#Previous Electro archon
thetravelingdress23 · 6 months
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Twin Lightning
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erabundus · 2 years
i’m  going  to  be  taking  some  time  to  pour  over  all  the  new  information  we  have  and  make  some  tweaks  to  my  portrayal  accordingly.  (  oh  boy!  time  to  study  dialogue  and  speech  patterns.  )  and  if  anyone  wants  to  discuss  character  dynamics  in  light  of  3.3,  by  all  means,  i’m  here  for  it.
additionally,  i’m  trying  to  keep  this  vague  but  I  MAY  BE  DROPPING  SOME  THREADS  THAT  CONTRADICT  THE  NEW  STATUS  QUO.  unless  you’d  rather  keep  them.
HOWEVER  if  you  would  like  a  ONE  LINER  (  or  maaaybe  a  two  or  three  liner,  considering  i  can’t  help  myself  )  feel  free  to  give  this  post  a  LIKE!
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gutouhua · 1 year
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pairing. zhongli x f. reader
wc. 2.7k+
rating. explicit
tags. sort of canonverse, zhongli has ruts & dragon fangs, reader hails from mondstat, mentions of mates/mating, mentions of eating animal meat, zhongli is a perv for reader, zhongli calls reader ‘pet,’ age gap (reader is early-mid 20s, zhongli is biologically in early 30s), mentions of zhongli’s previous sexual relationships (dubcon), power dynamics, cervixfucking, overstimulation (sort of), zhongli wants to breed reader, pussydrunk zhongli, unprotected sex (pull out method)
a/n. MDNI! see end for notes
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Zhongli had imagined it over a million times—taking you across the table and fucking your pussy. He knew you’d smell good down there, had scented it like a pervert in the days before your period—familiar lily mixed with strong musk and a tinge of metal. It made his fangs itch from the need to sink into your soft thighs and tongue at your slick folds.
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Zhongli rutted in early spring, when trees blossomed and bore fat fruit—juicy peaches hanging heavy on thin branches. Sometimes he’d walk by them and look at them with an almost forlorn gaze. A deep ache in his body.
He wished that there was someone who would satiate his needs like seeds did to trees or bees with flowers. They mated with each other, year after year in a frenzy—a haze of powdery yellow spilling on every surface of Liyue Harbor. Zhongli didn’t have allergies, but even if he did, he would still love and envy the pollen.
It had been a long time since Zhongli had someone like that to spend his seasons with. A mate.
He’d drink copious amounts of lily bulb tea each spring to keep himself from fucking the first person who said yes to him, and would take himself into his hands with a furious passion every morning and night—even during work breaks—to relieve himself.
And it worked. He successfully passed multiple centuries of ruts like so, although it wasn’t always easy. As Morax, he was volatile—could pass for the Pyro Archon herself, Murata, but he tempered himself over the years, learning to be the composed man he was now.
But then you appeared, and the fire flared. Hutao’s newest intern—the first in nearly a decade, fresh. A slight little creature (although most people were small compared to Zhongli), and eager to learn about funeral services from Liyue’s very best. It was the first time you’d been to Liyue, so far from your home in Mondstat, and everything and everyone interested you.
I wonder if there’s a way to breed two creatures together to create an actual cocogoat. It’d be cool—Qiqi would be able to drink actual cocogoat milk, not that cheap substitute that Baizhu makes for her, and we’d be able to eat the meat. It’d taste good, right?
Zhongli chuckled, eyes soft on you. That would be a sight to behold. He didn’t mention that he’d been alive when cocogoats still roamed the Bishui Plains—a story for another time.
And then came the questions about himself.
Why are you so red, Zhongli-xiangsheng?
His rut came early this year for some reason, but he didn’t pay much attention to it. The lily bulb tea would suffice until he had a moment for himself.
But you had to make it difficult. So difficult for him.
Nothing, he murmured.
You grinned, stepping closer on tiptoes so your eyes leveled his chest. Soft rise and fall—imperceptible unless face to face like you were.
It doesn’t seem like nothing to me, Xiangsheng.
Zhongli fought the urge to inhale your soft scent. Sweet, powdery like lilies and dusk and something tender he wanted to bite—
—And he tasted blood in his mouth to stop his fangs from descending onto your exposed neck, nearly shook from the force it took to not bend you over his desk.
It would leave a mess. And Hutao would add it to his tab.
Even now you tempted him with coy glances, a bare shoulder, and sometimes a lingering touch in the space between his cuff and gloves—sharp like the sting of the formidable Raiden’s electro bolts.
“Do you want to know what I learned today, Xiansheng?” You had taken to calling him that instead of his mortal name one day. Zhongli wasn’t quite sure why, but he liked how it sounded on your lips.
He smoothed an invisible wrinkle from his suit and shuffled the papers on his desk while shifting to hide the stiffness in his pants. “Pray, do tell.”
You leaned forward, settling your weight on the heavy oak table. “I heard you’re rutting right now.”
Zhongli nearly choked on his tea. “What?”
“Rut, heat, season—Hutao told me.” You shrugged as if the topic was something mundane. “She said you rut every spring, but that it’s unusually strong this year for some reason. Something about the aura around you, I think. Why’s that?”
Because of you.
“Not sure,” Zhongli said.
“She also told me about that tea you drink.”
He nearly dropped his cup of tea. Damn the woman. Spilling all my secrets. And there wasn’t a single thing he could do—he was on her payroll.
“What about it?” he asked, trying for confidence.
“Lily bulb tea,” you continued, scrutinizing his cup, “apparently it helps calm you down and dampens the urge to fuck.”
Zhongli’s dick hardened.
“So does it?”
“The tea. Does it help with your urges?” You jerked your head at the drink, curious.
Not when you’re around.
Zhongli had imagined it over a million times—taking you across the table and fucking your pussy. He knew you’d smell good down there, had scented it like a pervert in the days before your period—familiar lily mixed with strong musk and a tinge of metal. It made his fangs itch from the need to sink into your soft thighs and tongue at your slick folds.
He wasn’t sure what to say, but finally decided on: “Not really.”
You cocked your head to the side and bit your lips, Zhongli’s eyes following the pink tongue that peeked through. He wanted to bite them too. They’d be soft and break easily with a little bit of teeth—like almond tofu.
“Oh. Then what’re you going to do about it?”
“The usual.” Tea, masturbating, some rough fucking. Archons knew he’d need it tonight—some sort of distraction from you. He’d have to visit Madame Fang for an escort. She was used to his proclivities—would have someone able to take him.
“The usual? And what would that be?” Zhongli could almost picture you with a pen and paper in hand, a student eager for information.
He groaned internally. Now he was imagining you in a short skirt, stockings, maybe thigh highs—the fat of your thighs spilling from the top of the elastic. The image nearly had him spilling in his pants.
“I don’t think you’d want to know the particulars,” he said, his voice a soft rasp. He shifted again. “It might scare an innocent little girl like you.”
“Innocent?” You huffed. “Little? I’m a grown adult xiangsheng! I’m over the legal age—and actually much more than that. You can hardly call me little or innocent.”
“But you are,” he said indulgently, as one would towards a spoiled pet. “I am immortal, have fought and survived the Archon War. Tell me, pet, can you say the same?”
He was playing with you. Of course the two of you knew you couldn’t compare to him.
“But at the very least, you cannot consider me innocent. I’ve experienced enough things,” you muttered, annoyed.
Zhongli arched an eyebrow.
Before you knew it, he grabbed your wrist, pushing you onto the desk in one fluid motion—papers scattering to the floor like spring pollen. Zhongli pinned your hands over your head to keep you in place, and knocked your legs apart to slot his large frame between you.
“W-What’re you doing, Zhongli?”
He smiled. And there it was: his name always slipped out when you got serious.
Xiansheng. He moved closer, spreading your legs further apart as he drew closer to you. You could feel your stomach pressing tightly against the cotton of your suit with each breath, your chest straining against buttons. Don’t be so impolite when your boss is trying to school you.
Good girl, he rumbled. You were so curious about the specifics of my rut—what I do to satiate my needs. Shall I show you? They say firsthand experience is the best way to learn.
His voice was heavy, hot against your ear, and you nearly jumped out of your skin when he darted a tongue out to lick the delicate shell of your ear.
So sensitive. I wonder if it’s the same in other places. Shall we find out?
Hutao had ordered him to be careful with you—a family friend. Your family owned the most successful funeral parlor in Mondstat, and they sent you to Hutao to learn how she conducted her business in Liyue. Zhongli had agreed. He could keep his hands to himself.
But then you showed up on the steps of Wansheng funeral parlor, and he knew he was fucked.
Do you want it, he whispered, I need to rut, but I always ask for permission.
Jealousy reared its ugly head. He’d done it with others—for decades, maybe even centuries, and it made sense, you couldn’t expect celibacy from him and yet…the thought of other people touching him made you want to rake your hands down his back, gouge, and suck every inch of his skin so others would know he was taken.
That he was yours.
What will it be, pet?
You nodded, eyeing the bulge in his pants. He was big. It was obvious, and it’d probably hurt. A tight fit.
Zhongli smiled—sharp teeth, predatory. I need words.
No sooner did you give your permission did he slip your blazer off your shoulders and loosen just enough buttons to push your blouse up and over your head. You wore cotton—a simple white bra, and he wondered if you wore a matching set today.
He didn’t have to wait long to find out: you were already unzipping your pants, sliding stiff fabric down your legs, uncaring if it wrinkled. You’d have to remember to take it to the cleaners.
But later—now, you canted your hips forward, not caring about anything but the man in front of you.
So needy, he murmured, and wet.
His scent intoxicated you, his weight a delicious pressure against your skin.
Zhongli rocked against your clothed pussy, pleased to find you wet. You soaked through the cotton fabric, leaving an imprint in the shape of your pussy on your panties.
Fuck me, xiangsheng, please—I need it.
The scent of your arousal grew stronger with each tap against the wet spot. Heady, mind-numbing, as if a drug was coursing through his bloodstream. The amber of his hands grew darker, a deep, gorgeous fossilized hue, and his pupils thinned—they slitted into a sharp, almost feline countenance, predator to prey.
You would have me? he asked again, stars pulsing in his eyes. In his earlier days, before he was an archon, he had taken people without knowing what it really meant. The shame and guilt of it had made the act feel dirty for a long time—he went nearly fifty years without a single partner to help him through his ruts.
He would not make the same mistake with you.
Just fuck me.
He groaned, pulled your panties to the side—white cotton—and pushed himself into you, the entire length. It was tight and it burned as you struggled, walls stretching to accommodate his dick.
Feels so good, he grunted, you’re so tight, fuck. He lost himself in your tight heat, centuries of manners and poise melting before you.
He moved slowly at first, dragging his length out so that nothing but the tip remained inside before thrusting back in.
You shifted backward, trying to adjust to him. Soft pants, shallow—eyes squeezed shut to focus on each heavy stroke in and out of your cunt. When you started moving against him, seeking friction for yourself, Zhongli sped up. Kept most of his cock inside you with each stroke, prodding around for your sweet spot.
When he finally found it, earning a cry and squeeze around his cock that nearly made him cum, he smiled. Right there, pet?
You gasped, struggled to answer: Yeah, yeah-right there—
He continued to thrust, imprinting your insides with the shape of his dick, hitting that sensitive spot with almost boyish eagerness, but it still wasn’t enough to—
—You reached down to where his dick is splitting you apart and try to rub your clit, the hard nub aching for attention, but Zhongli pushed your hand away.
Allow me.
You almost whine—denial twisting your stomach into a tight knot, leaving your clit wanting, but he didn’t make you wait long. Deft fingers rubbed circles on your clit, grinding, until it swelled enough for him to pinch, hard.
Zhongli, please—
What did I say pet, he hummed and bit your earlobe in admonishment.
You were begging now, pleading—tears dripping from your face like fresh paint on canvas.
Please, xiansheng, please, I need it.
What do you need? He thrust forward, the head almost kissing your cervix.
Need what? Use your words, pretty pet. Another hard thrust, this time he touched your cervix. Half pain, half pleasure. Lines slowly starting to blur—was it because of his dick or your tears? You couldn’t tell.
You shook your head and fisted your hands in the collar of his suit, wrinkling the fine material as you dragged his face towards you to claim a kiss. Harsh and unyielding, a faint taste of iron between each ragged breath. Now you’d have to take two suits to the cleaners.
Vaguely, in the back of your mind, you’d forgotten how you even got into this situation in the first place. Something about lily bulb tea, alone time…and ruts…heats. Heat—were you the one in heat or was it him?
But it didn’t matter, all you knew was that:
Need to cum.
Zhongli’s pretty lips curled. And so you shall.
With one hand on your hips, he slammed his hips against yours in a punishing rhythm while his other hand battered your clit, thick fingers flicking the hard nub repeatedly until you felt nearly numb from the overstimulation. He felt you tense beneath him, hips rolling incessantly, your cunt gripping him so tightly he knew he was close.
Cum for me, he demanded, almost growling, give it to me.
And you obeyed—gave yourself over to the pleasure, moaning from the waves of pleasure washing over you.
Zhongli groaned as you contracted around him, each tight draw from your pussy taking him closer to his own release. Hips stuttering, he felt his fangs slip through, throbbing from the desire to taste you, bite you, mark you—
—Breed you.
It was messy, each time he pulled back and saw the amount of slick that coated his cock, his mind grew fuzzier, almost stupid. Zhongli couldn’t remember the last time he felt pussydrunk—
You bit the side of his neck as another orgasm ripped out of you, and this time Zhongli let himself go with a harsh growl, pulling out right as he cummed, thick ropes of sticky cum defiling your stomach. It was dizzyingly maddening: his cum moving with each shaky exhale, dripping onto your pussy, and Zhongli thought it was such a waste that it wasn’t inside you, filling you up. Some of it covered your clit—a glistening pearl. He fought every fiber of his being to not bend down and lick it. He didn’t like sweet things, but you were an exception.
“Did you learn a lot?” he finally asked after your breath had steadied a bit.
You were still coming down from your high, barely able to form a coherent sentence. “What?”
“I was teaching you,” he chuckled, voice husky. “Were you a good student? Paying attention?”
You thought about it for a moment. Looked at his disheveled appearance, his golden eyes, the wrinkles in his suit, and found it lacking.
“Not enough.”
“I am in agreement.”
Hutao narrowed her eyes. “You fucked him.”
“And what if I did? It’s not like you’ll fire me,” you replied lightly.
Hutao groaned. “I knew you wanted to fuck him, but I didn’t think you wanted to do it that badly. It’s not exactly good for my business, and you know he’ll stick to you for the rest of his season, right? That’s how it works for him. He doesn’t share.”
“Well good. Because I don’t either.” You wouldn’t have chosen him anyway if he liked to share. “But wait—what do you mean ‘not exactly good for your business?’”
The Wangsheng Director grinned at you. “Look at him: one of the most eligible bachelors in Liyue. Didn’t you notice that we have a large number of young clients? They come to Wangsheng because of him. I don’t care who Zhongli fucks as long as they give me their money—it keeps my beloved Wangsheng as the most profitable funeral parlor in Liyue.”
“Of course you would say that.” You laughed and thought about all the times your parents praised Hutao. “No wonder my parents sent me here to learn from you.”
Hutao winked. “Of course! Making money is the second best thing I’m good at.”
“What’s the first?”
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uhhh i wrote this one about six-ish months ago too...been busy with zine work but hopefully when I'm done I can write more reader insert smut :') (also sorta tried a new style of dialogue lmao back when I wrote this)
Murata, also known as the God of War and the Lady of Fire, was a Pyro Archon and a member of The Seven who presided over Natlan.
先生 - xiānsheng. Has two main definitions: the first is teacher, the second is mister (Mr); gentleman; sir. Both suit Zhongli very well in this fic ;)
Dried lily bulb【百合】 is usually recommended in TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) clinics to treat coughs, dry throats and relieve heat. (But IRL, this doesn’t actually help with the horny feels LOL.) 
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Zhongli as Morax has darker brown/amber skin tone on arms, so I chose to depict this in the fic as skin darkening when aroused. I also put a photo of something similar on an actual body. 
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Truth of fallen god
Self-Aware! Chuuya Nakahara x GN! Reader
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Description: Howard Philips Lovecraft is driving people mad. Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald is destroying economy. Chuuya Nakahara is talking with a dying god.
Warning: OOC. English is my second language. Mentions of cannibalism. Some swearing. Chuuya destroyed Chasm off screen. Chuuya cuddles in the end.
"Teyvat are on a verge of crisis... Crisis of faith. Shouldn't you... Be more concerned? Bend rules for a bit?" Echo of Creator's powers stepped from one leg to another. The bleak copy of First One took few steps towards the edge of a platform, looking down at Teyvat. At The First One's Land. Echo turned their head towards Sustainer.
"I... I can pose as Legitimate Reincarnation. Remind people of Teyvat, who's laws they should follow. What they allowed to do and what lines not allowed to cross."
Echo were now standing before Sustainer. And from the darkness, dozens of Celestials observed. Sustainer's siblings and comrades. Most of them fight together with The First One, witnessing the birth of Teyvat. Echo looked Sustainer in the eyes.
"Pose as my familiars. Let me take The Ivory Throne."
The Silence of Celestial, home and cradle of The First One was shattered.
"Sustainer, let us throw that worm from the edge!"
Sustainer raised her hand, silencing her siblings. She looked directly in Echo's eyes. They didn't flinch. They already act, like Legitimate Reincarnation.
There was something strange with that Echo. Sustainer could feel a sickly sweet scent, coming from Echo. Their movements were careful and calculated.
Were Echo sick? Were they trying to live, what remains of their lifespan the best, they can? Is that what mortals do?
The First One was the best among them in understanding mortals. But, Sustainer, while not the best, was still good at reading people.
Sustainer's voice flows. And Echo knew, that they have no right to interrupt her. If Echo dared to break The First One's protocol, they won't live for another moment.
"Why you came here only now, Echo? Why not came here earlier? Why you didn't stop Fontaine's Prophecy? Why you didn't release Dendro Archon? Why you didn't stop Electro Archon? Why didn't protect people of Liyue from Osial and Beisht? Why didn't calm Dvalin's pain?"
Sustainer's nose was almost pressed against Echo's.
"Why didn't you stop Cryo Archon?"
Echo's voice was firm.
"I only got here. And immediately came to you."
Sustainer raise her head, looking at Echo from above.
"Or, perhaps, you were too scared to do something dangerous. You did nothing to earn the right to be on the Ivory Throne."
Echo yelled.
"I am also a reincarnation of Creator! And I won't be the first Echo on the throne!"
Immediately, air was knocked down from them. Echo was laying on the marble floor of Celestia. Guardian, Sustainer's brother, was holding Echo down. Sustainer towered above Echo behind his back.
"They helped people during dark times, before asking for a throne! You just want praises, that came with The Ivory Throne. Leave Teyvat, mortal. Leave, and never return."
Echo's gaze darkened.
"So, that's what you choose..."
Guardian yelled.
And he fell.
A dagger with white handle was sticking from the middle of his chest.
Dirty, blasphemous power raised from Echo... From the Demon.
"It was a good thing, I didn't eat all the bones of Previous Ones I could find. Aren't the knife from their bones great for slaying gods?"
Demon raised from the ground. Black, sticky tendrils came from the tips of their fingers, curling around Celestia.
A bone dagger flew through crowd. Attacking, killing, destroying.
"I can fool them. Their prayers will come to me. But, I can't let your prayers came to The Second Reincarnation."
Demon showed their teeth.
"Can't wait for their arrival. I will finally get fresh meat."
Celestia shook.
The Cradle of The First One was sullen.
It crumbled.
And gods fell down, while demon stayed above.
Chuuya Nakahara was quiet. The broken god sat before him.
He supposed to simply look around Sumeru, to explore some parts of the region, they weren't familiar with.
Instead, he found a dying god. Or, more likely, dying god has fond him.
She called him the new familiar of The First One. And told him a story. Story, that happened year ago.
Sustainer focused her eyes on Chuuya.
"I saw it. I can feel it. Last pure remains of The First One's power. They... True Reincarnation are safe, right? You are their new familiar, right?"
Sustainer coughed, a bloody drop appeared in the corner of her mouth. She swallowed the blood.
"Or a guardian?"
Chuuya finally found his voice.
"Their friend... [Y/N]'s friend."
Sustainer's dull eyes shined.
"[Y/N]... Their name? How perfect. It's perfect. Truly divine..."
Sustainer forgot about Chuuya and start repeating your name over and over again.
A child-like smile appeared on her face. Sustainer of Heavenly Principles was happy, because she likes the name of Real Reincarnation.
Chuuya interrupted her.
"What happened to you? After the Fall of Celestia?"
Sustainer coughed again.
"Demon got me. When I was falling. Was dying ever since."
She looked at Chuuya.
"Death of divine can take centuries. We will exist as long as memories and knowledge about us lives. And will slowly die as long as memories and knowledge about us lives."
Sustainer's body trembled.
"But I can go now. They are safe. New familiars are near them. Take it. Use all of it. Protect them. Protect them, because I can't."
Sustainer grabbed the golden ornament on her chest. Tendrils of her power flow into it.
Sustainer disappeared in a golden dust.
And a golden ornament with her power remains.
Chuuya never used his ability to make something, so, it takes multiple attempts, before he can make a somewhat of an urn from a boulder.
Sustainer deserved to have a grave.
The golden ornament was safely tucked in his pocket.
And his rage was boiling in his soul.
Chuuya thought, that the Truth was next.
Crazy knock-off bitch wanted to kill you.
The real truth was much worse.
Crazy knock-off bitch wanted to eat you!
Earth crumbled beneath Chuuya's feet.
If only he could walk straight to that thing and made it a bloody splat on the Dragonspine...
But he needs to stay calm.
They can't drop too much attention to them.
Can't let people knew about the plan. About their unity.
Lovecraft can pass as another monster from ancient history, Jouno, after Mondstadt, was keeping low, Fitzgerald's attacks were only aimed at Ningguang and Pantalone, Mark's and John's bank robbery can be passed as treasure horders' doings, same with Blue Mackerel's and Ango's scum. And it's not like Anemiac Freak and Sigma force people to go to their casino.
But the assassination attempt on Creator will be impossible to pin on someone else.
In Teyvat's people's eyes, only an Imposter can wish to harm Creator.
His rage was still boiling.
But, for now, Chuuya Nakahara will hold his desire to kill that thing under control.
But he wanted to do something. Anything.
Piano Man's voice echoed in his mind.
"Start with the mines..."
Chuuya stopped. He and Flags hold a little discussion few days ago. About Archon's and their powers. Topic of Mora and fallen Celestia came up. Mora supposed to came from Celestial powers. But, with Celestia out...
"...metal for counterfeit money has to come from somewhere... No one would question, that new Mora looked different. It still be money, that came from Creator..."
Chuuya might take a little detour and visit The Chasm.
Chuuya ignored Fitzgerald's gaze, getting on the boat, sitting near the blonde man.
Lovecraft's tentacles hold the boat firmly on his back.
For an octopus-like creature, Lovecraft was extremely fast.
Lovecraft, swimming underwater, keeping a boat with Chuuya and Fitzgerald above, will reach the island with a porta in an hour.
Fitzgerald finally spoke.
"That earthquake..."
Chuuya didn't let him finish.
"Existence of a Chasm got on my nerves. I dealt with it."
He left a stone urn with golden dust in their secret cave. When everything will be over, he will spread it over the remains of Celestia.
The knock on the door made you flinch. You liked your lips and answered.
It was almost time to go to bed. You silently lay under the blanket. You were afraid of going to sleep. You didn't want to see another nightmare.
"Who is it?"
Door slightly open and a familiar redhead looked inside.
"Hey, Dear Symphony, want some company?"
You nodded slowly.
Chuuya walked into your room. And you finally saw his attire. A familiar red-toned pajamas.
He was holding his phone in one hand.
"Hey, [Y/N], do you want to cuddle tonight?"
You froze. You used to love cuddles.
But, after Teyvat...
The last "normal" cuddles you get were with Dazai and Fyodor. Few weeks ago.
You stopped cuddling, because of your nightmares. Because your screams already woke up others.
You didn't want to wake up a person, who will lie next to you.
BSD Cast respect your decision.
Despite your decision, you didn't want to be alone at night.
You didn't realize, that you were crying, until Chuuya brushed your tears from your cheeks. He smiled softly, looking at you.
"You need some 'me time', Dear Symphony. To recharge. Let me cuddle with you, while you're listening to music."
You didn't speak. You nodded, leaning to Chuuya's touch.
Sounds of music filled the room.
Chuuya was laying behind you. With his arm around you, his chest was pressed against your back. Your bodies were pressed tightly against each other. Your head was laying on Chuuya's outstretched left arm. He was holding your hand in his left hand. His nose was right next to your ear. His breath tickled your hair. Chuuya felt the rise and fall of your chest grow steady with sleep.
Good. You seem calm.
Chuuya moved his head to plant a little kiss on your temple. You smiled in your sleep.
Chuuya blinked away happy tears. He put his head back, nuzzling your hair.
Tonight, only you and him exist. Tonight, only your comfort matters.
Tomorrow, he will say to others, what he has learned today. Tomorrow, fury and rage will boil.
And after that will come new plans, new actions.
And even more love and care for you.
Tag list: @withered-blossoms , @myluckymoon @cocodrilofeliz @c4xcocoa @vvyeislazzy @whisperingwinters @nervousinfluencertidalwave @ayameshu
Chuuya in red-toned pajamas
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wintersettled · 10 months
Honestly the way different archons in genshin impact have such different interactions with their nation is very interesting to me, especially with how its further expanded in fontaine recently.
The archons who are closest to the way we traditionally (in the west) think of a god (ie. all-powerful and on a completely other level of existence to humans) would probably be Barbatos first, then Rex Lapis.
Barbatos/Venti having churches dedicated to him and not appearing (as far as most are aware) in society for centuries is very similar to how the christian god is seen, as someone worshipped but never directly interacted with on a level beyond the spiritual. Meanwhile Rex Lapis/Zhongli has tons of myths and stories dedicated to him across lands and made appearances for years until his "death". In this way he's somewhat comparable to Greek gods (or even Jesus, to keep the christianity analogy going). He's far more openly entrenched in humanity but still remains separate and "above".
It's more-so with the three other archons we've encountered that our understanding of what gods must be like in teyvat based on Rex Lapis and Barbatos is totally altered with Ei, Furina, and Buer, all three being the "replacement" archon for their respective nations.
Ei, the third archon we meet, takes a direct role in Inazuman government as the Shogun, a totally different approach than the previous two which i find more similar to various rulers claiming divine right of kings. Also, despite not being the original electro archon most dont actually know this because Ei took on the identity of her sister, who died during the calamity. I think Ei taking on her sisters identity definitely helped her maintain her "divine authority" where other archons (buer) failed to maintain it in their nations.
Speaking of Buer/Nahida, you'd think the whole changing the past to everyone except descenders thing would complicate our interpretation of her but it doesnt at all. I think the reason for this is that destroying the previous archon in irmunsul didnt actually change the past. I also dont think the wanderer/scaramouche actually changed the past. I think they just changed peoples memories of it. but anyway. Nahida also takes on a governmental role at the end of sumerus archon quests while still remaining a somewhat holy figure. She was obviously shut out/disregarded following the passing of the previous dendro archon, unlike Ei she wasn't able to maintain her authority. After the archon quest however, her position in government kind of reminds me of the queen of england early in her rule. There was still a democratic governing body in the prime minister and other representatives but she maintains power.
Furina/Focalors also reminds me of the queen of england but at the end of her career instead. Furina appears to be more of a mascot in fontaine than a proper ruling body. It actually seems that the machine and neuvillette hold more authority that she does. Obviously we havent really explored fontaine much yet (its only been out a few days but im loving it) and we've only gotten so much info from the archon quests but as far as i can tell, furina appears to be kind of scrambling to live up to the previous hydro archon who was seemingly so well liked that fontaines people are repenting to this day. (as am i misremembering or did they say the previous archon didnt side with celestia but her people did?? what!?). Its even actively pointed out how people in fontaine do not view their archon to even a similar level as people in other nations (i mean their archon does meet and greets and is very reckless with her accusations but-).
anyways 👍 yes.
TLDR: zhongli + venti = traditional gods ei + nahida (now) = government furina + nahida = queen of england idk also i dont think they actually changed the past, just people interpretation of it. btw whats up with the fontaine profecy and the whole "they sided with celestia" thing??
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Another genshin idea that involves isekai because my heart craves the comfort of escapism. Reader partially god in a way-
   Also please beware this is a little long
   Reader gets isekai’d to teyvat, but it was like- a really long time ago, about 500 years or more before the current timeline. They arrive in Teyvat and decide to keep a journal with them to record there adventures in Teyvat.  The reader is somewhat immortal, they can live forever and still look the same. The reader will still get hurt and can die, but they can still ‘respawn’ again, but at a cost. The reader would lose their memories each time they died, and the reader is not aware of this ability so they assume they just got isekai’d recently every time they wake up.
   In Kheanriah, reader becomes close to Dainsleif and the two become friends. But then something happened and reader dies and Dainsleif is absolutely devastated, and he keeps the reader’s notebook with him now.
  In another life, the reader had befriended the yakshas. But then one of the yakshas accidentally kill the reader due to karmic energy and dies again, Xiao has one of the notebooks the reader has as well.
  In the next life, you encountered yokai, a kitsune, a tengu and an oni, and somehow, the electro archon. But reader dies again, being killed by a giant snake *cough* Orobashi *cough*. Reader’s notebook was never fully recovered, but a few pages were saved and were under the possession of Yae Miko in the current timeline.
  Another time, you woke up in old monstadt, and the nameless bard found you and you two became friends(but like- in an actual romantic-ish relationship...) and Venti in his little pixie form witnessed that shit. But of course, in a very shakespearean way, the lovebirds die together after the revolution. Venti recovered the lyre, and had found some pages of the journal as well. In memory of the two, he turned the pages into poetry and sung them in taverns.
  And then in another life, you woke up around the shores of tatarasuna, just right in front of shakkei pavillion. You later found Kunikuzushi somewhere and became friends with him, later on Katsuragi found you and took you both to Mikage furnace, you obviously remember the shit that went down here, and for some reason a part of you started getting a litttllleeee interested in Niwa Hisahide. But then Dottore killed him, Kuni is trauma and you ran after him because you felt guilty about not being able to save Niwa and whatever the hell happened back at the furnace. You run away with Kuni and find the child and take care of him together, but then the child dies and Kuni burns the house down. You try to follow him again, but he pushes you away. In a literal sense, he pushed you off a cliff by accident and he regrets it. He keeps your notebook with him at all times, for some reason.
  Somewhere along the line you woke up in Inazuma again, but then meets Kazuha and Tomo. They become really close until the vision hunt and sakoku decree came up and Tomo went to challenge god. But this time, reader is actually able to save Tomo from getting titty sword’d and gets literally killed by the Musou no Hitotachi. Ei just felt something really wrong after that, didn’t figure it out until she came out of her hidey hole. Kazuha and Tomo run away and Kazuha is just a tinyyyyy bit angry about the fact Tomo literally got the reader killed but gets over it quickly. Instead of Kazuha escaping with Tomo’s vision, he escapes with a very alive Tomo and a mildly burnt journal by a not so alive writer.
   The reader wakes up from each life and forget each previous lives, reader cannot recall their old lives anymore. But somewhere in the golden apple archipelago, there is a cave that contains some records of the reader’s past lives. When more notebooks began stacking up, the same message appears in the beginning of every notebook.
    “This is not your first life.”
   Finally, the reader wakes up on Starfell coast, washed up on the beach. Traveller finds them and takes them in. Now along with Paimon, the reader and traveller explore teyvat together and the reader slowly starts relearning about what happened in each of their past lives, and things happen:)
(I might decide to write this, but only if you beg hard enough-)
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ruumirmir · 5 months
𝘈 𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘷𝘰𝘪𝘤𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘗𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘦'𝘴 𝘥𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘛𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶, 𝘛𝘳𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘳 𝘰𝘧 𝘢 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘴
Part I Part II
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ੈ♡˳ Author's◇ note - Haha what if I pretended my shamelessly OCfied male reader was a character :))) Here's to me doing everything possible to build up my "reader" lore. Everything except actually drawing and naming him 😭 If you're curious about previous posts regarding my mans, you could skim over These!! Me when writing this: im gonna make up SO MUCH BULLSHIT about snezhnaya and the other harbingers.
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𝘝𝘰𝘪𝘤𝘦 : ENG - Stephen Fu (Noe Archiviste from Vanitas no Carte) JP - Kento Ito (Dan Heng from Honkai Star Rail)
𝘉𝘪𝘳𝘵𝘩𝘥𝘢𝘺 : October 19 (Libra)
𝘈𝘧𝘧𝘪𝘭𝘪𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 : Northland Bank of the Fatui
𝘝𝘪𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯 : Hydro
𝘊𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 : Cygnus Venatici (The Hunting Swan)
A senior branch manager of Snezhnaya’s Northland bank. As a fatuus, he is formally well-known as the Venator Dux, who mans the Snezhnayan Order of Gold and Exchange founded by the Ninth Harbinger. He hunts in pursuit of the Tsar's vision, but his loyalties are far removed from her.
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𝘏𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘰 Ah, the renowned traveller, in the flesh. A visitor to each of the seven nations, while your reputation has run across the continent twice over. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. If you've heard of the Snezhnayan Order of Gold and Exchange, that'd be me who's in charge of it. I am one of the agents within Lord Regrator's primary circle of officials, so you may address me as Venator dux.
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𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘵: 𝘐𝘮𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴 I've been in my respective position for over a decade now, and for the last four years, have come across choice tales surrounding your name. A big fan of your work, really! Lord Regrator has had his interest piqued for a while now... so for the sake of civilized peace and alliance, let's get along... shall we? Try not to cause any trouble and I might consider putting in a good word for you.
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𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘵: 𝘋𝘶𝘵𝘺 𝘉𝘦𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘋𝘦𝘴𝘬𝘴 A large bulk of my work is centered around days of scrawling pen over paper... but really, one can only digest hefty documents for so long. I've had my fill for many years on end-... now, I'd prefer to partake in more physical tasks.
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𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘵: 𝘛𝘳𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 I fear the new batch of rookies are growing too lax in their combat training… perhaps it was my uninspiring teaching method today. As a Venator, it simply won’t do to disappoint them. Traveller, would you help a man out and join the session today? The trainees could do with a fresh perspective on things.
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𝘞𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘐𝘵 𝘙𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘴
No shelter to be seen... here's to praying that you don't catch a cold. Oh don't worry about me, I seldom get sick.
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𝘞𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘛𝘩𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘚𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘬𝘦𝘴 I've always wondered how the real clap of thunder would feel in comparison to a shock of electro. Unless you want to volunteer for that, watch your step.
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𝘞𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘐𝘵 𝘚𝘯𝘰𝘸𝘴 Eh... I've seen it once, I've seen it a thousand times. That being said, the nights that are covered in an impossibly slow curtain of snowfall are some of the rarer times I stop to admire it.
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𝘞𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘚𝘶𝘯 𝘐𝘴 𝘖𝘶𝘵 Finally. Some real warmth to my face. I am but a simple man, languishing like a wilted flower in the absence of our sun's blazing gaze.
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𝘐𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘋𝘦𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘵 Actually... I think I might just prefer the miserable winter cold over this.
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𝘞𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘞𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘐𝘴 𝘉𝘭𝘰𝘸𝘪𝘯𝘨 What's with the aggressive breeze today? Does the Anemo archon have bills to pay?
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𝘎𝘰𝘰𝘥 𝘔𝘰𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 Good morning. I was about to stop by the city lake on my way to the bank and feed the local geese. You can come along if you'd like. Keep your distance from Tatiana though. She bites.
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𝘎𝘰𝘰𝘥 𝘈𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘯𝘰𝘰𝘯 On a slow lazy day, I'd be waking up around noon. Fortunately, the weekend is right around the corner, so I can do just that.
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𝘎𝘰𝘰𝘥 𝘌𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 Although the Northland "bank" closes to the public by evening, the building itself stays open till midnight for other classified affairs. So I may as well make the most of my break time before I'm needed again.
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𝘎𝘰𝘰𝘥 𝘕𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 Oh, I must've lost track of time. It's quite late into the night, so before I go, let me walk you back to whatever establishment you're staying at... Oh, uh- I'm... not sure I heard you correctly. You said you live... inside... a teapot...?
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𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘝𝘦𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘳: 𝘚𝘯𝘦𝘻𝘩𝘯𝘢𝘺𝘢𝘯 𝘖𝘳𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘰𝘧 𝘎𝘰𝘭𝘥 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘌𝘹𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦 It was the very first decree of order at the hands of Lord Regrator when he came into power as a Harbinger many years ago; to inaugurate a faction dedicated to rearing the potential he painstakingly carved into the foundations of the Northland bank. It is just as the name implies. An executive body responsible for developing economic policies and providing regulation, consulting, and forecasting of socioeconomic and business development, ranging from simple roadside shops to production factories-Oh, have I lost you? Haha... don't apologize, I've seen that expression a couple times before. In simple terms: we help run the nation's cycle of mora, trade system, and citizen’s businesses.
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𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘝𝘦𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘳: 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘏𝘶𝘯𝘵 [Unlocked at Friendship Lv. 4] The title bestowed upon me, Venator Dux, signifies not just leadership but mastery over a successful hunt- or in some cases, a successful business strategy. The master hunter requires a discerning eye, a mind that can decipher the intricate patterns woven by our adversaries. Information is our ammunition, and knowledge is the silent arrow that strikes before the prey even realizes the hunt has begun.
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𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘜𝘴: 𝘗𝘦𝘳𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘈𝘳𝘵𝘴 Various forms of dance and song are the lifeblood of Snezhnaya’s festivals. During fall, you’ll find multiple dance troupes and clowns passing each village, town, and city to perform. I personally look forward to the dancers.
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𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘜𝘴: 𝘓𝘰𝘺𝘢𝘭𝘵𝘺 [Unlocked at Friendship Lv. 6] Your little companion has stuck with you since day one? Truly? That is… a highly admirable trait, one that I will always stand by. Loyalty is not a mere pledge, it anticipates the unspoken desires of another; a commitment that transcends the superficial bonds of allegiance. I keep this ideal close to my heart... for only a single person.
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𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘝𝘪𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯 I was hesitant to use a delusion in the first place, so frankly, I’m glad to have been gifted this for whatever reason I was found worthy of. However… Lord Regrator harbours an uncanny dislike for my vision. It’s not something that has been brought up, but I can read between the lines.
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𝘚𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘚𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘦 You didn’t hear it from me, but I encourage the employees at the bank to keep a list of all the infuriating and rude customers. It’s to spice up all the sparring and combat practice sessions by naming and dressing up the dummies as people they’d like to kick- Ha!
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𝘐𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 This wintry climate is harsh and unsustainable for various flora and fauna. The Charmomila flower doesn’t care about any of that. They’ll grow in obnoxious places if they want to. The real deal comes from the summer butterflies that feast on its nectar. After a while their wings turn a beautiful honey-yellow, which are harvested and brewed into the sweetest and most expensive nonalcoholic beverage you’ll find around here. I enjoy a glass of one semi-regularly on work mornings.
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𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘙𝘦𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘳: 𝘈𝘷𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘤𝘦 [Unlocked at Friendship Lv. 6] He will have my sincere respect, always. Lord Regrator has built his empire up from a scratch in the dirt, something impossible to do were he a lesser man. His sacrifices of blood, sweat, and tears has bled into the policies that the bank stands on today. Money breeds imbalance and power, which in turn grants freedom and recognition if you are on the right side of the coin. Regrator is a utilizing man and he guards what’s his, zealously. He will take and take until his arms sag with the weight, and uphold his promise to give out the correct equivalents because he lets his value of fair exchange lead him like a vice. For as long as he stays true to his greed, I will be the hand that reaches forward to grasp what he desires.
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𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘙𝘦𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘳: 𝘋𝘦𝘤𝘰𝘳𝘶𝘮 [Unlocked at Friendship Lv. 6] Lord Regrator expects a strict level of decorousness from everyone working under his name- from me to even the most forgotten grunts. It's nothing outrageous of course. You would only ever see the metaphorical boot-licking than a literal one. I find it a bit much sometimes but the public eye is nothing to scoff at. Especially to a man of his status. The Snezhnayan dvoryane make up more than a third of the Northland Bank's clientele- not to mention the stakes a couple of them have invested. And if there is anything that those feather-headed fools care about, it's posh theatrics. *Sigh* Still... I quite enjoy falling in step with Pantalone's politesse. He has a beautiful manner of speech that I've never been able to measure up to.
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𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘙𝘦𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘳: 𝘈𝘭𝘭 𝘛𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘎𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘴 [Unlocked at Friendship Lv. 6] …Why do I feel like you’re trying to fish for critical information...? Fine- I'll concede. It's your head on the line anyways. Lord Regrator is a big player in the system of underground businesses that connect Nathan and Snezhnaya. Technically it could be called a black market, but it’s mainly run by a small council of social elites from both nations. There are occasional hosted auctions, that my lord targets to buy out priceless artifacts from. I’m talking about lost pieces of history and endangered caged beasts over items with resell value. Now… with that being said, as long as this secret remains safe… so do you. It’s always me who’s dispatched to make sure it stays that way.
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eepyuii · 5 months
frostbite — pt. 7
pairing ; childe x gender neutral!reader
content ; childhood friends to “rivals” to lovers, slowburn-ish
cw ; none
notes ; happy new year!! it’s story quest time which meaaans- its teucer town. a lot of the reader and teucer being besties and *some* tiny particles of romantic feelings (if u catch them). also just a really lighthearted and humorous chapter :3
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three knocks.
“hm? yes, ekaterina? come in.”
the secretary steps up to your desk, where you sit pitifully, head resting on your hands. it’s been some months since osial’s attack and you’ve mysteriously remained stationed at liyue, not that you mind, of course. the traveler and paimon have long since been on their way to inazuma and, according to news you heard from all around, seem like they successfully solved the crises surrounding the electro archon and the vision hunt decree. not only has there been word on the streets of their feats but you’ve also noticed a noticeable increase in inazuman immigrants by the harbor.
but- back to the matter at hand, today you find yourself incredibly more fatigued than usual, perhaps due to your struggles with getting even a good wink of sleep the night before. the sunlight creeping through the windows seems to sting your eyes harsher than normal for early morning but you still try your best to open them and read the letter ekaterina has just placed in front of you.
noticing the strain in your efforts to, well, be awake at the moment, ekaterina clears her throat.
“it’s a mandate from the doctor himself.”
now that gets you up, though not in a good way. the sheer reminder of that man’s existence is enough to shoot an icy burn into your spine, one that makes you flinch into full consciousness.
skimming more effectively through the lines, you find that the mandate talks about a ruin guard research lab here in liyue under his guise, obviously, that he is requiring you to briefly oversee in his absence. not as bad as you thought but also not entirely good. the doctor has never presently explained his affinity for ruin guard robotics to you- because truly, why would he? but it’s no less than apparent how big his interest in them is, in your experience.
with a long, heavy sigh, you nod.
“i see. thank you, ekaterina, you may go.”
she bows politely and turns to leave while you reread the letter to gather the full details of the research lab. once ekaterina is by the door to your office, you take note of the sound of as her heels stop abruptly as she yelps in surprise, muttering a small ‘hello, master childe’ and carrying on her way. the next moment, they very devil she spoke of is bursting into the room.
“good morning, doc!” he chirps with surprising energy for how early it is and places a closed cup on your desk.
“here! i got you some coffee, thought it might help wake you up.”
“thanks a lot… wait, how did you know i was tired-“
“and with that act of courtesy, i would like to propose my own favor to be granted by yours truly. and that is for us to sp-“
“childe, i cannot spar with you today.”
with that, the harbinger slumps into himself like a fussing child, ironic, and groans softly. he’s about to try his very persuasive best to convince you anyway when he spots the letter in your hands and raises an eyebrow curiously.
“what’s that?”
you sigh again, pinching the bridge of your nose. “a mandate from dottore asking me to check up on one of his ruin guard research facilities, here in liyue.”
childe seems to empathize with your disdain for the request and scoffs, mumbling about ‘that lunatic and his little toy robots…’.
“hm, well i wish you luck with that. i’ve also got myself some less than stellar debts to collect today, might as well busy myself somehow even if ekaterina thinks i shouldn’t.”
“good luck with that too.”
childe turns to leave, slightly less chipper than he was when he walked in, until he stops by the door to turn around. “you’re still owing me a spar for that coffee!”
grassy mountains, building ruins, ginkgo trees- minlin was just like any other area of liyue, though you’d never steal any merit from the relaxing scenery of the entire region. every new place you visited took your breath away with its beauty all the same.
it’s become an unspoken habit to deal with ruin guards at this point and you knew their patterned behaviors and limits like no other, maybe only the doctor himself. several of them sat inactivated in the ruins around you, as expected, and you took note of each one for your report diligently. as you’re approaching the entrance of the lab itself, you spot another ruin guard sat against a crumbled tower- except it was not the only thing there, there were people too. it’s not hard to decipher that it turns out to be the traveler and paimon and… someone else.
wait… surely it’s not him.
all three of them immediately turn around, except teucer lights up at the sight of you and jumps from his crouching position to run at you with full speed. despite being perplexed at his presence, you still kneel to welcome him with open arms.
“big sibling y/n!! you’re here!!” he yells out, elated.
you chuckle fondly and stand up with teucer clung onto your torso.
“it’s good to see you too, teuce’, but… what in the heavens are you doing all the way here?”
looking over teucer’s shoulder, you turn to the other two, who look just as confused about the entire situation as you do.
“and you two as well, weren’t you supposed to be in inazuma still?”
“mm-yeah, we were taking a bit of a break! we’re on our way to sumeru next and liyue’s the shortest way there so… might as well take some leisurely time off.”
paimon elaborates, until she and the traveler share a look and the two of them sigh.
“unfortunately, the millelith asked us to check out these rui- ahem, i mean mr. cyclops showing up around this area. and as we were doing that, we ran into teucer over here!”
you breathe out a laugh, pitying the pair’s lack of… well- time to take a break without any tasks given to them. ‘talk about leisurely…’ you mutter, quiet enough so teucer doesn’t hear. speaking of him…
“that still doesn’t explain how you were here at all, mister.” you poke the boy’s side with the hand that isn’t holding him up against you and he giggles uncontrollably, attempting to dodge your finger.
“ahahahahah! s-stop! hahah… i’m here to see big brother at the institute for toy research! you work there too, right?”
oh- is that what he thinks childe does? dear gods, that’s too funny. however you do understand why childe would lie about your jobs, you think you’d do much the same. still it takes everything within you to not burst out laughing at the revelation, even the traveler seems to notice so, somewhat understanding the reason but also somewhat not. you huff out a breath to calm the urge to cackle and turn to the two once again.
“listen, you guys don’t need to worry about this one anymore, i’ll take care of him. oh! and don’t worry about the- err, mr cyclops replicas, i’ll sort them out too. go take your break, you deserve it.”
“but- they’re my friends! they like toys like i do! a-and they made the pinky promise!” teucer retaliates.
gods damn the snezhnayan pinky swear.
“plus, he did give us this big bag of mora to take care of him…” paimon eyes the traveler, who returns the glance with a nod as if they’re silently communicating.
“and yeah- we’d much rather go see this ‘toy institute’ than deal with mr. cyclops right now.”
you nod in agreement and gesture for all of you to head back to the harbor, partially to avoid seeing the millelith soldiers patrolling the area.
“so- just out of curiosity, teuce’, what exactly did your brother say about me working with toys?”
“he said you’re a toy doctor! you take care of the toys who get hurt or sick.”
“yeah, that checks out.”
arriving back at northland bank, the first thing you spot is childe and ekaterina discussing something at the center of the room, oblivious to your presence for the moment. that is, until teucer bursts from your tired arms to run to his older brother.
paimon, somehow, remains oblivious enough to what is right in front of her enough to whisper. “huh? what’s he doing here…”
“yay, my brother! i found you!” exclaims teucer and childe immediately perks up, ceasing any doubts that paimon might’ve had.
“i know that voice… why, if it isn’t my little brother teucer! my goodness!”
the harbinger takes his younger brother into his arms, much like you did before, except he wraps him in a nearly bone crushing hug before setting him back down.
“haha.. what a nice surprise, teucer! i thought i would have to wait till i return home before seeing you again. how are the others, tonia and anthon? is everybody keeping well?”
“they miss you a lot! tonia prays for you every day at dinner.” it seems that only after teucer’s response is when the realization of the sheer absurdity that is teucer’s presence sets within childe, his face morphing into confusion.
“wait a second… what are you doing here in liyue, teucer? how have i not heard anything about this?”
that entire interaction, you remained merely watching from behind with an irrepressible fond smile on your face- you were so lost in their reunion that you almost miss the incredulous glare childe throws to you, like he’s silently asking if you had anything to do with this. you jump slightly once noticing it and quickly shrug, shaking your head to signify that you’re just as clueless as him.
“well, what happened was- i saw a boat that looked like it was selling toys, so obviously i thought you were on board. and then when i got off i just kept walking and walking… and then, i found a mr. cyclops!”
“mr cyclops scared off a bad guy, and then i found this nice lady and-and then y/n found us! so we came looking for you.”
childe seems to have another moment of realization, where another fleeting glance comes your way and he sighs, facing off to the side to mouth to himself ‘of course, the research lab…’.
“teucer…” he starts off and you seem to understand what he’s about to say right away, leaving teucer’s side to be right in front of him, beside childe. you kneel to teucer’s height and hold out your hands for him to hold, to make him feel less like he’s being scolded. his tiny hands are dwarfed by yours in a way that makes your heart swell.
“…teuce’, what you did was really dangerous. we’re both happy to see you, really, but please promise you won’t do anything like this ever again.”
childe nods in agreement and teucer sighs, letting go of your hands to put them behind his back sheepishly.
“okay, i promise… please don’t be mad at me.”
“we’re not mad at you. we just care about your safety, that’s all.” childe reassures.
“if you hadn’t met these nice people, and even more if y/n hadn’t found you, things could’ve been a lot more dangerous for you, teucer. i hope you said a big thank-you to all of them?”
“yep! i always remember my please’s and thank-you’s!
“oohh so you did notice we were here… you were just ignoring us, gotcha.” paimon adds sarcastically as she and the traveler look at childe through a sassy glare.
“haha… forgive me, it’s always family first where i’m from. don’t take it personally. i know we’ve had our differences up to now but.. a few minor quibbles aside, we get on quite well, don’t you think?”
the traveler’s incredulous reaction tells you that perhaps teucer shouldn’t listen to the conversation while they sort out their, erm, quibbles- so you gently take him by the hand and lead him off ever so slightly to the side, where you know he’ll be at least distracted enough to not listen. kneeling down, you once again take his impossibly adorable hands into yours and fiddle with them playfully, he only grins in oblivious amusement.
“so, teuce’, tell me more- how’re things back home? you’re not too bored without us there, are you?”
“mm-no, i’m just fine! anthon still plays with me a bunch and tonia always reads me the letters big brother sends us, she always tells such cool stories!”
“yeah? like what?”
the young boy thinks for a moment, rubbing his chin like he’s mentally paging through the deepest, most riveting tales he can recall.
“hmm.. oh! one time she told me the story of how big brother discovered a new version of mr. cyclops! he’s bigger and.. and stronger and he’s got huge horns, like a deer! he’s like mr. cyclops' big brother.”
well, at least childe is keeping his lies somewhat accurate. but the way teucer beams and hops excitedly as he talks about the bigger mr. cyclops, or a ruin grader as you know it, seems to justify keeping him in the dark. the way his big blue eyes shine with wonder is in itself a treasure worth protecting. you’ve practically long forgotten that you’re supposed to be stalling out a conversation to distract him.
“that’s so awesome, teucer!” you grin back at him. “what other stories does your brother tell?”
“hm..- oh yeah! he also talks about you in his letters.”
“does he?” you’re unsure if you should feel good or bad about the revelation, gods know what childe says to his siblings about you.
“yeah he does! he talks about how you take such good care of the toys when they get hurt and how smart you are and how…”
suddenly, teucer trails off as he turns to the trio still conversing near you, like he’s heard something that’s caught his attention. he entirely abandons the sentence he’d left unfinished to join their side again and you find yourself feeling the smidgenmost bit disappointed that he didn’t finish speaking. you only sigh to yourself and smooth your clothes down from the crouching position you were in, joining back in as well.
“that’s right, my brother’s the greatest! he’s mr. cyclops’ bestest friend!”
childe chuckles in somewhat faux delight, to satisfy teucer and make it seem like he approves of his brother’s message, before leaning over to the traveler and whisper, as you hear it,- ‘just humor me in front of teucer, if you’d be so kind…’
“ahem- ah yes! ekaterina, i will deal with the issue of the outstanding payment right away.”
“hey! slinking off, are we?” paimon accuses.
“but, master childe, would it not be improper to ask you to deal with… debt collection?”
“a bet is a bet, isn’t it? and if you lose a bet with an agent.. well, you might as well get some exercise out of it.”
“are you going off to sell toys now?” teucer interjects, partially with admiration for his brother and partially with disappointment that he has to leave.
“that’s right. as much as i’d like to catch up a little longer, teucer, duty calls! i’m sure y/n and ms. nice lady will keep you company while i’m out, though.”
childe implies with a pleading glance thrown to you and the traveler. you nod gladly while the traveler puts her hand to her forehead momentarily and paimon mumbles a complaint about having to babysit for childe.
“sure!” teucer confirms as well. “i really like y/n and this lady already! and anyway, the nice lady made a pinky promise to take good care of me.”
the harbinger ends up leaving the four of you with a hefty bag of mora to spend out in the city while he’s working and you firstly decide to take him to an elderly lady’s kite shop. she patiently explains how to use the kites and teucer asks for a mr. cyclops shaped kite, because why wouldn’t he- you manage to convince the lady to make a custom build for it with a shining pile of mora. next, you take him to wanmin restaurant, where chef mao graciously offers to make a special dish for teucer, who can’t eat spicy food. you don’t blame him, personally- snezhnayan dishes tend to steer away from spice specifically and lean more towards warm, filling meals to endure the cold temperatures. however, the food teucer asks for turns out sickeningly sweet and even paimon, the awarded food enthusiast, feels nauseated at the end. finally, he asks you to give the wharf a better look than when he was stepping off his boat. paimon proceeds to give a mouthful of an explanation about liyue’s trade port, which ends up too confusing for teucer to even care. instead, his attention is caught by a ship anchor left in the wharf.
“teucer, don’t run off!” you urge as he takes off to see the anchor.
“that metal hook is huge! and it gets bigger the closer we get!”
“this is an anchor. docked ships use it to hold themselves in position, to stop wind and waves from blowing them away.” paimon explains.
“hmm, an anchor… got it. but i think i might get it mixed up with commodore hook.”
“commodore hook..? is that another one of your weird toy names?”
“my brother always sends me a really big toy for my birthday- commodore hook, blacksteel jack, iron tony… we keep them all in your backyard!”
“are they as big as the anchor?” the traveler asks.
“yeah, and that’s why i can’t bring them with me all the time. it’s a shame…”
you choke on your breath at a realization. “i-is that what your father was keeping under a tarp in the backyard..?”
teucer nods cluelessly. you’ve seen tarped objects behind childe’s family house that had some absurd silhouettes hidden by the protective fabric and the snow, but you’ve only ever assumed they were left over building materials- not gigantic fucking robots because why would you ever assume that’s what he’d send a child for his birthday. you’ll have to have a talk with him about gift giving at a later time.
“but my favorite is mr. cyclops. even though i mostly came here to see my brother, the other big thing i wanted to do was play with mr. cyclops! oh- are they selling fish over there, let’s have a look!”
and just like that, teucer is gone again. paimon stomps her foot in the air as she heaves frustratedly.
“quit! running! off!”
you briefly go to see the fish on display as teucer tells you of the time when childe caught him an impossibly large fish just because he asked for it. somewhere in the back of your head, you find it endearing that childe has kept up the habit of fishing just like when his father would take you on his trips to ice fish as well. maybe you could get him to go fishing in liyue, just the two of you when you have some free ti- wait, what are you saying? you’re supposed to be watching out for teucer, who conveniently has gone off to see the boats and seems to have his entire good mood flipped around.
“teuce’, you look upset, what’s wrong? are you tired?” you coo.
he sighs melancholically and covers his face behind his hands. “i miss my brother…”
“what? but we were just with him!” argues paimon.
“yea, but for such a short time that it doesn’t even count! take me to see my brother, i don’t wanna play anymore!”
you sigh and look to the other designated babysitters. they look back with defeated shrugs- seems like you’ve done what you can to entertain him for the moment. turning back to teucer, you offer to carry him in your hold as you leave for qingxu pool, where childe said he would be, and he gladly accepts. from behind you, a low gurgle can be heard.
“urgh… paimon may never recover from that dish.”
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taglist ; @kentply @osaemu @rain-and-a-nice-nap
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lacedupforyou · 1 year
ℭ𝔬𝔪𝔭𝔢𝔱𝔦𝔱𝔬𝔫|Yandere Diluc | Yandere Kaeya
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( No Inc!st Obviously. Reader is a knight for mondstat. Reader also has a hydro vision). ( Part 2 to this)
From the start you had always been Hardworking, Crafty, But just as gentle. It was no wonder you had become an official knight of Favonius. Using your vision to help others and becoming quite popular in Mondstat.
You had made many friends in Mondstat, From Wolf boys to outriders. It was like everyone knew you. Of course the calvary captain tried to catch your eye and woo you but you were so hardworking you didn't seem to have any time for small flirts.
You were out with the bard listening to his drunken tunes. When the time came for the bill, Master diluc arguing with the heavily drunk Venti to pay his tab. You told him you would pay for it. Stating you detest violence and arguments. Your kindness and selflessness intriguing master diluc. You introduced yourself to him. "If you ever need my help I'd be happy to help you anywhere you need me!"
Something struck him, Like the electro archon sending her fury to diluc in that instance. Diluc had to excuse himself from how friendly cute you were in the moment. A blush spread over his features complimenting his fiery features.
The next day you were invited to the angel's share with rosaria and kaeya. he had promised to settle your bill and after paying for venti's tab how could you refuse?
Walking in you were greeted with a blank faced stare from diluc. And kaeya and rosaria following behind you into the tavern. All 3 of you had ordered drinks and began talking about simple things, laughing, gossiping, and all.
Diluc had been watching you from afar, Watching your expressions change from laughter, shock, and that same soft smile he found himself frozen in. But the way his brother had his arm around you how close he was with you bothered him. He decided to do something about that.
"Y/N I could use your assistance right now."
"I shall help you Sir Diluc" Rosaria replies getting up from her seat.
"I need the assistance of a true knight thank you." He retorts
"It's no trouble rosaria I can help Master Diluc" You smile and arise from your seat to the back to help him.
You almost missed the glare from kaeya and the smirk diluc had given him. You walked to the back to help him move some crates of wine around (He didn't really need them moved he just needed some excuse to have you so close.) "I appreciate your help Y/n. You seem very well known around mondstat, I find your adventures quite alluring. Perhaps you could write me letters of them." He gathers his courage to speak those words hoping for the best.
"Like Pen-Pals? I'd love to! Send me a letter anytime! I'll tell you tons of stuff!" You smile up at him and he almost loses himself again. You write down your address and walk back to kaeya who seemed to be anticipating your return. The night continued full of laughs and more gossip. Then came your tab.
"It's my treat Y/n, I'm the one taking you out." Kaeya smirks over to diluc and takes out his purse of mora.
"Y/n it's MY treat I'll pay for it, Consider it a gift for becoming MY pen pal." Diluc replies semi-harshly
The words send kaeya to make remarks on diluc's faults for diluc to snap back into a full blown argument. Rosaria sighs take your arm and pulls you outside the tavern. "What a night, I shall be the one to walk you home Y/n, Consider it a treat." She smiles and you happily walk off with her into the night. She waves you off and you sleep happily.
You wake that morning to see a letter from Diluc. Your heart flutters from his gorgeous handwriting and his quick timing to already send you a letter. You open it and it says :
"Dearest Y/n I apologize for the previous night and my immature actions. I hope you got home safely in the night. We have a new product coming in from Sumeru, I'd love you to sample it. - Best Regards, Diluc "
You feel incredible, He wished you well and invited you to freely try some new product! What a lovely invitation! But you had training with kaeya today.. The invitation will have to wait, Your job as a knight comes first!
You had sparred with kaeya for awhile, Practicing your hydro vision and watching his cryo in action.
"You're holding your sword wrong Y/n here let me show you." Kaeya says
He comes behind you gripping your hands and arms moving them slowly with his. The distance between you two non existent. He felt lost in the moment and you could feel yourself freeze up as he guided your fingers along the blade. Your embrace was warm and it felt incredible. You swiftly collected himself you continued to train with him. 
You wrote a letter back to diluc and went to bed exhausted that night.
Little did you know The Dark Knight and the Calvary Captain were both watching from afar. Watching your peaceful sleeping face from a safe distance. Watching you undress and fall asleep. They felt infatuated by your grace. They knew they'd have to worry about the other brother. But they will make sure you are there's in the end.
Ⓣⓗⓔⓡⓔ'ⓢ ⓝⓞ ⓔⓢⓒⓐⓟⓔ
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arkhammaid · 1 year
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fandom. genshin impact
characters. alhaitham, ayato, cyno + selective characters being mentioned
content warnings. sagau, creator!reader, characters are self aware and can hear the thoughts of their 'creator' in their heads, reader is a whale lmao, written in lowercase, not edited & proofread
word count. 1.4k
notes. head empty only sagau 🫣 anyways enjoy, maye i'll make this a series and post more characters!!
— ˚₊‧⁺˖ alhaitham.
alhaitham knows he is in a position of power. he could make kingdoms fall, take down several nations with the resources at his fingertips and not many could stop him
and he also knows, he just got even more powerful. the sages have always known about the chosen vision holders by their creator and dearly hoped that one of the scholars would get chosen soon, in order to gain more power, literal and political
their dreams came true, but it's too late. alhaitham is a chosen one and as the acting grand sage, no one dares to command him
when he should get his papers done, clean up the chaos the previous grand sage left behind, the creator takes him and other vision holders all across teyvat, especially sumeru and let's them run around
he doesn't remember how many chests he opened, how many miles he walked across the desert, fighting and killing monsters, while the other chosen ones chatter with each other, as if it's normal to explore the rainforest in one moment and the desert in the next one
his teammates change, always fitted for the task. so he gets to know a wandering samurai, kaedehara kazuha who eases their work by gathering enemies together with a single flick of his blade. then there's zhongli, the legendary geo vision holder, one of the first to ever be blessed. his shield holds strong and true, while he and the raiden shogun, the electro archon herself slaughter the enemies with ease
alhaitham gets to know them and even dares to say he made friends with both kazuha and zhongli, both of them having their ways with words and extremly knowledgable in their fields
and sometimes, children appear. klee, a child from mondstadt, xingqiu, a noble young man from liyue and kuki, a young woman from inazuma
alhaitham gets to know them, all while the creator guides the group through teyvat, their blessings making ordinary people mutter in awe, seeing blessed vision holders up so close
it's certainly an experience, hearing the creator's thoughts, their comments on the weirdest things, their own world and theirs. he has to admit, even if he never dares to say it out loud, the creator is wise and has an insane amount of knowledge gathered. they seem to find solace in the vision holders who are as well, and alhaitham can't help but puff his chest, feeling oddly prideful at the thought
he's honored to be one of the chosen vision holders, even if it means more work for him
— ˚₊‧⁺˖ cyno.
cyno is silent, when he gets chosen by the creator, by their creator. cyno is silent, when he receives his weapon, the scrolls and three crowns. cyno is silent, when the first group of blessed vision holders greet him with smiles on their faces. he's also silent, when he hears the thoughts of the creator
he watches with keen eyes, electro vision bright, when they hunt enemies, monsters and 'world bosses', as their creator says. he watches how commissions are done, running across the sumeru rainforest and later the desert as well
he watches, as he opens dozens of chests, books and gems spilling across the floor and he picks them up, in disbelief that he's here
the creator is generous, gifting each of them with a powerful weapon, fitting artifacts and making sure to put them in compatible teams, ensuring safety of each member while also making sure that they can breeze through their enemies
cyno is honored to be blessed, to be one of the chosen ones, chosen by their creator. even after he finds out they're not exactly chosen, even their creator doesn't have that much power, always cursing the deity called 'hoyoverse'. it makes his brain hurt, to think too much about this and so he doesn't
it's none of his business, heavenly and godly matters, and so he cares about the mortal ones. such as making sure that no one of his team gets hurt, fully knowing they're very skilled as well
to keep the heavy thoughts at bay, he cracks jokes, making the blessed children laugh with him and the adults shaking their head with a heavy sigh. cyno knows many people fear him, and some of the younger vision holders respected him, borderlining to fearing him, but the moment he opens his mouth, no matter how rare it is, their fear puffs into nothingness
it makes him smile, talking with the others, catching a break from his job as general mahamatra. there he could never be open like this, his subordinates too fearful of him
but that's fine, now that he's here, a chosen vision holder surrounded by fellow chosens all across teyvat
— ˚₊‧⁺˖ kamisato ayato.
he has been waiting to be chosen by you for a long time now. ever since his sister came home, an eternal glow to her whole person, new weapon and strength in her fragile hands
ayaka is one of the favorites, chosen to fight monsters all across teyvat, whisking her away from her usual duties
she's proud of it, to be chosen and blessend by their creator. his little sister wears the gifts with pride, the scrolls and artifacts, making her one of the strongest vision holders known to all nations
ayaka brings pride to the kamisato clan, as well political power. power he knows how to use, slowly spreading his influence, while the civil war continues to wage on
it's then, when fragile peace is now part of inazuma, it's then when he gets chosen as well. chosen to be wished. because everyone knows, their creator is not of this world and to achieve contact with her blessed ones, they must wish
the highest honor, after being throughly blessed by the creator, and ayato is now one of the few selected blessed mortals as well
his sister never told him how deep this connection goes, the creator's thoughts suddenly his own. he can hear them mumbling about something called 'pity', cursing and screaming at 'hoyoverse', while they grumble as he slowly gets stronger
he can feel it, the sudden surge of power, yet he has been nothing gifted yet. constellations, is what ayaka called it. connecting his soul, his whole being to a constellation and making him stronger with each star lighting up
and then, he suddenly has a weapon in his hand. tipped in blue, gold and white, the weapon starts to glow and ayato can feel the power. the weapon glows, the sword changing and becoming something legendary
his sister carries a sword called mistsplitter, purple blade glowing and he now too carries one. haran geppaku futsu, is what the creator calls it. a sleek sword, perfectly balanced and dipped in intense colors
deep in thought, he doesn't notice how his creator starts to bless him, strenght surging through his body. until he does, and ayato is left gasping, the sudden growth of power making his head spin
"there you go, looking really good, my beautiful man!" ayato just blushes, not believing his creator just said those words out loud
but he can't dwell on that, whisked away to liyue, hunting down monsters, while his sister fights right by his side. kaedehara kazuha is present as well, welcoming him with a soft smile and a dip of his head. there is also zhongli, as he introduces himself, a geo vision holder of liyue, one of the first blessed in whole teyvat
the next few days are spent with his creator ushering him and other vision holders all across teyvat, fighting in domains, doing commissions and opening chests
he's still in disbelief, when he was suddenly in the abyss, together with the shrine priestress kokomi, kazuha and his sister. he fights ordinary treasure hoarders, hilichurls and monsters of tales- monsters he would've never dare to fight
yet he does, the thoughts of his creator always heard, the screams of rage when they're unable to collect all stars in time, tired mumblings when they've been sitting in front of their 'pc', whatever this thing was, since hours now, making their thoughts sluggish and slow
he's honored, to be chosen and blessed, three crows and six constellations in his possession, a legendary sword in his hands, fighting for his creator
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taglist. @keyz-writes , @obsidianjewel , @keqism , @kamiiyaka , @venexus , @stellumi , @wanderersbell , @uraqtttt , @spiriteddreams , @lxvebun , @ineshapanda , @baeshijima , @themercyverse
if you want to join the taglist, please read this post!
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kaeyas-beloved · 1 year
[ 🤒 ] - minding them when they’re sick but with Wanderer because HAKZNSJBAHAV THIS GUY
Anyway, hope you enjoy! Wanderer has no name in this :)
CW: basic cold symptoms (fever, fatigue, stuffed nose, dizziness), food (he feeds you), mention of dying at the very end, wanderer backstory spoiler at the very end, I suddenly couldn’t write Wanderer or in general the moment I started this all the way until I finished (again) :/
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You weren’t sick, you swear on the Electro Archon herself. The puppet can only smirk when you tell him as such; it’s a good thing he hates her with his whole being. It's not like he bought your oath anyway, how could he when your nose is stuffed more than a holiday turkey? Or with how you sway even when only sitting up?
He didn't mind taking care of you, not one bit, but he'd rather bite his own tongue than admit it. The moment you’re better he’d never hear then end of it. No, he’s sure the moment your mind clears up just enough for coherent thoughts you’d say something that’d turn his pale cheeks scarlet. Still, regardless of your current state, there remains one downside…
“What are you doing?” Your head snaps up at the familiar, sharp tone, though you immediately regret the action as a bout of dizziness sets in. A hand flies up, cradling your head in an attempt to soothe the ache, eyes clamping shut. Indigo eyes stare holes into your figure, watching your every move, noting each hiss and whimper of pain. Why do you insist on being so difficult?
Even with the fog in your mind, you’re still able to make out the sound of approaching footsteps. Peeking one eye open, you watch with hazy vision as your boyfriend stops right in front of your slouched figure. "Two seconds gone and you're already causing trouble," he tuts, setting down the hot meal he left to get for you, pushing you back down by the shoulders. It’s concerning how little resistance you put up, if he didn’t know any better he’d think a gentle breeze would be able to topple you over.
Making sure that you’re propped up in a suitable position, your lover turns to grab the bowl once more. Despite the steam that rises from the porcelain he looks unaffected by the heat. You wonder if it’s because he’s grown immune, unable to feel it or if he’s just that unbothered by it.
The bed dips, the ameno user taking the spot beside you at the edge of the bed. You think he’s about to hand you your food, however, the moment he sees you reach out to grab it a sharp flick to your forehead effectively stops you. “Your illness must’ve really fried your brain. Did you really think I’d let you feed yourself? Idiot, you can’t even keep your hands steady.” He snickers at the dumbfounded expression you make, temped to make another teasing remark. You’re expecting as such, so you’re pleasantly surprised that he clears his throat instead, picking up the spoon.
Had you been in the right mind you would’ve made a comment on how soft the man in front of you is being. For once his face is void of a scowl or condescending smirk, and there’s no overwhelming hatred for the world in his eyes. Instead, his lips are pressed into a thin line, concentrating on his task at hand. Perhaps if you could think clearer you’d be able to see the underlining care and worry in his eyes too.
Again, you voice none of your thoughts, silently taking each spoonful of food he lifts to your mouth. That previous stubbornness you exhibited long gone, lacking the energy for such feats.
About halfway through you have to stop, unable to stomach anymore. Merely nodding, your personal caretaker sets aside the dish, placing the back of his hand against your forehead. His eyebrows raise then are pull together on contact
“You’re running a fever,” he whispers, standing up once more, “I’m going to go get you some water and a cool cloth. Don’t move again, or else.” You blink up at him and nod, albeit weakly. It’s not like you could move if you wanted to, fatigue beginning to really set in now. You’re yawning at just the thought of sleep.
No matter how hard you try to stay awake just to experience the relief the cool towel was to bring, your body’s needs ultimately won the battle. By time your lover returned you’d sunk further into the bed, out like a light as your chest gently rise and fell.
Shoulders relaxing and eyes softening, he takes care not to make much noise, setting the items he grabbed down. “I told you not to move…” he chided, even if you couldn’t hear. Spotting the blanket slipping down past your shoulders, the male huffs, fixing it so it covers you fully. Once he’s satisfied he places the damp clothe against your burning skin, making sure it wouldn’t fall.
There’s a moment that follows that just him standing above you, arms lazily folded as he assesses your state. It’s a good thing he doesn’t have anything important to do for the next few days, he’s sure disaster would’ve struck sooner or later if he wasn’t there.
“You’re a handful you know that?” Puppets don’t get sick, he reminds himself, leaning forward until his lips meet your forehead. His next few words are mumbled, face still ghosting over yours, “you better not die on me too. You’re not allowed to, not after all the love you showed me. Got that?”
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https-furina · 9 months
— oh my my ! ♡ | edition: women, version 1.0
ft. ei, miko, yelan & eula x fem!reader content. fluff, modern!au, idol!au mixed with secret agent!au, ooc eula & yelan (first time writing, i apologise), uncomfortable scenarios forced upon reader minorly (it's hinted at), mentions of injury (minor) and weapons/violence.
archon's decree. based off the hoyofair 'oh my my' song by lure! i’m so in love i’ve had it on repeat! also breaking news - perse remembers how to write fluff!
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✉️ mail received! sender: ei
sometimes it's easily recognisable as to why the raiden ei of all people has thousands of fans - everyone is down bad for the mysterious, quiet member of the idol girl group whose deep purple hair seems to be neverending down her back, always displayed in a thick braid that her staff sometimes decorate in neon purple lightning shaped hair clips. electric, that's exactly what she is. it's easily to fall in love with someone so dangerous.
it's not so easily recognisable to realise that the boss dressed neatly in a mix of tactical gear and business meeting attire before you, brandishing a smoking gun is that same raiden ei you adore to the point of having a bedroom wall littered in her posters.
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there's a deadly silence that fills the alleyway following the gunshot. is he dead? oh god he might be dead - you shake your head, eyes trailing up the legs of your supposed saviour. they lock onto that braid, it's familiar but you can't quite place where from but then your scared gaze falls onto those purple eyes, looking at you softly.
"raiden.. ei..?" you whisper, unsure as to whether you're dreaming your idol bias standing before you, perhaps it's just the adrenaline. you try to reason with yourself but her eyes seem to widen in response to her name.
"oh," she mumbles faintly, concealing her weapon quickly as she flashes a look over her shoulder - for a moment you glimpse the electro symbol tattooed behind her left ear and your heart jumps up your throat, "you know.. me?"
"that's an understatement," you retort softly, hands beginning to shake. would now be a bad time to fangirl? you're not too sure but there's an energy you can't contain as you look back down at your previous annoyance, "is he.. dead?"
"it was a sleep dart," ei reassures as she approaches, heels clicking on the concrete as she approaches - you catch the red on the sole on her heels as she steps before she kicks at the man's body, "if i killed him, he wouldn't be seen in court for his crimes and true justice wouldn't be served to his victims."
you nod slowly, realising you're still sat on the concrete in bewilderment as you come down from the adrenaline, a shocked gasp coming out of your lips as you hurry to your feet. the sudden action throws you into a dizzy spell, losing your balance as you stumble but an arm locks around your waist, halting your fall.
"careful-" she pauses, noticing the close proximity of your faces when you look up at her. for a brief moment, her hand tightens around your waist and you feel her fingertips press against your hip- "i'd appreciate if you didn't.. mention this to anyone.."
she doesn't let go for a few seconds and you narrow it down to her making sure you're stable enough to stand on your own but with this closed space between you, you feel dizzy of the scent of her perfume - it's faint but smells almost like dango, a sweet dish the tabloids had rumoured to be her favourite. you shakily give another nod, turning your gaze away from the gloss of her lips.
"i didn't see a thing," you comment and ei makes a noise, almost like she's amused by your personality as her arm unwraps from your waist, the two of you standing straight again, "but thanks for.. that."
✉️ mail received! sender: miko
everyone and their mother knows of miko's visuals amongst the members of her group - not to mention her sweet vocals that seem to entice listeners like a siren luring men to the depths. she's cunning both on stage and off the stage, not limited to interviews but reality too. it doesn't take a genius to know that miko is aware of her beauty.
it might take a genius - or a purely unfortunate coincidence - to know that the pretty, pink haired girl you fawn for in your phone case has a job on the side - or is the idol life her job on the side?
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"no thank you." you reject the man politely but he's been persistent, hovering in the bar stool next to you for what seems like hours now. his breath reeks of whiskey and it seems he's not taking no for an answer. chapped lips part to speak again, words that will be slurred and barely coherent when there's a clear of someone's throat, it's soft and yet sweet and authoritative.
"i believe she said no." the woman chimes in, lingering over the man's shoulder as she lets out a sultry smile in your direction. you don't lack to catch how decorated purple nails drop something into the man's half full glass while he's preoccupied. he appears alarmed by her sudden appearance, his vision hazy as he looks up at her.
that's when it hits you, she's familiar. pastel pink locks that tumble down her shoulders and long eyelashes that flutter with every movement of her eyes - yae miko? you blink numerous times, maybe she'd slipped whatever the hell that was into your drink too. but what was she doing in a place like this on a wednesday night? where was her security?
the man raises that very same glass to his lips, parched from his drunken rambling that miko simply seems to nod to. her gaze keeps flickering back to you, heat creeping up your neck to your cheeks as you catch sight of the photocard tucked into your phone case on the bar beside you and you're hit with a wave of embarrassment. moments later, the man's head drops to the bar, resting on his arms as he drifts off. miko grins, waving down a bartender.
"i believe this man has had too much to drink, have someone escort him out," she orders, her voice steady as a bartender hurries to nod, disappearing from behind the bar. she settles on the other stool next to you, her long legs slipping out from under a violet dress decorated with a white feather boa around her neck, "are you alright?"
purple irises fall to your phone case, a smug smile tugging at her lips as you quickly pocket your phone, clearing your throat as if you could reverse time and avoid her ever seeing that by doing so. she leans forward onto the bar, resting her chin on her hand as she awaits your response.
"i- yeah-" you mumble, your breath shaking as you exhale and your brows knit together- "why are you here...?"
miko lets out an amused laugh behind her hand, rings glittering in the warm glow of the oil lamps the bar used for aesthetic lighting.
"i own this bar, dear," she muses, catching the way your whole demeanour shifts at this newfound information, "in fact, i own the whole chain across the city."
"oh." you whisper, a little awestruck that this information had slipped past you about your own idol bias. miko crosses one leg over the other as she watches security carry a limp man out, tapping her nails on the bar. that's when you notice the earpiece tucked into her left ear and the brief outline of a handgun strapped to her thigh under that incredibly flattering dress. miko notices your gaze on her thigh.
"i believe you owe me a favour for getting rid of that pest outside of work hours," she sighs drastically, a smile curling on her face as she watches your face widen in alarm, "relax, i merely ask you don't speak of what you've seen tonight."
you give a quick, obedient nod as you swallow the lump in your throat. her smile turns from coy to soft, almost gentle as her eyelashes flutter shut, a hum coming from her chest. she can't help but be enamoured by your responses to her presence.
✉️ mail received! sender: yelan
lead rapper of the infamous idol girl group sweeping the country, of course you were a huge fan of her - not to mention her ability to write her own raps, she truly was a creative genius that was a force to be reckoned with both as an idol and privately, not that she would ever allow anyone to know. yelan kept quiet, mysterious much like her group member, ei.
sadly keeping quiet doesn't last forever when the suspects you've been pursuing decides to have a side mission with an innocent bystander.
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you don't quite know where to look, flickering between the unconscious - you think - men on the floor and the ongoing fight between a short haired woman in faux leather pants and the last guy who'd been following you. you thought taking the alley shortcut would have thrown the wolves off your scent but instead, you'd been trapped and cornered.
thank god for mysterious - and inexplicably hot - women saving the day?
you watch as he falls to his knees, limp as his head hangs before his body tumbles to the side. the woman huffs, kicking his body just for extra effect before mildly emerald eyes fall to you. you've been sat on the wet concrete since the fight broke out, your back pressed against a brick wall as the rain falls effortlessly onto the scene.
that's when the short dark hair that fades into a dyed blue becomes familiar and you take in the specific way she's done her eyeliner. what the hell - no, you're seeing things. yelan scoffs softly at your lack of words, taking it as a state of shock as she wipes a bloodied combat knife on one of the men's bodies before she approaches you. she's wearing boots, a sure sight different to the heels you'd see her in on stage.
"they're not dead," she suddenly speaks, the movement making her wince when she becomes aware of a cut on her cheek. she pulls out a compact mirror from her jacket pocket, analysing the cut with a roll of her eyes, "that's gonna pay when my manager sees."
"i don't understand- you- what just happened?" you blurt out, brows knitted together as yelan holds a hand out to you, you notice how she wears fingerless gloves, strapped tight as you hesitantly take her hand to stand up, brushing loose stones from your legs.
"that's for me to know and you to keep a secret," yelan raises a brow as she watches the way you quickly nod, unsure if now is the time to fangirl over touching the hand of your idol bias, "think you can do that for me, angel?"
the pet name goes right to your heart, your heartrate quickening as you stare up at her with wide eyes. there's a sparkle in her eyes as she glances over your face, not missing the way your lips parted to respond yet no words ever came out. a small grin crosses her face before she hears a voice through her earpiece, turning her face away from you to listen to the intel.
"so?" she clears her throat to draw your attention to her - as if you'd ever give your attention to something other than her when you're this close to the woman you've heavily admired for years. you nod quickly, eyes drifting down to the unconscious men once more. yelan makes a noise as if she'd forgotten before she presses a fingertip to her earpiece, "i'm going to need backup on vasari passage, they didn't go down without a fight."
✉️ mail received! sender: eula
her fans always seem calm, it's apparent that they get it from her when the idol group is interviewed and eula's only responses come in the form of soft remarks, arms folded neatly. she rarely hides in the shadows compared to the likes of yelan and ei however the tabloids and paparazzi seem to lack any information on the short haired woman with dazzling locks and a knack for choreographing.
she's your idol bias - of course she would be and you've dreamed of this day but it's... not how you expected it to go.
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you just wanted to stargaze, you thought to yourself as you stand in fear on the roof of your apartment building, your eyes locked to the lithe body of a woman on the cement floor, her face pressed close to a sniper rifle. for a moment, you think that her hair is familiar but you shake your head, there'd been a rising hair trend in relation to the idol group ever since they debuted so you couldn't pinpoint it to eula at all.
you find yourself frozen on the spot - do you speak? it's probably not the best idea to disturb a sniper in any scenario, right? you turn on your heel before you hear the woman mutter something and when you glance in her direction, a pair of honey coloured eyes are piercing through you - albeit a lot softer than you thought a sniper would have.
"you shouldn't be here," she remarks a little coldly, raising herself to sit upright and that's when it hits you, it is eula, "the landlord restricted the roof."
"what the old lady doesn't know doesn't hurt her," you retort but there's a quiver in your voice at the mere concept that you was speaking to your idol bias, "this.. isn't how i thought i'd ever meet you.."
"ah," eula's eyes have definitely softened when you approach, her muscles tense when you settle yourself opposite her on the floor, "so you.. know me."
you nod in response, admiring the black bandana tied in her hair and the tactical gear she seemed to be sporting before your eyes fall to the sniper rifle once more. eula makes a noise, clearing her throat as she leans forward, putting the safety on the gun before she leans back again. you smile at the sentiment of the small action.
this interaction is exactly how you thought it would go, a quiet harmony of enjoying presences; except she was a presence you never thought you'd get to enjoy. in the midst of your silence, a gunshot echoes in the dark of the city's night, disturbing sleeping alley cats and most of all, eula.
the woman is quick to react, pushing you flat to the rooftop's floor as she leans over you, her arms either side of your head. for a moment, you both stare at each other in an awkward silence.
"are you okay? you wasn't hit?" you're not sure if the adrenaline is blurring out any wounds if you had any but you shake your head, letting out a shaking breath. eula exhales and suddenly you can smell the bubblegum she must have chewed before.
you feel the hard exterior of her bulletproof vest against your chest and the way her muscles flex ever so slightly when she's trying to respectfully keep herself from physically laying on you. there's a mumbling from her earpiece and you're silent, trying to pick apart words they're saying. it goes silent again.
eula doesn't move but neither do you, your faces inches away from each other as you both hold your breath. eula finds your somewhat lack of fear about the situation endearing but if she'd asked you, you would have replied with how safe you felt in her presence, knowing she's a trained sniper that you'd a hundred percent put your safety in the hands of.
a small smile cracks on eula's face as she moves off your body, clearing her throat as she peeks through the lens of her sniper, "do me a favour, you didn't see a thing here, sweetheart."
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© https-furina 2023.
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ixiot-ghostrebel · 1 year
Wow I am suprised that idea with smart impostor with power to control will of others. And now I want to add something for our dear reader becose often with impostor au where reader is labede as impostor dsont have power only that gold blood, like if we are truly a creator or thier reincarnation reader shodul have some powers maybe not all of them becose that wodul be boring but maybe unlocking them like traveler by gaing new element and each element adds some godly power anemo-time, geo-creation,electro-space hydro-live dendro-memoris/ilusion cryo-death pyro-energy like at the strat reader is still human but by gaing emeletar powers thier old god/creator powers are coming back and maybe memories of reader previose life as the creator of teyat and that why impostor wants to stop reader becose impostor wodunt care if some look a like lives in teyat only reader becose if reader gains back some of thier powers that will be game over for them
As for elements and godly power bounded with them that I chose well...
Anemo-time:becose of how venti as anemo archon is related to the god of time istaroth(sorry if I got the name worng)
Geo- creation: becose teyat mostly in mass is made of that element so creation
Electro-space: manily becose of how ei has her own kind of demesion where she is inside shogun puppet
Dendro-memories/ilusion: memories brcose of irmusol and ilusion becose of how many plant live can make person see halucification after eating or bearthing them
Hydro-live: well.....water is in evry leaving beging so live
Pyro-energy: to me fire is that primalr energy sorce becose humans first use fire to fule many of things form the light soccer too fire the forges.
Cryo-death: last element that traveler will unlock and cryo rperesting in that god powers as the end of reader jorunie to reagin thier godhood and as Winter is time where we asociaste often with the end of the year like the death is end of the journie trought live some times death can be painless the times where the snów falls down puting the world into rest but sometimes death can be suden like ice storm or painfull like hail
But there is one element.....One last element the fordiden element that no one and I say no one wodul on right mind resort to this but when the reader gets all of the 7 elements...... impostor will in desperation resort to this and that is
Abyss- destruction
Why abyss as destruction and not pyro well to me that wodul be cool wink to old gose saying "evil cannot creact and can only corupt and destroy" but the destruction canot be controled and that will be impostor downfall no punishment form the pepole that they fooled no form the reader....only form thier own green and fear thier live will end and only thing that will be left is thier body as vessel.....vessel that one goal is destruction.
Oh, so Traveler!Reader, I see. 👀
This is a Part 2 of The Imposter Headcanon Post! You don't have to read it first to understand this!
Glad you liked the previous post, anon! And yes, I did make a oneshot based off of the previous post—it's currently a work in progress, but it'll be out soon.
I love this idea of Reader basically being like the Traveler, gaining powers by resonating with the Statues of Seven. It'll definitely be filled with drama and hardships, considering how smart the Imposter is in this AU :D
So...allow me to introduce some of MY Traveler!Reader Hedacanons!
When Reader unlocks a certain element, they can also rely on the Statue of Seven to immediately heal them. → Much like the Traveler in game, they can simply be next to the Statue of Seven and heal rather instantly.
Reader can also teleport there at any time they want, without giving notice to anyone at all. Oh, and using the element of the nation would give Reader extra stamina and an extra boost for their attacks.
For example, let's say Reader is using Anemo in Mondstadt. Boom! They get like—3 weeks worth of energy somehow and their anemo attacks can rival the anemo archon, if not the "creator" themself lol.
Now that I think about it, imagine Reader imitating Venti's Elemental Burst and then suddenly the black hole becomes 2000x stronger as the time goes by—
Speaking of time...let's move on to the next headcanon :D
Reader can manipulate the powers mentioned in Anon's message, but at a cost. → What is the cost, you might ask? They feel the fatigue depending on the duration of time they use this specific type of power.
For example, let's say Reader is trying to escape some puppet dudes the Imposter sent after them, right? They can use the power of anemo to stop time for a small duration until they made a good distance away from the hunters. The only problem is, (in this case) Reader ran 10 miles just to escape. They are going to be exhausted by the time they let time resume.
And yes, there is a limit to how long Reader can use these powers. And, for now, Reader can only hold it up for short periods until they know who they really are.
There will be a slight difference when it comes to the Abyss element, but I'll explain that later.
Reader's memories comes in forms of dreams and "magical text" only they can read. → Ahem. I quoted "magical text" because, let's be honest, it's in our language. Of course no one in Teyvat would know how to decipher it (Not even Haravatat Scholars & Students—we can hear them all crying in the background) except Reader of course!
These texts may seem like usual text messages, but if Reader thinks about it long enough, they actually hold many clues and puzzle pieces of who they are, and what they can do!
The dreams are a little different. Reader is legit replaying their old memories that they no longer remember, recovering parts of their forgotten past little by little at a time. They give clearer answers (sort of) instead of clues and hints.
Reader's Abyss element, when being "purified," creates light. → Yeah, you can clearly see where I got this idea from (coughs looks at Lumine & Aether coughs). The power of the light element is the reaction of when any form of purification is performed while Reader is using their abyss powers.
What kind the light element do? Depending on the situation, the light element will create the thing Reader needs the most. A distraction? Boom, there's a freaking giant everyone needs to worry about. Need shelter? A tent appears out of nowhere. You need a freaking hospital? Light avatars who somehow know medication will appear and be your caretakers!
Unfortunately, the light element is the weakest of all the other seven elements, only being able to perform once after the previous light apparition is destroy/gone. With the other elements, you are able to use it side by side after a short cooldown, but with light element? Not side by side + very long cooldown.
If Reader isn't careful, they might get slightly burnt from the light element, very much unlike pyro.
Once Reader discovers who they really are, they first charge out into a supernova. → Their full powers have been awakened, therefore...we must have a dramatic entrance of the true creator back!
Once Reader regains who they truly are, their powers immediately come surging back, because Reader finally knows how to harness not only the seven elements, but their true creator powers. Thus, a supernova happens, but it's not explosive.
No no...In fact, it will destroy the Imposter's connection to their "puppets" and free all of Teyvat from that absolute Tyrant. Reader is the walking beacon of light today, bois.
Once at this stage, the Imposter is standing no chance. The world literally recognizes the creator and will help them in their mission to kill them. Every single character on this planet will hunt down this imposter till the very end after everything they did to them.
Happy Ending? Well, it depends how writers feel with these headcanons/ideas.
Alright, that's all I got! Sorry if this is really short—I couldn't think of anything else at the moment lol. See you around! :)
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Ghost Rebel Side Note: Sorry if this wasn't up to your standards, anon :') Feel free to come back to my mailbox when it's free! It doesn't have to be just brainrots or anything lol- I don't mind simple discussions =v=
Also! I have a question: Should I make an Anon List + a List of all the things people can write about in my mailbox? Please let me know what you think :)
Check out the Ghost Rebel's Blog Description to See if Their Mailbox is Open!
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A Comprehensive God!Reader Lore Guide
a/n: with the sumeru storyline completed, i finally decided to create a comprehensive list of lore surrounding the god!reader au. if you’re new here to the god!reader cinematic universe, you can take a look at this masterpost of that compiles everything surrounding god!reader. but tldr, the name god!reader is referred to by mortals is ‘amur’ and they are a dendro deity associated with death.
Rukkhadevata, Nahida and Amur are all avatars of Irminsul, the only difference being that Rukkhadevata and Nahida are branches of Irminsul while Amur is a root of Irminsul (1)
As an avatar of Irminsul, Rukkhadevata/Nahida and Amur are two sides of the same coin as Life and Death respectively as such they have similar abilities in terms of Dendro and Dreams but with the gnosis and a higher number of followers, the Dendro Archon’s abilities outpace Amur’s
Amur’s epithets include “God of Festivals” and “Soother of the Dead”, Amur is a god in Teyvat associated with death
A friend of Rukkhadevata, King Deshret and the Goddess of Flowers, Amur’s history dates back to the days of Ay-Khanoum which the four friends ruled together with all of them having their own ideas of wisdom and how to pursue it (2)
Historically had the fewest amount of followers among the four gods and in modern day Sumeru, Amur is not a heavily worshipped deity only really worshipped by a few select tribes in the desert and very few individuals in the rainforest (3)
While their abilities have weakened over the years, Amur is still a god and weak by divine standards are substantially different than the standards of humans
Pre-Rukkhadevata’s Erasure from Irminsul
When posing as the mortal [First], Amur drifts back and forth between the desert and forested halves of Sumeru taking up odd jobs ranging from assisting the desert dwellers with their crops to extra dancer for the Zubayr Theatre
As a god worshipped by few and mostly forgotten and disparaged by many, Amur’s standing and abilities are low and any plots to disrupt the Sage’s control over the nation had to be thoughtful and done at the right time (so thanks for that, Traveler & Co.)
Was unable to alter the Akasha Terminal created by Rukkhadevata with their own abilities.
Kept Nahida company in her dreams alongside the Aranara as a companion and playmate throughout the centuries
Post-Rukkhadevata’s Erasure from Irminsul
Like all beings in Teyvat, Amur’s memories of Rukkhadevata are gone and all memories they have of the previous Dendro Archon are believed to be Nahida prior to becoming a young child
The days of Ay-Khanoum are long gone and Amur poses no threat to Nahida whose domain is the whole of Sumeru, they simply act as counsel from time to time and indulges Nahida in stories of the old days she ‘no longer remembers’
Wouldn’t mind traveling and visiting the other nations now that Sumeru is back in the control of its Archon
Relationship with the Seven
Barbatos: ballads and festivals go hand-in-hand, and with mutual respect for each others philosophies, Amur and Barbatos get along pretty well with one another.
Morax: Due to geographical proximity, the two have had their encounters in the past. Amur finds it a relief that he has become a lot more relaxed over the centuries as they couldn’t stand Morax back in the day.
Beezlebul: Doesn’t agree with the methods she took after the death of Baal. But since it is apparent that the Electro Archon is taking steps to change and release her reins on her people, Amur has a tinge more respect for her.
Folcalors: Acknowledges that the present Hydro Archon is an eccentric, but Amur is fond of eccentrics.***
Murata: A feisty deity, Amur has no complaints.***
Tsaritsa: no comment.***
Trivia Notes/In-Depth Explanations
(1) Historically, branches tend to be associated with life and roots are associated with death. In a specific instance, in Ancient Egypt the Tree of Life’s branches were associated with the heavens and abundance while its roots were symbolic of death an. With Sumeru being a nation based on African, South Asian and Middle Easter geographies and mythologies, I figured this would apply to Irminsul avatars as well seeing as in artifact lore Rukkhadevata’s domain was considered to be life.
(2) Amur’s wisdom concerns death and the cycles surrounding itー No one is above death, not even the divine. Whether mortal or god, plant or insect, death comes for all and that is a truth all must come to accept in order to truly live. But acknowledging that even with that knowledge death would still be considered a grim and taboo subject among mortals, Amur’s epithet concerning festivals came to be shortly after.
Life is a grand festival and should be celebrated thoroughly before one’s end. In Amur’s mind, that would surely make the inevitable end easier to digest by mortals.
(3) Between the four deities that once led Sumeru as a collective, Amur has always had the fewest amount of followers and there are few relics in history associated with them that remains. As such, there is a bit of a divide between those in the rainforest and the desert. In the rainforest, Amur is more well-known for the God of Festivals title and in a land of wisdom like Sumeru, folly was spurned by the Sages that remained in control of the nation for 500 years. As such, a god like Amur was often disregarded by many Sages, leading to dwindling numbers in their following.
A small handful of tribes in the desert worship Amur as a god of death, however, but are often at odds with researchers in the forest about their interpretations of Amur as a whole.
(***) Opinions on the remaining members of the Seven are subject to change as Genshin updates and we get to know them
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Guys I'm such a Genshin nerd but i don't really talk about it ever but god i love Genshin impact and Honkai star rail. Also i can not be normal about any of my interests so here is every fable character and what I think their vision would be. Also which god would be which Archon. Im not the most eleqouent so bare with me here
So, firstly let me define some things. 'Archons' are basically just another word for 'Main God' There are seven Main Archons, who are the main survivors of the Archon War each preside over a singular nation. They rule over a particular element, but also have another trait that goes along with the element. You'll see what i mean later. There used to be a lot more gods, but they all died in the Archon War.
The Seven main Archons are: Venti, Archon of Mondstadt(Nation), Anemo(Element-Wind) and Freedom(trait) Zhongli, Archon of Liyue(Nation), Geo(Element-Earth) and Contracts(trait)
Raiden Shogun/Raiden Ei, Archon of Inazuma(Nation), Electro(Element-Electricity/thunder), and Eternity(trait)
Nahida, Archon of Sumeru(Nation), Dendro(Element-Plants), and Wisdom(trait)
Focalors, Archon of Fontaine(Nation), Hydro(Element-Water), and Justice(trait)
The Archon of Natlan. Natlan has not been released so im not sure on the name. The element is Pyro.(Fire) and the trait is War
The Tsaritsa, though i do believe that is not her true name but her title, Archon of Snezhnaya(Nation), Cryo(Element-Ice), and
A vision is an ornament characters recieve that grant them control over an element.
Archons(a lot of this is just vibes. but i have some reasoning)
So there's 4 major gods but seven Archons , so ive just assigned which ones i think fit best.
Fable - Zhongli. Firstly Zhongli is the god of contracts, as well as the element of Geo i.e earth. The power of the earth is similar to having the power of creation. ALSO Zhongli's personality fits with Fable minus all the god killing- Then again Zhongli did kill a lot of gods in the Archon War. Plus Zhongli's "child"(Xiao) is a loner like Icarus. (you can draw other similarities if you really wanted to.)
Enderian - So Enderian is very obviously the Raiden Shogun/Ei to me. Ei is the God of eternity and electro. The two characters share a similar color scheme- same with Zhongli and Fable actually- Also just vibes. The Raiden Shogun is also a very cold person in the beginning, but when you meet the 'Ei' side of her she's very warm and friendly. You can compare this to how Enderian interacts with Isla, being less of the cold major god most people know her as. Also Raiden shoguns relationship with her "child"(Scaramouche) is similar to that of Enderian and Rae's- Raiden didnt know how to be a good parent, she tried to set Scaramouche free but ended up causing him a life of pain. Similarly, Rae and Enderian had a bad relationship at first, with Enderian learning to be a better mother for him.
Netherum - So while the previous two both had similar colour schemes with their respective gods, this is where it branches off. I think Netherum would best fit Focalors, the hydro(water) Archon. Firstly, Focalors retreats for hundred(s) of years, leaving Furina to pretend to be the hydro archon. Furina is similar to Athena- Not in the way of pretending to be Netherum, but in the way they were created from Netherum, like how Furina was created from Focalors. Focalors is also the god of justice, and the way this concept is executed in the game, I feel like its similar to Netherums power of distruction. Now in theory Netherum would fit with the Pyro archon- especially with the ideal of Natlan being War, but since Natlan isn't released, I wanted to stick with just the released ones, so I would have more to draw comparison to.
Alerion - Alerion fits best with Nahida. -Firstly Rukkhadevata and Nahida = Alerion and Lucenare. Secondly Nahida is the Archon of knowledge. Akashic records anyone? Also the nation over which Nahida resides, Sumeru, can be seen as similar to Purgatory. Nahida doesnt really have a "child" but like. its basically also Scaramouche. So we can see this as the relationship between Luce and Rae in S1
The way not only the gods fit really well but their respective "children" do as well is so- SAJDCSJDIODAKLCSNJOADKL im not normal. Also the Archon War can parallel the God War, the fall of Khaenri'ah being like the fall of the Aether. Theres so many things guyss.
So i originally thought of just doing which characters they would be. but i dont know enough charcters lore to do that and besides theres no real good answers, so im just going to do what visions they have instead! Also since theres not much behind why they have each vision other than vibes honestly. Im also going to detail which weapon they use because why not.
Aax- So Aax would probably have a hydro vision, given they're fish adjacent so water. I think they would use a claymore, since theres no axe, but Claymores are what most of the Tank characters/Heavy hitters use
Addie - If this was HSR i would say physical but genshin doesnt have that- Maybe Dendro? and instead of spider webs they create vines? Weapon would probably be catalyst so that all of their attacks would use elemental damage
Arisanna - Anemo Polearm. Literally have nothing to go off of but vibes. Anemo Since Wanderer has anemo and can fly, albeit differently then someone with wings could. Polearm because vibes. literally just vibes.
Athena- Pyro Catalyst because that has the most destruction vibes. It basically means they can summon fire at will instead of like using it alongside a weapon , they fire itself is the weapon.
Caspian- Anemo, because his chat is the winds. For weapons, probably just a regular sword.
Centross- Electro because purple man. Probably Claymore as a weapon because heavy hitter
Easton - Easton gets a cryo vision as a treat. Again all i can say is vibes. For weapons lets say sword
Fenris - Geo, Claymore. Geo because colour coding, Claymore becuase Tank
Galahad- Pyro, Polearm. Pyro because Nether. Polearm because thats the weapon most used by the soldiers we see in game.
Haley - Haley is in a similar boat as Addie. I would givey ou physical but it doesnt exist. In exchange maye cryo? because like Haley is qiqi coded and qiqi uses a cry vision. For context Qiqi is like a child zombie who died in the war but stayed alive(?) somehow by freezing themself hence cryo vision. For weapon im just going to go with Qiqis weapon, which is a catalyst
Icarus - Geo Catalyst. They can summon the elemnt at will, also we can have cool wack times with the geo they summon being glitched-
Jamie - Dendro, obviously because bear. For weapon Lets go sword
Momboo - Dendro Catalyst. Need i explain more?
Ocie - Hydro Catalyst.
Rae - Electro Bow. Electro because color coding, bow because thats his in canon weapon(also thers not a lot of bow users on this list)
Seven - Again, I wnat to give seven physical, but i cant. Iguess also cryo. For weapon letsgo bow. to diversify
Ulysses gets Dendro but not in a grass and plant kinda way but in a moss and algae kinda way. For weapons Polearm.
Ven - Bow, cryo. Cryo because i associate that with dead characters/ characters taken through time, bow because i do not believe ven can survive any kind of up close combat
Will - Will gets cryo because i kinda associate it with The aether at this point, and for weapons lets say sword
If i got any details wrong, feel free to correct me! My lore knowledge is a little rusty, i havent played in a while, + i dont know much about the archons after inazuma. Also if you have different ideas for charcters and their weapons/visions please share! i love indulgin in different thoughts
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jiro-kino · 1 year
I crave more KUNIKUZUSHI ( PRE-FATUI ) + READER please
Like how would Ei and the other archons react to them
Maybe some sweet moments between them like the first time Kuni calls us mom or when we found him or getting him settled in to the house like shopping for clothes and things for his room together
And what about future aspects like the fatui and traveler how would those differ from the original story line
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- Kunimitsu-AU is from my previous post where Reader basically adopts Kunikuzushi(Scaramouche), so none of the betrayal shit happened.
That aside, let's get down to answering! ( some are going to be in a separate post )
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Our dear Electro Archon, Ei, didn't even know about it until she decided to get out of her plane of Euthymia because of the Traveller. Once she was informed, she find it hard to believe considering this was (Name) they were talking about. Plus, they uh... They don't really get along that well.
"It's unsettling to know she resides somewhere here in Inazuma.. She always liked making things quite difficult for me, especially in the past. Though, worry not, I am able to see through her and her words thanks to Miko"
Ah, seems like she doesn't want to go into further detail.
"Kunimitsu..? Ah, I see.. I'm glad he's doing alright.. Really? But how did she—? I'm a bit surprised that she was capable of understanding how he works.. In the emotional sense. He seems to be doing quite alright .. Traveller, can I ask you to do me a small favor?"
The favor was simply to keep an eye out for the woman and for the prototype-puppet.
Oh, but what about the God of Freedom himself? Barbatos- who calls himself Venti had known since the day (Name) came to Mondstadt with Kuni for the Windblume Festival. And oh my, was he surprised and amused by the fact it was Ei's puppet that was with her.
"Ohoho~! I didn't expect you to know her. I wonder what disguise did she choose for herself this time?.. That aside! She's still the same neutral I know, just less chaotic unlike a few thousand years ago- what? Of course she's immortal. How else would she be able to look that young after raising Kunimitsu?"
Unlike Ei, it seems like these two are on good terms.
"My bitter-loving 'nephew'.. Back then, I used to teach him how to play the flute. There was also the time I tried introducing him to some of the wine here but his mother wouldn't let me.. Did I forget to mention he's a mama's boy? Much like her, he sometimes comes by to 'gossip' about certain things happening. Take a pair of lovers from the Shrine for example, I've heard—"
Well, they seem pretty close too (surprisingly).
For the God of Contracts, this was something he and Ei can agree with. Zhongli wasn't as surprised but it was definitely something he did not expect from the woman to do. In all honesty, he thought she was just going to use it as some way to cause chaos. ( Thank the stars that didn't happen )
"It has indeed been years since I've last spoken to her. It seems like she's a bit more self-controlled for these past hundred years.. She's welcome to visit Liyue as long as she doesn't do any of her absurd 'pranks'"
Such a talkative man, yet said very little about the woman.
"I've heard from Xiao that he was raised by (Name), correct? It's a relief that he didn't pick up any bad habits from her over the years.. at least for now."
Traveller and Paimon can only wonder what those habits are.
Now, Lesser Lord Kusanali had known this since the woman likes to keep her updated about the outside world. You could say she also sorta raised the dendro archon a bit as well. In fact, it was (Name)'s idea for her to help her nation from the shadows if others weren't pleased with her existence.
"Before Sumeru had accepted me.. (Name) was one of the close companions I've had when I had first woken up. As chaotic as she seems to the other archons, much like a chameleon- It is in their nature to blend in, like how it's in her nature to switch when she wants to"
??? The Traveller and Paimon were still processing the analogy. They'll just take the first sentence as an answer.
"Kuni used to be my 'student' when he first received his vision. He wanted to surprise and impress (Name) at the time so he was very eager to learn as quick as he can, like cat wanting their owner's attention. It's a relief that he managed to avoid the dangerous path for his future... If he hadn't been found by her,.."
Strange, it seems like Sumeru's god is aware of something.
> Let's start off with the Tatarasuna incident. This was handled differently than the OG thanks to the Reader's existence and Kuni's awareness.
> Instead of Kuni's second betrayal, it was his first time having to learn to accept that some will sacrifice themselves for the greater good. ( The storyline where Niwa and an unknown swordsman entered the furnace instead while Kuni helped evacuate the others )
> Thanks to the Reader, he was able to cope with what happened without any misunderstandings. And as for the Doctor? This is how he figures out the Electro Archon had created a puppet, which made him want to figure out how to do it as well ( since he's aware he can't easily manipulate Kuni in this )
> As for the fall of the Raiden Gokuden, let's just say Dottore was the main cause. How? By creating a puppet ( with some help from Sandrone, although he refused to admit it ), and experimenting on it by causing the downfall of the clans.
> This puppet did however end up getting destroyed by Kuni right after he found out what happened.
> So don't worry about Kazuha and the Kamisato Siblings, they're fine.
> Though, the fall of the clans did cause them to stop still. Unless said otherwise by the remaining descendants of those clans in the present, who came to terms with it.
> Oh, but what about the Fatui? As of now, there's only 10 Fatui Harbingers. The Balladeer never existing in the first place.
> For the Delusion Factory incident, Columbina will replace Scaramouche. And by that, I mean the Traveller will end up 'meeting' her. ( Though, it was more like, hearing her** )
> The Traveller meets Kuni during his own story quest ( if y'all haven't met in the unreconciled stars event where he helps the Adventurer's guild ) that takes place after Ei's first story quest.
> As for the Reader, you'll meet her during Kuni's quest and is mentioned by Yae during the training part of the Inazuma Quest.
> This will also have a bit more impact when it comes to Signora's funeral. Where Dottore made the decision to take the Electro Gnosis and see if he could create a 'god' with it.
> Everything in the Sumeru Quest, excluding 3.3 had happened, except replace Scaramouche with a prototype puppet created by Dottore, and Dottore will be replaced with Webtoon!Dottore, who threw a tantrum in the end before making the deal with Kusanali / Nahida.
If there's a plot hole anywhere, feel free to point it out! I didn't exactly plan everything through since this was nothing but a thought at first
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