#Those Damn Flowers
yourlunarspice · 8 months
Hope your day is going well!! 💫
For the fanfiction ask game, for any fic(s) of your choose for these questions!!
9: Were there any alternate versions of this fic?
11: What do you like best about this fic?
Hi Kiya! My day's going alright, thanks for asking!
I'll be honest, it's so hard for me to choose! I think I'm going to go with my very first bnha fic, Those Damn Flowers; one of my most successful fics, Heaven And Earth Between Us; and one that I love dearly, Songbird.
It goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway: there are major spoilers for all three of those fics ahead, as well as for Danganronpa (in general) and my fic series Pit Of Vipers.
9. Were there any alternate versions of this fic?
For Those Damn Flowers, I was at a bit of a crossroads at one point. I'm fairly certain it was around Chapter 14 or so. I wasn't sure whether to give Shouta his old memories back or let him focus on making new memories with Hizashi. I brainstormed for both, but ultimately decided to just give Shouta his old memories back all at once (also, because I was kinda running out of steam in writing that fic, lol).
Writing Heaven And Earth Between Us was fairly linear, if I remember correctly. While the gods may have had some (i.e., a lot) of angst over the length of the story, there was never a doubt in my mind that it would end well for them. I think the only thing I was going back and forth over was Monoma's death, but even that was short-lived.
I remember wondering if I should really go through with killing off literally every main character in the story. I kept going back and forth, because Hizashi is supposed to be good, so why would he kill the other three? There was a very short alternate ending I thought of, where Hizashi wasn't even thinking of the other three prisoners, and instead just died next to Shouta. This alternate ending would either end with all three of the teenagers dying of starvation or getting rescued but being irreversibly traumatized. I'm glad I ended up with the ending I did, though. I'd recently watched Danganronpa3 (spoilers!) with my boyfriend, and I was sort of equating Nezu's influence to Junko's influence. If someone is tainted by Despair, they need to be cured or killed, and there was no curing what Nezu and his teas did.
11. What do you like best about this fic?
I think Those Damn Flowers will always have a special place in my heart simply because it was my first bnha fic. Sure, the writing is a little clunky in places, but it's special to me. Also, I'd really gotten into hanahaki at the time of writing it, mainly thanks to this art series. I'd read quite a few hanahaki stories at the time, and they were all pretty much the same: person A starts coughing up flowers for person B (and knows why they're coughing up flowers bc everyone knows about hanahaki), A is about to die, B sees the flowers and confesses their love, and thus saves A's life. There's nothing wrong with that, but I wanted to find a fic where nobody knew what was going on and where the person with hanahaki willingly takes the surgery (which is supposed to erase the memories of the other person). I looked, but I couldn't find any, so I just created one.
Heaven And Earth Between Us is one of my favorite fics that I've written. I'll catch myself daydreaming about the universe, thinking about Katsu-Misæ and Toshihiro’Máni's relationship. I've created a playlist of songs for the story that I listen to regularly. I've always said I try to write stories that I would read myself, and this one is no exception. I think it appeals to me so much because it allows my creativity to run wild. I can imagine Katsu-Misæ dipping his toes into a glowing river of magma or Toshihiro’Máni putting his crown on and seeing all the humans' dreams like billions of stars laid out before him. It's such beautiful imagery that it's hard not to think about it when I'm listening to the music.
While Songbird is significantly shorter than Flowers and Heaven, it still feels special to me. I've always loved forced villain stories, especially when the main character is so messed up that they can't even tell what's right anymore. The confusion and inner struggle to piece together his past is what makes 159 eventually break away from Nezu, even after years of his influence. And it was killing Shouta that finally broke his mind enough that he was able to remember. But, I think what I like best about Songbird is its ending. After being dealt a fatal blow, Hizashi lies down next to Shouta's body, holds his hand, and screams to bring the ceiling down on them both. But, instead of pain, Hizashi sees Shouta, is able to embrace him and tell him that he loves him. His body is even smiling serenely when its found. It's a fitting end for both sides of him; 159 is dead once and for all, but he's also able to be with Shouta in the afterlife. I suppose I was going for a more wholesome version of The Venom Of Serpents, The Deadly Poison Of Cobras, where the protagonist kills everyone and then himself. In Songbird, Hizashi was already dying, and he wanted to be with Shouta in his final moments, while in Venom, Hitoshi only killed himself because that was the only way he could kill Viper. Personally, I can't choose which version of the ending I like the best.
From this ask game!
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krembruleed · 4 months
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the gang is all heeeerrreeee
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violent138 · 5 months
Batman keeping a special eye out for idiot reporter Clark Kent, because every time that stupid hayseed from Metropolis is in Gotham he manages to stumble into statistically impossible levels of danger for the time he's there.
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earlgreyscentedgarbage · 11 months
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maybe if things were different
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zeravmeta · 9 months
you need to understand limbo is a sakura so in every way shape form seimei must in essence either be an emiyaface (unfailing hero who saves even the evil) or (more likely to me) a kireiface (obsessed with human evils beyond human virtues). nagiko who is implied to be ashiya doumans student who so unfailingly treats him like hes a human before the beast that he is and murasaki the student of seimei who does not deliver seimeis message to douman and despite the hatred there is also empathy. seimei once saved the human ashiya douman but would there be the same mercy for the alter ego limbo? even worse than mercilessness, there might even be fascination with such an empty curse. murasakis narrator spell having been called a prank by seimei but also existing as something that derives the meaning behind peoples actions and words and then setting her up next to limbo in chaldea, letting her borrow the tsuchigumo, the fascination with horror movies that reveal grotesque sides of humanity, seimei who also once exposed and led tamamo to her death when tamamo was also someone never accepted by humans.
nagiko as a parallel to limbo in being so unfailingly human and full of life -> the fascination with "evil" characters like mephistopheles and the desire to see the humanity within them that they are so clearly crying out to understand-> limbo the programming code/grudge who is so empty and devoid of meaning he cant yet understand but is capable of wanting to take that step even if it would be futile
murasaki who is gloomy and isolated yet holds a genuine love for stories and humans -> reference with holmes who is an arbiter of justice that would sacrifice anything to defeat a great evil like moriarty, someone capable of discerning any truth presented but cannot share it -> seimei the jovial man who may appear bright and happy and human but is far more mechanical and empty than even the grudge which follows him, a fascination with evil born entirely to dismantle it
murasaki who does not have it in her to reveal the truth that while lord seimei may have once save the human ashiya douman, there is no such understanding with the empty curse that yearns not for love but for understanding. a limbo which cannot truly revel in human evils because it does not understand human love.
What vindication was there in the skull that limbo presents you. There was no glory in having killed this animal.
moriarty who was the greatest evil holmes had ever faced not because he was inherently so, but because moriarty determined that in order to complete his work he Has to become evil -> ashiya douman who had become evil not because of a desire for evil but because it was the step needed to possibly surpass seimei. an evil force out of its depth. a butterfly longing for humanity caught in the web of an all knowing spider.
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verndusk · 1 year
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purple hydrangea: a want for deeper understanding
amaryllis: pride, strength and determination
hyssop: protection, health, and sacrifice
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agentcricket-art · 2 years
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repost but now with close-ups!
it’s really fun to flex the ol’ shading and coloring muscles since all i’ve been doing lately is quick doodles and thumbnailing
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thewhizzyhead · 5 months
you know my dudes, with mean girls the musical being a show i willingly go to the trenches for in defending how much I find it genuinely fun even with the objective acknowledgment of its many many flaws, I am genuinely surprised that people,,,are actually fucking liking the movie adaptation of this show,,,and for me that's great cause now I don't have to go through all out war in defense of this silly flawed show and its talented cast members woo a break!
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rakiah · 2 years
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Indulging myself with some glorious boy ✨🔔✨
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neverendingford · 2 months
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(alternative title: photo dump of a midnight desert run)
#photography#Ford's Art#color says shit#it was either go on a twelve mile run or re-download grindr and get absolutely blasted so I went with the more responsible option.#b because damn I'm feeling it tonight. or at least I was before the run. I need to shower and then I'll cook dinner and go to bed satiated.#I did also jerk off under the bridge and then piss on someone's flowers on the way home. gotta get those animal instincts out somehow right?#anyway I've successfully vented most of my manic energy and a cold shower will finish it off and then we're good.#the mood meds have been helping a lot. last time I got hit with this kind of a mood I came out of it with huge bite marks and chlamydia.#and I haven't been feeling it nearly as bad this time so that's nice. more like a restless dog and less like a caged wolf thirsty for blood.#yes I'm making references to Call of the Wild again deal with it.#anyway sorry to anyone who sees this from the tags and not because you follow me. you didn't sign up for this lmao.#also. this is why I can't be a binary trans woman. this night photography shit is the most gay-man thing ever and I enjoy it.#I was doing it before my last boyfriend but he got me even more into it.#anyway bye I'm gonna go shower and then eat food. I've been hungrier more recently.#between the meds and the hrt my appetite is bigger and I'm gaining weight with the hrt fat redistribution which is cool and good.#I want to be a healthy weight and maybe even a lil chonky? we'll see we'll see.
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forestofsprites · 9 months
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skyelights-xox · 1 year
So can the petals falling off the flower bouquet at the end of the episode be a symbol for Stolas falling out of love/fully giving up hope or am I just a pessimist
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Hello hello
I hope you're having a nice day ❤️
Can I please ask for some relationship hcs with furu, under what circumstances you think he would fall for someone, what the further relationship would look like etc. I'm in a fluffy mood so please, include some cute content (I mean, as cute as it can get with him, it can have unsettling undertones haha).
Please save me from the torment of not being able to accept any other way of writing him than yours.
Thank you in advance 🦭
i reckon the best route for him to meet someone, fall for them and vice verse, and have a good relationship would be if he met them outside of school/uni
someone who knows him only as “man who tuts as he walks past the florist because he doesn’t think they’re looking after their gardenia optimally” or “quiet, but always very polite, customer at the library who only ever checks out cookbooks on baking and the most gruesome thrillers and neo noir”
you consider him quirky but kind
and the more you get to know him, the more that becomes quirky, kind, and surprisingly funny on the rare occasions he makes a joke, always deadpan. and then quirky, kind, funny, and even more surprisingly thoughtful and considerate when he catches you on a bad day. 
basically, furu’s one of the good ones.  
i feel like the relationship would stay platonic for a long while
furu doesn’t have much interest in pushing it into becoming romantic - as much as he does like you, he’d much rather continue having someone to talk to, especially when that someone’s you, than risk it all by taking the relationship in a different direction
you’d have to be the one to make the first move
even when you do, a lot stays the same
you’re still two pals sat at a cafe discussing the state of affairs, what books you’ve been reading recently, what recipes furu recommends for an amateur baker, coming up with plans for how the two of you are going to kidnap the florist and hold them ransom as revenge for the gardenias they keep killing 
furu’s not a pda type, nor is he touchy-feely. even something like holding hands won’t be common in the relationship, especially not when in public. 
the big tell that you’re his no1 is how much more talkative he is with you, and how much more aware he is of your emotions, compared to those of others
i’ve probably brought this up on other furu hc posts, but furu’s love language is 100% gifts/acts of service
bringing you your own flowers (in a pot, with strict instructions on their care), baking you bread and sweets (and then going on a tangent about how bad the processed stuff people buy in stores is for the body), and so on
he might sound like a real pain at times, but he means well
he’s basically like gokushufudou’s main character: 50% organised crime, 50% threatening people’s lives and polishing knives, and 100% about taking care of his s/o
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chalkscrub · 9 months
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linocutting baybeee. when you are too lazy to spend ten minutes searching for a royalty free wallpaper pattern, so instead you spend hours designing and carving your own pattern from scratch with lino. only the smartest and most time-effective solutions from the chalkrub corporation
also featuring some demon fellas in the works
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nsfwitchy2 · 1 month
Spent a hot minute sniffing around the salon like a dog because something smelled NASTY before realizing that what I was smelling was just. The outside. The door is open and the outside smells very bad this morning.
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