#The Forgotten Half of Cradle
strangersmunsons · 5 months
you’re sleepy. Eddie can’t help but love on you. eddie munson x fem!reader, ~600 words
It’s been a long, long day, and you’re really feeling it. Your feet hurt, your back aches, your eyelids feel much heavier than you think they have a right to.
You’re curled up on top of the plush bed covers, nearly asleep. In the distance, there’s the click of the front door unlocking, and then footsteps in the hallway, and then the thud of heavy boots being kicked off and forgotten.
Eddie pads through the apartment, poking his head curiously into the bedroom. You generally try not to nap after work, so you won’t have trouble falling asleep later in the night. But there you are: just half-awake, too exhausted to even crawl beneath the blanket.
He softens. “Hey, pretty,” he says as he crosses the room, coming to a stop next to the bed. He stands over you, and reaches down to stroke a gentle finger across your cheek. “You okay?”
You yawn and nod. “M’tired.”
Eddie chuckles. “I can see that. Busy day?”
“Mmhmm.” You’re unwilling — or simply unable — to verbalize much more.
His hand slips around to the back of your head, cradling it sweetly in his palm. The tips of his ringed fingers work through your hair and rub gently at your scalp. You twist on the bed and try to push your head deeper into his hand, wanting more of his touch.
A rush of affection surges through his chest; pure love with a dash of amusement. He loves it when you get like this. Cuddly and needy and warm, eager to be loved on by him — him, Eddie Munson, of all people.
He crouches down beside the bed so you’re at eye-level and leans in to smother you with kisses. He leaves no feature untouched, pressing his lips to every square inch of your face: your forehead, your closed eyes, the tip of your nose. He smacks kisses to each cheek and to your chin, dots them all the way around your jawline, until he hits that sweet spot right underneath your ear.
“Mmm,” you sigh in quiet delight, hands grasping at his sturdy shoulders.
“Is that nice?” The words are muffled, his mouth still working against your skin.
You nod.
Eddie gathers you up in his arms, careful not to jostle you too roughly. He’s not really trying to get you riled up (although he’s not completely opposed to the idea); he just wants a moment with his girl.
You mumble against his lips. “Eddie?”
He gives you another peck. “Yeah?”
You play with a curly tendril of hair, twirling it around your finger. “I thought about you all day today,” you whisper.
At those words Eddie swears he can feel everything inside of him move.
If anyone ever asked him to describe what love feels like, he doesn’t think he could explain it any further than that.
“You did?” he whispers back.
“All day?” His face splits into a slow smile, one that’s syrupy-sweet, and his eyes glitter, brows raised. “Really?”
He’s teasing you, but only a little.
You laugh breathlessly. “All day,” you repeat.
He hums in response and pulls you in even closer, so he can give you a proper kiss, one that’s slow and precise.
Your body slumps against his, letting Eddie’s strong arms support your weight.
“Alright, sleepy girl.” He noses at your hairline. “Why don’t I at least make us dinner first, before you go passing out on me?”
“Mmkay.” You let yourself fall back down onto the pillows with a hazy smile. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
When he reaches the doorway, he turns back and blows you another kiss.
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pascallftv · 1 year
Headlines (Pedro Pascal x Reader)
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summary: you and pedro had been close friends since the movie you shot together wrapped nearly a year ago. you decided to have game night with some friends at your apartment, but pedro stays behind after everyone’s left. a little too much wine and pent up feelings lead to the moment you’ve been fantasizing about for months.
wc: 3.4k
warnings: SMUT! 18+ age gap, oral (f receiving), fingering, unprotected sex
You waved goodbye to the last two of your friends, closing the door behind them with a sigh of relief. Your social battery was running low after nearly 6 hours of card games, and probably an entire bottle of wine. You were sobering up, but you still felt a nice buzz. You closed your eyes and put a hand over your forehead, inhaling a deep breath.
“You okay?”
You turned towards the couch, your heart race picking up. You had totally forgotten that you had one straggler left: Pedro. But, you didn’t mind. You cherished alone time with him, which was something you hadn’t had recently. Both of your schedules were booked tight between press and various photo shoots to promote your latest projects. It had already almost been a year since the film you met on wrapped. On set, you and Pedro hit it off immediately. You both had the same goofy sense of humor, and fed off each other’s energy. You admired Pedro’s kind heart, and he admired yours.
You kept in touch after the film wrapped, texting and calling nearly every day, and meeting for coffee or lunch whenever you could. The only issue was you were in your mid twenties while Pedro was nearly fifty. Your innocent friendship didn’t translate well in news articles. It was impossible to have a platonic relationship with a male counterpart without it being misconstrued as an intimate relationship in the headlines. Deep down, the headlines enthralled you. You were sure Pedro didn’t feel the same way, but there was something about the fine lines by his eyes when he laughed at your jokes and the way he placed his hand on your lower back to guide you through doors made your heart skip a beat. You couldn’t deny that you had feelings for him, but you knew you couldn’t act on them. There was no way Pedro would feel the same, let alone date someone who was half his age. Yet here he was, alone with you in your apartment in the middle of the night, both of you tipsy.
“Yeah, just tired.” You responded, sending him a reassuring smile, walking towards his spot on the couch.
He was slouched back in the couch, his legs spread comfortably in front of him. His arm was draped across the back of the couch, his other hand propped on his thigh holding a glass of wine.
“Come here.” He said, patting the cushion next to him. You wasted no time sitting down next to him, the musky smell of his cologne engulfing your senses. He returned his arm to the back of the couch, placing it behind you head. You were sitting close enough to where his knee was barely touching yours, his body heat radiating through his tight jeans onto your bare skin.
“I haven’t had you alone like this in weeks. I miss this.” Pedro said, his big brown eyes staring down into yours. You know his words were innocent, but your mind went elsewhere. Your lower belly was taught with nerves. Why were you so nervous? You’ve never felt so on edge around Pedro.
“I’ve missed this too.” You muttered, your eyes glancing down at his lips subconsciously. You couldn’t help yourself.
“Is something bothering you? You seem nervous.” Pedro furrowed his eyebrows. He brought his arm down to cradle your shoulders, rubbing soft circles into your shoulder with his thumb. His touch littered your skin with goosebumps, and you felt heat beginning to grow between your thighs.
“Y-yeah, I’m fine.”
Pedro didn’t believe you. He could sense how tense your body was. Your fists were curled up in your lap, and you were avoiding eye contact. It worried him. Had he done something to make you uncomfortable? The thought sent a pang through his chest. He cared about you so deeply, the last thing he wanted was to see you so on edge around him. He couldn’t help but wonder if the news headlines were affecting your friendship.
“Is it the headlines? You know those journalists are full of shit. They’ll makeup whatever they can to get clicks.” Pedro said, angling his body towards you. You glanced up at him, shaking your head.
“No, it’s not that.” You said, taking your bottom lip between your teeth.
“If you’re worried about people thinking we’re together, we can keep our distance. I understand.” Pedro said quietly, his hand leaving your shoulder. Your stomach dropped at the loss of touch.
“Distance is the last thing I want, Pedro. It’s just..” You began, averting your eyes to your hands in your lap. You didn’t know what to say. Your feelings for him were bubbling up and you wanted to tell him everything so badly, but you didn’t have the courage. There was no way he would feel the same, and you couldn’t risk losing his friendship.
“Just what?” Pedro questioned, taking a sip of his wine before setting his glass on the coffee table. “I’m not ashamed of you. I don’t care what anyone in the media has to say about us. At the end of the day, our friendship is more important than some fucking random journalist’s clickbait.”
Your eyes returned to his. His doe eyes were soft and full of care. You loved his eyes so fucking much. You took a deep breath. You suddenly built up the courage.
“I’m not ashamed of you either. I’d be lying if I said I’m not scared of the headlines. They scare the fuck out of me. I know we’re just friends, but what if the rumors start affecting your gigs? I couldn’t let that happen to you.” You began. “I saw a headline the other day claiming that we’re hooking up and that you’re old enough to be my father. Does that not concern you?”
Pedro furrowed his eyebrows once again and stared down at your face that was full of concern. In all honesty, he had seen all the headlines, but they excited him. He was to the age now where he didn’t give a fuck about headlines. No matter who he associates himself with, he’ll face backlash of some sort. Why veer from the people who make him the happiest? You had made him the happiest he had been in years. You were young, but you were so incredibly wise, caring, kind, and unbelievably funny. He wanted more than anything to take it to the next level with you, but he was so much older than you. You were not only an amazing person, but you were gorgeous; you could pull anyone you wanted, so he felt intimidated. Why would you choose him over someone closer to your age?
“I couldn’t give a fuck less about those headlines. Would it really be that embarrassing if those headlines were true?” Pedro said, his hand finding its way back to your shoulder. Your heart felt like it was going to pound through your chest. Did you hear him correctly?
You were speechless. You gawked up at him with parted lips. You didn’t know how to respond. Of course you wouldn’t be embarrassed, you’d actually be quite content if those rumors were true.
“If I’m being completely honest with you, I wish they were true.” Pedro voice filled your silence. Your stomach was doing backflips. His hand moved from your shoulder to your jaw, his fingers tracing along your chin, his eyes admiring every detail of your face. Your body began to give into his, your torso angling towards his subconsciously.
“Can I kiss you?” Pedro whispered, his hand burrowing into the hair at the back of your head.
You’d forgotten how to speak, so you nodded vigorously instead. That’s all Pedro needed.
His lips crashed into yours, his other hand gripping your waist, pulling your body into his. Your lips moved in sync, not too soft, but not too harsh, just needy enough. You’d been fantasizing this moment since the moment you met Pedro all those months ago. Your hands migrated to the back of Pedro’s neck, then to his chest. God, he felt so fucking good in your hands.
In one quick motion, Pedro lifted you into his lap, deepening the kiss. His tongue entered your mouth, grazing along your teeth and tongue. You felt high off his scent mixed with the sheer passion behind his touch. Any sense of doubt of his feelings for you were long gone. Your hips grinded down into his lap, your center meeting his already hardening erection. It ignited a fire deep in your abdomen, and you let out a breathy moan at the sensation. Pedro pulled away from your kiss for a moment.
“Fuck, you’re so fucking beautiful, you know that?” He breathed out, his hands running down the length of your back to your backside. He firmly gripped the flesh of your ass through your thin shorts and brought your hips down harder into his. He tilted his head back against the couch with a moan. His erection met your clit through your shorts, making you suck in a fast breath.
“Fuck, I need you to touch me.” You muttered, pressing your forehead to his. You were both breathing heavy, your lips ghosting each other.
“Tell me what you need, baby.” Pedro said lowly, his hands spreading your ass through your shorts. His hips bucked up into yours, your head flying back in arousal.
“Touch me.” You began, grabbing his dominant hand. “Here.”
You brought his hand down to the front of your shorts, making him cup your heat. You were throbbing so intensely that it hurt. You weren’t wearing panties, and you were sure you were going to soak through your thin, cotton shorts soon. Pedro wasted no time in pushing your shorts to the side, his fingers brushing along your core. You were completely soaked, his fingers becoming slick with arousal.
“Jesus christ, you’re fucking soaked.” Pedro grunted, his fingertip brushing your clit. You jolted from the sensation, your hands gripping his shoulders to keep yourself steady. You were so fucking desperate for his touch. Your face fell into the crevice of his neck, the smell of his cologne became more intense.
Pedro placed his lips to the side of your neck, peppering soft kisses to your sweet skin. He reached his free hand into your hair while his occupied hand slowly ran a finger through your drenched folds. He breathed heavily, his lips ghosting over your ear.
“You’re so fucking beautiful. Gonna make you feel so fucking good, baby.” He whispered, pushing a finger inside of you. You whimpered, pushing down onto his finger, craving more. Your hands wound up in his hair, pulling at the strands at the base of his neck. His tilted his head back, staring up into your lustful gaze. He added another finger, and your mouth formed an “o” shape, with a quiet moan escaping your lips.
You pressed your lips back to his. Your kiss was full of desperation. You had never felt so fucking turned on in your life, and you just wanted him as close to you as possible. You pressed your chest firmly against his, and grinded down against his fingers. His hand left your hair, and lowered to your chest. He took one of your clothed breasts into his hand, giving it a firm squeeze. His fingers suddenly left your entrance, making you sigh at the lack of contact. He grabbed the bottom of your shirt, and lifted it upwards. You raised your arms, helping him take the shirt off of you. He wasted no time in unclasping your bra, tossing it mindlessly onto the floor somewhere. Your nipples were rock hard, your piercings on display. Pedro’s eyes lowered to your nipples, a moan leaning his lips at the sight of your piercings.
“Holy fuck.” He groaned, taking your breasts into his hands, lowering his mouth down to one of your nipples. He took your nipple into his mouth, sucking on the sensitive flesh while he played with the piercing between his fingertips on your other nipple.
While he was occupied with your tits, you raised your hips slightly to pull down your shorts. You needed bare contact immediately. Pedro lifted you off his lap and onto the cushion beside him, and stood up from the couch. He began unbuttoning his jeans. As good as those jeans looked on him, you needed them off. You were surprised to see he was also sporting no underwear. You bit your lip as he slid the jeans down his legs, his erection breaking free. He was so fucking thick, pre-cum dripping from his tip. He pressed a hand to your chest, laying you down into the back of the couch, your feet on the floor. He unbuttoned his shirt, tossing it on the floor next to your other disregarded clothing.
Pedro knelt down between your legs, prying your thighs open with his hands. He wrapped his arms around the back of your thighs, lowering his face towards your heat. His eyes flickered from yours down to your folds. You were glistening with arousal. He lowered his mouth to your inner thigh, peppering it with kisses. He was taking his sweet time, teasing every ounce of desperation out of you. You whimpered impatiently. You gasped when you felt his hot breath hovering over your heat. He flicked his tongue once through your folds, getting a taste of you.
“Pedro, please. Touch me.” You begged, running your hand through his chocolate curls.
Pedro’s lips wrapped around your clit, his tongue flicking quickly against it. You moaned and threw your hand back into the couch, your hand tugging the roots of his hair. Pedro worked your clit with his tongue while he brought his fingers back to your opening, slipping two inside of you. You squeezed your eyes shut, breathing out in relief. He pumped his fingers in and out of you, curling up inside of you, hitting your g spot perfectly.
“Fuck, Pedro.” You whined, struggling to keeps your thighs apart. Pedro squeezed the flesh of your thigh with his free hand, moaning into your core from the grip you had on his hair. The vibrations from his moan sent you into a frenzy. Your lower abdomen was filled with fire. Your legs were shaking uncontrollably, which you probably would’ve been embarrassed of if you weren’t so blindsided by pleasure.
Pedro inserted a third finger into you, and you slapped a hand over your mouth to conceal your moans. You were never this vocal, but you couldn’t control it. You were so overwhelmed with sensations. Pedro grabbed your wrist and pulled your hand away from your mouth. Pedro’s mouth left your clit, flicking it with his tongue one last time before pulling away.
“I want to hear you.” He said, pinning you hand to your side. Your chest heaved, you were out of breath.
“Fuck me, please. I need you closer.” You whimpered, reaching down to his cock, wrapping a hand around his shaft. He groaned at how soft your hand felt against him as you began to stroke his tip. As good as your hand felt wrapped around him, he needed to be inside of you.
Pedro lifted you up into his arms, carrying you away from the couch and into your bedroom, laying you down on the bed. Your head fell back into your pillow as you watched him crawl up between your legs. He ran a hand up to your chest, squeezing your breast while his other hand guided his cock to ghost over your folds. You were throbbing again, your hips bucking up towards his cock. He bent down and kissed you passionately. He took your bottom lip between his teeth for a split second before pulling away.
“Ready, baby?” He said softly, pushing his tip between your folds, barely pressing your entrance.
“Yes.” You breathed out, wrapping your arms around his neck, pulling him down to kiss you again.
“I want you to watch.” Pedro pulled away, lowering his gaze to where he was teasing your entrance with his cock. Your stare followed his. He slowly began to push into you, your eyebrows furrowing together in pleasure. He was stretching you so fucking perfectly. He pushed halfway into you before stopping for a moment, tracing his hand down the length of your torso before landing his thumb at your clit, working in soft circles. Your legs trembled, clenching around his hips and he pushed into you fully. You felt so fucking full.
He started to move, thrusting into you in rhythmic strokes, his fingers still working your clit. You were already approaching your orgasm. Your head felt cloudy with pleasure, your entire body completely overcome. Your eyes rolled back into you head as he picked up the pace, fucking you hard and fast. Your first orgasm hit you like a train, your vision going white. Your walls clenched around him, coating his cock with your cum. Before you had time to recover, Pedro flipped you over onto your knees, slamming into you from behind.
“Fuck!” You gasped, fisting the sheets for leverage while Pedro relentlessly fucked into you. His hand came down in a smack against your ass, then grabbed your cheeks and spread them apart, getting a full view of him sliding in and out of you. He brought his thumb down to your tightest hole, slowly ghosting the rim of it.
“You feel so fucking good.” Pedro moaned, his thumb pressing against your asshole, but not penetrating it. His other hand ran up your spine, grabbing your shoulder as leverage to pound harder into you. You were seeing stars and he filled you up completely, hitting the deepest part of you over and over.
“Can you cum for me again, baby?” Pedro whimpered, his thrusts becoming sloppier. “I’m so fucking close, but I need you to cum with me.”
“I’m close.” You whined, you hand reaching back to hold his against the flesh of your ass cheek. Your touch was enough to send Pedro into overdrive. With the last of his energy, he began slamming into you as hard and fast as he could, his fingers lowering to your clit, rubbing fast circles. You couldn’t handle it. You bit down on your free hand, uncontrollably whimpering into your skin. You’ve never felt this much pleasure in your life and you thought you could pass out.
Your second orgasm hit harder than the first. You threw your head back, letting out a loud moan, tears filling your eyes. Your walls clenched hard around Pedro’s cock, sending him closer to his orgasm. You came hard, your toes curling at the overwhelming pleasure. Your limbs felt numb, and you swore you forgot how to think. Pedro gripped your hips hard, his strokes slowing down as his orgasm grew closer. He slid out of you and flipped you over again onto your back.
“I want to see your pretty face when I cum.” He moaned, sliding back inside of you. You grabbed his face with tired arms and brought his head down so you could kiss him. One of your hands dropped to his throat, gently squeezing the sides of it. Pedro whined, a hand flying to your breast to squeeze.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum.” Pedro whimpered, his sweaty forehead meeting yours.
He quickly pulled out of you as his orgasm hit. He came in thick ropes over your abdomen as he stroked himself, milking every last drop. He gave you a quick, breathless kiss, and stared down at his cum that littered your belly.
“You look so pretty with my cum all over you.” He whispered, pressing soft kisses all over you neck and collarbones. You ran you hands along his sweaty back, digging your fingertips into his hot skin and he panted into your neck. He left your neck to lower down to be eye level with your belly, and began licking up his mess. He gave your tits a gentle squeeze as he worked his tongue over your soft skin, cleaning up any remaining cum.
When he was finished, he peppered kisses back up your torso until his lips met your again for a sloppy, yet passionate kiss. He laid beside you, his fingers tracing up and down your belly, occasionally ghosting over your nipples. God, he loved those piercings.
“Looks like the journalists aren’t completely full of shit now.” Pedro grinned, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
You smiled up at him with a giggle. You nuzzled your face into the crook of his neck, giving him a kiss there.
“I think we might need to go another round just to make sure.”
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loganlermanstanaccount · 11 months
Rigor Mortis (Masterlist)
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Rigor Mortis; or, how to live your life after a half-decade of decay. 
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Relationships end. People die. You move on, and Miguel does too. 
(roommate! Miguel O'Hara x reader, college-ish au). 
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(AO3) (Main Masterlist) (Wattpad)
Warnings: angst, smut, friends with benefits, mentions of depression, child death (not explicit), grief. 18+ Minors DNI (+ ageless blogs will be blocked)
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Series' playlists:
this is what i listen to whilst I write
this is the kind of playlist I imagine RM!Miguel listens to
(i am very open to suggestions/additions :D)
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00 rigor mortis,
01 or in the cold, crisp morn:
02 lady death, at the cradle of a babe.
03 they were here, she says,
04 lips blue and black and gold (18+)
05 and they were good. (18+)
06 in your half-hearted hubris, (18+)
07 all-consuming grief, (18+)
08 you had forgotten; they were good.
09 all that light lost in gaps (18+)
10 between your bodies; (18+)
11 cracks in clay, poured over,
12 tbd
13 tbd
14 tbd
15 tbd
16 tbd
17 tbd
18 tbd
19 tbd
20 tbd
Join my taglists here <3
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Bonus chapters:
RM! Miguel headcanons (SFW) (NSFT)
A week of firsts (set between 06 and 07)
Bonus Miguel POV chapter
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massive thank you to my beta readers, who put up with all my stupid questions, helped me with translations, and gave wonderful feedback on where I could improve.
Thank you @tianyhi and @urgonnaneedabiggership (they also write Miguel fics, I highly recommend! my favourite is this series), I couldn't have done it without you guys!
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corroded-hellfire · 3 months
Reading AYW things has me thinking about Eddie and Reader sniffing baby Eliza right after they bring her home and she’s got that fresh baby smell and Luke and Ryan are like “what are they doing?”
-cj. @cheesewritings
Just out here fueling my own baby fever. Please enjoy some lil baby Eliza 💕
Words: 1.2k
[As You Wish masterlist]
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Less than a month has gone by since you’ve given birth to your and Eddie’s baby girl and yet so much has changed. Your hormones still give you mood swings from time to time. Eddie feels a bit more tired than usual between being up at odd hours of the night and trying to make sure you and Eliza are being taken care of while still keeping Ryan and Luke’s normal weekly routine going. The boys dote over their baby sister, but their sleep has definitely been impacted as well by the high-pitched wailing that comes just down the hall every night. One morning at breakfast before school, Luke fell asleep with half of his face in his bowl of Corn Flakes. 
But every small discomfort is well worth it to have the most beautiful baby girl you’ve ever seen. Her eyes already threaten to be as wide and doe-like as her father’s and you know you’ll be in deep trouble then. The soft wispy baby hairs on her head are similar in color to Eddie’s and her eyebrows have the same arch as his. Eliza absolutely has your nose and lips though. Your husband swears it’s as if God copy and pasted the features right from you to your daughter. Whenever she smiles though, you see her brothers. It may still be gas for her at this age, but the smile that upturns her pretty pink mouth is the spitting image of what you see on the faces of your sons. Munson charm in full effect. 
Evenings have been the most unpredictable so far. Will Eliza be awake? Asleep? Hungry? Fussy? Happy? Content? Not to mention what Eddie or the boys will be like.
Tonight is a good night, though. The boys are down the hall playing video games in Ryan’s room, and you and Eddie are cuddled up on the couch, Eliza snuggly cradled between your arms. Spider-Man is playing on the television, but you’d both forgotten about the movie the second that your daughter woke up, about fifteen minutes into the superhero flick. 
“Oh, look what a big mouth you have!” you coo as your daughter releases a tiny yawn, as if she hasn’t spent most of her day sleeping. You envy the hours of rest infants need. 
Eddie gazes down at her adoringly and the love shining in his eyes threatens to have your heart burst right through your ribs. It’s no secret that he’s always wanted a daughter and it’s still dizzying to think that you’re the one to give that to him. 
Soft, gurgling baby noises come from the baby’s mouth as she looks back and forth from you to her father. Both you and Eddie chuckle when she lifts her small arms above her head, then on the way down stops to stick her tiny fingers in her mouth. 
“God, she’s perfect,” Eddie muses, and you’re not sure if you were meant to hear it or he was just thinking aloud. Either way, he’s right. Every little thing about her has captured your heart. 
Slowly, Eddie leans forward and presses his lips to her soft forehead. 
“And she smells so good,” Eddie adds, making you giggle. 
“I know!” you agree. “What is it about that new baby smell?”
Gently, you lift Eliza so her head is more level with yours and Eddie’s. As one, you both lean in and inhale the scent wafting off your daughter. The baby doesn’t seem to mind, but it looks like she’s trying to figure out what you’re doing by the way she keeps looking at you. And she’s not the only one.
“What are they doing?” Luke mutters to his older brother from where they stand off to the side of the hallway connecting the living room to the rest of the house. 
“Smelling her,” Ryan answers with a shrug.
“Uh, why?” Luke furrows his brows as he watches the scene on the couch in confusion.
“Seeing if she needs a diaper change? I don’t know,” Ryan says.
“But they’re smiling. No one would ever smile around one of Eliza’s dirty diapers,” Luke says, having plenty of experience to back up that claim. 
“Maybe they washed her hair,” Ryan offers with another shrug. “I don’t know, I guess she just smells good.”
Luke’s quiet for a moment before he tilts his head up to look at his brother.
“Do they ever smell you?”
“No,” Ryan says with a sigh, this conversation already exhausting him. 
“Do they smell me when I’m not looking?” Luke asks, more rhetorical this time. 
“Yes, we all do,” Ryan goads. “We’ve been meaning to talk to you about taking more baths.”
The younger Munson boy glowers at his brother and stomps past him into the living room.
“Um, does she smell?” Luke asks as he approaches the couch.
“Yeah,” Eddie says, looking up at his son with a grin. “She’s got that new baby smell. C’mere.”
He gestures for Luke to lean in and smell the top of Eliza’s head. The boy does and when he pulls back, he’s smiling.
“She kind of smells like cheese.”
The words make you giggle, and you lay your head on your husband’s shoulder as Eddie cradles Eliza against his chest. 
“Ryan! She smells like cheese!”
“What?” Ryan asks as he walks over. 
“Yeah, but like actual cheese. Not a Cheeto or the stuff in a can.”
Ryan frowns. “Didn’t you just eat a whole bottle of Cheez Wiz yesterday?”
“You did what?” Eddie asks, raising an eyebrow at his youngest son.
“I said it wasn’t real cheese,” Luke says to Ryan, ignoring his father completely. “Not that it wasn’t delicious. Now smell,” Luke urges him.
Ryan gives his little brother a skeptical look, but when you give him a reassuring nod, he leans in and sniffs her hair.
“It’s like…baby powder. But…I don’t know, fresher?” Ryan isn’t sure how to describe it, but he certainly doesn’t think cheese is the word he’d use. 
“Do all babies have it?” Luke asks as he takes a seat next to you.
“Most do,” Eddie tells him. “You both did.”
“When did I lose it? Or do I still have it?” Luke tries to yank one of his curls straight so he can get a good whiff of it, but to no avail. 
“It goes away after a few weeks or months,” Eddie says.
“What causes it?” Ryan asks.
Your husband smiles and you can tell he loves the boys asking him these questions. He’d sit here and talk to them about Eliza—or anything, really—all day. 
“I don’t know, pal,” Eddie says. 
“It’s like new car smell!” Luke adds. 
“But better,” you say, poking his tummy in his most ticklish spot. He giggles and squirms around at your side. Once he’s calmed, Luke slumps against your arm and watches Eliza fuss a little in Eddie’s arms.
“Even when she loses that baby smell,” Luke says, poking you in the thigh with a small bony forefinger, “I hope she grows up to smell like you and not Daddy.”
Eddie’s jaw drops open as he turns his head towards Luke. You want to make some sort of witty remark, but you can’t think of any. Plus, you’re laughing way too hard to speak. 
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the-kr8tor · 11 months
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The Morning after
Pairing: Hobie Brown x gn! Reader/ Spider-Punk x gn! Reader
Word count: 2.2k
Synopsis: you spend a peaceful morning with Hobie.
Tags: no use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader (reader is mentioned to be smaller than Hobie though) TW food mentions, established relationship, FLUFF , lovestruck Hobie.
A continuation of this fic.
My Masterlist
*I don't consent to having my work translated/published on other platforms*
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Hobie wakes up with his right arm aching, he groans from the weight slightly crushing his arm– wait what?
He opens his half asleep eyes with a confused look. Hobie cranes his neck down, he finally sees who the intruder is.
Hobie smiles to himself, Fully waking up, he remembers that he invited you over. He stares at your form, memorizing every bit of detail from how you clutched his jumper with a grip, your lips slightly parted as you exhale, the early morning sun shines at your back, bathing your form in a heavenly glow. Hobie moves you closer to him, as to not let the rays hit your face and disturb your peace.
He tries to move you both farther away from the edge of the bed, but he finds that your legs are intertwined with his, preventing him from moving.
He huffs, a lopsided smile on his lips. Hobie ghosts his thumb over your cheeks, the pattern from the knitted blanket leaves a mark on your skin. A sign that you've slept well, and in his arms no doubt. His forgotten comforter kicked to the foot of the bed.
He gets a whiff of your coconut shampoo, surely leaving its scent on his pillow.
He thinks about buying a proper toothbrush holder, so he could place his and yours together.
He really should invite you more.
Hobie's spidey senses wake him up from his daze– he clutches you closer to his body, carefully cradling your head. A wave from a moving boat rushes towards the houseboat, rocking it harshly. His busted alarm clock drops to the floor in a crash.
Hobie hisses as he sees you twitch. He curses whoever was in that boat.
"Ughh" you groan out, muffled against Hobie's chest. You grip his jumper tighter.
"Shit" his voice deeper than usual, you release his jumper and instead hug his torso. The waves get calmer, rocking you both softly.
"You alright?" He rubs your back just in case you feel sick.
You pop your head away from Hobie's chest, chin resting on his scratchy jumper, you tickle him a bit, but he won't tell you that of course. You open one eye to stare at him, yawning.
"Say that again?" You ask with a tilt of your head.
"Are you alright?" He hides his laugh by clearing his throat.
"Hmm" you grin "I like your morning voice"
He chuckles deeply, knowing what it does to you.
"Oh, you did that on purpose, you dork" you softly say.
"Yeah, bet it got you all hot and bothered for it too, huh" Hobie pokes your sides teasingly.
"Don't start" you swat away his hand, noticing his teasing mood this morning, you anticipate his tickling.
"You look pretty in the morning, you didn't wake up early and clean yourself up secretly, right?" He knows you didn't, sleep still sticking on your eyes, your hair looking disheveled.
"Nope, it's au naturel" you quip back. It earns a deep chuckle from Hobie.
He carefully rubs off the gunk from the corner of your eye, you sigh into his touch.
"You like my morning breath too?" He tries to blow air downwards but you're ready, you clasp your hand over his mouth, stopping his teasing.
You laugh victorious, that is until he licks your hand, recoiling your hand away, he laughs loudly.
"Hobie! That's it, I'm not making you breakfast"
"Alright, alright, I'll stop. For now" he grabs the back of your head pushing you back to his chest.
You move to the crooked of his neck instead, in case you're crushing him. You slyly wipe his drool from your hand on his jumper.
"I saw that" Hobie peeks downward.
"No, you didn't"
"This is vintage y'know"
"It's your own drool!" You laugh.
"Yeah! And you slobbered all over it while you used me as your personal pillow" he rubs the exposed skin on your waist, cupping the softness fondly.
"I don't slobber!" You grab his jaw downwards so you could look eye to eye.
"Tell that to my soaked jumper" he whispers, his eyes flickering down to your lips. Your heart skips a beat.
Knowing what he's gonna do next, you cover his lips over your hand, "let me brush my teeth first"
You push away from Hobie, your torso barely off the bed, he grabs you by the waist, pulling you back down. You gasp out.
"Nope" in one swift movement Hobie cups your cheek guiding you towards his lips, your lips crash against each other, you cringe when your forehead hits his a bit too loudly. Insecurity fills you when you remember that you still have morning breath.
He doesn't care though, instead he pokes your sides, making you gasp parting your lips, making him kiss you deeper.
You pull away breathlessly when you hear a rumbling noise underneath you.
"Ah, fuck" Hobie facepalms in embarrassment.
Hobie's stomach grumbles again, mocking him.
You grab his hand, peeking in "aww, my poor baby is hungry" you mockingly coo. "I'll make you breakfast, sunny side up right?" You push off him, finally noticing you're on the wrong side of the bed.
"Yes, please, love" he exhales out the embarrassment.
"How'd I end up on this side?" You point out.
"Huh, I probably dragged you with me"
You imagine what it might've looked like, you fluster. Even asleep he wants you near, you look at him adoringly, swiping away the sheen on his lips before leaving a kiss for good measure.
You leave for the bathroom, he stares at the door you entered in, a lovestruck expression on his face. Once he knows you're decent, he flips away the covers, following towards the sound of the faucet squeak open.
Hobie knocks, you hum while brushing your teeth. He opens the door, then leans against it, his arms relaxed on his sides, his sweatpants hang low on his hips.
He admires you bathe in white fluorescent light, his shirt on your form hanging loose on you. You looked out of place but at the same time fitting right in his tiny bathroom.
He thought you looked like you came out of an oil painting.
"You need to use the bathroom?" You ask as you place your toothbrush down.
"You should leave it"
"Leave what?"
"Your toothbrush, for next time" Hobie crosses his arms, a sudden shyness floods him.
"Of course" you smile, already getting what he's trying to say, "I was already planning on leaving it" you come forward, leaving a minty kiss on his cheek. "Your turn stinky" you pat his bum with a smack.
Hobie hears your laughter echo around the houseboat.
After washing up, Hobie opens the bathroom door, the smell of eggs and his favourite tea covers his senses. He chuckles to himself.
He could get used to this.
Hobie enters his modest kitchen, you hum along to the music from the radio, the inside of his houseboat looks a bit different than before, there's more light shining inside, fresh air wafts through the open windows, it seems that there's more life in his home.
He moves towards you, hugging you from behind. You giggle at the contact. He looks over your shoulder, he watches as you expertly flip the pancake over.
"Hello to you too" you crane your neck to look at him "I opened the windows, it's too nice outside. Hope you don't mind"
"I don't mind, we need the fresh air" he snuggles deeper on the crook of your neck. "Where'd you get pancake mix? I know that I don't have any"
"Ah, I brought it with me" you side glance at him, gauging his reaction.
"So, you were planning on making breakfast for me, hmm?"
"I did bring it, but it doesn't mean I was planning on cooking it myself" you turn off the stove, he turns you around, crowding you in between him and the stove.
"So you're making me breakfast out of the goodness of heart then?" He holds onto your hips.
"Yes, you're making the next one by the way"
"You're a cheeky one, aren't you?" He leans towards you, his lips ghosting over yours, but before sealing the deal, he grabs his mug behind you. He sips from it loudly, making eye contact over the mug.
You roll your eyes, trying to hide your disappointment. "You're a menace" you give him a plate of eggs, sunny side up just like how he requested it. "Make yourself useful, and set the table"
Hobie sees his kitchen counter slash dining table, that's not gonna cut it out for you. He looks out of the window, the rare sun shining over the river, fluffy white clouds blanket the sky.
It's a beautiful morning, a shame to waste it.
He pushes the door open, leading to his 'porch'
"Where are you going?" You ask curiously.
"You'll see" Hobie peeks back inside, a smirk on his face.
You shake your head at his shenanigans, you wonder what he's planning.
The water looks calm, the cold morning air nips at his skin, his jumper barely protecting him from the cold. Hobie sees the metal table wet with morning dew, that won't do, so he grabs a nearby cloth to wipe it dry, he carefully puts down the plate of eggs and his tea, to wipe at the mismatched chairs.
Hobie wipes the wooden chair more thoroughly, since the metal one looks more worn down, he's concerned you might poke yourself on it.
He looks at his handiwork, there seems to be something missing, Hobie roams his eyes around the boat, his eyes stop at an empty beer bottle, he places it in the middle of the table acting as a centerpiece.
Then he perches himself near the edge of his boat to pick a single daisy from a neighbouring houseboat's flower pot; he's sure they wouldn't notice one missing. Hobie gingerly puts the small flower inside the bottle.
You open the door with your foot a little too loudly, you squint at the harsh sound. Hobie quickly moves to help you carry out the plates and mug.
"Thanks, Hobie," you grin, your smile gets wider when you see his little set up. The little daisy swaying in the air. "Oh, handsome" you gasp out.
You're finished, your eyes slightly glazing over.
Hobie chuckles at his new nickname, he moves the wooden chair for you to sit, hands on its back, like a gentleman.
" C'mon then, stop gawking, I'm starving" he stares at your dumbstruck face, the cold air leaving goosebumps on your arms.
You sit down, smiling, forgetting the cold air.
"Do you want me to grab a jacket?" He asks as he rubs your arms from behind.
You grab his wrist, you bracelet around it with your fingers, "no, stay, I'm okay" you sniff, revealing your lie.
"Nah, I'm not letting you freeze to death, let me grab it real quick, alright?" Hobie runs inside, eager to come back to you.
Oh, he's absolutely whipped for you, no doubt about it.
You revel in the sun shining on you, closing your eyes, you inhale sharply. Hobie sees you like this, his breath hitches in his throat. You must look heavenly, a slight breeze makes your eyelashes flutter. Opening your eyes, you notice eyes on you, you smile at him.
He's done for.
Waking up from his stupor, he wraps the dark hoodie on your head. A feeble attempt to hide the effect you have on him
"And here I thought you were being sweet on me" you tease him, knowing that he actually is soft for you.
"I've got a reputation, y'know" he sits down with a metal creak.
Hobie notices that you're sitting a little bit too far for his taste. "What are you doing there? C'mere" he grabs your chair, pulling it towards him, the wooden legs scraping against the metal of the boat.
You laugh, despite the harsh sound coming from the scraping.
"There, much better?" He leans on the arms of his chair.
You nod, a permanent smile on your face "much better" you kiss his cheek, your cold lips a contrast to his warm skin, it melts into his skin, etching in like a tattoo.
You intertwine your arm around his, speaking softly, as to not disturb your little peaceful bubble around the both of you, " y'know I thought you would be grumpier in the morning"
"Why's that?" He leans closer.
"I don't know, you seem like the type" you whisper against his lips, "you're a night owl, so I thought you would hate waking up this early"
"Only if I don't sleep well" heat rises in your cheeks at his implication, "Lucky for me I've got my very own koala latching on to me last night"
You raise your eyebrow "Really a koala, that's the best you can do, Hobart?"
"You always resort to calling me by my government name whenever you're flustered, koala works, lovey" he cups your jaw, his thumb brushes past your lips. You close your eyes, leaning in.
Before your lips could meet, you hear a gurgling sound.
You pull away, laughing loudly. Hobie lets out a small goddamnit.
"We should eat, before your stomach starts eating you from the inside" you say in between laughs.
"Yeah, yeah" he grumpily grabs his spoon.
You hide your smile behind your mug.
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A/N: thanks for reading! Hope you liked it, as always likes and reblogs are appreciated ❤️❤️❤️
*image above is from pinterest*
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tarjapearce · 9 months
Crimson Crown (Pt. 2)
Royal! AU Miguel O'Hara x Princess! Reader
Special thanks to @pinkiemme for this amazing fanart for this fic ❤️✨
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WARNINGS: Historical background, lil bit of research on medieval fertility rites, made up holidays, fluff until angst comes. Tension, arranged married, slow burn, sibling bonding, Peter B. Parker being a lil more serious.
Summary: A hopeful moment gone sour.
Pt. 3
Ever since mankind has had use of reasoning, wars have been waged over the simplest motives. Power display, conquer the prospect of new and better lands, and of course egoistical purposes such as spite, bloodshed, hatred, revenge, and love.
In the far lands of Enethor, war was part of the staple list of things to do if you were part of the land. The four kingdoms that shaped the continent had been long time witness of how entire bloodlines died and rebirthed. How whole kingdoms separated, only to be conquered later by those with enough power to rewrite history at their will.
Enethor was separated by four kingdoms. Erunia, Therelia, Onerim and Arachne.
Erunia, the land of iron and silver. Home of the artisans that had taken the kingdom's warriors abroad in their distinctive red wooden ships. Cradle of silver refinery and alchemy. The ultimate underwater explorers.
Monarchy in Erunia settled with the most recent bloodline, The Fisks, in charge of King Wilson Grant Fisk. A bloodline that had been reigning for the last fifty years, and made the once forsaken by war kingdom into one of the most technology advanced right after Arachne. Even though it's ruler was deemed ruthless, he was more a cautious, cunning and strategic man whose only god was money.
Erunia's economy was based in exportation, silver refinery, iron smithing and of course, private security. Meaning, mercenaries for hire to anyone with enough money to afford them.
The latter of course was a loud secret between the other nations, most acted according their righteous morals, but secretly sent their servants to hire Fisk's services. The little business had earned him the name of 'Kingpin'. He was a feared yet somehow respected king.
Theleria was the smallest of the four. The Land of medicine, arts and gold. Rich soil, perfect for growing a vast array of medicinal plants, and perfect for gold minery. Even though its land was reduced, the bloodline was one of the eldest and purest among the other kingdom's monarchies.
The Blanchards. Settled two houndred years ago, they had watched the fall and rise of nations, in the expense of their own territory. In long forgotten history, Therelia owed half of Erunia's land and Onerim's islands. But as The Rapture War ensued, Onerim's islands were released from The Blanchard's reign.
The Rapture war took place in the Rapture sea, a cemetery of ships and long honored and forgotten warriors, and after another twenty years in war with Erunia's old sovereign, another part of the territory was lost. Theleria had spent the last houndred years trying to recover from the blows the belic conflicts had put the kingdom in.
The Fallen Reign, the other nations called it. The last and final blow that weakened them considerably was the most recent war against Erunia. Fisk had made his intentions of taking over the West Passage for himself, but the prince life was the higher price The Blanchards had to pay to keep it.
The passage role was to connect Erunia and Arachne as well the merchant ships that came from other lands. Without it, a good part of the economy would slowly but surely collapse. Theleria produced the finest aesthets, fabrics and medicines for the continent.
Its festivities had been the reason many people from other lands to come and celebrate and also increase the tourism affluence. Paint Day, would be a day to honor the aesthetic, the fine arts and good taste. Many would give hand crafts to their beloved, as a token of love and appreciation.
Some even had the common belief that if that person gave a token back, meant a good omen for a future together.
Fertility Day honored the future parents. The streets would be dressed up in wreaths of mugwort, mistletoe and seeds of parsley would be the hot sale of the day. Some women would tie a little sprig around their bellies, others would plant the parsley seeds as it was believed that if it sprouted, a child would grow into the woman's womb.
The Festival of Embers was a memorial day, used to honor the memory of those who had fought in the previous wars and also, the prince funeral. People would leave flowers and medicine over their lost ones graves, so the least fortunate could later pick up the elaborated potions. It was a way to heal others, while letting the grieve to follow it's course.
And finally, Winter Day. A holiday used to welcome the first days of the winter season. Warm and comforting food would be served, duvets would be sold cheaper and of course, the pastries would be a staple. It also had a romantic connotation, just like Paint Day. People gave a small sweet bun full of jam to represent their hearts with a clear message "my love is as sweet as the jam, and as dense like the bread".
Onerim on the other hand had just the Independence Day. The land of pearls, where the fawn was as feared as respected through the realm. It wasn't a secret that many considered the kingdom as failed and misbegotten, since its ruler Sergei Kravinoff had taken the throne after killing his father and rebirthed as Kraven.
And still, people around were wise to avoid picking a war with him. His warriors were ruthless and they held no compassion towards their victims. A savage, King Blanchard had called him once. But his prejudice wasn't only skewed as they were opposites, his view from the world only revolved around hunting, the bloodshed.
Onerim's economy was based on controlled fur trades, weapon commerce such as spears, traps and other trinkets perfect for unsuspecting close killing and gold.
The south east area from Enethor was rich in minerals.
And finally, Arachne. The biggest kingdom of the four. Half of the continent was occupied by it. None really know how the curious shape of the realm was created. Mother nature had her secrets after all, but certainly, Arachne was the most prominent; in all sense of the word.
Despite being a relatively new kingdom, with a hundred year mark of existance, Monarchy wasn't settled until sixty years ago, the first ruler Tyler Stone, had ruled under a relatively prosper and steady command. However, the king had died under mysterious circumstances, and a new ruler rose. George O'Hara.
Most speculations turned into the royal family, the rumor of King Tyler being poisoned by his own half brother, George so he could take over wasn't the only unhinged thing people said. But it was denied as George died of heart attack a couple of months later and the queen, Conchata perished two years later, out of sickness. 
Others believed that Kingpin had his fair share of guilt. That there was a complot for Tyler to be dethroned and the lands on the west extension of Arachne to be sieged and won for Erunia.
But whoever the conspirator was, would deeply regret to overlook past one detail. Miguel. Miguel O'Hara. The young and brilliant king that had continued his father's legacy in a way that not many had expected. Clad in black obsidian, iron and red zarconite, Miguel had lead his army into the depths of war. Kraven surely knew bloodshed, but The Battle for the Alchemari sea and its shores declared Miguel as the new King of Sieges.
The foreign army's blood that came with conquering intentions dyed the shore red, just as his eyes. The Red King was born as his message to the others who had the same ideals was clear.
This is my kingdom.
And so it has been for the last seventeen years. Thriving in an alarming rate in technology, the army grew, as many others soldiers from around the world joined him. Miguel had gathered an army of exceptional people with different skills that once trained under his command, would form the completest army a sovereign would only dream of.
Spies, people that excelled in close ranged combat, archery, weaponry and of course intellect. People who were ahead of their time could earn a spot in his army, after a scrutinizing training.
Arachne prospered in many areas, technology, fawn and flora, weaponry; importation and exportation of goods, minery of obsidian, iron and zarconite and of course fishery. The capital, Nueva York, was the main prosperous land, and where Miguel's castle resided.
A fortress in that one would be lost if one didn't know it like the back of a hand.
The world recoiled and guarded itself as much as it could, when the drums of war echoed for Arachne. To kill or to be killed. Red and blue marching behind The Red King. Some died, but would gladly do so, when the king had taken them in and gave them a purpose.
Festivities weren't really a thing, but people celebrated in their own ways. Unlike Theleria, Arachne only counted with three holidays.
New Rain Feast. A celebration to conmemorate Miguel's first battle won at the Alchemari Sea's shores. It was said that after he won over, the rain had washed over any bloodshed. Erasing from history those that had dared to foray his territory and giving hope towards a new future.
Rain was a good omen in the vast kingdom.
The Armistice Day was used to celebrate the memory of those fallen in battle and the successful treaty among international lands.
And the most expected of them all, The Rainbow Festival. It was more like a huge fair for merchants to sell their goods in the capital, that somehow had ended up with music and a new invention for people's amuse. Fireworks.
Only those close to the king knew how much he exerted himself to keep his people safe. He lived and breathed to maintain them all safe. Your arrival however had caused little to no disruption in his routine.
But it was certain that he wasn't looking for a bride. He had got so much more than he actually bargained for. And for your mother to offer you as the last resource only proved not only their good faith and sincerity towards him, but how others saw him. Your parents feared him. Good. Fear kept people in check and prevented then from doing stupid things.
Your surrender was a clear act of desperation. A token, really. A token that would eventually be queen, even without you both getting married. He needed that passageway open for his merchants to not disturb the economy. He could seize your kingdom if he so desired, but he was a man of word, and so far your parents had kept their end of the promise too.
Of course he'd be civil enough so far to keep you comfortable, and when Peter had told him about your concerns regarding him, he knew that sooner or later he'd have to make an approach. Not that he didn't want to. He was just too busy with external affairs that often forgot even about himself.
Peter would often find him sleeping over the documents sent to him, reports, finances from the different main districts through the nation and possible alliances with far lands.
He'd sometimes would have to be dragged off by Jessica to at least eat something. Lyla, one of his advisors often nagged him to look after himself.
And now, you. A new addition to his list of worries.
You were pretty, sure, but love was something he didn't actually consider in a long long time. He had his own concubines, but even those had been neglected to the point of avoiding his chambers. He wasn't precisely gentle with them either.
Gentleness wasn't something that rendered The Red King. He lived up to his image as a cold, irritable yet polite man that would do anything to keep his kingdom safe.
But soon, priorities would have to be rethought as he grew older. One of them awaited for him in the dining hall. Just as he had instructed.
His armor seemed like a staple into his wearing. It was rare when he was without it. His mind prepared psychologically for the events. He was tired, but still. Hungry. The kiss he had given your hand was out of impulse, but said impulse was enough to make you light up and his heart to give a small shimmy at your reaction.
He still could provoke emotions that wasn't fear or a severe longing for death. And that amused him.
You stood up, and bowed your head.
"Please, take a seat."
You obeyed, and were seated to his right. Food was soon brought.
"Hope your staying has been comfortable enough?"
The table was being occupied with different lots of food made out of fish. After all, fish and seafoods were the main protein in the capital. Stews, soups and so many other things you had never seen or tasted before.
"It has been, yes. Thanks to you, your majesty" Your lips curved into a bashful smile as the servants donned your plate with a small soup first.
The silence settled in as he begun eating. And that's where you noticed, the protuding fangs on each side of his mouth, tearing and chomping down the meat. It made you wonder if he was used to eat like this.
The only sounds in the dining hall was him scarfing down the food as you ate yours. He was too deep in his task to actually mind your awed stare his way as he ate.
"Your Majesty?" Your sweet voice made him stop as he was about to devour a stuffed fish. Red eyes darted your way, and the fabric piece of napkin you held before him with a small giggle.
"I didn't know one could have such an appetite"
He gulped and cleared his throat.
"Food is exquisite, my lord. Can understand your urge, I've never tasted something so scrumptious like this."
He drank from his cup, the food soothing his nerves and sudden thoughts.
"Glad you like." His tone although monotonous was genuine, like his words.
You'd think he'd had his fill, but another round was brought. This time you were served a lighter seafood stew. This time he ate with a bit more moderation despite his hunger. Of course a man his size had to keep himself well fed.
"I'm quite happy for you to take considerations in such things like art." You mumbled after finishing the contents of your plate.
"Can't be all bloodshed, right?"
You smiled with a soft nod.
"Do you favor a certain branch of arts, my lord?"
"Painting, sculpting, scripture, smithing?"
He pondered for a minute, doe eyes seized him with keen interest.
"Smithing, perhaps."
"It suits your likings." You nodded, "I mean, I can tell by the way your armor is built."
"And what could your highness tell from it?"
"That you saw its building yourself. That is a special armor for you, cause I know no other king that would put that much of effort into his battle armor."
His lips curved slightly but pleased.
"You favor paintings, that much noted. What else do you like, princesa?" He drank from his cup again as Jessica marched in with a small box with a vial. A green-ish liquid contained in the glass.
He nodded at Jessica as she left. Then gulped down the little flask. Face contorting into a disgusted gesture for a brief moment.
"I do like embroidering and gardening."
"Of course. I was instructed in the arts of holistic medicines back in my kingdom."
"So you're a doctor?"
You giggled and his tiredness slowly felt melting.
"Kind of. Mother wanted me to be the head of our art academy, but father insisted to keep my medicine studies. Somehow both worked. But medicine proved to be more effective. You can't heal injured soldiers with art, after all."
He chuckled and nodded.
"I've heard that you have been visiting the library. Anything you actually need to find?"
"Oh, I apologize if I've come out as a snooper. I just wish to know more about your kingdom."
"Is that so?"
"Don't get me wrong, my lord. I wouldn't want to embarrass you before your council at not knowing a bit more of your culture in case my opinion or input would be asked."
His eyes twinkled in amusement. A wise desicion indeed.
His lips were about to speak when the jumble of familiar voices approached.
" Your Majesty, Prince Gabriel has arrived" Peter announced with a soured expression, one that Miguel knew wasn't a good thing.
Prince Gabriel?
You looked between him and Peter as said Prince barged in behind the commander. Armor similar to Miguel's but his wasn't as opulent, a smaller crown, hip adorned with a black sword, and of course a grail in his hands.
"My king, my lord, my... My Miggy" He hiccuped and approached him slurring his words, careening steps guided his tipsy self closer to where Miguel was, but stopped as his green eyes settled on you.
"And whose this?"
"Gabriel" Miguel warned
"Ohh, a new concubine?! About time!"
Your eyes widened in surprise and your mouth settled in a tight line. Of course he would have concubines. Mostly kings did. Even your father did.
"Gabriel!" His voice froze him in the spot. You stood up, almost abruptly, hands fisted on your dress, heart beating miles per second as your chest grew tighter within.
"Thanks for your time, your majesty. I shall go back."
You bowed and left, Peter trailed after you after Miguel's order. Both just looked where you had disappeared.
Gabriel sat down with a goofy smile that soon vanished. Miguel's glared holes his way
"You're done acting like a fool, Gabriel?"
"You're done playing the horny idiot?"
"Dame paciencia... She's a princess, Gabriel." (Give me patience)
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"Because" His voice rose and seethed but quickly caught himself, "Fue tan inesperado para mi como lo es para tí" (It was as unexpected for me as is it for you.)
"You're marrying her?"
"Why? We don't need that sort of problems now."
"Thats precisely why I am marrying her. To avoid future troubles."
"What do you mean?"
Gabriel took a mouthful of shrimps as he sat where you had been sitting minutes ago.
"Her kingdom owes the West Passage."
"Wasn't it closed?" He mumbled through a full mouth, Miguel scrunched his nose in disgust as he swallowed.
"Can you not talk for a second?"
"Right, right"
"It was closed due political shit with Erunia."
"He's getting annoying at this point."
"So they closed it because they feared an invasion, I guess."
"Thats why I'm marrying her."
"That's cold, Miggy."
"But necessary."
Gabriel sighed and looked at his older brother. Despite his age, a few white strands protunded from his head due the perpetually stressed state he always seemed to be.
"So, marriage instead of protection."
"Correct. We can't risk our economy to be surpassed by a crime lord as Kingpin or Kraven."
"Why don't just absorb her kingdom as an extension of ours?"
"¿'Tas menso?" (You dumb?)
"What? Just a suggestion"
"No. They just fought a war. The Prince died. There is enough bloodshed as it is."
"That smug and cocky boy?"
"Sounds familiar?"
Gabriel pouted and sighed.
"You're not nice. What if she finds out about it?"
"I'm sure she's well aware of the mess."
Gabriel shrugged and popped another shrimp in his mouth.
"You'll apologize to her."
"Naturally. Enough torment she gets by getting married to you, Miggy."
Gabriel scrambled away with a laugh as Miguel approached him.
"¡Cálmate!" (Chill!)
"Imbécil." He swatted his head, "Any news?" (Dumbass)
"Not good ones, I'm afraid"
A concubine.
"Your Majesty!" Peter trailed after you.
The word had been engraved into your mind.
"I beg your pardon, my lady. Prince Gabriel is-"
"It's fine. You don't have to apologize on behalf of another's ignorance."
Peter gulped and sighed as he walked before you.
"I'm really sorry that this happened, your highness. Prince Gabriel is... quite the card when he's under the effects of mead"
"Well, a drunk's words are sober thoughts aren't they?"
Peter frowned and stepped back.
"I know this is an arranged marriage, ser. I know what it implies. Love isn't into the list. And I respect that. After all, this union was born from the need to keep our people in peace and our countries thriving. Nothing else."
Peter blinked.
"I shall take my studies and meals in my room tomorrow, if that's okay. I don't... wish to be disturbed."
Peter bowed and left you be.
Despite your chambers being warm with the fireplace, you felt cold. Colder as you removed your current clothing into the sleeping ones. Just when you had thought that he was being genuine with you, the hope had been crushed cruelly. But of course you had provoked your own tristful mood by idealizing something you weren't even sure of.
Miguel's frown only deepened as Peter's expression.
"What now?"
"She wishes to not be disturbed for tomorrow"
"Of course she does..."
Miguel rubbed his face and rested his chin on his palm.
"Your brother-"
"I know he messed up, Peter"
"I don't think you're understanding. Miguel."
"I do understand." He pinched his nose bridge.
"I've know you since your father trained us to protect you"
"How long has been that? Eighteen years ago?"
"Twenty for me. I've known you for twenty years, Miguel. And for the first time in your life, you're not being honest with yourself."
Miguel’s brow quirked at him.
"You're making reckless desicions even if they come with good intentions. But in that recklessness you're hurting people without realizing. "
"Can't hear you when you're talking full of yourself"
"Act tough and proud all you want, but I wouldn't be surprised if she just rather go back to her own country-"
"It's arranged, Peter."
"You're such a jerk. It's not... You know what? Whatever."
Peter turned around and prepared to leave.
Peter stopped and grunted, annoyed.
"I hate it when you do that."
"Did she say something?"
"You're underestimating her"
"No. Ask her yourself."
"Must I remind you who are talking to?"
"I'm talking to you as a friend."
Miguel sighed and let him continue.
"I'm not saying be moonstruck with her and forsake the kingdom and damn your responsibilities. But the least you could be doing is keeping your allies close, she might not be what you wanted at all. But she understands her duty as well. Don't take her as a fool."
"I know she isn't a fool"
"I'm telling you this because I'd never want my daughter in the same position as she is. You think this is easy for her?"
"A kingdom isn't ruled on its own, Peter"
"Precisely my point you idiot! You can't rule it all on your own! Unless you pay with your life." Miguel glared at him but Peter just rolled his eyes.
"I've done this alone for the last decade and some more"
"Yeah, and look at you. A mess that is always mistrusting people."
"I've got my own reasons."
"God, to be a brilliant inventor you're such a dumbass sometimes. Just apologize to her, alright? I'm getting tired of being your personal courier."
Peter left him be. Of course he had seen your reaction, he should send Gabriel away another two weeks for scouting for his stupid little act, and of course he hated Peter being right.
This is exactly why he didn't meddled in these sort of things. But he was a man of honor. And certainly he had enjoyed the little talk with you, so he would take Peter's advice at heart. Disrespectful as he was. He'd keep you close.
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too-much-tma-stuff · 11 months
Home for the First Time
It was early when there was a knock at the door of Wayne Manor, Bruce was still in his nightgown because even though it was nearly noon he’d been out late. He stayed back while Alfred opened the door, curious to see who it was and hoping he hadn’t forgotten he was supposed to meet with press or something today. But no, it was two children, nearly identical besides the fact one had blue eyes and the other green.
“Hello,” The blue eyed one greeted with a bright, charming smile, he had one arm out slightly, subtly shielding the green eyed boy who was hanging back a little, a serious look on his face and a stubborn set to his jaw. “My name is Danyal Al Ghul and this is my brother Damien. Perhaps Bruce remembers an ill advised dalliance with our mother Talia roughly 11 years ago? We are the result, and she says it’s time we meet our father and learn what we can from him.”
“Of course we’ll submit to a DNA test to prove our lineage,” The green eyes one, Damien, put in. Danial didn’t look at the boy as he nodded along.
Behind Alfred Bruce choked on his coffee and started to cough. Alfred was unflappable as always and simply nodded once. “I see, why don’t you two come through into the sitting room? The paternity test shouldn’t take long using our equipment, we’ll just need a bit of your hair,” Alfred said as he stood back and usured the kids in. Bruce deciding now would be a good time to disappear and compose himself before he had to meet these unexpected children.
Danyal was nervous and excited as they sat in the drawing room, cradling mugs of tea neither of them had drunk. Damien was probably suspicious of an attempted poisoning, but Danyal was just nervous! Not that he showed it, his hands didn’t shake and an impassive little smile stayed on his face as he observed every inch of the room. That was the difference between him and Dami really, Damien had been raised the heir to the Demon Head, Danny to the Bat and Wayne industries. They had gone through the same physical training of course but they had different behaviours ingrained in them.
Damien had been taught to repress all emotion and not show it at all where as Danny had been taught how to mimic them. Hide his true emotion and show the appropriate ones. A ‘press smile’ as they say, to charm and manipulate and give just the right half answers that truly gave nothing away. He excelled in science and technology which would be perfect for running Wayne Enterprises, so it mattered less that his reading skills flagged behind Dami’s a bit, or that he had been the weaker combatant.
Had been, until he had been struck by lightening and then revived by Lazarus. It had been a disappointment, but thankfully not something he could have been faulted for, an act of god to punish their grandfather for his avoidance of death and because even the gods feared who they would become. He remembered the strike, the unimaginable pain of it, and the aftermath as he lay on the ground, his heart stuttering and thumping to hard, then not, then fluttering, then not, then nothing as he had passed out.
He did not remember being dropped in the pit, but he did remember waking up within it. It burned through his veins, seeping in to the hand that had been struck holding his weapon, racing up along the fractals of energy, collecting the currents that still had him twitching uncontrollably and curling together into a hard ball in his chest. A wash of cold spread over him from his new centre, soothing the burn of the acrid, acidic pit. It made drifting there… comfortable.
He knew it shouldn’t have been, he had seen multiple people break the surface, gasping and screaming and clawing their way to shore, but it wasn’t for him. Then again Ra’s bathed in the pool, so maybe this was alright? It made him wonder about the people who never surfaced again, did they choose to stay because this was how it felt to them too? Drifting listlessly in comfortable… What? What was this feeling. Danny had turned and dove deeper into the pit, seeking answers as he always did, even when it wasn’t wise.
He didn’t know how long he swam before he could see the edges, the pool narrowing closer and closer till he could barely make it through, and then he found an exit. It was small, a porthole into a void of stars and doors. It was unlike anything he’d seen and he realised immediately it was calling to him, that was why he had dove. It wanted him to enter, it called it was where he belonged, it terrified him. When something far to large drifted by his little vantage point he fled back towards the surface, the life he knew, and the broken family he still loved.
He was a bit surprised to find that Damien and mother were still there but grandfather had already left. That was fair really, Danny didn’t know how long he had been down there, but his brother and mother are still there. It seemed Damien was being allowed a rare moment of weakness, on his knees by the edge of the pond, staring blankly into the water with their mother crouching next to him, rubbing his back though Damien’s eyes were still dry. They were… grieving him.
He burst through the surface of the glowing pool, gasping for air he scrambled up onto the bank, coughing up the disgusting liquid clogging his lungs. His ears were ringing and his sight narrowing to a green blur, completely unaware of what was going on around him until two hands, one the size of his own, and one larger land on his body. The smaller set held back his hair while larger rubbed his back, slowly sound returned and he heard his mother’s soft cooing and Damien’s panicked breath.
He gasped for breath and looked up at the two of them, the green retreating from his vision as he blinked rapidly. “Damien? Mother?” He had gasped seeing the relief overtake both of their faces that Lazarus hadn’t stolen his mind.
It hadn’t, in fact he was just as sharp as ever and had found that since then no one could detect him when he wanted to remain unseen, no door could stop him or keep him out. He was what any assassin dreamed to be, but it had also come with new awareness since he had been overhearing things no one would usually let him hear. He had heard the conversations Grandfather had with mother going back and forth about which of them should go to their father, since it was always meant to be Danyal but now with his new abilities he was clearly chosen by Lazarus so maybe he should be the true heir.
Danny known Grandfather was manipulative for as long as he could remember, not like Damien, who still had faith in the league and their grandfather. Damien was smart, and talented, he was suspicious enough for both of their physical safety, but he had a much harder time realizing when they were being manipulated, or when they were being used. That was alright, Danny could make up for this weakness as Damien had done for his unwillingness to kill. It had taken him a while of carefully planted seeds in both Grandfather’s ear and Mother’s to bring them around to the idea of both of them going to father.
Danyal didn’t know if father would be any better, but he would probably be easier to escape from then the league and maybe with some distance he would gain the courage to point out to Damien how it was wrong.
That was how life found them both sitting on their fathers couch, Danny’s tea long since having grown cold. He surfaced from his thoughts, seeing his eyes shimmering unnatural green in the reflection within the cup, as it usually did when he thought about his death.
He blinked it away in time to look up and see Bruce entering the room, he put his smile back on and stood, Damien following suit and looking sullen. They had agreed Danny would take the lead, but Damien still didn’t like it. “You must be Bruce, it’s a pleasure to meet you,” Danyal said offering his hand to shake. Bruce blinked looking a little startled and shook his hand, Danny did his bast to give a good, firm handshake, hopefully his hands were too cold. “Mother always speaks highly of you, and even Grandfather admits there’s much we can learn from you,” He said, stepping back to let Damien shake Bruce’s hand as well.
“And anyone who can impress grandfather must be half a god,” Danny joked causing Damien to hiss and elbow his side as he usually did when he though Danny was speaking out of turn. Danny made a little oof sound and then gave Bruce a conspiratorial look, pleased to see he had made the stoic man crack a smile.
“It’s good to meet both of you as well, I’m sorry I didn’t know about either of you until today. The paternity test confirmed that you are my sons, Alfred is already setting up rooms for you next to each other in the family wing. In the mean time how would you feel about meeting a couple of your siblings? I believe Tim, Cass, and Stephanie are home at the moment? You’ve had a long trip, if you’d rather wait till tomorrow then I understand.”
“We’d love to meet them,” Danyal said, a little louder then usual to cover his brothers scoff. Damien scowled at Danyal who scowled back just as fiercely and tried to step on Damien’s foot, he knew the other boy would move out of the way before he could but it would make his point not to be disrespectful! It was clearer then clear that their father didn’t care much for blood given how much he loved all his adoptive children no matter what Grandfather thought. If Bruce wanted a biological heir he could have easily have gotten one, their blood might give them a slight advantage but they would have to prove their merits. But of course Damien believed everything Grandfather said still.
Damien dodged and then kicked back, Danyal rolling his eyes and dodging as well. Before a full fight could break out they both heard Bruce chuckle at them, Danyal gave the man a sheepish smile and while Damien blushed and looked down at the floor sulkily. “Alright, well then follow me. I’ll call Dick as well, I’m sure that when he finds out he has two new brothers to meet he’ll come running, I’m sure he’ll be here for dinner as well.”
“We’ve heard a lot about him too,” Danyal said with an impassive smile, they had to know about those who might be their competition after all. Danyal knew a bit more then Damien but they both knew what they needed to, like strengths and weaknesses. Danyal wondered if he was going to have to come to their adopted siblings defences, he fully expected Damien would try to assassinate them, whether or not it was actually wise to do so.
“Alright, then lets go see Tim first, he’s playing video games in his room. Steph and Cass are in the studio together,” Bruce said as he ushered Danny and Damien out of the sitting room and up a set of back stairs into the family wing of the manner. Danny and Damien following, having a silent argument of signs and dodgable blows about how exactly they should be handling this. What finally ended the argument was Danny flashing fang, his eyes glowing green and baring his teeth at Damien. Both to remind Damien of his true strength and to show how important this was to him, which made Damien relent for now he wasn’t sure.
Either way they had sorted it out by the time Bruce opened the door. “Tim, how do you feel about two new brothers?” Bruce said almost sheepishly and Tim groaned, pausing his game and spinning around in his chair.
“Damn Bruce where did you find these two?” He asked giving his adopted father a tired glare.
“On his doorstep,” Danny said promptly.
“We’re his biological sons,” Damien said at almost the same time, then glared at Danny who shrugged, both were true.
“Damn really?” Tim asked as he finally got up, examining both of them.
“We already did the paternity test,” Damien said with what Danny would call an unwarranted amount of pride.
“It’s nice to meet you, I’m Danyal. You can call me Danny if you want,” Danny said, stepping forward and offering Tim a handshake and his best smile. Tim blinked and shook his hand. “I’ve never played a video game, they didn’t allow such frivolities in the compound. They look like fun though, perhaps you could teach me?”
“Uh sure, sounds fun. What about you? You want to learn other little bro?” Tim asked looking to Damien.
“Why would I want to learn a skill with no practical use,” Damien scoffed. “My name is Damien, and I do not approve of nicknames,” He said, giving Danny a haughty look as he shook Tim’s hand. Danny just rolled his eyes.
“Whatever you say little D,” Tim scoffed. Damien gave an indignant squawk and before he could go for a weapon Danny grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and yanked him back.
“Okay that’s enough of that,” Bruce said, grabbing a knife Danny had missed Damien drawing and twisting it out of Damien’s grip as Danny got his brother in a headlock.
“Sorry about him, the League of Shadows doesn’t care much for social graces, I barely escaped being just as feral as him,” Danny joked before letting out an oof as Damien elbowed him in the side and escaped his hold.
“Eh it’s not the first time a brother has tried to kill me. I can look after myself,” Tim said, which was clearly a warning to Damien judging by the look. Danny knew that Tim could, but also knew he was still underestimating them, and he hoped that wouldn’t bite him before he figured it out. “Let me know if you change your mind, I’m sure you two have a lot of catching up to do with tech and media, I’ll be happy to be your guide.”
“Tt,” Damien scoffed and stomped out of the room.
“Well I’m looking forward to learning about all of that, I think it’ll be fun! Ignore him, he’ll come around. Just, uhh, watch him, That won’t be the last time he tries to stab you. If anything it’s a bonding activity for him,” Danny joked as lightly as he could before hurrying after his twin, Bruce on his heels.
Part 2: here
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monzamash · 7 months
cardinal sin — daniel ricciardo
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"let's commit some sins." daniel ricciardo x you (femreader) | 2.1k rating – 18+ (sex, coarse language) a/n – this was way too fun, @rizzciado. masterlist
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“Is this seat taken?”
The gentle voice drew your attention away from the vodka martini cradled in your dainty hands, eyes locking with a pair of dark brown ones waiting for an answer. You glanced around the hotel bar, wondering if the man was speaking to you or someone nearby but his gazed remained on you.
“Oh…” realising he was focused on you, “No, go ahead.”
“I’m Daniel,” He introduced and placed down his glass of red wine before pulling out the bar stool beside you.
Daniel hummed at the sound of your name when you indulged him in the pleasantries and repeated it back in his smooth Australian accent, “That’s a beautiful name.”
He was handsome, that was obvious and the way his smile radiated pure joy allowed you to slowly let your guard down. The cream knitted sweater he was wearing fit perfectly and the tailored black pants indicated his keen eye for fashion while the understated vintage Rolex sitting on his wrist exuded wealth. Old money.
“Are you here for business or pleasure?” You asked curiously, intently listening to his crooning voice as you sipped your martini.
His answer was vague, something about a special event happening in town that he was apart of but what really intrigued you was the fact he was holding your attention like no one had ever done before. You’d been approached by a stranger in a bar plenty of times, identical situations – but this man had mastered the art of the pick up. Small talk had never been so captivating.
“So how’s your night been so far?” Daniel turned the conversation to you and took a sip from his wine.
You sighed, “Bit of a bust to be honest. I was supposed to be on a date but he didn’t show up…”
Daniel gasped and leaned in close enough for his cologne to be spellbounding – Dior Sauvage. His eyebrows were raised high on his forehead, perplexed by the idea of you, a complete stranger, being stood up.
“What an idiot. If only he could see what he was missing,” He complimented and fell back again, leaving you wanting more.
The dismissive shrug of your shoulders sent your freshly curled waves flowing down your back, revealing a little more of your dress. Daniel’s respectful eyes skimming across your d��colletage didn’t go unnoticed and you weren’t mad about it – only set alight.
“Eh, one man’s missed opportunity might be another mans good fortune,” You flirted back, fingers intentionally brushing his as you grasped your martini.
Daniel’s dark chuckle sent chills across your exposed skin, the tight black dress now feeling like the perfect choice. You could feel him nudging closer, knees bumping underneath the bar as he leaned forward and waved down the waiter who had been serving you for the past half hour.
“Hey man – can I get another one of these please?” He asked, pointing down at the empty glass sitting lonely in front of you, completely forgotten in scintillating conversation.
“And a whiskey on the rocks? Thanks mate.”
You propped your elbow up on the bar and rested your chin on you knuckles, eyebrow cocked at his choice of drink, “Moving onto the hard stuff?”
Daniel breathed out a soft laugh and turned to you, eyes shamelessly dragging over your newfound body language and pleased to no end with how intuitive you were to his charm. He knew you could match him, flirtatiously batting your eyelashes and giving him a little more attention than a stranger would. He was having too much fun.
“Yeah, well…” He paused and slipped the waiter a tip, “My wife is a bit of a prude and usually doesn’t like me mixing my wine with whiskey but she isn’t here tonight.”
A devious smirk tingled on your lips as you glanced playfully around the bar, “I certainly hope not. Where is she? There is no way I would let you out of my sight.”
“She’s out with her friends who take up way too much of her time.”
You let out a soft hum in response, “I’m sure she adores you.”
“You see – that’s the problem…” Daniel sucked in a sharp breath and leaned in, meeting you in the middle – lips ghosting your keen ear.
“She’s a little too good to me, if you know what I mean.”
You pulled back ever so slightly, catching Daniel’s gaze that had shifted to you plum coloured lips – eyes hungry for more when you whispered, “Do you want something bad?”
“Someone maybe…” He teased, noses brushing as your hands came up and gently adjusted the silver chain hanging around his neck.
“Promise I don’t bite.”
“I really hope that isn’t true,” You quietly but confidently retorted as Daniel reached down and expertly pulled your stool closer – his knee slotting in so close that you could feel his warmth through the thin layer of lace separating you from him. Teasing.
“Surely a pretty girl like you doesn’t dabble in the dark arts,” He taunted, knowing from the glint in your eye that you weren’t like most pretty girls.
“I like to think of it more as a fine art but you really have no idea who you’re dealing with here …”
Daniel couldn’t hide the way he felt hearing those words tumble from your mouth, lip bitten and trousers a little bit tighter than before. You were magnetic in his eyes, enigmatic and mysterious as you played with the stem of your martini glass, toying with him and fuelling the desire bubbling in his stomach.
“Tell me,” He challenged and watched as the devilish grin swept across your beautiful face.
“Or I could show you…”
A deep groan purred in Daniels throat as he inched forward and crashed his lips into yours, holding your jaw loosely between his thumb and fingers. Your mind was a haze as his tongue slipped around yours, searching for a moan that you generously gave. He was intentional with the way his lips moved against your own, pressure wavering as you became breathless.
“I’m staying here at the hotel…” You managed to breathe out; the statement laced with promiscuity and a promise of more.
“If you think the public is going to stop me then you're sorely mistaken, sweetheart," Daniel grumbled into your hair, fingertips rushing down your spine and stoking the flames within.
A guttural whine slipped from your throat as he took the soft, sensitive skin on your neck between his teeth, the subtle sound of your dress zipper made a small, barely there smile appear on your features. You loved the idea of him taking you right there and then but even you could admit when the limit had been reached.
But god, all you wanted to do was push the boundaries with him as you shoved him across the threshold of your expensive hotel room. Daniel was already half undressed by the time you left the elevator, decently tucking himself back into the waistband of his underwear after receiving the sloppiest blowjob of his life. As he looked down at you on your knees with your pretty lips wrapped around his thick cock, doe eyes gazing up, he was convinced that he had died and gone to heaven.
It was all heavy breathing and belt buckles clanging as you fell face first into the gloriously comfortable bed. Arse up in the air, dress hiked up and revealing the lace you’d picked specifically for the night. All you wanted was for him to fuck you stupid and what better way to start than his tongue gliding across your holes, tasting all of his hard work.
“Yes god, thank you…” Daniel praised, mouth glistening and no doubt looking up to a higher powers for serving you on a silver platter, “Or maybe I should be thanking the devil for delivering you.”
You craned your neck and watched as Daniel shed his knitted sweater, exposing his chest hair and a chiselled body, thighs squeezing at the sight. His devilish good looks and toothy smile had you hypnotised in his grip; strong hands grasping your hips and bringing you level with the hardness in trousers that was begging to be touched.
“You should be thanking your wife for letting you off the leash,” You quipped, taunting the gorgeous man standing above you – about to devour every single inch of you.
Daniel hummed in agreement and theatrically unzipped his trousers, “I’m the luckiest man in the fucking world.”
With a couple of firm strokes, Daniel was slipping into your warmth like a man starved. He had you up on your knees, back pressed against his strong chest while he fucked into you deep. The snap of his hips had you begging for mercy, or for more depending on the angle – every single inch he had lining your insides and hitting every bump along the way, fingertips playing with your swollen clit as you threw your head against his shoulder.
“I want you to fuck me like you fuck her…” You slurred, cock-drunk coursing through your veins, “But dirtier.”
And he did. The grip of his fingers around your gulping throat and the unrelenting pounding you were getting had you grasping for the hand holding your waist for dear life. Daniel was vocal but deliberate, every little whisper turned grunt in your ear sent shockwaves straight to your bud. The sound of how messy he was making you emanating through the humming hotel room, clenching hard and coming fast.
It was dark and filthy, just like the slurry of words dripping from Daniel’s swollen lips as he laid back and let you take control, “That pussy feels so fucking good around my dick, baby – fits me like a glove.”
“Mmm, you like it?” It was a rhetorical question – you could tell by the blown out pupils studying your every move how much he liked it.
Daniel’s strong hands crawled up your thighs, leaving light scratches on the skin before taking their rightful place on your sinking hips while you bottomed out. The burn of his stretch made your head fall back slightly, the bites littered across your collarbone making the man below you beam with pride. I fucking did that, he whispered to himself as you swept your hair to one side.
“Wanna come inside me, pretty boy?”
A strangled moan and a dramatic head nod was all the answer you needed – placing your hands on his thumping chest and lifting your hips gradually, teasingly. He held firm and guided you into the rhythm he needed to get himself off, eyes fluttering shut in concentration as you rotated slowly.
“I’m gonna fuckin' – oh, fuck. Holy shit.”
Watching him lose all control of his suave composure and submitting to the unadulterated pleasure had you coming undone around again, panting and moaning in synchronicity. The aftershocks of your high sent him tumbling over the edge – your pussy clenching his swollen dick as he filled you to the brim, dribbles of his high slipping down your shaking thighs.
“Take it all, baby… That’s it,” Daniel encouraged as you continued to slide up and down his softening cock – squeezing out every last drop.
“So fucking good to me.”
You collapsed into Daniels’ welcoming embrace, face nuzzled into his damp neck and breathing in his sweet scent. It was a scent you found comfort in and it didn’t take you long to find yourself melting into his touch. The facade finally falling.
“... We need to do that more often.”
“I liked how suave you were – so sexy. Really felt like you were in character,” You praised, brushing the dark unruly curls from your husbands blushing face.
“Huh, you liked that?” He baited, reeking of smug.
“Bitch, you know I did,” You scoffed and rolled onto your back, “But I always let you drink whatever you want so take it easy on the insults next time. Calling me a prude... Un-fucking-believable.”
Daniel chuckled, knowing you were only kidding and turned onto his side to take you all in - his beautiful wife, the one person who knew him better than anyone else. You were the person he had endless adventures with, the sex immaculate from the day you started dating ‘til now. The lust you had for each other never fading, in love.
“Roleplaying was your idea so don’t hate the player, hate the game,” Daniel yawned and wrapped his arm lazily around your bare torso.
He continued, “You were incredible though, like at the end with that little move you do that drives me up the fucking wall.”
You giggled and rested you head on his shoulder - legs intertwined under the covers as you listened to him relive the night, “We’re gonna need to do a play by play in the morning, I reckon.”
You sighed and closed your weary eyes, “Good shout, baby.”
“I love you."
“And I love you.”
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devoutekuna · 10 days
First birthdays
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Includes- Toji, Sukuna, Nanami, Gojo, Geto
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He's not a fan of birthdays, he never got any whilst he was growing up so he didn't know how they worked other than cake a food. His daughter sat in your lap as she tried to reach for the cake, you two had already sang happy birthday, so now it was just her trying to eat her cake, cake stuffin her mouth as he hands smeared it all along. Noticing her father's presence, she had instantly forgotten about food, grubby hands reaching towards the man, sat proudly Infront of her. "I think she wants you 'Ryo" offering the baby up to him, he normally hated kids, but not his little princess, decked out in your favourite pink dress, matching her hair colour as she sat on his neck. Hands still full of cake as she reached for his mouth.
He's very much a baker, so when his daughter's birthday rolls around, he's already got a birthday cake prepared. Two cakes in fact, one bigger one for guests and another smaller cupcake size for his daughter, wanting to make sure that she could at least eat one. "Here" pushing the plate over to her as she sat in her highchair, fork guiding towards her mouth only to reject it, "No" that was one of the only words she knew, it angered you how she didn't say mama or atleast dada first. Reaching over for the small plate, hand already messy as she grabbed a bite,
He went all out for birthdays, that's what he did yesterday, throwing a massive celebration for his newly one year old. Blue balloons and confetti scattered all over the living room floor, knowing he'd have to clean it up since you were against them in the first place. Son in his arms as he placed him in the highchair, giving him some of the leftover cake, taking a few slices for himself too. Rambling on about something stupid, that's how you caught them. Your son's face mushed with cake and frosting as he was left to do his own bidding and another man child sat eating nearly half of the leftover cake, leaving half a tier. "You better clean this up Satoru, by the time I'm back down." Needing to clean the cake off his body since he was such a messy eater, but you couldn't even blame him since he was just one. Throwing the stupid blue party hat off his head, holding him by the arms as he carried on eating, picking at any cake he had left on his hands.
He understood that his child couldn't eat that all, that's why he invited some of his friends round, making alot of food, mainly his daughter's favourite. The sound of clapping distributing her peace as she got scared and started to tear up, begging for her father to come rescue her. Taking her out of the room as the giggles started, feeling bad as he took a slice of cake with him, sat in the living room with her father as the rest of the party continued. He would be soon kicking them out after he finished with her. "It's okay" fixing her party hat as it slid off, "it's just me" cradling her small body as the tears dried up. Nodding her head as she got distracted once again, hands jerking forward for the cake, decorated in a purple fondant layer along with some cake pop ontop for decoration. Taking one of the cake pops as he removed the spike handing it to her.
His child wasn't the brightest, trying to recreate what his father had just did. Sticking his fingers on the flame to take it out before removing the candle, of course his child wanted to do that too. Reaching for the open flame before the cake was snatched away. "Me" that was the only word they knew, trying to point to themselves as they reached for the cake before a present was placed Infront of them. Opening it to just discard the toy and try to eat the paper, what a weird child. "Not that" throwing the wrapping paper in the bin, resulting in a few tears. Crouching down beside them as he handed them some cake in a spoon, doing the airplane noises as it came towards them, only to receive a fistful of hair, head being dragged towards his baby as they gripped it harder. A scowl implementing on his face.
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missydior · 15 days
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♡: slow and peaceful saturdays with the love of your life.
notes: charles leclerc/reader, established relationship, domesticity, fluff, lovey-dovey humour, pet names, lazy make out sessions, use of french phrases.
word count: 1.2k
a/n: this is my first uploaded piece on my new blog so please, please, please interact, give me feedback, leave a like or anything <3
i listened to ‘la petite fille de la mer’ whilst writing this.
♡ ✧ 。*・.
It is a gentle afternoon in the principality of Monaco: the skies a palette of pale lilac against the quilt of grey clouds in gentle rainfall that lingers with a hint of petrichor, a slow and familiar hustle amongst the streets of smooth stone and Belle Époque architecture where a stray cat wanders her path before disappearing once more into the alcoves of an alley.
After a slow dawn of waking amongst a mess of clean, linen sheets, feathered pillows, and tangled limbs where the heavy, velvet curtains danced serenely in some lovers' waltz, hiding the bedroom in some quiet bask, the both of you enjoyed breakfast over almond croissants, blueberries stolen from one another's plates and your usual café au lait – half a sugar, more milk than deemed necessary, just as Charles knows you love it – before you had walked around the neighbourhood by eleven o'clock to at least feel somewhat productive.
Even when the both of you only wanted to lounge endlessly after returning from Montréal the day before.
Despite finishing 4th and not quite following through in his hopes in securing an awarding podium and a taste of sweet champagne, faced with the recent difficulties of upgrades, he had come to accept and delight in his small succession nonetheless with you by his side, forever proud regardless.
Phones on mute, the rest of society blissfully forgotten and only each other to indulge in, it is pure bliss; perfect heaven.
"Hm, you smell nice," By two o'clock – after a light luncheon on the balcony overlooking the beauty of the Côte d'Azur – you are dozing idly about the plush invitation of the sofa, his voice a hushed murmur near the side of your neck where lips ghost over in something close to a kiss when he speaks.
Charles is half-draped over your own figure, though his weight is comfortably balanced by an elbow against a sewn cushion, some kind of Jardin De Fleurs -inspired embroidery made and gifted by your grandmother, with ankles locked about each other and your soft-skinned palm tracing his shoulder through the white linen of his shirt.
For a moment, a quietude settles between you once more and you welcome the entwined curl of his lithe fingers around your own when his hand drifts higher from the inside of your wrist absently like some unspoken 'I love you' before his mouth meets yours.
It is slow and sweet, the kind of kisses you savour in committing to memory each and every time, and he can taste remnants of sweetened milk & honey tea on your breath that is so apparently mundane but equally unique to you alone.
When your head tilts back against the cushions – hair falling about like an angel's halo – and Charles shifts his own body further, closer, above you, his hands come to cradle either side of your lovely face, his thumbs grazing the delicate line of your cheekbones, his nose brushing lightly against the bridge of your own.
He kisses your brow, then the bridge of your nose, the apples of your cheeks, and finally your mouth again, all in that order, before breaking away for air.
"What was that for?" Voice hardly a demure whisper, you gaze at him through the veil of your lashes in some lovesick delight where your mouth threatens to curve against a hushed giggle, your own touch idly feeling along the carved line of his jaw like intricate marble where a dusting of five o'clock shadow lingers from a few days' worth. You secretly adore it, how it feels.
Charles smiles – all beautiful, revealed dimples and a glimmer in his eyes that remind of leaves in late August – and brushes a stray hair behind the shell of your ear. He takes a moment, his gaze lingering about the lines of your visage as if falling in love again, everyday. "For no particular reason, ma chérie, just because I want to."
Then he is leaning down to meet you again just as you welcome the embrace without question, only allowing yourself to melt further into the serenity of some lovesick truth as your arms drape about his shoulders faintly.
"Je pense..." Charles' mouth drifts down from yours slowly in a trail of kisses about your chin in his verbalised albeit quiet musings before lips slant together again and he encourages you to open for him, tasting, feeling, his tongue teasing over yours in a caress, "That I don't need a reason to kiss you."
In some silent, earnest contentment, you agree, because you could never refuse or object to the intimacy of his kisses and touches.
Mouth curving upwards against his, you let your fingertips feel the trimmed, soft hairs at his nape against tousled brunet tresses whilst breathing him in: Ombré Nomade cologne, hints of something akin to cedarwood against raspberry, incense and warm amber, against his natural pheromones. Home.
Feeling the lean muscles against his back through the soft fabric, toying only subtly with the subtle drag of teeth against his plush lower-lip whilst your eyes remain blissfully closed, you meet the faintest resonance of a sound from the back of his throat like a purr when he sucks upon your tongue with the same touch of loving.
"Vous êtes si belle," He sighs the compliments against you in sweet nothings and unabashed confessions, his own touch ghosting over the curves of your waist through the ivory, lace camisole hugging your physique, thumbs fleeting over the jut of your hip-bone before drifting higher once more.
It is when idle strokes are felt over your rib cage that you unconsciously emit a breathless, flushed sound of laughter against him before you can help yourself, instinctively shrinking against the touch whilst earning a look from him as he draws away fractionally with arched brows.
"Ticklish, are we, ma chérie?"
Your mouth parts for a retort or quick dismissal out of bashfulness – even when you know that he already knows too, given the Monégasque has the privilege to know each intimate, secretive and wholehearted truth about you – though the words die on your tongue the moment his fingertips continue their ministrations over your sides.
You cannot stop the serenade of laughter from leaving you, not when you are entirely vulnerable beneath, and a warmth settles in your chest when the corners of his eyes crinkle in a genuine smile as he continues tickling you.
"Arrêt–" A breathless gasp of imploration, palms that reach to try and draw him away with a shove at his chest though your rosé cheeks hurt from the depth of your raw, honest smiles, "Charles."
Chuckling lowly, the man offers you the respite of mercy as he comes to a halt and kisses the corner of your mouth intimately, instead allowing his hands to feel the curve of your lower-back and the notches of your vertebrae until eyes meet in the peace of the afternoon, otherwise silent save for the lull of Lana del Rey from the kitchenette radio.
"Je t'aime."
He kisses you again and it is rich in his responding, ardent devotion to you, letting the faint remnants of your lipstick smear his own mouth like the prints you leave on hand-written love letters of cursive Française just for him in your diaries, the cashmere throw forgotten about your feet on the other end of the chaise lounge whilst rain continues.
"Je t'aime aussi, pour toujours."
a/n: don't forget to interact and leave a like or comment to spread the love <3
♡ ✧ 。*・.
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generalsmemories · 8 months
Hello author! Can I request from angst prompt the angst sentence #2 and angst scenario #4 with Jing yuan? This is my first time doing stuff like this. I don't know if I'm doing it right😅 if not feel free to delete! May you have a wonderful day!
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A shoulder to lean on
✧ jing yuan x gn!reader
✧ prompts: breaking down mid-hug, "can you call me that again?" and "you haven't changed" "...do you mean that in a good way or a bad way?" || 1k event
✧ contents: hurt/comfort, a miniscule of high cloud quintet lore, my personal hc that jing yuan was a tiny bit of a crybaby when he was younger (it's mentioned briefly you could barely notice it)
✧ a/n: after jingliu's companion quest the need to give this man a hug just increased by tenfold. but you did everything correct dear anon, thank you for participating in the event! not beta-read cause the idea kicked me in the face at like 1 AM so i had to hurry before i lost it. though i did struggle trying to incorporate the last sentence LMFAO.
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"Do you accept this new position as the general of the Luofu, Jing Yuan?"
Sometimes he wonders if things would've gone differently if he said no that day, had politely declined the offer. He had dreams after all, dreams that wasn't limited to the Luofu - a dream that was to reach the stars, and further than that.
"It would be my honor."
But as fast as those worries came, it quickly faded away with time. Forgotten amidst the chaos that immediately happened the moment he took the mantle of the General.
"General, there's another meeting with the Six Charioteers."
"General, the Marshal is requesting your presence."
"Even if you've became the general, we would still need a strategic mind and another sword out on the battlefield, what do you say?"
He didn't mind at first.
"General! The high elder has...!"
"General, we have succesfully captured Imbibitor Lunae, what are the High Preceptors orders for him?"
"General! The swordmaster has succumbed to mara!"
If he could serve the Luofu to the best of his abilities then he would. He loved Luofu after all. It would be no greater honor than to be able to govern it and protect it.
"General! There's an urgent message from the Xianzhou Yaoqing and Xianzhou Fanghu!"
"General, we will keep losing more men to the Denizens of Abundance at this rate, the only way to stop this war once and for all is through the Reignbow Arbiter!"
But after centuries of the same title being called out, of the same courtesy and respect given to him at every corner and at every second of his life, he starts to wonder.
When was the last time he heard someone call out his name?"
"Jing Yuan."
He sucks in a deep breath, eyes snapping open upon hearing his name. There's a warm hand cradling his cheek with a thumb stroking his skin patiently - but no words have been said after someone had uttered his name.
It's quiet - the noise inside his head had seemed to morph back into the same mild headache he's gotten used to ignoring every day. A pain that makes him realize he's no longer forced to witness what had happened in the past, the warmth from the hand on his cheek confirming the fact he's back in the present.
Back in today's Luofu - a peaceful Luofu not plagued by any war, a Luofu he had managed to keep in peace for centuries.
He let's out the breath he didn't realize he was holding, his eyes finally adjusting to the room around him. His vision is a bit hazy, but he can still make out the interior of your shared house.
There's a bed underneath him, a blanket covering half of his body and the sound of the breeze blowing through the wind chimes which makes them make a clear sound. And when he averts his gaze from the ceiling to the presence beside him, he finds himself locking eyes with your own - a gentle smile painting your lips.
"Good morning, I take it that you didn't sleep that well tonight?" you ask, and Jing Yuan opens his mouth to say something, whispering something so quietly that you couldn't even hear it even when you're this close to him, "I won't be able to hear you at all if you continue to whisper like that, you know?"
"... Can you call me that again?" he finally manages to utter after a beat of silence, the requst making you cock your head to the side in confusion - but it doesn't take long before your eyes widen slightly in realization, before immediately softening.
"You haven't changed at all, have you? Jing Yuan."
And that's all he needed to hear before he finally breaks. You can hear a low whimper come from him before you flinch away in surprise when he suddenly rises to an upright position. But you're not able to move back fast enough before an arm hurriedly wraps around your waist to force you closer to him.
"... Do you mean that in a good way or a bad way?" he breathes out, voice finally returning to him after hearing you call out his name again.
His free hand cradles the back of your head, pressing you closer to his neck while he almost shrinks into you, trying to press you closer than you already are.
Almost as if wants to protect you - from what you don't know.
But he's shaking, the arms enveloping you in his embrace are trembling slightly and you can feel his voice shake whenever he breathes in and out, his own face pressed against your head.
"A good way, what else? Because even after everything you've gone through, standing tall as the general of the Luofu-"
You ignore how he physically flinches upon hearing you say that title.
"You're still the same crybaby of a Jing Yuan that I fell in love with way before you even got your infamous nickname."
He doesn't say anything, freely letting you cup his cheeks to pull him away from your head, giving him a smile and a quick peck onto his cheek before you readjust him to rest his head on your shoulders - to which he quickly buries his face into your neck. And it's only when you wrap your own arms around his shoulders tightly that you feel tiniest of tears dampen your clothes.
You can only squeeze back, bending your head down to press your lips onto whatever part of Jing Yuan you can reach.
"It's okay to cry, Jing Yuan."
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another similar ask that got incorporated
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starshinegarcia · 9 days
hi!!! Can you do Spencer x fem reader where she is not a part of the BAU but is Spencer's gf and no one on the team knows but they have their suspicions. Then one day he forgot his lunch so she decides to bring it to him at work and everyone is so shocked that he has a gf and they tease Spencer bc he's so infatuated with her and they are so in love!
I love this idea so much!! requested Spencer x Reader oneshot- my first time writing Spencer! feedback appreciated as always! __ stands for Y/N! hope i did it justice! thanks so much for the request lovely 💗
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Isn’t it just so pretty to think..
The sun peeked in at you through a crack in the cream colored curtains, a trick of the light casting shadows on your freckled back as you dozed off- again. The slow beeping of your alarm clock came into earshot once again, and you begrudgingly unlocked your phone, trudging across the apartment to take a picture of the fridge (it was the only way to shut your alarm off, Spencer had figured out your sleep habits.) Slowly padding back to your bedroom, you rubbed the sleep out of your eyes, blinking as you examined Spencer’s side of the bed. Wait. You twirled around, doing a double take as your eyes focused on the blue lunch bag sitting on the counter. Spencer had forgotten his lunch, the one you had packed for him the night before, like you always did.
The love note peeked out at you in the front pocket, an extra reminder to you as you grabbed your phone. Scrolling through a few texts from Spencer from earlier in the morning, you dialed his number, chewing on your lip as it rang. “Good morning, sunshine.” “Spencie, you forgot your lunch.” You heard your boyfriend sigh on the other line, imagining him rubbing his temples. “So much for that eidetic memory, huh? I’m sorry, baby, put it back in the fridge, okay? I’ll order something for today.” You shook your head, but refrain from arguing audibly as an idea sprang into your head. “Baby?” “Just wait there, okay Spence?” “__, sweetheart, what-” “No time to talk! Bye!” Giggling, you DID place the lunch back in the fridge as he had asked, dashing back to the bedroom and shutting the door with a spin.
Spencer had, undoubtedly, been in a rush that morning, having stayed in bed with you a few more minutes then time allowed for. He ended up not being late, and even if he had been he would never sacrifice that time with you, not for the BAU, not for the world. You had been dating for half a year now, but you had been in his life for much longer before that- hence you two moving in relatively quickly. The team obviously had their suspicions, but no formal introduction had taken place- but Spencer was left completely clueless that morning as you hung up the phone, smiling and going back to his files with a loving shake of his head.
So, come lunchtime, the last thing he was expecting was your scent wafting through the office, his ears picking up on the jingling of your bracelets and suddenly feeling slightly crazy. But no, there you were, bouncing up to him with a visitor badge pinned to your blouse, your guy’s favorite Chinese takeout cradled in her hands.
“Hi, babe.” You set the food down on his desk, perching yourself on his desk. “What are you doing here, sunshine?” “Well, I have a shoot later downtown, and, I figured you might want some lunch- free delivery, of course.” Spencer chuckles, taking you in- you were wearing a light blue blouse over a darker blue skirt- two of his favorite colors, though anything looked good on you. “You shouldn’t have. You look stunning, though. I can’t wait to see those pictures later.” You giggle, swinging your legs and reaching out a hand to smooth his curls down. Spencer clears his throat, and you glance up to see the entire BAU staring at you.
The rest of the office watched in awe as you came in, then with even more surprise as you beelined it to Spencer’s desk. JJ whipped a fashion magazine out of seemingly thin-air, pointing to a woman on the front cover. “She is quite literally the top plus sized model in the US right now.” “You’re telling me that Spencer is dating HER?” Garcia burst out in a fit of giggles, “I told you guys, big girls are the way to go!” while Derek shook his head with a smile. “Pretty boy pulls a model. Who knew?” Emily swiveled around to face them, shaking her head. “She looks different than the magazine, though. She looks smart, and look at the way he’s looking at her. Reid wouldn’t date someone without depth.”
Becoming aware of everyone’s eyes on you, you look to your boyfriend for an answer, getting a nod and gentle smile in return. You hop up off his desk, smoothing your skirt down and waving shyly. “Uh, hi, everyone! I’m __, it’s really nice to finally meet you guys, Spencer has told me so much about you and I’m really glad to finally be putting a face to the name and I’m-” “Baby, breathe.” The team stifles a laugh, the resemblance between your rants and Spencer’s tangents clear. You flush. “Anyway. I brought enough food for all, if you guys want? Penelope, I um, got some vegetarian stuff for you, as well.” Garcia, the woman that she is, wraps you in a tight hug, and you laugh, appreciating her silent invitation into the group.
Seated at the round table, everyone passes food around, settling down eventually and eating off of paper plates Rossi had dug up somewhere. Chatter fills the table, and the door abruptly opens as Hotch enters the briefing room. Everyone freezes, and you drop your fork startlingly loudly as his eyes find you. Rossi starts, “Aaron, we were just-” Hotch holds up his hand, cracking a smile as he motions to shake your hand. “You must be Spencer’s girlfriend. I had a feeling we’d be meeting you soon. __, is it?” You blink, standing up and letting out a sigh of relief, eyes twinkling as he winks at Spencer and starts to pull up a chair.
As the lunch hour came to a natural close, Spencer pulled you close as you leaned on his shoulder. Pressing a kiss to the side of your head,Garcia gazes at you two from the bullpen. “They are so freaking cute, I could cry.” Everyone laughs, but silently agrees, happy to know their youngest and most troubled colleague had found someone. Back in the office, you glance at your bedazzled watch and sigh.“I need to get going, baby, my shoot starts in half an hour.” Spencer groans, tugging on your arm as you start to stand up and gather your things. You laugh, rubbing his hand with your thumb. “I’ll see you at home, Spencie.” He nods, pulling you into a kiss and resting his forehead against yours. “I’ll be looking forward to that PB&J tomorrow, sweetheart.”
All along there was some invisible string, tying you to me..
Tags: @discotitsposts @ilikw
Comment 🦋 to be added to my tag list!! :)
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jgracie · 24 days
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⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ CLINGY
jason grace x gn!reader
masterlist | rules
an shoutout to anon who brought this to my attention… had to write something small for it <3 also they’re in uni in this!
sleep hasn’t been coming to you as easily as you wished it would
exam season had finally ended and to you, this was the perfect time to unwind and catch up on all the sleep you missed pulling all-nighters and having last minute cram sessions. except you couldn’t
you tried everything: drinking warm milk, putting away any electronics an hour before bed, running around and absolutely exhausting yourself and even praying to hypnos, the god of sleep, but nothing seemed to work
this was why you were awake at 4:17 in the morning, trying to get out of the death grip jason had you in. your boyfriend would deny it whenever you jokingly brought it up in the morning, but you knew how clingy he got at night. you didn’t mind it, in fact you thought it was quite endearing, but it was something he was a little insecure about
jason knew the feeling of losing things all too well - the guy lost 15 years’ worth of memories, after all - so it was only natural for him to cling to you once you came into his life, afraid you’d be ripped away from him like everything and everyone else. no matter how much you emphasized the fact that you weren’t going anywhere, he still couldn’t help but worry
slowly but surely, you rolled out of the clutches of your snoring boyfriend and tip-toed to the kitchen, desperately in need for some air and a glass of water. what you’d forgotten was the fact that a life of battle training meant jason was an extremely light sleeper
“what’re you doing?” you heard jason say softly from behind you, startling you as he wrapped his arms around your waist. you smiled, turning yourself around to face him and gently cradling his head. you grinned at the expression he sported, one of pure betrayal, while he, of course, melted into your touch
stroking his cheek, you replied, “couldn’t sleep again, thought maybe some water would help.” jason hummed in response, his brows furrowing. he hated to see you so exhausted after you worked so hard on your grades. unbeknownst to you, he’d been praying to hypnos and a couple other gods to help you get to sleep too
“tomorrow, we’ll build hypnos a shrine outside our apartment, but for now, come back to bed. 50th time’s the charm?” you giggled at this - even half asleep, jason kept his witty humour
suddenly, he picked you up and threw you over his shoulder, laughing at the way you yelped before relaxing in his hold. walking you back to your bedroom, jason put you down on the bed and tucked you in (taking a moment to admire you in the process, of course) before getting into bed himself, making sure there was some distance between you
you pouted and reached for him, hating when he felt ashamed for wanting to be touched, hating the ideas camp jupiter drilled into him that seemed to stick despite him losing his memory
“jase, it’s okay, i want this too,” you mumbled, wrapping his arm around you the way he always did once he finally entered deep sleep. as usual, his eyes widened at your words. you affirmed this to him whenever you could and yet this time was the first he didn’t pull away. instead, he nodded and inched closer to you. you smiled, proud of his progress
at 5AM, hypnos seemed to finally have answered your pleas, and for the first time in weeks, you finally fell asleep
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surielstea · 2 months
Caught Red-Handed
Based on this request.
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Pairing: Azriel x Fem!Reader
Summary: In which Azriel returns home from a mission and reader is a little too excited to see him, forgetting to keep her noise down.
Warnings: Mostly fluff but there is some smut | Minors DNI | 18+ | Thigh riding | pet names (Princess) | Az being the best dad everrr
2.1k words
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"I want Dadda to sing to me," My daughter whines as she snuggles deeper into her pillows, the large bed swallowing her small frame whole. I smile at the words, remembering how my mate sang our child into a slumber every night with his melodic tunes, shadows swishing around him as he did so, lulling her to sleep.
"I know my sweet," I sigh, running my hand through her long, pitch-black hair. "When is he gonna be back?" She looks up at me with a growing pout, the toddler seemed to master the art of guilt tripping perfectly.
"Tonight, you'll see him in the morning," I promise and her grin widens. "But how will I ever sleep!" She throws her arms up and I chuckle, leaning down and pressing a kiss to her forehead. "You need your rest or you'll be too tired to play with him in the morning," I advise and she huffs, curling into a ball and cradling her favorite bat stuffed animal to her chest.
"I'll tell you what, if you go to bed now I'll make you pancakes in the morning," I promise, and she shoots up, staring at me with eyes wide as saucers. "Pancakes!" She says excitedly and I nod. "But you've got to go to sleep now," I rule and she flops back down onto her pillows dramatically, clenching her eyes shut in an attempt to feign sleeping.
I smile at her theatrics and lean down, placing a kiss on her temple. "Goodnight Melaina," I whisper against her hair. "Night night, Mama," She murmurs back and I stand from her bed, approach the door, and give her one last look before exiting.
Azriel's been gone for a week. A long, stressful week. I hadn't realized how much he did for me until he was gone. Raising a toddler was much, much harder without him. Rhys had sent him to The Continent to make sure no wars were brewing and that everyone was somewhat at peace with Hybern off of his throne.
I still don't know why my mate was chosen, if Rhys needed to know so bad why didn't he just go? Of course, I knew the High Lord was busy, but still, the touch starve was making me grow bitter.
I was pacing the halls in anticipation for him to return I was so excited. I had been stress-cleaning all day, just to prove to him that everything went fine when he was away, I didn't want him to feel bad for doing his job. Even if some selfish part of me never wanted him to leave my side again.
Melaina hasn't stopped ranting about how excited she was for him to come home and I couldn't help but agree with her, matching the four-year-olds energy when she spoke about her father.
It felt like I stared at the balcony for hours, it was only until I was half asleep that the glass doors slid open. I sprang up like a child on the morning of their birthday, Azriel closed the doors quietly behind him and he barely got the chance to look ahead of him before I tackled the Shadow Singer, clinging to him like a tree as I wrapped my arms and legs around his neck and torso, squeezing his chest to mine. He chuckled and I couldn't believe that I had forgotten the sound of his laugh. I hold him tighter.
"Miss me?" He presumes and I pull away before peppering his face in kisses, his neck, his forehead, the tip of his nose, and just as I was about to place a kiss on his cheek he swerves and plants his lips over mine.
I melt into the familiar feeling of my mate's mouth over mine, I cup his jaw with delicate fingers as they buzz with electricity. "A week is too long," I murmur, loving the way his smile feels against my lips. "I know, Princess," He mutters, head dipping into my shoulder as I cling to him tighter as if I was afraid he might be sent away again.
"How's Laina?" He asks into my shoulder and I grin. "Hopefully asleep," I mutter as he walks us over to the couch, plopping down onto the cushions and leaving me straddling his hips. "She missed you so much," I frown, shifting so I was balanced on one of his thighs. "I missed the both of you," His strong arms wrapped around me, pulling me close. "I'm telling Rhys he's not allowed to send you away for that long again," I rule and he chuckles. "I don't think that's up to you, love," He hums and I roll my eyes. "Stupid High Lord and his stupid assignments,” I grumble beneath my breath, cursing out my own friend.
“You seemed to have managed just fine without me, everything looks the same,” He glanced around the house and I deflated, head dipping into his shoulder. “But everything didn’t feel the same,” I huff dramatically. “I’m so glad you’re back,” I peck up his jaw as a gentle smile blessed his features. “A week is too long, I could barely sleep,” I confess, lifting up and hovering in front of his face, the tip of my nose brushing against his.
“And I’m ovulating,” I hit his chest like it’s his fault. “So that’s why you’re so clingy, hm?” He tilts his head and I flush hot. “Shut up, you were gone, I had to resort to my own hands,” I grumble, burying my head into his shoulder again as he chuckled. “Not funny, I felt like I was single again,” I huff. “It was the worst.”
“You wanna show me how you did it?” He purrs and my cheeks flare red. I sit up on his lap, looking down at him with furrowed brows but he only gives me a reassuring look with encouraging eyes, like he was waiting for me to get myself off on him.
I swallow thickly. “Right now?” I say and he shrugs. “Didn’t you miss me?” He arched a brow and gods, he knew me too well. Knew that I’d been touch starved for an entire week and usually I wasn’t so hyper-sexual but without the usual waist touches or pecks on the cheeks I was manic, and he knew it. Knew he could tell me his dirtiest, darkest fantasy and I’d comply without any hesitation because I needed him.
“C’mon, Princess, I know it’s been a while but you can do it,” He urges and my hands come to his chest as I slowly begin rutting my hips over his, grinding onto his clothed thigh, gaining friction at the place I needed him most.
“Gods I missed you,” He confessed, a slow smile coming to his face as I rolled down onto him. I continue my movements, switching them from hesitant to fluid and languid, grinding down onto him and gasping as he flexes his thigh every now and then.
“Fuck, Az,” I tilt my head back, up to the ceiling, nails digging into his shoulders at the intense feeling, his thigh already getting me farther than my hands ever were able to. “Good,” He says, lips ghosting against the column of my throat. “So good for me, getting off on my thigh,” He hums, fingers digging into my hips as I continue my movements. “Please Az,” I clench my eyes shut. “Please, need all of you,” I beg and he smiles against my neck. “I don’t think you do, I think you can get off without me even touching you,” He croons and I whimper, looking at him with pleading eyes and furrowed brows. He only returned it with a smirk.
I pouted, making a point and pressing myself into his semi-hardened cock. He grunted lowly from the base of his throat and a knot formed in my abdomen at the sound. Moans and pleas filled the room as I begged him for more, for something. We both knew he wasn’t going to give me anything else until I found release and we also both knew I didn’t need anything else.
“Fuck m’close,” I murmur. “Already?” He tilts his head with a demeaning tone and the degradation only pushes me closer to that edge. I nod pitifully. “So needy, aren’t you?” He taunts and I dip my head again, beyond words as I pant heavily, toes curling and nails scratching down his back as I soak my panties in my arousal.
An unearthly sound escapes from the base of my throat as I find release, and it’s his name on my lips when I meet my climax, hand pulling at his hair as I slowly ride out my high, my swaying tapering off.
Then, below the pants and soft whines, I hear a familiar voice that makes the both of us freeze in our tracks.
“Mama?” My daughter calls and I flip off of Azriel in a panic, falling onto the floor with a groan as shadows swish around me, making sure I’m okay.
Our child walks out of the hallway clutching her bat-stuffed animal in her navy nightgown that brushed the floor. “Dadda!” She squealed, running right past me as I struggled to stand back up, and straight to her dad, jumping into his arms with a wide grin.
“Oh, I missed you so much Starlight,” Azriel exclaims, hugging his daughter tight to him, looking down at me with wide eyes as I collect myself.
“I missed you times one hundred!” The toddler argues and Azriel shakes his head. “I missed you times infinity,” Azriel scoffs and she pouts, her wide eyes the color of mine, always making him give in. “Okay fine, we missed each other equally,” He sighs. “But I have a feeling you were supposed to be asleep, isn’t that right?” He narrows her eyes on her as if it was an interrogation and she rolls her eyes.
“Well I was asleep, but then I heard Mama yelling your name and knew you were home!” She excused. “Why were you yelling, Mom?” She turns to me with those curious eyes. “Uh,” I look to Azriel for help but he just stared at me with the same gaze, as if he had no idea. “Cause I was just so excited to see him,” I shrug. “Then why were you on the floor?” She gestures to the ground. “Dad pushed me,” I say, pinning the blame on him. Melaina gasps and whips around to him, her hands cupping over her mouth. Azriel’s hands shoot up like he’s been caught red-handed.
“I didn’t! Mom has cooties, I had to get her away from me,” He whispered loud enough for me to hear and she gasped again, taking a wide step away from me.
I rolled my eyes at her theatrics, hands resting on my hips as I looked down at the girl. “Why don’t you go back to bed, dad will come in soon to sing to you okay?” I bend down to her height and she whines. “Hey, do you want pancakes or not?” I tilt my head and she immediately seals her lips shut. I smile. “Good, now run along,” I shoo her and she nods happily before scurrying back to her bedroom.
I sigh in relief once she’s gone, then look at Azriel with a glare. “What?” He says innocently. “Cooties? She’s going to avoid me for days,” I quietly shout at him and he mischievously grins. “It’s not my fault she woke up,” He shrugs. I grab a pillow from the couch and begin to hit him with it. “You knew she was coming didn’t you?” I continue to whack him and he puts his hands out in defense.
“It was funny!” He claims and I throw the pillow entirely at him, then plop down onto the couch in defeat. “I’ll be back,” He sings, leaning down and pressing a kiss to my forehead. I cross my arms and continue to glare at him. Still upset he let me get caught.
Without another word, he walks off down the hall to our daughter’s room.
I continue to simmer in my own exasperation, but my annoyance only lasts so long before I hear my daughters bubbling laughter from the other side of the wall. Some part of me wanted to tell my mate she was supposed to be going to sleep but, I missed the way he made her laugh, so I didn’t kill their fun, and I even let myself enjoy listening to the muffled voices of my two favorite people in the world. Our little family was finally restored.
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General Taglist: @fxckmiup @olive-main @iluvyewman-blog @gaymistakeboi @glitterypirateduck @amara-moonlight @impossibelle @fauxdette @going-through-shit @glam-targaryen @cauldronboilme27 @sarawritestories @tele86 @rogerbarnesxx @azriels-shadowsinger @stinkinstuffie @sandramalikstyles-blog @sassyangel16 @lilah-asteria @starsinyourseyes @inloveallthetime @melsunshine @nighttimemoonlover @ireallywannasleep127 @cumuluscranium
Azriel Taglist: @coolepowersthings @lovely-giggles @quiettuba @ilovewarner45 @judig92 @tothestarsandwhateverend @je-suis-prest-rachel @call-me-a-fool @brieflyclassymortal @cherryjain17 @stqrgirlies-blog @chelsiemp @nyxbranwenn @dnfhascorruptedme @summerandsalt @annamariereads16 @thisiskaylin @itsbonniebabe
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emmcarstairs · 1 month
Could you do 5 for Cooper and Lucy? ❤️❤️
5. "Eyes on me. C'mon, keep your eyes on me."
The radscorpion had attacked out of nowhere.
One moment they were walking in the Mojave desert, the sun licking the skin at the nape of their necks, the next he heard a scream and turned to see a stinger in Vaultie's leg.
Getting rid of the pest was no biggie for him, really. With a flick of his hand, he pulled the trigger, and the scorpion was buried in the sand. The problem was, he watched as the girl's knees gave out and she fell right after.
Fuckin’ smoothskins.
He cradled her on his lap, while rummaging her backpack for the antivenom. Her face was pale, as he gently tilted her chin up with one rough hand, tipping out the medicine onto her tongue.
He decidedly wasn't panicking until her eyes glazed over.
“Eyes on me,” he patted her cheeks. “C'mon, sweetheart, keep those pretty eyes on me.”
He briefly wondered if he'd miss her if she died right there. What was another death in the grand scheme of that wretched world?
“Don't you die on me, Lucy,” he absent-mindedly tucked a sweaty strand of hair behind her ear.
Her eyelids fluttered open and the weight on his chest eased a little. She stilled, looking up at him, eyes half-closed.
“You're handsome,” she muttered under her breath.
Some long-forgotten old-world part of him perked up at her words. He smirked at the sentiment.
“Now, sweetie, we promised to be honest with each other, eh?”
(send me a prompt for a vaultghoul/ghoulcy drabble.)
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katelynnwrites · 3 months
The Very First Night | Laura Freigang x Baby!Reader
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warnings: mentions of preemie baby medical stuff
word count: 586
summary: your first night at home with your Mama isn't as smooth as she would have liked
a/n: part of Laura's Honigbiene
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The first night that you are home with your Mama is the scariest of her life.
You are still so tiny, so fragile and she’s terrified to hold you without the nurses and doctors around.
You’d been so calm the whole way home from the hospital and for the first few hours that you spent alone with Laura.
Then you start crying.
And no matter what your Mama tries, you don’t stop.
She attempts to give you a feed but you refuse to accept the bottle. Your diaper is dry and she can’t figure out what’s wrong.
‘Please Honigbiene. Oh please you have to stop.’ She begs, cradling you in her arms as she paces the length of her apartment.
You are exhausting yourself with the way your little arms and legs flail around but your screaming doesn’t stop . Or even lessen and Laura is near tears herself.
‘Please baby please.’
She’s extremely worried now because your breaths are coming in sharp gasps and you seem to be choking on your own tears.
Your entire face is red and scrunched up, your Mama trying her best to soothe you.
You haven’t eaten in hours and the striker knows how crucial it is to get you to drink your milk.
As a preemie, your growth is even more important than that of a normal newborn.
It had been heavily monitored in the neonatal intensive care unit and you had been steadily putting on weight there.
Laura is anxious to have you continue your progress but she doesn’t know how to do that if you won’t even stop crying, let alone accept your bottle.
Your distressing cries take its toll on your Mama and she lets out a heartbroken sob.
‘Honigbiene, I’m sorry but I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.’ She whispers.
It’s already in the middle of the night and Laura is seriously considering just getting you in the car and taking you back to the hospital.
She wants to call her own mother for advice but it’s too late for that. She is certainly asleep by now.
Desperately, she tries one last thing.
Lying against the headboard of her bed, your Mama strips her shirt and bra off and you of your onesie.
She rests you against her bare chest, hands carefully holding you in place.
‘Let this work please. Please baby, you have to calm down. All this crying isn’t good for your breathing.’
The German woman hasn’t given you kangaroo care in a while, not since the doctors told her she could safely cradle you in the hospital.
But she hasn’t forgotten how much you love it.
‘Mama’s here Honigbiene.’ She murmurs, gently wiping away some of your falling tears.
Laura thinks she must be imagining it when your sobbing starts to taper off.
Then she realises she’s not because with one final hiccup, you quiet down.
‘Is this what you wanted?’ She half laughs, half sighs with relief.
Gingerly, she reaches for your bottle and her relief intensifies when you begin to drink eagerly.
There’s only the soft sound of your sucking filling the room and she soaks in the much more peaceful atmosphere.
The feeling of your body against her chest calms Mama down as much as it does you.
Your Mama keeps her eyes on you, watching carefully as you drain the bottle.
‘You’re going to be okay, Honigbiene. We’re going to be okay because we’ll figure it out as we go along. I love you so much.’ She promises.
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German Translation:
Honigbiene - Honeybee
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