#The grief anthology
wordsmatter09 · 2 years
After you passed, within just a few weeks, I realized the life we had together also passed; and would never return.
RJ Intindola – (Gandolfo) – 2021
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novelconcepts · 8 months
Fall of the House of Usher has everything, tbh. Seven Deadly Sins family. Everyone’s queer. No one has a moral compass. Nightmare goblin energy everywhere. The most grotesque deaths you’ve ever seen. Hilarious snark. The hottest women in the world. Carla Gugino in fifteen different wigs. Violent lesbians. Cats coming out on top. Cool tattoos. Orgiastic vibes. Katie Parker being Just A Lady, for once. Terrific hair. A granddaughter who takes no shit. Intimacy issues galore. Storytime. Storytime. Storytime.
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A brief for the defense by Jack Gilbert
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tatjana-fantasy · 10 months
Headcanon/Theory Time: Does Little Hope represent the five stages of grief?
I thought about it for a bit and how various sections of the game could be interpreted as one of the five stages. Here's what I came up with:
Denial: Little Hope's main story, obviously
Anger: The demons, maybe? Especially because they focus on the negative character traits
Bargaining: Vince comes to mind, and how Anthony has to convince him to look for help
Depression: Probably the flashbacks, considering how even in the best timeline, you can't prevent the majority of deaths
Acceptance: The ending, obviously
What do you think? Am I overanalyzing this? (Probably.) I guess I just thought it would be weird to not include the five stages of grief in a game like Little Hope ... but then again, this all seems a little ... far-fetched? Or is it? I have no idea D:
Looking forward to hearing other opinions! :)
@108garys @blubary @delurkr @dennisseyebrows
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darkstaranthology · 6 months
'photographs' was the sixth fic posted for 'dark star - an izch anthology.'
Discussion of single parenthood, past spouse death, canon-typical bullying and quirk discrimination, general misogyny themes as they relate to canon BNHA, and age-gap romance, and other triggering content below this cut. There will also be spoilers for the fic, if you want to read it for yourself first.
Fic stats:
~21,000 words
E rated (explicit sexual content, age-gap romance, past minor character death and grief/mourning)
Archive Warnings (AO3): None
Canon Setting AU
'photographs' is a one-shot, concerning a canon AU where Izuku 'Deku' Midoriya is childhood friends with Ochako 'Uravity' Uraraka, after their respective mothers meet each other by chance. She becomes his inseparable companion for several years of his life, before she eventually moves back to the western part of Japan with her parents. Now, he is trying to work up the courage to ask her on a date. There's just two problems: Ochako Uraraka is twenty-seven years old, and Izuku Midoriya is twenty years old, and Ochako Uraraka is now Ochako Nakano, widowed by the death of her pro Hero husband a few years prior.
Bit of an odd duck, this one. 'What if Ochako had been Deku's childhood friend in addition to/instead of Bakugou' is one of the most enduring ship-specific AUs for izch fandom. It makes sense, it's a very obvious extrapolation of the themes of the series in my opinion. Despite basically never interacting, Ochako and Bakugou have a lot of thematic contrast going on, and the basis of shipping them, casting them as 'love rivals' for Deku, or casting Ochako as 'the good friend' in contrast to Bakugou as 'the bad bully' all are natural conclusions to draw from their writing in my opinion.
This particular rendition of it was inspired by a piece of fanart by a JP izch artist that has now unfortunately moved on from izch. They now largely draw Deku/Bakugou and 'Dekubowl' content, which I still follow them for! But all their izch art has been functionally obliterated from the internet, which is a huge shame. They drew a specific piece of art that showed Deku, seven years younger than Ochako, and the progression of their lives from him as a baby, to her with him as a young boy, to her in Hero school seeing him in middle school, to her seeing him in the 'Dark Deku' arc of the manga, to him finally coming to her to ask her out. 'photographs' is actually a blunt, direct adaptation, almost beat for beat, and I've been told by a mutual friend that the artist is flattered I enjoyed her work enough to write a fic adaptation of it.
There's other elements, though. At the time this fic was written, the now-famous 'loser Deku's idea of a good first date' manga panel, where he describes taking a girl to an amusement park to hold her hands and split a crepe, was a sensation in fandom. Of course, it was instantly cannibalized for basically any Deku ship, and this fic uses that idea in what I felt was a very thematically entertaining way given their age gap.
I wouldn't really call this fic problematic. It's problematic in the sense that if I knew Deku and Ochako as real people in the situation laid out by the fic, I wouldn't tell them it's a good idea to date. But objectively there's no express power imbalance - she's not his babysitter, teacher, or boss - and both are now adults. It's just a mildly inappropriate age gap between two people who've known each other for years. I think the way we react to age gaps depending on who is involved is very fascinating, and it's funny to me that I could've just posted this fic to my main profile, and I doubt anyone would've even blinked.
It's part of 'dark star' because I wanted people to consider the implications of it all, though. The way Ochako lived a happy life, had a happy marriage to a man her own age, and had a child with him, and now in the ruins of that comes Deku, being a little selfish as he asks her out. The way that Ochako was this incredible person for Deku, and she's never really seen him as his own person, now seeing him come to her 'all grown up,' and how she buys a little bit into this fantasy of his that she probably shouldn't.
It's a little bit inappropriate and toxic, isn't it? Yet it's also romantic. I think these things can be true at once. One goal I had for 'dark star' was for izch to feel 'messy.' Other ship fandoms routinely write fairly brazenly fucked up content of their own ship, often thematically nasty even in a way that mistreats other characters or even marginalized identities (i.e. misogyny, homophobia, etc.), and those ship fandoms will eat that stuff up. Now, personally, I don't really want to write 'thematically nasty' content, per se, but I do want to write thematically challenging content that is reasonably open to interpretation. I would find it very reasonable if someone read 'photographs' and came away thinking 'I don't think these two should've dated, probably.'
There's other things, too. The reality of 'the canon plot' sneaks in at points. Sometimes this fic feels like it has almost no relationship to canon at all, then One for All will creep in to rear its ugly little head. I say that, but I do love One for All and the canon plot of BNHA. BNHA's manga largely collapsed under the weight of bad calls on its side plots, but I think its main plot has generally always been pretty good. I think this shows in this rendition, where the side plots have been largely obliterated to laser focus on 'Deku.'
Without Ochako, there is no Hero named 'Deku.' This is a statement that I would like to tattoo to the forehead of most of BNHA fandom. In 'photographs,' there is a 'Deku,' in the positive sense, but his distance and emotional removal from Ochako has left him more damaged. He presents a strong front, but he eventually admits to Ochako that he hasn't lived a very happy life. He's only twenty, but he's gone through so much no one of his age should, while Ochako has lived a fairly normal, well-adjusted life for someone of her occupation.
There's a moment where Ochako is trying to convey to Deku that she must remain focused on her child, as she is a single parent now. She's successful enough that she can afford that, which is a luxury. And she's self-conscious of her age and of the sexism of Hero society, so acutely aware that 'her life is over' now that she's over twenty-five, a widow, and has a kid. Deku doesn't see her that way, but she sees him as naive, basically like another kid.
Through the date they go on, she sees another side of him. She sees how he's amazing, just like canon Ochako does, but in the transit of Venus-type of way where she goes from seeing him as the little boy she always loved, to a remarkable young man reshaped by One for All. This is both good and deeply inappropriate, and you can feel her fighting with herself through the fic to try and convince both herself and Deku that he should go for someone of his own age, a peer who will see him for what he is.
But nobody else cared about quirkless Deku. No one sees his value. They only see One for All. Only Ochako loves Deku for Izuku, not for One for All. So he clings to his love for her, up until the moment he's ready to let her go, and she finally pulls back, realizing that she can't possibly let him go when she needs him.
I think there's some really good romantic beats in this fic, which I was fairly proud of to read back through in editing this year. I've referenced the famous 'amusement park date' a few times since in other fics, but this fic ironically is the only on-screen direct rendition of it that I've written. It's a little bit perverse in that regard, but I think it's a very mature, textured, difficult take on the subject matter that asks the audience to think critically of the ship, while still asking them to root for them in the end.
Incidentally, this fic borrows a plot point and some general tone elements from ss3dj's (@marcuskay-ss3dj) famous 'Green Tea Rescue.' That fic is probably the most popular and famous rendition of 'izch as childhood friends,' using the common trope of 'Ochako transfers to Aldera Middle School in her last year.' 'photographs' does not use that format, but it does borrow my absolute favorite plot point from GTR (namely 'who is Hisashi?'), and it serves as a sort of soft homage to the early parts of GTR.
I think there will be a handful more fics in 'dark star' that are these sort of light 'breather' affairs. Some of them have very fucked up, dark conceptual themes, like sibling incest or teratophilia, but the actual tack and tone they take with those themes is comparatively light (i.e. as dark comedy rather than drama). It's necessary for me to write these 'breather' episodes, mostly because you can only make so much awful stuff before it begins to feel overwhelming, at least to me. Still, 'photographs' is part of 'dark star' and not just a regular fic of mine because I wanted the audience to think carefully about its theme and message, and to draw their own conclusions.
If you have thoughts about challenging themes, age-gap romance, childhood friend AUs, and other related material, I'd love to hear about it! So if you enjoyed 'photographs,' please let me know! Or if you didn't, I don't mind hearing why. I hope you have something intelligent to say, rather than boring pro-/anti- discourse stuff or 'your ship is bad,' though. These fics are for adults, and I expect you to engage with them like adults.
Have a nice day.
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East of the Sun and West of the Moon (1914), Kay Nielsen//Meditation On The Threshold: A Bilingual Anthology Of Poetry, ‘Dido’s Lament’, Rosario Castellanos (by defromitittes on tumblr)//Grief Lessons, Anne Carson (by 10-813-08 on tumblr)//Meditation On The Threshold: A Bilingual Anthology Of Poetry, ‘Presence’, Rosario Castellanos (by deformititties on tumblr)
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linseymiller · 7 months
hello yes do you like horror short stories and creepy houses?
because the cover for the anthology i'm in next year just dropped
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A dance to the death. A girl who’s just as monstrous as H.H. Holmes. A hallway that’s constantly changing―and hungry. All of these stories exist in the same place―within the frame of a particular house that isn’t bound by the laws of time and space. Following in the footsteps of dark/horror-filled YA anthologies like His Hideous Heart and Slasher Girls and Monster Boys , and Netflix’s ground-breaking adaptation of The Haunting of Hill House , this YA speculative fiction anthology explores how the permanence of a home can become a space of transition and change for both the inhabitants and the creatures who haunt them. Each story in the anthology will focus on a different room in the house and feature unique takes on monsters from a wide array of cultural traditions. Whether it’s a demonic Trickster, a water-loving Rusalka, or a horrifying, baby-imitating Tiyanak, there’s bound to be something sinister lurking in the shadows.
goodreads link here
instagram link to cover reveal here
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taylorshope · 1 year
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wordsmatter09 · 2 years
Never allow someone to define your grief.
RJ Intindola – (Gandolfo) – 2022
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danielleurbansblog · 9 months
Review: Writers of The Future Vol. 36
Synopsis: Sci-fi and fantasy of tomorrow . . . . . . selected by masters of today. Where can you find the hottest new talent all in one book? Right here. This year’s winning stories include a diverse collection of brilliantly realized worlds of dystopian politics, magical realism, post-apocalyptic adventure, and romance, dark fantasy and more. You’ll love this anthology because these writers…
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moviesandmania · 3 months
GRIEF Canadian horror anthology - trailer and release date
Grief is a 2024 horror anthology film with four stories and a wrap-around about stages of grief in a small town. The movie was directed by Sean Cammack, Gabriel Gray, Ray Hoang, Reeth Mazumder-Roberts, Joe Parente and Gabriel Grey Tedley from a screenplay by Sean Cammack, Ray Hoang, Reeth Mazumder-Roberts, Joe Parente and Spencer Sinclair. The Canadian Paper Padlock Productions movie stars Nick…
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Watching My Friend Pretend Her Heart Is Not Breaking by
On Earth, just a teaspoon of neutron star
would weigh six billion tons. Six billion tons
equals the collective weight of every animal
on earth. Including the insects. Times three.
Six billion tons sounds impossible
until I consider how it is to swallow grief—
just a teaspoon and one might as well have consumed
a neutron star. How dense it is,
how it carries inside it the memory of collapse.
How difficult it is to move then.
How impossible to believe that anything
could lift that weight.
There are many reasons to treat each other
with great tenderness. One is the
sheer miracle that we are here together
on a planet surrounded by dying stars.
One is that we cannot see what
anyone else has swallowed.
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goryhorroor · 11 months
masterpost of horror lists
here are all my horror lists in one place to make it easier to find! enjoy!
action horror
analog horror
animal horror
animated horror
anthology horror
aquatic horror
apocalyptic horror
backwoods horror
bubblegum horror
campy horror
cannibal horror
children’s horror
comedy horror
coming-of-age horror
corporate/work place horror
cult horror
dance horror
dark comedy horror
daylight horror
death games
domestic horror
ecological horror
erotic horror
experimental horror
fairytale horror
fantasy horror
folk horror
found footage horror
giallo horror
gothic horror
grief horror
historical horror
holiday horror
home invasion horror
house horror
indie horror
isolation horror
insect horror
lgbtqia+ horror
lovecraftian/cosmic horror
medical horror
meta horror
monster horror
musical horror
mystery horror
mythological horror
neo-monster horror
new french extremity horror
paranormal horror
political horror
psychedelic horror
psychological horror
religious horror
revenge horror
romantic horror
dramatic horror
science fiction horror
southern gothic horror
sov horror (shot-on-video)
splatter/body horror
survival horror
vampire horror
virus horror
werewolf horror
western horror
witch horror
zombie horror
horror plots/settings
road trip horror
summer camp horror
cave horror
doll horror
cinema horror
cabin horror
clown horror
plot devices
storm horror
from a child’s perspective
final girl/guy (this is slasher horror trope)
last guy/girl (this is different than final girl/guy)
reality-bending horror
slow burn horror
foreign horror or non-american horror
african horror
spanish horror
middle eastern horror
korean horror
japanese horror
british horror
german horror
indian horror
thai horror
irish horror
scottish horror
slavic horror (kinda combined a bunch of countries for this)
chinese horror
french horror
australian horror
canadian horror
silent era
30s horror
40s horror
50s horror
60s horror
70s horror
80s horror
90s horror
2000s horror
2010s horror
2020s horror
blumhouse horror
a24 horror
ghosthouse horror
shudder horror
other lists
horror literature to movies
techno-color horror movies
video game to horror movie adaption
video nasties
female directed horror
my 130 favorite horror movies
horror movies critics hated because they’re stupid
horror remakes/sequels that weren’t bad
female villains in horror
horror movies so bad they’re good
non-horror movies that feel like horror movies
directors + their favorite horror movies + directors in the notes
tumblr’s favorite horror movie (based off my poll)
horror movie plot twists
cult classic horror movies
essential underrated horror films
worst horror movie husbands
religious horror that isn’t christianity 
black horror movies
extreme horror (maybe use this as an avoid list)
horror shorts
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wqebelle · 9 months
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Life, Love, & the Big D
Amazon: Kindle and paperback
We’re born. We die. We marry. We divorce. Here are ten short stories about how things work out. Sometimes it’s good, and sometimes it’s bad, but we continue, always in the hope of finding that which makes life worth living.
"Nothing in life is forever but thank God for those things that are unforgettable!" -A Better Man, story #10
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peachesofteal · 7 months
Light On
Simon Riley masterlist
Anthology complete - 2/2/24
Simon has a new neighbor. His new neighbor has a baby.
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Simon Riley/female reader Single mom, neighbors fic. Fics are listed in chronological order
Simon discovers something unexpected Simon realizes where you live Simon gives you a hand Simon comes over for dinner Simon eavesdrops Simon spends time in the garden Johnny learns his LT's secret Simon helps you out last minute Simon gets a phone call Simon accompanies you to the park Simon steps in Simon answers the phone in the middle of the night Simon learns something about you You miss your neighbor Simon's choice has consequences Simon tries to make amends Simon has you over for dinner 🎄Simon helps you and Emmaline pick out a tree Simon shares his space Simon shares his bed Simon takes you on a proper date Simon thinks he could die here You tell Simon about your grief 🎄Simon takes his family to a holiday party 🎄Simon has himself a merry little christmas Simon discovers one of your fears Simon comes home from work Simon takes his girls to the aquarium
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cavorta · 1 year
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If you are neurodivergent or know grieving neurodivergent people, this anthology may be interesting:
"Neurodivergent Series - Grief" edited by Kit Caelsto.
The blurb: Grief is difficult under the best of circumstances. For the neurodivergent brain, processing grief can be more difficult and last longer. In this anthology, individuals tell of their experiences with grief. Death, dying, the loss of previous lives, or friends…all facets of grief are discussed in this honest, yet uplifting anthology.
This anthology is now available in both ebook and print at: https://books2read.com/grief (This is a universal book link, so it should geolocate based on your country and allow you to choose a preferred store.)
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