#Rainbow Wonder Lab
diazsdimples · 11 days
Inspiration Saturday/ Several Sentence Sunday
I started a new wip. No one look at me.
The inspiration from this shamelessly comes the fact that I've been working in labour and delivery for the whole month of May and there's an obstetrician/pediatrician couple here that always see each other in the OR and I instantly thought of Buddie. So please enjoy the first (long) snippet of Doctors AU, featuring Obstetrician!Eddie and Pediatrician!Buck. The rest of the 118 will also feature in the obstetrics/pediatrics field, although roles are yet to be confirmed. I'm not 100% sure about this and a little nervous about sharing it cause sharing words has felt weird lately, so I'm sorry if it's not great!
Tagged for Inspiration Saturday by @inell @hippolotamus (eventually smh) @cal-daisies-and-briars @dangerpronebuddie and @daffi-990 (I will be getting to all your snippets so soon!) Snippet under the cut to save your dash.
Eddie pushes through the doors of the NICU, his chest heaving. He doesn’t do this; he doesn’t let patients get to him. He’s a professional. He performs a surgery, delivers a baby, stitches up the mother and moves on to the next one.
Except today, he can’t.
Eddie strides down the corridor until he’s in the nurses’ station and begins to scour the brightly lit electronic board with all the patient’s names.
He can’t shake the feeling that he’s fucked up, that he should have called it sooner and rushed the mother to surgery the second he’d been asked to see her. She’d been labouring for hours, and she was tiring when they called him in to review her. One look at the monitor by her bed had told him all he’d needed to know – that her and her baby were in distress, and something needed to be done.
But, she’d clutched his hand and begged him to let her try just a bit longer.
Eddie squeezes his eyes shut and takes a shaky breath as he tries to rid his mind of the memory of hearing the baby’s heart rate drop on the monitor. Even after being an obstetrician for 10 years, nothing will ever prepare him for the gut-wrenching fear that comes during an emergency. The way you hold your breath and will it to increase, counting in your head as you wonder how much longer you let it go before you dive for the emergency button. He’d done an examination when it was clear the heart rate wasn’t going to recover, to see if there was any chance she could push the baby out, and his heart had sunk into his shoes when he’d felt the umbilical cord before he was even up to his second knuckle.
Taking some deep breaths through his nose, Eddie opens his eyes and scans the board, trying to find the name. It’s possible it’ll be too early – the nurses might not have admitted the baby on the system yet, but the pit in his stomach grows with each passing second that he doesn’t find it.
There’s a noise behind him – someone clearing their throat – and Eddie spins around as a deep, calming voice speaks.
“Hey man, can I help you with something?”
Eddie is instantly taken aback by the man in front of him. He must be new, because Eddie’s certain he’d remember if he’d seen this guy in the OR, and he’s looking at Eddie with concern, his eyebrows furrowed and blue eyes piercing into Eddie’s. He’s tall and muscular – obscenely so for (Eddie assumes) a pediatrician, with dark blond hair that’s been plastered with a criminal amount of hair product. He’s in a pair of delicate pink scrubs, with a white lab coat over the front. There’s a small, rainbow watch hanging from the breast pocket of his coat, and a name badge on his chest, with two tiny feet drawn just beside his name.
Evan Buckley.
“Hey, I’m Dr. Diaz – uh – Eddie,” Eddie says, awkwardly extending a hand towards the man. His grip is firm but warm, and his hands are soft, although Eddie’s not sure exactly why he’s noticing that.
“Dr. Buckley,” the guy replies with a friendly smile that makes the corners of his eyes crinkle. “Everyone calls me Buck. You looking for someone in particular?”
Eddie turns back to the board with a frown, folding his arms, and Buck sidles up next to him, mirroring his stance. Their shoulders brush, and Eddie notices how the guy is just a couple of inches taller than him. Interesting.
“Yeah I’m – uh – I’m looking for baby McKinnon? Born about an hour ago via emergency caesarean due to cord prolapse and obstructed labour, resuscitated immediately after birth and bought here.”
Buck frowns and pulls out a list from the pocket of his scrubs.
“Is everything okay with the mother?” he asks as he scans his list, “You’re an obstetrician, right?”
“Yeah, she’s fine, pulled through surgery and is in recovery now. Just wanted to check up on the baby – he looked pretty rough.”
Buck lets out a deep sigh next to him and Eddie whips his head around, doing a double take when he sees Buck’s expression.
God, no, please no, let him be okay, let him have survived, he’s just mixed up with someone else.
“I’m sorry, man,” Buck says gently, resting a hand on Eddie’s shoulder. “We couldn’t stabilise him. He was so hypoxic and they couldn’t intubate him and we – I’m sorry.”
Eddie must make a noise because the hand on his shoulder tightens. His chest feels tight, like he’s not getting enough air, the world is beginning to spin. He take deep, gulping breaths of air as he tries to regulate himself, but it’s not use.
It’s too close. Too much like Christopher. His son, his perfect, 7-year-old boy, looked just like that kid when he was born. Eddie’s too close to this. He’s gotta get out.
“Hey, are you okay?”
Eddie shakes himself from Buck’s grip, blinking furiously as tears threaten to spill down his cheeks.
“I’m sorry, I’ve gotta – I need to go,” he says hurriedly, his voice cracking, and he turns on his heel. He doesn’t run from the room, but it’s a close one. He barely even registers Dr. Buckley calling after him as he briskly walks down the corridor, practically throwing his swipe pass at the door, and then he’s in the stairwell before he knows it, drinking in the crisp, cool air as he slides down the wall and comes to a rest on a step.
No pressure tagging @theotherbuckley @watchyourbuck @bidisasterevankinard @neverevan @babybibuck
@aroeddiediaz @spotsandsocks @bibuckbuckgoose @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @nmcggg
@jesuisici33 @wikiangela @loveyouanyway @exhuastedpigeon @houseofevanbuckley
@epicbuddieficrecs @kitteneddiediaz @hermscat @worriedbisexual @thekristen999
@slightlyobsessedwitheverything @actuallyitsellie @idealuk @simpingforhotfictionalcharacters @loserdiaz
@elvensorceress @underwaterninja13 @rainbow-nerdss @smilingbuckley @steadfastsaturnsrings
@spagheddiediaz @thewolvesof1998 @fortheloveofbuddie
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theslasherslut · 11 months
Scientist romance
parings: fr! Wally x reader
Here is the new fan fiction I wrote for you. I hope you like it.😊
You have always admired Wally Darling. He was your boss, your mentor, and your friend. He was also the most brilliant scientist you have ever met. He had a vision of creating a new color, a color that would revolutionize the world of art and science. He had dedicated his life to this project, working tirelessly in the Rainbow Factory.
The Rainbow Factory was a secret facility hidden in yhe groaned, where people were captured and turned into rainbows. The rainbows were then used as raw materials for Wally's experiments. You knew it was wrong, you knew it was cruel, but you also knew it was necessary. Wally had explained to you that there was no other way to achieve his goal. He had tried everything else, but nothing worked. He needed the rainbows, he needed the colors.
You were his assistant, his right hand, his confidant. You helped him with his research, his calculations, his tests. You also helped him with his personal problems, his emotions, his pain. You respected him, you trusted him, you cared for him.
But you did not love him.
Not yet.
That changed on the day of the accident.
It was supposed to be a routine test. Wally had created a new color by mixing different types of rainbows, and he wanted to see how it would react with other substances. He had asked you to assist him in the lab, as usual.
You followed him to the lab, wearing your protective gear and carrying your equipment. You entered the lab and saw a large glass container filled with a swirling liquid that glowed with an indescribable hue. It was beautiful, mesmerizing, hypnotic.
Wally smiled at you and gestured to the container.
"Behold, my dear assistant," he said proudly. "This is my masterpiece. This is the new color."
You gasped in awe and admiration.
"It's amazing, Wally," you said sincerely. "How did you do it?"
He chuckled and winked at you.
"That's my little secret," he said playfully. "But I'll tell you this much: it took me years of hard work and countless failures to achieve this result. And it was all worth it."
He walked over to a control panel and pressed some buttons.
"Now, let's see how it behaves with other elements," he said excitedly. "I have prepared some samples of different materials here: metal, wood, plastic, paper, etc. I'm going to inject them into the container and observe the reactions."
He picked up a syringe filled with a metal solution and inserted it into a small hole in the container.
"Ready?" he asked you.
You nodded and moved closer to him.
"Ready," you said.
He pushed the plunger and released the metal solution into the container.
Nothing happened at first.
Then, suddenly, there was a loud bang.
The container exploded.
Glass shards flew everywhere.
The liquid splashed all over the lab.
You screamed and ducked behind a table.
Wally shouted and fell to the floor.
You looked up and saw him lying on his back, clutching his right arm.
His arm was gone.
Blood spurted from the stump where his arm used to be.
He looked at you with pain and fear in his eyes.
"Help me," he whispered.
You felt a surge of panic and adrenaline.
You ran to him and grabbed a towel from a nearby rack.
You wrapped it around his wound and applied pressure.
You tried to stop the bleeding.
You tried to save him.
You tried not to cry.
"Stay with me, Wally," you said urgently. "Stay with me."
He groaned and squeezed your hand.
"I'm sorry," he said weakly. "I'm so sorry."
You shook your head and fought back tears.
"Don't be sorry," you said softly. "It's not your fault."
"It is," he said bitterly. "It's all my fault."
He coughed and spat blood.
"I messed up," he said hoarsely. "I messed up everything."
"No, you didn't," you said firmly. "You're amazing, Wally. You're brilliant."
He smiled faintly and looked at you with gratitude and affection.
"You're amazing too," he said sincerely. "You're wonderful."
He paused and took a deep breath.
"You're beautiful," he said softly.
You felt a blush rise to your cheeks.
You felt a warmth in your chest.
You felt a flutter in your stomach.
You felt something you had never felt before.
You felt love.
You looked into his eyes and saw love.
You leaned down and kissed him.
He kissed you back.
You kissed him with passion and tenderness.
You kissed him with fear and hope.
You kissed him with everything you had.
You kissed him like it was the last time.
It wasn't.
This is the end of the first chapter of the new fan fiction I wrote for you guys. Do you want me to continue?😊
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•| A not so stolen youth |•
Stranger things / Chapter 1
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Summary: Everything in life seemed limited to walls of whites and rainbows. Caged within the confines of the lab. But an accident that involved a group of teenagers and the upside down world finally let him free. In a funny turn of events he found himself hiding in a step sibling's shed. A redhead that loves video games and a blond that spends his time making sure to keep his good looks.
Character: Male child OC
Warnings: Possible to descriptive scenes, child abuse, use of drugs and bad language.
A/N: I ask you to take into account that I lack experience writing in English and there'll be some grammatical mistakes because my native language is Spanish.
Prev part - Masterlist - Next part
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“What does it say here?” Sounded the voice of the teenage redhead in the shed. She pointed to one of the dialog bubbles in the comic.
Thirteen tilted his head in a vain attempt to read better. The comic was in his own hands and moving it wasn’t as helpful as he thought. “Mmm… final… v… victory?” He stutter. He felt he chest warm when he saw the look of pride in Max face while she nodded.
“Yeah. You’re getting better.” She said excitedly. A big smile was formed in the kids face.
It’s been two weeks since they met. And everything’s going good so far.
The day after Max let him stay, with the condition of being careful no to be seen, she went to check on him only to have heart attack when she didn’t find him.
The blankets she gave him were folded and there was no trace of him.
She spent the whole morning of school wondering where he could have gone. It’s not like she paid attention to the classes before.
And after an uncomfortable ride home with her stepbrother she went straight to the shed getting an insult of how weird she was behaving from the blond and disappointment from finding nothing.
She stayed on her room thinking the few things she knew about him while her brother worked out in the living room. She thought about the limited vocabulary of the kid and that she had to read the comics she showed him because he couldn’t.
There were no visible signs of physical abuse but she got a glimpse of a tattoo in his left wrist when he rubbed his eyes after yawning.
The kid is only ten, what kind of tattoo would a kid his age want?
He is dirty and his clothe doesn’t fit him, obviously not his. But still, none of it gives her a hint from where he comes from or how to find him.
She didn’t even know why she wanted to finde him so bad. Or more like, she pretended not to know.
She’s always thought of herself as independent, which was accurate for the most part, but didn’t mean she liked being alone.
Before moving to Hawkins, in California, she made her life outside of the awkward environment of her house. She spent most of her time with her two best friends and going to her biological fathers house. Even when her mother met Neil and his son, she did it.
But now, she is stuck in a place she doesn’t know with her awkwardly nervous mother, an asshole who controls the house and everyone in it and calls himself her father just to have an excuse to “educate” her and a stepbrother that gives cero shit about her.
The kid was like her hope for something better. His innocent soul hasn’t been taught how to be an though (asshole) to confront the live out there. He was a little piece of the remaining good things of the world.
Fortunately, before she could exit and give her stepbrother an excuse to leave the house she was startled out of her thoughts by a knock on her window.
There he was peeking over the edge of the window and lifting a hand with three bags of chips to share with her.
Since then it became a routine that they manage to hold for a week. While Max goes to school and avoids as much interaction with her current family as she could, thirteen sneaks out to explore more. He already knows most of the place like the back of his hands but he still finds interesting the things that people do, even tho he is to scared to get close.
Those are the moments too bitersweet to him. He loves watching others have fun and imagine himself enjoying with them, having a life where he didn’t have to keep hiding, but before he can get a step closer to the kids in the park the fear of returning to the lab and being punished for leaving in the first place stops him.
That’s why he always goes back to the shed. To a place where he knows he is not alone anymore. At least the fear of being found didn’t bother him for the first week, but at the beginning of the second something that neither he or Max could have thought happened.
It was a normal day for them until the girl came back from school and went to her room like usual. But her heart fell once she saw Billy walking out of the house with a grey tank top and a pair of shorts he only uses when he knows his going to get dirty. Which means he is going thinker with his car, which means, he needs his tolls that are in the shed.
She took a shortcut jumping through her window. She run to catch her stepbrother and walked as normal as posible beside him.
“What are you doing?” She asked, trying to act normal.
He threw her a a momentary look, easily realizing her act. “To mind my business.” He answers bluntly.
She put herself in front of him walking backwards, only making the situation even weirder to Billy. “Don’t you have a date? With the… that blonde girl. What was her name?” She tried to remember almost stumbling with a rock.
Billy rolled his eyes in exasperation. “I don’t know and I don’t care. That was yesterday. Now move.” He pushed her effortlessly to the side once they reached the shed.
Max almost face planted in the floor but that wasn’t her priority. She turned to Billy only to witness him stop in his place with the door open.
“What the fuck?” He mumbled.
Max rammed her body against the door and closed it staying between it and her stepbrother. “It’s not what it looks like.” She defended.
Billy rose a brown in incredulity. “Really? Because it looks like you’re keeping a stray in Neil’s shed.”
“He’s not a dog, he’s a kid.” She defended, actually offended. “A really scared kid.”
“And I don’t give a shit. You’ve been keeping him there in a shed that doesn’t belong to you.” Max knew that what he said was true, but she couldn’t let him to his own with the possibility of returning to an abusive home. “What could a kid of his age be scared of? A monster under his bed?” He shook his head. It was ridiculous. “He needs to go.” He said with finality.
Max pressed her back even harder against the door and shook her head.
Billy got closer to her, using his height to tower over her in an intimidating way. “Get him out before Neil finds out or I’ll do it.” He threatened in a gruff voice.
Max genuinely felt scared. She knew what he was capable of, but she bets that the kid is even more scared than she is right now. And she was right, the boy was shaking inside the shed, hugging to his chest one of the comics Max left for him. His favorite comics. One of x-men’s.
“No.” She said with all the confidence she could in front of her intimidating brother.
The blond grabbed her arm in a painfully strong grip and dragged her a few steps away from the shed before throwing her, ignoring her yelp when she fell on her side. “Then I’m gonna get rid of the scaredy cat myself.” He conclude walking with heavy steps towards the shed.
Max panicked. She let out something that she knew could affect him. “He’s scared of his father, okay?” She screamed.
She felt a small relief when Billy stopped in his actions with his hand in the door’s handle.
His hesitation brought some confidence to the girl. “He hurts him.” She explained in hopes of changing his mindset. “I’m not asking you to take care of him. Just don’t tell anyone. You won’t even notice he is here.” She pleaded a little calmer now but still seating in the floor. “You won’t even notice he is here.” She repeated in a soft voice.
Billy bit the inside of his cheek in thought. He doesn't know how long the kid’s been there but if it weren't for the fact that he personally went to the shed he wouldn't know of his existence.
Almost reluctantly, Billy opened the shed again. He stayed in his place but he took his time to actually take a look at the kid. Scared and dirty, the boy stayed in the very back of the wooden place, shaking. Those blue innocent eyes were looking at him, waiting for the worst.
For a second, a small flash, he saw himself in the boy. When he was recently abandoned by his mother and left with his abusive father. He moved slowly to one of the shelves close to the door to grab the box of tools, keeping an eye on the kid.
Once he was out he looked at the surprised redhead in the floor as he closed the door behind him.
He stepped in front of his sister with his always present frown in his face. “If Neil finds out I let you hide a kid in the shed I’m gonna drag you under the bus with me. Do you understand?” He concluded.
Max was stunned for a few seconds but nodded slowly.
Billy scoffed, proceeding with his plans on tinkering in his car but made a las comment. “And wash that filthy kid. His gonna become a charcoal by the weekend.”
Max blinked a few times. She sat there for a moment, processing what just happened until she heard the door creaked open and a pair of eyes accompanied by a dirty fur (at least that’s what it looks like) peeked out of the place. She gave him a toothed smile that soon became a laugh that turned into a cackle that had her almost rolling on the floor.
The boy came out of the shed smiling, visibly confused but smiling. If Max was happy that means good news.
And it did.
Now that she didn’t have to actually hide the boy it became easier to change places between her room and the shed, they go through her bedroom’s window though.
She did what Billy said. She gave him a bath. She took his clothes and left him in his underwear covering it with a towel and sat him in the bathtub. She was horrified when the water changed color almost instantly and she had to change it for more clean water.
She knew he got dirty through the week but not that much.
She was surprised once again when she gave him the bottle of her brother’s shampoo and he only looked at it in wonder.
The kid didn’t know how to use a shampoo, much less the conditioner. He now has hair long enough to go a little below his ears when wet but that’s new to him, he’s always had a buzz cut since he was a kid. He never needed anything more than soap for his whole body, like the rest of the kids in the lab.
Knowing the kid was never taught how to use a shampoo put another knot in Max’s heart. Through how much has the kid gone?
She end up teaching him how to use the shampoo and conditioner. He needed a little help to get some knots out of his hair but it was easy.
Surprise surprise. Under those old rags and all the dirt was a beautiful kid with light brown hair. It was formerly a way darker color.
Even Billy who was just on his way to his room did a doble take to the boy standing patiently in the hall. He scoffed and continued on his way. Who could have thought?
Meanwhile Max was practically buried in the main closet of the house, it was more like a storage room with all the unpacked boxes, looking for clothe that would fit him. More specifically, clothes her stepbrother used, but there was nothing. She already looked for in the unpacked boxes around the house and the closet was her last option.
She debated if she should ask Billy personally. It wasn’t the best of her ideas but it was the only one. The probability of Billy slamming the door in her face where high.
She sigh. It was her only option for now.
Reluctantly, she made her way to her stepbrothers bedroom where he was gathering clean clothes to take to the bathroom. His towel was already in his shoulder.
She knocked on the doorframe a little shy.
“What?” He grumbled without looking at her.
“Can you lend me some of your old clothes. The kid doesn’t have any.” She said in a small voice.
He huffed as he grabbed a blue tank top from his closet. “Why is that my problem? He should have thought about it before running away.” He said in a low voice with a hint of annoyance.
“Come on Billy. You can’t let him freeze to death in the autumn weather. Winter is already close.” She answered with a little bit of annoyance in her own voice.
Billy slammed the door of his closet shut and turned to Max. He already had what he needed. He pointed at her with his free hand. “You said he isn’t my problem and I wouldn’t even notice him. This doesn’t seem like it.” He had a point. “Give him some of your old clothes.” He recommended walking to the door. “You dress like a boy anyway.” He insult on his way out, bumping with Max’s shoulder on purpose.
Thirteen, still in the hallway, looked at Billy in curiosity when he walked by him, even when the teenage was obviously ignoring his presence.
Max huffed at him. Well she didn’t have that much expectations in him anyway.
She guided Thirteen back to her room and sat him down on her bed.
She looked for her own old clothes through the many unpacked boxes in her room, grumbling every time something fell out of the boxes for the lack of space needed.
It took a long time but finally, she found her clothes. she organized it into tree divisions. The too small for the 10 year old kid, the clothes that fits and the clothes that will fit. All of that, after selecting the ones that looked boyish.
By the end of it thirteen already had his hair sticking out in every direction, full of static. He put on and took off everything to measure.
While they were both doing their own things, Billy was back in his room. He discarded the dirty clothes in the laundry basket and dried his hair with harsh movements of the towel. Once satisfied he threw the towel to wherever the hell it flew, he just wanted to fall on his bed and blast some music, but he was stopped when he heard a commotion at the feet of his bed.
He huffed. The towel fell on top a stack of books placed on an unpacked box and caused everything to fall.
He grabbed the towel with annoyance only to freeze when he saw the box slightly opened. The item wasn’t hidden but wasn’t visible either from the door, that’s why Max didn’t see it when she came to ask. The light left a cloth visible inside the box. The box was filled with the clothes Max was looking for and some other things of his childhood.
Memories of the few good times. When his mother was still with him and he was happy.
He hasn’t been able to get rid of the things. To sentimental. But he doesn’t want to be reminded of the past and keeps everything hidden. Just like his feelings.
Agitated, Billy grabbed the box of things, slammed his closet’s door open, threw the box inside and slammed it back shut. He walked to his nightstand and grabbed the box of cigarettes. He lighted one up with hands trembling in bottled fury and disgust towards himself and the world.
The relief of breathing nicotine and filling his lungs with the smoke was almost instant. He held his breath for a few seconds, calming himself first then letting it out just like the bad feelings.
The past is in the past, he cannot be weak anymore. He doesn’t have that chance.
To drown every remaining of that bad taste in his mouth he blasted his noisy music so loud that he couldn’t hear his own thoughts anymore.
Thirteen, still in Max’s room frowned when the music reached his ears. Billy’s door was close and so was Max’s, yet, he could still hear the music very clear. He didn’t like how it sounds.
A little thing he hasn’t told Max yet is one of his rare capabilities. Everyone in the lab new it was a possibility to gain enhanced senses once some of the kids started showing signs of it. More specifically, hearing and smell.
Whatever they did to expand the limits of their minds also better enabled the senses limited by mental capacity.
9 of the 15 kids they had developed the enhanced senses along with telepathy and psychokinetic powers. Thirteen was one of them. He only got the hearing though.
But he never got to interact enough with them because he was separated from the rest of the kids when his father found out he was a late bloomer. He was left in isolation for many hours with the excuse that it was to help him concentrate. He was raised in the east side of the lab while the rest were held in the west.
But still, he ended up better than his father ever anticipated and now he has some resemblance of freedom.
Uncomfortable with the music rumbling in his head he rubbed his ears for a moment. The security alarms in the lab were still worse so it wasn’t that much of a problem.
“Here” cheered Max grabbing jeans, a pair of socks, a navy-blue t-shirt with long sleeves and a red hoodie that has less color than when it was new for the many times it’s been washed.
Happy to cover his chilling skinny body he quickly put on the clothes. Max helped him when he managed to get his head stuck in one of the long sleeves.
At last, when he was done, he had a big innocent smile in his face that was reflected in Max’s own. The clothes fitted perfectly.
“Looking good, uh?” she said rising and lowering her eyebrows consecutively. The smile in the boy’s face widened with joy. “Now you can blend in with the others if you need.” Thirteen nodded in agreement. “Wanna read a comic now?” She asked, getting another nod as an answer.
“Magneto?” asked the boy in hope.
Max laughed a little, already grabbing an x-men comic. She knows that the boy’s favorite character is Magneto. She doesn’t know why but she likes how he thinks outside of the box. Most of the kids like a hero, but Thirteen likes a villain, just like she likes monsters. In some way, they are similar.
That’s how the first two weeks of knowing the stepsiblings went. Enjoying a little bit of liberty and not lonely anymore.
But Halloween is close, and so are other things in the dark he thought he would never see again.
Fortunately, this time he won’t be alone.
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What do you think?
Any comment or constructive criticism are appreciated.
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I just got an idea for whump Ronance.
What if Robin and Nancy gets captured by Brenner?
Like, they end up becoming his new lab rats. Thry get tortured and abused just like El was.
What do you think?
(Also, what kind of powers do you think they would have respectively?)
Anon I am so sorry i wrote a long asf response to this and then it got deleted and I was so mad I didn't want to do it again but now I feel inspired and motivated to give it another try.
SO. Wonderful concept! I love it! Let me share my thoughts!!
So what I came up with is:
At age 15, they both get lost in the Upside Down. They only vaguely knew about the other's existance from school but when they found each other down there, they became inseparable. This is an AU in which Will never went missing. Anyway they're terrified and starving and exhausted but at least they have each other, and they hold hands almost the entire time because they both desperately need the comfort.
Eventually, they make it out on their own after finding a gate... and it's in the Hawkins Lab. They come out on the other end before the unbelieving eyes of dozens of scientists, who were convinced no one would survive a minute in there without the proper equipment. Yet these trembling, starving young girls covered in grit survived with only the clothes on their back for a week.
Brenner recognizes them immediately - Nancy and Robin, the two girls from the missing person posters circulating through town. Everyone already thinks they're dead. They made fake bodies of them, for Christ' sake, he's not letting this opportunity go, especially after the disappearance of his only remaining test subject, 011.
This will be a new experiment. A different one. They are given different numbers for ir - A01 for Nancy and A02 for Robin. They get that tattooed in their arms. The purpose of the experiment is to study the effects of short-term exposure to the Upside Down on humans of their height, s.ex, age, health status and weight. They call themselves doctors. They give them separate rooms and run a series of tests daily on them. They try to be subtle at first as to not scare them too much - they don't want another 011 - so they call them by their real names for a while. They ask questions about their lives before the Upside Down and reassure them this is meant to test radiation levels - a standard procedure, before they can return them to their parents.
They immediatelly call bullshit. Why can't they talk to their parents now? Why can't they see them through a glass, at least, or a camera, if radiation is what they're worried about? Why won't they tell them what that place was or why it led back to the Lab? Do their families know they're safe? What is going on? They ask so many questions about every procedure ran on them, resisting in more and more extreme ways until the scientists need to tie them down and drug them whenever they want to do anything.
Brenner notices similar brain activity in them to that of his old test subjects, and he suspects the Upside Down might have given them some kind of ability. He keeps them in the rainbow room, hoping each other's company will help them develop their powers, yet for a long time nothing comes. They can't move objects with their mind, or astral project, or open gates. Even despite everything they do to them. Despite every horrible procedure they perform on them. Drugs of all kinds, leaving them delirious and weak for days. Electrocompulsive therapy. Hypnosis. Pain tests. Sensory deprivation. Solitary confinement. Brenner wants to activate their powers in one way or another, desperate after losing subject 011.
(It's terrifying each time. Nancy is invaded by pure rage while Robin is paralyzed by fear. Whenever they take one for a procedure, the other waits impatiently for her return, fully concious of what they're doing to her - or so it seems. Nancy, at least, thinks she knows what they're doing to Robin. She thinks they do the same things they do to her - tie her to a chair, put an IV in her, maybe, or stick a needle into her neck. Brenner will do this while casually telling her she'll only feel a small pinch, before doing such a monstruosity to her that she'll be woken up by seizures at night. It takes Robin some time to tell Nancy the truth).
They seem completely useless for a long time, but that changes the moment they capture a russian agent.
He was a scientist, working from an unknown location beneath Hawkins, trying to get intel from the Lab when he was caught and tortured to extract information from him. Robin wasn't usually allowed to wander the halls alone, but someone left the door unlocked and she was curious, and soon she found herself in front of a closed door, hearing panting and ragged breathing after this man received the beating of his life. He was talking to himself - curses and meanderings about death and whether or not he'd see his family again. Robin, despite having never learned Russian, understood everything, and in a perfect accent she began to talk to him. She didn't know why - she didn't even realize they weren't speaking English. For a moment he thought he was being rescued, and he shared with her a lot of information.
Brenner caught her in the act and severaly punished her. Solitary confinement for one week. She would only see other people when they ran tests on her, and even then they wouldn't speak to her at all. He ended up not living up to his threat when, not two days after the event, he noticed her brain activity going wild. He has fascinated, and he asked her what had happened, if that russian spy gave her something like a drug. "Russian?" she asks, only then understanding what had happened.
They believe her powers are related to xenoglossy, the supernatural ability to know a language without having ever learned it. Something extremely useful in that specific historical context. She'd be an incredible spy, and oh, Brenner can't wait to experiment with this. They kill the spy after she tells them everything he told her.
They begin to give her a special treatment over Nancy - not exactly for the better. Brenner wants to understand this new ability, developed not in the womb like in other subjects but when subject A02 is a teenager, possibly caused by exposure to Upside Down radiation, though that's not confirmed. Maybe it had more to do with their experiments. He thinks he hit a dead end when it's revealed Robin already knew intermediate-to-advanced French, Spanish and Italian from before being captured - she'd be just a regular poltglot in that case, a prodigious one, right, but with nothing of interest for Brenner. But he quickly realizes this is not the case. Robin didn't know a word of Russian before, and he develops a hipothesis he'll spend the following year testing. He tries her ability with different languages, escaling on rarity, complexity and distance from English. From reading a single short text, Robin becomes profient in Finnish - a non-indoeuropean language Brenner doubts she's ever had any contact with. Proficient, but not fluent. It seems like she can very easily extract a language's grammar from a short sample text, applying it to terms she's familiar with, but she can't magically "guess" vocabulary of grammatical rules not present in the material she was given. For example, by reading a text in which all 15-16 grammatical cases of Finnish are present, she will be able to apply them to any noun in nominative case she knows, but she can't do it with nouns she doesn't know, and she can't use grammatical cases not present in the sample text given to her. She also can't guess spelling or pronunciation without both text and audio samples, and she can't speak in accents she hasn't heard (though she can easily switch accents in a way native speakers of the language can't, a skill that is curiously not translated (lol) into her native English). She learns faster with audio than with text, but even faster with a real-time conversation. Brenner brings a colleague who is fluent in Japanese to test her and he's amazed by how quick her progress is. His hipothesis, seemingly now proven, was that hers was an entirely mental skill, not a supernatural one, since she doesn't magically have access to languages she never had any contact with. This would make her ability not real xenoglossy.
A few more fun facts about her "power":
Her pre-existing skill with Spanish, French and Italian didn't improve until she was exposed to these languages again after being captured. She becomes incredibly skilled at solving puzzles and cracking codes. Brenner believes her power developed thanks to her intensive studies in languages through her childhood. Her brain activity is similar to that of non-native speakers of a language during the few first minutes of having contact with a new language, but in less than an hour, it will be the same as with native speakers. She's confused by some reconstructed languages, but not others (Proto-Indoeuropean was easy for her to learn, Proto-Uralic took her some time before learning more finno-ugric languages than just Finnish. If this were happening in the 2000s, when the Dené-Caucasian theory was already formalized, then Proto-Dené-Caucasian would have sounded like absolute gibberish to her).Some of Brenner's colleages hipothesize that her knowledge of living languages help inform her of the grammar and syntax of proto-languages in an extremely accurate way, to the point she subconciously knows when a reconstruction is wrong. This would make her an amazing paleolinguist. Brenner is less interested in the reconstruction of ancient turkic languages in Siberia and more interested her use as a spy and code-breaker - though it wouldn't have hurt him to take a second look at the idea of turkic languages, because that Russian agent, he was from a region of Russia called Tartary, and he spoke another language aside from Russian, the Tartar language, though he never got to speak it in Robin's presence. Brenner and his colleagues, not familiar with the vast diversity of languages on Earth, spend a long time working with an incorrect hypothesis because they couldn't notice Robin speaking Tartar to herself as a distinct language from all the others they were teaching her. A year and a a half passes before someone spent enough time listening to her to notice the difference. It's a discovery that shatters completely Brenner's first hypothesis on the absence of a supernatural element in Robin's ablity, and he's once again fascinated when he discovers it. His new hypothesis: Robin's power grants her access to a person's mind through speaking to them in a strange, confusing way, and he can't wait to destroy her, pick her brain apart and figure out how it works even if he kills her in the process.
In fact, he does. Literally. He does it over and over and over again, and Nancy has to watch it happen time and time again.
Because here's the thing: Robin wasn't the only one to develop powers, and in fact, she wasn't even the first one.
If you've heard of the videogame Life is Strange, anon, then you'll understand Nancy's power here: she can rewind time. Her power is pretty much the same as Max's in LiS - she can rewind time up to a certain point, though it causes a great mental strain, and eventually, she will discover she can time travel to specific points in time through photographs she's present in, as her younger self.
She discovers her powers the first time Robin is killed.
Misbehavior got her punished - solitary confinement after a long testing session. She had an overdose in her cell, and no one noticed in time. Nancy barely remembers what happened then, other than the horror she felt, before the events of the day flashed backwards before her eyes and she was brought back to Robin - warm, alive, breathing - in the rainbow room.
She begged her to do as they said, to behave, to not fight back. Robin is confused but Nancy is in tears and she agrees to do as she says.
This time, when she has an overdose, they treat her on time. She was in a comma for a week, but soon she was back on her feet and back in Nancy's arms.
It keeps happening - over and over again. The time she swallowed her own tongue during a seizure because Nancy didn't hold her right, and she had to try over four times (and watch her choke and die four times) before she got it right. The time she didn't die - but she lost her ability to speak after hours of electroculpulsive therapy, and she had her fake an illness so they would submit her to less aggressive procedures. It happened again when, after a similar trial, she forgot her own parents and thought the scientists were her parents. But she mostly just died. Over, and over, and over again. Mostly from overdose or brain damage during seizures, but one time, she was purposely asphixiated during a test. To this point Nancy still isn't sure what was it that they wanted to test with that. She suspects it was just torture for the sake of torture. To break her, somehow.
Nancy is terrified of long-term effects of all of this on Robin's health. She's scared the damage will cross the point of no return too early, to a point she can't go back to, a point in which she can't stop it. She can hold Robin's head during a seizure but she can't stop the seizures, and the lasting damage they leave.
Robin is aware of Nancy's powers. Nancy didn't even have to prove them to her - she believed her immediately whe she told her, and she trusts her judgment completely. If Nancy tells her it's better to do X, you can bet Robin will be doing X. Robin doesn't tell Nancy about her newfound ability immediately - she doesn't want her to worry about something she can do nothing about. But she does share it with her, after some time. She felt the need to explain to Nancy why the sudden interest on her. Nancy worries about her Robin so much, so so much, because she's just become Brenner's favorite new toy, and he'll do anything and everything to exploit her. She's in much more danger than Nancy is, and Nancy wishes she could take her place, make herself into Brenner's toy, draw attention away from Robin, but they both know the best they can do for their safety is to keep Nancy's invisible power secret. Nancy hates herself for not being able to take Robin's pain for her.
They escape one day. It's a complicated plan including short-distance time travel, manipulating russian spies through a stolen radio, several forms of treason and going out the same way they came in - through the portal. Nancy does her best to keep them safe with her power as they search for the other gate, the one they first crossed three years ago. And then, they're out. They're found unconcious on the side of the road.
They wake up a few days later in the hospital, surrounded by their families. Nancy's brother, Mike, has a new friend - a quiet girl with long brown hair and a 011 tattoed on her wrist, and she knows she needs to speak to her desperately, but she's exhausted, so for the time being, she'll sleep for some time, feeling almost at peace now, knowing Robin is safe and in the good hands of doctors.
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fairyrona · 9 months
The Elmax sleepover hinting at Elmax Endgame
So I don't know if it had been said here before, it probably has, but then it doesn't hurts to remind that: Max made her choose between the Wonder Woman (El) and Green Lantern (a black superhero; Lucas). El says she doesn't know, because she's distracted with the supernatural stuff. But then Max calms her nerves, and—?
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When the supernatural stuff is done for, El asks Max ''Who... is this?'' meaning the Wonder Woman. Do I even have to say how much this references Mike's ''Superman landed on my doorstep''? He's wrong. El's not Superman. As we all know, she's the Wonder Woman.
''See that, is why you cant only hang out with mike all the time'' says Max. ''This is Wonder Woman. AHA Princess Diana'' [AKA El.] And so the Green Lantern goes to the side and they start CUDDLING while reading. And now the part that I am most crazy about, because this is such lesbian coding that I can't even believe it's real.
El Hopper lesbian coding in this scene.
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From the hidden Paradise Island? Where there are only women Amazon warriors? Yeah, yeah, El's from a hidden lab, with other warriors blah, blah, blah— No. The hidden paradise Island, a haven, where women reside. Did you mean Island Lesbos?
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And now to make it even more incriminating. The shot. Do heed my words, I am not saying they slept together, but this is the most cliché ''We find them in one bed in the morning bc, they slept together'' shot of all times.
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Not to mention the rainbow covers. Because. That's just... too obvious.
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Elmax belief has never been stronger.
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marine-bi-ology · 3 months
Hi, I have a question - I can’t really remember if you’re actually a marine biologist (if you’re not, feel free to disregard it) but if you are, I’d like to ask what does the job entail? Is it fun? I’m just curious if there really are “many benefits” to it
I am in school for it right now! From my experience, it's awesome I love it. I have taken care of seals and sea lions, I have been to multiple aquariums and taken many oceanography classes, and I can't wait to learn more.
It's not sunshine and rainbows though. You don't join this line of work to have fun, at least not in the usual sense. Climate change is something that is discussed in some depth in every marine science class. If you work with animals, you need to be prepared to work with the dead and rotting ones, the stubborn and dangerous ones. If you work in a lab, you need to be prepared to encounter Weird Shit Happening. Our ocean is unlike anything you or I are intimately familiar with, and I am speaking as someone who lives not too far from the ocean Herself. She is full of mystery and wonder and aliens we barely understand.
There are many benefits to being a marine biologist. But there are many Horrors. Prepare for both and you will be ok.
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angelst4re · 1 year
Hello lovely! I love your writing!! I was wondering if you could do a 001 fic where the reader is another one of Brenner’s subjects at Hawkins Lab with Henry/001. They mutually have a crush on each other but of course they can’t really act on their feelings, besides quick interactions in the dark corners of the hallway out of camera view. BUT then they get called into Brenner’s office one day and told that the lab is going to conduct an experimental program, to breed the most powerful subjects for the next generation, and they will be the first to begin it since they’re the oldest (obviously both would be like 18 or 19 years old!) and they finally get to get it on 🤭 but definitely starts out kind of awkward since this would be both of their first time hehe.
ugh this idea>>> also i barely ever get Henry/001/Peter requests and it makes me kinda sad becasue he's literally my favourite jamie character (jace, i am sorry.)
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002- Henry/001/Peter x Reader
summary: in the request :)
warnings: NSFW!! contains smut, this was also written at like 3am
notes: this is 4.5k words?? i feel like it could've been better though haha, BUT ALSO JAMIE SHAVED?? THE BEARD IS GONE??!!?!?! (but never forgotten <3)
You’ve known Henry for the majority of your life, or at least the half of your life that you remember. You had both been taken from your homes, your deaths faked while you were put under the care and control of a certain doctor and given new names, although they weren’t names. They were numbers. Yours was 002, Henry’s was 001. 
When you first arrived at the lab, you were shaken up, you refused to talk to anybody or even interact with the other boy. However, you soon learnt that you had a lot more in common than you had hoped. You had powers, it explained why you could see glimpses into the future, predict things and guess what someone was thinking- although you knew now that it wasn’t guessing. It was all true. You had believed that in the first 9 years of your life that these things were all ‘in your head’, as your father told you when you asked him if he was seeing other women, cheating on your mother. You refused to believe there was something unique or special about you. 
As the years passed, your powers grew stronger, and you also began to form a friendship with the other boy in the Lab, Henry. He was a year or 2 older than you, you never knew for sure. The first time he ever spoke to you was when he warned you about the Doctor tattooing you, he showed you his sore, red arm with 001 written in black ink. He told you to try to stay calm, he got punished for moving about in his seat when the pain got too much. You thanked him, and from that day he made a promise to himself- he promised he would keep you safe and that one day he would escape with you, so you could both live the life you deserved. 
As more years went by, you and Henry continued to grow closer. More children also began to arrive at the lab, none of them were over the age of 6. Doctor Brenner ordered them to call him Papa, you and Henry had quite rightly refused to call him this. He began lessons, helping these children to use and build their powers, to grow them stronger. You and Henry would also attend these lessons, Brenner would often ask one of you to help the children, to give them advice- but most of them were only 5, they struggled to understand. This resulted in punishments, which you and Henry had to leave the room for. 
As you got older, you realised your feelings towards Henry were more than what you should feel for friends. You had a crush on him. Upon realising this, you started to behave differently around him. You would blush when he felt the cut on your cheek, wishing his soft fingers would caress your cheek to pull you in for a kiss instead, or when you be alone with him in the Rainbow Room you would try to keep a little distance and appear engaged in an activity so he wouldn’t try talking to you, you would only stumble on your words as you spoke back. 
He picked up pretty quickly that you liked him in this way, he couldn’t help it with his powers, could he? He could use and control his better than you could, meaning he could read your thoughts, whilst you struggled to read his. However, you liked it better like this, you knew that you and Henry would probably die in the lab before you could leave, meaning you’d rather spend your in-between years as friends and not risk the shame of rejection. 
However, you needed to tell someone about this crush- it was driving you insane. Martha, the nurse, was the only person in this place you could trust, besides Henry, so you opened up to her one day when she was treating your most recent wounds before performing an overall health and wellness check as it was leading up to your 18th birthday. For your 16th birthday, you and Nurse Martha spent an afternoon in a sex education lesson, so you wondered what was in store for your 18th. Peter said nothing special happens, that it’s just like any other. 
However, your 18th birthday was one to remember, it seemed even better than your 7th (which you could only vaguely remember, you received a dollhouse that you had been begging for all year). You spent the majority of the day in lessons with Brenner and other doctors and scientists, but the evening made up for the last 9 years you had spent in the Lab. 
There was a knock on your door, you expected it to be Nurse Martha, but when you opened it you were met with…
“Henry?” You gasped, poking your head out the door to check the halls before grabbing his arm and pulling him into the room, “what are you doing? If you get caught you’ll-”
“If I get caught then at least it was for a good reason,” he smiles, pulling something out from under his black jumper, what had he been hiding? “Happy birthday.” 
He handed it over to you, it was wrapped up in some tissue? A napkin?
“Cake?!” Your eyes widen, and then soften as you look up at Henry. You remembered from your years before the Lab that birthdays were usually celebrated with cake, yet Brenner never allowed it on birthdays. “Where did you get this from?” You ask, sitting down on your bed. 
“Stole it from the kitchens, one of the ‘children’ caused a fire on the south side of the building today and the staff were made to evacuate.” He said, yet (for the first time) you knew what he was thinking, you knew he was lying. 
“You started a fire? To get me some cake?” You chuckled in disbelief. 
“Well, you deserved something to make you happy. I wish I could’ve gotten you a gift.” He said, looking down at his lap, you could tell he was thinking about something else, you couldn’t quite work out what it was. 
“You can think of the cake as a gift!” You said, smiling as you picked at a bit of it before taking a bite, it was delicious. “Anyway I like spending time with you, and we don’t get to see each other as much as we used to.” 
“That’s because we’re at different levels, y/n. I’ve known about my powers and how to use them since I was young, you only discovered them in there. Brenner doesn’t believe you’re as… powerful as I am, but I know you can prove him wrong, can’t you?” Henry’s eyes fell on you as he asked the question, you nodded your head, telling him you will prove him wrong, that you’ll make him feel stupid for ever thinking that way about you, to which Henry whispered a small “that’s my girl.” 
“What did you say?” You asked, feeling the heat rush to your face. 
“I didn’t say anything,” he smirked. You must have read his mind again. “Can I tell you something?” Henry asked. 
“Of course.” You said, finishing the last bit of cake, folding the piece of tissue up and placing it on your drawers. 
“Do you remember when you first arrived at this place? I was finally happy to have someone else with me, but you were too afraid to even talk to me. I spent years trying to get you to trust me, you may not have realised that, but I wanted to be your friend. Before I was brought here, I didn’t have any friends, I spent most of my time by myself and that’s how I wanted it to be, but it was just so lonely and cold here, I wished I spent my time differently. I knew it was too late by then, but then you arrived. I knew, given the situation, that you would most likely shy away from me, attempt to escape, but I wanted to try. I wanted to know that I at least tried to make a friend, but I feel like I’ve done more than that,” he said, placing his hand on your knee, “I’ve realised in these last months that I… like you. More than a friend should like a friend. And I won’t lie to you, I know you feel like this about me too, but I wished I would have heard it from your mouth rather than your thoughts,” he chuckled, his eyes coming up to meet yours. 
“C-can you kiss me?” You ask, stupidly stumbling on your words as the feeling of his hand on your bare skin and his eyes looking into yours became too much. 
“It would be my pleasure.” He smiled softly, his hand coming up to gently cup your cheek. 
You were the first to lean in, needing to know if Henry’s lips were as soft as you imagined- and they were. Your breath was snatched from your lungs as his lips pressed into yours. He could taste cake from your lips, causing him to smile into the kiss before carefully pulling back. You didn’t want to stop, it took everything inside you not to pull him back. 
“Thank you.” You whispered, watching as he quickly stood up, adjusting his clothes before grabbing the door handle. 
“I should go now, so I don’t get in any more trouble with Brenner. But I hope we can do this again… soon.” 
“Me too,” you smiled, still trying to process the fact that Henry had admitted he liked you back and kissed you in the space of 5 minutes, “I hope you get back safely. Good night, Henry.”
“Good night, love.” 
“002?” A knock at your door distracted you from the drawing you were working on, you placed the pencil down on your desk and made your way to your door, opening to be greeted with Nurse Martha, who had Henry by her side. 
“Hello.” You chuckled nervously, “is everything okay?”
“Yes! I was asked by Doctor Brenner to collect you and 001 and to take you to his office, he would like to tell you both about his newest… project.” 
“I’ll be two seconds,” you say, rushing over to your bed to grab your jumper, throwing it on to cover your tank top before returning the door, shutting it as you follow Martha and Henry down the halls. 
You gave Henry a glance and in your mind you asked him ‘do you know what this is about?’, he then looked back over at you and shook his head, ‘no, he hasn’t said anything about a project.’
“Here we are,” Nurse Martha smiled as she knocked on the door to Brenner’s office, “don’t be nervous, sweetheart.” She said to you, patting your shoulder. 
“Ah, thank you, Martha, I can take it from here.” Brenner said with a cold smile as he held his office door open, inviting you and Henry inside as the nurse turned around and headed back down the halls. 
You and Henry sit down when instructed, on the chairs opposite the Doctor’s desk. He opened a cabinet, pulling out a folder and placing it in front of you and Henry as he sat at his desk. 
“You’re probably wondering why you’re here,” Brenner mused, opening up the folder, looking at the two of you as if you were supposed to know, but you both shook your head. “Over the years, I have worked with several doctors and scientists to try to find a way of combining both of your powers, seeing as the children here have only inherited percentages of your abilities from the testing we have done. But there may be a way to go about this that could potentially be successful, as you two are the oldest and possess the the most unique abilities-”
“What are you trying to say?” Henry asked, his eyebrows furrowing. “Do you need to take more blood samples?”
Doctor Brenner thought about his next words carefully, not wanting to scare either of you off with his proposal. He folded his arms in front of him on the desk and leaned forward. 
“To put it simply, we want you two to begin the next generation, to reproduce, to-”
You interrupted him by choking on air as you finally realised what he meant. He wanted you and Henry to have a child together, in hopes that this child will inherit both of your powers and abilities. 
“And when do you want this to happen?” Henry asked, his voice avoiding any signs of emotion as he looked into the eyes of the Doctor. 
“Nurse Martha has been tracking 002’s menstrual cycle, and this week would be perfect for successful conception. Maybe even today?” Brenner said with a joyous smile. Of course he’d be happy, he won’t be the one to carry this damned baby for nine months. “So, is that okay with you?” He asked, as if you and Henry had a choice. 
“Yes, Doctor.” You replied in unison. 
“Wonderful!” He clasped his hands together, “you may do… it… in either of your rooms, we haven’t got any spare rooms at the moment- and I believe it may be helpful to have some sort of comfort.” He said before walking over to the office door, holding it open for the two of you. 
You and Henry walked in silence, you had non-verbally decided to go to your room- or at least that is where you were both heading. The silence between the two of you was unbearable, you needed to say something-
“So, you are definitely comfortable with this, right?” Henry asked, his fingertips brushing against yours as you walked side by side. 
“I guess so, we can’t risk saying no-”
“If you don’t want to do this then we won’t.” Henry stated, confidently. 
You thought for a moment, you wanted to do it, you wanted to feel Henry close to you like this, it’s what your body has been aching for for the last month- when he would send a small smirk your way when he caught your eye you would feel your lower half tingling, when he would place his hands on your waist as he moved past you when you were sent to retrieve something from the cramped storage cupboard you wanted nothing more than to push yourself up against him, when he-
“I’ll take that as you being okay with this then?” He smirked, wiping the small drip of blood from his nose. Bastard. Your thoughts were private!
“Yeah,” you smiled, finally arriving at your room. You took a deep breath before opening your door. Henry followed you in and carefully shut the door behind him. “So, how do you want to do this?”
Henry gave you a gentle smile as he slowly moved closer to you, his hand cupping your cheek like it had done a few weeks ago, when he had kissed you on your birthday. He leaned down slowly, your noses brushing as your lips touched. You run your fingers through his hair before pulling him closer, catching his lips in a sloppy, clearly inexperienced kiss. 
His free hand rested on your hip, pulling your body closer to his, so close you could feel heat radiating from him. He kissed you hungrily, like this was his last chance to show you how much you mean to him, even if he can’t properly tell you. 
He moved his hands to the bottom of your jumper, tugging on it, ‘let me take it off’. 
And you allowed him, breaking free from the kiss for a mere 5 seconds made you feel empty, cold, like a piece of a puzzle was missing, but when Henry had taken your jumper off and let it drop to the floor, his lips crashed into yours once more. 
‘Your turn’, you told him. You loved how you could communicate with his like this, not having to take your lips off of each other to speak. 
Your hands fumbled about as you found the bottom of his jumper, beginning to lift it up. He took over, breaking the kiss once more as he dropped it to the floor, now lying in a pile with yours. His hands now played with the waistband of your grey joggers as he gave you a puzzling look- a look full of lust, desire, want, but also love. He slipped his fingers into the waistband and began to drag them down your hips. 
“Henry,” you whispered. He stopped immediately and looked at you, scanning your face for any signs of fear. “I just… I wanted to tell you… I don’t know how to do this.” You admit, your face flushing a deep red. 
“Neither do I,” he tells you, “why don’t we figure it out together, hm?” He raises his eyebrows, continuing to pull your joggers down, slowly revealing your underwear. 
“Okay.” You say, smiling as you stand awkwardly, not knowing what to do with your hands as he undresses you. 
When the material pools at your feet, you step out it, now left in your underwear, bra and a thin tank top. Henry was still fully dressed. He caught on quickly and rid himself of his t-shirt, letting that fall on to the pile of discarded clothes that lay on the floor. His hands moved down to push his joggers down his legs, leaving him in just his white boxers. You took that as a sign and removed your top, leaving you in your white bra and panties. 
“You’re beautiful.” Henry said, looking at your body, “I never thought something could be so beautiful.” 
“So are you.” You said, placing your hand on his chest, noticing the scars on his skin that were undoubtedly caused by a certain doctor. “What do we do next?” 
“...we get naked.” Henry said, his hand coming up to play with your bra strap, “is that okay?”
“That’s okay.” You tell him. 
‘Can I take this off?’ he asks you, his eyes finding yours as you nod your head. His hands slide around you, to your back to find the clasp of your bra. He immediately notices that this would be more difficult than expected, so he gets you to turn around, with your back facing him. 
He easily unclasped your bra, carefully sliding the straps off of your arms before taking the material and letting it fall on the floor. 
He could feel his blood rushing down to his cock as he thinks about how you’re standing braless in front of him. He tells himself not to worry about what you would think as you turn back around to see him hard through his boxers, that was meant to happen, that’s what needs to happen, right?
“You can turn around now.” Henry says, swallowing thickly. 
Your hands cover your boobs as you turn back around to face him, but he quickly removes them, telling you not to be shy. Then your eyes finally catch what was between his thighs. 
“Henry… is that…?” Your eyes were full of curiosity as you stared at his erection. 
“Yes, I expect you’ve never seen one like this before.” He says, you shake your head. 
“I’ve only seen what was in t-the anatomy books.” You tell him, and he smiles softly. He feels like he has a slight advantage here, having heard his classmates at school talk about sex all the time, he felt repulsed by it- but that was before he met you. 
He finally takes off his boxers, you watch carefully as his cock leaks precum, your hand unexpectedly reaching to wipe it off with a finger, causing Henry’s breath to hitch. 
“Can I?” You ask him, ‘can I make you feel good?’
Henry nods his head, taking your hand in his and wrapping your fingers around his length before guiding it up and down at an achingly slow pace. He bites his lip, holding back a groan from escaping his lips as you quicken the pace. 
“S-stop,” he warns you, “I want the first time I cum to be with you.”
You nod your head and remove your hand, not knowing what his words meant. 
“Can I make you feel good?” He asks, hooking a finger into the waistband of your underwear. 
“Please…” You whimper, “when I’m with you I feel things down there, what does that mean, Henry?” You ask. 
“It means you need my fingers, darling.” He whispers, pushing your last remaining garment down and off of your body, revealing your cunt to him. “Fuck…” he groans, getting down on to his knees to look at you closer, he had never seen this part of the female body up close before. 
He dips a finger into you, delighted to find you were already wet for him. He moved his finger up along your slit, searching for your clit. He knew that would make you feel good, and he was desperate to hear you moan for him. 
“Oh my-” Your knees buckle when his finger grazes over the nub, he smirks, replacing his finger with his thumb as he rubs circles where you needed him. 
He continues to examine you, two fingers from his other hand spread your folds apart and he watches you pulse, a sign that you wanted more. 
He stands back up and removes his hands from you, placing one on your waist. 
“Lie down,” he tells you, guiding you backwards towards the bed. 
You lay down, your head against the pillows, your arms by your head and your legs spread slightly. He was happy to see you were comfortable around him. 
He follows you, kneeling between your legs, spreading them a tiny bit further. He brings his hand back to your heat, teasing your entrance with his fingertip. 
“Tell me if it’s too much.” He says, sliding his index finger into you slowly, earning a pleasured gasp from you. “Does that feel good?” He asked, a smirk playing on his lips as he eases it back out before pushing back in. He believes you were ready for a second one to follow, so his thumb rubs your clit as he slides his middle finger in too. 
“Feels too good, Henry.” You moan, a lazy smile on your lips as you look up at him. 
He replies with a satisfied ‘hm’ as he continues his actions. He feels the way your walls pulse around his fingers, and basically hears your heart pounding in your chest, he knows you’re close. 
Slowly, he stops what he was doing, leaning down to pepper kisses on your thighs, even placing a delicate kiss over your clit. 
“I think you’re ready now, sweetheart.” He says, moving up a little on the bed so your hips were in line with his. 
“Okay.” You say, not knowing what he thought you were ready for, but agreeing anyway. 
He took his cock and swiped off the precum that had leaked from the tip and swiped it over your clit, making your hips shuffle as he lined himself up with you, slowly inching his cock inside of you. 
The pain was hot and red, it took you by surprise and you found yourself clawing at the bedsheets. Henry noticed this and took your hands in his, moving them to his back. You didn’t want to hurt him but as he pushed in further,  your nails began to dig into his skin, sure to draw blood. 
“You’re doing so well.” He whispered, leaning down to kiss your forehead. “Does it hurt?” He asked, although he knew the answer before you nodded your head. 
When he was fully inside you, you let out a whimper. You had never realised you could feel this way before, so full. You loved it. 
He didn’t move for a few moments, until he felt you were ready, when you caught your breath and your walls stopped clamping around him. That was when he began to gently rock his hips, thrusting in and out of you. 
Sweat beaded on Henry’s forehead as he tried his best to hold himself back from rutting into you at a faster pace, but as your legs wrapped around his waist, he began to quicken his pace. 
“Oh my… Henry, faster!” You panted. 
He did as you said, not holding back anymore. After weeks of wanting nothing more than this moment, Henry couldn’t believe what was happening. Surely this wasn’t real- but as your nails clawed at his back, he knew it most definitely was real. 
“I love you.” The words slipped from Henry’s lips and caught you by surprise. You didn’t say anything, not knowing what to say. Instead, you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him closer to you, your lips crashing into his. 
You suddenly became aware of how he felt inside you, the spots he hit deep inside your body that you would have never known were there, but especially how good it felt. 
“Henry… I feel something… In my tummy-”
“Let it go, darling.” He said, his hand sliding to your lower stomach, just below your belly button, and pushing down. The pressure resulted in even more pleasure, you felt so good, you never wanted this feeling to leave. 
Suddenly, a white wave of ecstasy crashed over you, spreading through your whole body. You almost felt euphoric. 
“Gonna… gonna cum inside you- fuck!” He groaned, his thrusts growing slower and sloppier, and then you felt something hot rush inside of you. 
Henry remained above you, his arms placed either side of your body to support him. He was trying to catch his breath before he stood back up and continued with his day- but you pulled him down, making him put all his weight onto you. 
You wrapped your arms around him, holding him close to you as you both came down from your highs, worried that if you let go of him, he would leave and you would never speak about this again. 
When you realised he was still inside of you, your walls involuntarily clenched around him again, causing him to groan into the crook of your neck. You whispered a soft apology before you ran your fingers through his soft hair. 
“I love you too.” You finally confessed. 
He lifted his head up, giving you a smile before kissing the corner of your mouth. 
“Our baby isn’t going to grow up inside this place,” Henry told you, “I have a plan, I’m going to escape- and I’m going to take you with me.”
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aemiron-main · 4 months
Outside The Wall: What Would El Have Seen If She’d Gone Through The Tunnel During NINA?
So, I was rewatching the tunnel scene during NINA, and something hit me- what would El have seen if she had gone through the tunnel during NINA?
Sure, IRL/in 1979, if she’d actually gone through the tunnel, she wouldve seen the forest outside of the lab/the rest of Hawkins etc etc.
But what about within NINA? What if NINA El had gone through that tunnel? What would be on the other side? Does NINA simulate anything beyond the lab? Would it have just been an empty void? Would El have gone into another part of her own mind like how she goes through various parts of Max’s mind later on in S4? Would El have ended up in Henward’s mind like how Max found a backdoor into Vecna’s mind and what I’ve talked about with a.) Henward being sentient and present during NINA/hooked up in a NINA tank and b.) this post that I made re: a “backdoor” into Vecna’s mind and how a “backdoor” is a coding term, which would tie into NINA’s computer programming.
And this also makes me think of Pink Floyd’s The Wall & all of the references to The Wall in ST, versus the white bricks in HNL during NINA resembling the white bricks from The Wall, versus the direct reference to The Wall right after that tunnel scene:
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Versus the song “Outside The Wall” from The Wall, which is about the idea of breaking the cycle (staring at El’s literal cycle in the beginning of NINA where she’s stuck in a loop/cycling through all those doors that lead to the rainbow room), and also about how what it takes to break that cycle is a change in perspective- to break down the wall/ specifically to get outside the wall/out to the other side of the wall, which is exactly what El would have done if she’d gone through that tunnel.
Would El getting outside of HNL have ended a time loop? Would it have ended the simulation entirely?
What would El have seen outside the walls of HNL if she’d gotten out during NINA?
I wonder if she would’ve gotten a literal change in perspective- if she would have, maybe, ended up seeing stuff through Henward’s eyes- especially with what I just talked about re: a backdoor into Henward’s mind and also what I talked about in this post with the line about how a “scared enough ONE” might use the tunnel, and the idea of Henward having tried to escape the lab via the tunnel when he was younger/small enough to use the tunnel.
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
Terry Is Not El's 'Mama'
Let's talk about this scene.
In 4x08: Papa, as El is waking up after finding out the 'truth’ about the massacre, she has yet another flashback of her birth.
It's important to keep in mind that El has had flashbacks of her birth consistently ever since she met Terry aka 'Mama', in 2x05: Dig Dug. Though arguably, her most notable flashback occurred in 4x07: The Massacre at Hawkins Lab, which showcased her mother’s love in the moment El was born and how that memory was a a catalyst for her getting the strength to defeat Henry in '79.
And so, why? Why oh why is her flashback in Papa framed like this?:
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Did you catch it?
The nail polish...
The same woman doctor currently helping attend to El at the Nina Project in Nevada, has identical nail polish to Terry in El's flashback.
Literally, back to back, they are juxtaposing these shots with this woman's hand.
This exact shot of Terry from El's flashback was also shown during the massacre, just a little bit differently with I love you accompanying it instead of Hi, Jane.
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If you want to understand what exactly I'm implying here, this ask I answered a few days ago delves into why I think El's memories in relation to Terry and the Rainbow Room at Hawkins Lab have been tampered with. And the scene(s) here in this post seems to support that claim even further.
Because seriously, why else would they show us a flashback of what we're being led to believe is Terry's hand, aka El’s mom, with it being this huge moment that gives El the strength to banish Henry to the UD, only to bring back that same shot in the following episode, juxtaposing it with this woman who works alongside Brenner and Owens?
I talked about it in that original ask, but I just want to reiterate again that it really doesn't make sense for them to keep rehashing El's birth, making it more and more disjointed every time, if the truth behind it all is that Terry is simply El's mom? It only makes sense to keep bringing it to the forefront if there's still something missing/being misunderstood by both El and as a result, the audience.
I also want to add another scene in the mix, within the context of that scene I talked about most in my ask, related to Terry rejecting herself as El's mom/home, and how that also juxtaposes this scene from 4x05: The Nina Project, which includes Brenner, Owens, some guards, and that infamous third doctor (with the nail polish matching Terry)...
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You might be asking yourself why? And I am clearly right there with you!
And yet, upon thinking more critically about what is believed to go down in s5, I can’t help but wonder if all of this series long build-up related El’s birth(day) memories being tampered with, and how that might have a little something to do with another certain characters widely speculated forgotten birthday…
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terror-slut · 2 years
Please write some 001 fanfics!
Change of Heart
Chapter 01/?? Click HERE for this fic’s masterlist!
Reader is a troubled pediatrician at Hawkins lab when she crosses paths with this lovely orderly. Nothing will stand between Peter and his revenge. Not even really pretty distractions.
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Pairing: Peter Ballard x f!reader
Word count: 1117
Ratings & warnings: SPOILERS, period typical sexism, violence, blood, NSFW, swearing, no (Y/N), no described defining features for reader. Ratings may change as chapters are added.
A/N: your wish is my wish as well my command!
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She doesn’t talk much.
Not to her colleagues, at least. She speaks with dr. Brenner because she answers to him and she speaks to the children when they need her.
But not to the other doctors and nurses, not to the other orderlies. Not to him.
It has never bothered Peter before. He doesn’t need her, has no reason to let her live when his plan eventually comes to fruition. In his mind, she is just like everyone else who works at Hawkins Lab. Another mindless sheep pretending to care for the children, but in reality only interested in prodding their supernatural brains in the name of science and a paycheck at the end of the month.
Eat. Sleep. Work. Reproduce. Die.
It was stupid of him to let her become a distraction. He should have killed her when he had the chance.
“Peter,” one of the kids in the rainbow room groans to him, tugging on the spotless white sleeve of his uniform.
He crosses eyes with little 015 when he looks down, the boy looks paler than usual and his lips are chapped. The kid’s eyes are watery and his nose runny.
“I don’t feel so good, Peter.”
Alec locks eyes with him and then nods, signaling that it’s fine, under the illusion that he can handle these kids on their own while Peter is away.
“Come with me, 015. The doctor will make you all better.”
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A disheveled mess greets the pair when he and 015 arrive at the sick bay, something that he’s not used to from the Hawkin’s lab pediatrician.
Though usually neatly put in a tight bun, her locks now tumble in unkempt tresses down her face and deep, purple circles have appeared under her eyes. It is out of the ordinary and bound to capture Peter’s attention.
“015 is not feeling good,” he states the obvious, expecting her to ignore him as she usually does. When her eyes find his deep blue ones before they wander off to 015, his interest is piqued once again.
Something is off, which meant the puzzle pieces could change and be rearranged. Peter always keeps his eyes open for little shifts in the matrix that could mean he has to change his initial plan. Has the doctor’s obvious distracted state any real meaning to him? Could and would she form a problem?
Peter watches as she sits the kid down in her office, producing a penlight and has him follow the light for her.
“Does it hurt anywhere, 015? Do you remember when it started?” She asks him, squatting in front of the kid so that they’re at eye level.
“I’ll come back later to pick him up,” Peter says, but before he can make his way out of her office and back to the rainbow room, she calls after him. Knitting his brows together in amusement, he turns around on his heels to look at the doctor.
“Yes?” His hands are folded neatly behind his back, ever the friendly, harmless orderly. She’s at least a head smaller than he is.
“I know we’re not supposed to intervene with the kids. And I’m not asking you to,” her eyes dart around the hallway. He wonders what she has to hide. “But tell dr. Brenner if you see any of the bigger kids picking on the smaller ones. I’ve had too many kids in here with nosebleeds that didn’t stem from their powers.”
“Why?” He asks. Not why should he tell dr. Brenner. He understands her motivation behind that. But why him? Why can’t she tell Brenner herself? Unlike Brenner and himself, she has always been on good terms with the man. What happened?
“I…” she hesitates, worrying her lip between her teeth as he looks down upon her. “You seem like a good guy, Peter. You’re here every day, you spend every waking moments with these kids. I know you care for them. Please?”
Please? Fuck.
If Peter was the person she assumed he was, good and kind, maybe he would fulfill her request. But he is far from that person and she must surely be delusional to think he cared. The only person Peter looks out for is number 001, and that meant that drawing attention to himself would only make dr. Brenner suspicious of him. He could and would not risk it, not even when she asks him so prettily.
“I’ll be back for him. After dinner,” she looks dejected, but it doesn’t matter to Peter. The clicking of his shoes on the tiles announce his retreat.
With a disappointing huff she watches the lean orderly go before turning back to 015 with a fake smile plastered on her face.
“Alright, kid. Let’s get you all better.”
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It’s long after dinner when Peter makes his nightly rounds around the lab, enjoying the peace and quiet, free of the chatter between doctors that could be heard during the day. It’s moments like these Peter enjoys most. The deathly quiet where he can take a moment and think.
Back when he had just been assigned the job of an orderly, he used to take these moments and try as he might to rekindle his power. Every night for days, weeks, months he tried, until he had no choice but to accept that the blocker in his neck did it’s job. There was no way around it.
Later, he took these moments to order his thoughts and form a plan. An escape plan that not even dr. Brenner could see coming. He would be sure to make them all pay, Martin Brenner the first to atone and the last to die.
Nowadays, he saw these quiet moments as the calm before the storm. Much like a spider, he shakes his long limbs loose and his mind wanders off to a place he’d be able to call home. Somewhere he could be well and truly alone.
“For fuck’s sake!” Peter’s head snaps up at the muffled cussing coming from behind a closed door. His body stiffens and his breathing becomes steady like an animal ready to pounce on it’s prey.
Seconds pass like rain droplets joining a winded river as he waits for another sound.
Suddenly, a door on his left flies open and he has his hand halfway lifted before cursing dr. Brenner and his idiotic power blocker.
To his surprise, it’s not one of the other staff members on duty, or even one of the kids.
It’s the pediatrician.
And she’s not wearing her lab coat or her white pants, either. She’s wearing a pastel nightgown. His hand falls, in sync with her face when she notices him.
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A/N: well, that’s the end of chapter 01! If people enjoy it, I’ll definitely continue. I have a bunch of ideas for this pair and I love getting in Peter’s head to discover his motivations etc. Also lmk if you want to be tagged for future chapters!
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sterlingarcher23 · 3 months
An endless summer skateboarding & a seashell lamp
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If you didn't notice, they told us what Max is doing in her head right now in the coma.
She covers her "The Endless Summer" poster with her head in S2 and completely in 4. (There's a lot going on behind Max's head)
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Note how the sea shell lamp is only on when Max is with El.
Oh, and we had that scene in which William, sorry, Billy says "You know what happens if you lie to me." ... Yeah. He did. Break her skateboard. I mean Vecna did. Her. - the Dear Billy poster says "No more lies. No more hiding" and Vecna/Edward using Billy's appearance.
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Seriously. They spoon feed us everything.
Interesting how they use other characters to foreshadow and be proxys of others. Like Henderson means Son of Henry, Eddie = Edward/Vecna who plays him in the game. William is possessed... I mean Will, I mean Billy. And some lines from Robin are proxy lines for El. - Like "I wanted her to look at me..." but someone is in the way. (El is misinterpreting her own feelings. And then there's this "I love her and I can't lose her again" and it's Max looking embarrassed)
If you want to stop One
But I digress. Now, speaking of this scene. El IS the only One to stop One (remember Owens: You are One of the good Ones). That's been foreshadowed in the very first scene in which she sees Max.
Max is circling and wouldn't have stopped, Mike tried, if El hadn't stopped her in a manner of speaking. Brenner told us how to stop One.
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In order to stop One, you need to fly, you need to be consumed and Max "Can't stop".
This One is circling endlessly like Terry Ives in her mind and this is likely the connection with the rainbow sequence in the lab scene and the zooming effect.
In the skateboard scene from Season 2 the Zoomer is mentioned the first time. Twice.
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Told you. - Zoomer.
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Spoon fed. - Taking the wheel, like taking control.
And circling, spinning is totally an ElMax theme.
The sea shell lamp scenes also form a pattern with it off when Max is alone, broken, haunted and hunted by abusers like William/Vecna and on when she's with El.
There's another scene coming to complete this pattern with the lamp on in Season 5 (even if that lamp is probably created in the mind.)
Sea shells btw have a lot of meanings:
"Seashells are often associated with love and fertility. In some cases, the seashell can be seen as symbolic of female genitalia. Medieval Christian traditions associate seashells with pilgrims.
In some new age traditions, seashells are used to symbolize the unconscious and are associated with emotions. Thanks to their connection to the sea and water, they are also evocative of peace and tranquility." Kitty Jackson - Quote from this article about Botticelli's Birth of Venus.
Sea shell lamp on = love & femininity. Wonder Woman. Um, that's, how would Will phrase it: "Something something...on the nose"
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Red Skittle btw is Strawberry.
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Taste (consume) the rainbow....
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😉 (sorry for the Starship Troopers joke)
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lovetohate001 · 2 years
Hii! Can I request an imagine with Henry and the reader where she’s another number (she was put in the lab late, around 15-16 and she’s been there for like 3-4 years?)& she can manipulate metallic elements (move them& put them together) and she likes to create these little mechanical spiders&henry catches her one day? 😌🤍
Itsy Bitsy Spider
Peter Ballard x Test Subject! Reader | FLUFF
CW: spoilers for season 4 Vol. 1
word count: 1.2k
© lovetohate001, 2022. reposting/translating is not allowed.
Peter had seen spiders in Hawkin’s Laboratory for weeks now.
“I want you to look into this,” Doctor Brenner had told him. “If anyone can find where these are coming from, it sure as hell is you. Knowing how fond of black widows you were as a child.”
And Peter couldn’t argue with that. He never tried hard to find the culprit. How could he, when a small spider would follow him around the lab all day? Their mechanics were finely made and he had to admit, their attention to detail and craftsmanship was admirable. They were quite adorable, even if they weren’t completely sentient.
The Rainbow Room was quiet and you were amongst the few children allowed there for the afternoon. Monday’s training had left you drained, but you were proud for having done so well. Well enough to spend your afternoon here, where you could create.
Never mind the bright colours and rainbows adorning the walls of the Rainbow Room. You were fascinated with grey and black. The smudged colours came in so many different textures and shades that you couldn’t get enough.
The pin board where 002 was perfect. You played with a few blocks, one spinning as it levitated above your upturned palm. This was incredibly dull. Once he left the board, you made your way over.Looking over your shoulder, you saw Peter busy with 002 across the room.
Good. Keep them that way.
“Easy does it…” you murmured to yourself, eyebrows furrowed as you softly and carefully manipulated the glass just enough. It bended like water, and parted for you.
“Yes!” you cheered, not above a whisper in fear of getting caught. It was a small victory, but you were happy nonetheless.
You reached in and pulled four metal pins from the back of the plastic board, and a red puck for good measure, before closing the glass again.
You stared at the glass long enough to get a nose bleed. Your smug smile was wide and crinkled your eyes when you wiped your sleeve across your nose. In place of the metal poles you had taken, lay four brand new ones.
“It seems you’ve finally mastered the art of rebuilding and manipulation,” you heard Peter say from behind you.
“Huh?!” you whirled your head around, eyes wide in shock and your heart dropping to the very bottom of your body in dread. You’d been found out.
“Shh,” he held a finger to his lips and sat down by you. “If we act like I am helping you with the pucks, then the cameras won’t be able to see what we’re doing.”
“Huh?” you were so confused. For weeks you had heard murmurs of Papa trying to find this “mystery spider maker”, and now Peter wasn’t even trying to immediately hand you in?
“I saw your spiders over the last few weeks, you know,” Peter started, reaching for a red puck and putting it into the top of the board.
You kept your eyes fixed on it as he carried on speaking, remaining unsuspicious.
“They were so beautifully done, too,” he complimented you.
You couldn’t help being slightly flustered. If you were honest, all the other teenagers here around your age were absolutely smitten for him. Especially since he was the only one who was truly kind to you all. He also helped you a lot. All of you. during your assessments when you struggled, he would always whisper encouraging words and tips on how to do well before you began.
Brenner hated him for it, but everyone here adored him for his nature.
"Thank you,” you said, your eyes not daring to leave the board, moving the puck to fall into the 8th slot, as your wanted it to.
“Can you show me how you make them?” He asked. “I wonder…with this red puck and black metal, could you make a black widow?”
You huffed and looked down at the small poles and puck you had in your lap. You’d had such a love for rain spiders and their long legs. Why do a black widow when they were so small? It didn’t seem like much of a challenge for you.
“Why a black widow?” you finally asked, a frown adorning your soft features as you met his lovely blue eyes. “They’re not really that fun to make.”
“Hmm, lets see…” he crossed his arms and sighed. “For me, as a child, I loved black widows…They were such small little creatures, but with so much power. They’re very poisonous, despite their size. Did you know that?”
“Uh huh,” you nodded.
“Then you’d know that because of one single bite from this little creature would result in extreme pain. You can be paralysed…” he trailed off and laughed softly when he saw the way your eyes widened in fear.
“But don’t worry. Besides their malicious intent, I simply loved them, because they reminded me that no matter how small or unnoticed, I went as a child, I had just as much power to become greater.”
“That’s a good reason,” you agreed. “Knowing that small things can have much power can help you think you can have potential to do well too. Achieve the things you want to.”
“You remind me of black widows, slightly,” Peter pointed out. “You’re small but have such bite, with all that power you have.”
“I guess so,” you shrugged. “I’ll make your spider. Do you want me to show you how I do it?”
“Yes, I would love that.”
“On one condition,” you help up a finger, “Don’t tell Papa about them, just yet.”
“They can be our little secret,” Peter vowed, bowing his head solemnly.
With his promise in mind, you began your work.
You put the small little poles into the flat of your palm and stared stared stared, willing the metal to take form. The poles thinned out and slowly split in half, growing little spikes and tips. Spider’s legs, Peter realized, as you continued.
The puck melted into a soft clay, and eighteen small little balls of red made their way between the legs. The rest of the puck darkened and formed into an oval. The body. And a small red dot remained on the back.
Then a small head, and “There you go,” you said gently, placing the spider onto the white floor.
It slowly whirred to life and stood up, a newborn bambi first standing. It shuddered and shook, then stood still. Eight little eyes glistened, looking up at the two of you.
“Amazing…” Peter murmured, dumbstruck.
“You can keep him if you want,” you said cheerily, as if you hadn’t just created a life in front of his very eyes.
“Thank you,” Peter gave you a radiant smile and held out his hand, watching as the spider crawled onto his palm.
“We can call him Darcy.”
What could you say, you loved reading classics. It was the only thing Papa gave you to do here.
And so that was how Peter had Darcy follow him around the Lab for another month, the only spider that was allowed in the facility after Papa had called you in. Darcy was a little secret between you and Peter.
And you were so very happy to have finally made a friend, even if it took four years of being cooped up here to have found one.   
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drcriticaldicezine · 3 months
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Korekiyo shows off the wonders of his lab in this majestic piece by Rainbow! View the full piece when our adventure releases on March 6th!
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erikiara80 · 2 months
Joyce, Hopper and Terry's message
I've already talked about the many Kali-Henry parallels, but there are other very interesting things. For example, like other people pointed out, Axel's mask is also at Melvald's (and the girl's mask is a tiger, hm)
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Brain damaged. The only close up we get of the tattoo is in 2x01. Mike also mentions brain damage in S3, when he's worried about El. So, 2x01, the first time we see Kali, starts with a police chase, Brain Damaged tattoo and Kali creating an illusion that causes a car accident. What could it mean for El? If you follow my blog, you know my car crash theory. A car accident in the past that involved Hopper, maybe drowning, and then being revived? (Breath! She wasn't breathing)
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A bald man even says to El: You're dead! We're all dead! (Ten in 4x01: Ellis and Six. Dead. They're both dead)
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The only bald child in the show is Sarah. And she's dead. And the other scene where we see bald people (the prisoners) and kids are mentioned, is when Hopper yells at Dimitri that his son is not his son.
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But this also seems connected to Joyce. In this scene we see Kali and El in front of a wrecked green car (there's also a green car in Terry's memory), the words mom and Janice (J, like Joyce), No. (number) and Ace.
Green car, mom J, police, El, car accident and Kali (Number One)
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But speaking of Sarah. Dottie wears a clown mask. There are clowns on Sarah's pajamas, and Will was scared of clowns.
In 2x07 we see a flashback of what Kali does before the police chase in 2x01. I think it could be another hint at what happened in the past, maybe even what caused the car chase and the accident. Kali kills a man connected to the lab: one of the articles El reads in 2x05 is about the abduction of a newborn boy from a hospital by a nurse, who is later found dead from a gunshot wound in her house. Name of the journalist: Frank Williams
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This extra, a blonde pregnant woman. El's mother? But the number on the bus is 4+2+2= 8 (or ten, if we count the other 2). Not eleven. Eight/Kali makes people see or not see whatever she chooses, so I wonder what is true and what not in Terry's memories.
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The song that plays in this scene is Runaway
All your life all you asked is when's your daddy gonna talk to you. But you were living in another world, trying to get your message through
Then shot of the cops. This reminds me of Hopper seeing and hearing Sarah, but telling himself that it was all in his mind.
(end of the episode, when El sees her dad in the void, Mike says almost the same words. He too is trying to get a message through. I need to get through! I need to get through! I need to warn them. It's a trap!)
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The cops are drinking coffee. Like coffee and contemplation (and donut). First thing Hopper says, when Flo tells him that Joyce can't find her son. And he has his coffee mug in S2, when he and Murray talk about the girl, the "russian spy".
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In 2x05, at Terry's, before El enters the room, this is what they're saying on the TV:
Name a way you occupy your time when you're having a boring day at work. Drink coffee. "Drink coffee" said Mike. ... Yeah! Five answers will beat it, Lynn. [Lynn] Visit with other employees. [host] "Visit with other employees!" Terry: Rainbow.
Mike? Well, maybe not our Mike. I'm thinking about the many Michael Myers references, and Mikhail not being Dimitri's son.
Drinking coffee when you have a boring day at work -> coffee and contemplation. So, the first thing they do is connecting Terry and Hopper. And they do it in S1 too, when Becky says twice, with a smile, that Terry and Hopper would get along. They even have the same octagon table. Eight again...
The name Lynn. Like Vera Lynn? Her song, We'll meet again, plays after the sauna scene in S3, when we see the crowd of Flayed people. A song about Vera Lynn is in Pink Floyd album The Wall (Ross posted the photo of the poster a few weeks ago) which was released in 1979. I could be wrong, but...
Vera Lynn-> 1979, and Terry's first word, after Lynn says "visit with other employees", is rainbow
Could this be a hint that Terry wasn't just a subject of the experiments, but worked with Brenner? (employee) That she was Mama to Brenner's Papa?
Back to the coffee. Not only do they mention it on the TV, but then Terry shows El two coffee mugs, when she changes the channels, after a police chase (Kali calls Hopper policeman) But why would Terry show El police chases and coffee mugs? The other commercials seem about the lab. Terry is not just randomly changing the channels. She's talking. And for some reason, she's including Hopper in her message.
Blonde woman. Not sure if she stands for Terry or Virginia.
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The score: 91, 64 -> 9+1, 6+4. Ten and ten. One and One. Or two. Lol, or eleven. I have to make a post about all the other things they show on that TV.
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After the blonde woman, Terry shows El donuts. Many identical donuts and Was it worth the trip? Imo, a hint at the lab kids.
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Then a Computer Supercenter. The Lab. MkUltra. I think Will's visual aid about Alan Turing hints at that too, not just at his queerness.
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Then the police chase and the coffee mugs. But, like I said, if all this is about Terry and El's past, what does Hopper have to do with it?
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Unless Terry is connecting El and Sarah. Maybe in S5 we're going to see Sarah's story in the lab, but I doubt it, or maybe Sarah and El were swapped at the hospital (after the car chase?) and that's why there are so many parallels between Hopper, Joyce and Terry?
Joyce and her coffee mug! But the coffee is drugged. Interesting.
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Another big clue, imo. Ray was in Vietnam (here) And there's an extra who resembles Hopper in Terry's memory
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It's just crazy how connected Joyce, Hopper and Terry are.
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Hi! I was wondering if I could request a Peter Ballard x fem!reader, where she has a bad day at the lab (she’s a staff members or an older subject/patient, your choice) and Peter sneaks into her room that night and realizes that she’s sad so he comforts her?
late night comforts
summary peter has noticed that you’re feeling a little off, it concerning him throughout the day. so when he had the chance to sneak into your room at night, he spends every minute trying to comfort you.
pairings peter ballard x fem!orderly! reader
warnings slight angst?
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Something was off, and Peter knew it. He studied your movements across the rainbow lab, watching as you forced yourself to play with Eleven, only because she wanted you to play with her.
You were a people pleaser. Anybody knew it. You would put other people's feelings before your own, causing you to mentally breakdown during the nights when it went on for too long.
You needed comfort, and Peter could sense it. It took everything in his will power to not walk up to you and give you the biggest hug ever, to kiss you, to make all your worries go away.
But that was the shame of being trapped in Hawkins Lab, everyone here was isolated and alone. You couldn’t be seen interacting with other people apart from the kids, and it hurt you. You missed your life outside of Hawkins Lab, wishing you could go back to it. But once you started working here, it’s like you couldn’t pull away from it.
During the testings Peter could see you silently wincing, though you were barely moving. He could feel your grimace when Dr. Brenner would torture the kids to put then against these mind tests against their will, and it pained you. All you wanted to do was run away with Peter and all the others, and take them to a safe spot where no one could get hurt.
Even during dinner time with all the other staff members Peter wanted to reach over and give you the biggest hug in the universe, but the risk of getting caught concerned the both of you. You didn’t talk to him during dinner time, as well as not talking to the others like you normally do. The others didn’t notice, but Peter surely did.
He wanted to get to the bottom of it. When everyone was supposed to be asleep, you were not. Your door opened with a silent creak, a little beam of light passing through the doorway. You sat up in your bed, examining the figure shutting your door.
“Peter?” You asked once you made out his frame. In the dark room he smiled, sitting down on the bed next to you. “What are you doing here? You should be in bed.”
“I couldn’t go to sleep knowing something was wrong with you. Care to tell me what’s wrong?” He asked, bringing you closer to him. You immediately pushed down into his embrace, his smell filling your lungs. He held you closer and tighter, his fingers running through your hair.
You two sat like this for a couple of minutes until you let out a sigh, looking up at him. He was already looking down at you, sympathy in his eyes. He was genuinely concerned for you.
“I just need someone. That’s all. And I know I have you and I’m grateful for that, but I just hate being stuck in this goddamn lab! I feel so isolated and alone, and yet alone it’s still risky even sending a glance your way.” You burst out, your anger spilling. Peter leaned down and pressed a kiss to your head, bringing you even more humanly possible.
“We’re going to get out of here. Trust me, we’ll take Eleven with us too. When the time comes, everything will be perfect.” He murmured, you two sitting in silence again.
“How much longer can you stay here?” You whispered, Peter sighing in response.
“Only a couple of more minutes, but until then, I’m staying right here with you. I’ll always be with you, no matter what happens.” His warmth and his comforting words made you feel a bit better, and being in his arms made you more comfortable than you have been since the past few weeks. You found yourself slipping away into the darkness, a deep and peaceful slumber lurking upon you.
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aemiron-main · 10 months
Massacre at HNL vs the S3 Hospital Fight
So, awhile ago I noticed that there's quite a few parallels and interesting connections between the Jancy hospital scene and the 1979 massacre. Like, Bruce has DIRECT Vecna shot parallel, and both Bruce and Vecna say "Nancy-" during that scene too.
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Setting that aside for now, though, the first thing I want to talk about it “Whatever you've done, it's not you. He’s making you do this.”
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Which is VERY interesting to me vs Brenner pushing 002 around like a chess piece & trying to get him to kill El & likely doing the same with Henward and the massacre.
Like, Brenner was clearly messing with them, and why did Nancy say that "he's" making Tom do this?
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And we also have “Whose blood is that” vs Henward’s changing massacre blood:
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Like, this is just one small snippet of how the blood on Henward's jumpsuit changes, so go read the full post I just linked for more, but there ARE multiple different versions of his jumpsuit with different blood stains.
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And the fact that the bodies not only move during the 1979 massacre NINA scenes, but also CHANGE into adults and completely different people- which would tie PERFECTLY into "who's blood is that?" if there's multiple different versions of the massacre/a timeloop/various timelines.
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And after that "he's making you do this/whose blood is that" scene, we get Jancy being paralleled to Henward and El when Jonathan grabs Nancy's hand vs Henward grabbing El's hand:
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And look at the scene of Jonathan and Nancy running on the stairs and then running down the hallway vs Henry and El on the stairs and in the hallway:
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And look at the bodies in the hallway- the body that's sitting up is in the EXACT same pose as the bottom right body during NINA and in a very similar pose to one of the orderlies in the hallway during NINA, and the body laying face down is very similarly posed compared to one of the kids' bodies during NINA. And as @henrysglock just pointed out here while I was writing this, the body of the lady on the floor is wearing HNL gown, and specifically, an HNL gown that looks like Terry's.
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It’s also VERY interesting to me that we see Bruce shatter the glass & reach inside to turn the knob- the EXACT same thing that happened with the Creel house door/window (and also very interesting that Steve is paralleled to Bruce here and Bruce being paralleled to Vecna considering what I talked about in this post regarding Steve and Edward/Henry and the 'you're not a child' line):
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And interestingly enough, that’s not the only time this sequence parallels a scene from the Creel house- Bruce parallels Victor when he’s looking at the wheelchair (which is especially interesting considering what I talked about in this post and this post about how the wheelchair in the Creel house is a reference to The Changeling, which is about two children swapping places and has a TON of Henward vibes):
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And like I mentioned in the beginnign, Bruce is also directly paralleled to Vecna:
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And nancy parallels herself running down the hallway alone.
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And speaking of Nancy's S4 lab scenes, Nancy literally swaps places with Henward during the tattoo scene, something I talked about here. And considering that she also has scenes during the S3 hospital sequence that are paralleled to Henward/in his place, which makes me wonder- was there more of the vision that involved her “swapping places” with Henward? Did Henry or Edward run out and already see the bodies in the hallway like Jonathan and Nancy did, and wasn't responsible for the deaths?
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And Bruce and Tom are both flayed, with those mindflayer veins, and like James I talked about here, we have that strange "eldritch thrumming" with Henward and his weirdly blue and bloodshot eyes that resemble Flayed Billy's eyes. And this shot of Flayed Bruce especially reminds me of henward, with his blonde hair and staring Nancy down:
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And we also have this rainbow cup that shows up during the hospital scene- versus the rainbow room in 1979.
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I just think it's interesting that there's so much talk of "this isn't you/you're not choosing to do this/whose blood is that" during a scene that's SO heavily paralleled to the 1979 massacre... I don't fully know what all of these parallels mean yet, but it's just another point on the "things are not what they seem with the massacre" board.
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