#age progession
bodyswapmischief · 1 year
TF Story Exchange: Can a Friendship Survive Swapmas?
@thegreatstoryteller I feel extremely greatful to have gotten a chance to write a story for you, this year. I have always loved your work. I wish you the best this holiday season and a great upcoming year. And, I hope I pleased you with this story!
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Ned stared at the screen, as minutes passed by. His mind filled with worry. The same worry that always plagued his life. He couldn't help it; it was part of his DNA. Every choice in his life was a never ending debate of possibilities. Even this morning, he spent 30 minutes deciding whether or not he should eat a bowl of cereal. The same breakfast he had for the past 10 years. So, why wouldn't this decision be harder to make? The one that's currently staring right back at him through the screen.
A sense of pride hit was beaming through him. He was able to find it. It took months but he was able to find it. He was able to find a way to give his friend the best Christmas present in the world. A chance to finally be happy. A chance to give his friend a new life ... one that Ned really thought his friend deserved. He searched the dark web and now he was one click away from buying a body transformation serum. A serum that gives the drinker the body of their dreams. A few more moments pass and he weighed the outcomes. And, he clicks to confirm the payment. The page crashed. And, he searched for it again and again. But, nothing showed up. His stomach knotted up, as 10,000 dollars would leave his bank account. And, a part of him instantly became scared that he just got scammed.
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Meanwhile, Theodore came walking through the front door of the apartment. His heart was broken once again, as he sulked through the apartment. The events of the night replayed in his head over and over again. Theodore knew that a night like tonight would be another reason, of many, to support the fact that his life sucked. He saw Ned on the computer. Ned's worry died as he saw the hurt in his friend's eyes.
"Hey, how did it go." Ned said with a huge amount of concern. But, Theodore just walked past him and straight into his room. Ned sat in the tense silence again debating if he should go talk to his friend or not. Ned cursed at himself for even having to think about this. Of course the right answer was to go comfort his friend.
They were more than friends. They were best friends. Ever since grade school they were inseparable. While the other kids played house or sports, the two of them would play make believe. They'd pretend to live in their fantasy world. Where the two of them could be wizards that had magical powers, space agents looking for alien life, or one of the other many possibilities. Of course it wasn't all fun and games. They were constantly picked on a lot for being weak, scrawny, and dorky looking.
And, things just kept getting worse. Once middle school came, it was constantly filled with bullies that would harass them at any given moment. They spent many days eating lunch in their science teachers class room. They spent a lot of time running home after school. Although, they both hated it ... Theodore took it harder.
"I hate myself, Ned. Why are we like this? Why do we play nerdy video games, see baby shows .... Why are we nerds? Why aren't we stronger? Why can't we just be like the other boys..." Theodore would complain.
"Theodore, we don't need to be like them. You're cool like this. You're smart and they don't get that. One day they are gonna be working for us." Ned laughed to cheer up his friend.
But, for Theodore ... Those words didn't make things better. And, as they got to high-school, things would get a lot more complicated. The same guys that would bully them, in elementary and middle school, now became jocks. Their body's transforming due to the effects of puberty and working out. But, both Ned and Theodore stayed their scrawny nerdy selves. The bullying continued and the resentment Theodore had towards himself grew. But, all Ned needed was their friendship in order to survive this period of his life.
"I don't get it Ned, guys like them ... they don't deserve the bodies they have. They're villains. We are good guys. If we had bodies like that ... we'd be heroes." Theodore would constantly say. And, Ned would just listen. He would realize he loved Theodore. He would begin to write in his journal ... about their lives together. At the same time, Theodore was realizing there was more than just jealousy towards the "cool" guys. Watching them in the locker rooms and having their bodies pressed against him, was turning him on. He also was realizing he was gay.
Both of these young men tried to keep it a secret. But, it wouldn't stay so. Ned journal would get taken and copies of the pages would flood the halls of the school. As a result, the two boys would be outed and even more made to be outcast. They also had to work on maintaining their friendship. Theodore was furious at Ned. And, Ned felt a tremendous level of guilt. But, at the end of the day ... all they had were each other. Theodore made it clear that Ned wasn't his type. And, Ned needed to learn to be okay with that. But, despite all the mess, their friendship only grew stronger. And of course being to gay young man ... they still played around together.
Now, they were both roommates sharing an apartment as they tackled college. And, Ned finally saw hope. They had made it through the rough years. The bullying had stopped. They've found people and places that accept the gay nerds they were. So what if they don't get invited to traditional parties? They are a step closer to being the version of themselves Ned always knew they'd be one day.
But, Theodore did not see it that way. He continued to try and be something he wasn't. He'd go to the gym for short sprints of time ... to get that jock body. He'd try and get invited to frat parties. He still held on to the dream that he could change who he was. No matter what his genes or mind said, Theodore had a strong feeling that his life shouldn't be like this. He should be cool; he was born in the wrong body.
Seeing his friend grow more and more depressed as the years went on, Ned knew he had to do something. And, that's what led him down his months-long journey to find the transformation serum. And, all of this was the reason he knew he had to walk into that room and comfort his friend.
"Hey, so ... um ... what happened?" Ned asked as he poked his head in to comfort his friend.
"I don't want to talk about it." Theodore said as his face laid into his bed.
"Come on ... it can't be that bad. So, he said no? There are other guys out there." Ned tried to reassure his friend.
"No, man ... It's bad. I really thought James was different." Theodore sighed.
"Why, what did he do?" Asked Ned.
"He was just like the rest. Maybe worst. I thought this whole time ... he might actually like me. I know I'm scrawny and weak. But, I thought he'd like a twink like me. But, these gym 'bros' always suck. At least the others were straight up. They'd make a proposition like me doing homework for a chance to touch them. But, James has been tricking me this whole time. Only he didn't have the guts to tell me upfront. Another dumbass jock that wanted his homework done. Worst is that he's straight. He couldn't stop laughing at me for thinking ... I thought he actually liked me." Theodore vented.
"Theodore ... that sucks. But, come on man ... we can't attract jocks. We are the definition of nerdy guys. There are plenty of guys that would like you. But, they aren't gonna be at the gym full of university jocks." Ned tried to help.
"I don't know Ned ... I just hate my life. I love you for always being there. And, I know what you are saying is true. But, this is just not right. I look at myself and feel like I should be ... no ... I need to be something else ... someone else." Theodore sighed.
Ned debated telling Theodore about the serum. He knew he should wait until it actually arrived. "Well it's no use just sitting and crying about it. Come on ... we have dungeons and dragons today. Let's get going ... slaying a dragon will get you in a better mood." Ned smiled. And, Theodore put on a weak smile.
The days passed as Christmas got closer. And, Ned walked up to the apartment to see a small package sitting at the front door. His heart raced as he picked it up and brought it inside. He opened it up and saw a clear vial glowing with dimmed blue light. The colors were almost hypnotizing and inviting. He slowly picked up the vial and heard a voice telling him to drink it. He instantly knew what this was and was relieved that the 10,000 dollars was scammed out of him.
The sound of the door behind him snapped him back to reality. He turned to see Theodore, still sad with the constant reminder that he would never be happy in his own body. Ned shook his head and remembered who the gift was for, his friend. So, he hid the vial in his hand and walked to Theodore's bedroom door. His heart continued to race, as he took one last gulp and walked through it.
"Theodore ... I have to tell you something." Ned said as his heart raced through his chest.
"Not now, Ned. I don't want to talk." Theodore laid on his bed, as depressed thoughts raced through his head.
Ned raised his voice, not in anger, but in a frustrated excitement. "Theodore! It's important! Please..."
Theodore was shocked to hear his friend. Ned would hardly raise his voice like that Theodore sighed to look over at his friend. "What ... what do you want?"
Ned's heart continued to race and his face was red for giving the small outburst. "Um ... well ... um ... I was gonna wait for Christmas but, seeing you depressed like this ... I don't think I should wait." Ned raised the vial.
Theodore looked at the vial with the same hypnotized look that Ned had only moments ago. He sat up on his bed and slowly moved towards his friend. His hand carefully reached out and he took it from Ned's hand. "What is this..." Theodore said in a trance-like state.
"I know this is gonna sound crazy but ... I promise you this is real. It's ... um ... a potion ... to give you the body of your dreams." Ned's gulped hoping his friend wouldn't think he was crazy. But, Theodore knew it had to be true, as the voices in the vial began to talk to him. "Drink it. Drink it and have your dreams come true." The voices hissed. And, without saying a word Theodore opened the vial and drank it.
Ned looked in shock, as Theodore did it without hesitation. "How do you feel?" He gasped. Theodore just looked blankly. "I don't know ... I don't feel anything." He began to say as he felt a burning sensation growing in his stomach.
Theodore's eyes began to glow in the same dimmed blue light from the vial. Ned looked on in horror, as he saw the veins throughout Theodore's body begin to glow in a similar blue light. And then, Theodore fell onto the floor. He yelled out in pain, as the burning sensation grew and spread throughout his body. "Oh my God, oh my God ..." Ned cried out not knowing what to do. Theodore's body fell flat, as his body began to seize. His body moved as if things were crawling inside of him. His muscles were flexing and relaxing. His bones were breaking and reforming. He screamed for it to stop and fell into unconsciousness.
Ned looked in horror. The thought that he killed his friend began to fill his mind. He rushed down to flip Theodore on his back. He placed his hand on Theodore's chest and felt his heart racing incredibly fast ... as if it was going to explode. His body was still seizing and his skin moving. The sounds of bones breaking could still be heard. But, now there was shifting.
The look of shock began to fade, as Ned saw his friend transforming right in front of his eyes. The heat of the transformation began to tan Theodore's pasty skin. With each flex, Theodore's body inflated like a muscular balloon. His arms and legs flexed with power. His abs became chiseled from the blank canvass of his stomach. His pecs ballooned up. His shoulders become broad and strong. His face lost the nerdy qualities, as it became more chiseled and angular. His hairless body looked good stretched by the new muscle. And, his face was graced with a new beard that added to his new manly charm. He wasn't the same 5'6 lanky freshman nerd. Now he could pass as any of the other 6'4 alpha jocky seniors.
As the transformations ended, the glow in Theodore's body began to fade. But, he still remained unconscious. Ned looked in awe and blushed as he could see his friend's new body, especially since Theodore's clothes have been ripped from the growth of the transformation. An equally impressive cock hung from his exposed pelvis. Ned pushed on his muscular chest. "Hey ... um ... Theodore ... are you okay."
Ned began to awake to the voice of his friend. And, the weak force of being pushed on the chest. He felt his pecs flex as a response to being touched. But, his mind was still recovering from passing out and a fog of confusion clouded his mind. "Fuck! What happened?" He groaned in a deep new baritone. He jumped into a sitting position as he held his new muscular throat. "What's wrong with my voice?" He looked over at Ned. Ned looked back and just smiled "It worked!"
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Theodore looked down at his body. He gasped. He began to rub his hands along the curves of his muscles. His cock began to harden, as he took in his new body. He was like a Greek statue that was carved by the gods themselves. He jumped up and ran to the mirror. His cock slapped against his thighs as he did. He felt his heart glow with pure happiness; he could cry. His face was perfect. He looked like the version of himself that he always wished for. This was his dream body.
Ned walked into the restroom after him, now towered by his friend. And, Theodore just turned around to hug him. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you." He cheered as he lifted Ned up. "I don't know how I'll ever pay you back."
"Maybe you can let me play with that cock." Ned laughed as a joke like they'd normally do. Even though there wasn't a chance for a relationship ... They both were young gay men. And, getting dates was hard so it wasn't strange for them to help each other out. But, Theodore felt a pit of disgust in his stomach. "Um ... sure man ... I guess ... it's the least I can do." Theodore said.
Ned smiled as he led Theodore back to the couch. Ned began to rub Theodore's body. He moaned, "Fuck I can't believe I'm actually rubbing the body of a jock."
Theodore felt weirded out. "Um ... yeah ... it feels good." He nervously laughed. His muscles flexed in discomfort, as Ned moved towards his cock. With Ned's hand wrapped around the cock. Theodore's cock began to get limp. There was absolutely no pleasure in having Ned worship him. "What's wrong ... you know I give the best hand jobs." Ned joked just thinking his friend must be tired. "You're probably exhausted from the transformation."
Theodore peps up as he finds a reason to end this. "Yeah, you're right ... I'm feeling really drained and my body is still kinda sore ... I should probably go to sleep." He lies and does a fake yawn. He stood up and walked into his room.
Ned looked disappointed but understood. "Maybe ... I can worship you later. " He weakly smiled. But, Theodore didn't respond. Ned just sighed but was glad his friend was finally happy. He turned on some TV but, moments later he heard deep manly grunting coming from Theodore's room. Part of him felt confused and the other part felt hurt.
Theodore in his room laid in his bed. His mind flooded with images of his new body. He closed his eyes and got hard feeling his new strength. His hand wrapped around his thick long cock. New images began to fill his head. For the first time, the thought of naked women graced his mind. He imagined touching their curvy bodies and sucking on thier breast. He'd imagined shoving his massive cock into their pussies and stretch them out. He pumped faster and faster. His bed creaked under his muscular weight. He couldn't help but groan in pleasure. His cock erupted in a burst of cum. Laying down, he catches his breath. He rubs the cum onto his thighs.
Energy rushed through his body. And, he knew what he needed. He got his gym clothes that were now tight on him and perfect for showing off his body. He rushed out of his room and headed to the gym. Ned tried to call out as he left the door but Theodore was too fast.
Theodore went to the gym and it was the first time he walked in there with confidence. He walked up to different machines and tested the amount of weight he could do with each. Other gym bros looked at him and gave him nods to show they were impressed. He smiled as he nodded back. A few of the frat guys walked up to him. They were impressed and asked for tips to get a body like his. He was shocked as he began to talk about knowledge of working out that he never had. He even joined in when they talked about hot girls, working out at the gym, and other topics he used to have little to no interest in. Finally he felt like one of the guys.
As the night came to an end, a group frat guys, that were keeping an eye on him, invited him out for drinks. He was beyond happy, as he agreed to hang out with them. He walked into the bar and people just came up to him; girls that thought he was hot and guys that were just impressed by him. The frat guys looked at him like he could potentially be a new recruit. And, this new life of meeting and hanging out with people would continue into the following weeks.
Both men would realize that reality started shifting. The old Theodore never existed. He was always this hunky popular jock. Him being roommates with Ned was a glitch in the computers system. Him hanging out with his nerdy friends was due to bets he lost, with Ned. The only person that remembered the truth were Ned and Theodore.
Theodore was getting ready to head out to party, as Ned walked into the room. "Where are you going ... it's D&D night. We still have to get the rest of the gang to remember you." Ned said with a worried tone.
"Ned! They don't remember me. They think I just lost bets to you and was forced to play. We can try to get them to remember later. But, I just want to go and party. I want to hit on girls. Those frat guys wanted to talk to me again ... I can't waste this body and not do the things I've always wanted to do."
"What girls? You're gay?" Ned said shocked.
"I'm not any more ... i don't really get it. But, i think my dream body is straight. I always thought it would be easier to live as a straight man ... so I guess thr vial even took that into consideration." Theodore explained.
"You know what? Fine! Just go ... be magically straight and have fun." Ned said annoyed. "But, you are still going with me to get presents for the gang tomorrow right ..."
"Yeah, sure ... just get out of my room" Theodore brushed him off.
Ned went off to play D&D. The thought of losing his friend filled his mind. All the missed lunch dates, not sitting together in class, and Theodore hardly being home ... made Ned regret what he did. He should have never gotten that transformation serum.
The next day they both went to the mall together. Ned was excited to finally spend time with his friend. But, the whole day, Theodore was distracted on his phone, texting girls and getting details on parties happening tonight. Ned even caught Theodore stealing glances at his reflection. Everytime Ned would ask about a gift, Theodore would respond with "Sure whatever. And, as the time passed, Ned just got more and more annoyed. "Let's just go." He said after having enough.
"Good, I really couldn't stand this nerdy shit." Theodore yawned and stretched, as he was ready to go.
Ned waited until they got to the parking lot. "Your an ass ... you know that" He yelled.
"Bro, what the fuck is your problem. And for the last time ... I go by Theo now!" Theo yelled back.
"Really! BRO? Am I your Bro? Cause you could have fooled me. If you didn't want to come with me and do this nerdy shit! You could have just said so." Ned shouted back.
Theodore realizes what he said. But, it was true ... he didn't care about the things he used to he. He wondered if he even cared about them in the first place. Or was it just a product of looking nerdy and trying to fit in with the people he looked like. All he knew was that he finally be the man he always wanted to be. "Bro, it's nothing like that ... we are just different now. I mean ... it was bound to happen. Look at you and then look at me. We dont exactly fit in each others lives anymore. " Theo explained, poorly.
"What the hell does that mean? You don't want to be my friend anymore ... are you too cool now? Fuck ... THEO ... I guess fine ... you can have your wish. I'll leave you alone. Well just live two separate lives. And, then next year when you graduate ... I'll never see you again. Is that what you want?"
Theo felt bad. He still had these memories with Ned. But, he knew ... no matter how much it sucked ... they had nothing in common anymore. Maybe it was best for them to split ways. "It's okay Ned, I know your angry. I can never repay you for this life you gave me. But, it's true ... I don't think I can be your friend anymore. I was gonna tell you. I got accepted into the frat... I was going to be moving out anyways. You know, being around guys like myself. And, then switching my degree to sports medicine so I can be a trainer. Also, I have this girl I've been seeing. So ... I'll always remember you. But, I don't know were to fit you in my life." He sighed and paused. He didn't want it to end like this. He didn't want to make a scene. But, he knew he wasn't going to change. And, he knew that Ned wasn't going to change. He started again. "And, here take the keys to drive home. I'm going to the bar and I'll Uber back." Theodore sighed ... a bit disheartened that he isn't as sad as he should have been. He's losing his lifelong friend. But, he could see no other path.
Theodore began to walk away. "Fuck you Theo ... Theodore ... whoever the fuck you are." Ned said, as he walked to the car.
Theodore walked back to the edge of the mall and saw his new frat bros. "Yo bro, what the fuck was that about?" One of them ask.
"Oh, it's just some nerd ... you know how they can be ..." He weakly laughed.
"Hey, isn't he that fag ...yeah ... he's that loser. He's always checking you out. And, stalking you. We should teach him a lesson." Another adds.
"No ... guys ... let's just go get a drink. Look at him ... he can't hurt anyone." He tries to stop his bros. But, they ignore him and head towards Ned.
They begin to harass him and call him names. Theo is in the back looking at it all happened. They call him fag. They push him against the car and punch his stomach. Ned looked at Theodore with a sense of being betrayed. Theo looks away and hears Ned's cries of pain. He can't take it ... as his heart races. His hands ball up. Finally, deep emotion reaches his heart. He can't let his best friend go through this. He can't become the bully he always hated. It was his time to be the hero that deserved a body like his.
"Hey, Theo get a punch in ... show this fag you want nothing to do with him." His posse laughed.
Theo released his punch. Ned closed his eyes fearing the punch from his ex friend. But, the punch never came. Instead one of the jocks cried out. Ned opened his eyes to see Theo fighting off the bullies. The surprise attack gave him an advantage. "Hurry up and get to the car." He yelled to Ned. Ned ran.
The tides began to turn as the three guys begin to over power Theo. Theo took. punches to the face and body. But, he didn't know how much more he could take. Then a honk of a horn rang through the parking lot, as Ned charged the car towards the direction of the fight. The frat guys ran off, as Ned stopped in time. "We'll get you fags later." They yelp.
"Get in." Ned yells to Theo.
Theo stumbles to the car. Ned, quickly, drives drives off. And, they sit in silence.
"Thanks for coming back for me." Theo coughs.
"Well, thanks for saving me." Ned tears up.
"I'm sorry it was my fault ... if i never hung out with them ... they wouldn't have done that." Theo says guiltily.
"I mean you couldn't have known ... but, I'm sorry you lost your new friends and chance to be in the frat." Ned also says guiltily
"I mean who needs friends like them ... when I got a life time of memories with you." Theo smiles.
"But, your right we have nothing in common anymore ... heck you're not even gay anymore." Ned frowns.
Theo thinks hard. "We'll why don't we go play video games ... you still like call of duty right." Theo continues to smile.
Ned perks up. "Yeah!? Do you?"
"I mean yeah it got guns and killing shit with your bros ... so I guess we still got video games in common ... and we can work from there. And, yeah I might be straight. But, I've learned a lot of guys at the gym like twinky guys like you. I can hook you up." Theo smiles.
"That would be great ... so what does this mean? Are we are still friends?" Ned shyly says.
Theodore sighs, "If you still want to be ... I'm sorry with how I was acting. I let being cool go to my head. I won't lie our friendship might be a bit different ... but it been one we had for years. I'm still willing to make this work. And, trust I got other peeps I've been hanging out with ... not just those assholes. Some of them are actually really cool and wouldn't mind hanging out with you. I can get us invited to parties and shit." He paused and looked out the windoe. "I'm not like them ... the frat guys. I guess I was just blinded my suddenly being cool. I was excited that people wanted to hangout with me. But, I wasn't asking if they were decent enough to hang out with." Theo apologized.
"I mean ... I guess I understand. And, i forgive you. And, I don't want to give up on our friendship either ... so yeah ... we are still friends. And, Maybe your coolness can rub off on me." Ned laughed.
Theo rolled his eyes, "Yeah, Maybe ... but it would take a miracle." He tussled Ned's hair. As the two friends drove back to their apartment. Their lives and friendship might be different but, they new they'd make it work out some how.
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transfemmes · 10 months
Nurse Bendy means everything to me btw.
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What if I just dropped this part of the next chapter with zero context.
What then.
“Call me ‘hart’ again.” A demand, but not one born of anger or fear. No, Mellan was looking to her feet less and less, even as she criticized him, and the creature was treading on becoming just as smitten as she was arduous.
“I thought you liked ‘imp.’” Solas exhaled, the scope of the room narrowing less to a place full of people and more to a concept of a room featuring Mellan. “You have to admit, it suits you.”
“Humor me?”
“I see…” he acquiesced with little turbulence. “Ma heart.”
“Again.” The determination she held within her throat before vanished by a hair, her shoulder blade within his hand wilting just so. Like fragile paint chipping away in the rain, so was her resolve to stay away from waters she should not test. 
She’d read a story once within the library of a maiden laying cursed in dreaming due to touching a forbidden spinning wheel. Mellan felt as if she understood the princess’ plight a bit more now. What would be the harm in just a little prick?
“This is an odd bit of a grounding exercise,” Solas spoke softly, not wanting to arouse suspicion in those around them should his comrade need to make a hasty retreat. “Mellan, are you sure you’re alright?”
“Please, I just,” She shook her head, no real explanation given. “I want to hear you say it.”
Now why did that feel like a declaration? Was it the way she looked up to him whilst she said it? He was meant to be the one grounding her, and he was going to end up doing a poor job of it if he kept staring dumbfoundedly down at her like he felt he was now. Yet, her eyelids looked heavy, resting on her flushed cheeks. Her shoulders were slowly wilting right along with his ability to stand up straight, and he muttered “Focus,” as if it were to her, to keep her mind on the dance, when he was clearly stumbling right along with her at the snap of her pretty little bruised fingers.
“Ma heart,” he vowed to the causation of his ruin, and bent himself to lean closer to her face than he should, should he remain a gentleman.
“Mellan,” He veered off course to keep her honour intact, and whispered into pointed ear. “The music has stopped playing, ma heart.”
Anyway Happy Solstice goodnight I’m not sorry, muah 💋
Tagging lovelies:
@pikapeppa @because-im-hap-hap @rosella-writes @emerald-amidst-gold @oxygenforthewicked @varric-tethras-editor @fade-touched-shenanigans @the-dreadful-canine @smashingpigeons @blueheaded @drunken-drengr @reonerra @dungeons-and-dragon-age @dreadfutures @darethshirl  @fiadhaisteach @bogunicorn @ashalle-art @kantrips @shift-shaping @noire-pandora @palepinkycat @debgall @malewifezevran @1000generations @drag-on-age @siennamain @dalish-spectre @raflesia65 @thevikingwoman @kumaronoa @midorimaddie @sassyseeker @musetta3 @rivainisomniari @in-arlathan @melisusthewee @jellydishes @effelants @potatowitch​ 
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ihni · 6 months
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BEHOLD! This year's gingerbread creation: Ginger the Octopus!
I bought a pepakura pattern from Papercraftfreakshop on Etsy (link here) and used that as a base, even though I had to adapt it a bit due to me making it in ... well, gingerbread.
The whole thing is 100% edible, and made out of gingerbread, icing (or is it called frosting?) and small chocolate candies only.
It has taken me ... AGES. Approximately about 30-40 hours? (just baking the pieces, one by one, took 15 hours over a weekend) But worth it. Look at her. She's so pretty.
(For progess shots and exclamation of regret, see here)
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thistlecomplaintbox · 8 months
Sooooooo we got a house. And the temperature isn't awful anymore.
I'm still full of anxiety and a desperate need to prove myself
But for now things are fine. I'll keep applying to jobs and trying to work on my personal projects. And hopefully something will work out
0 notes
current vibe check on my mental state : accidentally put the klondike bars in the fridge instead of the freezer and now parents are yelling at me at 10pm
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perfectsunlight · 1 year
𝐚𝐡𝐧 𝐲𝐮𝐣𝐢𝐧 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒: you thought ahn yujin loved you, but no matter how hard you tried, she never seemed to admit it. it seems as if you are the only one who remembers it, all too well.
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒: multi-media series, kpop, non-idol au, heavy angst, fluff, wlw.
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𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: infidelity, manipulation, yujin being a liar 24/7, gaslighting, toxic relationship, age difference, relationship issues, heavy language, depression, substance use.
𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐒: in progess...
𝐔𝐏𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐒𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐃𝐔𝐋𝐄: whenever i can lol
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00. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞
01. 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
02. 𝐩𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐨𝐬
03. 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐬
04. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠
05. 𝐠𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐡
06. 𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐮𝐬𝐭
...more to come
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𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @silantryoo @neuftaeng @regaiis @jisooftme @skisk1 @pandamiswifey @bzeus28 @jiihu @jeindall777 @yacii @jiwoneiric @cooldazetidalwave @chaersly @sunasami @nkahydnxo @shashatonin @lea-pg @wonyoluvr @urfriendlylocalidiot @writingficsblog @yoontoonwhs @aurumness @pandafuriosa60 @solwanq @lizseos @yourlittlecherry @aloneinacity @luv4tzu @onecalm-anon @sewiouslyz @li0ilthecxnt @awkwardtoafault @kikelikesmc @1r3n31ty @mitangiieee
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aho-dapa · 3 months
Tbh there's something about the way Ichigo, Kisuke, and Sōsuke are all reflecting off of each other in canon
Like this is sooooo influenced by my random uraichizen thoughts but
Like, considering Kisuke's Bodhisattva allegory with Guanyin/Kannon and his knowledge of the world, the idea that he preserves the status quo of the worlds by not actively doing anything in comparison to Sōsuke (from what we can see). He is a Bodhisattva in this sense. He's seen the truth, he teaches others the truth or hints at it because true Enlightenment can only be with the self. But.
Then there's the actual consequence of SS and what shinigami have to do to maintain the balance. Kisuke opposes Sōsuke and his views not because he believes it's right, but because he believes that the destruction of the worlds is not acceptable. It's a necessary evil.
Sōsuke has an ego with him wanting to become God, but there's also something almost tragic about his arc with reframing it from his perspective of Soul Society.
Soul Society is not a good place. Honestly horrible to live in. Especially when we find out that they sacrifice souls to hollows and vice versa in the name of balance.
Tbh, I ended up asking myself, from this viewpoint, is the Soul Society really worth protecting? Because it's goal is not about protecting people, but protecting the balance. Can the shinigami claim ignorance? Should they even be allowed to when they are complicit in destruction of lives? What would 'life' actually be considered in this universe? Do hollows deserve life as humans do? Except the SS ultimately sees both as a means to an end, hollows are just more of an obstacle.
Effwctively, shinigami are content sleeping on a bed of ground bones. I can see Sōsuke thinking this from a biased perspective.
But he's also not some savior either. He's arrogant and has a callousness to him that conflicts with this more sympathetic view of him.
His anger at Kisuke for knowing the truth of the world and not trying to change it seems genuine. There's an air of hypocrisy to his character I can't shake and it makes me wanna know more about why. Like the question of the greater evil vs the lesser evil.
Except Ichigo. He steps forward, finally knowing himself in full, to defeat Sōsuke, to defeat Yhwach, yet I can't help but feel like he's still so ignorant of the world he lives in. If he learned about their horrors, could he truly stand by in shadows waiting as Kisuke does, or would he become like another Sōsuke, for whatever reason. Or would he become a different path?
Sōsuke is also related to illusion and water, a reflection. We never see his bankai and I would even go so far as to think that he own powers don't work as they do in canon. There's still too many unknowns about him for me to be confident in them. But Ichigo’s own insights about Sōsuke's loneliness is just... it's so tempting to build off of that.
Because those feelings are likely a reflection of Ichigo from when he was a young age and his own confusing powers may have brought only more loneliness instead of understanding or connection.
I can't help but think that Kisuke represents Stagnation and Sōsuke represents Progess. Except poth come with an unsavory taste in the mouth. Kisuke waits, likely works towards a goal, bit it's far too slow for the people that have already suffered because of the world. Sōsuke steps forward, also hiding until he's sure of his strike, and he probably would have won if not for Ichigo. What is Ichigo then?
The only part of the Soul King that's named is his heart, which can bring about miracles, things unexplained due to emotions and desires. It acts similar to the Hōgyoku. Ichigo speculates that Sōsuke may have actually wanted to lose to him and that's... also a lot of implication about Sōsuke's character. There's also the idea that Sōsuke may have built Ichigo up. To what? Defeat him? Stand by his side? To make him less lonely? Or are these Ichigo’s unreliable feelings, are they simply Ichigo’s own reflected onto Sōsuke?
Both of Kisuke and Sōsuke's plans and views come with a price. And Ichigo remains ignorant, but he stills fights for everyone to not pay that price, even his enemies.
In a way, it's like Sōsuke decided to pay a huge price upfront to pay back later, Kisuke is frugal and making sure to balance everything while moving forward but that means people can't attain true wealth within their lifetime. Yhwach decided to destroy the concept itself despite that it means everyone will then have to pay that price.
Ichigo, is just, bursting through all of that. But he's also only one person. And idk, that feels important to how change must be made collectively when it's about a whole society. All Ichigo does is step forward, with other people, like the beginning of a wave.
Like, this is the end of the post but SŌSUKE AND KANAME??????? That alone needs a whole thesis and how it informs both of their characters since the only person Sōsuke actually trusts out of everyone is Kaname
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janeeyreofmanderley · 2 years
Parallels between the effects of Leprosy and Vampirism?
Reading the more recent entries I was struck by the way Mina describes and deals with her condition resembles the way people in medieval and early modern Europe dealt with leprosy.
"Unclean" was the shout along with the sound of a certain wooden instrument of which I only know the German name, with which the afflicted had to announce themselves when out in public. This way people were able to keep their distance, but also knew, that these people were in need of donations and often received them.
When Mina describes herself as unclean she likens her condition to a disease, that not only severs her from community, but also presents a danger to community. Like a poision the illness works its way through their bodies and well in medieval logic turns them into living, and horrifically already decaying, dead.
Thankfully nowadays much can be done for a leprosy paitent (yay for penicilin!) but back in the middle ages (and much later actually) all that could be done was to sent them to leprosy colonies. The patients were first kept under quarantine, the progession of their rash, the first symptom carefully watched and if the horrible suspicion was confirmed- they were declared dead.
They literally became living dead. And in their presence the priests would read and sing the final rites for them- they recieved a full Christian burial- except they were still alive and in many cases lived fo many years to come.
But to the community they were dead. Their partners could remarry. Their family would receive their inheritance. And they were sent away, now to live away from society as a leper, among other afflicted.
In many cases the leprosy colonies were actually quite humane. They were cared for by the community, a priest would read a daily mass from behind a wall, and in my local town musem we have a 16th century apparatus much like a confessional but with glass panes, through which paitents could talk to visitors regulary- we have evidence that often actually the spouses would come to visit even while already remarried for many years.
But no matter the living conditions, being sick with leprosy meant you were technically a danger to the "living". You carried in you the germ inside you which threatened to turn the people you loved into fellow "living dead", and the only way you could help them was by staying away, and becoming as dead as a breathing human could, giving them at least the freedom your dead can grant since you can't spare them the grief from it anyway.
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cowboyjen68 · 1 year
Hey Jen, I’m a 30+ year old lesbian who has never dated or had sex before and I’m considering starting dating but I’m really worried about my lack of experience. I’m worried about either being taken advantage of or not finding anyone willing to get involved with someone with no experience or not being taken seriously or being considered childish. And I’m worried about not understanding basic relationship unspoken rules because of this. Do you have any advice? I have absolutely zero idea about literally anything, and I feel like the older I get the more insurmountable getting started gets.
We all have to start somewhere and no one jumps into dating knowing all the ins and outs. You certianly are not the only lesbian out there dipping your toe in the dating pool past the "standard" dating period of our early 20's and late teens.
Lesbians and gay men STILL in this day and age are often behind in dating in the "normal" sense of the word. Meaning, at least in Western Culture, we are expected to go on many dates in Jr. High and High school and continue to "play the field" into our mid 20's at which point we are supposed to get more serious about settling down.
A fair amount of us don't feel comfortable dating in high school because the opposite sex is not an attractive option and dating the same sex can be scary, even dangerous and our options are more limited, especially in smaller school. So rather then date what we don't want we either don't date or force ourselves to fake it with boys to cover our sexuality and both leave us with poor or unpracticed dating skills. We don't get to experience the same learning curve with our peers.
We spent a greater amount of energy focused on trying to figure out if our attraction to the same sex is "just a kid crush" (which absolutely can happen) or if we really are gay or lesbian. The rest of our time is spend blending in to not be outed. OF course this is a generalization and in many more cases than when I was growing up dating the same sex is much more accepted pre college or young adult age.
I can assure you than there are plenty of women out there who feel inadequately prepared to date. The best thing you can do is get started.
Some advice.
Follow your gut (women's intuition). If something feels off or wrong don't keep explaining it away as you over reacting or reading it wrong.
First and foremost be honest with yourself. Don't tell yourself "maybe I will be more attracted to her next time" or "at least she is nice" or "if I don't stay with her i might not met someone else" You deserve mutual passion and emotional and sexual fulfilment. DON'T short yourself for fear of being alone.
You do not need disclose too much about why you do not want a second date or a longer date or a kiss goodnight. "No thank you" is enough. You don't owe anyone any more of your time than you want to give.
Ask about progess. "I would like to kiss you. Is that Okay?" (or hug goodnight or whatever) Establishing that you respect her boundaries and taking "no" with grace is a huge and important skill.
You do not have to be the most creative plan maker. Coffee, walks in a park, ice cream, museums or other places where you can talk are great dates because you can actually engage each other, not spend a lot of money and they are public. Very few women expect (or want) to go sky diving or mountain biking on the first date. Action packed dates are great once you get to know each other and figure out what you both want. But in the beginning you need have less pressure and more time to talk is better.
It is okay to give someone a second try if the first impression or date when ary and it is okay not to try again as well.
Compliment things she can change and control in the beginning. Her hair style, her clothing choice, her necklace. Later you can tell her thing you like about her unchangeable characteristics like eyes or smile. Showing you have noticed her effort when starting off means you are paying attention and she is appreciated.
It is always okay to ask for more time or another date if you like her but equally important to understand you might not always get a "yes" and you must accept that gracefully and with respect. "I had a nice time. Thank you for going out with me. Goodnight" is one acceptable response to a decline for more. Don't take being told "no" personally. Not everyone is for everyone and it is better to not continue if the chemisty or interest is not there.
If you meet a woman you like and want to ask her out. Ask her out and make sure you clarify it is a date so as to avoid the age old lesbian over thinking process of "is this a date? Does she like me or like me like me?". Example. "I think you seem interesting. Would you go out on a date with me this weekend? Maybe some coffee or some lunch?"
I hope some of this helps. I am certainly no expert on dating but these are some things I have learned along the way. Good luck out there and be safe but also have fun.
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oneriderratbug101 · 1 month
Alright so, in part because I see my tempest post gaining some traction, I want to talk for a second about Wizard101's aoe meta.
Nono come back, I see you walking away already, this isn't just going to be a rah aoe bad aoe meta bad post. There are way too many pieces of content about this issue that don't actually make any points and just say the issue is there. We know the issue is there, we all feel it, that's why a shitpost where I spent 5 minutes manually typing out the word tempest (that's right, not a single word was copy pasted) is doing so well right now.
Part 1 - Why hasn't anything been done?
I'm going to say it right off the bat, I don't think a lot of us really tend to think about how much of a nightmare aoe must be to balance. In the current state of the game, aoe is basically necessary for quality of life. This raises what seems like one of the biggest dilemmas in balancing history though- there is no middle ground for these spells. The only point in which these spells would be nerfed enough for the community to not spam is if these spells were made practically unusable. Because of the unique amount of time battles take in a turn based mmo vs literally any other mmo, using single target spells can feel like it takes forever, and is wildly inefficient. Other games with more traditional gameplay loops can make up for aoe's effeciency by having it in a middle ground, but because we have long turn based instances rather than open world quick fights as our main battles, if the aoe is in a "middle ground" we will still spam it as if it's op. There isn't a pure balancing fix to the aoe problem. In order to fix the aoe spells from a game design perspective, a system is going have to be added, changed, or the entire gameplay loop get reworked. Needless to say, that's probably not happening, and I can't really blame KI on that one.
Part 2 - What's the problem?
Alright, so we've established that, for the forseeable future, an aoe dominated metagame is here to stay. However, aoe makes up an incredibly small portion of the vast array of spells we can obtain. Not even just wiping off single target spells from the table, for efficiency's sake, the main aoe spells used are ones we obtain relatively early on in the game. This branches into two very heavily interwoven problems I've seen a lot of people reblogging the original tempest spam bring up.
This aoe domination greatly thwarts gameplay diversity. That's the main appeal of the post that started this all, really. It becomes a chore to play the game after a while when all it boils down to is the same exact gameplay loop you have been using for years, with no change despite the addition of more and more spells into your repetoire. It becomes tiring, and it makes the obtainment of new spells lose a lot of excitement, getting not only in the way of fun gameplay but also in the way of core progession mechanics. Other games can avoid this issue becoming too large, as the traditional MMO combat style puts you in more control of your character and adds another layer of enjoyment to be had through that. In Wizard101 I have to take drawn out turns to do combat, where in traditional MMOs you have a chance at getting a bit of a rush from the more involved, faster paced button spams. Now, from here, you can bring up the fact that card games have been around for ages and have been able to avoid gameplay loop issues like this for a good chunk of that time, and I will meet you with a
????? Card games have had balancing issues for ages and many people struggle to get into and stay in the hobby, they've got their own thing going on
But yes, I will agree that despite having their own problems, card games can generally avoid the issue of gameplay loop growing too large through being PVP. That's right, all of you Wizard101 PVP mains out there, congratulations, you've managed to avoid this problem! I'm sure Wizard101 PVP has its own problems though. Regardless, let's get into what PVP brings to the gameplay loop table. As opposed to PVE where you face a semi-predictable AI, in PVP you will be put against another real person, formulating new strategies, using a deck you might not know about, and using spells in a more random/unpredictable pattern. PVP has the benefit of novelty, forcing you to strategize differently across your battles, and to think hard about your opponent's next move every time.
I'm not claiming PVE doesn't have anything like this! Just that in the core gameplay of an MMO, which typically consists of a lot of general mob battles, this battle novelty typically isn't all too present.
We're missing out on a lot of cool spells! Animations, art, sound design, game design, etc, all of that work poured into these spells and we're just tossing them on the ground like that scene from Toy Story! This sentiment was lost in reblogs as I put it in the tags of the tempest post, but I LOVE storm! The ocean themes, general water themes, and of course actual storm themes hit their mark incredibly well for me! And I feel the same about every other school, as well! Tempest was merely an easy vessel for this message, as it's the most stereotypically spammed aoe. As I said before though, when all you're using is the same spell, a certain excitement surrounding the game leaves. I feel we have gone from seeing new spells and going "That's so cool, I can't wait to use it!" to seeing them and going "That's so cool, I wish I had a chance to use it!".
Part 3 - Why is this a problem? (E.g. why not just use whatever spell you want?)
You, balance wizard reading this: when's the last time you've heard something to the tune of "just blade me"? How did that make you feel? Did that extend to other parts of your gameplay? To expand on this, anyone who isn't fire or storm, has Wolf Stormblade ever told you that you can't hit? That you deal no damage? Told to just support or pass? Even fire wizards are sometimes subject to this!
The chances are, a lot of people don't realize how much of an effect the community has on their gameplay. I've even encountered this as early as Unicorn Way, but people care about the meta. You're going to play with people, and a lot of this playerbase can tend to treat their own word as law, and so you will have the meta drilled into you. Hell, sometimes their "meta" is less efficient or just straight up worse than your plan. Putting that aside though, opinions turn into "facts", they then circulate, and then you have been pressured to play a specific way. Before I continue, I'd like us to remind ourselves that this is NOT League of Legends, and that at its core this is an all-ages game in a humorous fantasy setting, and that some of us might be taking PVE gameplay a little too seriously. That being said, I get it though! Circling back to an earlier point, this gameplay loop can be absolutely numbing! Of course after 80 battles against Malistaire just trying to get that one drop you want everyone around you to play with maximum efficiency! It's impossible to always keep in mind that some people might be trying to experience these parts of the game you might have already experienced as much as you can! And in a way, it makes sense, why would we roughly double our already extended battle times through not playing aoe? Metas get popular because they work. They work extremely well. Under Wizard101's current combat system, which is a large part of why I love Wizard101, single target spells are rarely a better option, and instead cost me multiple more minutes in my day.
The next suggestion would usually be to solo, however:
A: Not all content can be soloed, you WILL have to encounter another player at some point, and it will usually be in a setting where these types of players congregate most.
B: Even if more challenging content CAN be soloed, you have to play extremely to the meta, defeating the point of soloing here.
C: This is an MMO. A core part of it is inherently community and other players. Why am I only allowed to have fun while lonely?
Unless you come upon a rare chance and find the perfect group of people, you can't consistently play Wizard101 the way you want. And the problem is much larger than the aoe spells.
So, we have acknowledged we all understand the problem and have feelings one way or another about it. We have described why nothing has been done about it, and what the problem really is. We've gone into the community pressures, incentive to self, and damage to gameplay options regarding aoe and a greater meta. I've also done my best to show that this problem runs deeper and is harder to avoid than you may think. So, what's my big suggested change for Wizard101 and KI to fix this problem?
Nothing. That's right, all this for me to suggest nothing. Unless a lot of random reworks somehow magically make things better, this isn't changing. I don't even necessarily want the reworks, either. This problem is just here. I guess the only actually meaningful call to action would be please, regardless of whether it's Wizard101, some other game, or even just life in general, be mindful of the experiences of others. You may be beating that boss for the 80th time today, but this might be a teammate's first encounter with it. You may be jaded and want to do things as fast as possible, but try your best to remind yourself not to take the sparkle out of the eyes of someone enjoying themselves. Remember- you always matter, and whether or not that's going to be positive or negative is in your hands.
Maybe our game gets better, maybe we get better, or maybe some secret third option happens. It doesn't even matter too much to me, despite this lengthy post. I just wanted to get my thoughts on this issue out there.
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germanpostwarmodern · 9 months
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Together with Heinrich Hoerle and August Sander Franz Wilhelm Seiwert (1894-1933) formed the core of the „Kölner Progessive“, the avant-garde group of artists in 1920s Cologne. Seiwert was a very political, even radical, artist profoundly influenced by the writings of Karl Marx. In his work he addressed the social and political problems of the Weimar Republic, the outcasts, the condition of the workers and his own precarious existence as an artist. Still the key publication on the artist is „Franz W. Seiwert. Leben und Werk“, written in large parts by Uli Bohnen and published by Kölnischer Kunstverein in 1978. In a very thorough study Bohnen leads the reader through the artist’s different work phases, from his early surrealist/expressionist works over his involvement with Dada to his mature figurative constructivism. At the same the author also paints a portrait of the milieu in which Seiwert moved, the Cologne avant-garde of the 1910s and 1920s, highly political and decidedly left-wing. Seiwert untimely died in in 1933, a long-term consequence of him being contaminated by radiation at the age of seven and an accordingly weakened health.
The catalogue’s major part is made up of his work catalogue comprising 411 paintings, graphic works and sculptures. It is still quite irritating that there’s relatively little literature on Seiwert, let alone exhibitions dedicated to his work, a fact that I would love to see changed in the future since his and his fellow Cologne Progressives’ art provides a very pointed comment on interwar Germany.
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yournextflame · 2 years
The Lands Between map: then vs now
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A few thoughts about changes between the concept art and the current map:
The Lands Between used to be a part of a continent, now it's an isolated landmass
the center of the map looked like a meteorite crater (presumably) left by the golden star.
there are no Divine Towers on the old map and the center of the crater is empty. Could it be that mysterious cloud is hiding M/R divine tower (assuming their Fingers aren't the one on the Roundtable Hold)? Interesting, it's now less obvios that TLB was hit by the meteorite, but developers tried to keep the connection using meteorite ore as a decoration in the Divine Towers.
Miquella continues to be the biggest offender of the development hell, the tree in the ocean is most likely called 腐敗樹 "Rotten Tree" (and the whole thing is 腐敗樹の島 "Island of the Rotten Tree"). I suppose it's a prototype of Haligtree, idea that Malenia used to have her own Tree is interesting, but hardly makes sense. Also, I've found old Albus' cut dialogue and turns out originally Elphael had different name: Miquella's city, far to the north, a place called Eburion, where we are conferred eternal grace (in JP it's called エルビオン Erubion/Elbion), the old name is another paleontological reference akin to ordovis and Siluria: the Eburonian is a glacial complex in the Calabrian age of the Pleistocene epoch.
aside from some minor details in Caelid, the southern part of the map is more or less the same, but as we kept progessing tot he north the more and more changes can be noticed
One of the most apperent change is a big volcano on a place of Gelmir mountain range. Sadly, I can't say how it used to be called, but its name doesn't recemble 火山館 Volcano Manor or Mt. Gelmir ゲルミア火山, the resolution is too low and the only kanji I can recognize even with the help of AI is "tower" 塔. Did Miyazaki planned Tower Of Latria 2.0: magma boogaloo?
the big figure roaming the snowfields on top of the map looks like a sketch of the Fire Giant.
I once jokingly said that developers were running on time and filled the Consecrated Snowfields with random staff... I feel like I was dangerously close to the truth. Mountaintops of the Giants and the Consecrated Snowfield always felt like they were created last moment. I mean, just look how small is playable part in comparison with non-playable part of the map. But seems like there was supposed to be another snowy location that didn't made it to the final product.
no colosseums. This one is kind of ironic, they didn't planned to include them in the first place, then added them somewhere during the development process, but weren't able to finish.
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writtenonreceipts · 2 years
Hi friend! How are you? Do you have recs for multi-chapters fics? Tog, acotar, even hp fanfics! I need something new to read. Sorry if I'm asking you too much, I had a long week and I need to relax but don't know what to look for ahah
hey, hey! i was a little under the weather this week, but it's fine. I have so many reccs. Here we go...Also, I am bound to miss people, so I’ll probably reblog with other stories too...
@morganofthewildfire--She has so many great fics to read.  As far as Multi-Chaps go; Same Time Thursday, Ivy, The Lucky One are some of my faves. She brings the angst, so be prepared
@shyvioletcat-- I love her fics.  you have no idea.  They are some of my go to comfort fic.  It Takes Two and Striking Matches have been the two that I reread all the time.  Some others that I love are The Calling, Smile, Touch & Go--really you can’t go wrong with any of her fics
@westofmoon--Retellings/AU galore. “Blood and Bone” is a Mummy AU, “The Heartbeat of Stars” is a Sci-fi fic, awesome moodboards and drabbles that I love.
@elentiyawhitethorn--Love, love, love. “You’re A Mystery to Me” is so great and you can tell the work she puts into it--its a mystery in the veins of Scooby Doo and it is the best thing ever. She has a lot of great fics to read in TOG and ACOTAR world
@sassyhobbits--had multiple TOG fics--”One Night Standards” and “Growth” are completed.  Misery Business is an ongoing Rowaelin that’s off to a great start.
@thewraithsofmorhogg--”Noisy Neighbors” is the holy order of slow burn
@imaginedhaven -- “Reluctantly Rooming” and “Call it What You Will” are so, so good.
@highqueenofelfhame -- i love em. she has so many fics to read. “Far Away From Sane” has murder mischief and pain.
@live-the-fangirl-life -- fluff master extraordinaire.  A World Away and I Dig you are two super fun reads.  She has so many other multi-parts and oneshots both in TOG and ACOTAR, seriously.  you need to read her stuff.
@punkassbookjockey26-- Of Authors and Angels! Such a great fic.
@whimsicallyreading--I love Val.  She is a delight.  “Dark Roast No Sugar” and “If I Had A Heart” are so so so good.  Seriously.
@tomtenadia--”A Little Braver” and “Island Of Dreams” <3
@talkfantasytome--she writes both TOG and ACOTAR--love love love her fics.  “How Could They Not,” “Model Students,” “Staghorn Slopes”
@c-e-d-dreamer-- Nessian galore.  “Let Our Hearts, Like Doors, Open Wide” and “And They Were Roommates,” and “Who’s Counting” are all so great
@tealnymph24--love love love love.  Gwynriel fics for your hearts content. “A Song of Shadows” especially
@moononastring--lots of elucien to choose from, she also writes and ErisxOC fic if you’re interested in that “Shadow Meets Bone”
@the-lonelybarricade-- “A Court of Faded Dreams” is her current fic in progess, it’s a timetravel/rewrite <3 love it.
@julemmaes--i can’t pick just one fic, there are so many great things to choose from from both fandoms--seriously, you can’t go wrong.
@thegloweringcastle--”The Law of the Land” is so good!!
@mmvalentine--has a lot of great fics
Linkr--i think is just on AO3, but has a fic called 8:55 that is super, super good
@nomattertheoceans--has a fic called staying afloat that is great
Harry Potter--admittedly, I am not as active in this fandom as others, but I have my faves that I love
@petalstofish--this is her AO3, Sarah is so awesome.  I love following her, love reading her works.  She is a delight.
clarewithnoi--on ao3 “New Age Romancing” is hilarious, told completely in the form of texts. love it
@missgryffin--has lots of jily to read! I am massively behind, but I’m excited to read Secret Keeper!
BeeDaily--Commentarius is kinda on an endless hiatus, but it is no less wonderful to read, hilarious and so fun
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gladlypants · 9 months
Super Sim Progess (through teen)
I've been using James Turner's Super Sim Tracker for Jasmine, and while it may not be entirely necessary, it's quick and easy to use, and especially helpful for tracking careers. Plus it's a nice visual aid!
So here is everything Jasmine managed to accomplish before aging to young adult! (under the cut, if you care about this)
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Completed aspirations (15): - all child aspirations - all teen aspiration - Championship Rider - Nectar Maker - Fabulously Wealthy (the more I thought about this, was it really cheating?? Jas *did* earn their household a lot of simoleons through gardening, nectar, and horse competitions so idk!) (Nectar is insane!!)
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Maxed skills (16+toddler skills): - charisma, cooking, creativity (child,) cross-stitch, entrepreneur, guitar, handiness, horse riding, knitting, logic, mental (child,) motor (child,) nectar making, piano, social (child,) violin
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Careers (10): - all after school activities (computer team, football team, scout (as a child,) cheer team, drama club, chess team) - both "side hustles" (Simfluencer, video game streamer) - part time jobs - barista, fast food employee
With all of the career-related reward traits purchased after aging up, the part time jobs are auto-completed when she joins them, which I was a little sad to see, so no rush on those.
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Reward traits purchased: She has pretty much bought everything now, except for sleep, hunger, money tree and paranormal ones, and still has over 60k points. It's crazy.
I also really like this tool for tracking milestones, but I didn't screencap any of those.
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valen-32 · 3 months
oc lore p.t. 1
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Valeria Anchor, 24 y/o Vampire Agent
Valeria Anchor, founder of DABO. DABO is an illegal organisation where spies' main objective is to kill or harm any supernatural doing wrong. Located on the North Wing island, in Manor Of Paigen. Led by the vapid vampire herself
CW: SA, abuse, and a whole lot of icky things.
All Valeria seeks for is revenge, like your classic villain. She is a vampire who was originally a Earth Wielder, she was turned at a young age by one of her dad's business partners within an attempt of SA-ing her. Never knew who her parents were but was adopted by the Joñes family in order to impress others. She was used as a trophy child out of the three (her, Jordan and Amellia) yet this meant she was heavily @bused by her father in a way for her to do better with her progess. After a few years, Valeria faked her death in order to pursue her experiment, DABO with the help of her two friends - Monica and Rufus. This caused her to have 2 progenys out of her creation, a failed experiment "Carmen Falken" and her current one "Anikic Pipette".
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