#OCD mention
six-of-cringe · 1 year
tumblr is to moral ocd what tiktok is to adhd and post
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st7arlights-side · 2 months
Theorizing Pt 1: repression
UP AHEAD: so much rambling about Orange. written very late at night and not the most coherent, sorry. (also, all uses of Thomas are referring to c!Thomas)
okay everyone talks about the dark sides being their opposites, opposing colors, colors on opposite ends of the wheel, but wanna know another term for it? complementary colors. I think the idea of "totally opposing, entirely contrasting, nothing alike" is not really accurate to the lore that we have been given? It's clear that it's important that all sides are accepted, and that there is no "solely good" or "solely bad" trait. Everything has complexities and different aspects to it, and the sides are no different.
I've never been particularly fond of the idea of wrath/anger/cruelty being orange because it seems like a scapegoat? I am more in favor of it representing regret (as most appearances of it are present in scenes or conversations with regret present) [forgot where i saw the theory first :sob:] and passion (impulsive acts based in emotions, a contrast to Logan's character while simultaneously rounding him out and forcing him and thomas to accept the parts that aren't all logical) [theory from @/dillydallydove] as these have more dimension and seem to fill out the gaps in the sides a bit more, especially considering the general theme going with remus, janus, and virgil. These are aspects that Thomas represses, and he knows them by names that aren't really accurate to their full purposes. He knows Janus as deceit, while he is more accurately described as self-preservation. He knows Remus as intrusive thoughts, when he is more accurately described as his repressed creativity. He knows Virgil as Anxiety (which is fairly accurate, though it still minimizes his functions) though he might be more accurately described as caution? fear? an aspect of self preservation? Regardless, perhaps orange could be known as wrath or anger because that's what he manifests as, but that doesn't mean that this is accurate to who he is as an aspect of Thomas. Remus is intrusive thoughts because that is the only way he can get recognized, the only way he breaks through the suppression. Janus is known as deceit because he has to manipulate the other sides to get them to prioritize Thomas's self-interest (as well as his personal responsibility to protect Thomas from what he can't handle at the moment; deceiving himself, sure, but at it's core, preserving his presently fragile mental state).
What emotion, what passion, does thomas repress the most? he's clearly open to expressing love and joy and, more recently, stress and anxiety, even some hints of sadness showing. but what has he been repressing the most? his anger! his frustration! his (and his sides') sense of inadequacy!! Orange is being seen in these contexts because that is what he isn't allowing himself (and the sides) to express as themselves.
Sanders Sides' whole thing is accepting the different parts of yourself, with underlying themes of c!thomas's upbringing causing him to repress, deny, or otherwise have an unhealthy relationship with "bad" aspects of himself (which, boy do i have some ideas for possible explorations of OCD in this, especially with the prevalence of intrusive thoughts- and the ways Thomas and the other sides change their language around Remus to prevent him from "getting ideas"-). Orange could be treated as a character foil to Logan, or Orange could be like Janus, but instead of protecting c!T from things he can't handle, Orange is the result of that suppression. Like how remus formed from thomas (patton) forbidding Roman from having "bad" ideas, orange could be formed from thomas (logan) pushing down "bad" feelings, feelings of passion that don't directly help other people.
Of course, this brings me to how Janus (a "gatekeeper" of sorts for Thomas) would interact with orange. this is reaching more into prediction territory. I suspect that Janus wants orange to emerge, as prolonged repression is harming Thomas (which i'm pretty sure he alluded to at least once, though i'm blanking on when). (also, an aside, is it not concerning that during the christmas special, Janus, c!T's self-preservation, was increasingly inebriated?? ooh and the occasional gags about Logan drinking wine too-) Notice how Janus has been watching Logan? this plus the general willingness to exclude Logan (further pushing his frustration and feelings of inadequacy) makes me suspect that he (as per usual) knows more than the rest.
I... don't really have a conclusion. I think Orange isn't an embodiment of aggression, moreso a result of repression? I guess? And I'm concerned about... yeah everyone involved, but especially Logan and Janus.
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fkitwebhaal · 3 months
As a person with OCD, it’s very nice to see all the companions respond to Durge’s concerns about their intrusive thoughts with empathy and kindness.
It’s an experience!
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beetlesayz · 5 months
Hello! You've probably noticed I haven't been on here a lot recently,,
I'm going through the worst OCD spikes of my life right now. I haven't been able to do much tbh besides go to work. I'm not really sleeping or eating and it's been hard to push myself to do anything. While I love this website a lot, it's really bad for my compulsions. Because of this, I'm going to log off all social medias for awhile. I might come back every now and then, but I really think the internet is not helping. I will come back eventually though! Maybe in a week or maybe in a few weeks. Please take care of yourselves! I'll see you later :'3
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oatmealaddiction · 1 year
In light of RQ drama, I'm seeing a lot of kids on tumblr out here wondering if they can listen to TMA or not, or if they should feel bad for supporting the kickstarter and asking things like "can I still like Rusty Quill?" and like as someone whose struggled with Obsessive Compulsion, that's honestly really sad to see and I need to make this clear. Nothing that Rusty Quill as a company does, reflects on you as a person. You are not enabling abuse of employees by liking Magnus Archives and being excited for the sequel. There are allegations out right now, and there still needs to be time to substantiate them and there is zero pressure on you as a fan to come to a conclusion right away. It's okay to be unsure and it's okay to shrug and say "well I don't know what the truth is and frankly I'm probably not going to be the one to untangle this" and continue to post your TMA fanart. If it turns out your kickstarter money did end up going to an unethical company, you do not need to feel guilty about that given the information that is available right now. You guys are all looking for a way to label yourselves good or bad, and too often that label comes from what we consume. If I buy this I'm bad, if I like this I'm bad, if I have a parasocial relationship with so-in-so I'm bad, and like, no. What you like or dislike is honestly pretty nebulous, and you are not responsible for other people's actions. It is not your job to keep corporations in check and if a spooky gay podcast gives you joy, I promise you it is okay to still find joy in it while also acknowledging that unfortunately the company that produced it may have treated its employees unethically. There is no media produced by perfect individuals and liking Magnus Archives and other RQ products does not mean you endorse employee abuse. And by all means, if the allegations make you uncomfortable and you want to support workers, go ahead and support indie podcasts and pull your money out of the kickstarter campaign. If the knowledge of possible employee abuse makes it difficult to engage with TMA, feel free to move on. But don't just do that because you're scared you're a bad person and you feel like you need to come to some conclusion right now about all of this. Anyone who needs that kind of response from you is being unreasonable.
And to the people out there telling other people the correct moral way to react to this news, seriously, it's fine if people need time to come to their own conclusions on this and there is no reason to accuse anyone of some kind of moral failing for not knowing how to react to this frankly confusing and opaque controversy. It's okay to just be uncomfortable and not know what to do. I think more of us should do that all the time, and be forgiving of others for trying to do their best with the information that they have. But in my opinion, Fifteen year old Magnus Archives fans do not need to be making abusive labor laws and bad company practice their responsibility. Literally no one besides the relevant parties involved should be feeling any kind of guilt or shame.
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teerayus · 1 year
Are we taking this as canon that Pran has ocd??? Or did he mean it in a joking way????
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I don’t really trust trent’s mum that much.
“Trent your grandad is dead. Oh your toy train broke? Your lucky number is nine now. This will not cause you to develop any mental disorder.”
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lacefuneral · 8 months
re-read an old discord DM by accident and like. huh. i completely forgot that back in april my OCD symptoms were so bad that, quote, "half of my right eyebrow is gone from trich"
i feel like at the moment i'm doing. a little bit better, wrt to picking at my body under stress. i mean, i have both eyebrows at least
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The day people stop calling OCD an anxiety disorder is the day I die happy
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taxlecrivain · 1 month
My obsessive-compulsiveness is nothing. I never think about it. Plays no role in my desire to be unconscious forever.
Still empath asf if someone cries about their own suffering for just 0.002 seconds
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six-of-cringe · 5 months
"If I just exact perfect and absolute vengeance against Pekka Rollins, then the voice of Jordie will be satisfied and disappear forever" WRONG. Obsessive compulsive disorder.
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boimgfrog · 2 years
forgot the word for compulsion so instead i said "finally my ocd's given me a hand-washing kink"
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mistergreatbones · 1 month
i also just grunt in response to things because sometimes you need to acknoledge a person has spoken but you have nothing to say. also i eat hamburgers with a fork and knife for ocd reasons so i don't think that's weird.
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capthayes · 2 months
Tumblr media
Born into the lingering shadows of a scandal that rocked Wilmington to its core, Sierra Hayes has carved a path of resilience and dedication through the town's fire department, rising to the role of Midtown's youngest female Fire Captain. With a life shaped by the complexities of her family's past and her own defiant acts of bravery, Sierra stands as a beacon of strength and hope in a community on the cusp of rebirth. Beyond the firehouse, she nurtures a passion for outdoor adventure and a commitment to community service, embodying the spirit of leadership and the courage to face both the flames and the whispers of yesterday.
Sierra Hayes is Wilmington’s youngest female Fire Captain, celebrated for her bravery, highlighting her commitment to duty over protocol.
Growing up under the cloud of a scandal linked to her father being a suspect of killing the mayor in the past, and battling personal demons like anxiety and OCD, Sierra's resilience is as much personal as it is professional.
Beyond firefighting, Sierra dedicates herself to environmental conservation and community service, aiming to empower and educate through her survival training camp.
As an openly lesbian woman in a traditional field, Sierra navigates her identity with grace, advocating for equality and acceptance in and out of the firehouse.
Sierra aspires to mentor the next generation of firefighters and expand her community initiatives, all while seeking personal growth and reconciliation within her family.
Nicknames: Cap, Captain, Capt Hayes, Sese/Cece, Sissy (very rare people allowed to) Faceclaim: Danielle Savre Gender & Pronouns: Cis Female (She/Her) Age: 35 Birthday: November 19, 1988 Sexuality: Lesbian Occupation: Fire Captain in Midtown; runs a part-time outdoor survival training camp Location: Midtown, Wilmington Race/Ethnicity: Caucasian Nationality: American Height: 5'8" Build: Athletic Hair: Blonde, long Eye Color: Blue Allergies: None Disorders: Anxiety, OCD Fashion: Functional fire department attire on duty; casual and comfortable off duty, with a preference for simplicity and utility Nervous Tics: Taps fingers when thinking deeply or stressed Hobbies: Running, working out, rock climbing, camping Interests: Fire safety education, environmental conservation, community service Positive Traits: Resilient, dedicated, courageous, empathetic Negative Traits: Guarded, sometimes too self-reliant, struggles with authority due to past defiance MBTI Personality: ISTJ Zodiac Chart: Scorpio Sun, Virgo Moon, Capricorn Rising Core Values: Duty, loyalty, perseverance, community Personal Challenges: Reconciling with her past, especially her complicated family dynamics and the shadow of her father’s suspected involvement in a local scandal; balancing personal life with demanding professional responsibilities Personal Achievements: Becoming the youngest female Fire Captain in Wilmington; establishing a survival training camp that empowers and educates the community on safety and survival skills Lifestyle: Spartan and disciplined, reflecting her commitment to her profession and personal fitness; environmentally conscious Quirks: Has a ritual of running at dawn, likes to keep everything very clean and organized  Future Aspirations: To mentor young firefighters and expand her survival training camp; to work towards reconciliation and understanding within her family, particularly regarding her father’s past
Mother: Ellen Hayes (née Carter) Father: Michael Hayes Siblings: A younger sibling
TW: mention of mental abuse
Born into the lingering shadow of Wilmington’s most gripping scandal, Sierra Hayes grew up under the scrutiny reserved for the family of one of the suspects in Mayor Thompson’s mysterious death. Her father, while never the prime suspect, was implicated enough to cast a shadow over Sierra, her mother and her sibling. This suspicion, coupled with her father's mentally abusive behavior and their strained relationship, forged Sierra’s resilient and steadfast character. Despite his presence in town, Sierra maintains a significant distance, choosing to focus on her career and community work rather than mend a relationship she deems beyond repair.
Choosing to rise above the whispers and the stigma, Sierra dedicated her life to serving her community, a decision that led her to become the youngest female Fire Captain of Wilmington, in Midtown. Her leadership style, marked by unwavering dedication and an innate ability to inspire trust and bravery in her team, shows her commitment to not only protect but also uplift her community.
Her career, however, hasn't been without its challenges. Sierra's bold decision to save a civilian by disobeying direct orders brought her professional judgment into question, nearly derailing her ascent within the fire department. This incident, though portrayed her bravery and unyielding commitment to life, remains a closely guarded secret, a blemish on her otherwise commendable record.
Sierra's personal and professional life is a reflection of her strength in the face of adversity. She embodies resilience, leadership, and the complex dance between vulnerability and strength. She stands out by her professional dedication, even with all the personal struggles with her family that haunt her still, and navigating her identity, particularly her sexuality, in a profession dominated by traditional expectations—and traditional men.
As Wilmington stands on the precipice of rebirth, with The Tattler’s sudden reappearance stirring old fears and suspicions, Sierra finds herself at the heart of the storm. Her role as Fire Captain places her in the thick of the town's mysteries, balancing her duty to protect with her personal quest for truth.
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9ofspades · 3 months
Saw the post about “people who can’t handle criticism of things they like is a skill issue”, and, bud, I understand the sentiment, but it’s really not. Some people just can’t compartmentalize or stop thinking about certain things. That’s literally what OCD is, though OCD isn’t the only reason a criticism might lodge inside you and not leave. Nobody experiences neurodivergencies the same way as everyone else. It’s fine if you don’t understand it, but don’t be a dick.
That said, of course people who yell at online strangers for criticizing things they like — even if it’s appropriately tagged and in the stranger’s own space — are being dicks, and need to stop doing that and just curate their own experiences.
But the issue isn’t that they’re sensitive, or that media is ‘easily ruined’ for them. The issue is what they’re choosing to do afterwards. And that part is a skill issue.
Anyway, if you’re sensitive to certain things, or if relatively minor things impede your enjoyment of something, it’s not because you haven’t “tried hard enough” to overcome it. Different brains are just wired different.
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imoutoni · 1 year
Tumblr media
Hi everyone. Sorry if it seems like I've been inactive these past few days. I'm more prone to writing on D.iscord lately because it's easier and I'm having a pretty killer OCD episode due to finals coming up. It's kept me from keeping up with things here. I greatly apologize but I think until finals end, I may be low activity. Thank you all for understanding.
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