#Test post
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chileanhypnotist · 3 months
Stop right there, stop looking for something to watch and stick out your tongue. Drool and your thoughts will go away while you keep looking at the image of the girl doing the same as you.
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Recognize how pleasurable it is, enjoy it and come back again as many times as you want to.
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Do you want to give it a try, why do you resist?
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zutara · 6 months
Just want to say thank you.
Thank you for being here, even after all these years. Thank you for your presence and your works of art in all shapes and forms. Thank you for your writing, your humour, your enjoyment of this wonderful ship.
Just thank you for your overall support, my loves, and here's hoping we can continue proudly flying the ZUTARA flag for many, many more years to come. These waters haven't always been easy, but we've always prevailed!
What a ride it's been! Simply can't wait to see more of this fandom. The best fandom there is, hands down. THANK YOU, Zurarians, THANK YOU!
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snowprison · 7 months
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We're under fucking attack
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treason-and-plot · 27 days
📩 Simblr question of the day: Choose as many sims/ocs as you'd like for this question, What's something INCREDIBLY obscure and/or out-of-pocket about your sim/oc? Something that nobody (fellow sims and/or your followers and mutuals) knows 👀 (This could be things about their social skills, physicality and/or birth defects, or it could be something they vaguely remember, a dream they had that actually predicted the future, etc etc... whatever you come up with)
( p.s I'm [the SQOTD anon] planning on starting a separate SQOTD blog for these asks/questions, and I'm open for input on this :) ) ( p.p.s freely share this SQOTD around, anon or not, and use the # SQOTD ~ 💛 )
Joël: Is very handy and can fix most things around the house. He's also quite mechanically minded.
Roy: Wouldn't know one end of a power drill from the other.
Anita: Was a teen beauty queen.
Saffron: wears blue a lot because it's her favourite colour and it matches her eyes, but also because it symbolizes her loneliness. (Maybe she will stop wearing it so much as her relationship with Connor develops?)
Connor: He's already told Saffron he likes coffee and sweet things, but what she doesn't know is that he likes his coffee with 5 sugars.
Anya: Calls and texts her mother multiple times a day.
Raj: Is very bad at taking advice from other people.
Mia: Will frequently end her sentences with an upwards inflection?
Cookie: Has a strong physical aversion to the sound of chewing.
Spencer: Always hogs the footpath when he's walking down the street and will never step aside for anyone. And now that he's frequently pushing a pram, he's become even more entitled 🙄
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lovely-trek · 11 months
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dragonpyre · 19 days
When you think everything is going great but then One Little Thing happens and now your mood is ruined for the rest of the day
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themist-underground · 5 months
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What to do when you have a big test that covers LOTS of things:
So many classes I have taken just have a midterm and then a cumulative final. And these seem so daunting and scary because it can literally make you fail the class if you do bad on one. Studying for these major exams is so stressful too. You have months of material to sift through.
It's not hopeless and you don't need to stress so much! I have some tips to help after years of stress and tears.
If your teacher relies heavily on the textbook, find the chapter summaries and use those as a guide. Those will highlight the main topics in the chapter. It will help you identify what you know well and what you need to study.
If you have quizzes in the class, study the quiz questions. Chances are the test will have some of the same or very similar questions. Teachers love to recycle.
Get a separate sheet of paper. Go through your notes and write down important dates/time frames. Make a new section. Write down important people or species. New section. Major events/key words. New section. Numbers/equations/formulas. New section. Subjects and topics covered. New section. Other important things like experiments or super important things. Congrats! You now have a set of skeleton notes with the bare bones. This is going to be your holy grail. It has all the big important information without the messy, niche details. Don't write the meanings of any of these things. Just write them in a list. Below is an example of my last start to one of these.
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Review any homework assignments
Look at vocab. If you understand the vocab and when to use the words, you're in a really good spot.
Have a good understanding of all the major subjects and a really good understanding of a few main niche things from each subject.
You won't know everything and that's ok. Don't try to know everything.
If you have other pieces of advice, please add on!
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naughtyneganjdm · 1 year
Does anyone else get sick of seeing people shame fans who like fictional characters that are antagonists? People who judge someone’s morals off of a fictional character that they like really worry me. Most of the time you will see these people do backflips to defend every wrong their favorite character makes. I wonder if these people actually can tell the difference between fiction and reality because it’s quite concerning seeing how many people make extreme judgements on someone based on them enjoying a source of FICTION.
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sonicexelle-junkary · 5 months
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Please enjoy a few dumb noncannon skits me and @moderator-monnie have made in the days since we’ve developed COTH.
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kittybroker · 4 months
when does the kitty go from discount to valuable?
I've put it all in the intro post now but the line is at $20
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amtrak-official · 8 months
Test Post
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fandomfuntimem · 6 months
Second chances: a fnaf au
Part 2
CHAPTER 1: Wake Up
Fire. Blazing fire.
Despite the dire circumstances Michael actually felt quite calm. It was over, he and Henry had succeeded. They rounded up all the animatronics, and burned it all down. Now it is time to rest, and he was all too happy to do so...
Michael shot up. Fire. There was no fire. Where was the fire? He wasn't in his office anymore. He was in a bedroom. His bedroom. Not his adult bedroom, his childhood bedroom. Before he could fully process anything he heard knocking on the door, "MIIIIKEEEEY!!!! TURN THAT ALARM OFF! IT'S ANNOYING!" Elizabeth? No that can't be. Michael swung his legs off the side his bed and slammed him hand down on the clock. Was it all just a dream? He wondered, no. This is a second chance.
Michael jogged down the stairs. If this really is a second chance he won't waste it. No more fox mask, no more scaring Evan, no more pranks. Besides, William was barely around anyways, his siblings need someone to step up and be the parent.
The house was just as he remembered it. Neet with only a few toys here and there. Family photos decorated the walls, not a single smile found in any one of them. If you're visiting for the first time you would think its a cozy average home, but it really wasn't. Michael will never forget just how cold it felt, with each life lost the house only got colder. Well that's just going to have to change, Michael thought.
Walking into the kitchen Michael saw Elizabeth trying to reach for a box of cereal. She was right there, alive, not some phsycho clown animatronic. She's alive, He's alive, Evan's alive. Everyone is back, and he could save them all. For now though, he had to act natural. So he did. He totally did. "Haaaay Lizzie. What uh... what are you trying to do?" He said, god, this was harder than he thought. It's not every day you burn in a fire and wake up in your childhood home.
Elizabeth turned and gave him an odd look, "whats up with you? Got a stick up your butt?" She proceeded to give him a snarky grin.
"Haha very funny. What are you doing?"
"Trying to get to the cereal," she pointed up at the cereal box. Cinnimon charm puffs? Michael thought, didn't those get banned in the 90s?
Michael glared up at them, they deffinately did. "Why those? Don't we have something better," he muttered walking to the fridge. Yup there was a carton of eggs and a pack of bacon. If he's gonna do things right he is gonna do them right. No more cinnomon lucky cherrios or whatever they were called. He could have sworn they got banned for having vile levels of caffiene in them. Who even puts caffiene in cereal?
Elizabeth glared, "Daddy said we aren't allowed to use the stove."
"Yeah well, father isn't here to stop me," Michael snarked, "where's Evan? He's gonna miss breakfast."
"He's in his room. This isn't some elaborate plan to scare him again is it? You arent hiding that dumb Foxy mask anywhere are you?"
Oh right. That. First thing Michael did before coming down was throw it under his bed. He didn't want to see that nasty thing anywhere near him ever again, "no. I'm uh... I'm done with that. No more pranks. No more foxy mask."
Elizabeth looked skeptical, but she went off to Evan's room anyways. Evan. Michael's gonna have to be prepaired to see him again. Will Evan cry? He doesn't want to see that again. He'll probably cry too! He has to hold it together. It's hard enough to explane his sudden change in personality, but to explain why he broke down in ugly sobs the moment the kid he bullies enters the room? Yeah, there is no good explanation for that.
"Oh. He didn't hide'" Elizabeth said behind him. Michael turned, she was holding a small bat, and behind her was Evan. Poor Evan. He looked terrified.
Michael tried to look as friendly as possible, but that only seemed to make him more uncomfortable, "I uh... I made breakfast. You can go sit at the table." The two kids seamed skeptical but sat anyway. Michael placed down three plates with some fresh bacon and scrambled eggs, "you guys uh... you-you want toast??" He asked with a grin. Elizabeth gives him a suspicious glare, meanwhile Evan held his fredbear plush close and refused to make eye contact. Silence. Ooooh the uncomfortible silence. "Oookkk," Michael muttered, "no toast I guess."
Michael drums his fingers on the table. "You know what? I could go for some toast, yeah, toast, toast sound good," he said, shuffling back to the kitchen. While rummaging through the kitchen he hears Elizabeth and Evan whispering, he couldn't make anything out, but they sounded concirned. As he placed the toaster on the counter he felt a tug on his shirt, "whats wrong with you? You're being weird." Michael looked down, it was Elizabeth. She was giving him a frustrated and pouty look. "Nothings wrong," Michael said, "am I not allowed to be a good brother for once?"
"No, but it's still weird. You're usually mean and scary. THIS IS WEIRD! What did you do to our actual brother??"
"I am your actual brother Lizzy. I just decided to be better."
"Oh yeah? And what brought on this 'realization'"
"Fire. Blazing fire."
"It was a uh... a dream. A lot of fire. I was in hell. Definitely hell."
Elizabeth glares at him again before sitting back at the table and begrudgingly took a bit of her eggs. Upon seeing this Evan cautiously took a bite and seemed pleasently surprised when nothing was tampered with. Michael started buttering his toast, glad that he atleast made a proper and enjoyable breakfast. It's been decades since he was able to eat so he wasn't too sure if he could make something that would actually taste good. Come to think of it. It's been decades since he needed to cook at all. How did he manage this? He was litteraly a zombie living alone. How in the world did he manage to retain the skill to cook?
Just as a was beginning to get a little too deep in thought he heard a small voice call from the dinning table, "Mikey. Can you make me some toast too?" It was Evan. Holding his plush close, he timidly did his best to look at Michael. Progress, Michael couldn't help it but have the biggest goofiest grin plastered on his face. Evan spoke to him and he didn't cry or stutter. He even called him Mikey!
"Sure! You want butter too?"
Evan nodded. Its not much, but its progress. Evan is still scared but he asked Michael for something! That's deffinately progress right? No matter. He's being a good brother. Sitting at the table he handed Evan his toast and began to eat. Food! Aaaaaah finally food! He was a corpse for so long he almost forgot what eggs and bacon tastes like. Everything is going right. He's alive, Evan's alive, Elizabeth is alive, he got exactly what he wished for, a second chance.
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unhingedfenestration · 9 months
five guys he/him lesbian polycule
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