#“Please sing my song for me”
mitsuki91 · 6 months
... Tonight I am haunted because there is NO WAY my mind came up with so much ansgty Coryo WTF- 😡
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gncrezan · 9 months
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thoroughly enjoying @infamous-if so here's sketchdump of my post-read doodles before i run through it once again!!!!!!!!!
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phoebepheebsphibs · 3 months
Hi sorry, do you have a moment because I really wanna talk about Mikey's eyes... 🌟
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The ✨EYES✨
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Hhhhis eyes...🥺
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a-weepin-willow · 15 days
A little edit that I’m proud of!
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royalarchivist · 2 years
Full video of Quackity and Wilbur singing “Perfume” from tonight’s LA Lovejoy concert!
(Videos shared by @sootsit, edited together by me)
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queseraone · 1 year
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zylphiacrowley · 5 days
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Walk through the world with care, my love And sing the things you see Let new names take and root and thrive and grow And even as you stumble through machair sands eroding Let the fern unfurl your grieving, let the heron still your breathing Let the selkies swim you deeper Oh, my little silver seeker Even as the hour grows bleaker, be the singer and the speaker And in city and in forest, let the larks become your chorus And when every hope is gone Let the raven call you home
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arctixout · 3 months
praying to all known gods we get a heavier song on the new album
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vagueconfusion · 1 month
Bucket Hat Shenanigans
Video taken by itbcait on tiktok
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justa-moth · 11 months
Tongues & Teeth:
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Never Love an Anchor:
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LIKE???????????? HELLO????????????
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ingravinoveritas · 8 months
(**Warning: Spoilers for OFMD season 2, episodes 6 and 7.)
Just finished watching the newest episodes of OFMD 2 and I am a complete shambles. The fact that we've now gotten multiple Ed/Stede kisses, and everything around how messy and beautiful and human they are, has left me aching. But mostly all I can think about is how badly I want to see this with Michael and David:
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We've already seen how powerful their connection is--on and off screen--and I would so love to see Michael and David portray this type of intimacy, even if it's not in Good Omens. I want to see them in that afterglow, that utter domesticity of the second gif, resting against throw pillows and bathed in soft morning light. Imagine seeing Michael and David so vulnerable and messy and queer, so perfectly queer and human and alive. And I want them to do it in a context where they don't have to apologize, where there's no hemming or hawing or hedging, only bodies and hearts doing what they do when two people who belong to each other share a moment like this.
I truly hope it does happen someday, both for Michael and David's sakes and ours...
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daddy-long-legssss · 5 months
The Story Behind The Song: Arctic Monkeys’ early ambitions on ‘A Certain Romance’
Lucy Harbron – Far Out Magazine | January 17, 2024
It was 2006. Mortgages were crashing, and businesses were going bust. Tony Blair was on his last legs in office as the longest-serving prime minister since Margaret Thatcher, and the hangover of ‘Cool Brittania’ was beginning to set in with an unexpected ferocity. Things were bleak when a young Alex Turner sang, “There ain’t no romance around there” through the public’s speakers. Arctic Monkeys were about to write themselves into musical history as the voice of a new generation.
The final song on their debut album, there has always been something special about ‘A Certain Romance’. In 2022, after the release of their seventh album, The Car, Turner seemed to find himself reflecting back on that 2006 track. To the musician, that early cut holds a clue to everything that was to come as he said the piece “showed that we did actually have these ambitions beyond what we once thought we were capable of”.
Coming in at over the five-minute mark, ‘A Certain Romance’ almost feels like the Arctic Monkeys’ version of a rock opera, summarising all the themes, feelings and energy that came before it on their seminal album Whatever People Say I Am, That’s What I’m Not. It has the cheekiness of ‘Fake Tales Of San Francisco’ and the catchy instrumentals of hits like ‘Dancing Shoes’ or ‘I Bet That You Look Good On The Dancefloor’. Utilising the northern charm of ‘Mardy Bum’, it stands as a final, neatly summarising point on the social commentary found in their early tracks like ‘From The Ritz To The Rubble’ or ‘Riot Van’. Really, it could be argued that ‘A Certain Romance’ is the ultimate example of Arctic Monkeys’ original sound, perfectly encapsulating all the things that made the world listen up and pay attention.
It’s like they seemed to know that, too, always allowing the song a special place. In fact, it was really the band’s opening remark. Years before the offer of a debut album came around, the group were a well-oiled machine with their own local hits. They had the northern live music scene in their hands as their homemade demo CD was passed around like everyone’s worst-kept secret. Beneath the Boardwalk features eight out of the 13 songs that would be on Whatever People Say I Am, That’s What I’m Not, albeit in a slightly different, lower-quality version. But the opening number, ‘A Certain Romance’, sounds just the same.
It’s all there, from the rolling opening drums to that final guitar solo. Recorded and produced in a rented studio at only age 17, the existence of ‘A Certain Romance’, one of the band’s most explorative and energetic numbers, in this form this early in their career feels like a diamond sitting in a mine. It proves that they were always onto something special.
They never needed any help. In fact, their producer, Jim Abbiss, noted that they even seemed nervous about the help. “I think they were probably a bit weary, like ‘who’s this guy? And is he gonna make our sound this or that.’”
They didn’t want anything to change too much, as the group already had the songs figured out. Turner certainly did, as the track’s meandering narrative about hometown lads, fights, and local boredom is already there. Talking on a podcast, original member Andy Nicholson revealed the story behind the song. “We had a practice room with a pool table in, and we had a party in there, and we invited another band who were friends of ours, and we all had some drinks,” he said. “Then something happened, someone throws a pool cue, someone throws a pool ball, and everyone ends up fighting,” he added, explaining the lyrics, “there’s boys in bands / And kids who like to scrap with pool cues in their hands.”
But the magic of Arctic Monkeys lies in their nuance. What begins as a snooty analysis of his local landscape is a genuinely affectionate take. “Well, over there, there’s friends of mine / What can I say? I’ve known ’em for a long long time / And, yeah, they might overstep the line / But you just cannot get angry in the same way,” Turner sings, looking around at his bandmates and lifelong friends. ‘A Certain Romance’ is not only a time capsule for the group’s beginnings but is an ode to all the people who were there with them. It’s an ode to the hometown that made them and all its various characters.
But as the last guitar solo roars to life, there is an unspoken statement that they’re going to be bigger than what they came from. “I remember when we were recording ‘A Certain Romance’ and having a conversation with the producer about the final guitar solo,” Turner told NME, recalling the moment these songs were reworked for their debut. But they wouldn’t let anyone mess with ‘A Certain Romance’, knowing exactly what they were doing and trying to say with that one. In the 2003 demo version, all the feeling is already there, and Turner wouldn’t risk it.
“There’s something that happens at the end of that track where we break some rules in a single moment,” he continued. What happens at the end of the piece feels even more special, considering how the album was recorded. “These are the songs we wanna do, and I think this is the order we wanna do them in,” Alex Turner told their producer, recounting the conversation in 2007 to RadioX, “And he goes, ‘alright, we’ll try to record them in that order as well.’” As the final song, that last guitar solo is the last thing recorded for the album, standing as a cathartic outlet and a chance for the band to prove themselves.
“We focused on the [emotional] effect of the instrumentals over the words,” Turner reflected on the track, concluding, “and I feel like we’ve been trying to do that again and again since then.”
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itsscottiesstark · 8 months
Okay but if season 3 doesn't include Crowley drunk in love singing "I was born to love you" by Queen to Aziraphale WHAT EVEN IS THE POINT
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strawblemjoshie553 · 4 months
Hear me out!! Imagine the lumity confession/ that episode “knock knock knocking on hooty’s door” but it’s SNUFMIN
LIKE!!! Snufkin can be amity and moomintroll can be Luz! It’s perfect! Moomin would think Snufkin is too cool for all this mushy stuff!! And Snufkin could be a fluster gay mess the whole time! Oh and who’s hooty? Little my
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sorrowsaint · 13 days
its quiet. its really dark in here. my eyes are closed and i tied my sweater around my head for good measure. its so cramped. its okay. im okay.
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untimelyambition · 7 months
i am begging on my hands and knees for jon matteson and bryce charles to sing a song together. since i first watched npmd, every single day without fail i have thought about their harmonies together in hatchet town (“if he gets me next i could be three” and “fits the bill, he fits the bill”) literally the sickest harmonies in the entire show, i turn into a little gremlin every time i hear them. their voices sound SO good together it actually makes me a little ill. my favourite song my favourite line my favourite harmonies, their voices blend perfectly and i am so desperate to hear them sing a duet to hear them singing together again pls pls please pls pls pls. pls.
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