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A little birthday present for my wonderful friend @moonlight-breeze-44
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poor mark.
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can't change what you've done? no problem! start fresh next semester!
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writtenonreceipts · 3 days
To the person who read and left multiple comments on SWAK in AO3, thanks for making my day yesterday.
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writtenonreceipts · 3 days
I seriously need a good elucien fanfic, anyone has a good recs?
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writtenonreceipts · 3 days
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I’ll never forgive Fox for canceling Pitch. NEVER.
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writtenonreceipts · 3 days
okay so when Adolin manages to win a duel four against two (sorry Renarin) it's impressive enough for him to request the murder of the man that betrayed him and his father but when I, Kaladin Stormblessed-
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writtenonreceipts · 3 days
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writtenonreceipts · 3 days
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Twenty One Pilots - Next Semester (Behind the Scenes)
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writtenonreceipts · 3 days
not gonna lie, seeing this one flop is what finally drove me underground back in january. so, it means a lot that you enjoyed it <3<3<3 thanks you friend! thank your for reading and your kind words.
and yeahhhhh that fade to black was cruel, hahaha!
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Based on the prompt received here and the song “too close” by jp cooper.
AO3 Link
This’ll probably be my last update for a while, jsyk
Warnings: mild angst, but it has a happy ending (spoiler). 3.8k words.
eyes like stars, she brings me home
Autumn came to Velaris with its usual grace.  The mountains were turning from the vibrant green of summer to the burnished gold and warm brown of the changing season.  Usually by the third week of September you could drive up through the mountains and see the leaves change before your eyes.  Combined with the way the sun always seemed to shine day in and day out, the drive up to Ramiel was one of Rhys’ favorites.
At least…it had been.
For the last nine years he and his friends had made a point of driving up the canyon with plenty of coffee, cocoa, and spiced donuts between them.  The tradition started right after Rhys had gotten his license and he wanted to celebrate.  So he and Cassian and Azriel piled into his ratty old Corolla (father wouldn’t give him any money for a car as he hadn’t earned it) and they drove the canyon with a mountain of donuts and drinks between them.  And then Mor joined.  And Amren.  And then there was Feyre.
Feyre Archeron with her waves of dark blonde hair, infectious smile, and the wit to shut even Cassian up on occasion.
He hadn’t meant to fall in love with her at seventeen, really.  She was always meant to be his friend.  The one he could turn to on the worst of days.  The only one who knew about the nightmares that came after his mother died.
He hadn’t meant to fall in love with Feyre Archeron.  But some things couldn’t be helped.
Over the course of nine years, Rhys played his part perfectly.  He never teased Feyre too far, never touched where he shouldn’t, never let on how deep his feelings ran.  It wouldn’t be fair to Feyre or the rest of their friends to disrupt what they’d grown accustomed to.  To break up the friend group or make things awkward or—
So Rhys kept his feelings to himself.  And Azriel, because Az always stuffed his nose where it didn’t belong.  And Az tended to know things he had no business knowing.
When Feyre first started dating Isaac Hale, Rhys thought that was good.  It would help him get used to the idea that she really wasn’t his to have anyways.  And then Hale broke her heart and Rhys was the one to pick up the pieces.
“He was never good enough for you,” Rhys told her one night.  
They were in their sophomore year of college—Rhys in business and Feyre art history—and remained unseparated.  Mor chose to go to a school further south that specialized in psychology, Amren was always busy with law, Cassian starting his gym, and Az dropped out to do trade in mechanics.  It was just he and Feyre who saw each other consistently.  Strange, Rhys would come to think about, strange that somehow it turned to just the two of them.
Feyre let out a long sigh as she leaned back into his couch and looked at him sideways. “You have to say that.”
“It’s true,” Rhys said.  He nudged her with his shoulder.
They often found themselves here.  Together at his place finishing homework or cramming for exams.  Or on nights like tonight, just trying to tread water in preparation for the next week.
“He was an ass,” Rhys continued, “and you’re better off without him.”
Rhys could list off all the things that were wrong with Isaac if he wanted.  He’d curated the list long ago and had consistently added to it over the last five months of the miserable relationship.
Instead of replying, Feyre only leaned her head on his shoulder and tucked her legs beneath her.  Some reality show was playing on the old tv Rhys had rescued from a dumpster last week.  Neither were paying much attention to it though.  And that was fine.
Rhys much preferred the quiet, leisurely moments like this with Feyre.  Where they could just simply be and he could almost convince himself that something would change between them.  He was getting too close to that line of thinking, though.  He knew he couldn’t risk his friendship with Feyre.  Nor would he do anything that would potentially screw it up.  She was too important to him.
So they stayed like that until the night grew late and Rhys had already made the vow that he would never be the one to hurt Feyre.
Nine years.
He’d been in love with his best friend for nine years and he knew he was an utter idiot.  Who let themselves be in love with someone for nine years and never do anything about it? Rhysand.  And he was an idiot for it.
He’d tried dating other women and had been in a few somewhat serious relationships.  Serious for him at least.  The three-month mark was that magical moment where everything went to hell in a handbasket and the relationship would end and he’d be right back where he started.  Still in love with the same girl.
He was twenty-eight years old and nothing had changed.
Until Feyre started dating Tamlin Doyle. 
And Rhys had a sickening knowledge that this would be different.  That this relationship was the one that would truly break him.  Because Feyre was happy.  He saw it whenever he saw the two of them together.  Saw it when Feyre’s face lit up whenever Tamlin texted or called.  She’d even started hanging out at his place more and more. It soon got to the point where Rhys was lucky to see Feyre once or twice a week.
He tried to use it as his own chance to distance himself from Feyre.  To let it be the perfect excuse to move on, to find someone knew and let Feyre have her own life. 
And it would have worked, if Autumn hadn’t swept through the city again and a certain hadn’t taken the warmth of summer in one fell swoop. 
Rhys, a stickler for some traditions, didn’t think anything of it when he texted Feyre one Saturday morning to invite her on another drive up the canyon.  Because it was Feyre and this was what they did.  The drives, the talks, the time spent falling back into what they knew.
So when she texted him only a few moments after his message he was already planning on swinging through the coffee shop for their regular order.  It wasn’t until he actually read the words that he realized things weren’t going to be as they always had been.
Feyre: with tamlin today. Srry.
The words plain and simple with no way to misinterpret them.  Except all Rhys could do was stare at them.  She’d said the same thing last week and on Thursday when they’d all met up for drinks.  She was busy.  She had work.  Tamlin needed her.
Twenty minutes later when he picked Mor up to go with him instead, he tried telling his cousin about what happened.
“She always comes for the canyon runs,” Rhys said, pulling out onto the narrow two-lane highways that wove through the mountains.
From her seat, Mor sipped delicately on her coffee, snorting with disdain.
“Well, you don’t know Tamlin very well, do you?” Mor muttered.  Her mouth tilted into a frown as she glared out the front window.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Rhys asked.
Mor only shook her head. “It doesn’t matter.  Just give her some space, yeah?  I’m meeting her for lunch next week, you don’t have to worry about her.”
“Mor,” he insisted.  He returned her glare as best he could while not careening the car over a cliff.
“Tamlin doesn’t share very well,” Mor said, she offered him a small smile, “you know Feyre, if she needs help, she always comes to you.”
Except Rhys didn’t like that response.  He didn’t like thinking about Feyre and Tamlin.  About whether or not Tamlin was good for her or if she really was happy.  Rhys didn’t like not knowing if things really were alright with Feyre.  And if she was, couldn’t she at least text him?
And maybe it wasn’t his business.  Maybe he really did need to give Feyre space.  Let her have a relationship outside of him.  Let her choose who she was—outside of him.
It made him sick; he couldn’t deny that.  Because what if…what if she found someone else, someone that…
These were the exact thoughts that he needed to shy away from.  That he needed to ignore.  Because Feyre, his Feyre, had a life to live and she never did anything she didn’t want to do. 
So Rhys kept driving.  He drove through the mountains and watched as the colors of summer faded from the bright greens and lush life into the amber of fall.  All the while his mind lingered on the what if’s of him and Feyre.
New Year’s Eve and he was spending it alone.
Rhys snorted to himself and shoved off the couch where ESPN was playing reels of the last big football game. It was nothing new, the channel had been on all night, the one thing that didn't show updates about the night of news. It made it easier to ignore reality.
He went to his kitchen, neat with its black cabinets and gray marble. Nothing stacked on the counters. Sterile as Feyre would say.
He winced.
Maybe that should be his resolution.  Not to think about her. Not to let her consumer him. To move on. Ten years was ten too many after all.
He poured himself a drink, ice clunking gently a he tossed a few cubes it. He downed half the whiskey before even shoving from the counter then poured himself another. 
It was the first New Years he hadn't bothered to do anything.  And he'd had plenty of opportunity.  Mor and her girlfriend were hosting a party together and Az was finally admitting to him and Gwyn being together.  Though Rhys wasn't surprised about that.  Cassian and Nesta were newly engaged and despite being homebodies every other damn day of the year they’d both tried dragging him out.
After the third rejection everyone had stopped bothering him.  Except Gwyn who kindly sent him an emoji of a cat in a party hat and an attached message: you had the right idea.  Why are we friends with these lunatics???
That at least made him smile.
Rhys shook his head and took another sip of his drink.  Already he could feel a gentle numbness spread through his body.  Not that he minded.  He’d rather get plastered in his own apartment then at a party where he knew he’d do something stupid.  Where Feyre was sure to be with Tamlin damned Doyle.  This was better.  This was the only solution to his feelings.  Stepping away.  Moving on.  And he wouldn’t try and draw a line between Feyre and their other friends.  Not when she didn’t even know a line needed to be drawn and for what.  That he was a bastard who didn’t even know how to act on his own feelings?
He stared at the television as another reel started of the Seahawks game.  They’d blown their lean, unsurprising, and the reel showed failed pass after failed pass.  At least he hadn’t made that bet with Varian over the game.  
His watch said eleven forty-five.  He should just go to bed, there was no reason to stay up til the tick of the year.  Maybe he should go to the airport and catch a random flight out.  New York or LA or…
A knock at the door pulled him from the thoughts of leaving.  He glanced again at his watch.  Forty-seven.  Who the hell?
More urgent this time, the knock wasn’t going anywhere.  
Cursing, Rhys trudged over to the door.  It was probably Cassian and he was going to have to have another talk about boundaries.  He should be allowed to skip out on New Years if he wanted to.
Rhys pulled the door open and froze, blinking at the sight before him.
There in a slim black dress that hugged each of her delightful curves was Feyre.  Her hair hung down her shoulders, the curls and waves framing her high cheekbones making her blue eyes stand out stark against her pale skin.  Her full lips were still stained with red lipstick, but the longer Rhys stared (he couldn’t help it) the more h realized something was off.  
“Feyre,” he said, more surprised than anything to see her there.  But concern soon took precedence as he noticed the way her mascara smudged and her eyes gleamed bright with unshed tears.  She was still the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen and not even a poorly thought of New Year’s resolution would keep him from noting it.
His name was a bare whisper on her lips but familiar nonetheless.  She’d always had this way of twisting the single syllable of his name, breathless and intent all at once.  But this particular inflection—the one with lingering pain and edging with embarrassment—made his heart seize and his senses ignite all at once.
Rhys didn’t reach out to her, instead stepping aside for her to enter the apartment.  She did, black heels clicking rhythmically on the hardwood floor.
“I thought you’d be at Mor’s,” she said, turning slowly to face him.  If she’d thought he’d been there, then where had she been all night?
Even in the heels she was still small, not even eye level with him.  He’d teased her for it before, especially when they used to spar together at Cassian’s gym.  But that had been ages ago, another lifetime entirely.  Back before Tamlin.
“But, I didn’t know where else to go,” she continued.  She wouldn’t meet his eyes, staring instead at the small framed picture of Rhys and his sister on the small entryway table. “But I knew you wouldn’t say no.”
It was the unmistakable hitch in her voice that did it for Rhys.  The way she bit her lip and wrapped her arms around herself.  It wasn’t difficult to knew why she was here.  After all, it wasn’t the first time she’d showed up like this—scared and upset.  It made Rhys’ blood boil just to think about what Tamlin had done this time.
“Are you alright?” He asked first, because really that was the only thing that mattered to him.  That Feyre was safe, that she wasn’t hurt, that she was here.
She snorted indelicately; her revere broken.  She ran a hand through her hair, the strands tangling in her fingers.  A flush rose high on her cheeks and she muttered a curse.  
“Feyre, if he touched you—” Rhys began.  Even though he and Feyre had grown distant in the last few months, Rhys still knew exactly the kind of person Tamlin was and the subtle ways he’d manipulated Feyre in the course of their relationship.
“No,” she whispered, “he didn’t.”
But that haunted look didn’t leave her eyes.  Her lower lip trembled as she held back a wave of tears.  It took everything within him not to go to her.  And he wanted to.  He wanted to take her in his arms, feel her soft curves against him, smell the lingering pain on her skin and feel the little calluses on the tips of her fingers.  He wanted to—
He gripped his glass of whiskey harder, wondering if he should just set the glass down before he shattered it himself.  Though maybe it was a good thing he still held it, a reminder of how much he’d had to drink and that it would not be a good idea to drive to Tamlin’s apartment and have a conversation with him.  This wasn’t the first time Feyre had come to him teary eyes and visibly upset but Rhys would certainly try to make sure it was the last.
Feyre took a step towards him, her purse dangling precariously on one shoulder. “I broke up with Tamlin.”
The words hit him almost like a sucker punch.  Rhys could only stare at her as he disentangled the simple words from each other and repeated them over and over in his mind until the made sense.
“Broke up,” she confirmed.  She tossed her purse aside where it thumped against the side of the couch and onto the floor. “He didn’t take it very well.”
Rhys’ jaw clenched.  Tamlin lived close enough he could walk—
“It was last week,” Feyre said, taking a few steps closer to Rhys. Her words started pouring out of her as if she couldn’t hold them in any longer. “After Christmas and the shitshow that was. But he kept trying to text me and talk to me and when I tried to give him back his key—he said something to me that I hadn’t realized and I had to talk to you but I didn’t know how.”
She was close enough now that Rhys could see the flecks of blue in her eyes that reminded him so much of the stars and that smattering of freckles across her nose and cheeks.  They were their own set of constellations that he’d memorized long ago.
“Feyre,” Rhys said, not following her words in the slightest.
Instead of answering, she reached out and plucked the glass of whiskey from his hands.  She leaned around him and placed it on the table beside the picture of his sister and Rhys caught the scent of jasmine that she enjoyed so much. 
When she met his eyes, the tears had vanished, replaced by a fierce determination.  It was the first real sign of the Feyre he knew that Rhys had seen in the last five minutes.
And then, before he could try and coax anymore information out of her, she kissed him.
The first brush of her lips was soft, hardly hesitant, but careful and sweet as she cupped his jaw with one hand.  Rhys, hardly a gentleman, recovered from shock and kissed her back.  He wasn’t gentle nor careful as he pulled Feyre against him, his hands going to her hips and digging into her skin.
He knew he should slow down; knew he should try and talk to her but that part of his mind had shut down completely.  All he could think about was that Feyre was in his arms kissing him.  Her words that she’d broken up with Tamlin was a near constant thrum in his mind.  That she’d needed to talk to him.  That—
Feyre broke away with a gasp.  Her eyes were blown wide, lips pink and full.  She stared at him with a mix of shock and desire, as though two different parts of her were warring with each other.  As though she couldn’t believe what she’d just done.
“Rhys,” she said.  And he knew she was going to try and apologize, was going to try and explain away the kiss, her actions.  But Rhys wouldn’t have it.
He raised one hand to her cheek, brushing away a tendril of her hair.  She was warm against him; warm and soft and real.  How many times had he thought about kissing her?  About holding her against him and feeling her heartbeat beneath his fingers.  How many times had he thought about moments just like this?
Rhys leaned in again, brushing his nose against her, listening as her breath hitched in her throat and one of her hands flexed at his hips.  He was doing this all wrong, moving too fast even as the world around them had slowed to a stop.  All he could focus on were the stars in Feyre’s eyes as she blinked up at him, as though she were the one startled by her own actions.
“What did you need to tell me, Feyre?” he asked, voice rougher than he intended.  It wasn’t as though he could help it.  Not when she had that look in her eyes and not when her body fit so perfectly against his.
He didn’t know what he was waiting for, didn’t know that if her next words would send everything tumbling into hundreds of thousands of pieces.  But he knew he needed to hear it whether or not it would break him.
He watched as she wet her lips, as she dropped her gaze and her lashes fluttered.
“I think I’m in love with you.”  Careful and slow she enunciated the words so there was no way they could be missed or slurred or misunderstood.  She met his gaze with her own and for the first time that night Rhys could see the apprehension, the worry, lingering there.
“You think?” he asked, one brow rising.
“I can take it back--” she began, but Rhys was already kissing her again.
“Don’t you dare,” he growled against her, the hand not cupped against her cheek moving to wrap around her, tugging her so impossibly close.  
He deepened the kiss, tasting her sweetness and the lingering alcohol on her breath from whatever party she’d been at.  She groaned against him and Rhys knew he would do anything and everything for her to make that sound again.  All it took was for his tongue to brush hers and her hands were in his hair tugging with near urgency.  
Rhys had been waiting for this moment for ten years.  Ten years to kiss Feyre, to touch her as though it were the last thing he’d ever do.  He’d already memorized so much about her but with the way his hands were dancing across her body and how his lips traced her jaw, her throat--there was so much more to learn about her.
Somehow, they stumbled to the couch without falling, leaving Feyre’s heels somewhere in the middle of the hall.  And somehow, they fell together, Rhys going first and Feyre straddling his hips, that dress of hers riding so far up her thighs that it left little, if anything, to the imagination.
“Are you sure?” Feyre asked even as her hands trailed along the hem of his shirt, her fingers finding the bare skin of his abdomen. “About any of this?”
Rhys leaned into her until their foreheads were pressed together and his hands were settled low against her waist, itching to dip lower to the bare stretch of skin waiting for him.
“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life,” he said, pressed a slow lingering kiss to her lips. “I’ve been in love with you long enough.”
She chuckled wryly. “You love me?”
“From the first moment I saw you.”
Feyre stared at him; lips parted in surprise.  Her fingers remained against his skin leaving hot pricks where they pressed ever so lightly.  And then a slow smile danced across that beautiful mouth of hers.
“Prove it.”
So Rhys did.
The night faded into morning and the new year rose just the same as any other day aside from the two bodies that lay entwined together, right where they belonged.
thanks for reading
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writtenonreceipts · 13 days
glad to see youre still around, regardless of if youre writing or not 💖 just wanted to say that i hope things look up for you soon and i hope youre looking after yourself as best you can!!! i know i am simply a Random Person on the internet but if you ever need a space to vent or just shoot the shit my dms are always open!! peace and love 🥰
I'm just plugging along, haha! I don't think I can ever really leave? There are people here that I love dearly and I want to keep tabs on (in a non stalker way) and support and show love to. Though the amount of times I've hovered over the delete button on here and ao3 is unreal...
It's been a long few months and the longest I've stayed off of tumblr pretty consistently. I check in on occasion (for a few stories I'm invested in y'know). And...not to get as depressed on main as I could get, I've got a ways to go still with things irl.
Anyways, thank-you for your kind words and reaching out! It really does mean a lot and helps me feel a little better. <3<3<3
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writtenonreceipts · 18 days
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MerMay Writing Prompts
Find other prompts I’ve done here!
These are probably terrible…lol.  Mostly for my own benefit and I was kinda bored…maybe they’ll inspire you?
Feel free to alter gender/pronouns as you see fit.
Disclaimer: Please do not repost. Reblogs are welcome.
A girl is thrown overboard from a ship after stowing away, only to be rescued by a strange creature beneath the water.
Siren’s are the violent counterpart to mermaids’ gentler nature, Person A thinks they are speaking to a mermaid only to realize too late they’re being enticed by a siren.
A shipwrecked sailor makes a deal with a mer creature trapped in a pool of water–only to realize too late not to make bargains with creatures they don’t know.
You steal a pearl from the beach, turns out it belongs to a mermaid who will do anything to get it back.
A siren’s rite of passage is to kill a human.  Person A is about to complete their own rite only to realize they know the human they’re assigned to kill.
A fisherman captures a mermaid in his nets and can either release it, or take it back to land and be crowned a hero.
A mermaid is captured by humans, their friend (mer or human) will do anything to get them back where they belong.
You grew up on stories of mermaids and sirens and creatures beneath the water–now that you find yourself on the beach you go searching for a little hint of those stories.  Only to get stranded in a cave with the rising tide.  Turns out…you’re not alone.
A mermaid finds their true love in the person that can hear their real voice.
There are legends about a creature out in the depths of the sea, one that holds power over the weather of an island.  Person A chooses to sacrifice themself for the safety of their home.
Person A goes swimming early in the morning and gets stranded on a buoy/floating dock in the middle of the lake.  Their rescuer?  A mermaid.
 Turns out you have the ability to shift into a mermaid, the catch? Any bit of water that touches your skin sparks the transformation.
Walking along the beach you find a creature washed up on the shore.  Grateful for help, they offer you a favor in return.  
For a simple kiss a mermaid will grant you one wish.
You thought you were a strong swimmer, but after you get caught in a riptide you find yourself struggling to the surface when you hear something in the waves: come to me.
A witch curses you to never stray from the water until you find your true love.
The sea is never supposed to be silent.  While sailing one day, everything goes still and then you see the eyes looking up through the water at you.
Mermaids are slight kleptomaniacs.  After losing your favorite piece of jewelry/item, you go diving in the ocean to steal it back.
You press a conch shell to your ear and hear a voice calling out to you.
 You collect trash from the beach hoping to help clean up–a sea creature decides to thank you.  By kidnapping you.
You’re the mermaid keeper of an underwater library, when an item goes missing you vow to bring it back safely.
Mermaids are known to be good astronomers, a sailor is tasked with steering a ship at night with no idea what he’s doing.  He relies on the help of the mermaid but has to give up his voice for a day for every night he gets help.
Death on the ocean is common, as it turns out mermaids are simply the souls of those who have passed.  A sailor, lost at sea, soon becomes haunted by a mermaid looking to say good-bye to a former lover.
“Do not go out onto the water at night.” // “Why?” // “That’s when they come to the surface.”
“The last time I saw you, you were drowning.”
Using a mermaid as an alarm clock is quite useful actually–they’re very in tune with times of day and they are quite skilled at screaming.
“I don’t want to be a lady.  I want to lure men and women to their deaths.”
After leaving the water to explore the world, a mermaid discovers the miracles of ice cream.
There’s a monster in the river that sinks passing ships that sail by unless they offer a sacrifice: a perfect pearl found only in a specific part of the sea.
Turns out the princess to the kingdom by the sea isn’t actually human.  The merfolk have chosen to take back what is theirs.
“The song doesn’t affect me.”
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writtenonreceipts · 23 days
LB my dear dear! I have devoured all yours and MB's ao3 works till date ❤️🤌 and I am feeling pathetically ravenous for more 🫠. Although my question is- since I have seen people asking you for suggestions as to which blog and which writer to look to for more feysand/elucien content I would like to request the same only and only if you are comfortable and have the time for this pressing request. And thank you even if you couldn't for some reason im only scared since you are busy and wouldnt want to burden you with such an exigent task. . I'm sorry to bother you That would be it 🥺 👉👈
You want blog suggestions for Elucien/Feysand authors? And you think you're bothering me??? Anon, this happens to be my exact area of exertise and there is nothing love more than hyping up my friends!
To kick us off my lovely friend @velidewrites is an extraordinarily talented writer and artist, and also just an all-around ray of sunshine whose blog I cannot recommend enough.
There's also @writtenonreceipts who's every work is literal potery. Pick any of her stroies and you will come undone.
@belabellissima has a beautiful Feysand/Elucien series called the State of Grace and is also one of my favorite people 🥺💝
@azrielshadowssing also regularly feeds us with delciioiusly sinful Feysand and Elucien stories 🥰 hehehe definitely read the tags though!
Among a host of other incredible fics, @damedechance has an onlyfans series that will make you feral - Playgirl (Elucien) and darling.exe (Feysand) 👀👀 Come back to me once you finish losing your mind
@xtaketwox and @itsthedoodle come as Feysand/Elucien pair hehe. @xtaketwox has treated us to lots of goodies, but I wanted to highlight her modern soulmate AU which has a dedicated work for Feysand, Elucien, and Nessian! @itsthedoodle has written so many beautiful feysand oneshots and is the sweetest, most unhinged person you'll ever have the pleasure of knowing.
@asnowfern is so talented and writes for a lot of different pairings, including Feysand and Elucien! Right now she's working on a stunning Feysand AU inspired by a chinese legend called Till Forever Falls Apart
if you're a fan of next-gen, @areyoudreaminof has lots of adorable fics and headcanons centering around Elucien and Feysand as parents!
@witch-and-her-witcher again writes for many couples, including Feysand and Elucien! She recently wrote a Feysand and Nyx oneshot, The Little Tiger, that completely fractured my heart and put it back together.
@thegloweringcastle is another extremely talented writer who has a wealth of feysand and elucien fics! One I really love is the The Law of the Land which is a Feysand western AU with background Elucien 🤠
@darling-archeron has been in this fandom since 2016 and in that time has blessed us with so much wonderful Feysand and Elucien content!! (One day you really need to sit us all down and tell us the fandom lore we all missed out on from the acomaf/acowar releases 👀)
@iambutmortal has a lot of delicious Feysand and Elucien stories! For Elucienweek last year she wrote a really addicting story called The Honeymooners
@labellefleur-sauvage has written so many incredible Elucien fics! As well as a very delicious monster!Feyre fic called Meet Me In the Woods hehehe 👀
@foundress0fnothing always blows me away with her writing. For Elucienweek last year she wrote an Elucien sex cult fic titled Both Forever and Rather Die that lives in my head rent free.
@howlingcaptaincommando is working on a really amazing pirate AU, Never Shall I Die, centering around Elucien, Nessian, and Feysand!
@vulpes-fennec has so many lovely stories, including her Prythian Fantasia WIP which centers on the Archeron sisters and their mates 😍
@popjunkie42 has yet to dip her toes into writing Elucien but maybe one day we can convince her 👀👀 That said she has so many amazing Feysand works such as Hate Me Instead and her current WIP Blossoming In Winter.
Likewise my dearest friend @wilde-knight has only written Elucien and Nessian, but I can't recommend her works and blog enough!! She's working on an amazing Princess Bride AU called Burnished Gold
@captain-of-the-gwynriel-ship is a die-hard Feysand, Elucien, Gwynriel, and Nessian! Currently they're working on a Feysand fic Five Minutes to Midnight which also features background Elucien!
@octobers-veryown creates so many wonderful moodboards for variuos ships and characters! I cannot recommend following them enough💕
And finally @rosanna-writer, @reverie-tales, @thesistersarcheron, and @starfall-spirit are my multishipping queens 🥰 On their blogs you'll find wonderful content for Feysand, Elriel, Elucien, and other ships as well!
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writtenonreceipts · 23 days
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Mad with boop power! I felt inspired.
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writtenonreceipts · 23 days
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Happy March 32nd my human beings
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writtenonreceipts · 27 days
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What’s about to happen? What’s about to happen?
Twenty One Pilots - Next Semester (Official Video)
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writtenonreceipts · 27 days
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oh god
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