#Jake lockley gets cock blocked
ninebluehearts · 2 years
Orange kinda love
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Summary: Cheese doesn't like Jake. Jake doesn't like Cheese. A few situations in which your boyfriend and cat fight for your attention at the worst times..
Warnings: Cock blocking, oral sex (f receiving), minors dni
A/n: Poor Jake, man. Getting cock blocked by Marc and Steven before, and now by a damn cat 😂💕
Tag list: @hot-mess-express1
A few months ago, when you were experiencing a depressive episode, your therapist recommended adopting a cat. "You can't just stay inside alone all day. You need someone to care for. A reason to get out of bed, ya know?"
And you knew she was right, it was just that you didn't know if you could handle the responsibility at the moment. So, you agreed to go home and think it over. But not even two days later, you showed up to a local shelter asking to see their cats. As you walked along the long aisles of kennels filled with kittens of all kinds and colors, you couldn't help but feel disappointed. You didn't feel a connection with any of them.
As you reached the end of the aisle, ready to turn around and tell the assistant that you'd changed your mind, something orange caught your eye. You walked over to the last kennel on the wall and looked inside, seeing a giant, orange ball of fluff. "Excuse me? How about this one?" You asked the assistant, reaching inside of the kennel with your finger to stroke the cats fur.
The orange cat sat up and licked his paw for a moment, then looked straight at you. He had these big, green eyes that were so intense for such a small creature. He rubbed his face against your finger, his loud purrs vibrating your entire hand.
"Oh, that one? Um, he's a little old. Are you sure you don't want a kitten? We have plenty of orange ones." The assistant said, gesturing back down the aisle.
But it was already too late. In just two minutes, this cat crawled it's way into your heart and refused to leave. "No, I'll take him."
So, after signing a million pieces of paper work and an expensive trip to the pet store, you finally got to bring the cat home. And as you laid in bed that night, the orange furball curled up on the pillow next to you, you couldn't help but notice how happy he made you already. How could such a small creature bring you so much joy?
You reached over and gently pet his side, kissing the top of his head. "Your name is Cheese now." You mumbled, smiling at his thunderous purrs. You rolled over and went to sleep, finally relaxed enough to do so.
Two years later, your boyfriend Steven asked you to move in with him. You met Marc a few months after you adopted Cheese, then met his alters soon after. Both Marc and Steven loved Cheese and got along with him just fine, it was Jake that had a problem.
See, Cheese had no problems with Marc or Steven showing you any kind of affection. In fact, he would come over and sit with you guys, curling up on either of your laps and going to sleep.
But when Jake was fronting? Cheese was up your ass. He wanted to be with you at all times, only sitting on/around you, following you everywhere. He did not like it when Jake even kissed your cheek. And Jake was at his wits end with this damn cat. So when you agreed to move in with them, Jake had plenty of mixed feelings about it, but at the end of the day, if he could wake up every morning with you in his bed, he'd put up with your annoying cat.
Considering how small your apartment was, it didn't take you and Marc very long to transfer your stuff to their flat. Both you and Cheese had little to no problems with the move, easily making yourselves at home.
You and Jake were sitting on the couch watching Jaws, Cheese taking up the space between the two of you by sprawling out on the cushion. Jake was grinding his teeth the entire movie, trying not to murder your cat. He's been there since he caught Jake kissing your neck and he showed no signs of leaving anytime soon.
Jake paused the movie and sighed, staring down at the feline between you. "Muñeca will you please stand up for a moment?" He turned to look at you, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"Why?" You asked, though you still stood up.
Jake reached over and grabbed your hips, pulling you onto his lap. "Much better." He mumbled, burying his face against your neck.
You immediately wrapped your arms around his shoulders, enjoying the comfort of his hold. Cheese got up and stretched, arching his back comically, before jumping off of the couch and disappearing down the hallway.
It wasn't long before Jake laid you back on the couch and slowly started removing pieces of clothing from both of your bodies, the movie long forgotten. He was working on creating a rather large hickey on your collarbone, when both of you could hear a quiet scrape, scrape, coming from the kitchen.
Jake sat up and glanced over towards the kitchen, only to find Cheese on the counter with his paw on a glass cup, pushing it towards the edge. "Hey! Knock that off!" He yelled, watching as Cheese completely ignored him and pushed the cup off of the counter, a loud CRASH echoing throughout the room.
"Cheese!" You called out, standing up to put your clothes back on. Cheese ran over to you, rubbing his face against your calf with a 'meow.'
Jake walked over and started to sweep up the mess. "Fucking cock block.." He mumbled.
"Hm?" You hummed as you scooped Cheese into your arms, scratching behind his ears.
"Nothing, mi amor."
Knowing that Cheese wasn't gonna give up easily, Jake decided to play dirty. One night, after he took you out for dinner and a movie, Jake ushered you back to your bedroom, trying to beat Cheese there. Once you were both inside, he closed the door and locked it.
Jake turned and looked at you, lust clouding his vision. "I need you, mi vida. Right now."
"Take me." You whispered as you crawled onto the bed, yanking your short black dress off of yourself and into the laundry basket. You thought it was strange that Jake shut and locked the door, given that the two of you lived alone, but you didn't think much of it.
Jake walked over and crawled onto the mattress, practically ripping his shirt off of his body. "Someone's eager." You said, biting down on your bottom lip as your eyes raked over his body, drinking in his toned abs and his strong hands.
'You better watch out, Jake. Cheese knows you're home.' Marc teased, watching them from the mirror on the dresser.
"Shut it." Jake muttered, flashing a glare towards the mirror.
'"Nothing, mi amor." Jake grabbed your ankles and yanked you towards him, satisfied with the high pitched squeal you let out. He pressed his tongue against your knee, licking all the way up to your thigh, his fingers tugging at the lace straps of your underwear. "Tell me how much you want it, cariño." He mumbled, nipping at your inner thighs.
Cheese sat at the door, gently pawing at it.
"Fuck, I want it so bad." You moaned, tangling your fingers in his hair. "Please."
"Good girl." Jake pulled your underwear off and lazily folded them, shoving them into his pocket, before leaning down and gently licking up from your core to your clit, maintaining eye contact the entire time.
"Fuck!" You moaned out, arching your back up. "Yes, right there baby-" All of the sudden, there was a loud, high pitched meow coming from the door. "Cheese?" You glanced over at the door, considering getting up to open it for him, but Jake wrapped his arms around your thighs and held you there.
He only stopped for a second to mumbled, "Ignore him." Before going back to lazily flicking his tongue along your clit. And with the way his tongue was making you moan, Cheese's meows were easily drowned out and forgotten.
Jake was holding back a grin, knowing that he won this time. But right as you were on the brink of your first orgasm, Cheese reached his paw under the door and gripped it with his nails, pulling and scratching at it with an impossible amount of strength for a cat.
'I told you so.' Marc said with a sigh.
'Ignore 'em.' Steven mumbled, too focused on the way you were spread out just for them.
Jake looked up at you, a pleading look in his eye. "Ignore him."
"But he's lonely." You said, running your hand across his cheek. "Just let him in real quick?"
"He's gonna get in the way." He whined.
"Jake." You stuck out your lower lip.
Jake stared at you for a moment, but sighed when Cheese meowed again. "Fine." He got up and opened the door, shaking his head when Cheese immediately ran in and jumped on the bed. "Maldito gato." He mumbled as he walked back over to you. Cheese may have won this time, but Jake would be damned if he was gonna let him win again.
"Cheese, no!" You pulled the stick of butter away from him again, gently picking him up and setting him on the ground. "You know you can't have butter. I don't want to upset your belly." You said, continuing to spread butter onto your toast
Jake staggered into the room, heading straight for the coffee maker. As the machine started doing it's job, Jake wrapped his arms around your waist from behind, pressing a kiss to the side of your head. "Buenos días, mi amor." He mumbled, nipping at your ear.
"Good morning, darling." You turned your head enough to where you could kiss him. Jake slid his tongue along your bottom lip, slipping it into your mouth when you opened it for him.
"Meow" Cheese stood on his hind legs, digging his nails into Jake's leg.
"Ay!" Jake yelped, jumping back. "I'm telling you, cariño, he doesn't like me! I don't know why!" He reached down and rubbed his thigh, glaring at Cheese.
"He doesn't hate you, he just wants to protect me. That's all." You said, holding back a laugh while you stroked Cheese's back. "Hey, can you make sure he doesn't get on the counter? He's a butter fiend and I need to use the bathroom." You walked over and kissed his cheek, snickering when you heard his salty grumbles.
Jake stood there, stirring a spoonful of sugar into his coffee, blocking out Steven and Marc's laughter in the headspace.
Jake turned around and sighed, staring down at the orange cat in front of him. "What do you want?"
Cheese walked over to the counter and sat on the ground in front of it, looking at Jake then back to the butter; to the butter then Jake.
"No. She said not to give you any. Why should I, anyways? You're a fucking cock block. Fuck you." He turned back around and continued to stir his coffee, but Cheese meowed again, this time rubbing his face against Jake's calf.
Jake sighed, shaking his head. "Fine. But if I do this, you have to leave me to my business, got it?" He looked down at Cheese, who just blinked up at him. "Good enough for me." Jake bent down and picked up the cat, setting him on the counter and cutting a nice, thick slice of butter for him.
Cheese immediately started licking it as though you didn't feed him three times a day. "Ay, you really like butter." Jake mumbled, gently running his hand along Cheese's back.
Cheese started purring, arching his back against Jake's hand.
'Is he actually purring right now?' Steven asked, watching in amazement as Jake actually bonded with Cheese.
'Damn, who knew butter was the answer?'' Marc said, equally as amazed as Steven.
"Jake! What the hell!" You said, rushing over to pick Cheese up. "He can't have butter! Why would you let him eat that?"
"He'll be fine, cariño. Let the boy eat some damn butter." He said with a laugh as he reached over to pet Cheese behind his ear.
"Wait, you guys are getting along now?" You asked, feeling Cheese start to purr again as Jake pet him.
"I guess so."
Later that night, when you and Jake were making love, Cheese laid in a nearby chair, dead asleep. He never messed with you or Jake once, leaving you be. Jake wished he gave the damn cat butter sooner.
[Spanish -> English]
Muñeca - Doll
Mi amor - my love
Mi vida - my life
Cariño - dear
Maldito gato - damn cat
Buenos días - Good morning
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soupfiction · 2 years
Alleyway (NSFW)
Pairing: Jake Lockley x female!reader
Warnings: PWP, bit of roleplay with Mr. Lockley, rough public sex, dirty talk that includes crude names and degredation, choking, the gloves stay on during sex, thigh riding, biting that causes a tiny amount of blood, anddd hair pulling.
Word Count: 4.0K
Summary: The man in the limo is one you know, but for tonight, he is not a lover nor a friend—merely a predator stalking.
A/N: Everyone say thank you hormones! Got me out of my writers block purely because I wanted some lockley smut. Also wasn’t sure if I should put translations for the spanish directly after the words/phrases, so let me know if I should.
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There’s music playing across the street. Some loud, energetic beat that spills out into the night from the open door of a club, patrons stumbling out past the stone-faced guard that eyes them lazily. The sidewalk seems to tremble with the noise, chorus of the song resonating within the ground, trailing up into the soles of your shoes until you can feel it in your toes. So, so ear-splitting that you don’t hear the humming of the ahcromatic limo driving down the street, mere metres away.
Completely oblivious, you make eye contact with the bouncer. His bald head gleams in the streetlight, a gaze that you can sense run over your form sent your way. Hell, you don’t blame him. Dressed like you are, he probably assumes you’ll waltz over to the steel entrance sometime soon. Cross across the street and look at him all prettily like everyone must, begging for the chance to pass the velvet rope that hangs from the pole next to the door. A man in a wrinkled tux exits, almost tripping over his own feet. The cord remains unlatched, the bouncer still staring.
The limo pulls up next to you.
Tinted windows allow you to get a glimpse of yourself. Cold bitten nose and cheeks, eyes widened into saucers. Silk dress tight around your chest, poking nipples visible through the fabric. The frigid air bites, but you had decided to forego your jacket for the night, knowing it won’t take long for him to find you. True to your thoughts, it had only taken fifteen minutes for him to spot you amidst the bustling city districts night-life.
You take a step back as the passenger side window rolls down. A flat, black beret sits atop what you know is luscious brown curls, obscuring them and casting a shadow that ends just above thick eyebrows. One cocked up like the side of his mouth. It opens, exposing teeth like a predators. His words fade within the boistourous music as you take another step away from the luxiorus car, then another. Until your back meets the side of a building, thudding softly into it but it forces a gasp from you anyways.
The smirk turns sinister, and alarm bells ring. Bouncing inside the confines of your head, slamming right to left, left to right. The cold seems to have infiltrated your limbs to the point they’re frozen. Skin and muscle turned ice, still like a deer faced with the rapidly approaching headlights of a vehicle. The rumbling of the engine falls to a stop, his dark eyes still on you, and the spell is broken.
You’re making your way down the street before he can exit, ankle boots clicking against the cement in rapid succesion.
The streetlights offer steady illumtination, but your vision blurs. Adrenaline rushing through every inch of your body, turning your limbs shakey and air stuttering. It puffs out in front of you, haze that you barely notice before you’re going through it, pace contained to a fast walk instead of a run like you so desperately want to.
There’s too many eyes on you. The club disapearing behind you, yet its clients among others still up and down the other side of the street. Drunk and tipsy, laughing and carrying on. Unknowing to your current predicament, and you intend to keep it that way lest one of them interrupt what you know will eventually occur.
You trust Jake to not hurt you, but you’re unsure about everyone else. Care for a stranger turning lethal if they attempt to follow, nervous for your well-being with the intimidating man trailing after you.
A man and another walk past you, hand-in-hand and sending looks with how you’re continuously speeding up. Tapping of your shoes’ heels against the ground turning pounding with the force you put into it, willing the mere strength of each step to quicken your escape without you necessarily having to outright run. The air feels stolen from your lungs no matter how deep of a breath you take. It’s not enough and won’t be with the nerves and arousal that demand attention. Crawling up inside of you and sending periodic bursts of energy in your chest and lower stomach.
The muscles of your legs burn. Calves and thighs aching with the way you’ve got them taut, wide strides propelling you further and further. Anticipation curls tighter within you, ears ringing louder now with the music growing quieter the longer you walk. It turns your stomach and makes you feel sick, becoming too much until you have to glance behind you, knowingly acknowledging the devil himself by doing so.
His blue dress shirt is colored black for tonight, barely noticable under the thick topcoat. All darkly colored like the cap atop his head, front portion pointed downwards as he attempts to look like he’s simply watching where he walks. But you know better. Can feel his stare, heavy and pointed. Hands tucked into the pockets and leather dress shoes clacking against the paved walkway. A step ahead of yours in switfness, slowly gaining on you with each footfall. Growing faster now that you dared look at him, forcing your stare to return to in front of you.
You’re past the separate, small groups of people by now. Entirely alone in your endeavor as you pass under a circular spot of light that the streetlamp offers. A brick building to your right, shadows of the night that eat at everything giving way to an opening between the towering establishments just ahead.
The alleyway is an abyss. Ilumination stopping at its enterence and giving it a daunting persona. A place you wouldn’t walk down any other day, but now it’s little more than an option at losing him. If you can just turn into it quickly enough that you have a few seconds to navigate through it and into the street on the other side—maybe then you’ll stand a chance. He’s got his limo parked on this avenue, so maybe if you get far enough he’ll go back to it. Search for you by car again.
Within the span of a second, you’re whipping towards it. Out from the glow of the light and once again consumed in the darkness of the night. The ends of your shoes echo against the dense walls, walking-pace turned into that of a run, spurred on by the fact you’re out of everyone’s viewpoint. There’s no more risk of someone seeing, and that ignites a fire within you. No one to interfere, which means if—when— Jake catches you, he’s more than free to do whatever he wishes.
You make it halfway through before a hand is wrapping around your upper arm, grip strong before it’s shoving you against the alley’s side wall with enough strength to steal the air from your chest in a short-lived gasp. The heel of his palm digs into your shoulder, fingers wrapping around like a vice. Keeping you there as his other hand goes to your throat, pressing and stunting the exhale into a wheeze.
“Aye, chiquita, chiquita…,” Jake taunts, hot breath to contrast the cold that has turned your features dully numb as he gets an inch away from your face. He’s close enough that you can smell the spicy musk that trails after wherever he goes. Something warm and faint, only noticeable when he’s right there. When it’s too late. “Has no one taught you any manners? Running from me…,” he clicks his tongue chastisingly, pressure on your throat relenting enough for you to take in a shaking inhale. “Should I teach you some, bonita?”
Your eyes resolve to an agreement with the dimness of the alleyway, giving way to the features of the man before you. Brown eyes turned into endless black pools beneath the brim of his hat, the quirk of his lips set into a knowing smirk that says, I’ve got you now. It spreads throughout your body and right to the heat that simmers low within you—the kind that’s been there since you left the apartment, Jake’s words fresh in your head: Like cat and mouse, ratoncita. You go, I chase.
But the game never lasts long; becoming over before it’s barely begun, leaving you in the grasp of a more than excited predator. Not that you’d ever mind.
You swallow thickly, feeling your throat bob against his leather clad hand, but stay silent. Nerves grabbing at your vocal cords and holding them, rendering you quiet in the face of such danger. The only sound is the pounding of your heart and the blood rushing in your ears as he consumes you in his stare, swallowing you entirely with it. A viscious look takes over his angular features as you cower.
“Nervous, now? So confident that you’ll get away, only to end up here, justo donde has pertenecido desde el principio.” He emphasizes the last of his words by sliding his hand down from your throat and to your tits. Nipples poking through the material, already senstive as he takes the left one in his grasp, running a thumb over the bud and making you jerk. A dark chuckle leaves his throat at your reaction, and he does it again, harder this time. “Little bitch practically keening for such a simple touch. Let’s see what happens when I give more, eh?”
“Jake—,” you start, plea falling on uncaring ears as he wraps a finger in the middle of the top portion of your dress and tugs it down in one swift pull, exposing your chest to the cold air. The wash of frigidness pulls a shiver from you, goosebumps rising to meet the sudden subjection to the change in temperature.
He doesn’t leave you to feel it for long, lowering his head and hot mouth closing over your right nipple. Tongue running circles before his blunt teeth graze over it, your chest heaving towards the feeling as he softly bites down, rolling it until your lips part and a whine falls out.
When he moves to the other nipples, your hand flies out to steady yourself. Grasping at the hard muscles of his upper arm, only getting to just barely find a firm hold before he’s shooting a hand up and grabbing your forearm, yanking it up and above your head so that it bangs against the wall. Mouth leaving your chest in the same moment he’s doing the same with your other arm, sliding the fingers of one hand to grab both of your wrists in a tight hold.
“Really trying to touch me after acting like you don’t want it,” Jake rags out, all in your face, nose bumping against yours. Licking his lips, tongue so close to your own mouth that you open it as if commanded by muscle memory. A deep chuckle, leaning in closer so the tips of your breasts brush against his clothed chest, feeling how the bass of it vibrates within him. “Qué estúpido, chiquita. Do you not know any better?”
The heat of his words go right past your parted lips until it feels like your own. A breath of life. It makes your head spin, legs going all gooey despite the cold air persisting against them. He crudely shoves a knee between them, splitting your thighs apart so he can hover inbetween them, feeling how the heat of your pussy radites onto him even when not directly touching.
“What do you say?” Leather fingers grabbing at your chin forcefully, shaking your head side to side. You begin to do it for him, saying, no, no, because all you can think about is how close he is. Mouth right there, knee just inches away from where you need him most. Not moving, still, making you burn in the late october chill. He takes two fingers and taps them against your cheek, showing his teeth in a viscious smile. “Don’t worry,” fake sympathy bleeding into his husky tone, “I’ll teach you.”
He's closing the space between your clothed cunt and his leg in a second. Pressure at your wrists growing loose all at once so your body drops an inch, then closing back up on them in a vice, squeezing hard when you wiggle at the sudden contact. Moving his leg back a bit so that his knee is pressing right into your clit, keeping it there and lowly saying, “Now, you will get off on my thigh like the desperate bitch I know you are.”
And, shame to the wind, he is right.
Leaving without the warmth of your jacket, taking a street he often frequents for clients, even the move you made to simply ensue a chase. From the start you knew how this would be, because with him after you, there really is no other conclusion than to end up in his leather clad hands. So, in the darkness of the alleyway, you begin to let your hips rise and fall, feeling localizing around the growing heat between your legs.
The hardness of the top of his knee is achingly good as you rut yourself against it. Hesitant at first, but then he’s grabbing a handful of the meat at your hips, urging you to chase your release like he had you. All the while he’s alternating between praises and degrading phrases, muttered roughly in front of you so that he can watch as you get off. How pathetic and good you look like this, all desperate with just him trailing after you earlier. His pants don’t let him feel it, but the growing wet patch on your underwear alone confirms that. How each time you go back you can feel it pressing and sticking to your soaking folds as you continue.
That burning fire in your lower stomach grows hotter. Flames licking at your skin, turning your body flushed. Cool air brushing over you feeling more and more like a good thing. Jake’s so close, the heat of his body washing over you like a blanket. All musk and overbearing like the coil that tightens with each motion of your hips. He can tell, face growing more smug each time you glance up, your eyes lidded and mouth parted.
You wish he’d just close the distance. He’s still got your wrists in his hand, upper arms inches from your ears. Fingers digging into your hip, letting you go at your own pace as long as it’s constant, or else he’s forcing you to move with a tsk. Face right there, letting you pant and breathlessly moan while he simply watches, lips so close you could go forwards and kiss them easily. The bone of his knee hits just right as you grind forwards again, and fuck, you go forwards with it, leaning up and getting rid of the space yourself.
The kiss is entirely desperate, your nose bumping into his. You’re half worried he won’t respond after what he did earlier at you grasping his arm, but something seems to snap inside of Jake. He returns the action with fevor, pressing his mouth into yours so hard that your head is shoved back against the wall. The hand he had on your hip goes to your throat, squeezing enough that you’re gasping, and he’s shoving his hot tongue in, groaning as you start rutting faster against his knee.
“Mocosa,” He rasps between the wet noises of kissing, fingers expertly finding your corteroid artery and compressing it until your head grows fuzzy. The window of your mind is abruplty closed, fog appearing on the glass. You can’t think straight, and he takes advantage of it by moving to deliver a sharp bite to your earlobe. “What did I say? Won’t even listen when I’m letting you be desperate like this.”
“M’sorry,” you gasp out, heat inside of you growing and growing as he travels down to below his hand, nipping at where your neck and shoulder meet. Teeth scraping before he’s clamping down, pulling a moan from deep in your chest. “Couldn’t—Couldn’t help it. Sorry, m’sorry—,” you continue to ramble out, whimpering between the words as your orgasm rapidly approaches.
Everything’s gone soft around the edges. Mind going into a tunnel vision of just Jake. How he’s making you feel with his downturned lips at your collarbone, hand at your throat. Wrists dully throbbing as the strength he’s putting into holding them has your heartbeat resonating there. He’s everywhere, and you barely get a choked announcement that you’re about to go over the edge of the cliff before you’re falling, vision fading as your eyes roll back inside of your skull.
Your hips stutter to a stop as your body trembles, lips parted in a soundless oh. Then he’s releasing your throat from his hold and moving down to make you ride out the burst of feelings, forcing you to move through it and muttering phrases into your ear that hover in the air, unable to pass through the haze.
Overstimulation breaks its way through just as you return back down from the night sky. Jake gives you barely enough time to get a breath before he’s receding completely and flipping you around, then coming back on you. Front pressed against your back, shoving your bare breasts against the cold wall. Ripping the bottom of your nice, silk dress up so hard that you hear something tear.
You go to say something about it, how expensive it was and how Marc got it for you, but he’s growling out, “Don’t care.” Before delivering a slap to your ass, its noise echoing throughout the alleyway as he drags your underwear down to below your knees in one swift pull.
The wetness of your pussy becomes more apparent as it greets the cold air, then Jake’s fingers as he rubs them, gloved and all, through the slick. “Look at this, eh? Maldita patética.” He gives a few quick movements so that you can hear just how soaking you are for him, mirroring the slap in how the lewd sounds seem to keep going, bursting against the walls and back again.
A wash of heat crawls up your neck, spreading across your face and ears until you feel like a furnace amidst the cold. Jake at your backside adding to it by bringing that same hand up in front of your face, spitting out, “Mirda,” before a pathetic sound leaves your lips at the sight.
Your wetness covering the top half of his fingers, remaining attached in a string even as he spreads them, twisting them all around for you to fully see. Then it’s being dragged over your cheeks, slowly going over each side before wiping the rest over your mouth. Not giving you a chance to do anything as he drags his hand through your hair and tugs your head back, meeting your lips and tasting how it mixes in with your spit and moaning. A low sound that goes straight to your lower stomach, relighting the fire as fast as it had faded to sparks.
“Love how you get when I come after you, ratoncita,” he gruffs out, breaking the kiss and using his hold on your strands to yank your neck to the side so he can trail wet kisses up it. Undoing his buckle and zipper as he lowly whispers, “Don’t even need to do much and you’re already like this, eh? A bitch in heat.” Letting go of your hair and pushing the hot head of his dick through your folds, brushing against your clit and making your thighs jerk. “Say it for me, bonita. Say it.”
“I—I’m, fuck,” your words break off in a gasp as he slides a hand to encompass one of your tits, holding the nipple between two fingers and rolling it. Arching your hips farther into him unconciously, making his lesiurly thrusts between your thighs stroke against your throbbing bud each time. “A bit—bitch in..in. Jake, just. Please. Just do it—,”
The hand at your chest is suddenly clamping over your mouth. Fingers pressing into the side of your face, your head going back against his shoulder with the force of it. Grabbing onto your waist with his other, all hot and heavy even through the fabric of his glove. He’s right there in your peripheral, glaring at you with a feral glint in his dark eyes. “What—did—I—say?” Spitting it out through a snarl, emphasizing each word by making the warm leather dig into your cheek a degree more than the last until you’re sure it’s going to bruise.
You try to say it. A bitch in heat, that’s what you are. But it’s muffled against his palm, your spit smearing over your mouth in the process. He laughs. “Ohhh, now you want to talk?” Shoves you forward against the alley wall until you’re tight between it and him, his lower half remaining where it is so that the head of his dick is now right at your entrance. “Too late for that now, mocosa.”
Then he’s sheathing himself inside of you in one swift movement, hips meeting your ass with a smack. The cry that you let out is so loud that you’re almost thankful for the hand at your mouth. Air puffing in and out of your nose, the scent of leather heavy. Not enough to fill your lungs before it’s being expelled in a forecul exhale as Jake brings himself back then forward again so fast that you’re left reeling, hands reaching back to grab at his overcoat when he begins to do it over and over again.
Quick, deep movements that don’t give you enough time to process let alone breath. Every stuttering intake being forced into a gasp as he propels himself into you, angling his hold on your face so that you’re staring down the alley at the place you would’ve left through had you made it in time. Wrapping his arm around your waist and holding you tight against him, not leaving an inch for you to wiggle away from what he’s giving you. Growling profanities hotly into your ear, “—Knew you wouldn’t get away. Don’t want to when I give it to you like this, right, bonita? Feels so good, doesn’t it?”
You can barely concentrate when he’s hitting that spot inside of you. The kind that has your eyes squeezing shut, stars bursting through the inky black like you never shut your eyes at all. Being consumed by the night sky above all because of Jake. Cries of pleasure so consistent that they’re still audible through his glove, so much so that he’s ragging out how you should be quieter before someone sees. Hears the very distinct sounds of you both and rounds into the alley, walking onto a scene that is downright scandolous.
Still, he doesn’t relent, makes you take it and berates you for it all the same. Warnings raspily chuckled between words that have your release building faster than before. Sliding covered fingers down to your heat, sliding past the hood of your clit so he can directly touch the nerve, rubbing circles that have your knees buckling. Your moans being met by his groans that grow more and more similar to growls as he ruts into you, chasing his release while spurring yours on at the same time.
He builds your orgasm up so well that you don’t even have time to notice it’s there before it’s upon you, crumbling you down and turning your limbs into nothing more than liquid. You collapse in his hold, legs trembling and eyes rolling back so hard you see white. Nothing more than clay in Jake’s hand. Molded so perfectly that the spasms of your cunt send him over the edge, too. A serrated groan from his mouth that is buried in your neck, cut off at the end when he sinks his teeth into your burning skin.
Jake removes the hand over your lower face and sucks at the stinging bite as you both come down, only licking up your neck and to your mouth when your eyes blink open. The kiss has a familiar metallic tang to it, making you pull back as you look up at him, meeting his blown pupils and smug grin. “Did you draw blood?”
“Told you to do what I say,” he snickers, running his tongue over teeth that you think might actually be stained slightly pink. “Should’ve listened, bonita.”
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ser-rctslcyer · 2 years
𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫'𝟐𝟐
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hello!!! i will finally be doing one of these this year and i’m pretty excited! im not going to be doing every day, as i only picked the prompts i wanna do from this list.
characters im writing for:
mk: steven grant, marc spector, jake lockley, layla el-faouly
sw: poe dameron, cassian andor, kylo ren
misc: rydal keener, morpheus (dream), harwin strong, daemon targaryen, jack russel, halbrand
as per usual these are 18+ works, so no minors(you will be blocked)!! also if you have a blank blog or no age/age range listed i will also block!!! (i will be placing this warning on every fic; it’s for me to be comfortable)
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A Reminder:
please read all the warnings before you decide to read each fic; im not responsible for what you consume if you ignore those.
i’m a college student and my life has been hectic lately so if any of the days are late, i apologize and will get to them when i get to them— don’t harp on me for that.
a lot of these are afab!gn! and gn!, so do not refer to reader as ‘she/her’.
before we get started: some of these works will focus on dom/top! reader aspects so if it’s not what you want; then skip it.
lastly enjoy your time!
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day one + dirty talk | cassian andor x afab!gn! reader
day five + breeding + leather&latex | morpheus x gn! reader
day six + cock warming + morning sex | poe dameron x afab!gn! reader
day seven + costumes | marc spector x dom!afab!gn! reader
day eight + voice kink + creampie | jake lockely x gn! reader
day eleven + erotic photos + rimming | marc spector x dom!gn! reader
day twelve + exhibitionism | rydal keener x transmasc! reader
day thirteen + face sitting + face fucking | cassian andor x dom!afab!gn! reader
day fourteen + love bites | marc spector x afab!gn! reader
day fifteen + overstimulation | harwin strong x dom!gn! reader
day sixteen + intercrural sex | steven grant x afab!gn! reader
day seventeen + licking + pegging | steven grant x top!afab!gn! reader
day eighteen + lingerie | layla el-faouly x top!gn! reader
day nineteen + masturbation | jake lockely x gn! reader
day twenty + mirror sex | x transmasc! reader
day twenty-one + nipple play + praise kink | steven grant x afab!gn! reader
day twenty-three + food play + orgasm denial | daemon targaryen x dom!gn! reader
day twenty-four + outdoor sex + tender sex | jack russell x afab!gn! reader
day twenty-six + wax play | halbrand x top!gn! reader
day twenty-seven + stockings | layla el-faouly x marc spector x dom!gn!reader
day twenty-nine + body worship + table sex | kylo ren x transmasc! reader
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fluffyprettykitty · 2 years
Night Session
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Pairing: Jake Lockley x female reader (no other specifications!)
Word Count: 1250 words
Outline: Jake has trained you very well to become his favourite toy.
Warnings: housewife kink, alcohol, cigar mention, nipple play, sub/dom dynamics, daddy kink, oral fixation, shotgunning, spit play, degradation kink, cumplay, oral sex (male receiving), handjob, choking, praise kink, facefucking, rough oral play, facesitting, un beta-ed.
Author’s Note: This is my first solo Jake fic, I started working it after his intro on the show but then I went through a ~writer's block, and then is here we are!
P.S: dividers by @firefly-graphics || banners by @maysdigitalarts
Main Masterlist ・❥・ Marc Spector Masterlist
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"Come on, spread them for me." 
Jake's voice is menacing and demanding, still dressed in his leather jacket and leather gloves. He is sitting on the couch, thighs pushed apart and momentarily you think about how much you want to ride his thighs. Instead, you keep quiet following his instructions, and spread your legs apart on the bed, your naked pussy aching in anticipation. He came over not a long ago unannounced, had you make him a meal, and then it was time for you to become his toy. 
Jake is fiddling with his pockets until he is pulling out a cigar. He moves a bit left to reach the candle sitting on the living room table and lights it up taking a couple of solid puffs. Slowly dragging his lips across the length as he was puffing air out. You want nothing more than to have him turn his attention on you but he seems preoccupied with the cigar for now. Your hands are massaging your breasts wondering if that would get him railed up but he doesn't seem to budge. Your fingers worked in circles always keeping your eyes on him. 
Jake liked having you naked, strutting around the tiny apartment he lived in. He liked to command you and have you show him your body parts whenever he pleased and he absolutely loved it when your mouth was full. You didn't know much about him and clearly, you didn't have to. What you needed to know is how who your daddy is. And of course, you were more than willing to tell him who. 
You watch him as he gets up dragging his feet while he comes closer to you. Finally, you get to play with me, the anticipation burning your insides. Oddly sweetly he places the cigar in your mouth waiting for you to take a puff. Obediently you do so while his other gloved handheld your face. He was observing you silently, his jaw clenching and unclenching. While you were exhaling the smoke, Jake looked at you with a smirk. As he takes the cigar off your face, you settling on getting the air out, he suddenly spits right into your open mouth with a smirk.
"Stupida…" he comments and shakes his head as he places the cigar back inside his mouth. You whimper in response trying to swallow his spit looking at him. 
“Look at you, utterly pathetic.” He lets out a mocking laugh as he sits back down on the couch, spreading his hands on the back of the couch, the cigar hanging loosely on his lips. You wanted to get up, free his cock and suck him till you passed out. You draw your eyebrows together trying to plead your case but you knew you had to wait for him, his instructions. 
Jake was rough, he liked inflicting pain on you, never minded if you were on your period, and always made sure to paint you with his cum. He loved taking pictures of your abused cunt and your shiny face. One time you came to his apartment, tons of pictures of you were printed and hanging on the walls and he had made you remember and recite all the scenes. And then he made sure he painted all the pictures with his cum and then made you clean everything up. Jake was unpredictable and you loved that.
“Daddy…” You whimper and arch your back, wetness pooling between your open legs. Jake only shrugs his shoulders in response. Determinedly you get up slowly and sensually, dragging out your movements the way you know he prefers, getting down on your knees to come closer to him. 
“Daddy..” You repeat once more flattering your eyelashes to him as your hands begin to travel on his legs until you reached his thighs. Stroking tenderly and teasing with your fingertips keeping your eyes on him as his expression stayed cold and unengaging. You begin to rub the palm of your hand over his crotch area, happy when you notice your administrations have him already responding. You continue like this until your mouth opens as the burning inside you gets stronger.
“I need you, daddy.” You plead again using both of his hands on his crotch and then you proceed to unbutton his pants getting close enough to lick a stripe over his exposed skin before pulling the zipper down. To your surprise, he wasn’t wearing any underwear and you momentarily think about how good you would warm his cock for him while he drove around town. The thought got you even more bothered as his cock sprang free against his belly. Your eyes widened at the sight. 
“Oh, Daddy you are so big, I wonder how I’m gonna fit you.” To which he chuckles. 
“Don’t worry, gatita, I got my ways.” He replies and then you spit on the palm of your hand before using your hand to spread all over his length. Using a tight grip you move your hand up and down his length watching him finally changing his expression, knowing how handjobs were his least favorite. He wanted your mouth but two can play that game and you wanted to see what he will do. You continue like this, running your thumb over his tip every time you reached it making him curse every time.
The very next moment all you can feel is a strong grip against your throat lifting you up from the floor and pushing you against the mattress. He quickly takes off all of his pants throwing them all the floor, the sudden loss of his arm making you choke on the fresh air. But that wasn’t for long as he is climbing on top of your face and shoving his cock inside your mouth, his hands wrapping on the sides of your head, as he begins to move his hips roughly against your face. 
Your pussy was clenching so much at the way he used you freely like this, your hands wrapping around his back, trying to hold on. Jake did play nice, he let some air get inside you before slamming it back inside, cursing and praising you at the same time as he rode your face like it was your pussy. When he felt like losing control, he pulled out of your mouth and jerked his cock all over your face with a huff. As if he was doing a pleasure doing so. 
“Stupida…” He scoffs as he gets off from your face and gets up from the bed. He then angrily took his shirt off and threw it on the floor before going back to sit on the couch and relight the cigar. Your face was red, swollen, and used and your pussy wetter than ever. 
Whimpering you looked at him like the sex toy you were as his cock was still hard, standing proud. He blows the smoke out before placing it on the ashtray looking at you. With his left hand, he motioned for you to come closer.
Once you reach for him, walking again on your knees he lifts you up from the floor and places you on his face. 
“Maybe daddy wants to have a little taste.” 
“Daddy can have anything he wants.”
“Good girl.”
And that’s where you stayed until the sun came up, hitting one orgasm after another, Jake practically eating you dry. 
Well, there are worse ways to go… 
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for updates follow @fluffyprettykittylibrary and turn on post notifications!
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