#Spider tw
terrietont · 3 days
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Gregory makes a new friend! I don’t think Vanessa is a huge fan though.
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voltaical-art · 2 months
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creepy crawlies 🕷️
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wormdebut · 16 days
Eddie has a tarantula.
Names her Shelob.
He loves Shelob. Let’s her waltz up and down his arms, takes her on ‘walks.’ (He lets her meander around the living room for like three minutes)
He tries to show everyone his beautiful little friend and everyone is so scared of his beloved, which he finds pathetic. Shelob is an angel, of the highest order.
Robin hates her the most, but she tries to be a supportive friend. Tells Eddie one day that her cousin/best friend/soulmate would probably “love the damn thing, he’s a fucking weirdo like you” and it makes Eddie happy, excited, because Shelob is gorgeous and deserves to be cherished.
Jokes on him cause Robins cousin Steve falls in love with Shelob and Eddie.
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bergquistsblvd · 1 year
I made a few new additions to my Etsy! These little guys are so cute and soft and the perfect size to take with you or to put on your desk as a little pet! What colors do you think you would want them in?
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one-time-i-dreamt · 2 months
I was in a fight with some people, and I started throwing spiders at them. Only for some reason I kept referring to the spiders as “bees”. Every time I threw a spider at someone, I shouted “BEES!” and they would scream in terror.
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the hatchetfield halloween party made me realize I totally missed Hannah's birthday (sorry girlie) and I've been meaning to do more Hatchetfield fan art anyway—i have SO many ideas i wanna try, it's honestly overwhelming—so instead of drawing anything for NPMD, here's a Hannah from Black Friday! and a Webby! (fun fact spiders creep me out so this is the first time I've ever drawn one as more than a tiny scribble, lmao)
i had a lot of fun with this! only spent about 5 hours on it, just taking it easy and enjoying myself, not worrying too much about perfection. it was a nice break from the PM art I've been working on for the last like. couple weeks, lmao.
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cupcakeshakesnake · 22 days
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I need this for reasons
(Apologies for any spider inaccuracies, I was too tired to research)
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Fun fact, one of my hardcore boundaries with my deities is not to send me spiders. I'm terrified of them. My brain perceives a spider in the vicinity as a threat to my life, fight or flight kicks in, I will probably cry, the whole nine yards. I don't care how associated they are with spiders, I feel unsafe around spiders.
I saw that Loki, at least to enough people to worry me, is associated with spiders. IMMEDIATELY I was on guard. Loki was very insistent that he would NEVER, the goal is never to make me feel unsafe.
Cue two nights after Loki's first appearance to me, I have a dream in which the main "plot" is a spider. It was barely even a nightmare, I wasn't SCARED it was just a pain in the ass. I remember this dream halfway through the day, start laughing because Loki found a loophole, and get a very distinct "see? Your fears can't hurt you. They can even be funny."
I can't even be mad, because that was smart. And yes, very funny.
Cut to last night; my dream is general messy weird dream shit, but what sticks out is a spider that's completely irrelevant. out of place. On a segment of "wall" that shouldn't even be there, in the middle of a big room, and it interrupts the "scene" completely. Instead of freaking out I grab the arm of my friend and say "spider," and just move us away and leave it be. Progress. Not a real spider, I'd still cry if a real one was involved, but undeniable progress in my subconscious.
Loki is very pleased with himself. I am entertained.
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l3irdl3rain · 3 months
caught her hard at work redecorating
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My favorite Conduit Of The Horrors 🩵
Rambles and art stuff under the cut
I love thinking about the primary trio post-nmpd, and there have been some really cool headcanons floating around, and long story short I rewatched Yellow Jacket and I have some ideas in the works. I don't know if this is post-Yellow Jacket or in the middle of it or what, I'm not actually thinking that deep about it I'm just having fun lol. For reasons I needed to have a finalized design for Hannah soooo-
I managed to seriously screw myself over by deciding to try and draw 2 characters I adore that are played by four extremely different looking actors. It was frustrating, but interesting to try and pick out what I thought the most important features of each version was.
So like, for BF Hannah I just used Kendall Nicole as the reference, easy peasy. But aging her up was a bit of a juggle. Eventually I ended up kind of grafting Lauren's expressions onto her face shape, which I also referenced Angela Giarratana for. Just to get that familial connection in there. It really helps that they both have that distinct chiseled chin, it's really fun to draw and fairly easy to replicate. (Side note, Lauren has an incredible ability to suddenly look like a deer in the headlights out of nowhere. The nervous energy that rang through her performance as Hannah was amazing, and I couldn't get over how damn expressive her eyes were)
I was gonna have a more detailed drawing of Ethan in there, because I absolutely love their relationship, but I chickened out. I ended up basically just drawing Joey's version with slightly shorter hair that is longer on one side, like a half-mullet thing. This is partially to try and synthesize the two versions in my head aesthetically, but mostly it's to differentiate him from Pete. Pete is a little difficult too, I actually really like how Nick Lang played him and wanted to incorporate some features from there, but I decided to save it for another day because I was giving myself a headache. Honestly a lot of the stuff is just hair texture, cause one of the most defining traits for their designs in my head was the way their curly hair was styled. But at the same time Joey's current haircut is damn iconic and I love being able to swing it around for the drama Ghibli-style
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mcnotok · 2 months
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nerdpoe · 9 months
Jason was going through the Tower, looking for Tim, and all was going well-until he found Tim's Secret Room.
"What the fuck," Jason whispered, inching back out of the room, "What the fuck. What the fuck? What the-what in the fuck-"
"You're not supposed to be here," a quiet voice said behind him.
Directly behind him.
Jason spun around and staggered further into the room as he did so, losing his footing and falling on a knee.
Timothy Jackson Drake, in all his Robin regalia, stood stock still in the entrance.
Jason slowly stood up, hands out.
"Look, I think we may have jumped the gun-"
"No one is allowed in this room, Red Hood," the little Robin said, voice even and calm and quiet; all the things that no one who was in the stupid hell room should be.
Jason swallowed, tensing and watching as the kid held up a hand with a remote in it.
"Don't." Jason whispered, although the voice modulator distorted it.
"No one, Red Hood."
A button was pushed.
With a hiss, all of the lids to the enclosures opened.
The enclosures that hosted nothing but spiders.
What the breaking point was, though, was when Jason felt something rather large plop down on his shoulder.
Then another. And another, and another.
Then they started crawling under his jacket.
Jason felt no shame in the scream that tore itself from his lips as he stumbled past Tim and ran.
"....That was a little fucked up, Baby Bird. Just want you to know." Nightwing's voice sounded a little faint through the comm.
Tim scoffed, collapsing the bo staff and getting to work on trying to hunt down and place the spiders in their proper enclosures.
"No, what's fucked up is that I've probably lost a significant sum of money by doing this," he bitched, reaching down to collect some of the more docile ones and close the lids to the ones that hadn't tried to run.
"Spider breeding is so weird though, Tim."
"It's a way to pass time is what it is. Plus, they're cute."
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aubeezz · 4 months
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Wtf . Thing
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evilwizard · 1 year
AITA for not wanting to explode with spiders?
spider queen (6,074F) laid her eggs in my (~20,000W) ribcage how do i ask her to move them somewhere else before they hatch
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bergquistsblvd · 3 months
I love it when people reach out for a custom order, here is my most recent order that I loved making.
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A 12lbs spider! This boy is so hearty and cozy!
What colors would you want this boy in and how much would you pay for it?
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one-time-i-dreamt · 3 months
I was working to invent miniature trampolines for jumping spiders, because jumping spiders like jumping, so I wanted to help them jump higher.
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