#Wanda Cannon
confessions-heartland · 9 months
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"Val was one of Heartland's funniest villains. They should bring her back - especially if she's still with Dan."
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heartlandians · 1 year
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Behind the scenes of Heartland - Season 1. Photo by: Marty Hanenberg
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heartlandtfln · 9 months
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"(615): I saw this news story about two naked Satanists being arrested so I thought I should ask if you need bail money or pants"
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makosita88 · 2 years
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Devour (2005)
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clemsfilmdiary · 2 years
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Christmas at the Plaza (2019, Ron Oliver)
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cissa-calls · 3 months
Countdown to Agatha: Darkhold Diaries: Day 736
Agatha: *passed out on the couch*
Y/N: “Aww, she looks so cute when she’s asleep!”
Wanda: “Cute? She sleeps like a medieval peasant anticipating assassination”
Y/N: “Is it the knife?”
Wanda: “It’s the knife.”
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natsarrownecklacx · 1 year
What do you reckon Wanda is like as a middle-aged mom? Around her late 40s or so 👀
Honestly I feel like Wanda would be such an amazing mom ( Thank you for the ask by the way :)
ᗢ In my mind she would be a single mother, but she doesn’t get bogged down by it at all
ᗢ She would be the kind of mom who pays attention to her kids likes and dislikes. She’d also love talking to her kids about their interests
ᗢ She would also possibly do some research into the topic in her spare time so she can better understand it and have conversations with them about it
ᗢ I feel like she would be a super supportive mom. Like if any of her kids came out as gay or non binary or anything she would be so supportive. She’d give the kid a big hug and tell them she loves them.
ᗢ The next day the kid would come home from school to Wanda in the living room with their flag painted on her cheek and a “proud mom” pride T-shirt on. She’d be all excited and say she was “practicing her makeup for pride.”
ᗢ Wanda would also be the kind of mom that all of her kid’s friends / partners feel safe and comfortable around. She would always be very welcoming and kind to the people her kids bring home
ᗢ She would always take care of her kids when they’re sick. She’d be more considerate of things that might irritate them or make them feel worse
ᗢ She’d set up her bed for a movie day so they can cuddle into her for comfort and watch their favourite movies/ shows. Plus she’d never panic (or let her panic show) when the kids are sick/ hurt because she knows that as long as she appears to be calm the kids will feel safe
ᗢ But once everyone is gone to sleep she would cry about how scary it was for her to see her poor baby be so sick :/
ᗢ Mom Wanda would definitely have lots of time for her kids. As in even when she’s busy she wouldn’t be dismissive of them. She would always take the time to hear them out/ be there for them or at least communicate with them that she’s busy and set a time to talk later.
ᗢ I dunno why but I feel like she would have matching build a bears with her kids. Or at least they all have build a bears with matching bracelets on them
ᗢ Mom Wanda’s favourite movie is how to train your dragon and every year for her birthday all she wants to do is order take out and have a how to train your dragon movie marathon with her kids
ᗢ One year for her birthday they got her a toothless plus and she nearly cried she loved it so much
ᗢ Whenever her kids are on sleepovers she sleeps with the plushie and her matching build a bear next to her in the bed
ᗢ In my brain Wanda is always wifey so:
ᗢ She wouldn’t introduce you to her kids right away, but she would be clear that she does have them
ᗢ When she does introduce you to the kids she would love it when ye all spend time together
ᗢ She also has a secret stash of pictures she’s taken of all of you together / you with the kids that she plans on making a scrapbook out of
ᗢ Eventually she would take you on a “family outing” when she and the kids would take you to get a build a bear to go along with their set
ᗢ It was the kids idea and she was so excited when the suggested it because they said it was their way of “officially welcoming you to the family”
There was a lot of other stuff I thought of but it was getting way to long so I cut myself off 😂
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comicwaren · 6 months
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From Marvel’s Voices: Avengers #001
“Stark Reminder”, by Utkarsh Ambudkar (W), Tadam Gyadu and Michael Bartolo (A)
“Lessons Learned”, by Justina Ireland (W), Karen S. Darboe and Ceci De La Cruz (A)
“Homeland Security”, by Jason Concepcion (W), Moisés Hidalgo and Bryan Valenza (A)
“A Day at the Museum”, by Robbie Thompson (W), Sid Kotian, Adriano Di Benedetto and Juancho Velez (A)
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sc00tb00t · 1 year
-- shove off (i) ¦¦ j.b.b
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bucky barnes x fem!avenger!reader
bucky barnes masterlist
words ;; 1.4k
contains ;; pet names, fluff, explicit language, enemies to lovers
warnings ;; pills (tylenol, nothing bad)
short summary ;; moving in was supposed to be fun, well you thought it would be.
a/n ;; i just wanted some domestic avengers so this came out of that want. 
it had been a week since you had finally moved into the avengers compound. you still had boxes in your room yet to be unpacked. steve offered to help you get organized but you didn't want to make him think he has to help so you turned the offer down. now sitting on your bed, you somewhat regret not taking the chance.
the first two days you were there you barely did anything, leaving your room was something you almost didn't do. according to nat, you left your 4 times, all to get food. over those first two days all you did was literally unpack half your clothes and set up your switch and xbox. you also slept, you moved all the way across the country for crying out loud, who wouldn't just sleep.
the third day you acquainted yourself with peter, vision, and wanda. immediately becoming best friends with wanda, it was like you two had known each other for years, since diapers. you and peter bonded over star wars, of course that day you wore one of your only star wars shirts. it was your favorite of the ones you had. vision and you really talk but he's definitely pleasant to be around, you can just tell he would be a good listener. 
your fourth was spent doing barely anything. you and steve hung out a bit, trying to get him to play mariokart but ending up just watching terminator. still being a little lagged behind, you ended up falling asleep during the second movie, judgment day. walking up in someone's arms was a nice feeling, the warmth and pressure was calming. steve was asleep when you woke up though so you ended up falling back asleep, not after admiring his features for a bit. 
steve is a handsome guy, no doubt about it but you didn’t like him like that. even if you did, there's no way he would like you back. you had your eyes on someone else though. you barely talked to him since you moved in, getting about 5 words in and that's it. before you moved into the compound, you barely exchanged words. 
day five. it was boring, the only thing that happened also was the highlight of your day. waking up to steve playing with your hair. it was so cute but then almost immediately after he realized
you had woken up he was apologizing like if he didnt he would die. “steve you're fine, i promise.” you probably said it over a hundred times in just that moment alone. you unpacked a bit more, ending up to talking to vision while doing it. he is a really good listener.
six and seven the same. more unpacking, ignoring people, and sleeping. that was the same with eight too. sort of a weird move but you didn't really care. you were getting tired of having to unpack things, you definitely brought too many clothes, you could’ve just bought some when you got here but no you didnt think of that until you started to unpack. at least you had a, what you considered, big room. 
at about 1 am on your eighth day, you finally finished unpacking. now it was time to get a schedule together, doing that was one of your favorite things to do. schedules for you are really just when you wake up, go to sleep, and work out. but it was still fun to do. accidentally staying up till 3 wasn't the best idea on your part but you didn't care that much. 
ring ring ring ring ring ring ring
time to get used to hearing that again. “why do i chose to wake up at 7” groaning sitting up, you have a raging headache which is not the best, considering you actually planned stuff to do today. digging through your bedside table, you realize that you don't have tylenol. 
“of fucking course,” getting up, your head pounds even more, you change into just a random sports bra, a hoodie and a pair of spandex shorts, that really accentuated your ass. quickly snatching your empty water bottle, you slip out your room heading to the kitchen. guessing some people are already up, you put your headphones in, not wanting to talk to anyone. 
once you get to kitchen, there's only one other person in there, bucky barnes. of course, of fucking course. the one guy in the building who supposedly doesn't like you. “where's the tylenol?” you ask him, filling up your water bottle. turning around, he doesn't do anything, he just keeps standing there. 
“hello? do you know where the tylenol is?” all he does is turn to look at you, then turns back, “find it yourself.” you aren't a morning person at all, the headache and now this, not helping your mood at all. “babe, just point to where the tylenol is, you act like i'm asking you to build a thousand piece lego set with no instructions.” spinning back around you grab the handle belonging to a lower cabinet so you can reach down and snatch a pop tart real quick.
in that time, the tylenol was on the counter near where you're standing. “wasn't that hard. thank you.” you open the small container, dumping two into your hand and closing the bottle. taking a sip of water, you dropped the pills in your mouth and swallowed. grabbing your water bottle and poptarts and start walking out of the kitchen, setting down the bottle next to the brunette. 
you did know where most rooms were, since you had gotten a tour from steve earlier last week. walking to the track, you ate your poptarts, since having put your headphones back in. 
an hour later, you finished your work out. dripping with sweat, you glupped down the rest of your water as steve walked in. “you need to tell your friend to not be such a jerk.” he tilted his head to the side, “who? bucky?” wiping the sweat off your forehead, you turn to leave. 
“yes, him.” before you could get bombarded with questions from steve, you seize the chance to quickly escape, making a b-line for your room. hating the feeling of sweat on your body. your room isn't that far from really anything, it's just a floor or two above everything. it felt like it was in the middle of everything. 
of course, right before reaching your room you run into someone, “i am so sorry!” you start saying before you even see who it is. looking up from your feet, you see your favorite person. bucky. “oh, nevermind.” you mumble under your breath, walking around him. 
“what did you just say?” you continue on walking, barely hearing him, your music was a life saver. his hand is on your wrist, well maybe music isn’t an amazing life saver. “what did you just say to me?” now you're looking at him, taking out one of your headphones, you come up with a smart-ass response. 
“well, it wasn't really directed right to you so do i actually need to tell you?” wiggling your wrist out of his grip, you start to turn to continue walking to your room. “no? okay, sounds about right.” answering for him, you pull your headphone back to your ear. 
it was now 10ish so you could wait a few hours before actually starting your day, but you did have to choose what you're gonna wear. it doesn't really matter though so you just snatch a pair of b- knock knock knock
“oh come on” you walk over to your door, think about who it could be then open it. to say the least your guess is wrong, now you want to die. it has to be the guy with an attitude and long, greasy-looking hair. what is with this guy? “what do you want?” 
@wheatmouthed-crimeboi , @buckssstuff , @thinmint2 , @mcugeekposts , @sunshinemunchkin , @seaveysinn , @kehlanibarnes , @mha-oi-oi-oi
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feathered-mushrooms · 2 years
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Turns out someone used my art in a Wanda Jean tik tok, and it inspired me to do some more. I stayed up till three am to finish it.
please enjoy the ladies in a happy alternate universe
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kitmoas · 2 years
What if toy was convinced by all of the avengers and bribed to be bratty towards Wanda for one day. How would that plan out?
just for this, let’s say that toy did accept because the offer was too good
by ALL the avengers? You guys really dont want toy to be good
Honestly I think Wanda would just...shove Toy towards Kate and then go to ... talk with the rest fo the Avengers. you know? just a nice little talk.
When wanda was done talking, she would come back and Toy would be edged MANY times every single day, for weeks. Toy would not be allowed on furniture for weeks. Toy wouldn't be allowed to wear clothes around the house/compound for weeks. Toy would be in charge of serving Wanda EVERYTHING for weeks, and risk more punishment if it isnt up to her standards.
Cause here's the thing, Toy has been Wanda's perfectly trained little one for FOUR years. If toy is gonna take that bribe than they are gonna go all out and Wanda isn't gonna like it. The punishment would be long, and brutal.
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“Ty was a very impulsive, not to mention DANGEROUS man! Instead of getting to marry Amy, he should have gone to jail for beating up Jesse Stanton. He got off way too easy and the only reason he did was because Val felt pity for him ;> in the real world he’d be done for! #ilovejessestanton“
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heartlandians · 2 years
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Reading the Heartland script July, 2007
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heartlandtfln · 9 months
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"Val: You’re not a very nice young lady.
Georgie: And you’re not a very nice old one."
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sokovianfortune · 1 year
every time someone tries to talk about wanda being durable (she’s not), this game changer clip just plays on repeat in my head
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does wanda have a favorite flower? if so, which flower is it? asking for a friend (remilia) ... 🤍
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An excellent question! Wanda's favorite flower would be lavenders, wisterias, and you can't ever go wrong with giving her red roses.
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