#Sky showed me art of them wearing wedding bands
kellanswritingblog · 4 years
Let Me Remember
During their stay at Mikaele Salesa's safehouse, Martin proposes to Jon with a ring he's been carrying with him for their trek through the apocalypse.  But as they leave the oasis behind and Jon forgets their entire stay, he forgets Martin's proposal as well.
Inspired by this piece by @misplaced-my-notes and a conversation with @shorter-than-her-tbr-pile <3
You can read the whole thing below, but I’ll also be adding an AO3 link in the reblogs!
(Spoilers for Episodes 180 and 181)
Martin glanced over his old clothes.  Mikaele had provided them clean outfits, food, showers, and comfortable rest, even if he didn’t yet offer up the cost of such amenities.
For now, Martin didn’t want to think on it.  Instead, he rummaged into the pocket of his dirty, bloodstained jeans, and pulled out a velvet box.  The ring inside still shimmered despite everything its carrier had been through.
It seemed like years ago that Martin had bought it from the small shop in the town nearest to the safehouse, nestled in the Highlands.   When he came home, beaming, unable to stop smiling, he was sure Jon would figure something was up, even without any Beholding powers, given that the excitement radiating off of Martin was so tangible.
He didn’t plan much in terms of a proposal, just making one of the few mortal meals that Jon still enjoyed, then sitting on the couch after dinner and asking him if he would marry him.  Even though Jon had risked everything for him over and over again, Martin couldn’t help but fear that the answer might not be the one he hoped for.  All the same, he wanted Jon to know how much he loved him and that he wanted to spend every minute with him, whether as husbands, boyfriends, partners, or friends.
But when the world changed, so did Martin’s plans.  And when he packed up bags for the moment Jon was ready to leave, to set things right, he glanced at the ring’s hiding place and tucked it into his pocket.
Once they fixed the world, then he could ask.  After the apocalypse was averted, they would have all the time they could ever want, right?
The apocalypse was still going, however, and Martin had no idea what came next.  Neither did Jon, bizarrely, and that did nothing to assuage Martin’s fears.
However, as he held the ring box in his hands and stared at the sparkling metal, Martin realized he knew what he at least wanted to come next.
“You alright there?”  Jon asked as he reentered the room, hair still wet from a recent shower.
“Um, yes.  I am.  I…”  Martin took a deep breath, then closed the box and held it out of view as he spun to face Jon.  “This probably isn’t the best time, but… it’s not like time has really existed while we were outside of here, so…”
“Martin?”  Jon stepped toward him, worry creasing his features.
“Jon, I… will you marry me?”
Martin was so mesmerized by the frozen surprise on Jon’s face that he almost forgot to get down on one knee and take out the ring.  After he did so, the shock in Jon’s expression didn’t change, but instead his eyes glanced between Martin and the ring in equal measure.
“I know it’s not like marriage really means so much anymore, with the world ending and what not.  But… I love you, Jon.  I’ve waited ages to ask you, and I don’t know if there’s going to be a better chance than this, so…”
Jon stumbled over his words a few times, then wiped away a tear, and settled on a simple answer: “Yes.  Yes, of course.”
They were both smiling now, grinning from ear to ear, and crying gleeful tears that washed away the sorrow that so often adorned their eyes.  Martin stood again, then took Jon’s hand into his own and slid the ring onto his finger, before raising his knuckles to his lips and kissing them slowly.
After falling into an embrace for an unknowable amount of time, shuddering with tears for an occasion they never thought they'd be lucky enough to experience, safe in the arms of their lover, Jon pulled away just a bit to look at the silver band.
He chuckled.  “Where did you find this?”
“I didn’t just find it on some Buried bloke and take it, if that’s what you’re thinking,” Martin cried, and Jon looked away sheepishly, but said nothing.  “I got it before all of this.”  He gestured around them, to the maelstrom of terror outside the walls.  “I had a whole little plan, nothing special, but… and then…”
“I see.”
“Every time we entered a new domain and you went off to do a statement and I waited… I would take out the ring and just look at it,” Martin continued.  “I told myself each time that there was no guarantee of safety, not even for you, and that I might as well ask you while I still had the chance.  But then you came back, and I put the ring in my pocket and insisted there would be another, better time.  And now… I don’t think there’s going to be any better time than this.  I hoped that if – when – we fix things, then I could propose, but I don’t want to wait that long.”
Jon smiled up at Martin, fresh tears glimmering in his eyes.
“I love you, Martin.  I love you so much.  And I can’t wait to be your husband.  The state of things being as they are, maybe such titles don’t matter, but it matters to me.  And… I’m grateful.  I love you.”
They fell into another embrace, and Martin teased, “Who knew this is what it would take to get you talking about your feelings.”
“Are you complaining?”  Jon asked with a wry smile.
“Not at all.”
“Good.  Because I want to say it again: I love you.”
“I love you too.  God, I… Yeah.  I love you.”
With a giggle, Jon commented, “I suppose we should go find out what Annabelle and Mikaele have planned for us?”
Martin sighed, but he still couldn’t stop smiling.  “I suppose so.”   He paused.  “Wait; wasn’t Salesa a captain of a ship?  Doesn’t that mean he can perform marriages?”
“Talk about a quick engagement,” Jon joked.  “I’m not sure it applies if his ship is destroyed, though.”
“Can we still ask?”
Jon leaned up and brushed his lips against Martin’s, grinning as he did so.  “Of course, my love.”
Hand in hand, the fiancés headed out of the room, ready to face whatever came next, so long as they were together.
Martin wanted to stay longer in Mikaele’s oasis from the apocalypse.  Of course he wanted to stay longer.  Who wouldn’t?
It wasn’t as if he’d forgotten about their quest or set aside the knowledge that he and Jon were the only ones that could set this whole thing right for the sake of a warm bed, as tempting as that might have been.  But Martin craved to rest for a few more days – actual, real days – and enjoy some simple meals, to relish in mortality and humanity, to be at peace for a few moments with Jon at his side.
But he couldn’t deny that Jon was getting worse.  He zoned out in every conversation and practically seemed to doze off at times.  When Martin shook him and he didn’t immediately awake, Martin knew that Jon had to leave there.  Martin had complained at first, and a bit of him still wished the situation was otherwise, but, for Jon’s safety, he would lead the way out the door.
Whatever Jon’s connection to the Beholding meant for him in a potential future that wasn’t inhabited by the fears, that didn’t have the Eye staring down from the sky and drinking in all the terror… they could deal with that later.
For now, Martin and Jon left Mikaele’s house behind and headed back into the wasteland.
Jon immediately began to perk up the farther they got from the Eye’s blindspot.  Martin, meanwhile, didn’t feel any such dramatic change in mood or health, but he could feel the fear soak back into him, as if the air itself was tainted with it.
As they walked and Jon’s sight returned to him, telling him the right directions, Martin filled him in on their time with Mikaele as he was unable to remember it.  Hopefully, Jon couldn’t see how Martin’s hands shook as he thought of how heavily Jon relied on the Beholding; and how heavily it relied on him.
The tale of their quick vacation soon came to a close, but then Jon stopped in his tracks.
“What is it?”
Jon raised his left hand to examine it.
“Since when have I been wearing a ring?”
It felt like Martin was kicked in the chest and he couldn’t help but let out a shuddering exhale as he realized that Jon remembered nothing of his proposal either.
“I… I guess part of me hoped you would remember that,” Martin admitted quietly, then stepped back towards Jon and took his hand in his own.  It’s not like it was Jon’s fault that his memory failed him, so he took a deep breath and explained, “I, well, I proposed to you while we were there.”
“You did what?”
Martin chuckled at the shock on Jon’s face, the same expression that he’d worn when Martin pulled out the ring the first time.
“It seemed like the best chance we would have, given the state of the world.  We’d gotten cleaned up and were about to head down to talk to Mikaele and then I found the ring box in my dirty clothes and…”  He shrugged, hoping he’d said enough that Jon could remember for himself.
Instead, Jon looked down at their clasped hands and said nothing for a long moment.
“I’m sorry,” he said quietly.  “I’m trying to remember, but…”
“It’s okay.  This just means I get to propose to you again,” Martin replied with a comforting smile, but Jon still stared at their hands, tears forming on the surface of his eyes.
“No, I… I should be able to remember this.  I want to remember everything about you.”  He met Martin’s gaze as the first tears began to fall.  “And that I could forget something so important…”
“You sure you want to remember everything about me?”  Martin teased, wiping away Jon’s tears and gently caressing his face.  “Even when I ran around the Archives in my pants?  Or when I accidentally put ramen in the microwave for thirty minutes instead of three and didn’t notice until it was actively on fire?”
Jon chuckled despite himself and pressed his cheek into Martin’s hand.  “Yes, even those bits.  Every part of you.”
“Well, I can do my best to help jog your memory,” he suggested.   “I’ll tell you what happened, and maybe you’ll remember something?  But first-”
Martin knelt down in the muck, holding Jon’s bedecked hand, and looked up at the light radiating off of him.
“Jonathan Sims, will you marry me?”
Beaming, Jon cried, “Yes, Martin, yes, of course.  I love you.”
“I love you too.  And I will say that however many times I have to so that you remember.”
“Now, that I could never forget.”
Martin rose to his feet, then lifted Jon’s hand to his lips and gave a quick kiss to the ring finger, then another, slower kiss to his palm.
Before either of them could say anything more, the echoing sound of applause came from one of the tombs in the near distance, and Jon and Martin glanced at each other with confused smiles on their faces.
“Seems the individuals trapped here are alright with our nuptials,” Jon remarked.
“First they interrupt our jokes, now our proposal; this is just getting out of hand,” Martin joked, and Jon let out a laugh.  After a few more moments, Martin sighed.  “I suppose we should be going?  Got to save the world and all that, so that I can properly marry you.”
“Yes.  But first…”  Jon wrapped his arms around Martin’s shoulders and kissed him, passing so many memories and hopeful futures between their lips.  “Now we can go.”
“Works for me,” Martin replied, beaming, just before the same applauding tomb-goer offered up an enthusiastic cheer.  “Besides, the audience participation is a little much for me.”
Jon laced his fingers through Martin’s and began to lead the way to their next destination.  As they walked, he asked, “So, tell me about this ring, and how you proposed the first time.  Tell me again, and again, so that there’s no way I’ll forget.”
Martin relayed the story of how he purchased the ring in the village during their brief stay in Scotland, how he held onto it each time Jon gave a statement, and how he haphazardly asked Jon to marry him as they’d gotten cleaned up in the relative safety of that oasis.
But as Martin spoke, he realized that, despite the horrors around them, his oasis was wherever Jon was.  And as long as he was with him, the fears could only do him so much harm.
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thesmokingguns · 3 years
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Picnic in the Park
Pairing: Axl Rose x Reader
Word Count: 2128
Request Summary: “Axl rose meets a girl threw slash who is his childhood friend whos also an amazing painter and just is infatuated with how pretty she is and he just follows her around like a puppy.Tan skin brown hair that goes to lower back brown eyes, wears alot of cute sun dresses and is very kind”
A/N: I am catching up on requests. So if you have requested anything in the past week or so thag oiece should be coming out soon. Thanks everyone for reading
Tag list: @ayablackwood @agroupiewhore @thenobodies-inc @littlemisscare-all
Your mind was a mixture of light and dark, complimentary colors, and images burned into your mind that you wanted to paint later. If there wasn’t a brush in your hand you were taking notes with a pencil, sketching the world around it through eyes that only you saw it from. You captured everyday life like the older woman with the mesh bag she had filled with fruit or the man with his red beard, a few weeks unkept, napping in the alley to get a break from the heat. You took these people, characters of the world and had them live forever on the canvas you painted on.
Art was your passion. You loved walking around Hollywood with a set of watercolors or a notebook to sketch in and take in the lives of others. There was some sort of poetic feeling of taking a stranger from the street and importilizing them as a character in your art. You created a narrative for them that they may not be living. It was cathartic and you’d spend hours of your day people watching until you finally found the right subject.
Sketching out a bump on someone's nose that might have come from a childhood accident or from their Freshman year of college when they drunkenly fell down the front steps of the dorm, you created their unknown life story as you placed each line of their face into place. If you didn’t infuse their story into the piece it was just some colorful person without any meaning. But you wanted to give the viewer of your art a full piece. They should be able to look at your picture and understand the life that the subject lived; your art created that life.
It was crazy to think that a few years before you were in school thinking about becoming an English teacher.It was a chance meeting at a grocery store when you ran into your old friend Saul’s mother. When you had been kids the pair of you had been so close and secretly your mothers had both had fingers crossed for a wedding that never happened. The pair of you split apart the summer after senior year to set out of a life you each wanted. His mother had invited you over for dinner, which she also invited her son to, thrusting the pair of you back into each other's lives.
Oddly enough, it was like time hadn’t passed between you. The easiness of your friendship coming back without even trying and soon the pair of you were hanging out on almost a daily basis. With your schedule up helped manage his house, buying groceries, doing some cleaning, and running a few errands he never remembered. In return you had a few rooms to yourself. Slash had wanted to make sure you had time for your art as well as a space for it.
Dressing in a white floral pattern sundress you grabbed your bag that contained your art supplies. You wanted to get to the park early and set up a blanket you could spend the day sketching and painting on. You planned to soak up the sun in your skin and use the good lighting to get some new work to sell for the craft fair this weekend. As you turned to grab the picnic foods you had made the night before you saw Axl sitting at the counter. His green eyes looked up, smiling when he saw you.
“Hey, Y/N. Slash just left. I’m going to leave in a minute. I was just finishing up some lyrics.” he was always over and you thought that he was lonely in his role as lead singer. Even though Axl put on this tough guy imagine and had a reputation it was like he needed to work for that because he thought that was what rock stars were supposed to do. Whenever he was around you he seemed lost, always making extra conversation or taking the time to go walk to the coffee cafe with you and wait in line, even if he didn't want anything.
“I’m heading out for a day in the park.” you told him, moving the wax paper covered sandwiches into a small wicker basket, along with some fruit and cheese, some water, and a bottle of wine. You could feel his eyes on you, “I’m over packing and have more than enough if you want to come with me?” you let your eyes flutter up from packing the basket to look at him. “I’ll leave you alone to write because I’m just going to spend the time working on some new portraits.” It was important to you that you set up expectations. There was no need for him to feel like he was going there to entertain you or vice versa.
“I’d love to go. You don’t mind?” he asked as you finished packing up the wicker basket. You shook your head no, letting him pick up the food you had just packaged and leading you outside, “What park did you want to go to? I can drive us there.” you told him what you were thinking, getting comfortable in the convertible.
When you had moved in with Slash you had forged fast friendships with his bandmates. Even though you weren’t at every show and didn't always go backstage you had gotten close to them in different ways. On Wednesday nights you hosted a dinner party where you made them all come by so you had an excuse to cook for them. When someone had a ripped piece of clothing at a show you’d quietly take out your sewing kit, stitching patches in jeans and repairing favorite band shirts. You liked being around them all because of how animated everyone was; they were so easy to draw. You had a whole sketchbook of black and white images from the band. Your favorite subjects were Slash and Axl, mainly because they were the two you were around the most and had the most flexibility when it came to moods.
Axl had grown close to you, drawn into the caring nature you had. It was hard for him to understand that someone would do things for him without expecting anything in return. The first time that you had been out drinking with them and insisted Axl came home with you so you knew he was safe he had thought was a come on. When you helped him drink water and gave him aspirin before tucking him into bed he was shocked. Even more shocking was waking up to find his clothes washed and folded on the guest room chair and you carrying in a breakfast tray of freshly made foods. That’s just how you showed you cared about your friends. Being the mother of the group and taking care of them helped you feel like you were contributing as a friend.
Spreading out the blanket under the Weeping Willow tree. You motioned for Axl to sit as you toed off your sandals and moved to sit down. Digging through your bag you set out your sketch pad and pencils. You could see Axl out of the corner of your eye. He didn’t seem to know what to do. You pulled him down to the blanket, settling him so he could rest his back against the tree. You pulled off his shoes and socks and handed him his notebook as you went about unpacking your picnic so he could pick at food if he wanted to.
With him settled in the shade you laid down, belly first in the sun. Picking up your pencil you scanned the park until you found an older man feeding the pigeons. Your eyes followed his movements for a few minutes before you started your sketch. The feeling of the warm sun on the back of your thighs as you twirled the pencil in your hand, capturing all the features of the man.
As you drew you could feel Axl’s eyes on you. At first it was just light glances every few minutes and then it turned to heavy long looks where his eyes were watching you. Ignoring the way his stares made you blush, chalking up the pinkness in your cheeks as just sun exposure.
A hand slid over your calf, over the back of your thighs before going over your dress and laying on the flat of your back. You turned your face upward looking at Axl watching you. His eyes flickering from your art up to your face. There was a pause, curiosity and interest in what he was going to do next. Your heart is beating in your chest even though your body is frozen, wondering what he was up to.
“Do you want to take a break and eat? You’ve been working for a couple hours.” Looking past him you saw the sun had changed position in the sky and time had gotten away from you. Sitting up you handed out sandwiches, positioning yourself comfortably besides him in the shade of the tree.
Axl had been following you for most of the spring and now into summer. He's around all the time and often comes along for days like this. But you liked having him around. You thought that he needed the quiet comfortable silence between the pair of you; so much of his life was filled with noise.
“Y/N, do you like this?” He asked, peeling off the crust to his sandwich. The action seemed to be more of a need to keep his hands busy instead of a dislike for the bed.
“Do I like this? Picnics in the park?” You didn’t know exactly what he meant. Axl sometimes seemed to talk in riddles not wanting to fully play all of his cards.
“Being with me.” He didn’t look up to meet your eyes at this, almost embarrassed to be talking about it. You weren’t like Axl. There was no need to talk in riddles or have him guessing how you felt.
“Of course I like having you around, Axl. It’s nice to be able to spend time with someone I like.” He looked up, almost surprised that someone would like to be around him. “I’ve had a crush on you for a few months and it’s nice to get to know you more and find more reasons to like you.” You didn’t feel nervous telling him this. It actually felt like a relief to get it off your chest.
He put down his sandwich, wiping crumbs off on his shirt and looking at his hands to make sure that they were clean. Before you could figure out what he was going to do he had a hand in your hair, tugging you closer to him in a soft kiss. For months you had been thinking about what it would be like to kiss him on one of your lazy afternoons together and now it was happening.
Instead of letting him pull away and think about what he had just done you slid onto his lap, letting your hands wrap around him. His free hand was on your back holding you close as the pair of you made out like teenagers under the shade of the willow tree.
Finally, the pair of you pulled away, swollen plush lips and wild curious eyes watching each other. This new change between the pair of you sparkling like wonder between the pair of you. Axl was playing with a piece of your hair, wrapping the brown lock around his finger like he had been wanting to do for months.
“Does this mean we can finally start dating?” You asked, watching the way he smirked at this question. “Because I don’t know how many more times you can just casually show up without Slash catching on. And I don’t know how many more picnics I can plan without touching you.” You admitted, his lips were on your chin and up your jaw.
“Mhhh, I’ve been waiting for this for so long and now I can have you all to myself.” His voice whispered huskily to you kissing your earlobe. He pulled away to look at you again. “You have to tell Slash.” He said, making you laugh as you rolled your eyes. If that’s what it would take to have Axl you didn’t mind telling your best friend about the relationship.
“You take care of me and I’ll take care of everything else, babe.” You promised, meaning it. This was everything that you had wanted for months and now you were getting it. The man that you had started falling for was yours. It had only taken months worth of picnics to get him.
106 notes · View notes
The Paddock
Tristan Chase Sparrowe
The Bull
One day in the fall of autumn, when the moon is high and bright, orange in hue and full in complexion, when the clouds hang oppressively low in the sky I wandered through the meadow to the buffalo paddock, newly installed by decree of the mayor of San Francisco about two months ago.
The headlines in the newspaper were all the same, dismal in hue, recording the afterthoughts of the Mayor. “'The park commissioners expect soon to procure a buffalo cow who will lighten the hours of his confinement,' Harrison says”. Tomorrow the buffalo, Anastasius will be married to his bride-to-be, a new import from a ranch in Wyoming, where my uncle lives with his wife, and a dog, where they have retired and where my uncle hunts and participates in environmental conservation.
It's brisk, with many clouds of smoke blowing from the corners of my mouth into the Fall air. The grass has just been clear cut, and the smell invades my nostrils. The dew from the morning and previous evening cling to the individual hordes of grass scintillating in the dawn evening light. I have been up for a day and a night approximately and everything seems to vibrate around me.
I am here with a specific purpose. No one is around the buffalo paddock the night after Thanksgiving, the city itself is deserted, let alone the park and its many intertwining trails. I could walk for miles on these days in San Francisco, traversing the entire seven by seven without seeing a single person.
I reached into my backpack and extracted a long pair of bolt cutters I had purchased for a penny at Goodman Lumber two days ago.
A swift look to my left, and to my right, and into the stable at Anastasius as he sleeps. The strong bull grunts and twitches in his sleep as steam puffs from his nostrils. His side rises and falls as he breathes and his ears twitch a bit. It is a pity for such a sculptural beast to be imprisoned as he waits for a wedding he has no say in and a migration pattern that is now limited to across the paddock. Either way, an option might be a change of pace for him. A change of scenery, a chance to spread his wings before wearing his proverbial wedding ring around his hoof.
A link in the chain link fence snaps open and then another, and another as I make an archway about the size of an Ort cloud in the distance. Finally the metal links curl like a pad of melted butter to the wet grass. Anastasius sighs deeply and continues his dream. I ponder where he might be in his mind for a moment. The plains with his kin, avoiding native species of humans and the great white hunters of the fields where they used to graze. Possibly butting heads with an alpha male or turning on his heels to run. In space or in a hell like place, with demons floating above his massive cranium. An endless pasture where he sits in a cloud of cow fermones, butterflies braiding his mane.
I find myself walking a few paces ahead, erstwhile extracting the axe from a loop in the lining of my coat. I question my motives one last time before raising the axe above my head and, hearing the blade glint I let it fall into a mass of decomposing wood that surrounds the buffalo encasement. A crack resounds and a group of black birds flutter into the air squeaking as they fly. Anastasius stirs. I let the blade strike again, over and over until I break a hole in his cage. I kick the horizontal beams until they become diagonal and finally...
The bull's eye catches my attention. He has been watching me for some time. I breathe “You're free now lil' buddy,” and continue to circle around back towards the hole in the cyclone fence. Anastasius whines a bit. And grunts again.
I consider my motives and consider this new found freedom that I now share with the bull. It never felt like optimism to free the bull, just felt like a circumstance, a necessity, of the era that I live in. The symbolism of this pack animal now caged by himself, a migratory creature that is now forced to stay in one place. A metaphor for the elimination of the Native Americans who relied so heavily on the existence of the herd. And the grasses that cultivated with the motion of the species, and now wanes due to it's disappearance. What a pity. I wonder why he does not leap anymore, if he is lacking some sort of bacterial family in his gut or if his brain is lacking a certain chemical, why he has accepted his fate as a caged being, why he does not call out or try to create an alliance with a human to help facilitate his escape.
A mild panic surges through my veins and works its way into my knees making me weak for a spell. I tuck all my tools and hike back towards the main road. I decide to wait for a moment by a streetlamp and spark up a cigarette.
I think about the stars for a moment and try to locate Orion's belt. Somehow when compared to the power of the cosmos, my own worldly problems seem immaculately minuscule. And then came a dull rustle from the bushes lining the Fulton street border of the park. Anastasius slowly emerges from the darkness, then pauses, kicking his hind legs out to stretch. One, and then the other. A glow from my cigarette and the plume of smoke from my lungs catches his attention and he freezes.
Now that nothing is separating myself from such a large powerful animal I feel the weakness in my knees again and somehow the cigarette's effects seem more intense. I lower my head a bit to acknowledge his presence and say “fair thee well monsieur.” He lowers his head back at me and then he trots off in the direction of Ocean Beach.
His silhouette pirouettes and fades into the darkness of the night. When I arrive home I undress and lay in bed, and count to slow down my brain. Again I imagine the distance of the night sky, the size and millions of stars in the sky, compare them to the personalities here on earth and the endless multitudes of people. Once again I feel terribly small. Eventually I drift off and I, too am one with the cosmos.
The next day is the opening ceremony of the arrival of the new bison to the paddocks. Anastasius is to have a wife.
I make my way towards the modest crowd of people who have showed up to see the young bull procure a new wife. News teams are there and flashbulbs take snapshots of the Mayor arriving and emerging from his Lincoln town car led by police escort.
No one seems to suspect that Anastasius is not present, then again no one seems to care. The mayor stands up on a soapbox and gives a short speech, then motions like a circus conductor with his left hand to the truck containing the cow. Two men stationed on either side of the truck wearing overalls boots and golfers caps let down a metal ramp and a gate to the flatbed.
The cow, Anastasia, seems to be alarmed by the noise of the cheers of the crowd and the visage of a small excited yapping dog. She immediately starts to gallop into the paddock making a swift round and then charging out of the hole in the fence that I had cut the night before.
The music from the bandstand stops and the crowd gasps. The mayor throws his pork-pie hat to the ground and starts to shout at his assistants. A moment passes and sirens from firetrucks and police vehicles start to whine.
A large gap toothed grin stretches across my face. I laugh for a moment and then my forehead crinkles and I start to grimace. I don't pretend to understand what is going to happen to the bison nor do I feel guilt about setting them free. Seeing this crowd in a frenzy sets me off in an opposite trajectory from the crowd and the escaped cow.
That night at home with a hot toddie sitting by my wood burning stove with the neighborhood cat, Noodles, listening to the radio, the broadcast starts to announce, “In other news, police officials say they located the escaped buffalo which were to be married today on Ocean Beach and Ortega. The bull, Anastasius, and the cow, Anastasia were standing near the sea foam giving each other Eskimo kisses when authorities arrived. The mayor arrived shortly thereafter to find the police troop crying tears of joy. The band played “Auld lang syne” and the mayor hugged his wife. The mayor's assistants opened bottles of champagne and as the corks flew into the air the buffalo walked side by side down the coast.”
Noodles meowed and rolled around on his back.
1) http://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/Oldest-bison- at-Golden- Gate-Park- dies-at- 22-
2) http://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/Golden-Gate- Park-baby- bison-found- dead-
3) https://localwiki.org/sf/Golden_Gate_Park_Buffalo_Paddock
4) http://www.foundsf.org/index.php?title=Buffalo
“12 Short Stories of the Bison in Golden Gate Park.” JSTOR web article.
The Bison or Buffalo in the United States. The Indiana Quarterly Magazine of History, Vol 6. No.3 (September, 1910) pp. 114-117. Trustees of Indiana University. Http://www.jstor.org/stable/27785281. JSTOR web article.
Poaching Pictures Yellowstone. Buffalo and the Art of Wildlife Conservation. Alan C. Braddock. American Art, Vol 23, No.3 (Fall 2009), pp.36-59. The University of Chicago Press on behalf of the Smithsonian Institution.Http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1086/649775. JSTOR web article.
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nostalgiaispeace · 4 years
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk? i think i do a good mix
2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day? no
3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books? i use bookmarks
4: how do you take your coffee/tea? coffee = sugar. tea = sugar and honey
5: are you self-conscious of your smile? yeah
6: do you keep plants? no
7: do you name your plants? -
8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings? poetry
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself? sure
10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach? side
11: what’s an inner joke you have with your friends? idk
12: what’s your favorite planet? earth
13: what’s something that made you smile today? my husband
14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like? idk...bookish
15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is! no.
16: what’s your favorite pasta dish? pesto
17: what color do you really want to dye your hair? blonde
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up. idk
19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it? sometimes
20: what’s your favorite eye color? blue
21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that’s been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces. it is a lana del rey tote.
22: are you a morning person? no
23: what’s your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations? tumblr, watching a movie or reading
24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets? yeah
25: what’s the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into? not my thing
26: what are the shoes you’ve had for forever and wear with every single outfit? idk
27: what’s your favorite bubblegum flavor? peppermint
28: sunrise or sunset? sunset
29: what’s something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing? idk
30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared? yeah
31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks. i’m not a fan anymore; sure; no; no
32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends. we went to bed
33: what’s your fave pastry? i’m not really a pastry person
34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it? it’s a frog; nanny; a frog; yes
35: do you like stationery and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often? sure; no
36: which band’s sound would fit your mood right now? none
37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean? i don’t really care tbh
38: tell us about your pet peeves! leaving out dirty dishes
39: what color do you wear the most? black
40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what’s it’s story? does it have any meaning to you? it’s my wedding band, yes
41: what’s the last book you remember really, really loving? troubled blood
42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it! no
43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with? idk
44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything? yesterday
45: do you trust your instincts a lot? sure
46: tell us the worst pun you can think of. no
47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe? sushi
48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today? loved ones dying, yes
49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought? yes; AA like a house on fire
50: what’s an odd thing you collect? nothing odd
51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them? helpless
52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far? idk
53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them? yes, no, yes, yes, i like them fien
54: who’s the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face? idk
55: what’s the most dramatic thing you’ve ever done to prove a point? idk
56: what are some things you find endearing in people? idk
57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics? no, it makes me happy tho
58: who’s the wine mom and who’s the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why? idk
59: what’s your favorite myth? idk
60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves? yeah sure. i like emily dickinson and lana’s
61: what’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? the stupidest one you’ve ever received? idk
62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind? no
63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be? music yes books no. no
64: what color is the sky where you are right now? blue
65: is there anyone you haven’t seen in a long time who you’d love to hang out with? jordan
66: what would your ideal flower crown look like? idk
67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel? peaceful actually
68: what’s winter like where you live? COLD
69: what are your favorite board games? Life
70: have you ever used a ouija board? no
71: what’s your favorite kind of tea? chamomile
72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you’ll forget it? yes
73: what are some of your worst habits? biting my nails i guess
74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns. no
75: tell us about your pets! she’s my baby
76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren’t? yeah
77: pink or yellow lemonade? pink
78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub? neither
79: what’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you? idk
80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why? off white, no
81: describe one of your friend’s eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of. nooooo
82: are/were you good in school? yeah
83: what’s some of your favorite album art? idk
84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones? not really
85: do you read comics? what are your faves? i have, the umbrella academy
86: do you like concept albums? which ones? sure
87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives? not sure
88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy? idk
89: are you close to your parents? my mom
90: talk about your one of you favorite cities. no
91: where do you plan on traveling this year? no where
92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch? drowns it
93: what’s the hairstyle you wear the most? bun
94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday? my dad
95: what are your plans for this weekend? chill
96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot? depends on my mood
97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house? idk, capricorn, hufflepuff
98: when’s the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it? idk not my thing
99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them. no
100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why? back.
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
OK, October 19
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Pregnant Princess Eugenie betrayed by her own dad -- Queen Elizabeth bans Prince Andrew from delivery room 
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Page 1: Big Pic -- Lea Michele and husband Zandy Reich enjoying a leisurely stroll with their son Ever in a stroller in face masks 
Page 2: Contents 
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Page 3: Contents 
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Page 4: Demi Lovato moving on -- a heartbroken Demi is picking up the pieces after splitting from her fiance Max Ehrich 
Page 6: When Kris Jenner shocked fans with her announcement that Keeping Up With the Kardashians was ending she didn’t explain why she decided to pull the plug on the show after 20 seasons but now she’s gearing up for a big TV interview in which she’ll reveal the real reason she’s calling it quits which is ironically because there’s too much drama going on with her family and she wants to see her children happy again 
Page 7: It’s a good thing Taylor Swift has been sheltering in place at her Nashville farm and not at her posh pad in New York City where bullets were flying outside her $18 million Tribeca townhouse during an armed robbery at a sneaker store next door, after just one season on The Talk Marie Osmond has been unceremoniously given the boot because her ex-cohosts Sharon Osbourne and Sheryl Underwood threatened to quit unless she was canned because they felt Marie didn’t bring anything to the table and just made it difficult for them to get their ideas across plus they thought she was too refined and too nice and too polished, Emma Stone’s recent hush-hush wedding to Dave McCary has her ex-boyfriend Andrew Garfield crying the blues and ever since Emma and Dave were spotted wearing matching wedding bands Andrew has been telling people that he’s happy for Emma but everyone knows that deep down it must be devastating for him because she was the love of his life 
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Page 8: Red Hot on the Red Carpet -- stars are chic in suits -- Emily Blunt, Sandra Oh, Gugu Mbatha-Raw 
Page 9: Olivia Palermo, Charlize Theron 
Page 10: Who Wore It Better? Lily-Rose Depp vs. Kaia Gerber, Mj Rodriguez vs. Kat Graham 
Page 11: Brie Bella vs. Kyle Richards 
Page 16: News in Photos --  Gwen Stefani modeled one of the new styles from her L.A.M.B. eyewear collection while shooting a campaign 
Page 17: Brie Larson and her boyfriend Elijah Allan-Blitz wore masks at a grocery store, Drew Barrymore posed on the set of her new talk show, Katie Holmes and boyfriend Emilio Vitolo Jr. had dinner with his dad Emilio Vitolo Sr. 
Page 18: Kidding Around -- famous parents can’t get enough of their mini-me’s -- Prince William and sons Prince George and Prince Louis, new dad Artem Chigvintsev and his son Matteo, pregnant Ashlee Simpson enjoyed a day of shopping with daughter Jagger 
Page 20: Wells Adams out on a run, Keo Motsepe and Anne Heche take a selfie, Alessandra Ambrosio spending a day at the shore 
Page 21: Arnold Schwarzenegger and his girlfriend Heather Milligan took their two-wheelers out for a spin 
Page 22: Farrah Abraham clad in a patriotic bikini in Venice in California, Olivia Jade and boyfriend Jackson Guthy on a dinner date 
Page 23: While guest-hosting the Ellen show Stephen “tWitch” Boss created a TikTok video with wife Allison Holker and guests Addison Rae and Derek Hough, Irina Shayk served looks for designer Nicole Benisti’s Fall/Winter 2020 campaign 
Page 24: At the Hometown Heroes Live Music Festival Snoop Dogg honored his late friend Tupac Shakur with fellow headliner Nelly, Helen Mirren stunned while attending Prince Albert II’s Monte-Carlo Gala for Planetary Health, Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly 
Page 25: Ireland Baldwin getting her tresses dyed back to blonde, Kaley Cuoco filming a scene for her show The Flight Attendant 
Page 26: Inside My Home -- Armie Hammer and Elizabeth Chambers’ historic home -- the spouses of 10 years are calling time on their marriage and saying farewell to their L.A. hideaway 
Page 28: Julianne Hough and Brooks Laich’s divorce is off 
Page 29: Ryan Gosling will turn 40 in November and there’s just one thing he wants for his birthday -- baby No. 3 with longtime girlfriend Eva Mendes because he loves being a dad and is eager to grow their family and Eva is totally on board and the couple who already have two daughters would be thrilled to have a baby boy, after quarantining in Big Sky in Montana for months Justin Timberlake is itching to get back to work in L.A. but his wife Jessica Biel doesn’t want to let him out of her sight -- while Jessica likes the slower pace of Montana Justin is bored as hell but Jessica wants Justin around to help with their son Silas and their new baby boy but everyone knows she’s afraid Justin will go back to his old habits
Page 30: Rebel Wilson’s romance with hunky new businessman beau Jacob Busch is heating up and the two have been inseparable since she returned to L.A. last summer after shooting a TV series while Down Under -- they hang out at her house cooking healthy meal and exercising and go for hikes in the canyons and Jacob is wonderful and generous and sweet and he loves her sense of humor, Kim Kardashian is close to ending her marriage to Kanye West but she’s holding off on filing court papers until she finishes mapping out the details of her post-divorce life, Oh Baby -- these couples secretly welcomed little ones -- Amanda Seyfried and Thomas Sadoski welcomed their second child which was a boy, Billie Lourd and Austen Rydell welcomed a boy named Kingston Fisher Lourd Rydell, Rooney Mara and Joaquin Phoenix welcomed a son named after Joaquin’s late brother River 
Page 32: Cover Story -- Princess Eugenie’s royal baby drama -- the mom-to-be is worried her disgraced father Prince Andrew will steal the spotlight for all the wrong reasons -- Queen Elizabeth is set on making sure that Eugenie and her great-grandchild are spared any future embarrassment caused by Andrew because she’s had enough of his reckless behavior -- Prince Andrew is crushed by Eugenie’s decision to keep him out of the delivery room and is hoping she’ll reconsider 
Page 36: Sandra Bullock -- wedding and baby and a tell-all -- she is planning for a family-focused future and ready to clear up rumors from her past 
Page 38: Parenting the Pandemic -- Ex Factor -- these former couples may have their differences but they make it work for the sake of the kids -- Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale, Khloe Kardashian and Tristan Thompson 
Page 39: Tarek El Moussa and Christina Anstead, Anderson Cooper and Benjamin Maisani, Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck 
Page 40: Interview -- Demi Moore -- the star talks about her bravest roles including her latest in the pandemic thriller Songbird 
Page 42: Primetime Babes -- how this fall’s hottest stars stay in tip-top shape -- Gabrielle Union, Hilary Swank, Nicole Scherzinger 
Page 43: Lily Collins, Nicole Kidman 
Page 46: Style Week -- Becky G’s new collection of sunglasses with Dime Optics 
Page 48: What’s Hot Right Now -- be a trailblazer this season in a statement-making jacket -- Iskra Lawrence 
Page 49: Mad for Mascara -- Rosie Huntington-Whiteley 
Page 50: Think Pink -- shop these pretty items that support breast cancer awareness month 
Page 54: Entertainment 
Page 55: Q&A with Candace Cameron Bure 
Page 58: Buzz -- VanderBump Rules -- Brittany Cartwright and Jax Taylor the latest Vanderpump Rules couple to announce they are expecting celebrated the news at a gender reveal party and among these guests were current costar Lala Kent and their former castmate Stassi Schroeder both of whom are also pregnant 
Page 60: Sound Bites -- Jane Fonda recalling the time she told Kim Kardashian West she had a beautiful butt, Millie Bobby Brown on doing arts and crafts during quarantine, Drew Barrymore revealing her experience on the dating app Raya 
Page 61: Catherine Giudici joking about how her life revolves around poop with three kids, Sharon Stone on how she was madly in love with Robert De Niro before the two starred in 1995′s Casino, Chace Crawford joking about the time he turned down an offer to become a Chippendales dancer 
Page 62: Horoscope -- Libra Cardi B turned 28 on October 11
Page 64: By the Numbers -- Julia Garner 
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razziecat · 5 years
ffviihalloween OCT 28 🥀 Gothic tales of the macabre and morbid, telltale hearts and family curses
Hello, friends, and welcome to Story Corner! Please enjoy this story in three parts.
Wedding Hell Blues
The SOLDIER squad formed up at the doors to the chapel, each man in full uniform, a sword on his hip or at his back. Spectators clustered behind them, and everyone’s eyes were on the closed doors. Hojo found himself in the front row of the crowd, next to a slim, familiar man in a dark suit and a neatly-trimmed, dark bronze beard. Well, this was awkward. He’d known it was inevitable. They were related now, after a fashion. “Director,” he said, voice carefully neutral. “Lovely day for a wedding.” 
“Hojo,” came the equally-dry reply. Veld nodded to the woman at Hojo’s side. “Lucrecia.” “Wasn’t it a beautiful ceremony?” Lucrecia dabbed at her eyes with a lace-trimmed hankie. “Veld, you look very handsome today.” She glanced at her husband, shaking her head. “Not everyone balks at wearing a suit.” Hojo scowled and glanced at his watch. “So, Veld, how did you get your daughter to agree to let you give her away?” “I didn’t,” said Veld. “We argued it to a draw, and when the shouting was over she agreed to be ‘escorted’ down the aisle, provided the whole of AVALANCHE took part in the procession.”
Well, that explained the twenty-odd members of the entourage, and a more ill-matched group of attendants Hojo had never seen. He’d kept his mouth shut, though. The groom’s family was handily outnumbered, and besides that, every member of the wedding party was openly carrying. There came a rustle of movement at the chapel doors, and the SOLDIER CO barked, “Detail! PRE-SENT! ARMS!” As one, every man lifted his blade high into the air, forming a gleaming arch of steel. The doors opened, and the newly-married couple stepped out into the sunshine, resplendent in silver and black. Pride lifted Hojo’s head and shoulders, pulling him out of his habitual slouch. Even without armor, Sephiroth was magnificent. Garbed in a black suit subtly designed to mimic the cut of his uniform, his hair a silver waterfall down his back, he glittered like the morning star. Even his eyes shone, blue as a highland lake. No trace of any other color showed through; the lenses, painstakingly ground and polished by hand, were undetectable. Hojo sighed in satisfaction. A brilliant smile graced Sephiroth’s face, almost too bright to look upon. Lucrecia squeezed Hojo’s arm. “Oh, he looks so happy!” Hojo grunted assent. Beside her new husband, Elfe was a drab little mouse, but it wouldn’t do to say so in her father’s hearing. At least she’d opted for a dress, although it was a soft silver-gray, knee-length with a split skirt, rather than some fluffy white confection. Leave it to the rebel to flout tradition wherever possible! As the couple moved down the path beneath the arch of swords, Elfe strode forward as though marching into battle. Sephiroth would have to work to keep up with her, rather than she with him. Modern values. What had happened to the old days? By chance, his eyes met Veld’s, and a spark of rueful concurrence passed between them. Veld shrugged, and the moment was gone.“Don’t be so gloomy!” Lucrecia tugged at Hojo. “Come on, the reception is starting!” “Drinks,” Veld murmured, turning away. Well, things were looking up! Hojo allowed his wife to tow him toward the refreshments. A few hours later, he wandered down the stone steps of the mansion, following them deep into the basement rooms that no one ever visited. With the key he kept always in his pocket, he let himself into the room farthest from the door. He flicked on the old battery-powered lantern, pulled up a chair, and sat, propping his feet up on top of the dusty coffin. He might be imagining the low growl like a roll of distant thunder, or the cold rattling of the heavy chains that bound the casket. He raised his glass in a mocking toast. “Hell of a party going on upstairs, Valentine.” He sipped champagne. “Too bad you’re indisposed.”
Beware of Turks Bearing Gifts
Sephiroth and Elfe’s daughter received her name on the wings of a storm.
Family and friends gathered in her honor at her grandmother’s house. Veld arrived at the party as forked lightning split the sky, thunder rattling the windows. Lucrecia’s arms tightened around the baby. “Oh, I hope that’s not an omen!” “It’s a promise,” Elfe said. “She’s going to kick ass and take names.” She smoothed the baby’s pale gossamer hair. “Aren’t you, Ingrid?” “Pretty name.” Veld placed his gift on the table piled high with name-day offerings. Oh gods, he was a grandfather now, and wouldn’t that take some getting used to? Elfe accepted a brief embrace, and that was progress; time was when she’d as soon slug him as hug him. “It means hero’s daughter.” She glanced over her shoulder at her husband, surrounded by AVALANCHE, and deep in a discussion of last night’s kendo competition. “Good choice, then.” Veld smiled a greeting at Lucrecia. A quick scan of the room picked out familiar faces, but one was missing. “Where’s Hojo?”
“Working, of course!” Lucrecia rolled her eyes. “He promised to be back in time for the baby’s name-day, but it looks like the storm front’s keeping him in Nibelheim.” “He’ll be sorry he missed it, I’m sure.” Veld let Lucrecia place the baby in his arms, awkward at first, relaxing as he remembered the art of holding an infant. Dark eyes in a heart-shaped face regarded him with wary curiosity. “You’ve got an unusual pedigree, child.” Soldiers and scientists, rebels and Turks. What a mélange! Gods grant that he never failed her the way he’d failed her mother.
Later, Veld took a glass of chilled white wine, while Elfe extracted Sephiroth from his clique and sat him by her side for the presentation of the gifts. Twenty-some years ago, it had been Veld, his wife, and baby Elfe--Felicia, then. If only her mother had lived to take part now! Veld shut that thought away, along with other regrets. The dead were dead; they didn’t return. Ingrid lay in her cradle, happily gumming a stuffed Moogle toy, while ribbons and wrapping paper were scattered, and presents admired. The first one proved to be a hand-made chocobo-down quilt in bright primary shades. Elfe spread it across her lap. “Cloud, this is marvelous! I didn’t know you could do needle-work.” “Winters are long in Nibelheim,” Cloud said, grinning. “You have to do something creative to combat cabin fever.” Tifa’s gift was a companion to Cloud’s: An herbal pillow, small enough to be safely kept in a baby’s crib. Elfe held it to her nose. “It smells lovely! What’s in it?” “Chamomile and hops,” Tifa said. “To help her sleep.”
Yuffie’s gift turned out to be materia, surprising no one: A Mastered Heal, because, as Yuffie said, “Hey, you never know what kids might get into!” Next, a slim gold chain bearing three gold beads, from Barret and Marlene. “Three for luck, to start her off,” said Barret. “One new one each year, until she’s twenty-one.” Last was Veld’s gift. Elfe smiled. “Oh, books! Fairy tales.” Her eyes misted as she paged through the three small volumes. Good memories? That smile was all the thanks Veld needed. Once upon a time… He rose to refresh his drink, just as thunder crashed and rolled overhead. Rain hit hard, dimming the late afternoon light. The scent of ozone and wet earth prickled his nose. “Looks like Ingrid’s paternal grandfather isn’t going to make it,” Veld remarked. “He sends his regrets.” Veld reacted to the smoky voice and tall, shadowed figure before recognition hit him. He blocked the path to the cradle, stopping the intruder clad in black leather and ragged crimson, and only then did his brain catch up. Veld’s prosthetic hand shook, fingers spread flat against the man’s chest. “Gods of Gaia. Is it…Valentine?”
The apparition inclined his head. Wild black hair, ice-white skin, blood-red eyes in an impossibly young face, elegant bones honed sharp by something dark and predatory. “Veld.” Sephiroth had risen, a welcome presence at Veld’s back. AVALANCHE moved, taking up defensive positions to left and right. Veld trusted that someone had by now slipped Ingrid out of her cradle and into safety. “Who is this?” said Sephiroth. “My old partner. Thirty years gone.” Veld took in every line of Valentine’s body, wraith-thin and garbed in clothing both antique and viscerally disturbing. Gold covered his left arm from elbow to fingertips, ending in draconic talons. “Where the hell have you been?” The fine lips twisted. “Hell, indeed.”
“Where is my husband?” Lucrecia’s voice, raw iron with a razor edge. “Why are you here?” Valentine’s fiery glance barely acknowledged her. “He’s…indisposed. I’ve brought a gift for my…for the baby.” He moved, so swift that Veld’s eyes couldn’t follow, stepping around Veld, one long arm outstretched. A small white object lay on his gloved palm. He offered it to Elfe, who stood beside Sephiroth. She didn’t hesitate. “It’s a rattle.” She held it up for all to see, shaking it gently. The soft clink and clatter sounded to Veld like the chuckling of crows. He took the rattle, examining it. Hand-carved, smoothed and polished, the whole of it hard and cool to the touch. But not true white. More like old ivory, or…bone-colored. Chilled, he looked up, meeting Valentine’s eyes. “What is this?” “It’s an oath fulfilled.” Valentine’s mouth curled into a shape that wasn‘t a smile. “It means ‘never again.’” “Vincent--” “Later.” One lean finger touched Veld’s lips. “Perhaps.” He turned away, his midnight hair hanging thick and tangled, except for one long, plaited tail pinned to the red band encircling his head. Wind at the door tossed the black braid, stormlight catching in silver threads.
Sephiroth shut and locked the door. The silence and shock that gripped the room broke, but Veld shook off the questions. “Lucrecia.” He took her arm. “Come with me. We need to talk.”
Head, Hands, Heart
Veld approached Shinra Manor from the south, avoiding the main road up the mountain. A stand of black oak trees marked the estate boundary, conveniently screening him from sight. He slipped through the formal gardens at the rear of the house, and on to the old library in the east wing.
Vincent would be watching the front door. Veld preferred to scope things out before that inevitable confrontation.
Third window from the left: Faulty latch. He eased it open, drew aside the heavy dark drapes. Stared at the back of a bookcase, blocking his way in.
He could push it to one side, but if it fell, the noise would alert Vincent and anyone else on the premises. Assuming any of the staff remained. He wouldn‘t bet on it. So, on to the kitchen garden.
Once magnificent with fruit trees and herbs, the garden had diminished to one small cold frame beside a mound of recently-turned earth. The pantry door, almost invisible in the lee of the wall, yielded to Veld’s lock-pick. He risked a small light. A broken chair and a pile of scrap wood made a minor obstacle. He pushed past them, paused to get his bearings.
Silence and shadows. An antique iron stove brooded in one corner, cold. The massive oak table centering the room held only a single, broad-bladed knife, stained dark.
“Dirty tools left lying?” Veld murmured. “I taught you better than that, Valentine.”
Vincent was neither stupid nor careless. The knife pointed toward the door across the room, opened on a narrow stairway. It led, Veld recalled, to the basement.
Too obvious. He explored the ground floor first, floorboards creaking softly as he walked. A sigh at the very edge of hearing stirred the heavy air; the back of his neck prickled. He refused to turn and look.
Dust whitened the old-fashioned furniture in the sitting room and the formal dining room. Little of the house was in use. Only the office showed signs of recent occupation: Leather briefcase on the desk, cloth jacket draped over the back of the chair. An open notebook, its leaves filled with an esoteric shorthand in a bold black scrawl.
He took the bait, deciphering page after page of a private journal dated over thirty years ago. Part of his mind admired the brutal efficiency and sheer creativity of the experiments described, even as cold sweat crawled down his spine.
The subject of the experiments was identified only by an initial, but it was enough. This was more than a piece of the puzzle; it was the key to the mystery. He’d been led to this point from the moment he’d arrived at the house.
He turned back to the hall. In a corner, light glinted. He bent for a closer look.
Eyeglasses, wire frame twisted askew.
Nerves taut, he returned to the kitchen, to find the basement door now shut. A length of heavy steel chain hung from the knob, broken links trailing on the floor. He gathered it up, stuffing it into his pocket, and opened the door. Cold air wafted up the dimly-lit stairs, tasting of iron and copper, and the sharp, oily bite of mako. He went down the stairs, since that was what Vincent wanted.
Shinra Manor boasted several sub-levels. The first one held the labs, specimen cages, and mako tubes. He checked the cages first: Empty. Should he be relieved, or worried? Moving on, he found the mako tubes bubbling quietly, glowing softly in the dark. That left the labs, at the darkest end of the hall.
He flipped the light switch in the first one. Gods of Gaia! He backed out, suppressing the urge to vomit. Now he knew the source of the raw-meat stench. Was there any use in looking further?
In point of fact, there was. He had a promise to keep, no body, and no rogue Turk. Veld Dragoon did not leave a job unfinished. The thought of checking the rest of the labs made his stomach churn. He was too old for this shit.
In the second lab, no gore, still no bodies, nothing but long-idle equipment hung with shaggy cobwebs. He moved on, and that was when he noted the rusty-brown footprints–long, narrow, tapering to pointed tips–leading down the hall to the lab farthest from the stairs.
“Goddamn lunatic games,” he muttered, following.
Once more, he hit a switch, unsurprised at what the light revealed: Vincent Valentine, all black leather and ragged cloak, tangled hair framing ember-red eyes in a face untouched by time. He leaned against a steel worktable, arms crossed, gold talons tapping.
“I don’t play games, Veld.”
“Then what do you call all of this?”
“I call it justice,” Vincent hissed. “Payback.” He moved with unnatural speed, pinning Veld to the wall. “You let me disappear. You and everyone I knew went on with your lives, and forgot about me. Thirty years, Veld!” The grip of his gold-clad fingers tightened around Veld’s throat, just short of pain. Veld could still breathe, still speak.
“We thought you were dead.”
“I was.” Vincent’s fingers tightened a fraction more. “I am.” Abruptly, before Veld’s air ran out, he let go and backed away. “And yet I don’t blame you. It’s not your fault. I don’t even blame Lucrecia…much.” His eyes flamed, and he snarled, canine teeth catching the light. “Hojo. It was all Hojo!”
The lines of his body blurred, going dark, gaining height and bulk. His face flickered, one moment a beast’s muzzle filled with dripping fangs, the next a parody of grinning madness, all teeth and staring eyes. Adrenaline sparked a burst of energy to the materia in Veld’s metal arm, but before he could release it, Vincent melted back into his own human shape.
“I was more merciful than he,” Vincent said. “I let him run. Let him try to escape. I gave him the night, the dark of the moon and her shadows to hide in. The last thing he heard was the howling of wolves.” He smiled, eyes half-hooded. “I am what he made me, and that’s what destroyed him in the end. As a scientist, I’m sure he appreciated the irony.”
“You could,” said Veld, against his better judgment, “be charged with murder.”
“Go ahead. If you think you can hold me. If you think anyone cares.”
“What am I supposed to tell his wife?”
“Oh, I’ve already sent her a message,” said Vincent, at the worktable again. “And not only her. There’s another with a right to know. In fact, it should be–”
Veld’s phone buzzed. He pulled it out, seeing two messages flashing.
Vincent smirked. “Timing is everything.”
Veld listened to both messages, one delivered with cold, military precision, and the other shaking with horror. He listened twice to make sure he understood. When Veld looked up, Vincent had shifted so that he no longer blocked what stood on the table.
“Did you know that mako makes an excellent preservative?” Vincent turned the wide glass jar, watching the contents spin lazily in the green liquid.
Veld swallowed bile. “Why…?”
“I suffered hell’s own torture under these hands. It’s only fair.”
“And…the ‘message’ you sent to his son?”
“Hojo was only his father in the intellectual sense! It’s an average-sized brain, by the way.”
“And Lucrecia?”
“She chose his heart over mine.” Vincent smiled, a deeply disturbing sight. “Now it’s hers in fact as well as metaphor.”
Veld closed his eyes. “Gods damn you, Valentine.”
“Yes,” said Vincent. “I believe they have.”
And so concludes our morbid little tale. Sleep well! ;)
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nitrosw7-blog · 4 years
A Shattered Dream Baltimore Artist and small business owner finds new beginning
Baltimore,MD April 9,2020 Local business owner Dianna Byers created a stained glass art studio in May of 2019 .  After just getting on her feet, the COVID-19 pandemic hit. Now her doors are closed and she stays at home sewing masks for those who need them.
Dianna Byers sits in her kitchen. Seated at her table sewing cloth masks for neighbors, relatives, hospital workers, social workers, and pretty much any one else who needs one. If she can, Dianna custom designs them so they fit well. A lot of care goes into each mask. “I've tried not to have a set price. A few dollars here and there to cover the costs. Some people have even donated materials to me. Some I give away. Pay me what you can.”
Dianna is no longer at work like many of us. But Dianna doesn't get to apply for unemployment.  Matter of fact she might have been better off if she had a 9 to 5 and lost it. As the months go by the bills soar. Dianna is one of our own local business owners.  As many small business owners are finding out the bills just keep coming.
And a wonderful unique business it was. Dianna was the sole owner of Terraza Stained Glass Classes. And More. The “and more” added later as the business grew. Terraza Classes is the accumulation of a life's work  and love of crafts, art, and gluing things together. Located near the volunteer fire station right in Arbutus. A small town in south west Baltimore county.
Having just spent a good part of her savings on her dream, Dianna took the leap and opened the  art studio in Arbutus, Maryland, where people come and  can unwind, enjoy life, laugh, and create. Dianna is often heard saying “ leave your stress and anxieties at home. We're all about unicorns, rainbows, and kittens. The shop mascot is a Beta fish named Kokomo. He gets regularly uploaded to Facebook so fans can watch Kokomo the fish.
“People come here to make glass art. Stained glass, mosaics, glass fusing, a little painting, a little arbitrage of many crafts.  She add a little comedy, 80s classics, and silly dance all rolled together for a unique happy experience. The most popular piece people make? “Mosaic crab, of course. It's number one. People love Baltimore and crabs. We even travel to other towns and bring the workshops to them.”
Building the new business was slow at first.  Especially since there was no business models like hers.  Dianna cheers “Some of my friends pitched in some time and elbow grease during the building phase. My husband Steve hand built the work benches. We hang out and make crafts all day.”  Dianna even had her mom come in to teach a crochet class.
Not making a profit at first but then, it began to grow. First a few more here and there, but then they started coming. Many from far away. They came in couples... They came with families... They came with friends.  They brought their wedding parties. They brought their moms, kids, and partners.
They all came together to make art, laugh, and learn. And quite a diverse crowd it was. People from all ages, races, origins, social classes. “We have had rock and roll bands, roller derby girls, firefighters, old, young, LGTBQ, you name it. We all hang out.  One big happy family.” Dianna is a big fan of equality.  
In stark contrast, there's no laughter and art there any more. The shop is dark. The lot is empty. “ We had to go raid my shop for toilet paper and cleaning supplies. As I stood in the quiet darkness that was just several weeks ago filled joy and laughter, I locked up in tears” So Dianna does all that she can do. While waiting and watching as history unfolds a pandemic that shook the world. She sews.
Dianna started learning stained glass as an art form 5 years back. It all started with a giift certificate for a beginner class at Terraza Stained Glass, owned by Donna Terraza in downtown Baltimore. Right away she had to sign up for another class then another. After developing the skills of both old world restoration and modern design, Dianna soon started working for Terraza. Donna Terraza and Dianna became good friends.
Dianna worked many huge projects. She even has one of her creations hanging in the Walters Art Museum. They commissioned her for a piece to be featured at the family center in the Walters. Its a skyscape of the Baltimore skyline in glass. Titled simply “Donna's Sky” after her good friend and mentor. After some time Dianna decided to start her own studio. While Terraza in Baltimore focused on restoration and custom orders, Terraza Classes, a sister company,  wanted to focus more on teaching.
She then saw an opportunity  to reach out to the local community. Next she joined several local organizations such as the Greater Arbutus Business Association and participating in several events and art shows. Within a few more short months , Terraza started supporting charities like BARCS animal shelter. Classes continued for weeks with all proceeds going to charity. Noticing several less fortunate families going without at Christmas time, she organized a fundraiser for local residents so every child would receive toys and stockings.
Dianna's sister Karen is nurse at Veterans Hospital. She was recently transferred to an ICU from internal medicine. “ Karen works with the sick and dying. She's on the front lines and they don't have enough equipment. Karen had to move out of her own home as to not possibly infect her family members who are at high risk. Dianna's says “ no, I'm not a doctor or nurse, and can no way compare to brave frontliners, but there's got to being something I can do . So I”m sewing masks.
Maybe I'll get to open again. I don't thinks bailout funds and small business loans are going to be enough. On top of that I have a daughter in college who lives in an apartment in Chicago. and those bills are adding too. And she doesn't even get to go to class. Were paying for college she cant' go to.
Dianna says her masks are made with 100 percent flannel lined  cotton so that wearers can wash and reuse them. They have several layers and suggests fit is important too. I know they're not as good as the N95 masks, but I have people begging me for masks. I now have trouble keeping up with the orders. Dianna adds her artistic flare to masks. Often asking if its for a man or woman, boy or girl. “Maybe they would feel less conscientious, and wear it more often when it suits them.”
“We're all scared, I sometimes can't watch the news. It makes me angry to see some people with an 'o well ' attitude. Most of us are trying real hard, but some are not. They don't cover their faces when coughing and sneezing. The grab and handle everything, without thinking about others.  Some people are still going about their business ' la di da'  without thinking of all the ramifications of not protecting us all.  “I just wanna help protect  myself and protect others.”
Dianna is keeping her chin up and hoping to be back one day. It is tough making a new business a success. And even tougher if you are struggling artist. Dianna asks for every one to stay in touch by visiting Terraza Stained Glass  Classes on Facebook. Send mask request and donations to Facbook messenger. https://www.facebook.com/Terraza-Stained-Glass-Classes-and-More-403820520216143/ . In the future classes can be booked at the website. http://www.terrazaclasses.com. There you can also visit Kokomo the beta fish and her cats who she refers to as her coworkers.  Students and friends are all there to help keep a smile and a ear to bend when needed.
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kaistarus · 5 years
Clickbait: Chapter 3
Summary:  A lot of great things came with being a big name YouTuber, but along with those perks were some serious drawbacks. One of the biggest being your lack of personal privacy. Due to just one video, Kirishima's least well-kept secret has become a viral sensation overnight, and now he has to deal with the repercussions from both the YouTube community and the public. Hopefully, those he's dragging down with him won't mind...
Words: 4,418
Pairings: kiribaku, tododeku
First Chapter Here
“Oh, stop that.” Mina shooed his hands from his shirt, undoing the top button he’d been fiddling with since they’d left the apartment. “I spent money on this. Don’t wreck it before we even get there.”
“I still think I should’ve—”
“If you even mention that lime-green pineapple monstrosity I’ll have this Uber turn around.” Mina threatened with playful eyes.
Kirishima pouted. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust Mina’s fashion choices—charcoal did bring out his eyes—he just missed the familiarity of his statement pieces. He knew there was nothing wrong with dressing to impress on occasion, but too much effort made him nervous. At least his hair was still bright-red and spiked to perfection—a true Kirishima statement piece.
“I think you look beautiful in everything you wear.” Kaminari gave a thumbs up from the passenger seat.
“Instigator.” Mina huffed.
Kirishima let his head roll against the window in disdain, watching his breath fog the glass, cold from the car speeding through a Spring’s night. He focused on how the window shook against his temple, tuning out the sound of Kaminari dragging their Uber driver into a nonsense conversation. To be fair, the driver had asked about their week out of polite obligation, so he felt worse for himself at being subjected to Kaminari’s theory of ghost squirrels for the third time that week.
Around them the city was bustling. Cars and stoplights, venues and nightclubs, enormous advertisements; they lit up Los Angeles like every star it stole from the night sky. They passed misfits in street bands using dirty buckets and cheap guitars, strangers selling illegal products to oblivious tourists, and others promising talents that almost always fell short. After a few years here Kirishima had learned the area and discovered the patterns, but it’s diversity always brought a mystery he could never solve. The chaos that kept it alive and him with it.
It was a far cry from the town he and Mina had grown up in.
“We’re here.”
He hadn’t noticed the Uber driver pull over until Mina had him halfway out the car. They were dropped off in front of a five-story red bricked apartment complex that looked nothing like where Kirishima imagined Bakugou living. The plain exterior didn’t match his flashy, overly confident attitude in the slightest. “I’ll message Uraraka to let us in,” Kirishima said when they reached the vestibule.
“It’s like we’re back in college, eh?” Kaminari nudged him. “Waiting to get buzzed into a party?”
“Kirishima the only reason you’re getting into a party?” Sero smirked. “Yep, you’re definitely back in college.”
“He isn’t listed on here.” Mina interrupted. She was pointing to a list hung by the keypad, filled with names and apartment numbers.
“He probably doesn’t want followers randomly popping in.” Kirishima shrugged.
“Or maybe he doesn’t want the cops to find him.” Kaminari opened the main door when a buzz surrounded them.
“You better not say things like that when we get up there.”
“People need to know Kirishima,” Kaminari rolled his eyes at Kirishima’s stern glare. “Kidding. I’ll be a good boy.”
“What was the apartment number?” Sero asked as they entered the elevator.
Kirishima opened the messages from Uraraka and hesitated. “Uh… 420?”
Sero shook his head before pressing the button to the fourth floor.
“Look, man.” Kaminari placed a hand on Kirishima’s shoulder. “If this all ends up being a prank, I’m willing to fight a girl.”
“She’d kick your ass.” Sero snorted.
Kirishima quickly learned that although the building seemed simple—gray carpets, tan walls, no pictures or art—it was impossible to navigate. It took them nearly fifteen minutes to work through the winding halls—door numbers following no obvious order—before they finally arrived at apartment 420. And after the senseless excursion, Kirishima experienced he changed his mind; it was exactly the kind of place he pictured Bakugou living in.
The faint bass thumping passed the apartment door’s false wood shook the surrounding hall. Kirishima hesitated briefly before knocking, irritation from the senseless journey overpowering his previous nerves. The host's response time was quicker than he was expecting.
“Kirishima!” A short girl, soft edges and wide smile, pulled him into a tight hug—hold strong for someone her size. “I’m so glad you all actually came!”
“Yeah. Well, you know. I’m a fan of them. And you. A normal fan. Not a weird one”
Uraraka smiled, a knowing look in her eyes that made Kirishima uneasy.
“At least one of us is normal!” Mina linked their arms together. “I’m a huge fan of yours. Honestly, the main reason we’re here is that I’m like, obsessed.”
Mina gave Kirishima a subtle wink. She had promised him that she’d start paying off her debt tonight. She’d be anything he needed: wingwoman, distraction, comic relief, he names it and she’d play it. Obviously, he wouldn’t do that to her, but that wouldn’t stop her from following him around and doing it anyway.
“Wha—really?” Uraraka’s cheeks turned pink—pinker.
Mina grabbed Uraraka’s hands. “I binged you in one night. You’re amazing.”
“But you—I don’t—you’re so much more popular than me.”
“Like that matters. People are sleeping on you, girl.”
Kirishima wondered if Mina knew she could have the world wrapped around her well-manicured finger.
“Holy shit,” Kaminari swatted Kirishima’s arm. “Is that Earphone Jack?”
Several meters behind Uraraka was a girl decked out in rocker apparel, signature skull headphones hanging off her shoulders, leaning casually against a black leather couch. Definitely Earphone Jack. She was talking to someone else; a girl with long black hair dressed more readily for a wedding than a casual get-together. She seemed familiar—YouTuber?
“Good luck getting your man.” Kaminari gave a salute then beelined towards them.
Sero sighed. “I’ll try to keep him in check.” As he walked off, he called over his shoulder. “Try.”
Well, there’s a stress-factor he hadn’t considered.
“Oh!” Uraraka pulled away from Mina. “I should show you guys around.”
Kirishima could mingle himself, but it was probably better to meet through Uraraka considering his circumstances. Not that he had a choice since Uraraka was dragging him by the cuff of his sleeve before he could reply—Mina practically skipping behind him.
The apartment was decently sized—two-bedroom with a balcony—but the number of people made it feel smaller. He was impressed by how many of those people Uraraka speed dated them through on their short walk to the kitchen. He met at least twelve new people, and in the whirlwind could only remember half their names. Surprisingly, nobody brought up the video—except one girl, Camie, but it was more harmless teasing than anything malicious. Everyone was awesome and he wanted to befriend them all, but Uraraka had an agenda. Which wasn’t met until they finally reached the kitchen’s border.
“Todoroki!” Uraraka flailed her arms above her head. Eventually catching the attention of a boy with a botched dye-job and mismatched eyes—contacts probably. He emerged with a red cup in hand and a bored expression, giving the impression that whatever Uraraka wanted from him was already a waste of the guy’s time. Uraraka didn’t seem to feel this way because her attitude didn’t falter in the slightest.
“This is Mina.” She gestured towards Mina who waved, “and this,” she said with an emphasis Kirishima didn’t appreciate. “is Kirishima.”
Todoroki blinked once, twice. Unimpressed. Uraraka kept her smile wide, patient. Then she gestured towards Kirishima once more, this time she tugged once on her hair. Todoroki’s eyes widened briefly, and he nodded in understanding.
“Shitty Hair,” he said, monotone. “I’ve heard of you.”
Kirishima heard Mina snort beside him and he mouthed the name to himself. That was a little rude for a first greeting.
“Todoroki!” Uraraka swatted him.
“But isn’t that—”
“Sorry about him.” Uraraka waved him off and he narrowed his eyes, grumbling something into his cup. “This social butterfly here is Todoroki. He’s the Mystery Unsolved’s main editor. He’s also Bakugou’s roommate.”
Kirishima’s face heated up. If there was one person who knew the situation it’d be Bakugou’s roommate. Although this Todoroki guy looked like he could care less about anything and everything, especially Kirishima.
He wasn’t sure if that made him more nervous or less.
“Todoroki is the reason we’re able to have this surprise party.” Uraraka elbowed Todoroki’s side.
“As long as Bakugou knows it wasn’t by choice.”
“We all know you’d face Bakugou’s wrath if it meant seeing Deku happy.” Uraraka elbowed him excessively. Kirishima swore his cheeks brightened, but it was hard to tell with the dim lighting.
“How are you planning on surprising them?” Mina asked.
“Deku and Bakugou are out late researching some stuff for their next video. I told Deku he needs to come here to walk me home.” Uraraka pumped her fist. “Bakugou was pissed, but that’s normal.”
Kirishima raised a brow. Pissing off a man of honor before filling their house with people seemed like a terrible idea.
“Like I said,” Todoroki observed the rest of the party goers, “as long as he knows I had nothing to do with it.”
“Why didn’t you have the party somewhere else?” Kirishima asked.
“Bakugou is too perceptive for his own good,” Uraraka rolled her eyes. “To be honest, he likely already knows what we’re doing right now. He’s probably just humoring us, that asshole.”
“As long as he knows—”
A short jingle sounded from Uraraka’s pocket and her hands moved like lightning to get it out.
“They’re on their way!” She shook Todoroki’s shoulder. “It’s Deku. He says they’re on their way!”
She disappeared into the crowd, reemerging above everyone at the center of the room, assumingly standing on furniture. After garnering attention, she announced the ‘guests of honor’s’ arrival—odd word choice considering the apartment—and demanded quiet. The tall guy with the glasses he’d met earlier turned off the music while others huddled into respective groups. Any nerves he’d managed to bottle up came bursting back with a vengeance.
“Hey,” Todoroki made him jump. He had assumed the guy would’ve walked off by now. “I saw your video.”
“Oh… yeah?”
Todoroki didn’t respond. He remained as stoic as ever, but as the guy turned away Kirishima caught an icy glare.
“He hates me.”
“No,” Mina brushed off. “He just has that face.”
Kirishima shook his head. “No.” That guy hated him, which probably meant Bakugou hated him. He gulped.
The mixture of giggling and shushing sent jitters like electricity throughout the room. Mina squeezed his shaky hand and whispered into his ear, “ready?”
He nodded, but when keys jingling made someone squeal, he debated running. The door creaking and people shouting ‘surprise’ were the last things his brain took in before he briefly malfunctioned. Bakugou had pushed open the door, standing in the frame with those fierce crimson eyes and soft bone structure, he was a perfect contradiction. Somehow, he was even more attractive in person.
He was also shorter than Kirishima imagined.
And a lot louder.
“What the actual fuck round face!” Bakugou’s voice reached above the combined cheering. Beside Bakugou, Midoriya’s lower lip started to quiver.
This apparently was the expected response because even though Bakugou’s screaming could currently rival LA traffic Uraraka was closing in for a hug. Midoriya started busting out some serious waterworks, but Todoroki surprised Kirishima by giving Midoriya a comforting hug; even allowing him to snot on his shirt. It was an amusing display, and Kirishima briefly wondered if his friends looked this confusing to outsiders.
He’d been so lost in the scene he hadn’t realized Bakugou was staring at him until he was consumed by the fiery gaze, completely frozen in place. This was it, he thought, the moment of truth.
He didn’t know how to react when Bakugou turned away, lecturing Midoriya about being a ‘little bitch’. It was as if Bakugou had looked right through him.
“He really is just like they say, huh?” Mina laughed.
“They both are.”
“You okay?” Mina raised a brow.
“Yeah,” Kirishima half-smiled. “I think I need some fresh air.”
Mina looked skeptical but let him leave. Kirishima went to the balcony, assuming people would give congratulations for a while. He sat down and let his legs hang off the balcony, the bars close enough together that he could lean against them without fear. From there he could take in Los Angeles’ lights, and listen to the cacophony of poor driving and the occasional drunk from below.
He wasn’t disappointed Bakugou hadn’t made a scene. That combined with everyone else’s reaction showed him he’d been blowing this controversy out of proportion. He should’ve known a group of YouTubers would understand the situation—treat it maturely. If a part of him had fallen prey to Mina’s romcom ideas that was his own fault. Thinking Bakugou would’ve acknowledged him in the slightest was high hopes where Kirishima was concerned. Even with the entire internet throwing a spotlight his way he still couldn’t make an impression. He was still that same nobody from before the vlogs.
He could never escape his past.
The balcony door slid open. He hadn’t known how long he’d been stewing in his misery, but he knew Mina was probably watching the clock. He was ready to be dragged inside. There were people he wanted to talk to aside from Bakugou and he shouldn’t let his own worthlessness ruin Bakugou and Midoriya’s night.
“What the fuck are you doing out here alone?”
Kirishima’s grip on the bar tightened. He knew that voice, and it definitely wasn’t Mina. Knowing that he still wasn’t prepared to see Bakugou; eyebrow raised, and hands hung loosely in his hoodie pocket. Kirishima turned back around slowly—he couldn’t talk making eye contact.
“Could ask you the same thing.” Kirishima tried to sound cool, but he felt like an idiot. His face was warm.
Bakugou scoffed. “Too many fucking people. Needed some air.” He moved next to Kirishima and leaned against the balcony, looking out at the cityscape.
Kirishima nodded. “Same.” He extended the word awkwardly. He wanted to die. Kirishima fleetingly wished that Bakugou was acting peaceful and would surprise throw him off the ledge.
“Round Face invite you?”
Kirishima remembered him screaming that at Uraraka earlier. “Yeah…”
“Of course, she did,” then under his breath. “That meddling bitch.”
Kirishima found it odd he’d be calling his friend bitch, but he didn’t comment. “You’re not like… mad?”
“Why the fuck would I be mad?”
“Because…” Kirishima raised an eyebrow and looked at Bakugou. “The video?”
“Oh.” Bakugou rolled his eyes. “I don’t give a fuck. Your friend posted a video with a bunch of out of context shit for views. It’s not your fault the internet is fucking crazy.”
Kirishima stared at his shoes. “Out of context…” His eyes widened. “Out of context! Yeah! I’m so glad you understand, man. I thought it was gonna be impossible, almost unbelievable even.” He laughed a little too long. Bakugou narrowed his eyes.
“Yep,” he popped the ‘p’, leaning his head against a bar. “Anyway, I’m sorry for all the attention and rumors and memes… you know.”
“It’s whatever.” Bakugou leaned his chin onto his crossed arms. “I feel fucking sorry for you. You’ve got all the fanboys and fangirls. They’ve gotta be giving you shit.”
“Giving me shit?”
“Yeah,” Bakugou’s arms shot forward. “Cause like, you’re all peppy and social and nice and crushing on the anger management asshole? That can’t be good for your image.”
Kirishima snorted. He can’t believe that was something that crossed Bakugou’s mind. His heart felt like it was his entire chest.
“Peppy and social and nice?” Kirishima snorted. “That’s what you think I am?”
“Fuck off.”
“Well, maybe I am on camera.” Kirishima shook his head. “And trust me. My fans are very supportive of me. If you had a Twitter you’d get to see all the fan art I’ve gotten sent my way.”
“Oh? Well, if it has me in it. I’m sure it’s fucking fantastic.”
“It’s definitely… imaginative.”
Bakugou huffed out something akin to a laugh. Kirishima felt so soft. He couldn’t believe this was happening when just moments ago he was putting himself down. Bakugou was being so calm too; a complete flip from when he’d first arrived at the party.
“I’m going back inside. It’s fucking cold.” Bakugou pushed back from the railing. “You coming?”
Kirishima nodded. “Yeah, there are some people I need to—”
The balcony door slid open and Sero poked his head out.
“Hey, man. We should head out. That new BlackPink song came on and Uraraka started dancing on the coffee table. Denki’s drunk ass thought he could impress everyone by joining in, but now he’s on the floor and making a scene,” he seemed to finally process who was standing next to Kirishima. “Uh, sorry about the carpet.” Then he slammed the balcony door closed.
Kirishima should’ve known that the true disaster tonight would be Kaminari.
“Who the hell is Denki?”
“Uh, Kaminari? Blonde?” Kirishima shrugged. “You haven’t really seen my videos so—”
“Sparky?” Bakugou rolled his eyes. “Of course, that fucker would do some stupid drunk shit.”
Kirishima mouthed the odd nickname. What was up with those tonight?
“Sorry about that.”
“It’s fucking whatever. It was probably half Round Face’s fault. It’s usually her fucking the place up.” Bakugou sneered. “I’ll fucking kill her for it later.”
‘Murderer’ echoed in his mind in Kaminari’s voice, but he quickly shook it out.
“Right,” Kirishima looked to the door. “I should probably go collect my idiot. Congratulations, by the way.”
Bakugou waved him off. Their conversation wasn’t much, but Kirishima was on cloud nine when he reentered the apartment. Kaminari was easy to find, a small crowd gathered around him as he cried gibberish between sniffles. He clung to Mina’s hands while Uraraka apologized profusely to Sero.
“What happened to being a good boy?” Kirishima said kneeling beside him.
“It was Kill This Love, Ei. It would have been disrespectful if I hadn’t danced.” He cleared snot with his sleeve and Mina gagged, trying to free her hands. Kaminari clung tighter. Kirishima sighed, picking Kaminari up bridal style. In his peripheral, he saw Midoriya and Todoroki watching the scene unfold. Amongst the chaos, he’d temporarily forgotten Midoriya, one of the people he’d wanted to talk to most. Now that he learned where he stood with Bakugou he felt a lot more confident going over there with Kaminari groaning in his arms.
“Hey,” He cut in. “I’m Kirishima. I’m a really big fan of your videos.”
Midoriya smiled and Kirishima went momentarily blind. “Thank you! I’m a fan of your vlogs too. I’ve been watching them for a long time.”
Kirishima’s mouth fell open. No matter how many people told him they watched his videos he still couldn’t fathom it. The numbers never seemed real. He especially couldn’t process when people he admired thought he was worth watching.
“That’s incredible,” he struggled to find the right words. “Thank you so much I—"
“Ei, I’m tired.” Kaminari moaned.
Kirishima rolled his eyes. “Sorry about our child. We should’ve kept a better eye on him.”
“It’s okay. If it wasn’t him it probably would’ve been Uraraka.”
A ‘hey’ was shouted behind him and Kirishima laughed.
“That’s what Bakugou said, too.”
Midoriya looked surprised and Uraraka busted into their conversation. “You were talking to Bakugou? When? Where?”
Kirishima nodded towards the balcony. “A few minutes—”
Uraraka stomped off before he could finish. He heard a few curses mumbled under her breath and Kirishima was finally understanding how she and Bakugou meshed so well.
“Don’t worry about her,” Midoriya said. “She’s just… passionate.”
Kirishima smiled like he understood what that meant. The others started calling him front the front door and he frowned. He wouldn’t say his time with Bakugou a waste, but he wished he’d gotten more time with everyone else here as well.
“Don’t worry, I’ll see you around,” Midoriya said with a reassuring smile.
Kirishima wanted to believe him.
The elevator ride down was quiet aside from Kaminari’s obnoxious drunken breathing. Kirishima still wasn’t sure if tonight actually happened, or if he’d wake up tomorrow having it all been a crazy fever dream. Both options seemed equally plausible now that he was given time to process.
“The Uber will be here in five minutes,” Mina said as they exited the apartment complex. The temperature had dropped, a light breeze carried a new chill to the air. They huddled together on the curb while waiting for their ride, basking in each other’s warmth. Kaminari blanketed himself across their laps while Mina leaned heavily against Kirishima’s side, his arm wrapped snug around her. Sero opted to lye flat against the rough concrete, bones aching from exhaustion.
“I talked to Bakugou.” Kirishima’s voice cut through the silence. It wasn’t information they hadn’t known, but more a signal he was ready to talk about it.
Mina shuffled against him. “Good talk?”
“I think so,” Kirishima looked up at the few stars that fought against Los Angeles’ unforgiving lights; a humored smirk on his face. “He thinks the videos were out of context.”
Sero sat abruptly. “How.”
“I wasn’t going to debate it. I just took that miracle for what it was.” Kirishima shrugged, watching Mina play methodically with Kaminari’s hair. “Then we talked, and it was good.”
“You’re so cute.” Mina smiled.
“I mean,” Sero laid back down. “If he’s that dumb. You may be able to woo him just yet.”
Kirishima snorted and allowed the comfortable silence to befall them again, this time following them back until they struggled to get Kaminari ready for and in his bed. The emotional exhaustion that caught up to them was bone deep and aching, it left them crawling to their beds—Mina to the living room couch. Kirishima slept heavily, pitch-black fatigue that left no room for dreaming, only in the early hours did he catch a crimson stare chasing him into reality, invading his mind while on the cusp of consciousness. His brain was too muddled to comprehend it and it had fled his mind as soon as it’d come.
A kitchen melody of pans clanking and cupboards slamming told him somebody was already awake. The thick scent of fried meat wafting under his door had him throwing on the first sweats he saw and running out of his room. Sero was standing over a pan of bacon that sizzled and popped at the press of his spatula; the pan beside it warming up thick pancake batter. Kirishima’s stomach growled. He should’ve known it was Sero, nobody else could cook.
Mina was already eating at the kitchen island—showered, dressed, more put together then Kirishima could dream of—and was typing away on her sticker-covered pink laptop. It reminded Kirishima he was supposed to upload today, but he still had absolutely nothing planned. Mina gave him a quick smile and he decided he’d worry about that later. He had never missed an upload, so he’d figure it out one way or another.
He grabbed his favorite Crimson Riot plate from the cabinets—only for special occasions—and piled it with pancakes and bacon. Then he drenched them in a sea of syrup until he could barely tell there was food to begin with.
“Your sweet tooth is disturbing, Ei.”
“Everyone knows pancakes are just an excuse to eat syrup,” he said, taking the stool next to her. “Honestly, if you can even taste the pancakes, you’re doing it wrong.”
Mina gestured to his plate. “Good mood?”
“You know it.” He said through a mouthful of syrup. “Whatcha typing?”
Mina scrunched her nose at him. “Video ideas. I actually have a surprise.”
“Cause that usually works out for you.” Sero quipped.
“You shush,” Mina puffed up her cheeks. “I invited Uraraka over to collab with us.”
“What?” Kirishima leaned over excitedly. “That’s awesome!”
“Stop yelling!” Kaminari shouted from his room, muffled by walls. Kirishima rolled his eyes, but his smile didn’t falter.
“Yeah,” Mina smiled. “We talked about it yesterday. She’s getting busy with her channel because it’s comeback season soon, but she was free today.”
“Comeback season?” Sero asked.
“K-pop!” Kaminari shouted. “New music!”
“Get your lazy ass out here!” Mina called, getting an excessive high-pitched whine in response.
Kirishima was hyped. They’d never collabed with anyone outside the squad, so this would be huge for their channels. He was also just excited to spend time with Uraraka because based on yesterday he’d been correct assuming they’d all get along.
Now that he was thinking about last night…
“Hey,” Kirishima tapped his plate nonchalantly, “do you know why someone might call Kaminari ‘Sparky’?”
Sero snorted. “Probably because he static shocks everything he touches.”
Kirishima raised an eyebrow and on cue Kaminari stumbled into the kitchen. Cradling his head, he moved towards the sink, slumping forwards onto the counter he fumbled for the faucet. When he made contact a quick shock was heard and he pulled back with a hiss.
“Why does that always happen to me?” Kaminari cried, sliding down to the floor.
“That’s an old gag though.” Mina pointed out. “Like, wasn’t that Kaminari’s first meme?”
“Yeah, I’ve grown,” Kaminari called, lying flat on the floor. “Hey, if I just drink the bowl of pancake batter will it be the same as drinking water and eating pancakes?”
Sero kicked him. “Stop.” Then he turned to Kirishima. “Why? Who said that?”
Kirishima stared off into the distance. It was like he had all the pieces to a complex, funny looking puzzle, but he just wasn’t quite smart enough to solve it.
“Uh…” Their doorbell rang and he hopped off the stool. A perfect distraction. “I got it!”
Kirishima was so excited he didn’t even care that he hadn’t done his hair yet. Uraraka didn’t seem like someone who’d care about their appearances—at least he hoped not, Kaminari was hungover and whining in the middle of their kitchen.
“Hey, Urara… ka…” Kirishima had torn the door open with a huge smile that’d slowly fallen off his face. His eyes landed on the small girl he’d been expecting, all smiles and waving excitedly up at him. Then they landed on the guy slouching next to her. Kirishima had known who it was when the spiky ash-blonde hit his peripherals.
His fight or flight activated.
Uraraka raised an eyebrow. “Um… Kiri—”
He closed the door.
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magicalsalamander · 6 years
Business Affairs
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Pairing: BTS Jin x Reader
Genre: Fluff/ Angst/ Smut/ Office worker/ Humor/ Enemies to lovers
Summary: When the unexpected happens and here you are hours away from home your professionalism is put to the test. Jin, long time rival, always shows up at your worst moments. What happens when the world seems to be against you and the only one you know is Jin? 
Words:8 K
Warnings: smut, switch/dom/sub, baby girl/ baby boy, mentions of alcohol, cursing, and dirty talk. Rated 18+ (M)
A/N: Hi…I wanted to release this one shot as an intermediate while I’m working on other series. I know this trope has been done before, but I wanted my own version. Thank you for being patient with me. This is supposed to be lighthearted~. Thank you for reading~ check out the other version to get a (slightly different perspective on this one shot!
Masterlist, Got7 Jinyoung Version [Will be linked when issue is fixed, please access blog for mstlist]
The orange LED numbers escalated slower than usual, or maybe it was my impatience kicking in. I’ve been working overtime ever single day this week. The coffee keeping me the cheery professional was beginning to wear off. When the chromatic doors opened, I slipped through before it had the chance to even open fully. I tried wiggling my bloated toes in my tight heels as I stood outside my boss’s door. As the head of my team, I’m expected of nothing less than perfect on this project. The project was projected to make millions for the company if I did it right. To say that my shoulders felt heavy was an understatement.
I knocked three times, as requested, then adjusted my blue pencil skirt and walked in. He carried his pen across a document with a heavy hand almost carving his signature into the page. He tossed his pen onto his desk folding his hands together to rest them by his lip. The real “I was working really hard before you walked in” go to move for him. He parted them momentarily to offer me a seat in front of his desk. I bowed slightly taking a seat in front of his desk. Papers were pilled everywhere, it was unorganized and chaotic in this small room. Maybe, for once, he was actually working?
He leaned forward with his hands clasped speaking through them, “Ms. Y/L/N we need you to go pitch the presentation. Mr. Allen…he’s out sick for the week and won’t be able to go, so we need you to step up and do it.” I sighed leaning back into my chair, this wasn’t the first time I’ve had to fill in for Mr. Allen. He always took these “sick leaves” whenever his presence was required. On the downlow, I found out earlier today by chance that he’s actually taking his mistress out on vacation. I overheard him apologizing to her on the phone, “baby, my girl, you know I love you, look I’ll take you to that one place you always talk about…what was it? Boracay! Right, let’s go there…yes, yes, I love you too.” He held his phone with the same hand his wedding band was on. I’ve meet his wife before at office parties, the poor woman, she was too innocent and sweet for that monster.
I felt like a puppet, a part of me knew that Allen rubbed elbows with Mr. Newberry, but I had more pride than that. I had to bite the bullet, if I did well I would be up for a promotion. “I’m going to be put at the Hilton, right? And compensated nicely for this, right?” My boss smiled sweetly at me, “of course, Ms. Y/L/N! All accommodations included. You just have to sell it and get the buy.” I nodded then standing up to offer a polite bow on my way out, “thank you for this opportunity Mr. Newberry.” He smirked, “the pleasure is all mine, Ms. Y/L/N.” I walked out of the room and when I was in an empty hallway I held up my middle finger thinking to myself, “you knew this would happen from the beginning bastard.” Just like they did, I had things up my sleeve as well, I’m always prepared for a challenge.
Mr. Newberry’s secretary stopped by my desk later, dropping off the ticket information for my short flight. My team had one day to solidify all the information, then I’d have to fly out to give a presentation immediately after I landed. I rubbed my throbbing temples, standing up to round my desk leaning at its edge. I barked out to my team, “alright Plan A is a go! Toss out Plan B! Mr. Newberry is letting me do the pitch, I need all the information printed into packets and on file in presentation ready by tomorrow. I’ll buy you guys coffee and dinner to keep awake. I want to say this before we all get cranky, thank you for working so hard, keep up the great work team!” A ‘yes, boss’ sounded from my team and the fingers on the keys typed faster. A symphony of different instruments all sounding together. I called the local coffee shop, the one who was already used to us ordering from them, “hi, I want to make an order for pick up. I’m going to need….” The night was still young, but the circles under my eyes were darker than the sky.  
Peering through squinting eyes, my half-zombies of employees dropped a stack of packets on my desk and handed over a prepped USB. Equally as dead, I mumble out, “thank you. You all did amazing and pulled through. When I get back I’m buying you all that dinner.” An excited but tired yay left the small crowd while some immediately collapsed on their desk. I chuckled patting the back of the closest employee, “you did well, thank you.” I knocked on nearest and cleanest surface, “go home everyone, you deserve a good nights rest.” I picked up my blazer and draping it over my arm as I packaged the packets up nicely in a manila folder along with the USB. Finally, going home, but the night wasn’t over.
I packed my small suitcase for the trip, with the manila folder on the bottom securely under my clothing. I didn’t get to sleep long, maybe two hours maximum, before I was in a taxi on my way to the airport at two. I wanted to fall asleep in the taxi. The ride through the city was so comforting, but I forced my eyes open. After all the basics were covered and I was waiting for my plane, I bought a coffee then a spare to ensure I would stay awake. The last thing I needed was to miss my flight. Luckily the flight was directly to the destination, a total four hours, so once I boarded I took advantage of the time and took a short nap.
By the time I arrived, it was 7:30a.m., but I only had enough time to stop at the hotel, drop my suitcase off and get back in a taxi. Everything was going as planned and expected, except for one thing.
I walked up to the receptionist desk of my promised hotel, queuing behind a man in a suit. This Hotel was luxurious, men and women alike walking around in designer and suits. He crossed his leg leaning into the desk, “please sign here Mr. Kim.” My ears perked up hearing the familiar name, but then again, Kim was a common last name. The strangers silhouette though made me a bit skeptical. It’s been a while since I’ve seen Kim, so I must’ve be overthinking it. God, I hope I was overthinking it.
He scribbled his signature on the receipt and took the key card from the receptionist with a polite thank you. A smirk slowly formed on his face with each degree of his turn as I came into sight. His plump lips pulled thin as I caught his eye. His profile was irritating, how can someone look so put together this early. He side stepped out of my way, “Ms. Y/L/N, it’s great to see you.” I huffed lightly at his cocky tone, but kept the professionalism, “hello Mr. Kim, it’s great to see you too. I didn’t know you were going to be here.” I told the receptionist my information while maintaining conversation. I didn’t catch him, but he observed me bottom to top. Catching his eyes as they met mine, “are you here on business or pleasure Mr. Kim?”
I had to admit, he was handsome. He had all the characteristics that could be placed on the pro side of a scale: tall, smart, and good looking. However, admittedly I was too competitive with him to see most of those traits. Jin worked for a firm that was a rival to mine, so we would often meet when our companies would send us out. He brought out this side of myself that I felt with no one else, he just pushed my buttons.
My coworkers always remind me how amazing Jin was at his job. The women fawned over his looks, while the men patted his back for his prowess. He shows off his pearly whites to the executives and they’re a puddle of mush agreeing with whatever he said. He never panics, he was always at ease with himself and his craft. Everything about him was graceful and never rushed—like his work was an art performance. He never refused questions and had done more research than required. He was, for the lack of a better word…perfect. It irked me, but I could only humbly agree that he was…charismatic. I couldn’t deny that he’s a smart and confident; I could respect him for that. It’s not him personally that made my throat itch, but the people around me that always remind me never to fraternize with the enemy. Competition is competition. Business is business.
“Business affairs of course, Ms. Y/L/N.” I signed the last paper and was handed my key card. “Well, it was great catching up. If you’ll excuse me, I have work to do.“ He obnoxiously bowed, waving his hand teasingly towards the elevators as if I was royalty asking to pass. However, he followed behind going towards the elevators along with me.
When we stepped in, just the two of us, I pressed the button for the sixth floor. He reached over, “excuse me…oh, never mind.” I turned to him, “sixth floor as well?” He nodded, the rest of the ride was silent, but I could feel his eyes on me. I didn’t make myself discreet as I stared right back through the reflection on the elevator. I felt the awkwardness in the air, or it could’ve just been me. He smiled when I caught this lidded stare looking right back. I had this unnerving feeling in my stomach, whenever he would show up, something always happened.
Jin went right while I banked left. I slid my card into the lock and when the light turned green I opened the door. For the first time my hotel room wasn’t stuffy and debatably dingy. It was a small room with a queen size bed, but it was enough for a few day trip. I took out the envelope from the bottom of my suitcase checking everything once more. With my messenger bag, my laptop, and the goods I was ready to head back out. I fixed myself up before I left and found myself outside hailing a taxi. Traffic was light, so I made it there in less than fifteen minutes. I tipped the driver nicely, it was rare to get kind, fast service in the city. I looked up at the tall building, it was intimidating, but I adjusted my shoulders pulling them back. I could do this, this was going to be a breeze, people were counting on me.
The lobby was busy, I was swimming amongst the black and blue suits. I pushed through towards the elevator, sardining my way in until I squeezed my way out onto the twentieth floor. I smoothed out my clothing again, walked towards the nearest receptionist desk. “Hello, I have a meeting with Mr. Storey at 9 a.m..” The bun on this woman was pulling her face extra tight, free Botox I suppose. “Yes, please enter conference room A with the rest of the group.” I pulled my head back a bit, “others?” The receptionist nodded, “yes, our boss believes in efficiency. All pitchers for today will be presenting today one after the other as a group.” I sighed pulling my best smile. This was completely different from what I expected, but challenges are there to better you. At least that’s what I kept repeating to myself.
I cautiously opened the conference room door finding it already bustling with competitors. It was all of us swimming to pitch the best idea. I’ve heard of events like this, but this was a first for me. Did Mr. Allen already know about this as well? I found an empty chair and opened my laptop going over the power point. I scrolled down re-reading the file, but some of the slides were missing or shifted. I breathed in closing my eyes for a moment, “don’t panic, maybe it’s just a glitch.” I shut down the file, but when I reopened it a text box opened up “There was a problem when Microsoft PowerPoint when it was closed. We cannot open the corrupted file. We apologize for the inconvenience.” My leg began shaking impatiently, but I still reminded myself not to panic. I took out the USB and reinserting it attempting something else, anything else.
I jumped as I felt hot breath fan over my shoulders. My leg tremors halting in their anxiety, “not right now Kim.” My voice came out sassier than intended, but I wasn’t in the mood for jokes. He plopped into a chair next to me taking his own laptop shrugging at my jeer. Every new attempt didn’t work, the same error message reappeared. I could feel my pits embarrassingly building up with sweat, as people started settling down. The same secretary at the receptionist came to the front of the U table, looking at her watch. “We will begin the presentation in five minutes. The presenters will start around the table going clockwise, please be prepared when it comes to your turn.” I looked around the room realizing I was going to be the fourth to present. An unprecedented whine left my lips; technology was not my strong suit, but I had to figure out a solution.
Kim leaned over once more eyeing my screen, “seriously Kim, please, save it.” He had the audacity to chuckle at my distress. I turned towards him with a glare fully prepared, but he took the unresponsive laptop. He typed away clicking a few times, and before I could blink again it was back in front of me. It was all fixed, the presentation was up and running and had all the slides functioning again. My mouth fell agape, but he nonchalantly went back to his laptop. It felt odd, a weird feeling circled in my stomach, but I whispered out, “thank you.” A soft smile left his lips and my heart nearly stopped, it was, if not, the prettiest smile I’ve ever seen.
The presentation took up the whole morning and afternoon. Mr. Storey was the typical motivational speaker kind of guy. After every presentation he would insert a motivational quote or his own little speech. It was hard to read him if he actually enjoyed the pitches or was using it to turn into a lesson for the rest of the room. In a sick way, that was more terrifying than a one on one bit. At this point all I wanted to do was go back to my room and sleep. The verdict wouldn’t be given until after we all returned anyways. Especially since the rain started around lunch and it was lulling me to sleep.
Just let this day be over with.  
I could feel the water dripping off me in a constant stream as I walked through the hotel lobby. My lent umbrella malfunctioned, two of the metal prongs holding the umbrella broke when the strong wind blew too hard. I pulled my blazer closer over me protecting my messenger bag, the front of my chest was completely drenched by the winds. I protected my plastic bag with a tray of piping hot takeout. It was the only thing I had to look forward today. I stopped and fished into my purse feeling my phone vibrate.
I wiped away the tendrils of my wet, seaweed hair, “hello, Y/L/N speaking.” The voice on the other end sloppily screamed into the receiver. I pulled my phone away form my face still able to hear the complaining on the other end. “Y/N...If anything….wrong….you’re…out!” I honestly didn’t need to listen to everything, I already know what he was implying. Mr. Newberry always did this after he sent me off; it was his way of feeling dominant. I would uh-huh into the phone every now and then to let him know I was still listening.
At the hotel bar Jin watched from a distance, unexpectedly distracted by the click of heels then the beautiful woman. He watched Y/N from over the rim of his wine glass. She pulled the phone away from her wincing at the receiver. He couldn’t help but let out a huff of a laugh under his breath. He’s been there before. He had to admit, he liked her. Every time they crossed paths, his life would become a thousand times more interesting. It seems like cheeky gnomes were always at her feet making her life a sitcom. She was pretty, like a main actress, so it would make sense her life was a sitcom. It only egged him on when she was sassy with him, her intelligence was her best characteristic.
No one else was up front with him like she was, he didn’t have to impress her, he was himself. She brought this side out of him that no one else could. However today though, when she thanked him the blush coating her cheeks one upped any other expression he’d seen. This expression on her face now had to be one of his least favorites, exhaustion seeping like a tangible aura out of her. His eyes followed her as she walked slowly to the elevator, but he remained seated watching her disappear into the elevator.
I shucked off my heels smacking the wall with two thumps. I draped my blazer over the back of a chair setting the messenger bag on the chair. I tossed the broken umbrella into the trash and set my food on the desk in the room. I just wanted to take off my soaked clothes and shower. If I was fast enough, I could eat my food while it was still hot. I brought out my suitcase from the closet and grabbed my facial cleansers. I trudged to the bathroom for the first time taking in this particular room. It was very modern, and I was lucky to get a suite with a bathtub. Maybe if I had time, I would use it tomorrow morning.
I unpacked my facial regimen near the sink. I flipped up the hot water lever, but the water came out in spurts making funny sounds. I closed the lever fast, waiting a few seconds before trying again. Maybe the sink hadn’t be used in a while? After a moment I flipped it up again, but this time the stream was violent, and the water color was a murky yellow. I karate chopped the lever down, that color I’m sure was legal. I went back into the main room and dialed the front desk who promised a maintenance man to come check on it.
The man tweaked with the faucet scratching his head, “hmm, none of our other rooms are having this problem. I think it would be best to move you to another room.” I heavily sighed but smiled through my teeth. This day was…lovely. The maintenance man called the front desk telling them to reassign me a new room. I packed up all my belongings and made way to the front desk.
Jin was still sitting at the bar, working on the same drink. Barely ten minutes had passed when his eye brows raised to his hairline seeing Y/N at the receptionist desk. He noticed the suitcase and messenger bag strapped around her. After a few minutes she bowed in thanks to the receptionist making her way back to the elevator.
My food was cold for sure; the styrofoam flavor had set in by this point. My room was now on the third floor. I turned left out of the elevator dragging my suitcase behind me. I slid the keycard in and pushed it open. The room smelled nice, and nothing seemed off. Again, I shucked off my heels and abandoned my suitcase and bag by the door. This time I was determined to skip the shower and just eat. I rummaged through my purse for a hair tie and tied my hair up tight, taming the kelp.
The king size bed was an upgrade from the last room. I searched for the remote control, switching it onto a random, tolerable channel. I just needed something to drown out my thoughts. I unknotted the handles of the plastic bag, taking out the takeout tray and a plastic fork. I opened the box and took a deep inhale of my savory food. The food was still a bit warm. I could feel myself salivating so without further interruptions, I plopped carelessly onto the bed.
Crack, creak, crunch and there went the box spring planks. The soundtrack Ave Maria played at 0.5x speed as my food flew out of its compartments and all over my chest. My white dress shirt and black pencil skirt was coated in a wonderful array of colors and smells. I struggled to stand up pushing the empty tray onto the floor. The bed was on the floor in shambles; I could even see the wooden frame sticking out from underneath. My mouth hung open like a fish out of water. I wanted to scream, but I took in a deep breath letting it all out. I attempted to steady my breathing, but it instead angered me further. I let out a guttural yell I was sure was heard in the next rooms over. This was the last straw! I stomped over to the phone, then reminded myself not to yell into the receiver. I dialed the front again, letting them know I needed a room change. A manager knocked at the door this time. When I opened the door, the managers eyes flew wide open and he apologized profusely when he saw the aftermath.
Fifteen minutes had passed, since her last venture to the lobby. Jin paid the bartender satisfied with only a glass for tonight. He picked up his blazer and shoved off the bar stool. The heels of his loafers clicked against the title of the lobby, the rest of the residents were well dressed in either suits like him, or designer clothing. Like a magnet his eyes stuck onto the eye sore at the receptionist counter again.
She ran a frustrated hand through her hair standing at the receptionist desk for the third time today. She turned slightly and he caught the food stains all over her shirt and the mascara running down her cheeks. He couldn’t laugh, he felt worried for her, so he changed his direction towards her. As he approached he heard her spew out, “what do you mean there no other rooms?” She fell forward letting her forehead bang onto the counter, “this can’t be happening, this can’t be happening.” He stood next to her looking towards the receptionist, “is there a problem here?” Y/N grumbled out, “please, Kim, I’ve had a long night.”
What I didn’t expect was he didn’t laugh, instead his tone sounded concerned. I smelled strongly of food, and wet dog; I felt absolutely disgusting. I felt humiliated enough. The familiar receptionist tried to not stare at the blatantly obvious mess I was. At this point I could care less how I looked, I just wanted a functioning room. She turned to Jin, “there are no more available rooms here tonight.” I pulled out my cell phone finding the only thing left to do was search for another hotel in the area. This was giving me a headache.
Jin was quiet, mulling over his thoughts. He was sure she was going to reject, but the last thing he wanted was her to go out at night this late. “Stay with me.” Her head shot up from the counter with her mouth agape trying to find the joke. “Jin, this isn’t funny.” He shrugged, “I’m being serious, there’s no other rooms. You shouldn’t go out this late, besides its still raining. Do you think if you approach another hotel looking the way you do they would let you stay?” His words left a bad taste in my mouth, but he wasn’t wrong. I turned back to the receptionist, “there really isn’t any other room? Storage closet even?” She bowed politely, “no, ma’am I’m sorry there isn’t.” I sighed turning around once biting my lip, then whipped around to Jin, “okay.”
There was no victorious smirk, or jeer at my situation he took my suitcase for me leading me towards the elevators. I stood behind him fiddling with my thumb in the elevator. It didn’t settle well in my stomach being in debt to Jin. I pulled my messenger bag closer to me as I watched his back walk down the hallway. I traced the edges of his back with my eyes. I never really looked at him, just passing glancing. I had tunnel vision, because I was so determined to beat him in any meeting. I almost ran into that broad back but stopped in time when we came up to his door.
He’s never once lost his grace, his hand was calm inserting the key card in. On the other hand, my palms were sweating. Why did I take this deal again? The familiar smirk took home on his lips, “calm down, Y/N. I’m not going to do anything.” I choked a bit on my saliva, “I’m—I’m not nervous.” Great, that came out perfect, stable with ease. He nodded, but I could see he was holding back laughter. I gripped and released on the plastic handle of my suitcase. He’s being kind, the least I could do is offer the same back.
He let me go in first. I looked back at him after setting my bag down, “there’s only one bed?” He nodded at my obvious observation, “I’ll sleep on the couch there.” He pointed to the loveseat, that was obviously too small for the six-foot giant. “No, I’ll sleep there.” He wanted to rebuttal, but I continued, “may I take a shower? I really don’t want to smell like my dinner anymore.” He tossed the key card on a table top pulling at his tie to loosening it up, “go ahead, take your time.” I gulped hard when I noticed his collarbone sticking out from his white button up. I dragged myself and my suitcase into the bathroom, before I dragged myself further down humiliation road.
Business is business.
I settled against the door putting a hand over my chest. This was so unusual, why was my heart beating so fast? There’s something wrong with me. It must be all the stress making me more sensitive. I locked the door then I peeled off my button up shirt and threw it in the sink along with my skirt. The hair tie was discarded on the counter, the wet strands sticking to my skin. I turned up the hot water knob to its full capacity and stood under the hot water until I felt completely clean. I wrapped a towel around my body, finally feeling some sense of relief.  I fished out of my purse my phone checking for anything important. I scrolled through the infinite drunk messages from my boss. At some point his messages turned from scolding to desperate pleads to get the buy.
I dried my hair before I slipped on my oversize shirt and leggings on to sleep in. I opened the door cautiously setting my stuff near the entryway. Again, my hands naturally went to clutch in front of myself as I stepped into the main room. Jin, who had changed into sweats and a white shirt, was standing around three carts of food, lifting the metal lids from pipping hot plates. The delicious scent of food wafted through the air, I gulped down the saliva pooling in my mouth. I’ll just sleep and eat in the morning.
I passed by Jin going towards the loveseat finding a blanket and pillow situated there. I smiled unconsciously at the kindness. “Are you hungry?” I unfolded the blanket rearranging myself onto the couch, “no, I’m fine. I’m just going to sleep.” That would’ve been convincing if my stomach didn’t decide to roar in protest. This time a melodious laugh poured out of his lips. “Oh, what is that? I got you a plate, but if you insist you’re not hungry…I guess I’ll have to eat it.” I sat up peering over at him, “why are you being so nice to me?” He pushed a tray cart over to me, “I’m always nice to you Y/N.” I couldn’t argue, because it was true. He was always right. I looked down concealing my embarrassment. “Thank you.” He nodded sitting at the edge of his bed turning on the TV to fill the silence. I wanted to be polite, but I ended up eating like it was my last meal.
“So…how’s your day—whoa! Don’t choke!” I nearly spit out the food in my mouth, one from not expecting him to want to talk and two the question lack sensibility. He pushed the glass of water towards me, which I took gratefully. “Sorry, that was a bad question, I’ll admit it.” I laughed once the hard gulp cleared. Jin was so smooth with his words when he was working, even in between, but this man sitting here was tactless. I stabbed my fork into my food staring up conversation with a more natural opener and before we knew it, we were talking for a few hours. We had a lot more in common than I expected, even our sense of humor matched up.
We cleaned the plates and Jin placed the carts out into the hallway. When he came back in he stood near his bed for a moment, “are you sure you’re going to be fine sleeping there?” I nodded toying with the edge of the blanket. He turned off the TV and then the light switch bathing the room in darkness. I slipped further into the couch, cramped, but adjusted none the less. I heard the shuffling of blankets and then the decompression of a pillow. “Good night Jin…thank you…for everything.” I didn’t have to see it, but I could some how sense the smile on his face. “Your welcome. Good night Y/N.”
I couldn’t find a comfortable spot, so I flipped over a few times and each time it only felt comfortable for a few moments. I hated moving because the crinkling of the barely used couch wasn’t discreet. “Y/N, join me on the bed.” I froze before I was about to turn again, “it’s fine Jin.” He sat up clicking on the bedside table lamp. “Y/N, I promise to stick to my side, just join me. Your shuffling is keeping me awake.” He lifted the comforter up patting the empty space next to him.
Again, my heart took a mind of its own beating like a tambourine. This wouldn’t be my first time sleeping next to a man, but this was Jin. The indistinguishable flames of contempt and scorn should be tickling by now, but I couldn’t find it in me. He was genuinely offering, no strings. I hesitantly took my pillow and plopped it down onto the mattress and slipped into the bed. I stayed as close to the edge as possible slipping under the covers. He chuckled, and I swear I heard a whisper, “cute.”
He couldn’t fall asleep anymore, especially with her next to him. His eyes trailed the outline of her curves through the sheets. The soft dip of her waist, the beautiful curve of her neck as her hair fell like watercolor swirling through water onto her pillow. She turned around inching closer to the center of the center of the bed. Subconsciously he moved closer as well, seeking her out. She looked so sweet, gentle, he was cherishing this expression he rarely got to see. The rain picked up outside thrumming harder against the window. He brought his eyes back to Y/N when whines blubbered through her lips. Her eye brows scrunched together as she curled in on herself. She must be having a nightmare, a terrible one at that.
Subconsciously she reached out, curling towards Jin. Her hands fisted in his shirt and her legs intertwine with his. He contained a shiver as her cold feet traced up his calf, so her body rested in an arch position against him. He should’ve pushed her away, but instead his thumb traced over her brows. He smoothed them out until they relaxed. Her face instantly softened, and a breath of relief ghosted along his collarbones. She was the perfect chill to his overheating body, fitting against him perfectly.
I opened my eyes slowly, against my better judgment, and realized that my forehead was directly on Jin’s chest. My hands fisted against in his shirt tangling as if I was headphone wires. My jaw dropped as I unraveled myself and shimmed away from him, mortified that I sought him out. The change in temperature woke him from his haze, “Y/N? Are you okay?” I couldn’t form words properly, his husky tone ticked away my rational thoughts, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to!” He smiled lazily, “…you were having a nightmare, it’s okay.” I still felt the remnants of his touch, the warmth.
He was patient waiting for her to make the next move. It was always her.
Maybe the darkness was giving me courage, or it was…the ease I felt towards Jin now. I cut the silence pulling the blanket closer over myself, “I keep—I keep having them every night.” His eyes fell into something like adoration and sympathy. “You can talk to me Y/N.” He wanted to reach out and hold her, but we were back to reality. “You wouldn’t understand Jin. You do everything right. You know how to talk to people. Just a smile and they’re on your side. I have to drown myself and then maybe people will consider me. I’m not good enough for anything.” The more she confessed her sins to his church, the higher the veil of her blanket rose. She bowed at her vices and insecurities, setting herself bare to her senses. The choking on her own insecurities made him want to bid her forgiveness, something she didn’t deserve from him, but if he could ease it then he would.
He reached over pulling the blanket away from her face settling on top of her hand. He moved closer to her, his gaze never leaving her lost ones. He swiped away at tears staining her rosy cheeks smiling softly at the fragile being before him. “Y/N. I’m not this God you make me out to be. I’m afraid, I lose sleep, and forget to eat just to please others. Where we stand now, on this equal and same plane, it wasn’t easy getting here. You living your life comparing it to someone else isn’t ever going to satisfy you. When have you lived your life for yourself?”
I nearly choked on my own tears, the question of ‘how are you’ or ‘what do you want’ are always daunting. “I don’t. I can’t. I do things that only benefit me, whether I like it or not. Don’t get me wrong I like my job, but sometimes it feels like I’m getting nowhere.” His soothing finger over my cheek didn’t stop and since when did he get so close? I could feel his hot breath on my skin, a breath of paradise in the Antarctic. “You’re strong Y/n. The strongest person I know. I admire you y/n, but what do you want?”
We sat in silence until my tears dried, but I couldn’t stop myself from staring at his lips. His eyes were watching mine with equal need. There was one thing I was sure I wanted. It was him, even if it was for just tonight. A passing instant of mistaking want for need, because right now I needed him, “you, I want you.”
The heat of our reluctant exhales as we pull away for mere seconds, to catch a breather. The touches between us both were teasing, true to our nature. The first brush of our lips was reluctant his eyes searching for hesitation. Our kisses started out cautiously, but eventually he was pushing me over the edge with his nips at my lip and his tongue asking for entrance. I granted him that, at this point I feel like I wanted to be his genie. He pushed at my shoulders to hover over me, but I’m not that kind of giving genie.
I pushed back until he was flat on his back and I was straddling him, our lips never separating in the process. I parted from his lips, but he tried to sit up to catch them again. My hands stayed firm pushing down on his chest, “Y/N?” I leaned forward to peck his lips, biting my swelling lips on recoil very much liking this position looking at him from above.
His hands trailed up and down my thighs rubbing them appreciatively. He wanted to do whatever she wanted, he’s finally getting to touch her, kiss her. He leaned his head back looking at me through lustfully lidded eyes and parting his pillow lips. He was almost too pretty to touch. I regained my motion when I felt his erection touching my inner thigh straining in his sweatpants. I lowered myself onto him, clothed cores caressing, but my leggings were thin. Slowly, like molasses, I began grinding against him. I didn’t expect the sensation to travel up my back, so I threw my head back in pleasure. I whined tangling my hands in his shirt, but I wanted it off. “Jin, take it off.”
He follows my biding crossing his arms to lift his shirt over his head. My jaw nearly fell out of socket feeling like I was observing a Greek statue. It was hard to tell under his suits that there was a developed body underneath. I let my fingertips play against his abs, making him squirm slightly. It made me smile, I liked how responsive he was. “You’re doing so good for me baby boy.” I trailed up further circling around his pectorals, searching his eyes for the deeper look staring right back at me.
I circled around trailing closer to his harden buds. I leaned down flicking it with my tongue, nibbling and then sucking lightly. Deep groans then high pitch whines dance on my ears and I wanted more. I trailed around his chest wanting to leave violet and navy marks on his perfect skin. I wanted to play the succubus to this angel’s demise into sin. I wasn’t sure If I could take the teasing anymore, my panties were soaked still slowly moving against him. I wanted him inside me already.
As my lips moved up his jaw to find his lips again, his palms found my ass kneading it desperately. “Y/N—ah—God, that feels so good!” A predatorial smile found its way on my lips. I kissed him until the vibrations of his moans were a never-ending resonance. His hands came to still my hips, “stop—stop. If you keep going I’m going to come in my pants.” I trailed a hand down to cup his bulge, “can I? I need you in me.” My walls clenched at the thought of him stretching me out, if my hands were telling of his size then I was in for a filling. I was getting impatient with my own teasing, I needed him.
His hands trailed up my oversized shirt trailing up my stomach to the edges of my breast, only to find no bra. A huff of a gasp left his lips, “you’re so naughty, no bra Y/N?” He molded his large palms onto my breast wanting to feel every bit. He twisted and pinched as I arched towards him stripping myself of my shirt. I pulled away reluctantly kneeling at the end of the bed shimming out of my leggings too. “No panties as well, Y/N. Ugh—you’re going to be the death of me.” I smirked biting my lips teasingly. His eyes cleared for a moment, “condom? Shit, I don’t have one.” I cooed at him, “don’t worry, I’m on birth control and clean, are you?” His eyes widened at the thought of feeling her raw around him. Jin nodded obediently, “yes, I’m all clear.”
He pulled down his pants and his thick, red-tipped cock smacked against his naval. I got down on all fours crawling towards Jin like a cat.  He felt like a man trudging up a hill to the temple of the holy saint Y/N. He wanted to bow at the goddess feet, to remind her that she was to be worshiped. The goddess could only be strong as her people praise her and he was going to invigorate her. The look in his eye was of a man looking at a woman with lust and adoration. His lips ghosted along hers, half lidded eyes full of promises, “can I?”
I nodded letting myself bathe in the warmth of Jinyoung, his broad chest a mattress of its own. His plush, lips pressed against mine briefly, leaving an imprint of their touch. They didn’t linger far, the skin still a peach fuzz length away. This time I was chasing his honey, wanting to dive into the sweetness.
I sat on his lap again, angling his cock and swiveling it over my honied folds. I whined at the sensation, he nodded asking me to sink onto him. My walls clamped around him, a grunt of pleasure slipping through his lips. His breathing was labored as much as mine was, this was something he could get addicted to. I sat pubic bone to pubic bone, the tip of his cock nudging at my cervix. I was right, he filled me up perfectly.
His hands caressed my sides teasing my breast then trailing down to grip at my ass. He wanted to admire everything, she was breath taking. “You’re so beautiful.” I lowered my head concealing the blush spreading like wildfire on my cheeks. I lifted up falling back down from base to tip in long strokes. I was afraid if I went to fast I wouldn’t last long. The images I painted early riled me up. His hands secured over my hips helping me bounce. I swiveled my hips to have him hit all angles. He sat up coating my chest and neck in kisses urging me to continue. Moans and mewls increasing grew louder as I picked up pace.
He threw his head back biting his lip but never took his eyes off mine, “your fucking me so good Y/N. Your taking this cock so well.” I felt the prowess I had slipping back to him. He wrapped his arms around my waist flipping us over with him looming on top. He stilled inside me, I whined for him to continue, but his lips went back to my neck and his thrust were minimal. I wanted—needed—him to faster, harder, more. “Jinyoung, harder!” He mumbled into my neck, “what was that baby girl?” I whined at the nickname, but I was too far gone to care. “Please, harder, fuck me harder!”
He smirked against my neck pulling as far back until his tip was hanging at the entrance and slammed back in. I could feel myself nearing my climax and he could too. I tightly wound my legs around his waist holding on for dear life as his brutal hips snapped against me. My new nickname rolled of his tongue in between his grunts and moans. He wanted to bring y/n to an end before he did. He could feel it bubbling up, threating to coat her paradise, but y/n’s needs came first. He sat up angling himself to perfectly hit that one sweet spot inside me. “Jin!” He continued to roll himself into that spot. “Good baby girl?” I didn’t want to close my eyes, I wanted to watch him, but it was getting harder when white was coating my vision. “Jin, I’m—I’m—going to….”
With a few more rolls of his hips fireworks set off within me. I clenched tightly around him and within a few more thrust he was coming. My undulating walls milked him for all he was worth. He collapsed on top of me and I ran my hands through his hair. He twisted to leave soft, gently kisses on my lips. Our hot breath intertwined as I giggled lightly, “that was—amazing.” He smiled kissing me again, “that was.” He shifted collapsing next to me bringing me into his arms. The moment was perfect. I didn’t even want to bother wiping his cum trailing down my thigh. The night faded out with our giggles and lingering kisses. Eventually we fell asleep in eachothers arms and I was nightmare free.
My heels clicked and echoed down the hall. I was off again on another trip, but this time to a local business. I scrolled through my phone checking over my schedule once more. I didn’t notice the second pair of loafer heels clicking, approaching at the other end. I mumbled out my schedule finding it solidifies it to memory with repetition. “Tuesday at 3pm Mr. Lee from CREx Co….,” I then felt hot breath over my shoulder. “Wednesday at 9 a.m., make sure to pencil in breakfast with Kim Seokjin.” I shook nearly dropping my phone spinning to face my rival. “Mr. Kim, what are you doing here?” He scoffed, “y/n, its only us, you don’t have to address me so formally.” I huffed pretentiously, “we’re on the clock right now.”
He stepped closer his chest almost touching mine, “is that tight skirt also on the clock right now?” His hand went to caress my hip, but I slipped from his groping. I bit my lip but suppressed the flirtatious comeback. “Oh, Mr. Kim, if you keep following me from behind you won’t get to see the hands of the clock.” He raised his brow, but trailed after me as I walked again, but finding it odd that I deviated away from the conference room. He stopped at the end of the hall watching me go to a storage closet and open the door and wink at him before I left it slightly ajar. He sped walked towards the door slipping inside. I was already unbuttoning the top buttons of my blouse, “are you here for business or pleasure Mr. Kim.” He bit his lip, “business affairs Ms. Y/L/N. Business affairs baby girl.”
He closed the door behind him, with a clink of the lock.
Copyright 2018 © by magicalsalamander. All rights reserved.
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shirewalker · 6 years
a bunch of tag games
I have sooo many tag games to do. I’ll do a bunch under the read more and tag a handful of folks to do it if they feel like it. Ofc, it’s just like the last time I did this. Do only the ones you want to do, do all, or none! :D
@ohmystarsy @theleiaskywalker @captainvkirk @kestrel-of-herran @newrcmantlcs @becpunzel @akivas @williamsherondales @frodobaggins @darkvlings @jediknightrey @mionies
the rules: answer the questions and tag five people!
tagged by @lilabard​ <3
5 Things You’ll Find In My Bag
a book
water bottle
5 Things You’ll Find In My Bedroom
framed art
5 Of My Favorite Things
5 Things I’m Currently Into
the good place
watching old fave movies
nikolina (when am I NOT into them tho??)
dreading the coming of nanowrimo because I’m Chidi rn and can’t DECIDE!!
5 Things On My To-Do List
get a job/get a steady income with my shops lol
finish reading shadowsong
work on inktober
finish commissions information so I can start taking them
contact possible reps for shop
tagged by @mionies​ <3
Nicknames: Vee Gender: Female 🌟 sign: pisces Height: 154cm Time: 18:25 Birthday: March 14th Favorite bands: McFly, Little Mix, Hurts Backstreet Boys, Broods, etc Favorite solo artists: Taylor Swift, Caro Emerald, I don’t remember other solo artists rn xD Song that’s stuck in your head: ...nothing. woah it’s a rare moment you guys!! Last movie I watched: Freaky Friday. I think it was the first time I watched it completely in one go. I’ve always caught just bits here and there xD Last tv show I watched: The Good Place Why I created this blog: I saw Tom Fletcher talking about it (I think lol, it was in 2010... xD) got curious and created it. I think. I don’t remember xD What type of content I post/reblog: Bookish stuff, fave movies, art, etc. Last thing I googled: Michael Bublé. I saw him on the news but there was too much noise to know WHY he was quitting music. I hope things get better for his kid <3 Other blogs: booklr - @coverbound​ || The 10th Kingdom - @imgoingtodieoflonghair​ Why I chose my url: I love Star Wars and LOTR. And the Skywalkers and the Shire are my faves. So I threw them together xD I follow: bit over 150 folks Followers: bit over 2850, in search of a curse-breaker to help me with this number lol Lucky number(s): don’t have any? just fave numbers... 3, 14... *shrugs* Colours i’m wearing: red and black xD Last book I read: The Rose and the Dagger <3<3<3<3 Top 3 universes: Harry Potter, Star Wars, Tolkien.
tagged by @darkvlings​
write your top 10 favorite male characters (each can be from different fandoms but not required) in no particular order (the tough game of choosing faves)
nikolai lantsov (tgt)
harry potter (hp)
frodo baggins (lotr)
luke skywalker (sw)
chidi anagonye (the good place)
sarkan (uprooted)
wolf (the 10th kingdom)
westley (princess bride)
prince naveen (the princess and the frog)
derrick (the falconer)
tagged by @captainvkirk​ <3
Rules: Bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations, then tag nine people.
AIR: I have small hands • I love the night sky • I watch small animals and birds when I pass them by • I drink herbal tea • I wake to see dawn • The smell of dust is comforting • I’m valued for being wise • I prefer books to music • I meditate • I find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
FIRE: I don’t have straight hair • I like to wear ripped jeans • I play an organized sport  • I love dogs • I am not afraid of adventure • I love to talk to strangers • I always try new foods • I enjoy road trips • Summer is my favorite season • My radio is always playing (does spotify count)
WATER: I wear bracelets on my wrists • I love the bustle of the city • I have more than one set of piercings • I read poetry • I love the sound of a thunderstorm • I want to travel the world • I sleep past midday most days • I love dimly lit diners and fluorescent signs • I rewatch kids’ shows out of nostalgia • I see emotions in colors, not words
EARTH: I wear glasses/contacts • I enjoy doing the laundry • I am a vegetarian• I have an excellent sense of time • My humor is very cheerful • I am a valued advisor to my friends • I believe in true love • I love the chill of mountain air • I’m always listening to music • I am highly trusted by the people in my life
AETHER: I go without makeup in my daily life • I make my own artwork • I keep on track of my tasks and time • I always know true north • I see beauty in everything • I can always smell flowers • I smile at everyone I pass by • I always fear history repeating itself • I have recovered from a mental disorder • I can love unconditionally
tagged (again lol) by @captainvkirk
Tag game! Tag 5 things about yourself that people might not know about you. 
I’m really small. 154 cm small
I’ve never been kissed/been in a romantic relationship. Local cave troll lol
I used to collect Barbies but with the economical crisis this collection has been put on hold sadly.
I hate beans with all my heart
Two of my dream jobs as a kid were archaeologist and wedding dress designer. If the chance to do either presented itself rn, I’d go for it, ngl.
tagged by (again) @captainvkirk xD
Reblog with your favorite candy, favorite monster, whether or not you expect to die a violent death.
anything by Lindt. their chocolate is THE BEST
vampires :3
gosh I hope not D:
tagged again by @lilabard <3
rules: bold what you prefer and tag 10 people! (let’s go with what I’d do if presented with chance with stuff I’ve never done. some of these are very usa-typical)
1. go apple picking vs. go on a hay ride 2. scary vs. sweet 3. sweaters vs. boots 4. socks vs. mittens 5. bonfires vs. football 6. trick-or-treating vs. watch scary movies 9. bake pie vs. bake cookies 10. rain vs. fog 11. black cats vs. owls 12. ghosts vs. wizards 13. harry potter vs. halloweentown   14. go hiking vs. sleep in 15. cinnamon vs. nutmeg 16. reading vs. writing 17. hot chocolate vs. tea 18. live in a cabin in a forest vs. have it be fall 24/7 19. candy apples vs. caramel apples 20. blankets vs. pillows 21. roasted marshmallows vs. roasted chestnuts 22. coffee vs. apple cider 23. red leaves vs. orange leaves 24. braids vs. bows 25. scented candles vs. the smell of fresh baked goods 26. carve pumpkins vs. make pumpkin pie                                           27. pumpkin spice lattes vs. chai tea lattes (I have no idea, haven't had any) 28. coats vs. oversized sweaters 29. beanies vs. berets 30. candy corn vs. peanut butter cups 31. s'mores vs. apple crisp 32. jump in a pile of leaves vs. swing on a tire 33. corn maze vs. haunted house 34. bob for apples vs. visit a pumpkin patch 35. whipped cream on hot chocolate vs. marshmallows on hot chocolate
tagged by @darkvlings again 
Take this full patronus quiz >>> I got Badger
I thought I had more lol. oh well xD
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ideocosmonaut · 6 years
Would you rather date someone who had a car or a job? Ehh probably job.
What’s the most important part of a relationship in your opinion? Trust, perhaps?
Have you ever wanted to watch a scary movie with someone JUST to have an excuse to be close to them? Kind of
Be with someone cute and a jerk or ugly and kind? ugly and kind
Name a favorite of each: food, drink, color. Steak, Coke Zero, Gray or black
If you married rich and your spouse gave you $100,000 a week, what would you spend it on? Weekly short vacations. Maybe fly to a city every weekend and go on a shopping spree.
Name a favorite of each: book, movie, tv show. Harry Potter, Robocop, Seinfeld
If your best friend liked your ex, what would you do? I dont have an ex
if you had to choose between being blind or deaf which would you pick? Hmm. Maybe blind. I love art and music but my eyes get me into more trouble than my ears.
Name a LEAST favorite of each: food, drink, color. How boring. Onions, water, yellow
What do you spend most of your money on? Bills
What kind of underwear do you prefer wearing? Boxer briefs
If you were sat on a plane beside your favorite celebrity, what would you do? Probably nothing. Why would they want to talk to me? They’re probably really tired and just want to chill on the ride home. I mean, if I feel brave, maybe I’ll say hi and that I really love their work but that’s about it.
What would you consider to be the biggest insult to yourself? Any... insult?
What are five things you absolutely have to have in your dream house? A kitchen, a bathroom, a bedroom, a ceiling, walls...
If you could be reincarnated as any animal, which would you chose and why? Some kind of bird
What is your biggest pet peeve? Being wrongfully accused
Do you still watch cartoons? Sometimes
What movies could you watch over and over and still love? 80s and 90s comedies
Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? A cop. An astronaut
Ever have a Deja-vu feeling? yeah.
First concert? Flogging Molly, for a big name band. But I went to local shows in school
Tea or coffee? i like both.
Do you think you were well raised? Up until I was a teenager
How do you handle stress? not well. 
Do you hide things well? Not really
If you had to choose between having one family member or 5 of your closest friends die who would you choose? I’d rather not. If I had to... family member. I’ve lost almost all of the good ones already anyway. And my friends are a precious few.
Do you see yourself ever being with someone you’ve been with before? No?
Would you rather live in a tiny apartment with 5 other people or a huge house by yourself that you felt was haunted? Huge house... if I didnt have to keep it up by myself.
How many piercings do you have? 0
Do you see yourself as a “good” person? No. No one is really good or bad. People are people. Everyone has their own ambitions. And a basic desire. People change all the time, nothing is set in stone.
Are your nails painted a dark or light color? N/a
Have you ever order pizza online? yes
What color was the last candle you lit? Cream?
Is there something written on your shirt right now? No
Is there a bookshelf in your room? no.
Do you own a treadmill? nope.
Have you ever signed up for a gym membership? yes.
What color was the last fish you had? Orangey
Is there a garbage can in your room? What color is it? Nah
Have you ever read in the bathtub? No
If you play the sims, do you download custom clothes, hair, etc? I imagine I would
Have you ever put ice cubes in milk? no.
Does your animal sleep with you? N/a
What do you use to remove your makeup at night? N/a
Do you have a favorite TV show that actually isn’t on air anymore Umm maybe. I think most of my favorites are still alive somewhere in TV land
Have you ever bought something off of iTunes? i don’t think so.
Have you ever had to wear a hairnet? nope.
Do you know how many pages the last book you read had? nope.
What day of the week does the laundry usually get done? Saturday
Do you use the Facebook chat often? daily.
Do you have any baby pictures of yourself on your computer? Nah
How many favorites do you have on youtube? hundreds
What channel is the food network? i dont have cable
Do you still write in pencil? sometimes
What brand is your foundation? n/a
What kind was the last chip you ate? Uhh doritos i think
Do you eat onion rings? not often but i love them.
When did you last go to the zoo? years ago
How many cardigans do you own? 1
What is your favorite song to play on guitarhero or rockband? none
What flavor of tea did you last have? Milos
Do you own a robe? yes
What was the last video you added to your favorites on YouTube? An upload of the new Puppet Master movie
Have you ever brushed your teeth and then drank orange juice? yeah
When was the last time you had pancakes or waffles? yesterday
Do you know anyone whose birthday is today? my step-mom
If you died right now, how would you feel about your life? I wouldn't exist so I wouldn't feel anything. That’s an upside. Can you imagine how bad you’d feel if you died? It’s a mercy we dont feel anything after.
Was the last person you texted under 18? no I dont believe any of the people ive texted are under 18
How many pairs of jeans do you think you have? like two
Do you like hoodies? yes.
When was the last time you attended a wedding? May?
Have you had alcohol this week? uhhhhhhhh nope actually
What windows are open on your computer right now? You mean tabs? This, FB, another Tumblr, and youtube
Say you were given a drug test right now, would you pass? yes Is there anything you are craving right now? affection
What’s the last thing you had to eat? rice and beef
Who were the last four people to text you? my dad, my step-mom, a couple friends
Do you have any morbid interests? nothing habitual
Do you know anyone whose birthday is tomorrow? no.
What was the last thing you found that you thought you lost forever? an earbud cover
Have you ever been to Times Square to watch the ball drop for the New Year? no
If you have a Twitter, do you use something else besides the computer to update your tweets? nope
Do you like potato salad? Ive never had one I liked
Who was the last person that apologized to you? my bff. It’s funny that I say sorry a lot but I dont hear it very often. only from him. hmm.
Have you ever driven and ended up running out of gas? no
When was the last time you uploaded pictures from your camera? months ago
Did you do the laundry today? yes
What was the reason behind the last time you stayed up all night? wasnt sleepy
Did you straighten or curl your hair last? n/a
Have you ever been off-roading? yes
Was the last number you added to your cell phone a guy’s or girl’s number? a restaurant probably
Do you enjoy being a tease? kind of. not too much.
Have you ever had a UFO sighting or a sighting of strange lights in the sky? nope.
Who was the last person you caught lying to you? eh i dont recall
How old were you when you were first pulled over by the police? umm 19 ish?
Do you have a webcam that’s built into your computer or did it come separately? n/a
Was there ever a time that you lived on an island? I am an island. Shut up, Ben Howard.
Have you ever made a time capsule? I did in school
When was the last time you drank out of a champagne glass? long time ago
What was the last casino you went to? N/a
Does it flood easily where you live? kind of
Let’s start out blunt, have you had sex in the last 12 hours? nope.
Are you wearing something that belongs to someone else? no.
Does anything hurt on you? my foot
Do you think someone is thinking about you right now? maybe
Do you look at the keyboard when you type? sometimes
Does it bother you when people respond to you with one word?   not really
Will you be up before 7:00 a.m. tomorrow? yes, many times
Do you like MySpace? i did back when it was popular.
Do you like glitter? its ok
Is there anyone you’d like to apologize to? my mom
What’s the closest thing to you that’s liquid? 
my... pee?
Are your toe nails painted pink? no.
Will you be in a relationship in 4 months? no... I mean, i doubt it? maybe? who knows.
Are you excited for Saturday? I was until I hurt my foot
What are you listening to right now? Game Grumps
What is the most exciting place you have been to this year? Gatlinburg 
The shirt you’re wearing, does anyone else have it? possibly
Are you gonna be home tonight? yes.
Do you feel awkward when strangers say hi to you? not if it stops there
Are you easily scared at horror films? not easily
If there was a large spider in the room, what would you say? Depends on how large and what kind
Do you have good memories with old friends? of course. 
How are you feeling right now? in pain
Have you ever skipped school just because you were tired? oh yeah
How many friends do you have that have never smoked? a few
Is there someone you used to talk to every single day that you don’t talk to anymore? yes.
Are you missing someone? yes.
Did you have a dream last night? probably, i just don’t remember it.
Is it okay if you kiss people when you’re single? of course, as long as they’re single too.
Who did you last talk to on the phone? my dad
Have you held hands with anyone today? no.
Do you drop your phone a lot? nah
Your last ex says they never even liked you. You say? You dont exist?
When was the last time you saw your father? last weekend
Are there certain things that can’t be joked about with you? Hmm. that’s a tough one. I use humor to cope a lot but I always try to remain within certain guidelines around certain people. it’s a lot to keep up with. Me? I can laugh at almost anything. Im pretty numb to most things. It doesnt come from a place of disrespect, but a need to laugh.
Would you say you’re an understanding person? mostly.
How is your life currently? it sucks.
What are you doing tomorrow morning? sleeping
Do you want to see somebody right now? sure.
How many people have you liked in the past 8 months? just the one.
Have you ever done anything illegal? yes
Would you rather spend a whole day with your mom or your dad? mom
What’s currently bothering you? my foot. looming anxiety over possibly being fired. being totally alone.
Have you thought about an ex today? no.
Are any of your friends taller than you? yes.
Did you do anything productive today? yes.
Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? To relive certain things, maybe. Barry Allen taught me not to fuck with the timeline
Today, did you hug a person you have feelings for? no
Do you wish at 11:11? nah
Are you currently in a relationship? no
Do you think relationships are ever really worth it? apparently they are everything
Think of the last person who said “I love you” to you. Do you think they meant it? I guess. 
Have you ever made someone laugh when they were crying? yes.
Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you? yes
If you could move somewhere else, would you? Depends but im mostly for it
Has a boy/girl called you babe or baby today? no.
How long were you with your last bf/gf? never
Would you ever let a girl/boy put you through hell and back? probably. im ripe for the abuse.
Have you ever gone out with anyone older than you? no
Do you think you will ever be married? probably not
Have you ever tried your hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? yes. that’s life
Is it possible to be single and happy? temporarily
Last time you wore something that didn’t belong to you? idk
Has anything happened in the past month that made you really happy? aside from food, not really. 
What’s something you’ve always wanted to say to your ex? n/a
How much money did you spend today? $0
Are you a rude person? to people who are rude
Would you ever think about painting your ceiling your favorite color? no. 
What’s something you’re excited for? Cyberpunk 2077
Does cuddling freak you out? A little. I dont like not being able to move
What do you think of maxi dresses? idk
What did the last text in your inbox say? From who? my phone’s in the other room...... >_>
What would you do if you saw a guy hit a girl? Call the police.
Have you ever gambled? yes.
Do you use tobacco products? not anymore
Would you ever go a week without showering? only if i had to
Would you ever date someone with a different skin color than you? Yeah
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badassbride · 3 years
Punk rock backyard wedding
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Kat & Kyle’s
Punk rock backyard wedding party
WEDDING COUPLE:   Kat Monroe, Kyle Zemblidge
INSTAGRAM NAMES: @mskatmonroe @kz_anrchy
WEDDING DATE: May 19, 2019
WEDDING LOCATION: Sunset Beach, California
WHERE DID YOU MEET:  We originally met in April of 2014, when I had booked his band at a local music venue I was working at. He was scheduled to play later that evening, but arrived early.
We had plenty of time to socialize through out the evening, when he first introduced himself, we both knew that there was an immediate attraction. Unknown to me at the time, he had looked through one of my social media pages. (He claims in research of the show and venue) He discovered that I would frequently walk on the beach. He jokingly made a comment, “I like to take walks on the beach”, with a smile. Fumbling for a response all I could manage to spit out was. “I’m going in the morning”. I honestly couldn’t believe that I said that, it just came out, before I could stop myself. Looking back on it, it was the best decision I ever made.
Initially, we were both apprehensive of calling our dating, a relationship, or even dating for that matter. I think it was about a year, before someone pulled me aside and said, “Kat��, I gotta tell you something, “Kyle’s your boyfriend”. I said “Nope’, turned around and ran away. Kyle and I later talked about that comment and essentially came to terms that we were in deed a couple.
I can’t explain it any other way than we were both just comfortable with the idea. When we first discussed the idea of marriage, he brought it up, I couldn’t tell if he was joking or serious, but he threw out the idea of proposing to me at a show he was going to play at the Whiskey a Go Go in Hollywood. I still wasn’t sure if he was serious, but there was plenty of time for me to gauge the seriousness of this… I thought.
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Little did I know he had other plans, several months before that particular performance, we went out for our usual date night and had decided for karaoke at the Queen Mary. He was acting kind of funny, but not in a bad way. He did a rendition of Stray Cat’s Strut, and I noticed he was fidgety with his pocket, but at the time I didn’t really think much about it, other than “Oh my gosh he is actually singing this song to me.”
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After we wandered around the ship for quite sometime until it was pretty late. On the way home, all I could really remember was how tired I was. It was about 2 in the morning, he pulls up to the beach, where we have walked together so many times before. I was exhausted and said. “Why are we at the beach I wanna go home to bed” He replied something about having to see the moon. So we got out of the car and I followed him onto the sand out by the waters edge. And before I knew it he turned around and got down on one knee and proposed. Mind you this is that same beach that we took that first walk on, how could I say no?
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WEDDING THEME: Punk rock backyard party
THE WEDDING DAY:  We wanted something that encompassed everything that was dear to us, so we had to decided to perform the ceremony itself on our beach.
For the reception we wanted to be a true back yard party, and a good friend of ours lives at the beach, she lent us her house and yard. it was literally steps from the place of the ceremony on the beach. It couldn’t of worked out more perfect.
The only concern was making sure that Kyle grandmother, who has limited mobility would be able to view the ceremony on the sand. The day of, he took his time and with a help of a few friends they had her on the beach.
On the eve of the wedding day, I woke up to the sound of pouring rain. I started to panic. I thought even if it stopped the backyard and everything would be muddy and wet. It continued to rain off and on until about 9am, when I made my way to the house to get ready for the big day.
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My makeup artist, dressmaker, and maid of honor met me there to assist me. It remained overcast until about noon. The ceremony was scheduled for 2pm. I was so nervous, not even sure why. Fortunately the sky started clearing to the point of beautiful blue sky and almost no visible clouds.
Everyone gathered at the house prior to the ceremony and I was peeking through the bedroom window looking at everyone arrive, as I was getting ready. My nerves were on edge. The ceremony was to be officiated by Rikk Agnew, (of the bands Christian Death, D.I. and The Adolescents) He is a friend of ours and it made it super special to have him there.
Kyle and my children gathered everyone together and escorted them to the sand where the ceremony was held. Once I saw that everyone was gathered. My oldest son escorted me out.
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I was surprised at the about the amount of people that were attending. Considering our background and our friends and our request of “Come as you are”. I was laughing and smiling because I was so happy it looked more like a cross between a funeral and a circus than a wedding.
Seeing Kyle out there on the sand in his white leopard print jacket, his mohawk perfect looking so handsome, waiting for me sent chills down my spine. The nuptials we selected were not exactly traditional. We wanted something that went with our personality and suitable for everyone’s beliefs. We have always been very neutral people and wanted to be all inclusive.
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We had no idea it would bring tears to everyone’s eyes including our minister.  After we exchanged vows. We paraded back to the house to commence the reception. We involved a lot of the usual traditions, toast, bouquet toss, garter throw, first dance and cake cutting.
Ultimately we leaned more toward the back yard party feel complete with a live band (Fox and the Red Hares) They even learned the song Kyle had serenaded me with the night of the proposal, which he sang for all our guests.
Once the cake cutting was done, guests slowly started to trickle out but the party continued on with most of our close friends until later on when it started to rain again. Thus bringing a wrap on the night.
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BRIDE DESIGNER: Roxxanne Zidell Instagram: Roxannehollywood
GROOM DESIGNER: Kyle Zemblidge Instagram: Kz Anrchy
HAIR / MAKE UP: Mana Afshar @inkedoutcast
DID YOU DO FOOD: In our live music scene street vendor tacos are a common thing. We wanted to incorporate that in the day. My maid of honor offered to pay for it as a wedding gift.
WHAT DID THE BRIDESMAIDS WEAR: I only had a maid of honor. She wore a dress made by my dressmaker of fabric similar to the pattern on my dress.
BUDGET SAVING IDEAS: There were a number of things we did to cut corners on our budget. Quite a few things just happened to work out in our favor. Originally we were going to rent a community center. However a friend offered us her house. It was also more in line with the punk, backyard party theme.
My maid of honor offered as a wedding gift to pay the food vendor. To save her  the cost of food, we had the vendor provide the tacos and condiments, while my mother and I made side dishes. Another friend, who is a baker, provided the cakes as a wedding gift as well.
Working in the live music scene I select one of my oldest and favorite bands to play. By coincidence one of the members also had tables, chairs and linens at his disposal and lent them to us for a minimal fee.
The dressmaker is an old friend from when I used to focus on art more than music. She offered to make the dress at minimal cost as well. I visited the thrift stores often in search of favors and decorations. I found more than I expected including a brand new in package pillow for the rings. I went to the local dollar store and stocked up on chrome plastic cutlery, silver, and gold paper plates and fancy napkins.
ANY TIPS ON GIFT IDEAS HOW TO HANDLE THIS: Our friends offered services for the wedding as gifts. I was ambivalent at first, but found it very helpful as I was incredibly overwhelmed with the planning.
DID YOU DO WEDDING FAVOURS: I bought old school plastic clam type hearts at the thrift store ( I found a few bags of never used ones) and filled them with the traditional wedding mints. I ordered heart shaped stickers with our hashtag (#monroehawk)on them and put one on each heart. My younger son made home made caramels and handed them out as well.
TIPS FOR FUTURE BADASS BRIDES: If your friends want to help you, let them. You need to understand while this is your big day and you have a certain vision for it, you have to extend your friends a little trust. Also the more time you allow for planning, the better, because you are going to make it easier on your budget if you stock up on items along the way, instead of buying everything all at once.
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yespoetry · 6 years
Shadow Study
Eight a.m.
I had an accident on my walk into work. Not really what you would ordinarily call an accident: I didn’t walk into a fire hydrant, I wasn’t blinded by the rising sun. It was March, and daylight savings time had adjusted the span and stretch of the shadows that fell between the clean and dirty loading docks at the rear of Blessed John Licci Hospital. Something about the way the shadows were long and tender and dark made me think of Carmen. My gut flopped and tightened, as if knotting itself. That was the accident, the way my gut reacted when I thought of her. Like I had mistaken Carmen for someone I was in love with.
The sun rose above Blessed John’s blue H. Light struck the weary brick façade, giving the old hospital a glow I only noticed on almost-spring mornings like this. The bronze statue of Blessed John on the lawn was half-covered in snow, his hands fused together in prayer. I hoped he was sure about whatever it was he was praying for, to have been cast in perpetual prayer like that. The way he faced the sun, everything on his left side had melted away, leaving one eye to watch me j-walk across the traffic circle and into the building.
I took the same doors in, the same staircase down, nodded hellos to the same people I always did. Everything else was same except for the new knot I felt that sat between my heart and my ribs.
As Blessed John’s Facilities Department Assistant, I ordered parts for the boiler, made coffee in the morning and took minutes at our weekly team meeting. I was one of two women with an office in the basement. Carmen was the other.
 My office was in the basement, a renovated closet next to the boiler room. It smelled of diesel oil and the floor was almost always tattooed with coffee splotches. My dirty rectangle of an office had no windows. Shift engineers trudged by my doorway yanking their pants back up over their ass cracks three times a day: break, lunch, break.
I looked in the mirror hanging in my rusty locker. I tugged and tousled my hair, tried to fluff some life back into it. My toque was necessary but gave me hat head.
“Hey!” Carmen said, knocking on my door. The sound plowed through my chest. “How was your walk in?”
I shut my locker and re-tousled. “Oh. Not bad,” I heard myself say. She grinned, tossed her black hair away from her face, dropped into the chair across my desk. She crossed her legs and complained about the run in her nylons already and asked me what I thought about the new eyeshadow she was wearing.
“What colour is that again? Evening prune?” I said. She laughed.
“Midnight plum! Ha, prune,” she said. “You’re too funny, Sam.”
Sam, she called me. Sam, as far from ornate a name you can have, but she said it in a voice that made it sound mysterious and luscious and not at all every day.   
She darted off for her meeting; the smell of her vanilla hand lotion lingered. When I looked up from my desk I saw her there as if outlined, like someone had taken a yellow crayon and traced around her shoulders and head, her neat hips.
 I took off to the bathroom. I scrubbed my hands and felt like I should scrub the insides of my eyelids and the lining of my stomach and brain and every other part of me that reacted so violently/lovingly to her presence.
What was this? A crush? Was that why they called it a crush? All your insides crush together?
Lunchtime meetings were akin to torture. Cookies were always a consolation, so long as you were there in time before they were eaten up. I arrived and helped myself to a shortbread, half-covered in chocolate, and settled in the back of the room to take notes and blend in with the furniture
The meeting room’s windows were translucent, allowing for light but obscuring the view to the woodlot outside. I twisted my wedding band around my finger, my skin plain and white beneath it. Outside, birds chirped and the wind howled. How weird it was to hear birds chirp the same time the wind howled.
Men with ties and a few sturdily dressed women leaned over the conference room table, looking over the drawing describing where the proposed new wing of Blessed John would spread its shadow, where patterns of light would fall in summer, fall, spring and winter. It was easy to calculate: given that the sun was reliable, and that the new wing would be fully realized in another four years or so, we could expect these shadows, just as they were diagrammed. According to the drawings, the five p.m. shadows would fall right over the sidewalk I took home.
The meeting room was disastrous with sounds: growling stomachs, a code blue buzzing through the PA, the arguments in mostly jargon. Jargon as good as puffing out your chest. Yes, listen to me. I know all these words, I also learned them in planning or architecture school or wherever it was I went. Do not doubt me when I know the same jargon as you.
 I listened for the clicking of Carmen’s heels and the swing of the door opening and closing. It always seemed to squeal differently when someone showed up late: screechier, more tattle-taley.
I drew clouds in the margins of my notebook. A few fat raindrops. I drew a stick person with sunglasses about to get obliterated by these fat raindrops, swept away and then swallowed whole. But then if it was cloudy out why did the stick person have sunglasses on? Were they just used to putting them on that it didn’t occur to them not to wear them? I drew another stick person, sans glasses, her (assuming the stick person has a gender) arm around the sunglasses-wearing stick person.
Carmen eventually appeared and gave a disappointed frown to the empty cookie tray. She inched next to me and whispered “What did I miss?”
I shook my head and handed her the cookie I hadn’t eaten.  
Five p.m.
Carmen flew into my office as if pushed by a gale force wind. She seemed to show up like this all the time, somewhat off balance, hair swinging in front of her eyes, cheeks pink. “Ready to go?” she asked, doing up the buttons on her jacket, her fingers slow in a way that made me notice how plush her fingertips were.
We walked outside together. The sky was so thick with snow that the only thing I could see out the slit of my hood was the sidewalk. Carmen went on to me about how she took her snow tires off too early.  “Did I really doubt that it would snow this March?” she laughed.
“Sure,” I laughed along.
“You probably think I’m nuts.”
“Um… nuts. Mistaken, maybe.”
“Silly me,” she said.
Silly her. “I guess, considering we are in Canada and it does snow in March,” I said, and gave her shoulder a nudge.
“I bet your husband made you keep your snow tires on your car,” she said. Her shadow fell against mine onto the sidewalk. Our shadow-middles pooled together.
“He did,” I said, looking out from between my lapel and my scarf. She stopped at the crosswalk towards the parking lot as cars flew through the slush and barely slowed to let her cross. I counted the snowflakes clinging to her hair as they melted. One fell on her collar and before I could stop myself I brushed it away, grazing her cheek with my thumb. She blinked and patted my cheek as the big knot in my gut tightened for a moment before loosening all the way. I could breathe.
“You’re a sweet girl, Sam. See you tomorrow.”
I watched her cross the street, waited until she pulled out of the parking lot. I carried on down the sidewalk, the orange streetlights buzzing to life and throwing long shadows all the way home.
Nikki Donadio is a graduate of the Humber School for Writers and holds degrees in English and Adult Education. She currently lives in Newmarket, Ontario and is a Master of Arts student at the University of Gloucestershire. Her short fiction has been featured in Plenitude and Gertrude; her poetry in Borealis, Her Heart Poetry, Typishly and Soliloques Anthology. You can follow her on Twitter at @nbissett22.
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Another Ask -brace yourself more are coming.
Hey ! I’ve been tagged again ! Thanks to @illusivesoul​ for this ! For the sake of convenience, I’m going to pack both asks in one single post. Thanks for both of them ! Answers under the cut !
What’s your favourite song(s) to sing/hum ?
Build That Wall, by Darren Korb, from Bastion's Original Soundtrack. It's the song that gets stuck in my head the most often, and it has been so for five years.
What’s your favourite flower/tree/plant ?
Pine trees ? Never thought about it to be fair. xD
Favourite colours ?
Black, purple, red, blue.
What do you always doodle ?
Unconvenienced grumpy faces really badly drawn, which usually represent the current mood of the artist or the state of unhappinness with the state of the work ahead.
How do you take your coffee/tea ?
Sugar, and that's it. I like milk with the coffee. Tea is good even without sugar.
Favourite candle scent ?
Cinnamon, or honey, or stuff like that
Sunrise or sunset ?
Sunrise. But I really like both.
What perfume do you wear ?
Sweat. None.
What’s your go-to dance move when you’re alone ?
Weirdly confident stuff. By all mean, I'm not a great dancer, but I would absolutely love giving pole dance a serious try one day.
Favourite quote ?
«Je donne mon sang rouge à quelqu'un que j'ignore Et pour lui ce ne sera jamais que de l'eau.» Louis Aragon
(Roughly and badly translates to « I give my red blood to someone I don't know, and for them it would only remain water. »)
Favourite self care routine(s) ?
Bed, food, cappuccino, watching The Lord of the Rings.
Fuzzy socks or house slippers ?
House slippers.
What colour are your eyes ?
What’s your favourite eye colour on others ?
Favourite season ? Why ?
I really like winter. Not very bothered by the weather, the long nights or anything. I like cold, snow if we have the chance to have it, and I have good chilhood memories from winter. Spring is nice too, because the temperature is just right.
Cheek, neck, or nose kisses ?
Cat kisses.
What does your happy place look like ?
The beach house of my grandmother, alone, with no contact with the outside world and at least one project to work on.
Favourite breed of dog ?
Dogs are all cool, but I think I have a weakness for everything wolfy, and Border Collies.
Do you ever want to be married? if so, what colours would you pick for your wedding theme ?
Not planning to any time soon, or ever. Romance is very not my priority in life. Plus weddings are expensive and 9 times out of 10 a terrible idea. (happy valentines day, I know xD)
Cursive or print ?
Favourite weather ?
Light clouds, hints of rain in the distance, hints of the sky, and a bit of wind.
colors I’m currently wearing: Blue, green and purple, because I'm at home, it rains and I absolutely don't care.
last band t-shirt I bought: Magoyond, years ago. They're a french rock zombie band filled with people I knew, so I supported them quite a lot when they started out.
last band I saw live: I cannot remember, it was too long ago :/
last food I ate: Smashed black beans.
last TV show I watched: The Wire
last song I listened to: Where is My Mind, The Pixies. Classic, but good for my current mood.
last book I read: L'Art de la Pose, by Florence Rivieres (« The Art of Posing », a book about the ins and out of professional modelling which I did a little bit of)
last movie I watched: Harry Potter and the Prizonner of Azkaban. Really enjoyed rewatching it.
last 3 characters I identified with: ??? I have troubles identifying with characters, as in seeing myself in them. I want to say my OC Shlee, but pretty sure that doesn't count. Maybe Aria T'loak, in a weird way. Maybe Mordin Solus too, loosely.
one insecurity: - me
two fears: keep on failing at stuff that is important to me until I am forced to realize that I'm the one unfit for everything, and something very dark. Not gonna ruin your day /o/
three turn-ons: I'm taking it as cerebral turn-ons. Intelligence, respect, and self-reliability. Can-you-maybe-see-why-I-like-Mordin-Solus-so-damn-much.
four life goals: - develop a successful game that resonates with people and is honest with its intention - getting myself a name in the indie game industry - not starve or go insane trying to do so - maybe find a way to navigate people and build relationships that satisfy me
five things I like: my cats, the crazy precise dreams I have, astrophysics and space stuff, that the air is still breathable, my incredible -and largely undeserved- support network
six weaknesses; Health at large, sleep patterns, I am bad at being convenient(TM), I am bad at having reasonnable emotions(TM), P R I D E.
seven things i love: my projects, every character I create even the garbage ones, the sea, night sky,  big cities at night, listening to terrible music really late, friends&mom. Yay ! Finished ! If @natsora or @sexy-salmon feel like doing either of those two, feel free. Anyone is free. Freedom is important. (I’m very tired, and sorry).
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mydarlingfelix · 6 years
Get to know me tag(s)!
Tagged by: @hyunjinh  @felox-the-great @jaeffreyy @squishywoojin @welcometochanskitchen @dabkingfelix @mosquitofelix
Hi! I’m Summer btw (Ik it’s not in my bio), but I just go by Sum or other nicknames lol *I also just put multiple “get to know me” tags in 1 lol THIS IS A SUPER LONG POST IM SORRY However thank you for tagging me!! I Love you all soOoOo much!
Bold Thingy Tag
1ST RULE: tag 9 people you want to get to know better
I think everyone done this already fkjdjgb
2ND RULE: BOLD the statements that are true.
APPEARANCE: - I am 5'7 or taller - I wear glasses - I have at least one tattoo -I have at least one piercing - I have blonde hair - I have brown eyes - I have short hair (idk it’s growing) - My abs are at least somewhat defined - I have or had braces
PERSONALITY: - I love meeting new people - People tell me I am funny - Helping others with their problems is a big priority of mine - I enjoy physical challenges - I enjoy mental challenges - I am playfully rude to people I know - I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it - There is something I would change about my personality
ABILITY: - I can sing well - I can play an instrument - I can do over 30 pushups without stopping - I am a fast runner - I can draw well - I have a good memory - I am good at doing maths in my head - I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute - I have beaten at least 2 people arm wrestling - I can make at least 3 recipes from scratch - I know how to throw a proper punch
HOBBIES: - I enjoy sports - I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else - I’m in a orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else - I have learned a new song in the past week - I exercise at least once a week - I have gone for runs at least once a week in warmer months - I have drawn something in the past month (Lucy wanted to be drawn for her bday and I did a watercolor portrait thing ig? for her) - I enjoy writing - Fandoms are my #1 priority- I do some form of Martial arts
EXPERIENCES: - I have had my first kiss - I have had alcohol- I have scored a winning point in a sport - I have watched an entire TV series in one sitting - I have been at an overnight event- I have been in a taxi - I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year - I have beaten a video game in one day - I have visited another country - I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
MY LIFE: - I have one person that I consider to be my Best Friend - I live close to my school/work - My parents are still together - I have at least one sibling (I have like 5)- I live in the United States - There is snow where I live right now - I have hung out with a friend in the past month - I have a smart phone - I own at least 15 CDs - I share my room with someone
RELATIONSHIPS: - I am in a Relationship - I have a crush on a celebrity (?) - I have a crush on someone I know - I’ve been in at least 3 relationships - I have never been in a Relationship (not a healthy one at least)- I have admitted my feelings to a crush - I get crushes easily (It’s disgusting, wtf is wrong with me. I don’t need feels) - I have had a crush for over a year (Umm kinda he’s just really really cute. I talked to Dain about this before) - I have been in a relationship for over a year (but not currently) - I have had feelings for a friend
RANDOM: - I have break-danced - I know a person named Jamie - I have had a teacher that has a name that is hard to pronounce - I have dyed my hair - I’m listening to a song on repeat right now - I have punched someone in the past week - I know someone who has gone to jail - I have broken a bone - I have eaten a waffle today - I know what I want to do in life - I speak at least two languages - I have made a new friend in the past year
Alphabet Soup Tag
A: Age - “I’m 19, you fight me?” B: Birthplace - Cali C: Current time - As I’m during this 1:26pm D: Drink you had last - Water, but also Thai Tea Boba E: Easiest person to talk to - F: Favorite song - None G: Grossest memory - My cousin’s and I were doing a auntie and niece day and went theMall and I saw this girl throw up on the second floor in Forever 21. I felt sorry for the workers...  H: Hogwarts house - G I: in love? - nah, never gonna happen J: Jealous of people? - It’s only a human aspect, you’re only truly horrible if you do something nasty to others because of that feeling K: Killed someone? - Not yet lmfao L: Love at first sight or should I walk by again? - No thank you M: Middle name - Summer N: Number of siblings - 5 O: One wish - None P: Person you called last - My mom Q: Question you are always asked - Idk tbvh R: Reason to smile - Idk things make me happy S: Song you sang last - The Unit No way (I dont remember the unit colors)  T: Time you woke up - 6:43am  U: Underwear color - White  V: Vacation destination - South Korea, Japan, & idk the other one, but honestly my goal is to visit all my mutuals before I died lmfaooo W: Worst habit - Not caring, sleeping in, getting distracted easily, being anixious all the time.  X: X-rays - Teeth Y: Your favorite food - I have a lot... Z: Zodiac sign - Gemini
🥛 Colour(s) I’m currently wearing: Black... Just a lot of black (I need to stop wearing sm black omg)  🍥 Last band t-shirt I bought: I don’t ever buy clothes for myself, idk when was last time? Maybe during the Got7 concert?  🥛 Last band I saw live: Got7 (Fly In LA: Day 1) and Paradise (A Hmong Band)  🍥 Last song I listened to: Rn I’m listening to The Unit’s Cherry on Top  🥛 Lipstick or chapstick: Idk... I wear lip tints.  🍥 Last movie I watched: Ever Wonder? (idk it’s a true story about the creation of wonder women)  🥛 Last 3 TV shows I watched: Wanna One Go, Wanna One x Aimgo TV, and The Unit 🍥 Last 3 characters I identified with: Kora, Steven Universe, & Ken Kaneki (idk for this part, I never thought about this fkdfdkgd)  🥛 Book I’m currently reading: Books for my classes njfdkjd 
What’s my name? (Imma just put my initials) 
M. S. L.
What’s my nickname?
Sum, SumSum, SumShine, Summahh Girl, Tsumdere, Chee, 
How old am I?
“I’m 19, you fight me?”
What got me into Kpop?
SJ- Sorry Sorry, but Got7 made me offically stay and learning everything about the kpop fandom
What’s my favourite Kpop group?
Rn W1 (the most)
Who’s my ultimate bias?
Park Jihoon
What groups/artists do I stan?
Too many to count, you all can ask my personally if you want lol
What groups/artists do I casually listen to?
A lot, I try to be diverse, but what’s good music is good music to me. Feel free to suggest me some :D
What artists do I listen to that aren’t Kpop?
Ahh I’m lazy, but just good sounding music. Calvin Harris just popped up in my head. fknfkjskfnj 
Who’s my bias and bias wrecker from my ultimate group(s)?
Wanna One: Park Jihoon & Kang Daniel
JBJ: Kim Donghan & ??? (They’re all messing me up rn)
SK: Felix & I think Hyunjin? Idk
What’s your favourite song(s) to sing/hum?
It’s recently been Chungha’s roller coaster lol and The Unit songs  
What are your favourite flower/tree/plant (all 3 or whatever you have an answer to)?
I really love plants and flowers in general, however Peonies are one of my many faves!! 
Favourite colour(s)?
Pink, blue, purple, black, white, and gray
What do you always doodle (if you ever do)?
Umm yeah I always doodling, but I try not to because I want to be able to focus in class haha. 
How do you take your coffee/tea? If you don’t like those what’s your fav warm drink?
It probably like 20% coffee and 80% french vanilla cream nfksjfgsbjg sometimes I add a lil milk too 
Favourite candle scent?
Anything flowery, but i really like sweet pea smell lol. I don’t any candles yet, so I don’t quite know which I like more yet. Soorrryy
Sunrise or Sunset?
Sunset! The colors are soo pretty and like it doesn’t require me to wake up from my sleep lmfao. The transitions of day and night it just so beautiful! and the stars that start peeking through the dark sky! 
What perfume do you wear if any?
I don’t wear perfume? I have them at home but in my opinion I feel like if you’ve showered and smell nice why try to mix more scents onto you?? and I don’t really need it? DONT WORRY I AM CLEAN NFJSNJF idk if I make any sense
What’s your go to dance move when you’re alone?
Favourite quote?
“The moon is friend for the lonesome to talk to.” ― Carl Sandburg 
&  “We ran as if to meet the moon.” ― Robert Frost  
& also 
“The moon and stars just for you my love” - Me lol 
Favourite self care thing(s) or routine(s)?
Umm... Drawing. Showering and putting a face mask afterwards. Painting my nails. It’s more like small things, especially like painting my nails and drawings are things I can’t do often because I try to focus on school, because ik I’m bad at focusing. Sleeping and reminding to just eat, when I get too busy and focused I tend to skip meals. njfkdsnfj s
Fuzzy socks or House slippers?
OMFG BOTH THAT’S LIKE THE BEST COMBO! I have these pinky and purple house slippers I got aND IT’S FUZZY KSFJ SK IT’S SOOO CUTE OMG!! I love. nfjdnfd 
What colour are your eyes? 
Dark Brown
What’s your favourite eye colour on others?
Hazel, black, and gray
Favourite season? why?
Autumn and Winter (Ik contradicts with my name) but I love the rain! and cloudy weather! The sound of rain is calming and being inside while hearing the rain is nice. I really love Spring too when the flowers begin to bloom and like it’s a fresh type of feeling when spring hits lol.
Cheek, neck or nose kisses?
SJFNKFS Honestly depends on my mood  (´•/// ω \\\•`) but I like cheek kisses because softtt
What does your happy place look like?
My room on a rainy day with my fairy lights flickering
Favourite breed of dog?
YO OKAY SO I SAW THIS FB POST ABOUT THIS DOG BEAR AND I WANT A DOG BEAR IDK WHAT THEY’RE CALLED JKFDFHKSF. My dad is a dog breeder as a side business, so I grew up with pitbulls, pocket pits, american bull dogs, frenches, and now ‘exotics’ are the trend atm. 
Do you ever want to be married? If so what colours would you pick for your wedding theme?
Umm yes and no? I’m not sure. If I have an American wedding I like to stick to a traditional white with maybe a peach and light pink here and there, but for sure I would love to do a traditional Hmong wedding. 
Silk or Lace?
Silk feels nice, but I like lace too :)
Favorite weather?
SF type of weather 
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barenjunges · 4 years
lonely bottles - infamous
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infamous  2289 words third person limited pov present tense content warnings under cut
It’s what he sees before he closes his eyes to sleep at night, and that moment of twilight before he drifts off is his favorite time of day - he loves that sleepy feeling, and knowing that his worries can wait until tomorrow. 
content warnings: mentions of physical parental abuse, trans male issues
author’s notes: this is, like, pre-whump. the whump is upcoming. whumpcoming. um, i’m still creating with these ocs on the fly so you’re definitely witnessing something chaotic here. i make stuff up as i go along which is really unlike my usual style, so i’m going to screw up, it’s an inevitability, but i do have a page of notes to refer back to so hopefully it’ll be few and far between. anyway, this is pretty tame but i’m expecting these two to get pretty unhealthy later on so if that’ll bother you, steer clear!
ETA- my formatting isn’t transferring over correctly. i’ll. have to fix that.
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The reason this particular meetcute is so important to Schuylar is because they usually happen when he’s wasted, late on a Thursday night, in a stranger’s home. He’s always sort of been the type to read his horoscope, hoping it’ll give him some hint as to when he’ll find his soulmate. He knows 20 is young technically, but these days it’s not all it’s cracked up to be and he’s starting to worry it’ll never happen. He’s worried he won’t find the love of his life while he’s sweaty and moving his hips erratically, as is his form of “dancing.” He won’t be making vows on his wedding day to the person who found him hunched over a toilet or letting his head sway while seated on a couch. He’ll never sweep anyone away - or be swept away himself - knowing they introduced themselves to each other twice, once at eleven p.m., and once at eleven a.m. the next morning because they couldn’t remember doing it the night before. 
Yeah. This is not that. 
This is a Starbucks, on campus, while he’s doing homework. He’s wearing a hoodie and sweatpants, worrying the straw of his iced coffee and staring at a notebook page full of notes he can’t make anything of. He wrote these. They should make sense to him. But there’s something about Etruscan architecture that evades him. He can’t wrap his head around the concepts he’s supposed to have absorbed. The exam isn’t for another two weeks but that’s why he’s making flash cards now, not that he’s actually crafted one yet. His stack of index cards are sitting next to him and he’s about to start swiping through the photos on his phone that he took of the slides his 68-year-old professor showed to the class. She doesn’t allow computers during lecture so he can’t search for these images while actually taking notes. He has to sneak his phone out every few minutes to take a picture and then match them to his notes. 
It’s an absolutely ludicrous system. But he hates feeling overwhelmed right before a test. And flashcards are helping him in the other classes - though they’re easier to make, given that he can just copy an image of fucking Starry Night and paste it right into his notes when his professors let him type them - so he’s determined to make them for this class, too. 
Anyway. That’s when he meets Thomas. 
Thomas is large. Pretty tall and very muscular, like he goes to the gym regularly, which is something that would do Schuylar some good. Xavier and Henry have an open invitation for him when they go but he’s too lazy and that’s all there is to it. But Thomas clearly enjoys himself to some protein shakes. He’s very tan-skinned and wearing a bright blue Polo when he approaches, which is a good thing because if he’d been covering up just how big his arms are, Schuylar might’ve brushed him off. Then again, the first thing he does is smile, and anyone who wasn’t already done in by those arms definitely would have folded from that smile. 
He’s that kind of cis guy that makes Schuylar madly envious; he wishes so badly sometimes he’d been born with that body. Not because Thomas is sexy - which he is - but because he’s Schuylar’s definition of man. So Schuylar was doomed from the beginning. Not only does he want Thomas’s body, but he wants Thomas’s body, and that’s a dangerous combination. 
He gives Schuylar a simple, “Hi,” and Schuylar doesn’t really move. His lips open up, dropping his straw back into its cup, but he’s sort of blinded by the handsomeness and sits there like a lump, staring. Thomas doesn’t seem to realize Schuylar is so enraptured. 
“Sorry to bother you,” he says. “I just noticed you were struggling with your homework.”
Schuylar, weirdly, hasn’t referred to his studying as “homework” for two years now. He feels like he’s back in high school, though that isn’t really a good thing. 
“No,” he says finally, sitting up straight and pulling his hoodie down. He was sort of slouching, nearly drooling over his laptop and didn’t notice. “I mean - I’m doing fine.”
“I didn’t mean to be a weirdo,” he says. “I’m Thomas.” So that’s when he actually learns his name. “I’m a tutor. So I’m sort of trained to spot these things and just wanted to offer to help. But if you don’t need it, I’ll leave you alone.”
By this point, Schuylar has realized exactly how hot Thomas is and scrambles desperately to get him to stick around. 
“Actually,” he says, putting his hand on the table awkwardly, “I know what I’m doing but I am having some trouble. Just scatterbrained right now.”
That’s when Schuylar has to remind himself that Thomas probably isn’t gay, and if he’s straight, he’s reading him as female. Neither of which are ideal, but there’s really no in between. Most of the time he passes, but every now and then -
But Thomas takes a seat next to him and cuts off that train of thought. 
“What have you got?”
So that’s how Schuylar meets Thomas. That’s how Schuylar’s most infamous meetcute goes down. In the record books, it’ll say, “Location: Starbucks, Time: Tuesday evening, Wearing: stained hoodie and baggy sweatpants.” He wasn’t expecting it; he really thought he’d meet his soulmate at a college party and it would be magical when their eyes met, celestial when they brushed each other’s bands. But no, it was at a four-by-four table in a major coffee shop chain - that’s how he meets him. 
That’s how Schuylar meets the man who ruins his life. 
He’s incredibly helpful. He doesn’t know art history specifically but he’s great at streamlining the flashcard making process and has amazing handwriting, too. Schuylar tells him to write them all because it’s far more legible than his own and Thomas pulls a calligraphy pen out of his bag and writes Schuylar’s name on an index card, sliding it over to him with a childlike grin. Schuylar hands it back. 
“That’s spelled wrong.”
“No way!” Thomas exclaims. “I was so excited.”
“It’s okay,” Schuylar tells him. “My family is old money. They spell it weird.”
“Alright,” he says, crumpling up the failed index card and grabbing another. “How do you spell it.”
Thomas looks down at the index card, then up at Schuylar. 
“And it’s pronounced Sky-ler?”
“It’s old money,” he repeats with a smile. “Dutch. Like, first settlers. The pilgrims who killed Native Americans. For some reason my family is confused why I’m not very proud of that.”
“You a rich boy?”
Schuylar’s heart skips a beat. He reads him as male, so that’s good, but unless he’s bisexual, this still won’t work out. Not that Thomas wants anything but to help him out with schoolwork. Schuylar pretty much thinks about three things: studying, sex, and alcohol. 
“Yep,” he nods. “And that,” he says, pointing at the discarded card, “is spelled wrong.”
Thomas grabs a normal pen and uncrumples the index card. 
“Spell it again.”
Schuylar does, and this time Thomas writes it down in regular ink first. Then he studies it for a moment and Schuylar sits in silence as he tries again. When he presents it to him, Schuylar smiles demurely. 
“So where’d you learn calligraphy?”
“I know a lot of things,” he says. “I was one of those kids who were so smart I got bored in school and had to start teaching myself other things.”
“And you chose calligraphy?”
“Well, I’d already learned three languages,” he says. “I was getting bored of linguistics.”
“So you chose art.”
“Looks like you’re into art yourself,” he says, pointing at the laptop screen. Schuylar looks at it for a moment and then sighs. 
“Yeah, I’m an art major,” he says. “Not very good, though. I just pass classes because I work hard and they feel bad for me but I don’t have the… capacity to be a tortured artist. Some of these kids… they never do the homework but then they make these amazing paintings in forty minutes and explain them and it’s like, how are humans capable of this?”
“And you’re not like that?”
“Nah,” Schuylar says. “I’m just trying to graduate. I need something to do before my trust fund kicks in.”
“Oh,” Thomas says slyly, “never gonna work a day in your life, huh?”
“No, I am,” he frowns. “I just don’t know what I wanna do yet.”
“So art is just your stalling tactic?”
“I’d like to be good at art,” he shrugs. “I’m hoping I can just be a docent or something.”
“Let me see something.”
“Let me see your art.”
“I don’t have any. My portfolio’s at home.”
“You don’t have any photos?”
“Ugh, fine,” Schuylar says, drawing a grin from Thomas. He goes to his desktop then to a folder buried deep within the confines of his hard drive. He’s been really into textiles lately but he doesn’t have much to show for it, so he just searches for his best work. A painting from sophomore year. “Here.”
Thomas leans in. 
“Oh, shit,” he says. He studies it for a few moments. It’s just a still life. A corner of his room he sees from his bed, when he’s laying in the middle of it, clutching his back, crying. The blurriness just seems stylistic to everyone else - even his professor. But Xavier understood on a visceral level and it only took Henry a few moments to gather what it was, too. And when it clicked for him, he winced as if he belt had struck his back instead. 
“It’s just a still life.”
That’s what Schuylar tells people. It’s just a still life. And people believe him because what else are they supposed to think? In his afterword, he wrote that it’s what he sees before he closes his eyes to sleep at night, and that moment of twilight before he drifts off is his favorite time of day - he loves that sleepy feeling, and knowing that his worries can wait until tomorrow. “Very relatable,” his professor had said. He’d beamed at the praise until he remembered it was a lie. 
“It’s good though,” Thomas says. “Stylistically, but also in terms of… space. You probably do really good realism.”
“I mostly focus on color,” Schuylar shrugs. “I took a test once that said I see color better than ninety percent of the population.”
“How do they measure that?”
“They give you four squares and you have to pick the color that’s not like the other. Then they give you six squares and the colors are a little bit more similar and you do the same thing. You do it until you can’t tell the different color anymore.”
“How many boxes did you get to?”
“A hundred and forty.”
“What?!” Thomas exclaims. “And I was gonna brag about being one level away from Mensa.”
“What?” you say. “Isn’t Mensa like, the top two percent of the population?”
“Yeah, I’m in the top ten of people who have taken the test.”
“Jesus, that’s way more impressive than fucking knowing the difference between lavender and lilac.”
“Well, I’m color blind,” Thomas says. “I think I’d prefer to see color than be a genius.”
Schuylar doesn’t say anything but when he thinks about it, he does too. 
Thomas helps him finish his flashcards and then writes his number down on one. Schuylar takes it shyly and stares at it for a few moments. Most straight guys get weirded out when he tells them he identifies as male. A lot of gay guys are disappointed when he says he has a pussy. So there’s really no good way to do this, and Schuylar has never been one for tact. 
“Are you giving me your number to call for tutoring?” he asks. “Or is this a social index card?”
“Social,” he says. Which is nice, but now comes the hard part. “You can even think of it as a flirting index card if you want. But if you don’t, that’s okay, too.”
Schuylar smiles. God, this always sucks so much. 
“Are you gay?”
“Yeah,” Thomas says. “You’re straight?”
“I’m bi,” he tells him, “but… I’m trans.”
Thomas doesn’t respond, but he certainly seems put out. . 
“So… I mean, we can still hang out. But if you want, you know… dick.”
“Oh, wait,” Thomas says. “You’re a trans… guy.”
“Oh, okay,” he nods. “Sorry. I thought you meant you were a chick.”
“I’m - I am a chick. Under my clothes.”
“I know, I mean… you’re a dude though, yeah?”
“I identify as one.”
“Then you’re a dude,” Thomas smiles. It’s so warm and Schuylar’s face heats up. “I’m pretty exclusively into guys.”
“So it’s okay that I have a pussy?”
Thomas laughs. 
“It’s not my place to say your body isn’t okay.”
“But you’re still interested?”
“So this is still a flirting index card?”
“Yeah,” he smiles. “It’s the last flash card in your deck. Here.”
He takes it back. He uncaps his pen and writes something on the other side, then slides it over to you once more. It says, “The phone number of the most handsome guy I’ve ever met,” and Schuylar rolls his eyes, but his big, doofy grin betrays him. 
“Study it,” he says. “If you don’t want to text me, you don’t have to. But I’ll be disappointed.”
Schuylar puts it with the rest of his flashcards before wrapping a rubber band around them. 
“I’ll text you.”
When Thomas smiles, it’s like looking into the sun - it makes Schuylar feel warm now, but man, is it gonna hurt later. 
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