ramadanattire-blog · 4 years
Facts About Ramadan Attire
Nowadays, abayas can be purchased in both traditional and modern looks for women. Traditionally, you will see that the abayas would be the long dress and robe that is worn by the women. According to a brand new trend introduced in the abayas by the designers, they've expanded the abaya clothing with huge designs and colors for the women. Traditionally, you can also observe that the abayas are black and it covers the entire body parts aside from the eyes, hands, and feet. Additionally, they're also incorporated with a face veil and long black gloves to cover the hands. On one other hand, designer abayas can be found in many designs that also follow the guidelines of the modesty of women. Moreover, the designer abayas also serve the point like the original abayas.
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You will see many differences between both styled abayas. The very first is the fabric of both the original and the designer abayas. The standard abayas are created with cotton and wool. On another part, modern styled abayas are created with fabrics like georgette, chiffon, crepe, and many other light materials. Many designers also designed the abayas with silhouettes which can be patterned and layered within the design. The knotted, twisted, and layered are included with the traditional abayas such that it looks a great appearance to the dress. The next difference between both designer and traditional abayas is their color. People realize that traditionally abayas are created with the black color which also follows tradition. Nowadays, modern styled designer abayas have are also made of many colors like green, pink, maroon, purple, beige, sky, and more. All of these colors will be the two-toned colors that change the color patterns of the original abayas. Another difference is the decoration between both types of abayas. Using embroidery is the first preference in the designer styled abayas. Browse the following site, if you're looking for more information regarding latest eid dress.
It can be achieved in lots of layers of colors which are designed with gold and silver thread work. Additionally, the embroidery work is employed to include extra detailing in the dress so that it gives a great touch to the plain dress and traditional dress. Many fashion designers also design the abayas with the beautiful crystals and lace embellishments which adds a charm to the elegance of a woman. In many parts of the united states, women prefer to choose those abayas which are made with high-quality crystal due to their dress. Another thing to think about could be the brand name if you select the designer abayas. You can see that numerous people attract through the brand name and purchase accordingly. Fashion designers also use their names on the clothing so that they can capture the urban market. Additionally they sell both traditional and modern abayas inside their clothing store so that they can increase their customer base.
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