mapsontheweb · 3 days
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Percentage of respondents who feel their country takes in too many migrants.
by geo.ranking
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lackadaisycats · 3 hours
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BackerKit Backers: Surveys Close June 3rd
Dear Backers, Just a final heads up that surveys will finally close at the end of day tomorrow, Monday, June 3rd. - If you already filled out your backer survey, you don't have to do anything further! (Most of you did this months ago.) - If you have been putting this off, now's your last chance. This is how we gather your shipping information. We can't ship you any tangible pledge rewards without it. - Despite surveys closing, we will continue to honor address changes for rewards that haven't shipped yet. If your address changed since you completed your survey, or if it is about to change, please let us know. You can leave a message in the BackerKit page Community Tab and one of our customer support folks will help out.
------------------------------- If you can't remember if you completed a survey, log into your account, click your pfp in the upper right. Select Pledges and Surveys > Your Surveys tab > click View Order. If the status there indicates you're all set, you're all set! ------------------------------ Thank you once again, Backers, for your incredible support!
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silver-survey · 1 month
Do you like fruits?
Feel free to suggest any poll you would like to see via chat or comment or ask :)
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perestroika-hilton · 9 months
Op is guessing they're at about 60
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sprinklecipher · 2 months
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Hi there! I’m interested in how the meaning of "potato bug" varies by region, so I'm running a very short (~1 minute), anonymous survey to find out!
You can complete the survey even if you've never heard of "potato bugs" before (but please indicate as much when prompted). Also, please be aware that the survey includes several photos of insects, so I'd advise against taking it if you're squeamish about bugs
Thanks and have a great day! :)
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purplethespian · 6 months
The American Census Bureau is considering changes that would artificially decrease the number of disabled people in the US. We may be able to stop this.
According to this article from the Associated Press, the Census Bureau's proposed changes would align the way that the American Community Survey measures disability with international standards. They will be changing the way that some of the questions are worded, as well as changing the options for answers.
The problem is this: the questions about disability will ask if respondents if they have “no difficulty,” “some difficulty,” “a lot of difficulty” or “cannot do at all” with regard to things like hearing, seeing, ability to bathe or dress oneself, etc. Someone will only be counted as disabled if they answer "a lot of difficulty" or "cannot do at all." This excludes a lot of people. "During testing last year by the Census Bureau, the percentage of respondents who were defined as having a disability went from 13.9% using the current questions to 8.1% under the international standards. When the definition was expanded to also include “some difficulty,” it grew to 31.7%" (AP).
So what can we do? The Census Bureau is accepting public comment on the proposed changes until the end of the day on Tuesday, December 19th. Visit this link to submit your comments, and tell the Census Bureau why this change is a bad idea! Statistics show that at least 25% of Americans are disabled (CDC). We can't let the Census Bureau erase us.
Please share this widely, and submit your comments before the close of business on Tuesday, December 19th! I also highly encourage you to check out the Associate Press article linked above, since it does a good job of explaining the situation in more detail.
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mcyt · 11 months
hi! last year we ran an lgbt hc9 headcanons survey and i never ended up posting the results, but i was really curious about how things might’ve changed since then. this survey is kind of like a part 2 to last years. skizz is in here too by the way. the survey will be closed whenever i feel like there's enough responses
please reblog / share / etc if you would like to :)
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lil-tumbles · 11 months
Okay it's finally done.
Hello, people of Tumblr! Please, please spread this survey. Send it to your kids, your classmates, your niblings. Help me out here. I need people who did their GCSEs in 2022 in England to do this survey on the impact of COVID on GCSE results. It's for my EPQ. I need 100 respondents. Please, Tumblr... The fate of my grade rests in your hands.
Here is the survey: https://forms.office.com/e/tYkks2UfHe
Also, if you got this far, here's some GIFs from superwholock below the cut.
Also, I know y'all like polls, so here.
Listen: Sam Winchester may not have been able to complete his education, but he'd want someone else to complete theirs and do well, so do this for him:
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And for you Lockers? You know your guy Sherlock is smart and autistic, like me. He'd want another smart autistic person to succeed and get into a good uni (did I mention this EPQ is my big grab for a top university?). Then I can become a top detective or whatever idk I didn't watch the show I'm sorry but if you do this survey and tell me you're a Sherlock fan who saw this in the tags then I swear, I'll watch it. For you. And my grade. Please.
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Finally, doctor who, my beloved fandom. I love you all so much- well, maybe not all of you, but I appreciate the fandom as a whole for everything you've done for me. The word count of ff I've contributed to this fandom (AO3: z_in_a_blue_box for proof) should tell you all how much I love this show. Here, have gay people, and go do my survey. Please. I'm begging you.
The Doctor would say to always help people when you can. This can be your kind act of the day. "Always try to be nice, never fail to be kind". Please.
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Thank you, fandoms of Tumblr. I appreciate you all.
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sugar--brown · 17 days
I'm scared about the end of season one. I don't want anyone to die (please mr. Sims and mr. Newall).
Especially since - unlike tma - we don't have a clear main character with a plot armour!
So help me choose who I can get attached to.
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Honestly, it’s so frustrating taking any kind of autism/adhd/neurodivergent test/assessment/quiz. It’s especially frustrating since I’m taking a research methods class that talks about how to make surveys and questionnaires and so many of these assessments break basic rules on how to make good surveys.
For one, the way they set up the questions are either way too vague or way too specific or combine two different questions together that makes it hard to answer. For example, one autism assessment I took asked whether you think and talk a lot about your special interests. Thinking and talking are different things and the frequency of what I talk about completely depends on who I’m with but the only answers I could pick were “true now and when I was young, only true now, only true when I was young (16 and under), and never true”.
Which brings me to my next point. The way a lot of professional and certified surveys are set up usually have either a five point or seven point system (example: disagree, somewhat disagree, neither agree or disagree, somewhat agree, agree. Seven point systems would add definitely agree or disagree). For the survey mentioned, adding another option that doesn’t land in the extreme of either “always” or “never” allows for better and more realistic answers (like a “I exhibit this behavior sometimes under certain circumstances” or something).
Also these assessments sometimes add in why you exhibit these behaviors like “I spend a lot of time at home. This is because I hate people and don’t like going out”. I do spend a lot of time at home. It is not because I hate people or don’t like going out so it’s hard to answer that question.
Assessments for mental health or neurodivergence like this make it really hard for people to answer in a way that gives an honest assessment of their mental state and it’s really frustrating taking quizzes over and over again just to have the same issues come up again and again and I feel like I’m being robbed of an actual answer to my question.
Someone fix this before I take things into my own hands. This is a threat. I will do it.
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mapsontheweb · 8 months
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Do you live in the Midwest?
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silver-survey · 27 days
Pasta, mamma mia! 🤌🇮🇹
Yes I'm Italian
Before saying "how is it possible that *this* is not on the poll? Well, give me a 100 options poll then.
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Everyone knows spaghetti and I could put only 10 pics, sorry :(
Feel free to suggest any poll you would like to see via chat or comment or ask :)
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syn4k · 1 year
hello! i made a hermitcraft survey for the people who haven't watched hermitcraft within the past year but may have seen it on their dashboards a few times (or a lot)
people in hermitblr Please Please Please do not fill this out i'm trying to get as clean a dataset as possible
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perestroika-hilton · 10 months
Op gets compliments on their dancing but is usually doing just a modified step touch or house shuffle
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cohborikardok · 7 months
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Hi Chiss/Thrawn fans! Its time for the annual Thrawn Fans survey! Last year's had an amazing turnout so I'm hoping this year will also have some fantastic results. Please feel free to take it no matter how long you've been a fan of Thrawn!
Edit: Survey is now closed! Thank you so much to everyone who participated, results coming soon!
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blue-ink-pearls · 1 year
I am a graduate student working on a final year project about the publishing industry with a focus on Science Fiction and Fantasy.
As part of the project I need to collect data on the degree of interest in those genres and how people interact with the publishing industry. 
The survey is only 13—14 questions (depending on what genres you like) and takes less than 5 minutes.
I would really appreciate it if you could take this survey and reblog it so that others can find it.
Thank you so much!
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