#This year bought out the lesbian in me even more than before
sunevphoria · 1 year
Can we talk about how Eurovision 2023 is just a full on "feed the sapphics" year?
Yeah yeah, you have peeps simping for Käärijä, Bojan and the other boys, BUT THIS EUROVISION ROUNDUP IS FOR THE SAPPHICS UGH!!!!!
Loreen? Hell yeah.
Alessandra? She's close to my age and likes girls, I think we'll be buddies.
The girlies from Vesna? YES, ESPECIALLY PATRICIE.
Teya and Salena? DEFINITELY.
Mae Muller? Literally Slae Muller.
Blanca Paloma? Si, mi madre.
Diljà? I feel like she could lift me rn.
Iru? YES, she's so sweet!
Brunette? She's doing good and looks good.
The Kelmendi girls? Vesa, my beloved...
Mimicat? Just... Perfection.
La Zarra? Well, OBVIOUSLY (pun intended)
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capseycartwright · 2 months
every little thing the sun shows, well it’s worth it
ao3 link
Buck should – he should be freaking out, right? He’d lived thirty-two years of his life without coming close to kissing another man, and it should be making him freak out that tonight, he did – but Buck felt flooded with the oddest sense of calm he’d ever experienced in his life.
He’d kissed a man.
or - after his kiss with Tommy, Buck goes to Hen.
Buck can’t help but bring his hand to his lips as Tommy leaves, fingers brushing gently against where the other man’s lips had been just a few minutes previously.
The other man.
Buck should – he should be freaking out, right? He’d lived thirty-two years of his life without coming close to kissing another man, and it should be making him freak out that tonight, he did – but Buck felt flooded with the oddest sense of calm he’d ever experienced in his life.
He’d kissed a man.
He’d kissed Tommy Kinard.
The giggle escaped his mouth before Buck could even try and contain it, and one turning into a fit of laughter faster than he could control, Buck unable to wipe the smile from his face as he grinned. He’d just kissed Tommy Kinard – and he’d really fucking liked it, actually. It had been different, that much he was certain of – the way Tommy had tugged Buck closer, two fingers under Buck’s chin, purposeful and confident as he responded to Buck’s weak attempts at flirting with a kiss. Tommy had been solid, under his trembling hands, broad and big and nothing like Buck had ever experienced before.
And he’d liked it.
Buck was moving before he could even really think about it, his feet somehow knowing where to take him, on autopilot as he slid behind the wheel of his Jeep, too lost in his own thoughts to realise that the radio had been switched to some criminally bad pop music station (Eddie’s doing, he was sure), the music background noise as he drove, replaying that kiss over, and over, the phantom drag of Tommy’s facial hair against the sensitive skin of his upper lip a feeling he was sure he could come to get very used to, if he was allowed a little more kissing.
Buck was parking up in front of Hen and Karen’s house before he even realised where he was – but, now he was actually thinking about it, he wasn’t sure where else he would have gone, there and then. Hen was – Hen was another big sister, to him, and a lesbian big sister at that, so she was the right place to come in the midst of his –
Buck didn’t want to call it a crisis. He didn’t feel like he was having a crisis. But he was definitely experiencing something – and Hen would understand, he knew.
Knocking softly, so as not to wake up Denny, Buck waited patiently for someone to answer. He hoped Hen would answer. He wasn’t sure if he had the words to explain to Karen that he needed to speak to her wife because he’d kissed a boy for the first time in his life, and he’d liked it.
“Buck?” Hen answered the door with a raised eyebrow.
“Tommy Kinard kissed me,” Buck blurted, because why beat around the bush, right? He might as well dive right into it. “Tommy kissed me,” he repeated, in an effort to sound somewhat less manic. “And I liked it. I wanted him to kiss me.”
Hen’s surprised expression morphed into something softer, and she gestured for Buck to step inside, closing the door softly behind him. Gently – always gentle, because Hen was the gentlest soul Buck had ever known – she sat him down on her couch, bustling around the kitchen for a couple of minutes before she reappeared with a steaming cup of tea.
“Chamomile?” Buck breathed in the familiar smell, knowing that Hen would have added honey – the good one that Karen always bought at the farmers market – the sweetness a familiarity he had come to be grateful for over the years. “No tequila?”
“This is a tea conversation,” Hen replied firmly, sitting next to Buck on the couch. “So. You kissed Tommy.”
“He kissed me,” Buck corrected, because he didn’t want to take credit for the way Tommy had leaned in and kissed him, confident in a way that Buck wasn’t – not yet, at least.
“And you wanted him to?” Hen repeated Buck’s own words back to him, gentle even in the way she pried.
“I didn’t know I wanted him to until he did, if that makes sense,” Buck’s brow furrowed. “I – I didn’t know why I was so jealous, that he was spending so much time with Eddie. I thought I was jealous that he was replacing me in Eddie’s life.”
“But that wasn’t why you were jealous?”
“It was, a bit,” Buck admitted with a grin. Hen laughed, and Buck felt himself getting comfortable, genuinely comfortable. He – he’d never talked to anyone about his sexuality before. An hour ago, he thought he was straight. “But I – I think I was jealous that Tommy wanted to spend time with Eddie, and not me.”
Hen’s smile was soft, her expression new – it was new, he supposed. He was Hen’s annoying straight little brother, deep conversations about queer identity were new territory for them. “Was it a good kiss?”
Buck let out a spluttering breath. “Hen!”
“Oh, come on! You look like you’ve sat down and had a beer with God himself Buck, I’ve got to ask if it was a good kiss.”
Buck had been kissed a lot in his life. He didn’t say that to slut shame himself – that usually earned himself furious glances from Hen, and Eddie – it was the truth: he had been kissed a lot in his life, by people he loved and by people he’d only just met – and kissing Tommy had been nothing like he had ever experienced before.
“It was a good kiss,” he admitted, worrying the corner of his lip, his face burning as he spoke. “It was a really good kiss.”
“It sounds like there’s a but coming,” Hen drawled, taking a long sip of her tea. She knew Buck too well, sometimes. He supposed that was why he came here, to her – he could have gone to Maddie, or Eddie, or Bobby, even, but Hen had been the person he’d come to. He needed to be seen, there and then.
“But – how did I not know? How have I lived thirty something years of my life and not known I’m into guys that way?”
That was the confusing part, Buck had decided – he had never really even questioned his sexuality, shouldn’t he have questioned it long before now? Spent years being tortured with this great big queer secret he was carrying around?
Hen was quiet, for a second, contemplative. “There is no one queer experience,” she began, pausing again. “Some people – they don’t know until they know. There’s no requirement to have your big gay crisis when you’re fifteen, Buck.”
“That’s the thing – I don’t feel like I’m having a crisis,” Buck sighed. “That’s what makes it more confusing.”
At least – at least if he was having a crisis, he might be able to put words to the strange mix of feelings churning in the pit of his stomach, none of them bad, all of them unfamiliar.
“How do you feel?” Hen asked, giving Buck a gentle nudge.
He –
How did he feel?
Buck felt like he was on cloud nine, for one. He was still replaying the kiss with Tommy over, and over, in his head, remembering the way Tommy had lifted Buck’s chin, the way Buck’s heart had thudded to what had felt like a dramatic stop as the other man had moved closer, Buck forgetting how to breathe for a second when Tommy kissed him, soft, and gentle. He was excited, too, thinking about Saturday at eight. What would he wear? Where would Tommy decide to take him? Should Buck offer to pay?
Buck felt – well, he felt like every part of himself he had never understood had clicked into place, the puzzle that made up Evan Buckley finally taking shape and making a picture Buck could see himself in. Buck felt like everything in his life made infinitely more sense now, strange interactions and friendships making more sense as he looked back on his life with queer-tinted glasses, hindsight lifting a haze of confusion he’d carried with him for his entire life.
Buck felt –
“I feel like I can breathe properly, for the first time in my life,” he finally managed, tears rolling down his cheeks before he could even attempt to blink them away. That was the truth of it – Buck felt like he could breathe, his chest free of the strange tightness he’d felt for as long as he could remember. Buck felt like he was free.
Hen’s watery expression reflected his own, her voice gruff with tears as she spoke. “Welcome to the club, Buck,” she smiled, reaching for Buck’s free hand, giving it a tight squeeze. “We’re happy to have you.”
Buck couldn’t help the half sob, half giggle that escaped his throat as he let Hen’s words wash over him. All his life, he’d been searching for a place he belonged, bouncing from job to job, bed to bed, and state to state, all in a desperate search for belonging. He’d found it – mostly – with the 118, but there had always been something that was missing, something he’d never had the words for.
The something was this – queerness. He was a part of a community he knew would fill that missing piece in, colour it in liberation and freedom and wrap him up in something bigger than himself.
Buck leaned into Hen’s embrace, his tea long forgotten on the coffee table, Hen’s warmth more of a comfort than the chamomile could ever be. “I’m so happy to be here,” he replied wetly, Hen’s arms wrapped tightly around him, and, well -
It was the truth. He was happy. Happier than he’d been in a long time. The happiest he’d ever been in his life, maybe. Happy, and free – and bisexual. Evan Buckley was bisexual. A bisexual man who had a date on Saturday, but he’d have time to freak out about that later.
For now, he was going to enjoy the way breathing came easier than it ever had done before.
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alllgator-blood · 1 month
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I have ten billion WIP sketches I need to finish, but for some reason I stayed up from 9 PM to 4 AM conceptualizing, making patterns, sewing, painting and applying makeup on this stupid fucking felt squid......the detailing needs to be cleaned up cause there's only one coat of paint so far, but he's pretty much done
my neighbors probably think I'm insane because I was running around the yard clenching this toy kallamar in a death grip and flying him around like an airplane/putting him in the barbecue/poking him with a stick. I want to tie him to a string and recreate the opening of napoleon dynamite >:) ALSO I MADE HIM SMOKE OUT OF A STUPID CRYSTAL PIPE BUT PLEASE DON'T ACTUALLY USE THOSE, THEY ARE SUPER TOXIC LMAO MINE IS FOR DECORATION
I don't have any process pics because I had tunnel vision autism style and forgot the rest of the universe existed while I was working on him. BUT if you're curious I'll ramble below the cut
Okay I am not a seamstress by any means. I've sewn my entire life but very, very infrequently. I've done plushies, clothes, cosplays, fursuits, accessories, etc. but I only do one like once a year, so while I planned to make all 5 bishops, I'm not really sure I'll get them all done. The material cost was like 20 bucks tops so I'm not too upset if I don't finish them. I AT LEAST WANT TO GET SHAMURA OR HEKET DONE.
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here is the concept sketch ft. heket's toes and shamura's fingers. I decided to do his pre-schism version so I could fit him with jewelry! I did him first because like I said I sew infrequently and don't know wtf I'm doing, everyone else seemed a lot more complicated.
So I basically just traced this drawing on a printer paper-sized canvas in SAI, and guesstimated how everything would look in a 3D space. His head is four pieces, one triangle identical to the one in the picture, two wide triangles that are sewn together in the back, and a circle for his chin. You can't really see it in any of the pics but he's literally like a black cylindrical stick with little tentacles sewn on where his mantle connects to his cloak. The leg tentacles are one piece of felt that look like tassels, where they're connected by a rectangle but branch off into individual pieces. He can't stand up very well, so his cape keeps him up (that's gonna be an issue for every other bishop too except heket cause she's gonna be ROUND). Mostly everything like the crown, cloak, head, etc. are cones so I just had to make a lot of wide triangles.
For the details, I just used acrylic paint that was watered down so he's not especially crunchy, and for the blush tone I used a makeup palette my mom bought me 10 years ago in hopes I'd get in touch with my "feminine side", but I grew up into a nonbinary butch lesbian so OOPS. Kallamar looks better with makeup than me anyway. I'm kinda sad I couldn't get his freckles as lopsided as I draw them but it probably looks better in plush form to have them even anyway....
I could just post the pattern so I don't have to explain this but 1. I am mentally ill about the thought of my kallamar being in someone else's house and 2. the original pattern had to be tweaked while I was working on him so the final pattern straight up doesn't exist, I winged it the whole time
OH and the jewelry is just scrap pieces I had laying around, I might repaint it all to be gold instead of silver + bronze. I used 20g aluminum wire for his armlet thing, jumper rings for his earrings + ring (+ a diamond dot from my mom's kits for the gem) and chain for the bracelet. I made him an amulet as well but it felt like overkill so I took it off. I'm probably gonna make him a plague doctor mask and medicine bag sometime because I think about nurse kallamar more than I probably should :') I've already sewn one as a prop for a toy raven before so it shouldn't be too hard
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valeisaslut · 9 months
the morning is the muse-mdni (+18)
clic to read pt.1!
⚢ pairing: Shane McCutcheon (The L Word, 2004) x Reader 𖥔 ݁ ˖
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ෆ synopsis: after the heated events of the night before, Shane and y/n try to make it pass as a one night thing, but feelings get in the way. It's your turn to realize that Shane is someone quite difficult to avoid 𖥔 ݁ ˖
⭑ word count: 2.12k 𖥔 ݁ ˖
♱ content: smut (nsfw), dom! Shane, sub! reader, oral sex (r!receiving), fingering, cum eating, jealousy, cursing, Shane and y/n are smokers, pet names, etc. MDNI!! 𖥔 ݁ ˖
꒱࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ Hii! first of all, thank you all so so so much for all the support in my first fic! I honestly wrote it more for myself than for it to be popular and i didn't expect all those kind beautiful messages and so many people asking me to write a pt.2! So here it is, I really hope you like it as much as i did. Sorry in advance if there are some misspelling or writing mistakes, english isn't my first language and I will be happy to receive constructive criticism! 𖥔 ݁ ˖
The dim and warm morning light seeped through the curtains of Shane's department, reaching your eyes and waking you from your slumber in a slow manner.
As you languidly opened your eyes, you started scanning your surroundings, not immediately comprehending your present location. However, in a matter of seconds, the flashbacks of the previous night hit you like a bus and a slight blush painted your cheeks.
The first thought of your sleepy head was to make sure of Shane's presence in the bed, so you rolled up to the other side, only to discover her absence.
You looked around the room, slightly confused but not really surprised. It was something that you could expect from a one night stand.
"Shane...?" you mumbled softly, still giving it a chance to dismiss your internal thoughts.
"maybe she just went and expects me to leave before she comes back" your inner voice echoed.
You were only in your panties, so you sat up and stretched your arms, letting out a soft sigh. You were ready to get dressed and start your walk of shame as soon as possible, but a sound coming from the kitchen stopped you in your tracks.
You felt footsteps coming towards the room, so you covered yourself with the sheets again. The door creaked open, revealing Shane's long and slim figure. She had two different colored mugs, one on each of her hands and a cigarette dangled from her lips.
She was wearing only a white tank shirt and black panties, her jet black hair all messy and her eyes were slightly black from the remnants of smudged makeup (that she didn't correctly remove after your shared shower).
Without a doubt, she was the hottest girl you had ever hooked up with.
"hey, you already up" Shane said, with an even deeper than usual morning voice, she came closer to you and offered you the cup "I was making myself coffee and I made some for you too, if you want it"
"oh, thanks" you said as you took the coffee and leaned back on the bed, sipping it and letting out a soft sigh of pleasure "I really needed that, thank you again, you really didn't have to"
Shane looked at you while taking a long drag on her cigarette, the morning light perfectly illuminating your face and your locks with a serene aura. Then her gaze went a little lower, discovering your bare body covered only by the almost sheer sheets.
"my pleasure" she responded to your gratitude with an alluring manner, giving you her very renowned Shane smirk.
You looked down at your cup, chuckling when you realized what was written in it.
"Best. lesbian. ever."
"nice mug you have here" you said, turning it around to show her the quote, making her laugh too "i'm gonna need the address of the place where you got this. immediately"
"I have no idea 'cause I actually didn't bought it" she responds to your request "it was a joke from my friend, she gave me that as a birthday gift last year"
"the quote is true tho" you remarked, still chuckling as Shane drew nearer, giving you a cute peck on the lips. "hell yeah it is" she purred, planting another kiss upon you, her passion and eagerness growing with each passing moment.
You reciprocated with the same initiative, as Shane put out her almost finished cigarette on the ashtray that laid on the nightstand. Both of you left your mugs too, quickly forgetting the coffee.
You sat up on your forearms and Shane crawled up over you, placing one of her hands on the mattress while the other one moved to your nape, deepening the kiss.
You placed your hand on Shane's waist, caressing the soft flesh as her kisses went lower, nibbling upon the sensitive skin of your neck and licking the already dark marks from last night.
Her hands traced lower, softly gripping your breasts and she separated from the kiss to attach her mouth to your nipple, sucking on it and squeezing the other.
She slowly moved towards your legs, her body getting closer until she was on her knees in front of you. As she did that, she gave you a look full of lust, her lips kissing and her hands gripping the supple flesh of your inner thighs.
With each second passing, the dampness in your panties grew more, yearning to be pleased. As a reflex, you attempted to close your legs, but her strong grip kept them firmly in place.
"be a good girl and spread your legs" she deeply whispered, and you complied without complaint. Her voice slightly muffled by her lips grazing your thighs, getting closer and closer to your sensitive spot.
You audibly moaned as her tongue touched the drenched fabric of your undergarments, licking a long stripe and sucking your wetness. Her teeth grasped the waistband of your panties, slowly drawing them down your legs with her mouth.
The sight was absolutely alluring, and turned you into a whimpering mess. Her hands squeezed your flesh once more and her mouth met your bare pussy, eliciting a resounding gasp from your lips.
She began to suck loudly on your clit as your head fell back in ecstasy, your eyes darted shut as you firmly grip her hair.
"Fuck! don't stop" you moan and as if that weren't enough, her deft fingers found their way to your sensitive nipple, teasing and twisting it.
“you like that, baby?” she whispered, her deep voice muffled by your pussy. The room was filled with the sultry wet sounds, causing you to writhe beneath her touch.
“oh god Shane” your moans only seem to heighten her desire, making her more eager, almost pussy drunk. She eats you out like she is a woman starved, and you are her last meal.
A broken "fuck" escaped from your lips the moment when her hot tongue started intercalating between fucking you and flattening against your clit, knowing that it was over for you.
Somehow, she delves her fingers into the mess and the overwhelming stimulation quickly drove you to the edge, making you cum all over her mouth with loud and broken whimpers, one of your hands gripping the sheets and the other roughly pulling Shane's hair.
A shiver courses through your spine when she used her tongue to clean up every last drop of your release, her fingers still inside of you, moving slowly to extend your high as much as possible.
After you calm down from your high, Shane hovered over you and pressed sweet kisses on your open, breathless mouth. She removed her fingers and sucked them clean before helping you pull up your panties again.
"i love the way you taste" Shane whispers in your ear, and you swore you could hear her smirk. You were just about to reply, but you both stopped your movements at the loud sound of knocking on the door.
"cominggg" Shane lazily said, putting on the first pair of pants and socks she found laying on the floor. She walked out of the room and the next thing you heard was the door creaking open.
"hey Shane, sorry to wake you up" a womanly voice says "I just dropped by to ask you if you could give me back my bra from yesterday, it's my favorite"
"oh, hey Laura.. uhh yeah, jus gimme me one second and I'll look for it" you hear Shane say as you felt her footsteps coming near the room.
You can't help being embarrassed, it makes you feel kinda ridiculous laying naked in a bed that yesterday was filled for another girl, so you start putting your clothes on and grabbing one of Shane's cigarettes, lighting it and taking a drag.
"It shouldn't bother me so much. it was just a one time thing. with a stranger. It doesn't mean anything, so why do I feel like this? god im so fucking stupid" your mind echoed while you got dressed as fast as you could.
Shane walked into the room, not even looking at you and just focusing on finding that piece. She opened a drawer and took out a pink, lacy, probably D-cup bra and just walked out. Your mind couldn't find a moment where you had felt more uncomfortable than this.
"found it, there you go" you heard her say "thanks babe, call me later" the girl replied.
"sure.... see you around" Shane responded, and you can quickly feel her closing the door and her steps coming closer again. You took a drag of your cigarette and grabbed your purse.
"hey hey, you are going already?" Shane confusedly leaned on the door frame while you were putting your clothes on, her eyes still lingering at your body.
"um, yeah" you responded while your mind struggled to make an excuse and tried to sound the most unbothered it could. "I forgot I have... a deadline today, so yeah.... i'm out, sorry"
"oh, ok" she said, kinda weirded out by your sudden attitude, but still understanding. You took another long drag, trying to figure out your next words.
"hope I see you around, some of these days" you say as you turn around to put out your cigarette in the ashtray. Your words were genuine, but at the same time you didn't know if you wanted to see her again. Your head was a complete mess.
"yeah, me too" she got closer to caress your check and give you a peck on the lips, smiling at you. You swore you saw her eyes slightly glint, but didn't give it too much importance.
You both said your goodbyes with a bittersweet taste on your mouths and as soon as you were on the elevator, you took out your phone and called your best friend Alice.
"Hey Al, wanna go to the Planet for coffee in like, 10 minutes?"
"so yeah, all that happened" you and Alice were sitting at a small table outside, both with coffees in your hands.
"well, that explains the hickeys all over your neck" she said, pointing out the dark fresh marks decorating your neck and collarbones.
"oh my god, are they THAT obvious?!" you responded covering your neck with your hands, completely embarrassed.
"I noticed them as soon as you walked in, you are gonna have to invest on some good concealer or a scarf" you laughed at her remark, but your laughter stopped the moment you saw Shane walking in.
"fuck, that is the girl I hooked up with last night!" you whispered to Alice, pointing at her under the table and trying to hide your face. Al turned to look at Shane's direction, and then turned again to look at you with wide eyes and a shocked expression.
"Shane?! You arrived from New York one fucking week ago and Shane already fucked you?? this is so fucking ridiculous, its like she has a radar for every girl she hasn't fucked yet!"
"shut up, Al! shit, she's coming, act normal" you said, freaking out.
"hey guys, didn't expect to see you here" Shane said, greeting you with a confused look on her face. Then, her eyes fell to your neck, noticing the dark hickeys and smirking.
"um, yeah... I just decided to grab a quick coffee with my friend on the way, Shane, this is Alice- " you nervously said.
"yeah, I know, we are very close" Shane says "unfortunately" Alice replies.
"well, see you both around, wish you luck with your deadline y/n" she says with a kind of sarcastic tone and turned around to go with Marina, Shane's shot of espresso already in her hand.
"what a tiny and crazy little world" you say, trying to process everything that happened in just an hour.
"crazy, yes.. but not tiny" Alice responds with a smirk on her face, already thinking of linking you to Shane and expanding her board.
clic to read pt.1!
guysss please let me know if you want a part 3 and I will happily write it! I already have a lot of ideas. Hope you enjoyed and I'm very grateful for every repost, like or share you want to give.
(sorry again if there's any spelling or writing mistakes)
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ha1taniwh0re · 9 months
What a night
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Request from @hai-kbai <3
Fandom: Moriarty the patriot
Character:Irene Adler x fem reader
Warning: (dom)Irene, (sub)reader, modern AU, fingering, oral, cum, vibrator, lesbian sex
"Do I have to?" I asked.
"oh come on (name) you need some fun in your life" Alica said.
"Yeah all you do is work let someone do you babe" Bella said.
"Ugh alright" I said.
"Okey so we know you don't have any club clothes so we bought some for you" Bella said and showed me bag.
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(outfit1-you, outfit2-irene)
"Amm are you sure about this?" I asked.
"OMG YOU LOOK SO SEXY" Alice said.
"We are getting free drinks tonight" Bella said.
After we finished our makeup and everything we went to some fancy club. When you are women you can go everywhere even some rich private club. When we got inside I already knew I won't like it there.
/two hours later/
"Can we go now?" I asked.
"Noo it's fun babe" Bella said.
I rolled my eyes and than I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. I looked to left to see who is the person and I saw a boy maybe a year or two older than me.
"My boss called you to VIP room" he said and showed to VIP room.
I looked up and saw a blonde man in suit with glass of wine in his hand smiling at me and waving. I gave him wave and fake smile.
"Im sorry but Im with my two friends I can't leave them"
"He said that you can bring them too"
"We are going for sure, lead us to door" Alice said.
I didn't get a chance to say something because they dragged me to VIP room. When we entered that boy didn't enter with us but we met with other people. There was big sofa and there were 3 man and... 1 women?
"Hii there" a blonde man from before said with smile.
"We appreciate your offer for this but we should get home you know" I said with scared smile.
I heard someone laughing. It was that women.
"Relax love, we called you here to chat and have fun nothing more. It's not what you think, but if you want that we can figure something out" she said and looked at me from bottom to top.
I felt my cheeks burning.
"Irene don't scare her more" a brunette man said.
She smiled at me and went to pure more wine.
"Hi my name is Albert, this two blondes are my younger brothers William and Louis, this man is Moran and lady who spoke to you is Irene"
"Im Alice, this is Bella and one who spoke to you guys is (name)"
"(Name)? What a lovely name sweetie" Irene said.
"Irene we know that you like her but let her to relax first, she got scared" Louis said and took a sip of his wine.
Irene came and gave us a glass of wine.
"You like me?" I asked.
"Yeah why? Does it makes you uncomfortable? You don't like girls?"
"I have never kissed a girl to know if I like them but it doesn't make me uncomfortable. It's just I never heard that someone like me"
"Damn baby it's someone else's loss than because you are hell fine"
"Irene relax a bit" Moran said.
"Fine" she rolled her eyes.
She is hot while doing it.
"You like how she rolls her eyes huh (nickname)?" William asked.
Oh shit they caught me. Irene looked at me with smirk. She layed me down on sofa and got on top of me.
"Oh so you like me too"
I looked at her face, eyes, lips and than I felt something on my lips. She kissed me. I started to kissed her back.
"Woah there get a room Irene" Moran said when he paused kissing Alice.
"Sure" she said and took my hand.
We got out of room and went to some room. When she closed the door next second I felt my back on wall and my legs around her waist. We started kissing. My hands were around her neck while her hands were grabbing my ass. She took us to bed and started to undress me. Because of my outfit she didn't had much to take off. I released that she didn't take off my skirt when I wanted to take it off she grabbed my arm.
"Leave it you look so sexy with that skirt on"
That sentence turned me on more. I smirked and started to undress her. When we were both nacked she started kissing me but than I felt something inside me and that were her fingers.
"OH MY GOD" I moaned into her mouth.
"You like it babe?"
I nodded and she smirked. After just two minutes I cane on her fingers and it was the best orgasam I ever had. I rolled us and started to eat her.
"Oh shit you know what you are doing" she said and put her hand on my head to pull me closer.
She didn't take much to cum too. I thought that we were finished but than she got a dildo from somewhere.
"Ready babe?"
I nodded and she put it inside, but thing I didn't know it wasn't dildo but vibrator.
"Oh shit"
I took her by waist and put her on my face. While I was eating and fingering her she was messing with me.
"Oh shit Im close"
"Come on baby, cum on my face"
That was a button and she came on my face, I ate all her cum.
"Now you" she said and went down on me.
Vibrations and her tongue were enough to make me cum.
She ate all my cum and went to kiss me. We were cuddling.
"I know that we don't know each other for a day but do you want to be my girlfriend?" She asked.
"YESSS!!" I said.
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rosedominatesyou · 10 months
Bedtime Stories w/ Rose
ੈ✩‧˚ Record Breaker ‧˚ੈ✩
(Bedtime Story #1)
Good evening my little pups, mommy promised you a bedtime story and here it is <3 remember my rule! If this gets posted and it isn’t bedtime, you have to wait!!! Keep it in your likes until you’re curled up in the dark all cozy and sleepy.
Before reading: Everything I’m about to say is real and actually happened. I’ve withheld things like locations and last names to be respectful to the people in the story.
One of the details I have in my pinned post is that I have a personal record of making a girl cum 7 times in a single day. That sounds a little excessive, doesn’t it? It was. Here’s mommy’s story about that day, and in part 2, she’ll tell you about the boy she dated that almost made it a tie. 🤭🤭
Please listen to one of my favorite songs before you settle in to read mommy’s story. The song is called ‘House Of Mirrors’ by Softcult.
I was a very stereotypical lesbian growing up. I wanted to be every single label and description I had ever seen online, and I wanted people to know it everywhere I went. When I was 15, I went to a salon without my mom’s permission and asked them to shave my head. She didn’t talk to me for 3 days once she got home and saw me. I used to carry a peach around in my backpack at school just so that I could show other kids “what it looked like to eat pussy”. Yes, I bought a new peach every week for this sole purpose. I was pretty athletic, and I almost exclusively played softball throughout my adolescence.
But if you remember the mid-2010’s well, then you’ll recall that archery and the Hunger Games was all anyone was talking about. I had been feeling a little burned out from softball (I played catcher/left field), and I knew with my long arms and hand/eye coordination, I might possibly find archery appealing to me.
That’s how I met Taylor. I joined a club and she was the owner’s niece. Having already been doing this for over 10 years, she seemed so miserable and hated every second of being there, always complaining about something or hiding away out of sight.
I was drawn to her instantly. Almost a foot taller than me and eventually became my best friend, she wouldn’t admit her feelings for over a year. She was a virgin, and not out to anyone (even herself), so when I was finally able to pull those words out of her, it changed absolutely everything about our relationship. I had spent the night at her house before, but I decided I had had enough of the games and going around the way I can see I make her feel. We were laying in bed facing eachother, our arms and legs tangled up in such a romantic position that it’s crazy we thought we were fooling anyone. We were still hanging on to the “just friends” label, and right then I saw something shift in her eyes. She wanted to say it, but could never without my encouragement.
“You can tell me…” I say in a whisper, no other words had been said yet.
Her eyes go wide, trying to convince the voice in her head that it’s wrong.
I put my forehead against her’s, “What would you do if I tried to kiss you right now?”
She giggles, her answer more confident than I expected, “Kiss back?”
I kissed her, and that was it. Both of our world’s were changed. I had a few partners before her but Taylor and I would go on to have the longest relationship I had ever had at the time, and even though things ended badly in the end, the amount of new experiences we both gained from those days will always stay with me. She and I still occasionally talk to this day, though I try to keep my distance out of respect for her well-being.
Taylor and I were instructors at a summer camp for the club we were apart of once I turned 18, teaching archery to kids as young as 5 years old on 1 week rotations. It was my first real job, and I was working right alongside my new girlfriend. We were in our best days during this time, total honeymooners, and finding any chance we could to sneak away and make out. These were some of the best memories I have with an ex.
The job only lasted 3 months, and we usually always went over to her house after we got off of work. I’d follow her in my car and spend the night and then drive myself home in the morning. There were a few times I spent the night and we went right back to work together afterwards. And yes, if you were wondering, this girl was definitely no longer a virgin.
One specific week during the summer camp, we were just finishing up class and I was writing down ideas for the next day on a clipboard. She starts telling about how her parents were going away again for the weekend, and how we would ‘have the house to ourselves’.
“Andrew’s going too…?” I asked, my neck snapping up to face her. Her parents went up to the cabin they owned regularly, but usually her stupid younger brother would stay behind.
“Mhmm…” She bites her lip at me.
And so we’ve arrived at what this story is all about. We had another day until they would be out of town - another day of angsty classes where we tried unsuccessfully to avoid looking at eachother. I barely remember driving to her house once we were off. We had the entire weekend to ourselves, and I had big plans on how we would use it.
I don’t remember the first half of the day, I usually always just think about an Instagram selfie I posted of us in her bathroom as we got ready to go out to dinner. But…we didn’t make it to dinner 🥴 we took that picture and I immediately couldn’t handle how good she looked in her black dress, so I took her back to the bedroom.
We did everything on my list. I knew we might never get an opportunity to have that kind of alone time again, so I wanted to try all the kinky things that other people I had dated never wanted to do. Actually, some of these things we did are still things only she let me do to her.
Her metal bed frame was perfect for tying her hands up. There were posts at the end of her bed too so I had her ankles bound tight along with her wrists. I wanted to do a sort of hot/cold stimulation, so I had ice cubes and hot candle wax on the night stand that I switched off using. She would scream as I dropped the wax on her nipples while also dragging an ice cube over her pussy lips. The rope left deep rug burns on her skin as she struggled over my soft torture.
After a few go’s, I cut her free and we both laid exhausted on the bed, her head against my chest.
“How many times was that?” I ask.
“I don’t know…” She says with her eyes closed.
“Five? There were the…three? This morning?”
“This morning?!” She yells at me, “Uuuuhggg….maybe like….six then?”
“Six sounds right.” I breathe out, holding her in my arms, “Maybe you could do one more?”
“Fuck…no!” She whimpers.
My fingers are already feeling how wet she is, “I think you can…”
It takes her longer than the other times, my whole face covered in her juices as I’m basically begging her to cum again for me. I’m saying pleasepleaseplease as I’m ramming my fingers into her watching her shake under my grip. Taylor and I were together for a little less than a year, not counting the time we were just friends. No one knew we were dating, it was a secret to both of our families, but that all changed after one careless kiss in the parking lot outside the archery club. Someone recognized us and told her Aunt. Taylor called me frantically later in the day, saying that if I don’t tell my mom about us, her Aunt will. It was no fun having that conversation, because I wasn’t only telling my mom about my secret relationship with my best friend, but I was also coming out to her.
But that’s a bedtime story for another time 😊 I hope you enjoyed learning a little more about me, thanks for taking the time to read. Let me know what you think, and I’ll be making more posts soon about upcoming parts if you all liked this so much.
Sleep well babies 💗
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pillow4t · 8 months
These are just my favorite/main headcannons tbh
• HEAVY on the they/them Moria
• Cassidy is a girls girl™ If he's out on a mission with (insert literally any woman in ow) and some creepy guy is hitting on her/touching her, he'll go over and defend her, pretending to be her boyfriend so they'll back down
•Trans Junkrat!!! Trans Sombra!!!!
•Roadhog had a wife and kids before he joined the AFL idc what anyone says
•Baptist calls lifeweaver "Flè mwen" which means "my flower" in Haitian Creole (I used a translator so let me know if I'm wrong <3)
•Pharah stole one of Cassidy's hats back in his blackwatch days when she was 13, she still has it (and sometimes wears it around the bass)
•Genji has a drink named after him at the bar he used to frequent when he was younger
•Junkrats mom spoke Arabic so that's why he gravitated to Ana when he was first around her, he hasn't told anybody tho
•Mercy loves to harp on Cassidy about his smoking habits like she isn't living off of coffee and cigarettes (and sometimes a bagel bc of pharah😌
•Cassidy got Ana a "I love my lesbian daughter" shirt for Christmas, he bought it as a joke, she wears it regularly.
•Junkrat can swallow something then bring it back up, it's a great party trick, he thinks, but it usually grosses people out. It's come in handy on missions tho
•When Sojourn brings Murphy to the watchpoint, she gets SMOTHERED with pets, kisses and love from everyone. The same thing happens when Brigitte brings Mitzi around.
•Symetera and Lifeweaver have completely opposite tastes in music so they were CONSTANTLY arguing about who gets to put on music when they shared a dorm (sym usually won)
•When Hanzo laughs he snorts
•Lúcio has real bad arthritis and his skates are more braces than anything, he also has knee, hand and back braces at the ready
•Tracer gets Emily a souvenir from every place she gets deployed to
•Zenyattas favorite color is Yellow
•JunkerQueen carries around hamster treats in her pockets when Wreaking Ball is with her "For when the champ gets hungry!" She always says(in reality she just thinks it's cute how hamsters eat)
•Torbjorn sometimes brings his (older) kids around if the original group of Overwatch is there, he trusts the others...just not with his kids and is really reluctant with Brigitte
•Roadhog has been teaching Junkrat how to properly write and read and it's really improved how Junkrat functions when they're not fighting for survival in the outback
•Illari is a jewelry girl, but she cant wear to much because it gets in the way of training/fighting, but her collection of gold accessories is off the charts
•Sombra took the username D.va on social media and finds it SO funny that Dva has to use a different variation of her gamertag
•I feel like Reaper still has the same sense of humor he did in over/blackwatch and will constantly make witty jokes to Widowmaker or Moria who just give him a blank stare, Doomfist usually finds them funny tho
•Kiriko and Genji literally cannot cook to save their lives and usually takes two of them to make a small microwave meal
•B.O.B had his voice box removed when he was working for Ashes parents and even after all the years of her offering him to get his voice back, he chooses to use sign language instead but the offer is always on the table, Ashe says
•Lúcio has a 10k DJ set up in his room, and gets violent if anyone tries to mess with anything, literally almost took Cassidy's other arm off when he moved a bunch of dials, he'll show you around the soundboard if you ask tho!
•Kiriko is Hanzo and Genjis Cousin (Asa is their mom's sister <3)
•Reinhardt snores. LOUDLY. Brigitte had to get him a sleep apnea mask so she was able to sleep in the same vicinity as him
•Reaper is from Michigan🫶🏻
•Soldier76 gets made fun of by D.va for being old, but the second he's like "me and Ana are practically the same age" D.va gets all defensive "you just called a woman old!"
•Mei and Tracer share a room, they both sleep better with company
•(Blackwatch)Moria and Genji had an anime night where they would watch 10-20 episodes of any given series they were on, but
But yeah :) I'm incapable of liking something a little bit so yeahhhh
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albert-whiskersss · 11 months
Returning The Favor- Lady Dimitrescu (Part Two to Countess's Favorite)
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words: 2,516
It had been a month since you and Alcina had first opened up together about your true feelings. Since then, you haven't had the chance to return the favor she asked of. It was your first day off in a while, so you decided to buy her a nice bottle of wine to share that night in hopes of returning the favor.
Contains sexual content, vaginal fingering, cunnilingus, lesbian sex, scissoring, human/vampire relationship.
It had been over a month since the incident with Alcina. That entire time, she was all you could think about. She was always in your mind whenever you went to bed, showered, cooked, or anything else. Alcina was your world at that point. However, you never found time to return the favor she so graciously gave you. It made you wonder if she was mad at you for not doing so, but she seemed to understand how much you worked. Her daughters asked quite much of you from that time; they often asked for you to pick berries and gather anything from their garden since it was that time of the year to do so. You happily obliged all of their requests, them being awfully kind. 
Alcina always gave you warm smiles and a kind ‘thank you’ anytime you served the food, as well as giving you small touches to your face and body any chance she got. She understood that you were busy with other things other than having alone time with her.
It was the end of a tiring work week, and you were finally free to relax. On the first day off, you decided to pay a quick visit to The Dutch, a man the House of Dimitrescu often did business with. You were hoping he had some fine wine you could gift Alcina and share with together. Now was the perfect time to finally get some needed alone time with her.
Thankfully, The Dutch did, in fact, have some fine wine. It was made by a woman in a small town in Italy- at least, that’s what he told you. You snatched it up as quickly as he finished his sentence and paid him graciously before excitedly heading back inside the castle. You carefully cradled it in your arm as you wandered the halls of the large castle in hopes of finding Alcina. Eventually, you had to ask her daughters where she was, to which they told you she was in the courtyard. You headed through the kitchen and pushed the large door open to find Alcina walking along the perimeter, presumably lost in her thoughts as she paced.
She quickly caught a glimpse of you as she heard the large door creak open and immediately smiled. “Hello, Maiden.” She walked over to you and placed a hand on your cheek, caressing it softly. “You look awfully tired, darling.”
“I’m not used to working for so long. It’s catching up to me.” You leaned into her touch and closed your eyes. You always enjoyed her loving gestures, even if they were always so simple. You opened your eyes and couldn't help but smile as you held the bottle of wine out to her. “I bought this for you. The Dutch said a woman in Italy made it.”
Alcina smiled wider and took the bottle, admiring the golden and regal raised printing that splayed upon the bottle. “Thank you, darling. How awfully kind of you to gift such a beautiful bottle of wine to me.” She looked at you and tilted her head ever so slightly. “How about we share this bottle tonight together? Just you and I.”
You smiled brightly at her suggestion, happy she thought the same thing. “I would be more than happy to, My Lady.” You responded. Finally. The chance to return the favor. 
Alcina leaned down and placed a sweet kiss on your lips. You very happily obliged and kissed her back, letting your eyes flutter closed. Alcina pulled away, but you quickly leaned back in, giving her another kiss. You pulled away and excitedly bit the inside of your cheek. You didn't expect her to kiss you in such an open space like that, though you weren't complaining. “You seem quite excited, my dear.” Alcina let a slight chuckle rumble throughout her chest.
“I am.” You admitted. You took a step back and placed your hands behind your back, ever so slightly shy all of a sudden. 
“Get some rest, my dear. You need it. Come to my chambers at nightfall.” 
You nodded and watched her walk off without another word, eventually returning to your quarters. You did as she said and took a long yet needed nap, sleeping until late noon. It felt great to get some well-deserved sleep finally. 
After the long nap, you took a long shower and washed yourself with a soap Alcina gifted you not too long ago. It was her favorite scent; jasmine and rose with a touch of vanilla. You knew she’d smell it on you immediately once you came within her vicinity. You dressed yourself the best you could as you didn't really have any other clothing besides your maiden dress. You knew Alcina wouldn't care in the slightest, however. Alcina also gifted you some elegant makeup; you knew it was the best time to put it on. You just wanted to show Alcina how much you appreciated her. 
The walk to her quarters was long and almost nerve-wracking, but eventually, you made it. You knocked on the door and waited for a response. Alcina called out a ‘come in,’ so you opened the door and was greeted by her in the slip you chose for her the first time. You smiled and walked over to her. “You look breathtaking as usual, My Lady.” 
Alcina smiled and leaned down, planting a soft kiss on your cheek. “As do you, Maiden.” She walked over to her record player, turning on some soft music. “Shall we enjoy that wine now?” She turned back and guided you to the two chairs that were near the foot of her bed.
You nodded and sat down, picking up the elegant wine glass. You held it out as Alcina brought the bottle to you, watching the deep red liquid dance into your glass. Alcina poured herself a drink and sat down next to you, taking a sip. She hummed out. “What a great choice, dear. How much did you pay for this?”
You also took a sip of the wine and placed the glass on the side table. “A bit too much, I must admit.” You sheepishly smiled. “I just wanted you to have such a nice present.”
“You shouldn't spend so much on me, Maiden.”
You shrugged and giggled. “You deserve only the best. I…” Your voice trailed off. Oh, god. You almost admitted you loved her. Well, you did. Why should you hide it? “I love you. I want to treat you as though I truly do.” 
Alcina felt her heart warm with adoration at your words. “I love you too, Maiden.”
You practically melted into a hot steaming puddle of essence at her response. She loved you back. What a dream come true. You wanted to get on your knees and just ask her to marry you at that point. 
The night progressed as you two sipped on the wine, discussing anything that came to mind. Alcina revealed she was in a jazz band in the early years of her life before moving to the House of Dimitrescu. You let her rant about Heisenberg, a man she often butted heads with. She hated him, calling him childish and imprudent for anything he ever did. There was also a conversation where she never felt loved by Mother Miranda, the woman who made her into who she was. You convinced her that she did, in fact, love her, as she had her own castle and anything she asked for. It made Alcina feel better; thanking you for the kind words. The two of you finished the bottle before you knew it, and you were most certainly feeling a slight buzz. Luckily for you, any alcohol you drank made your pride boost higher than ever before. Just what you needed at that moment. You stood up and walked over to Alcina, sitting on her lap. “I think it’s time for me to return the favor.” You leaned in and placed a soft and gentle kiss on Alcina’s neck. 
Alcina hummed out and placed her hands on your hips. “Please do.” She cradled you in her arms and stood, walking over to her bed. She sat you down on the edge and took a step back, grabbing onto the straps of her slip. She slipped it off her shoulders and let it pool around her feet. She wasn't wearing anything underneath, knowing it would've excited you even more.
You stared at her body in awe, your heart racing in your chest at just the beauty of her. You took your shoes off and hastily tossed your clothes off, leaving you bare just as she was. Alcina kneeled on the bed and trapped you beneath her. She leaned down and captured your lips with hers in a deep and passionate kiss. Your tongues grazed each other as you exhaled into the kiss, softly moaning against her lips. Your hands shook with nervousness as they reached up and grabbed ahold of her breasts, gently kneading her plush skin in your fingers. You knew you were doing something right when Alcina moaned against you, calming your nerves quite a bit. You soon stopped and pressed your hands against her chest to signal her to lie down. You couldn’t force her to lie down due to her large stature, so she did as you pleased. Alcina pulled you on top of her and ran a hand down your chest, making you shiver and lean your head back. “Tell me what you want me to do, My Lady, and I’ll do it.”
Alcina hummed out softly. “Do anything you wish, Maiden. I am not terribly hard to please, just as you.”
You climbed off her and sat between her legs, eyeing her body up and down. Everything about her was gorgeous to you. She oozed pure elegance, and it only entranced you further. You leaned down and kissed softly along her pelvis, moving down further until you reached between her legs. You slowly dragged your tongue up and down her folds before fully diving in. You nuzzled your mouth against her cunt and began flicking your tongue against her clit, fluttering your eyes closed. 
Alcina moaned in approval and relaxed her body into the bed as she leaned her head back into the pillow. “Maiden, you truly are a delight in every which way.” She placed her hand on top of your head. Your cheeks flushed as she spoke sultry words to you, further enhancing your pride. You continued to lap at her pussy, eventually moving faster until Alcina was a moaning mess. She truly was not kidding; she was easy to please. You were what she had been missing all her life, and she was glad she finally had you within her reach. You had wished the House was a bit more… technologically advanced than it was. You’d love to open Alcina up to the beautiful world of sex toys, but you weren't sure how you'd do that. Besides, using your fingers and such would be plenty. 
You pulled away and sat up on your knees. You then threw your leg over Alcina’s hip and scooted closer until your hips connected before grinding yourself against her pussy. You both moaned, and Alcina began copying your actions to give maximum pleasure to the both of you. You threw your head back and bit your lip to suppress your moans. You and Alcina, in tandem, moved quicker against each other. Alcina was sure to reach her orgasm before you did, but it didn't matter at the moment. The pleasure rocking through both of your bodies was enough to strip any thought coming through your mind. 
You reached up and began kneading your own breast as you let sultry moans escape your lips. Alcina was all that you’d hoped for in a woman. She was kind- at least to you- and she decided to love you back and share such intimate moments together. Every other woman you’d been with never seemed to care as much as Alcina did. You met them all at bars and took them home for a quick fuck, never talking to each other once again. You were able to free yourself of societal norms and freely express who you wanted to be at last, and it felt amazing to do so. It sometimes hurt being away from your friends and family, but once you were exposed for liking women, it was like they never knew you. They all turned their backs and shunned you like you were the most disgusting person on the planet. But in the House of Dimitrescu, it was a completely different story. Bela, Cassandra, Daniela, Mother Miranda, and most importantly, Alcina all seemed to love you for who you were. Like it was a regular and basic human trait. Of course, some maidens didn't agree with your lifestyle after figuring out your relationship with Alcina, but it was none of their business. They knew that if they told you it was disgusting, Alcina would throw them down into the cellar in the blink of an eye. You were basically invincible with Alcina’s love for you. 
“Oh, Maiden.” Alcina moaned and knotted her eyebrows together. She was close to her orgasm. You let out an ‘mmh’ as a response, nearing yours as well. You continued with the quick pace, your breath becoming heavier with each passing moment. Before you knew it, your orgasm hit you like a train, making your body twitch as you rode it out against Alcina. Alcina reached her orgasm not far from yours and closed her eyes, letting out a long and alluring moan. As you two rode your orgasms out together, your body twitched ever so slightly as your sensitive clit rubbed up against Alcina’s. Your hips soon came to a stop, and so did Alcina’s, leaving both of you a heaving mess. 
Alcina grabbed your arm and pulled you onto her body, letting your head rest against her chest. She ran her hand up and down your back as she calmed her heavy breathing. “Favor gladly returned, my dear.”
You smiled and softly laughed as you cuddled into her body. “I’m glad that sufficed.” You sat up a little and looked into her eyes lovingly before planting a soft kiss against her lips.
Alcina kissed you back and ran her hands down your body, cupping your ass in a gentle squeeze before moving them down to your thighs. She moved you beside her and pulled you into her body, trapping you with her arm around you. You very happily obliged with the cuddling and wrapped your own arm around her side. Alcina placed her chin against the top of your head and took a deep breath. “Did you use that soap I gave you?”
“Just for you, My Lady.” 
“It smells wonderful on you.” You and Alcina soon slipped into a peaceful slumber in each other's arms, knowing that needed to happen more often from then on. You both were silently thrilled to have loved each other back dearly. 
Notes: Hope you all enjoyed part two to this little series! I might be writing a third and final part to this with lots of angst and even more domestic fluff! Make sure to follow my AO3 @ AlbertWhiskers!
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pillarsalt · 5 months
Any advice for women questioning if they might be bi?
This is an interesting question that I'm not quite sure how to answer. I thought I might tell you what my own experience in figuring out my sexuality was like, but I might have a bit of a weird story since understanding my attraction to men was actually more difficult than my attraction to women. This is stupid long and a bit navel gazey (walking down memory lane since I'm currently staying at my mom's place in my hometown). If you want to skip to the TLDR section at the bottom, I put the advice that came to me while writing this there. I hope it helps a bit, but if not, maybe others might want to add their own advice for anon in the replies?
I grew up in a smaller Alberta city that leaned conservative, but I was lucky enough to have open-minded and accepting parents who were pro gay rights. I went to catholic school (for french immersion lol), and before I even had the awareness that same sex attracted people existed, my elementary school friend group ostracized me, they said they thought I was a lesbian because I liked dinosaurs and roughhousing too much.
I was very confused until I was about 12 and learned that women could indeed be attracted to and have relationships with other women; that's when the understanding hit that there was a reason I felt differently about certain girls than I did about my other girl friends. Why I loved to sit next to them and stare at each individual feature of their faces when they talked, why I treasured the chihuahua webkinz Cristina from the bus gave me for christmas so much (I bought her a pack of lip smacker lip balm, this is so nostalgic lol), why I often gave Julia from my soccer team a playful shove if only to touch her for just a second. Now I knew what I was feeling. The problem was, aren't girls supposed to like boys? My peers would talk about how hot this one was and how they wanted that one's number; I just didn't get it. Boys were all just kind of weird and gross and scary to me.
In the next couple years I read more about lesbian gay and bisexual history and culture, learned that it wasn't wrong for me to love women but that many people wouldn't accept that. In high school (catholic high school!), if people asked, I answered truthfully, and it didn't make me popular. This is basically the reason I absolutely hate the word Queer; I had that word spat at the back of my head in the hallways by the grease ape hockey players who joked about "drinking beers and hitting queers". I had my share of crushes but didn't dare act on them. It frankly sucked, but I still made some friends.
(Funny tangent here: I had made a couple of new friends who were kind of in the 'cool bad girls' clique but didn't know my reputation. At lunch one day they stole my phone and as a prank they texted my mom "I have something to tell you... I like women" and she answered "you already told me that??" LMAOOO my mom felt so bad but like I told her, how was she supposed to know? anyway those girls didn't hang out with me much after that.)
Later on, I tried harder to fit in at school. I wore a lot of makeup and had a boyfriend for a couple months, which only confused me further. He asked me out and he was considered desirable and he was nice and didn't make fun of me, so I said yes. I used to set an alarm on my phone when I was at his place and pretended my mom was calling me and I had to leave. That scene at the start of But I'm a Cheerleader where Megan is just sitting there letting her boyfriend make out with her while she waits for it to be over, it really resonated with me when I watched it the first time lol. When he started hinting he wanted to have sex and put my hand on his boner through his pants, I couldn't take it anymore and ended it. I began to think I just wasn't into men at all. I kind of ignored them after that.
After a tumultuous almost-relationship with another girl who got then scared into claiming she was straight again by the homophobia at school and her religious mother (and then we weren't allowed to be each other's grad partners even as platonic friends), I had my first girlfriend after I graduated high school (we're still friends although she's fully into the theythem sphere now). She moved to another province and I discovered I'm not the type of person who can handle long distance relationships, so that was the end of that.
Finally in college, where people usually have their same-sex experimentation phase, I instead discovered that I am indeed attracted to men, I guess it just took me a while to find the ones who did it for me. A coworker turned close friend turned FWB turned long-term boyfriend confirmed that for sure. It was a whirlwind of self discovery but I was glad to have finally figured out what I was questioning for so long. So at the age of 19, I became as sure as I am now that I am not gay, not straight, but bisexual. I don't know if the kinsey scale thing is bullshit or not but I'd say I sit at about a 4. Things sort of fell into place for me eventually, which I think was lucky for me and I'm grateful for it.
I knew I was attracted to women from my early teens on, didn't figure out if I liked men until college years.
So if you're still with me, that's why I don't exactly know what advice to give you. Honestly, I wrote all of that mostly hoping you might find something relatable in there to build off of. Basically, are you romantically attracted to women, do you want to hold her hands, kiss her deeply, spend all your time with her, be filled with joy when you hear the beautiful sound of her voice, hold her closely until you fall asleep together? and Are you sexually attracted to women, is there a longing in you when you think about touching her body, her breasts, her stomach, her lips, her thighs, her vulva, the sensation of her touching you too? If it's yes to all of the above... yeah you're probably attracted to women.
But if it's yes to only one subset or another, here's the thing: I've seen a ton of straight people online and in my personal life claim they're bi because they're able to tell which individuals of their own sex are conventionally attractive or not. I posted a while ago about my straight male coworker who said "I think the guitarist in my favourite band is hot so I guess I might be queer?" and my other coworkers who immediately jumped in like YES YOU'RE QUEER YOU'RE SO QUEER leaving me like... okay but would you kiss him? Have sex with him? Fall in love with him? Again that's not necessarily your case, just that the lines have been seriously blurred when it comes to sexuality, between this sort of "everyone can be queer" thing and also the ubiquity and oversaturation of porn. Porn warps the shit out of all your mental processes but especially arousal and romantic and sexual bonding. This is how we get those women who talk about how they would fuck women but never have a romantic relationship with her. Porn culture warps their minds into viewing other women as objects from which to derive sexual pleasure, even if their natural orientation is heterosexual.
I guess my number one advice is that if you want to try romance and intimacy with a woman, MAKE SURE you are upfront with the fact that you're questioning your sexuality. There's no shame in questioning, of course. But another user and I were just talking about the large number of curious straight women who go on dating apps and waste the time and crush the spirits of gay and bi women who are just looking for love, not looking to be a litmus test or an experiment. I'm sure there are women out there who would be happy to explore your attraction with you, but also be on the lookout for people looking to take advantage of you and ABSOLUTELY run the other way if it's a het couple looking for a third, holy fuck don't even give those crusties the time of day.
Another piece of advice for you is that no two women are the same. Being attracted to women doesn't mean you'll be attracted to EVERY woman. This is why I'm wary of the types who say "I'm attracted to all women and only some specific men" like that sounds fake as fuck. Bi and gay woman have types and preferences just like straight women do.
All you can really do is keep thinking on it, keep exploring your feelings. It could help to talk it out with other lesbian or bisexual women in your life if you're lucky enough to have them. I wish you the very best but don't stress too much over it either. There's no rush, take your time, be well.
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sexysapphicshopowner · 5 months
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🤎 Context/AU (Alternate Universe): Modern AU- Some random tidbits about you and mechanic!Sevika's relationship after her Christmas confession
🤎 soft!mechanic!Sevika x bubbly!mechanic!reader
🤎 CW/TW: suggestive language, not proofread, useless lesbians, smut, wlw ship, no use of y/n, pet names, blossoming relationship, you and Sev are actual idiots, unserious smut, lowkey crack
🤎 A/N: Ask me about this couple and I'll answer anything!! I didn't really know where I was going with these headcanons, just wanted to get into the feel for them before I write a New Year's fic for them
🤎 Notes: Idk what this is, don't... we not gone talk about it
🤎 Word count: 3.4k
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🤎 Surprisingly, dating Sevika is much different than simply pining for her 
🤎 First of all, the woman is a sap 
🤎 She’s so unbelievably cute, it’s almost criminal 
🤎 Sev is the older of you two, but she’s the bigger baby 
🤎 Your regular flowers begin coming with metal ones that she welded for you to match whatever type she’d just bought for you 
🤎 Date nights are now much more elaborate- she picks you up with flowers and a little gift for each date, even if it’s just like a movie or bowling or something like that 
🤎 Hates spooning 
🤎 She prefers to wrap herself around you with her head smushed in your tits 
🤎 She actually asked you about it at first as well 
🤎 You two were on the couch, she was rested between your thighs as she played some game on the tv and you had a hand idly playing in her hair as you scrolled on your phone 
🤎 She looked up at you a few times before she finally spoke, “Hey sweets?” 
🤎 You hummed, “Hm?” 
🤎 “Which spoon do you prefer to be?” 
🤎 You thought about it for a few second, fingers still carding through her thick strands gently before you responded, “With you? Little.” 
🤎 “Hm.” 
🤎 “What’s that for?” 
🤎 “I don’t like spooning.” 
🤎 “Oh?” 
🤎 She nodded as she turned back to her game (I headcanon that Sev plays the sims in this modern au), “Yeah. I would rather be face to face when we cuddle. Or... face to chest.” 
🤎 You rolled your eyes, thumping her ear playfully, “Mmcht, you just wanna touch my tits.” 
🤎 “No, ‘m serious, babe. For one, there’s more warmth that way. Two, we can get closer. And three, I can hear your heartbeat that way. It’s calming.” 
🤎 She’s too fucking cute 
🤎 On days where one of you works and the other doesn’t, she always requires at least an hour of kissing and cuddling to unwind 
🤎 Your matching jewelry goes beyond your charm bracelets now- you two each have a necklace with the other’s name on it that neither of you take off 
🤎 Movie nights are spicier, usually ending in a heated make-out session 
🤎You’re both still idiots who can’t take each other seriously though 
🤎 Every time Sevika says something romantic, depending on the timing and delivery, you’re either melting or cracking up in a fit of giggles 
🤎 Sev on the other hand can’t take you serious when you start trying to talk dirty to her 
🤎 She finds dirty talk to actually be kind of awkward 
🤎 Take every time you tried to be a little flirty before the two of you had sex for the first time 
🤎 Once she was watching television and you just looked up from your phone to say, “You’ve gotta stop looking like that.” 
🤎 “Like what?” 
🤎 “Fuckable.” 
🤎 She always looks away with a little blush and a cough to clear her throat, “Oh.” 
🤎 The closest you guys got to fucking for the first time was during a movie night 
🤎 You guys were watching ‘Princess and the Frog’ 
🤎 Well, you were watching 
🤎 Sev’s back was turned to the tv as she tucked her face into your neck, pressing methodical kisses to all the spots she knew would make your breath hitch a little and send a shiver down your spine 
🤎 You had a hand entangled in her hair, your other one propping you up so you could try and focus on the movie and not her lips 
🤎 At least until her hands slid under your shirt and she looked up at you 
🤎 You looked down to find her smirking at you, “What? Is there something on my face?” 
🤎 “No.” 
🤎 “Okay? What’s up, you stopped.” 
🤎 She held eye contact as she slid your shirt up just the slightest, lips meeting the base of your throat, “Can I go under your shirt?” 
🤎 Your pussy? Aching right now 
🤎 You nodded, stammering softly, “Y-yeah... sure...” 
🤎 She looked like a kid who’d just gotten a piece of candy as she pulled your shirt up over your breasts 
🤎 You weren’t wearing a bra, having taken it off earlier in the day because it was ‘too hot’ 
🤎 You forced your eyes away from her as you looked back up at the movie 
🤎 She took her time, kisses trailing down your breast, lips narrowly avoiding your nipples even as they ached in anticipation of being invited into her mouth 
🤎 You shifted slightly, releasing a soft breath the moment her tongue circled your areola 
🤎 She slid closer to you, slotting one of her legs between yours as your hand came back up to entangle with her hair as her mouth latched onto you, tongue drawing quick circles around your nipple 
🤎 You were wearing some biker shorts and one of her t-shirts while she wore a wife pleaser and some sweats 
🤎 The combination of her mouth on your breasts and the slight pressure of her thigh up against you was almost euphoric, especially considering how much you’d been needing a release lately 
🤎 She let out a chuckle as you started to rut your hips against her thigh, her hand sliding from your waist to grip and palm your ass as she helped you along, pulling you against her leg with every upward thrust of your hips 
🤎 The sound of you dissolving above, turning into a mess of little whimpers and whines with every second you drew closer to coming was all she needed as she showed attention to both of your breasts as evenly as she possibly could 
🤎 She didn’t release your nipple once you came, slowing your hips down against her 
🤎 It wasn’t until you tapped her repeatedly, panting softly as you stopped the movement of your hips with a breathy mumble of ‘wait’ that she stopped 
🤎 She kissed back up your chest, pulling your shirt back down, “Enjoyed yourself?” she teased. 
🤎 If it weren’t for you getting too sensitive so fast, you were pretty sure you guys would have actually fucked that day 
🤎 Regardless, there was no rush 
🤎 This leads to you guys’ actual first time together being almost completely hilarious to the both of you 
🤎 It’s full of giggles, whispers, and ogling 
🤎 When Sev sees you fully naked for the first time, you thought she’d actually short-circuited with the way she froze 
🤎 You burst into giggles, closing her mouth, “You always turn into a fly catcher around me, hotshot. Like what you see?” 
🤎 And boy did she ever 
🤎 She runs her hands over your curves, committing each part of you to memory 
🤎 It’s not serious for long though 
🤎 Well, it is because this is you guys’ first time having sex together, but also... it’s you and Sevika, you two can’t take anything too serious 
🤎 The giggles have returned once it’s Sevika’s turn to get naked 
🤎 This woman, I kid you not, decides that this is the time she wants to ‘try to be sexy like you’ by stripping 
🤎 She’s a mess of Magic Mike moves done half wrong because she spent most of that movie covering you in hickeys and whispering gay shit in your ears 
🤎 But the funniest part is how she struggles with each article of clothing 
🤎 She starts with her shirt but she ends up fumbling on the second button, stopping the sway of her hips to whatever music was playing in her head as she lets out a huff, looking down to focus on getting the button undone 
🤎 Amidst your snickering, you reach out to help her, but she smacks your hands away, “Just gimme a sec... almost... got it.” 
🤎 Next are her pants and oh boy- 
🤎 You’d swear her belt buckle was a rubik’s cube the way she struggled to unhook it 
🤎 Once she’s made it down to her bra and boxers your giggles die down- only a little bit because she’s still humping the air and making fuck boy faces at you (she calls it her ‘stripper smoulder’)- but your focus is 100 percent on taking in her body 
🤎 Sure, you’ve seen her shirtless before 
🤎 In the really hot summer months when the A/C is finnicky and all leaving the garage doors open at work does is make it hotter in the shop, you can find her either with the top of her work jumper hanging loose around her waist and shirtless, or at the very least in a wife pleaser that she’s constantly raising to wipe the sweat from her forehead 
🤎 Back to the present though 
🤎 You find yourself getting pretty hot- and wet- once her bra has been discarded (she kept fucking up with unhooking it, it would come undone just to get hooked onto the next hook over), anticipating the removal of her boxers so you can take in her full form 
🤎 She’s fucking dripping 
🤎 So are you, but who’s asking? 
🤎 The two of you are just taking in each other’s bodies, not really saying much as your eyes trailed over her from top to bottom and hers from your bottom to top 
🤎 She was practically towering over you where you sat on the edge of the bed, silently appraising your body with a soft reverence in her eyes 
🤎 She reaches out to lift your chin as she finally speaks, voice softer than you’ve heard it since she first clumsily confessed her love to you 
🤎 “You’re so unbelievably beautiful, sweets...” 
🤎 You gulp down a breath, answering shakily as your eyes traced up the scars littering the left side of her body to meet her eyes, “So are you...” 
🤎 That first night is probably the softest sex you’ve had in your entire life 
🤎 We’ve already discussed that girlfriend Sev is a huge fucking sap, but in the bedroom on that first night? Oh it’s even worse 
🤎 You think you might explode as she pauses for the umpteenth time to study you, her eyes drinking you in as if she’ll never see you again after this is over 
🤎 You lean up to press a kiss to the tip of her nose, whispering, “We don’t have to keep going if-” 
🤎 “No, I want to... ‘m just... I dunno what word I’m looking for I feel like I’m short circuiting...” 
🤎 You let out a little chuckle, pulling her into a warm kiss as you mumbled against her lips, “’S okay, baby... I know what you mean.” 
🤎 A few times you both end up giggling when you make eye contact, it’s cute and it’s you and Sev unapologetically 
🤎 When she finally makes her way between your legs, holding your thighs over her shoulders, she looks back up at you and you immediately burst into giggles 
🤎 She rolls her eyes, giving a quick little nip to your inner thigh as she looked back up, “Stop laughing or then I’mma laugh.” 
🤎 You held a hand over your mouth with another little giggle, shaking your head, “’M sorry, Sev, but I’m just...” You let out a little happy sigh as you looked back down at her, “I’m happy, okay? I’m not laughing at you, I promise.” 
🤎 She shook her head, placing a few kisses around your core as she mumbled, “You’re so cute.” 
🤎 You don’t even have time to offer a retort before her mouth is connecting with you 
🤎 You’re seeing stars, feeling fireworks, butterflies, all of the things as she drinks in your taste, savoring the feel of you against her tongue 
🤎 She lapping between your lips with slow and teasing strokes, her nose hooking against your clit perfectly with every upward stroke 
🤎 When you come, it’s euphoric, heavenly 
🤎 Sevika comes from the sound of you alone, your fist wrapping up in her hair as her name fell from your lips almost like a prayer 
🤎 She kisses back up your body, stopping to show some attention to your breasts before finally making it back up to your lips, “How was that, sweets?” 
🤎 “Y-you... yeah...” you breathe. 
🤎 Embarrassingly enough, you fall asleep before returning the favor, Sevika pressing soft kisses to your skin as she rubbed your hips and ass 
🤎 Sex from then on with her is a regular occurrence 
🤎 The next point of sort of awkwardness is living arrangements between the two of you 
🤎 Sev has mentioned that she doesn’t mind moving you into the penthouse with her 
🤎 You’re almost never at your own apartment these days, it makes sense 
🤎 Then comes the anxiety 
🤎 You’re pulling away from Sevika unintentionally as you start to freak out about moving in with her 
🤎 At this point you guys have been in a relationship for almost a year now and best friends for 3 and a half years 
🤎 Because of this, Sevika notices the change immediately 
🤎 Your kisses are shorter 
🤎 You’re spending the night less than usual 
🤎 You’re quieter whenever you are over her place 
🤎 It’s not until you walk in on her cooking without smacking her ass or giving her one of your playful little gropes as usual that she says something 
🤎 “Sweets.” 
🤎 You didn’t even look up from your phone as you scrolled through Instagram idly, “Yeah?” 
🤎 The sound of your government name is what snapped your attention up to her 
🤎 She hasn’t called you by your actual name almost since you guys have met, more often than not it’s always ‘Sweets’ or ‘Baby love’ 
🤎 Sev’s face when you do finally look up doesn’t make you feel any better either 
🤎 In fact, you get a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach, anxiety skyrocketing as you wait for her to say something else 
🤎 “What’s going on?” 
🤎 “What do you mean?” 
🤎 She folded her arms, a hurt look all over her face as she points out how you’ve become stand-offish with her, “You’ve been being weird. And not my usual ‘haha, I like to freak out my girlfriend’ weirdo. You haven’t slept over in almost a month... are we okay?” 
🤎 Your heart breaks as you realize how in your head you’ve been lately 
🤎 You nodded, moving closer to reassure her as you took hold of her hands, “We’re more than okay, I’m just...” you let out a little sigh, looking away only for her to bring your eyes right back to hers. 
🤎 “Please...” 
🤎 “I don’t wanna fuck things up if we move in together.” 
🤎 “What do you mean?” 
🤎 “Like... what if you don’t like the way I load the dishwasher? Or what if being around me both at home and at work almost 24/7 gets annoying? Or-” 
🤎 “Sweets. You realize that we’ve been practically living together since before we even got together, right?” 
🤎 “Yeah, but-” 
🤎 You’re cut off by her lips against yours, shutting you up effectively before she pulled away, looking down at you as she speaks quietly, “Look, if I was tired of you or thought you were annoying, I would’ve never gotten so close with you in the first place. I love you, okay? And I promise you that the fact of my love for you is not gonna change ‘cause we live together full-time suddenly.” 
🤎 “Promise?” 
🤎 She pressed another kiss to your lips, holding your hips closely, “I swear to you. I love you, sweets. More than anything.” 
🤎 You guys move in together officially within the next month 
🤎 Your first Christmas as a couple is actually a small event 
🤎 Sure, you guys attend the company Christmas party as a couple, but before that you realize just how much you’ve rubbed off on her when she wakes you up at midnight to open your gifts- just like you told her your family used to do when you were younger 
🤎 You two are useless fucking lesbians I tell you 
🤎 You got each other the same gift actually 
🤎 Like the exact same gift 
🤎 The main gift was a pendant with both of your birthstones and your meetiversary (the anniversary of the day you two met) date engraved on it 
🤎 You both were a mess of giggles when you unwrapped the matching necklaces 
🤎 “You got this from-” 
🤎 “Kay Jewelers?” Sev finished for you, causing you to start laughing again. 
🤎 “I love you, Sev.” 
🤎 “Oh really? While I love you as well, maybe you should wait until I show you the other gift I got you,” she hints with an almost suggestive look. 
🤎 You’re ready to marry her on the spot when she takes you to the shop, showing you your next gift 
🤎 It’s a custom restored 1957 Cadillac Sedan Deville 
🤎 You jumped onto her, hooking your arms around her neck as you squealed, “Baby, you didn’t! Oh my fuck- I love you...” You whispered the last words into her neck as you melted into her. 
🤎 She simply chuckles, wrapping her arms around you as she presses kisses along the side of our face as best she can with the way you’ve tucked yourself under her chin, “Been working on it since last Christmas. You like it?” 
🤎 You answered her with a fat kiss on her lips, kissing all over her face sloppily as she held you up from you jumping up into her arms 
🤎 Safe to say that you guys spent almost the entire day leading up to the party fucking between every activity 
🤎 Just put the gingerbread cookies in the oven? You guys are fucking on the kitchen counter 
🤎 Just finished watching a movie? You’re fucking on the couch 
🤎 Oh, what? There’s a sprig of mistletoe in every room? Sounds like a fuck tour to me 
🤎 You guys don’t even stay at the party long because Sev wants to go and make love to make up for all the quickies you guys had that day 
🤎 So yeah, you guys spend your first Christmas as a couple fucking in between all the traditions you guys made as best friends 
🤎 Now let’s get on to some simpler things 
🤎 You’re the blanket hog, but Sevika doesn’t mind because she runs warm anyway 
🤎 If you guys aren’t going to work together or it’s an off day and one of you has errands or something you guys always part ways with 6 kisses- one to the forehead, one to each cheek, and three to the lips- an ‘I love you, baby’ and a bite 
🤎 You left to your mom’s place one time without giving her the playful bite she’d come to expect whenever you left and she was so pouty about it that you simply added it to the kiss routine 
🤎 Sev sleeps on the left side of the bed 
🤎 I have a theory that the people who sleep on the left side of the bed are the people who like to be up underneath their partner (Yes I sleep on the left) 
🤎 Sev has a double sink in her bathroom but whenever you guys are brushing your teeth or washing your faces it’s always at the same sink, Sev standing behind you with a hand on your waist 
🤎 Funny enough, but after you guys got together, Sev stopped doing most of the driving 
🤎 She enjoys being your passenger princess 
🤎 You’ve got her name embroidered in the headrest of the passenger seat of your car 
🤎 You keep a blanket, snacks, and cones stashed in your car for her at all times 
🤎 Speaking of which, yes, mechanic Sev smokes both weed and cigs 
🤎 Her cigarettes are Djarum black clove cigs 
🤎 She smokes Blazy Susan King Sized cones 
🤎 You don’t smoke as much as her, and honestly after the two of you got together, she doesn’t smoke as much as she used to either 
🤎 But boy when you two get high together? You two can’t stop laughing 
🤎One of your first times getting high with her you almost pissed yourself laughing at the way she said the word ‘spoon’ 
🤎 All in all, dating Sev is exactly what you expect dating your best friend to be like 
🤎 She’s.... the best thing to ever happen to you 
🤎 And you are the love of her life
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🤎©️ All work belongs to sexysapphicshopowner. Do not use or repost my content in any way without my consent or permission. Thank you! 🤎
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🤎 Taglist 🤎:
@certainlynotasimp @trafalgardvivi @love-sugarr @archangeldyke-all
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painfullymeta · 1 month
Warning: I'm Gonna Be Earnest Now
I am deep in my feels right at the moment so I am actually making a post of my own on this, the deep in my feels hellsite.
I am late GenX.  (Not quite what gets called Xennial IMO but definitely in what gets called the Oregon Trail (Micro)Generation.)  And for all you young whippersnappers, you have to understand "The past is a foreign country: they do things differently there.” ( - L. P. Hartley)
I am old enough to remember when AIDS was named GRID.  ("Gay-related immune deficiency.”)  I am old enough to remember ACT-UP, the Reagans’ abandonment, “If I die of AIDS just leave me on the steps of the FDA”, all those things that tired older people on tumblr try to remind people of when the TERFs come around to tell us to stop saying “queer” as if Queer Nation was a goddamn hallucination I had when I was a kid.
On the last day of high school, after the last exam, when none of us would have to ever see each other again if we so chose – that was the day that one of my friends, someone I had eaten lunch near every day since partway through freshman year, said to me “I have something to tell you.  I’m gay.”  And then he followed it up with “Is that okay?”
I hugged him.  He broke my goddamn heart and I hugged him.  "Is that okay," he asked me. Is it okay to be who I am, near you.
I was in college before I met someone who identified herself as a lesbian — and I went to a women’s college until I lost my shit and dropped out, and I expect that if I hadn’t done that I might have gone longer.
(Of course at the same time as I was clueless and not meaningfully connected with any sort of queer culture I somehow wound up with a friendgroup who, if we got bored and couldn’t come up with anything else to do, would watch the Rocky Horror Picture Show together.  This is what we did instead of going to Homecoming.)
By 2000, I was vaguely aware of trans things existing, and in fact met my first trans person while at Brighton Pride that year, though we didn’t really speak (I was there as the guest of some people in his extended social group) and I was vaguely confused and too awkward to try to do more than ‘observe and try not to fuck this up’.  I met a nonbinary person for the first time around then as well, and zie was the only one I knew of for nearly a decade.
By the mid-oughts I was with it enough to ask someone what pronouns she wanted me to use for her before sharing something about her on a message board.
(I am also old enough to have spent time on multiple message boards.  I’m old enough to resent the internet going through the world wide web instead of email and usenet actually.)
Sometime in the early oughts I guess I was at the subcommittee hearing in the Boston State House that was discussing, among other things, whether we might consider possibly condescending to allow same-sex couples to marry.  I was even going to testify!  (Please be impressed with my early twenties autistic ass I was terrified.)  There was a guy there - a senator on the committee - who was asking every person who came up if they were going to force his church to marry the gays.  Catholic, y’know, this being Massachusetts.  I revised my speech in my head to note that if we weren’t forcing the Catholic churches to marry divorcees yet he didn’t need to worry about it.
(Then my nose decided to haemhorrage all over my entire life and I couldn’t get it to stop bleeding so rather than testify while looking like an entire murder victim I went home.)
I was in my thirties when pregnancy-induced dysphoria made me start seriously thinking about my own sense of gender.
I was in my forties before I bought a binder.
I am from another fucking planet.  (The past is a foreign country.)
I know kids - multiple kids - who knew enough to identify as lesbians at an age younger than I think I knew that word.  (And I am one of those humans of freakish and unreasonable vocabulary and always have been.)
I crack jokes with one of my kids about the Queer Kids Stairs at their school, because that’s where the GSA kids hang out together after activities get out.  (While GSAs were around while I was a kid, they started in Massachusetts according to Wikipedia and that is not where I was when I was a kid, and to my best recollection I didn’t hear about them existing at all until I was an adult.)
I live in a world where my social circles include queer people of my generation, of older generations, of younger generations, and oh my gods, I look at the kids and my heart tries to explode.
My oldest knows more than one trans kid.  More than one *affirmed* trans kid.  (And we’ve talked a bit about the social dynamics that might make it more likely for the trans boys to be out than the trans girls, even now.)
And I’m writing this because of one of those trans boys, who is in the Coming of Age group at our church, and who is, apparently, in his credo, citing that thing I’ve seen on the tumblrs more than once, about how being trans means being a participant in the holy, divine process of creation, coming into being as himself.
And guys?
I’m not from the same planet as that kid.
Because I’m in my forties and I don’t even know what I’m creating.  And I’m terrified.
And here’s this kid coming out there with that as a core statement of belief that he’s prepared to stand up in front of, as the phrase goes ‘God and everyone’, to claim.
(I need to remember to talk to him about how in my Craft tradition there’s a canonically transmasc god.)
I know I’ve got at least two teenagers reading me and I just.  Y’all got this.  I know it’s hard and the world is scary and it’s fucking coming for us all but you are amazing and I am so full of inarticulate alexithymic feelings about all of you. The ones I know and the ones I don't.
We've come a long way from "Is that okay?" and you heal my broken heart.
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Dutch Lesbians???
Thinking about the lesbians in Amsterdam. At that one old ass bar with the pool table. How I needed to go because it would be the only chance I'd get to be in a nearly 100% safe space as a lesbian myself before heading back to Middle East/South Asia.
How lively and chirpy it was even though I sat and drank alone in the basement by the pool table, watching the tattoeed stems and mascs play under my scrutinizing gaze. I've played pool before, a lot actually. I could play better than them, and they'd let my 4 ft 11 femme as hell ass play. They did let me play, a group of 3 mascs/stems that needed a 4th player for their 2 vs 2 cuz theirs has just left. 4 is my fave number btw.
"You've been observing us pretty intently," one of them says. "Here, take my turn."
"Oh no, I can barely see straight." (that was a lie, I just felt shy)
Her friend grins at me encouragingly. "You'll be fine. Go for it."
I score a solid.
"I'm so tipsy," I giggle unconciously. "How did I even manage that?"
The one who invited me to play leans in shyly, nearly whispering with a keen smirk. "Well, it was a beautiful shot."
I don't realize she was flirting. She asks if I want to continue playing, so I go for it. I got tipsier, let them help while fully aware of hands on my waist, my spine, moving me gently by the hips, breaths on the back of my neck, their chests on my back, whispers in my ear to "strategize", and gentle grasps on my elbow to guide my shot. Someone holds my hair back for a complicated angle. For every win, one pats my cheek, another kisses my ear, and I'm not sure which team I'm on anymore. I think I was almost kissed, but maybe I imagined it. Accidental brushed noses were just that and nothing more, breath on lips that were almost teasing.
What the hell, I think, and what the hell is right because how was that happening? Did I dream it up? Was I on a movie set? I jokingly wrote about wanting a lesbian harem in my manifestation book a month before my trip.
Did the universe take me literally?
They sit me down because I'm dancing to music in my head, nothing that they can hear as they feed me chips and make me sip on water. I'm not gone, though. I know what I'm doing and where I am.
"I've simply surrendered to the vibes," I explain. "I don't need drinks to be like this, I'm just comfortable."
"You're in your senses?"
And they ask what I'm doing later that nice. Alas, I must pack for my morning train to Germany. They insist I stay with them the night and go bar hopping; that they'll pay for a new ticket and all my drinks, but I can't just take someone up on their offer like that.
"Well, let us know when you're going to leave," one says. "One of us will drop you off home."
"A tram from here goes directly to my hostel," I reply.
"Even better. If we're still here, we'll get you there safe."
And before I know it, someone else is already talking to me. Someone older, perhaps by a decade, and I'm 25, it's fine. We go on and on about anything and everything over the gin and tonic she bought me. Endlessly. Clealry I have better chemistry with this new stranger who won't even tell me where they were from, but I can deduce they're not Dutch.
Same question. "What are you doing tonight?"
Pack for morning train to Germany. I should leave. Right now. It's so late.
"Shame. I wanted to kiss you, if you'd let me."
I pause. I haven't been kissed in over a year. Oh, I do miss it...
"I don't mind," I whisper behind a shy smile.
Their hand is on my face, and we're suddenly making out passionately in the corner of this small lesbian bar that I'll probably never be in again. They pull away, and I'll forever remember the way they look at me with sparkling eyes.
"If you bring your things to my place, I'll drop you off at the train station tomorrow."
That was the smartest thing anyone had said to me all night, and I take them up on it, making out drunkenly in the taxi until I'm in their bed. Hands in hair, whispers of sweet nothings in my ears, and with me under them thinking, this is the prettiest I've felt in my entire life.
They don't fuck me. It isn't sex. Well, it takes an hour of insisting on my ability to consent before it happens. They make love to me, and it's the most accurate way I can describe it. Tenderness, compliments, rough nicks to soothe over with wet licks as they keep watch over every reaction, every sound that comes from me. It's overwhelming. I haven't been touched in over a year.
"I'm so happy you came with me instead," they grin, and I cock my head dubiously. That's when I'm told that I was being flirted with when playing pool, and I missed out on a foursome.
Oh well.
We barely sleep, kissing and loving until morning comes and they keep their promise. Takes my number and steals a kiss before I walk past the barricade.
This can't be real, I wonder on the train to Germany. It couldn't have been, but it was. Just a brown girl that couldn't care less about being the prettiest, smartest, funniest lesbian in the room because all I wanted was to feel safe.
And they all sent me off cherished and adored and blushing and floating on cloud nine.
I do miss Amsterdam.
A/N: I shoulda gone and had the foursome fr kinda regret it but I was a dumbass that didn't realize they were hitting on me.
Today's Playlist: Wine Pon You - Doja Cat ♬
~ Miki | Myca ✧
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abitohoney · 1 year
All I Want for Christmas Is You
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Chapter 3 of 6 - Hand Me the Nutmeg AO3 link
CH1 || CH2 || CH3 || CH4 || CH5 || CH6
Sevika x female reader
Rating: Explicit, MDNI, 18+, NSFW
Tags: Sevika/Reader, AU - Modern Setting, Established Relationship, Fluff and Smut, Lesbian Sex, Cunnilingus, Teasing, Humor, Vaginal Fingering, Orgasm Delay (nothing extreme), Begging, Strap-Ons, Face-Sitting, Corny & Cheesy Dialogue, kinda sappy
Word Count: 5.7k
Fic Summary: It’s your first year spending the holidays with Sevika, and though the two of you couldn’t be any different in your level of holiday spirit or view of the traditions that come with it, your shared adoration (and sexual attraction) for each other is more than enough to get both of you through it together.
A collection of little holiday-inspired scenes, technically chronological, but really could be read in any order or as stand-alone oneshots. Includes a nice blend of sugar (fluff) and spice (smut).
Chapter Summary: Dragging Sevika to her boss's holiday party starts just as you expected. She's grumpy, uninterested, and simply all around no fun. Thankfully you find the perfect activity to turn that frown upside down. (Cum and get yer smut!)
AN: Another fic already complete on AO3 that I'm bringing to Tumblr. Guess it's Xmas in April. 🤷‍♀️
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“We’re gonna be late!” you call out from the bathroom after you finish applying some bright red lipstick. When Sevika doesn’t reply, you poke your head out of the door into your bedroom.
Sevika stands in front of a mirror over a small dresser, struggling to adjust the holiday sweater you bought her. “This is so fucking stupid,” she grumbles when you step up behind her. Her stormy gray eyes are focused on the hem of the sweater as she attempts- and fails- to tug it down over the top of her pants. Too busy with that battle, she doesn’t notice the reflection of your smile, but she does notice your poorly stifled giggles. “Why is this so damn short?” she gripes.
“So I can see those gorgeous abs of yours, duh,” you reply as you graze over the skin of said abs with the tips of your fingers. Her stomach quakes, muscles flexing beneath your touch. It’s the only place she’s ticklish, and though she’d never let you really go at it, you still manage to sneak in the occasional light tease. “Besides, it's really no shorter than your typical top,” you point out and take your hands away before she can grab them.
“My typical top is not an ugly ass sweater.” Her narrowed eyes rise to your face reflected in the mirror as you move to stand beside her. The moment she catches your genuine smile, she releases an exaggerated sigh and her scowl fades into something softer. Though she may never say it in such words, she truly adores your smile.
“We look cute together,” you say, taking in the sight of your matching ugly sweaters. Hers is a garish bright green with a black outline of the Grinch and- appropriately- the words ‘The Grinch’. It fits snug, hugging her soft curves and hard muscles, making an otherwise ugly sweater look rather tempting. You had removed the sleeve of the left arm to allow her to slip it over her mech arm without risk of snagging. Your sweater is a bright red with a white outline of a Santa hat and the words ‘Mrs. Claus, but sleeping with the Grinch’. It's equally snug, but reaches the waist of your knee length, white, pleated skirt.
“ You look… cute ," she replies, left eye twitching as she forces out that last word. "Don’t use that term in reference to me.”
“Oh! Almost forgot. I have something else that will make us even cuter!” you exclaim, ignoring her demand entirely. Opening one of the dresser drawers, you pull out a Santa hat, reindeer antlers and a little red Rudolph nose. You put the Santa hat on your head, then turn your attention to Sevika as you grab the antlers.
“Babe, no,” Sevika sighs as you reach up to slip the antlers on her head, but she makes no motion to stop you.
Checking her appearance in the reflection, you can barely contain the utter glee the sight induces. “Oh. My. God. Sevika, you are adorable!” you squeal. Even as she scowls at you in the mirror, it doesn’t take away from just how cute she looks. If anything, it enhances it. She’s your big, cute, Grinch. “Here! Put the nose on!” You insist and hold it out for her. When all she does is narrow her eyes at your reflection, you push out your bottom lip and give her your sweetest doe eyes. “Please. Everyone else is going to be dressed up!”
"I agreed to wear this dumb sweater. Even let you put these ridiculous ears-"
"Antlers," you correct her with a smile.
"Whatever. Don't act like I'm not dressing up for you," she grumbles.
She really has allowed you to push her boundaries. More and more over time, really. She clearly is trying hard to please you, and you realize you need to be more appreciative of all the adjustments she's made just for you.
"Okay. You're right," you relent with a deflated sigh. "Thank you," you add with a soft smile. Stretching up on your tiptoes, you press a chaste kiss to her cheek, leaving a bright red imprint against her rich, brown skin. That earns you a sweet, crooked grin from her as she turns to face you.
Sevika slips her hands under the back of your sweater, pulling you against her warm, hard body as she bends down to press her plush lips to yours.
You slide your hands up between your bodies, palms smoothing over muscled abs and curved breasts until they rest against her shoulders. Clinging to her, you return the kiss in earnest.
She tilts her head to deepen the kiss, her tongue tracing along your lips. When you eagerly part them, she wastes no time delving in.
Your mouth fills with a heady burst of flavor- fine cigars and whiskey. It's something that even after all the time you've spent with her, will always leave you with a heady sensation. A mix of feeling high as a kite, warm to the core, and undeniably aroused.
Realizing the two of you are going to be late to Silco's party- not to mention how badly you need the oxygen she's unknowingly denied you- you finally pull away. Both of you gaze at one another through hooded eyes, longing to keep taking that kiss wherever it was headed.
"We need to go," you whisper breathlessly. "We're gonna be late."
She stares down at you- your lipstick smeared lips- for a moment longer before finally relenting. "Alright. Gotta clean the mess you made first."
"Hey, you made a mess too, you know," you reply with a playful smile. When she raises an inquisitive brow, you in turn raise yours. Certainly she can catch onto your little innuendo without you needing to explain. And that she does.
Her now red stained lips curl into a knowing smirk. "If you weren't so insistent on being there on time , I'd offer to clean that up for you," she purrs while slipping her flesh hand beneath your skirt to tease over your noticeably damp underwear.
You try to step back, away from her wandering fingers, but the metal hand at your back holds you firmly in place. "Please don't tempt me," you whine.
Again, she chews over your request, but ceases her teasing while she does. Taking in the sight of your pleading eyes, she relents once more. She wipes her damp finger along the waistband of your underwear and steps away, all while keeping that damn sexy smirk in place.
The two of you enter the bathroom. You clean away your smudged lipstick and reapply a fresh coat, while she removes the marks you left on her cheek and mouth.
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By the time you and Sevika arrive outside Silco's apartment, you can barely contain your excitement. The box of cookies the two of you had baked and decorated bounces in your hands as you rock back and forth on your heels. You've met a couple of Sevika's coworkers, but never her boss.
Sevika gives you the side eye before pressing the buzzer.
The door opens, revealing a fairly tall- though not as tall as Sevika- and lanky man. Silco. You'd heard his eyes were something to behold, and boy was that the truth. His left eye, set within a wave of scars, is a fiery iris set within a black abyss. His right eye- still healthy and untouched by the scarring, is a pleasant teal color, but it's just as unnerving in its cool, calculating demeanor.
"Ah, Sevika. How nice of you…" his drawl trails off for a moment when he takes notice of her reindeer antlers. "... How nice of you to join us." He sounds terribly unamused and you're not sure if that's just part of his personality or if he has some issue with Sevika. His good eye drops to your face. "And I see you've brought a… friend ."
Not so sure you like the way he called you her ‘friend’, you ignore the warning jabs of Sevika's metal fingers against your back. "Girlfriend, actually," you tell him matter-of-factly.
His unscarred brow raises and you can hear Sevika's frustrated sigh beside you. "I see," he replies without an ounce of care in his tone. "Please, come in." He steps back and off to the side to allow you both to enter.
Sevika strides in while you follow close behind her. You flash Silco a friendly smile as you hand him the box of cookies. "Cookies. For the potluck," you explain, still smiling.
His otherwise straight lined lips twitch, which you assume is his attempt to return the friendly gesture.
No wonder Sevika is his right hand. Just a couple of crabby, emotionally constipated-
Your thoughts are interrupted as Sevika bends down to hiss against your ear. "I thought you said everyone would be dressed up!"
Scanning the room, you observe the two of you are- in fact- the only ones wearing silly festive attire. Everyone else is dressed in nice, fancy holiday clothing. Shrugging your shoulders, you whisper out of the side of your mouth, "But we're the cutest ones here."
"You owe me for this," she threatens.
"Yes, yes. You can punish me later," you reply. Before she can get another word in, you catch sight of Ran and Dustin- the only two guests you know- and immediately gravitate towards them.
"Hi Ran," you say cheerfully when you come to stand beside them at one of the tables lined with food and drinks.
Ran, midst listening to Dustin ramble about Janna knows what, turns to you. Ignoring him entirely, their dark lips slip into a sly smile. “Hey, pretty girl,” they greet you, voice low and smooth.
From your periphery you see Sevika step up beside you, just in time to hear Ran’s subtle flirting, but she says nothing. You’ve noticed that over your time being Sevika’s girl, that her protectiveness over you seemed to allow Ran as the only exception. The two of them would usually cast subtle, knowing glances at one another. A silent agreement, perhaps. It was as if they had some sort of history. Something beyond just coworkers or friends.
You smile coyly at Ran and your cheeks blush at the compliment. Ran is undeniably attractive. Dark, quiet, mysterious and alluring. Not that you’d ever act on that attraction. At least not without Sevika’s permission.
Ran nods in greeting to Sevika, who in turn does the same. Then Ran’s dark eyes roam over Sevika’s sweater and up to her antlers, their smile growing in unabashed amusement. They turn back to you, taking note of the matching sweater.
“Don’t. Say. Anything.” Sevika bites out, tone low and threatening.
Still admiring your outfit, Ran leans towards you to whisper, “Cute.”
Sevika scoffs, clearly having heard the comment, and turns to observe the room in an effort to ignore you two.
“Thanks!” you reply, all smiles and proud of yourself.
Silco strolls up at your other side to place your box of cookies down on the table before turning to answer the door when the buzzer sounds again.
Dustin, who seems to have preoccupied himself with something in his nose- gross- immediately reaches for one of the cookies. Apparently Sevika’s sanitary standards are higher than her coworkers’. And wouldn’t you know it, the first thing Dustin does is drag his nasty ass tongue over the entire length of the gingerbread man in his hand, but not without first locking eyes with you. He smiles, sickly- perversely- and it makes you grimace and turn away to face Sevika. Apparently her eating etiquette is also better than her coworkers’.
“I’m thirsty,” you tell her, “Let’s get something to drink.” She says nothing, but follows you as you turn to make your way down to the other end of the table. You flash Ran one last smile over your shoulder and they return it with their own playful smirk and wave of their metal fingers.
“What the hell is this?” Sevika asks, her face scrunching in disgust as you start to ladle out two servings of eggnog.
You hand her a cup and grin as she sniffs it suspiciously. “It’s called eggnog. It’s a typical Holiday drink. You’ve seriously never had any?” Taking a sip, you watch as she takes her own, very cautious, sip. The grimace she makes as she immediately pulls it away from her mouth has you giggling out loud.
“This is disgusting,” she grunts and sets the cup on the table.
“It’s an acquired taste,” you explain.
Sevika says nothing, instead reaching into the pouch at her side to remove a fairly large flask.
“What are you doing?” you ask, though it’s pretty obvious she’s spiking her own drink.
“There’s no way I’m making it through tonight without this,” she grumbles as she pours a rather hefty amount into her cup. “Want some?” she asks.
Honestly, you could use a drink yourself seeing as you’ll likely be subject to rather unsanitary acts most of the night. “Sure,” you reply and hold your cup out. You notice she only gives you about half as much as she poured herself. And it’s a good thing too, because as you take a drink, you nearly sputter at how strong it is. “Damn, what is this?”
“Rum. Top shelf,” she replies, lips curling up into a smirk at your inability to handle anything remotely strong. She takes a considerable gulp, her shoulders slumping almost immediately. Perhaps there’s still hope for her to enjoy herself tonight.
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You spend most of the night hanging around Sevika in companionable silence. You had made several attempts to chat with Ran- or rather at Ran- as they mostly just listened. Unfortunately, Dustin was entirely too weird and gross for your liking, so those conversations were quite brief.
Sevika made zero attempt to talk with anyone besides an occasional short, private conversation with Silco. Probably talking shop. She did, however, let you go on an occasional rant to her about something. She would just watch you with that tiny smirk on her face, apparently amused by how passionate you got about some subjects. Unbeknownst to you, those rants became more and more nonsensical and long winded the more spiked eggnog you drank. Of course she remained cool, calm and unaffected despite drinking far more than you, at least if strictly referencing alcohol content. You had certainly drunk more than your fair share of eggnog.
“I need to use the restroom,” you whisper to Sevika when that feeling hits you without warning.
She merely grunts from where she leans against the wall, but her eyes remain protectively on you as you walk away.
After finishing your business and checking on your appearance, you step out of the bathroom a bit disoriented. Yeah, you definitely had a bit too much to drink. You glance through the crowd of people for Sevika. Considering how damn massive she is, it really shouldn’t be that hard to find her, but she’s not where you last left her. Sighing, you make your way through the mass of people as discreetly as you can until you see Sevika leaning against a wall in a dark corner of the room- basically as far away from people as possible.
As you step up to her, she’s just finishing a glass of eggnog, your glass you note by how she is holding an empty glass in her other hand.
“Thankss for holding my drink,” you state sarcastically, not realizing the slight slur your voice has taken on.
“Fucking need more than this to make it through this shit fest,” she grumbles, wiping the back of her hand across her mouth. Her eyes flit to your flush face and silly, lopsided smile. “Looks like you’ve had enough anyway, sweetheart.”
Taking both empty glasses from her, you set them on a small table along the wall. Glancing up at her grumpy expression, you can’t help but smile at how adorable she looks with her face all scrunched up and pouty. Like a huge, gorgeous, petulant child… with an undersized sweater and reindeer antlers.
“It’s not that bad. I mean nobody is really bothering us and there’s plenty of alcohol,” you point out, this time concentrating on your speech and keeping that slur at bay. Or at least you think.
Her narrowed eyes flit to your face before dropping to her sweater.
“It is that bad. This hideous fucking sweater is hot and itchy as hell,” she gripes, scratching at her neck with her metal fingers. Your eyes travel over how snug the wool sweater fits to her sculpted body. Even with such a gaudy, ugly sweater that is clearly at least two sizes too small for her, she looks hot as hell. Her bulging bicep stretches the fabric so tight you can see traces of her beautiful dark skin poking through. And it’s no coincidence that it’s as short as it is, revealing that tantalizing strip of skin. You bought that sweater knowing damn well how it would look on her, and you regret nothing.
“You’re so cute in it though!!” you coo, giving her bicep a playful little poke. Something catches your eye just above her head and you tilt your head back to glance up.
“I told you; do NOT call me cu-”
“Sevika! Look!” you exclaim, cutting her off when you realize there are several sprigs of mistletoe just above your heads. “Mistletoe!”
Sevika glances up to the ceiling, grimacing at the plant before dropping her attention back to your beaming face. “So what?”
Brows furrowed in confusion, you can’t possibly believe she doesn’t know the significance. “Do you not know what that means?” you ask incredulously. Taking her less than amused expression as a no, you explain, “You have to kiss me. It’s bad luck to be caught under the mistletoe and refuse a kiss.” You smile up at her coyly, taking a step closer while she simply raises a brow.
“That’s complete bullshit.”
“Oh c’mon Sev,” you reply playfully, not about to let her get out of this. Slipping the palms of your hands up over her chest and shoulders, you stand up on your toes to bring your face closer to hers. “You’re not going to deny me a kiss are you?” Her eyes drop to your red painted lips as you slowly drag your tongue across them. Watching her scowl devolve into an amused little smirk, you step even closer, pressing one of your legs between her thighs and intentionally rubbing against her. That does the trick.
Sevika’s hands find their way to your waist, pulling you closer as she dips her head, cocking it to the side and capturing your lips with her own. The kiss starts innocently enough. It’s soft, gentle, sweet, simply pressing her lips to yours. However, as you grind against her, that quickly changes. She releases a low, rumbly sound akin to that of a growl. She catches your bottom lip between her teeth and tugs. When your mouth falls open to release a soft groan, she immediately takes the opportunity to release your lip and slip her tongue inside. Her teeth clack against yours with how fervently she kisses you.
Your hands slip into the hair at the nape of her neck, tugging hard as you try to match her fervor. The growl she releases against your mouth becomes a moan when you press your thigh against just the right spot between her legs.
She breaks the kiss and both of you are left panting. “Bathroom,” she grunts, digging her nails into your waist to drive home just how serious she is.
“Pantry,” you reply through heavy breaths.
Sevika arches a brow as your hands slide down to her pants. Hooking your fingers through the belt loops, you tug her along as you step backwards.
“Nobody will go in there,” you explain as you back into the small door adjacent to the kitchen. Her lips curl into a smirk, one hand leaving your waist to turn the door handle so the two of you can slip inside. She flips on the light switch. A dingy, low yellow light floods the rather small pantry. She kicks the door shut behind her before returning her hand to your waist. 
The roles suddenly reverse and you’re no longer pulling her along. Instead, she’s quickly pushing you backwards as she captures your mouth again in another heated kiss.
Your backside slams into a series of shelves along the back wall, knocking over several cans that subsequently roll off and crash to the floor. Neither of you are bothered by it. You’re both too preoccupied with trying to shove your tongues down each other’s throats.
Her hands run wildly over your body, trying to touch every inch of skin she can reach. One hand slips up behind your head to grab a fistful of hair, tugging your head back to expose your neck. She runs her mouth along your jaw, sucking, biting and marking your skin all the way down and over your neck.
Uncaring that someone could- at any moment- walk by and easily hear, you release a loud moan when she presses her thigh between yours. Your hands slip into her hair and pull her head closer as she ravishes your skin.
Her other hand snakes under the front of your sweater to grab a handful of one of your breasts. She pinches and rolls your nipple through the thin fabric of your bra, pulling a gasp from your open mouth.
You’re feeling delightfully high with arousal, and the alcohol thrumming through your bloodstream is only serving to heighten it. Unfortunately it also seems to be raising the temperature in the room, as you both start to squirm in your wool sweaters.
“This fucking sweater,” Sevika curses under her breath and pulls away from you to rip said sweater off before discarding it somewhere over her shoulder. Her antlers are knocked off in the process, but neither of you take notice. “Get this off,” she grunts and grabs at the hem of your sweater. She hardly gives you a moment to push off the shelves before she’s practically tearing it off your body and tossing it to the side. Your Santa hat suffers the same fate as her antlers.
With both of you free of the uncomfortable clothing, neither of you waste any time getting your hands back on each other. You slide your hands up her toned abs, reveling in how they tighten beneath your touch. Traveling higher, you take each of her warm, heavy breasts into your hands and squeeze.
She doesn’t give you long to play with them though, as she quickly pulls one of the cups of your bra down and grabs your breast. Bending down, she wraps her lips around the supple flesh and sucks, leaving a trail of love bites. Her metal hand wraps around the other breast to knead it between her fingers.
You can feel her teeth graze down the curve of your breast before clamping down on the hardened peak. “Sevika!” you squeal and your hands grasp at her hair again. The deep, throaty chuckle she releases against your skin sends shivers down your spine. You pull her face closer as her wet tongue circles your areola before flicking your nipple, withdrawing another startled sound from your throat.
When she finally moves her mouth from your breast in favor of nibbling on one of your earlobes, you’re too distracted to notice the hand slipping beneath your skirt.
“I’m going to fuck you real good, babygirl. Think you can be quiet for me?” she rasps against your ear.
Your skin prickles with goosebumps and your body shudders. “I- oh- shit,” you moan out when you feel the fingers of her flesh hand drift up along the insides of your thighs.
“That’s not an answer,” she teases, her fingers stopping just below the apex of your thighs.
“Sev- please,” you whine, desperate for her touch. Even with your sweater discarded, the room feels unbearably hot and it’s only getting worse the more excited she gets you. “I- I’ll try. Just- please touch me,” you beg.
“That’s my good girl.”
If that praise wasn’t enough to makes your knees weak, her fingers sliding against your clothed heart sure as fuck was. The moan that slips past your parted lips is muffled when her mouth captures yours once again.
Sevika wastes no time slipping her hand beneath the waistband of your underwear. She drags her middle finger between your wet folds, just barely pressing inside. Both of you groan in unison. You from the pleasure of finally feeling her where you need her, and she from the feeling of how wet you are for her. Slowly, almost tauntingly so, she slips her finger inside. She breaks the kiss, allowing you to release a shaky moan. Her finger bottoms out, buried to the last knuckle, and your legs ache with pleasure.
“Oh fuck, Sevika,” you groan when you feel her slowly pull back out, only to add a second digit. You peer up at her through half-hooded eyes and Janna, she is a sight to behold. Pupils wide and filled with lust- with hunger. Both fingers- so thick and long- sink deep inside you, and it’s downright heavenly how perfectly they fit. And it would seem she’s thinking the same thing…
“Fuck, baby-” she groans, “I’ll never get used to how good your pussy feels wrapped around my fingers. So warm. Wet. Tight .”
God, can she possibly be any sexier?
“How do you want me to fuck you?” she purrs. “Fast and hard, or soft and slow?” Before your lust-clouded brain can even process the question, she’s curling her fingers and dragging them back out at a slow pace that is both agonizing and satisfying at the same time. As if that wasn’t enough to drive you mad with want, she runs the tip of her tongue over your upper lip at the same speed.
Your eyes flutter shut and you attempt to chase after her tongue- to steal a kiss. But, not only does she pull away, she releases a deep, mocking chuckle when you whine her name in protest. You open your glazed over eyes and peer up at her… insidious smile.
Apparently yes- yes she can be sexier.
Feeling completely overwhelmed with desire, you’re certain you couldn’t handle soft and slow. You watch her raise a brow, evil little smirk never faltering. “Fast- and hard. Please,” you breathe.
That must satiate her ego. She immediately reaches prosthetic hand down to grasp one of your thighs, lifting it up and out of the way as her human fingers plunge knuckle deep.
The motion knocks the air from your lungs, leaving your resulting moan as nothing more than an airy gasp- near silent. Your hands scramble to find purchase on something, anything, as she starts thrusting wildly inside your cunt. One hand wraps tightly around her bicep, the other clutches the metal plate that covers the shoulder joint of her prosthetic.
Both of you quickly find yourself breathing raggedly. She grunts and huffs with each powerful thrust of her fingers, and you can feel the flex of her bicep beneath your hand. Despite your effort to bite back your own sounds, the moment she uses the palm of her hand to rub against your clit, all hope of remaining quiet is lost. A mixture of broken moans, whimpers and her name seep from between your parted lips.
Feeling that familiar ache starting to form, you cling desperately to Sevika’s bicep, nails digging into her skin and threatening to break through. “Sevika,” you whimper, “I’m so close.” You’re not even sure she hears you over the sound of the shelves and their contents rattling behind you as her fingers rock your body with each pleasurable drive of her fingers.
Then, suddenly- and without warning- she pulls her palm away from your throbbing clit. Your eyes shoot up to hers, wild and desperate. “Sevika! Please don’t stop!” you cry out. Barely able to stand on the one leg you have planted on the floor, you use what little strength remains to attempt to grind into her hand. The deep, threatening growl that leaves her throat has you frozen though. She’s smiling down at you, with a sick, teasing grin.
“I’m not sure you deserve to cum, babygirl. Not after you put me in that stupid ass sweater and antlers. Lied and told me everyone else would be dressed that way,” she grunts.
Her fingers continue to thrust inside you, but it’s not enough. You need that friction.
“Sevika, please!” you beg her again. You can feel the familiar prickly sensation at the corners of your eyes when they start to water. You want- need - your release so bad. “I- I’m sorry,” you whimper, voice breaking as you struggle not to sob.
The moment Sevika catches that break in your voice- the single tear that slips down your cheek- her demeanor changes instantly. That evil smirk of hers devolves into worry. She brings her head beside yours and her mouth to your ear as she shushes you. “Shh. Babygirl, it’s okay. I’ll give you what you need.” She pulls her head back again to gaze softly down at your face. Using her knee to keep your leg propped up and out of the way, she removes her metal hand to gently swipe away the tear from your cheek with the smooth back of a finger. Her lips press softly against yours as she brings the palm of her hand back to glide against your aching clit.
You’re not sure if it’s the return of that pleasurable stimulation, or the incredible tenderness Sevika is showing you, or maybe even both, but your climax strikes like lightning. It shocks every nerve- every muscle. You pull away from her mouth to gasp while she fucks you through your orgasm with determination. Time slows and stills for that brief, pleasurable moment and all you can do is cling onto her as if your life depends on it. As the last wave rocks your body, you can feel her fingers slow from a brutal pace to something more steady, gentle. Then, your body finally falls limp between her and the shelves behind you.
Sevika’s fingers still inside you and she rests her sweat slick forehead against yours. She gazes down at you with a proud little smirk as both of you struggle to catch your breath. Her chest heaves in unison with your own. Moving her knee away from your leg, she allows you to stand on both feet. However, when your knees buckle she quickly wraps her prosthetic arm around your waist to keep you upright. She chuckles deeply and runs her nose along the side of yours affectionately before peppering your cheek and neck with chaste kisses.
The door behind Sevika suddenly swings open. You’re too fucked out to even process the situation, but Sevika isn’t. She slowly turns to glance over her shoulder, fingers still knuckle deep in your cunt.
Silco stands frozen in the doorway. His good eye widens, for just a brief moment, taking in the sight before him. Sevika- his right hand woman- stands with her back to him. She’s shirtless, sweaty and covered in lipstick stains. You- his subordinate’s girlfriend - are pinned against the rows of shelves in his pantry. You too are shirtless and sweaty, but also staring blankly with eyes glazed over and mouth hanging slack. His face quickly returns to its normal I could care less expression and he turns his attention to Sevika. “Sevika, if you would be so kind as to hand me the nutmeg… seeing as you are currently blocking it,” he drawls.
Without a word, Sevika carefully removes her prosthetic from around your waist, pressing her body against yours to keep you from collapsing. Reaching up to a nearby shelf, she grabs the spice and hands it to Silco. He nods to her and turns to leave, but before he’s all the way through the doorway, he turns his head to say over his shoulder, “Glad to see you two are enjoying the… festivities .”
Once the door closes again, Sevika turns to you with a smirk. You’re just barely starting to come to, still not quite processing what just occurred. “You alright, sweetheart?” she asks quietly.
Define ‘alright’.
She definitely fucked away your tipsy feeling, but she left a new sort of high in it’s place. You nod, not trusting your ability to formulate coherent words. The moment she drags her fingers out from your overly sensitive cunt, you seem to find your voice again. “Careful!” you chastise her.
Sevika simply grins down at you as she wipes her slick coated fingers off against the inside of your thigh. “Think you can walk?” she asks, making no effort to hide the mirth in her tone.
“I-” your voice cracks, so you pause to clear your throat. “I’m not sure I can even stand,” you admit. That earns you a bigger- still haughty- smile from Sevika, and although it takes a tremendous amount of effort, you smile up at her too.
“Need me to carry you home?”
“Would you really do that?” you ask doubtfully.
“I wore a fucking ugly sweater and antlers for you. To a stupid party. What do you think?” She’s being snarky, but there’s not even the slightest hint of malice in her tone.
“Are you mad at me for that?” you ask, feeling somewhat guilty. You peer up at her through your lashes, trying to read her expression. It softens, and as she dips her head to bring her lips to yours, you know that’s her way of telling you ‘no’. You wrap your arms around her neck and return the tender kiss. If your bones didn’t already feel like liquid, you would have certainly melted against her.
You release a pleased sigh when she breaks the kiss. She rests her forehead on yours again and the two of you simply gaze at one another like idiots in love for several moments before Sevika finally speaks.
“You ready to go home?” she asks.
“For round two?” you reply with a sly smile.
Her dark lips curl into a suggestive smirk. “And three.”
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next chapter >
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twst teachers as your dad!(+Crowley)
The news were devastating, after all the efforts to bring you home, it finally became official : you could never return to your world, and your new home consisted on a magical institution and the friends you made along the way <\3
As sad as these news were for you, some teachers who had grown fond of you have waited for this moment, in hopes of adopting you (and keeping you safe from Crowley too, ofc)
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1.Dire Crowley-
Had to fist fight Crewel for this to happen.
Has been planning on adopting you since week 1 (thus the lack of interest on bringing you back)
Bought custome matching pajamas with "the handsome man beside me is my dad" and "the kid beside me is the luckiest dad-haver ever" written on them.
No kidding, this was his way of celebrating your # 1st adoption anniversary.
A weird guy.
Invites you to very fancy family (of two) dinners, brings Pepsi with him and drinks it in front of everyone.
Also loves ordering whatever is currently the most expensive item of food at burguer King.
God forbid any male student looking your way ( very unfortunate because there's no actual female students)
If you are queer you would live in fear of telling him, but not because you think he's homophobic, but because you wouldn't be able to talk to anyone.
Not if you're a lesbian tho. that would be a blessing in his eyes. (he wouldn't let you out of school)
Encourages you to be your gothest self every day.
Tries to bribe the teachers to score you perfect grades.
Never works.
Tries to guiltrip you by saying that you would prefer Crewel as a father rather than him.
When you say "actually, yeah" he bursts in tears, like, ugly sobbing.
This is a common occurrence, every 4-6 days or so.
That's why you end up telling him that.
Not the best father but in this world full of magic and dangers you won't have the need to worry even once.
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2.Divus Crewel-
Had to beat Crowley up for this multiple times.
Because before signing all the paperwork he kept on insisting you to reconsider.
And boy was he persistent.
Unlike Crowley, Crewel was actually concerned for you.
"Okay so this kid has lost any chance of seeing their og. family again if they have one, and their friends. maybe they had a pet???"
Whether you are of age or happen to be the independent type, he still takes those feelings into account.
That said
Prepare to become a fashion model.
Your new dad loves dressing up.
He asks you what kind of fashion do you incline towards and buys you lots of outfits.
If you never were the fashionista type or you just don't care about your appearance, he'll just have you dress like him.
And as a teacher.
Does he give you a special treatment? yep.
Does this mean extra work every day? also yes.
He's more forgiving with your other classes as long as you pass
But- if you are his kid- you HAVE TO be top student in science and potionology.
So whenever you don't get a perfect score he will flood you with extra work until you get everything right.
Also will always get you the best partners for his class.
He doesn't care who you date, but if they hurt you ... there will be consecuences.
Overall a pretty solid dad. A little strict and materialistic at times but i mean, at least he's not Crowley.
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3.Mozus Trein
This man is not a dad. he's a certified Father.
Probably a grandpa already (?)
Maybe not in canon but, this man has basically three kids (yes I'm counting the cat)
His two actual kids however are around the age of Crewel if not just a few years younger.
He's been straight up suffering of empty nest syndrome for a long time.
He won't admit it tho.
This is why he initially takes interest on being your legal tutor.
(he thinks Crewel would be too superficial and could turn you like him.
he also doesn't want you to live like you're in the military, if Ashton adopted you,
and c'mon he's gotta keep you safe from Crowley.)
So, in his eyes, he's literally the only right option available.
Once he speaks his mind not even Crowley complains.
They are SHOCKED that this tired old man wants to take care of another kid.
When you come to his place for the long weekend, you are horrified at the specific old-wood smell that fills the house.
It's the furniture. This old, reddish dark, polished wood. around every corner.
His cat loves you already.
As a teacher, he's very much like Crewel.
He makes sure regularly that you remember what he taught you by randomly pop-quizzing you
You end up dreaming about history.
If you're queer and want to come out to him, i mean, he's not homophobic but he is very much and old man. yk.
If you're gay he's gonna tell you "but what is wrong with men/women?"
If you're bi/pan however, "could you be as ambitious when studying, please?"
If you're aro/ace he'll just be like. "i do understand you, really, but aren't you too young for this?"
He's not judging honestly.
He's not trying either.
Gives the best relationship advice having watched all the romantic disasters his older kids already went through.
Will teach you manners.
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4. Ashton Vargas.
He adopted you because he really felt bad for you with all this "loosing where i belong, the people i love, the places i know" thing.
This kinda stuff can bring the best man down.
He won't let it happen!!
And you're so ridiculously out of shape!! he knows none of his colleagues would help you with that. He also doesn't think leaving you to Crowley is safe so.
Now you're his kid.
Wakes you up everyday at 5am for a morning jog to "start the engines" so you do better in school.
Doesn't let you eat anything from the cafeteria.
He meal preps once a week so now you will be eating slightly cooked veggies, eggs and non-spiced chicken everyday.
If you're vegan you will be eating a ridiculous high amount of legumes. half the timed they're just boiled and unsalted.
Will be a competitive dad. I mean, he will make everything a competition. who will wash the dishes faster? who will get to the bottom of the stairs first?
If you play competitive sports with him prepare to be absolutely destroyed.
If you're in any type of competition that he has trained you for, and you win, he will cry literal tears.
Of pride and happiness ofc
You do so much better in his classes now because you've being training 24/7
He won't ever say a thing about your crushes or partners unlike the others, even if he sees the red flags
Because he thinks it's better if you learn this kind of thing on your own, the hard way.
If you have an uterus and suffer from bad period cramps this man will research the whole market as well as natural and magical remedies because nothing should interfere with the grind 💪
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weightedblankettt · 11 months
It took me WAY too long to get these done…
// drugs, murder, typical danganronpa cw’s, alcohol
Under the cut!
Ace sings in the shower. He likes to sing his own songs, but sometimes, he’ll sing the pieces of his favorite idols when Nico or his parents aren’t home.
It was Ace who originally bought his and Nico’s matching earrings. They were a birthday present for both of them because it was the second year since their parents had stopped bothering to celebrate.
Although he is insecure about his weight due to the idol industry, he still teases Nico for theirs. He’s well aware that it’s wrong, but he projects his insecurities onto them to avoid dealing with his own problems. Ace wishes he could take back everything he’s said to them, sometimes.
He was a rather popular athlete at his old school. He wasn’t very close with his friends outside of sports, but he took them very seriously. Even if they would bully him for having a girlish hobby on the side.
Secretly, he loves pop songs. He especially likes romantic songs, because he’s a bit of a hopeless romantic on the side. He will never admit to this, though, and will curse you out if you try to expose him for it.
Arei has a burn scar, vertically across her forehead. She’s a bit insecure about it and uses what’s left of her bangs to cover them up.
She’s a lesbian, which is apparent with her inability to talk to girls. Arei never ends up being able to finish a sentence whenever she addresses a woman, and she always goes into a nervous shutdown after a while.
She and her sisters lived with her mother, while she wanted to live with her father. She was allowed visitation, but she was the only one that ever visited him. Her family is a toxic hellscape, and it has been since she was a child.
Her speaking voice is absurdly loud. Despite the high pitch of her voice itself, she consistently speaks in a loud and boisterous manner. It’s ear-grating to everyone else.
In terms of her academics, Arei is a complete failure. She’s even managed to get a D+ in Lunch, which nobody in her class knew was even remotely possible.
Arturo is a heavy alcoholic. He’s an experienced wine connoisseur and has a lot of prior background with drinking in general. He’s even half-Russian, which he consistently flexes.
He’s only been to space once. It was the best day of his life, in his opinion. And it was all thanks to the beautiful women around him! And some men, but he digresses.
His view of women and men is similar to Yuri’s. He sees women as beautiful and praises their very existence. Meanwhile, any men in his vicinity are disregarded as utterly disgusting, and he sees them as ugly.
The halo around his head is just a hat. He bought it as a souvenir from an academy and wears it around all the time as a result. The planets are able to be spun on their wire. He does it a lot, it’s rather fun.
One of his pastimes is watching Veronika’s horror movies. He is a big, big fan of her work, and he consistently bothers her about it. Speaking of, he’s also a fan of J’s hostess work, but not as much as he is of Veronika’s acting.
Charles is vastly multilingual. He can speak the more common languages, like Spanish, French, Japanese, and Russian. But he can also speak Dutch, Kawishana, Mandarin, and even more than you can count on both hands.
He always carries around a hunting knife. Despite his phobia of blood, he consistently manages to threaten others. While the extent of his phobia is greatly lessened due to his career, it still affects him.
He still practices chemistry, although for illegal uses. He even had a meth lab in his old place of residence, before he was forced to flee.
Because of his frequent homelessness, he is incapable of basic chores: He can’t do his own laundry, he can’t cook, clean, or even make his own bed. He’s used to living a rather practical lifestyle and putting minimal effort into anything except his career.
Smoking is one of his worst habits, but he still continues to do it. Charles always carries a pack of cigarettes and a lighter for whenever he gets stressed out and takes a smoke when he needs to.
David’s favorite food is easy-make oatmeal. However, on days when he’s feeling particularly energized, he’ll make himself a bowl of meat-flavored ramen, and curl up on his couch to eat it.
He has a positive front, but his supply of optimism is limited. Pessimism is his true nature, but he forces himself to stay happy in spite of the tragedy surrounding him. Despite his luck, he feels as if he’s powerless, surrounded by people infinitely more talented than he is.
He will always choose to be a fire type in role-playing games. David really likes having fire abilities, for some unknown reason, and will always pick fire without fail. Pokémon, Dungeons and Dragons, anything you can think of.
Bad luck is common for David, to the point where his misfortune is expected of him. Similar to Teruko in the original DRDT, his luck differs from Yuki’s, in that his luck is more of a curse than a blessing. This is subverted with Utsuro, or in this case, The Angel of Death, who takes on the bad misfortune of others and blesses them with heavenly luck.
With his spare time, David usually hangs around Teruko and the twins. They’ve become a small group of friends, considering Ace’s open nature, combined with Nico’s timid one and Teruko’s reliability. He views them as his closest friends and wants them all to be happy.
Eden is an avid reader of manga, especially shōnen, despite being a girl. She’s always found the action more invigorating than in other mangas, but she’ll indulge herself in shojo manga as well. All of it is good in her eyes.
Her family is her main source of pressure. From their disappointment in her self-expression to their obsession with keeping up the family name, she’s not one to be open with herself.
Art is her passion, but she wants to make different art than the pieces she’s expected to. While her family is focused on hyper-realistic artwork, Eden wants to draw more in cartoony styles. Her dream is to release a manga of her own one day, so she can make her parents proud of her.
Without even thinking about it, Eden can spend hours upon hours drawing in her sketchbook. It’s a wonder how she gets enough sleep with the way she can spend up to fifteen hours or more straight, moving her pen with a smile on her face.
Even though Eden has contact lenses, she refuses to wear them. She believes that her glasses make her look more cute, and she wants to keep that image of herself.
Hu cannot operate machinery for the life of her. No matter what kind and no matter how she does it, she always ends up accidentally breaking something due to her inability to use it correctly.
She has a daily exercise schedule, neatly planned out to keep her strength. She usually ends up training with Arei because of their similar lifestyles, but she tends to upkeep herself by going on morning jogs, before excusing herself to the gym.
Despite being a boxer, she still enjoys classical Chinese music. She still has an affinity for the zither, although she cannot play it. She’s very in tune with her culture, despite not dressing in traditional clothing because of the nature of her occupation.
She hates the look of hospitals and will avoid them at all costs. She’s had terrible experiences with illnesses in her childhood, and she’ll avoid them at all costs, even if she needs to. She takes very good care of her health as a result.
The hat on her head is used to cover her eyes from the sun. She has protective sunglasses tucked under the sleeves of her jacket, but her eyes are sensitive to strong light because of her past illnesses.
J’s cooking skills are unmatched by anyone else in the cast. Because of her hostess work, she’s used to having to act as a waitress at parties, especially for impatient customers.
Mariabella Rosales, her own mother, is her most frequent customer. It annoys her to no end, but ever since she was a child, she was used to having to attend her mother’s parties, working day in and day out to ensure the happiness of her clientele.
She enjoys singing, but doesn’t practice often. Her voice isn’t exactly as perfect as Ace’s, but she still has fun whenever she joins in on karaoke or other activities similar to it.
Due to the nature of her job, J is able to tell if someone’s drunk or not. It’s a sixth sense for her, almost, and she gets really pissed off if someone lies about being drunk. She will not hesitate to scold you for it.
She prefers masculine-style clothing. It’s more satisfying to do her work in a suit and tie, rather than a dress for her. It might catch some people by surprise, but she really couldn’t care less about it. Her fur coat is her favorite accessory.
Levi’s Devil’s Eye allows him to record his past memories. This is basically the same as Setsuka’s. He’s more hesitant to use it than she is, though, considering he has a higher moral standpoint than she does.
His past is darker than he lets on, but he covers it up with a joke or two. Despite his morbid sense of humor, he truly wants to leave the past as it is. He doesn’t want to dig himself a hole far too deep, and so he’s unwilling to use his Devil’s Eye much.
Party planning is one of his biggest hobbies. He finds joy in organizing events for his friends to enjoy, especially regarding the twins, J, or Veronika. He finds that performing puts them right in their element, and always encourages the three of them to shine brighter than before.
Fatherly behavior has always been part of his personality. Levi gravitates towards taking on a supportive role to the rest of his class, especially in relation to some of the students who need it the most, like Ace, Eden, or Rose. He stays away from the more mature students, like Charles and Whit.
Birthdays are a foreign concept for Levi. He’s never had his actual birthday celebrated by other people, and he’s almost forgotten what day his birthday is on. He doesn’t really mind, though, he prefers celebrating his friends’ birthdays, anyway.
Mai’s hair is cut short. She found no use for her long braid after the events of her first game, so she discarded her hair with a pair of scissors. She’s not the Ultimate Professor for nothing.
She tends to antagonize her students in order to get them to succeed. Although it hurts her to act cruelly, she instills a desire for her students to prove her wrong whenever she criticizes them in order to allow them to flourish. Not one student has ever failed her classes.
Her and Xander are adoptive siblings. Her family adopted Xander after he was orphaned, and they’ve been inseparable ever since, especially after surviving a killing game together.
The floral tattoo on her arm is technically against her school’s dress code, so she always dresses around it. Her favorite part of preparing for the day is finding a different accessory to cover up her tattoo, so she always feels that it helps complete her style.
Although she needs glasses to see, she refuses to wear them. In contrast to Eden, Mai doesn’t want to wear her glasses, as she can do her job somewhat fine without them. That, and she finds her own pair unappealing.
Min’s handwriting is mainly sleek, yet rushed, cursive. She learned how to write like that because of the fast-paced dialect of some of her interviewees, She needed to write fast, and so she learned.
Her dedication to her work was spurred on by her parents. Growing up, she was always obsessed with learning the truth about other people. Her reasons for this are unknown, but her devotion is seemingly serious.
The facade that she puts on is meant to attract the people that she’s interviewing. She has an excitable, eager persona, but she’s more cynical and distrustful under that. She simply wants to appear happier to goad her clients into talking more.
Her memorization skills extend to even the thickest books possible. She can commit all the research she does on the people she interviews to her memory, just so she has accurate questions to ask. And in turn, she can memorize their answers for future reference.
Black is her favorite color of pen, but she has many multicolor pens that she uses. Chartreuse, vermillion, navy, indigo, basically any color, she’ll have it. She even takes joy in pushing down all the buttons of the ten-colors-in-one pens she has.
Nico really likes heavy metal and rock songs. They love them to such a degree, that they prefer them over the happier tunes that they and Ace make together. However, they’d never trade their songs for the world.
Despite how close they are, Nico has not told Ace about their struggles with their identity. Although they prefer the terms they/them, they still gladly accept the term brother. Ace still doesn’t know that Nico wants to use a different set of pronouns.
Their body count is 74, but they can’t recall that exactly. Because of their desire to keep Ace just as how they were when they were kids, they’ve lost count of just how many people have fallen to get to this point. They know that number will go up with their parent’s death, as it’s the finale of their amazing plan.
Perfectionism is natural to them. They master anything they set their mind to, purely because anything subpar, to them, is a failure. Mostly, they attempt to support Ace’s endeavors by picking up a supportive role in his dreams, so they’ve picked up a few talents.
With their affinity for animals, Nico’s one talent outside of Ace is pet therapy. Of course, this means that Nico didn’t murder Ace’s pet dog, as said in the original SDRA2. They actually shared a passion for horses at one point, but quickly dropped it when Ace dubbed them creepy.
Rose always has her tablet on her, no matter what. She has a rainbow-colored case on it, despite her dull personality. There are even a few games on there to keep annoying people occupied.
Being treated like a kid is bothersome for Rose. Despite being one of the shorter members amongst the cast, she expresses annoyance at being babied by other people. She prefers to be left to herself, but occasionally joins in on large gatherings.
Reading is one of her prime hobbies, but she doesn’t find time for it much. Between her manifestos and extensive research papers on human emotions, she doesn’t have much time to actually invest herself in a book.
Veronika and her hang out often. While Rose is unsure of her feelings towards the actress, she often can be spotted around her and Arturo. She often takes note of their relationship, using it as a study on extreme emotions.
With her vast training in psychology, she can effectively read the emotions and thoughts of other people. She does it so often that it usually pushes other people away from her, so she’s very bad at social interaction.
Teruko is an avid fan of caffeine, especially when it comes to chocolate, or coffee. She will never pass up a free coffee, even if it’s coming from a shady place, or from someone like Whit or Charles.
Her hair graying is something not even she’s aware of the reason for. She feels as though it’s right on her, but the reason as to why this is doesn’t seem to exist in her mind. A lot of things don’t make sense to her due to her amnesia, but she can only assure everyone that she’s not a bad person.
She has conflicted relationships with the rest of the students. Similarly to David, she feels out of place and unwelcome in her class, although she can’t even remember her Ultimate Talent. Even her own last name is foreign to her. Even though she considers them all her friends, she’s unsure if that feeling is reciprocated.
Occasionally, she’d like to try out some girlier clothing, but she hasn’t had the time to experiment. With the ongoing mystery of where her lost memories have gone, and the dangerous situation she’s found herself in, it hasn’t been her top priority as of right now. She often gushes about this with Nico.
Although she has no talent, she makes an effort to indulge in her classmates’. She’ll take inventory with Xander, watch J begin to mix a drink or two, or talk about Charles’ business deals.
Veronika’s specialty is in horror movies. Although she acts in other genres, her main focus is in thrillers, psychological horrors, and slasher films. She loves the art of horror in general, and will make any excuse to partake in it.
Ace and Arturo tend to become her main victims of her amateur psychology. Being inspired from her time spent with Rose, she likes to pick their brains apart. Ace is freaked out by her antics, while Arturo’s status as a fan makes him easier to talk to. Not in an exploitative way.
Voice acting is something she’s recently been getting into. She has a natural talent for mimicking other people’s voices, and she’s landed one or two roles in animated films. Of course, both of them are horror films.
Most of her on-stage appearances are done by herself. She does her own hair, her own makeup, her own personality adjustments, pretty much anything she can think of. She can even do full faces of makeup in half an hour.
Puns are her favorite activity, even if everyone else hates them. She can never stop herself from making a bad joke whenever she can, to the horror of Hu. It annoys everyone else to no end.
Whit mainly deals in thunder and lightning magic. He prefers it over anything else, but occasionally dabbles in other kinds, including stage magic. He doesn’t like to use his magic for mundane reasons, however, so he doesn’t perform basic tricks.
Because of his status as the mastermind, he often converses with MonoTV. They talk about whatever comes to mind, although Whit finds the catdog creature to be rather boring.
Joking around is still a big part of his personality, even if he does it in a more regal way. He has a teasing relationship with people like Charles and Hu, although his more sinister side shows itself when he toys with the members of Void. Levi, Veronika, Min, and Eden, often become the target of his antics.
Love is still dear to his heart, and he sometimes ships his classmates. Whit doesn’t push the boundaries, but he often makes a nudge in others’ directions if he thinks they’d make a suitable couple, making teasing remarks to ease the tension. Or, that’s what he thinks it does.
The big bad mastermind’s favorite sleepwear has… heart-print pajamas. They’re his favorite kind of print to wear, and he always wants to incorporate hearts into his outfits, no matter what. MonoTV doesn’t let him, though. It shatters his heart!
Xander’s favorite pastime other than his job is tailoring. He’s always caught up on the latest fashion trends, so he can make clothing from scratch with only a basic idea. Despite his physical strength being rather high, having a “delicate” hobby like tailoring tends to come as a shock to other people.
Busy schedule or not, Xander hasn’t ever missed a day of school. His attendance is perfect, and he always shows up right on time. No matter if his sister is late, no matter if his business is undergoing stress, he’s always right on time.
Rainbows are his favorite aesthetic. He shares this with Rose, and the two end up talking about them a lot. He even has one on his shirt, which he greatly enjoys looking at. He’ll even ask Rose to play games on her tablet because he likes the case.
David’s mere presence is something that Xander doesn’t know how to feel about. Something about him makes Xander bittersweet, although he can’t place his finger on why. It’s almost as if he should be remembering something, but his mind runs blank…
An accident involving his right eye back in his old days of being a merchant has caused it to stop functioning. Although the exact details are lost to him, he can recall that he suffered a serious injury and it had to be removed. He wears an eyepatch over it now, and it’s always been there.
They don’t know it yet, but he will be brought back, one way or another. I’ll make sure of it.
Mark my words. Whether it be Utsuro or the Angel of Death.
Tsurugi Kinjo. Remember this name…
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docholligay · 1 year
The Faceless Old Woman Who Secretly Lives In Your Home
The pitch: There is a Faceless Old Woman who secretly lives in your home. She's always there. But now, it's time to learn where she came from and how she ended up in the strange little desert community of Night Vale. It's a story of swashbuckling adventure, queer romance, thievery, skullduggery, betrayal, and, most importantly, revenge. For the Faceless Old Woman has been around for a very long time and she never forgets... or forgives.
While this book is set in the world of the podcast Welcome to Night Vale, it is absolutely NOT necessary to have ever listened to the podcast to enjoy it. The authors have gone out of their way to ensure this book is accessible to anyone, whether they're a Night Vale fan or not.
I’m shocked I took this pitch, rereading it ahahaha. I think it was a repitch and the original pitch was better? (hold on, I’m about to compliment the shit out of the book) If a pitch goes through, you can repitch and be automatically let through the next year if it doesn’t get drawn. Please Hold.
There is a faceless old woman who secretly lives in your home and for the first time, she's going to tell you where she came from and how she wound up in your home. It is a long globe-trotting journey involving swashbuckling, heroism, romance, and slow, but inevitable revenge.
I know you love the Count of Monte Cristo and this book is very much in that vein, as well as featuring some unique and intriguing characters throughout. There is mystery, double crosses, and some truly endearing and heartbreaking moments. Best of all, while the book is related to the "Welcome to Night Vale" podcast, it is absolutely NOT necessary to have listened to a single episode to enjoy the book. This is the story of a woman who has had an amazing and adventurous life and how her quest for revenge led her not only to Night Vale, but to the loss of her face and maybe even more than that.
I fucking L O V E CoMC and the pitcher knew that and this is a great example of how to use the things I love to help me find other things I might love. This is actually a great example of how you can pitch a book to me, that, I’m gonna tell you up front I had a fucking FABULOUS TIME READING--I finished it in one night, just gobbled it up--I would have taken in one way and not the other.
Non-spoilery review is just the pitch because truthfully it is VERY VERY hard to explain this book without spoiling it. That second pitch SLAPS and is all you need know (There’s a Jewish lesbian in the book but those of you looking for ‘queer romance’ are going to be disappointed, as it’s very much a side note to a character whose Jewishness is honestly more central and interesting. I loved it! It is the kind of thing *I* love, but if you are reading a book FOR that, you will come away disappointed)
Fuck me running, okay, I expected to dislike this book. When i picked it up, I was like, “why, in the fuck, did I okay this? was I high?” mind you this is before I ever started reading just “From the authors of WELCOME TO NIGHTVALE” (a podcast I did not like at all) and “ALICE ISN’T DEAD” (A book I thought was blunt and hamfisted to the point of seeming to be written by talented teenager still learning about subtlety) comes A NEW STORY” I thought I had fucked myself over for reasons that I could not possibly understand, but I had bought the book and even used it was spendier than my usual and so I was like “FINE I GUESS UGH”
About 20 pages into it, I was super happy with my decision to read it. About 100 pages in, I was actually GLAD the storm had made my stream impossible because I knew I was going to finish this book out in one night.
This book hits on things I really love, and one of those things is revenge, and the nature of revenge, and what it does to a person, and what it makes us do to others. It has kind of a light touch, it wants to be kind of goofy about it sometimes, and those were actually the moments I thought it tripped, was when it was trying to be cutesy-comic-quirky about these very real things it was saying. Interestingly, when it was trying to be an arm of Welcome to Night Vale is when it failed for me, personally, basically.
She is so hellbent on her revenge that she refuses to pay attention to anything around her. There were so many times I screamed that she should be suspicious, that she should do a small amount of her own research, and the ending tells you that yes, the book WANTED you to be thinking that, though it was fine with you treating this like a stock fantasy/swashbuckle and believing everything the Substitute Father Figure said, only to be slapped by a mackerel in the face later. It all becomes about destroying the person who hurt her, and she’s swallowing poison the whole time hoping Edmond will eat her raw and die. It’s WILD.
I loved the scene with Albert where she literally cannot let herself let it go and be happy. The book is very very clear that this is not nobility, this is foolish stubbornness, this is continuing to cut open and reinfect a wound because healing feels like a betrayal. And not only does she ruin her own happiness, she ruins the happiness of her friends. She kills Andre, and Lora, and in fairness mostly inconveniences Rebekah deeply (who I loved and thought was a very very interesting character but I have already taken way more time on this review than I’m supposed to, so) because of her need for revenge, and she is outmaneuvered at every point, even to the end where Edmond dies peacefully surrounded by his family, while she’s a vengeful ghost of some kind.
And she continues to ruin her own fucking life. Death. Whatever. She continues to cut open the wound, loving every son, helping them, and then destroying them, and for what? It doesn’t seem to make her feel any better, it’s just a way of never letting her forgive herself for her father’s death but MORE IMPORTANTLY for the destruction she wrought on her friends and her own blind stupidity.
I fucking loved it. It buckled swash, it was about the power and idiocy of revenge, it was about what anger and hatred can meld us into and how it can destroy the beautiful things we ever were. This book sounds silly as shit when you look at the blurb and in fairness, yeah, I DO slightly wish it were in different hands that were not bound to a style of a podcast I find pretty eyerolling. But the themes are so fucking up my alley, the execution was largely solid, and I had a great time. Ate it the fuck up.
Will this get a rec asterisk? I don’t know! I think I liked it more than I think it is one of the highest quality things I read this year. Which isn’t to say I thought it was trash, I know trash and love trash, and I don’t think this was trash, but it wasn’t Great Circle. But it was a super fun example of the kind of thing *I* am looking for when I want a fun romp of a book.
thanks @notesfromtheidiotbox you hit it out of the park!
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