#Electro characters
thetravelingdress23 · 6 months
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Twin Lightning
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cheriafreya · 16 days
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Calcharo's fight animations
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rechicken-and-waffles · 11 months
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Dapper 🎩✨
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chevvy-yates · 3 months
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[NC_RES]-13062047-EUR-BU-NED de_wit_m_portraits_030_1_MM_DT_PCFA.file ///core:_thyjs_de_wit.file\\\
⚠️ READ: Please do not repost/reupload any of my art here or to any other platform nor for ai, or I will be forced to do anything to get it annihilated.
"Een Militech Chimera is voor mij geen probleem." — Thyjs
I've been working on this approximately a month as I was uncertain how I want it to be in the end. The shots are from November 2023 when I was in my focused game play bringing Thyjs into Dogtown.
I loved the scenery after the Chimera is slayn already when I went through with Arki in my first playthrough but with Thyjs I wanted to take some special pics, thinking he's super good in exterminating a Militech Chimera. So I placed him onto it after the machine got slayn and thought why not make Thyjs pull the last remaining energy left of that big machine to load his cybernetic arm up with energy again when that big fight was over.
I love the tiny electricity effects and even spawned some more but it wasn't sadly enough so I was forced to add more later in post processing with lightning brushes. I've spend an immense time on getting the lightning to look good enough and probably worked on this set (and another I'll post later) over a month after work until I was finally satisfied.
The the idea stroke me to add more: bokeh, fire, dust, make all a bit blurry and well that's the result. This has been sitting in my drafts since more than a month as I always try to figure out when to post best, but there is no best time, so if you read and see this: I eventually managed to hit that button.
This is the first time I can actually really show what Thyjs is able to do. That electricity he can use is insane. I wish it was able to play like that ingame.
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hollowsart · 9 months
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I just wanted to draw some characters in the tssm style again, I'm really happy with how these came out and how well they translated into the style!! (namely Mysterio cuz the other two were heavily inspired by the tssm versions)
Original images: [X] [X] [X]
(read the tags for more thoughts!)
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princessfishy · 10 months
Human Electro with lightning scars from his limiters!
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Electro would fry an orphanage
This is a PSA for the tssm fandom, can y'all stop acting like he's some sopping wet puppy dog who wouldn't hurt a fly. He would actually fry a hamster for fun and that makes him perfect.
Anyways, y'all know that i am on the "If Electro was still human he'd dress like a mall goth" train. So have this walking outlet but w/flesh <3
//do not use my art
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Genshin Impact | Illustrations from Mondstadt Tourism Revitalization Project Webpage
Download Link (Google Drive)
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mosquitoking · 10 months
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Fantastic Spider-man universe
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codyvondell · 2 months
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recent scans of some characters i use to draw in the 2000s
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its-lazy-sucy-posts · 6 months
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~Akko and Sucy as genshin characters
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thetravelingdress23 · 8 months
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lexezombie · 5 months
did that 1 meme
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chevvy-yates · 3 months
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[NC_RES]-13062047-EUR-BU-NED de_wit_m_portraits_030_2_MM_DT_PCFA.file ///core:_thyjs_de_wit.file\\\
⚠️ READ: Please do not repost/reupload any of my art here or to any other platform nor for ai, or I will be forced to do anything to get it annihilated.
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ghost-cwunch-artz · 29 days
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The coloring is going well :3 still gotta work on the lower half but we ball
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allisamemory · 1 month
Lumine: Here. *gives Arlecchino a white tassel*
Arlecchino: … Is this a joke?
Lumine: >:( *points at Zhongli and Shinobu who are using black tassel and dark iron sword respectively*
Arlecchino: … Very well. I’ll play with the card I’ve been dealt with.
Lyney, using Amos’ Bow: Don’t worry, Father! If you’re lucky, Lumine might grab your weapon in the next rerun!
Lynette, using Skyward Blade: But it depends if she’s lucky or not. If not, you’ll end up using a mismatch weapon like Lyney.
Freminet, using Skyward Pride: … Father?
Arlecchino: …
Lumine: *walks away*
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hollowsart · 5 hours
seriously, Marvel. please consider a little series of comics that focus solely on the mundane side of Spider-Man's rogues' lives. like focusing solely on those who were and are a part of the Sinister Six cuz those are popular favorites.
let us see more about them beyond being villains and plotting and scheming to rob banks/tech facilities or take down Spider-Man. let's see more of their more mundane side.
I'd do ANYTHING for a comic about Mysterio and his every day life outside the villain persona. I already know a Doc Ock focused one would do MAD Numbers from his fanbase.
no lie, Electro fans would go haywire if there was a comic focused on Max Dillon and his less energetic lifestyle.
I ADORE world building and I think we could use some more for the villains. their environments can tell a lot more about them as a character and I think we really could use more of that in general within Marvel as a whole. there's a lot of focus on the characters and their relationships, but it's limited to purely dialogue. a telling and never really showing. and what it tells doesn't do too much.
slap some more DEPTH and INTRIGUE into these characters!!
What are their daily morning routines?? When they're NOT plotting and scheming and having to secretly meet up with other bad guys to make top secret exchanges to further their devious plans. Like.. HOW do they prefer to live and decorate their living spaces?? Show and tell us more about their likes and dislikes!!! DO they have other talents? Did they have any other career ideas they would have enjoyed besides the ones they ended up with? ANYTHING more would be nice!!
I'm just a sucker for world building and character developments beyond the base narrative limitations.
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