she'd like me back." Minho sighed as he spoke, clearly defeated. He would want nothing more than to tell you how he felt but the fear of rejection was definitely holding him back.
"No, she would Minho," Newt says with certainty before continuing, "It's so obvious with how she looks at you."
"Really," Newt confirms after giving Minho an encouraging smile as he puts his binder and other random scattered papers back into his bag.
"OK then. I think I'm going to tell her." Minho says while smiling to himself as he too puts away his binder and anything else he had taken out of his bag.
The bell rings as Newt and Minho get out of their seats and walk out of the main library doors and into the hall. Before Newt and Minho can go their separate ways Newt speaks, "Go get 'em tiger" He says with a chuckle as he pats Minho on the back.
Minho says his goodbye and walks away chuckling but then the realization sets in. Shit, he had math this period. If he was going to tell you how he felt he would be doing it then.
And now Minho was slightly freaking out.
He calmed his nerves as much as he could as he walked into the classroom and over to the pair of desks you both sat at. Of course, you were already there, greeting Minho with a warm smile as he sat down.
You both started to make small talk about each other's days and the math homework before the period started but once the second bell rang, your math teacher glared at the both of you to stop talking. But that never really meant that you guys stopped talking.
You pulled out a piece of paper and a pencil and you began to write on it. And this had become a normal occurrence for you both, almost a routine of sorts.
One of you would get out a piece of paper and jot something down so you could continue your conversation that way. Most of the time you guys talked about random stuff, or maybe gossiped about the people in our grade, but it wasn't really anything beyond that.
Minho couldn't tell if this was going to make things easier or harder for him to confess to you. But before Minho could stress himself out any further, you slid the note to him. After his eyes skimmed what you had written, he wondered if he was actually going crazy.
The note read: have you ever had sex before?
Minho read it ten times over to see if he had actually read it properly the first time. He wondered if his scrambled fucking brain was just starting to imagine things, but after looking at it for the 15th time he realized it wasn't his mind playing tricks on him.
Minho glanced over to you as he began to reply but you weren't looking at him, though he could still make out the slight blush on your cheeks and the shy smile that tugged on the ends of your mouth.
As Minho grabbed a pencil from his bag he began to reply. In this scenario, he thought the best option was to lie his ass off. Who knew what you were going to do if he said no.
Minho slid the paper back over to you which now had another sentence below where you had previously written, stating: Of course I have, I'm like a pro.
Minho was trying to make the situation slightly more joking because he didn't know what else to do. He was trying his hardest to play it cool. For all he knew, you would reply with a joke back because he still wasn't sure if you were being serious. Minho's anticipation for a response grew more and more as he waited.
Finally, you slid the note in Minho's direction once more. The note read: Oh so you're a pro? I want you to show me. then a line below that, you continued: My parents are gone for the weekend, so maybe you could come over Saturday?
Minho couldn't believe his eyes. Not at all. Were you joking with him? I mean, even if it was just a joke, he might as well play along, right?
Sounds like a plan, Minho wrote back on the paper and handed it over to you. Once you read it, you looked at him for the first time since this note conversation began and smiled at him. Minho watched as you folded the paper away and put it in your pocket, returning your attention to the lesson.
Ok so now, Minho was mentally pissing himself. Though you were one to make jokes, You'd never tried to make any jokes about this type of thing. Minho could tell though that you were actually being serious.
For the rest of the duration of the class, you and Minho whispered hushed conversations to each other instead of note-passing and thankfully your teacher hadn't noticed. Your conversations continued like usual and by the time class and school were over, Minho thought that he dreamed the whole situation up. That was until he received a text message from you, telling him to be over tomorrow at 8. You didn't need to tell Minho where you lived because you've been to each other's houses to study for upcoming math quizzes/ tests, so you didn't mention anything about it in the text you sent.
After staring at the text for about ten minutes, Minho came to his senses and actually realized that this whole thing was going to happen. That still didn't stop him from stressing out about it though.
I mean he hasn't even gotten past second base, and now he was going to lose his V-card to you? Not only that but he literally lied about not being a virgin in the first place.
Minho sighed as he lay down on his bed, staring up at the ceiling. It's not like he hasn't watched his fair share of pornos, he obviously knows what to do, but that's not what was worrying him. He couldn't be happier than to have his first time with you, that was for sure. And if you wanted to have sex with him, that would mean you had to have some sort of romantic interest in him, right? Minho's main concern was whether he'd be good enough. What if he was terrible and you never wanted to talk to him again?
Minho took a deep breath in and exhaled deeply as he stared back at his phone. Nothing would go his way if he kept overthinking it.
I'll be there, he texted back.
Minho's heart beat fast as he pulled his car into your driveway at 8. Before he left, he called and told Newt what was going on, and obliviously, he freaked the hell out. It was safe to say that that didn't help Minho's nerves. After the initial shock, Newt gave him a quick pep talk and now he was actually feeling relatively confident.
As Minho walked out of the car and up to your front door, nervously fiddling with his sweatpants pocket to make sure that he had remembered to bring condoms. He knocked once on the door and after a couple seconds, you answered it and welcomed him in with a warm smile.
"I'm glad you could come." You say while leading Minho inside.
"I'm glad you invited me," Minho said with a smirk as he followed you. On the way upstairs and to your room, you got into your usual small talk with each other, and Minho didn't feel nearly as much pressure as he had before.
You eventually came down the hallway and stopped in front of your room. You twisted the knob and opened the door, walking in front of Minho as he followed. This wasn't Minho's first time in your room and it almost felt normal as you sat down on your bed crisscross apple sauce, patting the space next to you indicating for Minho to sit down.
There was a small moment of silence as Minho sat down next to you. Minho noticed there was very little space between the both of you as he turned his head to look at you, propping your arms behind you on the bed while you sat. Minho realized that there was something about you he just couldn't describe. It's as if words failed to properly explain how beautiful you were in his eyes. Maybe it was your eyes and how their vibrant color glistened even when they weren't in the light.
"What are you staring at, huh?" You said playfully, tilting your head while turning to look at Minho.
"You're just really beautiful," Minho replied, the words coming out before he could even understand what he was saying.
You leaned closer, putting your hand on his cheek, thumb lightly rubbing his freshly shaven skin as you spoke, "Do you say that to every girl before you're about to sleep with them?" a grin spreading across your face as you asked.
"Nope, only with the ones I really like," Minho said as he joked with you.
You chuckled in reply as Minho put his hand over yours. He twisted his torso to get a better angle of you. It was quiet for a moment before anyone did anything else. Minho quickly broke that silence by leaning into you, merging your lips with his, and you reciprocated it quite quickly. The kiss was gentle and passionate as he continued, savoring what it felt like to be so intimate with you.
You held the kiss as you swung your legs over Minho, straddling him as you did so. Minho moved his hands under your shirt and up your back, sending waves of electricity coursing through you. You moved your hand on his cheek to the back of his neck, playing with strands of Minho's black hair as you did so. Your other arm found its way up Minho's shirt, tracing each one of his defined muscles delicately.
Minho only melted into your touch further as the kiss continued. He became more hungry and desperate as you allowed him to slip his tongue into your mouth. He kissed you like his life depended on it as if he was just dreaming and he could wake up any moment.
After tugging on the hem of his shirt, Minho pulled it off, your shirt coming off as well, not too soon after. Minho became drunk from the skin-to-skin contact and he could already feel himself harden under you.
Minho broke away from the kiss first, leaving the both of you breathless as he flipped you over so your entire body was on the bed, Minho positioned himself over you. His hands were placed on either side of you and he was on his knees, in between yours. You smirked at the sudden control Minho was taking, and he viewed that as a sign to keep going, so he did.
He kissed you once more, his lips biting down on your bottom lip as they traveled down your jaw and your collarbone. You took your shorts off, revealing your white lace panties before you turned your attention to Minho's pants. You unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them down. Minho got the hint soon after and pulled them down all the way, tossing them over the side of the bed before continuing where he left off, giving you hickeys all over your neck. You moaned as he sucked at the sensitive parts of your neck and collarbone, which only make Minho get even harder than he was before.
You notice how hard Minho has gotten and you take your hand, gently tugging on the waistband of his boxers, pulling them down far enough for his cock to spring free. You lick your hand and begin slowly rubbing Minho up and down, a soft groan escapes Minho's mouth as you do.
"Minho," You say, your voice breaking slightly.
"Yeah?" Minho asks while looking up at you, a little worried that he may have been taking things too fast.
"I-I want you." You reply while putting your hand on his cheek again.
Minho could only grin as you said this and he quickly bent over the side of the bed and grabbed a condom from his discarded jeans pocket. He ripped open the packaging, sliding the condom on as he pulled your panties to the side. He began aligning himself with your entrance but before he did anything he looked back at you.
"Wait Minho." you said before continuing, "I know you've done this before, but this is my first time," you explained, slightly embarrassed to admit it.
"Don't be worried baby, I'll be gentle I promise," Minho said into your ear as he slowly pushed into you.
You moaned loudly as your walls stretched as he entered you further. Your pain and discomfort quickly turned into pleasure as he entered you fully. He kept one of his hands on your hip and the other holding your hand above your head You kept your hand securely around his back as you arched into him. You loved the way he made you feel, and as his thrusts began slowly, you couldn't get enough of it.
"You're doing perfect sweetheart," Minho muttered into your ear as he continued. As he kept thrusting, he kept letting you know how well you were taking him. He loved praising you and letting you know how good you were doing, which only made you feel even more turned on.
Minho sped up his pace slightly and he could already feel himself get closer and closer to his climax and by the way he felt you tightening around him, he could tell you were close too.
"Minho I'm close," you moan as he continues to pound into you.
With one final thrust, both you and Minho finished at the same time. You moaned loudly and Minho felt a wave of ecstasy crash over him as he kept his cock in you for a few moments after finishing. He pulled out gently and took off his condom, tying a knot around the top and throwing it in the trash can in the corner of your room. Minho grabbed his boxers and pulled them back up as he towered over you, standing on his knees with his back straight.
Minho kissed you on the forehead then got up from the bed quickly and grabbed a washcloth from your bathroom. He came back out from the bathroom with a damp washcloth in his hand as he got back onto the bed, repositioning himself in between you. He opened your legs and began to clean you up, which shocked you because you hadn't even known after-care this nice even existed.
"Thank you," you muttered shyly as Minho tossed the washcloth into your hamper and readjusted your panties.
"Of course baby," Minho said, giving you another kiss while lying down next to you. You turned onto your side towards Minho, resting your hands on his chest while he wrapped an arm around your shoulder. He pulled your covers up and over the both of you with his free hand.
"So I'm guessing you wouldn't mind staying the night?" You ask while looking up at Minho, a small smile forming at the edges of your mouth.
"If you want me to," Minho said, his voice hopeful.
"Well obviously I'd want you to, what kind of question is that?" You said with a giggle as you looked into Minho's pretty brown eyes.
"Alright then, I just was just making sure." Minho replied, chuckling back with you, "So I'm guessing you had a good first time?"
"I had the best time." You said with a genuine smile, making Minho's heart tug at the strings.
"I'm glad." Minho sighed while kissing you on the forehead once more. He stroked your upper arm with his thumb as you rested your head on his chest. Your eyes fluttered close and you'd fallen asleep, and before Minho could realize it, he began to drift off as well.
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Ok guys here is YET ANOTHER minho fic, per request. I'm sorry if it seems a bit rushed, But otherwise, I gotta say I'm pretty happy with how things turned out. considering it was a bit difficult to actually piece this whole story together and make it make sense with the song. If that makes sense. Lmao
Thank you again for all the support yall have been giving me, reading your comments fills me with sm joy you have no idea.
Btw I have seen all of your requests and I promise I'm getting to them!
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gatitties · 9 months
A day off with Kunimi
Manager Miniseries
─Aoba Josai x fem!reader
─Summary: You're not in the mood for training and Kunimi seems to be on the same line of thought as you
─Warnings: none
12 < 13 > 14
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You were walking calmly to school, very sleepy, you almost fell or crashed on the street several times, it had not been a good choice to stay up late watching movies. You had no choice but to endure the morning, or that was what you had planned to do if it weren't for a certain first year boy, who was kicking a can with an ass face outside the gym.
"Where has Kunimi gone? Also why is (Nn) so late?"
Oikawa's voice echoed throughout the place, you and Kunimi could hear the team's confusion due to the silence at the entrance, both looked at each other without wanting to enter. Kunimi was the first to step forward, grabbing your hand to get out of there, trying not to let them hear the footsteps. A light laugh escaped your lips, thinking that you would no longer have to suffer being among a bunch of sweaty boys today, you mentally thanked your junior, tightening the grip on your clasped hands.
"I'm sorry for dragging you, I just figured you didn't feel like putting up with training today either."
"No, It's ok, I think I'll run away with you today."
He just nodded and you walked to a cafe near the high school, at your request, you were going to die of sleep if you didn't drink some caffeine immediately. When you left there you two decided to walk near the school, although finally ended up leaving, skipping a day wouldn't hurt.
"Where do you want to go?"
"Honestly, my house, but it's far away and I'm lazy."
You laughed at how sincere he was, then he thought that walking through a small market that wasn't that far away would be good, since you could entertain with the things they sold there. When you arrived, you tried on some oddly shaped glasses from a small stall, you forced Kunimi to put on the typical glasses with a fake mustache to take a photo.
He just sighed every time you stopped to look at any absurdity, like children's toys or flashy things. He only stopped when he was in front of a sweets stand, they sold a lot of different types, but he only noticed some in particular, salted caramels, they were his favorite. You noticed ir and smiled, buying several of those candies, sharing them with him, which at first he refused but then agreed to take some.
He had to hold your hand so you wouldn't get lost among so many people, he was getting tired of being there, especially because there was more and more crowd and it was becoming difficult to walk down the narrow street without crashing into someone. In fact, at the end of the street someone pushed you so hard that you even knocked Kunimi to the ground.
"Oh fu-, look where you're going, you idiot!" The lack of sleep mixed with the stress of all those people made you explode, but your focus was on Kunimi who was cleaning his pants "I'm sorry, someone pushed me, are you okay?"
"Don't worry, it hasn't been much different from when we have to do dives in training"
He feigned disinterest, even finding a funny point to the accident, you sighed at his attitude. You finished seeing things, deciding to stay in a park sitting next to a pond, watching the ducks fight to get a piece of bread that an old woman threw them.
"What a beautiful couple."
You two looked at the old lady, you had not realized that you were still holding hands and you separated immediately, causing the lady to laugh, after the embarrassing scene you left there, tyou had had enough.
"Okay, now I really want to go home, want to come?"
He wasn't going to stand walking from one place to another aimlessly anymore so you simply went to the boy's house, who just wanted to rest lying in his bed with some good blankets and a movie, even if you accompanied him it didn't bother him, at this point he just want to rest and do nothing.
He let out a contented sigh as he closed the door to his house, telling you where to leave your slippers while you got used to the hospitality of Kunimi's house. As you spent the morning walking around the market, you arrived just around lunchtime, although no one was home, and you had to improvise something, that is, you ordered something for delivery. While the food arrived, you started arguing about what movie to watch, because you are both iPad kids and you need to watch something while you eat.
"For the last time I'm not going to watch Barbie of Swan Lake or Meet the Robinsons."
You sighed exhaustedly, thinking about other movies, a light bulb went off in your head, and you decided to play an old reliable, Home Alone. Kunimi brought a couple of blankets, at some point in the movie you were practically hugging. Halfway through the movie his mother burst in, mocking her son for bringing a girl home, commenting on what an adorable couple you made. Kunimi had to kick her out because his mother and you started talking about him when he was a baby, because she show you an old photo. The movies ─because you decided to see a couple more─ went by so fast that you didn't even realize that it was already quite late.
"Honey, why don't you offer my future daughter-in-law a stay over?"
Everyone there knew that this was not a question but a statement, rather, an order. You almost choked upon hearing her, even though she was just teasing you, you went on to join forces at dinner to embarrass Kunimi instead, that family album can be a real danger in your hands.
"Leave the door open Akira!"
He rolled his eyes as guided you to the bathroom, lending you a change of clothes so could sleep comfortably. You could only laugh, deciding that you had had enough for today, you threw onto the bed next to Kunimi to rest, staring at the ceiling in silence listening to the little sound that came from Kunimi's phone, the first yawn was the signal for you to decide to go to sleep once and for all, you raised your leg, hitting the boy's foot.
"Good night Kunimi."
You smiled as you closed your eyes, taking seconds to fall into your deepest dreams, hoping that today is not the day you start talking in your sleep. He looked at you for a few seconds before putting down the phone and turning off the light without wanting to stay up late, tomorrow it wouldn't be so easy to escape from training taking into account the number of ignored messages in the team's group chat.
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flowerandblood · 1 year
The White Flame (Part 7)
[modern! rockstar • Aemond Targaryen x fem!reader]
[warnings: sex content, smut, domination kink, sexual tension, fluff]
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[description: Aemond is the bassist of the band whose leader and vocalist is his brother. The whole band decides to use the marketing and design help of their guitarist's friend. The story is an interweaving of domination, desire and slowly burning feeling.]
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Previous and next chapters: Masterlist
Bunny shuddered, startled, awakened from a deep sleep. She frowned, feeling that there was a lot of light around her, the loud music making her dizzy. She heard Aemond's soft voice above her, squeezing her arm lightly.
"Come on, little one. We will drive to my house with Aegon and Helaena." He said calmly, placing gentle kisses on her face. Bunny felt the heat flow through her, she murmured softly and got up lazily.
All the way she didn't know what was going on, drowsy and tired, her eyes closing spontaneously. She cuddled up to Aemond, literally sleeping standing up, waiting with him and his siblings for an Uber. She regained some consciousness when they reached their house.
It was a medium-sized red brick house overgrown with ivy. In the night light of the lantern, it looked a bit like a small manor house. They went inside, undressing quietly, obviously not wanting to wake their parents. Aemond led her up the stairs to his room. On the way, they heard barking and the sound of quick footsteps.
"Vhagar! Quiet!" Aemond hissed at the black patch that appeared on his thigh and was most likely a dog. Bunny leaned in to touch her and felt her wet tongue licking her fingers.
They entered Aemond's room in the attic, wishing everyone good night. Bunny couldn't see much in the darkness except that the ceiling was sloping and the windows were in the roof of the house.
She noticed that there were a lot of posters stuck on the walls everywhere, but in general everything was in perfect order. Aemond walked over to one of his closets and tossed his T-shirt at her.
"Change your clothes. You're not going to sleep in my brother's sweaty shirt." He grunted as he closed the door. He looked at her, and she turned her back on him, embarrassed.
She pulled the T-shirt over her head and quickly put on a clean one that smelled like washing powder. Involuntarily, her steps headed towards his bed, she slid under the covers and immediately smelled his shaving water.
Aemond began to undress, looking at her wordlessly. Bunny watched as he took off his jacket and shirt, leaving his chest bare, with only a medallion with a small silver cross on it. He walked over to his closet, and Bunny looked away, embarrassed to see that he had changed his black pants into sweatpants. After a while he walked over to her and laid down on the bed next to her.
They stared at each other for a moment, their faces inches apart. Aemond stroked her cheek gently and ran his fingers through her hair. He swallowed loudly.
"Sleep well, my little one." He said softly and kissed her forehead, then settled back and closed his eye. Bunny stared at him in surprise. She felt her whole body tense, she thought he would want to go back to what they had been doing the day before. The thought that he wasn't, was both pleasant and disappointing to her.
She closed her eyes, trying not to think about him lying next to her and his scent, but she couldn't. It filled her lungs, she felt like she was on fire. She opened her eyes and flinched as she saw him looking at her too. They both sucked in a breath, feeling they'd been caught red-handed. Aemond pursed his lips.
"Do you need anything?" He asked quietly, looking at her expectantly. Bunny swallowed softly as she felt pressure between her thighs.
"No, everything's fine." She whispered and smiled at him, suddenly realizing that she had been in his bed with him, that she was his girlfriend and that what she wanted had come true. Aemond cleared his throat softly.
“I…there's not much room here. I'm going to sleep downstairs on the couch, you'll be more comfortable." He said, getting up slowly. Bunny raised herself quickly on her elbows, looking pleadingly at him.
"No, I'm comfortable. Please, don't go." She said quickly, feeling her heart pounding. They looked at each other expectantly, Bunny could see that Aemond was struggling with his thoughts. He looked away, embarrassed.
"I won't fall asleep with you by my side." He hummed softly, not looking at her. Bunny blushed as she realized what he meant. She swallowed softly, feeling herself wet. She appreciated what he was trying to do. She got up, took his cheek in her hand and kissed him passionately. He moaned into her mouth and pulled away.
"You're tired. Let me behave properly. Prove something to me and you." He said in a trembling voice, she could see he was on edge. That one move of hers, her hand guiding his hand between her thighs, would make him give up completely and fuck her all night, just the way she wanted it. But then she thought maybe he was right.
She pressed her lips together and pulled away from him with difficulty, her whole body quivering with excitement. She knew he saw it, he looked at her darkly, his lips slightly parted. His hesitant hand stroked her thigh, and she sucked in a breath. Aemond squeezed his eye shut and got out of bed. He looked at her over his shoulder, wished her good night, and left the room, closing the door softly.
Bunny wanted to run after him, beg him to come back and relieve her. She laid her head on his pillow, his omnipresent scent driving her crazy. She didn't even know when her hand slid between her thighs, seeking satisfaction.
She knew exactly where to press to give herself a quick and intense pleasure, she came pressing her cheek against the fragrant fabric, imagining him as when he fucked her. She fell asleep only when her body overcame the feeling of relief.
Bunny was awakened by the soft sound of the door opening. She squinted her eyes, feeling the rays of the sun falling mercilessly into the room. She groaned, burying herself deeper into his quilt.
"Come downstairs, it's 11:00. We'll have breakfast." She heard Aemond's amused and hoarse voice, apparently just waking up as well.
Seeing no reaction from her, he walked deeper into the room, closing the door behind him. Bunny glanced at him tiredly, and she shivered as she saw that his hair was slightly wet and completely down. He must have taken a shower just moments ago.
He sat on the edge of the bed, putting his hand under the covers. He stroked her thigh and purred contentedly as he felt her warm skin.
"Did you sleep well?" He asked gently, stroking her leg. She felt a shiver run through her.
"No. I couldn't fall asleep." She said softly, looking at him reproachfully. Aemond raised his eyebrows, curious.
"Why?" He asked, feigning indifference. Bunny pursed her lips.
"Never mind. I handled it myself.” She said casually and smiled slightly, looking at him happily. Aemond stared at her lustfully, his hand suddenly on her buttock, rubbing it slowly. Bunny gasped at the feeling and shivered all over.
"Interesting." He grunted, his fingers grazing the fabric of her panties once in a while. Suddenly, he slapped her butt with a loud slap, and she squealed in fright.
"Get up." He grunted, getting up. Bunny shot him a hurt look and threw off the covers, following him obediently downstairs.
Helaena was awake, a middle-aged woman sat next to her, with brown hair tied up in an elaborate bun. Bunny thought she was a beautiful woman. When she saw her, she smiled widely.
"Y/N, how nice to finally meet you." She said softly as she approached her. Bunny felt embarrassed at the thought, that she was standing in front of her boyfriend's mother in only his T-shirt and long socks. She felt very official when she used her real name. She smiled warmly.
"Good morning, it's very nice to meet you. I'm sorry for looking like this, but someone spilled wine on me yesterday." She said hesitantly, she wanted to justify her appearance somehow. Alicent nodded understandingly.
“Helaena told me everything. If you want, we can try to wash it in the washing machine, but I'm afraid that the red wine stain will not completely disappear from the white fabric." She said with genuine concern. Bunny shook her head.
"There's no point in trying, this sweater is beyond saving." She hummed amused and shrugged as she sat down at the table. She noticed that Aemond's mother wasn't wearing a wedding ring. She wondered where their father was. Suddenly, a female dog ran into the kitchen, who greeted them in the night.
She was dark brown and large, looking a bit like an overgrown German Shepherd. Only now did Bunny see that her one eye was missing. She held out her hand. Vhagar walked over to her and sniffed her hand uncertainly before moving on. She settled down next to Aemond's chair, resting her head against his leg. Aemond stroked her fur tenderly. Bunny smiled at the sight.
They ate breakfast together, talking about trifles, the weather, and the latest world events. Bunny felt overwhelmed by the thought that she had only been his girlfriend for a few days and had already met his mother.
On the other hand, she felt pleasantly calm after what he had done last night and at the thought he took her to his house. She knew that after what had happened between them, he was trying to show her that he was serious about her. That he really wanted to see if they could create anything together.
Bunny asked him to give her a clean towel. She wanted to take a shower and freshen up a bit. After she had showered, they went to the laundry room to find something to change for her.
Helaena said that she can choose what she wants from her clothes and she can give everything back later. Bunny chose one of her sweaters, which was too big for her, covering her buttocks and part of her thighs.
Aemond didn't even have time to turn around and only parted his lips as she pulled his T-shirt off. She deliberately took her time putting on the sweater, turning it slowly inside out, putting it on her shoulders first.
Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Aemond looking at her fair skin and firm, soft breasts. He swallowed hard and looked away as the material covered what he was looking at. There was silence between them. Bunny looked at him amused.
She rushed over to him and took his hand. He glanced at her, his lips pursed. She could see that he was fighting with himself not to throw himself at her. His lips parted in silent surprise as he watched Bunny pull down her panties and leave them on the floor. She was wearing only a sweater and socks now.
She moved closer to him, smelling of shampoo and shower gel. She touched his cheek with her hand, feeling that he was hot all over.
"You can do whatever you want with me now." She said softly, and he shuddered at her words, exhaling loudly, staring at her in disbelief. He was silent for a moment.
"… here?" He asked low, his gaze dark and dangerous. Bunny swallowed hard at the sight and nodded her head.
She suddenly felt him grab her waist quickly, lift her up and lay down with her on the carpet below them. They were both breathing heavily, excited, his mouth finding hers immediately. His tongue forced its way brutally between her lips, licking and kissing her passionately with a wet sound.
Bunny moaned into his mouth as she felt his hand slide between her thighs. He groaned low as his fingers ran over her wet entrance, massaging her clit slowly, spreading all her juices over her skin.
"My good girl. So wet for me already." He purred in delight, marveling at how intensely she reacted to him. She shivered all over at his words, her tongue teasing his tongue slightly, their tips rubbing casually. His hand began to massage her more intensely as he felt her hips begin to move.
He suddenly pulled away from her, staring lustfully at her. Even though he had relieved himself during the night, he still felt tense when he looked at her. He felt satisfied that he had proved something to himself, and now all he wanted to think about, was that he would fuck her however he wanted.
He brushed his thumb across her lips and she parted them, allowing him to slip his finger into her mouth. He watched it appear and disappear down her throat, his other hand caressing her wet, hot cunt, listening to her muffled moans. He shivered as she felt her tongue against his thumb.
"We'll make use of those sweet lips someday, won't we, my little one?" He asked delightedly, pulling his thumb out of her mouth with a wet sound. Bunny nodded, swallowing hard, trembling at his touch.
"My sweet Bunny. You'll give me everything I want, won't you?" He asked, undoing his belt. He had no patience for longer games now, he felt he was on the brink and he had to feel her. Bunny looked pleadingly at him.
"Yes, take me as you like" She mumbled, so excited her head was buzzing. Aemond groaned at her words and leaned over her, pressing his lips greedily, kissing her chaotically.
They both moaned as he entered her suddenly. She opened her thighs wide, giving him better access. He hummed contentedly as he entered her fully. They both sighed loudly. Aemond stroked her cheek with his hand.
"We have to be very quiet now. We wouldn't want anyone to hear me fucking you, would we? Can you do this for me, babygirl?" He asked softly and low, running his thumb over her parted lips. Bunny shivered and nodded.
“Y-yes, I'll try” She whispered, breathing fast, feeling him throbbing inside her, how much he was filling her. Aemond smirked, covered her mouth with his hand, and began to thrust her in a fast, sharp rhythm that made them both gasp.
An instant surge of pleasure from the rubbing of their bodies made them clench their hands tighter. Their bodies slapped each other with a wet sound, her juices dripping onto the carpet beneath them. She was so wet that he entered it easily, panting low.
"You are such a sweet girl. I'm gonna fuck that hot, tight pussy well, so you can sleep soundly tonight." He purred, accelerating, her muffled moan of pleasure answered him, her hips responding greedily to his every thrust.
He fucked her brutally, with all his strenght, he felt her tightening on him. She was close to orgasm. He licked his lips at the thought, marveling at the way she looked beneath him, all hot and thirsty.
“Show me how hard this pussy can come. Show me, and maybe I'll cum in you. Would you like that?” He hissed and she sobbed beneath him, nodding her head, her hands tightening on his buttocks.
Her hips digged involuntarily against his cock, throbbing harder and harder inside her. She moaned loudly into his hand, leaning back, her walls pressing against him as a powerful, wonderful orgasm coursed through her body.
"Just like that. Good girl." He said tenderly and came inside her hard, panting, looking at her with his mouth slightly parted. His sperm spilled inside her in waves. "Take it. It's all just for you." He sputtered, moving with her for a moment longer, her body arching in pleasure and overstimulation.
He took his hand from her mouth and heard her heavy breathing. He collapsed on top of her, panting with her. He stroked her cheek, looking at her in admiration.
"My sweet girl."
If you want to be tagged, leave a comment below. ♥
@zenka69 @melsunshine @opheliaas-stuff @chainsawsangel @iiamthehybrid @astral-blossoms @echos-muses @wintrr13 @writingaboutlove1998
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alixisdeadlol · 2 months
I saw Stardew Valley in your tags, so I'm wondering if I can get one of Shane with an anxious reader? Like she definitely puts his needs before hers, but she struggles with anxiety herself.
Totally! I think its bad so I'm sorry!
Alcohol Abuse, Anxiety, Yelling, Cursing, I think that's it.
Shane x Fem! reader
I take requests whenever:)
x m!reader too!
This is a cliffhanger because I didn't know what else to write.
It's sad too and I don't remember what that's called.
I was sitting on my bed, staring at my dog who was curled up by the fireplace.
My boyfriend, I guess, he said he didn't want to be much more than friends, but he got drunk and fucked up and told me he loved me, but what if he never really meant it? What if he was lying simply so he could get in my fucking pants?
I screamed, throwing something at the wall, the dog still peacefully sleeping somehow..
I paced like hell, and then there was a knock. I sling it open and it's Shane.
"Oh, hey handsome."
I say like I wasn't fucking crying earlier.
"Hey- mf, yknow your sooo pretty."
Shane said, and I locked up, I help him to his feet and get him some water, sitting him on my one dining chair.
"Hey, why'd you come here instead of back home?"
I ask, carefully making sure he wasn't going to pass out on me.
"Mf, didn' wanna scare Jassie.."
I locked up, of course, Jas, how could I forget?
"Okay, good, cmon get up, let's get you to bed."
I say calmly, my dog lightly nudging Shane to the bed.
"Mf only if you sleep wit' me pretty girl?"
He said, nuzzling my hair, drawing tiny hearts on my shoulders as I tucked him in like a kid.
"Maybe handsome, just get some rest okay?"
He nodded, and conked out, and I stayed awake, making sure he didn't choke on his own vomit.
When I woke him up the next day, he just got dressed and dipped, simply left. Oh, okay then.
And then I was back at square one.
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kcvulpinestudios · 2 months
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Pri wanted some adventure, and I would be lying to say that I didn't. I too can't stand the small town vibes that we were all living in for so long. It was too much. A while ago in the apartment, Pri and Kendall were discussing landscapes for art pieces as I was writing down my fantasy stories. He mentioned the desert is a great place for exploring wide open spaces, especially in art. He even showed her some pieces he did and pics he took. It was there that she decided we should head out there to see for ourselves, and we invited Kendall along to help out.
So, after getting ahold of my uncle's old camper, we made the trek from Puttnamville down through Bakersfield, through the Tehachapi's, and into the Mojave Desert until we got into the area of this weird place called California City. From what Kendall has told me, this is the 5th largest city in California...by land acreage. It was just a small city with a lot of empty home lots. It was there (away from the OHV trails) that we made camp.
For the next few days, the two of them were busy with art and stuff. I used the time to write out ideas I will put into my novel, doing some exercise, and some exploration around the camp. This was a place much different than the Valley. After a while, I got to know this spot well. Warm in the mornings, blazing hot in the afternoon, and calmly cold in the evenings.
At night, we would gather around the fire to just hang out. On the second night, Pri was extra tired and head to bed early. So it was just me and Kendall out there. This was a great opportunity to just hang out as guy friends. I don't have many guy friends, which is why I appreciate his company. Eventually, we discussed the stars that were above us. I even pointed out a couple of planets, though Kendall had to sit close to me so I could help him. Eventually, he got tired and was about to fall into the dirt when I rested my arm on his shoulder and pulled him in. The last thing I want is to see him face plant into the ground next to a fire. Soon, he fell asleep on my chest. This isn't too bad, though it felt awkward that this was happening. Dude's a friend, and yet this felt wrong. I just sat there holding him until I was too tired to stay outside. I picked him up and got ourselves into the camper, rested him on the couch, and made my way to the bedroom where Pri was sleeping. I then simply changed into my sleep pants and just went to bed, kissing her as she slept. We had a good trip overall. I guess it was an adventure after all. One that was definitely...full of warm memories.
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comfortjoonie · 11 months
Hi there~! I really love your writing! It always makes my day when I see a new story from you haha 😁 If you are needing any requests, anything with Yoongi comforting/taking care of Namjoon? If possible, maybe Namjoon has a panic attack that makes him sick to his stomach and Yoongi helps him? Or whatever you'd like, I'd enjoy reading whatever you write!
Thanks! 💜
hiii!! i hope you like this! if you want me to make it a little longer, i can do that for you!
tw: panic attack, vomiting
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(lol their height difference is so much!! google stop lying and saying Namjoon is only 3 inches taller)
As soon as Yoongi hears the bed rustling, he knows something is wrong.  He stands up from his desk and turns around to see his roommate, Namjoon, shifting around in his sleep.  He looks scared.  Yoongi walks over to the bed, hoping the cameras aren’t on right now.  They’re filming for In the Soop again, at a lake house where Yoongi is roommates with Namjoon.  Yoongi glances at the camera on the wall as he puts a hand on Namjoon’s back.
Namjoon suddenly shoots up in bed, panting heavily.  “Hyung, hyung,” Namjoon says, looking frantically for Yoongi.
“Right here, Joonie.  Nightmare?” he asks, and Namjoon just nods.  Yoongi rubs his back.  Namjoon has been having a lot of nightmares lately – all the stress that’s been on him is causing him trouble even in his sleep.  He’s woken up like this more times than Yoongi can count in the past couple of months.  
Namjoon sucks in a breath, his eyes welling up with tears.  “You’re okay, Namjoon.  It’s ok,” Yoongi says calmly.  “Just breathe again, slowly…”
Namjoon’s stomach churns.  Yoongi can hear the gurgling sound it makes.  “I feel–” Namjoon swallows.  Yoongi grabs the trash bin under the desk and brings it to Namjoon.  The younger swallows again, still breathing heavily.  He’s sweating, and the feeling makes him panic even more.
“Breathe, Namjoonie.  Remember to breathe,” Yoongi urges.  Namjoon coughs and gags over the trash can.  He vomits harshly and it just makes him more panicked.  Yoongi sighs.  “Just let it out, Namjoonie.  You’ll feel better once it’s out.”  Namjoon does let it out.  Violently.  He feels like he can’t breathe again.  His heart is pounding so hard that he can hear it.  His head throbs.
Yoongi pats Namjoon’s back.  “You’re okay, Joon.  Just breathe.”  But Namjoon feels like he can’t breathe.  Tears run down his cheeks, and Yoongi wipes them.  “Finished?” Yoongi points to the trashcan, and Namjoon nods.  Yoongi sets it down on the ground.  “Come here, Namjoon,” he says softly, sitting on the bed with his back on the headboard and bringing Namjoon to lean against him.  Namjoon’s chest moves up and down with quick and shallow breaths.  Yoongi puts his hand on Namjoon’s chest and feels his heart beating way too quickly.  “Joonie, breathe,” he says.  “It’s okay.  You’re safe.  I’ll keep you safe.”
Namjoon evens out his breath and Yoongi wipes the tears off his face.  “Thank you, hyung,” he whispers.  
“Of course, Joonie.”  Yoongi says softly.  “You’re my best friend.  This is what I’m supposed to do.”
“I have so much work to do,” Namjoon whines.
“Right now, the only thing you need to work on is relaxing.  Just focus on your breathing.”
“I still feel nauseous,” Namjoon says.
“Do you remember your dream?” Yoongi asks.  Namjoon shakes his head.  “Do you feel a little better?” Namjoon nods.  “I need to clean this trash can out, Namjoon.  Just wait here.”  Yoongi lifts Namjoon up and lays him down on the pillow.  He brings the trash to the bathroom and starts cleaning it as best he can.  Unfortunately, he knows it’s only a matter of time before Namjoon remembers they’re filming and starts panicking again.  
When he’s done cleaning, he hadn’t realized it would be so soon.  He goes back into the bedroom and finds Namjoon frantically breathing and checking the time on his phone.  “Hyung–hyung—the filming—it’s already 8:00am–”
“Shh, Namjoon.  No worries.  I’ll tell the crew to delay the filming a little.  You need to rest.”  Yoongi sets the trash can next to the bed and holds Namjoon’s hand.  Even though Namjoon is so tall, he looks tiny here with his knees drawn up to his chest and tears running down his cheeks.  “Why don’t we turn on something to watch?  And I’ll give you some medicine.”
Namjoon shakes his head.  “No, I need to get up and show up to breakfast–”
“Joon, I’ll just have the crew say in the episode that we slept in–”
Namjoon cuts Yoongi off with a gag, grabbing the trash can and vomiting into it again.  Yoongi sighs and rubs his back,
“It’s okay, Joon.  I’m right here with you.”  Namjoon coughs when he’s finished.
“I’m sorry, hyung.”
“You don’t need to be.  I want to help you feel better.”  Yoongi pulls a strand of hair behind Namjoon’s ear.  “Just get some sleep.  I’ll give you some medicine in a few minutes after I clean this out.”
“I’m sorry,” Namjoon says again.
“Joon.  It’s fine, okay?  Let’s just focus on getting better right now.”  Yoongi smiles at the younger and wipes a tear from his cheek.
“Lay down.  Let me clean this and get medicine.  Then I’ll get you some breakfast.”
Namjoon nods.  His stomach still hurts, but not as much.  And with Yoongi there, telling him that it’s alright, he feels a lot safer than he would otherwise.
“Thank you,” he says softly.
“Don’t thank me, Joonie.  This is what I’m supposed to do for you.”  Yoongi smiles at Namjoon again and walks to the bathroom.  Namjoon lays down on his side, staring at the painting of a landscape on the wall.  
His head still pounds, but he’s too exhausted to stay awake.  When Yoongi comes back from the bathroom, Namjoon is already asleep again.
He just hopes this is more peaceful than last time.
hope you guys enjoyed <3333
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missjoolee · 2 years
@claire8216​ requested 82! This prompt had a small existential crisis from me that really doesn’t matter but you know! What’s life without a little crisis here and there? 😅 Unedited to keep it real (flashes fake gang signs to look cool)
Pick a number between 1-102 (7, 13, 17, 23, 31, 45, 82, 97) I am working on them slowly so please be patient!
Luke blinks slowly at the page, his grip on the pen loosening. God, what time is it? Maybe they should call it quits for the night. He looks around but they haven't had a chance to get a clock yet. Tapping his phone screen, nothing happens. Dead. Sighing, he recalls he hadn't charged it last night because the charger was at the bottom of one of his moving boxes.  Thankfully he'd spent the afternoon unpacking after he'd gotten off shift at the diner.
He gets up to plug the phone in and Julie only gives a tilt of her chin in acknowledgement that he's moved away, her pen still flying across the page.  Smiling, he leans against the wall to wait for the devise to power back on, taking in this gorgeous scene.
Last night the room had felt weird. The walls laid bare, boxes shoved into a precarious tower in the corner, the mattress directly on the floor. His mom wouldn't let him take the bed frame. Something about it once belonging to his great uncle. It was a lot of change and while he's definitely better about it than Alex, he wouldn't lie and say it was the best sleep of his life, finally out of his stifling childhood home. Even if the room still didn't feel like him yet, having gone through the majority of his boxes helped to at least breathe easier. But now, seeing Julie lying on his bed, lost in the words of a song he's sure will win them awards, he realizes how much she's becoming home to him. No matter where he finds himself, he will always be alright if she is right there with him. His eyes drift closed.
The tinny startup sound alerts him that his phone is turning on, the battery finally charged enough. Dragging his eyes open, he checks the time.
Shit! Fuck!
"Shit, Jules, we have to go!"
All tiredness leaves his body as he searches around for his car keys. He'd put them in his pocket yesterday when he gotten in from the last trip of bring things in. Yesterday's pants. Shit, shit how does he already have so many clothes piled on the floor? He scatters clothing around him in a flurry. Not finding them, he looks around trying to figure out where they might have gone. His eyes cross over Julie who hasn't moved, only paused her pen to look at him.
"Don't just sit there, it's after 3! Your dad is going to kill me!"
Ray is a very lenient man but even he has his limits. Luke is frantic as he starts rummaging through the open boxes.
"Where the fuck are my keys?!"
Her soft hand slides up his cheek and pulls his face to look over at her. She's no longer on the bed, but she's also not rushing to gather her things so he can take her home. Why isn't she rushing?
Laughter dances in her eyes as she calmly says, "We don't have to leave. Did you forget I moved into the dorms last week?"
He blinks at her, still feeling in crisis mode as his brain slowly supplies him with the memories.
"Also, he would've killed me. I take responsibility for myself, thank you very much."
He snorts at that. She does take responsibility for herself. And Ray is notoriously bad at staying mad at her long enough to enforce a punishment.
His arms wind around her waist and pull her to his chest. She's still looking up at him with a soft smile, and he could drown in her eyes. He rests his forehead on top of hers and takes a deep breath, releasing it with a slow "fuuuuuuuuuuck", trying to slow his heartrate down. Her hands slide up his back before slipping into the ripped armholes of his shirt, pressing cold fingers against the skin of the small of his back.
Suddenly, he's aware of the fact that they are alone at his apartment. A fact that he'd been very aware of when he first opened the door to let her in earlier. He'd stared down at her with a goofy grin that she had reciprocated. No parents, no Aunts, no little brothers to interrupt them. No curfew. That's when Reggie's elbow had dug into his pec as he pushed Luke out of the way (read: into a wall) to hug Julie. There were, after all, still bandmates.
But no bandmates right now. And no place they need to be. His nose drifts down her temple as his hand drifts up to the nape of her neck, pulling her into a kiss.  Warmth spreads throughout his entire body, set aflame everywhere they touch. The kiss intensifies as she presses closer and his hands begin to wander.
She pulls away all too soon, her hand pushing lightly against his chest as he tries to follow. Breathing hard, he looks down into her eyes which are darker than they were before.
"I have class at 9am. We should probably go to sleep."
A groan leaves his body at the idea of stopping, but he knows school is important to Julie and it's her first week of classes.
"Okay, yeah. Let's go to bed."
A different type of thrill thrums through him. For the first time, Julie is going to sleep in his bed. She will be the first thing he sees in the morning when he opens his eyes. That's something he could get used to. He'd take Julie anyway he can. Tangling their fingers together he drags them back over to the bed. He goes to empty his pockets and he pulls out a car key.
"They were in today's pants??"
Julie snorts from where she is putting on a pair of his basketball shorts. "Did you forget you went to work today, too?" She shakes her head in amusement. Apparently he is more tired than he'd thought.
He lets out a small laugh as he shucks his pants and pulls his shirt over his head before climbing into the bed. (climbing down? it's so close to the floor!) She slides in next to him and he can't help but pull her close for another kiss. Now that he's laying down, exhaustion floods him. He pulls back and she's staring at him tenderly.
"Love  you."
"Love you too."
There's a soft smile before she is settling her head against his chest. He relaxes into his own pillow, sleep already trying to pull him under.
"Goodnight, Boss."
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la-ven-en-rose · 1 year
How i think the fraction leaders could react to there mc having periods
Leon dompteur
I feel like he might know what periods
You were a really dedicated person, someone who will not be late unless there is a really important reason, but today however you were late to your classes and not just one or two mins late no a whole hour and half late which worried the prince beyond measures
"What's going on? What happened to her?" The thoughts where circulating through his head so without wasting a single moment he left sariel's office with a swift moment of his cloak
The fourth prince was asked to teach you today as sariel's himself was busy dealing with the prince of obsidian
With the help of his long legs he was able to reach the front of your room he stood in front of your door for a few minutes hesitating, before a gentle knock followed
There was no response, he knocked again "mc?" He called yet no answer now he was worried "mc i am coming in" he said before opening the door
And what greeted his eyes was shocking, you were lying on the bed panting and whimpering one of your hands clutching you stomach while the other grabbed the sheets
He rushed to your side scooping you into his arms his scent calming your nevers "is it that time of the month?" He asked gently his voice below that of a whisper, his insides finally calming down from all the worry
You managed to somehow nod with the little strength you had left,
"is there anything you need or want?" He asked caringly instead of responding you sank deeper into his embrace feeling his quiet heartbeat
He quietly pulled the covers over the both of you and put one of his warm hands on your stomach that was sure to clam down the pain a little and soon enough he fell asleep with you in his arms
A great boyfriend prince
Chevalier Michel
You will need to tell him yourself or let him research on periods cause truth be told
This man begin a beast and all had no idea what the heck periods are so when you skipped your class one day he was worried thinking of ways you might have landed in trouble this time
"That simpleton" he exclaimed before leaving his fractions office Prince chevalier made his way to your room, your not late 10 or 15 minutes but a whole hour late, the prince was thinking of ways you might be late "did that fool of a brother abduct her for one of his useless pranks? Did eye patch steal her from me?- that's most likely not possible he is not that stupid as to touch what's mine, did she over sleep?" The questions kept swirling around in his head, he frowned at his mind for not thinking calming
"seriously what has that simpleton done to me?" He asked himself as he was walking through the hallways, he entered your room without so much as a knock only to see you lying on the bed in your improperly worn clothes, hands clutching your stomach
He quietly walked over to your from on the bed and examined your bodys condition before standing up and moving towards the door
With your remaining strength you grabbed his hand as the pain worsened afraid of begin left alone in it, tears feeling your eyes he didn't know what to do so
He just sat down beside you head as to not upset you any further you sighed softly before closing your eyes your ragged breath calming down, his gaze was caught on the book on your bed side table stand he picked up the book
and read the title "ways to reduce period pain" then it clicked in his head "so she has this period named disease" he thought to himself
As he began reading the book in hopes of learning new information while you calmly slept with his hand in yours
Side note: this is my time writing about ikemen princes so in might be werid
And rio because of a certain other prince silvio is busy
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demonic-snake · 11 months
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Part 1 end
Cycle: no words
the long and eventful day of their meeting comes to an end.
The island with the base of the Marines has long disappeared from sight. The boat sways smoothly, actually given to the will of the wind and waves, because neither Zoro nor Luffy understand anything about navigation and can not follow the course. Yes, and they do not yet have any more definite course than the cheerful "To the Grand Line!" captain.
Zoro already understands perfectly well that fate brought him together with a daring reckless boy, but this does not bother the swordsman. As well as the absence of a ship from the future king of pirates, the absence of a team that has yet to be assembled, and other "little things" of this strange voyage. It doesn't matter, because in the afternoon, having accepted his katanas from the hands of a stubborn boy, Roronoa has already made a decision which he is not going to regret.
At night they sleep, because there is no point in leaving someone on watch. Zoro settles down at the stern of the boat, Luffy takes a nap near the mast. They have practically nothing - not even blankets to cover themselves. And the night is pretty cold. So cold that Zoro isn't, surprised to feel his skinny body press against him in his sleep, immediately warming his side. He only pulls Luffy closer, so that the black disheveled head rests on his brad shoulder, and the cozy warmth becomes more. Gradually, both warm up, and under the quiet snoring of the capitain, Zoro again plunges into a deep sleep.
He wakes up quite early - from the pleasant tension spreading over the lower abdomen. Luffy is no longer lying quietly at his side: in his sleep, he slowly rubs his groin against Zoro's thigh, breathing deeply through his open mouth. He almost hugs the swordsman with his whole body, clasping his arm across his chest and thowing his leg so that a thin knee gently rests on Roronoa's cock hidden by clothing, smoothly riding over it with every movement. Zoro's body does not mind at all, it readily pesponds to this peculiar caress.
This is the awakening that started it all. It was worth stepping back, extinguishing the barely flared excitement - and after a while this little accident would have flown out of Zoro's head. Just think, the capitain had a pleasant dream - who doesn't happen to him ... But he doesn't do it. He wraps his wide hand around his capitain's buttocks, pulling the squirming body a little tighter, and pushes a little, setting his own rhythm. Luffy groans softly as he exhales, his sinewy body tenses, and he opens his eyes, still covered in sleepy veils, but with dilated pupils flooding brown irises.
Zoro looks at him calmly and attentively, without pulling away or removing his hand. Luffy doesn't get embarrassed and doesn't try to move away, just licks his dry lips and smiles. Not already familiar to the swordsman wide smile in all thirty-two. It's just a soft curve of parted lips, relaxed and trusting - Luffy seems more mature and even more handsome.
In a moment, sly sparks flash in his huge eye and it's not by chance that his knee presses on the perceptible bulge under Zoro's pants, and he pulls Luffy even closer, puts him on himself, squeezes the boy's tense buttocks with both hands and pushes his hips towards him, picking up and prolonging other people's movement. Luffy's breath breaks, becomes faster and hotter. The earrings in Zoro's ear tinkle softly in time.
They do not close their eyes - they look at each other inseparably, intertwining their eyes, as well as their bodies. A blush burns on Luffy's cheeks in bright strokes, he breathes hotly through his smile, pressing close to Zoro almost painfully. And they are fine as it is, but he swordsman knows how to do even better. A few awkward movements - it is inconvenient to cope with clothes with one hand, which can hardly be squeezed between the bodies - and both shudder massively at the first contact of naked flesh. Zoro sucks in a noisy breath through clenched teeth. And Luffy, blinking, finally drops his gaze from the swordsman, rests on his shoulders and watches as Zoro caresses them both. A wide palm gglides over dark, damp skin, fingers confidently touching sensitive areas - and Luffy breathes so loudly that Roronoa can't hear anything else but these hoarse sounds.
Zoro cums when Luffy arches his back impossibly and smears his fingers and stomach with white spray. And then they lie side by side, silently looking at the brightening sky, and they are still fine. And why are words needed when Zoro turns on his side and Luffy lazily rolls his head to meet his gaze, still smiling that weird grown-up smile? And he squints contentedly when the swordsman's warm hand wraps around his cheek and Zoro slowly strokes the scar under his eye with his thumb.
They are slient. They already understand each other without words.
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everotica-library · 4 months
Slurping And Munching
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This work contains explicit imagery! Please do not proceed and interact in any way if you are below the age of 18!
A Dirty Posse Masterlist
Fandom: Hypnosis Mic
Characters: Dice Arisugawa, Ann Wolff (OC)
Pairing: Diceann (Dice/Ann)
Type: amab x afab
Words: 1,335
It was rather sudden at first glance, a result from all the teasing. It was bound to happen, wasn't it? How they chuckled… Their words, their voice, their tone. Not to mention their actions. Each action was subtle yet calculated. Sitting down, behind squishing the couch and wiggling their hips the moment he took a glance… It was too much to take in. Every time he got that urge, shifting around and trying not to look, not to think about it… But to no avail.
Honestly, it was always a challenge to hold back for Dice, especially when someone else was around. Oh how awkward it was when he sat with both Ann and Eli in the living room, right on the couch, and Ann was just moving a little… Enough to make him look and turn red when noticing what Ann was trying to do. They even had been so blunt to subtly point it out. “You're looking Dice. Is there something interesting going on?“ They had asked it so casually and calmly yet when having that little smirk on their face he knew that it was on purpose, just to make him think about it.
And it was working, much to his dismay. Even when he had tried not to think about it… The image would just not leave his head, all day long. Even when outside to distract himself, the imagery of their shaking hips was there, just moving around.
Even worse when the image of their legs slightly pushing open, them leaning a little backwards with a playful smirk,as if just urging him to come closer. Not that they did, it was just stuck in his mind for a while.
Well, that was until he paid the home a visit, with Ann having opened the door and inviting Dice inside. Apparently Eli was at work and wouldn't come home the next few hours and Ole… That old man of a cat was making himself comfortable in a bedroom and sleeping the day away. So essentially it had just been the two of them. And needless to say… Ann was for sure abusing that opportunity to tease him.
Putting an emphasis on their hips, bending over so he could see the outlines of their asscheeks or just sitting down, only slightly spreading their legs while leaning forward. All while smiling so innocently, as if they were doing nothing out of the ordinary nor anything tempting or alluring. Them? Never! Yet that was only what they wanted someone to believe. And needless to say… This wasn't helping. Dice was trying not to break down nor give in, he couldn't let Ann win like this! He wasn't going to give in that easily! He was stronger than that! He had more self restraint than that!
Hah… Nevermind. Wrong. That's so wrong…
Because only a few moments later he had grabbed them by their shoulders, head sinking to face whatever was beneath him and just begging them to lay down. He was ready to get on his knees in fact, that was how desperate he had gotten. And in the end they obliged. They listened to his pleas and agreed in the end.
So that's how they were lying on the couch, pants off and sweater plus shirt lifted up, showing off parts of their body. The large chest was kept together by their bra, even if just barely (they probably had picked out a bra too small for them… He's just guessing! Not like he has a clue how these things work). Their legs were not covered and especially not their thighs. Oh their thighs, being more on the thicker end. Surprisingly they looked very thick, especially for their figure. No wonder why it was always so comfortable to lay on or against their thighs. If they were that squishy, it was hard to hold back.
And it had been one of the first things he touched, just squeezing their thighs over and over, being fascinated with them in some sense. He pushed against them, squished them and even pinched them. All before shoving the legs both apart, though unable to let go of them all the same. Whenever possible he would just squeeze them or use them as leverage to hold Ann in place.
It was necessary the moment he had started licking against their panty covered slid, teasing it from the outside. He shoved his tongue up and down, feeling them getting wetter, a small puddle forming and staining the black pair of panties. And despite being unable to taste the juice directly he could feel them getting wetter and wetter.
Soon it was enough for his tongue to press against their pussy lips, being able to feel the outline. A way of teasing them yet he was also enjoying their light squirms already. He heard them gasp, not loudly but softly. He felt their legs tremble as well, even if only a little, and it made him continue for some time. And yet he turned it more intense once starting to suck lightly against it, as if trying to soak out the juices. But that wasn't enough, the fabric was clearly in the way. And yes, even if they were gasping like crazy it was not enough… He wanted to taste them directly.
And it was exactly what Dice did. He shoved the fabric of the panties down by sliding his hands up to the waistband. He then pulled the underwear down, enough to be able to expose their pussy and be able to reach it directly. The smell was already in his nose and he could see just how wet they were dripping at that point.
So he didn't hold anything back. He dived right back in, his head right in between their thighs, his hands grabbing onto them inwards and squeezing, while his mouth started to suck against their pussy, more specifically their clit.
And he got a response, a very loud one, their moans literally in his ears. They were screaming, panting and twitching in place. And it got more intense when he added his tongue, playing around with their folds, only to stick it right inside their pussy and wiggling it around in there. He was sucking and licking like crazy. Je may as well be a madman. But the rush… It felt too good! He couldn't stop himself!
Even less when he felt their legs squeezing his head, keeping his head in place and forcing him to suck and lick. He may as well be squished in between their thighs and honestly… He wasn't complaining.
It only made him slurp up their juices more intensely, sofly munching onto their pussy, only careful enough to not hurt them. Slurp and lick, as if eating it up. All while their insides grew tighter.
“Hah… D… Dice… I… I am… I am…” He only heard from their mouth yet he didn't need to hear more. It made him push forward, grow more and more intense… One shove after the other, sucking a little harder–
And even then he was not prepared for it, when their hips grew stiff and they let out a load of their juices at once, lifting themself up a little. It all got right into his mouth without warning and given that there was no way out he had to swallow every last drop. Only seconds later with their body plopping down their legs freed him, allowing him to pull back and lift himself up. In the end he saw them lying there, panting heavily, trying to catch their breath. And so was he, all while taking in the sight. He did this, right? Yeah, Ann lying there with a red, panting face was his fault. All his. But even then, despite being exhausted, they let out a chuckle shortly after, spreading their legs once more and lifting their arms up, as if inviting him back in.
“Hey, can you fuck me now? Please~”
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rochellebae · 2 years
Now, I love you (6)
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Im Changkyun x (female) reader
genre: smut
word count: 1,316
warnings: strong language, oral sex (female, male receiving), unprotected sex
English is not my first language so sorry for any mistakes.
~ Chapter 6 ~ ꒰ Save me ꒱
You just realize you're laying in bed and you’re snuggled against his chest and he's watching TV. It's already dark coming in from the windows.
You look into his innocent sparkling eyes.
“Am I slept?” -you ask.
“Yes. You fell asleep on me.” - he answers. Then you put your head back on his chest and start caressing him. “You must be very exhausted, because you slept all day, it's already evening, how will you sleep at night?” - he asks.
“You could have woken up me.” - you answered.
“But you slept so sweetly...” - he says, to which you start to smile.
You’re still in a coma and you feel like laying on him. You put one of your legs on the side of the other, then climbed on top of him and laid on him, and put your head on his neck.
Now you want to continue sleeping like this. You snuggled up to his neck and your breasts pressed against his chest. He started caressing your waist. You feel like you still want to sleep, but now on him. You can feel him breathing here under you and it calms you down.
It’s morning. You’re still lying on him.
You look at your phone and see that it's already 14th. No.
You have to move out today. You quickly got up and ran to the bathroom.
He gets up and asks confusedly “Are you okay?”
“No, I have to go. I think I have to leave my accommodation at 10 o'clock.” - you answered.
“Good, then let's pack up and go to my place.” - he answered calmly.
Yeah, he still has a place to stay. He comes to you and hugs you with his strong arms.
“Is it okay if I move to your place?” - you asked.
“Yeah.” - he answered, then smiles and caresses your face. Very sweet.
You started packing your things and he is helping you. You love him so much, it makes you happy just to look at him.
Fortunately, you didn't have that many things so you finished quickly.
“Oh my God, what did you put into these to make them so heavy?” - he asks after lifting one of your suitcases.
“You could see, you packed it too.” - you answered.
“It's a wonder that the poor suitcase can still hold.” - he said.
“It was so full when I came. What do you expect? Shall I leave something here? Just because you think it hurts the suitcase?” - you asked.
“Yes, for example... I'll unpack all those panties right away and then you won't have anything to wear.” - he answered.
“You are not funny.” you said, but still laughed. What's wrong with your panties? Or maybe he would just be happy if you didn't wear panties?
After you and Kyun were at his place, you calmed down. You’re glad to be with him. All you need is to snuggle up and give him a long hug.
You lie in his bed, you lean over his and caress his beautiful face. You admire his perfect skin, his sweet, innocent eyes, his big, sexy nose and his soft lips. His eyes are so sweet, like a little baby.
You’re falling asleep to his smell. Now you feel like you could sleep all day, just have him by your side.
You take his hand and start looking. Why is every part of his body so amazing? For some reason you suddenly had the idea that you wanted to suck him.
God. You want to suck so bad. You don't know if he's in the mood for it, but he's not excited but you want to do it. You let go of his hand and start caressing his cock through his pants.
Your hand feels so empty that there is no cock in it. You unbuckle his belt and unzip it. You feel like you’re unwrapping a present.
You slowly take out his hard cock. Why is his cock so perfect? You look at his face, but you'd rather not. This look really excites you. You would rather cry for joy.
His eyes are so beautiful. You don't know, for some reason it really turns you on to see his face and his cock at the same time.
You look at his perfect mouth and kiss it while you’re already holding his cock. You love his kiss so much, you love the way his tongue touches yours, while he caresses your belly and starts to pull down your pants.
You stop kissing and start undressing. You take off your top, your bra and finally only your panties remain.
He grabs your waist and pulls you to his face. Now you push your ass into his face while you pull his cock. He carefully removes your panties and throws them away. “You see, you don't need panties.” - he says, then smiles.
He pulls your pussy apart and reaches inside. His touch is so gentle and warm. You really enjoy this. You start licking and kissing his cock. Meanwhile, he starts licking your pussy.
You lick his hard veined cock like a lollipop. Meanwhile, he stick his tongue in your pussy. That feels really good. The end of his cock is already in your mouth and you’re trying to get it more and more.
Now here you are moaning as you lick his cock. His dick is now clean of saliva. You try to grab him as much as possible and think that his cock fits perfectly in your mouth.
He takes your hand and pulls you towards him and starts kissing your mouth. You crouch over his standing cock, then he grabs it and starts caressing your licked pussy. Then he carefully slides it in.
You was already prepared for the fact that he would cum it in your mouth.
You start moving slowly on his cock, your pussy is so wet and his cock is so drooling, it's just perfect right now.
You’re jumping on his comfortable cock and it kills you to see his smile. Anyway, how lazy. You just sit on his dick and he use your energy to ride him. And he just lies there and does nothing. But you still love his innocent look.
It feels so good to bounce on his hard cock. You’re trying to do it faster and faster. “Aw. Oh my God.” You really wanted this. Meanwhile, you take both of his hands and lean on him.
You do it faster and faster and you can see on his face he really enjoys it. His eyes roll up and he begins to moan deeply. It seems that it feels very good to him, as his cock quickly moves in and out of your sweet pussy.
You get off his dick, grab him and start pulling it fast. You start licking and sucking again. His cock is so perfect. You wait for him to cum. You start pulling even faster.
It suddenly comes off, but it all happened so quickly. You think it even went on your face. You start licking. You have already licked his cock completely and now you lick from his belly, which went there.
You snuggle up to him and start kissing his mouth, while caressing his dick. “When I'm with you, I always want to have sex.” - you said.
He caresses you face and says “Same. I want you all the time.”
He kisses your face. You feel that he takes care of you and loves you.
“I feel so safe with you.” - you told him while stroking his chest.
“I'm glad about that, it's sweet. But why? Are you afraid of something?” - he asked.
“No, I'm not afraid.” - you answered. You’re actually just afraid of losing him.
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safic4-m · 2 years
Pairing: Ally Mayfair-Richards x Fem Lector
Author’s Note: Request made bycherylz170810, I’m so sorry for the delay it’s taking me the fuck away.
I hate when you fall in love with someone you just don’t, but your heart says yes and then the whole thing, it sucks.
Atte: 18 years old single
Number of words: 1360
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~Master list~
Ally Mayfair-Richards had become one of the most important women, but fame came with people who wanted to hurt her, that’s where you came in, she needed someone to protect her and you were the right person for the job.
You had worked for her for the last 3 years of your life and let’s say you had become more than just her bodyguard during this time.
-Please sit down and let’s talk,- you ask after she has taken you around the place.
-I saw how you looked at that woman and how she looked at your ass,- he says angrily.
-Ally… sit down and calm down,- trying to make her calm down.
-Calm down?! you’re mine and you know it!
-And you play with my jealousy on purpose?!
-I SAID SIT DOWN- you order.
-Good girl- making her moan at the praise.
You approach her slowly, taking her jaw to kiss her, a knock on the door interrupts you making you move away, the door opens showing a rather corpulent man who shoots in your direction, you quickly place the chestnut behind you, being hit by a bullet in the heart.
-Imbecile, this was a new shirt,- seeing the blood stain your white shirt.
The man is surprised by your reaction to a bullet in the heart and opens fire, but all the bullets freeze in the air, creating an invisible barrier of protection.
-You shouldn’t have done that,- you say with a hoarse voice.
With a wave of your hand you make the man go flying and crashing against the wall.
-Pathetic,- you spit seeing him lying on the floor.
You take the bullet out of the wound, putting it in your pocket.
-Are you all right?- asks Ally with concern.
Before you can answer her question, several people appear on the scene.
-We heard a gunshot,- says a woman.
-Is everything all right?- asks a man.
-Of course, T/n was here to protect me,- answers the brunette calmly.
They spent the next two hours, solving the problem with the man, the authorities arrived, they did the paperwork and all that.
Ally was disappointed for tonight, it was supposed to be a simple event and they go home early to take advantage of a night without Oz at home; but then the incident happened and by the time they got home she was exhausted.
-I’ll make it up to you later, honey,- you whisper in her ear.
Making her shiver, as you help her get ready for bed, you leave a kiss on her shoulder and guide her to bed. Maybe today hadn’t turned out as planned, but being in your arms could make her forget anything.
The next day you had let Ally sleep late, while you took care of dropping Oz off at school, on your way back you went to buy some flowers and at home you made her breakfast, taking her to bed.
-Wake up, honey,- she says in his ear, leaving a kiss on his cheek.
You see how a smile appears on her lips and she pretends to be asleep.
-You’re not going to wake up,- she says teasingly before attacking him with kisses on his face.
In the end Ally ends up “waking up” and you give her her breakfast.
These were one of the few moments when you could have a quiet moment with her, since work constantly kept her busy and this time would be no exception.
- - - - -
You had a free moment and had decided to visit Ally, but it ended up becoming a “de-stressing” session.
-Shit,- she says with a sigh.
-Language,- you scold her from your place between her legs.
-I’m sorry, Mommy,- covering her mouth with her hand.
You continue to eat her, drawing beautiful moans, when you realize she is about to cum, you stop making her moan in frustration. The mere image of Ally, half naked in her office, all ready for you, made you start to get hard in your pants.
-Mommy,- she says catching her breath.
-Do you want Mommy’s fingers in you?- you ask, absorbing every detail of her body.
She nods in response and you begin to trace her hole slowly, dipping one of your fingers in slightly before pulling it out.
-What do you say when you want something?
-Please, Mommy! Please fuck me with your fingers…..
The moan she let out as you filled her with two fingers made you smile widely, her mouth opened as you began to move your fingers in and out of her, letting out little moans and gasps. You curled your fingers and pushed in a third when you thought she was ready.
-Oh my…- in complete ecstasy.
-That feels good, doesn’t it,- you hum, circling her clitoris with your thumb.
-Yes mommy- she answers desperately
-You know… I think I prefer to fill your pussy- you said while raising your eyebrows suggestively.
Ally could feel a new wave of hot wetness as she imagined the sensation of being filled with you, making her clench her thighs tightly together.
-Stand up,- you command making her bend over her desk.
You pull down your pants along with your boxers, freeing your cock, you slap her ass and bite your lower lip, enjoying the way she moans with your actions. You stroke your cock before pressing it against Ally’s hole, thrusting and watching her pussy stretch around you.
-Damn it… -you exhale as you enter her fully.
Your hands are on her hips as you slowly pulled yours back, pushing forward quickly.
You move your hips, fucking your cock deep inside her as you watch her face so full of pleasure as she moans repeatedly.
-Mommy…- she says between gasps trying to be quiet.
-Honey,- she suddenly heard you say. -Why are you so quiet? I know you can be stronger than that
-I-I don’t want anyone to come in….
-Oh, you don’t want to get caught, is that it? Are you worried that someone will come in and see me fucking you from behind?
He felt his face burning with shame, because he knew you were telling the truth. Avoiding eye contact with you, hoping you wouldn’t see how red she was. Knowing what you were trying to do, you grabbed her by the hair and pulled her head back, not hard enough to hurt her, but enough to get her attention.
-I asked you a question,- making her swallow as she felt your breath on her neck.
-No mommy, I don’t want to get caught,- feeling your fingers on her clitoris.
You exerted some pressure as you resumed your movements. You could hear the sound of skin colliding as you fucked Ally, her moans helped you get closer to your orgasm; focusing on the way she felt around you, how warm she was and how she fluttered around your cock from time to time.
-Fuck,- you moaned, closing your eyes as you picked up the pace.
-Do you want me to fill you up? You’ll be fucking dripping, I promise.
-I’m so close…mommy- gripping the desk tightly.
-Oh, do you want to cum?-you tease her.
She nodded her head eagerly, making you laugh.
-Pray first
-Please, please, please let me cum- she begged.
-You can do better
-Please mommy, I’ve been a good girl please let me cum, please,- she stammered, desperately.
You pretended to think about it before replying.
-You can cum, baby
She let out a series of gasps and moans as she cummed, her knuckles turning white from how hard she was gripping the desk.
Once you could feel her clench tightly around your cock, you finally let go, spilling your cum into her as you moaned. When she started to whimper a little, you slowed down, gently rubbing your hands over her hips and ass. You grabbed your cock and pulled it out of her, watching your cum spill out of her, dripping down to the floor.
-Good girl, Ally, what a good girl, I’m so proud of you,- you whispered softly in her ear.
You helped her to her feet, her legs trembling from the aftermath of her orgasm. Pulling out her chair, you sat her down and kissed her forehead.
A knock on the door causes panic to be written all over her face at the thought of you seeing her in this state.
-Ms. Mayfair, your two o'clock appointment is here,“ says your assistant from the other side of the door.
-I’ll be there in a moment,- she replies, calming down a bit.
-Go on, I’ll be waiting for you.
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whygalaxy · 3 months
Can i request that the reader and Quackity visit his or hers family/friends house and they try to have sex “quietly” but they end up hearing it
Stay quiet
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♡⃕ Relationship} Quackity x Fem!Reader
♡⃕ Summary} "Cellbit invites Quackity to a project, he takes you along. You end up having to sleep at Cellbit's house and Quackity gets horny"
♡⃕  TW.} NSFW; Smut; Semi Public Sex; Slight Blood; Cum inside; Mild Somnophilia; Unprotected sex.
♡⃕ Notes} English is not my first language, there may be mistakes. I’m sorry for anything. )
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You traveled to Brazil together with Alex. He was invited to participate in something Rafael (Cellbit) was planning to do, and you went as his companion.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨🧸୧⋆ ˚。⋆
“Thank you so much for letting me stay at your house” Alex says when he arrives at Rafael’s house. He had let you spend time at his house, claiming it was his “fault” that you two had traveled to Brazil.
You had plans to stay in Brazil for two days, so Rafael had no problem leaving you two at his house.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨🧸୧⋆ ˚。⋆
Currently you two were in the guest room of Rafael's house.
It was already one o'clock in the morning and the two of you were lying down, almost falling asleep. You were lying on your side, your back pressed against Alex's chest while his arms were wrapped around your hips.
You weren't fully asleep when you felt Alex start kissing your neck. “Alex… please… it’s one in the morning…” you moan sleepily.
“Sorry, mi mullida. But I can't resist when you wear my shirts…” He says, his hands moving under the shirt you were wearing, heading towards your breasts.
You helped Alex with Rafael's project, when you finished it was almost one in the morning. You decided to wear one of Alex's shirts as pajamas since it was much easier and you were so tired.
Alex continued sucking purple marks on your neck while squeezing your breasts. This woke you up, and you began rubbing against the bulge growing in his sweatpants.
“Fuck, mi amor, you really are a tease…” He groans. He stands up, pushing you to climb on top of you. He lifts your shirt enough to show your breasts, he bends down to suck one of your nipples while playing with the other.
You moan particularly loudly, making Alex put a hand over your mouth. "Be quiet. We're not alone…” He whispers, you forgot for a moment that you were at Rafael's house, and his room was close to the room you two were in.
Alex pulls down your wet panties, and then pulls down his sweatpants. He lets out a sigh of relief when his cock finally frees itself, precum oozing from the tip.
He spreads the precum around his cock to act as lubricant, he gets on top of you and positions himself in front of your tight entrance. He gives you a kiss to shut you up as soon as he enters you, you moan into the kiss.
Alex's thrusts were slow but deep, he was trying his best not to make the bed creak. You held his back tightly, scratching his gray tank top.
You tried your best to hold back your moans, biting your lips to the point where blood came out. Alex did the same, biting your neck to keep from letting out moans.
You can't help but moan loudly when you finally come, biting his shoulder to keep any moans from coming out. His thrusts were getting sloppy, and soon he stops brutally, thrust deep inside you.
He comes, biting your neck too hard to the point where blood comes out, to prevent moans from coming out. He pulls out of you, falling next to you.
You were both panting, he pulls his sweatpants back on, and gets up to grab your panties, helping you put them on.
He pulls you closer to him, hugging you with a stupid smile on his face. “Holy shit… that was… incredible…” he whispers in your ear, the idea of ​​being caught along with the adrenaline made it all so much more exciting.
“I agree… but now, let’s go to sleep…” You say, snuggling into his chest. He laughs, kissing your forehead as a good night.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨🧸୧⋆ ˚。⋆
You two were together with Rafael and Lorena, having breakfast. You were calmly eating toast until she said, “you know you two could have gone to a Motel, right?” You and Alex choke on your food, did they hear you?!
You both look at them blushing and wide-eyed, while Lorena laughs and Rafael rolls his eyes.
♡⃕ (I'm not sure how to translate this. But motel is an exclusive accommodation for adults with a focus on sexual relations on a night in Brazil)
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