#almost done though! just one more scene to write and it’ll be posted!
pinkmirth · 1 year
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*UPDATE — all done! check it out here :)
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angelbitezzz · 4 months
Don’t feel bad! You’re not obliged to have anon on! :0
Also, idk if it’ll let you answer this ask, but if so… I’ll take one of each, if that’s ok!!
(If not then just whichever you’d like to share!)
Okay warning, this is way longer than I thought it would be! So I'm putting my answers under the cut here
For the 💕, I think this one [It Takes Two] works (ik in the source material its a song between sisters, but i read it differently for crossbones and starstruck. It's definitely a bit more high-energy and peppy than either of them actually are, but I see it more like the romantic dynamic between their heroic personas. It's all geared up to eleven--both of them have to act differently in costume.
For 👋, I like Hummingbird. The song is mostly just vibes but there's definitely lyrical significance for some aspects of their relationship, y'know? Plus, the whole scene that the song is from in Across the Spiderverse is two superheros taking time away just to spend it with eachother. Kinda perfect?
For ⚖️, Sunlight by Hozier definitely feels right. It's a sweet song, and there's significance in someone who's never known the sun ascribing it to someone in their life. Just saying :3
It is. SO HARD to find a good song for ⭐️. Maybe I should make a playlist...what do you guys think?
Anyways, Tarantula by Gorillaz. It's one of their sweeter songs, and it's about like...well, not settling for someone? More like choosing eachother even with the shit in either of their lives? Thats how i see it
Oof, I already posted a rather angsty one with another ask. For ⚫️, I think This December by Ricky Montgomery is a good one--though I almost considered another song from the same album, Snow. There's conflict, y'know, if internal--how do you separate someone you care for from someone who's sacrifice would mean so much to everyone you know? Morally, Sans is an interesting character (I'm talking largely of his Undertale iteration, but since ts underswap tries to keep things relatively unchanged in regards to personality, he also counts) because while he is someone who I'd consider a good person, he's the same guy who more than likely would've attacked frisk on sight if he wasn't such a loyal character. There's love here. There's also the persistent, nagging knowledge of what needs to be done.
And finally, ❓. For the miscellanious song, we have Stars In the Sky by Kid Cudi for the second Sonic thr Hedgehog movie. I know it's a little silly, but lyrically I consider it a fantastic song for Crossbones and Starstruck! Angel is no stranger to the villain that is being mentally ill, and being separated from everyone she knew and essentially becoming the local semi-homeless human in a place that, while very silly and kind, is still hostile to her sucks. Doing the superhero gig--or rather, participating in the saturday morning cartoon gimmicks as either Starstruck or Koffin K's Spooky Servant is a good distraction. She likes it, and she likes getting to spend time with Sans like that. In a way the Starlight Isles are something of an escape for her, a dream-like forest suspended in eternal twilight where she gets to play the hero or the villain on a whim, with no real consequences. For now.
AAAAND that's it! I actually...did not expect to write so much. For your trouble, here is a drawing of the goobers.
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recurring-polynya · 4 months
Writing/Art Update 2.20.2024
Well, I had another very solid week. I hesitate to call it good, because I didn't actually enjoy it very much, but I did grind out 8,642 words last week. I finished Chapter 8 and made a solid dent in Chapter 9a. Basically, I just tried to write at least a thousand words a day, which I accomplished almost every day. Yesterday, I only did 800, but I did 2000 on Sunday, plus the 800 was the ending scene for the chapter, so I deserve a little grace there. And it was a three-day weekend for my kids!
I am at the stage of the fanfic where most of the ambiguity is gone--I know what scenes are left and I just gotta write them. It doesn't matter if I want to or not, the fanfic isn't going to be done until I write them, so I just do it. I always worry that writing in this mindset is going to produce bad, unlovable writing--like, if I don't love writing this, how is anyone going to love reading it? Historically, though, that doesn't bear out--big chunks of Call Me Back and What We Do with Our Hearts were written in this exact fugue state, and I often end up loving them after the fact, and they still contain parts that are really funny or insightful or heartfelt or whatever. I literally do not know how this is possible, it just is. Also, like: there is going to be editing. It is truly astonishing how hard it is to slap anything at all down on a page and then how easy it is to shape it up into something good later on. It is a lot like throwing flat colors down on a piece of art and then adding a little texture and shading later.
The other thing I don't like about writing in this mode is that it makes me actually insane, which I don't like. I just roll word counts and percentages around in my head 24 hours a day and I'm not really able to relax and do things that are not grinding away at my writing. I can do it for short periods of time, but I think I have too much of this story left to tough it through, plus, like, what's the point? This is the thing I allegedly do for fun, and even though I really really really want to be finished, I feel like I should actually try to enjoy the process a little, at least.
So anyway! My first goal for this week is to be less insane about my fanfic. My second goal is to finish Chapter 9a (I think I have about 3-4k to go). My third goal is to edit Chapters 7 and 8 and send them to the beta.
After that, I'll just have 9b (of which I've already written about 4k) and the epilogue to do. After that, of course, there's still more editing, a beta pass for chapters 8->the end, and then I may try to read the whole thing through again from the beginning. So, 3 weeks, maybe, give or take a little?
In the interest of trying to have a little fun, I think I'm gonna try to post some previews for the next couple weeks? In the past, people have enjoyed previews. Today's is a little long, but it's the opening to the whole thing. It's below a cut for those who'd rather wait until the whole thing comes out.
“I don’t know if they’re trying to capitalize on Boy’s Day, or what,” Rukia said, idly inching her hand toward the plate of hot, steaming gyoza sitting on the countertop next to Renji’s stove, “but they’re having some sort of Seafood Festival out in East Sixth.”
A dish towel appeared out of nowhere, the tip whipping painfully against Rukia’s hand.
“Ow!” Rukia howled.
“They’re hot! It’ll hurt worse if you jam one of those in your mouth whole like I know you were gonna,” Renji replied, stuffing the dish towel back into his obi, and juggling the pan of gyoza he was currently frying. “What about a Seafood Festival? Why the Hell is the East Sixth having a Seafood Festival?”
“It’s being put on by the Train Museum, I hear,” Rukia continued grumpily, rubbing at her hand. “I guess they’re hauling a bunch of spring fish up from the Shiranui Sea at the other end of the line. It only takes a few hours to get out to Six. There’s probably carts making the run that we could take, but I would honestly just flash-step, at least on the way out. I want to eat my own body weight in katsuo. Possibly your body weight in katsuo.”
“Mmm,” Renji replied noncommittally, dumping the rest of his gyoza onto the plate and turning off the stovetop.
“I was thinking of asking Hisagi if he wanted us to take some pictures and do a little write-up for the Bulletin,” Rukia went on. “Get us a little walking-around money.” Not that Rukia lacked for pocket money, but it was a little more expensive than their usual weekend activities, and Renji got a little cagey when she tried to treat him to things.
“That’s a bad idea.”
“Why? We had fun the last time we played reporter!”
“Grab the bowl of sauce, would you?” Renji gestured with his chin as he picked up the plate of dumplings and the teapot to carry them to the table. “Don’t you remember when they built that damn train line? Took ‘em over over thirty years, and there were three to four articles every single Bulletin about the delays, the graft, the politics, the environmental impact, whatever. People got so mad about the idea of a train inside the Seireitei that it doesn’t even go anywhere useful. I didn’t even know they used it for anything aside from twee holidays for bored nobles.”
“I heard a story from my friend, Lady Akizuki, that the old head of the Seshimo clan actually lives on the train! He hasn’t set foot outside it in fifteen years!”
Renji cocked an eyebrow at her. He looked like he desperately wanted to hear about the Train Noble, but also did not want to be a guy who cared about Train Nobles. “Anyway, don’t mention the train to Hisagi unless you got six or seven hours to kill. Preferably when I’m not there.”
Rukia picked up the big, fragrant bowl of ginger dipping sauce with both hands. “It was just an idea. So what do you think? Do you want to go?”
“When is it again?” Renji asked, frowning.
“It’s running for all of May, but the weather has been so nice lately, I thought maybe we could go next weekend,” Rukia suggested. 
Renji was quiet for a moment, but Rukia figured that maybe he was just focused on serving her dumplings, which was, in her opinion, very important. 
“Ru,” he finally said slowly, as he poured her a cup of tea. “There’s something I need to tell you.”
“Is it that you want to go to the Seafood Festival with me?”
Renji took a big breath through his nose and let it out again. “If things work out, I’d love to go later in the month. Next weekend’s not gonna work, though.”
“Oh.” Rukia frowned. “That’s fine. That’s no big deal.” She looked down lovingly at her gyoza and then up at Renji hopefully. “Itadakimasu?” she asked hopefully.
Renji blinked. “Huh? Oh, yeah, please help yourself. That… that wasn’t the thing I had to say.”
“Well, spit it out, already,” Rukia groused, her mouth already crammed with gyoza. “Why are you being weird?”
Renji still hadn’t touched his own food. He had circled his right wrist with the thumb and middle finger of his left hand and was rotating it back and forth. He used to make that gesture a lot when he was young, and Rukia realized that she hadn’t seen him do it in years.
“I’m having some surgery,” Renji finally said. 
Rukia froze. After a long moment, she slowly finished chewing her dumpling and swallowed it. “Are you okay? What’s going on?”
“I’m getting my arm fixed.”
Rukia watched him rub his wrist for another few seconds. “Did it not heal correctly after the, um, accident?��� “The accident” was when Byakuya had stabbed him through the forearm during a demonstration fight the week prior. Everyone was being very polite about it.
“Wellll…” Renji drew out. “I mean, no, that healed up fine. Very clean cut, Senbonzakura, as always. But, uh, while I was at the Fourth, the topic of my burnt-out kidou ducts came up. Captain Unohana thinks she can fix ‘em. And I’ve decided to, um, let her try.” “Oh,” said Rukia. Her chest was filling up with a lot of strange feelings. “Oh.”
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bvannn · 2 months
Weekly update March 22, 2024
I’m still exhausted beyond words. I’m also on a bit of a spiral where I’m worried about the quality of my art and about my output, but it’s okay because I’m chipping away at old big projects still and as soon as classwork is subsided I’m going to try to learn a new skill, because any time I feel insufficient I learn a new skill so I can be better. Classes have been kicking my ass mostly but hopefully big things will be coming sooner rather than later.
I’ve been doing a number of drawings to time myself and update my comms. Turns out I’m a lot less consistent than I thought so it’ll be a bit longer till I get prices sorted out but it’s coming along. Also good chance I’ll add more on to it later once I sort out more things I can offer. My usual drawing style will be the main one, but I’m hoping I can also add the epithet erased style, the chibi dnd mini style I do sometimes, options for backgrounds, and eventually also music.
Problem with music though has been my exhaustion. The only music stuff I’ve really been drilling at has been bigger projects, but I’d like to just sit down and do a small beat as well at some point. Once I catch up with classwork I might try. I have been chipping away at a couple instrumental pieces, as well as the larger vocal cover and I did some lyric writing today for the two ‘finished mostly’ ones I’ve been sitting on. I did have to scrap and redo a character theme for the second time this week but once I have some time with a clear mind I can reroute that one and use the melody I wrote for the last draft. In development right now are an ambient character theme, a 16bit-ish instrumental theme, a Zelda medley, a song cover with Kyo, a small gabber song with no affiliation to anything, the two original vocal songs, one symphonic rock and one EDM, and a handful of others that I haven’t been actively working on. As soon as I have significant time I’m going to try to finish off some of them.
Once the music is finished I’ll have to throw visuals together for them too. I really want to put in effort to make animation rigs again but I don’t have the time or energy. I might do one for the vocal cover song since I could be reusing the character but I’m not sure it’ll be necessary. Once the cover is done I’ll storyboard something and decide then.
Comic is also still going, I haven’t had a ton of time to do thumbnailing/writing, but I should be down to the last scene. No guarantee I won’t have to add more after editing, but it’s getting there. Once that’s done I’ll try to post roughs of specific panels so it’s a bit easier to keep track of where it’s at. The thumbnailing is a big bottleneck right now because it takes a lot of brain power but it’s almost done. If I get myself together this next week it should be done by the next update. No promises though, I have a lot of classwork.
Last couple things, a good amount of my exhaustion is the result of insomnia, but I’ve been using that time to plan out TTRPG campaign stuff. I think I have some really fun creative encounters. I think I probably will try to write it out and find a way to release it, just in the interest of getting more people to play the anime campaign system (or whatever they end up renaming it to when the epithet erased version of the rules drops… eventually). I might throw together art for that too, but that’ll be a ways off, after the writing and encounters are done. Plus ideally I’d want the module to be available for free, so I don’t need to add too much anyway.
Last thing, as I mentioned I’m a bit unsatisfied with where I am with art stuff. I want to thank everyone who has been sticking around, I am trying to make it worthwhile for you too. But whenever I am unsatisfied with myself I need to learn a new skill, so I may be dipping my toes into pixel art soon. I do have that 16bit ish instrumental song I mentioned, that’s been on the back burner since January but I’ve finally been hit with the inspiration to finish it, and a little pixel animation would be nice to go with it, but that would require me to learn pixel art itself first, so I’ll try to do that in the coming weeks. Idk how soon though.
This next week will be primarily dedicated to clearing up schoolwork and fixing my sleep problem. After that I’ll try finishing up that cover song, finishing up comic thumbnailing, and finishing up that instrumental song, in that order. Anything else is a bonus. Will class work and insomnia get in the way? Probably, but I’m still doing my best.
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screadingchallenge · 2 years
Behind the Keyboard: Volume 1
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This is the first interview in a series with different Schitt’s Creek fanfic authors. The series will last as long as there is interest (from authors) and capacity (from me). If you are an author from the Schitt’s Creek fandom who would like to participate, send a DM to this account.
Each author was given ten questions. The first five questions are the same for every author, the last five will vary. 
Remember, this year’s Reading Challenge begins July 15, so polish up those MFL lists.
Let’s meet our first author:
SweetSirius/ @wordthieve
How many fics have you written?
11 in total, 4 in the Schitt’s Creek fandom.
When did you publish your first fic on AO3?
November 2018
Describe your writing process from “Oh, I have an idea” to pushing publish on AO3. 
Lessee. A lot of the time it starts with a scene in my head, and if it’s a good one I start building around it. If I really like it I start making dot points. In more organised fics, I map out the arc of the whole story, but it often starts with me fleshing out one scene in particular. 
Tell me about your most recent fic? What do you love about it? Is there anything you think you could have done better?
Working Out! The reddit thread it came from was utterly adorable. Someone on the discord suggested a fic could be written, and I thought they were right, so I jumped in without thinking and put my hand up. I loved the idea of fitting it to Patrick and David, and the challenge of thinking hard about how someone might make that realisation without being afraid of it. I liked the idea of structuring it with a songlist full of meaningful lyrics, but YIKES, it took forever. I think my favourite part might be the date. I love a happy ending. *wink*
I always worry about fics after I’ve posted them. And even though this blew out to almost 9K, I wonder if I rushed it, if it feels too laboured. 
What advice would you give to someone who’s thinking about publishing their fic for the first time?
I’d say the most important thing is that you like what you’ve written. Write it for you. Write what you like to read. Also there are some lovely, lovely people out there, and a lot of them read fics.
Most memorable comment you’ve had on one of your fics?
Oh man. I can’t possibly single one out. Every single comment on You Can Fall (my first SC fic) is lodged in my heart. The early ones that made me sigh with relief. The running comments that followed as I posted each chapter, popping up regularly to let me know what they liked, or just to say AHHHHHH - they really made it such a great connective experience, something we were all doing together. The comments from writers whose fics I loved. The re-readers. I love it when people single out a part they loved. A couple of people even told me it brought them comfort, or solace, or spoke to them - I take so much comfort from this fandom and from fanfics, so this all made me a little (a LOT) lip-wobbly.
What do you do when you get stuck?
I asked a published author this once, and he gave an answer I think about a lot. Think of it like a bunch of logs jammed in a river. There’s no easy way to get things moving again. You just have to tweak and prod and push and pull and move things around until things start to shift. Just keep going.
Myself, I always go back to the character: how would someone like them react realistically in a situation like this. Know your characters well. It’ll save you.
Who is another fic writer you admire and why?
The awful thing about this question is that I know I could list dozens of fics and still forget someone. If you really want a list or a bunch of recs I can provide that, but for now I’ll say that I admire writers who are good at the things I struggle with - those who don’t waste words but still manage to convey huge feelings. I love those whose passion for and knowledge of something is so tangible it leaks out into whatever world they’re building. I love the stories I remember as a sense - colours, music, sexytimes. I admire people who tackle complicated movie/media AUs and tweak them just right to fit the new characters. I love those who are brave - taking painful feelings, or out-there concepts, and making something really beautiful. Those who change my mind about what is my sort of thing.
If you could say one thing to your fellow fic writers, what would it be?
Thank you. That’s the main thing. You have all brought me so much comfort, and humour, and feeling and a feeling of safety that I really needed. Thank you so much.
What’s one question you would like to ask Dan Levy about writing?
ONE!?! Oh god. May I join your staff? Maybe: what do you do if/when you can’t think of an idea? Or: what does your writing space look like?
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thatgordongirl · 1 year
Fanfic ask! 🥺 🤡 🛒💋🤩🤗
Thank you so much for the ask! If anyone else wants to send one, the list is here
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
Most of the time, I write singular character focused stuff, but Julian being uncharacteristically kind to someone has always been endearing to me. Whether it be taking Captain outside to avoid loud party music or reassuring Pat that it’s not his fault he got cheated on. Hugging his wife or hanging out with his daughter, stuff like that. 
🤡 What’s a line, scene, or exchange you’ve written that made you laugh?
I technically haven’t written it yet, but there’s a scene I’m planning for the fic where Julian and Pat live, and Pat finds some of Thomas’ poetry online, though it isn’t attached to him. Pat shows Julian and the conversation basically boils down to:
Pat: Well it really spoke to me….
Julian: it’s about worms
I don’t write a lot of funny stuff, I usually write when I’m sad, or if an idea suddenly hits me. 
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
I’m really attached to Captain and butterflies, not only does it symbolise his transformation, but also his disconnect from his former self. A caterpillar looks almost nothing like a butterfly, but it becomes it’s true self when it changes in such a way. Julian and alcohol intertwine quite a lot, but that’s probably due to my own experiences with people drinking. Stories involving Thomas usually have more similes and metaphors, or colourful descriptions because that’s how I think he would describe it in his head. He’d try to make a poem and end up comparing one thing to another in no particular pattern. I try to make it sound more pretty? If that makes sense? Like 1800s novels I’ve read. I know he’s from 1824, but I drew a lot of inspiration from The Picture of Dorian Gray when writing Thomas stuff. 
💋 First kiss fics. Love em or hate em?
I love reading them, even if it’s a ship I don’t like because how it comes about is interesting regardless. But I cannot write them to save my own life, I’ve done it before and it never seems to go well. It’s so much more natural for me to write love that can’t be expressed like Captain or complicated like Julian or Thomas. I’ll get used to it eventually, but for now, I’ll just enjoy other people’s lovely works. 
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write? 
Captain feels the most natural because he’s the first Ghosts character I ever wrote and probably the character I’ve wrote the most for, but I don’t know what more I can explore about him that someone else hasn’t already written, considering he’s so popular. I feel bad throwing my own Captain onto everyone else’s good Captain fics. Julian is really fun to write because me amuses and frustrates me so much as a person. The best way to describe what it’s like to write Thomas is flowery and I love it. 
🤗 What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
I don’t know if I’m qualified enough to give advice, since I’ve only been posting a year or so, but I’ll throw my two cents in anyway. Don’t feel obligated to post or finish a story just because you think it’ll disappoint someone if you don’t. Engage with your readers and fellow writers, @ginevralinton always leaves wonderful comments on my fics and writes fantastic ones of her own. You’ll feel more connected with the fandom your write for. 
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visarcana · 2 years
I should confirm my alive status here as well from time to time, so why the hell not, let’s about the music like I promised last time! It’s mostly thanks to @coverteyes who has this really awesome playlist for her fic I’ve been reading (and I much recommend checking both, especially if you need your VH fix!)
So I was reminded yet again that I had also started creating a playlist, although it’s difficult... mostly because I find it tedious looking for some new tracks and mostly just play the same things over and over again, with the occassional switch to what I used to play over and over again a few years back, hah. Not easy finding any new cool songs like that.
But here’s one song that always stuck out and reminded me of the fic whenever it came up on shuffle, and it’s Florence and the Machine’s
I love both acoustic and studio version (to the point I cannot say which one I prefer) and I will even be as tacky to paste the lyrics here cause this is the true blog of shame as you know:
Oh the river, oh the river, it's running free And oh the joy, oh the joy it brings to me But I know it'll have to drown me Before it can breathe easy
And I've seen it in the flights of birds I've seen it in you, in the entrails of the animals The blood running through, but in order to get to the heart I think sometimes you have to cut through (but you can)
You can, we can, we can
Just keep following The heartlines on your hand Just keep following The heartlines on your hand Keep it up, I know you can Just keep following The heartlines on your hand, 'cause I am
Odyssey on odyssey and land over land Creeping and crawling like the sea over sand Still I follow heartlines on your hand
This fantasy, this fallacy, this tumbling stone Echoes of a city that's long overgrown Your heart is the only place that I call home Can I be returned? You can You can, we can
Just keep following The heartlines on your hand Just keep following The heartlines on your hand Keep it up, I know you can Just keep following The heartlines on your hand
What a thing to do Ooh, what a thing to choose But know, in some way, I'm there with you Up against the wall on a Wednesday afternoon
Just keep following The heartlines on your hand Just keep following The heartlines on your hand
Keep it up, I know you can Just keep following The heartlines on your hand 'Cause I am
I pretty much delved into Florence and the Machine discography only a few years ago (literally saved my sanity writing the thesis back in 2019). So by the time I discovered the song I had many of the scenes in my head or even on paper already... and I remember I really wanted to immediately gush about how well the imagery and everything fits the fic (and also Esca in general), at least in my head! But well, I didn’t, cause noone would understand at that point... but it was almost ridiculous, I literally had a later scene that featured reading someone’s hand? Echoes of the long lost city? C’mon... Cut through to get to the heart? In some way I’m there with you? I could just point out a draft scene for almost each and every of the lines and practically went full vincemcmahon.gif
Actually, I would love to experience that feeling again sometime, so if anyone has a music tip, please do let me know, haha.
So I still do not know if I will actually make a playlist but I at least wanted to post about this... you’ll fully see what I mean later!
On a not so unrelated note, regarding my months of executive dysfunction and the new chapter -- with the gracious help of @yilinglaowhoops we are about 95% done and I swear I want it to be done ALREADY more than anything. It will be a true disaster though, don’t say I didn’t warn you (just kidding, whoever still reads probably knows what they can expect by now).
That’s it from me I guess, have a great week, everyone!
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non4ry · 1 year
new re4make trailer how we feeling?
I HAVE A LOT OF FEELINGS. I haven’t posted about it because I know I have some friends who are avoiding re4make spoilers completely SO. I am going to give this a ‼️‼️ HUGE RE4MAKE SPOILER WARNING ‼️‼️
I have the most thoughts about ashley so i’m gonna save those for later in the post because there’s a lot to unpack with her, but other than her, I am kinda interested in this new direction they’re taking with Luis? Him being alive and filling in a partner role is super cool and the minecart scene was so silly (speaking of that I am so so glad they’re showcasing the humor aspects of re4 that were so iconic in the original while also removing the tasteless humor and still keeping the serious tone of the game!! looks like really good writing so far) A lot of the voice acting and general gameplay quality seems a lot better in this trailer than the older ones. All of the character designs for the villains look amazing, the game actually feels like it’ll be kinda scary! I do genuinely love the horror elements of Resident Evil (even though the only actually scary one is 7 imo), so I’m glad to see them touching up on that a bit.
One of my only qualms is that I feel as though Luis is replacing Ashley in some aspects/parts? But it also seems like they’re taking a much more serious and almost Unwilling Antagonist route with her. I’m not too entirely sure how I feel about it yet, my other two characters I’m thinking about with this direction being re5 jill (a storyline I hated) and re7 mia winters (a character I loved) my opinion will definitely be influenced by the actual game itself, however I support women’s wrongs and I think girls should be allowed to do whatever they want.
I really hope that this direction with her doesn’t turn into unnecessary torture though, I am really nervous about that already seeing as how they are considerably more violent with her than they were in og. (This trailer showed her being Choked out instead of just grabbed, the scene of her tied up, all of the sacrifice scenes, etc.. I just hope they’re kind to her.)
On another hand though I do really love how this Plagas Infection opens up for taking her more seriously, acknowledging her as a person who is Actually struggling with this horrible thing that’s happening to her (because we barely saw it in the original, she was just a punching bag for the villains) I also hope they don’t abuse this over and over again to get her out of the story like they did with having her conveniently be kidnapped several times, I want to see her more, I want to see her fight and live and exist, overcome her fears (which given a lot of her dialogue with leon seems to be a direction they’re taking! She seems to be nervous about him at first but is slowly warming up to him and his kindness and reassurance, which is so much more realistic and human and I think does her a lot more justice than her immediate crush on him in OG.)
Speaking of Leon I am so excited to his character direction and his interactions with Ashley feel so much sweeter and genuine, as kind and gentle as he was to her in the OG game I always found myself a bit off put but how . Inhuman their dialogue interactions were, when we’re supposed to be seeing them build this bond and trust to each other and escape the hell they’re in. I am so so glad that they kept Leon’s gentle nature with her instead of going out their way to make him this emo asshole that everyone characterizes him as.
To summarize I am generally really excited, there are definitely some things I would have done differently (mostly with ashley’s design) but I am excited to see the vision they have in mind for the game and it’s characters. I would love to hear your thoughts as well because honestly this trailer gave us a Lot of new stuff and I haven’t even touched on the gameinformer gameplay yet either .
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xmcu-fietro · 1 year
Not to be that bitch, I wish you would write a fic where… something happens that you've already announced. Because those ideas sound great!
you and me both xD I’m dying to actually finish the stuff I've started, it just takes so long to actually finish.
I can definitely post some snippets here though (see below the cutoff)! Both of these fics have summaries on my WIP list. Also, some of this may be a little confusing without the context of the surrounding scene.
from Nobody
His fast metabolism hasn’t quite cut through the dizziness from the alcohol: “What?”
“I was asking whether you wanted a movie or a game, or something else.” Erik begins putting the emergency supplies back in their box. 
“Nothing. I’ll just go to my room.” Peter mumbles, keeping his eyes averted from Erik’s. 
“You shouldn’t be alone right now.”
“Yeah, but…” he shrugs. “I don’t want to bother you.” 
“You’re supposed to bother me; I’m your father.”
“I’m dizzy.” Peter tries for a different excuse, leaning his head against his palm and letting his eyes close. “I need to…to just chill out for a bit.” 
He hears the chair next to him creak lightly against the wood floor as Erik stands up. A gentle hand brushes his forehead, checking his temperature before reaching to cup the side of Peter’s head.
“Alright, Peter. Just come to the living room and you can lay down.”
Peter keeps his eyes closed, biting his bottom lip to keep it from trembling. When he doesn’t respond, he hears Erik mumble something as he pries Peter’s hand away from his head. He didn’t even realize he’d been digging his nails into his scalp, but there’s trace amounts of blood under a few of his nails. 
“Please come rest.” Erik tries again, his voice soft. “I’ll go get you some water. It’ll help you sober up.” 
Peter complies, letting his father lead him to the couch where he wraps a quilt around him before rustling his hair. Peter wants to protest, but all of his fight was sapped out of him when his dad found him with no way to hide what he’d done to himself. Erik turns their electric fireplace on with a twitch of his index finger on his way out to grab a large glass of water. He returns, having also gotten some rugelach they had in the pantry.
Peter holds the glass with both hands, his fingers shaking. “Thanks,” he tries to say, but it comes out as more of a rough whisper. 
from 'Til Death
Unfortunately, jumping out of the attic window isn’t an option. And yes, Ralph has tried. He has a bruise on his shoulder to prove it.
Ralph has been stuck in the attic ever since Monica escaped, and apparently Agatha’s got some kind of barrier around his attic man-cave because the door won’t open and the windows seem cemented shut.
His flip-phone’s dead, he can’t phase through walls or vibrate glass like he normally can to escape, and everyone else is somewhere far away from him having some kind of show-down while he uselessly sits on the couch bouncing his leg. Also, the whole “double mind-control” thing from Wanda and Agatha has left him with some serious nausea and a growing headache. Maybe it’s best he sits this one out. 
At least I’ve got music up here, right?
Ralph almost hopes Agatha wins just so she’ll come back and free him. No one else would think to look for him there, so there is some chance he’ll die stuck in this attic. 
Maybe that’s a bit drastic. But he should pick a really good song to die to, just in case. 
Time by Pink Floyd crackles on the record player as Ralph stares at the ceiling, watching the minutes tick away in a painfully slow fashion. He moves the needle back a couple of times just to hear the chorus again. 
Maybe an hour passes; the album’s played through twice, and as the third half of Eclipse starts, Ralph checks outside his window one last time. 
‘Eclipse’. It’s funny, the sun’s blocked from Wanda’s magic. How fitting.
He fixes the record once the final track ends, and as the bassline to Breathe (In The Air) kicks in he sees the red haze moving towards him, cutting through everything in its path. 
‘Oh shit.’ he thinks, slammed with a wave of red static. 
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shealynn88 · 2 years
Writing Process
TL;DR: please share your writing/revising process with me!  Post it and tag me!  Pretty please!
I’m trying to improve/find my writing process, and I’m curious how people write and revise/rewrite their plotty works.  I’ll tell you my processes and what’s worked and what hasn’t, and if you decide to accept the challenge and write up your process, please tag me!  I want to read all about it!  I’ve written 3 long things in the last year, none of them finished, and I’ve attacked them all a little differently.  Let me break it down:
First: Nano 2021, 50k complete (ish)
This was my...5th NaNo, my 3rd ‘win’, and a bit of a mess, but a fun one while I was doing it.
This was meant to be a ‘novel’ style fanfic, with a full plot, hybrid FBI procedural/romance.  I wrote it out of order, and some scenes I wrote several times in different ways as I got new brilliant ideas.  I also decided that I didn’t want to get bogged down in the details too much, since I was in a hurry, so a lot of the nitty gritty clues never actually...went into the story.  
The result is that I have a story that is almost a choose your own adventure.  I don’t know which version of which scene to use, and any choice is likely to cascade changes through the entire rest of the story.  It feels incredibly overwhelming and I don’t know that I’ll ever complete it.
Second: July 2022, 24k, 50k complete (estimate)
A new attempt at a plotty fanfic, not designed as a trad pub novel, more as a meandering character exploration with a side of case fic.  It’s not as complex as the previous one, and I’ve opted to still write scenes as I’m moved to write them, but if they’re out of order, I write them in a separate document and I rewrite them into the main document when I get to them, which allows me to choose one version, and to write it based on the previous emotional arc of the character rather than cutting and pasting something that misses the mark.
This seems to be more successful, but some of my favorite scenes have changed significantly.  The story has gotten much softer than I’d originally intended, and while it’s true to itself, I’m sorry to have to let go of those edgier scenes I’d planned at first.  I have one section that I know I’ll need to restructure in the main document because events happened in an order that doesn’t entirely make sense.  I have a rough outline (about a sentence per scene) of the rest of the story, and it looks like it’ll be about 15 more scenes or so.  The process is definitely better, though I think a complete rewrite (retype into a new document) will be really useful in fixing pacing, characterization and arc.
Third: August 2022, 13k,15k complete (estimate)
This is not so plotty, it’s a simple character arc with supporting plot.  I include it here because it’s closer to done.  The first draft is complete at 13k, the second draft is in progress at 5k, and it’s SO HARD.  
I started out writing it in a flurry, and it was rough and really wordy.  I wrapped the first draft up (missing a few scenes, and needing a denouement) in a week or two, and it was messy.  There were places it really dragged and felt awkward.  I opted to print it out and delete the draft from my documents, and rewrite from the printed draft so I wasn’t tempted to cut and paste anything.
I hate it.  The process feels like pulling teeth. But when I reread what I’d written in the second draft yesterday, I was really happy with it.  It really tightened up the story, allowed me to find the characters a little bit better, and is leading to better prose.  I THINK this is a good way to proceed except the part where I’ve struggled through the majority of the 5k words I’ve got down so far. I’ve heard people say that editing goes faster, that once the words are down, it’s easier.  I’m not finding that to be the case.  Now that they’re down, I don’t want to lose them.  I know when places are awkward but I don’t necessarily know how to make them better (I’m just getting to the part that really didn’t hit the notes I wanted to hit, so we’ll see how that goes!).  I’m really struggling with it.  But after the struggle, the words are better.  The character is better.  The arc is better.
The question is, will I be able to do this for something that’s more like 50 or 90k?  Or will I give up because it really is such a slog?
What’s your process, my friends?  What works for you?
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gremoria411 · 7 months
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I felt like writing something short today, so let’s talk about the New Gundam Seed Freedom trailer (it was either this or a quick review of SD Gundam CROSS RAYS).
I think I’m gonna genuinely struggle to take this movie seriously.
Now I’ve already done a few posts about my feelings on the Cosmic Era (and I’ll probably do more at some point), but in brief; I like both SEED and SEED Destiny. I like Destiny more because it feels like they had more freedom (ugh) with what they wanted to do, as opposed to vaguely retelling the original series, but I think SEED’s a bit more coherent.
(Stargazer’s a decent little yarn about Phantom pain pilots, I’d say it’s almost the cosmic era in miniature)
And I know it’s because it’s a scene taken out of context from the trailer, but-
Lacus: It’s my wish as well
Kira: UWA!?
Lacus: to fight alongside you
Kira: UK-GHA?!
He can emote, ladies and gentlemen!
Speaking of emoting, maybe it’s just that I haven’t seen Cucuruz Doan’s Island, but everyone seems to be really pushing that facial animation in this. Like, in another scene, Lacus turns around, looks faintly disgusted, then moves right along to joy. And I misread Shinn’s expression something like twice when rewatching the trailer (is it horny rage, or is it anguish?). It was odd.
Though I will say the new music (op? Inset song?) sounds really good, though I find the Cosmic Era’s always had good music.
Even though we have another moment of unintentional parody, where the music lulls and Kira says dramatically “I can’t see an end to this war, all I can do is……” (soundtrack) FREEDOM. And my mind immediately went to “metal gear protagonist”.
Admittedly while I don’t think I’ll be able to take it seriously, I do think it’ll be fun to talk about. But all the same, I was feeling oddly cynical. Not really sure why.
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Unrelatedly, there was another announcement today, Mobile Suit Gundam Silver Phantom. A, uh, virtual reality narrative interactive experience as one news site has dubbed it. Gonna be honest, I feel the the top comment on the YouTube video sums up my thoughts “I was hype until the meta quest appeared”. Anyway, we know basically nothing about it, so I’m going to indulge in some baseless speculation for the moment. Presumably it’s a spin-off, I don’t think they’d make a whole new AU just for this. So then as a guess I’d say it’s likely either a Universal Century sidestory or SEED (since we got Gundam Seed Eclipse a little while back). But I did see one interesting theory while browsing earlier:
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It could be this “Silver Phantom”. Unlikely, I think, but a neat theory.
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raddishwrites · 1 year
First Sentences - Fic Author Tag Game
Rules: post the first sentence of your last ten fics. If you haven’t written ten fics, share as many first sentences as you have.
I’m tagging myself idgaf, nothing but the first is posted so no other links.
1. Moonlight and Roses: Even past the constant, painful din of the hospital, Connor recognizes the metronome of clacking down the hall.
I don’t mind it. I can’t remember why I wrote the first scene in present tense though.
2. I Like Dogs part two, TBD: When his new ‘partner’ came out of his house mercifully shortly, Gavin was staring, incredulous.
Lil sneak peek that may or may not change. ;3
3. Next time we’ll dance slow (working title): “Connor—” came a low hiss from behind, though it went ignored.
Eh it’s fine ig. Another teaser.
4. More Than One Emergency Exit: One minute Connor was scanning over the crowd, more comfortable feeling like a bodyguard than the fifth representative cast over a sea of his people.
This is worded a little awkwardly and it’ll likely change before I publish this oneshot.
5. Detroit’s Shitty Weather has Upsides, Too (working title): “I think he’s sort of like a cat,” Tina said as she and Gavin stood at a table in the break room, casually leaning on its surface and staring at the back of Nines’ head across the bullpen like teenagers in the food court at the mall.
I took this prompt and another one from someplace and smashed them together to do another oneshot I should do a final edit for and post :P
6. Why do Chihuahuas bite? : Nines was not one to waste words.
Hahaha amazing! This is for another oneshot that’s basically done I have posted nothing but I have a BACKLOG.
This is the longfic I was working on before ILD, I restarted this thing three times with different first chapters, I lost my mind. I have like 300k words of this story though in three structured parts. Almost entirely out of order. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
8. Replace: Strolling into CyberLife Tower like he owned the place (which hadn’t been even tangentially true for more than a decade now), Gavin Reed quickly caught sight of the small gathering of people across the vast lobby that was the open space of the ground floor.
This is the start of part two of that longfic, a scene I actually like. Yes this includes the halfbrothers headcanon.
9. Revenge (Connor POV, TBD): Connor was not one to be known as ‘unapologetic’ generally, but in this case it suited him fine.
So I did have a shorter parallel fic planned to run alongside Revenge. Same story but Revenge follows Nines and Gavin. This follows Connor, Hank, and Markus. I realise Connor as ‘apologetic’ could raise questions, especially since this is a post game fic. I maintain this opening line is actually totally based considering what comes after. (Heads up the third part ‘Reclaim’ doesn’t have an official first scene/chapter. Just rough drafted scenes and an outline. That’s why it’s not on here)
10. Hm well I could do an old fic I haven’t touched in years for a fandom I’m not in anymore and don’t want to be… or an NSFW fic drabble…
I’m doing neither you get nine that’s it.
Not tagging anyone else either, but please do if you write and you see this.
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seraphinitegames · 3 years
The Wayhaven Chronicles—Update 03/Dec/2021
Seriously, Autumn and Winter are totally my time of the year! :D I've got so much done recently and seeing my checklist with so many ticks is even more motivating!
Social media days were great fun! But the first version of Chapter Ten was going sooooo well, that it did cut into the social media days a little. But my goal for this week was to finish the first version of Chapter Ten....and I'm going to do it by the end of today!!!
It's actually a more action-based chapter, so things have been quicker to write. There's not too much dialogue after the initial 'who's gonna side with who?' moment, which helps ease things :D A few moments during these scenes just seriously got me going so much though. I actually turned to Nai at one point and was like, 'Aahhh!! I'm loving this!' lol!
So it was a pretty packed week, but a majorly productive one. Next week, I hope to try and finish the other version of Chapter Ten, or at least get it mostly done.
That would be pretty huge and also put me ahead of schedule! As is probably obvious, I want Book Three to be out next year, so anything that can push me ahead makes me very, very happy!
A few people have asked about The Curse of Creek Edge. I don't post too much about progress on that as it's a slow, 'when I have time' personal project, but it is coming along. I've made some big leaps recently, and it'll be nice to start the actual writing on the demo portion now that the art is almost finished. I haven't done the CGs yet, but they're much easier to add in after the writing is done. I'll start posting proper progress reports on that after the demo is released.
To finish off, I have the dates for the Patreon Agency Party Christmas specials:
9th December: "I'll Leave that as a Surprise…."—An old friend reveals a little more than they were supposed to about the charming Second-in-Command (Nate/Nat special)
16th December: ''It's Fun to Enjoy the Mystery"—Someone's flirtation with the Detective leads to Adam/Ava getting a dose of realisation and honesty (Adam/Ava special)
23rd December: 'Absolutely Besotted'—A familiar face gives a surprising statement about the odds on this relationship (Felix/Farah special)
30th December: "Jealousy Doesn't Suit You…" Just what the Detective might mean to Mason/Morgan comes from an unexpected source (Mason/Morgan special)
The Patreon Christmas specials were longer than I planned, hence the short summaries this time along with the titles...I got a bit carried away with them, hehe! :D But I got to introduce or bring back some characters that I love, so I couldn't help myself!
Hope you guys have an amazing weekend! We'll be offline as usual, so I'll talk to you all soon! <3
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arcadejohn127-9 · 3 years
Hello,, may i request headcanons of the brothers who got a love letter from mc but it turned out to be a prank from some lesser demons,,thank you :))
This was meant to be posted on yesterday for April fools but ended up getting caught up with things irl and didn't get to finish it in time - aaaaaaaand I fell asleep before midnight and now it's 3 am, fell asleep mid way through writing, well done me 😭😂
Rip the lesser demons for always having the balls to cause mischief but always end up getting hurt, when will they learn - what happens at the end is up to you
The lesser demon snickered towards his friend, shushing their friend as they slipped the pink letter into the higher demons locker. Another demon was with them, more timid than the other two.
"what if we get in trouble?! They'll find out it wasn't actually the human and we'll end up dog food-!"
"we planned this whole thing, it'll be fun - we just gotta stay at a distance!"
It was long before footsteps grew closer, the timid demon squeaking in fear. The other lesser demons took it as a sign to start running, grabbing each other and bolted away from the scene of the crime.
The owner of the locker arrived, just noticing the lesser demons run off in the distance. He opened his locker and almost stumbled back when a letter fluttered out. The demon grew curious he noticed there was a heart seal on the back. He opened it to read it to himself.
To my dearest friend,
I think it's about time I come clean about my feelings, I've been holding these in for a very long time and I refuse to keep them a secret anymore!
I'm in love with you! I can't explain it but you've won my heart, everytime you smile at me I just can't help but feel my heart skip. Is it wrong to feel this way? I'm only a human and you are a demon...we're so different and I don't know how long we'll be able to have this time we have together. All I know is that I want to be with you for as long as I can!
Will you accept my feelings? I'm not sure if I can face just yet so meet me at the end of day! I'll be waiting for you at the back of the school - I really hope you come. Even if it's decline my feelings....I just want to be able to face you and how you make me feel.
Love, (Y/N)
Oh his ego is SO stroked
He could just imagine the human blushing as they wrote and nervously putting it in his locker
He did see you later that day and decided to tease you a little but while you were flustered, you also seemed confused
That was his first suspicion
When the time finally came he was patient but you weren't early
His second suspicious
You both knew each other very well, he liked things being in a timely Matter and you tried your best to not be late
He stiffened when he heard a snicker from a few trees away, he looked over there to see three demons all hiding
"I know you're hiding, it's best you come out now."
One by one they all showed themselves, growing nervous
"Come here, don't be shy, I'm sure there's a perfectly good reason for this, after all you seemed to be desperate to have me out here."
"you- you knew it wasn't the human?!"
his pride wouldn't let him tell the truth, he refused to show his disappointment
"of course, you clearly don't understand the human as much as you think you do - now, who's the leader? I think we should have a nice talk."
He's internally screaming, his face was bright red
Watch this boy struggle against his locker as he tries to hide his excitement
Though, when his high died down he did find it strange you were being shy
You could have your shy moments but to confess through a letter was odd
He wasn't the brightest guy around but he can sense when he's getting scammed - even if he ignores that instinct when it comes to money
He's always around you so it wasn't strange for him to see you after class and he was surprised how... relaxed you were
Something was up but in the end, he went to the back of the school
When he texted you, asking you where you were and you said going home - that was the final straw
"Oi! Are you out there?! I know you tricked me!"
The lesser demons started to panic, not thinking mammon would catch on
But when mammon started marching around looking for them they decided it was best to reveal themselves
"There ya are, now let's get to talking - what made you three wanna do something like this? You think it's funny to pretend to be the human?"
The leader snickered, agreeing that it was funny to pretend but their friends understood right now - their doom was coming
Mammon cracked his knuckles, stalking closest to them
"I like a good joke, let me show you my favourite one."
Love Letter in his locker??? Heart seal!!!??HE WAS THE LOVE INTEREST??!!
He's torn between dying inside and excitement, he's absolutely losing it
He had to fan himself with the letter due to how hot his face was getting
He wasn't sure how he was going to face you! Let alone you having to face him
But- there was no way you were interested in him! You wouldn't do this
He didn't believe it, it HAD to be a prank
When levi saw you for the rest of the day it only strengthen his suspicions
He did go to the back of the school and when he saw you were no where to he seen
He was absolutely embarassed and ashamed by even hoping it was real
"YOU CAN COME OUT NOW! just- just stop hiding, it isn't funny."
the demons came out, disappointed with the lack of dramatics
"so you three did it, you really think it's funny to do something like this?! To mess with someone's feelings and pretend to be the human is just - IT'S PATHETIC-!"
The demons started to feel uncomfortable, the higher demon had tears in his eyes and obviously worked up
Even the one who wanted to see this kind of reaction was uncomfortable
His demon form started to shift outwards and raised his hand, the ground beneath them rumbling
"it seems you just think I'm some sort of pushover! But I'm not!"
Hm, how interesting
It isn't too odd that you're using a letter to confess, you know he appreciate writing
But you were more verbal or atleast text - this was new
But to say he wasn't absolutely ecstatic was an understatement, he was beyond the moon
When he saw you later he tried to not bring up the letter as his brothers were around
Though, he was thrown off when you got confused when he teased about seeing you after school
He decided he'll investigate things, going up to demons who have lockers near his and ask if he saw the human put anything in it
After awhile of searching he finally found out it was three demons who did it - he didn't want to spoil their fun and so he still went
He leaned against the nearest tree, waiting for the demons to arrive
"Ah you're here, I'm so glad you finally came."
the demons were surprised when he moved towards them, they left their hiding spot with nervous smiles
"You write well, you got their energy almost perfectly into the letter - I'm impressed."
They didn't expect that....not one bit
"you're not....mad???"
Satan chuckled, flexing his clenched fists
His smile grew more strained and dangerous as he leaned over them
"oh no, no I'm not mad - im LIVID."
He was surprised to get a love letter, he gets piles worth everyday
He didn't expect it to be from YOU though
You were so open with him and you two were already overly affectionate to each other he was sure you were already low-key dating
So to get confirmation his feelings were returned - he was overjoyed!
As soon as he saw you he's hugging you, telling you how he loved your letter and that he'll still meet you after school if you need to
You were utterly confused and unsure what he was talking about
When you told him you didn't give him that letter he felt his heart break
You didn't love him?? That wasn't your letter??
To think someone would play a prank on him like that! It was rude!
When it was time, he went to the back of the school and pretended as if he didn't sense the other demons
That was until he grew impatient
"are you shy, dear? It's okay - I know it wasn't the human~"
The lesser demons came out, confused
One of them blushed just being near him
"I'm sorry for my friend! They wanted to play the prank but- but I love you asmo!"
He gave them a pity smile
"aww~ of course you love me! But you really hurt my feelings making me believe the human did, I almost cried!"
The demons immediately all felt bad
The idea of their gorgeous asmo crying made them guilty
"I know exactly what will make me feel better, making sure you three can never write again~! Can't have you keep tricking me, can I?"
A Love letter from you?! He's a happy boy
But now that he actually thinks about it - it's odd you're not being upfront
You two usually sit alone together when you wanna get something off your chest, holding hands and you don't even have to face each other
Why the sudden change? Perhaps you just wanted to be like one of Levi's anime characters
Regardless, he was happy and wanted you to be happy
Hes was going to make you happy!
Beel was quick to find you and act like he didn't find your letter, you said you'll face him after school and he respected that
Whilst you couldn't exactly avoid each other before then, he did try to give you space
As soon as school ended he Went to the back, waiting for you to arrive
Each second went by and he grew more hungry
He smelt something close by and found three demons hiding, it was odd but he didn't want to be hungry whilst you confessed - he wanted to give you his full focus
"ah-! How did you know we were here?!"
"I smelt the sandwich in your bag, I want it."
It didn't take much convincing to hand it over
He's a scary demon afterall
"it's best you leave, my friend is coming."
One of the demons started laughing, questioning if he actually believed it was you who gave him the letter
Beel got confused before it all clicked together, he frowned, glaring at the demons
He wasn't happy
"I'm still hungry, three demons will do just fine."
Happy cow man, demon tail go SWISH
On the inside hes like an excited dog, outside he's just standing there
Meanwhile he wants to be like his twin, respectful that you want to do later
He isn't that patient and wants to make it official with you NOW
so as soon as he sees you, he's draping himself on you and telling you how impatient he is
You're confused on why and he shows you the love letter
You tell him that it isn't from you and that's not even your hand writing - it's a good mimic but not yours
He is SHOCKED then he's mad
He still goes to the back of the school but it's to fight whoever pranked him
He wasn't going to wait around
"Get out now or I'll search this entire space for you - it won't be pretty if I find out."
It didn't take the demons twice to show themselves
Belphegor was feared amongst others due to his brutality when push comes to shove
Just because he's always sleeping doesn't mean he isn't scary
"Good~ so which one of you wrote the letter? If you wanted to confess you should of just done it."
The demons looked at each other, unsure on what to do
But after a few moments the youngest brother got impatient, moving towards them with a clenched hand
The leader of the lesser demons finally admitted to doing the prank
"see? It wasn't so hard, let's have a long chat about this~"
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A Little Too Much II Draco Malfoy x Reader, Theodore Nott x Reader II Part 2 of 2
Summary: Draco has to watch how you fall in love with someone else. (18+)
Words: 2.5k Pairings: Draco Malfoy x Reader, Theodore Nott x Reader, post war Warnings: none except for angst
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Theodore Nott falls in love with you on a rainy sunday afternoon in his fourth year of Hogwarts.
He doesn’t see it coming, he doesn’t expect it.
He is on his way to the Great Hall when he sees you running inside the castle - completely drenched, pressing a book to your chest. You leave behind a trail of raindrops and your laughter echoes off the stone walls. He has heard it a thousand times before; in the common room after classes, during quidditch training, muffled through the palm of your hand in the library. He is familiar with the way it swells and makes you gasp for air the longer it goes on, and knows how you tear up. But this time, something’s changed. Your laughter is ringing in his ears a little too loud and his heart suddenly starts beating a little too fast. 
He is so captivated by the scene that he doesn’t see how Draco appears behind you and takes your hand. Yet, when lightning strikes behind you, Theo knows that he is lost.
Two months later, Theo sits next to you in Defence against the Dark Arts. For the past weeks, you haven’t left his mind. Not once. Theo doesn’t know what’s happening to him, doesn’t quite understand. He’s only fourteen, he’s never been in love, and the way you overtake his mind, body, and soul frightens him.
Now, he’s here, smelling your shampoo and he feels dizzy. He can’t stop looking at you from the side, fascinated by you. He notices the little wrinkle that appears between your brows when you concentrate, the way you play with your quill absentmindedly, how you smile at him from time to time when Moody says something remotely funny. Not that Theo is listening to him.
“Are you going to the Yule Ball?” The question leaves his mind before he can think about it.
You stop writing and look at him. “Of course.”
His heart beats a little faster.
“With Draco.”
A kick to the stomach. That’s what it feels like. Theo can’t breathe for a second and when he regains his composure, he doesn’t know what to say. He hesitates, maybe a little too long - he’s worried you’ll notice. But you don’t. There’s a spark in your eyes and your smile is warm and bright as you continue: “He asked me. I was hoping he would but you know … I thought he’d rather go with Pansy.” You lower your eyes.
Theo stares at you. Draco. His best friend. You. He swallows.
“I mean … why would he want Pansy when he can have you instead.”
Draco doesn’t deserve you.
For Theo, this is as clear as the fact that the sun will come up tomorrow morning.
He doesn’t deserve you and he never has. You feel like a sunny day in spring - warm and bright and colorful - and he’s a hailstorm. He fights and is loud and gets in trouble - trouble that you always end up saving him from.
But you still fall in love with him. So hard and fast that Theo can do nothing but stand aside and watch. When you kiss him at the Yule Ball, something inside of Theo cracks. A crack that only grows wider when you start dating officially.
Draco often comes to Theo, talking about you, and Theo wants to scream. Yet, he doesn’t. He listens quietly, he pretends to be happy, he swallows down his guilt. He wants to be happy for his best friend. In a way, he is happy. He simply wishes that it wouldn’t be you Draco talks about. He’s still convinced that Draco doesn’t deserve you but he makes you feel so good. Theo sees how your eyes light up when Draco comes, how you hang onto his every word. And he also sees how something changes within Draco. You make him better even though you shouldn’t be burdened with such a task.
In the end, who is Theo to judge? Who is he to end your happiness, to hurt you?
So, Theo stands aside and watches.
Watches you go on dates in Hogsmeade and drink butterbeer together. Smiles when Draco tells him, he confessed his love for you in fifth year. Looks away when the two of you drunkenly make out in the Slytherin common room after a party. Bites his tongue as Draco breaks in the sixth year and you hold him, desperately trying to fix him.
Theo dates other girls during all these years - a pathetic attempt to forget you. It works from time to time, at least for a few months. But then you come down the stairs or laugh at one of his jokes during Quidditch training and it hits him all over again.
There are occasions where he wants to tell you and confess but never pulls through. He can’t do this to you, to Draco. You’re happy together and the question of whether or not Draco deserves you, is yours and only yours to answer.
So, Theo stands aside and watches - and breaks a little more each day.
It happens slowly.
Theo doesn’t know when it starts but something inside of you begins to shift after the war when you all return to Hogwarts. He notices how you watch him during meals, how your eyes linger a little too long. You flinch when he accidentally brushes your hands in Potions or lean in a little too close during study sessions.
A small, tiny seed of hope begins to grow in him.
He tries to kill it. Tells himself that he is imagining all of it - until one day, all of you sit in the common room. Pansy keeps talking about one of her embarrassing dates and he makes a comment - he can’t even recall what he says - and you laugh. Loud. Too loud. Theo turns his head, the smirk still plastered on his face, and your eyes lock - and suddenly, he knows and the seed grows into a flower.
A flower that grows a little taller each day. With each smile you send him, each touch that lingers on a little too long. It grows inside of him, its roots wrapping around his heart, and he barely notices how Draco pulls away from him. Not even after the talk in the library does he see how their friendship is slowly coming to an end.
Or maybe he simply doesn’t want to see it.
Because the guilt that washed over him from time to time when you smile at him across the classrooms, threatens to drown him. He rather pretends that everything is fine. Everything will be fine. Everything has to be fine.
So he lets the flower grow and grow and grow until the night of the party, his lips crash against yours, and the flower has turned into a garden.
Theo paces up and down his dorm room. His mind is restless, his thoughts keep circling back to the night before. The kiss replays in his head over and over. The way your lips felt against his, the smell of your shampoo, the way you tasted … Theo stops in the middle of the room and touches his lips with his fingers as if that will help bring the memory to life even more.
You had left abruptly, practically ran away from him while he was left in the bathroom, out of breath, confused. He had dreamed of this moment for so long and now that it actually happened it felt like just that … a dream. He stayed in the bathroom for a few more minutes until a group of Ravenclaw boys stumbled in, trying to find a nearest toilet but failing. One of them vomited right in front of Theo.
When Theo stepped outside again, his head still buzzing, he saw Draco a few meters away, looking in the direction he assumed you went. And then he turned his head and the two friends stared at each other. The bitter realization in Draco’s eyes flipped Theo’s stomach. He lost him right in that moment.
Something will change today, Theo is certain of that. He saw it in your eyes this morning and it’s the reason he is hiding out in his room. He skips class, misses lunch and then right before he starts debating whether or not he should attend dinner, there’s a knock on his door.
His heart stops.
The door opens and it’s you.
Theo gets up from his bed at lightning speed. “Hi,” he says.
“Hi,” your voice is low, almost shy. He sees how you pick at your thumb and instantly knows you feel the same way he does: nervous. In fact, his heart - which momentarily stopped - is now beating so hard, he’s scared that it might jump out of his chest any second now.
“You want to come in?” Theo opens the door a little wider.
You have been in his dorm room before. Countless times. But usually, Draco would accompany you. Sit with you on Theo’s bed as you played a round of cards or shared a bottle of stolen liquor.
You hesitate for a second but then nod. “Yes, thank you.”
Theo catches a whiff of your shampoo as you walk past him and as he inhales the familiar scent, he realizes what you must have done. Truly realizes. If you would have talked to Draco and sorted things out, you wouldn’t be standing here, in the middle of his small dorm room, looking so tiny and lost. And you certainly wouldn’t be crying.
The tears begin to fall and Theo is by your side in a millisecond. Instinctively, he puts his arms around you, pulling you into a hug. Like he had done a million times before. But this time, you lean into him a little too much. “Hey, hey, it’s alright,” he says repeatedly as holds you close.
He feels his shirt becoming wet with your hot tears and closes his eyes. His heart breaks for you. He never intended to hurt you, he never wanted to see you cry, you are the last person in this castle who deserves to be in so much pain.
“It’s over, I-I … it’s over,” you mumble against his chest, your body shaken by sobs. “I ended it. I …”
“I’m sorry,” Theo whispers. And he means it. “I’m so sorry.”
“I … he … I don’t know …”
“Shh,” Theo makes. Then he slowly guides you over to his bed. “Come sit down, it’ll be fine.” Empty words but he doesn’t know what else to say.
You cry for what feels like hours. Theo holds you the whole time, he doesn’t say anything and you are grateful for it. After a while, your breathing calms and your sobs fade away until you finally pull away from him. Your eyes are red and puffy. Theo reaches for a tissue from his nightstand.
“What happened?”, he asks when he hands it to you.
A dumb question and the look you send him, proves that. He grinds his teeth with embarrassment. “How did he take it?”, he then offers a different question. One that he means. Draco loves you and he must be shattered right now. Theo can only imagine what is happening in the dorm room down the hallway. Is Blaise with him? Theo should be with him right. His best friend. But instead he’s here with you.
Welcome back, guilt.
You sniffle again as you dry your tears. “What do you think? He’s … devastated. The last time I saw him like that …”, your breathing began to speed up again and you looked up to the ceiling, trying to gather your thoughts. Theo watched you, his face slightly distorted. “I had to end it, I …”, you continued. “I couldn’t go on pretending.” Then your eyes find his. “Am I imagining it?”
Theo blinks. “Imagining what?”
“This. Us.”
He stares at you - and although he had guessed it during all those weeks, had hoped and dreamed, you just gave him the final confirmation. A smile tugs at the corners of his lips, a little too bright, a little too happy, a little too much. “No,” he then says, trying to chasten himself. “No, you’re not imagining anything.”
He lets out a laugh. A short, breathy, relieved one. You look at him and he can’t read your expression. He can only imagine the whirlwind of emotions and thoughts that must happen inside of you right now.
“I don’t know what to do now,” you whisper.
Theo’s smile leaves as he leans forward to take your hand. “You grieve.” He pauses. “Cry, scream, whatever you need to do to cope with the loss of your relationship. Figure out if breaking up was the right thing to do.”
A part of him hates himself for saying that. Why can’t he just swoop in and kiss you like he did the night before? Because it would be wrong. He knows that. If the two of you have any chance of surviving the aftermath of your relationship, you have to be by yourself for a while.
“That’s not the answer I expected.” You frown.
Theo chuckles. “That’s not the answer I want to give,” he replies truthfully.
“What answer do you want me to give then?”
“I want to tell you that you should just forget all about him and kiss me,” he says softly and looks at your hands in his. “We can’t though. Not like this. I need you to want this. To fully want this with all your heart. Y/N, I’ve been in love with you for so many fucking years and I need you to know that this, me, is what you want.” He doesn’t look you in the eyes when he says this but he feels you flinch at the confession. So you truly never noticed. “This will blow up everything. I’m losing my best friend right now. And you … you lost your first love. You need to …” He swallows. “If some time has passed and you still … you’re still sure of this, then I’m here. I promise you. I will be here.”
When he says that, he finally looks up at you again. Your face is soft, confused, but there’s the faint shadow of a smile on your lips.
“Have you always been so wise?”, you ask him, teasingly.
He shrugs. “Hm, I have my moments.”
The shadow turns into a full smile.
Fuck, Theo thinks, fuck, you’re so beautiful. And he knows, just like he did all these years ago, that he is lost.
“Let’s go, have dinner.”
A/N: I hope you liked it! I appreciate any kind of feedback <3
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yuu-says · 3 years
On the topic of
Yahooo! Its been a while :DD I kinda fell off the writing wagon so that explains why I haven’t been around- don’t know when and if I’ll be back for good but for now :DD I come bearing a long ass headcanon brainrot post! Enjoy!!
Also,,, //waves vaguely at Kaeya’s part// idek what happened there i blacked out and it was done so uhhhhh enjoy??
On the topic of :
[ Touch ] ft. Zhongli, Xiao, Kaeya
Song(s) listened to while writing : Tokyo (instrumental) by RM, ECHO cover by Mafumafu ft. Nqrse
* I firmly believe this man is touch starved you cannot convince me oTHERWISE
* He fully leans into this trait of his, not shying away from physical affection even when the two of you are still friends
* Whenever you’re with him, you’ll find his hand gently circling your wrist - guiding you forward to a place that he wants to show you. A hand on your elbow as he gently pulls you up from  a rocky cliffside climb. A hand on the back of your waist, careful not to lose you in the crowds of Liyue.
* Zhongli is and has always been gentle with his touches - a trait that collided with his archon title but it was a pleasant surprise nonetheless.
* His favourite way of greeting you is torn between pressing his lips on the back of your hand or kissing strands of your hair as he smiles up at you
* The love this man holds in his heart is simply too much for him to bear alone so every chance he gets, he expresses his affection through physical touches - even before the two of you were an item
* It gets worse (?) once you become his partner though
* He’s clingy when the two of you are in the confines of your own home - preferring to have you in his lap as he presses his lips against your skin
* its nothing sexual really- he just likes the feel of your warmth against his. So much so that he sometimes just speaks against your skin, hoping the words are audible enough so that he wouldn’t have to part from your warmth
* He likes having you in his lap - its easiest for him to bury his face in your neck and circle his arms around your waist, posture relaxing as you run your hand through his scalp.
* he wraps around you so much that when he has to go a certain period of time without your touch or your presence around, he starts instinctively reaching into the spaces where you would be; looking around the crowds to see where you had gone, waiting for you to wrap your arms around him whenever he came home early from work, expecting you to be in bed when he came out of the shower-
* Needless to say, you’re not gonna be leaving his embrace for a while after :’) just until he gets his fix :’)
* Xiao, like Zhongli, is also touch-starved but, unlike the old archon, he does not lean into it. Or rather, he thinks he hates being touched but he subconsciously does lean into it and if your eyes are sharp enough, you can pick up on his little habits.
* For the longest time, Xiao wont want to bother with things like affection or physical touches. He prefers to keep his hands to himself and prefers you do the same.
* It isn’t until one day, when you forcefully grabbed his hand to give him the little merchandise you picked up on your travels that reminded you of him, did he got thrown for a loop
* the feel of your warmth seeping through the fabric of his gloves has him????
* But alas, the feeling was fleeting and Xiao didn’t get the chance to process his feelings right up until you fell asleep against his shoulder
* Xiao stares at your sleeping form, hand subconsciously moving to brush the hair out of your face - the back of his hand slowly gliding across your cheek and, again, the familiar warmth of you seeping into his skin
* and then he freezes.
* Realizing that he, perhaps, likes the feeling of having you close a little too much.
* He’s so caught up in his own turmoil that he doesn’t notice you waking - you opening your eyes to the sight of him staring directly at you, hand on your cheek and head leaned close.
* He tenses when you call his name, pupils dilating as he stares into your eyes. A beat. Two beats. He mumbles a quiet apology but his movements is sluggish - almost reluctant to part from your warmth as he sits back and clears his throat.
* Things change slightly after. He becomes more open to physical touches - never initiating, but always lingering. Slow parting movements, eyes staring a little too long, very very subtle hints of acceptance.
* It’ll take a while for you to pick up on the change but please shower this man in affection when you do - even if he denies that he wants such a thing :’)
* The definition of the “At first I was like mMmHhmM physical affection as a joke but bro….I don’t think its a joke anymore,,,,,” meme
* Unlike the two, Kaeya is indecisive on where he stands. Its hard to grasp what he really wants unless he’s the one initiating it and even then you still have to decipher what it is he wants
* Playful, fleeting touches - touches that are meant to draw attention and to invoke a flutter in your chest is Kaeya’s game. He knows very well how to use his charms and will use it when necessary - so it isn’t a surprise that he would do this with you at the beginning of your acquaintanceship.
* “its to get you to warm up to me” he says, cheeky smile on his handsome face and your heart just jumps to outer space rip you
* He’s super casual with how he touches you - respectful, yes, but still very casual. And if you squint, very suggestive.
* a brush of a hand against your thigh, fingertips dancing across your skin as he moves your hair away, pulling your closer to his person by the waist - every touch of his is calculated so that he can make you the most flustered he can while feigning innocence
* it isn’t until he realizes his feelings for you does he put on the clown wig and reels his touches back
* Suddenly he’s aware of every brush of your skin against his; losing his composure and his sanity everytime you accidentally brush against him
* He doesn’t realize this, but sometimes his gaze lingers on your hand - its his most favourite part afterall. He wonders how close he could stand beside you while the two of you walked - just close enough so your hand would brush against his. Close enough so he could grab them and intertwi-
* “Kaeya?” he blinks. Oh. O h. He was already standing at your front door. When did that happen?
* “You okay? You’ve been dozing out the whole time,” you reach out to touch his cheek, wondering where his mind went to. His eye - eyes that were hazy with thoughts of you - suddenly cleared and Kaeya felt his muscles tensing at your touch
* He inhales shakily, staggering backwards as a he presses a hand to his lips - he’s losing his composure he’s losing his composure he’s losing his composURE
* Gone is the charismatic cavalry captain - the person who stands before you is none other than Kaeya - sweet genuine Kaeya whose heart swells with affection for you. So much so that he couldn’t stand it
* He leaves, a stuttered ‘good night’ falling from his lips as he basically ran away from the scene; he disappears for a bit after too and when he returns, he disregards your yells of concern and just-
* falls
* falls into your arm and into you embrace, burying his face in the crook of your neck and holding you impossibly close to his own person. A mumbled confession, a sheltered apology, a gentle press of his lips-
* Kaeya finds himself seeking your touch afterwards - flickers of hesitancy colouring his actions at times, but easily mend-able once you reach out for his hand
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