#Yandere Klaus Hargreeves
yandere-toons · 6 months
Platonic & Romantic Headcanons - Yandere
WARNING: substance abuse, bloody violence, references to child abuse and neglect, self-harm and suicidal ideation, sexual references, mentions of religious concepts.
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Hugs, where he snuggles up with his whole body, are his favourite way to greet the one he has so fondly dubbed his truest friend. Klaus shuts out all other communication and responsibility, preferring to laugh with them and grasp for any reason to keep the conversation going. He makes no apologies for his enthusiasm and, if only privately, ridicules those who frown on his behaviour.
A snack or nightcap that happened to be on hand serves as his excuse, but in reality, Klaus is looking for any opportunity to lean in and show how attentive he can be. Klaus will endure an inordinate amount of hostility before he recognises that it's more than a lapse of affection. Even so, he assumes the fault rests squarely on his shoulders and scrambles to be more forthright in his attempts to praise and help.
Sleep exhausts him more than life unless Klaus downs a shot of liquid courage and passes out on his friend, calling their heartbeat the best sedative. He finds comfort in entangling himself with them: then the slightest movement will alert him to a disturbance or an attempt to leave, and he won't have to wake up alone, wondering if he's hallucinated it all.
When his friend exits the room, Klaus jumps up from whatever compact position he's been sitting in and hurries after them. Even if his question about going out together fetches an unequivocal "no," Klaus reacts with joy, as if he's snagged a resounding "yes," and continues to follow at their heels until they reach their destination.
Whether it's throwing himself into the back seat of their car just before they drive off or physically clinging to them, Klaus insists on not being separated for even a minute. Anything longer than a few seconds of uninterrupted silence discomforts him, so he is eager to fill that time with stories of his bizarre visions.
If Klaus's friend lands in a scuffle, he enables them by shouting words of encouragement for them to hit the other. For Klaus to strike, the friend must either ask him to do so or catch him in a moment of extreme distress. Once the altercation is over and Klaus's friend emerges victorious, he approaches the opponent and taunts them quietly, if possible extinguishing his cigarette on their skin.
Suppose his friend loses or appears to be struggling. In that case, Klaus will call upon his brother Diego to intervene with deadly force. Klaus frames this as a personal favour between brothers, but Klaus has, at best, a tenuous intention of repaying Diego, unless what Diego asks for comes in the form of pills or powder. This becomes clear when Klaus decides not to stay for the end of the fight and leaves with his friend to pour a celebratory drink.
Being a bystander in the fight means staying behind Klaus while he holds out his arm like a seatbelt. Klaus believes he has failed to fulfil his sole purpose in life and is therefore unworthy to live, so at the first sign of danger, he will sacrifice himself for one of the few people who have not yet written him off.
Klaus enjoys swapping gossip and bad memories of questionable validity about how awful the person was. He even steals valuables from the person's house, small enough to fit in his coat pocket, and then splits the reward with his friend, distracting them with compliments and jokes in hopes that they won't confront him about the crime.
If the friend presses him hard, Klaus will hand over the stolen goods but will argue that he is thieving solely in their best interest. If you wait a day or more to ask him about it, Klaus will have the time he needs to pawn off all the stolen goods and double down on the lie that someone else is to blame.
Hearing a good song, Klaus will try to dance with his friend. Humour him or not, Klaus improvises a whole routine and "accidentally" plants his elbow in the ribs of everyone he suspects has the same dance partner in mind. He makes a point of swaying in his friend's line of sight and slides into the way each time they venture out.
Despite this, Klaus is the first to flee and invent insults against the others for smothering him. Should the people claim that Klaus is the real hanger-on, that his friend stays with him out of pity rather than necessity, he lashes out in a burst of verbal and physical rage at whoever said it last.
Acts of impulse serve as a cornerstone of his fragile attachment. In a more domestic setting, Klaus falls into their lap on the pretext that his family is hogging all the chairs. Kisses blown across the room, closer if his friend asks for such things, earn him much derision from his siblings.
No matter how much Ben gags in his ear, Klaus pays no mind to his antics and gradually isolates himself from those who challenge his view of the relationship. He has had enough of being expected to validate his every choice in his family's eyes and declares that he will never again bring his friend round the mansion. When questioned as to his motives, Klaus is unusually honest about his preference for them over his family.
Klaus jokes that, even in death, he will hold them to all the promises they made in life. He warns them not to bunk with other spirits, as he has dedicated a La-Z-Boy and a bottomless supply of pizza to them in his afterlife. One-on-one existence, where his dream could never again be taken from him, is his paradise, and the resurrection, the gasp of loneliness that comes with leaving such a world, takes more from his heart than any bullet.
As someone whom the dead haunt like a shadow, Klaus will continue to talk to his friend long after their death. Everyone else can only watch and guess at his condition as he chats with empty air about what to eat that day. Klaus is well aware that his friend is dead and that no one else can see them now, but it gives him more reason to include them in conversations with others.
This is how he soothes his grief and tells himself that despite the new barrier, he can still socialise with them and, at least for a few blissful minutes, pretend that everything is as it should be. If anyone is angry with him for this, Klaus teases them: in his eyes, they are shamelessly envious that he has such a loyal friend.
Playdates with his abrasive family are a necessary evil, but as soon as his partner leaves, Klaus waves goodbye to his siblings and follows. He packs his nonexistent bags and sets off, unable to trust that his partner won't realise he does more harm than good and abandon him while they're apart.
Klaus fears his attachment—he worries that by revealing its burning intensity and seeking appreciation, he is inviting future rejection. Every time Klaus takes such a risk, he anticipates problems in the relationship that will exceed his abilities and expose his incompetence. Consequently, he may attempt to sever the connection before it has the chance to evolve.
Throughout Klaus's existence, fortune has conspired against him, divine intervention has been a lie, and karma has overdosed him twentyfold before granting him another fleeting sense of hope. Any individual who treats Klaus as anything more than his father's failed experiment and values him for reasons beyond his powers which he so loathes must be clueless.
However, Klaus notes, they must also be a finer person than himself, one to whom he could never measure up, and for whose sake he would mutilate himself at a moment's notice. Anyone who hurts them is beneath contempt, a bastard whom he would gladly let burn in a fire of their own making.
Klaus dreams up an intricate history of conflict and pleasure in case he has to step into the role of a jilted ex and deliver a heart-wrenching story to win that coveted second chance. He dallies in places frequented by his partner to catch them alone, spilling his deepest affections, hoping that one day, even if a thousand lifetimes from this one, they will embrace him once more.
For Klaus, eye contact with his partner means that they find him the opposite of repulsive and are open to seeing more of him, a feat he cannot even allow himself. At the slightest hint of their presence, he casts a wistful stare that, when interrupted, turns listless and dejected. It is this ingrained hesitancy to trust his own judgement that causes him to doubt his right to exist until another sees him and proves that he deserves life.
Klaus chases this meaning as he often has the bottom of a bottle, languishing in every sense of the word until he may experience it again. Perhaps a glaring difference in interests leaves him at a loss as to how to bond, such as if his partner turns out to be a grease monkey. In this scenario, Klaus resorts to conning a mechanic's shop into giving them lessons.
He deliberately injures himself, making sure that some part of his body is streaming blood, and then claims that an employee assaulted him. The act is contrived to arouse sympathy for him and punishment for another, replete with tears, dramatised accounts of every blow dealt, and threats when no one else is listening.
Klaus pretends he is too disoriented from blood loss to walk on his own and insists he must hold on to his partner when he stands. He grossly exaggerates the time and energy needed to recover, suggesting they carry him in their arms and focus all their attention on him until he "feels better."
Claiming that insensitive siblings will only aggravate his fragile state, Klaus plays up the injury and groans his way into his partner's abode. There, in the bedroom or on the couch, he finds his strength, undresses with a quickness he previously thought lost, and makes every effort to seduce.
Each day reminds Klaus how readily most people dismiss him as a useless junkie, so much so that he struggles to see the point of recovery. He considers his perceived attractiveness to be his one redeeming quality or, at the very least, the only quality that elicits positive reinforcement from others. Thus, he often sees his body as all he can offer in terms of incentive to stay with him.
When an attempt fails or, worse, is so unsuccessful that the relationship is jeopardized, Klaus rushes to propose alternative forms of intimacy: sleeping in the same bed from now on or spooning for a couple of days. In the meantime, Klaus worries inwardly that he is no longer desirable and fears for his ability to maintain his partner's interest.
That afternoon, Klaus presents them with a cocktail he swiped from Reginald's stash or a local bar, dressed in clothes he snatched from their bedroom without asking. Klaus is down to share a bottle of hard liquor, but addiction is the price he alone must pay for all his mistakes.
When his partner has similar issues, he takes the bottle and pitches all the street drugs, forcing the substance into his own veins when he needs to remove it completely from their reach. Klaus would rather bear the pain of another overdose than risk that for his partner.
Suppose the two have five dollars between them; the partner wishes to use it for a packet of cigarettes, while Klaus wants to put it towards a rice cake to split. Given the risk of disappointing them or starving, Klaus will suffer an empty stomach until he keels over. Once they look pleased, he can always shoplift the odd armful of crisps from a convenience store.
As the days turn to weeks, Klaus finds that less and less of life brings him the high he feels when he is near his partner. Nothing inspires the same happiness, and everything that used to thrill him has dulled. For Klaus, the whole of his life's worth depends on whether his ardour is reciprocated. If not, if he has devoted so much only to humiliate himself again, then the world of the living is no place for him.
Seeing how his family treats him like a ghost, Klaus trusts no one would mourn him if he vanished and never found his way back. At least, in death, he could enjoy a moment's peace and await the day when the one in whose steady hand he put forth his heart, freshly torn from his chest, would visit him.
Gone is the will to eat save for a cold waffle here and there, drinking himself into a nonstop bender that aims to drive out his heartache but instead only deadens it. Wrapped in a memento he never takes off to keep up the semblance of closeness, Klaus lingers at their final resting place so as not to miss any effort at contact.
It is not at all uncommon to find Klaus hungover, musing that perhaps if he dies in the same place, he can follow them to the other side. The more breath leaves his body, the closer their touch, telling him if he falls a little deeper, he can be with them. Whether it's a pipe dream or a drug-induced flashback, which Klaus is no longer able to tell apart, he resists coming out of it until a defibrillator or stomach pump forces him back to reality.
Each time the Maker rides to him on Her dirt road, there comes the possibility of a reunion. At his lowest, Klaus stops his heart for this exact purpose, or rather, he welcomes a moment in the hereafter with one who eases his burden of life.
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Do anything you want with my work, but never make me boring!
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When They Get Jealous
Summary: What happens when they someone flirting with you and they get jealous? Characters: Luther Hargreeves, Diego Hargreeves & Lila Pitts, Allison Hargreeves, Klaus Hargreeves, Five Hargreeves, Ben Hargreeves, Viktor Hargreeves, Marcus Hargreeves, Sparrow! Ben Hargreeves, Fei Hargreeves, Sloane Hargreeves, Jayme Hargreeves Tw: Violence, Emotional Manipulation, Su!c!dal indications
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Luther Hargreeves
Kind of insecure
He's also angry and crushes whatever he's holding in his hands
He's surprised when looking down at the crushed item
Then he becomes annoyed
He'll go to the bathroom to clean up and you'll quickly follow him
"Are you okay?"
He's surprised by your presence and the fact that you followed him
He'll then feel bad about his feelings before
You would never hurt him and he knows that, so why would he even feel that way? You've never done anything to justify that feeling
"Um... Nothing, I accidently- uh, crushed this thing- You know... Strength issues..."
You'll help him clean up/patch up and it makes Luther guilty and he momentarily forgets about the previous feeling... At least until next time
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Deigo Hargreeves & Lila Pitts
What a duo
Lila definitely filled Diego's head with delusions and will convince him to do something stupid [Like kill the person flirting w/ you] while she hides the body
Lila takes it better, but inside she's more pissed than Diego
Diego is mad at you and won't talk to you. You'll have to profusely apologize and prove to him you care, otherwise he won't speak to you. Trust, he can hold a grudge
Lila, on the other hand, is very extroverted and will go over to where you are and talk to the person who was flirting with you
There's is definitely tension in the air, even though it doesn't show on her face
She's all smiles and happy, but it doesn't show in her eyes
Deigo is mad, but Lila sees it as an opportunity to manipulate you [She also wants a reason to kill somone]
You try and talk back and she'll bring up how sad it makes them when people flirt with you and she'll emotionally manipulate into feeling bad
You didn't like the person but... maybe she's right? I mean- you didn't exactly tell the person no or that you were taken, but you had asked them to stop.... Was that enough?
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Allison Hargreeves
Oh, no no no nononononono
She is NOT letting that happen
The person who's flirting with you must have a death wish
She doesn't want to use her powers, but...
Well, she really has to fight the urge
She looks very sweet and kind, so she can just come into the conversation and play nice girl
She'll drag you off, talking about needing your help or something, while apologizing for taking you away [But she doesn't really mean it]
You won't even notice she's mad until you're alone
She'll accuse you of cheating or trying to leave her
You're taken by surprise, but don't even try and fight her, because she's in a very low/depressive state, so she'd be easy to push into doing something drastic
So, you'll have to wait until she feels better to confront her
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Klaus Hargreeves
They already assume you don't love them, so this just fills this delusion they have
It really bums them out and they get super depressed
They get extra clingy whenever they get you alone
They're usually pretty clingy, so you don't think about it to much
Until, they start whining about the guy at the bar
They'll ask you if you like them [Flirter] more than them [Klaus]
You'll tell them no, but they don't believe you
They'll emotion manipulate you saying that you probably hate them and if you ever leave them, they'll kill themselves
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Five Hargreeves
Someone flirting with you? Do they have a death wish??
Not afraid to kill a man or women. He doesn't care
The only issue is he'd never admit his jealousy. You have to confront him and at first he'll deny it, but if you keep pushing he'll get pissed and yell 'You know what- I am jealous! So what!?!'
You're surprised he admitted it, but that's the only time you're getting it
He'll deny saying it and gaslight you into thinking it never happened
He will kill them, he just needs a little time, which he has plenty of
It is bloody, gory and gruesome
No one will find the body, but he'll make sure you know the person is dead and it's all your fault
He'll make sure you never do it again because he hates this feeling and it bothers the hell out of him
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Ben Hargreeves
He wasn't really having fun at the party, so when seeing someone hit on you, it just made his night worse
He's scared you'll realize that he's not good enough
He hates the icky feeling in his stomach and it only continues to grow
Though it does make the feeling subside when seeing you roll your eyes and push the person out of the way before heading towards him
It makes him giddy and smile; Like a school boy
The fact that you'd chose him over everyone else really fuels his obsession, so be warned
When you get to him, you complain about the person
"Did you see them?"
He'll pretend that he wasn't paying attention and you gasp, before sitting down and ranting about how stupid that person was
He practically has hearts in his eyes and he looks at you like you're the only person in the world, which to him you are
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Viktor Hargreeves
He's annoyed, but he's not going to do anything drastic [Or at least he tries]
He wants to do something, but he doesn't really know what to do, because he's never had like a good relationship
He watches sadden from afar before wallowing in his own self pity
Though, after everything that has happened, he is a little bit more confident it just takes some working up before he can go over to you
He'll debate about it for a few though. Like he'll sit up, but quickly sit back down and do it over again until he finally gathers the courage to approach you
He'll finally approach you, thinking of what he's going to do as he approaches you, but when he finally approaches you he's still lost on what to do
He'll just act and kiss you infront of the person, which takes the flirter by surprise
The flirter will apologize and end up leaving you alone
You're surprised by Viktor's brazen behavior, but it's also kind of a turn on and he'll kiss you again before you can comment on it
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Marcus Hargreeves
He doesn't get 'jealous'
That word isn't even in his dictionary
Well, that was until he saw a guy flirting with you
What is this feeling???
It's an icky feeling that he doesn't like it
He'll put an end to it quickly [Both the flirting and the feeling]
You're kind of taken aback when Marcus comes up to you and pulls you away from the conversation
He would have folded his way into the conversation, but he would have been passive aggressive
You try and ask him what's wrong, but he's quick to deflect the conversation
He'll push the feeling deep down and it'll come up when you both get into a fight
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Sparrow! Ben Hargreeves
He's furious
If he wasn't busy nursing his drink, he probably would have knocked the guy out. Thankfully he's drunk and not sober
Though he can't help the thoughts in his mind... Violent thoughts
The thoughts will become a lot and he has to leave
He's mad at the person, but then he starts thinking and he suddenly becomes mad at you
How come you didn't tell them to back off????
He becomes slightly insecure but he fights that feeling and it becomes overcome with anger
He'll end up leaving without you, because he needs time to be alone and think
Though, this just makes his feelings worse. While he's drunk he's sad and depressed, but when he becomes sober, his emotions quickly turn to anger and he wants to confront you
So, when he sees you again he's anger has already been bubbling up and he blows up
You're taken aback and kind of scared because he's so mad and he's yelling and you can't even decipher what he's talking about
He needs some time to cool off, but he can't be alone, because his feelings will cool off
You'll go to another room while he cools off, so that he knows you're still around, but you're not alone together
He will eventually calm down and apologize for his behavior, but not with words, but like subtle actions, gifts, and such
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Fei Hargreeves
You don't even know she's jealous, because she hides it so well
She's kind of scary looking, so no-one has approached her
She takes her jealousy pretty well and doesn't let it bother her
It just kind of rolls off her back
She's confident and knows who she is and what she wants, so she's not threatened by some nobody trying to hit on you
Though, if she sees you getting uncomfortable, she will step in
Thanks to her looks, they back off rather quickly
It's rather silly to her and she finds the whole thing stupid
She takes it the best and doesn't let it bother her
10/10 best girlfriend <3
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Sloane Hargreeves
She's a sweet girl and doesn't deserve to be sad
She's a hopeless romantic, so when she sees people flirting and being cute, she instantly is like 'Awww' until she realizes it's you
Then she's mad and her mind races with multiple different scenario
What if you leave her?
Oh god, what if you don't love her anymore?
What if you click with them so well that you think they're you're soul mate and you leave he-
She shakes her head, before standing up
She fixes her hair, before putting on her brightest smile and approaching you
She's very beautiful, so they person who was hitting on you will turn and flirt with her too
She'll become annoyed, because they were just hitting on you and now they're hitting on her? Were you not good enough for them???
Who did they think they were?
Instead of being mad that they were flirting with you, she's mad they STOPPED flirting with you to flirt with her
You're incredible, so she's confused why they don't realize that
She calls them on it and you're really flattered, but you have to drag her away, so she doesn't get to carried away
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Jayme Hargreeves
It's more of an annoyance
She doesn't think about it to much
She's probably the only one who WILL come up to you and interrupt your conversation in a rude way
If the flirter is rude to her she'll use her powers and pull you away from them
It all happens so fast, you don't even process it until you're back at the house
"What the hell was that???"
She doesn't even turn to you, but you do here her make a sound of confusion
Your brows frown, and you groan, "Why did you use your powers on that person"
"Why were you flirting with them?" Still she hasn't turned towards you
"I wasn't flirting with them!"
She keeps her cool, making brash accusations, which causes you to get angry and by the end of it she makes it seem like YOU are the crazy one
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sxvenz · 2 years
misc. masterlist.
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these may get their own masterlists one day if I write for them enough.
… … …
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Doctor Who
9th Doctor
10th Doctor
11th Doctor
12th Doctor
The Master
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The Umbrella Academy
All (platonic)
Ben Hargreeves
Diego Hargreeves
Klaus Hargreeves
Number Five
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Peaky Blinders
Aberama Gold
Alfie Solomons
Arthur Shelby
Bonnie Gold
Isiah Jesus
John Shelby
Thomas Shelby
… … …
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mykinkyyandere · 2 years
How do you think the Hargreeve siblings would react when they found out about yandere Five?
Five: *at the mansion, holds your arms tightly* You're definitely not leaving here. I'll be back in a minute and if I don't see you here, I'll lock you up again, got it? If you run away, I will find you and take you to a place where no one can find you. There you can't run anywhere and no one can help you. I give you freedom because I love you and I care about you so much, so don't make me regret it. And if you try to ask my sibling for help while I'm away, both you and them will regret it, understand?
Siblings: *All witness this moment* ... ???
Viktor: Five... what the hell did you do?
Luther: Did he kidnap you?
Klaus: Oh my god... Five? Five, she's NOT your LIVING MANNEQUIN!!!
Ben: Five's crazy and you're just getting it.
Allison: I heard a rumor–
Five: *squeezes her throat* that you will all die if you try to take her away from me.
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celerysimpnartz · 2 years
I have yet to read Yandere Klive
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rosewantstowrite · 1 year
I had added Yu-Gi-Oh characters to people who I’ll write for. So far I only have Seto, Atem, and Yugi but I have been requested for a Joey one shot.
Right now though here what I will be working on, please note that I’m going to work on the stories I have the most interest then I’d be doing the requests, not all is a Yu-Gi-Oh theme, I’m combining both announcements in one. All of the stuff beside the head canons will be female unless stated otherwise.
Here are the stories I’m going to be working on, I’ll put next to them I’d they’re currently being worked on but since I also gave head canons in here I’ll stay away from putting if they’re being worked on or not, I also will be put next it if it’s a one-shot if it’s short or long I’ll put it before one-shot, for the series I’ll put it in front of the name. So, looked at these!
Daddy dom!Yugi x age regresser!reader (Long one-shot, in progress of being work on)
Yandere!Yugi Muto head canons
Nsfw alphabet head canon for Yami Yugi | Atem
Yandere!Yami Yugi | Atem head canons
Daddy Dom!Atem with age regresser!reader head canons
Daddy dom!Atem x age regresser!reader (Long one-shot)
Nsfw alphabet head canon for Seto Kaiba
Yandere!Seto Kaiba head canons
Daddy Dom!Seto Kaiba x age regresser!reader head canons
Daddy Dom!Seto Kaiba x age regresser!reader (Long one-shot)
Dreamland (currently writing the new chapter)
Long Forgotten Memories (new chapter is in standing by to be worked on)
Light Love (new chapter is in in standing by to be worked on)
*New Series!* Long forgotten Queen (Yami Yugi | Atem x reader)
Now for the requests I’m going to do after I finished those stories above.
Joey Wheeler x Tristin Taylor smut
Yugi Muto x Joey Wheeler fluff
Yugi Muto x Joey Wheeler angst
Yugi Muto x Joey Wheele smut (where it’s top!Yugi Muto and bottom!Joey Wheeler)
Yugi Muto x Joey Wheeler reactions
Yami Yugi | Atem x Joey Wheeler fluff
Yami Yugi | Atem x Joey Wheeler angst
Yami Yugi | Atem x Joey Wheeler smut (where it’s top!Yami Yugi | Atem and bottom!Joey Wheeler)
Yami Yugi | Atem x Joey Wheeler reactions
Now if there requests, I’ll take them but demanding on my interest in it I’d put it on top of the requests list but if it doesn’t it’ll go on the bottom.
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reareaotaku · 7 months
can you do five hargreeves yandere hcs??
i have a whole blog for tua
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He's very mean to you. Like he has made you cry. [He'll apologize obviously, but he doesn't understand why you're crying. He didn't say anything bad. He doesn't realize he's being an asshole]
It's his way of showing his love
He criticizes everything you do. It does get a little annoying but you know that he doesn't intentionally hurt your feelings. If he wanted to hurt your feelings, by god you would know
Klaus finds out about you on accident, though it's not like Five hides you. He doesn't care if people know he's with you, because he knows no one would dare try anything, but he would want to keep his family at bay, especially the fucking drug addict
But he should have known better, because Klaus can never keep to himself
"Oh, who are you?"
"I'm Y/n?"
"Oh? What are you doing here?"
"I'm with Five?"
Klaus shakes his head, thinking he misheard you, "Who?"
Okay, so Klaus did hear you right. You must be at the wrong house because there's no way you're talking about his brother, Five
"Are you at the wrong house? Like Five the guy who drinks black coffee and is a jack ass to everyone?"
"Yeah. That Five"
Klaus grabs your face, looking down at you in pity, "Oh, you poor thing"
Five was not pleased with the scene
"Klaus what are you doing?" He'll look over his brother's shoulder, only to be surprised when seeing you
"Hi, Five," You'll speak through your squished cheeks
"Let her go, you idiot." Five will get you away from Klaus, but not before he [5] glares at him [Klaus]
"Your brother's nice"
Five looks up at you, "You don't have to be a suck up. You don't have to like them"
You frown, a little upset by Five's words, but you know he's not meaning to be rude. He just genuinely doesn't think you like them and you're just being nice, because that's how you are. He also knows how his family really is and you would never like people like them
Speaking on that, he is scared sometimes that you'll realize he's an asshole and that you could do better and leave him
Granted, you'll never find someone with his abilites, so he tries to use it to his advantages in your relationship. He wants you to be dependent on him
He steals your independence away in fear you'll leave. He has never loved someone like he loves you, so he can't lose you
He'd let the world burn if that's what he had to do to make sure you stayed with him
He always makes sure to find the version of you, when he's in another time line. He doesn't want to go through making you fall back in love with him, but he can't stand seeing you with anyone else, no matter what time line he's in. You have to be with him, you're soulmates, how can you not see that?
You [Different Timeline version] think he's terrifying and scary, but you're pretty much stuck with him and you can't run away
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badkitty3000 · 2 months
I write exclusively Number Five Hargreeves smutty fanfiction. If you have any requests for one shots featuring Five x reader-insert or my original characters, please let me know! I am always up for new ideas and would love to hear yours! Use the Ask Me Anything button for requests.
The only "rules" I have are as follows ( no judgement to anyone, I just have my preferences):
Five will be aged up to at least 17 or 18 (body wise) or older
Five is an old man underneath it all, so no teenage romances or crushes
No rape/non-con, but dub-con is ok
No ABO, hardcore BDSM, Yandere
Love In The Time of Cholera and Coffee -Chapters 1-6
Love In The Time of Cholera and Coffee-Chapters 7-
**Ongoing work in progress**
Five x Female Reader, Klaus x Female Reader, Ongoing Multichapter
Summary: You and Klaus are in a casual relationship. No ties, just sex. When you start spending a lot of time at his apartment, you somehow manage to break through his brother's prickly outer shell. He seems to like you, or at least tolerate you the best that Five can. When you start to realize that maybe there is more than just mutual friendship between the two of you, it opens up a lot of feelings and unanswered questions. And a lot of problems.
Physical Fitness
Five x Female Reader, 2800 words, one-shot
Summary: Five has been distant lately, but you discover all he needs is a good workout to get his mind back on you again
Lewd Public Acts
Five x Female OC, 7,412 words, one-shot
Summary: Getting busy in a public space with people around? The idea of someone witnessing everything becomes a turn on for Five's wife, and he is definitely up for the challenge. After all, he can never deny her anything. And, let's face it; there might be something in it for him, too.
Five x Female Reader-Insert, 3,199 words, one-shot
Summary: Sometimes our bodies get a taste of something so good that it's nearly impossible to quit. No matter how bad it is for us. And right now that something is Five Hargreeves.
Five x Female Reader-Insert, 4,891 words, one-shot, continuation of Addicted, from Five's POV.
Summary: Even Five Hargreeves is no stranger to temptation. He tries to hard to stay away. He wants to do the right thing for once in his life. If not for himself, then for her. But every man has his breaking point.
Five x Female Reader-Insert, 4,427 words, one-shot, continuation of Addicted and Weak
Summary: Five is finally strong enough to give in to his true feelings and tell you how he feels. You are strong enough to let him.
The Download
Five x Female Reader-Insert, 31, 310 words, 5 chapters
Summary: It's the end of the world and everyone you know is gone. After you find yourself at the Hotel Obsidian, you realize you have something in common with the rest of the remaining population. When Number Five takes a particular interest in you, and your special ability, the evening turns into much more than you expected. The universe may be hours away from imploding, but you and Five are going out with a bang.
Chapters 1 and 2
Chapters 3, 4, 5
All Of My Works On AO3
Halo (Series)
Five x Female OC multi-part series that follows Five and his eventual wife, Vivian, through many stages of their life together. 5 parts total.
All parts in this series rated E for explicit sex.
First part in series, 25,460 words, 7 chapters
Summary: What starts as a one-night stand eventually turns into a growing romance. Number Five and Vivian are drawn to one another, despite their initial resistance. However, Five's past makes a relationship difficult and she has some issues of her own. Despite an unhealthy codependency, their lives are intertwined. For better or for worse.
Hole In My Soul
Second part in series, 30,903 words, 11 chapters
Summary: Vivian and Five now have an established relationship and are in love. She melds easily into the Hargreeves family as Five finally discloses their relationship to his siblings. But some disturbing behavior from Five makes Viv re-evaluate her choices. Will their love for one another be enough when life throws them a curve ball and they have some tough decisions to make?
Just Like Heaven
Third part in series, 25,362 words, 8 chapters
Summary: Vivian and Five have been actively trying to start a family, but to no avail. The stress is wearing on them both and it's affecting their once solid relationship. With the last few months left on Five's Commission contract, he is looking forward to putting that part of his life in the past. However, Viv is soon confronted with a harsh truth that puts their relationship in jeopardy.
Promise To Kill
Fourth part in series, 86,881 words, 12 chapters
Summary: Five is married to the love of his life, with a young son, and the retirement life he always dreamed. Everything is perfect. Which should have been Five's first clue that something was going to go wrong. A new discovery involving his child leads to a horrible family tragedy. The Umbrella Academy has to step up to save the day and Five's family.
Our Forever
Fifth and final part in series, 32,175 words, 8 chapters
Summary: Five's never been great with healthy coping skills. Even after all this time. When he is faced with a horrible tragedy and he doesn't know how to cope, he blames himself, as usual. But this time, it seems it can't be fixed. Until a sudden vision from beyond makes him realize that maybe he can after all.
Five/Vivian One-Shot Series
Five x OC collection of one-shots that show little glimpses into Five and Vivian's life over the years, in no particular order or timeline. 11 works in total.
All works in this series rated E or M for explicit sex/smut
Damaged 3,210 words
Extra Credit 6,436 words
Piece de Resistance aka The French Lady Incident 7,999 words
The New Neighbor 7,136 words
Sharp Dressed Man 5,514 words, co-authored by KayBreezy
Coming And Going 5,491 words
Let's Hear It For The Boy 7,508 words
You Are My Constant 19,757 words
Summary: This is technically a one-shot, but it's longer because it depicts Five and Vivian's honeymoon and contains more plot and character development
Lewd Public Acts 7,412 words (same story that is posted on Tumblr)
When Number Five Steps Out, He's Gonna Do You In 8,730 words, co-authored by KayBreezy
Take Me To Church 6,465 words
Works separate from my series:
The Sexual Awakenings Of Mr. Number Five Hargreeves
Five x Various Female OCs, 40,516 words, 8 chapters
Rated E for explicit sex
Summary: Relatively speaking, it wasn’t that long ago that Five was a total moron when it came to sex, and women in general. Having spent his most formative years isolated and alone, once he was thrown back into society, his lack of experience was obvious.... And even though he tried not to let it bother him, he quickly realized that it did. It bothered him a lot.
Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now
Five x Female OC (unnamed), Five x Dolores, 6,029 words, one-shot
Rated M for smut/sex
Summary: Five is trying his hardest to be in a real relationship with someone that cares about him. When he comes across a familiar face in a thrift shop window, all of his dreams of normalcy are dashed. And he can't help the decades-old feelings that resurface.
The Assassin's Date
Five x Female OC, 59,057 words, 9 chapters
Rated E for explicit sex
Summary: After saving the world, Five Hargreeves is working as an independent hitman for hire. When a tough and beautiful woman is witness to one of his crimes, the last thing Five wants to do is kill her. Instead, he makes her a deal. If she goes on one date with him, he'll let her live. When she agrees, he can't help but notice that the date might be fake, but his feelings are real.
All Apologies
Five, The Hargreeves Siblings, Five x Dolores, 21,892 words, 4 chapters
Rated T for teen (language, mentions of masturbation)
Summary: All Five had wanted to do was to keep his family safe, and away from their father. As the young Umbrella Academy pull further away from one another, Five desperately tries to make them see that their only chance at a happy life is to get out from under Reginald's rule. His methods of convincing, however, lead to misunderstandings, hurt feelings, and typical Hargreeves drama. Years later, when Five is alone with only Dolores to talk to, he finds himself thinking back on all of his mistakes.
The Download
Five x Female Reader-Insert, 31,310 words, 5 chapters (also posted on Tumblr)
Rated E for explicit sex
Summary: It's the end of the world and everyone you know is gone. After you find yourself at the Hotel Obsidian, you realize you have something in common with the rest of the remaining population. When Number Five takes a particular interest in you, and your special ability, the evening turns into much more than you expected. The universe may be hours away from imploding, but you and Five are going out with a bang.
The Text Mess
Five, Klaus, 5,576, one-shot, co-authored by KayBreezy
Rated T for teen (sexual references, clothed dick pics)
Summary: With no apocalypse looming, and Reginald gone, left with their powers but not much else, the Hargreeves were finally getting to figure out life on their own terms. Number Five was doing what he always did. He was surviving and doing his best to move on from his traumatic past, though the success of that endeavor was evident in the day-to-day reality of his new self-inflicted dark and lonely existence. And then along came Klaus...
Full Circle
Five x Female OC, 96,272 words, 14 chapters
Rated E for explicit sex, threats of rape, violence, child abuse
Summary: Even without an apocalypse to head off, Five has lived a hard life. Physical and emotional abuse from his father, along with devastating heartbreak; this is all he knows throughout his teenage years. As an adult, he becomes a Mafia Hitman. And not a Hitman with a heart of gold. After years of childhood trauma, Five is willing to kill, no questions asked, for the crime family he works for. When the one person in his life that ever meant anything to him shows up ten years later, he's willing to love and be loved again. But everything comes at a price.
It's A Wonderful Life, Five Hargreeves
Five x Female OC, 22,594 words, 5 chapters
Rated E for explicit sex
Summary: Five years after he and his siblings were abandoned by their father, and with no powers, Number Five is visited by his guardian angel. An annoyingly chipper woman that is anything but your typical angel. When he is unable to get rid of her, he finally gives in and she shows him what it means to be grateful for what he has and to stop pushing his family away. Inspired by both A Christmas Carol and It's A Wonderful Life.
Five x Female Reader-Insert, 3,199 words, one-shot (also posted on Tumblr)
Rated M for smut/sex
Summary: Sometimes our bodies get a taste of something so good that it's nearly impossible to quit. No matter how bad it is for us. And right now that something is Five Hargreeves.
Love In The Time of Cholera and Coffee
Five x Female Reader-Insert, Klaus x Female Reader-Insert, Multi-Chapter work in progress
Rated E for explicit sex
Summary: You and Klaus are in a casual relationship. No ties, just sex. When you start spending a lot of time at his apartment, you somehow manage to break through his brother's prickly outer shell. He seems to like you, or at least tolerate you the best that Five can. When you start to realize that maybe there is more than just mutual friendship between the two of you, it opens up a lot of feelings and unanswered questions. And a lot of problems.
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dietmountaindewb8by · 4 months
alright peeps, here we go. the yandere will be a bit of a slow build and y/n and five will spend a considerable amount of time apart. later (MUCH LATER) i will make a post stating which chapter they first truly interact. for now, it is hopeless pining and torture on the other side
warnings: neglectful five, references to a past abusive relationship, references of verbal abuse, injury, five just being weird ig
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His fingers were threaded through his hair, a pale white against the black masses stuck to his head that felt as if they were suffocating more every second they remained. His bones had long turned brittle and his muscles ached as he poured himself over the same sheet of paper over and over and over again.
Stark white against the mahogany beneath his elbows. Bones against dust. 
The candle Allison had placed next to him as a comfort emitted the smell of fresh peaches and suddenly he yearned for spring again. The season where you were happiest prancing around fields and plucking flowers from their place tucked into the earth. Even in your old age you were spry, zipping through meadows whenever you could.
Of course he wouldn’t join you without a price, but you paid it all the same and were glad when he made his appearance next to you. It wasn’t as if you two were near each other all that often, anyway.
More often than not, tears stained your cheeks and his face was flushed red with anger and everything and nothing all at once.
He hated you. You loved him. 
Only when he saw the sea of red leak from your side–all for him–did he realize that maybe you were not one to be hated. You were too kind for that, too much like the flowers that you adored so much.
And so as you grew colder, realizing the monster he was, he touched you more. Held your hand. Whispered in your ear at night. 
He was planning to kiss you upon your landing in 2019. When he brought his hands to his face–no longer wrinkled and calloused with wisdom and long days of labor–he realized that they were meant for yours.
“Y/N,” he whispered, ignoring the faces of his siblings to search for yours. His brows furrowed as panic grasped at his chest. “I–”
He whirled around, his eyes scanning for something. Anything. A body, a heap, a pile of bones. Something.
He took Klaus by the lapel of his jacket. “I had a girl with me. She–did you see a girl? Any of you. Did you see a girl fall through with me?”
His siblings looked at one another, and he had his answer.
So there he sat before the same page that got you two into this mess. Over and over in the margins of the lined mass of numbers he would scratch the line of your jaw into the paper, a gentle swoop but one that reminded him of better days all the same.
The world was safe enough, he decided as he stood up on shaking legs, stuffing his gun deep into his jacket pocket. 
He stared at the lines he drew before taking an empty notebook and putting it in a satchel along with the few bottles spared in the late Sir Reginald Hargreeves’ liquor cabinet before he stared into the abyss.
And he blinked.
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charliedawn · 1 year
I just remembered when I started reading and imurging into the series, I think I was asking that I wanted Yandere Five again.
Is it too late to ask now? While I'm at it, I'll try to catch up on the series so have this dancing cat
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Five wasn't one to hold a grudge, certainly not for something as small as being forgotten by his own siblings—or the whole world...
He hadn't held a grudge against his siblings for dooming the planet over and over again.
He hadn't held a grudge when he had realized the only reason he had been sent to St Louis was because his siblings had been too scared to rise against their father to come get him themselves.
However, there were things he couldn't forgive his sibling.
And one of them...was how they had lied about you.
He had asked about you the moment he was back, and they had all assured him that you were gone.
He had come to be at peace with that fact, even though it had taken him years to do so...
But then, Five had found a letter addressed to the family—an invitation.
You are invited to Y/N and Y/H's wedding.
The words had struck him like lightning.
Five stilled and it took a moment for him to realize why all of his siblings but him had suddenly things planned today.
They had lied to him. You were still alive and worst of all, you were getting married.
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Five's mind was suddenly flooded by memories of the both of you and it mixed with this dark smoke of utter rage and jealousy.
It clouded his mind and the corners of his lips curved upwards as he tear the invitation to pieces and threw them to the floor before storming out of the room.
He knew exactly what to do..
"You thought I would just let you go ? Oh, honey. You got another storm coming.." He brought his axe down from the wall and teleported to the address on the card.
"Time to crash the wedding."
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The doors of the ceremony were closed, but it didn't stop him.
He brought his axe down restlessly on the door until the lock was but a mere memory and he then kicked it open.
All of the guests froze and your eyes widened as you saw him stride in.
He tilted his head and sought out for you amongst the crowd, only to meet your eyes and he huffed a laugh of disbelief.
"This is officially worse than the apocalypse.", he muttered under his breath.
But then, he found his siblings there. They were all waiting for him.
As if they knew...As they had planned it all.
"YOU TRAITORS !", he screamed and couldn't hold back his anger any longer. He was tired. And felt betrayed.
"...It's over, Five. She knew you would try to stop it. But, we wanted to prove her wrong. Now, we know.", Victor said.
"Sorry, lil' bro. We can't let you ruin her anymore than you already did.", Klaus supported.
"You need to stop. Now.", Diego added with a frown and Five burst out laughing—a chill-inducing laugh that made you feel cold and dead inside.
"I'd like to see you try..Get out of my way, before I make you." It was no warning at this point, it was clearly a threat.
His siblings looked at each other worriedly before turning back towards him.
"Five...Can't you see that you're going too far ? You're not thinking straight.", Allison tried to reason with him, but he then spat hatefully.
"Oh..I've never been so clear-sighted, sister."
He then walked around the room, thrilled and spurred on by the fear and growing tension in the room.
"I just came back...I mourned you...I FUCKING cried for you !", he said—his eyes not leaving you and your breath hitched and you took a step back.
Five realized you were scared of him and threw his head back with laughter before raising his axe in the air, pointing it at you.
"...Now, know that all of THIS is on you."
You didn't understand, not until Five jumped in time and space and in the blink of an eye...Everyone was gone.
Your husband/wife.
The guests.
The other Hargreeves.
The only people remaining were yourself and Five.
He took a deep breath and looked up at you with a twisted smile and blood splattered everywhere..
You eyes lowered to the axe in his hand and you froze at the amount of blood dripping from it.
He dropped it and it made a loud noise as it hit the floor and made you jolt as you raised your tearful eyes at the boy you used to love.
"Now, dont look at me like that, sweetheart.", he told you with an insane glimpse in his eyes. "I told you I loved you...I told you to wait for me...Now imagine my feelings when I come back and realize the only person I ever trusted beside my own siblings, the only one who I have ever felt a genuine connection with, is getting married to someone else."
You closed your eyes as you hoped he wouldn't hurt you.
He seemed to understand and suddenly stopped to kneel in front of you. He sighed and took your hand.
"I didn't want to yell at you. I was just so upset when I learned the news and I...*pause* Can't you see ? We are made for each other."
He tried to make you look at him, but you then glared at him and pulled away from him.
"I wish you had never come back."
Your unforgiving words broke the last thread of humanity remaining in Five and he stayed silent for a second, but finally grabbed your hand again.
But this time, his grip on your hand neared painful and you let out a small whimper of pain.
He seemed to realize his mistake and quickly let go.
As soon as he released you, you soothed your wrist with your thumb and glared daggers at him.
"You're insane.", you told him and Five let out a small humorless laugh.
"You have no idea."
He then took out a gun and pointed it at the picture of your fiancé. Your eyes widened and you immediately shook you head before joining your hands together.
"No..Everything but that. Please. He/She is a good man/woman."
Five smirked maliciously before repeating.
"...Everything ?"
"Yes.", you said without hesitation and Five hummed thoughtfully before lowering the gun.
"Fine. Marry me then."
Your eyes widened at the command and you shook your head at the absurd idea.
"...You're physically a kid. I can't exactly go to the alter, or I'll get arrested.", you tried to reason with him—but he wasn't taking no for an answer.
He shrugged and replied confidently.
"I can wait. I will take you as my wife/husband the moment I am rid of this body."
He gestured to his own body with a disgusted grimace and you shivered. The nice little boy of your past was definitely gone. Only the monster remained..
He caught your eyes on him and his smile vanished, replaced by a disapproving frown.
"...Don't look at me like that.", he warned you, but you couldn't help it. You wanted your best friend back, the little boy you used to play with and tell everything to, the little boy who brought you flowers and told you he loved you when he didn't even understand the meaning yet...
"...Why are you doing this to me, Five ? I thought we were friends at least..", you said with tears in your eyes.
He tilted his head and something shifted in his eyes for a second—but it was quickly gone.
"Friends ?...Oh no...We're not friends."
He took a step forward, which made you step back and fall.
He then stood above you and made sure to make you understand how you were and shall always be beneath him.
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"You betrayed me. I may love you, but I won't ever forget it...So, until we get married ?"
He grabbed your jaw and his eyes looked you up and down in your lovely white dress/suit he wanted to soil..
He lowered his hand to trace patterns of blood on the offensive white material and suddenly grabbed you by the collar to pull you so close to him, there was no way to escape.
"You're mine. I own you. And it'll be so until you get back those feelings you pretend to have lost.."
His lips were so close to yours, you failed to breathe properly and you blinked your tears away as every gesture you made was observed very closely by Five.
You finally raised your hand to stroke Five's cheek and smiled weakly at him.
"I never pretended anything..I still love Five. I always will.."
His eyes softened and he gave you a genuine smile, but it was quickly wiped away by your next words.
"But, you're not Five. Not anymore..."
You lowered your hand and Five stayed still for a moment before letting out a small annoyed tssk before standing up again.
"You'll recognize me soon enough.."
He then teleported away. Not because he was tired, or he needed to do something else—but because he wasn't sure himself of who he was.
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yandere-toons · 25 days
Yandere: "is that your family?" S/O: "nope, nah-uh, nada. I've never seen those people in my life"
Years of hard data say you're lying, but they're not about to incriminate themselves by revealing so: Huey Duck, Hunter | Golden Guard, Aziraphale, Sheldon J Plankton, Doctor Nefarious, Tenth Doctor, Shang Tsung, Dr Flug, Perry the Platypus, Midoriya Izuku
Suspects the lie but rolls with it: Ian Malcolm, Louie Duck, Anthony J. Crowley, Nick Wilde, Nagito Komaeda, Captain Jack Sparrow, Lightning McQueen, Ratchet, Kaa, Bugs Bunny, Mike Wazowski, Johnny Loughran, Klaus Hargreeves, Sans Undertale, Arataka Reigen, Tyrion Lannister, Legoshi, Rouge the Bat, Wallace Wells, Kendall Roy, Connor Roy, Finnick Odair
Races over to introduce themselves: Toga Himiko, SpongeBob SquarePants, Dewey Duck, Judy Hopps, Kokichi Ouma, Beetlejuice, Celia Mae, Gaston, Mavis Dracula, Undyne, Beast Boy, Deadpool, Alvin Seville, Phil Dunphy
Believes you: Pinkie Pie, Bluey & Bingo, Jataro Kemuri, Chick Hicks, Caligosto Loboto, GIR, Daffy Duck, Bill & Ted, Olaf, Shigeo Kageyama, Starfire, Scott Pilgrim, Ken, Castiel
Laughs at your thin deceptions: Emperor Belos, Bill Cipher, Black Hat, Scar, Shere Khan, Tai Lung, Lord Shen, Pagan Min, Invader ZiM, Shao Kahn, Eleventh Doctor, Rainbow Dash, Shenzi, Randall Boggs, Duncan Pepperidge Anderson, Agent Smith, Doctor Eggman, Han Solo, Alastor, Izaya Orihara, Gideon Graves, Roman Roy, Shiv Roy, Gristol Malik
Alternative interpretation is equally funny—the yandere is pointing out random groups of people and slowly narrowing down their choices.
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Klaus Hargreeves Headcanons
Tw: Possible spoilers if you haven't seen past like Season 1/Season 2 [Like me], Suicidal thoughts/indications, [Also, just found out (because I remembered reading about it and searched it up) that Klaus uses 'They/Them' pronouns, so that's what I'll refer to them from now on out. I apologize for the inconvenience/misgendering Klaus]
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God, they have such a whirlwind of emotion [Talk abt whiplash]
They would do anything for you and I mean ANYTHING [Previously, they would have died for you, but... since they can't die anymore...]
They're very clingy and needy
Always wants to hold you
Big cuddler. Probably small spoon because they like being held
In the height of their addiction, they avoid you, because they don't want you to see them like that
You'll have to go searching for them and you'll probably find them in an alley
They're just surprised you haven't left them yet
They get insecure rather quickly, so they are always asking for reassurance
Klaus feels like they don't deserve you, because you're so understanding and kind and... well, you're to good for them
You're everything they wanted as a child and it means so much to them that they have you now
Whenever they're sober, they'll talk to any dead person you want. It's the only time they're power actually works, because they want to make you happy
If you were to die, they would not take it well, but it would push them to get sober so they can talk to you
^ At first they're worried, because what if you don't want to talk to them?
^ Goes to your grave everyday, trying to talk to you
^ They want to get better for you and they wished they could have done it when you were alive
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erenxfrieda · 2 years
some small yandere tua ideas that maybe I will write or maybe I'll just left some ideas for ur own thoughts o.O
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Yandere!Sparrow!Ben who is in love with Sparrow!Reader because they are the only one who thought that he deserves to be Number One, and they praise him all the time, and he just can't get enough of it <3
Yandere!Five in au where Umbrella's kids are very popular just like Sparrows and Five is not stuck in the apocalypse; he ends up being one of the popular heroes due to his charismatic personality and one day he saves you from bad guy/villain
Yandere!Viktor x Hargreeves!reader x Yandere!Five where reader is a good sis/bro to Viktor and helps him a lot; Viktor can't help but had a childish crush on you (Five is a lil jelaous (⁠´⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠.̫⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠`⁠)
Yandere!Viktor that got crush on Five's darling that so cute and treat Viktor very well!! and Five somehow knows about Viktor's feelings and they had a little fight like in season 2
Yandere!Five where he is dreaming about his darling while he stuck at the Commission/in the Apocalypse and all of his thoughts are about you and him living as a happy couple together (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
Yandere!Viktor x Reader x Yandere!Five where Vik and 5 sharing their darling with each other but while Viktor is fine with you being around others, Five is so paranoid><
Yandere!Five x Commission's Director!Reader that take place in season 2 where Five supposed to kill them all due to the deal with The Handler, but he notices Reader, and he just can't harm them because they look so small and innocent even though they work in such place!!!
Soft!Yandere! Five x Reader that take place in season 3 where Reader is his old friend from The Commission and they both on their retirement but Five slowly catches feelings for them while they on their road trip, talking about their lives<3
Yandere!Sparrow!Ben x Sparrow!Reader x Yandere!Klaus where Klaus find out that you and Ben are alive in this alternative timeline and he just can't help to stick to yours and Ben's sides like a lost puppy!
Yandere!Five x Reader where Five lost his powers in the ending of season 3 and he must keep an eye on his darling 24/7 because now he can't use his powers to just blink to them wherever he wants and his overprotection⬆️⬆️⬆️
Yandere!Five x Reader where Five is stuck in the apocalypse and the only one living person who can keep him company instead of Delores is... you! The android/robot that somehow is still working and can talk to him. <3
Yandere!Five x Reader where you and him managed to finally go back to 2019 but somehow...your the one who got stuck in your teenage self body
Au with Yandere!Five x Reader where you are one of the most dangerous villains and such a pain for Reginald and Umbrella Academy; Reginald finally give Five a task to get rid of you!!
Yandere!Lila x Reader x Yandere!Five where two of them always fighting each other for your attention (even though Five don't want to admit it) bonus point if Reader is their old friend from The Commission and one day reader enter to the bathroom where Lila is fighting Five naked, and you just o_O while they're staring at you too O_o, both silent but when you try to leave and pretend that you didn't see it they both just panicking mess that trying to explain to you that that's not how it looks like- (note: not poly, they both in love with you and fighting over you)
Sparrow!Reader x Yandere! Five where he confused you with Delores (when Jayme hits him with her power) and this silly little old man just can't get past away this fact that you actually looks like his mannequin wife so he gets delusional and kidnaps you, takes care of you as you were a doll and calls you Delores all the time:(
Yandere! Five x Reader where both of you are stuck in their teenage bodies but still mentally old and works for The Commission to take the briefcase and all this time The Handler tries to get on Five's nerves by messing with you, and he really tries not to kill that woman right there and right now;
Yandere!Five x Reader where he accidentally confesses his feelings for you, but you don't feel the same because you see him only as a good old friend, but he doesn't want to let you go when the end of the world soon and all he wants was you <3
Yandere!Viktor x Reader where you saw how he hurts Allison and other people as The White Violin and you are so scared of him that you just a nervous sobbing mess around him and Viktor is panicking too!! but everything is getting even worse when he uses Five's help with it
Jelaous!Yandere!Five x Male!Reader where instead of Pogo he went to club to find you and when he sees you surrounded with pretty girls; he gets so mad and frustrated cuz you such a ladies man
Yandere!Five (Netflix version) x Reader x Yandere!Five (comics version)
Yandere!Five x Hargreeves!Reader where Five is giving me a big brother vibes and when some other assassins from the Commission comes to Umbrella Academy to find Five they actually see only you here; So they decided to play along and you forces them to make a tea party with you instead of torturing you (cuz u cute) and when Five come back home he just kill them all not letting you to see <3
Yandere!Young!Five x Young!Reader where you are one of his siblings and you're really close to everyone, even with Viktor but not with him because you are such a shy person and u can't stand his behavior and also he somehow scares you. 
Yandere! Five x Reader where you both stuck in the Apocalypse and one day you suddenly wake up only to see that Five watching you sleep all this time :p
Yandere! Five x Reader x Yandere!The Handler where The Handler is getting too close to his sweet beloved, and he needs to keep you always so close because he thought that The Handler is using you just to get him all mad (plus your easy target to use against him) but the truth is that The Handler is actually got an eye on you!  0.0
A little idea of Yandere! Five x Manipulative!Reader (pt.7 maybe?) and your life together. This should be reminiscent of the Diego and Five scene at the start of Season 2
Yandere!Five x Reader x Yandere!Sparrow!Ben (Sparrow Ben reminds me of young Five but more edgy) imagine Sparrow!Ben having crush on Umbrella!Reader when you really close to Five all the time and when Ben sees u he really hates it and so grumpy around u. somehow u got kidnapped instead of Luther and Five is so mad!! and begin to panic when he notices that your not around >:(
Yandere!Umbrella!Ben x Reader x Yandere! Sparrow!Ben where our Ben is alive and when Sparrow!Ben sees our softy he want to fight him all the time and shows him that he's better than our Ben and one time he tries to steal Umbrella's!Ben beloved because the true #1 is taking everything he wants >:)
Ghostface AU where Five and Lila as Billy and Stu and they both yandere for u <3 While Five doing it to protect u and scare off other people around u, Lila doing it mostly for fun and likes to tease u(plus as Five's friend she needs to help him with that!)
Yandere!Five x Reader where you is all bratty and sarcastic with everyone; bonus point if you work for the Commission and refused to time travel with Five to 2019; bonus point if The Handler sends you with Hazel and Cha Cha to kill Five; bonus point where you two meet each other and Five still have hope that you listen to him(spoiler: you don't) <3
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mykinkyyandere · 2 years
oh my god we need more convos between yandere five y/n and the hargreeves siblings-
Warnings: Yandere, kidnapped reader, grown-up Five
Viktor: You can't keep her like this Five, she doesn't deserve that.
Klaus: Yeah, he's right. You must be REALLY crazy for this shit. But I know. Deep down, hella deep down, you're a nice person. Our tiny little crazy but SENSIBLE brotheeer! The most sensible actually, haha!
Ben: *not proud of his speech* What the hell was that?
Luther: *pokes Klaus* What he means is that a perfectly sensible man who saved us from apocalypse and many disasters wouldn't do something that crazy.
Viktor: Yeah, I'm not so sure about that anymore.
Five: I don't understand what's wrong. You all have families that you care about more than your own. I was the one who tried to bring us together all along, but you didn't want it. Now I have a family that I put above everything else and it bothers you? Also, last time I checked, I was responsible for everything that happened to you.
Diego: You can’t get rid of this that easily.
Five: I'm tired of being your scapegoat. I don't want any of you anymore. I have a new family and I swear if you try to take her away from me I will kill you.
Allison: He's bluffing.
Diego: He's not.
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celerysimpnartz · 2 years
Spoilers for The Boy 2016
A doodle of Klive The Boy AU 🙏🙏 (That one scene where Malcolm got 👨‍🔧🤺)
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Whumptober 2020 Masterlist
A small masterlist, which puts all the works for the Whumptober 2020 Event together. In the list you will find the day and title of the story. As will you find the fandom and pairing, if one exists. The mark A/B, implies a romantic relationship between Character A and B. The mark A&B, on the other hand implies a platonic relationship. Further tags/triggers can be found at the stories themselves. Viewer discretion is advised!
If you rather would read the prompts on AO3, you can find the link for the series here.
PS: The prompts are only fulfilled till Day 27. Afterwards, there had been technical difficulties, which hindered the writing of the following Prompts. Either, they will be filled out another time, or they will stay as they are as of now.
Original Prompts taken from here!
Day 1: Let´s hang out sometime
Homestuck, Yandere!Dave Strider x John Egbert
Day 2: In the hands of the Enemy
Supernatural, Focus on Sam Winchester
Day 3: My Way or the Highway
The Umbrella Academy, Focus on Klaus Hargreeves
Day 4: Running out of Time
Boku no Hero Academia, Midoriya Izuku & Shigaraki Tomura
Day 5: Where do you think you´re Going
Homestuck, Yandere!Dave Strider x John Egbert
Day 6: Please...
Winx Club, Focus on Bloom
Day 7: I´ve got you
Boku no Hero Academia, Midoriya Izuku & Dabi
Day 8: Where did Everybody Go
Naruto, Focus on Uzumaki Naruto
Day 9: For the Greater Good
Homestuck, Focus on Game Mechanics
Day 10: They look so Pretty when They bleed
Naruto, Focus on Uzumaki Naruto
Day 11: Psych 101
Homestuck, Yandere!Dave Strider x John Egbert
Day 12: I think I´ve broken Something
Homestuck, Focus on Karkat Vantas
Day 13:  Breathe In, Breathe Out 
HunterxHunter, Gon Freecss & Killua Zoldyck, Focus on Killua Zoldyck
Day 14: Is Something Burning?
Naruto, Uzumaki Naruto & Sabaku no Gaara
Day 15: Into the Unknown 
HunterxHunter, Focus on Alluka Zoldyck and Nanika
Day 16: A Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day 
Winx Club, Focus on Musa
Day 17: I Did Not See That Coming 
Boku no Hero Academia, Midoriya Izuku “&” Bakugou Katsuki
Day 18: Panic! At The Disco 
HunterxHunter, Focus on Gon Freecss and the Zoldyck Family
Day 19: Broken Hearts 
Homestuck, The Signless x The Disciple
Day 20: Toto, I have a Feeling We´re not in Kansas anymore 
Doctor Who, Rose Tyler & The Doctor
Day 21: I don´t Feel so Well 
Homestuck, Focus on Jade Harley
Day 22: Do these Tacos Taste Funny to You? 
Homestuck, Yandere!Dave Strider x John Egbert
Day 23: What´s a Whumpee gotta do to get some Sleep around here? 
Boku no Hero Academia, Focus on Midoriya Izuku
Day 24: You´re not Making any Sense 
Homestuck, Mituna Captor <> Kurloz Makara (simultaneously / and &)
Day 25: I think I´ll just Collapse right here, thanks 
Boku no Hero Academia, Focus on Midoriya Izuku
Day 26: If You Thought the Head Trauma was Bad… 
Homestuck, Mituna Captor <> Kurloz Makara (simultaneously / and &)
Day 27: Ok, Who Had Natural Disasters on Their 2020 Bingo Card 
Boku no Hero Academia, Focus on Midoriya Izuku
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