plmp0 · 1 month
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strayslost · 1 year
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babygirl-riley · 6 months
Reader always wears long clothing even during the summer due to eczema and ghost gets suspicious?
Desert Heat
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Ghost has been your LT for couple of months now. It made since to him why you wore long sleeves during the cold season. Now that it is hot, it made him worry, especially when you freaked out when someone tried to pull them up.
A/N: Omgggggg I love soft simon or ghost! I could only imagine that he is very understanding and kind about insecurities.
Warnings: angst, fluff, mentions of anxiety attacks, mentions of self harm, soft!ghost, swearing
simon x reader guide
simon x reader fluff/angst
Ghost always kept a close eye on you. Anytime there was a mission he would make sure to be near you or with you. Soap would tease you about it, saying that the moment you stepped foot into the team Ghost was your shadow. You never truly believed Soap until the summer came along.
In the summer your skin will flare up with your eczema. Even though it’s easier to hide during the winter the summer makes it more irritated and flares up. You had certain medications and only one type of lotion to help it keep it at bay. You never liked it, always making you feel self conscious of how it looks.
So when you didn’t change your long sleeves it was normal for you. Didn’t think anyone would mind or pay attention enough. Oh how you were dead wrong. The heat of the day was little over 100, it was nice out, and due to you used to having the sleeves on it didn’t bother you.
Oh but how it worried Ghost, when training recruits he noticed you looked flushed. Tired. His thoughts ran wild of how it could be the start of dehydration. Or heat exhaustion. You smiled as you watched the recruits reaching the full potential of your training until Ghost came up.
“Fuck,” You whispered, you thought total different reasons on why he was approaching you. You fucked up a drill that is what you could only think of. “Yes sir?” You asked as he approached.
“Ya know it’s 100 out here yeah?” He asked looking at your clothing more closely now.
Confused you nodded. “Of course I do LT.”
“Ya wearing some long sleeves that ‘M sure that is not comfortable.” He commented again, you looked at his eyes, covered worry behind them.
You shrugged. “I’m not too hot but thank you sir.” Before he could say anything a recruit called out for you. “Anything else?”
He shook his head and nodded towards the recruit. Nonverbal indication to go handle it. That didn’t stop Ghost from watching more throughout the summer. He saw that you had different military graded long sleeves. Never once he saw you in any tank, t-shirt, hell even a bra. Always a sweatshirt at night and long sleeve in the day.
It had his mind wonder into different things. One thing that made his stomach turn, could you be harming. That is the one thing that he couldn’t shake off. He has seen it before in other soldiers but never his own let alone…someone he cared for in this type of field. Ghost offered a hand to hand just you and him, practice on close combat.
You were good but long distance was your strong category. It was a long but interesting hand to hand training, you would get the best of him at times but be quickly put on your ass. You would laugh when you would miss foot or kick hard enough on his side to have a huff get out of him.
“Come on Lt, that’s not the best you can do?” You teased, you and him had that ‘married couple’ banter. Both of you were the only ones that could do that to each other. Yeah Soap would give you shit but not like Ghost.
Ghost chuckled. “Just tiring you out doll.” He said feeling sweat gather on his back.
After a couple of hits he got you pinned on the floor. At first it was going to be an easy get away that was until your sleeve was sliding up. Panic coursed through your veins, as you watched through the corner of your eye. Ghost noticed and looked over, that’s when you yelled uncle and pushed as hard as you could.
Ghost snapped from the trance of seeing your skin. He grunted as you quickly stood up. “Thank you sir,” You said breathily. “See you in the briefing.”
And that was that. Before he could even speak a word you were gone. Ghost affirmed to himself that you were harming yourself. So no, you wouldn’t see him at the briefing. You saw him an hour later.
With the knock at your private quarters, you were shocked to see Ghost. “Sir…”
“Don’ sir me,” He started to walk on shutting the door behind him. “I tryin’ to not invade ya space however,” He looked at your sleeves. “I am worried.”
You gave him a confused look then chuckled. “You don’t need to be worried Ghost.”
Ghost still wasn’t looking at you, after a couple of minutes it hit you. “Why do you wear the long sleeves? It’s hot in the summer here and I can tell when you get over heated.” He explained as he looked up at you.
You bit your lower lip as you turned away from him. “Just like them is all.”
Ghost noticed the change in your demeanor nice but standoffish. For a SAS they are trained to see these things, anything that changes can help them through a stand off or interrogation. You knew of it and tried so hard to act it off. But your anxiety said different.
“Don’ bullshit me y/l/n,” Ghost said gently grabbing your wrist having you slowly turn to him. You saw the concern in his eyes. “I-Are-Are you hurtin’…”
Your eyes went wide. “No,” You said ripping your wrist away. “Sorry no…it’s just…it’s not pretty still. My skin isn’t pretty.” You looked away wrapping yourself softly with your arms.
Ghost now was confused, scars maybe? Burns? He understood that, he had them underneath his clothing. He walked closer to you. “I highly doubt that,” You snapped your head up as he grabbed your hand. “You are a-you are beautiful I don’ think scars are gonna…”
You chuckled, not because of his answer but because of everything else it could be he goes to the worst. “No Ghost it’s just,” You sighed pulling one of your sleeves up. Showing the eczema, the way it was bright red, traveling up your arm more. Ghost looked at you then your arm. “My skin just gets irritated and it just makes me feel not beautiful. People used to tell me I was a walking plague in high school because of it. So…”
Ghost scoffed. “Them bastards are idiots to think that,” He looked at you, you can tell he started to smile. “It doesn’ hurt?”
“Not usually, sometimes it feels like it burns if it’s super irritated but nothing crazy.” You said smiling but getting more shocked at the softness that Ghost was displaying.
Ghost sighed and nodded. “Maybe we can find somethin’ more light ya know? Not get too hot,” He stepped back for a moment. “Maybe a tattoo sleeve cover.”
You chuckled shaking your head. “Jesus Ghost.”
He stood there for another moment. “That should do yeah,” He looked up at you. “Debriefing is soon we better go.”
Ghost turned around as you walked with him. “Should have recorded you saying that I was beautiful.” You teased.
“Don’t test it Sargent.” Ghost mumbled feeling his face heat up. He was fucking happy that he had that mask on. Cause he felt like a school boy all over again.
However, you had to hide your face as it turned red. Knowing that your lieutenant thought you were beautiful.
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wooeo · 5 months
to add on to the waist grabbing thing theyd all get BLUSHY if u did it back like laughing at something they said and grabbing their waist for stability they ALL have tiny little grabable waists like i can see heeseung getting so smiley and pulling you in with an around around your shoulders so naturally OR jungwon putting his hands on your waist in return and and-
omgggggg it’s actually crazy how often you’re so right,, they get so flustered whenever you initiate skinship of any kind
lord…….. having thoughts…… just touch with your favorite boys……
niki being half asleep and you cup his face with a hand cooing at him,, him leaning into your touch so naturally.
you’re exhausted,, wanting to rest and leaning on sunoo’s shoulder.. the first time you did it he froze and was so still people though he died sitting up but now he leans so it’s more comfortable for you ..,
sitting beside sunghoon and just grabbing his hand n moving it to your lap, tracing his veins and nails absentmindedly , while he’s trying not to lose his shit
cooking with jay like the parents you are and needing something he had used and put next to him,, leaning around him with a hand on his waist to maintain balance ,,.
heesung sitting down and you’re standing in front of him fixing his hair, gently moving it in the right place while he’s staring up at you and everybody dies
jake standing up while being completely engrossed in something ,, and you coming up from behind him, wrapping your arms around his waist like he loved to you to you..,. ..
having a habit of linking arms with jungwon anytime you’re walking somewhere, , he basically waits for you so you can do it.. even holds his arm out for you to take ..
hm yeah . i’m so normal rn.
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ughgoaway · 5 months
Oh yeah for sure his neck/ clavicle area is one of his best features. When he screams into the mic and you can see the muscles🥵 And when he takes a drag of his cigarette or takes a deep breath in and the space between his collarbones dips in (I guess it’s called the Suprasternal notch lol thanks google) it literally makes me insane. This is oddly specific but I feel like you’d get it :’) oh and when he throws his head back and his adams apple shows more
He just makes me so ajskdhksbd I need him bad
I really need him to shave and buy more hair gel, something about the slicked back hair and slightly oversized suit is so sleazy and slutty but I LOVE IT
when he's slightly sweaty and his collarbones and neck are just glowing... I need to lick him. I'm so sorry. shiny collarbone was inspired by him after coming off stage, actually.
omg, who knew that tumblr could be so educational??? I LOVE his suprasternal notch lmao, its something so small, but so good. god, I want to mark him up so badly.
NO, THE ODDLY SPECIFIC STUFF IS MY FAVVVVVV. I SO GET IT. i love it when he has a cig in his mouth and puffs the smoke out with it still between his lips, and I love it when he holds the cig between his teeth.
Adams apples remain incredibly hot to me omgggggg. LIKE WHEN HE THROWS HIS HEAD BACK AND BREATHES HEAVY, AND YOU CAN SEE IT??? KILL. ME. NOW.
imagining his adams apple bobbing as he gulps nervously if you're dominating him... the red flush creeping up his neck as you edge him again and again. it spreads to his chest and cheeks, a pink glow covering his whole body as you bring him to the brink over and over but you dont let him cum...
*gasp* not the shaving mention... I can feel @think0fmehigh dying rn at the suggestion. every time someone brings up matty shaving, she loses part of her soul
I personally LOVE the stache but I do go through phases of missing the clean shaven look. maybe it's my love for more effeminate men coming out lmao!! like I saw some roxy videos today and FUCK. he looked immaculate that night.
no bc the slicked back hair and the oversized suits is giving laid back son of a mobster who would kill for his gf or just kill in general... very wattpad fic of him, and I eat it up every time.
sleazy and sexy just IS matty healy. Those are the two most perfect words to describe him.
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ortali · 1 year
ortal!!! i’m so happy you had a great time seeing our boys in person thats so exciting and fun 🥺 and that you got to see seonghwa at the pop up too how exciting!!!! what were you favorite parts tell me everything!!
omg luna are you ready? bc this is going to be long 🤣 besides going to the concert, it was also a vacation, so i also traveled to all kinds of places in berlin it was so fun and i took pictures. even without noticing, i saw that i had been in places where even the members of the ateez was there but at different times 🤗 on sunday i went to the popup store, i arrived with my friends towards the evening, we saw a long line waiting to enter the store and we said there is no way we are going to wait in the long line so we thought to go eat at the end. i told my friends that we can move towards the entrance of the store to look from the side bc i wanted to see how they let everyone in and suddenly i see someone approaching with guards, i saw hwa really close he just passed and waved to everyone like a prince, i even managed to take a video. luna he is so beautiful and nice i can't 🤧🥺😍 the truth is i always thought he was tall but he is not 🤭 on monday i went with my friend in the morning to not to wait so long in line and it was so beautiful inside the store i took pictures and bought the lightstick and woo and san photoset. on tuesday was the concert, i fell deep in love with mingi, he was the center, even all the members let him stand out the most and the performance he gives is just perfect and powerful, he also got the crowd to barking. joong omgggggg why he is so perfect???? he speaks in such nice english, he is soo nice to the whole audience and the performance he gives is just amazing. there was woojoong moment in the song "from" and i was so excited to see it. a lot of woosan parts hugging and san touches woo body 🤭😍 woo was wearing bucket hat that covered his eyes and a loose tank top, i think he purposely wore the hat so that we could see the body he work on it and the veins in his hands 😵🥰 there was a part where he forgot how to say happy valentine's day 🤣 so he had a shy smile. yeo is so cute omggggg and his long hair i'm in love with him too. i was happy to see him speak a lot in english too jongho voice in reality is the most perfect to listen, to look at his shy gummy smile on the screen 😍 and there was one part where he imitated the way mingi acts it was really funny. ok san omg everything he did in concert made me scream!! in love with the way he moves and how his body is built, he sends kisses and when he smiles you can see his dimple 🤧 hwa is a prince!!!!!! also brings a perfect performance, the way his voice changes from low to high. yunho now i understand more why everyone loves him and he is the man to bring home to introduce to the parents. i cry in the song mist 😭😭😭 i was waiting for this song so much. when i entered the concert my whole body was shaking and when it was over i couldn't get up from the chair until they told us we had to leave, i'm just happy that all these good things happened to me 💕💝 i'm sure i've forgotten more things, my brain just isn't working. the concert was over so quickly and i felt like i want the concert to go on for hours. thank you luna for asking how it was <3
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skz-streamer · 9 months
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fluffallamaful · 2 years
Tummy kisses, part 2:
After a while, Dream manages to ask Quackity for more tummy kisses. His face is bright scarlet, he’s stammering, and he barely manages to get the words out as the man smirks over at him all knowingly like that, but he manages it. And Quackity really can’t say no, so he laughs and ruffles his hair and happily obliges.
Sam gives him cuddles and coos about how adorable he is — quietly enough that his bubbly giggles are still the loudest sound in the room, but loud enough that he can still be heard. He talks about how his belly his bouncing so excitedly, and how it’s getting redder and redder, and how maybe they can turn it into a strawberry with enough kisses, hm? Quackity gets mischievous and maybe sneaks in a couple of nibbles here and there — not much, but enough to get the occasional squeal. But mostly it’s just…cozy.
Dream eventually finds himself growing fuzzy-headed, relaxing into Sam’s lap as giggles stream out of his mouth and he closes his eyes. He feels all buttery: melty and warm and with a stuffy head. And his two caretakers keep it up, letting him melt more and more as his eyes slip shut until —
“I think he’s asleep.”
And then Quackity slowly draws to a stop, and the sleepy giggle subside, and — yeah, Sam’s right. Dream’s out like a light, a little wobbly smile on his pink face even as drowsy as he is. He’s fast asleep, and whatever he’s dreaming about seems sweet enough to let him stay that way. (Tickles until someone falls asleep are adorable, come on.)
It’s late, anyway. Sam adjusts himself so he’s lying down, and Quackity cuddles close to their patient and wraps him in a hug. Maybe he nuzzles into his neck a bit. Maybe Dream giggles just a little, even in his sleep.
It’s warm.
FXYXYZUS omgggggg 😭 literally all of this omfggg. i could literally eat this whole ask i adore it so much
dream being already so flustered and warm before his tummy kisses start up again aH!! like his tummy and face practically matching in shades. the warm atmosphere and quackitys hair ruffle,, the gentle teases and affection and cuddles eeeeeee it’s so perfect 😭
(more below)
dream melting so much that he falls asleep is absolutely adorable :(( like it’s such a step up from the tense nights he’s used to,, the icy feeling of mistrust and helplessness that usually floods his veins while he’s trying to fall asleep in the presence of sam and quackity. for once he’s just able to melt into a comfortable sleep :(( smile still plastered on his face and body still flooded with a giddy warmth. the occasional giggle still surfacing as the tickles continue in his dreams 🥺
maybe even he sleeps the whole night this time. instead of waking up every 2 hours in a panic. he’s finally given a nights rest where he doesn’t have dreams of his deepest fears and darkest experiences, and instead merely dreams of soft tummy kisses. also sam and quackity staying with him while he sleeps is so cute. like one of them staying away to scratch through his hair if they notice him drifting into a nightmare, or watching to make sure he doesn’t accidentally roll himself into a position that he can’t get out of.
just them being cute and nice and dream actually feeling safe for once :(( i’m going to eat my heart
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scum of the earth
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ʚ Naoya Zen'in x chubby fem reader ɞ
Part 1 ♥︎ Part 2 ♥︎ Part 3 ♥︎ Part 4 ♥︎ Part 5
❥ Word Count: 11.1k
❥ CW: chubby fem reader, bullying, fatphobia, sexism, misogyny, Naoya being Naoya, smut, noncon, dubcon, multiple orgasms, squirting, oral (fem receiving), daddy kink, breeding kink, babytrapping
❥ A/N: omgggggg im so tireddddd. Thank yall so much for being so patient with me. I hope this disgustingly long chapter/part will make up for the time you spent waiting. Full disclosure, i didn't fully beta read this so there very well may be mistakes and i apologize for that but also i refuse to keep working on this part i want it DONE already!! Anyways enjoy sksksk
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Naoya: hey
Naoya: im sorry i said all that in front of you. i really didnt mean it
Naoya: can we talk?
Naoya: hello?
Naoya: are you just gonna ignore me?
Naoya: ik your getting my texts, i can see that you read them
Naoya: cmon baby dont be like that :(
Naoya: i promise i didnt mean it babe lets just talk
That was the last message you received from Naoya before you mustered up the courage to block his number. You had to rub your eyes and blink a few times to find the block button, sniffling once the deed was done. You took a screenshot of his messages—you had to share them with your friends when you ranted about him later—and promptly deleted all traces of him from your phone.
You turned your music back on, tossing your phone back on the bed and letting the vocals drown out your muddled thoughts. Despite your eyes being swollen and sore, you still felt the tears well up as you listened to the song’s lyrics. It hurt listening and relating to the song in question, but you needed to do this. The longer you held back your feelings, the worse off you would be. It was better to cry until you felt numb and move on with your life.
You felt so stupid though. You’d spent so many nights thinking about your neighbor, recounting the sex you had just hours before, playing over every action and wondering if there was a deeper meaning. A part of you hated the notion that he could feel something more for you, but… but another part of you ached for it. Maybe you were just desperate and were looking for any excuse to latch onto someone showing a pattern of interest in you. Maybe you really were as pathetic as Naoya made you out to be. Why else would you hope that a sexist, misogynistic asshole like him would feel something for you?
So much for drowning out your thoughts.
Your phone lit up against the comforter and you instinctively picked it up to check who it was. You still feared that Naoya would be able to contact you somehow, but luckily it was just your friend responding to your text.
Bestie 🥺💕: Wait he did WHAT
Bestie 🥺💕: Do you need me to come beat him up bc I’m fully prepared to kill him
Bestie 🥺💕: Like I get that yall aint dating or whatever but wtf
Bestie 🥺💕: WAIT do you want me to castrate him? I shadowed a vet one time and saw it done on a dog so i’m pretty confident I can do it to a human too sksksks
You couldn’t stop a laugh from slipping out of you, your lips curling into a weak smile as you sent a discouraging reply, asking them if you could come over for takeout and a glass of wine. You felt your spirits start to lift when they enthusiastically replied, mentioning a movie you hadn’t heard of and offering to cheer you up. You took their offer immediately, not thinking twice as you jumped up from bed and shimmied out of your sundress, slipping on the nearest pair of shorts and oversized t-shirt you could find.
You didn’t bother checking if Naoya was outside as you bolted past his door and down the stairs, running out to the parking lot in your flip flops, your bag bouncing against your side as you reached your car. You rushed to get inside, speeding out of the parking lot as soon as you could. You had a burst of adrenaline coursing through your veins as you got onto the road, your sadness soon replacing with rage as you turned up the radio.
Fuck him, you thought bitterly, gripping the steering wheel a bit too tight. He can go die in a hole for all I care.
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Four days. That’s how long it had been since Naoya had spoken to or even seen you. Over the past few months, the two of you had grown into the habit of conversing at least every other day—either hooking up or just exchanging a word or two. But this, this new change of pace: it was making him antsy, uncomfortable. He hated it. He wanted to punch someone, but what’s worse is that he wanted your attention more.
Even now, as he stared down at his black phone screen, he wondered if you would text. He had spent far too much time checking his notifications for something, any kind of sign that you were acknowledging him, and he felt fucking pathetic for it. Jesus, he had stooped so low as to stalk your social media accounts to see if you were miserable without him. Why did he want you to be miserable without him—
“Mr. Zen’in.” Naoya blinked, glancing up to meet his professor’s stern gaze. He sheepishly cleared his throat, feeling his cheeks burn when he heard a handful of stifled giggles behind him.
“Yes, sir?”
“You seem very invested in your phone. Anything interesting you’d like to share with the class?”
Fuckin’ nosey geezer, Naoya thought with a sigh, sitting up straighter.
“Yeah, um… my dad was admitted to the hospital. I’m just… really worried about him right now.”
It took everything in his power not to break character as the mood shifted in the classroom, the professor’s defensive look soon melting into one of concern.
“The hospital? Did this happen just now?”
“No, um… he was admitted last night but he’s still in critical care. He told me not to worry and to come to class but… I can’t help but be concerned.”
He bit his cheek when he heard a girl or two ‘aw’ at his performance. Perhaps, if this was a few months ago, he would’ve been ecstatic to know that the few girls in his business course were fawning over him, but things were different now. His priority was getting out of this classroom asap. Naoya looked back at the professor once he sighed.
“I’m sorry for your predicament, Mr. Zen’in, but I don’t allow disruptions in my class. I’ll allow you to leave for the day, but you’ll have to get notes from one of your classmates.” Naoya nodded, hurriedly grabbing his things and stuffing them in his backpack.
“Thank you, sir. I appreciate it.” He dashed out of the room without another word, zipping up his bag as he darted down the hall and out of the lecture building. He ran a bit too fast to his car, ignoring the curious stares sent his way as he trotted to a stop. He left the parking lot quickly, racing down the road and to his apartment. If his assumption was correct, you would be coming home from work by now and, if he was lucky, he might be able to meet you by the front door and try to talk—
Why do you care so much?
Naoya relaxed his foot on the gas pedal, pondering the question as he turned onto his street. He honestly didn’t have an answer. He truly didn’t know if he considered this behavior as evidence that he cared for you. If anything, he was just pissed off and frustrated that you were avoiding him like the plague. He needed an explanation, some type of closure so he could—
Wait, closure? Closure for what exactly? For a sexual relationship? Seems pretty sad to need closure from someone, especially a woman of all people.
Naoya flexed his hand on the steering wheel as he turned into the parking lot of his apartment. He continued to ponder the way he felt, but all those confusing emotions faded once he saw a hulking figure pulling something out of your car. He parked beside your vehicle quickly, glaring at Toji as he grabbed his bag and stepped out.
“The hell you doing?” Toji glanced up at Naoya before continuing what he was doing, not paying him any mind as he picked something up out of the trunk of your car. “Hello?” Naoya asked with an impatient snarl. Toji grunted as he stood up, revealing the several trays of canned goods he was holding.
“I’m just helpin’ out a lil lady. Ain’t nothin’ to worry about.”
“Huh?” Naoya moved around his car to look into the back of yours, seeing several reusable bags filled with groceries. He blinked, looking back at Toji, frowning when he transferred the canned goods to one arm while he picked up a bag and slung it over his shoulder. “You’re helping Y/N take in groceries?”
“Yep,” Toji huffed, moving the cans to his opposite arm just to pick up another bag. “Got home right when she did and saw all the stuff she got, so I thought I might as well give her a hand.”
“She’s not helpless,” Naoya grumbled, his hand tightening around the strap of his backpack, eyes skimming over the food you bought, curiosity eating away at him.
“Course not, but ain’t you the one who’s always whining about girls doin’ shit that a man should do?” Naoya frowned, cheeks burning under his cousin’s sharp gaze. “Well, guess what? Carrying in groceries is part of the man’s job. So why dontcha prove you’re a real man and grab the last of those bags for me?”
Fucking asshole, Naoya thought, but he still did as his cousin said and picked up the last three bags in the trunk. He pushed the lid down, making sure it clicked shut before he looked back at Toji. His cousin gave him a smile, nodding as he turned and walked to the front door of the building.
“Now get yer keycard ready. I don’t wanna carry this longer than I have to.”
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You put the last of your frozen goods in the freezer before shutting the door, folding your cloth bag and placing it on the counter.
Okay, just three more trips to go, you thought with a sigh, already tired as you grabbed your keys and walked out of the apartment. You were fully prepared to trot back down the stairs to your car and get the canned goods next. It would be better to get the heavier stuff out of the way so you weren’t exhausted by the end—
You paused, furrowing your brow as you saw Toji reach your floor, carrying groceries that looked suspiciously like yours. After a moment or two of inspection, you confirmed that yes, they were your groceries.
“Oh, Mr. Toji, you really didn’t have to do that—”
“Who’s this ‘mister Toji’? You don’t gotta be formal with me, sweetheart, and I don’t mind helpin’ out.” He took several long strides to meet up with you, gazing down at you like you were a poor little mouse that had snuck into his room. “It’s always a pleasure to help lil beauties like you.” You let out a nervous giggle, praying that your embarrassment wasn’t noticeable as you played with your fingers.
“You flatter me.”
“I’m just bein’ honest.”
“Are you done flirting yet, or am I gonna have to carry this shit all day?” You whipped your head around, frowning when your eyes fell on Naoya and his usual scowl, but you didn’t grant him with the same in return. If anything, you looked right through him, as if he wasn’t there at all, barely processing when his angry gaze faltered and turned into disappointment.
“Actually, sure, how about you stand there for the next four hours and hold those bags straight out at shoulder height? It’d do you some good to gain some muscle.” You snorted slightly, covering your mouth and turning away, slipping past Toji and back to your apartment. Naoya’s face burned, his frown deepening as Toji smirked back at him.
“I work out enough. I don’t need your help,” he grumbled, trudging to meet up Toji as he followed you into your home.
“You sure about that? You’re lookin’ a lil scrawny to me. How much can you bench press?” Toji asked, placing the multitude of canned goods on your counter as well as the bags he was carrying.
“None of your business,” he snarled, putting his bags on the counter before glancing around your apartment. He’d never been to your place before—he had never bothered—but he found it very comfortable now that he was here. The furniture and decorations seemed to fit your personality, and he was a bit annoyed that he hadn’t suggested fucking at your place before you started hating him again.
“Ah, see? Sounds like you can’t lift for shit, dude.” Naoya rolled his eyes, turning back to his cousin with crossed arms, his gaze falling on you as you started pulling items out of your grocery bags. Toji followed his eyes, smirking as he looked back at him. “Look, I know you don’t see the point in lifting as much as me but think of it this way. If you can lift more, then you can pick up any pretty girls you like! Y/N, can I borrow you for a sec?”
“Hm?” you hummed, barely listening as you looked up at Toji. He held his hand out towards you, beckoning you to come closer. You furrowed your brow, taking a few steps towards him, gasping when his arm went around your waist.
“Watch and learn, dude.”
“Wait—” Toji leaned down, locked his arms under your ass and lifted you up without another word, causing you to yelp in surprise. You glanced around, legs kicking anxiously. “Don’t! Put me down; I’m too heavy!”
“Aw, you’re wounding my pride here, doll. I’m stronger than I look.” He tucked one forearm further underneath you, pulling the other one out and keeping you held up. “See? Ain’t nothin to worry about. You’re safe with me.”
Naoya couldn’t take it. Looking at the blatant flirtation happening in front of him made him want to vomit. He couldn’t stand to see his cousin flirting with whatever girl showed up in front of him, and with youno less. He pushed himself away from the counter, readjusting his backpack before giving one more dirty look and walking past the two of you.
“I’m going to study. Don’t be loud. I don’t wanna hear my neighbor whoring herself out to any guy who gives her attention.”
Naoya slammed your door shut behind him, cutting off Toji’s sentence. He stomped to his apartment, hands shaking as he fumbled with his keys. It took him a moment to unlock it but once he did he rushed inside and shut the door hard. He rushed to his bedroom, closing and locking his door before dropping his bag. He shuffled to his bed, not bothering to kick off his shoes as he climbed on top. He grabbed his pillow, balling the cushion in his fists before bringing it to his face, screaming into it. He held onto the sound for as long as his lungs would allow, letting his throat burn as he reached his breaking point. He pulled it down a few minutes later, gulping down a breath and letting it free before punching the pillow into the bed. He grit his teeth as he slammed his fist down over and over, wishing he could feel the skin of his knuckles break, crimson pooling into his palm. He received no satisfaction for his bloodlust, but he did burn off a bit of the adrenaline pumping through him. He felt his throat close up the longer he hunched over his bed, chest heaving, eyes burning as tears began to well. He hated this. He hated his cousin, he hated you, he hated hated hated it to the point where he would rather take a sledgehammer to his knees than continue to go through this. How much longer was Toji supposed to be here? At least three, no more than ten days? It felt like an eternity already.
He slumped down to his sheets, unwilling to cry.
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Naoya had never slept with so many different women in one week. Well, maybe during spring break, but definitely not during the school year, and definitely not within the last year or two. He had turned into an animalthe last few days, contacting random women he matched with on Tinder so he could find some sort of relief for the constant migraine he’d developed. He didn’t bother with courting, he didn’t even remember their names: he just needed a warm wet hole to let out his frustration on. Luckily, he was blessed with charm and good looks, so it wasn’t hard to find women who were willing to let him have his way with them.
He didn’t notice at first, but he’d been going after fat girls more. He blamed it on you: it was your fault for affecting his appetite in women, making him prefer softer, rounder girls who keened at the slightest touch. It wasn’t the same for some reason—why was it that their bodies weren’t as satisfying to the touch as yours?—but it did the trick, and he’d had at least one girl per day for the last few days.
He never took them to his apartment. The last thing he needed was to hear you and Toji bonding on the other side of his thin wall, your giggles ringing in his ears. All it would do is take him out of the experience—or worse, turn him on even more. He was already struggling to accept that you were essentially ignoring his existence at this point, but now he was trying to fill in your role with other thick girls.
They were never as good as you, their pussies never as wet or tight or as greedy for his cock. He found himself thinking about you even in the middle of fucking the life out of his toy for the day, her high-pitched moans riddled with pleas for him to slow down and have mercy, spurring him on more. He actually grunted your name as he came on one woman, merely rolling his eyes when she started crying as he got himself dressed. He didn’t think much of it, just blamed it on the fact that your name had been on his lips for so long. Old habits die hard, ya know?
But regardless of how much pussy he got—regardless of how good they felt or how satisfied he was with the entire interaction—his mind still wandered back to you. It wasn’t fair; you didn’t matter at this point. You weren’t fucking him so you had no use to him now, so why was he still thinking about you? Why did he still check his phone expecting you to text and beg him to come back, to forgive you for your behavior and give you another chance?
No, it wasn’t going to happen like that. He knew that he was technically the one at fault here—he was the one who insulted you when all you had done is show up in front of his door wearing a sundress and holding brownies—but what did you expect him to do in that situation? He couldn’t just admit in front of his cousin that you two were hooking up. He had a reputation to uphold, and the last thing he needed was his stupid disowned family member to start spreading rumors and making him look bad. What if his dad found out? What if his friends found out? He would rather have you hate him than be teased for fucking the same fat girl on a regular basis.
Still, he couldn’t stop thinking about you, about the heartbroken look you gave when he insulted you for the first time in months. It made his stomach twist uncomfortably, and he wished you would just forget it all happened so he wouldn’t feel so shitty anymore. Maybe then he could sleep soundly without dreaming about you almost nightly.
“You look like shit, bro.” Naoya sighed, rubbing a hand over his face as he kept walking ahead of his “friends” (could he even call them that? All they really liked him for was his money).
“Have you been sleeping okay? You look tired.”
“Why don’t you two mind your goddamn business?” he snarled, his strides getting longer as he stuffed his hands in his pockets.
“Oooo, someone’s mad.”
“Bet he hasn’t had sex in weeks—”
“For your information,” he snapped, glaring to the man on his right, “I’ve been getting more pussy than yall have seen in your life.”
“Okay?” one man snickered. “Then why are you so bitter? You act like you just got dumped.”
“Fuck you—”
“Jesus! What is your problem dude? It’s Friday: shouldn’t you at least be happy about that? C’mon, let’s go get a few drinks, pick up a couple chicks and—”
“I’m going home,” Naoya interrupted as he suddenly turned towards the exit doors of the building. “I’ve got a project coming up. Wanna make an outline before tomorrow.”
“Yeah right,” called out one friend as Naoya walked through the door. “You’re such a bad liar it’s not even funny—”
The door shut behind him, cutting off his friend’s insult. He hopped down the stairs two-by-two and jumped down the last three, ignoring his friend as he opened the door to yell after him. His words were garbled by traffic anyways.
Naoya’s classmates did have a point though: he was being ruder than usual. Maybe he just hadn’t found the right replacement for you yet. The girls he’d been with so far were okay, but no one stood out. They shared one or two similarities to you, but none were a good enough place-holder so far. There was one girl he had been chatting up all day whose breasts looked almost identical to yours, but he wasn’t sure if she’d put out tonight. That was the main reason he left campus and drove home right after his last lecture: he was hoping he could convince her to let him come over.
Naoya checked his Tinder messages again after he parked in front of his apartment, a smirk spreading on his lips when he saw an unread message from the cutie he was pursuing. He didn’t care for her face per say, but he wasn’t going to speak to her after tonight so he didn’t care too much about that. He walked up the stairs leisurely, reading the girl’s latest message with a frown, wondering how he could respond to sway her decision to his favor. Maybe he could ask for her number and send a dick pic; that usually persuaded women to let him smash.
He unlocked his apartment, sighing as he walked inside, freezing when he noticed the empty couch. For the last week and a half, Toji had been strewn across it whenever he wasn’t working or hanging out with you, spare pillow and a sheet draped over the cushions. But they were gone now, the chair absolutely bare. Naoya tried not to get his hopes up, glancing around for any other sign of him. His duffel bag was also gone, and his large boots were nowhere in sight.
Naoya’s suspicions weren’t confirmed until he looked at his kitchen counter, eyes widening at the sight of the fat envelope sitting on top. He dropped his bag, opening the stuffed paper, smirking when he saw a wad of cash inside. He sifted through it, counting around ¥ 250,000, a decent amount considering how annoying Toji was to deal with. There was a small note at the end of the pile, rushed scribbles difficult to distinguish.
Thanks for letting me crash at your place. Here’s your cut. See ya around
“Finally,” Naoya breathed, crumbling up the note and tossing it onto the counter, pulling out his wallet and stashing his earnings inside. It was about time that his stupid cousin leave. He’d been eating him out of house and home, not to mention ruining Naoya’s relationship with you and—
You were all alone now, no bigger man around to defend you from Naoya’s bullying or advances. You didn’t have that worthless mutt to distract you from his presence. This was the perfect chance, the best opportunity Naoya had to appease you and go back to your prior relationship. It wouldn’t be hard to make you like him again. Women were easy like that—all he had to do was apologize and bat his eyes a bit and promise to do better, and you’d go back to presenting yourself to him like a good girl.
He should shower first. And shave. It’d been a minute since he got rid of the annoying scruff that began to grow on his jaw. It was barely five, so he could get himself cleaned up and stop by with a bottle of soju by dinnertime.
So that’s what he did. He gussied himself up like a girl on prom night, cleaning every neglected inch of himself, even going so far as to brush his teeth and cut his nails. He needed to look presentable if he was going to win your affection back, so he had to put in a bit more effort.
By the time he was finished and outside your door with two small glasses and some soju, it was around six pm. Perfect timing.
Naoya knocked on your door three times, waiting to hear you hurry to the door. He did hear footsteps approaching, but you didn’t open the door, didn’t even ask who it was. Damn peephole, he thought as he cleared his throat.
“Y/N~” he cooed as sweetly as he could muster. “I know you’re there: I heard you on the other side. C’mon and open the door for me, yeah?” Silence still, an aching quiet that made Naoya’s frustration grow. He took a deep breath, letting it out as a forlorn sigh as he leaned against the wall. “Look, I know I was an asshole. I did a lot of shitty things, and I apologize for hurting you. I wanted to make it up to you, so I thought we could resolve things over a drink.”
He heard you unlocking the door, sliding the lock out of place before twisting the doorknob and finally showing yourself to him. He was already smiling, prepared to sweep you off your feet, but stopped dead in his tracks.
You were dressed up, at least in his eyes. Your hair was designed neatly, makeup highlighting your best features but still sensible enough that it didn’t look like an entirely separate skin. But what really caught his attention was your outfit: you wore a cute little bodycon dress, fabric clinging to your form and stopping just above your mid thigh, exposing your smooth legs. His eyes continued to trail down to the heeled sandals you were wearing, propping you up a couple inches, accentuating your legs and ass. It was too good to be true, almost like you knew he would be coming over. Why else would you be dressed up like a pretty little present for him to unwrap?
“What do you want?” you snapped, one hand still on the doorknob as the other rested on your hip. God, your hips. He hadn’t had a proper look at them in far too long, and all he wanted to do was grab them and squeeze and hear you squeak in response— “Helloooo? Are you gonna answer me?”
“I’m sorry, what were you saying?” You scoffed, crossing your arms, pushing against those perfect breasts that he’d wanted his hands on for weeks.
“What exactly do you want, hm? You came over here with alcohol and you’re putting on a façade, so what are you trying to get out of this?” Naoya held up his free hand, the other holding onto the glasses and soju.
“Hey, I get it. You have no reason to trust me, especially after I treated you so poorly, but I just wanna make things right.” He put on his most sympathetic face, taking a step closer to you. “I shouldn’t have treated you so harshly; you didn’t deserve any of it. It’s just… well, my cousin Toji has never been my favorite. He’s always judged me and looked down on me, and I didn’t want him to think—”
“­What? That you were fucking a fat girl?” Naoya’s eye twitched, but he still sighed and shrugged.
“I didn’t want him to look down on me for the relationship I had with you.” He braced himself as he grasped at little lies floating in his head, rubbing the back of his neck. “My family is fairly conservative, traditional if you will, and having sex outside of marriage isn’t something that would be accepted by them. I worried that if he had found out, he would tell them immediately and I would be cut off from them indefinitely. I can’t disappoint them—”
“Oh my God, you’re such a tool, Naoya,” you announced. Naoya blinked, shocked to hear you raise your voice at him in such a way.
It pissed him off.
You pointed a manicured finger at him, eyes furrowed in anger.
“You think you can just walk over here with your expensive wine and stupid Yeezy’s and expect me to accept your pathetic excuse for an apology that you are clearly pulling straight out of your ass? Hell no.”
“Tsk. How presumptuous of you—”
“No. I’m not dealing with this Naoya!” You began to close your door, glaring at him past the wood. “I’m not gonna sit around and take your shit anymo—”
“Hold on,” he snapped, blocking the door with his foot, bracing his forearm against it for added support. “So why’re you all dressed up, huh? You telling me you didn’t put on this outfit just to rile me up? You’re telling me you dressed up like a high-end escort just for fun?”
“First off, fuck you. Second, my reasons for dressing up don’t concern you, so you don’t—”
“Who is he?” You blinked, taken aback.
“Who’s who?”
“Him, the guy you got all pretty for. Women don’t doll themselves up unless they’re trying to impress a guy—”
“Oh my God, you’re insane—”
“—so who is it? Hm? Is it someone I know?” You hesitated, and Naoya noticed it, pupils sharpening as you sighed.
“Does it matter—”
“Of course it does.” Naoya pushed against the door, effectively making you lose your balance and stumble back as he walked in after you. “What if I had dumped you and then you found out I was fucking your mom?”
“What are you talking about?!” you almost shouted, frowning as he shut the door behind him and kicked off his shoes. “Hey, you’re not staying—”
“Yes I am. I gotta see what kind of sad excuse of a man is interested in you.”
“No, you—”
“Is it the gym rat on the fourth floor? Or that sad incel down the hall because I swear to God if you got dressed up for that pathetic white boy—”
“Naoya!” you shouted, fists clenched at you side. “Who I am seeing is none of your business!” Naoya scoffed, shaking his head slightly.
“So what’s gonna happen?” he continued, placing the soju and glasses on the counter, crossing his arms and leaning against it. “Is he gonna come pick you up for a little ‘romantic’ date, or are you just gonna blow him while he drives around the block?”
“What is wrong with you?” you hollered, hands beginning to shake. You hated how your emotions raced within you, forcing tears to prick at your eyelids, eager to spill while you struggled to control your breathing. “Why are you being so mean to me? I haven’t done anything to you—”
“Oh, sure you haven’t.” Naoya pushed off the counter, sauntering over to you. “You act like you’re so great, having an apartment and a job all on your own—”
“Jesus, not this again—”
“—and you think that people like you for that but they don’t. Guys see you and the only thing they think about is how your tits would look if you rode their dick.” He towered over you, making you curl into yourself in fear. “No man will give a shit about you unless you spread your legs for them. That’s all you’re good for.”
You felt your tears well, and you tapped your ring fingers against the inner corner of your eyes to try and quell the overwhelming desire to bawl your eyes out. You swallowed hard, struggling to keep eye contact with him as you sniffled softly.
“You’re… you’re wrong… there’s plenty of g-guys who like me and don’t want sex—” Naoya snickered, tossing his head back before looking down at you with a victorious grin.
“Oh really? Like who? Is the little boy who’s coming to pick you up taking you on a date because of your personality? I highly doubt it. Your only redeeming quality is your ass—”
You shoved him hard, making him stumble back. He stared at you incredulously, scoffing as he regained his footing.
“You’re wrong,” you spoke firmly, your bottom lip trembling, your resolve waning. “Toji always tells me how funny and nice I am—”
“What does he have to do with this?” You sniffed, using your knuckles to swipe at the edge of your eyelids, wiping off any indication that you were about to cry and finally meeting Naoya’s gaze. His eyebrows were screwed together, deep in thought. His face twisted as the silence grew between you two, realization gracing his features with each passing moment.
“You… he’s the one that’s supposed to take you out?” You crossed your arms, leaning back against the wall. He stared at you in shock, shaking his head slightly. You thought he was angry, appalled, but then he started laughing. It was just a chuckle at first, but then it grew into a full on guffaw, his arms wrapped around his middle as he hunched forward.
“What’s so funny?” you hissed, gripping your arms tightly as he struggled to calm down. He gasped for air, standing up straight and taking several deep breaths.
“Oh my God. You really are dumber than a box of rocks, huh? Jesus—”
“What are you talking about?” Naoya hooted once more, sighing as he met your gaze.
“You really think Toji, the King of Bachelors, was going to waste his time taking you out on a date?” You blinked, your blood running cold, body tensing.
“What… what do you mean?” Naoya rolled his eyes, taking a step towards you again.
“Toji has always been a piece of shit. The only time he was a decent human being was when he got married, but then he went back to his old self once she kicked the bucket.” Your lip quivered, hands clenched around one another, knuckles locking together and stopping the bloodflow.
“What are… what are you saying—”
“Jesus, how dumb are you, Y/N?” His hand found the wall beside you and he leaned down so he was eye level to you, a shit-eating grin plaguing his features. “Listen and listen good, princess: Toji has an unbreakable habit of going from girl to girl, taking what he wants and then leaving them with nothing. The only reason he was so nice to you was because he wanted to eat your food and fuck you. And since you clearly didn’t put out, he left you alone without a word.”
You could feel your skin begin to tingle, hands shaking as they grasped one another desperately. Your worst fears, your insecurities, everything you had worked to ignore was bubbling to the surface again, leaving you weak and defenseless.
“You… you’re lying—”
“Oh? You want me to go get the note that says he was leaving? Or the cash he left behind for me? Or better yet, let’s call him up on your phone. You’ve got his number! Give him a call and ask where he is, since you two have a ‘date’ or whatever.”
You didn’t want to move, worried that you would collapse after just one step, but your determination was still strong enough to give you courage. You took in a shaky breath, pushing past Naoya and stomping to your bedroom. You glanced over the bed, moving the sheets and grabbing your cell phone. You could feel your heart pounding in your chest as you crawled onto your bed, legs tucked underneath you as you brought up your messages with Toji. The last three were still unread, but you held onto hope as you clicked on his number, calling him. The phone rang once, twice, and by the fourth time you felt your heart sink. You gulped, eyes darting to Naoya who had appeared in your bedroom doorway. He still had that same shitty smirk on his face as he leaned against the doorframe, arms crossing. The phone continued to ring, and with each passing second you felt your heart sink lower and lower.
“The number you are calling is not available. Please try again—”
You hung up, lowering the phone to your lap, staring off into your room. You couldn’t believe it. No, it hadn’t been long since you met Toji, but he seemed so nice, so receptive. He flirted with you nonstop and acted so interested in everything you had to say, and for what? To fuck you? And when you didn’t give it up to him fast enough, he just gave up? Were all men like this? Or was it just everyone in Naoya’s family?
“Lemme guess.” Speak of the devil. Naoya plopped down on your bed, hands folded behind his head as he laid down beside you. “He blocked you.” You didn’t respond, and he hummed in response. “Just as I expected. Well, it’s your own fault for getting so attached to an asshole like him. I thought you were smarter than that! You shoulda known better than to get attached to a guy who goes from city to city doing God knows what for money—”
He stopped when he turned his head to look at you. Your mouth was turned downwards in an exaggerated frown, lip wobbling as you stared down at your bed. Big crocodile tears were streaming down your cheeks, creating lines in your makeup, effectively ruining it. Naoya cringed at the sight, his stomach churning uncomfortably.
“Are you crying right now?” You turned your face away from him, making him frown and glare. He sat up, staring at you in disbelief, scoffing. “You can’t be serious. You’re crying over him? Him? Don’t be pathetic, Y/N—”
“Please,” you mumbled, sinking down to the bed, your back to him. “Please just go.”
“Tsk. Don’t change the subject. Why’re you crying over him? He’s nothing but trash, a waste of space. You’re really gonna waste your time crying over a guy who never cared about you in the first place—”
“You made your point,” you choked out, kicking off your sandals and pulling your sheets over you. “I get it. I’m worthless. Just please leave me alone.” Naoya frowned harder, eyebrows furrowing as he crawled over your form.
“You’ve only known him for two weeks and you’re crying over him? He didn’t do jack shit for you, and yet here you are wasting tears on him.” He grabbed your chin forcefully, yanking you to the side so you were facing him. You whined, hiccupping on your sob as his eyes bore into you, fingers digging into your cheeks. “What’s the deal, huh? Is it because he’s taller? Stronger? Hm? What exactly made you fall head over heels with that asshole?”
“N-Naoya, stop—”
“He hasn’t done anything for you, so what are you crying about? He wouldn’t bother trying to get you wet before he fucked you, ya know, because he doesn’t care.”
“He wouldn’t buy takeout for you afterwards either.” You felt the covers slip off of you, his warm hand connecting with your waist, trailing down your hip. “He wouldn’t make sure you came before him. He wouldn’t make sure you were okay after he fucked you. He wouldn't buy the same stupid body wash just because you liked how it smelled.”
“And yet you did so much for him.” His hand found your bare thigh, squeezing the plump flesh and sighing. “You shaved your legs for this stupid date. You never did that with me.”
You were still crying, squirming beneath him as he kept a vice-like grip on your jaw. He moved further on top of you, straddling your legs as his fingers dipped beneath the hem of your dress.
“You put in all this effort into your makeup and hair and outfit and he didn’t even show up. I wouldn’t have done that to you.” Naoya’s hand traveled beneath the stretchy fabric, pulling it along with him as he glided up your legs. “I would’ve shown up. Woulda taken you someplace real nice. He probably would’ve just taken you to Taco Bell and then made you pay.”
“N-Naoya, wait, don’t—” His hand moved further, pulling your dress up over your hips, exposing the rest of your thighs up to your tummy. Naoya stared for a moment before scoffing.
“Lace? You wore lace panties for him?” Your face burned with embarrassment as you squirmed beneath him, tugging down your dress again to cover yourself. Naoya grabbed your wrist, capturing the other and holding them in one hand as he pulled your dress up again. “There’s no reason to hide from me; I’ve seen you naked plenty of times.”
“Naoya,” you sobbed gently, struggling to pull your wrists free and failing. “P-Please stop. Just let me g-go.” He ignored your pleas, hiking your dress up higher, moving it past your tummy before tucking it over your breasts. Your skin prickled once it was exposed to the cool air, body shuddering for multiple reasons. You sniffled, looking back at Naoya once you heard him sigh, gulping when you saw how he stared down at you.
“You even got a matching bra.” His free hand trailed along the lace edge, skimming over your breast with his rough fingers. “You really planned this out, huh? Did you think you were gonna get lucky tonight?” His hand cupped your breast, giving it a lazy squeeze as you whimpered. “I bet you did. I bet you were hoping he would bring you back home and fuck you real good.” His hand gripped harder, making you cry out, trying to shake his hand off. “But he didn’t. He left you all alone without any kind of warning or remorse.” You hiccupped, still sobbing as his hand trailed down your waist, palming your hip. You felt bile building in the back of your throat, making you nauseous, making you want to curl up and die.
It wasn’t until he pressed his hand to your mound that you really started to panic.
“Let me go!” you yelled, thrashing in his grasp, trying to push him off. Your efforts were for nothing: Naoya was much stronger than you and kept you in his grasp with ease. You felt fear settle in your chest when he tugged at your white panties, pulling it down your hips, freezing.
“Oh my God,” he muttered, eyes wide, mouth hung open. “You even shaved your pussy for him—”
“What do you want, Naoya?! What kind of sick joke is this?!” He ignored you, brushing his fingers over your mound, marveling at the soft skin there.
“You’ve never shaved your pussy for me before…” His expression turned sour, eyebrows furrowed, lips tugging downward. “That’s not fair. I’ve done more than Toji ever has, but you never shaved for me once. What kind of bullshit is that? What’s he got that I don’t, hm? What makes him so special?”
“Naoya, please—j-just leave me alone, okay? I won’t ignore you anymore a-and I’ll be nicer and—”
He shushed you soothingly, caressing your upper pussy before dipping his thumb between your chubby lips. You gasped, flailing beneath him, whining in protest but he didn’t stop. He pushed further, finding your clit and circling it determinedly. You jolted involuntarily, hips pushing into the bed to try and run away from his touch, but he only followed you, pushing harder against your clit.
“N-Naoya, please—ah!” He flicked your clit faster, pushing his knees in between yours, forcing your legs apart. “No, Naoya, stop—”
“Shhh, calm down, princess.” His thumb was replaced with his palm, middle finger circling your puckered entrance. You sobbed, shaking your head, kicking at the sheets. You gasped when his finger pushed into you, biting your lip when he curled it instantly, hitting your sweet spot as his palm ground on your clit. “Tsk. Don’t bite your tongue, baby. You know I like to hear you.”
“You’re crazy,” you bawled, choking on your sobs and involuntary moans. “I-I don’t want this, this is rape, it—”
“Oh please,” Naoya groaned, pulling his finger out and holding it up to the light. “Look at how wet you are already. You can’t pretend like you don’t want this when you’re leaking like this.”
“That’s not how that works—”
“Doesn’t matter. It’s not rape if you like it.” Naoya ignored your continued protests, staring at the glistening slick covering his finger and palm, hesitantly bringing it to his lips and giving it a tentative lick. He pulled his tongue back in his mouth, engulfing his mouth in your essence before he wrapped his lips around his finger and sucked it clean. Who knew that a brat like you could actually taste good? Who knew that any woman’s pussy would actually taste good?
Naoya never thought he would want to eat a woman’s pussy, but he supposed there was a first time for everything.
Naoya held onto you tight as he rearranged the two of you. He was lying down in front of your cunt, underwear discarded as his forearms kept your legs open, hands still holding your wrists tightly. Despite your efforts, you couldn’t get out of his grasp, couldn’t wiggle away or hit him or run off. You were stuck there, completely at his mercy as he began nosing your mound.
“You’re awful,” you coughed, inhaling sharply when he pressed a soft kiss against your bare pussy. “You’re the worst. I h-hate you—uuuuu!”
Naoya’s tongue pressed between your folds, dragging from your clit down to your entrance, prodding at your soaked hole. You whined, clenching unconsciously, eyes squeezed shut as he traced your entrance languidly. He swallowed the slick that had gathered on his tongue, licking his lips and humming softly.
“You don’t taste too bad. Must eat a lot of pineapple, huh?”
“Fuck you,” you spit, glaring down at him, your streaked eyeliner making you less intimidating.
“So feisty,” he murmured, pressing his nose into your mound, moving his head back and forth until his mouth was on your clit. “Let’s see how you act once you cum a couple times.”
He kissed your clit, eyes softening when you keened and wiggled your hips, unsure if you were pushing closer or trying to run away. It didn’t really matter: he wrapped his lips around you regardless, sucking your clit into his mouth, savoring the twitch of your hips. It let him know that you really were enjoying yourself like he believed.
He wasn’t very good at giving head, to be honest. It was probably due to his lack of experience but he made up for it with sheer determination, keeping his mouth in an ‘O’ shape around your clit and sucking at it like a straw. You tried to disassociate as he ate your pussy, but he wouldn’t let you zone out for long, dipping his tongue into your entrance and slurping up the liquid gold spilling out of you.
It took a while to get you to your peak, but eventually your legs were tensing, thighs shaking against the sides of his face. Your protests had melted into disgruntled moans, your lip tugged between your teeth to try and calm you down, to somehow muffle your eager noises. Your fingers flexed, hands twisting in his grasp as you struggled not to cum on his tongue.
It was no use. Your climax rose higher and higher, ultimately causing you to tumble over and tremble as you came on his tongue. He lapped you up as you fell apart, moaning into your cunt as he did so. He slurped up every drop you gave him, pushing his tongue inside of you and swirling it around, trying to drink up as much of you as he could. Your whines turned high-pitched, almost needy as he went back to your clit. Your hands squirmed, arms struggling in their hold.
“If you’re good and don’t interrupt me,” he mumbled as he came up for air, “I’ll let your hands go.” You swallowed, tucking your chin to stare down at him, weighing your options.
“…F-Fine,” you grumbled, sighing once he released your wrists and grabbed your thighs instead. You gasped when he immediately went back to your clit, licking the bud quickly as you pawed at the sheets. “W-Wait, don’t—s-slow down—ah!”
This felt like revenge—at least to Naoya—holding you down and taking you however he pleased, showing you how foolish you were for pining after his stupid cousin when he was so much better. You didn’t need anyone else, just him. He could please you better than any of those other silly boys could, especially a no-good punk like Toji. He just needed to remind you how good he could make you feel.
It wasn’t until after your second orgasm that you relented, hands finding his hair, running through the two-toned strands and tugging whenever he hit your sweet spots. He was surprised to find that he liked it, liked being trapped between your plush legs, liked the warm soft skin of your thighs pressed against his cheeks. Maybe he’d have to do this again for you in the future—if you were good, that is.
“N-No, Naoya, stop, please, I-I c-can’t—” you blubbered as your third orgasm grew nearer, inching closer and closer as you tried to push him off. Naoya didn’t budge from his spot, keeping his arms locked around your legs as he worked his tongue against you. He could feel your walls fluttering around his tongue, his thumb circling your clit faster as he urged you to cum in his mouth once more. You protested, pushing at his head to no avail, hips bucking up into his mouth. “W-Wait, I ca-aaaann’tt!!”
Your body shuddered as you came once more, back arching off the bed as you squirted all over him. Naoya’s eyes widened, grip on your legs loosening as he removed his mouth, propping himself up on his elbows. He stared down at you incredulously, eyes darting from your cunt to your soaked thighs to the wet patch that was growing on your sheets.
“Holy shit,” he muttered, tilting his head up to gaze at you. “You squirted for me, baby.”
You were panting harshly, chest rising and falling frantically as you struggled to calm down. You could feel your pulse in yours ears, your head dizzy, eyes unfocused as your climax faded. You heard the faint shuffle of clothes as you stared at the ceiling, vision hazy as you swallowed thickly, moaning tiredly. You whimpered once Naoya’s fingers found your clit again, rolling it around gently.
“N-Naoya, please… I’m tired—”
“I know, princess, I know, but you’ve been such a good girl for me tonight.” You felt something firm and hot press against your entrance, panic running through you as you looked up at him. “Gonna let me put it in, right?”
“W-Wait,” you rushed, hands finding his shoulders, your brain still foggy from your post-orgasm bliss. “We need a c-condom—”
“Shhh, it’s okay, baby. I’ll pull out.”
“B-But what about STD’s—”
“Aw, baby. You’re the only girl I’ve ever fucked without a condom. Ain’t no need to worry.” He dragged the head of his cock along your folds, catching it against your clit, smirking when you mewled. “Just lemme make you feel good, princess. I promise, you won’t regret it.”
Naoya pushed the head in without another warning, making you gasp in response. You instinctually tightened around him, making him suck in a breath.
“Fuck, you’re tight,” he hissed as he pushed forward slowly, giving you time to adjust to his length. “Missed this sweet lil pussy so much. God, I shoulda fucked you raw sooner, you feel so fucking good—"
“Naoya, n-no, stop, pull out—”
“Shhh, relax baby. C’mere,” he hushed, bringing his lips down to yours, forcing you into a kiss. You moaned frustratedly, lips smashed shut as he tried licking into your mouth to no avail. He pulled away an inch, frowning down at you. “C’mon, baby, don’t be like that. Open up for me.” His thumb found your clit again, circling hypnotically and making you swoon. Your eyes rolled back slightly, mouth threatening to hang open but falling closed again. Naoya clicked his tongue, his nose pressing against your cheek.
“C’mon, Y/N. Be my good girl and open up. Lemme see that pretty pink tongue.” You whimpered when his thumb moved faster, hurtling you into a sea of pleasure, wave after wave of ecstasy washing over you. You gasped, mouth slightly ajar as you met Naoya’s gaze. “That’s it, open up a lil more… mm-hm, more… c’mon baby, open… open—there she is. There’s my good girl.”
Naoya’s lips found yours once more, swallowing your needy moans as he rolled his hips ever so slightly, grinding the head of his cock into your g-spot incessantly. You keened at the onslaught of attention, legs squeezing around his waist as his tongue swirled around yours. You could feel yet another orgasm building, and you knew that he could feel it too. He sped up just a bit, his free hand going down to squeeze your ass, making you mewl and buck your hips up into his. Naoya moaned into your mouth, pulling back with a guttural groan.
“Fuuuuck, that’s it, baby. Grind those hips on me just like that.” Your cries had long subsided, molding into desperate moans as you succumbed to your desires, rolling your hips into his. The two of you began a steady rhythm together, pulling back and pushing forward to meet each other, grinding your sex against one another. You hated to admit it, but it felt good, really good. Maybe two weeks had been far too long for you to go without sex, or maybe it was just because it was your shitty neighbor and not your vibrator. Regardless, the constant friction was lighting you on fire, your hips slowing as you chose to clench around his cock instead.
“Awww, are you getting tired already, baby? You want me to take over? Hm? Ya want Daddy to make you feel good?” You cringed inwardly at the nickname, but you were so eager to cum that you couldn’t be bothered to scold him for it. Instead you nodded, biting your lip and humming in agreement, much to his satisfaction.
“Good girl. You just lie there and let me do all the work, ‘kay?” He didn’t give you time to respond before he grabbed the back of your knees, pushing your legs up to your chest without warning. You wheezed slightly as your legs were folded into your chest, restricting your lung capacity. You would’ve complained about the new position, but Naoya had bottomed out inside you, knocking the air right out of you. You yelped at the pace he found, the new angle making you see stars, vision laced with white sparks. You were so enraptured by the drag of his cock along your inner walls that you barely processed him pulling your dress up over your head, struggling to unclasp your bra before pulling it off and tossing it over his shoulder.
“God, I missed your tits,” he groaned, palming them harshly, squeezing like he’d never get to touch them again. “Been thinkin’ bout these beauties all week. Shame on you for keepin em from me.”
“N-Naoya—ah!” He engulfed one of your nipples with his mouth, sucking hard, nibbling just a bit. The sudden attention on your breasts made your pussy pulsate around him, yearning for yet another release. “Naoya… p-please, I—hnng!”
“What’s the matter, baby?” he cooed, circling his tongue around your now perky nipple, staring you down all the while. “Does it feel good? You want somethin?”
“Mm… wanna c-cum…” Naoya sighed shakily at that, licking his lips before latching them around your nipple once more, giving it a good hard suck before pulling away with a wet ‘pop’.
“Oh yeah?” he replied, slowing down and readjusting himself so that he was pushing your legs further into you. You whined, struggling to move yourself underneath him, huffing when you couldn’t so much as wiggle in his grasp. He merely smirked down at you, running his tongue over his teeth. “You wanna cum, baby? Wanna cream all over this fat cock?”
“Mm-hmmm,” you moaned unabashedly, too frantic to cum to care about your pride. His smile only grew, eyes softening as he leaned down towards you, brushing his nose against yours.
“Yeah you do. You wanna squirt all over this dick, dontcha?” Whatever response you gave didn’t matter: his lips were on yours within a second, moaning into your mouth and drowning out your pleas for him to make you cum. Luckily, you didn’t need to beg. Within a minute he was rolling his hips into you again, the head of his cock dangerously close to your cervix, leaving you breathless. Your nails dug into his shoulders, scrambling down his back for some kind of purchase as he found a steady rhythm, fast and hard enough to leave you whimpering with each thrust.
“Mmmm… fuck, that’s a good girl,” he breathed as he released your lips, staring down between the two of you to watch your belly squish against his abs as he pounded into your poor cunt. “You always take my cock so well. Almost like you were made for me.” He sucked in a breath when your cunt clenched around him, smirking down at your lustful expression. “You like that, huh? You like it when you belong to me, my perfect lil princess? Fuck, you’re so tight.”
You whined, swallowing hard and gasping, chanting his name like a broken hymn as he sped up. His balls slapped incessantly against your ass, wet smacking sounds filling the room. Your slick was leaking down to the bed, soaking your ass and inner thighs. It was almost uncomfortable if not for the constant rhythm Naoya had maintained for the last… wait, how long had it been? Fuck, it could’ve been five minutes or an hour; you had no clue. You could barely focus on Naoya’s words let alone the passage of time.
“Never letting this pussy go again,” he groaned, tossing his head back as he did a few long strokes into you, quickly going back to his original pace. “Nobody’s gonna fuck you but me from this day forward, got it?”
You whimpered, giving a hurried nod as you felt your orgasm start to build, the coil in your belly winding tight at his words.
“Good girl. You’re all mine; nobody else’s. Fuck, you feel so good baby. Makes me not wanna pull out of this perfect pussy.”
The logical part of you should’ve scolded him for having that idea in the first place, but you were high on cloud nine, your cunt clenching at the mention of something so taboo. Did you want him to cum inside you? No, not necessarily, but the thought of him enjoying your body so much that he couldn’t help but stay inside while he came made you go wild. The resulting moan you let out and the prolonged tightening of your cunt was all the answer he needed.
“Fuck, you like that? Is that what you want, princess? Want me to cum inside instead? Want me to breed that tight lil cunt of yours?” You clenched around him again, trembling as your climax grew nearer. “Yeah, I know you do, baby. You want me to cum inside and make you all mine, huh? Want me to give you a baby and make you a mommy? Fuck, I’d take such good care of you, princess, you and our baby. Get you a big ole house with a dog and a picket fence—fuck, I’m close—anything you want, baby. You just give me a couple boys and I’ll do the rest, okay?”
His hand slipped between the two of you, thumb suffocating your clit as his hips moved faster, fucking deeper into you (if that was even possible at this point). It was just what you needed to push you over the edge, hurtling you towards your peak so quickly you began to panic. You came hard, scratching along his back and shoulders, crying out as he continued bullying your cunt. The resulting pleasure was so intense it brought tears to your eyes, mouth hung open in a silent scream as he kept going, groaning into your chest.
“God, yes, yesyesyesyesyes, fuck! Gonna cum in you, gonna get you pregnant, fuck, you’re gonna be so pretty all round with my kids—”
You hiccupped, letting out a strangled moan when he bit down on your breast. He groaned loudly, hips stuttering, hands clawing at your plump flesh desperately as he came to a stop. You felt his cum fill you up, hot and thick liquid gushing into your spongey cunt, stuffing you to the brim. He gave a lazy thrust or two as he sucked on the bite he made, licking it as some kind of apology. He sighed into your skin, lifting his head a moment later, foggy eyes meeting yours.
“You… you okay?” he breathed, blinking slowly up at you. You were still breathing heavily, but you nodded anyways, tongue thick and dry. He sighed when you answered, lifting himself up just so he could reach your lips, kissing you gently. It was the softest kiss he had ever given you, tender and light, as if you were made of porcelain. You relaxed as his lips molded with yours, your eyes drooping heavily until you couldn’t open them back up.
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It was dark when you woke up. You were on your stomach (when did you turn over?), sweating underneath your heavy comforter. You shifted slightly, instinctually tightening around whatever was inside you, earning a groan from the figure beneath you.
“If you keep doing that,” Naoya grunted, hands finding your hips to still them completely, “I’m gonna get hard again.”
Holy shit, his sleepy voice was deep, gruff and sensual. You’d never heard him like that before. It made your eyes open further, hands finding his chest, steadying yourself as you pushed yourself up to a seated position. You were somewhat hazy, but you were able to lean towards your nightstand, turning on your bedside lamp.
You both squinted when the light came on, eyes struggling to adjust to the new harsh lighting. You blinked a few times, looking down at the man lying underneath you, finally realizing that his dick was still inside you. You hated to admit it, but he looked pretty handsome after just waking up, his features still soft from slumber.
“…You slept over?” you asked rhetorically, rubbing at your eyes. He scoffed, hands kneading your plump waist, grinding you gently against him.
“Of course I did. Couldn’t just leave you all alone after you passed out from me fucking you.”
“Shut up,” you grumbled, covering his mouth half-heartedly as your body burned with embarrassment. He merely chuckled, grabbing your wrist and pulling your hand away, kissing at your palm.
“Are you alright? I didn’t fuck you too hard, did I? I almost thought you died there—”
“I’m fine,” you huffed, yanking your hand away and glaring down at him. “Why didn’t you at least clean me up? I can feel your cum still inside me.” Naoya shrugged, his signature, shit-eating grin spreading across his lips.
“Wouldn’t that ruin the point of cumming inside? Gotta make sure my seed takes.” You blinked slowly, narrowing your eyes down at him.
“Naoya… what are you trying to say—”
“I hate the thought of having a shotgun wedding,” he continued, ignoring what you asked, staring at your stomach as he rubbed it gently, “but desperate times call for desperate measures. We can have a ceremony at one of my family’s hotels so at least that’s covered, but we should get you fitted for a dress soon so we can get married before you start showing—”
“Woahwoahwoah—” you rushed, eyes wide as you covered his mouth again. He furrowed his brow, mumbling something into your hand as you replayed what he said in your head. “Hold on… Do you… Naoya, you do realize that I’m on birth control, right?”
Silence permeated the room, growing thicker with each passing moment. Naoya’s eyes widened just a bit, mouth slightly ajar as he began to blush from his chest to the tips of his ears.
“…What? Since when?”
“What do you mean ‘since when’? I’ve had an IUD for years!”
“But—” Naoya huffed, propping himself on his elbows as he scowled at you. “If I couldn’t get you pregnant, then why did you always make me wear a condom?!”
“I don’t know where your dick has been! I wasn’t gonna risk getting some kind of infection or disease because of you.” He scoffed, fists clenching at his sides as he simmered angrily. You kept eye contact, thinking over his words carefully, a smile tugging at your lips. “Wait… so when you said all that shit during sex, it wasn’t just dirty talk? You actually wanted to get me pregnant?” He blushed darker, skin turning a brilliant scarlet as his face twisted ever so slightly. “Oh my God, you did—”
“Shut up,” he hissed, pushing at your hips. “Get offa me, I’m leavin—”
“Awww, don’t leave, Naoya,” you cooed, pushing down at his chest, forcing him to the mattress. “I thought you wanted to make me a mommy and take care of me—”
“Shut up—”
“Oh my, I can feel your dick getting hard—”
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sashi-ya · 2 years
OMGGGGGG your latest event is so cool!!! in general i love the night and the moon so ahhh, so excited to request hehe. Could i please have Zoro x fem reader, (nsfw), modern au with prompt skinny dipping under the stars?
Hi sweetheart!! Of course :3 I hope you enjoy this fic! Thank u for requesting 💖🌙
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ㅤ🌛 One Piece x Bleach Crossover Event : Under The Moon 🌜
NSFW ~ Lifeguard! Roronoa Zoro x F! Reader ~ Skinny Dipping Under The Stars
tw: Nsfw. Sex with a stranger, please this is is fiction, be careful in real life. Public beach fucking. Angsty start, idk why my mind thought of that scenario to be honest XD
wc: 1.7K
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The sand feels cold under your soles, but you don’t care. It’s night-time, and you ran through the coast. The dress you wore for the occasion feels like it’s tangling around your neck and you just wish you could rip it off.
The night hasn’t been the best one of your life as you thought it would be. Your boyfriend -ex- invited you to a “date” at one of the most beautiful restaurants on the coast to “tell you something”. You, your besties, everybody swore he was going to propose, cause… what else could it be, then?
But you all were wrong. The bastard had to communicate that he was going to be a father with some other girl… and he expected for you to keep being his girlfriend.
As you run, you realize your tears turn into something freeing. “Was I really ready to tie myself down to a man? I am not” you shout as the stars blurry flicker in your eyes. “FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU!!” you scream to the sky, untying the straps of the green silky dress you were wearing. The soft material falls from your neck down to your chest and then snags around your hips.
The sea looks beautiful and calm, and you want to swim naked in it. And you will.
The dress ends up on the sand, and your nudity is soon engulfed by the soft waves. It’s not as cold as you expected, and your mascara melts as you sink completely. You don’t need anything else, the mere idea of doing something crazy is enough to make you feel better.
But… are you sure you were completely alone?
“Oi!” a husky voice calls you out. And as you wipe the salty water off your eyes you notice a huge asian guy looking at you from the coast. “Are you ok? Are you drowning? Wait I’m gonna help you” he asks, entering the sea in the sexiest, movie like style.
You, startled, blink repeatedly as his big veiny hands go around your waist to pull you up. “I’m…not-”. “There, safe. Let’s go to the coast” he says, and you quickly realize he must be a lifeguard.
“Wait, no! Sir! I wasn’t drowning!!! I’m ok, please do not take me out of the water!” you plead, you are naked as fuck and the foam of the waves is the only covering you have at this point. The lifeguard looks at you confused, but never lets go of your waist.
He has a special tone of green hair, and one of his eyes looks permanently closed as a scar crosses his eyelid. Sharp jaw, perfect pointy nose, the little vein over his trained arm that you can touch… What a Japanese God.
Your cheeks are on fire, but you don’t dare to push yourself off his embrace. “Uh… I… wasn’t drowning. I’m n- naked” you tell him, looking at the side, seeing the moon reflect on a sea mirror.
“Uh… it’s ok. It’s not a nudist beach, but since there is no one around… guess you can have fun. Are you alone?” he asks, looking at each side. You swallow, his neck looks so fucking kissable. Maybe it’s just the whole Sex On The Beach drink that is finally flooding your veins after you drink it all in one shot when you received the bad news, maybe it’s just how sexy this man is.
“So, are you alone then?” he asks, once again. His steel coloured iris fixes on yours and from his gaze you feel weak. What is it with this man…?
“I am alone, yes” you confess, knowing the alone part has more weight that he could understand. He smirks subtly, not like a predator, but the man would lie if he said you weren’t at least interesting to his eyes. “I see… What do you wanna do, then?” he asks, right away. You don’t really know if he is asking for what you will do with swimming naked situation or what you really wanna do.
Would it be so wrong if you just let your body decide your next few actions?
The tension between the both of you grows stronger as the time passes and you don’t dare to answer. But he doesn’t hurry you, what’s more, he enjoys the way your rib cage goes up and down in between his hands.
“I want to keep… swimming” you finally mumble, looking at his pale lips. Lips that form now a bigger smirk, a smirk that makes your whole body tremble. This man looks like a demon, a demon you are willing to let possess you. “I can keep you company, if you want” he whispers, subtly squeezing your waist.
You sigh, your body is trying to let go at least a little bit of the pressure building inside your core. “Y-yes, keep me company” you stutter and swallow, now scanning the beginning of a big scar crossing his chest.
“Cool” he says, and casually lets go of you. He swims to the coast, and you frown. “What the- wait…” you suddenly realize this man is literally taking his swim shorts off. The whole display of his anatomy bathed by the moonlight making his tanned skin shine with its argentum light.
You gawk, he is… huge. And you don’t even know his name, yet.
The muscles of his chest expand when he opens his arms to then dip inside the water. The waves receive his while déshabillé and he swims closer to you. He gets his head off the water and ruffles his hair, the little salty drops hit your burning cheeks and you could swear some steam forms.
“You are naked” you state the obvious, biting your own tongue at how stupid you feel. “So are you. I told you I would keep you company” he says, so naturally as if skinny dipping was a common practice for him. “Hehe, I guess you are right” you nervously laugh, biting your lower lip.
He smiles, taking a brief look at your breast. Semi visible transparency as the foamy waves have dissipated. It’s now or never, it’s now or n-
The lifeguard snatches you by your waist and pulls you closer to his chest. His lips crash with yours, and you close your eyes instantly. “Let it go, (Name)” you encourage yourself and so do you. You separate your lips allowing the stranger to violate your mouth with his tongue.
His hands rest on the small of your back as both of you melt in a passionate making out session, you can feel his hardness growing against your lower belly. And you want this, you want this so much, even if you weren’t looking for it.
One of his hands ascends through your back and goes up the water to your wet hair. His fingers tangle around it and pull your head back. Your neck, displayed to him, makes his mouth watery as if he was a beast wanting to bite, to drink your blood from your carotids.
You moan as he nibbles on your skin. You moan and cross your legs around his waist, heels burying on his back, as your core searches for a so needed pressure.
He notices your neediness and sexily laughs against your neck. “Eager for me to fuck you?” he asks, licking the salty taste of your skin. You nod because it’s the first time you really need a man to be inside you. A man? more like a God for you at this point.
“What a beautiful coincidence for me to find such a needy mermaid tonight” he mumbles, while his strong left arm pulls your chest out of the water. Your breasts are now up to his face. He gloats and attacks them without any waiting.
He sucks, he bites, he pulls and makes you scream. His short nails carve on your back as your core presses against the tip of his sex. And nothing matters, the sea motion makes you graze your sexes against each other’s, and you don’t know his name, and he doesn’t know yours. You only want his body, and he only wants yours.
You brush his wet mossy coloured hair back, pushing him off your nipples for at least a little. He smiles, this time not sexily, but sweetly and silly. “What?” he asks, softly.
You look at him with needy eyes, and a subtle smirk. No need for words, you are asking for him to fuck you, now, right now. “Heh” he laughs, taking his hand underwater. You feel his arm pumping up and down, and then guiding it to your entrance.
“Let yourself fall over it, I’m holding you” he commands, apparently being an expert on the matter. And you comply, your grip around his waist. The pressure of the water flooding your insides cause you’ve been dilated for a long time, plus the intrusion of his huge shaft makes you curl your toes. “Fuck” you moan, feeling your walls stretch.
He grunts, throwing his head back and tensing his neck muscles. “Damn it feels so tight and good” he whispers in your ear after he had taken his face to the side of yours. “Good girl, now let me fuck you” he says, and by the time you can even process what’s happening his fingers are carving on each side of the back of your thighs to make you hump helped by the waves motion.
Up and down you go, sometimes kissing his lips, sometimes resting your forehead on his wide shoulders. Your nails leave marks on his caramel flesh, your tongue sometimes plays with three golden earrings he has on his left earlobe. And he fucks you mercilessly and up to the point your mind goes numb and foggy.
“I’m coming, sir”, “me too, mermaid”
Both come, trembling, grunting, fixing your eyes on the stars that garnish the sky above your lustful melting bodies. What a crazy experience, what a risky, crazy experience.
He takes you to the coast, where both of you rest for a while, normalizing your breathings and trying to process the sudden sexual encounter you both had.
“What’s your… name? he asks, realizing none of you know the other. You smile and turn around to face him.
“(Name), what’s yours?”
“Roronoa, Zoro. Lifeguard of this beach section” he informs you, sure that you are not even listening nor you care.
But you do, and his name will be ever written in your memory as the window that opened while a door was closing in your life ~
221 notes · View notes
notchesandbullets · 3 years
Take it From Your Hot Neighbor Baby (Virgin!Sub!Midoriya x Reader)
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Art credit: Heijiu Comics
Requested by anon: OMGGGGGG I love your writing, I was thinking If I can make a request on a smut with my baby Izuku Midoriya. Where he's so beautiful and innocent and the older neighbor next door from him likes him and basically targets him for sex which is the reader of course, and he likes her too. So then she totally doms him and invites him to her house and basically go at it as Izuku's innocent's self can't handle the pleasure the reader gives him!If you could do that I love your writing, If not it's cool!!!
Warnings: slight dumbification, precious bby izuku is 19, everything that happens here is consensual, unprotected sex, pet names, overstimulation, virgin!sub!izuku (mainly), Aged up!AU, filthy smut, dirty talk, cursing.
A/N: Thank you for the request, I hope you like it!! i loved writing this :D (feel free to send me another to write, i’m already almost done with what i suspect is your other one xD)
Words: 4k
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You grinned as the shared wall between you and your neighbor shook, signaling that the boy from next door was finally home. 
Midoriya Izuku, a passionate and utterly clueless broccoli-haired boy turned fresh pro-hero, sweet and sensitive, everything you ever wanted in a partner. That, and he was clearly too shy to approach you.
You had been neighbors with him and his mom for forever but only until recently, after his admission into UA did you start to see him in another light besides platonic. And it wasn’t until he graduated that he had completely dominated your interest in another way entirely.
It was no secret that he used to be a scrawny kid but since his high school days, he had bulked up considerably. 
Now, with the body of a tank and a soul bursting with positivity, you were completely hooked.
It really was astonishing to you how he continued to maintain that innocent personality after becoming a pro-hero. No one was that optimistic and oblivious all at the same time. 
You had started out with smaller hints, bringing him food once a week to make sure he was eating properly, taking care of him when he was sick or injured and just too stubborn to admit it and go to the hospital, you name it and you’ve done it.
What was extremely exciting at first to be interacting with him like this dulled the moment you realized this baby was so innocent that all your signals were completely going over his head.
The dumb baby. Your dumb baby.
He was fast approaching 20 but you were willing to bet he hadn’t even gotten laid yet. With the way he walked, it was as if he was still the same kid you had met ten years ago.
Your parents had long since moved out of the apartment, going closer to where your grandparents were since they were getting older and needed to be taken care of. You had politely declined their invitation to go with, asking if you could take over the lease on the place since they would no longer be living here.
As their only child, they had a soft spot for you and let you do as you pleased now that you were old enough to be living on your own. They even helped you out with the rent even though that was entirely unnecessary. 
Your day job paid enough.
An upbeat tune floated throughout your apartment and you danced along to the music in nothing but a thin cami and a pair of scarlet lace panties. Since it was so hot today, you had decided to forgo actual clothes. It was perfect, but you were definitely still sweating. 
Tapping a finger to your chin thoughtfully, you recalled how your adorable and hot neighbor’s mom was out working all day and wouldn’t be back until late. Plus, you knew that he had no hero work today, courtesy of the boy telling you himself via text when you checked up on him earlier this week.
Pulling an oversized t-shirt over your head so that it brushed just below your thong clad ass and fell off of your shoulders, you fluffed your hair, giggling to yourself at your reflection in the mirror. 
Today was the day you would make Midoriya yours. 
Grabbing a few cookies from the kitchen that you had made just last night because you felt like it at that moment, you flung open your front door, knocking on his a second later. 
Hopping in place excitedly, you couldn’t contain your enthusiasm. You hadn’t even bothered to message him that you were coming over, knowing that he would prefer it be a surprise. 
“Izuku!!” You cheered when the door opened, immediately thrusting the plate of cookies out towards him. 
He staggered a couple steps back, unprepared for your sudden attack but rubbed the back of his head with a sheepish smile, emerald eyes shining with gratitude.
Midoriya bowed gratefully. “Thank you, Y/N!!” 
It had taken literally years before he was comfortable calling you by your first name without any honorific attached to the end of it. But it was worth the wait as warmth sparked through your heart and a soft smile adorned your features before it was replaced with a mischievous one.
Bounding up to him, you pressed your chest against his purposefully, making it so that you almost lost your balance. You gasped in mock surprise when he instinctively wrapped his arms around your waist to catch you, relishing in how strong his arms felt around you.
Midoriya stuttered as your boobs were practically smushed against his face by how close you were to him. Were they always that big?!
It wasn’t like he masturbated to you everyday or anything. Definitely not.
He groaned, throwing his head back as your body heat encompassed him. 
Who was he kidding, he jerked off to you every spare second he got. He couldn’t help it though. Your beautiful smile always beckoning him over, those alluring eyes of yours enticing him closer and closer until he felt as though he could combust merely by standing in your presence alone.
Giggling, your teeth sank down into your bottom lip and you batted your eyes at him. A shudder ran down his spine and you bit back a smile at the blush that sat on his freckled cheeks.
“Do you want to come over for a little while?” You asked softly, feigning shyness and you rubbed your thighs together. “I have something I want to show you.”
The action didn’t go unnoticed and Midoriya’s mouth dried as the swell of your breasts peeked up over the low scoop of your shirt when he glanced down. 
“Uh, y-yes?” He uttered, voice shaking with uncertainty as he automatically agreed to what you had asked him without even thinking about it.
You giggled, eyes lighting up in excitement. “Great!!”
He stumbled after you as you dragged him next door to your apartment, losing his balance and falling on the couch as you pushed him inside. 
Your eyes shifted from playful to concern as he landed on his back with an ‘oomph’.
You were quick to cup his face, examining him closely. “Oh no, Izuku, are you alright?” 
“Y-Y/N!!!” He stammered out, face bright red at your proximity.
“Are you alright?” You repeated, uncharacteristically serious and seeing as how you were asking him more than one question, he nodded to both. 
You chuckled, leaning in close. His cheeks burned at your proximity and although you wanted so badly to tease him, you needed to get something straight first.
“You ever been fucked before, baby?” You cooed sweetly and a visible shiver shot down his spine.
He gaped for a moment, not used to you saying something so brazenly but shook his head wordlessly. 
You smiled, your tone taking on a gentle lilt as you sensed his nervousness. “Want me to be your first?”
This time he didn’t hesitate. 
“Yes.” He whispered, barely breathing as he finally confessed what he had been longing for ever since he turned of age. “Want you so bad.”
You didn’t outwardly show it, but your heart skipped a beat at his admission and the butterflies fluttered uncontrollably.
“Yeah?” You bit your lip to contain the wide smile. “Something tells me that you want to be played with, am I right?”
A whine bubbled past his lips and your smile turned wicked. Oh, you were going to have so much fun with him. You wondered how he would look when you played with his nipples, which you sure would be so sensitive it would have him hard in a heartbeat, or how he looked writhing under you when he was about to cum. 
Anticipation thrummed through your veins and you couldn’t believe that after all this time, you finally had the opportunity to give him that kind of pleasure. 
“Such a good boy.” You crooned softly and he audibly keened, stretching towards you desperately as you denied him a kiss. “What’s your safeword, baby?”
Midoriya’s head was spinning and his brain was short-circuiting from how unbelievably close you were to him. The sweet smell of your perfume flooded his senses and he swallowed thickly, very much aware of how little clothes you were wearing. You had yet to touch him and he was already a goner.
“S-Safeword?” He stammered out, his eyes shutting automatically as you threaded your fingers through his hair, a small moan breaking through the weighted silence as you scratched his scalp. 
You observed his every move, every flutter of his lashes as he fell under your spell without even trying to succumb. 
“Mmhm…” You hummed. “A word that you can use at any time and I’ll stop everything.”
A safeword was for both parties but you were fairly sure that you wouldn’t need it, being more experienced than him and aware of your boundaries. But just in case, you whispered that little tidbit of information in his ear so that he wasn’t left out of the loop.
“What if…” Midoriya gulped, restraining himself to keep his hands at his sides no matter how desperately he wanted to kiss you. He wanted to know if they were as soft as they looked. “C-Can’t I just tell you to stop?”
You frowned a tiny bit, not put off by his question but rather how fucked out he looked already. The poor boy was already straining in his pants, the bulge making your mouth water but you kept your head on straight. 
“You can.” You agreed. “If that’s what you want, we can do that.”
He glanced away from you, thinking hard. He wasn’t all innocent. He had watched porn before when dared to by Bakugou after one of the class movie nights at Heights Alliance back when they were at UA, and he was embarrassed how quickly he got attached to the videos that had bondage and overstimulation.
It always looked so enticing. He wanted to know what it felt like to be pinned down and overpowered until pleasure rode on every one of his senses. 
He wanted you to do that to him. 
“W-What about if I just used your name?”
Midoriya cringed as soon as he suggested it and took it back faster than you could react, another idea tumbling out of his mouth in a split second. 
“Black?” He whispered, avoiding eye contact with you. 
Baby boy blinked so nervously, worried you might refuse or reject him for any reason and you took his chin in between your thumb and forefinger, drawing his face close to yours. 
“Alright baby, that’s perfect.” You reassured softly. “Either one of us can use it and then everything stops, okay?”
He nodded, getting more excited as your breath fanned across his lips. 
“Need to hear you say it.” You demanded quietly. 
His green curly hair bounced as he nodded vigorously. “I understand!!”
Midoriya stiffened for a moment in surprise as you finally pressed your lips against his, sealing his first kiss and he swore his heart stopped beating. Then, he melted into putty as you moved your lips skillfully against his, coaxing him to return it with as much lust and passion as you were igniting within him.
You pulled away to lean in close to his ear, trailing a finger up and down his chest playfully.
“Let me take care of you, Izuku~” You cooed, slyly licking the shell of his ear, savoring in the shiver that shot down his spine as a result of your ministrations.
You continued down, planting hot and wet open-mouthed kisses along his jaw as he whined and wriggled beneath you. Trailing down his neck to his collar bones and then his bare chest as you ripped open his shirt in one swift movement, you pinned his wrists above his head.
A protest ripped from his throat at your display of dominance.
“Y-Y/N!! I wanted to—”
“To what?” You questioned smugly.
Midoriya whimpered pathetically and you smirked. 
He blushed, looking away. The boy was built like a bull but was an absolutely softie, innocent pure little bean at heart. He didn’t have what it took to take over. 
“You wanted to touch me?” You asked, laving your tongue around one of his sensitive nipples. “You wanted to be on top?”
His face scrunched up at the strange sensation, biting the inside of his cheek to keep from crying out as you bit down on the tender flesh.
You licked your lips seductively, making a show of your tongue grazing over your teeth as you gazed down at him through hooded eyes. “Do you think you deserve to touch me after being such a bad boy?”
You heard him every night. The walls were thin in the cheap apartment complex you lived in. Too thin. 
“Don’t touch me until I say so.” You ordered.
You heard every wanton moan that bubbled past his pouty lips, such pretty little sounds that you wanted to hear all for yourself. You were jealous of the others in the vicinity that can undoubtedly hear him as well. The only thing that settled your heart at ease was the luscious cries of your name falling from his lips. 
And now, all your neighbors would know just who he belonged to.
Midoriya gulped nervously and you reveled in the adrenaline pumping through your veins at being in control and dominating him. Your shirt rode up as you straddled his hips, and he wriggled beneath you, wanting nothing more than to touch you.
You trailed a finger from his chest all the way to his navel, teasing the waistband of his pants. He whined as you wiggled your ass down to sit comfortably on top of his thighs. Deftly unbuttoning his jeans, your eyes flickered back up to him.
“Oh my, these look so uncomfortable.” You mock pouted, sneakily biting the zipper of his fly and pulling it down. “Do you want me to take them off for you?”
You grinned as he involuntarily bucked his hips up into your feather-light touch, tears collecting at the corner of his eyes in frustration. Slowly pulling down his pants and boxers together, your eyes bugged out as you saw what he was packing.
“Oh…” You mused. “I wasn’t expecting this.”
If you thought he was big, you were dead wrong. This boy was hung as a horse. Well endowed to the max, he was easily packing eight inches and you couldn’t even fit your hands all away around his thick girth. 
You stroked him as best as you could but judging by that guttural groan that erupted from his mouth, you’d say you were doing a pretty good job. 
“Please!!” Midoriya begged, practically sobbing as you teased him and it was like music to your ears. “Please, Y/N, make me feel good!!”
“Yeah,” You whispered, suckling on the vein that ran on the underside of his stiff member. “You want me to make you cum, baby?”
“Yes, please!!” He cried, fisting the fabric of the sofa, remembering your rule not to touch you yet. 
But it was killing him.
The foreplay had made you wet enough to take him and you weren’t keen on waiting another second longer.
Positioning yourself over his leaking head, the tip of his engorged shaft rubbed against your puffy folds as you pushed your thong to the side.
Midoriya’s eyes bulged out of his head as he saw the red lace and he couldn’t stop his hands from shooting to your waist as you threw your shirt up over your head, leaving you in that thin cami that left nothing to the imagination. 
“F-Fuck—” You cursed as you sank down on him, thighs trembling from the effort of taking him. “Izuku, baby, you’re so big.”
He was rock hard and pressing against your inner walls just right. It had been so long since someone had filled you up like this and now that you had him, no one even came close to any of those prior. 
Midoriya was huffing, moaning uncontrollably as the rush of pleasure he got by being encased in your tight heat so quickly. His hands gripped your hips, kneading the flesh of your ass as he started to rock you back and forth in his lap.
You completely ignored the fact that he disobeyed your order. 
“Dumb baby,” You cooed softly. “Does that pussy feel good around your cock? Huh? Tell me.”
“Yes— hhgh, I love it so much, Y/N, you feel so tight, ahh!!” He mewled, unable to think of anything else except how good your cunny felt fluttering around him.
His face was beautifully flushed, unable to tear his gaze off of where his cock had disappeared into you. The sticky wetness smeared against his hip bones made your arousal evident and he was impossibly turned on at the vision in front of him.
You threw your head back as he took over control, gyrating your hips for you before you were even adjusted to his massive length. A breathy moan tumbled out of your lips as his fingers knotted their way into your hair, yanking it back so that your hips canted into him with every thrust. 
“I-Izuku!!” You moaned loudly as he roughly and sporadically pounded into you. 
You squealed as he pulled you down to his chest to get a better angle, all the breath vanishing from your lungs as he planted his heels and fucked up into you so fast that you would’ve fallen off from the force if he wasn’t holding onto you with an iron grip.
“Sorry, Y/N!!” He broke off with a whine and burrowed his face into your neck as you clenched around him, his hips stuttering. “But I’m about to—”
You shrieked as he released inside of you, painting your walls with his thick, milky white cum. Chest heaving, you pushed him down and straightened up, clicking your tongue.
“Such a selfish baby.” You crooned, controlling your breathing enough to put up a confident front. “I didn’t even get to cum yet.”
His eyes widened in horror at not satisfying you first. “Oh, Y/N, I’m so sorry, I didn’t— Gah!!”
His earnest apology was interrupted  as you began bouncing on him again, keen on reaching your high. His spent length twitched inside of you and he whimpered, eyes screwed shut at the pain.
“Y/N!! It… It hurts!!” Midoriya whimpered pitifully, his eyes screwed shut at the overstimulation.
“Aw,” Your smile was sadistic and you threw your ass back into his lap intentionally, causing him to throb within you. “Does it?”
“Yes!!” He cried out. “Fuck, please stop!!”
You pouted sadly, gyrating your hips faster. “But I haven’t even cum yet.”
It was too much. Your words spun with those sinful rocks of your hips was making a lethal mix of pain and pleasure shoot through his system and he whined, pawing at your hips. 
“Y/N, please!!” He begged, unsure what he was begging for at this point. 
It didn’t take long for him to get hard again. You weren’t sure if his short refractory period was a side effect of his power or the fact that he had just lost his virginity to you and wanted you again, but you were definitely going to oblige him either way.
Midoriya arched into your scalding touch as you leaned down to kiss him once again. Your soft lips and the hot cavern of your mouth distracted him as your tongues danced together and he almost forgot about the fact that he was balls-deep inside of you. 
Until you started to move again. 
His cry was muffled as you licked it out of his mouth before pulling away.
Your grin widened and you rocked your hips back and forth at a mind-blowing pace, reducing the blubbering boy beneath you into a whimpering mess.
But your confident façade soon vanished as his hands found purchase on your hips and bucked up wildly. 
The grin slipped off your face and you whimpered, fingers splaying on his bare chest for balance as he went wild, fucking up into you with abandon. 
You could do nothing else other than hold on and pray you wouldn't fall off of him as he took over.
Biting your lip, you desperately tried to regain control. “Izuku—” 
He gritted his teeth, ignoring you and your eyes widened as green lightning started to surround his body. 
Your eyes widened. “Wait—!”
He didn't. 
Your head tipped back and the loudest scream you've ever produced ripped from your throat as he used One for All to completely destroy your pussy. But to your disbelief, he didn’t stop, he didn’t even slow down when you contracted around him.
His hips slammed up into yours at a breaknecking speed and tears blurred your vision as you cried out, sobbing with pleasure as he finally made you cum.
“Y/N, you’re milking my cock so much!!” Midoriya blurted out with a raspy moan as another orgasm spiraled to you and you shrieked, this one hitting harder than the last.  
At some point, you blacked out.
When you came to, Midoriya was hovering over you worriedly, his green eyes glistening with concern as he called your name over and over again.
Sitting up with a groan, you realized that he had laid you down on the couch and covered you with a blanket.
“Y/N?” The boy asked, brushing the hair out of your eyes as he sat down by your side.
You offered him a smile, every bone in your body protesting as you sat up. Midoriya was helping you in a second, ignoring your feeble protests that you could do it yourself. 
The next minute, he played with his fingers awkwardly. 
“Was… Was it good for you?” He asked timidly, blinking his big eyes up at you. 
You cracked a smile at how earnest he was. Cutie. 
“Of course it was.” You murmured, planting a soft kiss on his forehead before staring straight into his eyes. “You know this means you're mine, right?”
Midoriya blinked his doe eyes, mouth parting slightly. “Eh?!”
You smirked. “Yup.”
“Really?!?!” He asked excitedly, leaning forward to stick his face close to yours and you giggled. 
Adorable. Simply adorable.
“Yeah, baby.” You whispered, cupping his face and pecking his freckled cheek. He was so sweet. So pure. 
You couldn’t wait to defile him more. Wait until he was exposed to the world of BDSM.
Licking your lips slyly, you smirked. “You’re all mine.”
Taglist: @katsukis-sad-angel​
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abarbaricyalp · 3 years
Vampire/vampire hunter au? Sam/bucky or sam/steve/Bucky <333
Omgggggg I know you've been waiting for, like, six hundred years for this. And I know it was supposed to be a drabble.
I like monsters.
I'm putting the first section here, on account of it's 16,000+ words total. The link to AO3 will be in the reblog
Put Your Teeth Into My Beating Heart
“Man, what the hell are these things?” Sam asked as he wrenched another stake out of a decaying ribcage. Moonlight streamed down the stake until it hit the dark blood on the end. Not as gory as a fight between a handful of vampires and two hunters could be. Still unpleasant.
“Ancient,” Steve said while he wiped down the shield with holy water, ground garlic, and silver flakes. “They’re not pure bloods, they were turned. But it looks like they were turned closer to Varnae than Morbius. Much closer.”
Sam pulled another stake free and then started collecting the much smaller silver spear-heads. “So why are they emerging now? Clearly they have no preservation skills. They ran right at us with no attack plan.”
“Could be anything. A decoy. A mind-controlled army. Something that’s been slumbering and has only just been awakened.”
Sam’s lips curled up in distaste and he finished sheathing the stakes. No sense in cleaning them yet. There was always more to do before the sun rose. “Why is it only the ancient ones that slumber? Why can’t they all decide to take a really long nap right now?”
Steve laughed, though it was not as light as Sam had heard it before, and clapped a hand on Sam’s shoulder. “Next time we find ourselves in front of the Council, you can suggest that to them.”
Sam kneeled down to break off bone fragments and teeth to take back with them. There were usually answers in vampire bodies, if someone knew how to read the text. Luckily, Sam knew vampire bodies very well.
He and Steve had been hunting vampires for years now. Sam had to admit, a walking World War II icon was not who he expected as an ally in vampire hunting. To be fair, though, he hadn’t ever really thought about vampire hunting in the first place. He’d only been looking for one. He found Steve instead.
Steve seemed to be looking for all of them with a wild sort of vengeance driving him. At first, Sam thought Steve had been bitten, between the strength and the regeneration and the fact he still looked twenty five after almost a century on ice. But that was just the super soldier serum, which was a good thing because Steve hated vampires and Sam was pretty sure Steve wouldn’t still be around if he’d been turned.
The extent of Sam’s knowledge about Steve’s history with vampires was that Dracula had something to do with the battlefields of World War II. They had teamed up to keep armies off of the grounds of Transylvania. Then Dracula and some mad scientist named Ravencroft began experiments on soldiers and that was around the time Steve vowed to stop all vampires. Sam assumed the three gouges that ran down the length of Steve’s face contributed to his hatred as well.
Sam was a soldier. He knew the look of a person who had lost someone important to them. He just couldn’t get Steve to say who it was or what had happened.
Then again, Sam had his own secrets, so he didn’t push too hard.
“Hey, Steve, come look at these hearts,” Sam called and wrenched a punctured one free.
“What about them?” Steve asked from across the room, coming over slowly so he could examine each body between him and Sam, as if he could see hearts through skin and ribcages.
“They’re full of blood. But there’s none in the rest of the bodies. I thought they just hadn’t fed when I first saw them but…” Sam dragged a silver knife down the arm of the vampire in front of him and found only skin and bone and dry muscle. “This just makes them easier to kill. No chance of reanimation when the stake is removed.”
Steve hummed and scratched his neck absently. He did it all the time. Sam thought he was checking for puncture wounds. “I’d say husks, but you don’t have to feed husks.”
“What about mules?” Sam asked suddenly.
“What are mules?”
“I mean, what if they’re just being used to move blood from one place to another.”
“That’s a lot of work in a world where blood banks and the technology for them exists freely,” Steve pointed out.
“Yeah, but think of how often we’ve staked out blood banks to catch a dozen vampires in the act at a time. All hunters know to do that. Ambulances have stakes in them now. The world is evolving. Maybe vampires need to too.”
“If they’re mules, where are their shepherds?” Steve asked gravely. The thought sent a chill down Sam’s spine. “And why use ancient vampires?”
“If they’re reanimated, maybe someone found a mass grave. Besides, the longer something’s dead, the easier it is to control it. Or, like you said, they came up on a sleeping nest and overtook them all at once.”
Steve grunted and kicked a body. It dissolved into ash.
Something flashed behind Steve and by the time Sam really understood what he was seeing, he didn’t even have a chance to cry out. He leapt forward, putting his body between Steve and the vampire melting out of the shadows.
“Sam! No!” Steve shouted as the vampire tackled Sam down onto the ground. He didn’t have time to worry about his head hitting the tile because the next second, the vampire’s teeth were in his neck. It hurt like a bitch every time.
It hurt more when Steve tackled the vampire off of Sam and the vampire took a not insubstantial chunk of Sam’s skin with it. Sam was just about to throw himself into the fight, to protect Steve again, when he realized the vampire was spitting out his blood, staring at Sam wide eyed. The hands on Steve’s shoulders were only pushing him away, disregarded.
Steve also wasn't fighting. His wide eyes were focused on the vampire. It was a beautiful creature. Eyes so blue, Sam felt like he was getting frostbite just looking at them. Long hair that curled against his neck. Pale skin with blue veins snaking down strong features and long, elegant fingers. Lips so red-- Oh, right. That would be blood.
“Bucky?” Steve breathed.
The vampire looked away from Sam long enough to scan Steve’s features. “Who the hell is Bucky?” he asked and finished shoving his way out of Steve’s hold. “And what the fuck are you?” he asked Sam. “You’re not the Daywalker, but you’re not all vampire either. Why does your heart beat?”
“What? Buck-- Your name is James Buchanan Barnes. Don’t you remember who you are?”
Again, the vampire--Bucky, apparently, he was much sexier before Sam knew that--tore his eyes from Sam like it was the last thing he wanted to be bothered to do. “I don’t remember anything,” he said, like he’d said it a million times. “I don’t remember anything from before I was born.”
“Turned,” Steve said and held onto Bucky’s shoulders tightly. “You were turned. You were born a human, in 1917. Your parents’ names were George and Winnifried.”
“This information isn’t important to me,” Bucky said and wrenched Steve’s hands off of him.
“You have a metal arm,” Sam said and Steve jumped like it was the first time he was seeing it too. Sam kept a wary eye on him, trying to remember the stories Steve had told him on long night stakeouts and over painful breakfasts the mornings after brutal hunts. Bucky tickled something at the back of his head, but he couldn’t bring it forward. Mostly he was thinking about the blood seeping between his fingers on his neck.
“Observant. A vampire hybrid and you’ve got eyes. Wonders never cease,” Bucky said drily. “I assume you weren’t moving these things,” he said, and kicked a vampire body the same way Steve had. Again, it collapsed into ash.
“No,” Sam said evenly. “Which I assume means you weren’t either.”
“I was trying to track them down,” Bucky answered. “To kill them,” he added, as if that wasn’t clear.
“A vampire vampire hunter,” Sam said.
“We’re a fine pair.”
“What are you talking about, Buck? Sam’s human. Even more than me.”
Bucky barked out a laugh and Sam saw his fangs retract in the split second. When Bucky stepped towards him, Sam stepped back, which only made him pull an unimpressed face before he reached for Sam’s hand at his neck and pulled it away.
“It doesn’t work that fast,” Sam said, though he knew his skin had stitched together at least a little bit. His neck itched like crazy.
Bucky produced a cloth from one of the half dozen pockets in his jacket and wiped away the blood from Sam’s neck. It did not start bleeding again. Of course it didn’t, why would anything ever go his way?
“Sam, what the hell?” Steve asked and stepped over too, running his fingers over the fine skin where the wound had started to heal.
“Your friend is a hybrid,” Bucky said and shoved the cloth back into a pocket before the blood had finished dripping off of it. “But not one that I’ve ever seen.”
“Sam…” Steve said, looking to his friend for answers that Sam didn’t have. Unlike Bucky, he knew who he was before he was turned. It was the turning he didn’t remember.
“I just know it was the Claws that found me,” he said. “Or, at least, a handful of them. My partner got shot down, I went after him. Landed hard, got disoriented, got picked up by these weird things with total body wraps and orange eyes.”
“On account of the sun,” Bucky pointed out.
“Shut up, vampire. I was delirious by then and I don't remember anything else until I woke up in a pop-up military hospital by myself. Everyone else was dead and there was an icebox of blood bags next to me. That’s all the introduction into this life that I got.”
“What the fuck?” Steve said. “How did you fail to mention that?”
“Well, Steven, if you recall the first time I saw you, you were stabbing a vial of holy water into a vampire’s eye. Forgive me if I didn’t want to come clean immediately.”
“Badass,” Bucky said.
“I’m not done with you yet,” Steve snapped at him and then looked back at Sam. “What are you then? Why--How did you know you weren’t a full vampire?”
Sam shifted from foot to foot. “My heart still beats. And I can drink the blood of other vampires.”
Bucky’s head snapped up and it was his turn to take a step back. “Stay the fuck away from me,” he said.
“You already tried to eat me, asshole,” Sam snapped.
“No, I was trying to kill you. I had no desire to drink from you.”
“ I can touch silver. The sun doesn’t affect me as much,” Sam continued, ignoring the sexy but ultimately very irritating vampire next to him.
“A lot of hybrids take and leave the original characteristics. But I’ve only ever seen a beating heart in the Living Vampire and his creations. And he’s not actually a vampire,” Bucky said. Those light eyes landed on Sam again, thoughtful, studying.
“I’m not like Morbius,” Sam said tightly.
All three of them snapped their gazes to the door and the shadow pacing outside it. “We can continue this conversation later,” Steve said, face hardening for the encroaching battle. Sam turned to hand Bucky a wooden stake, a wordless truce, but the vampire was gone by the time the door burst inwards.
Again, there's more to this story. Much more. Link in the reblog.
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kelliealtogether · 2 years
I'm glad you're enjoying Fire in Every Vein!! It's an amazingly fun fic to write and I have so much planned. This was the first of a few 👀 moments, so buckle up.
Thank you so much for reading!!
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lululawrence · 4 years
do you know any good abo fics! ty
sad;gkhas;fdlksaj HELLO! i’m so so sorry i haven’t made the rec before now! but YES! i have LOTS of excellent a/b/o fics for you!
first of all, you can check out previous a/b/o fic recs i have made here: rec | rec | rec | rec | 
and i also have a masterpost of fics i’ve written that are a/b/o here
that said, last time i made an a/b/o specific fic rec was apparently about a year and a half ago, and when i checked my bookmarks for a/b/o fics i saved just since that time, i found almost 80 fics. i am NOT going to list all 80 here. lol as much as i would like to. instead i’ll share the 20 most recent fics i have bookmarked with the a/b/o tag and hope that suffices for now! You can find them all under the cut :D
A Distant Hazy Light by @greenfeelings / green_feelings - this fic blew my mind and is the first part of three she has planned and i just cannot recommend it highly enough??? the whole concept of the fic as well as the way it all unravels and various things come to light is beautiful and compelling and i adored it.
Like Candy In My Veins by @littlelouishiccups / littlelouishiccups - this is an oldie but a goodie! it was deleted a little while ago, but the author reposted it for us, which i’m very pleased about. it is such a fun fake relationship christmas fic that i’ve always enjoyed.
the way that you're thrilling me by @hereforlou / hereforlou - love me some non-traditional a/b/o pairings! this one is omega/omega and the self discovery as well as exploration with each other is just lovely. i very very much appreciated the way it was all handled and described and i am so very fond of this harry and louis hehe
don't know if i could ever go without by @lovehl / ifthat - okay this fic is so much fun, i love the world building. omegas are not equal to alphas and therefore have a hard time finding a job and louis ends up hiding he’s an omega in order to get a job at an alpha only firm. except he isn’t doing as good of a job as he thinks he is and that is just something i really really enjoy reading hahaha
I Should've Known by @28vinyl / nikogda - this is another omega/omega pairing BUT it’s a poly fic! there’s SO much pining after their alpha neighbor, liam, and he’s attracted to them too, but doesn’t thin he can do anything about it and the way the alpha and omega dynamics are played with are just... it is SO much fun. i loved this fic so much too.
First Moments of Freedom by @jaerie / jaerie - i feel like it’s a common caution i give to anyone i’m reccing jenna’s fics to, but i’ll repeat it once more: please read the tags. haha i loved this fic and as with all of hers it is so well written, but it covers some dark and triggering topics, so just please take care of yourself. if it is something you are still interested in reading after traversing the tags, then you’ll be taken on a journey, that’s for sure.
Rose Pink Omega by KatnissPotter1 - this one was a lot of fun because so much about the fic felt like a/b/o fics from 2014/2015, back when they were harder to find. it gave me such a sense of nostalgia haha! it’s omega harry and his twin alpha marcel, and omega louis is roommates and besties with harry, and then on top of all of that Louis is a camboy and it’s a uni au and... yeah. there’s just a lot all shoved together in this and it felt like a fun throwback reading it!
When Tomorrow Comes by @jacaranda-bloom / jacaranda_bloom - okay listen. i am a SUCKER for fics that focus on scenting, and this fic is such a fun way of looking at all of that, PLUS it has ALPHAS nesting!!! i’m also a sucker for nesting, but alphas??? omg i looooooved that. and the idea of soulmates all as a part of it, it just was such fun and i really loved it.
Shadows Come With The Pain That You're Running From (Love Was Something You've Never Heard Enough) by hlftanna - another secret omega fiiiic! this one is more canon compliant, but i really really love when the secrets build up to tension and misunderstandings and just really like seeing how it all plays out and comes together and seeing what all makes it fall apart and i got that in this fic so it was defo fun! hehe
Confessions of a Fabricated Alpha by @jaerie / jaerie - another secret omega fic!!! in this one louis works for a phone sex line and harry calls in to get the kind of stability he craves that he can’t get as a famous, secret omega and omgggggg the way it all unfolds is so lovely and i wanna protect and cuddle and love both of them and i told jenna that while i read it i wanted to wrap myself around harry and snarl at everyone surrounding him in the fic hahaha so yeah, it evoked a clearly emotional response in me which imo signifies an excellent fic haha
Home (It's You) by sunniskies - okay okay okay! miscommunicationnnnnn due to making a poorly timed joke with someone who misunderstands because of previous traumatic experiences? YES PLEASE. seeing them have to get past that hurdle when it happens not just once but a few times just has me all excited lol they are neighbors in this one and it’s so fun to see them interact when they are feeling awkward and gah yes love
Tastes like Strawberries by @sadaveniren / SadaVeniren - the classic i texted the wrong person kicks off this fic and i love how it turns out anyway. it’s so funny because louis just needs cuddles so so bad and harry just wants louis to have what he needs despite the fact he hardly knows him and then... well. it’s sada so if you’ve ever read any of her fics i’m sure you can imagine where it goes lol it’s wonderful, as per usual.
We Both Got Nothing to Hide by @chloehl10 / lovelarry10 - AND THEY WERE ROOMMATES!!! hahahaha seriously though, this one features pining! in the form of a SECRET NEST!!!! i just. a secret nest? so vulnerable i love it so much and don’t really know what more to say without giving plot away. secret nesting. roommates. what more do you even need?
If you let me be your man by @lightwoodsmagic / lightswoodmagic (sarah_writes) - sarah hits SO HARD with this fic and i LOVE it!!! zayn is so close to his heat that he doesn’t even realize he’s literally sniffing out an alpha based on his scent being so appealing and the way it all comes together is so so great. liam is so soft and wanting to be so good and zayn just WANTS HIM SO BAD i cannot. i cannot handle it. love.
Unplanned Circumstances by @haztobegood / haztobegood - a/b/o zouis!!! secret agent zayn! accidental pregnancy with a one night stand! ohhhhh this is so so so great and it’s once again the first part of the story! we have been promised more! i cannot wait because we have been promised a happy ending, we just don’t have it yet and i am here for it.
Promise Me You Won't Run Away by @thinlinez / thinlines - royalty au! it isn’t so much famous/non famous, but harry is just a knight and defo of lower status than prince louis, and ohhhhh!! it’s childhood friends to lovers secret relationship that also features HURT COMFORT and anticipated genders that don’t necessarily pan out and it’s just. oh goodness it is so much and i love it
i'll be by your side (anytime you're needing me) by genuinelylarry - omega/omega! friends to lovers! and they were ROOMMATES!!! featuring hurt/comfort and not wanting to overstep boundaries and not knowing about their ~preferences, and gahhhhhh the pining and longing and ahhhhh so many wonderful components all coming together in this one as well.
The Prince and the Thief by @jaerie / jaerie - an a/b/o take on tangled!!! it is even written in a way that has it read like a fairy tale. it’s so so so fun and silly and innocent while still being sexy and intense and they somehow find their way to their own happily ever after. it’s so lovely and soft and spoiled prince harry is just wonderful hahaha
Compete Against the Stars by @daggerandrose / amomentoflove - I LOVE THIS! SO MUCH! i am a sucker for a good shifter pack fic and in addition to that louis is the “rising omega” of his pack and ends up in an arranged marriage with the rising alpha from another pack and has never met him. then he goes to uni and meets harry and wants him so bad and i’m sure you can see the twist coming but how they get there?!?! is so great!!!! omg i cannot even... it’s just so so so great. i loved every second.
Dare you to move by @shining-louist / Whoopsiedaisiesss - omega activist louis! meets alpha harry at one of his marches! harry is so insecure and a blogger and louis is so strong and fierce and the way they kind of revolve around each other is so lovely. i really enjoyed seeing how louis helped harry come out of his shell and the way it came together in the end.
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dangermousie · 3 years
She is still young and can't tell the difference. When she really understands, she will definitely feel pain. He can't give her the warmth and companionship of a normal couple, or even go out with her, and she has to take care of him in turn, losing her whole life for a bottomless pit.
When she really meets someone she likes and has that unquenchable urge and yearning, he’s afraid she will understand his words today. The actual fact is he can't even imagine how she will look at him when she finds out that she was tricked.
A despicable marriage cheat, a despicable person who takes advantage of a woman's youthfulness and ignorance.
Oh my God, XXC’s worry (and not an unreasonable one) that MMT only feels gratitude for the fact that he saved her back then and it’s not love and she will realize it and it will be too late!!!! One of the things I love about this novel is that within a very unreal story, the emotions feel real - XXC has been dwelling so long in the “I am a monster” mind-space and so convinced he’s both dying and is deserving of it, that he just believes he has nothing to give her and instead of going “well, I will woo her and make sure she will fall for real,” he’s just appalled she will sacrifice her life for someone not worthy of it.
And then he has one of his fits and I wonder if it’s connected to his emotional state - this is the first time he’s been genuinely upset since the last fit. Hmmmm.
After driving the noisy maids away, Mu Mingtang dried her tears and walked to Xie Xuan Chen's side without even thinking, as if she hadn't heard the rumors of Xie Xuan Chen's madness when he killed without blinking: "Your Highness, how are you feeling? The doctor will be here soon, don't be afraid."
Xie Xuan Chen did not expect that one day he would be comforted by a soft little girl not to be afraid. Xie Xuan Chen was indeed afraid now, but he was not afraid of dying, but afraid that he could not control himself and hurt Mu Mingtang.
He used all his strength and said, "I can't bear it for long, you stay away from me."
If Xie Xuan Chen said he couldn't bear it for long, then it was really a situation that could not be helped. Mu Mingtang wanted to shed tears again, she blinked hard and said, "I'm not leaving. If I have left, what about you?"
The world in front of Xie Xuan Chen's eyes had twisted and spun, and there was a fury in his body that had no place to vent, and every inch of nerve in his head screamed for killing. Xie Xuan Chen first tried to suppress this madness, but he slowly became irritable, and his hands could barely control what he wanted to destroy.
Xie Xuan Chen suddenly reached out and knocked down the jade vase in the corner of the room, the jade fell to the ground in pieces, Mu Mingtang did not even have time to react, Xie Xuan Chen already held a piece of the fragment in his hand and stabbed himself directly in the arm.
Mu Mingtang shrieked and hurriedly went after him: "What are you doing!"
Xie Xuan Chen did not leave any room for maneuvering, he pierced deep, blood gurgled out and stained his clothes red in a moment. The blood flowed down the arm and snaked around Xie Xuan Chen's hand, dripping down to the ground.
The pain stimulated the mind, Xie Xuan Chen briefly regained his sanity, he immediately left far away from Mu Mingtang, not waiting for Mu Mingtang to move, he said, "It's not safe here, you go out, right now."
He is literally stabbing himself with shards over and over to clear his head so she won’t be hurt OMGGGGGG I caaaan’t! And he tries to take the pill that he knows has been created to poison him (it will suppress the madness but bring it back worse next time and also makes him dependent and he fought like hell against taking it before) because that means she will be safe and I caaaan’t! And he sends her out of the room to fetch it hoping she won’t come back and so be saved and !!!!
"I am calm right now." Mu Mingtang looked at Xie Xuanji coldly, "The person inside is my husband, whether he lives or dies, I have to be by his side. Get out of the way!"
I love her so fucking much!!!!!!
Today, he will most likely perish here. I didn't think he would die in the battlefield, but for this reason.
It was really a shame.
Xie Xuan Chen smiled mockingly, he was not afraid to die, but before he died, he had some regrets. It's still early in April, and he still doesn't know what the begonia flower looks like.
I am just gonna cry quietly.
The strength of Mu Mingtang is not as strong as Xie Xuan Chen's, Xie Xuan Chen's veins are bursting and he can hardly stand it: "Do you want to die? Let go!"
"I don't let go, it's always you who wants to die! If you die, I can't live either. Instead of dying in someone else's hands, it's better to die in your hands. If you are determined to die, then kill me along with you."
The blood in Xie Xuan Chen's hand flowed onto Mu Mingtang, and before long, Mu Mingtang also had a handful of blood, which was shocking to the eyes. Xie Xuan Chen almost used all his strength to restrain himself, he finally let Mu Mingtang snatched the murder weapon from his hand, Mu Mingtang used all his strength to throw the fragment far away, but in the end, it only landed three steps away.
This novel is a fucking feast!
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ajokeformur-ray · 4 years
My One Companion // Ezzie x J // soft NSFW (sensual) and fluff.
Summary: Cozy. Home. J coming home after wreaking havoc in the streets of Gotham to someone who loves him even though he's rough and callous. He likes it and he'll never admit to it, but I know he does. Begrudging but not reluctant cuddles, J receives some much needed TLC. Sensual cuddles/light smut. @ezziesworld​
A/N: asdfghjkl Ezzie omgggggg~ girl I love you <333 you’re such a treasure and such a wonderful person!!! I wanted to do this for you because you do so much for us and you’ve never been anything but endlessly kind to me so I hope that you enjoy this!!! If you want anything redone, please let me know!! ILYYYYY ~ <33333 
Also, I’m so so sorry that this is late omgggg~ I hope the length makes up for it!! <3 I reread your Domestic Bliss series and because you referenced it when you gave me your personal info., I did my best to incorporate some pieces of it in this gift!! <3
Word count: 4, 965.
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J had been gone for days.
Long stretches of time without your clown were torture for you. You hadn’t heard a single thing from him or even any of his men. Where was he? What was he doing? Was he safe, was he okay? Was he... was he dead? No - you shook that thought from your mind as quickly as it had occurred to you. You didn’t want or need to go down that path, it would only lead to deeper feelings than you were able to stomach or process at the moment. 
Oh, but you were so sick with worry for J.
Like the previous three days in a row did the time trickle past, somehow so slowly that you barely noticed and yet so quickly that you did. You felt stuck in limbo, just waiting. Unknowing of where J was or if he was okay. Unsure of what was going to happen, of when he was coming home. Yes, you were waiting for a man to come home and a part of you bristled at that, but the larger part of you, the part which had never bothered to fight what you had with J, was pleased, for surely your worry was the greatest proof you currently possessed of just how dearly, how deeply, you loved J.
Yes, you loved J. You adored every single thing about him. You had never been afraid of him, not even for a second. You were pretty emotionless as a person, but there was just something so otherworldly, so ethereal about J that you couldn’t help it. He was so intriguing and the numerous layers of darkness you saw in him only added to the overall mystery which surrounded him. You would truly never know J; he was the kind of person who invented himself each and every day. Some days he was a psychopathic killer, other days he was a true jester... every day with your clown was different and you only loved him all the more for it.
The more you thought about J, the more love bloomed in your chest. The heat of such an emotion, so intense and so all-consuming was it that it was bigger than you, spread strongly through your veins and warmed you to the very tips of your toes. Though you knew not where J was, what he was doing, the knowledge that he was out there somewhere as you looked out of the window kept you company. Loneliness lingered in the air of the apartment but it was kept away with thoughts of J. Of that intense chocolate gaze, of that hastily applied greasepaint which he rarely, if ever, fully washed off. Any part of his paint which came off was only painted over. J was almost always covered in at least five layers of greasepaint and it so perfectly represented who he was; he was just a man, just human like you were, but he was protected by layers and layers of mystery, intrigue... 
Oh, he was so beautiful. 
The longer you thought about J and the more you thought about how he wasn’t here, you only missed him more. You only loved him more, for all that he was and all that he would ever be. If you had your way, he would have come home days ago. Hell, he may even have never left. You knew that J was more than capable of looking after himself. He was most often the one behind riots and fights, heists, of entire buses being tipped over the edge of a bridge... though he said that he never had plans, he always had ideas. It didn’t matter how or why or when those ideas were carried out to fruition, just so long as they were. J could take care of himself, but you worried about him often. It was enough to drive you crazy, but the multiple layers of darkness in J called out to the darkness in you and you found yourself answering his call each and every day. You wondered if perhaps what the two of you shared together, had built together, was unhealthy in some ways, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. If J asked you to jump, your first and only question would be “how high?”. So long as you had J in your life, for all that he was, all that he had ever been and all that he ever would be, why... you had the world.
Perhaps that was why you stayed, no matter how much you missed him, no matter how much he put you through, no matter how long he was gone without a single word to you. J may have been a man of his word but he didn’t use them very often. He was a man of action. If he wanted to do something, he did it. He lived simply, when you really and truly thought about it. He was a man without rules, without plans. J was impulsive, reckless. He kept you on your toes each and every day and no two days were exactly the same. But there was one thing, just one, which you clung to no matter what he said or did: J always, always came home to you eventually. He never said that he was coming back, or when, but you knew that he would. You trusted him, you loved him, and you knew that there was no real reason to worry; J was always just fine and he always came home to you. He was rough and callous but you knew that he liked the tenderness which you greeted him with every time he came through your window; dirty, greasy haired and stinking to high heaven of gunpowder, gasoline and greasepaint, but what mattered was that he stayed. He stayed with you, beside you, and it was for this reason that you did, too. In staying with you, in coming home to you as he did, was J revealing all the untold truths of your situation together. J’s love language was one very few in the world even bothered to hear, let alone listen to, but you... oh, but you had taken the time to learn his love language as intimately as you knew your own, and it was so loud.
It was getting dark outside. You had been stood at the window for some time now, watching the gloomy grey Gotham sky darken into darker hues of purples and blues, which blended together so perfectly as the sun dipped below the horizon. The colours, like a gigantic bruise, as if the world was hurting, only darkened the longer that you stood there watching, waiting, for J. Oh, how had he reduced you to this? A part of you wondered if he stayed away for longer on purpose, just to see what you would do. Social experiments were one of J’s favourite things to do, he loved exposing the darkness in people. As the beautiful shades of the sky became black, the vast limitless expanse of the night sky was left unpunctuated by stars or constellations, so filled with pollution was the city air. It poisoned your lungs each and every day, the city dragged you down and made you feel like you were less than you were. You doubted things precious to you, things you needed as much as you craved oxygen, but J... oh, but J was able to breathe life back into you. He was your reason and your purpose, your drive... he was your everything. J reminded you each and every day of the things which truly mattered and he didn’t even have to try to do so; he achieved it simply by being his refreshingly chaotic self. J didn’t care. He was a true nihilist and his views, his attitudes, were both liberating and depressing; life was just a bad joke. Nothing needed to be taken as seriously as it was and in J did you find peace with yourself and your place in the world. He was right, when you really thought about it all; what did it matter? You would die one day anyway, so you may as well have fun while you’re here. 
Your thoughts had no chance to go further, to explore your own views of J’s attitudes, for there was a loud bang at the window and you jumped back at the sight of a ghostly white face and large, black eyes, and - over the pounding of your heart and the roaring in your ears of blood did reality kick in and you realised that there was no ghostly apparition at the window. No. J was home. You gasped, relief and love flowing through your body as you flung yourself forward and almost ripped the window open to let your clown home. J was home. “J, what are you doing? Why didn’t you just use the door?” Oh, but the many risks of harbouring a terrorising murderous clown gave you near daily heart attacks and so much anxiety, but you never regretted it for even a second. J coming home to you meant that he trusted you, that your space was safe. It meant that he was safe with you and it was one of the loudest displays of affection, at the very least, which he could show you.
J lowered himself across the frame, his upper body being lowered carelessly. His head hit the carpeted floor with a dull thud and you winced as gracelessly did his legs follow suit until there was a messy purple puddle of a man on your bedroom floor, his limbs everywhere. Oh, lord, he did not smell good but you didn’t even want to know what he had been doing since he had left without saying anything to you. Any information he gave you, even if it was false or a half truth,  could incriminate you. It could put you in danger and that was one thing which J would not stand for. In fewer words had J sworn to always protect you and as such, he never told you anything, not even lies for most often are they grounded in some semblance of truth. Nothing and no one would ever harm you on J’s watch, and that included any harm which you could do to yourself with your fears, anxieties, doubts and worries. You were completely and utterly safe with J. There was nothing you could ever say or do which would send him away. Nothing surprised him, not really, but you did have one advantage over the man who was always the smartest one in the room: your feelings for him surprised him constantly. For so long he thought that you were only showing interest in him because of his title as the clown prince of crime, because of his status in the city. For protection, for money, for brags. But you proved him wrong every single day and it was the one thing which always caught him by surprise.
That, and how fierce you were when you looked after him.
Like right now.
J wasn’t moving. He had just... clumsily rolled in through your hastily opened window and not even bothered to break his own fall, and now he was just lying there. You were torn between being amused and being concerned for how little he cared for his own well being. “Where would you be without me, J?” With an exasperated groan, you reached out for your clown and slid your hands between his armpits, getting as firm a grip on him as you could. “You gotta help me get you up, J. I’m not as strong as you.” Oh, but you were. You were a firecracker who was more than capable of holding her own, and you both knew it. In this instance, you only meant physical strength, and J emitted the softest of grunts which really told you just how physically exhausted he was.
J groaned tiredly as you hauled him up, just barely holding your own weight. You were an exact foot shorter than J. Your much smaller frame was not designed to hold up someone as broad and as muscular as J was, and even through his many layers could you feel the definition of his biceps as you walked with him to the bathroom. You kept a steadying arm around his waist and ignored his protests of, “Ezzie, ya don’t gotta smother me” and “stop handlin’ me”. He was more tired than he was letting on and you both knew it. He was rough and callous but you knew that he had missed you as much as you had missed him, and you also knew that even though he would never admit it, he appreciated all the ways you took care of him. If he had been alone, he would have simply fallen asleep right there on the floor, unshowered, unfed, dehydrated and stinking the room out. He would have woken up with muscle aches beyond what was comfortable and you both knew that even though you were using a firm hand with him, it was a needed one. It was for his own good and you were almost wholly convinced that his grumbling was all just for show, even with how he was almost dead on his feet. J was ever the dramatic man and right now was no different. J appreciated you for everything that you were, hell, even all the things that you weren’t because you were always so unashamedly yourself no matter what you went through. 
J had a softer than soft spot for you, and as a result, you were his one and only weakness. 
But you never held it over his head. You never questioned it, you never allowed yourself to. You simply accepted J for all that he was and in return did he accept you for all you were. You had taken each other on for all that the other was and you only had a deeper connection for it. Gotham was a city in desperate need of a complete overhaul and everything was chaos. Within that often terrifying lack of order and certainty, you found each other. Two souls, set apart from the rest of the city, had come together and forged such a beautiful and raw connection. Sometimes, when J missed you (not that he would ever admit it, even to himself), he found himself whispering your name to keep him company in a way no one else ever could. No one had gotten as close to him as you. Your name fell from his full lips like a litany and the repetitions blended and merged together until it was the music which he danced to, the song which accompanied the beating of his own heart; for surely you were in there, too. 
So often did you play through J’s mind like the most intoxicating symphony. It was maddening, really, the effect that you had on him and you didn’t even know it. You were a strong woman, powerful and so much of you was untouched by J; each and every day did he learn something new about you. That excitement kept him on his toes; you both presented a mystery to the other but you would never solve one another. Your depths were murky, full of contradictions and of untapped potentials and of so much life. Oh, but you and J were so well suited to one another. If either of you were romantics, you would suggest that you were soulmates. At the very least, it was certainly true that you both saw something in the other which kept you coming back for more time and time again. Perhaps that was all that soulmates were; two people who keep falling back together again and again and again for a reason neither of them knew, though each day did they feel it.
You flicked on the water in the shower and slowly, carefully, did you peel J’s royal purple trench coat off his body, mindfully lowering it to the floor. No doubt he had grenades, smoke bombs and the like in there, not to mention the copious blades he kept on him. You undressed his top half and then his bottom half, your eyes moving over his body both appreciatively and critically as you checked him over; looking for cuts, bruises, injuries... oh, but you couldn’t stand the thought of J suffering any kind of pain beyond that which you had inflicted upon him yourself, and it was definitely the same for J when it came to you. Two sets of brown eyes met as J stepped into the shower. He held a hand out for you to take, to help you in once you had undressed yourself, too, and your heart leapt at this small sign of affection from him. His heart was unlocked to you this night, his guard completely lowered. Before you, as you poured shampoo onto your hand, J’s head under the showerhead, wasn’t The Joker or J. Before you was Jack, the human underneath the person the entire city perceived to be a monster. He wasn’t a monster, this you knew, and well, and though you loved who he was and the way that he created himself each and every single day, your heart bled when all of those layers and all of those masks fell down, fell off, and the man beneath it all, when the beauty of who he was, of who he really was, was exposed to you.
You treasured these times like nothing else. 
“Come here, J,” You began to lather up his greasy hair, which began to foam up sea green. It’d need a re-dye soon, this you could see, and you wondered idly if he’d let you do it for him. J groaned tiredly, low in his throat, his head tipping back, back, exposing the column of his neck as greasepaint ran down his skin, creating a river of white, black and red which ran down his body, chased away by the hot water. Coupled with the feeling of your nimble fingers in your hair, J was well and truly on the way to falling asleep. His entire body felt so heavy, like it was on clouds, and he found himself sinking into your touch. J trusted you, he realised somewhere in the back of his mind. As shampoo suds ran off his body, cleansing hair and flesh alike, J tipped forward, forward, hunching down, down, so that he could rest his forehead on the slope of your shoulder. You smiled, you smiled, and you pressed a kiss to the top of his fully washed hair, rubbing your hands up and down your back as you used those shampoo suds to wash his back; it was all the same stuff, you knew, but you also knew that J was well and truly too tired to be in the shower for much longer. 
“J, you can’t sleep here.”
A grunt, a sigh, and J wrenched himself upwards, shaking his hair like a dog. “I’m up, I’m up,” He sighed heavily and eyed you. “Aren’t’cha gonna shower too, doll?” 
You’d almost forgotten about yourself, so concerned for J were you. You had just recently dyed your hair various shades of purple, blue and green and it didn’t really need a wash just yet. Your hair was mostly dry because J had been in the direct path of the water, and you shook your head. “No, I showered yesterday. Let me take you to bed, okay? You’re exhausted.” Blindly did J shut off the water, his eyes closed and his body relying on muscle memory. He grabbed the towel slung over the top of the shower and dried himself off with broad, swift strokes of the towel on both arms, his legs, his shoulders... J fluffed up his hair, not caring for how tangled it would be as a result, and you let him do this; at least he was keeping himself awake. You suspected that he was being rough with the towel to wake himself up, as well as a general and genuine lack of care towards his own person, something which never failed to make your heart twinge in your chest.
You hadn’t mentioned your own exhaustion. You didn’t tell J about how worried and how anxious you had been for him, for where he was and for how he was. Despite his current behaviour, you knew that he wasn’t a man who appreciated being coddled. He didn’t need looking after and times previous when you had tried to do just that had he scoffed at you and rolled his eyes, adjusted his braces and said something along the lines of, “quit naggin’ at me, Ezzie". Sometimes it made you angry but sometimes you didn’t really care. You had long since learned to be unbothered by J’s rough and callous manner. It was who he was and you loved him unconditionally. You wouldn’t ever change a single thing about him and you knew that he felt the same way about you, whether he said it or not. He didn’t need to; everything you ever need to hear J say was in those gorgeous chocolate eyes.
J knew that you were exhausted. He knew that you had missed him. He liked the way that you hadn’t said anything, too, because to him it only made it that much more meaningful when, as he finally collapsed into bed after being on his feet for over three days (how he was still awake at this point, even he didn’t know, but he suspected that his military past had something to do with it), you were instantly laying your head on his chest. Your ear pressed down hard over the spot where his heart was and you heard it beating fiercely through his warm flesh. Oh, but he was like a heater. J always ran hot, even in the dead of winter. He chuckled darkly, lazily, like he almost couldn’t be bothered to even express himself but his amusement overshadowed his need for sleep in that moment. “Ya’ just can’t resist me, can ya’, Ezzie?”
You made a sleepy noise, already feeling the heavy shackles of sleep binding you to the bed, to the duvet which fell so perfectly over your weary form, the way the mattress and J’s body kept you safe, sane... honest in who you were as finally did you succumb to your body’s needs. You had barely slept since he had been gone, only catching snatches of sleep every now and then. Running on naps was not ideal but without your clown could you not rest and you knew, somewhere in the back of your mind, that it was the same for J, too. He never truly relaxed, vigilance was simply integral to who he was after all he had said, after all he had done and experienced and been through. “No, but neither can you.” You raised your head and grinned at J, and he merely cocked an eyebrow in response.
J made a show of pushing you off of him, leaving your body feeling cold, empty without him there beneath you, but then he moved so fast that your naked eyes couldn’t catch up to the movement as he managed to get you on your back. He loomed over you, his hips snug against yours. You could feel his thick cock resting against your inner thigh; he was already half erect and you wondered what it was this time that had done it for him. In truth, nothing had. It was leftover adrenaline which was still coursing through his veins which still had him unable to fully rest, to succumb just as you wanted to do to the blissfully numbing effects of sleep. Morpheus was determined, this you both knew, but the feelings which you had for each other were even more so and after any kind of absence of J’s part did they demand to be felt. There could be no escaping the sweetness of reunion intimacy, even and most especially now. 
Your hands, which had been resting on his shoulders as you fought for some semblance of control, over the situation, over reality, slid up, up, into his wet hair, the strands sticking to your fingers. You gripped at those strands and J hissed air in through his teeth as you pulled back, exposing that slender column of your neck. Your lips attached to his neck and J pushed himself into your touch, wanting more of everything. J was your religion and you daily laid worship at his altar. Your open mouthed kisses were slow, reverent as you truly loved on him; as you told him that you loved him over and over and over again with your lips, your hot pink tongue leaving the warm cavern of your mouth as you licked and sucked and marked J as your own in all the same ways that he had done to you in the past. 
J’s hands gripped your hips tight, his hold on you bruising. There would be marks on the both of you after this but it was needed, it was wanted; that irrefutable proof that you owned each other; that you were J’s and that he was yours and that, no matter how far he strayed, no matter where he went, no matter what he did or who he was, that he would come home to you. You, with your brightly coloured hair, your gorgeous tattoos and those eyes which so captivated J and held his attention. Only you could ever hold J’s attention for long, but even so did he pull himself from your grip, his hands sliding up your body, his flesh ghosting across yours as he grabbed your face in both hands and kissed you hard. His lips were as bruising as his hands and as he devoured your mouth with his own could you feel the slightly greasy film which remained on his face, the outline of his teeth against yours... oh, but you were on fire and though you were both naked, though you could feel J pressed against your core so deliciously that it was driving you mad with want, with passion, there was nothing sexual in this. No, this was sensual, intimate... this was two souls coming home to each other for the first time in several days.
As quickly as he had kissed you was J gone, moving off of you completely and laying beside you. He groaned, low and deep and passed a hand over his face, looking well and truly fucked. There was a blackness under and around his eyes which could have been leftover greasepaint, but it could also have been real tiredness. Insomnia, nightmares... you knew not what plagued your J but both of you had barely slept since he had left, so in the end you chased away all questions. You wanted J to ask you to cuddle, you wanted him to show that he wanted your body against his as much as you wanted his against yours, but you wouldn��t ask. You wanted him to show you how much you meant to him, in any way he felt comfortable.
But this time, for whatever reason... he told you.
Time ticked past without event, marked only by your breathing. For every inhale you took did J exhale; so alike were you that even your natural systems aligned in some way. You were just on the edge of sleep and then J cracked one eye open and you felt him turn his head to look at you, shuffling over so that he was laying on your hair. The slight sting of that pulling sensation made you look at him. Two sets of dark brown eyes met and J grinned maniacally, his eyes alight with mischief but also with something which tugged your own heartstrings and he grabbed you roughly, his movements slow, as he tugged you into his body. J rutted against you a few times, his cock pressing into your cheeks, his full lips pressing kisses to wherever he could reach. His hands, fingers splayed so that he could touch as much of you as he could all at the same time, moved up and down your uppermost arm, chafing some warmth into you.
“I had, ah - a rough time without ya’, Ezzie.” 
You heard what J said, his voice soft, tired, but you listened to what he didn’t and it was this that made you smile and reach a hand back, blindly feeling for his hair. Your fingers slid into his hair and you pushed your body into J, wanting all of him aligned with you. So much shorter than him were you that your feet barely reached his shins, but that barely mattered for J tucked one of his muscular legs between both of yours, anchoring the two of you together for the night. You had no doubt that he would wake you up with a similar activity, once you were both more awake and aware of yourselves and each other, but for right now you could only feel his heated flesh against yours, still slightly damp from his shower, his clumsy, sloppy kisses against your back as he reassured himself of your existence, of your presence beside him, and the love which, though always was it unvoiced, was so potent, so rich that it was like a third entity in the room with you. It shielded you and protected you both. It kept you both safe, sane... and honest.
Finally, finally, had J come home, and so had you.
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