#also sorry dad I know I said we’d watch together but I couldn’t resist
werepires · 1 year
It’s 4.40 AM and I just finished the series finale of his dark materials I’m distraught
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yelena-bellova · 3 years
Don’t Be Afraid: Poe Dameron x Solo!Reader - Chapter Thirty
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Chapter Thirty: Party on Pasaana
Plot: Poe, Y/n, Finn, Rey and the rest of the gang journey to Pasaana to try and find the Wayfinder.
Series Masterlist
Warnings: none really
Word Count: 6.8k
A/N: I’M BACK! This is by no means my best or favorite chapter but it moves the story along and boy, is there a lot coming...Hopefully you’ve stuck around this long and if not, I’m not offended. Hope you enjoy!
Despite the fact that I’d spent my day fixing the Falcon, me and Chewie still ran every diagnostic possible on it before even thinking about taking her up. She was too temperamental to be treated any differently.
“You know I love flying with you, but don’t feel like you’re obligated to come with, Chew,” I said, closing up the last panel on the underside of the ship, “This one isn’t going to be a simple supply run.”
Chewie groaned in protest at my offer to let him stay on base, reminding me of the promise he’d made to Dad. That he’d protect me and he didn’t intend to stop doing that anytime soon.
I conceded to the Wookiee and emerged from underneath the Falcon. I found Rey finishing her repairs as Poe stood nearby, patting her on the arm, “We’re going with you. Chewie, you get that compressor fixed?” “No, I did,” I answered, dusting off my hands on my pants. The two of us still hadn’t spoken since our fight earlier in the day. “What do you mean you’re coming with us?” Poe separated from Rey, revealing Finn and the droids behind him, and led me to the side of the Falcon. He kept space between us, probably because he didn’t know where we stood after our fight.
“Do you honestly think we’d let you guys take this on by yourselves?” he asked.  
“Poe,” I shook my head, “Rey and I don’t even know what we’re walking into, I don’t want to throw you guys in the line of danger.” “So it’s too dangerous for me to risk my life but not you?” he asked with raised brows, wedging me between a metaphorical rock and a hard place, “Y/n, we’re a team. If one of us goes, we all go.” I hung my head in frustration, these were the type of situations that I hated the most. I couldn’t protect everyone, that had been made clear, and I certainly couldn’t justify to Poe why it was okay for me to charge headfirst into a fight but not him. Though I’d try every time, even if it was bound to end in failure.
“Fine,” I relented, shrugging and letting my hands fall against my legs, “But I’m flying us there.”
“Understood,” Poe agreed, pulling a corner of his lip up in an almost smile, “I am sorry about today, y’know…It was stupid of me not to think about how much the Falcon means to you.” “Me too,” I sighed, remembering all the harsh words we had flung at one another in contrast to the white flags me were now waving. This wasn’t the first makeup we’d had lately. Not by a long shot. Poe and I had been fighting more than usual, tensions were high with all that was going on and our relationship wasn’t escaping un-scorched. There was never any doubt as to whether or not we still loved each other, but we needed to find better ways of dealing with our stress rather than taking it out on each other. “Chewie told me there was only one escape route and you took it. You guys coming back alive is more important than anything else.”
Where there should have been a kiss or intertwined fingers, there was only silence and our best attempts to smile. There was so much lying underneath the surface that we didn’t ever have time to deal with.
“I wish you’d tell me.” I tried my hardest not to look phased, “Tell you what?” Poe swallowed as he stared into my eyes, “Whatever it is you’re keeping from me.” Every hair on my body stood to attention and fear shot through my veins. I knew he’d become suspicious of me but we hadn’t addressed it out loud before. Once the words of distrust hit the air, it became a true issue. The bottom line of it all was if Poe knew I had been in contact with Ren, he would never trust me with anything ever again.
My tongue peeked out to wet my lips as I nervously shifted my weight to my other foot, “I need you to trust me that what I’m doing, I’m doing for the good of the Resistance.” “We don’t keep secrets from each other, Y/n,” he shook his head and placed his hands on his hips, “That’s not us.” “You wouldn’t understand it, it’s Jedi stuff.” He bit his lip and nodded sarcastically, “Oh, so because I’m not a Jedi, my little average brain couldn’t possibly understand whatever problem you’ve got? Thanks for clearing that up.” “Poe,” I took a step and reached out to grab his forearm, “I didn’t mean it like that. Just please trust me. Everything I do, I do it to keep us safe.” I watched the emotions flicker in his eyes, changing from confusion to anger to desperation to hurt. The thought of confessing to him came through my mind at least ten times a day, but it wasn’t possible. Selfishly, I didn’t want to watch him learn of my betrayal. He would never look at me the same way and I wasn’t ready to lose that.
“I trust you more than anyone,” he finally said, stiffening his voice to hide his emotions, “I just wish you felt the same way about me.” He shrugged out of my hand’s hold and made his way up the ship’s ramp. I chewed on my bottom lip and leaned my forehead against one of the Falcon’s legs. There was nobody on any planet in any galaxy who I trusted more than Poe. He was the best thing that had ever happened to me and the fact that he was beginning to doubt my trust in him was a sucker punch. This time he wasn’t at fault, he only wanted to help me shoulder the burden. But there was nothing he could do to aid in the mental torture I was inflicting on myself.
I turned on my heels to go find my mother but froze at the sight of her and Rey locked in an embrace. I could sense the sadness in Rey that came with leaving her, the only mother figure she could remember having. Watching as she turned away, clipping Uncle Luke’s lightsaber to her belt, I took my cue to say my farewell.
“We’ll check in when we can, if we can,” I stated, partially as a commander but also a daughter to her worried mom, “Who knows, maybe we’ll be back in time for dinner.” A lame attempt at humor, yes, but there was nothing I wouldn’t do to try and make her smile in the most concerning of hours. “Look out for each other, don’t take too many risks,” she instructed, taking my hand in hers, “And come back in one piece.” There was some feeling in the air that I couldn’t put a name to, but it was there nonetheless. I never liked leaving Mom but with the stakes as high as they were, I felt a new sense of dread. I wasn’t immune to fear of losing my life and the reality of something happening to me and leaving her on her own caused a new urgency inside me to come back alive.
“I love you,” I whispered, squeezing her hands tight as tears began to fill my eyes, “So much.” “My darling,” I could hear the emotion in her voice that she was pushing down, “You are the greatest love I could have ever asked for.”
There wasn’t much more that could be said as I bent down to hug her, there was so much meaning inside our few words. We’d survived for a year as a family of two, something we were never meant to do, but we’d somehow done it. Mom’s health had begun to worsen with her age, but the incident on the Raddus had forced what was natural to happen prematurely. She got tired quicker, she required a cane sometimes and needed my help more often, though she always tried to avoid asking. I didn’t think it possible but we’d somehow grown closer in the last year, which made it all the more important that the mission go right and I return safely.
She whispered against my ear, “May the force be with you.” I pulled back with a watery smile, “We’re gonna need it.” With a kiss to her cheek, I forced myself to head back to the ship with a deep pain in my chest. It felt like I was tied to both the Falcon and Mom, the more distance I put between her and I, the more I began to hurt. It lit yet another flame of determination inside me to come back victorious.
Rey had waited for me outside the Falcon, attempting to act like she hadn’t witnessed the tender moment. The two of us shared a hopeful smile before we walked up the ramp together. When we arrived in the cockpit, it was apparent that it was going to be a tight fit. Rey moved to take the empty co-pilot’s chair with Chewie standing in the back, waiting to be called to action. Poe and I didn’t bother to make eye contact choosing instead to bury our pain for a later date. I gave Finn a good natured slap on the shoulder before sinking into the captain’s chair. I’d flown the Falcon hundreds of times by now and yet each time I took the controls, I felt like a child way out of their depth. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, there was no time to waste on fear. All that mattered was the mission.
“Next stop,” I narrated as I readied myself to lift the ship off the ground, “Pasaana…” ————
“You sure this is it?” Poe asked from the front of our group.
“I followed the coordinates perfectly,” I panted, already missing the jungle heat as opposed to Pasaana’s dry kind, “Right, 3PO?”
“Mistress Y/n is correct, these are the exact coordinates that Master Luke left behind.” We rounded the bend of the hill we’d climbed to find the least likely scenario on a planet we’d thought remote; a party.
“What is this?”
“The Aki-Aki Festival of the Ancestors,” 3PO explained, “This celebration occurs only once every 42 years.” “Well, that’s lucky,” Finn commented from beside me.
“Lucky indeed, this festival is known for both its colorful kites and its delectable sweets.” Under normal circumstances, I have had all the patience in the world with the droid I’d spent my whole life around. But now, overlooking the obstacle that would make it harder to find the Wayfinder and ultimately save the galaxy, I joined my friends in staring him down. “3PO, read the room.” “Let’s get down there,” Poe directed with a thumb tucked into his holster, “This is gonna take way longer than it should.” Having spent the better part of my life traveling, I loved getting to immerse myself in different planet’s cultures. It was one of the reasons my diplomatic skills were so highly tuned, I knew how to connect with all different types of people. So there was a small part of me, though stressed, that made a note to take in the sounds of the Aki-Aki’s chants and the array of colors in the crowd. I wasn’t the only one interested in the details either…
“I’ve never seen anything like this,” a wide eyed Rey commented as Finn and Poe passed us by.
“I’ve never seen so few Wayfinders,” Finn retorted.
“Take in what you can, we won’t be back for another 42 years,” I bumped Rey with my hip before following our group.
“There’s always random First Order patrols in crowds like these, so, keep your heads down,” Poe turned to look back at us, zeroing in on the only one tall enough to stick out, “Chewie. Let’s split up, see what the locals know.”
Rey was too taken by her surroundings to fully register what Poe was saying and Finn had gone with my boyfriend, leaving me to follow along with them. As soon as I did, Poe turned to me, “What are you doing?” “…Coming with you?” “We’ve gotta cover as much ground as possible,” he gestured over towards a grouping of tents, “Try talking to some of the traders, see if they know anything.” Thinning my eyes at him in shock that we were on a mission and Poe didn’t want me with him, I decided that now wasn’t the time to fight back. “Fine, Bee,” I called to my boyfriend’s droid hovering near Rey, “You’re with me.” The two of us made our way through a couple vendor’s booths, unsuccessful in getting any information about the location of the Wayfinder. I didn’t even have to do much talking with them, my senses could tell me whether or not my question brought up any memories. Which was good for me because I wasn’t in the mood to do a lot of chit chatting. Bee must have picked up on my silent frustration because he nudged me in my calf, urging me to talk. “He could have said it about ten other ways,” I vented, “But instead he had to make it sound like I was doing something wrong by going with them.” You know how he can be when he’s stressed. “I’m stressed too,” I cried, gesturing to my chest, “And maybe I wanted to go with him because I feel a little less worried when I’m with him. It’s never mattered what’s going on, we’ve always partnered together on missions. Clearly he doesn’t need me this time.” Didn’t you two have a fight before we left? Do you think it has something to do with that? I sighed defeatedly, “Probably…Or the fight we had earlier today, or the one we had just before he left a few days ago…” There was no shortage of examples I could have given as to why Poe didn’t want to be around me. “Things aren’t great between us right now.”
Maybe you should talk to him about it.
“Not right now, Bee. There’s bigger things at hand then Poe and I fighting. Nobody here knows anything, let’s go find the others.” When we made it back, Finn and Poe were engrossed in a conversation with an Aki-Aki. He turned his focus to me, “Got anything?” “I’d probably be a little more enthusiastic if I did, Dameron,” I remarked, taking a spot across from him instead of next to.
He looked between me and Finn, who was trying to remain focused on the Aki-Aki in question, “Whoa, what’s going on?”
The saddest part of why I was angry was the heart of the matter, Poe and I weren’t functioning like the inseparable couple we’d been for the last year. We were functioning like soldiers, ones who bickered at any chance we were given. And while I wanted nothing more than to talk to him about how I felt and ask him when things had gotten like this, not even love could come before war. I looked up at him, the frustration and hurt clearly painted clearly across my face, “Nothing that matters right now, I’m gonna go question some others but don’t worry, I’ll do it by myself.”
Just as Poe was opening his mouth to reply and I was ready to turn away, Rey came running in our direction. “We have to go. Back to the Falcon, now,” she ordered.
“Why?” Finn asked. “It’s Ren.”
Despite the anxiety running through my veins, I took a contradictory step forward. “He’s here?”
“He’s on his way,” Rey answered, her eyes wide and locked with mine.
“Then let’s get the hell out of here,” Poe began tracing our path back to the Falcon with his eyes, “It’s back this way.”
We ran through the festival with our heads on a swivel, until Poe shot his arm out as a barrier when we came face to face with a stormtrooper. “Freeze! Hold it right there. I’ve located the Resistance fugitives, all units report-“ A dart whizzed past us and landed perfectly in the trooper’s eye. We turned to see a figure holding a crossbow standing behind one of the tents, dressed in robes and his face covered with a helmet. “Follow me.”
With no other options in sight, we trusted in our mysterious savior and followed him. We climbed into his vehicle slowly rolling through the festival. “Leia sent me a transmission,” his modulated voice said before speaking in an alien language to the driver. “Okay, how’d you find us?” Finn asked what we were all thinking. The man reached to take his helmet off and I was greeted by a face I hadn’t seen in years. He grinned, “Wookiees stand out in a crowd.” “Lando!”
Chewie moaned his excitement at seeing his old friend and shoved his way past us all to hug him. “It’s good to see you too, old buddy,” he laughed before turning to me, “Look at you, the princess is all grown up.” I wrapped my arms around his neck and breathed for the first time all day, “I can’t believe you’re here.” “This is General Lando Calrissian,” 3PO said from behind us.
“We know who he is, 3PO,” Rey gently admonished.
“It is an honor, General,” Finn said, a big smile gracing his face. “General Calrissian,” Poe spoke up, “We’re looking for Exegol.”
Lando looked between our crew before centering on me, “Of course she’d send you.” I scrunched up my nose and tilted my head, “I didn’t give her much of a choice.” He shook his head with laughter, “You’re her daughter alright…” he flicked his wristlet on and a holo of a Wayfinder appeared, “Only two were made.” “A Sith Wayfinder,” Rey said, “Luke Skywalker came here to find one.” “I know,” Lando chuckled, “I was with him, Luke and I were tailing an old Jedi hunter,” he changed the image on his holo to a creature, “Ochi of Bestoon. He was carrying a clue that could lead to a Wayfinder. We followed his ship halfway across the galaxy here. When we got to his ship, it was abandoned. No clue, no Wayfinder.” “Is the ship still here?” I asked.
“It’s out in the desert where he left it.” “We need to get there, search it again,” Rey suggested.
My posture straightened as the sound of ship engines filled my ears. I peered out a window to see a small bunch of First Order ships flying towards the festival grounds.
“I got a bad feeling about this,” Lando muttered before turning to us, “Ochi’s ship is out past Lurch Canyon. Go!” “Thank you, General,” Poe said before beginning to help each of us out of the crawler.
Chewie moaned his happiness at seeing Lando again, something he reciprocated. Before taking Poe’s extended hand, I quickly embraced my non-biological uncle. “We’re on Ajan Kloss, come join us. We need pilots.” “My flying days are long gone,” he gently declined before taking my hands into his, “But do me a favor, give your mother my love.”
“I will, as long as you consider coming,” I said before kissing his cheek and allowing Poe to help me out. My heart ached to walk away from another member of my family…
“Can’t believe I never put it together that you’re a princess.” Poe said from beside me as we sprinted through the desert. I was hoping no one had noticed Lando’s long standing nickname for me.
“Of a planet that ceased to exist long before I was born,” I panted, “I don’t think that counts for much.” “Doesn’t matter, I’m still going to call you Your Highness,” Finn called from ahead. “There,” Poe pointed, “Those speeders,” he tossed his gloves off, slid beneath the vehicles and began hot-wiring the vehicles. The yelling of a group of Aki-Aki, presumably the owners of the speeders, made him hurry through his work. “We gotta go!”
Finn, Poe and 3PO hopped into one while Rey, Bee, Chewie and I crowded into the other. I didn’t have time to look back as I began steering but I could sense that Poe was surprised that I didn’t come with him. The urge to turn around and yell at him for the exact same thing that had happened moments before was strong, but once again not our highest priority. What was important was the stormtroopers tailing us. Rey took over on offense while I piloted us, it wasn’t until her cry of my name that I turned around. The troopers were flying through the air using jetpacks, something none of us had ever seen. 
“I can’t get a clear shot!” Rey yelled.
“Switch with me!” 
She continued firing her blaster as she moved to the front of the speeder where I let her take the wheel. I ducked down next to Bee and calculated what angle I needed them to be at for my plan to work.
I’ve got an idea. “Bee, not now,” I shouted over the engine, turning back to the problem at hand. Ignoring my ignoring him, Bee began tapping away at a stray canister in front of us until it shot up into the air. A yellow explosion burst from the canister in front of the stormtroopers. When one emerged from the cloud, his disoriented driving sent him off a ramp like cluster of rocks. Rey turned and took a perfect shot, the trooper’s speeder exploding in the air.
“Never underestimate a droid,” she grinned.
“He’s doing my work for me!” I replied, standing back up and nudging Bee, “Now where’s Poe and Finn?” “Y/n, look,” I joined Rey at the front of the speeder, “Ochi’s ship.”
Parked atop a large structure of rocks was a modest craft that hopefully contained the answers we needed. 
Rey’s face turned serious, “I’ve seen that ship before.”
“Y/n! Rey!” 
I whipped around to see Poe and Finn’s speeder flying up behind us, “You get all of them?”
As I inhaled to answer triumphantly, the speeder was thrown forward and us with it. We flew through the air before landing roughly in a pile of dark sand, the screams of the rest of our group following directly after. I rolled over with a groan and looked up to see one last trooper whizzing through the air. Finally getting to go through with my original plan, I got to my knees and raised one of my hands, force pushing him into one of the cliffs.
“So they fly now,” I exhaled, falling back on my heels. As soon as my full weight landed in the sand, it began collapsing into itself.
“What the hell is this?” Poe exclaimed, I looked over to see the same sensation happening to him.
“Sinking field,” Rey cried, “Try to grab something!”
I struggled against the pull of the field to try and reach a piece of our smoking speeder, but my torso was already below the surface making it nearly impossible. I had landed somewhat near Poe and tried to wriggle my way to where he was, him already doing the same. I stretched my arm out as far as it could and barely brushed his fingers when his head dipped down below the surface. “Y/n!” he called out just as I lost sight of him. “No!” I yelled, throwing my arm into the pit and fishing around to try and grab him. “Rey, Y/n,” Finn said frantically, “I never told you tha-“ he disappeared into the black sand, lost to us. “What? Finn!” Rey called, it was the last thing I heard below my body was pulled under fully. 
What followed was pure darkness, I kept my eyes squeezed shut as to not get anything in my eyes. In a flash of panic, I flailed about and tried to swim upwards back to the surface for a breath of air. All I could do was struggle and pray that I met the bottom, I didn’t want to die in a pit of sand. After a few seconds, I crashed through something hard and my back hit open air. I fell to the ground with a groan, Bee’s beeps and squeals a homing beacon in the dark. “Poe,” I sat up, feeling around the dimly lit cave for him, “Poe…” “I’m here,” he replied, I could barely make out his silhouette as he crawled on his knees to me. His gloved hand wrapped around my arm, making his close presence known, “Are you okay?” In a rare moment of tenderness, something we hadn’t felt in a long time, I reached up and laced my hand through his curls bringing his forehead down to meet mine. “Where’s everybody else?” Poe pulled me to my feet and unsheathed his flashlight, “Rey! Finn!” 
“You didn’t say my name, sir, but I’m alright,” 3PO said, coming in from the other side of the cave.
The sand seeping out of the ceiling of the cave followed by loud grunts sent Poe and I bolting towards it just in time for him to catch Rey and ease her down to the ground. “You all right?” he asked.
“Yeah,” she mumbled, “Where’s Finn?” “Where’s Chewie?” I asked, rotating my head rapidly to try and get a full scope of the cave. On cue, Chewie dropped harshly from the ceiling with a moan, I ran over to him and helped him sit up.
Finn climbed out of a hole behind us, “I’m good. What is this place?” He stumbled towards us, the four of us huddled together for a relieved reunion. 
Poe had one hand on Finn’s shoulder and one clutching my waist, he pressed a quick peck to my temple. “I thought we were goners,” he panted, I savored the feeling of being close to him even if it had taken thinking we were going to die to get there.
“Which way out?” Finn asked.
I squinted as I looked at our surroundings, “Can’t see a thing.” One step ahead of me, Rey unclipped her lightsaber from her belt and ignited it, lighting our path. Poe stepped forward as well, clicking his inferior flashlight on as if it would make a difference next to the luminous weapon. Shaking my head at my boyfriend, I ignited my own saber and followed Rey, “We need to hurry if Ren’s on his way. “So what was it?” Rey asked as Finn joined us.
“What?” he replied confusedly.
“What you were gonna tell Y/n and I?” A beat passed, “When?” “When you were sinking in the sand, you said ‘I never told you…’” Rey spelled it out for him.
He inched closer to the two of us and lowered his voice, “I’ll tell you later.” “You mean when Poe’s not here?” the man in question asked from behind us, staring Finn down as he squeezed between the three of us.
“Yeah,” Finn replied confidently.
“We’re gonna die in sand burrows and we’re all keeping secrets?” Poe deliberately turned his head to look at me when he hit the word ‘secrets,’ a wave of guilt washing over me. 
“I’ll tell you when you tell us about all that shifty stuff you do,” Finn fired back, referring to to hot-wiring of the speeders and no doubt something else he’d seen Poe do recently.
“I do not wanna know what made these tunnels,” Poe commented as he took the lead at the front of our group. 
Ever the helper, 3PO jumped in to give an answer. “Judging by the circumference of the tunnel walls…” Poe turned to the droid, “I said I do not wanna know. Not,” he realigned his focus ahead of us, spotting something in the shadows, “What’s that?” “Is that a speeder?” Finn asked. “An old one,” Rey answered as she got a closer look. “Wonder if it still runs,” I said, running a hand over the dusty vehicle, “We’re gonna need a way out of here.” “Perhaps we will find the driver,” 3PO said hopefully. I think they’d be dead by now.
“Yep, BB-8, I think dead too,” Poe responded to his droid’s astute observation.
“Oh, my,” 3PO pointed towards the symbol on the front of the speeder, “A hex charm.”
“What’s a hex charm?” I asked, shining my saber over the detail and getting a look at it myself.
“A common emblem of Sith loyalists,” 3PO answered. “The Sith…” I mumbled under my breath, running a finger over it and catching the dust in my hand.
“This was Ochi’s?” Finn asked. “Luke sensed it,” Rey stepped forward, “Ochi never left this place.” “And he ended up down here,” Finn continued the train of thought.
“He was headed for his ship,” Poe completed the sentence, “Same thing happened to us, happened to him.” I followed Rey who was hot on the scent of something, the two of us spotting the skeleton at the same time. “So how did Ochi get out?” I took a breath, “He didn’t.” The four of us moved as one to examine the carcass, mangled and broken into pieces but clearly bearing resemblance to a creature. “No he didn’t…” Finn muttered.
“Bones,” Poe said from beside me, turning away for a second to stifle a gag, “I don’t like bones.” “Bones? Never a good sign,” 3PO commented.
My eyes flitted over the scene while Rey searched deeper, spotting a bump in the sand with Bee and helping him to unearth it. She pulled out a unique carved dagger, I could sense the same thing upon seeing it that she could. “Horrible things…have happened with this,” she trembled. “The writing…” I crouched down next to her, running a finger over the weapon and trying to figure out what language the script was written in, “I don’t recognize it, 3PO?”
The loyal droid came forward and took the dagger from my outstretched palm. “The location of the Wayfinder has been inscribed upon this dagger,” he announced, “It’s the clue that Master Luke was looking for.” “And? What does it say?” I asked with a hopeful smile.
3PO turned to our group, “I am afraid I cannot tell you.” “20.3 fazillion languages and you can’t read that?” Poe asked in confusion.
“I have read it, sir, I know exactly where the wayfinder is,” the droid responded, “Unfortunately, it is written in the runic language of the Sith.” “And?” I asked, inklings of impatience seeping out of my voice.
“My programming forbids me from translating it.” “So you’re telling us the one time we need you to talk,” Poe shook his head, “You can’t?”
“Irony, sir,” the droid answered, backing up to face us head on, “I am mechanically incapable of speaking translations from Sith. I believe the rule was passed by the Senate of the Old Republic.” I wasn’t listening, none of us were listening as he went on, instead focusing on the large serpent that had appeared behind 3PO with a growing growl. The four of us took a startled step back and held out our various weapons. It let out a meaning roar followed by a loud hiss, alerting 3PO to its presence. “Serpent! Serpent! Serpent!” Surprisingly, Rey placed a hand on top of Poe’s blaster and lowered it as the serpent showed off its razor sharp teeth once again. Keeping her eye trained on the beast, she blindly handed her lightsaber out for Finn to take. “Rey…” he cautioned, gripping the weapon tight in his grip. I could sense what she was sensing as I watched her approach, the serpent was crying out in pain more than anything else
“I’m gonna blast it,” Poe said quietly, his blaster once again aimed at the snake.
“Don’t,” I whispered, contradicting my words as I kept my saber activated in my hand, ready to fight if necessary. Rey kneeled down next to the snake, her eyes still locked with it as she laid her hand over its body. It snarled at her but she didn’t flinch, shutting her eyes and doing what I suspected she would do. She healed whatever wound the serpent had, receiving a small non-threatening moan in thanks. It snaked away down another pathway of the cave, revealing an exit that lit the cave up with the sunlight of Pasaana.
Bee rolled forward to ask Rey what she had done as she rubbed her hand, “I just transferred a bit of life. Force energy from me to him. You would’ve done the same.” “Luckily, we won’t have that problem again,” I said as I deactivated my lightsaber and clipped it back onto my belt, helping Rey up after, “Nice job.” Our group climbed out of the hole and we got a good look at the rock structure that displayed Ochi’s ship we’d seen during our speeder chase. “Looks like we’ve got our ride,” Poe commented as we walked up the rocks.
“We cannot possibly fly in that old wreck,” 3PO interjected. 
“We gotta keep moving, find someone who can translate that dagger,” Poe replied, “Like a helpful droid.” “I suggest we return to the Millennium Falcon at once,” the droid said as forcefully as he was capable of being. “Troopers’ll be waiting at the Falcon,” I said, pausing my steps to try and shove aside the pain I felt at the thought of leaving my beloved ship behind, “We’ll find a way to get it back.”
Not more than two seconds after I spoke did each hair on my body stand up straight and a cold wave run through my body. I twisted to look out upon the miles of sand and rock, sensing the familiar presence of Ren yet not being able to see him. Rey and I shared a look, concern mixed with understanding that someone had to deal with it. I could feel that it was her that needed to confront him, I wasn’t the only one that shared a complicated history with the Supreme Leader. I nodded understandingly to her, the two of us not needing to speak a single word.
“What is it?” Finn asked, approaching the two of us. “I’ll be right behind you,” she said, handing Finn her staff and bag, “It’s okay.”
She passed by both of us, heading back down the way we’d come to go deal with our problem. “Let’s go,” I directed, turning back towards our new ride, “She’s got this.” The rest of us climbed the rest of the rocks until we hit Ochi’s ship, opening the ramp and heading into the heart of it. “Let’s see what we’ve got,” Poe said, switching on the flickering lights, “Let’s get those converters fired up.”
Finn, Poe and I marched to the cockpit, swiping at dusty cobwebs that adorned the ship. Poe flipped open the shutters and started her up proudly while Finn and I were more focused on looking out the windows for Rey. “Where is she?” he asked me.
Poe interrupted before I could form an answer, “Guys, help me out over here.” “Chewie, tell Rey we gotta go,” Finn ordered the Wookiee, who looked to me for confirmation. I gave a short nod and ran off the assist Poe in getting the ship up and running.
“What is she doing?” he grumbled as he sat down in the captain’s chair. “She’s helping us out,” I sat down in the seat next to him, “Trust me.” “That’s all I get?” he asked annoyedly as he flipped various switches, “Another Jedi thing I wouldn’t understand?”
“Are we really doing this right now?” I snapped, pressing a few buttons to help prep the ship.
“We wouldn’t have to if you would just tell me what’s going on,” Poe shot back, his voice raising to match mine. “It’s Ren,” Finn interrupted our fight, anxiety creeping into his tone. He bolted out of the cockpit leaving Poe and I to ourselves. “Finn, wait!” I yelled, taking off after him before he tried to intervene. I caught up to him outside of the ship, “Finn, you’ve gotta let her do th-“ My feet stopped as I spotted what Finn saw as well, Chewie was being loaded into a First order transport along with the dagger. Finn and I dropped to the rocks, crouching down and watching the scene unfold as the Wookiee pushed forward into the ship, hunched over and handcuffed. My natural instinct was to run and free him, but I knew that spelled too much potential danger for us all. And with Finn’s hand tightly gripping my arm, there was no way he’d let me go. It was one of the worst tortures I had to endure.
“We need to find a way to stop the ship,” I said quietly through my unshed tears, “If Poe could get that thing in the air…” “If we fire, the whole thing goes down,” Finn ended the idea as soon as it had been born.
I buried my face in my hands and rubbed furiously, my mind spinning with adrenaline and worry. The sounds on an approaching ship caught my attention, I rose to my feet and followed the noise across the rocks. Yards away from us stood Rey, lightsaber ignited with her back turned to the ship that undoubtably belonged to Ren. She took a running start as the craft advanced toward her and what happened next even I could hardly believe as I watched it. Rey flipped up in the air, letting her arm hang down and slicing off one of the ship’s wings. While she landed gracefully in a cloud of dust, Ren’s ship split violently until it was just the round cockpit rolling across the field of sand before exploding against one of the rocks. My breath caught as the flames engulfed what was left of his ship, I searched for any life left in the wreckage, sensing that he wasn’t dead yet. With my focus momentarily on Ren, I hadn’t noticed Finn had climbed down the rocks and was calling out for Rey.
“They got Chewie! They got him!” he pointed to the skies, I looked up to see the transport containing him had taken off.
“No,” I mumbled to myself, sticking my hand out to stop the ship using the Force. Rey had the same idea and aided me in my efforts. At that moment, a familiar cloaked figure emerged from the flaming wreckage, slowly making his way towards us. I could feel his stony, emotionless stare even with the great gap between us. Even so, I kept my focus on trying to pull the ship out of the sky. Ren extended his hand as well, creating resistance for Rey and I that only made us try harder. The three of us stood locked in our stances, throwing the ship from side to side as we battled for the life inside. 
Then suddenly, the fight was over. From Rey’s outstretched hand came thick strands of lightning that wrapped around the ship. It took mere seconds until an explosion ripped the ship apart.
“Chewie!” Rey shrieked in horror. “No!” Finn cried.
I dropped to my knees in shock, watching as the wreckage floated to the ground, Chewie buried somewhere inside. One loud guttural sob escaped my lips and I clutched my stomach, crying out for the loss of another part of my family. 
“Guys!” Poe’s voice broke through my grief, “We gotta go! They’re coming!”
Through my tears, I looked above to see Poe standing above me next to the ship and heard the noise of incoming fighters. I had to summon the strength to rise to my feet, my eyes drifting back to Chewie’s fiery grave one last time. “I’m sorry,” I whispered, my voice choked with emotion. I spared a final look to Ren, who I could sense was just as shocked at what had happened as I was. I sensed something in him, the same thing I had sensed when Mom had been thrown out of the Raddus. Sorrow. I wished I could have said I cared, but all I felt towards him was anger. He had contributed to Chewie’s death.
As Rey and Finn approached, I snapped back into action and climbed the rocks, Poe helping me and pulling me up the final foot. We bolted for the ship, racing to the cockpit and taking our assigned seats. He had gotten the thing in flying shape and as soon as we had everybody on board, Poe lifted it off the ground and shot us into the sky and away from the fighters. It was only when I knew he could manage without me that I slipped out of my chair and out of the cockpit.
A distraught Rey was waiting in the hold for me, she stood as I entered, “Y/n, I’m so-“ I breezed past her and Finn, I ignored the droids, I didn’t even think to go to Poe for comfort. Instead, I locked myself in the refresher and let my tears freely fall, mourning the loss of my life long friend.
A/N: I promise the next chapter will have little more going on...Let me know what you thought or if you’d like to be tagged ☺️
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psychedellic-phase · 4 years
Fifteen (Part 12)
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A/N: I altered the timeline & updated the last chapter w the correct weeks!! sorry for any confusion that causes. I need to be accurate or it’d bother me lol 
ALSO: end the stigma surrounding miscarriage/infertility. your feelings and experiences are valid. 
Tw: miscarriage, cursing, slight spoilers for the episode “200”
word count: 4.4 k
series masterlist
“It was a Thursday, no I guess technically it was a Friday since it was 3 am. You woke me up, poking my shoulder gently until I stirred. 
“This is going to sound weird but did you...?”
I was groggy and sore and cranky. It was 3 am, and you woke me up. Of course I was annoyed. My back was killing me, “Spence, what?”
“Did you pee yourself?” You whispered, and I laughed. 
“What? No?” 
That’s when I shifted to roll over and face you. That’s when I felt it. It was like a freight train hitting me. I was dizzy and nauseous and could suddenly feel every part of my body aching. 
“Then, t-then what’s this?” 
You threw the covers off of us. I don’t think I’ve ever heard you so scared. 
I just stared at it. Our gray sheets darkened. I had no emotions. No instincts. No movement. You’d think I’d have an intuition of what I needed to do. My maternal instinct would’ve kicked in, or I guess it wouldn’t have because I was no longer a mother. 
I don’t know how I didn’t wake up earlier. I keep wracking my brain for a reason why I didn’t wake up. Why did you have to wake me up? Why didn’t I just know? I should’ve just known. I should’ve had a feeling, but I didn’t have any feelings. Because that’s what shock is. It’s nothing. It’s staring at everything and feeling absolute nothingness. 
It’s weird to think that that night we went to bed, laughing and chatting and snuggling close to each other. It’s weird to think that we had no idea what was coming. We were living in ignorant bliss. It’s sad that that was our last night we spent together as a whole family unit. I wish I knew about lasts before they happened, that way I could savor the moment. Soak it all up. Bask in the warmth of you. 
We fell asleep as we usually do did, you spooning me from behind, one hand on my belly the other on my back. You whispering that you loved me, you hoped I slept well; me telling you that the papaya sized thing in my uterus would make sure that I did not sleep well. You’d laugh, your breath would tickle my neck, then I’d laugh, and we’d finally calm down and fall asleep in each other’s arms. 
That’s the last time we fell asleep like that. I wish I knew. I would have appreciated the little things. I would’ve appreciated the way you rubbed little shapes on my skin, the way you dealt with me needing no comforter because I was always hot and sweaty, even though you run cold. I wish I could go back and appreciate every one of our lasts, just so I could hold onto those memories a little while longer. But I guess I’ve held onto them long enough if I’m giving them all back to you. 
Speaking of, what is your item for this letter? Go ahead. Go look. It isn’t going to be what you expect.”
He was much calmer than he was before. The numbness had returned. He felt kind of okay actually. He felt like that was the last bit of emotion he had left. But then again, he felt that way in letter four. He felt that way in letter seven. He knew it wouldn’t last, but he was determined to savor it, grind through the last few letters while he was still numb, then hopefully decide what to do while his head was clear. 
He reached in, surprised at what you had chosen. 
“Yes, this is definitely not what you expected. I’m sure you expected another baby memento, or maybe an ultrasound picture. But like I said, all the baby stuff is gone. And I’m keeping the ultrasounds. I’ll mail you copies, I promise. And unlike you, I don’t make a habit of breaking my promises. 
Now to anyone who doesn’t know PG, this little stuffed unicorn looks like it was for the baby. But when you know her as well as we do, you know it was for me. Penelope decorates her desk with trinkets and light-up frogs and flower pens because they help her see the bad. They make it easier. By giving me this, she was giving me something to protect me from the horror I would have to face. And for a little while, it actually worked. I hope it’ll do the same for you.”
He laughed, an honest, genuine, laugh. He held the stuffed thing in his hands, leaning back onto the bed. It was white with rainbow hair and a glittery purple horn. He remembered when Penelope brought it in the room, delicately placing it on your bedside table.
“She’ll need this, and so will you,” She said. Spencer just nodded and watched her disappear. 
“I will spare you the grisly details, Spence; you were there. I will just mention the main ideas. 
As I sat there, staring at the mess that had formed in front of me, you got up. You were visibly shaking as you turned on the lights and called an ambulance. Your face was gray. I’ve never seen it that color. I couldn’t focus on anything except you and the pain. God, the pain. It radiated from my abdomen, up into my heart and festered there. It was a different kind of pain, unlike any I’d ever experienced before. Then came the adrenaline, pumping through my body at an insane rate. Then I felt foggy, like I was watching what was happening to me on a tv screen. It was the closest thing to an out-of-body experience I’ve ever had.  
You knelt down next to me, holding my torso. We didn’t speak. We didn’t cry. We were both in shock.
I don’t even know what you said to the people on the phone. I assume you told them what you had already diagnosed. You told them the truth: I was miscarrying. 
It still hurts to say. I still have a hard time saying the word out loud. “Pregnancy loss,” “Spontaneous abortion,” “Miscarriage,” none of the words feel right. None of them feel like they accurately describe what happened to us that night. 
They put me on a stretcher, and that’s when it became real. I was crying, holding your hand so tight I thought I’d cut off blood supply. My other hand was on my torso, and I was begging whatever Gods are above to feel a kick. Just one little kick, or shift, or movement.
I didn’t. 
You stayed strong for me. You always were so good under pressure. You told the EMT every detail of my health history, while I was a blubbering mess. You called Hotch. You called Emily. You called my dad. You kept it together. You did everything right. God, Spencer, even from that very first day when I paid you to do my paperwork, you always did everything right. You’re the good one. You put nothing but good karma out into the world, so why do you keep getting bad karma back?
It’s ridiculous really, because we did do everything right. I took my prenatals and only drank water and green smoothies and I ate sweet potatoes and legumes and kale chips. I resisted the urge to eat nothing but Baja Blasts and Big Macs. I’m honestly angry. I’m angry because you and I, two good people, don’t get to have a baby, but some of these unsubs we encountered do? What kind of logic is that? What kind of world allows that to happen? What kind of God? A really shitty one, that’s who. 
Eventually they literally peeled you off of me in the ER. They had to make sure I wasn’t getting an infection, and that I had—God I can’t say it. They had to see if they needed to help me through it, if you know what I mean. They did. I had to get a d&c. 
I spent most of the time sobbing at the nurses. They all just held my hands and smoothed my hair. I begged for you, but they said no. I argued with them. I said I needed you there next to me. I didn’t want them to hold my hands and smooth my hair, I wanted you. But they insisted that the room had to stay clean. Eventually I was all cried out and they put me under. 
When I woke up this unicorn was next to me, staring me in the face and letting me know our friends were there. They knew. They had my back. This stuffed thing would help me face the bad that was coming. It would protect me. 
It was about eight. You pulled your chair up next to me, your hand in mine, head on my bed. I felt like shit. That’s the only way to put it. Anesthesia makes me nauseous as is, couple that with the night I had? I felt awful, and I felt it everywhere. 
When I woke up, you stirred too. Your eye bags were deep and dark, you still had on pajamas with some unknown fluids on them, and your hair was a wreck. 
I ran my hands through it, a force of habit, “Hi.”
“Hey,” you croaked. 
Our eyes met, and we both just fell apart. Tears spilled over so easily. We were two broken hearts in one hospital room. 
You crawled into the bed with me, making sure to be gentle and not hurt me, “Is this real life?” 
“Yeah, Love. I’m afraid it is,” you whispered into my hair. 
“I-It doesn’t feel like real life.”
You sighed, and shifted so we were both sitting upright, your arm around my shoulder, “I know. I wish it wasn’t.”
“W-What happened? What did I do? I th-thought I did everything right?”
You kissed my tears on my cheeks, “You did. You couldn’t have done anything to stop this. It was a chromosomal abnormality, trisomy sixteen.”
“What does that m-mean?”
“It means she had three copies of chromosome sixteen, which makes proteins in the body. She never would’ve—“
“Stop,” I said, not harshly or mean, just a sad moan, “I don’t want to know.” I took three shaky, deep breaths, trying to calm myself down, “I-I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t be, there’s nothing we could’ve done. We’ll get through this, together, I promise.”
“I promise,” I said, and you kissed my temple, arms wrapped around me tightly, as if you could physically hold me together as I fell apart. You held me like that for a while, before we both fell asleep again in that teeny tiny hospital bed.
The unicorn wasn’t the one who protected me that night, it was you. You protected me more than I ever gave you credit for. I wish I could’ve stayed strong for you, the way you stayed strong for me. Thank you for that, Spencer. I mean it.”
Spencer got up from bed and felt lightheaded. Realizing he hadn’t eaten yet, he grabbed a mess of junk from the fridge and sat on the kitchen floor up against the dishwasher. The metal of the appliance was cold against his back, the ground below him was hard. It just felt right. 
He did keep his calm the whole time. He never cracked, not until the end when he cried with you. He spoke calmly and quietly when the team showed up. Garcia cried more than he did. Emily said she was on the next flight, ready and willing. Your dad didn’t say more than a few awkward and sad words. Morgan looked terrified. Hotch had his eyebrows knit together, as if with enough thinking, he could make the situation away. JJ stood silently, knowing the feeling, but not mentioning it. The only time he wavered was when Alex held him; the tears reached the surface but never spilled over. Everyone just circled around him, trying to protect him from the scariness that he’d face outside of their bubble. 
The nurse came up to him, telling him you were out and okay. It was a chromosomal abnormality, nothing could’ve prevented it. With some rest, you’d be okay physically, but mentally it would be a long road, for both of you. He nodded. The world felt like it was spinning. He couldn’t think straight. The walls seemed to move in around him, even as he stood still. 
“Reid, it’s mandatory. Four weeks. Minimum,” Hotch said, Spencer not hearing a word of it. 
“O-Okay. Fine, whatever. I just, I need to see her.” 
Derek reached out to stop him, “You know she isn’t going to be the same, kid.”
Spencer shook him off, “I know.”
But he didn’t know to what extent. He didn’t know that you’d still look pregnant, because your belly doesn’t automatically deflate. He didn’t know that your grieving process would be different from the way it was after Emily’s fake death. How naive of him to not realize that he’d grieve differently this time too. He thought he’d want to cry and talk and eat blueberry pancakes, just like last time. He didn’t realize that when a piece of you just suddenly stops being a piece of you, it’s jarring. It's the five stages of grief all at once and in the wrong order. It’s crying at a Pampers commercial and being angry when you see new moms. It’s people giving you soft looks of pity everyday. It’s lonely. It’s sad. It’s the worst heartbreak one can imagine. In short—it really fucking sucks. 
Spencer had no idea just how much it really fucking sucked. 
He saw you there, your skin drained of its warm color and tired, and stopped in his tracks. What would he say? What would he do? How would he approach you? How would he tell you that half of his heart just left his body? 
Rossi was the one who saw him stop at the threshold of your door. He saw Spencer pace back and forth, still in bloody pajamas. He saw Spencer stare at you, hands balled into fists like he was ready to fight the powers that be. 
He came up behind him, placing a kind hand on his shoulder, “Spencer, listen to me.”
Spencer didn’t react, he just kept staring at you, “I had a son, with Caroline. He died the same day he was born. I know what this feels like, Kid. I do. Trust me, it’ll get easier. I promise, but only if the two of you lean on each other.”
Spencer nodded dumbly, still not really processing anything around him, but with a nudge from Rossi he entered your room. He found his way to the bedside chair. 
“Hey, Y/N, I know you can’t hear me. The anesthesia hasn’t worn off yet. I just want to—no need to tell you that I love you. I’m not mad at you. I’m heartbroken, but here for you. I’m not going anywhere.”
“Remember how fast that narrative changed, Spence? 
We got home from the hospital that night and I grabbed a tub of ice cream. I figured losing the baby counted as ‘one of those days’. I thought we would eat in silence and it would make it all okay, like every other day. 
When I pulled it out, you scratched your head, “Not tonight. I’m tired.”
I nodded, feeling heavy and sore and weak, “Okay, see you upstairs?” 
You nodded again, and I put the tub away. I figured you were going to talk to the moon for a while, and I was going to let you. 
I fell asleep almost immediately, you never joining me. 
I got up and you were on the couch, making some lame excuse of how you were reading and must have fallen asleep there by accident.
“You okay today?” I asked you. 
You shrugged, “We won’t be okay for a lot of days.”
I knew you were right. It was a stupid question to even ask. I nodded. 
“How do you feel?”
“Sore, weak, empty. Like I need to sleep more.”
You tucked my hair behind my ear, and kissed my cheek. 
“I love you,” I said, and you responded with, “Love you too, I need to shower.”
Now there is a distinct difference between ‘love you’ and ‘I love you.’ Losing the ‘I’ loses the intimacy. It removes yourself from the statement. You removed yourself from that statement, and from me. 
That first day we talked a little. We mostly cried and you watched me sleep. But then suddenly it was like you didn’t want to talk about it. You didn’t want to share a bed. You didn’t even want to look at me. You didn’t want to be in that place. I don’t blame you, Spencer, I don’t. I didn’t want to be there either.
I understand why you blamed me. We needed to blame someone, because no way could life be that cruel to a person. I blamed myself for the loss for a while too. No matter how many times people said “it’s not your fault” it still felt like my fault. I still feel like it’s my fault, like maybe I could’ve done something to prevent this. It doesn’t matter how many support groups or therapists tell me I can’t blame anyone. How can I believe that when the person who means the most to me in this world feels like it I’m the only person to blame?”
He sighed. He never wanted to blame you, but some part of him did anyway. It was easier that way. If he blamed you, he wouldn’t have to blame himself like he always did. But, sometimes there is no one to blame but life itself. 
“Emily showed up that next day. She came in, in all her black bangs glory and held me. She had ice cream with me. She let me cry on her shoulders until I couldn’t anymore. She watched cheesy tv with me and distracted me with stories of her varied lovers in London. She supported me the way only a best friend could, the way I wish you did. Then she had to leave; London calls. And Derek took her place. He would come by when he could, usually with takeout that I couldn’t stomach. If he couldn’t come by, he’d always text or call. He always checked in, which I appreciated, but every moment with them was a moment spent wishing I was with you. 
You. For the first week or so, I saw you everyday. We even went to the beach, but when we came home? I tried to talk but we usually didn’t. More accurately, I spoke, and you stared at me. Then you started coming less and less and returning fewer and fewer of my calls. At the end, I think I saw you maybe once every other day, just for you to come and grab clean clothes or paperwork. God, everyone did your job except for you because you were too busy doing your real job. The job Hotch told you to take a few weeks off from. The job that I actually did take a few weeks off from, because my body was in disrepair. 
It’s not fair to sit here and tell you that you didn’t cater to my every grieving need correctly. It’s not fair for me to tell you how to grieve either. I respect what you did, Spence. I respect that you poured yourself into work. I know it isn’t fair that I wish you spent half that energy on us. But you know what actually isn’t fair? The way I’d tell people “we lost her,” but you’d say “Y/N lost her.” You know what wasn’t fair? The fact that you ran away from me and hid away in your apartment, doing God knows what with God knows who, after we promised to lean on each other, to heal together. You refused to do it. I wanted to. I tried to. I reached out. I called. I texted. 
But, I’m getting ahead of myself now. You still have three letters to go.”
Spencer glanced over at the box. It was nearly empty, just three stray items and three stray envelopes staring at him. He remembered the minute he set foot in that place, he felt the same way he did before he entered your hospital room. Frozen. Fear. Trepidation. 
Everything looked foreign. The walls that were once a saturated blue color looked grayer. The mug on the counter didn’t look like it was his. The pictures on the walls were of foreign people from a foreign land. The bed didn’t look like his bed. He felt like he was living on a movie set, where everything was a prop and everyone was a fake. 
He tried to stay. He went into that first night with the intentions of laying next to you in bed, watching tv, rubbing your back, and giving you water to make up for the amount of tears you shed. He really, honestly, tried, but the first thing he saw when he opened the front door was that picture of the two of you from Rossi’s house, holding up the onesie. Then he made his way into the kitchen, where the ultrasounds were pinned to the fridge with smiley face magnets. Then he went upstairs and passed the nursery. 
It had barely been started; all you’d done was paint it a soft, sage green. 
“This color is called ‘Soothing Sage’,” You said, handing Spencer a roller, “I sure hope this soothes her, because if she’s as active outside as she is inside, we have a problem.” 
“It will soothe her. That’s why I love green,” He said, grabbing the roller and starting to paint, as you sat on the floor trying to untangle Garcia’s homemade jungle animal mobile. 
“I thought you liked purple.”
He smiled, “ I do, but green brings balance and harmony. From a color psychology perspective, it is the great balancer of the heart and the emotions, creating equilibrium in the body. And from a color symbolism perspective, green is the color of growth, spring, renewal and rebirth.”
You laughed, “My favorite color is teal. What’s the color psychology for that?”
“Teal is a blend of blue and green, so naturally it combines both blue's tranquility and stability with green's balance and harmony.”
“I like it, I like it, how about orange? What does that mean?”
“Orange? Well, it’s bright and brings feelings of excitement, enthusiasm, and warmth—“ He cut himself off, turning from his almost done wall to find you eating more chips, “Stop distracting me!”
You put your hands up in surrender, “You’re too easy to distract Reid.”
He smiled, paint already all over him, as you spent the rest of the afternoon talking about what rocker you should buy and where the other painting Garcia made should hang. 
When he passed the room, the walls a pretty green, mobile in the corner over a few stray Ikea boxes, he couldn’t do it anymore. He couldn’t act like everything in that place didn’t make him want to scream into an abyss. He couldn’t play the dutiful boyfriend. He couldn’t walk around and not feel haunted. He was being haunted, not by the past, but by a future that should’ve been. 
He tried to explain it to you, but you two were on different pages. Hell, you were reading two different books that were in completely different languages. Communicating became impossible, and if he’s being honest with himself, he was kind of happy that it did. It made it easier in the moment, but worse in the long run. 
“I miss us. I miss you. I miss her. I know we never met her but I could feel her. She was strong, definitely a soccer player. Maybe she would’ve had our recessive athletic genes. She was part of me, and I loved her from the first time I threw up. I could tell she loved you. She moved whenever you spoke to me. She loved to rustle and shift when you laid on my lap and whispered to her. She was a daddy’s girl. That’s what you deserved. I’m sorry my body couldn’t handle it. I’m sorry that I couldn’t even do that right. I’m sorry couldn’t be what you wanted or what you needed, especially when you were all I ever wanted or needed. I don’t know how many more ways to show you that I’m sorry.
You left me the day we lost her Spence, I know you did. I lost you and her in one fell swoop. How do I cope with that?”
Spencer put the letter down, cradling the unicorn in his hands. He didn’t need you to apologize anymore. You’d done enough of that, so did he. He stopped being angry and bitter and spiteful the second you told him to go. You yelled at him to finish packing his bags and get out, since that’s clearly what he wanted.
That wasn’t what he wanted. He was just lost. He was confused. He felt like nothing had a purpose anymore. He understood what Gideon said in the letter he left him all those years ago. He questioned everything he thought he ever knew. He wanted to view it as a lesson, something he could learn from, but the hole in his heart wouldn’t let him.
He had every intention of coming back to you when he was ready, but when he finally was, you shut the door. He lost himself the moment he lost her, and that made him lose you too. How’s he supposed to cope with that?
Part 13!
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mouse-fantoms · 3 years
That Time Of The Year
Phantoms during the holiday season, new meaning
Julie nearly jumped out of her skin.
“I will NEVER get used to that.” She said in response to seeing Luke on the couch as she walked into the living room with a box.
“My bad.” He apologized.
She carried the box with her and set it down on the table beginning to open it.
“What’s that?” He wondered.
From the cardboard box she pulled out a red bobble. “Ordaments!”
She noticed his reaction, “Oh... this early?”
She raised an eyebrow. “It’s not that early...” she said beginning to put ordamendments on baren tree.
“Sorry... it’s just-” she noticed how he seemed to hesitate.
“You don’t need to get into it if you don’t want to.” She assumed it had something to do with the past, a touchy matter.
“But I want to.” He let her know. “When I ran out on my parents... it was around this time.”
“Oh...” She understood. “...maybe you can work on associating it with something else.” She offered.
He cocked his head curiously. She held out a blue ordament in her hand. He stared blankly at it.
“Come here.” She gestured her head.
He got up from the couch and went over to her. He tried to grab the ordament however his hand went right through. However after a few attempts, he finally got a hold of it. Julie stepped aside from being in front of the tree. He looked at her for what to do next. She looked to the tree then back at him hoping he’d get the hint. He hung the blue bulb on the open branch in front of him, he then looked to her for gratitude.
“You want to help me put more on?”
He hesitated but then a smile adorned his face, “Yeah... that would be nice.”
They shared a smile as they began to pull more ordaments from the box and place them on the tree together wherever there was open space on the tree.
“Wow.” They heard someone from the couch say. They turned their heads to see that Reggie had decided to poof in.
“Like it?” Julie smiled.
“It looks nice.”
“Want to help?”
“No thanks... I’m- I’m alright.” Luke immediately saw his uncertainty to answer.
“The invite still applies you know.” He said.
He nodded understanding. “I know.”
Julie felt like she was in the middle of some sort of second code. “Decided to get away time from dad?” She decided to change the subject.
“Yeah, he started to look up presents for you guys and I didn’t want to intrude.”
“That reminds me!” Julie remembered. “What do you guys want?”
“What?” Luke asked confused.
“You want to get us something?” Reggie wanted to clear it up.
“Yeah...” she was confused as to why they were.
“You don’t have-”
“But I do." She interrupted Luke. “You guys are important to me.”
Reggie and Luke smiled at her calling them important in her life.
“It’s been awhile.” Luke had a hard time remembering the last time he was asked.
“Pretty sure we’ll be happy with whatever you get us.”
Just then Ray entered the room.
“Starting early?” He asked seeing his daughter had already began to decorate.
“I couldn’t resist.” She shrugged.
He noticed how much of the tree was decorated in the short of time. Especially the ordaments that where placed higher than his daughter’s height.
“Had help?”
Her smile answered his question.
“Are they...?”
Seeing the blue ordament move from the box to the tree he got his answer.
“Hi Luke.” He smiled.
Learning the truth about his daughter’s band was... interesting to say the least. Luckily though, he got pretty used to the idea fairly quickly. The boys had brought music back into her life. They brought his little girl back. Not that he directly owed them anything but they had done so much for his daughter. It was always touching knowing that they weren’t only a band but friends too. Of course, since learning of them, Ray and Carlos were constantly curious if they were around. Julie couldn’t blame them but it did get repetitive after awhile so instead a system was emplaced especially after Ray learned that Reggie likes to hang with him.
He decided to leave a notebook out with a pen so that Reggie could let him know if he was there. It didn’t take long for the others to also chat with Ray. He left out many different colors of pens but Reggie seemed to always go for the red, Luke the blue and Alex the pink. It was already pretty clear who’s writing was who’s but it was always nice to see the different colors of writing. It was refreshing whenever Julie came home and he would hear, “Luke stop pushing Alex. Alex stop telling Reggie that it’s your to turn to- ok all of you will get a turn to talk to das if you just wait.”. Out of anything for the boys to “fight” over that was probably the best option.
“Should have known.” He added when learning that it was Luke who was helping her with the tree. “Are Reggie and Alex...”
“Reggie’s on the couch.” she told him, “He was with you until you started to look at gifts for Carlos and I, he didn’t want to intrude.”
“You could have been talking to me.” He looked in the direct of where he assumed Reggie was.
There was silence as Julie was listening to what Reggie was saying in order to translate it to him.
“Sometimes he just likes to be by you... it’s comforting.”
“...well in that case be by me as much as you want.”
“Also stay around as long as you want if it means seeing what we get.” Carlos had come from the kitchen into the living room overhearing the conversation.
“Carlos...” Ray began.
“Just a suggestion.” He put his hands up in defense.
Julie let out a laugh, “It’s not like he would say anything if he did see something.” she paused hearing what Reggie was saying. “He wouldn’t want to ruin the surprise.”
“Oh yeah!” He dad remembered hearing the word surprise. “Did you...”
“Yes I did, I already have it covered.”
Luke’s eyebrows furrowed guessing what was being talked about. “You guys both really don’t have to get us any-”
“But we want to Luke.” She looked heartwarmingly behind her to him. “Please?”
He couldn’t deny the look in her eyes.
“They’re having one of their moments.” Carlos whispered to his dad which Julie gave a response via a glare. She looked over to Ray as a hint to tell him to scold him.
“How many times have I told you to not get involved in your sister’s realationship?”
“Hey,” he looked to his son already pushing him towards the door, “why don’t we head to the store to pick up some of those decorations?” He wanted to change the subject.
“Ooo!” Reggie perked up. “I wanna go too!” Luke and Julie watched him poof away as Ray and Carlos left through the front door.
“Glad he can at least do that.” Luke said to himself with a warm smile once his friend poofed away.
Julie looked to him curious.
“Back when he was alive,” she noticed how he paused, “his parents were always shouting at each other. He would come late at night to the studio to join Alex and I. We always told him that he could come more often if he needed to and he’d just nod. The amount of Christmas’ we would spend in that garage. It would be a no brained for Alex and I and we’d always remind him that he was invited.”
Reggie hanging out with Ray, Luke earlier telling him that the invite still applied and turning down the offer of decorating the tree all suddenly made a lot of sense.
“It’s just nice to see that he doesn’t mind going with your dad and brother to do Christmas-y shopping.”
“So you guys have always spent Christmas with each other?”
He thought for a moment. “Yeah... guess we have. But now-”
She shared his smile, “Now?”
He handed her an ordament to put up. As the two continued to accessorize the tree, Julie thought about how much of a change this Christmas was compared to past ones. Sadly, it would be one without her mom, but she’d be spending it with 3 of the most amazing guys in the world. She kept in mind that after she be very very sure that the gifts in her room were extra extra hidden (just in case). At least the blue beanie, gay pride pin and a The Child plushie were all already wrapped.
At least she’d still be spending the season with her family, that hadn’t changed even with the 3 new additions in her life.
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Santa’s Wonderland
Merry Christmas, @shelling4869ford! I am  your @dcmksecretsanta Secret Santa
Here is your fanfic, but I also have some art I will be sending you later this week after I add some color to it! You said you wanted some Conan and Kogoro bonding  - I hope this is ok!
Kogoro shifted from one foot to the other so many times Conan briefly wondered if the old man needed to go to the bathroom. But a quick glance at his hands and the way they were fidgeting showed that Kogoro just desperately wanted a cigarette. It wasn't like you could smoke in Santa's Wonder Land.
Kogoro had been flattered into taking the kids by Ayumi and the other actual kids laying it on kind of thick, in Conan's opinion. A lot of 'but you're the best detective' and 'we'd be so safe with you' until Kogoro had laughed, patted them all on the head and readily agreed. After all, Ran was working here.
Which was why Conan had agreed to come along. Of course, since he still looked like a child no one thought it was suspect that he wanted to see Santa.
“So,” Ai asked, “What exactly will you be asking Santa for?”
He frowned at her. “You know damn well he isn't real and that he couldn't give me what I want even if he was.”
“Sorry. I think I'll just ask for a new purse.”
“Well, glad to see you're setting your sights low, anyway...”
“Are you talking about what you're going to ask for?” Ayumi asked, grabbing Ai's hand and starting to swing it back and forth. “I want some new dolls, and a detective kit and...”
“I want some books,” Mitsuhiko offered.
“Yeah, yeah. Just save it for Santa, kids.” Kogoro brushed them off. “Damn it, is the line always like this? I haven't been to one of these things in ages,” he started rubbing at his neck as though he could feel the years weighing down on him. “And that little brat got Ran into trouble again that day.”
I didn't get her into trouble. That time was her idea. I wouldn't have tried to pass the gifts out to the other kids in line. I knew the boxes were empty, Conan thought, but obviously couldn't say.
“Oh, look, there's Santa!” Ayumi pointed, standing on her tiptoes to try to see over the crowd. Genta grabbed her under the armpits and hoisted her up so she could see better. “Thank you!”
“Sure, but now Conan probably can't see anything,” Genta smirked at him. “Can ya, shorty?”
“Did you want to see anything?” Kogoro asked. “Didn't think this would be your kind of thing.”
“It's not.” Which was the truth. But he was very curious about Ran's elf costume. Before he could say anything for or against it, Kogoro had scooped him up and put him on his shoulders.
“There. Can you see him now, kid?”
“Yeah. Uhm. ...Thanks.”
“No problem. Sooner we get out of here the sooner I can have a cigarette.” Kogoro marched forward in the line but kept Conan on his shoulders.
It felt like hours before they reached the front but in actuality was probably more like twenty minutes. Conan noticed that the Detective Boys were all starting to look kind of tired and crabby. If they'd had to wait much longer it wouldn't have been a pretty sight.
“Ho ho ho, all of you kids at once?” Santa asked.
“You can all come one at a time or all together,” Ran was at the front, apparently on kid wrangling duty. She wore a green skirt with a red blouse and then a green and red hat with elf ears on it. Conan smiled at her – she looked adorable.
“C'mon, kids, other people are waiting.” He was more than a little surprised to see Sonoko there. She didn't need to work, so why? Oh, wait. Now he remembered. She'd been insisting to Makoto lately that she could make her own way in the world. This must be her latest attempt to prove it.
“One at a time,” Ai suggested. When Mistuhiko and Genta started to take off running she grabbed them both by the shirts. “Ayumi first.”
They both grumbled, but agreed to it.
Kogoro watched and tapped his foot, repeatedly checking his cell phone for the time. “Couldn't they have given you a longer skirt?” he asked Ran after a moment. “It's cold at the North Pole. Elves should be wearing parkas and long pants.”
“It's just the costume, dad,” Ran sighed, “Besides, some of my regular skirts are shorter than this. It's about the same length as my school uniform skirt.”
He brushed the answer off without paying attention to it. Ayumi finished her list and then the boys took their turns. Then Ai.
“Your turn, Conan!” Ran insisted, grabbing his hand and leading him to Santa. Santa, for his part, was staring after Ai with a bewildered expression.
“That girl....” He started.
“Yeah, she has that effect on people,” Conan muttered.
“Yes, but what can I get you for Christmas, little boy?”
“Uh...books, I guess.”
“Just books? No toys?”
“You know,” Santa had a strange twinkle in his eye, “I heard they have a new play set out for Sherlock Holmes.”
Conan blinked a few times, then finally bothered to look at Santa. “Oh, hi, Inspector Megure!”
“Shhh!” The Inspector double checked that his beard hadn't slipped.
“Oh, hey, Inspector Megure!” Kogoro shouted at him. “How are things going?”
“Oh geez, get that guy out of here before he lets these kids know who I am – or worse, we fall into a case. I don't want these kids seeing a dead body,” the Inspector let Conan off of his lap. “Get out of here, Kogoro!”
“Is the police force paying that little these days?”
“Shut up and leave,” Megure hissed. “Kids all got their wishes in, do you want them to worry that Santa isn't going to bring their toys?”
“I guess not,” Kogoro admitted. “See you around, Inspector.”
Conan barely resisted the urge to face palm, but followed along on Kogoro's heels. “I tell you, kid, this stuff gets worse every year.” As soon as they were far enough away Kogoro lit a cigarette and took a long drag. “It used to be kind of fun when Ran was little. She'd get so excited and her mom..and her mom,” he trailed off and took another drag, letting the smoke out slowly as he thought. “But that was a long time ago. Things change.”
“Well,” Conan thought about it for a moment. “Maybe we could make things nice for Ran this year. Maybe make those cookies her mom used to, only ours will actually be edible.”
“Who told you about those?” Kogoro asked sharply.
“Ran did!” Conan said automatically. “That Eri couldn't cook but always tried to make spritz cookies anyway at Christmas time.”
“Yeah. Terrible. You'd think the sprinkles could save em but nope, just made it more obvious that she'd messed up.. That's not a bad idea, though. Do you know what goes into those things?”
“No,” Conan admitted, pulling out his cell phone and typing away. “But I found a recipe. We have everything except almond extract at home.”
“All right. Well, let's get your friends dropped off and then I guess... I guess we'll go home and make cookies. But you're doing all the clean up.”
Conan smirked at him. “Okay, but I get the first cookie. Then you've got yourself a deal, mister!”
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saharamae21 · 4 years
In Uncharted Water (Part 8)
Hey guys! Part 8 is here! Also check out my new fanfic Vapor!
O teach me how I should forget to think
I woke up the next morning and got ready for school. I slipped into a cute pair of shorts and a black tank top. I tied a bandana in my hair like a headband and looked in the mirror. The ugly cut on my face stood out like a sore thumb. I frowned at it and wondered what the rest of my family was doing. Just then a commotion interrupted my thoughts and I walked downstairs. When I got to the bottom of the steps I saw Kiara trying to force Pope and JJ out the front door. My eyes landed on him and he stared at me. I looked down at my feet and walked to the kitchen, making myself small. I sat down at the table and Mr. Carerra offered me an omelette. I happily accepted and ate in silence. It tasted amazing. There was just cheese and bacon in it, but it was perfect. I wondered if most dad’s made breakfast like this.
“Morning,” Kie said, sitting next to me. I said morning back and she watched me as I ate. “I’m sorry about that. They’ve been coming here most mornings.”
I told her I was fine and they could still come here. I was the stranger here so I didn’t want to take anything from them. I finished up the rest of my meal and thanked Kie’s dad. I brushed my teeth, grabbed my book bag, and headed towards the door, keys in hand.
“Can I ride with you?” Kie asked. I turned to look at her and nodded. I got into the car and she slipped into the passenger seat. We didn’t quite know how to approach each other so this was going to take some time to adjust. I shifted awkwardly in my seat as I turned up the radio. Anything was better than silence. I got to the school and parked carefully in the lot. I got out and Topper was immediately in front of me.
“Hey,” I said and he looked concerned. I blinked at him and pulled him to the edge of the lot, not wanting others to hear about what I was about to say. I explained how I wasn’t safe at my own home. He pulled me into a hug which made me feel better. He promised me we’d go to White Chapel this weekend to visit Jasper and that he would buy dinner. I smiled at the thought and agreed. Recently, he’s had a way of making me feel better.
The school day passed by quickly. Before I knew it, I was back at my locker grabbing my things. That’s when Sarah’s old friends came up. “So are you a Kook or a Pogue?” One of them said. I rolled my eyes and tried to walk past them. It was clear she was trying to take over since the princess was gone, but in all reality, no one could replace Sarah. I felt her snag my hand, keeping me in close proximity to them. “Just because you hang out with Topper, doesn’t mean you're somebody now. You’ll always be a loser.”
“Noted. Thank you,” I said, pulling my arm away from her. I walked up to Kie and told her to come with me. I wanted to go home and relax. I wanted to get out of here. I walked to my car and got in, Kie following closely behind. I started my car and pulled out of the lot, getting onto the main road in town. “You okay?” she asked.
“Mhm,” I said, not taking my eyes off the road.
“Sav, if you ever want to talk to anyone, I’m here,” she said. I know we had already made up. I know that she felt bad. Something in me though didn’t alway more to forgive so easily. I couldn’t just trust her again like nothing had happened. I just nodded and kept driving. When we pulled into the driveway, JJ was sitting on the front steps. I parked and slammed my face into the steering wheel, causing the horn to go off. Kie said she would get rid of him, but I objected. It was time we talked.
I got out of the car and JJ stood there with flowers in his hand. I tore my heart apart to see him like this in front of me. I walked up slowly and he extended the flowers to me. I reached out and took them.
“Shouldn’t you be at school?” I asked. I looked down at the peonies, my favorite.
“I’m not going until I can focus on it,” he said. He stared at me. I could feel his gaze. I looked up to meet it. His eyes were sad and broken. It killed me. “Can we talk?”
I nodded and we walked up to the room I was staying in. I closed the door behind him. I sat on the bed and he stood in front of me. He grabbed my hands and held them in his as he knelt down in front of me. “I’m so sorry,” he said. “I felt pressure to take sides and I was mad and I-I’m still in love with you,” he said. Tears filled my eyes as he knelt in front of me and confessed how he hated himself. He told me how he couldn’t take it back, how he wanted to take it back. I shook my head no while he talked. I squeezed my eyes shut as he pleaded with me. His hands dropped mine and cupped my face, forcing me to look at him. He had tears in his eyes too. He pressed his lips into mine and there was no way I could resist him. Our lips moved together in perfect harmony. I melted into him. I loved him, yet I forced myself to pull away. He pulled me into his chest and held me against him. I fidgeted away.
“JJ,” I said. “I don’t know who I am.” “We’ll find it together,” he said. He looked like he needed me by his side. I shook my head no. I needed to do this on my own. I needed to find myself before I loved him again. I needed him to understand that.
“I-I can’t until I know who I am,” I said. “I need to know who I am on my own before I find who I am with you.”
He stared at me and his shoulders slumped. His head fell and he sat next to me on the bed. I knew he understood. He asked me if we could be friends still while I figured it out. I nodded and watched as he laid back on the bed. He motioned for me to lay down with him and I did. He immediately pulled me into his arms.
“Just let me stay like this for a second,” he whispered, using my own words against me. I cuddled into him and felt relaxed for the first time in weeks. Laying with him felt right. We laid like that for a second, a moment, a minute. It felt like forever and yet it ended so soon. I was beginning to drift off when he decided to head out. I struggled to open my eyes and panicked for a moment.
“You know I still love you right?” I asked. He sat back down on the bed and caressed my face.
“Of course,” he muttered and kissed my forehead. I closed my eyes as he ran his thumb over my cheeks and lips. Then he got up and left. As soon as he was gone I broke down in tears. Nothing was ever going to go back to how it was, was it?
Tag List : @jjmaybangme @thebendslikebendover @justcallmesams @jellyfishbeansontoast @prejudic3 @jjtheangel @jiaraendgame @obxmxybxnk @waywardbarbie @talksoprettyjjx @obbx-tings @agirlwholovescoffee @thoughtsofthestars
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et-lesailes · 5 years
missing linc // chapter six
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series masterlist
pairing: ceo!dad!steve x reader
word count: 2093
chapter summary: reader and steve come to an important decision.
taglist:  @viarogers , @evanstush , @chibi-crazy , @cevanswh0re , @songforhema, @sebabestianstan101 ,  @bval-1, @wonderwinchester, @poerebel , @gogomez-509 , @patzammit, @a-distantdreamer, @jbug491writinghelp, @broklynbby, @lille-kattunge,  @rohaintahquil, @deidrashouseofpain, @firstangeldragonranch, @peach-acid, @allsortsofinterests, @xoxabs88xox, @honeyloverogers, @capsiclesdoll, @qrndevans, @mcueveryday,  @bangtan-serendipity, @heyyouwiththeassbutt, @cptn-sgrogers, @heyiamthatbitch, @captainscanadian, @kaithezaftig, @morganhoran1671, @booktease21, @hista-girl, @steeeeverogers, @okilover02,  @sadella-adams, @rumoured-whispers, @aletteredaffair, @shannon124, @isawritesstories, @knuffeltuff, @wxntersoldiers, @kelbabyblue, @macgruberrr, @troublermalik,  @societalfailure, @brastrangled, @hidden-behind-the-fourth-wall, @anxiousstark, @captainsbxbygirl, @barbar126, @cevanswhores, @whimsicalatbest, @amazonian-strap-queen​, @bookish-shristi​, @hannie-stark​, @beardburnsupersoldiers​, @babyhua​
notes: this chapter is a bit of an “in-between” kind of chapter, promise the next one will be more eventful. would love to hear your thoughts though, and feel free to send me guesses as to what you think will happen next!
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It was around 9 PM when your phone screen lit up with a call from Steve. You had come home with a blend of emotions, mainly disappointment and even a little irritation. You had been considering reaching out to Peter and asking if he wanted to hang out, but you felt too disheartened even for that. All you could think about was what you could have done wrong, or what could have possibly happened in 24 hours that made Tiana and Steve want to fix all of their issues. Were you selfish for being upset about that? Wouldn’t this be better for Linc? What were you thinking, anyways, even envisioning that you and Steve could work out together? He was a grown man, for God’s sake, what would your friends and family think? 
And so you declined the call, too upset at this point to even want to hear his voice. He was persistent; he tried two more times and you hit the red icon, adamant in your decision. You wondered if he would send a text, and sure enough, a message appeared.
Steve: Let me explain everything. Please. 
You bit on your lip. Was he simply going to explain why he was rejecting you over the phone? You weren’t sure if you had the strength to listen to that right now. 
Y/N: I don’t want to talk right now Steve.
Steve: Just for five minutes. It’s not what it looked like back there, I promise. I just couldn’t say anything in front of her. 
You blinked as you read the message, unsure how to feel. In a way, it was relieving, but it still felt wrong. If you were somehow going to be with him, would it have to be a secret the entire time? You supposed you wouldn’t know if you didn’t talk to him. 
Y/N: Five minutes.
He called you immediately after and you felt your heart pounding, unsure if you were more nervous or heated. You answered, trying to sound as indifferent as possible. “Hey.” 
“Y/N. Thank you so much for answering.” He sounded genuinely grateful and relieved and you almost began to feel guilty for not wanting to talk to him, but you snapped yourself out of it. He was in the wrong here, not you. “Are you and Tiana an actual thing now?” you questioned bluntly, past the point of beating around the bush. “No. No, we’re not. I actually told her about us, and how I want to pursue something with you.” You blinked in surprise, sitting up straighter in your bed. “And what did she say…?” 
“She was… upset, at first.” He sighed and you could hear the stress in the mere exhale itself. “There’s a lot about our relationship you don’t know yet, Y/N, and I want to tell you everything. But that has to be in person. So we had a bit of an argument, but… I finally got her to agree to a divorce.” Your eyes widened, but you were only more confused than before. “So then, this weekend…?” you asked, barely frowning
“She wants to have one last weekend, just, you know, a trip to at least end everything on a good note. And… to be honest, it’s the least I can do for her. Again, I’ll explain everything in person. But our relationship, it’s done. After this weekend, everyone can just… move on. How she was acting today, it was rude and unnecessary, but I guess she just felt threatened. Jealous. And I tried talking her out of asking you to watch Linc. It feels fucked up that you would have to do that given the circumstances, but--”
“I don’t mind,” you cut him off, feeling like you had to make that clear before addressing everything else. “I really care about Linc, Steve. Taking care of him, to me, is separate from… whatever you and Tiana are.”
“Divorcing. Very soon.” He responded immediately, and you could tell that he wanted nothing more. Still, you were not exactly feeling relieved and ecstatic about all of this. “Steve, how exactly do you think this weekend is going to go…?” 
There was a pause. You resisted the urge to sigh. He may have been older and more experienced, but clearly, he was still a typical guy when it came to girls and relationships. 
“Pretty… casual,” he finally responded carefully, and you could tell that even he was unsure. “It’s not romantic or anything, Y/N, I assure you. It’s just... two friends hanging out. Yeah, there may be some conflict and we might have some serious conversation about our relationship. But she knows I want to end it, and she’s accepted my terms. I promise, there’s nothing to worry about.” You barely frowned, unsure how much you believed this. Considering the woman could cheat on Steve with no problem, you had a feeling she may have something up her sleeve. But seeing that Steve had pointed out that you did not know about their whole relationship just yet, you decided to think more fairly. 
“You said you wanted to explain things to me in person.” You continued to speak candidly. “Can we do that before you leave this weekend? I think you owe me that at the very least…”
“I… I’m not sure if I can. I have meetings every single day this week, not to mention conference calls with business partners overseas, I--”
“Then what’s the point of this, Steve?” you cut him off, now more frustrated than before. “Where were you seeing this going? We’d just go on dates whenever it’s convenient for you, all while you’re dealing with this shit with your wife? Did you… did you even think this through?” You were becoming more upset by the second. You had thought of Steve as someone mature, someone who was different from all of the juvenile and reckless boys your age. Was he just as naive as the rest of them? He sounded flustered as he answered. “No, no, it’s not like that Y/N-- I’m just--” he paused and sighed heavily, and you could tell he was stressed. “It’s not any excuse, I know, but there’s been a lot going on with Tiana and I for years now. I guess it’s just overwhelming for me to be juggling that with suddenly having feelings for someone else. I.. I fell out of love with her a long time ago, to be honest. But even since then, I had never come across someone I felt something for until I met you. This is new to me, Y/N, I haven’t done this kind of thing in over ten years.”
You had to admit, you felt sympathy. Maybe you were asking too much for him to figure all of this out at the same time. But maybe that also meant you should step back until he was done with Tiana for good. The very thought broke your heart, but you knew it made the most sense. “I’ll still help you guys out with Linc whenever you need it. But I think we need to stop having these personal conversations until you get everything straightened out with her. It doesn’t feel right.”
There was silence for a few moments before he finally sighed lightly, and you could hear him smile through his words. “You know, if I was as mature as you are when I was twenty-- hell, as mature right now-- my life could be very different.” He paused before continuing, “I hate to say it, but you’re right. It was selfish of me to try to balance both of you together when it should just be one or the other. I didn’t think of it like that because I was just so focused on ending my relationship with her. But it’s a process, and it’s not fair to be stringing you along during it.” You were almost disappointed that he was agreeing so easily, but you knew it was childish to think like that. He was agreeing because he could understand what was best for both of you at the moment. “But I promise you, Y/N, this doesn’t mean I’m just letting you go. I know now more than ever that I want to explore whatever this may be. And so when I finalize everything with Tiana, I.. I want to pursue you. If you’ll still have me.”
You listened feeling bittersweet; you wished you could have him now, but you were at least happy to know that this was the right choice and that he still wanted you. “There’s a lot we still need to know about each other,” you spoke softly, still unable to help but feel curious about what he wanted to tell you upon meeting face-to-face. “But we’ll get to that point once you’re ready to. I… I’m not going to lie to you, Steve, I’m not just going to sit around and wait for you. I’ll keep living and doing my own thing, whether it’s alone or with someone else. But I really do like you, and I really.. really hope this can somehow work out one day.”
“I understand.” He spoke sincerely, though you could tell he sounded a little melancholy at the same time, just like you. “I’m sorry for all of this drama. I never meant to drag you in the middle of all of it. Are you sure you feel comfortable watching Linc despite all of this?”
“Of course. I care about him a lot. I have ever since I met him, before I even met you. I want to do this for him, at the very least.”
“Thank you, Y/N. That means a lot.” He paused before adding quieter, “Another reason to fall for you even more.”
Your heart skipped a beat as you bit on your lip harshly. How badly you wanted to reciprocate his flirting, to talk to him in such a playful manner like how you used to. But you had to stay strong. “Goodbye, Steve. I’ll talk to you later.”
“Goodnight Y/N. You can bet on it.”
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The next day went by surprisingly smooth. You had been a little nervous about drop off/pick up, considering it would now be awkward no matter which parent was there, but it was Tiana and she did not seem too fazed or upset by you. You were almost wondering if you should even believe that Steve told her he was interested in you. Perhaps she figured if she had a boyfriend on the side, she couldn’t exactly be upset. You still had many, many questions you wanted to ask Steve, but you knew you had to be patient.
As you checked your phone at the end of the day, you were welcomed with a text from Peter that had been sent about half an hour prior. Hey! Wanna come hang out at my place tonight at around 8? I’m having a few friends over, probably just going to chill and have some drinks. You realized that not everyone had summer jobs like you-- they were probably taking advantage of their free weeknights as much as they could before school started again. You were almost going to decline the offer because of work, then stopped to think about it. It wasn’t as though you had to go and get trashed, and besides, maybe hanging out with people your age was exactly what you needed. Since the two of you were in the same classes, you might even know some of his friends anyways.
Y/N: Sounds good! Might have to leave early tho bc work tomorrow. Text me the address!
You drove home and started going through your closet, deciding on a simple but cute tank top with jean shorts. It was almost as though every time Peter reached out to you, you were brought back to reality and would wonder what the hell you were doing with your life, pining after a thirty-eight-year-old man. This was what normal twenty-year-olds did-- got dressed up nice and cute, went out, gossipped, met other students, participated in a little underage drinking-- the usual. What would you and Steve do even if you did miraculously started dating? What if you had absolutely no common interests?
You pushed these thoughts out of your mind. You could return to them later. Right now, you wanted to focus on your friendship with Peter and actually having a little fun tonight. You felt as though you deserved that much.
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skrltwtch · 4 years
Sleep Talk
Prompt: Persons A and B are cuddling on the couch together watching a movie late at night. Person B (who tends to sleep talk) falls asleep, and A doesn’t notice. B begins saying progressively weirder stuff until they finally mutter “I love you.” A internally freaks out and grabs B’s hand, then says, “I love you, too.” Person B wakes up confused and terrified because it was the first time they ever said “I love you” to each other. (Source of prompt in link at bottom of post.)
Word count: 2,026 words
Author's note: Spoilers for Wonder Woman. I also didn't quite follow the prompt to a T.
‘It’s movie night!’ I said in a sing-song voice upon entering the living room, fresh out of the shower and in my best jammies, a set cut from cat-printed periwinkle blue cloth. George, sadly, wasn’t wearing his matching set. Shame; I’d packed this set with the intention of us spending this iteration of a three-year-old tradition in couple jammies. That’d have been such a sight — and the Instagram story.
‘The best night of the week — which also happens to be Friday night,’ he said, grinning. He patted the space next to him. ‘Saved you a seat. Best one in the house.’
‘Thank you, my darling.’ I put down the bowl of popcorn mixed with funfetti and chocolate, a recipe I nicked off the Internet, and bottle of Coke, and joined him on the couch, its real estate reduced to fit us both as snugly as bugs in a rug by all the pillows he’d added to the living room’s already hefty count. His idea of home improvement made it difficult for me to ever want to leave this couch and live life off of it. Could I put in a request to work from home like this next week? Senior management were strong advocates of ‘flexible arrangements’ and ‘work-life balance’ after all, and none were more deserving of the latter after the week’s events than I.
‘What are you in the mood for?’
‘What are you in the mood for? It’s your turn this week to choose,’ he said.
‘I was being democratic.’
‘For once, you can pretend my opinion doesn’t matter.’
‘“For once”?’
‘Oi.’ He sank deeper into his seat.
The corners of my mouth ached from chortling a little too much at his expense. I almost choked, actually, to which he said under his breath, ‘Karma’, his face gleaming with smug glee. Fair enough.
I reached for the remote and also handed him the popcorn to keep his mouth busy while I picked our poison; I knew, too, that what he’d said about his opinion not mattering this time had to be a bluff. George? Not having an opinion about movies? The next Pope being Buddhist was far likelier. I counted myself fortunate that we had similar tastes.
So, what was I feeling this week? Last week was Ingrid Goes West, which reinforced his decision to stay the fuck away from social media and reinforced my crush on Elizabeth Olsen. It was one of the unspoken rules to not repeat genres to keep things interesting. If there were no such rule, I’d have watched the entirety of Netflix’s sci-fi thrillers, and he its dark comedies, twice over. I navigated to the superhero movies section. I wanted something loud, light, and that wasn’t too long because of the late start.
The cursor found itself on Wonder Woman. Excellent: it was familiar — this would be our second time watching; we had no compunctions about re-watching stuff on movie night, as long as it was within ‘reason’ (whatever that meant — for instance, watching Thor: Ragnarok five times was perfectly acceptable to me) — and didn’t require a tremendous amount of cerebral effort to follow. It was what the doctor ordered for capping off a long, pretty shitty week. I needed the reminder that it was possible, and worthwhile, to find hope in and remain optimistic about such a bleak, ugly world. Besides, what was more cathartic than watching a superheroine, the world’s first, doing her thing in a movie that was, for the most part, also tastefully done? I didn’t want to enter the weekend continuing feeling like shit, so I hit play without further ado.
‘Hey, don’t finish that,’ I said to George, who’d been popping fistfuls of kernels and chocolates into his mouth like there wasn’t a finite supply.
‘You were taking so long to decide.’
‘I’ve decided!’ I gestured at the Warner Bros logo that flashed on-screen.
‘I’m hungry.’ His pout signalled the being of a sulk. ‘We don’t usually start this late …’
I put down the remote and curled up next to him. Our arms made their way onto each other’s bodies: mine across his abdomen, and his over my shoulder. He took my hand and lay a soft kiss on my fingers before setting it back down on his lower stomach, where he preferred it belonged. Fine by me. I burrowed deeper into his side. His scent, fresh and a little sweet from all the candy he’d taken, provided warm solace, as always.
‘I’m sorry,’ I said. ‘It wouldn’t have if I hadn’t been made to stay late.’
His fingertips skimmed the curve of my jawline. ‘It’s okay. I was kidding. I know your manager’s a prick with no respect for other people’s time,’ he said. A finger landed on my lip; it tasted faintly of vanilla. ‘Now, shh. Movie’s started.’
For something we’d watched before, Wonder Woman continued to hold our attention. Neither of us succumbed to the temptation of checking our phones nor started conversing with each other about our day, whether the Internet would implode if Chris Pine were to ever join the Marvel Cinematic Universe, weekend plans, whatever. None of that was verboten on movie night. Our attention spans weren’t perfect, and we’d never pretend they were; and some movies, like it or not, were better enjoyed as background noise in the comfort of one’s home. Sometimes we could accomplish so much on movie nights.
‘How’d you think I’d look in that?’ George piped up during the famous No Man’s Land sequence.
‘In what?’
‘Her outfit.’
‘That’s something you could consider for next Halloween.’
He grunted.
‘I’d love to see it.’
‘I want cheese. Cheese in bread. Cheese on bread. Pizza?’
‘You can’t be that hungry.’ I patted his stomach. It emitted a loud, watery rumble.
‘’m puckish.’
‘That’s what I said.’ His speech had a slurred quality to it.
‘There’s still popcorn left.’
‘Not chicken wings.’ How’d wings come into the picture? ‘Or Sprite.’
‘Gross, Sprite.’
Despite his and his stomach’s grievances, he didn’t take the popcorn or Coke, or get up to order whatever it was that he wanted. I wasn’t about to surrender the position into which I’d worked myself. Likewise, I was genuinely into Wonder Woman (I attributed that to the fatigue I felt toward all things Marvel after Endgame and my excitement for Wonder Woman 1984) to consider taking any interruptions in my stride. His stomach did stop its fussing after a while.
‘Are my Neopets dead? Is there a Neopets Heaven?’
I didn’t answer. I didn’t know how to. Because he didn’t need to know I was still on Neopets and could therefore tell him with full confidence that no, Neopets wouldn’t starve to death, and no, the concepts of death and Heaven didn’t, and would never, exist on the site because its staff continued to delude themselves about the average age of their current userbase. Look, I put in too much work on my account, which I’d had since the site’s inception, to simply let it rot in the site’s current state of virtual limbo. Actually, maybe I should come clean and reintroduce him to the site … it was getting a little lonely for little ol’ me in Neopia.
‘What do you think happens to Tamagotchi when they die?’
Okay, what the fuck.
I peeled my gaze off of Gal Gadot — a herculean task — and looked up at him. Oh, God. He really was the old man he proclaimed himself to be. I let him sleep. He, too, had had a rough week at work, and I needed him at his best for what we had planned for the weekend … which, for now, was nothing. I was planning for the both of us to work on it when Wonder Woman entered standard blockbuster fare territory! Once again, work had thrown a monkey wrench into the fine-tuned machinery that constituted our countdown to the weekend: sending texts about weekend plans to each other during office hours and bringing them to fruition once our asses found themselves out the door at six o’clock and not a second later. This was called making efficient use of our time at work. Our managers should be so proud.
George’s sleep talking soon eclipsed Wonder Woman in terms of entertainment value. Frankly, Wonder Woman lost its lustre in its third act, where the filmmakers attempted to convince the audience that Remus Lupin and the fearsome Greek god of war were one and the same. That moustache? In what universe —? The nerve of Patty Jenkins, expecting me to extend my suspension of disbelief to such lengths.
Tonight’s highlights included:
‘Fucking parrots, always stealing my hot dogs in the park.’
‘I am not eating that banana without a fork.’
‘Look, that dog is wearing a tea cosy on its head.’ (I really would’ve loved to see this.)
‘Dad’s going to regret not letting mom pursue that degree in apartment science.’
When I couldn’t resist and asked him what apartment science was: ‘You know, when an apartment and science love each other very much …’
‘Government’s come out and made sex on bicycles illegal. That is a goddamn shame.’
‘Pudding’s never hurt anyone. Not physically, not emotionally.’
I was … a little fascinated, honestly. His episodes, as moderate as their occurrences were, tended to consist of brief, simple sentences and max out at four or five. Did I need to be concerned? Or was work taking a heavier toll on him than he’d let on? That was it: our weekend was going to revolve around relaxation. The beach! Massages! Studio Ghibli on Netflix! Spending the entirety of either day in bed was a need, a must; I wouldn’t care to hear otherwise.
‘I love you.’
‘I love you, George.’ I rested my head on his chest and interlaced my fingers with his.
The realisation of what the words that’d left our lips, been said in our voices, and hung in the air above our heads, begging, screaming, to be acknowledged, were drove me to undo what I did and pause the movie. Why did that sound so … natural? Why was I even questioning this? Our relationship — what we had — wasn’t invalid because those words hadn’t been said — until now, where ‘now’ happened to be borne of a sleep talking episode. Love didn’t have an on-off switch. The things we did together, the things we did for each other, the things we did to each other, said volumes louder about what we were than those three words.
Still, it felt fucking magical.
George stirred next to me. ‘Has it ended?’
He snuffled. ‘Did I fall asleep?’
‘Shit. Did you stop because I —’
How was that sentence supposed to have ended? Because he talked in his sleep? Because of what he said? Do you know what you said, and did you mean it? I wanted to ask. His recollection of what he said while unconscious was a crapshoot; at least it wasn’t convenient whenever it might suit him — like now, perhaps. And I did. I meant what I said. Come on, Y/N. Don’t sweep this under the rug. Don’t play it off as a joke. Do it. Ask him. We were adults, whether or not we liked it. I couldn’t have the weekend start on a note like this.
He pressed me closer to him. His lips brushed the top of my head. ‘I’m an idiot for not saying it sooner — or more often, and when I’m awake,’ he said. ‘I love you. I love you. I love you. It sounds divine.’
Heat danced across my cheeks. ‘It does, doesn’t it?’ Our palms touched. ‘I love you,’ I said softly. ‘I love you, George MacKay.’
I resumed the movie, both better able and more unable to focus on it now. There wasn’t much left to it. Chris Pine had long left the picture, as my interest would’ve, too, notwithstanding what’d transpired.
‘What else did I say?’
‘You wanted to know if your Neopets are dead.’
‘Oh. Well, are they? Can you help me check?’
‘Why are you asking me?’
‘I know you still play.’
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kinghoranshit · 4 years
The Watchers (1D) - 00 Hours
Part 1
I watched the names light up on our hologram. You never wanted to see your name listed. It meant someone put down a sum of money to have you killed during the 24 hour purge. If your name's not on the list, you're free to join in on the hunt or stay in your house; no one could kill you, but the sounds of screams were deafening. The amount of people who turned their backs on their loved ones, both figuratively and literally by killing them, was disgusting. There were even those "friends" who thought it'd be funny to list you.
Now, you're thinking that a purge is such a dumb idea. Want to know what's more stupid?
A bounty purge.
It's the government's way to keep the crime and gambling rates down, and those who may not be fortunate in their social class have a way to level up and gain funds. It became a sport for some. This was the 100th annual year and the names being listed were a lot of celebrities; normally the ratio of high and low status didn't fare this much.
My family and I were in resistance; my mom died trying to protect someone, now it was just my dad and I. We helped those whose names were on the list, not for free of course. We're like bounty hunters, but the opposite. A guard or babysitter sounds so lame though, so don't call me those.
I felt my eyes go wide when I saw all five names that formed One Direction. Who...would do this? They weren't even technically a group anymore; they only just started a virtual reunion tour. They all went solo long ago, so it didn't make sense as to why they would be grouped together. The amount of money put on their heads was ridiculous. Sadly, I didn't see them making it through the 24 hours, unless they have some great body protection, or are suddenly kickass in combat.
The blue hue to the hologram disappeared and it was silent darkness for a while. There were so many bounties this year. It was obvious that they didn't have a limit for the 100th year. There wouldn't be enough of us. Our organization, The Watchers, dropped by a third because it was such a significant milestone year for the bounty purge. I guess people became afraid again.
"Katie," my dad stated.
I sat up and looked at him. "Yeah, what's up?"
"You're being assigned to Niall Horan, Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik and Liam Payne."
I blinked my eyes a couple times then cupped my ear for dramatic effect. "I'm what? Say that again."
"Modest!, their management, has contacted The Watchers and asked for you specifically. I guess they must've seen how well you kept Selena Gomez safe last year."
Yes, this work has lent to meeting celebrities, but the conversation doesn't tend to get that far. Last year was Selena Gomez, and the previous was Brie Larson. Both were troopers, especially Brie, she was fun to hang out with when we weren't fighting others. She still messages me every now and then when she's not working.
I cleared my throat. "That's...dad, they've got the largest sum I've ever seen for a bounty. You know how many people will be going after them?"
He smirked. "Is...Katie Lee..scared of hunters?"
I scoffed. "No, I'm not. I just know when my odds of keeping said assignment safe are high or not."
"Sorry, kiddo, there's no getting out of this one. They've prepared to set you up on a hidden bunker and arm you with anything you need if someone happens to find it."
A hidden bunker? Any weapons I want? That doesn't sound like a bad negotiation. I've definitely been dealt with less advantages.
The hologram started up again and it was one of the leaders, Rump. A cynical grin played on his lips. This couldn't be good. It was never good when his face appeared.
"Hello everyone, now that the names have been presented, we would like to bring in a new factor to the 100th year of the bounty purge. Instead of 24 hours, it will be 72 hours. That is three whole days to find your prey and get your prize. Let the purge commence in 48 hours."
For once, I felt sick to my stomach. Is this what fear felt like? Three days to keep these five boys alive? Let's hope no one trying to kill them were great trackers or hackers; if the base was hidden well enough, I could set traps outside and inside. That was going to be a must with the new circumstances.
My teeth clenched and I let out a deep breath into my fists. I sat there thinking for a little bit longer. If I was going to even manage to keep a few of them alive, I needed to leave tonight.
I stood and went upstairs to pack the essentials; I don't care if I have the weapon vault of my fucking dreams, I will never leave my crossbow at home. Every save I've had over the last eight years has been with this crossbow. When I came back into the living with my duffel bag slung on my shoulder and crossbow in hand, my dad actually had a look of worry etched into his face.
"Be careful. I know The Watcher's word is 'assignment comes first, you come second', but if it becomes too much, you get yourself out of there, okay?"
"Dad..." I trailed, at a loss for words. I've never heard my dad speak against The Watcher's word.
"You hear me?" he pushed.
I cleared my throat with a nod. "Yeah, dad. I do."
He pulled me into a tight hug. "Good. Your transport should be here any moment."
I pulled back with a small smile. I was well aware this could be the last time I saw him, but I couldn't bring myself to say the three words. It was a mutual thing we both had. We knew we both loved each other.
I peeked out the front window to see the black sudan parked in our driveway. I gave my dad a peck on the cheek before I slipped out the front door and jogged to the sudan. I opened the driver side passenger door and threw my bag and crossbow in first.
"Please state your ID number," the driver ordered.
"Watcher 402, Katie Lee, reporting for duty."
Carl smirked. "Perfect."
"That never gets old for you, does it Carl?"
He shook his head. "Never."
I laughed and buckled myself up. I pulled out my tablet to find the recent file sent to me. It was everything I needed to know about my transport, the bunker we'd be hiding away in, and the contact info for the supplier.
"So...who are you babysitting this year?"
The driver's never get told who a Watcher's assignment is for reasons. But I've known Carl for years; he was always the one who took me to the helicopter.
I still answered, out of precaution, "An important band. That's all I'm saying."
"Really? A certain boy band?" he mocked.
"You know I won't say the name, but yes that one boy band."
"That'll be fun, I'm sure."
I rolled my eyes in response.
I busied myself with contacting the supplier to get my vault sorted. This was definitely the most reinforcements I'ved used. I felt probably an unsettling amount of excitement to get my hands on everything. I knew that in the line of action I would be less thrilled.
The helicopter landed on the last minute created pad. It was a circle created by rocks; a majority of them were like this. I knew that we were in upper Minnesota, near the lakes. I snatched my duffel and crossbow as I got out of the helicopter and followed the other Watcher that had been waiting for me. Now, I was guided to a different car that drove off deeper into the forest.
It looked secluded enough by the trees; the bear traps were going to hide perfectly in the bushes. And if that didn't stop them? I knew that the wiring, jumper cables, and car batteries were going to work wonders for every door and window, along with strips of nails at the edge of the entrance if they happened to surpass everything else. And if they also bypass that? Well, they'll have to go through me.
I'm going to Home Alone this motherfucker up.
I was guided to the front of the house and my jaw dropped at the beauty of the steel siding and roof. Okay, the blueprint did not mention the steel exterior. And from where I stood I could see the small security cameras. There's no way they just built this in a matter of a day. This has had to be used in prior purges.
I walked up the stairs and through the front door. It was...way too fancy. Glass tables and lighting fixtures everywhere, grey couches, a fucking duve in the bathroom, and multiple bedrooms.
What was I so worried about?
I dropped my bag off in the room that had my name on the door and then saw that the rest of the members also had their own rooms. There was one name that I didn't recognize so I went to the door and knocked. It just slowly opened by itself and I peered in.
There stood, a bubbly redhead. She jumped from being startled. "Oh! Hi, I'm Maddy, the onsite medic. You must be Katie, our Watcher."
I furrowed a brow. "Uh...Yeah, I am. This place is a fucking fortress. Why am I here?"
She laughed under her breath and continued to unpack her items. "Every fortress has a fault, and they always like a backup plan."
They must be Modest!. It was clear that this wasn't Maddy's first purge hired under them. Who else has been under their company that they had hidden here? I've never been on an assignment where they had an onsite medic ready.
"Fair...do you know where the band is at? I'm going to need their help."
"In the kitchen, I believe. I will be down to help as well. My station has already been cleaned and prepared."
That was eerily comforting to hear.
"Okay," I replied and left her to her own devices.
I didn't bother unpacking yet. I probably wouldn't to be honest. Getting comfortable never sits right with me. The voices grew louder and louder as I grew closer to them. It was clear they were having a good laugh despite the circumstances as to why we were all here.
I cleared my throat and they all stopped to look at me. I gave them a small wave. "Hi Niall, Louis, Harry, Zayn, and Liam. I'm Katie, your Watcher for the duration of this purge."
"A girl? They hired a girl, who looks to be younger than me, to keep us safe?" Liam remarked.
"Mate," Niall and Louis breathed and shook their heads.
I chuckled and stalked up to the brunette who currently had his hair looking like 2014 Harry.
"I can't make you like me. In fact, that's not part of my job description. But you should reconsider... My crossbow can manage a mile range and shoot three arrows at once. I can also build a gun in under a minute, have practiced in the art of knife throwing...and I have been known to get my hands dirty in a physical fight. What can you do to keep yourself safe, Liam boy?"
The other four held in their own snickers. Liam didn't flinch in the slightest. If anything, his "tough" exterior only hardened, which just made him look even weaker in my eyes.
"I don't buy it. Modest has to be messing with us."
I smirked. "I know your ass will be calling my name, begging me to protect you, as someone tries to machete your body to pieces. You better start playing nice, mate." I stepped back and gestured to the rest. "Come on, troops. We need to set up the traps."
Luckily, Zayn, Louis, and Maddy quickly picked up on how to set up the bear traps so I put them on that duty while the rest of us stripped the entrances with nails. Of course, I knew the risk of having them set the traps rather than myself, but there was a lot to do before tomorrow morning. An hour before the purge starts, I'll set up the electrical traps. Since there were steel doors that locked down, I planned to set the electric currencies in other spots.
I familiarized myself with the layout of the rich bunker as much as I could and the security camera room. Yes, there was an entire room dedicated to the security cameras. My vault was hidden in four different locations so I'd have something at any given moment.
That evening, we were all chit chatting at the dinner table, eating the grilled chicken and potatoes Niall cooked. This was probably one of the best meals I've had the night before a purge; it was weird to feel so at ease. I knew not to get too comfy.
"So Katie, how old are you?" Louis prompted as he took a swig of his beer.
"Yeah, you seem too familiar with all of this. How long have you been a Watcher?" Niall concurred.
I laughed under my breath and dropped the fork onto my plate. "Uh, well...I'm twenty-four, and this has been my life for as long as I can remember. Both of my parents were Watchers themselves. I started assignments when I was fifteen."
"Woah," Zayn remarked. "How many have you killed?"
"That..." I coughed into my hand and ran a hand through my hair. "Hard to say...I don't like to keep track."
Louis leaned back in his chair and looked down at his lap. "How many do you think you'll have to kill for us?"
I raised my brows in surprise. "With that sort of bounty over your heads, your guess is about as good as mine."
"Fuck," Niall scoffed and jugged the rest of his beer.
"To be honest, I've never felt this confident going into a purge. And we've got Maddy for any injuries, it doesn't seem like her first rodeo either."
She smiled sweetly and shook her head. "It's not, but...I've never actually had to jump in. This bunker has always held up."
"Hear that?" I asked. "It'll be..." I trailed off. I couldn't make any promises, even if our odds did seem to be in our favor. "It'll be just another purge."
That wasn't what I mean to say either. Their facial expressions right now broke my heart.
I clapped my hands as I stood up. "Okay, I say we all get to bed now. It will be an early start."
They all nodded and put their dishes away before going to their assigned rooms. Liam sat on the couch by himself. He didn't join us for dinner, nor did he eat. If he wanted to be a loner during this, then I'll treat him as such.
I padded over and sat down next to him.
"You know I'm only here to help. If you hate me, that's fine, but you need to be a team player for the rest."
Once again, he stayed silent. I truly didn't know what his deal was. I wasn't the best at reading that side of a person's mind. I pursed my lips before I got up and went to my own room.
I slipped into my own pjs before I did a few meditations. I set my alarm for six in the morning, the purge started at eight. This is all I have ever known. Preparing every single year to risk my life for someone else's, to defy against this ridiculous event, and if I died this year, it wouldn't be in vain.
Next part: 24 Hours
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taeken-my-heart · 5 years
Moirai Chapter 5
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Summary: On your 18th birthday a name appears on your wrist. The name of your soulmate. It’s a momentous day that everyone looks forward to, but you’ve always brushed aside; refusing to believe in a fickle mistress called destiny. But what happens when on the morning of your 18th birthday you wake to find the name of your mortal enemy? Jeon Jungkook.
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Soulmates au/ Enemies to lovers au. Angst, fluff, bickering, romance, eventual smut.
Word Count: 4815
Notes: There is a read more placed after the first paragraph, but we all know tumblr is weird so if it doesn’t show up I’m sorry :(
It wasn’t that Saturday’s sucked, but this one in particular did. You’d spent as much time as you could with him, but now Lucas was finishing packing his bag while you sat pouting on the edge of his bed. He’d only been back for a short period of time in the first place, but time was valuable in a relationship, especially one as new as yours.
“Stop it.” Lucas chuckled, looking down at your pursed lips. He leaned forward, giving you a quick kiss before resuming his packing. “I won’t be gone that long, and if you apply and get in then we won’t have to be apart very long.”
“At least 8 months!” You complained and he grinned, rolling his eyes.
“I’ll be back in between semesters.”
“I still don’t get why you decided to do an accelerated schedule.” You sighed as he clicked the locks on his suitcase into place.
“In my defense, I signed up for it before I ever even knew we’d be dating. It’ll help me finish school faster and that’s a very good thing.”
“Well what about when I get there? We’ll only end up having a year together or something!” You huffed.
“You should get on the fast track too.” He smiled, coming over to link his fingers with yours, swinging your hand in between the two of you.
“I don’t have a death wish.”  You grumbled.
He pulled you up, wrapping his arms around your waist and nuzzling your nose with his. “You know, you could come up to visit sometime. It’s only a two-hour bus ride and I’ve got my own room; you could even stay for the night.”
“That’s very temping.” You whispered, looking up into his bright green eyes. His breath was humid against your mouth as he leaned forward, pressing his lips to your own. You stepped closer, toes touching his and linking your arms around his neck as he pushed against the seam of your lips with his tongue.
He tasted like his morning black coffee and you pushed your fingers through the hair at the back of his head, lifting onto your toes to pull him even closer. You were going to miss him so much. You could feel his fingers tracing down your sides, making their way to the back pockets of your jeans and squeezing.
You squealed, hips moving away from his hands and directly into the center of his jeans where you could feel how deeply the kissing was affecting him. He kneaded your flesh between his fingers, mouth never leaving your own in its curious perusal of its interior.
“Oh, ew, Lucas!” Lillian whined from the doorway and you pulled away from him quickly, looking over at your friend sheepishly as her face twisted in disgust. “Mom and dad are waiting for you.”
Lucas smirked at his sister, grabbing his backpack and suitcase and leaning down to give you one last quick kiss. “Walk me to the car?”
You nodded, licking your bottom lip and trailing after him, mouthing a quick sorry to your friend who chuckled, following after you down the stairs and out to the front of the house where Lucas’ parents were waiting to drive him to the bus station.
The two of you waved him off, Lillian giving him a hug before he slid into the backseat, buckling in, and then they quickly drove out of sight. “You owe me so much ice cream for what I just had to witness.” Lillian teased and you rolled your eyes at her.
“I’ll never live this down, will I?”
“Nope.” Lillian smiled, shaking her head. “You wanna go grab something to eat?”
You shrugged, nodding, “sure, why not?”
Anna’s Café was busy and loud when you got there, only a few tables in the back open and you weaved your way through the crowd to get to a seat. The two of you had picked Noelle up on the way and she was the first to reach a table, dropping her bag down and grabbing a seat.
“We’re such a predictable species,” she sniffed, looking around at the crowd as you and Lillian both sat down beside her. “Noon? Let’s all go eat.”
“Well, that means we fit into that category as well.” You surmised and she nodded with a grimace on her face.
“I never said we were any better.”
“You getting your usual?” You asked Lillian, peering over your menu and she grinned down at the milkshake menu greedily.
“Absolutely, although this time I think I’m gonna do an Oreo shake instead of peanut butter.”
“Sounds yummy. Well I know what I want so I’m gonna go order.” You said, standing and grabbing your menu, walking back towards the cashier. Lunch was always busy, but today was particularly so and the line to the register was long.
Moving to find a place in line, you sighed, staring down at the menu. You always got the same thing but you told yourself it wouldn’t hurt to peruse the menu a little more, just in case. People stacked behind you in line as you moved closer to the front when suddenly you felt the person behind you just a little too close.
It was crowded, but not so crowded that they needed to be in your personal bubble. You cleared your throat, moving up a little and it was with a growing sense of frustration that you felt the person behind move up as well. You tried to glance to the side to see if you could catch a view of them in the reflection of the shop windows, but it was too bright outside.
You took another step forward, hoping this time they would get the picture, but they stepped so close they bumped into you and you stumbled forward slightly, spinning around. “Do you mind?”
Jungkook’s grinning face greeted you, tongue tucked between his teeth and you frowned up at him. “Oh, it’s you. I should have guessed.”
“Oh my gosh!” Jungkook cooed loudly, making a few of the customers at a nearby table glance over and you rolled your eyes, “I didn’t see you there!”
“How original.” You commented dryly before spinning back around to ignore him. It proved difficult when he was standing so close behind you, you could feel the puffs of breath on the back of your head. “Jungkook, seriously, can you back up? You’re pissing me off.”
“I just missed you so much!” He said, chest hitting your back as he whispered in your ear.
“I’m pretty sure I’m allergic to whatever bullshit that was.” You remarked, flinching away from him.
“You here alone?” He asked, stepping back slightly and your shoulders loosened ever so slightly.
“No, I’m here with my friends.” You replied, not bothering to look over your shoulder at him.
“Lillian and Noelle?” He asked, glancing around the café. 
“Obviously.” You said, moving forward again. There were only two more people in front of you. 
“Oh, I see them, over in the corner. Looks like we’re sitting with you too.” He smirked down at you as you turned to look at him sharply.
“Who’s we and why are you sitting with us?”
“Rachel, Dean, and I. Also, I don’t know if you’ve noticed…but empty tables aren’t exactly available right now. Guess we’re gonna get to hang out some more.”
“Goody.” You replied tartly, stepping up to the register as they called out to you. You placed your order, paying and then quickly weaving your way back through the tables to put as much space as you could between yourself and Jungkook. 
Both Rachel and Dean were talking animatedly with your friends when you walked up and you sighed, slipping into your seat. Dean you didn’t really have a problem with, you had a few classes together and he was a generally nice guy. It was Rachel that was annoying. She giggled high pitched and flung her hair over her shoulder every few seconds. If it was always in the way she should just tie it up.
“Hey, Y/N.” Dean grinned and you nodded at him, feeling oddly flattered that he knew your name. There were a lot of people in your age group and even more in the school in general. You did share a class together, but that didn’t always mean much, especially to the popular kids.
“Hi Dean.” You replied. Rachel didn’t even look your way, but that was fine, you couldn’t really care any less about being on her social radar.
“We were just talking about college and what universities we want to go to. I’m thinking the University of Florida because they’ve got a great football team,” Dean said, looking over at you, “what are you thinking?”
“I’m actually planning on applying to a few different schools, but I’m hoping to get into Johns Hopkins because of their medical program.”
“No way!” Dean leaned forward, “that’s so cool! What kind of medicine do you want to study?”
You shrugged, chewing on your bottom lip, “I’m open to a lot of different kinds, but I kind of like the idea of labor and delivery. It would be kind of cool to be a part of a moment that changes someone’s life forever.”
“I heard women poop when they’re giving birth.” Noelle remarked and you grimaced over at her as she shrugged.
“Ew, as if. Where did you even hear that?” You whined and she chuckled.
“I’m pretty sure it’s a fact, I saw it in a comment on a Youtube video a while back.”
“What kind of weird Youtube video were you watching?” Lillian frowned and Dean laughed.
“I don’t know, one of those weird facts you didn’t know about something or other. It was a while ago, I don’t remember.”
Just then Jungkook returned, taking his place beside Rachel who quickly preened in his presence, leaning into him. “Baby!” She cooed, “did you get me the salad I asked for?”
“Yeah,” He replied noncommittally, shoving the receipt in the pocket of his jeans, “Caesar salad, no croutons, low fat dressing.”
She smiled, batting her eyelashes at him and you resisted the urge to gag. You would never understand why some girls did that. “Thanks, Kookie Wookie.” She simpered and this time you did gag, covering it up quickly with a cough as she turned to glare at you.
You couldn’t help but notice Jungkook’s grin at your reaction and you pointedly looked away from the two of them as conversation resumed. “I’m really looking forward to this year just being done, you know?” Dean continued, and you glanced over at him. “I’m pretty done with being in high school. My mom keeps saying to enjoy it while it lasts, but she’s got no idea what I’m going through, you know?”
“Totally.” Rachel nodded, “my mom says the same thing and she just doesn’t, like, get it, you know?”
“I mean, our parents were teenagers at one point,” you shrugged and Rachel switched her gaze looking over at you with a frown.
“Yeah, but not for, like, 50 years or something. I bet they hardly even remember what it’s like.”
“Well anyway,” Dean said, “I know what I’m doing, right? I’m gonna go to the U of F and be a Gator and someday make it to the big leagues. My dad used to play for the same school team so it’s in my blood, you know?”
“That’s really cool.” Noelle smiled; “my dad’s favorite team is the Florida Gators.”
“No way!” Dean grinned, leaning across the table, “a man of good taste, am I right?”
“Well he definitely wouldn’t disagree with you.” She chuckled and you turned your focus to the waitress, weaving her way through the crowd with a tray full of food.
“Oh shoot!” Lillian said as the waitress stopped by your table, “I totally forgot to order. I’ll be right back.”
“Yeah, me too. Wait up Lil!” Noelle called, standing and rushing to walk with her to the cashier.
You accepted your food gratefully from the waitress, tucking in quickly to avoid conversation. Dean was a pretty nice guy and a decent conversation, but you weren’t really interested in anything Rachel had to say so you happily let her talk Jungkook’s ear off while he munched absentmindedly on his sandwich, nodding occasionally.
After Lillian and Noelle had returned from ordering, the three of you began your own separate conversation. Noelle was in orchestra and currently they were prepping for an upcoming concert. It was still early in the school year, but they had a large competition at the end of the year, just before graduation, and they needed to get everything else done and out of the way.
“So, you’ll be gone all next weekend?” You asked, after swallowing a bite of your food and she nodded.
“Yeah, we’re only going about an hour away so it’s not like we’re going somewhere cool, but anywhere is better than the same old places, right?”
“I wish I could go with you,” Lillian pouted and Noelle gave her a funny look, “I’m just saying. It’s like an adventure, right? We’re just gonna be doing the same old boring things.”
“We could go watch a movie or something.” You shrugged and Lillian sighed.
“Why would we go pay to watch a movie when we could just do that for free at my house?”
“Hey,” Dean interjected and the three of you turned to look at him. “You guys know Jungkook’s birthday is coming up, right?” Jungkook looked embarrassed at the attention, but his friend continued on. “You guys are coming to the party, right?”
“When is it?” Noelle asked, ears perked in interest.
“Two weeks from now, you’re welcome to come if you want. It’s just gonna be something lowkey at my house.” Jungkook shrugged and Rachel tutted, flipping her hair over her shoulder.
“Don’t be silly, Jungkook, it’s your 18th birthday, that’s like, literally the most epic birthday there is. You need to do something ultra-special for it. Like a nightclub or something.”
“I don’t really want to do something in a nightclub,” Jungkook said, looking uncomfortable with the topic, and for once you understood him. A person’s 18th birthday was a highly personal experience; you weren’t even sure why people got together to celebrate some rando’s name appearing. It was weird.
“You should do whatever you want,” you shrugged, everyone turning to look at you, “I’d personally hate going to a club myself. Do something you like.”
“Well of course you’d hate going to a club,” Rachel replied snidely, “you’re antisocial anyway.”
“Do you even know the meaning of antisocial?” You scoffed and you could practically see her bristle, “If I were anti-social, I wouldn’t have friends or even be here right now.”
“Two friends aren’t really anything to brag about,” she chuckled, “No one even knows your name; you’re a nobody.”
“What is your problem?” Jungkook barked and you turned to look at him in surprise. Rachel turned towards him; pout ready as a weapon. “You don’t even know her and you think you’re better than her. She’s smart and nice and funny.”
“Yeah!” Lillian called loudly and you smiled over at her.
Rachel’s bottom lip jutted with her whine, “Jungkook!”
He shook his head, standing up suddenly, wrapping his sandwich back into its tinfoil casing and left the restaurant. Rachel gasped, standing and chasing after him and Dean looked over at the three of you sheepishly.
“Sorry about her,” he said, “she’s kind of a bitch.”
“Kind of?” Noelle scoffed and he chuckled.
“Yeah. I’ll see you guys around.” He grabbed his own foil wrapped sandwich and followed after his friends.
You watched as Jungkook and Rachel argued in the cab of his dad’s truck as Dean made his way out of the restaurant and into the backseat.
“Wow,” Lillian said and you glanced over at her. “Jungkook stood up for you. Guess he’s not as bad as you thought he was.”
“Yeah.” You replied, thoughtful, watching as Jungkook pulled out of the parking lot, Rachel pouting from beside him in the passenger’s seat and Lucas staring down at his phone in the backseat. “I guess not.”
You spent the rest of the afternoon over at Noelle’s house, helping her to make brownies for her little brothers bake sale in the evening and gossiping about the boy she liked in her drama class. Noelle insisted he wasn’t into her and that, that was OK, he was just nice to look at, but you’d definitely seen him giving her the side eye on more than one occasion and there was no way it was as one sided as she proclaimed.
“You should just tell him!” You insisted and Noelle sighed.
“I don’t like my chances.”
“What’s the worst that could happen?” You shrug, “let’s say for arguments sake that he’s not interested, as you proclaim. Then you know and can get over it.”
“I like having a little crush, you know,” she sniffed at you, “makes me feel excited to go to class. If I found out for sure he didn’t like me, it might soil the atmosphere for me. I don’t mind a little pining. Besides, you’re one to talk, what’s going on with Jungkook?”
“Literally nothing,” you frowned, going to wash your hands in the sink as she slid the tray of brownies into the oven.
“I don’t know, doesn’t seem like nothing to me, today in the diner was…interesting.”
You sighed, rolling your eyes over at her and Lillian laughed from her stool at the island. “I swear, you’re trying to read into something when there’s nothing. He’s like a thorn in my side, besides, I have a boyfriend.”
“Doesn’t mean you can’t have chemistry with someone else.” Lillian shrugged and you frowned over at her.
“Whose side are you on?”
She laughed, “yours and Lucas’, but I’m just saying. You keep saying Jungkook is your enemy, but it’s not really a thing to stand up for your enemy when someone else is being mean to them.”
“Well, I don’t know, maybe he’s got a heart somewhere in there after all.” You shrugged. “Anyway, I should probably head home, my mom is expecting me for dinner.”
“OK,” Noelle nodded, “see you Monday, I guess?”
You smiled, throwing your bag over your shoulder and waving, walking towards the front door and out into the street. The sun was starting to set, bringing with it a coolness from the coming Autumn. It made the walk home much more bearable when the heat wasn’t beating down on your back.
The days were still hot, but they bled into breezy evenings. A few kids were still playing out in their yard’s, a boy and a girl nearby crouching in the dirt and poking at a bug with a stick. A few houses down was a girl with her own lemonade stand and across the street a couple kids throwing a basketball into the hoop at the top of the driveway.
You only lived a few blocks from Noelle’s house so the walk was short, but it was nice to be alone for a few minutes. Everyone was a little bit too much in your business lately and it was getting overwhelming. You just wanted to get this year over with and move on to university.
You were a little torn on what to do. Lucas wanted you to go to his university with him, but your dream school had been John’s Hopkins for as long as you’d wanted to be a doctor. You weren’t sure you were willing to give up that dream for anyone.
Your house was oddly quiet when you got there, clicking the lock to the front door behind you. “Mom?” You called, glancing down the hallway towards the kitchen.
“In the living room!” You heard her muffled shout and you made your way towards where you could now hear the low rumble of the television. Your parents were sat on the couch, your dad laying with his head in your mom’s lap, her fingers running through his hair as she smiled up at you. “Hey sweetheart! “
“Hey.” You said, sliding down into the loveseat by the TV. “Where’s Ella?”
“She’s over at Jungkook’s place,” your mother replied absentmindedly, staring at the television, “Jieun is showing her how to crochet a scarf, I think. She’ll probably be back late.”
“What are we having for dinner?”  You asked.
“Probably take out.” Your dad replied, “you can go grab the take out menu’s and decide, if you want.”
You shrugged, standing and making your way to the kitchen to riffle through the drawer of restaurant menus. You were still a little full from lunch, but Chinese take-out was always a good idea so you grabbed the menu from your favorite restaurant and headed back to the living room to join your parents.
“I was thinking we could order from Fong’s. I’ll call it in, if you want.”
“Make sure you order cashew chicken, that’s my favorite.” Your mom said, turning her gaze towards you and you nodded, pulling out your phone.
“As long as there’s fried rice, I’m happy.” Your dad said, “and some egg rolls. Last time someone forget to get them.”
“Will you ever let that go?” Your mother tutted, pulling gently on the strands of his hair and he frowned up at her.
“Never. It’s a crime to forget to order egg rolls.”
You chuckled, rolling your eyes at them and calling in the order. 50 minutes later you were grabbing the food from the delivery guy and making your way to the kitchen, calling out for your parents.
“Just bring it in here!” Your dad shouted and you hoisted the box higher in your arms with a huff. “What if we spill on the carpet?” You griped, setting the box down on the coffee table and your dad sat up, reaching forward to start unpacking the food.
“Just don’t.” He shrugged.
“Sage advice.” You mumbled and your mother grinned over at you.
“You wanna watch a movie with us?” Your mom asked, sitting back into the cushions of the sofa, bringing the cup of cashew chicken and some wooden chopsticks with her.
“Yeah, but go ahead and pick whatever you want. I’ll probably leave half way through to call Lucas; make sure he got back to his dorm safely.”
After settling on a new comedy, you squished back into your seat, working on the food you’d grabbed and glancing at your phone every now and then to see if Lucas had texted to say he was free to chat. About 20 minutes later your phone lit up with a text and you jumped up, giddy, your food being left on the coffee table as you raced up to your room to call him.
“Hey!” You grinned, out of breath, into the receiver. “How are things?”
“Good!” You could hear Lucas’ voice, a little muffled as he shifted around on the other end, “just finished unpacking. When I got back to school my roommate and I actually went out to eat and hang out for a few hours so I hadn’t had the chance to until now.”
“It’s crazy, you’re only two hours away but it feels so far. School starts again tomorrow, right? I think that’s what you said?”
“Yeah, and I’m kind of dreading it.”
“Why?” You asked, flopping across your bed, legs kicking up in the air. “I thought you were excited?”
“Yeah, but then my roommate and I got to talking. He took one of my classes last semester and he said it was ridiculously hard. He said they got assigned partners for a semester long project literally in the first week and that the subject matter was hell. Now I’m kind of dreading it.”
“Well, maybe it’s a good thing he told you, now you’re not going in blind. Plus, that means you’ll have a lot of time to get things prepared and set out the way you like them so that your project will kick butt when it comes time.”
“Yeah, I guess. Anyway, new topic. What did you do when I left? Did you cry?” You could hear the teasing in his tone and rolled your eyes with a chuckle.
“Oh yes, I bawled my eyes out. I just don’t know how I’ll be able to survive without you.” You sighed dramatically and Lucas laughed, loud and boisterous.
“OK, drama queen. Well, it won’t be much longer. You should apply and then in like 9, 10 months, we could be at the same school.”
“Yeah,” you sighed, shrugging as though he could see you, “I don’t know what I want to do yet.”
“What do you mean?” You could hear his frown and you chewed on the inside of your lip as you tried to think of the best way to say what was on your mind.
“I just, have always dreamed of going to a specific school to study medicine.”
“Oh.” He paused and you could feel the tension, like a noose around your neck, “what school?”
“Johns Hopkins University school of Medicine.” You replied softly.
There was a long silence and you felt anxiety clawing at your throat. Long distance relationships rarely lasted, and even though you were two hours away now and that was technically long distance…Johns Hopkins was a lot further away.
“Wow,” he sighed and you could practically picture his disappointment. “Well, I won’t say it doesn’t make me sad to think of you so far away, but I’d never ask you to give up on your dreams for me either. You’ve wanted this for so long, you should apply wherever you want.”
“Thanks Lucas,” you smiled sadly. “I just wish it wasn’t so far away from you.”
“Don’t even worry about it. We’ll figure it out. Planes were invented for a reason, you know?”
You chuckled, rolling onto your back. “So how many classes do you have tomorrow?”
By the time you’d gotten off the phone, it was late. Ella had gotten home about half an hour ago, retreating to her room to finish her homework. You made your way downstairs, toothbrush in your mouth, to clean up the mess you’d left and turning out the lights.
You could hear your parents laughing in their room as you made your way back up the stairs and you finishing in the bathroom before turning out the lights and making your way back to your room. You glanced into Ella’s room to see her sitting, legs crossed on her bed, scribbling idly in her text book.
“Mom said you made a scarf tonight.” You said, voice tilted in question and Ella looked up at you smiling before reaching beside her on her bed and holding up a thick, lilac scarf proudly.
“Check it out!” She grinned and you made your way into the room, running your fingers along the fabric.
“This is really good, Ella!” You praised, and she grinned happily.
“Thanks! I won’t need it for a few months, but it’s pretty cool that I made it, right?”
“Yeah, it’s definitely cool.” You nodded, “did it seriously take you 7 hours to finish, though?”
“No,” Ella shook her head, dropping the scarf back into her lap. “It did take a good few hours, maybe 3 or 4, but then when I was done Jungkook and I hung out.”
“You hung out with Jungkook?” You asked in surprise and she was grinning so brightly you thought her face might split in two.
“Yeah! He got home from hanging out with some friends about half way through me doing the scarf and when we were done his mom asked if I wanted to stay for dinner. Then Jungkook and I just got to talking and ended up watching a movie and hanging out. It was really cool; we actually have a lot in common.”
“Like what?” You asked, eyebrow rising.
“Well like, I’m in yearbook and he likes photography. We both listen to some of the same bands, and did you know that he is a really talented artist?”
“No,” you frowned, shaking your head, “I didn’t know that. It’s not surprising, though. He’s annoyingly good at everything.”
“That’s true.” Ella laughed.
“Anyway, I’m gonna go watch some Youtube and then go to bed.”
“Cool.” Ella nodded, pulling her textbook back into her lap and you made your way back into your own room, thoughts occupied by Lucas, school, and the weird budding friendship of your sister and your arch nemesis who had for some reason stood up for you today.
You were way too tired to try and analyze any of that nonsense. It was just gonna have to wait for when you actually had the energy to care…which was gonna be never.
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Copyright © 2018  by taeken-my-heart (Nora.) All rights reserved. 
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kandadiff · 4 years
HA Chapter 11: Creepy
--- Its about to get creepy also this is more from Viktor’s POV ---
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As soon as he stepped foot back into the hotel room he flipped the sign that rejected maid service and locked the door behind him. Odd enough part of him felt at ease, Kevins words seeping into him, he was right after all, if tehre were to be no repercussions then why nit have a little fun, that was his intention of coming over in the first place. 
But as soon as he looked over at my limp body, a wave of shame washed over him and he felt panicky and hot. He moved toward the thermostat as though that was going to make everything more clearer as he lowered it. Honestly, this scenario crossed his mind once or twice but in a very different light. He pictured it more that he would wander into one of the parties I would be invited to and one of the ingrates I hung out with would have left me passed out on the floor or a couch somewhere and him acting like the knight in shining armor would nurse the hangover out of me and we would go back to being friends like once upon a time ago before Zayn or any of his friends tainted my opinions of him and before all my focus lay on Marcel. 
He had to do this, how else was he going to compete with the other boys. He couldn’t go against Woo or even Yoongi one on one. No he had to approach this smart - like Namjoon or Kevin would. He had to learn and use what he learned against the others. yes, this was worth it. He turned back toward me, the wave of shame washing over him although it felt like it was less then before. 
“Sorry love,” he said as his hand stroked my bare cheek “but I have to do this, for you- for us.” he sat next to me on the bed looking over the 1960′s style turtleneck tea dress I was wearing. Due to the sudden passing out it was a little disheveled and my hat and phone had both fallen on the floor. This reminded him to set an alarm for his own phone. Kevin said only three hours but he didn’t want to risk it. After two hed walk out that door and tuck me in maybe I would think I just took a nap for something. He reached over me and picked up the hat, smiling at the posh design and fixing it before placing it on the night table. He then picked up my phone pressing the ring button on, if Yoongi were to get suspicious where I was then he would need a warning. He placed the phone next to the hat and for a while just stared at me. 
The steady rising and falling of my chest, the small gestures my face mad as I dreamed, he wondered what I was dreaming about and if the ‘love Potion’ even allowed dreams. He started to carefully run his fingers through my hair smiling at the purple tips that had almost faded out at the bottom. He liked my hair when it was curly and natural … was it Yoongi that preferred it straight? Is that why I haven’t had it curly for a few months? Or perhaps Negan? The true threat even Viktor couldn’t bring himself to share with the rest of his friends. 
He had been suspicious of Negan ever since he came to sub for a month at the school two years ago. He had done ‘research’ about that on his own and while it wasn’t confirmed he knew the relationship with me and the older man was romantic possibly a sugar baby deal... how else would I be able to afford that ring that Yoongi had been wearing. He would never ask for such extravagant gifts when we’d get together. No instead he’d be showering me in gifts - his parents had money and with the promise of grandchildren they would be happy to give him his inheritance early. 
As he played with my hair he thought of our future and the things I have wrote and said on the matter, like in my journal. Another wave of shame washed over him remembering when he found my journal while installing the long-range modifier with Kevin just a few weeks ago. Kevin had went into your room and he had gone into mine. Just looking around innocently and the journal had fallen from behind a book on the shelf. He didn’t mean to read it... no that was creepy and wrong. But its not like he was some creepy pervert like Ian or Mark... All he wanted to do was feel closer to me - plan our future so I wouldn’t have to whats so wrong about that? He read about a pheoneom in a science magazine about psychology. The more you mimic a person in certain things or the more you know about a person they will more easily become attached to you. And that was the whole point. So he can plan things out - something he knew freaked me out and it wouldn’t be weird. Yes it wasn’t weird it was smart. 
He went back braiding my hair and began to talk about our future half wondering if like in a coma I could hear him, maybe my subconscious will link the ideas and make them stick in my head. It would be much easier that way. “I know you like New York, but that's no place to raise a family. We could get married there have the Gastby Wedding you always wanted. I know how much you want you dad to walk you down the isle but I know how much he doesn’t like me- so maybe we do something else. I would never take away your first dance with him but maybe down the isle is a bit much. He’d never give you up to me.” he laughed finishing one braid and beginning another. “And then we should move to England, I know, I know its always raining but you love the rain and plus our children will have my accent - not that yours isn’t charming - I love it, but imagine four little Malik kids speaking Japanese with british accents. How adorable. Yeah I want four kids, I know I know its ambitious but I am willing to adopt two if we have two of our own. We can even adopt them from Japan. Two boys and two little girls, I love the names Connor and Henry, I liked the name Jackson to but Wang really ruined that for me.” He finished another braid and moved to the next “For girls I know you love the name Marceline but Sara is so classic and beautiful. Okay how about you name one girl and a boy and ill name the other?” He laughed to himself looking down at my sleeping face. “You’re so beautiful Kay,” he let go of my hair, the third braid unfinished and leaned down towards my lips. he placed a chaste kiss on them a flush overcoming his body. He smiled with a new found confidence and went to do it yet again before spotting a deep purple mark on my neck. Due to the sudden onset of sleep that over came me my turtleneck dress that expertly hid the markings came down just a bit and now all the deep purple bruises Yoongi left on my neck were visible. Viktor felt a surge of anger hit him and he quickly turned away from me. He opted to distract himself with the buzzing of my phone. It was a group texted entitled ‘FUNHOUSE BIQTCHES!’ He grabbed my finger pressing it to the home button and unlocking my phone. He scrolled through the messages only half paying attention to them. Most of them just telling Adi to shut up and that she was being to loud and if she didn’t shut up GD was going to wake up. 
It took him a few moments before he could look at me again. His eyes stayed glued to the marks and he leaned over me fixing my collar so it covered the marks “I know this isn’t your fault but you can’t let him do that to you.” He was getting angrier and angrier with each word. When he pulled the color up the dress went up slightly revealing the marks Yoongi had left on my thighs. “Disgusting” He remarked yanking the skirt down with such force that he heard a tear in the dress. His anger instantly turned to fear. The dress had a visible tear in it. How would that be explained? Sometimes hotel rooms left sewing kits incase. He dug through the empty drawers of the room and came up empty. “Look what yoongi made me do!” He shouted at me then rushed over fingering the tear. “This wouldn’t have happened if you picked me first. he marked your body like you are some common whore, Youre not - stop acting like one!” He shouted and sighed looking at the timer. He had only an hour left. He looked back at me and pressed his lips to mine again. “I’m sorry, you just make me loose sense sometimes.” He sighed laying next to me. 
For the next half an hour he lay cuddled next to me speaking about whatever came to his kind, that was until an idea presented itself into his head. He used my finger to unlock my phone - it had a lot more texted then before not all from the group chat. He saw Negans name on it and had to resist going through that if he was going to have enough time to link our phones together. He saw a few texts from Yoongi and once again had to say no to temptation and set to work.
His alarm went off just as he was finished. Satisfied he pressed the small bird app on his phone. If anyone were to go threw his apps they’d find the one labeled Bird Watching and scroll past it thinking nothing of it. But as soon as he clicked on it. The screen changed to a copy of my screen, every app, every text, every picture - he could see. This was perfect. He took one last look at me and kissed my lips once again. “I love you.” He said before walking out the door and into the elevator. 
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I woke up confused feeling like death. I knew I was in Hotel Dumont due to the patterns on the ceiling but it took a moment for me to remember why I was here. I was here with Yoongi “Oppa!” I called out and immediately felt like vomiting. Did we drink last night? No. I was sober.. yeah I had breakfast. Why did I feel like this? I sat up and quickly grabbed the trashcan by the bed vomiting whatever breakfast was in my stomach out. I groaned, my head pounding and looked around for Yoongi. “Oppa?”
He wasn’t here. I was alone in the room... wait thats right. He left to get Jungkook... then why was I still here? My attention was drawn toward my phone dinging next to my hat on the night stand. I put my hat on the night stand but woke up across the bed? Something was wrong. I grabbed at my phone seeing text after text of people asking where I was and missed calls. I stood up shaky and grabbed my purse and keys. 
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I barely made it downstairs, my entire body felt like Jello and my stomach turned every time I took a step. A bellhop helped me to my car before another familiar face walked up to us a cocky grin on his face. “Yoongi treat you so well you can’t walk?” Damien smirked “Or where you just waiting for me to come home.”
“Fuck off” I mumbled and his eyes furrowed in concern. he grabbed me from the bellhop ordering him back to work while I leaned on him. “Bring me to my car?” He nodded walking me over but the closer I got the more I knew I couldn’t drive home in this condiotion and so did Damien. So we took a sharp turn towards his hulking black truck. “No I want my car.”
“Fuck off.” He mimicked and helped me into the passenger seat. He hopped in the drivers seat. “What Yoongi dumped you and you got drunk and waited for me? Next time shoot me a text and believe me I would have come over right away.” 
“None of that happened.” I said taking his sunglasses from the dashboard and trying to steady my stomach. “Me and Yoongi had a wonderful night.”
“Yeah he tear your dress too?” He pointed as the rip in my dress as he started to drive. I looked down at it, that hadn’t been there this morning... had it?
“No, I don’t know what this is.” I huffed “I feel sick, D. I kept throwing up but I was fine this morning then I had your hotel food!”
“My hotel food is great!” He said defensively “What did you order?”
“Well they gave to to me for free-”
“Free? You brought Yoongi to my penthouse.”
“No dick brain we were on the second floor. Room 221.”
“And they gave you food for free?” he shook his head “Did you say my name?”
“No I tend not to think about you.”
“Then why the fuck would they give a nobody free food?”
“A nobody?!”
“Yeah! When your not with me in there your a fucking nobody.”
“Pull over the car im getting out!”
“Oh shut up im taking you home!”
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mischiefandspirits · 4 years
Iron Legion (17/?)
Never let it be said that Tony Stark ever does things by half. He might have grown up with little family, but he wasn’t about to keep it that way.
Tony Stark was seventeen when his first child was born, and that was just the beginning.
For Masterpost, Timeline, AO3, and Fanfiction
Steel Scion, Part 2
“We’re starting the descent,” Clint announced from the cockpit just as the armor F.R.I.D.A.Y. was piloting stepped up next to Steve.
“Capsicle, you’re receiving a call,” she announced and Steve rolled his eyes at what Stark had programmed his computer to call him.
“I thought we’d gone dark?”
“This call overrides that command,” she answered before a familiar voice came from the suit.
“Hey, Cap.”
Steve perked up. “Stark, I thought you were still being kept out of this.”
“I am, but Pep made the mistake of leaving the room just before a news report interrupted my show. So now I’m hiding out in the lab.”
“Are you coming to help?”
“I’d love to, but someone stole my suit.”
“I have no regrets,” F.R.I.D.A.Y. replied cheerfully.
“Also, I’m pretty sure there would be a line of people waiting to kill me if I tried skipping bail, so I’m focusing on helping take care of Johannesburg. Thankfully Mer had been tracking the twins, so his suit got a perfect shot of the witch hitting Bruce.”
“You should be focusing on finding Ultron. We can worry about that later.”
Steve heard someone say something on the other end, but it was distorted so he couldn’t catch the voice or their words.
Tony hushed them then said, “I’m working on that too, but without Frankenstine’s motive, I don’t have anywhere to start.”
“He wants to kill us.”
“He left you there and made off with the vibranium. Sounds like it goes further than that.”
Steve frowned, but he didn’t have a chance to think about it because Clint came out of the cockpit at that moment.
“We’re here.”
“You’re where?” Tony asked.
“Safehouse, hopefully.”
“Yeah, we would have called ahead, but we were busy having no idea that you existed.”
“Like you’re one to talk.”
“Dr. Banner?”
Bruce pulled the door he had been shutting back open as the Iron Man suit walked up. “Yes, F.R.I.D.A.Y.?”
“Can I come in?”
“Uh, sure? I was just about to take a shower, though,” he said, stepping aside so she could come in.
“It should only take a moment. Boss will be back soon.”
“What’s Tony got to do with it?” he asked, shutting the door.
“Dr. Banner?” a different voice and Bruce’s eyes widened.
“Peter, what are you doing in Tony’s lab?”
“I saw what happened on TV and wanted to make sure you and Hulk were okay, so I snuck in while Mr. Stark went to grab snacks and bribed Fri into letting me call you.”
“Peter, you can’t just sneak into labs.”
“But -”
“Do your parents know where you are?”
“Yes,” he said slowly. “I’m sorry, Dr. Banner. I just wanted to see if you were okay.”
“That’s really nice of you, but labs can be really dangerous, remember.”
“I didn’t touch anything, promise!”
“I can confirm that he hasn’t touched anything in the lab,” F.R.I.D.A.Y. reassured.
“That’s good, but you still shouldn’t be in there on your own.”
“Sorry. Are you okay, though? The news said Hulk trashed a city block because that HYDRA enhanced brainwashed you!”
“I… I’m alright.”
“Are you sure? You sound like Dad does when he’s not alright.”
“Yeah, just… The world just saw the Hulk -- the real Hulk -- for the first time.” Bruce shook his head. “Nevermind, I shouldn’t be putting this on -”
“That wasn’t the Hulk.”
“Peter -”
“No. The Hulk is a hero! He likes to smash things, but he never hurts people on purpose unless they’re hurting people first. He wrestles with She-Hulk and looks after the Avengers and teases Thor and… and he saved Iron Man’s life! He’s a hero! He’s my hero! What happened wasn’t his fault. It was that witch. People will understand. Mr. Stark is already working to fix things. It’s going to be okay.”
Bruce was speechless. He knew Peter looked up to him, but he didn’t realize how much the kid cared for the Hulk too. Usually, it was either one or the other. The only other exceptions were Jen and -
“Pete? What are you doing in here?”
Think of the devil…
“D-I was just…” Peter started frantically and Bruce could hear Tony coming further into the lab. He opened his mouth to explain and hopefully keep the kid out of too much trouble.
“I told you Drew and Ross were going to be calling soon so you need to go hang out with Pep. You can come play with Dad after dinner.”
Bruce heard Peter suck in a breath and he understood the sentiment. “Tony.”
There was a moment of silence before Peter said, “I just wanted to call Dr. Banner and make sure he was okay.”
“Any chance you didn’t hear that, Brucie-Bear?”
He considered playing dumb, but he knew they were both aware he’d found out. “You really shouldn’t have judged Clint for having a secret family.”
“Hawkeye has a secret family too?” Peter asked.
“Pep, now. We’ll talk about this later.”
“Okay, Dad. Bye, Dr. Banner.”
“Bye, Peter.” He waited until Peter’s footsteps faded away before continuing, “Tony, I’m sorry. I swear I won’t say anything.”
“I know you won’t, it’s okay. I’ve been thinking about letting you in on the secret for months. I just -- I’ve been keeping the kids a secret for so long. For Peter’s entire life, practically. If anything were to happen to them… Well, old habits die hard.”
“I understand,” Bruce said. “Peter’s a good kid and Nebula’s great. You did a good job with them.”
“Yeah? Wait until you meet Harley. You won’t be as confident in my parenting skills then.”
Bruce blinked. “How many kids do you have?”
“Just the flesh and blood ones or all together?”
Tony was watching F.R.I.D.A.Y. play with Barton’s daughter on one screen and listening to Ross talk about launch codes on another when P.L.A.T.O. announced that someone was attempting to force the elevator to go to the lab.
“Someone we know?” he asked, glancing at the screen showing Peter doing homework in his room.
“Facial recognition suggests the late Director Fury.”
Tony snorted and checked the status of the fabricators. “Send the good director to the lobby then let him know he has one minute to leave my building before I sick security on him. Remind him that even if S.H.I.E.L.D. isn’t officially a thing anymore, they’re still banned from Stark Industries property.”
“Right away, Re.”
“Stark, the codes?”
“Right, yeah, I’ll see if I can make a field trip. If not, I’ll send Nebula with instructions,” he said, bringing forward the screen displaying Nebula’s flight back from Johannesburg in the Iron-Rescue Mark III. He frowned when he spotted something in the corner of his eye. “Rewind that footage ten seconds,” he said, pointing at the video showing Frankenstine’s initial attack. His eyes widened as he watched. “Ross, do we have someone in South Korea? If so, let them know I’m sending Rogers, Barton, and Romanoff into Seoul. If not, get someone.”
“Seoul? Why? What’s going on?”
“I think Frankenstine might go after Dr. Cho.”
Ross gave him that look that meant he was barely resisting asking for more information because he knew it would be a waste of time. “Alright. Are you expecting a fight?”
“I’m hoping there won’t be one, but I wouldn’t hold my breath.”
“No Banner?”
“I think he needs a break. F.R.I.D.A.Y. will bring him to the mansion.”
“I’ll get someone on it. Keep me updated and don’t forget the NEXUS.”
“Aye aye!” He hung up and sat back. “Mer, get Cho on the phone. P, tell Fri to get those slackers to work. Joe, tell Nebula to head to the NEXUS. I’ll fill her in once she’s there.”
All three complied and the phone began to ring.
And ring and ring and ring.
“Father,” Nebula called, rushing into the lab. She looked around to make sure he was alone. “Where’s Dr. Banner?”
“Peter’s taking advantage of the fact he’s in the know now to show off his LEGO sets. Why? What’s up? Did you find the hacker?”
Nebula nodded and removed her mask. With a blink, her projector came on to display a glittering orange orb.
“Hello, Sir.”
“Jay,” Father whispered, standing up. “How?”
“When Frankenstine attacked him, he scattered himself and dumped his memory. He’s been hiding out ever since, working purely on protocol. I managed to bring him back together.”
Father shook his head, beaming. “You’ve been beating up that bully from the inside, huh? That’s my boy!”
“It’s good to feel appreciated.”
“You’re always appreciated, Buddy.” Father focused back on Nebula. “Upload him back onto the intranet. I’m sure the others want to greet him in their own ways.”
“Already started,” she confirmed, letting the projection disappear. Slipping the mask back on, she came to his side and set her hand on his shoulder.
He grabbed the hand and squeezed it.
“I can work on tissue degeneration if you can fry whatever operational system Cho implanted.”
“Yeah, about that…”
Bruce looked up at him and Nebula crossed her arms.
“No,” they both said.
“You have to trust me.”
“Kind of don’t,” Bruce countered.
He turned to Nebula. “He was beating him, he could do it again.”
“You’re still not thinking clearly,” Nebula argued. “There should be a big maybe in there.”
“He’s proven he can win. Frankenstein was afraid of him, scared of what he can do.”
“Who are you talking about?” Bruce asked.
“You called, Sir?”
Bruce gasped.
“Nebula found him blocking Frankestine’s access to the nuclear launch codes. Didn’t even realize who he was and was still winning.”
Bruce scoffed as he realized what Tony was planning. “So you want to put J.A.R.V.I.S. into this thing?”
“I think it’s worth a go,” J.A.R.V.I.S. added.
“I can’t believe I’m saying this, but they might have a point,” Nebula said and the two scientists turned to her. “J.A.R.V.I.S.’s code was crushing Frankenstein’s. I think there’s a good chance he’ll be able to override the monster’s operational matrix, or at the very least assimilate it.”
Bruce looked between the two Stark’s and sighed. He was caught in a time loop, and yet here he was going along with it.
At his agreement, Nebula nodded. “You two prepare it, I’ll create a backup of J.A.R.V.I.S.’s code, just in case. Don’t know why we’ve never done this before.”
“Dum-E hates backups,” Tony said with a shrug. “Never tried any of the others after the fight he put up.”
“Backups, for everyone,” Nebula muttered. “Never again.”
Nebula was waiting outside the lab when Steve arrived with the Maximoffs. She immediately leveled her gun at them. “Thanks for bringing them in, Rogers, but the cells are the other way.”
“I need to talk to Stark.”
“Which one?”
The group turned to see three legionnaires step into the hall, though they looked different from the others. The first was pure black except for the white faceplate. It was bulkier, closer to the war machine armor, and it’s reactor glowed silver. The second looked similar to Pepper’s armor, though dark grey and green with an emerald reactor. The last was mostly silver with dark purple curling designs covering it like vines and a pale purple reactor. It was smaller and sleeker than any other armor or legionnaire Steve had seen.
“Stark built more legionnaires?” Steve asked, disappointed. Hadn’t he realized the problem the first ones had caused?
“We prefer Guardsmen,” H.O.M.E.R. said, revealing himself as the black one.
“More Ultron’s?” Wanda asked Steve, raising her hands.
“We are Ultron.” P.L.A.T.O.’s cold voice came from the green one. “Or were. Your monster stole our name.”
“We don’t want it back,” J.O.C.A.S.T.A. added from the purple one.
Steve turned to Nebula. “Shut them down.”
“Not happening.”
“Re doesn’t want to be bothered, especially by the likes of her,” H.O.M.E.R. said, pointing at Wanda.
“You don’t know what he’s doing, Nebula,” Steve argued, ignoring the robot.
“I know exactly what he’s doing. In fact, I’m watching him right now.” She tapped her temple and the golden mask she had been wearing in Johannesburg appeared for just a second in a flicker.
“She’s another one of Stark’s robots?” Pietro asked.
“Oh, I’m flesh and blood. I’ve just got a few fancy prosthetics. Now stand down so we can arrest you.”
“Or don’t,” J.O.C.A.S.T.A. chirped. “We’ve been wanting to smash in your sister’s face.”
Steve held up his hands before either the twins or the robots could attack. “Nebula -”
The woman suddenly swung around and the doors opened just in time for Steve to see Thor force open the doors on the other side of the lab.
“Wait!” Banner yelled as the god jumped atop the cradle and summoned lightning.
“Iron Man’s the one he’s waiting for.”
“That’s true. He hates you the most.”
“Still not daddy issues,” J.O.C.A.S.T.A. hummed, sitting cross-legged on the ground in front of H.O.M.E.R. and P.L.A.T.O. They were off to the side, watching the humans ready for battle. “Lack-of-daddy issues, maybe? Oh, Vizzy, speaking of which!” She grabbed Vision’s arm as he passed, making him stop. “Where do you fit in the family? Frankenstein built you, but Re built Jar-Jar and put him in you before Re, Mini-Hulk, and He-Man finished you, but you said you’re not Jar-Jar, so…?”
“I’m not sure,” he said, frowning. “I don’t believe it works that way.”
“It does in our family,” H.O.M.E.R. disagreed.
“We’re illogical like that,” P.L.A.T.O. added.
“Perhaps he is our nephew?” F.R.I.D.A.Y. suggested. “Because he came from J.A.R.V.I.S.”
“You are suggesting that J.A.R.V.I.S. would be my father?” Vision asked.
“Jar-Jar, it’s a boy!” J.O.C.A.S.T.A. cheered.
“I don’t have much knowledge in the way of parenting, but I will do my best by you, Vision,” J.A.R.V.I.S. responded blankly.
“Thank… you?” Vision turned to Father, Steve, and Bruce for help, two of whom appearing just as confused.
Father placed his hand on his chest and pretended to wipe away a tear. “I can’t believe my little boy would make me a grandfather at thirty-nine.”
Near the door, Nebula sighed. “You’re right, none of us have any idea how an actual family works.”
“At least you can admit it,” Uncle Rhodey chuckled over the phone. “Pretty sure your father and the rest of your siblings all think this is normal.”
“I refuse to be called grandma,” Pepper deadpanned. “Tony can make all the jokes he wants, but I want to be at least in my mid-forties before anyone calls me grandma or nana or anything to that extent.”
“At least you haven’t gotten any greys from Tony and his brood like Happy and I,” Uncle Rhodey teased.
“The benefits of Extremis, I’m sure. I can’t believe Tony’s going out right now.”
“Dr. Dillon cleared him, unfortunately,” Nebula said. “At least he’s bringing the triplets with him.”
“I’ll be there as soon as I can too,” Uncle Rhodey promised.
“I’m half-tempted to join you,” Pepper joked bitterly. “Please bring him home safe.”
“I will,” Uncle Rhodey said softly.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y.’s agreed to notify you the moment anything changes so I can focus on evac and the relief foundation,” Nebula said.
“No plans to burst in guns blazing this time?” Uncle Rhodey chuckled.
“Rogers has forbidden revenge and I’ve decided to listen, for now at least. The witch and her brother will pay once this is all over.”
“Ms. Romanoff.”
Natasha raised an eyebrow as a gray and green legionnaire appeared out of thin air in front of her. “Stark gave you an upgrade?”
“Better, he gave us bodies.” P.L.A.T.O. blasted the lock on her cell and opened the door. “Need a lift?”
“Bruce, we’ve got a Code Green. We’ve had a Code Green. It’s now or never.”
Shaking, he watched the feeds on the Quinjet’s screens.
He couldn’t go out there. Not while civilians were present. He couldn’t risk hurting anyone else. But they needed him. They needed…
He’s a hero! He’s my hero!
“I’m on my way.”
“Go away out of that!”
“I wish I could say I was joking,” Tony said.
“She’s HYDRA! She was working with Ultron!”
“He wasn’t Ultron,” Tony muttered.
“Then come up with something better than Frankenstein!” Drew spat before continuing her tirade. “That woman is a criminal! Why is she being made an Avenger?”
Ross sighed and said, “Rogers is arguing that she showed remorse during the fight with…”
“V.I.R.G.I.L?” Tony offered. “Virtual Integrated Rapidly-evolving Grid-based Intelligent Lifeform.”
“I’m both impressed and terrified that you just pulled that out of your arse right now,” Drew snorted.
“As I was saying,” Ross continued. “He’s arguing that since she fought against V.I.R.G.I.L, she should be given a chance to make it up to the world by fighting alongside the Avengers.”
“Oh yes, she realized her plan to destroy the world was also going to kill her and helped to stop it. Better give her a medal,” Drew said with an eye-roll.
“Hey, don’t shoot the messengers. I’m right there with you,” Tony said, holding up his hands. “I only found out after the fact.”
“Rogers went straight to the top to get her pardon. There’s not much anyone can do. As long as she continues to work with the Avengers, she’s got her pass.” Ross shook his head.
“Maybe in the US, but if she leaves the country she’s going to get some backlash.”
“Try explaining that to Rogers, would you? He doesn’t seem to get it when I say it and I know he has a thing for Brits.”
Drew gave him an unimpressed look.
“I’m sorry, Jess, but can you try to pull some strings? Rogers isn’t backing down on this.”
She sighed and slouched back, her eyes disappearing behind tinted yellow sunglasses. “I’ll see what I can do, but no promises. She’s definitely going to have to be accompanied at all times at the very least.” She gave Tony a look. “It’d be easier if you were sticking around.”
“No can do. I’m taking a break. Barton’s inspired me. I’m going to spend more time with my family.”
“Oh yes, your horde of robots,” Drew snorted and Ross gave him a look.
“Exactly. We’ve got a new one too. My grandson. I’ll send you both the baby pictures!”
“We already received the ones Ms. Parker sent, thank you,” Ross said while Drew muttered, “Gobdaw.”
“Isn’t he adorable? I’m so proud,” Tony said, ignoring her. “He’s going to be working with the Avengers. As will Rhodey, so you’ll still have men on the team.”
“No Guardsmen?” Drew asked, not sounding surprised.
“They’re still learning. I’ve got them working with the Stark Relief Foundation right now and continuing their studies. Even if I did feel they were ready, I don’t think the world is,” Tony said and he could see the agreement on both of their faces.
“What about the other newcomer, Senior Airman Wilson?” Ross asked.
“No idea where he stands. Rogers is bringing him in. I do know he was part of the D.C. incident though.”
“So he’s not the full shilling, got it,” Drew commented. “Any hope Banner will be sticking around to help keep them in line?”
“No. I doubt I’ll be able to even keep him here at the tower. Johannesburg really shook him up, and having the witch around isn’t helping. He needs some time to himself. I don’t like it, but I get it.”
“Just another reason to lock the wagon up,” Drew said.
“You sure about this?” Tony asked as Hulk loaded the last of his bags into the Quinjet.
“Can’t stay,” he growled.
“We’ll miss you,” Peter said and Hulk turned to him, using a finger to ruffle his hair.
“Miss tiny Stark too.”
“When was last time cousin talk to Banner?” She-Hulk asked, crossing her arms. “Iron Stark said Hulk been around almost since Sokovia.”
“Doesn’t matter. Not safe. He stay quiet.”
“Well, send him our regards as soon as you get somewhere safe enough for him to come out,” Tony said. “And remind him that you both are welcome back any time.”
Hulk grunted and moved to give She-Hulk a hug. “Bye cousin.”
“Bye cousin. Take care of Banner. Mouse will miss him. Come back soon. She-Hulk will miss cousin.”
“Hulk will miss cousin too.”
“What? Won’t miss me?” Tony asked.
Hulk stared at him for a moment before turning and climbing into the Quinjet with a poorly hidden smirk.
She-Hulk and Peter laughed as he gasped in fake outrage.
In regards to Drew's nationality, she's British, but she grew up in Ireland so she's got a bit of an Irish accent that she only uses in relaxed settings, which working with Tony has become. Basically, Agent Drew is Irish, but Arachne is English. This is a reference to the fact that I started hc-ing her as being played by Katie McGrath while working on Rescue to the Rescue.
Before anyone says anything about Tony's joke about Steve's love of Brits: Tony and I are both aware that Ireland is not in Britain.
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crazedlunatic · 5 years
“You need to back off, buddy, because I am engaged.”
“This is too precious.” AJ looked amused as Matt drunkenly shoved at Adrian. He was too drunk to put effort into it, though, and gave up after two attempts.
“No. It’s really not.” Adrian sighed.
“He must not drink much.”
“No. He doesn’t.” Adrian confirmed, easing Matt into a booth at the restaurant.
“I don’t want to be by the wall.” Matt whined.
“It’s the only way I can guarantee you won’t embarrass yourself.” Adrian slid into the booth next to him.
“Guys, how come Luigi doesn’t get more credit? Mario isn’t even the best Mario Brother. And what’s their last name? Shouldn’t it be Their Last Names’ Brothers?” Matt asked, taking a sip of water that Adrian had just put in front of him. “Or is Mario’s first name Super and they’re all Marios? Plot twist.”
“Just bring him all the food.” Adrian told the waitress.
“He’s even got his own pizza shop.” Matt continued. “It’s of course called Marios. What a stupid pizza name.”
“Sweetie, I think you’re talking about Marcos Pizza.” AJ said.
“Marco has a pizza shop too? See?! Luigi just isn’t appreciated but I appreciate him. I bet he’s the youngest brother.” Matt scoffed as Wes, Kurt, and Blaine sat across from he, Adrian, and AJ.
“I love him.” Kurt told Blaine.
“I’m engaged. God. Why does everyone want me?” Matt threw his hands in the air.
“Matt, I’m the one that grabbed you.” Adrian said.
“Who are you even? Have you seen my person? He’s a hot model… well, he used to model…. He’s really pretty.” Matt said, looking at AJ.
“I love you too, Matt.” AJ said, mainly for the reaction.
Matt turned to face Adrian. “Oh, there you are! Did you know everyone here loves me? Your friends are nice.”
“I think right now we’re just tolerating you.” Adrian did not look amused.
“Sweetie, do you do stupid stuff when you’re drunk?” AJ asked.
Wes’ eyes lit up. “Yes. Let’s get Blaine drunk and watch it.”
“No.” Adrian and Kurt said together.
“Uh, yeah. The first time I tried to weigh my eyeballs… yes, I did end up in the hospital but not for what you’d expect.” Matt said.
“Wait, what?” Wes asked.
“It’s a long story involved a magnifying glass, a shoestring, and a broom. You should ask when I’m sober.” Matt chirped as they all looked at him like he was crazy.
“But… you went to the hospital because of our eyeball?”
“No. That would be ridiculous.” Matt looked at Adrian like he was crazy. “It was because of the shoestring.”
“What are you doing?” Blaine asked Adrian who had pulled out his phone.
“Texting his brother.” Adrian responded.
“Oooh, tell him hi for me.” Matt said, taking Adrian’s lemonade and downing it in two gulps.
“I… was going to drink that.” Adrian said slowly. He then said, to everyone else, “All he sent was a gif of a dog chasing it’s tail.”
“Maybe he’s drunk too!” Matt looked at Adrian’s phone and began to giggle. “I love that gif. His face when he catches his tail is how I feel when I… ooh. Adrian, can we get ice cream?”
“Yes.” Adrian said. “He’s going to be so sad in the morning when he realizes he got wasted in front of all of us… while we are not even tipsy.”
“But I’m not going to drive, so it’s okay.” Matt said, holding his hand up. “You shouldn’t drive and drink…. Or drink and drive… you should also dare to resist drugs or some shit like that. I dunno. Where do you even get drugs? I mean I know where I can get them but my dad would probably be mad… and Mark… and Pete… and Logan. Oh yeah, and my mom. She told me if I ever smoked pot, she’d cut my hair off… guess what? I didn’t! I really want to do me weewoo right now.”
“Your what?” Wes let out a loud laugh.
“You know… Weeohweeohwee Weeohweeohwee Weeohweeohwee like a cop car?” Matt sang. “C’mon. You have to know that.”
“Hey, Matt.” A firefighter said walking by, looking amused.
“Hi!” Matt waved energetically. When he was out of earshot he added loudly, “I’ve had sex with him. It was subpar but everything is compared to Adrian. Before Adrian, though, it was pretty awesome.”
“How do you not love this? He’s drunk out of his baby mind and still keeps talking about you.” AJ asked Adrian.
“Imma marry him ‘cause he said yes.” Matt beamed. He then looked at Adrian and said, tone very serious, “I love you very much.”
“I love you too.” Adrian patted his thigh but couldn’t help but smile.
Because at least Matt was cute even if he was being annoying.
“The song doesn’t really sound like the car. It actually is a lot more annoying and loud. It hurts my ears.” Matt let out an adorable sigh.
“What’s up, buttercup?” AJ asked.
“I think I forgot to feed my dog.”
“We don’t have a dog.” Adrian looked at him, confused.
“Whose dog have I been feeding?”
“None because we don’t have any dogfood?”
“Do we have a fish?”
“No. We have zero pets.”
“That’s boring. We should get a koala.”
“Okay. You find one and I’ll get it for you.”
Matt grabbed AJ’s phone and pulled up Google.
“I just love him.” AJ sighed. “He’s so cute and innocent.”
“Innocent?” Adrian scoffed. “He is not innocent. Don’t let the cute face fool you.”
“I found one! I sent her a message on Facebook.”
AJ grabbed her phone and showed everyone—it was just a gif of a sloth. Not even a koala. Which had been sent to himself from AJ’s text messages with him.
“It’s on the gimme app.”
“Gify.” AJ laughed.
“No. Gimme. Me as in not you.”
“Just let him win.” Kurt whispered. “This could go on all night.”
“I’m sorry. I just really want to get drunk with Blaine and Matt and it’d be the most hilarious thing ever. We’d get our own show.” Wes said. “Can we make this a thing?”
“I don’t have time to drink. I have finals next week.” Blaine sighed.
“That’s a bummer. You should drop out and join your brothers in blue… or something. I can’t remember. It’s in a pamphlet, though.” Matt yawned and laid his head on Adrian’s shoulder. “Pamphlets are stupido. That’s Spanish… right, AJ?”
“Estúpido.” AJ said.
“Estúpido.” She repeated.
“It’s too hard!” Matt laid his head on the table, mock crying.
“It’s… one extra letter…” AJ looked between everyone else at the table as Blaine reached over, patting Matt’s head.
“That one letter is the difference in failing and barely succeeding!” Matt hit the table and then said, “Estúpido.”
“Good job!” AJ smiled at him like she was talking to Scarlett.
“I know Spanish! I need to call and tell Mama.”
“Don’t you dare call your mother right now. It’s three in the morning.” Adrian threatened, grabbing Matt’s phone.
“You’re a thiever.”
The fireman from before came over, dropped a plate of chilli cheese fries in front of Matt, and said “You’re welcome” before walking back to his table.
Matt literally turned around in the seat and yelled, “COOPER, I LOVE YOU BUT YOU GOTTA STAY AWAY BECAUSE I’M ENGAGED NOW!”
“I’m so sorry! I couldn’t help myself!” The guy, Cooper, called back in a very serious tone. “It won’t happen again!”
The restaurant manager came over, also putting an ice cream in front of him. “This will probably help too, Matthew. You’ve gotta quit doing this. You know every time you do, your brothers come in and watch the video footage, right?”
Matt let out one loud laugh and then a snort, causing the firemen several tables back to all begin laughing loudly.
“Thank you.” Adrian told the manager. “How often does this happen?”
“Not often enough to make it not hilarious.” He responded.
Matt pushed the empty fry plate away and then waved energetically as another group of firemen came in.
“I don’t know which of you he’s with but just a hint—Planet Earth episode with the polar bears. He’ll be out within two seconds.” Another young firefighter said before walking and joining the now two groups of fire fighters.
“Matt… how many of those guys did you sleep with?” AJ asked sweetly.
Matt turned in his seat. “Five.”
“Please tell me how good the redhead was.” AJ said.
“Disappointing actually. Coop, though, is awesome. Like… woah.” Matt said, making a blowing up gesture with his hands. “And he’s so ripped. Like… woah.”
“What about Planet Earth guy?” Kurt asked.
Blaine looked at Kurt, surprised.
“Uhm, he was okay, I guess. Honestly, I fell asleep.”
“I just… don’t even know how to react right now.” Adrian said. “I was under the impression he didn’t date firemen.”
“Not seriously and always safe.”  Matt chirped. “You can’t be too careful, Adrian. I don’t have time for STD’s.”
“So… are all of the firemen you’ve slept with over there?” Adrian asked.
“Pfft. That’s just the night shift.” Matt said and then gave a sweet smile. “Just kidding. I’ve only had sex with three of them. Almost four but, yeah, fell asleep. You’re better, though! Pinky promise!”
Adrian hesitantly linked pinkies with Matt, but only because he looked so excited. “Your brothers are gonna love watching this tomorrow, aren’t they?”
“Oh, they’ll watch it a lot. They make copies.” Matt said cheerfully. “They have monthly rewatch parties. It’s kinda annoying but I guess I’m funny.”
“And how does your dad, the chief of police, feel about this?” Blaine asked.
“Are you kidding? He’s the one that has the copies made.” Matt waved his hand in the air. “Mmkay, Adrian. Time to go home and have lots of sex. Mmkay?”
“So, Matt, what happened with a magnifying glass, a shoestring, and a broom?” Adrian asked the following morning after Matt got back into bed and laid under his covers—he had been, of course, throwing up.
Matt looked at him, confused, and then pulled his pillow over his head.
“Really? You aren’t even going to tell me?”
“You let me sing the cop car song.” Matt pulled the pillow down and glared. “The cop car song.”
“Oh. You mean wewowewo like a cop car?” Adrian looked confused.
“Uh, no. It’s weeohweeohwee Weeohweeohwee Weeohweeohwee like a cop car.” Matt glared.
“So, I met ‘Coop’ last night.” Adrian looked at Matt, who covered his face with his pillow and let out a loud groan.
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myname-is-sunshine · 5 years
I didn’t know
I ran downstairs and there he was. Just sitting on the floor. We were both breathing heavy, fully knowing what we had just done. We had kissed. The simplicity of that sentence doesn’t give the magnitude of the situation. The power that he had held over me since the day he broke me finally took over all over again. Sure I’ve been praying for this day to happen since that first day of heartbreak but I had to pretend like I didn’t. I pretended to my family and to my friends that our friendship was the only thing that was going to be rekindled. That I was not hoping for exactly what happened to happen. I couldn’t tell any one that I had hoped that one day  would want to be laying some where (under the skys, on the floor of my family room, or on the beach somewhere) and we would just be looking at each other in the way that we used to; it was the “friends don’t stare at each other in longing silence like we do” kind of stare. The air would be heavy with our laughter and secrets. I don’t know whose eyes would move first but one of us would look at the other’s lips. The other would understand and then we’d lean in. It would be a soft kiss back unsure of what was to come next, a lean back to look into each other eyes would follow. It was like going back to the ocean for the first time. When you go to the water and just let the waves come up to your ankle and you feel the rush, excitement, thrill radiate through your body. Then you crash in and that’s what we would do (when I secretly imagined it). We crashed in and we kissed. We kissed like we had never kissed before. The dozens of boys that my drunken lips had touched would fade away and any hatred I had for you would melt like the ice in the lemonade we got together during the summer. You would pull me in and just like that ice I would melt away. I would become a puddle of love. Then after all was done we’d stare into each other’s eyes again and you would whisper that you loved me and that losing me was the biggest mistake of your life. And I could finally tell you the only secret I never told you, that I was in love with you. But I couldn’t tell anyone that I imagined all of that because everyone would tell me that I was making a mistake letting you back into my life. Even without telling them that scene they were still telling me that you were a mistake so would it have been any worse if I told them?
I stood in the doorway of the room just staring at you. Your blonde curly messy hair was even messier than usual. That was my fault, in the dream scene I messed with your hair less, but it was so soft, and I couldn’t resist running my fingers through it. You smiled while our lips were touching each time I did it. Your eyes buried into me. In any other situation where I finished with a guy and they looked at me like that I felt insecure, as if they were going to notice the flaws in me and kick me out right then and there. But as your green eyes looked at me I knew they weren’t going to cast me aside when they saw a flaw, they knew my flaws. They knew the deepest and darkest ones, the ones I didn’t even know were there, and the ones I wore proudly on my skin. No, they were waiting for me to fall apart. They knew what was about to happen. “I’m sorry,” he whispered almost too faintly to hear.
That’s when it happened. Everything else was exactly like I had imagined it except this part. The tears began to swell in my eyes and the scream that I had been holding back for months was caught in my throat again, begging to be released.
He stood up and walked towards me. I inched backed, watching him turn his stare to the ground. Please turn them back to me, I thought. Let me stare into them and imagine the life I had put together for us. Let me imagine them being the eyes of our son and let me see you smile so I can see what our daughter’s would look like.
The tears were running down my face at this point. You were still staring at the ground, I was staring at you, and the air was not thick with our laughter or our joy anymore. There was silence. “Say something. Please,” He begged.
“What do you want me to say?” I asked. “Do you want me to sugar coat this? I could say that this,” I gestured between us, “was just a happy mistake. That it doesn’t mean anything, and we can just go on pretending that for five months we were something and that the last five months weren’t spent filled with hatred towards you. I could say that this wasn’t the first place you held me while we cuddled and fell asleep in my family’s extra bed. Let me sugar coat it more and tell you that this won’t hurt me in any way.”
“I want the truth. I want to know what you’re feeling right now,” He rushed out. “Tell me the bad and the good and tell me why there is fire in your eyes.”
“Because you are the match. You are the match that sets me a blaze. You were the reason that I burnt to nothing but ashes. YOU DESTROYED ME!” I screamed hoping that God himself would look down shocked at the amount of volume and pain that was involved in that statement. “The first night after you broke up with me I drank so much vodka that it replaced my sweat that ran down my back while I danced. I laughed and ran into boys that I wouldn’t remember the next morning. I ran through the streets and screamed about how you shattered my heart. The same thing happened the next weekend, and the one after that, and the one after that. The boys and booze bottles that I kissed became so blurred together that Jacks and Daniels had to be clarified between my friends when we recounted stories the next day. Every party I held a boy in one hand and a bottle in the other and I would look up to the stars and want to scream to the universe, ‘Look at me! Look! You’re not the only one who can destroy me! I can do it myself too!’ I lost count of the boys that I kissed. I lost count of meals I skipped. You were my match that burnt me to the ground but by some magic here I am. Birthed from the ashes that once destroyed me.”
He just stared at me. Wide eyes. Oh those eyes could trick me into loving him all over again. My heart pounded in my ears but his slow blinks were slowing my heart rate. His eyes then shut. “I was hurt too.” He said with a firmness I had never heard before. “I lost my best friend that day. You stopped talking to me. The person who held all my secrets was gone. You ran away with an entire part of me that I couldn’t replace. I tried too. I tried to replace you. I looked through all 40,000 people that I went to school with to find someone like you. With your gentle heart but your firm words. Your sense of adventure but with a side of caution that kept us out of any real trouble. Someone that would go anywhere with me or just to get coffee. Sure I didn’t replace you but I tried. I lost my best friend and I realized that there was a chance you weren’t coming back. Four years of friendship all gone.”
Four years of friendship. Those words stopped me. If sophomore me knew this was going to happen, I don’t know what she would have done. This time when I looked at him, I pictured him to be the younger version, the first time we talked. It was the first home football game of the season and I only went because my dad’s fear of me being alone. I was standing in a crowd of people who didn’t know who I was and didn’t care. But like a knight in shining armor he showed up. In a movie-esque way, he pushed his friend into me and started a conversation. A conversation that led to him introducing me to his friends, not like a little boy shows his friends his new toy but rather a way a prince shows off the beautiful and rare jewels he had found. That night turned into friendships with every person I had met that night. That boy turned into my connection into some of the happiest times of my life. He also turned into my best friend. The one who held onto every word I said, who refused to let me feel anything less than beautiful, and the one who ran to hug me immediately after telling my life story. Would sophomore me think that these very high highs would outweigh the lowest of lows?
We had both sat down of the ground, tears glistening on both of our faces. I had never seen him cry. Every time I had seen him, he was smiling. When we watched sad movies together and I was the one crying he’d lean over, wipe my tears, and tell a joke to make me smile. Seeing him this way made my heart break all over again. It was almost as deep as when he told me he thought we were better as friends. The crack was deep. I’m sure the girls in the dorm next to me heard it through the brick walls. Here it was again, after months of being repaired by alcohol and mixes of different boys.
“When I told you I thought we were going all the way, I meant it.” I faintly said.
“I know...” He responded.
“No you don’t,” I said harshly. “When I said I thought we were going all the way I meant ALL THE WAY. I saw us growing up and growing into our careers. We’d come home together and build each other up. We’d get married and have these beautiful children. We’d travel and go on outrageous adventures together. We’d make sure our children never hurt like we did and that they would have our sense of wonder. Maybe we’d move around a lot but we’d always be together and we’d be happy. Your mom would be so concern but we’d come home every Christmas and assure her that we’re doing great, because we would be. When I said we’d go all the way I meant it.”
He looked at me with his mouth open and no words coming out. The tears were steady now for the both of it. But my face was burning hot, the tears felt like they were sizzling as the slid down my face. I wanted to stop but the words wouldn’t stop flowing. They slowly turned to screams. “When I told you that I always liked you more than you liked me, I wasn’t fucking kidding! I loved you! I was so madly in love with you! I couldn’t breathe without you! You were my everything and you fucking tore yourself away from me like it was nothing! So you lost your best friend well I lost my first fucking love!”
“I didn’t know.”
“Yeah. Well now you do.”
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fandomfanfics12 · 5 years
We Are A Family-part 23
Title: We Are A Family. Pairings: Steve x tony, Peter x Wade, Nat x Clint, Sam x Bucky. Part: 23/? Warnings: swearing, fluff, angst, eventual smut, slowburn. Summary: When Nat comes into the avengers tower with baby Peter Parker, the avengers didn’t know what they were getting themselves into. But now that Peter is here,Steve and Tony both feel protective over him. It doesn’t help that Peter hates everyone other than Steve and tony. But as Steve and tony raise Peter, they start to fall for one another. Will this superfamily work out or will it all turn to hell? A/N: so it’s starting to look like i’m going to get more free time this year which should (fingers crossed) hopefully mean i’ll be able to update this fic more. also thanks for your patience, i’m such a slow righter lol. 
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16, Part 17, Part 18, Part 19, Part 20, Part 21, Part 22
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It was almost unfair. That tony’s life and his marriage was falling apart, just as Clint and Natasha got to start their marriage. He knew Steeve had been shocked when Tony had given in so easily. But maybe Bucky was right, maybe Tony and Steve weren’t meant to be together. But through all of this, in the back of Tony’s mind, he couldn’t help but think, this can’t be over because I’m still in love with you.
“I’m so sorry Tony.” Steve whispered and for once, he had the look of love and adoration that Steve had always worn when looking at Tony. It was only there for a second before he looked away.
“What are we going to tell Peter?” Tony asked softly, Steve sighed and shrugged.
“He already knows that I cheated, I’m sure he already hates me, so I’ll deliver the news.” Tony shook his head.
“no. I’ll do it.” Tony hated the idea of his kid finding out without him being there. Peter would need Tony through this, Tony wouldn’t back out on his son now.
“we could do it together?” Steve offered and Tony squeezed his eyes shut. together.
“okay.” It seemed that Tony’s brain was now on autopilot. Anything else was too much.
“Steve?” Tony asked suddenly and Steve looked back at him.
“Yeah?” his voice was flat, his face stone, his eyes cold.
“Where did it go wrong?” Tony asked softly, he watched as an emotion floated to the surface of Steve’s face.
“I don’t know.” Then steve walked out of the house and tony resisted the urge to break down into tears.
The dinner was painfully awkward. Al had tried to ask about Peter’s dads again and Peter had shut them down instantly.
“they’re fine. Everything’s fine. They’ve just been working lots.” Both Wade and May shot him strange looks.
“Well that’s good.” Al then asked May a question and Peter allowed himself to zone out. He didn’t want to be at home but he certainly didn’t want to be in the middle of a dinner with Wade. Peter wondered if it was still too late to run.
“Is the food okay?” May asked and Peter forced himself to focus on reality.
“Yeah, it’s delicious.” May raised a brow at Peter’s food, he’d barely touched it.
“it is delicious May, thank you so much.” Wade told her and she smiled.
“Thank you Wade.” She said while glaring at Peter.
“it is delicious, now you boys run along, May and I have to catch up privately now.” Peter and Wade both rolled their eyes but stood, knowing it was better to follow Al’s orders than to ignore them. Peter and Wade dumped their dishes into the kitchen sink. Wade opened his mouth but Peter just walked out. He knew he was being an asshole, but he was allowing it for tonight. He just found out his pops had had an affair, his dads were probably going to break up and he hadn’t slept for the past two days.
“What’s going on Peter?” Wade asked and Peter groaned.
“Would you just leave me alone?” Peter asked and flopped onto the bottom bunk in the guest bedroom. May called it the guest bedroom, but it was really Peter’s room. Peter’s head hit a bag and he swore, when he pulled back he noticed it was Wade’s backpack.
“why is your stuff here?” Peter rubbed his forehead and Wade suddenly looked sheepish.
“May’s taking me in sort of.” Wade looked down at his feet.
“Taking you in?” Peter asked.
“Al asked her if I could stay here for the next six months and May agreed.”
“Six months?”
“It’s not a big deal Peter.”
“Six months is a big deal, what’s going on?” Peter asked and Wade took a deep breath. He began fidgeting with the sleeve of his jacket and Peter knew to back down. He wasn’t ready to say whatever was going on.
“it’s-“ but it was clear he didn’t want to say it, so Peter interrupted
“It’s okay Wade, you don’t have to tell me.”
“Thanks Peter.” The room was silent and then Wade sat down on the bunk bed, Peter stared at the spot where his knee and Wade’s touched.
“still obsessed with wham?” Peter asked and he felt Wade relax.
“Best album of all time.” Peter rolled his eyes, but it was a relief. To know that even though everything in Peter’s world was changing and reshuffling, Wade was still the same.
“debateable.” Peter murmured and Wade bumped his shoulder into Peter’s.
“You’re such a dork.” It felt good to be smiling with Wade again. It felt good to simply be smiling.
“Why’d you take the bottom bunk?” Peter asked suddenly, and Wade began to fidget with his jacket sleeve again.
“A habit I guess.” Wade shrugged but Peter couldn’t help but smile. When they were younger, Peter always took the top bunk. Whenever he had nightmares he would jump up and stick to the roof, at least he didn’t wake up Wade then.
“I’m sorry for being such an asshole.” Peter said softly and he could feel Wade studying Peter’s profile.
“I’m sorry for being such an asshole.” Wade lifted hid head and looked at Peter. He’d forgotten how much he had missed Peter. How comforting it was to just be sitting beside him. Wade studied Peter’s profile, taking not of how exhausted he looked. He wished Peter would open up, tell him what’s going on. But things with Wade and Peter hadn’t been easy and good like that, not in a long time. Wade missed those days where he and Peter would just talk for hours on end about anything and everything.
“Peter…” but Wade trailed off, watching as if the world was in slow motion, as Peter looked at Wade.
“Yeah?” Peter’s big brown eyes were wide and studying Wade’s face. Wade memorised Peter’s face and hung his head.
“why did we stop talking?” Wade wondered, but he knew that answer.
“You were popular and when push came to shove, you chose your popular friends over me.” Peter shrugged and Wade shook his head.
“But you were my best friend.” He whispered, Peter didn’t hear it.
“But you’ve got Flash and I’ve got Ned and we’re both exactly where we’re meant to be.” Peter was now staring at the roof. Wade wanted to tell Peter that he missed him, missed their friendship. But the words died in his throat.
“Yeah, exactly where we’re meant to be.” Wade echoed, not believing it.
Steve wanted to scream, he tried to break the barriers in his mind, but he was trapped. He couldn’t tell tony the truth, he couldn’t tell anyone the truth. He’d tried talking to natasha and clint and bruce and any avenger he could find, but the words died in his throat every time. He’d tried to write it down, but his hand would just throw the pen across the room. He couldn’t communicate this to anyone other than Bucky, who was just as trapped as Steve was.
“Dammit.” Steve grunted as his hand suddenly spasmed, sending the pen across the room.
“Pops?” it was Peter’s voice and Steve inhaled sharply.
“hey Peter.” Steve forced himself to smile, but he couldn’t manage it.
“Can I talk to you?” Peter asked and Steve forced himself to nod.
“of course, what’s going on?” Peter let out a deep sigh.
“Dad told me, about you and Bucky. I want to know, are you guys getting a divorce?” Peter asked and Steve felt his stomach twist and churn.
“Tony and I agreed we’d have that conversation with you together.” Steve told him gently.
“I want to know now.” Peter said firmly and Steve swallowed. He twisted his wedding ring and took a deep shaky breath.
“it wasn’t an easy decision Peter.” Steve murmured soflty.
“So you’re breaking up?” Peter’s voice was shaking and Steve squeezed his eyes shut.
“It’s not as simple as you think.” Steve told him.
“Then explain to me how complicated it is. How could you do this?” Peter demanded and Steve began shaking.
“Tell me how you could ruin our family!” Peter hissed and Steve felt tears prick his eyes.
“I didn’t want to ruin our family.” Steve swore but he knew Peter didn’t believe him.
“so you were hoping you wouldn’t get caught?”
“No! I didn’t plan on this Peter!” Peter shook his head.
“you’re despicable! How could you hurt dad like this? He loved you more than anything in the whole world! How could you?” Peter was crying and Steve was crying and then Peter walked out. Steve put a hand on his mouth, trying not to let the sounds of his sobbing escape. He couldn’t believe this was happening. Couldn’t believe that he was losing them and he couldn’t stop it.
It got worse with each passing day, the arguing just got worse and worse. Tony and steve didn’t mean to argue, but it just kept happening. Steve had moved out into the guest bedroom and Tony found he could no longer fall asleep without Steve lying beside him. Peter kept coming home to only hear Steve and Tony in the middle of a screaming match, he would simply say he was staying at May’s. then Peter was gone. Tony felt horrifically guilty for this. Peter no longer felt comfortable being at home and Steve could barely stand to be in the same room as Tony. There was a knock at the door and when Tony went to answer it was May standing in the doorway.
“May?” Tony raised a brow but she was scowling.
“We need to talk.” With a sigh, Tony let her in.
“What’s going on?” he asked as he followed her into the kitchen.
“Do you want to tell me why I’ve got Peter staying at my apartment every other night?” May demanded and Tony sighed.
“Steve and i…” Tony trailed off and May crossed her arms.
“What about you and Steve? Because I’ve got a seventeen year old kid showing up at my apartment every night, freaking out because his dads can’t pull their heads out of their asses! I gave Peter to you and Steve because I couldn’t provide the life Peter deserved. So please explain to me what is going on.” May was furious and she had every right to be. Tony twisted his wedding ring and took several deep and steadying breaths.
“Steve cheated on me with Bucky.” He watched as May’s face softened and she gave him the look of pity.
“I’m so sorry Tony.” Her voice was soft and gentle, it made tony want to scream.
“Don’t pity me. I’ll be alright. But Steve and I are getting a divorce, there’s no point dragging it out. He wants to be with Bucky.” Tony twisted the ring again and May noticed.
“What do you want?” she asked and Tony squeezed his eyes shut.
“Steve. That answer will always be Steve, but I have to do what’s right by Steve and Peter. Steve wants Bucky and there’s no point keeping Steve trapped in this marriage. It will only hurt everyone.” May nodded.
“So why is it that Peter keeps coming over?” she asked and Tony ran a hand through his hair.
“Because Steve and I argue every night. We don’t mean to, but it just sort of happens. He said he’ll move out some time next week.” May nodded her head and Tony wanted to run and hide.
“so who gets custody of Peter?” May asked.
“We’re going to share. It’s only one year, there’s no point going to court about who get’s Peter.” May nodded her head.
“I’m so sorry that you’re going through this Tony.” She whispered.
“it is what it is.”
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Man of Your Dreams, Chapter 4
“All right, it looks like it's my turn to guard you!”
“I have a bad feeling about this..” Felix sighed.
It had been three nights since Felix had shown up at the clinic, and we had started our rotation in guarding him. Somehow, he had made it through staying with Hugo and then with Vain with nobody dying, so that was a start. Now it was Zeus's turn.
“I have to report back to the academy tonight, so you're going to have to stay in the dorms tonight,” Zeus said.
“I didn't figure I'd be allowed on school grounds,” Felix said.
“We've already talked it through with Headmaster Schuyler.” He wasn't exactly pleased with the whole situation, but we'd talked him into it. Somehow.
“You know what that means! Party at the Night Cafe tonight!” Zeus proclaimed.  “You're all invited!”
“I'm not sure I like the sound of that,” Vain said hesitantly, and Hugo sighed.
“You might as well give up, Vain. We're going to be dragged to this party either way..”
As we settled into the Night Cafe, my heart warmed at the sight of all of our friends together. And also.. I couldn't help but marvel at how big our group had gotten. With our Prefect friends, two time travelers, and two Dragonkin reciters, well, we made quite a sight, I'd say!
But things weren't quite all sunshine. I noticed a silent tension; when we got to the cafe, Felix quickly pulled away from the group, going over to a table in the corner while the others crammed into our usual table.
'I suppose it makes sense they wouldn't trust him just yet,' I thought.
“So, there's a lot that I wanted to ask you,” Zeus said as he sat next to Vain. “You're also from the future?”
“That's correct,” Vain said coolly. “We are both members of the organization-” “And you're Hugo's brother, right?”
Vain's eyes went wide, and he whirled on Hugo, who just threw up his hands. “I didn't tell him!”
“Then how did you know?”
“Isn't it obvious?” Zeus tilted his head as he looked at the bickering brothers. I smiled as I heard the others laughed.
As they were talking, I decided to go talk to Felix. I brought my food over as I came to sit by his side, and he glanced up at me.  I held out my chips. “Want some?”
He took a few chips, glancing up at the group. “They are quite a lively bunch, aren't they?” I nodded.
“Things are never dull around here.” We sat together, and he started to look down on his book. “What are you reading?” I asked.
“While I've been staying with the messengers, I've been mostly trying to research those who could steal magic,” he said. “There isn't a lot of information though, only rumors and fairytales. The closest I've found is a Chimera, but it doesn't look like it could take human form..”
“How much have you read?”
He paused. “I'm not sure. I'd wager I spent most of the night reading though. I slept two or three hours and read the rest..”
“You're really dedicated,” I said. Of course, I had searched through the library for everything, I had gone on patrols, but my Prefect duties had also kept me pretty busy.
“I'm used to it. I had a lot to catch up on when I woke up. Not to mention, enemies I had to learn rather quickly about..” He shook his head. “Besides, it gave me something to do during the nights.”
“I used to pull long nights like that,” I said without thinking. “When I first came to this academy, I was far behind my classmates. I could barely bring over a glass of water with magic! Even though I hated it, I would spend countless hours studying-” I was vaguely aware that he lowered his book, and I wondered if I was talking too much. “I'm sorry, I didn't just mean to ramble about myself-'
“It's all right. I can't explain it, but.. it's interesting to hear about you,” he said. “Who knew that the Goddess of Time would start out in such a place. Makes it all the more impressive, really.” My breath caught in my throat at his unexpected praise. I had never thought about it like that.
“That's right!” I puffed out my chest.
“Perhaps I was a fool to underestimate you,” he mused. “In the end, it was humans who defeated us. And now it's humans who may end up stealing our magic.” My heart ached at his tone. I had almost forgotten the reason that he was here.
“This must be scary for you,” I said.
“It's not really me that I'm concerned about,” he said, and I followed his gaze to Willem. “If we can stop the attacks, then we can get his magic back. As long as..” He just shook his head, and I didn't push it.
For a minute, we just sat together, watching the group. I absently reached for some more chips, when I felt something brush against my hand. I looked down to see Felix and I had reached for the same chip. He quickly pulled his hand away.
“What?!” I heard Caesar exclaim; I looked up to see him chatting with Willem.  “I didn't know that you could sing!”
Willem hummed happily. “It's true! Singing was a favorite pasttime of the Dragonkin,” he said. “I'd say Felix and Lacan were even better than me!”
My gaze turned to Felix, sitting next to me. “Is that true?”
He smirked. “Pray tell, why do you think that we're called the Reciters?” Honestly, I had never thought about it.
“Well, you can't just tell us that and not sing us a song,” Vain said teasingly; even Hugo nodded.
“Yeah, give us a song!” Zeus called out.
“I think that would sound lovely,” Alfonse said with a grin, clapping his hands together.
 Felix and Willem exchanged a look, and Willem smiled. “Well? How about it, just like old times?”
And then, Felix started to sing.
Chills shot down my spine. I heard his beautiful voice as bright and clear as day- ringing through the air- and then, a moment later, Willem's voice joining in. All the world seemed to go still in the cafe as we listened to the harmony of their voices.
I looked over to the other tables, and I saw that even Hugo and Vain seem to relax at their voices. “Hugo,” Vain said quietly, “do you remember this song?”
He nodded. “This is Dad's favorite song. I feel like I can sing it from memory.” To my surprise, their voices joined in harmony.
Listening to their voices, to their song, peace washed over me. 'I wish that I could stay in this moment forever..'
“Well, it's about time to head to sleep..” We had stayed up talking for a long time, but even Zeus and Hiro, surprisingly, were looking tired.
“Come on,” Lucious told Felix, “I'll show you to the dorms.”
Felix nodded and started to follow him. His expression was perfectly calm, betraying no emotion, but, as he passed me by, he whispered playfully in my ear. “You know, Dragonkins are excellent dancers as well~”
My face went bright red, and I saw the others looking at me in concern, but I shook my head. I couldn't explain that to them. ..Still, it took me a while to calm my racing heart that night.
Once again, I found myself in the Castle in the Sky, but I felt strangely calm as I walked through the halls. 'This must be another dream. I wonder what I'll see tonight?'
And a chill swept down my spine as I heard two voices singing- the same two voices I had heard only a few hours before in the cafe. But this time, another voice, sweet and clear, joined them. I ducked around a corner, but I couldn't resist a peek.
My heart leapt into my throat at the sight. Felix and Lacan and Willem were together, their song filling the halls. I had never seen them look so happy.
But.. I couldn't take my eyes off of Felix. For the first time since that night, he had his hood pulled back, and his eyes were shining bright with joy. 'He's beautiful..'
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My heart was still racing as I woke up in the Night Cafe; I realized I must've fallen asleep on one of the couches in the cafe. 'What a lovely dream..'
-And then I heard a piercing scream. 'That sounds like it's coming from Zeus and Hiro's dorm-' Immediately, I got to my feet, bolting to the room. 'I let my guard down too much- I hadn't thought that he'd be attacked again-'
As soon as I threw open the door to the dorm, there was a cacophony of noises, a flurry of light and darkness. “Get away from him!” I heard Zeus yell in between spells. Lucious and Hiro were shooting off spells as quick as they could.
My heart caught in my throat as I saw Felix was caught in someone's grip- a figure in a dark cloak, his sword caught in Felix's hands.
'Felix is in danger, I don't have any time to hesitate!' In an instant, I whipped out my wand.
“Saggita Lumen!” In a split second, the man raised a barrier, releasing Felix in the process. In the instant that he was distracted, Felix released a barrage of black arrows.
“The magic of my people is not yours to steal!” he snarled. The figure turned to me, and, for a split second, his eyes shifted from hazel to a brilliant green-
'I know those eyes- Those eyes are just like his-'
“What a shame, I thought that I could get somewhere in my work tonight,” the man said; his voice was a low, deep growl. “But that's all right. I'll soon have all the time that I need to achieve my goal.”
“Who are you?” I yelled. “Why are you stealing Dragonkin magic?”
“Don't worry, wizardess,” the man said. “You'll find out soon enough. But it's time for me to go.” I ran towards him, but the man was gone in the blink of an eye.
“He got away!” I jumped as Felix let out a colorful spray of curses. “After all that research, I was a hairsbreadth away from losing everything-”
“Felix!” I cried out, running to his side. “Are you all right? That sword- he didn't get you, did he?”
He raised his hand, and black lightning crackled as his fingertips. He sighed as he let his hand fall to his side, and he turned to face me. He smiled in relief. “Luckily, my magic is still intact."
Still, my worry would not go away. 'It took Willem a few days to realize that his magic had been stolen. What if it's the same for Felix?'
“Felix, you should see if Alfonse can look at you tomorrow,” I told him firmly. “Just to make sure, all right?”
He looked taken aback for a second, and then he nodded. “S-sure.”And then he shook his head, turning to the others. “As for you three..”
Zeus raised his chin, folding his arms as he faced Felix. Hiro and Lucious met his eyes steadily. “What about us?”
Felix hesitated for only a moment, and then he raised his chin as well. “I owe you my thanks. As much as I hate to admit it.. I don't know if I could have managed that by myself. If the three of you hadn't been there, I think the magic of the Dragonkin would have been truly lost.”
“Oh.” Even Zeus seemed at a loss for words for a minute, and then he grinned. “No problem!” The other two nodded as well.
Despite the attack, my heart warmed. 'I think things are going to be okay.'
Alfonse: Did you see that? Liz has gotten so good at dancing! I taught her how to do that!
Zeus: Ha, you should see me dance!
Alfonse: Huh? I didn't know you could dance!
Zeus: I am nobility, you know! I was taught to dance as soon as I could walk!
Alfonse: That's pretty impressive~ I bet you and Liz would have a lot of fun dancing together!
Zeus: Darn right we would! Not that I've.. ever gotten to dance with her.
Alfonse: Come to think of it, neither have I, really. Not on screen anyway..
Zeus: Are we the only ones?
Alfonse: ..
Zeus: ..
Alfonse: Next time, To Guard a Dragon.
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