#Steven Grant mentioned
ninebluehearts · 2 years
Orange kinda love
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Summary: Cheese doesn't like Jake. Jake doesn't like Cheese. A few situations in which your boyfriend and cat fight for your attention at the worst times..
Warnings: Cock blocking, oral sex (f receiving), minors dni
A/n: Poor Jake, man. Getting cock blocked by Marc and Steven before, and now by a damn cat 😂💕
Tag list: @hot-mess-express1
A few months ago, when you were experiencing a depressive episode, your therapist recommended adopting a cat. "You can't just stay inside alone all day. You need someone to care for. A reason to get out of bed, ya know?"
And you knew she was right, it was just that you didn't know if you could handle the responsibility at the moment. So, you agreed to go home and think it over. But not even two days later, you showed up to a local shelter asking to see their cats. As you walked along the long aisles of kennels filled with kittens of all kinds and colors, you couldn't help but feel disappointed. You didn't feel a connection with any of them.
As you reached the end of the aisle, ready to turn around and tell the assistant that you'd changed your mind, something orange caught your eye. You walked over to the last kennel on the wall and looked inside, seeing a giant, orange ball of fluff. "Excuse me? How about this one?" You asked the assistant, reaching inside of the kennel with your finger to stroke the cats fur.
The orange cat sat up and licked his paw for a moment, then looked straight at you. He had these big, green eyes that were so intense for such a small creature. He rubbed his face against your finger, his loud purrs vibrating your entire hand.
"Oh, that one? Um, he's a little old. Are you sure you don't want a kitten? We have plenty of orange ones." The assistant said, gesturing back down the aisle.
But it was already too late. In just two minutes, this cat crawled it's way into your heart and refused to leave. "No, I'll take him."
So, after signing a million pieces of paper work and an expensive trip to the pet store, you finally got to bring the cat home. And as you laid in bed that night, the orange furball curled up on the pillow next to you, you couldn't help but notice how happy he made you already. How could such a small creature bring you so much joy?
You reached over and gently pet his side, kissing the top of his head. "Your name is Cheese now." You mumbled, smiling at his thunderous purrs. You rolled over and went to sleep, finally relaxed enough to do so.
Two years later, your boyfriend Steven asked you to move in with him. You met Marc a few months after you adopted Cheese, then met his alters soon after. Both Marc and Steven loved Cheese and got along with him just fine, it was Jake that had a problem.
See, Cheese had no problems with Marc or Steven showing you any kind of affection. In fact, he would come over and sit with you guys, curling up on either of your laps and going to sleep.
But when Jake was fronting? Cheese was up your ass. He wanted to be with you at all times, only sitting on/around you, following you everywhere. He did not like it when Jake even kissed your cheek. And Jake was at his wits end with this damn cat. So when you agreed to move in with them, Jake had plenty of mixed feelings about it, but at the end of the day, if he could wake up every morning with you in his bed, he'd put up with your annoying cat.
Considering how small your apartment was, it didn't take you and Marc very long to transfer your stuff to their flat. Both you and Cheese had little to no problems with the move, easily making yourselves at home.
You and Jake were sitting on the couch watching Jaws, Cheese taking up the space between the two of you by sprawling out on the cushion. Jake was grinding his teeth the entire movie, trying not to murder your cat. He's been there since he caught Jake kissing your neck and he showed no signs of leaving anytime soon.
Jake paused the movie and sighed, staring down at the feline between you. "Muñeca will you please stand up for a moment?" He turned to look at you, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"Why?" You asked, though you still stood up.
Jake reached over and grabbed your hips, pulling you onto his lap. "Much better." He mumbled, burying his face against your neck.
You immediately wrapped your arms around his shoulders, enjoying the comfort of his hold. Cheese got up and stretched, arching his back comically, before jumping off of the couch and disappearing down the hallway.
It wasn't long before Jake laid you back on the couch and slowly started removing pieces of clothing from both of your bodies, the movie long forgotten. He was working on creating a rather large hickey on your collarbone, when both of you could hear a quiet scrape, scrape, coming from the kitchen.
Jake sat up and glanced over towards the kitchen, only to find Cheese on the counter with his paw on a glass cup, pushing it towards the edge. "Hey! Knock that off!" He yelled, watching as Cheese completely ignored him and pushed the cup off of the counter, a loud CRASH echoing throughout the room.
"Cheese!" You called out, standing up to put your clothes back on. Cheese ran over to you, rubbing his face against your calf with a 'meow.'
Jake walked over and started to sweep up the mess. "Fucking cock block.." He mumbled.
"Hm?" You hummed as you scooped Cheese into your arms, scratching behind his ears.
"Nothing, mi amor."
Knowing that Cheese wasn't gonna give up easily, Jake decided to play dirty. One night, after he took you out for dinner and a movie, Jake ushered you back to your bedroom, trying to beat Cheese there. Once you were both inside, he closed the door and locked it.
Jake turned and looked at you, lust clouding his vision. "I need you, mi vida. Right now."
"Take me." You whispered as you crawled onto the bed, yanking your short black dress off of yourself and into the laundry basket. You thought it was strange that Jake shut and locked the door, given that the two of you lived alone, but you didn't think much of it.
Jake walked over and crawled onto the mattress, practically ripping his shirt off of his body. "Someone's eager." You said, biting down on your bottom lip as your eyes raked over his body, drinking in his toned abs and his strong hands.
'You better watch out, Jake. Cheese knows you're home.' Marc teased, watching them from the mirror on the dresser.
"Shut it." Jake muttered, flashing a glare towards the mirror.
'"Nothing, mi amor." Jake grabbed your ankles and yanked you towards him, satisfied with the high pitched squeal you let out. He pressed his tongue against your knee, licking all the way up to your thigh, his fingers tugging at the lace straps of your underwear. "Tell me how much you want it, cariño." He mumbled, nipping at your inner thighs.
Cheese sat at the door, gently pawing at it.
"Fuck, I want it so bad." You moaned, tangling your fingers in his hair. "Please."
"Good girl." Jake pulled your underwear off and lazily folded them, shoving them into his pocket, before leaning down and gently licking up from your core to your clit, maintaining eye contact the entire time.
"Fuck!" You moaned out, arching your back up. "Yes, right there baby-" All of the sudden, there was a loud, high pitched meow coming from the door. "Cheese?" You glanced over at the door, considering getting up to open it for him, but Jake wrapped his arms around your thighs and held you there.
He only stopped for a second to mumbled, "Ignore him." Before going back to lazily flicking his tongue along your clit. And with the way his tongue was making you moan, Cheese's meows were easily drowned out and forgotten.
Jake was holding back a grin, knowing that he won this time. But right as you were on the brink of your first orgasm, Cheese reached his paw under the door and gripped it with his nails, pulling and scratching at it with an impossible amount of strength for a cat.
'I told you so.' Marc said with a sigh.
'Ignore 'em.' Steven mumbled, too focused on the way you were spread out just for them.
Jake looked up at you, a pleading look in his eye. "Ignore him."
"But he's lonely." You said, running your hand across his cheek. "Just let him in real quick?"
"He's gonna get in the way." He whined.
"Jake." You stuck out your lower lip.
Jake stared at you for a moment, but sighed when Cheese meowed again. "Fine." He got up and opened the door, shaking his head when Cheese immediately ran in and jumped on the bed. "Maldito gato." He mumbled as he walked back over to you. Cheese may have won this time, but Jake would be damned if he was gonna let him win again.
"Cheese, no!" You pulled the stick of butter away from him again, gently picking him up and setting him on the ground. "You know you can't have butter. I don't want to upset your belly." You said, continuing to spread butter onto your toast
Jake staggered into the room, heading straight for the coffee maker. As the machine started doing it's job, Jake wrapped his arms around your waist from behind, pressing a kiss to the side of your head. "Buenos días, mi amor." He mumbled, nipping at your ear.
"Good morning, darling." You turned your head enough to where you could kiss him. Jake slid his tongue along your bottom lip, slipping it into your mouth when you opened it for him.
"Meow" Cheese stood on his hind legs, digging his nails into Jake's leg.
"Ay!" Jake yelped, jumping back. "I'm telling you, cariño, he doesn't like me! I don't know why!" He reached down and rubbed his thigh, glaring at Cheese.
"He doesn't hate you, he just wants to protect me. That's all." You said, holding back a laugh while you stroked Cheese's back. "Hey, can you make sure he doesn't get on the counter? He's a butter fiend and I need to use the bathroom." You walked over and kissed his cheek, snickering when you heard his salty grumbles.
Jake stood there, stirring a spoonful of sugar into his coffee, blocking out Steven and Marc's laughter in the headspace.
Jake turned around and sighed, staring down at the orange cat in front of him. "What do you want?"
Cheese walked over to the counter and sat on the ground in front of it, looking at Jake then back to the butter; to the butter then Jake.
"No. She said not to give you any. Why should I, anyways? You're a fucking cock block. Fuck you." He turned back around and continued to stir his coffee, but Cheese meowed again, this time rubbing his face against Jake's calf.
Jake sighed, shaking his head. "Fine. But if I do this, you have to leave me to my business, got it?" He looked down at Cheese, who just blinked up at him. "Good enough for me." Jake bent down and picked up the cat, setting him on the counter and cutting a nice, thick slice of butter for him.
Cheese immediately started licking it as though you didn't feed him three times a day. "Ay, you really like butter." Jake mumbled, gently running his hand along Cheese's back.
Cheese started purring, arching his back against Jake's hand.
'Is he actually purring right now?' Steven asked, watching in amazement as Jake actually bonded with Cheese.
'Damn, who knew butter was the answer?'' Marc said, equally as amazed as Steven.
"Jake! What the hell!" You said, rushing over to pick Cheese up. "He can't have butter! Why would you let him eat that?"
"He'll be fine, cariño. Let the boy eat some damn butter." He said with a laugh as he reached over to pet Cheese behind his ear.
"Wait, you guys are getting along now?" You asked, feeling Cheese start to purr again as Jake pet him.
"I guess so."
Later that night, when you and Jake were making love, Cheese laid in a nearby chair, dead asleep. He never messed with you or Jake once, leaving you be. Jake wished he gave the damn cat butter sooner.
[Spanish -> English]
Muñeca - Doll
Mi amor - my love
Mi vida - my life
Cariño - dear
Maldito gato - damn cat
Buenos días - Good morning
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watcherwatts · 1 year
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shorlinesorrows · 4 months
don’t mind me I’m just busy having Feelings over the scene in the Moon Knight tv series where Marc meets the avatars/gods for the first time.
words can’t describe how distressed I got when Harrow showed up and started speaking, dripping poison into the words “he is unwell” with a tint of false concern, just the right amount condescension, and a spoonful of pity
thinking about how from that moment Marc (and the whole system) was disregarded as unreliable despite the fact that the situation had nothing to do with their DID. thinking about how the avatars and their gods stopped listening to him.
thinking about how the moment someone is neurodivergent, or disabled, or different in any way that isn’t palatable, that’s “scary”, they stop being worth listening to
not a person, just something to disregard, lock away, or pity.
And how Harrow got away with it, how he was able to frame himself as the caring “good guy” for revealing this incredibly personal piece of information to a group of people who had no business knowing it, effectively silencing someone who desperately needed to speak. For his own gain.
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lockley-spktr · 5 months
God, I am so nervous for when we see the Moon Knight system again and finally get to learn about Jake because they’re either going to mess it up horribly or land it perfectly.
I feel like the writers and directors struggled with Marc based on how they spoke about him in Assembled: The Making of Moon Knight. If they struggled with him, when he’s not all that difficult, I can’t imagine how they view Jake.
I look at how Loki’s story was handled in Season 2 of Loki and I just…we need more women directing and writing because they seem to understand characters with trauma better than men do.
I’m not saying Moon Knight Season 1 was a disaster. Most of it I quite liked, but there are certain things that bug me about it and most of it has to do with how Marc was treated.
I don’t think it helps that the general Marvel audience seems to let things go right over their heads and miss the point.
Since I brought up Loki already, Loki ending up alone when that’s the one thing he didn’t want to happen isn’t an amazing ending. You can tell men were in charge of that season, especially with the way the women, specifically Sylvie, were treated.
What's going to happen to/with Layla? How are they going to handle her relationship whether it remains romantic or shifts to being platonic with the system? Etc.
Let’s just say I have a lot of concerns going forward.
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gay-jewish-bucky · 1 year
The Rogers-Barnes Seder Plate: Finding Yourself in Tradition and Forging New Ones
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The plate itself is lovingly hand painted by Steve under the careful guidance of his Jewish husband, Bucky.
The Traditional Seder Plate
Karpas – Greens (often parsley) In Tradition: When dipped in salt water, is symbolic of the tears shed by the Israelites while enslaved in Egypt. For S+B: Also represents regrowth and putting down new roots as we embrace the second chance we've been given at life.
Marror and Charzet – Bitter Herbs (often horse radish & lettuce) In Tradition: Symbolic of the bitterness of Egyptian slavery. For S+B: Also represents the bitterness of the ableism and antisemitism we have faced.
Charoset – Mortar (a mix of apple, nuts, spices & wine) In Tradition: Symbolizes the mortar used by Israelite slaves to build Egyptian structures. For S+B: Also represents the sweetness of us building a life together.
Zeroa – Shank Bone In Tradition: Symbolic of the sacrifice made on the eve of the exodus from Egypt. For S+B: Also represents the sacrifices we have made to survive and to do what is right.
Matzot In Tradition: Symbolic of the bread eaten by the Israelites after leaving Egypt, unleavened because their bread had no time to rise. S+B: Also represents us living through the Great Depression and learning to make the best of what we have.
Zeroa – Shank Bone In Tradition: Symbolic of the sacrifice made on the eve of the exodus from Egypt. For S+B: Also represents the sacrifices we have made to survive and to do what is right.
Beitzahv – Roasted Egg In Tradition: Symbolic of Passover sacrifices made at the Temple. For S+B: Also represents the symbolic end of our old lives in the 20th century and our rebirths into the 21st century.
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New Traditions
The Orange – LGBTQ+ Jews The bitter seeds, which are spit out, represent denouncing the bitterness of homophobia, while the sweet and abundant Juice represents the fruitfulness for all Jews when queer Jews are embraced and welcomed as contributing and active members of Jewish life.
Artichoke – Interfaith Families The petals of the artichoke represent the diversity and beauty of the Jewish people, the thistles represent the traditional hesitance towards intermarriage.
When the thistles are softened, we find the heart of the artichoke, this represents us opening our hearts and embracing interfaith families within the Jewish community.
The Star Fruit – Bucky's Personal Exodus The unique shape of the fruit's flesh represents the star on the titanium prosthetic that replaced his flesh arm.
The juice of the star fruit is both sweet and tart. The tartness symbolizes the decades he spent in bondage, the struggle of healing from physical and mental trauma.
The sweetness symbolizes the miracle of his survival, the love that liberated him from HYDRA, the power of reclaiming control of his own mind, the beauty and joy of recovery, his innocence for the crimes of his captors, as well as symbolizing the home he has built with the man who whose love brought him back to himself.
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xmalereader · 2 years
Steven Grant X Male Reader
|| Masterlist ||
Authors Note: This shot goes along with the Sugar daddy series that I wrote for Steven grant! I haven’t been feeling well the last few days but getting better now and decided to write this shot because I was rewatching moonknight and re-read the sugar daddy AU I wrote. 😊
Summary: Steven hasn’t heard from the reader in weeks due to his busy schedule. Once he returns back from his work trip he pays him a visit only to find the reader sick and alone.
Warnings: Fluff, mentions of Anubis, mentions of Marc, Steven being a good boyfriend, kissing, cuddling, Anpu, shifting forms.
Word count: 2.3k
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Steven hadn’t seen Y/n at the museum for days, knowing that he was busy with other business meetings. Steven was told ahead of time that Y/n wouldn’t be around for a few weeks due to his busy schedule, Steven didn’t mind. He knew now busy the business man was and didn’t allow himself to be worried or feel like he was being neglected in the relationship. So, he continued life and work normally and doing what he usually does until he received a text from Y/n, letting Steven know that he would be returning back home in three days.
Steven had grown a little excited inside, ignoring Marc’s teasing voice as he thought about what they could do together when Y/n returns. Perhaps visit another museum or go on a simple date? Steven waited until the day he returned only to receive another text from his significant other that he wouldn’t be able to see Steven for another few days, giving no reason as too why. The tour guide was growing worried and concerned for Y/n. He knows that he shouldn’t pry into Y/n’s business nor worry to much about it but he couldn’t help it, growing curious as to why.
“I don’t think this is a good idea.” Steven blurts out as he stood in front of Y/n’s home, staring at the door with a copy of his key in hand.
Y/n had given Steven a copy of his key, welcoming him into his home and letting him know that he could come by whenever. Steven never used the key nor did he ever visit his home without permission, afraid that he could get into some trouble or see something he shouldn’t. And yet, here he stood. Marc had convinced him to check up on Y/n to see what was going on and what he could do to help.
Steven fiddled with the key in his hand, anxiously glancing at the door as he thinks. “If Y/n isn’t able to visit it’s probably because he is busy.” Steven tried to reason with Marc but his other half only nudged him further.
“Busy? What if it’s something else?” Marc questions as Steven frowns, staring at his reflection on the covered up windows. “If you think he’s cheating then you are wrong, Y/n would never do something like that.” Steven is quick to defend him, glaring at his reflection. Both he and Y/n have a healthy relationship and not once had Y/n done something or said anything that’ll hurt Steven or hint out that he no longer wanted to be with him. The two were happy together and loved their dates they had every weekend.
Steven sighs deeply, cursing under his breath as he moves forward, key slipping into the lock and unlocking the door. He nervously opens the door, sticking his head inside as he peaks around. “Hello?” He curiously says, stepping inside the house even further. In all honestly, it was Stevens first time inside Y/n’s home. Due to him traveling a lot and busy with work they mainly spent time in Stevens flat or out in some nice diner. So, his first time entering felt strange like he was intruding his privacy.
As he closed the door behind him he gives himself some time to take in the interior. The place was quiet large and open, enough to fit a good family. Steven steps forward nervously as he continued to look around, spotting the kitchen and living room but no signs of Y/n. Perhaps Y/n was still out of the country and hasn’t returned yet, he shrugs his shoulders. “I don’t see any sign—“ when he turns around he froze in spot at the sight of a Doberman standing near the entrance, watching him closely as Steven gaps. “Hello.” He mumbled to the dog, gripping the strap of his bag tight as he takes two cautious steps back.
The Doberman approaches him, startling Steven a little as Marc nudged inside of him.
“Easy Steven, remember when Y/n told you that he owned a dog? Just relax and stay calm.” Marc reassured Steven as the dog moves closer, sniffing his hands and legs before taking Stevens bag into his mouth and pulling him forward.
“Whoa—! Easy.” Steven stumbled forward as the Doberman pulls again, whining as he lets go and steps over to the stairs, turning to look over at Steven as if guiding him upstairs. Steven frowns a little, following after the dog leading him up the stairs until he finds him waiting by an open bedroom door.
“What is it?” He questions, following him again and entering the room to find Y/n sleeping in bed, hiding underneath the covers. His nightstand was filled with some medicine and tissues, clothes scattered everywhere in a messy manner. The large dog jumps on the bed, startling Y/n awake as he groans to himself. “Anpu…” he moans out.
Right, Y/n had named his dog after the god of death, Anubis or Anpu. Steven feels himself relax, slipping his bag off and setting it on an empty chair and approached the bed. “Y/n?” He whispers softly as the other groans, looking over to his left as he squinted his eyes, taking Steven in as he gives him a small smile. “Steven—wait, what are you doing here?” He suddenly y questions, growing confused. His head is foggy and his body is warm, fever still setting in as he slowly comes to sit up.
“I wanted to check up on you.” Said Steven. “Let’s just say that I haven’t seen you in weeks.” He chuckled out nervously as Y/n huffs out a small laugh, sitting against his headboard as he lied his head back. “You should be back home, Steven. I don’t want to get you sick.” He sniffles, groaning at the headaches and pain.
Anpu whimpered next to him, the god growing worried for their avatar even though Y/n had already explained to the god that it’s normal for humans to get sick during season change. “I’ll be fine.” He reminds Anubis, giving the dog a small pat on the head as Steven smiles a little. “For a second I thought he was going to attack me—forgot that you had a dog.”
Y/n chuckles. “Nah, Anpu wouldn’t hurt anyone unless given a good reason too.” He smiles up to Steven. “Shouldn’t you be working?” He asks.
Steven blushed a little. “Called in sick for the first time, was worried for you.” He admits to the millionaire as the others smile widens. “Thanks Steven, but I’m doing fine. I just need some rest and I’ll be good again.”
“Are you insane?” Steven cuts in, shaking his head as he takes in his lovers state. “You need proper food and a shower too—no offense love, but you smell terrible.” His nose scrunched up as Y/n pouts, lifting his shirt to give it a soft sniff before groaning. “You’re right. I’ll take a quick shower.” As he removed the covers from his body he tries to stand only to stumble back, causing Steven to reach out and grab him by the arms. “I’ll walk you.” Steven offers, holding Y/n’s arms as he guides him to the wash room where Y/n sits on the toilet seat, head dizzy as he lazily removes his clothes, tossing them aside as Steven turned on the shower.
“You wash up and I’ll get you something to eat and clean up your room a bit.” Steven instructs, collecting the dirty clothes and leaving him alone in the washroom. Once he closed the door behind him he lets out a deep sigh, looking down to see Anpu sitting in front of him.
“Why don’t we clean up the place a little?” He says to the dog as Anpu huffs out, moving around the room and picking up the discarded clothes and bringing them to Steven. “Oh, you are very well trained.” He smiles and takes the clothes, the two cleaning up the place as Y/n showers. Steven finished picking up the clothes and changing the bedsheets, he also makes sure that the room felt less stuffy. It’s been awhile since he’s last taken care of someone, he’s usually by himself in his apartment before he started dating Y/n and now that he has someone he didn’t expect himself to be doing things like this for someone else.
Steven spent some time in the kitchen making proper food that will help with Y/n’s sickness. He takes the food back to the bedroom where he sees Y/n standing near his closet, towel around his waist as the water in his hair dropped down his face and shoulders, exposed to Steven.
“Oh.” Stevens face heats up, staring at his boyfriends exposed chest as he takes him in, breath hitching when he noticed the smirk on Y/n’s face. “See something you like?” He raises a teasing brow.
“Maybe.” Steven responds back and sets the food to the side. “But, you are sick and you’ll get even worse if you don’t properly dry yourself.” He takes another towel from the washroom, stepping out and approaching him with the dry towel. He drapes it over his head and towels out his hair, Y/n lowering his head for easier access as Steven continued.
Once Steven is finished he lets Y/n change into some fresh clothes and crawl back into bed where he is offered food. He’s sitting up again and eating at his own pace, nose still runny as he sniffles and grabs some tissues.
“I found better medicine that will help.” Steven rounds the bed, sitting next to him as he offers him the pills and a glass of water. Y/n takes the pills quickly before setting the glass on his bedside. Anpu had already crawled on to his bed, lying down next to him as Y/n chuckles, fingers touching the dogs ears. “Anpu, your a god—you shouldn’t be too worried for me.” He groggily says, the drugs taking affect.
Steven doesn’t take his words seriously, perhaps confusing the dog with the actual god of death. “He’s gonna be like this for awhile.” He mumbled to himself as he watched Y/n speaks to the dog.
“Damn, we won’t be able to finish our duties today.” Y/n groans, lying down on his side, facing the dog who silently watched him. “Don’t worry I’ll make it up to you, I always do.” He gives Anpu one last pat on the head before slowly passing out.
Steven hums to himself, standing from his spot on the bed to pull the covers higher and over his shoulder. “I think he’ll be good tonight.”
“You think so?” Steven hears Marc ask. “Of course.” Steven gives Y/n a glance before leaving the room. The sun was setting and bed have to head back to his flat soon, but Steven didn’t feel comfortable leaving him alone. Instead of taking his things and leaving he instead decides to stay, claiming the couch as his spot to sleep. He makes sure to clean up the kitchen and check up on Y/n one last time before taking an extra blanket and pillow and getting the couch comfortable for himself to sleep on.
“Why not join, Y/n?”
“I don’t want to bother him and besides he’s sick and needs the space.” Steven responds to Marc. “Also, Anpu is taking up half of the space.” He murmured out, hearing Marc’s laugh as he lied down on the couch, rolling his eyes and closing them as he tries his best to sleep.
The next morning, y/n awakens with his headaches gone but fever still set in a little. It wasn’t a lot to the point where he couldn’t move, he could still move around and do a few things without forcing his body to over due the work. When he steps downstairs and into the living room to find Steven asleep on the couch he can’t help but smile a little. He didn’t think the other man would have stayed the night, thinking that he’d be afraid to miss work.
Perhaps he was abusing the advantage of skipping work due to him dating the boss.
He leans forward, fingers pushing some curly strands from Stevens face as he smiles at him.
“I should really learn something about this relationship you two have.” Y/n hears Anpu say. The god had taken his true form, standing next to him with staff in hand. “It takes time to learn, didn’t you love someone once?” He asks the god, gaze still focused on Steven as he slept.
“Once.” The god of death responds back as his own dark eyes shift to Steven and y/n. Out of all the avatars he’s had in the past years, Y/n was in fact his favorite, he saw more of the human life when he was with him when his previous holders rejected his offer or gave up on being his avatar. Y/n had stayed the longest, proving to the god that he could do the work without any complaints.
Anubis hums to himself. “Rest well, my avatar. You’re health still needs healing.” He tells his avatar and takes the form of a dog again, giving Y/n once last look before leaving the couple and heading back upstairs.
Y/n stroked his hair and leans down to kiss his temple, whispering soft loving words to him before coming to a stand, making his way towards the kitchen where he is to start making breakfast for the two of them.
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jake-g-lockley · 1 year
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eyebrow crease eyebrow crease eyebrow crease eyebrow crease eyebrow crease eyebrow crease eyebrow crease eyebrow crease eyebrow crease eyebrow crease eyebrow crease eyebrow crease eyebrow crease eyebrow crease eyebrow crease eyebrow crease eyebrow crease eyebrow crease eyebrow crease eyebrow crease eyebrow crease eyebrow crease eyebrow crease eyebrow crease eyebrow crease eyebrow crease eyebrow crease eyebrow crease eyebrow crease eyebrow crease eyebrow crease eyebrow crease eyebrow crease eyebrow crease eyebrow crease eyebrow crease
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Does anyone else ever think about the possibility of (in a marvel/dc crossover) Tim Drake getting adopted by Marc Specter/Steven Grant instead of Bruce
Like Tim’s parents decide to take him on an archaeological dig and they get murdered and Marc or Steven are there for reasons (mercenary? Archaeologist? *shrugs*) and he finds like a nine year old Tim and says “is anybody gonna adopt this?” And then doesn’t wait for an answer
Also I’m gonna say Khonshu is nice in this au he’s like the systems dad (Marc is his favorite child) and that Tim and Khonshu have an agreement that if something happens to Marc Tim will be the next Moonknight (Tim definitely becomes they’re Oracle)
Also Bruce and Steven/Marc start dating and that’s how he eventually adopts Tim as well Boom (they probably met because of Tim knowing the batfams ids)
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oddballwriter · 10 months
request for moon boys with a reader who's kind of squeemish and sort of faints when they see blood? XD
Warnings: mentions of blood, Jake being Jake 
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
Steven Grant
Honestly, he's not a big fan of blood either
I mean sure as a part of MoonKnight he has to get used to it but he does what he can to get whatever he fights down and not dead
It's usually Marc and Jake who gets blood on themselves but sometimes when he comes back from a mission he's got a few spots on him
If you could look and see the blood he sort of tells/begs you not to look at him as he runs to get a change of clothes and clean himself up
Usually you hardly see any blood unless you accidentally draw it yourself
If that is the case just call him so he can handle it. He just gets a little ick out of it and that's do-able compared to you possibly fainting
Marc Spector
He wants to keep you out of his MoonKnight work so you aren't there to see the blood but sometimes he comes home with some on him
He does that same where he firmly tells you not to look at him till he patches himself up and cleans off any blood on himself
If you get a cut he tells you to look literally anywhere else while he gets you some stuff to fix you up
He doesn't make fun of you or make you feel bad because you have a genuinely serious reaction to it and he'd rather you not pass out
So if he has to put a bandaid on you so be it
Jake Lockley
Yeah that's gonna be a problem
He usually deals with stuff while in civilian clothes...
... and he's messy when he does it some times
So it gets on him
He actually figures it out pretty fast though
He has a bag with extra clothes and wipes in the back of his car's trunk
Jake just cleans off any blood on him and changes clothes in a spot where no one can see him
So when he gets home, you have nothing to faint over
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therealmilfdennys · 2 years
Give us the pegging Steven hc NOW🤤🤤
Alrighty first of like four lol. Stven Grant Pegging Headcanons  cw: pegging obvi, sex onbvi, praise/degredation kink, femdom (but kinda reads like trans male too so) Jake Lockley’s good natured bullying, and obviously sub!steven grant. mndi please god i dont want to be sued
Alright to start off he 100% does not bring this up the first time. He wants to, desperately, but the words can’t escape him. He feels like his jaw is glued together permanantly everytime he tries to bring it up.  You bring it up casually, over dinner, and he almost chokes on his veggie wrap. He flushes red and his eyes widen and he looks os sweet sitting there with a leg suddenly thrown over the other.  He’d finish chewing and clear his throat, running a finger around his collar. Lockley in the back of his head making some snarky little remark, something about him being  pillowbiter he doesnt know for sure. He’s focused on your warm hands pressing against his cheeks.  He’staring up at you in a daze, eyes a little hazy. You get scared for a moment because you’re genuinely afraid you broke the poor thing. Until he pouts a bit and goes “Here I am working up the courage to ask and it’s like you’ve read my mind”  It probably forces a little “HA!” out of you, your own cheeks heating a bit.  He leans up and kisses you a bit. You hadn’t been planning on doing it this afternoon but he’s making you want to. 
Needless to say you order your equipment. A nice soft beige colored harness and the smallest dildo the website said was good for ‘begginers’, whcih you felt was safe to assume of Steven.  He’s bubbling over with excitement when the packages arrive, scooping them up in strong arms to drop on the bed and unwrap while you’re at work.  He stares at them for a good bit, lube, toy, harness, all laid neatly on the made bed. He psychs himself out, once, twice, and then decides he trusts you with this with some coaxing from Marc and some gentle teasing from Jake. 
You return home to a shirtless Steven Grant which is odd but not unwelcome. He’s fidgety, keeps throwing you simmering little nervous glances. His cheeks and ears seem eternally stained pink. “We uhh, we got a few packages in the post today. Thought- Well I thought I’d let you know.” He states what he hopes is casually.  He’s burning up inside and he fucking HOPES you can’t see actual steam rolling ot of his ears like some silly cartoon Jake watches.  It makes you laugh through your nose, hi lack of subtely. He’s been walking around half naked (by his standards at least) all evening and he knows the only things you’ve ordered have been the ‘equipment’. It’s sweet of him to try. 
He ends up on his back, holding his left hin to keep himself open wide enough for you to work betweeen his legs. HIs thighs quiver every couple of seconds, He’s whimpering and keening quitely as you work him open, slow and sure. One hand patting at his thigh as the other rubs at his hole gently, dipping in for a few seconds every now and then. 
He has his head thrown back when you finally wiggle two fingers in. He’s relaxed and pliant underneath you, staring dazed up the slanted ceiling.  “Feels so good...” “S’so sensitive lovey..” “Oh please love...”  He’s talking to distract himself from the overwhelming feeling and his stiff cock laid against the softness of his tummy. He swears you spent an hour getting him worked up and now you’re spending another hour stretching him open.  “I’m ready, I’m ready please sweet thing. Wan’it so bad.” He whmipers pitifully, arms lsung over his burning face.  The first stroke in has him gasping for air he cant seem to get. It worries you for a moment, but the drip of pre that slides from the tip of his pretty cock makes you stop short of stopping our hips.  When you finally slide hom he drops from his seized position to partially sprawl himself across the bed, a dizzy little grin on his lips. 
“That feels lovely,,” “I’m so full darlin...oh its heavenly..”  He gets praisey when he feels good, knows how much you like to know he’s enjoying himself. This is one of the only times he feels brave enough to voice it.  The first couple of thrusts pull out little choked sounds from deep in his chest. He almost sounds pained but the bliss in his eyes is enough to tell you he’s not.  ONce a steady rythym is built, hes moaning like a common whore and you tell him as such. “Sweet boy you sound like a slut..” “Sound so pretty bub, know you can be louder though, don’t think the neighbours can hear you yet.”  It’s all in good nature, and you know he knows if his answering groans are anything to go off of.  His cock is slick when you grasp it, thumb sliding up and around the tip just to make his hips twitch for a minute. He’s desperae to cum, eyes honest to god a little teary, looking pitiful in a way only Steven can. It’s endearing honestly. 
Your own thighs feel a little slick as you watch him unravel beneath you, on the silly bright pink plastic cock you’d bought just for him.  When he cums its with a punched out little sound that you can tell comes from deep in his tummy. He tries to curl in on himself but he cant, so he makes a mess of himself, flushed head to toe, making little whimpering sounds as he comes down, tears finally leaking from the corners of his eyes.  He falls to the bed in a haze, euphoric bliss written across his face.  You kiss his chest and praise him gently. Telling him how well he took it, Telling him you’d definately be doing this again.  He giggles a little when you lean up to kiss all over his damp cheeks and forehead. 
He obvously eats you out like a man starved after he calms down a bit, absolutely heartbroken at the thought of leaving you unsatisfied. 
anyway! hes a slut and i love him :(
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ninebluehearts · 2 years
Dos Oruguitas
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Summary: Your sweet boyfriend helps you fall asleep with a lullaby after he sees you're still up waiting for him.
Warnings: A bit of hurt/comfort :)♡
A/n: I was listing to the Encanto soundtrack as I painted my room (it's finally purple!!) and when Dos Orugutias came on, all I could think about was Jake singing it to you 🥺 So, here you are. Please enjoy 💕
I do not own the rights to Dos Oruguitas; all credit goes to Lin Manuel Miranda.
You sat by the window drinking a cup of luke warm camomile tea, watching the late night London traffic bustle about. You wondered what sort of things they could be doing at three in the morning on a Wednesday, but you figured you also didn't want to know.
The majority of people out at three in the morning were the same kind of people Khonchu has Marc, Steven, and Jake deal with. What that meant exactly; you also didn't want to know.
You weren't stupid. You've washed one too many blood stains out of their favorite articles of clothing before, but them not telling you exactly what they were doing left room for a chance that you were wrong.
So no, it didn't bother you that you had no idea where he was right now, or even what he was doing. He still hadn't answered your goodnight text from four hours ago, so he must be busy.
Doing what?
You took a long sip from your tea, closing your eyes because that somehow made the taste more intense. More comforting.
You flipped your phone over on the side table and turned it on to check the time.
"Where is he?" You mumbled, picking up the phone and dialing Marc's number, pressing it against your ear. You took a deep, calming breath as you listened to the drawn out rings while waiting for an answer.
"Hey, you've reached Marc Spector. Please leave your name and number and I'll-"
You hung up, his voicemail more painful than comforting at the moment. You stared back out at the city that somehow maintained a constant gloom even on it's sunniest days.
You didn't have to stay there for long, because soon you could hear Marc's keys jingle as he pressed his key into the lock.
You made your way into the kitchen and set your mug in the sink, turning to watch the door as Marc made his way inside. He first took his shoes off, then his coat, then his hat.
"Jake?" You watched him freeze, his wide eyes slowly sliding over to look at you.
"Mi amor? What are you doing up so late?" He asked as he made his way over to you, planting a kiss on your forehead as soon as he did.
You pulled him into a close hug, your body relaxing against the comfort of his strong, safe embrace. "You know I can't sleep without you guys." You mumbled against his chest, pressing a kiss above his heart.
"I know, I know. I'm sorry I'm late, I got caught up with.." Jake paused for a moment, choosing his next words carefully. "Work.. Yeah.."
You nodded, reluctantly pulling away from him as you suppressed a yawn against the palm of your hand. "I'm just glad you're home. That's all that matters.
Jake pushed your hair out of your face and moved it behind your ear, proceeding to cup your cheek against his palm. "Si." He whispered, before guiding your face up to his, pressing a slow, passionate kiss against your lips.
As he slowly pulled away, you chased his lips, only successfully catching his bottom lip for a moment before he gently pushed you away, a deep chuckle erupting from his chest. "Come on. Let's get you to bed, cariño."
Jake held your hand as he lead you to your shared bed, pulling the blankets over your bodies as you cuddled up against his chest. He ran his hand along your back, drawing random shapes and letters with the tips of his fingers from time to time.
You looked up at him, watching as he suppressed a yawn of his own. "Jake?"
"Mhm?" He hummed, not taking his eyes off of the ceiling.
"Will you sing to me?"
Jake glanced at you, a small smile creeping onto his lips. "Cantarte? ¿Qué quieres que te cante, mi amor?"
"Anything." You started to draw shapes of your own on his chest, smirking when he let out a quiet laugh and gently grabbed your hand.
"Will you stop tickling me?"
You nodded, your eyes lighting up with the hope of hearing him sing. It wasn't something he did often, but when he did, you could feel yourself falling in love all over again.
"And you'll go to sleep?"
You groaned, gently tapping his shoulder. "Jake! Please?"
"Alright, alright!" Jake laughed, grabbing your hand and bringing it to his lips to press a kiss to the back. "Dios mio.." He shook his head and cleared his throat, then he began to hum a soft, lively tune.
"Dos oruguitas enamoradas. Pasan sus noches y madrugadas.." His quiet voice rasped against your ear as he gently pet your hair. "Llenas de hambre. Siguen andando y navegando un mundo.."
You finally let a yawn escape as you gently nuzzled your cheek against Jake's chest, a wave of exhaustion washing over you.
"Que cambia y sigue cambiando. Navegando un mundo. Que cambia y sigue cambiando.." By the end of the song, you barely noticed that he began with mariposas instead of oruguitas, already fading into a deep slumber.
"Buenas noches, mariposa." Jake whispered as he pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead, holding you close as he too slipped into sleep.
Español - English
¿Qué quieres que te cante, mi amor? - What do you want me to sing, my love?
Cantarte? - Sing to you?
Mi amor - My love
Cariño - My sweet/my dear
Oruguitas - Caterpillars
Mariposa - Butterfly
Buenas noches - Goodnight
Dos oruguitas enamoradas
Pasan sus noches y madrugadas
Llenas de hambre
Siguen andando y navegando un mundo
Que cambia y sigue cambiando
Navegando un mundo
Que cambia y sigue cambiando
Two oruguitas
In love and yearning
Spend every evening
And morning learning
To hold each other
Their hunger burning
To navigate a world
That turns, and never stops turning
Together in this world
That turns, and never stops turning
Taglist: @hot-mess-express1
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coolunspokenforname · 2 years
Okay, Moon Knight, episode 5, cave scene.
Marc has just been locked out of the memories by Steven, and he's listening to the beginnings of the worst day of his life, unable to stop, or even warn, Steven. He begins to hear rain, and he knows what's gonna happen. He's probably had nightmares of this for years, and has replayed this memory over and over.
But, something's different now. Not only does he hear Randall and his own young voice calling out for help, but a third joins in. Steven's. It starts out with Steven shouting out for the boys, but soon it turns to Steven calling out for Marc.
Obviously, the audience knows that Steven is calling out for baby Marc, but Marc doesn't know that. For all he knows, something has gone wrong and Steven is in danger. For all he knows, Steven is going to die, and Marc can't do anything about it. He is pounding on the doors now, trying to get in, trying to do something, anything. The memories are mixing.
Once again, he is unable to save the person who he is supposed to protect.
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plussizefantasia · 1 year
Thank you so much Again for all those drabbles ❤️
They Really made my Day..
And for Moon knight I can imagine Nr. 1 And 14. (Marc Spector in front)
And i sure it wont be trashy, because you dont write like that, i love your style of writing ❤️
Sending so much love and hugs And thank you Again 💋
Coming Home
Pairing: Marc Spector x reader
Summary: You leave Marc to keep him safe, and he comes to take you home.
Word Count: ~700
A/N: I've never written for any of the Moon Knight boys before but I actually really like how this turned out! Thanks for all the requests during this drabble marathon, I've got a few new ideas for full fics that I'd like to write and more desire to get some of my WIPs wrapped up!
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He had always said you were paranoid. Coming from him though, it meant absolutely nothing to you. Marc Spector was the picture definition of paranoia and you wouldn’t be taking any shit from him on that front.
Maybe he had a point though. A deal gone wrong had put you on the first plane out of Cairo and to some random little town in the Midwest. You had used all your contacts up getting documents faked, new bank accounts anything to get you off the grid. You were good at what you did, when you didn’t want to be found you wouldn’t. But no matter how good you were Marc was better, especially when it was you on the line.
You and Marc had a complicated relationship, you loved one another that was never in question, but your astonishing commitment issues and Marc’s never-ending stream of trauma had caused issues between the two of you. You would do anything for him and vice versa but sometimes you just couldn’t stand the man. He had told you about Steven about a year into your relationship, the two of you had never met but you did everything you could to reassure Marc that it was okay, this didn't change the way you felt about him. He didn’t want to seem vulnerable and you understood that so you never pushed. But you left, you didn’t want to put either of them in danger so you packed up what you needed, left Marc a note telling him not to come looking for you, and left.
It was a random Wednesday when you woke with an intense feeling of dread in your stomach. You were tempted to pack up and move along based on that feeling alone but, something told you that that would be a bad idea, plus you didn’t have any more favors to call in.
Your feeling was proven correct when someone kicked out your door in the middle of your dinner. You immediately reached for the gun stashed under the Ikea dining set that had come with the palace and pointed it at the intruder.
It took you a moment to fully register the sight in front of you. It was Marc, but he was dressed in some ancient-looking supersuit, with a moon-shaped blade in his hand.
“How did you figure out where I live?!” You yelled at the man you hadn’t seen in months not lowering your weapon. Marc did a quick scan of your apartment and stored his blade back in his weird chest cavity thing.
“It wasn’t easy.” he tried to joke
“That’s kind of the point dick-head.” You scowled in his direction
“Why are you in the middle of nowhere anyway” he tossed back at you. Slowly making his way toward you and lowering the gun in your hand. You let him.
“I enjoy the view.” you deadpanned at him.
“Ha. Ha,” he dryly replied.
“What are you doing here anyway?” 
“I’m here to take you home.” 
“And where is that this time” you questioned him, knowing the habit of moving around that the two of you shared.
“London, I have a place. And a fish.” You sighed deeply and made your way to the bedroom without a word.
“Where are you going?” he called after you, making no attempt to follow you.
“London apparently,” You returned with a black duffle bag full of the things you couldn’t replace. You stopped walking and faced Marc “I missed you.” You weren’t looking for a reply, you knew you wouldn’t get one.
Marc just lifted the corner of his lips into what you considered to be a smile. He leaned down and grabbed your bag in one hand, offering you the other.
Taking his hand in yours the tension in your chest eased. You might still be in danger, hunting and selling artifacts would never be a completely safe career anyway but you knew that Marc would do anything to protect you. After all, if he would follow you to the Midwest, he would follow you anywhere.
“So are we going to talk about the weird suit?” You tried.
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bullsandthebones · 2 years
should I:
-write fics?
-scream bc the sun is up?
-stare at the ceiling some more?
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gay-jewish-bucky · 9 months
Remember when M&M mocked people who expected Steve's ending to be in character and narratively satisfying, or if he did go back, he'd fight the many injustices of the time he is in, and they called us "Captain America loyalists" as an insult, simply for caring about the character created by Jews during the Holocaust to fight injustice continuing that decades long legacy they actively despise for not fitting into what they want him to be? How can anyone, after they said that, accept the ending we were given as logical or even acceptable?
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soft-persephone · 9 months
We’re not a Galaxy but a Supernova
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Marc Spector x Female!Reader
A Searching for Stardust One Shot
WC: .7k // Teen // warning: mention of self hate, violent behavior // yearning, slight angst // CH.4 //
Nothing without you - Tanrielle
I was listening to this song and these words just came to me. First time that’s ever happened to me
Unknown : if you miss me, look at the moon.
Marc put his phone away before he could regret sending it.
He let his mask fall over his face before descending back into the night. Before succumbing to the prison that held his sanity hand in hand with his freedom. His destruction. His savoir.
You were done practicing for the show and now it was time for you and your troop of dancers to take the stage.
You practiced all day and performed all night.
He was serving Khonshu more nights than most. Long insufferable nights they were booming, but he couldn’t say some part of him wanted it. He hadn’t felt so sane in such a long time.
As much as he hated being away from you, he needed this time to be apart from you. It’s what he told himself.
This time away could give him the answers he needed.
That maybe these feelings could mean something, and he could keep himself and his life from bleeding into yours and hurting you.
So right now Marc would settle.
He’d settle for the nights he’s fronting in the body and not serving Khonshu to watch videos of your performances. To watch an interview every now and then. He couldn’t bring himself to watch them all. It made you too real. It exposed some of the things left secret and unspoken between you two.
He hoped one night to see you perform in person.
That he could somehow convince Jake and Steven. Make a night out of it without causing their suspicions.
It was getting hard to explain why he was all of a sudden interested in Ballet and performing arts.
You spun and you glided.
You leaped and extended your body in ways he didn’t know was humanly possible, and he’s seen some things.
Watching you on stage filled him with such a rush of emotion as reading French poems did for Steven as certain Spanish ballads made Jake feel when he drove throughout the night sometime.
Watching you dance filled him with.. a love.
A love for life he hadn’t known he still had. For every person walking the street, for every moon that glittered in the night sky and every sun that graced the sky each day. For each star that was born and each one that died. Displaying the same dance that bewitched you both and captivated you together every other night. Those rare and precious nights that were beginning to stretch far in between space and time as those stars above.
It made him wish to be with you, properly.
He wanted to explode into non existence each night with you.
“Take five!”
Your Apple Watch buzzed with an unfamiliar number sending you a message.
It was about time for a break anyway.
Why you used it as an opportunity to see a random message, you did not know.
Unknown : if you miss me, look at the moon.
Your heart swelled.
It was him. It had to be.
Tears trickled into the corners of your eyes, and you had to close them a moment less you cry.
You had danced every night thinking of him.
Searching the crowd, wondering if you’ll see his face among the sea of thousands.
If he liked the Ballet or found it boring all together you did not know, but you ached to see him.
Your body was always moving. Prancing about all day, doing the same dance each night. Pushing yourself past your limits each and everyday to earn your spot as the head dancer. The one that called the shots each practice.
It was a highly competitive position, and in your nights when you weren’t wallowing in your grief, you’d been spending them with your illustrious lover. . . the stranger.
A stranger who distracted you, but you would not have had it any other way.
It was the first face since your husband's passing, that held such a place in your heart.
The first face that didn’t feel like a betrayal.
Even if he was a stranger, you hoped he didn’t leave your life anytime soon.
So you danced for him.
Wherever he may be, you danced each night for him.
You used to dance for a stranger, but now you could proudly dance for the moon.
Your moon.
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