#Raven Quinn-Casey
marilynsweet · 3 months
[Trigger Warnings: Domestic Violence, Assault, Abuse, Violence, Blood]
The air felt as still as if time had stopped. Rose’s breath came in shuddered gasps, pain throbbing in her head. She was only a little aware of the blood dripping from her nose, but her eyes fixated only on the face before her.
Todd had frozen at the voice behind him, at the hand that held his wrist. Slowly, he turned to face the invader instead of Rose.
Rose trailed her eyes upwards, past Todd. Relief was an understatement as her eyes met the pale, paper-white face and deep ruby eyes. Annabelle’s face held something of a contained rage and cold authority, hand locked tightly around Todd’s wrist. He tried to pry his wrist from her iron grip, but it quickly proved futile.
As Todd fully turned to face Annabelle, he released his hold on Rose’s shirt. Rose found herself sinking to the floor, back against the wall.
“Who do you think you are?” Todd snapped at Annabelle, now using his other hand to try and pull her hand off his wrist. “Let go of me!”
“You must be Todd,” Annabelle said, not even trying to hide the disgust in her voice. “Such a wonderful displeasure to meet you.”
Todd quickly whirled around to face Rose— as best as he could, anyway.
“You— rancid whore! You’ve— you’ve been hiding here?! You—“
Before he could continue to berate her, however, he was suddenly yanked harshly. He let out something of a yell as Annabelle practically threw him onto the ground, having violently twisted his wrist in the process. His back hit the cold floor with a harsh thud, knocking the wind from his chest. Rose’s relief shifted to horror, and she sat frozen, covering her mouth with her hand.
Annabelle coldly placed her foot on his chest, pinning him against the ground. He wheezed for breath as she pushed down, threatening to break his very ribcage in. She leaned down so she could look at his face better. Rose couldn’t see her face from this angle— only her back. She could, however, just barely make out Todd’s face. He looked enraged and hurt at the same time— likely in pain from how Lady Constance held him down. The maidens who had come to help Rose quickly took a few paces back, terror written clearly on their faces.
“You listen closely, boy.” Annabelle hissed, “You dare to set foot in my home, snap at me, and lay your hands on my maidens? Do you find ecstasy in the thrill of hunting down women who dare defy you? Do you enjoy hurting them?”
Todd thrashed, making a wild jab for Annabelle’s face. However, she coldly caught his wrist without so much as turning her head.
“Let go of me-! I’m— I was trying to bring my wife home—“
Annabelle leaned her head back and let out a frigid, mirthless laugh that left the room feeling as cold as ice. Rose shrunk against the ground, eyes wide as a chill went through her body.
“Is that why you beat her within an inch of her life?” Annabelle snapped, leaning down once more so her face was mere inches from his, her free hand forcefully grabbing him by the cheeks, “Is that why you bashed her head into a wall, cut her with a knife, and chased her across town not once— but twice? How pathetic!”
“She is my wife!” Todd snarled, pushing right back against Annabelle and attempting to lift himself. However, he was quickly shoved back down by Annabelle’s hands, his shoulders hitting the ground with a thud.
“Not anymore, she’s not,” Annabelle growled, grabbing him by the front of his shirt with a hand. “Your kind disgusts me.”
“Let go of me!”
Annabelle sharply pulled him to his feet, her fist clenching the front of his shirt tightly. He was an inch or two taller than Annabelle, yet looked sharply dwarfed by her prowess and anger. In fact, terror began to make its way across his face as she bared her fangs to him - sharp, pointed, with the capability to tear flesh from bone. Her red eyes gleamed like fresh blood, almost seeming to glow with her rage.
“Do you have any idea who you’re speaking to?” She hissed, her eyes narrowing. “Do you have any respect for your Lords?”
The reality was beginning to sink into Todd’s face, and the color began to drain from his cheeks.
“You disgust me,” Annabelle snapped again, suddenly shoving him hard against the wall. There was a sharp CRACK that erupted in the room, and Todd screamed out. “Men like you should suffer for the pain you put others through!”
Rose felt sick to her stomach. Todd’s head turned to look over at her, eyes wide and terrified.
“Rose! Dear, tell her to put me down!”
Rose choked on her words, tears dripping down her face. They stung her bruised cheeks, and she wiped her face with her sleeve. Blood smeared across the white silk.
“DON’T YOU SPEAK TO HER!” Annabelle roared, pushing him harder against the stone. His feet actually left the ground, the air breaking with more cracks and his wheezing breath. “How DARE her name leave your foul lips?! How DARE you beg her for help when you beat her within an inch of her life?! DISGUSTING waste of life you are!”
Todd gasped for breath, pushing at her arm in an attempt to free his breaking ribs.
Rose winced, gasping for her own air as blood clogged her throat from swallowing. She tried to blink away the tears, tried to think of something to say - but all she came up with was dead air.
Years of abuse had cultivated into this. He was finally facing an opponent who was bigger than him - who could wound him like he had wounded Rose, and then some. Rose felt sick - what was going to happen to him?
“I— can’t— breathe—!”
Todd’s voice choked out, thrashing against Annabelle’s grip. She narrowed her eyes at him, before abruptly releasing him. He collapsed to the floor, gasping for and gripping at his chest. He tried to crawl towards Rose, reaching a hand out to grab her ankle. However, he was abruptly yanked back by his ponytail, forcing a yell from him as Annabelle forced his head back. Rose scrambled away from him, wrapping her arms around herself.
She was suddenly aware of just how cold she was.
Annabelle pulled him again, forcing him away from Rose.
“You’ll never touch her again,” she hissed, stepping back and dragging him with her.
Hearing her name again made her want to be sick. So many times he had spat her name, treated her like the scum of the earth, and now he begged for her help. He wanted her to pity him— to help him after the Hell he put her through, because he was forced to face the consequences of his actions.
And yet his pleas still churned her stomach. The terror was written across his face - was it really regret, or was it fear of what the Lady might do?
Rose couldn’t answer him. All she could do was stare in horror as the Lady dragged him harshly across the floor. The heels of his boots scraped against the smooth floor, letting out a harsh squeal. The Maidens who had gathered quickly stepped back, giving Annabelle plenty of room to enter the depths of the Castle.
Todd’s screams of fear echoed through the halls long after he was gone from sight. Distantly, Rose could hear a door slamming - and a heavy thud, like a piece of wood slamming down.
The cellar door.
There was an eerie silence that followed. It was broken by the beating of Rose’s heart, and her quick breath that felt too loud. Soft sobs escaped from her, but she attempted to quiet them. Everything felt too loud.
She practically jumped out of her skin at the sudden knocking at the door, letting out a frightened yelp. The Maidens who had been watching the doorway in shock seemed to jump, too. One of them quickly dashed forward to check the door.
“Where’s Rose?”
Rose felt a flood of relief, grateful for a familiar voice. As if that were a trigger, the sobs began to hit harder, the tears spilling faster.
The Maidens quickly let Bayley in, who glanced around before landing her gaze on Rose. However, she didn’t have time to question it as Rose practically collapsed. Sniffling hurt with a bloody nose, and she choked on her own hiccups and blood. Bayley quickly went over to Rose, crouching down next to her and wrapping her up in a tight embrace.
“Oh, dear… it’s— i-it’s okay, let it out…”
Rose buried her face into Bayley’s chest, what little composure she had left shattering as she practically wailed into the soft silk.
The other Maidens glanced at each other, discomfort and uncertainty evident on their faces. They seemed, too, to be in shock. After a while, they finally began to trickle out of the room - maybe to find a mop for the mud, maybe to calm themselves.
Regardless of their reasons, Bayley held Rose tight, letting her sob her grievances into whimpers - no matter how long it took.
Rose was grateful that Bayley didn’t ask much once she finally was able to pull herself together. She helped her to her feet, holding her steady as her legs threatened to give way beneath her. After that, Bayley led her to one of the bathrooms to help her wash up.
The bathroom itself was a rectangular room. The floor was a cold, white stone tile, and there was only one window at the end, too high to quite see through directly. To the left were stalls, and to the right were a few sinks. It was small, as there were a few bathrooms scattered about the Castle for Maiden’s usage. Past the sinks and around the corner, hidden by a curtain, were the baths. Though, Rose didn’t go that far. Instead, she and Bayley stopped next to one of the sinks.
Bayley sat Rose down on a small stool, which was usually used to climb up to the shelf for towels above the sinks. She then took one of said towels and wetted it under a faucet.
She gently lifted Rose’s head, having rung the towel out so it was merely damp. Rose winced when it made contact with her now swollen cheek, and she shut her eyes tight.
“Shh-shh-shh, it’s alright— I know it hurts…” Bayley murmured quietly, though kept the pressure gentle. “It’s going to be okay…”
With a gentle hand, Bayley began to wipe the blood and mud off of Rose’s face. Her bloody nose had halted, at least, so there was no longer a fresh stream running down her face. She did her best to brush out the mud in her hair, too.
“Stay here— I’ll grab you some new clothes, and then you can bathe, alright? Don’t move.”
Rose only gave a small nod, to which Bayley gently brushed her shoulder with a hand before exiting the bathroom.
She was left alone in the room. Her arms wrapped tightly around herself, and her heels rested on the rung of the stool’s support to the legs. Only after a few moments did she look over to the mirror beside her, although the movement was slow.
Rose grimaced at her own appearance. Her cheek was swollen— likely going to bruise, as was her eye and a cut on her head. How he had managed to cut her, she didn’t know… it could have been any manner of things at this rate. Her shirt and cloak were caked in mud, now starting to dry and crack. It was stuck in her hair, since Bayley couldn’t pull all of it out with just a towel.
Everything ached - from her throbbing head to exhausted legs. Luckily, though, she wasn’t bleeding anymore. Now that she was finally able to sit, the aches were starting to make themselves more known. There was a stinging on her back from being slammed into the wall of the bakery, and a red mark around her neck where her cloak had choked her.
The silence pressed in the bathroom for a long time, Rose doing her best to avoid looking too hard in the mirror. However, after what felt like hours, the door finally opened again.
Bayley stepped into the room, but she wasn’t alone. Rose was a bit surprised to see Dr. Raven Quinn-Casey, her white hair tied back into a messy bun. With her, she carried a satchel.
“Oh, dear…” she said quietly to herself, and Rose flinched at the hint of worry in her voice.
“Rose, you remember the good doctor,” Bayley said, approaching Rose and tentatively placing a hand on her shoulder. “She was called to take a look at you.”
Bayley offered a small, reassuring smile to Rose, though Rose couldn’t help but notice a hint of worry in her vibrant green eyes. Raven approached Rose.
“May I look?”
Bayley stepped back to give her room, and Rose gave a small nod. She braced herself against Raven’s touch, but was pleasantly surprised as she gently took Rose’s chin with her hand. She tilted her head ever so slightly to each side, taking special care to avoid directly touching the wounds.
Raven hummed, releasing Rose’s head after a few moments.
“Have you been feeling dizzy at all? Exhausted— like you might pass out?”
Rose slowly shook her head, biting her cheek. She felt… cold.
“Hm… hold still.”
Raven reached into her satchel and pulled out a small light. With it, she examined Rose’s eyes and pupils - testing her reaction to the light. She had her follow the light, and then her fingers.
“Do you feel nauseous?”
Rose shook her head.
“You said you weren’t dizzy— any difficulty walking?”
“N-Not— not really,” Rose murmured quietly.
“No slurred speech— that’s good.”
Raven clicked the light off before tucking it back inside her satchel.
“I don’t think you’ve incurred a concussion, but I’d still put some ice on those bruises and on your head and take some time to rest.”
Rose felt Bayley’s hand on her shoulder noticeably lessen its grip, as if she were relieved.
“Thank you, Doctor.”
“My pleasure. If anything gets worse, I want to be the first person to know.”
“Of course.”
Raven was quiet, glancing at Rose for a few moments longer until she turned to Bayley.
“Where is the Lady?” She asked.
Bayley stiffened, and Rose felt her grip tighten on her shoulder once more. Rose grit her teeth and shut her eyes, turning her head downward.
“…Busy,” Bayley choked out after a few moments.
There was a pause of silence, before Rose glanced up at Raven once more. She was nodding.
“Alright,” was all she said, until she turned back to Rose. “Take care.”
With that, Raven finally turned, walking out of the bathroom. She closed the door behind her when she left. Her footsteps echoed in the hall, walking away from the door, until they finally disappeared.
Silence pressed on for a long time. Rose let out a long exhale, rubbing her arm nervously. Bayley finally let go of her, and it was only then that Rose noticed how hard Bayley had been squeezing her.
“Come on,” was all Bayley murmured. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”
It took a long time to finally rinse all of the mud and blood off of her weary body. Bayley had brought her a fresh set of clothes and had taken her boots while Rose rinsed herself off, and Rose could hear her in one of the other bathtubs, trying to rinse the mud off the outside of her boots.
When Bayley helped her dry off, Rose caught another glance of herself in the mirror, she was relieved to see she looked a little less swollen in the cheek. It wasn’t much, and it was starting to turn a dark purple, but she figured that to be a part of the healing. At least she wasn’t covered in a thick layer of mud and blood anymore.
Bayley led her way to Rose’s room. Along the way, several Maidens sent a few worried glances in her direction, whispering amongst themselves. Rose kept her gaze downcast, choosing to ignore them.
“I’m going to grab you some ice, alright?” Bayley whispered once they had reached her room. “Wait here.”
Rose didn’t answer, taking a few steps into her bedroom. The latch on the window was ever-present in the rattling, and the room felt colder than ever. She heard Bayley’s footsteps disappear down the hall, swiftly— like she was worried to leave Rose alone for too long.
Rose sat on her bed, anxiously fiddling with her hands in her lap. Her body ached, and part of her only wanted to sleep. She was still reeling from the day’s events, however, and she doubted she could sleep if she tried.
She glanced over to her nightstand, swallowing hard. Tentatively, she reached a hand out, pulling open the drawer. Inside, as present as ever, lie her engagement ring.
Rose stared for a long time, a sick feeling growing in the pit of her stomach. She let out a huff, brushing her hair back before taking the ring and placing it in her palm. It was dull, and covered in dust. She softly blew on it, trying to scatter the dust. However, it only resulted in her accidentally inhaling a bit of it, to which she coughed and waved at the air.
She stared at the ring in her palm, contemplating. Guilt crawled its way over her shoulders, washing over her like an even colder wave than the faint whisp of the wind outside. It wasn’t even dark— the sun was only midway down in the sky, which was washed with oranges, pinks, and a faint bit of purple.
She suddenly found herself feeling desperate to be rid of the ring. While it may have just been her imagination, all she could think about was how vile it felt to sit in her palm— how desperately she needed it to disappear.
Abruptly, she stood up. She shoved it into her pocket, before brushing her hands on her pants. There wasn’t anything on them, but… she felt dirtied. Before she could quite leave, cloak in hand, her bedroom door opened again. Bayley stood, bucket of ice in her hands.
There was a moment of surprise between the two, as if Bayley had expected her to be sitting. She probably had, Rose supposed, given her sorry state.
Rose swallowed.
“T-Thank you,” she said hoarsely, surprised at the tremor in her own voice.
Bayley hesitated, glancing over Rose.
“Where are you going?”
Rose didn’t want to answer. Her throat felt too tight, even as she swallowed again - like her very windpipe was closed.
“Out,” she finally managed after a few moments.
Bayley narrowed her eyes.
“I’m going with you.”
“The doctor said you should be resting, and I won’t patronize you, but I’ll be damned before I let you leave and collapse somewhere for the wolves to find you. The woods are dangerous alone—“
“You—You t-travel them e-every day!”
“That’s different!”
Bayley huffed, setting the ice down next to Rose’s wardrobe.
“I won’t push, but I can’t let you go alone. Not… not again.”
Rose swallowed again. Bayley had been in the bakery when the chase had begun… and she could see the hollow guilt and gnawing shame clawing behind those vibrant green eyes, past that scarred bridge of her nose…
She sighed, wrapping her cloak tightly around herself.
“G-Grab your— Grab your c-cloak, and m-meet me by the—“
She hesitated.
“…Servants’ exit,” she decided. Bayley nodded, eyes lingering on Rose’s trembling hands struggling with her brooch. Before she left down the hall, she gently took Rose’s hands and fastened the brooch on her cloak, pinning it in place. With that, she was gone, her steps echoing on the immaculate tile and down the hollow staircase.
Rose followed a few moments after, her steps slow. Her body ached, but she ignored it as best she could. Despite the waning sun, the trek before her, she couldn’t rid herself of the feeling of disgust— of filth that still crept over her very soul, regardless of how they’d rinsed her hair three times to rid of all of the mud and blood.
She descended the stairs, gripping the railing tightly until she reached the ground floor. She heard a soft murmur from the break room nearby, and took a few steps to peer through the door.
Bayley had the ornate white phone up to her ear, connected to the receiver by a short cord. It sat on the table by the radio, to be used for emergencies. And, Rose supposed, to contact outsiders who even had phones.
From the sound of it, Douglas did.
Bayley’s back was turned to Rose, and she was saying:
“I’m going to be a little late— some things happened at work, but I shouldn’t be too long, maybe an hour or two at most.”
A short pause as she listened, twirling the phone cord around her index finger.
“I’ll tell you more when I can— I—“
It was at that moment she turned, noticing Rose. Pink flushed her face, and she untwisted the cord.
“I have to go— I love you,” she said quickly, putting the phone back on its stand a little too swiftly to be comfortable.
“Douglas?” Rose asked quietly when Bayley approached, pulling her cloak tighter around herself.
Bayley nodded.
“I figured it polite to tell him I might be a little late for dinner… so he wasn’t sitting there waiting and wondering where I am,” she said quietly.
Rose nodded, and Bayley followed as she walked out of the room and towards the servants’ exit. There, they were lucky to find no resistance as Bayley pushed it open. Cold wind blasted their faces, as if the night itself brought icy winds and colder temperature— like it, too, was aware of the horrors that had occurred today.
However, there was a stark smell against the frigid cold fogging their breath and disrupting their senses. A smell Rose only encountered when passing by the tavern.
Cigarette smoke.
Leaning against the wall outside was a cloaked figure, shivering against the cold and holding a silver lighter in her hands. Her hands shook violently, as she struggled to light a cigarette perched between her teeth. It was hard to make out in the faint light of the small, flickering flame, but Rose could have sworn that her hands were dark— as if she had something on them.
She perked when Rose and Bayley exited, looking over to them. Bayley breathed something of a sigh of relief.
“Reese,” she said quietly, “Thank goodness, a friendly face.”
The woman stood upright, glancing between the two as she took a puff from her cigarette. She blew the smoke out to the wind.
“Where are you two headed?” The woman asked. She had deep, ocean blue eyes and brown hair, tied back into a short ponytail. She was taller than the both of them by at least half a foot. Rose could make out faint freckles on her cheeks. However, her eyes kept glancing to her hands.
“Oh— O—Out,” Rose managed to say quietly, swallowing hard. Bayley gently placed a hand on her shoulder.
“Town,” Bayley said, before turning to Rose with a worried glance, as if to ask That’s where, right?
Rose gave a short nod, her eyes flicking back to the tall woman. Reese… the name flickered back to her. She’d seen her at one of the Lady’s parties, sitting at a table with Jada and Lilith, dressed in a rich blue gown with a low back. Reese Anderson, the eldest Head Maiden of the Lady’s most trusted.
Reese coughed, tapping the end of her cigarette and letting the ashes flutter into the wind. Rose nearly wrinkled her nose in distaste, but thought it impolite and tried to maintain a neutral demeanor.
“Yeah… I figured. Given today’s… events… I won’t hold you guys— probably wanted to get something and was rudely interrupted.”
Reese glanced at Rose, and seemed to swallow hard. Under the cover of the dark clouds and frigid wind, it was hard to see her expression. She lifted her lighter again, that soft orange flame sputtering against the hard wind. Reese raised her hand to shield the tiny flame, struggling to relight her cigarette.
However, that small orange flame provided just enough light to illuminate her hands, and Rose’s heart sunk into the deepest pits of her roiling stomach.
Her hands were covered in deep red crimson, dried and cracked against the icy winds.
Blood. It stained her white sleeves, her vest, a splotch on her cheek, the very lighter in her hands.
Rose felt sick, resisting the urge to vomit right then and there. She swallowed hard, a chill sinking through her deeper than any wind could blow.
Bayley tightened her grip, as if she could sense the sudden chill down Rose’s spine.
“We’d— better get going. We won’t be long, I promise.”
Reese nodded, taking another dreg from her cigarette. She leaned her head back as she let it go, her hood falling from her head.
“I trust that you guys won’t take long. It’s freezing— wouldn’t put it past the shops to close early tonight with the cold. Just don’t be long— Lady Constance will have my head if something else goes wrong today.”
Bayley nodded.
“Thank you,” she said, quickly steering Rose towards the path that descended around the Castle.
Rose didn’t hear Reese’s reply over the howling wind and the roaring in her own ears. She was shaking so badly she thought her legs might give out, though Bayley’s hand against her back was an anchor she clung to with every bit of strength she could muster.
Blood. It had been blood.
And Reese didn’t have an injury on her.
Somehow, Rose managed to make it to town. Bayley had pulled her hood over her head to try and block out the cold, their breaths fogging the air before them. Luckily, the lamps were still lit. They walked down the Main Street, but did not encounter many people. Those that were were bundled up against the cold, scarves pulled over noses and hats pulled hard over their ears.
Rose stepped into leading the way, trying to avoid the occasional glance her way. She felt sick when she saw the Bakery, as if the pain in her stomach wasn’t bad enough. She quickly averted her eyes and took a left down the short street that led around the corner. She wanted to be quick— wanted this day to be done and over with, to crawl into bed and forget its events and all they entailed. She might have, had Bayley not kept her grounded.
Finally, she stepped up a few steps and opened the door. A bell sounded, the sound bright and all-too-loud as the wind was muffled upon stepping inside. The hard wood floor was met by the soft clunk, clunk of their boots as Bayley shut the door behind them.
It was a quaint store, with shelves stocked full of items for sale on all walls and throughout the room, except for those behind the cash counter. Behind the counter stood two men - one a tall, blonde man with hair she could only describe as fluffy, and a dark blue jacket pulled over an off-white sweater; the other was slightly taller than the other, with light brown hair pulled back into a ponytail, wearing a flannel shirt, and with freckles dotting his cheeks. In stark contrast behind the two men was a rack of guns against the wall - mostly rifles and pistols, used by some of the men in town for hunting during springtime. A few sharpened axes hung as well, among other various tools, and next to that rack was a door that could only lead into the back storage and offices. Boxes of ammo lined the shelf beneath the gun rack.
Rose noticed Bayley give the brown-haired man a short, courteous nod— a greeting, as if she recognized him. Rose, despite living here her entire life, had never set foot in this store.
Bayley approached the counter, Rose taking a few seconds to trail behind and swallowing hard. Bayley dug into her pockets, pulling out a few marks and setting them on the counter before the blonde man.
“Two packs of cigarettes— regular ones are fine.”
The blonde man nodded, ducking under the counter to look. From the other side, Rose was snapped from her watching by the other man clearing his throat.
“How may I help you?”
Rose shot Bayley another glance. The other woman was pointedly taking her time in recounting her marks, the blonde man procuring two boxes of cigarettes from below the counter at last. Her eyes shot back to the man in front of her.
Her throat felt tight, and she choked on her words. She fidgeted with the edge of her hood, not realizing it had fallen from her head until then. Bayley’s, too, her hair tied back with that stark, pure white ribbon in a bow.
Rose finally swallowed hard, reaching into her pocket and taking the engagement ring in her trembling fingers. As it sat in her shaking palm, a flurry of memories flashed before her eyes— a hand raised high to strike, the curl of lip revealing disdain and all-too-white teeth, eyes wide in terror and the screech of heels on tile—
She slammed the ring on the counter a little too harshly, so that even she was stunned by the fierceness with which she left it. Her heart thundered against her ribs, and every breath came with a shudder down her spine.
The blonde man had quickly turned his gaze as Rose finally removed her hand from the counter, the ring left in its wake. His gaze darted between his companion and Rose’s face, but he said nothing, even as his shoulders had visibly tensed. Bayley was stiff, Rose noticed out of the corner of her eye, her hand paused in the process of picking up the cigarettes from the counter.
The brown-haired man was unphased, however, his piercing green eyes following her hand to the ring sitting on his store counter. He was about a foot taller than her, yet she felt further dwarfed by his gaze and the careful scrutiny upon which he examined the ring.
He took it, examining it between his forefinger and thumb.
“How—However m-much you’ll give— you’ll give me f-for that,” Rose stammered, though tried as hard as she could to halt the waver in her voice and closing of her throat, “I-I’ll— I’ll take whatever— whatever you g-give me.”
The blonde man, too, looked over at the ring curiously, pinned between his partner’s fingers and shining in the lantern light. Rose’s gaze shot away, unable to keep looking at it.
She heard the blonde man murmur something— only evident in that she hadn’t heard his voice yet, and it was not the brown-haired man’s nor Bayley’s— and it sounded like he was scrutinizing the ring as well. Though, he did not raise his voice, and did not inquire further.
Although, his eyes shifted from the ring down to her face. Something like concern flashed across his eyes, and his lips pressed together tightly.
It was only then that Rose remembered that her face was bruised, and that a cut lay bandaged on her head. She swallowed hard, again beginning to fidget with her hood. Something like a wave of cold washed over her, only warmed by a sudden small presence against her back.
Bayley had again rested a hand there, a comforting presence.
“This looks like the work of Constance,” the brown-haired man said idly, turning the ring over again in the light to examine the gemstone embedded in it, “someone must’ve paid a pretty penny for it.”
Rose swallowed. Despite Bayley’s hand, she shivered.
“I—I’ve no— no further need of-of it, sir.”
Silence reigned again, until the man put the ring back down on the counter, seemingly satisfied with its quality.
“I’ll give you six and a half—“
Rose didn’t even let him get the full word out. She needed the ring gone - somewhere it couldn’t haunt her every day, where she might finally be rid of the damned thing. Gone, forgotten, maybe given to some other pretty woman.
She did perk at the final number, though. That much? For a ring? Dear Lords, what if she ever grew out of it?
“I-I’ll— take it, th-thank you.”
The blonde man took one last look at Rose before nodding to his partner and ducking into the back room.
There was a dreadful, uncomfortable silence in which Rose found herself clinging to the lifeline of Bayley’s hand while she waited for the blonde man to return. It couldn’t have been more than a few moments, but afterwards he returned with many marks - bundled into the appropriate amounts of cash. Six and a half stacks.
She was half expecting the men to ask why she would be rid of a House Constance ring, but neither of them did. Instead, she caught the blonde man glancing again at the brown-haired one - like some unspoken agreement between the two of them he was just itching to speak as he handed Rose the money.
“Th-thank you.”
She couldn’t stand it anymore. She had to get out of there - the air was so stifling with that ring, the discomfort between the four of them.
Rose took the cash as soon as it was set on the counter, offered a quick courtesy, and left the store swiftly. Bayley lagged behind a bit, apologizing to the men for Rose’s behavior, before taking her turn to follow after her companion.
Rose didn’t slow down, her pace quickening up the frigid muddy path. The distant sight of torches on the castle wall made her want to run faster - to hide from what she had just done, hide from all of it - crawl into bed and forget today had ever happened.
“Rose, slow down!”
Bayley ran after her, huffing for breath as Rose finally paused on the incline up the path. The icy mud sucked at their boots, threatening to trip them or cause them to slip. The hilly terrain did nothing to help either of them.
Rose turned to Bayley, shaking from head to toe.
“You walk so fast—“
Bayley was immediately cut short by Rose holding out the money to her - well, more like shoving it at her.
Rose thought her heart might leap out of her throat.
“Take it.”
Her voice was steadier than it had been all night - but also hoarse, tired.
Bayley blinked at her a few times, raising her hand to move it away.
“Rose, I—“
“B-Buy your dog. Buy a-a new pair of— of boots, get something f-for Douglas, buy a-a new— new cart— but f-for— for the love of the Gods, Bayley— please don’t l-let me hold onto it any longer. I don’t n-need it. I don’t want it. Please.”
The air was heavy, the wind blowing between them an icy chill on their cheeks and ears. It did little, though, to relieve the stinging pain on Rose’s eye and head. She wanted to lie down. She wanted to lay in bed forever - make use of that ice Bayley had offered her.
Sleep and act as if today had never happened. That she couldn’t still hear Todd’s terrified screams as Lady Constance dragged him down the hall by the hair.
Her voice was soft, hardly heard over the roaring wind in their ears.
Bayley seemingly held her breath for a long moment, but tentatively took the cash and tucked it into her cloak. Her hands shook with the motion, and she suddenly wrapped Rose in a tight hug.
Rose was taken aback, frozen for a moment, until she slowly returned it, burying her face into Bayley’s shoulder and gripping the back of her cloak in her frigid hands.
“It’s going to be okay.”
Tears filled her eyes at Bayley’s words, a hoarse whimper escaping Rose’s throat as tears began to run down her face.
“It’s going to be okay.”
The silence was unbearable. The only sound Rose could hear was the drastic thumping of her heart in the agonizing quiet. The wind howled outside, again rattling her window as it always did. It was a terrible, wretched night. She was so cold, in so much pain… yet sleep wouldn’t come.
She laid on her good side, allowing the ice water-drenched rag to lie on her bruised face. She hadn’t even changed into her night clothes - she had just laid down as soon as she arrived. Her cloak provided an extra warmth, she supposed, although she made a note that she’d have to wash her bedsheets tomorrow.
Oh god, tomorrow.
She was dreading the day to come. She’d have to pull herself out of bed to work, have to act as if nothing had happened - something she wanted so desperately to do, but the thought of doing so made her heart ache and her stomach churn.
The terror in his eyes flashed in every waking memory, and when she closed her eyes all she could hear was his screaming - see the rage on her mistress’s face. The blood on Reese’s hands, fumbling with the silver lighter.
What had happened to him? What had she done?
Her racing thoughts embedded themselves in like a knife, forcefully keeping her from sleep like she were a prisoner to her own mind. Despite her angle, with her eyes closed and the cool compress against her bruise, rest would not find her. It was like he was haunting her - even after her escape.
She just wanted to sleep forever…
However, the blur of her mind was suddenly halted by a familiar sound. A wave of terror coursed through her body like an icy wave of dread, her eyes widening further and her body stiffening, straight as a board.
Clack. Clack. Clack. Clack.
There would be only one reason the Mistress was up at such a late hour, on this floor of the servants’ wing.
She’s coming for me.
Rose felt her breath begin to quicken as she abruptly sat up. Her heart pounded faster, and she all but threw the rag into the bucket of ice Bayley had initially fetched - now turned cold water from the passage of time - with a soft splash.
The sound of her heels grew closer to her door, and Rose stood from her bed - but was suddenly hit with a wave of lightheadedness and nausea. She had sat up too fast, and the blinding pain of her injury led her to stagger backwards onto the bed.
What was she going to do, anyway? It’s not like she could stop her - she’d seen that this afternoon. All she had to do was grab her and she’d be helpless.
The heels paused at her door. Rose felt her throat tighten as she gripped her head, her heart thrumming and the knot so tight she felt she couldn’t swallow.
The voice that came was quiet. So unlike Lady Constance - gentle, even. She sounded so uncertain…
Rose was lost for words. She didn’t know what to say, what to do.
“Rose, are you awake?”
More silence. Rose almost whimpered, blinking to try and clear away her pain and nerves. Why? Why must she feel this terror? Why must she suffer this pain over and over again?
A soft knock.
Rose took a breath, slowly rising to her feet. She stepped towards the door, the dried mud cracking against the floor and leaving a dried trail to accompany the muddy footprints to her bed. That must’ve explained it - she must’ve tracked mud all the way to her room.
Such a sloppy Maiden.
Slowly, she laid a hand on the knob to the door, and twisted it, pulling…
Lady Constance stood before her, her hand raised as if she had been about to knock again. She slowly lowered her hand, expression softening at the sight of Rose’s tired, battered face.
“Oh, Rose…”
She reached a hand out to gently cup her cheek, but hesitated when Rose lowered her head.
“I’m sorry.”
Rose didn’t move, didn’t speak - she couldn’t. Everything hurt - and what would she say? Thank you? Go to Hell? You scared me to death? You saved my life?
“Does it hurt?”
She winced as Lady Constance said this - lowering her head a little more. It hurt so much… she wanted nothing more than for it to stop hurting, to just get some sleep…
“I know, dear…”
Lady Constance’s hand tentatively met Rose’s unharmed cheek, brushing her thumb over the freckled skin, studying her every expression and movement.
“Say something— please?”
Rose winced again at her tone, tears brimming at her eyes. She had never heard her Lady so despaired.
“Wh-what— happened t-to him?”
Her voice was hoarse and broken - Rose was surprised she could even say the words. Lady Constance sighed.
“He’s been taken care of. He will never hurt you, or anyone else ever again.”
Rose had been afraid of that. He was just… gone.
Like Samantha.
“Yesterday,” Rose said hoarsely, “Mrs.— Mrs. B-Birch wanted us— us to tell her where— wh-where Samantha was.”
The Lady’s eyes darkened, and her expression grew cold.
“I didn’t— k-know what to t-tell her.”
Her eyes raised to meet Lady Constance’s - those bright red irises almost glowing in the cold darkness. Her expression was blank and dull - lifeless, almost.
“Why? W-Why can we not tell her..?”
If she weren’t so pained, so tired, she may not have asked the question at all. But she needed something - anything to hold on to.
Lady Constance was silent, her hand drawing away from Rose’s cheek. The gentleness was gone, her face growing more serious and dull. Rose felt her heart catch in her throat - the fear crawling up her spine again.
“I will deal with Mrs. Birch,” she said calmly, “it is not your issue to handle. And you, nor any other Maiden, will speak on the matter - because you don’t know what happened, and I will not have you blamed for something you know nothing about.”
“Then tell me!”
Rose said it a little more aggressively than she meant to, the tears spilling freely down her cheeks.
Lady Constance flinched - slightly, but enough for Rose to notice.
There was a long pause, before Lady Constance spoke again.
“No. The less you - or any of the other Maidens know - the safer you are.”
Fear was turning to anger. Again, being told nothing - Todd couldn’t tell her anything, her mother couldn’t tell her anything, now one of two people she felt she could confide in wouldn’t tell her anything, and the other was forbidden from speaking on it either!
“Safe from— safe f-from what?!”
“I cannot tell you. My love…”
Lady Constance’s expression softened, and she let out a long breath.
“Let us leave it as punishment, will we? Todd paid for his crimes. Samantha paid for disobedience - for breaking the one rule asked of by myself and my fellow Lords. The how and why - the specifics - do not need to be known, only that they were punished. Must you know every detail of how someone is punished?”
Rose wasn’t satisfied, but she was too tired to continue arguing. It was clear that her Mistress’s lips were sealed, and were not opening any time soon.
“But let me make clear—“
She held Rose’s face with a hand, forcing their eyes to meet. Rose jolted, eyes widening and a chill climbing up her spine.
“—you are not to tell anyone what happened here today. Let me tell it. You do not need to be involved. It will be bloody and brutal and my story to tell - lest you be dragged into the fight. I cannot stand to watch you be ripped apart any longer.”
Rose whimpered - a subconscious reflex, really, and she feared her knees might give out. Sensing this, Lady Constance released her face.
“Please, Rose. You do not need to be involved in a fight you have no part in. I care for you dearly - and I don’t want to see you hurt again. If you, or anyone else becomes involved, my fellows might see you as a threat - and I would do anything to keep you from their wrath, even if it means… this.”
Rose maintained her silence, shivering in the cold air and from the prowess of the woman in front of her.
Gods, her head hurt.
“Get some rest. I will tell Jada to let you and Miss Evans have the next few days off. You both must recover from the day’s events.”
A dull feeling of deja vu hit Rose like a brick, but she said nothing as Lady Constance backed away, and walked back down the hallway.
Her heels clicked against the cold tile, and Rose narrowed her eyes to watch her leave.
A small red splotch was stained on her tailcoat - the same color as the dried blood on Reese’s hands.
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fandom · 2 years
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Vampires and lesbian necromancers and demigods, oh my!
Percy Jackson & The Olympians +2 by Rick Riordan
Dracula by Bram Stroker
The Harry Potter series -2 by J.K. Rowling
The Locked Tomb series +6 by Tamsyn Muir
The Warrior Cats series -1 by Erin Hunter
A Song of Ice and Fire +7 by George R.R. Martin
Six Of Crows -5 by Leigh Bardugo
The All for the Game series -3 by Nora Sakavic
Pride And Prejudice -3 by Jane Austen
The Silmarillion +1 by J.R.R. Tolkien
The Secret History -2 by Donna Tartt
King of Scars by Leigh Bardugo
A Court of Thorns and Roses series -6 by Sarah J. Maas
The Folk of the Air series -2 by Holly Black
The Trials of Apollo series -1 by Rick Riordan
The Discworld series +4 by Terry Pratchett
The Raven Cycle series -1 by Maggie Stiefvater
The Picture Of Dorian Gray +6 by Oscar Wilde
Maus by Art Spiegelman
The Song Of Achilles -5 by Madeline Miller
The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath
The Simon Snow series -1 by Rainbow Rowell
The Shadowhunter Chronicles -1 by Cassandra Clare
The Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice
If We Were Villains +3 by M. L. Rio
Wings Of Fire -1 by Tui T. Sutherland
The Last Hours Series by Cassandra Clare
The Animorph series +8 by K. A. Applegate
The Viscount Who Loved Me by Julia Quinn
The Iliad +10 by Homer
Red, White, and Royal Blue -13 by Casey McQuiston
The Stormlight Archive series -9 by Brandon Sanderson
1984 +8 by George Orwell
Wuthering Heights +8 by Emily Brontë
The Twilight Saga -3 by Stephanie Meyer
The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton
Romeo And Juliet +1 by William Shakespeare
The Great Gatsby -12 by F. Scott Fitzgerald
The Dark Artifices -2 by Cassandra Clare
The Captive Prince series -21 by C. S. Pacat
Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard -8 by Rick Riordan
The Fowl Adventures series -8 by Eoin Colfer
The Dreamer Trilogy by Maggie Stiefvater
The Wicked Powers +1 by Cassandra Clare
The Odyssey by Homer
The Throne Of Glass Series -17 by Sarah J. Maas
Renegades by Marisa Meyer
The Infernal Devices -9 by Cassandra Clare
Strange Case of Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde -3 by Robert Louis Stevenson
Moby Dick by Herman Melville
The number in italics indicates how many spots a title moved up or down from the previous year. Bolded titles weren’t on the list last year.
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cosettepontmercys · 5 months
books read in 2024!
books read so far: 68/100
— book blog: http://teatimelit.com  — bookstagram: @cossettereads — gr: http://goodreads.com/cossettereads — sg: https://app.thestorygraph.com/profile/cossettereads
as always, askbox + dms are open if have any questions or would like to chat about books! 🤍
⊹ indicates any (new) favorites of the month! previous months are under the cut!
may ⋆ ˚。⋆౨ৎ˚
this summer will be different by carley fortune (arc)
the viscount who loved me by julia quinn (reread)
romancing mister bridgerton by julia quinn (reread)
the iliad by homer (narrated by audra mcdonald)(audiobook)
a novel love story by ashley poston (arc)
when he was wicked by julia quinn (reread)
a banh mi for two by trinity nguyen (arc)
the secret garden by frances hodgson burnett (audiobook)
january ⋆ ˚。⋆౨ৎ˚
1) beach read by emily henry (reread) 2) on palestine by noam chomsky & ilan pappé 3) valley verified by kyla zhao (gifted) 4) the wind at my back: resilience, grace, and other gifts from my mentor, raven wilkinson by misty copeland & susan fales-hill (gifted) 5) check please: year one by ngozi ukazu (reread) 6) check please: year two by ngozi ukazu (reread) 7) check please: year three by ngozi ukazu (reread) 8) check please: year four by ngozi ukazu (reread) 9) raiders of the lost heart by jo segura (gifted) 10) the frame-up by gwenda bond (arc) 11) everything i never told you by celeste ng ⊹ 12) forgive me not by jennifer baker (gifted) 13) ever after always by chloe liese (gifted) 14) the summer of bitter and sweet by jen ferguson (gifted) 15) the lily of ludgate hill by mimi matthews (gifted) 16) last call at the local by sarah grunder ruiz (gifted) ⊹ 17) the sun and the void by gabriela romero-lacruz (gifted) 18) a line in the dark by malinda lo (gifted) 19) biting the hand: growing up asian in black and white america by julia lee (gifted) 20) play it as it lays by joan didion → january wrap up
february ⋆ ˚。⋆౨ৎ˚
1) mister hockey by lia riley * 2) collide by bal khabra (arc) * 3) a curious beginning by deanna raybourn (gifted) 4) breaking the ice by k.r. collins * 5) if only you by chloe liese (gifted) * 6) anxious people by frederik backman ⊹ 7) the catch by amy lea (gifted) 8) weekends with you by alexandra paige (arc) 9) happily never after by lynn painter (arc) 10) klara and the sun by kazuo ishiguro 11) good material by dolly alderton 12) in the event this doesn't fall apart by shannon lee barry 13) the night ends with fire (arc) by k.x. song 14) the good, the bad, and the aunties (arc) by jesse q. sutanto 15) where sleeping girls lie (arc) by faridah àbíké-íyímídé 16) sophomore surge by k.r. collins * 17) lighting the lamp by k.r. collins * 18) glove save and a beauty by k.r. collins * 19) home ice advantage by k.r. collins * 20) power play by k.r. collins * 21) grounded by k.r. collins * 22) line chemistry by k.r. collins * → february wrap up
march ⋆ ˚。⋆౨ৎ˚
1) happy medium by sarah adler (arc) 2) a darker shade of magic by v.e. schwab (audiobook) 3) expiration dates by rebecca serle (arc) 4) divine rivals by rebecca ross (book club) 5) the siren by katherine st. john (gifted) 6) light in gaza edited by jehad abusalim 7) how to end a love story by yulin kuang (arc) // reviewed here 8) rising from the deep: the seattle kraken, a tenacious push for expansion, and the emerald city's sports revival by geoff baker 9) les misérables by victor hugo (reread) → march wrap up
april ⋆ ˚。⋆౨ৎ˚
1) the goodbye cat by hiro arikawa (reread) 2) the traveling cat chronicles by hiro arikawa (reread) 3) this is me trying by racquel marie (arc) 4) kill her twice by stacey lee (arc) 5) the pairing by casey mcquiston (arc) 6) swiped by l.m. chilton (arc) 7) lies and weddings by kevin kwan (arc) 8) the odyssey by homer (audiobook)
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───── ❝ multifandom masterlist ❞ ─────
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gorillaz drabbles: link
(requests closed: murdoc, 2D, noodle, russel)
the umbrella academy drabbles: link
(requests closed: luther, diego, allison, klaus, five, ben, viktor)
the outsiders drabbles: link
(requests closed: dallas winston, two-bit matthews, sodapop curtis, ponyboy curtis, darey curtis, johnny cade)
xmen drabbles: link
(requests closed: charles xavier, erik lehnsherr, peter maximoff, nightcrawler, hank mcoy, logan howlett, marie lebeau, raven)
the boys drabbles: link
(requests closed: butcher, hughie, soldier boy, frenchie, kimiko, mothers milk, starlight, homelander)
ghostbusters drabbles: link
(requests closed: lars pinfield, egon spengler, winston zeddemore, peter venkman, dana barrymore, ray stanz)
tf2 drabbles: link
(requests closed: scout, spy, sniper, medic, heavy, demoman, soldier, pyro, engineer, saxton hale, miss pauling)
total drama drabbles: link
(requests closed: mike, mal, manitoba, vito, svetlana, zoey, alejandro, duncan, gwen, heather, cody)
the walking dead drabbles: link
(requests closed: daryl, glenn, rick, michonne)
community drabbles: link
(requests closed: abed, troy, ian duncan)
gotham drabbles: link
(requests closed: edward nygma/the riddler)
tmmt drabbles: link
(requests closed: rottmnt, 2012 tmnt, bayverse turtles, donnie, leo, mikey, raph, casey, april)
dc drabbles: link
(requests closed: battinson, dano!riddler, cillian!jonathan crane, catwoman)
doctor who drabbles: link
(requests closed: the tenth doctor, rose)
hazbin hotel drabbles: link
(requests closed: alastor)
good omens drabbles: link
(requests closed: crowley, azriaphale)
spiderverse drabbles: link
(requests closed: miguel, hobie, miles, gwen, pavitr)
buzzfeed unsolved/watcher drabbles: link
(requests closed: shane, ryan, cc. tinsley, ricky goldsworth)
slimecicle cinematic universe drabbles: link
(requests closed: charlie, jschlatt, tommy/zommy, the bachelor (wilbur), the bachelor of blood (quackity), florida man, mad scientist, ronald, and the wizard)
chuckle sandwich drabbles: link
(requests closed: jschlatt, charlie slimecicle, ted nivison)
dsmp/mcyt drabbles: link
(requests: closed: see list of people i write for in pinned post)
daredevil drabbles: link
(requests closed: matt murdock, foggy nelson, karen page, frank castle)
the mandalorian drabbles: link
(requests closed: din darjin/the mandalorian)
potc drabbles: link
(requests closed: jack sparrow, william turner, elizabeth swann)
bullet train drabbles: link
(requests closed: tangerine, lemon, ladybug, maria, carver, the prince, the hornet)
suicide squad 1 & 2 drabbles: link
(requests closed: harley quinn, captian boomerang, katana, june moon, the enchantress, the joker, el diablo, cleo cazo, abner krill)
breaking bad drabbles: link
(requests closed: jesse, badger, skinny pete, jane, saul, gus)
better call saul drabbles: link
(requests closed: lalo, nacho, saul/jimmy, domingo/krazy 8, howard, gus)
what we do in the shadows drabbles: link
(requests closed: guillermo, laszlo, nadja, nandor)
star wars drabble: link
(requests closed: obi wan kenobi, ashoka, anakin skywalker, padame, lea skywalker, luke skywalker, han solo)
markiplier drabbles: link
(requests closed: markiplier, darkiplier, wilford, yancy, actor, night, google, host, engineer, pornipliers, damien, eric)
jacksepticeye drabbles: link
(requests closed: jacksepticeye, anti, henrik, marvin, chase, jj, robbie, greg)
sally face drabbles: link
(requests closed: sal, larry, ash)
⋆﹥━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━﹤⋆ ☠
211 notes · View notes
romancemedia · 4 months
I always enjoy MsMojo videos, but this one takes the cake! This video highlights the top 20 best love triangles in Cartoon History and a lot of my personal favourites made the list!
Miss Martian, Superboy and Lagoon Boy - 7:51
Duncan, Courtney and Gwen - 15:25
Danny Fenton, Sam Manson and Valerie Gray - 14:00
Goliath, Elisa and Demona - 2:14
Donatello, April O'Neil and Casey Jones - 1:11
Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy and Kite Man - 11:31
Beast Boy, Raven and Terra - 10:32
Arnold Shortman, Helga Pataki and Lila Sawyer - 8:56
Korra, Mako and Asami - 20:22
Marinette Dupin-Cheng, Adrien Agreste and Luka Couffaine - 19:16
Star Butterfly, Marco Diaz and Jackie Lynn Thomas - 21:50
Rose Quartz, Greg Universe and Pearl - 23:07
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the-bi-library · 1 year
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Bi books out in April!
We have 25 books this time 💖💜💙
Here is the goodreads list of these books 💕
Make sure to check the TWs and ratings for all the books if necessary 💕
Books listed
💕 The Fiancée Farce by Alexandria Bellefleur 💕 Cake Craft by Hannah-Freya Blake 💕The Way of the Cicadas by Audrey Henley 💕 That Self-Same Metal by Brittany N. Williams 💕 Caught off Guard by Catherine Cloud 💕 Stuck With You by 'Nathan Burgoine 💕 Harley Quinn: Ravenous (DC Icons Series) by Rachael Allen 💕 Promises Stronger Than Darkness by Charlie Jane Anders 💕 If Only You by Chloe Liese 💕 The Thick and the Lean by Chana Porter 💕 Sizzle Reel by Carlyn Greenwald 💕The Warden by Daniel M. Ford 💕 Against The Stars by Christopher Hartland 💕Jude Saves the World by Ronnie Riley 💕 No Boy Summer by Amy Spalding 💕 This Delicious Death by Kayla Cottingham 💕Can I Steal You for a Second? by Jodi McAlister 💕 What Walks These Halls by Amy Clarkin 💕 Diamond Ring by K.D. Casey 💕 Alondra by Gina Femia 💕 The Haunting of Alejandra by V. Castro 💕 The Lake House by Sarah Beth Durst 💕 Drew Leclair Crushes the Case by Katryn Bury 💕 Tragic Volume 2 by Dana Mele, Valentina Pinti and Chiara Di Francia 💕 Legend of Korra - Ruins of The Empire Omnibus by Michael Dante DiMartino and Irene Koh
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madhare0512 · 1 year
Ships I Write For:
- Marvel
The Scientists and the Spies (Leopold Fitz/Jemma Simmons/Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff)
Lance Hunter/Leopold Fitz
Daisy Johnson/Piper
Daisy Johnson/Piper/Lincoln Campbell
Melinda May/Phil Coulson
Mack Mackenzis/Elena "Yo-Yo" Rodriguez
Foggy Nelson/Matt Murdock
Wilson Fisk/James Wesley
Luke Cage/Danny Rand
Danny Rand/Spiderman (Ultimate Spiderman only)
Armando Muñoz/Alex Summer
Danielle Moonstar/Rayne Sinclair/Illyana Rasputin/Sam Guthrie/Roberto de Costa
Carol Danvers/Maria
Bucky Barnes/Sam Wilson
Kate Bishop/Yelena Belova
- DC
Malcolm West | Herald/Joey Wilson | Jericho (Teen Titans only)
Rachel Roth | Raven/Garfield Logan | Beast Boy
Bruce Wayne/Selina Kyle
Harley Quinn/Poison Ivy
Tony DiNozzo/Jimmy Palmer
Tony DiNozzo/Nick Torres/Jimmy Palmer
Nick Torres/Jimmy Palmer
Sam Hanna/G Callen
G Callen/Eric Beale
Kensi Blye/Marty Deeks
Poly!Agents (Callen/Sam/Kensi/Deeks/Eric/Nell)
Gibbs/Jack Sloan
Jessai (Jesse Boone/Kai Holman)
- Criminal Minds
Micphet (Prophet/Mick Rawson)
Sam Cooper/Prophet/Mick Rawson
- Harry Potter
Jacob Kowalski/Newt Scamander
Fred Weasley/Harry Potter/George Weasley
Ron Weasley/Harry Potter
Hermione Granger/Harry Potter
- Maze Runner
- Doctor Who
Rose/Nine/Jack Harkness
- Supernatural
- Star Wars
- Star Trek
- Merlin
- Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children
- Lord of the Rings/Hobbit
Frodo Baggins/Samwise Gamgee
Meriadoc Brandybuck/Peregrin Took
- Dark Matter
- Power Rangers (full list in the pr blog)
Jake Holling/Noah Carver
Brody Romero/Preston Tien
Hayley Foster/Calvin Maxwell
Tyler Navarro/Riley Griffen
Jayden Shiba/Antonio Garcia
Devon Daniels/Ravi Shaw/Zoey Reeves/Nate Silva
Devon Daniels/Nate Silva
Casey Rhodes/RJ
Vida Rocca/Xander Blye/Chip Thorn
Nick Russell/Chip Thorn
Jack Landors/Syd Drew/Sky Tate/Z Delgado/Bridge Carson
Jack Landors/Bridge Carson
Will Aston/Mackenzie Hartford
Ronny Robinson/Rose Ortiz
Scott Truman/Summer Landsdown/Dillon/Fynn McAllistair/Ziggy Grover
Dillon/Ziggy Grover
Scott Truman/Flynn McAllistair
Shane Clarke/Dustin Brooks
Zayto/Ollie Akana
Zayto/Ollie Akana/Javi Garcia
- Hawai'i Five-0
Max Bergman/Jerry Ortega
- Shadowhunters
Alec Lightwood/Simon Lewis
Jace Herondale/Clary Fray/Simon Lewis
Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood/Simon Lewis
- Umbrella Academy
Dave/Klaus Hargreeves
Eudora Patch/Diego Hargreeves
- Flashpoint
Julianna Callaghan/Sam Braddock
Lewis Young/Spike Scarlatti
Sam Braddock/Spike Scarlatti
- Teen Wolf
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
- Grimm
Monroe/Rosalee Calvert/Nick Burkhardt
Roddy Geiger/Carter Brimey
- White Collar
Peter Burke/Neal Caffrey
Horatio Caine/Eric Delko
Calleigh/Ryan Wolfe/Natalia
- 9-1-1/Lone Star
- One Chicago
Kelly Severide/Matthew Casey
Greg "Mouse" Gerwitz/Jay Halstead
Will Halstead/Connor Rhodes
Will Halstead/Natalie Manning/Connor Rhodes
Will Halstead/Justin Lieu/Connor Rhodes
Antonio/Peter Stone
- Mission Impossible
- Sherlock
Greg Lestrade/Mycroft Holmes
- House
- Ghost Whisperer
- Baby Driver
- Bull
- Julie and the Phantoms
Leo/Usagi (2003 only)
Leo/Karai (2003 only)
Raph/Casey Jones
Don/Usagi (2003 only)
Mikey/Mondo Gecko
Splinter/Tang Shen (2012 only)
I do not write incest of any kind, I do not write abuse unless by my own ideas, I do not write manipulation unless by my own ideas
If you have a question about a ship you don't see up here and want me to write, you're welcome to DM/IM me.
Thank you!
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smokinrat · 2 years
My (mostly past) fictional crushes, but it progressively gets more concerning
Inspired by @pumpkinsy0
Yeah, that’s normal
Aviva (Wild Kratts)
Marcia (The Outsiders)
Huckleberry Pie (2010 Strawberry Shortcake’s Berry Bitty Adventures)
Darling Charming (EAH)
Prince Kahlid (Sofia the First)
Prince James (Sofia the First)
Miles Morales (Marvel)
Ramone (Peg + Cat)
Bumblebee (DC)
Diego (Go, Diego, go)
Uraraka (Mha)
Christopher Robin (Winnie the Pooh)
Wirt (Over the Garden Wall)
Mina (Mha)
Tsu (Mha)
Raven (EAH)
Casey Jones (tmnt)
Ponyboy (The Outisders)
Johnny (The Outsiders)
Darry (The Outsiders)
Maddie (EAH)
Wybie (Coraline)
Karai (2012 tmnt)
Domino (Deadpool 2)
Angela Shepard (The Outsiders)
Lizzie (EAH)
Kitty (EAH)
Curly Shepard (The Outsiders)
Tim Shepard (The Outsiders)
Harley Quinn (DC)
All four turtles from tmnt
Pumpkin Girl (Over the Garden Wall)
Lock (Nightmare Before Christmas)
Ticci Toby (Marble Hornets/Creepypasta)
Venom (Marvel)
Sunil Nevla (Littlest Pet Shop)
Raven’s mom/Evil Queen (EAH)
Oh great heavens 😨
I was an interesting (concerning) child
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marilynsweet · 2 months
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Dr. Raven Quinn-Casey
The sole doctor of Crow’s Rest, Dr. Quinn-Casey has an incredibly extensive medical knowledge and runs an apothecary for the town. Most who visit her are pleased with her care, leaving better than when they arrived. She is said to be compassionate and patient, attending to each of her patients with a careful tenderness that one might see in a mother.
Although, for some, they believe her to be untrustworthy. After all, to be married to - and to have a child with - the Village Lord makes her adverse to their interests, doesn’t she?
Despite her husband’s behavior, she has been known to help everyone - from the persecuted, the damned, and the punished, her vow to health and healing remains unwavering.
Even if those punished are at the hands of her husband.
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zorilleerrant · 10 months
Guidelines for requesting a fic from me (this doesn't include nearly all the fandoms I'm comfortable working in and I'll update it as people ask me about other fandoms):
Batman and Batfam
I'll write for anyone (and I do) but of the characters people are less likely to ask me about, my favorites:
Terry McGinnis
Bao Pham
Cass Cain
Claire Clover
Luke Fox
My favorite minor characters:
Maps Mizoguchi
Diego Perez and the Bat Pack
Victoria October
Deb Donovan
Grace O'Halloran
Blade Sommer
Mara Al Ghul
Van Wayne
Lance Bruner
Helena Kyle (Huntress)
Kyle Selinas_450
Li'l Kitten
Evan Blake (Wolfspider)
White Mercy
My favorite ships to write/chat about:
Cass Cain/Xanthe Zhou
Dick Grayson/Garth(/Donna Troy)
Dick Grayson/Jimmy Olsen
Dick Grayson/David Sikela
Ric Grayson/Bea Bennett
Tim Drake/Bernard Dowd
Bruce Wayne/Lex Luthor
Bruce Wayne/Khoa Khan
Bruce Wayne/Black Adam
Babs Gordon/Helena Kyle
Mary Hamilton/Poison Ivy
Diego Perez/Merissa Cooper/Lucas LaPorte
Blade Sommer/Max Gibson
Cass Cain/Steph Brown
Tim Drake/Ulysses Hadrian Armstrong
Steph Brown/Kyle Mizoguchi
My favorite gen relationships:
Bruce Wayne & any of his kids
Alfred Pennyworth & Bruce Wayne
Van Wayne & Kate Kane
Beth Kane & Kate Kane (& Mary Hamilton)
Dick Grayson & Barbara Gordon
Dick Grayson & Damian Wayne
Dick Grayson & (Will) Grayson
Dick Grayson & Lance Bruner
Dick Grayson & Zitka
Cass Cain & Steph Brown & Tim Drake
Damian Wayne & Jon-el Kent
Damian Wayne & Mara Al Ghul
Terry McGinnis & Max Gibson
Jason Todd & Terry McGinnis
Cass Cain & Lady Shiva (only wooby sorry)
Maps Mizoguchi & Kyle Mizoguchi
Cass Cain & Mr. Dhaliwal
Diego Perez & Merissa Cooper & Lucas LaPorte
Harley Quinn & Eddie Nygma
Harley Quinn & Amanda Waller
Bruce Wayne & Oliver Queen
Jason Todd & Tyler
Tim Drake & Detective Williams
Cass Cain & Xanthe Zhou
Poison Ivy & White Mercy (& whoever Ivy is dating)
Dick Grayson & Vic Stone & Gar Logan & Raven Roth & Starfire
Dick Grayson & Waylon Jones
any and all pets or animal sidekicks
Other Mainline DC
Favorite characters:
Marcus Shugel-Shen
Xanthe Zhou
Booster Gold
Gary Green
Malik White
Artemis Crock
Amanda Waller
Favorite ships:
Laura Shugel-Shen/Winston Shugel-Shen
M. Mallah/The Brain
Booster Gold/Ted Kord
Gary Green/Casey MCU
Captain Cold/Heatwave
Vic Stone/Gar Logan
Zari Tazari
Felicity Smoak/Chloe Sullivan
Favorite gen relationships:
Marcus Shugel-Shen & his parents
Marcus Shugel-Shen & the Ultra-Humanite
Marcus Shugel-Shen & Billy Batson
The Legends Crew
Xanthe Zhou & John Constantine
Black Adam & Malik White
Uncle Leek & Lay-lay
Peacemaker & Adebayo
Peacemaker & Red Bee
Artemis Crock & her parents
Vixen & Bumblebee (& Beast Boy)
Clarion & Teekl
Non-Mainline DC
Favorite characters:
John Constantine
Virgil Hawkins
Tim Hunter
Lainie Belloc
Death of the Endless
Favorite ships:
Virgil Hawkins/Richie Foley
Lainie Belloc/Mona Doyle
Favorite gen relationships
John Constantine & his family
John Constantine & Chas Chandler
John Constantine & Tim Hunter
Lucifer & Lainie Belloc
Lainie Belloc & Cal
Death & any character who canonically died
Other Fandoms I'm Thinking About Right Now
Murderbot Diaries
Only Murders in the Building
Avenue 5
Cookie Run: Kingdom
my original stuff but I don't know if you can follow that
I'm open to pretty much anything, but I'll let you know if you hit on a NoTP or a squick or something, or if I don't know the fandom. This list will change as I think of different things or my interests change, but you're still welcome to ask me about any of it. Or anything else I've written about. Or haven't written about.
Lately I've been writing 1-2k in response to ideas usually. I'm trying to get myself to write drabbles and flashes but it's not working so likely if you ask you'll get something fairly long.
Anyone's welcome to ask for a fic even if we've never interacted before. Both specific and general prompts are welcome, and I like writing Gen content of all kinds as well as ship content, character studies, and worldbuilding.
You're also welcome to just ask me questions about my fandoms (or my original fiction).
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bored-libra · 1 year
2022 in books
the architecture of happiness by alain de bottom
an american marriage by tayari jones
filter house by nisi shawl
the metamorphosis by franz kafka
the worst best man by mia sosa
the hating game by sally throne
utopia avenue by david mitchell
people we meet on vacation by emily henry
it happened one summer by tessa bailey
hook, line, and sinker by tessa bailey
the unhoneymooners by christina lauren
the spanish love deception by elena armas
minor detail by adania shibli
get a life, chloe brown by talia hibbert
take a hint, dani brown by talia hibbert
act your age, eve brown by talia hibbert
born to run by bruce springsteen
homesick for another world by ottessa moshfegh
the kiss quotient by helen hoang
the love hypothesis by ali hazelwood
boy parts by eliza clark
fix her up by tessa bailey
before the coffee gets cold by toshikazu kawaguchi
tools of engagement by tessa bailey
nausea by jean-paul sartre
the fine print by lauren asher
the brothers karamazov by fyodor dostoevsky
happy hour by marlowe granados
love and other words by christine lauren
fear and loathing in las vegas by hunter s. thompson
lolita by vladimir nabokov
atonement by ian mcewan
an enchantment of ravens by margaret rogerson
six of crows by leigh bardugo
house of earth and blood by sarah j. maas
house of sky and breath by sarah j. maas
breakfast at tiffany’s & other voices, other rooms: two novels by truman capote
bunny by mona awad
when he was wicked by julia quinn
rebecca by daphne du maurier
fight club by chuck palahtniuk
yolk by mary h.k. choi
milk fed by melissa broder
junky by william s. burroughs
in the dream house by carmen maria machado
breakfast of champions by kurt vonnegut jr
animal by lisa taddeo
one last stop by casey mcquiston
the antichrist by friedrich nietzsche
shop girl by steve martin
a room with a view by e.m. forster
a court of thorns and roses by sarah j. maas
a court of mist and fury by sarah j. maas
a court of wings and ruin by sarah j. maas
orlando by virginia woolf
coraline by neil gaiman
book lovers by emily henry
almond by sohn won-pyung
l.a. woman by eve babitz
catch-22 by joseph heller
exciting times by naoise dolan
tender is the flesh by augstina bazterrica
a grief observed by c.s. lewis
little birds by anaïs nin
cultish: the language of fanaticism by amanda montell
role models by john waters
the hobbit by j.r.r. tolkien
the seven husbands of evelyn hugo by taylor jenkins reid
the awakening by kate chopin
reel to real: race, sex, and class at the movies by bell hooks
tales from the cafe by toshikazu kawaguchi
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aeternals · 1 year
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clark kent / kal-el. dceu / rebirth. henry cavill. info. conner kent / kon-el. teen titans / young justice / titans. joshua orpin. info. david. underworld. theo james. info. ** ford brody. godzilla ( 2014 ). aaron taylor-johnson. info. gale hawthorne. the hunger games. liam hemsworth. info. jace wayland. shadowhunters tv. dominic sherwood. info. jake jensen. the losers. chris evans. info. nick gant. push (2009). chris evans. info. ryan peterson. hallmark. casey deidrick. info. sam winchester. kripke era ( s1-5 ). jared padelecki. info.
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desiderius mathieu. old guard. aaron taylor-johnson. info. ** hale ashwood. fandomless werewolf. casey deidrick. info. halston peters. fandomless witch. danielle campbell. info. lanslot mac conmara. old guard. laurence o'fuarain. info. quinn tsay. the expanse. lewis tan. info. riley gauthier. fandomless witch. garret hedlund. info. the raven. familiar. andrew koji. info. shay sadler. dark angel / modern. blair redford. info.
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clay morrow. sons of anarchy. ron perlman. info. miyako de clermont. adow. meisa kuroki. info. * richard "dick" grayson. dc / new 52. tbd. info. selina kyle. dc / various. zoe kravitz. info.
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please note: this list is ever-evolving. i tend to add and remove without notice. although, removals will not happen with muses who have plots or threads.
( * - these muses are still under construction ) ** hale has moved back to his own blog @wolfisheart ** ford has moved to his own blog @monsterhunt
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sardonic-the-writer · 2 years
───── ❝ who i write fics for! ❞ ────
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-> (gorillaz: murdoc, 2D, noodle, russel)
-> (the outsiders: darry, ponyboy, dallas, two bit, johnny, sodapop, steve)
-> (the umbrella academy: five, klaus, lila, diego, luther, allison, viktor)
-> (the boys: butcher, hughie, soldier boy, frenchie, kimiko, mothers milk, starlight, homelander)
-> (ghostbusters: egon, winston, peter, ray, dana, janine)
-> (tmmt: rottmnt, 2012, & bayverse. donatello, leonardo, michelangelo, raphael, casey, april)
-> (tf2: scout, spy, sniper, medic, heavy, pyro, engineer, soldier, miss pauling, saxton hale)
-> (hazbin hotel: alastor)
-> (community: troy, abed, annie)
-> (dc: bruce wayne/batman (2022), the riddler (2022/gotham), jonathan crane (2005), joker (2008) )
-> (doctor who: the tenth doctor, rose, donna, the eleventh doctor, rory, amy)
-> (good omens: crowley, aziraphale)
-> (the walking dead: daryl dixon, glenn rhee, rick grimes, michonne)
-> (total drama: mike, mal, manitoba, vito, svetlana, alejandro, gwen, duncan, heather, zoey, cody)
-> (spiderverse: miguel, hobie, miles, gwen, pavitr)
-> (watcher/buzzfeed unsolved: shane, ryan, cc. tinsley, ricky goldsworth)
-> (pirates of the carribean: jack sparrow, elizabeth swann, will turner)
-> (slimecicle cinematic universe: charlie, jschlatt, tommy/zommy, the bachelor (wilbur), the bachelor of blood (quackity), florida man, mad scientist, ronald, and the wizard)
-> (dsmp/mcyt: tommy, tubbo, ranboo, wilbur, philza, techno, quackity, charlie, callahan, eret, nikki, dream, george, karl, jschlatt, evil sally)
-> (chuckle sandwich: schlatt, ted, charlie)
-> (daredevil: matt murdock, foggy nelson, karen page, frank castle)
-> (the mandalorian: din darjin)
-> (suicide squad: harley quinn, captian boomerang, the joker, june moon, the enchantress, el diablo, katana, abner krill, cleo cazo)
-> (xmen: charles xavier, erik, peter, hank, wolverine, raven, jean)
-> (bullet train: tangerine, lemon, ladybug, maria, carver, the prince, the hornet)
-> (better call saul: lalo, nacho, saul/jimmy, domingo/krazy 8, howard, gus)
-> (breaking bad: jesse, badger, skinny pete, jane, saul, gus)
-> (wwdits: laszlo, nadja, nandor, guillermo)
-> (star wars: obi wan kenobi, ashoka, anakin skywalker, padame, lea skywalker, luke skywalker, han solo)
-> (iplier egos: markiplier, darkiplier, wilford, yancy, actor, night, google, host, engineer, pornipliers, damien, eric)
-> (septic egos: jacksepticeye, anti, henrik, marvin, chase, jj, robbie, greg)
-> (sally face: sal, larry, ash)
⋆﹥━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━﹤⋆ .Ⱄⱄ. .ⱄⰔ.
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edgecastlema · 1 year
Most wanted females?
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my brain always goes blank with these asks so shout out to our members, we would love to see the following;
felicia hardy, cindy moon, wanda maximoff, lorna dane, carol danvers, shuri, kate bishop, america chavez, ororo munroe, susan storm, jean grey, monica rambeau, and kitty pryde (marvel), cassie sansmak, dinah lance, helena bertinelli, cassandra cain, stephanie brown, kate kane, diana prince, raven, barbara gordon, zatanna zatara, harley quinn, selina kyle, kara zor-el/danvers, pamela isley, lois lane, and mera (dc comics), mindy meeks-martin, sidney prescott, tatum riley, casey becker, gale weathers, kirby reed, hallie mcdaniel, rebecca walters, and cici cooper (scream), bianca barclay, morticia gomez, enid sinclair, larissa weems, and yoko tanaka (addams family eu), faith lehane, willow rosenberg, cordelia chase, tara maclay, dawn summers, marcie ross, and kendra young (btvs), sansa and arya stark, catelyn tully/stark, ygritte, gilly, yara/asha greyjoy, margaery tyrell, missandei, brienne of tarth, daenerys, rhaenyra. rhaena, baela, and helaena targaryen, alicent hightower, and laena velaryon (asoif eu), johanna mason, tigris, lucy gray baird, clove, glimmer, foxface, rue, effie trinket, madge undersee, and annie cresta (thg), lexie grey, izzie stevens, april kepner, callie torres, arizona robbins, amelia shepherd, jo wilson, addison montgomery, maggie pierce, and stephanie edwards (grey's anatomy), bella swan, alice and esme cullen, rosalie hale, and angela weber (twilight), max mayfield, nancy wheeler, and chrissy cunningham (stranger things), adaine and aelwyn abernant, fig faeth, antiope jones, penny luckstone, sam nightingale, zelda donovan, daniella barkstock, katja cleaver, ostentatia wallace, ayda aguefort, tracker o'shaughnessy, ruby and jet rocks, amanda maillard, saccharina frostwhip, misty moore, liz herrera, esther sinclair, sundry sidney, margaret encino, and lucienne rex (dimension 20), jaina solo, bo-katan kryze, fennec shand, ahsoka tano, leia organa, rey, jyn erso, hera syndulla, asajj ventress, rose tico, satine kryze, and qi'ra (star wars)
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otakutemmiebooks · 1 year
The books I have to read in the next 2 years are,
The Love Hypothesis: Ali Hazelwood
Shadow And Bone: Leigh Bardugo
Radio Silence: Alice Oseman
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince: J.K. Rowling
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: J.K. Rowling
Red Queen: Victoria Aveyard
The Inheritance Games: Jennifer Lynn Barnes
World War Z: Max Brooks
Independent Study: Joelle Charbonneau
Killer Kung Pao: Vivien Chien
Ready Player Two: Ernest Cline
Mockingjay: Suzanne Collins
The Taking: Kimberly Derting
The Dating Plan: Sara Desai
All the Light We Cannot See: Anthony Doerr
The Rules For Disappearing: Ashley Elston
The Rules For Breaking: Ashley Elston
Charming and the Cherry Blossom: L.J. Evans
If I Stay: Gayle Forman
Peach Blossom Spring: Melissa Fu
Girl In Pieces: Kathleen Glasgow
The Fault in Our Stars: John Green
Paper Towns: John Green
The Summer I Turned Pretty: Jenny Han
Prince Charming: Rachel Hawkins
Her Royal Highness: Rachel Hawkins
Verity: Colleen Hoover
Ugly Love: Colleen Hoover
A Good Girl's Guide to Murder: Holly Jackson
Grey: E.L. James
Jay's Gay Agenda: Jason June
Love & Other Disasters: Anita Kelly
Under the Dome: Stephen King
Illuminae: Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff
Crazy Rich Asians: Kevin Kwan
Invaded: Melissa Landers
Starlight: Melissa Landers
Autoboyography: Christina Lauren
The Girl With Seven Names: Hyeonseo Lee
One Last Stop: Casey McQuiston
Cinder: Marissa Meyer
Midnight Sun: Stephenie Meyer
New Moon: Syephenie Meyer
Where the Crawdads Sing: Delia Owens
The Horsewoman: James Patterson
The Verifiers: Jane Pek
The Alice Network: Kate Quinn
Daisy Jones & the Six: Taylor Jenkins Reid
Divergent: Veronica Roth
Insurgent: Veronica Roth
Fangirl: Rainbow Rowell
Asylum: Madeleine Roux
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe: Benjamin Alire Sáenz
Salt to the Sea: Ruta Sepetys
Zom-B: Darren Shan
The Light Between Oceans: M.L. Stedman
The Loners: Lex Thomas
Enchantée: Gita Trelease
Code Name Verity: Elizabeth Wein
Black Dove White Raven: Elizabeth Wein
Rose Under Fire: Elizabeth Wein
Love & Gelato: Jenna Evans Welch
The 5th Wave: Rick Yancey
The Last Letter: Rebecca Yarros
Kingdom of Lies: Ben Alderson
Tell Me You Want Me: Willow Winters
City of Thieves: David Benioff
N0S4A2: Joe Hill
The Ex Hex: Erin Sterling
Don't Cry For Me: Daniel Black
Glitch: Briana Michaels
Twisted Game: Eva Ashwood
Ruin: Jolie Vines
Lord Eternal Night: Ben Alderson
The Fine Print: Lauren Asher
The Night Circus: Erin Morgenstern
The Deal: Elle Kennedy
New Year's Kiss: Lee Matthews
The Heir: Sophie Lark
West With Giraffes: Lynda Rutledge
Percy Jackson Lightning Thief: Rick Riordan
The Falling in Love Montage: Clara Smyth
Sugar Daddies: Jade West
Fifteen Hundred Miles From the Sun: Jonny Garza Villa
0 notes
fandom · 3 years
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2020′s Top Ships
Basically, there is only one OTP, and it's whoever you like together best. 
Reylo +6 Rey & Kylo Ren, the Star Wars universe
Catradora +10 Catra & Adora, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Reddie +1 Richie Tozier & Eddie Kaspbrak, It
Geraskier Geralt of Rivia & Jaskier, The Witcher
Ineffable Husbands -4 Aziraphale & Crowley, Good Omens
Zukka Zuko & Sokka, Avatar: The Last Airbender
Lumity Luz Noceda & Amity Blight, The Owl House
Supercorp +5 Kara Danvers & Lena Luthor, Supergirl
Jikook -4 Park Jimin & Jeon Jungkook, BTS
Destiel +10 Dean Winchester & Castiel, Supernatural
Kiribaku +3 Kirishima Eijirou & Bakugou Katsuki, Boku No Hero Academia
Bumbleby +3 Yang Xiao Long & Blake Belladonna, RWBY
Wangxian +61 Lan Wangji & Wei Wuxian, Mo Dao Zu Shi
Jonmartin Jonathan Sims & Martin Blackwood, The Magnus Archives
Bakudeku +3 Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku, Boku No Hero Academia
Drarry +6 Draco Malfoy & Harry Potter, the Harry Potter universe
Gallavich Ian Gallagher & Mickey Milkovich, Shameless
Stucky -2 Steve Rogers & Bucky Barnes, the Marvel universe
Zutara Zuko & Katara, Avatar: The Last Airbender
Klance -18 Keith & Lance, Voltron: Legendary Defender
Preath +6 Christen Press & Tobin Heath, Athletes
Korrasami +38 Korra & Asami Sato, The Legend of Korra
Bellarke -14 Bellamy Blake & Clarke Griffin, The 100
ZaDr +23 Zim & Dib, Invader Zim
FinnPoe Finn & Poe Dameron, the Star Wars universe
Buddie Evan Buckley & Edmundo Diaz, 9-1-1
Tododeku -6 Todoroki Shouto & Midoriya Izuku, Boku No Hero Academia
Entrapdak +60 Entrapta & Hordak, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Sasusaku -1 Uchiha Sasuke & Haruno Sakura, Naruto
Wayhaught +21 Waverly Earp & Nicole Haught, Wynonna Earp
Ballum +50 Ben Mitchell & Callum Highway, EastEnders
Harringrove -1 Steve Harrington & Billy Hargrove, Stranger Things
Kagehina Kageyama Tobio & Hinata Shouyou, Haikyuu!!
Joe x Nicky Joe (Yusuf Al-Kaysani) & Nicky (Niccolò di Genova), The Old Guard
Erasermic +4 Aizawa Shouta & Yamada Hizashi, Boku no Hero Academia
Maribat Marinette Dupain-Cheng & Damian Wayne, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir x The DC Universe
Hannigram +31 Hannibal Lecter & Will Graham, Hannibal
Shirbert Anne Shirley & Gilbert Blythe, Anne with an E
Wolfstar +6 Remus Lupin & Sirius Black, the Harry Potter universe
Harlivy  Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy, the DC Universe
Phan -35 Daniel Howell & Phil Lester, YouTubers
Merthur +17 Merlin & Arthur Pendragon, Merlin
Larry Stylinson +30 Harry Styles & Louis Tomlinson, One Direction
Rayllum +42 Callum & Rayla, The Dragon Prince
Malex -1 Michael Guerin & Alex Manes, Roswell, New Mexico
Adrienette -13 Adrien Agreste & Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir
Ladynoir -7 Ladybug & Chat Noir, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir
Connverse Connie Maheswaran & Steven Universe, Steven Universe
Sterek -3 Stiles Stilinski & Derek Hale, Teen Wolf
Marichat -14 Marinette Dupain-Cheng & Chat Noir, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir
Stony -32 Steve Rogers & Tony Stark, the Marvel universe
Dabihawks Dabi & Hawks, Boku no Hero Academia
Villaneve Villanelle & Eve Polastri, Killing Eve
Prinxiety +30 Princey & Anxiety, Thomas Sanders
IronStrange -30 Tony Stark & Dr. Steven Strange, the Marvel universe
Robbe x Sander Robbe Ijzermans & Sander Driesen, WTFock
Percabeth Percy Jackson & Annabeth Chase, Percy Jackson & the Olympians
Taekook -23 Kim Taehyung & Jeon Jungkook, BTS
Kataang Katara & Aang, Avatar: The Last Airbender
Bughead -19 Betty Cooper & Jughead Jones, Riverdale
Kaylor -23 Karlie Kloss & Taylor Swift, celebrities
Sprousehart -32 Cole Sprouse & Lili Reinhart, Actors
Narumitsu Phoenix Wright & Miles Edgeworth, Ace Attorney
Fair Game Clover Ebi & Qrow Branwen, RWBY
NaLu -12 Natsu Dragneel & Lucy Heartfilia, Fairy Tail
Caryl Carol Peletier & Daryl Dixon, The Walking Dead
Beaujester Beauregard & Jester Lavorre, Critical Role
Dramione Draco Malfoy & Hermione Granger, the Harry Potter universe
Radiodust Alastor & Angel Dust, Hazbin Hotel
Deckerstar Chloe Decker & Lucifer Morningstar, Lucifer
Bokuaka Bokuto Kotarou & Akaashi Keiji, Haikyuu!!
Malec -64 Magnus Bane & Alec Lightwood, Shadowhunters
Spirk +18 Spock & James Kirk, Star Trek
Davekat +24 Dave Strider & Karkat Vantas, Homestuck
Charlastor Charlie Magne & Hazbin Alastor, Hazbin Hotel
Elsamaren Elsa & Honeymaren, Frozen II
Clexa -1 Clarke Griffin & Commander Lexa, The 100
Cloti Cloud Strife & Tifa Lockhart, the Final Fantasy franchise
Kylux Kylo Ren & General Hux, the Star Wars universe
Glimbow Glimmer & Bow, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
WhiteRose Weiss Schnee & Ruby Rose, RWBY
Juliantina -79 Juliana Valdés & Valentina Carvajal, Amar a muerte
Snowbaz -13 Simon Snow & Tyrannus Basilton Grimm-Pitch, Carry On
Vmin -19 Kim Taehyung & Park Jimin, BTS
Zelink +12 Zelda & Link, The Legend of Zelda
Elu -60 Eliott Demaury & Lucas Lallemant, SKAM France
Lukanette -32 Luka Couffaine & Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir
Tarlos TK Strand & Carlos Reyes, 9-1-1: Lone Star
Peraltiago -4 Jake Peralta & Amy Santiago, Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Widojest Caleb Widogast & Jester Lavorre, Critical Role
Dimileth +9 Dimitri & Byleth, Fire Emblem
Solangelo Will Solace & Nico di Angelo, Percy Jackson
Iwaoi Iwaizumi Hajime & Oikawa Tooru, Haikyuu!!
Johnlock -27 John Watson & Sherlock Holmes, Sherlock
Pynch Adam Parrish & Ronan Lynch, The Raven Cycle
Reed900 Gavin Reed & RK900, Detroit: Become Human
Cazzie Casey Gardner & Izzie, Atypical
Frenrey Gordon Freeman & Benrey, Half-Life VR but the AI is Self-Aware
Todobaku Todoroki Shouto & Bakugou Katsuki, Boku no Hero Academia
Kristanna Kristoff Bjorgman & Anna, Frozen
The number in italics indicates how many spots a ship moved up or down from the previous year. The ones in bold weren’t on the list last year.
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