#also if any of this looks different tomorrow it's cause i need to sleep over it first
suuho · 2 years
Hi! Kaz. I know your ult in Seventeen is Woozi and that Wonwoo is part of your bias line. I also know that you like to post about the 96z occasionally. My ult is Wonwoo and 96line is my ult line. I am also extremely fascinated by their relationship (this ask was inspired by the 96z gifset). Same-age friendships in Seventeen are so varied. On the one hand, you have the 95z who are chaos personified and on the other, you have the puppy pile that is 97z . And then you have the maknae line in the middle, with Dino and Seungkwan bickering with eo while Vernon's somewhere in the back chilling. They are also really sweet with eo. Compared to all this, 96z moments are less "obvious". But, I believe it's a more quiet form of love (yes, I have seen that clip of Woozi manhandling Hoshi). Could you maybe write something about their relationship?
ah, it's a little late here so if this is all scrambled - it's cause work was hell and i am tired, but!!!! i love this question. i love all the different dynamics in seventeen and i honestly wish they'd branch out more in regards to units, i wanna see some more than just the same-age lines and the unit songs ... like a-teen was actually genius, and i will die on that hill. anyways, i am digressing.
hm, the 96z are honestly an enigma to me, but they are also my favorite same-age friendship in the group. so, it's a little like watching a super interesting documentary about four completely different species interacting? they are all so vastly different from each other but are still pretty balanced. you have hoshi and jun on one hand, who are the more extroverted, playful and outgoing members and then you have jihoon and wonwoo on the other hand, who are so introverted that they will neither leave the house nor voluntarily attend anything. in that way, i think they balance each other nicely. wonwoo and jihoon do not have the desire to be in the spotlight. meanwhile, jun and hoshi are both performance unit members, entertainers at ease in front of the camera and within variety content (jun the ace of gose nothing is truer than that), and they have always been predestined to seek a spotlight. it's really fascinating!
like, even with hoshi and jun, they still are not as vocal as the other same-age friendships. maybe that is what i love so much about them? their love for each other and their affections are quiet and calm compared to the rest which is in the nature of their beings. and it works well with them. within them, you have all these different little relationships that really bring the best out of each other. like, wonwoo and jihoon are not crazy or super extroverted but look at jihoon and hoshi, or wonwoo and hoshi. or look at jun and wonwoo. i always love to say that they are verhao but in a different font. there is something so pure about their relationship. i love that jun is the oldest of the 96z too, like, in some way they are sorta his responsibility? but they also take care of jun so much.
i think that's maybe the point of it all: they take care of each other. they make sure they are okay. that they are all at ease.
and i think they have an incredible chemistry. it doesn't fizzle but it feels right. their light a flame stage ... these four were meant to perform together. and i like to think that they were meant to meet as well.
and we all know i have such a soft spot for wonhoon and maybe some other day i will write about them. how they are the center of seventeen and how it just makes sense that they are. how they are the bookend of the 96z and how they just naturally gravitate towards each other. i think they get each other differently than jun or hoshi get either of them, and it just tugs at my heartstrings. i think jihoon and wonwoo have a rapport that comes from the same source, from an intricate understanding of each other. of recognizing the self in the other. i think wonwoo softens jihoon's edges and i think jihoon makes wonwoo a little more resilient. and i adore that they are both just such nerds. also, i think you can always tell when they write songs together because they end up speaking a certain kind of language very unique to them.
ah. i am rambling again. sorry! thank you for this message!
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pixiesfz · 5 months
could you write about sam being sick and still playing through a game and the reader just takes care of her afterwards etc? i loved your jessie fic so much 😭😭🫶🏼
Stubborn girls s.k x r
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plot: After a family night out Sam gets food poisoning, y/n tells her not to play but she doesn’t listen.
warning: reader and Sam have a child, sickness and vomiting , I’m writing this on my phone, I also don’t know how to cure food poisoning so just go with it
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“I liked that place” You said as Sam opened the door for you and your sleeping daughter who you know held “I’m not sure my stomach isn’t feeling right”
“Well that is because you got the seafood which I said don’t get because-“
You were cut off as your wife ran to the toilet it wasn’t till later you heard Sam hurling up the last of her dinner.
you walked to the bathroom with your little toddler still in your arms who now stirred awake.
“Sam?” You asked at the door “I’m alright” she said “you sure? The colour in your face says different” you pointed at her face as Sam once again had her face in the toilet.
“Mama sick” your toddler said from your shoulder and you nodded “yeah cause she ate the seafood” you mumbled and your wife groaned.
“Time to go to bed bubba” You told your daughter who merely nodded “Sam are you okay?” You asked her again and she nodded “It’s a one time thing I reckon” her Australian accent shining through, you nodded and walked your daughter to her room.
“Mama got game tomorrow” your daughter said and you nodded “correct but mama is sick and shouldn’t play” you smiled at your daughter even though your words were serious “but mama said she’s fine”
“Mama lies a lot”.
You made sure your daughter was in bed and asleep before you made your way to the kitchen and grabbed medicine and a washcloth which you put u der the cold water from the sink.
“Sammy” you sung out, expecting her to be in the bed but she was still in the bathroom. You sighed as you now knew that she shouldn’t play tomorrow.
Sam seemed to read your mind as she looked up to you “I’m fine I promise” she said but you shook your head “Your skin is pale, you have bags under your eyes and your head has been stuck in the toilet for about” you checked your watch “twenty minutes now”
“Twenty minutes?” Sam asked and you nodded “little darling was a bit woke when she heard you chuck up” you said before you sat down next to Sam and took off your shoes “I’m fine-“ “No you’re not” you cut off Sam.
You rose your brows at her which she looked away from “you have food poisoning” you told her before bringing the medication and the washcloth out.
Sam excepted it as you put it on her forehead “You know you can’t play tomorrow” you told her and she groaned “we are versing Arsenal tomorrow I am playing” she said “what and vomit all over the pitch, no way am I watching that” you said before filling up a glass of water.
“Here take these” you said before pushing the tablets out to her, she did and you stroked her hair “just know that your team would rather you play healthy rather than play sick” you said and she leaned into your touch “I love you” she said with a smile.
“Are you trying to trick me into telling you that you can play”
You looked at her again.
“Maybe” she admitted and you gave her a sweet kiss on her temple “you missed” she whispered, a joke between the two of you on how you had your first kiss.
“I am not kissing you on the lips until you drink that water and have those tablets” you said before sitting up “I’ll grab you pyjamas and I’ll put a bucket next to our bed, if you need to wake me then do” you told Sam with a stern voice as she usually would try to hide any sickness or injury from you.
You grabbed her a pair of trackie shorts and a used oversized top and a bucket before placing the bucket to Sam’s side of the bed and passing the clothing to her.
“I love you” Sam said “and I truly mean it this time” she smiled “I love you too, in sickness and in health” you joked before giving her a soft kiss on the lips.
You crashed into your bed fairly quickly after and fell asleep, when you woke up you went to cuddle into Sam only to find an empty space.
Opening your eyes, you groaned to see your wife not present in the bed, then you checked the clock to see the time.
10 am.
You shot up, you were supposed to be up at 8, your alarm should’ve woken you up it always does.
Then you saw the paper on top of Sam’s pillow.
‘I feel better now and went to the game, sorry’
“That evil little Australian mother fucker” you swore to yourself before you heard a gasp behind you.
“Mummy swore!” Your daughter said from behind you “no she didn’t” you said very quickly to the giggly girl
“You said fuck!” she yelled before running away.
You sighed to yourself as you ran your fi hers through your hair. Grabbing your phone you saw to see that Sam turned off your alarm.
You then called her in anger which she didn’t pick up. Rolling your eyes you got up and put your jeans and your Chelsea jersey on “Well if she says she’s fine then let’s go watch”.
You got ready quickly and then got your daughter ready who had thankfully have seemed to forget about her new word she had learned.
You out on her Chelsea beanie and top and you both drove to the game. It would be around the second half once you got there.
“Hey y/n where you been, did you sleep in?” One of Your girlfriends team mates sister teased as you sat in the family and friends section. “You can say something like that.
“Mama Sick!” Your daughter smiled to her and she nodded her head “I could tell something was off because right now we’re getting smashed” she said and you furrowed your brows “what?” She pointed at the score.
You let your daughter look over the gate as you shook your head and looked for Sam “can you see Mama?” You asked your daughter and she laughed “Mama off” she said and you looked to the corner to see Sam subbed off.
You hated to say it because you loved her so much but she looked terrible.
Her tan skinned turned green and her bags under eyes were so dark she must not have slept last night.
When the siren went You saw Millie who went to go to your daughter “get Sam” you told her as she picked your daughter up “Is Mama in trouble?” Millie sang out to your daughter who laughed at the older girl
“how bout, lie to your wife, turn her alarm off so she doesn’t know that your playing sick type of mad?” You said
“Mummy is very mad” your daughter told Millie who opened her eyes wide “I’ll go get her” she said and went off, you didn’t want to get mad at her in public so you shook your head “tell her to meet me at home”
When you next saw Sam she walked into the kitchen where you sat with your daughter, watching her favourite show and she walked up to you with her head down “What you upset that I didn’t wake up later?” You asked and she shook her head.
When she looked up your heart almost broke, her eyes were shiny and her face was red, she had been crying.
“I’m sorry” she said and sniffed and you quickly got yo and held her “it’s okay” you said before you shook your head “actually it’s not okay but we can get to that later” you told her as you rubbed her back up and down.
When she sat down next to you she put her head on your shoulder “I shouldn’t of played, I just put them one man down, I couldn’t do anything special” she said and you grabbed her hand “You don’t need to do something special every time you play Sam”
“I know since the World Cup eyes have been on you but I want you to know that you are allowed to make mistakes and take time for yourself without being a bad player or being selfish”
She looked up to you with glossy eyes “I love you so much, you always know what to say” you smiled “I know and that’s why you married me” you smirked, knowing this time you were right.
“Mummy said fuck!”
Both of your heads whipped to your daughter who was smiling with her doll.
“Mummy said what?” Sam asked your daughter with a smirk.
You were somehow both in the doghouse that night.
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yothangie · 3 months
Finding out you're pregnant.
Pairing: Husband Ateez x Fem Reader
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, mentions of screaming, leaving, food, crying.
Word count: 495
HJ version SH version YH version YS version
SN version MG version WY version JH version
Dad Ateez Masterlist
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You couldn’t believe your eyes, you had missed your period and was feeling unwell. You decided to try and take a pregnancy test just to make sure you weren’t paranoid. After taking the test you waited for what felt like hours (it was truly 5 minutes), flipping the test around there it was 2 bold lines indicating positive.
Fear was taking over not only were you scared for yourself but for your husband, you never had the talk with him if he wanted kids. He was doing so good in his career the thought of having a child didn’t cross his mind, you didn’t want to ruin it. Looking at the test one last time before shoving it in your bedside drawer.
2 weeks have come by and you still haven’t told Hongjoong about your pregnancy, you honestly feel bad it was his child as well and he had the right to know and you were being selfish keeping it away from him.
One day you decided to tell him, he had come home late from practice, he was a little stressed so you were a bit scared to tell him but it's now or never.
“Joong” you started
He took one look at you and started walking to your shared room.
“Joong, can I talk to you about something?” you followed him into the room.
“Of course” he plops down on the bed.
“I need you to sit up its important” you said
“It won’t make a difference whether im laying down or standing”
“Please” practically begging at this point.
“Fine but make it quick” he sits up looking at you in the eye”
You took a few deep breaths trying to stop the tears coming out.
“I wasnt feeling well for a few days, I had also missed my period” you started
Hongjoong kinda knew what was going on as he saw tears were slowly slipping out. He got up and walked closer to you engulfing you in a tight hug.
“I know where this is going my love, are you trying to tell me you’re pregnant” He says
You nod letting the tears fall out of your face. He pulled back cupping your face wiping any tears spilling.
“I knew about it”
His answer startled you, well more like confused you.
“What” you looked up at him.
“About 3 days ago you were sound asleep, i went to your bedside drawer to get melatonin cause i couldn’t sleep and thats when I found the test.”
“Why didnt you say anything” you whined.
he let out a little laugh stroking your hair.
“i wanted you to tell me yourself”
you pulled away from the hug, fixing yourself as you walked to your bed. Hongjoong following to his side.
“so you’re not mad” you said
“i could never be mad at you, im just glad you told me now, we can talk about it tomorrow” Hongjoong said pulling you closer drifting off to sleep.
Taglist: @reooreo @starhwahwa @nnnarchives @enbymingi @nvdhrzn @strawberry-cube @horanghae8 @tinyelfperson
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cloudsmateria · 4 months
college roommate - leon kennedy x reader
nerdy!reader x leon kennedy
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synopsis: you and leon have just started university, finding yourself in the same university visit, he comes and visits your dorm as he's been struggling in his classes. you kick it off, and you invite each other into your different, interesting lives.
words: like 4500
disclaimer: this isn't proof-read and i actually do need to proofread it and i will when i finish it, this also isn't finished. so if u don't wanna read it now and wanna come back to it when it's pristine and complete be my guest, the edit of this will be very edited like literally whole chunks of texts will be different, i just wanted to post something
content warning: kissing, bit of angst, slight smut/almost smut, sexual themes
A loud knock rings through your door, if it had come even a second later you wouldn’t have heard it at all as you were on a one-way path to passing out on top of your notes. 
“Come in.” You mumble, picking your head up off of the desk and watching as a dirt-blonde hunk of a boy you don’t recognise comes through. Maybe it’s one of the frat boys trying to get to know all the girls in his dorm house. 
“Hey. Can I ask a favour?”
“Who are you?”
"I'm Leon, I saw you in my engineering lecture the other day and you looked like you understood what was going on. Then I found out you were in my university building. So here, I am. Help. Please. I’m going to fail and we’re only 3 weeks in." His desperation makes you laugh, something you were shocked you could do in this dazed state after a mind-boggling 8 hours of completing work.
"Oh Leon, I'd love to but I think if I even think about that engineering class for another second right now I might actually drop down and die."
"It can wait, you busy right now? Other than you know, spilling drool all over your papers?”
“Yeah, I was just about to go spill some on my pillow too, I'm exhausted." You say, not entirely joking, and begin to gather your things.
“I get it.”
“We have another engineering lecture tomorrow anyway so you can just catch me then."
"You sure, though? I mean I'm already here." He shrugs and picks up a book from her bookshelf. "How do you read any of these? There are no pictures." You laugh again. 
"You're asking me how I read physics books when you take engineering… Are you sure you picked the right course? You know, you can read it if you want, and would probably benefit from it. If you can even read."
"No thanks, I'll just get you to teach it to me tomrrow. I’ll see you in a bit, Einstein.” 
"You should watch what you call me if you want me to tutor you, that’s usually not free."
"Oh, but the thing is I don't think you're actually going to make me pay for anything. You're too nice for that."
"That's a very bold statement to make to a stranger."
"You'll come round eventually."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever."
"Can I just ask you another question? I'm not going to stop annoying you until you answer it the way I want you to."
"Go on." You sigh.
"Have you eaten today? Cause I haven't and I'm hungry."
"Okay, okay, God, you're persistent. Gonna give me a headache." You groan and sit up.
"It’s worth it, you'll need me to keep you sane later in the year."
"Oh really? You think we’re gonna stay friends that long?"
"I know you've got your nerdy brain, but I've been told I have a great personality." You can't tell if he's implying something with that disgustingly stupid joke or if he really is just an idiot. To be fair, he's funny and managed to pull you out your the room you had been hibernating in for the past few days to get ahead of work. You suppose there are worse people you could be forced to talk to.
"Whatever. Just get out of here." You push him towards the door.
"You're not going to eat with me?" You roll your eyes and lock the door, getting dressed into something that wasn't your pyjamas.
Now here you were, eating outside with this boy from your lectures when you had just wanted to be at home sleeping. Although it was nicer than you thought it would be, he had insisted on buying you an energy drink to keep your eyes open as you were eating in some random burger shop.
"How come you're struggling?" 
"Been going to too many parties, I've got different priorities."
"What?" He says defensively.
"Don't make me slap you. You can't be stupid because you got into this university, you're wasting your potential."
"I am not!"
"You're struggling! We're only 3 weeks in! I mean, come on, Leon."
"I don't understand what your problem is, maybe you need to live a little."
"That is rich coming from you. You're going to peak in college and fuck up the rest of your life if you ruin your chance now. And I live fine right now, I go out often enough and put the rest of my time toward my course, like a responsible human being."
"So you're boring?"
"So you're an idiot and can't plan for the future?"
"No, I'm not." He smirks. "And also, I never said I couldn't plan for the future, just that it isn't the only thing I want to focus on."
"Okay, fine, that's it. This is your problem, I'm not tutoring you."
"Got under your skin?" He smiles.
"I'm serious. You're smart if you got into this school, but you're wasting your talent partying and sleeping around."
“You’ve only known me for 20 minutes and you’ve managed to start an argument.”
“I just don’t want to waste my time. If you want me to help with assignments you need to make an effort, and if you want to be my friend, you’re also going to need to make an effort because I’m not going to care about someone who can’t even care about themselves.”
"I care about myself. Why else would I come to you for help on this?"
"Because you can't do it yourself and your friends are too stupid to ask them for help."
"No... Well... Okay fine, yeah that sounds pretty accurate. But in all honesty, I do care about my grade, that's why I'm coming to you. Now you know my intentions, I beg talk about something else, this entire conversation is reminding me of my mom."
"Like what?"
"Like, there's a party next Saturday, and I think you should come with me. You’re pretty entertaining."
"Oh, Leon. You're so clueless, it's pitiful."
"You have to go to the party, it will be fun."
"I have been to parties, I've gone to 2 since the start of the semester. But we have assignments to work on this week."
"One more little party isn't going to kill you. It'll be good, and then we can do the work."
"That's a very backward mindset." 
"You'll thank me, trust me."
"You say the reason you’re struggling is because you’re going to many parties, and immediately proceed to invite me to a party." You shake your head and laugh. “You are something else.”
“So are you coming?”
“I’ll think about it.”
You and Leon had been going to the lectures together ever since, having lunch at points when he wasn’t hoarded by his friends and even managing a few study sessions into his schedule. You came 5 minutes early for the engineering lecture the next day. Flipping through the textbook notes to top up on your pre-reading beforehand, you had right at the back as Leon begged you to over text the previous night to sit there rather than the front so he’d feel comfortable sitting next to you. It doesn't take long for people to start filtering in, and eventually, that blonde-headed boy pops up next to you, leaning his head on your shoulder immediately. 
"Didn't get enough sleep last night." He mutters.
"Up studying?"
"You know me so well." 
“I'm not even going to ask what you were doing." You sigh, fully believing he had either gone clubbing or to another party last night.
"I promise you, I was studying. And you can ask me all the questions you want, I'll try my best to answer. I did go a little off track and I'm not doing well at it but your inspirational speech convinced me to try a bit."
"Really?" You ask excitedly, looking down at him. "Leon, that's great!" You feel his cheeks crease into a smile against your shoulder at your enthusiasm.
"You're more excited about it than I am, that's cute." He chuckles. "Keep talking, my head hurts, your voice helps."
"The lecture starts soon."
"Don't care." 
"I’m not going to talk over the lecturer." You say, flicking his forehead.
"It's just a lot, okay? I'm trying my best, but I might have reached my full capacity last night." He sits up and sighs, rubbing his temples.
“Welcome to university."
"Yeah, whatever. Can we go back to your room after?"
"Thank you."
"Of course." 
The professor finally steps into the lecture hall, and everyone quiets down, preparing for the lesson.
Halfway through, Leon couldn't help but pass out on you again. Your body went rigid, trying to make sure his head wouldn't fall off your shoulder. You pick the paper off of his desk, dragging it toward you as you start to write notes on your own and his paper so he won't miss out on anything.
He's surprisingly cute when he's not cracking annoying jokes and snapping back with snarky remarks. He was even making you lose track of the lecture a bit.
After class, you wake him up and walk him back to your dorm with him, chatting and catching him up on what he missed briefly. When you think about it, you're surprised you only met him yesterday. He feels like someone you've known since secondary school, or maybe he just treats everyone this way. Either way, you wouldn't complain about spending time with him.
"So, we're alone. What do we do?"
"Study?" You say, throwing him a pencil and paper. "Don't ask me stupid questions like that again."
"Come on, we just got out of an hour lecture, we basically already studied."
"A lecture that you slept for half of-"
"And that you caught me up on after."
"We need to make up the time. Now come on, let's work."
"Now, Leon."
The next hour wasn't as bad as you had expected it to be, you could still get your work done while simultaneously teaching Leon that content he missed out on. His demeanour quickly became enthusiastic when he saw how proud you were when you understood a concept, and you were genuinely impressed, he caught onto things quickly. After an hour, you both took a break sitting on your bed, him replying to some messages on his phone.
"Hey." You say, poking his arm to draw his attention.
"Thank you."
"For what?"
"Making the effort to try, even if it is just a little bit."
"You're definitely making more effort than me." He smiles, leaning his head on your shoulder again.
"If you want to sleep you should just go home, you must be exhausted."
"I'm not leaving you in this depressing room, I'm keeping you company."
"I’m not keeping you from anything? Your phone was blowing up a second ago I assume you have somewhere to be."
"They can wait, I want to stay around for a bit longer. I like the change for once."
"It's quiet, I can think for once. You’re different from the people I’m around smart and stubborn,”
“So you’re aware of the poor choice of people you hang around, you had me fooled for a while.”
“Wait I’m not done, and even after all of that, I can tell that you're a little shy which is adorable. Oh, and my favourite part is how easy you are to annoy."
"I am not."
"You're blushing right now, I can feel your cheek getting hot. Adorable."
"Don’t you even close your mouth?"
"You know I can't, come on, it's not like you mind."
"Oh my god."
"Admit it, I'm fun to be around."
"Yeah, yeah."
"Tell me what you think of me."
"Tell me, come on. Please, I'm dying for validation."
"Well. You're nice, and I've never seen you without a smile on your face, it's refreshing.”
“A little more… I know you got it in you.”
“You're not as stupid as you make yourself out to be,. And I honestly can't tell if I'm special or if you treat everyone else this way because you make me feel way more important than I really would be for someone like you."
"You're special, trust me. And that's a stupid question to ask. Do you want a list of the people I've met? The people I’ve made friends with?"
"I can count on one hand the real people I've managed to keep around and one of those is my dog. Don't worry about that, because I know you’re gonna be on that list too. I know you think that I have so many friends and I'm surrounded by people all the time, but they're all fake. They're just fun for parties and clubbing when you have nothing else to do."
"It's true." He looks at you, his expression becoming serious for the first time since you've met him. "And I've got to tell you, you're different."
"Yeah, you're interesting. You're not fake, and you're actually doing something with your life."
"I wouldn't be too sure about that, I think you’ve just surrounded yourself with one particular type of person, and now you’re shocked when you meet someone who’s not an idiot."
"Come on, I've seen the work you've done in these past 24 hours. You were working for at least 25 of them.” 
"You know how to flatter me."
"That's another reason why you should hang out with me more."
"Oh, and why's that?"
"I'm not afraid to admit how much I like you, Einstein. Makes you feel good, doesn’t it?"
"I can't even think about what I should say to that." You say, laughing and burying your head in your hands. "God, you're a mess."
“I suppose, yeah. You’re changing that though.” He lifts your chin up to face him, smiling at your red cheeks. “See? So cute.”
"Why do you have to keep saying things like that?"
"Because you react this way." He grins.
"I hate you."
"Let me ask you something again. Are you going to go to the party on Saturday?"
"I don’t think so."
“Since I’ve got the chance, I think I can change your mind.” He smiles and pulls your face a little closer, close enough for him to feel your shallow breaths against his lips.
"I-" You can't find any words, you're stunned. He's gorgeous, and you can't deny that, but the idea of kissing him feels wrong, you can't do it. Not right now. The thought of getting with someone you're starting to have feelings for is setting off alarm bells, the alarm bells imprinted by your bad experiences from secondary school of guys playing with your emotions. No matter how much your heart is screaming you want to, your mind is screaming no. 
"You're gonna go with me right?" He whispers.
"Okay." You say hoarsely, your legs desperately pressed together.
"Good girl." He smiles, getting up and putting his shoes on. "I'll see you on Saturday." He says, before leaving.
"I'm screwed." You mutter.
Saturday finally rolled around. You weren't even sure how much time you spent with Leon the day before, but you knew you wanted more.  This was starting to become a concern for you. You remember last year, when you were hurt so bad you pledged to never fall for someone again. You can't do this, not with him. You know Leon is exactly that kind of guy, he’s charming, an athlete, with too many friends for his own good, someone who has no reason to be associated with you unless he wanted something, and was patient when it came to getting it. 
And yet, here you were, wearing a simple little black dress and the heels Leon said would match. You pray that the feelings are cut off here, hopefully he sees you as just a friend and just likes to tease. But a little part of you has a sliver of hope that maybe this is real.
Leon came to pick you up from your room, as he was only a floor away. When you opened the door you were met with Leon dressed in a black bottom down with the top two buttons undone and the sleeves rolled up which definitely made you feel some kind of way.
"Leon, hi." You say, overly aware of the fabric hugging your skin, you rarely wore tight clothes. 
"Wow." His eyes were stuck to everything that wasn't your face.
"Hey! My eyes are on my face, not my chest."
"I know."
"Just admiring the view." You ended up crossing your arms to try and hide a bit of your figure.
"Can you stop looking?"
"You look great, don't worry." He says.
"No, I'm serious. I mean it, you look amazing. Just relax and have fun, okay?"  He puts his arm around your waist, pulling you close. "You look hot. And it's only going to get better. Just try to have a good time, I'll be by your side the whole time.”
"I've been to a party before, you don't need to baby me."
"I know it’s just this one is a big one. They always end in a mess. I've had a couple of close calls with the police."
"That's not what I'm worried about." I'm worried about what I might end up doing with you, she thinks.
"Just tell me if anything makes you uncomfortable and we can go." He smiles and leads you out of the dorm building and into the street.
"How far is it?"
"Only a few minutes away." He says, leading you along the sidewalk.
The walk wasn't too far, it was about 20 minutes of you both drinking from a wine bottle for some pre-game. Time seemed to fly by as you came to the house. Whoever was hosting this party, probably one of Leon's friends no doubt, was rich. The house was huge and the whole thing was vibrating with the music that blasted through it.
"We're here."
"I think it’s going to collapse.."
"Wait until you see inside." He grabs your hand and drags you in, the house packed. You didn't recognise anyone and felt a little intimidated as Leon led you through the crowd of people, pushing them aside. You couldn't believe there were this many students in the town.
He stops at the kitchen, handing you a drink. You hadn't gone to a party this big before, and that was voluntary, this was just too much. You drink it in one to hopefully get you drunk enough to gain a bit of confidence and hand it back to Leon for it to get refilled.
"I didn't know there were this many people here."
"There's usually a lot." He smiles, handing her another drink. "Don't worry, I'll be with you the whole night. You take a shot before starting to sip on the more tame drink Leon had gotten. 
"What do you want to do first?"
"Let’s go find some of my friends.He says, taking your hand and dragging you through the sea of people, most likely dancing, grinding, or drinking.
He pulls you into the living room, finding his friends from one of the lectures and joining in on their conversation. You're introduced and you talk with them, they're all quite funny and sweet. You were happy to have found a fun little group.
The rest of the night is spent with them, the five of you getting progressively drunker and drunker and talking about more and more stupid shit before someone suggests the group should go and dance, you immediately go and hide behind Leon. 
"Dancing is definitely not my thing." You whisper.
"You have to come."
"No way."
"Please." He says, looking into your eyes.
"I want you to."
"If you hate it, I'll make it up to you. Please." He whispers, and you sigh, giving in. "I know you'll enjoy it." He smiles and leads her by the hand into the living room where everyone is.
"Everyone's too drunk to be paying any attention anyway." He says, and the group joins in on the dance. 
After a few more drinks the alcohol started to hit.
"Isn't so bad, is it?" He says after the first few minutes, watching you find your rhythm.
"No, it's fun."
"See, told you."
"Don't let it go to your head, I'm just drunk."
He smiles, spinning you so your back is pressed against his, the two of you continue to dance. He leans down and kisses your shoulder, wrapping his arms around your waist and grinding into you.
"It's hard to control myself with you, almost kissed you that time I convinced you to come to this party, could tell you weren’t sure though."
"Because I thought we were just friends."
"That never lasts long, does it? Did you really think it was going to stay that way forever?" He says, running his hand down your thigh.
"We're drunk." You mumble, leaning your head back onto his shoulder. God, you wanted it. You were trying with everything you had to rationalise with yourself. He knew what he was doing.
"That doesn't change the fact that you're irresistible. And that's not the alcohol talking. I've been wanting to do this for a while."
 He smirks, spinning her back around to face him and lifting you up, your legs wrapping around his waist.
"Let's go upstairs,"
"Shh." He puts a finger over her lips and leads her away, finding the stairs and walking up. “Stop doubting yourself. One thing about you is that you always say no, or doubt yourself, let’s change that for once.”
He takes you to the first room he finds, happening to be a bathroom, opening the door and stepping in, kicking it closed and locking it. He sets you down and starts to kiss you, the alcohol making it a lot more forceful than usual. You kiss back, letting him guide you and set the pace, his hands sliding over her body. 
"You're so fucking beautiful." He mutters, his lips trailing down to your neck. You feel the pressure of his hands pushing you backwards. Your back hits the counter, he lifts you up and settles himself between your thighs.
"Are you sure? About me?"
"Yes." He smiles, lifting his head. "Now stop doubting yourself, will you? You're too perfect for that." If you were sober, your mind would've had red lights blaring, trying to protect you, but the alcohol flattened out all thoughts. A hint of doubt crossed your mind instinctually. But his touch is so good, and he's making you feel things that you haven't in a long time.
"Come on, tell me how much you want me."
"I really like you, Leon. It's just...I have this feeling that I'll get hurt."
"What are you so afraid of? What can I do to change your mind?" He whispers. "I'll do anything for you." He says, pulling your head down to kiss him. The sweet nothings bring back some bad memories, it's starting to feel a bit like deja vu.
"I've been hurt before, Leon."
"What's his name? I'll kick his ass."
"It was in high school, but it happened too many times."
"You have to stop thinking, just focus on me, okay?"
"Come on." He sighs, pressing a finger to your lips. "I won't let anything bad happen to you. I don't want to lose something because someone in your past ruined everything for you, okay?"
"I don't know."
He sighs. "Do you wanna head home ?"
"I'm sorry."
"I'm not upset. Come on, I'll take you back."
"I didn't mean to ruin the night."
"No, I'm not letting you leave thinking you ruined it. I'm sure a million more parties are happening this week if you feel so bad."
"I'm a mess, Leon. Why do you even like me? I'm not worth it."
"Of course you are." He says, cupping your cheek."You're the only person I can stand to be around for hours while sober. And you can't argue with that."
"I'll get us out of here and you can crash in my room."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. Now come on, we're leaving." 
The taxi ride home was short and sweet,  but still awkward. You were scared he'd be mad at you for ending the night so abruptly, but when you got into the room he made sure to put his arm around you, whispering reassurement into your ear, stroking your hair.
"You don't have to worry. I'm not angry."
"I don't blame you for wanting to wait."
"It's just, the last time-"
"I'm not him, you can trust me. I've been trying to prove that to you."
"I think... Maybe I can learn to trust you."
"You will, eventually." He says, holding his arms open, gesturing for her to cuddle with him.
"Thank you."
You cuddle him for a bit, the silence being cut by the sound of the two of you breathing. Leon leans down to kiss capture your lips softly, it feels a lot easier to kiss him back, pressing your body against him.
"I don't know why anyone would ever hurt you." He whispers between kisses. "You're perfect." He runs his fingers through your hair.
"I don't know about that."
"I don't know why you doubt yourself either. Go to sleep, you'll feel better in the morning."
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lillie98 · 1 month
How to Save the World—Stranger Things 5
I’ve had some time to sleep on the episode titles and think about them, read theories, etc. and I now believe they might be real.
Hear me out: Stranger Things is all about cycles, parallels, tropes happening over and over again. The Duffers love taking a moment and repeating it in slightly different ways to prove a point. The story started with “The Vanishing of Will Byers” because we needed to place a small, innocent child in the center of our story, something to bring our character together and drive them to action. Well, that child is no longer in danger and our team is ripping apart at the seams. It’s almost like we need something similar to reunite everyone and drive them to action again.
Remember: The Duffers love parallels. Will’s disappearance brought his deeply fractured family together, uniting them for a common cause. It also brought Nancy and Jon together when their families needed them most. Now, the Byers are a united front, ready to tackle any monster that comes their way. They are the glorification of the avant-gard family. Now which family is struggling? The Wheelers. The perfect, All-American Nuclear Family: Mom, Dad, 3 kids, and a picket fence. They look perfect to the outside world, but behind closed doors, they are deeply struggling. They don’t communicate, the parents have no idea what’s happening in their children’s lives, and if they’re not careful, if they don’t come together and form a united front—they’re going to lose everything, potentially causing the end of the world. (Why? I haven’t gotten that far yet!)
Now, how do we inspire them to action? Maybe by taking the child who was born to save their crumbling marriage—the one has seen everything but, up until this point, been too young to contribute. Now, she’ll be the same age Will was when he disappeared and Mike and Will are the same age as Jon and Nancy. The Duffers are trying to illustrate the idea of “The Next Generation.” This evil, this Upside Down dimension is NEVER going to stop until someone from the Wheeler and Byers families breaks the cycle. Children will continue to vanish, the world will continue to crumble, until someone steps up and says ENOUGH. The Wheelers and Byers (parents and children) must step up and face their pasts in order to move forward.
The “Stranger Things” are not only LGBTQ+ matters, they are the skeletons we hide in the closet that literally eat us alive. They are the dark, festering parts of ourselves we don’t let anyone else see. The invisible cancers that slowly and silently kill us. Until we face them head on, until we bring them to the light, they will NEVER die. Stranger Things is about owning your past, facing your fears, and finding the light again.
So yes, Stranger Things will end with Will Byers making it home from Mike Wheeler’s house on November 6, 1983, but not in a time traveling way, in a finally letting go of that scared, pained little boy who thought the world was better off without him. It’s Mike accepting his sexuality and place in his family. His role as a leader. It’s Joyce accepting love from Hopper, who must accept that he is not actually cursed, but that sometimes, bad things happen to good people, even when they think they’re doing the right thing (Vietnam). it’s Karen and Ted falling in love again and fighting to save their family. It’s Eleven discovering that love, not anger, should fuel her powers. It’s mourning your stolen childhood while stepping into the version of yourself that child never got to be. It’s stopping the cycle and creating a better world for the Will Byers and Mike Wheelers and Jane Hoppers of tomorrow. THAT’S how you become a Hero.
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xhdream · 5 months
treat it like it’s yours (18+)
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from ─ ⋆ dinna’s holiday special *ੈ✩
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pairings: junhan x fem!reader
genre: smut wc: 4k
summary: your fuck buddy wakes up needy on christmas morning and invites you over, because he prefers your hand over his own, leading to a few broken rules and you ditching family gathering
contains: switch!reader, idol!junhan (or solo rockstar if u prefer it’s not specified), friends w/ benefits trope, explicit language, unprotected sex, multiple orgasms (m), oral sex (m), dirty talk, pet names, choking (m/f)
a/n: please, keep in mind english is not my first language, i apologise in advance for any mistakes i’ve might missed
!! this is pure fiction for entertainment purposes
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There are rules that come with having a fuck buddy.
You don’t talk about your dating life, you see each other only on the weekends; they usually depend on the person you’re sleeping with. But most friends with benefits have them, you and Hyeongjun weren’t an exception, especially after his singing career skyrocketed this year.
But now, as you ring the bell waiting for him to open the door, you come to the conclusion that you need to add one more to the list.
No nudes on Christmas.
When the door of Hyeongjun’s apartment opens you’re instantly welcomed by his smirk, that resembles the pride he feels by the fact he persuaded you to ditch your family breakfast.
“Couldn’t wait to see me, huh?” He skims your figure up and down after locking the door behind you. The outfit you have going on - pajama pants and an oversized t-shirt under your coat - proves you left the house in a hurry after the call, and that makes his grin grow even bigger.
“You were begging so much I would have felt bad if I had to make you wait any longer.”
The satisfaction of his win is written on his face, but it still couldn’t hide the exhaustion from the continuous long nights spend in the studio.
You leave your keys along with the bag in which you’ve brought actual clothes to change into later, and as you’re still in the hallway Hyeongjun takes your hand, spinning you around to face him.
“Thank you,” he mumbles, placing his warm fingers on your jawline. “I’m serious, thank you so much.”
You missed hearing his husky sleepy voice these two and a half weeks you haven’t seen each other, but that’s a dangerous thought for your mind, so you push it away the second it pops up.
He doesn’t give you a chance to say much. Instead, he presses your back against the wall in the narrow hallway before smashing his lips against yours. He separates them right away only to moan into your open mouth showing clearly how impatiently he was waiting for this moment. Your tongues clash together, devouring each other’s taste until Hyeongjun pulls back just enough to let you catch your breath.
Two seconds later he leans in for your lips, but you hold him back by pressing a hand to his chest.
“You woke up very needy today, Hyeongjun.” Your fingers tug on the loose fabric of his graphic tee to control the urge to just strip it off his body. You could feel his excited heartbeat against your palm before moving it lower to his waist. “Was it really so urgent it couldn’t wait until tomorrow?”
You gasp playfully when you rub the contour of his bulge. It’s hard as a rock, and you can feel it so clearly, because he didn’t put effort into wearing any underwear under his sweats. You grab the shape with your hand which causes him to humm approvingly.
“I’m done waiting, Y/N…” He leans with both hands on the wall behind you, and you can see his facial features contorted from his needs. “Need you now… please.” His plead comes with a hip thrust against your hand, searching for any kind of friction.
“Get on the bed.”
He smiles at your command, and heads to the bedroom which is a mess, because he woke up not too long ago. You follow after him, entering the space that after so many months you know like the back of your hand. Everything looks the same, but also slightly different, and you can’t really tell why.
He leans back on the headboard of the bed, watching you crawl up to strip him off of his pants. Too cautious not to interrupt or slow down any of your movements his hands hang in the air.
You haven’t even done anything yet and his lips are already parted from excitement. The head of his cock is flushed with a tip oozing of precum, that tempts you to stick out your tongue right away. When you finally taste it, Hyeongjun cusses through a satisfied grin, that you couldn’t look away from.
“Don’t be a tease, baby,” he sighs blissfully, placing both hands behind his neck.
You give his tip a soft kiss, then one more, before twirling your tongue.
“Thought you like it when I tease you.” You look up at him, caressing his thighs. The new subtle contact of your playful tongue makes him hiss through teeth.
“Not when I haven’t felt you in weeks, I miss you.”
You look away, trying to repress the emotions that his words bring inside your chest; that force you into thinking that maybe after all this time they’ve started having a more deeper meaning than just dirty talk.
Hyeongjun follows the corners of your lips moving upwards into a half-smile. He realises that he really likes it when you come over not wearing any makeup, and the only things painting your face are lust and the mess he creates with his cock.
“Take it in your mouth, please baby, please..” he utters after he feels your fist going around his erection. “All of if.”
Your lips stretch to finally wrap around him. His body stays still, as you slowly go lower aiming to press against his pubic bone. Long and deep breaths fill the air around you while you hold for a few seconds, allowing your spit to dribble down, before moving onto bobbing your head.
“Ahh, fuck-“ Hyeongjun buries one hand in your hair wanting you to keep up the nice pace of your sucking exactly as it is. “Feels so nice, mmm..” His palm presses against your head for even deeper reach into your throat every time you get close to his lower tummy where a tight knot starts to form. He wants to see your hollowed cheeks, so he decides to take all of your hair in a loose ponytail to expose your face. “God, you have no idea how much I missed your mouth.”
He lets go when you pull back to breathe in deeply. Your thumb massages the sensitive spot of his red tip, as your fist now replaces your mouth.
“We’ll have to think of some kind of punishment or something,” you say, trying to distract yourself from his talking after you spit on it for even bigger mess. “Today marks the third time we break a rule, we shouldn’t get used to it.”
“You mean you broke a rule,” he manages to grunt past his moans before shutting his eyes. The stimulation builds up more and more, causing him to tug on the sheets.
“Yeah, but you manipulated me into it, the blame is on you too.” You trace your tongue on the side of his throbbing length before asking. “Was it necessary to send me your dick when everyone around me can see?”
“Y-you… fuck-“ He stops, glancing at the gentle motions of your fist attached around the head of his cock. Your thumb keeps going over his leaky tip and that drives him nuts. “As if you didn’t lie that you’re not coming over just to make me beg.”
You take a peek at his amused expression, while forcing your hand to twirl around his member in an infuriating speed.
He wasn’t wrong, but he wasn’t right either.
At first you refused to come, because it’s time for you to distance yourself from him. Nevertheless, deep down you had hopes that he will call you back begging, and for better or worse - that’s what he did.
“Fine…” Hyeongjun lifts up his head from the cushion, panting with the urge to release the pressure as soon as possible. “I’ll take the punishment for you, just make me feel good, baby, please…”
You reply only with a smile, as you stand up from the bed, cause you actually don’t mind his offer. You can really use the opportunity to make him stop talking to you all of these things you couldn’t bare listening to right now. You get rid of your pajama pants and slip down your panties, pushing them inside his mouth.
He throws his head back, stretching his lips to take as much as he can from them. The spark that glows in his captivating gaze catches your attention, and you maintain eye contact as you fill his mouth with the colorful lace.
After you kneel between his legs, you reach with one hand to lift him up from his back by gripping on his shirt. His eyes widen with surprise from your rougher action that also makes his drenched cock twitch seconds before you grab it.
“That’s so sweet,” you begin to work your fist around it, spitting some more. “You’ll do anything just to get your dick sucked.”
Hyeongjun looks down tempted from the thrilling way you use it to press against his flesh; the hypnotising way you slide it up and down, creating lewd noises. As your hand doubles its speed, his chest begins to rise rapidly, but the fabric in his mouth represses his moans, turning them into muffled whimpers.
“Should we make you cum now?” You bite on your lip, suddenly slowing down, causing his legs to shift irritatingly around you.
After he coats your underwear with a husky groan as a yes, you return to jerking him off through a gradually growing pace. You lightly wince, not expexting his hands to land on your thighs, gripping your skin. The force he uses to squish on your flesh, as he bares the hot rush that’s about to burst, turns you on, but not as much as his limited ability to be vocal.
“So close, aren’t you?”
You decide to take things a step further and wrap your free hand around his neck. The arousing sound that loosely escapes him as a result brings you such a sweet thrill, you immediately question yourself why you’ve never tried choking him before. He keeps growling desperately into your panties, and you can feel the vibrations against your palm. You squeeze some more to feel them even clearer, making yourself more wet at the same time.
Hyeongjun rolls his eyes back, and for a moment his whole body freezes before convulsing from the overwhelming climax, that washes over him only seconds later. The creamy white essence spills all over him, and down at the bedsheets as the relief settles into his body.
After he releases everything he’s got, he spits out the underwear into your hand, and kisses you deeply on the lips before falling down on the mattress.
“No one does it like you.” He mumbles with his eyes closed, sounding even more tired now.
You go find your bag, and begin to change your clothes in silence. Hyeongjun is still resting on his back with his head tilted to one side, as you get ready. After some time of you walking on your tiptoes, thinking he’s drifted off to sleep, you find out he’s awake, because he calls out to you.
“What’s going on?” He notices the dark colored dress that wraps around your silhouette tightly, and then your hands that clap an earring to each of your ears. “Are you leaving already?”
“Yeah, I have a date.”
“A date? What date?”
“With… someone.” You carefully choose your words, not really sure how to go about it. The only thing you’re one hundred percent certain about is that you shouldn’t turn around to face him, or you will never actually say it. “I think he wants to make it official.”
Hyeongjun’s mind is still foggy, and it takes him some time to realise the heaviness of your words; the unusual seriousness in your tone that speaks them out.
On fucking Christmas? Of course.
“Do you want him to make it official?” He asks.
You shrug. You haven’t even asked yourself this question yet.
“Come here, Y/N.”
“I-I told you, I have to go now, or I’ll be late.” You attempt to sound firm as best as you can.
You hear some movements behind you, but you still can’t find the strength to face him.
“Y/N, don’t make me repeat myself.”
You walk towards him, and find him sitting on the edge of the bed. The moment you look into each other’s faces you realise the mistake you’ve made. You had the perfect opportunity today to finally end this; after two and a half weeks of not seeing each other you just began to think less about him, and from tomorrow that’s going to be harder to achieve than ever.
“You didn’t had makeup on when you got here,” he points out, caressing your left thigh with his hand.
“I was in a hurry,” you reply, gaining back your friendly casual tone. “You sounded desperate, babe.”
“Did I?”
You feel his gaze starting to feel warm and heavy on your skin. Was it foolish of you to think that he’s never looked at you like this before?
His slender fingers slide under the hem of your dress, but you don’t dare to look down.
You want him more than you want to admit. But even if there was a chance… what was your relationship going to look like? You constantly waiting on the phone up all night, counting the days to spend one weekend with him until he slips away from you again.
“You look so gorgeous.” Hyeongjun drops his hand down your leg, brushing the back of your knee with fingertips. As he captures all of your beauty, at the back of his mind he cannot block the thought of how infuriating it would be to give it up to someone else; even when that’s the right thing to do. “Don��t go.”
“Hyeongjun…” Your hitched breath slips from your glossy lips, and he loves how it makes his name sound even more enticing.
“I’m not done with you,” he cuts you off even before you got the chance to open your mouth. “Get on your knees for me.”
You settle down between his legs just to notice his half-soft cock starting to twitch from a new erection.
“Does he know you’re here?” His hand moves some of your hair behind your ear before cupping your face gently.
You couldn’t look him in the eyes for too long, and you lean with your cheek into his palm, shifting your gaze.
Soon enough he lifts your chin up, forcing you to look up while two of his fingers go through your lips. The rush of arousal he instantly feels as you make the next step of moving forward to suck on as much as you can from them completely gets him hard, and he tells you to join him on the bed.
And that’s what you do.
Your head drops on the cushions where he laid down earlier, and he swiftly gets on top of you, moving up until his knees reach your shoulders. He removes his shirt before taking his cock and guiding it to your mouth. The second you give him a small entrance by separating your glistening lips, he shoves it all the way in one quick motion.
You didn’t expect it, so you yelp from surprise, but the sound gets lost from his dick filling your entire mouth. You press your flat tongue against his skin, as his tip gets lost in the warmth of your deep throat.
He groans weakly, watching your pretty eyes through your fluttering lashes, and your brows knit together, as he pulls out half of his length only to push every inch back inside.
His hips move back and forth a few times, but suddenly stop when he scoffs above you with a sharp smirk, emptying your mouth.
“It’s not wet enough, sweetheart.”
It’s wet, it’s just not as much as he likes it.
While he lets a thick string of spit fall from his tongue, you take the time to gather some of your own. You lift up ready to take it, but Hyeongjun completely dismisses you.
“Don’t,” he sticks his fingers into your open mouth, pushing you back into the cushion. “I’ll do it myself, baby.”
Your throat quickly begins to burn from his intense thrusts that make the head of his cock hit it with force. He moves his body just like he does when you take him from behind - same speed, same wild emotion. It causes you to clench around nothing, and wet your second pair of underwear.
Hyeongjun doesn’t show his rough dominance often, at least not to you, but every time he does, it’s like you fall in love with him all over again.
You start to gurgle in defeat, but the lewd erotic sound in addition to the arousing vibrations provokes him more; your nails stab the skin of his thighs, but the pain motivates him to do three more pushes before he lets you breathe.
“Holy shit—“ he groans, panting from the high stimulation.
His hazy eyes don’t leave you out of sight, as you struggle to normalise your breathing. He reaches for your face, as he hovers over you, spreading the drool that’s running down your chin all over your swollen mouth.
“That’s better, isn’t it?” He bites his lip, enjoying the look of your makeup beginning to blur. “Now I can cum.”
After you nod, gripping on him with both hands, you sense his orgasm creeping up from the way he throbs between your hollowed cheeks, and his voice breaking in the middle of his wails that disappear into the hot thick air.
Your eyes well with tears, and you cannot do anything except let them stream down your cheeks while you try your best not to gag, and think about the soreness in your jawline.
Just when you feel like you cannot do this anymore Hyeongjun pulls out, eager to orgasm on your face. You fight for breaths under his weight while his warm seed sinks into your flushed skin.
He keeps your head steady by holding your throat, making sure everything lands where it belongs. Your makeup is now completely a mess - black ink running down along with his white fluids sticking everywhere.
To him, you’ve never looked more beautiful.
You manage to slowly open your teary eyes after you feel him gather some of his release from your chin in order to give you a taste.
You close your lips around his fingers once again, and suck them clean. The tip of your tongue runs against his middle finger before Hyeongjun decides to move back.
“How many times can you make me cum, huh?” His hands lift up the dress to your waist, and quickly expose your lower body by stripping you from your tights.
Your legs attach to his shoulders, as he’s slipping your panties to the side, feeling the moisture on his fingers right away. The way you got soaking wet just from him fucking your mouth brings a smug look to his face.
“Did you lose your voice, baby? So easily?”
“N-no…” you mumble through much raspier voice.
He doesn’t finger you, nor eat you out, cause he doesn’t need to.
His cock slides inside you with ease, causing your entire body to react from the sudden, but needed touch. Your mouth drops from a vocal gasp when his hips start to slam against you, brushing your pulsing walls by gliding through the slickness.
“S-shit…” He looks down, hissing and pulling your thin underwear with fingers. “Missed this tight pussy, did she miss me?”
You whine in response, as your mind becomes fuzzier from him speeding up so much your head is almost about to hit the wall. You begin to chant his name desperately while tugging on the sheets with both hands, watching his face scrunching up from the forceful sensation.
“God, Y/N… You look like a true slut right now,” Hyeongjun groans, landing his palm almost like a slap on your sloppy face. He feels how almost all of his cum has sticked on your skin, as he tilts your head side to side, enjoying the smeared mess. He lets go of your panties in order to move your left leg on his right shoulder next to your other one. “Gotta fuck you like one, right?” He hugs your thighs and the lewd sounds of skin smashing against skin keeps going, encouraging even louder moans to fly out of his mouth.
“P-please, d-don’t stop-“ You look up, barely able to keep your eyes open. But you want to look at his fucked out face; how it glistens from sweat, and how his eyes squeeze from the amount of pleasure that’s making him weak.
You reach for his arm, wishing to pull him closer, and for the first time he slows down.
His soft hair falls into your face when he drops on his hands, pressing your legs against your chest. You feel his burning gaze fixated on your features, as his cock picks up the pace, reaching your sweet spot even better than before.
“It’s what you need, baby,” He whispers, and in the silence that follows his words, you can hear the squelching sound coming from your dripping wetness. “You love when I beg on my knees, but the truth is… you need me to tame you…”
Although the knot in your core burns your insides from being dangerously close to snap, and blurs your scattered thoughts together in one white space, you still try to give a respond, but your ringtone silences you before you get the chance.
Hyeongjun glances to the side, finding your cellphone on his nightstand. He reads the unfamiliar name, and instantly remembers your words from earlier.
He must be wondering where you are.
“Gonna pick up?” His voice breaks in the middle from not being able to control himself so well anymore. He doesn’t let this slow down the on going deep pounds, meeting your cervix.
Your fingers tangle in his hair, as the melody fades away from the pleasure lingering in your bodies. The only thing you can hear is his hitched panting, and your own high pitched moaning.
You shake your head dismissively, pulling strands from his scalp.
“H-harder, please-“
And just when you wished for it your knot snaps, leading to Hyeongjun swallowing each of your screams.
He hasn’t cummed yet, but he sees stars from the way you spasm around his poorly erected cock. You squish his thickness harshly making it harder to move, but he still manages to make slow deep circles, as you come down from your high. He devours every second of this; it feels so nice having your figure squirming under him like before.
You’re not sure when exactly, but your phone starts ringing again. You don’t know if this is the second, third or fourth call.
Hyeongjun stands on his knees, and chases his peak while holding your legs spread apart. The loud whimpers slipping from his lips become uncontrollable, as the powerful overstimulation takes over every single part of his body.
He desperately wants to say something. That he wants you to stay over tonight; he doesn’t care that you’ll break another one of your rules, that he didn’t even wanted in the first place.
That you shouldn’t meet up with him.
However, he doesn’t utter a word.
His mind goes almost numb under the influence of the built up desire. All of his senses are intoxicated by your warmth, curves, and lustful gaze.
He quickly succumbs to the pressure, and pulls out to finish himself off all over your dress. The moment his soft cries fill the room, you realise you’ve never heard such sound from him before.
His head falls back while he fists his cock swiftly, then lifts up again to watch his orgasm shoot ropes of cum onto your stomach, spraying all the way up to your neckline. The thick splotches seep into the fabric seductively, making the dress unwearable.
You both meet each other’s eyes, catching a glimpse of the same kind of surreal energy that feels brand new.
Hyeongjun caresses your knees, then your calves still breathing heavily, as you anticipate the moment he’s going to say something; something that will make this situation more clear.
Whatever you had in this shared silence suddenly gets interrupted by your phone receiving another call from the same number. Without a word Hyeongjun leaves the bed headed towards the door.
Maybe it’s time for you to pick up.
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! please do not repost, copy or translate my works
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mins-fins · 5 months
should've been me.
&&. you're in love with him, that's great! all he's gonna do is use that to his advantage.
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pairing: lee donghyuck x m!reader
genre: angst yummy
warnings: um uh.. sexual content??? (like mentions), the stress of friends with benefits, mentions of drinking, this relationship is very unhealthy
word count: 1.3k
notes: stole fwb hyuck from jj im so sorry but hes so………😢 um anyway so yeah he kinda really sucks here but hes so sexy and beautiful and a hashtag #malemanipulator😂 and reader just kinda takes it cause they're pretty pathetic if im being honest 🙏 (im so sorry but its true) (i quite literally wrote this) anyway DONT deal with people who treat you like shit you deserve better than that 🫵 i also wrote this in like 30 minutes at 1 am and river kept pestering me to sleep so thats cool 😆!
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you're not exactly sure what your problem is.
you're not exactly sure what donghyuck's problem is either.
maybe the two of you were simply meant for each other, he's a drunk mess in your house and your a sober mess beside him. although compared to him, your better at keeping yourself in check for long enough that it appears your emotionally stable, hyuck is like.. how would you explain it? a ticking time bomb.
renjun calls him that, he's a disaster waiting to happen, even with how much he tries to put on a stupid calm act. yeah, he's smart, much smarter than most people give him credit for, but he is also much more impulsive than he likes to say.
case in point, he's absolutely wasted in your home right now, whining about some stupid thing his seventh fling said or something.
he's absolutely reckless.
the two of you have been a bit.. off for the past few weeks, your very aware that donghyuck is messing with different people, probably trying to get you out of his head after you two yelled at each other like there was no tomorrow.
he just always seems to find his way back to your house, even after all the times you try to turn him away, he always slides his way back into your life, one way or another.
and you always just let him.
you now realize how you seem like a pushover. wow, chenle actually wasn't wrong for once.
your frustrated, he just decides to waltz into your house, after two weeks of ignoring your messages and going around with other people, messing around with other people, staying over at their houses, pretending that you didn't exist, he always thinks he can just get his way.
it's not like you two are dating or anything..
but you hate that it hurts.
"okay— stop screaming" you put your hands up, but donghyuck doesn't stop talking, just lowering the volume of his voice, he just continues talking faster. you close your eyes, taking a deep breath, sometimes you feel more like his mom than his 'friend that's more than a friend but not his partner'.
"donghyuck, you need to— be quiet" you say, you somehow find yourself walking towards him and place your hands onto his shoulders. he has to look up at you to glare at you, and you almost laugh at the fact, you always teased him about it before, but right now he's glaring at you, a look he's shared with you at only certain occasions.
"don't tell me what to do".
"you're in my house!"
"well where else am i supposed to go, y/n? your the one who opened the fucking door anyway!" he retorts, still glaring at you like before. he's not crazy drunk to the point that he's stumbling over his words and talking like a crazy person, but he's also not that sober either.
not like you don't have so many more other people willing to drop down on their knees for you, why don't you just go to any of their houses instead?
that's what you want to say, the words rest on your tongue, itching to escape your lips so you can finally talk about what's been bothering you all this time.
you two aren't dating, you aren't exclusive to each other, your not.. an "item" or whatever, you two just both found something you could use to your advantage, and it's not like there were any rules when it came to you two, you guys had no control over what the other did with other people.
you have no right to be jealous.
so you refrain from saying that, instead biting your tongue and choosing the first thing that comes to your mind. "i didn't let you in, i opened the door, and you stormed into my house, and now you refuse to get out!"
"you're just such a little— bitch".
you'd kiss him if he wasn't being so aggressive at the moment, you can't say that he didn't look absolutely.. well— irresistible in a sense. if you weren't so stubborn, you probably would've pounced on him already.
but you stand your ground.
for once he can't get his way, you'll make sure of it.
"actually, i know what your deal is!" he shouts, accusingly, he walks up to you and points his finger directly in your face. his expression is a mix of pissed off and absolutely smitten, as if he's in love with you and wants to punch you in the face at the same time.
"oh yeah? enlighten me?"
"you're in love with me".
donghyuck leans close to your face when he says it, spitting out the words like they're poisonous, it's like he knows just how much you feel, like he's taking apart the thoughts that have been constantly plaguing your mind one by one.
you laugh, true words, but your not gonna let him know that. you allow your expression to become one of humor, and you raise an eyebrow. "i'm in love with you? please, get over yourself".
donghyuck doesn't falter. "you're just so bothered by the fact that i'm in someone else's bed, that i don't parade around you all the time, you always say you don't mind than get so sad when i'm not giving you a hundred percent attention, you whine like a baby when i'm not here for just a minute".
his tone is a teasing one, he's making fun of you, like he's about to jump at you and destroy all that you love. he wants to see you break, he wants to see you give in, wants to watch as you slowly melt and encapsulate his words, digest them, he wants you to feel every single letter that comes out of his mouth.
it's like he almost finds you funny, in a sense—
but your not that easy to break, so you just let out yet another bitter chuckle. "okay then mr. know it all, why don't you sit down and let me help you sober up?"
"your a coward".
you grit your teeth, he just won't stop fucking talking will he? he just keeps going on and on and on and on, at this point your considering pulling out the duct tape above your cupboard and shutting him up for good, but instead you close your eyes and sigh.
"why is it so hard to say, y/n? are you really that afraid of commitment that the best you can do is friends that occasionally mess around with each other?"
"donghyuck" you drag your teeth against each other. "if you don't shut up i swear to god i'm throwing you out of this house and making you sleep in the freezing cold".
it's an actual threat, not an empty one, donghyuck knows you well enough that he can tell the difference. so, stubbornly, he sits down, arms crossed over his chest.
your not sure why you always end up taking care of him, he didn't ask for you to, he just wanted to stupidly sulk on your couch, attempting to "calm" his mind after he screamed at you, staying silent after he basically read out all your inner most thoughts to you, like he just reached into your mind and pulled out all the things you'd been thinking.
"you always get so talkative when you drink".
you've gotten much used to ignoring how much you hurt when donghyuck yells at you, it's all become a little thing between you two, you argue, you sleep with each other, you forget it the next day, then go exactly back to that.
it's not healthy for either of you, clearly, it's more of destroying you than anything, but you don't even try to negotiate with him, just let him sit there as you contemplate, standing at your kitchen counter.
"i hate you" you mutter, instinctively cracking your knuckles as you say those words.
and yeah— maybe you do say that,
but your always gonna end up right beside him in the end.
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horrorcore2002 · 1 year
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_*_ DISCLAIMER! The following content mentions: Fem reader, black/brown reader, chubby reader, cussing, and this shit is everywhere, mostly abt food and his taste for it Bakugou headcanons
★ First things first right off the bat I think Bakugou likes women of color
★ Like, black and brown women? that's all you needed to say
★ Especially thick or chubby girls (what can I say, he's got good taste)
★ Thinks stretchmarks are the cutest thing a woman could have
★ We all know he's a chef, but I think he sucks at baking 100%
★ Would do some fucked up shit like using olive oil in cake batter or burning betty crocker cake mix (if you can bake, he'll only eat your baking and that's it.)
★ Hates overly sweet frosting, like REFUSES to eat it will scrape off the chunk of cake that touched it and be done with it.
★ Hates cake even more if it's dry as shit, cause then he's to drink water or milk, and water with cake is disgusting, and milk just grosses him out.
★ Does like Red velvet cake with whipped cream instead of frosting
★ Listens to R&B when he's sad as shit. Like, I'm talking 3am, I don't wanna sleep cause I'll have to wake up for tomorrow, so instead I'll read a romance novel sad.
★ I also feel like he likes fried sushi or California roll sushi because they don't traditionally have that in Japan and he thinks the American twist to it is cool
★ Or he'd think it atrocious and not want it ever again. There is no in-between
★ When it comes to dating, he doesn't pay attention much, like if it's meant to really happen for him, it'll happen, but if not, then oh well.
★ However, don't expect him to make the first move. If he has to, he's gonna have to be drunk off his ass.
★ I feel like he really likes his mom, even if he yells at her (and she yells right back) because she actually gives him good advice and he respects the hell out of her and would do little things as a kid
★ like draw sumn making fun of her, or pick flowers and dandelions, or get her water when he knows she hasn't been drinking it, with a snippy insult on the side
★ He's a mama's boy, but will never ever admit it. Like ever. You mention it, and he'll gaslight you.
★ I personally think his favorite superhero movie (besides anything All-Might) is Guardians of the Galaxy and The Avengers
★ Likes Rocket the best, and then second is Gamora
★ Has a complex relationship with the Hulk movie, cause the movie plot was pretty good, but he fuckin hates the graphics (if u know u know)
★ Really likes The Hulk tho, cause he looks cool
★ But likes Red Hulk more, cause he looks cooler, and because he hates Bruce Banner cause he reminds him of Deku
★ I feel like he'd be a huge fan of other foods from different cultures, cause he likes trying new shit, because the same damn thing over and over pisses him off
★ It's one of his pet peeves
★ He also likes black Air Forces, because their black, and he just likes them better cause he's secretly still in his emo phase (and cause he's kinda crazy)
★ Back to food again (sry this entire thing is everywhere) but I think he would love chili fries, or animal style fries, with like, a shit ton of hot sauce
★ wants to travel the world with you (will never admit it though)
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bangchansgirlsblog · 7 months
My Biggest Regret
Part seven
Dinner went on smoothly and the boys each complimented the girls on how much they enjoyed it. Making sure not to leave anything behind.
"Do you need help with the dishes?" Y/n turned to look over at who was talking (she still wasn't sure about the different voices and who they belonged to too)
"No it's fine Han, you can go to sleep, it's late anyways," she let out a small chuckle and continued to run the hot water.
"I'm not tired and I want to help, let me help?" He had already walked over to the sink so Y/n really didn't have the chance to say no.
"Okay fine, since you're already here," she giggled, "I'll wash and you rinse alright?"
"You got it dude," he smiled over at her slowly getting lost in her eyes but soon snapping out of it.
"Okay so, Y/n…” he turned on the called water to start rinsing, he wanted to start a conversation it was eating him up, “Where are you from?"
"My mum and dad are mixed with different things but I'd just say Australia," she said softly, "wait here lemme help you with that," she quickly said after seeing he was struggling a bit.
She reached over into his side of the sink and slowly guided his hand trying to avoid the blender from cutting his fingers. She was so gentle with it that even Han swore that if Chan and her weren't dating he would have fallen in love.
"Okay there we go-"
"Thank you,"
"No worries, anyway I was saying, yeah I'm from Australia. Born and raised." She scrubbed at the one plate, her plate.
"Why are you scrubbing it so hard?" He asked intrigued by her actions.
"I have to wash everything in hot water and my plate to avoid any type of germs. I can't catch any infections or germs, it'll kill me literally," she laughed and handed him the plate to rinse off.
"Oh.." he trailed off trying to get the courage to ask her, "what are you sick of? I mean you don't have to tell me but if-"
"Oh I have cancer and no need to be scared to ask me anything Han, we're friends now," the smile on her face was so contagious that Han couldn't help but giggle. Yes giggle.
"What are you guys up too?" Chan's voice runs through the room causing the two to turn and look over at him.
He had his headphones around his neck and his beanie sat on his head. He was also wearing all black. No Surprise there.
"Han was just helping me wash up but we're done, do you guys need anything? A drink? Some snacks?"
"Y/n, baby, you've been working since morning love, let's go get some rest hm?" He had walked over to the smaller girls and wrapped his hand around her. She smiled at his action feeling content in his arms.
"Okay, fine but Han tell the boys if they need anything at all, I'm upstairs in Hannah's room,"
"You means Chan's room," Chan raised his eyebrow.
"Real smooth dude," Han dapped him up while laughing. Their Seoul personalities coming out a little making Y/n uncomfortable.
"Oh! Um, yeah just tell them that," she grabbed her phone off the counter exiting the kitchen and bumping into a taller body.
"Hey Hyunjin!" She beamed at him. His heart was touched by the way she was so excited to see him.
"Hey Y/n, where are you off too?"
"I'm going to sleep, I'm quite tired,"
"Sleep already?" He asked.
"Yes, have a Goodnight Jinnie!" She gave him a quick hug before making her way up to Chan's room. She was later joined by him after he had finished whatever it was he was doing in the kitchen with Han.
"I'm ready to sleep!" He whined and laid his head on her lap. She was reading a book and the lights in the room were all dimmed down.
"Then go ahead and sleep, you have a busy day tomorrow don't you?" She giggled and put her book down.
Her hands automatically start running through his hair. She was playing with it because it was so fluffy and she missed doing this. She missed being this close to him.
"That feels nice," Chan hummed. His eyes were halfway closed and he was about to sleep.
"Mm, I missed you," he softly said opening his eyes once against to admire her pretty face. Her cheeks were red from all the blushing.
"Missed you too," she softly said yawning. He then got into the blankets and wrapped his arms around her, spooning her small body.
"Goodnight princess,"
"Goodnight Channie." She was already halfway into her sleep.
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rvp32 · 1 year
Savior- Chapter 2
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“I am Gaeul, what is your name?” She said while holding out her hand 
Looking at the hand she held out, the entire situation bewildered you “I am Hwang y/n” You say and show her your palm which is covered in blood and glass shards. 
“Oh my god, we need to treat this otherwise it will get infected,” She said in a panic, she held your arm and dragged you downstairs towards what you assumed was her, the funny thing was that you let her do it. Curiosity about her took over and you wanted to see where it would go.
Gaeul pulls you inside and commands you to sit, you listen and try to stop the bleeding but it wasn’t very effective. Grabbing a first aid kit, alcohol,  and a tray to help, she kneels in front of you and begins to treat the wound. With every shard of glass that she pulled out you winced in pain and sometimes let out a yelp. After bandaging your palm, she pulls up a chair opposite to you and says “jumping off the building isn’t the best way to go out you know, there are more effective ways to do it”
A shocked expression plastered all over your face as you were expecting her to try and console you not to off yourself. “Yeah I know but sadly I don’t have access to all those things right now and shouldn’t you be trying to stop me?” you ask
“No matter what I try, if you don’t want to live you will do it anyways, So why did you wanna do it?” Gaeul asks while looking you in the eyes. 
You explain your situation to her and tell her about everything that happened between you and Miyeon. After venting about the entire situation to her you felt a lot better. Without saying anything Gaeul walks to the kitchen and grabs a glass of water and brings it to you, taking the glass of water from her you thank her and look down into the glass of water anticipating a reply from her 
“If she did something so evil and disgusting to you, shouldn’t you do something worse or get payback? Do you want to let her win and be happy? Because if I were in your place I wouldn’t, I would make her life miserable” her voice was laced with poison and anger. 
“I don’t know, you make a very valid point, you know. I will think about it and get back at her” confident that you could come up with something. 
“Let me know how it goes, women like her should be put in their place, they need to know the difference between right and wrong. 
It was getting late and you didn’t want to overstay your welcome so you told her that you should go back home but she said that she wasn’t going to let me leave because you would probably jump after you left her house. You tried to reason with her and tell her that you won’t but Gaeul was very stubborn, she insisted that you sleep in the guest room to which you had no choice but to agree. Since your shirt had blood stains on it she followed you to your room and let you freshen up and get changed, after which you headed back to Gaeul’s room. 
After getting back to her room, she leads you to the guest room and hands you a blanket and a pillow. “Thank you so much, for saving me I would have regretted it, but thanks to you I realized that I shouldn’t be the one regretting it, I would like to take you out to dinner tomorrow if that is fine with you” 
“Ohh slow down there, you're welcome, in the past I was also in a dark place but sadly no one was there for me so I try my best to help others. Yes, I will have dinner with you tomorrow,” Gaeul said. You could sense the sadness in her voice, but you don’t probe any further.
“Good night Gaeul, thank you again,” You say as you head into the room. The bed was comfy, and within a few minutes of lying down you fell asleep. 
Random noises and the bed moving causes you to open your eyes to find Miyeon having sex with another man while sleeping on the same bed as you, “This is the best feeling ever having sex right next to him, he is a cuck who doesn’t even know that his girlfriend is cheating on him” Miyeon Moans not noticing that you were awake. you try to do something about it but your body won’t move, it was almost like someone tied you to the bed however this was not the case as you could see that your arms were not tied but they just wouldn’t move. All you could do was to try and scream hoping that she would stop. The next thing that you see is Miyeon trying to stab you with a knife. 
You jolt up awake in the unknown room but you feel some warmth holding you, Gaeul was holding you and trying to calm you down “it is a nightmare, you are safe, I am right here, she won’t be able to hurt you” She says while patting your back and head. Her presence and constant reaffirmation calmed you down, allowing you to go back to sleep.
The sunlight causes you to wake up and notice that Gaeul was still sleeping beside you with her arms around your shoulder while your face was near her breasts, a blush crept up on your face noticing the position that you were in. Trying to move out of someone’s hands while making sure that they don’t wake up was difficult, as you were trying to slip away Gaeul woke up, “Good morning Y/N, are you feeling better? Gaeul asks.
“Yeah, I am good thanks to you. I was able to sleep better after the nightmare, sorry for disturbing your sleep.” You apologize. 
“It's fine, you can freshen, there is a new toothbrush in the washroom. Once you are done, I will make you some breakfast”
Before you can protest, Gaeul walks out of the room leaving you alone, you decide to freshen up and head to the kitchen. The kitchen was still empty so you decided to look around. There were barely any pictures, she had a PS5 and a Switch. Out of everything in the living room what shocked you the most was the Doctorate certificate hanging on the wall. Gaeul was a certified neurosurgeon, the certification explained why she could remove the shards without any hesitation and also bandage your hand so easily. 
While staring at the certificate Gaeul walks out of her room and says “yeah I forgot to mention I am a doctor” She says nonchalantly while walking to the kitchen. She made a simple breakfast for herself and you with eggs, sausage, and hashbrowns. As you were finishing up you looked at the time and were amazed to see that it was nearly 11 AM “shouldn’t you be at the hospital considering it is so late?” you ask Gaeul hoping you weren’t the reason why she was late.
“No, today is my day off and I don’t have to report daily, my area of expertise only requires me to come in rarely so I get to stay home or go out very often,” Gaeul says while taking the plate from you to wash, you try to stop her and volunteer to wash it, she looks at you and laughs not understanding why you ask “what happened? Why are you laughing?”
“Look at your left hand, how do you plan on washing dishes with a single hand?” Gaeul says while with a smile plastered on her face. Feeling embarrassed you don’t say anything but admire Gaeul’s beauty as she washes the dishes. She was a very pretty woman and over that, she was a kind person as well. 
“Am I that pretty for you to be staring at me so intently?” Gaeul says which brings you back to reality, you notice that you had been staring at her for a while now. 
“Yes you are really pretty” you reply and it wasn’t what Gaeul was not expecting you to be so straightforward that she drops the spoon that she was washing and you also notice a red tint forming on her face.  
“What do you do for a living?” Gaeul asks trying to divert the topic, You decide not to probe any further 
“I am an investment banker, the CEO of Hwang investments” you reply 
“No wonder you looked familiar, Your face is on that huge hoarding in downtown Seoul,” Gaeul says with a surprised look on her face. 
“Yeah, that does sound like me. Anyways I should go back to my place as I need to go to work” You say as you needed to be in the office today 
“Okay fine you can go but promise me that you won’t try to do anything stupid, call me if you feel overwhelmed or if you want to vent. Here is my number” she slips her business card toward you 
“Thank you, I promise that I won’t do anything stupid so don’t worry, be ready by 7:00 PM, I will pick you up for dinner,” You say as you begin to walk towards the door. 
You get dressed and head to the office, as usual people were greeting you but once you reached your office Choa barged into the room questioning why your left hand was bandaged, Worrying Choa meant that she would be on your ass a lot more than usual so you just tell her that you hurt yourself while picking up pieces of a glass that you broke, though she was skeptical about it she decided to trust you and not ask more questions. 
Going through the day you were excited for the evening because you would get to meet Gaeul again. You finish your work an hour earlier than you expected so you go back home to shower and change to make yourself more presentable. By the time you are ready, it is almost 7:00 PM so you decide to knock on Gaeul’s door which is only 2 floors below yours. The door opens to reveal Gaeul who is wearing a black dress that is hugging her curves and a pair of black stiletto heels to match her dress.
“You are beautiful,” you say without a speck of hesitation in your voice. Gaeul blushes at the sudden compliment and invites you in to sit down as she isn’t done getting ready.
“Aren’t you a bit too early or were you that eager to meet me?” she says. You were trying your hardest not to stare at her ass while she was doing something near the counter but you just couldn’t take your eyes off her. 
“Yeah, I was very eager to see you” you reply, still staring at her ass. The reply causes Gaeul to turn around but you still couldn’t take your eyes off her. 
“Hey, my eyes are up here. You have a very bad habit of staring don’t you” with a smirk on her face which 
“Sorry, I was just mesmerized by your beauty, are you ready to head out?” embarrassed that she caught you staring, you pull your phone out to distract yourself. 
“Yeah I am, let's go, Where are you taking me anyways?” Picking up her purse she walks towards the door and you follow.
“I chose a Japanese restaurant, hope that is fine with you,” The elevator doors open and both of you get in. 
“I love Japanese food” was the last thing she said, the elevator ride was silent. You walk towards your car and open the door for her, she gets in and you go around to sit down as well. You tell your chauffeur where you are headed and the car begins to move.
Gaeul broke the silence, “Do you always have someone driving you around?”
“No, I usually have someone driving me if I have to work or if I am injured” you reply by showing her your bandaged hand. 
“Oh, sorry that was a silly question given that I was the one who bandaged your hand,” she says with a giggle. 
“So, Miss Kim, what made you want to become a doctor?” curious about why a woman as beautiful as her, who could have become an idol or even a model chose to become a doctor.
“I want to save people, Mr. Hwang,” she replies with a smile. It was a simple answer, she didn’t expand on it anymore. For the rest of the car ride, you guys talk about things like your hobbies, and what you like to eat. You were able to learn that she loves to watch anime and K-dramas. She is also a gamer who loves to play Fifa, Super Smash Bros, Call of Duty, and many more. What caught you off guard was her love for sports, Gaeul loved to play and watch football and coincidentally both of you supported the same team. 
The car arrives at the restaurant and both of you get down. The receptionist greets you and walks you to your table. Both of you ordered food and continued your conversation from the car. Both of you had a lot in common. Recently she even went to a Twice concert, you were also present in the concert and had backstage access as Mina was one of your close friends. When she found out that Mina was my friend and that I met twice she freaked out and asked to tag along with you the next time you went to meet Mina. You agreed because Mina would love Gaeul’s bubbly personality. The dinner was very smooth, the conversations covered multiple topics. You enjoyed talking to someone who listened and showed interest in what you were speaking about. 
You escort Gaeul back to her room, “I hope you enjoyed the dinner because I truly did. If you ever need help with anything please don’t hesitate to call, text, or even knock on my door. My apartment number is 2012.” Gaeul nodded and said that she will be there for you as well. Before you left she gave you a tight hug and went into her room shutting the door. You were astonished and stood in front of her door for a minute trying to figure out why you felt this way.
Being around Gaeul for some reason made you feel comfortable, you wanted to protect her, and help her but at the same time you wanted her in your arms all the time. 
Before you could proceed with anything you had to first take care of the whole situation with Miyeon. Payback and punishment were due. The first thing you do is contact your friend Andre who was exceptional with computers, he could access any type of information. You asked Andre to help find some dirt on Miyeon, to which he agreed without questioning because when he first found out about you dating Miyeon he was against it. After all, according to him, she had a ‘weird vibe’. 
Within a few hours, you get an email from Andre, it contains the illegal and stupid things that Mieyon has done or is doing. Miyeon ran a Cafe in Seoul, it was relatively successful but she was using underhanded techniques to evade taxes which meant that she could essentially go to jail if someone found out. You sent an ‘anonymous tip’ to the cops that night. 
Changing into more comfortable clothes to go to bed, you were looking forward to how the situation would pan out, playing some soothing music when you fell asleep. The next morning you woke up to news stating that a popular cafe in Seoul was closed down because it was evading taxes, there was a video of Miyeon being taken to the police station. You felt a sense of relief. Deciding to finish what you started, you go to the police station where she is being held to ask for a private audience with Miyeon, they were hesitant at first but they allowed it. 
You walk into the room that she is being held in. “Hi Miyeon, how does it feel being held accountable for your actions”
“Y/N please help me, I am very sorry for what I did. Please help me get out of this situation, I will do anything for your help. I beg you!” Miyeon pleaded with you, her eyes filled with tears.
You laugh, it was comical how much a person could change when they needed you. “Oh really? Who do you think even put you here you whore?” you say with a malicious look. 
Appalled with what she is hearing, Miyeon begins to cry, she tries to get out of her chair to grab you out of anger but you dodge pretty easily. “Easy there, I am here to help you. I did this just to show you what I am capable of doing to you, this isn’t even the worst thing that you have done. Consider this as your last warning, mess with me again and you won’t see the light of the day for the rest of your life” you say, smiling at the state she is in.
“My lawyer will be here in a few hours, she is the best there is in South Korea so you will most likely get away with a fine, which you will pay for so be thankful. Bye Miyeon this is the last time that I will help you, don’t ever appear in front of me again. You understand?” You leave the room without listening to her response. 
As soon as you exit the Police station you text Gaeul “I did it I finally got my revenge on her. Are you at home or work? I wanna see you so that I can tell you everything”
She replies that she is still at home so you head back and tell her everything about it. She was excited and happy that you were finally able to get back at her. “ This calls for a celebration! You want some whiskey?” Gaeul asks 
“Hell yeah it does!” you say 
After talking to her you notice that she was playing the Call of Duty campaign, “Hey you wanna 1 vs 1, the loser has to grant the winner a wish” You say  
“You are on, better not back down or give me excuses when you lose,” Gaeul says as she walks to the couch with two glasses and a bottle of whiskey. 
A game of Frontline and the first to 20 win, Gaeul was very good but you were equally experienced, the score was neck to neck but you ended up losing. The last kill was so stupid, you died by walking into a trip mine that Gaeul had placed next to a doorway. 
“Damn I can’t believe that I lost because of a fucking trip mine!” You say in frustration. Gaeul smiles and says “hey, a loss is still a loss so you better be ready to grant my wish”
“Fine you are correct so what is your wish?” You are curious to see what she wants from you.
 “I am not going to use it now but I will tell you when it's time” she says with a knowing smile. 
Not wanting to leave her presence, you ask her if she wants to watch something to which she said that she would love to watch the new season of The Alchemy of Souls, you agree to her request and pull it up on the TV. 
The episode plays on the TV while you and Gaeul sit next to each other, to your dismay there was a good amount of distance between the both of you. As you watch the series your eyes begin to close, the lack of sleep from all the nightmares catches up to you and you end up falling asleep on the couch.
A sudden noise from the TV wakes you up, confused as to what that sound was. You try to look around only to notice that you were asleep on Gaeul’s thighs. Jolting up from the realization you begin to apologize to her, “I am so sorry I didn’t think I would fall asleep, it must have been very uncomfortable. I should head back. Thanks for having me over,” 
Getting up to leave you to feel something tugging on your t-shirt, turning around to find Gaeul holding it while looking at the ground, she mumbles something inaudible to you, “huh? Gaeul I can’t hear you”
“Don’t leave please” Gaeul says while looking you in the eyes, her eyes pleading and begging you.
Hearing her say that set something off in you so you sit back down but this time you were very close to her body touching yours. Looking at her you catch sight of Gaeul staring at your lips. This action gives you the confidence to move in to kiss her. The first kiss feels electrifying, it was filled with love, there was no fight for dominance, and both your tongues moved perfectly. The need to feel more of her grew within you so you picked her up and placed her on your lap. The kiss got deeper, and Gaeul’s hands began moving inside your shirt. One of your hands was placed on Gaeul’s ass while the other was playing with her hair. The kiss slowly turned into one with more lust, and Gaeul started grinding on your clothed- penis. It took all the willpower in your body to pull away from the kiss. 
“Gaeul, are you sure about this? If you keep grinding on me like this I won’t be able to hold back” You say to make sure that you weren’t making her uncomfortable.
“I am sure, so I beg you please don’t stop” After saying that she kisses you again and tries to gain more friction on her folds. Gaeul giving you the green light was all you were waiting for. Your hands immediately pulled up her hoodie and to your luck, she wasn’t wearing any bra.
She pulls out of the kiss and covers her body, “You are beautiful and your body is like that of a Goddess so please don’t hide it, let me worship this heavenly body of yours” You say while placing kisses on her neck and trailing to her hands that were covering her mounds.
“Take off your shirt as well, I don’t want to be the only one almost naked” listening to her demand you pull off your t-shirt and kiss her again. The grinding doesn’t stop and there is a wet spot that forms on your pants, Gaeul’s panties were soaked. You picked her up and placed her on the couch, your shaft was begging to be freed and it was almost painful. Pulling down your boxers you hear Gaeul gasp. “What’s wrong?” you ask.
“It's so big! I have never been with someone so well-endowed. This might not even fit inside me” she looked like she was scared but also excited to find out how good this would be. 
Kneeling next to the couch you spread Gaeul’s legs apart and start to slowly eat her out. “Mhmm,” she lets out a muffled moan. “Don’t hold back, I wanna hear your beautiful voice.” You continue to eat her pussy and play with her clit, her hands are grabbing the back of your head pushing you in. 
“Oh my fucking God, this feels amazing, please don’t stop. I am so close!” her head was thrown back and her back bent. 
“I’m going to cum, I’m going to cum, cumming!” you help her ride her orgasm out, she was still shaking. You didn’t let anything go to waste and gave her pussy a final lick. 
Your cock was now throbbing, hoping for some sort of relief. Gaeul falls to her knees and begins to play with your shaft, using both her hands to rub it, she places her head on the tip and starts to bob her head slowly. Gaeul was trying her best to take in more every time, she started to gag when she was nearly there. She takes your cock out of her mouth and tries to catch her breath. 
She goes back to sucking your cock, She wasn’t the best at it but she was truly trying her best. After a while of her sucking your cock and using her tongue on its head you were about to cum. “Gaeul I’m going to cum”
She fastens her pace and tries to go deep, as you are about to cum you push Gaeul’s head deeper and unload into her throat. When you pull out, she starts coughing, and you realize what you did. “I am so sorry, I can’t believe that I just did that.” 
The tears and the erotic expression that Gaeul had on her face weren’t helping, your cock began to harden again. 
“Hey calm down, I am fine, it wasn’t even that bad. I was trying to satisfy you but it looks like you aren’t satisfied” She says while looking at your cock which was now fully erect. 
“We don’t have to do this if you are tired or don’t want to” you try to convince her that you can stop now. 
“Come here and fuck me hard, I shouldn’t be able to walk tomorrow, I am not giving you an option” Gaeul pulls her panties down, spreads her legs, and is playing with her pussy. 
The sight makes you lose all control. “Ms. Kim, you are going to regret your words, you won’t be able to walk for at least 2 days after I am done with you.” 
You align your shaft with Gaeul’s dripping pussy and tease her by hitting her pussy with your cock. “Stop teasing please put it in, I can’t wait to feel your huge cock”. No longer being able to resist, you slowly insert your shaft.
“Oh fuck! It’s so fucking huge, Slow please wait it hurts, it hurts” Gaeul is screaming and her nails are digging into your skin, 
“You are so fucking tight!” halting midway allowing her to adjust to the size.
“Should I continue?” Gaeul nods, so you continue to insert into her until you are balls deep. You don’t move to allow her to adjust. You kiss her neck to distract her from the pain, slowly trailing your kisses to her neck and giving her some hickeys. 
“Ahh!” A loud moan leaves Gaeul’s mouth 
“You have a really sensitive neck Gaeul, I am going to move now, if you feel too much pain let me know and I will slow down.” slowly moving, you continue to kiss her and play with her body.
Moans and grunts were all you could hear. Everything was going well until you pitched her nipple and hit a certain spot that caused her to scream, you stopped everything. 
“Don’t stop, please do it again, do it again please, I beg you. I’m going to lose my mind, you are touching places that I never thought was possible, make me cum please”
You indulge in her wish and do the same thing but with strength this time and it completely sends her over the edge and squirts all over you.  she is a mess, her entire body is shaking, her eyes rolled back, and unable to form say anything comprehensible. Her pussy is so tight with her orgasm that it is essentially holding you, hostage. 
A switch in your mind flips, instead of slowing down and allowing her to ride out her orgasm you speed up to help reach your orgasm, “Stop, pl…ease. Too much. Ahhhhhhh” Gaeul cums again, you pull out and cum all over her stomach. Come back to your senses and see that Gaeul is crying from the over-stimulation. 
“I am so sorry I don't know what went over me. I am going to grab a tissue from the washroom to help you clean up,” Gaeul was completely lost, tears falling from her eyes and sobs were all you could hear but her face had a satisfied smile on it. She mumbled something that you couldn’t understand. 
By the time you got a tissue  Gaeul is already passed out, you help her clean up and bring her a blanket. The cold feeling must have woken her up because as you were about to leave she held your hand so you decided to cuddle with her and fall asleep on the couch. The tiring activity puts you to sleep relatively fast. 
Waking up first and beside her was very nice, you decide to order some breakfast, and though you would love to make her breakfast you also do not want to wake her, she looked so beautiful sleeping. Recounting the events from yesterday, you blush. Admiring her beauty, you place a kiss on her forehead. “You have a very bad habit of staring, did you know that?” Gaeul speaks with her eyes closed. 
“When someone as pretty as you are in front of me, I will be staring” you give her a peck on the lips. 
“You weren’t lying when you said that I won’t be able to walk for a few days,” Gaeul says with a smirk
“Yeah sorry about that, I don’t know why I lost control. I can’t believe that I was” Not letting you complete the sentence Gaeul kisses you to shut you up. 
“You talk too much, I loved it, every single bit of it so stop apologizing,” Gaeul says and you hug her in response to that. 
“I enjoyed it as well, anyways I ordered some food, it should be here soon, you might want to brush and freshen up,” you say as you get up from the couch. 
Gaeul gets up and limps her completely naked to the washroom. “Shouldn’t you put on some clothes?” you ask, smiling as you watch her cute ass bounce with every step she takes. 
“Why? It's not like you haven’t seen everything already” She winks at you and continues to limp. You also go to the guest room to freshen up. 
The food arrived and Gaeul and you sat down to eat. The food felt much more delicious now that you were so hungry. “I know that this is late but would you be my girlfriend ms Kim Gaeul”
“Yes, I would love to be your girlfriend Mr. Hwang.” you get up, hug her and kiss her.
“I love you Gaeul, you make me feel so safe when I am around you” You confess
“I love you too Y/N, I feel happy when I am with you because I can be who I am when I am with you,” Gaeul says with a cute smile on her face 
You continue to eat and suddenly Gaeul says “I also know what I want to wish for” 
“Oh, really, and what is that pretty girl?” 
Her face turns red hearing the nickname that you gave her, she composes herself and says “I know that this is a weird wish but now that we are dating I feel like I should have you try it with me so that you can decide if you want to do this or not?”
“Gaeul you are being weird just tell me what it is and I am willing to try it” 
“I want you to dominate me,” Gaeul says with a serious tone without any expression on her face 
To be continued 
This one was longer than usual. Let me know what you guys think
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itsscromp · 10 months
Venom x reader platonic
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Hey Hey again. The first headcanon I ever posted is officially my number one top post, The love it has received means the absolute world to me. so you guys deserve a full story. I bring forth the epic bromance between y/n and venom. enjoy :) word count:1.8k
Could your life get any worse than this? Not only were your bills racking up like folded laundry.
"I'm sorry y/n but because of budget constraints we can't keep holding staff, so I sadly am gonna have to let you go."
"What... no you can't, my rent just went up. Just put me in a different position, I don't care if it pays less, I need this job !!." You were on the verge of tears.
"I encourage you to file for unemployment payments. This decision wasn't taken lightly. You were one of our best..."
'Save it." You stormed off, packing your things and heading home, not even saying goodbye to your co-workers. Why... out of all the people they could've let go, it had to be you. Fucking great.
Heading home, you burst into tears, the amount of stress has been building up and it's reached boiling point. You couldn't hold it in any longer. After having a good cry for a while, you felt drained. Physically and mentally exhausted. You didn't want to do anything else. So the only thing you wanted to do was sleep. Walking into your bedroom and changing into your pyjama's you climbed into bed. Hoping to god it was just a dream. You tossed and turned, realising the power company cut you off cause you missed the deadline. so now your fan wasn't running, It was 85 degrees outside on a summers night.
"Fucking even more great"
You went over to your window and opened it just a smidge to let some cool air in. It worked, for now, tomorrow you'll move your butt to social services and file for unemployment until you find another job. Climbing back into bed, you didn't even bother wrapping yourself in a blanket, it'll be too warm. So you opted to just stay out of it.
As you slept though, a black goo-like being crawled its way into your window, it crawled its way over, climbing up onto your bed and then onto you, seeping through your flesh, disappearing; you only inside your body. This didn't bother you as you only just rolled over in your sleep.
The next morning you still felt drained, But you had to head down to social services and file for unemployment. getting dressed and making coffee, you suddenly felt like you hadn't eaten anything in ages, so you reached into your fridge. you realize that everything inside has gone off, no power no food.
"Oh come on..." And you also realize your kettle wasn't boiling too.
Skipping everything and throwing all your food out, you headed to social services and filed for unemployment. But the noises kept bothering you for some reason, It seemed too loud, the speaker calling out the ticket numbers. The babies crying. Some people yelling. It was almost too much.
"Ticket number A295, Please proceed to register 4"
The speaker called out and you shook what happened out of you and went over to the desk. Filing everything and were successful, they say your first payment should be received in 48 hours. So in the meantime, you have to make do with what you have. After which you headed to a food place and ordered breakfast.
"Hungry..." A voice called out, it sounded menacing. Looking around to find the voice you found nothing but just the people in line.
"Weird... You muttered to yourself, ordering your food you waited until the voice spoke up again.
"Food... sustenance... !!!!"
This was freaking you out by the minute. The waiter brought you your food and you devoured it, almost animalistic, you never acted like this before, it was just... so good. You had too stop when you saw people staring at you for how you were eating, plus also chewing loudly.
Going home, you sat there wondering what was happening, Vulnerable to loud noises. Even hungry, hell you even had an increased craving for chocolate, what the hell was going on !!!
"Y/n...." The voice called again.
"Who's there ??", Show yourself !!!"
Then the black goo appeared again, wreathing out of your body and revealing its face, it had no eyes, just white patches, and lipless and razor-sharp teeth. you were so scared you tripped on your coffee table almost falling to the floor but stopped midway, a tendril wreathed out of your back and stuck itself out on the floor before slowly rising you back to your feet.
"I got us." The creature spoke up
"What... what or who are you"
"I am venom, and you are mine"
What was this some kind of mind trick, you rubbed your eyes and looked again, no your mind wasn't playing tricks on you.
"You were that voice in my head"
"I can feel, see and hear everything you can, I can also read your thoughts."
You sat down on the couch trying to comprehend what was happening, First everything that just happened now your some host to an alien parasite.
"Parasite !!??"
"You read my thoughts, didn't you."
"I am not a parasite, you are..."
Then a bang on the door
"Where's that rent y/n !!!!"
Oh fuck your landlord, your 3 weeks overdue.
"Look I don't know how you got out but you need to go away"
"Very well..."
Venom then wreathed back inside your body as you went to the door and opened it.
"Look I'm sorry but I will have your rent in 2..." You felt a sharp pain as your landlord punched you to the floor, he reeked of wine.
"What the hell !!!"
"3 weeks y/n, you know what I do to people who are three weeks."
He was about to curb stomp you to new Year until you raised your hands and then it got covered in the goo. they looked larger and strong.
You then tossed him to the wall as you got up, the goo seeped back into your skin.
"What the hell was that !!"
This spooked your landlord way too much, he bolted for his life.
You kept trying to comprehend what happened.
"This is crazy"
'You haven't seen shit yet"
"What happened, why did my arms get covered in goo ??"
"I was protecting us, You are my host. it is my duty to protect you, we are bonded for life."
"So we're buddies ??"
"Something like that"
You felt the sting in your face from the punch and went to investigate in the mirror. but when you looked, you didn't even see your reflection, you saw venom. but it was slightly different. your saw his head but his body was large, very muscular and had veins all over.
"What the.." you gently touched your face as venom seemed to mimic the movements in the mirror. "This is weird."
"Like I said, you haven't seen shit"
Over time you continued to know venom, He is of an alien species called the symbiotes, who need an oxygen-breathing host to survive. Like you venom felt out of place and was a loser on his planet, you felt sorry for the poor thing.
"On my planet I was a loser, like you"
"Venom... I had no idea..."
His head wreathed out of your body.
"That was why I chose you as my host, you and I. We are not so different, But we together can be so much more."
There was even a point when venom decided to make breakfast for you.
"You know what always cheers me up in the morning y/n ?? sausages and brains"
You poured your orange juice just trying to enjoy the morning while venom had multiple tendrils out of your body, grabbing ingredients, chopping mushrooms and cooking the sausages. One tendril turned on the radio and started to sing along to the song.
"You say either, and I say eyether, you say neither, and I say nyther, Either. Eyether, Neither, Nyther. Let's call the whole thing off... OW OW Hot hot hot !!" He almost burnt himself as the pan caught fire and caused the smoke alarms to go off.
You moved to the table as Venom then pulled your chair towards it, he then started to massage your shoulder as he kept cooking in the background while also stretching his tendrils downstairs to get your mail.
"Cheer up old pal" He brought you your breakfast after finishing cooking it, Multiple breakfasts, eggs and toast, mixed with a milkshake and coffee and waffles
"Tada !!'
"This... looks delicious venom..." It looked barf inducing, but the fact he did this for you and the thought that counted, you started to smile.
"Ketchup ??"
"Sorry ??"
He squeezed the ketchup bottle too hard and it splattered all over your face.
But all in all, having venom changed your life for the better, it made you feel like you had a friend who could understand you and would always protect you.
You were on your way to Mrs Chen's to get Venom some chocolate and tater tots.
"Mixing it up today or the usual ??"
Hmmm what is that one with the golden filling that's delicious ??"
"That would be caramel venom"
"Then that"
But as you were looking for the caramel chocolate, Mrs Chen was getting robbed at gunpoint.
"Hurry up with the money Chen !!!" the thief demanded
"Is this it ??' venom spoke up, you told him before about bad guys and good guys when you were watching a movie, and it inspired venom to want to do the same thing. Even you as well.
As the thief continued to aim at Mrs Chen, the gun was knocked out of the thief's hand and was constrained by venoms tendril.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you"
As you walked over to the thief, Venom then wrapped around you, turning you into what you saw in the mirror. Tall large and muscular.
"You come in here again, in fact, you go anywhere in this city. Preying on innocent people, we will find you and we will eat both your arms and both your legs and then we will eat your face right off of your head. Do you understand ??"
The thief couldn't respond due to fear, he only muttered.
"Yes, so you will be this armless, legless, faceless thing won't you ??, rolling down the street. Like a turd in the wind."
"W..w..what the hell are you ??
Half of venoms face uncovered to reveal yours
"We are venom"
You smiled before venom covered your face again and then tossed the thief out the door and across the street, Mrs Chen mortified on what happened, looked at you as venom seeped back into your body.
"Oh...Umm, you see I have a parasite so... yeah, night Mrs Chen" with that you walked out
"Parasite !!, take that back immediately"
"Nah don't feel like it" you smirked
"Apologise !!!!"
"Ok ok I'm sorry buddy, I'm just teasing you"
"All is forgiven but of one thing.."
"What's that ??"
"You forgot the tater tots and chocolate"
A host to an alien, but it became the bestest friend possible, you two would achieve so much together. you knew it.
Taglist and fellow venom fan: @callofdudes
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lucy90712 · 5 months
Road to recovery- part 2
masterlist Lola's POV
It's been a long week waiting for my surgery as I haven't been able to do much as they don't want me to cause more damage by walking around too much. As someone who is always active and barely sits down this week has been hell but today has been the worst. Knowing that it is surgery day but having to wait sat in a hospital has been torture seeing everyone else get called while I just sit and wait has been awful. Until today I wasn't nervous about the surgery but the longer I've had to wait the more anxious I've become as there's a big risk I means the surgery could not go to plan and then I may never compete again and that's a scary thought. My life has been dedicated to sport even my degree is sport related as I wanted to have the knowledge that helps me understand my body better so if I can't do gymnastics again I don't know what I'll do with my life. 
Eventually I was called back and the nurses prepped me for surgery. I was given a gown to wear which they had to help me into as I can't put any weight on my left leg which makes changing difficult. They did some basic checks as well like measuring my heart rate and blood pressure before hooking me up to a few machines. Then it was time to go into the operating room which just felt so cold and clinical which I know it's supposed to be but it didn't help ease my feelings of anxiety that I was already feeling. Luckily someone then came in to give me the anaesthetic to put me to sleep which worked very quickly so before I knew it I was falling asleep. 
As my eyes opened and adjusted to the lights I noticed that they weren't as harsh as the ones in the operating room and the ceiling was different too. My brain was still slightly foggy but as I was coming to my senses I realised that I must be out of surgery which woke me up a little more and I finally looked down at my leg to see bandages where they had cut into my knee and a brace was already attached to my leg to limit its movement. Just as I was about to find the button to call a nurse one walked in and offered me a smile once she saw I was awake.
"How are you feeling Lola?" She asked 
"I'm ok did the surgery go well?" I asked 
"Yes it did we were able to repair your acl and the damage to your meniscus wasn't as bad as we feared so you didn't require any further work to fix that we are going to keep you over night just to monitor you and to start physio tomorrow morning" she explained 
"Thank you" I replied 
"Also I'm sorry that you are having to share this room but we are low on rooms and you two have the exact same injury so we thought it was best to put you together" she said
I was extremely confused until I looked to my right and saw a guy who looked weirdly familiar sat on his phone also with a brace on just his was on his right leg instead. I don't know how I didn't notice before as our beds are quite close together but I guess thats what anaesthesia does to you. Once the nurse left I turned my attention back to this random guy as I was curious as to who he was but he was yet to acknowledge my existence as he hadn't looked up from his phone. Seeing as he wasn't paying any attention I took my chance to study his face to see if I could work out where I recognised him from. I noticed that he looked to be about my age the the muscles in his arms told me that he was definitely an athlete too which only made me more curious. In my head I was trying to go through the sports where acl injures are common and the first sport that came to mind was football. With him looking my age and us being in Barcelona I assumed he was part of one of the youth teams but then I wondered why I recognised him as I'm really not that into football so I'd have no idea about any youth players. 
"Do you need something?" The guy asked coldly which made me realise I was still staring 
"Oh sorry I didn't mean to stare" I said
"Whatever" he scoffed going back to his phone again 
"Wait I um have to ask how did you end up here?" I asked 
"I was playing football and landed awkwardly on my knee" he explained 
"I'm sorry that sounds awful I hope this doesn't seem weird but I'm really not that into football but I recognise you from somewhere do you play for one of the Barcelona youth teams Barcelona atletic isn't it?" I asked 
"No I don't play for the B team I play for the first team" he said so nonchalantly like it meant nothing 
He had rendered me speechless with that. I simply couldn't think of anything else to say as my brain was preoccupied with freaking out over the fact that I was laying in a hospital bed in the same room as a Barcelona player. Football isn't my thing but that being said I know how hard those guys work and how crazy it is to find yourself in the situation I am right now. Once my brain had come to terms with the fact that I was next to an actual well known athlete I realised I still wasn't completely sure who he was so I found my phone amongst all my stuff and went straight to Instagram. I went onto Barcelona's account and the first thing I saw was a post with the guy sat right next to me. Gavi. That's who he is the big star boy of the team that's why I recognised him there was a time when he was all anyone talked about whether that was because of his footballing abilities or how attractive they thought he was. Of course I had to look at his Instagram and after scrolling through a few pictures I decided to follow him. It's not like I'm ever going to see him again after we leave this hospital plus he won't even notice he already has millions of followers. 
What a day. No one is going to believe me when I try and tell them that I spent my time in hospital with Gavi and honestly I wouldn't believe me either but here we are. Good thing he doesn't seem to want to talk to anyone as I don't know if I could hold a conversation with him for more than a few seconds now I know who he is. 
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ladyhindsight · 2 months
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We are doing this again. Unlike with City of Bones, the revisions in City of Ashes deal more with narrative mistakes being corrected and some utterly incomprehensible changes rather than the world-building being so blatantly unprepared that it needed to undergo full-on metamorphosis.
Here I've compared three different e-book versions of City of Ashes, one of which I presume is the original 2008 text, one that is the 2015 edition, and one I quite frankly have no idea which it is but most likely somewhere in-between the other two. This, I figured out so smartly, is because some things have remained unchanged as in the 2008 edition, but it also includes later changes that have been made in the 2015 edition which are not present in the original text.
I was looking for a nicely formatted file and then noticed by chance that these three are all different. While I understand and know that it is perfectly normal for a book to undergo changes and corrections throughout different editions, I am no less confused by some most of these.
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And here we have one of the many boomerangs because what. Why. The second one was the best because now you've just repeated the word 'floor' unnecessarily, so it sounds just dumb:
→ he strode across the floor, his boots echoing against the floor
The prose has truly peaked.
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Here's a good example of how some changes made after the original release are also in the 2015 edition but not in the original text, which places the 2010? release in-between the two. In some cases the 2008/2010? are the same but 2015 one different.
→ Daniel was first Maia's twin brother but was then changed to an older one. It's a minor change but also inane. Because what does it matter, why couldn't Daniel be Maia's twin?
→ Maia's character being introduced with her full name is better.
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→ Where did the mahogany go?
It's gone as it should. In City of Bones it is said that "in the center of the room sat a magnificent desk. It was carved from a single slab of wood, a great, heavy piece of oak that gleamed with the dull shine of years."
It was oak. So you just couldn't replace 'mahogany' with 'oak' then? So you just deleted it altogether? Okay.
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Another boomerang. Let's go with 'body'. No, let's change it to 'form'. No, let's go with 'body' again.
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I am left with the impression that Clare didn't know what to do with this interaction/scene or what she wanted from it, neither did she think how it would fit the structure of the part I of the book, because how are all these so different. Sorry, it's early. No, sorry, it's late. No, I'll tell you what, sorry for waking you up at all, really.
TIME. The scene before this is Luke, Clary, and Simon having dinner at Luke's some time after the episode caused by Jace in Hunter's Moon (Chapter 2 "Hunter's Moon"). It's the same day the book began. This part of the chapter that begins with Jace being woken up and then meeting the Inquisitor in the Institute Library intercepts that scene. The Inquisitor accosts Jace and then decides to take in to the Silent City as a prisoner. Then we get back to Luke, Clary, and Simon. Clary is helping Luke "clean up the remains of dinner" when Maia comes over. Simon and Maia talk and once Simon returns to the kitchen, it is said that "The smell of cold night air came in with him." It's the same day as the book began. It is night. Simon and Clary talk about tomorrow and prepare for bed. Then in the next chapter begins with Jace's held in a cell in the Silent City. Then we cut to Simon and Clary making out as they haven't gone to sleep yet. The narrative structure doesn't give any reason to think these scenes aren't happening somewhat concurrently. Especially when Clary then receives a message from Isabelle which reveals Jace has been taken away. When Clary, Isabelle, and Alec go rescue Jace, and the Conclave meet them outside, it is still night. ("The sun couldn't have risen yet--could it?" / "despite the witchlight illuminating the night.")
→ Jace couldn't have woken up 5 a.m. because he would've slept through the night and it would've been the next day, meaning the scenes with Clary happened previous evening/night, which doesn't make sense to write them in such order. Also it would've been morning already once Jace was rescued from the Silent City. This was corrected tooo..
→ Midnight, which makes more sense narrative-wise and structurally, because why insert scenes with Jace that take place in the small hours of the next, if the scenes with Clary are still the previous day and the events cross when Clary gets the message from Isabelle? So instead here Jace has merely taken an evening nap.
→ Eventually removing any indication of time propably gave more flexibility to the interpretation as to how long all of this took to happen. Which was still the one and the same night but whatever.
ALEC'S EXCUSES. There are three and they all mean different things.
→ First Alec has stayed up all night, not even trying to go to sleep. He looks tired, which by the following conversation they have could be also interpreted as him being worried about the situtation surrounding Jace.
→ Alec tried to sleep, and the rest is the same. Not that different, so I don't get why change it at all. Maybe Alec not getting sleep despite trying underlines his worrying.
→ Alec straight up says he went out. The 2015 edition removes all of the previous indications because how dare anyone else have dark shadows under their eyes but Jace. How dare Alec look like he might have something to worry about. Nay! He was with Magnus.
Also, Clary trying to rewrite history by having Jace seek out Alec? Also, "friend"? How about brother or, better yet, parabatai?
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→ "They came" and "they explained" were erraneous to begin with since Maryse tells Isabelle (Jace and Alec as well) in the first chapter that Robert was "unfortunately [...] still in Alicante."
→ I don't know whatever that mess in between is, but in the 2015 version Clare seems to have sorted it out.
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Boomerang. At this point in the story, the only Downworlders drained of their blood was the warlock Elias, who appears in the prologue. The werewolf cub that was killed in the allie was never drained. ("It seems whoever murdered the werewolf was intercepted before the blood could be taken..." -Maryse to Luke in chapter 3 "The Inquisitor")
→ As a side comment: It was a wild goose chase in the sense that this mission did not need the whole Conclave attending to it and leave the Institute utterly unmanned especially if someone needed to contact them.
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I don't understand why.
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Added badassery.
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Added a nice explanation and rules to the creation of vampires.
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This was also an error to begin with, because just couple paragraphs before it is literally said that "Clary yanked the blade back" in each version. She already did it, which it is only reasonable the sentence was eventually removed.
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Simon's love for Clary watered down, which I think is for the better. This is also relevant in a later part here...
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Another thing I don't understand why.
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This was also an error (depending on the interpretation). In this scene, before this part, Jace already closes his eyes once but opens them up. Without shutting his eyes again, him not seeing Valentine rather reads like he's so far away in his thoughts that he doesn't "see" him. But as this was corrected by adding the sentence about Jace shutting his eyes again, it probably was just an error.
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→ 2008: Magnus was healing Maia, because Luke was outside being attacked by the demons that Jace and Clary went to investigate and then dispatched. Luke was brought in after the attack and Magnus healed him then. I can't help but wonder how Clare (or her editor for that matter) couldn't keep up with what was happening in the story.
Clary couldn't have been worse off because Magnus didn't have a chance to go help them while he was supposedly healing Luke inside the house while Luke was lying outside on a riverbank. So that was reasonably removed.
→ 2010?: Luke was corrected to Maia because that's who Magnus was actually healing. Only problem here is that only one of the lines were changed, and the "you would have died" is still inaccurate since Magnus couldn't have helped Luke before the demons were killed and he was brought inside to be healed.
→ 2015 is finally correct.
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→ the person you love/someone I love were all corrected accordingly.
→ the blue part, however, was wrong in the same book, because if we return back to that part, Simon actually says you know what the worst feeling I can imagine is. Not the worst feeling you can have is.
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This was also an error because Jace had given Clary his jacket and he only had the shirt on. It was also made a point since the demon shit had burned down his shirt sleeve pm his shoulder enough for Imogen to see his Herondale scar.
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→ 2008 version never happened. The scene in City of Bones is the following:
Clary stepped back, but Jace stood very still as the glass rained around him, staring at the empty frame of the mirror. Clary had expected him to swear, to shout or curse at his father, but instead he only waited for the shards to stop falling. When they did, he knelt down silently and carefully in the welter of broken glass and picked up one of the larger pieces, turning it over in his hands.
and then, after no rocking back and forth in between (either in the original or revised version):
He said nothing, only whispered something under his breath. She couldn’t quite hear the words, but she reached out and took the bit of glass out of his hand. He was bleeding where he’d held it, from two fine and narrow gashes. She put the shard down and took his hand, closing his fingers over the injured palm. “Honestly, Jace,” she said, as gently as she’d touched him, “don’t you know better than to play with broken glass?” He made a sound like a choked laugh before he reached out and pulled her into his arms. She was aware of Luke watching them from the window, but she shut her eyes resolutely and buried her face against Jace’s shoulder.
It's like Clare imagined a whole other scene in City of Bones, recalled it while writing City of Ashes and kind of forgot that it wasn't how the scene even went.
Anyhoo. These are the ones I managed to catch. Ta ta.
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lookingforluna · 2 years
Empty Love: 05 || jjk
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❥ Pairing: Idol!Jungkook x Reader
❥ Word Count: 1.7k
❥ Rating: M
❥ Genre: angst, fluff, idol!au, childhood friends to lovers au, slow-burn
❥ Warnings: swearing, angst, eventual smut in the future
❥ Summary: You and Jungkook have been best friends since childhood, but lately, things have been off. He starts canceling plans and begins acting a little cold towards you. However, the sudden revelation of your sex life might cause things to change dramatically, specifically your future with him.
❥ A/N: I will make a series masterlist post for this fic soon because I realized this will be longer than my other series! Thank you for supporting me and staying with this story.💙
❥ Previous Chapter: Chapter 4
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“Then it’s settled. Y/N and Tae will be sharing a room,” Joon says, giving a clap, finally happy with the decision.  
You turn away from Taehyung only to stand there with your back still pressed to his chest, his arms loosely clasped around your waist. You look around only to see happy faces, everyone looking relieved with the decision except for one person. Dark eyes stare into yours. You can see the clear sign of unhappiness swimming through them, but you don’t expect to feel the coldness directed towards you. It would’ve been fine if it were anyone else, but it was him, and the last thing you needed was a frustrated Jungkook.
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Maybe you should’ve put more thought into your pajamas while packing. Usually, you just slept in a simple cotton t-shirt nightgown, assuming that would be fine. Of course, that was before you realized you would have to share a room with one of the boys. There were also only two bathrooms, meaning you would have to share one of them with Taehyung, Jungkook, and Jimin. 
All the boys would be already changed and waiting in the small living area. You just have to suck it up and walk out. You’re not the same girl you were before your makeover. The whole purpose of it was to remind you of the confidence you carry, and it was slowly fading. 
"Okay, so tomorrow we have our first interview in the afternoon at 1. We'll go over some important stuff before it. Then there's a small fan meet at 4, and we're free after that," Namjoon explains as he reads over the paper in his hand. 
Your feet bring you closer to the small table; the seven of them gather around. They still haven’t  noticed your presence, making it feel awkward.  
"Do I get to come?"  
The soft and hesitant question that leaves your mouth causes their heads to turn, with different expressions on each of their faces as they notice you. Your brows furrow as you stare at them in confusion, all of them silent until Taehyung decides to break the silence. 
"Need more sleep," he says, eyes trailing over the words on your light pink nightgown, a smile forming on his lips as he finishes his sentence, "it's cute." 
A blush sets in on your cheeks as you realize they were all looking at your legs, more of your skin on display than usual. You didn't think anything about it because you wore nighties to bed every night. It hadn't occurred to you that the boys had never seen you in something this short. 
A scoff echoes in the small space, and your eyes meet an irritated Jungkook.
"Need more sleep, more like need more fabric," he mumbles harshly, causing you to wince at the insult. You hated dealing with this Jungkook. You could take his words up to a certain point, but this wasn't any usual teasing, he meant for them to sting, and they did in fact. 
It happens quickly before you even register it. Jimin elbows Jungkook in his side and lets out an audible, "ow, what was that for," only to receive glares from the other boys.   
It feels even tenser in the room now. You feel out of place and slightly uncomfortable. You shouldn't feel this way, and you wouldn't have before if Jungkook didn't say those words. It was your fault, and you should've considered that you'd be staying with seven boys. 
Your hands reach down to tug the fabric of your nightie lower, but it's not going anywhere. The boys can even sense how uncomfortable you feel as they all turn away from you except for Joon and Jungkook. 
Now would be the perfect time for the ground to open up and swallow you whole as Jungkook's eyes roam over your body from head to toe, no shame whatsoever, as Namjoon's eyes stay locked onto yours. 
"Of course, you're coming along. You'll finally be able to see us in work mode," he grins, flashing you his signature dimples.
Relief floods your body at the change in the subject, and you want to thank Namjoon over and over for treating you like normal. You nod at his response and offer him a small smile before voicing your sleepiness and decision to head to bed early. 
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You've been in bed for over an hour when laughter pierces your ears and the bedroom creaks open. Even though it’s faint, the pitter-patter of feet moving about carefully in the darkness of the night and the opening and closing of drawers keep you from sleeping. A gasp escapes your mouth when you hear a loud thump and several curses leave Taehyung’s mouth. Quickly you roll over and turn on the lamp next to you, eyes squinting as the brightness blinds you. 
Laughter almost pours out as your vision focuses on an unsteady Taehyung holding his toe tightly as he bites his lip. 
"My fucking toe," he groans, applying pressure to the wounded area. As much as you try to stifle your laughter, it comes out regardless. The last thing you expected was to find Taehyung sitting on the floor shirtless in nothing but his shorts. The view would've probably excited you, but you can’t help but find him cute, his cheeks puffed up as he tries to relieve the pain. 
There’s a lot of movement in the room across from yours before your bedroom door swings open, hitting the wall with a loud bang. Standing before you is a bothered Jungkook in nothing but grey sweats hanging lowly from his hips, his toned figure on display for your eyes to take in. 
"What happened?" 
You can see the concern on his face as his brows furrow, but then relax as he sees Taehyung rubbing his foot. 
"I hit my toe," Tae replies with his big doe eyes, a pout forming on his pink lips. 
Jungkook only rolls his eyes as he quickly surveys the room, his eyes rapidly doing a once over of you, which you somehow miss. He swallows before nodding and seeing himself out, mumbling a quick "goodnight." 
Your mind replays the image of Jungkook bursting into your room so disheveled, his hair tousled messily from sleep, his lips pink, his pants hanging dangerously low on his hips, and his chiseled abs on display. Stop thinking about him like that, you scold yourself. Thoughts of him like that shouldn't occupy your brain, but as Taehyung climbs into the bed next to you, switching off the light, those thoughts of Jungkook are the only thing on your mind as you drift off to sleep. 
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Do you know that strange feeling where you feel as if you're in between the state of being awake and being asleep? That's what you were feeling right now. Your mind is aware that your body is unconscious, so you can still faintly hear whispers even though you're not moving. 
"I heard it too," a voice murmurs.
 A few seconds pass, and you still hear the faint mutters before your eyes are fluttering open. You first notice a very close Jungkook and Jimin leaning over your face, causing you to let out a gasp and move back only to collide your head with Taehyung's face.
 "Ow, fuck, that hurt," he shrieks while rubbing his nose. You look between the three boys around you, clearly confused as to why they had surrounded you. 
"Um, what's going on?" The three of them exchange looks before Jimin breaks the silence.
 "What were you dreaming about?" A giant smirk plasters itself across his face as your cheeks flush at the random question, slowly recalling your dreams.
"U-uh nothing. Why?" you stutter out, not expecting the sudden interest in your dreams. 
Taehyung lets out a chuckle from behind you as he moves to lay on his back, his arms stretching out behind his head, biceps flexing at such a simple movement.
 "It didn't sound like nothing," he says, dark eyes flickering over to you with a hint of amusement in them, a small smile dancing across his lips. You shrink inward as they make you feel smaller under all of their gazes. You had been dreaming about Jungkook and the different scenarios that could happen between the two of you. It was a pleasurable dream, you'll admit that much, but then the guilt soon sets in as you remember he has a girlfriend. 
"Oh, come on, y/n. What were you dreaming about?" Jimin pushes again as he sits down next to you on the bed, his attention entirely on you as he folds his legs beneath him.  
"Or who were you dreaming about?" Jungkook asks, slightly lifting his brows as he folds his arms over his exposed chest. His biceps flex at the sudden movement as he stands there with his bed head kissing his forehead, making him look even more tempting than he did in your dream. 
You squint and sit up, suddenly feeling the heat rush to your cheeks. 
"I wasn't dreaming about anyone," you emphasize, not wanting him to put anything together. 
"I can see your cheeks heating up," Jimin says as he pinches your cheek causing you to swat his hand away. 
"Plus, I could hear you moaning in your sleep," Taehyung says casually, causing you to choke on air as you turn to him wide-eyed. 
"Don't deny it. We could hear you from our room," Jungkook says, his voice dropping even lower than before as his heated stare pierced into you.
His rough sleepy voice was driving you crazy. All you could do was stuff your face in your knees before he could see the lust swimming around in them. 
"Was it one of us?" Jimin smirks as he leans in closer, pulling your face up.
 A squeak leaves your mouth as his nose brushes the tip of your own, the intense stare of his eyes causing your stomach to flip. 
"That's a yes," Jungkook mutters as he pushes Jimin over harshly, earning a yelp from the older boy. Jungkook stares at you intensely, and you're afraid that he can see through you. 
It comes out low. It was low enough for you to hear it, but you would've missed it if you weren't paying attention. You're silent as you stare back into his eyes, his gaze never wavering and you can feel yourself slowly start to crumble. 
"Jungkook," Jimin says quickly, "it was him," he repeats confidently and loudly as if he had just won a prize. You watch as the look in Jungkook's eyes changes, and before you can stop yourself, you're blurting out a different name. 
"Tae. It was Taehyung," you say quickly without a second to process it. 
Taehyung's head whips around quickly, his eyes landing on yours, the shock dripping through. Jimin's stare is flickering back and forth between you and Jungkook, an unsure look in his eyes. 
One thing was certain. Everyone, including yourself, was ultimately side swept by the answer you just revealed. You were in some serious shit, and now you dragged Taehyung into it too.
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Chapter 06
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Copyright © 2018-2022 lookingforluna. All rights reserved. Please do not repost on any platform or translate without permission.
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sobredunia · 7 months
Hey u should tell me oc lore ok? ok we can exchange oc lore like uh. uhm. like. we can exchange. like telling stories around a campfire yeah thats it. yeah. yay
okay so i started writing this and then i had to go to sleep and now that I wake up in the morning tumblr has eaten the entire fucking ask. thankfully i decided to copypaste it on a drive folder but fucking christ i did a lot of text and tumblr eated it all and didnt even care :(
This started out remotely normal and I ended up writing it like fanfiction lmao
(TW: cannibalism (?), death, mentions of alcohol consumption)
Okay so there's this guy named Charcoal, he's a fox that can turn into a human :D. He's been alive for a very long time, causing mischief be it through good actions or bad actions just to see what would happen. Although he can easily blend in with the humans, he changes his aspect to show more fox-like features just to see how they'd react. Most of the towns he's been in either consider him a small god to pray and make offers to or a threat that needs to be eliminated (but he's always faster, always smarter. he knows humans all too well)
The years pass and pass, and he's decided that he's gonna enter this one city looking like a starved and sad teenage boy, trying to see if these humans are foolish enough that they'll treat him kindly
They don't
He begs for money on the streets and no one gives him anything. He begs for food in restaurants that are about to take out the trash and no one gives him anything. He begs other homeless people to make space for one more in their makeshift huts and no one does
The bigger the city, the ruder the people, he's noticed
Eventually, he just pickpockets someone and goes to a random bar to get at least a bit happy before sleeping somewhere as a fox. He'll go to a different city tomorrow
"Are you sure you're old enough for a drink?"
The bar is run by an old man that looks like he should've retired more than a decade ago
This was the most compassion Charcoal had been shown in the entire city, so he decided he'd try to play his role just a bit more
"Psh- of course!" He says in a tone that makes it seem like he's lying, and then slides the coins he stole over to him
The old man frowns, before going under the bar and pouring the drink he had asked for, and then retrieving the coins
He takes a sip, and notices that it's a non alcoholic drink. Still, he technically gave him what he asked for, so he can't complain. He can appreciate a fellow trickster
The two engage in conversation, Charcoal coming up with a sob story about how he's an orphan that escaped a cruel orphanage and is now looking for refuge in an unknown part of the city. He also sees how the old man engages with the other clients, remembering their names and preferred drinks and how much they had all drank, knowing when to stop pouring them glasses. Despite some rude and some annoying customers, the old man dealt with them with patience and appropriate responses, and he always gave a listening ear to any who needed them. Charcoal was definitely impressed
Once everyone had had their fill, the old man shooed them out, all but Charcoal
He offered him a job and a place to stay, living in his house that was over the bar and working as a barista or when he wasn't able to work due to age
"Isn't it illegal to work while you're this old?"
"As long as none of the clients snitch, it doesn't matter. And it's not like you're living a very lawful life yourself"
He cackled. "You got me there"
When Charcoal went to sleep, he decided he'd keep up the bit for just a few more days, just to see what it's like to be a bartender, and maybe snatch all the money in the register once he bails out and goes someplace else
He did not, in fact, stay there for "just a few more days"
He hated to admit it, but he'd actually grown attached to that old man and the barista lifestyle. It was fun listening to stories and breaking or starting fights. He also began to gradually change his appearance, to simulate the concept of growing up. When the old man began to teach him how to pour and mix drinks and what the regulars' preferences were, it genuinely felt like an honor, and his days of aimless wandering and pranks and thievery were long behind him
And then tragedy struck
The old man had a heart attack
He had actually written a will. A will where he left everything he had to Charcoal, the closest thing he'd ever had to family
It actually hurt
He actually wanted to cry
He had been alive for years and years, and this was the one time he had cared so much about someone. Not as a human, but as a person
He decided he'd continue running the bar, to honor him
He wasn't so sure why he did that so determined. But he did
But it wasn't the same without him there
He started to lose regulars and newcomers alike, leaving the bar nearly empty most nights
On a rather populated night, though, he met a certain someone
Someone like him
An animal that could turn into a human
A hare. Chalk was his name
He looked like any other person, although he was rather insistent on keeping his hat on
They didn't recognise eachother for what they were. Not right away, anyway. It was only when he saw a bit of a hare ear poking out from under the hat that he realised
They hit it off right away after that, happy to not be the only ones. Charcoal offered a job as a bartender, like the old man had done all those years ago. He took it, because why not
He was far far younger than him, in his 20s. He still had that bit of respect for human rules and didn't view them as distanced from him as Charcoal did. It was probably a thing that came with age. There were still plenty of humans older than him, after all, and he had next to no life experience
Money wasn't exactly an issue. If they wanted, they could just steal some, but Charcoal knew that's not what the old man would have wanted. He wanted to try living clean. For at least a while. But the bar just kept on losing clients
And then, the straw that broke the camel's back
Charcoal was out in the back, about to throw a trash bag into the larger container, when he noticed something in it
A corpse
A young woman's corpse
He panicked. Someone must've dumped her there after killing her
He couldn't let the body be discovered here. If it did, it would be the final nail in the coffin for the bar, and they would have to close it for good. No one wants to go drink in a place where they murdered a young lady
So, in a panic, he retrieved the corpse and put it inside the bar, locking the door
Chalk panicked when he entered the kitchen and saw the scene
"What the fuck did you do!?"
Charcoal hurriedly explained the scene and the consequences this would have for the establishment if she was found here
"S-so, you want to move her someplace else?"
"No, we can't risk it getting traced to here. Then we'll get in even bigger trouble for having moved it"
"Then what do you suggest we do!?"
Charcoal took a cleaver and chopped up the body, before turning his mouth into that of a fox, and eating desperately
Charcoal could only watch in horror as his friend ate a human like a rabid beast, turning his hands into claws to rip apart the flesh better
Eventually, he finally stopped being locked in place and left to fill up as a bartender for the two clients they had. Luckily, both of them were too drunk to notice anything. Chalk shooed them out before going back to the kitchen. It was a mess. So was Charcoal. He was too busy licking the bones clean to notice him coming back. Or even leaving in the first place
They cut up the bones even more, before keeping them in a plastic bag to turn into stew later. Things like the skull or the hips were grinded up beyond recognition and thrown out through drains, sinks and toilets, and the two silently agreed to never speak about this again
Besides, they just had to wait around 30 years until the case went cold. What's that to someone who's lived for far longer than that?
At least Charcoal could say that. Chalk was still very disturbed by the whole ordeal. He couldn't really blame him
They pretended not to care when they started seeing the missing person posters
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sweetdreamspootypie · 1 month
I'm flying out tomorrow
Had a good night tonight
Vent / processing / just capturing some of the stuff I've been thinking about
It's so strange how different my worldview is because I'm a Covid nurse
Or maybe everyone else is insane
Who is to say
TW car accident, child injury
Managed to go see the last set of cousins tonight
My aunt was like
" oh yeah last few days I've been really sick
Had a really bad flu
Still coughing actually
But we don't believe in taking to our beds for just a flu lol"
And my cousin mentioned she doesn't know when the last time she took a RAT test was. Didn't even recognize the name. Said "oh yeah that's kind of outdated"
And NOBODY I've talked to has even been aware that there are still Covid booster vaccines happening and relevant?
They only ever had the initial course of 3 or 4 and then stopped? Didn't even know that further boosters are a thing at all?
and cousin told me that you don't take time off work for Covid here because it's not considered life threatening anymore
What the fuck is wrong with england
Why would you invite guests over if you actively have the flu?
Fuck man
Like it was actually a pretty good evening and it will probably be fine
But it's just so weird seeing the increasing divide in basic values
Like yeah I value hard work and discipline and etc etc and I want to get better at it
But how do these people value self care so little?
Idk I'm just hyper aware of it as well bc of my family's thing with chronic fatigue syndrome and how precarious wellbeing is
But also stuff like
Hard work is "being responsible" because idk doing your part at work on the project or whatever
But in my line of work
If I don't rest
If I don't eat or take my breaks or I haven't been sleeping well or burn out
Then I cannot provide the healthcare to others that is needed
I've got such vivid visceral memories of standing there as I'm realizing I need to hit the medical emergency big red button, at times when I'm over tired and not feeling my best self
Feeling my words and thoughts running like treacle and just being so aware of oh shit I'm not actually up for being responsible for this right now actually
And when I'm in that state and the adrenaline hits, it just makes it worse
I can feel my heart pounding in my ears and my dehydration headache and having to muster ok I have to be reassuring and communicative and make sure I'm dexterous enough to manage a complex situation
And if I can't manage it, people get hurt
And there's a very real risk that someone gets closer to death than they needed to, or would have if I had been on the ball and my best self
The other day, on Monday
I had a coffee at 12 noon
It was a really nice rich mocha from a chocolate specialist
I'm not accustomed to caffeine any more these days, so I was awake until 4am Monday night
On Tuesday night, despite being tired, I was also awake til 3am because of the disturbance to my sleep schedule it caused
On Wednesday, I was feeling gross from the sleep disturbance. I went to my room and tried to take an afternoon nap
At 4pm on Wednesday, there was a car accident outside of our house. A car hit a 3 year old child crossing the road with his mother.
My dad came to get me because I'm a nurse and that's my job.
When he came in I was in a groggy half asleep haze
I had my shoes on and was out the door but was still carrying a head of groggy haze
The kid was fine
Someone else was checking him out, asking all the right questions
And within a couple of minutes an ambulance arrived, and got to do a further assessment
It looked like the child had a bit of a bumped knee, probably from where he fell, but was otherwise just fine
Mum with him was being a champion at visibly keeping it together until tonight after the kids are put to bed, when she'll fall apart
I was able to be there to see that it was under control and looked on until the ambulance arrived
But I was so aware that I wouldn't able to clearly speak. Wouldn't be able to project calming competence with even just the simple fact of introducing myself as a health worker available if needed
Everything was fine
But if it hadn't been
I would not have been able to fulfil my role
Because I hadn't taken proper care of myself
I'm going to remember my guilt over one badly planned coffee I had on Monday, for years
Because my job is to be the one who knows how to make it alright when everything is wrong
Why the fuck can't other people do the simple things like isolate if sick
And not expose illness to people going back to the home of their 89 year old grandmother
I don't want to live to work
I want to live well
And wellness and happiness are important values and resources
And not contradictory with working hard to make progress on goals
People need to learn to rest
I didn't realize how bad it was
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