nocturnalhag · 4 months
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𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒑𝒔𝒊𝒌𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒆 ; 𝒈𝒐𝒅𝒅𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒎𝒖𝒔𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒅𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 🩰🎶
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Who's Your Muse?
The Muses inspire, and each one bestows different gifts of the imagination -- music, dance, laughter. Which Muse speaks to YOUR soul? 
Take this Muse Quiz to find out!
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motherchristmas · 1 year
Who's Your Muse?
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Need a little inspiration? Take the “Mother Christmas” Muse Quiz:
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aimee-maroux · 11 months
Last chance to read the Artemis x Terpsichore x Apollon FFM threesome on my Patreon!
The story is unlocked for everyone to celebrate Pride Month 🏳️‍🌈
Read it here 💖
LGBTQ History articles I wrote that are always free to read:
Sex Change in Greek Mythology
Same Sex Love in Ancient Literature Quotes
The Life and Works of Sappho
Women Loving Women in the Ancient World
Folklore Thursday: Apollon and Branchos
Hermaphroditos - Neither Man Nor Woman, But Both
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khaire-traveler · 4 months
The Nine Muses
This is a very simple post about the Muses in hopes of explaining who they are, what their domains are, and some things they may be able to help with. This post isn't a deep dive by any means - just a simple introduction. Enjoy!
Who are the Muses?
The Muses, or Mousai, are goddesses of inspiration for various creative, scientific, and poetic endeavors. They were believed to also have knowledge of all things that have come to pass, remembering events with clarity that mortals could not hope to have. Their names are Kalliope, Kleio, Ourania, Thaleia, Melpomene, Polymnia, Erato, Euterpe, and Terpsikhore.
In total, there are nine Muses. The god Apollon was often believed to be the leader of the Muses, having a very close connection with them. The goddess Artemis was also paired with them.
Their origin and family varied depending on the source, but the most common notion was that Zeus and Mnemosyne are their parents and that they were born at the foot of Mount Olympus. Some other possible parents are Ouranos and Gaia, Zeus and Plousia, Pieros and Antiope, or even Apollon.
Poets of the past used to invoke the names of the Muses in hopes of gaining inspiration and the ability to gracefully convey their words. When a connection was drawn between them and Apollo, they were also known for their prophetic abilities as well, even being said to teach the art of prophecy.
What are each of their domains?
Kalliope - The eldest of the Muses, she is the goddess of eloquence and epic poetry. She is often considered the mother of Orpheus. She was depicted with a tablet, a scroll, or (later on) a lyre. Her name has been translated to mean "beautiful-voiced".
Kleio - Wise and intelligent, she is named the goddess of history. In art, she was often depicted with an open scroll or chest full of books. Her name was translated as "to make famous".
Ourania - Associated with the stars, she is the goddess of astronomy and astronomical writings. She has been depicted pointing at a celestial globe with a rod, but I wasn't able to find more information on her symbols. Her name means "heavenly one".
Thaleia - A goddess that helps bring joy to the world, she is the goddess of comedy and bucolic poetry. She was also considered to be the mother of the Korybantes (a group of seven demigods). She was often depicted with a comedy mask, a shepherd's staff, or a wreath of ivy. Her name has been translated as "festivity" or "blooming".
Melpomene - Holding a domain more somber than the Muse above, she is the goddess of tragedy. She was named the mother of the Sirens by Apollodorus. She was depicted with a tragedy mask, a sword, a wreath of ivy, or cothurnus boots. Her name likely means "to celebrate with song (and dance)".
Polymnia - With a name meaning "many hymns" or "many praises", it's no surprise that she's the goddess of religious hymns. She was often portrayed in a meditative pose.
Erato - A Muse that needs no introduction, she is the goddess of erotic poetry and mime. She was often portrayed with a lyre. Her name means "lovely" or "beloved".
Euterpe - Likely full of rhymes and reasons, she is the goddess of lyric poetry. She was often depicted with a double flute. Her name likely means "well pleasing" or "giver of much delight".
Terpsikhore - Filled with music, she is the goddess of choral song and dancing. She was often depicted with a lyre and plectrum. Her name has been translated to "delighting in dance".
Kalliope - Speaking presentations, writing essays, script reading, reading/writing informational posts/articles/etc., interpreting poetry, poetry writing/reading, sharing your own poetry, communicating clearly with others, important conversations, coping with conflicts, addressing conflicts, making peace with others.
What are some things they can help with specifically?
***These are merely suggestions.***
Kleio - History exams/tests, studying classics/history, delving into your own history, discovering family history, recalling past events, writing myth retellings or similar, identifying patterns of behavior, releasing the past, learning from the past, finding hope for the future.
Ourania - Studying the stars/space, story-telling, understanding the universe around us, memorizing constellations, finding peace in the night, finding hope in the darkness, creating goals for yourself, "reaching for the stars", holding onto your wishes, finding a sense of direction.
Thaleia - Creating your own joy, finding what makes you happy, performing stand-up comedy, writing any form of comedy, play-writing, healthy positivity, learning to laugh things off, releasing stress/burdens, moving forward, expressing your joy.
Melpomene - Coping with hardships, moving through difficult times, releasing the past, forgiving oneself, coping with past mistakes/regret, healing from difficult events, coping with the "downs" of life, play-writing, telling tragic tales, addressing difficult topics sensitively.
Polymnia - Writing devotional poetry/hymns/songs/etc., growing closer with religion/devotion, inspiration for offerings/devotional acts, coping with religious difficulties, finding comfort/joy in religion, connecting with the divine, religious/spiritual writings, connecting with your practice.
Erato - Love letters, confessing your feelings through writings/songs/etc., connecting with sexuality, writing/reading erotic stories, communicating sexual needs, establishing/discovering sexual boundaries, sex positivity (especially through literature), embracing your sexual interests.
Euterpe - Writing poetry, interpreting poetry, communicating one's emotions, romanticizing life, sharing poetry with others, devotional poetry, expressing one's feelings through writing, processing emotions, finding the "right word" for a piece you're writing.
Terpsikhore - Song-writing, learning to dance, expressing yourself through dance/song, connecting with music, processing feelings with musical aid, instrument playing, choral/instrumental performances, writing a musical, musical theater, finding your voice, embracing who you are, expressing yourself.
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thewrathfulwitch · 4 months
The Cult of the Muses
The Mousai (The Muses) are the nine Goddess students of Apollo, presiding over many things such as poetry, writing, song, and dance. The nine Muses consist of Kleio, Euterpe, Thaleia, Melpoomene, Terpsikhore, Erato, Polyhymnia, Ourania, and Kalliope.
They had multiple shrines and temples but the main two areas of their worship were on Mount Helikon in Boiotia and Pieria in Makedonia.
The Akadameia (the school right outside of Athens) has an altar to the Muses alongside Hermes.
In the city of Troizenos in Argolis, it is described that Hypnos is dear to the Muses. The group have an altar together that was put there by Ardalos, son of Hephaistos. From Ardalos came the flute, which is where the Muses get their epithet Ardilides.
In Sparta, of Lakedaimonia, they have a sanctuary built to the Muses in honor of the war music they use. They used instruments such as flute, harp, and lyre instead of the trumpet.
At the Olympic home of Elis, their altar is located between Dionysos and the Kharites.
The Muses are the ones that hold charge of Mount Helikon, and are described to "make their fair, lovely dances upon highest Helikon and move with vigorous feet." and "dance on soft feet about the deep-blue spring and the altar of the almighty Zeus".
The first to make their sacrifice to the Muses on Mount Helikon was Ephialtes and Otos, making it sacred to the Goddesses.
It is thought by Mimnermos that there are the elder Muses, daughters of Ouranos, and the younger Muses, daughters of Zeus.
As you enter the Grove of the Muses, there is the spring of Aganippe. This spring circles Helikon. It was thought that she was the nurse of the Muses.
Orpheus was often depicted with the Muse Kalliope, for he was her son, and famed lyrist. There is a statue of him on Helikon near the river Olmeios and the spring of Pegasos. It was in Pieria, a mountain in Makedonia, that Orpheus met his end by the Maenads, his bones held within a stone urn where he died.
In Delphoi, they have a shrine where the springs rise. The water was used for libations, Kleio overseeing it all.
Cult Epithets of The Muses:
Pierides - Of Pieria
Olympiades - Of Mt Olympus
Helikônides - Of Mt Helikon
Ilisiades - Of the Ilissus River
Ardalides - Of Ardalos
Parthenoi Helikôniai - Maidens of Helikon
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Apollo and the Muses, Antonio Zucchi, 1767
All information found on theoi.com
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poisonnxkki · 2 years
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Goddesses of music, song and dance, and the source of inspiration to poets. They were also goddesses of knowledge, who remembered all things that had come to pass. They were later assigned specific artistic spheres: Kalliope (epic poetry), Kleio (history), Ourania (astronomy), Thaleia (comedy), Melpomene (tragedy), Polymnia (religious hymns), Erato (erotic poetry), Euterpe (lyric poetry), and Terpsikhore (choral song and dance).
*All images are from Pinterest*
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theoiprayers · 2 years
I sing of the Mousai, The nine Muses of the many arts, Whom Memory had borne by Zeus, I call upon you, Mistresses of Art. Clear-voiced Kalliope, Whose gentle blessings guide the hands of epic poets, Singing the tales of the divine heroes. Kleio, holder of great knowledge, Who knows all of history and ancient times, Bestowing upon us the lessons of the past. Euterpe, granter of joy, Whose soft blessings upon the lyre And lyrist alike create the most gentle melody. Joyous Thaleia, Whose tales bring joy to all, And end in good cheer and glory. Melodious Melpomene, Whose tales of savage, perfectly threaded fate, Bring us most melancholic pleasures. Rosy Terpsikhore, Who graces the earth through Most captivating dance, In your nimble steps do you inspire all to move. Erato, wreathed in roses, Who sings of the sweetest love And most passionate desire, Inspiring words of love and joy. Holy Polymnia, With melody as sweet as honey, Whose name we praise at the start of every song. Celestial Ourania, Forever face turned towards the stars above, Seeking truth and reason, striving for understanding. O Great Goddesses, Favour me with your blessed gifts, Bestow upon me the honour to Learn from your delicate voices, So that I may give back to you my praise in every dance and song. Hail, sweet-voiced Mousai, children of Olympus, Hail to the glorious patrons of the Arts! I pray to you and honour your gifts.
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pink-lemonade-rose · 3 years
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Johann Heinrich Tischbein, “Terpsichore”
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greekromangods · 4 years
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Erato or Terpsichore
Roman; ca. 2nd century AD
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Welcome to Memories of the Muses
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Hello and welcome to Memories Of the Muses, a multi-person devotional blog to the nine clear-voiced Muses, but we still include the Mousai Apollonides and Mousai Titanides. Here we seek to bring worship and glory to the muses, bring attention to writers in their work, and promote poetry and art no matter how “good” or “bad” it is.
Submissions of poetry, art, hymns to the theoi and heroes, etc will be allowed but you must follow the guidelines. Absolutely no bigotry or else you will be blocked on site.
This post will also be serving as a masterpost for all muse educational posts and worship ideas. This will be divided into categories depending upon the author. A known epithet of said mod will be included for Kalliope reasons.
Lastly, please read the Welcome and About page for more information. Thank you for reading and have a lovely day.
Educational Posts
[ Posts by Adrian Of nature-eyed Dionysus ]
[ Posts by light-bringing Riva ]
Devotional Posts
Prayers and Hymns
Submission Guidelines
Thank you for wanting to submit to the blog. You will have to follow these guidelines if you expect your submission to be accepted.
Absolutely no bigotry, antisemitism, white supremacy, etc. Your submission will be deleted and you will be blocked and reported.
Do not attack other gods / heroes in your submission.
No graphic descriptions of sex or sexual content.
No submissions that promote self-harm or other destructive behaviours.
While submissions of non hellenic gods are allowed, your submission must invoke the muses or feature a hellenic god.
Your submission must be a form of writing, music, poetry, dance, astronomy, history, etc. Essentially anything that falls within the realm of the mousai.
If it is a history, analysis of comedy/tragedy, astronomical writings, etc please cite your sources and create a bibliography. You can generate an easy bibliography using this site.
Absolutely no plagiarism.
Thank you for reading and we welcome you to the memories of the muses. May your inspiraby endless.
Updated as of 22 December 2020
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sinfulsecretsjojo · 4 years
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So I decided to add more peeps into the God Au i have a growing. Three new characters, Abba as Morpheus and Hermes as Erato. Erato!Hermes and Morpheus!Abba have competitions about how many mortals they can traumatize in there sleep. Hermes is also on-again off-again fwb with Eros!Melone. The last new design I think i haven’t posted here is Terpsikhore!Trish. Wanting to be a pop star she kinda fit for the role. With her and Erato!Hermes I have also started the Muses (Who are my personal favourite gods) (sorry about how rough Trish, cioccolata and melone are at the end, hads a bit sore)
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bookstantrash · 3 years
A/N: Huge shoutout to the lovely @perseusannabeth​ who obsess over Pride & Prejudice as much as me. After very politely threatening asking  me to write more of Nessian as P&P (I’m so glad Sarah made it canon that Nessian’s relationship is Darcy and Lizzie’s) she told me about THE lake scene in the BBC version. I watched all six episodes and fell in love, so I highly suggest you all watch it too.
Also, huge shoutout to @firebirdofscythia​ (I stole your Azriel line lmao) and the rest of the gc for being so supportive!! Enjoy
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Pemberley’s Lake
Cassian was so tired it was a wonder he had not fallen from his horse, which made him realise that Azriel may have been partially right in telling him to take a break and go back to his state to rest.
Although he suspected that Azriel kicking him out of his office and practically throwing him in a carriage to Pemberley had more to do with the fact that Azriel had gotten sick of his mopey mood more than anything else.
“I shall never show my face in society again” Cassian had told a bored looking Azriel one afternoon, laying on his office’s floor as if it was the end of the world “I shall work until my eyes grow tired and my beard and hair are so long they reach the ground.”
“Stop with the theatrics brother. It is not becoming of you.” Azriel had answered as he shuffled a deck of cards.
“Theatrics!! Azriel for Cauldron’ sake I have no idea how I can keep on living after that refusal” he sighed from his place on the carpeted floor “There is not another woman alive who could hold my heart. It's lost forever. And now I shall live in regret and shame of not being enough for her.”
Azriel rolled his eyes so hard at his brother’s words it was a wonder they did not stay permanently like that.
“I shall grow old and drown my sorrows in the finest beers and wines, turning fat and bald. And after I have passed, my cursed ghost shall roam our country crying in despair over my terrible life”
That had been enough to make Azriel pack Cassian’s belongings and get his brother the fastest horse available.
“If it were not for the laws of this land” Azriel had mumbled after he had bid his brother farewell, wishing a good trip and forbidding him to appear in his office again until he had fixed that mood of his.
Breathing in the clear and fresh air of his home, Cassian was able to momentarily forget his troubled heart. But one look at the blue sky and he was reminded of the gray-blue eyes belonging to the lady who had made him, General Commander of the British Army, who had enough condecorations to fill his whole coat and who had made enemies tremble in fear when faced against him, wallow in self pity and misery.
Lady Nesta Archeron.
Her name alone was enough to make his chest tighten in longing.
Feyre’s oldest and most notorious sister, if not by her breathtaking beauty and intellect but by her ruthless and dismissive regard to the oposite sex. Whereas Feyre had surprised society by marrying before her older sisters  — and securing herself the best of matches of the season at that with his brother Rhysand, which was nothing but a Duke  — and Elain had enough suitors to fill a ballroom, the oldest Archeron did not seem inclined to marry at all. Oh she did catch the eyes of more than one gentleman  —  Cassian could vaguely reckon that she had had a long courting with Sir Thomas Mandray, although it had ended rather abruptly — but no one had been able to snare her heart.
That had been what had initially peaked his interest. He had briefly seen her at Rhysand’s wedding, attempting some small talk that was easily and diplomatically dismissed by her. He had then relentlessly engaged in conversation with her in any opportunity he could find, being it from the few occasions in which she frequented Feyre’ small reunions over tea or when he coincidentally met her during her daily walks around town to visit Lady Emerie, a modice whose popularity was raising tremendously after Feyre’s bridal trousseau and wedding dress were all designed by her.
It was not until Feyre’s first official gathering as Duchess that Cassian realised the depths of his feelings for the sharp eyed lady.
He had been watching the ballroom from the sidelines, trying to escape the mob of scary mamas who wanted to throw their daughters at him, a glass of champagne in his hand.
Rhysand and Feyre had already danced the opening song, so the floor was now free to hold more partners. Both Cassian and Azriel had danced once with Morrigan — Rhysand’s cousin and a dear friend of theirs — and Elain had enough names on her card that they’d have to wait a fortnight to dance with her. Nesta on the other hand…. she had refused all invitations, although one could not help but wonder why by the way she seemed to glow whenever a new song was played.
“Lady Archeron” Cassian had greeted, bowing deeply and throwing at her his best smile, one that usually had young ladies fainting and old ones blushing.
But not Nesta Archeron. No, she had only deigned to make a polite bow and look ahead.
“I could not help but take notice of how entranced by the music you appear to be, my Lady” he had offered her his hand “Would you do me the honour of allowing one dance?”
That had caught Nesta’s attention, and she turned towards him, her gray-blue eyes finally meeting his hazel ones.
“I do not think why I should. I am perfectly satisfied to watch from the sidelines” she raised a perfect manicured eyebrow, glancing in the corner where the mamas and their daughters were “I am sure many other young ladies would rather have my place”
Cassian knew she was lying. Knew she desperately wanted to dance, but something was holding her back.
“It is said that dancing is the best way to encourage affection. Even if one’s partner is barely tolerable” he had nonchalantly said
“I beg your pardon” Nesta had exclaimed
“The lady has nothing to fear. I will not let you suffer ridicule because of your poor dancing” he had said in a patronizing tone, if only to see that fire in her eyes ignite.
And to see her accepting his offer with a murderous intent.
They had moved to the center of the ballroom, shocked faces all around them, both from the fact that Nesta was joining the dance floor and her partner being him of all gentlemen.
Cassian had never been proved more wrong once the first string from the violin was drawn and Nesta moved. He had been sure she knew how to dance, had only said those words to get a rise from her. But to see Nesta Archeron actually dancing… it was something straight out of a dream.
Cassian knew the waltz. His mother had insisted that all three sons have the same education, even though only Rhysand was set to inherit the duchy.
However, when paired with Nesta Archeron one could not be called nothing but a simple object to display her talents. Even the most notorious dancer would pale in comparison to her.
And Cauldron, she knew that. Nesta knew she was Terpsikhore, greek Muse of music, song and dance.
What a fool he had been, what a complete and utter fool he had made of himself. His only consolation was that some good had come out of his childish behaviour.
Nesta Archeron was dancing, and when she danced she threatened to bring empires to their knees, for her beauty got inhumanly enhanced, her delighted smile sending an arrow straight to his chest.
Cassian realised he had fallen hopelessly in love with Nesta Archeron. If he was to be true with himself, he had been for quite some time, since their first exchange of words when she had all but dismissed him as a pesky bug.
And as the last note was drawn, as the whole ballroom breathlessly took in Nesta, in complete awe of her, Cassian decided he was going to marry her.
Was going to propose to Nesta Archeron right at that moment.
Using the excuse of getting some fresh air after the tiring dance, he walked them to Rhysand’s extensive and well lit garden, quiet enough that they would not be interrupted but not so isolated as to risk her reputation.
They had walked only a few minutes in the garden when Cassian declared his feelings. He all but tripped with his words, hoping Nesta could see past his fool’s act.
She had not.
She had refused his hand in the most brutal way, her words so articulately poisoned that Cassian felt himself a young boy again, desperately trying to achieve perfection so his father would dare to spare him more than a passing glance. Would not regret having adopted him into his household and given him a home.
He had uttered an apology, saying how sorry he was that his feelings had caused her such pain and disgust, reigning his temper enough to walk her back to the ballroom.
Cassian left town the same night, and had stayed in his office and headquarters training the new milicia since then, burying himself with work until Azriel grew tired of his awful mood.
Sighing, Cassian brushed his horse’s neck, eyeing the lake.
Maybe a dive in the cold waters of Pemperley would help clear his mind.
Pemberley was, in Nesta’s opinion, the most beautiful state she had ever seen. Even more than her newly married sister’s dukedom.
“However this house’s lady is, she sure is happy” Emerie commented as the head maid showed them to the music room.
“As if someone could be unhappy with this much money” Gwyn whispered back, eyeing the grand piano.
Nesta was inclined to agree, even more after having seen the library. She could not help but envy the lady. Her husband must be a very cultured gentleman.
“May I show you the external grounds? I am sure the gentleman will find it quite delightful” the head maid said, looking at Balthazar, the only men among their group of four.
“I am most grateful for your hospitality” he answered, and they promptly moved outdoors.
Their party of four had been travelling through the countryside for almost two weeks. It was as much as a vacation for Emerie and Balthazar — with Emerie’s shop the season’s current sensation and Balthazar being her current business partner  — as a time out from the ton, which Gwyn — the most required opera singer of the season — had announced to be in desperately need of a vacation from.
As for Nesta, she had always wanted to travel, but as a single woman of marriageable age without a male relative to escort her, it would have been a nearly impossible feat to accomplish.
When Balthazar had offered to escort both her and her friends Nesta had wanted to shout in delight.
Secretly, she also wished to avoid a certain gentleman, one whose heart she had mercilessly and regretfully broken.
Nesta shook her head as she walked through the garden, distancing herself from her party to think and remember.
Remember how she had enjoyed dancing with Lord Cassian.
How her body had sung and heated where his skin touched hers.
How she had found herself smiling and agreeing to take a stroll with him, using the excuse of feeling overwhelmed in the crowded ballroom.
How his smile had faded once she tore at him, throwing every hateful word his way to refuse his proposal.
Nesta had not seen Cassian since her sister’s ball, but she did not want to risk an encounter.
That trip could not have been more well timed.
She was so lost in her thoughts that she did not notice her hair getting caught in a low tree branch, ruining her intricate updo.
“No one is around” she muttered to herself as she took off the pins holding it in place “A few minutes with my hair down will not hurt”
So Nesta took each pin off, massaging her scalp as she walked in the direction of the state’s lake, the sun shining over its  clear waters.
And that is when she spotted him.
Cassian was at the lake.
Cassian was shirtless, dripping wet by the lake’ shore.
Nesta knew she should turn around and forget what she was currently seeing.
But she could not take her eyes off of him.
Seeing a shirtless man in person was indeed a far cry from what her imagination conjured when reading romance novels.
Especially the way the water was running down Cassian’s tanned and hard torso, all the way down his pecs and stomach — was that a six pack or were her eyes playing tricks on her? — until it collided with his pants, which were hanging so low on his hips that Nesta could not help but feel a weird sensation low in her stomach.
Her legs stopped obeying her, and she swore her knees got weak when Cassian noticed he had company.
“Lady Archeron?” he exclaimed, as if he could not believe his eyes.
“Sir!” was all she could say, feeling her cheeks warming.
Cauldron what was wrong with her? It was just a body. A very nice, very wet muscled body and—
“What may you be doing here?” Nesta quickly inquired, cutting her errand thoughts.
“I am the owner” he simply answered
“Of the lake?”
She wanted to smack herself. How could have she blurted such a stupid and rude question?
“Yes, of the lake. And of Pemberley” he answered, amusement lacing his words.
“I didn’t know. The head maid said all the family was not home— we should not have presumed—”
“I returned without prior notice”
“Excuse me, are you and your sisters in good health?” Cassian added, and Nesta dared to think that he sounded a bit nervous.
“Yes. Yes they are. Thank you, sir” she managed to answer, her eyes firmly placed upon his face and not anywhere else.
“I am glad to hear that” he licked his lips and Nesta could not help but wonder if they would be cold due to the lake’s water or if Cassian’s unbothered face meant he was not cold at all.
Was she really inquiring of how his lips would feel against hers? Against her skin? If kissing Cassian would feel as dreamily as her novel's kiss appeared to be?
Nesta hated him.
Did she not?
“I had never seen you with your hair down”
Cassian’s words took her out of her reverie, and Nesta suddenly felt self conscious.
“Do excuse me for showing myself in front of you with such an unsightly appearance” she felt mortified. To have Cassian of all people seeing her like that, hair in complete disarray….
Nesta quickly turned around, fumbling with the hair pins in a vain and desperately attempt of redoing her hair.
“It’s beautiful” she heard Cassian saying in a breathless voice, and thanked the Cauldron her back was turned so he would not see how her face warmed considerably, a small smile gracing her lips.
“Let me help you” he quietly added, and she gasped at the proximity of wet, shirtless Cassian, who touched her hair softly.
“How come a gentleman such as you knows how to hairstyle a lady’s hair?” Nesta asked, feeling his warmth on her back, a tingly sensation between her legs when his fingers brushed her neck.
“I frequently helped my younger sister, Georgiana, fix her own hair in the occasions she played a little too far from what would be deemed proper for a young lady” she felt his hot breath against her neck as Cassian laughed “She favours outdoors activities such as horseback riding, although she’s quite accomplished in arts and music.”
“Your sister sounds lovely” Nesta said, turning to face him once she felt he was done fixing her hair.
“She is my brothers’ and mine whole world. There’s nothing we would not do for Georgiana”
Nesta felt her heart warming at his words, at his devotion and love towards his family. She wondered if he would do the same with his wife.
If he would have acted the same way towards her had she accepted his proposal.
Unbeknown to her, Cassian was imagining the same thing.
He was picturing how he could have helped her every morning with her hair if she had agreed to marry him. Instead, he would have to live with this one memory forever.
He was lost in her eyes, their bodies so close they were sharing breaths and Cassian was holding back by a sliver thread of self control to not hold her against him.
If it were not for the appearance of three people — Cassian supposed them to be Nesta’s companions — he very well could have done that.
“Excuse me” Cassian abruptly said, bowing deeply and leaving Nesta alone.
Although soon her friends joined her, Gywn and Emerie bombarding her with questions seeing her ruffled state.
Their party was getting ready to depart when Cassian appeared again, having ran inside to get changed and appropriate.
“Lady Nesta!” he called before she could get inside the carriage “Please allow me to apologise for not receiving you properly just now. You are not leaving?”
“We were, sir. We have already imposed too much” she said, spine straight and looking every bit the regal queen she was.
What he did not know was that was her way of maintaining a cool exterior and not blush remembering his naked figure.
“You are not displeased with Pemberley, are you?” Cassian asked, anxiously brushing his hair back.
“No. Not at all”
“And you approve of it?”
“Very much” Nesta said softly, a dreamy smile on her face as she remembered the library “A few would not approve”
“But your good opinion is rarely bestowed and therefore more worth earning” he said, and his smile was enough to make Nesta’s heart skip a beat.
Why was she feeling in such a way, she wondered. Why did her body feel hot and strange all over whenever Cassian was involved?
“Thank you. That is very kind of you”
“I shall not hold you back any longer” he said, helping her in the carriage, his calloused hand a stark contrast against her soft one “I will call on you and I hope you can introduce me to your companions. Perhaps we may go fishing tomorrow? My property is blessed with an abundance of them”
“We would be delighted to. Thank you, sir’
After the farewells were bid and Nesta’s carriage was only a distant dot in the horizon, Cassian got inside, smiling broadly at his head maid and butler.
“You are very chipper, sir'' the old woman said with a knowing smile, the butler agreeing with her. Their lord had been mopey for quite some time now, so it brought joy to their hearts to see his mood so high.
“I had a very good evening Mrs.Pots” he declared, thinking about how he should swim more frequently in the lake.
A few miles from Pemberley, Nesta stared at the scenery lost in thought, Cassian’s touch lingering in her hand all the way back to the inn.
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piristephes · 3 years
O lovely Terpsikhore, I dance with this lovely lad of bright smile
O joyful Bacchos, thy liquid blessing spilled in gracious libation lies on ground
O golden Aphrodite, who's lovely embrace guides me forth
And all-shining Mene, the bull-horned moon, who kisses in silver like I do with
This young man of bright smile and lovely demeanour
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fanbynature · 3 years
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K-pop aesthetics; greek deity 》Chunga ⇢ Terpsichore
Terpsichore was one of the nine muses, the goddesses of music, song and dance. In the classical era, when the Mousai were assigned specific literary and artistic spheres, Terpsikhore was named Muse of choral song and dancing, and depicted with a lyre and plectrum. Her name means "Delighting in Dance" from the Greek words terpsis "to delight" and khoros "dance".
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ofbloodandfaith · 5 years
Day 6 of 30 Days of Apollon
Other related deities and entities associated with this deity
Part of Apollon’s retinue is ‘The Muses’
THE MOUSAI (Muses) were the goddesses of music, song and dance, and the source of inspiration to poets. They were also goddesses of knowledge, who remembered all things that had come to pass. Later the Mousai were assigned specific artistic spheres: Kalliope (Calliope), epic poetry; Kleio (Clio), history; Ourania (Urania), astronomy; Thaleia (Thalia), comedy; Melpomene, tragedy; Polymnia (Polyhymnia), religious hymns; Erato, erotic poetry; Euterpe, lyric poetry; and Terpsikhore (Terpsichore), choral song and dance.
In ancient Greek vase painting the Mousai were depicted as beautiful young women with a variety of musical intruments. In later art each of the nine was assigned her own distinctive attribute.
There were two alternative sets of Mousai--the three or four Mousai Titanides and the three Mousai Apollonides.
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The Muses were sisters and daughters of Apollon, as part of his retinue they inspired mortals to create.
Other some but not all related deities are below:
DAPHNE was a Naiad-nymph of the river Ladon of Arkadia or the Peneios (Peneus) in Thessalia. She was loved by the god Apollon who pursued her until she grew exhausted and cried out to Gaia (Gaea) for help. The goddess transformed into a laurel tree which Apollon then adopted as his sacred plant.
In a festival at Delphoi (Delphi), a branch of a sacred laurel tree was brought to the shrine from the Thessalian vale of Tempe. This rite would suggest that the Thessalian version of the Daphne myth was the oldest.
The Delphians also had a closely related myth about a certain Daphnis who they describe as the Oreiad-nymph prophetess of Gaia at the shrine before Apollon assumed control.
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TITYOS (Tityus) was an Euboian or Phokian giant who assaulted the goddess Leto as she travelling to the shrine of Delphoi (Delphi). Her son Apollon quickly intervened and slew the giant with a volley of arrows and the blade of his golden sword. As further punishment for his crime, Tityos was staked to the ground in the underworld where two vultures were set to feed on his ever-regenerating liver.
Tityos' name is probably derived from the Greek word tisis meaning "he who suffers retribution." Alternatively he might be connected with the Tityroi, the flute-playing satyrs of Boiotian lore.
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THE ELDER KYKLOPES (Cyclopes) were three, orb-eyed, immortal giants who forged the lightning-bolts of Zeus. As soon as they were born, their father Ouranos (Uranus, the Sky) locked them away inside the belly of Earth, along with their stormy brothers, the hundred-handed Hekatonkheires (Hecatoncheires). When the Titanes overthrew Ouranos, they drove the giants into the pit of Tartaros. Zeus and his brothers later released them and in return they provided the god with his thunderbolts, Poseidon with his storm-raising trident, and Haides with a helm of invisibility.
Some say there were a total of seven forging Kyklopes. The lesser four, sons of the first, were slain by Apollon to avenge the death of his son Asklepios (Asclepius), who had been slain by Zeus with a Kyklops-forged lightning-bolt.
The tribe of younger Kyklopes which Odysseus encountered on his travels were a different breed.
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