#Sebastian let's get you to a therapist
alynnl · 1 year
I’ve cleared the Forgotten Turnabout this morning.  I have quite a few thoughts as always.
It was another one of those bittersweet and actually, very open endings.
Franziska is salty.  Very salty that Edgeworth willingly turned in his prosecutor’s badge so he wouldn’t have to follow orders to turn over Kay immediately for arrest.  This sort of rubbed me the wrong way because she does realize he didn’t have much of a choice, right? Edgeworth was backed into a corner.
Sebastian got totally broken down and he honestly didn’t deserve that.  Yes, he was a brat, and very annoying.  But for Blaise to constantly cut him down, to say “all the awards you got were the result of me bribing your teachers” and to call him an idiot without joking.  To berate Sebastian for “not trying hard enough” when he was honestly giving his best effort.  For him to know that Justine was just getting close to him to get to his dad.  He ran off, and we never did find him.  I wonder if he’ll ever recover from this!
Justine has apparently been a double agent this whole time, in some effort to finally get Blaise arrested because she suspected him of handing von Karma forged evidence 18 years ago in the IS-7 Incident.  She not only used Sebastian but she also used Edgeworth in her schemes and even if she was sort of helpful towards the end of the case I’m not sure her actions leave a good taste in my mouth.  She seems to care more about passing judgement in the name of the Goddess of Law than for the lives of people around her.
Then there’s Gumshoe.  He is in utter shock that Edgeworth forfeited his prosecutor’s badge and hasn’t seen him face-to-face since then.  It’s hard to know what this means.  Was Gumshoe only loyal to Edgeworth as a prosecutor and not as a person?  Or does he somehow blame himself for the way the situation spiraled out of control, leading to Edgeworth having to give up his badge and Kay possibly being arrested?  (Maybe he didn’t want to be there to make the arrest himself or testify in a possible trial.) 
I will honestly be sad if Gumshoe and Edgeworth don’t see each other again in the fifth and final case of Investigations 2 because they have been side-by-side in a lot of their cases.  It’d be like separating Holmes and Watson from the Sherlock Holmes series, or Sam and Frodo from Lord of the Rings!  To keep them apart permanently would be unthinkable!
But on the plus side...
Kay regained her memories!  And it was because she got a hold of her promise book again, which was something she lost in a different case.  In that book was the beginnings of who she is now as the Yatagarasu.  It’s nice to see her usual fire back too.  There’s also some clarity on what happened before she lost her memory.
Edgeworth is free!  He still doesn’t have his badge because Blaise, the chairman of the PIC got arrested and so there can’t be another hearing about whether to bring him back as an official prosecutor any time soon.  But at least he’s not in jail anymore.  He gets to go home, and he’s determined to find the truth behind what really happened in the Grand Tower case, since arresting Blaise apparently wasn’t the end of it.  He got a call from De Killer of all people informing him of this much.
 I have to hand it to him, he is rather resilient.  I’m just hoping the truth doesn’t put him in anymore danger but at least he’s aware of the power of friendship/teamwork and he will have support if he is in some sort of distress.  He’s opening himself up to others, I’m happy for him.
There is only one more case left to wrap up the loose plot threads from the fourth case, along with any new twists that might come up along the way.  I have looked at the “how long does it take to play all the cases” document and this finale will be a long runner at 8 hours, so I imagine there will be a lot of content packed in, interesting twists, and hopefully, if all goes well, an ending credits montage and a candid final photo.
I will take my time with this last case since I know it will be the last time I will see Edgeworth in a major role, and I will miss him when it comes time to play Ace Attorney 4-6.
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norrisleclercf1 · 3 months
I need angsty sebcharles where reader is having a panic attack because she had a week from hell that just exploded like a volcano and she can’t get ahold of them to calm her down. So they basically find her losing her shit in their home.
(Totally not base off my own life)
Love everything you do!!
- 🐮
A/N: Aight getting personnal here and it's finals week so yeah
You couldn't handle it anymore. You couldn't sit for hours on end reading garbled words trying to make sense of them. You were tired beyond what was considered to be normal. Drinking way to many sodas and energy drinks for the shaking to just be tiredness.
You tried to blame the restlessness on the energy drinks you've been chugging all day but you knew you couldn't keep up that excuse. Wanting nothing more than to close your books, you feel your chest tighten and your vision narrow. "Not good," You whisper and start looking around the papers and books for your phone.
You needed to call one of them, you didn't matter who, you just needed one of them to talk you down. Finding it, you shake heavily and hit Sebastian's caller ID praying he picks up.
"Pick up, please, Sebby, I need you." You whimper out, trying hard to keep yourself from breaking down. You were fighting a losing battle with your head and you needed his calm voice to talk you down, you needed Charles's soft french as he reminds you that everything is going to be okay. "Sebby, pick up." You choke on a sob trying your best to control the tears that were no falling down your face.
"You have reached the automated voicemail of-" You don't wait for it to finish before your hitting end and calling Charles. Maybe Sebastian turned his phone off again, he does get annoyed sometimes with it always going off. "Charlie, I need you." You sob out digging your head between your legs trying to do your soothing techniques your therapist taught you.
Yet again you get the same monotone robot voice before you throw the phone and hiccup, letting the sob rack your body. Standing up you start to pace the living room, pulling at your hair as you cry the world spinning. Why weren't they picking up? Did they not love you anymore? Have they realized you're not right for them? Why aren't they here? Why?
Your mind runs wild as your body racks out a loud sob and you drop to the floor as your body starts to go into survival mode. Your vision darkening.
"Think she'll like them?" Charles asks, nervous as he holds the little gifts and bouquet of flowers. They knew you have been studying hard and they wanted to surprise you. "Yes, Charlie, stop asking." Sebastian laughs as they push open the garage door and are slow to walk in, not wanting to alert you.
Stepping farther into the house, Sebastian stops when he hears a gut wrenching sound coming from the living room. "Y/n," Charles gasps, dropping everything as he rushes to you, Sebastian quick on his heels. "Oh god, baby." Charles is frantic seeing the state you're in.
"Fuck," Sebastian collapses beside his boyfriend as Charles wraps his arms around you. "Don't leave me," You sob, Charles and Sebastian share a look. You rarely had your episodes, but when you did they were never good and they tried to be there.
"Why didn't you answer," You whimper into Charles chest as Sebastian grabs your hand and does a pressure point to help you calm down. "We're sorry, fuck we're so sorry. We were getting to a gift and fuck we're so sorry." Charles whispers, rocking back and forth a little with you, which has you slowing your breathing.
"We're never leaving you, you know that yeah?" Sebastian asks, moving closer and you nod your head slowly. "It just got to much." You whimper and Sebastian nods. "I'm so sorry we weren't here. But, we're here now." Sebastian whispers, pulling you both into him.
"We're not going anywhere."
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scoonsalicious · 2 months
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Unwanted: Chapter 10, Uneasy - Pt. 3
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Fem!Reader
Summary: When your FWB relationship with your best friend Bucky Barnes turns into something more, you couldn’t be happier. That is, however, until a new Avenger sets her sights on your super soldier and he inadvertently breaks your heart. You take on a mission you might not be prepared for to put some distance between the two of you and open yourself up to past traumas. Too bad the only one who can help you heal is the one person you can no longer trust.
Warnings: (For this part only; see Story Masterlist for general Warnings) Language, mentions of sex, Jade Carthage (sorry), petty behavior.
Word Count: 368
Previously On...: The Lion, the Witch, and the Audacity of this Bitch... Bucky had the balls to answers a call from Jade, abruptly ending sex with you to do so. You contemplated getting back into your old self-harm habits, but decided against it. You and Bucky argued, and it seemed like you really got through to him when you asked him to think of how he'd want you and Steve to interact every time he found himself in a situation with Jade. I'd say it seemed to work, but this is only Chapter 10 out of 28 :(
A/N: As promised, due to my lack of any updates yesterday, here's your second update for today! It's short, I know, but at least you didn't have to wait an entire day to just get < 370 words! :D
I love you! (no question mark) Also, when reviewing it to post, I noticed there was no swearing, and I thought 'can't have that! gotta reputation to maintain!' So I added a 'fucking' at the end, just to keep things on brand.
Banner By: The absolutely amazing @mrsbuckybarnes1917!
Thank you to all those who have been reading; if you like what you've read, likes, comments, and reblogs give me life, and I truly appreciate them, and you!
Taglist: (Please let me know if you’d like to be added!) @jmeelee @cazellen @blackhawkfanatic @les-sel @marcswife21 @buckybarnessimpp @mrsbuckybarnes1917 @erelierraceala @hayjat @capswife @itsteambarnes @jupiter-107 @marygoddessofmischief @sebastians-love @learisa @lethallyprotected @rabbitrabbit12321 @buckybarnesandmarvel @fanfictiongirl77 @calwitch @fantasyfootballchampion @selella @jackiehollanderr @wintercrows @sashaisready @missvelvetsstuff @angelbabyyy99 @keylimebeag @maybefoxysouls @crist1216 @vicmc624 @sashaisready @j23r23
While Bucky took his shower, you threw on one of his Henleys and made your way to the communal kitchen to grab some snacks for your film. To your disdain, Jade was already there, pouring herself a glass of juice.
“Trouble in paradise?” she asked with a smirk as she put the juice back in the fridge. “I didn’t mean to overhear, but you and Jamie were just arguing so loudly.” 
“We’re fine,” you said. You grabbed a couple of bags of chips, some Twizzlers, chocolate, and some drinks. “But thank you so much for your apparent concern.”
“Didn’t sound fine to me,” she beamed. “You forget, I have super soldier hearing. Maybe you should consider getting a new therapist, since the one you’re seeing now clearly isn’t helping. I’m heading back to my room, but don’t feel the need to keep the fighting down on my account, ‘kay? It’s better than Netflix!” With a wink, she turned and walked out the door, juice in hand.
In your anger, you were gripping one of the bags of chips so tightly, it popped open in your hand. Coming to a quick and, probably stupid decision, you grabbed your snacks and raced back to your room.
Bucky was just coming out of the bathroom, with only a towel around his waist, when you burst through the door, tossing the snacks and drinks onto your nightstand.
“Ready for the movie now, doll?” he asked, toweling off his damp hair.
“Changed my mind,” you said as you started taking off your clothes. “Sex is back on the table.”
Bucky grinned at you, but his face quickly fell. “Are you sure, sweets? What changed all of a sudden?”
You pulled the towel from around his waist, licking your lips as his cock sprung free, already growing hard in front of you. “Just something I heard,” you told him before pouncing on him. “I’m gonna need you to make me scream, Barnes.”
“It’ll be my pleasure, doll,” he said before hoisting you up and kissing you.
You knew you were being petty, and it was not a great quality, but you didn’t care: you were going to make sure Jade Carthage heard every. single. filthy. fucking. thing.
<- Previous Part / Next Chapter ->
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v0rewhxre · 4 months
Punished (Short Noah Smut)
18+ MDNI
A quick short smutty fiction with a very cold dom Noah Sebastian! Don't ask where this idea came from, just know it came to me sksks. I have a lot of requests that I will be working on throughout the day today!
18+ MDNI
CW: [unprotected p in v, m masturbation, power play, wrist grabbing, m dom, cold dom Noah]
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I slowly stumbled into the house at 1 am, trying to be quiet because I knew Noah was sleeping upstairs. It was the first night I had gone out without Noah since moving to California. A few of my coworkers chose an LA nightclub to really immerse me into the nightlife culture. Well, I never really drank so I definitely got way more drunk than I expected. I was embarrassed by the amount of noise I was making, but I knew Noah was a very heavy sleeper.
I climbed into bed, immediately pulled in by arms that were waiting for me, and fell asleep despite the room constantly spinning.
When I woke up I had quite the large cock digging into my back and rubbing against me, indicating Noah was ready for our morning sex session. With a slight groan, I was still half asleep, I shimmied my butt backwards arching so I was easily accessible.
In one smooth glide his cock slipped right into my already wet pussy, filling me up and stretching me. But what was supposed to be slow morning sex turned into Noah pushing me onto my stomach. I turned my head and saw a muscular tattooed forearm and felt his hot breath in my ear. His breath was stinky, but I didn't mind. He set a grueling pace, my back and butt arched even more. I could feel his cock slip even deeper which caused my closed eyes to roll into the back of my head.
"Did you miss me last night?" Noah whispered, nibbling on my ear lobe. I let out a breathless moan as his tongue moved down my neck to my shoulder. He knew his tongue was my weakness.
"Not really, I was only gone for four hours," I said slowly, enjoying the enticing bites he left in the crook of my neck.
Suddenly, the bed shifted to my right and my pussy was suddenly empty. My closed eyes now shot open. I clenched around nothing, letting out a frustrated huff as I turned in bed to look at Noah.
"What are you doing?" I whined.
"Well, you said that you didn't miss me so I guess I didn't miss you either," He pouted as the grip around his cock tightened, his pace picking up.
I watched as Noah pleased himself in front of me, his head fell backwards and his mouth was hung open. His tattooed hand expertly moved up and down, with a slight twist and squeeze at the top which I knew he loved. My pussy nearly caved in on itself at the sight. It was from need, but also extreme jealously. I could feel it pooling in my belly, the anger and rage that accompanied it.
"Noah, what are you doing?" I asked trying to grab his cock from his hands.
He grabbed my wrist, keeping my hand away from his cock which was beginning to pulse.
"I thought you didn't need me anymore, y/n," Noah said through gritted teeth. I knew he was getting close, my clit was begging to be touched. I could feel my pussy dripping on the sheets. Instinctively, my other hand moved to touch myself, but Noah dropped his cock and grabbed my other hand before I could relieve myself.
"Noah!" I yelled locking his eyes in a death glare.
He put my hands together and grabbed both in one hand. This mans hands were huge.
He kept my gaze as he went back to pleasing himself. His pace quickened, earning him a few beads of precum to lubricate himself as he continued. His soft breathless moans turned into loud groans, he was getting close. And my pussy was roaring!
Why the hell does he not want to use me?
What the fuck is his problem?
He knew jealously made me horny, I had admitted that to him the day I caught him masturbating in the shower. It made me feel so powerless and insecure and for some reason that turned me on. My therapist said often times people's kinks correlate to trauma's they had experienced. Noah understood that.
"Noah, pl, please," I begged as I began to let out small sobs. Tears had begun streaming down my face. My pussy was so excited that it was painful. I needed some relief soon.
His cock started to bounce and twitch, his orgasm was imminent. At this point, his eyes were closed and no longer on me. He didn't even care. His stomach was quivering, his movements became sloppy, and suddenly I knew it was too late. I had hoped he would have stopped, purposely edging himself but then using me instead. But he was selfish.
"Noah, please no no no," I said as I watched the strings of cum shoot all over his tattooed stomach. He moaned so loud I thought I was going to cum just from the sound. If I wasn't so mad I probably could have. But I was upset with him. I was actually crying now as I watched him milk his cock until there was nothing anymore.
He waited a moment before moving his gaze to me. The expression on his face was cocky, there was no remorse in those eyes from the incident he just pulled. He simply grabbed a t-shirt and wiped himself off, getting up to go about his day.
Before he stepped outside the bedroom door, he turned and said, "If you touch yourself, I will do that again later. If you use your vibrator I will do that every day for the rest of the week, then you'll miss me," He said before walking away leaving me in practically a puddle of my own mess and tears.
Happy Monday!!!!!
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snailmail444 · 5 months
After reading the Masturbationen headcanons for the Bachelors… Can we get masturbation headcanons for the bachelorettes? 🫶🏻
Bachelorette Masturbation Headcannons
18+ 🌱 NSFW 🌱 MDNI
This took soooo long. So so long. But it’s HERE! I’ll probably be double posting today since the poll said post as I finish and I actually have two asks done hehe. Hope y’all are ready for a double feature! NSFW under the cut!
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🧡 It’s all or nothing for penny. Either her mom is out and she’s got all the time in the world, or her mom is home and she can’t hide a damn thing.
🧡 Luckily Pam has a solid routine every night, so Penny has been able to find time for herself when the mood strikes.
🧡 It’s not a usual occurrence for Penny. She’s got a lot of deep-seated repression that makes it tough for her to follow through on any sexual urges. She’s still undoing the small-town-youth dynamic that it’s dirty and shameful for women to pleasure themselves.
🧡 Sometimes though she’ll be reading fanfic (because let’s be so real you know she does), and she can’t ignore the ache in her center anymore.
🧡 Bites down on her lip and edges her bottoms off anxiously, still a little worried someone might jump out of the shadows and damn her in the name of Yoba for sinning.
🧡 Settles in pretty fast though, and lets herself get lost in the story. Pretends she’s the character being ravaged, typically in a highly romantic setting.
🧡 Penny seems like a total pillow humper to me. Gets all flushed and red and tries to muffle her moans as she grinds against the fabric.
🧡 Really sensitive so she doesn’t need much more than that. Maybe a free hand to play with her breast, but honestly not even that.
🧡 One and Done. The guilt sets in and she feels embarrassed all over once she finishes, so she throws everything in to wash and showers off the evidence ASAP.
💜 Doesn’t have a ton of personal space/boundaries during the day. She has to wait until nighttime to even think of letting off some steam (thanks, Demetrius)
💜 Once she’s certain her parents are asleep—thank god Sebastian doesn’t ever leave his room, the night owl—Maru climbs down into the privacy of her workshop and allows herself to unwind.
💜 Maru is a woman in STEM. A gadget queen, if You will.
💜 She only has a couple of toys, but they’re high-end splurges. Quality over quantity.
💜 Could make her own if she really wanted to, but she’s got more robotics projects on her plate than she can finish. The last thing she wants is to have to wait to finish making her sex toy before having fun with it.
💜 Her favorite is just a plain blue toy that looks unassuming, but it feels like it’s thrusting inside her, and she can just lay back and enjoy it.
💜 Girls arms and wrists are tired after a day of engineering, so it’s a lifesaver to not have to do that work herself. All she wants is to feel fucked full and nothing else.
💜 Maru’s mind is always going, which is good and bad when she’s trying to get off. On the one hand, it makes for some vivid fantasies. On the other, sometimes she doesn’t want to have to think at all.
💜 Her fantasies are often of whirlwind, desperate romances. Stolen away in the nearest closet, shoved up against a tree, spread out on top of her workbench. She dreams of reckless, passionate, I need you this minute sex. It gets her so wet she’s soaking.
💜 On the days when she wants her brain to go quiet, she’ll make sure to keep going until she’s cum three or four times. Until her ears are ringing and her body is completely exhausted. Kind of a stamina queen, to be honest.
💜 She sleeps like a baby on those nights.
💙 Lowkey I think Emily would be a licensed sex therapist.
💙 She’s very well educated in the importance of sexual health. For her it’s a spiritual practice of keeping herself balanced.
💙 Haley’s home like all the time which sucks, but she gets an okay amount of privacy regardless because their rooms are on opposite sides of the house.
💙 Lights incense that has properties good for sexual energy or something I dunno.
💙 Has a (body safe!) crystal wand that she fucks herself with.
💙 Loves how cool it feels at first and the fact that it warms to match her body temperature.
💙 Little miss active imagination doesn’t need porn or anything, she just gets right the hell off on her fantasies.
💙 As for what she fantasizes about? Girl goes wild thinking about having three or four partners. Ideally it’s three or four people all focused on pleasing her, every sensation hands and mouths and skin on skin—she gets really hot thinking about it.
💙 Her nipples are really sensitive so she makes sure to stimulate them a lot, pretending she has someone to focus on each one individually.
💙 Enjoys being present with her body and engages her senses. Really wants to sit with all the sensations and draw them out.
💙 Doesn’t cum every time, but that’s not the point for her. Unless she’s specifically trying to cum, it’s an added bonus. Something nice, but not necessary. It’s all about the journey for Emily.
💚 Leah has it MADE in terms of getting off.
💚 Queen of living alone in the woods.
💚 Full privacy. Loud noise never carries from the solid insulation and the dampening of the trees. She can’t full out scream without being heard, but almost.
💚 Has a collection of dildos she’s made herself out of scrap wood. She started making them as a joke, but then she was like actually…this could be great for me.
💚 Don’t worry, she’s taken great care in making sure they’re body safe. Made with love and all that.
💚 Her favorites are the ones that she’s left knots on. A smooth fuck is nice, but she loves the added sensation from the bumps.
💚 Her internet isn’t great, but she’s lucky to have a collection of artsy porn films. Again, something that started as more of a fascination, but to be honest it’s super hot.
💚 One in particular is her favorite, with a long shot of eating pussy. It’s supposed to be a love story, the way it’s framed, but more than anything it’s just hot. Reminds her of some of the best oral she’s ever gotten.
💚 Takes her a long time to get off, but she’s learned not to rush it. She’ll finish when she finishes, and it’s always worth it.
💚 Needs a nice, long, relaxing shower afterwards, and unwinds with a cup of herbal tea.
🩷 Emily is gone a lot working at the bar until late, so she doesn’t have to worry about finding time.
🩷 Definitely has a collection of toys for whatever mood she’s in.
🩷 Quality AND Quantity babe Haley will not deny herself pleasure.
🩷 Absolutely will treat herself too. A nice glass of wine and some mood lighting. Big fan of setting the vibe (pun intended).
🩷 Soft BDSM girlie. Adores any porn where the sub ends up a whiny desperate mess
🩷 It’s an ego trip. She absolutely wants to think that whoever she’s with would be reduced to absolute pathetic begging for her.
🩷 She finishes faster than she would like sometimes, so she’s mastered the art of edging.
🩷 She’s not gonna put all that effort in for nothing. If she’s set taking her time to enjoy herself she’s going to be TAKING her TIME.
🩷 Finds it really hot to be able to watch herself so sometimes she’ll set up in front of her floor-length mirror. Not as good as it is with a partner, but it’s got a similar draw.
🩷 Really quiet when she cums, her cheeks flushed and a gasp stuck in her chest while her body seizes with pleasure.
🩷 Might go a couple more times depending on how hot and bothered she is.
🖤 Abby has the least privacy out of the bachelorettes.
🖤 Her situation isn’t horrible (read: better than Sam’s), but she’s always got low-grade anxiety that she’s going to be caught and absolutely mortified.
🖤 Never home alone either, but Stardew girls make do. Waits up until midnight or later and makes sure to be radio silent just in case her dad is roaming around.
🖤 Once she gets into it though…she gets into it.
🖤 Little miss visual aid over here be Watching porn. She almost can’t get off without it. She CAN but she doesn’t want to. Which is so real of her.
🖤 LOVES videos of people getting themselves off. Solo masturbation videos are so hot to her because it feels like a steamy mutual session when she touches herself.
🖤 Totally ends up imagining past experiences or current crushes taking up the same as the person in the video. Pleasuring themselves while she watches and watching her get off too…she’s practically gone.
🖤 Sometimes she likes to watch really hardcore, desperate railing if she’s feeling particularly needy or submissive. Every now and again she just wants to be told she’s hot, get spanked, and fucked within an inch of her life. Girl me too the fuck—
🖤 Gets off pretty fast and once just because of the anxiety thing. If she had more peace of mind it would be a marathon for her because with the adventure training she’s got stamina for days.
🖤 Still sleeps way better after and ends up having some very, very pleasant dreams with all of that imagination fuel.
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veren-cos · 14 days
Bachelors (sdv) x gn!reader
Bachelors and self-harm comfort
TW mentions of Self Harm and suicidal ideation.
If you struggle with either of these, I strongly encourage you to reach out to someone and get help. You are not alone.
These are not super graphic, but definitely more graphic than my other fics if you have read those. So please read with caution.
These are all assuming you are in an established relationship.
• This was a long standing issue for you. You knew Sam would find out eventually one way or another, so you made it a point to tell him rather then him accidentally finding out.
• But when you did tell him, it was pure panic.
• He doesn't know how to help you, he didn't know how he never noticed! Does he tell anyone? Does he call anyone? Why didn't you tell him until now??
• Once he gathers himself a little bit, he asks for more details.
• He knows that you need him, and not to make it about him by breaking down.
• He starts keeping an extra eye out for if you are acting any different, or if he sees any warning signs.
• He tries really hard to be there for you, and knows he won't be perfect.
• Makes a trip to Harvey's to ask how to help 'someone' who struggles with sh and suicidal ideation.
• Harvey suggested that Sam brings that 'someone' to the clinic with him to have a little chat.
• You and Sam head down one day and you all make a plan on what to do when things get really bad.
• Mostly involves extra support, and you getting into a therapist on a semi-regular basis.
• Sebastian I think would be the most aware of the signs besides Harvey?
• So when he sees you avoiding him a bit, or not letting him touch you when normally you're all over him, he knows something is wrong.
• "Babe, whats up?" He gentle grabs your arm. "What's wrong? You've been acting different for a while now. Are you okay?"
• He isn't accusatory or anything when you tell him. He just pulls you into a tight hug.
• He just wants to be there for you. Self Harm is a really difficult topic, both to experience, and to witness. He tries to get to the cause of why you do it, but you honestly don't even know.
• You know you shouldn't, but sometimes it feels like all you can do.
• After talking about it for a long time, you eventually go to sleep in his arms.
• When you wake up, he already had some sort of breakfast made because he knew you'd be too tired.
• He left out some super old books about mental health he had (Aka like one from high school) and offered to look through them with you.
• Checks in with you frequently, and isn't one to dance around the topic. Yes, he handles it gently and shocking calmly, but he knows you can't avoid talking about it.
• Not going to lie, the way I see a relationship progressing (Aka kinda intense and fast paced) he would find out before intimacy.
• You were already a little nervous so you completely blanked on your old scars and relatively new self harm.
• So when he saw, you panicked, and then he panicked because you were panicking, and all around it was chaos.
• Nothing went to plan that day because you just ran to the bathroom to cry.
• ...
• He knocked on the door, "babe.. Could you come out please? We should talk about this."
• "I don't want to"
• " Babe come on." He tried the handle and it opened.
• "It's okay. You're okay. I'm not mad, now can you talk to me about this?"
• You opened up and told him everything. With Alex being the most stereotypically attractive out of all the Bachelor's, you'd be very nervous about letting him see scars.
• But he doesn't care. He thinks they are proof of how strong you are and how far you have come.
• "Babe I just want to be here for you. We don't have to rush anything. I don't care if you have scars, you're beautiful. I love you, and you will get through this."
• Harvey finds out during your first physical.
• This I feel would be just after you started dating.
• But he asks the dreaded question of "have you had thoughts of hurting yourself or others?"
• You knew you had to tell him. No matter how awkward or emotionally taxing it got, it was important both in your relationship and for your personal health.
• So you did.
• He let his little doctor mask slip because he thought he already knew all your medical business, and that this was just a formality.
• "Dear..?" He looked so sad for you. "Why haven't you told me this?"
• Legit starts tearing up, because how on earth could you hate yourself? And to the point of hurting yourself?
• You start apologizing for not telling him sooner, "Harvey we had just started dating, I didn't want to put too much on you too soon. This is my problem to deal with!"
• And then he takes a few deep breaths, and collects himself to do this in a more professional manner.
• "My love, you do not have to go through this alone. I need you to tell me if you ever feel like.. hurting yourself. Okay? Call me. Call the clinic. Get me if I'm home. I will be there for you."
• "Even if we weren't dating, I would still be there for you! So no matter how much I care for you, because I so deeply care for you, this is my job."
• Sets you up with a therapist in the city, because he knows that even if you know you can talk to him, it's good to have a non-personal professional to be able to talk to.
• You helped him, now it was his turn to help you.
• Found out a morning he woke up early and you forgot to close the bathroom door. Not a fun scene to wake up to.
• I don't want to say he got angry, but he shouted,
• It was more out of sheer panic and distress rather than anger.
• You panicked, dropped everything, and basically burst into tears on the spot apologizing.
• Then he freaked out even more because he yelled at you and ran to give you a tight hug.
• Shane tried to calm you down, but it took a really long time to get you to stop hyperventilating.
• Eventually, he helped you clean everything up, and although it was really hard for you, he took you to Harvey's.
• Shane knew that he wouldn't be able to give you all the help you needed, he was still recovering himself.
• But he tries really hard to help, the same way you do with him.
• He helped you set up going to a therapist. You go to the same office as he does.
• He will be there for you every step of the way. Won't let you go.
• He truly understands, and just wants the both of you to feel better.
• He would feel guilty for not noticing the signs.
• "My love..?" He is just so confused when he sees. "My love what did you do?"
• Doesn't exactly panic but is just dumbfounded. How could you hate yourself? How could you not like yourself? Why on earth..?
• He helps you clean up, though is a little queezy with blood.
• He would keep himself relatively strong in front of you, but you hear him crying for you when he thinks you're asleep.
• He is there for you, he asks Leah because he trusts her (though would not actually bring up your name. Would make it under the guise of a situation in his book)
• He wouldn't invade your privacy. But he just would check with you a lot more.
• He loves you, and just wants to see you love yourself.
An* Once again, if you struggle with self harm or suicidal ideation, please reach out for help. Helplines and resources are a quick Google away for your area. You are not alone. I promise things will get better.
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stardew-otter · 9 months
I'm back bitches, who's ready for more chaos
Shane: Yeah, I don’t like people.
Marnie: Oh, well, now that’s not fair, Shane. Have you met all of them?
Shane, taking a swig of beer: I’ve met enough of them. Bunch of assholes.
Pierre: Damn, the power went out.
Abigail: Don’t worry, I got this.
Abigail: *stomps foot*
Pierre: What the hell are you doing???
Abigail: *Sketchers light up*
Marnie, to Lewis: I'll be under the mistletoe when you start feeling desperate!
Sam: Remember that time you dared me to lick a swingset?
Sebastian: No, I said, "Sam, don't lick that swingset," and you said, "Don't tell me what to do," and licked the swingset.
Sam: Good times!
Sebastian: You were hospitalized for a week!!!
Penny: Oh shoot!
Penny: Excuse my vulgarity.
Pam: I’ll let it slide.
Shane: So my therapist was talking to me, and she said that I really just need to break down my walls and let people in.
Shane: So I’ve decided to break the fourth wall.
Shane: *looks at player through the screen* Hi there. I use humor as a coping mechanism. You also need a better coping mechanism than this game. It's been 13 hours.
Farmer: I don’t want to talk about it.
Shane: Good, I don’t wanna hear about it.
Sebastian: It’s impossible to make a sentence without using the letter A.
Maru: Despite your thinking, it is quite possible, yet difficult, to form one without the specific letter. Here’s one more to further disprove your theory.
Sam: Fuck you.
Harvey: What happened to your nose?
Alex: I used it to break some guy's fist.
Sam: Did you bring Harvey?
Sebastian, gesturing to Maru: No, but I brought the next best thing. She's still qualified.
Sam: Maru? The next best thing would be Farmer.
Maru: I would be offended, but Farmer is freakishly strong and smart.
Sebastian: Dracula had it right, sleep all day, live alone in a castle, and explode into bats to get out of all social situations.
Farmer in Skull Caverns: All of a sudden, I got a random burst of energy, and I think it's my body's last hurrah before it completely shuts down.
Sebastian: When I first met you, I did not like you.
Maru: I'm aware of that.
Sebastian: But then you and I had some time together.
Maru: Uh-huh?
Sebastian: It did not get better.
Haley: What’s up with Emily? They’ve been lying on the floor for like….an hour now?
Gus: They're just a little overwhelmed.
Haley: Why?
Gus: The Farmer gave her a new gem.
Harvey: Anyone else feel good when their brain releases a bunch of endorphins?
Shane: Can't relate.
Sam: Why would my brain release a bunch of dolphins?
Gus: One time I went to hand the Farmer a bowl of soup. I wanted to say “Careful, it’s hot!”, and “Here’s your soup!”, so instead I blurted out “Careful it’s soup.”
Sam: Be right back, gonna hit the toilet for a quick power sob.
My brain is half dead
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gremlingottoosilly · 8 months
krueger mentioned!! i was so excited to see his name in IYNTBM! do you have any silly/dark hcs or plans to write about him?
Yes!! Krueger my beloved!! I feel like the only reason he isn't as popular as Konig is because he has a canon height that is shorter than 180, so people literally don't see him hehe. Hc and my plans under the cut!
I imagine him like a childhood best friend of Konig - probably around the same age, maybe Krueger is 2 years younger. He is a lieutenant in rank(idk about the mercenary ranks bear with me here, Konig is a colonel) and he wasn't promoted as much specifically because of his violent tendencies. PMC doesn't really care about war crimes as long as it's not a public spectacle, but even the companies he was working in were quite weirded out by the shit he was pulling. yes, he is the best man if you want to torture someone - and then again, he is the best torturer out here, and he sleeps next to you, drinks next to you, hits on the same girls as you etc... He is a nasty, nasty gremlin. The type to hit on the waitresses in a very sleazy manner, the type to say "Hey guys, let's protect this one" in a creepy manner if he sees a woman agreeing with him on his very controversial statements. Currently, in the timeline of IfYouNeedToBeMean, he is sitting home because of his arm injury(got stuck in the burning car, and had to break his arms to get out) and is very angsty and bored about it. Like Konig, he can't really enjoy civilian life, medical discharge is literally his worst days, and he actually has a history of depressive episodes. He DOES NOT cope well with civilian life, and his preferred hobby at home is drinking and ignoring his therapist's messages. Konig helped him quite a bit in his habit - gave the number of his therapist, bless this poor human, trying to support him as much as he can. Konig asks him to babysit his darling because he knows that more than one month at home would probably make Krueger consider killing himself, and he also trusts the man with his life - and his wife. Sebastian has a very perverted sense of morality, but he recognizes the reader as Konig's girl, and he would not touch the stuff that belongs to him. Yeah, we are "Konig's stuff" for him. If I was writing a different story and if Konig and Krueger met the reader at the same time, I would actually see them sharing her - they are not attracted to each other, but they feel like brothers sometimes and could have this mentality of sharing everything between them. Darling stuck with two nasty perverts...yeah, not the best scenario. Unlike Korangi x Reader, Konig and Krueger wouldn't sleep with each other - so you'd have to be their release every time, each time, giving him equal attention because Konig is insecure and Krueger just loves causing problems on purpose.
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leafsbabe · 3 months
Andrei Svechnikov & Sebastian Aho & Teuvo Teräväinen - gentle love
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cw: poly relationship (3 players dating gn!reader, relationships between players not specified but can be read as platonic or romantic), mentions of therapy, crying/“breaking down”, general mental health struggles (not further specified), some dissociation around time, food and eating (unrelated to mental health struggles), two mentions of a character accidentally burning himself while cooking … 1.7k words
Sometimes you could get so good at bottling up your feelings and suppressing emotions that everything felt fine. At least until you were sat in a therapy session —with the same therapist you’d been seeing for years— and they hit you, broke you, caused you to completely fall apart on an uncomfortable leather armchair.
Fuck, how you hated when that happened.
You were lucky, in a way, to break in a controlled environment. Your therapist let you cry it out and didn’t try to push the issue more or force you to talk about it. Not that you would have been able to, even if you had wanted to talk. They handed you tissues —single ones at first before just giving you the entire box— and let you go over your time for almost fifteen whole minutes with a simple “don’t worry about it” in a tone that told you she felt sorry for you. Hopefully sorry enough to let the overtime slide. That way your insurance wouldn’t complain over extra billed hours.
That didn’t mean you felt okay afterwards but at least that red hot ball of overwhelming emotion had shriveled into a heavy feeling in your stomach, leaving you numb but sick. You hated it, yet you couldn’t escape. Even though you were sitting in your car you couldn’t drive home. Not like this, with your hands body shaking and your vision going blurry from a combination of leftover tears and a post-cry headache.
While you could have sat there longer trying to calm down, there was nothing you wanted more than to go home. Calling your partners felt like admitting you were weak but fuck, nobody could be strong all the time and you were allowed to be vulnerable. Still, you were too shaken to call, fearing that they would hear the emotions in your voice. Instead you sent a message in your group chat asking if one of them could pick you up.
You were still in your car, hands gripping the steering wheel so hard your fingers hurt, when a familiar car pulled into the parking lot of your therapist’s office. It was hard to say who came for you. They had taken Andrei’s car but the Russian wouldn’t have taken the corner so carefully. Truthfully you only realized more than one of your boyfriends had come when Teuvo tapped on your window and you looked out to see him and Sebastian standing there. They were careful to look at you no differently than usual but you’d be lying if you said you couldn’t see the worry in their eyes. 
“Rough talk?” Teuvo asked as you got out, taking in your state. You could only nod in response. There was no point in pretending you were okay, not with them being able to see through you so clearly it made you feel like your entire being was made out of crystal. Fragile like it too, ironically.
“Come.” Teuvo put an arm around your shoulder, gently steering you towards the other car. “Sepe will drive your car home.”
The drive back to your place wasn’t too long without rush hour traffic but it still seemed to stretch into hours. Teuvo hadn’t turned on the radio and you didn’t know whether you were grateful for the lack of stimulation or annoyed at the lack of distraction. Then suddenly within the blink of an eye those hours turned into seconds and he pulled into the parking area of your building, your car somehow already parked in its usual spot but Sebastian nowhere to be seen.
Teuvo got out of the car and walked around it to open your door for you, a sweet gesture you suppose. Walking into the building you turned towards the stairs, your boys always complained about them but they tended to use them simply because they were quicker than the old elevator your landlord refused to upgrade. Today though, Teuvo steered you toward the elevator before pressing the button to your floor. The ride up was as silent as the car ride.
The entryway to your place was surprisingly empty as you toed off your shoes but you realized why once you walked in further. Your whole apartment smelled amazing, hearty and warm in the way only a good soup could. Muffled Russian cursing came from the direction of the kitchen so you didn’t have to guess who decided to play chef during your absence.
“He definitely touched the hot pot again.” Teuvo joked quietly while helping you out of your jacket. 
“Thank you.” Your voice was barely audible as you responded but he didn’t complain. Instead he steered you towards the living room where Sebastian already stood, holding up a soft blanket you liked to use.
The sight of him waiting for you made your heart ache in the best way. Your boys truly were so thoughtful. Walking to Sebastian you let yourself be wrapped into the blanket. The first touch of that dryer warm fabric against your skin almost brought tears to your eyes. Before you knew it you were sat on the couch, all wrapped up, while your boyfriends flitted around the apartment. There was a cup placed on the couch table, a coaster below it to catch any drips running down the ceramic and prevent them from leaving a print on the wood. Oh. 
Sebastian and Teuvo just awkwardly lingered around the room as Andrei walked in carrying a bowl of soup and placed it next to the cup. You could see the rosy spot on the back of his hand where he had burned himself while cooking but he pulled his hands away before you could react. He didn’t completely retreat like your other partners though. Instead he sat down next to you before pulling the table closer towards the couch. “Recipe from mama.” He said. “Makes bad days better.”
The realization of what was going on just made you tear up again. There was no way Andrei would have had enough time to cook after you had texted your boyfriends to pick you up. But if he didn’t make it from scratch following his mother’s recipe that could only mean one thing. He must have heated up some of the soup his mother had made for him the last time she visited. The soup that had been stashed away deep in the freezer for those days he felt especially homesick.
“Oh no. No. No. Don’t cry.” Andrei wrapped his arms around you gently, pulling you against his broad body. He continued to talk, something low and Russian you couldn’t understand, but you could suspect that it was something calming in his mother tongue. At least he didn't seem to mind you clutching at his hoodie and maybe crying into it a little.
The tears eventually stopped but you were still holding onto your boyfriend when your other boyfriends stopped hovering and instead came closer to the couch.
“Can we sit?” Sebastian asked, gesturing to the free space on either side of you and Andrei.
“Or would it be too much right now?” Teuvo added.
It was an age old conflict within you, wanting those you loved close for comfort while also needing as much space between you and others as possible. Today though, you needed them by your side more than anything. Making grabby hands at them felt slightly juvenile but you honestly didn’t care at the moment.
Theoretically all four of you should fit on the couch comfortably. It was big enough for your polycule as well as visitors in case your boys wanted to invite teammates over to play video games or hang out. But somehow you still ended up squished between the three of them.
You just let yourself enjoy their presence for a moment. Somebody began stroking your back through the blanket, soothing words in a foreign language filling the room.
“Can we…” You began, before stopping. They wouldn’t force you to talk but you still hated asking. Communication was important but you just couldn’t. “Can we not talk about it?”
A kiss was pressed against your hairline while somebody spoke, too soft to make out who. “Okay.”
By the time you gathered yourself enough to sit up and reach for the soup the hearty meal had cooled down, clinging onto the last remnants of warmth. It hadn’t lost any of the flavor though. You were well aware of the three pairs of eyes watching you eat but you just focused on the food in front of you.
Andrei didn’t fill the bowl up completely so it didn’t take you long to finish your soup. What Andrei had said was true —good soup, especially his mother’s soup, made bad days better— but your boys also helped immensely. 
When you were done you couldn’t even put the bowl down before they jumped up. 
“More?” Andrei asked at the same time that Teuvo asked “Done?”
Only Sebastian remained on the couch with you and you took the opportunity to snuggle closer.
“No thank you Andrei, that was more than enough. Thank you for sharing your soup with me.”
He smiled at you before Teuvo reached over and plucked the bowl from your hands, “Sit.” He told Andrei before walking away towards the kitchen. Behind you Sepe opened his arms and before you knew it you were sandwiched between the two men again.
By the time Teuvo came back the two guys had joined you under the blanket. Your oldest boyfriend just looked at you three before sighing and attempting to wrestle a corner from Sebastian so that he could join you as well. It was all in good fun but the chaos of it all —the tug of war about a blanket and the muffled Finnish curses—was enough to bring a smile to your face. 
The four of you were an odd relationship but you fit together like pieces of a puzzle. Even if your boys were incapable of sharing a blanket they shared love and that was far more important. There was an understanding between you that you had never experienced in a relationship before and that you never wanted to lose. 
Andrei noticed you smiling and wrapped his arms around you, using his body to shield yours from the play fight happening around you two. You just sighed —content— and leaned back against his broad chest, the smile not leaving your face. Some days were hard but with them by your side, you wouldn’t want to have it any other way.
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Heya, Mouse. I hope you're doing well. 😊
So, I recently got the Mr. Qi mature event again in my most recent save. A personal issue I have with this event is that no one, including your own spouse, ever hint at the event at all. Yes, the Farmer can't talk about it, but surely they'd be acting differently after such a scary and traumatic event? So my request is this: How would the sdv/sve marriagables + Krobus (bc I know my shadow roomie would be worried too) feel about the Farmer acting differently after they were found after the Qi event? Like, maybe the Farmer's more jumpy and sullen after what had happened, but they can't say anything because of the seal.
Hi, hello! 👋 I'm doing fine! ☺️ Thanks for your question, and I really apologize for taking so long to reply 😅 I decided to post here about only Bachelors + Krobus, hope you don't mind. Anyway, thanks again for caring and for the ask! Enjoy ❤️
Given that the Farmer was found unconscious in the forest, Sam immediately thought that the reason for their behaviour was that they had been frightened by a wild bear or wolves. No wonder: you are lying defenceless and predators are walking around you, wanting to eat you. The young musician's guesses are far from the truth of what really happened to Farmer, but whatever happens, Sam will be there for his love, supporting them and comforting them.
Poor Elliott nearly had a stroke when he saw Farmer lying in a hospital bed at the Clinic. Taking them by the hand, the writer began to ask what had happened to his spouse, but was quickly silenced when he saw Farmer getting even worse. Elliott apologises for his panic and will do his best to make Farmer feel better. He still hopes that Farmer will be able to tell what happened in the future.
Shane feels angry and wants to punch someone (or something) with his fist, which is the reason for Farmer's sadness and constant tension. He is even ready to fight with the whole world if he has to - no one dares to offend the people close to him and get away with it. But realising that Farmer's rage won't help him in any way, Shane tries to comfort them and calm them down. Even suggests they go to the therapist he went to himself after that event on the hill. Magic, not magic, he doesn't know shit about it. All he needs right now is to be there for Farmer and give them all the help and support they need.
Sebastian can't calm down himself now. He knows that the Farmer fights monsters every day, which is the pure nightmare fuel of many people's lives, and the fact that his spouse met someone that even scared them.... However, Sebby is trying her best not to show his worries, because right now the Farmer needs someone to protect them. And he will be brave for them now, just as Farmer was brave for Sebastian and the other people they were protecting.
Alex went into full protective mode, not letting anyone he deemed suspicious near Farmer. The young athlete thinks that some tourists have decided to attack and harm Farmer, as many people (including some unpleasant ones) have come to Stardew Valley, to admire the local town and relax. Unfortunately, Farmer can't tell the real reason, and that's what kills them the most - it's the inability to tell Alex what happened. However, gentle words and cuddles in bed are just what Farmer needs after the traumatic event.
Breathing exercises, sedation, elimination of junk food..... Harvey doesn't know what happened to the Farmer, but he certainly knows how to help them. Alas, in matters magical he will not help in any way, so does not even know of its existence. But Harvey will definitely do his best to help deal with his spouse's depressed mood. He promise to them, everything will be alright, doctor's word!
Magnus know very well about the silencing spell, as he knows this school of magic very well. And the fact that his spouse was acting like a frightened lamb after that strange event made him think about this possible option. Touching their hand, Magnus was scalded like fire, leaving no doubt. Magic. Dark, unfamiliar magic. The Farmer no longer needed to try to say anything, Rasmodius understood all at once. The wizard would assure his lover that he would definitely help them, no matter who cursed Farmer.
Lance didn't feel magic as subtly as the same Rasmodius or Camilla, but he could feel the incomprehensible dark aura that wrapped around Farmer's neck like ropes. His one penetrating look into his consort's frightened eyes was enough for Lance to signal to some his fellow mages, including same Camilla and Magnus, that something out of the ordinary had happened. The gallant adventurer also remembered to kiss them on the forehead and envelope them in a tight hug, reassuring them and promising them that everything would be all right.
Victor, seeing how the constant tension and depressive state is affecting his beloved spouse, he tries to find a therapist to help Farmer. Poor Victor cannot watch them suffer, so will offer his support and convinced them accept professional help. The sad irony is that Farmer can't tell anyone, no matter how hard they try. Still, they're glad Victor won't leave them alone.
Krobus doesn't realise what exactly happened to Farmer, but shadow person can feel them exuding alien magic and a restless aura after they returned from the clinic. Never, no matter what dangerous adventures they had been on, had the Krobus seen the Farmer so frightened. The fact that they wouldn't tell him anything tensed the shadow person even more. It's unlikely that Farmer would lie to him like this if they had always told Krobus everything about their adventures before. Something is wrong, and Krobus, worried about his friend, thinks that maybe Magnus or Marlon can help Farmer.
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collapsedglasshouses · 5 months
An Angel For Noah || Noah Sebastian x OC [Part 10]
DIVIDER ART WORK BY @cafekitsune
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PAIRING: Noah Sebastian x Jules [she/her]
SUMMARY: Jules and Noah finally face their difficulies, leading to them letting down their guards.
WARNINGS: ANGST, NSFW, MDNI, fingering, unprotected sex (p in v) [does it even count as unprotected, she is a fucking guardian angel idk], even more angst, swearing, mentions of mental health issues, mentions of death, ...
A/N: I cried. A lot. :) Also! I'd like to dedicate this chapter to @crimson-calligraphyx because I accidentally gave Jules' best friend her name in the exact same spelling as her own name! ALSO... this is not proofread... i'm sorry about that ._.
TAGLIST: @trvshdxddy @blackveilomens @crimson-calligraphyx @measuredingold @cncohshit @signs-of-ill-portent @hi-fancy-seeing-you-here @ada-clarence @wild-child-7747 @thebadchic @thescarlettvvitch @cookiesupplier
Keep in mind, this takes place in an alternative universe. Even though I write about real people, the way I write them has nothing to do with how they are in real life.
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“What am I doing?” Jules asked herself while looking at Noah’s sleeping figure. It’s been three hours since he had finally fallen asleep and Jules felt numb. Her heartbeat took some time to slow down a bit, but her mind was still racing as fast as it gets. She couldn’t get the image of him trying to climb over the balcony railing out of her head. She knew he wasn’t doing well but she didn’t realize it had been that bad. He needed help she couldn’t give him.
Every time she considered a strategy to help him, she couldn't follow through with it. The idea of merely returning to exist in his shadows appeared more impossible than ever. All of her past actions seemed like a lot of bad decisions. The fact that she now also had promised him to talk about the situation and see him again, made her feel even more at unease.
Her gaze remained fixed on Noah, and she felt a wave of nausea. It seemed impossible to get herself out of the situation. She didn’t want to leave him; he needed support, and she was determined to find a way to help him overcome his misery.
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When Noah opened the door to his room, a deep sigh escaped him. The bags under his eyes were more pronounced than usual, and he found himself in a state of uncertainty. It had been a while since he last saw Jules. She didn't come to talk to him as she had promised, and although he yearned to resolve things, he understood it might be for the best.
He had phoned his therapist as soon as he woke up and made an appointment for after the tour. After that he went on and did his best. He performed as good as he could and even though the tour had been successful he was more than glad that it had ended.
His therapy session had just ended and now he didn't really know what to do. He was angry with himself that he let his intrusive thoughts get a hold of him back than but when he was being honest with himself he was even more disappointed that Jules didn't show up as she promised.
When he sat down at his desk, his phone suddenly vibrated.
He hadn't heard from her since that night he almost had a car accident while driving to her.
Sadie: What's up? You wanna meet up?
Noah stared at the message and began to bite the inside of his cheek. It wasn't like he didn't like her or something but since he met Jules, he hadn't thought of Sadie even once.
He sighed before laying down his phone again. This was dumb. He was acting dumb. He had this really nice girl waiting for him and he would have the advantage of getting rid of some stress, but he preferred to sit there and mourn his damn guardian angel. He wasn't even remotely sure what he was hoping to get out of it.
So, he stood up and grabbed his jacket and right as he was about to leave his room, he felt a hand on his shoulder and simultaneously his anger level seemed to explode.
"You can't be serious?" He blurted out and spun around to look at Jules. She looked terrible, if he could even say that. If she would still have been alive, he would have said she hadn't slept in a while.
"Noah-..." - "No! No fucking 'Noah'." - "I-..." - "Shut up, you didn't talk then and now I don't want to hear your excuses!"
He tried to turn around but Jules grabbed both of his shoulders to make him look at her. "You know damn well how difficult this whole thing is" Jules exclaimed and tried to suppress her tears.
"No, Jules. It isn't really difficult to just show up and talk." He answered her, ignoring his desire to touch her.
"You seem to forget who the fuck I am, Noah! I'm not even supposed to be here." She snarled at him.
"Then go." Noah answered coldly before getting out of her grip and storming of. He didn't even stop when he passed Nick who gave him a confused look.
He didn't allow him to think anything until he drove out of the drive way. Screams from the music echoed through his car as he gribbed the steering wheel harder. He couldn't believe this whole fucked up shit was happening as if he didn't already have enough to deal with.
When he left the neighborhood, he suddenly felt at unease and could just roll his eyes. "This isn't working, Jules. I'll still leave."
Nobody answered him. He was furious.
His knuckles slowly began to turn white from his hard grip on the steering wheel as he suddenly let out a frustrated groan and turned around as soon as he saw the last gas station before he would reach Sadie's house.
“Fuck off.” Noah shouted into the darkness. He couldn’t believe how much Jules had him in his grip. The last couple of days he tried his utter best to clear his head, get things sorted out, work on the problems that already consumed his mind, but Jules was the one thing that never left him. He couldn’t escape her, and he hated her for that.
“You need to stop, Jules.” He screamed and still, there was no answer. So, when he re-entered the house and stormed to his room, he was about to trash his room when he saw Jules sitting on his bed, staring at the wall.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” He screamed at her, causing her to flinch.
“What are you talking about?” She wanted to know, not even caring to look up at his angered face. She really didn’t know what he was talking about.
“Oh, come on, Jules.” He answered her and started pacing up and down the room. He needed to let go. He needed to get rid of his piled-up frustration.
She slowly stood up from his bed, her eyes following his wandering figure. She didn’t know what to say. She didn’t even know what he wanted. But she knew her following spiteful comment didn’t ease the tension. “Enjoyed your trip?”
Noah stopped in his tracks. “You can’t be fucking serious, Jules.” – “Care to explain your psychotic outburst?”
When Noah looked at Jules like that, he didn't realize how exhausted she appeared.
Instead of answered her, he began to shake his head unamused. “You know exactly what you did.” – “You’re insane.” – “OF FUCKING COURSE… I’m talking to my fucking guardian angel who seems to have a great jealousy issue.”
Jules' brow furrowed as she processed what Noah had just yelled at her. His eyes sparkled with a slight hint of madness. A couple of seconds passed, before Jules finally realized what Noah was trying to tell her.
“You think I made you turn around from your booty call?” Jules wanted to know from him.
“I don’t think it, I know it and I need to know why.” Noah answered her and crossed his arms in front of his chest.
Jules blinked a couple of seconds and felt a wave of relieve wash over her. “I hate to break it to you, Noah… But I wasn’t even following you.”
Jules looked into Noah’s eyes and saw how confusion washed over him. He wasn’t sure what he should believe anymore. He let out a frustrated sigh before he sat down at the edge of his bed, Jules eyes following him with concern.
"Why didn't you talk to me like you promised?" He asked her after a couple of minutes of silence, his eyes finally meeting hers.
Jules' heart sank at his broken frame. She didn't know what to say. She knew she had been a coward but she just wanted him to forget about her.
"This is all so confusing, Noah. I feel like we always run in circles." She breathed out and sat down next to him. "I think it would be best for me to just go back into your shadows, Noah. I'm making your live even harder than it already is."
Noah, deciding to ignore her statement, turned his upper body to her, "You need to tell me something, Jules."
She looked into his dark brown eyes which sparked with curiosity. Every time she dared to glance at him like that, she felt like she was going to crumble under his gaze. "What is it, Noah?" Her voice was not more than a whisper, both of them scared to ruin the moment like they did so often in the past.
"Did you feel it, too?" He calmly wanted to know and Jules heart rate increased rapidly. He didn’t even have to explain what he exactly meant.
If she felt it too? Of course, she did. Of course, she felt how their hearts aligned the first time their eyes met. Of course, she felt how she wanted nothing but to be close to him. Of course, she felt it too.
But Jules also knew she couldn’t just say that.
Noah's eyes never left hers. He wouldn’t let this go again. He needed to know if he really was going crazy. He noticed how Jules began to pick the skin around her finger nails and decided to step in. He carefully grabbed her hands. Again, there was this wave washing over him, every time he got to touch her.
And of course, she felt it too. But she didn’t know what to do. She knew, if she would talk, there was no way out of this anymore. Even less than before.
Noah, in the mean time, realized what her answer would be, giving her shift in demeanor. But he needed to hear it from her.
"Don’t make this harder than it already is, Noah." Jules whispered, both of them still getting lost in each other’s eyes.
"So, you felt it too." Noah exclaimed, not letting go of the subject.
Jules swallowed hard. She wanted to be strong. She wanted to let Noah go, but when he looked at her like that, their hands still intertwined, she felt like she was about to explode.
"Say it, Jules." Noah demanded, "Say it and I’ll let you go."
Jules' ears were ringing. Her cheeks were burning and the slight tint of Noah’s cheeks gave away, he was feeling the exact same thing.
"You promise?"
Noah nodded.
"I thought, I lost you." Jules than let out, causing Noah to raise his brows while Jules felt her tears coming up. "I-… I thought, you would do it, Noah. I had this gut-wrecking feeling that you would die…"
Noah swallowed hard.
"If that was the feeling Keaton felt when I was hit by that car… I-… I don’t wanna feel that every again… It felt like I was dying again." She explained while tears fell down her cheeks. Noah wanted to wipe them away but he decided against it, fearing he would lose her again.
Jules squeezed his hands harder.
"When I saw you making an appointment with your therapist and doing rather well after I left that night… I just didn’t want to disturb you again." Jules explained, only interrupted by her own cries.
Noah's heart sank. He knew he wasn’t doing well and he did everything he could to change that again but seeing her so broken because of his action made it even worse for him. The last thing he wanted was to hurt her and yet it seemed it was the only thing that brought them together. Hurting each other…
"I'm supposed to help you when you are in trouble. Prevent you from bad things but I feel like I’m the trigger to get you to do bad things and that’s just because I was so dumb to show myself." She rambled on, feeling a sense of relief from finally letting go of her thoughts. Noah's eyes became watery.
"But the biggest mistake was to let you touch me, Noah, because-…" Jules stopped mid-sentence, in hopes she could calm herself down, but nothing helped. The tears were flowing like there was no tomorrow.
"Tell me, Jules." Noah asked with a raspy voice from trying to hold his tears back.
"Because we both know this was the moment there was no going back." Jules whispered and sniffled quietly. Her gaze fell down to their hands, both of them holding each other with such force, as if one of them would explode into the nothingness.
Noah slowly let go of one of her hands and pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. Than he placed his hand under her chin to make her look at him. This was enough for Jules.
Everything she desperately wanted to keep from him broke out of her.
"I don’t even know if these feelings are real…" Jules let out and stopped in her tracks again. Noah gave her an encouraging look to go on.
"I feel so alive with you… You make me feel alive, Noah." She whispered and stared into his brown eyes.
For a couple of seconds, they just looked at each other, both processing what Jules had just said. And than… Noah broke.
"You're someone worth staying alive for, Jules."
Jules blinked for a second, trying to fight the urge of getting closer to Noah, but Noah took the decision from her when he mumbled "Fuck it..." and not even a second later grabbed Jules face and let their lips connect.
As their lips met, the scent of his cologne enveloped Jules, making her head spin with desire. Noah felt exactly the same. The warmth of her kiss spread through him like a comforting blanket on a chilly night.
For a second, both of them forgot how fucked up their situation was. They just pretended they were two adults, connect by fate. It was a bittersweet exchange, a mixture of longing and fulfillment that lingered in the air.
Their bodies gravitated toward each other, closing the distance as if pulled by an invisible force. Soon, Jules was being pulled onto Noah's lap and let her arms fall around his neck, while he grabbing onto her waist as if she would vanish any second.
Nothing even compared to the sensation Jules felt in that moment. Noah was the only thing on her mind and nothing was going to stop that. It felt like she only existed for this exact moment. To be close to him, to be held by him. All of his was new for her but she felt this deep need to get even closer to him.
For Noah, it felt like he had eaten the forbidden fruit. He had been in situations like this before but nothing in the world was able to compete with the feelings that washed over him, while his lips collided with Jules'.
When they finally pulled away, the air between them crackled with a newfound energy, the unspoken promise of what was to come. Their eyes met, a silent conversation passing between them, unlocking emotions that had long been hidden.
Jules' lips were red and puffy, while Noah's hair was even wilder then it had been just a couple of minutes ago.
Moments of silence passed between them, both getting lost in each others eyes.
Right as Noah was about to break this silence, Jules became bold. She closed their distance again, not being able to stand even a slight loss of contact with Noah. She felt her heart beating so fast that she was convinced for a second that she was in fact still alive.
She tried to push her thoughts of the future away as Noah's hands slipped under the plain shirt she wore. Jules shivered under his touch.
Even though Jules had no idea what she was doing, she let her feelings get a hold of her and began kissing down Noah's tattooed neck. She felt like she was going to explode when she heard his heavy breaths. Her hand grabbed the base of his hair without a second thought when Noah suddenly thrusted his hips up.
Jules moaned out in a mix of confusion and arousal. She couldn't believe this was really happening. She never made anyone feel the way Noah felt right now.
Noah pushed her slightly against him when she lifted her head again to look into his love drunk eyes.
"Are you okay?" Noah mumbled out, waiting for Jules' consent to the situation.
Jules looked at him for a short second before nodding frantically. She needed more. She needed Noah.
When she tried to kiss him again, he slightly backed away, a smirk on his face. "Use your words, Jules."
"I'm-..." Jules struggled to get out, "I'm more than okay, Noah."
Their lips connected again in a heated kiss and seemingly everything went fast, just like their whole relationship.
They helped each other out of their shirts, before Noah turned them around, hovering over the angel in front of him. He tried not to think about the fact that he was in fact making out with a somewhat ghost.
Jules was real to him. Jules was everything he needed right now.
He planted some soft kisses on her skin and felt how his lips began to prickle. This felt so unreal to him.
"You look so fucking beautiful." He breathed out while letting his hands run over her upper body. Jules felt goose bumps forming all over her skin. She couldn't quite comprehend how she was the angel in their position when every single touch of his felt so godlike.
“I-… I feel like I need more.” Jules said quietly even though it came out more like a desperate plea.
Noah’s hand traveled up to her breast slowly, pinching her hardened nipple for a short second. He didn’t miss how Jules thrusted herself against his thigh for a short second.
“Does it feel good?” Noah breathed out with a faint smile on his face before kissing Jules’ cheek.
Even though Jules had little to no experience, she noticed how he tried to tease her, but she wasn’t able to mock him back. She needed him so bad.
Jules whined out Noah’s name. “It feels so good.”
Noah kissed her deeply, quickly involving his tongue to get a taste of her. Jules couldn’t help but moan into his kiss loudly. Noah loved it, getting addicted to every precious noise he brought out of Jules. Just when Noah brought his knee between her legs, Jules swore she was about to die again. She couldn’t believe this whole thing was even better than she read in her little novels back when she was living in her small flat. Although their kisses slowed down a bit, their actions didn’t.
Jules shyly let her hand travel down Noah’s body, finding its way on his hardness. Noah felt like he was going to explode.
“God. Where did you learn that?” He moaned out in surprise, still not quite processing what was happening while Jules’ moves let him sink deeper into his delusion.
“You know? Reading books can help.” Jules smiled into the kiss, noticing how she got even wetter at his exclaim.
Her hand gripped him harder.
Noah let out a deep moan as he kissed down her neck and moved the hand that was previously placed on her breast down her stomach. Shortly they found their place on her clothed core. It didn’t take him long to push through the waistband of her shorts and she started to lightly massage her clit.
“Holy.” She moaned into his mouth while arching her back.
“You’re going to be the death of me.” Noah whined out, causing Jules to giggle.
“And here I thought I was a reason to stay alive for.” She whispered out with a smile, causing Noah to tease her wet entrance with his fingers before going back to her clit again. Noah smiled at her aroused expression.
“You’re going to be the death of my piece and mind.” He corrected himself, before Jules let go of his hardness to help him get her out of her last pieces of clothing.
Looking at his angel in all her glory was mind blowing to Noah. He was sure he felt his cock twitch in excitement when he looked at her beauty. It felt like she was glowing, and Noah just craved her taste even more.
But he wanted to take it slow. He didn’t know if this was the last time. He didn’t know if they were going back to their weird state of knowing about each other but ignoring their connection at the same time. He would do everything in his power to burn these images in both of their heads.
He circled her clit faster and faster as he leaned forward to kiss Jules deeply. He swallowed every moan of her as he felt himself get more and more aroused.
Then, for a moment, he stopped and looked the girl under him in the eyes, asking for silent consent. Jules slightly nodded; her mind clouded with the man in front of her.
“Please.” Jules groaned as she felt his fingers sink into her deeper and deeper.
“You’re so tight, I can barely fit my fingers in.” Noah teased the girl as he, again, kissed her neck.
Jules gripped Noah’s hair tightly as she pushed herself down on his hand. It was a brand-new sensation for her. It wasn’t like she hadn’t touched herself during her lifetime, but feeling Noah’s fingers inside of her felt like she was meant to be his.
Noah quickened his pace, while his other hand found it’s way to her cheek, caressing it with softness. Her moans echoed through the room, and he wanted nothing more but to record them and play them over and over as if it was his favorite song.
Jules leaned forward to catch Noah’s lips again. Jules didn’t know what had come over her but everything just felt so good and right.
“Fuck, you are perfect.” Noah muttered into the kiss. “Please… Please come for me. You can do it.”
And Jules did. The words and moans that come out of her mouth nearly made Noah come on the spot. She barely had the strength anymore to tell him how good he made her feel while she began shaking in pleasure. All she could do was running her fingernails over his bare back.
For a couple of seconds, Jules just whimpered in ecstasy.
“Your voice is my favorite sound.” Noah whispered and peppered kisses on her cheek as she came down from her high.
All Jules could do was capture Noah’s lips in another kiss, showing her gratefulness to share this moment with him. The kiss became deeper as she wrapped her arms around him, catching him in a firm embrace. She couldn’t let go of him.
Noah let it happen. He also slung his arms around her as if life depended on it. But hugging each other seemingly didn’t do enough anymore.
“Again…” Jules mumbled into his shoulder, causing Noah to widen his eyes. “I need you.”
“Shit… You really want to?” Noah asked, making sure he wasn’t dreaming right now. He lifted his body up slightly, to look her in the eyes.
“I need to feel you, Noah.” Jules whined and left the man over her speechless.
Noah needed to calm himself down. He was already so close to letting go of himself, when he simple looked at his angel. Even now, with the remains of their shared moment hanging in the air, he wondered how it would feel to be inside of her. That’s when he allowed himself to think about the fact that Jules was in fact not a person wandering this earth. He was kind of sleeping with a ghost… Or going insane… Probably both.
“We don’t need t-…” – “I want to, Noah.”
Noah let out a deep breath, nearly unable to ignore his own lust. Jules noticed the conflict going on in his head and quickly came to his rescue. She captured him in a sweet and soft kiss.
“I promise. I want this.” She muttered against his lips. “I want to be close to you. Do you want to?”
Noah nearly crumbled because of her words. Of course, he wanted her. So badly.
Noah swallowed hardly before deciding to let go. He quickly got out of his clothes, giving Jules almost no time to look at his beauty, before coming back to her, kissing her with such force, she nearly moaned again.
He placed himself between her open legs, thrusting his hardness against her pussy a few times, while analyzing her reaction with great interest. Jules took in every second she had with Noah. She was willing to do nothing else for the rest of her weird existence.
If Jules hadn’t already corrupted every little space of Noah’s thoughts, she would have done it now. Everything he could feel, taste, sense… It was Jules. Everything was Jules.
Jules shyly reached down to grab his erection and ran her hands up and down for a couple of times. Noah meanwhile began to shake under her touch. “It feels so good.”
His words hypnotized Jules as she circled her hand over his tip and stroked it a few more times. She would have never thought everything would lead to this moment. Jules felt her heat throb before moving her hips slightly upwards to guide his hardness into her.
Just the tip sinking into her, made both of them moan out. For a moment, Noah stayed still as he watched the woman move her hips even more to give him better entrance. Inch by inch, his cock sank into her, their breaths and whines echoing through the room as he stretched her out.
Noah begged this wasn’t just a dream. It felt more real than anything ever before.
“You’re taking me so well, angel.” He breathed out before placing a small kiss on her lips.
“You feel so good.” Jules answered him and looked into his eyes lovingly.
With that he finally thrusted into her. Everything aligned in that moment. All the moments they shared, all the fights, all the difficulties, all the feelings. Everything felt like it happened to bring them to this moment. It was as if they were the only to individuals existing in that moment. Sweet words were whispered into the heavy air of the room as the both of them gave each other exactly what they craved. Each other.
“Keep going. Noah. You feel so good.” Jules whisper shouted.
“God…” Noah moaned. “I love this so much.”
His pace became faster.
Without even thinking, Jules let out her next words. “I wanna feel your cum.”
Noah’s whole body prickled at her words. He couldn’t form words anymore, everything was hazed with the emotions he felt for her. He loved her. He loved being with her. He craved her.
Jules moved to meet his thrusts. Noah bit his lip. “You’re taking me so well.”
Jules kissed him again, feeling like she had never felt more emotions at the same time in her life.
“That’s it. Let go, Jules.” Noah grunted, making sure to give Jules her time. He was hitting all the perfect spots.
His thrusts became harder, while he captured her hands above her head, getting even better excess. They moaned in sync. It was their final straw.
They both came with a loud moan, his cum spilling inside of her with each thrust. For a few moments, their heavy breaths were the only thing that filled the room. Both coming down from their highs with a few kisses, all filled with the silent confessions of love.
When Noah caught his breath again, he kissed Jules again. “You are so fucking beautiful.”
“So are you.” Jules answered him with a sweet smile while she gazed over his face. He was in fact so beautiful. From his dark brown eyes that held so many secrets, to the small freckles plastered over his face.
Slowly, Noah let himself fall into his bed, cuddling into her side immediately.
Jules, meanwhile, stared at the ceiling of Noah’s room, while her thoughts began to flow her brain. This actually happened. She, an individual dangling between life and death, had sex with the person she was supposed to guard. But he wasn’t just any person. He was Noah. Her Noah.
It took the two a couple of minutes, maybe an hour to finally speak up again.
“You don’t even know how much you mean to me.” Noah whispered out and brushed a strand of her out of her face. His anxiety had also caught up to him, but he tried to ignore it for a second longer while laying there.
Jules bit her lip. Her heart skipped a beat at his words, even though she tried to function normally again. “I can’t even describe what you mean to me.”
She turned to look into his eyes. She quickly noticed they both knew what was eventually going to happen now.
“One night.” Noah whispered in a pleading tone. “One night, where we don’t think about it.”
Jules swallowed hard. She knew it was going to end rather soon than late. She didn’t want it to but she knew it had to go this way. So, she nodded.
“One night.”
With that she leaned forward and kissed him again. She kissed him with such force, he wouldn’t have any chance to miss what she was trying to say.
After that, they got even closer to each other, letting each other embrace the love they shared for a moment…
One night…
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alostlovergirl · 1 year
Bucky barnes or sebastian stan X innocent reader, where the reader goes to the doctor because she is constantly wet and feels tingling down there, and she doesn't know what it could be, so she goes to seek medical help, in a super beautiful clinic, with super cute doctor clothes, and still more with the nice and good doctor, bucky will take care of solving your problem in a very professional way (you know ;), 2,3,... X until she can't take it anymore, tying her legs wide open, talking dirty and manipulating her, and after finishing bucky says that every time you feel it you have to look for him, only he can make it stop, and gives the address of the "private clinic" to look for him. if there is any problem, I hope this fic is a little long.sorry if there are any mistakes, everything came from google translator
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Open wide- Bucky Barnes x reader:
Summary: Taking a visit to the doctor concerning a private and embarrassing problem leads to some fun.
Warnings: Virgin reader, rough sex, rough taking of virginity, slight manipulation, crying.
Notes: I am so sorry anonymous for this taking so long. I have been dealing with a lot lately and I had to finish this quick. I hope you like it and I hope it is long enough for you. Thank you for your request!
Dr. Barnes is the best sexual therapist / Doctor around the Brooklyn area. He has dealt with multiple cases of couples with sexual frustration or non-communication with things in the bedroom. He has helped many achieve what they were looking for out of sex. Now, he was dealing with a case of a 21 year old woman, who apparently never dealt with sexual frustration in her life. Or never heard of sex. Or never had a sexual thought in her life ever apparently. It excited the older doctor. His mind wandered to a nervous, innocent woman opening up her tight, wet heat to him. To be seen by him for the first time, other than her parents. Bucky never thought of himself as a bad, uncomfortable doctor, but he has found it increasingly hard to control himself. After seeing pussy and the rare occasional virgin all damn day has had him in his office rubbing one off. So having a patient that has never heard of sex meant that maybe he could manipulate the woman to lose her precious virginity to his fateful techniques.
When he walked into his office with a pair of jeans and forest green sweater, binder full of files and right hand holding a black coffee, he didn't expect to see a shaking, small woman sitting in the cotton chair. She hair a blush on her increasingly not face and seemed mildly uncomfortable, squirming in the chair. ’ This was her?’, he thinks to himself, continuing past her and past the secretary booth, in pursuit of his office. She was gorgeous and her thighs would provide a great handle for him to pull her back on his aching dick.
Bucky sits in his plush seat, yawning before smiling to himself. He sends his nurse to get the young woman sitting there, waiting patiently. For a painful hour, he waits until he is ready to see her. His cock was throbbing in his pants, thinking about the wet mess that would be laying in front of him. He wasn't disappointed when he walked into a dripping wet pussy, facing the door. He had to hide his perverted side away and put on his friendly side.
"Good Morning, Miss." he says as he puts on some hand sanitizer and puts on his latex gloves. " How are we today?"
He hears the young women let out a sigh and breaths, shakily before speaking. " Nervous... ", god her soft voice was perfect. Shaky and quiet. It just made his dick jump in his pants again, but he has to control himself. ‘Don't freak her out more’ he tells himself before sitting himself in between her legs, putting his gloved hands on her warm thighs. He takes a deep breath, sneakily breathing the scent of her drenched, virgin pussy.
"Why ya nervous, dear? I'll help you out. Just tell me what's going on, alright?" he smiles when she nods in agreement. " What’s going on?"
He sits back and listens to the story over a 21 year old woman that never experienced hornieness or hormones. It's almost amusing to listen to the innocent woman laying on his table, rubbing her sticky thighs together. He acts professional, but in his mind, he was thinking of every way to " treat" his poor patient. As soon as she finishes, he scoots forward, putting his hands on her inner thighs and pulling them apart. " You know what you need? Some good old fashion relief.'' He is slowly losing his composure the longer she sits there with her pussy out in the open. " Let me help you."
He pushes her legs wide open, rubbing her inner thighs. He feels her tense, trying to close her legs. " Relax, darling" he presses his gloved thumb against her button. The little gasp she let out was music to his ears. She started to squirm, more arousal coming out of her little hole. He moves his thumb away only for thick strings of arousal wetting the gloved digit. He listens as her breathing quickens as he rubs his thumb against her sensitive nub.
"D-Doctor, what are you doing?” Her body temperature is slowly rising up as he continues rubbing her clit. Bucky smiles to himself, tracing his finger down to her opening, running it around her hole. He grips her thigh with an iron grip as she squirms around, trying to push back into the pleasurable feeling.
" You are so cute. This is all you needed to do, hun... But don't worry. I'll take care of you now." he chuckles, opening his mouth a bit, pushing his digit inside. She lets out a wanton moan. Bucky groans to himself as his cock was begging to let out of the ever growing tight jeans. He had to get a taste of her dripping wet cunt. Holding her thighs open as wide as they will go, he dips his head down, licking a firm stride along her cunt.
“D-doctor!” She lets out a gasp and closes her legs around his head. Bucky didn’t mind being trapped in her legs, close to her cunt, but he couldn’t breathe too well. He grabs her thighs and pulls them apart. He holds them tight enough to leave bruises while he works his magic mouth on her, sucking on her clit, relishing in her sweet taste. Virgin pussy has always tasted the best in Bucky’s opinion. He pulls away from her pussy, spits on it and goes right back down on her, hearing her moan out loudly, grinding on his face. His fingers climbed to the top of her cunt and pulled back the hood, giving him a more sensitive surface. He drools on her pussy, letting it dribble down on the table as he continues going down on her like a thanksgiving feast.
He feels a gushing sensation against his face, almost cutting off his airways. Bucky pried her legs off his neck and pulls away coughing. She was squirting everywhere, on the table, on him. Bucky groans, standing up, dripping wet. He takes off his sweater, and lab coat. He ties her up and smiles. “Look, you may be my favorite patient, but that doesn’t mean you can drown me.” He chuckles, shaking his damp hair. “Let me finish what I started darling.”
He starts taking off his belt, listening to her soft, quick breaths. She sounded scared, but Bucky was too horny to care at the moment. He got a taste of her virgin pussy, now he needed that virgin pussy on his cock. He needed to feel it squeezing around his every vein, every fucking inch as he forces himself into her tight hole. Bucky ties his back up and rubs his tip in her wet folds, smiling at the trembling woman, who was drooling a bit.
He aligns himself at her hole and pushes inside of her, bottoming out in her tight, warm pussy. It felt fucking amazing, the warmth made him feel like he was already about to fill her up. He grabs her thighs, thrusting inside, listening to pained groans and moans from the woman on the table. She squirmed against the confines of the lab coat and sweater tied to her wrists. Bucky moved his hips slowly, relishing in the pleasure of her cunt. “D-doctor..”, she groans out, breathly. The pleasure shot up her body, her eyes rolling back. Bucky pants to himself, eyes slightly crossing, loving the tightness and warmth.
He already felt like he was about to cum. Her pussy felt fucking amazing. The sticky, warm mess was more perfect then he could ever imagine. He looked down at her face, smiling as she was looking away with tears in her eyes and redness all over her face. He groans and wraps a gentle hand around her throat, so as not to scare the hell out of her. He turned her head back towards him, moving a bit faster.
Her hands grab onto his arm, whimpering and drooling. “D-dr. Barnes… Please… Please harder..”, She begged, getting redder with every word she said. He groans and stalls his hips, picking her up and fucking her into a wall. She cried out, scratching at his shoulders. “Bucky!”. She started to push on his chest, the pleasure became too much, but he didn’t stall. He holds her arms against the wall and pounds her little pussy, making it sticky and creamy. Her arousal drips down his cock and her legs, onto the floor.
He groans and pulls out, only to slam back into her. “Ah! F-feeling weird? L-lots of pressure”, tears run down her face. He smiles and decides to move slower. He makes sure that she could feel every inch and every fucking vein in his cock. He pushes her face into the wall as she started to fight back against the overwhelming feeling in her lower parts. She claws at his hand, shaking under him. She feels warm wetness run down her thighs and an overwhelming pleasure. Bucky kept going, chasing his orgasm. She pants, letting out little whines, being completely out of it. He kept going before pulling out of her and cums on his stomach and pussy. He coats his perfect body in his thick, white ropes. She looks at him with wide eyes, still trembling in his hands.
He gently put her down and helps her get cleaned up. She sits on the table, still tearful from being sore and confused. Bucky writes an address down on a piece of paper and gives it to her. “If you ever feel like that again, come to this address anytime… I’ll take care of you”, He pats her thighs, putting the crumbled piece of paper in his hands, smiling. He helps her out of the clinic and goes back to his office, satisfied. He is sure that she will be coming back to her every single fucking day.
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atombombtom · 1 year
so i've shared some pretty embarrassing stories on here but one i've never wanted to share was the the time my dearest friend asked me to go collect a Plan B pill with her. so she's kind of like my best girlboss and we've shared some good times together (she helped me come out as big gay to my parents). she called me up on a thursday she was like hey this major medical provider in our country said i can't collect any more Plan B from them without prescription but i had some rough tumbles with a man that looks like sebastian from stardew valley. that was her type and i believe that only god can judge us. so i was like hey bestie let's go to the clinic together if they tell you no i'll come with you to the doctor. so we rock up to the clinic the next morning and there was a line of like 200 people. we're just standing there vibing and then all of a sudden her card gets read and she starts getting all sweaty with stress. i grab her arm and i'm like i'm here for you and we move to the counter together. anyway there's like this really stern lady working there and my friend explains what she needs and what the situation is (she might be With Child). anyway stern lady at the counter looks straight at me with the meanest glare i have ever experienced and asked me to step away for a moment. i do that (i'm here for my bestie) and i'm not joking right now i hear this woman lean in to my friend and say "is that the guy you're with? He's not worth it". so anyway i have not really recovered from that but my current therapist is really good i highly highly recommend her
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lea-andres · 2 months
Okay, so, if I could mod, which I can't for multitude of reasons (mainly "my computer is dying" and "I has the dumb"... Also "I cannot art") I would make a horror mod SO FAST-
"Lea SDV is supposed to be cosy, not scary" first of all *points at all the yandere mods*, second of all SCARY IS COSY TO ME-
*coughs* Anyway-
So, the framework would be as follows: On a random night in Fall (ideally a rainy night but idk if that's doable), your spouse would have a nightmare. You would then become the hero of said nightmare and solve whatever horror scenario is happening. With it being just a nightmare it wouldn't permanently alter your game so I COULD KILL WHOEVER AND DESTROY WHATEVER I WANT YAY!
It would work like a festival I suppose? No time actually passes? IDK if that makes sense but it does to me.
You would probably get hearts from this assuming you're not at 14 Hearts with them already even though you technically didn't actually do anything lmao. ✌️
Okay, so, each bachelor and bachelorette nightmare would go something like this maybe (AND REMEMBER: THESE ARE NIGHTMARES THEY ARE HAVING! CANON BEHAVIOR DO NOT APPLY):
-Harvey: OOPS HE INSPIRED THIS WHOLE IDEA LMAO. You know how he's got an... Alarming amount of dialogue regarding losing patient worries? Yeah... His nightmare would essentially be Frankenstein... Except Harvey's Victor. Which would just go SO POORLY... Let's all revel for a bit in how beautifully poorly that would go... 💕
-Maru: Maru makes the Blob, Blob destroys half the town. Pretty cut and dry, honestly. Just... Blob. 💕
-Penny: The children are being replaced during the night by doppelgangers. Wrong, unsettling doppelgangers. You and Penny investigate why, taking you into the sewers (IT WON'T BE KROBUS BEHIND IT, I PROMISE, I WOULDN'T DO THAT TO KROBIE 😭)
-Shane: SO, things are being destroyed in the night, sometimes animals turn up dead, town's getting freaked out, you're tasked with investigating because sorry you're the main character lmao. Turns out Shane's therapist is hypnotizing Shane and he's getting programmed to go do these things during the night YAY! Poor guy.
-Sebastian: Here, have this, we all know you want it! *tosses vampire Sebastian at you*. (I'm not particularly fond of Sebastian, in all honesty, but I'm sure vampire Sebastian would make his fans V Happy lmao. Yes, you'd get to let him drink from you, you freaks. /aff)
-Leah: ...Kel's a slasher now? (Sorry, I don't particularly care for Leah either, but hey. I assume you guys enjoyed punching Kel. You'll probably enjoy killing Kel in a brutal battle of self defense right?)
-Elliott: Ya'll seen Creepshow? (*Everyone starts groaning because I haven't shut up about Creepshow since the green rain*) Okay, there's a story where Leslie Neilsen (Naked Gun, Airplane, THAT Leslie Neilsen) drowns a couple in the ocean and their corpses break into his home to get revenge. It's that except Elliott didn't kill them. Because nightmare, you and Elliott are back in his cabin on the beach, bodies are coming out of the water, and quickly becoming yours and Willy's problem. (No Willy didn't kill them either. Probably.)
-Alex: He's on a gridball team, Coach is having him take some experimental drug so he plays gridball better, something something Werewolf. Let him and Dusty run around together lmao. Except oh no he accidentally spooks the town! :(
-Abigail: LOOK. It's me, I have to reference Evil Dead somewhere. Abigail seems like she'd be the most irresponsible if handed the Necronomicon, so she's getting the Necronomicon.
AND I HAVE NO IDEAS FOR EMILY, HALEY, AND SAM NOOOO. I FAILED THEM 😭 Pretend I have great thought out ideas for them, they deserve them.
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Midnight Rain Ch.1
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Rich Mans World Series | Man After Midnight Series | Chapter 1 | Donations | Thoughts & Feelings
Authors Note: FINALLY!!! I finished this chapter this morning and just couldn't wait to release it!!!
“Things are looking great. Strong heartbeat, baby is measuring about a week later than what you are. Still don’t want to know the sex?” you smiled, shaking your head. “Nope, leave it as a surprise for my shower.” you said as Brooke grinned. 
You sent the photo to Chris, ‘28 weeks. Everything looks good. Baby is measuring around 29 weeks. Shower is Sunday at 2pm.’ the message was read but not responded to. “We should get back before sunday.” you told Brooke as she walked in with bags packed. “Jet’s gonna take off in about 30 minutes. We gotta go.” 
Brooke sat in the uncomfortable recliner, quietly reading the newspaper, glancing at her phone ever so often. “Hey,” Sebastian's voice broke through silence as he entered the room. “I got you some coffee.” he handed her the cup and sat down in the chair beside her. Brooke smiled softly at him. “Thank you,” 
“Ah! Do you love it?!” Brooke grinned as you held up the little black leather jacket. “Its so cute!!” you gasped grinning at it. The doorbell rang and then the door opened. 
“How’s everything going?” Sebastian asked softly, leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to Brookes head. “She’s doin okay, finally went back to sleep after the nightmare.” Brooke whispered as she stepped out in the hallway with Sebastian as he nodded. “Glad to hear she’s finally back asleep, she needs the rest after everything she’s been through.” he sighed looking down the hallway. 
“He called me again.” he spoke quietly, Brooke looked at him. “Jesus. What’s he want?” she crossed her arms as he leaned against the wall. “Wants to talk to her…ask her how everything is goin….check in on the baby…” he shoved his hands in his pockets, jonesing for a cigarette right about now. 
Brooke had told him on their first date that cigarettes were a turn off for her. Seb threw his pack out the window the second he’d pulled out of her driveway from dropping her off at her parents house. He’d fallen in love with her that night and didn’t want to jeopardize that. 
Brooke put her head in her hands, “We can’t keep lying to him, we’re going to have to tell him.” She looked up at him with a heartbroken look in her eyes. Sebastian looked down. “Fine, I’ll go call him and tell him to come over.” Brooke nodded and began to walk downstairs toward the kitchen. “Do we really think that's best? Why don't you meet him somewhere besides here and tell him?” 
Chris held out a hand as several of his men carried in beautifully wrapped gifts, the room quieted down and everyone watched as he walked over taking a seat amongst all the other women. “Sorry we’re late, my gift wrapper was a little slower today.” he smiled as you glared at him. 
Sebastian took a seat at the island in the kitchen and shook his head, “Because he’ll want to see her, talk to her, ask….he’s been going nuts not hearing from her.” He groaned, running a hand through his hair. “If we do this, we do it today.” Brooke sighed, rubbing her eyes. 
“Do what?” you asked from the doorway, causing Brooke and Seb both to turn and stare at you with wide eyes. 
“Hey you’re doing great!” Anthony said, watching Chris bend his right arm down and slowly wrap his hand around a pop can. Chris winched as the therapist smiled. “That’s enough for today, you did great Chris. Just keep working on your exercises at home and I’ll see you back here on Friday.” She said as Chris slowly walked with his cane beside Anthony toward the door. The walk was silent to the car, Anthony keeping a slow pace to stay beside Chris. As he helped Chris into the car, and climbed into the drivers side, he instantly turned on the air conditioning, letting the inside begin to cool from the stale summer air. “I wanted to let you know that Sebastian called this morning, he wants you to come by today, and says he needs to talk with you about a few things.” Anthony said as Chris looked over at him. “Well lets get over there.” he said as Anthony shook his head. “Told him not right now…said you just got out of therapy and you’re tired.” he said switching lanes as they drove toward the outskirts of town, toward Chris’s house. “I’m fine, take me to see my wife dammit.” 
“Y/N…we need to tell you something, there was a fire at Chris’s house…about 3 months ago…the same night that…um…well when the incident happened. Well…you might notice some scarring on Chris. He got trapped in the fire and his right arm as well as his right leg got burned.” Sebastian told you as he sat you down on the couch. 
You stared at him and slowly nodded. “Okay,” you responded emotionlessly. That’s how you’d been since the incident. “Are you okay, Y/N?” Brooke asked, sitting beside you on the couch. You looked over at her, your face held nothing on it, “Yeah.” you said in a monotone voice. She could see the look behind your eyes though, the anger and sadness that fill them both. You looked back at Sebastian blinking slowly and you asked “When will he be here?” you spoke quietly. Seb looked at you before looking at his phone and with a heavy sigh, replied “in about 5 minutes.” 
When Chris got there, Seb met him at the door. Chris looked at him surprised before shaking his hand and exchanging small talk, but he couldn’t wait to see you. See how big your 9 month belly would be, to talk to the baby, talk to you…he couldn’t wait. You’d been dodging his calls and texts for months, denying him access to you and his child. 
Chris came into the living room, Brooke was coming in from the kitchen, carrying a tray with cups, a kettle, and some snack cakes. She set the tray on the sandy colored coffee table, that no doubt you’d picked out, always liking the lighter color. “Chris..it’s so nice to see you again.” Brooke said, holding her arms out for a hug as she walked toward him. “It’s been a while since we’ve last seen each other. Please, have a seat.” She said motioning to the couch that you stood behind staring out of the french doors watching it rain. “Just a second,” he said, brushing her off. He walked toward you, stopping when he was just a few feet away. 
“Y/N…how have you been?” he asked as Brooke looked from the two of you to Sebastian who ran a hand over his face. “How’s the baby?” Chris asked with a small smile. You and the baby were the only reason he’d survived that night if he was being honest with himself. He fought for everything that night, prayed that if he made it out alive, he’d change, be a better man, for you and the baby you’d both created. 
You didn’t answer him, you didn’t even move from your spot. “Y/N?” he called out, stepping closer. “Don’t.” you said suddenly. “Do not come anywhere near me.” your voice broke and you let out a gut wrench sob before you turned and looked at him. Chris’s eyes fell from your face to your belly, and instantly his blood ran cold. “Y/N…..Honey, what happened? Did you go into labor early?” he prayed that you’d just forgotten to call him and let him know the baby had been born. 
“Chris…sit down.” Brooke said from behind him. Chris stared at you for a minute before he turned away from you; knowing you weren’t going to speak to him, and deep down, he knew why. “Chris, can you tell us what happened to you?” Brooke asked as she poured him a cup of coffee. “Well, two masked men broke in and attacked me in my-our bedroom.” He said, dropping his eyes. 
“Uh…they beat me and set the house on fire.” Chris said as he looked back at Brooke and Seb. They knew he wasn’t telling the whole truth, but maybe that wasn’t something anyone but you were meant to know. “I’m glad to see you’re okay though,” Brooke commented trying to fill the unavoidable and thick silence. 
Chris nodded before he turned and looked over his shoulder at you; You were staring directly at him. “When did it happen?” you asked quietly. “3 months ago. When did you have the baby?” Chris asked again. “Chris…” Brooke called to him, trying to get him to leave you alone. You hadn’t talked about the incident with her or Sebastian and she found it hard to believe you’d just open right up to him after everything that happened. He glanced from you to her, “What?” he snapped and looked at Brooke and Sebastians faces, the look they held. 
You bolted for the stairs, tears in your eyes as you ran up them, down the hall to your bedroom and slammed the door. “Dammit!” Brooke jumped up before she looked at Sebastian. “Are you going to tell him or do I have to?!” Sebastian looked at Chris before looking up and meeting Brooke's eyes. She scoffed at him before whipping around and faced Chris. “Her little girl was cut from her belly and murdered.” She snapped at him before rushing after you. 
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inchidentally · 5 months
I'm sorry to bombard you like this, but you're like a therapist. So I want this winter break to end as soon as possible. Because seeing how many fans of different drivers enjoy fresh content, Oscar fans suffer a little. I mean, I should be used to it because I've been a Sebastian fan for the last 16 years and it's not news to me that someone disappears during the winter break. But it's different with Oscar and I feel a little sad about it. Well. I'm almost 27 years old and I miss a guy who doesn't know me. Can you write me something comforting? Thank you in advance! <3
don't apologize anon!! but let me just say I'm not remotely qualified as a therapist and could probably do with a second one for myself but I will absolutely try to offer comfort <3<3
ohhhh dude as someone who is only just now learning abt Seb in a fandom way I know you've already had it tough bc not only is that man charismatic and hilarious and beautiful he's also SO private. Oscar at least is so lowkey even in media engagement that it's not a huge surprise when he doesn't show up otherwise. but there's a reason I tag Seb "sun king". dude shines brighter than the screens behind a podium when he shows up. I don't know if I believe the rumors of him returning to F1 at all but I do think he's going to get back into a more public facing position at some point (and likely get back into racing in some capacity).
I think w Oscar what's been getting me is how excavation is the best way to get to know him and acquire content rather than relying on regular updates. I wish we had those too or at least the content from fans recognizing him - and maybe that will happen more w time. but I'm much more a feelings person than a fan person and Oscar's just really worked his pale little hands into my heart ??
I always felt like the intensity in his eyes when he looks at certain friends just had to have something behind it than that being his resting face. bc his resting face is basically 'please let me sleep sitting up' asgfaslglfsa. but the way he looks at Logan and Lando is so similar and the more I learn about loscar lore the more I realize I'm not just seeing things with him and Lando. it's not at all the same relationship but it's coming from the same place for Oscar in terms of his qualities as a person.
bc pre-F1 Oscar was wayyyy more open and expressive about his competitiveness and his celebrations etc - just overall way more open in general. so the amount that he kept checking in on Logan and making sure he was included over all the years they've been boys and young men from karting to F1… idk man that's extremely special and unusual coming from a privileged kid in a male dominated environment where the one goal is for the individual to win. sure, plenty of guys form strong friendships in those years and a lot of them had to leave home young to pursue racing beyond the karting level.
but for Oscar to not only have lived alone in the UK from age 14 and be in that environment and to be as motivated and hungry as he was it just says so much that he's still close with all the guys from his boarding school (where he had an attendance of under 40% !!) and that he's kept Logan close this whole time. esp after reading the Player's Tribune article about him we know that Logan's got a soft heart and that he's a "worrier" and just how hard it hit when his own family left him to return to the US. he often felt like an outsider and like, Oscar being the same age and being even further from his own family but some part of him still said to latch onto this American kid in particular. they were literally directly competing but Logan's even confirmed how it never affected their friendship. including Oscar interrupting a major victory for himself bc it was marked by Logan crashing out early and rushing to console Logan in person !! that's so unbelievably tender ?? winning these series' is the one thing in the world these boys want when they compete - but Oscar's thinking about his friend right when he wins ;__; kinda makes you think about how Oscar didn't spend one second celebrating as much as he rightly could have over that sprint win and consciously avoided bringing it up so often that Lando does it for him ;__;
and when the rest of the F1 grid is name dropping the right guys for fans to go crazy when it comes to quiz questions etc, Oscar goes right to Logan and Zhou bc he's actually known them the longest. and whenever there's the drivers parade or anything that brings the teams together, he's seeking those two out. when you consider the huge divide that formed when Oscar got the McLaren updates and especially after the sprint win he technically was in the company of all those guys at the front of the grid socially. he started getting those coveted fist bumps! but if he could spot Logan or Zhou he'd move or change his seat just to be with them.
and lol we know now that Oscar's been a major Lando fanboy since he moved to the UK so he'll also have seen how small and young Lando was for what he was achieving. he'll also have seen when Lando started opening up about his mental health struggles. and considering how much we've seen that Oscar leans liberal and socially sympathetic is in his likes and reposted content etc (esp him showing such a major social conscience during covid about people needing to protect the vulnerable) we know it isn't a leap to assume he understands/appreciates Lando standing for social progress within F1.
add to that Oscar having liked content that was to do with team atmospheres and cultures and Oscar himself being approached by McLaren when Lando started running circles around Daniel and all that drama was going on, of which Oscar was made painfully aware. oh and add that Oscar also liked carlando stuff back when Carlos was with McLaren… Oscar had so much knowledge about what to expect as Lando's teammate… and yet!
Oscar very specifically has never tried to create a 'bromance' with Lando when it would've been so easy! the Lando effect was right there! and we know from the Prema content that Oscar could've been how he was with Robert and Arthur and a landoscar bromance at least close to carlando and dando could've been born! it would've made Oscar's life so much easier in terms of being accepted by McLaren fans to yuk it up and be the cheesy jokes/exasperated guy from twitter (that everyone already knew him to be) to Lando's well-known hyperactive youtuber personality!
and we know he wasn't suddenly quiet and reserved out of nerves because Prema's social media popularity had fully prepared him for going viral and he'd done a ton of F1 track media stuff during his reserve driver year!
and the staring at Lando thing officially stopped being a fluke or something he did out of nerves as well because welp, it just get happening! Oscar shadows Lando and Oscar stands back slightly to let Lando have more of the spotlight and Oscar has endless patience with Lando and says "no I'll keep you happy!" when Lando tells him what to do!
Oscar is smart! Oscar is very aware of what the people he cares about are feeling! Oscar takes note of their personalities and accepts them for who they are! Oscar pays attention to what is going on around him in an intelligent and sympathetic way! Oscar doesn't default to posting the people he's closest to! Oscar views certain things as - if not 'sacred' - at least deeply important and not something to joke or be flippant about! his friendships supercede even his passion for winning!
Logan feels deeply and doesn't mind people knowing it! Lando feels deeply and doesn't mind people knowing it!
Oscar watches Logan and Lando closely with those focused brown eyes and Oscar is drawn to the people in his life who feel most vulnerable and Oscar interrupts his own victories to consider Logan and Lando !!!!!!!!
anon I assumed you wouldn't mind but all of this is to say that while we may never get Oscar appearing as frequently on social media as the other drivers - especially in winter - Oscar is someone we should use our down time looking more deeply into as a person because still waters running deep etc. what content we do have about him is so worth savoring I think.
because I for one definitely have taken too much about him for granted thinking he was Just a Guy and I was very very wrong about that.
I hope that helped a little??
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