#actually the reason I was rewatching this scene was to get a closer look at his outfit as a potential cosplay. the shoulder piping!!
underrated garashir scene is when Garak makes THIS gesture right in Julian's face
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Friendly reminder that Gwen's father was most likely going to shoot her.
And Miguel might've legit saved Gwen's life.
Rewatching ATSV - This scene always just gets be HEATED. Everytime I catch something that makes me
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'Okay. Okay yeah, yeah - AHHHHHHHHHHHH-'
And this time I realized. Oh. OH.
Gwen's dad was PLANNING to shoot her - Or.. if we consider cop training, he was mere seconds away from actually firing on her.
And he would've had Miguel not been there.
In Gwen's confrontation scene - her father WAS actively threatened and afraid of her. And from what we see, he was VERY VERY close to acting on it, more than you think.
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The point in the scene begins with him pointing the gun at her, and as he speaks and Gwen begins to beg, he begins to gradually lower it.
Until she steps closer to him. And then he starts pulling it on her again.
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He is literally re-raising the gun at his daughter, because she took a step towards him.
So not only is she his daughter, she's also like... 5'6 and sixteen years old.
And he's still afraid of her, enough so that when she takes even one step closer, he is ready to threaten her life again.
You can hear the fear in his voice, and I don't doubt for a second he would pull the trigger - either on a warning shot, or a 'nonlethal' blow.
We've all heard cops say it before. 'I panicked', 'it was self defense'.
And Friendly reminder-
MIGUEL saves Gwen's life here.
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Now look at this first photo.
And before you keep reading, please guess what's really really REALLY bad about that photo. Just look.
Trigger Discipline.
If you don't know, trigger discipline is the concept taught to gun-owners in order to reduce accidental shootings and firings.
Trigger Discipline is the idea that your finger should NEVER be on the trigger of gun unless you plan to fire it in the next two-three seconds.
Otherwise, THIS is the proper position to hold a gun.
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Gwen's father is a cop. He's 100% been trained in trigger discipline. He knows not to do this.
Which implies - George Stacy was ACTIVELY PLANNING on shooting Gwen right then and there. As in, seconds away from pulling the trigger.
Raising a gun to his daughter at close range, finger on the trigger.
I think his actions can speak for themselves. He was going to shoot her.
And the only reason he didn't, was because Miguel saw this - and forcefully took the gun from him. (Like a proper Spider-man put some respeckt on his name)
George didn't care that there were TWO adults standing there as witness. He didn't care that he's not supposed to touch the trigger. In that moment, truly all he cared about was imprisoning Gwen - by any AND ALL means necessary.
And to top this off -
Friendly reminder, he never apologized. For ANYTHING.
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He doesn't apologize for pulling a gun on her. He doesn't apologize for forcing her into homelessness. He didn't apologize for accusing her of murder.
He doesn't even ADMIT that she DIDN'T KILL PETER.
All he does is quit and compliment her. No apology. No acknowledgment about how his identity as a cop turned him into a toxic horrible father. No acknowledgment that Gwen isn't a killer.
Just 'I quit'.
Had Miguel not been there - I'm very sure George would've posed a VERY real danger to Gwen's life.
He doesn't deserve to be forgiven. And really, considering his arc, glorification - and his failure to even apologize - it really goes to show that at some points ATSV really teeters on casual copaganda.
Also Miguel that was really really cool of you (you saving Gwen's life totally makes up for the whole chokeslamming Miles thing <3 /j)
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fayes-fics · 1 year
Rescue and Ruin
Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x fem!reader
Summary: Anthony rescues something for you... and it will likely lead to your ruin.
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Warnings: None really. Flirting, sexual tension, banter, and the promise of more. A lot of teasing, soaking wet Viscount.
Word Count: 2.7k
Author's Note: Unbetaed. Very belated request fill for @daisfordaysstuff (request:  I’m rewatching season 2 again, and I think I need one on this scene [lake Anthony]). I just had to post an Anthony story today to commemorate the birthday of Jonathan Bailey, the man who plays this titan of a fictional character. This is actually my oldest request fill, lingering in my inbox since Sept 2022. Sorry, my lovely; I hope late is better than never. I just got an idea of how I wanted this to play out. I hope you enjoy <3
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“I’ll get it!”
A chivalrous call comes as you watch in dismay as your favourite bonnet take off in a gust of wind and flies over the lake, landing almost gracefully about twenty feet out into the gently rippling water.
You had just stolen down to the water's edge to get away from the crowds for a few moments of solitude, drawn to the beauty of the water as the sun danced on the little peaks caused by the gusty breeze. It had looked like a shimmering mirage from the terrace.
You are shocked when the one and only Viscount Anthony Bridgerton gives you a brief, polite nod as he passes you, then dives off a little jetty, still fully clothed, making you gasp loudly.
What on earth?!?
This is his garden party. Well, strictly his mother's, but he is Viscount, and this is the Bridgerton family country estate, Aubrey Hall. You are still awestruck to be here, a guest of your maternal aunt you are staying with here in Kent. Why on earth he would dive into his lake to rescue something as trivial as a hat seems mystifying. You are certain he has staff that could assist rather than take it upon himself and quite clearly ruin his outfit.
He re-emerges to the surface from his dive and swims with awe-inspiring speed towards your hat as it skates across the surface, propelling along not unlike some toy boat. When he finally reaches it, he holds it aloft triumphant and twists to swim back one-handed as he keeps it above the water.
You find yourself drawn down to the jetty he jumped off of. To give your thanks, express your surprise, and take back your hat and hope it is salvageable. You twist around to check, but all the other party guests seem oblivious to the incident or his actions, the string quartet playing so loudly closer to the house and the buffet table so laden everyone's eyes and ears are preoccupied.
“Thank you, my lord,” you demure as he pulls up to the jetty and places your bonnet on the wooden slats by your feet. “That was completely unnecessary, but I am, of course, so very grateful,” you curtsy and pick up the bonnet.
Luckily, thanks to his swift actions, it will be fine. Just the brim and lower edge touched the water. You wring out the soaked ribbons as best you can, then wrap them around your neck and tie them in a secure bow. It may be too wet to wear on your head for now, but at least it should dry while tied securely and draped down over your back. You curtsy again as you feel him watching you, unsure what else to do to convey your gratitude.
He laughs, and you see him fighting with the buttons on his jacket, still standing in the lake, the water around waist height. “There is no need to curtsy or to be so formal Miss…?” he squints up at you expectantly.
“Oh, it's Miss y/l/n,” you rush out and, for some reason, curtsy again.
“I mean it; please stop curtsying, especially to a man in such a state as me,” he says drolly, fighting off his jacket and tossing it, sodden and heavy, onto the jetty.
You are blatantly staring as he peels away his waistcoat and fights with his cravat. His thin cotton white shirt has turned entirely transparent in the water; it is barely there. Under it, you can see so much skin, toned and rippling muscle as his jerking movements strip off his clothing. Over his chest is a patch of dark hair clinging to the material you cannot look away from. You have never even so much as seen how a man looks without a shirt on before, and this sight makes your heart pound and your body tingle.
Glancing up from his actions, the corner of his mouth quirks up, and you know he has caught you—openly ogling him. Your cheeks are aflame, and you cut your eyes away.
“You may look, Miss y/l/n,” his pitch has dropped to something low and velvety, and it buzzes right into your core. Hesitantly your eyes dart back to his handsome face; the lip quirk spreads into a devastating, stunning smile. “It is alright; no one has marked us,” he assures, his gaze cutting to your right towards the house, then back to your face. “You shall not have broken any rules of propriety by talking with me. Or staring at me as you are,” he teases, an eyebrow arching appealingly.
“My lord, that is not what….” You begin to protest, knowing it's a lie even as you voice it; your reflex to appear chaste is so crucial to your need to find a match that your aunt and parents are so desperate for you to make.
But your words die out as he places both hands firmly on the dock and propels himself up and out of the water in one swift, athletic move. Your tongue feels too heavy in your mouth as he unfurls upwards from the kneeling position, drawing up to his full height. Water sluices down his body and makes his clothing cling to every single contour of his toned, defined torso. He looms closer; you tilt backwards, entranced by the tracks of droplets over the lines of his handsome face, his burned umber eyes catching the sunlight and boring into you as he crowds closer.
“Do not lie to yourself or to me, Miss y/l/n,” he rumbles, “we both know you were and, indeed, continue to stare”.
His words make your body riot; your stays feel too tight for your lungs to breathe, your skin pricking hot. He’s so close now you can smell the vaguely mossy lake smell on his skin, on what little clothing he has left on; it’s dancing there on the breeze alongside something spicier and amber that you can only assume is his cologne. You want to stutter an apology, to offer your thanks again, to ask him to leave, to ask him to stay, to ask him to touch you—so many jumbled, contradictory thoughts.
“The more pertinent question is, do you like what you see?” he murmurs and leans in, his words ghosting warm on the shell of your ear.
This is the sort of thing your aunt has warned you about. Rakes. Handsome, wealthy, titled men who will tease and take what they can from young, innocent ladies such as yourself. You want to be affronted, tell him to desist, and give him a scathing remark about appropriate behaviour. But once again, you don't. Your body drawn to him, you want to trace your fingers over the swell of his chest muscles, to feel those strong arms grab your waist and haul you against his sodden form.
“No answer is, in some ways, an answer,” he chuckles with a lilt that is both arrogant and devastatingly attractive.
“My lord, we may be seen at any moment…” Your protest is weak and breathy, not moving away as he continues to stand far too close to you, as lake water drips onto your shoes.
Suddenly a clammy hand wraps around your elbow, and you are being pulled towards the nearby cluster of thick trees and bushes that abut the lake. You almost stumble and smack into him face-first as he pulls up short and releases your arm. The air feels cooler here, with dappled shade, verdant and alive with the scent of flowering bushes and leaves. The view of the house and, indeed, the party guests is wholly obscured. No one would ever know you are here.
“Do you have an answer now that we cannot be seen?” he breathes inches from you, towering over you.
“My lord… I,” you cannot find words, hanging your head. You know this is wrong. Very wrong. Your aunt would kill you for being this wanton, for allowing him to do this to you. And yet…. Every fibre of your being wants this. To see what he will do. To see what you will let him do. You suspect it's more than you even understand.
“Say it after me….” he intones, a finger tilting your chin up to look into his fiery gaze.
“I…” he begins.
“I…” you parrot.
“Like,” you repeat, and the grin on his face grows wider.
“What,” your breath quickening with each word.
“I,” that finger still lingers under your chin, caressing gently.
“See,” you exhale shakily.
“There. Now was that so hard…hmmm?” he teases, that finger now joined by his thumb stroking over the point of your chin, the lake water running down his forearm to the point of material bunched under his elbow that now drips down the front of your dress. The dampness seeps through the material and into your heated skin.
The cord of tension in the air is palpable. You don't know what to say or what to do.
“I have another question for you,” he buzzes, and the fingers on your chin slip lower, over your throat, lighting a line of fire as they trail over your delicate skin. Your pulse pounding in your veins. You swallow hard and feel the calloused fingertips trace into your suprasternal notch. “Maybe this one you can answer,” he huffs a sarcastic laugh as your body spirals and you fight to keep your breath even.
“What is it, my lord?” your voice barely a whisper.
“Would you be willing to help me, your gracious host today, get dry?” he practically purrs.
“How…. how on earth could I do that?” you stumble.
He smiles predatory and so handsome you give up and let your chest heave, ragged breathing.
“Under your dress, you wear a chemise, do you not?” he continues, those fingers tracing over the wet bow of your bonnet strings tied over your clavicle.
“Yes, my lord,” you answer shakily.
“Well did you know such items can be an excellent towel in a pinch,” he shrugs one shoulder and lifts an eyebrow as his fingers slip lower over your breastbone until they reach the neckline of your dress, at the swell of your breast.
There is no point in pretending he is not utterly destroying you now. You can’t school anything—the blush darkening over your skin, creeping up from your chest, the tingle in your lips, the hot flush you feel all over. A viscous pulse in your underwear that feels entirely alien and where your decision-making seems to be centred at right this very moment.
“So I suppose my last question, for now, is, are you willing to give it to me?” you gasp at his turn of phrase as those fingers swirl patterns over the neckline of your dress. “Your chemise, of course,” he amends with a wink.
Utter, utter rake.
“H-how can I give you my chemise without removing my dress too?” you wonder aloud.
“Well, that is the challenge, isn't it?” he smirks. “Now I can see two options here. I can do the gentlemanly thing, turn my back and allow you to undress and then you may hand me your chemise once decent again. I will dry myself the best I can and return to the house to change.”
“And the second option?” you cannot resist querying.
“Ahh, that,” he seems to pull even closer, and the fingers slip over the neckline and onto the silk ruching that covers your breasts; even through the material layers, you can feel his fingers lingering over your nipple and the throbbing between your legs turns almost painful. “The second option is that I am not a gentleman. Not in the slightest,” his answer cryptic but dripping with a dark, forbidden promise.
“What does that involve…?” you pant.
You watch, enthralled, as his tongue pokes out of his mouth and licks his bottom lip, and in seeming slow-motion, his mouth begins to form a shape to speak words…
The yell is from a few feet away, on the other side of the bushes. Both of you jump apart as if burned.
“ANTHONY?!” the male voice calls again, “ARE YOU AROUND?”
It's obvious the person has no idea you are merely a few feet away, only that they are looking for him.
Stay here, Anthony mouths silently, and you nod, your heart beating wildly at the whiplash of experiences.
With one rueful glance at you, at the interrupted moment, he turns around and fights through the mass of foliage back out to the lawn.
“Oh, there you are!” the voice exclaims. “We wondered what the devil had happened to you!!”
“Colin…” you hear him respond.
“Hell and the devil. Why are you soaked through?? Did you decide to go for a swim fully clothed? Did you find my special tea??” his voice ramping up in incredulity as he likely clocks Anthony's bedraggled appearance.
“I have no idea what you are referring to,” Anthony’s reply seems clipped. “I rescued a small beautiful creature, if you must know,” he obfuscates.
“Ahh, hero antics,” Colin laughs. “Well, you had better go change right away. Mother expects you to make a toast for our esteemed guests in a few minutes.”
You hear Anthony’s frustrated noise of derision and have to stifle your giggle behind the back of your hand between deep breaths, trying to bring yourself back to a state of normality after the rollercoaster of experiences you just had.
“Urghhh, alright,” Anthony sighs, embattled, “I think I dropped my pocket watch back in the bushes. Give me one moment to find it, and I will accompany you back to the house.”
“Side entrance,” Colin responds dryly.
“Indeed,” you hear Anthony call.
You tense as the bushes before you start to rustle as he fights through them to reach you. He stalks up to you, and you gasp audibly.
“Shhh,” he warns quietly, his lips right at your ear, gusting hot, “it looks as if I must sadly depart. Your chemise is safe for today, Miss y/l/n.”
With a boldness you didn’t know yourself capable of, you grab the shirt's sleeves rolled up around his elbows.
“I would never want not to be helpful to you, my lord,” you whisper tremulant, fingers twisting in the soaked fabric. “If removing my chemise can ever be of assistance to you in future, please be sure to let me know.”
You cannot believe you allow yourself to say something so scandalous.
He pulls back slightly, and it's his turn to exhale unsteadily, his pupils dilated; his expression wild. You can see a vein hammering in his throat.
“Oh goddd,” he moans, closing his eyes as if pained.
“What?” concern suddenly flooding your tone.
His eyes reopen, and they pin you with their intensity.
“Mark my words,” his tone is low, gravelly, “if you continue to talk so brazenly, it will only encourage me.”
It is the sexiest warning bell you have ever heard.
“And if you continue to tease and defy me, I will pursue you. Relentlessly,” he growls, and once again, your body is rioting.
“Good god. How long does it take to find a pocket watch, man?” Colin calls impatiently, once again breaking the moment between you as it threatens to bubble over.
“I've found it!” Anthony twists to call over his shoulder. “I’ll be there presently!”
“Hurry up!” Colin grouses.
Anthony turns back, and his breath is hot over your cheek. He seems to stare at your lips for an inordinate amount of time as you stare back. Transfixed.
“Today, I shall be a gentleman,” he states reluctantly and draws away slightly. “However…” and your heart spikes in victory, “once that clock strikes midnight. I make no promises. And I shall be standing right here,” his tone decisive, his finger pointing to the spot right by his feet. “Just so you and your chemise will know where to find me,” he rumbles, then gives you a polite bow and is gone.
You have to grab onto a tree to stop yourself from swooning. Already knowing you will be stealing away from your room as the clock strikes midnight. Uncaring of consequences.
You want him to ruin you.
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Anthony taglist: @makaylan @foreverlonginguniverse @iboopedyournose @colettebronte @aintnuthinbutahounddog @margofiore @writergirl-2001 @heeyyyou @enichole445 @enchantedbytomandhenry @ambitionspassionscoffee @chaoticcalzoneranchsports @crowleysqueenofhell @bridgertontess @queenofmean14 @fiction-is-life @lilacbeesworld @eleanor-bradstreet @divaanya @musicismyoxygen84 @benedictspaintbrush @sorryallonsy @lilithseve @cayt0123 @hottytoddyhistory @elizah99 @fictionalmenloversblog @debheart @malpalgalz
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soriku endgame: an imagining
i was rewatching vin play RE2 and fsr this invaded my thoughts and wouldnt leave
this is barely proofread and i reused a lot of the same words/phrases BUT its just meant to be an outline/abridged version so keep that in mind
(if i got any lore wrong tho pls let me know)
btw if you dont want to read this on tumblr for whatever reason, heres a link to the google doc
note: this is going off the assumption MoM saw everything (or at least everything soriku) through the gazing eye
scene is quadratum probably. master of masters (or whoever the bad guy in kh4 is) has sora and riku caught in a bad situation (for temporary visuals im picturing something similar to the dark guardian restraining aqua and ven in kh3)
sora and riku are struggling to break free, while the MoM just laughs. some kh dramatic banter occurs, before MoM changes the subject and starts monologuing (with sora and riku probably interjecting here and there)
MoM: [to sora] you still havent figured it out yet, have you?
MoM: dont you ever wonder why rikus heart holds as vast of a darkness as it does?
MoM: its not because of jealousy, or ansem, or even his desire for strength since you were children.
MoM: no, its much simpler than that.
MoM: remember that dream you had, sora? before the islands were destroyed?
MoM: there was a voice speaking to you, from deep within your heart:
MoM: 'the closer you get to the light, the greater your shadow becomes.'
MoM: well, the road goes both ways, kid. the deepest of darknesses can only come from the brightest of lights.
sora: wh-what are you saying?
MoM: its been in front of all along, but you were too blind to see it.
cut to voiceless flashbacks of all the times sora encountered the brightest light: when receiving the keyblade, when almost pulled out of sleep by the memory of aqua on DI, during the dive to heart at the beginning of kh3 (assuming it really happened and wasnt just for gameplay purposes), and after using the power of waking at the KBG (the tunnel scene)
sora looks at riku, then back at MoM. riku is grimacing.
sora: that… that was… that was rikus light?
MoM: bingo!
MoM: but theres even more to it than that.
MoM: theres another force of power in this universe that keeps light and dark in harmony
sora: another…?
MoM: you feel an unfathomable depth of it in your heart for, well, pretty much everyone youve ever met.
MoM: what lies in rikus heart, however, comes from the same place, but is also very, very different. its something you claim to not understand, even though youve encountered it many times during your adventures.
rikus eyes widen and he tries to interject, but the MoM physically stops him; sora calls out for him
MoM: its more than just friendship. its hearts that are really, truly connected between two people.
MoM: think about it. think about all the times when everything seemed hopeless, but something, something, kept the bad guys from winning. it wasnt light.
cut to voiceless flashbacks between many of the disney couples sora has met: the beast arriving at hollow bastion out of sheer force of will in his search for belle, flynn sacrificing himself for rapunzel and her tears bringing him back to life (some shit with will/elizabeth and sam/quorra too maybe idk), and finally, herc gaining his strength back as he rescues megara from styx, followed by herc saying, 'people always do crazy things when theyre in love.'
sora stares ahead at nothing in particular, before wincing in pain; suddenly, a forgotten memory surfaces in his mind (if the convo with NS confirms he hasnt completely forgotten, then its the key details that have been missing):
rikus sacrifice in the KBG
riku calls out for him and struggles, but MoM just laughs so more.
MoM: there, now its coming back to you. and that wasnt the only time riku sacrificed everything for you, yknow, although it was probably the most heroic instance. remember him taking on ansems form to beat roxas? and his dive into your heart to wake you from slumber, despite the tremendous danger? you only met her briefly, but one of the princesses of heart experienced something very similar.
MoM: aurora. maleficent placed a curse on her when she was a baby, causing the princess and the rest of the kingdom to fall into a deep sleep on her 16th birthday. but the heir to a nearby kingdom, prince phillip, valiantly fought his way to the castle, and woke up the sleeping beauty– through a kiss. a kiss, of true… 
MoM trails off and looks at riku, then back at sora, expectantly. riku is still struggling to free himself before the truth is revealed, but its no use.
sora stares off again, before looking MoM in the eyes.
sora: … love…?
MoM does jazz hands and poses.
MoM: ding ding ding ding! we have a winner! it only took you, what, 12, 13 years to figure it out? honestly, i just couldnt stand watching it go on for any longer.
MoM: but, hey, i still have my honor. if im wrong, im more than happy to apologize.
MoM turns to riku then.
MoM: well? am i wrong, riku?
riku doesnt respond, and MoM sighs dramatically.
MoM: still no answer? okay, guess well have to do this the hard way.
MoM starts hurting sora, causing him to cry out in pain while riku watches helplessly 
MoM: come on, riku! do it! use your true strength! unleash the power hidden within your heart!
sora gasps and winces, barely getting out rikus name 
suddenly, theres a bright flash of pink energy (maybe rikus eyes also turn dream eater pink too?)
(if the power of love is too cheesy even for kh, then maybe its a black and white darkness/light combo attack)
riku breaks free of whatever MoM did to him, and then channels the energy through his arm, blasting it through soras restraints.
unfortunately, sora was being held in the air, and starts to fall– but in the blink of eye, riku is there to catch him in his arms.
MoM laughs in triumph and draws back slightly.
MoM: there we go!
MoM then shrugs.
MoM: well, this was fun, but ive got places to be. and im sure you two have a lot to talk about. toodles!
MoM disappears, leaving sora and riku in stunned silence.
after a moment, riku sets sora down and turns away from him, avoiding soras gaze.
sora meanwhile takes a second to catch his breath, before staring at riku with wide eyes.
sora: r… riku… is… is that...? is that really… how you feel?
riku clenches his fists at his sides and stays turned away. after a pause, he responds.
riku: … even if it is, it doesnt matter.
sora: what do you mean?
riku: i know… im not the one for you.
riku takes a deep breath.
riku: … when you were put to sleep for a year to fix your memories, some of them found their way into xion. they happened to be your most important memories– the ones you couldnt wake up without.
riku: those… were your memories of kairi. and xion took on her appearance because of them.
sora is stunned, only having been vaguely made aware of what happened in that year.
sora: k… kairi?
riku nods solemnly.
riku: yeah. and the only reason your memories got messed with in the first place is because the organization forced namine to make herself the person most important to you, instead of kairi.
sora pauses.
sora: you mean… castle oblivion.
riku nods again.
sora watches, before feeling a pain in his heart and grabbing at his chest instinctively.
underneath his hand, he can feel the cold metal of his crown necklace.
and thats when it finally clicks.
everything blurs, and theres a sudden rush of memories.
(maybe a memory sequence that you actually play through?)
sora, holding kairis wayfinder in castle oblivion. suddenly, the memory gets static-y, like during soras memory restoration.
cut to namine confessing to sora shes not the girl he cares about– but every time the word is feminine, its distorted by video static. (this is how we fix the aitsu thing)
"no. the g̸͓̦͙̫̮̦̠͗͐͗̊͑̕͝i̷͖̝̝̱̐ͅͅŗ̸̄̆̓̆̊̄̿l̶̮͉̦͓͔̹̀̂͗͝ͅ you care about...the one who was always with you... its not me. its ḧ̴̳͔̻̾̇e̵͚͂̀r̸̺̣̠̓̂̀̚."
cut to namine speaking to sora before he goes to sleep.
“but theres another promise you made—a promise to someone you could never replace. s̵̹̀͗͜h̷͇͇͌̆̐e̷̡̛̱'̷̦̆s̵̫͖̦̄̈̄ your light. the light within the darkness. if you can remember h̷̼̼̜͚͒e̸̢̡̤̹̬͖͐̒͒̾r̸͓̣̜̼̜̠͚͂̋̃...all the memories lost in the shadows of your heart will come into the light."
cut to a flashback of repliku talking about their shared promise. again, the feminine words are indecipherable.
"there was a meteor shower one night when s̶̳̄͑̆̅̆͗h̴͍̞͖͙͑̔̋̈́̎̈̾ę̷̧̰̰̖̝͆̆̕̚ and i were little... n̸̨̙̼͑̽ả̴̗͕̮́͊͝m̴̻̳͚̒i̸̳̟͑n̶̡̥̋̑̌é̸͍̦͑͐͋́ got scared and said, what if a shooting star hits the islands? so i told ḧ̷̡̬̽̅͆̊ė̸̙̩̠̥̿̃̚͠r̶̛̥̻̖̉̾̽͝, if a shooting star comes this way, ill protect you! and then—"
cut back to the memory pod.
"look at the g̴̬͛̄̚͘ŏ̴̞̙̰̍͂̀ö̴̘̥̗̱̐͋͆ͅď̷̨͙̙̩̓́͝ ̸̢̋̈́̂̚ļ̷̯̥̲̪̐̋͌̾̚ṵ̵̼̥̥͖̎c̸̱̟̹̚ķ̸̭̱̖̓̇ͅ ̷͇̳̃̑́͑͐͜ͅc̸̢̤̈̈́̊̚̕h̵̙̗̓͊̾ͅą̷̣̮̞̾̈́r̶̜̜͓̥̀́͋͝m̸̺̖͈̖͓̊̀̕. i changed its shape when i changed your memory. but when you thought of ẖ̴͚̙̆ȅ̴̡̛̞̲̥̼̋͐r̸̹̱̐, it went back to the way it was."
finally, a few more lines from namine.
"remembering one thing leads to remembering another, and then another... your memories are connected, like links in a chain. those same chains are what anchor us all together. i dont destroy memories. i just take apart the links and rearrange them. you still have all your memories."
cut back to sora in the real world. everything is still blurry, but now rikus voice can be heard in the background calling for him, distorted.
and then, a flash of light.
nighttime. its still. everything is quiet and peaceful.
young sora and riku are walking back from the beach.
suddenly, theres a bright streak across the sky. 
sora and riku both gasp.
then, another. and another. and another.
the night of the meteor shower.
riku watches the sky in amazement– until he feels a tug on his arm.
he glances at his side and sees sora, utterly terrified and clinging on to him for dear life.
sora: wahhhh!! r-r-riku, the sky is falling!!
riku laughs.
riku: no, those are shooting stars. theyre way up high in the sky.
sora however is not convinced, and keeps shaking as tears start to well up in his eyes.
sora: b-but…! theres so many of them. and theyre so fast!! what if a shooting star hits the islands?!
the reality of soras mood finally sets in, and riku is left staring as he tries to think of what to do.
hanging from his pocket is his wooden sword.
the words of the man with the real sword echo in his mind:
“no more borders around, or below, or above, so long as you champion the ones you love."
riku grabs his sword then and holds it up to the sky as he looks at sora, courage glinting in his eyes.
riku: if a shooting star comes this way, ill protect you! ill hit it right back into outer space!
sora sniffles as he watches riku swing the sword around.
sora: r-really?
riku nods his head confidently.
riku: i will. i promise!
after a moment of thought, riku reaches into his pocket and pulls out a silver chain with a crown dangling from the end.
riku: here. take this. i found it the other day.
with the magic of cutscene, riku somehow turns the chain into a necklace, and then reaches over to hang it around soras neck.
riku: whenever you get scared, all you have to do is look at this, and remember that ill always be there to protect you. no matter what.
tears run down soras face as he looks at the necklace.
the voice of the strange girl theyd met before rings through his mind:
"so then if something happens, and riku is about to get lost—or say, he starts wandering down a dark path alone—you make sure to stay with him and keep him safe. thats your job, sora, and im counting on you to do it, okay?"
sora gulps and then reaches out to grab rikus free hand in both of his own. riku is surprised by this.
sora: ill… ill protect you too! i-i know im not as strong as you, but ill… ill try! i promise!
riku is taken aback for a moment, before he smiles gently at sora.
riku: … thanks, sora.
afterward, a multitude of quick flashbacks to all the times sora and riku protected each other, culminating in seeing the KBG sacrifice one more time.
fade to back.
in a hotel room (or smth similar), sora suddenly sits up straight in a bed, heart beating rapidly.
sora: riku!
(paralleling when riku called out for him after waking up from the dive into his heart in ddd)
riku has been seated at the edge of the bed, waiting and worrying. when he realizes soras awake, he scoots down the bed towards him.
riku: sora! youre okay!
after catching his breath, sora looks around the room, confused.
sora: … what… happened?
riku: you passed out, so i brought you here. how are you feeling?
sora puts a hand to his head, grimacing slightly at his pulsing headache. but that doesnt matter right now.
sora: im… im fine. listen, riku… i saw… i saw some of the things that happened at CO.
rikus eyes widen.
riku: you did?
sora: yeah. i saw you… well, a version of you. and namine. namine…
sora looks into rikus eyes.
sora: she… she was wrong. or… maybe i was wrong, and she just played along for my sake…
riku: huh? what are you talking about?
sora swallows as his voice starts shaking, just a little.
sora: kairi… kairi wasnt the one most special to me. you were. i remember… i remember the night of the meteor shower.
sora clutches at the crown necklace.
sora: all this time, id thought id remembered everything important… but i forgot about it. [sighs] im sorry, riku
riku stays quiet for a moment, before putting on a forced smile.
riku: its fine, sora. we were little kids.
sora frowns.
sora: but… you never forgot, did you?
riku shrugs, and theres a moment of silence between them, before riku speaks again.
riku: maybe i was the one most important to you back then, but its not the same now. thats alright. im just happy to be your friend. i know how you feel about kai-
sora suddenly moves forward, closer to riku, now yelling as he cuts him off.
sora: i get to decide how i feel, riku! its my heart!
riku is taken aback at the shouting, and stares in shock. sora realizes hes gotten loud, and takes a moment to calm down.
dearly beloved starts to play in the bg
sora: i… i know now. maybe it took me a long time, but… i figured it out. the person most important to me… all along, its been you.
riku freezes up in pure shock. he cant believe what hes hearing. hed talked himself out of hoping for this day long ago.
sora finally smiles again.
sora: youre the one i love.
(paralleling prince eric with ariel)
riku is absolutely speechless, staring at sora with his mouth agape.
sora gives riku a sheepish grin, now growing nervous at the lack of a response.
sora: and… im the one you love… right?
after a second, riku returns soras smile– and, for the very first time in the series, starts crying.
he nods, shakily.
riku: … yeah. yeah, i do. i always have.
riku wipes at his eyes to stop crying, but its futile. the tears flow even harder.
sora feels himself start crying, too, but hes laughing at the same time.
he pulls riku into a hug, grabbing his upper back tightly.
without any hesitation whatsover, riku returns the embrace, holding onto sora in the same way.
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(like so [sora in orange, riku in teal])
fade to black.
then they kill the MoM, get married, and live happily ever after. the end. :)
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love balancing light and dark is largely taken from these tags by @osrinlore on this video of mine btw:
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56 notes · View notes
jaemified · 11 months
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major, minor, and the things in between - nishimura riki
"are we friends, lovers, or whatevers in between?"
pairing ; nishimura riki x fem!reader
genre ; slice of life, enemies to lovers-ish (y/ns mean to riki smh), romance, drama, fluff, small angst, non idol au
warnings ; swearing, drinking, brief mention of blood (someone gets cut), mention of offing yourself but its just niki making a joke
wordcount ; 7.0k
synopsis ; though never quite well acquainted, sim y/n had always felt strongly against nishimura riki, until her brother jake had forced them to get along. but, what was meant to have them get closer turns into something a little more.
note (5/29) - there isnt rlly much mention of jake/nikis actual siblings but for one scene theirs like additional (baby) siblings
note (7/10) - its finally here!! im a little upset it took me 2 months to write 7k since i used to be able to write 4k in 8hrs but summer has been kicking my ass so im glad its out despite being 10 days past release date
taglist 🏷️ ; @stinkoscope @asyleums
read below the cut !
"'when im with you, i.. im so happy. i like you, na bora!' 'i like you. i like you too! i really really like you!'" y/n cried at her computer screen, rewatching 20th century girl for the 2nd time this week, before being so rudely interrupted by her brothers presence, bugging her with the same, repetitive question. the same question hes been asking for years on end now.
"the guys are coming over and of course you know niki is gonna be here as well. i want you to talk to him. why cant you just be friends?"
"id appreciate it a lot if youd leave, this is my space."
"i dont know if you noticed, but this is a small flat with not much room to move around. its not only you living here you know." jake reminded.
of course y/n knew there was limited space, she knew the moment she first realized she had already circled about the unit, trying to escape her brothers nagging.
"if you know theres not enough room for you and me then what makes you think theres room to accommodate an additional 6 other grown ass men. go to your room, im doing homework.'
"you were literally just crying watching 20th century girl milliseconds before i walked in, and im not asking much y/n! all i want is for you to talk to him, even pretend like youre getting along, thats it!" jake remarked, before catching the pillow y/n attempted to throw at his face.
'so damn annoying.' y/n thought, growing more and more annoyed by her brothers constant nagging as each second passed.
"whats so hard about getting along with niki? hes a good kid!" jake complained. since his little sister couldnt get along with one of his best friends, it made even the intimate gatherings.. unpleasantly awkward.
"hes annoying, like you are being right now."
"no, why do you really hate him so much."
"i dont know! he just reminds me of someone i guess? and he always cheated on projects back in middle school. even stole my ideas so he could make it look like im in the wrong."
"thats it? youre holding a grudge over him just being a middle school kid from, what, 5 years ago? cmon, theres gotta be something better then that. not to mention even if there wasnt, that makes you sound hella dumb holding a grudge from the 7th grade when youre graduating next year."
y/n thought to herself. of course there was another reason, but it seemed unnecessary to bring up. and she also just didnt want to share it with jake. or maybe, it wasnt the right reason after all.
"well hes cocky as hell and is still a better dancer, basketball player, volleyball player then i, not to mention ive been playing longer and layla likes him more then she likes me!"
"thats your fault youre never home, laylas just more used to him. and me. i am clearly her favorite between you and i."
"more like his fault hes practically living in my apartment cause hes never at his own home. and how can she be more used to him when ive known her since way before she met riki.."
"tough luck." jake pat y/n on the head on his way out before shutting the door.
the sound of the doorbell awoke y/n from her, well, what was meant to be a quick nap (which later turned into a 4 hour sleep). just as she slowly got out of bed to answer it, she heard jake yell from down the hall, "ive got it! make sure you dont look stupid or anything in front of my friends!"
she rolled her eyes and climbed back into bed, thinking about her outfit. standard pajamas, plaid shorts and a black tee (which probably wasnt even hers). she thought about how the one person out of the 6 she didnt want to see would be out there. truth be told, even she herself didnt know the best explanation as to why she hated riki so much. y/n figured it was because of a little mishap back during freshmen year and she just couldnt bring herself to apologize for everything that had been said during that time, so she forced herself to continue hating him. 'yeah, seems about right.'
the sound of the door opening caught her attention and the next thing she knew, there was a boy in a cream essentials hoodie jumping onto her.
"oh shit, what the f-"
"hi y/nnn!" sunoo smiled, carefully getting off his best friend.
y/n was in joy once she realized who it was, and brought him into a tight hug.
"hey sunoo! god it feels like forever since i last saw you!"
it was really only a week.
"i know right! its been too long!"
she smiled, no matter what mood she was in, sunoo always was the sunshine in the rain.
"so, whos here?"
"oh, you know the usual. sunghoon, heeseung, jake, and jay hyung. niki and jungwon are supposed to be setting up something in the courtyard."
"setting up what?"
"a volleyball net. jake was on nikis ass all week and wanted him to 1v1 you while we all played basketball. jungwon just wanted to help however he could, hes been tired all week from his job and the dance program."
no fucking way.
"youre saying i have to be alone, with nishimura riki? hell no!"
"isnt it great?" "this is a disaster!" they both exclaimed in unison.
"how is that bad?" "how is this good?!"
sunoo signaled for y/n to continue first. "i just cant stand riki. jakes been on my ass to talk to him but i didnt think hed actually talk to him, or that hed even listen either."
"seriously? i always thought you had a thing for him. i mean, you look good together, you both share mainly the same interests, mainly the same circle, not to mention the undeniable love you have when your eyes meet-"
"okay thats enough! you know what, how bout we go outside, im hungry anyway."
sunoo shrugged and went along with y/n down the hall.
he was slightly surprised when he saw niki and jungwon sitting on the couch, having a sip of their drinks.
"back already? i thought you were setting up the nets."
"yeah, but it was easier then expected. and we didnt even need to go to the lobby for the stuff. it was all already in the courtyard." jungwon told the two with a smile, proud of their work.
"y/n." niki looked at her with that stupid grin she had always hated.
"i didnt know youd be here." he observed, ignoring how she had addressed him by his last name instead of niki, or riki.
she scoffed, crossing her arms.
"i live here dipshit. you think id run away just cause i knew you were coming?"
niki got up from his seat and walked closer, and closer, until their faces were mere centimeters away.
"just like you ran from all our problems in freshmen year huh?"
"you realize it was all because of what you did, dont you?"
it took niki a minute to notice how close they were. he looked down at her lips before realizing what sunoo and jungwon were saying in the background. "are they about to kiss?"
"hell no!" y/n and niki both yelled out in unison, quickly pushing away from each other.
"whatever. i need to use the bathroom, i cant stand seeing your face." she remarked to niki.
as soon as y/n closed the bathroom door, she let out a breath she never knew she was holding in, slowly trying to register what had just happened. 'did i really almost kiss him.'
minutes after being stuck in the bathroom for so long, she left and walked into the main living space, only to notice everyone was gone.
well, almost everyone.
"are you serious."
y/n dryly stared at the boy sitting on her couch, in her spot, watching her favorite show.
"i forgot you were still here." niki yawned.
"where is everyone?"
"did you seriously not hear them say theyre gonna get food and that theyll be back in.. three hours or more?"
"three hours or more? it does not take that long to get food, youre fucking with me." y/n walked into hers and jakes individual bedrooms to see if anyone was hiding from her, to her dismay, niki wasnt lying.
"it does if youre getting food from busan."
"why the fuck are they going all the way to busan for food??"
"language! my young ears cant take this!"
"shut up nishimura youre only 11 days younger."
"more like 11 years at heart cause you act like a grumpy old lady all the time.."
"whatd you just call me?"
"so why are they going all the way to busan for food again?" y/n reminded, getting niki back on track.
"cause they got a friend whos house is down there and hes in town for the weekend, they said theyll bring us home our own order."
y/n walked into the kitchen, rummaging for food.
"what are you doing now?"
"looking for food, im gonna die if i see your ugly ass face any longer."
"what are you on about 'ugly'? girls at school love this face."
"and apparently you loved those girls too much in return.."
niki got up from the couch and walked over to the kitchen bar, sitting down. "are you still mad at me about that?"
she stopped what she was doing and looked at niki, not saying anything, hoping it was enough of an answer.
"so you are." 'so he isnt all that dumb'
"look, i didnt know she had bad intentions, and you were right, i shouldve listened to you. but you really have to stop avoiding me. how was i supposed to tell you i didnt realize what she was trying to do if you keep running away?"
"how do you not realize no matter how many times i warned you?"
"i thought you did it because you were jealous."
"i did it because i loved you!"
niki froze, thinking he was crazy, thinking maybe he hadnt heard right.
"you what?"
"past tense. loved, not love. and how could you think so badly of me? we were supposed to trust each other, always tell the truth, and you thought i told you she would end up using you was because you thought i was jealous? how could you?"
he sighed, thinking about what he had done, realizing how badly he had mistreated y/n in the past, realizing there was no reversing it. he walked into the kitchen where y/n was, backing her into the corner as the kitchen was just as small as the apartment itself.
"get away from me!" she yelled, throwing ramen packet after ramen packet at niki.
"no. i know i havent been the best to you-" "more like you know youve been the worst."
niki glared at y/n.
"-and i know theres no reversing it. i realize i cant undo the past, but what i can do, is fix our future. i want to show you i can be better to you then i was then. we can be what we used to be before, us. our spark."
"there is no us, or we, or, our. but maybe just you, caught up in your daydreams." y/n pushed niki out the way, and walked out the kitchen, not noticing she was slowly being followed.
"i loved you too you know. except for the fact that i still do."
"can you just please leave." she turned around, now facing him.
her vision blurred, head dizzy, face stained, all as her glass like tears trickled down her cheeks.
"hey, its okay. dont cry."
"get away from me!"
niki attempted to hug y/n as she fought against him, trying to run from his grasp, struggling to no avail. she eventually fell still in his hold, forgetting its natural warmth and comfort.
"im sorry for everything." was the last thing y/n heard before falling asleep, growing tired and stressed from everything that had just happened.
it was late at night by the time everyone else had come back, 2am to be exact. traffic was unusually heavy though it was a saturday night, not to mention the designated driver and his understudy (heeseung and sunghoon. yikes, scary night) ended up being the most wasted while everyone else was still tipsy. poor jungwon, still tired from a 4 hour nap after being on 2 hours of sleep all day, had to drive everyone through the slow traffic.
jake, who was slightly sobering up, turned on the lights in the dark room and dimmed them as his head was still throbbing. he walked into the living room and saw y/n, fast asleep with her head on nikis shoulder with his arm around her as he finished the rest of avengers endgame.
jake knew his sister well enough to know she had been crying once he focused on her puffy red eyes. but, it was a sweet moment, y/n was passed out, niki was barely conscious, and everyone was painfully drunk or achey. he figured he would just yell at riki for whatever happened in the morning.
sunghoon and heeseung ran into the kitchen (as best they could without tipping over) for water, jungwon had knocked out as soon as he sat down in the chair next to y/n, jay was busy trying to figure out how to use jakes water filter, and sunoo was sitting at the kitchen bar eating a pudding cup.
jay called for jakes help, just as his eyes had fluttered shut. begrudgingly so, jake got up and helped the three boys it the kitchen. "you press the bottom button, not the top button. the top is for ice."
"thanks." "yeah whatever."
"i know youre tired hyung, but so are we. where are we all supposed to sleep?" sunoo quietly asked, putting his hand on jakes shoulder.
he thought, looking at the three sprawled out in the living room, and the three bubbling nonsense in the kitchen. "jay and sunghoon can stay with me, ill move niki and y/n to her room, you can stay in the living room with jungwon and heeseung hyung. but move jungwon to the couch since he drove everyone."
"thanks-" sunoo cut himself off as he heard the sound of jakes receding footsteps.
morning came, and though it wasnt a good one, y/n wanted to remedy that. or, remedy the nasty hangover she knew everyone would be experiencing.
she had woken up with her eyes puffy and red, and even though she didnt want to get up she knew she would have to eventually.
"is that hangover soup i smell?" jake asked tiredly, rubbing his eyes as he walked out his room.
"well i know riki doesnt know how to cook and jungwons still asleep. so who else would be making it?" y/n flashed a tired smile, pouring a serving for jake.
"so, why were you crying last night? and dont say you werent or that you just didnt sleep well. ive lived with you long enough now to tell the difference between your 'i didnt get enough sleep' eyes, and your 'i was crying pretty hard' eyes." he interrogated as he took a big sip of the soup. so good he almost felt better already.
"what did he tell you? or were you watching me?"
"he didnt tell me anything, he was already asleep by the time we came back. i just saw the look on your face and knew."
"just reminiscing on some bad times is all."
jake raised a brow at his sister, taking another sip.
"you dont have to tell me now if you dont want to. but i do want to hear about everything. later. when my head isnt pounding like when i heard mom push you out in the emergency room. after i take a nap. and when youve bought jungwon some coffee."
"me? why do i have to buy him coffee? im not the one who drove him because the designated drivers were too wasted."
"we typically treat him to an iced americano since hes always up taking care of us when were drunk, but we havent gotten this wasted in a while. and he spent so long getting sunghoon out the house, not to mention the long drive to the point he ended up falling asleep as soon as we got back."
y/n thought about it before mumbling a, "tough luck" to jake, patting him on the back before walking into her bedroom.
she was met with the sight of niki making the bed as she walked in. "when did you wake up?" she quietly asked.
"not too long ago, you?"
"about an hour ago. i had to cook for them."
"ah. did you sleep well? i know sleeping upright on the couch mustve been a lot less comfortable then this."
"i guess. i dont remember waking up to walk here though. jake probably carried me."
"he was way wasted, snoring loudly way before i woke up. how else do you think you got here?"
it took a minute for it to click in y/ns mind when she realized it was niki who took her to the room and slept next to her. this whole time, she thought it was her brother who lent his own room to his friends.
"of course not, he just asked me to help or make sure you got to bed safely and that i could stay with you since there was nowhere else."
'that bastard.. ill kill him one of these days. im surprised i havent already.' she spoke to herself in her head.
"so. are we good now?" niki questioned, walking over to the other side of the room.
"how can you ask me such a thing after making me relive one of the worst memories of high school ive ever had?"
"it wasnt my intention. i was just trying to explain-" "theres nothing to explain when i had already given you multiple warnings. thats on you."
y/n threw a pillow at niki and walked away, back outside.
"what was that all about?" sunghoon asked, taking a sip of the coffee he had just made. 'where did he get silk pajamas from. are- are those mine?'
"not to bother, but i mean, you were kind of yelling." heeseung explained to y/n.
she let out a sigh, rubbing her forehead in stress.
"i dont want to talk about it right now. i- actually. you know what? ill be back."
"where are you going?" sunoo asked y/n, following her to her room just as niki walked out.
"somewhere, not sure yet. dont follow me."
"i wont, i know how much you value your alone time but- oh youre changing. hold on ill turn around. but please be safe. when will you be back?"
sunoo turned back around and saw she had changed into beige cargos and a white crop top. realizing he was staring, he looked around the room, before a certain picture caught his eyes. he walked closer to get a better look. it was baby jake feeding yogurt to baby y/n. 'awe, they were always close werent they.' he hadnt even realized y/n was talking to him, and by the time he faced where y/n was standing, she had already left out the front door.
y/n🤨; srry, u were so immersed in that picture of jake and i as kids, but i rlly wanted to leave. i cant handle being around niki. see u l8r
sunoo😴 ; no worries, have fun, stay safe, and dont take any candy from strangers lol
y/n drives to her favorite cafe she always used to visit with her brother, mama han's. she sits down at the bar and scrolls deep into her camera roll, coming across some mundane memories of her and riki back when they were close.
"what can i get you, hun?" the waitress, jiwoo, asked with a small grin. she didnt look to be any younger than 40 something now, compared to the last time she visited the spot. jiwoo was always the waitress here, even served the two frequently in their childhood when they visited from australia.
"just a vanilla shake is all. extra whip please."
"sweetie, arent you lactose? it must be pretty bad if you want extra dairy."
"yeah, it is. but, im not comfortable talking about it at the moment if thats alright."
"of course it is. just hope youre doing okay." jiwoo pat y/n on the shoulder, before reaching down to get the ingredients.
"hows your brother? havent seen either one of you in a while."
"hes well, a little hungover, but hes fine."
jiwoo laughed as she poured milk into the blender. "of course. what more to expect from your brother. well, how are you? i realized i didnt really ask."
"im alright. and, do you remember niki?"
"little niki from when you were kids? the one you used to like- oh dear, dont tell me hes the reason as to why youre so down?"
"long story, but yeah. its fine though, ill deal with it. but what about you, whats going on? did you ever pursue your dream as an actress?"
"no, and i regret not going for it. i didnt get to be in stairway to heaven, but shinhye and taehee did though. which is why you need to go for what you want, otherwise you really will regret it." jiwoo advised, adding the cherry on top of the extra whip prior to sliding the glass over to y/n.
"so i should forgive him?"
"if its what you want. though i dont know the backstory, i do know that as long as its something you want then its worth a shot. the worst he can say is no, you know?"
"yeah.. oh and jiwoo, can i get a chocolate shake to go?"
"no problem, just give me 4 minutes. and- oh dont worry about it, put your card away! its on the house."
y/n heard her phone buzz in the center console as she pulled into an empty parking lot. she turned the engine off the car and pulled out her phone.
sim jaeyun ; Can you come home
Y/n Sim ; can u stop using caps
sim jaeyun ; I don't think it matters but okay
sim jaeyun ; can you stop disappearing whenever you're mad at someone
Y/n Sim ; can you change my name so its not in caps
sim jaeyun ; can you stop changing the topic and just drive back because niki wants to talk to you and i was getting worried
Y/n Sim ; can u change my name
'sim jaeyun' has changed your display name to 'y/n sim'
y/n sim ; i bought u a shake from jiwoos
sim jaeyun ; no you didn't she probably got it to you for free
y/n sim ; cz im her fav sim
sim jaeyun ; im going to tell all the guys about how you pissed yourself at disneyland on splash mountain
y/n sim ; driving home rn
sim jaeyun ; no texting while driving love u
y/n sim ; lyt
she let out a small laugh at her brothers texts. she quickly got out the car, taking some pictures of the sunset for her instagram, and posting it, before driving out as the milkshake was beginning to melt.
niki got the alert y/n had posted and pressed the notification at the top of his screen. he didnt miss how the caption referenced wave to earth as it was always their favorite band to listen to together.
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@/05sim_y/nn ; how can my day be bad when im with u? - [9m ago]
liked by @/02sim_ikeuu, @/suniskim, and 99 others - 20 comments
@/rikimura has liked this post ! [now]
after getting back home and taking a relaxing shower (thanks to everyone leaving 2 hours prior), y/n had continued to keep herself up at night for the past week before deciding it was time to talk to riki.
she pushed her feelings aside, waking up on a random wednesday morning at the crack of dawn then randomly told herself 'ive got to do this, for my brothers sake and our friend group.' (or so she unconvincingly tried to convince herself, but thats already another thing she didnt want to get into at the moment) y/n quickly threw on whatever clothes she could gather laying about the floor, then ran to grab her car keys and hurry out the door.
as soon as she swung the big piece of metal open, she was met with the familiar sight of nishimura riki knowing when hes done wrong, his guilty face, with his hand raised and ready to knock.
"what are you doing here at the ass crack of dawn?"
"what are you doing ready to run out your apartment like its the olympics as the ass crack of dawn?" he responded to her question with a question, with the intent of knowing how much she hated it.
"actually, i was about to leave to see you. i think its time we had a talk. you know, after my.. moment, that i had last week."
"yeah. i know. its not your fault i realize now, or, im telling you that but ive realized it since the moment i lost you. i think-"
niki was interrupted by jake shouting from across the flat, "if youre gonna finally have this talk i think you should go somewhere else! can you leave soon? 'cause my girlfriends gonna come over at like 12!"
"i seriously doubt any place is open for us to be going to at 5:41 in the morning." y/n yelled in response.
"you know well mama han's is open now, and jiwoo works day and night, just go there so i can be alone!" "for 7 hours?"
niki laughed in response as he registered what jake and y/n were arguing over.
"what girlfriend?-" "-talking stage, technically, but he says theyre dating because she accidentally kissed his cheek on their first date when reaching to grab something near him."
"i remember her lips on my skin like it was yesterday, meanwhile you have yet to kiss niki." jake scoffed in english, the words flowing smoothly off his tongue with his accent before walking closer towards where y/n was standing.
"gross. if anything her accidentally very barely brushing her lips against your stupid face is the only action youll ever be getting if you keep trying to get rid of your one and only favorite little sister." y/n muttered in response, slightly ignoring niki muttering about how he thinks y/ns accent sounds cute.
and so y/n found herself driving to mama han's cafe with niki after jake called their eldest brother, complaining she should listen to him because shes younger and if she wouldnt listen to jake himself then maybe she would listen to her older-older brother.
"you should listen to your older siblings but jake, if you had someone coming over you shouldve told her in advance. and what are you even gonna do alone for 6 hours??"
after being seated and placing their orders, niki brought back the conversation from earlier that had sort of been killed by jake.
"i get it, youre mad at me, and i shouldve listened to you. i know i fucked up and i know you see it too. i get it if you dont want to forgive me yet, or if you ever even will. but when you decide we could be good, im always here for you."
"why would i be here if i hadnt been prepared to forgive you?"
"i seriously question how dense you are sometimes."
"thanks for believing in me."
"no problem, but seriously. i forgive you. as much as i hate to admit it since i know youll use it against me, but i kinda missed having you around. i mean, you were my first love among other things but you were also one of my first and closest friends. it wont always be the same but im sure if we try enough we can get pretty damn close."
"god have you always been so philosophical?"
the two burst into laughter together, smiling as they took a sip of their milkshakes, reminiscing on the times they had spent together in their earlier high school years. it was moments like these that they has missed the most.
by far the most fun together (said niki), by far the most fun theyve had in a while (said y/n) after having spent the morning together, discussing and going over whats happened in the past few hours before going to pay. "ive got it," niki said, pulling out his card. "its the least i can do."
"thank you for today. i know i was hard on you but i needed this."
"no worries, i think ive owed you for a long time now right?"
"i need to do something in here real quick. you mind waiting in the car?"
"wait are you gonna be okay? i dont wanna leave you here alone."
"im a regular here, i know the people. its fine."
"are you sure?"
"if you go ill let you have the aux."
thats all it took for niki to run straight for the car, rushing to open the door.
y/n laughed as she saw him waving from the passengers seat, before going to talk to jiwoo who was busy wiping down the counters. she took a seat at the bar and felt comfort as jiwoo flashed the same smile she always would throughout y/ns childhood.
"thats a hell of a boy youve got there. special one isnt he?"
"you could say that in the very least. hes definitely special to me though."
"thats the boy you were tellin my sister about? he aint from round here, that right?" an distinct, familiar, voice spoke from the back kitchen.
"auntie jiwon?" y/n questioned in shock.
jiwon is jiwoos sister, she also used to work at the cafe just as much as jiwoo did. had been a favoritre of the customers including the sims themselves before moving to the countryside, only popping up on occasion. jake would call jiwon auntie since she was older and it had also grown on y/n.
"thats my name isnt it?" she chuckled as y/n ran up to hug her.
"wow, i cant believe it. i havent seen you in like, 7 years!"
"been a long time right? well, im just down here for a short while before i gotta go back. just here for a weddin and thought to visit my sister at work."
"thats great auntie, too bad you arent here for longer."
"yeah, well. thats what happens when you get 3 divorces and run out of money, that right jiwoo? but, seriously, whats with that boy of yours? he dont seem to be from here."
"hes not, hes from japan, for the dance academy we all go to."
"that explains a bunch. i always knew youd be a dance. you have quite the physique for it, no?"
jiwoo interrupted jiwon from rambling on the way she always would, quickly seeing y/ns desire to leave as she has other things to tend to.
"alright well, im sure y/n has plenty of things to do as do we, so we all really should be going. its about time for the regulars to start coming in." jiwoo awkwardly laughed as she too seemingly forgot her sisters idiosyncratic personality.
"you dont want to spend time with your auntie jiwon is it? kids nowadays have no sort of respect for their elders. you could drive a preacher to drink!"
y/n awkwardly cleared her throat and put on a smile, frozen in a sort of way as auntie jiwon hadnt seemed to be the same as she was 8 years ago.
"oh im only joking now! go on then, ill just see you in another 8 years." she sighed, overexaggerating the moment.
"its not like youre her real aunt anyway." jiwoo muttered, yet jiwon heard it.
"like your supposed to be? what are you to her anyway?"
"someone whos around of course! i practically raised her and babysitted her on top of running a restaurant with my own children whenever her parents would be in office from dusk till dawn with her brother busy at school with his own life."
"i was there too you know! she would tell me things she never told you."
"she only told you things because you made her! she was scared of you!" jiwoo rolled her eyes at jiwon before quickly gesturing for y/n to go.
"what are you doing- where is she going?" "somewhere where youre not."
as y/n go back into the car, she slightly scared niki in the middle of a game.
"what happened in there? looked kinda tense. never seen the other lady before."
"jiwoos sister. shes kinda crazy and possessive and scary. didnt even know she came back."
"maybe we should go.. shes kinda walking towards the car so i suggest to step on the gas."
"shit- shes what??"
within the next few months, niki and y/n drew closer to one another like they were before.
it was only a matter of time before their unresolved feelings for one another began to surface, yet they continued to push it down with all their might, not wanting to ruin anything like before.
so here y/n was, watching some random kdrama out of boredom, completely uninterested before she received a text from niki.
nishimura ; help
sim ; with what
nishimura ; baysitinf
sim ; the fuck
nishimura ; hold - my brother just took my phone
sim ; babysitting?
nishimura ; yes pls
nishimura ; jake literally js dropped off ur sister here while my brother was having a hyper thingy
nishimura ; hes just very hyper
nishimura ; send a swat team.
sim ; i dont rlly wanna watch sarang tho😐
nishimura ; BUT ITS UR SISTER??
sim ; yea but she’s a headache i have to deal with that like every weekend
sim ; i gave her to jake so i can have a free day just for her to bounce back to me😒 sim ; i hate guys named jake
nishimura ; thats what u get for abandoning a 5 year old
sim ; then im not helping
nishimura ; that lego set i bought you arrived today
sim ; see u in 20
and so here y/n found herself driving towards nikis apartment, reminding herself to lecture her brother once they both get home.
“good thing you came otherwise i mightve actually killed myself.”
“this better be good, i dropped crash landing on you for this.”
with that, niki stepped aside to point at the kids behind him without breaking eye contact with y/n, not wanting to look inside only to furrow his brows as she tilted her head in confusion.
“is this a joke?” she scoffed.
“what are you talking about?” his jaw dropped once he saw sarang and hiro getting along together just fine, completing some puzzle together. “i swear they werent getting along and hiro was just bouncing off the walls, plus sarang was like having a meltdown about ice cream!”
y/n slightly grinned then spoke, “you look fine. they look more then fine. you don’t need my help. did you just want an excuse to see me?”
“no! i- i mean i kinda wanted to see you but that’s not why- i, ughh!”
y/n held back a small laugh at nikis frustration before she heard the two kids watching them giggle adoringly at their older siblings.
“riki has a girlfriend!” “y/n has a boyfriend!” hiro and sarang exclaimed in excitement.
“im going home.”
“absolutely not.” y/n groaned in annoyance while niki pulled her into the house by grabbing onto her shoulder.
“so.” he awkwardly started, rubbing the back of his neck nervously with the palm of his hand.
“about yesterday.”
“what about it.”
“we’re good right?”
“of course we are.” she reassured.
just as niki was able to reply, sarang began to cry loudly, like she saw a monster in her closet or something.
“what happened?”
“i cut myself!” she cried, showing the skin between her fingers. her and hiro had been doing small arts and crafts for the past hour, so she has hurt herself with the scissors.
“just put a bandaid on and ice it.” y/n rolled her eyes, shaking her head while not even bothering to look up from her phone.
“you’re so mean y/n unnie!” sarang pouted before holding her ‘injured’ hand up to nikis face.
“what is this, the school nurse? you gotta be a more helpful sister then that.”
“i am helpful. i asked her what happened then gave her a solution.”
“but you were so mean to her.”
“im teaching her to be tough! our parents were hard on me and my brothers, so we have to be hard on her.”
“but you aren’t your parents. you’re y/n.”
“but what if i don’t want to be just y/n?”
“well, then that’s not something you can control. you’re you whether you like it or not. you gotta learn to accept life as it is. that’s what really being hard on yourself is, and that’s what it does to you.”
niki goes over to sarang to pick her up and carry her over to the kitchen. he sets her on the counter and grabs a pastel flower print bandaid before placing a small kiss onto where he placed the bandaid.
he coos at her lovingly, with him who’d always seen her as his own sister having had watching her grow up since she was born despite her not really remembering much of him.
y/n felt her heart melt as she saw how good he was with her baby sister.
she got up from her seat to go over where they were, wrapping her arms around nikis waist to envelop him with into a warm back hug, pressing her head into the space between his shoulder and neck, letting it rest there.
“mean unnie.” sarang stuck out her tongue at y/n, pushing her face away from niki as she stuck out her tongue back.
“what are you, 5?”
“no but she is.”
niki sighed before pulling away (he really didnt want to but you didnt need to know that) grabbing his car keys, and picking up his brother.
“let’s go for some ice cream.”
so here you were, sitting at the local ice cream parlor together.
niki’s face turned as he watched you absolutely devour those three scoops (scoups) of mint chip.
“i seriously dont see how you could eat that. it tastes like toothpaste.”
“why are you talking when you’re eating plain vanilla.”
“hey, sometimes basic is better!”
“well you don’t have to like mint then. ‘cause me and this kid do!” she jokingly replied, hugging said kid (hiro) while niki and sarang rolled their eyes with their vanilla cones.
“hate to be a bother, but you guys are such a cute little family. youre just like me with my kids when they were still young. and, little girl, you really have your fathers eyes.” an elder women from a table across the parlor smiled, patting y/n and niki on the shoulder as she ignored her husbands remarks “stop disturbing the little couple!”
“do we really look like a family?”
“sort of, if you really think about it.”
“okay but she had to be lying because your eyes look nothing like sarangs.”
“i mean.. if you look closely enough.”
“you aren’t even korean!”
they laughed together, for the first time in a while.
“okay, but on a serious note. what are we? are we friends, lovers, or whatever’s in between?”
“i mean.. I guess for now, in between.”
“please date y/n unnie! shes sooo lonely and boring.” sarang interrupted, tugging on nikis sleeve.
“yeah! and i want more playdates with sarang!” hiro pouted, looking up with puppy eyes at y/n.
niki laughed at the kids’ reactions, before taking y/ns hand into his.
“well, no matter what you decide, let’s see where this takes us. they seem to be up for it anyway.”
“you’re right. alright, fine. but if you fuck this up again, you realize you’re not getting another chance, right?”
“i promise i won’t hurt you again. it already cost me everything last time.”
“glad you’re aware.” she bitterly mumbled.
“so. you will date me then?”
“ill think about it.”
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butterflydm · 9 months
wot rewatch (book spoilers edition): 2x5
Not only is this one going to have spoilers for all the aired episodes plus any teasers (including the trailer for episode 6), it will also have book spoilers through book 14: A Memory of Light.
An interesting change from the books is Suroth calling Loial a slave -- in the books, the Ogier of the elite guard are very specifically not enslaved (I wonder if they got as badly jacked up by the Longing as the ones in the Westlands but their 'solution' ended up involving the Empress and the Crystal Throne somehow?). Since this exception is never explained in the books, I don't have any issue with it being changed.
2. I also think we are getting some really good set-up here for a potential fracture in the Seanchan once we get deeper into the series -- a fulfillment of the narrative promise that Jordan set up in books 2-9 but then backed away from once we hit Crossroads of Twilight & Knife of Dreams. I'm hopeful that we're actually going to get the Seanchan civil war that the books never gave us but that they desperately needed in order for Mat's characterization to make any damn sense in CoT & KoD.
3. The idea that Ishamael is being something akin to Suroth's Truthspeaker makes a lot of sense (I think only the Imperial family has Truthspeakers in the books? but it makes sense to expand them outward).
4. That Fain plays the game so well with Turak here can serve as a hint that he's playing the subservience game with Ishamael as well (who killed the Fade? in other words).
5. The saa in Lanfear's eyes! I love that we're getting a super-charged look at the True Power this early on. I definitely approve of the change of the Forsaken getting brought back with the True Power rather than being put in new bodies -- that can work in a book, but in a show, you want to keep your actors. Especially when they're so good!
6. The Elyas scene does feel like Elyas is essentially doing triple-duty this season: he's himself (Wolfbrother lore dump); he's Hurin (sniffer who leads them after Fain); he's Noam (completely detached from his previous human life).
7. I do like how Elyas feels... somewhat amoral (not immoral!) -- he cares about his fellow wolves (including Perrin) and only his fellow wolves. Obviously, part of the reason that's there is so that viewers will wonder if Ishamael (the Father of Lies) was telling the truth about Perrin becoming closer to the Shadow the closer he gets to the wolves but that's... a good thing, I think, for Perrin's narrative arc. It gives him a grounded reason to try to avoid embracing the wolves. The show has done a really good job in giving characters believable motivations for their behavior.
Show: has Elyas diss every human that Perrin cares about because he's trying to tell Perrin that he belongs with the wolves and not the humans.
Some Book Readers: Ah-ha! Laila wasn't his pack? Darkfriend!
It was just so clear to me, in watching the episode, that Elyas mentioning Perrin's wife was the last straw that made Perrin push him away. It was not meant as a Darkfriend hint of any kind! Elyas did not know Laila as a person! He does not care about Laila as a person! It's pretty clear that he only cares about Perrin (because he's a fellow Wolfbrother). That's why he only saved Perrin from the caravan; that's why he led Perrin eastward instead of west. He has zero interest in putting himself in danger to help humans; he does not identity with humans.
8. Ooo, I wonder if we're going to see Perrin's wolf name visualized at some point by the wolves -- Young Bull with his axe that is also his horns, strong and protective. Again, the show has done such a good job in showing us the Perrin that I think Jordan wanted us to see but that he didn't quite manage -- pretty much every show-only reactor sees Perrin as genuinely considerate and empathetic and believes that he has a good heart and wouldn't leave people to suffer.
9. Brilliant choice to have Aviendha introduced here and be part of Perrin's storyline. I do really like how Elayne, Aviendha, and Min have all been part of another main character's plotline before anything implied romantic between them and Rand happens. Hopefully, the show does the same thing with Tuon in the season when she gets introduced. I'm going to guess that (rather than going along with Perrin because of Faile) Bain and Chiad are going to help Aviendha meet her toh towards Perrin once she's told that she needs to become a Wise One apprentice and Bain and Chiad will travel with him to the Two Rivers. I suspect that Gaul will be introduced next season as well.
10. I also really like the way they set up Dain and Perrin's future dynamic here as well -- Dain realizes that Perrin is from the Two Rivers, so that gives him a reason to go there after he (mistakenly?) thinks that Perrin has killed his father. I do wonder whether or not Fain will go to the Two Rivers at all. It's kinda... crowded over there, since we know that Slayer was cast (I think). There isn't, imo, any real need for Fain to corrupt the Whitecloaks in the show -- I feel like they can corrupt themselves just fine. (I kinda feel that way about Elaida too) -- and it might be good to tie Fain back into Rand and/or Mat's plotlines.
11. The Seanchan and the Whitecloaks both have a 'evil but not the evil of the Dark One' situation going on, and we kinda get that here, with the (new) innkeeper being even more unhappy with being occupied by Whitecloaks than by the Seanchan. I actually like that they have the new innkeeper here selfishly being okay with the Seanchan -- the issue that I had with various plotlines in CoT & KoD wasn't "it's unrealistic for anyone to be collaborators with the slavers", of course some/many people are selfish enough that it doesn't matter to them that some people get enslaved as long as it isn't them; it was an issue with specific characters turning collaborator without there being anywhere near enough work in the characterization or narrative to justify it. That was the issue that I had.
Especially since this same conversation does illustrate how selfish this man's PoV is, if you pay attention to the dialogue. The old innkeeper's granddaughter was kidnapped by the Seanchan -- SHE would not agree with him that they're totally chill if you only just swear the oaths.
12. Seeing Lady Suroth like this, 'dressed down', as it were, gave me quite a start. She looks almost naked without the super-long nails and the helmet and with me being able to see that she has no eyebrows. Like, it gives her a big 'pathetic and vulnerable' vibe even though she's been just as awful as she was in her introduction.
And it makes me wonder... are people who are sympathetic to Tuon in Crossroads of Twilight and Knife of Dreams also more likely to be good at visualization when they read? Because, personally, I don't see pictures in my head when I read books. I think it's part of the reason why I can so easily accept adaptations in the first place -- there's no prior image that I need to override. I had no firm mental image of how 'Rand' or 'Nynaeve' or anyone looked in the books, so the actors can easily become that person for me. It's all just... words in my head for me. The most that I ever visualize is something akin to black and white abstract sketches.
How this relates to Tuon: one of the deeply frustrating things about CoT+ Mat to me is how he behaves like Tuon is 'not like the other Seanchan' even though her behavior on the page is just as rancid and terrible as any other Blood. But, in her descriptions in CoT & KoD, she doesn't visually resemble other Seanchan anymore -- her hair is growing out, she's in Westlands clothing instead of Seanchan High Blood clothing. But as someone who doesn't visualize characters and scenes when I'm reading a book, the clothes that a character is wearing has little to no impact on my perception of them as a character.
Is it different if you do/can visualize how differently Tuon looks when she's traveling with Mat vs how she looked when she was embedded in the Seanchan power structure? Because it really does genuinely confuse me when I see people repeat what Mat says about her being different from the other Seanchan because her behavior is just... identical to all the other Seanchan Blood from what I've seen in the books -- intensely political and manipulative; firmly supports and believes in slavery; gets off on torture and abuses her slaves even while believing that she's the bestest and kindest slave owner in the world; thinks of herself as inherently better because she's Of The Blood, etc. I remember when Mat places her in the same 'better than other nobles' category as Talmanes in KoD, my brain just bluescreened because he's consistently been shown on the page that she's still just as awful as the others (the chapter where she literally collars and tortures three of his allies is certainly never anything I'm forgetting, even if Mat 'goldfish' Cauthon forgot about it five minutes after it happened). But, yeah, if you visualize characters and scenes when reading books, do those visuals have an impact on how you think of the characters?
(on a character level, I understand why Mat would lie to himself about Tuon if he genuinely believes himself to be trapped in a marriage with her -- the issue with that is two-fold though: a. with Mat's other lies to himself, we are given outside context with other PoVs and behavior from other characters to see that he's lying while in CoT and KoD, we're pretty firmly locked into Mat's warped perspective, and b. Jordan did a shit job of showing why Mat gave up so quickly and just believed that he's doomed to be married to Tuon without him making ANY attempts at fighting the prophecy)
13. Looking forward to the future... I do suspect that we'll still get Semirhage trying to shape and mold Tuon (unless we don't get enough seasons), but I think in the end (exploring @sixth-light's idea about having a split Seanchan Empire instead of having the Sharans), we may end up with Suroth in charge of one half of the Seanchan (who will fight for the Shadow) and one half led by Tuon (who will fight for the Light) and that we will, hopefully, be getting a Tuon who actually has to confront what being a sul'dam means and that the Seanchan will fracture on the issue of slavery (which would make their American accents even more apt) instead of the Westlands characters becoming friends and lovers with gleefully cruel slavers. Having Tuon's 'stubbornness' and pushback against Semirhage actually lead to her questioning the established order would be so much more powerful than her stubbornness being used as an excuse for her dodging and avoiding any character growth for the entire time that she hangs around.
14. I hope that Aviendha's amusement here over Perrin's protectiveness is perhaps going to be more of the vibe we get with Rand & the Maidens once that relationship gets going. Rand really doesn't have the same reasons (so far) to be as unreasoningly overprotective of them as he is in the books, since the Two Rivers in the show aren't Weird about women in danger the way that the books are. It's very much a Perrin hangup because of his wife and we've seen it develop over time. And if Rand feels some protectiveness, I'd like it to be tied more towards him feeling like he doesn't want to lose any of his newfound family.
15. It feels clear that Moiraine is absolutely still bound by the Three Oaths. She obviously WANTS to lie in the scene where she's introducing Rand to Anvaere and Barthanes, but she isn't able to. It's played very much the same way as when she was caught in the Oath last season (one of the funniest moments in S1 is when she wants to tell the Two Rivers' kids that she trusts them now but she absolutely doesn't trust them and can't say the words).
16. So, who in this scene is a Darkfriend. I suspect that Barthanes is and I suspect that Anvaere is not. Anvaere's information session with Moiraine last episode completely destroyed the Shadow's plans for Rand -- it could be the Shadow tripping over itself but I suspect it's just that Anvaere is what she seems to be -- a very political but non-Shadow-aligned person.
17. I wonder if the end of the next episode is going to timeskip us the few weeks to the wedding (thus making it so that Egwene spends several weeks in 'training') -- or maybe we'll timeskip between episodes 6&7. From the preview, it looks like we're going to spend some serious time showing how horrible and dehumanizing the damane 'training' is. What they might do is show us the initial beginning of it -- and then we jump forward and see how things are after several weeks? The mention of the wedding just feels... potentially significant, since it's not from the books. This would give Perrin time to travel to Falme with Aviendha; Mat and Min would have time to get to Cairhien; Elayne and Nynaeve would have time to bond; and Siuan would also have time to get to Cairhien, since we know she goes there at some point. And it might mean that, along with Egwene getting her 'training' from Renna, we might also get Rand getting some training from Logain and potentially Lan as well.
18. I love Verin kickstarting the Black Ajah Hunt so much. I already talked about this a lot in my earlier post about Darkfriends, so I won't get into it here but: fantastic choice. It does imply to me that we don't really need the Wondergirls to go back to the Tower next season to get their Black Ajah Hunting instructions, since there's already a Hunt started by full Sisters. Which I would be fine with -- they literally spend less than a week in the White Tower in book 3. They dip in for Egwene & Elayne's tests, to get more instructions from Siuan, and then dip out again. I feel like the show could easily have them decide to hunt the Black Ajah of their own accord (Nynaeve in particular has a reason to want to go after Liandrin).
19. I do not think that Sheriam knows that Verin is 'Black Ajah' or that Liandrin is (more genuinely) Black Ajah. She and Liandrin were at odds too much earlier in the season over Nynaeve imo. Joiya, otoh, I think might know that Liandrin is also Black Ajah, because she immediately backed Liandrin up in the big group discussion.
20. "We respect the One Power so much that we don't believe that anyone should wield it by accident of birth". I've seen other people (reactors on youtube) wondering if this conversation means that the Seanchan already know that sul'dam are learners, since they talk about training the sul'dam for years and them earning the right to use the One Power, but this line in particular makes me feel like they don't know. Because sul'dam are only sul'dam because of an 'accident of birth' as well. I'm sure that we'll find out, because the realization of the sul'dam secret was a pretty huge moment with Egwene in the books (even if Min & Nynaeve appeared to have completely forgotten the information when they were spending time with Rand later in the series) so it will definitely stand out if it gets played differently and Renna doesn't get that horror of realizing that she, too, is marath'damane.
21. I've also seen people wonder why the damane & sul'dam didn't catch on that Liandrin was channeling to wake the girls and free Nynaeve, but she was channeling that entire time (to hold open the Waygate) so her tiny weave would have been masked by the larger one.
22. Aviendha's attitude towards obligation and honor is going to be such an interesting contrast to how weighed down Rand is by his obligations. Looking forward to them getting some good scenes together in s3.
23. I hope Egwene gets to hit Renna over the head in this version too. And collar her to the wall. I can already tell that this is going to be painful and intense. I did notice that a lot of show-only reactors have NOT picked up on how terrifying and awful the damane slavery is yet, but I feel like the show is going to make it very clear in the next episode. (I don't know how you can look at Egwene in pain here and not already understand but... next week should make things crystal clear).
The preview did show us how... earnest (ugh) Renna is going to be in her 'training' of Egwene. The way she called the damane kennels "your new home" and the (horrifying) sincerity in her voice.
I'm actually wondering if Egwene is going to be freed in episode 7, before Rand gets to Falme, since Perrin and Aviendha are headed in the direction of Falme and it's Perrin who is attached to the Ingtar and Horn storylines and not Rand (who didn't even find out that the Horn is a thing that exists until 2x3). Because Rand isn't actually involved in her rescue in the books iirc -- that was Elayne and Egwene (with Min tagging along). He spots her and seeing her is why he refuses to leave, but since he's going there for his own purposes unrelated to the Horn in this version (I assume), then he doesn't need that extra push to stay. From the preview for episode 6, it kinda sounds like Loial & co are going to try to help her be freed but I'm not sure if it'll work that soon.
Expecting next episode to be extremely rough, emotionally.
Additional spoilers/speculation based on imdb listings (which may not be entirely accurate):
The actress who played Maigan in S1 is listed as being in the next three episodes (6, 7, 8). She was planning to go west to investigate the rumors. She has not been seen in the White Tower this season. The actress who is playing Ryma is only listed for episodes 5 & 6. Renna is listed for all the remaining episodes; Seta is listed for the final two episodes. That just all seems like interesting information to me, though again, imdb.
Complete side note, episode 7 is the episode that Hayley Mills is listed for. I wonder if she's the Queen of Cairhien that Barthanes is marrying.
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woodenfawn · 10 months
Rewatching Re:Zero again, for various reasons, and I really want to take a closer look at it because it's been stuck in my head for such a long time. (It's actually the first scene I ever watched!)
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Going back to the Rem Infodump, well- this is part of the reason I think Rem's definitely not stopping her character development. From the beginning, we get the message from this story that self sacrifice without any reward is not something someone should be satisfied with.
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And this is extremely interesting because of what we learn later on- that despite all the physical pain, Ram was relieved that her horn broke. She didn't regret it, and only Rem was hurt by it emotionally.
I wonder if she ever properly talked to Rem about it? I wonder if she knew how to do that. I wonder if Rem ever knew how it felt to hold the pressure the clan was putting on her sister...
Ram's only guilt here comes from how it hurt Rem.
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And then Ram asks Subaru who he'd prefer to be friends with, and I realized something pretty interesting.
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These describe each of the twins, but they also describe Subaru himself. Both, together. Those two things add up to a large part of his internal conflict, and are made difficult by the fact that they contrast each other so much.
Because Subaru cannot just save everyone easily, because he's just a normal kid who was thrown into situations far beyond his abilities, he has to learn to love himself while dealing with both of these issues simultaneously. Letting go of one of these flaws (as he sees it) means completely and shamelessly embracing the other. If he refuses help, the only way he can be strong is to sacrifice himself. If he prioritizes himself, then he'll only ever be able to take from those he cares about.
I love how the story doesn't give him the option to become stronger, either. Like- he has Guiltywhip, he has Beatrice, he has Witch Authorities, but he's not the Isekai Protagonist he'd hoped he could be. He can't be Reinhardt (though... I don't know if he would want to be. That comes with its own rabbit hole, doesn't it?).
Rem and Ram each are like two mirrors of different parts of him, and they each have dynamics with each other that play on these connections.
Rem and Ram each embody different parts of the message of Re:Zero and I think that is so cool. All of them do, but the way this is presented just. I love it.
I don't mean to always talk about Subaru, I swear... I'm just in love with his character... Subaru's got such good dynamics with the whole cast,,,
I wish this conversation was in the final timeline, or that Subaru recreated it somehow... got the message across... man
Dear Diary, today I thought about Re:Zero again
also can we talk about how there's little trinkets and items that represent the main cast's personalities? Like, the spoon and the quill represent Rem and Ram in this story, the flower pin that Emilia gets from the little girl is like... the proof of her kindness, and the 10 yen coin represents subaru's brand of kindness- from the very beginning of the story. as well as the key from the elior forest being another one of emilia's, which has a similar diamond shaped gem to the quill and spoon. The only one of the main cast I can't pin down is beatrice... her book? her crown? I'm not sure. I hope we see Subaru's Beatrice diary in the next season!!
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becauseimanicequeen · 1 month
RANDOM THOUGHTS: Unknown ep. 12
I’m going into this episode hoping for a real and honest conversation between Qian and his loved ones about the surgery, that he has a successful surgery, that he (at the very least) is on the path of healing from his traumas, and that he and Yuan will have some great moments. Let the love pour out from every second of this episode, please. And, thank you.
I love how Lili went into protective sister mode and asked Yuan if he would treat Qian well if she gave her brother to him.
Wait, is she pregnant?
The way I fucking laughed at the whole business meeting scene. There’s no way Yuan will let Qian work 24/7 anymore. He needs his man back home so they can be all domestic and happy. There’s no way they’re going to waste their fucking time! (Literally and figuratively)
The way I laughed at how offended Xiong was when Qian almost said he could quit if Xiong was worried that Qian and Yuan’s relationship would be a problem for their company. Don’t even think about it, Qian!
It’s so nice to see how much Qian smiles now (and not just around Yuan). It’s such a huge contrast to the beginning of the series. And this change has only happened in the last few episodes. It’s all thanks to the fact that Qian actually allows himself to be happy.
Pulling someone closer by their tie is one of the actual functions of a tie. Seriously. Another one is to tie someone’s hands together. Will we get to see that, or will I have to imagine it myself? Either way works fine by me…
Oh lord… I can’t deal with office gossip… Especially gossip of this kind. It’s so fucking bizarre.
Yep, there we have it. Lili’s pregnant. So, that’s why she’ll be kneeling in front of Qian (which was in the preview)?
This episode is fucking hilarious! The way I lmfao when Qian went all out with his protective big brother role on San Pang’s sorry ass. And then Qian was looking for his knife! We all know he wanted to grab that fucking cleaver again! San Pang was lucky Yuan was there to hold Qian back. Thank you, Unknown, for prolonging my life by about ten years with all this laughing.
Even though I don’t always agree that all things happen for a reason (because sometimes tragic shit just happens), Qian and Yuan’s whole story has been intertwined with red, alluding to the red thread of fate. Yuan telling Qian he had always thought Qian’s mother had brought them together was a nice touch (even for me). What happened was tragic as hell, including that Qian had to deal with the aftermath of it all. However, it was also the catalyst for Qian and Yuan’s whole story.
Time has passed…
Look at Qian being happier than we’ve ever seen him in the series. He smiles so naturally now. I love it. That’s a great way to end this series.
I didn’t get the moment I wanted with Qian talking to his loved ones about the surgery (or Lili being livid at San Pang for keeping the truth of Qian’s health from her, which I would’ve loved to see). But I did get some great moments between Qian and Yuan and it ended with them as happy as can be.
I loved this series. I will miss it terribly. But it has a secure place on my rewatch list, so I’ll definitely come back to it again. And again. And again…
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referrix · 2 months
Reasons placing the simulator is making me want to cry: 1. No two episodes can seem to agree where it's located.
With other locations, like the dorms, the kitchens and Wizgiz's classroom, the zoom in/fade in tends to have a strong percentage of agreement on where in the school they are generally.
The simulation room though...
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The very first time we see the simulation room, we zoom in to the north tower (the one that gets destroyed in the season 1 end battle), subsequent zooms suggest the East tower, 'somewhere' in the north-east building (where the Winx dorm is) and in the west tower, where I've assumed the dining hall is. (or under it at least)
I had actually misremembered the order of events from the Season 1 battle and convinced myself the north tower was destroyed before the Winx were transported to Domino, but upon rewatch, the tower is still standing after the teleport.
The one major internal feature that stops me from wanting to put the sim room in the north tower though, is the windows.
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Big curved and a little swoopy. Like a much shorter version of the windows of the rear towers' lower floors. There is nowhere on the front towers that have similar windows, the closest is, as far as I can tell, just a fancy open air walkway around the tower's middle-ish area.
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And then there's season 4, which is the first time we really zoom in on the rear/east tower, but also the first time we get to see anyone going from the sim room to somewhere else:
(I have figured out recording! sort of. the splice is just the story of the Black Circle being chopped from the 402 opening)
This sequence cements the idea that at the very least the sim room is definitely in the north-west building, but further, that the sim chamber is on the lower levels of the rear/west tower.
While the group leaves and turns left out the door, the corridor they walk down has very distinct widows on their left:
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These windows are closer in appearance to the windows found on the outer sides of the mirrored buildings:
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Again we're seeing a case of the internal size doesn't match the exterior, but the scene does have some "internal logical consistency."
So at the moment I'm going to keep working on the assumption that the sim room is actually in the lower floors of the rear tower.
That the window we see from the inside is actually a smaller window separate from the external windows we see, because there is a hallway that runs along the outer wall from the open air hallway door mirroring the external staircase up to a landing (where it exits out the rear facing door,) and around to the other side, down a matching staircase and into the ground floor outer hallway.
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over all I'm currently imagining it looking something like this:
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Please ignore the fact the red dome indicating the mvr chamber is so far forward in the left half of the picture, I forgot it was sitting directly under the windows and there's only so many times I can redo things from scratch because I wasn't thinking and closed my files losing access to individual layers.
Also, yes, based on external measurements, I'm working on the idea that there are 2 internal hallways on the ground floor and lower mezzanine, separating two series of classrooms.
and the similar testing room without the mvr chamber being in the other rear tower's base, in basically a mirror but with more seating. Partly because that one does zoom/fade in to the other rear/south tower.
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sweetest-omens · 1 year
okay it’s been discussed a million times but I would like to talk AGAIN about the blocking/body language in the 0401 best man scene [wwdits] [long post]
okay first up, we open on nandor drying guillermo’s hair:
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this comes directly after nandor jumping into the water after him to save his life with no hesitation. and then THIS. a complete 180 in their dynamic. right out of the gate all of the erosion of boundaries that was paced so gently in season 3 are completely shattered. but look at the body language!! nandor is still very physically distant. he dries guillermo’s hair with the tips of his fingers and then dumps the towel over his head.
next, we get a bouncy, tentative “how are we feeling?” from nandor
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this is so funny to me because he’s standing there doing his little nervous hands, hovering close but still maintaining distance.
I’m gonna skip over the little water bit because it covers a lot of the same bases. devotion through acts of service, role reversal, blah blah blah. but I do want to point out that all of nandor’s devotional gestures are functionally useless (hair still wait, water full of god knows what etc.) but they serve literally only to reassure guillermo that they are an on equal(ish) footing.
okay after that we get the “will you be my best man at my wedding” ft this beautiful baby boy facial expression:
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and then:
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they are standing... so close. guillermo puts himself in nandor’s personal space by standing up on “you’re getting married!!” but then nandor comes into his personal space with a saucy little “dont be jealous”. I couldn’t quite capture nandor’s mirco-expression after guillermo says “I’m not” but it is RIDICULOUS. a split second of bitchy sulky baby that he very quickly covers up.
anyway. HUG DODGE
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sure, nandor refusing guillermo’s physical affection is a gag throughout the series. but usually nandor calls it out verbally. this, he just avoids, and then...
straight across the room to give the camera this look. I know it doesn’t look like much here but it is a distinct, sheepish(?) glance to the camera, and then he looks away. he deliberately has his back to guillermo to hide a series of small flickers in his facial expression. [also just really noticing how beautiful his outfit is here *cher voice* can we get a little commotion for the dress?]
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and then he reveals his reason for wanting to get married: he’s been lonely. now, I know this has also been a theme through the series, nandor being unlucky in love. but a marriage within the month is a big step. what’s changed? guillermo being absent in his life, that’s what! what’s going to fill the guillermo-shaped hole in his life? oh, a romantic partner! a wife! good thinking, nandor!
the thing is, I don’t think either of them have the will or the words to discuss the massive shift in their dynamic. they are trying frantically to express it, but failing at every turn (this is why the closer they get, the more physical fights they have). but I really, really want to talk about the way their emotional connection manifests in the blocking for this scene:
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HELLO! the closeness of the best man declaration with them literally inches apart, followed by the chasm of emotional distance that nandor creates with the absent wife. and its actually guillermo that rounds to the other side of the coffin. I mean, guillermo is very vulnerable in this scene. he’s in nothing but a little robe, and dishevilled and nandor has just saved his life. but this is the only time he seeks protection for himself in the form of a physical barrier between them. (also it being a coffin, and the unfulfilled promise of vampirism that is the true barrier between them).
I know this has all been said a hundred times before. but I rewatched this scene and was struck by how big the emotions are and how they affect both characters physically. also I apologise endlessly for my shitty little screenshots idk how to gif. BUT please go back and rewatch the scene for all of nandor’s heartwrenching microexpressions. there’s one that the camera barely catches when he’s got his back to guillermo and it drives me insane let me see his whole FACE. anyway <3
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
Hi! If Terry isn't El's mom, why did she show her Kali, who can literally make people see what she wants? Was it a way to trick El, a trap like Mike says in the void?
I don't know if El can trust Kali. I wonder what her role is. If she used or they made her use her powers to hide the truth or create fake memories...
Great question! And yes, you pretty much nailed it, but I'll try to explain it further because it's a little more complicated than that...
As you know, I already talked about this here, but basically for those who don't know or just want a simple refresher, I was speculating about the fact that Terry is probably not El's mom.
This is not something I've always believed, nor even easily believed when evidence was presented to me. And so I completely understand not wanting to associate with this sort of claim. Instead, the instinct is to be like, What? No way!! I know, because I had that same reaction, and it took @shippingfangirl013 hammering the obvious it in my head for me to come around. It took me actually rewatching those scenes and thinking about them logically, beyond what was being presented on the surface, and now I'm fairly confident that Terry is not El's mom.
This is for the simple fact that the way they frame Terry and El's scenes and how their relationship develops over time, doesn't make sense if she is in fact her mom.
Just because El grew up in the lab and presumably wasn't raised by Terry, doesn't mean she can't be in her life at all now? Just because Terry is in a vegetative state, doesn't mean she can't be in her life at all now either? Simply being around her mother would be something that the audience would want to see so that there's closure in Terry getting to have her daughter back in her life any way she can, and vise versa for El as well.
This isn't to say El doesn't believe that Terry is her mom, or that she doesn't want a relationship with her, hence why she never visits her again, bc El's obviously a child and has been running from the government ever since. And so she can't really live the life she truly wants. I believe if given the opportunity, El would try to see her mom occasionally, even just to spend time around her and in each others company. Hell, even just to see her aunt bc that's her family, right? Terry's baby was taken away from her and I think it would make sense to keep that relationship in a way that would feel satisfying instead of sort of treated like an easter egg session speed-round, even to this day?
And yet, this is a fabricated story, which means that all the choices they make within the narrative are for a reason.
El only meets Terry once, and what she is met with is someone who is trying to send her a message.
It's not about her finding out Terry is her mom and that's that, there's something else to it.
And we know there's something else to it, because these cryptic ass visions keep coming back, with slight differences each time. El continues being bombarded with flashbacks of what Terry showed her, all the way up to 4x09 (I made a post about this recently here!), two seasons later and with her not even having seen her mother since.
Again, I understand the doubt bc the trauma and torture Terry presumably went through, and I'm not saying I understand all the ins and outs of that, but I'll get to that part later.
Please PLEASE trust me when I say, that I know this is hard to believe. I know there's probably an instinct to look away bc a big part of us even more so don't want to believe this, but TRUST ME! It makes so much sense once you look closer, so please keep reading if you want to understand!
Why I think this theory makes more sense than what the audience assumes, is because upon seeing Terry in the void, El literally says, "Mama? It's me. Jane. I'm home." And in response, Terry says, "No", followed by grabbing El's arm and showing her a series of images.
If Terry is El's mom, what would warrant that sort of response? Bc correct me if i'm wrong, but what is literally happening here is El calling Terry her mother and therefore Terry her home (her family), only for Terry to counter that with the epitome of a negative response, rejecting it essentially? And again, directly followed by her trying to send El a message?
The real kicker about this moment is that it KEEPS coming back.
They literally open 2x07 The Lost Sister with this exact moment from El meeting Terry, accompanied by a pitch black screen...
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Why? Why do that? Why are we just blatantly accepting this is El's mom when Terry is arguably trying to send a message that isn't the case? And even if the truth was that Terry is El's mom, why frame it this way, as if there are missing pieces and arguably false truths and then bring it back again and again and again, while there are these other characters being hinted at subtly in the subtext as El's true family? I don't think they would keep bringing up these visions from Terry, starting with her rejecting El's claim that she is her home, if it was because she was just her mother like it was presented to us already in s2.? Why keep rehashing it at all then, and cryptically at that?
Which then brings us to the rest of 2x07, and the original subject for your ask (sorry for sidetracking, but it's important to understand for what follows).
This episode is hated by a LOT of fans, which is crazy bc it could very well be a lot more complex than everyone gives it credit for.
As you said, Kali (008) powers involve her ability to make people invisible and she can also make people see things happening that aren't actually happening in the physical world.
We even see near the end of the episode, Kali showing El a vision of Brenner, who is obviously not there with them, but bc of her powers, she could make her see that... and therefore, arguably, she could make El see anything, right (maybe even Kali herself)?
I also find this shot and Kali's blocking in the frame to be interesting, considering the opening of 2x07 and Terry's identical cryptic one line in response to El in regards to Terry being her home:
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Also you mentioned an important detail, which is this episode ending with El seeing Mike in the void, saying "It's a trap! It's a trap!" Which yes, within the context of everything else weird going on here, almost makes you wonder if Mike's line had double meaning (it almost always does in ST case)?
And so what does this mean? I think there are a couple possibilities.
I think Henry/Vecna could have motivated/pushed Kali to make El see/not see certain things, and so that's why we see this repetition of Kali in flashbacks, in s2-3 with her juxtaposed with flashbacks of Terry and the rainbow room, and in s4 with her juxtaposed symbolically with the 8 ball in all the massacre flashbacks.
This essentially means memories and certain things that have happened based on flashbacks/visions, might not have happened the way we think they did because they've been tampered with.
It's also possible that Kali doesn't even exist? Or maybe she did, but just like all the other lab kids, Henry killed her and gained her powers and was able to kind of have this paradox of rewriting the events to work in his favor (especially if he got his hands on time powers...)?
The flashback El has in s3 at the cabin is actually insane because, within the context of Kali being able to make someone invisible or to make people see things that aren't actually happening in the physical world, makes me wonder what she could have perhaps made us see/not see in the rainbow room on that day...?
Hmm... I wonder...
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Anything catch your eye?
Here let me help, these are the shots repeated more than once during this flashback. I don't know what all of it means, BUT there's at least two shots in particular that catch my eye...
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Two shots of infant El being born + two shots of young El in rainbow room AKA WILLEL TWINS YOUR HONOR
And then you have Kali there, sporadically thrown in throughout... who can make people invisible/make someone see things that aren't actually happening in reality...
TBH, I'm still not certain about Kali at the moment. We'll have to wait to see what they do in s5 in terms of her in general. Because The Lost Sister is so over-hated, that I fear that whatever they had originally planned might have shifted? Who knows if that's for better or for worse. And so for now at least, I do feel like it's hard to guess for certain bc of other factors contributing to this outside of the show itself.
When it comes to Terry and her scenes on the show, I think there's actually evidence that she is more connected to Brenner than we realize. That picture of her walking side by side with Brenner outside of Hawkins Lab looked arguably colleague-ish? The fact that she has books on Bonsai trees beside her, like the most focused on prop near her in the scenes we get featuring her, and Brenner is notably opening s4 cutting a bonsai tree? The fact that they give her the name 'Mama', essentially the equal name to 'Papa'? Is it possible that Terry was somewhat in kahoots with Brenner, but went rogue, basically warranting the government (Brenner) to force her into a vegetative state as punishment? I mean, that seems like the kind of thing a government agency would do to punish one of their own screwing them over?
But then you add time trickery into the mix and that's when it get's really interesting. Because that's where I start to get lost and wonder if there's then a possibility Terry could actually be aware that maybe there is a time loop and so she's having to go through this same silly charade of Joyce and Hopper visiting her, asking about Jane her daughter, hence why she rolls her eyes practically at each of these moments where they woefully misunderstand the truth for the ?/? time. And this could also be why, upon meeting El (for the ?/? time), Terry tries to send her a message, only to use that precious moment to outright reject El's claim that they are family, continuing to try to tell her more beyond that comment, as if there is something else still missing (as if El still has it all wrong)...?
Lastly, I want to mention this ironic scene that closes off 2x07, which as you probably remember, the episode literally started with Terry rejecting El's claim that she is her mom/home, only to then end with this, followed by what happens in 2x09 when El returns to Hawkins...
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They're obviously doing the best that they can so that this revelation stays a surprise, while also hinting all along subtly that there is still something missing in regards to El's memories tied to her mom and the lab, while also prioritizing the bond between these characters especially...
And hey, maybe that's for a reason? Who knows...
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This may be my personal reading but I think Claudia very deliberately riled up Lestat in that chess scene so she could expose everything to Louis and get him to leave with her. I never saw Claudia for one second believing anything Lestat promised, but she likely went along with letting Lestat back in cause she knew that Louis needed to be shown without a doubt that Lestat was full of shit before he would actually agree to leave. Cause in that first chess scene its not like Lestat is saying anything provocative or aggressive towards anyone, for all we know, he's playing his part really well yet she pokes at him with very sensitive jabs (Nicki) to get him to expose himself, which he does and that helps to push Louis closer to leaving. She knows at this point Lestat isn't thinking about her much more than as a means to keep Louis so she turns that against him as now she becomes the means to get Louis away from Lestat.
I always wondered why in those 6 years did she not leave NOLA? We see that Louis is physically perfectly fine by year 3. She must've known with the non-stop gifts from Lestat it was only a matter of time before Louis was worn down.
im gonna push back on this hard. i want you to know that i’m not like mad or angry or shutting you down. im just VERY passionate about children especially black children.
before i get into it we do not see a louis who is perfectly fine ever. there is not a single episode when louis is in anyway stable. this is a assertion that does not take into account the beast of PTSD. that shit showed up with flashbacks in Dubai. He was not okay. and Claudia knew that.
also before i get to whats really driving me to push back. we are disagreeing in Lestat playing his part well. Louis is in love and bonded (the real actual definition of trauma bonded, not like how its been wildly misinterpreted) to lestat. He is not going along with this because Lestat is playing his part well. He is manipulating Louis. He is trying to manipulate Claudia. Lestat is the one who broke their relationship it does not matter that he’s not being provocative or aggressive in this scene. the last ten or so minutes ep 5 is enough of a reason for her to NEVER trust him again. What does it say that ANYONE should expect her to over look that alone and play nice because in this moment he’s not doing anything that is a take i cannot and will not agree with.
but ep 5 is not a stand alone. he been provocative and aggressive from the beginning.
but im gonna have to push back on something that has been bothering me. Claudia is not without emotion. and she is not without feeling. in fact locked up at fourteen she is MADE UP of emotion and feeling. she is NOT just a plotting monster. i thought i challenged this take enough in my rewatch but imma have to get into it more. maybe she doesnt feel the ramifications of her actions. maybe she isnt burdened by guilt bc of her age. maybe shes more ruthless bc of her age. why should i not attribute emotion to that. this is where i think ppl like to refuse the full breath of children’s humanity. kids seek nurture and care. they’ll do anything for it. they don’t have an full understanding of everything. but they are not these unfeeling cold monsters that just go about being destructive and not caring. a friend of mine told me onetime he took i think it was a jelly fish or something from the sea and put it in the bathwater bc he wanted to keep it. he didnt understand that would kill it. when it died he was so fucking anguished he cried for the rest of the day especially when his parents told him it happened bc he put it in the bath. that it belongs in the sea.
he didnt do that bc children are cruel monsters. he did that because he didnt understand the variety of life and the particular needs of that animal. but he is full of emotion. it was love that made him pick up that animal. it was love that made him want to keep it. it was love that crushed him when he found out what he had done.
now. i see to much that y’all wanna only allow the monster piece in claudia and it drives me up the wall. and her childhood is often used agaisnt her. shes more of a monster bc she didnt get to live a full life she let go of her humanity bc she didnt have all the years of humanity loustat did. except she had 14 years of humanity. in 14 years she lived a life. and i refuse to take that away from her. she is angry!! she is angry and sad and lonely and frustrated and isolated and alienated and reaching for connection and she is time and again denied her personhood. That is the humanity in her. she also fed the fuck up!!! and how she chooses to go about getting her ass out of there does not take away her humanity.
she is also curious. she also is loving and wants love in return. she is also nurturing and wants to be nurtured back. she is also gentle and wants gentleness back. ALL of this drives her ruthlessness for fighting back. her ruthlessness for killing. her ruthlessness for surviving. and her ruthless for doing what needs to be done to get out.
she also dragged louis out to algiers bc she loves him. bc it hurts her to see him. why do you think they included that little walk where they were talking about Emily Dickinson? they were happy. they weren’t perfectly fine. but they were happy. they were relaxed. they were at peace. they were each others. they werent constantly under the threat of abuse and mistreatment and fear. Louis traded that for his relationship with Lestat. I can understand why he did that and also stand with her on her anger about that. that fucking HHURTS! it hurts children when the abuser comes back home. it hurts them. she was hurt. so no i dont agree that she just did that to plot against them. hating and loving are often times not mutually exclusive. sometimes you hate because you love. and eventually with enough signs it wont get better hate can eclipse love. but thats where it was born. at least thats what i see was elevated in their relationship with the amcverse.
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faeriebabee · 10 months
okay before i actually start my the good the bad and the ugly rewatch i want to talk about the aftermath of the standoff. because fucking hell.
angel eyes is dead. blondie has shot him twice. the first shot badly injures angel eyes and as he lays sprawled out on the ground he begins to aim his gun at blondie. if i'm going down, you're going down with me. but blondie is faster, and he shoots angel eyes a second time to finish the job. the impact of the bullet sends angel eyes's body sliding into a conveniently empty grave. his black hat and his gun lay on the ground next to the grave.
blondie's moral code is complex as hell. he isn't objectively "good," but he isn't one to engage in pointless violence. throughout the course of the movie, he shoots either to free tuco from a noose or to kill. he kills mostly in self-defense. he doesn't typically use violence to make a point (though you could argue that shooting one of angel eyes' henchmen by the river was about making a point, but if my memory serves me correctly this is an isolated incident and the henchmen were trying to sneak up on them while they slept). when he shoots the townspeople's hats in the execution scenes, he is intentionally causing a panic and sending everyone running for cover so that he and tuco can escape. at no point does he injure or kill any of the townspeople. when he must engage in a gunfight, he shoots to kill. when the bodies hit the ground, he's done. he has no interest in further harming dead men or their belongings.
two shots, and angel eyes is dead. the stand-off is over. blondie begins to walk towards tuco. he has won. without altering his pace, he raises his gun and fires a third shot, then a fourth. both in the direction of the corpse. performed by a different character, these extraneous shots would be quickly fired acts of anger and impulse. but this is blondie, and everything blondie does is calculated. his third shot sends the abandoned hat flying into angel eyes's grave. the fourth knocks the gun down to join hat and master. each carefully aimed shot is punctuated by blondie looking tuco dead in the eyes as he stalks ever closer. because while it is partially a final fuck you to angel eyes, it's mostly about tuco. blondie has stolen tuco's revenge and now he's doing everything in his power to intimidate tuco. he fires two extra shots for the same reason he forces tuco into the noose and leaves him stranded in the cemetery, only to shoot the rope once he has put considerable distance between himself and his former partner. i'll leave you alive but this where our dance of partnership and betrayal ends. you didn't kill me in the desert, and now you'll never get to. don't even think about it.
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pumpkinpie59 · 2 years
i honestly want to share my thoughts on apritello bc i’m tired of people hating on it …
i personally don’t think they’re toxic. i used to, during my teen years. i had stopped watching the show because i had nothing to watch it on (didn’t have cable). and everyone online was complaining about apritello like it was the worst. so i took their word for it and didn’t really look into it myself.
but rewatching it recently has made me reflect on it more, and honestly?? while i recognize that they made tons of mistakes in their relationship from season 1 to mid-season 3, i can’t really hate either of them for it. they were KIDS. and kids (and heck, even adults) will make mistakes when dealing with romance for the first time. what matters is that they come to an understanding, meet in the middle, and grow to be better. and watching the second half of season 3 onward, i was convinced by their actions towards each other that they had grown! both as individuals and as a duo. donnie backed off while still caring for her and supporting her, and april had his back too, letting him know when he was too much and showing him care and affection when he needed it.
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actually there’s a quick scene in season 4 episode 1 where in the background, right after casey and donnie hug april in celebration, april gives donnie a look and he backs away apologetically. and then she smiles at him and they continue to celebrate. she’s giving herself boundaries for both of them, and he’s respecting that.
(kinda hard to see but here it is in the background)
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i think the main reason that people feel so icky about them is because there was no scene where the two of them talked about their relationship on camera.
i personally don’t need to see them talk to believe that they grew closer based on their actions alone, but i can see why it would confuse people. but i do believe they talked off camera.
the writers obviously wanted to focus on other plot things instead of on the drama that is apritello, and i blame a lot of that on nickelodeon thinking that they’ll lose viewers if they show a human and a mutant get together.
the only time in the second half of the show where their relationship reaches a danger zone was the whole aeon crystal situation, but i don’t blame april or donnie for what happened. april obviously couldn’t control herself very well, and donnie was trying to respect her boundaries while still making sure she was okay, which proved difficult.
but they got through that. donnie forgave her and never gave up on her, and it was through her affection for him that she beat za-naron. actually even before she was completely possessed, there were moments when she had unbridled rage (toward shinigami), and donnie was the one to take her out of it.
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and from then on they’re almost constantly next to each other.
i do wish we could’ve seen them like,,, actually get together on camera, but i am basically convinced they were dating during season 5.
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blueeyedgrlwrites · 10 months
Alright kids. I spent 24 straight hours watching RWRB on loop (not kidding). And the only reason it wasn't more was because my dog decided to lay on the remote and turn the TV off late last night. She got glared at rather harshly for all of 3 seconds before my rational brain kicked in and told me, "Yes, Meg, you do actually need to sleep. You are closer to 40 than 20."
So with that, as I once again rewatch the RWRB movie, let's have some thoughts on book to movie adaptations from a fandom grandma, shall we?
First, Casey's book is beloved by so many and for all the right reasons. They gave us an iconically beautiful and unapologetic queer love story with characters that you love, get frustrated with, laugh both at and with, cheer for, and roll your eyes at as they stumble around figuring out this whole queer-in-the-public-eye thing and I don't care who you are, I'd imagine that's going to be tough for any public figure at any age.
Casey also gives us fleshed out and sometimes interwoven storylines with June, Nora, Pez, Luna, Bea, et al. Because writing allows for that to develop. There's no time or page limit on a book. The only limit to the book is the writer's imagination. It's an artistic medium that allows for more intricacies and interactions between the various characters (looking at Alex and Ellen and the PowerPoint, and Alex and Bea and "I love him on purpose").
I loved the book first, and I will continue to love the book above all else.
But book to movie adaptations are never going to be the same. They simply can't be the same. They have a finite amount of time to fill. They can't develop intricate storylines, which is why we see no June, no Luna, little of Percy, Alex's parents being married instead of divorced, nothing on Bea's addiction, and why we have little bastards like Miguel to still fill the main event that brings both Alex and Henry out into the public as their true, authentic selves.
The best book to movie adaptations are those that stay true to the plot. It's going to be faster paced because there's 2-2.5 hours in which to tell the story and all the main events have to be hit in that time. It's why we see the texting montage, and why the emails are done via voice over.
They honor the characters by not only keeping them as they are in the books, but in doing right by them as well. That includes casting the right people, and Taylor and Nick were far and away the best Alex and Henry.
Any creator who has ever created anything based on a book, movie, TV series, video game, etc. knows that when you take something that is already out there, you put your vision to the story. And that's what Matthew did with the movie. He made it his love letter to Henry and Alex, and Henry and Alex only. And while he surely had input from Casey, ultimately it was his vision that had to be realized in the movie.
Movie adaptations can also give you some wonderful added moments. And here we get to see Henry's struggle as well as Alex's. Because movies can be told from different points of view, even if the source material isn't. Ellen's powerpoint wasn't included, but it was referenced and that is just as important.
So many moments, from Alex and Henry's first kiss, to the conversation with Alex's dad, to Henry's soliloquy to Alex in the middle of the night at KP are still pulled word-for-word straight from the book.
We may not have "I love him on purpose." But we do have, "I'll break the sound barrier for you."
We don't get "Your Song" but we do get "Can't Help Falling in Love" and both are equally appropriate for what Alex and Henry have.
We get to keep, "history huh? Bet we could make some."
And we get to see Henry fight for himself and question why the established norms of a 21st century monarchy need to continue the way they've always been, rather than have his mum swoop in and save the day. And that is fucking brilliant character growth my friends.
No movie is ever going to be a scene by scene rehash of a book, no matter how beloved it is, and no matter how enthusiastically all of us shout that we would absolutely sit for a 10 hour movie of every little thing TYVM. But as long as it is there to be an ode to the original, to compliment it, then that's all you can ask for. And it's all you should ask for.
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thegoldfiles · 1 year
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A reply from this ask here
... I literally had to rewatch all of Nights At Freddy's for this reply to confirm this and... Yeah... You're right. I don't really see why Mobox would mock Kev's show for it's voice acting when... Mobox's own old show also has the same if not much worse problems with it, and Open Mind has barely even been worked on, basically nothing has been shown (And it's been like, what, 3 years?)
Actually there's several other problems with Nights At Freddy's as a whole that I have, especially with episodes 1-3, so I guess this is about time I make my Nights At Freddy's series review. This will be a long review as I'm going over each of the 4 episodes, so the full review will be under the cut:
Episode 1: Right off the bat in the first few seconds there's a problem that's consistent throughout the whole show: The voice acting is very low/the music is louder than the voices. Spring Bonnie's voice is very hard to understand but this is probably due to low mic quality. The sound effects are also louder than the voice acting (which becomes much more apparent in episode 3) as well.
This is supposed to be an episode that shows off who each of the characters are and what their personalities are like, but it doesn't really seem to show any of it. It wants you to come in and think that you already know what the characters personalities are like. This can be confusing, especially for new viewers
The nightmares show up for one scene and add nothing to the plot, this is the same with the toy animatronics and Spring Bonnie and Springtrap, only showing up for a cameo as well in the end of episode 2 and adding nothing. The nightmares want to escape the asylum, but why? What's their reasoning? You can't really call this a B plot either because they literally only show up for one scene out of the whole series and nowhere else. A nonsensical inclusion, moving on Foxy's voice acting is barely audible, this problem gets fixed in episode 2, but we'll get to that later. The lineart and coloring, especially in the section with Chica and Foxy, seem to be a bit rushed and unclean throughout the show, as shown in this example here, where a piece of the hair is missing (Foxy's hand in his hair also looks off with the lineart but that could just be me). This lineart problem is throughout all of Mob's works though:
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Throughout the whole show, the lip-sync isn't that good, normally only being the same three frames with an occasional fourth (what I mean by this is that the lip-sync doesn't match with the audio and is the lip-sync is just simply a bit lazy)
The humor is also lacking, if I were a kid I'd probably find it funny but as an adult, not so much. It relies on random pauses and sound effects. (The "whispering" of Freddy is barely audible as well)
Like the nightmares, Golden Freddy only appears once in the whole show and never again. He could be a good foil to Freddy if given the potential and opportunity, constantly trying to bring him down and think unwise things, but this isn't what happens is it?
Freddy's voice acting is barely audible in the end as well, but this is a problem throughout the whole show
Episode 2: The problem with the music being too loud continues. This is where we start getting bits of "lore" at the beginning, but this lore doesn't make any sense, Oliv is the soul in Chica at this time, how could she be Chica's sister? Moving on
There's this totally unneeded closeup/gross-out scene with William Afton that lingers on for about 7 seconds and I really hate it. Speaking of William, why is his scene even here? Is it a flashback? Why is Renata helping him? Again, these two only appear once in the whole show (William in episode 4 but he doesn't have a speaking role) and nothing comes out of it, it's an unneeded inclusion
Like I said earlier, the voice acting of Foxy gets a little better due to it being more audible, but now you can only it through your left ear and you can barely understand what he's saying. This is probably due to him being too close to the microphone in recording
The humor is still lacking, again relying on sound effects and random long pauses (the bonnie "hippopotamus" joke relies on a still frame that lingers on for 6 seconds). The sound effects also continue to be much too loud
Again, the lip-sync doesn't match the audio
The whole plot with the fight Bonnie and Freddy have doesn't make any sense. Shadow Freddy is a black bear, why would Bonnie think he's the killer? Not to mention he's never even been mentioned before this point, so we don't even know what his purpose is in the show beforehand?
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The rain effect was in the first episode, it's obviously raining outside in this one as well, so why isn't it there?
(Also, there's no credit for the voice actors in this episode and the credit is only shown in the third)
Episode 3: The shortest episode and yet it feels the slowest. The voices continue to be low (especially with Kenny's and Balloon Boy's) There's about 4 segments of ear rape audio back to back with each other at the very beginning (Chica screaming, a jumpscare sound effect, Shadow Freddy's segment that goes on for about 17 seconds, and the record scratch sound effect) that are very painful for the ears (The voices are low so you have to turn up your volume and then the ear rape audio happens)
Shadow Bonnie's voice acting is a bit strange, at one point she has a normal voice and the next (in her "animatronic form") her voice is deepened for some reason. Why didn't they keep the same voice for both forms like they did for Bonnie and Freddy?
Whenever the animatronics turn into their "animatronic form" they lack a lot of expression, this is especially shown in the scene where Freddy and Bonnie apologize to each other
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Not everyone shown in the series is credited either? Kenny's mother as well as Kenny himself's voice actors aren't credited in the series end credits, so we don't know who voices them. Chica's mother is named Melody? We don't know because it wasn't specified who Melody was in the end credits, but it's possible?
Episode 4: This is easily the best episode out of the entire series, but this is only due to the improvement in animation and art style, such as this smear frame of Baby in the beginning. There were not many of those in episodes 1-3 and they had each lasted almost three frames:
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Speaking of this smear frame, in the same scene there's this strange blinking animation with Baby. She only uses the top half of her eyelids to blink. This could be a simple animation error, but it's shown twice in the same scene:
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The lineart looks the same as always, and the background music is still too loud and louder than the voices, especially during the fight scene with Baby and Ennard. This is the same with the sound effects. This problem also persists throughout the episode
Once Baby gets to Freddy's is mainly where the voice acting declines. Freddy's voice is still too low as always, and as usual the lip sync still doesn't match the audio
And that's all of the episodes of Nights At Freddy's before it got cancelled. The fact that Mobox would think this show is better than FNAFHS or even Kev's web show (EODLS) is absolutely crazy, because at least FNAFHS and EODLS have (or had in FNAFHS' case) a coherent and understandable structure of it's own lore, while NAF tries it's best to make it's own lore but fails miserably. Nothing's coherent and it ends up making no sense, things show up once but never again, etc. The only really "good" thing about it is it's art style and animation (on occasion, though it improves drastically in episode 4) and even then that's not enough to make a good series. Hopefully Open Mind will be better than this, but who knows at this point since practically nothing is being done or shown for it
I'm giving Nights At Freddy's a 2/10, closer to a 1 than a 3, thanks for reading
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