#Stranger things s3
dwobbitfromtheshire · 11 months
Steve: Screw Todd! Steve’s her daddy now!
Eddie: *still reeling from Steve knocking out that Russian, quickly pulled his hair into a ponytail* Alright, so this is how it happens.
Robin slapped him.
Robin: There's no time for that, especially in front of children, and that includes me! Focus!
Eddie: *blinking rapidly* Right. Thanks.
Robin: Anytime. . .no, seriously, anytime you want me to hit you. . .
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manic-eddie · 2 years
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Steve Harrington in his scoops ahoy uniform>>>anything else 🥹💞
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talesofliia · 2 months
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Going to the movies 📽🍿
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lumaxramblings · 10 months
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Billy & Max - Gone but not forgotten
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artbean · 8 months
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a s3 steve for @messessentialist!! a had a blast with this one, he’s still so pretty when he’s all battered and bruised.
request a palette and i’ll whip up a 2hr portrait like this one<3 note that i have quite a backlog but i do plan to do every one!
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buki-1 · 1 year
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Electric triangle
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Have some super nice iterations too
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pupkiu · 2 months
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drew this at like 2am
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nerdy-girlramblings · 4 months
Can someone who's smarter than me explain why the almost affair plot line with Mrs. Wheeler and Billy was a thing? I understand why for Mrs. Wheeler because she feels neglected in her marriage but why was Billy a part of it?
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justsomerandomfanfic · 5 months
Falling, Falling All Over Again - Steve Harrington X Female Reader
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Title: Falling, Falling All Over Again
Steve Harrington X Female Reader
Additional Characters: Robin, Nancy (Mentioned), the Wheeler family (Mentioned), Steve's parents (Mentioned), and the Reader's parents (Mentioned)
| Read Part 1 |
Requested by: Anon!
WC: 3,985
Warnings: Pre-Season 3, very brief mention of what happened in Season 2, banter, teasing, flirting, cursing, friends to lovers, reunion, and a lot of fluff
Today has been a slow day. Which was a bit odd for a weekend during the summer. The school - both of them - had been out for a couple of weeks at this point, and since then, Scoops Ahoy had been practically overflowing with teens excited about summer or little kids begging their mothers for ice cream at the new shop in the new mall. So, it being a weekend, during the summer, Steve thought that it would be another shift of chaos, but it was the total opposite. Around three hours into his shift, only thirteen customers had ordered their sweet-coned desserts from him. And that included Robin serving.
It was boring, and Steve knew that it was going to be when he applied for the job. The only times that it wasn't boring was when cute women were ordering from him or it was so busy that Steve's brain couldn't think about anything else but serving and scooping ice cream. By then, the word 'boring' was kicked out of the window and the wonderful word 'chaos' walked right on in. 
But today, as said before, Steve was bored out of his mind as he stood behind the counter, he leaned on his open palm, his elbow resting on the said counter; bent at the waist, staring off at nothing. His eyelids were drooped, mind elsewhere, away from his boring job, in his usually boring life, that he was thankful for, but he was so bored. It was practically killing him.
Robin slammed open the small window that separated herself in the breakroom from Steve, the sudden loud noise making Steve jump out of his skin a bit. Rapidly blinking, he pushed himself up to a slight slouch, turning his narrowed gaze towards her.
"Bored?" Robin asked, a grin on her face as her tone sounded more teasing than she actually meant to.
"Bored stiff," Steve replied. "I hope you're enjoying your break." He continued, but his own tone held no actual interest, more or so just annoyance towards the young woman; which was usual in their friendship.
Robin just continued to grin, raising her hand to show off the book in her hand; open, a couple of her fingers marking the page that she had been on. "I brought a book. So, yes, I am enjoying my break." Though, halfway through her sentence, her blue eyes strayed from his brown ones to look around the small soft-serve ice cream shop. "Got any more customers?" She asked with a small frown, only to continue, "Or have you been scaring them away?"
Steve huffed, rolling his eyes as he crossed his arms, "I'm not scaring them away," He defended himself, "No one's come in for the past hour." He exclaimed. At this point, the irritation that he had previously been feeling turned into mild irritation, and the frown grew deeper into a scowl as he spoke.
Robin snorted. Her lips quirked upwards into a tiny smirk. "I would think that this would be great news, for you, that is. You know, no customers for you means that you can just let time pass you by before going home."
"No customers means that we won't get paid well this week," Steve muttered, though he didn't care that much about the paycheck he'd be getting, he was, though, a bit upset that there weren't any pretty ladies coming in there for a sundae. 
Robin hummed shortly, pressing her hands against the windowsill, a thoughtful look on her face before her slight pout turned back into a grin, "Well, my board's gonna get all dusty if this keeps up."
Steve groaned, that board. That board, a small whiteboard that Robin kept in the break room that nobody used, was his doom. His rack and ruin. Just thinking about that board, Steve felt as if the sun was beating down on him. As if the heat radiating from his skin could melt him, searing the words 'you suck' onto his back until they were burnt and melted completely into his flesh. Because if he had to deal with that stupid board one more time, he might go insane. Okay... Maybe he was overreacting, but it did get him down sometimes. He wanted to show Robin that he could win himself a girl, with his charm and good looks. 
"I don't know why you insist on using that dumbass whiteboard." Steve spoke up, leaning back against the counter, his arms still crossed, as Robin just shrugged her shoulders.
"It's fun to mark down your progress." She answered, "Well, not your progress, since, you know, you haven't gotten a date yet."
"Just because the five or so-"
"Six." Robin interrupted, but Steve waved her off.
"Whatever. Just because I couldn't get a date in those six or something situations, doesn't mean that the next girl that walks in here won't fall for my foolishly good looks." Steve argued, running a hand through his hair as Robin let out a mixture of scoff and laugh. "I've told you before, I've had tons of girlfriends, and a hell of a lot of girls after me back in high school."
"Mhmm, but you're not in high school anymore," Robin answered, and she did have a point. Back in high school, Steve was very popular, everyone wanted to be him, date him, whatever. King Steve. But, after everything that happened, that all changed. Steve changed. For the better. "And I hate to burst your bubble, but I've seen the way you act around girls... You're hopeless. I don't know how you survived so long in your last relationship." As she finished her words, Robin winced, obviously upset with herself at how harsh she suddenly sounded. "Sorry, that was a bit rude."
Steve shook his head, waving her off once again "Nah... It's fine. I get it." Looking down at his shoes, Steve shrugged, "I don't know how we had last that long either." He muttered.
"This is going to sound all... Mushy... But," Robin began, "Were you in love with her... Nancy?" 
Robin's sudden question made Steve think for a moment before he spoke, "I think I was in love with the idea of her. She was fun and liked taking risks... Like me..." Steve sighed, "But yeah, I think I was in love with the idea of her... And yeah I was still upset when we broke up, and I'll always care about her, but I think that ship has sailed." At that last part, Robin snickered, making Steve look up at her, his eyebrows furrowed. "What?"
"You said 'ship has sailed.'" She spoke, placing her free hand to cover her mouth slightly as she laughed lightly, "With you in that outfit, I just can't..."
Steve let out a dramatic huff, though, he was unable to stop the small smile from growing on his lips. "Anyway, if we're continuing with this mushy shit... I believe that I have been in love. Once. A long time ago."
This seemed to pique Robin's interest, leaning against the windowsill slightly as she tilted her head. "Oh, mysterious... Do tell me more."
Steve scoffed, shaking his head slightly, "Don't you have to get back to that book?"
"Nah," Robin answered quickly, pushing her book to the side, giving him her full attention, "This sounds so much more in-depth than any other romance novel that I've read, I'm dying to know about this girl that stole your heart back in Kindergarten."
For a moment, Steve stared at her with wide eyes, a small shocked expression forming on his face. Then, slowly his mouth formed an amused smirk. "It was in third grade. If you must know. She was new." As the sudden memories of you began to rush up to the forefront of his mind, Steve took a deep breath. He hadn't thought about you in a long time, maybe years. He wasn't sure. Swallowing thickly, Steve pulled at the collar of his sailor outfit before speaking, "Uh, well, the first memory I had of her was when she was introduced to the class. I remembered that she was super shy..." A small smile slowly tickled the corner of his lips, "She had been wearing two pink bows in her hair."
Robin mimicked the smile, resting one of her hands on her cheek, leaning onto it, "What was her name?" 
Steve paused for a moment. Not because he forgot your name. No... He could never forget your name. Or you in general. Your name just reminded him of the past too much. Of the things that you were to him. "Her name was Y/N." Steve breathed out, swallowing, "We became pretty fast friends. We played together, she'd come to my house during the summer, we spent a lot of time together." Ducking his head, he looked to the side, his eyes glazing over as he remembered you, "Once we got to seventh grade, that's when I knew I wanted to marry her. We used to joke about it all the time. I have no idea if she felt the same or if it was all to play around, but she used to call herself 'Mrs. Harrington'. We'd play house..."
"I bet that was a great ego boost."
Steve rolled his eyes. "Shut up, I'm pouring my heart out here." A little laughter escaped from Robin's lips, but Steve continued, "Anyway, we were really close. She was my best friend. She was... Everything..." Letting out a small cough, Steve pressed his fist to his mouth for a moment before awkwardly looking up with a grin that didn't really reach his eyes. "Uh, yeah... She was great."
He was trying to play it all off, not really used to spilling his feelings out. Not like this anyway. It was a bit embarrassing for some reason unknown to him. But it was nice to get to talk about you. He really missed you. A lot. You have helped him in so many ways. Being there for him when he was lonely and his parents weren't paying him any mind or were off on another business trip. You were always so bright, always smiling, seeing the beauty in everything and anything. It didn't seem like anything could bring you down. And even in your young teens, you had this power to bring Steve out of whatever darkness was holding him down. He missed your bright smiles, he missed your warm hugs, he missed your touch. It made his heart ache strangely like it was being tossed in a tornado, and it hurt, badly. 
Robin hummed, narrowing her eyes slightly, "Hmm, she seemed to mean a lot to you. Whatever happened to the both of you? Fight or something?"
"No, uh, she moved away before we got into high school. I have no idea where she is now or what she's doing." Steve frowned slightly. "Probably living in New York somewhere. She loved the idea of New York." A sigh left his lips, as he shook his head, "It's been a while since we last saw each other... If she remembers me at all."
Robin gave a sympathetic smile, "New York huh? Better than here. Bustling cities, tall buildings, noisy taxis, and people everywhere." She hummed thoughtfully.
"Yeah..." Steve agreed softly.
Robin smiled faintly, before she cleared her throat, snapping Steve from his thoughts once more as she shifted slightly, her eyes glancing to the side and back to the older teen. "We finally have a customer. I'll let you handle it. Good luck." She gave him a quick grin before shutting the small window.
Sighing, Steve let out a breath from his nose, shutting his eyes and squaring his shoulders. Running a hand through his hair, he turned, "Ahoy thereeee..." Steve's voice trailed off, his eyes now open and wide as he stared right at you. 
You looked a bit different. Your hair was different, sense of style... But the way you smiled and that shine was in your eyes, they were still the same. Still you. The feeling that Steve had from earlier returned with a vengeance, along with something else, and you couldn't help but let out a small chuckle, absolutely loving his reaction. "Hey there, handsome. Long time no see."
"Y/N?" Steve replied, still shocked - that you were there, in front of him, and that you remembered him - his brown eyes flickering rapidly over your figure before settling back to your eyes. He's got to be dreaming.
"Yeah, it's me. In the flesh." You tilted your head. "And look at you, Steven, all grown up." You then gestured with a hand, "You're even taller than me. And I thought I'd stay the tall one."
Steve was still in shock, mouth hung agape as he stared right at you. The words that were running in his head seemed to dry up upon reaching his tongue. God, your voice... You were breathtaking. You always had been, but now even more so. His heart was beating loudly in his chest as he stared at you, threatening to burst past his ribcage and out into the open. He felt his knees become weak, his hands feeling heavy, and his vision blurring slightly. It was like he had forgotten how to breathe. Like time itself had stopped, and he was suddenly transported back to before high school - a time when you were practically with him twenty-four-seven. But you were here. Staring right back at him. "Y/N... What..."
Pressing one of your palms against the counter, you leaned forward. Reaching out, you pressed the pads of your pointer and middle finger under his chin, gently closing his mouth, "I hope I didn't break you. You've hardly gotten a word out." You leaned back, feeling a bit awkward now. "I was hoping you'd be happy to see me..." Your words trailed off as you fiddled with the hem of your shirt, taking a couple of steps backward - only now a couple of feet from the counter.
Snapping out of it, Steve shook his head, springing himself over the counter; not even bothering to walk around the damn thing. He just needed to be close to you, the fastest way possible. Before he could say anything, he wrapped his arms tightly around your waist, pulling you as close as he possibly could. Your body tensed up immediately at the sudden contact, letting out a small squeak of surprise, but your body relaxed and your eyes fluttered closed almost instantly.
Steve buried his face into the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent deeply, "God, I missed you."
You swallowed hard. The only reply that came out was a quiet "I missed you too," which was enough for him to hear, your hands quickly wrapping around his waist, holding onto him just as tight.
Robin, hearing the small commotion that sounded from Steve's sudden bounding over the counter, couldn't help but be curious and walk out of the breakroom. Upon seeing Steve, holding onto some stranger, Robin paused before rushing over. "I'm sorry, but is he bothering you?" She asked you, making you lift your head from Steve's chest. Instead of the fear in your eyes that Robin was prepared for, she was met with your bright eyes and equally bright smile.
"He's fine. I was expecting something like this..." You wiggled slightly in Steve's hold, offering your hand out to the dirty blonde. "I'm Y/N. Steven's best friend."
Robin's eyes widened, her shock quickly being covered with her excitement. "Y/N? Really? We were just talking about you!" She exclaimed, making you raise an eyebrow. "I finally got this one to break and tell me a bit more about his past. I'm Robin by the way. I love your shoes!" She continued, taking back her hand after the handshake before gesturing to your red Converse.
"Thanks, I like yours too." You returned your hand around Steve's side, "I've never dared to doodle on mine. I worry I'll mess up or something." You chuckled lightly, making Steve's heart soar. He loved your laugh.
Steve glanced up at you, unable to take his eyes away from you. There were so many things that he wanted to say, ask you. But instead, he remained silent. He had missed you more than he thought possible. As you continued to talk to Robin, head resting on his chest, Steve slowly raked his fingers through your hair, marveling over how soft it felt beneath his fingers. His heart began beating faster again as he ran his fingers through your hair, his gaze lingering on the strands that fell back into place perfectly. Steve could feel the faint blush creeping across his cheeks as he sighed contently. You were here.
"Stevie, you're gonna put me to sleep if you keep doing that." Your melodic voice spoke to him, making him freeze, his hand then landing on your waist. His eyes finally met yours, softening as he took in the look on your face, the happiness that was shining in those gorgeous eyes of yours. "Is everything okay?"
"Huh? Oh, yeah. Yeah, everything's good. Everything's perfect." He responded, giving you a small smile, "Just really glad to see you."
Robin looked between the both of you, really taking notice of the way Steve was looking at you, making her smile. Steve's brown eyes were soft, and slightly lidded as he smiled warmly at you. The way he held you, close to his chest, the way he looked at you... Yeah, he did love you. Robin saw it. It was obvious. And never had she seen him act so... So... Soft. Not to mention the fact that the two of you looked at each other as if you were the only two people in the world. The love that was radiating off of them, it made her heart swell.
Silently, Robin headed back to the breakroom. Pushing the window open, she glanced back over at you and Steve as she opened the cap of the whiteboard marker, and without a second thought, she drew one line under 'you rule.'
"I missed you so much, Y/N/N," Steve muttered, his hand coming back up to cup your warm cheek, "I never thought I'd see you again."
"Me neither," You admitted quietly, leaning against his touch. "My father got a job back here in Indiana. We live a town away. But I had to come see you. I didn't know if you'd still be in Hawkins. I checked everywhere. And I found you."
A fond smile crossed Steve's lips as he watched you lean against him. His gaze lingered on you for another moment before he sighed softly, tightening his grip on you as he nodded slowly. "You found me..." Steve murmured, his thumb brushing your bottom lip. "I knew you would someday."
"I'm glad I did today..." You answered, looking up at him from beneath your thick lashes, almost nervously giving him a small smile.
"Why's that, sweetheart?" Steve asked, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
"Well," You paused for a second, flushing at his sudden sweet touch, "I'm glad I found you today because..." A mischievous sparkle appeared in your eye as you looked up at Steve, a look that Steve knew well. "I get to see you in this cute little sailor getup you got going on." You winked, causing a deep red flush to spread over Steve's cheeks.
"Sailor getup?" He raised an eyebrow, feeling a bit embarrassed since he hated the outfit with every fiber of his being.
"Mmmhmm," You nodded. "It brings out your eyes."
"Oh, does it?" Steve teased, glancing down at himself briefly, "You really like it?"
Biting your lip, you briefly glanced down at him, letting your eyes rake over his body before meeting his eyes one more, "Absolutely, Steven." You muttered, reaching up with one hand to grab the red ties of his flap collar. "I love my men in uniform." Your words caused Steve's breath to catch in his throat as your fingertips then slid along his jawline; his own eyes locking onto your lips. But before he could even fathom coming up with anything to say in response, you reached up with that same finger and booped him right on the nose. "Boop!" You exclaimed happily, giggling a little at the surprised expression that flashed across his face.
"Hey! Stop that!" He complained, his heart beating rapidly as his stomach filled with ten thousand more butterflies - joining the million that were already in there. 
But you just laughed even harder, burying your face into the crook of his neck as tears filled your eyes. "That wasn't very nice of me, was it?" You cooed, chuckling.
Steve gave a slight shake of his head before letting out a sigh, "So mean to me..."
"Oh, you love me." You added with a grin, lifting your head back up to look at him.
Shaking his head, Steve chuckled. "Don't put words in my mouth." But he knew it was true. He knew he had no choice but to fall in love with you. Let himself fall back in love with you. And Steve didn't hesitate, nor did he take a moment to think about it. Even though his heart ached a little, knowing that you were right in front of him, he would gladly lay down his life for you. Because even after all these years, and especially now, you were the most important person in his life. "How long will you be staying for?" He questioned after a few moments of silence.
You shrugged your shoulders. "Not sure yet. I'm not ready to go back home just yet." You replied honestly, "I'm staying at the Wheelers for the time being." You continued, Steve inwardly cringing at your words.
Why? Why, world, why?
You notice the slight hint of discomfort that washed over Steve's features, making you raise an eyebrow but you don't question him. Fidgeting with the red tails of his collar, you pouted lightly, looking up at him. Even after all these years, after five years, Steve still looked breathtaking. His eyes were still the beautiful chocolate brown that you adored, the strong jaw, the broad shoulders, the amazing brown hair. You couldn't get enough of him. He was simply too perfect. 
And it was plain to see that over the years, Steve had changed, and so did you. It was inevitable. Over the years, you were able to hide most of your feelings, and you felt as if it was the same for Steve. But for you, for both of you, it was so easy to just let your walls down. It always has been. Ever since the day when you first met. 
"Well," You sighed out, looking up at him with a small smile, "I'll let you get back to work. I still have to unpack." You finished, as Steve stuck his bottom lip out in a pout.
"Don't leave me." He muttered, his hands tightening on your waist, "I just got you back."
"I know, Stevie-pie," Oh, how he missed that nickname. "But, I think I'll need someone to be my tour guide for when I go around and see all the new things that this crappy town has to offer." You returned his pout with your own, "Think you'll have enough time out of your very busy day tomorrow for little ol' me?"
Steve shook his head with a smirk, his lips curving up into a genuine grin, "Always got time for you, Y/N."
"You're too good to me." You sighed, reaching your hand up, taking off his little sailor hat to run your fingers through his hair once, and the one movement made Steve shiver from head to toe.
"What can I say?" Steve leaned forward and pressed a light kiss to your forehead. "You bring out the best in me."
Main Masterlist | Stranger Things Masterlist
Should I make a part 2? Let me know! <3 Thanks for reading!
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 4 months
Eddie walked into Scoops Ahoy to find one employee there, and they were bent over the table, cleaning it. He tilts his head to the side to admire their ass.
Eddie: *internally* She's got a great ass.
'She' stood up and turned around. Oh shit. It was Steve Harrington. Eddie stared at him with wide eyes. Steve waved his hand, giving him a crooked smile.
Eddie: *panics in bisexual* I wasn't checking out your ass!
Then he turned around and took off. Meanwhile, Steve turned his hearing aid back on.
Steve: Goddamnit, I missed something again, didn't I?
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cephcel · 10 days
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more of this guy
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groovinrightalong · 25 days
Screw hot girl summer I want a Will Byers summer (gay little shorts with polos)
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queenie-ofthe-void · 29 days
Here's a crack Stobin idea
It's platonic Hanahaki by instead of puking flowers, it's migraines and mind reading.
After they're injected with the same experimental mystery drugs in the Russian spy bunker, Steve wakes up two days later with a killer headache.
Must be the concussion.
Except throughout the day it gets worse, worse than his migraines after his fight with Billy. He tries to go to sleep early, but the pain's so intense he seriously thinks his head might implode.
Does he call Robin?
They aren't what he'd call friends. But they survived torture together, so that has to mean something, right?
No, he decides. She's got her own problems and it's almost midnight.
He's up, can't sleep. At 6:30am he wraps an ice pack around his head and sits in a warm bath. At 7:30am he's throwing up water and bile. By 9am he's got a bloody nose and he's popped a blood vessel in his right eye. Just as he's about to pick up the phone, there's knocking on his front door that feels like a hammer to his skull.
Robin's on the front stoop, the front of her Fleetwood Mac sleep shirt covered in drops of blood and she's holding a wad of napkins to her face. She's crying and practically collapses into his arms.
The pain recedes so quickly he gasps. He didn't realize how difficult it was to breathe. The sharp stabbing behind his eyes is gone and it feels like he hasn't eaten in days.
Robin's still holding his shoulder, looking at him with wide eyes. She moves the napkins and even though her face is a mess of dried blood it's clear the bleeding has stopped.
"Steve, what's going on?"
"How the hell should I know?"
Her hand slips from his shoulder as he backs into the house, and suddenly the pain's creeping back in. It's minimal compared to before. Robin grabs his hand again and the pain recedes.
He looks up and she's staring at him wide eyed, mouth hanging open like a fish.
"I do not look like a fish!" Robin scoffs.
He didn't say that.
"Oh holy shit you didn't say that!" she practically screams at him.
She grips his other hand, squeezing them both tight as they stare into each other's panicked eyes.
Oh my god playing on loop between them, yet Robin's mouth isn't moving and he's pretty sure his is closed.
Can we read minds?
I have no idea Steven I've never done this before! You're the freaky stuff expert.
It's called the upside down Robs.
He's so bitchy.
I'm not bitchy!
"OK we have to stop this," Robin finally says. He knows she said it. He saw her mouth move and everything.
"Jesus I'm not sure I can handle your brain Harrington I've already got enough going on up here on my own."
"Yeah tell me about it," he replies as he thinks about her rambling about nothing for hours on end during shared shifts.
Robin sighs, squeezing his hands again as she scuffs her shoes on the white tile.
For what it's worth, I like your rambling.
I light smile ghosts her face. He always feels better when she's smiling, and that gets a wet chuckle from her as she wipes her teary eyes.
"Ok," Robin says, putting her game face on. "We're going to figure this out and I've got some ideas."
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This boy was not a villain. He was a victim
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elainiisms · 2 years
they were fucking insane for this
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