#tw: mentioned character death
ninjastormhawkkat · 2 years
Divorced Amazing Cheese: Braingirl au
This idea was inspired by the posts going back and forth with @drtwobrainsstuff about their divorced amazing cheese/dadbrains au idea, plus discussing hero Steven and the braingirl au on discord with @melodythebunny. I have decide to combine these thoughts and ideas with the Braingirl au, and make them worse😈. Note: this is one of the darkest and most angst filled au’s I have developed. It is not for the faint of heart. Trigger Warnings: Seriously a lot of heavy stuff is mentioned so read at your own risk! I am not kidding. 
So the hero Steven melody and I discussed falls in the braingirl au where Becky gets fused with Squeaky, but the accident also causes Steven to inherit some of Becky’s powers. So now he has to take on the hero mantle and protect the city while also having to deal with his now cheese-obsessed villain daughter. So hero Steven is sort of Batman dark in the braingirl/mousegirl au’s that I pictured. He doesn’t care about being in the superhero spotlight. He feels that he doesn’t deserve all the praise and ‘keys to the city’ and stuff like that since he cause Fair City to loose their original hero in the first place. He only takes the mantle of hero so this city won’t fall into utter chaos. He is a lot harsher with the villains in the beginning, it is especially bad when some of the villains asks where Wordgirl is. Steven’s death glare makes them shut up about it. Steven is not friendly with them because he views them as criminal scum who deserve to be locked up and punished for their crimes like that parasite that is currently attached to his innocent child’s brain. He does ease up a bit after incidents such as the Miss Power arc, but even then he still remain cold and aloof with them. Only a few people in Fair City are privilege to Steven’s old personality. He is still caring and loving towards Becky despite everything. Becky may be fused with the mouse brain but she does not want to leave her dad because of mice preferring to live in packs mentality. She does not know her dad is the new hero or that bob is huggy since she has forgotten her old identity as wordgirl. She does know she is a super-powered alien being. Steven’s personality has definitely changes from canon, despite a few people, Steven is now a cold, melancholy, and serious person. He is very protective of his child and is prone to outbursts of anger if someone wants to talk about Becky’s new mysterious mouse behaviors or talk very badly about the villain braingirl or dare even question about wordgirl’s disappearance in front of him. Steven at this point has allowed the guilt and regret from the accident to consume him as well as the rage and self hate towards himself. He closes himself off from others who in a concerning and caring manner want to help him as he believes that helping his child is his own burden to bare. Steven has sacrificed sleep and sometimes eating in order to complete his research into saving Becky from Squeaky. 
Now this is where Amazo Guy comes in. So braingirl has been doing her villain gimmick for a while now, soon she ends up stealing some really fancy cheese from this billionaire guy who has a lot of security. Her and Steven get into their usual hero vs villain battles which are tame compared to other villains because of you know reasons that only Steven knows. Well one poor security guard who is trying hard to prevent Braingirl from stealing his boss’s prize cheese tries to help Steven and ends up grabbing and yanking hard on braingirl’s mouse tail in order to try and keep her from fleeing the scene with the stolen goods. Now one thing for all animal loves to know, you NEVER yank the tail of any animal while their back is turned and their guard may or may not be up. Braingirl on instinct retaliates and accidentally slashes the guard’s throat just so he would release her tail. If this were just an attack by a regular person or a small animal, then the man would have been fine, but this attack was done by a super-powered alien child who is fused and influenced by a vicious mouse brain. He became deceased on the scene immediately and too quickly for anyone to help him in time. Becky is stunned in horrified by her actions but Squeaky compels her on mouse instincts to flee the scene. Steven and Huggy, also stunned by what happened, just let Braingirl get away. Steven flies home and finds Becky curled up under her bed covers with a shocked and horrific expression on her face. She comes out of the shock and just looks helplessly at her dad and silently whispers with tears beginning to come out of her eyes, “I think I did something very bad today dad?” Becky gets emotionally distressed very quickly and has a hard time explaining what happened but a few clear details come out. Steven just grabs Becky into the tightest, most comforting hug he can muster without using his powers and just quietly soothes her while she is a sobbing and hiccuping mess. He repeats over to her, “I know you didn’t mean to do it, I am not angry with you, We’ll try to figure this situation out, I still love you.” Steven tries his best to consolidate his guilt ridden, mouse-brained child, while also dealing with his own emotions over the event. 
(Note: Steven does not condone what Becky did or tries to make excuses for it, Braingirl did kill someone while committing a different crime. He does realize that Becky was not in the right state of mind when doing this and had not intentions of even killing the guy. She acted on impulse and in a brief moment forgot how strong she really was and was just trying to get the guy to stop pulling her tail. All Steven is doing right now is trying his best to get her through this trauma and not let her fall into guilt-consuming state of mind similar to the one he deals with after the accident.)
Things get worse with the citizens of Fair City. This event sparks up a debate on whether let Wordman (hero Steven) continue to deal with Braingirl or permanently incarcerate her because she has shown to be a dangerous threat to citizens lives as well. Some believe that she needs to be taken out permanently because of how dangerous she is despite being a child. The government decides to call the hero league located in Global City because Braingirl is too powerful for them. The league sends Amazo Guy who was a colleague and very close friend of Steven to deal with the situation. 
Now at this point, the people of Fair City don’t realize that Braingirl was once Wordgirl and the way the information in Fair City is distributed, the heroes in Global City don’t realize that Wordgirl is missing and replaced by Wordman.
The relationship between Steven and Amazo Guy was like with the divorced amazing cheese I discussed with drtwobrainsstuff a while back with my miss crimes au. They had feelings for each other, very strong ones, but did not develop them into a dating relationship, it was more flirting with each other while still being oblivious if they other likes them the same way back. Steven is surprised yet panicked when he sees Amazo Guy come to Fair City. Amazo Guy explains to Steven why he is here and Steven gets more scared and worried about Becky who is right now kind of hiding out at her house for a while why the henchmen, Bob, and her dad give her cheese to satisfy Squeaky. Steven tries to deter Amazo Guy and say that what happened was really bad, but they have Wordman dealing with it. Unfortunately Amazo is staying resolute and says that he believes Braingirl is a threat to everyone and she needs to be taken care of. Amazo Guy hopes he only has to put her in a confined jail cell permanently until matters can be resolved and not be forced to take drastic measures. (Sad truth established in most universes with heroes and villains; Heroes can’t save everyone.) Amazo Guy has to leave and flies away to begin his immediate search for Braingirl because people are scared and it is the job of the hero to protect the civilians. Steven angry that Amazo is not listening to him and now more than every terrified for Becky’s safety, rushes and puts more focus on finding a way to deal with Squeaky and try to resolve things. Unfortunately Wordman and Amazo Guy are about to be put into another confrontation. 
Becky is again forced by Squeaky to steal cheese so she sneaks out of the house quickly and quietly to get cheese from the grocery store. Someone unfortunately spots her and screams, both Steven and Amazo Guy hear the scream. Braingirl tries to escape quickly back home but is soon caught by Amazo Guy who tries to arrest her. Due to the cheese being removed from him and being a hungry little jerk, Squeaky makes Braingirl more feral in her attacks on Amazo Guy ex. biting and scratching. Amazo Guy starts to fearfully believe he may have to permanently take down Braingirl and Becky does get bruised up and injured a bit from the fight. Wordman and Huggy intervene to try and save Becky. In the struggle Steven’s mask comes off and it is revealed to Amazo and Becky that Steven is Wordman. Amazo is confused as to what is happening and Steven gives the truth in a sad and melancholy voice. Amazo Guy gets angry at Steven that he would risk endangering his own child like this. This pisses Steven off and he yells back at Amazo that he has no right to judge him like this, he doesn’t realize all the guilt and self anger Steven had to deal with, how he spent countless, sleepless nights trying to save his child from his own messes, how he hates the way he became a hero because of his mistakes. He also yells at Amazo Guy angrily and tells him off for trying to harm his child and treating her like a threat instead of trying to help her which what Steven was trying to get Amazo to do earlier. Amazo tries to calm the situation down and does apologize, but reiterates that she needs to be contained in a secure location until a cure can be found for the safety of herself and others. Steven nor Huggy likes the idea of Becky being imprisoned like a lab animal for a long time, even if it is for her own good. 
Becky, who is recovering from shock that her dad is Wordman, tries to fly away to escape Amazo Guy and go back home where it is safe for now. Amazo tries to stop her again, but he is greeted with a punch in the face by Steven. Steven goes into “If you want her, you have to go through me mode” which leads into an Avengers: Civil War and Batman vs. Superman type conflict. Huggy goes after Becky to keep her safe and does not want to be apart of that emotional filled battle between two former people who were in love with one another. Now it is a battle between a hero trying to uphold heroic mortals and debating on whether to listen to his heart or his head vs a father trying to protect his child who is already an emotional mess and dealing with the heartbreak and anger over fighting against someone he once loved dearly who dared to harm his child. Just like the Batman vs. Superman movie, someone does die. I won’t say who.😈
@melodythebunny @drtwobrainsstuff
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kathaynesart · 3 months
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Don't mind, Omega. He's just being dramatic. Thank you so much @abbeyofcyn and @thegunnsara for pulling me into this hilarious mashup as well as @kittynomore @tapakah0 @hylwicks and @isaacz for letting their characters be a part of it! Figured I would use this opportunity to do my Replica introduction as well!
The @tmntaucompetition has barely even started and I am already overwhelmed by the amount of asks and support I've received! Thank you everyone! There are so many things I want to respond to, but I just don't have the time!
However I am so excited to get to interact with some of you! I'll be sure to respond to a few more that reference Omega directly when I can (looking at you @intotheelliwoods and @karonkar )!
Also, please don't destroy my asks trying to offer chew toys to Donnie... it's too late. His fate has been sealed. He's in autistic robot hell now. Goodnight sweet prince.
Also also, uh... THAT one image? Don't think about it too hard. :)
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lizkreates · 9 months
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Reflection ~A Trigun fan comic~ (Comic Script in the Keep Reading)
Context note: This takes place just after the events of TriMax Vol 10 on Brad’s ship going to December. I’m giving them more time on the trip because Livio grew a full-ass beard between pickup and drop-off (prob because of his healing factor, who knows.) Enjoy!
Vash's coffee is a reference to my first comic Black Coffee & Donuts!
Comic Script for Reflection: A Trigun Fan Comic
Panel 1: Vash, with his hair down and dressed in his black undersuit, wakes up startled in a cold sweat. He clearly slept poorly bags under his eyes. It’s only been a day or two since he laid Wolfwood to rest.
Panel 2: A full body shot of him stepping out of the bed, his Colt weight down his hip, face obscured.
Panel 3: He leans over the counter in front of a mirror, shoulders hunched, head hanging.
Panel 4: He looks up, hand covering the remaining blonde of his hair so it appears full black. Large pale portraits of Rem and Wolfwood flank Vash on each side in the background.
Vash: Rem, Wolfwood, you both sacrificed everything. Funny isn’t it that I’m beginning to look more like you?
Panel 1: Vash flashes back to a moment when he and Wolfwood walked side by side in the arid desert of No Man’s Land.
Vash: Wolfwood, you were there every day by my side, now I'm alone again. 
Panel 2: Another flashback to a moment Vash and Wolfwood sat on the edge of a rooftop and looked out over the cityscape to the stars pricking the sky.
Vash: There was so much unsaid between us.
Panel 3: A fresh flashback to the couch, where Vash held Wolfwood's hand in his final moments.
Vash: I wish I had known how to tell you that I loved you before it was too late.
Panel 4: A dramatic crop of half of Vash’s lower face, tears streaming down his cheeks as he cries out.
Panel 1: Livio, a tall, tan, broad-shoulder, white-haired man with a tribal tattoo over his left eye, dressed in a white shirt and black pants, bursts through the bedroom door concerned.
Livio: Mr. Vash, I heard crying, are you okay?!
Panel 2: Vash looks over, a little comically rattled and surprised
Vash: Livio?
Panel 3: Close-up of Vash’s lower face smiling, a tear rolling down his face.
Vash: I’m alright.
Panel 4: A blank Panel, filled with still air
Vash: Actually.
Panel 5: Big Panel, Vash crying into the crook of his arm.
Vash: I'm not... I miss him. I can’t stop missing him.
Panel 1: Vash rubs the tears from his eyes, Livio grabs his arm shamefully, his body language clearly showing regret and discomfort.
Livio: I’ll uh, leave you to it, and see myself out.
Vash: It’s okay, I just didn’t want anyone to see me like this.
Panel 2: Close-up of Livio looking down.
Livio: It’s better to let yer feelin’s out than to hide ‘em and let ‘em fester, I should know.
Panel 3: Livio turns to the side and a sad snot stream runs down his nose he was trying to keep in. Livio is very much struggling allowing himself to miss Wolfwood. He doesn’t feel like, he should even though he desperately does.
Sounds effects: sniff
Vash: Now who’s keeping in their feelings? Let it out! He was your friend too, wasn’t he? You deserve to cry too.
Panel 4: Livio smiles sheepishly. He wants to make Wolfwood proud of him first.
Livio: Yeah, I suppose he was, all this time. But I don’t think I’ve earned that right yet.
Panel 5: Livio’s stomach growls LOUDLY. Draw in a chibi style, breaking the tension.
Sound effects: grumble
Panel 6: Drawn in chibi style, Vash waves around his noddle arms and Livio’s mood brightens, grinning with excitement.
Vash: Oh, are you hungry?
Livio: Hell yeah, I am!
Vash: What would you like?
Livio: Uh, pancakes!
Vash: Alright, pancakes it is!
Panel 1: They sit down and eat at a retro 50s-style diner booth in a small nook of the ship. Livio swirls the last of his pancake in syrup on the plate. Vash cradles a black coffee with both hands looking at Livio.
Vash: Hey, Livio, what do you want to do when this is all over?
Livio: Dunno, maybe wander around for a while or return to the orphanage to help make up for what I and the other guy did.
Panel 2: Livio hangs his head, eyebrows worried.
Livio: If I can be honest with ya, I'm scared to face them.
Panel 3: Zoomed out drawn in chibi style to break the tension. Livio shivers.
Vash: Is that scarier than Elendira?
Sound effects: shivers
Panel 4: They laugh.
Livio: Well, when ya put it like, hell no!
Vash: Haha!
Panel 5: Extreme close-up of Livio’s eyes softening as he remembers back to his time at the orphanage.
Livio: I think he’d like that. They were my first real family.
Panel 6: Vash is hit with a sudden realization, Livio has no one right now. In a misty background, he remembers when Razlo cried out after Wolfwood did in Master Chapel.
Vash (internal): Wolfwood, you left Livio in my care... so we wouldn’t be alone.
Razlo (background): ...I’m all alone again!
Panel 1: Close-up of Vash with the sincerest smile.
Vash: I hope you know you’re not alone. You have me now.
Panel 2: Livio’s face contorts sorrowfully.
Livio/Razlo (internal): I don’t deserve this.
Livio: Mr. Vash I --
Vash: Wait, before you say anything...
Panel 3: Zoom out so we can see both of them and the table. Vash extends his leg as he digs deep into his pants pocket. Livio leans on the table watching him.
Vash: I know that we don’t know each other well yet, but he trusted you with me and I trusted him, wholly and completely, so…
Panel 4: Extreme close-up, Vash pulls out 2 black leather wristbands with silver latches.
Panel 1: Vash offers Livio a wristband while holding one for himself in the same hand.
Vash: Here. One for you, one for me. I used a strap from his cross to make it, so part of him will always be with us.
Panel 2: Livio puts the wristband on his left hand.
Livio: Thank you.
Panel 3: Extreme close-up of Livio’s non-tattooed eye, tears pricking his lashes.
Livio: I hope one day I can repay yer kindness.
Panel 4: They fist bump wristbands in view.
Vash: Welcome to the family, Livio.
Panel 1: A large portrait of Wolfwood with his sunglasses and back turned, fills the background, smiling as he holds his cigarette in his hand.
Livio: Hey, Mr. Vash?
Vash: Mm?
Livio: Would you mind tellin’ me a lil more about him… Wolfwood? Ya see, we were close at the orphanage as kids, but I don’t know who he became. I’ll understand if you don’t want to, you owe me absolutely nothin’.
Panel 2: A close-up of Vash’s coffee, Wolfwood’s staple morning drink, Vash’s reflection smiles back, tears in his eyes.
Vash: I’d love to.
Panel 1: Bonus! Sometime later.  Drawn in chibi style.
Livio: Can I hug ya?
Vash: Sure, buddy!
Panel 2: They hug, Vash smiles, and Livio whimpers as he lets out the waterworks. He’s thankful for Vash’s kindness.
Panel 3: This sets Vash off, who also sobs. They cry in each other’s arms.
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lilybug-02 · 9 days
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Weird Route...
Spoilers for CT Weird Route below.
Please check tags for anything triggering ❤️
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This is not cannon, as the weird route is finished and it will not be added upon. But.......I often find myself wanting to draw for it. So here you are...
The weird route ends abruptly and without art for a reason. I wanted to make it painfully obvious that as YOU continue the route/story YOU stop getting anything out of it. You're only hurting the characters, and by the end, there's nothing left to do except start over.
I had thought of Asriel discovering Chara...well, dead. But I think that would have been too much for the scene. I didn't want to get any more depressing than it already was.
tbh I only hope that I can make an ending even half as good as this one. I still think about it often and I'm proud of the amount of work I put into it.
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Draw your... characters...?
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asgardian--angels · 7 months
Izzy Discourse Masterpost
Hey all, given the amount of awful splintering and wank happening in ofmd fandom rn regarding Izzy's death, including the flat-out immature and unacceptable harassment of David Jenkins and Co, I wanted to just make this one all-encompassing post to address the various grievances and complaints I've seen (almost entirely on Twitter). If I've missed anything, please feel free to add on. I'm putting most of this under a read-more for length.
Please be aware, I say all of this as an Izzy fan. I've loved his character since season 1, and while I was sad to see him go, I completely understand and support David & Co's reasons for concluding his arc, and I think it was done respectfully in a way fitting to his character. So let's break down some of the takes I've seen. I am not referencing specific posts or people here, I just want to address the general themes that I keep seeing about why some people are upset.
Izzy's death served no narrative purpose.
Look, this is one that I'm sure fans will debate for the rest of the hiatus. It's completely within your right to disagree with this writing choice, but Izzy's death did serve a narrative purpose in the story that David Jenkins is telling - and he has spoken to this end in several interviews already. I can only summarize here, and fans may find other perspectives in time as well. What we need to remember is that Our Flag Means Death is, at the end of the day, Ed and Stede's love story. That has been made abundantly, explicitly clear. The show has been fantastic at fleshing out the other supporting characters, but that's what they are - supporting characters. They often have their own subplots but ultimately the narrative seeks to move Ed and Stede's story forward and they are tools to spur Ed and Stede's growth or mirror their struggles. Izzy has been a wonderfully complex, multifaceted character but we must remember that all characters are vessels through which stories are told, lessons are imparted, and metaphors are established. He's not a real person who 'deserves' any particular fate. David said he's always intended for Izzy to die at the end of his arc.
Firstly, Izzy (now canonically, through his own dying words) represents part of Blackbeard. He enabled and encouraged Ed's darker side, they were mutually toxic forces to each other. Ed is attempting to cope with and move on from this phase of his life, and like Stede in season 1, set out a free man, unshackled by expectations and loose ends of those he's hurt and been hurt by (though we realize this is an ongoing process that takes time). This lovely gifset sums it up nicely, with Izzy being the Mary parallel, and making s2 mirror s1. Blackbeard is both Ed and Izzy; Ed cannot be free of Blackbeard while Izzy is in his life, and when Izzy is gone he will never truly be Blackbeard again. They are each other's rotting leg!! Yet, they love each other - and David has said that for Ed, this has developed into a mentor and father relationship, and where Ed has previously despised his father figures (his actual father, Hornigold) he does not want to lose Izzy. This time, Izzy brings out Ed, not Blackbeard - and that's where we get the callback to 'there he is', bringing their impact on each other full circle, freeing Ed, getting approval of sorts that he never had, to be soft, to be loved (and there are parallels to Zheng and Auntie here as well that others have made) from that force that drove him to stay in line all this time. David has said in multiple interviews now that he was going for the idea of the mentor/father figure dying and the hero living on and trying to do justice to them.
From Izzy's side, Izzy cannot be free while Edward remains either (Mary cannot find peace while Stede remains). The scar never truly healed, the leg will always be a reminder. At this point the argument becomes 'yes, but why did he have to die? Why not just sail off with the crew of the Revenge?' David has stated that he feels they've done everything they can with, and for, Izzy; he's come leagues from season 1, he's found community, he's found hope, he's found new parts of himself, and he's made good memories. He's found worth outside of what he can be to others. That's more than most pirates could hope for. Where would his character go from there, when the Golden Age of Piracy he belongs to has burned to the ground? Would he stay around and whittle on the Revenge? If he were a real person, yes, that would be lovely, and he'd deserve all the quiet peaceful happiness in the world. But as I explain several points below, he's not interested in being a captain. He's not up for the hard physical labor of regular crew, and he's extremely overqualified for that besides. He has served his narrative purpose, and symbolically, to enter a new age, everything must go. He's connected to the old age of piracy, to the Republic of Pirates, that is now demolished. To him, fighting for what he believes in, for the family he's found, bringing down an army of British twats in the process, is how he should go. It's a pirate's death, and as Izzy's said, he's a pirate - unlike Blackbeard who's succeeding in breaking away from piracy, Izzy never wanted to stop being a pirate, throughout his arc. To me, that's why Izzy remains trapped in the narrative, trapped in history, whereas Ed and Stede will escape history. They leave piracy, and canon, behind, while Izzy was content to remain a pirate and face a pirate's fate.
Burying him on land, right next to Ed and Stede's beach house, shows that his sacrifice was not in vain - they start this new life together, thanks to Izzy's mentorship, his role in their lives that sometimes for worse, sometimes for better, made their love what it was and made their breakaway possible. The new age is built on the foundations of the old age, and is stronger for it.
As we're well aware by now, David tweeted that there's no version of ofmd without Izzy. Whether that's literal or not, symbolically it's true. Izzy's arc of growth affected everyone on the Revenge. Jim fondly remembered fighting for a time when life meant something on that ship; the crew helped give Izzy new meaning in life, and he helped them in return. When he dies, they mourn and have a funeral; that wouldn't have happened under Blackbeard's watch in episode 2. His life meant something to them. He influenced Ed and Stede immensely, and they will take that with them. As David's said, they're all a family, and Izzy was a part of that family, and his loss unites them and brings them closer to continue to fight for that family they've built. It's a tragic, sudden death of someone they've all grown to care for, and that steels their reserve to keep the torch lit. They literally sail off into the sunset to hunt down Ricky to avenge Izzy; he will always be a part of this show. And, of course, with the brief appearance of seagull Buttons, the door is left open for anything.
If this was The Izzy Show, then sure, we'd be content to see him simply engaged in shenanigans every episode. But the plot, and therefore the characters, need to keep moving forward, and Izzy got his growth and development. He got what he needed for his character to have closure, and he served his symbolic narrative purpose in Ed's (and Stede's) story. You may have your own ideas and perspectives, and that's great - that's what fandom is for. But we cannot say his death was pointless when David Jenkins and the writers clearly had a well-defined motive for pushing the narrative in this direction. I actually think the narrative around Ed and Izzy is the most well-developed in the entire show. I for one am so happy we got such an interesting and complex character, and had the brilliant Con O'Neill to portray him.
Izzy's growth & healing arc was rendered pointless by his death.
As this post so eloquently puts it, it's pretty bleak to have the outlook that taking steps to heal and find meaning in life is worthless if it's later lost. Seeking happiness and self-actualization is worthwhile for its own sake; no one knows what's down the road, and we all die eventually. Find meaning in life now. Would you rather have had Izzy not miss with his bullet in ep2? He was given the chance to experience joy, freedom, and hope for the first time in potentially a long time, and when he died he did so with those happy memories. As mentioned, Izzy's death was decided long beforehand given the narrative, and the point of storytelling is to make you feel emotions. We were given impetus to connect and relate to Izzy's character through his process of healing, so when he did die, we felt it keenly. That's how stories work actually! We felt what Ed felt. It moved us. It's not a bad thing that Izzy's arc made him more likeable to fans before his death. It's not a bad thing to lose a beloved character - guess what, it happens constantly in stories - and it's not bad to grieve over it either, but to say that it made his journey pointless is just not true. People saying that Con must be upset that they snatched his character away from him after getting to develop him so much - again I say, would you rather him have died in ep 2 before he had the chance to grow? Or how about in s1, when the crew tried to mutiny? How'd you feel when Stede killed him in his dream, in the very first scene of the season? I think Con's probably glad for the opportunity to have explored this character so much in season 2. Ask him if he thinks it was pointless.
Killing off Izzy was bad for queer rep/burying your gays/"Izzy was the queer heart of the show"
I'm putting 'bury your gays' on the top shelf so people can't use it when it doesn't actually apply. Most of the main cast of characters in this show are queer, and it's a show about pirates with a good amount of violence. Ergo, chances are a queer character will die in the course of Things Happening In Stories. Izzy didn't die because he was queer, and he wasn't the token queer rep. Please turn your attention to the boatloads (literally) of queer characters that are happy and thriving (how about the LuPete wedding immediately afterwards??). As for Izzy being the "queer heart of the show," this is literally the Ed and Stede show. You know, the two queer leads whose queer love the show revolves around, per David Jenkins himself. I'm glad folks connected with and derived joy from Izzy's growth and especially his performance in Calypso's birthday, but he is not the main character of the show. The queer heart of the show is in fact, the entire show, all of their characters and the community & found family they create aboard the Revenge. Not to mention the fan community as well. Izzy was never carrying the show's representation on his back, and frankly that's an absurdly wild take to have (esp when he spent most of s1 actively working against the main queer relationships in the show, attempting to maintain the oppressive status quo of pirate society).
It was bad and irresponsible to have a suicidal character die
Are we forgetting the entire first half of the season where Ed, who was suicidal, kept trying to passively kill himself because he felt he was an unlovable monster, only to be shown that he is in fact loved unconditionally and it gives him the strength to fight for life and triumph against his own self-doubt? The show has spent quite a lot of effort telling viewers that despite feeling damaged or broken you are worthy of love and that you are loved even if it may be hard to see it when you're in a bad place. That you don't need to be fully healed to deserve love and care, and that love and support will help you along your journey. It's incredibly wild to disregard this major plot point and fundamental message of s2 to try and spin this the opposite way for Izzy's character.
Secondly, where are people getting 'Izzy is suicidal' from? Are we going back all the way to episode 2, when he's at his lowest point and fails at his suicide attempt, only to be figuratively reborn after removing the metaphorical rotten leg? By the time of the finale he's shown to be in a good place, thanks to the arc of healing and growth he's gotten, through the support of the Revenge crew and his 'breakup' with Blackbeard allowing him to find his own way in life, realizing he doesn't need a purpose to have value and enjoying his time on the Revenge and the bonds he's made with Stede and the crew. He is, in the words of Ivan, "the most open and available I've ever seen him" by the finale. To take episode 2 as evidence he's suicidal is to erase his whole season of growth, which is an ironic thing to do in the context of these arguments. There's no canon evidence Izzy Hands was suicidal post-'Fun and Games'.
As for 'irresponsible,' once again I say, David Jenkins is not your therapist, he's not 'Dad,' and has no responsibility to tell his story any other way than he intended to tell it. Please find media that gives you what you want or need, and if the death of a fictional character causes you this much distress please seek help. I mean this kindly but seriously.
Killing off Izzy was ableist/bad for disability rep.
I point once again to the rest of the characters, several of which are disabled in varied ways. There are literally multiple other amputee characters specifically. It's not good storytelling to wholly avoid killing off any character that is disabled/queer/poc/female or [insert marginalized group here], especially when a) it makes sense narratively, and b) there's plenty of representation of these groups in the media in question. The answer isn't making such characters invincible and immortal, it's increasing the number of these characters in shows so it's not devastating when some do die in the course of natural storytelling.
OFMD was my comfort show/safe space show, now it's ruined for me
I am not trying to be insensitive here when I say that's a problem that is yours and nobody else's. David Jenkins created this show with a three-season vision and a story in mind, and he is telling that story to the best of his ability the way he wants to. It's already been said that he and the crew did not anticipate the fandom becoming as large and passionate as it has. The plot of the show was never intended to be 'fan service,' and it's ironic that there were people complaining this season that there's been too many fanservice tropes, up until David and the rest of the writers room made a narrative decision they did not like, then the complaints changed to not coddling the fans enough.
We as viewers can derive joy from this show, it can be a comfort to us, it can be important to us. But it was not designed specifically for that purpose, therefore it cannot fail in that respect. We do not have the right to harass writers for not steering the ship in the direction we want - it's their work of art, and we can choose to either come along for the ride or not. It's rare to see creators actually given the chance to tell their story the way they intend (budget cuts aside), so let him do that. He should not cater to fans, or cave and change the story to appease us. Respect his right to create his art, and remember you have the right to create your own. That's what fanfiction is for - write fix-its to your heart's content, but keep these realms separate. David Jenkins and Co hold zero, and I mean zero, responsibility to you. He could not please everyone no matter what he did, it would be fruitless to try, and it would certainly compromise the quality of the story he set out to tell.
You are absolutely allowed to dislike choices made in any show. Curate your media experience. If this show no longer brings you joy, stop watching. But it was never David's purpose nor responsibility to juggle the mental health of millions of fans. Trying to put that on him will only make him less enthusiastic about interacting with fans or continuing to make this show. This isn't rocket science. You're responsible for yourself, not this guy you call 'Dad' that you've developed a parasocial-therapist relationship with.
Izzy should have become captain of the Revenge.
Really?? Firstly, we did actually get that already in s1. He was tyrannical and the crew mutinied. But even if you think 'well after his character arc he'd be better suited to it,' it goes against the point of this arc. He's found value in not having a distinct role or purpose on the ship, decoupling his worth from the job he's expected to perform. He's found his place amongst the crew, not commanding it. There's no narrative reason to put him in charge when he's expressed no further interest in slotting himself back into a role full of pressure and expectations.
Con O'Neill was only told halfway through filming, it's cruel to just kill off the character he loves so much.
Guys, he's an actor. More than that, an actor with a theater background. I think he's used to characters dying. You don't need to look out for him. Con and David spoke one on one about it at length so they were on the same page, and David even said that Con took it well. I'm sure Con had input, just as other members of the cast have influenced their characters' stories, costumes, backstories, etc. Do you really think David Jenkins hurt Con's feelings or something? The writers (remember, it's not just David, it's a whole team of hard-working people coming up with these ideas) gave Con such a chance to shine this season, really developing Izzy beyond what he was given in s1 and letting Con show off his full acting range. Why are you only focusing on the destination rather than the journey? Sure, Con's probably sad to see Izzy go, but please do not project your distress onto him or try and accuse David & Co of being 'cruel' to their cast. That's really ridiculous. It's constantly evident how close they all are.
More importantly, do you actually, seriously think that Con O'Neill would want fans to harass each other or the writers over his character? The man who preaches being kind above all? There is no better way to make an actor uncomfortable about a show and its fanbase than to start treating fictional characters like they're more important than real people. He would not want you to bully people over Izzy Hands, and it's mind-boggling that some of you have convinced yourself otherwise.
Lastly, I just want to talk about the fact that some people are holding OFMD to absurdly high expectations.
Our Flag Means Death has been a pioneer series for its diverse representation, earnest storytelling, and themes of hope, community, and love. It's fine to discuss aspects of the show with a critical eye, but so much of the discourse has truly felt like folks are trying to find fault in a show that is leagues ahead of the average tv series that we still enjoy. How many fan favorites are killed off all the time? How many plotlines are scrapped, or drawn out without closure, or contradicted the very next season? How many shows are indifferent or actively hostile towards their fanbase? How many have any queer characters, or actually do bury them? The bar's so low, and OFMD has risen above to give us so much. Some are holding the show to astronomical expectations, waiting for it to fall from the pedestal it's been placed on. If something you don't like happens in the show, it's not suddenly ruined or demoted to being ~just as bad as those other shows~. Give them some breathing room, have some perspective on how progressive the show is, and that perfection is impossible, especially meeting every single viewer's idea of it. This is basically a repeat of the recent Good Omens drama, with an absurd number of people harassing Neil Gaiman for breaking up Aziraphale and Crowley and leaving the second of three acts on a very predictable cliffhanger. Let stories be told, let them unfold as they may, and you are free to leave anytime. It's so wonderful that more queer love stories are becoming popular and even mainstream, but let's not shoot ourselves in the foot by tearing them down when they don't go exactly the way you want it, which often seems to mean no drama, no character deaths, and therefore no conflict or even plot!
Just, please be civil human beings, and while this seems to be a difficult thing for so many fandoms to do, just keep your fan opinions in the fan space. Never bring your grievances to the writers, never bully them and persecute them for telling a story that you opted into viewing. That's something that goes entirely against everything this show, and this cast and crew, have imparted onto us - the importance of kindness, support, community, and love. I'll say it again because it bears repeating: the fate of a fictional character is never more important than how you treat real people. Just be kind in real life, which includes the internet. Thanks.
Now please, let's work together to ensure we get a season 3. There's so much more story to be told, and if you want to see Izzy back, whether that's as flashbacks, as a ghost haunting the inn, or in the gravy basket, we'll need more episodes! #RenewAsACrew
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the-magpie-archives · 2 years
You see, Martin says 'I grieved for you' to Jon, but this doesn't do justice for just what he would have gone through.
As most people know, having a loved one in hospital is horrible, but Jon's case is an entirely different thing. Assuming Jon was initially taken to a hospital in Great Yarmouth, it would've taken Martin a while to get there, even if he left right away. He might have missed Jon's emergency treatment, but he certainly didn't miss the worst of it.
Many people assume that CPR is a quick, simple, lifesaving procedure, it is not. Jon was found not breathing, and without a pulse, so he would have had at least 20 minutes straight of CPR, and that messes up a body. On a person as weak as Jon it would badly break ribs, and cause a lot of bruising. Even if Martin didn't have to watch Jon's chest be crushed to no avail, that type of damage is often visible.
I don't know if you've ever seen a dead body, but it's different to an unconscious one in every way. Jon of course, was not dead, but he would absolutely look it. As I'm sure you know, blood being pumped is what keeps the body warm, and breathing accounts for a large part of what we perceive as living, so the absence of both of these, especially in a loved one, is jarring, and likely to send anyone into shock
In lots of TV shows you see doctors calling deaths, but in reality it's actually quite a difficult thing to diagnose. It's not a quick check of the pulse and you're done, there's a lot of tests; there are many conditions that can look like death. In Jon's case his mind and nerves were still active, meaning it would have been picked up on fairly quickly, but Jon would have been assumed dead until these tests were completed.
The thing with a case like this, is there's nothing the doctors can feasibly do; as Elias says, it's an unknown quantity. The most likely course of action would be to make him as comfortable as possible, and redo the death checks every so often. There would be no hope for his recovery, but legally the hospital would have to do this, and would be able to offer very little comfort.
Although of course you want your loved one to survive, many family members of coma patients confess to hoping that they'd just die. The limbo of waiting is impossible to process, and having them there but having no way to communicate with them can be excruciating. There's no way to properly grieve for someone if you always have it in the back of your mind that they could wake up.
Giving up on someone like that is terribly and awfully painful. You can tell them you're sorry all you want, but you'll always be thinking about how they'd have wanted you to stay. Having to create both sides of an interaction like that when truly you're in control of neither is simply impossible to recover from.
Every action Martin took after Jon's death was justified, logical, even. To succumb to the lonely after leaving the man you love, sentencing him to die alone?
It feels right.
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clownpalette · 6 months
You have to move on!
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Fr revenge's tears is like the goriest story I have 💀💀 (spoiler) everyone dies at the end-
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steveshairychest · 10 months
It's the apocalypse.
It's the goddamn world splitting apart apocalypse and instead of freaking out like he should be, Steve's standing in front of his bedroom mirror trying to pick an appropriate outfit to visit his friend in the hospital.
The polo shirt is too casual and the sweatshirt is too colourful. And the plain t-shirt says that he doesn't care, but the button-up says he cares too much. He sighs and nervously runs a hand through his messy, grown out hair. It's been three months after all. Three months of mourning and wallowing in his own self hate and blame.
Only for it all to be for nothing because the person he's been grieving is apparently alive.
According to the nurse who called him at exactly 8:30am, he's just woken up from a medical induced coma and he's in the hospital just down the road from Steve's house. She said it so casually as well, like she was informing Steve that it was going to rain tomorrow. She had no idea what to do when he started crying hysterically on the phone.
And now here he is, stressed and flustered standing in front of a mirror because all Steve can think about is making a good first impression. He doesn't understand why, doesn't understand why he's not asking himself how this is possible, how someone he had felt die in his arms is apparently alive and well three months later. There are so many things he should be thinking about and questions he should be asking, but instead, the only thing he can think about is looking nice for his friend who has literally just woken up from a coma.
But he doesn't have time to unpack that.
That's for later; just like the apocalypse, which he pointedly ignores on his way to the makeshift hospital. The cracks that run through Hawkins are quite literally the last thing on his mind right now.
All he can think about is Eddie, who is alive and breathing, who will look at Steve's very carefully picked outfit and probably say something smartass-y and slightly mean, but Steve doesn't care. He needs that right now. He needs the witty jokes and crooked smile. He needs something to replace the lifeless eyes and blood-stained lips from his memory. He needs to know that this is real. That the phone call from the hospital wasn't a dream.
He needs to know that this isn't vecna toying with him.
"I'm here to see Eddie Munson." The words sound jumbled and unreal to his ears. He hasn't said Eddie's name out loud for months. Just the sound of his name would bring him to tears and remind him that he failed, that he is useless at his role as the protector; the shield.
When the nurses don't look at him like he's crazy, like he's lost his mind, and when they actually walk him down the crowded hall to a room marked with the number 27, that's when Steve realises this is real. This is happening.
Because laying there tucked into the all white sheets and hooked up to countless leads, is Eddie fucking Munson.
And he's smiling at Steve weakly, but it's the most beautiful smile Steve has seen in months.
"Hey, Harrington."
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messiahzzz · 1 month
going through the files once more and...
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player: if this is truly what you want... gale: what i want is a life i could share with you, but alas... knowing you're still out there will suffice for now.
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player: it's a heavy burden, yes - but one you're able for. think of the good your sacrifice will do. gale: i am trying. believe me, i am. the path is set and i will not stray from it - even as my heart quakes. gale: i am terrified - i will not claim otherwise. my face could scarcely conceal it even if my words sought to deny it.
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gale: yes... but there is so much to live for, and so few moments in which to house it all. gale: damn you. damn you, for giving me so much to care about. our friends, our adventures... this would've been so much easier if it was just me. but it isn't. gale: if there is a way - any way - to save all that's grown dear to me, i want to seize it. i just cannot fathom what that might be, other than to fail mystra and condemn the world.
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gale: i fear mine is a dream for another life. but a fine one nonetheless.
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gale: i thought i made my feelings plain - i do not want to take that step. not anymore. player: you're certain you won't reconsider? gale: you make it sound like such a small thing. no - i do not wish to die.
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player: you would rather end your own life than trust the emperor with the stones? gale: do not mistake me - i want to live. but i've been careless enough with my life in the past. i can hardly stand by and watch you sacrifice yours.
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withers: who flickers there 'twixt the shadows? gale, who didst surrender his very self for the salvation of faerun. withers: tell me, gale, how doth thee weigh thy sacrifice, now it hath been made? player[gale]: i didn't want to die, but i couldn't see any other way... player[gale]: one wizard for the whole of faerun seems like a fair trade to me. withers: it is time thou learnest to value thyself truly. thy sacrifice weighs greatly on those thou left behind, as it doth in this place.
i can’t help but once again be reminded of the ign interview they published at the end of last year. that contained the devs proudly claiming that pushing gale to sacrifice himself is “the right ending in many ways”
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frownyalfred · 4 months
a what-if scenario, as proposed by @lurkinglurkerwholurks and developed by myself, @audreycritter and lurker over on discord.
The original what-if: You know those delightful scenarios where Bruce is so pressed or scared or in danger that he yells for Superman and Clark POOF appears? Take alllllllllll of those, all that fear and pain and desperation...What would be required in that moment for Bruce to yell Clark’s name instead of Superman?
He’s so so so careful. Would it be an extreme amount of those emotions, like Jason’s death? Or is it something he specifically needs Clark for and needs him NOW? Like how much would that scare the living snot out of Clark to hear?
What if: Bruce finds Lois close to death -- maybe a few seconds away from dying, and it's a sure thing. Her heart is still beating, but she doesn't have long.
It’s kind of like a scene in a movie, where something happens that’s so big, so quietly awful, everything slows down and the rules don’t matter anymore. Internally, Bruce would go really still and hyperfocus to figure out how to fix this, but he’s not stupid.
Bruce sees Lois and knows. He clears the comms, kneels down next to her, and calls for Clark -- all in less than five seconds. Because there's no one else to make those snap judgements right now other than him -- or even knows why they need to be made.
Clark hearing his name shouted like that would make his entire world go staticky with panic. Because hearing Superman’s name shouted like that by Bruce Wayne has always meant the end of the world, and somehow this is so much worse.
He’d hesitate for a second because surely it’s a mistake? Why would Bruce call him that on open comms? Why is Bruce's heart suddenly pounding in his chest?
Bruce calls him Clark for two reasons: 1) Because he's about to give Clark the worst news of his life and 2) to remind him of his humanity. To remind him he's Clark at his core, because what he's about to see will shake those very foundations.
There’s nothing they can do. No medevac, Clark can’t take her anywhere. She will die, and it’s a certain thing. Lois just needs to see Clark. She needs to be able to say goodbye.
Bruce is both their friends and that’s what makes it worse. The weight of that grief -- grief for Clark, but also Lois because she is his friend too. He loves her, too, in a completely different way. And now he’s watching another person he loves die in front of him and he can’t stop it.
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Warning: Depictions of character death
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[Image Description: A 4 panel colored Legend of Zelda AU comic  “Linked Spirit”. Panel 1: The Darknut's head is turned to the viewer, one eye and a splash of the dark purple ooze pouring out of the visor space. "HA ha ha I see you now" it says. Panel 2: Hero's Spirit, appearing as breath of the wild Link, looks disturbed and wide eyed. "Malice." Panel 3: The background turns black, and Hero, back in their green tunic, looks up at the Malice's giant yellow eye looming over them. "Killing the Hero again and again clearly doesn't work." It says "You must be destroyed" ('destroyed' is italic and bold). Panel 4: A glowing teal wheel with clipped scenes in each of in the 6 segments, each Link in the segments are colored in the same tunic colors as when Hero is shapeshifted as them. Hero's Spirit is in the center, curled up and clutching their hair. Their face looks fractured and generally featureless. The 1st segment features a hand reaching toward a blue ocarina, with Beast Ganon's hoof in front of it. 2nd segment Rinku is seen from behind a hand hovering over a headstone with the name "Link" in Hylian on it. 3rd Rinku sinking in water, indicated by small bubbles. 4th: Engineer sprawled on the ground, the pan flute in one hand, the Spirit of Healing hovering over him. Maladus's clawed paw beyond him. 5th: Hope hovering over his own body as a spirit 6th: Breath of the Wild Zelda (Bloom) holding onto Glider like within the Final Memory in botw. Under this segment, a ribbon like line turns into a glowing droplet. End ID]
smh time travel makes the order of events so confusing sometimes huh?
First- Previous (30) - 31^ - Next (32)
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ladykailitha · 7 months
Grief (A Friend Indeed) Part 7
And now you see why I waited until I had this part written before posting the last one? That was one hell of a cliffhanger. Also everyone gets a dig at Al in this. It's family bonding event. But Steve has the best burn I think.
Just a heads up, Steve talks about being abused...heads up if that's a trigger for you.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Steve placed his hand on Eddie’s back the second he felt his friend stiffen next to him.
“Deep breath, Eds,” he murmured. “There is nothing he can say to you that I will let him get away with, okay? Deep breath. Let me and Wayne handle this.”
Eddie let out a deep breath. “Just careful, Stevie. He’s been known to charm snakes out of their skin.”
Steve’s jaw clenched. So that’s the kind of man he was. He knew that kind of man intimately. His own father was like that. He knew what to watch for now that he had been forewarned.
He plastered a solemn expression on his face, that to everyone who didn’t know him well enough would think sincere, but to Eddie and Wayne, they could see the hard set line of his jaw as he kept one eye on Al and the other on the proceedings.
The funeral wrapped up and everyone lined up to throw dirt on the now lowered coffin. Al tried to get directly behind Eddie, but Steve seamlessly inserted himself between them.
Al bristled but the portly man next to him coughed and he was forced to back down.
Finally the family was all that remained as they all walked back to the church.
The portly man stuck to Al like glue and Steve felt a sudden warmth for the boys in blue at that moment. Because he was pretty sure that even though Al Munson had been granted a furlough, someone was paying to keep that man on a short leash.
The family and a small handful of friends arranged themselves on the pews and waited.
It wasn’t too long until a funny little man with thick bottled glasses came hurrying in.
“I’m sorry Mrs Nelson,” he twittered to Penny. “I had a hard time getting to the church.”
Penny just nodded. “It’s all right Mr Mulbury, you’re here now, that’s all that matters.”
He walked up the pulpit and put his briefcase on it. He pulled out a piece of paper of it and then walked back around the pulpit, leaving the briefcase where it was.
“Ehhm,” Mr Mulbury coughed. “The last will and testament of Gina Munson goes as follows...”
He read it out, people getting little trinkets and things that were meaningful to them, instructions on what to do with her clothes and other things that wouldn’t be given to friends or family.
And then it came time to divide up her meager savings. “My savings of five thousand dollars will be divided three ways. To Penny, you get a thousand to repair that lovely house of yours. I know you didn’t want anything, but use it for your family, dearest girl. Love you all the best.”
Penny laughed a watery little chuckle. She shook her head fondly.
“To Wayne, you get two thousand dollars to finally get that motor home you always wanted. When the time is right, retire and see the world like you always dreamed of. See the stars, my beautiful boy. You deserve stars.”
Wayne teared up, coming down in rivers down his face. Both Steve and Eddie hugged him tight.
“To Allen, who had squandered every good thing he every had, his loving wife, his devoted son, his talents and his good sense, you get nothing. You deserve nothing. If you are here to hear this, I hope it is because the state of Texas deemed it so, and not because you have been set loose again on the world.”
There was a gasp from those gathered and they descended into harsh whispers as they wondered aloud who got the remaining two thousand dollars.
Mr Mulbury cleared his throat. “Instead the remaining two thousand will be given to your son, Edward. Through your actions that boy has suffered so, and because of your actions he will receive not only the money, but all my love as well. Live your dreams, Eddie. Be that star for your uncle. Shine brighter then even that of Polaris. Butterfly kisses into the sunset, darling boy.”
Now Eddie was crying too. Two thousand wouldn’t get him far, but it could get him started. He raised a shaking hand to his quivering lips. Steve grabbed his shoulder and squeezed it.
Eddie looked over and Steve mouthed, “you deserve it.”
He nodded back.
Finally there were some other little things to be wrapped up in the will and then it was all over.
Everyone stood and Steve looked over at Al for the first time since they entered the church. The man had a smile plastered on his face that sent chills down Steve’s spine. Whenever his father wore that expression it meant trouble for someone, usually Steve.
They mingled for a bit, waiting until Penny’s friend came back to tell her that dinner was ready for them. Penny, Wayne, Steve, and Eddie all clustered together while everyone else gathered in other groups.
People were coming up and telling Eddie how much he deserved the money and how much his grandmother loved him. It made Steve puff out his chest in pride.
Finally Al came over and all four of them stiffened.
“Eddie, my boy!” Al greeted warmly. “You’ve grown so much since I last saw you. You’re spitting image of your old man.” He lifted a handcuffed hand with a jaunty little wave. “I’d hug ya, but I’m on a bit of a leash.”
Penny bristled. “I paid good money for that leash, I’m glad to see it working.”
The men turned to her in shock.
“Did you know,” she said through gritted teeth, “that the state of Texas was going to let him come to the funeral without a guard to make sure he didn’t escape? And that you actually have to pay for that service?”
Al grinned. “Ah...Penny-elle-oh-pee, you shouldn’t have.” His voice dropped low and menacing. “You really shouldn’t have.”
The portly man nudged him with his elbow. Al straightened up, his charming mask firmly in place.
Wayne shook his head. “Al, Al, Al...you never did know when to fold and when to call.”
Al turned to his brother for the first time. “Big brother always watching out for everyone and never getting ahead. How much they pay you at that workhouse? You know the one, the one that took Dad’s life?”
Wayne grinned. “Pretty good considering we union’ed up about five years ago. Which would have known if you actually read any of the letters I sent you. Just like you would have known about what Eddie looks like now...”
Steve hurried to cover his snort, but Al whipped his head his direction.
“And who the hell are you?”
Steve eyed him with a raised eyebrow. “Steve Harrington, my mother is Sophia Kincade, of the Lexington Kincades and a good friend of your son’s.”
Al turned to Penny. “Why he is here with family?”
Wayne bristled. “This is the boy that saved your son during that major earthquake we had earlier this year. Another thing you’d know if you’d read my damn letters. He deserves to be here just as much as you if not more so.”
Just then Penny’s friend came in and told them that dinner was ready for the family.
Al ran his tongue over his teeth and grinned. “Hey, Bernie, how much time have we got?”
The portly man looked at his watch. “We’ve got about an hour before we have to leave to catch our flight.”
Penny furrowed her brow but knew she couldn’t deny him dinner as much as it grated.
The friends that had been at the reading made their goodbyes and soon everyone else was filing into cars.
Penny and her family in her blue Chevy, Steve, Eddie and Wayne in his BMW, and Al and Bernie in an unmarked Crown Vic.
They get to the house and the scents of a home cooked meal waft from the open front door.
They all go sit down at the table, Danny and Wayne pulling out two more chairs for their unwelcomed guests.
Steve was disappointed to see that not only was there enough food to feed Al and Bernie, but that there was enough food to feed a fucking army.
Penny’s friend’s name is Lucy and her daughter Beth is one of Lauren’s friends, too. They’re both blonde with bright blue eyes and curvy bodies.
They are bustling around the table making sure everyone has enough food.
About half way through dinner Al speaks up. “So you still playing that guitar of yours, Ed?”
Eddie stiffened. “I’ve got a red NJ Warlock that I play now.”
“Ooh...fancy,” Al whistled. “You steal it?”
Lauren and Wayne bristled, but Eddie scoffed. “No, but I did steal an RV once while on the run wanted for murder, but they were a bunch of pricks anyway.”
Wayne and Steve stifled a laugh while the rest of the family looked as though they weren’t sure if he was telling the truth or not.
“Cleared of all charges,” Steve added with a sly smile. “Court ruled it extenuating circumstances.”
It was Eddie’s turn to hide his smile in his napkin.
Al’s mood darkened. He didn’t like being out of the inside joke. “You gonna do anything with the talent I gave ya, teaching you how to play on that beat up ‘ole six string?”
This time Eddie rankled. How dare AL imply that he had anything to do with his ability to play guitar? As if the real reason wasn’t sitting right there at the table.
Steve put his hand on Eddie’s shoulder, calming him.
“Was that before or after you taught him how to hotwire a car?” he asked, faux innocence.
Al sputtered.
“See, I always got the impression,” Steve continued, “that instead of teaching Eddie how to play guitar or throw a ball you were too busy trying to make sure your son followed in your footsteps straight into the penitentiary.”
Eddie’s eyes went wide with barely contained glee.
“While Wayne on the other hand,” he said scratching his temple, “was working hard to put on the table, get Eddie through school, and give him the best life he could given the hand you dealt both of them. Now, I’m just some outsider, but I know what it’s like to have a shit dad.”
The room was stock still. Steve didn’t think that they were even breathing at this point, but he pressed on.
“Didn’t fit into the box he built? He hit me. Didn’t get captain my sophomore year, something that had never been done ever? He hit me. Didn’t date the right girl? He hit me. Ditched my asshole friends? He hit me. Now, I don’t know if you’re cut from the same cloth or not. I don’t give a fuck. But you tell another lie like that one to these honest folk, and Officer Bernie here will be taking you back to Texas in a body bag.”
Al jumped to his feet, but before he could even twitch Steve’s direction Bernie whipped out a taser and zapped him with it. Soon he was doing a different kind of twitching.
On the floor.
Bernie began clapping and soon everyone else was too.
Steve blushed. “To think I could have been like that asshole if it wasn’t for getting some sense knocked into me by people who actually gave a damn. I’m sorry he ruined dinner.”
Penny scoffed. “Dinner isn’t ruined. Wayne, Danny please help the kind officer take out the trash.”
Officer Bernie chuckled. “Much appreciated, ma’am.”
Wayne and Danny stood up and helped him take Al back into the Crown Vic.
Wayne went through and made sure that Al didn’t steal anything or had anything that might be a danger to the good officer. He never had trusted Al, even as kids and he sure the hell wasn’t going to start now.
Soon the officer was on his way and the family sat down to eat the dinner that was so wonderfully prepared in peace. Like Gina had always intended.
Wayne smiled at Steve. He was proud of how he had stood up to Al for his boy.
Pt 8|Pt 9|Pt 10|Pt 11|Pt 12
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alchemicaladarna · 3 months
Pomme knows her dad is dead.
Even after her and Tallulah's conversation last night, where it seemed like she's just been in denial this whole time, I don't think she was in denial for this long.
qBad's death has been a slow buildup these past couple of months and Pomme and Dapper have definitely seen the memory loss and the coughing first hand. They've seen the infection and they've seen the radiation. They've seen how much sicker their dad is becoming every day, which is why Pomme made the medicine in the first place. She tried to help, but I think some part of her knew it wasn't enough.
This all culminated in Sweet Despair, when qBad was the worst he's ever been- constantly forgetting who Pomme was, coughing way more often and just being super exhausted and weak in general. I think Pomme knew her dad was going to die that day because I was rewatching the vod, and when qBad said he wanted to visit qMax, Pomme said:
"I don't think I can visit him today...it would imply that I will be dead too.
Pomme knew her dad was very close to death, but I think the cruelest part of that day was the fact that qBad kept implying there would be a tomorrow. "We'll go on adventures tomorrow!" "Remind me to tell you something tomorrow" "I will see you tomorrow".
But tomorrow never came.
And yet, Pomme still holds out hope that her dad will come back the next day because he, and now Tallulah have told her to never lose hope, and of course he's coming back- he has to, right? He's not dead...he just disappeared.
But if he's not dead then why is he missing in the first place? QBad would never leave his kids alone like this. If he's not dead, then why are the ghosties just casually following her and Dapper around when they've never been given this much freedom to roam around before? All the clues are adding up and it's just stewing into these sinking feelings of dread and despair because there is no tomorrow, there was never a tomorrow-
But her dad and Tallulah told her to not lose hope. And I'm afraid Pomme will just hold on to that sliver of hope unless there is clear evidence that says otherwise. Which is why finding qBad's body is so significant.
I know it seems cruel to hope for a child to find their father's decaying corpse, but it's a form of mercy, in my opinion. At least then, she's not left wondering about where her dad is, or what happened to him. At least then she can have closure and start to grieve instead of not knowing at all.
Pomme's denial comes from hope. And while it's good to have hope, it can also be bittersweet because it stops you from facing the truth. And sometimes confronting the truth is what you must do to find the courage to move on, grieve, and do the next right thing.
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Two living homies and a dead one
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desultory-novice · 28 days
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how [D]are you
die die [D]ie die
justifiable ***ci[D]e
A while ago, the discussion of an "Ending D" (aka, everyone dies ending) for Apologies came up. I sketched this many months back and randomly got the inspiration to try and finish it tonight. (Maybe, just maybe I needed to relieve stress with some dark art...)
The concept behind this ending is that Adeleine returns early, in time to see Dark Matter Swordsman at the height of the invasion, recognizes Noir within him, tries and fails to get through to him only to die by his emotionless blade, much to the horror of Dedede, Kirby, and the others. But before they have a chance to do something about it, the Swordman's Blade almost instantly turns on him and does the job itself, guided by ghostly, grieving hands...
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