#Oohhhh tired guy
lemonmaid · 7 months
There is no one here.
Warnings: angst? Also this was kinda of a vent fic, I wrote down all my feelings from the past year and turned it into a fic, that's why it's corny.
(Name)/Reader is Yuu/Perfect
"I do everything, and I never get a thank you"
"I've had to take care of every mess, and my only reward is getting a pat on the back or being allowed to even go on trips as the bag carrier".
"When I complain, I just get threatened to be kicked out or reminded that there is no where for me to go. How would that make you feel?"
"I get asked to do thing, but if I don't do them then am the asshole"
"I have no one besides that damn cat to hug. How sad is that. I don't even remember when the last time someone said that they love me or gave me a genuine hug. I miss my family, I miss the people who genuinely cared about me".
"If I died here there wouldn't be anyone to care, my family probably thinks I'm already dead!"
(Name) felt like drowning, they felt like tempered glass that was dropped too hard.
'Burned out' that's the word (Name) wanted to use but who can say? Depression, burned out, anger, agony, it was the same thing in the mixing bowl, but beaten to hard.
(Name) just stared at their phone, waiting for the alarm to just go off so they could start another day, doing everyone's chores, then working a shift at Azul's lounge, then finally doing theirs and Grims homework.
Times up. Time to get ready and be there for everyone while no one is there for you.
(Name) could barely hear the arguing between Ace and Grim, then venting coming from Epel, (Name) was too zoned our to notice their food getting colder and colder. But they could feel the hundreds of eyes upon them, it was like a curse.
"(Name) are you-" before Jack could finish his sentence a swarm of needy people came to their table.
"Oohhhh (nammmmee)! Me and Jamil are going to this new restaurant, do you wanna come with?"
"Oi her-"
"Get your dirty paws off them, I was here first, so their attention should be on me".
"Shrimpy!! Can you take my shift tonighttttt?????".
The bickering slowly started fade out, (Name) couldn't focus on anything but clock ticking and their heart beating.
"IM GOING TO THE BATHROOM!" (Name) suddenly ran off.
In the bathroom, (Name) was almost hyperventilating.
'I can't keep doing this' (Name) thought as they splashed water onto their face.
(Name) looked in the mirror, their sunken face, tired eyes, their appearance was laughable.
(Name) felt angry, why are they always the bad guy, why can't they put boundaries? Why are they the one who has to do everything? Why are they the one who has to fix it?
(Name) was slowly seething.
But then their heartbreaks at the thought that no one really cares, can't anyone else see them slowly slipping away? Why won't anyone help them, why can't anyone else see what they are going through?
"Hey, you doing okay bro?"
(Name) turned around facing Duece, "Yeah, I'm fine. You know, stressed".
Deuce gave (name) a look, "are you sure? You look agitated"
(Name) thought about it, this would be a great time to just vent! "Am I? Sorry, I wouldn't know why"
Deuce hummed, "your food was getting cold, thought I would save it"
(Name) grabbed the tray from Deuce, "thanks".
A knock interrupts the two, "oh! (Name)! Perfect timing! I need your assistance!"
(Name) felt their body sink to the floor, "How can I help Crowley?".
Keys jingle, the door opens, "Perfect! I need your help! It's a dire situation! One that will cost Ramshackle!".
(Name) felt themselves age faster.
Crowley explains how he fell into a pyramid scheme, how does this involve (name)? No one knows.
"If you don't help! Who know what could happen! Those overbolts only happen around you!".
(Name) felt their heart-dropped, tears tricked down their face.
Deuce reached out for "(Name)".
"I just feel so ashamed and embarrassed? How was any of that my fault? Like don't they know how traumatizing it was for me to go through all of those damn overbolts? Why do they have the right" (Name) wailed.
Crowley and Deuce could only watch in shock.
"This is all YOUR fault!" (Name) screamed.
"Now listen here perfect! Just because-"
"NO! It is your fault! Why am I to take any of the blame?!".
"What's going on in here?".
A crowd gathered around the bathroom door, hushed voices, judgemental, sympathetic stares.
(Name) felt the stares, eyes staring at them, seething. It was all too much.
The room was spinning; the voices getting louder, more eyes appearing.
It was madness.
(Name) felt their heart race, breathing so fast like they'd run a marathon.
'I've got to get out of here'.
(Name) went to move into the crowded hallway, their steps erratic.
The hushing voices are getting louder.
"Look at them".
"How are they the perfect?"
"Can't do anything right-".
"They don't belong here-".
"Waste of space-".
"The school's janitor-".
"Teacher's pet"-.
"Stuck up-".
A hand grabs their shoulders, "(Name) are you alright?".
(Name) looks into Malleus's eyes, "no".
(Name) finally opened their eyes.
'It's quiet'.
(Name) looked around and saw "Get Well Soon" cards decorated the room, deflated balloons.
"You're awake".
(Name) saw Crowley sitting in a chair by them, "It's been a couple of weeks you know? Personally I thought you were gone, I mean, a magicless human overbolting? Never happened before. But with you, a lot of things never happened before".
"I'm still... so tired" (Name) silently cried.
"I know. I'm sorry".
Authors note:
No part 2, this was a vent fic that I fixed up and wrote into putting characters from Twisted Wonderland.
Sometimes there is no happy endings.
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datura-tea · 3 days
The Gala Event needs 5 people to set it off. Ulysses decides he'll help Christine before he sets the events of Lonesome Road into action. He somehow gets caught up in Elijah's scheme and is in the dead money crew.
How would this play out if Moz was there?
oohhhh interesting!!! i had to think about this for a while... moz absolutely hated her time in the sierra madre (tbh she hated her time in the divide too; it was just the prospect of meeting ulysses that kept her going) but ultimately i don't think having ulysses in the madre would kickstart their relationship or anything! the events of lonesome road will still happen, just with them already having met, and having some added history between them :)
so... if ulysses is there to help christine then i guess christine wouldn't have been trapped in the autodoc by dean domino in the first place, since i sincerely doubt dean could get the upper hand versus ulysses lmao but let's say that dean did manage to trap them both in the clinic, or separate them so that christine would be stuck in the autodoc getting operated on and ulysses was somewhere else... i think moz would stumble onto christine first and help her out. then christine would tell her about ulysses, her companion, and they'd both look for him, wherever he is.
when they find him, the first thing he says to moz is, "you."
and moz, already tired of everything in the madre, would just go, "me. we can catch up later, pogi, let's just go."
and then they would team up :) i don't think they'd have any long, illuminating conversations because moz is heavily disassociating; however, she could still sense that ulysses knows her from somewhere, but she can't recall where, and honestly doesn't care at the moment - all she wants to do is get out. meanwhile, ulysses is reeling from suddenly having to work with her while he's still planning his revenge. at this point, moz is the source of all his pain and anger; she's not even a person to him, she's The Courier, and having to confront the fact that she's just some guy and not a mythic being that brings destruction everywhere she goes is something he has to contend with, all while being attacked by the cloud and the ghost people.
christine, of course, is still mute at this point, but i think she'd have figured out that moz is the courier that ulysses keeps talking about and is turning that fact over and over in her mind while she watches them interact. because the thing is that moz and ulysses make a great team, even though they're both going through some intense shit internally. moz just has to point at a radio and ulysses would throw a spear at it, destroying it instantly. both of them calmly killing a ghost person together. things like that.
ANYWAY. this is getting long! last thing: i think, after triggering the opening night gala, ulysses would wait for moz somewhere in the casino, and would tell her that he has something planned for her when they get out. he will not fight her here; instead he'd just stay put and wait for her to get through his designated area, so she could get to the vault. normally moz would crack a joke, but she's so tired, and he's so serious, so she'd just nod and go, "sure. looking forward to it." and go on her way.
ulysses wouldn't be there after moz beats elijah to death with the gold bars and leaves his corpse in the vault. once the bomb collars are disarmed, ulysses is gone. moz eventually finds out from christine that ulysses has been planning something for her for a while, and that just stews in her mind even after she leaves the sierra madre.
when ulysses finally sends her the radio signal with his coordinates a few months later, she's so excited that she immediately goes to it. and thus the events of lonesome road happen :) yipee
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anemiccastiron · 5 months
Steve, Eddie, or Jonathan Fic?
Hi! While I'm not going to write about Billy, I thought maybe I could do something with Eddie, Steve, or Jonathan? I have a story outline, not sure if any of you'd be interested, or with which character, so I was putting this out in hopes for some clarity!
It's a very rough outline! Fem!reader - I use 'she' and 'her' basically every other word.
Uncool, dorky guy annoys girl since elementary school; answers her questions, harsh peer grading, comments of certain food "toxicity" while she and her friends pass by in the cafeteria, and accidentally breaks wrist before graduation during gym period.
At graduation, during announcements they realize they are attending the same near-home college. Approaches her around her family to sign his yearbook. Her friend warns him off, informs the family that's the kid who broke her wrist. He's scared away by angry parents.
College starts off with some of the same gen ed classes. First he is the same, annoying and loud. While looking at the club board, he comes up next to her and asks what she's joining. Quickly, the first thing she sees he wouldn't like is ballet. Yanks the square, tearing down the whole page and it floats to the ground.
As years pass in college, he quiets down and avoids her. She is working as a finance intern, while still doing ballet in her free time.
On Thanksgiving night, painting a DnD board model, his roommates got tired of his music that he listens to while he works, and tosses the board out of the window...
...Coming home from a bad family dinner, where she is made to feel childish for her hobby and not focusing her free time on furthering her career and spending time with family, she sees him picking up the pieces on the sidewalk. Helps him, and they awkwardly chat.
Senior year, the last party of the year, she goes with her friends. He goes to get at least one taste of that sort of thing. She's sitting in a room, one she's occupied by herself by faking sex noises. He goes to find somewhere to decompress and knocks on the door. His smarts and being sober leads him to ask, "Wait, doesn't it take two people?" and goes in, innocently - not creepily. They both sit and talk. She asks about what he plans to do after college. He has a job already lined up as a graphic designer. He asks her, and she has no idea what she plans to do. She tells him that his life always seemed easy. He explains it hadn't been; no real friends, no social life, no saying the right things to the right people (hint, hint). He tells her that her life has always seemed simple. She gets upset, with all her underlying issues. She leaves.
Four or so years pass and at an office party with his colleagues, she and her boyfriend (who works there) are in attendance. She sees him first, boyfriend asks and she tells him how long she's known him. Boyfriend says he's one of the guys that he regularly gets drinks with after work. She’s like, "oohhhh, that's xxx..."
...He doesn't see her until he makes his round of hand-shaking and gets to her boyfriend. He's awestruck, she's still just as beautiful. Party goes on and the boyfriend asks if he can hold a DnD campaign at their place with some friends from work, him included. Only asking now she's had a proper chance to meet them all.
Come time for the session, she's picking up their dog from surgery. She thought the game would be over and went upstairs to ask boyfriend to help carry the dog up. Boyfriend says no, since he's still playing the game, but mc guy can because his character is badly injured, but truthfully just wants to talk to her. So, he goes down and pets the dog. He says, "What a pretty girl," and the girl says, "He's a boy." He just smiles, since it really was for her. They talk about how life has been, what she's been up to. Asks about ballet, and she says she doesn't dance anymore because it "doesn't pay." He laughs and says, "Hobbies usually never do." She explains she knows, but doesn't explain that she stopped because she felt guilty because of it. She wanted to use her time to be with family, friends, at work, and with her boyfriend (he asks how long they've been together (four months)). So, he asks what she does for fun then. She reads, and he asks what book currently. She laughs, and he knows it must be something "bad" to get that reaction. She eventually tells him, and it's a "spicy" fantasy book and he makes some comment that lets her know he's read it too. As they smile, there's a flash of a scene where it mimics the book - them two as lovers in some dystopian woodland, on a blanket, kissing and expressing love lol. She instantly blushes and breaks eye contact...
..Then ends with asking about an upcoming high school reunion. Neither were going to attend, but plan to now.
He's waiting against his car, she arrives, pokes fun at him for waiting and that he's shaved, but he said he wasn't going in without her. They go in, their high school respective friends call them over, they part ways. Her old friends, true to style, ignore his whole existence, and just talk about how long her hair has gotten and so on. His friends pat his back, laugh about how dresses now, and then ask about her. He doesn't really confess anything, but smiles as he dismisses their comments...
...A little time later, she excuses herself to go call her boyfriend to ask about the dog. She takes her clutch with her, so it looks like she's leaving. He freaks out and follows her. The sun is setting, so it's scenic lol...
...Their conversation starts off with her asking what he's doing, why he followed. He comes up with some lame excuse, but really worried she was leaving without getting a chance to talk.
Eventually spills his guts to her and says, in question format, if she knows why he answered all those questions for her in school. She doesn't, and he tells her it's because he knew she wasn't good with science or math. He wanted to help her, but realized how annoying he was about it. Reaches out, rubbing the wrist he accidentally broke, and apologizes for how he treated her then. Goes on to explain that in college, as he matured and she only got prettier, he was just scared to approach her, so he didn't. Now as adults, he just wants to be put out of his misery, so to speak. Her hand, that he was holding is placed on his chest, above his heart, and he apologizes that she's with someone and he’s saying what he is, but he just needs to know. She's shocked and doesn't really answer besides, "I'm with xxx..." which technically is her saying she does like him, just nothing she can do about it now. Then she goes back in.
A little while after, she's constantly thinking about what he said, but is ultimately wanting to make it work with her boyfriend. Though, he's more work motivated and wants to climb the corporate ladder. She's picked ballet back up and they see each other less. After sex one day, interrupted by a work call, they both lay there. They come to an agreement that it's not working out, and end things on good terms.
A month down the line, she runs into him at the craft store. She's buying fabric to sew pillows at her new place and he's buying stuff for DnD. Things are a bit awkward and silence lingers, then she cuts in if they can talk that night, maybe a date. He smiles and asks, "What about your boyfriend?" And she tells him they broke up.
On the date, at an ice cream parlor downtown, the conversation is the usual, a bit stale as they warm up. They go for a walk around downtown. By the end, tired of tiptoeing around what she wants to say, she stands in front of him and tells him that she almost hated him when they were younger for what he did, that there was this guy she was attracted to but he was being unkind to her. Then he just stopped all interaction during college and she still was attracted to him, and now he's confessing that he likes her, upset he did it while she was in a relationship, and tells him, despite that, she still "likes" him.
blah blah blah they get to know each other and love one another
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octagledestroyer · 1 year
Good Omens Episode 2
Ok so first of all
...that first post blew up. Or at any rate it’s become more popular than any post I’ve ever made before so THANK YOU to my new followers and everyone who liked or reblogged it! 
I start the episode and the first people I see are Gabriel and Sandalphon- what an encouraging opening.
Also, forgot to mention yesterday but Aziraphale’s bookstore is a LOT bigger than I had imagined and I want to live there. 
Gabriel’s so friggin oblivious he has absolutely no idea what pornography is and I am cacklingggg
that side-eye from the other guy in the shop
“You can’t have a war without War” ah yes very clever. 
oooh I love Crowley’s flat. Wouldn’t want to live there, but it’s cool. 
the red-haired chick is War, isn’t she. Oh, yeah, here come the guns. 
I still don’t get the theme song, but I like the music
Agnes’ letter to the milk-man is so matter of fact
oh no, she cured people of diseases and thinks running is good for you, she must be a horrible satanic person
gonna be honest, this isn’t how I expected Agnes to look. I didn’t have a specific idea, mind you, this just isn’t it
well I wasn’t expecting THAT. I don’t think Mr. Adultery did either
pppft she wrote a prophecy about a phone company. Stocks 101 with Agnes Nutter. 
aaaand of course I haven’t been pronouncing Anathema right either. See kids, this is why you watch the show first. 
oohhhh cool, Agnes’ descendant and Thou-Shalt-Not-Commit-Adultery’s descendant end up together. Hm. Well, at least I got Newton right. 
Oh Newton, you poor boy. Also Anathema’s hilarious and hot. 
whoa Anathema’s cottage is cute
“I’m not mad, I’m disappointed.” How did they get the plants to tremble like that?
Poor Newton’s so confused and flusteredddd. I don’t like anyone that way but I just want to protect him. 
Now I’m starting to think Mr Thou-Shalt-Not-Commit-Adultery Pulsifer might not have had that strange of a name for a witchhunter 
“You’ve lost the boy-” “WE’VE lost the boy.” “A-a child has been lost” nice use of the passive there
Did Brian just BITE his ice cream? Who BITES their ice cream?
I love the introductions, although Brian’s shirt and face are sending chills down my spine
Does this happen a lot? Aziraphale makes some grand speech on philosophy and theology and then Crowley just slices through it with logic?
pppft Anathema’s so concerned about their game she’s like “Inquisition? TORTURE?” and its a tire swing
She’s looking so hard for the AntiChrist and he’s right there 
That is a TERRIBLE parking job and as a permit-holder it is making me            c r i n g e 
He’s so obvious trying to get Crowley to get the stain off his coat 
Lol Norman with his tie around his- oh. Wait, no, I read about this, those guns don’t actually kill, right? ...right?
Right. Oh, he’s gonna call him nice, isn’t he? And then we’ll have the classic pinned-to-the-wall scene. 
“This is because most books on witchcraft are written by men.” If that isn’t the truth... 
oh my god it would have broken her armmmmm also they act exACTly like an old married couple 
“Open thine eyes and read, foolish principalite, for thy cocoa doth grow cold” how very useful. No sarcasm here, for once. 
Literally I want Aziraphale to look that shocked all of the time it’s fanTAStic
Alright, that’s the end of Episode 2 and my ramblings which people seem (for some reason) to be interested in. The next post should probably be coming out sometime tomorrow. 
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paper--machete · 2 years
All your OCs go to a gas station late at night for snacks, what are they getting?
it's a little past 1am and the vulpixgirl behind the counter is admittedly starting to get tired. she's halfway through her shift and aside from the occasional customer coming in to buy a drink, nothing's happened.
that is, until a full group of eeveelutions push their way through the sliding doors. she'd met a few eevees in her life, one of her coworkers was a leafeon, but she'd never seen the full group of evolutions all in one place before. they were all wearing different band shirts; some bands she recognized, others she didn't. not to mention there was a mild stench of sweat coming from the group. they must be on their way back from a concert.
the vaporeon was the first through the doors, which was impressive considering his rounder figure. he pretty much made a break for the soda machine and in the blink of an eye he was already filling up an XL cup with a combination of every brightly colored soda that was available on the machine.
the next through the doors was the glaceon, who seemed much more collected as he led the rest of the group into the store.
"koolaid! holy shit, man, chill!"
alright, so the vaporeon is named koolaid. that's kinda cute. did his parents know he was gonna be a vaporeon when he grew up? before she could continue pondering the logic behind koolaid's existence, the glaceon stepped up to the counter.
"hi. i just wanna apologize ahead of time on behalf of my boyfriends. and also me. most of us are drunk... and/or high."
boyfriends...? like, plural? holy shit are they all dating each other
"we, um. we just saw king gizzard. that shit ruled."
as the glaceon starts to ramble about the concert he'd just been to, she can see behind him the jolteon speedwalking to the refrigerated shelves and taking out as many monster energy drinks as he can carry in one arm, cracking one open and pounding it with the other. as soon as the can's empty, he makes eye contact with you and freezes.
the jolteon unceremoniously takes another monster from his carrying arm and starts chugging it too, while carrying the empty can he'd just finished.
the sylveon meets up with koolaid by the soda machine and begins berating him for mixing cream soda with lime crush. koolaid tries to argue that the soda is rainbow "just like you, taffy". they continue bickering as the jolteon comes up to the counter to pay for the now three monsters he's drank plus four more he hasn't yet.
in the back of the store the vulpixgirl can see the flareon, eevee and the leafeon together. both the leafeon and eevee are completely leaning into the flareon from both sides and slurring words of love and affection while the flareon keeps them from falling over as he tries to pick out which flavor of Doritos he wants.
the espeon walks up to the flareon, carrying the umbreon in his arms. the umbreon looks like he's out cold and holy fuck why is his tail so big. the espeon and flareon start to talk about the boys they're taking care of and it becomes clear that the two of them are the designated drivers for the evening. suddenly the umbreon squeaks a little bit, getting the espeon's attention.
".... gummy?"
"Yes, Mr. Sleepyhead?"
"....... gummies....."
"Oh. Oohhhh. Yeah, I can grab you some."
gummy travels to the candy aisle while the leafeon and eevee start getting lovey with each other instead of with the flareon. the glaceon is still talking about the concert, apparently he's psyched because they played "vomit coffin", which sounds disgusting. the jolteon is standing next to him, on his fourth monster, vibrating like one of those chatter teeth toys you wind up. he seems tens-"DO YOU GUYS HAVE A BATHROOM"
down the hall and on the right, she tells him. with a very fast "thankyou" he runs off in the other direction, past the leafeon and eevee who are now making out against the ice freezer. the flareon, initially distracted by still trying to pick a dorito flavor, notices what the two are doing and urgently grabs them by the shoulders and guides them out of the store. he passes by gummy and tosses a bag of classic nacho cheese Doritos onto the umbreon's chest; "I'll be right back"
koolaid and taffy are still bickering about the soda, while koolaid is still adding random drinks to his concoction replacing soda he's already drank (which is somehow turning his skin multiple colors), taffy is holding a medium size cup of grape soda.
gummy comes up to the counter and pays for a pack of assorted gummies coming in various shapes, as well as the Doritos he'd been asked to hold onto. "wasn't blanket gonna pay for that?", the glaceon stutters. gummy points out the window; blanket and the leafeon are now making out vigorously against a car and the eevee is cheering them on. "holy fuck, pepper", the glaceon laughs.
koolaid and taffy make their way up to the counter. koolaid pays in change, though the vulpixgirl has to charge extra for how much he drank before paying. "sorbet cmon let's gooooooooooo i wanna go to bed", koolaid pleads to the glaceon.
taffy pays for his drink, and for a second the vulpixgirl gets the feeling she's seen him before. "oh wait yeah hang on one sec", he drunkenly mumbles as he pulls his hair back. it was like a superhero removing his mask. that's fucking CottonCandi. she didn't watch his stuff but her boyfriend was a huge fan. luckily taffy was kind enough to take a pic with her.
you look out the window and now the eevee is making out with the umbreon. sorbet lazily rests his head on the counter with a big dumb smile on his face. "god..... pretzel and coke are so cute together"
you get the feeling that based on the names you've picked out so far, you know which is which.
finally the bathroom door at the other end of the store slams and the jolteon rushes out and back to the front. he's only got two monsters under his arm now. "arright I'm good let's go" is barely heard from him as he steps out of the sliding doors.
"pow- POWERADE!", sorbet yells. well, now the vulpixgirl knew all their names. powerade walked back in and came to sorbet, who placed a hand on his cheek and kissed him softly on the lips. "get everyone grouped up for me ok?"
sorbet turned back to the vulpixgirl who was equal parts distressed and amazed. it was extremely busy for those five minutes, sure, but it was the most interesting five minutes she'd ever worked. sorbet just grabbed a thing of gum from the selection below the counter and pulled out his wallet.
"umm... sorry about the commotion. but also thank you for putting up with it."
"Sorry if I'm being invasive, but... are you... all dating? Like, you're all in one big relationship?"
"yeah its pretty awesome. it wasnt always this way but now it is and its so awesome."
"Isn't it weird that you're all eeveelutions though?"
"not really, i mean i dont think so, its like if you had matching socks with your boyfriend but its matching yous instead. i dunno we just kinda got lucky i guess haha"
the vulpixgirl was still intrigued and wanted to ask more questions but kept stumbling over her words. as she printed off the receipt for sorbet's gum, he snatched it out of the machine.
"tell ya what-" he said, grabbing the pen attatched by a string to the counter and writing on the back of the receipt. "here's my number. text me- not tomorrow, im gonna be hungover as shit tomorrow but uhhh. fuckin koolaid and his fuckin water type shit not getting any hangovers..... fuckin lucky bastard...."
"Text you when?"
"oh. sorry yeah text me when im sober... in like a few days and we can hang out or something. ill tell you all about it. shits awesome man"
and just like that, they were gone. they grouped up into two cars and drove back onto the highway. the vulpixgirl definitely had a story to tell her boyfriend tomorrow morning when he woke up; there were still three hours left in her shift.
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r3dships · 10 months
D-0, C-3PO, AP-5, Chopper! (Also the technical name for “Gonk” is GNK, but gonk is way cuter!) —CCFM
OOHHHH they're the little trash can dudes!! I love those guys! Also you didn't specify who to write for, so I'm gonna write abt Bubba ^_^
💚 D-0: What’s a quirk your F/O has that you find to be really cute? OKAY. So. It might sound a little odd, but I think Bubba's little whines and grunts are just so so cute,, 😫💕 He'll get really clingy if I haven't seen him all day so when he eventually comes up from the basement he'll just squeeze me like a big teddy bear and pet my hair while he makes these sweet little coos,,, any physical affection in front of the family gets him all flustered too so he giggles and whines like he doesn't like it but he DOES he's just embarrassed!!
💛 C-3PO: Do you or your F/O speak other languages? Have you ever tried to teach each other (bonus: how did it go?) Neither of us speak any other languages, unless you count Bubba's really limited and simple sign language as one. It's the easiest way to communicate some things when he can't really talk!! I go non-verbal sometimes too so it's pretty useful. It's usually simple phrases like "I'm hungry" and "I'm tired" using common hand gestures!
🖤 AP-5: Who would be your F/O’s favorite droid? I know next to nothing about Star Wars, but I think Bubba would like the R2 series droids! Their little beeps and boops are just too cute, and they're at the perfect height for patting on the head!!
🤍 Chopper: What pet names do you have for each other? Bubba doesn't have any since he can't talk, and I'm not big into pet names, but if I had to choose, my favourites to use for him are "honey" and "big bear" since he gives the best hugs!! Sometimes he can get a bit too carried away and nearly smother me though,,!
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lemon-wedges · 2 years
not to be all AAAAAA COLLEGE AU on main but AAAAAA COLLEGE AU !!! everyone has their own version of what everyone would major in and ive noticed you put yosuke making music in the tags 👀 what's your take on what everyone would major in
I LOVE COLLEGE AU SO MUCH MAN. AND I HAVE BEEN THINKING ABOUT WHERE EVERYONE WOULD END UP. This will probably get long cause I'm also thinking about what job they'd end up at so I'll put it undercut
I'll start with Yu cause he was the hardest to figure out. Here's what i see. Business major right? Boring but he's a smart guy and it pleases his parents.
He opens up his own consulting business but whatever he names it is so vague that people don't know/mistake what he actually does. like maybe repairs is in the name for some reason. So his first customer is some kid that shows up and is like 'bike repairs? I have a flat :c ' and Yu is like no....but I know how to change a tire. Next day an elderly man comes in like 'computer repairs? My laptop won't turn on.' And he's like no. But I can handle a computer.
Someone shows up for actual consulting but they're like. Consulting.....like I can consult you for termite advice. And he's like no. That would be an inspector. But I just read a book about termites so I can take a look. And it just goes on and on like that. Never actually puts his degree to use but instead becomes know as The Odd Job Guy around town
Chie and yukiko? Well I do actually love the idea of yukiko becoming a interior designer but specially one that gets hired by eccentric millionares to install a space station themed dining room next to the tiki bar. While chie....ngl I don't want her as a cop. I was thinking more of a fight cheographer for movies. Where she can occasionally show up in the bg of kung fu films being villain henchman #3
Kanji and naoto....I do ship them. Which is important for this becuase....kanji doesn't go to college. Instead he's a stay at home husband who runs a very popular online crafts shop. Along with a YouTube channel that's like a silent step by step tutorial place for simple to expert sewing techniques. While noato......would go to the same college as yu. Follows a strict detective to be course load. BUT is easily convinced to join yu in a couple of his g.e. classes where he picked extremely weird alternatives. I'm talking turfgrass science, I'm talking jazz studies, the art of walking, street fighting mathematics, and of course...a pizza apprenticeship. Each class giving both of them the detrimental knowledge they need to solve obscure murder cases or make a nice lunch for a get together....
Yosuke and rise. Well you've seen a bit of that. Both major in music but yosuke focuses more on learning a few more instruments and writing melodies more than lyrics. And eventually makes songs with rise (whoose finally able to have control of her own image and actually shows interest in the song writing process cause arrgghhhh I got some beef with this game forcing her to go back to the idol industy) ITS VERY IMPORTANT THO. that yosuke at least pushes rise to spice up her songs with English. Maybe even a 'Fuck' thrown in cause it sounds cool.
Teddie? Probably the only one I haven't thought of. But ngl teddie dj from your dance.....is so tempting. Oohhh ohhh u know what hmmn....he'd be perfect for a personally type radio station. Oohhhh my lovely ladies I'm beary excited to show u this next love song. From my perfect little bear heart to yours ~
....and now I realize that this turned more into jobs more than it did specific college majors....
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IWTV S2 Liveblog E3 No Pain
We start out with Daniel in this restaurant and he says he is partial to the non wigging items as his fish is moving. Is this the Louis effect?! from the fox last season
He is trying to piece together things from his dreams. What stands out is "I wont save you this time". I cant really read the rest but its interesting that he is now realizing these are memories and they are significant.
This Raglin James guy. Who is he really? Book readers get the easter egg but is he really the body thief guy. Also Ive heard it say he is a detractor from the Talamasca. Are we meeting him post or pre-detracting if he is who he says he is?
The Talamasca watches and doesn't get involved so why would he be sharing with Daniel EVERYTHING? Especially when he knows Daniel is so susceptible to getting his mind read by the vamps. And he KNOWS but exactly how? Does he have some gifts? Does he have a in the vampire residence like some have guessed. So many questions
900 to 1600 vamps. Geez!
Sleeping Beauty Louis. Get some sleep, you desrve it king! Scoot over I'm tired too!
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Peaceful beings real Rashid?! Biological imperative in conflict with human morality?? Sir its in conflict with human existence! but go off i guess
I knew there was some significance to the camera panning to the audio recording on the Daniels laptop but I didn't get it until a second viewing! We didn't see it while Armand was talking but we saw it after and there still should have been sound waves even after he finished speaking! But there weren't! omg Armand!
Blenders lol
The vampire we see in the beginning broke the first and fifth law that rules the Children of Darkness-possibly made a vampire without the coven leaders consent and detroyed another vampire...
Ok here we go Armands version of event. You know its gonna be good -truth or not!
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OOhhhh Armand telling Lestat "Come to me?! Did he actually say this or is he parroting Louis's story here?
Hmm this kid is not who I imagined for Nikki but we will give him a chance
I love the mirror story telling here with Lestats rejection of the coven with Louis's rejection of the coven.
Armand showing Lestat his power! Yes humble him king!
The eye thing was hella freaky though not gonna lie
Armand saying Nikki is unharmed meanwhile my man looks ROUGH- Bitten, bruised and battered. This is Armands idea off not harming mind you. Didn't Armand tell Louis last episode I will not harm you??Louis should be afraid.
Lestat has never been more French lol- What are those sounds lol
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I wonder is anyone not familiar with the books believes Armand. I can't wait to watch reaction. Lestat is a cartoon bully.
They ended themself * mournful innocent look* Sir you murdered those people!
Lord Lestat and Armand speaking French. Yes whatever yall are saying
Here? now ?! in front of Nikki and the whole theater?Armand playing coy and getting lost in his own self insert fic like soooo hilarious
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Lestat is, was and will always be for Lestat... ok IS?!?iS!! Where is he? what does Louis KNow?! In the books up until the end of Louis and Armands relationship, he assumes Lestat is dead because thats what Armand tells him. This Louis seems to know he is alive so what does this mean?!
Never say i love you to a raging narcissist. Louis knows all to well but I do think we will get a Loustat love admission this season if not to actual Lestat then to Dreamstat
Oh Claudia- he kept you hostage. Fucking Bastard
Can we talk about the makeup? The too much eyeliner is so young girl trying to play grown. Trust me I know. Its a canon event. 18 y0 Mary had a little hobby
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Some people were upset with the coven calling her puce and the "abuse" she was getting from them. Tell me you haven't been called a lovingly mean nickname without telling me. It was hazing. She has to start from the bottom. And lets face it its nothing in comparison to what they could have and will do.
The sneeze!Somebody had their panties in a bunch about vampires with allergies but come on. It was funny! It was supposed to be comical. Relax babe.
Claudia interning at the theater. Not unlike my internship experiences tbh. Less blood but still alot of sucking up.
I love Sam...both the character and actor
Vampire date night!
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Louis said-I'm for the streets! I'm in da club! As he should. Get with it Armand or get Lost!'
"Oh there's room. I'm blushing!" Louis flirting is a thing to behold....but was that a double entendre (eyes)
Daniel flustered trying not to get caught looking at the Talamasca files. When in doubt bring up Claudia. Bam distraction! lol
Santiago if you don't leave Claudia alone! Fishing for details that she and Louis haven't got straight yet(angry face)
Also she tells Santiago she got lying from her maker at-sick burn to Lestat. Santiago's line after could be read that he doesn't think she is a great liar. Neither was Lestat girl!
Louis admitting to Armad he killed Lestat thus breaking one of the great laws. Girl. Armand already knew but GIRL. Atleast he didnt implicate Claudia but STILL ARMAND KNOWS(crying face)
I honestly thought the new version of the "Come to Me" song would come when Louis and Armand were trying to have sexy times. Who knows maybe it will be a reprise lol
The Loustat park scene tho! I am ashamed how much I replayed it...the good bits.
"I am still the only one you trust even now Kill me again" !1!!they are so insane
Louis is so mean to himself as Lestat. Thats not the only way you know how to love. What about Claudia? Your family? Even Lestat in the good years.
Claudia must feel Louis going through it and she must NOT CARE smh He is always kinda going through it so she is probably used it.
Claudia debut on stage. She looks so happy and Louis is a proud dad. This is so fucked up.
I wonder if Louis can hear Santiago talking to Armand. I have no doubt Santiago does not give to fucks about Louis hearing them but Armand does. Louis outright believes Armand is going to kill him so maybe yes. Or maybe he just has a bad feeling especially with how the conversation with Armand ended last time.
The five laws and Louis and Claudia have damn near broken every one 😭
This whole time watching s1 and now s2, I was like i will be fine with what eventually happens to Claudia. Cue to me CRYING at the mention from Armand that she wont make it and not even by his or the covens hand. But because of her own doing.
"And I play the little girl?" ugh this back half of this episode is all pain!
Not for nothing I was genuinely scared for Louis when Armand was threatening him in the sewer...as if Louis is not alive and well telling this story lol. I let the tale seduce me a little too much.
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Not Louis and Armand bonding over Lestat breaking their hearts. And that yesterday line is absolutely yesterday. He got Lestat tied up awaiting the trail I know it.
Are you inviting me in? "I love that little fun nod to vampire lore but Louis is so wild for that. Armand was absolutely going to kill you minutes ago fam. And you told you self (through Lestat) that you don't trust him or any of these vamps.m WILD i say
So much happened again this episode! But still good pacing. I liked it better after viewing it again but it comes in 3rd from the episodes we've seen so far. Episode 2 is still my fav so far. So many new questions arose and its soo painful waiting week to week for these episodes!
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oohhhh what appointment?
I'm tired lol, but hey we finished the final touch ups to our dance :] auditions soon tho, were one of two times trying for the final AHSHHDJSJHDJJD
alssoooooo why do I get a maple leaf 👀
I'm at the neurologist for a followup since November when I was in hospital.
OMG THATS GREAT!!! IM SO PROUD OF YOU!!! you're doing great, I hope you guys get it!!
I'm gonna be honest, I don't know, I just like the leaf
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For the asks, 11, 18, 19 for Edgeshot and the soggy noodle (Jeanist) please?
Oohhhh, thank you for sending one in!! I actually did number 11 for these two way back when I reblogged this for the first time in this post (one of your asks actually aha) but I’m going to write out some more/re-write what I’ve written slightly different most probably lmao
Warning: will be mentions of bad coping mechanisms, depression, death and self destructive tendencies and thoughts. Please read with caution. I’ve put number 19 under the cut for this reason.
11. Bad or petty habits.
Okay well, they’re both incredibly bad at dealing with stress and tend to have a habit of overworking themselves.
Jeans gets incredibly fidgety when nervous, however always tends to pick and scratch at his hands. So he’ll always have something with him that he can fiddle with, such as a ring or charm or just the hem of his clothes.
He also is really bad at taking care of himself for some reason, mainly with things like injuries and stuff like that, but still.
Also. Petty habits? His puns. Please, it’s his puns he just cannot stop himself.
Shinya overworks himself, as said earlier, but it just has to be emphasised.
Sometimes (very rarely) he can tend to make a snarky remark relating to someone complaining about their family, with a response along the lines of “oh yeah same” or “ahaha yeah, it’s really annoying huh?” or literally just hitting them with the “yeah, they’re dead.”
He mostly does it to villains as a way to make them actually hesitate, when they say stuff like “oh I’ll kill your friends and family blah blah” he simply answers with a “too late” and he hates how spontaneous he says it.
Obviously, this doesn’t happen often because, well it’s kinda obvious and he has respect towards his family, but some days he just cannot help himself, he considers it a very bad habit.
18. Things they’ll never admit.
That they are tired. Or stressed. Or overworked. Or mildly injured.
They are so stubborn and they just will not admit it.
Also, when one is mad at the other, they don’t like admitting when there is something that they’re mad/wrong about.
They are just incredibly stubborn and will wait for ages. And eventually they feel bad but are still stubborn so don’t want to admit that they want to speak to the other.
Not that they need to admit when one of them feels lonely or sorry or just really bad about something when they aren’t speaking. Because it’s definitely plastered all over their body language.
(To those who don’t want to read number 19 because it does have some pretty heavy angsty stuff, please feel free to leave it here ❤️)
19. People they’ve hurt or indirectly killed, and how it affected them. (Read carefully, contains some sensitive stuff as specified in my warning ^^)
Okay, like I said, these are pretty heavy and contain quite sensitive stuff so please be careful. I’ve wanted to talk about these particular headcanons for a while, but didn’t know how to.
I have a headcanon that Tsunagu has killed someone in the past, and possibly more than just one person. It was all accidental, well, mostly.
When he was younger, about 12, I can’t remember what age I said in ‘When it Rains...’ but he was young. He couldn’t control his quirk and his quirk often would be way too powerful for him and his body to handle.
He found himself rushing to help some kids from a villain but his quirk ended up going haywire and he basically strangled the villain to death, whilst doing serious damage to himself and hurting his sister by doing so. He was just so angry and out of control, his mind was screaming at him.
This spirals him into a very very dark mindset, and he starts to blame himself for everything. The kids at school knew what happened and called him a “freak” and he had no friends.
As time went on, he often got told that “his quirk wasn’t suited for being a hero” and taunted that he should just stick to “making dresses and playing hairdressers” which had a really big effect on the way he saw himself.
He started to agree with them and when they told him that “you can’t be a hero now, you killed someone! Better to just start fresh, yeah?”...he also agreed...and well, I’m sure you can imagine what that leads him to, since I’d rather not go into the details of that too much at the moment...
His sister has to feel all of this pain that he goes through, and this makes him feel even worse.
He manages to get through this with the help of his sister, and a couple of friends that stuck with him throughout it all. And he goes to UA with his mind still clouded with doubts.
He knows he’s weak, he’s thin and not of a suitable fighting form. His quirk is too powerful for him to control and also not suitable for being a hero, but with the help of others and teachers and family he manages to pull through.
As he becomes a hero, he starts to feel better and more proud of himself, however there is still that little comment at the back of his mind telling him that he is weak.
Everytime he fails to rescue someone, or accidentally injured or goes too far with capturing a villain, it takes a huge toll on his self confidence and he starts spiralling again. Even if it wasn’t his fault he will still take the blame. It all brings him back to that moment when he was 12.
This often leads him to overworking himself to the point of passing out or collapsing, and often one of his friends or interns will have to usher him to somewhere he can recover. He lets his health deteriorate and lets any injuries go untreated.
He is the type of person to carry every failure, tiny mishap and any failed missions, completely on his own back. He converts it all to regret and this makes him feel weak, stupid and helpless. He could be on the other side of town and hear of a villain attack that got someone injured and he’d blame it on himself. These thoughts get carried with him until he finally just has to break down and let it all out.
This usually happens at home, where it’s obvious to anyone that he needs to talk about it, even if he doesn’t want to. Or at their usual top 5 meet ups, because they understand and they all listen to him and comfort him beca they know how much it affects him.
Often, in these mindsets, he will end up over using his quirk and injuring himself with his recklessness, however....this time it’s quite deliberate...he just lets it happen.
This carries on until he’s quite a bit older, and even then he still gets moments where his mind starts to slip.
When he meets Shinya, it helps a lot with his mental health, due to them having so much in common (and just being a couple of generally traumatised and depressed heroes who can barely look after themselves properly). They help each other get through the hardest parts and they understand when one feels the way they do.
(I’ve got many other little things that relate to this rather depressing headcanon, but it’s a heavy subject so I won’t write them out unless someone asks and actually would like me to, just for me to make sure you guys are comfortable and okay)
—————got to switch to Shinya now aha—————————
Okay so we have his backstory (which I am still working up the motivation to finish the whole thing)
Shinya ends up killing a large group of the villains that ambushed his village. He didn’t know how it happened, how he did it, or anything like that. But in a moment of rage and adrenaline and pure unbridled emotion, he shot forwards and killed them instantly, brutally.
In the moment he didn’t care. He was scared and had just seen his family and friends die in front of him.
However, once he learnt exactly what he’d done, and how severe it actually was, that’s when he started to feel the regrets.
At first it was not much, but as he started to try to live a normal life again and interact with others, that’s when it became an issue.
He noticed how others glared at him. He noticed the fear in the other people’s faces as they walked past him. The looks on their faces as they acknowledged the broken, empty face of this child and how scared they were of his past.
Slowly this all made him very self conscious and worried about how others saw him. He started to feel more doubtful and less trusting than he was, even with barely any trust left in him.
He trained and trained, overworking himself and using his quirk way too much. This allowed him to gain experience, yes, but it also drained him of having any sense of what a childhood should be - draining his memory of living a normal life.
People were always intimidated by him, and over the years he got used to it, but there are always times where he felt that no one would see him how he really was. Just a lonely person, robbed of a happy childhood and innocence and someone who can’t find it in him to trust anyone ever again. The only person who would understand was his sister, since she wen through the exact same experience and was with him through it all.
When he meets Tsunagu, he finds himself starting to trust again, and found that he was one of the only people that he felt safe with.
Then he started meeting other pro heroes, some with tough backstories themselves, and it just made him feel less alone.
Of course, there will be days where his past haunts him, and he feels the blood of all the lives he’s taken and failed to save on his hands and it terrifies him. It drags him down. These days he ends up shutting himself away.
He doesn’t take care of himself properly and ends up collapsing and becoming ill and rundown.
However, these moments happen. And being with those who he finally trusts and those who are there to help him feel safe...that’s what allows him to recover
That’s what allows them both to feel human once again, despite their pasts and doubts. Despite their flaws and failures. They seek happiness in each other and they find safety in their friends...and that’s what keeps them going.
Thank you for asking! Sorry for how morbid that end one was, but it really is one of my most prominent headcanons for these two, especially poor jeans, and I actually kinda feel a little better to have you guys know it now, so that when I sort of reference it in my writing, you know what I’m going on about.
Please send some in guys, I would love to give you some headcanons on whatever character you’d like to send in! Love you ❤️ This is the post for the questions!! I’m going to bed for now, but please feel free to send some in for me to answer tomorrow, I’ll get to them as soon as I can!!
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mrskurono · 3 years
Iebsksjsjsjdhdjs I didn't think you'd noticed me gone me so happy
We are both in this period together eh :"D yesterday is my first day and I think it made sense why I feel a little cramps the earlier morning :)
But oh nu mummy, I hope your allergies will go away😭 me lovey you, so it better go away!
That cute guy-
Imagine the both of them tugging you because they does not want to lose but at the end the three of you decided to go for it, talking a lot and buying eachother drinks.
But ofc, one might ended up drunk and spill what he wanted you to do to him (͡°‿ ͡°)
Drunken confession, yum.
The other guy was so flustered, because he wanted the same thing too!
Ofc you spoil them <3 where? Idk, still thinking. Maybe go to a hotel? Or public sex?
Hmmmm decisions decisions...
~ jiggle jiggle 🍑
Of course I notice you gone! I notice all my babes when they’re not around, that’s my special mom power~ <3
I’m on like...day 3? I think? I can’t fucking remember anymore its a surprise every month after the baby was born. I’m so tired of periods already someone gimme a Kageyama I don’t want them anymore T^T
Allergies or not I can take allergy meds this yr!! I’m so excited I can take all my normal meds now!!! And all the coffee I want I’m so happy!!! I drank like...six cups of coffee the first day I realized I could have unlimited caffeine again. I loved it .-.
Ugh Suna- I didn’t even like him to start with...why is my brain doing this to me. I wanted to hate him and now he’s all I’m thinking about ;;--;;
Peachy babe...you’re giving me ideas....Lightweight Tobio, just bc we know he is. But pleasantly buzzed Suna too. Both of them pining for the attention in totally different ways. Still not really feeling it bc honestly it got to be too much fun to watch these two gorgeous men try to out do the other. You’ve neglected your own drink in favor of watching them. But they certainly didn’t stop drinking. And it shows. Finally (probably Tobio) blurts out how pretty he thought you were and couldn’t figure out anything to do but buy you a drink. That’s when you give Suna a look bc he bought you a drink too. But he won’t admit it only looks away and drinks up like he’s not in the same boat as Tobio is. Queue having to indulge these very gorgeous men back in your hotel room bc honestly...they’re so pathetic at picking up chicks that if it was anyone else they would have definitely been going home alone that night  😏
Great now I have Kageyame? x Suna? x Reader? brain rot? why must you indulge my thoughts? why do you do this peachy?? you only give me the horny thoughts about these men???
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tazanna-blythe · 5 years
Chapter 2
Chloe's room at the hotel:
"Sooo your plan is simple but scary and a lot of work not to mention you need a lot of money...….. I'm in!!!!!!"
" hahahahaha your the only person i know that love's this kind of sh*t"
" Who wouldn't and you know that i love big reveals especially Liela hahahaha I would pay big money to see her reaction after this hahaha"
"Dont worry I'll have the footage *smile evilly*"
"Oohhhh *smile's evilly* goody, well all of this is well and good but how can you ask ladybug to cooperate with us besides can you even contact her? And as I can recall ladybug also has a big part of this?"
"Oh she'll agree to it "
*Rises her eyebrow*" and how?? Oh great one?"
" easy, because will help her find hawkmoth!"
"WHAT!? Are you crazy?"
"Almost hahahahaha"
"Wait hold up i thought that this is just revenged on that lying bitch so why do WE have to find hawkmoths lair. Us? 2 teenagers ? With no super powers well I'm the queen bee but MARINETTE we're gonna get killed!"
" don't you want yo get this hawkmoth thing over with?"
"Yes of course but …"
"Where not really gonna fight hawkmoth will just find him that's all"
"But why ?!!can't we just go for liela and let ladybug have hawkmoth?"
"Chloe think about it! She's Volpina twice and Chameleon and all of those happened only seconds after she gets mad seconds! Normal people at least takes 2 minutes or more to get akumatized and for the fact that thanks to your daddy being paranoid about your safety, she forgot that their are newly installed cctv cameras in our school and got caught in the action accepting the akuma without hesitating, she even caught the akuma in her hands and put it in her necklace on.her.own!!"
"She accepted the? akuma"
"She caught it? With her bare hands?"
"She's helping hawkmoth?"
"So if we reveal her without hawkmoth defeated, she'll come after us?"
"1000000% Yes"
"She' a terrorist?"
"Let's kill her!"
"As much as I want to but no."
"Oh come on your going back to your goody goody state again !!"
" Chloe if we kill her will she pay all the things she did to me??"
"I want her to suffer the way i suffered , I want to see her crumble and most of all i want her to experience that feeling of being truly alone and helpless"
"Ok so how do we start?"
"Will do nothing"
"What? Can you explain please"
"Will do nothing to her, we are not gonna expose her we will let her tell her tale then we record it every single lie she says"
"Ok how?"
" You and Sabrina of course"
"Ok how?"
"Do you see this "holds her hair ties " this has hidden cameras on it it been recording everything since this morning" *smirking*
"Oohhh I see so I would wear a camera on me to school to get evidence, got it but how are we gonna get Sabrina to ware one?"
" Sabrina love fancy cute things just buy her a new broch and put a camera to it but hers would be connected to our computer wirelessly so we don't have to take it away from her and tell her it REALLY expensive so she won't take it of"
"Got it , gather evidence then what?"
"I'll work for your mother to get money and help me in my career but ill go as MDC so Liela doesn't know and destroy my future"
"Ok so how long are we gonna get evidence?"
"Just for a week Chloe that's all and do you know someone who is good at making a short movie??"
"Yes why?
" well we need someone to edit our evidence beautify of course if not how are we gonna let our future children watch this?"
"I can do that, i'll order the broch with special features now and you go and talk to my mother she's home by this time"
"Soo Marinette what are you doing here?"
"Chloe told me that you have a business proposition for me?"
" ahhhh! So Chloe told you .. let's make this fast , i want you to be our new designer in my company in America, ill make your brand the most expensive and famous there is. So what do you say?"
" I want a house waiting for me in America and a full scholarship in one of the best schools there"
"Well that very easy, any more request?"
"I want to be called MDC for a while until I go to America"
"Sure and when will you go to America?"
"When this school year ends it's only 2 months left and i want to prepare my gifts to my classmates"
"Sure, all you have to do is sign the contract tomorrow and ill also give you your first project tomorrow so . Go!!! And tell your parents go come here tomorrow too id like to talk to them"
"That went well Mari!"
" Yes it did Tikki and Tikki?"
"Yes Marinette?"
"An akuma butterfly can be caught by a camera right?"
"Yes it can"
“How much energy well take for you to make a ladybug robot with camera on it the same with my hair ties?"
"1 robot ladybug? Easy i can make 10 ezpz"
"Um tikki I need 100 of them"
"Well I need a lot of sweets then!!"
"Well I live in a bakery so no problem"
"Marinette? Can't we just look at the cctv cameras in the city ?"
"No Tikki the cctvs are only covering the streets of parish and we can't go it in every homes to scout that will take a lot of the and effort and lawsuits even if they know it's ladybug"
"Oh ok ,let's go back to Chloe lets see what she's doing?"
"So how it go?"
"Your mom said that ill take my parents here tomorrow for the signing of contract and talk to them"
"Ohhhh and I already ordered my new trinkets and the techie guy is coming tomorrow to discuss our "movie" hahahaha I'm already can see it now it's going to be epic hahahha!!!"
"Um Chloe wont your dad get suspicious about hiring that guy? I mean it not gonna be cheap you know?"
"Of course he doesn't mind I'm just gonna say that this is a secret farewell movie we are planning for our classmates and it'll be fine"
"As you say so and Chloe no one must now this ok please … and remember act natural tomorrow and no exposing liela ok"
"Ok got it!"
"Ok bye chloe see you tomorrow"
Sabine was getting worried this past few months her daughter is getting more and more depressed by the day and hardly even wants to go to school again. She was scared that maybe someone's hurting her baby. And she also notices that she's not hanging out with her friends like she used to.
For example today she saw her friends all huddled up in the park and her being a supportive mother she quickly packed a basket full of goodies blankets and juice to give to them ,but as she was approaching them she heard all of the nasty things they have to say about her daughter which was not true and very hurtful not only to her but also to her baby.
And after she calmed herself she notice that marinette wasn't with them and she realized that something was very wrong and quickly connect the dots that her sweet baby was being bullied and these are not her friends and she will get to the bottom of this.
After that she left and told her husband everything of course he won't believe her at first but as she explain everything regarding about their daughter's past behavior her solemn and tired face he believed her and wants to get to the bottom of this so both of them quickly cleaned up the store and closed it and waited for Marinette two come home.
She notice Marinette coming home today was how her daughter normally acts happy, cheery and full of life but now she realized that it was fake and forced. Now she was more determine to know the truth.
"Marinette how's school today?"
"It was fine Mamma "
"Marinette before you go to your room we need to talk"
"Talk about what?"
"First of all how was school REALLY ? This time the truth dear" tom said firmly telling Marinette not to lie.
Marinette was startled she didn't know what they where pointing at? Did Liela said another lie about her again? ,did her parents believed her? Did her so called friends told her parents that she was bullying someone?.
As Marinette was having an internal turmoil her mother now confirms it and demands an explanation now or else she's really going to explode and an angry mama is not good especially mama protecting her baby that knows how to fight adding an akuma equals bloodbath and no one can stop her not even her husband.
So now Marinette doesn't have a choice and told them everything that's happening to her well except the ladybug part and well the expression on her parents was both furious and sad.
Now there was silence for a while and both Sabine and tom are calming themselves so that they won't be akumatized.
Sabine couldn't hold herself she pulled Marinette into her arms and hugged her as tight as she can silently comforting both of them.
Marinette couldn't take it anymore she burst into tears and let it all out. all of those months of frustrations and emotions are now released and she no longer can't hold it .in the end it all results into a big family hug which Marinette so desperately needs.
While all of this is happening nobody noticed a flock off akuma butterfly flying rapidly to the house which all of them flying straight to a force field that quickly purifies which leads to a very very very mad hawkmoth.
"Can somebody tell me what is happening"
"I don't know sir"
"I can sense it a very strong negative energies but why can't I akumatized them!"
"I don't know sir maybe i can help. Dusu spread my feathers"
*Mayura's transformation sequence*
"Fly away my beautiful amok go and enhance and hone that frustration" with that said she plucked a feather from fan and release it. Before it even past the school Nathalie suddenly felt a sharp and overwhelming pain in her chest letting her transformation go and collapsing
"NATHALIE " hawkmoth screamed at caught her before she hits the floor.
"This is enough for today Noro dark wings off" hawk moths transformation is of and now revealing Gabriel in his place.
"Noro what was happening ,why didn't my akuma worked?"
"Master I think someone's blocking you both I don't know who?"
"Well as a said its enough for today" with that Gabriel carried Nathalie out of the lair and into the living room sofa.
With the Dupain- Cheng family
After comforting and calming themselves they head for there rooms with the light heart.
"Marinette how do you feel" tikki ask tiredly and softly
" I'm fine now thank you. I feel as if a large elephant lifted off my shoulders and for the fact that the eyes stings and its bloody red but overall I'm really fine and happy"
" I'm glad you really needed it"
" I know now I think I can rest easy cause it's not my turn to patrol tonight, well at least until chat noir has another hissy fits and come here instead of doing his job"
"Well Marinette until then let's have some rest " Tikki yawns as soon as she said that
"Mmmmmm i wonder why none in my family got akumatized since we were very emotional just now?" Marinette said and looked at tikki with a thankful look
"You needed it Marinette and i love you and most of all your human you need to released it or else you'll go crazy" tikki smiled at her lovingly
"Ok thanks again … come here tikki we need to rest tomorrow gonna be a busy day" with that tikki flew to Marinette's and slept.
An hour later a shadow figure appeared on Marinette's window and knocked on it furiously for 20 minutes, knocking some glass after window and after some thinking the person just destroyed the window saying cataclysm then he walked in and was disappointed.
When he walked in he saw Marinette's back and sleeping soundly and after some internal debating with himself he left and went straight home and he completely forgot about patrolling and the broken window.
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cozyteez · 5 years
[23:16] "you know ... " hongjoong wrapped his arms tighter around your waist from behind, pulling your back closer to his chest "i think i really like you"
you turned your head to look at him as best you could from this position "oh yeah?" you looked at his eyes, then lips, then back at his eyes
"yeah" he smiled and gently leaned in to press a soft kiss to your lips
the moment was nice. his lips were sweet and the only sounds you could hear were the movie you guys had put on and the storm outside
but almost as soon as it started, it was over. there was a huge, rattling clap of thunder that caused you both to jump back from each other
when the rumbling died off and the initial shock wore off you relaxed back into his chest and started to giggle
he nuzzled his head on top of your shoulder and pulled the blanket up all the way to your neck which made you giggle more
"i'll protect youuuuu don't worry my love"
after taking his hands out from underneath the blanket, he wrapped them around your waist again and began to rock you both side to side so quickly that you couldn't help but laugh
another booming clap of thunder reigned over the building causing you to involuntarily jump and let out a little squeak
"oohhhh come hereee" he playfully teased
you kept giggling and turned so that you were now sitting bridal style in his lap, deciding to play along
he placed his hand protectively on the side of your head as you wrapped your arms around his neck
once the chaotic energy between the two of you died down you were suddenly made aware of how tired you were
your sudden quietness worried hongjoong and he looked down at you to see what was wrong
"are you alright?"
you smiled a sleepy, dopey smile as you nodded your head 'yes'
"hmm i've seen that look before" he fondly stroked your hair "you're sleepyyy"
you smiled and closed your eyes as you tried to pull yourself closer to him, although that wasn't really possible
he smiled to himself, he loved when you were sleepy
"do you want to go to bed?" he figured he already knew your answer since you've mentioned on multiple occasions that his arms were your favorite place to be, albeit it was usually only when you were super tired, but maybe that's why he liked it when you were sleepy
as expected, you shook your head 'no' already half asleep with a satisfied smile on your face
he'd never said it back, but having you in his arms was also one of his favorite things about nights like these
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kumeko · 4 years
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Title:  homeward bound
A/N: For AClockworkClown for the KH secret santa! I haven’t yet played KH3 but I hear there’s good things for the Seasalt Trio, so I set this kinda-post KH3. Hope you enjoy!
“What the heck?” Roxas stared down at his torn, bloody clothes, at skin that was an ashy-grey. “Guys? Something’s wrong.”
  “That’s an understatement,” Axel muttered, frowning as he tugged on his own ragged clothing. There was a metal bolt attached to his neck, just visible in the dim light.
  Xion glanced around the world they’d arrived in. They were in some corner of a dreary city, the walls around her a faded yellow, and everything she could see was some shade of grey. The only exceptions were the bright orange torches that lined the walls, barely lighting a path deeper into the city. “Where are we?”
  “Halloweentown, I think.” Axel inspected his hands, tapping the stitches that crossed his fingers. “You don’t think these are real, do you?”
Xion hoped not, it looked like he was one cut away from falling apart. The stitches laced his entire body, even his face, and she shivered. Damn, was she cold. Hugging herself, she almost shouted in surprise. While she hadn’t changed as much as the others, there was something off about her skin. It glowed a pale white, similar to the moon, and now that she was paying attention, she was floating. Floating a whole foot off the ground. “What happened to us?”
  “It happens, sometimes,” Axel explained, tearing his eyes away from his hands. “We—”
  “Oohhhh,” Roxas moaned, his voice low and guttural. He walked forward stiffly, as though he couldn’t bend his knees, and held his arms straight up in front of him. The classic zombie walk. “Brains. BRAINS!”
  “Oh no! We’re in—ahahahah,” Xion broke into a peal of laughter, unable to maintain a serious expression. The scenario was too ridiculous and Roxas’s posture was as wooden as his acting. She doubled over, wiping her tears.
  “BRAAIINNNSS,” Roxas shouted one last time, hobbling toward her before breaking into laughter himself. “This is so stupid.”
  “Not as stupid as you,” Axel scoffed, hand on his hip. He gestured at Xion. “That ‘ooohh’ is what a ghost makes, you know? Not a zombie.”
  “Oh, that’s true.” A part of her had to admit there was something on point with her being a ghost. Xion took a deep breath before she tried to deepen her voice as much as possible. “Ooohhhhhh.”
  “You didn’t have to…” Axel trailed off, rubbing his neck. At least, he tried to. The large metal bolt in his neck made it awkward for his hand to touch anything. Tapping the metal, he growled, “This is really annoying.”
  “Does it hurt?” Xion asked, floating on her tippy toes to peek at it. It looked like the bolt was going through his neck. Which should be impossible.
  “Not really. It’s just…there,” Axel grumbled, lightly tugging at it. “And it’s heavy.”
  “Heavier than your hair?” Roxas teased with a mischievous smirk.
  “Heavier than your big head,” Axel snapped back, swiping at Roxas. Unfortunately, he nimbly dodged and Axel was left with glaring.
  Xion giggled, a thought coming to her. “Maybe that’s why you need ‘brains’? Cause you’re missing them?”
  Roxas shot her a wounded look. “Xion, not you too.”
  “Sorry, sorry, couldn’t help it.” Xion covered her mouth before she could laugh again. The idea was just so stupid and so funny. Her shoulders shaking, she turned back to Axel. “So why are we dressed like this?”
  “Yeah.” Roxas pulled at the edge of his frayed shirt. “You don’t think this is permanent, do you? I kinda liked that shirt.”
  “It’s not like you wear anything else, maybe it’s time you got a new wardrobe,” Axel suggested wryly. Lacing his hands behind his head, he shrugged. “I think it’ll go away when we leave—some worlds are funny like that. They mold you to fit in.”
  “We’re fitting in like this?” Xion grimaced, looking at all three of them again. “If we look this weird, what do the residents look like?”
  “Monsters,” Roxas stated bluntly. “There’s no other option.”
  “Maybe.” Axel reached up to rub his neck again before remembering himself and dropping his hand. He gestured at their surroundings. “I mean, this is where they live, so who knows.”
  “Yeah.” Bouncing on his feet, Roxas skipped forward. “Maybe we can find someone.”
  “I wonder if they’re friendly.” Xion clapped her hands eagerly. After a moment, she turned to Axel. “Though I don’t think I want to live here.”
  “Me neither.” Axel sighed wearily. “I guess we’ll have to pick another world after this.”
  “Yeah.” Xion felt as tired as he sounded. Just how many worlds had they visited by now? And not a single one had felt right. “Maybe we should have just stayed at Destiny Islands.”
  “Do you really think that?” Axel asked, his expression serious.
  “…no, not really,” Xion admitted reluctantly. “It’s a nice place, really, nothing at all like the organization, but…it’s Sora’s place. I don’t like remembering people, places I’d never been to.” She looked ahead at Roxas. “I don’t think he liked it either.” She glanced at Axel. “But you could have stayed, if you wanted to.”
  “Nah, it’s fine. There’s no point in staying without you two.” Axel shrugged nonchalantly, the way he always did when he was trying to hide his feelings. “I’d have no one to tease.”
  “Or to tease you,” Xion added, bumping her shoulder against his. Honestly, maybe there wasn’t a world she’d like, but she’d be fine with whatever Axel or Roxas chose. Home was wherever they were.
  “You can try.” Axel reached down to ruffle her hair, but his hand slid right through her. Pulling back with a shiver, he muttered, “Yeah, we’re definitely not living here.”
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caroline18mars · 5 years
A Man On Fire - Chapter 28
The party seemed to go on forever and the alcohol was flowing abundantly, but Harper was ready to call it a day, not even the dancefloor could lure her back, and if she had to do one more round of shots with the crew she was gonna throw up. “And where do you think you're going?” Jared's sweaty arms folded around her waist, that dancefloor was on fire and so was he, he was still on his post-concert high, the lights were dancing around him, the music was still as loud as on stage and he simply didn't want to come down. “Back to the hotel, I'm tired” she turned in his arms, zipping up her handbag, “oh..ok, I'll come with you” he seemed genuinely dissapointed, “no, it's alright, I'm gonna get a cab, you stay here and keep on dancing, you're better at that than I thought, you've got some amazing moves going on there, floppy hair” she smiled her goodnight kiss against his lips. “You absolutely sure?” such a nice change from all the other women, no nagging, no arguments, no trying to convince him to come along, just a warm smile and a fiery kiss and a lot of trust, how did he deserve such a woman?. “Positive! I just need to go lie down and I'll be right as rain, I was thinking to go check out a museum tomorrow morning, so maybe it's best if I stay in my own room so I don't wake you”, what? No!. “Oh no you don't! I want you in my bed when I get back, we'll make it a morning, breakfast, museum, coffee..hot, rampant sex” he wiggled his eyebrows in a silly attempt to make her laugh. Mission accomplished “oohhhh, sold! Now go have some more fun and I'll go rub some ointment on my butt, knowing you, I'll need it” she giggled “because apart from your hair, there's nothing floppy about you” another kiss, a lick of her tongue against his and off she went, her thick, long pony tail dancing on her back to the rhythm of the music. 
Ooohhh cold, she quickly pulled up the cap of her hoodie, cabs at this time of night? Ughh, see that was one reason why she missed New York, everything was available almost 24/7, wolf whistles from a bunch of guys hanging around doing some dope on the corner of the street, ok ignore them, it's gonna be ok, why do guys want to scare the living daylights out of girls that way?. “Harper? Wait up” a familiar voice made her turn around, “Sean..” oh please no more arguments, no more bitching, “heading back to the hotel?” he came running up to her, “yeah, I was just looking for a cab, is it urgent?” she folded her arms over her chest, strange how defensive she acted around him these days, when they had been so close. “I've got a car parked around the corner, I can take you if you want” Sean took a deep breath, wait, was he as nervous and uncomfortable as she was? “Ok..yeah sure” whatever, it was better than a cab right now. “This is me” he held open the passenger's door for her “just like the old days in NY” he let her get in and then quickly circled the car to get behind the wheel and steered the car into the night. “I was kinda hoping we could talk..” even in the dark she could see the nervousness on his face, “I don't know, Sean, I don't want any more trouble with Shayla, is this a trap or something? I mean, has she put you up to this so she can blame me for everything that is obviously wrong in her life and needs a scapegoat for?” Harper sighed as she looked out the side window. “No..this is only my idea..Shayla's got nothing to do with this..I don't even think she knows I left, I told her I was going to a pub with the boys, I don't think she heard me as she was too busy winding some guy around her little finger at that party” wait, and he didn't sound dissapointed or hurt by that at all?. “Ahh, I see, lying and mistrust, the most wonderful qualities of a healthy and loving relationship” Harper sarcastically hissed, thank god she and Jared didn't have to do that.
”Can I come up?” Ugh that hopeful glint in his eye, what the hell was wrong with you, Sean? “you've been waiting to talk to me all this ride down here? You're putting me in a bit of a pickle, Sean, I mean I'm not in the mood for a drink, my back is killing me and I was kinda hoping on a bit of lay down” she was torn, but he had time and opportunity enough to talk to her. “Oh ok..” no, not the puppy eyes, no, come on, don't do this, don't look genuinely sad, arrghh, dammit!, “Ok then,fine, you can come up to my room, but 10 minutes alright?” she opened the door and ran up the hotel steps while Sean handed his keys to the valet. “You wanted to talk, so talk” Harper closed the door behind Sean on his way inside her room, they had been friends for so long and yet this time it just didn’t feel ok to let him in or even be around him, not after the ‘barge-right-into-my-bathroom-while-I’m-naked-and-you-know-it’ incident. But he had been her friend, you know? and friends..well you simply did everything to help them out, especially when they were at their lowest, like he somehow seemed to be right now, just don’t make me regret this, Sean, please?!. Sean sat down on the couch and fidgeted with the on-off button of the lamp on the dresser next to it “Alright..well..I don’t know, I guess it’s kinda difficult when you put me on the spot like that” he nervously grinned at her, oh god come on Sean, say what you have to say, she’ll understand, she always does. “Out with it, Sean, I’m tired, or was this just another one of your excuses to just bug me? as far as I can remember I’ve never put you on the spot, unlike you remember? just don’t tell me this is one of your devious plans and Shayla is gonna come knocking again and this whole good Samaritan act is gonna blow up in my face?” Harper took off her hoodie, feeling his eyes on that piece of naked stomach that was revealed, she quickly pulled down her T-shirt she wore underneath the hoodie, bad frikkin idea, Coco, bad idea!. 
“What? No! no of course not!” he turned bright red as his eyes caught hers “look Harper, I..” he swallowed hard and broke eyecontact “I don’t want us to fight anymore, I hate the way things are going between us lately, I mean, ever since you and Jared..”. What? Whooaaaa “Hold it right there, Sean, don’t make this about Jared, alright? he’s got nothing to do with all that has happened, we fell in love, alright?” she cut him right off, don’t you fucking dare to give someone completely innocent the blame for all you and Cruella have done, “I’m not, what I’m trying to say, badly, is that we’ve been fighting ever since you and Jared became an item..that’s all..and..I..I..” he stopped abruptly and closed his eyes, biting his lip ever so nervously. “I think you’ve got your timeframe wrong, sweetheart, the real issue started when you snuck up on me in the bathroom, remember? that was way before Jared and I became an item, and for the record, it was Shayla who went absolutely nuts and accused me, while we both know I did nothing to provoke anyone, so before you go accusing anyone, get your facts straight” don’t get angry Coco, don’t let him get to you, is there actually a reason why he is still here?. Sean seemed to crumble there and then, he leaned forward and covered his face with his hands, wait..was he..? no, don’t cry, come on, no..she stood there all helpless, not knowing what to do all of a sudden, she sat down next to him, she couldn’t stand tears, she wanted to give in to the urge of throwing her arms around him, but she decided not to. “Hey..what’s wrong?” ok he was crying and she had never seen him cry before so she put her hand on his back and slowly caressed it “Sean, come on, I’m not psychic, so I can’t help you if you won’t tell me what’s wrong?” don’t forget his foul play, Coco, oh fuck that, he was genuinely hurting. “You wanna know what’s wrong with me?” he suddenly put his hands down again and let his watery eyes connect with hers, “well yes, I do, I mean we’ve been friends for such a long time and it pains me to see you this way” she ruffled her hand through his hair in some silly attempt to comfort him, “ok, I’ll tell you what’s wrong! I’m in love” he broke the eyecontact once again and wrung his hands. “Duh, of course you are, you’re in love with Shayla, that’s a good thing, right?” she rolled her eyes at him, no that wasn’t a good thing, how he could fall for such a conniving brat was beyond her, but hey it was his life, and it was none of her business. “No, that’s not a good thing, it’s not good at all, it’s beyond fucked up” he sighed like he was about to lose his patience with her, “fucked up? Wait, have you? did you..don’t tell me you have fallen in love with someone else?” oh for crying out loud, Sean, get yourself into trouble much?. 
He bit his lip and nodded “yeah..I have”, oh no don’t tell me this, tell Shayla, I so do not want to get in the middle of this, but he broke her naïve bubble immediately “I’m in love..with you, Harper..”, HUH? What did you just say? No, this wasn’t happening, he did not just say what he said. “I fell in love with you the first time I came knocking on your door when you first moved into the building in NY, I tried to play it cool with you all this time, I really did, but I can’t keep the truth from you any longer, seeing you with Jared..it’s just..I” he paused when she shot up from the couch like she had been stung by a bee “This isn’t happening, this isn’t fuckin’ happening” where were those hidden cameras? Because she sure felt like this was all one big, very bad joke. “You’re probably drunk or high, I don’t know, but what I do know is that you’re gonna regret this in the morning, Sean, and I want you to leave right now, if this is another one of your sick jokes, then I don’t want to hear about it..” she kept shaking her head at him, and stepped away from the couch. “It’s not a joke, Harper, believe me, I fell in love with you, it’s not like I planned it or anything..I mean, you and I, we were thick as thieves, the reason I actually left NY and you behind was to put some distance between you and my feelings for you, unrequited love is a real bitch, Harper..and I thought I was being smart throwing myself in a relationship with the first girl that came along just to forget about you, but I was being a total dumbass because I don’t feel anything for Shayla..I never did, I just thought that if I kept telling myself that I was in love with her then it was gonna make me forget about you, but I was lying to myself and her all along..and then you showed up here and disappeared and came back..in a relationship with Jared all of a sudden..you’re nothing but a casual fuck to him, why can’t you see that? I just don’t want to see you hurt, Harper, you’ve gotta believe me” he got up too and stepped up to her “Harper, please..say something” he touched her upper arm. “Don’t touch me” she jumped back, “what do you expect me to say, Sean? I’m in love with Jared, very much so in fact, and he is in love with me..” tears of frustration were bubbling up in her eyes now as well, don’t..don’t give him the goddamn satisfaction “you keep going on and on about how I’m just a casual fuck to him, well you know what? it’s none of your business, Sean, if he’s only in this for sex then so be it, but I’m not gonna anticipate on the worst case scenario any longer, I won’t, I won’t throw away the little I have with him because you tell me so or you don’t like it, you don’t even have that right! no..no way, I’m not in love with you, Sean”
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birthday party/week recap aka this post is long af
This week was really intense for a lot of reasons, and despite having slept for 12 hours last night I woke up tired and cranky and full of the bad kind of regret feelings that usually I associate with drinking, only now I am associating them with other things, like being honest and vulnerable, so I’m gonna write it all out.  Heads up that this will be long, boring, and you probably don’t want or need to read all of this since it’s just a bunch of rambling and my attempt to get my thoughts straight so I can have a more balanced day.
I knew this week was coming up and I knew it would be a long one.  On Thursday, I was scheduled to be a guest speaker at a fundraising banquet for a program that gets scholarships for low income students so they can leave our public school system (which in my area, is basically a systematic way to keep poor kids poor) and into private schools where they have a great chance of success.  I was chosen to speak because I used to work for the public schools here, and while I believe wholeheartedly in public schooling, it only works if the wealthy actually pay their goddamn taxes instead of opting out of it.  Our schools in the public sector here are so bad that I had 8th grade students who could not read.  I mean really could not read at all.   I could write a lot about that but I won’t.  
I’ve been practicing my speech but the thing is that it’s a topic I’m really passionate about and it makes me emotional.  As I’ve written about on here before, I began really drinking when I began teaching, so in the past, the way I dealt with the emotions this brought up was to have a beer (read: 5 beers).  Talking about my experience in the public school system over and over, to myself, and then preparing to do it in front of a hundred people, was A Whole Lot.  And then on Thursday when it was time to do it, I almost cried at the end when I was sharing about the progress one of my kiddos has made in my current (private) school.  It was a good speech and was received well, and I don’t feel bad about getting that “oohhhh she’s close to tears” voice in front of people because let’s be honest people CRY SOMETIMES, but my boss made a weird comment about it at work the next day and now I am paranoid that I sounded like an ass who couldn’t get it together.  Her comment singlehandedly took what felt like a victory and turned it into something I am a little embarrassed by.  I am aware that I am the one letting her comment have that much weight but I can’t seem to un-feel it. I can think through it and realize it doesn’t matter and her opinion doesn’t matter but I can’t un-feel how unhappy it made me to hear that, if that makes sense.
The theme of “being vulnerable in front of others” from that night was just a huge carry-over from Wednesday, when I shared some really upsetting and frank truths about my journey in group.  It was hard but needed.  I don’t regret it, and everyone else was sharing, and honestly it felt like a huge weight off my shoulders to be that honest with people about where I’m at, but like.  Telling people you’re an addict is hard.  And you can’t take it back.  They will never un-know it now.  They will know that about me forever.  I feel good about having said what I said and simultaneously I feel like Toby from the Office during that scene when he accidentally touches Pam’s leg, realizes he’s exposed himself in a humiliating way, and announces that he’s moving to Costa Rica.  Then runs and jumps the fence of the office park and runs away into the night.  I want to jump the fence and run into the night and move to Costa Rica.  That’s how being vulnerable with others makes me feel.
So Wednesday, vulnerable at group, Thursday, vulnerable in a speech in front of a hundred people (many of whom are my coworkers, friends, and superiors at work), and yesterday was my birthday.  I planned a birthday that I wanted rather than the one I thought I should have-- i.e, I didn’t invite some people from my friend group who upset me or who I feel do not respect my boundaries.  I also invited people from a bunch of different areas of my life, which, while not a big deal in itself, felt a little like taking the compartments out of my social scene because many of them have not met each other before.  I was feeling good about it until my one friend asked when J was coming and if I’d had a text from him asking about where we were.  I replied that J hadn’t texted me.  He kept asking questions til I said, “well, I didn’t invite him.  It’s nothing personal, we just aren’t that close.”  My friend looked really taken aback because this guy is a close part of our mutual friend group.  What he doesn’t know is that J is a creep who continues to infringe on my boundaries by asking me personal and inappropriate questions, sharing things with me that I do not wish to know, and not taking “no” for an answer when he asks me on a date (I wrote a REALLY long post about this situation a while ago.  It continues to be sucky and terrible.) Our other friend, who is basically the most smiley human being on this planet, began frowning at me, so I clarified by saying that when you have a lot of friends, the downside is that you have to choose who to invite to your birthday party out of a big group and so I only invited people I felt closest to. 
I want to just tell my friends that this guy is a creep but they are men, and no offense to them, but I already know that they are the kind of dudes who are not going to understand why having to repeat “no” to a guy over and over can be triggering.  And I don’t owe them an explanation for that or for any reason why a man may be unsettling to me.  I am not Gandalf, I do not need to be their wise guide through the lands of “This is What Misogyny Is And How It Complicates Women’s Lives” Middle Earth.
Anyway they gave me some weird looks and now I am nervous because they told me they told this dude about the party.  So I’m waiting for him to confront me on that. Yay.
Then I was dancing with my friend and she spun me around and I accidentally lost my footing and fell fully backwards onto the guy behind me.  It hurt my back.  Everyone saw.  It was embarrassing. Dancing has been a way for me to practice being more in my body and vulnerable, a thing I chose to do as I started this sobriety thing, both to take up time and connect with others. Falling over while dancing, in front of literally all my closest friends, felt like a metaphor for this entire week.  Because it turns out that being vulnerable sometimes feels awesome and works out great, and sometimes ends up with you looking like an idiot in front of people who matter to you, and the hard thing about being vulnerable is that you have to accept both outcomes.  You have to be ready to fall on your ass, in public, on your birthday.  You can’t just have the sunshine-y smiley fun times, and have those mean anything, without risking looking like a fool.
I used to cover up the times I felt like a fool by drinking.  Or, I would drink to feel connected to others and not lonely and disengaged enough that I didn’t feel the need to share who I was, and avoid ever feeling foolish at all.  Now it’s Saturday, I slept for 12 hours, I am fed and hydrated and ready for the day, and my brain is just running in cirlces inside my head shouting “YOU LOOK LIKE AN IDIOT! EVERYONE THINKS YOU’RE AN IDIOT!  GOOD LUCK FACING PEOPLE NEXT WEEK!  JUMP THE FENCE AND MOVE TO COSTA RICA! ABORT SOBRIETY, ABORT FRIENDSHIPS, DON’T GO DANCE CLASS TOMORROW, STAY QUIET ABOUT THAT RUDE GUY AND APOLOGIZE TO EVERYONE TIL THEY REALLY CAN’T STAND YOU! WOOOOOO!”
But. but.  I am gonna quiet my brain down.  I am gonna cook stir fry and listen to a Beatles album.  I am gonna post this long-ass post, and truly may God bless you if you’ve read this far because for heaven’s sake I can’t imagine how bored you are, and let all the feelings go.  I am gonna call my sister and go for a long walk. I  am gonna continue to see my friends and not apologize for anything I’ve done this week because you know what?  I DO NOT NEED TO BE SORRY FOR BEING A HUMAN BEING.  I don’t need to be sorry for sharing my story of teaching, and having an emotional reaction to what is a huge horrifying injustice that keeps poor people of color from having the same chances in life as white suburban kids.  I don’t need to apologize for sharing my story in a group that is specifically about sharing our stories.  I don’t need to apologize for keeping space between me and people who refuse to respect boundaries.  I don’t need to apologize for falling down while dancing (except to the dude I landed on, lol.) I don’t need to live life being sorry for being me.  I may FEEL sorry and like I owe people a debt for being in their life or taking up their time or whatever, but I know that that feeling isn’t based on truth. and a part of getting that truth to feel real is, letting myself be human, sober, and move on.
xoxo Sarah
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