#Blaise Debeste can get thrown from a window
alynnl · 1 year
I’ve cleared the Forgotten Turnabout this morning.  I have quite a few thoughts as always.
It was another one of those bittersweet and actually, very open endings.
Franziska is salty.  Very salty that Edgeworth willingly turned in his prosecutor’s badge so he wouldn’t have to follow orders to turn over Kay immediately for arrest.  This sort of rubbed me the wrong way because she does realize he didn’t have much of a choice, right? Edgeworth was backed into a corner.
Sebastian got totally broken down and he honestly didn’t deserve that.  Yes, he was a brat, and very annoying.  But for Blaise to constantly cut him down, to say “all the awards you got were the result of me bribing your teachers” and to call him an idiot without joking.  To berate Sebastian for “not trying hard enough” when he was honestly giving his best effort.  For him to know that Justine was just getting close to him to get to his dad.  He ran off, and we never did find him.  I wonder if he’ll ever recover from this!
Justine has apparently been a double agent this whole time, in some effort to finally get Blaise arrested because she suspected him of handing von Karma forged evidence 18 years ago in the IS-7 Incident.  She not only used Sebastian but she also used Edgeworth in her schemes and even if she was sort of helpful towards the end of the case I’m not sure her actions leave a good taste in my mouth.  She seems to care more about passing judgement in the name of the Goddess of Law than for the lives of people around her.
Then there’s Gumshoe.  He is in utter shock that Edgeworth forfeited his prosecutor’s badge and hasn’t seen him face-to-face since then.  It’s hard to know what this means.  Was Gumshoe only loyal to Edgeworth as a prosecutor and not as a person?  Or does he somehow blame himself for the way the situation spiraled out of control, leading to Edgeworth having to give up his badge and Kay possibly being arrested?  (Maybe he didn’t want to be there to make the arrest himself or testify in a possible trial.) 
I will honestly be sad if Gumshoe and Edgeworth don’t see each other again in the fifth and final case of Investigations 2 because they have been side-by-side in a lot of their cases.  It’d be like separating Holmes and Watson from the Sherlock Holmes series, or Sam and Frodo from Lord of the Rings!  To keep them apart permanently would be unthinkable!
But on the plus side...
Kay regained her memories!  And it was because she got a hold of her promise book again, which was something she lost in a different case.  In that book was the beginnings of who she is now as the Yatagarasu.  It’s nice to see her usual fire back too.  There’s also some clarity on what happened before she lost her memory.
Edgeworth is free!  He still doesn’t have his badge because Blaise, the chairman of the PIC got arrested and so there can’t be another hearing about whether to bring him back as an official prosecutor any time soon.  But at least he’s not in jail anymore.  He gets to go home, and he’s determined to find the truth behind what really happened in the Grand Tower case, since arresting Blaise apparently wasn’t the end of it.  He got a call from De Killer of all people informing him of this much.
 I have to hand it to him, he is rather resilient.  I’m just hoping the truth doesn’t put him in anymore danger but at least he’s aware of the power of friendship/teamwork and he will have support if he is in some sort of distress.  He’s opening himself up to others, I’m happy for him.
There is only one more case left to wrap up the loose plot threads from the fourth case, along with any new twists that might come up along the way.  I have looked at the “how long does it take to play all the cases” document and this finale will be a long runner at 8 hours, so I imagine there will be a lot of content packed in, interesting twists, and hopefully, if all goes well, an ending credits montage and a candid final photo.
I will take my time with this last case since I know it will be the last time I will see Edgeworth in a major role, and I will miss him when it comes time to play Ace Attorney 4-6.
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