#Tw:mentions of death
mortuaest · 9 months
Large rant, sorry. Please ignore if any of the trigger warnings are going to be an issue. I need to get it off of my chest because if I rant on FB I get hit with a character limit and I should make a personal Tumblr which I think I have but dont remember shit about.
Ive been having severe, and I mean severe as fuck mental and emotional breakdowns because of the fact that its literally been almost a year (Its going to be a year October 29th) since I've had to put down Ice Cube, my ESA of 14.5 years. He had cancer in his cheek and it was placed right to where it would effect his quality of life severely negatively if we tried to surgically take it out, and he would possibly die on the table if we did it because of his age, and he was declining (He wasn't eating, he was drinking, he really wasnt eating as much as I wanted him to, he was spitting back up the pills I was giving him, he was suffering) and my mental and emotional health has been severely suffering each and every day that passes without him.
I have another cat, I got him in April, thinking I was alright. Which I was I guess. Im being reminded via FB memories and just my own fucked up brain wanting me to join him to where I'm legit giving myself until December 31st, 2023 to have someone. Anyone give me a fucking sigh to keep on living. Im going to be going through a program my friend suggested to make a will, making her I forgot the words she used but shes going to make sure that my will is listened to and Albert Whisker, the cat I have now is taken care of.
I cant keep on living, and the fact that this heartbreak is fucking me up so badly to the point where the large baggie of medications (ranging from insomnia medications to Very STRONG painkillers and such, as well as my daily medications the day of me going to attempt) is very tempting to take now. And I mean very tempting. Meaning I almost took it yesterday, after my first mental break and me physically hurting myself by slamming a brush ungodly hard into my head because I legit believe I deserve everything that has happened to me (The physical, emotional and mental abuse that I got for 20 some odd years from my mother, the severe car accident from last year, the rapes, everything. My friends being murdered or dying around me, loosing the only thing that even brought light to my life).
No one in my life cares. No one seems to care. Ive been severely struggling and each time IVe even bothered to reach out for help via friends. Since my father hates me for being trans and my sister doesnt give a fuck to even bother to help me. My mother was the cause of my two rapes/sexual assaults in my life and wants me dead because Im autistic. No one wants to help, or no one seems interested in even keeping me around.
Cosplay isnt helping. Video games aren't either. I havent felt any happiness since last year. I could deal with this if he was still alive. But at the same time Im lying to myself, I havent known what made me happy other than my past cat Ice Cube. I stayed for him since I love him. I had him since he was five weeks old. We bonded. Its not the case with Albert and I feel he loves me but we dont have the connection and never will.
Im never going to feel anything other than severe misery and depression. At least, that's what I 100% believe.
TLDR: Im severely struggling and dont know what to do anymore. I dont trust my new therapist even though she has stated more than once and my friend who also goes to her has stated more than once she wont send me to inpatient or CPAP and she tries to avoid hospitalization if we can. But because of multiple decades of PTSD, abuse, and being denied the proper treatment, help, support from friends and family that I should of gotten Im at the point where Im giving myself until December 31st to find a reason to stay alive and if I dont then Im letting my queue run out.
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kaede-yamada · 3 months
Closed for @ponderosus
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Valentines was a complicated holiday for Kaede considering the fact that Kaede’s relationship status had gone through some major shifts in the last few years. He had gone through an unimaginable loss and had to put on a brave face publicly while he tried to navigate life as a widowed father. There was a point in his life where he wasn’t sure if he had even wanted to fall for someone again, but it was through the idea of not looking for love that he found himself falling for one of his closest friends. That kinf of emotions that had crept up and into his heart before he realized he wanted to be with Layla. He was glad his head had caught up with his heart now, because he didn't want to stay frozen in one state of being because he wasn't sure if he deserved love again. It was why he felt nervous about this time of year because this was all so new to him and he wanted to go about this the right way.
Here he was a grown man in his thirties and still feeling that nervous excited energy about taking Layla on a valentines date. It was something he hadn't felt in so long and it was an emotion he dearly missed. He slipped his hand within her own and gave her a small smile. “ you look really pretty”
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A weird crossover nobody asked for
Ok, I am nearly done with the mutuals stuff but I am taking a break and sketching Freddy. The context may not be as bonkers as what I'm going to tell you all but how I found about this film is literally a story full of casualties and an event let to another and now we are here.
I have zero idea how that even happened but I guess the stars were aligned and it was destiny to make this (IDK how my friends keep inspire me to do this stuff-)
Long text ahead and a bonkers story...twice
TW: for small mentions of gore, scars, and burns
There is no romance in this, and there will be no romantic feelings outside already established couple
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Before we start, some of you intellectuals might go "Phantom/Iva, isn't this Christine from Phantom of the Opera but if she was older?"
(Those who saw the post on Twitter could already tell this is going to be wild-)
And my response is basically:
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That is actually Nancy Thompson from the first "Nightmare on Elm Street" but dressed up as Christine from the POTO. Now, everyone will, might start to put the dots together and go "ARE YOU MAKING A CROSSOVER OF NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET AND PHANTOM OF THE OPERA?!" and realized "Don't...Don't tell me Freddy is the phantom..."
And here is where I step in with the context story and an explanation to all this mess because in technicality, Freddy Krueger was indeed an Erik Destler!!!
Yes. That is a fact.
I am not kidding. Robert Englund was a Phantom but not precisely to the Musical but to the movie...which was more adapted to the book but in all sense is basically the same story but with some changes. Nevertheless, he is a Phantom in my standards and the movie he starred in will appear if you type Freddy Krueger phantom of the opera, or type Freddy Krueger of the opera (but it will lead to different results)
Now, how did I even found about this fact? Here is where the bonkers story and unrelated events led to this. I suggest that you get your popcorn because this is one hella comedic ride. I'll make it into sorta "How the Grinch stole Christmas" narration because why not, this is slowly descending into madness so why not embrace it?
How the hell did I found about this?
Once upon a time, Phantom was in her living room waiting for a ride. They were accompanied by their oldest sister, who had some peculiar film playing around. Phantom got curious and decided to watch as the dumbass kept forgetting her promise to look the name up. Eventually she remembered what she had in mind. She search the name up and it turned out to be a "Stepfather III" movie.
"Wait...that movie has sequels?" Phantom asked herself surprised as she stared at the Wikipedia page.
The movie "Stepfather" was no stranger to our Phantom, because she already heard it before thanks to watching reviews of awful movies all out of her hatred of "Prom night 2008." She did found out that other sequels unrelated to the first one were make and she went.
"Oh that's cool. I guess that is the end of this."
Or so she thought. Eventually she got curious to see if the main actress who played the protagonist had a fruitful career. She did, after Phantom checked the filmography list. Eventually she left the page after giving it a quick scan, but later she returned when she found a familiar name inside.
"Wait....The Phantom of the Opera?" Phantom asked.
Indeed, it was a "Phantom of the opera" movie much to our dear protagonist's delight. She decided to look up the story but obviously not reading the cast name, as this would be foreshadowing for this part of the tail. Eventually her delighted turned into
"What. The. Actual. FU-"
It turned out the story was...well not bad...but clearly mad. It involved time travelling Christines, no broken Chandeliers, immortal Phantoms who sold their sold to Satan, and some guy named Richard who is meant to be Raul. Oh, and I forgot to say Christine's last name is Day now too?
Yeah, the story was bonkers, but Phantom was oddly curious to see what it looked like, so she search it on YouTube. So, she carefully watched the clips and trying to understand what the fidgety fuck was even going on in Phantom of The Opera 1989. So she kept watching and start to realize.
"This Phantom looks familiar?"
So, instead of searching the movie and checking the cast like a normal person would, Phantom decided to read the comments to see what they would say. The first thing that she was:
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(yes, this is a real comment XD)
And then it hit our little Phantom. Robert Englund was an Erik on this peculiar tale, but also obviously someone had to roast Gerald Butler too-
So, Phantom searched up the movie again, and in fact the Original Freddy Krueger was there! Now people would say "but it's the same actor playing two different characters!" Yes, I am aware, but OMG just look at unmasked 1989 phantom and try to tell me otherwise not to mention this phantom wears a wig because he is also bald.
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Now, Phantom is aware both are characters played by the same actor, but since Englund is the OG Krueger, she cannot unsee this now and so will you. Not to mention this Erik is also an immortal being too (i...I guess.)
To end this tale, the movie is hard to find as Phantom have tried but not even Tubi wants this mess and YouTube will recommend you nightmare on elm street as a suggestion, so yes even YouTube agrees
Freddy Krueger is Erik Destler.
The end
(Take this as humor.)
How the hell did I even get the idea to make a crossover? (Surprisingly not a bonkers backstory, but there is no correlation into how the hell did the idea even happened) + Concept!!
Now, how the hell did my mind went "Phantom of the Opera x Nightmare on Elm street 1"? Surprisingly, this is actually a normal story but how I even got there is already weird. Basically, I texted my friend (who also loves POTO) to ask "did you know the OG Freddy was a phantom? and she went "That's interesting and yet Heather langenkamp does look like the OG Christine. So I wouldn't be surprised if the films are connected" (she said this in the sense of similarities of POTO. Not in a ship sense btw.)
So....what did Phantom did?
Make a damn crossover based on that comment because the idea of Erik from 1989 threatening Christine! Nancy via "Go to sleep, angel of music" could not leave their mind. This is all in the sense of a nonromantic story because "eww" and "Nancy in the first film is a teenager" as one would do.
So, now you guys are probably asking "Phantom, are you even ok?"
I'm probably insane at this rate, but let's get down to the rambling about this idea because I swear it's not as fucked up as it sounds like. It is a crazy idea, but I promise Freddy would not be precisely as closer to Erik Destler as a character, but rather more focused on...well himself.
You will see what I mean
How to summarize this bonkers idea?
Somewhat around in the mid 1900s, Frederick Krueger was an inspiring artist who wrote many operas, songs, but found himself wishing for a long-lasting legacy as people aren't fond of his gothic tales. In his desperation, he makes a deal with Satan himself for people to adore his music and for his legacy to remain forever under the curse that Freddy wouldn't die unless he founded a worthy successor to carry out his legacy so he would be remembered.
With this task, Freddy slowly falls into madness and desperation as he becomes a piano teacher at his studio but finds no one of his students worthy to carry out his legacy. So, after a group of teens attempted to steal one of his pieces, he begins a blood rampage as he believes neither of his students are worthy of listening to his songs.
Eventually the parents around Elm Street to get furious and are led by Marge and Donald Thompson to take justice in their hands, so Freddy and his studio is burned down as he swears revenge on their parents and taking away what they love the most. The parents make a pact to keep this a secret, and Marge Thompson starts to rely on drinking to help her cope with the guilt of committing murder, not to mention she also started drinking due to her messy divorce with Ronald (who has becoming protective of their daughter)
After a few years, Nancy Thompson is started to have recurring nightmares of a mysterious man chasing her with intents to murdering her as he claims she's the main actress of his newest Opera (which I don't have a name as for now, but it indeed is about her demise) After she wakes up, she realizes that the injuries in her dream has transferred into reality.
So, after some teenagers mysteriously died in the night. Nancy and her boyfriend Glenn along with their friends Tina and Rod, decide to investigate who is the mysterious Phantom that appears in their dreams and is trying to trap them in his Opera House of Horrors as they embody the main characters of his most recent play with Nancy playing the lead role (who intends to have the goriest death in his play)
What changes did I make into this au?
The biggest change is that the Phantom is NOT in love with Christine (Nancy) but rather knows she is the daughter of the duo that led to his murder, so he will want to give her the worst fate possible. I do think about implementing some aspects of what I read from the third movie by having Nancy having some control of her nightmares, which could lead to Freddy finally finding the Protégée he was trying to find for so long which would add to a dynamic of Freddy trying to convince Nancy to join him in exchange to protect what she loves the most but with the catch that she'll follow Freddy's footsteps. (Still, the only romance would be just between Nancy and Glenn as they are already an established couple)
The other change, is obviously Freddy Krueger's backstory, which is a merge within his original story and Erik's backstory of the 1989 film. I wanted to play with the whole Opera aspect of well...the phantom of the opera but also Freddy's nightmare nature from the original films. So Freddy's main and latest story is a reflection in his death as a human and how he intends to kill the legacy of those who claim it, which would explain why Nancy would be played as the main lead.
I did change Freddy's nature as he is more like an under dead creature that has a physical form in people's dreams and nightmares and can shake shift, but his form would reflect his burns he, and of course the opera house would be based on his abandoned studio.
Also Freddy Krueger's appearance will be based into Erik's appearance as I actually love to take on the Phantom's mask on this. I won't spoil a bit but it does add to the thriller aspects of the 1989 POTO film. You can search for the clip that contains his backstory, so you guys can see what his mask actually is. I will eventually reveal it later when I finish his sketches. Anyways, Freddy would hide his burns with his clothes and other ways 1989 Erik hides his appearance in the film
Would this be correlated to the Nightmare on Elm Street Franchise?
Most likely no. I am mostly familiarized with the original Nightmare on Elm Street 1, and this is precisely the only film in the crossover that I would be referencing too. I might do some small nods to the franchise as some small Easter eggs, but please keep in mind that this crossover will be treating both stories as a Stand-alone film as this version of Freddy is not the same as the Freddy from the franchise.
If you have questions, curiosities, or simply want to ask me "why, phantom, why?" Ask box is open for y'all.
I'll try to get the mutual's drawing by tomorrow and maybe the Phantom Krueger sketches too.
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damagedward · 1 year
𝕾ü𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖓 𝖉𝖊𝖗 𝖁ä𝖙𝖊𝖗
( 𝕾𝖎𝖓𝖘 𝕺𝖋 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕱𝖆𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗 )
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*** ⚠️ TRIGGER WARNING ⚠️ ***
tw:abuse tw:abusive father tw:mention of death tw:dark themes tw:mature themes tw:physical abuse
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It wasn’t her fault — her doing , it was her mere existence . How could you blame an infant for that ? A child ? An innocent who didn’t ask to be brought into this world ?
Her mother hadn’t survived childbirth , strike one . The second had been when he took a mistress — well her Mother , the Queen was deceased but he didn’t marry her — she produced the long wanted son .
And again it became her problem , her fault . He took his anger out on her as he couldn’t simply say Arthur would take the throne . Beatings became daily , mental lashings besides physical ones . He would eventually send her away so he could marry his mistress and legitimize the boy .
He would punish her in all ways he could possibly think of and manage to for all sins that were his . For she would never know that it was his own doing her Mother’s death .
He had made a bargain and a deal , long before and it would come to cost him the love of his life .
He had swore he’d never marry or love again and he hadn’t , at least in the later . His desires for his new Queen were only carnal and he only gave her title for the sake of his lineage as when the daughter he scorned and sent away returned he would disown and disinherit her . He threw her in chains and became the cause of her hatred for men after events he began transpired .
If she ever had learned or known her fathers tale , all that lead to her existence she would see that she had always been doomed , cursed , fated to a life of misery at the hands of an unhappy man , a man who couldn’t lie in the bed he made . Not without dragging others down along the way — he had created his own hell but would never see it that way .
Magic .
The root of all evil . And she had it besides .
That was a deep down self loathing in the end . A feeling of betrayal from his own parents in giving him something he never wanted in his genetics , because it came from him .
The true root of it all was him .
And she wouldn’t rest until he was gone , not simply from her life but from this world .
Uther Pendragon would cease to breathe .
Because none of it justified any of it .
They weren’t her sins .
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ninjastormhawkkat · 2 years
Divorced Amazing Cheese: Braingirl au
This idea was inspired by the posts going back and forth with @drtwobrainsstuff about their divorced amazing cheese/dadbrains au idea, plus discussing hero Steven and the braingirl au on discord with @melodythebunny. I have decide to combine these thoughts and ideas with the Braingirl au, and make them worse😈. Note: this is one of the darkest and most angst filled au’s I have developed. It is not for the faint of heart. Trigger Warnings: Seriously a lot of heavy stuff is mentioned so read at your own risk! I am not kidding. 
So the hero Steven melody and I discussed falls in the braingirl au where Becky gets fused with Squeaky, but the accident also causes Steven to inherit some of Becky’s powers. So now he has to take on the hero mantle and protect the city while also having to deal with his now cheese-obsessed villain daughter. So hero Steven is sort of Batman dark in the braingirl/mousegirl au’s that I pictured. He doesn’t care about being in the superhero spotlight. He feels that he doesn’t deserve all the praise and ‘keys to the city’ and stuff like that since he cause Fair City to loose their original hero in the first place. He only takes the mantle of hero so this city won’t fall into utter chaos. He is a lot harsher with the villains in the beginning, it is especially bad when some of the villains asks where Wordgirl is. Steven’s death glare makes them shut up about it. Steven is not friendly with them because he views them as criminal scum who deserve to be locked up and punished for their crimes like that parasite that is currently attached to his innocent child’s brain. He does ease up a bit after incidents such as the Miss Power arc, but even then he still remain cold and aloof with them. Only a few people in Fair City are privilege to Steven’s old personality. He is still caring and loving towards Becky despite everything. Becky may be fused with the mouse brain but she does not want to leave her dad because of mice preferring to live in packs mentality. She does not know her dad is the new hero or that bob is huggy since she has forgotten her old identity as wordgirl. She does know she is a super-powered alien being. Steven’s personality has definitely changes from canon, despite a few people, Steven is now a cold, melancholy, and serious person. He is very protective of his child and is prone to outbursts of anger if someone wants to talk about Becky’s new mysterious mouse behaviors or talk very badly about the villain braingirl or dare even question about wordgirl’s disappearance in front of him. Steven at this point has allowed the guilt and regret from the accident to consume him as well as the rage and self hate towards himself. He closes himself off from others who in a concerning and caring manner want to help him as he believes that helping his child is his own burden to bare. Steven has sacrificed sleep and sometimes eating in order to complete his research into saving Becky from Squeaky. 
Now this is where Amazo Guy comes in. So braingirl has been doing her villain gimmick for a while now, soon she ends up stealing some really fancy cheese from this billionaire guy who has a lot of security. Her and Steven get into their usual hero vs villain battles which are tame compared to other villains because of you know reasons that only Steven knows. Well one poor security guard who is trying hard to prevent Braingirl from stealing his boss’s prize cheese tries to help Steven and ends up grabbing and yanking hard on braingirl’s mouse tail in order to try and keep her from fleeing the scene with the stolen goods. Now one thing for all animal loves to know, you NEVER yank the tail of any animal while their back is turned and their guard may or may not be up. Braingirl on instinct retaliates and accidentally slashes the guard’s throat just so he would release her tail. If this were just an attack by a regular person or a small animal, then the man would have been fine, but this attack was done by a super-powered alien child who is fused and influenced by a vicious mouse brain. He became deceased on the scene immediately and too quickly for anyone to help him in time. Becky is stunned in horrified by her actions but Squeaky compels her on mouse instincts to flee the scene. Steven and Huggy, also stunned by what happened, just let Braingirl get away. Steven flies home and finds Becky curled up under her bed covers with a shocked and horrific expression on her face. She comes out of the shock and just looks helplessly at her dad and silently whispers with tears beginning to come out of her eyes, “I think I did something very bad today dad?” Becky gets emotionally distressed very quickly and has a hard time explaining what happened but a few clear details come out. Steven just grabs Becky into the tightest, most comforting hug he can muster without using his powers and just quietly soothes her while she is a sobbing and hiccuping mess. He repeats over to her, “I know you didn’t mean to do it, I am not angry with you, We’ll try to figure this situation out, I still love you.” Steven tries his best to consolidate his guilt ridden, mouse-brained child, while also dealing with his own emotions over the event. 
(Note: Steven does not condone what Becky did or tries to make excuses for it, Braingirl did kill someone while committing a different crime. He does realize that Becky was not in the right state of mind when doing this and had not intentions of even killing the guy. She acted on impulse and in a brief moment forgot how strong she really was and was just trying to get the guy to stop pulling her tail. All Steven is doing right now is trying his best to get her through this trauma and not let her fall into guilt-consuming state of mind similar to the one he deals with after the accident.)
Things get worse with the citizens of Fair City. This event sparks up a debate on whether let Wordman (hero Steven) continue to deal with Braingirl or permanently incarcerate her because she has shown to be a dangerous threat to citizens lives as well. Some believe that she needs to be taken out permanently because of how dangerous she is despite being a child. The government decides to call the hero league located in Global City because Braingirl is too powerful for them. The league sends Amazo Guy who was a colleague and very close friend of Steven to deal with the situation. 
Now at this point, the people of Fair City don’t realize that Braingirl was once Wordgirl and the way the information in Fair City is distributed, the heroes in Global City don’t realize that Wordgirl is missing and replaced by Wordman.
The relationship between Steven and Amazo Guy was like with the divorced amazing cheese I discussed with drtwobrainsstuff a while back with my miss crimes au. They had feelings for each other, very strong ones, but did not develop them into a dating relationship, it was more flirting with each other while still being oblivious if they other likes them the same way back. Steven is surprised yet panicked when he sees Amazo Guy come to Fair City. Amazo Guy explains to Steven why he is here and Steven gets more scared and worried about Becky who is right now kind of hiding out at her house for a while why the henchmen, Bob, and her dad give her cheese to satisfy Squeaky. Steven tries to deter Amazo Guy and say that what happened was really bad, but they have Wordman dealing with it. Unfortunately Amazo is staying resolute and says that he believes Braingirl is a threat to everyone and she needs to be taken care of. Amazo Guy hopes he only has to put her in a confined jail cell permanently until matters can be resolved and not be forced to take drastic measures. (Sad truth established in most universes with heroes and villains; Heroes can’t save everyone.) Amazo Guy has to leave and flies away to begin his immediate search for Braingirl because people are scared and it is the job of the hero to protect the civilians. Steven angry that Amazo is not listening to him and now more than every terrified for Becky’s safety, rushes and puts more focus on finding a way to deal with Squeaky and try to resolve things. Unfortunately Wordman and Amazo Guy are about to be put into another confrontation. 
Becky is again forced by Squeaky to steal cheese so she sneaks out of the house quickly and quietly to get cheese from the grocery store. Someone unfortunately spots her and screams, both Steven and Amazo Guy hear the scream. Braingirl tries to escape quickly back home but is soon caught by Amazo Guy who tries to arrest her. Due to the cheese being removed from him and being a hungry little jerk, Squeaky makes Braingirl more feral in her attacks on Amazo Guy ex. biting and scratching. Amazo Guy starts to fearfully believe he may have to permanently take down Braingirl and Becky does get bruised up and injured a bit from the fight. Wordman and Huggy intervene to try and save Becky. In the struggle Steven’s mask comes off and it is revealed to Amazo and Becky that Steven is Wordman. Amazo is confused as to what is happening and Steven gives the truth in a sad and melancholy voice. Amazo Guy gets angry at Steven that he would risk endangering his own child like this. This pisses Steven off and he yells back at Amazo that he has no right to judge him like this, he doesn’t realize all the guilt and self anger Steven had to deal with, how he spent countless, sleepless nights trying to save his child from his own messes, how he hates the way he became a hero because of his mistakes. He also yells at Amazo Guy angrily and tells him off for trying to harm his child and treating her like a threat instead of trying to help her which what Steven was trying to get Amazo to do earlier. Amazo tries to calm the situation down and does apologize, but reiterates that she needs to be contained in a secure location until a cure can be found for the safety of herself and others. Steven nor Huggy likes the idea of Becky being imprisoned like a lab animal for a long time, even if it is for her own good. 
Becky, who is recovering from shock that her dad is Wordman, tries to fly away to escape Amazo Guy and go back home where it is safe for now. Amazo tries to stop her again, but he is greeted with a punch in the face by Steven. Steven goes into “If you want her, you have to go through me mode” which leads into an Avengers: Civil War and Batman vs. Superman type conflict. Huggy goes after Becky to keep her safe and does not want to be apart of that emotional filled battle between two former people who were in love with one another. Now it is a battle between a hero trying to uphold heroic mortals and debating on whether to listen to his heart or his head vs a father trying to protect his child who is already an emotional mess and dealing with the heartbreak and anger over fighting against someone he once loved dearly who dared to harm his child. Just like the Batman vs. Superman movie, someone does die. I won’t say who.😈
@melodythebunny @drtwobrainsstuff
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starfleetwitch · 2 years
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Serena Campbell/Bernie Wolfe Additional Tags: tw: Mentions of Suicide, tw: grief Summary:
The date was approaching. The anniversary of the worst day of Berenice Wolfe’s life. The day her son died.
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A short snippet of a story concept I’ve been working on!
CONTENT WARNING: Mention of death, poisons, drugging, murder, and killing
Context is O (she/they) is a for hire killer who receives an assignment from an anonymous client to venture into a giant only country, with orders to kill Atticus (he/him), a giant who works at a coffee shop. After being given no information about why she is going after this guy she decides to do some research on her own, both into who hired her and why. Along the way, they choose to protect Atticus. It would suck if he got killed.
He cast his eyes down to his body, and when he was greeted with the sight of his coffee shop work uniform, he only grew more confused. He hadn’t even changed?
Atticus went to stand, fingers searching for purchase on the mattress, when a quiet voice suddenly rang out from above him.
“I wouldn’t stand just yet if I were you. Your legs probably aren’t ready to support anything just yet.”
Atticus paused, heart jumping in his throat, before craning his neck to see the source of the voice.
Looking down at him, a small gun held loosely in her hand, was a person the size of a doll.
Atticus faltered, eyes widening as his mind wrapped around the sight before him. A human, he had to guess, judging based on the stories of their size. But he had never actually seen one. Especially up close. And he had never expected to either.
So why exactly was there one in his room, with a gun no less?
The two stood locked in silence, eyes trained on one another. Atticus wasn’t sure what to do at this point. He didn’t want to necessarily scare her away, but then again, she was the one in his room with a gun.
The human was the first to break the silence, smiling as she propped her gun against her shoulder.
“You know, when I was told about this job, I had to say I was quite surprised that I was going to be dealing with giants, what with how little we actually interact with each other. But what’s really interesting to me is just how uninteresting you are.”
They moved to a sitting position, ignoring the twitch of Atticus’ finger a few feet away from them as they reached into their pocket and pulled out a wad of folded papers. They laid the gun down before unfolding the paper.
“Atticus Soren, 25 years old, works at a coffee shop 10 blocks from here. No criminal activities. There’s the occasional pirating, but really, who could blame you? So, my question is,” The human dropped the papers by her side, returning her focus to him. “Why does someone want you dead?”
Atticus cleared his throat, before finally finding his voice. “I’m sorry, but I don’t know what you’re talking about. Or how you got in here. Or even who you are in the first place. But you need to leave.”
He tried to get to his feet again, pushing himself up before promptly tumbling to the side, crashing onto the bed with a help of surprise. The human danced out of the way, the shockwave sending her into the air a few inches, but upon hitting the mattress again she quickly regained her composure as Atticus struggled to stand.
“I told you to wait! The effects of the poison aren’t going to wear off completely for at least another half hour.”
Atticus’ eyes fixed on the home intruder, the panic rising in his chest causing his words to come out in a shaky voice.
“Who are you?”
“You can call me O, if it makes it easier. And I’m the contract killer who’s going to save your life.” O gave a cheeky grin. “You’re welcome.”
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bunny-yan · 6 months
Hello!! Thanks for sharing your writing with us! I'm a fan of your Hero/Reincarnated Reader story! :D Personally, I find it very cathartic lol
I've read the manga you based your story on a long time ago (tbh they did not give justice to the previous reincarnations AT ALL in my opinion), but do you have plans to expand on why Hero left Reader for each reincarnation in your story? Is there something deeper at play here (on Hero's side or even Reader's side because I think feelings of love or even basic affection would dissipate after the second reincarnation) or is it simply he wanted to play around with others and string along Reader each time? Do you think there will be another love interest that will show up in this current life?
If escape doesn't work, how would Hero react if Reader took their own life instead? And if Reader is successful, would they be "cursed" in the next life to be Hero's childhood friend? lolol
I know it's not possible, but I think it'd be beautiful karma for Reader to fall in love and marry someone else because I feel like that would really kill Hero lol
Sorry for the question spam, but thank you again for your stories and I hope to see more adventures of Hero/Reader! :D
(Btw, how will King fit into all this or was the King/Reader/Hero story a one-off?)
So I do plan on expanding on Tasman's reasoning for leaving Reader behind and you're pretty close to his reasoning, but I thought I'd expand on how the darling would commit suicide in this particular ask. I think it would also be pretty interesting to watch Tasman suffer and be forced to watch his darling find happiness with someone else so def saving that for a future draft!
The Sharing is Caring Series are one-off stories that include two+ yans, but if you're interested in seeing that sort of dynamic I am more than willing to write for it! Hopefully this answered your question <3
TW:Mentions Death, Depictions of Violence, Implied Violence, Suicide, Language, Infantilization, Minors DNI
It began slowly. 
If you moved too quickly he would notice because he caught anything and everything. Watching you was a hobby of his and when you weren’t allowed to leave his sight, it was no surprise that he got good at it. 
You didn’t come on too strong. 
It was hard to imagine he’d have anything other than suspicion if you put on a lovey dovey act, throwing yourself into his arms and professing your love when you couldn’t stand the sight of him the week before. Couldn’t stand his words whether they called you selfish or repeated his desperate love. Couldn’t stand his hands as they grabbed at you, forcing you to comply while convincing himself that this was what you also wanted, you were just too blind to see it. Too angry. 
The goddess knew what she was doing, tying your souls together and to fight a fate as destined as the two of yours? 
It was foolish. 
So you played the fool. 
You let him think that you were slowly coming around to his way of thinking. 
You couldn’t forget the look on his face when you actually apologized in the middle of a heated argument. He was yelling about the distance you were creating between the two of you, telling you that you weren’t letting your love and relationship grow if you were going to continue to treat him like a monster and you snapped an apology in his face. 
It wasn’t sweet and demure, it didn’t even hold an ounce of regret, but it was an apology nonetheless and the last words he expected to come out of your mouth. 
You crossed your arms, looking away from him and when it took him a moment to regain himself, telling you that he was grateful that you were finally seeing reason, you held back the vicious words you wanted to hurl into his face. 
Oh, you loved when his face would twist in outrage or hurt or better yet a mix of the two. 
It meant nothing good for you or for your body the next day leading to the week after but sometimes you couldn’t ignore the momentary satisfaction of letting him know just how you felt. 
But you would endure. You would wait and bide your time for the one thing you’d wanted to do since you’d memorized the number of cracks in each of the four walls, restarting your count whenever he blew his top, taking his anger out on them instead of you. 
Tasman was smart. He was suspicious when the two of you began to argue less, a questioning look piercing your body. 
You didn’t yell until you lost your voice, you didn’t give him the silent treatment, or call him an awful monster, no. 
He was right. 
Yes, you were being selfish for refusing the gift that was his presence.
You were inconsiderate for not thanking him for stealing you away from your life, ruining any chance you had at peace and true happiness. 
He was so right when he told you that he knew what was best for the two of you and that when you denied it, you didn’t really know what you were saying. You were just confused. 
Selfish, inconsiderate, confused. Keeping up the facade was harder than you thought it’d be. 
Whenever he came to you, upset about something you did or some affection you didn’t give, you just mumbled out an apology, going back to doing whatever it was you were doing. 
Tasman felt complex. He didn’t understand why one moment he couldn’t get through to you and the next you understood what he’d been trying to get across so desperately for months. When he finally asked, you told him that you were tired of arguing. You were tired of not being happy. That maybe you had overreacted when he came back. That despite him not being able to get it right for the first eight lives the two of you spent together it would only hurt the two of you further if you continued to bring up the past. You wanted to move on, to start anew. To give the two of you a chance. 
You couldn’t explain the look on his face. 
It was hopeful. It was… something you might have fallen for had you not already come so far. 
It took some time getting used to your willing affection. 
He’d stiffen when you’d lean against him when the two of you were riding a horse to your next destination, not twisting in uncomfortable ways to avoid him. You accepted the meals he brought to you, going so far to make him tea when he seemed stressed. You didn’t stray too far away from the camp and when you did you didn’t throw a tantrum, telling him that he needed to give you space or that he was suffocating you. His hands were hesitant when they touched you but his desire quickly made him comfortable. You no longer sneered or pulled away, you would rest in his arms when he held you. Something he could only dream about the last few months. But his dream were becoming a reality. 
A part of him was suspicious, afraid that this was too good to be true that your behavior was a front to attempt another plan of escape but the other part of him, the hopeful part of him wanted to believe.
You wanted to be with him. You wanted to be happy with him. 
Lost in thought, he smiled when you came over, serving him your usual herbal tea. You said it was meant to relax him, and he’d definitely felt as if he was on cloud nine. Maybe being able to pull you into his lap as he did, was apart of his feeling of floating on air but he didn’t think about it too deeply. 
“Lover?” he began, resting his chin on your shoulder. 
You hummed, your usual response whenever he required your attention. 
What was he going to say? 
He felt like this was good to be true. He felt as if this was all a ruse and that you were hiding something deeper, something more sinister. 
Sure he felt off, but maybe he was just second guessing himself. Maybe everything was fine and he just couldn’t imagine happiness for himself. Maybe it had been so long that it seemed impossible but the two of you had nothing if not hope. Hope that you could finally get it right this time. Hope that you could understand a fraction of the feelings he has for you, even if you couldn’t return them… right now. 
“It’s nothing.” he said after a long pause, heaving out a sigh. “Just promise me something?”
Humming again, he gripped you tighter before saying, “Promise me that we’ll always be together like this.”
There was a short pause, he felt a small inkling of fear that grew insurmountably in the time it took for you to respond, but he let out a breath of relief that didn’t quite ease his worries when you finally said, 
“I promise.”
Tasman woke up and immediately knew that something was wrong. 
He’d been tired but he’d never felt anything like this. His body was heavy like lead, each muscle refusing to move and his eyes were heavy with exhaustion. It took all the strength in his body to blink and when his vision finally cleared he saw shadows dancing across the ceiling. 
His hearing might have been the one sense that hadn’t been impeded because he could hear the familiar song you used to sing when the two of you were younger. It’d been so long since the last time he’d heard it. 
It took a considerable amount of strength to turn his head and when he saw you, sitting in your familiar corner on the windowsill he felt his heart ache to call out to you, but it was difficult to swallow, to speak. 
You stopped humming when you heard his breathing turn ragged. 
Turning around, he didn’t like the unconcerned look in your eyes as you watched him. 
“You’re awake?”
“What… what did you do to me?”
Your expression didn’t change, glancing back towards the window as you pulled your legs closer. 
“I was worried that I’d get caught. I knew you were suspicious, but there wasn’t much I could do about that.”
“What did you do?” he asked, voice lacking his usual seething tone due to whatever you had done. He’d been too close to you for you to make deals with any dark mages. The time and effort it took would be too long, too strenuous and too obvious. 
This couldn’t be magic.
“Did you know the goddess created an entirely new system for your body?” you asked, voice curious as you rested your head on your knees. “It should’ve been obvious. Your body is impervious to the heat, cold, wind, sand, or snow, and most physical and magical attacks do nothing to hurt you.”
You frowned, “It’s unfair. It’s no wonder the demon king never defeated you in any of our past lives.”
Tasman’s breath was ragged. He didn’t want to know. Gritting his teeth, he said, “Answer me.”
Looking at him, he was unnerved with how unbothered you were. “I tested it out. How much poison I could feed you without you noticing before it started having an effect but it never worked. But of course I should’ve figured that lethal doses in regular people would do nothing to you.”
You laughed, humorless and dry as you shook your head. “Do you know the trouble I went to to make sure you wouldn’t pick up on it? And you were too eager at the opportunity of a relationship that you let me do it.” 
“You-You can’t hurt me. Whatever you did I’ll-”
You shook your head, almost disgusted. 
“Tasman, this was never about hurting you.” 
He watched as your feet slid down the windowsill, light illuminating the edges of your body. You took slow, measured steps as you spoke, a whisper of a smile on your face. 
“I prayed to the goddess that you wouldn’t feel it. That there was a chance, that for once in one of my lives I’d get what I wanted.” You felt yourself get emotional as you recalled everything you’d been through. “I waited for you. I wanted you to love me and I couldn’t have it. I wanted a new life and I couldn’t have it. I’ve tried everything, Tasman and you know what I've noticed. You were the reason for every misstep.” 
He tried shaking his head, tried telling you what he really meant what you meant to him. 
“I’m trying, I’ll try just please-”
You shook your head, the humorless laugh almost floating from your body. 
“It doesn’t matter. Do you really think that if you were willing to make things work it wouldn’t have happened by now? In any of our lives? It’s the goddess’s desire that we remain together and yet we can never make it work. You wouldn’t listen to me no matter how much I cried, screamed, protested that this wasn’t right. That you were hurting me.”
His throat was tight with emotion, pleading almost begging in the raspy tone of his. 
“Please, I’m sorry.” He didn’t know what was triggering his senses that something was wrong. It could’ve been whatever you had drugged him with but he had an ominous premonition. 
“You aren’t. If you were, we wouldn't be here right now and I wouldn’t have had to repeat myself so many times.” 
Shaking your head, he finally noticed the glint against the silver metal, watching as it raced before you put the hilt of the blade against your head. 
“You don’t listen. You don’t care what I have to say. I throw tantrums as far as you’re concerned. And the minute I leave you drag me back and treat me like a petulant child, scolding me for leaving your side.” 
You didn’t know if you were talking to yourself or if this was for him but you couldn’t stop. 
“When I want you, you want nothing to do with me and when I want nothing to do with you, I can’t get two seconds without you breathing down my neck.”
“I want nothing to do with you and yet I have to force myself to tolerate your existence, tolerate you touching me, choke on the words you force down my throat just for the chance that you’d leave me alone long enough to find the right herb. Just long enough to not notice what I mixed in your drinks.”
His froze in realization. How long had you planned this?
“And it finally worked.” You smiled, coming near the bedside and crouching in front of him. You could see the anger in his eyes up close without fear that he’d lash out at you. 
“How could you do this to me?” 
You gave him a mock pout, cocking your head to the side. “Poor Tasman. It must’ve been so rough getting everything you ever wanted. Everyone’s love and affection, the power of the world at your fingertips, even my love!” For the first time you got angry. “You had my fucking love in your hands and you crushed it. You treated me as if I didn’t matter to you. And I guess at the end of the day, I don’t.” A harsh laugh escaped from your lips as you narrowed your eyes on him. “I’m no hero. There aren’t millions of people who are relying on me to defeat the big bad demon king. There wouldn't be riots in the street if I up and disappeared and there won’t be, because it isn’t the case for you. You won’t disappear. You’ll just keep coming up with new ways to make sure I’ll never be able to escape from you and they won’t bat an eye. Because you matter to people. You matter. Even if you’d abandon them the next day for your own selfish greed.”
“What are you going to do with that?” he asked, understanding his meaning when his eyes looked at the blade in your hand. 
You sneered, narrowing your eyes as you said, “Don’t worry. This isn’t for you.” 
It didn’t take him long to figure out what you meant. 
“Don’t. This is stupid. We’ll just start over and I’ll know. Let’s just work this out and we can-”
Standing, you brushed off your clothes, the gesture nervous as you looked down at the sharp blade. 
“It was never about you.” you said quietly. You gave a small smile that didn’t quite reach your eyes. 
He was getting desperate. He couldn’t threaten you, he couldn’t beg or plead or say anything to convince you against this. 
“You promised.”
There was a pause and for a moment he felt that maybe you’d reconsider. That you’d realize that your behavior was hysterical and that you take a moment to calm down. 
“I did and I’ll keep my promise.”
Looking at him, you shook your head. 
“You said it yourself. We’ll just start over.”
The slow realization in his eyes was enough. 
“I want you to live with what you did to me. I want you to know that I'll never let you hurt me again.”
It happened before he could say anything. 
Your movements were sharp and jerky, stumbling after plunging the blade into your throat. 
He felt his soul cry out, begging his body to move, pleading to the goddess that he’d give anything, sacrifice anything if he could just get to you in this moment. He could heal you if you would just come a little closer, but you staggered against the windowsill, moving farther away, staring at him as you began to choke on your blood. 
He watched you suffer, watched your body twitch and fight against the pain, and watched as you finally went still. Leaning against the side of the windowsill, still staring at him. 
Tasman couldn’t move. 
His body wouldn’t listen to him. He felt tears slide down the side of his face as he choked on a strangled cry. 
He couldn’t move. 
He felt the overwhelming, aching desire to cradle you in his arms. To hold you close. To wipe the blood away from your face. To shut your accusing eyes but he couldn’t move. 
Whatever you had given him kept him in a docile state. Kept him still and feeling too guilty to look away from your eyes. Your soulless eyes. He could tell. He felt as if something was missing from his own as he continued to stare into the eyes missing life, the eyes he’d watch fade quickly. 
Too quickly. 
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vxmpyse · 2 months
Biggest Miguel o Hara fan Icks? I’ll go first
TW:mentions of age gaps, rape, and vulgar language.
It gives me the ick when people think Miguel would be a horrible husband/boyfriend . I get he’s rough and stern in the movie across the spider verse, but geez. He would probably be the most gentle person ever with you. Since he’s already lost gabby and has no one left, he would be afraid to lose you too. I’m not saying he did the right thing by chasing after miles like that in the movie atsv, but cut him some slack.
Another ick is those people who ship Miguel with like every single atsv character that he’s had an interaction with. I have seen people ship Miguel with miles, Miguel with Gwen and so on. He’s an early middle aged man. Why in the fuck are people shipping him with minors that are like 15. That’s not even the worse either. Tell me why I have seen people ship MAYDAY with Miguel. Mayday is a literal baby. A BABY. That is sick. Insane. I love my fellow Miguel fans but some of them are mentally ill.
Another ick, why was I scrolling on social media the other day to see someone say that Miguel was probably raping gabby. What in the actual fuck is wrong with people. I don’t have a problem with Miguel haters, like if you don’t like him that’s fine I don’t really care because that’s your opinion but who in the actual fuck would say that. Miguel clearly has a deep deep spot in his heart for gabby, even if the movie you can tell he’s deeply hurt by gabbys death. Some of these Miguel haters make Miguel look like a pedo or a groomer. Sick sick people.
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babiebom · 6 months
Hey brother, I am humbly requesting a SDV Sam (or Alex) fic about the harvest festival & the fortune teller. I just think it’s a cute idea to see what the fortune teller says to Sam before/after meeting the farmer
A/N: this is such a cute idea!! Since this is more of a one shot request I can do both on this post? Hopefully by the time you see this it isn’t too far into the future!! Hopefully you enjoy how I wrote this!! Sorry it took a little while!
Genre:oneshot, fluff, some angst.
Tw:mention of death, mention of depression/insecurities, cursing, 2 mentions of the war that goes on in the game.
Wc: 0.5k for Alex / 0.5k for Sam
Sdv Masterlist
Alex was never one to go visit the fortune teller. He simply doesn’t really believe in magic, or the ability to see the future. Sure, there was the weird wizard that lived near the forest, and the monsters that live in the caves, but those were just outliers and didn’t have anything to do with the general population. The first and only time he went to it as an adult, was with Haley. He hated his fortune then, it tore down all his dreams and put him into an even more insecure place than he was in before.
No mom, no dad, and aging grandparents and now the woman in the tent is telling him that his current girlfriend isn’t his soulmate or the one he will end up with, and they’re saying his gridball career won’t take off and he’s going to end up in Pelican Town for the rest of his life? Actual dogshit.
It’s his own fault that he asked in the first place, he thinks. Haley wasn’t too mad with her fortune, and she didn’t seemed all that torn up about the fortune teller saying they weren’t meant for each other. It just pissed him off even more. Did this mean they were going to break up? Should they? Did he even have to listen or believe the fortune teller? It was probably just bullshit anyways, a scam to get idiots to spend more money to find out their future because she scared them. He’s never doing the stupid fortune thing again!
“Let’s do the fortune teller!” Your eyes are shining so brightly with excitement that he can’t say no. Obviously he hates the damned scam, and he didn’t have to agree but he liked you too much to disagree with visiting the woman one last time.
You shove him inside first, already looking through your backpack for your coin bag. “You go first.”
He swallows and steps up to the woman, glaring at her openly. She makes no move to react to his obvious discontent, instead waiting for him to dish out money so she could say something else to crush his hopes and dreams. At least you’re in here with him to hear what actual bullshit this is…you’re kicked out of the tent while he’s getting his fortune read.
“Hmm…I see you in the town’s square…it looks like you’re receiving a mermaid pendant. Looks like someone wants to marry you!”
“Marriage? To who?” He hopes that it’s you. You weren’t really in a relationship right now, but he does hope that it’s you giving him that pendant.
“Hmm…you’re watching a gridball match with the other guys in town…looks fun! It seems like you’ve brought everyone together.”
“The crystal ball has moved on…I see you and the farmer. You’re laughing together on the beach, looks like you’re holding a ball. The way you’re going it looks like you two are quite close! Ah…the crystal ball has gone dim. That’s all I can do for you, young one.”
Stepping out of the tent, Alex somehow feels better. He’s going to get married at some point, and you and him are going to be on good terms for a while. Maybe the fortune teller isn’t totally uncool.
The fortune teller was one of the creepiest attractions of the fair to Sam by far. Magic was something that he thought was cool, inspiring even, but that doesn’t mean he wants anything to do with it. Him, Abigail, and Sebastian get their fortunes read every single year, paying attention to whatever has changed, what has and hasn’t come true. It’s fun and sometimes a little scary when things turn out how the fortune teller said it would.
Abigail liked it the most out of the three. The year before he meets you is the first time in a while that his fortune had changed. The woman had said specifically that “someone was coming to the valley that would bring the budding success of his music.” All he really heard then was that his music career was going to take off at some point, and that’s all he really needed to keep working towards his goal.
You hold his arm tightly as you walk around the fair along with Abigail and Sebastian. It’s your first fair since you’ve come to Pelican Town, and Sam is all too willing to show you around. Besides, Pierre was probably going to win the stupid competition, again, and he wanted to be able to support you closely. Not because he has a crush or anything (he does), he’s just a good friend! “We should show the Farmer the fortune teller! See if they get a good one or not!”
This starts your groups trip to the tent. You seem a bit anxious about getting your fortune read, so like the good friend Sam is, he offers to go first and tell everyone his fortune to show you it isn’t so bad.
The woman smiles at him as he enters, and he immediately returns her positive energy. She always said good thing(except when she predicted his father was going to be deployed because of the war) so he liked her. He paid her quickly and watched as the crystal ball begins to glow.
“I see you performing on a small stage, the person who is going to support your music career is front and center. They are going to be the reason that you are performing so passionately. They buy some of your cd’s to help support you.”
He wonders for a second if that’s you. He had been feeling a little more inspired since you came around, and you never hesitated to praise him and his music when you get a chance to listen to him play in his room. “Hmm…I see you in a big house, something is playing on the television. The children seem excited about whatever is playing, so do you and the farmer. They’re smiling so brightly at you, don’t let them lose that light.”
It absolutely has to be you. He wonders what you’re so happy about, and who the kids are. Are they your kids? Maybe his mind is going too far, especially since a relationship wasn’t mentioned.
“The crystal ball is shifting…your father returns from war. He is safe, and unharmed…but he is not the same as he was. It seems that he is unhappy…oh…”
The crystal ball grows dim, maybe the last bit wasn’t totally good, but the rest of it was. He gets to perform, and you’re there cheering him on. His heart thumps as he exits the tent and meets your eyes. The way you’re looking at him is so bright. He feels excitement full his body, he has so much to look forward to.
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blackopals-world · 2 years
Its a Crewel World
Unhinged Alchemist!femYuu and Divus Crewel (platonic)
Tags: Wuxian based Yuu, Chinese Yuu, fluff and angst, parental Crewel, happy ending, hurt/comfort
TW:Mentions of past abuse, blood
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Yuu still remembered her old life as much as she tries to forget sometimes.
The screaming and crying of all the other children who were kidnapped or separated from their families. Yuu wasn't like them, she had no such family to cry to.
She looked after them as best she could, till the day they would sell them off. The prettiest of them would be taken to brothels to be trained which was a better life than this one, they'd be protected at least, but they can't escape. The strong ones would go to military camps, private armies, and martial arts sects to train. They were better off. They would become strong, maybe strong enough to choose their fates and become heroes. Heroes who could stop this from happening to other children.
That's what Yuu had to believe to sleep at night after she tucked in the little ones with what thin blankets they had. A hero would come soon...
No such thing happened.
There was a third place children would be mainly sold. Alchemist labs.
They weren't normal Alchemist they were people who used dangerous means to get results. They used people and animals in wicked experiments in their pills and elixirs.
Children not useful were sold off to become body parts and organs for these monsters. Yuu was purchased for 4 gold pieces and from that day forth she belonged to them. She was dragged away as she heard the other children crying out her name.
Yuu wasn't immediately thrown into the cauldron or furnace like the others would have been. She was saved for her heart. It would make a miracle pill. A pill of Immortality
It was the day when that man came into the cell to get her when she almost lost her life. Perhaps he wasn't as determined as she thought because he liked her enough to train her. He renamed her Little Four because that's how much she was worth. Yuu hated that name, it meant death. She hated that man more.
The day came when she would use her training well and used a red-eyed emerald snake to make a poison to kill him.
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But life works in cycles and she too become an alchemist, one who didn't kill children but that doesn't mean she never used suspicious ingredients.
A time came when a hero did come with the goal of destroying all alchemists. Yuu was executed even though she was innocent of harming anyone but the man who made her this way.
She never had a choice but to be this way. The person she had prayed for only came armed with a sword against her.
In the end she wondered if things had been different, would she have been like this hero?
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She awoke to a new world. A strange world she didn't understand.
The man of black feathers and with a face of a dead crow was infuriating. She spoke too quickly and of nonsense.
The cat familiar had a strong core so she would keep him if he wasn't to noisy.
She didn't like the school. She didn't like people, she didn't trust any of them.
She was told that she had no power. It was fine, she had learned no cultivation techniques related to martial arts. She had her skills in alchemy.
But Alchemists didn't exist here. They had something called potions, which sounded the same. Potions were different they only required mixing and fire to succeed. Strange.
Yuu didn't have to focuse for 3 days and nights using mana to control the flames to make distilled pills. It unnerved her.
This place was a mockery of her previous life.
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Yuu was a bright young pup. Quiet and more reserved then the others which was a blessing, but she never applied herself. Being foreign was not helping her. She treated everything like it was new but the curious light in her eyes always died quickly.
Every person was suspicious and she lashed out often. She was almost always alone. She even seemed to hate every teacher she met, and if Divus got to close she'd flinch. Yuu would eye his whip with contempt and hate.
Divus wasn't foolish enough to believe that she would adjust to this new life quickly and asked Crowley to do something. He wouldn't of course so Crewel did the responsible but foolish thing.
He had Yuu switch to home schooling. She could still go to campus but her schedule would be closer to Idia's. She would move in to Crewel's home with Grim to adjust to life in this world before being pushed into socializing.
Yuu protested at first when Crowley pushed her towards Divus's car with her bag in hand. The fear in her eyes spoke volumes.
She wasn't angry, she was afraid.
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Life with Crewel wasn't that as bad as she thought it would be.
When Crewel came home he'd teach her about life in this world. She even managed to use the laundry machine after Crewel told her many times to not hang it outside. Modern technology was still new to her.
She had a proper bed, food, space, and dogs. She liked dogs.
She remembered the dogs that lived in the cages with her. They were the few beings that were kind without a motive.
Crewel could see that Yuu was a bright and caring pup but she didn't know how to show it. She didn't talk about her old life but her expressions where enough.
She was surprised when he cooked. Worried when he pet the dogs. Scared when he got close to her room. When she was uncomfortable she reached for her neck. Textbook case of an abusive household.
One earning after he got home from work he saw her outside fiddling with a cauldron and lighting a fire.
"Pup, what are you doing?" Crewel asked, as he watched her use Grim as a fire source.
"Blue fire is very valuable for elixir making. I can't cut off Grim's ears so I'm making a basin to put him in to heat the cauldron. " Yuu said it like it was the most simple thing in the world as she pet Grim's head. He had been promised powerful elixirs and pills if he helped.
Divus had heard her talk about elixirs in the past but he thought she was talking about potions. What he gathered was that were different things with similar methods. Granted they could probably accomplish similar things.
"It needs blood." Yuu said taking out a knife from a cutting board of chopped herbs.
Divus's hand shot out to grab her wrist as she tried to cut into her arm.
"What the hell are you doing?!" He yelled as she dropped the knife. Her eyes welled up as she yelped in fear.
Divus pulled away and picked up the fallen weapon only to drop it again when she flinched.
At that moment she didn't see Crewel, she saw her old master.
"I'm sorry, master. I'll let you do it instead." Yuu weapt as she held out her trembling arm to him. She remembered how much he enjoyed cutting her open.
Divus dropped the knife immediately. He was just trying to protect her from herself. He knew she was hurt by people but the way she said master broke him.
What kind of sick bastard made a child call them master?
Slowly Divus moved closer to her and wrapped her in his arms.
Yuu had closed her eyes tightly as she waited for the pain to come, but it never did.
"I'm sorry, he hurt you. I will never let that happen to you again. I promise." Divus held her there as she shook. He could feel Grim press against her, his paws on her shoulder.
After a while he felt her hug him back. Not like a normal hug. She gripped onto his shirt deaspretly as though he would dissappear at any moment and leave her alone. She cried for the first time in forever.
She had never be held like this or cared for. She had always held others, like her fellow children before they were separated. She was only ever harmed by adults. Crewel cared, she didn't understand why but he did.
"It hurts." Yuu sobbed, it was physical pain it hurt inside her heart. She was angry, sad, and happy all at once. "Please, it hurts so much."
Divus could do nothing other than hold her tighter as he smoothed her hair.
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Yuu returned to campus next semester. She was a different person. Brighter.
She had her named changed to Yuu Crewel, or Crewel Yuu as she said it. Yuu didn't like people calling her first name casually but she would adjust. She was happy enough not to be Little Four again.
She even made friends who would learn of her ability to make any elixir they wanted as long as they provided her ingredients. Having her sneak up on them to puck out hair, swabbing saliva from their mouths or worst engineering situations to get blood out of them.
Her obsession with teeth was driving Idia crazy. She demanded at least one but she was placated with a few from the Tweels who had plenty.
Her experiments led to many accidents like when she tried to make a pill that would turn her into a mer. It worked but it was too potent. She was a mermaid but one the size of an orca. Well, technically she was half orca.
She scared the sharks though and it was fun to hold her friends in one hand. Floyd seemed to love it. Carter too. The pictures were #BBW #BigBeautifulWhale.
Then there was the time she made zombies when she used an elixir to revive dead rose bushes for Riddle.
Did you know zombies love music?
She also made Epel into a Werewolf after trying to see if she would turn someone into a Beast-man like Jack. She would still be hiding from Vil if she didn't fix it. Epel was disappointed.
She turned Grim into a kaiju and he tried to concur humanity but realized that he could no longer sleep in his cat bed.
Let's not mention the love potion fiasco when Yuu misinterpreted it for aphrodisiacs.
In her defense using them on people were very common in her land. Every woman knew how to use them and they were very educated on them.
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Yuu had many misadventures in her new life but nothing beats coming home from school to horrify her dad with stories and add to the long list of banned potions on the fridge.
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doki-doki-imagines · 1 year
Hanahaki disease TW:mention of death
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Sae Itoshi - purple iris: -Sae knew what would have happened. -Sae knew that this kind of feeling would lead him astray from his true objective. -That's why when he woke up one morning and between vomit and blood he saw a purple iris he wasn't surprised at all. -It was you that sparked that little flame in Sae's chest, the flame he last felt when he was just a snotty kid hoping to become the best striker, it was just a matter of time. -He was dumb then and he is dumb now. -How could he fall for the same trap twice? Love won't take him anywhere and right now it is just killing him. -A surgical procedure and like magic everything would go away, the everlasting taste of blood in his mouth, the purple flower choking him every three hours, his feelings for you… -Sae knows it all, but he can't, he doesn't have the will to do it. -How could Sae extinguish the little flame that is melting his cold heart? He never felt better even with his life at stake. -Sae know-it-all also calculated his chances with you: 1%, he doesn't want to be too negative. -But the possibility is still big enough for him to keep trying, to wake up and vomit, hide at practice to cough those beautiful purple iris. -But he is also too afraid to make the first move, he still believes to have the upper hand, and the ice king is blinded by his fear. -You'll have to confess fast after he finally makes his move because at that point flowers will be merciless and greedy absorbing his fear like the best nourishment; he doesn't have much to live.
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Rin Itoshi - yellow hyacinth -Jealousy is a feeling Rin knows way too well, a constant nuisance in his life. -And right now, when he sees you having fun with another guy that isn't him the green monster crawls his back. -But this time it's not the usual ire he tastes on his tongue, it's a yellow flower. -A yellow hyacinth Rin finds out, the symbol of jealousy, it fits. -Rin is used to having his stomach churning, his mind fogged by ire, blood won't take him out easily. -But here you are, shining like a star in front of him and accepting Rin, virtue and vice; he almost vomits on you. -Rin looks at himself in the school mirror, flowers mixed with blood and spit all over his blouse, a revolting sight he thinks. -It takes good acting skill and stepping up his rudeness to convince you he didn't need any help, please go home. -Rin is a man, he doesn't need the help of anybody, nothing will make him falter. -But his feelings will make him kneel sooner than expected, seems like jealousy makes the illness develop faster than usual, who knows if you made it in time. -For sure the passed out in your arms, drenched with his vomit, blood, and beautiful yellow hyacinth Rin doesn't know.
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Michael Kaiser - white hydrangea: -No, Michael didn't expect this. -With his mind full of himself there was no space for you to become an intrusive thought. -Too bad he just vomited on Ness, that now is in panic, just because a camera caught you during his training; for the first time in his life, Kaiser thinks he's a loser. -It doesn't matter how much he teases you, pranks you, literally any action it's to get your attention; you just brush him off and call him a 'idiot kaiser'. -His heart flutters every time, too bad that damn hydrangeas start to climb and scratch his throat, the wave is coming and he has to run as far as you as he can. -Someone that hates touching other low lives, reduced to a lovesick fool that only wants your warm hands cupping his cheeks like someone equally in love. -There is no way he's going to remove the illness, it would be like admitting he lost and Michael never lose, he would rather die. -Exactly what is happening now, at your feet, begging to help, eyes out of the orbits, screaming in agony. -Michael is a dumbass, he won't shout his feelings even in this situation. If you knew how bad it was you would have acted sooner. -A swift motion, you tear the big hydrangea that is choking him, a beautiful one; if the situation wasn't this tragic you would admire it more. -Then you leave a delicate kiss on his lips, feather-like, the pupils of his already wide open eyes dilatates and Michael pulls you away, retch is coming and he feels like his time is near. -"I love you too, Michael" -The last push and everything come out, roots, petals, and even more blood; finally, Michael can breathe again. -Now he'd only like to kiss you again, feel your chapped lips on his equally ruined ones. -maybe after a good bath and a night at the hospital you suggest.
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years
Fehoeken Reader was killed/died from a disease after having someone paint a portrait of them and now is stuck on a painting and the people immediately assume they are some type of evil spirit and plan to burn it until some rich person buts them and they keep being passed by some rich people until they stop at the museum. Even though the reader is constantly sad and tired somehow they are the piece that gets the most attention both from the visitors but also from the pieces and workers
(tw:mention of non human gore)
"Smile, my dear. Be happy."
You don't remember much before your death. Your final moments were spent in an unfamiliar room; forced to keep a smile as a painter captured your image. There were people around you. They were... always so sad in the bits of memory you had. You can't recall why.
Your first step back into the living world was followed by a shriek. Everything was so dark when you first woke up. Had you really awake, or were you trapped somewhere where? You couldn't move; couldn't see. Didn't even know what you were. The viel over your eyes was lifted, and you found yourself in another foreign room. A living room, from what your mind could piece together. A person was minding their own business on the other end of the room; oblivious to what was occurring behind them.
You look out the frame of your painting; the piece hung neatly on the wall. You look back. Behind you, another room stood. The one you remembered a little clearer. The couch you sat on and other accommodations were there, but the other two corners of the room didn't exist and no one else was there. You try the door on the far corner, but it doesn't open no matter how hard you pull. The only option is that window into another world.
You put a hand out first. The air circles around you like a vacuum. You pull your upper body out of the frame; using the wall as support as you step out. You feel around the walls in a state of intrigue. Everything is different compared to inside the painting. The foundation is imperfect and rigged, while the walls inside the painting are sooth to the point of unsettling and cold to the touch. It felt real.
Your curiosity is cut short by a scream. The owner of the house had finally turned around and seen you standing in the middle of the room. What happened after that is a blur. They ran away, you ended by back in the painting before dawn- and packed up in the back of a moving truck by noon.
That's what your left was for a while. Tossed around between home and home. You tried to leave whenever no one was around, but you would always get caught. You hated it. The small reach of your room; its coldness. The memories of a life you can't recollect. The sadness that fills your entire being. It was that one fact that drew many towards you. The mystery behind such a beauty's sad eyes. It wasn't enough for them to keep you around when they found out you were alive, but enough to want them to get rid of you for good.
You heard them- whispering. In the daylight where you were immobile, they spoke of ways to rid your wicked spirit from the wood is was confined to.
"The rumors are true! I swear I saw its eyes moving."
"We should get rid of as soon as possible."
Was that the best choice of action- for all of you? What would happen if they burned your painting? Would you be freed, or turn to ash just like the rest of it. Distressfully, it would not be the day you found out.
"Good evening, gentlemen. I'd like to ask you about that painting in the lobby over there."
And that is how you were acquired by the gallery. You were certain that as you were packed up once more, the owner winked at you. Your debut happened mere days later; you spending the time in between at his home. You never left your painting then; fearing being discarded yet again, but that man always talked to you. He joked that if he had been a few years younger he'd love to keep you around, despite you technically being older than him at this point.
You were an instant hot topic. The grief inside you had become engraved into every inch of your painting, yet the elegance behind its craft and the beauty of your image kept people from looking away.
That eve was the night you found out who you were. You were skeptical about leaving the painting at first, but with no guards around you decided to go for it. The marble floor clinks under your weight. You glance at the painting, it's frame now edged in gold. A panel was engraved into the wall beneath it; every memory you had forgotten crashing back as you read it over.
"Y/n - A piece dated around the early 1900s of a young adult painted weeks before their death due to long term health issues. Their family had the portrait done as a way to remember them by, shortly before their illness claimed their life."
A picture of the deceased was placed by the plate. You remembered that day; you remembered everything. How hard to was to keep going in the later stages of your life. How hard your family tried to keep you in positive spirits before you died. They were dead by now. Dead, and probably gone on to the afterlife, whereas your misery and grief bounded you to this state of purgatory for the rest of eternity.
You start to cry. The tears that fall to the ground are thick and cloudy; reminding you that you aren't just a phantom, but an abomination of paint and soul. Your sobs echo down the halls as you cradle yourself towards any sense of calm, but with no one to comfort you - it was pointless.
"Hey there.... Don't cry."
A voice from the shadows. You look around for its source, but find none.
"Who.. who's there?" You croak.
The voice laughs. "Why your neighbor, silly!"
You glance towards the painting besides yours; ink warping as the focus of the piece drags itself from the frame. They were human like you, aside from the left half of their face being unfinished - left in a sketch like state. Their clothing had less detail in some areas, and they were missing their right arm entirely. They kneel besides you with a sort of half smile, brushing your hair out of your tear stained face.
"Whoa, you're super cute! I couldn't see early while they were installing you, or during the opening, but now I can see why everyone was crowded around you.
"W-what?..." You couldn't wrap your head around the situation. There were others like you? And here of all places? Did the owner know? Was that his goal? Your wondering thoughts are snipped as the other painting wipes your face.
"You're probably confused, huh. That's okay. We'll get everything explained when we go meet the others."
Others? They drag you off before you can question them. With each step, a new resident of the gallery awakens. Some had already seen you due to the posters displayed about, but are still keen on greeting you as you cross paths. They're nice to you, unlike anyone you've met since you've died besides the owner, but you chalk it up to you all being in the same boat.
Time passes and you get to know the first floor residents better. You attract the humanity out of those with knowledge of the concept; your sadness and overall giving them a need to protect you. The second the gallery closes, you're bombarded with one of your protectors queries on your wellbeing.
The daytime isn't so bad either. You lose some of the initial attention from your big debut, but people still came by to see you. There was one person that visited you every day. A security guard who'd wonder his way to your place on the wall during every shift - just, staring into your eyes. He even snuck a few pictures when no one was looking. Odd in your own context, but not too out of the ordinary for a casual art enjoyer.
All in all, you were content in your new life. Not quite happy just yet, but at peace.
You wake up one night to the sound of a squelching noise from down the hall. It's followed by the sound of something heavy hitting the ground. Over, and over again. You exit your painting, venture down the walk way to see the source of the commotion. The door to that room opens before you can push it open. The break room.
A guard steps out of the room; his entire upper torso and arms covered in splatters of fluid, and a hammer gripped tightly in hand. He checks through his phone with his opposite; grunting in annoyance as he taps hard on the screen.
"This is the floor, right?.... Oh. Hey."
He grins lazily in your direction, finally noticing your presence. He attempts to greet you as warmly as he can, but all you can focus on is the scene behind him.
A body lies on the break room floor; its head caved in and multicolored blood leaking from the remainer of the cavity. Its remaining eye stares out at you; limbs twitching ever so slightly. The guard eases the door closed.
Paint drips off the tool in his hand as he stretches. "I was taking a nap when your friend attacked me. Don't worry about them much. Paintings are the lucky ones. Won’t hurt ya unless I damage the frame itself. The only you should be worried about is yourself..”
You step back.
The nightguard grins wider, breaking into a small fit of laughter as he waves the threat off. “I’m just messing with you. Even if you’ll be fine, I wouldn’t want to bludgeon a cute one like you… Unless you give me a reason to.”.
He snickers more, smile falling as his chuckles die down. “Another joke, sorry. In all honesty, I stuck around to see you.”
The guard closes the distance between you; smearing paint over your cheek as he carcass it. "I like you. You don't bother me much when I hang around - doubt you've even noticed me at night, but I've seen you. First time I've gotten through your little gang of guard dogs. Shame about that sad look you carry around. Maybe I should take you back home with me and fix it."
He moves his hand to the top of your head, staining your hair in blood. "But I don’t think it's time for that just yet. See ya around, Y/n."
The guard walks off. You hadn't realized you lost your voice until a startled cry comes from you as the break room door opens. The headless painting wonders out of the room, wondering aimlessly towards your direction. You meet it half way, grabbing one of its outstretched hands. The feeling of your skin calms its tense muscles; relaxing under your hold as it holds you close. Its hands find their way to your cheeks - wiping the tears away.
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Rezef hill,general dating headcanons
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Fandom:Manhwa,the villainess is a marionette
Character:Rezef hill
Pairing:Rezef hill x reader/you
Tw:Mentions of child neglect and death threats
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->Okay,first of all,you luck son of a bi–EHEM.sorry for that,so anyway,being rezef's lover is very lovey-dovey yet dangerous as well.
->Let's start how you two meet as always.
->You must be his assistant that was given to him by the emperor himself,and when he first met you he didn' t look at you more than a pawn for him to get the throne.since rumours had told him that you were wise and smart,so he was quite lucky to have you by his side.
->But the thing is,he didn't exactly expect you to be a very patient person.most people who worked for him looked at him in fear and do anything he commands them to do in order to live another day tommorow.But you?you were different.
->You were always calm around him.even at the most times he were in a bad mood,thrashing and lashing out at anyone and anything,you were able to calm him down.
->He and everyone thought that the only person who can calm him down was the princess,cayena.
->Until then,rezef was suspicious of you.
->He might thought that you are only doing this so you can gain his trust and backstab him later on.he was raised like this.he had seen so many people that tried to gain his trust in order to gain power just for themselves.So,he was always on guard when with you.
->Rezef is extremely stubborn on making you let out your true colors.
->He was bound to see the terrible "facade" you are building in order to trick him,but as time passes by,you never once had lash out on him.he threw something dangerous at you,you scolded him for doing such a thing.he spilled tea on the pages of your favorite book,you sighed and just buy yourself a new one.he even pinned you once and yelled at you that he WILL cut off your head if you even ONCE bother him if working,you now always knock and ask if you can talk to him on something.
->This leads him to actually think over his actions.maybe you were really a genuinely good person and he was just unreasonablely cruel to you?
->Welp,looks like he's going very guilty.
->He asks his sister for help,and safe to say cayena is fine helping him apologize to you since at least she might avoid her death flag by doing this.Anyways,prepare for a lot of apology letters and so many gifts that were send to you're house.
->Rezef really does want to apologize for his actions and even when you say he is already forgiven,he still feel guilty.
->The day he catched feelings for you where the time you comforted him one night,it was a terrible cold night where he woke up from a nightmare where his sister left him alone in the dark.Where he lived his days alone,unloved and miserable.
->You,as his trusted assistant,comforted him from the best of you're abilities.But this is also the time where you realized that,the emperor,his father(not),was neglecting him.The emperor does not give both his children love like they deserve and even gone too far to saying to a child to "live up to his expectations as a member from the royal family".
->That is why he can't help but feel so calm around you.your voice telling him that the emperor's voice does not matter,and that he is loved just the way he is.It does not matter where he is rash or brash,his sister and you likes him just the way he is.
->And so,rezef didn't hesitate to court you afterwards.
->Luxurious gifts,the most beautiful flower bonquets that were left by your doorstep,wholesome letters that gave you butterflies,dozens and dozens of compliments that were given to you from rezef.I guess everyone can see that it was obvious that the prince was courting you.
->The prince will never give up on chasing you,his heart only belonged to you and only YOU get to hold it.
->And when you accepted his affections towards you,he could never be so happy in his whole entire life.
->Cayena supported you,not because she can avoid her death flag but mostly because that she thinks it was wonderful that her little brother has finally got someone that loved him dearly and that will stay by his side.
->Although of course this causes a bunch of noble ladies to be envious of you,rezef told you that it is something not to worry since he will love you and only you.He does not regret loving you and never will.
->Your family was shock to see you being cuddled by love from the violent and short-tempered prince,you get to calm them down when you tell them you are lovers with the said prince.Even if they still are hesitant on you being with rezef,they still supported your relationship since you looked happy with him.
->And remember when i say your relationship will be a little dangerous?yeah,it's because of his enemies and your jealous haters.
->You were once kidnapped by the daughter of a count,she shamelessly told you that you never dserved the heart of rezef since you are nothing but a useful tool to him,which is not exactly a lie considering your first relationship,but nevertheless,a white lie.
->You get to be thrown inside a dirty cellar filled with moss and dirt,mice running around and men that looked at you with lust in there eyes?you truly needed rezef to save you,NOW.
->And man,when he finally did,you were sure to see the devil instead.
->Rezef makes sure the men that touched or looked at you was thrown in the dungeons to be tortured,they get to stay there for MONTHS until they finally begged for death.And when he gets to know who was the culprit for your kidnapping,oh boy...you pitied the girl.well almost.
->He bankrupted the girl's family,left them to be nothing but filthy beggars,and made sure to live there lives as pathetic slaves for the rest of eternity.
->Yeah...you were scared shitless by him,but he did a 180⁰ degrees when he visited you.his face was scrunched up in worry,tears brimming in the corner of his blue eyes and cried as he apologize for not being there for you.
->You had to take a while to coax him back to his original state,since he still thinks it was his fault that you were in danger.
->From now on,everyone knows to not cause harm on you since they surely don't want to experience the wrath of a certain blonde prince.So,at least you're never going to go through that situation again.
->Oh,and you are spoiled rotten by him.
->Anything you wished to have,is yours.
->Hmm you would liked to have a necklace?well here you go!Oh you want to garden plants?here is your very own greenhouse!You liked to have an eagle as your pet?Sure no problem!
->Just say the word,and it.is.YOURS.
->Also,make sure to always give him words of affirmation and he LOVES it when you pet his head.He just loves the feeling of your hand placed atop of his head,and make sure to do it daily too.
->Rezef is overall a fantastic lover that will support anything you do.in other words,he a simp.
->But in all seriousness,he will never find happiness like the way he does with you.
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umbraticstickerz · 7 months
Tw:mentions of death
These were kinda just some concept doodles for an au idea of mine based on the definition of wraiths being spirits.
I based Dee off of that one scrapped Pikmin 3 character that was literally just named "Character D"
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Below the cut is an uncensored version with my shitty attempt of a g0re doodle.
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I was originally going to make it like more graphic but I am and was too tired.
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thesilliestyuri · 6 months
so id like to address something..
tw:mention of sensitive topics, islamphobia, the Palestinian case and other stuff
so I saw smn comparing LGBTQ problems to what's happening in Palestine
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First of all: Palestine is colonized they don't even have their own human rights so they could gaf abt LGBT problems(I'm just mad mb if I offended anyone)
Second of all: it's an arab MUSLIM country, for over 70+ years they've been colonized by the Jews(Isr*el), if you're "educated" enough, you would know that in Islam The LGBT is forbidden, but still we respect them, you're just being anti arab AND Islamophobic
You're a whole white adult be talking about stuff like this while millions of Palestinians, babies, kids, adults and women being killed, you're probably chronically online enough to go through insta and see actual videos of them being on the ground dead, d3@d bodies n stuff.
If you're offended by Arab teenagers being angry online about what's happening to out people you're fatheless af💀
Oh yes, LGBTQ kids in Palestine being killed as if the others are not, how unfair
Not to mention lil bro blocked me after I reblogged their post, you're weak after to face the truth that they're living under strict serious circumstances and it's weird coming from you to compare deaths to something like that
It's always the whites be redusing to hear from us
🍅🍅 boohoo
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