#Yandere kozume
eroslove88 · 1 year
"She only wanted to lie beside him"
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Pairing: Yan. Kenma x Fem. Reader
Warnings: Stalking, kidnapping, bondage, noncon touching and noncon implied
Note: WOAH!!! I POST 2 TIMES IN A WEEK. WILD!!! Uhm yeah, this is a guilty pleasure fic.
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Turning on your computer you feel a bit... dumb? It feels useless to even message him- but yet here you are. Kenma messaged you, and that's not out of the ordinary. Actually it's pretty normal, it's been normal for like 6-7 months.
You got close to him because he was in a server with a mutual friend. He goes to your high school and growing up the most you said to him was something about project years ago. Senior year- you thought that this would be the year where you'd come out of your shell but that never happened. Anxiety crashed that thought early on. When you got on a daily routine of texting Kenma you thought he'd actually want to befriend you, but that's not what happened. Long late night conversations and not a word said to each other in real life. It doesn't help that you two walk the same way home either...
Maybe you wouldn't have cared so much if you didn't have a small crush on him.
'hey did we hv hw' your computer gets a notification, Kenma. You sigh and type back, 'Yeah, the insert for this lesson.' you see that he's typing but he stops and doesn't respond until about 5 minutes later- despite being online. '👍' you couldn't help but roll your eyes and just sigh.
None the less he was an ok dude, he had offered to gift you things, games & chocolates- all of which you declined. You didn't want to feel materialistic and greedy.
'do you wanna play gungeon' you put your jacket on and replied quickly, 'Sorry, I'm going for a walk. I can play in an hour though!' you patiently waited and he replied quickly. 'k' huffing you closed your laptop, charging it before you left.
During the winter, the sun went down faster than usual. So around 7ish the streets were empty for walkers except for the occasional dog walkers.
The sound of quiet foot steps penetrated your mind. Snapping your head around you're faced with empty streets, probably paranoia you thought. You turned your music up walking down your usual route.
Even with the music playing you couldn't help but hear footsteps everywhere. You weren't so far from the park... just 3 more blocks.
The feeling of being watched burns your neck, you really should've turned around. Pounding footsteps come running towards you but you were too late. Your screams were demoted to tiny whimpers as you weakly try grasping the needle in your neck.
You were freezing, your arms and legs were duct taped together. It was a pretty lazy job, but whatever kind of tape it was was pretty fucking strong. Your vision was blurred with tears and you whimper into your gag and curled into yourself seeming to have missed the boy sitting at the desk across the room.
It wasn't until you heard the creaking of the chair and light footsteps that you felt panic. Your eyes remained closed even when he was right by your face.
The bed dipped down, "Don't worry, I won't hurt you" a small crying noise comes out from your gag as you try to beg him to stay away. He shushed you coming closer but all you could do was shake your head and try to move away, "Hey, it's ok" he spoke to you like a stray kitten as he slowly approached your trembling body, "Sh... It's only me" you knew that. But that didn't stop you from squirming in his arm as you tried pushing him away. He tisked at your pitiful attempt, " 'm really sorry for not approaching you" he mumbles kissing your head. "I knew you were lonely..." he chuckles, "But that honestly made things even easier" he let's you go and stands up. "I've been waiting a while to do this you know" he pulls out a black box. He opened it and paused "I've always been curious to see how your pretty face would look with a full pussy" he pulls out 3 big dildos, "and ass" he smirks pulling out a condom. "2 v. 2?"
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ilylovelyz · 10 months
kenma fatherly headcannons
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i thought it would be interesting to think about what kenma would be like as a father 🤔
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look, im not even gonna be nice with it, i definitely dont see kenma being excited at the idea of having a kid 😭
definitely was like "are you being fr 😟?" when you told him
he obviously wasnt an asshole about it, but he couldn't help his feeling and indifference about the whole thing
the two of you had a long talk about it
the whole time he was more or less "are you sure about this"
hes not a horrible person/partner, he wasnt about to force you to do an abortion
he just wanted to make sure this was actually what you wanted to do and if you were actually serious about it
after you were stern about keeping the baby, he was fine with it
he was more worried about how he would be like as a father because he's very much scared of little kids and struggles to bond with just anyone
also a little peeved at the thought of his alone/free time being taken away
doesnt like the idea of his alone time with you having a literal permanent third wheeler but wont admit that to anyone but kuroo 🌚
during ur pregnancy, he was actually really okay with it
he would check up on you various times of the day, asking how you feel
yeah, he wasnt really excited for it, but that doesn't mean he wont try for it
would pause his games and go to wherever part of the house you were in, eyeing your baby bump with those wary cat eyes of his, all "..how are you feeling..?"
tbh i see you getting pregnant before marrying him because the two of you were kinda lazy with being careful 😅
he kinda facepalms because now hes like "why didnt i think of the possibility of pregnancy🤦🏽‍♀️"
while it doesn't speed up the whole process, he'll now begin taking the thought of marriage seriously
he'll bring up the idea of eloping, or a small wedding because he doesn't like the idea of a big and elaborate wedding ceremony/party
he didnt really care about gender, but he did care about baby names because he didnt want the baby to have a stupid name
now i see him being very curious tho
so he'll ask you a bunch of questions about how it feels to be pregnant, eyes wide when you tell him all the gruesome parts 😭
will also spend some time looking up more information about pregnancy and childbirth
now i do think he'd be aware about how he should change himself for the better
he grew up kinda isolated, and he 100% didnt want that for his kid, especially considering the fact that his child will most likely be an only child too
aw sleeping in kenma's arms while he plays video games cuz hormones made you sad
he'll like announce ur pregnancy to his followers/fans, it was so random he was like "yeah guys im having a kid 😪 kinda scary ngl" during one of his livestreams
really appreciates and is totally surprised when he's gifted money and baby supplies by his fans
maybe posts short little clips of you sleeping in an odd position or doing random things because he thinks its funny how you now do things differently because your bump prevents you from doing things in a certain way
i think it would interest him in the way your baby bump grows
he would be a little mortified at the way he would poke your bump's skin and watch his indent stay there long after he pulled his finger away
would be kinda "??? 🤔🤨" when he first feels the baby's kick/movements
he would "begrudgingly" walk to the store for you late at night if you were craving something
acts all annoyed but lets bffr kenma we know ur a softie 🤣
okay for the birth tho he's so mortified
definitely doesnt want to watch but obviously will be there for you because he knows better
the whole time he feels secondhand discomfort for you and feels your cries in his deep in his core cuz ur in pain and he doesn't like that 😕
this might sound weird, but i see him bringing his portable gaming system to the hospital so you can play with him and get ur mind off things
not saying his feeling towards the baby will change after the birth, but he'll definitely be like "oh wow 😳" when the baby is first born
have u ever seen that clip of steve irwin first looking at bindi when shes born and hes all amazed and awestruck by her?
its like that but its less noticeable and its more like "this is my child?"
a little scared to hold the baby at first because he's afraid to drop her
but once he does he'll look down at it and be like "ur not so bad afterall 😪"
DEFINITELY doesn't get any sleep during the first few months because he'll for some reason take late night feedings/crying upon himself
hes all "ur such a pain bro 😒" while rocking the baby back and forth to soothe it, all cuddly and gentle with it
tbh i cant decide whether it be a girl or boy so its up to reader to decide
omg hes mortified after the first belch spit hes gone afterwards
literally condemns the baby to hell
hates changing diapers but does it for the sake of the baby's comfort and health
when he's alone with the baby, he'd be like "ur kinda ugly 🤔" while playing around with it
tbh i see him getting random bouts of urges to play with the baby and speaking to it in a baby voice secretly
gets really embarrassed if hes caught and acts like it never happened
when ur not there to watch the baby while he's gaming he'll actually be okay with the baby sitting in his lap while he games
if he wins he'll be all "lets goooo 😝" all up in the babies face 😭 lifting it up into the air and just being such a gamer dad
also starts teaching the baby how to play games real early on, making them hold a controller or something and teaching them game logistics
the baby is like 5 months old and doesn't know about taxes but knows about dnd 🤣🤦🏽‍♀️
i see him like announcing the birth of his kid to his followers/fans a couple weeks after the birth
only shows what the baby looks like when its like 6 months old and crawling all in the background, he'll turn around and be like "wanna see my baby?", lift up the baby and put it's face all up close into the camera 😭
does 0.5 and only 0.5 photos on the thing 😅
does a couple more streams afterwards when he "games" with the baby and blame loosing on the poor thing 😅
aw i can see him and the baby having matching outfits when he goes out with it
he's not the best dad, but he'll try his hardest
on a sweet note, if kenma feels lonely when ur away, he'll allow the baby to sleep in the bed he shares with you as a "substitution" and cuddle with it
yk that tiktok audio that goes "leave me alone baby 😒" and then goes "ur my baby i love you ☹️☹️🥰😘" yeah that hes that
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animeyanderelover · 8 months
Hello, I'd like to ask for haikyuu HCs with a S/O who has an older brother kinda like Gyutaro from kny. A brother who is considered to be ugly by society, but is really strong and tall (talking about 6'8 kind of tall). They are really overprotective of their little sibling. How would they react?? To have someone clearly much stronger and not so easily swayed?? They can't fight them and they can't try to manipulate them. Not to mention that they are always together and is always listening to her brother.
For this request can I have Hinata, Kenma, Akaashi, Goshiki, Yaku, Kageyama, and Hoshiumi or Ushijima for the last one.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy relationship, obsession, possessive behavior, stalking, delusional behavior, stalking, manipulation, threats
Brother knows best
Shōyō Hinata
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☀️Shōyō is already someone who is of a smaller height in comparison to some of his fellow volleyball members but your brother just freaks him out, terrifies him. In all honestly, he doesn't even believe it when he first finds out that you two are siblings because you two are so vastly different in looks and personality. Needless to say though, he stays the fuck away from your older brother because one look is enough to let Hinata know that he isn't wanted. He doesn't want to stay away from you though so he often tries to sneak in on you when your brother isn't around you but unfortunately your older brother is never far away and all Hinata can do is trip over his own words, trying to justify why he is talking to you. He's pushed away from you, is most of the time left staring at you from a safe distance with a hurt look in his obsessed eyes. His delusional tendencies additionally make it very difficult for him to realize why your brother dislikes him so much, never questioning the fact that he spams you with messages begging to meet you without your brother tagging along. He's failed to make a good impression on your brother and Hinata prays that your parents will have more favour upon him.
Tobio Kageyama
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🌧️​He isn't shaking in his boots like Hinata is when he has your brother towering over him but the colour still leaves his face as he's in visible disbelief to hear that you're the younger sibling of this guy. He's even more hurt when he finds out that you've asked your bigger brother for help because you got a bit scared of the way Tobio was pinning after you in his own obsessed ways. He wants to explain himself, the thought of you fearing and disliking him unbearable but your brother doesn't let you anywhere near you, protective of you. There are a couple of confrontations Tobio has had with your brother because even if he's still frightened, his paranoia and desperation outweights that at one point. It never escalated further because you stopped your brother from starting a fight. Kageyama starts getting visible agitated at one point as his own frustration and inability to talk to you leads to aggressive manners around others as his temper is essentially always ready to go off. The anger melts off though whenever he manages to see you as he daringly follows you even with your brother around and at one point his emotions are so shot that he starts crying, crying, right in front of you.
Morisuke Yaku
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🍀​Yaku tends to have some delusional moments but he quickly sober up when he has his first encounter with your very scary older brother and is forced to stray away from you. He'd be lying if he says he isn't terrified but he still tries to talk to your brother and interact normal with him. Only that your sibling never lets that happen. Now, after the first time Yaku has been forced to retreat, he starts calming down from his lovesick height and starts considering how he can solve this issue without any huge conflict. He tries, he really tries, to talk it through with your brother. He attempts to reason with him that he sincerely loves you and even gets a bit confronting with some of his arguments as he points out that you should have the chance to also get to know other people. He isn't dumb, he notices that you two are unhealthily attached to each other. Needless to say, your brother can't be reasoned with and Yaku realizes that quickly. Nor do you consider Yaku's suggestions to make your own decision as you listen to your brother. At this rate Yaku is also concerned and tries to get in contact with your parents in hopes that they'll do something as he's unable to act due to your brother.
Kenma Kozume
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🐱​Kenma isn't even risking it when he sees who your brother is and how he behaves around you. That doesn't mean that he stops obsessing as his eyes always linger on you but he's way too skittish to talk to you with your overprotective sibling always hovering around you. For now Kenma just decides to observe from the distance as he always trails behind you two within a safe distance, unusually cautious to not get caught because of the overprotective antics of your older brother. He attempts to make contact with you via mails and messages only to discover that you don't seem to be willing to meet with him without your brother around as Kenma asks you to do as he knows that your brother probably wouldn't let him close to you. It's by now very clear for him that you listen to your brother as you have a strong bond with him, an unhealthy but very strong bond. Kuroo can't help him much either as your brother reacts hostile when hearing that his friend tries to put in a good word for him. All failed attempts let Kenma's mood down as he's slightly depressed with the situation. He spends hours online, searching for solutions to this problem. He might act passive but he sure as hell won't give up.
Keiji Akaashi
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🍁​Akaashi's case causes a bit of an uproar and that isn't even his fault. Bokuto didn't intend to do it either but fact is that he's very vocally sad for his friend when Akaashi tells him that your brother is against him getting closer to you and since Akaashi is more well-known in school, it quickly spikes up a lot of discussions. You as well as your older brother are all of a sudden on fire as the rumors quickly escalate. Akaashi has always been a bit wary around your older brother due to your sibling's overprotective behavior but has hesitated due to his own obsession. When he tried to get to know you better and his brother strongly rejected and you listened to him despite the fact that you liked Akaashi, he saw himself forced to act though. Only that your brother was uncooperative and refused to listen at all, only got mad when Akaashi pointed out how his own behavior around you isn't healthy and keeps you from freely developing. This was the situation that started everything and it doesn't help the fact that many don't like your brother in the first place, their words hurting you. Akaashi didn't want any of this, promises to help as good as he can. He might ask for something in return though.
Wakatoshi Ushijima
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🦅​For maybe the first time he experiences what it feels like to be the one on the weaker side and the fact that it stops him from actively making you his own truly threatens to have his anger tip over. He refuses to back down though nor does he show any signs of fear or intimidation when he walks up to you and your brother, fully intending to talk with you only to be stopped every time by your brother. It's always very tense when both of them just stare at each other with scary expressions on their faces as bystanders fear that both of them might try to kill each other within the very next moment. Perhaps the only thing stopping those two from really getting violent is the fact that you're always around. Ushijima never learns either as he always comes back and always agitates your brother by doing so because the intimidation doesn't seem to work on the man obsessed with you. Because Ushijima is so immensely popular even outside his school does this become a topic quickly and this is something Wakatoshi is ready to abuse to his own advantage. He's very firm in his belief that once you two actually get the chance to get to know each other, you'll fall in love with him too.
Tsutomu Goshiki
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🌟​His body betrays him when your brother towers over him even if Goshiki tries to not appear scared as he wants to make a good impression on your family, including your older sibling. The sweat still runs down his face and even if he initially refuses to leave when your brother tells him so, he hurriedly scrambles away as soon as your brother starts yelling. He's incredibly disappointed and soon devastated when he soon after this first encounter realizes that your brother doesn't allow him to go anywhere near you. He really tries to stay positive as he attempts to better his image even if he doesn't know what he did wrong in the first place. He tries to impress your brother in any ways he can, wants to show him that he merely desires to become your good, loving and loyal boyfriend yet nothing seems to work on him. Tsutomu gifts you also lots of cute gifts which you seem to like and he hopes that this might make your brother less hostile only for him to forbid Goshiki to send you more presents in an attempt to gain his and/or your favor. After this Goshiki is truly falling low as he even cries in private. Similar to Hinata, he'll probably try his luck with your parents.
Hoshiumi Korai
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🌊​Hoshiumi is also on a smaller side which should make him more intimidated of your brother but he's a very courageous and maybe just too stubborn for his own good kind of person. Stubborn and delusional make for one exhausting person as he's sure to even give your own brother several headaches as this guy just straightup refuses to back down. Frankly spoken, he doesn't comprehend why your brother doesn't want him anywhere near you. He's very clingy and pestering, obsessed and someone who tends to get easily jealous but Hoshiumi himself remains oblivious to those things after all. Additionally he always insists on his delusional belief that if your brother would just allow him to spend time with you, you'd fall over time in love with him too. So why is your older brother so opposed and tries to stop your lovestory from happening? He's bold with his words as he speaks what he thinks which almost got him several troubles before with your brother if it wouldn't have been for you. I see the very huge risk that he'll get a lot of people involved mainly because he's openly complaining to everyone because he is unhappy and feels unfairly treated, even if he has no intentions to do so.
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thefiery-phoenix · 8 months
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Kenma is an obsessive yandere and he's also self aware 
You are in Kenma's math class and you were the only one who managed to catch his eye because of your shining personality. He really admired you, like alot
Even though this boi is OBSESSED with you, poor bby's really nervous about approaching you and blowing his first impression with you. So, he'll watch and admire you from far. And THAT means, he's basically like your secret admirer 
Though he might not seem like it, Kenma is a VERY perceptive person. He knows and understands what exactly a person is going through and their feelings. He cares for his friends a lot and YES, that ALSO includes a certain raven haired rooster ;) But these feelings are a bit.... different when it comes to you. He's never experienced love before and he has trouble understand these new feelings. He just can't understand HOW in the HECK you can make his heart flutter with your smile and his tummy become a zoo when you laugh. Sure, he's played games on love and all that before but he didn't bother going in depth about it but after he saw you, he made it like his mission to learn and know EACH and EVERY single thing about it
His confusion towards his feelings will most likely be manifested in dark, sinister and twisted feelings of love and obsession towards you. He's content with just watching you from far and if you speak to him, he'll be a stuttering mess. Poor bby
Doesn't like it when you hang around other people, ESPECIALLY Oikawa. He really hates how close you are with him. And he really wishes he could do something to get rid of those annoying little gnats you call 'friends'. Can't you see? They'll desert you one day and they'll NEVER love you like how Kenma does 
Luckily, Kuroo is Kenma's wingman and helps him get to you when he learns about his crush. I have a feeling Kuroo's also gonna help Kenma when it comes to kidnapping you and keeping you 'safe'
Sure, Kenma will collect little trinkets from you and have a collection of your items but he won't go as far as to collecting your clothes since he KNOWS that's just creepy as hell and he ain't that much of a creep
He will find out EVERYTHING about you and YES, that also includes that Wattpad and Tumblr account you haven't told anyone about. If you're an author on any of these sites, he'll find a way to login with your username and password after he reads them off from your secret diary, and he'll LOVE every word you've written. He'll also have access to your mails and everything since he wants to keep you safe from danger and he wants to know more about you 
As much as he creepily stalks the HELL out of you, he will respect your privacy and your personal space. He isn't a pervert to watch you take your showers and he drinks and DROWNS in his respect women juice like Kuroo 
He only stalks you since he just wants to make sure you get to places safely, like an escort mission in a game where you're the princess and he's your knight in shining armor or your prince charming 
Kenma won't go TOO far with his obsession. It'll take A LOT to make HIM snap and when he does snap, oh boy.... you better have your running shoes in handy since he is literally going to make Satan and Lucifer look like the Bubble Guppies, no joke
If he kidnaps you, it's going to be because he's scared and insecure that you'll like someone else and he doesn't blame you for that. But, he wants to make sure that you fall in love with him and if you don't, well... he'll make you fall in love with him
Don't EVER try escaping from him. Many bones WILL be broken and NONE of them are going to be HIS
When it comes to rivals and enemies, he'll let them off with a dire warning but if they are stupid enough to go near you again, he will literally kill them in the most painful way imaginable till that person is going to be BEGGING for death 
If you drive him stir crazy and over the edge, he'll just lock you in a dark room till you're ready to say sorry. He NEEDS you behave no matter WHAT he should do. He is rather strict when it comes to discipline and YES, he'll even take away the cat
After you're done with your punishment, he'll make you sit on his lap and wipe your tears while he cuddles with you and lets you play his video games or he'll let you watch your favorite movie on Netflix
Apart from this, he likes giving you little gifts from time to time like bracelets or if you like books, he'll get you books. If you're a gamer like him, he'll get you your own playstation and a nintendo switch or if you like drawing, expect a whole bunch of art supplies and sketch books sitting on the dining table wrapped neatly for you 
Would LOVE to have a family with you though he'll be nervous as hell. What if he won't be a good father? And he'll not force you till you're ready to have a family with him by having a bunch of crazy little toddlers running around here and there 
Manipulation will NEVER work on this dude so don't even try. He can easily tell when you're trying to manipulate him. He can calculate your every move and your thought since he studied you really well and you're easy to read like an open book. If you think you're 2 steps ahead of him, he's always 10 steps ahead of you 
Will never make you do things you're uncomfortable with. He gets shy sometimes when he shows you affection and if you reciprocate his feelings back, Tsundere mode activated. But, he'll cuddle you and hug and kiss you whenever you want
Nicknames include: Pudding (Why am I getting reminded of Harley Quinn calling Joker that?!), Kitty cat, Sweetheart, Darling, Kitten
Once you get Stockholm Syndrome, things will get easier for you and expect a neatly wrapped from Kenma's best man Kuroo who's happy for you both and is even MORE happy that he doesn't have to go chasing you around here and there anymore when you're trying to escape
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hi! if its okay may i request yan!kenma hcs? ty!
tws: isolation, murder, aphrodisiac, drugging, non-con, kidnapping, violence, bullying, breaking and entering, non-consensual picture taking, panty stealing/sniffing, camera placing, forced pregnancy
Kenma would for sure know that what he's feeling is wrong. He's too smart not to know.
Kenma would try to ignore those urges and be a normal person. He would try to court you normally. But, when that one classmate of yours got too close to you, nothing mattered anymore. Well... nothing but you.
Kenma would spread rumors about you to make you lean on him more. He's the isolating type, so it'll be awful rumors. You'll likely end up being bullied they'll go missing too
He would also sneak into your room at night and place cameras in every corner so he could get the best pictures and videos of you; keeps it on a flashdrive.
Kenma would steal some of your things over time. Specifically panties, lingerie, chapstick, and the like. He'd also take a few shirts/hoodies of yours to wear at night.
Kenma would try his hardest to keep from killing people, but some of the people around you are parasites. He stalks them for a few days and waits till they're alone to pick them off. He doesn't like to be messy about it. He'll purchase poisons and inject them into the bloodstream, or he'll simply bury them alive after knocking them out.
Since Kenma is incredibly smart, no one would find the body. No one would know what happened. And even if they did figure out that it was murder, no one would suspect that it was him. No one would think that the scrawny boy who hates exercise and social interaction would kill someone in cold blood.
Kenma would end up kidnapping you. It could be that you caught him, he feels threatened by the other students, you were distancing yourself from him- it doesn't matter. You'll end up in his basement or in a cabin that he purchased on the dark web.
If you have a uterus, he'll want to have your own kids. If he has to force it, he will.
He knows all about Stockholm, he'll force that too.
Kenma is male, so he has desires. He can only help himself for so long- especially if you're right there. If you keep refusing him, he'll just acquire an aphrodisiac or a roofie.
He honestly super scary. You'll never know when he's mad. He always speaks to you in that gravelly, monotone voice. His facial expressions never change. He's not easy to anger, but god help you if you manage it.
Kenma isn't one to starve you or beat you. He'll just lock you up for a few days and leave you minimal food and water. He'll deny you showers and hygeine though. You'll learn.
He forces cuddles and physical affection. He has to be touching his future wife/husband/spouse.
You'll never manage to leave him. He's Nekoma's brains for a reason. He will have everything thought out beore you can even plan to leave.
When you finally accept him, and Stockholm comes in clutch, he'll be over the moon. Hugs, kisses, a nice dinner, gifts. Anything you want.
He'll be the breadwinner of the house. Kodzuken makes bank tbh.
Overall, not the worst, but defintely still pretty bad.
"[Name], I love you. It doesn't seem like it right now, but you'll understand some day."
"[Name] is mine. You've jeopardized our happiness and now you'll pay with your life."
"The drink is a bit salty? Ah, I must've dropped some salt in by accident..."
"I love you so much, [Name]. You'll love me too someday."
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yanderecrazysie · 1 year
Veneration Part 2 (Yandere Kenma)
This was requested several times by several different people, mainly on Wattpad! Pretty short because I didn’t know what to write lol.
Also forgive me, I’ve never been to a convention, so this is probably completely off if you’ve been to one.
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Part One is here: https://yanderecrazysie.tumblr.com/post/671574398501863425/yn-is-kenmas-no1-fan-to-the-point-of-an
Title: Veneration (part 2)
Pairings: Kenma x Reader
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, spoilers for Kenma’s timeskip (Kinda?), Kenma is a bigger fan of you tbh
Summary: When you catch the attention of a famous YouTuber, you think that you’re the luckiest person in the world. Little do you know, you caught his attention long ago. And his obsession is a lot darker than yours.
respect or awe inspired by the dignity, wisdom, dedication, or talent of a person.
There would be only a small window of opportunity.
Only a short amount of time between panels and autograph signings and pictures.
A short amount of time to secure you in his hotel room, make sure you can’t move or speak, then move you back to his home through private jet in the dead of night.
It wasn’t going to be easy, but Kenma had been waiting for this day for months, and he was ready to work as hard as he needed to make sure today went perfectly.
The YouTube convention was alive with people, but Kenma could spot you in the thickest of crowds with ease. To his surprise, your eyes also sought him out and you bashfully stared at his booth with sparkling eyes.
He couldn’t focus on the autographs, not when you were bouncing impatiently in his line, waiting for him to do something as simple as sign a piece of paper for you. He’d do so, so much more for you than that.
When it was finally, finally your turn, he nearly forgot to ask for your name, tripping over his words in an attempt to cover up the fact that he already knew exactly who you are.
Then came the pictures with fans, and he was practically shivering in excitement when you came up next to him. He nodded mutely to everything you said, too overwhelmed by your proximity to truly respond. When he wrapped his arm around you, he felt himself shudder slightly, goosebumps rising on his skin at the wonderful contact.
He had to force himself to let go.
Later on, he and a few other popular youtubers were being asked questions about themselves. Even though the crowd of fans was dim compared to the spotlight-lit stage, he could pick out your beautiful form.
“Koduzen, do you have a partner?”
He smiled, looking down fondly at you, even though you hadn’t asked the question, “Not yet, but I have someone I’m interested in.”
The crowd oohed and ahhed but Kenma’s attention never left you.
It was only when he excused himself to use the bathroom and skillfully slipped off into the crowd did he find himself face-to-face with you once again. Your pretty eyes went wide and shone brightly when you realized you were looking at your YouTube idol.
“Hello, (Y/n)…” Kenma could tell you were overwhelmed, trying to comprehend everything that was going on, too excited to catch onto the red flags.
He smiled and held out a hand for you to take.
“Let’s take a walk.”
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seijorhi · 1 year
Kozume Kenma x female reader
a Valentine’s Day Collab
tw: heavy dubcon, nsfw, voyeurism, murder, yandere themes, this one's a doozy y'all we're goin' out with a bang :))
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The red light on the camera atop his computer blinks steadily.
Kenma’s not some sappy romantic, he doesn’t really do Valentine’s Day. This stream wasn’t even his idea to begin with. It just so happened that he was frustrated and pissed off, venting in the chat when one of the users made a comment that got him thinking.
(He’s not an asshole, either – he did remember to bring you a box of heart shaped chocolates.) 
He was gonna do this one way or the other, the timing just sort of worked out, and he supposes he can see the romantic side of it all. Girls are supposed to like this sort of thing, aren’t they – grand declarations of love and all that. 
“You remember the rules, don’t you?” he asks. 
Your cheeks shining with stricken tears, your lower lip wobbling, you nod minutely, eyes downcast.
Kenma frowns a little, and draws your chin upwards, forcing you to meet his eye. “I need you to say it. Out loud.”
You swallow audibly, risking a glance over towards the bed, the bound figure thrashing about, yelling desperately through his gag. Kenma’s fingers tighten, and you let out a startled squeak, quickly returning your attention back to him. “You– you’re gonna–” your voice hitches, “I h-have to–”
“Aw, c’mon Kenma, don’t be mean to the poor thing,” Kuroo snickers, driving his elbow into the gut of your soon-to-be ex boyfriend for good measure when he gets a bit too rowdy for his liking. 
Irritation spikes, and Kenma barely – barely – refrains from rolling his eyes and huffing. Truthfully, he’s not so sure he could’ve pulled this whole thing off without his friend’s help, he’d just appreciate it if that help were a little more silent. 
“Say it,” he repeats, the hand keeping you perched on his lap slipping down between your thighs to your bare cunt, the wet slick from your earlier efforts coating his fingertips as they rub possessively along your slit.
Kenma’s eyes drift back to the camera, tilting your face along with his, “Tell them what you’re gonna do.”
You look miserable, terrified, and so fucking pretty as you hiccup another sob, “I-I’m going to fuck you, a-and if I want… if I want him–”
“If you wanna win, you have to make me cum before he runs out of air.”
He’s already had you cum for everyone watching, made you play with your cute little pussy with the toys he’d bought for you. A part of him hates that others got to see it, but it was his choice to livestream this. Just for tonight – and then you’re for his eyes only.
… And maybe Kuroo’s. He does sort of owe him for this. 
Kenma doesn’t bother asking if you’re ready to start, he just spreads his legs a little wider, looks to Kuroo and bobs his chin. The plastic bag and duct tape thing isn’t exactly high tech or all that elegant – it’ll do the job, though, he knows that much. 
“I dunno how long it’ll take,” he tells you quietly, Kuroo grinning widely as he begins sliding the bag over your boyfriend’s head. “A minute or so to lose consciousness, I guess, after that…” he shrugs, looking almost bored at the prospect.
You, though – it lights a panic in your eyes, your whole body trembling as you lurch to your feet. Duct tape rips, your boyfriend’s choked and muffled noises growing more and more frantic as he yells your name and thrashes about. Kenma ignores him – there’s a part of him that kind of wishes he wasn’t here to begin with, but he s’poses he does have some value – as you reach for his boxers and pull out his aching, twitching cock and stroke it.
He looses a shuddering breath, fingers sinking into the armrest of his gaming chair.
You go to sit down on his cock – facing him, like lovers do – and Kenma barely has the presence of mind to stop you. “No,” he gasps, shaking his head and swallowing dryly. “Show them.”
You’re clumsy as you turn, flinching, half-sobbing with every distressed noise that fills the room. If Kenma were particularly vindictive, he’d tell you to hurry it up, because at this rate your stupid boyfriend will be brain dead before he’s even inside you. 
He’s far too invested in the way you settle your thighs either side of his and grip his cock – flushed pink to the tip, weeping with pre that you diligently swirl over the sensitive head – in a trembling hand, guiding it to where it needs to be as you lower your hips down to meet his. 
And the feel of your pussy, that warm, slick velvet that sucks him in has him moaning, every thought eddying from his head. Holy fuck, it feels incredible. Uncoordinated and sloppy as your movements are, you’re heaven and your pussy is a thousand times better than the fantasies he’d gotten off to before. He promised himself he wouldn’t do anything to help you along while you fucked him, but Kenma can’t help the hand that reaches for your breast, needily groping at the soft, pillowy flesh. 
Seated to the hilt inside of you, every sensation is heightened. Every hitch in your breath, the fluttering of your pussy, squeezing and pulsing around him, the shudders that wrack your body as Kenma’s other hand tightens around your hip. “Move,” he pants. “Fuck– please–”
You do, raising your hips until only the very tip of his cock remains inside and sinking down once more. Your chest bounces for the camera as you set the pace, your tears and sniffles lost to the sound of comments pinging, donations pouring in. Kenma can’t stop touching you – everywhere, every inch of soft skin he can reach, squeezing and pinching and groping. “Don’t look at him,” he growls when your head starts to turn towards the bed. “Watch.”
Your boyfriend’s hacking and gagging, the noises growing louder and louder, warring with Kenma’s moans and your sobs, the slick sound of his cock sliding in and out of your cunt as you pleasure yourself on his dick. When the noises start to die down, and your boyfriend’s flailing turns into an unsettling, unnatural jerking and then not even that, you clench so tightly around his cock that Kenma’s vision goes white. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck–” he chants, clutching you closer with a rabid desperation. 
You’re wailing, scrambling in vain to get off of him and with a mind of its own his hips buck up inside of you, once, twice – and Kenma cums harder than he ever has before.
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revebloomluv · 5 months
DOES ANYONE REMEMBER a haikyuu fanfic about yan!kuroo? he kidnapped the reader and kenma, but the reader develops stock syndrome and it was SO GOOD, terrifying and sad.
it was the first time a fanfic made me stopped my reading bc i couldn't handle what i was reading AND IT COMPLETELY DISAPPEARED. I CAN'T FIND IT ANYWHERE. i read it on wattpad but i don't remember the author, and i think the title was "the boy next door"? something like that?
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vroerry · 7 months
It's all fun and games - Kenma Kozume
712 words Y!Kenma x gn reader Tell me if I should do a part2!<3 Happy spooky season!
The autumn leaves have fallen on the cold pavement. They have fallen into the puddles, created by the heavy rain. It was already night outside, so not a soul was able to notice the secrets the puddles held.
You held your dear boyfriend's hand as you walked door to door. A pumpkin shaped basket in your other hand, already halfway full with candies. You glanced up at his tall figure, and even though he was hiding under a white sheet and a pair of sunglasses you knew that it was your one and only dearie. Sakusa Kiyoomi.
Despite his protests to go out for trick or treating as ghosts he was there next to you. Holding an umbrella above your heads to keep you dry from the rain that has started to pour from the skies.
"Sweetheart, can't we go home?" he sighed. "I'll buy you more candied, but I don't want to catch a cold" he tried to explain calmly.
"We won't catch a cold" you protested. "It's not even that bad, come on! We still have plenty of homes left, please!" you pleaded, but he shook his head.
"We both ended up sick when we walked int he rain a few months ago. Let's go home. My place's closer than yours. I am going to give you something to warm up in. I can see you shivering already"
"No!" you protested again. "A little cold doesn't hurt, this nighzt could be a core memory in or lives. Laughing in the rain, having fun, all that jazz!"
"It's all fun and games until we get hurt or someth8ing! Come on!" he tried to convin ce you.
You stayed silent.
"Sweetheart, you know that" he tried to explain something but you quickly cut him off.
"I don't know. Come on, you were so much more fun in the summer! You did crazier things than this!"
"Because you are stubborn like a bull anmd I was tryintg to keep you safe from whatever ideas you had! Just like now! Let's go back, please" he tried for the last time. Only to feel you letting go of his arm and waltzing into the rain, leaving the safety of the umbrella.
"No!" you stomped with your feet. "I am going to get all of the sweets, I'll be the ghost of the nitght. Either with you or without you" you said and then turned your back to him, walking off.
"Babe, stop!" he marched after you.
Without even looking back at him you started to rant.
"It's alway the be safe, keep it safe, don't be sick, don't be hurt! We are not fragile little butterlies to be locked up in some glass cage! We are humans, people, we must live. We have to make memories I don't know why you hate it so much! It's fun! It always is fun! You're just so dull, so focused on volleyball, so focused on your studies that you simply do not get it! Come on, Yoomi what was the last time you actually had fun?! Be honest!" you turned bck to face him, but he was nowhere to be found. "Yoomi?" you called out. But he was nowhere to be found. The only trace of him was the umbrella, lying in the cold puddles. You quickly looked around but he was still nowhere to be seen. You approached the umbrella and knelt down to pick it up. It was covered in water and watery mud. But how did it get muddy on the rocky pavement?
You reached for your phone and turned the flashlight only to see the handle and your arm covered in blood. Your eyes widened in horror as you threw the umbrella away and tried to make a run ofr it. Tripping in the white sheet attached to you as your costume.
"Yoomi!" you screamed. "This isn't fun!"
"Oh it truly isn't" a voice spoke up behind you. "But you and I are going to have fun together" a hand grabbed you and held your mouth while injecting you with something. As you fell into unconsciousness the lightning struck. The scene lit up for a sceond. Sakusa in the bushes, you on the ground.
And Kenma Kozume smiling in the centre of it all.
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heavens-angei · 1 year
★★✩✩✩ . ┇✡┇ 「 . ' '↳ 【ʏᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇ! ᴋᴜʀᴏᴏ ᴛ.】♡ ❊ ►𝙒𝘼𝙍𝙉𝙄𝙉𝙂 𝙏𝙃𝙄𝙎 𝘽𝙊𝙊𝙆 𝙄𝙉𝘾𝙇𝙐𝘿𝙀𝙎: ѕєχтιиg, ѕєχυαℓ тнємєѕ, ѕєχυαℓ αѕѕαυℓт, ѕтαℓкιиg, υинєαℓтну σвѕєѕѕισи, ∂єтαιℓє∂ gσяє, мαиιρυℓαтισи, ∂яυgѕ/∂яυg αвυѕє, αиgѕт, ѕℓιgнт ѕєχιѕм, вℓα¢кмαιℓ
I am not taking credit for the making of any haikyuu characters besides the ones I make myself inside this book. I do take credit for the plot.
 🇮‌ 🇩‌🇴‌ 🇳‌🇴‌🇹‌ 🇨‌🇴‌🇳‌🇩‌🇴‌🇳‌🇪‌ 🇹‌🇭‌🇮‌🇸‌ 🇹‌🇾‌🇵‌🇪‌ 🇴‌🇫‌ 🇧‌🇪‌🇭‌🇦‌🇻‌🇮‌🇴‌🇷‌ 🇦‌🇳‌🇩‌ 🇴‌🇳‌🇱‌🇾‌ 🇼‌🇷‌🇮‌🇹‌🇪‌ 🇮‌🇹‌ 🇫‌🇴‌🇷‌ 🇹‌🇭‌🇪‌ 🇸‌🇦‌🇰‌🇪‌ 🇴‌🇫‌ 🇦‌🇲‌🇺‌🇸‌🇪‌🇲‌🇪‌🇳‌🇹‌ 🇦‌🇳‌🇩‌ 🇪‌🇳‌🇹‌🇪‌🇷‌🇹‌🇦‌🇮‌🇳‌🇲‌🇪‌🇳‌🇹‌.
STARING up at the bright lights, flashing through waves of people touching, dancing, drinking; it's honestly become slightly annoying, seeing the pink, and purple flash on the backs of people who ever care to notice anything else happening around them. 
She sat by the dimmer lights near the bar.. waiting for her date to show, he had last texted her 20 minutes beforehand saying he was getting ready with a little winky face.
( 黒尾 鉄朗 ) 𝙾𝚗 𝚖𝚢 𝚠𝚊𝚢 𝚜𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚝𝚒𝚎 ;) sᴇᴇɴ
Meanwhile, you can't believe you're about to get with a guy whose name you can't even read. Have you really become so desperate for some type of human interaction that you started going on a shady app?... Yes. After your last girlfriend broke it off with you, you've become a total whore. 
Looking around at the familiar club, this is where you both met; the dancers, lights, music blasting, and drunks at the bar. It all seems the same as that night— you thought you two would be together forever; just like any other person who gets into a relationship that'll only last a few months at best. Everyone seems to believe they found the one until that one leaves you or you leave it. It's inevitable.
You can still remember how her hair looked, beautiful 4c, dyed a light blue which seemed to be faded at the time, her dark brown skin mixed with her slim figure just matched her perfectly. Her semi-pump lips smashed against yours. And those brown eyes just topped it all off, they seemed to glow in the light of the club when they didn't from the normal sun; people often made fun of her looks.
Whether it being how "stick-like" she was from the modern world's unachievable standers for women to be thick and round; her speech, or her dark color. Her eyes though never once cried a tear from those hurtful words said by the bloodthirsty beasts. Instead, she kept standing tall for those just like her, no matter how many times she was at her lowest of low and wanted to give up.
I envy that.
Being chased around by men or women, called a slut or whore for what I wore. She never cared what they called her for what she would wear. No matter if it was damp rags or a slightly see-through nightgown, a short dress nor a long one down to her heels making her taller than she already was. Intimidating men as she walked.
She was everything I wished to be. Confident, wise, smart, and kind but serious. 
I.. envy her.
Sighing out, the women's shoulders slump, clearly no longer in the mood for just about anything, tempted to even say fuck it and ditch the man to go home. Binge stupid shows and sleep for work. Thinking of her past lover, she can't understand why they fell apart.
Feeling almost like a stare at your back you turn and see a rather tall man. He had jet black hair that seemed to light up in a ray of colors, darkish brown-hazel eyes looking you up and down, seeing as the kind of man he was over text. It was obvious what kind of dresses he liked; short and sweet with a hint of a sexy side.
You can tell by the shine of his tongue lightly poking out as he licked his lips, eyeing you up and down once again like the full-course meal you are. Although his fatal attempts were as expected to try and make you feel hotter than the club, it didn't work too much as of the state you're in with your mind.
"Took you long enough." side-eyeing the man, she takes a sip of her drink. His chuckles are almost background noise to her ears as the rest of the world. "Well, what can I say?.. I wanted to look good for ya" humming to his words as she feels him sit down next to her on the little stool, hearing it slightly crunch down from his weight; he signs the bartender to come over as he's ready to order. 
"One martini, please— that is unless.. the pretty lady here would like one?" looking at her glass half full or rather.. half empty; lifting it up she chugged it down in one last gulp. "You'd like to buy me a drink huh? Thanks but I'm good." hearing the clink of her glass being set down along with the woman asking for a refill he smirks; not long after he gets his drink as well.
Sipping on his drink it was clear as day she wasn't in any mood for sex, leading his mind to wander just what happened that put her panties in such a knot; although her mood wouldn't ruin his so either it was her, he was taking or someone else by the end of tonight.
"Look.." gaining the attention of the woman right next to him; she listens but doesn't look his way, "I understand you're upset over whatever, but I came here to have a good night. If you can't give me that.. well, someone else can." 
A small airy laugh of disbelief came from her mouth as she looks to her right side, the corner of her eye once again seeing people dancing. "Does that normally work for you?" giving off a sarcastic but questionable response, she turns back to the man; full facing as she slowly brings her thigh up to cover the other, making a somewhat crisscrossed look— no.. a teasing look, she knew what she was doing. But most importantly He knew what she was doing. And damn... was it working.
Humming with his head turned facing her as well, "Depends.. does doing that cute pose normally work for you?" having a slight snarky response roll off his tongue. Although he didn't mean for it to come off in a sarcastic way; can't do anything now. She does nothing but laughs slightly, a somewhat mixture of fake and real; it's hard to tell if she truly found him funny, nevertheless, it didn't matter.
"Fine.. let's get out of here" setting her glass— once full now empty, drink down on the counter and standing up on her platform black heels that seemed to shine in just the right ways from the lights beaming all over; her black dress having an opening on the back which it slightly crosses over. Looking back at the man she smirks with a wink "Shall we pretty boy?" 
Her face showing a devilish side yet glowing so brightly like an angel ready to commit another sin. To him she looked as nothing he hasn't seen before from other women, but.. something about the way she did it. Left him stunned for a moment too long; as she seemed to have already started walking away.
Not waiting for a minute longer he drank the rest of his drink setting it down in a hasty movement— only to realize she left more money on the table for his drink. A smirk fell onto his face leaving him to question; he chased after her as many probably did before- just how did she get that pasted by him?
 Strutting past the many dancing drunks, she sways her hips— knowing full well he was in a hurry to catch up to her. Just like any sex-thirsty man would, an old classic song came on.
'𝓗𝓮𝓵𝓵𝓸, 𝓱𝓮𝓵𝓵𝓸 𝓫𝓪𝓫𝔂?'
'𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝓬𝓪𝓵𝓵𝓮𝓭 𝓘 𝓬𝓪𝓷'𝓽 𝓱𝓮𝓪𝓻 𝓪 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰, 𝓘 𝓱𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓰𝓸𝓽 𝓷𝓸 𝓼𝓮𝓻𝓿𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓲𝓷 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓬𝓵𝓾𝓫, 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓼𝓪𝔂, 𝓼𝓪𝔂?'~
Snapping her fingers, she hums to the song. Lady Gaga, a one-of-a-kind woman who inspires many and spoke out for many more; anyone who didn't like lady gaga was a red flag in her book personally. Stepping to the side as the clicks of her shoes tapped on the floor; she side-stepped a couple making out while making a complete 360 spin and sliding her hand along the man's back as she walked.
Meanwhile, the girl pressed up against the wall having her tongue down the man's throat seemed to not notice him taking a side glance as you walked for a quick peek. Then back to what he was doing but more aggressively. All the while the black-haired man watched it all.
Her effect on people was nothing as he has seen before, the way she slid so perfectly to the beat of the song and then touched that random stranger— he was.. fascinated! If you could even explain his feelings, it'd be just that. Fascinated; addicted. Hell even intrigued...!
He wanted nothing more but to get his hands on her then and there, but he's got to wait until the hotel no matter how much that might physically pain him.
The music was nothing but humming to his ears as he watched her from the bit of distance they had; closer to the door with the bright exit sign on it through the back she stood waiting for him to catch up. "Finally done running laps?" a smile on her lips raised as she spoke with such a sweet tone. 
Sighing out he replied, "I don't think I ever will be with you." moving to open the back door; her eyebrow moved up in a questioning face "You say that as if this isn't going to be a one-time thing" the man seemingly in deep thought just hummed back to let her know he heard her crushing words. Leaving the door wide open he smiles "Lady's first" with an arm reaching out for her to take.
She stood still for a moment; observing his actions, sure he's flirty but was he like this before when they first met? Why does it feel like his whole attitude slightly changed?
While in thought herself, she just huffed with a small 'just this once' reply as she took his arm and wrapped it around with hers. As they walked out of the hot club together leading her to his parked car, meanwhile the people in the alleyway were just about the same as the ones inside; drunk, angry or making out. Although it's nothing too new around clubs— people were bound to get kicked out or not let in for whatever reason.
Walking past a blacked-out woman sleeping on the floor, you slightly felt bad thus causing you to stop and stare without realizing— "Think someone left her?" snapping out of it you look at the taller male, as he wore a similar expression of worry, you mumbled a "maybe" as you let go of his arm to flag down a bodyguard back at the door. At the same time, he argued with a man not being allowed in. 
You didn't even notice the guy at first, maybe you were too in thought about the man as he seemed to stay behind to help the women. Clearing your throat, you overhear the two men; one being calm the other yelling, "WHY THE FUCK CAN'T I GO IN?! I PAID!" the guard rubbing his eyes with a scold; clearly getting a headache on "I already told you.. you were being too aggressive to many of our other guests-" "Who the fuck said I was!" 
Having heard enough from this conversation you cut the man off and talk to the bodyguard "Excuse me, there's a woman behind from trash passed out down the alleyway a bit. I was wondering if you could help her?" the man in a black shirt and jeans smiled at you "Of course, I can, thank you for reporting this to me ma'am" humming out as he asked if you'd show him where she was, you nodded your head. 
Meanwhile, the once man-child throwing a tantrum just ran along while yelling how he'd never come back again. Stepping quickly the guard going by 'K' on his nametag followed while talking about the situation within his small earpiece to the other guards.
Pressing his fingers up to the women's neck, "She's fine just passed out... we'll try to get her up and sober enough to hopefully tell us where she lives for a cab." Turning to the two as they stood behind him "Thanks for notifying me, who knows what could've happened if she stayed alone like this." nodding your head with a 'have a goodnight' the two of you were back on track.
The booming music slowly faded as you came across a red sports car just a bit down the sidewalk, he unlocked the doors letting you both in. With a long sigh, he laughed a tad bit "Well that was interesting..." 
Watching out the side window; her gaze falling back onto the club, "Agreed. Now let's get this over with." looking over at the man in the driver's seat to only see him staring at her back.
"Yeah, let's." 
his reply short but sweet.
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iwaasfairy · 4 months
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tw. noncon, unreliable narrator, kidnapping, stockholm syndrome, yandere wordcount. 1k
read part 1 here or see the valentine's masterlist
kozume kenma x reader
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You’ve started counting the spots on the walls in the dark. You’re no longer all that sure if the spots are actually there, but because you don’t have the chance to walk up and check— this is the next best thing. Your eyes have gotten used to the dim light of the semi-basement, and the dry air, and the lack of heat. It would have made you cry a few days, or weeks ago. Maybe- it’s been a month. Might be two. When you got so ill even Kenma couldn’t hide his concern, you stopped counting. And that only started feeling like a critical mistake when you had no choice but to admit.
You have no fucking clue how long it’s been.
Your ears perk up when they make something out over the static. Maybe not exactly a familiar voice, but a voice, ever so faintly sounds from the ceiling above you. Where you know Kenma does his work. Where you know he misses you from up there. You only saw it once before you were led down here, the big room with bright, open windows, much unlike how you know Kenma to be now. He’s guarded and protective and keeps his feelings close. You can’t imagine Kenma to long for freedom like you do…
But still, you want to believe it.
Instead he’s here with you, cherishing you, staying with you. Feeding and caring for you when he has the time. You shouldn’t think back to those windows, with the easy latch and flowy curtains. That’s what tempted you to fight and escape a few times, even when you only ended up worse. You weren’t chained to the wall until you ran. Weren’t tied up until you tried to slice his face open with the shard of the mirror you kicked, and now you don’t even really remember what you look like.
Kenma does, and he seems to like what he sees. When he’s rubbing his thumb along your brows and down the bridge of your nose - it matters a little less that you don’t know. When he helps you untangle your hair, or lets you into the bath. You weren’t even stripped of your clothes until you tried to strangle yourself with your shirt after struggling to adapt for weeks. Oh, it must’ve been at least two months then.
The sound of Kenma talking is so muffled that it’s hard to imagine he’s talking to anyone in the room. Maybe a phone call? After a while, you start getting restless. Start rocking the bed until it bangs against the wall twice and the door to the stairs trembles. Then you try to turn onto your side to get a little comfortable, arms still tied to the bed. Still numb.
Until you hear the familiar sound of soft feet walking down, and the key clicks against the metal of the lock. Kenma thought you important enough to hang up. You can’t help but feel warm at that thought, but you try not to focus on that. You shouldn’t be jealous when he’s trying his best. That’s what he says, and when you don’t hear anyone’s voice except for his for long enough, your internal monologue starts to sound like him too. “You’re being noisy again…” he sighs as he opens the door, hair pulled back from his face into a messy bun. “What’s wrong?”
Your entire body seems to perk up at the sound. He drags himself closer, and sits down on the edge of the bed just out of reach. A slight breeze goes along your bare thighs and bare tits and makes you shiver, and Kenma’s long fingers reach out to brush circles at your ankle. “What? You just lonely?”
“M-missed you,” your voice rasps, painful and tight. “Just wanna see you.” You sound like you haven’t had a drink all day, and after racking your mind, that’s probably true. It aches to swallow; almost as much as the dryness in the air. Instead of shying away from his touch, you lean into it as much as possible, and let him run his fingers up your shin to your thigh.
An almost imperceptible smile comes onto his lips, before he scoots closer and makes you bounce with the movement, starting to grin. “You’re much more lovey dovey nowadays.” His cat-like eyes focus on your face then, as he seems to gather what you’re thinking just from the furrow in your brow. “It’s not a bad thing… I think it’s cute. I didn’t like it when I had to constantly chase you around or fight you.”
His long fingers cup your cheek with a binding intensity, as he just seems to indulge in the sight of you. Splayed, submissive beneath him. You know him well enough now to say it’s how he likes you best. You like it too when you don’t have to fight. “‘M cold,” you sigh then, watching as Kenma’s eyes start glittering with a special kind of joy. One reserved for only you. You used to find it frightening, when you first got here.
“You’re always cold, huh?” The hand slides down your neck, brushing along your collarbones to make you shiver. “Want me to warm you up?” Without hesitating, he slips his hands under your dull, crinkled shirt and traces it up your ribs to your tits. The touch is enough to have you tremble into his hands, enjoying the interaction maybe too much. You’re mewling like it’s your job, and his name is the only thing on your lips. It took a while to feel okay about letting him slip his hands down to pull off the boxers, his— your panties got taken the first day you got here.
Kenma had been overeager, curious - he’d scared you. Now you just get scared when you wake up and Kenma isn’t in the house. Your body curls into the searching touches of his skillful fingers when they brush over the beginning wetness of your lips, and push a knuckle to grind against your clit. “When I first found you, I didn’t know you’d be so difficult, y’know,” he sighs into your mouth before kissing you, “you’re lucky you’re so cute. Make me wanna put up with you.” His fingers turn to rub you open, and your legs spread for him too eager.
“Kenma, pl-please, more.”
Whining. Pleading. You’ve become something you no longer recognize— Kenma takes the loneliness away for a few hours. He chuckles as you clamp your legs around his hand like you’re scared he’ll pull away, and your chest desperately moves up and down. “Hmh,” he smiles, “does that feel good? What a pretty, little pet, whining for me to fill her up.”
It makes the slight grin on his pretty mouth grow, until he is brushing your cheek with a distant look. His tongue brushes past his lips to taste you on him, before dipping closer to you and grinding his hand deeper into your clenching pussy. “What do you think about a trip to Brazil?”
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yanderenightmare · 1 year
Hi there, question kind of? How would you rank the Haikyuu boys (not all of them clearly you can pick) in terms of most likely to be possessive towards their partner? I'm curious of your take :)
haikyuu boys x darling
TW: yandere, possessive, obsessive and controlling behaviour, abuse, manipulation
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Most possessive haikyuu boys, you say...
Is all of them an option?
I mean... these are competitors, and personally, I think competitors are a very specific breed of somewhat toxic feelings – and that’s aside from their grandiose sense of self. We have a name for it in Norwegian; we call them competition-humans– which basically refers to that feral state some people get into during a competition, where they have complete tunnel vision and lack all sorts of a moral compass in their chase of victory.
And I think competitors as yanderes view love with that same type of tunnel vision. How they have a goal to reach, and nothing and no one is going to stop them, and nothing and no one is going to take it away from them.
That being said… I think some of the Haikyuu boys are more competitive than others.
Oikawa Toru Possessive & Controlling
“If you’re gonna hit it, hit it ‘til it breaks.” – that’s his motto, stating his principle of never going at things half-assed – his aim to be the best, in addition to the middle finger he shows anyone who doesn’t cut it.
Victory is his way of life. And his relationships better live up to it. Anything less would just be embarrassing. 
Losing his girl would be embarrassing. 
Moreover, anything you do reflects on him, and he’d be damned if it reflects poorly. So you bet your ass he’s possessive of you – and controlling. You’re part of his great empire of success, and losing you would be like this huge stain, this huge defeat – failure. And Oikawa Toru doesn’t fail. Oikawa Toru doesn’t get defeated. Oikawa Toru doesn’t lose.
Kageyama Tobio Possessive & Obsessive
The perfect set can’t be completed if he drops the ball. You are his perfect set, and he’s never ever dropping the ball with you – never losing you and never ever letting you go.
He wants you screaming his name in the bleachers – be his cheerleader – keep your eyes on him and only him. Tell him how great he was. Be his victory prize, his trophy, his treat.
He wants to feel you at his fingertips – drag them over your smooth skin and just touch you – keep you all to himself. And he doesn’t want anyone doing the same. Seeing people talk to you is bad enough. He needs you to focus on him like he’s the only one on the court, and everyone else is just extras – sorry pawns in his triumph.
Kuroo Tetsuro Possessive & Smug
You’re the biggest reason behind that big fat grin of his – because he knows that he has something no one else has. His object of envy – a big 'ol fuck you to absolutely everyone.
More than a trophy, more than arm candy, more than a crown atop his head – you’re his lucky golden ticket into heaven – his cheat sheet that makes him feel like a winner – superior. And everyone else can suck it. 
They can look all they want – seethe with jealousy – hate him. It’ll only make him savor it more. Seeing those frustrated looks on people’s faces, like he’s beating them – like he’s got something that everyone else wants but can’t have because it’s his.
Kenma Kozume Possessive & Fanatical
Losing you means game over – and he isn’t in the mood to restart. He’s put time and effort into your relationship – and since life’s only option is hardcore mode, he hasn’t been able to leave any checkpoints.
You’re not player two; you’re all the valuable loot he’s picked up along the way. His precious inventory. His xp and upgrades and level x – his special limited edition item. You belong to him; he’s earned you.
He’s been dedicated and worked hard and put too much effort into achieving you – so no way is he about to share you with anyone who hasn’t chipped in, and he’s most certainly not about to lose you either.
They’d have to beat him first.
Kyotani Kentaro Possessive & Dogged
He goes for the throat. People can test him – fucking try it – they’d be lucky if they could count the cuts, fractures, and breaks. He doesn’t let up easily, and once he sees a sliver of red – he isn’t stopping until that’s all he sees.
And you – try and leave; he’s like a dog with a bone – his canines will remain deep and only bite down deeper if you try and break free. The look on his face is enough to make you wince without the way he twists your hair in his fist.
People are afraid to be seen with you. Talking to you is like blood on the breeze, and maddog comes at them with fangs bared, ready to bite before barking. He doesn’t take it easy on you either – like a hound tearing his toy apart before another pup can get to it.
tip-jar: Kofi
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hoesoflamentation · 9 months
𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐲'𝐬 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐥
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WARNING !! you must be at least 18 years old to visit the attractions.
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OCT. 7. manjiro sano // virginity
FRIDAY THE 13TH SPECIAL. sukuna // yandere
OCT. 15. mammon // stripper
OCT. 18. kozume kenma // mutual masturbation
OCT. 27. kento nanami // ddlg
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animeyanderelover · 2 years
Also may I request a part of the request I sent about the s/o who thinks they are joking when they ask her out. The s/o thinks they are joking because of previous verbal bullying
I'd advice to read the previous request for better understanding.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, delusion, clinginess, stalking, threatening, sabotage, blackmailing, verbal bullying
A mean joke: Pt. 2
Tobio Kageyama
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🌧️​Kageyama is honestly a bit scary since he won't let his darling leave after they've rejected him in the belief that he's joking. He blocks their way, grabs their arm and pulls them back when they try to run away, asks them in a raised voice desperately what he's done to make you feel that way. The normally intimidating boy is as easy to read as a book, his heartbreak written all over his face. In his paranoia he's terrifying though, he scares you and when he realizes that he lets you suddenly go, his head hanging low whilst you scurry away from him. It's obvious that something is wrong with him, he's eerily silent and weirdly tense, isolates himself from nearly everyone and if someone tries to talk to him, especially about his date, he has a short and impulsive outburst.
🌧️​It's hard to conceal his emotions, so much more when he sees you since he feels like exploding again yet avoids you a bit, afraid that he'll scare you even more. Tobio goes with the option of stalking you when he can though, he has to know if there is a reason why you thought that he was joking when he asked you out. Constantly lurks around you and your friends in hopes of eavesdropping, as a last resort he might approach someone close to you and ask them personally. His expression darkens when he hears about the bullies which are most likely the reason why you didn't believe him and it doesn't take long for him to seek them out and threaten them to stay away.
🌧️​He has pent-up emotions inside of him due to the still fresh heartbreak, it takes a bit self-restrain to not lash out completely against those jerks though he struggles. Kageyama isn't above getting a bit physical if he's being pushed even if his seething and intimidating exterior should be already enough to give someone a good scare. He most likely stalks you for a while more though, aware that he didn't leave a good last impression. He plays the role of the secret admirer before he approaches you again, apologizes for his previous actions and asks you for another chance. You better not reject him again or else his paranoia might get the better of him.
Tetsurō Kuroo
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⚫​Kuroo has the advantage of staying calm even if you reject him with the accusation that he's only doing it for fun. There is undeniably something slightly frightening when he grin leaves his face and is replaced by a serious look. There's some hidden pain behind his eyes though, something you notice which makes you feel a bit guilty. It's that guilt that eventually pushes you, hesitantly that is, into answering his question and admitting that you've had a few problems with a few people recently who constantly mocked you and made fun of you. His eyebrows furrow, a scowl is visible on his eyes when he listens thoug he offers some words of comfort after you're finished. Reassures you that he understands and will give you time, at least you believe him that he isn't just a needy playboy.
⚫​There's something else Kuroo has to take care of now anyways, he won't stand it that someone harasses his little kitten. He informs himself, most likely infiltrates your circle of friends a bit to find out names and where those jerks tend to hang out. He looks so carefree when he one day approaches those guys with his signature smirk though something about the cold look in his eyes doesn't seem quite right. He's friendly, might even swing and arm around them whilst annoying them with this grin of his. Once they start turning more aggressive, something around him changes, if the person is smaller than him he uses his height as an additional intimidation factor.
⚫​He gives them a warning to stay away and never bother his darling again, his grin drops at the end of it as he turns completely serious though they can't shake off the feeling that Kuroo is still mocking them with the look in his eyes. Most likely spends time around you to make sure that he can protect you in case they come again, just in case. Eventually he starts to get closer to you and chooses to play more of a friend role though he makes his romantic interest still very clear. He's helpful albeit he loves teasing the hell out of you, you're sweet when you get a bit worked up. After some time passes by he asks you out again, hopefully you won't reject him this time.
Kenma Kozume
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🐱​Normally Kenma would be the type to avoid any situation that makes him uncomfortable but the thought that you see him as nothing more than a playboy is unbearable. He tries to endure though his head is hanging low and his voice is so soft and quiet that you have to lean closer to understand him. When he notices that you start to feel bad, he might use it a bit to his advantage to guilt-trip you into telling him the reason why you rejected and you give indeed in to your guilt, feel too bad for the poor boy. His darling is careful when they try to explain their unpleasant memories from previous bullying before they choose to leave even if they can feel Kenma's eyes following them. His stare is just that intense, something that makes you a bit uncomfortable.
🐱​The fact that you don't see him as a womanizer doesn't help his broken heart though, he seems even more introverted and closed up than he already is, a sad look on his face. Kuroo is quick to realize that something has happened between you two, asks Kenma eventually if you've rejected him. Kenma hesitates but decides to tell his friend the truth after a while. Kenma doesn't plan to do something if your bullies don't live anywhere nearby but if they do, he will do something. He stalks them online if they have available accounts, sends threats anonymously and Kuroo helps him when he has to deal with them in real life since he's more outspoken than his friend.
🐱​Even if Kenma isn't the most talkative, the scary stare he gives someone is already creepy enough and he does it all the time when he catches a glimpse of your bully. Doesn't know how to talk to you after your rejection so he just reverts back to staring from a distance until Kuroo decides to push his shy friend once again closer to you. You can't help but look out for him a bit though when you two grow closer due to his introverted personality. Kenma does his best to not be too much of a burden though, attempts to leave his shell when he knows that it would make you happy. A bit worried to ask you again for a date even if he knows that your bully avoids you by now.
Kōtarō Bokuto
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🦉​Bokuto is even worse than Kageyama for the very simple fact that he is delusional. He doesn't realize that he freaks his darling out when he prevents them from leaving him, unable to process that you just rejected him because you don't believe that he's sincere. His grin is forced and he starts rambling pretty quickly about his love for you and if he just hasn't made it obvious enough to you yet. The stronger you attempt to reject him and flee, the more intense he becomes until you might just snap at him and that's when he finally shuts up. You use this frozen state of his to escape though you're sure you hear him calling your name after a while, you're even more sure that it sounds like he's crying. He's indeed sobbing by now as he can't keep his feelings in any longer.
🦉​Bokuto is inconsolable afterwards, not even Akaashi can handle him and his mood swings anymore. The usually cheerful guy is gone and instead replaced with a utterly depressed man who desperately wants to talk with you but only freaks you out more in the process as he becomes unbearable. He follows you around anywhere, can't stop pestering you about the date and why you rejected him to the point where even Akaashi is at his end with him, decides to talk with you alone to somehow help his friend and you. He's rational and calm, apologizes for Bokuto's antics but also attempts to ask you what the problem is. You, by now exhausted, admit your problem finally.
🦉​Bokuto only glues himself more to your side after he's gotten to know your problem as it only serves to strengthen his delusions. So his darling is simply afraid that they'll be played with again! Don't worry sweetie, he'll smother you in his affection and love so you acknowledge his sincere love for you. All the clinginess serves useful the moment you bump into your bully again since Bokuto is sure to scare them away. He just pulls you closer to his side with a wide grin on his face and a peculiar glimmer in his eyes, one that isn't friendly. You're stuck now as Bokuto resorts to brushing all of your rejections of as you being afraid to be mocked and bullied again.
Keiji Akaashi
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🍁​Similar to Kuroo, Akaashi stays level-headed even after you spoke something that he doesn't want you to see him as. There are a few seconds passing by with him not knowing what to say for a while, he acts when he realizes that you're about to leave though. His stoic face doesn't give much away, he hides the shock from just a few moments ago. He's honest, asks if he did anything to offend you in the past since he can't think of anything. He's only ever been polite when interacting with you, right? Akaashi stops and lets you go though when he notices that you start to grow annoyed though you two are far from finished. He's out of it the next day, tends to often get lost in his own thoughts and observes you sharply. He still interacts with his darling as good as he can though.
🍁​He might have mentioned to you at one point if you've experienced a prank of some sort before and your reaction is enough for him to grow suspicious. He's good in analyzing the weakness of others and has just hit a sensitive spot inside of you. That's the moment where he grows concerned as the possibility of you having been pranked and verbally bullied before in the past. If you don't want to open up, Akaashi seeks out your friends and tries to get an answer out of them. He's honest and polite and your friends might know about him having asked you for a date, see him most likely as a good guy and Akaashi kind of abuses that.
🍁​He's calm when he faces your bullies, his facial expression doesn't really change though he warns them to stay away from you from now on. A passive-aggressive and particularly rude remark might be the worst of an outburst he experiences, one that hits an insecure spot since Akaashi can figure out weaknesses and insecurities of others after a while. He's in no rush either as he knows that you most likely still need time to heal from the previous shock of the bullying. He's willing to wait for a while though he still wants to offer you support and help. Akaashi insists to stay with you even if you don't view him as your lover yet.
Satori Tendou
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❤️​Tendou is already so nervous to even ask his darling out in the first place and has his poor heart completely shattered when you reject him, even if he was insecure enough to mentally prepare for it. A part of him is a bit glad that it isn't because of his look, the other part can't bear the knowledge that you think of him as a lousy playboy either. The hurt expression is all over him, his eyes avoid you and the best he can manage is pleading you silently to tell him why you assume that he isn't sincere with you. Honestly, you could just ignore him and walk past him and he wouldn't do much besides remaining there frozen. Satori ends up walking away with fast steps somewhere alone since he doesn't want anyone to see him crying in that moment. His normally energetic attitude is completely gone.
❤️​He resorts to stalking you silently. Even if he is hurt, he could never blame his darling for this. Honestly, he is so convinced that you're either really freaked out by him or you were victim of nasty rumors since he's used to being bullied himself, maybe he's a bit too stuck in the process of adoring his s/o that he doesn't instantly consider that you might have been a victim of verbal abuse yourself. So when he eavesdrop on a conversation between a friend and you, his heart drops when you say in a bitter tone that it's probably the same as back then. On the one hand he feels relieved since it really doesn't have to do with him, on the other hand he's just enraged.
❤️​You shouldn't have to suffer from verbal abuse, not you. Tendou admits that he's a creep though when he takes care of your bullies. He follows them around, stares at them and isn't above leaving small notes littered with warnings and threats. He also starts hanging out more around you since his looks and height alone are often enough to creep others out, especially if he acts accordingly. Eventually your bully is too scared to go anywhere near you since they're afraid he'll be around again. He tries to cheer you up after since you're still not over their hurtful words. Tendou prioritizes for now to just make you happy again and help you with your hurt self-esteem.
Seijūrō Akashi
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🏆​It takes some courage to reject Akashi and even more to say to his face that you don't think that he's genuine and sees it only as a joke. He has mixed feelings about it. He's disappointed and obviously a bit outraged that his darling labels him as just another playboy even if he is popular. On the other hand you strike the possessive side of his which highly dislikes someone disobeying him. For now he pushes it down though and instead asks you politely for a more detailed reason of your rejection. He's observant, realizes when you try to talk your way out of it and as the look in his eyes sharpen, you start feeling the dread as you become aware with whom you're talking. It's better to tell him know whilst he's still asking friendly, the next time it will be a demand from him.
🏆​Even if you manage to dodge the bullet the first time, the second time you'll have no chance. Akashi either threatens someone close to you or forces you to tell him the truth with one of his orbs now golden. By now he's officially frightening, an intense gaze on you that has your chest tightening from pressure, fear and stress. You're bound to break and tell him something you don't want anyone to know and the look in his eyes softens a bit. Akashi is sweet to you afterwards since he's put you through a lot of stress just now, promises you that he'll make whoever verbally abused you pay. The look in his eyes tell you that he isn't joking.
🏆​You're terrified for your bully, something you didn't expect yet dread fills you when they disappear from your life and you never hear from them again. Akashi just gives you a small smile and reassures you that you don't have to worry when you dare to ask what happened to them. There's nothing you can do, you're just pulled along and soon after you're somehow together with Akashi. He keeps you close to him and his heart like a priced possession, controls your entire schedule and the way he dotes on you creeps you out. You might come to realize that you were less terrified whilst your bully was still around since it becomes painfully clear to you that Akashi is sick in his head since he's violent and cold-blooded to anyone who stands between you two.
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chaepink · 1 year
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Works in Progress! ❤ - 25
last updated: 11.29.23
- this only include requests I've received and not my own ideas - i can choose to write your request into a drabble instead of a full fic if i feel like i can't write it into a fic (or if you don't really specify)
disclaimer: i reserve the right to combine requests if they're similar
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♡ tsukishima kei
bratty tsukishima w edging and overstim pls bae :)
Aha ay Can I request edging and overstimming Tsukki as punishment after a whole day of him being a brat? Maybe some dacryphilia if you're up for it Ty so much for your time! I love your work
♡ kenma kozume
Kenma as a part-time stripper? Or just a stripper please
♡ osamu miya & atsumu miya
Can I request one where we peg osamu in front of atsumu as punishment for being a brat, we just keep calling osamu a good boy while completely ignoring atsumu, and once we're done with osamu we pound the fuck out of atsumu 😫🙏
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My Hero Academia
♡ midoriya izuku
Hey, Can you write for Midoriya with a mommy/Daddy Kink where Midoriya had a bad day and wants to be pampered
♡ iida tenya
can i have a iida being hit by sex pollen and reader helping him out please
request numero dos idk but iida with nipple piercings has me reeling. tbh the chance of him actually ever getting them is zero but he actually does and reader discovers them? hoo boy. Imagine he got them all for reader too
♡ dabi
hiii can i request a sugar baby!dabi x sugarmommy!reader were dabi weres the most sluttiest things every day just so people can compliment him and so that the reader punishes and fucks him everyday cause reader is possesive and is turned on by what he wears and dabi also trys to stick his ass almost everywere cause reader is an ass person
♡ shigaraki
hey I was wondering if you could write about sub tomura shigaraki whose a virgin and like being humiliated and degraded? Thanks&lt;3
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Chainsaw Man
♡ aki
hi chae!! can i request a sub aki w bondage ? he'd look so good tied up ughngnng..,.,
♡ denji
can i request first time w denji??😊 he would be so pussy drunk n dumb n begging for more loorrrddd
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Demon Slayer
♡ rengoku
hii so can you do a sub!rengoku x femdom!vampire reader one? details: y/n is having a bad day and rengoku wants to see whats up with her yk? and when hes finally sick of seeing her bottling all this anger up he wants her to take out her anger on him. Like he just offers her his neck with no hesitation yk? AAAA im down bad (pls include choking and her marking him as well)
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Jujutsu Kaisen
♡ gojo satoru
If you're up for it, I have a request or a concept you're more than welcome to add on to or take away from! Please and thank you &lt;3 You know how Gojo thinks he's all that? He's rich, charming, and the greatest sorcerer. He should be worshiped and praised at all times for it, right? Basically, he's being annoying so you punish him by riding him and while acting tired and disinterested at the same time since he lives for attention and praise. It should totally eat him up the fact that you're not praising him for being a good boy, for making you feel good- paired with your lazy movements, pretty much edging him the whole time. You bet your ass he tears up when you fake yawn lmao
Bully reader with nerd virgin Gojo please
ALRIGHTALRIGHTALRIGHT- Can I request making Gojo keep a remote vibrator up his ass for a day. Like you'll go to meetings and missions with him while fuckin around with the remote kicking up the intensity to make him squirm and hold back moans.
Sub bully gojo like he was planning on fucking and bullying reader when the opposite went way? Like reader had enough of his bullshit and makes him cry and overstimulates him?
Can i request sub yandere Gojo hcs , him as a boyfriend
♡ sukuna
Request for fem!reader × sukuna. I'm sick of these fanfictions where a character humiliates, insults, changes and the reader accepts it with adoration. Why not put bully!sukuna in its place? It can be a Sukuna king or a Sukuna at school. Facesitting, strangulation or a strap that will make a Sukuna regret
♡ geto suguru
Hi! I'd like to request for something with Geto Suguru and dumbification please. How about a scenario where gn!reader (with yandere undertones if you're okay with that) gets jealous when Geto was just being too nice with someone else, and takes him home to fuck him roughly until he's drooling all over himself. <3 Thank you if you do this!
♡ megumi
Coyld u pls write megumi with dom and mean reader with mommy kink. Then the reader's overstimulating him till he cry or smthng. (Then there's a fluff in the end?)😭 LIKE PLLSSS
♡ toji
Hi I was the anon who asked about requests- may I request Toji being a brat so you edge him And if you're up for it some knifeplay too with his own cursed dagger Tysm in advance and I love your writing!!
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♡ yandere
Could you write sub!yandere/dom!reader where the reader doesn't actually feel sexual attraction but likes to watch their reactions to things like overstim, edging, object insertion, toys, etc?
BABE ILY AND YOUR WORK PLS PLS CAN YOU MAKE MASC!DOM READER WITH A HAREM OF HEAD OVER HEELS YANDERE BOYS!! reader is teasing, cheeky, taunting, etc, yk the personality like a fox? Yeah! And reader is a experimentalist master who is a really addictive sadist? -love you♡♪
Just another brat Yandere w strict gn/m!dom🤭 look straps are very versatile too you know sizes…
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yanderecrazysie · 6 months
Hello! I've been a fan of your works for almost a year now since I happened to come across your Wattpad account.
Can you do a Yandere Kenma x Reader?
Wherein Kenma pretends to be sick or have a poor health just so reader will prioritize him over others? They're childhood friends and no matter how nice Reader is to others, no one seem to last by her side for long. She doesn't have any other choice but to stick with Kenma. Who knows the truth he is hiding?
A Wattpadian! This concept is so mysterious, I love it!
Title: Drift
Pairings: Kozume Kenma x Reader
WARNINGS: Yandere themes
Summary: You keep trying to branch out, but everyone seems to drift away. All you have left is your sickly friend.
move passively, aimlessly, or involuntarily into a certain situation or condition:
Some days, it felt like you were lost at sea. Like you were on a raft floating on the ocean, no land in sight. Sometimes it soothed you to think of the gentle waves and endless water. Other times, you felt the crushing loneliness and helplessness as though you were really there.
Right now, you felt the latter.
“Sorry, (Y/n), I just don’t have time to hang out with you anymore.” Your friend said before they practically ran away from you.
At least this friend had the decency to give you an excuse. The others had all ghosted you- not returning your texts or calls. Either avoiding you in real life or disappearing off the map entirely.
What was weirder, they always acted almost afraid of you.
You weren’t a scary person, if anything you were too nice for your own good. You were a doormat, used to people taking advantage of your kindness. Yet your friends and acquaintances would suddenly avoid you like you had caught the plague.
Where had they all gone? And why?
As if on cue, your phone began to ring. You picked it up and answered the call, holding the cell phone close to your ear to hear whoever was on the other end. The voice belonged to the exact person you suspected it did.
“(Y/n),” your friend, Kenma, sighed into the phone, “I’m not doing well today. You’ll visit me after your classes, won’t you?”
“Of course, Kenma!” You replied immediately, “I’ll be there as soon as possible. I hope you feel better.”
“Thank you,” he said softly, a little cough ringing out through the phone’s speakers before he hung up.
You stifled a sigh as you placed your phone in your pocket. Kenma was your only remaining friend now, the only person that had stayed by your side all this time, but he was very needy. It didn’t help that he’d gotten badly sick with something that just wouldn’t go away.
You were the type to dote on the ill, but it was sometimes exhausting caring for Kenma. His symptoms never went away, no matter what you did. He insisted that only you could help him, that only you could make him feel better, but it felt like too big of a responsibility for you.
Still, it was the least you could do when he didn’t leave you behind like everyone else, right?
When it was nothing but you and the ocean, sharing a raft could be more tiring than being alone on one.
You pushed Kenma’s blond hair up so you could mop his forehead with a wet washcloth. The cool cloth wiped the sweat from his brow and cooled his warm face. His cheeks were flushed slightly, but that symptom only started when you started attending to him.
“Have you taken your temperature yet?” You asked.
Kenma picked up a thermometer from the nightstand and showed it to you. A fever, like always, even though he never felt feverish to the touch. You frowned pityingly down at him.
“I’ll change your sheets out, okay? Then we can watch something together.”
Kenma gave you a smile and allowed you to remove the blankets from his bed, replacing them with clean sheets and tucking him into them. To anyone else, this smile looked like a pained one, one to show that he was thankful even though he was so sick.
If only Kenma was actually sick.
The truth was, he had been sick, for a little while. The way you had cared for him while he was sick awakened something in him. Your soft little hands touching his heated skin? Your kind face smiling down at him with pity and care?
How could you expect him to let go of that?
And dropping out of college had its advantages. That way, he had plenty of time to get ahold of your “friends” without you knowing.
He’d never let you find out that he was faking his illness. Nor that he was the one scaring away everyone you knew.
Right now, all you had was him and him alone. 
He just had to keep it that way.
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