#a warm word can change somebodys life
mobiused · 1 year
Starting is the Hardest Part
(by lastyvesniin)
Hello, it's Yves Finally, I opened the blog you've been waiting for
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(come on in)
They say starting is the hardest part, but for you and me both, It's already been half of the year. And the day before, I bought some new cream at Olive Young, applied it generously and went to sleep, so now my face is all glossy.
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ha ha . .
I don't know what kind of daily life I'll tell you going forward,
But for both my fans and myself, I hope it becomes like a shelter for us both.
For the past while, I haven't been able to easily show you many landscapes and pictures, but
Little by little, I'll put them up one by one.
I'm a crazy perfectionist hopping mad rabbit,
But I have the extremely slow speed of a turtle...
Please look at them fondly.
No hate plz
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(30 seconds on the lips becomes 30 years in the heart.)
20 notes · View notes
august126 · 3 months
Scenes from an Italian Restaurant
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Pairing: dbf!Joel x Reader
Summary: Joel Miller is a lot of things: your dad’s best friend, your boss, your next-door neighbor. And, y'know, the guy you’ve been harboring a massive crush on since your freshman year of college.
You're pretty sure your feelings aren't reciprocated... until one night that changes everything.
Warnings:Age Difference,Joel is 49 and Reader is 24,Oral Sex,Car Sex,semi-public sex (sort of),Flirting,Masturbation, and Dirty Talk
a/n: so sorry it took me almost a month to post something new ffs - life got busy and my inspiration simultaneously disappeared.
“Y’know, while ‘m happy that you’re livin’ with me again, I’d appreciate it f’ya started tryin’ to find a job that put that fancy degree t’use.” You peer over the top of the book you’d been reading at your dad, who’s taking up a spot at the end of your pool chair. His arms are crossed over his navy work shirt, drenched in sweat from working all day in the roiling heat customary of a Texas summer, and he’s watching you expectantly for an answer. 
You set your book on your chest and sigh. It’s not that you aren’t thankful or don’t appreciate your dad allowing you to move back in with him after graduating from college a year ago. You fully understand how fortunate you are not to have to worry about paying rent; you’re also eternally grateful to your dad for hooking you up with a decent-paying job as a secretary at the contracting business his best friend owns. However, you were getting very, very tired of having this conversation. 
“And you know that I am lookin’, but it’s silly for me t’apply for an entry-level position at a firm that’s gonna pay me less than what ‘m makin’ now.” Your dad rolls his eyes and grumbles something snippy under his breath, his go-to combo when he doesn’t like that you’re right. You pin him with a pointed stare. “Care to repeat that?”
“Said maybe I oughta tell Joel to dock your pay then,” your dad states, but any lingering irritation in his tone dissipates by the time he’s finished speaking. He rubs the back of his neck sheepishly, and his slight frown turns into a small, teasing smile. 
“Somebody say my name?” Your gaze shifts from your dad to the sliding glass door behind him… or, rather, the man who opened it. 
Joel Miller is a lot of things: your dad’s best friend, your boss, your next-door neighbor. And, y'know, the guy you’ve been harboring a massive crush on since your freshman year of college. Currently, Joel Miller is the tanned, broad, tall man striding leisurely through your backyard, navigating around your pool, and stopping beside your father. 
He slaps a hand on your dad’s shoulder in greeting and shoots you a bright grin as he coos, “Hey, lady.” Although Joel’s addressed you with the pet name for years, it never fails to cause an eruption of butterflies in your belly and a crimson blush to paint your cheeks.
“Hey, Joel,” you respond, trying to appear nonchalant even as you’re reining in your thundering heart and halting the pulse throbbing just south of your belly button. “Dad was jus’ sayin’ how he’s gonna ask ya to give me a pay cut.” Joel turns to your father, shaking his head.
“And risk losin’ my best employee? No can do, bud.” Even if he’s only joking, you preen at Joel’s praise. You cock an eyebrow at your dad, waiting for some sort of a comeback, but he only glares at you both before huffing. 
“I don’t like when the two of ya gang up on me.” You giggle, and Joel shoots you a lazy wink and a warm, victorious smile. “Anyway,” your dad turns his attention back to Joel, “you said reservation’s at 6:45?” 
“Uh-huh, so we oughta get our asses movin’,” Joel asserts, and your dad starts heading swiftly back toward your house. Joel’s eyes shift to you, still lounging on your purple pool chair, and he nudges your foot with the toe of his boot. “That means you too, lady.” 
“What’s the occasion?” 
“Sarah’s birthday,” Joel answers incredulously, and a lightbulb goes off in your head; that’s why you felt like you were forgettin’ something all day. “Please tell me ya didn’t forget my daughter’s birthday. Your friend’s birthday,” Joel teases, shaking his head in feigned disappointment. 
“ Of course I didn’t forget,” you lie, narrowing your eyes. Joel sees right through it.
“I bet. Now go get changed ‘fore ya make us late … unless you plan on wearin’ that to dinner.” The blush you just managed to school comes back in full force as he unabashedly rakes his eyes over your body, and only now do you realize how little the tiny black bikini you’re wearing covers. 
Joel’s pretty brown eyes, usually so teeming with emotion, are utterly unreadable as you stand from your chair and begin heading inside. As you pass him, you mumble, “Don’t see why you’re complainin’.”
“Didn’t think I was.” You stumble a bit, glancing over your shoulder to find Joel’s gaze slowly sweeping down your body. When his stare lands on your ass, practically bare save for the minuscule cover your bikini bottom provides, his attention snaps back to your face, an impish grin on his lips that makes your skin flush. 
“Fuck off, old man,” you reply cooly, flipping him off as you saunter inside; you can still feel Joel’s gaze on you as you ascend the stairs, and if that makes you sway your hips more than usual… well, who the fuck cares? 
Once you’ve entered your bedroom and stripped off your bathing suit to assemble an outfit for dinner, your mind drifts into a space you’ve grown all too familiar with over the last five years. 
It wasn’t like you didn’t understand how wrong your crush on Joel Miller was. Ignoring the fact that he’s been your dad’s best friend for years, he’s also over two decades your senior and has a daughter only a few years younger than you. It’s disgusting, really, that you have even the slightest hint of attraction toward the man. And yet…
You really can’t find it in yourself to care. You’re no longer a college student parading around under the guise of adulthood. No, you’re a woman now, a woman with autonomy who is perfectly capable of making her own choices. If one of those choices is fucking her dad’s best friend, well, then so be it.
Even as you tell yourself this for the thousandth time, the sentiment feels weak. Sure, the opportunity to fuck Joel Miller is perfectly viable, in theory. However, so many things would have to go right for a thing like that to happen, and you are a notoriously unlucky person; quite frankly, you can count on one hand the number of times you’ve gotten lucky to the degree that you would need to for something like having sex with Joel to happen. 
For one, no one would ever be able to find out. Your dad, Sarah, any of your nosey neighbors. Not to mention that the logistical feat of such a thing would be tricky. Where would you guys meet up? Not your house, not his house, and anything public like a bar would be far too risky. No, it would have to be a one-off deal, and you’re not so sure you’d be able to stop at just a single taste of Joel.
And that’s all assumin’ he’d even want me, you think as you comb through your closet looking for a summer dress right for the occasion. Joel Miller had never, never shown a flicker of interest in you. That display by the pool, him ogling your ass in your skimpy bikini? That was just him keeping up the incessant string of banter that passed between the two of you. Sure, he was older than you, but that didn’t matter when it came to the way he treated you, as if you were his friend. 
Right, his friend. 
You sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose. This line of thinking was an absolute rabbit hole, forcing you down, down, down until there was a headache ebbing at your temples and your veins were licking with equal parts frustration and lust. 
Three quick knocks come on your door, and your head whips around at the sound, pulling you out of your Joel-induced stupor. “Hey, lady?”
Fuck. You stand in your closet, stunned into inaction like a deer in headlights as you realize the only thing separating you, butt-ass naked, and Joel is the mahogany of your closed bedroom door. 
“Just checkin’ to see ‘f you’re ready yet. Sarah jus’ texted, said her and what’s-his-face are waitin’ at the restaurant.” You take a deep breath, trying to steady your racing heart. You off-handedly wonder why you haven’t just slipped a dress on over your head on the off chance Joel decides to swing open your door, and you realize with a sick sort of excitement that you wouldn’t entirely mind Joel walking into your room at this very moment. 
“Almost,” you call out, forcing your words to come out smooth as the image of Joel entering your room enters your mind unbidden; you imagine how his eyes would take in your naked form, how it’d take three short strides for him to reach you, how he might drop his head and lick one of your already hardened nipples into his warm, waiting mouth. You swallow thickly before calling out, “Just need another second s’all.” 
A dull throb begins at the apex of your thighs as you picture the man on the other side of the wall putting his rough, work-worn hands all over your soft, supple skin. You wonder what his calloused touch would feel like against your flesh, if his honeyed skin would grow rosy under the thorough ministrations of your wet tongue, if his eyes would grow dark and a deep groan would drip from his lips as you closed your mouth around his-
“Sweetheart? Y’alright in there?” You think you mumble an airy affirmation as you mindlessly trace your fingers along your collarbone, imagining that they’re longer, thicker, belonging to another individual entirely. Any semblance of rationality escapes you as your other hand creeps down the smooth skin of your belly, and you cup your sex with a groan you’re barely able to muffle. You’re so outside of yourself, caught up in the slow path your fingers are tracing along your body, that you don’t notice the doorknob begin to turn. 
Only when your door starts to lurch open do you fall back into your body from where you were floating a few seconds earlier. Your eyes blow wide, a strangled cry of surprise and horror falling from your mouth as you realize the precarious situation you’re about to be thrust into. “WAIT.”
The slow sway of your door opening halts immediately, and you let out a breath, spinning on your heel to face your closet. “I- ‘m jus’ comin’ in t’make sure you’re alright.” You hastily decide on a sage green strapless dress, something you can slip into quickly and inconspicuously, and rip the silk garment from its hanger. 
“Yeah, no, ‘m good, Joel. Great, I’m great, jus’… yeah, gimme a sec.” You throw the dress on, its hem falling to your mid-thigh as you grab a pair of strappy sandals from the bottom of your closet and slip one on, hopping into the other as you approach your door. 
“Y’sure, baby? Ya sound-” You slip your shoe on and grab the door handle in one movement, opening it fully to give you an unobstructed view of the man you’d just been on the verge of touching yourself to. Wouldn’t be the first time, you think to yourself unhelpfully. 
He’s looking down at you, concern and curiosity bubbling in his gaze, and you raise your eyebrows at him. “See? ‘m fine, all good. Jus’ needed a minute.” Joel’s eyes blaze a lackadaisical trail over your body, and you swear you can feel him cataloging each inch of bare skin you have on display. He reaches out, plucking one of the flimsy green spaghetti straps between his thick fingers before letting it go to snap back against your shoulder. You stifle a gasp, and he brushes the hair careening down your chest back over your shoulder. 
“This is pretty,” he says, voice low and velvety, and you can feel your pussy beginning to grow wet at his praise. He bends down until his mouth hovers just next to your ear, and you’re suddenly overwhelmed by the scent of him: musky cologne and citrusy body wash and something unidentifiable yet so undoubtedly Joel. “Did ya mean t’be wearin’ it backward?”
You look down at yourself, heat rising to your face when you realize that he’s right: you’ve managed to put your dress on the wrong way. You shove Joel’s shoulder, and he takes a step back, a smug grin painted on his lips that makes you roll your eyes. 
“You’re a dick, y’know that?” He chuckles at your dig, crossing his arms over his broad chest. 
 “And you’re makin’ us late to this dinner. Now, can I trust ya to fix your dress yourself, or do ya need me to help?” He delivers it like a joke, and the logical part of your brain reminds you of that the moment your pulse begins to flutter. He’s just teasin’ you like he always does. 
However, the dark, hunger-tinged stare Joel is pinning you with doesn’t feel humorous. You swallow thickly, saliva pooling in your mouth and pinning your tongue to the roof. “I-” you stutter, words failing you as he continues dragging his eyes slowly over your flustered form. “You-”
“Spit it out, baby.” Baby. You turn the endearment over in your head a few times, testing the weight of it on your tongue. Finally, the corners of your lips pull up in a cheeky smile and your eyelids grow heavy as you gaze up into Joel’s face. 
“You askin’ to undress me, Miller?” And this doesn’t feel like your typical banter. No, this feels weighted, laced with something headier. Something full of innuendo and promises and an unquenchable appetite for… something. And then your dad’s voice is cutting harshly through the fog.
“Hey hon, I’ll be- oh, Joel, didn’t realize ya came up here.”
Joel doesn’t even spare your dad a glance, eyes still on you as he says, “Jus’ wanted to check and see if your slow-ass kid was ready t’go.” Your dad snorts, and you narrow your eyes at Joel before turning the withering look to your father. 
“Don’t laugh at that.” 
“Sorry, sweetie, but ya are kinda slow.” Joel’s smirk only grows, and you huff incredulously. Your dad, apparently oblivious to the bubble of tension he popped, continues. “Anywho, was jus’ sayin’ that I’m gonna head out to the car ‘cause we need t’get goin’, so quit your dilly dallyin’ and let’s get a move on.” He raises his eyebrows at you expectantly, and you sigh in defeat. 
You look at the ground as you mutter, “Yes, Dad, ‘m just about ready,” and your reply is met with a loud clap of your father's hands.
“Wonderful!” he exclaims, rubbing his palms together before bringing a heavy hand down on Joel’s shoulder. “C’mon, Joel, you can wait with me in the car. I need t’talk to ya ‘bout some work shit anyway.” Your dad begins to drag Joel down the stairs, but not before Joel can get the last word in between you. 
He cranes his head back, catching your glare as he descends the stairs. “Y’heard your daddy, no more dilly dallyin’,” he sing-songs, and you scoff. 
“Oh, fuck you, Miller.” “Language, ma’am,” you hear your dad chastise sternly, and you grumble a half-assed apology as you close your bedroom door behind you. It only takes you a minute to flip your dress so that you’re wearing it the correct way and throw on a pair of light pink, lace panties, bounding down the stairs and out the front door when you’re ready. Before you know it, you’re seated in the backseat of Joel’s old pickup truck as it cruises down the highway toward Austin’s metro area. 
You watch the residential neighborhoods littered with little kids running through sprinklers and elderly couples sitting in chairs on their front porches morph into the city, full of streets tightly lined with buildings and bar-hoppers entering their first destination of the night. The sun still hangs rather high in the sky, dappling the world in a warm amber glow as Joel pulls up outside a quaint Italian bistro nestled between an ice cream parlor full of bright-eyed children and a sushi restaurant rattling with the heavy bass of the music from within. 
“Cute lil’ place,” you say, surveying the old brick exterior of the building and the burgundy awning hanging over the open front door that bears the name of the restaurant, Palermio’s, in loopy, white script. “Sarah’s choice?”
Joel reaches his hand behind your dad’s headrest, using one hand to turn the wheel while he starts to squeeze his truck into the last snug parking spot outside of the bistro. “No, darlin’, I did.” You stare at his side profile as he maneuvers the truck, surprise lacing your features. It’s not until he’s parked the car and meets your eyes in the rearview mirror as he’s straightening out in his seat that you realize he’s bullshitting you. 
“Asshole,” you mutter under your breath as you throw open your door and slide from the backseat, and he’s following you a second later.
“Y’know, you oughta be nicer t’me. I am your boss,” he says as you round his truck, his arm brushing yours, and you look up at him. “Could fire ya for bein’ disrespectful, ‘f I really wanted to.” You smirk at him and shrug. 
“Ya could, but then you’d be losin’ your best employee, right?” His chest bounces as he laughs, and you smile at the pleasant noise before getting distracted by how his relatively new-looking cream-colored t-shirt bearing the album cover of Fleetwood Mac’s Rumors stretches tautly over the slopes of his wide shoulders. 
“Damn right, lady,” he agrees, his gaze crawling over your body as he drags his thumb over his mostly pepper, slightly salt mustache that decorates his upper lip. Your skin crawls pleasantly as you feel him examining you, and you’re just about to reach your father, who’s waiting for the two of you by the entrance to the restaurant, when you hear Joel quietly say, “Prettiest employee, too.”
Your head whips around, feet planting on the concrete as you wait for Joel to say something, anything else. Much to your chagrin, he struts right past you shamelessly, heading inside as your dad gives you a confused look. 
“You comin’, honey?” You shake your head, trying to dispel the medley of thoughts whirring around your brain. Did I hear him right? No, no, he didn’t mean that. Definitely not. 
“Yeah, sorry,” you say, stepping inside with a sheepish smile in your dad’s direction. “Thought I heard someone callin’ my name, ‘s my bad.” Your dad just nods his head in understanding before draping an arm over your shoulder and steering you toward the back of the restaurant, where you can see Joel already greeting the members of your party who have already arrived. 
As you draw closer, you watch him envelope his daughter in a firm hug, rocking back and forth for a few seconds as he whispers something in her ear. She giggles, punching him lightly in the shoulder, and when Sarah pulls back from his embrace, her deep brown eyes, which are almost identical to her father’s, catch a glimpse of you over his shoulder. Before you have a chance to react, she’s colliding with you so hard you grunt. 
“You came!” she squeals, jumping up and down as you wrap your arms around her and giggle. 
“Course I came, Sarah. Wouldn’t ‘ve missed your twenty-first birthday for the world, ‘re ya kiddin’?” She takes a step back, holding you by the shoulders before drawing you back in for another tight hug. 
“Yeah, yeah, I know. Jus’ didn’t know ‘f you’d be able to make it, didn’t know ‘f you’d have other plans or somethin’.” She bites her lip when you pull away this time, trying to hide the way she’s beaming at you, and a big smile paints your face. 
“Nah, no plans more important than my best friend’s birthday.” She smiles and leads you back to the table, where your dad and Joel have already found their seats. You lean against her and whisper conspiratorially, “Did have to fight with my boss t’get some time off for the occasion, though. He can be a pain in the ass sometimes, like ya wouldn’t believe.” Sarah giggles, leveling you with a knowing grin. 
“I’m sure I’ve got some idea,” she says as she takes her seat at the head of the table, and you slip around to take the only empty seat, which happens to be between Joel and Tommy, his younger brother that you’ve only seen a handful of times. You offer the younger Miller brother a polite smile, which he returns with a cheeky smirk before you turn back to the birthday girl. 
“You’ve ain’t ever been that excited t’see me,” Joel says accusingly at Sarah, jerking his head toward where Sarah had practically tackled you, and you stifle a laugh at the hint of playful jealousy in his tone. 
“‘s ‘cause I’m not a grumpy old man,” you snark, and Tommy guffaws beside you, reaching around your back to slap Joel’s shoulder lightheartedly. 
“She gotcha there, big brother,” he says, accent saturated with his heavy Texas twang. Joel grumbles something incoherent and Tommy shoots you an amused wink. You watch your dad snort with laughter in his seat across from you, and Sarah’s boyfriend, Luke, who’s seated on her other side opposite Joel tries not to look too entertained by your ribbing of his girlfriend’s father, wisely busying himself with the menu. 
A few minutes after ordering your drinks your waitress reappears carrying a large tray brimming with an assortment of alcoholic beverages. You take a sip of your Pinot Noir, hiding a small smile behind the fruity flavor as the waitress sets a large cocktail layered with green, white, and red liquid and adorned with a small Italian flag attached to a thin, black straw in front of a wide-eyed Sarah. You’re unable to mask your laughter, however, when Joel’s eyes find the massive drink and he nearly chokes on his sip of Peroni. 
“Babygirl,” he sputters, still recovering from his small conniption, “that’s a lotta-”
“I’m twenty-one now, Dad, I can handle my alcohol,” Sarah assures him with an annoyed roll of her eyes and a look at you that says can you believe this guy? And it’s true, Sarah is more than capable of handling her drinks if the videos she’s shown you of her time at college are any indication. 
“I know, jus’... jus’ pace yourself, yeah?” She concedes with a small huff, and you wiggle your eyebrows at her tauntingly. 
“Yeah, Sarah, make sure ya pace yourself. Got a while ‘fore ya can hang with us big dogs. Right, Joel?” You elbow him in the side, and he looks at you disdainfully. 
“You’re a little shit, y’know that?” he murmurs under his breath. You shrug, snagging a piece of fresh, warm bread from the basket the waitress sat in the middle of the table and dipping it in the plate of olive oil and seasoning before stuffing it in your mouth. 
“Learned it fwom the besht,” you say merrily, grinning at him through your mouth full of food, and he sneers at you in disgust before turning his attention to your father and Tommy, who are in a heated debate over the Dallas Cowboys chances of success in the upcoming season.  
“I’m tellin’ ya, Tommy, this s’our year! We jus’ picked up that kid from- from… aw shit, where’s he from again?” Your dad rubs his temples, hoping to dislodge the information from some small, dusty compartment of his brain. 
“Notre Dame,” Joel chimes in as he reaches for his own piece of bread, and your dad snaps his fingers as his face lights up in remembrance.
“Notre Dame!” he bellows, and you shoot him a look that he promptly returns with an apologetic wince. “Notre Dame, yeah, s’right,” he says, quieter this time with a little smile, and you leave him and Tommy to continue their chat as you tune in to the conversation at the other end of the table. 
“Anyway, Dad, so Becca-”
“Which one s’that?” Sarah looks at Joel in disbelief. 
“Becca. Rebecca Landry. My best friend in high school, goes t’LSU with me, we lived together ‘fore I moved in with Luke…” Joel just stares at his daughter with vacant eyes, and you snort. “Dude, come on, ya literally grilled for her graduation party.” Joel shakes his head, taking a swig of his beer. You watch how his throat bobs as he swallows and quickly avert your eyes, hoping no one caught you gawking. 
“Sorry, hon, doesn’t ring a bell.” She huffs, and Joel smirks, clearly just giving her a hard time. 
“Whatever. Anyway, her boyfriend proposed to ‘er last week, and it was jus’ the cutest thing. Real private ‘cause y’know how she is. She told me they don’t have a date set yet, but they’re thinkin’ ‘bout next Spring. Said t’ask if she should add ya to the guest list.” Joel hums non-committally, clearly lacking an opinion on the matter, and you pinch his elbow. He jerks out of your grip, looking at you with annoyance, and you cock your head in Sarah’s direction. When he turns to see her expectant glance, he huffs, head leaning back as he stares at the ceiling. 
“Tell ‘er I’ll be there,” Joel capitulates, and Sarah beams in excitement before giving you a grateful grin. 
“Awesome! She’ll be so excited, she loves ya.” Joel crosses his arms over his broad chest, shaking his head slightly as he leans back in his chair and spreads his thighs farther. You have to try desperately to keep your breath from hitching at the action. 
“Speakin’ o’ weddings and proposals n’ all that,” your dad says, giving Luke a friendly clap on the back. “When’s it your turn, buckaroo? ‘s been, what, three years of datin’? Gotta be soon, hm?” 
Luke looks like he wants nothing more than to melt into a puddle and sink into the floor at the line of questioning, something your dad remains completely oblivious to. Feeling bad, you throw the guy a lifeline. 
“Leave ‘im alone, Dad. Jesus, you ain’t even that interested in my love life,” you huff, sipping your wine. Luke seems to remember how to breathe, a look of thanks on his face as your dad scrunches his nose up.
“‘s cause I’m not. Don’t wanna know about some boy who’s wastin’ your time ‘cause he ain’t good ‘nough for ya.”
“Your daddy’s right, hon, ya deserve more than what some boy can give ya ,” you hear from your right side, and then a thick arm drapes loosely over your shoulders. You turn to look at Tommy, who’s closer to you than the last time you paid him any attention. 
“Knock it off, Tommy,” you hear Joel grumble, and you watch Tommy’s eyes dart over your shoulder and narrow minutely. An expression of innocence plasters over his face to quickly replace the mischievous smirk previously there.  
“Knock what off, big brother?” Your gaze shifts to Joel, and you nearly wilt at the stormy look he’s shooting his brother. His eyes are simultaneously full of emotion and totally unreadable, jaw ticking in… wait, is he jealous?
“Quit.” You bristle at Joel’s harsh tone, not realizing until it’s too late that when you shrink back at his timbre, you lean further into Tommy. You can feel the egotism rolling off of the younger Miller brother, and the tension building in Joel’s figure seems to grow until he’s at serious risk of snapping. You’re sure that the only way this ends is with Tommy making another haughty comment that results in Joel leaping over your lap and strangling the man…
“Alright, who ordered the lasagna?” Your waitress’ voice dissipates the thunderous air instantaneously, and everyone’s attention snaps to her. The wide, practiced smile she’s wearing falters for just a second, and she shifts uncomfortably. “I’m sorry, ‘m I interrupting somethin’?” The tight pinch of Joel’s face evaporates before your eye, and you watch, stunned, as he turns toward your waitress. 
“Nah, darlin’, you’re alright. Reckon that’ll be mine,” he says, cool as clam. By the time all the food is dished out and you’re digging into your respective dinners, the near fight is long forgotten. Unfortunately, you’re not able to shake the bitter feeling of envy that twisted in your stomach at hearing Joel call the waitress “darlin’”. 
Before long, all six of your plates have been cleaned, and each of you sits back in your chairs, thoroughly stuffed full of rich Italian food. Your dad belches, drawing a laugh from the other men at the table while your and Sarah’s faces pinch in distaste, and the casual conversation continues as the street outside grows raucous with the Austin nightlife. 
Your dad, ever the chatterbox, is going on about some upcoming project at his contracting firm when you feel it: the firm weight of an arm draped over the backrest of your seat. You pay it no mind at first, chalking it up to Tommy’s touchy but harmless hands. 
That is until you feel soft, gentle shapes being drawn into the bare skin of your bicep on Tommy’s side. Your brain doesn’t comprehend the logistics of this immediately, and your head snaps in Tommy’s direction to find the younger man’s attention focused raptly on your father with his hands in his lap. 
Your back straightens, and goosebumps prickle across your skin when it finally clicks whose hands are on you; you slowly, inconspicuously face your father again, pretending like you’re listening so as not to spark anyone at the table’s awareness, all while peeking at Joel out of the corner of your eye. 
At first glance, it appears that he, like everyone else at the table, is completely engaged with the words tumbling from your dad’s mouth. But you know Joel too well. You pick up on the slight quirk of his lips, the way his thick thighs spread almost obnoxiously wide so his knee grazes yours, and how he’s drumming the thick fingers of his other hand rhythmically against the table. Joel felt how your body reacted to his touch.
And he liked it. 
That piece of information is what has the low burn in your belly from earlier in your bedroom reigniting, blazing up your skin and making your neck and chest flush a deep red. Joel must be able to sense your blundering state because he removes his hand from you altogether, causing your heart to drop. Your whole body begins to slump in disappointment just as you feel Joel replace his touch on the bare skin of your thigh, exposed when you sat down and the already short dress you’d thrown on in a panic earlier rode higher up your legs. 
He squeezes you there, thumb passing back and forth lightly, and your thighs spread of their own volition to allow him more room. You can see his eyebrows raise slightly in surprise, but he’s able to play it off easily as a reaction to your dad’s story. You do the same with the small smile that stretches your lips as his hand begins to creep higher up your leg. 
And it’s risky, what you’re doing. Allowing your dad’s best friend, the father of the girl you’ve lived next to almost your entire life, your boss, to inch his big, calloused hand closer and closer to where you want him most right here at this very public dinner. 
And yet, you simply do not care. 
Well, you don’t care until you feel the pad of his thumb brush your sex over your panties, and you jerk at the sensation, thighs closing to stop the movement of his hands. The action draws your dad’s attention to you, and his brow furrows as he scans your face. 
“You okay, hon? You’re not lookin’ too hot.” Your pulse thunders in your ears as you fumble for an excuse. 
“No, yeah, ‘m fine. Jus’... yeah, not – uh, not feelin’ too hot.” Everyone at the table looks at you with concern. Even Joel, though his eyes possess an air of arrogance at your state. The bastard. 
“Babe, you can go home ‘f ya need to,” Sarah says, and your eyes go wide as you shake your head. 
“No! No, ’m fine, really. I wanna stay for you, ‘s your birthday ‘n all.”
She waves her hand as though she’s physically batting away your excuse. “Party’s basically over anyway. Luke and I were gonna meet some friends at a bar a few blocks over anyway, so y’all are good t’go whenever.” 
“Well, I’m ready t'head home now,” your dad says, beginning to rise from his chair. “Rangers game ’s on at 9, and 'f we hurry, I won’t miss more than the first inning.” Joel, reading your dad’s eagerness to get home as his cue to be ready to leave as well, stands, and you catch the way he subtly adjusts himself on the way up. You resign yourself to the fact that the fleeting, secret moment between you is slipping through your fingers, and, albeit reluctantly, you follow his lead.
Tommy’s still seated, sipping casually from his beer, when he informs your dad, “Nah, man, it’s Friday night in downtown Austin. Reckon y’all won’t get home ‘til the third inning, at least.” Your father curses, running a hand over his semi-bald head in genuine worry, and you almost have to laugh at the concern twisting his features into a grimace. The urge to laugh quickly fades as you watch Tommy shrug his shoulders and carelessly say, “There’s a place 'bout five minutes away, lil’ sports bar my buddies and I go to t’watch the game sometimes. Can get kinda rowdy, but you’re welcome to tag along, ‘f ya want.” 
Your jaw almost falls off at Tommy, who’s completely oblivious to the bone he’s just thrown you. When you turn just enough to allow you a view of Joel out of the corner of your eye, you immediately notice his almost imperceptibly stiffer posture. You watch your dad’s face light up with excitement, a hell yeah on the tip of his tongue.
And then, suddenly, his expression drops and he’s looking at you guiltily. “Aww shit, Tommy, that sounds great, but ‘f this one,” he says, jabbing a thumb in your direction, “ain’t feelin’ well, I oughta get ‘er home.” Shit. Shit, shit, shit. 
You go to object, to insist, practically beg your dad to take Tommy up on his offer so that it’s just you and Joel on the ride home, but Joel beats you to it. “Don’t worry ‘bout it, man, I’ll take ‘er.” For the second time in mere minutes, you’re filled with the overwhelming urge to gawk at one of the Miller brothers. 
“You sure, Joel? Don’t wanna inconvenience ya or nothin’.” You watch Joel shrug, and then he turns to you, pinning you with an unreadable stare. 
“Y’alright with that, lady?” You stare at him, speechless. Are you alright with spending the entire ride home, perhaps even longer if your dad stays to watch the whole game and Sarah is bar-hopping, alone with Joel Miller right after his hand was brushing against your wet, wanting pussy?
Yeah, you were pretty fucking alright with that.  
Your silence must draw on for an uncomfortably long time because Joel raises his eyebrows at you, prompting an answer. “Yes!” you say, just a touch too loud, and you take a deep breath before turning back to your dad. “Yeah, sounds good – cool, ‘s cool with me.” 
Your dad gives you one more half-hearted once-over, verifying that you don’t need his escort home, but he’s in a losing battle with himself; the moment that Joel offered his services, your dad was sold. The coy little, “Well, ‘f you’re sure it’s not too much trouble,” he extends to Joel is like a tepid stamp of finality as his mind is already half-full with Rangers jargon. 
Joel gives your dad a nod before jerking his head toward the door. “C’mon, darlin’, let’s get ya home.” And you try, you really do try not to walk with your chest puffed out the entire way to Joel’s truck. You try to keep up the facade of illness that was brought on by your lustful tizzy. 
But Joel called you darlin’, and fuck if it didn’t sound better falling from his lips when it was directed at you and not some waitress. 
Tommy, for perhaps the first time in his entire life, was right; traffic absolutely crawled in the downtown Austin area at this time on a Friday night. You’d peeled away from the restaurant almost thirty minutes ago, when the sun was beginning its descent. 
Now, the analog numbers on Joel’s dash blink 8:57 p.m. , the summer sky having just shifted from muddy brown to steel grey and will soon start to give way to the dark of night and the whisperings of stars, and you’ve just managed to make it out of the city. 
Thirty minutes, nearly two thousand seconds, and each one totally void of speech. Joel stared straight out the front windshield, hands carefully gripping the steering wheel as you leaned your cheek against the cool glass of the passenger window and watched the metro landscape give way to soil and farmland, groups of clubgoers replaced by black and brown spotted cows. 
It’s not until the current CD in Joel’s radio reaches its end and the gears click, switching to the familiar crooning voice of Bob Dylan, that your soft singing breaks the silence. 
“What was that?” Joel asks, and you turn your gaze to watch him, focus still intent on the road in front of him. 
“Nothin’, just singin’.” He looks at you then, just a quick glance in your direction, but it makes your blood sing. 
“Y’like Bob Dylan? “Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door”, hm?” You shrug noncommittally, and his responding smirk makes you sit up in your seat. 
“What’re ya laughin’ at?” Joel just shakes his head, and you lean over and swat his bicep playfully. “What?” 
“Nothin’, baby.” The word sounds perfect in his low, gruff timbre, and you grin stupidly. When he sees your expression, he reaches over and wraps his big palm around your knee, giving it a shake. “Got good taste s’all. Didn’t expect it from ya.” You scoff, crossing your arms over your chest and trying to pretend like the large spread of his hand over your bare skin doesn’t make your core throb. 
“Don’t act so surprised, Miller. You should know better than anyone how much I like old shit.” He clucks his tongue, sliding his hand farther up your leg and squeezing your thigh in warning. 
“Careful,” he advises teasingly, but you’re not feeling particularly cautious tonight. 
“Says you.”
“Says me?” 
You roll your eyes, but there’s no heat behind the action as all the warmth in your body is currently shooting to a spot in your tummy. “Yeah, Joel, says you. I wasn’t the one with my hands between your legs in the middle of dinner tonight.” You watch Joel’s posture straighten and you try to hide your grin at his reaction.
You bite your lip and watch his eyes dart in your direction. Even in the ever-darkening dusk, you can see the hint of hunger in his pupils. “Didn’t see you complainin’.” You adjust in your seat, and Joel’s hand slips higher, his pinky just barely dipping beneath the hem of your dress.
“‘s ‘cause I liked it,” you say matter-of-factly, and you watch him exhale heavily. His head swings lazily to look at you, eyes dropping to where his palm rests on your slightly spread thighs before traveling up to meet your stare. 
“Yeah? Liked me touchin’ your pussy with all those people ‘round? Any of ‘em coulda caught us, pretty girl. Coulda caught me feelin’ how fuckin’ wet you were, soakin’ through your panties.” And you’re almost sure Joel’s trying to make a point in there somewhere. That what you two did was risky in and of itself, not to mention the fact that he was touching you like that in public. 
And yet all you can focus on is that name. Pretty girl. You think it’s your favorite thing he’s ever called you.
When you don’t answer right away, Joel looks back to the road. You watch him check the rearview mirror, and then he’s making a left down a long road and parking the car on a small dirt pull-off a few hundred feet in.
You look around, surveying your surroundings; tall prairie grass decorates your side of the road while a large cornfield stretches over the side closest to Joel, and the only thing lighting the earth for a few miles in any direction is the soft glow of the moon overhead. When you focus your attention on Joel again, half of his face is shadowed while the gleam of lunar opalescence illuminates the other half. 
Your breath catches in your throat at the sight, and you can’t help but stare. You reach toward Joel, cautiously at first, but emboldened when he squeezes your leg. You cup his jaw and rub your thumb over his stubbled jaw; his eyes flutter closed at the sensation, and you shuffle closer, Joel’s hand falling away from you as you sit up on your knees and reach across the center console to cup the dark side of his face with your other hand. 
His palm finds a new position on your hip, and when his eyes open again, revealing his dark, chocolatey irises to you, your body leans closer toward his of its own volition. As if something inside of him, perhaps the very marrow of his bones, is magnetized to yours. 
“Joel,” you say, soft voice cutting through the silence in the cab of the truck. 
“Is this… is this bad? What we’re doing?’ His eyes dart around your face, taking in your heated gaze with a warmth of his own. He sighs as his other hand traces up the side of your body before slipping around your shoulders and resting on the nape of your neck.
“I wouldn’t say it’s good.” You nod, scratching your nails lightly through the salt-and-pepper beard he’s let grow. 
“Should we stop?” It comes out as a whisper, laced with apprehension, tediousness, and want. So, so much want. 
“Probably.” And he’s right. Whatever this thing between you and Joel is, it’s not feasible. Sure, it would be great. Amazing, even… until it’s not. Until the appetite for each other dies out and what’s left is a hollow skeleton of awkward encounters and forced conversation to keep up appearances.
Either that or the hunger becomes all-consuming, to the point where you can’t eat, can’t breathe, can’t sleep without thoughts of Joel dominating your mind. 
And maybe that’s worse, you think. Finding out what Joel tastes like, what it feels like when he sinks into your wet heat, just for it to one day be stolen from you. 
Because there isn’t an angle to approach this from that doesn’t end in the same unfortunate reality; Joel can’t be yours. He will never be yours. 
And, so, yeah. You probably should stop. But as you go to pull away, to take your hands off of Joel and sit back in your seat while Joel returns the truck to the main road before depositing you safely at home like the good friend he is, Joel’s grip on the nape of your neck tightens. And then he’s tugging your mouth to meet his and your hands, still cupping his cheek, are pulling his face in to meet you halfway.
When Joel’s lips slot against yours, you’re surprised by how soft he is. Joel Miller, perpetually gruff and probably born with callouses etched into his hands, is so inconceivably gentle at the first contact of his mouth against yours. You sigh, breathing him in as he threads his fingers into your hair, and a moment of tranquility washes over you. This truck is the only place that has ever or will ever exist, and you and Joel are the only two people in the world.
You slide one of your hands from his jaw to his neck, stroking the solid strength of his throat, and a rough noise vibrates from him. You repeat the motion experimentally, and he groans into you, tongue darting out to politely ask for entrance into your mouth. 
You accept with an enthusiastic moan, and that’s when the seemingly endless reservoir of Joel’s reserve drains dry. He licks into you, tongue caressing yours when you part your lips for him, and the hand in your hair tightens, keeping you held steadily against him. He feasts on you, stealing the air you breathe as he kisses you ferociously. 
Joel sucks on your tongue when you go to mewl, and the sound is replaced by a wanton whine. You roll your hips over nothing, and Joel clocks the movement immediately. You feel his reluctance as he drags his mouth from yours, and you sit and wait, carefully assessing every minute change in his expression as you try to regain your composure. 
You’re sure you’re supposed to be embarrassed right now, ashamed that you couldn’t keep your neediness in check. However, you can only think about two things: how fucking horny you are at the moment, and how that was probably the only time you’ll ever kiss Joel because this entire thing is about to come crashing down in short-lived, fiery oblivion.
But Joel does something. Something that really shocks you, leaves you vulnerable to attack and exposed right down to the root of you. He looks you up and down, from the slightly frumpled state of your green dress to the no-doubt wild gleam in your eyes, and smirks before saying, “You need t’be filled up, don’t ya, baby?”
You smile and nod, licking your lips as you appraise the man sitting in front of you. He’s so intoxicatingly broad, the sleeves of his shirt stretching tightly over his biceps while the legs of his jeans pull taut along his thighs. You shift in your seat again, causing Joel to pull you closer, and though you’re uncomfortably sprawled across the center console, you’ve never felt more right than you do right now. 
Your lips are brushing Joel’s, so close you can feel the warm puffs of breath leaving his nostrils, and any slight surge forward by either of you would connect your mouths again. Instead, you stay like that, so close but still too far for your liking. 
“Tell me what it is you want, sweetheart.” You angle your head, pressing a soft kiss to the side of his mouth before drifting your lips back to hover over his. 
“Want your cock, Joel.” Your bluntness must take him by surprise because his head falls back against his seat and he groans. You take the opportunity to drop your lips to his neck, kissing it lightly before licking up the column of his throat and biting delicately at the junction where his neck meets his jaw. 
“Yeah?” He takes one of your hands and drags it down his front, letting you feel the muted strength of his abdomen tailored from years of manual labor and the soft swell of his belly before landing on the thick bulge in his pants. You pull away from where you were beginning to leave a small bruise on his neck to look at where your hand cups his clothed erection, and you practically drool at the sight. “You want this, hmm?”
“Yes,” you confirm airily before your eyes snap up to meet his, heavy-lidded and clouded with lust. “Please, Joel, I- I need it.” He nods, the hand that guided yours leaving you to your own devices and drifting back up to rub his thumb over your lips. You take the opportunity to massage him through his pants, and he sighs, smirking at you. 
“Tell me where ya need it, honey,” he lilts, and you grip his bicep as you squeeze his cock lightly. “Need it here?” He nudges his thumb gently between your parted lips, and even as you shake your head, your mouth opens to him, allowing him to push his finger inside. You swirl your tongue over the salty pad of his thumb, switching to mellow kitten licks before taking it deeper. 
“No?” he asks, quirking a brow at you. He presses his thumb down against your tongue, and you open your mouth wide so he can see down your throat. “Gotta tell me where then, baby.” You close your mouth again, sucking on his thumb briefly before pulling off of him with a lewd pop. 
Your eyes never leave his, and you watch them turn impossibly darker when you tell him earnestly, “My pussy. Want you to stretch my cunt with your fat cock.” He huffs lightly at the vulgarity of your words, and you squeeze him through his pants again. 
“You’re a dirty fuckin’ girl, y’know that?” He looks almost in awe, and you smirk at him, beginning to crawl across the center console to straddle him. When he stops you with a hand to your sternum, you look at him in confusion. “We can’t tonight, darlin’. Wanna take my time with you when I fuck ya, gotta make sure I get ya ready.” 
You’re so utterly disappointed you ache with it, pouting at him as you draw in close. “But I’m ready now, Joel. So fuckin’ wet for you, have been since the restaurant.”
He gives you a chaste kiss before pulling back and jerking his head toward your seat. “Show me.” You smirk as you slink back into your seat. You rest with your back against the car door, your right leg dangling off the seat while you tuck your left leg up and spread your knees farther apart, causing the hem of your dress to ride up your thighs until it’s brushing your tummy. You can tell by the wrecked look in Joel’s eyes that from this angle, he has a perfect view of the damp spot decorating the slip of pink lace that is your underwear. 
“Fuck, baby, ya weren’t lyin’,” he mutters, fingers smoothing his mustache. “Pretty lil’ panties are soaked. That all for me?” You bite your lip and nod, pupils blown wide and eyelids heavy as you ghost your fingertips over the soft skin of your thighs. He makes a noise of appreciation as he watches your movements hungrily, fist clenching as your digits move closer to your aching core.
“Mhm, f’course it is,” you assure, letting out a breathless, needy gasp when your fingers brush your clit over your underwear. You’re sure you must look fucked out, and you’d be embarrassed by that fact if it weren’t for the heady look Joel’s pinning you with right now. You whine as Joel brings his hand down to palm the thick, rigid outline of his cock bulging against his jeans, and your mouth goes dry at the sight. You roll your hips and whine at the stimulation, doing it again without breaking eye contact with Joel. 
He squeezes himself and groans as you rut slowly against yourself, dipping a finger down to tease at your soaking entrance over your damp panties, and he smirks. “You gonna show me how ya fuck yourself, baby? Show me how ya like it, hm?” 
And you would. You really, really would. Except Joel Miller is sitting in front of you with nothing but a few measly scraps of fabric preventing you from his hard length, and you think that it would be such a waste to not take advantage of that fact. 
Besides, you’ve already made yourself come more times than you can count with Joel Miller’s name on your tongue.
“No, baby,” you shake your head, and his brows pinch in confusion. You lick your lips, hand halting its ministrations as you sit up on your haunches and stare at Joel. “Want ya to fill me up.” 
He huffs exasperatedly at that, and his tone is laced with annoyance when he says, “Jus’ told ya, ‘m not fuckin’ ya t’night-” 
“Joel.” Your interruption shuts him up and he watches you lean in. You brush your lips over his, along his jaw and up his cheek before halting by his ear. “I want you,” you say, dragging a hand down his chest to rest over his in his lap, “to put your cock in my mouth and fill me up.” 
You apply pressure down over his hand, making him squeeze himself and the sound he makes is something close to a growl. He angles his head so that your lips meet for a heated kiss and he licks into your mouth immediately, tongue dancing with yours.
“Yeah?” Joel breathes into your mouth, and the hand not palming his dick threads into the hair at the nape of your neck. He tugs, pulling your head back so that you look down your nose at him with wide eyes and heavy lids. “Ya wanna suck me off?” You smile almost shyly and nod, and he tuts at you, bending to kiss the hollow of your throat before licking a stripe up your neck. 
“Don’t go quiet on me now, darlin’. You had so much t’say earlier, know this pretty mouth s’good for more than just takin’ my dick.” You whine, pressing your thighs together as best you can and rubbing, trying to give yourself some, any friction. 
“Wanna taste you, Joel,” you murmur, already delirious and you haven’t even gotten your mouth on him. “Want it so bad, please.” 
He rakes his eyes over you, takes in the needy glide of your thighs against each other and the ragged pants making your chest heave. He must take pity on your haggard form because he grins affectionately and releases his hand from your hair. 
“Since ya asked so nicely,” he says, palm gliding around to sit on your shoulder. He strokes the column of your throat a few times, watching you with a hooded gaze before nodding toward his crotch. “Go on, baby. Show me how much ya want it.”
You don’t need to be told any more than that before you’re hastily undoing his belt, ripping it from his pants and tossing it into the backseat while simultaneously popping the button on his jeans. Where your movements are hurried and ravenous, Joel’s are soft and sweet; he strokes your back lightly, broad, calloused palm feeling heavenly as it tracks over your bare skin. 
You lower the zipper on his jeans and he lifts his hips, allowing you to drag the coarse fabric down his thighs. It takes you a second after you’ve maneuvered his pants out of your way to realize you’re face to face with the stiff outline of Joel’s cock, straining against the black fabric of his boxers. Your mouth goes chalky when you see the small dot of moisture near his fat tip, and you can’t stop yourself from leaning over and pressing a kiss to the spot. 
Your groan is in unison with his, and Joel must be growing impatient because his hand snakes up to gently cradle your neck. “Don’t be a tease, pretty girl,” he scolds tenderly, and the endearment causes you to look up at him through your lashes. What you find in his eyes is something lusty, full of desire and want and… pure, unadulterated awe. It makes your pussy flutter around nothing. 
“Wasn’t bein’ a tease,” you say, bending back down to mouth at his cock over his boxers, and he moans when you lave at his swollen tip through his underwear. 
“Nah, jus’ so needy ya can’t even wait ‘til I get my cock out t’put your mouth on it, hm?” You lick up his dick and feel it twitch, his thigh tensing underneath the hand you have braced there. You smirk, looking up at him as you dip your pointer fingers under the band of his underwear, hooking your digits and arching your eyebrow.
He acquiesces with a lazy smile, lifting his hips, and you slowly drag the tight fabric of his boxers down to where his pants pool around his knees. However, you don’t immediately look at Joel’s length after fully freeing it from the confines of his clothes. You’re not sure why a cool feeling of nervous anticipation washes over you, but you find yourself stalling, rubbing your thumb over the inside of his knee and kissing his thigh gently. 
Joel, the attentive man he is, picks up on your nerves immediately. He massages the area where your spine meets your skull, and you practically melt at the feeling. “Y’okay?” he says softly, and you nod, turning your head to rest on his thigh. Your eyes avoid his dick, jumping up to land on his face. His expression is so kind, so compassionate and observant, that it makes you ache. 
“‘m fine. More than fine, ‘m good. Great.” He nods, stroking your cheek before he frowns. 
“Y’know, ‘f ya aren’t feelin’ it anymore, we can stop. We don’t have’ta-”
“S’not that,” you mutter, and he stops talking, waiting for you to go on. You inhale deeply, looking for the courage to speak your thoughts into the charged atmosphere of the truck. “I jus’... don’t want ya to regret this.” He flashes you a perplexed look before tipping his head back and laughing. Your cheeks blaze with heat, embarrassment creeping in to tamper the fire of want, and you bury your face into Joel’s thigh to hide. 
“Baby,” he says, and when you don’t respond, he grabs your jaw and makes you turn to him. “Baby. Look at me.” You stare, lip twisted in your teeth, and you can’t help but feel small under the weight of his gaze. He angles your chin down then, and you finally let your eyes fall, taking in the cock you’ve tried to conjure in your imagination while your fingers were stuffed in your pussy more times than you can count. 
In a word, Joel Miller’s dick is pretty. Thick and long and tan. Veiny and girthy, easily the biggest you’ve ever seen. His tip, which is a few shades darker than every other part of his length, is an angry red, weeping precome from the little slit at the top. The thick weight of him bobs up and sits at attention against his belly, resting against him obediently. Your mouth pools with saliva at the sight of it. 
Through the cotton in your ears, you can just barely make out when Joel says, “You tell me, honey. ‘s that look like regret t’you?” You swallow thickly and shake your head. 
“N-no,” you stutter, sitting up slightly. You admire the way pearly beads of precome trail down his length and subconsciously lick your lips. 
“No.” You can feel his stare on the side of your face, but you can’t focus on anything except the cock in front of you that has you drooling while your cunt begs to be filled. “Want this, sweet girl, jus’ as bad as you, and that ain’t gonna change tomorrow or the day after or next week. I want this,” he says, and he says it with such confidence and surety that you have no choice but to believe him. You nod, almost in a trance, before bending over and pressing a chaste kiss to his fat head. 
He must not have been expecting that response from you because at the contact of your lips against his hard member, his head falls back against the seat and he groans, the sound drawing out when you start to press soft kitten licks to his slit. 
“That’s it, honey – fuck, feels good.” You preen under his praise, smirking as you spread your lips to wrap around his tip. He hisses through his teeth, and the noise is all you need to start slowly working him down your throat. He’s so big, and even just the head of his cock has your jaw straining slightly.
You know that there’s no way you’ll be able to take him fully in your mouth, that you’ll have to use one, if not both hands to stroke the rest of his long, thick dick as you focus your attention on the head. But that doesn’t stop you from trying. 
You pull off of him quickly, and he responds with a disappointed little grunt, mouth turned down in a depressing little frown. That is, until he watches you spit into your hand and place your palm around his base, stroking him slowly. A lopsided smile replaces his previous expression and when you twist your fist at the same time your mouth latches back onto his cock, he can’t help but jerk his hips. Joel’s thrust makes his tip kiss the back of your throat and it takes you by surprise, making you gag.
You watch his eyes go wide in worry as he immediately murmurs, “‘m sorry, baby,” his voice utterly wrecked. You lick from the space your fist occupies and swirl your tongue over him a few times, looking into his eyes as you catch your breath. 
“S’okay, Joel,” you purr, lips against him as his cock twitches at the low cadence of your voice. “I can handle it, I won’t break.” And then you’re right back to easing him down your throat. Drool dribbles from your mouth as you work him in your fist, stroking and twisting and pulling while your tongue focuses on the sensitive area you’ve discovered just under his head. 
The cab of the truck fills with the melody of your slick mouth sucking Joel off, punctuated by the sweet sounds falling from his lips. Joel isn’t a particularly talkative person, but you’re incredibly happy to find that all that changed when your head was bobbing up and down his length. 
“Good girl, perfect fuckin’ girl,” he grits out, tightening his hand into a fist and slamming it against his window a few times as he struggles to keep his hips stationary. You hum around him, taking his hand in yours and guiding it to thread into your hair to encourage him to move. A throaty groan rips through him as he realizes what you’re asking, and he thrusts lightly into your mouth. 
You relax your throat, allowing him to push deeper than he had been just a minute ago, and the feeling of being so utterly full of him makes you whine, shuffling slightly to relieve the pressure building at the apex of your thighs. 
“Y’like that, sweetheart? Like when I fuck your pretty face?” The utter filth he’s spewing at you makes you gasp and whimper, and he laughs almost smugly at your reaction to his words. “Yeahhh, you like that. Go on, baby, touch yourself while you suck my cock.” You don’t have to be told twice, snaking your hand down to rub frantically at your aching clit while he slowly, gently jerks his hips into the tight, warm, wet vice of your mouth. 
You feel yourself teetering on the edge of orgasm in no time, seeing as how you were already thoroughly worked up from your little display at the restaurant and everything that’s transpired in Joel’s truck since. Actually, if you’re being honest, you’ve been soaking into your panties since that stunt you pulled in your room before you even made it to dinner. 
You feel stuffed to the brim, Joel’s cock hitting a spot in your throat over and over that has tears of pleasure dripping down your cheeks to combine with your spit lathering his cock. He brushes his big thumb over the path a tear careens down, brushing away the wetness as he drags his hand down to cradle your throat. 
“Doin’ real good for me, doin’ perfect.” He squeezes lightly around your neck and curses. “Shit, darlin’, I can feel my cock right here.” He taps your throat and you whine, eyes rolling back as you rut desperately against your fingers. You’re so, so close, and you can tell that Joel is too by the way his tempered pace is growing more erratic, his shallow thrusts less controlled. The noises dripping from his lips to meet your ears are gruffer now too, words he’s failing to string into sentences as they're cut off by expletives and needy moans. 
Joel looses a low, gravelly groan that signals he’s mere moments from reaching his peak, and you hear him choke out, “Where do ya want it, baby?’ just as the pull of pleasure burning in your tummy goes taut. You don’t answer, opting instead to simply pull off of him and seat your open mouth at the head of his cock, sticking your tongue out and looking up into his face. Joel smirks as you continue jerking him off with the hand not paying attention to your clit, but his smile falls into a slack-jawed look of lust as his balls pull tight and he comes.
The thick ropes of warm cum spurting over your tongue and decorating the inside of your mouth are just what you need to push you into your own climax; your legs shake and you let a high-pitched sound ring through the truck cab as your cunt clenches hard around nothing, wetness seeping from your underwear and coating the insides of your thighs. 
Despite your own orgasm, you make sure to catch every last drop of Joel’s spend, holding it on your tongue for him to see. The space goes silent for a few seconds, both of you basking in your respective post-coital bliss as your eyes scan over each other. Your gaze hangs heavy as he takes in your sweaty, disheveled form languidly before landing back on your face. Joel shoots you an endearing, sweet look, before brushing the hair plastered to your sweaty forehead away from your face. 
“Go on, honey. Swallow it f’me.” You do as Joel says, swallowing the sticky fluid he’s shot down your throat, and you find the salty, tangy taste surprisingly pleasant. You clean the corners of your mouth where some of his seed landed with your thumb and, with his eyes on you, push the digit into your mouth, sucking it dry. The dirty act makes Joel shake his head and chuckle, and once you’ve finished, you open your mouth and tip your head back to show him that you’ve taken care of his mess. 
You both sit there for a while, just staring at each other with your head resting on his thigh as he strokes your cheek. You’d almost call the gesture loving, but you don’t want to be presumptuous. After a decent amount of time has passed and the stars have come to bear witness to your dirty deed, you turn your head and catch the pad of Joel’s thumb in a soft kiss. 
“Oughta get back,” you say, reluctantly breaking the silence. He nods, and you stay like that for a second longer before sitting back in your seat. Joel starts the truck and traverses down the lonely path toward the main road. As he pulls back out onto the black asphalt, likely still warm from the summer sun that’s long disappeared, you can’t help but wonder if this moment will forever belong to the space between that long stretch of prairie grass and corn stalks. 
You can’t help but hope that it won’t.
As Joel nears your development, you pull down the sun visor on your side and flip open the mirror. Your mouth falls open and a little gasp slips at the sight that meets your eyes. Joel must hear it because his gaze flickers in your direction. 
“Somethin’ the matter?” he asks, worry lacing your tone, and you almost giggle at his concern. 
“I’m a fuckin’ mess,” you groan, raking your fingers through the hair that Joel’s fingers knotted. Your lips are swollen and chapped, your eyelids heavy with the look of lust, and there’s a track of mascara streaking down your cheek from your tears. To put it bluntly, you look like you’ve been freshly fucked. 
Joel looks at you again and barks out a laugh as he turns down your street; he pulls into your driveway and puts the car in park so that he can turn to you more fully. You’re frantically trying to will the bright blush on your cheeks indicative of sex from your cheeks as you wipe furiously at the now-dried trail of black mascara. 
“Waterproof” my ass. 
Your head snaps in Joel’s direction when you hear him chuckle again, your eyes wide with a plea for help. He shrugs, smirking slightly. “Better get inside ‘fore someone sees ya, or else they’ll know what we’ve been up to.” 
You know he’s teasing, but his words make you deflate slightly nonetheless as they feel a little bit like he’s kicking you out; however, you steel yourself quickly. There was nothing for him to kick you out of, and it was silly of you to think otherwise. Sure, you’d just sucked his dick and made him come down your throat. And, yeah, maybe he’d almost gotten caught with his hand between your legs at dinner. But that didn’t mean anything. 
Just two adults engaging in a casual hookup. That’s all.
Even as you try and convince yourself of this, your reasoning, and consequently your attitude, falls flat. You grunt with thinly veiled annoyance as you grab the door handle and make to leave. “Could’ve jus’ parked at your house, I woulda walked,” you mutter, irritation simmering in your gut as you go to open the door, but then a strong hand reaches across your lap to wrap around your hand on the handle and pull it back shut.
When you try again and are met with the same result, you huff and turn, coming face to face with Joel. His brows are furrowed and the corner of his plush lips are turned down. You hate yourself for wanting to kiss him right now, even though he’s actively telling you to go while not allowing you to do so. 
“What?” you bite out, and it comes out harsher than you mean it to. He squeezes your hand, and you feel tension you didn’t realize was making your body go rigid ease. 
“What’s a’matter, baby?” The pet name makes you blush, and now you feel even more stupid. 
“Nothin’,” you lie. Rather convincingly too, you think proudly, until Joel cocks an eyebrow and informs you just how shoddy your facade is. 
“Know ya too well t’believe that bullshit. Tell me what’s wrong.” You huff, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth. You drop your hands into your lap, eyes falling to watch your thumbs twiddle. You don’t think you can look into those all-consuming brown eyes right now. 
“Jus’... I dunno, bein’ dumb. Thought you were kickin’ me out or somethin’.” You shrug indifferently, and he sits there for a second, watching you fidget nervously. You see him scan your surroundings out of the corner of your eye, making sure no prying eyes are around, and before you can even react, Joel’s gripping the back of your neck and turning your head to meet his lips in a bruising kiss. You melt into him, sighing in relief at the feeling of his tongue licking the seam of your mouth.
You stay like that, greedily tasting each other. Or, in Joel’s case, greedily tasting the lingering flavor of himself in your mouth. He pulls back suddenly, chest heaving and eyes dark, and you lick your lips and grin at him. 
“I’ll see ya soon, baby,” he says with conviction, and you nod slowly. But apparently your response isn’t convincing enough for him, because he pulls you in closer and says against your lips slowly, “I will see you soon.” 
“Okay,” you breathe into his mouth, and he kisses you chastely once, twice before opening your door and tapping your thigh. 
“Now get.” You smile, hopping out of his car, and you can feel his eyes on you the entire way to your front door. Even when you’ve disappeared into your house, you can feel the brand of his gaze on your flesh. 
You watch through the window as he sits in his truck for another minute, and then he reverses down your driveway and pulls into the one next door, hopping out of his truck and leisurely heading up to his front door. You watch him walk into his house, and only then do you stop watching.
You’re not entirely sure how you get up to your bedroom, but you’re almost able to believe that you floated there like an apparition, head airy and thoughts bordering on dream-like. When you collapse on your bed, your mind is on the feel of Joel’s tongue in your mouth, of his cock thrusting into your throat, of what that same tongue and those same thrusts might feel like in your pussy. 
What you’re not thinking about is how utterly fucked you are. You’d told yourself once that you wouldn’t be able to do a thing like this with Joel because you’d never have your fill, always wanting more after that first initial taste of him. But you’d gone against your better judgment tonight, and now that little crack of yearning had split into a yawning chasm of want; greedy and unsatiated and hungry. 
Hungry for one thing, one person, one man: Joel Miller.
Yeah, you were fucked
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teyamsatan · 10 months
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^^^ this right here??? made me slide up a wall in need. now imagine dilf!jake, cause that's all i can imagine. enjoy x
wc: 660 words
smut under the cut, minors DNI 🔞
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You loved days with Jake, you really did. He was a good leader - strong and fearless, compassionate and patient, he made everyone feel secure and at ease, made everyone feel included and heard. You loved training with him, hearing him talk, watching him listen. You loved his demeanour and his wit, and how he sacrificed so much and lost a planet and a bond to his own kind in order to protect yours. He was a good mate - considerate and thoughtful, funny and giving, he made it his life purpose to make you happy, and you appreciated him every single minute of your life.
You loved days with Jake… but nights… Eywa, the nights were the best, and you had a perfect example as of why right now, laying sideways on the bed, your head pushed so far back, it was resting in the crook of his neck, drawn out moans and skin slapping together the only sounds you could hear in the quiet of the dead of night. You haven't slept through the night once since meeting Jake. How could you, when more often than not, after a thorough fucking, he loved to fall asleep with his cock still buried deep inside of you, loved for the feel of your tight cunt and smell of your scents mingled together to be the last thing on his mind before he passed out for the night... or at least for a few hours, until you inevitably woke up, needy and desperate once more, grinding on his half-hard length until he was rock hard once more, his body unable to resist you, even asleep as he was.
Now, here you were once more, three orgasms in, crying as he slipped in and out of you with ease, your cum and slick allowing him to bottom out in you, bulging up the skin of your lower abdomen. He loved to sneak his hand from your hip, where it was rested in order to pull you further down his length, and reach around and press on the spot, until you squirmed and whined, until the tears flowed freely down your face into your ears.
"You feel how deep in you I am, angel? That's daddy's cock pushing your pretty skin up, mm? You're taking it so well, aren't you? Always so good for me."
"D-daddy... pl-please!"
His words pushed you closer and closer to the orgasm you knew would take you out for the night, the intensity of the last couple of hours taking a toll on your mind, until you were just a mess of words and incoherent babbles, drunk of his cock and the soft kisses he was peppering on the back of your neck. You could hear the smile in his voice as he spoke.
"What do you need, baby? Need daddy to let you come on his cock?"
His thrusts sharpened momentarily as he was hitting the spot that made you see stars and cry out in unadulterated ecstasy, until you were sure the whole clan could hear how well the Olo'eyktan's mate was getting fucked night after night. Right now, you couldn't find it in you to care.
"There you go, baby girl. Come for daddy so he can fill you up, mm?"
The promise of being marked by him, of his cum dripping out of you and down your thighs for days to come was enough to push you over the edge, and you came, making a mess of the mat, that needed to be changed daily anyhow, as you squirted all over him, gushes of warm liquid mixing with his own, and, spent and filled to the brim as you were, you allowed him to pull you closer and whisper sweet nothings in your ear as you drifted off to sleep.
"Daddy loves you, sweet girl."
You knew, and yet, you couldn't wait until tomorrow night, when he'd more than willingly prove it to you again.
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somebody sedate me honestly
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thewulf · 4 months
Not Just Pals || Jake "Hangman" Seresin
Summary: Request - Hello darling! I have a request for you if you don't mind... It's a hangman x fem! Reader pen pals to friends to lovers kind of thing. Like maybe when he was in the academy someone put his name in this program to write to college students but joke on them because he got paired with reader and they hit it off almost instantly... Read Rest Here
A/N: Whew! This one was for whatever reason really tough to write! I changed it up a little bit but I hope you guys still enjoy it. :)
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Female Reader
Word Count: 3.9k +
T/W : Self-doubt
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October 9th, 2014
Hi There Y/N,
I’m not sure how you’re really supposed to start one of these things? How are you supposed to go about talking to somebody you’ve literally never met before? Although the Navy/Army pen pal thing could be interesting. I’ll be honest, my buddy signed me up and I didn’t think I’d actually write anything down but then I got the email with your name on it, Cadet Y/N Y/L/N. Consider myself intrigued.
What’s it like up in New York? Is it cold? Do you get a lot of snow? It gets awfully cold down here in Maryland, so I have to imagine how cold it gets up there. I’m from Texas so I’m still adjusting to this weather… four years later. It’s not easy. I think it’s the hardest part of living in the northeast. I’d rather run a marathon with a thirty-pound pack on than sit outside in the snow for more than twenty minutes. I hope to get stationed somewhere warm when this is all set and done.
Your ‘about me’ says you’re going into the Air Defense Artillery after West Point… which is the exact opposite of what I’m doing. Consider myself doubly intrigued Cadet. What do you do? Fire missiles and rockets at jets? That can’t possibly be as much fun as firing them when you’re in the air. It’s cool just not nearly as cool as what I do, know what I mean? Maybe a close second though.
Have you even been in a jet before? I bet you’d like it. I obviously don’t know you, but I haven’t met many people who didn’t like it. There’s something so freeing about flying 1,000 miles per hour in a tiny silver tube. You should try it sometime. If this whole thing works out maybe I’ll even take you up one day, who knows?
I guess that was my attempt at 20 questions. Hopefully you didn’t find it too annoying. Hope to hear back from you soon!
Jake Seresin
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November 23rd ,2014
Hello Future Lieutenant Jake Seresin,
I’m thrilled you actually decided to write. I’m glad my name was all you needed to pick up that pen. I have to admit you made me giggle a few times. You seem effortlessly funny Mr. Seresin. Even for a soon-to-be Pilot.
I find it comical you’re asking me about the weather of all things, Midshipmen. Isn’t that what you’re supposed to do on an awkward first date? But to answer your question, yes it’s cold as all get out up here. But I’m from Indiana so I’m used to it. Doesn’t mean I didn’t wish West Point wasn’t in Georgia or something. Why’d they have to put all the Military schools in the north?
What was it like growing up in Texas? Did you ever see snow? One of my favorite memories from this place is watching my roommate (who’s from Florida) see and play in snow for the first time. She froze her ass off but had the day of her life. She also hates snow now. So, it looks like you warm people have that in common.
To sum it up I guess you can say we fire rockets and missiles. My professors always say, ‘If it sounds like rocket science, it is’. Basically, we need to protect the ground troops from the flying bastards aka you. Although we do love our American flying bastards. So, I guess that doesn’t knock you down too many pegs in my book. Do you think they matched us up because our jobs are the antithesis of the other? If so, somebody had a hilarious sense of humor.
I’ve never been in a jet, and I have no plans to either. I don’t think I’d enjoy it if we’re being honest. You’re talking to the girl who gets sea-sick on cruises and had to take a motion pill if we’re going to an amusement park. My lil brain can’t handle the motion. A character flaw as they say. I also have a sense that you wouldn’t go to easy on me, being Army and all. I’ll stick to my calculations and rockets.
Don’t tell anybody I wrote this, but I do think what you guys do is so badass. I work with a bunch of jealous Cadets who couldn’t make it into the Army Aviation division, they’re just bitter. When I was little my dad used to take me to the Blue Angels shows in Chicago whenever they made their way across the States. Kind of the reason why I wanted to be in the military in the first place. But only my dad knows that. And well, I guess you now too. So, keep my secret safe Mr. Seresin.
I know the weather is less than desirable, but I do hope you’re finding things you love in Annapolis! There are some of the best crab cakes I’ve ever had there.
Thanks for the smiles after a long week!
Your New Friend,
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February 16th, 2015
Future Second Lieutenant Y/N Y/L/N,
That has a right to it doesn’t it? Your name sounds good with a Second Lieutenant in front of it. Sorry it’s been so long since I wrote. Getting busy with graduation coming up and practical’s and all. It’s a lame excuse I know, but it’s all I got. I hope you know how big I smiled reading your letter to me. I read it about fifty times before I could write a decent response to you. You have a way with words that I haven’t read in a long, long time.
Was your father in the military? None of my family was. I also loved the Blue Angels when they came down to Houston for the air shows. I’d always beg and plead and finally my mom or sister would give in and take me. They’re also the reason I’m here. So, I guess we should thank them that we got to meet. Neither you nor I would be in these academies without them. Your secret is locked away in the drawer and safe in my head too. It’s super safe with me.
I’ll be honest, the food here is so damn good. I sure do miss my Texas barbeque, but the spread is better up over here. Plus, the snacks? I didn’t know there was different brands sold across the states and you guys have better girl scout cookies! That’s just not fair. I could’ve gone my whole life knowing that there were two versions of girl scout cookies and I got the worse version. I’ve enjoyed the move far more than I’ve regretted it. It’s the best thing I’ve ever done for myself. It doesn’t guarantee I’ll be a pilot, but it means I’m one step closer to getting there.
What all schooling do you have to do after you graduate this spring? Are you up for deployment soon? I’ve got a lot left to go. If I get picked after I’ve got a few years of flight school ahead of me. Then I’ll really be off. Wish me luck I make it!
With Love,
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March 13th, 2015
Mr. Seresin,
I was getting worried! I thought it was something I had wrote. I’m glad it’s your negligence and not mine for the lack of communication. I forgive you though. It’s been stressful up here in New York as well. I luckily don’t have any practical’s I need to worry about. Just a few nuclear engineering classes are standing in between me and graduation.
I just have a year of Officer School (if I get selected that is) after this is all set and done come June. We have to apply this April so I’m getting a little anxious about the whole thing. I don’t really have a backup plan that I’d actually like to do so I really, really hope I get selected. Enough about me though, let’s talk about you. You’re going to get picked! Don’t let any bad thoughts get in between you and your goal. I think you’ll make a fine pilot Jake. You seem to have your wits about you which is the first step a lot of people miss.
My dad was in the Navy, like you. Don’t gloat though, it’ll ruin the finely crafted image I have of you. He was a deck hand or something like that. I wish I could ask him some more about it, but he passed when I was just thirteen. I just remember he loved being in the Navy. He loved everything about it. He made it seem like anything was possible with a passion.
I’m glad you’re enjoying the food and the girl scout cookies. It took me by surprise when I got Peanut Butter Patties instead of Tagalongs when I was down south for a winter. I’m so glad I grew up where the real GSC are sold.
I hope this letter brought you as much joy as yours brought me.
With the Same Love,
(P.S. – Here’s my number if you’d like to text instead of write. No pressure!)
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It had only been a week since you sent the last letter. Sure, you hadn’t really known the guy all too well but there was something so exciting about sending written mail. You felt like a little kid on Christmas waiting for a response from him. Who knew throwing your name in something so silly for your class would bring you so much joy.
You sat down on your desk setting your computer out front of you to study. Jake was right. It was an awfully busy time of the year. Applying for your future. Studying for you exams. When you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket you truly didn’t think much of it. It was only hours later when you finally closed the laptop shut that you went to check it that your face scrunched in confusion. You didn’t recognize the area code. It was then that it clicked that it could be him.
No pressure at all text! Hi there (it’s Jake).
You grinned reading it over and over again. That was quick! Maybe you made an impression? You sure hoped so. You hardly even knew what the guy looked like. You might’ve gone digging a little when you got his name. He was cute. Handsome even. But he seemed like that type. That arrogant pilot type. But even in just the two letters you received from him you got the hint that he wasn’t that type of guy at all.
I didn’t think you’d actually text me. It’s good to hear from you.
The messages between the two of you were infrequent at best as the semester ended. But he never failed to put a smile on your face. When you needed a pick me up you went through and read the messages that popped up.
On your graduation day you sent him a picture of you and a few friends in a cap and gown with the text: Beat you! You’re also looking at your newest Officer Candidate too!
You didn’t have to wait long for a reply. Your face only grew with glee seeing his response: Congrats Second Lieutenant. And future Captain. Knew you’d do it. You look beautiful as always.
Typing a quick reply, you hid your smile away just knowing your friends would make a stupid comment about the mystery man that always had you so smiley: You’re making me blush all the way up here in New York. I better get a picture next weekend when you do the same, future Lieutenant.
He came through on your request. When you got the text you could only smile. You spotted him in the picture immediately, your eyes drawn to him. He was so damned handsome. How lucky were you to get paired with a guy like that? Your smile grew further when you read the message: Lieutenant (and future pilot) Jake Seresin reporting for picture duty.
The messages occurred naturally between through the years as you were deployed, and he was in school. Some months you texted more and some you didn’t hear from him at all. It never bothered you. The silly little thing called life happened for both of you.
Still, the two of you often made time for phone calls when the time was right. The first time you talked on the phone you thought you were going to quite literally throw up you were so nervous. But in typical Jake Seresin fashion he made you feel cool as a cucumber. You talked and talked and talked into the morning. It felt so normal. Like you were catching up with an old friend. Jake Seresin. Who was this man that was making it hard to date? He was quite literally everything you wanted and needed in a partner. The universe had a funny way of working sometimes.
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It had been six long years since you received that first letter from him. He was off on a mission now. A dangerous one he couldn’t tell you much about. But he wanted you at his arrival back home in San Diego and you promised him you’d be there. Assured him. That’s how you ended up in here pacing in the hotel room contemplating whether you should really go or not. It felt too intimate, like you were intruding. But he did say none of his family would be there, they had other things going on as the mission was a bit of a surprise to everybody. The pilots were all instructed to keep it as quiet as possible.
Your hands were shaking as you parked your car in the overcrowded lot. Gripping the steering wheel, you took a long breath in. You could do this. You had to do this. For him, for you. You stepped out of the car and made you way to the dock. The aircraft carrier was already docked by the time you got to the meeting site. You stood back and waited. Watched and waited. It felt like an eternity then finally the men and women started pouring out in their Navy Whites. You’d always thought they looked the sharpest of the bunch, but you’d never tell Jake that. He’d make fun of your Army uniforms or something like that.
It felt like both an eternity and seconds later that you spotted him amongst the crowd of sailors exiting the ship searching high and low for you. You promised you’d be there. And here you were. He either felt your eyes on him or had an uncanny sense of timing as his eyes locked with your own. His smile had melted you right there on the spot. You felt helpless as you willed your brain to move but it wouldn’t. You only began to panic a little as he moved with ease through the crowd making his way right to you.
He stood in front of you. Jake Seresin stood in front of you, much taller than you thought, “I knew I recognized you. First Lieutenant Y/L/N.” His eyebrows raised as you gaped at him with wide eyes as if he wasn’t really there. Closing your mouth, you knew you needed to pull it together but that sounded much easier said than done. Jake freaking Seresin, your pen pal was really standing in front of you in real life. He was more of enigma in your mind at this point. Somebody you could have deep life conversations with so easily but never having actually met the man it was hard for you to grasp he was really real. And standing in front of you.
“Jake.” You smiled hoping it sounded somewhat normal. He was so much more handsome than the photos he sent through the years. How was that possible? Wasn’t it supposed to go the other way? You continued once your head finally could form coherent sentences, “Well it’s actually Captain now. Got promoted a couple weeks ago.”
He turned his head to the side just slightly, “You didn’t tell me that.” Almost looking offended you hadn’t told him.
“Never felt like the right time to divulge. With this mission and all. Had to keep you locked in.” You looked up to him now studying his face as you gained more courage talking to him. He was something your dreams couldn’t make up.
He nodded not daring to take his eyes off you. He too thought you were even prettier than he could have envisioned. You’d sent pictures and he’d followed your social media, but nothing could’ve prepared him. Especially in your civilian clothes, he was a sucker already. Deep down Jake knew you were the reason he was so non-committal before. He was looking for somebody just like you and couldn’t find her. Yet here you stood in front of him. You were so funny and witty and smart, and yet he couldn’t put it all into words. You are the whole package and so much more.
“You still could’ve told me. We talked enough before I left.” He grinned seeing that the tension was already easing from your shoulders.
You shook your head, “Wasn’t about me Seresin. I just wanted you to stay focused and safe. And thank goodness you did.” You admitted a little more than you wanted, but he just made you feel so gushy. Like you were a sweeter version of yourself you could hardly recognize. And the words just kept flowing out when he gave you that look with those green eyes.
“Oh yeah?” He challenged you a bit sensing that you were starting to feel a bit more comfortable with him already, “Didn’t think you’d be so relieved darlin’.”
Ignoring the sweet term of endearment you shook your head, “And waste six years of my life on nothing? Jake that’s so inefficient. Of course, I want you safe.” The words came fast, and they were snarkier than you intended. But you truly couldn’t help it.  He had you relaxed within the first five minutes of talking to him. You felt like you could just be you.
He threw his head back in laughter. That same weight had lifted right off his shoulders when you snapped back at him like he was waiting on it, “There she is. My favorite mouthy girl.”
He said it so nonchalantly you thought your heart was going to combust on the spot. Your cheeks surely gave way to your reaction to his words. His favorite mouthy girl? Christ. He was trying to send you into a coma or something! Your brain quite literally short circuited as it failed to form any coherent sentence. He only chuckled in response seeing your cheeks heat up in a blazing blush.
“It’s so nice to actually see you in person. You know I’ve always told you this, but it rings even truer even now. You’re quite a stunner, Captain.” His eyes met yours before you looked away quickly feeling as though you were going to faint at those words. You weren’t sure how this interaction was going to go initially. But you really didn’t think he’d come right out and say that he found you stunning. The occasional letter and texts in between had grown flirtier the longer you had known him, but it never crossed your mind he’d be so outright with it.
You turned away out of sheer bashfulness. Never had a man been so bold with you before. It was foreign. Not uncomfortable, no. Nothing could be with him. He made it easier than seemed possible.
“You flatter me Jake.” You grinned up at him hoping your makeup would hide the darkening of your cheeks, “I should say the same for you. Handsome as ever.”
“Now you’re making me blush, Cap.” Sure as hell the faintest pink dusted his cheek, but he seemed much stronger than you. He kept the eye contact going.
You shook your head trying to bite back the big smile you had on your face, but it showed through anyway. How was he doing this? Making you feel so giddy just by looking at him. You knew this man but for the first time it actually felt like you might actually love him. You’d had the deepest conversations with him. When you needed a laugh you texted him. When you craved advice you called him. He was the guy you turned to. And it dawned on you that he never failed to answer you. He wanted to take your calls and answer your texts. He looked forward to it. He too had fallen for a woman he’d never met before.
You needed the change the subject and fast or more words would be tumbling out, “How was the mission? Everyone make it out okay?” You asked having no idea what you were getting yourself into. Jake hadn’t told you much about what they were doing, couldn’t tell you much. But now that it was over he couldn’t wait to tell you every nitty gritty little detail.
“I’ll tell you if you let me buy you a drink?” He gave you a smirk that sent nerves racing throughout your body. Jesus. This man was something else.
Giving him a curious once over you nodded, “Shouldn’t I be the one buying you a drink sailor? You coming home and all?”
“Absolutely not. I’ll never let you buy me a drink darlin’.”
Gosh, Jake was actually going to be the death of you. He was so good making his words come off so easily. You felt terribly high strung next to him, “And why not?”
“Because I’m trying to woo you sweetheart. When I get you to go on a date with me I have to impress you. Inevitably that’ll work and you’ll become my girlfriend. And I can’t have my girlfriend paying for my drinks, no. And it’ll only get worse when I get the pleasure of marrying you. If my wife thinks she’ll pay for a thing she had another thing coming.” He gleamed at you as if he didn’t just say all of that.
You gulped before a stupid smile grew on your face. Of course, you knew he was forward but again, he just took you on an entirely new adventure with that statement, “That’s quite a bold statement Jake.”
He shrugged, “I thought I should make my intentions perfectly clear. I think you’re one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. And you’re perfectly you. Sharp as tack. Funnier than ever. You’re you. And I really like you.”
You let out a breath not sure if you really believed all of that, “So not just pals, huh?” It was all you could think of quickly but that did it for him. Sealed the deal. He knew he was going to marry you right then and there. You’d complete him in every way he needed you and vice versa.
He shook his head taking his arm in yours, “Not just pals.” Leaning into his gentle embrace you led him to your car where he would not let you drive. He insisted that it was a gentleman’s job even if he was only running off four hours of sleep. You’d appeased the man who was on his very best behavior. Not that you minded. Nope, not at all. You were thrilled that Jake was exactly who he seemed to be. Your Jake. Not just pals indeed.
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Jake Seresin/Top Gun: Permanent Taglist (If you'd like to be added to any or all works please fill out the form here: Taglist Sign Up) @loving-and-dreaming @kmc1989 @memeorydotcom @matisse556 @buckylov3r @taygrls @ah-blossom @mamachasesmayhem @hardballoonlove @rosiahills22 @djs8891 @illisea @jessicab1991 @guacam011y @dempy
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infinitydivine · 5 months
Your Fated/ Destined Lover ❤️🫶🏼
Hello everyone, I am back again with a new PAC reading. Thank you all for loving my previous PAC, I appreciate it.
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PILE 1 ☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
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Hello Pile 1. Your person is someone who has recently completed a Karmic cycle. They are coming out of successfully completed Karmic cycles and have learned the lessons. They are very well-accomplished person. Might come from a wealthy background, but it seems to me that they have it all when it comes to earthly and materialistic things. They are often seen as someone very experienced in every aspect of life, especially in their professional life. But whatever they look like from the outside, they are generally an open-minded and loving person. Emotionally very stable. Even though they wear their heart on their sleeves they don't let their emotions control them. They have a warm essence to them which attracts many people to them.
Continued in Ko-fi post........
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PILE 2 ☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
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Hello there Pile 2!
You got the same first card as Pile 1, if you are drawn to it you should definitely try it. Well, your person has recently completed a cycle of karmic lessons and has learned their lessons. They have ended a cycle. They are accomplished and well-rounded. They will make you feel complete because some of you might have been feeling kind of insecure within themselves lately?
They are someone who undergoes transformations continuously. They will not be the same person they used to be before. If you know them personally you will get what I am talking about. They constantly undergo multiple transformations that make them who they are right now. They are someone who is not afraid of changes. They might change their appearance a lot too. They are typically resilient, adapting to new phases of life with an understanding that change is a natural and necessary part of growth. This person often has a deep emotional strength, providing them with the ability to navigate through life’s transformations with grace .
Continued in the Ko-fi post.......
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PILE 3☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
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Number three, some of you might be coming from a difficult past. This person will be the new hope for you. They will bring new opportunities in material or financial aspects. Might be you will be partnering with someone new in the business ventures and then you will meet your future partner. They will be the beacon of light and positivity you are looking for in challenging times. They have the essence of optimism around them which will inspire you when you need them. They look like somebody who takes care of themselves a lot. They might be into skincare and healthy routines. They shine like a Star. Okay so for someone specific I am getting that this could be someone you already know or They are in the Public eyes/A Celebrity, Influencer.
Continues in the Ko-fi post.....
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PILE 4 ☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
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The one word that I immediately heard was- straightforward. They prioritize their own mental and emotional health above all. Doesn't like to give a crap about what anyone thinks of them. They might look calm from the outside but have many turmoils going inside them at the same time. Their presence often radiates peace and detachment from daily life. Their presence can be uplifting and inspiring, providing a fresh perspective on emotional and artistic expression.
Continues in the ko-fi post...
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443 notes · View notes
flow33didontsmoke · 1 month
hi! i'm not sure if ur taking fic request atm, but if ever u r, can i ask for a fic where f!reader also works for the bau, she is hotch's daughter, and she is dating spencer reid? 🥹 thank uuuuu
hi there ! i’d write it with pleasure, tysm for your request. :) (reminder: english is not my first language so I might be wrong/get lost in naming stuff lmao. it’s also my first fic since quarantine.💀🙏)
“That’s kinda weird”; Three times getting noticed by Hotch + one where he gets confronted.
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pairing: Spencer Reid x Hotchner!f!Reader (playlist)
summary: see request
warnings/type: angst, fluff, mention of a sex life, mention children kidnapping, no mention of Y/n, can be read as gn reader, SFW, not proofread (my bad i’m season 2 and being fed with fanfictions), fear of changing and going forward, reader and Hotch are kinda distant
word count: 1.81k
taglist and asks open.
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1. Facial communication
10:07am, Behavioral Analysis Unit, bullpen.
You were sat at your desk, not really far from Spencer, looking up at him from time to time. It’s not as if your relationship was that new but it was still blossoming. However you weren’t over those looks you could give the other, the tiny smile on the corner of your lips when you catch the other’s eyes, mostly when you can't help thinking about last night. Skin against skin, warmth against warmth, and that relaxed feeling when waking up in the morning after those activities. To be honest, it may never fade. Your co-workers would find it cute if they noticed or just laugh at it at first if they catch you at the beginning, but they would stop with time.
It’s been over two months you’re dating, and a year of knowing each other, when you joined the BAU. Somehow, even by being the unit chief's daughter you’ve never got the chance to meet him before, as you were always out or the nose in your studies. Surprising right ? But to your father’s dismay, he would have preferred that it wouldn’t happen. That you would have continued to do your own stuff, become a pianist, instead of deciding to follow the same dangerous path as him AND decide to get in a relationship with one of your co-workers. As if you couldn’t get more involved with them, with a dangerous life that could, will definitely change you. But you were young, stubborn and now in love.
As you looked up at Spencer just to get a brief look at something else than down at your papers, somebody scrap his throat making you look to the side where the sound came from. You locked eyes with your father as he was walking to his office, eyebrows slightly furrowed in your direction. You feel your cheeks heat up and look back down at your work, as if nothing happened. This may be nothing but it was enough to feel embarrassed about, facial communication being important between the two Hotchners. You haven't told him but he is not dumb, it was that protective father scold, the "don't even come next to my daughter" type. Spencer seemed to have noticed that small interaction as he became a bit clumsy with his papers, which made you grin.
2. Longing touches
5:18pm, Kansas City, Kansas.
Here it is, the final moment. The UnSub was finally caught, Albert Schumacher an ex-teacher who couldn't bear the thought of being separated from his beloved job. If he couldn't take care of children, why not making his own kindergarten ?
Because of the sweet month of November, it was already dark at that time, and cold, but not enough to be blinded by the night. The unsub in the car, Spencer was once again to your side, his hand on the small of your back as usual. The case was heavy, but it was finally over. You let out a breath as he was just resting his hand here, stroking his thumb a bit as an attempt to provide you a bit of comfort. Honestly, if he could hold you closer, he would. Even in front of everyone, gluing at your side.
An hour and half later, you decided to take a walk to clear your mind. To warm your heart through Kansas' cold, Spencer decided to keep you company. Through the walk he resisted the urge to take your hand in his, wrap an arm around your waist, hold you, hug you, warming you with his body warmth to keep you from shaking and feeling yours as well. He hated when other people touched him but he never got enough of yours. He kept wanting more even more because of the situation with your father who still didn't know about the two of you.
3. Keeping compagny
9:10pm, FBI private jet, Kansas City, Kansas -> Quantico, Virginia.
It was late, the winter night and cold were almost overwhelming, the case was over, a case involving children disappearing. The flight from Kansas City to Quantico may have been a two hours flight, but everyone was tired from all the efforts given in the last few days, few hours of sleep in the agents' system and the possible small jet lag that might hit the next day, the cold hitting their bones.
When you sat in the jet, you sat as a reflex not next to your father but next to Spencer, seeking comfort to him just like most of your nights after work for the last few months. He didn't realize either that he took the seat where your father was about to sit on, as he just sat to your side, closer than if he was sitting next to anyone else. Your father walked, prepared to sit next to you but stopped when he saw Spencer almost glued to your side in a blink. Instead, he sat in the seat in front of him, keeping a visual on the both of you. It's been a while since he has been observing you, your bond. He knew something was happening, not just because he was your father but also because he knew there was something happening, something above co-working, above friendship.
You were doing your best not to show it even when going back together from a case but right now you just didn't really care hiding this. You were both too exhausted to continue on this, maybe it was the irrationality of tiredness talking but anyway. Everyone knew there was something between the two of you, he would have known a way or another. Fuck the way you planned again and again to tell him, you just want to lean into the other and sleep until the end of the flight.
Everyone took a small nap during the flight except Hotch who was keeping himself busy, thinking back about the details of your position, the way you leaned to the other in your sleep. He thought back about the glances you throw to the other, the touches and the more he thought about it, the more he was upset.
Two hours later, you woke up as long as the other as the plane had landed. You give Spencer a small shake to his shoulder to wake him up. At the same time, you saw your father getting up and giving you a quick look that told a lot. He seemed tense at you but you shake that thought off as Spencer woke up, looking at you. Oh, how you couldn't wait to go back to his apartment and just lie in the bed next to other and have rest.
You both get off the plane and see your father outside. Usually, he would wait for you to at least wish you a good night/evening or something of that kind, but this time no. He didn't go right away but when you got off the plane he was just starting to walk away.
"Good night..?" you said to catch his attention.
It visibly worked as he stopped walking. He looked at you with tired eyes but still with distance in his look.
"Good night..." he answered with a small hesitation. He seemed to want to add something so you just let him talk, even if it was a bit tensed. "Do you need a ride home ?" he added as he proposed you usually, but already knowing the answer this time. Not that he never did but this time he was just sure. He never liked the co-driving with Spencer. You had your driver license and you could afford for a car, why relying on your co-worker even if you lived not so far from the other ? He didn't need to make express his discontent to make himself understood this time. He wasn't waiting for an answer.
"No thanks.. Spencer is driving me back home tonight." you answered, it was a bit awkward but you tried to get past that.
+ Confrontation
He nodded and scoffed a bit. "Yeah, of course."
You felt a tinge of guilt at this, something was wrong. You may know why he reacts like this and you don't think to have the mind at this at the moment, and you don't think he has either. "What do you mean ?" you asked, oblivious.
He faced you, looking at you in the eyes. He was silent at first but finally answered. "You know what I mean." There was a hint of venom in his voice. He kept his voice low enough for you and Spencer to hear. Spencer who was just in the back, tired and uncomfortable. This was clearly not how he wanted to get things clear about your relationship and neither do you.
"Then tell me. Tell me what you mean, what's wrong." You replied, looking at him in the eyes. You knew it would hurt but the conversation had to be done, and if he was going that way then his suspicions would be confirmed that way.
"What's wrong is this," he said, referencing to Spencer and you, giving him a look. "Do you have any idea of how unconscious it is ? Dating your co-worker, really ? And without even preventing anyone, you could get more than suspended, did you even think about your lives ?" he added in his boss tone. Yes, he wasn't just your dad but also your chief, but to be honest, you weren't expecting your unit chief talking to you.
All you did was nod once, looking slightly down before raising your eyes to him again and as you were about to answer, throat tight, but he speaks again.
"I'm not finished. What if one of you gets in danger trying to avoid an something to the other ?" He added, his voice was hiding of emotion by his attitude. You catch a glance of Rossi in the back who was about to call for your dad to calm down a bit, to let his role of chief down to let the father speak. He knew that he just wasn't ready for you to grow up as your relationship looked serious and not just a story without tomorrow. He was still getting used to having you around at the BAU, his daughter, what's left of his family alongside Jack.
You said nothing, letting him cool down. The atmosphere wasn't as tensed but more awkward. "And- and he's too for you. Why didn't you choose someone your age ?" he added after a small blank. You knew it was just an excuse, your gap with Spencer wasn't even too big, around five years. You knew it was an excuse not to say "why didn't you choose someone who's not from the FBI ?", questioning your career choices.
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A/N: I'm so sorry I didn't know how to end this so here it is. Might do this series though ? I would like that. I want to make a happy ending but I just can't align more words. I don't think anyone would be interested btw but let me know. Perhaps it made me think about the first chapters of that series "Spencer x Prentiss!Reader" if you read it but I can't explain why lmao. It was so weird how I wrote this: I started by 1 then continued with 3 and the bonus then ended with 2 so I'm sorry if it was short lol
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starlightdreaming · 3 months
Lucifer Morningstar x Reader! Ch. 2!
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel!
Content Warning: MORE ANGST! (Regret, consequences of actions and swearing and stuff idk)
Synopsis: Lucifer loved you but there was something in the way he couldn’t tell you, someone was always watching.
Chapters!: Chapter 1 ✧ Chapter 2 (you are here) •<•)b ✧ Chapter 3 ✧ Chapter 4 ✧ Chapter 5
to further improve reading, I recommend listening! (It helped me write this too))
。・:*:・゚Goodbye Luna・゚:。*:・。
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The new job you had been assigned by the higher ups was pretty simple, just make stars, bring them to life, give them the ability to help others like the stars helped you in your depression, repeat!
You smiled down the streets of Halo city, seeing all your stars help others and help the community in general, for once, you felt rather proud of yourself, you were always working but that didn’t bother you at all, it helped you ease your mind as you made the little stars, it was your comfort and now its your job, this was a perfect absolute win - win!
After Emily came along into your life, you decided it was time for a change, she was always so bright and comforting, when you told her you were changing your name as a ‘new person’ she fully supported you! She had made sure to always call you your correct name and made sure others did as well, including her sister Sera.
It was such a new feeling.. to feel that you belong, it was heart warming. You don’t think you would change your life for anything else, seeing as Emily and Sera welcomed you like their own sister and there was nothing better than that.
Lucifer sighed as he sat next to Lilith, crying, Lilith being there to comfort him as he leaned down onto her chest while she pat his head, “I know it hurts, dearest.” She comforts, “But we both know it was for the best, remember that..” She swoons, kissing his head gently, “It’s been so long, Lilith, I really miss her.” Lucifer whimpers before another tear fell from his face, he remembered the hurt in your eyes and that was taking a toll on his soul, “when the day comes, you can tell her everything about it, alright dear?” Lilith smiles gently, cupping his face to look at her, “I know, Lilith, it just… hurts.” he says before wiping his own tears, “But now that its done, I think it’s time we move to our next step..” Lucifer says as he stands up, taking Lilith’s hand into his own.
“Once we find Eve, give her the apple and my Luna will be free.” He smiles, walking toward the oak tree, seeing as how it was put back together with stars only you knew how to make but still definitely showed as damaged, his smile softened, knowing that this meant that he still had a chance to explain everything to you. He leaned against the tree whispering, “I’m sorry, Luna.” before he walked away with Lilith, hand in hand.
You hummed to yourself, making stars in your office that was completely covered in stardust, you included.
You flew around your office as the stars floated around you, noting down on your white board on how to improve your stars, it was an everyday routine for you but sometimes… when you look out your office window and see all the Heaven born angels outside, you couldn’t help but miss that special somebody you could never see again, you often sat down in your chair, making silly constellations of Lucifer cause of your longing but remember the words he shouted at you would always make the constellation dissipate or shatter. You sighed before deciding maybe it was time for a break, lunch time it is!
You moved some stars out of the way as you tried to get out of your office, upon exiting your office you had to dust yourself off from all the star dust that glittered your clothes and hair, most would fall off but some would still stick to you, it wasn’t that important to clean yourself since you would be covered in the dust once you came back.
Upon flying around Halo City, a few stars had assisted you on serving your meal, taking your orders and working together as they chimed and squeaked as communication, this proving that your stars were successful to the community in Heaven, “thank you my children.” You smiled as your stars chimed at you, going back to work.
After eating, you decided to head back to work, feeling happy and full from your meal, leaving the little cafe, you flew back to your office, you paid no mind as you walked down the halls until you turned around the corner, “What do you mean I can’t see her? She’s my best friend!” A familiar voice shouted to an employee who was at your office door, You saw Lucifer who had completely disheveled hair and looked like he was in a frenzy, “Please, you don’t understand! I need to see her!” he pleaded again, you stared at them both from shock and surprise, your stomach getting a sinking feeling that maybe you should just run. The employee batted an eye at you before looking back at Lucifer, this made Lucifer to turn to your direction, the split second of eye contact he had made with you made you hide completely in the corner of the hall, ‘shit’ you thought as you started running off to who knows where, “Luna? Luna wait!!” Lucifer shouted to you, the name making you feel sick, you haven’t heard anyone call you that in a long time.
You tried to fly home, lock your doors and stay there for months until Lucifer was completely gone, but he caught up to you before you could even finish the thought, He held onto you dearly and tightly, you struggled in his grasp as he teleported you both to the garden of Eden, it was happening so quickly as you both fell to the ground, crashing, he protected you from the fall when you both imoacted into the grass, tumbling and rolling.
He grunted as he rolled into a tree, giving you the chance to kick away and crawl backwards away from him, your heart beating rapidly from the unexplained situation you were in, “What in the heavens is happening? get away from me!” You shouted, picking yourself up as you dusted yourself, stepping away from Lucifer, trying to brush off the dirt that got on your clothing.
Lucifer tried to recover but he seemed to have been hyperventilating to even care, “Listen, Luna-“ he tried to speak, “Don’t call me that!” you hissed, the name making spite fill your eyes, “You lost that ability to do so.” you say as you crossed your arms looking away in irritation, “Please- just- just listen to me,” Lucifer begged, “And why should I? after everything you did? everything you said??” You asked in a much higher tone, “I don’t have much time! please!” He begged, hugging you close in desperation, the hug was so unexpected to you, it felt sick and insulting, you pushed and punched him off you, “You think you can just touch me like you didn’t fuck up my life?!” You say as you recomposed yourself after pushing him away, tears were in his eyes, “I’m in so much trouble! you don’t understand!” he shouted, his voice cracking but that only made you more pissed, you couldn’t help but laugh as you started connecting that dots, “Oh I get it,” You say more irritated when you realized the situation, “You’re in trouble and since Lilith can’t help you, you’re asking ME for help? tch, please.” you rolled your eyes, turning away and waving him off, “That’s- That’s not it!” He cries, trying to hold you, “Luna, you have to listen! I gave an apple to Eve so she could have free will! and since she broke free from control, that means that-“ He tries to explain quickly but the Seraphim’s had arrived to your location, “Lucifer! You are to be silent!” A loud voice echoed, his eyes widening in fear, you turning to see Sera and other angels you weren’t aware of.
Lucifer looked up at the seraphim’s, down to you, then down to the ground with wide eyes full of tears, “I’m too late..” He whispers under his breath, only for you to hear, you turned to him confused as angels that looked similar to him began to hold him down, you stepping back in surprise, ‘what the hell did he do?’ you pondered to yourself, “and you, Y/n, what are you doing here?” Sera asks in her angel form, you crossed your arms looking away from Lucifer, “He dragged me here when I was trying to get to my office.” you explained, walking towards Sera and standing by her side as you watched Lucifer get dragged by a few angels, Lucifer looked at you with apologetic eyes but that only made you advert your gaze, not wanting or bothering to defend him like all the times you had done all the years you had been together, just like how he made you suffer alone, he was getting the same treatment now, karma at its finest.
Lucifer didn’t care what was happening to him, he just wanted to see you again, he wanted to look at you again, he wanted you to look at him, he did that all for you…! but at what cost…? you walked away with Sera, not even giving him a second glance. He looked down, wallowing in his guilt, “please come back to me, my Luna.” he whispered under his breath.
You went back to your office with Sera, you expected to go back to work and do your usual, “You can’t work today, Y/n.” Sera ordered, “What? Why?” You asked in bewilderment, “Since you were with Lucifer before we could find him, you are now a witness.” Sera stated, you were shocked from this, “What do you mean? What did he do..?” You asked a little afraid to know the answer, Sera took a deep breath, feeling tired from how crazy the day seemed to have been for her, “A few days ago, Lucifer gave Adams’ new wife an apple.” Sera explained, “an apple?” you raised a brow, not understanding why an apple made the subject so serious, “Yes, an apple. It was made from the tree of knowledge, it gave her free will, she broke out of our control,” Sera continues as she paces in your office, pushing away stars that got in her way, “And because of that, evil has found it’s way to Earth.” Sera finishes as she looks down upset. You gasped when she finished, “Lucifer brought evil into creation that we spent so much time and effort into making??” You asked in complete shock, no wonder he came to find you, he wanted to use you as a defense to escape trouble, he was so selfish.
“Yes and now you will have to join us in court, since you were the closest to him.” Sera says as you advert your gaze from her, not feeling proud from the amount of years of your life that felt as they had gone to waste with a stranger far in the past.
“When is it?” You asked, “Since it’s urgent, it’s being held now.” Sera says, “Wait what-“ you say but before you could finish, you were teleported into the court room, you blinked twice before processing your surroundings, Lucifer at a table with Lilith, they both looked nervous, seeing the two of them together put you in a sour mood rather quickly.
“Since the Seraphim is here, I suggest this court meeting begins now,” A voice spoke, you look down at the person seeing a tall male that was quite charming, “Greetings everyone, My name is Azreal,” He said calmly and authoritative, “I am here today for the incident of evil breaching the creations of Earth, caused by; Lucifer Morningstar.” He states out, the public gallery gasping and whispering amongst each other as you looked at Lucifer, you felt worried for him and you hated that, he had betrayed your trust, he turned his back on you and your friendship, so why on Earth are you so worried about him? when Lucifer caught you staring you glared at him before turning away, continuing to listen to Azreal.
“We are gathered here to discuss the punishment Lucifer deserves after destroying the divine creations we had worked hard to make, do we have any ideas?” Azreal asks, waiting for anyone to answer, “Well obviously community service ain’t gonna help.” someone snarked, sarcastically.
“Yeah! all that hard work just for it to go down the drain in a blink of an eye? he deserves the worst of the worst!” A voice shouted angrily, others obliging as well, they began to argue and yell at Lucifer, you, watching as you put up a facade, staring nonchalant at Lucifer and Lilith. Lucifer hid under his hat worriedly as Lilith tried to hold his hand for comfort, you thought for a few moments, thinking about what they deserved.
Sera silenced the court room with a raise of her hand, “he should pay…” you mumbled quietly, only for Sera to catch on, “What was that, Y/n?�� Sera asked, leaning down closer to you, “He should pay.. by living in his own mistake.” You say, confusing the higher elder.
when you broke that oak tree, it was the worst mistake of your life, all those memories were shattered into pieces and you tried.. so hard to put it back together, it did in the end but it barely stayed, despite that, you drowned yourself in guilt and sorrow, pain and sadness for months and you think, thats the perfect thing he should suffer from too.
“He should live in his mistake, create a realm of evil that he can drown in, it’s what…” you hesitate, hugging yourself to finish your sentence, “he deserves.” you finish, looking down at him and Lilith, you felt sadness and guilt, hatred and disgust all at the same time, you didn’t know how to react, this whole mess was beginning to give you a headache, he tried to use you to protect himself in all this mess and yet, all you wanted to do was cry and tell the court to forgive him! forgive and forget, but you were so full of hurt you couldn’t do either.
“don’t credit me for the idea, Sera,” you began to feel the tears escape, “please.” you pleaded silently. Sera understood and pat your head gently, “If you could listen, I have an option.” Sera calls, the court listening as you hid from everyone’s view, “We can make Lucifer face the consequences of his actions by making him drown in his own mistakes,” Sera says, trying to go off by your words, “we can create a realm of evil, so only it stays far away from the grasps of Heaven, Lucifer can be sent to the realm, to face the actions he had committed.” She finishes, Lucifer and Lilith’s mouths a gap, looking at Sera in disbelief, the court room began to murmur and whisper amongst themselves in a more calm manner, “That sounds like a fantastic idea!” Azreal smiled, “Very well then, all those in favor, raise your hand,” he says, raising his own as 99.9% of the court raised their hands into the favor, Lucifer looked around, fear rising in him but the sliver of hope was withheld when he saw you staring at him with dull, lifeless sad eyes, he looked at you pleading for help, but in this situation, you can’t.
“Miss Y/n.” Azreal called, “Is there a reason you aren’t raising your hand?” He smiles at you charmingly, you still stared at Lucifer before turning away from his gaze, slowly raising your hand… The small chance of hope burnt out when he saw your arm raised, the pain in his eyes showed, “Luna, please! you have to understand!-“ He begged, trying to go for a last ditch effort. When he called you by that name you glared at him, infuriated that he was desperately trying to get you back only when he needed you most, you leaned over the balcony, tired of his whining and crying for you, of all times he could have asked for forgiveness, he chose the time when he was in deep shit of trouble, “What. in GODS NAME do you want from me?” you sweared beyond the swearing of swears in front of the court, making everyone gasp but you didn’t care.
You flew down to the table he sat at, Azreal moving to the side, interested in the things about to unfold, “Of all the times you could have came to me, to ask for our friendship back, you choose the time you desperately needed to use me,” You snarled, “I’m sick of your shit Lucifer, you never needed me and you made that VERY CLEAR, the moment you told me to step out of your life AND I DID.” you said poking his chest, your angelic form appearing.
“You deserve this and we. both. know. it.” you finished as he looked at you with guilt in his eyes, hurt and regret, “I didn’t ask for things to turn out like this,” He said weakly, you stepped back from him to give him space, “I love you, My Luna.” He confesses in complete heartbreak, his hand to his chest as he cries, Lilith watching as she comforts him, your eyes widen from his statement as the court gasps, “What the fuck are you saying? you love Lilith!” you shouted at him in full confidence, “See? you don’t understand,” He cries, you were puzzled and insulted from his confessions, it put your mind into a frenzy, “Lilith and I were secretive because-“ “I don’t want to hear your sorry, pathetic, excuses!” You shouted at him, your chest huffing from the stress he keeps pressuring you into, “My name is NOT Luna, YOU never loved me, you chose Lilith over me, you chose EVERYTHING ABOUT Lilith over me! you love me? what a fucking joke!” you barked, Lucifer sitting down in his own chair, “I’m going to say it since you can’t seem to understand, if you want me out of your life,” you say pointing to yourself, walking to him, “then I don’t want YOU in my life.” you finish pointing to him, hatred in your eyes as he looked at you with tears falling.
it was silent in the court room, no one dared to speak up from the tension, until Lucifer swallowed before saying one simple word that forever decided what would happen between both you, Lilith and Lucifer, “Please…” he begged one last time, you squint your eyes, understanding that no matter what you say, it will never get through to his head, so you decided to be the final push of this pure broken relationship.
“Azreal, send them away.” You ordered, turning away from them both, standing behind Azreal as he walked up to them, “Guess it’s done and over then, you heard the seraphim.” Azreal smiles, Lucifers eyes widening, “Luna, Luna! please!” Lucifer begged but you ignored his calling as Azreal opened a portal.
Lilith and Lucifer held onto each other as angels forced them to go into the portal, angelic spears making them walk into their own fate, “Going down?” Azreal joked as he made Lucifer trip backwards, falling into the portal with Lilith at his side, his wings holding her up as he held onto the edge of the portal, left hanging with Lilith in his arm. Azreal smiled and waved before standing back.
“Lilith hold on, okay?” He says, looking down at her as she held onto him with his other hand. When he looked back up, his eyes widen when you appear above him, your demeanor was just pure sadness, lifeless and dull and finally for once in years, he sees a smile crack on your face, one of just pure neglect and hurt, he couldn’t look away, although he did this all for you, you would never understand why, this was not the smile he wanted to see on your face, this isn’t what he wanted or what he was trying to do for you, he wanted you to be free… and now that you are, he couldn’t share it with you…
You held his hand gently, slowly sliding it off the edge, taking it into your own, he looked at you desperately, “Just let go, Luci,” you said with a soft voice and a lifeless smile, as you slowly slid his hand off your own, loosening your grip, “Just let me go, Lucifer.” you begged, the tears falling from your eyes and onto his face made him cry as well, “Please.” You say as you let go of him, he only stared at you as he hugged Lilith, protecting her from the long fall he was going to have to endure, despite falling, his hand reached out to you still, his Luna, disappearing before his very eyes…
that’s when he realized…
he will never get the chance to give you a proper goodbye, a proper explanation… a proper confession.
(sorry if anything is confusing, my brain likes to confuzzle itself so ask me any questions!!!3$3$)
@ag-cookiebat800 @meow-meowo @kyo-kyo1
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flowercrowngods · 1 year
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 (these make one big story, you won't understand this part without the others)
day 07: free space a happy ending
Wakefulness embraces him so slowly and gently that Steve’s not entirely sure he isn’t dreaming when he sees Eddie lying next to him, watching him with an easy smile as his fingers tap out a slow beat on his pillow. Steve looks at him, blinking away the remnants of sleep, not quite daring to do anything more than that for fear of it being a dream after all, scared that Eddie would disappear if Steve reached out to touch. 
But then Eddie’s smile widens. “Good morning, sunshine.” 
Steve gasps a little and moves his hand to Eddie’s cheek, tucking a few strands of hair behind his ear, his breath hitching when Eddie leans into the touch. 
“You’re here,” he whispers, his gaze wandering over Eddie’s features, taking it all in and looking for any indication that this is a dream. 
Eddie hums. “And you’re pretty.” 
It hits him out of nowhere, the open sincerity in Eddie’s voice, the fondness in his eyes, the honesty in everything about him. The love, open and free now — or getting there, at least. It’s still so raw, though, so new, that Steve doesn’t know how to handle it yet. 
“Shut up,” he huffs once he’s caught his breath, rolling over to hide his face and the way his cheeks are heating up. He rolls right into Eddie's chest, though, and he's so warm, so close, smells so good that Steve wants nothing more than to bury his face in his neck and stay there for the rest of the morning. Or maybe the rest of his life.
The reflex to pull away is there. The urge to run and hide, to laugh it off, to freeze up and find something else to do, something to occupy his hands and stop them from reaching for Eddie. Years and years of muscle memory telling Steve to leave. 
But Eddie's arms come around him, holding him close and pulling him even closer. And Steve breathes him in, remembering that it can be okay. Remembering that they get a chance now. 
Remembering the words. 
What are you doing? 
Changing the world. 
So he tries that, too. Changing the world. He tries by winding his arms around Eddie, too, and breathing in again and again, learning that Eddie won't disappear if he does. 
Slowly, he dares to move his arms, stroking along Eddie's back in slow, gentle patterns, lulling himself into a safety he hasn't felt in a while. Maybe ever. At some point Eddie begins to hum, and Steve thinks that it's just another one of his audible smiles, inviting Steve and the rest of the world to join in if they're so inclined. But then he detects a familiar melody in the vibrations of Eddie's neck against his skin, and he holds his breath to find out what it is. 
His heart jumps when he recognises the song as one he used to listen to on repeat like a lovesick fool around the time his feelings for Eddie turned into something more, something better, something infinitely worse. 
It skips and he forgets how to breathe as he lets his hands travel over Eddie's back, slowly and tentatively daring to slip underneath his shirt and touch his skin. 
Eddie begins to sing, then, and Steve wonders if he's even been in love with him before, because nothing of what he's ever felt compares to Eddie's gentle, hoarse, sleep-rough voice as he sings Somebody to Steve, to their little bubble, or to the world outside. 
"I want somebody to share, share the rest of my lifeShare my innermost thoughts, know my intimate details."
He closes his eyes as he listens, focusing on the vibrations, on the warmth, on the closeness, on how this moment is everything he's never even dared to want. Everything so perfect that he couldn't even dream it up. 
Everything. You're everything. 
He needs to be closer still, so be buries his nose in Eddie's neck and breathes him in, tangling their legs, filled with a breathless kind of joyful bliss when Eddie's breath hitches, too, and he stumbles over the words of the second verse as Steve tries to climb into his skin. 
"I want somebody who cares for me passionatelyWith every thought and with every breath."
You have me, Steve thinks, pressing his lips to Eddie's pulse point. It's not a kiss, not quite. It's something deeper. It's a promise. 
Eddie's hands come up to hold him there even as his voice carries through the drumbeat of Steve's heart in his throat, running fingers through his hair, lightly scratching at his scalp, making him purr along to the melody. 
"But when I'm asleep I want somebodyWho will put their arms around me and kiss me tenderlyThough things like this make me sickIn a case like this, I'll get away with it."
When the song ends, Eddie's words faded out, replaced once again by the gentlest silence, Steve feels raw. Vulnerable. Open and exposed. But he also feels safe, and loved, buried in Eddie's skin and held there, as though Eddie is just as scared of fading away as Steve is. 
He lifts his head just slightly, enough to meet Eddie's eyes – only to find that they're closed, an expression so serene like Steve has never seen before. Mesmerised and overflowing with affection, he reaches out to trace the line of his brows, down to his cheeks and all the way to his lips, where his eyes are glued for a second. 
The thought of kissing Eddie is right there. The opportunity is, too. But he doesn't. He barely dares to move as it is. But he does roll them over the rest of the way until he lies comfortably on top of Eddie, and tucks his head underneath his chin, finding one of his hands and lacing their fingers. 
"You've got him," he breathes eventually. "That somebody. If you—“ 
"Yes," Eddie says, his other hand finding its way to the nape of Steve's neck to play with his hair again. "I want."
"Good." It's lame; far from what he wants to say. From what he has already said last night. It feels like they're doing this backwards, starting with the I love you and catching up with the slow build-up afterwards. "Good. Me, too." 
"Good," Eddie hums, and there's that smile again that Steve can't help but mirror. 
They fall asleep again like that even though it’s already late in the morning; cuddling and holding and cradling each other, still trembling slightly. Maybe that's what changing the world will do to you. Maybe that's the bravery more than the love. 
Or maybe it's just Steve and Eddie. Steve and Eddie. SteveandEddie. 
I love you. 
It takes a bit for Steve to relearn loving Eddie. To not associate it with tragedy and sadness and a bone-deep loneliness that'll leave him breathless even on the best of days. 
It takes a while for Steve to learn a whole new kind of breathlessness, a whole new kind of aching when it comes to Eddie. 
And Eddie's not much better than Steve, pulling away when Steve wants him closer, swallowing his words and needing a second, third, fourth try until he learns that he gets to love Steve now. 
Years of unrequited love, or feelings unreturned, of words put out into the universe with no one to receive them, are not easily or quickly unwritten. But every time Steve's breath gets lodged in his throat and he wants to run away, Eddie is right there to remind him of what they can have now. Every time Steve tries to be a little less of who he really is, Eddie is right there to coax him out of his head with gentle touch and a lot of hugs. 
Every time Eddie starts to doubt himself and all the ways he makes Steve the happiest person on the planet, Steve is right there with the words he only has for Eddie. Words that don't get stuck anymore. Words that finally get a recipient. 
Their first kiss, the first real kiss, doesn't happen that first morning. They spend the first week only holding each other, barely wanting to let go, hiding their vulnerabilities within each other. 
Steve is worried about it at first, seeing Eddie so quiet, so reverent, lacking his usual cheer, his energy and snarky comments. He asks about it one night, ready to prove right that he isn't and can never be enough for him, that all he will do is steal the things that make him Eddie. 
Eddie stops then, lifting Steve's chin with a finger when he's too scared, too ashamed, too vulnerable to meet his eyes on his own accord. 
"Stevie," Eddie says, his voice so gentle that Steve immediately feels stupid for doubting. "I have loved you for ten years. I've had you for three days. Let me bask in it. Let me be unable to be myself with how absolutely and utterly overcome I am with the knowledge that I have you now. That I get to hold you. That I get to kiss you and keep you and... God. I'm not unhappy. I'm so much the opposite of that that I'm not sure there's a word for it. Other than devoted. Smitten. Bewitched, body and soul."
Steve wants to kiss him then. Almost does, with the way they're just staring at each other, breathing the same air —air that smells like Eddie now. In the end, Eddie just holds him, brushing a kiss to his cheek, his forehead, his temple, and whispers, "Let me bask in it." 
And so they do. 
Wayne called Eddie not long after with the words, "Chrissy just told me the wedding's off. Please tell me that means what I think it means." 
Eddie just blushed, reaching for Steve, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear. "Yeah, I, uh. I finally talked to Steve."
There was a very loud cheer on the other end that made Steve laugh, falling into Eddie's side, holding him tight, a weight falling off his shoulders knowing that Wayne was okay with them. 
You know, I always figured it would be you. 
No matter what happens, you'll always be a son to me.
It made his eyes sting again, but he basked in the moment and in the knowledge that Wayne was on their side. Always has been, always will be. 
"You better come here on Sunday, and bring Robin and Chrissy, too." 
"Robs and Chrissy?" Eddie asked. 
"Oh, you're in for a treat. I'll see your asses on Sunday, boys." 
And with that, he hung up. Steve immediately went to call Robin, hopeful and giddy with Wayne's implication, knowing that Chrissy was Robin's person just like Eddie was his. 
"She loves me," Robin said, on the verge of tears, and Steve joined here right then and there. "She's– Steve. She's so– She... God!" 
"Yeah," Steve laughed at the ceiling above his bed, grinning because Robin sounded so happy, not even caring that she didn't have the right words for it, because he could hear Chrissy laughing in the background, too. Laughing and saying hi to him and interrupting Robin's ramblings and groans and giggles with kisses that always left her dumbstruck for a good two seconds each time. 
When the call ended, he went right back to the living room, where he and Eddie started watching Pride and Prejudice before, and fell right on top of him with a happy, happy smile. 
It happens at Wayne's, exactly one week after Eddie showed up at Steve's in the middle of the night. One week after the phone call. One week after I love you. 
It happens in the soft glow of the fairy lights Steve and Eddie helped him put up years ago. I happens after Wayne hugged him tight once more, after he pulled Chrissy to the side and promised her that she's still his kid, that he still loves her, and that he's happy to see her smile like that. After he promised the same to Robin.
It happens when Wayne's inside to refill their drinks and Chrissy and Robin are caught up in each other that they're blind and deaf to the rest of the world. When Steve turns to find Eddie looking at him with the softest, gentlest expression. 
"Eddie," he whispers, leaning in to rest their heads together, lacing their fingers and stroking his thumb along Eddie's palm.
"Yeah, baby?" 
Baby. It fills him with butterflies, with the urge to scream, to shout from all the rooftops that he loves Eddie, and more importantly, that Eddie loves him back! Baby. Baby.
"I love you." 
"Hmm. I love you more." 
No, you don't. Just longer. "Can I kiss you?" 
He can feel Eddie's little gasp before he leans in even closer, rubbing their noses together, cradling Steve's face with his free hand. "Please," he whispers. 
And Steve does. He captures Eddie's lips, pouring into it everything he feels and more. Sealing the promises he's made and all the ones he's yet to make. The promises to love and cherish Eddie. To be brave. To be there. To stay and keep and bask. 
It's nothing like their first kiss all those years ago. There is no question behind it this time. Only declarations, only promises, only the beginning of a shared future. 
And there are many, many more after this one.
🌷🤍🌷 THE END 🌷🤍🌷
tagging: @sexymothmanincarnate @mcneen @livsters @eddiemunchondeeznuts @abstractnaturaldisaster @steddie-as-they-go @hyperfixationgoddess @goodolefashionedloverboi @stxrcrossed186 @eddiemunsonswife @bidisastersworld @ghost-ly-s @romanticdestruction @walkingaftermidnight07 @anaibis @rainydays35 @mightbeasleep @sunfloweringstories @korixae @tuesdaycats @totoroinatardis @ilovebookshowboutyou @musical-theatre-gay @theluckyalien @copingmechanizm @srra @changelingbaby @sassygoop @obsessivelyme @r0binscript @hardboiledleggs @estrellami-1 @bisexualdisastersworld @space-invading-pigeon @swimmingbirdrunningrock @y0urnewstepp4r3nt @oxidantdreamboat @spilled-jar @phirex22 @littlemsterious @captaingigglyguinea @animecookie95 @sharingisntkaren @haluton @littlemsterious @animecookie95 @suddenlyinlove @bisexual-bilingual-biped @jinx-nanami @makewavesandwar @scheodingers-muppet @morcantinon @hexdbog @homosexualhomocide13
god i can't believe it's over. i thank you, every one of you, who cheered for me, cried with me, screamed and yelled at me, and stayed with me throughout this past week. i have no words right now other than thank you 🤍🌷 and i hope this is okay
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coalswriting · 11 months
you missed my heart - natalie scatorccio
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summary – natalie almost kills the love of her life in a moment of fear (approx. 2.4k words)
it was a lazy november day when natalie scatorccio confessed her love to you.
you sat in the cafeteria with her during lunch and she was visibly shaken up; an argument with her father, probably. she looked so tired, and you wished you could help her.
“you should go to the guidance counsellor about your parents, nat”, you had offered her, trying to exude as much hope as you could. but, natalie shook her head. she looked at you with her big sad hazel eyes. the eyebags that hid under them were heavy and practically screamed want - a want for happiness, a want for a restful sleep.
“it’s not that easy, (y/n)”, is all she said, voice barely a meek whisper.  
“you need to try, nat. i’m sure they can do something,” she shook her head as you talked, but you kept suggesting, “get you away from them, call the police, anything.”
“i can’t because if i leave, my dad will kill me, and if he doesn’t kill me, he’ll kill my mom.”
her voice was firm, and you could hear annoyance welling up through her throat.
 “then what can i do for you?”
“nothing,” she sighed, simply yet firmly. “i just can’t deal with this right now, i can’t deal with you right now.”
her eyebrows were pressed together, an annoyed knot between them. you felt offended, almost, but you also felt irritated towards your friend for being upset at you.
“i want to protect you”, you murmured after some time, and it seemed like something flicked in natalie.
“you can’t protect me, i can’t even protect me!”, she growled in annoyance, “ugh, just fuck off!”
and, then natalie scatorccio stormed off.  
you didn’t see her for the remainder of the school day. with every passing period, the knot in your stomach grew tighter and bigger and you were shaking by the time you came to soccer practice. you didn’t see her anywhere in the changing room, maybe she was already on the field warming up?
tying the laces of your cleats too tight, you wearily stood up off the bench and walked towards the exit of the locker room. your limbs felt heavy as they swung haphazardly by your side. lottie gave you a concerned look; one that told you she cared for you without expressing it. you smiled weakly at her, undertones of anxiety prominent on your face.
as the team lined up for their pre-practice announcements, jackie began to walk past everybody, taking count of who was around. then, she stopped in front of you, arms held behind her back in confidence. “(l/n), where’s scatorccio?”
you looked into her eyes with your own weary orbs and for a moment, her hardened exterior softened. “i… don’t know.”
the field went silent for a moment as thoughts whirred in jackie’s head, and before she could speak, somebody else did.
“she’s probably sucking a dick or doing drugs in a ditch!”, a haughty voice taunted a few spaces away from you. your head turned in slow motion as you met the eyes of the brawny girl. then, your vision went red.
“the fuck did you say?!”, you growled, storming over to her and grabbing a fistful of her jersey. she looked ready to recoil, but jackie put a hand on your shoulder, pulling you back.
“steady, (y/n)! and you,” she pointed at the girl, “have some respect for your teammates!”
your eyes panned around the team noticing everybody’s hesitant silence and the girl smirked at you, watching you from her power high.
“fuck”, you seethed under your voice, “this. fuck all of you. get over yourselves.”
and then you stormed away from the field, increasing the distance between you and your teammates. only coach ben and misty called after you.
the trek to natalie’s house was definitely a long one. it had been about an hour now, and you felt yourself shiver in your black hoodie. you were ill prepared for this walk, but then again, you didn’t expect to find yourself going to your best friend’s house at half past six in the evening when you woke up this morning. you felt worry well up in your heart as the sun slowly hid under the distant horizon and the temperatures dropped further. yet still, you continued to strut briskly.
once you arrived in the trailer park, you beelined towards your friend’s dwelling. you felt like a stranger in this section of town, prying eyes watching you through windows and cracks in the door. an elderly woman sat in a chair, failing to light her cigarette, cursing.
you eventually arrived at the door of the beaten-up trailer, hesitating for a moment. if natalie was in here, she probably didn’t want to see you – or more like, she probably didn’t want to see you here, in the most dangerous area in her life. but still, you puffed your chest up, and with a newfound confidence fuelled by concern, you knocked. once, twice, three times.
and then, the door was ripped open. a gruff, tired man stared at you. he reeked of alcohol and his face contorted into a vile mix of annoyance and hatred. “who the fuck are you? what do you want?”, he asked demandingly, almost spitting on you.
“i’m looking for natalie, is she here?”, you worriedly asked, suddenly losing all the confidence you had previously manifested.
he sighed and groaned, “that little whore is gone. she’s not fucking welcome here anymore. leave before i shoot your brains out, now!”
and then, he slammed the door in your face. the wind from the recoil blew your hair back a little, and you felt your legs grow wobbly from fear. you turned on your foot and walked around the corner to not be seen by him again. ‘where would natalie be,’ your brain wandered as you pondered hard about the whereabouts of your friend.
suddenly, you remembered the junkyard. it wasn’t far from here and you remember smoking there with natalie, van and travis. you began to walk there, but only a few steps into your journey, it began lashing rain. you grumbled, pulling your hood over your head, tucking your hair into it so it wouldn’t get wet. for your own good, you hoped she was there, because you really didn’t want to deal with a cold.
natalie scatorccio leaned against a rusted car, swinging the pistol she stole from her father the night prior. she was so irritated, and decided to hang around the quietest place she knew of in order to recollect herself.
you wouldn’t understand her, ever. she couldn’t get help. her father would kill her if she tried, and her mother definitely wouldn’t save her. she had previous countless injuries to prove as such, and she grimaced from remembering the fear and pain she would feel for days after, threading lightly around her parents as she slipped out to go to school every morning. she remembered the threats her father gave and the worried looks her mother concealed.
the one time her mother had tried to protect natalie from her beast of a father, she had ended up beaten severely. natalie had to beg him to stop, and for a moment, she genuinely thought her mother was dead; all she ever did now is stare blankly at the tv, sleep, and drink. it’s like she was a puppet, just bending to her husband’s will.
natalie’s heart clenched, thinking about how she had lost her mother, and now she was losing you. she looked up towards the sky, feeling droplets against her face. she couldn’t tell if she was crying but she felt a ripping feeling in her chest and a pain well up in the back of her throat. she couldn’t stop thinking about the shock that etched itself onto your face when she had yelled at you earlier. you didn’t need somebody as damaged as her, you didn’t need that trouble in your life. her father would probably kill her before she could even tell you she loved you; either that, or she’d end up as fucked up as he was.  
suddenly, natalie jumped from shock as she heard a rattling noise behind her. some rubbish fell off a pile and she heard the shuffle of a body. turning swiftly, she saw a hunched over black figure approaching her, and before natalie could process her shock, she aimed the gun at them.
but then, on reflex (and maybe a reaction to trauma), natalie pressed her finger on the trigger. following the gunshot sound that rung throughout the junkyard, natalie could only hear silence, and then a pained gasp. hold on – it sounded feminine.
she rushed to the collapsing figure as they fell on their side lifelessly, like a sack of potatoes. ripping the hood off their face, she felt her blood run cold when she saw none other than you. (y/n) (l/n). you gripped your shoulder with your hand, coughing hard, as crimson began to seep through your fingers.
“shit! (y/n)! what the fuck?”, natalie gasped as she cried, holding you, “what the fuck? what the fuck, what the fuck, what the fu-“
you coughed again, snapping your friend out of her panicked spiral. natalie’s stomach filled with bile as she helped you strip the hoodie off, leaving you in your soccer jersey. you screamed in pain at the action, biting down on a sleeve. your shoulder was bloodied all the way to your chest, and natalie couldn’t identify where she had shot you.
“i-“, she wept, “i don’t know what to do. i didn’t mean to shoot you.”
your vision began to blur as natalie whimpered, and you reached a shaky hand out to touch her face.
“call misty.”
natalie’s warm tears dripped down your fingers, and the feeling revitalised you a little. her body was bent in a way that resembled a hurt animal as she bit down on her lip, body trembling. she squeezed your hand with more strength than you yourself could even muster up in that moment.  
“call misty,” you repeated again, and something in natalie clicked as she awakened from her bleary mental turmoil.
first, you heard voices, and then you opened your eyes. you were in misty’s living room, nestled up under blankets on her sofa. natalie and misty exchanged a few brief words before natalie turned to look at you. she looked exhausted and you could see smoky streaks of eyeliner on her cheeks. she noticed that you had woken up wiped her eyes, and then rushed to your side. she held your palm to her cheek, and you felt wetness.
you hissed in pain as you moved a hand up to rest it on the back of her head before talking sweetly yet tiredly, “hey gorgeous.”
you noticed misty smile in the corner of your eye before she left the room to give you two some space.
“i didn’t mean to, (y/n). you’re the last person i’d wanna hurt,” natalie whispered, voice trembling.  
“i know nat, it’s okay.”
natalie hiccupped and cried, “it’s not okay though. i still hurt you, i nearly killed you. i love you. i’d never wanna hurt you like that, and i did.”
though natalie glossed over the confession, you heard every word of it; it sunk into you, and you felt your body grow heavier as heat rose to your cheeks.
“you love me?”, you repeated her words, sheepishly.
“i…”, she breathed for a moment, “i’ve loved you since the day i met you.”
“i love you too”, is all you said, looking into her eyes. they looked innocent in that moment, and you knew you could get lost in them for hours. natalie was full of complexities, and you wanted to unravel her troubles and see her smile.  
“but, (y/n), i’m just too much trouble. my family is fucked up, and i’m fucked up too. i’d only hurt you”, she gasped out, not wanting to damage you further.
“i’m willing to deal with that, nat,” is all that you said, “we can get through it together.”
natalie looked surprised for a second as your words set in. her mouth was open in a small o shape, until you, with all the strength you could muster, pulled her into you.
she kissed you gently, not wanting to make your injury worse, and you were almost stiff due to the pain you felt, but you pushed through it, and pulled her even closer.
her lips tasted like salt and cigarettes, but you didn’t mind, because you loved her so much. you felt your heart swell in adoration as you pulled away, wiping her tears with a thumb.
for a moment, you studied each other’s eyes, until you heard a gasp behind you. misty covered her face. “(y/n), i know i owed you a favour, but that doesn’t mean i want to be a third wheel in my own house!”
the three of you burst into laughter and natalie helped you up. misty continued, “i stitched it up and tried to clean the cut as well as possible, but don’t do any rigorous activity for a few weeks. this means no soccer practice, got it?”, she pointed a finger against your chest, and you nodded. “also, pat dry after a shower, and constantly take painkillers, because it’s not going to heal easily.”  
after thanking the yellowjackets’ equipment manager, natalie helped walk you home. she sat on your bed as you inspected the wound in your bedroom mirror. “looks gnarly, d’ya reckon i’ll have a sexy scar?”
natalie chuckled, awkwardly, hiding her face in shame a little.
“it’s fine, babe, i’m really not upset at you, i promise.” you said, suddenly holding her face in your hand, forcing her to look into your eyes.
she only smiled back at you, wearily. you both fell silent for a moment before she cleared her throat. “well, i guess i should… find somewhere to stay. goodnight, (y/n).”
but, then you grabbed her hand in yours. “hold on a sec. you can stay with me.”
natalie looked at you with wide eyes.
“you have nowhere to go, and besides, i’ll need someone to help me with my injury. i’m sure my parents won’t mind”, you smiled with a wink, voice like honey.  
natalie pulled you in for a chaste kiss, pressing a hand on your lower back.
she literally missed your heart that day, but she shot right through it the moment you both fell in love.
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can we get prompt number 17: first kiss with ghost? :)))) thanks in advance
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Number 17: first kiss
Something short and sweet for you guys
Pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley x gn!reader
Warnings: extreme fluff
If Simon was asked what he thought the most beautiful thing in the world was, he wouldn't hesitate to say your name. It was cheesy, especially for a man who was anything but romantic in life, unable to really see the point in grand gestures and written poetry of love fill words. The seemed pointless, a material, shallow expression of love when it could be done in much better ways.
He thought that his entire life really, not having a good example of what true love should look in his life, but then it changed when he met you.
The more he got to know you the more he began to realize why so many people wrote poems declaring their eternal love for someone, why words weren't enough to show just how much love there was for somebody, how someone could wish to be next to another even after death because the mere thought of being separated was too much.
He couldn't believe he felt so much of it for you but there was no way he could ever ask himself to love you in such a small quantity, not when you deserved the moon, the entire universe itself.
Simon couldn't take his eyes off you as you enjoyed yourself inside the small pub, completely enamored by you once again, as if you were the only one in a room full of other people.
You were beautiful, shining bright in the dimly lit pub as if you were a star across the night sky. A smile was stretched across your face as you spoke with the others, your laughter traveling through the air and just barely gracing his ears, pouring into his chest and making the corners of his lips upturn under his mask.
He would do anything for you just to keep you this happy. He loved you even when you weren't but seeing you happy was enough for him to believe that there was something good in this world.
You looked away from the other and immediately made eye contact with Simon. He watched your eyes widened slightly, as if you didn't expect him to be staring at you, and he thought you would've looked away but you didn't.
Instead, you set your finished drink down and said something to the others before you made your way over to him with that smile still on your face.
Simon watched you intently and felt his chest warm up more as you stood in front of him, warmth and friendliness spread across your face.
"You seem to be enjoy yourself." You said and he nodded without looking away from you.
"How 'bout you?" He wondered, the answer obvious but it was hard for him to come up with anything else when you were staring at him like that and he wasn't making an effort to control his emotions.
"Oh, yeah. It nice to relax after such a long mission."
He had to agree with you on that. He wasn't one to go out much but tonight he was having a good time for once, especially when he got to see you have fun too.
"Care to join me outside for a bit?" You offered and he was already stepping away from the bar. "Figured I should get some fresh air."
"Needed a smoke anyway." He lied and gestured for you to lead the way.
Outside away from the noise and in the cool night air, he felt a little more relaxed, especially when you were pressed up against him. Your warmth was enough to take the chill away from his clothes and skin, his shoulders slumping forward as he leaned some of his weight back onto you, an attempt to get a better feel of you against him.
Simon didn't make a move to get out a cigarette, too distracted by you. His attention was split between the night sky that unfortunately was void of stars due to the streetlights, and you as you stood beside him in comfortable silence.
He wasn't sure what spurred it on, perhaps it was the silence and the cold, or it was the night sky you both were looking at in hopes that maybe you could see the stars, or maybe it was the fact that he feeling a lot of good emotions, but he had the sudden urge to kiss you.
Not for any other reason than to just feel your lips against his, to know what it would feel like when you pulled him into you and to show you just a fraction of how he felt.
It made him nervous, especially as he looked at you, debating with himself if it was really worth risking everything for one kiss.
When you looked at him, a twinkle in your brilliant eyes, he thought that you were worth everything, every risk imaginable.
"Can I kiss you?"
The words slipped out of his mouth surprisingly easy and despite the fact that his heart went into his ears, he didn't look away from you.
Your eyes widened, surprise written all over your face and he wondered if maybe he overstepped, before a giddy smile split across your face and you turned your body to face him.
"I'd like that."
Simon let out a soft sigh, relief washing over him before he hesitantly raised his mask above his mouth. He stepped closer to you, wrapping and arm around your waist and placing a hand on your cheek as he stared into your eyes, wanting to soak up in the way they softened from his touch.
He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to your lips, gentle, chaste, and slow, a chance to savor the moment and bask in the love that he willingly gave you and that you returned so affectionately. It was sweet and telling of how you both felt about the other, the closeness bringing you both to a state of breathlessness that force you both to lean away from each other.
You both stared at each other, smiling like love stricken fools.
The last first kiss you'd both ever have.
A/N: couldn't help but get cheesy. Sorry for the cringe but I love me some simp Simon
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jeonqkooks · 1 year
isn't it romantic? | myg (01)
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ENTRY ONE: Me Before You
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Many things in life have a polar opposite: left and right, night and day, yin and yang, you and Min Yoongi... Hopeless romantic meets gloomy cynic. The only thing you seem to share is a magazine column but even then, you still can’t seem to understand how Yoongi can be called ‘The Love Doctor’ when he is the antithesis of everything love represents.
pairing: yoongi x f!reader; side/past taehyung x f!reader
rating: 18+ (minors dni)
genre/warnings: coworkers to lovers, magazine writers au, fluff, angst, eventual smut; central themes of cheating (not between yoongi and oc), swearing (a staple in this household 😗), one bit is a lilllll suggestive?, mentions of drinking, i think that's it hmmm, barely edited bc u know how we do
word count: 5.1k
note: this is the yoongi brainrot speaking !!! the banner for this entry is one of my all time favorite pics of him and i will find a way to use it in everything !!! but erhm yeah iir is officially starting and i'm very curious to see what y'all think about it 😗 please like it haha jk no i'm serious please like it it's my baby
— as always, i’d appreciate any thoughts or comments you may have, and please drop a like and/or reblog if you enjoy reading ♡
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I waste my breath on a prayer, you don't care, I was never a part of your plan, You can't make a God of somebody, Who's not even half of a half-decent man.
I Burned LA Down - Noah Cyrus
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Half your life, you hated blue.
You often associated it with so many bad things - loss, betrayal, loneliness. The great big storm. The end of life.
Most of the pigtails-wearing girls in your class disliked it because it was often a boy’s color. You hated it because of a stranger on a beach.
Then you discovered Blue Side (as ironic as the name was), the magazine that everybody and their mother was reading. There was this column - the Love Maze (as corny as it sounded) - that had your 15-year-old self hooked from the first article you read, “Flirty Pickup Lines to Text Your Crush”. It gave you a nice little distraction from the reality of your fucked up family.
You’d get home from school and dive right into it. You could count on the maze for a new article every day, covering all kinds of things - cute little quizzes, daily love horoscopes, relationship tidbits…
You started reading it religiously because it was stupid, and fun, but it was more than that too. They covered real-life stories of actual people, which you’d never really thought about. For the most part, it was tedious. Rekindling with an old flame whilst grocery shopping, accidentally spilling coffee on a stranger who then asked you out on the spot, etc. Things like that. You found them so… unremarkable. 
But then it went beyond that, when they told their stories looking back on years and years after that first happenstance. How there was love in the mundane. How there was love every single day, even on the bad ones. How there was a spark that two people cared for and nurtured into a warm fire that never burnt out.
How there was love.
How there was always love.
To you, that was magical. It was something you’d only ever heard about in fairytales when you were a kid.
You still remember the exact moment when it all changed for you.
You met Kim Taehyung during your third week at Blue Side, where you were a wide-eyed assistant editor who somehow wiggled her way into a position there, and he was an effortlessly charming graphic designer.
Admittedly, the first time that you two had ever talked, wasn’t under ideal circumstances. You were tucked away behind the office building, nails digging into your palms at 3PM on a sunny but freezing afternoon, willing your tears to stay where they belonged. You’d felt severely underqualified, like you were only flailing about, trying to keep your head above water but something kept pulling at your feet, not stopping until you were at the very bottom. People always talked about how your early 20s were the most beautiful and freeing years, when you could truly live and feel your youth blossom all around you. But that just wasn’t true. Those were the loneliest years of your life.
Taehyung had found you then, while he was out for a quick smoke break. He could’ve made a lame excuse and left, or simply pretended to not notice you were even there, but he stayed. He approached you and asked what was wrong. He offered you words of reassurance and encouragement even though you were nothing but a stranger to him.
You were touched by his simple act of kindness and his endearing smile. Maybe it’s because you’d never been offered much kindness throughout your life that his small gesture seemed like everything. In a way, it was everything. He looked like the kind of fairytale love that you’d only seen in movies, only read about in Love Maze. To this day, a part of you still thinks that you fell in love with him the very second he asked, “Are you okay?”
The timing felt right.
Taehyung felt right.
He, too, was like the sun in the middle of a cold and isolating winter.
You remember the color of his sweater, and it was then that you realized blue didn’t have to be so bad after all.
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[15:39] You: what r u doing tonight?
[15:45] Tae ♡: probably just head home after the gym. play a couple matches with Jungkook. hope i don’t die boiling water for ramen and hit the hay early
[15:46] Tae ♡: miss you :(
[15:49] You: thanks
[15:52] Tae ♡: mean
[15:53] You: lol 😇
[15:54] You: i miss you too <3
[15:56] Tae ♡: can’t you come back earlier?
[15:58] You: there’s only a week left. you’re a big boy, u can handle it :)
That was a lie. You were already on the train when you sent him that text, bouncing your leg all the way back to the city at the mere thought of surprising him with your early return. You’d taken a leave from work to visit your family, spent some time somewhere quieter, away from the hustle and bustle of the big city.
You watch as the scenery passes by, fast-paced like you’re in a montage. The rest of forever is right around the corner. You wish you could skip to your happily ever after and not have to rewind the tape ever again.
When the diamond on your ring finger catches the sunlight coming from outside the window, you allow yourself a blissful sigh as you gaze at the jewelry adorning your hand. But if you’re being honest, it doesn’t fit anymore, at least that’s what you’ve noticed over the past month. It’s a little loose now, not quite noticeable but you can still make out the slight difference if you concentrate hard enough. You should get it resized soon, maybe later this week now that your schedule has cleared up earlier than expected.
Three weeks is a lot of time to spend around only your family, you realize. You thought you could do it - seeing that you hadn’t been back in a while - but the second you stepped foot into your childhood home, you remembered what a dysfunctional household you had.
It was nice while it lasted, which wasn’t very long. You did all you could, bit your tongue and tried to suppress that unresolved anger until it eventually became too much to handle. Your mom has always been a complainer. Nobody likes talking about it, but she’d bring up the same old shit almost every day even though you all know what happened. Your dad would just sit there and listen as she berates him in front of you and your sister, and you suppose he keeps quiet because there’s really nothing to be said in his defense. It was his crime, and this is his punishment.
Sometimes, you wonder why dad still stays. Sometimes, you wonder why mom still lets him.
You just wanted to go, even though this was supposed to be home. You want to leave every time you visit, and it’s a haunting feeling that keeps following you around your whole life. Why is home always a place you want to leave?
When you arrived back in the city, the first place you went to was Taehyung’s apartment. You lounged about, enjoying the much needed silence after two whole weeks with your family, killing time as you waited for your fiance to return from work.
You thought about you and Taehyung, and how your wedding was only months away but this was still his place. You wondered why you hadn’t moved in yet, though it wasn’t for a lack of trying on his part. Even though you spent most days of the week at Taehyung’s, you still had your own place.
Twenty minutes before he was usually supposed to come home, you ordered from his favorite restaurant, so he would have a proper meal once he was back, instead of half-assing his dinner with flavorless ramen like he’d planned. 
But Taehyung didn’t come back, and the food has been cold for hours now.
You glance at your phone again.
11:02 PM.
No new notifications.
The last message you sent him was around 8:30 - just a simple Whatcha doing? - but he hasn’t replied. 
There’s a small part of you that goes into a dark place, and you physically have to shake off the thoughts. Taehyung has never given you a reason not to trust him, but still, the wandering thoughts can’t help themselves. Is it insecurity, or paranoia? Or have you been programmed to be skeptical after everything that’s happened?
Maybe he’s just caught up with work. Maybe the guys at the office had last minute plans. Maybe Jungkook showed up unannounced and dragged Taehyung into one of his shenanigans again. There’s a lot of reasons to explain why he isn’t home when he said he would be.
You wait for him. Sometimes, waiting is all you can do.
You don’t get any indication of life until some time after midnight, when the door opens and you hear him stumble into the hallway. The first thing that escapes you is a sigh of relief - relieved that he’s home, safe and sound, and not out there somewhere doing things you would really not even let yourself imagine. You sit there on the couch, shrouded by darkness, now even more committed to making him squeal out of his skin after (unintentionally) making you wait for hours like that.
You carefully listen to the sounds coming from down the hall, trying to time when you’ll jump up and shock him.
There’s his shoes dropping to the floor carelessly. There’s some shuffling as he moves about, navigating his way through the dark. There’s a light thud, the sound of something hitting the wall softly.
A sharp intake of breath. His familiar groan, muffled. A whimper, feminine.
Your mind instantly blanks, and that nervous breath from before has suddenly found its way back into your lungs, growing in size until you stand up and say, “Tae?”
Somebody shrieks, and it’s neither you nor Taehyung.
When he switches on the lights, you don’t know what to focus on first - your fiance with his shirt unbuttoned, red lipstick smudged around the corners of his mouth; or the woman next to him with her back against the wall, hair disheveled, one strap of her pretty blue dress pulled down.
If this was what you wanted, then you suppose you succeeded.
Taehyung stares at you, eyes blown wide, mouth opening and closing dumbly as he searches for words. “Y/N, I-” he stutters, “w-what are you doing here?”
You’ve seen this exact moment in movies, read it in books and online posts on the Blue Side forum from people seeking advice. You witnessed your own mother go through it when you had just learned how to read. 
Your nails dig into the palm of your hands as you steady yourself. You’re not sure what your face is showing, if it’s even showing anything at all. You’re being pulled apart in every direction. Things that you felt as a child are things you never wanted to feel as an adult. It’s not until now that you finally understand why mom hasn’t gotten over it, even though it’s been decades. This is the kind of hurt that chases you wherever you go, never relenting until it makes sure it has a home deep within your bones.
You inhale a shaky breath, and take a step back when Taehyung starts approaching you. “Y/N, I’m so sorry,” he says, his voice cracking on the apology. 
You don’t want to hear any of it. You don’t want to be here anymore. For the second time today, you’re leaving home. For the second time in your life, home is being taken away again.
Somewhere in the back of your head, a tiny voice echoes, There it is.
You run out of there, feeling like the ceiling is going to collapse on you. You hear him call out your name, but his voice drifts further and further away as you move. Taehyung isn’t even following you. The faint scent of whiskey on his breath follows you out, but not him.
You keep moving until you’re out on the street, until you can’t even see the building anymore. You shiver from the chilly air, and the influx of emotions that threatens to make you burst. Lightning cuts across the night sky, flashing bright for a split second before everything dulls into darkness again. The forecast said it was going to rain tonight, you recall. Your phone in your bag vibrates the whole time, but still, no one follows you.
Your feet slow to a halt when the first drop of rain hits the ground. You’re not even sure how long you were walking, but now that you’ve stopped, you notice the shiver is gone. You’re standing completely still, and that those seismic waves in the center of your chest from earlier are nowhere to be found.
Oh. You’re doing it again.
Heavier drops start to dampen the earth.
You don’t know where else to go.
Not your own apartment. Not now. No, it’s too empty there.
Maybe it’s a sign from the universe, that you’re just undeserving of a place to belong.
You open your phone to find his name on your screen, next to the words (7) missed calls. You ring up the only person you can, and when she finally picks up, you say, “Can I come over?”
Even when your voice cracks, you don’t cry. The earthquake never comes.
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Sohee takes you in like the good friend she is. You’re grateful that she was someone you could count on to always have your back at work, who then turned into one of your best friends outside of the office too.
She gives you some clothes to change into, and doesn’t question anything when you ask if you could spend the night. Though, you have a feeling that she knows who this is about. She leaves you alone to get some rest, but it’s probably because she has work in the morning too, and it was already 1:30AM when you interrupted her peace and quiet with the call.
You don’t sleep a wink that night.
Instead, you think about your mom, and how she must have felt when she found out about your dad’s infidelity, time and time again. It’s true what they say, children really don’t know a lot about their parents. 
How did she feel when she first found out? You can’t imagine what it must have been like, going through all of that while having two kids to think about too.
You feel bad that just yesterday, you’d been so annoyed with her that you cut your trip short.
Outside Sohee’s windows, the sky cries, like it’s grieving in place of you, its tears drowning the earth in waves of sorrow. For a moment, you consider stepping out there, to feel the rain on your face and in your hair. But in the end, you stay inside, where you’re sheltered and dry.
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You don’t realize that the sun has risen until Sohee knocks on your - well, her - door. 
She cracks it open gently. “Babe?” she asks, tentative like you’re a cornered animal, ready to bolt at any given moment. “Are you up?”
You lie in her bed, feeling so foreign in your own skin. You reckon your eyes must be bloodshot from the lack of sleep. You haven’t even cried once.
“I’m alive,” you tell her, as you stare up at the ceiling. There are no stars here, just plain cream-colored paint.
“Okay,” you hear her say, then she pauses for a moment, clearly not knowing how to proceed. 
Sohee approaches you, sits on the bed, and gives you a smile. She pats your hair, and it reminds you of your sister. “You wanna tell me what’s wrong? I have some time before I meet Namjoon for breakfast.”
You sit up, reaching for your phone on the bedside table. It’s been switched off since you got here, and when you turn it back on, a flurry of texts light up the device until the screen lags. Messages from Taehyung, asking where you were, begging you to tell him if you were safe.
You open the texts to show him that you’ve read them. That should be enough of an answer.
You test the words in your mouth for a moment. “Taehyung cheated on me,” you say, thinking that if you verbalize it, it would be real and you would finally feel bad. That it was just a delayed reaction, that you were just too in shock to process anything. You want to feel bad, but it doesn’t work.
Sohee’s eyes widen almost comically. “Are you fucking serious?” she asks in disbelief, half because of the nature of the news itself, and half because of how calm you are.
“He cheated on me,” you repeat and still, nothing surfaces. If anything, it backfires. You can physically feel yourself doing it again - shutting down. “I caught him last night.”
You’re not sure what’s wrong with you. This isn’t a normal person’s reaction after they found out their fiance was cheating on them.
It is a you reaction. 
You keep doing this, even when you don’t mean to. You ran away last night, and you’re running away now. Your body shuts out every negative emotion until you feel nothing at all. It’s stupid that you do this, and it’s stupid that you don’t know how to stop doing it.
Fight or flight, and you choose flight every time. Every single fucking time.
You wish you could give Sohee something, anything would do. Scream, cry, go back to your apartment to set fire to all of Taehyung’s belongings. Anything would be better than this complete lack of emotions you’re showing. 
You watch her face as it happens, things that you should be feeling but aren’t. She’s mostly shocked, angry, but not hurt. How could she? She wasn’t the one being played for a fool. You wish you could ask her to give you some of that anger, even if it’s only a fraction.
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You don’t see Taehyung again until two days later, when he shows up at your door. Even when he’s standing in front of you, words spilling from his lips like prayers instead of apologies, you just feel… empty.
You let him inside, and the second that the door closes behind him, you fill up with unease. All your walls are up again, your system on high alert. Everything in your body is telling you that there’s an intruder in your space. Your feet are ready to bolt, just itching to get out of there Go, your head says, you’re not safe here.
Taehyung approaches you, tries to hold your hand, but you just shrug him off. The man in front of you visibly deflates, and despite the way his face falls, you don’t soften. 
The first thing he asks you is, “Why didn’t you cry?”
“You don’t look like you’ve been crying,” he points out. “Did you cry?”
Reluctantly, you admit, “No.”
Then he just stares at you. When his judgmental gaze holds yours, you feel guilty. Guilty that you’re not mourning the death of this relationship. Guilty that you’re just letting it go, but the truth is you don’t have any fight in you. You don’t see the point in trying to salvage what’s no longer alive.
“Do you even love me?” His voice is hard when he asks this, like he’s trying to keep his anger at bay.
“Of course I love you,” you say, but it lacks conviction. You both know it. The words sound so flaccid coming out of your mouth.
But you love him.
You do.
“Then why didn’t you cry?”
How do you tell him that you can’t? That you don’t know how?
How do you tell him that if you could, you would reach inside and claw out your feelings like digging for water in a desert. 
What the hell is wrong with you? This isn’t a high school crush, or a casual summer fling.
You two were supposed to get married, for fuck’s sake. You were supposed to spend the rest of your life with him. If there’s anything that could make you break through those godforsaken defense mechanisms to let the hurt in, it should be this.
“Did you kiss someone else just to see if I would cry?” you ask. Your voice is even, and you can see that it makes Taehyung more frustrated than he already is.
He grits his teeth, exhaling. You notice his blue sweater, and you stop him before he can say anything else. Obviously, it looks a lot more worn than it did back then, but over the years you’ve always found it endearing. It’s the first memory that you have of him. It was always something you could cherish.
Now, you can’t even bear to look at it.
It’s then that you realize it doesn’t matter what answer he gives you. Yes? No? It genuinely doesn’t matter. There is nothing that can make you see him the same way ever again.
You run your thumb over the ring on your finger, twisting it for a moment to memorize the feel of it. It’s the last thing that ties you to him. “You can have this back,” you say, handing the piece of jewelry back to him.
When a relationship ends, especially for a reason like this, people tend to think it’ll go down in a kdrama-esque fashion - crying, slapping, throwing water in the other person’s face. But that’s not what this is. It’s not cathartic; sometimes the end of a relationship is just a fizzle, doesn’t even make it to a fullburn. It might be unsatisfying, but it happens every day. It’s not always a pivotal point; sometimes it’s just a point.
Taehyung stares at the object in his palm. “That’s it?” he asks in disbelief. “We’re breaking up?”
“What else is there to do?”
“You’re not even gonna ask me anything? Who she was, how it started, how long it’s been going on?”
The other morning, Sohee had asked you to elaborate after you told her what happened, but there was just not that much to tell. You were there. He brought someone else home. End of story.
It was enough for Sohee to call him every name in the book and curse his entire bloodline though.
You suppose that’s a reasonable reaction. Taehyung cheated. You never thought he was a person capable of doing that. Three years of your life, down the drain. There’s nothing left to save.
“Okay,” you shrug tiredly, like you’re just having a casual and dull conversation about the weather. “Who was she? How did it start? How long has it been going on?”
Your name comes out of his mouth, sounding like a scoff. “Ask it like you mean it.”
“But I don’t mean it,” you say. “What difference does it make? Knowing doesn’t change the fact that you still cheated on me. You know what I’ve been through and you still fucked it up. You did the worst thing you could ever do to me.”
“Fuck, I know that!” he groans, throwing his hands up. “I messed up badly, and I’m sorry. Y/N, I’m so fucking sorry. I will never deny that what I did wasn’t wrong. But have you ever stopped to think that maybe you’re to blame for this too? You never want to admit that it could be your fault too.”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“You tell me. I keep having to put up with your baggage.” Then he shuts right up, barely even makes it through the last syllable before he’s squeezing his eyes shut for a second, clearly realizing that out of all the things he could’ve said, that was grossly out of line. “Fuck, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean th-”
And now you’re getting angry for the wrong reasons.
“You cheated but somehow it’s my fault, right?” you snap. “Boohoo. Sorry that you’ve had to put up with me all these years. I’m such a burden, right? Fuck you, Taehyung.”
“Y/N, I’m sorry, I didn’t-”
“I think you should leave.”
You think it’s the steel in your voice as you say this that makes him stop arguing. 
He holds your gaze for a moment longer. You’re someone who tears up when you see stray dogs, who cries alongside the fictional characters in your favorite show. And yet, as you watch your own fiance leave…
The door clicks shut as he exits your life, but everything he said stays behind, clings to your walls and festers like mold.
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The second you step onto the floor, everyone grows quiet. Lively chatter turns into hushed whispers. People go back to making their morning coffee, side-eyeing each other in a way that’s not meant to be very subtle.
You quietly make your way to your desk, all the while feeling the nosy pairs of eyes on you as you walk. You don’t know how word got out, but you were sure that everyone would know eventually. You just didn’t expect it’d be this soon. Sohee would never do that to you, and you highly doubt that Taehyung would go around broadcasting his infidelity. 
As you set your stuff down, you make eye contact with the new intern who sits a few spots away from you. You haven’t had the chance to talk to her much, but she’s a nice girl. She gives you a small smile in greeting, and even though you know she doesn’t mean to pity you, you can still see it in her eyes.
A minute later, Sohee comes up to you. “Hey, babe,” she says, leaning on your desk with two plastic cups in her hands. One iced latte and one mango smoothie. She puts the yellow-colored beverage down and nudges it toward you, a little lackluster and unlike her usual playful self.
“Thanks,” you say, taking the smoothie with a smile, commenting, “Interesting morning so far. Never thought I’d ever be the subject of office gossip.”
“Yeah, about that. Do you know who was Taehyung’s… uhm… y’know?”
It’s okay. She can say it. You can handle it.
You already feel nothing, and there’s nothing you can even do to rectify it. Might as well lean into it, right?
Or maybe you should just go to therapy.
“No,” you tell her. “I didn’t want to know.”
“Well, uhm, now that the whole office knows, I think you should hear this from me first…” Sohee bites her bottom lip as she gauges your reaction. When you only sigh and give her the go-ahead, she continues, “It was Yura from Marketing.”
“Yura from Marketing. You know the one. Brought muffins for the whole office on her first day? A little too bubbly for my taste. But yeah, she was at work the other day and suddenly burst into tears at, like, 10AM, and that’s how everybody found out.”
Of course. Even though people here are surrounded by celebrity gossip on the daily, nothing beats the good old-fashioned office affair. Why bother with celebrity gossip when you have front row seats to live drama unfolding ten feet away?
You take a sip of your smoothie, swallowing down the inkling of irritation that tickles the back of your throat. “Well,” you say, “I’m glad the downfall of my relationship is like a circus animal for them to gawk at. Can’t wait until they move onto the next big thing.”
“Honestly, it might blow over sooner than you think. The Love Doctor is back today.”
“What?” Your ears perk up at the mention of his name, glancing up at her in surprise as you put your drink down. “Doesn’t he work at the Paris office?”
“He used to work here. We joined around the same time. Then he transferred to Paris a few years ago. Nobody even knows why. One day he just upped and left.”
“Why didn’t you tell me he’d be here? I didn’t have time t-”
“Calm down, sweetcheeks, I only just found out,” Sohee chuckles, holding a finger against your mouth to shush you. “We all know you used to have a major lady boner for him.”
“I do not.” You don’t even know what he looks like, just his name when it appears in the byline of an article. “I admire him.”
Which is true, you do admire him. He’s your own version of a freaking rockstar. Though, you have to admit that Love Doctor is a huge cliche of a nickname, and significantly reduces the scope of his brilliance. The way that man writes makes it seem like he’s experienced lifetimes and is now here to pass on his wisdom. 
He doesn’t feel like a mere magazine writer like yourself. There’s something in his words that turns you inside out, makes you experience things that you’ve never even gone through. He flows like poetry, and leaves you stunned every time.
Okay, maybe you do have a lady boner, but for his brain.
Which… is probably something you should never say out loud.
Someone walks in then, a man you’ve never seen before. He looks around your age, if not a couple of years older. He bypasses all of the other desks without saying anything, not a single Hi or Good morning. He doesn’t look like the type to speak if not spoken to.
Then he walks over to where you and Sohee sit, and sets his bag on the empty desk next to yours.
You look at Sohee, and she just shrugs.
It can’t be him. Surely, it’s not…?
“Min Yoongi,” she says in greeting.
Oh, it is.
He spares her a nod before he looks away again. “Sohee.”
Is that the Parisian way? Is that how people normally greet someone they haven’t seen in years? Sohee and him were only colleagues, but still, the least you could do is pretend.
You’re not one to judge a book by its cover, but c’mon, seriously? Were you wrong for expecting the person who writes about love in its most raw and beautiful form to look… not like Grumpy Cat personified? It makes you even more fucking intimidated. And he’s going to be sitting next to you? The fuck?
As he sits down, you blink, still a bit dazed, not sure how to process this. Sohee gently pushes you forward, which makes you nearly stumble right into him. You turn to her with a glare, but she just motions to him, mouthing ‘Go on.’
You clear your throat, wiping your hand on your pants before you hold it out. “Hi, I’m Y/N. It’s so nice to finally meet you,” you say, trying to sound as professional as you can. “I’m really looking forward to working with you.”
He glances at you, and reaches out to meet your outstretched hand in a barely-there handshake. “Yoongi.”
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— all rights reserved © jeonqkooks. reposting, translating and/or modifying is not permitted by any means. [posted 07.05.2023]
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desiderio-dixon · 5 months
Darkest Before the Dawn
Chapter One : Sugar, I'm going down
Pairing : Daryl Dixon x f!reader (endgame), (unrequited) Glenn Rhee x f!reader
Series summary : When Glenn Rhee comes into your life, you become convinced he's a guardian angel sent by your late best friend. You think he's your soulmate. But then he falls for the farmer's daughter, and you find that your own angel may be a little more blatant than expected; wings and all.
Chapter summary : The group sets up for a run to Atlanta, and you fall ill.
Chapter warnings : brief suicidal ideation, violence, language, typical twd themes
Word count : 1.7k (a little baby introductory chapter)
A/N : hello! im no stranger to the fanfiction community but this is my first time writing for daryl so be easy on me please lol. i have the whole series planned out so I hope somebody out there enjoys!
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The plan. What was it? What was the plan? You can't remember. You can't think. The blood is fresh and sticky and it pools in your hands. Bitter and metallic and filling your lungs. She gurgles, her head in your lap. More blood slips from her lips, running a path down her cheek. Somewhere distant, far off in your mind, you're aware it's leaking through your jeans. Warm on your thigh.
Her hand reaches to your jaw, trying to grasp it weakly. All you can manage is a shaky breath, closing your eyes.
You know there's one left. Somewhere among the shelves. You just can't care. Let death take you. Let that thing pull you into it's cold grasp and sink it's rotting teeth into you.
You smell it first. The putrid rot overpowering the fresh metal of your best friends blood. And then you hear it too. The lazy shuffling of it's feet. That's when her hand grasps you harder. She can't speak but you know she's pleading. 'Save yourself'.
When it's close enough for it's ragged pant leg to brush your ankle, your body tenses. It's uncontrolled. You want this, but it will be painful. Your breath catches in your lungs, anticipating, awaiting.
But it never comes. And when the body slumps to the ground heftily, her hand slips from your jaw. Your eyes snap open.
That's the first time you see him. All clammy skin, panicked eyes, and splattered blood over his white T-shirt. "Come on, we gotta go!" He ushers. And he must see your eyes flicker to the limp body in your lap. "She's--She's gone. I'm sorry." Yes. She's gone. But somewhere in your soul, you find yourself believing that she sent him. You never were terribly spiritual or faithful; But in this case you hang on, desperately, to the concept. That, as she left this world, she gave you a gift. To keep you going.
And so you do.
"And that is how I met Glenn." You finish your recounting, though this version was much less detailed and much more comical. You wouldn't want to cry on the boat. Andrea told you it scares the fish.
Amy giggles and Andrea scoffs. "You? Some damsel in distress?" Andrea says, peering up at you while she tightens her knot. "I would think you're too stubborn for that."
You huff. "Yeah, well, things were different back then." You playfully defend, debating splashing her. Surely *that* would scare the fish though.
"Can't have been that different a month ago!" Amy chimes in. If the sudden end of the world taught you anything, it was that a *lot* could change in a month.
"Last time I join you guys out here!" You tease.
When you three return back to camp, Andrea and Amy garner various cheers over their impressive catches, though it's not enough for everyone to eat tonight. You, you're happy enough with your one minnow. Gotta start somewhere.
You dump your single fish by the fire, where the Dixon brothers sit. "Fishin' ain't your thing, huh, sugar?" Merle drawls. You pay him no mind, only sending a quick nod to the younger brother before strolling away. Merle was nothing but trouble. Crude words and cruder actions. Daryl, though, was nice enough. Quiet. He never seemed to say much to anyone but his brother. In your opinion, his value to the group was nearly unmatched. Most of the food in camp was provided by him.
You spot Glenn by the RV, chatting up Dale as per usual. Those two had an admirable student/mentor relationship. Raising your hand to block the beating Georgia sun from your eyes, you walk to join them. Glenn grins when he sees you approaching. It makes your chest warm. "Hey, guys." You call.
"Hey! We were just talking about you." Glenn says. Your insides feel like they do a somersault. They were talking about you? Stuck somewhere between honored and worried.
You chance a look at Dale. The older man always seemed to wear his heart on his sleeve. Wide eyes telling his wise tales for him. He seemed casual now. "Do I wanna know?" You joke, leaning into the side of the RV. Glenn puts his hands in his pockets, rocking on the balls of his feet as he so often does. You find it cute.
"Just another run in Atlanta. Shane wants a bigger haul though. Not just you and me this time." You and Glenn had been scavenging partners since the day he first found you, only a couple weeks in. It was just easy with him. While it was important to be compatible in the ways of scavenging and fighting, you found it even more valuable to be compatible in that human way. Humor, connection. It was difficult to go on runs with people you didn't much talk to. Tension with your partner led to being distracted.
But of course, Shane wasn't satisfied. He never quite was. No matter how many trips to the woods he took with Lori. You scoffed at the thought. "Well, is Shane gonna do some of the dirty work himself?" You ask.
Truthfully, in the time you'd been in camp, you felt Shane didn't contribute much at all. The women were set to cooking and laundry. The Dixons were to hunt. You and Glenn to scavenge. And Shane to reap the benefits while ordering everyone around.
Glenn laughed. "Course not. Shane is king of the swamp!" That earns a huff out of Dale. He shakes his head in amusement before stepping into the RV and shutting the door behind him.
In his absence, Glenn filled you in on the plans.
"Merle? Seriously?" You roll your eyes. The idea of being anywhere near Merle for longer than ten minutes was enough to make you rip your hair out of your scalp. Why couldn't it have been the more respectable Dixon?
Glenn shrugs, his eyebrows raised with a similar look of displeasure. "He volunteered."
❀ ~~__~~ ❀~~__~~ ❀
Trudging back to your tent that night, your legs felt like lead. You must just be tired from all the time in the sweltering Georgia heat. The act of laying on your cot made your head spin, spots rolling over your vision. Figuring you'd need rest for the run tomorrow, you decided to try sleeping immediately. No reading or journaling tonight.
You drifted off without even realizing. When you awoke a few hours later, a thin sheen of sweat covering your body, you couldn't remember falling asleep at all. Disoriented, you stood up. The world spun for a few moments as you stumbled out into the cool night air. The dry breeze brushing over your damp skin brought goosebumps onto your arms.
Something was definitely wrong. You could feel your legs trembling under you as you walked towards the communal area. The water was kept there. Maybe you were dehydrated. Finally reaching the stash of bottled water, you collapse onto your knees. The plastic crinkles loudly as you try to open one. With your weakened, shaking arms, you find that you can't manage.
"The hell 're you doin'?" Any other day and the sudden gruff voice would've scared the shit out of you. In your dazed state, though, you only manage to look towards Daryl. You must look like hell with the way his face blanches when he sees you. The moonlight does you no favors, exaggerating the shine of sweat on your skin. Your color is off too, two shades too light. He can see your hands trembling where they hold the water bottle. "Ya bit?" He asks.
You shake your head, clearing your throat. "I don't know what's wrong. I don't..." You trail off, voice going weak. At the confirmation that you're not infected, Daryl draws closer. His boots crunch over the drying leaves and damp soil. You wonder if he'd gone to sleep at all, given that he's fully dressed. You swallow. "...feel right." You finally manage to finish.
Daryl crouches in front of you, reaching his hand to brush your forehead. The contact seems more uncomfortable for him than you. He draws his hand back quickly, like the act of touching you is painful. "Ain't got a fever," He grabs the water bottle from you roughly, opening it easily before passing it back. "Yer right though, somethin' ain't right with ya. Im'a get Shane."
Before he can walk away, you grab his wrist. He jumps at your touch, whipping his arm out of your grip. You pay it no mind. "Not Shane. Get Carol, please." You plead, staring up at him. He hesitates before giving you one single nod, trudging off in the direction of Carol and Ed's tent. You sip your water while you wait. Part of you worries that Ed will be mad if he's woken, but you know he's probably too piss-drunk to wake to anything.
Carol's always made you feel safe. You wish you could do the same for her. Most days you find yourself wishing you could simply will Ed out of existence. Instead, you do your best to offer her and Sophia small comforts; a nice pair of earrings for Carol, a new doll for Sophia. Throughout your time in camp, you'd grown to see Carol as a sort of motherly figure. She looked out for you, and you, her.
Before long, Carol and Daryl are jogging up to you. Carol crouches down with you while Daryl hangs back, chewing the side of his thumb. He seems like he doesn't know whether he should stay or go. Carol's cold hands caress your cheeks and forehead, examining the clammy skin for sighs of fever surely. "You okay?" She softly murmurs, giving your cheek a soft pat before pulling her hands back.
"I just feel sort of--dazed? Sweaty and shaky too." You explain to the best of your abilities. Something about the way Daryl was looking at you from behind Carol made you nervous. You pick at the drying leaves on the floor around you, soil piling under your nails.
Carol nodded, pushing up onto her feet. She turned to Daryl, "She's probably low on sugar. None of us have had much to eat lately." She was meek around Daryl. Truthfully, she's meek around all the men at camp. Always careful to not raise her voice or make a joke.
Daryl just nodded, thumb still in mouth. Carol wandered off, muttering something about candybars in her tent. To your surprise, Daryl remained. You trailed your eyes up his body. When you met his eyes, he quickly averted his sight. "Ya ain't goin' on that run today." He says, tone leaving no room for argument. And just like that, he leaves you in the middle of camp, awaiting Carol's return.
❀ ~~__~~ ❀~~__~~ ❀
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atzfilm · 10 months
— 『 𝐖𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐖𝐀𝐋𝐋; 𝐨𝐭8 』 [teaser 2]
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— 𝚠𝚘𝚗 • 𝚍𝚎𝚛 • 𝚠𝚊𝚕𝚕, adjective. having someone who serves as a pillar in your life, who offers a sturdy place to lean in times of trouble. somebody you find yourself thinking about constantly and are completely infatuated with.
❝humans were such strange creatures. wretched in their mere existence. none of the eight were ever truly interested in them until they found you. they just find it strange that despite their status and rank, you'd rather spend time with your lover. that isn't much of a problem, though. one they can fix with ease.❞
〘ʏᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇ, ᴍʏᴛʜ, ꜱᴍᴜᴛ, ꜰᴀᴇʀɪᴇꜱ〙
— note: this is a yandere fic. sensitive topics such as manipulation, gaslighting, murder, and other topics involved with the genre. please heed the warnings and read this work of fiction while keeping this in mind.
FIC WARNINGS: murder, manipulation, blood, blood drinking, torture references, dark magic, kidnapping. this series is very dark, if you're uncomfortable with the subjects listed do not read. warnings will change but be listed in each chapter. there is no tag list for this series.
“I would follow you everywhere; until your steps become my own, until your breaths mingle with mine. There is no where you will go that will be where I am not. It is all but that simple.” He cradles your face in his hands, thumbs rubbing against the skin. “That is all I need, and it is all you’ve wanted. We will no longer be separated; you won’t be left alone.”
The more he trails on, the more fear begins to circulate your veins. He does not seem to notice it, so he continues. “Soobin is no longer an issue since he’s gone. You’re free to desire whomever you want without him holding you back.”
“He was my boyfriend, Joong,” your brows furrow. “He’s the reason I’m even in this town in the first place. Why would he be holding me back? I love him.”
You don’t see the way his mouth twitches at the word love. What you do see, though, is the way his eyes narrow. “He’s gone.”
“Love doesn’t just disappear when I no longer see him.”
“Then how will it? Must he come to you and say he hates you? Will he have to attempt to hurt you for it to go away? Why do humans continue to love someone who’s left them? Why can’t you let him go?”
What else does he have to do? Should he have manipulated the human’s mind before he killed him? Made him break your heart?
You stare at Hongjoong as he loses himself in his thoughts. You’ve believed in inherent goodness, but there’s always been this underlying fear of them, just for the nature of them being Unseelies alone. Knowing that despite all of what they say, it’s something they can’t change. It’s something you’ve settled with. But hearing his words, the way his eyes shake as he looks at you – something tells you that he’s off. That despite their comfort and sympathy, they know what happened to Soobin.
An even smaller part of you believes that they’ve done something to him.
“It’s hard to,” you explain, choosing your words carefully. “I’ve known him since we were children, and even if I didn’t love him in the romantic sense, I do love him as a friend. It hurts to just lose a friendship like that.”
"If I killed him, would you forget him?"
You still. His touch is ever so delicate as he waits for your response. Eyes warm, blinking slowly. It's as if he didn't just say he'd do something so heinous, so unthinkable.
A weak "What?" Is all you can respond with.
He leans closer to you, barely a breath away from your lips. His eyes flick over your face before landing back on your eyes. "If I killed your weak, miserable, incompetent, lackluster ex-partner, will you forget him then? Will you mourn his loss, then come into my arms? Will you love me as you love him?"
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eddiemunsons80sbaby · 6 months
Never Say Never
Chapter 5
Pairing: SingleDad!StevexReader
Summary: You are a 32 year old single mother, raising your seven year old son on your own. After being widowed at 30 and going out on awful dates with disgusting men for the past month, you have decided that you're giving up. You already had your great love. One person can't possibly get lucky enough to have two in their lifetime. But then your son starts playing baseball and the coach might just change your mind about that.
No posting schedule.
18+ only for eventual smut
Word Count: 7.5K
1 2 3 4
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You were grateful that you’d added a sweater over top of your t-shirt prior to leaving for the rink. Even with the weather warming up outside, the rink was chilly. Eli had argued when you insisted that he bring a sweatshirt, stating that he’d been so hot in his jacket at recess and would be fine, but you noticed the sweatshirt was on and zipped up now as you laced up his skates. 
“Double knot them, mommy. I don’t want them loose,” he told you, a little tremor of nerves apparent in his voice. 
New experiences always made him anxious. You’d explained the idea of ice skating as well as you could, telling him it really wasn’t too different from rollerblading and he knew how to do that. But if he didn’t know exactly what to expect, if he didn’t know precisely what he was supposed to do, his nerves kicked into high gear. 
He was masking it well. You assumed that was for the benefit of Jeremiah. Eli didn’t want his friend to see how scared he was. But he’d rambled to you about everything that could go wrong from the time you’d picked him up from school in the afternoon. 
“What if I fall?”
“Then you get back up.”
“But what if I break my leg?”
“You’re not going to break your leg, Eli.”
“I could. You don’t know that. What if I fall backwards and I crack my head open on the ice and my brain starts oozing out and then I can’t remember all the stuff I learned at school anymore?”
“Eli, you’re going to be fine. I promise.”
“What if Jeremiah laughs at me because he knows how to skate and I don’t and I have to hold onto the railing the whole time?”
“If he’s your friend he won’t do that.”
On and on it went, his ideas of what could go wrong only getting more outlandish until he was predicting that he would slice somebody’s leg off with his skate and then he would go to jail for the rest of his life. You had sighed, ensuring him that none of those things were going to happen. The worst that could happen would be he would fall and get a bruise. He was not convinced. 
“Tight enough?” you asked, giving your son a reassuring smile. 
“I think so,” he replied, twisting his foot around and around as if checking if they were going to simply fall off his foot. He leaned down, his mouth right next to your ear, whispering, “Mommy, are you sure I’m going to be okay?”
“I promise.”
“Will you hold my hands?”
“I can but honestly, I’m not that good of a skater either. I don’t know how much help I’ll be because I’ll be trying to stay on my feet too. Jeremiah’s dad said he would help you if you need him to and I think he’s pretty good at this. Would you like me to ask him if he’ll hold your hands?”
Eli bit his bottom lip, the skin already peeling in spots from him worrying at it the whole way here. He sat for a moment, considering your offer, and then nodded, eyes wide. 
“You think he’ll do it?”
“I know he will. Coach Harrington is a really nice guy.”
“Yeah, he is. He said I can call him Steve. Is that okay?”
You smiled, your hand running assuringly over the front of his shin, “If he said it is, then of course you can.”
“Are we all ready?” called Steve, him and Jeremiah standing, all skated up and steady, next to the ice. 
“Yep. All good,” you told him, standing, holding your hand out to your son. Eli took it, stepping hesitantly with you over to the ice. You leaned into Steve, asking quietly, “Eli wondered if you might be able to hold his hands at first?”
Steve knelt down, eye level with your son, “You a little nervous there, kiddo?”
Eli swallowed, nodding, his eyes focused down on his feet. Your heart contracted, knowing it took a lot of courage for your son to admit that in front of his friend and a man he admired and looked up to.
“I was really nervous too,” Jeremiah told him. “I mean, I don’t remember because I was only three but I’m sure I was. My daddy held my hands the whole time. He’s a really good skater. He’ll make sure you don’t fall.”
You smiled, “See? Now we just have to make sure that I don’t fall.”
Jeremiah stepped up to your other side, taking your hand in his little one, “I’ll make sure you don’t fall. I’m a really good skater too. You can skate with me.”
“Wow. Thank you so much,” you gushed. Steve had taught his son well. He was just as kind as his dad and your heart melted at his offer even if there was no way this tiny boy was going to be able to support you on the ice. “I feel so much safer now.”
Jeremiah beamed at your praise, glancing over to his dad, “My daddy says that we are supposed to be gentlemen and a gentleman wouldn’t let a lady fall down and get hurt.”
“Well,” you replied, your eyes on Steve’s, “you have a really good daddy then because he’s raising one amazing little gentleman.”
You caught the flush that crept up Steve’s neck at your words as he took both of Eli’s hands in his. Stepping back onto the ice, he waited for Eli to step on. It took him a couple tries, the feeling of the slick surface making him hesitate but finally he had both feet on the rink. 
“Alright kid, we’ll go slow, okay? Just so you can get a feel for it. Have you ever gone rollerblading?”
Eli nodded, “Yeah. Mommy and I rollerblade at the park sometimes.”
“Perfect. It’s kind of like that but you’re on ice instead of sidewalk,” Steve explained. “You just push and glide your feet.” He skated backward, keeping hold of Eli as he hesitantly began trying to move forward. “There you go.” Your son stumbled, his body rocking and Steve kept a tight hold. “I got you, okay? I won’t let you fall. Just get used to the movement and the feel of the ice.”
You watched as Steve took your son around the rink, watched as your son’s face slowly changed from one of fear to one of joy as he realized that he could do this. Skating was not as scary as he thought. Your heart swelled at the way your son smiled up at Steve, looking at him as if he hung the moon. It was the same exact way he used to look at Justin. 
You closed your eyes, silently talking to your husband in your head, the way you did whenever you were conflicted, whenever things got tough. He’d always been your person. You just wanted to know that he would understand, that he would be okay with these feelings that only grew stronger with every moment you spent with Steve, that he would be okay with another man being in his son’s life. A man that he could look up to. A man that he idolized the way he’d once idolized his dad. 
Sure, Eli had Matt. He practically worshiped the ground Matt walked on but it was different. Matt didn’t give you butterflies in your stomach. He didn’t make your pulse race. He didn’t consume your thoughts and make you trip over your words and forget how to function like the grown ass woman you were. Which was a good thing, because if he did that could make your friendship with Janice quite awkward. 
“Are we going to skate, too?”
With a jerk, you tore your eyes from Steve and Eli, giggling as they made their second lap around the rink, moving much faster now. Jeremiah gazed up at you, those blue eyes invading your soul, just like his dad’s did. Maybe they weren’t the same color but damn if he didn’t get his dad’s intensity. 
“Yeah. I’m so sorry, sweetie. I just got lost in my thoughts for a minute. Are you ready?”
“I’ve been ready and don’t worry. I got you,” he assured you sweetly as you stepped onto the ice. 
“I feel very safe. I am obviously in good hands with you, Jeremiah.”
“Yeah, I’m a really good skater,” he told you, following your lead, moving slowly across the ice. “My mommy and daddy started bringing me when I was really little. But I don’t really remember. They got a divorce when I was only four and I am almost eight. I don’t really remember when they were together at all.”
“And does that make you sad?”
“Not really. My mommy and daddy are really good friends. Mommy says daddy is one of her best friends and they just work better that way.” He shrugged. “But now mommy has a different husband so I have a stepdaddy and he’s really nice. They were boyfriend and girlfriend for a long time before they got married. He says I don’t have to call him daddy and that’s good because I already have a daddy. I just call him Jonathan. I got to be in charge of the rings which was a really important job. Daddy told me it was the most important job next to being the bride or groom because they couldn’t get married without the rings.”
You tried hard to stay focused on the child’s words as almost all of your brain power was currently being used to keep your footing on the ice. You skated close to the side, your hand reaching frequently for the rail as the top half of you wobbled forward and back in an effort to keep your balance. You had not been skating in years and yet you could recall the last time in your mind with perfect clarity. 
You and Justin had been going out for two months when he told you he had a surprise for you. He would not tell you anything except that you needed to dress warm. Imagine your horror when he took you to the pond for ice skating. You had only been on skates twice in your life and it was safe to say you were not a natural. You’d spent more time on your ass than on your feet. 
But he’d been so excited, believing he’d planned the perfect romantic winter date. He’d spent most of the time holding you up but it wound up being the perfect date. You’d spent most of the night laughing as you wobbled around until eventually you’d pulled both of you down to the ground. Instead of being upset, he’d grabbed onto your face, breathlessly pronouncing that he loved you for the first time. It was in that moment that you’d known you’d found the one, the person who was your other half, the one you wanted for all time, having no idea how short that time would be. 
“Hmm?” you replied, swallowing down all the emotion that was rising up within you as you looked down at Jeremiah. 
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, of course,” you assured him, blinking and clearing your throat. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Your face got really sad when I was talking about my mommy and daddy. But that doesn’t have to make you sad. I’m not sad. They’re not sad. My mommy is really happy. She loves Jonathan. 
You smiled, “That’s really nice for her. It’s nice to have someone.”
“Yeah. My daddy says he is really happy too but he doesn’t have someone to love right now.”
“What are you talking about? He’s got you.”
“I know and I know he’s lucky to have me. He tells me that all the time but I want him to have someone like mommy has Jonathan. Because, you know, sometimes I’m not there. I have to be with my mommy too and then daddy is all alone. I think he needs someone to be there with him when I’m not there. Someone that can love him all the time like Jonathan loves mommy. He takes care of her when I am with daddy and they do fun stuff so mommy doesn’t get bored and she’s not alone. I don’t like my daddy to be alone.”
“Well, it’s not always easy to find somebody like that but your daddy is a pretty great guy. I am sure he’ll find somebody one day. There’s not enough guys like your daddy out there. Some lucky lady will see that.”
“Eli told me that his daddy had to go to heaven. So, if he’s not there anymore, do you have somebody to love like that?”
“Oh!” Your chest tightened in surprise and you reminded yourself that this was just a curious little boy asking a very innocent question. “Well, no. I don’t. Eli’s daddy was that person for me but now he’s gone and I haven’t found anybody else. To be fair, I haven’t really been ready to find someone else because I’ve been sad for a very long time. I loved him a lot. I don’t know if I’ll find someone to love like I loved him.” “What about my daddy?” asked Jeremiah and you stopped, grabbing onto the railing. “My daddy doesn’t have anyone and you don’t have anyone. You seem to like each other. You’re always smiling when you’re around each other. Maybe you could love my daddy and then Eli and I would be like brothers. That would be so cool.”
“I…umm…well…” you stammered, having no idea how to respond to this sweet child. Everything was so simple to them. He saw two people who were single so why wouldn’t they just be together? You wished life were as simple and uncomplicated as children thought it was. “You know, it’s just a bit more complicated than that.”
“Why?” he pressed, completely undeterred as you came around the rink for a second time. “Don’t you like my daddy?”
Eli and Steve were skating across the rink from them, no longer holding hands, your son completely holding his own. He wasn’t exactly racing around the ice but you were impressed with how smoothly he was already gliding and extremely thankful they were too far away to hear this conversation. 
You released a long breath, “I do. I like your daddy a lot. He’s a wonderful person. But when it comes to relationships, there’s a lot more that goes into it than just both being alone. I mean, maybe your daddy doesn’t like me.”
“He does. I know he does. He’s always smiling when you talk and he keeps wanting to do stuff with you. And he thinks you’re really pretty.”
“He what? Wait. How would you know he thinks I’m pretty?”
“I asked him.”
“Why would you ask him?”
Jeremiah rolled his eyes, “Because I want you two to love each other so my daddy isn’t alone. I already explained this. So, I asked him if he liked you and he said yeah. And then I asked him if he thought you were pretty because I think you’re really pretty and he said you’re beautiful. So, that’s even more than pretty. That’s like super pretty.”
Grabbing onto the edge of the glass, you closed your eyes, inhaling slowly through your nose. This was a lot, like far more than you’d been expecting. In fact, you hadn’t been expecting it, especially not from his seven year old son. 
“You know what? I think I need a break,” you told him with a smile. “It’s a lot of work to skate. I’m just gonna go sit down for a bit and watch you guys. How about you go skate with your daddy and Eli for a bit?”
“Okay. But maybe think about loving my daddy. He’s a really good daddy and I think he would be a really good husband. I mean, my mommy says he wasn’t a bad husband. He was just not right for her. Maybe he could be right for you. And Eli and I both think being brothers would be awesome.”
Jesus Christ. You were going to have a full blown panic attack in a minute if you didn’t get out of this conversation. And on skates, that could be more than hazardous. Husband? You’d only known the guy for a little over a week and seen him less times than you could count on your hand. You hadn’t even been on a date and your kids were planning your wedding and being siblings.
You slowly stepped over to the bleachers, plopping down heavily on the cold metal. Three things. You needed three things. Steve with a huge smile as he reached for Jeremiah’s hand. No. Anything but him right now. The lady’s bright pink sweater just down the bleachers from you. Okay. Sound. You closed your eyes focusing on the skates as they sliced over the ice. Movement. You pointed and flexed your feet in the skates, grounding yourself, bringing yourself back from the brink of losing your shit in front of all these families enjoying an evening of fun. 
Okay, you were okay. You were fine. It was just a child asking you innocent questions. Of course best friends dreamed of being siblings. Of course him and Eli had concocted some insane idea so they could be together all the time. That’s what best friends did. They weren’t thinking about anything rationally because they were seven. It didn’t mean anything. 
Slowly, you opened your eyes and shrieked, jumping, when you found the exact pair of hazel ones you’d been trying not to think about looking at you with concern. Steve’s brow was furrowed, adorable little lines appearing between them that you itched to press your thumb to and smooth down. 
“Hey, are you okay?”
For a kid who’d had a deathgrip on his hands just five minutes ago, Eli was now skating next to him like he’d been doing it for years. Sure, the kid wasn’t flying but he was gliding those skates like it was nothing. He grinned up at Steve and as a dad he knew that grin well. It was the grin that was full of expectation, waiting for you to confirm they were doing well and you were proud of them.
“I got to say, kid, you’re a natural,” Steve told him, turning his body to skate backwards in front of him. “I would never know this was your first time on skates if I was just watching you now.”
“It’s not that hard,” Eli told him. “It is a lot like rollerblading. I was just being a big baby.”
“Oh, I don’t want to hear you say that. You weren’t being a baby. You were being really brave.”
“It’s not brave to be scared.”
“Of course it is. Being brave doesn’t mean you’re not scared. Being brave means you do something even when you’re scared. Even the bravest people are scared sometimes.”
Eli frowned, “So, do you think my daddy was scared sometimes?”
“I’m sure he was. Everyone gets scared,” Steve answered, knowing he would need to tread carefully. He didn’t know the full story with the dad and he didn’t want to say too much. 
“But my daddy was a soldier. He was a marine and marines are supposed to be strong and brave and not scared of anything. My daddy was a hero.”
Well, that explained a lot. Steve wondered if that was how he’d lost his life. It would have been sudden, a knock on their door that no family ever wants to receive. No chance to say goodbye. Just here one moment and gone the next. No wonder this kid loved superheroes. His dad had been a living, breathing version of it. 
“Even soldiers get scared. They go to really scary places sometimes and their jobs are very dangerous all the time. But they still do what they have to do. That’s what makes them heroes. It must be pretty hard not having your daddy around.”
“Yeah. Sometimes. But it’s really hard for my mommy. She tells me stories about him all the time because I only remember a little bit. Like, I remember him taking me to the zoo and putting me on his shoulders so I could see the gorillas. But mommy tells me all the stuff. We talk about him a lot. But then she cries.”
“She does?”
“Uh-huh. She thinks I can’t hear her but I can. She cries sometimes at night after we talk about him. She says he was her person. It makes her really sad because he left and now she’s all alone.”
“It’s tough to be alone,” Steve agreed, a lump the size of one of the baseballs he used at practice forming in his throat. 
He hadn’t lost his wife in death but he’d lost her all the same. And in the end, it had been for the best. He knew that. Him and Nancy were completely wrong for each other. But sometimes he missed that easy companionship, having someone to come home to, someone to talk about your day with. He knew how lonely alone could get. 
“You’re alone too, right?”
“Well, yeah. I mean, I guess I am but Jere’s mom didn’t go to heaven. She just lives in a different house now.”
Eli’s lips pursed thoughtfully, “Yeah, but you live alone. I mean, when Jeremiah is with his mommy.”
“Yeah, I do.”
“Jeremiah and I were talking at school about how you’re alone and my mommy’s alone. So, we thought maybe you wouldn’t have to be alone if you were together. I mean, it would be so cool if we could all live together and then I could be with Jeremiah all the time. We could have all our toys to play with and then I would have a dog too. And then…” He looked down at his feet, his voice going quiet. “Then I could have a daddy too.”
Steve swore he heard the ping as his heart fractured like a piece of the ice that was beneath them. He slowed his skating, slipping around next to Eli again. This sweet little boy just wanted a dad and while it didn’t make any sense logically, he wasn’t logical. He was only seven. And he and his son had devised what they thought was a very logical plan. Just put them together and instant family. Unfortunately, it didn’t work that easy. 
“I mean, Jeremiah says you’re a really good dad. I think you’re a really good dad. You’re really nice and you’re fun. You’re good at teaching. You’re teaching us how to play baseball and you taught me how to skate. And you make my mommy smile. Jeremiah thinks it would be good because you could have my mommy to take care of you when he’s not there. And my mommy needs someone to take care of her. I try but I’m just a kid. She needs an adult.”
“Oh, kiddo…that sounds like such a good plan but it’s not quite that easy.”
“Why not? You like my mommy, right?”
“I do,” Steve sighed, looking over to where you and Jere were skating hand in hand, deep in conversation. He wondered if you were in the midst of an uncomfortable conversation just like he was. Did the boys plan this little ambush? “Eli, I really do. Your mommy is pretty amazing.”
“She likes you too. I heard her talking to Aunt Janice and she said you are so cute you should be on tv. She also said you’re perfect. She’s trying real hard to find something wrong with you. I don’t know why.”
He couldn’t deny the thrill of happiness that coursed through his body at those words. Could the little boy have heard correctly or was he twisting his mom’s words into what he wanted to hear? Did you like him the way he liked you? Because he liked you, possibly too much and it only got worse the more time you spent together. 
“Trust me. I’m not perfect,” he chuckled. “She could find plenty of things wrong with me. She doesn’t have to look that hard.”
“I don’t think anything’s wrong with you. I think you’d be perfect for my mommy and me. And I’ve always wanted to have a brother or sister because I think that would be fun. We could be a really great family. We could play games and go on picnics and go to the zoo. And you could kiss my mommy like the other daddies kiss the mommies and she would be happy.”
“Oh, kid. It’s so nice that you think I would be…I mean…that means a lot to me. I just…”
“Jere!” Steve exclaimed, extremely grateful for the interruption because he had no idea how to respond without absolutely breaking this little boy’s hopes, dreams, and his sweet little heart. “Did you make sure Eli’s mommy stayed on her feet?”
“I sure did!” he stated proudly. “But she said she needed to take a break. I think I made her sad.”
“What do you mean you made her sad?”
Jeremiah shrugged, his lips mashing together, “I don’t know. I was just telling her how I think you and her should be each other’s person so you don’t have to be alone. And I told her how pretty you think she is. And how I think you guys could love each other so you wouldn’t have to be lonely anymore.”
“Jesus Christ,” Steve sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. He’d had these boys all wrong. They weren’t innocent little seven year olds. They were devious masterminds who’d managed to ambush both of you tonight. 
“I was telling your daddy the same thing!” Eli grinned, the two boys winking, very obviously, at each other even though they obviously thought they were being sly. “I told him how it would be so cool because then we could be brothers too and we could be together all the time!”
Steve’s eyes searched for you, finding you stumbling over to the bleachers. You sat down hard, your eyes scanning the rink as if you were searching for a lifeline, something to save you from his son and his meddling. Shit. He needed to fix this. How he was going to fix this he had no idea but if he didn’t do something you were never going to want to hang out with him again. You’d probably run as far and as fast as you could and then he’d never get a chance to ask you out and his son would never get to hang out with his best friend again. 
“You know what? How about you two boys skate around for a bit? I’m just uh…I’m gonna go check on Eli’s mommy, okay? I think I could use a little break, too.”
The boys turned to each other, identical grins mirroring one another. Those two little mischief makers clearly thought they’d succeeded at something, not realizing what a disaster they’d created. Those sweet, hopeful little faces threatened to turn that tiny fracture of his heart into a full shattering. He hated disappointing them. He hated destroying their belief that life could be as simple as two people coming together just because they were alone and it magically worked out, becoming happily ever after. 
But he knew better. He knew that life was never that easy. It was never that simple. Just when you thought that you had it all figured out, you realized you knew nothing. You did everything you were supposed to. You had the job, the wife, the kid, the house…and somehow you’d still managed to do it all wrong. You grasped onto the girl from high school because you wanted to be someone’s everything, you wanted someone to be your everything. But you couldn’t be everything to the wrong person, no matter how hard you tried. 
But you…maybe you were the right one. It sounded nuts. He’d only known you for a handful of days. How could he possibly know if you were right or wrong? He didn’t but damn if he didn’t want to find out. 
As the boys hurried across the ice, giggling, he made his way over to you. Your eyes were closed and you were flexing your feet. He had no idea what you were doing. Had you strained something when you were skating with Jeremiah?
He leaned down, hands on his knees, eyes on your lips. Those perfectly pink lips, like a sweet candy that would melt on your tongue, the sugar slowly dissolving until it coated your entire mouth in such a delightful and satisfying way. He wanted to know what they tasted like. His fingers dug into his knees as he used every ounce of self restraint he had to not make a move. 
Your eyes slowly opened and then you shrieked, eyes like saucers, as you jerked back like he was the boogeyman. Damn, he probably shouldn’t have stood so close to you when you weren't aware. He probably looked like some creep, sneaking up on you, but he’d just been so lost in how goddamn beautiful you were. Were you even aware of how stunning you were? You didn’t seem to.
“Hey, are you okay?” he asked cautiously. 
“Me? Yeah. I’m fine,” you replied, appearing anything but, your teeth worrying at your lower lip. 
Steve wanted to say something. He wanted to make this better but he had no idea what to say. If he asked you if Jeremiah had been trying to set you two up, then he was just opening up the opportunity for embarrassment. Maybe it was better if you didn’t know that he knew what the boys were up to…or that your son had been involved in it too. But if he didn’t acknowledge it, would that be worse? Would you be uncomfortable and start avoiding him?
“You sure? You came off that ice pretty quick.”
“I haven’t done anything on these skates pretty quick,” you chuckled. “Yeah. I’m fine. I just needed a little break and Jeremiah had to be getting bored skating around all slow with me.” You smiled fondly, gesturing to where the two boys skated next to each other, identical grins on their faces. “See? He’s having much more fun.”
Alright. You obviously weren't going to bring it up so maybe he shouldn’t either. You didn’t appear to be panicking or searching for the quickest exit. Maybe it was fine. Maybe you’d just taken it as a seven year old boy’s excited imagination. 
“Well, I could help you,” offered Steve. “If you wanted to keep skating. Eli seems to have a pretty good handle on it now. I don’t think he requires my assistance anymore.”
“Oh, you don’t have to do that. I’m sure you’d have more fun without being slowed down by my lack of skills. I can just sit here and watch all of you. Really, it’s fine.”
“I don’t mind. I would definitely have more fun skating with you than skating alone.”
Your eyes locked on his, a small smile appearing like a crescent moon on your lips. That smile, the small crinkles that formed in the corners of your eyes, was enough to make him forget his own name. You offered him your hands and he took them, lifting you to your feet. 
“You must be a glutton for punishment,” you teased, stepping forward toward the ice as he stepped backward. “First, you take on my son who has never skated and then the grown woman who is clumsy enough with her feet flat on the ground. Putting me up on a thin strip of steel on a slick surface is just asking for trouble.”
“Don’t you take Eli rollerblading?” he questioned, guiding you onto the ice. 
“I do but I’m not very good at that either. I tend to just walk the loop while he rollerblades,” you admitted, your torso wobbling back and forth as you slowly slid one foot in front of the other. “I can see him because it’s a half mile loop that’s all open. I tried rollerblading and I wound up with a scrape on the palm of my hand and my knee. After that, I figured it was safer if I just watched.”
Steve chuckled, “Don’t we teach our kids to just get back up if they fall down and try again?”
“Yeah, well, that’s easy for them. They just bounce. Once you hit thirty, you are far more likely to break.”
“Jesus, we’re not eighty. You’re not going to break a hip,” he teased, shaking his head. 
“Of the two of us, who is a medical professional?” you shot back, lifting your eyebrows, the look on your face challenging him to try to counter you. 
“Okay. Fair enough. You definitely know more about the human body than me. Although I’ve had no complaints about my knowledge of how a woman's body works before.”
Jesus Christ, had he really just said that? Based on the way your mouth hung open, your eyes as round as an owl’s, he definitely had. What was wrong with him? That was the complete opposite of taking it slow, getting to know you, just being your friend. Your face looked as warm as his felt. 
Your lips pressed together but he could see the hint of a smile turning them up in the corners, “I’m sure you haven’t.”
Steve winced, offering you what he hoped was as self-deprecating a smile as he could manage, “I did not mean that the way it came out.”
Your head tilted, your eyes dancing under the lights of the rink, “And how else could you possibly mean that?”
“I…well…I mean…” Steve sighed, groaning softly as he shook his head. His hand itched to run through his hair, the way it always did when he was nervous, but he couldn’t because his hand was currently occupied, helping the girl he’d just humiliated himself in front of, stay upright. “Alright. I guess there’s really no other way to take that. I’m sorry.”
You shrugged, laughing softly, and it was the most beautiful sound he’d ever heard. It was like the breeze hitting wind chimes on a summer’s evening, like the sound of bells ushering in the holiday season, like a spring rain melodically pinging against the windowpane, or the crackling of a fire so warm and soothing. He wanted to curl up in that sound, to hear it every single day, to be the reason she made it. 
“You can relax. I’m not offended. It would take a lot more than that to offend me.”
“Good to know because my foot seems to be constantly stuck in my mouth. This will definitely not be the last time that I say something stupid in front of you.” He guided you to the middle of the rink as the boys looped past them, waving and smiling. “Man, for being as scared as he was, Eli’s a damn natural at this. Look at him go.”
“Yeah. He must have gotten his dad’s athletic ability. Which is great for him because I have none.”
“Oh, come on. I’m sure that’s not true. You didn’t play any sports in school?”
“Not unless you count drama club and choir as a sport. I mean, we went to choir competitions and we actually won states one year.”
“Choir is definitely not a sport.”
“And let me guess, you did it all. I already know you did baseball because you’re coaching.”
Steve laughed, “Just because I decided to coach for my kid’s team doesn’t necessarily mean I played. Maybe they just really needed a coach and I am trying to be a good dad.”
“Okay, fair. So, you didn’t play baseball?”
“No. I did,” he admitted. “I also played basketball, soccer, field hockey, cross country, and I was co-captain of the swim team.”
“Ahh, yes. You did mention that you were super popular in school. King Steve, right?”
“Right, but I don’t think I said I was popular, just rich.”
“Which made you popular because all the kids wanted to hang and party at your house. I, on the other hand, was definitely not popular. I was a nerd. I did drama and choir. I loved reading so you could often find me in a corner of the cafeteria with my nose buried in a book. I had friends but I didn’t really hit my stride until college. That’s when I met Justin.”
“Your husband?”
“Yeah. We all went out for drinks and he and some of his military buddies were hanging in the bar. One of the guys came over to me and my girlfriends and was being obnoxious. I mean, every stereotypical drunken frat boy line you could think of was pouring from his mouth. I knocked him down a few pegs.” You smiled, the smile soft, reminiscent, full of love. It was the kind of look he longed for someone to get when they thought about him. “I guess I impressed Justin because he said after that, he just knew he had to get to know me. I rejected him a couple times but he was damn persistent. He asked my friends about my schedule and kept showing up outside my classes.” There was that laugh again. “He wore me down and before I knew it, we were inseparable.”
“Sounds like he knew what he wanted,” Steve commented. “It also sounds like he was a pretty smart guy. He knew a good thing when he saw it.”
You sucked in a sharp breath as your entire body jerked to a stop and your center of gravity disappeared. Your torso rocked back and forth as your skates slid over the ice. Steve pulled you into him, releasing your hands to grab onto your waist, steadying you. Your arms locked around his neck in your fear of falling, pressing your bodies together, feeling as if there was no part of you that wasn’t touching him. 
His heart beat rapidly in his chest, like the flutter of a million wings and it suddenly became hard to breathe because he’d forgotten how. You smiled, the shape like a comma, your lips so close to his that all he would have to do is suddenly tilt his head down to capture them with his own. And suddenly, that was the thing he wanted most in this world as your eyes mirrored the longing that was tugging at his very soul, urging him to do what he’d been wanting to do since he’d first seen you at the baseball fields. He was certain he’d never desired anything more. 
“Aly?” he whispered, a question, a request for permission because he had to know. He had to be sure that you wanted this just as much as he did, that he wasn’t reading your body language wrong, seeing what he wanted to see. 
“Can we get hot chocolate!?”
Hands landed on the side of his waist as the two of you blinked. He watched your slim throat as you swallowed, carefully gliding back, keeping a hold on him but far enough away to shatter the intimacy of the moment before. Steve looked down to see Eli and Jeremiah grinning up at you, their faces pink and glowy after skating for the last forty five minutes. 
“Were you guys gonna kiss?” asked Eli, looking from his mom to Steve and then back to his mom. 
“What?” you squeaked, shaking your head, your hands now clinging to his forearms. “No. Of course not. Why would you think that?”
“Because you were all huggy and your faces were real close and you were looking all weird at each other like in that movie you and Aunt Janice like.”
Steve’s brows furrowed as you looked at him, answering, “Never Been Kissed. But we were not…we were not looking all weird at each other. I almost fell and he caught me.”
“Shoot,” Jeremiah sighed. “Are you sure you weren’t gonna kiss? Because if you were gonna kiss, then Eli and I would be really happy. You could be boyfriend and girlfriend and then you could get married and then we could be brothers.”
“Jere!” Steve hissed, feeling your grip tighten until it was almost painful. Your chest rose and fell rapidly. His son was about to send you into a full blown panic attack if he didn’t stop talking. 
“And I could have a dog because if you get married, then Miles is my dog too. I told Coach Steve that I think he’s a really good daddy and I wouldn’t mind if he was my daddy. So, you guys should kiss.”
“I…you…Eli…you told him what?” you shrieked, your hands flying into the air and then the rest of your body followed as your skates slid out from under you and you fell back, flat on your back, on the ice. 
“Mommy! Are you okay?” Eli gasped, eyes wide with fear. 
You laid there dazed for a moment, blinking up at the ceiling. Whether from your son’s revelation or from hitting your head, Steve wasn’t sure but either way, he was concerned. He knelt down onto the ice, feeling the cold and damp deep through the knee of his pants as he peered down at you. 
“Are you alright?” he asked. “Did you hit your head?”
“I…I don’t…oh my god…” you groaned, wincing, your hands coming under you as you struggled to sit up. 
Steve offered his hand and you took it, accepting his assistance as he pulled you gently into a sitting position. Laying his hand on the back of your head, he pressed gently, feeling for any kind of knot and you hissed, your teeth clenching. 
“Okay. Alright. I think you definitely hit your head. Come on. Let’s get you off the ice so I can look at it.”
“No. No. I’m fine, really,” you insisted. “You guys can keep skating. I’ll just go sit for a while.”
“Not happening. The boys wanted hot chocolate so I think they were about done anyway.” He squatted down on his skates in front of you. “Wrap your hands around my neck.” You hesitated, glancing over at your kids, but then you relented, probably because you knew you weren't getting up off the ice yourself. He placed both hands under your arms and slowly stood, bringing you with him. “Keep a hold of my arm, okay?”
You nodded, wrapping both of your arms around his one and he skated slowly, leading you off of the ice and back to the bleachers. You sat down with a sigh, closing your eyes. Steve pulled out a few dollars and told the boys to go get some hot chocolate before kneeling down in front of you, starting to unlace your skates. 
“What are you doing?”
“I’m helping you get these off. Unless you want to go home with ice skates on. But I can tell you, off the ice these things aren’t very practical.”
“I can take them off.”
Steve rolled his eyes at you. What you didn’t know was this was not his first time dealing with a stubborn woman. Nance had been a right pain in the ass when it came to allowing him to do anything for her, insisting she was a strong woman who could take care of herself. It was never about that. Him trying to be a gentleman was not him saying she was weak or that she needed him. It was simply him trying to be a good guy, the kind of guy who put his girl first, who took care of her. 
“You hit your head. Maybe you don’t want to be leaning forward right now. I’m just trying to help.”
“I can take off my own skates.”
“Okay but you don’t have to. You could lean forward and get a sudden pain in your head or you could just sit there, stop being stubborn about it, and let me take off your skates.”
“This is ridiculous,” you huffed, folding your arms, your eyes purposely averted from him as he undid each skate, easing them off of your feet. “I’m going to go grab your shoes.”
“I am capable of walking,” you snapped, standing up. Gone was the soft smile, the warm eyes, replaced by a hard mouth and a cold shoulder. “See? Totally fine. Just…just go check on the boys. I will go get everyone’s stuff. We should probably get going anyway. The boys have school tomorrow and we don’t want them to get home too late.”
“Wait…” he began but you were already stomping away, leaving him wondering how in the hell he was ever going to come back from this. 
Chapter 6
Taglist: @katethetank@roxiehorrorshow@sapphire4082@bakugouswh0r3@frostandflamesfanfic @mix-matchsocks @mushy-mushroom04 @palmtreesx3
Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist. 😊 And replies and reblogs are always appreciated if you enjoy it. ❤️❤️❤️
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dabislittlemouse · 11 months
Congratulations on the 2k love! 💙 If the ask box is still open, could I send in a request?
"I'll stay with you, just for a little while longer." - Dabi (canonically)
Unfortunately, him being who he is, won't stop in his mission to off Endeavor for anyone, not even if he had that someone special - but if he told us that he's stick around just a little bit more, for that person, well... I'd probably busrt into tears.
Thank you so much!! I hope you enjoy this🩵🩵
“𝐈’𝐥𝐥 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮, 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫”
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“But you don’t have to go this far!”
This was something Dabi heard pretty often from you, whenever you two were sitting together in silence, when nothing but each other’s breathing could be heard. He didn’t get bothered by your constant worry for him, instead it made his chest swell with warm emotions that somebody in fact worries and cares for him. And he knew that you supported him and you were always there through thick and thin. Though what you didn’t support was him risking his own life just to achieve his goals.
“I can’t achieve my goal if I don’t go on my full power doll, you know it” he whispered in your hair as he held you close, both laying down on his bed. “Can’t let the old man roam around freely and getting his bullshit of a redemption, acting like he can fix things. Not while I still breathe. Need to give it all in order to win, y’know?” . His eyes flared in rage while he talked about his dad, his words containing pure hatred.
“This isn’t a win if you die!” you pouted, tears already forming in your eyes. You knew how much his quirk harmed his body, to the point even doctor Ujiko wondered how he still stays alive in this condition. That doesn’t mean he will always have the chance to stay alive in the future if he keeps doing the same thing over and over. “I know how important this all is for you but.. you’re important too as well Dabi. Very important to the League, and important to me too. We can’t just.. let you go like this!”
The mission was about to happen in two weeks. And it felt like the days were going by like crazy, anxiety and fear was gnawing deep inside of you knowing that your most beloved person would probably not make it alive when this all ends. You knew how determined and stubborn Dabi was when it comes to his beliefs and goals, so this all made you feel hopeless.
You both sat in silence, only your muffed sniffing could be heard. As usual, you were crying silently on his chest. Dabi just stared at the ceiling, thinking, his chest feeling heavy and he swallowed hard.
A sigh left his mouth before he turned at you, grabbing your face with both hands.
“Fine, look at me” he said softly, as he stared in your glossy eyes, wiping the tears off you.
“I won’t leave you, alright? I’ll stay with you, just for a little while longer. For you”
Your eyes widened at his words, you knew what he meant by this. When you met Dabi, he was always eager to fulfill his goals to the point he didn’t care if he lived or died. He never saw the point in living to begin with. Revenge had blinded him.
But even the most stubborn man in this world was able to change his mind because of love. Because of you, he was willing to continue living for a bit longer that he had in fact planned to. He was willing to give life a second chance, because you made it worth living for him. Dabi wasn’t a man who constantly showered you with sweet words and said “I love you” all the time. But actions like this, his decision to continue living because of you, let you know that he indeed loved you deeply.
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155 notes · View notes
punkpandapatrixk · 2 years
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🌸Home Life with Your Destined Person—Timeless Tarot Pick A Card
Catching a glimpse of what domestic life looks like for you and your Destined Person. Your private life away from the beady eyes of extended family members, neighbours, colleagues, and, possibly the nation.
[Back to Masterlist] [Part 1] [Part 2]
Pile 1 – Sensibility in Sunshine’s Gentle Warmth
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the Home – 7 of Wands
Active/Busy/Creative. Those are the keywords that depict your home life with your Destined Person. Of all the piles, this one is most likely to be blessed with the little steps and laughter of children, too. Irrespective of the actual size of your house, your home feels spacious. It has a lot of windows, maybe even big windows here and there, and many rooms receive soft rays of sunshine.
Within the home, the members are also full of light. There’s a lot of communication and teamwork when it comes to household duties or maintenance. A chatty family. If you had children, they would be active, strong, happy, and maybe a little naughty in a good way. They’re creatively curious, that’s all🥰There could be a lot of play and running in this household😆
Your house will have a certain clean aesthetic, whatever your personal style may be. Members are healthy and love to plan for travels. When you’re planning, even the children are included in the conversation. I can see one parent talking and giggling with the children about what they want to do during the holiday, and then the other parent takes very seriously everyone’s ideas and thoughts, and the whole trip is mesmerising for everybody.
A very cheerful family whose hearts are like early Spring~🌸Probably has one or two members who’s like a total clown or comedian😂
the living room – XIII Death Rx
There’s a sense of dynamic stability within your home. Perhaps because you’re both adults who have experiences in Life, when you come together and decide to start a family, there are already certain rules or styles you live by. You aren’t likely to change habits out of the blue; you’ve created your own solid habits and ways of doing things around the house.
And yet, this is two different individuals living together, so there’s bound to be differences. And you work wonderfully to be flexible about things. You two can communicate and then come to a compromise. Something like that… but honestly, I don’t think the word ‘compromise’ fits here. You love each other, genuinely, so you just accept each other’s differences. Acceptance is totally different from compromise, so there’s that beauty about your home life with your Destined Person, too💏You’re accommodating each other’s flaws and shortcomings, and you aren’t shy about learning from one another. You literally complete each other whilst maintaining your authentic identities.
This is a family who has a lot of respect for individuality and the members aren’t likely to try to override each other’s fundamental characters. I think that’s SO wonderful! And you wouldn’t change this for anybody’s opinions about what they think your family should look or be like. You’re strong and solid like that because the Love that unites you is a real one with a capital L.
the kitchen – 4 of Wands
Your house is literally the Home your soul returns to after a long, hard day’s work. You both have created a safe haven for everybody to chill, read books, play games, or just nap. It’s such a peaceful, clean, well-maintained home that is almost rare in today’s world. Your home never feels cold, even if say, everyone else is still outside and only one member is home for whatever reason; that member still feels that the Home is warm and full.
Perhaps because somebody has left a lot of food on the table. Perhaps there’s a cute message on the fridge. Perhaps because there’s a lot of pictures from your trips. Every family member’s presence can be felt even when they’re not there. The moment somebody comes home, there’s already a conversation. Maybe siblings throw each other a can of drink or an orange or whatever. There’s a lot of munching and talking in this household🥪
Every now and then, all family members also work together to prepare a feast. I’m really seeing this. Whether for a religious or cultural celebration, someone’s birthday, or New Year’s. Sometimes you choose to have a home party with everyone involved instead of eating out and being miserable in the middle of traffic jam LMAO
Why does your family rock so hard?!🍱
Adult Things🔻🧡
sense of responsibility – Red Geographer (John Dee)
when you get freaky – Priestess of Contemplation
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Pile 2 – Calm Blooming in Morning Mist
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the Home – King of Pentacles
Of all the piles, this one is the most difficult to translate into simple paragraphs due to the extreme variations in background🥲
Academy/Harmony/Discipline/Meticulous. These are some keywords that describe your home life with your Destined Person. First of all, you are wealthy AF. Some of you could be from a wealthy background, alright, but your home life with your Destined Person is your own next level generational wealth. You’re really, extremely, superfluously RICH. Your home is beautiful, luxurious, so extra expensive and glamorous. Your guests could even feel intimidated by how expensive the air inside your home feels. Like they’re being charged $10 per inhale🤡
Your family is probably highly academically accomplished, and you may hold prestigious jobs in high societies. Even if, for example, your work is in the creative industry, you’re a highly respected artist/creator/player in your fields. Members of this household are some of the world’s biggest earners. You’re immaculately disciplined in every aspect of your Life, including the way you operate at home. Your home has rules and everything is structured. Everyone is held to high standards of conduct. There’s a lot of expectation in this household. Can be imposingly demanding if you aren’t careful with your thoughts.
Whatever field or line of work you do, being this rich also means you’re often in the public eye. You may even be a celeb or a socialite. So you’ve got an image to maintain. Therefore, you’re cautious, and calculating. Your household runs on discipline so much it feels almost like an academy sometimes. This may not be the warmest household in the world, nevertheless, it is independent, dynamic, and civil. There’s a lot of grace and harmony in the way you interact with every member of the family. Truly, like a royalty.
the living room – Queen of Wands Rx
You or your Destined Person could (or not) have a PhD in some fields of study that are extremely studious and serious. Whichever the case, you have an expectation that your children (those of you who want them) should pursue tertiary education. You’re very serious about it. You’re not exactly sure about life paths without laws, rules, and structure. You can be quite imposingly rigid about that. If you had children, they might grow up to become somewhat rigid socially, too. Like, they’re kind and polite, alright, but they could be lacking the passionate drive to be spontaneous, which hinders their spirit of adventure. Thus, limiting their worldview via first-hand experiences.
Still, the beauty of your household is the stability and predictability. It feels safe like that because you know every family member is dependable. Your family loves and values tradition. You may even have your own small traditions that only your core family members participate in. You may have a cottage in the country or a summer house in another country. Certain times of the year, your family goes on a trip together and spend a good intellectual time.
It's like, members of your household love to study, read, have meaningful conversations, maybe talk about business or the current state affairs. Difficult, sophisticated, high-class pastime like that☕️
the kitchen – 6 of Pentacles Rx
Due to your busy schedules, since there’s also a very strong sense of independence in this pile, you may not eat together at home much, if at all. It’s literally a luxury to see family activities in the kitchen. I feel you are very important people, so you get invited to a lot of, for example, business meetings, charity events, IPO opening/launch parties, many types of functions, etc. You often dine in formal settings and you fly a lot.
In that sense, your home kitchen is quite literally a cold place where you don’t see a lot of interactions. I guess it may just not be your thing, after all; when you’ve got all of these places to be. And you’ll be like, ‘Why cook at home? We have restaurants.’ And when you do have gatherings at home, you’ll have a personal chef and staff to cook for you, so… You’re still not really there hahah🍳
Your home life isn’t necessarily lacking warmth; it’s just unconventional in a way that most people probably can’t understand. You’ve got all this money and businesses (empire, actually) to take care of. It’s like your life is spent on making things happen outside your household. And this is why your own traditions and family vacations are ever more important to you. Those are the moments you deeply connect as family.
Adult Things🔻💜
sense of responsibility – Red Alchemist (John Dee)
when you get freaky – Priestess of Inspiration
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Pile 3 – The Most Perfectly Untainted Love
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the Home – 10 of Pentacles Rx
There is a lot of transformation and healing magic in this pile; the fact it is the only one who gets 2 Major Arcanas upright. And you know what? That hardly ever happens on this blog😜
Growing/Hustling/Prosperous. These are the keywords that depict your home life with your Destined Person. In the beginning, you may not have a lot of physical wealth—or at least you both think so—but that’s only because your family is literally destined to be one of the most prosperous families in the entire world (or your country, or city, at least). And your Souls know this.
Seriously, right off the bat I wanna say, the money you have is brimming with white magic and as you distribute it all around the world, you heal every single person or business entity that comes into contact with it. Can you imagine? That’s why the Universe dictates that you gain a lot of the world’s money, and with that, you and your Destined Person are always hustling. You’re working a lot. Always creating. Planning. Business tripping. Hustling non-stop, almost. You may not even be home much, unless your work can be done from home (if you’re a novel writer, for example).
In the beginning, your house is quite simple or modest (by your standards), and there’s a very gentle, serene vibe to it. It’s not a noisy home; it is your rest station—your pond of spiritual tranquillity. For some of you, there’s a possibility your first house is a generational house, maybe given to you by your parents or in-laws. There’s also a possibility your house is attached to a family business (a shop or a small restaurant, for example). Nevertheless, the home aspect of it is without a doubt tranquil.
the living room – XXI The World
As time goes by, you become richer and richer and you will either expand your house or buy a new, mega luxurious one. This is likely to be your permanent residence, or at least, you will live here mainly for a long time. But with your wealth, it is possible you have more than 2 houses😋With your primary residence, you feel complete and it’s like for the first time, you feel like you’ve made it in the world. You may begin to think about starting a family, too, at this point. Now that you have a much larger house, you also have your own dedicated office space. This allows you to continue much of your work whilst being a family person. You think this is finally a good setting for welcoming children. Also, some of you might decide to live with your parents or in-laws in this big house, too. You want to take care of them.
This house is cheery and there’s a lot of polite conversations between family members. It feels a bit serious, but not heavy. You and your Destined Person also like to talk about work; since one of you is working more from home, the other is gonna be asking, curious and be involved in the other’s creative ideas/developments. Also, you two might actually have an empire, so I see you brainstorming with your Destined Person a lot, too. It’s serious, professional, but exciting! Your entire Home Life in itself is a contribution to the prosperity of the world. You have a lot of talents and blessings to share with the world.
So much so that even your home is a workplace. Both of you will need to remind each other the importance of chilling and separating yourself from work when needed. But that might need a bit of work because the both of you are quite hardworking, to a point of being workaholics😅
And yet…
the kitchen – XV The Devil
The amazing thing is how you still manage to spend a lot of time together in the most loving, romantic fashion. Romance is far from dead in your busy lives; it is pretty much alive, more alive than anybody else’s married lives, in fact.
You meet a lot outside and try to make time for lunch or dinner together. There’s always time for each other. You ask each other how work is going; sometimes, it’s not even necessary to ask anything, sometimes it’s good to just look at each other’s faces. Sometimes, it’s good to just feel the other’s touch and warmth in those short moments you’re able to hold hands.
For some of you, it is possible that in the beginning, when you were still building your wealth, you ate out a lot because you simply didn’t have enough money (or time) to prep fresh meals. I see you and your Destined Person eating junk foods and drinking canned coffee on the sidewalk or something😝But Life is good in spite of all the need to hustle because you have faith in your future. You can see very clearly the prosperous, peaceful future you’re meant to have. Through thick and thin, you got each other and that’s all the blessing you could ever ask for🤍And you shall have more💖
Adult Things🔻💚
sense of responsibility – Red Magus (Edward Kelly)
when you get freaky – Priestess of Patience
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