#“I love you Lucy Gray”
mitsuki91 · 6 months
... Tonight I am haunted because there is NO WAY my mind came up with so much ansgty Coryo WTF- 😡
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lucygraythemockingjay · 6 months
“Sejanus is like Katniss!” “he’s just like peeta!”
What if I said he was like Gale?
Their blind loyalty their districts. Their rash nature, fuelled by their anger at the injustice the people of their home face. Their strong sense of morality, their eagerness to save the people of their district. Their hatred for the games, and their trust in their friend counterparts.
I’ve seen posts comparing Katniss to Snow, and Peeta to Lucy. In this case, Gale representing Sejanus makes so much sense.
Gale is Katniss’ friend from home. Katniss partakes in the games, but Gale doesn’t get the chance to- like how Sejanus’ tribute Marcus died from default. Katniss feels as though she owes Gale her love, and the way Snow treated Sejanus was all from pity. Artificial love, although Snow and Katniss are set so far apart that Katniss still loved Gale, but as a brother.
Something sets all of the characters apart from their counter character. For Katniss, she was forced to become a hunter when Snow was one at heart. For Peeta, he was forced to put his true feelings forward to perform, when it was Lucy Gray’s passion.
For Gale and Sejanus, I think it’s their sense of morality. Gale is who Sejanus would’ve been if he had no room to act out, had no trust fund to protect his outbursts. Gale is Sejanus after years of oppression, the pride and protection for his home becoming almost toxic. Sejanus is Gale with a chance to change the things around him - a boy with hope, refusing to play by the Capitols games.
If Sejanus had lived, he could’ve become a version of Gale, who in war would risk the lives of hundreds of innocent people from the Capitol. Perhaps Sejanus is the version of Gale who would’ve run away with Katniss before her reaping. Hung and punished, before their urge to help people turned fatal for others. Still morally good.
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daisys-buckley · 1 year
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I am fucking DECEASED
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praxidikegal · 5 months
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My District 13 au
Coryo and Lucy Gray fled in this AU and ended up in district 13. Despite being safe and Coryo rose to power eventually in 13, they both hated it there. The place is no way to live a life. They made improvements but a pox outbreak happened and their son nearly dying had her husband later fully joined 13 to the rebellion. Coryo then was "elected" as President of Panem (she knows) and they moved to the Capitol and her last two children were born and grew up in the Capitol. Having raised children in district 13 where everything is surveillanced and under tight control especially before Coryo's presidency, they raised their children to trust family first and never lie to them ("lies can get you killed").
Lucy Gray is not exactly strict to her children aside from the "no lie" rule so her children gets a way with almost everything. Their shenanigans(especially Orpheus Sage's and Thalia Rose's) will never get them disowned or taken out of the will by Coryo because there will be hell to pay if he does.
The Lady of the Underground
The lady of ways, the lady of means
The lady of the upside down
People usually go to Lucy Gray first when they want her husband to approve something. They catch on that if they get Lucy Gray on their side, Coryo is more likely to accept their request or proposals.
In district 13, of course she'll find ways and loop holes to laws and rules to get what she wants (mostly to sing and for pretty things). She'd sew her clothes, make flowers out of the leftover pieces of cloth, scraps and other items she can turn to trinkets. She'd style her dull jump suit, anything really to give life to that man hole of a district
In district 13 she goes by Melanie Ebony Thorne
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Here is early 50s Lucy Gray with her feather shawl. You cannot tell me Lucy Gray in the Capitol would not enjoy the over the top make up and fashion.
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Lucy Gray here is singing Lady Of the Underground from Hadestown
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maysrinn · 18 days
Goosey Gray & Coriolanus Duck 🪿✨
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The marvelous summer romance of a pampered little running duck who falls head over first for a wild spicy water cobra~
Goosey Gray trademark name by @spoomed \òwó_
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lasierramorena · 1 year
snow’s obsession with control is so evident in his jealousy and possessive tendencies over lucy gray… its always “she my girl” or “she belongs to me”
he never quite understands that she, just like all other human beings, is not controllable. In the end we see how he still fails to grasp this and rejects love, instead embracing fear, a poison, and ultimately letting his obsession consume him.
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cactijoon · 10 months
“I believe in you, I always have.” Just say I love you, it’s less wordy
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manderleyfire · 7 months
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They created a strange tableau: rabid boy, trapped girl, bombed-out building. It suggested a tale that could only end in tragedy. Star-crossed lovers meeting their fate. A revenge story turned in on itself. A war saga that took no prisoners.
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beargyufairy · 4 months
Just My Thoughts Pt. 17
Fairy Tail Manga Reread Version
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Weak and unable to fight.
That how Lucy used to see herself at the start of the series. I don’t blame her. When she first joined Fairy Tail, she immediately got grouped in with some of the most powerful members. Erza, who is known as Titania, a powerful requip mage that is also a S-class and one of the top overall strongest members of the guild. She is respected and feared by many. Gray, who has been training as an ice maker mage since he was young. He had a teacher, Ur, who was known to be one of the best ice mages in the wizard world. And lastly Natsu, who Lucy is first introduced to and forms a team with. Natsu, famously known as Salamander, has powerful fire dragon slaying magic. He was taught and trained by Igneel, a dragon. Natsu is known to be strong willed and destructive.
Lucy is even impressed by the three of these members as she’s progressing her journey as a new member of Fairy Tail. The three of them are labeled as the most powerful team in the guild. No wonder Lucy doubts herself as a wizard. She witnessed their magic and compared herself with them. And in that comparison, she’s lacking since she’s not very powerful yet. Lucy, who unlike the other members, lacks any kind of training as mage. Her mother Layla, a celestial mage, would’ve been the one to train her but she died when Lucy was young.
Additionally, Lucy didn’t have any reason to train for battle. She was confined in her mansion by her father Jude who prevented her from having a life outside what he desires. Lucy didn’t get the freedom to learn and strengthen her powers but she had enough will to leave her wealthy life behind to achieve true freedom. She chose to work for her earnings rather than be given everything on a silver platter. To me, that is her true strength and power. She has the mindset of someone who knows what she wants and does her best to achieve it. She wanted more from life and I’m glad she escaped from her father.
Lucy is strong in ways that training with magic from a young age can’t comprehend. Just to be clear, I’m not saying Lucy had it the hardest when she was younger, every member of Fairy Tail and other guilds have their own story but I’m saying that Lucy didn’t get the chance to properly portray her magic.
Until my next thought 🫡
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slutforsnow · 3 months
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- WILL listen to you ramble
- writes songs about you and your hyperfixations and sings them to the covey (with your approval ofc<3)
- makes it her mission to find/make you clothes you feel safe in
- strokes your hair as you stim and talk about your interests
- takes you swimming with the covey (will bail and stay with if you don't wanna go)
- dances with you in the meadow
- kisses your forehead and sings you your favorite song when you're overstimulated
- when you're stimming, she is doing it with you with the biggest smile on her face, happy to see you happy
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tys-kitty · 4 months
Hi! I'm the anon that requested the Kierarktina moodboard and I absolutely love it! Could I please request Jem/Tessa/Will with "I loved you like the fall of Rome"?
(Also, I'm gonna sign these now so you know it's me, if that's alright?)
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„Will looked down at Jem, and what he felt, more than jealousy, more than anything else, was a wistful desire to commiserate with his best friend, to speak of the feelings he held in his heart. For were they not the same feelings? Did they not love the same way, the same person?“
I may present to you Herongraystairs
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mitsuki91 · 6 months
Unpopular opinion about tbosas: I think that Coriolanus Snow loves Lucy Gray Baird.
A more unpopular opinion: I think that Lucy Gray Baird loves Coriolanus Snow.
That's the real tragedy. Their feelings were true. Always.
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bishopsbeloved · 4 months
my girl 💌
lucy gray baird x fem reader
Lucy Gray would do anything for you. You want to celebrate Valentine’s Day? She’ll sell her soul to give you the day you deserve.
so much fluff, mentions of sex, 1.6k words
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Lucy Gray Baird has always thought of Valentine’s Day as a pointless, commercial event institutionalised by the Capitol.
The Covey has always rejected these kinds of capitalist holidays imposed solely for the purpose of making money, and Valentine’s Day is no exception to that rule. Lucy Gray doesn’t need the Capitol to tell her when she ought to celebrate her beloved. No, she’ll do that all year round. (As if the Covey don’t have their own festivities, anyway. Lucy Gray wakes you on every solstice with a bundle of flowers she’s picked from the woods, not bought, and poetic affirmations of her love.)
It hadn’t really occurred to her that you’d want to celebrate Valentine’s Day, to be honest. This is the first one you’ll be spending with her as her girlfriend, but you’ve known each other a long while and by now you’ve surely picked up on her indifference to the subject. This year she goes about her business as she always has, politely averting her gaze when she sees vendors at the Hob trying to pawn off Valentine-themed goods, and bringing you flowers or sweet little trinkets at any time she pleases. But if Lucy Gray is one thing, it’s hopelessly devoted to you, and she would do anything under the sun to bring a smile to your face. So when she hears you make an offhand comment to Tam Amber about wondering what this year’s Valentine’s Day will be like, her entire stance on the matter is instantly changed.
“You’re whipped beyond comprehension, Lu,” Barb Azure laughs as she watches her younger cousin fret over her plans.
“I don’t give a rat’s ass what you think of anythin’, Barb Azure, I just need your help,” Lucy Gray replies distractedly, kneading the dough of the bread she’s making with vigour. “So are you helpin’ me? Or no?”
On the morning of Valentine’s Day, Lucy Gray Baird kisses you awake, her smile so sweet you can taste it on your tongue.
“Mornin’, baby,” she says sweetly. She’s already up and dressed, and her skin is vibrant with the fresh-found dew of the morning. “Brought you flowers.”
“Morning, Lu,” your heart fills with warmth, “you’re the sweetest.”
“Happy Valentine’s, my sweet girl,” she murmurs, pulling you close to her, littering kisses atop of your hair. “Lord, I love you more’n anything.”
“Love you so much, Lucy Gray,” you whisper, toying with her fingers. You keep coming back to her ring finger, and solemnly swearing to yourself that someday you’ll find her a token of your love to wear upon it. Today isn’t the day — you’re both so young, still young enough to be Reaped — but you know that when the time comes you’ll give yourself over to Lucy Gray forever.
“When you’re thinkin’ that hard I can hear the bits in your brain whirring,” Lucy Gray tells you, eyes sparkling with mirth. “It’s real cute. What’s on your mind, darlin’?”
“Wanna marry you someday,” you mumble. Lucy Gray is rarely caught off guard, but this gets her, and her cheeks flood with colour. Her smile, though, only widens.
“I— it’ll happen someday, baby. I’ll make sure of it.”
You help one another get dressed, all giggles and teeth and hearts on sleeves. Outside it’s warm, the warmest it’s been all season, and you can feel winter breaking as life returns to the dormant earth beneath your feet.
“What’s today lookin’ like, Lu?” you ask.
“Thought we could go to the lake.” She grins easily at you, and it’s contagious.
The two of you amble through the woods, hand in hand, content to take your time together. The whole sweet sunny day stretches out in front of you, warm and dry (Lucy Gray takes one look at the clouds in the sky and determines today will be free of rain throughout, and in seventeen years she’s not been wrong yet) and full of love. Your eyes are fixed on her, the way hers are constantly darting around, not necessarily on guard but more eager to take in all the world has to offer. Every little detail is of significance to Lucy Gray. How her brain works is a beautiful mystery to you, but you’ve learnt she has a way of reading her surroundings, and she can see signs of the future in the earth as easily as she can breathe. Barb Azure says she’s a walking oracle. A few times she’s tried to explain to you how she notices what she does. There’s always a kind of sense to it, but you’ll never get it in the way she does. You’re more than content to sit back and watch her in her element, though. You just feel grateful to be by her side, your one and only, your angel among men.
“Look.” She stops you to point at two four-leaved clovers at the roots of a tree which have grown together so much that their stems are intertwined. “That means you’n me are forever.”
Your stomach swarms with butterflies. “Sure hope so.”
“I know so,” she tells you, brown eyes bright as she presses a kiss to your lips.
The little earthy plateau above the jetty of the lake, the one protruding from the flowers and trees, has been absolutely transformed since you saw it last. The thick, sturdy picnic blanket often used by the Covey on adventures has been laid out beautifully, and is held in secure place by rocks piled on each corner. Ever so carefully arranged atop the blanket are comfy pillows and a picnic for two, with the food set out all pretty in little jars and bowls and handkerchiefs. From where you’re stood you can see a few different kinds of bread and cake, freshly pressed jams, and fruits and berries. Even with how much of this she could’ve foraged, it shakes you how much tesserae has gone into this. Propped against the bough of a tree is her beloved guitar, with her little notebook of songs beside it.
You let out a little noise of surprise when you first lay eyes upon the scene. Lucy Gray fights a losing battle in trying not to smile at how fucking cute you are.
“What’d’you think?” she asks instead, not quite looking at you, toeing at the ground. “Barb Azure helped me with all the bakin’, n’then me’n the boys dolled it up all nice. They were real helpful.” (You know exactly what she means, too. Clerk Carmine is shaping up to be a real painter, he’s got an artist’s eye, and you know this kind of thing would be right up his street.)
You’re in awe for a moment, not even sure what to say. Lucy Gray’s dark eyes blink at you hopefully. She’d never say it, she’d rather die than say it, but you know that the ever so subtle tension to her shoulders, the slight tilt to her chin phrase a silent question.
“It… it’s so gorgeous, Lu, I can’t even, thank you,” you manage. Her posture softens and she steps forward to cup your face in her hands.
“I wanna treat you how you deserve, baby,” she tells you sincerely, and then pecks at your lips before her arms drop down to her sides again. “Now c’mon, or the damn flies’ll eat before we do.”
The two of you stay at the lake together for hours. Perhaps you wouldn’t have picked a February picnic of your own volition, but just as Lucy Gray predicted the weather’s so gorgeous you’re sure she must’ve charmed the skies the way she does with everyone else. You voice this thought to her, and she only laughs, her smile reaching her eyes as she feeds you another berry.
Eventually, as the sun begins to set above the two of you, painting the sky in pinks and golds, the air grows cooler, and you find yourself shivering in Lucy Gray’s arms. Ever-vigilant, she notices.
“Awww, is my baby cold?” she coos. “Don’t worry, I’ll warm you up.” Her hands ghost your sides teasingly, and you blush.
“Shut your mouth, Lucy Gray.”
She gasps, feigning offence. “Why, I thought you liked it wide open.”
You let out a noise of surprise, and hide your face in her hair. Lucy Gray laughs heartily, and cradles you to her, telling you over and over how sweet you are. The moon awakes her silver tongue, though, and as the skies get darker she trips you up again and again with filthy words which, eventually, turn to filthy actions.
Once the act is over, once Lucy Gray’s mouth has been put to good use, the two of you swaddle yourselves in all of the blankets and lie in a little cocoon, gazing up at the stars.
“Thank you, for today,” you whisper, so close to her that you don’t have to move at all to kiss her cheek. “Means a lot.”
She shrugs, nonchalant. “You honour our culture, you join in and all. This day was important to you, I wanted t’honour yours.”
You laugh softly. “You’re sweet. …I don’t think I would call the Districts my culture.”
“No?” Lucy Gray asks, genuinely curious. You shake your head. “What is, then?”
“Don’t know. I got nothing. Just what you teach me.”
She lets out a hum of amusement. “Yeah? You wanna be Covey?” She says it with humour, but the hope in your eyes has her straightening a little. “Y— you do?”
“If you’ll have me,” you say shyly.
Her heart swells against the bars of her chest. “If we’ll ha—? Darlin’, I want this more’n anything,” she tells you lowly. “We love you. I love you. You’re one of us.”
“I’m yours,” you whisper.
“You’re mine. I’m yours. My girl,” she murmurs, fingers beginning to comb through your hair. You press your cheek against hers, so overwhelmed with love for her, and continue to gaze up at the stars with your love.
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mswyrr · 7 months
lucy gray baird's philosophy
I want to "yes, and" this great meta post by @burst-of-iridescent​. Specifically this part:
by the end of the book, coriolanus gives in fully to dr gaul’s way of thinking simply because it excuses him from accepting blame for his actions. if he killed sejanus, it’s because he had no choice. if he betrayed lucy gray, it’s because she would’ve betrayed him first. coriolanus refuses to believe in the goodness of humanity because that would have meant accepting the goodness that existed within him, and with that came the potential for making a different, better choice - potential that he knew, deep down, he had wasted. attributing his crimes to an innate evil that no one can overcome means that he can’t be held accountable, because it’s out of his control.
This got me thinking about how much Lucy Gray's worldview rejects of this way of thinking (and of a Calvinist*/ableist "some people are just born evil" pov people try to impose on the text, which people think is condemning him but actually... accidentally agrees with him that he was born evil and therefore can't help it??????). The book begins with several quotes chosen by the author, but I believe the one that represents Lucy Gray's worldview is Rousseau, who believed people were born with fundamental goodness.
Here's a source on him:
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(Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
And here's the quote Collins opens with:
“Man is born free; and everywhere he is in chains.” — Jean-Jacques Rousseau, The Social Contract, 1762
That's Lucy Gray's pov she's come to through living and reflecting as an artist; someone can disagree with it (of course, all of these questions are open for endless debate; they have been debated endlessly!) however, it's important to respect that is where she's coming from, not being foolish or naive. It is a worthy pov that should be respected, even if you disagree. And that she came to this pov through a hard life and from much thinking and she expresses it beautifully in her art.
Here's the key exchange from the book, after Coriolanus has taken on the idea that people are just awful and her articulating her philosophy in response:
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(Ballad, 495)
She's not naive. She recognizes the nuance that Rousseau does, that society shapes us. And Panem is pretty clearly a society led by people applying all the pressures they can think of on people toward evil. (And, after his heel turn, Coriolanus' is going to innovate some new pressures...) Clearly there are situations and circumstances that form us before we have much say in it, but that's not the same as being born evil.
The difference between inherent goodness and a corrupt society is, for Lucy Gray, a lot of hard work. It's a struggle. This repudiates both the version of "born evil" Coriolanus himself takes on, which relieves him of responsibility, and the self-righteous, Calvinist and/or ableist pov people keep arguing for, which makes "normal" people feel like they can be sure they're good (and ignore how we are all complicit in evil to some degree or another) because they have a "good" normal brain or they were just born so pure as a soul predestined for heaven. No, for her, everyone has to do the work. To her it's everyone's "life's challenge to try and stay on the right side of that line."
Even more pointedly, the love song she wrote him before his betrayal, "Pure as the Driven Snow," articulates her philosophy in the opening lines:
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(Ballad, 481)
Again, we have her personal focus on the work of "staying on the right side" of good and evil after being born good into evil circumstances. She knows it hurts; she's led a hard life herself. "It's rough as a bair" to do that work, it's "like walkin' through fire." But it is doable.
Lucy Gray meant it as a love song but IMO "Pure as the Driven Snow" ends up a lament for the boy Coriolanus was and her love that he betrayed when he betrayed himself. And it is a direct rejection of his excuses, it is inadvertently reading him for filth for the lies he tells himself that all the world is the Games arena, all people are selfish and bad, and he isn't to blame for what he's done because he just wants to come out on top/be the victor of this "natural" "war of all against all" that is Gaul's philosophy (related to the Hobbes quote Collins begins with; I wrote a meta on that here) that he adopts.
I see her demeaned as a foolish girl who just "like bad boys" and I get so frustrated. I also get frustrated by the view that she must not have ever been sincere in loving or trusting him because IF SHE WAS then she would be a fool and his betrayal would somehow be her fault. And she'd reject the idea that she's "good" just because she's so pure or that anyone can claim we're good without doing a lot of hard work.
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(Ballad, 482)
She is so thoughtful and interesting as a character. And she didn't just "like bad boys" - Coriolanus showed only his good side to her until the very end, once he'd decided to kill that part of himself. She had no way of knowing. Sometimes you trust someone and they betray you, it doesn't make you wrong, the shame is all theirs.
*Strict Calvinist predestination is some people are just predetermined to be bound for heaven and some for hell, some people are just born good and others are born bad. A lot of people in fandom seem to love Calvinism idk why. The ableism bit of this should be self-evident: there is no such thing as a "bad" brain type completely incapable of morality or a "good" brain and neurodivergence is not the source of all evil!
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praxidikegal · 5 months
So in this AU, where Snow decided to fight against the Capitol. How did that happen? What happened to him that had him go "Wait...maybe this isn't the way to go. We should leave for now."
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I'm so sorry for not answering sooner.
You see, in this au the ending never happened, Coryo never lied and Lucy Gray accepted him yada yada they travelled and ended up in 13. When they were found they presented themselves to 13 as runaways (himself a trained peacekeeper assigned to district 12 from district 2) Though, they were relatively safe and stable and he was able to climb to power and took back what was "stolen" from his family, Coryo does not want to stay down there forever. He hates the lack of opulence, luxury and life. He also holds a grudge against the Capitol for his "downfall".
In 13, he holds a different name along with Lucy Gray and he wants his name back and his family name's old glory back and of course he wants to get back to Tigris and Grandma'am (tho, grandma'am croaked before they meet again). He hates that he is in hiding, he hates that he is hidden and as president there, He cares little about the people in 13 but Lucy Gray does so he does his best to make the place better for her and his kids (of course himself, he is ambitious and wants some kind of privilege no matter how small in 13) so he's in semi-in contact with the rebels and the Capitol themselves, exchanging goods with them and accepts refugees due to 13's little supplies and population. Then the pox outbreak happens and it was when his son, Orpheus Sage, almost died that he can no longer bear it and so he had 13 join the rebellion fully. After the war was won, he was elected as president of Panem (and all the things it entails) and moved his family to the Capitol.
I hope this sound coherent and not a bumbling mess
Aidoneus Thorne, president of district 13 A.K.A. Coriolanus I'm-only-nice-to-my-family-Snow.
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puckleberryfinnie · 5 months
covey!reader in the quarter quell (introduction)
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ok so because of the amount of likes I got on the post where I shared my idea for a fanfic (thank you so much to each and every one of you), I decided to write my first ever fanfic based on it!! this is just a little introduction to your character and the story that goes with it- I promise I have more in store if you guys want it, like reader meeting everyone. I’m sorry that this isn’t very good, I’ll hopefully improve with more practice <3
summary: an introduction to covey!reader’s story and your time in the 73rd Hunger Games and her reaping into the Quarter Quell
(based on my idea from this post: click me!)
warnings: fem!reader, killing, drowning, basically just me yapping for a bunch of paragraphs!! also this is pretty short lol
Nothing could’ve prepared you for getting your name called as the female tribute of District 11.
You only had minor guidance through the stories that had been told in your district. Passed from parent to kid, and so on, what the capital had tried so hard to erase was still present among the people of the lower districts. The Covey knew more than anyone. Your grandparent had been part of the group when Lucy Gray disappeared, you knew that much. They travelled, escaping the wrath and second-hand anger of Snow after he came into power.
They landed in District 11, growing small farms with even smaller houses. The Covey wasn't what it used to be, more quiet, adapting to a life of agriculture, still humming their ways through their work. You’d do anything for them, though. They were your family. So when your name was called, you knew you’d do what you could to survive for them. They needed you- and you needed them.
The whole experience was a blur. Getting paraded around was one thing. And you were used to the attention, being a performer and all. You sang. You sang every chance you could get- that was your leading attribute and you were going to spend your last days alive doing what you loved most. Caesar just ate it up, too. Your interview infront of the capital was no interview, but a last concert from you to the crowd, a sending-off to your death.
But this wasn’t your last performance. Your voice had more songs to sing, more stories to unfold. You miraculously made it out alive- thankfully without a single kill under your belt from the experience. You hid, others killed. And when it was down to the final two, you survived the final event: a storm in the arena strong enough to wash away any sign of living within it. The other tribute (a boy from district two) was not so lucky, drowning in a moment of panic.
The non-killer image made you very popular in the capital after you stepped out of the arena. Your victory tour was filled with victory songs at each stop, spreading a message of positivity for the districts. Everyone seemed to be appeased by your performance- even Snow.
You didn’t watch the games the next year. Any mention of the games left an uncomfortable taste in your mouth and feeling you couldn’t seem to shake. This feeling only grew with the announcement of the Quarter Quell. You’d only just left the games, and now you would be led back into them?
Even with the other female winners in your district, you still felt uneasy about it. Not a single one of you should have to go through this again. You said your second goodbyes, this time with less hope of return. Everyone in the Covey cried (even the older boys who tried so hard to act tough).
The walk to the selection stage was silent- no one dared to say a word.
A piece of paper was plucked from the container
“And the female tribute from District 11 for the 75th Hunger Games is…”
It was slowly unfolded
“Y/N L/N.”
uh oh!! that’s not good!! I wonder what happens next!! seriously though thank you so much for reading through all of this, I know it’s kind of just me yapping the whole time- feel free to let me know what you think in the comments! if anyone wants a part two, let me know (I’ll also create a tag list if people want it <33)
Im planning on doing everything leading up to everyone actually entering the arena for the next part (like the training, the ability tests, the interviews), so let me know what you guys want to see!!
I’m also not really sure if I want to have the reader shipped with- I’m leading towards johanna but I’m open to suggestions <33
love ya!!
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