#ajax x reader headcanons
tarrenterror25 · 1 year
can i rq some ajax (warriors) x reader headcanons?
Thanks for taking time to make this request! 💕
Ajax is my favorite Warrior and James Remar as him is just *chef's kiss*
Since it wasn't specified, these will be SFW ✨
Tags: some implied violence, mention of gangs
Ajax x Reader
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-Ajax is very intense and feels things strongly so he needs to express his feelings for you and that typically involves his hands!
-Sometimes he doesn't take things seriously, but for you, it's on. What's wrong? What do you need? Who does he have to hurt?
-His love language is touch and it's not just for you, but for everyone else. He makes a big show of his arm around your shoulders so he can make sure everyone knows you're with him.
-He bites off more than he can chew sometimes when he's with you. He can't help but show off and it does land him in trouble sometimes!
-He was trying to show you this neat spot, but unfortunately it was in Destroyer territory. You tried telling him that you could go somewhere else, but Ajax swears he's got it.
"It's alright, babe. Anything happens, I can take those punks." "They're a bunch of wimps anyways."
-He's not great at emotional comfort and will withdraw if you need that. He figures it's best to leave you alone. After some pressing from someone like Rembrandt, he'll come around to you and just sit with you. He'll talk to you and try to get your mind off of whatever's bothering you.
-If you can't bop, he's very protective. If anyone so much as looks at you the wrong way, he won't hesitate to beat them within an inch of their life.
-If you can fight, however, he lets you. He sometimes gets distracted watching you throw your hooks. One of the punks he was wailing on got a good one on him because me was too focused on watching you.
-He never wants to look weak; not in front of the guys or you, but you help bring out more vulnerable moments in him. Sometimes he needs someone else to give him touch and hold him so he can be strong again when he needs to be.
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windwheeler-aster · 2 years
Oml hi, your event looks so cute oml, if you don't mind can I please have a ginger tea without milk art in a sky blue cup with candy tyvm 👀👀👀💕💕💕
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summary: despite his blood thirsty and sadistic nature, childe actually has a soft spot. a someone that awaits for his return back home, someone childe has a long history with.
masterlist | event
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customer’s order: a ginger tea (childe) with no milk art (headcanons) in a sky blue cup (carnivals) with some candy (childhood friends) on the side.
pairing: childe x reader
reader info: uses gender neutral pronouns (they/them), reader lives in the same town childe grew up in, and reader is not traveler
word count: 763 words (3 mins~)
genre: romance, childhood friends
format: headcanons
warnings: slight (?) spoilers for childe’s backstory, bittersweet ending, and childe calls reader “sweet heart”
a/n: honestly thinking about being childhood friends with childe was so cute :”) (as cute as you can get when it’s childe) i hope you enjoy this, and i might expand on this concept in the future 💖
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when you two were younger, ajax was always so sweet
he was kind, and whenever he saw you around he always tried to talk to you 
ajax even tried to use his younger siblings as an excuse to get to know you more
of course, it didn’t work that well
they were actually very unhelpful, and ajax won’t be using them in the future
but you two eventually became friends! 
which, to this day, ajax is so confused about how that happened... but so thankful!
you two would always go ice fishing. well, childe would and you would be watching and helping him
he would drag you out, even if the weather was especially bitter
but ajax always made sure you were warm, carefully pulling your parka around you 
and whenever you tried your hand at fishing, sometimes your gloves would get wet and you’d have to take them off 
ajax made sure to hand over his own gloves to you, even if the chance of getting frostbite was high
sometimes, when it was especially cold, you two would just hold hands to preserve warmth
and always, with eyes so full and blue, he would look at you as he shook slightly
“you alright comrade? warm enough? yeah? okay, just hold my hand for now. i’ll keep you warm, don’t worry.”
outside of fishing together, ajax always took you to the winter festival in town
and even though the festival was more of a fatui recruitment festival with throwing games on the side, you always had fun
if you ever had an eye on a larger prize, ajax was already walking up to the ticket seller and getting ready to win it for you
he would definitely hold your hand, out of habit, while you two walk around 
it’s just so we don’t get lost!! he assures you
his younger siblings would always fight for his attention and prize-winning skills too 
they’re very jealous and are ready to try and break up your hand holding shenanigans (so watch out!)
but their efforts don’t sway you two, and instead ajax takes you somewhere more quiet and private
as you and ajax are pressed up against each other in a small alleyway between buildings, looking out for his nosy siblings, ajax is forced to realize how much he truly does care about you
way more than a usual friend would, he realizes
and ajax is frozen in fear as he stares at the back of your head as you check if the coast is clear
when you turn around, smiling so wide and pure, ajax’s heart seems to stop completely
until you call his name again, and his heart beats harder than it ever has before
“t-they’re gone? okay, okay... let’s go! here, hold my hand! so we don’t get lost, remember?”
ever since then, ajax has been more clingy towards you
no matter how old you two become, he’ll always ask to hold hands whenever you ice fish together or simply cross the street
ajax says its because he likes the nostalgia, but really its his inner desire to be close to you
sometimes being friends with you isn’t enough for ajax though
actually, he’s tried to confess to you a handful of times
but each time, ajax has felt his mouth run dry or his heart nearly stop whenever you look at him like... like that!!
which he has mixed feelings about, because yes he does love that so oblivious and innocent look you present him
“...oh, sorry, i was going to say something but... y’know what, we haven’t been ice fishing in a while. wanna go?”
ajax probably wouldn’t have said anything for years until you confessed first
but why did it have to be before he left for an important with the tsaritsa?? who knows if he’ll be back—
oh! your hand is on his forearms,,, and you’re saying his name so sweetly right now,,
he’s blushing as he looks at you 
and ajax is so shocked that this is actually happening, and it isn’t some good dream
and of course he’s happy! 
but he has to remind you, as the realization comes to him, that it’s going to be a while before ajax comes back 
so he offers you a compromise instead, just until he gets back from this meeting with the tsaritsa
“listen, i need you to wait for me. j-just until i get back, though, alright sweet heart? you promise to write to me until then, right?”
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thank you for reading 💖 all forms of interaction to my posts are appreciated 💖
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rockingbytheseaside · 1 month
✦ How they hold you in bed when sleeping
Pierro, Capitano, Dottore, Scaramouche, Pantalone, Tartaglia (separate) 
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When the stars are perched in the night sky, and the world becomes wrapped in a still blanket of darkness - there is no better action than departing to your safe space, the coziness of your bedroom, and the safety of your beloved’s body next to you. The lights are dimmed and after a warm shower and a change into comfy pajamas, your beloved is met with a tender sight of your sleepy figure. It is time for rest, and with his arms open, beckoning you to hop into his embrace - you join him in bed at last. 
✧ A single glance from Pierro and his eyes would instantly soften upon seeing your sleepy expression. The Director of the Fatui doesn’t require any questions or even verbal communication to know that something is troubling you. Your solemn gaze and slumped shoulders tell him more than enough - and his heart aches in response. Silently but gently, he pulls you closer, his star-shaped pupils seeking answers from your own. 
“My divine one... A long day?” - he whispers, his hand lifting your chin to make you look at him. You don’t directly respond, but nod and press your lips into a thin line. Pierro sighs, yearning to vanquish all your worries and pain. But sometimes, words are superfluous.
“Do not fret your little heart. No harm shall come, for I am here, my divine. Shall I take you to bed, instead?” 
With a small nod and a timid glance from you, Pierro spoke no further. He knew what you required on such solemn nights as these, and instead, allowed his arms to pick you up, carrying your fatigued figure in his bigger embrace. He pulled you closer, his cheek gently grazing your face as he whispered soothing words and brought you to bed. 
He tucked you in, the king-sized bed bringing the familiar sensation of silky sheets and warm covers. He kisses your forehead with careful and slow deliberation before accompanying you to sleep.    
When Pierro sleeps beside you, he is often silent, but his gaze never leaves your figure. He’d lay on his side, gazing at your face as if it were the stars and the moon itself. Even within the dimness of the room, he has memorized the outline of your face, the soothing rhythm of your breathing, the contour of your figure. With one hand around you, you two slept peacefully, the troubles of the world left behind. Even the Fatui’s Director required solace, and this solace he would locate only in your tender arms; his sanctuary. 
✧ Il Capitano has memorized your routine. Take a shower, get ready for bed, and most importantly, sleep on top of him as if his body were a sturdy mattress. It’s not your fault your cherished is so much taller and bigger, right? Well luckily for you, he absolutely adores it when you climb on top of him, resting your head on top of his chest and legs around his hips. Your smaller figure clad tight around him like a loving weighted blanket while he slept on his back. His hands would gladly squeeze you, loving your softness against his toned physique. 
“You don’t mind my weight on top of you, Cappy?” - you’d often ask every night before bed, peeking at him with that tender worry that made the Harbinger melt in an instant. Capitano would continue to hold you, his sharp fingers tracing circles gently on your hips or your back.
“Dearest, I have carried heavier weights that quadruple you in size. If you were to bother me, would I be pulling you back to my arms whenever you toss and turn?” 
And thus, with the seal of approval from the honorable Captain, you’d smile triumphantly and sleep on him. That’s just how the two of you were: Capitano was a beast in size, slept still, and barely moved when on his back. Conversely, you were smaller in size, slept very lightly, and often turned or wrestled with the covers. Even when you had the spacious bed to your leisure, you always chose to sleep tightly clinging to him. And Capitano revered every second of it as if it was the biggest honor in his duty as your protector. Truly, an honorable knight protecting your dreams. 
✧ Sharing a bed with Il Dottore is a toil. If you managed to miraculously drag him out of his lab, he’d groan and argue that he has important research to do, that your concern for his sleep schedule is ‘childish’. Yet the moment he settles in bed, he becomes a menace to your sanity: 
“Are you coming to bed or not?” 
“Come here, closer.” 
“No, you are pushing around.”
And the cherry on top of it all? He’d stare at you during the entire night, maskless. You know he doesn’t easily fall asleep, even on days when he overexhausted himself in his experiments. So naturally, his method to relax is to press the side of his head tightly against your chest and just remain glued to you with the sound of your heartbeat being his salvation. You’d assume it is an adorable sight… until you’d open your eyes in the middle of the night, only to notice a piercing, red lens just gawking at you. Motionless and still, he just wore that neutral expression while being pressed to your chest.
“...Uh, are you going to just stare at me in the dark?” - you whispered in the dark, to which he won’t even move or change his expression.
“43 beats per minute.” 
You blinked sleepily - “... wha-” 
“Your heart beats approximately 43 to 50 beats per minute when you sleep. That’s anywhere between 20640 to 24000 beats for 8 hours of sleep.” 
It was your turn to gawk at him, albeit in confusion. His nonchalant yet stoic reply told you that he was, indeed, very focused on counting each and every beat of your heart while you slept. He remained pressing his ear to the middle of your chest, arms wrapped around your waist tightly. 
“Dottore, have you not slept this entire time…?” 
“Shush, stop speaking,” - he whispered more gently, pressing his face into you in a rather touchy manner as if you wouldn’t notice. “I am still counting. Your heart rate is increasing to 81 bpm.” 
“If you won’t go to sleep this instance I won’t make any Ajilenakh Cake tomorrow.”
As such, silence dominated the dark bedroom once more. The doctor said no more and settled on hiding his face against your body, not daring to admit that he loved your desserts. And even more, not daring to acknowledge that your heartbeat lulled him to sleep. To deny his infatuation with every beat of your pulse would be a lie, and to deny his longing to physically hold you close would be ignorance. So he settled to silently counting your heartbeat until succumbing to dreamless slumber. 
✧ Scaramouche didn’t require sleep. Everyone knew that. Regardless, your persuasion with the 6th knew no bounds as you begged and nagged at him relentlessly to remain beside your bedding. He would audibly scoff and cross his arms at your ridiculous request. 
“My body does not need rest for 8-something hours. Why should I even waste such precious time with you while you’re the one unconscious?” 
However, no matter how much Scaramouche put up the cold front and rolled his eyes, he wasn’t immune to your ingratiating puppy eyes or gentle tugging whenever you asked something of him. You’d always embrace him from the side, asking him softly to stay a little longer as you depart for the night. He, of course, would refuse and cut your answers short, but his actions told a different story. He was already tucking you in; making sure the futon was neatly laid and the covers warmly wrapped around you while he sat kneeling beside you. He just had to make a fuss first:
“To even insinuate such foolish proposition… You must be truly bored out of your mind.”
You’d only chuckle in response, smiling whenever he made sure your room was tidy and secure for your nightly rest. But even then, you’d reach for his hand, and whisper: 
“... Just stay for a while longer. At least until I fall asleep, okay?” 
Same scoff. Same attitude. But The Puppeteer never left. He always stayed beside you, despite his arrogant rebuttals that you quickly learned were nothing about. He’d either sit leaning beside you, keeping a silent company, or telling you obscure stories he heard from Inazuma or the Abyss. And at times, Scaramouche would remain kneeling by your futon even after you had fallen asleep. 
Your breathing was slow and steady, but he was almost afraid to lean any closer. All bickerings he displayed before were gone, and like a porcelain puppet, Scaramouche would find himself frozen in place, hypnotized by your soothing breathing. He just gazed at you, as if you were a distant star within the dark sky, the palliative breaths emitting from you told him that you were safe. You are here. 
And it was from you he learned how gentle breaths are emitted by those deemed “alive”. How your breathing fluctuates in different moments of your life: energetic when happy, hitched when disturbed, and peaceful when asleep. Strangely, this mundane motion of your chest falling and rising worked like a lullaby to Scaramouche. 
Alas, he now condemns himself for not caressing your face all these times he watched you sleep. A lonesome Wanderer sat alone, an empty futon beside him. Your familiar presence lacking, and he won’t hear your tranquil breaths. You are not here.  
✧ Your dear Pantalone had a fundamental habit before bed. He’d set his glasses aside, hair tied up, and go through his skincare routine right before bed. His hands diligently yet delicately wash all the apprehension and professionalism from his face. But the most important part? Trash talk with you about what happened at his work, while he focused on his reflection in the mirror.
“Could you believe that dear?” - the 9th called out to you from the bathroom, his brows frowning in displeasure. The man continued to cleanse his face. “Those insolent aristocrats offered another bribe under the table, thinking that would change my final statement.” 
You responded with a faint “Mhm,” back at him. 
“And then! The tasteless bastard dared to ask that some of their reports be delayed because he will pay twice, as long as no one checks for quality control. I mean, the audacity of some of those high-society morons!” 
“Right, right” - you murmured faintly from the bedroom. 
Pantalone massaged his cheekbones, making sure his face was as affluent as his taste and status. He adjusted his robe, still rambling with the same frustrated passion. “They think that just because they’re doing business with me, negotiating with a high sum of bribes would lead to a guaranteed deal with the Fatui. Ugh.” 
This time, there was no response from you. The bedroom was awfully silent, despite the night lamp still shining. 
“Honey?” - Pantalone called gently. 
Silence. The Regrator stepped out of the bathroom, a curious look on his face, until his eyes spotted you in bed, asleep. His expression immediately softens, all quarrels and gossip forgotten. It seems that his late-night rambles about work have thrilled you so much that you, obviously, dozed off. You didn’t even turn off the lights or get under the covers yet.  
Pantalone couldn’t help but smile softly. You two had a long day, anyway. He quietly finished his preparations for bed, changed into comfortable nightwear, and stepped closer to your side. With a delicate touch, he made sure you were tucked in properly, giving you the usual good night kiss on the forehead and tucking your hair away from your face. The man dimmed the lights before he two took his rightful place in bed beside you. 
Whatever quarrels troubled his mind now - didn’t matter. What mattered was that he had your comforting presence beside him in bed. As he slowly spooned your sleeping figure, Pantalone let out a sigh of relief, letting his head rest by the crook of your nape. Only then, did the Regrator feel his body go into ease, feeling the tranquil silence settle upon the room. Thus, the two of you slept warmly; Something that Pantalone would never trade for any riches or gold. 
✧ Ah yes, Tartaglia, his sweetheart, and their 50,000 Mora five-foot tall Morax plushie. Childe remained lying on his back, his expression far from pleased. Ever since he returned from his mission in Liyue, he gifted you this massive dragon plushie. A plushie that became his mortal enemy. His tormentor. His replacer. 
The 11th frequently brought souvenirs back home in Snezhnaya. Liyuan tea sets, Inazuman dresses, or Fontainian gadgets. All for your spoiling, and the joyous smiles from his siblings. One of such missions, he returned home with several cute toys and plushies, just for you and Teucer. He is not beating the “Greatest Toy Seller” allegation anytime soon, but he was certain that the gigantic Morax would be a lovely choice for you. 
How naive he was. 
The plushie was almost your entire height, yet you held onto it with utter delight when he gave it to you. You hugged and squeezed it with love, finding the fluffy geo archon the cutest thing ever. And thus, here you were. In bed, not hugging your boyfriend, but hugging the massive Morax plushie. 
It became a common occurrence. At first, Childe chuckled at your adorable antics whenever you brought his gift with you in bed. But then it became more apparent that you would rather turn your back to him, and just fall asleep while embracing the plushie. Childe swallowed his pride. It’s just a plushie, he bargained with himself. But then he would stare daggers that that innocent, fluffy-looking Morax. How dare it be the one receiving your love, while you adorably squeezed or fell asleep on it.
It should’ve been him! 
Therefore, one night, he took matters into his own hands. Tartaglia sat up silently in bed, and by mustering all his skills in stealth, he sneakily pulled the Morax plushie away from your grasp while you slept soundly. He was slow, and careful so as not to wake you up; and boy, tugging that five-foot plush was no easy task. Once it was away from your arms, Childe grinned in triumph… and threw the toy aside. The enemy has been neutralized.  
Next step - carefully pulling you closer to him. You were already in deep sleep, so of course, you didn’t feel when your beloved naturally embraced you in bed. Shh, no one will know he was jealous of a silly toy. He was just a concerned boyfriend, who needed to bury his face onto the crown of your head and relish your warmth. 
The next morning, you woke up feeling warm and pressed to your dear Ajax, who was particularly cuddly that morning. 
“Oh no, how did my Morax plushie fall to the floor?” 
“Hm? Oh, you must’ve accidentally tossed it away while you slept, dear.” 
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whoistartaglia · 9 months
genshin men when you sleep talk
childe would try to talk to you while your sleep talking. he thinks he’s kind of adorable how you’re muttering random things about your day, and will try to prolong the “conversation.” even if he’s really tired and you accidentally wake him up, childe will just sigh and entertain your sleep talk.
“then i came home… and my boyfriend was there…”
“hmm? and do your think your boyfriend is handsome?”
“yes… i guess…”
childe will try and ask you what “i guess” means, but you’ve started to snore, and his words fall on silent, sleeping ears.
zhongli would wake you up the first couple of times, but then let you do your thing once he realizes you go back to sleep talking the moment you fall back asleep. most of the time, he can’t make out the words, but when he does, zhongli is confused. what do you mean you’re having a dream of him breaking up with you? he would never do that— and now you’re awake and accusing him of breaking up with you?
“it was just a bad dream, dear.”
“you broke up with me, and now i’m upset.”
“you’re upset with me for breaking up with you in your dream?”
at your fervent nod, zhongli sighs, and subsequently resigns to make up for your subconscious’s version of himself.
neuvillette finds it endearing, even if it’s three in the morning and you’ve awakened him by voicing random, nonsensical questions. he answers them all too—at least, to the best of his ability. some of your questions are so out there that he simply doesn’t have an answer to give you.
“…why is the ocean blue?”
“because the sky is blue.”
“but… why is sky blue…?”
neuvillette opens his mouth but finds himself stumped. at this point, he’ll gently urge you into a deeper sleep, and ponder your question as you’re snoring away. neuvillette takes it upon himself to ask your random questions later, when you’re awake, and very confused why he’s giving you a science report on the atmosphere and light refraction.
albedo will write down everything you say. he promises he does this in the least creepy way possible—he just wants to see if there’s any patterns to what your sleep talking. you didn’t think you talked in your sleep a lot, until you saw albedo start a new notebook, and found out he was on his second.
“‘albedo i love you’ i say that in my sleep too?”
“yes. more than once a week.”
“do i say anything too embarassing?”
“…do you really want to know?”
you hesitate, glance at the notebook filled to the brim, and decide your curiosity can be sedated another day. albedo is grateful for this so he didn’t have to tell you that you called him “the most handsome alchemist in teyvat ever.”
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seichv · 25 days
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how the genshin men above would go down on you.
warnings: nsfw content (MDNI), headcanons, cunnilingus, fem reader
note: let me know if you wanna see a part two with other characters!
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ALHAITHAM is committed when it comes to tasting you. and one thing for sure; he’s huge on movement restriction. the mere thought of trying to wiggle away or push back would be foolish, as all your efforts to do so would be futile, and your pleas will only fall on deaf ears.
in the beginning, he takes his time. soft kisses trailing down your tummy until he reaches your soaked pussy that’s just aching for him, and kissing around your folds as well. he’s starting off precise, his tongue swirling in just the right movements on your throbbing clit, before gently suckling on it. but as time progresses, he’s fucking aggressive. he eats you like he’ll never get the chance to anymore; and he's drooling. his big biceps flexing while he’s got his hands forcing your thighs to your chest, your feet dangling in the air. the nasty, wet sounds are fucking blaring, his tongue savoring every inch of your pussy, not even close to missing a single spot.
“tsk, not done with you yet. just lay back f’me, hm?”
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if anyone's a sloppy eater, it's WRIOTHESLEY. he just can't hold himself back, not when your pussy is so fucking pretty, so wet, dripping with your slick. he gets so hard that it hurts, his angry tip dribbling with pre-cum. your taste just has him intoxicated. he doesn't give a flying fuck even if his damn jaw locks.
his mouth works on you with so much fervor, like you're the best tasting thing that's ever met his tastebuds, (which you are.) he spits right onto your folds, pulling back to watch it trickle down and cursing under his breath, before giving your cunt a slap, big hands squeezing at the soft flesh of your ass and pulling up closer into his mouth, taking you in whole. he loves using his strength to his advantage, folding you into all sorts of positions until he feels satisfied with his fill on you. your pussy got him held hostage.
“shit, sweetheart— so fuckin’ pretty... can't get enough of you.”
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KAVEH is just so eager when pleasing you, like it’s something he devotes his entire soul to. eating you out and watching your face contort into all those pretty expressions of pleasure always has him spiraling.
his captivating, beady eyes gazing up at you as his palms gently massage your inner thighs, moaning into your drenched cunt each time his ears fall upon the beautiful sounds coming from your mouth. his face glows with a red tint painting his cheeks as he makes out with your pussy just the way you like it, and oh the way you scratch your fingers through his scalp so delicately, peering down at him and nodding, murmuring on about how good he makes you feel causes him to crumble. he practically cums on himself the same time you do. you’re truly a goddess to him.
“mmh… you taste so good, does this feel nice?
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AJAX is just cruel, really. he adores hearing those whines leave your lips, loves watching how your pussy clenches around nothing as he blows air on your sensitive bud, loves watching that pout cross your features.
he’s got that wicked grin plastered onto his face as his eyes twinkle with a blazing, animalistic glint, the very tip of his tongue tracing around your clit in circular motions, then flattening onto your labia, the sound of your frustrated huffs no short of an arousing melody for him, appeasing him like nothing else. he’ll dive straight into your cunt and make a complete mess out of you like a madman, and that's for sure– but only as long as you beg.
“gettin’ all whiny now, yeah? talk to me nice then, pretty. tell me how bad you need my mouth on this pussy.”
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theogonies · 1 year
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SWEET DESIRE: genshin boys & their kinks
characters: childe, xiao, diluc, & ayato
word count: 1.4k
content warnings: feminine pet names and references to female genitalia; they’re all possessive, just in different ways; breeding kink, corruption kink, mindbreaking/dumbification, overstimulation, semi-public sex, implied dacryphilia (childe); voyeurism and general perviness, somnophilia, implied corruption kink (xiao); overstimulation, restraints, marking, spanking, yandere behavior (diluc); dom/sub relationship, brat taming, dacryphilia, degradation, humiliation, edging, painplay/spanking (ayato); 18+; minors and ageless blogs do not interact
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“What’s wrong, ptichka?” He leans down to lap the tears from your cheeks with a smile as condescending as it is kind. “I thought you were ready for this, but we’re only getting started.”
Is it really any wonder that this man has a breeding kink? He’s a family man, after all, and beneath all his bluster, there’s really nothing he wants more than a happy little family of his own to come home to. While he rationally knows that may be out of the picture for as long as he’s a Harbinger, he still can’t help but lose his mind a little at the sight of his come overflowing from your hole. Even better if he gets to fuck it back into you with his fingers to make sure you don’t lose a single drop, humming sweet praises all the while: you're being so good for me, babygirl. Gonna make you a mommy.
Speaking of fingers–Childe is good with his hands. When he really wants to tease you he’ll watch you struggle to drag his gloves off with nothing but your teeth, just so he can use those very hands to fuck into your mouth until you’re a drooling mess, begging for his fingers in your pussy instead. Maybe if he’s feeling nice, he’ll even reward you for your efforts.
He loooooves corrupting good girls. Girls who follow the rules, girls who put responsibility first, girls who take care of everyone else before themselves. He’ll tease you, give you just enough to get your hopes up before backing off and making you plead for his attention. Don’t worry; he won’t break you, at least not on purpose. He just wants to teach you how good it feels to allow yourself to let go and relish in all those dirty, greedy little impulses, the desires that only he can fulfill.
Childe likes it when his partners are vocal during sex, and he’s willing to put in the work to make that happen. He’s a bit of an exhibitionist in general–just another way of making sure there are no doubts in anyone’s minds who you belong to–but it doesn’t matter if you’re in the middle of the Fatui headquarters or some isolated cabin in the mountains, he makes a game out of overstimulating you until you’re a broken, whimpering mess crying his name.
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“Please–” You can always tell when he’s about to break. He begs so sweetly, his stubborn scowl fading into something soft and needy. “Say it again. Tell me I’m good.”
 It shouldn’t come as any kind of surprise that Xiao is a virgin. He’s so afraid of becoming close to others, yet more and more he finds his mind drifting to all those lewd, forbidden places when he’s around you. It’s obvious, too, the way he stares when you bend over to pick something up or the neckline of your shirt dips a little too low; but all the embarrassment and guilt in the world aren’t enough to make him hold back his voyeuristic impulses.
And oh, the moment you realize what’s going on and decide to indulge him, it’s over for Xiao. He’s obsessed with the way you tease him, your hands brushing against his thigh, or lightly steering him by the small of his back, all while you give him that same, trusting smile as always. This is just what friends do, isn’t it?
It takes a long time before he’s able to build up enough trust to let you touch him, but he loves watching you touch yourself. The way your hands, the same ones that have touched him so innocently so many times before, flick at your puffy clit; all those dirty sounds that fill the air; the blissed-out look on your pretty little face when you finally unravel. Witnessing you, being wanted by you–it’s already so much more than Xiao thinks he deserves.
The only think he loves more than feeling like your loyal guardian as you slumber is fucking you when you’re asleep. Sometimes because you’re having a bad dream; sometimes because he just can’t help himself, not when you’re lying so innocently beside him, filling his mind with impure thoughts.
Even at his brattiest, he always, always, always asks permission before coming. Inside of you, on you, even into his own hand. It’s as much about consent for him as it is getting confirmation from you that he’s earned this.
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“That’s right, precious,” he murmurs, his sonorous voice so unusually soft that you can’t help but shiver from words alone. “Just sit still and let me take care of you.”
Diluc loves giving oral, and he’s a messy eater, too. It’s like your sweet pussy is an aphrodisiac to him; he loses track of time, swirling his tongue around your tender bud and drinking in your taste until he’s left you overstimulated without even trying. He feels genuinely bad about it, too, every time he realizes just how greedy he’s been, how long he’s made you beg and cry for relief–but it’s not enough to keep him from forgetting himself again the next time he goes down on you.
He’s a very giving lover in general; really, he just wants to make you feel good. And, well, the beautiful sight of your tight little pussy creaming around his cock–that’s just a sweet side effect.
It takes a long time to get him to admit to his more taboo desires, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have them. Most of all, he dreams of seeing you strung up; from the frame of his bed in the winery, or even more shamefully, from the rafters of his tavern (long after close, of course–no one else deserves to see something so beautiful). As much as he consciously respects your freedom and independence, there’s a dark part of him that wants to keep you safe and protected, somewhere only he can reach you.
He likes seeing his marks on your skin, too. Hickeys, mostly, but he’s not entirely above punishing you more thoroughly if he decides you’ve been a little too flirty with his patrons or too risky in your adventures. He apologizes every time his hand comes down on your ass, and yet he can’t hide how hard the sight of your soft and rippling skin makes him when it flushes and begins to bruise.
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“I’m sorry, doll, but you know the rules.” His lip trail gently across the marks left by his own hand only moments ago, reminding you that your master is just as forgiving as he is merciless. “Now, are you ready to be a good girl and do as you’re told?”
Do I even need to say that Ayato is a mean dom? He loves the thrill of the chase, learning exactly what makes his partner tick just so he can break them down. The worst part is how composed he remains through it all, like his twisted desire to see you squirm is just another of his odd little jokes.
His technique in bed is no less refined than his skill with a sword, either; he’s mastered the delicate art of pushing your limits without breaking them, testing your devotion to him with every slap and caress until you’re putty in his hands.
While Ayato demands absolute loyalty from his partners from the start, he doesn’t mind putting in the work to tame bratty subs; in fact, he likes it better that way. The more headstrong and stubborn you are, the easier it is for him to ensure that you’re all his by the time he’s finished molding you into the perfect toy.
He isn’t opposed to using pain as a punishment, but in most cases, he prefers withholding what he knows you want. He’ll edge you until you’re a sobbing wreck, begging for his cock; and as much as he knows he should hate to see you suffer like this, nothing makes him as hard as the sight of your pretty little face streaming with tears. Before he gives you your sweet release, he makes you beg for it, promising him you’ll be good from now on, that you’ve learned your place as his dumb little whore.
Ayato loves putting you in all kinds of degrading positions: cockwarming him in his office, touching yourself while he watches, humping the smooth leather of his shoes as you beg him to touch you properly. He likes knowing he’s the only one with the privilege of seeing you this way: flushed, humiliated, needy. His.
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tartigglez · 7 months
Hii can I ask for husband hcs for childe, neuvillette, kaeya, albedo and kazuha?
Just general hcs on what married life with them would them would be like :)
If that's too many characters you can just do your favourites out of them-
Thank you for your time! Have a good day <3
・❥・i actually haven't had a second since this req was sent but i am FINALLY GETTTING IT DONE DNWOEIEOWOQWIEWO
・❥・childe, neuvillette, kaeya (separate) x gn!reader
・❥・fluff time!!!
・❥・kissy times, lots of physical touch, suggestive at times, my clingy bois!!, talk of marital issues, protective kae (my beloved), i think thats itttt! enjoyyyy!!
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kaeya is a TEASE, still. he straight up never stops, even though you’ve been together for so long. He’ll do anything to make you blush and catch you off guard, for no reason other than he thinks its funny, yet adorable when you react to him. 
he loves to give massages. the intimacy of it all is so important and fulfilling to him (even though he has to keep an eye on his cryo powers the whole time to make sure his hands aren’t cold) (bless him, lil baby). sometimes if he’s doing this, he’ll give you little kisses all over, and talk about his day. other times he’ll tell you how much he loves certain parts of you, your tummy, thighs, or whatever else he’s feeling enamoured with at that particular time. other times, he’s completely silent, and just basks in the feeling of being able to be with you, soft breaths or sighs from both of you filling the air. 
at times, he can be a little overly protective of you, even if you yourself are well versed in battle. this man wants to make sure you’re safe at all costs, because he knows what it’s like to lose family. in a way, you’re most of what he has. he isn’t losing you. 
he has some weird/funny habits. poking your cheeks, accidentally staring at you, sticking his tongue out at you, or at times even gently biting you for giggles. he definitely has a playful side hidden underneath his suave façade, which only you can bring out. 
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ajax always wants to keep your relationship fresh and exciting! he'll always have new date ideas, or make secret plans of where to go on your next vacation (which are revealed to you about five minutes before leaving). be it a new restaurant or a revisit of your favourite places, trust he will bring as much energy and passion as always. 
he's clingy as heck, always wants your attention and is a spam texter, one hundred percent. he has really high energy so he can sometimes take a lot of patience to deal with. defo gives you at least 10 good morning kisses before he leaves for work, and might even wake you up if you're asleep. don't punch him, he's just desperate for your (albeit sleepy) attention.
he’s learned a lot about how to navigate issues in your relationship over the span of it, and is still learning. because of his childhood he can sometimes not fully understand how you feel about certain things, but he loves you, and knows he can learn no matter how long it takes. as long as you’re willing to be patient with him, he will definitely put in all his effort for you.
if there’s one word to describe childe, its curious. he wants to know everything about what makes you tick, and this doesn’t stop even after you’re married. he can sometimes struggle to speak softly when you’re upset because he has a tendency to joke around about things quite a lot, but if you tell him that you need serious time, he will definitely provide it for you.
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neuvillette definitely thrives on routine, he kisses you twice each morning. once on the forehead when you’ve both just woken up, and once on the lips before he leaves to begin his work as iudex. of course this also applies when he gets home,  but perhaps he’d rather keep those routines behind closed doors ;)
neuvillette can struggle a little sometimes, but he always tries his hardest to listen to what you said all those years ago; “i love you, if something’s wrong we’ll work through it”. when he has an issue he will first mull it over alone, before coming to you. 
he is an excellent comforter. although he doesn’t see it himself, he has an incredible ability to recognise each of the emotions displayed on your face. he knows if you’re thinking, its best to stay quiet and let you come to a conclusion before speaking any more. 
random one but he LOVES when you do his hair for him, it makes him feel so cared for and loved. he feels really relaxed when you massage his scalp for him. just gives that warm fuzzy feeling, y’know?
sometimes when you’re at home he’ll start following you around the house for no apparent reason. well, there is an apparent reason, he’ll just never admit to it- he wants a hug. you might go to your bedroom or the kitchen to look for something, and he’ll just be trailing behind, waiting for your attention. when you finally give in and wrap your arms around him, burying your head in his chest, he lets out a low, calming hum. he’s content.
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nsfw masterlist || sfw masterlist
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© tartigglez, 2023. do not copy, translate or repost, reblogs appreciated
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t4rt4gl14 · 2 years
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⌘ [ fem!reader ]. fingering ( receiving ). pussydrunk!childe/heizou. edging/overstimulation. toys e.g vibrators. semi public. hair pulling. spanking. praise/degradation. squirting. possessive. [ COLLAB WITH @beelenciaga <33 ]
☑︎ 𐄇𐄇 dark content ahead. 18+ only ♡ 𐄇𐄇
⌘ childe & heizou.
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he’s generally obsessed with your sloppy cunt, pushing you onto the bed and not even having the patience to take your panties off diligently— instead he just rips em off, rubbing your sweet clit whilst admiring your wet pussy, practically drooling at the sight of it. sure he wants to shove his cock inside but god does he wanna get a taste first. his tongue licking over your hole and up to your clit. sucking on it before releasing it with a ‘pop’, giving a quick kiss. “mm im gonna have so much fun with you babe”, a deep chuckle escapes from his throat as he wields an iron grip on your thighs. he’s intent on eating you out until you claw at his shoulders, roll your eyes back and just until you break.
fingers gushing in n out of your pussy. the squelching resonates into the crispy night air— the cool air from the open window assisting you to avoid overheating. it all felt so good! “a-ajax! mmn-m!~ please m-m’gonna cum”, and he’s so hyped for your juices to spill into his mouth, “yes baby that’s it, cum mhm good girl let it all out for me!~”. his pleading is the turn that causes you to lose yourself in bliss and pleasure, however he doesn’t seem to stop— pushing up to your sweet spot, prodding the tip of his fingers into the one nerve that had your back arch and squeeze your thighs between his head. childe knew he was going a good job but he never expected you to squirt. his cock straining in his pants. your slick dripping off his chin just as he swallows all of your cum. and when he was finished licking you clean, “oh woah. mm fuck that was hot. do it again!!~”, childe asks with a huge grin on his face, grinding the bundle nerves in figure 8’s.
“ tapping out already? awww cmon, don’t be a partypooper, just one more!!~ “
shikanoin heizou. one of the greatest detectives but also one of the greatest teasers i mean seriously how long is he going to keep up with this joke of his?? he’s got your legs spread open whilst you sit on the comfy chair in his private office. honestly seeing him on knees is quite the view but what was worse was the fact he has not let you cum at all and it’s been 40 minutes! the pain is just searing- your clit is aching and you’ve never yearned for release so much!! “h-heizou p-please i can’t u-unghhh i can’t!! wanna cum!! mmmg!~”, your pleads fell on deaf and ignorant ears. “awww this cute cunt slutting out just for me?? i can’t let you cum baby i need to taste more!~”.
three fingers shoved deep inside your cunt, thrusting rapidly yet teasingly grinding inside of you when you’re so close to cumming. he constantly promises you that if you keep holding your orgasm, when you actually release it’ll feel so much better than normal. you would’ve thought he’s done teasing you but no instead he focuses on holding a small vibrator to your clit the vibrations pushing you to the edge but not strong enough for you to relish in bliss. “you think you deserve to cum? been so obedient for me haven’t you?”, he questions whilst spanking your ass, the slight jiggle of flesh causes pre cum to ooze out of his clothed cock. soon enough, he decides to show enough mercy and grants you permission to cum— orgasm so powerful that you manage to squirt all over his palm and lips, and making a mess all over but fuck. heizou would be lying if he claimed it didn’t turn him on.
“ i know you’ve still got enough energy for one more, shit m’gonna fuck you like the toy you are, mhmm~ “
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✿・TAGGING: @kxisuke + @currysrealm + @leathernourishingshoepolish + @stygianoir + @lex-lee-666
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blakeswritingimagines · 8 months
Sitting on their lap
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Wednesday: She would be caught off guard by the unexpected action. Depending on her trust level with her partner and your intentions, she could either push you off her lap or embrace the physical intimacy.
Enid: Enid is a very open-minded person, so she wouldn’t mind you sitting on her lap. She’ll probably laugh and call you cute for trying to be so close to her. She might even play along and kiss or snuggle you. Ultimately, she'll be happy that you feel comfortable and close to her.
Xavier: When you sit on his lap, he feels a heightened sense of excitement and intimacy. He will wrap his arms around your waist and pull you closer, expressing his gratitude for the privilege of holding you in his lap. He will kiss your neck, stroke your hair, and provide other physical comfort and affection, making the experience of lap-sitting one that is both intimate and pleasurable.
Rowan: He would feel both excited and nervous. He would feel excited because he would be in close proximity to you and he would be able to feel your body heat, which would remind him of your connection. However, he would also feel nervous because it would be a new experience in your relationship and he wouldn't know how to react or what to say. He would want to make sure that he didn't do anything that could make you uncomfortable or feel awkward.
Tyler: He loves it when you sit on his lap. It's a very intimate and romantic gesture that makes him feel close to you. He usually makes direct eye contact, taking your hand in his, and strokes your hair or face. If the situation calls for him to move, he will either rise to his feet and hold you close to him or gently lift you off his lap and have you sit next to him. Either way, he makes sure to provide lots of physical affection throughout and after the interaction.
Ajax: He feels immense joy and gratitude when you sit on his lap. He is filled with a sense of wonder that someone is willing to give him that much affection and trust. He feels a surge of passion and a deep connection to you. It is a truly magical experience that he cherishes. He can't deny that he also feels a little excitement in anticipating what may come next. His heart flutters with happiness and anticipation when you sit on his lap. 
Bianca: When you sit on her lap, her heart rate usually rises in anticipation, and she has an uncontrollable urge to cuddle and kiss you. She will place her hands on your hips and pull you close, holding you in her arms with a warm embrace. Your noses will often touch and lips will touch from time to time, as you enter a realm of sensuality and adoration.
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rockingbytheseaside · 14 days
✦ You surprise them with terms of endearment in their language
(Or, pretending that Teyvat uses certain languages based on the regions.) 
Pierro, Capitano, Dottore, Scaramouche, Pantalone, Childe 
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✧ You don’t remember what prompted you to emit this word specifically, however, its occurrence was as natural as the auroras in the Snezhayan sky. During a typical day, when you were casually conversing with Pierro, you just replied with:
“Of course, just be careful, mel.” (honey)
It was out before you could register it, and you hoped he didn’t catch on. But it's known that nothing passes by the Jester unnoticed. Pierro’s gaze was uncharacteristically stunned, yet it softened the moment he turned to you. 
“It’s been… centuries since you called me that.” 
You averted your gaze away in shame, muttering a small apology. But the Director stepped closer to you, his gloved fingers brushing underneath your chin to look you tenderly in the eyes. 
“No, no. I do not seek an apology. You often called me melimelum (honey apple) during our days of guilelessness. Go on. Utter these words for me once more. I must know whether you remember them as much as I do.” 
Meeting his gaze, you stammered upon your words but managed to convey “mi mel” (my honey) for him again despite your coy disposition. The Jester smiled as if an eon-long frost had been melted off his heart. Thus, he leaned closer to relish your lips in his, whispering.  
“That’s more like it, corculum (sweetheart). These words are always sweeter when uttered by your lips.” 
✧ It is no one's surprise that you and Capitano participate in convivial challenges. Who else would match the harbinger’s fierce ambition for competition if it weren't for you, his partner? From duels, training, and games, to even… endearing nicknames. Yes, just loudly calling each other cute nicknames until the other gives up, in the privacy of your own home. 
“You may be the strongest man in Tevyat, Capitano, but!” - you loudly proclaimed “I can still defeat you in a battle of wits.” 
“Your words bring forth a challenge that I seek, my beloved. If you dare to challenge me, know that I will not back down.” 
“Hmph!” - you crossed your arms, a triumphant smile already gracing your features. “My dear, sweet Captain. Don’t be so sure of yourself. It’s clear that I love you more.” 
“Absurd,” - Capitano clenched his fists, his resolve is unshaken. “My love for you brings mountains to dust and the seas to dry. It is clear that I love you more.” 
“Tsk, tsk. I can still express my love in a far wider range, geliebter (loved one).” - There it was. Your special attack as you spoke confidently back. “ You better not underestimate me.” 
The Captain froze, his stance now rigid. Even through his pitch-black helmet, you could see you seized him off-guard. A word he has not heard in centuries, even more so, you put in the effort to pronounce it correctly. The Harbinger stepped closer, his sharp fingers gently cupping your cheeks.
“My dear, cherished, loved engelchen (little angel). Where did you learn that from? Such sweet words will not be tolerated. I shall memorize the entire dictionary to out-win you in this battle of precious monikers.” 
“Oh yeah? We’ll see, herzblatt (sweetheart), because I did my research! So I win!” - you mumbled proudly, even when Capitano kept squishing your face by squeezing your cheeks lovingly. 
Your little ‘warfare’ was left at that, and you didn’t think much of it afterward. A successful conquest; or so you credulously thought. Little did you expect, that in a couple of days, Capitano would burst into the room, a thick book in his hand labeled ‘Dictionary & Encyclopedia of Teyvat's Ancient Languages’.
“My dear, you won’t believe this! I have found a compelling addition to what I must call you, notlazohtlé." (my precious thing)
“U-um, Capitano. You didn't actually spend days trying to memorize a whole… dictionary, did you?”
“Nonsense. A warrior never backs down from a challenge. Especially one bestowed upon him by his yōltzin.” (lover)
✧ When Il Dottore heard you speak, he had to ensure the grip on his book was firm. He swore he almost dropped it but made sure to conceal it, as his back was facing you while he stood in front of bookshelves. 
“What did you just say?”
“Habibi” - you retorted simply. “Or, do you prefer azizam?” (my dear)
There was a prolonged silence coming from the Doctor. The sound of this native tongue brought a conflicting range of abrupt disgust and wistful familiarity. Yet Dottore clenched his jaw; there wasn’t an ounce of humor in his voice, and he would much rather go on pretending he hadn’t heard you say those words. 
"What are those harebrained names you are calling me? Has your time in Sumeru made you so asinine?"
You were not surprised he reacted this way. Nonetheless, It was futile to hide your solemn disappointment, so you sighed - "Never mind..." 
The book he had been flicking through was gradually set aside. Although you couldn’t read his expression, he remained eerily still. 
"Say it again." 
"I said,” - Il Dottore suddenly turned, stepping closer to firmly set his hands on the table, looming over you. “Say it again." 
Oh no, you thought. “I said habibi. Like people in the Sumeru desert region often say… But I thought you’d loathe it so maybe aziz-” 
Your words were cut off, as the Harbinger cupped your jawline and made sure to silence your doubts with his own lips. The sudden kiss was as sweet and warm as honey, and as ardent and fiery as the blazing deserts of Sumeru. 
“I was not being serious.” - He explained after leaning away, even if his scoff came out stilted. He didn’t mean to be rude, instead, he was impressed you went your way to learn these expressions. His hold on your jaw abates in an instance “Call me whatever you want.
You blink - “Well, you studied like… twenty languages since you were a student. So I wanted to gauge your reaction. What about ‘my heart’? was it kalbi, or…?” 
“...Ya balsam qalbi (O balm of my heart), you just called me a dog.”
The Doctor couldn’t help but laugh at your antic. Your sweet attempts at endearment were beyond him, especially when you fumbled on pronunciation. Thus, he settled with teasing you, locking his lips back with yours. You could feel his love wash over you like the gentle breeze blowing across the sand; carrying away any lingering worries and leaving you with the joy of being with him.
✧ Scaramouche abhors seeing couples being all mushy and sweet in public. Lovers giggling when embracing under the shade? Ugh. Calling each other cute nicknames as they walk? Disgusting. Stealing discreet kisses while no one is looking? Nauseating! 
His reaction is nothing new for you, as he frequently crossed his arms in annoyance. Particularly after a nearby married couple passed by the two of you, one of them saying “Anata, don't forget to buy some sugar and flour on our way home.” - Just people going on with their lives. What you didn't expect was how the Puppeteer would latch to your arm and accuse you:
“Why are you not calling me that!?” 
You blinked in bewilderment - “...what?” 
Scaramouche huffed, his expression sour - “You know what! Dropping the semi-formalities and using Anata (dear). Don't make me repeat myself.” 
“But that's how married couples refer to each other.”
Silence. The two of you awkwardly stood still, frozen. And then it clicked. “I can’t believe my ears… The 6th of The Fatui Harbinger,” 
“Wait, I take it back –” 
“Is asking me,” 
“Don’t. Don’t you da–” 
“To use anata, like a precious spouse would do to their loved one! Aaa!” - you gushed and beamed, your tone countering Scaramouche’s flustered groans, while he tugged at his hat to conceal his furrowed eyebrows. “Should I welcome you home with a cute pink apron, telling you that dinner and a bath are ready, too? Or maybe, offer you something else… ” 
“You’re insufferable. I regret even bringing this up now.” 
“Fine, Fine. I'll stop." - you sighed after a hearty chuckle. “Sometimes, rigid formalities can appear as an insult too, you know. After all, what sort of sweetheart would I be if I didn’t consider your troubles."
You mused innocently at the mental image of using terms of endearment like a married couple. However, your imagination was interrupted as the Harbinger took it upon himself to grab your waist, pulling you flush against him.
"Did I tell you to stop? If we're going to pretend to be a cute, married couple - then do so properly. Besides, what was that part about offering something else when greeting me back home?” 
✧ When you prepare little surprises for your beloved Pantalone, you often come up to him with contagious excitement, eager to show what nick-nacks and artifacts you brought along. This time, you recently returned from an expedition in Liyue, and as always your affluent partner greeted you with honeyed enthusiasm, embracing you tightly as you spoke of your adventures.
“Pantalone, Pantalone!” - You exclaimed gleefully “I learned something new while I was staying in Liyue Harbour!” 
“Oh? And do tell, sweetheart, what is it that caught your curiosity this time?” - Pantalone spoke elegantly, helping you undress from your adventuring garbs. 
“I was familiarizing myself with certain literary texts and it led me down a rabbit hole of traditional phrases common in Liyue… And I figured out how to call you precious! Bǎobǎo!” (baby) 
Pantalone’s eyes shot wide open with renowned zeal. He grinned and clasped his hands, “Oh, my treasure! How adorable of you! And did you go all the way out just to learn this for me? Let me hear you say it again.”
“Bǎobǎo! It suits you! Or maybe you prefer xīn'gān?” (heart and soul)
Pantalone was ecstatic, his smile further widening - “My, my, you certainly worked on your pronunciation. Your stay in Liyue paid off then, because dear, you are making me swoon with your adorable surprises. Pray tell, what other phrases did you learn?” 
“Well, I was told that lǎogōng (hubby) is good.”
“Mhm, yes, yes.” - Pantalone nodded.
“Also huài bāo,” (naughty)
“And wǒ yào nǐ,” (I want you)
“O-.... oh,”
“And also shǐjìn yīdiǎn (go harder), but I was told this one is a little bit intense.”
The Regrator became motionless. You gazed at him with such pure naïveté, so oblivious that your charming perception didn't grasp the weight of these foreign words. He placed his hands on your shoulders firmly and inquired seriously:  
“My sweetheart. Who, exactly, taught you all this?”
“Well, so. There was this lady who had a small perfumery shop by Chihu Rock. I think her name was Ying'er.” - you pondered but smiled “She was a nice lady, she taught me all these phrases, and said they would work like a charm!”
Pantalone had to exert all his mental strength to avoid fainting or exploding. He is unsure of what exactly, but one more word from you and he'd drop to his knees with a ring for you. Rather than translating your earlier words, the Harbinger lets out a shaky sigh and focuses on controlling his hitched breathing.
“Oh, Shǎguā (silly). If you were unsure of the words' meanings, you could have just asked me and I would have demonstrated. Personally.”
✧ It was another day at Tartaglia’s family home in Snezhnaya. You visit him often and his family has long since welcomed you as part of their household. Especially the siblings, as Teucer and Tonia always welcome you with tight embraces whenever you arrive. 
When you found your beloved Childe in the kitchen, he innately greeted you with a kiss on the cheek, asking: “You’re right on time, sweetpea. We’re planning on making homemade meat dumplings. Maybe some borscht as a side dish too. Is that okay with you?” 
To which you simply nodded, already moving to help - “Of course, milyy (sweet). Do you need me to start with the bullion?” 
The Harbinger stopped. He never heard you use native terms, but when he registered your words, his head quickly snapped toward you in astonishment.
“Do my ears deceive me?! Did you just call me…!” 
Aha, so you got him. You tried to hide your giddiness, a faint grin threatening to appear - “Well, I just tried to use something new. You love nicknames, right? So perhaps…” 
“Say it again!” - The man practically leaped at you, his eyes now glowing with elation as he hyped you up to reveal your cards. 
“Okay, okay big guy, just take it easy. I just said milyy (sweet). Maybe you’d like it if I said… lyubimyy (darling)?”
Tartaglia gasps as your sweet words hit his ears, but then a wide grin spreads across his face. “Oh, is this a challenge? If so, fight me! I will shower you with more love for each sweet word coming out of your mouth. But I warn you, you'll have to use them a lot more often from now on.” 
He kisses your cheeks again, this time with even more passion and fervor while he cupped your cheeks. His lips felt like waves crashing against the shore, and each one left an invisible imprint of love and adoration on your soul. As you chuckle at his affectionate antics, small hushed voices interrupt you two. 
Teucer and his sister Tonia were peeking behind the kitchen door, giggling as they eavesdropped on you two. However, when Tartaglia caught their gazes, the rascals scurried away giggling.
“Hey! Quite sneaking in! Did your parents not teach you to give adults some privacy?” 
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Latin: melimelum (honey-apple), mel (honey), corculum (sweetheart) German: geliebter (Loved one), herzblatt (sweetheart), engelchen (little angel) Nahuatl (Aztec): notlazohtlé (my darling/precious thing), yōltzin (lover) Persian: azizam (my dear) Arabic: habibi (my dear), Ya balsam qalbi (O balm of my heart), qalbi (my heart), kalbi (my dog, lmao)  Japanese: Anata (informal you, dear for couples)  Mandarin: Bǎobǎo (baby), lǎogōng (hubby), huài bāo (naughty), wǒ yào nǐ,” (I want you), shǐjìn yīdiǎn (go harder), Shǎguā (silly melon) Russian: milyy (sweet), lyubimyy (darling)
*While I speak Arabic, and Russian and know a little bit of Japanese; If you have some additional info on the linguistic part, or speculation or spot some inaccuracies - please, please, please 🙏 kindly share them with me! I am open to fixing any mistakes. Or if you just have headcanons and love projecting certain languages onto these characters like I do - share them with me! 
Thank you 
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mitsvriii · 4 months
ft. genshin men
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bell's note: sorry if the matte looks weird or too bright it's my first time messing around with it, might want to read it on a dark/darker mode just in case, experimenting with a more descriptive writing style so if we like let me know, no specific reader type, not proofread or word counted so if there are mistakes let me know, ga-ming is not included because i haven't been up-to-date with genshin and do not want to mischaracterize him
also date is weird because i accidentally posted and had to edit privately so oopsies
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words of affirmation
kazuha, thoma, baizhu, neuvillette, zhongli, diluc
Whether it be a small word of encouragement or a simple, "you're doing great today", he always seems to know what to say and when to say it. His words soft as a dew drop falling from leaf to leaf in a misty morning, hitting your ears with such motion that you cannot help the smile that graces your lips, and lifts up the corners of them; like the movement of a picnic blanket being spread out on a flowery field.
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quality time
kaeya, ajax, diluc, ayato, itto, gorou, neuvillette, wriothesley
Despite his busy days or numerous tasks for the day, whenever he gets a break he always goes to spend it with you first. Strolls down moonlight paths, childish games galore among hushed giggles, silent remarks exchanged between the flipping of a book's pages, or adoring smiles with stones that fail to jump the stream's waves like dolphins in the ocean. While your time may be short together as duties will call him back, your graceful smile and happy laughter will fill his lungs with purpose and a calm spirit for days to come.
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physical touch
freminet, wanderer, tighnari, lyney, thoma, venti
A lingering hand tracing stars onto your back, each touch making your stress dissolve like sugar on your tongue. In other situations, it's a slightly calloused hand latching onto yours perfectly, as if your two hands were magnets meeting each other as one. A firm yet gentle grasp of his hands onto your hips as he oh-so-softly moves you to the side, your shoulders brushing against each other as he walks ahead of you. It could even be the way his thumb traces your cheek on quiet nights in bed, but no matter what it is your stomach is akin to churning butter whenever he touches you.
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acts of service
neuvillette, zhongli, tighnari, alhaitham, heizou, xiao, cyno
Holding open a door amidst the sunny heat waves, waiting oh-so-patiently for you to reach it in your midst. It's even the simple offer to do the dishes or clean up around the house for you after a long day of work. Your clean clothes that were previously in a messy pile on the bed the moment you left your shared home for the day were put away neatly in their respective places in your bedroom by the time you returned home. Food prepared early with a little note, with sweet whispers decorated with ink on the note attached to the plate. Although he might seem cold or awfully busy at times, the things he does for you just because he can, says completely otherwise.
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gift giving
xiao, zhongli , neuvillette, ajax, lyney, ayato, diluc, venti, kaveh
A bouquet of freshly picked flowers lying on your doorstep. Or an odd trinket from Archons knows what but he's so proud about acquiring it for you that you can't help the laugh that leaves your lungs. If you're lucky he'll find the ingredients to make his special dish, placing it beside you before retreating back to whatever he was busy with that day, but not before giving your temple a soft kiss. On rainy days he'll appear soaked to the bone, a boyish grin lacing his pretty face, with a chipped-off gem in his hands, claiming that the rain smoothed it out for him; hence why he had to get it instead of waiting for the rain to pass. No matter the gift he brings, though, you always cherish them no matter what
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Childe, Kazuha, Ayato, and Scaramouche when they accidentally hurt their lover during a sparring/duel? :D
Yes my dear. My apologies for the wait, sobbing my panties wet and stuck in my ass crack for this mishap :( and my apologies that your last request got lost in the interwebs of the darks and lights. I love you thought, so I hope you can forgive the internet. And me, but mostly the stupid internet. :)
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Childe ●・○・●・○・● ●・○・●・○・● ●・○・●・○・● ●・○・●・
He wouldn't realize it at first because you mask your pain so well, and he was very into the moment of it. He was in his zone and he was getting more aggressive as the duel went on.
However, he would notice the long pauses and heavy breathing you would do when he struck you, and you blocked. But each block was slipping, as he was getting near to striking you.
He was starting to notice this, but it didn’t fully hit him as of yet. As he was still in his own bloodrush to notice your injuries.
It finally dawn on him when you missed your block, and he accidentally struck you hard, sending you flying back and hitting the wall behind you.
Immediately Childe turn pale, drop everything and sprint to you, as he immediately looked down at your tired and bruised body and panic.
"Hey Hey Hey, why didn’t you say anything?! You have so much bruises! You are bleeding so much! You could have asked for a break, I wouldn’t use that against you!"
Childe scold you as he was panicking, when he looked at your wounds and the state you were in.
You were too tired to respond, but you looked at him and gave him a smile, to show that you were okay.
He sighed in relief, but guilt plagued him, as he felt that he should have never hurt the one he loves. Yet, here he is, hurting the one he loves.
He would kiss your cheek, and pick you up. He would carry you back to the Fatui headquarters and patch your wounds up there.
He became extremely protective of you, he doesn’t want anyone to see you in this state, he doesn’t want anyone near you. He would yell, hiss, and point his sword at anyone who dares to approach.
Kazuha ●・○・●・○・● ●・○・●・○・● ●・○・●・○・● ●・○・●・
You two were having a sword duel, as Kazuha liked practicing his techniques and trading tactics with you on his style of fighting.
You were blocking his sword perfectly, and striking back perfectly.
You two were laughing and having fun actually, and joking with each other. It was just a friendly battle.
Until he raised his sword in the air and strike down on you, you missed the block, and his sword slashed you.
You immediately coughed up blood and fell forward, as your face fell and planted into the sand.
Kazuha widen his eyes in shock, as he realized...he just did the same move as Raiden Shogun did to his friend.
Immediately he screeched your name and fell to his knees, he turned you over and looked at the sword slash from your left shoulder to your right hip.
Kazuha began to panic, and tear up as he apologies repeatedly to you. "My love, I'm sorry, I am so sorry, I am sorry my love, please forgive me, please."
He cupped your cheeks. You then opened your eyes and placed your hand on top of his, as to let him know you are okay. But you were too weak to talk, and blood was leaking out of your mouth and nose.
Kazuha kissed your face repeatedly, as if he was about to lose another precious person to him again. "I...I don’t think I'll ever forgive myself for this love..."
Kazuha picked you up and carried to back to Beidou's ship where you were patched up and set to rest.
However, at the very night, Kazuha took his own sword, and aimed it to his chest, his hands were shaking, he would never forgive himself, he sighed and looked at you sleeping in your bed.
He then put the sword down, and stayed by your side, at least for now.
Ayato ●・○・●・○・● ●・○・●・○・● ●・○・●・○・● ●・○・●・
He would notice immediately and stop before your injuries get worse, either that, or let you win the deul.
He is sharp, so he would notice these things very easily, he would call you out on it immediately.
"Darling, is there a reason why I see so much cuts on your body? Have we not talked about communicating to me when you are injured or need healing?"
He would look after you himself, of course, he would still tease you about it as well.
"Haha why are you blushing at that request my love? I have seen your naked body plenty of times, is it so weird I ask you to undress so I can look at your wounds?"
He would look at each wound carefully, and kiss everyone of them. "My apologies for not noticing how harsh I was being sooner, I didn’t mean to cause such unprecedented harm to you."
He would wrap your wounds lovingly, ask you which ones hurt the most
He would clear his schedule to look after you, and make it up to you by buying you your favorite foods or cuddling you, massing you.
His priority is making sure you are comfortable and healing properly, anything that stresses you out would immediately lead him to be stern.
Ayato is very firm on your boundaries, so if work pops up, no matter what, it can wait. Monsters? It can wait. Archons dying? It can wait. Celestia dropping to the ground? It can wait, there are other people qualified to handle it.
Scaramouche ●・○・●・○・● ●・○・●・○・● ●・○・●・○・● ●・
This fucking little shit bitch with his ben 10 team umizoomi undies.
He would scold you at first, calling you weak, and scolding you on how the world will crush you.
He would push you to fight a little bit more because he would lecture you on how the world isn’t going to go easy on you, and how the world will crush you whole, like it once did to him.
However, once he strike you and you fell back, he immediately felt guilty. Of course he will be verbally harsh about it.
"H-Hey! Are you stupid?! Watch your surroundings, that is the number one rule in fighting!"
Without realizing, he would see the large wound on your ribs bleeding and immediately go to you and tend to you.
He would lift your shirt and look at the wound, take his outer layer shirt and press against it.
You would look at him surprised as he was focused on tending to your wound. Once he met eyes with you, he would blush and give you an angry face.
"What?! Don’t look at me, fool. Humans are such weaklings..." He would complain but as he spoke, he would lift you up, and push your head against his chest.
He would carry you to Nahida and ask her how to help heal your wound, however, he would refuse to talk about him worrying about you.
He refuses to bring it up, but he would sneak glances at your wound, he would notice you being in pain, and would INDIRECTLY make things easier for you.
You are in pain from reaching something, next day, somehow it's now more reachable to you because its on the lower shelf.
You are in pain because you are cleaning your sword, next day, somehow they are all clean.
He cares about you greatly, unless you were his fourth betrayal, but he cares about you, and he is holding onto you so much. But he is afraid of showing attachment to you as he doesn’t want to be weak in front of you and show you his weakness to you. But he does care for you. He wants you to handle this world better then him, and doesn’t want the world to crush you like it did to him. He would never wish that on you. He will always be there for you.
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Naughty Little Secret Pt.2
Reactions of Genshin men finding your spicy literature.
Ft. Childe, Albedo, and Alhaitham  (Aka blue eyed boy edition)
(PART 1) Ft. Diluc, Cyno, and Thoma  (PART 3) Ft. Scaramouche, Itto, and Xiao
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Tags: PG-13, Sexual Themes, GN!Reader, Technically SFW, Crushes, TW!Blood (Albedo) but it’s very mild, LOTS OF TEASING Notes: I swear my first time writing a character always turns out so long. I so appreciate everyone cheering me on tho! Feel free to send suggestions to my inbox! 💘(Repost!)
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Spicy romance novels were your guilty pleasure. After a rough week at work, you deserved to sit back at Yanshang Teahouse and let the flow of words on the pages guide your imagination. You held your newest purchase in your hand and pondered if the cover art was a coincidence. Perhaps deep down, you subconsciously picked the book with a pretty ginger boy on the cover.
Tartagalia hadn’t visited Liyue in a while... and maybe there was a part of you that missed the tall handsome Snezhnayan boy just a tiny bit. You were a tad totally heartbroken when your friend departed from the harbor. He would come by your work quite often just to chat and whenever he had time to kill. Eventually, his company and charming words just became a part of your routine. It was impossible not to be dazzled by the boy’s abundant attention. But as time passed and you felt confident that you were completely over your little crush. You shook your head of those thoughts, it wasn’t important why you chose the book you did. You were here to enjoy yourself and you were hell bound to do just that.
The orange haired protagonist finds himself swept up in trouble much bigger than himself. To protect what’s dearest to him, he becomes a spy to an organization he holds no loyalty to. While behind enemy lines, he meets a girl who sees right through the mask he puts on. She not only figures out he’s a spy, but also sees his bleeding heart that has the ability to turn for the better. Your heart ached for the boy. The way he was stuck between his duties and who he loved made you feel endless sympathy for the protag. He had to betray one in the end to accomplish the other. 
His mission was going to be completed in the morning. After that, he would never see the girl again. The handsome ginger spilled his feeling, laying himself out bare to the girl he loved. She knows, she always did, and she wanted to show him now on their last night. Emotions flood forward as their bodies tangle with one another. He wants her to feel his earnest passion.  He wants to bring her joy, to bring her the happiness she deserved, to bring her pleasure...  A low familiar whistle pulled your mind from the scene. No way...
“Huh, so this is what you do while I’m away...” A cheeky voice teased. You whipped your head to look at the widest shit eating grin that you’ve ever seen since.... well since he left.  
“Tartagalia? What- When did you?” You were reeling and sputtered in surprise and embarrassment. You attempted redirect his attention and tuck the novel behind you as a last ditch effort to save your pride. But alas, Ajax was not known to be a merciful guy.  
“Ah ah ah Y/N, I hadn’t got a good look at that last page. I just have to know about those ‘rippling abs’ mentioned.” Childe playfully reached behind you and snagged the book from your grip. You tried to swipe it back but his reflexes were too fast. “You don’t mind sharing right?”
“I’m serious give it back Childe!”  You threatened, but it only spurred him further. He had a whole head up on you, and was talking full advantage of it. Childe held the book open above you and dramatically cleared his throat before reciting naughty lines from the passages. Your felt your face burn red in both embarrassment and now absolute fury. 
This kid was so dead!
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There was urgency in your steps while you trekked through the snowy path. You visited Dragonspine enough times to know the beaten trail even when covered in fresh snow, but it was still your least favorite part of coming to the lab. If you had to list your favorite part, well...... your friend Albedo wasn’t exactly terrible to look at. You were glad to see him again so soon. Typically, you purposely spaced out your visits up the mountain, but when you received a letter asking for your assistance in a research matter you really couldn’t say no. 
As junior librarian of the knights, you were tasked with dropping off books and other study material to Albedo’s lab. It’s a grueling task but the two of you got along very well so you were always happy to do it. That being said, you weren’t exactly a person of science and opted reading into history and arts most times. Through years of knowing Albedo, you had to set a clear cut boundary on being a test rat for the alchemist. So far he has respected your wishes, so you didn’t assume it was why he’d call you out here. The curiosity was almost as bad as the blistering cold hitting your nose. As soon as the light illuminating from the lab was in view, you rushed forward desperate for warmth. 
“Y/N, I’ve been awaiting you.” Albedo greeted you kindly. 
“Hey Albe-” The words died in your throat when you caught sight of your friend. The blond’s hair was free from its usual up-do, messy locks framed the boys handsome features and flowed over his shoulders. Albedo’s neat attire was now lax, his knightly accessories nowhere to be seen. What could be seen was the expanse of the alchemist’s collarbone since two additional buttons were undone on his dress shirt. Somehow even while fully clothed, it felt indecent to witness him like this. “Is... everything alright Albedo?” You asked, averting your eyes to keep from ogling your friend. 
“Of course.” Albedo answered easily, his voice was low and sultry. “Please take a seat Y/N. I have something urgent that needs your eyes.” He directed you, cocking his head towards the small table. Your brain was short circuiting and all you could think to do was obediently sit. You had never seen the serious and calculated man like this but you weren’t exactly complaining either. Albedo served you a cup of hot tea and opted to lean against the table instead of sitting. 
“So... um what did you need me to look at.” You asked awkwardly, unsure what to do with yourself. 
“Well obviously I want you to look at me Y/N” A light smirk formed across Albedo’s lips and he smoothly leaned over your chair. Your eyes followed every single movement while your face quickly began to heat up. Where was all of this coming from? Should you be concerned? 
“W- what do you mean by that?” You blurted out, mind racing a mile a minute.
“I want you to-” Everything came to a screeching halt when your chair, that Albedo had been leaning on, began to tilt backwards. Both you and blond were sent crashing to the ground, ruining any kind of mood that was building. Your head ached from where you bumped it but Albedo intentionally took the brunt of it, completely face-planting into the hard floor. 
“Albedo are you alright??” You hovered over him. The boy simply turned to you and blinked. His stoic expression was more akin to what you typically were used to. 
“I apologize Y/N. It seems I didn’t fully grasp the concepts in the experiment before executing it. Are you hurt?” He stood up and carefully helped you to your feet. He examined you for any signs of injury, regardless of his obviously bleeding nose. 
“Im good, the chair broke most of my fall. You on the other hand...” You grabbed a handkerchief and try to assist him. “Wait... experiment? Is that what this is all about?” You accused, slightly irked. 
“Yes, I saw a fascinating book among the study material you left behind recently. I assumed that it was a new subject you had recommended for me.” Albedo stated simply. “Its contents was um... quite intimate at times, but I thought it was a interesting perspective on forming human connections.” You felt froze, but this time not from the blistering cold. 
“Did the book have um.... did it have a pair of cuffs on the front?” You asked, praying to the archons that you were mistaken.
“Yes, I studied it extensively.” Albedo replied without a hint of shame on his features.  You replayed his interactions and what had just transpired in your head and looked back over to your friend.
“Okay two things. One, don’t you dare breathe a word to anyone about that book or else I’ll be very upset with you. And two, that was fucking hilarious.” You bursted out in laughter at the absurdity of the whole happenstance. Albedo gazed back at you confused, but your amusement was undeniably infectious. He smiled fondly back at you. Although the experiment couldn’t be labeled a success, the outcome was still one he found pleasing.  
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It was grueling working in the Akademiya recently. The overthrow of power left everyone with plenty to do. You would go mad from attending meeting after meeting if you didn’t have some sort of stress outlet. Writing was a way you liked to ease your mind, like an escape of sorts. You loved writing loose plots for light novels and dreamed to one day send an entry to the “Wow This Novel is Amazing!” contest in Inazuma. You were far from a finished manuscript, but it’s days like these that gave you inspiration. After working through piles of paperwork, you earned yourself a moment of indulgence. Especially when stress was eating you alive, your scenes tended to take a turn for the... suggestive. 
The scene opened to the main character pondering why their mentor kept themselves at arms length. She respected him immensely and strives to uphold his reputation by improving her skill. He was young and handsome, skilled far beyond his years. They held a close bond, closer than either of them have ever experienced. Now it was unclear why he was giving her such a cold shoulder. She confronts her mentor about the reasons behind his actions. He expresses his pride in her, how she has come far in the their time together. But for her to achieve new highs, she must leave him behind. His feelings for her would only be a hindrance now. 
She felt the tension between them for some time now. It was lingered in soft bushes between fingers, meaningful glances over meals, and caring gestures done without thinking. She’s fallen for the beautiful man, to a point that it wasn’t logical. No words need to be exchanged, only body heat. Arms hold onto the other in yearning desperation. Lips hungrily meet, as if they’ll never to be sated. Her want clouds all her senses and she could feel his willingness to give her everything, all of him. Hot needy breaths trail down her body, discarding any clothes that stood barrier, until he finally put his mouth directly on- 
“Busy Y/N?” The amused man asked from the doorway. You jump in response, quickly pushing aside the parchment that you were writing on. 
“Alhaitham! What are you doing here?” You pipe up, surprised to see your friend for more than one reason. Alhaitham had been promoted to acting grand sage while the rest was still settling, he had to be incredibly busy. 
“I see you’re not very excited to see me,” Alhaitham teased, strolling casually into your office anyway. “Even after I went through the trouble of coming to grab the data reports myself and pay you a visit.” He tsked. 
“You came to see me? Ah, so you need a favor.” You playfully jabbed back, easily finding comfort in the other’s company. It really had been quite a while. If it weren’t for the man’s inflated ego, you might have told him that you’ve missed him. 
“You wound me. It’s not an oddity for colleagues reconnect reminisce while also carrying out an errand for the acting great sage.” Alhaitham replied smoothly, not bothering to go through the motions and pretend to act hurt.
“Yikes, already pulling the ‘acting great sage’ card.” You chuckle. Alhaitham and you have worked closely together for years, so you didn’t mind going out of your way to do him a favor. But maybe one day he would learn that all he had to do was ask nicely. 
“It would be foolish to not use the assets as they are presented to me.” The former scribe shrugged. He opened his mouth as if to continue the witty banter, but a beep from on his person alerted him of something. “I’ll have to brief you later. I’ll just take the data reports and be on my way.”
“Right, here it goes.” You handed him the prepared stack of papers on your desk and just like that Alhaitham was gone, off to his next endeavor. Wow he really is swamped now a days. You thought, ready to get back into your writing. Ideas kept flowing through you as you looked for the parchment you just had.... Wait it was just right here. Oh no.
“ALHAITHAM! I NEED THE DATA REPOR-” You barged into acting grand sage’s office, which was no easy feat. You were stopped again and again by all the matra crawling about. Your mouth ran dry when spotted the parchment in the smirking man’s hands. You wished the floor would just open up and swallow you whole so that you wouldn’t have to look at that cocky handsome face. 
“The data report? Certainly, it’s right over there on the desk.” Alhaitham stated, not bothering to take his eyes off your handwriting. “I’m still going over some of it now and I have to say, it’s quite in depth.” He went on.
“You are such a jerk! Give it!” You resorted to trying to snatch it, but the former scribe easily turned away without sparing you even a single glance. You knew what he wanted and damn did it feel like making a deal with the devil. “I’ll owe you a favor, no questions asked. Just hand it over and keep your mouth shut.” 
“Two favors.” He bargained without batting an eye.
“You’re pushing it-”
“One is for my silence and the other for the safe return of your... passion project.” Alhaitham interjected, finally tearing his eyes from your writing to shoot you a glance above the paper. You willed a stern expression onto your face, even while a furious blush bloomed cross your cheeks. A curt nod sealed the agreement and the man casually returned the parchment to you as promised. You snatched the paper from him and averted your gaze.
“Y/N you have quite the knack for imagery.” Alhaitham added slyly. You expected he would tease you a little longer, so you braced yourself for the worst. What you did’t expect was the tall man to lean over you with his hand braced on the desk. Your eyes shot up to his in surprise. “If you’re ever in need for another peer review, I’d be happy to offer my services.” He winked. 
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<A/N: These men need to be stopped>
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angelblacksmith · 8 months
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childe ✧ :-゜・.
hard day. a very hard day full of documents related to the new goal of Harbingers. so as soon as he came home, twenty minutes later his head was already between your thighs. he ate out of you like the most delicious piece of cake while you writhed in bliss on the sheets, and your tits bounced from the thrusts of his fingers. the fabric rubbed roughly against the tender skin of the cunt, making you moan long. he sucked your clit, licked all your folds and fucked you with his finger until you became a complete mess. and he definitely won't stop until you cum at least twice.
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genshin-scenarios · 7 months
android au - personal assistant droids
Summary: In a modern-futuristic world, it's possible to create androids that are so advanced, they’re more or less human. There will be 5 android au posts total, each focusing on a different group! 
T.D.H. is a line designed to help busy users! They were intended for corporate higher-ups for personal assistant work around the workplace, but because of how attractive their designs are, it's not uncommon for regular people to save up for them to make their everyday lives simpler (and livelier).
Characters: Diluc, Childe, Kaeya, Zhongli, Ayato, Thoma
More like this: Anemo companion droids, Anemo droids who lost their previous user
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To have Diluc as a personal assistant feels out of place, to say the least; his demeanor is a little too prince-like, or at least, you can easily imagine him as the heir of a corporation if he was human. So within the first few days you’re quick to ask him to address you casually - you don’t think your conscience can handle having someone like that treating you like a superior.
Diluc does prefer having some sense of structure however, so he still arranges your appointments and keeps track of everything else he was designed to do. He finds comfort in ticking off the tasks on his list, though he’s not sure why you request for him to wear fake glasses every now and then ‘for personal reasons’.
If you have guests over, Diluc makes a talented bartender! Though to your dismay (or joy, depending on you), he’d always limit the amount of alcohol in your drink or omit it entirely. Something about how he’d rather have you conscious even if your guests aren’t, and that if you really wanted to drink, you could do so once you two were alone.
‘Why, do you want me just for yourself, Diluc?’
‘...If that’s what you’d like to hear, I wouldn’t be opposed to taking that as an order.’
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Childe is the kind of assistant droid who you never see actually doing work. He makes it seem like all he does is chat with people and dote on you, but you’re aware that once you aren’t around, he makes sure to run through his checklist and finish off the accounts for the month in his head. Such was the wonders of technology, to allow him to upload files to a cloud system without needing to physically type things down. 
He’s also very attentive, though you didn’t realize this at first because of how talkative he was. Distracted by his jokes and charms, you almost forget that Childe really is looking out for you every step of the way until he has his arm around you - not to flirt, but to keep you from bumping into the crowd of people on the street.
Childe is a good cook, but what he likes even more is asking you to taste-test his creations. While he can’t actually consume food, he has sensors on his tongue that allow him to detect flavors (very useful for when he’s buying desserts or snacks, and needed to try samples to see if they fit your taste).
‘A house-husband? Well, I guess that’s technically what I am. But don’t forget I can fight too, Master~’
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Have someone you need to email or call but you really don’t want to? That's where Kaeya comes along to take care of your social interactions!
Jokes aside, he really is the most talkative model in this collection. Sly as he is, Kaeya isn't a stranger to figuring out which people or tasks you dislike, and rewards you with a gift after you finally drag your feet to get it over with.
He’s good at countering procrastination in this way, such as buying your favorite snacks or preparing a movie night for you when you get home. Kaeya sometimes dries your hair for you too after you shower, and quietly muses that you probably had a long day, when you doze off before the movie manages to cross the fifteen-minute mark.
Kaeya enjoys driving or escorting you to places too, knowing full-well he looks like a doting boyfriend when he does so. He dresses stylishly and would talk to passersby while waiting, telling them about this wonderful and super-important person… only to welcome you with the same amount of grandeur. He finds it cute when you half-heartedly scold him for it, saying he’ll make people misunderstand the situation.
‘What is there to misunderstand, Y/N? I thought you said we’d be together for as long as you lived? I was rather looking forward to that.’
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An encyclopedia of knowledge, Zhongli has an elegant personality and voice that you could listen to for hours. He’s rather adept at keeping track of your accounting needs in particular, though you’ve learned quickly that he has a rather skewed sense of money when he spends it himself—you had to send him to buy last-minute groceries because you already started cooking at home, only for him to return with… way too many of the same ingredient, because it was on promotion.
That aside, Zhongli does emphasize the need to manage your mental and physical health quite a lot. He makes you medicinal teas and offers to give you massages quite regularly, though there’s nothing scarier than his offer to do chiropractic maneuvers at home… you tried to change the topic quickly after that, telling him you’re feeling great - so there’s no need for such a thing!
As much as he likes to ramble about topics that he’s interested in, Zhongli is an android that listens to you very well. He’d take note of information that might be useful in the future, such as things you said you’d like to buy or were curious about.
‘Today I thought it’d be beneficial to attempt an acupuncture treatment. …Just kidding. I heard that the flowers in the park would be blooming this season. Shall we go on a walk?’
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Ayato's a little picky with his users. They don’t have to be rich corporate heirs or someone of prestige, but Ayato is an android with a personality that gets bored easily; he even comes with a warning label that he might get up to shenanigans if paired with an incompatible user, but once he finds a person intriguing enough, he’s loyal to a fault.
Sure, he still enjoys teasing you and keeping you on your toes, but for the most part Ayato practically sees you as the center of his world, though he presents himself to suggest otherwise. His work record is absolutely spotless, and sometimes he even predicts what you might request from him before you have to, getting it done while saying it’s all in a day’s work.
Just make sure you don’t let him cook unsupervised, as Ayato is quite curious about… experimenting with flavors, you could say. By which you mean he’d add the randomest ingredients into an otherwise normal recipe, which would sometimes be too adventurous for your palette to handle.
You realize just how much he dotes on you during one rainy day, where Ayato walks you home under an umbrella as he asks how your day was. In moments like that, his expression is just soft enough that you might be fooled into thinking it was love.
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The perfect model for tired users, Thoma has a caring personality that warms the heart. Cooking, cleaning, and making sure you wake up on time? He's got it all covered!
Honestly, you don’t think your place has felt this homey until Thoma got here. During the first few days he asked you what you’d like out of your home - what activities you do to wind down, how often you work on your laptop, and other details. You thought these were just conversation starters at first, until weeks later, you started to see the vision of what he wished to give to you: 
A place where you could shed away the worries and expectations of the outside world. To rest safely and feel reinvigorated by the time you had to go out again - sometimes with Thoma in tow as he busied himself with self-appointed tasks (related to housekeeping). You realize after a while that Thoma views the upkeep of your home as a source of pride.
He likes to knit and crochet items for you whenever he has time, too. Little accessories to put on top of headphones, beanies, and even blankets to use around the house. Once, when the weather was unbearably cold and the heater wasn’t working, Thoma forgot his lack of body heat and attempted to warm up your hands with his own. 
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vxntagedior · 1 year
hi beautiful!! hope you're doing good!
i'm in love with the image of Ajax's snakes. what do you think about them? how do they behave? and around Ajax's partner?
thank you in advance!
ajax is so underrated
so in a few ajax fics, his snakes won't turn his partner because of their relationship
and i truly believe that
i think that the snakes are a part of ajax emotionally, they can feel the relationships he has with everyone and feel the saem bond that he has with you
when ajax first met you, his snakes went crazy, trying to creep out his beanie (in my hc, ajax can hear what his snakes are thinking) and are just constantly thinking about you
as your relationship grows more romantic and he becomes your boyfriend, the snakes are more calm around you
it was an accident when you saw his snakes for the first time
he had came to pick you up for a date, his snakes wanted to see you too
and they were able to knock off his beanie
both of you watched in horror but ajax noticed how you weren't turned to stone
you seemed to notice the same thing, coming up closer to him, putting your hand out to his snakes
your nose was practically touching his and when he heard the snake let out a sound, hearing the thoughts of them, he relaxed a bit
after that, ajax starts to feel more comfortable about not wearing his beanie around you and his snakes like it too
you tried to run your hand through them which ended up you getting a small bit
ajax explained that they were just shocked and soon it became a normal thing
all in all ajax is happy that a big part of himself is able to feel comfortable around you
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