#This was short simple and effective
stealingyourbones · 9 months
Short DPXDC Prompts #918
Danny worked as a chauffeur for Bruce when Bruce was a child.
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moe-broey · 2 months
Peony: Thinks everything is all fixed now 🥰
Triandra: Too caught up in her self-loathing and agonizing guilt to even consider speaking with Sharena, the only reason she's on speaking terms with Peony IS because of their closer proximity to each other (being alfar/shared background) and Peony's persistence
Sharena: Talks to Peony, Doesn't talk to Triandra????? Sharena is. The Ignorer. Maybe she wants to reach out, but doesn't know how or even where to begin. But honestly I think she's repressing a bunch of shit too. To speak to Triandra would mean having to Unpack All That.
Alfonse: Speaks to Peony and Triandra on business only. Very professional. Very cordial. Yes there's also the harsh self-criticism and agonizing guilt and holding even his child self to impossible standards like this never should have happened. I should have stopped it. I should have fixed it. I should have been Enough to Prevent This. For my sister to have been in the realm of dreams, her peers being abused and left for dead, what does that say? What does that mean? What happened? How could it have happened? It should have never happened. I should have
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izzyspussy · 2 months
i think a lot of people have never been in a truly desperate situation but think they have, and this causes them to pass really harsh judgment on people who made bad choices when either irrational or having no good choices to pick instead, and i really wish people could get some fucking self-perception and work on their compassion skills and not fucking do that as much anymore
#jack facts#people be banging on about empathy this empathy that#and like sure maybe people have a measurable capacity for it but i can tell you what#that sure as fuck don't mean any fucking one of them ever bothers to make use of it when it matters lol#and i mean on the other hand it's hard to conceptualize how you would feel going through something you've never experienced before#i just wish people would be AWARE of the fact they don't know!#or like that there's a difference between ''i can't afford anything but instant ramen'' and ''i can't get any food or water''#or a difference between being freaked out by spiders and having clinical arachnophobia#or a difference between ''my loved one is sick and i'm really worried about them'' and ''my loved one is dying in front of me''#etc etc etc etc etc#anyway the longer i live the more i'm convinced that empathy is a garbage concept#and actually a more reliable way to act with true compassion is through at least some capacity for relative objectivity#the ability to say ''i don't know how that feels and i cannot understand it through comparison'' and to be able AND WILLING#to take people's self reports on their feelings thought processes or lackthereof in good faith and with sympathy#and also the ability to acknowledge that doing a bad thing for good reasons does not negate the bad thing being bad#but also should and does change what consequences are appropriate and/or most effective#and also like............... things people do in desperation or other irrational states do not represent Who They Are As A Person#or what it's like to hang out with them in a day to day situation#another thing i keep getting more and more aware of is like. if y'all can't even handle an irrational or impulsive choice that does harm#done by an otherwise ''good'' person under short term desperate situations#that they then do their best to reduce the harm of after the situation is over#i can not even imagine how absolutely unforgiving you must be of anyone who has delusions#and i mean real delusions and real psychosis not the hyperbolic babytalk version lol#like i don't think most of you even know what the fuck a delusion even is the way you act about things as simple & straightforward as like#fear. hunger. pain.#absolutely fucking exhausting
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spacemaverick · 2 years
flash/glitch warning!
made a funky thing!! @aenor-llelo
[ID: a 4 second video of wilbur soot standing on a gray background with a crumbly or drippy pattern in a darker gray, and an effect that looks like scratches on old film. he's an avian man with grayong brown hair and dark gray feathered ears and down across his nose and cheeks, wearing an emerald earring on his right ear, a red stud with a gold bar hanging from it on his left, a red and gold sash over his hair, and round glasses with red lenses. his eyes are not visible behind them. there's a gold halo behind him. near the two second mark, wilbur glitches out and the halo flickers. when the glitches end, ghost bur is standing in wilbur's place and the halo returns to normal. ghostbur's skin is light gray, he's missing wilbur's earrings and sounder shawl, and his glasses are cracked. there are also large tears in his sweater, stained blue with his blood, and forget-me-nots floating around his wounds. end ID]
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keeps-ache · 1 year
i am once again full of youthful enthusiasm !!!
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apomaro-mellow · 2 years
Jordan Peele, shoppin for flesh colored fabric: Oh this is gonna FUCK them up
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misteria247 · 2 years
So I had read a SpotaRobbie fanfic (I got bored and decided to browse some of my older ships) and I came across this one fic called The Hallway.....
Jesus tap dancing Christ. It did not disappoint.
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bunni-bun · 3 months
so the other thing i love about episode 8 of Bed Friend is the fact that it addresses the steps we take in order to better our mental health.
that's a tough conversation, especially with someone you love, and even tougher decision to make but i'm so so happy that Uea decided to get the help he needed and i'm proud of him for telling King about it too.
when i decided i desperately needed therapy and medication again for my depression and anxiety, it was at a critical moment. i remember when my friend/crush called me cuz we usually had lunch together and when i answered, i told him i couldn't because i was on my way to psych. i needed it.
when i came back and explained to him what happened, he was very encouraging of me to take my meds and ask how my therapy sessions were going. he always made sure that i took both meds, and he listened to me when i told him about my sessions. i'm really glad i had him for that.
so i'm really proud of Uea when he tells King that he needs to take his meds and then he tells him why. and yes, it hurts King so much because he wants Uea to be happy but what's happened is done so now, the best thing he can do for Uea is love and support him on his journey to recovering. Uea's very real PTSD and trauma responses hurt so much and remind me of my own, sometimes. i'm glad he took that opportunity his boss gave him to get the help he needed. it brings me so much joy.
addressing mental health concerns in such a simple but effective way is so necessary and i hope that people will be able to start getting better, the way Uea did, because even if it takes a long time to get there like Uea, you'll still get there and that alone is the battle half won. i love that.
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iraprince · 5 days
gonna show u guys a little opalescent highlight hack i threw together today
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rainbow gradient above your main figure (i usually have all my main figure folders/layers in one big folder, so i can clip gradient maps + adjustments to it!). liquify tool to push the colors around a bit. STAY WITH ME I KNOW IT LOOKS STUPID RN I'M GOING SOMEWHERE WITH THIS
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THEN: set it to add/glow (or the equivalent in ur drawing program), lower the opacity a bit, and apply a layer mask. then u can edit the mask with whatever tools you like to create rainbow highlights!!
in this case i'm mostly using the lasso fill tool to chip out little facets, but i've also done some soft airbrushing to bring in larger rainbow swirls in some areas. it's pretty subtle here, but you can see it better when i remove the gradient map that's above everything, since below i'm working in greyscale:
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more granular rambling beneath the cut!
u could also just do this with a brush that has color jitter, but what i like about using layer masks for highlight/shading layers is how simple and reversible it makes everything. i can use whatever brushes i want, and erasing/redoing things is super low stakes, which is great when i often approach this stuff with a super trial-and-error approach.
example: have u ever thrown a gradient w multiple colors over an entire piece, set it to multiply etc, and then tried to erase it away to carve out shadows/highlights? it's super frustrating, bc it looks really good, but if u erase something and then change ur mind later, u basically would have to like. recreate the gradient in the area u want to cover up again. that's how i used to do things before figuring out layer masks!! but masking basically creates a version of this with INFINITE undo bc u can erase/re-place the base layer whenever u want.
anyway, back to rambling about this specific method:
i actually have TWO of these layers on this piece (one with the liquified swirls shown above, and another that's just a normal concentric circle gradient with much broader stripes) so i can vary the highlights easily as needed.
since i've basically hidden the rainbow pattern from myself, the colors in each brushstroke i make will kind of be a surprise, which isn't always great -- but easily fixable! for example, if i carve out a highlight and it turns out the rainbow pattern in that area is way too stripey, i can just switch from editing the mask to editing the main layer and blur that spot a bit.
also, this isn't a full explanation of the overall transparency effect in these screencaps! there's other layer stuff happening below the rainbow highlights, but the short version is i have all this character's body parts in different folders, each with their own lineart and background fill, and then the fill opacity is lowered and there's multiply layers clipped to that -- blah blah it's a whole thing. maybe i'll have a whole rundown on this on patreon later. uhhh i think that's it tho! i hope u get something useful out of this extremely specific thing i did lmao
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harrie-cc · 4 months
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The Klean Collection - Part 4
This month I focused on creating the Klean Home Office. I focused my attention on what a designer's home office would look like/contain. I have wanted to make shelving like this for quite some time & was excited to try out Sims 4 Studio to angle the slots, unfortunately many painful hours later after trying to troubleshoot why exactly the rotation didn't work in game, I managed to come up with a workaround, so that you can still snap flat books and deco items onto the slanted shelves at the correct angle. For some peculiar reason the rotated slots would not work unless I locked their orientation. As a result once an item snap into one of these slots it will stay at the 45 degree angle even when you snap it to a regular slot. If I did this for all the slots to work it would end up being very difficult for you to effectively clutter all the other shelves as all your items would snap to these angled slots instead. So I've created only 3 of these slots on each shelf to help you to orientate your deco items to the correct angle. They are located in the middle and either end of the the shelf, so you should be able to avoid them while decorating the regular slots on the other shelves. I think this issue is down to EA changing the slotting information in the game as it a very simple process to rotate these slots and both programmes I used to do so ended with the same result. Fingers crossed this is changed in the future so I don't have to irritate myself and you all with such a workaround and they just work how they are supposed to! 
Items Include:
Bookshelf configurations 1 to 5 (short & medium)
1 tile bookshelf configuration (short & medium)
Left ending bookshelf configuration (short & medium)
Right ending bookshelf configuration (short & medium)
Bookshelf post (short. medium & tall)
Desk chair
Glass desk
Statement desk/ conference table/ dining table
Design portfolio
Open design portfolio
Pantone swatch books (3 options)
RAL swatch books (2 options)
Fabric sample book
All items are Base Game compatible and you can find them by searching KLEAN in the build/buy catalogue.
As per usual textures are linked between similar items, so if you download the unmerged file, make sure to include all items from that family, so the textures appear correctly in your game.
Now Available on Patreon Early Access
Public Release: 7th April 2024
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rickgoodman · 1 year
Video Email: A Simple, Effective Way to Communicate with Your Remote Tea...
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writers-potion · 14 days
Let's Talk About Pacing Our Fight Scenes.
For Fast-Paced Parts:
Short words with single syllables. Immediately > at once/ endeavour > try/ indicate > point at/ investigate > check out.
Short sentences, the shorter the better.
Partial sentences to blaze through multiple senses and actions within a few lines.
Short paragraphs
Lots of verbs.
Few adjectives and adverbs.
Cut down on -ing form of verbs, as it can make words longer
Use simple past tense
Avoid conjunctions and link words.
Avoid internal thought - your characters are irrational, ruthless and in the flow of pure action.
For Slow-Paced Parts:
Use medium/long sentences
the paragraphs are longer: three lines minimum
Include longer words with more syllables
Use adjectives and maybe a couple of adverbs.
Insert the thoughts of the PoV character.
Words for Action Scenes
act, alter, attack, avert, back, block, bang, bash, battle, beat, beg, belt, bend, best, bite, blacken, bleed, blind, blister, blow, blunt, boil, bolt, boot, bore, bow, box, brace, brag, brash, brawl, break, breathe, brush, buck, bulgde, burn, burst, cackle, call, can, carry, cart, carve, catch, check, chop, chuck, clack, clank, clap, clash, claw, clear, cleave, click, cliff, cling, clip, close, club, cock, coil, cold, collar, come, con, connect, corner, cost, count, counter, cover, cower, crack, crackle, cram, crash, crawl, creep, crinkle, cross, crouch, rush, cry, cuff, cull, cup, curl, curse, curve, cusp, cut, dart, dash, deepen, dig, deep, dip, ditch, drive, drop, duck, dump, ede, effect, erect, escape, exert, expect, feint, fight, fire fist, fit, flag, flare, flash, flick, fling, flip, flock, force, gash, gasp, get, gore, grab, grasp, grip, grope, group, hack, harden, heat, help, hit, hop, hurl, hurry, impale, jab, jar, jerk, join, jolt, jump, keep, kick, kill, knee, knock, knot, knuckle, leak, leap, let, lever, lick, lift, lock, loop, lop, plunge, mask, nick, nip, open, oppose, pace, pack, pain, pair, pale, palm, pan, pant, parry, part, pass, paste, pat, peak, peck, pelt, pick, pierce, pile, ping, piss, pit, pivot, plot, pluck, plug, plunge, ply, point, pool, pop, pose, pot, pound, pour, powder, pray, preen, prepare, prey, prick, prickle, print, probe, pry, pull, pulp, pulse, pump, punch, pursue, push, quarry, quarter, quest, race, raise, rake, ram, rap, rasp, rear, retreat, rip, riposte, rivert, roar, rock, roll, rope, round, rouse, run, rush, sap, scale, scalp, scan, score,scream, seek, seep, shake, shape, sharpen, shock, shoot, shop, slap, slap, slash, slice, slick, slip, slit, smash, snap, snare, snatch, snipe, sock, space, spar, spark, speed, spike, spill, spin, spit, splash, spoil, spring, spur, spurt, spy, squirm, stand, steert, step, stick, strap, strike, stuff, suck, support, swat, sweat, sweep, swingm tack, tag, take, target, taste, team, tear, tent, test, thrash, throw, thrust, thud, tick, tide, tilt, time, tire, top, toss, tower, toy, trap, trick, trigger, trip, triumph, trouble, trump, try, tuck, tug, twril, twitch, weaken, wet, whip, whirl, whirr, whoop, whoosh, whop, work, zap, zip.
If you like my blog, buy me a coffee☕ and find me on instagram! 📸
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stealingyourbones · 16 days
Short writing prompt:
You’re a cameraman who works for a major film studio. You got hired to work on a horror movie. You’ve noticed some odd things going around on set but you just wave it away as usual backstage crew shenanigans.
Little do you know those things you saw flit out of the corner of your eye and the creatures you thought were pieces from the special effects and prop departments are real.
The moment you realize that what you’ve seen is the actual monster from the horror film you’re contracted to work on, you run. Armed with your camera and your knowledge of the script, you go on a journey to escape this beast.
Why do you keep your camera instead of a weapon? That’s simple: the cameraman never dies.
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avis-writeshq · 11 days
hi ! love ur fics <3
can i request reader as being a massive flirt publicly towards spencer but when its Intimate and Private, reader is suddenly Stunned and Speechless and Blushing and spencer kinda gets the confidence to Do Stuff
im sorry if that was the stupidest described ask ever achh but lov u !
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pairing: s9!spencer reid x bau!fem!reader genre: established relationship, bombshell-ish(?) reader, fluff warnings: 16+ for kind of suggestive? he’s so in love UGH a/n: thank you for requesting !! wc: 1.22k
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Spencer thinks that you are the most beautiful person in the world. He thinks that you’re glowing every time you walk into the room– no matter how upset or disgruntled you may be– and as cliche as it may seem, he’s certain that swarms butterflies fill his stomach and cloud his mind. In fact, he thinks that you have always had that effect on him, ever since he’s met you. You’re touchy, and despite Spencer’s general aversion to physical touch, he finds that he doesn’t mind your germs much. 
Very often he finds himself at your mercy, with the way your fingers brush against his face as if it’s nothing, as if that movement alone was something that you do with everyone (you’ve only ever done it with him). There are other instances where you’ve been very blatant in your attraction towards him, so much so that he ends up with his cheeks hot more often than not. A part of him is grateful that though you work in the FBI, it isn’t his division. He doubts he’d be able to see the end of it.
“Spencer,” you gush, curling your fingers into the ends of his hair. Or rather, lack of hair. “You got a haircut. You’re supposed to consult me first, you know.”
He laughs, looking up at you as you stand over him while he sits at his desk. “Is that what a good boyfriend is supposed to do?”
“Yes.” You speak with mock indignation, properly running your fingers through his hair from his fringe to the back of his head. “It’s so short.”
“Do you hate it?” There’s a momentary pang of unease that strikes at his heart. “Maybe I should have consulted you.”
“No, baby, it looks really good.” You smile at him, pressing a kiss to his hairline. “You’re warm. Do you have a fever?”
Of course I’m warm, Spencer wants to say while you continue to dote on him, your hands travelling to his collar next and brushing against his throat. You’re touching me in the middle of the bullpen. 
He opts to not say anything when he sees your knowing smile. You’re doing this on purpose. He clicks his tongue, squeezing at your waist lightly as you lean over him to kiss his forehead. He’ll let you win this battle; he’s going to get you back.
He doesn’t really know how to get you back. There are a few harmless things he’d thought of doing: sneaking into your department and hiding your mug on the top shelf (he fears that you’d ask someone, a taller more handsome someone, to rescue it for you), not wearing the tie you picked out for him that morning (he can already envision your disappointed frown and his chest aches at the imaginary you getting upset because of him), and putting toothpaste in your Oreos (he doesn’t want to die). 
All of these ideas go down the drain and he ends up not getting back at you for days. It doesn’t help that he’s been gone for a case while you’ve been stuck at home. It isn’t all bad, and a part of him wishes that he can hold himself to the same level of confidence as Derek when Penelope calls him with flirtatious motives. You do virtually the same thing. 
Your words are honey as you shower him with compliments, ending him with a simple “Hey, gorgeous.” 
It is enough to make his heart leap to his throat and his cheeks to warm to a pretty pink. There’s not much overlap between the Human Resources Branch and the BAU, especially considering that you assist more on the training and hiring side of things, so there aren’t many opportunities for you to fluster him when he’s out of the office. He finds that you always make an excuse.
“Hi,” he responds softly, avoiding the teasing gazes of Emily and Derek. “Is… are you okay?”
“Do I need to not be okay to talk to my lovely boyfriend?” 
You’re teasing him, poking fun at the way he so easily surrenders to you. He resists the urge to run out the room. 
“Stop,” he warns half-heartedly. He says your name quietly, tapping his fingers at the edge of the table. “Is there something you needed?”
He can practically hear you smile as you respond, the sound of your mouse clicking in the background. “Oh, yeah. My computer says that my storage is full. What do I do?”
“Your storage is full,” he repeats, smiling. “That’s why you called me?”
“It’s lunchtime in Santa Monica, right?”
He relents, cheeks hurting from how hot and stretched out they are. “Yes.”
“Then it shouldn’t be a problem.” 
He puffs out a breath of air, running his fingers through his hair. “You’re ridiculous.”
“You’re lovely.” He can imagine you batting your eyes, your smile saccharine. “Don’t you wish that you were here, gorgeous?”
He’s definitely going to get you back.
Spencer goes to your apartment once the case ends, his eyes dreary with sleep and the horrors that he saw only a few hours prior. Your apartment key hangs next to his on his keychain– a limited edition Tardis charm that you got him for his birthday. He huffs out a breath, unlocking your door and stepping inside. He’s met with you dancing around in your kitchen, headphones on whilst holding a wooden spoon. A part of him is concerned with how easily he could slip into your home without being notice, but the other part can’t help but smile at how carefree you look, and he leans against the wall to stare. 
He doesn’t get the opportunity to stare for long. It’s comical, the way you jump upon seeing him, eyes wide as you rip your headphones off. 
“You’re back! You scared me.” A smile stretches across your lips while you press your palm to your chest whilst taking steps towards him. “Don’t do that ever again.”
Spencer laughs, toeing his shoes off and resting his hands on your waist. His head dips down to meet your gaze, peering up at you with a soft smile. “You look beautiful.”
Your cheeks glow warm and you break eye contact. “Yeah?”
“Mm.” He hooks his pointer finger under your chin, pressing a soft kiss to your lips. “I missed you.”
He notes the way you don’t respond, in some sort of daze while your lips part in both surprise and flusteredness. He understands your sentiments– it isn’t often that he initiates affection. 
“Did you miss me, too?” Spencer asks softly, his lips brushing against the shell of your ear as he speaks. 
“Of course I did,” you croak out, heat building in your head. 
Spencer chuckles, a smug smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. He’s doing this on purpose, flustering you to the point of no return. He kisses you again, one hand holding the base of your head while the other squeezes at the flesh of your waist. It’s dizzying, the taste of coffee on his tongue and the feel of his fingers in your hair. 
“Hey, gorgeous,” he murmurs once he’s pulled away. His thumb rubs a line from the back of your ear to where your jawline starts, and he can’t help but chuckle. “Where did that confidence go, hm?”
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reblogs are always appreciated!
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propertyofwicked · 3 months
warnings - full smut, unprotected sex, some praising, light choking . basically just reader being needy for her boyfriend
AN - i am fragile. i cannot cope with anymore lando in aus pics.
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he must’ve known what he was doing. the curls. the necklace. even his tan. you swore he was strutting, confidence beaming from him all day. he became entirely irresistible, and yet, you would never initiate any form of intimacy, hoping that he’d catch onto your lingering gaze and pound into you with such force you couldn’t walk for a week.
lando knew what your lingering looks meant, he’d seen the look of lust in your eyes more times than he could count. but he wanted to tease his girlfriend, rile you up until you were desperate enough to beg him. and rile you up he did. all day, he made sure to stand close behind you, breathing down your neck, sometimes pressing small innocent kisses to your shoulders, and grabbing your waist as he brushed past you. if you were sat, his hand would find a home on your thigh, grabbing at the flesh or lightly grazing his fingers in patterns on your exposed skin. every time he kissed you, he made sure to swipe his tongue across your lower lip to kiss you deeper, all the while his hand would move from innocently stroking your cheek to grabbing softly at your neck.
every time, you stomach twisted and turned into knots, heat rising to your cheeks - which only encouraged him more - and the ache between your legs got worse.
it’s not like you couldn’t initiate it, you were just shy. what if you’d got the wrong idea from his actions all day, what if it was truly just affectionate with no sexual motive behind it. you didn’t want to embarrass yourself trying. additionally, lando taking control was the part you enjoyed the most, the sense of being used whilst also being loved. you were a simple girl.
by the end of the day, you were close to exploding in frustration, half tempted to lock yourself in the bathroom and sort yourself out, the other half of you tempted to try pushing your hips backwards when you cuddle up in bed and hope he gets the hint.
“angel, you ok?” lando asks, clicking in front of your face to gain your attention.
“yeah, sorry just zoned out for a minute there. what were you saying?”
“ah nothing important, don’t worry,” he said, smirking at the effect he knew he was having over you, so he stirs the pot further. “are you sure you’re ok? i think you’re burning up a little, acting out of sorts,” and his hands move up to your face, one holding your cheek, the other turning to test the temperature of your forehead. in turn, the physical touch drove you hotter, almost sweating under the pressure.
“yeah, i’m sure,” but your voice wavers and you catch him trying to supress a satisfactory grin. “you dick. you know what’s wrong. why won’t you do anything?” you sigh, defeated. he knew what you wanted and yet acted oblivious? why?
“i wanted to hear you say it - you know you can just ask,” lando says, all the while grabbing your hips to pull you down to straddle his lap, reclining further into the sofa. he looks you dead in the eyes, eyebrow cocking up, still waiting for you to just ask for him.
your face grows hot again, but out of sheer embarrassment, your head dropping to his shoulder to hide from him. but he has other plans, his hand coming up, grabbing a fistful of your hair, and pulling gently to move your head back. his other hand stays on your waist, fingers delicately breaching the waistband of your shorts.
“say it, angel. tell me what you want,” he says, tone harsh but eyes soft. your hips roll against his, searching for any friction they can, but to no avail as he drops your hair, and both hands move to hold your hips down against his own.
“lan, please.”
“please what?”
“please, i need you.”
“where, baby? where do you need me.” his head drops back to your neck, nipping at the skin, littering it with little bruises.
“literally anywhere you want,” you gasp out in desperation,
“you know what i mean,” you laugh, slapping his chest lightly.
“you wanna ride me baby? would that help?” he says, grunting slightly as his loosened grip on your hips allows you to grind down on him again. lando laughs at the sight of your head nodding quickly, and your hands going straight to undo the buttons on his shorts.
“woah woah angel, slow down. what’s the rush for?” he says, his hands grabbing yours and moving them back up to rest on his chest.
“needed you all day. need you right now.” you say, hips still grinding down onto his, small whimpers escaping your throat as you did. lando’s face moves closer to yours, capturing you in a heated kiss. it’s messy, your teeth hitting each others. his hands are at the hem of your top, pulling it slowly up and over your head, disconnecting your mouths momentarily, but immediately reconnecting them as he launches your top across the room. your hands move down his shirt, undoing each button as you go, before pushing it back over his shoulders.
soon you’re both left in just your underwear, and he’s pulling his cock out the top of his boxers, and pulling your soaked panties to the side. you hover over him, holding onto his shoulders for support, his hand gliding his cock through your wet folds, wetting the shaft ready for you.
“c’mon baby, ready for you. sit on my cock,” he grunts out, his tip already sensitive as you being dropping down. he gives you a moment to adjust, before using his grip on your waist to start moving you. you gain confidence, shifting yourself to start moving up and down his cock, the new angle causing you to moan out, head dropping to his shoulder.
“fuck, lan.”
“love seeing you like this, baby,” lando manages to say, become breathless himself, his gaze shifting to your chest, watching your tits spilling over the top of your bra with each bounce. he leans downs, pulling one out and attaching his whole mouth to it, tongue flicking over your nipple. he can feel your pace start to falter, knowing he’ll have to take over soon. he’s proud, you usually don’t last this long on top before complaining out knee pain.
“you’re doing so good, y/n. treating me so well,” he says, slowly moving his hips upwards to match your pace, your brain so foggy you won’t notice the change from you moving to him moving for you.
“baby, im so close,” you whisper in his ear, he takes it as a sign to move his hands to grip your waist tighter, and pulling your whole body to lean forwards into his reclining torso. he uses to position to his advantage, digging his ankles into the carpet. he begins thrusting his hips up into you, a spare hand moving between your bodies to rub circles on your clit.
lando’s deep grunts, your whimpers and the sound of the sofa bashing softly into the wall fill the room.
“fuck, love you, love this, don’t stop,” the trail of words fall out of your mouth, too wired up to form full sentences. lando pushes the fallen hair behind your ear, smiling at you softly and pressing his lips back to your mouth.
“love you too angel, taking me so well. always take me so well,” he responds, struggling as much as you are, “im so close.”
he doesn’t need to ask if you’re close to finishing too, he can feel you tightening around him and your kisses on his collarbone getting sloppier as you get more exhausted.
“y/n, baby, im close. you might have to move if you don’t want me to finish in you,” he says, eyes slightly panicking.
“do you want to finish in me?” “always.” “go for it.”
that’s it for him. those 3 words are all it takes for him to roll you over on the sofa, he’s hovering over you, and that necklace is dangling on your lips. he moves to lift your leg up his torso, thrusting into you at a new angle and the sort of pace he looks for in cars. fast and furious.
his hand moves back down to play with your clit, and it’s not long till your coming around his cock, hips rolling against his, and your walls tightening around him, pulling him in deeper. your head has rolled itself back, eyes closed, panting as your chest heaves. he takes the opportunity to dip down and kiss your neck, holding your head closely to his own as he finishes too. a chain of grunts and whimpers and words you can’t quite make out tumbling out his mouth.
the room falls into complete silence, only your heavy breaths could be heard. lando moved to lay at your side, his head resting on your shoulder and looking up at you.
“next time you need me, all you have to do is ask.” lando finally says, breaking the silence, in between his panting.
“but what if you don’t want to fuck me right then and there?”
“when that day comes, shoot me.”
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violetduchess · 11 months
Hot things they do:
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Summary: Hot things the Hashira do.
CW: Suggestive content
Note: The people have spoken and I have delivered.
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Rengoku has a habit of running his hands through his hair, a gesture that's become almost second nature to him. It's not a nervous habit, but rather a confident and unconscious display of his self-assured nature.
Every time Rengoku runs his hands through his hair, a few strands inevitably fall in front of his face. The way those strands frame his handsome features adds an irresistible charm, making him even more attractive.
After an intense training session, Rengoku's body is drenched in sweat, highlighting the contours of his toned muscles. It's a sight that leaves you mesmerized and longing for his touch.
Those strong arms of his, glistening with sweat, hold an undeniable allure. They exude a sense of power and strength that could easily overpower you, and the mere thought of it sends shivers down your spine.
In your wildest fantasies, you can't help but imagine being at Rengoku's mercy, his arms wrapped around you tightly. The thought of him using his strength to pleasure and dominate you is both thrilling and irresistible.
Rengoku's physical prowess combined with his gentle and caring nature creates an intoxicating blend. The contrast between his powerful presence and his tenderness is what makes him utterly captivating and irresistible.
You find yourself yearning for those moments after training, when Rengoku's muscles are still slightly taut from exertion. The sight of his sculpted physique fuels your desires, and you can't help but crave the touch of his strong, capable hands.
Sanemi's habit of using simple phrases like "hm?" or "mhm" may seem minimal, but there's something about the way he says them that sends your heart racing. The rawness and directness in his voice have a captivating effect, drawing you in and making every word he utters incredibly significant.
When Sanemi wants your undivided attention, he lifts your chin with the top of his pointer finger, gently guiding your gaze to meet his. The intimate contact ignites a surge of electricity within you, making it nearly impossible to focus on anything else. Face-to-face with Sanemi, it's as if the entire world fades away, leaving only the two of you in an intense connection.
Whenever Sanemi is near, it feels as though you're floating in orbit, completely enthralled by his presence. His commanding aura and magnetic personality are captivating, making it hard to tear your eyes away from him. Every interaction becomes a mesmerizing experience, leaving you spellbound.
While Sanemi may not be one to share grand gestures or elaborate speeches, his silence holds great significance. In those moments when he chooses not to speak, his focused gaze and unwavering attention communicate volumes. The intensity in his eyes conveys more than words ever could, leaving you breathless and eager for his next move.
Sanemi's presence has an undeniable magnetic pull, drawing you closer and leaving you captivated. Whether it's the sound of his voice or the touch of his finger against your skin, the effect he has on you is undeniable. In his company, the world around you fades into insignificance, and all that matters is the connection you share.
In the early morning hours, as the sun gently kisses the horizon, Giyuu's voice awakens. It carries a certain allure, a perfect balance of raspy tones and a hint of sleepiness. It's the kind of voice that makes you want to listen to him speak endlessly, losing yourself in the melodic cadence of his words.
During his training sessions at home, there are moments when Giyuu dons clothing that is just slightly too short, revealing glimpses of his well-defined abs as he stretches his body. It's a sight that sends a pleasant shiver down your spine, an enticing display of his physical strength and dedication.
Every now and then, when his gaze catches yours, Giyuu playfully remarks that "staring isn't polite," his deadpan manner adding an unexpected charm to the situation. It's his way of acknowledging your attention while maintaining his composed demeanor, a playful interaction that leaves a lingering sense of warmth and teasing in the air.
Gyomei's protective nature always has you by his side, seeking comfort in your presence. He instinctively pulls you close, finding solace in your proximity, especially in crowded places.
You feel a gentle pressure against your lower back as Gyomei's hand rests there, creating a comforting connection that sends pleasant shivers down your spine. It's a subtle gesture that makes you acutely aware of the effect he unknowingly has on you.
In public, Gyomei's preference for keeping you close is evident. He wraps his arm around your waist, creating a shield of security and making you feel cherished. The physical contact sends warmth flooding through your veins.
The sensation of Gyomei's hand on your lower back becomes a source of both comfort and excitement. It's a touch that reassures him and stirs something deep within you, a silent acknowledgment of the unspoken connection between you.
Gyomei's protective grip on your waist in public spaces becomes a silent declaration of his trust and reliance on your presence. His touch radiates a calming energy, reminding you of the unspoken bond that exists between you.
Mitsuri's excitement is contagious. Whenever she gets enthusiastic about something, her eyes sparkle like a starry summer night, and her vibrant voice carries her joy for miles.
There's an undeniable charm in Mitsuri's little habit of bouncing up and down when she's excited something else bounces too. It's like her energy can't be contained, and it adds an adorable touch to her already endearing personality.
Animals are drawn to Mitsuri's gentle nature and warm energy. They have a natural affinity for her, and it's not uncommon to see furry creatures flocking to her side. She welcomes their presence with open arms and finds comfort in their company.
Uzui, in moments of vulnerability, finds comfort in resting his head in his partner's lap. It's an intimate gesture that creates a sense of closeness and trust between them.
When Uzui slowly opens his eyes, his gaze carries a magnetic quality. It's as if the world falls into place around him, and his partner can't help but be captivated by the depth and intensity within his gaze.
There's something undeniably alluring about the way Uzui lowers his head, whether in deep thought or as a display of his relaxed demeanor. His partner finds themselves drawn to his subtle movements, which exude confidence and a touch of mystery.
Uzui's undeniable self-assurance is a magnetic quality that draws others to him. He knows he's attractive, and his partner can't help but be intrigued by his confident presence.
Uzui's effortless charm and attractiveness seem to emanate from within. It's as if he effortlessly carries an aura of refinement and sensuality, leaving his partner unable to resist his magnetic appeal.
Shinobu has a penchant for oversized sweaters, particularly during the colder months. Despite the slightly loose fit, she still manages to look incredibly stylish, especially with the cozy sweaters emphasizing her delicate frame.
However, due to their oversized nature, the sleeves of the sweaters tend to be a bit too long for Shinobu. As a result, she often finds herself with sweaterpaws, her delicate hands peeking out from the oversized sleeves. along with the top of her breast,
While Shinobu doesn't actively sing on her own accord, she possesses a beautiful singing voice. Most of the time, she unconsciously hums tunes to herself when she's lost in her thoughts or at ease. The melodic hums serve as a testament to her tranquil nature.
Whenever a single strand of hair dares to stray onto his partner's face, Obanai can't help but brush it away with the lightest touch. He does it with such nonchalance that it often catches them off guard, leaving them flustered and secretly thrilled by his subtle display of affection.
Obanai finds great delight in teasing his partner by brushing away those tiny stray hairs. He'll do it playfully, pretending to be completely absorbed in the act while slyly observing their adorable reaction. It becomes their little game, with both of them cherishing these tender moments.
Muichiro has a habit of fixing his gaze on you, his eyes filled with adoration, and he can't seem to take them away from your presence.
Whenever you catch him staring, a soft smile tugs at the corners of his lips, and his dimples make a subtle appearance, adding to his charming demeanor.
You can't help but feel a blush creep up your cheeks as you ask him what he's looking at, only to receive a gentle shake of his head accompanied by a quiet smile, leaving you wondering about the thoughts behind his adoring gaze.
Muichiro's unwavering attention and admiration for you make you feel incredibly special and cherished, as if you're the center of his world.
His silent adoration speaks volumes, expressing a depth of emotion that transcends words, creating a connection between you that is both sweet and intimate.
Despite his quiet nature, Muichiro's eyes communicate his feelings with such clarity and sincerity, leaving you with a warm and fuzzy feeling in your heart.
It's a delightful and slightly embarrassing secret between the two of you, as you both understand the unspoken language of his adoring gaze and the love it conveys.
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All rights reserved @violetduchess. All works of fanfiction belong to me, please do not copy, translate or repost any works without my express permission. Thank you.~☆
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