#and I ALWAYS dance in the kitchen and hype everyone up
lady-assnali · 1 year
The Fitness Marshall streams are one of my greatest joys atm and I just.
I love to dance. I’m not good at it but I’ve got the heart for it and doesn’t that count for something? 😂
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totalswag · 1 month
tell me if you like it — RAFE CAMERON
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authors note HIGHLY recommend you listen to me & you by cassie remix because it gives me total rafe vibes. i'm so close to 800 lovies, i adore you all. i switched my style with line dividers and i'm probably gonna stick with it for now on.
summary you've had your eyes on rafe cameron for sometime now and everyone knows your attraction towards him. you attend one of his parties one friday night with your girlfriends and make your official move on the kook king.
warnings drinking, smoking, alcohol, drugs, partying, kissing/making out, mentions of sex,
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Rafe Cameron sent out a text about throwing a party at his place while Ward and Rose are out of town for the weekend. The minute word got out people were talking about the party.
You knew the instant after receiving the text that tonight would be the night you made your official move on Rafe Cameron. Everyone, including Cameron, knows you've had your eye on him for a while.
Rafe is waiting for you to make your final move, according to Topper and Kelce. To you, he appears to be playing a game, a waiting game. So you've been playing the game he prefers.
You’ve always wondered why Rafe himself hasn’t made his move on you yet. The thought runs through your mind occasionally.
The party was full when you arrived. People were drunk, smoking weed, doing other drugs, dancing, and who knows what else.
You came in with your head held high, scanning the crowd for your friend group, but first you needed a drink.
You walked into the kitchen, which was stocked with various types of alcohol. You are craving seltzer, so you grabbed a truly from the fridge. You went on a search for your friends after closing the frigid.
Your name was called from the corner of the house by the girls. When you saw them wave you over, you turned in their direction. When they saw you approaching, their mouths dropped open.
"I must say Y/N, you look so hot!" Ella, one of your best friends, says she's hyping you up by gazing at you up and down.
"If Rafe doesn't get you tonight, he's definitely going to miss out," Melina says, resting against the wall.
The other girls agreed with Melina and Ella's comments.
"You two are really kind. Plus, y'all look so good I might melt" you compliment them back.
"I'll be making my final move on him; I just need to find him first," you say with a nice smile, gazing over your shoulder for Cameron boy.
"Dude we saw him earlier walking out back to smoke a blunt with Kelce but haven't seen him since" Ella informs you.
Thirty minutes go by, you four are dancing together to the beat of the music. Laughing and drinking together while listening to music that keeps you dancing.
For the past five minutes you can feel eyes on you the entire time you’ve been dancing with the girls. You lift your head up slowly, Rafe is standing with a group of his friends.
You’ve been waiting so long, I’m here to answer your call.
I know that I shouldn’t have had you waiting at all.
You two lock eyes. No one is breaking it.
He's dressed in a white tee, black cargo pants, a gold chain around his neck, and a snapback. Oh, that gold chain.
As you continue to dance to the beat of the song, tension builds in your body. Knowing Rafe is watching gives you excitement. You look over your shoulder, he's looking at you amongst the crowd of people.
You tell the girls as you pull away you are gonna have a little chat with Rafe for a moment but knowing that will be a for a while.
When Rafe sees you getting closer, he feels his body tense up. More so with excitement.
“Hey Rafe,” you smiled nicely, giving him a hug, running your hand down his arm.
He wraps his arm around you, “hey Y/N” Rafe says, looking down at you softly, “How are you enjoying the party?” He asks before taking a sip of his drink in his free hand.
“Yeah, I am. My friends and I have been having a great time” You say, trying to play it off you are about to make your final move.
Throughout the conversation, you keep eye contact, something you've always done with people. Conversation was casual yet with a hint of flirtatious moments.
Rafe's body communicates that he is attempting to maintain his calm. You tilt your head slightly, a smile spreading across your face.
"If you girls need anything I'll be around the house," he lets you know, moving his hand in a circling motion.
Your thinking tells you to say something that will catch him off guard.
Slowly nodding, stepping on your tiptoes, placing your free hand around Rafe's neck and dragging him to your height, "What if I need something from you?" Your voice sounded enticing, as you pull away.
Your gaze lands on the gold chain. Playing with it, twisting it with your index finger. 
Rafe's lip slides against his bottom lip, forming into a smirk. He knows what you are doing to him. He likes it.
I know I shouldn't have you waiting at all.
I've been so busy, but I've been thinking about you.
What I wanna do to you.
"Oh really, what would that be? enlighten me,"
Oh he's really good you think to yourself.
"I think you know what I mean, Rafe."
"I don't think I do, Y/N," mocking your tone.
In your mind, you want to go and see what he does, or you want to stay by his side for the rest of the night and sleep in his sheets. It can go either way, but you'll most likely be in his sheets, or not.
You finally inform Rafe that you'll be getting back to your girlfriends, who are waiting for you someplace in the home. The look on his face indicated that he did not want you to leave him.
He leans nearer and places his hand on your wrist, "No, don't leave right now. Can I give you a tour of the the house?" He suggested.
You give him a questionable look as if you were debating it.
"Vip access for special people,"
Jack pot.
"I would love that."
The rest of the night, you stayed at Rafe's side. You had him hooked around your finger and it only took you a few words out your mouth. The expressions on your girls' faces were wonderful; they were secretly cheering you on across the room. Of course, they kept a close eye on you while enjoying themselves.
When Rafe took you around the house, he made sure you had the best tour of your life. You could not believe how large the house was. He showed you his room last, which was maintained clean and tidy. His tv is on the wall below his dresser. The smell of cologne flooded your lungs and smelled pleasant.
After, you two took a few shots, smoked a joint, played drinking games, danced, and made out.
You now have your back against Rafe's chest, and his hand is around your waist, holding you close. You'll occasionally move your hips to the side to the beat of the song, causing him to pull you closer.
Everyone has taken to the dance floor in the huge living room. You both circle all of Rafe's buddies. You've met them many times before. Your girlfriends were a few feet away.
Rafe's hand was gliding itself up and down your waist then your ass giving it a couple squeezes.
You turn around and place both hands on his lower the abdomen. You looked at each other with lust and desperation. You examine his lips first, contemplating whether you should kiss him first. You do. 
Lips moved in sync. Tongues fighting for dominance. The feeling felt electric. Your body was craving him more and more.
"I think it's time I gave me another good tour, but this time in my bedroom," he breathlessly mumble in your ear, eager.
You groan from his words, nodding.
The way he spoke those words to you made you feel like you were on cloud nine. Excitement in your lower stomach started jumping.
Before you head upstairs, Rafe wraps his arm around Topper's shoulder, whispers in his ear, "Make sure you get these people out of here in an hour, then you can either stay here or go home." Topper nods and pats his shoulder.
You couldn't take your hands off each other on the way up to his bedroom; laughing, touching, and kissing. 
"You look so beautiful tonight, couldn't take my eyes off you," he says as he lays you on his soft sheets, runs his hands down your sides, and admires your physique.
The words coming out Rafe's mouth made your cheeks grow red. You watch Rafe's eyes scan your body before he grabs the hem of your shirt, pulling it over your body.
You feel yourself grow impatient, Rafe senses it, he smirks.
"Don't worry, angel, we're just getting started," he said, dropping his head, kissing your stomach, and moving closer to your underwear line.
Your hands slide through his hair, gently pulling, eliciting a gasp from Rafe's lips. You smirk at yourself.
Pulls your skirt down and throws your underwear across the room before bringing itching closer to your core. Chills run down your spine, and you breathe heavily as Rafe's breath fans on your bare core.
The sexual tension grows stronger. Rest of your night consisted of the both of your moans filling the bedroom.
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tuiccim · 2 months
Wrecked (Part 4)
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Pairing: Alpha Frank Castle x Omega Reader, Alpha Billy Russo x Omega Reader
Trigger Warnings: References to infertility, love triangle, smut
Summary: When Frank Castle found his way to your small town bar, you thought you had finally found your Alpha despite being a "wrecked omega" but when his best friend, Billy Russo, blows through town, your world tilts on its axis. You thought you found your happy ending but was it just more wreckage for your life?
A/N: Thank you to my beta reader and hype princess, @whisperlullaby
Wrecked Masterlist
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You danced around Billy for the rest of the day. He always seemed to find a way to touch you or at the least, be within reach, and always solicitous. It hadn’t taken you long to realize your folly that morning. He was testing you, making sure you were loyal to his friend. Part of you wondered if Frank had put him up to it. Was he trying to find a reason to break it off with you? Did he regret his commitment to mate you? You hated the thoughts that continuously ran through your head. You jerk your head, trying to make the ugly thoughts go away. Would you ever find any peace from your own self-doubt?
“You okay, gorgeous?” Billy asks as he studies you from across the kitchen counter. 
“Fine,” you say, not making eye contact. 
“What time do you have to be at the bar?” he asks. 
“I’ve got to go get ready now. Are you guys coming by?” You look at Frank for the answer. 
“Nah,” Frank says. 
“Of course,” Billy’s answers simultaneously. 
“Okay, well, either way, I’ll see you guys later,” you retreat to your room to change. You wished you had a moment alone with Frank to ask him what was going on with him, but he seemed content to keep you at arms length. It was as you were driving that another explanation crossed your mind. What if Billy brought back memories of Frank’s mate, Maria? He had known her and Frank’s children. The thought made you sad and you wondered if you had jumped to conclusions about Frank’s remoteness. You resolved to talk to him about it tonight after close.  
Saturday night at any bar is busy and you were glad your other bartender was here. You really needed to find another hand, if only to give you a couple nights off a week. You usually take Mondays off but you'd been called in several times lately. You loved the bar but everyone needs a break sometimes. You hadn't taken a vacation since you bought it. 
You shake yourself out of your thoughts as a group bustles in through the door. Without them even making it across the floor, you get a pitcher going and gather glasses. They were regulars on Saturday nights. The group bought a few pitchers, played pool on one of the three tables, and were decent tippers. The leader of their group, Dane, came by to drop his card for the tab and grabbed the drinks. He was an Alpha and paid little attention to you outside of ordering and paying. Just how you liked them to behave. 
You were surprised when Frank and Billy actually showed. After their awkward exchange earlier, you assumed they wouldn't bother. Billy was all smiles as he approached and you set their drinks at two open spaces at the end of the bar. 
"Thanks," Frank said softly with a gentle look. It warmed your heart and you gave him a genuine smile. He looked in your eyes for what felt like the first time in days, though it had only been hours. 
"How's the night going?" Billy asks. 
"It's been busy but nothing we can't handle," you nod. 
"Can I get another?" A patron calls. 
"I'll check on you guys in a bit," you smile as you get back to work. 
The next hour goes by in a blur as customers come and go. You rarely have a moment to breathe and do little but refill glasses. The music was playing loudly and there was a commotion at one of the tables that calmed down with Jordan's quick work. It was a great night business-wise and everyone was having a good time. You had finally made it back over to the guys when, out of nowhere, the hair on the back of your neck stood up. Your shoulders tensed as you glanced around. 
"What is it?" Billy looked around before looking back at you. 
"I don't know..." your eyes continue to scan. 
"You probably just caught a chill," Frank attempts to reassure you. 
"Um,yeah... probably," you say softly. 
"I don't think so, Frankie," Billy disagrees. "Your face went white, gorgeous. Something set you off."
Frank glances around and shrugs, "Everything's fine. Relax. I'm gonna hit the head."
Taking a deep breath, you pour Billy another drink with a small smile, appreciative of his understanding. You glance up to check on the group at the pool table and see their pitcher getting low. You head that way to ask if they want another or to close out. Halfway there, you stop dead in your tracks when you make eye contact with a late arrival to the group. The Alpha that attacked you gave a sinister smile before lifting his glass. You look towards Jordan but he's dealing with a couple of young looking guys at the door. A hand grips your arm and you gasp, twisting to see Billy. A laugh rings out from your attacker's direction and your gut clenches. 
"It-it's him," you breathe out, frozen in place as your anger builds. 
"Who?" Billy looks and immediately knows. His hackles raise as he locks eyes, a challenge clear in the other Alpha's eyes. 
"He attacked me. Frank stopped him. He can't be here," you set off to face your attacker but Billy catches you.
"Hey, Let me handle it," Billy says. 
"It's my bar. I can handle it,"  you say confidently. 
"But you don't have to. Let me do this for you," Billy argues.
"No, I need to do this. I can stand up on my own," you pull away but, letting go of a little of your pride, you turn back to him, "But you can back me up." As you walk, you catch Jordan's eye and motion for him to join you. You approach the Alpha with them flanking you. "I'm only going to say this once, leave now."
"Brought your posse, huh?  Where's your hero with the crowbar? Couldn't hold on to him? He didn't want the broken Omega?" He says, darkly. 
"He's right behind you," Frank's gruff voice is accompanied by the sound of a pool stick taking out your attacker's knees.
"What the fuck?" Dane yells, seeing his friend being attacked. 
Frank stops him with the pool stick, "You don't want in on this."
"What is going on?" Dane looks at you for an answer.
"Last time he was here, I cut him off. After close, he attacked me by my car. He's not welcome here," you explain plainly. 
"Did he hurt you?" Dane asks.
"Nah, I hurt him," Frank grouses.
"Is that when you were in that 'car wreck', Matt?" Dane looks at his friend. 
"No. Back me up here, man!" Matt yells. 
Dane looks between Frank, Billy, and Jordan and shakes his head, "I'm good. Uh, when you're done here another round would be great."
"Sure, Dane." You look at the guys, "Get him out of my bar. Feel free to remind him why he's not welcome."
"We've got this," Billy stops Jordan from joining them. The dark smiles Frank and Billy exchange are enough to make your insides quell. Matt would be shitting his pants before the night was over. 
You grabbed the pitcher and flounced back to the bar as if nothing had happened, secure in the knowledge that he'd never show his face here again. His audacity was mind boggling. 
You settle back into the swing of things and finish off the night. Just as you were yelling last call, Billy and Frank come in with bruised knuckles. You pour them each a drink with a grateful smile. 
"Thanks for delivering the message," you wink. 
Frank smiles as he raises his glass, "Anytime."
You glance down at Billy's split knuckles, "Need some ice? Or a bandaid?"
"Nah, gorgeous," he licks the wound and takes a drink while staring at you. 
You don't know why but it was hot as fuck. Your mind immediately went to it doing other things and you have to swiftly shift your attention. You pour yourself a hit of whiskey, a rarity for you, but necessary to help you through these strange feelings coursing through you. 
“You okay, babe?” Frank eyes you. 
“Just a little keyed up,” you say, dismissively. 
“Sounds like you need an outlet,” Billy gives you a rakish look. 
Deciding to play his little game, you lean on the bar suggestively, “Any suggestions?”
Billy’s eyes betrayed him in that moment. Want was obvious but a moment of vulnerability flashed. He recovered quickly to send a smirk Frank’s way, “You’ve got a firecracker on your hands, Frankie.”
“She gets in her moods,” Frank cracks.
You raise an eyebrow at the comment but before you can reply, Dane walks up to close out his tab. He leaves a big tip and looks at Frank, “He still alive?”
“He was when we left him,” Billy says with a cagey shrug.
“He’s only in town a couple of times a year but once his dad hears about this, he won’t be back. Sorry for the trouble. Won’t happen again,” Dane nods to you as if sealing a deal. 
“Thanks. See ya next Saturday,” you say to assure his welcome to return. 
“Alright, let’s head out, Bill. Jordan, you’ll make sure she gets to her car?” Frank drains his glass.
“Uh, yeah. Of course,” Jordan says nervously. 
“Don’t worry about it. I’ll stay with her,” Billy states. 
“Wha- No, it’s fine. I’ll be fine,” you retort. 
“I’d feel better if you weren’t alone,” Billy says sternly.
“Jordan will be here,” you argue. 
“She’s good, Bill. Let’s go,” Frank jerks his head toward the door. 
“You go ahead,” Billy says coldly. “I’m staying.”
“You always were a stubborn bastard,” Frank laughs, shaking his head. 
“Always,” Billy says dismissively. 
You clench your jaw in frustration but turn away to finish off the night. It was as if time sped up to leave you alone with Billy. The bar emptied quickly, the staff cleaned in record time, and before you realized it, Billy had told Jordan to head to his apartment. Taking the cash to the back room, you crouch down to lock it in the safe. It was the only way to put some distance between the two of you. His intent to get you alone was obvious to you and you wanted to get into the car quickly to limit it. What you didn’t expect was for him to be right behind you when you stood up from locking the safe. 
Gasping, you growl out, “Damn Marines and their fucking silent steps!”
Billy chuckles as he closes the little distance between you. 
“Don’t,” you put a hand up to stop him. 
“We need to finish our conversation from this morning,” Billy intimates. 
“The one where you tried to seduce your best friend’s Omega?” You raise an eyebrow at him. “Were you testing me? Is this some sick game you play? Or did Frank put you up to it so he has a reason to dump me?” You practically spit the accusations. All of your anxiety and fears come to the surface with them. 
A muscle ticked in Billy’s clenched jaw. His dark eyes bore into yours as he leaned in closer. You stand your ground but you’d be lying if you said your insides didn’t quiver. His scent was suddenly more intense and you knew you had struck a nerve. His hand lashed out to grasp you by the throat and pull your face close to his. You wrap your hands around his wrist as your eyes widen. You should be scared, afraid of what this Alpha may do to you but you find yourself aroused by his reaction. Your thighs clench and heat pools in your belly despite you fighting these feelings. He takes a deep breath, pulling your scent in before speaking, “I don’t play games with other men’s Omegas. I don’t mess with Omegas at all, generally. But, I do go after what I want and from the moment I stepped in this damn bar yesterday, all I can think of doing is marking you as mine,” he growls.
“Why?” You ask, staring at him pleadingly, desperate for an answer. Mainly because you felt the same way. Your mind and body were screaming out for him. It was insanity, a delusion. It had to be. A reaction to agreeing to be mated. A seven month itch, fuck, it had to be something because whatever else it was, it was wrong.
“I don’t know. I can’t explain it but I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anyone,” he whispers. 
“I’m Frank’s,” you reply quietly. 
“Funny,” Billy says, trailing his fingers over the scent gland on your neck and sending a shiver through you, “I don’t see a claiming mark. You’re with Frank, you’re not his. Not yet… He won’t stay. He can’t. Even if he does mate you, he won’t stay.”
Those words broke whatever spell Billy was able to put over you and you felt the anger claw its way into you, “And you will?”
Billy’s lips part but nothing comes out. 
“Exactly,” You push him away. You grab your keys from the desk and flick the lights off as you exit the back room, “Let’s go.” 
You walk away without a backwards glance. Shutting everything down as you go, you make it to your car and slip in without him bothering to say anything more. Frank had told you Billy was known for going through the Omegas but you were kicking yourself for falling for his soulful shit again. Yes, you were attracted to him but he was just passing through town and no matter how much you wanted to give in, it would be stupid to lose Frank for nothing more than a quick fuck. You rode in silence to the cabin. Your anger and frustration were too intense to allow you to speak and Billy was similarly stoic. 
As soon as you were inside, you went to shower, feeling as if all you could smell was Billy on your skin. You ran the water hotter than normal and scrubbed your skin of any smell from him or the bar. When you entered the bedroom, Frank stirred, woken by the light from the bathroom. 
“Everything okay?” Frank asks, squinting. 
“No,” you say as you get on the bed. 
“What’s the matter?” 
You pull the blankets down and straddle his naked body. Kissing him hard, you pull back just long enough to whisper, “I need you.”
His arms go around you immediately and his mouth opens to kiss you more thoroughly. You reach down to pump his cock until it’s hard enough for you to slip it inside. Your walls clench around him. Breaking the kiss, you sit up to work your hips more quickly, allowing him to fill you more. 
“Jesus, babe, what’s gotten into you?” Frank moans as his hands cover your breasts to knead. 
“Fuck, needed this cock in me. Needed it stretching me out like only you can,” you answer, throwing your head back to let out a moan. 
“Quiet, babe. Billy will hear us,” Frank chuckles, sitting up and trying to pull you to him for a kiss. 
You push him back down forcefully and ride him harder, “Then he’ll know just how good you fuck me.” Your anger returns as you ride him. Anger at Billy for his very presence, anger at Frank for making you feel he always had one foot out the door, anger at your family for making you feel less than, anger at society that considered you nothing but a wreck. You rode all those feelings out on Frank’s cock and when that wasn’t enough you dug your nails into his pecs until he grimaced. You drag them down his chest leaving angry red marks, making Frank roar as he grabs you and throws you under him. He thrusts as hard as possible, driving impossibly deep, and forcing a cry from your throat. He doesn’t relent, pounding into you harder than he ever has, enough that you know your thighs will be bruised. You lose yourself in it, allowing your mouth to fall open and release moans and cries with no regard to who hears. When you come, your body bows and you release a full-throated scream. 
You lay like a ragdoll, completely spent and grateful for the release but Frank isn’t finished with you. Pulling out, he grabs your leg and flips you over. He pulls you up onto your knees and slams into you repeatedly from behind, grunting as he uses his hands to pull you back against him. Your skin slaps obscenely and you can do little more than curl your hands into the sheets as he fucks into you. When his hand lands a punishing slap on your ass, you cry out again. 
“Don’t know what the fuck has gotten into you tonight, but don’t worry, babe, I’m gonna fuck it out of you,” Frank growls as he continues his delicious assault on your pussy. 
“Oh, fuck,” you whimper, your eyes rolling back in your head as another orgasm slams through you. 
“That’s right. Let it out, fuck,” Frank pulls out of you and you collapse on the bed. Turning you on your back, Frank pulls one of your legs across the other and enters you again. You're twisted in half, breasts and face where he can see them, but your ass is still displayed as he fucks you. He grasps your thigh as he watches your tits bounce with each thrust. “Play with them. I wanna watch you,” Frank brings your hand up to your breast. 
You pinch your nipples, twisting and flicking as he watches. His hips drive into you steadily and his thumb makes circles around your clit. Your orgasm creeps up on you, your attention on your breast but your body suddenly spasms and you let out a high pitched moan. It comes in waves and you clench down on Frank with each one. 
“Frankie, baby, please. I need you to fill me up,” you whine, exhausted.
“You want me to fill you up, you’re gonna have to work for it,” Frank grunts, pulling you up. He positions you on top of him in reverse cowgirl. “Ride me like you did the other night and maybe I’ll give it to you. Move that ass,” he says as he delivers another punishing smack to your ass cheek. 
“Oh,” you squeal as you begin to move. You’re so tired but you put all of your remaining energy into bouncing on his cock. You stick your ass out, giving him the full view. He licks his lips as he watches your dripping cunt swallow his cock. He grabs handfuls, delivers alternating smacks, and smears slick from your cunt to play around your tight, little asshole. 
“Play with your clit. I want to feel you come around my cock one more time,” Frank demands.
“I… I don’t think I can,” you whimper. 
“I ain’t coming until you come, ‘mega. I suggest you get to work,” he flexes his hips up into you to emphasize his words. 
You circle your clit, searching desperately for that toe curling feeling. You reposition your hips to allow his cock to hit your g spot a little better and begin making shorter strokes. You find it and ride it out, begging your body to give you just one more. When you felt yourself teetering on that precipice, you whined until the spasms hit. Your hips moved in jerky motions as the orgasm made your legs shake uncontrollably. 
Frank’s deep voice groans, “Oh, yeah, fuck. That’s it. Fuck.” 
You feel his knot lock in place and you sob as pleasure rolls through you. Frank rolls you to your side while you’re still connected. His big hand caresses your cheek before resting it on the back of your head. 
“That’s what you needed, huh? Just needed my knot filling you up, huh, ‘mega?” He whispers, exhaustion clear in his voice. 
“Yeah,” you whisper, glad that you were facing away from him so you could hide your tears. You were filled by a man who wanted you, so why did you feel so empty?
Part 5
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katsu28 · 6 months
bloro blurbs : steve harrington’s housewife behavior. ik many believe the rich bitch can’t cook but with all the excess resources, space, and alone time led to lots of practice. cause a guy gets hungry! and, cooking a good meal has a way of filling a space with warmth in several senses.
account for the kids coming into the picture, he is happily mother hen to a gaggle of teenagers. bet he has big dinners, packs lunches, always does his best to send any visitors off with something sweet or hardy.
when you come into the picture, he happily adds you to the list of people he loves to cater to and care for. as you get to know each other better he keeps an ear out (in general cause he’s…. but) specially for your favorite food mentions or any allergies or watching for reactions. meanwhile, you’re along for the ride of your life cause being this well fed by Some Guy who dances around the kitchen when he’s not jumping between stations, is oddly boggling but largely comforting so you accept the set up. you sit on the stool and watch, or fuck off to do whatever til you’re called or he brings the goods to you. then you eat however much of whatever you want, it’s consistently good and made with love.
(whether or not you do the dishes is up to you, idk why personally doing dishes is a love language and i’ll go there especially if someone’s made the food with me in mind.)
y’all get your nails done together. sipping on beverages through straws, getting polished, steve charming everyone in a given radius. gossip galore.
he looks so pretty on your dates if and when you’re ready to go out.
pretty boy with a heart of gold and skills to back up the hype.
oh my god yes this is so good, i don't even have anything to add to this. steve harrington—certified housewife <3
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acey-wacey · 2 years
if it's not too much trouble, would I be able to request the first years trying to confess to a dense reader? (if ur requests happen to be closed then feel free to ignore this lol)
It's no trouble at all, lovely! Thank you for requesting!
❤️ Ace Trappola ❤️
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To be completely honest, Ace has liked you since you got him and Grim out of big trouble on the first day.
Ever since, he's been flirting shamelessly, hoping you would get the hint.
Every time he flirts with you though, you just smile and roll your eyes.
You think that's just how he is with everyone and that it doesn't mean he likes you, even though he very obviously does.
After months of flirting with no response, Ace finally decided to up his game.
He would come to class every day with your favorite candy or a treat snuck from the Heartslabyul kitchen.
You definitely appreciated the treats but you figured he was trying to butter you up for his next ridiculous scheme.
When you finally told him your assumptions, he was speechless.
Is that really what you think of him?
Yeah, he's a little mischievous but he's not that shallow.
"It's because I like you! Queens, Y/N! I'm only like this for you because I really, really like you!"
Now you were speechless.
He had liked you this whole time?
A part of you always knew in the back of your head but you continuously pushed it away, too afraid to let yourself get your hopes up.
But here he was, confessing his love to you just like you had imagined.
Years later, he would still be teasing you about how you were so slow to realize his feelings.
♠️ Deuce Spade ♠️
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The pair of you are rather oblivious.
Both you and Deuce been trying to confess for almost 2 years but neither of you get the hint.
Ace has to hear lovestruck ranting from both sides and he's sick of it but he promised not to say a word.
It's so frustrating to watch you dance circles around each other with no idea that you could be dating already.
After Ace, finally fed up, hypes up Deuce to confess to you, the blue-haired boy decides to ask you on a date.
As you can guess, it goes very poorly.
Despite practicing numerous times in his mirror, as soon as he spotted you, he started to get increasingly nervous.
You just looked at him, thoroughly confused, as he stuttered through what should've been a confession.
He meant to start with "you have really pretty eyes" but instead he just said "you... you have eyes".
You raised an eyebrow, concerned at his radiating nervousness.
You assumed it was because he was intimidated of you, though why an ex-punk would be intimidated of his magic-less best friend of 2 years, Seven knows.
You apologized for making him uncomfortable and turned to leave.
He grabbed your hand and spun you around to face him, a panicked look on his face.
He closed his eyes and nearly yelled at you,
"I like you, Y/N! Please go out with me!"
You were stunned for a moment but your expression quickly broke into a wide grin.
You pulled Deuce into a hug which surprised him greatly.
He had expected rejection but this was so much better.
🐺 Jack Howl 🐺
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Now you knew when you met Jack that he kept his cards pretty close to his chest.
It took you a while just to break his shell enough to befriend him but once you got to know him, it wasn't long before you developed a big fat crush.
You tried to bottle up your feelings since you knew you didn't have a chance with someone so attractive and admirable.
Little did you know, Jack was doing the exact same thing because there was no way someone as kind and brave as you would go for a jock like him.
Despite being so determined not to be more than friends, you couldn't keep your distance no matter how hard you tried.
Jack has always been very subtle with his affections, not wanting to be too obvious but still hoping to see that smile on your face.
He makes time to see you, despite being busy all the time.
He even goes out of his way to walk you to your classes even though he needs to be on the other side of the school.
Though he is always content to just listen to you talk, he's more inclined to have an actual conversation with you than anyone else.
You, of course, haven't noticed that any of these things are out of the ordinary.
This is just how he treated all his friends, right?
You feel a sliver of doubt and decide to consult Ace and Deuce.
As soon as you bring it up, they give a hard no, a little jealous that you get the pampered treatment from their tsundere friend.
Neither of them want to spoil the surprise but that won't stop them from nagging Jack until he says something.
He finally got sick of them and marched right up to you.
"Y/N, I like you."
*cricket noises*
"Oh, like friends?"
He actually facepalmed right in front of you.
When you looked at him again like a lost puppy, he gently grabbed your shoulders and looked you straight in the eye.
"If you would let me, I would kiss you right now."
*more cricket noises*
"So not like friends?"
He's never going to emotionally recover from this.
🍏 Epel Felmier 🍏
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Initially, you only noticed his charming appearance.
Once you got to talk to him though, he let you know that he hated when people called his pretty.
You tried your hardest to repress your feelings but the more you got to know him, the more attractive he became.
At first, it was just because he was pretty but once you became friends, you fell in love with a whole different side of the "delicate flower".
Once he felt more comfortable around you, he began sharing more about his life in Harveston and you couldn't help but smile.
His accent is so cute and you think it's incredibly admirable how he wants to become stronger.
You're one of the only people he really feels comfortable around.
He feels like he can tell you anything and you won't judge him.
Eventually, he realizes with an italicized "oh" that he really, really likes you.
Upon this revelation, he does the worst possible think any lovestruck individual could possibly do.
He asks Rook Hunt for advice.
Rook obviously has very old-fashioned and romantic ideals.
He suggests a serenade outside your window, which Epel doesn't really like but agrees to it anyway all for the chance to impress you.
In the dead of night, you heard a clink on your window.
You opened the window to find Epel standing below with a bright red face.
He attempted to serenade you in a "princely manner", as Rook had suggested, but he got too embarrassed and buried his face in his hands.
"I'm so sorry, Y/N. This was stupid. I just... I just like you a lot."
Your eyes widened in surprise as the boy turned away in mortification.
You yelled, stopping him in his tracks.
"Wait right there!"
You ran away from your window and bolted down the stairs, not bothering to shut the door behind you.
You hurtled toward Epel, not caring when he shrieked as you toppled him over with a hug.
"I like you a lot too, Epel."
"Because I'm pretty?"
You swatted his shoulder for that.
"That too."
🐊 Sebek Zigvolt 🐊
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Sebek is honestly the densest one here.
He won't even admit that he likes a human.
Sure, his stomach feels all funny when he sees you and all he wants to do is impress you and sometimes in class, he zones off thinking about holding you but he definitely doesn't like you!
Because of the way he is dead set on not getting close to you, you automatically assume that he hates you.
I mean, he practically recites "humans are inferior" like a mantra on the daily.
You attempt to keep your distance but you're drawn to the half-fae like moth to flame.
Despite your reservations, you keep trying to make friends with him, which isn't doing wonders for his heart.
Eventually, the perpetual heart palpitations when you're near become too great for Sebek to ignore.
He had to tell you about his feelings.
He is physically incapable of telling you in person without his face turning red so he writes you a letter.
"Dear Y/N,
I regret to inform you that I have, as Lilia says, fallen for you. Though it is against my better judgement that I have developed these feelings for you, I write you this letter in the hopes that it will provide me peace of mind. I do not anticipate a reply of any sorts nor do I expect you to reciprocate said feelings but I only wish for you to know the way you make me feel. When I see you, my heart palpitates excessively and I cannot seem to find the right words. Though I have my reservations against humans, you have made me feel more nervous and excited than anyone in the world. You may do with this letter what you will. Perhaps burn it. Yes, please burn it.
Yours Truly, Sebek Zigvolt"
You were shocked when you received the letter but after reading the contents, you realized it must not have been meant for you.
You found Sebek and handed the letter back to him.
"I believe you made a mistake and sent this to the wrong person. I'm very sorry for reading it, but whoever it's for must be pretty special, huh?"
"Yes, they are."
You were entirely taken aback by the intense look on Sebek's face.
"I don't make mistakes, human."
You felt heat begin to fill your cheeks.
"So all that in the letter..."
"It's meant for you."
"...I make you feel nervous and excited?"
"I said to burn it!"
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tv-girllover07 · 7 months
Something Metal🥁
Kevin × fem!reader
Movie: Metal Lords
Part 2
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Blue italic= Thoughts
Green italic= Kevin narrating
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“Why?” She asked “Uh…cause then you can get to know people. If you want you can join Hunter and I at lunch, maybe uh make some friends” I said the last part a little bit quieter please say yes “…Okay I’ll come to the party but not for long social things aren’t really my thing” she said and looked around then met my eyes. “Okay well, text me your address and I’ll pick you” I said and she was confused for a second “Oh! Right you have my number. Okay so pick me around 7?” She asked and I nod my head and put my hands in my pockets “I’ll see you at 7.” “Oh and ehh…sorry I called you stupid earlier”
(Scene skip ⏭️)
After Kevin comes to pick me up we drive to the party I sit in the back and don’t really say much while Kevin and Hunter talk about something I’m not even paying attention to once we show up to the party we stand there awkwardly dancing a little to the terrible music.
Kevin’s POV
I’ve never been to a party. I always wondered what people like this did at them. People whose bands didn’t have names like Skullfucker. Now I know. Here we are…in the middle of it all.
Hunter, Kevin and i are standing off to the side and Kevin sways to the music a little while Hunter looks around from where he’s standing “This rules. Awesome idea” Hunter said sarcastically and I laughed slightly
“He said everyone’s invited” Kevin said yelling slightly over the music and Hunter scoffs “How do they do it?” Kevin said looking around “What are you talking about? This is like three chords and they still can't get it right. They suck. Look at the drummer he’s high out of his mind” Hunter said and you could hear the drummer playing offbeat “I mean, them, all of them. How did they just... do this, like it's the easiest thing ever?” Kevin said curiously, then Hunter puts a hand on Kevin’s shoulder for Kevin to look at him “Okay, listen to me things are gonna happen for us.” Hunter said hyping Kevin up a bit “Someday, all these people are gonna be like, Holy shit! Kevin Schlieb and Hunter Sylvester I went to high school with those guys I could've even hung out with them maybe, but it's gonna be too late, 'cause we're gonna be too busy hanging out with the guys from Iron Maiden.” Hunter finished his little speech, Kevin looks around at all the people drinking, I look up “Wow Hunter that was one of the greatest things you’ve ever said, even though we’re in the same speech class”
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(Scene skip ⏭️)
We’re in the living room, Kevin and I have a drink in our hand but Hunter doesn’t which is perfectly fine but I don’t think Hunter like the fact that Kevin’s drinking as we lean against the pillar an Hunter looks at Kevin while he’s drinking “Great” then I turn to my right to see Kevin dancing a little and I decide to join him “Hunter, it's not that bad, actually, once you get used to it. Seriously.” Kevin said looking at hunter then looking at me and I give him a smile and go back to dancing with him while hunter just stood there clearly bored. I don’t think Hunter likes me very much.
We go back into the kitchen and get some beer, Kevin and I sit on the bar stools while Hunter just stands there listening to Kevin and I talk “Hunter, seriously, our band is gonna be so awesome. I'm gonna practice like five hours a day. I'm gonna be better than Ringo Starr.” Kevin then gets up and gets a shot and he downed, then he looks at us and throw the cup to the ground “Whoo! Heavy metal rules!” He screams in a deep voice and everyone looks at us I look around and mouth ‘sorry’ to the people around us, “I have to go pee.” He said and patted Hunter on the shoulder “I’ll walk him to the bathroom and make sure he doesn’t go anywhere else” I told Hunter and he nodded
“I'll drive you home when you're finished” Hunter said looking at a very intoxicated Kevin “After. After pee-pee.” He said
After walking kevin to the bathroom making sure he didn’t get lost I wait out side by the pillar just waiting there for him while being on my phone, once he comes out of the bathroom he’s stumbling around and he looks up and sees me standing there waiting for him, he stops walking a stares at me after 10 seconds I look up and see him staring at me “What are you looking at?” I said yelling over the music looking at him confused, he walks up closer “You” he said “Why?”
“Because you're pretty. Why else do people stare at you?” He said kinda fast “People don’t stare at me.” Said bluntly “That's dumb.” He said mumbling “What?” I look at him confused “Why don't they?” “I could give you a million reasons.” I laugh. “My nose is a little too big…I have anger issues…people hate my accent it only happens when I’m mad though, you can hear the accent” as I talked I could tell Kevin was really listening to what I was saying.
(Kevin’s POV)
I am talking to Y/n and I'm not even afraid to talk to her. Beer is amazing. This party was a great idea. I don’t even care what Hunter says. Even he must be having fun right now.
(Y/n’s POV)
“That’s why they don’t stare at me. They all stare at her…” I said and look at the girl in the crowd full people, the one that laughed at me during lunch today “Her? I could’ve stared at her but I didn’t I’m an impartmentege. I’m an impart-- impartial judge” I look at him and give him a concerned look at how drunk he is and I laugh,
“Your funny” we stare at each other moment then out of nowhere we hear the speaker crush into the keyboard and it makes a terrible wail of sound. We look over and see Hunter on the ground next to the broken keyboard, after looking around I see that one asshole jock laughing, Skip, the one that bumped into Kevin earlier.
“Dude, what the fuck?” Clay said to skip Clay asks if Hunter is ok “Are you good, bruh? You hurt? Here, let me help you” but Hunter denied his help “No, no let me help you take lessons-” Hunter said as kevin and I ran up to him “-you guys suck…bruh” and the crowd Oohs. Clay looks at the three of us and says “I’m sorry you feel that way. Do you play?” I shake my head no as fast as I can “Yeah, I have a band. Me and my friend over here” Hunter that grabs Kevin by the sweater and pulls him closer
“A real band. A serious band. Not like you fucktards.” Clay looks at Hunter like he doesn’t even care Hunter called them fucktards, and the feeling in the room got really awkward “Got it. Um, I guess we'll be seeing you at the Battle of the Bands then.” Hunter looks at him in disbelief “There hasn't been a Battle of the Bands since Dave Migdall hung brain on stage.” Hunter said while looking at Clay “There is this year. Go sign up with Dean Swanson, but maybe don't say ‘fucktard’ 'cause she's a Special Olympics ambassador” an the crowd of students laugh. “All right, guys. Let’s keep this party going!” Clay yelled and the student cheered, Hunter looks at Kevin “Give me your car keys, come on” Kevin looks like he about to be sick so I step behind him and put my hand on his lower back, right when I did that he immediately threw up, I keep rubbing his back and we get outside and into the car.
Part 3 🥁
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rawcherrycake · 3 months
Alright, so in the country i live there's like a net of semi-private schools (Semi as in to enter a school you have to pass an infamous test of 40 questions and to guarantee a vacancy you have to get at least 25 right, which isn't all that easy bcs i studied for two months straight and got 26 LMAO)
But i got in! (Somehow!!) And my school is the second largest in the area so super cool even though i tend to get lost HSHSH
Firstly, they are super inclusive. Only reason i haven't told anyone i'm trans is because my mom threatened that if i did she'd get me out of that school but teachers have pins and stickers about inclusion (mostly LGBTQ+) and they have a mural with a pride flag!!! Which i'm very happy my mom missed when she visited!!!!! An old friend of mine that studied there for a year before me assured that if i told the teachers about my situation they'd be very careful to use the right pronouns when talking to my mom, but i'm still paranoid as hell so
Secondly, it's SO more organized than local public schools, we always have a teacher, they don't allow smoking in school grounds and the enviroment is simply better (they got a pond with geese and turtles AUGHH)
ALSO i'm a highschooler but they treat us like we were in university. We can come and go as we please, can stay until 10pm if we wished to, we can bring our own food and they got a MINI KITCHEN FOR THE STUDENTS with a fridge, and microwave, and sink, it's amazing!!!! Though this also means more responsability for us, but i'm all in for that.
On the first day they also have this weird tradition where they make every first year class watch a video of tap dance where the ocassional motivational word pops up and everybody just YELLS it, it's so funny because we didn't understand a thing of what was happening at first but just accepted it and joined the yelling HRJJAHD
They also have after-class clubs and courses, which in my country are very rare, though sadly i can't join any because of my schedule.
Anywho, i can't wait to make some new friends! I'm a very out-going and talkative person so i get along with pretty much everyone, but i haven't really made friends xD I tried talking to this girl from another class that had cool spiderverse pins but she never answered my messages sssoooooo... not gonna pressure her if she doesn't want to
OH ALSO they got an insta account made by students where if you see someone you're interested in (either platonically or romantically) you can anonymously send a pic and everyone teams up to figure out who it is 😭😭 wing-maning to the next level. My family jokes that one day i'll see a pic of myself there but i highly doubt it HSJSKA
Maybe these are all normal stuff for some people, but man for me it isn't.
I come originally from a third-world country where schools don't really have teachers or resources, and where i currently live conditions are MUCH better but a lot of public schools are very disorganised so i'm super hyped for this school jahfjsk
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wwhatev3r · 2 years
hi!! may i have a ship? A rowboat preferably. No I'm sorry that joke was dumb.
So basically a quick summary of my appearance: my friend calls my eyes sea glass (green&blue mixture), i am 5'9, my hair is super curly & brown mixed with red highlights. I tend to look sad even though I am not?? But also I am pretty smiley???
Personality oh boy here we go!! i love music. I think last year i got around 30k minutes of listening to music on spotify. Is that a flex? You bet it is bestie. Geography and History are like my hyperfixations. I am memorizing continent's countries. Oh and I love baking + cooking. Also I love kids lmao. I am jewish!! Went to ncsy. I wear a magen david necklace and have since my bat mitzvah. I am either quiet or super talkative. I tend to say the most outlandish things in the most casual tone. Which causes people to laugh lmao. I also have photoshopped cowboy hats on all my friends & myself. Yeehaw. My humor is pretty solid imo, like I could be a stand up comedian... i think? Idk im an infp and my love language is acts of service. On the downside; i got some spicy mental health & struggle with confidence!! I am always afraid people don't actually like me. Bc guess who has gotten bullied over her body? This girl!! This was super long im sorry I am in a talkative mood!!
I ship you with...
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George Luz
Note: GIRL-...Let me just say that I love your personality. Let’s be friends, you sound like an incredible person. I love your energy, just by reading the request you hyped me up. Anyway, I hope you like it. P.S: The rowboat joke took be my surprise, I liked it. 
For👏Sure👏It’s👏George👏Motherf*cking👏Luz! But, let me tell you, I think you would be best friends with Malarkey and Skip too. But yeah, there you have:
You both are just CHAOTIC.
Listen, I’m not even joking when I say that the other day, me and a friend were talking about how we imagine the Easy Boys as girls and I said that Georgie would have super curly brown hair. 
Perfect for each other, It’s destiny right there.
I’m taking this ship request as a wedding arrangement, I’m sorry. 
He helps you memorize the country’s continents with cards. 
And if you get them all right, he gives you whatever you like. 
Just imagine this man’s face when you are telling him random history facts and tea about historical figures. 
“...yeah, and he decapitated her.” You told him.
“What? Are you shitting me? (OoO) I knew she should have never married him. I told ya.”
King and Queen of knock knock jokes. 
Actually, you are both better than knock jokes! Way more funnier.
I can see a scene of you both holding your laugh to not awaken anyone at night. 
He thinks you’re the funniest person he knows, because your comedy is natural.
And OMG, this man would kill just to hear you laugh all day. He loves it so much. 
You start singing a song and George is like:
“Shut up, I was just thinking about that song!” 
He loves to dance!!!!!!!!!!
He knows you're an introvert but when the pub is less crowded or is just with your closest friends, he pulls you to dance with him. 
This man can’t cook. Periodt.
He will burn the kitchen to the ground, but if you’re cooking he tries his best to help you out. 
I don’t think George is religious, but he would be pretty supportive of your beliefs.
I truly believe he would learn more about it and support the traditions. 
Imagine, if you were in Easy Company with him at Bastogne; Christmas was really shitty there but he made your whole day, month and year by making you a star of David with sticks and gave you 9 mini candles for you to celebrate hanukkah. 
Also, he finds your necklace so pretty.
In terms of your lack of confidence and mental health issues, George would be as sweet as always. 
In case you’re truly sad, George puts you over the whole world. Write my words. 
He holds tears when seeing you cry, and makes himself look stupid to make you smile.
He makes sure you know you don’t need to please everyone, since that’s impossible, and that you don’t need to be perfect to be loved, and he also says a lot  that both a flower and the ocean are beautiful and are completely different. 
You caught him a ton of times playing with your curls. He just loves your hair so much.
AND YOUR EYES! HOLY SHIT, he loves your eyes. 
“My god, what I would do to swim in those pretty eyes of yours, It’s a shame that they look like they would cut me like a blade.” 
Sometimes you’re just standing there, living your life and he just comes to you like:
-“Hey, honey, are you sad?”
-“No George, It’s just my face.”
-“Your face looks depressed, is she ok?”
Anyway, he makes pretty good impressions of country boys/cowboys. (yee yee)
So, George has a lot of nephews, and I’m pretty sure he likes to take care of them more when you’re present.
It feels more safe for him and the kids love you more, you’re the cool aunt. 
It’s a little bit of a battle to take care of them, on one side there’s you trying to make them eat lunch, and on the other there’s George giving them ice cream. 
But, in the end you both work pretty well as a team; you guys find a good balance.
I hope you like it, I loved your request. I had a lot of fun writing it <3
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Homesick Masterlist
A Reason To Swim (ao3) - nationalnobody calum/ashton G, 1k
Summary: Ashton is homesick and Calum is there to make it all better like he always does.
Disconected (ao3) - orphan_account luke/calum N/R, 1k
Summary: I like the summer rain, i like the sounds you make...
Front Door Key to my Heart (ao3) - sheepytho luke/calum T, 3k
Summary: Touring countries together in an upcoming boyband can be difficult for these four boys from Australia, and opening up to each other about pressured feelings is the best way to relieve some of the growing stress.
have my back (yeah, everyday) (ao3) - lifewasradical G, 3k
Summary: The excitement and hype doesn’t entirely make up for the things Calum misses when he’s on tour. He aches for the lazy days sitting by the pool in the sunshine. He longs for late start mornings where Roy is making pancakes in the kitchen. He dreams of the simplicity of going for a walk down the street and not having ten plus people stop him for a photo.
Most of all, he misses Duke.
The scruffy little mess of a dog is his best friend, the only person who really knows all his secrets. The soft fluff of his fur is the world’s best comfort, always there for Calum to run his fingers through when he’s stressed out. His tiny beating heart calms Calum’s in a way that nothing else on this earth can. His grumpy old man grumbles can pull a laugh from Calum’s chest even at his worst moments.
Leaving Duke behind when he goes on tour is the hardest thing he has to do.
home is where (ao3) - loafers calum/ashton E, 3k
Summary: It's the eve of Calum's eighteenth birthday and he's homesick.
Homesick (ao3) - animaicora michael/calum G, 1k
Summary: Michael looked up from his phone screen, eyes blurry with tears. It was the second time this had happened in the last couple of weeks, and Michael was pretty sure the guys were getting fed up with it. Luke was busy playing Fifa with Ashton (how he persuaded him to do so was a mystery to Michael) and Calum was no where to be seen.
Or the fic where Michael gets homesick and Calum comes in to save the day =)
Home Sick (ao3) - orphan_account michael/luke N/R, 429
Summary: Michael is feeling homesick and his anxiety is worse but Luke is there to make him feel better :)
I Don't Believe In Fairytales, But I Believe In You And Me (ao3) - BandanaBoyfriends luke/ashton T, 1k
Summary: Luke is uncomfortable being in such an unfamiliar place and he can't sleep, so he turns to Ashton for help. Ashton makes Luke tea to help him sleep and they dance in the kitchen while the kettle boils.
It's Enough For Me (ao3) - mukeofficial calum/ashton G, 2k
Summary: And even though he didn’t want to admit it, he knew what the real problem was. It lay deep, deep in his chest, in a secret crevice of his heart that not a soul besides his knew about, not his mom, not Michael or Luke, and not even Ashton.
Calum was homesick.
I Wanna Sleep Next To You... (ao3) - milecgv michael/calum, bryana/ashton T, 54k
Summary: Calum gets the opportunity to live out his dreams in New York City but it proves too much for him, and on a lonely night he ends up calling the professional cuddle service he swore he'd never call.
Smile for me babe (ao3) - Directioner_Jcats_5sosfam michael/luke M, 1k
Summary: Luke his homesick and sad, and Michael makes him smile
stick together (ao3) - haveufoundwhaturlookingfor G, 1k
Summary: When Ashton comes home one night and finds Luke upset due to homesickness, he steps in to comfort him.
Stupid Kitten Songs (ao3) - rollercoastar michael/luke G, 1k
Summary: @Michael5SOS: Someone come and rub my tummy and sing me songs about kittens. @Luke5SOS: @Michael5SOS I will
Or, Michael has a shitty day but in the end it's all okay because Luke sings him songs about kittens and rubs his tummy
you should know i'll be there for you (ao3) - bellawritess luke/ashton T, 1k
Summary: The world is too big for him. Everyone wants him to be Ashton Irwin, drummer, singer, songwriter, musician, and Ashton is fucking losing himself. What happened to Ashton Irwin, older brother? When's the last time Ashton was good at that?
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thestitchingwitch · 2 years
The Perfect Shot
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Summary: You’re a barista who’s been tasked with training the new hire. Little do you know that you’ll be training one of the biggest names in Super Hero history...
Warnings: angst, fluff, shy!Reader, romance, teasing, low-self esteeem (reader), jealousy, enemies to lovers trope, female!reader
a/n: Hey everyone! This is my first time writing an Ice Break fanfiction so warning: it might be shite! >_< 97!Devin Walker doesn’t get a lot of love on here (for...reasons tbh???) No disrespect to the Walker family intended. I just really love Ice Break lol. Feedback is welcome! I might make this into a series. idk yet tbh
Word Count: 3,017
Saturday started off like any other: your alarm went off, you showered, and headed downstairs to grab some breakfast. The smell of French toast sticks, maple syrup, and bacon permeated the house; it was really hard to resist. Was it your favorite breakfast? No, you very much preferred when mom made pancakes, but this was the next best thing. 
“Hey sleepy head, good morning,” your mom trilled when you entered the kitchen, a smile on her face. 
“Morning, mom” you yawned. 
“Hey missy, cover your mouth when you yawn,” your dad sternly said, peering up from the newspaper he was reading.
“Sorry dad,” you groaned and rolled your eyes. I literally just woke up. Is it an actual crime to yawn? You thought to yourself as you grabbed a plate from the cabinets. 
“So, kiddo, you have any plans today?” your dad paused, folded up his newspaper to make conversation with you. He took a sip of his coffee. 
“Erm, not a whole lot planned? It’s really just like every Saturday: work, come home, study. Erin invited me out to a party tonight with some kids from school, but I’m not sure if I feel up to it,” you placed your plate on the kitchen table and started pick at the French toast stick. 
“Aww, sweetie. Is everything okay? You’re in high school - you should be out with friends. You know, it’s okay to have fun once in a while,” your mom came over to put her hand on your shoulder. 
You gave her a reassuring smile back. She was right; this WAS the time to have fun with friends, party, and maybe even meet cute guys. Yeesh, that thought was...something. Truthfully, you’ve always felt out of place in this small town. You were never particularly popular or even good looking for that matter; average at best! No one ever asked you out to any of the school dances or admitted to having a crush on you. You just really wanted to go through the motions until you graduated high school. Maybe then life would get better for you?
Once you were finished with your breakfast, you put your plate in the sink and headed upstairs to check your IM before heading off to work. You had one message and it was from Erin. 
BRClov3R_93: OMG. You’ll never guess who’s in town!
Lilac_Kitten: ?
You’ve heard of him before: he was that ice hero that literally ALL of your female classmates were going crazy over. Erin especially. The inside of her locker was LITTERED with everything Ice Break. It was like a crazy shrine to this kid. You never understood the hype. He was probably a douche bag in real life anyways. Most celebrities were. 
Lilac_Kitten: Oh, that’s cool. 
BRClov3R_93: Just COOL?!? Y/n this is a once in a life time opportunity. I mean, what are the chances of him coming back to Newbury Park?! Me and the girls are going to try and find him in town. We’re going to skip on the party at Nick’s tonight. You want to come with us??????
Lilac_Kitten: Ahhhhhh I’m okay. You guys enjoy. 
BRClov3R_93: Booooooooo I’ll let you know if I give Devin kiss ;)
Vomit. You’ll never understand what Erin sees in that guy. He’s not even that hot!
You check the clock. Shit I’m going to be late if I don’t leave now. You log off and head off to work. 
As crazy as it sounds, you really enjoyed going to work. You were a barista at the only coffee shop in town, the Panama Treasures Cafe. It was run by a couple who actually was from Panama City. Every shift, you’d learn a little more about their adventures, brewing a cup of coffee, and most recently, how to pull the perfect shot of espresso. It was REALLY challenging but you felt like you were getting the hang of it. Knowing how many grams and how fast a pull was coming through was still tough. Lupe, one of the owners, would always tell you, “making the perfect shot of espresso is a lot like being married. You have to know the right amount to put in, the type of bean you’re working with, and most importantly, you have to be patient.” This analogy sounded like a reach to you, but you soaked up every word she said when it came to espresso making.
“Hey Lupe and Renato - sorry I’m late!” you rush in to the shop. It’s quiet for a Saturday morning. The regulars are there: George, the old man who always orders a small black coffee and cheese danish. Rylie, the young college student who is there for like 12 hours every Saturday studying. However, you knew within the next half hour or so, the shop would be slammed with customers. 
“Y/n that’s the third time this week! You gotta get better at being here on time,” a short, wirey-haired woman popped up from behind the counter. She put her hands on her hips. “The Saturday morning rush is happening soon and we gotta make sure we’re ready, Y/n. You know this. Don’t make me call your parents.” You roll your eyes again. 
“Yes, Lupe. Sorry - I’ve just been...distracted,” you bite your lip. 
“Well, being distracted stops right now. We have a new hire who’s going to be with us for a little bit,” Lupe said. 
New hire? Since when? And why didn’t Lupe or Renato tell me? 
“Oh, that’s so exciting. Are you sure that the Saturday morning rush is the best time to train a new hire? It gets really busy. Not that like, I should be telling you how to run your business or anything. It’s just like, it can get overwhelming, you know?” you said. 
“Sometimes the best way to learn is under pressure. That’s how the best espresso shots are made, right?” Lupe winked at you. This was absolutely a weird straw man analogy, but okay. You heard the shop door open and the bell ring. In walked a familar face: he was tall and a little on the lanky side, golden blonde hair with slight blue tips, and a charming smile you’d know anywhere. It was Devin Walker. 
“Hey, Mrs. L!” Devin waved. “Looking very pretty today, as always.” Lupe chuckled and blushed.
You rolled your eyes again. Blergh, what a kiss ass. He must talk to everyone that way. What a tool. 
Devin turned to face you. Oh God, here we go...
“And what might your name be?” Devin asked. You tried not to make eye contact with him. 
“My name is Y/n,” you responded flatly. He stuck out his hand to shake yours, you indulged him. 
“Well, Y/n, it is an absolute delight to make your acquaintance. I am very excited to be under your tutelage,” Devin beamed. You just glared at him.
“Yep! It’s a really great time here and you’ll learn a lot,” you quickly responded. 
“Y/n, please show Devin around and make sure he knows how to at least brew the coffee,” Lupe asked you. 
“Never fear, Mrs. L! I’m a speedy learner,” Devin winked. 
Holy shit. What is with this guy? Typical celebrity: thinking charm and flattery will get them anything. 
Lupe headed to the back rooms to stock up before the rush which left you and Devin by yourselves behind the counter. 
“Okay, hot shot, let’s set the record straight: I will, under NO circumstances, be influenced by your flattery. You think you can just saunter into this shop and use whatever Hollywood charm to wrap people around your little finger. Well guess what? That shit doesn’t fly with me,” you snapped. 
Devin put both hands up defensively, “woah, woah, woah. Y/n, you said, right? Okay, I’m not trying to charm anyone here. I’m just here to learn what it’s like to be a barista. It’s for a commercial I’m in!” Of course it was. You didn’t think for a moment that this kid new anything about hard work. 
“Alright, you better roll up your sleeves and put some elbow grease into things then, Ice Boy,” you crossed your arms. 
“Yes, ma’am. You’re the boss!” Devin just smiled back. 
Training Devin Walker during a morning rush on a Saturday went just as well as you thought it would: it didn’t go well. At all. The first issue was Devin didn’t know how to properly ring customers up yet, write the name or drinks, or help out with making the drinks. You had to stop what you were doing in the middle of filling orders to help him work the register. This created a massive back log of customer orders. You also had to tell Devin how to do things mutiple times, which got really redunant after a while. Not to mention, you had to put up with all of the angry customers who were in a rush. To add insult to injury, Devin was able to to just smooth things over by talking with people. He’d crack a joke here, wink at someone there. That’s all it took for an irate customer’s mood to completley shift. 
Must be nice, huh? Having all the money and looks in the world. So much so that working a minimum wage job was just field research for Devin. You could feel resentment bubble up in your body. 
Unexpectedly, a tall, stunning blonde girl entered the shop. It was none other than Emily McDonough - head cheerleader and class valedictorian. She took one look at Devin and her jaw dropped.
“OH MY GOD. STOPPPP. OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD. It’s Ice Break!” Emily let out an ear-piecing squeal. 
“Hell yeah, dude. It’s me, Ice Break. Always nice to meet a fan,” Devin smirked. Emily and Devin were holding up the entire line talking about God knows what. After a while, Emily finally slipped Devin Walker her number, and that’s when you finally lost it. 
“Devin, can I speak to you?” you marched over to where he was standing. 
He looked back, “huh? Oh yeah, yeah. What did you want to talk about?”
“Uhhhh, I was thinking somewhere a little more private??? Maybe??” you cross your arms, looking up at him. He was just so...tall. 
“Oh, oh yeah no doubt. Oh hey, Emily, was it? I’ll hit you up later,” Devin winked at Emily before walking back towards you. Emily let out another excited squeal. 
“Devin, back rooms. NOW,” you snap. You open the door to the back office. Lupe nor Renato was there. Good, you thought to yourself. 
Devin plopped on one of the office chairs, legs spread wide in a casual way. Almost as if he was in his own living room. Your blood was boiling at this point. 
“Do you think this is a joke??? Working here??? Lupe and Renato have spent their entire lives building this palce up and you’re just treating it like it’s a field trip!” you start to rip into him. 
“Hey now - that’s not way I see things. See, I think we made a really good team out there...”Devin began. 
“A - what? Are you dumb??? I had to fix all of your mistakes, train you, AND make all of the orders while you just stood around and flirted with the customers,” you were shouting at this point. 
“Okay, okay, I see that you’re mad. I get that. Yeah, yeah we had some, um, nasty customers. And I wasn’t as fast of  learner as I thought I was....”Devin began to shrink back a little. 
“Oh? You think?? You Hollywood Heroes are all the same. You think you can just flirt and charm your way to the top while the rest of us work our asses off. Must be REALLY nice to get everything you want while the rest of us have to earn it,” your face started to get hot. You could feel tears begginning to well up in your eyes. Devin stood there awkwardly. 
“Umm, yeah. This whole thing...me working at the shop. Dude, I didn’t mean anyone harm. I just got a commercial gig from my PR guy and he recommended I work at an actual coffee shop to get the experience. True, yeah, I do get what I want...mostly, but YOU’RE not being completely fair in your judgments! Just because I’m making mistakes on the job, doesn’t mean I’m not working my ass off right now,” Devin had a point; of course he did. You were both working the same job and it’s not like he wasn’t trying. 
“And so what if I flirt a little? It’s not illegal to do that. Bartenders do it all the time! Okay, I’ll admit, I could absolutely be taking this job more seriously. I’ll make a deal, I’ll be more serious and you can be...nicer? Is that fair,” Devin winced and stuck out his hand in an effort to make a bargain with you. You crossed your arms, looked at him for a bit, then sighed. 
“Fine. It’s a deal. Just like, please listen a little better. Okay?” you gave his hand a firm shake. 
“Scout’s honor,” Devin beamed. Fine, okay. You had to admit he was really cute and you were starting to see why girls liked him. 
Although it wasn’t smooth, the rest of the shift went so much better than the first. You could see that Devin was taking things more seriously this time. He got the hang of working the register by himself, leaving you to focus on fulfilling orders. He even managed to fulfill a few orders himself! Just the regular brew coffee, tea, and smoothie orders; it was too busy to teach him things on the espresso machine. 
After a while, the influx of customers died down, leaving you two by yourselves in the store. You’re not entirely sure where Lupe went off to. Taking care of other business in the store, maybe? You let out a deep sigh. 
“So,” Devin began. “What was that about me not working my ass off again? My glutes are practically KILLING me.” You let out a laugh. Devin nudged you with his arm. “Oh, so she CAN smile?” he teased. 
“Fine. I was wrong about, you’re actually...cooler than I thought,” you mumble. 
“I mean, I do have ice powers babyyy,” Devin takes one hand and makes a little snowflake appear out of thin air. 
“You’re so corny!” you chuckle. “Maybe this question is a little disrespectful, but what’s it like having...you know...powers?” Devin pauses for a moment to think about the question. 
“No, yeah, man. It’s sweet as hell! You can like, make cool ice sculptures, freeze a pool - my dad hates when I do that, by the way - put out fires. I think the best thing about having powers is that you can actually help people, like in a big way. And I think that’s the most important thing to me,” you can see Devin look earnest; he was telling you the truth. 
“You’re...humbler than I expected?? All of my friends are like REALLY big fans of yours. I always thought you were just another smug asshole, but...you really surprised me today. I guess now I’m the smug asshole,” you shrug. 
“Hey man, I get it but you know what they say, don’t judge a book by it’s cover. I do know ONE way you can make it up to me though,” Devin gives you a look. You roll your eyes.
“Okay, I’m listening,” you reply. 
“Alright, so, I’m always wanted to learn how to make that fancy latte art. That machine looks scary and loud though. Can you teach me?” for a moment there, you thought Devin was going to ask you a different question...
“Uhhhh, sure? That’s simple. And pro tip, if the milk steamer is loud, that means your not holding it right,” you both walk over to the machine. Thus, begins the milk steaming tutorial. You stand behind him, showing Devin how to angle the steel milk pitcher and what temperature it needs to reach before it’s ready. Of course, by touch, it’s hard for him to gauge how hot it is because he absorbs heat easily, but eventually, you both find a method that works for you. You go into great detail about how the consistency of the milk is important in creating the latte art. You’re not sure how many hours passed by, but soon, you realize it’s an hour before close. 
“Okay, you have at it and keep practicing. I just need to start closing things up,” you giggle. You really hate to admit it, but Devin Walker has really grown on you. As he’s fumbling with the steamer wand, you can’t help but steal glances at him; he has this cute little scowl when he’s focusing. 
“Hey, Y/n, I think I got it it down pat! Come take a look,” Devin takes your hand and guides you over to a bright red latte cup. You feel your heart race. You’ve never held hands with someone before, let alone a cute heartthrob. The palms of his hands feel warm, but his finger tips are a little icy. 
You look down at the contents of the cup; inside is a perfectly shaped latte heart. 
“Well, how did I do?” Devin grins. For a moment, you gaze into each other’s eyes. You looked at Devin intently, taking in every detail from the tip of his nose to his piercing blue eyes. You felt your cheeks heating up. 
“It’s, no - you’re perfect,” you whisper, just under your breath. You look up to gaze deeply in Devin’s eyes. Suddenly, you feel Devin’s hands wrap around your waist as he starts to pull you towards him. In an instant, your are both locked in a passionate kiss. His lips feel warm against yours, soft.You pull away to look up at him, one hand still cupping the side of his cheek. Both of you, still lingering close to each other. 
“Woah,” Devin remarks, flabbergasted.
“Yeah,” you stare into his icy blue eyes. 
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emisirrelevant · 2 years
Mini review/thoughts on Zombies 3:
This is not what I expected to be watching the night before my 21st birthday but here we are🤷🏻‍♀️
The aliens and the rest of Seabrook having the dance off in the opening song was giving me "CAMP ROCK" meme vibes
Zed hyping up Wynter for the football game 🥺
The aliens beaming down to Earth only to tell everyone that it's a 1 star planet and everyone else is too emotional
"We're old enough to know we're in love" "But we're 17" SHE'S SELF AWARE 😂 "You can't marry a man you just met" vibes
"We're gonna be fine, so fine" "We're not worried, definitely not worried" what I tell myself to my anxiety
Okay but the bossa nova music that's associated with the aliens 😂
"He ran crop circles around you" NOT THE CROP CIRCLES😂
"I'd be happy to dunk on you Zed" I WHEEZE-
Not the trade off for the aliens getting info from Zed being for Zed to have aliens help him get an application for college- does no one remember the SAT scandals?
The mascot Shrimpy going full FISTICUFFS/I will fight you mode at Eely/the other school's mascot 😂
Bree: "Bonzo is so not available" "Hold my glasses Addie" 😂 yess I love her once again stan Bree
"Now that they're distracted, we can-" "Get the moonstone" "VAPORIZE THEM" There's always one in every friend group 😂
Okay so if I had to correspond the aliens to other characters- A-spen is definitely the alien to Willa and Eliza, A-Li is definitely the Bonzo and Wynter of the group, and Zed, Wyatt, and A-Lan are bros.
Imma say it- I think the wolves have some BOPS for songs.
The running gag of Addison punching Zed in the face
"I'm not angry, I'm just in harmony in a super hostile way" 😂😂😂
Addison having to be told for like the third time she doesn't belong and then Zed having to help her through the fallout 🥺 oh I just want to give them hugs
Okay but like I can relate to Exceptional Zed- the pipeline from Scream in High School Musical 3 to Surface Pressure from Encanto to this
Disney said "and don't forget how it feels to be under pressure all the time/suffer from gifted kid burnout/feel like you need to seek approval/validation from others"
"Eat my stardust Seabrook" "Did I correctly talk trash?"
Addison having to put on those rubber kitchen gloves to stop herself from electric shocking Zed
Wyatt and Eliza's dynamic- Wyliza endgame
"You lied to me?" "I thought that was the best way to protect you" HMM NOW WHERE HAVE I HEARD THIS TROPE BEFORE?
I love being a wlw reading into things 😂
Wait why Disneyyyy why did you have to do us like that and make Addison choose one or the other😭😭
"I don't want her to go" "No matter how far she goes she'll always be part of our pack" 😭😭 SOBBING
"I love you to the end of the universe" "Maybe we'll meet again somehow" "Someday" WHYYYYYYYYY 😭
ZEVON WINS BEST DAD AWARD. And Zoey best sister, obviously.
I understand why, but I wish Eliza was in person with the rest of the group for most of this movie.
A-Li breathing deeply and going "Awooo" and hitting the console of the ship- she learned from Zed and Wyatt 😭
Ah yes, I should have known the aliens were going to come back.
AWWWW the animation coming in at the end of the movie this time instead of the beginning oh we've come full circle 😭😭
Well, I didn't expect this movie to make me as emo as it did. Since I watched the movies pretty much all in a row, I didn't have to deal with waiting for another one to come out. But it really felt like I went on a whole journey. Nothing But Love was a good conclusion- a good closing song.
Also I wish A-spen and Willa a wonderful day, that is all. NON-BINARY ALIEN WINS
(one final note: I do kind of wish we got to see Addison in a scenario where she would have turned into a zombie- I just think since we got to see what werewolf!Addison could have possibly looked like, and we got alien!Addison in the end, I would have been curious just to see an idea of zombie!Addison)
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Credit to muppetmagic for the GIF
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mrs-dr-reid · 3 months
My Personal Ted Lasso Headcanons (Part 1/?)
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Chronic nose booper. If he doesn't lovingly boop your nose at least once every hour or so, something is horribly wrong
Has an entire playlist dedicated to songs he likes to dance with you in the kitchen to, and he named it "kitchen dance parties with *insert whatever pet name he has for you* <3"
Always has to be touching you (poor touch starved baby). Whether he has his arms wrapped around you from behind or he has a hand at the small of your back, as long as he has at least one point of contact with you, he's happy
He memorized your coffee or tea order, and he'll always bring you your beverage and leave with a kiss on the top of your head
He always tests new dad jokes on you, but only the ones that are almost painful with how corny they are. If you squeeze your eyes shut and let out a groan before laughing begrudgingly, he knows it's a good joke
Loves helping you pick out your outfits. Whether it be for a regular work day or a formal event for AFC Richmond you two are attending, he'll gladly sit on the end of the bed and be your personal hype man as you model your different options for him
He teaches himself how to braid hair after a particularly rough panic attack, so now when you notice him starting to get really anxious, you plop in front of him and ask him to braid your hair for you to redirect his nervous energy to something else
His favorite thing to do on rainy days off is to curl up on the couch and read with you. Well, he reads his own book and you read yours, but you have your feet in his lap the whole time (parallel play girlies unite)
He uses the most ridiculous pet names imaginable for you. You're saved in his phone as something like "Honey Pie", he calls you "Sugar Bear" and all the most absolutely absurd things he can possibly think of, but it's so cute that you just let it happen
Accidentally uses UBER southern idioms and metaphors in front of the Greyhounds from time to time, and only realizes it when the locker room goes completely silent and everyone is staring at him with super confused looks on their faces. He once said that a rival team was acting like they thought the sun came up just to hear them crow, and he was met with confused stares from everyone except Beard, who nodded in agreement
He never fails to kiss you goodnight. Even if he's at an away game, he texts you a video of him blowing you a kiss and wishing you sweet dreams
You make him a skincare routine, and he follows it like it's a religion. He even takes notes on your skincare routine and replaces products for you when he notices they're running low. It's one of his favorite nighttime rituals to do with you
Loves it when you wear his clothes. When you come into the kitchen wearing one of his Kansas City Barbecue shirts, it takes every ounce of self-control he has not to start drooling. But he especially loves it when you steal his sweaters because you look so soft and cozy in them
He stress bakes when the more high-profile matches start popping up, and he sends you into work with so many baked goods that half of your co-workers have to sign a cease and desist because they've ruined diets because of Ted's goodies
He packs you a lunch every day to take into work, and you do the same for him. In fact, he once sent you a video of him showing off all the yummy things you put in his lunch to the team, and you almost died laughing when you heard Jamie yell "COACH, CAN I BORROW YOUR LADY?!?!?! I WANT A LUNCH LIKE THAT!!!" in the background
He doesn't understand the world's obsession with reality dating shows like The Bachelor/The Bachelorette and Love Island. He once came home to find you watching The Bachelor, and he said, "I don't get why people think it's so fun to watch other people's dating drama. This particular show also glorifies pitting women against each other, and I don't like that", which made you roll your eyes lovingly at him
He tries to be hip and use modern slang, but it never goes well for him and just ends up making himself sound old. He once said, "What in tarnation is a gyat and who is this rizzler everyone is sticking it out for?", and you almost died of cringe. Jamie especially picks on him for it, albeit lovingly
Never fails to show you how much he loves you. Of course he always tells you, but he also shows it in the little things he does for you, like giving you his jacket when it's cold, giving you his arm whenever you two are walking anywhere together, and looking directly at you while you're telling a story to show he's actively listening to you
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hi! can i please req a matchup for AOT, One Piece, and MHA? thank u!!
pronouns: she/her
sexuality: straight
zodiac/MBTI: cancer and esfp
appearance: 2b curly brown hair, brown eyes, brown skin, 5'7 and not fat but not skinny
personality: i love to tell jokes, i like saying what comes to mind, i dont tend to think before i speak which people have told me is a bad habit, and i am very outgoing
likes and dislikes: i like music(kanii, drake, odetari, a$ap, etc) i loveee dogs, love chocolate, love sour food, dont really have any dislikes other than people who put their friends down for social status
hobbies: listening to music, working out, drawing, cooking and watching youtube
Hi Anon! Thank you for your request! I'm currently up to episode 296 (Enies Lobby) of One Piece so please keep that in mind while reading. Sorry it took so long. I hope you like your matchups!
In Attack on Titan, I match you with...
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You and Connie are the comedy duo of the 104th, much to the chagrin of everyone else. You’re unstoppable, especially if Sasha decides to join in.
I think Connie has the same problem with speaking before he thinks things through, so if either of you think the other is about to say something out of line around the wrong person, you’re able to stop them before it goes too far. You are each other's filters.
In a modern au, Connie would love watching videos with you. He has spent so many hours watching every random YouTube video that pops up that his algorithm’s a mess. It just throws everything at him at this point.
I also see Connie as a dog person so he’d love going to animal shelters or pet shops with you to say hello to all the cute dogs, both young and old.
Loves eating anything you cook for him! He’s not great in the kitchen but is more than willing to help out with little things like cutting and stirring if you need a hand.
In One Piece, I match you with...
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Much like Connie, Luffy also has a habit of speaking without thinking first. However, he has no problems with this and will most likely encourage you to speak you mind around him.
Will never put you down. He’s your biggest cheerleader so everything you do will be a big deal with him around. Whether it’s working out, cooking, or making a joke, Luffy thinks you’re amazing.
Speaking of cooking, if you manage to convince Sanji to lend you the kitchen, Luffy would be over the moon to try the food you make.
Sure, he loves Sanji’s cooking (and will eat anything given the chance), but eating something made by the person you care about most is a whole other level of amazing.
Luffy also loves working out with you. He’s an interesting opponent if you want to practise fighting since you never know what he’s going to do next but he’s also good to do other forms of training with.
In My Hero Academia, I match you with...
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Rounding out the trio with another one who speaks his mind without considering the consequences. Denki knows saying the wrong thing at the wrong time is bad, but will that stop him? No.
Enjoys listening to music with you. He’s got a pretty wide taste so anything you play will be okay with him. As long as you’re able to dance to it and you’re both having fun, he’s down for anything.
Another one who is mildly addicted to watching videos. Much like Connie, Denki will watch anything and everything that shows up in his feed so he’s also happy to watch whatever you’re watching.
I don’t see Denki as someone who works out by himself but he doesn’t mind doing it if he’s got company. He’d enjoy working out with you since you provide each other with the motivation to keep going when it gets tough.
Thinks your drawings are awesome! He can only draw stick figures and sad looking trees so no matter how bad you think your drawing might be, he’s always there to hype you up.
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wil-is-done · 2 years
When You’re A Mystery Kid - Chapter 37: Upgrade
Summary: An important package arrives at the Pines’ doorstep.
Word Count: 2.891
IMPORTANT NOTE: This is a repost.
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters featured here.
Mabel has always been a bit of an early riser. It wasn’t a habit meant for everyone, and she fully understood that. How could she not, considering she’s been sharing her bedroom with someone who has a sleeping habit that was a complete opposite of hers for pretty much all of her life? For Mabel, the day was always so filled with opportunities that she couldn’t bring herself to waste a second of it. So, as usual, when her alarm went off and started blaring her favorite Dumpty Humpty song at max volume, she leapt out of bed before the lyrics could even kick in. Just like usual, pretty much every single day. 
What was unusual, however, as she looked out of her bedroom window, was how the sun was barely peeking over the horizon. The current time was still the early early morning, the kind where some people might mistake it for nighttime. This was extremely early, even for her. But, what happened here was no mistake. She didn’t accidentally set the alarm to go off at the wrong time. At least, not this time. She fully intended to wake up when she did, because today was a special day. 
Today, she’s finally getting her new grappling hook. 
After a brief dance session to an adequate amount of Dumpty Humpty, Mabel switched off her alarm and bolted out of her room. 
Sprinting through the house, through empty corridors and equally empty rooms, to arrive at the front door within seconds of exiting her room. Standing before the front door, Mabel clasped her hands together, shaking in place, hyping herself up for the moment. Finally, she unlocked the door and swung it open with a huge, toothy, dimpled grin. A grin which very quickly fell. 
There was no sign of any kind of package anywhere in sight. Not at the doorstep, not at the tiny set of stairs leading up to door, and not beside the mailbox at the other side of the front lawn. Even the red flag thingy that the mailbox had wasn’t raised. 
Mabel let go of the door handle, letting the door swing to a shut at a much slower speed than when it opened. Her brows knit together into a frown, wandering back down the corridor, wondering why there was no package to be seen. Maybe the package was late? No, that couldn’t be. The Psychonauts made it pretty clear they were going to drop it off at midnight, on the dot. Maybe her parents had already taken it inside? That seemed to be worth a check.
“Mom? Dad?” she called out into the house. The house replied with an even silence. That left Mabel to frown again, this time with a pout and an extra serving of puffed cheeks. Speaking of servings, her stomach rumbled, and suddenly her thoughts were occupied with images of steaming omelettes and pancakes drizzled with copious amounts of maple syrup. 
As she made her merry and eager way to the kitchen, realization struck. 
She was so preoccupied in her joy and excitement that she had just realized, as she was dancing to the excellent tunes of Dumpty Humpty, it was not accompanied by the usual sound of a half-awake Dipper grumbling for her to turn off the music.
Hypothesis; Dipper somehow woke up even earlier than Mabel, and then, for reasons Mabel couldn’t understand at the moment, decided to rob her of the joy of being the first to retrieve the package. To solve that hypothesis, Mabel had a simple, one-step plan.
To the shed in the backyard. 
The reason was about as simple as her plan. Ever since this whole ‘protector of the world’ deal started, Dipper had spent most of his time doing one of three things; at their temporary headquarters busy with research, back in Gravity Falls busy with the construction of their permanent headquarters, or cooped in the shed busy with his personal projects. Since Mabel distinctly remembered Dipper spent the night here, it didn’t take a genius to figure out where Dipper was. 
Mabel was at the shed’s door in a flash. She cracked the door open just a tad, and was delighted to see that her hypothesis was correct. 
Facing away from her, seated on a rickety chair, slumped over a table, and snoring an adorable little snore, was Dipper. 
Mabel skipped over to him. With a grin of mischief, she raised a hand, with the intent of delivering a resounding slap to Dipper’s back. She swung her hand down with all her might, only to stop it inches from impact, and instead giving Dipper two quick taps on the back. 
That was enough for Dipper to wake up with a start. He yawned, rubbing his eyes as he looked around blearily. Eventually, he regained enough focus to realize that Mabel had been watching him with a grin. 
“Uh, Mabel?” he spoke, his voice rather low hoarse. “Morning, I guess. Is- is it morning?”
“Yeppity yep.” Mabel nodded. “Whatcha been doin’ here?” 
“Well,” Dipper pushed himself off of the desk. He tapped a hand on the desk, the edges of his lips curled into a tiny smile, “this.” 
Mabel’s attention was so preoccupied with Dipper that she had completely missed the wonderful, magnificent, fabulous thing of beauty on the desk. When she did, she gasped. 
What lay on the table, if Mabel wasn’t mistaken, was her brand-spankin’ new grappling hook. Already, she saw a sharp contrast between this and her old one. While her old one was blocky, rusted, and worn-out, this one was sleek, shiny, and futuristic, colored a mesmerizing glossy black, with a stylish rainbow trim that ran along the side of the barrel. A nice touch that Mabel greatly appreciated, one that filled her with pride. Mabel scooped it up like it’s the most precious, most valuable treasure in the world, which it was. At least, for her. 
“Oh my god, I love it!” she cheered, bouncing up and down out of sheer glee. She switched her hold on it to a proper grip. The gadget fit perfectly in her hand. No rough edges that’ll chafe her palms if she held it for too long or too hard. It was smaller, too, she realized, now that she’s holding it. All in all, it was pretty much everything she’d hoped it would be. 
If there was anything to complain about, it would be the fact that there was no hook at the end of the barrel. Instead, there was a rounded, flat tip made out of some kind of red, crystalline material. 
“It’s… not exactly a grappling hook, is it?” Mabel asked, eyeing the strange tip closely. She’s still absolutely ecstatic over it, but seeing as it was right now, she couldn’t help but briefly wonder if Eggs knew what a grappling hook was supposed to look like.
“Ah, yeah, that.” Dipper paused for a moment as he stretched; lightly slapping his cheeks to wake himself up a bit more. “That is an extremely rare gem shard that, supposedly, can magnetize itself onto any surface.”
Mabel’s confusion quickly pulled a sharp turn into delight. She let out a breath of awe, stars lighting up in her eyes. She still had her eyes only inches from the tip, but now out of wonder instead. Dipper also had his eyes on Mabel and the grappling hook. There was no hiding that he’s amused by Mabel’s reaction. 
“I’m not sure exactly how that works, but our world is a smorgasbord of weird, so.” With a grunt, Dipper reached under the table, to a black box that Mabel never noticed until now. From it, he pulled out a small sheet of paper. “Here are the rest of the specs that you probably won’t read.”
Dipper was one-hundred percent correct, so Mabel didn’t stop him when he started reading it out loud. “The main body of the weapon itself is mostly made out of plasteel and titanium. It contains enough wire to reach up to three hundred feet. It uses a mix of a triple-locked hydraulic system and the Pearson-Ramsay system to launch the hook, with an average launch speed of ten meters per second. The wire itself has a tensile strength of a ton, and it’s lined with traces of psitanium to allow the user to subtly influence the direction of the hook as it’s fired, while at the same time disrupting psychic interference.” 
Mabel managed to parse only about half of that, and mustered up a blank stare. Dipper, who has not yet noticed, whistled. “The Psychonauts sure gave Eggs a lot of stuff to play with. They spared no expense.” Dipper looked up, and finally saw Mabel with her empty stare.
“How impressed am I supposed to be?” she asked, slowly, with her eyes narrowed.
Dipper rolled his eyes, but when he answered, he did it with a smile. “Extremely.”
That, just like every other bit of news she’d received about her new grappling hook, brought a huge, toothy, dimpled grin to her face. Honestly, such an amazing way to start off the day. Of course, there was still one mystery left unanswered. A mystery that led Mabel to the shed in the first place. 
“So what were you doing with my grappling hook?” Mabel asked, with an accusing eye, but a playful smile. 
“Check out the bottom of the grip,” Dipper answered, his smile equally playful. 
Mabel did so, and was surprised to spot a small carving of a simple image of something that Mabel thought looked a lot like a turtle shell. It was easy to miss unless you’re actually looking for something. It was also obvious that it was a recent addition, seeing as how it clashed with the spotless black of the rest of the gadget. On a related note, Mabel had now just noticed a bunch of tools strewn across the desk, like a small chisel, as well as couple of empty vials.
“What’s this?” she asked. Inside, she’s hoping it was another piece of good news that’ll blow her away. 
“A little something extra to make sure it won’t get destroyed again,” Dipper explained. “I know it’s already made out of sturdier stuff than your last one, but you can never be too careful.”
Dipper rose from his seat, leaned close to the image, and whispered, “Activer. Protége.”
With a delightful ring, the symbol suddenly glowed. In the early morning and in the darkened shed, the light was almost symbol. Seconds passed, the light dimming down, finally settling on a gentle, green glow. Mabel was so mesmerized by the lights that she didn’t react when Dipper took the grappling hook from her hands and laid it down on the table. With a smile of mischief, Dipper picked up a nearby hammer. Mabel barely had time to react when Dipper suddenly raised the hammer and swung it down at the grappling hook. 
Mabel would have cried out, and probably gave Dipper a smack at the back of his head, if the hammer didn’t immediately bounce off of the grappling hook with a satisfying trill. A network of mystical green lines appeared over the spot where the hammer struck the grappling hook, spreading across the surface of the grappling hook, before disappearing into thin air. Unseen, but always present. 
Mabel’s face, frozen in an expression of genuine horror, shifted into a great, big smile of awe and delight, as she slowly turned to face Dipper. Seeing her reaction, Dipper only offered up a knowing smirk. Mabel wasted no time enveloping her great, big nerd of a brother in a great, big bear hug. 
“Dipper, this is the coolest!” she cheered, lifting him off of his feet for good measure. 
Dipper squirmed in her grip, but he still laughed. “Okay, but keep in mind; it’s much more durable, but it’s not completely invincible. There’s a hard limit to how much it can take.”
Mabel quirked an eyebrow. “What’s the limit?”
“I have no idea.” Dipper squirmed again, with a little more force this time. “Now can you put me down? I think that’s enough bear hugs for today.”
Mabel always thought the day could always use more bear hugs in it, but nonetheless she plopped Dipper down like he asked. 
“Seriously, Dipper, this is…” Mabel tried to find the right words, but eventually settled with a short chuckle and a sigh. “You don’t have to, you know?””
Dipper looked at her like she just grew an extra pair of hands. “Mabel, for you? Anything.” 
“Dipper…” A gentle smile crept its way to Mabel’s lips. She felt her cheeks warming up, as well as her chest. “Now you’re makin’ me blush.”
“Mabel, I’m serious,” he said, and it clearly showed on his face. “Back at Weirdmageddon… you’re right. We really did almost lose each other. It was only because of Norman that we’re both alive. I don’t want it to be like that.” His expression hardened, his gaze tough as metal. “We need to step it up, so that next time, we can save ourselves. This? This is the first step in that direction.”
Mabel, for the second time today, was at a loss for words. Dipper had that look on his face, one that’s both inspiring and scary at the same time. One that, most of all, worried Mabel. Not that she’d ever say that to his face. She’d always had the feeling that if she ever did, it’ll break his heart. 
A silence settled between the two. Mabel quickly decided it was the uncomfortable kind, so she was quick to break it.
“Anyway,” she started, “what’s the big idea doing all this before the crack of dawn? You probably went to sleep, like, four hours ago.”
“It was closer to three, but that’s not important.” It was very, very important, but Mabel let him continue. “I’m planning on heading back to Gravity Falls today, so if I wanted to get this done today, I had to do it this early.”
Mabel frowned. “You’re going back again?”
“I know, I know, but we’re getting super close! Our permanent HQ is, like, ten percent away from getting finished. It’ll all be worth it, Mabel, trust me.”
Despite the words of reassurance, Mabel still pouted. “I miss going to school together.”
“Mabel, come on, it hasn’t been that long,” Dipper said. He’s being polite by not rolling his eyes, she could tell. 
Mabel decided to reel in the melodrama. For now. “So… you wanna take a quick nap before you go?” she asked. The fact that Dipper apparently only slept for three hours before this did not escape her notice. 
“Nah. Got a few personal projects I wanna work on.” Dipper sat back down on the chair. From under the table, he pulled out a pair of latex gloves and set it down on the table. Mabel’s pretty sure those were Mom’s old gardening gloves. 
“Oh?” Mabel raised an eyebrow.
Dipper, again, smirked knowingly. “You’re not the only one getting an upgrade.”
Mabel grinned at him. Being a Mystery Kid was great, but nothing will ever beat being one half of the Mystery Twins. 
“Coffee?” she offered.
“Yes, that’ll be a godsend.” 
With a grand flourish, Mabel picked up her brand new grappling hook. She twirled the gadget in her hand with practiced ease as she made her way to the shed’s door. Continuing her extravagant streak, she kicked the door open, and struck a pose as she aimed the grappling hook at a clear wall of her house. 
“One steaming cup of java, coming right up!”
Mabel pulled the trigger. The gem shard tip sailed through the air, across the yard, and planted itself firmly on the wall. She let out a cheer as the grappling hook reeled her in, and she practically flew above the yard. Dipper wasn’t kidding; this new one was fast. So fast, in fact, that she was completely unprepared for it, nor used to it. The wall was approaching faster than she thought. Her cheer turned into a regular, terrified scream.
Everything went black for a moment, and the next thing she knew, she was prone on the ground, staring at the early morning sky, with something warm trickling out of her nose.
Dipper came to help her up, eventually, once he stopped laughing.
I think we all needed a nice breather, yeah?
Hey, y’all! I’m back! I took a small break after finishing the last chapter, had a few days to relax and also clear up some lingering college work, and now I’m refreshed and ready for action. And what better way to get back into the swing of things than with some fluffy, wholesome sibling interaction? 
This is legit a much needed, low-stakes, subdued chapter after the rollercoaster that was the last two chapters. Had a great time writing this, even though this is written from Mabel’s perspective! Which is, for me, probably the hardest one of the MK to get right. Not to say that this chapter was completely devoid of plot. Mabel’s fancy new grappling hook is going to be very useful for her, after all.
One chapter down for this month, three more to go. Look forward to it very soon!
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0x1lovebot · 2 years
✧⋄⋆ at the cookout with enhypen ⋆⋄✧
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black! reader.
warnings; none.
a/n; this was so fun to write ☺️☺️! at this point just bring all seven of enha to the cookout!!
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heeseung is a little shy at first tbh
when you first show up he kind of just stays by your side or talks to your mom
with his big doe eyes he looked a little clueless and awkward and adorable🥰
he’s kinda stuck in his shell
but by the time the music starts playing?? he’s out on the dance floor🕺🕺
smiling and laughing while you record him and your uncles doing the cha-cha slide 🤩
and he kept it going‼️‼️ he danced to almost every song that came on with his cool dance moves
and the whole fam started hyping him up😭
he even pulled one of your aunts out to dance with him too!!
once hee started to get comfortable, everyone just vibed with him😌
now heeseung is required to be at every single cookout your family has!!
[rest of the members under cut!!!]
ah yes our resident american boi😌
he is at the cookout
to c o o k‼️
when you two first got to the cook out you kind of expected to jay to go chill or hang out with your cousins
but NOPE!!
manz made a bee line straight for the kitchen
he’s immediately greeted with cheek kisses by all your aunts and your mom☺️
and it’s so cute the way his face scrunches up when he gets each one🥺
anywayz jay rolls up his sleeves and gets to work helping in any way that he can!!
and the whole time all you hear is your uncles grumbling in the back about how much your aunts love jay
dude’s a chick magnet what can I say!!
but jay is just so cool that they get over it
they even ask him more like drag him out to play basketball with them
and jay smokes them in the game 😌 as he should
but he truly loves being there and hanging with your family
and they love him 2💕
as soon as y’all pulled up everyone basically fell for jake
he’s so good with adults!!!!!
jakey loves chatting it up with your mom and talking about you to her🤪
and your uncles think he’s pretty cool which is such a win for him becuz they don’t warm up to people easily🙄‼️
anddddd he even helps your aunts and grandma with the food
buuuuttttttt he’s also a hit with the kids too😌
whenever he disappears at the cookout, you always find him playing basketball or playing patty cake with your younger cousins
and once the music starts playing he’s out on the dance floor with you, showing everybody what he’s got!!
he’s the ultimate hype man too😎
and he’s so smiley the entire time he’s there🥺🥺
everybody loves him almost as much as you do and they can’t wait for him to come back next time!!😌❤️
sunghoon is quiet most of the cookout
he stays by your side most of the time and just observes your family
and because he can look intimidating at times no one really talks to him first😔
but one of your younger cousins, who is like 5 years old, runs up to him and grabs his hand and says
“you’re pretty mister! what’s your name?☺️”
and his heart just 💥🥺 and his face turns red
like yeah he’s been called handsome before but it just hits different coming from an adorable 5 year old girl‼️
“oh um i’m sunghoon😳.”
“ok sunghoon!! come play patty cake with me!”
then she pulls him away while he flashes a huge smile at you😁
after that moment sunghoon is way less quiet!!
he starts talking to your mom and your other cousins and your uncles and even your aunts too!!
but he does all of this with your little cousin beside him dragging him to the next person to talk to🥰
now him and your little cousin are besties and they are inseparable at every cookout💕
sunoo shows up and is immediately greeted by your aunts
he’s literally their favorite omg!!
they pinch his cheeks and always ask him how he is✨
one of them always fixes his plate first like literally he gets the first plate out of everyone
and they always, always, always gossip with him bro
they tell him about their husbands and work drama and even family drama
like at this point he probably knows more about your family than you do becuz they just be talking
and when you two leave after he tells you all the gossip that they told him and you just sit there like 😧
cuz like you didn’t even know about half that stuff…. and it’s your family 😐
jungwon spends all his time with some of your cousins playing uno‼️
and as we all know uno can make or break relationships
so while you’re just chilling talking to one of your older cousins all you hear is s c r e a m i n g and y e l l i n g from across the yard😭😭
“sorry ms. l/n. 😅”
they get loud but watching jungwon bond with your family makes it all worth it☺️
he spends the most of the cookout dancing‼️
he loves dancing and he loves doing it with others
so he s t a y s challenging your family members to dance battles😭😭
and everyone else backs out becuz they know riki is a dancing machine🕺🕺
and the only people that can hang with him are you, your mom and one of your uncles😌‼️
but if he’s not moving and grooving on the dance floor he’s surrounded by your younger cousins telling them stories about what it’s like to be an idol✨
they all look at him with such awe and wonder in his eyes
they think he’s so cool😎
and when it’s time to leave all your younger cousins have grown so attached to him that they ask him if he’ll be there next time
and he promises that he will be
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©2022 copyright. all rights reserved. @0x1lovebot.
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4ngeldusstt · 2 years
A/N: this is part 2 of “Sweet and Violent” hope you all enjoy it!! Thank u for the love in the first part im glad you liked it!<3
Warnings: none
Word count: 1.216
Part 1
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You and your friends finally made it to the party, receiving compliments since the second you entered the house from people from your high school about this years costume. You were a good girl, your parents trusted you enough to give you your own space, they knew you were smart enough to make your own decisions and you never got in trouble or in fucked up situations.
Everyone knew you, in high school you were quite popular but because you were friendly, funny, always willing to help whoever that needed a hand out and had a smile on your face at all times.
The main room along with the kitchen was packed but you managed to make your way to the kitchen counter to make yourself a much needed drink.
“Wow y/n! You look amazing you really outdid yourself this year.” Jules said hyping you up, she was wasted at this point.
“Thank you girl, you look beautfitul looking like a lil angel it suits you!” You smiled at her, matching her energy.
“Have you seen Rue?” She asked “im looking for her and i cant find her.”
“I think i saw her a few minutes ago talking with Lex upstairs.”
“Thank you! I’ll check.” She said after vanishing into the crowd.
You made an overview of the situation, drunk people dancing having fun, some making out, others just chilling, an average high school party. At this point you were a little dizzy from the drinks, and your social battery was running low, you needed to get yourself distracted or you’ll be expecting your comedown soon.
You felt someone grab your arm getting you out of your trance, turning around you saw Maddy “come on! You disappeared and i find you all spaced out, finish your cup and come dance with me!” She said as if she was reading your thoughts, “fuck yes bitch i need this.” you chugged your drink fast and let her lead you to the living room and merged into the music, feeling yourself dancing with your best friend. After a while your felt as if you were being watched and made a quick overview scanning your surroundings until you found who it was.
He was sitting on a couch, blunt in his hand as his eyes were fixated on you, taking in every move, from your hips swinging at the rhythm of the music, to the smile on your face as you had the time of your life with Maddy and he was loving every second of it.
After a few minutes of the pair of eyes burning your skin you decided to make your way to where he was, plopping yourself next to him, feeling yourself sinking into the couch.
“You were having fun there princess?” He asked, you never got used to the pet names he always gave you, making you all nervous every time.
“You ask as if you wasn’t staring.” You said making him laugh, you had a point there.
“Yeah i mean how could i not? You look so damn beautiful tonight ma.”
“Thank you, i tried.” You were now blushing, looking at your shoes not wanting him to see how red your cheeks were.
“I love you Fez.” You finally spitted the words that burned in your throat and threatened to slip every time he was around you.
“I love you too mama.” He replied as he lifted the blunt to his lips.
“No, i mean, i love you, like im in love with you.” You said this time turning your head yo his direction, you might of had a few drinks but you meant it, alcohol just made it easier for the words to come out of your mouth.
“And i love you too.” He was also facing you at this point “commere.” He made a motion signaling for you to sit on his lap and you did.
“You look beautiful.” He said again but softly this time, as he locked his eyes to yours.
“You already said that.” You let out a little giggle. “So what? I ain’t saying no lie.” His arms were holding you sternly in place as your arm rested on his shoulder, your fingertips slightly tracing patterns in the back of his neck making goosebumps appear from the bottom of his spine, he closed his eyes enjoying the feeling. “Did your really mean what you said?” He asked only for you to hear.
“Yeah, i’ve been in love with you for as long as i can remember.” You paused as he slowly opened his eyes staring at you. “Always taking care of me, making sure im safe, you make me feel all warm inside, like home.”
His eyes now wandering in between your lips and your eyes trying to maintain eye contact but failing at the sight of your soft lips.
“You my girl now you know that?” His tone soft as a feather as a little smirk appered on his lips.
“I’ve always been your girl.” You smiled at him, that damn smile that made him fall hard for you the first time he saw you down the hallways, that could make him go insane, that smile.
“Are you gonna keep staring or are you going to kiss me?” That was enough for him to lift his hand to your cheek, caressing it softly as he leaned closer locking his lips with yours, it was a soft loving kiss, filled with repressed emotions that you both held for so long, it felt just right. After a few seconds you both pulled apart. His rested his forehead against yours, it felt like it was just the two of you sitting on that ugly couch and not that there was a whole party going on,
“Wanna head out?” He spoke. “Yeah” you said giving him a small peck on the lips before getting up, he stood after you readjusting his pants interlocking your fingers in his as he lead you through the crowded party to the front door so we could head out and go find his car.
“Go y/n! It was about time bitch get it!!”
“Fucking finally oh my god it took long enough!”
“The cutest couple i’ve ever seen!”
You heard your girlfriends cheer as they saw you leave holding his hand, you felt happiness and ready to see that the future will bring you and fez.
He took you to his house, after leading you to his room he took a seat on the edge of the bed as your stood in front of him. You slowly started unzipping your dress as it fell to the floor leaving you in a baby pink lace matching set that you bought for him to see tonight.
“So beautiful baby” he whispered staring at you in admiration.
“Do you like it? I got it just for you.” Shyness in your voice getting closer to him.
“Just for me?”
“Just for you.” You straddled him as your hands made its way to the back of his neck.
“I love you so fucking much my angel.”
“I love you more.” Finally closing the gap in between locking your lips to his, he deepened the kiss as you both devoured each other, leading to much more, finally giving yourself to him.
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