#terpsikhore worship
thewrathfulwitch · 5 months
The Cult of the Muses
The Mousai (The Muses) are the nine Goddess students of Apollo, presiding over many things such as poetry, writing, song, and dance. The nine Muses consist of Kleio, Euterpe, Thaleia, Melpoomene, Terpsikhore, Erato, Polyhymnia, Ourania, and Kalliope.
They had multiple shrines and temples but the main two areas of their worship were on Mount Helikon in Boiotia and Pieria in Makedonia.
The Akadameia (the school right outside of Athens) has an altar to the Muses alongside Hermes.
In the city of Troizenos in Argolis, it is described that Hypnos is dear to the Muses. The group have an altar together that was put there by Ardalos, son of Hephaistos. From Ardalos came the flute, which is where the Muses get their epithet Ardilides.
In Sparta, of Lakedaimonia, they have a sanctuary built to the Muses in honor of the war music they use. They used instruments such as flute, harp, and lyre instead of the trumpet.
At the Olympic home of Elis, their altar is located between Dionysos and the Kharites.
The Muses are the ones that hold charge of Mount Helikon, and are described to "make their fair, lovely dances upon highest Helikon and move with vigorous feet." and "dance on soft feet about the deep-blue spring and the altar of the almighty Zeus".
The first to make their sacrifice to the Muses on Mount Helikon was Ephialtes and Otos, making it sacred to the Goddesses.
It is thought by Mimnermos that there are the elder Muses, daughters of Ouranos, and the younger Muses, daughters of Zeus.
As you enter the Grove of the Muses, there is the spring of Aganippe. This spring circles Helikon. It was thought that she was the nurse of the Muses.
Orpheus was often depicted with the Muse Kalliope, for he was her son, and famed lyrist. There is a statue of him on Helikon near the river Olmeios and the spring of Pegasos. It was in Pieria, a mountain in Makedonia, that Orpheus met his end by the Maenads, his bones held within a stone urn where he died.
In Delphoi, they have a shrine where the springs rise. The water was used for libations, Kleio overseeing it all.
Cult Epithets of The Muses:
Pierides - Of Pieria
Olympiades - Of Mt Olympus
Helikônides - Of Mt Helikon
Ilisiades - Of the Ilissus River
Ardalides - Of Ardalos
Parthenoi Helikôniai - Maidens of Helikon
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Apollo and the Muses, Antonio Zucchi, 1767
All information found on theoi.com
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Welcome to Memories of the Muses
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Hello and welcome to Memories Of the Muses, a multi-person devotional blog to the nine clear-voiced Muses, but we still include the Mousai Apollonides and Mousai Titanides. Here we seek to bring worship and glory to the muses, bring attention to writers in their work, and promote poetry and art no matter how “good” or “bad” it is.
Submissions of poetry, art, hymns to the theoi and heroes, etc will be allowed but you must follow the guidelines. Absolutely no bigotry or else you will be blocked on site.
This post will also be serving as a masterpost for all muse educational posts and worship ideas. This will be divided into categories depending upon the author. A known epithet of said mod will be included for Kalliope reasons.
Lastly, please read the Welcome and About page for more information. Thank you for reading and have a lovely day.
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Submission Guidelines
Thank you for wanting to submit to the blog. You will have to follow these guidelines if you expect your submission to be accepted.
Absolutely no bigotry, antisemitism, white supremacy, etc. Your submission will be deleted and you will be blocked and reported.
Do not attack other gods / heroes in your submission.
No graphic descriptions of sex or sexual content.
No submissions that promote self-harm or other destructive behaviours.
While submissions of non hellenic gods are allowed, your submission must invoke the muses or feature a hellenic god.
Your submission must be a form of writing, music, poetry, dance, astronomy, history, etc. Essentially anything that falls within the realm of the mousai.
If it is a history, analysis of comedy/tragedy, astronomical writings, etc please cite your sources and create a bibliography. You can generate an easy bibliography using this site.
Absolutely no plagiarism.
Thank you for reading and we welcome you to the memories of the muses. May your inspiraby endless.
Updated as of 22 December 2020
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