#Right Descision
Whump Prompt #1111
Submitted by Anon - thanks!
Found Family in a Zombie Apocalypse. That's it.
Mmhmm, allow me to add:
tw: suicide
Tending to injuries with minimum supplies. 
Long vigils.
Trying to keep the whumpee quiet during field-surgery so they don’t alert nearby zombies/raiders. 
The panic after being bitten.
Worrying if they’ve been infected. 
The infected decide to leave during the night (maybe to take their own life) to remove the emotional toll upon everyone. Maybe the whumpees have to fight off their zombie!family member... or they stumble across their corpse. Maybe someone can’t sleep, and they hear the infected leave that night. They also hear the gunshot echoing a short time later. 
Sleeping huddled together for warmth. 
The ‘dad’ of the group risking his life more often/going without food/supplies so his ‘kids’ don’t suffer. 
The difficult decisions that bring them closer - but some also cause arguments that span for days. 
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chemicalarospec · 10 months
It's been less than a decade of legal gay marriage in the US (2015) -- not even the majority of my life -- but it really feels so far in the past. I was reading a fanfic and was like "why is this so weird about gayness??" and then I remembered the source is set in the 2000s - the author was just being time period accurate. And like. Okay I remember gay marriage. I remember first hearing about it when I was 8 and it taking a couple years but becoming a thing and in 8th grade (I was 14) I had a teacher who was queer married but would never talk about it but in 7th grade some of my classmates had a younger teacher who would gush about her wife. I've heard again and again, "growing up, gay marriage wasn't legal. I didn't have hope for a happy future." I remember that post with the flower girl dog "a few years ago, this wouldn't have been legal" "and for a second I lived in a world where homophobia didn't exist." Just this idea that gay marriage being legal is the norm for me and young people in most of the West. It's not new anymore. We still hear news about gay marriage being legalized in other countries but it's just so normal here now. Kids today aren't growing up under the othering idea that gay people can't get married -- they're growing up in a world where they're going to meet happy gay married couples and they're going to know gay people get married not because they've had to wait for decades for it to be legal, but because they met and fell in love and got engaged afterwards. They can see their happy future. We're so lucky.
You know who has had gay marriage legal for the majority of their life? A 15 year old. Not that young. I'm so grateful for everyone who came before and made this happen. I'm usually such a downer about the state of the world but some things aren't so bad. Some things are quite nice after all.
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bonefall · 2 years
Snowbird anon: I couldn't help myself: (this is for sh!ts and giggles, I love me an evil!Girlboss.)
Mapleshade: *sobs and apologizes to Starclan after repenting her sins, get accepted into Starclan.*
Thunderstar: "She couldn't help who she fell in love with."
Shadowstar: "Exactly. Welcome Mapleshade."
Skystar: "Eh, I've done worse."
Grey Wing: "We know. The rest of you, get thee gone from our gate!"
Mapleshade: *inwardly cackles.*
(Also...Mapleshade/Skystar would be the evil conscious of Starclan LOL.)
Thunderstar: "Now, I'm aware that this might not make sense, seeing as you were all law-abiding citizens or just Appledusk, but you must understand. Women."
Frecklewish: "IM WOMEN!!"
Thunderstar: "Ok, but were you a girlboss? Not even killing anyone sounds like some girlemployee behavior. Not a good look."
And then he pulls a big lever that says 'HELL' on it and they all fall down a trap door. And Skystar says, "back in my day we didnt CHARGE people with TRIALS we just killed everyone who didnt like being murdered"
And it ends on a freeze frame and a laugh track
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But... I know your heart was in the right place---even if your brain had clearly gone on vacation for the afternoon.
--- Grady Ruewen, from Everblaze, by Shannon Messenger. Page 368.
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skellytonsandstars · 1 year
I have testing tomorrow I should be studying but what am I doing I’m sitting on my bed listening to music and brainrotting over two bards that’s what I’m doing
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frongfriend · 11 months
The recent post got so much love, it really melts my heart ✨ i wish i could show appreciation back, but I’m still not that familiar with tumblr-etiquette. There are a few new ppl here and it makes me feel so happy 🌻
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mx-paint · 1 year
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yoohyeon · 2 years
Every time my mood is going up a little something happen and it go back to the lowest, I’m so damn tired
#guys I think I may have ✨depression✨#i probably have been for the last 3 years at least maybe more but hey I’m not gonna self diagnose this is not a thing#i usually go back on my feet fast well at least I’m good enough to be okay#but lately oh good it’s getting hard !#my situation could be way worse but all the bad descision making I’ve been doing since I finish cégep make my life a living hell right now#it’s all on me for not looking for help but also I never felt like I needed it ??? I’m just terrified of everything#but now I seriously can’t continue like this or I’ll ruin my life for real#I’m forever glad that I have good parents that understand how terrified I am of life but sometimes I wish I had stricter parents#maybe I would be less terrified of everything 😭#but other than my poor decisions making I’m hearing so much negative things about something I love and my mood just went lower#I’m not gonna say what but hoping the best for everyone concern#i couldn’t sleep yesterday cause I was thinking about it and my tongue hurting cause I burned it#and I’m probably let my brain think about it like I told myself to stay off twitter all day but still did it I can’t help it#and I have to wake up at 5am to give Puppy a pill 😭#every Sunday I did it end up my panicking about how I’m still not asleep at 4am and if I should get up and give it early or sleep 1 hour#but what if it let myself fall asleep and I do it at 4:30 to wake up 30 minutes later this is rough when it happens so yeah it’s such a bad#feeling when you are tired#and I’ve been sleeping like 6 hours every night for the past month cause I’m always stressed by what to do with my life so I’m exhausted#idk how bestie to it sleeping 3-4 hours sometimes if I have less than 8 hours of sleep I wanna d*e 😭#i really need to sit down and think about my life#i wish I could see my best friend 😭#she’s like the only person I would comfortable telling all the plans I thought about without getting judge she would give realistic opinions#and help me work on it as much as she can well at least support me enough to give me the courage and I could do it by message#but she busy most of the time so I always end up spamming message to her and she can’t answer them all :’)#maybe one day I’ll do something about hopefully soon but right now I just want a hug and someone listening to me cause no one do it#my parents keep saying they wish I talk to them more but when I do they either barely listen or make me feel like what I’m feeling is not r#right* and I’m not saying it’s on purpose they don’t realize the way the express themselves makes me feel bad :’))))#so yeah I stop and do like nothing happen 🙃#anyway gotta go sleep it’s 1:36 and if I wanna sleep before 3 and not panic for the pills I should go Goodnight !#Alex.txt
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makkir0ll · 2 months
he's kind of starting to regret his descision.
to be honest he isn't sure how he ended up here on top of the comfy rug in your living room. his chest is down on the ground and his arms on the side while he head is resting on the side.
these past two weeks have been gruesome for him, he had been working longer hours than normal and barely getting enough sleep. his whole body felt sore and tense. today he came back home a bit earlier and immediately wraps his arms around you as he complains about how much his body aches. you then begin to massage his shoulder. and you can tell how tense he is.
"holy shit babe that feels so good" he leans into your touch the more you work his muscles. you giggle and give him a kiss on the cheek.
"where else does it hurt?" you ask him as you continue to pepper small kisses on his face and he starts to melt. you hear him mumble that his back has been hurting and you offer to crack it. and maybe in the moment it seemed like a good idea but maybe that was because of the fact that you were spoiling him with kisses.
and thats how he ends up here on the floor with your hands feeling his back to find the tense spots to crack. and he loves you, he really does but he can't help but be scared.
"you know what you're doing right?" he asks, you can hear the crack in his voice because he's nervous.
"yea yea, trust me babe. after this you're going to be thanking me"
"when was the last time you did this?"
as a joke you take a second too long for his personal liking to reply.
"y/n you know i love you right. but so help me god if you break my back, you're paying to hospital bills." he whines. the more time you take the more nervous he gets.
"yea just calm down." you say as you push the heel of your hand into his back feeling the spot. "okay ready..?"
you push your hand a little deeper than it was before and his back cracks and he lets out a groan of relief. the tension in that spot completely. you move your hands down his back finding more spots to crack and you continue your motions down his whole back. after each crack he feels his muscles relax way more.
"okay all done" you say as you move out of his way so he can get up.
"babe..." he starts off, hands coming around your hips to pull you closer, "you are a miracle worker."
"i've been told that a couple of times before" you smile at him, putting your arms around his waist a you look up at him. "now how about i crack your neck?"
"i love you, but i think i've had enough cracking for one day." he's more nervous about you breaking his neck. but he's definitely going to be asking you more often to crack his back.
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ATSUMU (he's complaining the whole time and begging you to not ruin his career), tsukishima, iwaizumi 27 atheltic trainer!!!!, kuroo, SUNA, kita, hinata, oikawa, COACH MF UKAI
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staryeclipse · 2 years
Some kid came up to me while I was heading into the lift to pass them some money so they could top up their card and catch the last train (it was around 11.40 at this time)
They said they needed 4 bucks minimum, but if I remembered correctly you need 5 to top-up, so I gave that to them. Hopefully they made it home lol
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arisuworld · 7 months
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So this list is going to be very long (I don't even remember more than half of the things I manifested tbh) as I've been manifesting from the past 3 years and i didn't manifest occasionally lol, I did it on daily basis and still do it.
I bet my kidneys that after reading this, you'll believe in the law of assumption. So sit the fuck down and read.
1. So, I love dancing and i really wanted to participate in this function organised by my school but my medical report came out very bad and my teachers and even the vice principal was against my decision (of dancing). So they strictly rejected me. I cried for hours but then I realised that I can just manifest 🤨☝️so i fucking did. I asked my mom if i could do that medical test again and I ended up doing it and the report came out good. And guess what? YOUR GURL 💅 ENDED UP DANCING💃 RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE PRINCIPAL'S FACE 🤭
2. Manifested bigger boobs 🤭🫣
3. So not long ago, my city was severely polluted and schools (only primary) were closed but pollution makes me kind of sick too 🙁 so I was like bitch, your descision doesn't matter 🖐️ and guess what? 💆
4. Manifested slim nose 🥰
5. Manifested a thigh gap long ago but I was so stupid to manifest that omg 😟 bUT now I manifested thunder thighs 🤭
6. Manifested thin hair... CAN I SLAP MY OLD SELF LIKE PLEASE?? I HAD LONG THICK HAIR BUT I MANIFESTED THIN HAIR 😭 BUt 🖐️ it's okay, now I'm gonna manifest thick hair 🥸
7. Cancelling tests everyday 💃💃💃💃
8. Manifested my teachers to be absent 👹 (UNCOUNTABLE TIMESS SKDJSK)
9. Manifested good grades 🤲 even for my bestie 🥰
10. OMG GUYS IDK HOW I ALMOST FORGOT THIS ONE!! So my dad is very strict and he never allowed me to go on picnics but this time i thought I'll just manifest it. And my mom said, "this time it won't work" 😟 (because my health was worst in the past months and long story short, i would faint out of nowhere for too long) BUT GUYS, your gurl persisted and it MANIFESTED!!! 🤭🤭🤭
11. So for the picnic, i really wanted this specific shorts but i couldn't find them anywhere like ughh. I was so frustrated but then I manifested it in minutes 🥴
12. Food because I LOVE FOOD 🥺🫶
13. Manifested a cute traditional dress. Almost all of the shops were out of it and I was so sad 😟 because I've always wanted it then i thought like "why be sad when I can just manifest?" 🥸☝️ AND GUYS I FOUND THE EXACT SAME DRESS I WANTED (FROM TEXTURE TO COLOUR) WITHIN MINUTESSSSS 🥴
14. Manifested my mom to allow me to hangout with my bff 🤭 because your gurl's parents are very strict 😟
15. Manifested the submission date to extend 💆
16. Manifested my mean teacher to like me 🥺
17. Manifested a cutee baggy pants like omg it's so akdjskksjs I LOVE IT 🥰🤩😍🥺🫣🤭
18. I be changing weather on daily basis like I'm changing my clothes 👾
19. Manifested periods cramps away.. I hate this bitch 🙄
20. Manifested my bff's sickness away LIKE SO MANY TIMES 🫸
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fagcrisis · 1 year
please support the hungarian student protests
Hello! you know i'm not the kind of person to be making these posts, but the situation here is kind of dire right now
as you may know, for the past year hungarian students and teachers have been protesting against the horrific state of our education system. we have been demanding better wages and work conditions for our teachers, and more funding diverted towards education
the government currently does not have a dedicated education ministry
our far right government's response has been a law known as the status law, or the revenge law. this law includes the following
taking away the professional freedom of the board of education, handing descisions over to the school district (a government subsidiary)
further widens the salary range, making the wages of teachers completely tied to the will of their employer. many teachers in the country are currently making barely above minimum wage
reduction of vacation days
increasing the number of daily working hours from 8 to 12
forbidding teachers from being critical of the education system. this includes participating in protests, but also simply voicing criticism of the system online
punishing students if their teachers are on strike
the termination notice period was changed from 2 months to six months, meaning that a teacher has to work in the school they quit for 6 months after quitting
extending the school year to 180 days
the status law makes it harder for unions to do their jobs. the teachers, at first, tried to protest through peaceful methods and strikes, but their requests were not listened to. Moreover, the oppressive hungarian strike laws make it impossible to do this effectively. around the carmelite monastery, from which the high and mighty overlords control the country, a cordon was raised to keep the press out, which was found to be unlawful by the metropolitan court of budapest in april. despite this, they have not removed the cordon.
on may 7, the students who were protesting for a better education system tried to lawfully dismantle the cordon, which resulted in the police using tear gas against children and beating them with batons. Use of tear gas was not justified, the police ignored regulations and acted against the law.
several people have been arrested at these protests with such charges as wearing a mask (illegal under hungarian protest law) and attacking police officers. several people at the last protest have been detained and kept from speaking to their parents. the majority of the protestors are minors, and those are not are teachers overwhelmingly over the age of 40.
we are going to protest again on may 19th (this friday), and we would really appreciate if you spread awareness about our efforts. people will likely be hurt, and arrested on made up charges to scare us away from fighting for our teachers, but we won't give up
on twitter you can show your support for the protests under the hashtags #freehungary and #fuckorban
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bonefall · 16 days
I'm a bit afraid as to how they're gonna handle Leafstar's blindness (given... I think that's what the blurb is talking about in terms of her vision?) do you have any hope for this or should we expect to brave another ableism storm
They've been..... less bad lately. At least. TBC and ASC have been less outright insensitive lately, compared to DOTC or AVOS, aside from removing Shadowsight's epilepsy at the last moment and saying it was demonic possession all along.
I'd still buckle in for another ableism storm, but honestly, if you're an active fan of Warrior Cats I'd expect you to have your rain slicker handy anyways.
My prediction is that Leafstar is going to get treated in a way that is very frustrating, and not just because she is losing her eyesight. Leafstar has a long history of making stupid descisions to make the plot move, suddenly being a bitch to make other characters look good, and being undermined by assholes like Sharpclaw when she IS right.
So I'm prepared for the worst. I'm just hoping she manages to get a good, memorable death.
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writeyouin · 11 months
Optimus: We should be weary of humans, they fend for their own, as do we
Mirage, already getting a little kiss on the cheek from his soon to be alien babe: Huh? Didya say sumthin?
Mirage X Reader Drabble – A Leader’s Regrets
A/N – M’kay, this technically wasn’t a request, but my ass ran with it.
Warnings – None.
Rating – T
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As it turned out, Optimus Primal was right, and Optimus figured that he had a lot to learn about the humans who inhabited planet Earth. They had proved that in some circumstances they could be trusted, and that they could work with alien races, choosing to protect both themselves and others.
Initially, Optimus never suspected that they were capable of such compassion, however, he was glad to be proved wrong. Still, he had his reservations and wished to know more about the young race that would now aid him in keeping him and his own safe.
Yet, Optimus knew that he couldn’t trust just any human; it would be better for him to learn more about the few he had already met. He was somewhat familiar with Noah, having learned that he had put Mirage back together with whatever precious resources he could find. Optimus would have liked to learn more about Elena, but she had chosen to stay in Peru with the Maximals, studying the Ancient Ruins they had led her to. That left only you; Optimus knew very little about you, only that you had helped his and his kind, and that Mirage seemed to be quite taken with you, though that was no surprise considering that Mirage was likely to make a friend of any human, as he had with Noah upon meeting him.
Setting off, Optimus drove to a dilapidated warehouse that they were using as a temporary shelter until a better opportunity came along.
He let himself into one of the side rooms; it was the only part of the warehouse to retain its door, and Mirage had claimed it as his own. At the time, Optimus hadn’t argued, finding that young bots needed their space. Now, he regretted that descision as he walked in on you, the very person he was looking for, making out with Mirage as the bot held you up to his face.
You stopped at the sound of the door, flushing red when you saw Optimus, who hadn’t been the friendliest of bots thus far.
“Oh, um hi,” You gave an awkward half-wave.
“Yo, OP, do you mind, we’re kinda in the middle of something here,” Mirage said, placing you on his shoulder.
“Ah sorry, did you need Mirage for something, I can leave?”
“Or you know, you could stay, and he could leave. This is like, our date night, and you got all of these long-ass legs to explore.”
Optimus shook his head and walked away; he didn’t want to know anything more about you after all. That had been more than enough.
“You could’ve shut the door,” Mirage called after him with a small laugh.
You shook your head despondently, “Oh my God, I can’t believe that just happened.”
“Hey, don’t think about it. He may be Optimus Prime, but if you were an Autobot, you’d be Optimus Fine.”
Outside of the warehouse, Optimus wished he had left faster. He didn’t need to hear that either.
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khalliys · 11 months
Critical Role is just such a warm and wonderful gift for wlw representation.
We have the two who saw each other from opposite ends of a bumpy broken road, who braved rain and thunderstorms and faced obstacles and hurdles but were always on track towards each other - even when they didn't know they were, even when they couldn't see they were - until the rain got lighter and they started walking with purpose. And then they finally reached each other in the middle, embraced and never let go.
And we have the two who started on a bumpy broken road together, who are braving red sand storms and go over obstacles and hurdles side by side and where at some point intertwining each others hands for support and comfort - so that they always know they're still walking together, even when they can't see and there's too much sand in their eyes - and then never letting go was just the right descision to make.
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loudclan-clangen · 28 days
here's the thing. if taking the description into the account, regarding the lead positions and heirs, if Mothtree lived, would she be considered one of the lead healer? or not quite since she isnt blood related and FierceWildfire have bio kits?
unnnnnless the heir thing is only with the leader leader, not the other two leading positions.
With Mothtree it would have been pretty simple: She doesn't consider herself to be the child of Fiercestripe or Wildfirecry, and therefore would refuse the position, passing it to Dogwoodkit. In all likelihood it would never come to that, as Wildfirecry does have biological kits and they (generally) take precedent, but, in the event that something terrible happened and Wildfirecry, Dogwoodkit, and Rosehipkit all died then yes, Mothtree would have been able to inherit the position of Lead Healer with little to no issue. Things get more complicated as we get down the generations, due to like EVERYONE being related to former leaders but as of right now: bio kits will inherit before adopted kits unless there are REASONS (tm) and adopted kits will inherit if there is no one else with an equivalent claim. (Then it would fall to the other leaders to make a descision.)
[Would like to clarify that I have nothing but love for adopted family members of any kind. These rules are all just for political drama reasons.]
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