#OR even worse
nelkcats · 1 year
Melted Boy
The day Danny discovered immortality he felt happy, but as the years passed his happiness faded and he realized that it was more of a curse than a blessing, he couldn't stand it. The deaths of everyone he knew weighed heavily on his shoulders. Every day he felt more alone.
When the last member of his family dies, his core can't take it anymore and an ice dome forms around the halfa, putting him into hibernation and freezing everything around him. Amity disappears on a frozen land.
Hundreds of years later, Danny opens his eyes to find that the world has changed and is full of heroes. Phantom, the first hero, rises from his rest with the eyes of the Justice League following but refuses to be part of their team. It's time to explore the world and leave his hero life behind, as his family would have wanted.
Of course, many people are not satisfied with his decision.
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koolaidashley · 9 months
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One of the curses of having a less than great parent….
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Musk said he's going to cure Autism with Neurolink and that's a whole shitty story on it's own but can we please for just one second focus on the fact that it is quite literally the plot of Be More Chill???
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moominpopzz · 3 months
Ashe overhearing Dakota talking about a girl he’s madly inlove w and gets all super upset thinking she has no chance
Later it’s found out Dakota was just talking about Ms G
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lagosbratzdoll · 5 months
Whenever I see adaptations of novels, comics, and games that elevate the source material, I get deeply and monstrously bitter. Wheel of Time, Foundation, Percy Jackson, The Boys, Outlander, Big Little Lies, Pachinko, Sharp Objects, WATCHMEN!!! All are so good, so beautifully written and moving that when you stack shit like Game of Thrones beside them, it falls flat on its face.
I still think about Jon telling Angela that he is in every moment they spent together all at once. Every time I think about Watchmen S01E9, my throat gets tight and my mouth wobbles. A triumph of storytelling. When you compare this with the disappointment that is Game of Thrones, it becomes clear that being mediocre, white, and a man often leads to success even when you fail.
I get angry because it’s possible to take novels/comics with so many moving parts and rich history, update them for our time and make the rich source material even richer. Those men just didn’t know how. 
And before anyone says the first three seasons are good. Are they? Are they really? Or are we just blinded by the perceived faithfulness to GRRM’s work when we weigh it against the utter shit show that was the last season? The show lifts all the best parts wholesale from the books and magnifies all the worst parts. 
They portrayed the Dothraki with a lack of care compared to the Free Folk. They furthered the lack of non-white perspectives by erasing what little we had. Presenting freedom as if it is worse than chattel slavery. The extinction of the Dothraki in service of white Northerners who were less than welcoming. 
The show does not name more than half of Daenerys' more prominent Dothraki characters on screen. Killing Irri, Jhiqui and Doreah to further isolate Daenerys. Transferring all the better traits from women to the men in their lives. Turning Jorah from an old paedophilic creep into whatever the fuck that was on the show. Alluding to the “first they came” poem for rapists, slavers and other monsters. Peddling the gentle slave-owner myth as if owning a person is not inherently violent. 
Having Missandei be beheaded in chains to fuel madness for literally no reason. Cersei could’ve bargained for her life or at least some concession from Daenerys with Missandei’s life, but they have her behead Missandei for no other reason than to piss off a woman with a large army and an even larger dragon. It made little sense then, and it makes even less sense now. 
I know it’s a bit much to still be so affected by that dumpster fire almost a decade in, but I saw that interview with those idiots yesterday, and I have been furious ever since. 
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heraldofcrow · 1 month
Fun Fact! Cthullu is basically the guy who wakes up the other's at the end of time, so he a is a lot like an alarm clock or a dog that barks at a certain time of morning loud enough to wake the dead.
Now you’ve put the image of Cthulhu BARKING in my head and I’m terrified lmao
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dang-dood · 10 months
“i forgive you” “don’t bother”
“i love you” “it’ll pass”
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chipthekeeper · 12 days
just realized we’re about to get even more stupid people trying to claim Aniseya is the “first” canonically gay character in Star Wars tv
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whathas4letters · 18 days
Heh.... wouldn't it be pretty ironic if Gojo's soul takes over Yuta's like what Toji did in Shibuya?
Imagine, the teacher willing to give his corpse up for his students and colleagues to use as weapon against big bad accidentally kills his student in the process.
Gege is an evil motherfucker that can absolutely pull something like that, so be aware, shit can get much worse.
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extreamlyanxious · 2 years
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duskymrel · 3 months
I was just talking to my mom and told her that I'm really scared of giving birth and that I honestly just want to adopt, since there are so many kids who need homes anyways. Her response was "Oh, but it's so magical! Besides, birth is natural 😃"
Babes, so are periods and death, and neither of those are super fun.
She didn't like that response and started explaining why I should have kids and why being pregnant is so great and would NOT listen when I tried to tell her that that's just not for me.
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ratracewriting · 2 months
In my new WIP I must balance:
Attempting to make an interesting dystopia setting in 2024
Divine Machinery
A Protagonist who is NOT just me in a different font (again)
Card Games
Idolatry of Divine Machinery
Somewhat Homo-Erotic undertones with your body-double
Meme Culture
Disillusionment with Divine Machinery; the fact that technology can only give us what we put into it, if we see any sin within, it must have some from ourselves
Wanting to get buff to impress your crush
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loserbigsis · 1 month
Starting to realize the whole being demi-grey ace thing + demi-panromantic + having BPD and Broken Girl Syndrome™ is probably the reason I can't do "casual" shit to save my fucking life. I am that bitch that seriously asks people to go steady in the year of our lord 20-fucking-24. I can do completely platonic, I can do real committed relationships, but an undefined "situationship"? That shit has me clawing at the walls, frothing at the mouth and screaming inside my own head 24/7 like a corned rabid animal
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 2 years
Yuu seeing the Royal Sword Academy students approaching her dorm to save her:
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Ok so I made a fanfic based off the headcanons and memes.
The Princess in the dorm
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fridgrave2-0 · 7 months
i can't describe how bad mission impossible 7 is, it ruined my life
i wasn't expected it to be good or at least fine, but it's something else in the worst way possible
if benji is not the creator of the entity and not a twist villain, i will break something
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prettyboyscollection · 11 months
“females are inherently victims and they can never escape this fact ever. males are inherently predators and no matter what they’re dangerous. this is the natural way of things. hey why are you walking away”
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