#Yoghurt Oat recipe
askwhatsforlunch · 2 years
Honey and Blackberry Yoghurt Oats
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I particularly love a bowl of overnight oats in the morning because it often means I’ve gone to the park for my rugby practise. Then, all I have to do when I come home is shower, dress and open the fridge: breakfast is ready, waiting for me! I’m energised and ready to start the day! Now, these Honey and Blackberry Yoghurt Oats are all the more motivation to go and improve my kicks, for they are truly delicious! Happy Thursday!
Ingredients (serves 1):
1/2 cup Greek Yoghurt
1/4 cup whole rolled oats
1 teaspoon chia seeds
1 heaped teaspoon natural local honey
4 large blackberries
more natural local honey, for drizzling (optional)
In a small bowl, spoon Greek Yoghurt. Add whole rolled oats, chia seeds and give a good stir until well-blended. Cut three of the blackberries into thick slices and gently stir them in, with the honey. Top with the leftover whole blackberry. Cover with cling film, and chill in the refrigerator overnight.
Enjoy Honey and Blackberry Yoghurt Oats the following morning, drizzled with more honey, if desired.
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darlingofdots · 1 month
the recipe for the brownie baked oats (regular baked oats but with cocoa powder in them, I make mine with frozen raspberries and chocolate chips) calls them a "guilt-free treat" and like ma'am I would have and in fact have had regular brownies for breakfast and did not feel even the slightest twinge about it, the oats just go better with yoghurt
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elonomhblog · 2 months
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some breakfast idea's
i love food. i love making food. making food, playing with flavours and trying to recreate what i have found online have to be some of my favourite ways to create. i've put together a lil list of some brekkies that i have enjoyed. there's no photos or recipes attached (yet) but maybe i'll work on that throughout the holidays.
i try to eat mostly whole foods,, and make sure that i get enough protein in. i get a lot of my vegetables in through my breakfast, since it is the time i have the most energy and it always sets me up for a good day❤️
tofu veggie scramble
sweet potato savoury pancakes and scrambled egg
chia and almond porridge with slivered almonds and some berries
savoury oatmeal with mushrooms and spinach (and an egg?)
corn fritters and scrambled eggs
pumpkin seed and oat granola with coconut yoghurt and kiwi
banana oat-flour waffles with nuts and yoghurt
loaded omelette
veggie blend waffle with egg
cashew butter and banana smoothie (cashew because i HATE the taste of peanut butter and almond butter)
yogurt bowl with fruits and homemade granola
oats (oatmeal) with sliced bananas and a sprinkle of cinnamon
vegetable waffle fritters with avocado, salt n pepper and a poached egg
quinoa breakfast bowl with honey and roast pears
tropical protein smoothie with pineapple, spinach and mango
chia coconut protein muffins
spiced vanilla chai smoothie
warm protein zucchini bread with butter
(images are from pinterest)
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najia-cooks · 5 months
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[ID: Buttermilk being poured from a Moroccan ceramic cup with orange and black geometric designs into a glass. End ID]
لبن نباتي / Lbn nabati (Vegan traditional buttermilk)
Lbn (لْبْنْ or لْبَنْ; also transliterated "lban") is a Moroccan buttermilk drink. It is not to be confused with standard Arabic لَبَن‎ ("laban"), meaning "milk"; with Levantine لَبَن‎ ("laban"), also called لَبَن رَائِب ("laban ra'ib"), which is curdled milk (a.k.a., yoghurt); or with Levantine لَبْنَة‎ ("labna"), which is yoghurt that has been strained and thickened.
Instead, lbn is a traditional buttermilk. It is historically made the same way Western traditional buttermilk is: by leaving raw milk to sit at room temperature while the cream separates and rises to the top, allowing the cream to ferment, and then churning the cream until it separates further into milk solids (cultured butter) and a cultured liquid byproduct (traditional buttermilk). Commercial Western buttermilk, and some Moroccan lbn, is now no longer traditional buttermilk but instead cultured buttermilk, which is produced by fermenting low-fat milk; this produces a thicker, more acidic liquid than traditional buttermilk. Lbn is usually made with goat's milk, though cow's milk is also often used.
Lbn—very sour and tangy, slightly sweet, and about the consistency of milk—is consumed as a refreshing after-dinner drink during the summer. It is also used to soak كُسْكُس ("couscous") (made from durum, barley, or corn flour). Couscous with lbn is called سَيْكُوك ("saykouk") in Darija (Moroccan Arabic), or أزَيْكُوك ("azaykouk") in Tamazight.
Saykouk is a cold dish, commonly eaten in the desert and in rural areas during the summertime; but it is also sold from food carts and by vendors on bicycles year-round in cities. On Fridays, Moroccans often eat couscous dishes with lbn on the side, and may make some on-the-fly saykouk by pouring lbn into their bowls to soak the couscous that remains after the vegetables or meat in the dish have been eaten.
This recipe resembles cultured buttermilk, in that it ferments non-dairy milk with live cultures to achieve a sour taste. However, it more resembles traditional dairy buttermilk in taste and texture. Note that this lbn is intended for drinking and for recipes that call for Moroccan traditional buttermilk, and not for replacing Western cultured buttermilk in pastries or pancakes.
Recipe under the cut!
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2 cups full-fat oat milk
1-3 vegetarian probiotic capsules (containing at least 10 billion cultures total)
A few pinches salt
A few pinches granulated sugar
Make sure your probiotic capsules contain no prebiotics, as they can interfere with the culture. The probiotic may be multi-strain, but should contain some of: Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Bifidobacterium bifidus, Lactobacillus acidophilus. The number of capsules you need will depend on how many cultures each capsule is guaranteed to contain.
Instead of probiotic capsules, you can use a specialty starter culture pack intended for use in culturing vegan dairy, many of which are available online. Note that starter cultures may be packaged with small amounts of powdered milk for the bacteria to feed on, and may not be truly vegan.
Other types of non-dairy milk may work. My trial with soy milk did not succeed (it never became notably tangy). Soaked and blended cashews will thicken substantially, so be sure to blend cashews with at least twice their volume in (just-boiled, filtered) water if you want to use cashews as your base. I found that oat milk, as well as being more convenient and cheaper than cashews, more closely mimicked the taste of lbn. I have not tested anything else.
1. Boil several cups of water and use the just-boiled water to rinse your measuring cup, the container you will ferment your lbn in, and a wooden spoon or rubber spatula to stir. Your bowl and stirring implement should be in a non-reactive material such as wood, clay, glass, or silicone.
2. Measure oat milk into a container and open probiotic capsules into it. Stir the powder from the capsules in until well combined.
3. Cover the opening of the container with a cheesecloth or tea towel. Ferment for 24 hours: on the countertop in temperate weather, or in an oven with the light on in cold weather.
Taste the lbn with a clean implement (avoid double-dipping!) to see if it is ready. If it still tastes 'oaty,' continue fermenting for another 1-3 days, tasting every 12 hours, until it is notably tangy.
4. Blend lbn with large pinches of salt and sugar; or put lbn, salt, and sugar in a jar with a lid and shake to combine. Taste and adjust salt and sugar.
5. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to a week. This lbn will continue to culture slowly in the fridge and will eventually (like dairy lbn) become too sour to drink.
Serve chilled.
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Meal Inspo, a day of eating 🍵
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Inspo based recipes
oat matcha latte (60cals, 1g P)
1 tsp matcha powder, 50ml warm water for dissolving the powder, 150ml oat milk (60), sweetener, vanilla aroma
cute brunch plate (290cals, 15.5g P)
2 dates (60) with 1 tbsp pb2 (60), 200g unsweetened soy yoghurt (86) [or other yoghurt variety], 20g cinnamon cereal (84)
-> sprinkle dates with cinnamon & sea salt, add sweetener & cinnamon to the yoghurt
mozzarella tomato salad (209cals, 14.5g P)
100g cherry tomatoes (21), 100g mini mozzarella light (165), 10g balsamic cream (23), tomato mozzarella spice mix, salt, fresh basil leaves
gummy bears (ca. 94cals)
50g low sugar gummies, cals vary with brand
Total: 653cals, 31g P
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hibernationsuit · 17 days
🥯🥪🍛🤔👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 + klara :]
OMG THANK U SM <3 obsessed w the food asks btw i have too many thoughts about Klara and her food preferences :3c
details about ocs ask game
🥯 BAGEL — what does your oc's typical breakfast look like? do they usually eat breakfast?
On normal mornings, Klara is a fan of scrambled eggs for breakfast :3 She eats it after her short morning workout/stretch thing and usually has a cup of coffee and a glass of apple juice with it. Additionally, if there is any in the fridge, she also eats leftover pizza or whatever pastry they may have had yesterday.
THAT SAID she does have very busy days sometimes (or, like, work emergencies), which kinda ruin her schedule and so she has learned to just enjoy a musli bar or something. She also keeps one w herself in her bag in case she has to basically leave as soon as she wakes up. Working for a megacorporation be like 😔
On weekends or vacations she reaaaaally loves brunches with Toby (because he wakes up very late tbh). They either order something from their favorite cafe (and then wonder why they have money issues every now and then) or just cook something together, in which case it's something simple like the previously mentioned scrambled eggs, but also some kind of porridge, fruits, sandwiches (or just bread w something, or garkic bread), yoghurt and nuts. Sometimes if they're not doing the brunch thing, she makes a nice oat porridge with strawberry :3 And if Toby manages to wake up earlier, he makes her pancakes.
🥪 SANDWICH — what does your oc's typical lunch look like? do they usually eat lunch?
At work (no meetings) she mostly goes for salads!!!! She's been very much into salad bars since high school and that habit has been a big part of her personality LMAO. She especially likes to add either salmon, shrimp or chicken in it, and also tends to have pasta w sweet chili sauce there.
THAT SAID she has meeting/discussion lunches very often. She & the person/ppl she's meeting go to some restaurant, depending on locatiob of the office or the other meeting place or who the ppl she's meeting are working for. She usually orders something with fish, her favorite dish to order is definitely salmon with potatoes, but the restaurants rarely have them. She'd mostly go for some kind of pasta or risotto, or a soup if it's something she likes. Wouldn't say no to a fancy burger either.
Sometimes her 'meeting lunch' actually means meeting up with Tobias for lunch. They usually go to their favorite little restaurant that's quite quiet during lunch time. Klara often orders their sweet potato soup or smoked tofu stir fry.
If Klara's having a lunch at home, she either makes a sweet potato soup or a mushroom pasta. If she's feeling lazy, she just does mac & cheese (happens more often than you'd think).
🍛 CURRY AND RICE — what does your oc's typical dinner look like? do they usually eat dinner?
Fun thing about Klara and dinners is that she Never Cooks Dinners. Not because her skills aren't enough but bc she is often exhausted after work and comes home much later than Tobias, which means that 1) they either order something together and then go lay on the couch, Klara watching tv and trying to relax or something OF 2) Toby cooks something. He's A Bit better cook but isn't good either so he sticks to safe, easy recipes. Most of the time it's a cheese pasta or fried rice, sometimes a butternut squash steak or a noodle soup. If they're ordering, Klara tends to either order tikka masala or a
Late work evenings usually mean quick chinese food (Klara's always buying dumplings) or pizza :3 Sometimes she manages to find time and go to some local sandwich shop and buy some kind of stuffed bread. She's somewhat fond of them for some reason.
Sometimes Klara & Toby go out for a dinner for fun, and she tends to order something light but warming. Like carbonara or baked potatoes.
🤔 THINKING FACE — what are some of your oc's quirks/mannerisms?
Klara definitely tends to cross her hands a lot when talking, or place them on her sides. She also tends to walk around while speaking for long, and taps her foot when she's standing still.
She also tends to play with her hair a lot when not doing anything, sometimes not even noticing she is doing it.
Klara also may seem a bit intimidating if you don't know her or aren't a friend of hers, or if she's at work, bc she always looks a bit over-determined when she walks and says her opinions out loud quite easily. I'd also say she rarely ever actually smiles in situations where she's not with people she does not know.
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 FAMILY WITH MOTHER, FATHER, SON AND DAUGHTER — how many people are in your oc's immediate family? how many people are in your oc's extended family? do they have aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, etc? who in their family are they closest with? are they close with their birth family, or do they have a found family?
Out of blood relatives, she has her two moms Anna and Susie, and two brothers, Måns & Elliott. Of course, her immidiate family is also her spouse, Toby, and honestly she would definitely count their cat Melody as immidiate family.
Klara's family is quite big and tends to meet up every now and then, but Klara tends to skip the big events and goes to smaller ones, specifically the ones her aunt tends to visit, bc she has always been like Klara's babysitter and taight Klara lots of things. They work in the same department, though in different places and positions, and like to tell each other workplace rumors.
Klara has several cousins too, but they don't talk that much. She doesn't really know her grandparents, tho :/
She is veeeery close to her group of friends, I'd say even cmoser than she is to her family, bc they seem to be much closer and they aren't as strict about everything. :]
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kindredcookbook · 2 years
this is quite lovely! simpler recipes for a sweets-loving angelkin, mayhaps? <3
(clears throat)
from one sweet-toothed angel to another, here are some of my favourite recipes and sweets!
angel delight - now, this isn’t a recipe. it’s a dessert mix that comes in little packets. but i love this stuff! it’s very fluffy and light! it might be tricky to find or slightly more pricey outside of the uk, but if you can get your hands on some, try adding sprinkles and strawberries (cut into heart shapes if you’re feeling fancy) or banana pieces to the finished dessert. 
greek yoghurt with honey - ohhh. oHHHHHH. the joys of a simple bowl of green yoghurt with honey! the best part about this dessert to me is that you can add anything you want, really. this recipe uses walnuts, but if you don’t like walnuts (or just don’t want to use them), try banana, oats, berries, sultanas, plain pumpkin seeds, or other kinds of nuts!
warm milk - you don’t need a recipe for warm milk, but let me give you mine!
heat milk over the stove (not in the microwave). heat on medium-low until you can put a spoon in the pot and see steam rising off the milk when you lift it. do not let it boil!
while milk is heating, stir in a pinch of ground cardamom and/or pinch of nutmeg. you can play with the quantities here, and substitute spices for what’s on hand, so long as it is a spice that tastes good in desserts! 
when the milk is done, turn off the heat and pour carefully into a mug. 
add a generous swirl of honey and stir until it is dissolved. (personally i love lavender honey in warm milk, but any honey tastes just as good!)
sprinkle cinnamon on top and enjoy! if you heated the milk just right, it should be just the right temperature to drink right away!
of course, there are many, many ways to make warm milk, and many ways to enjoy it! so experiment and have fun! i think that adding a trace amount of almond flavouring and a small layer of frothed milk on top could really elevate this... mmmmmm.... (and since i love warm milk, here’s another recipe anyway). baklava - a little less simplistic, requiring baking and some prep, but still easy for even beginner bakers and with a nice, simple, sweet taste. rich, honeyed, dreamy baklava is probably one of my all-time favourite desserts. if baking it feels beyond you, you can order this at most greek and turkish restaurants! kunafeh - this has a similar taste to baklava, but it’s made with cheese. it also has rose, which i see as a very angelic flavour! it’s harder than the baklava recipe, because the ingredients are likely to be harder to source unless you are lucky enough to live near a mediterranean or middle eastern supermarket.
angel food cake - another baking recipe, the clue’s in the name when it comes to angel food cake! it’s light, airy, and feels like eating clouds! make sure to add a generous amount of strawberries! BONUS: white christmas martini - it’s sparkly, it’s shiny, it’s purely angelic! i haven’t tried this cocktail myself but i fully intend to once the winter holiday season hits. of course, this is very alcoholic, so not a drink for fledgelings! of-age angels only, ya hear? darn kids and their fancy dyed feathers and their BibliTok....
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queenofcoquette · 1 year
any good breakfast recipes with eggs but no avocado (we dont get avocados in my house bc theyre really expensive where i live)
but yeah im just really tired of my breakfast. it's just oats, scrambled eggs and veggies. I've been eating it for two months straight and I'm bored to tears of it. if u could give any good tips for this I'd love it
honestly i suck at breakfast. most of the time i just eat toast or nothing, which is unhealthy, don't do that.
but- i have some ideas of things that could be could:
smoothies! (you can put anything in them, my parents always have a smoothie in the morning and they always enjoy it)
avocado toast
yoghurt+ fruit
i've seen protein pancakes before, not sure how you make them but they sound good
overnight oats
smoothie bowl
i'm sorry i dont have many ideas :(
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askwhatsforlunch · 1 month
Coconut Overnight Oats
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Coconut yoghurt gives these Coconut Overnight Oats a delightfully Summer-y flavour --to think I used to not like coconut at all! Besides, this high-protein breakfast, ready when you rise, is just what you need when you know you have a long day ahead of you! Happy Saturday!
Ingredients (serves 1):
1/2 cup (high-protein) coconut yoghurt
1 teaspoon Homemade Vanilla Extract
1/3 cup whole rolled oats
fresh berries, rinsed, to serve (optional)
In a small bowl, combine coconut yoghurt and Vanilla Extract. Give a good stir until well-blended. Then, gently fold in whole rolled oats until completely combined.
Spoon mixture into serving bowl, and cover with cling film. Store in the refrigerator overnight.
The next day, remove cling film, and enjoy Coconut Overnight Oats with fresh berries, if desired.
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vegan-nom-noms · 1 year
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Batch Cooking: A Week Of Vegan Meal Prep With Jess Beautician (Recipes Included)
Smoky marinated tempeh quinoa salad with raspberries, blueberries, vanilla soya yoghurt and oat snack bars.
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ritualslaughter · 7 months
if you feel like dropping ur secret… how did you make the overnight oats 👁️👁️
my boyfriend is the mastermind behind them so I can't take any credit!! but his recipe is:
40g wholegrain rolled oats
125g low fat greek yoghurt
50ml oat milk (we like ours quite thick but if you prefer a thinner one, you can go up to 80ml!)
2tbsp chia seeds
1tbsp maple syrup
leave them overnight (tho tbh I think they taste the best if you keep them in the fridge for two days!!) and you're good to go! 💜
the toppings I'm currently obsessed with are blueberries, cinnamon baked apples, and a little extra dash of both cinnamon and maple syrup 😋
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najia-cooks · 1 year
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[ID: A large, shallow bowl filled with a bright yellow curd and golden brown pakora garnished with cilantro. A small bowl of jeera rice with green cardamom, cinnamon, bay leaf, and cilantro sits to the right. End ID.]
Vegan Punjabi kadhi pakora / ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਕੜ੍ਹੀ ਪਕੌੜਾ 
Kadhi is a comfort food popular in north and central India and southeast Pakistan. The base of the dish is spiced curd or buttermilk, to which chickpea flour, vegetable fritters, and spiced tadkas (temperings) are sometimes added. Unlike the sweeter, thinner, and unadorned variations to the south, Punjabi kadhi is slowly reduced to a thick, creamy consistency and studded with onion pakoras.
Recipe under the cut!
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For the pyaaz ke pakore (onion fritters):
1 cup besan (chickpea flour)
2 medium yellow onions, thinly sliced
1/2 tsp table salt
1/2 tsp mirchi (ground red chilis)
1/2 tsp ajwain (carom seeds)
A couple cups of a neutral oil, for frying
For the curd:
1 cup (220g) unflavored vegan yoghurt
1/2 cup (60g) besan
1/2 tsp amchur (dried mango powder; optional)
4 cups water
In Punjab, kadhi is often made with full-fat buttermilk, and sometimes with yoghurt. Vegan yoghurt (I used oat) will provide a similarly smooth, fatty, slightly sour base.
Adding less water to the curd mixture will allow it to cook down faster if you’re short on time; but a long, slow simmer is more typical with this dish.
For the kadhi:
2 Tbsp neutral oil
Pinch hing (asafoetida)
1 medium yellow onion, chopped
2-inch piece (20g) ginger, minced
4 cloves garlic, minced
2 green chilis, chopped
2 tsp cumin seeds (jeera)
1/4 tsp fenugreek seeds (methi)
1 tsp ground coriander
1/2 tsp mirchi (ground red chilis)
1/2 tsp ground turmeric
1/2 tsp garam masala
3/4 tsp table salt, or to taste
Mustard oil is typical, but any neutral oil (sunflower, canola, vegetable) will work.
For the tadka (optional):
1 Tbsp non-dairy margarine
1 tsp cumin seeds
1 dried red chili
1/2 tsp mirchi
1. Start the pakore. Cut onions in half through the root and lay cut-side down. Slice thinly vertically (perpendicular to the root) and then cut the root off. Whisk together other pakora ingredients (except for the oil) in a large bowl; add the onions and toss well to combine. Cover and set aside for 30 minutes to allow onions to release moisture.
2. Make the curd mixture. Whisk yoghurt and besan together in a large bowl. Add amchur (or substitute apple cider vinegar) if the yoghurt you are using is not particularly sour, to taste. Add water and whisk until a smooth mixture forms. Set aside.
3. Make the kadhi. Heat 2 Tbsp of a neutral oil in a large pot on medium-high. Fry fenugreek and cumin seeds for a few minutes until they are fragrant and popping into the air.
4. Add hing and cook for 30 seconds. Add onion, chili, and salt and saute for 3-4 minutes, until onion is translucent.
5. Add ginger and garlic and sauté for 30 seconds to a minute, until no longer raw-smelling. Add coriander, mirchi, and turmeric and sauté another 30 seconds.
6. Add the curd mixture and stir to combine. Allow to come to a boil, then lower the heat to low and allow it to cook, stirring occasionally, for 30-45 minutes, until thickened.
7. Meanwhile, finish the pakore. Stir the onion slices to distribute any moisture they may have released. Add just enough water to hydrate all the besan and allow the pakoras to hold together.
8. Heat about an inch of neutral oil on medium in a large pan. Once hot, drop small handfuls of pakora mixture into the oil. Fry, flipping once, until golden brown on both sides. Remove onto a paper-towel-lined plate or wire rack.
9. Add pakoras to the kadhi, along with garam masala, and allow to simmer for another 5-10 minutes until kadhi is very thick and creamy. Remove into a serving dish.
10. Make the tadka. Heat margarine in a small skillet until sizzling. Add cumin seeds, chili pepper, and mirchi and heat until fragrant. Pour the oil, seeds, and chili over the finished kadhi and serve immediately.
Serve with roti, paratha, rice, or jeera rice.
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c0llarb0nez4ever · 1 year
Fav breakfast recipe
100g fat free natural yoghurt: 45 cal
1 apple: 90cal
~10g oats (just raw): 35cal
cut the apple into smaller pieces, put everything into a bowl together.
total cals: 170
i eat this every morning and it is so filling and tasty, no sweeteners needed
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restorativemeal · 8 months
Menu Five
Menu Five from Bishop and Carruthers' "The Vegetarian Adventure Cookbook"
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Dinner Party Guests: 5
Mistakes: Various
Thoughts: 0 
Injuries: 0 
Menu Five: 
Hazelnut Loaf with Mushroom and Cheese Sauce: Walnuts, wholemeal flour, rolled oats, milk powder, popcorn kernels, carrots, onions, capsicum, turnip, zucchini, tomatoes, italian herbs, vegetable stock, marmite, salt and pepper, nutmeg, worcester sauce, chilli sauce, cinnamon, egg, mushrooms, butter, flour, tasty cheddar cheese, parmesan, milk. 
Potato and Onion Souffle: potatoes, tasty cheddar cheese, parsley, onion, butter, paprika, nutmeg, salt, white pepper, yoghurt, eggs, cream of tartar. 
Buttered Spinach or Silverbeet: Silverbeet, water, salt, nutmeg, butter, yoghurt. 
Normally driven by unfaltering stability I was in disarray this week as I had no choice to skip Menu Four due to seasonal reasons and move on to Menu Five. I was determined to find meaning in September but whether or not I did, I’m not sure. I didn’t read the recipes before cooking, because I don’t like spoilers. 
I was appreciative of Bishop and Carruthers’ innovation this week, I was happy they went no contact with brown rice as a meat substitute but fearful that like all no contact periods they’ll break it. This week’s meat substitute came as a blend of vegetables and marmite in the Hazelnut Loaf, which I made with walnuts rather than hazelnuts and popcorn kernels rather than pumpkin seeds. It smelt terrible when it was raw and also when it came out of the oven. I heated it up in the microwave the night of the dinner party and covered it with the mushroom and cheese sauce.
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Vegetarian meat
I made the souffle, the salad, and the cheese sauce the night of the dinner party. All relatively straight forward, even the souffle. It was the most successful dinner party yet, with five guests in attendance and all the food got eaten, nothing got reinvented, I felt content but I didn’t feel inspired. 
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A successful dinner party...
I’d never made a bechamel sauce or a souffle, but I didn’t feel challenged like I did with Fat Freddie’s Pumpkin, my fear is that I’ll work my way through this cookbook and never feel again like I did that first week. 
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veggieeats · 1 year
Vegetarian/vegan food shop list for students on a budget
After moving away from home for the first time for university, I found budgeting for food shopping difficult. I struggled to find easy and affordable recipes and grocery lists, so I decided to make one! I will post some recipes separately but here is what I buy for my monthly/weekly shops.
Greek/oatly yoghurt
frozen fruit
oat milk
fruit juice
porridge oats (I usually buy the 1kg bag as it is more affordable than the individual sachets and lasts longer!)
cocoa powder
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kidney beans, chickpeas, lentils
tinned tomatoes/passata/pasta sauces
baked beans
vegan tuna/salmon
Quorn mince (although there are many other great alternatives)
veggie burgers
burger buns
flora butter
peanut butter
stir fry vegetables
soy sauce
noodle sauce packets
quorn chicken
sour cream
mixed nuts
nakd bars
sunbite crisps
dark chocolate
tortilla chips and salsa
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rapeseed/olive oil
salt & pepper
chilli powder
mixed herbs (thyme, basil, oregano, etc)
cinnamon powder
onion powder
garlic powder
steak seasoning
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seasonedskillet · 1 year
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honestly no recipe. just eyeballed flour, baking powder, salt, sugar, sunflower oil (had run out of butter) and oat milk + one egg. served w greek yoghurt, blueberries, lemon zest, honey. very sexy
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