#Okay I was just going to post this as a reminder for today's prompt
eldritch-nightmare · 4 months
some updates uhm. i finished up cody's valentine's day prompt!! i haven't started on bo's or carmina's but hopefully i cant get started on one of them tomorrow if the universe will permit it.
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spectersgirl · 8 months
what if harvey specter’s wife worked from home and has a last minute work emergency, so harvey had to take their daughter to work? hope that made sense 😭.
I loved this prompt! I changed it eeeever so slightly but it doesn't affect the overall product. I'm working on making these longer which does mean that it'll take me longer between posts but I'm hoping length makes up for it?? Or maybe this is too long. Idk. I've been writing it for daysssss. I think I don't love the end quarter or so, but I wanted to get it out there. Also I decided to name the daughter, I'm not sure how I feel about doing that versus just using Y/D/N so let me know what you all think? I'd use a different name each time I wrote something with a daughter in it so that it doesn't feel like a series or the same character in different universes.
Work with Dad
Harvey Specter x Reader (except you're barely in it lol)
You rolled over at the sound of your phone buzzing incessantly on the nightstand, fumbling for it and answering sleepily.
"Hello? Oh shit, okay I'm on my way." Immediately, you got up and began rushing around to get ready.
"Who's that?" Harvey mumbled, having woken up to your call.
"Work, there's an emergency and I have to go take care of it. I know you have to work but, I can't take Olivia with me to the restaurant and my parents work today... Do you think you could bring her with you?"
Harvey sighed, knowing you were right. It would be easier for him to bring the four-year-old with him to his office as opposed to the very high-end restaurant you ran. Normally on the days you worked away from the house Olivia was in preschool, but today wasn't a school day for her.
"Yeah, that's fine. I have a pretty easy day today, and it's been a while since she's seen everyone anyway." He said, getting out of bed himself and heading to take a shower.
You quickly yelled to him before you left, thanking him for taking one for the team.
Once Harvey finished his shower, he pulled a suit from the closet and put the dress shirt and pants on, opting to leave his suit jacket off for now, knowing he'd likely have to do some wrangling of a certain toddler. As he had this thought, tiny footsteps sounded down the hall toward the bedroom.
"Hi Daddy" Said the tiny voice of his daughter as she ran toward him, arms in the air.
"Good morning princess! How'd you sleep?" He asked, lifting her with ease and kissing her cheek.
"Good, where's Mama?" She asked, knowing the two of you normally got ready together each morning. She was pretty damn smart for her age, and Harvey knew this fact would get him into trouble someday.
"Mama had to go take care of something at work, but guess what? You get to spend the day with Daddy at the firm!" He told her excitedly, raising his eyebrows.
Olivia was hesitant at first, she didn't know exactly what it was that her dad did every day, but she saw him on his computer a lot, and that didn't seem very exciting to her. She was about to protest this, but then she remembered some of her most favorite people worked with her dad.
"Can we see Mike and Rachel?" She asked.
Harvey laughed, nodding.
"And Donna?"
"And Donna." He confirmed with a smile. "You wanna get dressed so we can go see them?"
Immediately, she began squirming to get down from his grasp. Harvey obliged, following the girl to her room to help her pick out an outfit. She eventually elected for her favorite pink dress with flowers, and Harvey approved, finding her a pair of shoes to match.
A short while later, Harvey and Olivia were headed up to the Pearson Specter offices. She couldn't stop talking about how excited she was to see everyone, and Harvey had to keep reminding her that they had work to do and that they might not be able to be with her as much as she had hoped. Harvey had packed a day's worth of activities in a backpack to keep the little girl occupied in his office, and hopefully out of everyone else's business.
The elevator doors opened, and Olivia nearly pulled Harvey's arm out of the socket trying to get to her favorite people as fast as she could. He scooped her up into his arms, foiling her plans. She adorably crossed her arms in frustration, making Harvey chuckle as he walked toward his office.
"We just have to drop our stuff off in Dad's office first, then we can go see your friends, okay baby?"
She agreed, understanding that the quicker she cooperated, the quicker she got what she wanted.
Harvey put all their stuff down in a small pile on the couch in his office, telling himself he'd deal with it later. He knew Donna wouldn't be in for a little longer as he was earlier today than he normally was, but Mike and Rachel were more than likely already hard at work.
"Alright princess, wanna go see Mike?"
Her eyes went so wide Harvey thought they'd pop out of her head. He laughed and opened his door, pointing down the hall and following as she ran ahead of him. She nearly missed his door she was going so fast, but stopped herself when she noticed him seated at his desk.
"Knock before you go in, Liv" Harvey reminded the girl, grinning when her tiny fist tapped the glass of Mike's office door.
He looked up, not seeing her at first and waving Harvey in and looking back down at his stack of papers.
"You're in early, something wrong?" "MIKE!!!" Olivia yelled, startling the junior partner before realizing what was going on.
"Livi! How's my favorite Specter?" He asked, getting out of his chair to lift her into a bear hug.
She giggled uncontrollably until he set her back down.
"Well, I'd be offended but she happens to be pretty cool, so I'll let you have that." Harvey said, grinning as he watched his daughter run in circles around Mike's office while he chased her. There wasn’t much space in the junior partner's office, so the chase didn’t last very long.
"Where's Rachel?" Olivia wondered out loud. Mike kneeled down to her level.
"Rachel has school in the mornings, so she won't be here for a little bit longer." Mike explained, but this only confused her further.
"But... isn't Rachel a grown-up?" She asked, making Harvey and Mike smile.
"She's in law school, baby. Some grown-ups go to extra school so they can do their special jobs. Daddy went to law school too, and Mama went to business school and cooking school." Harvey explained.
“Did Mike to go extra school?” Olivia asked
Harvey and Mike share a look before looking back at Olivia.
“Mike’s a long story.” Harvey said.
Olivia seemed to be satisfied, or she stopped caring about his answer. Either way, she nodded and continued laughing and playing with Mike while her dad stood off to the side, only a little offended that she hardly even remembered he was still standing there.
He looked down at his watch, noting the time and figuring Donna was probably at her desk by now.
"Liv, do you want to go see if we can find Donna?" Harvey asked, and the little girl screamed like she was at a Taylor Swift show, jumping up and down with pure glee.
"Did she get this excited to see me?" Mike asked. Harvey chuckled, shaking his head.
"Not even close, sorry Mike. C'mon kid, let's go" Harvey said, lifting Olivia high in the air and onto his shoulders, holding tightly as he walked.
"Oh Donna, I have a surprise for you," Harvey said over the sounds of his daughter's laughter.
"Well, I wonder what the surprise could be! Hmmm, is it a pony? Oh a pony wouldn’t fit in the elevator… Maybe you should give me a hint." She said facetiously, acting as if she had no idea Olivia was there.
"It's me!" Olivia yelled, unable to keep the ‘surprise’ of her presence in any longer.
"Oh it’s Olivia! Hi beautiful! That’s a way better surprise than a pony!" Donna exclaimed. "How'd you get so lucky to come to work with your dad?"
"Her mama had a work emergency so daddy got to take her in with him, huh Liv?" Harvey explained, and Donna nodded in understanding.
Olivia nodded, smiling down at both Donna and her dad, still up high on his shoulders. She reached her arms toward Donna, so Harvey lowered her to the floor. Donna quickly scooped her up and placed her on her hip, giving the girl hugs and exaggerated cheek kisses.
“It’s been so long since I’ve seen you, who let you get so big?”
Olivia pointed at Harvey, smiling happily.
“Umm no ma’am, I specifically told you to stop growing, if it were up to me you’d still be my tiny little baby.” Harvey said, poking her side playfully. She giggled, pushing his hands away with her tiny ones.
"Have you had fun so far Livi?" Donna asked, and Olivia smiled and nodded profusely.
"I ran down the hall soooo fast and Mike chased me in his office and then me and Daddy found you!"
"Wow Olivia! That sounds like a really cool morning!" A voice said from behind. Everyone turned to see none other than Jessica strutting down the hall.
Harvey knew Jessica wouldn’t particularly love the idea of his four year old daughter hanging around in his office all day, but he also knew there was nothing else he could do. He was a parent above anything else, so he was going to do what he had to do.
“Livi, do you remember Jessica?” Harvey asked.
Olivia nodded, a bright smile on her face.
“It’s great to see you again cutie” Jessica said with a smile of her own.
“Look I know you’re probably mad but-“
“Harvey relax, I’m not mad. Just as long as she doesn’t get into anything she shouldn’t, she's welcome here." Jessica stated, easing Harvey's mind. He nodded in understanding and watched as she walked back to her office.
"Alright Liv, I've got some work to do in my office and I brought you some fun stuff to do while I work. Maybe later we can come back out and see Donna if she's not too busy, alright?"
Olivia huffed in disappointment, but she knew better than to fight with her dad. He placed his hands out to grab her from Donna, who regrettably handed her over. She had known the little girl since before she was even born, and she loved her like she was her own blood.
Harvey was actually able to get some work done, and Olivia enjoyed her time coloring in her coloring books and playing with the toys her dad had packed for her. Soon enough, she was hungry for lunch and Harvey took her into the kitchen to retrieve the lunchable he had brought her. Eventually, she grew tired and ready for her nap. When Harvey looked over at his couch after a suspiciously long period of silence, he saw her fast asleep. He smiled, standing and taking his suit jacket off, draping it over her small frame. She napped this way for about an hour, and when she woke up, she was overjoyed to learn that Rachel had finally come to the office.
"Rachel!!!" Olivia yelled in the doorway of Rachel's office, and she was quick to run in for a hug.
"Livi! Hi cutie! I heard you were here today, I couldn't wait to get done with school so I could see you!" Rachel said as she scooped the little girl up for a big hug. Olivia wrapped her arms around Rachel's neck happily.
"Do you have fun at big girl school?" Olivia asked.
"Law school is very different from normal school, so it's a lot harder, but it's what I love doing so that makes it fun!" Rachel explained.
"Do you get to color there?"
"No, theres no coloring. There's lots of reading and talking to other students and learning though!"
"I think I like my school better, we get to color and play and sing!"
This made Rachel laugh, and nod her head.
"Keep it that way as long as you can girly." Rachel said.
"Liv, it's almost time to go home. You wanna come say goodbye to everyone?" Harvey interrupted from the doorway.
Olivia nodded sadly, crossing the room to take her father's outstretched hand.
"Bye Rachel, have fun in big girl school."
"I will, bye Livi"
Harvey led her back through the office, stopping at everyone's offices so she could say her goodbyes, stopping at Donna's desk last. She gave the red-haired woman the biggest hug she could, Donna was her most favorite person after all.
When Olivia got home, she was thrilled to find her mom was there waiting for her and Harvey with dinner in the oven. She couldn't resist telling her mother about every last detail of her thrilling day at her dad's job.
"Well that's exciting! It sounds like you were a good little employee for daddy" You mused, looking up at Harvey with a grin.
"She's the best damn paralegal I've ever had. Might just have to hire her" Harvey joked.
"Does that mean I have to go to big girl school? That sounds really not fun."
You and Harvey laughed.
"Baby, if you don't want to go to big girl school we can talk about that when you're older." You reassured.
"You think with that attitude she has she won't want to be a lawyer like her old man?" Harvey said, smirking.
"Oh, she'll want to be in debate before she hits high school."
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grandlinedreams · 1 month
I’m on the verge of falling sleep but I wanted to send this in first. It’s based off this post: https://www.tumblr.com/grandlinedreams/749401620184465408
But imagine cooper’s first love and them being each others first kfkekgjekfkdm and he just remembered them one day while he’s alone in the wasteland and he feels that slight ping of heaviness and sadness.
OH hello we're off on a sad foot today but that's okay!! I can work with that like ㅡ
Cooper's used to the ghosts that follow him. They've done it for a long time now, so much so they've almost become like friends, even as they come and go.
In the beginning, there was a lot that prompted it. He swore the rattle of some light, airy thing nearby sounded a little like the way Janey used to laugh. He'd swear he caught the barest hint of lavender on the breeze, and he'd find himself thinking of Barbara. Some animal growl, snarl from under a dark lip of twisted metal? Roosevelt.
Both a comfort and a torture of the sweetest kind, reminding him of all he'd lost. A lot more than just them, too. Friends, familiarity, hope ㅡ plucked from him one by one, until he's left with nothing but memories.
They keep him sane, though. Mostly, anyways, as time and radiation take their toll and strip him of a lot of his humanity, too. Push him through like malleable clay until he's staring back at something far from what he used to be.
He tucks those memories to him a lot tighter then. Pushes down the little pit of too-soft sentimentality, guards it with the ferocity of a wild animal because it's just a matter of time before the wastelands beat that out of him too.
You, on the other hand, are a memory he doesn't expect. Unbidden, prompted by the most mundane of things. In a ramshackle, dilapidated excuse for one of those 'curio shops' that gathers whatever isn't broken to sell for caps.
It's a bundle of dried flowers that makes him think of you. Long gone is most of the color, but he stares at it, because he knows what they are. Most of them, stubborn knowledge you'd given to him a long, long time ago.
He doesn't remember what your laugh sounded like, and you didn't smell like lavender taffy, but he remembers you. A lot of you, so ingrained that it actually hurts. You were before this, before Janey, before Barbara.
He covets that memory, the feeling of your skin against his, so smooth and soft, honey sweet mouth on his with murmured affection. Wishes he'd married you instead of Barbara, sometimes. He'd thought that a lot towards the end of it all, and felt less and less guilty about it each time.
He has to wonder, too ㅡ what about you? Had you made it to a shelter? One of those goddamned vaults? Or had you been a casualty, there and gone so fast you hadn't registered what was happening? Or were you like himㅡ
(He thinks about that for a good long while, and it takes the shitty bite of alcohol to get that ache to lessen.)
Your memory is a sweeter ghost, one he invites, savoring the company of on rougher days, soothes himself with the comfort that he still remembers you. A justice, in a twisted sense, since he can't do much else but remember the good things these days.
(And when he stumbles across someone weeks later from when he first remembers you, and thinks maybe they look a little too much like you, he doesn't know what to do.)
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acewritesfics · 7 months
You Couldn't Wait That Long | JAY HALSTEAD
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Request: From Anon.  
Prompt: "Say that again." 
Warnings: Swearing. Established relationship.
Word Count: 924
©️ no one has permission to copy, translate and/or repost my works on here or anywhere else.
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"See you when you get back," Voight says over the phone before ending the call. Y/N places her phone back in her pocket as she makes her way back over to Jay. 
"Voight wants us back at the district," she says as they clamber into his RAM truck. She fastens her seatbelt before removing her frozen gloves and holds her hands in front of the heater that is blasting hot air into the vehicle. As she warms up, her shivering and chattering teeth ease off. "How can it be any colder in Chicago? It's already below freezing." 
"I told you we should have called in sick and stayed in bed all day," he recalls from their conversation as they lay in bed for an extra five minutes this morning, savoring each other's warmth. 
"I'm sure Voight would have appreciated being two detectives short," she says, reminding him of why they couldn't. As much she loved the idea of spending the day curled up in bed with Jay, keeping warm in more ways than one, she is aware that Voight and the others would never believe that she and Jay are both sick. 
"I was thinking that after shift, we order some food and crack open that bottle of wine your parents gave us," Jay suggests, smiling and tilting her head towards him. Before starting the drive back to District 21, he gently kisses her with his frosty lips. 
As she watches him driving, she quips, "What are we celebrating?" 
He responds, "Not having to go to work tomorrow and getting to spend the day in bed like we should have done today." 
She smiles, turning her head to stare out the window, "That is something worth celebrating." 
"I was thinking we could also talk about getting married," he says, prompting her head to jerk back to face him.  
"Say that again," Is all she's able to say as she looks at him with wide eyes and a shocked look on her face. This was the first time that marriage was spoken between the two detectives, who had been dating for just over a year. 
Y/N is convinced that Jay is the man she intends to settle down with, marry and have a family too. Jay has always been her person, even before they went on their first date. He wasn't just her work partner and boyfriend. He's her best friend and she couldn't imagine her life without him in it. 
"We should get married," he says being more up front about it as he quickly glances at her before looking back out at the road. 
"Right now?" she asks, unable to form any other words, still in shock. 
"If Voight didn't need us back right away, I would marry you right now," he admits. "But I was thinking, give us a few months to plan an actual wedding and we get married then." 
"You want to get married?" she asks, still processing his words. 
"To you?" he asks rhetorically. "Fuck, yeah." 
"Pull over!" she orders him, her voice coming out a little louder and more commanding than she anticipated. 
"Are you okay?" he asks glancing at her quickly again, this time with a concerned look on worried face. 
"Just pull over," she tells him, her voice much softer this time. 
He indicates and pulls to the side of the road, only having a second to put the truck in park before her lips are attached to his in a passionate kiss. He reaches a hand behind her head, tangling his fingers in her hair, as he kisses back just as passionately. 
Becoming breathless, they break the kiss but remain close, an inch barely between them as they look at each other lovingly. "If not right now, let's get married tomorrow." 
"You don't want to plan a wedding?" he asks, massaging the back of her head, where his hand is still tangled in her hair. 
"We can do that later," she says and bites the inside of her cheek waiting for his response.  
"You really want to do it tomorrow?" he asks, making sure it's what she wants to do. 
"Why wait?" she asks. "We both know this job is unpredictable, who knows what can happen in the next few months. But what I do know is that I want nothing more than to be your partner and your wife." 
"I'll give Will a call and see what he's doing tomorrow," he smiles and kisses her once more. "I love you." 
"I love you too," she replies kissing him back before moving back into her seat. Putting her seatbelt back on as he starts to drive again, she looks at him before asking, "So where's my ring?" 
"In my locker," he tells her, looking sheepish as he bites his bottom lip. 
"At work?" she asks surprised he had brought it with him. 
"At the gym," he teases with a chuckle before adding, "Yeah, at work." 
"Was this your plan all along? Propose to me while at work?"  
"I was going to do it tonight but then I saw you all wrapped up in five jackets, 6 beanies and three pairs of gloves and I just knew I couldn't wait until then," he continues, teasing her about how many layers she's wearing to keep warm on Chicago's coldest day of the year.  
"Maybe we should wait a year to get married," she teases back. 
"You couldn't wait that long," he smiles and takes her hand in his, placing a soft kiss to the back of it. 
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my-soupy-brain · 3 months
need Ted to remind me to eat :( forgot to eat before work the other day and almost fainted
Don't forget to eat, friend! I do it too. All the time. Ted wouldn't let that happen. Let's see how he'd handle this, shall we? Let's gooo!
Relationship: Ted Lasso x reader
Warnings: Health issue, all comfort
"Honey!" Ted shouted when you opened the front door to head out to work.
"Eat," Ted says, handing you a muffin and an apple. "Don't forget breakfast, most important meal of the day!"
You smile and let out a breath. "Thanks, sweetie. What would I do without you?"
A couple days go by and work gets....longer. You come home later than usual. You sleep later, too.
On a day when you have a later afternoon meeting, you swing by the club to see Ted. You've been on the go all morning so a long break is ice.
"Hi, sweetie," you knock on his doorframe and smile. Ted turns and smiles wide back.
"Hey honeybunch! This is a nice surprise... how's your..." He looks at your face and sees the bags under your eyes and a pale color on your face.
"Hey, you okay?" Ted asks. His adorable eyebrows are bunched in worry.
"Me? Yeah. I'm..." you start to answer, and suddenly the room feels wobbly. As you sway half an inch, Ted turns you and sits you in his chair.
"Did you eat today, sweetheart?" Ted asks. Your eyes think for a moment.
"I...I don't remember..."
Ted nods, pressing his lips together.
"Stay put."
He heads to the locker room and into a closet, pulling out a sports drink and a power bar.
"Honey, you've gotta eat. I know you're workin' later and sleeping later, but you gotta eat, sweetpea."
You nod as you take a bite of the protein bar. Then a sip of sports drink. Ted kneels next to you, rubbing your leg, your back.
Whatever would you do without him?
As you digest your food, you feel perkier. "Thanks, Ted. Thank you..."
Ted smiles and kisses the top of your head.
"Hey, sugar. You keep me grounded, I keep you fed." He chuckles at this. He doesn't remove you from his chair. He just sits on the desk while you eat and jots a note in his notebook.
The next morning, you are up after Ted. He has an early practice. He has a post-it on your nightstand.
"Muffins in the fridge - xoxo Ted"
You make your way to the kitchen, about to leave. The fridge has a note, too.
"Muffins in here, sugar."
You laugh and open the door, taking a fresh muffin out.
A note on the doorframe of the kitchen.
"Did you get a muffin, muffin?"
You smile and blush at his note.
A note on the front door.
"I love a damsel in distress, but not on an empty stomach. I love you."
You grin wider. An email pops in your inbox and you almost set your muffin down. But instead, you set your phone down and grab a stool at the kitchen island.
And enjoy your muffin.
The note he jotted down? A reminder to set post-its everywhere to remind you to grab a bite in the morning. He'll do it every day. Thanks for the prompt, friend!
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Why Is This So Surprising?
Adrian Chase/Vigilante x Reader
(With cameos from all of the 11th Street Kids)
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Adrian Chase Masterlist
Prompt: The team sees a softer side to Adrian when his partner gets upset.
Warnings: Descriptions of something similar to a panic attack or autistic meltdown
A/N: So funny story this has actually been in my drafts for almost year and I forgot about it because I broke my phone the week I wrote it and got a new phone, but I’m thinking of maybe ending my hiatus and coming back soon. In the meantime I have some old fics I never posted. College and my mental health got in the way and I never got to finish some old WIPs, but I think I might finally be ready to pick them back up again! Hope you enjoy! ❤️🧜‍♂️❤️
You felt your breath catch in your throat as your lungs expand and contract trying to get air in. You were trying to forget about the mission you had just been on and you were having little success. You were able to push down your emotions on the car ride back to the old video store and you were currently staring at the piano, avoiding eye contact, in an effort to block out what Harcourt was saying. If you didn’t hear the debriefing it couldn’t be real, right? If you didn’t hear how terrible the mission went, it just simply didn’t happen. Sadly that wasn’t true. You found it getting harder for you to breathe. You pushed yourself up from your chair, getting ready to walk upstairs to be by yourself for a minute when you’re stopped by Harcourt.
“Where do you think you’re going? I didn’t say you could leave. This is important.” She starts.
“I don’t need a recap of this. Thanks.” You say, continuing upstairs, your voice cracking.
“Hey, (L/N), we all did things we aren’t proud of today-“
“You didn’t do what I did!” You yell at her. Suddenly the room starts spinning. It all just feels too real. You can feel everything and it’s too much. You hear a clock ticking, water rushing through pipes, feet slapping on the pavement outside, the click click clicking of heels, the electricity in the lights, the lights that just won’t stop flickering. You back up into a wall and slide down it, tears blocking your vision. You let a sob come out.
“What are we supposed to do?” Chris asks quietly, standing up and walking closer.
“I don’t fucking know! I’ve never seen them like this!” Harcourt whisper yells. Adebayo stands up and walks over to you, the rest of the team crowding around. They’re making it harder to breathe until you start hyperventilating.
“What can we do for you?” She asks.
“You guys can move the fuck over. Give them some space.” Adrian says, pushing his way through the crowd. “Somebody go get them some water.” He commands and John leaves the room to grab you a glass. “Are you pro touch or anti touch right now?” He asks, but you feel like you’re underwater. You feel like speaking is like moving through quicksand and you just can’t manage it. Adrian slowly puts his hand out towards you, like a wounded animal. He tries to take your hand in his and at first a little jumpy, you let him. He puts your hand over his chest and takes deep exaggerated breaths. “Follow my breathing, okay? In and out.” He instructs you and you breathe together. “You’re doing such a good job.” He praises. When your breathing becomes somewhat regulated Adrian moves so he’s sitting against the wall and you’re leaning against his chest. He’s giving you the pressure you so desperately need, as he sways with you. He brings you back to this planet. Slowly, gravity starts to feel normal again. Now that you can breathe a steady stream of tears starts to flow. He wipes them occasionally as you lay with your ear to his chest, listening to his heartbeat drown out the other noises that were too loud. “It wasn’t your fault. You did your best. You’re okay. Everything is okay.” He reminds you. John hands him the glass of water. “Here, (Y/N), drink this. You need to stay hydrated.” Adrian reminds you, as you take the glass of water. It feels cool against your throat which had previously felt like fire. “Thank you.” Adrian says to John.
“You’re welcome.” John responds. The rest of the team just stares. They’ve been staring the whole time. You don’t even notice the stares and neither does Adrian. Your minds are on more important matters. You completely forget they’re there until they start to speak up.
“How did you know what to do?” Harcourt asks.
“What do you mean?” Adrian answers her question with another question.
“Well we didn’t even know what to do and you say you don’t have emotions.” John comments.
“I say I don’t have emotions like other people. That doesn’t mean I don’t have emotions. I just have them differently.” He clarifies.
“Well you clearly don’t know what to do when I’m crying.” Chris starts. He then clears his throat. “I mean if I had cried you wouldn’t know what to do. Because I never cry! Crying is for babies!” He adds. Adebayo gives him a look and Harcourt slaps him on the arm.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?!” Harcourt whisper yells. You don’t take offense to his comment. You know he has masculinity issues.
“First of all crying is healthy. It’s a fundamental part of human nature. Second of all they’re my partner. We’ve slept in the same bed for over a year. I’d think I’d know how to take care of them. Why is this so surprising?” Adrian roles his eyes at the others while they shrug. Everyone has something to say, but they just decide to keep their mouths shut. As the tears start to slow, you shift in his arms, getting more comfortable. You don’t realize how tired you are until your eyes start to get heavy after you’ve made it to a comfortable position. You look up at him with pleading eyes.
“Can we go home now?” You ask.
“Of course, Babe.” He says, planting a kiss on the top of your head. Adrian moves you off of his lap, stands, and reaches out a hand for you to lift yourself up with. The others wish you well as you collect your things to go home.
“(Y/N), you don’t have to come in tomorrow. Get some rest…and Chase…I’m sorry we underestimated you.” Harcourt tells the both of you. You can’t see your boyfriend’s goofy smile in the dark of the night outside the video store, but you can hear it in his voice as he thanks Harcourt and bids his goodbye. When you get home Adrian puts you in his softest t-shirt and you climb into bed. He pulls you to lay on him and you don’t object. You enjoy the feeling of his chest rising and falling and the sound of his heartbeat. You like that you can hear it better now that his suit is off. It’s comforting. He’s comforting.
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 2 months
04/14/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Cast & Crew Sightings; Ruibo, Samba, Vico; Watch Party Reminders; Fan Spotlight; Cast Cards; Our Flag Means Fanfiction; s1 script; Teal Oranges & Garlic Soup Week; Love Notes; Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika.
= Ruibo Qian =
Our Pirate Queen once again asks us to think some important questions of ourselves.
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= Samba Cameo =
Some of our crewmates got another Cameo from Samba! This one was requested by The Bardflies! It's fantastic and full of Shakespeare!
Thank you so much The Bardflies for sharing this cameo! Source: Cameo
= Vico Ortiz =
Vico apparently has made some more changes to their Patreon and have updated their IG to let everyone know! Here's a link! Vico's patreon
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== Watch Party Reminders! ==
== Flight Of the Conchords ==
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Today we're on Season 1 Ep 11 and 12. Join @saveofmdcrewmates, and @iamadequate1 this week for Flight of the Conchords watch parties! You can watch each day at 4pm PT, 7 pm ET, 11pm BST! If you don't have access, feel free to join us on the #RhysDarbyFaction Discord server, you can hit me up for an invite.
== Fan Spotlight ==
== S1 Script Pics ==
Some of you may have noticed one of our crewmates posted several pictures of some of the original S1 script. Some juicy stuff in there if you're interested! Visit @amefuyuu's tumblr below :)
== Our Flag Means Fanfiction ==
Our crewmates over at Our Flag Means Fanfiction are giving away two Samba Cameo's! You can Enter by Following the IG Account. liking the post, and adding a comment tagging a friend who would appreciate a Cameo from Samba!
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= Cast Cards =
I 100% did not realize that was Pete Gardner! That's awesome! Tonight is the Dutch Captain Cast Card by our darling @melvisik!
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== Teal Oranges & Garlic Soup Week ==
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FYI! Prompt release will happen on April 16th instead of 15th in consideration of Global Strike for Palestine Monday April 15th.
== Love Notes ==
Hey lovelies. I know it's been a crazy week or so... tax time, all the random sightings of Chaos Dad, WBD being a POS. I know a lot of you are hurting pretty bad right now, and not sure where to vent your frustrations.
Just remember that it's okay to step away, and it's okay to not engage with things you don't feel like you can stomach. It doesn't mean you're not allowed in that space, and it doesn't make you a bad person. You are allowed to shine as bright as you are, but you can also choose which places get to bask in that light. You are allowed to take up space. You are allowed to shine. You are allowed to find the places that your sunshine helps others to grow and vice versa.
We aren't all going to get along all the time, as much as I'd love the world to be in that kind of space to allow for it. We've all been hurt, and we've all been through things in this life that have made us no longer trust people and places. I hope that one day, along with this awesome crew we can make a better space for everyone, and even if not all of us can get along all the time, that all of us find our ways to people who we feel safe with.
Remember that you are so kind, and you are so worthy. Some days it doesn't feel like it. Some days others try to take that from you. But that's what you are. You are worthy of love, and safety, and you are so very beautiful. Remember the kindness in your heart, and try not to let folks snuff it out. I know it's there, and I believe in you.
I really hope you all get some rest tonight lovelies, or soon, you deserve a break. The world can be very hard, but you are the soft, bright ball of love it needs, don't forget that.
It's gonna be okay.
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Tonight's theme: Arms
Darby Gif courtesy of @fandomsmeantheworldtome
Taika Gif Courtesy of @mulder-isms
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wosowrites · 1 year
Tattoo Tour (Ona Batlle x Reader )
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Warnings: none! pure fluff
A/N: I had to invent some meanings to Ona’s tattoos bcs obviously i don’t know what they all actually mean. UPDATE: this fic rly flopped oops
Prompt: reader and ona play for man united and are doing a tattoo tour video for manchester uniteds youtube chanel.
"You guys ready?" The media manager asks, looking between you and Ona. "Yeah, let’s do it!" Ona answered, her spanish accent making your heart melt for her. You two had been together for over a year and a half now, but every day, your love for her grew even more.
"Okay, 3,2,1, rolling!" The woman behind the camera said. "Hey red devils! I’m y/n y/l/n…" you start saying, "and I am Ona Batlle…" Ona finished, "and today we are doing a tattoo tour. We both have a lot of tattoos. I think i have 9 and Ona has… 8?" you say, turning to Ona. "Sí, eight." "Right, so we’ll be showing them off to you guys, and explaining what they mean. So… let’s do it!" you finished the introduction and the camera woman cut the video taping. "Which tattoos do we show first?" Ona asks, turning to you. "Uhmm… I think i’ll start with my arms. I have three on my left and two on my right." You told her. "Okay, i’ll do my back first." Ona said. "But we should show our matching tattoo at the same time." She then added. "Yeah, of course."
Ona started unzipping her training jacket, leaving her in her sports bra. Ona had always been very comfortable with her body, often posting more revealing pictures on instagram, you were always the one behind the camera. So, you follow suite, unzipping your training top, revealing a red, manchester united muscle tank so that you could easily show your arms. "Giving the fans a show, eh?" Ona whispered lovingly into your ear. "Aren’t you to one with your abs out?" You answered, looking down at the shorter girl. "Yeah, but you have guns." Ona said, poking your bicep.
Little did they know, the camera had started rolling already. "Guys, we’re rolling." The camera woman said, laughter in her voice. "Oops… sorry." Ona said, blushing. "Okay! Ona is going to start, she’s going to show us the three tattoos on her back, while i’ll show you the ones on my arm. Then we’ll move on. Good?" You said, turning to your girlfriend at the last part. "Muy bien." She answered. "You start." You told her.
Ona turned around and started talking about her tattoos. "I got the lion when I was 22, a few months after I met y/n actually. I think it’s kind of a reminder to stay fearless, while still being kind and caring. Lions are known to be protective animals and y/n always calls me protective even though she’s 10 times more protective than I am." Ona says, laughing as you roll your eyes. "When your girlfriend is teeny and gets thrown all over the place on the pitch, you get pretty protective." You simply answer. "Ha, ha." Ona says.
A camera man comes up to the duo to get a close up of the artistic lion on Ona’s back. "Then I have this sentence right here." Ona said as you traced your finger under the sentence. "It’s in spanish but it translates to 'love should be a two sided coin' and it’s something my abuela always used to tell me. She’s never cared that I like girls, as long as the one I love loves me just as much." Ona explained.
Once again, the camera zoomed in on the sentence. "Okay it’s a short video so show yours y/n/n!" Ona said, giving you her full attention.
Despite your strong build, you were known in the world of women’s football as a pretty shy person, so every time Ona’s eyes met yours, your blush would give you away. It was something you and your best friend, Jessie Fleming, shared. "Okay. Sure." You said, turning to the main camera. "First things first. Almost all my tattoos have stories behind them, so bare with me. Speaking of, my first tattoo is a bears head." You say, turning your left bicep towards the camera and pointing to the tattoo that was about the size of your fist. "This was actually my first tattoo, which is kind of weird because usually people opt for a smaller one as their first. But I kind of just went straight for it. My teammates at UCLA used to call me bear, which is weird when you don’t know the backstory. Bears are used in two common expressions. Soft like a teddy bear, and strong like a bear. And they always used to say that those sentences both described me." You say, a camera coming and filming the tattoo up close.
You don’t notice Ona smiling at you, her eyes almost twinkling. "Then on my forearm-" you say, turning your arm to show words. "-I have the words rationed trust. That’s kind of simple honestly, never trust just one person. Then, on the back of my hand I have butterflies. Butterflies are my favorite animal. I’ve had butterflies land on me during football games like… three times. They’re just really special to me." You say, smiling at the two butterflies. "I’m gonna hurry this up a bit to get back to Oni but on my other arm I have two tattoos. One of which i’ll let Ona explain. but on the back of my arm I have a bike. Which is matching with Jessie Fleming, who’s one of my best friends in the entire world. We got them after our first year of university because we would bike everywhere, all the time and it became one of our favorite activities." You finished explaining, smiling at the camera.
You looked at Ona, staring at her as though she was the most mesmerizing person in the universe. Which, to you, she was. "A lot of people have caught on to this but we’ve never actually confirmed it. We both have a tattoo in the crook of our arm that says lover. We’re pretty big Taylor Swift fans and well, yeah." Ona says. "Plus this one here is really corny. She always says how people would tell her not to get matching tattoos with partners because what if you break up. And she always says 'the pain of getting the tattoo removed would be nothing compared to the pain of loosing Ona. So I don’t care.' " Ona quotes you. "Hey! Now everyone’s gonna think you have me wrapped around your pinky." You pout at her. "Oh but I do." Ona joked, all thought she wasn’t really joking.
Ona then explained a couple more of her tattoos, and you pointed out the whale on your rib cage, the human heart on your upper left back, the olympic rings on your hip bone, and the daisy, rose, and orchid bouquet behind your ear.
Finally, the video wrapped up, and you and Ona were free to go home.
"Oh my god guys you need to see this." Alessia Russo said, rushing towards you and Ona. Ella was right beside her, smirking. Alessia was on tik tok and pressed play on a video. It seemed to be a fan page for you and ona. the username was onaxy/n and in the caption it said 'I will never ever get over how y/n looks at Ona.'
The song playing was MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT by Elley Duhé, and at the beat drop, clips from the tattoo tour video were played, edited in sync with the audio. Clips of you looking at Ona with so much love in your eyes, the clip of you tracing Ona’s tattoo with your index, clips of you smiling down at her like she was the only person in the world.
"People are obsessed with you two." Ella said as the edit ended. "Is that how you look at me?" Ona said, smiling at you. "I don’t know! I didn’t notice I was doing that." You answered, your cheeks burning. "It is. All the time." Lessi answered, smiling cheekily. "Ha! You looove meeee!" Ona said, teasing her girlfriend. "Don’t get cocky Ona, you look at her like that too." Ella said, giggling and rushing off with Alesia. "You were saying?" You said, smirking at your girlfriend. "Te amo, bebé," Ona said, kissing you sweetly.
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sterekmylove · 4 months
Red Fabric {Young Sterek}
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Your prompt: Person B lends their sweater to Person A. When Person A is home, they realize they still have Person B's sweater and find Person B's iPod. Out of curiosity, Person A looks through Person B's music and finds a playlist titled with Person A's name.
P: Derek Hale & Stiles Stilinski
Age: 18 & 19
A/N: I forgot to post it here.
“Dude… just take the damn sweater! Stop being stubborn” Stiles groans as he tried to shove his sweater into Derek's hands, the sick omega
Refusing his friend's request. They've been repeating this little argument since Derek first walked into History, taking a seat next to Stiles and dropping his head onto the table ignoring Mr. Harris words to pick up his head, and that it wasn't nap time. Derek hadn't picked up his head, instead, he made a sound that nearly sounded like a growl. The sound even caught Scott's attention, looking away from Allison to look toward the Omega who sat one row ahead. Stiles kept his eyes down on his notations scribbling away— adding in extra for Derek later. He kept his voice low so Mr. Harris didn't try to give him detention for the simple fact that he spoke.
“Are you okay?” the lanky teenager asked in a low voice. Derek had hummed in response. Not good enough.
“Der” Stiles tried again.
Derek let out a raspy breath shifting his head against the desk to peak towards Stiles, the brunette doing the same— side-eyeing the werewolf. The omega looked like hell, his tan skin was paler— Stiles couldn't even blame that on the season— the cool air in the room being a reminder of the freezing cold outside that is known as winter.
“ ‘mm fine” he mumbles in response.
Stiles snorts, keeping his eyes on the paper. Bullshit.
“Something funny Mr. Stilinski?” Mr. Harris questions
Stiles glanced up at the teacher with a pen in his mouth— when did he get it there? Stiles glances around the room to see everyone looking at him— facing his attention back on the teacher.
“Uh—” the pen drops from his mouth, making a sound against the table— he looks down then back up real quick to do a one-over when his brain comes to a halt.
“Um… no?”
“Then why did you snort?”
“Cause I farted— what else?” He asked his expression mocking a duh look mixed with ‘are you stupid?’ Look.
Derek made a low strangled sound. Scott covered his mouth while ducking his head. Stiles twisted in his seat to turn and look at Allison who was sitting with Scott and behind Stiles.
“Forgive me Ms. Argent for passing gas, is that nose okay?” Stiles asks dramatically.
Allison pressed her lips together trying her best to hide her smile as she just nodded at Stiles. Stiles smiles brightly, turning back to the teacher. Mr. Harris stares at Stiles then sighs— deciding not to argue with the lanky boy today.
For once.
Now, back to what’s wrong with the sourwolf.
Stiles found out in second period Art what was wrong with his friend.
“Sick? you’re sick. How the—.”
“Breathe Bambi,” Derek declared as his hand moved in strokes on the canvas.
Stiles takes a second or two to breathe and then speak.
“I thought werewolves couldn't get sick?”
“Bitten one can't, born can. We're still Humans Stiles, just grow extra hair on a full moon” Derek spoke in a low tone.
Was— did he— did Derek unintentionally make a joke to Stiles on the last part? nevermind that he'll go back to that later.
“But how— dude are you—”
“Stiles what are you—” The back of Stiles's hand touches the omega's cheek, Derek's droopy eyes widening a bit at the contact of Stiles's cool skin against his face. Before the sick wolf can even consider leaning into the touch of Stiles' warmth— which he will blame on his sickness— Stiles pulls away.
“Dude— you're cold, you, Derek Hale who is usually built like a real-life heater are cold!” Stiles stresses out, Derek didn't need to look at the lanky teen to see what type of face he was making.
“Take my—”
“My sweater is better!”
“No, I'm already wearing my leather jacket” Derek declines, pushing down the feeling of accepting the human request— the excuse of Derek wearing his close friend's sweater and smelling his scent for the rest of the day was tempting– but he wasn't going to. He was sick, those little ticks were all a part of his cold.
The want to lean into the cool touch, the want to accept the sweater, the want to be even closer to Stiles and bury his face deep into his friend's neck and take in his scent till his mind is dizzy with the smell of Stiles.
Roasted hazelnuts with the lingering smell of black coffee and medication—Adderall.
“And clearly it's not keeping you warm enough if you caught a cold Derek”
Which leads to now— they were in third-period gym playing dodgeball, Derek weak on his feet— stubborn and very human Stiles still arguing with the Hale boy over his sweater as balls were being thrown at them.
“Come on—“
Stiles dodges barely fast enough from the flying ball that hit the wall hard, Derek glares at the culprit that threw the ball— Tyler Johnson.
“Johnson!” He barks picking up one of the red balls that landed by his feet throwing it towards the brunette hitting him in the stomach making the other teen wheeze sinking to his feet, Stiles winches at the site.
“Derek—.” Derek grabs Stiles by the front of his shirt yanking him towards himself— making the lanky human not get hit by a ball.
“Stiles focus—.”
“Take my sweater and I will!”
“Stiles it’s cold outside-.”
“I’ll wear your leather jacket— just take the damn sweater you stubborn—.”
A ball gently hits Stiles in the head, the pale teen blinks a couple of times. Staring— staring at Derek who had pulled him close to him with a ball in his hand and with enough force hit him in the forehead with it. Stiles looked at the omega as if he committed a crime, his mouth opening and closing— Derek catching a ball before it hit him in the face.
“Did you—“
Derek gives him the famous Hale smirk.
“Got to sit down Stilinski”
Stiles gasp, then looked over to Scott who just shrugged his shoulders.
“You little…”
Was that even allowed!?.
“I look stupid” Derek mumbled as he tugged at the red fabric that hugged his body, Stiles' sweater was loose but also fitted tight around the werewolf’s sick frame. He wore the cuffs of the sleeves over his palms looking down as the two walked down the hall— Stiles fixing Derek’s leather jacket around his body, patting the pockets filling his curiosity that can sometimes be dangerous.
“You look nice in red sourwolf I don’t see the reason to complain” Stiles says in a tone that can let anyone know he’s not paying attention to his words.
“That’s not— not that pocket Stiles”
Stiles stops his hand barely above the chest pocket looking at Derek while they walked down the hallway as the last bell rang.
“What’s in it?”
“Just don’t touch it”
Stiles nods moving his hand away shoving them in the pockets walking in silence.
Tags: @cowandcalf
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Who's That Girl? Masterlist
George Russell x Wolff!oc
short, but an intro to george and ada based on GR63's most recent post 🫶
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georgerussell63 back to my roots
"He's really good with Jack."
"Susie," I can't help but scold, looking to my step-mother, and seeing her mischievous expression. "Please don't start on that again. You'll give Pop a heart attack."
"I don't think that's the case," She denies, using her arm to pull me into her side. "And if it was, I could handle him."
Since the beginning of Susie and Pop's relationship, it's always been the same way. Yes, they mutual respect one another, but Pops worships the ground that Susie walks on.
"Ada, I can see the way he looks at you, even Lewis has mentioned it to your father and I."
Moments like these, I wish Lewis Hamilton would stop being what she and my father refer to as my "adoptive brother".
They've never done that with George.
"He looks at you the way I look at Susie," Pops voice chimes, coming up behind us both and draping us in a hug, kissing the tops of both of our heads. "If I didn't recognize the look so well, I would have terminated his contract the minute I thought he had feelings for you, Ades."
"Pops, stop. You're just being over protective. It's why you think you think he has feelings for me," the denial slips out, the only second thought I can process being memories of new years eve.
Because there's not a single world in which George Russell has feelings for me.
"Ada! Ada! Did you see how fast I was going!" Jack's voice breaks our conversation, his little body colliding with my legs.
"I did bubs, you were like Lew and George, so speedy," I assure, kneeling to pull him into a hug, catching sight of the brit following in my brothers path. He has helmet hair, but he's as charming as ever as he pats my father on the shoulder, handing the man Jack's helmet.
"He was fast, beat me on a lot of corners," George praises, bringing the biggest smile to Jack's face.
"I'm so proud of you," I can't help but remind, kissing the top of his head before finally pulling away, letting Pops pull him up onto his hip.
"What do we say to George for taking his time to join us today?" Pops prompts, Jack suddenly turning shy.
"It's okay Jacky, he's just George," I coo, rubbing his back.
"Thank you, George," He manages, voice soft. He's so much louder on the track. He must get it from Pops.
"Absolutely any time, kid. You gave me a run for my money," George smiles, fist bumping Jack who giggles.
"Who's up for a quick stop at the house for a change of clothes and a bit of dinner?" Susie suggests, giving me a look that suggests she is scheming once again. "You're more than welcome to join us, George."
This woman.
Said driver looks to me, a small smile on his face that I can't help but smile back at.
Maintaining eye contact with me, he nods, giving my step mother and answer.
"I would love to."
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real_adawolff forever grateful to be this boys big sister
on another note, i don't think george knew what he was getting into by hanging out with the wolff's for a day
alexalbon how many drinks is that georgerussell63 ?
landonorris probably trying to get some courage
real_adawolff we're not that bad!
lewishamilton no one said that was the reason he needed courage, kid
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ros3ybabe · 8 months
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Daily Check in - October 18th, 2023 🎀
Hello my lovelies <3
Here's a little update for today!! It feels nice to be posting again!
🩷 What I Ate Today -
Breakfast - southern style hashbrowns with ketchup, a cup of coffee
Pre Workout snack - one medium banana and a 3/4oz single serve cup of jiffy peanut butter, 1/4 scoop of preworkout (in water ofc)
Lunch - 1 large bowl of protein pasta w 2 slices of buttered bread, a coffee
Dinner - 1 bowl of spicy ramen with a small handful on shredded cheese
Snack - 1 bowl of mint chip ice cream
Extra - 3 cups of coffee TOTAL
Feels like a lot and I did go over my eating goal for the day but it is what it is, I had an emotionally rough day filled with a lot of crying, a therapy appointment, and a lot of calming down from my boyfriend over video call. Rough days happen, and I tend to let myself just feel the emotions in order to sleep easy and have a better next day!
🩷 Personal Accomplishments -
Made it to the gym, attempted a glute workout (left early due to frustration, lack of proerpr form, and to minimize risk of injury)
Wrote down everything I ate and my workouts in my new fitness and health journal
Did both morning and night skincare routines
journaled a little bit
brushed teeth
did a large load of laundry and put away all clean clothes
washed dishes
had a therapy appointment
cleaned up parts of room, put away new stuff
There were no academic accomplishments bit I am going to complete a good amount of homework before my cooking shift (for my cooking class) tomorrow. I've been trying to take it easy in a way that doesn't set me behind in my academics.
I broke down crying today with my boyfriend. I realized I've been feeling like such an imposter lately. Like I don't deserve all the good and all the accomplishments I've achieved. Like this life I'm living isn't real or this is the calm before some storm. I just feel so undeserving of everything. I feel inadequate, like I'm not good enough for a lot of thing. I feel like I'm perceived as this good daughter, good friend, good girlfriend, good employee, good student, good person but that it's not actually true? Though my boyfriend and my father have both reassured me that it is true and I am doing good. They've reminded me that I just need patience, discipline, and consistency in my habits and that everything is going to be and already is okay. I'm lucky to have such a loving boyfriend and such an awesome dad, too. The men in my life are the people I look up to most <3
🩷 Personal ToDos, Oct 19th -
morning + night skincare
morning cardio workout at the gym
read a chapter or two of a self help book
shower + brush teeth AM/PM
wash comforter + air dry
morning and night guided journal
morning stretching
Daily journal prompt
zoom call with boyfriend
sleep 6 to 8 hours
track all food and fitness in journal
complete 1 duolingo lesson
complete 1 busuu leson
complete 1 kanji review lesson
🩷 Academic ToDos, Oct 19th -
pre lab 8 quiz anatomy lab
lab 7 lab report anatomy lab
component 2 psyc class
nutrition chart: toddler nutrition class
quiz 10 psyc class
culinary nutrition ch 10 quiz
chapter 12 and 13 quiz nutrition class
My goal is to complete all of that between the time I wake up at 5am and 2pm with my morning routine, workout, meals, and getting ready for my cooking thing all in between. But I can do it, I'm not worried. I'll have the time to do it all! I just need to manage my time and not be on my phone as much.
I'm trying to get back into listening to podcasts and watching more producitve and healthy vlogs from youtubers I enjoy! I'm currently watching vlogs and content from Rebecca Jay, Michaela Bento, The Bliss Bean, LenaLifts, truly.jia, Study to Success, Lindie Botes (her earlier language videos), and Mikalya Mags. My favorite podcast is The 5AM Miracle: Healthy Productivity for High Acheivers by Jeff Sanders.
If you have any health, lifestyle, fitness, or productivity youtubers or podcast recommendations please comment them or inbox me so I can check them out!! I am always looking for new content to enjoy!!!
til next time lovelies 🩷
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
Gestures of love
*A/n~ a fluffy self indulgent fic that I am mainly writing or myself. I'm so sorry I haven't posted yesterday I've been going through some personal stuff. Which is actually what prompted this fic*
Prompt} touch starved reader isn't use to receiving the love and attention her body craves without their being a hidden agenda or used as a punishment.
Your past was something you tried to forget about. Your home is Nevermore. Your family? Nevermore. Friends? Students and staff in Nevermore. Your home town? Jericho. Now as much as you craved the facts just stated to be true you had to live with the fact it wasn't. This place and these people may not be blood but a chosen family doesn't require sharing blood. Teaching outcast history was one of the few things that brought you an unmatched joy. Ironic really, you spent all your life running from your past only for your comfort to be learning of others pasts.
Despite your reserved nature, you excelled at your job. Students love you, staff would admire your work and the principle made it clear that your work is nothing short than extraordinary. That doesn't mean that you didn't struggle. You did. Struggling in silence due to your reserved nature. Which is what lead you here. In your room, breaking down.
Today being a particularly hard day for you, all you could do is isolate yourself and work through the emotional turmoil. Conflicting feelings battling for dominance over your already exhausted body. Tears racing down your cheeks with no end in sight. Your eyes stinging as you continued to just feel it all. All the overwhelming pain of the past. You know it won't get better till you allow yourself to feel it. In the safety of your quarters you just basked in the negative emotions waiting them out. It was only a knock at the door they grabbed your attention.
You brought your hands up to wipe the tears away. Pointless really as they continued to fall instantly. In half a mind to tell the other person to leave, we'll that all died on your tongue as you saw her. The one and only amazingly talk principal. Her eyes scanning the room in an attempt to work out what was causing you emotions. Unable to find anything of use she stepped into the room shutting the door.
"Y/n? Are you quite alright?" She murmured keeping eye contact with you watching carefully for any drastic changes.
"Hmm just okay" you hummed out not really registering that she didn't believe you. Tears still streaming silently down your cheeks as your gaze was fixated on the glowing of the fire. The orange glow reflecting beautifully on your normally pale skin.
It was then that you felt a pair of strong arms snake around your waist. Stiffening at the contact instantly. Your body reacting as if the taller women was a threat. Your breath hitched in your throat getting stuck there. The room starting to spin, you kept trying to remind yourself you're safe. No one would hurt you now. Nevermore was home. And Larissa was not any danger to you. Your attempts clearly not doing any good the older women withdrew herself from you almost instantly afraid she'd overstepped. Apologises flying from her lips, she moved to stand in front of you rather than behind you. "Y/n? Can you try to breathe? You need to breathe for me."
The words coming out muffled sounds like you were being held under water. Only being human it was natural the panic spiked when you were failing to calm your breathing. Larissa's voice guiding you out of the fog like a lighthouse. You eventually pulled yourself out of your own head.
"I uh what was that?" You whimpered feeling disgusted at the weakness seeping through your words.
"Um a hug?" She mumbled back the conversation evident in her voice. Before she stumbled into a stream of apologies for causing such a reaction.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you I'm sorry y/n are you okay? I'm sorry."
Wrapping your arms tightly around yourself you can't help but long for her arms again. Eyes flicking up to her arms and back down to the ground once more you whisper ever so quietly "I uh again?"
"Again? Darling I don't want to upset you..." she trailed off unsure if she was going to invoke another bad reaction. All she received was a small shy nod causing her to slowly wrap her arms back around your waist this time pulling you into her chest.
The endorphins released was something you'd never really experienced before. Still tense you and Larissa just stood basking in the glow of the fire. Finally when your shoulders loosened and a happy sigh left your lips, only then did Larissa tighten her hold on you. She almost missed it when you whispered a confession into her chest. The beating of her heart lulling you into feelings of contentment and safety. "No one's ever done this to me before"
"Ever?" A frown gracing her lips. You deserve all the hugs in the world and it hurt her heart that you didn't receive them. "Darling I'm so sorry" she mumbled.
"Larissa, I think I um forgot what this could be like. This is helping. Can we uh um stay like this longer? If that's okay?" You whimpered out fearing the rejection or even worse being pushed from her arms and left never to experience this again.
A gentle kiss to your head and the hold around you tightening ever so slightly. "As long as you need it darling." She assured you. You could tell how sincere she was with her words.
In fact it was that the spurred you on in your emotional state to explain further. "My family aren't touchy feeley people and uh I please don't let go." A few more kisses dropped to your head as her slender fingers stroked at your waist before bringing a hand up to tangle them in your hair. The soft scratching at your skull and the steady beating of a hear below your ear soothing your troubled mind and broken heart. You may not have experienced this kind of touch before but this ? You could get use to this. In fact you may even crave it.
Word count ~ 1066
*A/n~ not sure what I feel on this. But reader being touch starved is something I relate to and I was hugged for the first time since experiencing a traumatic event in 3 years a few months ago. I’m now losing that person in my life which is devastating. Touch is extremely powerful and shouldn't be Wielded as a weapon to hurt anyone. I was exhausted from all the feelings yesterday and today I'm in my own headspace so this may not be my best work*
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baronessblixen · 7 months
Hi! Big fan here😊! If you're still taking prompts: Mulder being obviously jealous with Scully and Sheriff Hartwell in Bad Blood, thank you!😊
Thank you, sweet anon! Here it is. A post-ep for "Bad Blood" obviously. A jealous Mulder, an attempt at humor and the hint of angst may be found here. (wc: 1,349)
Tagging @today-in-fic @xffictober2023
Fictober Day 30: Feelings You Can't Hide
Buck teeth.
He can’t believe Scully is into overbites when- no, he’s not going down that road again. The same thing happened last year when Ed Jerse showed up. Not that Mulder ever met the guy, but he’s seen pictures. What a funny twist of fate that Sheriff Buck Teeth and Mr. Tattoo look like they could be related. His Scully has a type. And Mulder is not jealous. At all.
He reminds himself of that fact every two seconds, lest he forget to smile and not make another biting remark. Whatever his feelings are, Scully deserves more. That’s the reason why he pushed her towards the Sheriff in the first place. A mistake he now very much regrets. He should have known. He of all people, who’s been seduced by his own vampire before. Whatever happened – and either Scully doesn’t remember or doesn’t want to tell him – she’s still wearing the sheriff’s coat.
And he’s still not jealous at all. Not even an iota. Well, maybe a bit. A fraction. He glances over at Scully, almost disappearing into the coat, her hands in the pockets. His blood coils. It’s anger, he justifies. That guy could have done god knows what to Scully. The hospital cleared them both. There was nothing wrong with them.
Mulder winced internally when rape kits were prepared, bu they haven't been touched in any way. There’s not a scratch on either of them. Scully’s theory is that they were drugged so that Sheriff Hartwell and the others could disappear. He thinks she’s right, but so far all he’s done is nod along.
“Are you gonna keep wearing that thing?” He doesn’t mean for it to come out as harsh as it does. Scully musters him, obviously trying to understand what’s wrong with him.
“No, of course not,” she says. “It’s just warm and it’s cool in here.”
“You can have my coat,” he says, taking it off.
“Mulder, you’re gonna be cold.” Except he feels warm. Hot, even. Boiling almost. “Take it,” he says, sounding like an asshole. He hears it, and judging by Scully’s puzzled expression, she does, too. Still, she takes his coat, slipping out of the other one. Mulder can breathe more easily.
Scully giggles when she holds up the sleeves, her hands barely peeking out. The sound opens something in Mulder. He watches her out of the corner of his eye, her sight causing a pandemonium of emotions inside him.
He can no longer deny it; he is jealous. Whether it’s a vampiric sheriff, a psychopathic asshole, or a seemingly normal-looking doctor in a hospital. Scully deserves to find a nice man – emphasis on nice, and not blood-sucking or murderous – and here he is, trying his best to prevent that from happening. Because what if she does? What if the next guy they run into is exactly what she’s looking for? Sweet and kind – someone Bill Jr. will be friends with. Someone who’ll whisk her away on weekend trips where the scariest situation will involve preventing a sunburn.
“Mulder, I asked if you were ready to go home.” Scully is squeezing his arm, her eyes narrow with concern.
“Am I ready?” he asks. He's not ready at all to do this. To consider the possibility that one day - and maybe soon - she could be gone. Because of some guy who can give her everything Mulder can't.
“Are you sure you’re okay? Did they check your head?” She runs her fingers through his hair and he doesn’t have the heart to tell her that they did check him for head trauma and that her way of checking is more of a caress than anything else.
“My head is fine,” he says finally.
“It better be because I’m not facing Skinner alone.” He gives her a look that he hopes is reassuring.
He hasn’t stopped thinking about it. About his revelation. That’s why when they talk to Skinner, he’s only half listening, reiterating everything Scully says.
“This is your story,” Skinner says, glancing at both of them across from him. They share a quick look before they nod.
“That is essentially… exactly the way it happened,” Scully says slowly.
“Except for the part about the buck teeth.” The room falls quiet. He knows he shouldn’t have said it, but he hasn’t slept well these past few nights. Last night, he dreamed about a hat with big white teeth following him around, trying to bite him. Skinner sighs, rubbing his eyes, and for once Mulder gets it. Scully’s eyes are on him and he feels them burn into the side of his face. This isn’t over for him, no matter what Skinner is about to say.
“You’re dismissed,” their boss says, directing his attention elsewhere; a clear sign that they should leave. Mulder stumbles over his own feet in an attempt to get out of the office. Scully, however, is at his heels. How she can keep up with him might be the greatest conundrum of them all.
“What was that?” she hisses once they’re in the elevator, on the way down to their office.
“What was what?”
“Why do you keep insisting that he had buck teeth?”
“Why are you always attracted to idiots?” Another thing he knows he shouldn’t have said. “I’m sorry, I-… I haven’t been sleeping well.” It’s a flimsy excuse and the fire in Scully’s eyes doesn’t dissipate.
“You’re one to talk, Mulder. This was unprofessional. In front of Skinner. It’s bad enough when you made fun of it before but in front of our boss? What were you thinking?”
“I wasn’t thinking.”
“I’ll say. Why are you so obsessed with what he looked like?” He owes her this. But first, he’s saved by the bell. The elevator door opens and Scully steps out first. He follows the click of her heels until they’re in their office where she leans against the desk, her arms folded in front of her.
“I’m waiting,” she says, her eyebrows raised.
“I was just surprised,” he explains. “That you’d be interested in someone like… that.”
“Like what, Mulder?”
“He wasn’t the brightest bulb, Scully. You must have seen that. I thought you’d be more, um- I thought maybe you’d go for someone who’s more…”
“More what?” she asks.
“Someone who’s intellectually on your level.”
“Like you?”
“I didn’t say that,” he replies too quickly and he sees the corner of Scully’s mouth twitch.
“I may have thought that Sheriff Hartwell was nice enough looking,” she says, sounding almost bored. “I wasn’t planning a life with him. And you just- should I remind you of Detective White?”
“Oh, come on. Or Bambi.”
“Bambi was a scientist,” Mulder says defensively.
“Yeah, she was,” Scully mumbles, looking away. “Either way, I have to deal with you being… interested in other people way more often than the other way around. And I don’t ascribe them physical attributes they don’t possess. So what was that?”
“I’m sorry, Scully. I truly am. I was just-,” he looks at her. Can he say it? Can he admit it to her? If he admits that he was jealous, what will happen next? They’re not there yet. He can admit it to himself, but he’s not ready to face the consequences of his feelings.
“I was insensitive. I was worried your feelings for Sheriff Bu- Hartwell might interfere with the case.”
“That’s it?” she asks and he nods, looking down at his feet. “You’re sticking to that story?” He lifts his head to look at her. She’s not believing a single word.
“Admit he didn’t have buck teeth.”
“What? He did!”
“Admit it, Mulder. Or tell me the real reason.”
“Fine,” he says with a sigh. All he has to do is say it. Simple words. ‘I was jealous, Scully’. How hard can it be? He, the defender and searcher of the truth, is shying away from it.
“I- he didn’t have buck teeth. Happy?”
“It’ll do,” she says, before she walks right past him and out of the basement office, making him wonder what exactly she means by that.
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Stray Kids Scenario - Please, Sir ~ Christopher Bang
Post Date: 13th November 2022 Content: Fluff/Smut - Chan x Reader Word Count: 2.6K TW?: Strangers to lovers/ GN/ Reader has vulva/ Hand holding/ Possessive!Chan/ Praise/ Sir kink/ Slight Corruption/ Fingering/ Penetration/ Breeding  Summary: Usually, love-making is where it’s at for the both of you. However, when things change and there’s steam filling the room, his attitude changes when the nickname ‘Sir’ comes flying out of your mouth.
Scenario Mobile Masterlist                                     Prompt List
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A faint knock on his door distracts him from his laptop - a rare occurrence. The fact that he didn’t have his headphones on for a change was a surprise in and of itself, especially within seconds, the door opens and you’re greeted by your boyfriend, dressed in his hoodie, with the hood over his head with a cap, his favorite ripped jeans, and converse. 
For once, he actually didn’t look all that tired, you were hoping it was because he actually managed to get a good few hours' sleep. “Hey baby, what are you doing here?” He asks with the biggest grin on his face, throwing his arms around you, his cologne strong in your nostrils as you breathe in it.
You’re content against his chest as he shuffles with you close to him back into the flat, closing the door behind you. “I wanted to surprise you!” you giggle in response, his breath making the hairs on your head move subtly, not wanting to let go of you, “Were you working?”. 
“Yeah, but on nothing major, just doing some final details,” he laughs, pulling away slightly, lazily snaking his arm around your waist as he directs you to the studio, “Do you want to hear it?”. 
In response, you shake your head, knowing you’ve reminded him so many times that you like waiting for the surprise, not wanting to ruin it as you knew it would get stuck in your head, ruining it for everyone else too. “I’ll wait, it’s all okay baby. I know you’ve done amazing on it, I just know it,” you place the softest kiss on his cheek, turning it bright red as he nervously giggles, taking a seat in his chair as you take a seat on his couch.
“Aren’t you meant to be going live today?” You furrow your brows at him, tilting your head and noticing that he hasn’t even got anything set up ready for it yet. Chan’s eyes open wide, and the realization hits him that he’s lost track of time, looking at his watch and sighing as he slouches into his chair. 
Switching his sight between you and the laptop, he makes a quick decision to quickly save and shut down the laptop, closing the lid before pulling out his phone, and typing away as you receive small pings from your phone. He was just apologizing to his fans for not going live, promising them that he’ll do one the next day. 
“Are you seriously still subscribed to my bubble?” He rolls his eyes, unable to help but smirk as you wave your phone in the air, looking at the messages. You loved keeping up with what he’s doing and how he interacts with his fans. 
Of course, you didn’t need to stay subscribed, you were his partner now, you’ll always know what he was up to as he’d obsessed with making sure that you knew that he was okay and what he was doing anytime he was away. But you just couldn’t bring yourself to delete it, being a fan to now being lucky enough to call him yours. There was sentimentality about it.
“Yeah, why not?” You shrugged at him with the biggest grin on your face, sending in a message yourself that you knew only he would see anyway, ‘I love you so much baby, thank you for always looking after me. He manages to get a quick glimpse of the message, throwing himself out of his chair and to beside you on the couch, pulling you in against him, arms wrapped tightly around you. 
“You’re so cute and soppy you know that?” He teases, his hands making their way down your shoulders to under your armpits, ticking you whilst you attempt to wriggle out of his grasp, laughing loudly until it comes to a stop. 
“Only for you,” you softly reply, staring deep into his eyes as you inch closer to him, placing a kiss on his plump lips which he returns happily, cupping your face as he deepens it slightly. 
“But seriously, why do you still have my bubble? It’s a little weird,” he contorts his face, making you laugh as you poke his dimple. “Memories didn’t think I’d be this lucky to go from being a fan to being yours,” you reply, trailing your finger down his sleeve, smiling sweetly at him, so much that it makes him blush again, his ears also going red. 
Chan hums briefly in surprise that he seriously means that much to you, satisfied that you’re just as happy as he is, making him smile at the thought that he couldn’t ever go without you. Never. He knew the risks of dating a fan - well, the risks of dating in general - but when he saw you at the coffee shop, his world stopped, only thinking about you. 
For a moment, you just lay there on him, cuddled right up against his chest as he smiles down at you, fingers running through your hair, placing soft little pecks on the top of your head. The both of you needed this, he wasn’t at the worst point of stressed or tired for that matter, but he loves having you close to him, and you were the same. Any chance you could get to just hold him or be held, you were content. 
But that peace didn’t last for long as you find yourself fighting the urge to sleep, needing to keep yourself away so you have to find ways of trying to distract yourself. Just from impulse, you slap away his cap, perfectly hitting the front to send it flying backward, taking the hood with it as it exposes his beautiful curly locks.
“Ah, that’s why you’re wearing a cap and a hoodie,” you tease, your fingers gliding through his hair as he lazily tries to get you off, but giving up almost instantly when you move onto his lap, cradling it as you play with his hair.
“Are you having fun there?” He rolls his eyes, hands finding their way to your waist at first, slowly lowering down to hold your butt, cheek in each hand as he finds that this was enough of a compromise. 
“Mhm,” you mumble, tongue poking out slightly whilst you start to braid little parts of his hair, completely unaware of how he’s looking at you, his soft eyes turn to lust when you move subconsciously on his lap, making him hard almost instantly. It also didn’t help with the fact that he had both hands on your ass, giving it a little squeeze, just because. 
Pulling your distraction away from his hair, he grabs both of your hands gently, pulling them down from his head to his shoulders to place them there as one hand finds its way to your hip, the other fitting on the side of your neck, his thumb just under his chin.
Once you’re looking at him, slightly confused to say the least, he leans in whilst pulling you close to him and your lips connect with a satisfying low growl leaving his. You aren’t going to complain about this, indulging in the kiss as much as he was, sneaking your tongue between them which causes him to scoff as his fights against yours. 
Pulling away briefly, you couldn’t help but notice how ‘excited’ he was getting, feeling his erection twitching on your clothed heat, making you giggle nervously, “Someone’s a bit excited”.
“Shut up and kiss me,” he hisses through gritted teeth, eyes partially closed as he bites his lip looking at yours, wrap snaking to the back of your head to pull you back in.
“Yes, Sir,” you reply without thinking, eyes widening at the realization of what just came out of your mouth without thought, not going a miss Chan whose smirk grows bigger by the second. Instantly making you blush from embarrassment, trying to cover your face but he definitely wasn’t going to have that.
Ushering you up to your feet, he pulls you out of the studio and down towards his room, opening the door for you. But the second that you enter his room, there was no chance to breathe, the way his lips attack yours as he fights to get your clothes off, removing his own also in the process. 
It gives you no time to breathe but you weren’t complaining about where this was going, but you weren’t sure how good of an idea it was to call him ‘Sir’, not realizing how much this has changed his attitude.
“Didn’t realize that calling you that would cause you to react like this?” You managed to put in your two cents as he pulls away to gently lay you down on the bed, hovering over you as his eyes stay the same, glued to you.
“Neither did I, until you said it,” he smirks, biting your bottom lip a little harsher than usual, hands snaking up the sides of your bare torso, taking a breast in each hand as he gently squeezes them, pinching the nipple between his thumb and pointer finger. 
Faint little whimpers come from you as he does this, his smirk pinned on his face as he watches your eyes flutter whilst trying to keep looking at him. This was just another thing to add into his little dirty mind of his, how one little world could make him want to ruin you, make your legs weak and make you unable to walk without his assistance.
Of course, he’s thought about it before, but you’ve never really done anything other than love-making, always really indulging at the moment, admiring each other’s body, giggly kisses, and soft strokes.
But tonight, this was going to completely change everything. 
The way he trails his fingertips across your collarbones from your breasts, make you shiver, goosebumps rising all over your body as you shudder at the touch. 
“You don’t understand how much I want to ruin you,” Chan growls into your ear, a hand making its way to your throat, holding it over gently before moving it to the side, thumb nudging your head up to look at him.
You didn’t realize how hot you’d find this, how hot it would be to see his attitude change to this, rendering you speechless. All you could do was look at him, biting your lip and bottoming out completely as he stares you down, with that hungry lustful glare, the smirk never leaving his face. 
“You’d like that wouldn’t you?” Chan’s features soften only slightly, worried he may be taking a step too far but the way you manage to get some movement, to pull him in for another heated kiss, dragging your nails up his back, he gets the hint.
Along with getting the hint, he hisses at the feeling of your nails digging into the flesh on his muscly back, groaning into your mouth as you scoff slightly back, amused at how turned on he really was with it.
“Please, Sir. I need you,” you whimper through the kiss, only just adding to the craziness in his mind about how much he wants to wreck you completely, lowering a hand down towards your core and lightly pressing on your clit. 
The way you gasp at the touch makes him push his tongue into his cheek, watching your mouth open wide, quivering when he starts to make slow movements on it, circling digits on it as you start to pant. 
His other hand pushes yours to beside your head, intertwining his fingers with yours, a staple in the bedroom, he couldn’t go without holding your hand and vice versa. That was going to be the only thing slightly romantic about tonight. 
He’s only using his fingers, circling on your clit and you thought you were about to explode already from the pleasure. 
Then he glides a finger into your hole, then a second. Stretching you out ever so slightly, curling his fingers up against that perfect little spot that makes your back arch so much it starts to hurt. 
“Awh look at you~” He teasingly coos into your ear, making you whimper, even more, his tongue swiping across your bottom lip when he moves to look at you again, tongues clashing against each other, “My. precious baby. Behaving so well for Sir”. 
“Always,” you whimper, voice barely audible through your whimpers as his fingers are still deep inside of you, curling up to the g-spot, making tears prick at the corner of your eyes.
As much as he wanted to hold back, he couldn’t bring himself to, the way he was slowly breaking you with a new change in your sex life, he just can’t help himself from pushing your legs up against your chest and ease himself into you, with slow strokes at first but the way you feel around him, he wouldn’t be able to keep a slow pace.
“Such a little slut for me aren’t you?” Chan grits his teeth, eyes screwing shut when his tip crashes against your warm and wet walls, hands intertwined with each other.
“Mhm,” you could barely speak, your eyes throwing to the back of your head as he fucks you senseless, becoming a screaming mess from the way his hips mercilessly smack against your skin, making it red and raw to the touch. 
“Answer me properly, baby. You’re MY little slut, aren’t you? Only a little slut for MY cock?” Chan grunts, trying to pry the words out of you, knowing how he’s messing with your brain being like this but that just made him hornier for you.
“Yes... Yes,- Sir-. Only for you,” that was the most that you could reply with, your head becoming fuzzy from the switch up from your usual night. 
And he was just going to have to accept that this was the most you could do for a reply, finding it extremely hot by the way you cry out loud, whimpering and screaming every he hits the special spot.
It’s safe to say, this wasn’t going to be the first or the last time you were going to call him sir. Definitely weren’t going to be opposed to trying new nicknames, teasing him, and maybe even becoming a little brat, just for him. Just for him to put you in your place. Oh how much he’d enjoy that. This really has switched up your lives.
It’s also safe to say that you definitely can’t walk, the way he makes you cum multiple times whilst in that position alone, making you breathless and making your throat hurt from screaming so much.
Your knuckles also turn white from how hard you were squeezing his hand every time you hit your high, trying to come down for it. 
And you were definitely not opposed to him doing whatever he liked in terms of where he came. Knowing now that this was a night of finding out more kinks of his, letting him breed you as he starts to become his gentle self again as his legs twitch with each thrust. 
“You’re mine, forever,” he whispers, all fucked out, just as you were, sweat coating his hairline as he flops onto you, pulling you close to him and refusing to let you out of his grasp.
“We should shower, babe,” you giggle into his shoulder, now feeling a little bit nasty from all the mixture of sweat and body fluids over your body. 
His little sigh makes you pout at how cute he is, feeling the slight side effects of whiplash in the change of his attitude of personality from just five minutes ago, to now. 
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bebepac · 1 year
Where Do We Go From Here?
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I am participating in @choicesflashfics​ prompt  week 28  using: “I saw this  and it reminded me of you, and  “Sometimes forever doesn’t necessarily mean forever”  and past prompt  “I don’t regret it... but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t a mistake.”  All used quotes will be in bold.
I am also participating in @aprilchallenge​ for  the over all theme Just want to be with you.
This is Part 8 of the Cordonian Arrangement.
The Book:  TRF The Series:  The Cordonian Arrangement Pairings: MC is widowed, Past Pairings Riley x Nico (Riley x M!OC) , Past Pairing of Liam x Riley Word Count: 2232 Warnings and Ratings: Mention of character death, grief.  Mention of pregnancy complications, profanity: / Teen Summary:  Riley and Liam try to deal with a very awkward situation.  
Original Post 04/14/23  at 2PM EST.
It was barely dawn and the sun was only creeping slightly through the windows. When she moved, his embrace tightened, pulling her back close to him, so that he could lean into her  to kiss her neck.  He sharply inhaled because her natural scent was so intoxicating to him.  He had missed sharing tender moments like this with her.
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  Riley was still waking from her slumber but to her, it felt like a typical morning, that she had lived every day when waking in his arms was commonplace.  
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She  moaned softly as he continued to gently dot kisses to the sensitive skin of her neck, her body responded naturally to his touch.
“Let’s stay in bed.  Don’t go…." she mumbled in her sleep. “Stay with me.”  
His voice made her immediately  leave that place of pre woke slumber to soberingly wide awake, quickly pulling away from him.
Fully awake, all the memories of the last few months, and from last night flooded back to her in a wave.
Observing the shock and almost disappointment in her eyes, Liam knew, as she shielded her bare body from him with the bedsheet.  
Liam’s voice was heavy with discontentment as he spoke.
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“That wasn’t intended for me, was it?”  Liam’s gaze was piercing, full of disappointment causing Riley to quickly break eye contact with him. She just couldn’t look him in the face right now, but she wanted to be honest with him; he deserved that.  
“No… I’m…. sorry….” She  murmured as she turned heading towards the door still draped in the sheet from the bed.
“Riley, we need to talk about this.  There’s a reason you came to me last night. It felt right for us to be together that way. We felt like us again!”  
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“For a brief second, this morning, I forgot the horror that has been my life these last three months.  Last night, I was lonely… I wanted to feel…. connected to someone again. I didn’t  mean to give you the wrong idea, and for that Liam, I’m truly sorry."
“Do you regret what happened between us last night?”
“No… I don’t regret it… but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t a mistake.  It was a mistake Liam.  We have way too much history for me to think that you would simply be okay with it. This is all my fault. I should have been clear with you what last night truly was….for me.”
“We made love last night Riley.”
“We… didn’t.  It was just sex, Liam.  I’m still in love with my husband.” She glanced down at the ring on her finger that she was still wearing. Nico's wedding band dangled from a gold chain around her neck.
“Your husband is dead.”  
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Riley gasped in shock.  Liam immediately wanted to take the words back, but it was too late; the damage was done. Riley shook her head in disbelief.  
“Who are you?”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like it came out, Riley. Forgive me, I didn’t mean it Riley. I promise you I didn’t.”
"Yes you did."
"I really didn't…"
“Get out of my house.”
“Riley….No… We’re supposed to take Angelo to the zoo together today.”  
"Riley please…."
She adamantly shook her head no.
"Nico was wrong about what you and I could be to each other. I need you to pack your stuff and leave now.."
“Riley, that's not fair for you to say that.  We’re still figuring all of this out.  This isn’t easy for either of us to navigate.”
“I need you to leave Liam.”
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“Not like this. I’m not leaving you like this Riley.”  
“Fine, then I’ll leave.”
Riley left his room and locked herself in the master bedroom.  
After a few minutes she heard the sound of Liam’s rolling suitcase on the floor, it stopping in front of her bedroom door.
“I’m going to say goodbye to my son before I leave.”  
"You should do that."
"For what it's worth Riley, I'm really sorry."
“Goodbye Liam.”  
A few minutes later Liam was gone.  Riley took a deep breath finally unlocking  her door.
Ruby One
“I was sure you said you were here until Monday, how the hell did I fuck that up?”  Leo asked when he got on the plane clearly confused and hungover.
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“That was the plan.”  
“Well what went wrong?”
Liam explained what happened with Riley.  
“You’re an absolute fool when it comes to Riley.  That woman is a walking red flag right now, and trust me I know a red flag when I see one.”
“It’s not her fault though, she lost her husband.  You ignored all the signs because you want her back, and Riley’s not there yet.  She can't be what you want her to be Liam…at least not right now. You have had a front seat to her grieving Nico.  
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You know how hard this whole ordeal has been for her.  When I saw her last, she was still wearing her wedding ring, and his wedding band.  Did she take them off?”
“That’s not a woman that’s ready to move on with you, no matter how much you want her to be ready.  She’s stuck in that place where she still desperately misses her husband, and wants him back.
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She was probably lonely, and let's be honest horny, and you were there, and she sought comfort from you, in that way.  You had to know what you were getting into when she showed up at your door last night.  Liam, be honest with yourself.  It wasn’t the beginning of rekindling of your relationship with her, and you knew that, but you wanted her so much, that you didn’t care. You just wanted her, any way you could have her.”
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“You’re right. I love her."
“Liam, you have to give her time. If the two of you are meant to be, she will come back to you.  But what you did, didn’t help the situation, you got mad with her and said something incredibly hurtful.  It was true, mind you, but hurtful. You do this to her, you know and you need to stop."
"Do what?"
"You impose all these things on her, expecting her to follow them, to be what you what, how you want it, when you want it. Then you get all surprised that she rebelled against you and ran, and put up every wall imaginable to keep you out, this not being the first time she’s reacted this way to you.  Does this sound familiar?"
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"I'm acting just like father would….."
“You are little brother.”  
“Give her some space, and she’ll come back around.”  
“If she doesn’t?”
“It was just never meant to be, and if we’re being completely honest here,  you lost her over three years ago; it might be time to finally let her go.”
Liam was in a deep state of contemplation the rest of the way back to Cordonia. He decided it was time to listen to his own message that was given to him by the late Nico Karahalios. Liam pulled his own envelopes out of his desk drawer. He had given him two envelopes one said "If it's working" the other one said "If it's not working."
He picked up the "If it's not working" video and began watching.
"Hey Liam. I can honestly say… I’m not surprised.”
Nico smiled. "You thought it was going to be easy, didn't you?"
Nico began to laugh.
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"You really did, didn't you?!!"
Nico abruptly stopped laughing. "I'm sorry. This is not helpful.”
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"Damn right it's not." Liam thought.
“I’m sure that you were expecting more from me.”
Nico sat silently for a few moments.
"Like what exactly? Did you think this was the part where I am going to tell you how to win my wife's heart back? How to get her to fall in love with you again? I'm not going to do that. I can't do that. She's not going to do anything because you want her to do it. She does things on her own time. That woman has her own mind, and she's not afraid to use it. Liam, she's a different woman than the one that came here a week after you met her in New York. None of the same rules are going to apply.  You have to get to know her again as the woman she is now.  She’s been a lover and a confidant to me, she’s been a faithful wife, and a beautiful mother. How I won her then, I  can’t even take credit for that, I didn't win her, but instead she chose me. 
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I think she chose me because I was patient with her.  I did what I said I was going to do.  If I told her, we were meeting at 6PM for dinner, I’d be knocking on her door at 5:50. She could always rely on me being there for her.   Comfort and stability allowed her to relax with me, because Riley is not a calm person. Her senses are always heightened, waiting for the other shoe to drop, because of all the hurt and loss she’s experienced in her life. I finally got her to relax with me…and then I died on her. I will never forget the look in her eyes when I told her I was dying. She was completely blindsided. The light after everything she’s endured that you see in her eyes so easily, disappeared. It broke my heart.”  
Nico shook his head.  
“Our marriage wasn’t perfect.  We had  our fair share of fights.  Our very first year of marriage was particularly tough.  We lived with my mother.  Can you imagine? Small house, with a newborn, while my cousins helped me build the house we were in now.  Our first really huge fight, after we moved in, Riley kicked me out of the house and locked me out.” 
Nico laughed.  
“From my house.  I slept in a tent in the yard for 3 days.  My cousins saw me, talked all this macho shit to me,  and so I got all ballsy and I went up to MY HOUSE.  MY HOUSE THAT I BUILT FOR MY WIFE…And insisted Riley let me back in.  You know what happened Liam?  Can you guess?”
Nico was silent for a few moments.  
“It was the equivalent of upsetting a bee hive. I spent a fourth night out in that damn tent. Day five, I left her alone. Day six, when I woke, she had brought me breakfast, and wanted to talk.  Was she still angry with me?  Yes,  but she had calmed down enough that she could talk to me without shutting down on me.  I hope you understand what I’m trying to tell you.
Riley put up with a lot to be in that arrangement with you, that experience changed her.  Now, yet again, she will be forever changed from losing me.  I don’t know if she’ll come around.  I hope she will, because I want her to be happy, Liam.  She’s had too much sadness in her life, to not be.  I wanted to be her forever, and sometimes, forever doesn’t necessarily mean forever.
So in closing,  whatever you did wrong… Make it right Liam.”  
Liam decided to take a page from Nico’s book.  He gave her space.  Finally after the most painful weeks of not speaking to Riley, he decided to send her a text.  Riley used to like a good meme in the past, so he decided to send her one.  
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“I saw  this, and it reminded me of you. Just imagine they are butterflies, and I remember how you feel about butterflies.”
Later in the day he noticed she had seen the meme, but she hadn’t responded. He decided not to push and maybe Riley would respond on her own.  During the night  while Liam was sleeping she sent a meme back to him.
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He took it as a sign she was ready to talk.  
He immediately called her and once she picked up he started speaking, not even waiting for her to say hello.
“Riley, I completely deserved the way you treated me that day.  I’m so sorry for what I said.  I never meant it, and I never meant to hurt you. Please forgive me.” 
“This isn’t Riley.  It’s Athena, we just got Riley to the hospital, she wanted me to call you.”  
“What’s wrong?”
“It’s the baby.  We’re really concerned.”    
“I’ll be there as soon as I can.”  
Staff had the Ruby One prepped for departure within the hour.  Leo when hearing the news decided to go with him for support. Within three hours they  were at the hospital.
"What room is Riley Karahalios in? I need to see her."
"Are you family?" The receptionist questioned, and when he didn't respond she countered with "Only family is allowed back in this wing."
"He is family. He's the baby's father."
"He's right. I am the baby's father.”
She’s in room 224.”
Leo followed as Liam walked briskly down the hall at an accelerated pace.  
“She’s going to be fine. Her and the baby are going to be fine.  They have to be.”  
Athena and Mama K were sitting outside the room when he walked up.  Athena immediately stood.
“Athena, what happened to Riley?”
“She was having pains, and there was some bleeding.  We were really scared.  It’s stopped now.  They have her calm and she’s finally resting.”
Liam walked into the room, Riley was snoring, the beeps of the multiple monitors didn’t seem to be bothering her.   Taking her hand in her sleep and gently stroking it, Riley still did not wake.  So he sat there quietly holding her hand.
He softly whispered to her. “I’m here.”  
Riley woke up a short time later.  
“What are you doing here Liam?”  Her hand tensing slightly under his touch.
“Athena told me you wanted her to call me.”  
“No I didn’t….”
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“But I’m glad she did. I told her not to, because, I didn’t want to worry you.”  
Riley’s hand relaxed in his again, her free hand rubbing her stomach.  
“I thought I lost her, and I can’t lose both of them.  I can’t handle that. I’m such a mess right now. I’ve never felt this out of sorts in my life.  I’m sorry I got so angry with you. I get that this isn’t an easy situation for you either.”  
Liam could almost hear the words of the late Nico Karahalios in his ear.  “You have to get to know her as the woman she is now.” 
“It’s alright.  I know.  How about this?  Let’s just start over.  Let’s forget all the missteps on both our parts, and start at the very beginning. I’m Liam Rys,  it’s a pleasure to meet you….”  
“I’m Riley.   Riley Karahalios.”  
And that’s the woman, she is now.
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webslingingslasher · 1 year
21 AND 30!!!!!!
based off this prompt list
sorry for the late post, i forgot i had these in my inbox! I really liked this one!
“Why can’t you just be happy for me?” 
You screamed the words with ferocity, frustration was dripping from each word. 
Peter was your best friend, you supported him in everything he did, everything. Even going into fucking space, or finally asking MJ out, or just being there to hold him halfway through freshman year in college after they decided the distance wouldn’t work. 
You loved Peter with everything in you and you loved everything he did. He had a way of lighting up every room he walked into, he knew how to break the tension each time and always spared someone at the expense of his own awkwardness. 
No matter what he did he had you in his corner. 
Why didn’t you have him there too?
It all started with Zach, some friend of a friend who took an interest in you. Nothing serious at first but then Peter noticed this guy was waiting around for you, and suddenly you had canceled one or two different plans for this guy, and next thing he knows all he can look at is the hickey he’s clocked in on your neck, right above your collarbone. 
Peter’s been kind of a bitch since then. 
Just snappy with responses, like when you apologize for canceling, again, he hits you with a ‘no surprise there, make sure you use protection or whatever.’ Or just rolls his eyes and changes subjects when you bring Zach up, which was upsetting because you listened for two years about him and MJ. 
“And, Zach surprised me with a tea and sugar cookie after lab! I texted him before I went in that I was nervous and when I left he was waiting there with it and walked me to the bus stop. It was so cute, I even kissed his cheek and he got all blushy. Isn’t that just adorable?” The awe was thick in your voice, little clouds and stars ran around your forehead, how could you get so lucky?
“Yeah. Just super adorable. Anyways, did Jesse fuck up in lab today?” Peter brushed it off choosing to talk about your lab partner, he’s in the wrong major, you both think it. He’s always messing up in the most comedic ways. 
You furrow your brows, he always does this. 
“Uh, not really. But, Zach was telling me about how his roommate was asking about me, which is a good thing right? Cause that means he’s actually talking about me, and-” 
“Ned was talking about how he and Betty are looking for an apartment together, I think he’s gonna propose before we graduate.” 
“Do you not like Zach?” It’s getting tiring, you want to talk about this with your best friend.
“Why do you care if I like Zach?” 
“Because, Peter! I want my best friend to like my boyfriend!” 
Pause. Peter blinks one, two, three times. 
“He’s your boyfriend?” It’s like he’s tasting the words in his mouth. 
“Well, not yet I mean. But I think he might be, or he’s trying to be.” You shrug like it’s nothing but it’s something. He’s nice and lovely and down right cute. 
“Then no.” Peter blinks at you again.
“No. I don’t like him, I don’t care for him and I don’t want to meet him.” Peter is being extremely blunt. 
“Okay…” You trail and look around, you don’t think there had ever been tension in a room with him like this and it was nearly suffocating. 
“Can I ask why?” You give a false laugh, trying to ease what he put in the room. 
“I don’t know. He’s always around you, and makes these weird jokes that only you understand. And you’re always dumping me to run after him, he sucks.” Peter reaches behind you to pull a string of hair off the side of your sweater.
You laugh dryly. 
“He’s nice. And he cares about me, and I actually think you would both get along really nicely. He reminds me a lot of you, you both have this weird dorky thing but it’s innocent. He’s patient and he’s funny.” 
“Yeah. Okay.” He hums and smiles. 
It’s condescending. 
“Why can’t you just be happy for me?” 
Peter’s eyes go wide, he opens his mouth and closes it trying to find the words then sighs. 
“I don’t know if I can bring myself to say it.” 
“Try.” You huff. 
“I didn’t ever think like this before but once he started to hang around I felt weird, and you’re always around him now. You cancel our plans for him and you walk around campus with him, and you have your own jokes with him that should be with me! And when I saw that hickey he gave you I freaked out inside, I never thought about it until I saw you with him.” 
“Thought about what, Peter?” 
He chews on his cheek, his bottom lip pulled and twisted. 
“I’m sorry that you found out this way,” 
Peter pauses and lets out a breath and looks at you in the eyes. 
“But, I think I’m in love with you.” 
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