#especially online
tw vent (mostly in tags)
Ah yes, the violent thoughts of revenge are back
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leafn0t · 3 months
There was a guy in my class in highschool who I didn't really like
But he was the only person I could talk to about street fighter
Why can't my friends like this stupid franchise!
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oatmealaddiction · 1 year
In light of RQ drama, I'm seeing a lot of kids on tumblr out here wondering if they can listen to TMA or not, or if they should feel bad for supporting the kickstarter and asking things like "can I still like Rusty Quill?" and like as someone whose struggled with Obsessive Compulsion, that's honestly really sad to see and I need to make this clear. Nothing that Rusty Quill as a company does, reflects on you as a person. You are not enabling abuse of employees by liking Magnus Archives and being excited for the sequel. There are allegations out right now, and there still needs to be time to substantiate them and there is zero pressure on you as a fan to come to a conclusion right away. It's okay to be unsure and it's okay to shrug and say "well I don't know what the truth is and frankly I'm probably not going to be the one to untangle this" and continue to post your TMA fanart. If it turns out your kickstarter money did end up going to an unethical company, you do not need to feel guilty about that given the information that is available right now. You guys are all looking for a way to label yourselves good or bad, and too often that label comes from what we consume. If I buy this I'm bad, if I like this I'm bad, if I have a parasocial relationship with so-in-so I'm bad, and like, no. What you like or dislike is honestly pretty nebulous, and you are not responsible for other people's actions. It is not your job to keep corporations in check and if a spooky gay podcast gives you joy, I promise you it is okay to still find joy in it while also acknowledging that unfortunately the company that produced it may have treated its employees unethically. There is no media produced by perfect individuals and liking Magnus Archives and other RQ products does not mean you endorse employee abuse. And by all means, if the allegations make you uncomfortable and you want to support workers, go ahead and support indie podcasts and pull your money out of the kickstarter campaign. If the knowledge of possible employee abuse makes it difficult to engage with TMA, feel free to move on. But don't just do that because you're scared you're a bad person and you feel like you need to come to some conclusion right now about all of this. Anyone who needs that kind of response from you is being unreasonable.
And to the people out there telling other people the correct moral way to react to this news, seriously, it's fine if people need time to come to their own conclusions on this and there is no reason to accuse anyone of some kind of moral failing for not knowing how to react to this frankly confusing and opaque controversy. It's okay to just be uncomfortable and not know what to do. I think more of us should do that all the time, and be forgiving of others for trying to do their best with the information that they have. But in my opinion, Fifteen year old Magnus Archives fans do not need to be making abusive labor laws and bad company practice their responsibility. Literally no one besides the relevant parties involved should be feeling any kind of guilt or shame.
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matchbet-allofthetime · 4 months
Funniest thing I've ever seen on the Internet (especially in recent years) is people being like "I use my block button sparingly"
Meanwhile I block mfs for any reason tbh
You have a take I don't like? Block. You give me slightly off vibes? Block. You disagree with me (in some cases, depends on context)? BLOCK.
I grew up blocking mfs no matter what lmao
I CAN and I WILL. It makes me happy to block people tbh, curates my online experiences better
After years and years of mastering this, I basically exist in very niche, nice places on the Internet and it's fucking fantastic!
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I wasn't supposed to know you. I can't imagine a life where I don't.
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Not sure if I'm meant to be scrolling through blogs and reblogging like it's a catalogue
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newtafterdark · 1 year
As spring is slowly rolling in & it shows in my little garden, as well as me watching a bunch of fun witch movies yesterday - I am thinking a lot about the small witchy things in my life and how much it changed over the years.
The need for a focus figure / patron has entirely vanished, though I don't resent the time I had one. What felt right back then just doesn't any more right now.
It has become less of a "I must follow rules set by other witches" and more of what feels right for me.
I dry the seasonal local flowers and weeds that bring me joy in smelling them and hanging them up on my walls, not really focused on "popular" meaning or intention for spells any more.
Cooking has become my spell making; one of my main sources of joy and comfort. Making my own herb mixes, coming up with my own recipes soups and stews… that's my witchcraft now.
Something that has not changed though, is me having lots of jars of different sizes with all kinds of things inside - buttons, rocks, beads, bones, jewellery, pigeon & crow feathers… it makes me smile to see the trinkets I find when wandering outside on such a display.
Also, another thing - I am so happy that I've become old & confident enough to simply enjoy a lot of weird old blankets and pillows all over the place. It's a cozy patchwork that has kept me comfortable and warm when my chronic pain flared up a lot in winter. No more "sitting shit out" - my home needs to be kind to me when I need it to be.
Oh!! and it is also a joy to buy mixes of local plants, sort them & then try to figure out what seed/bean produces what plant simply by putting it into my wild plantpots outside.
It's the simple joys... and I really appreciate it way more now that it feels way more personal to me & not a copy of someone else's needs.
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regenderate · 1 year
this is very silly but i do get nervous when i see chibnall fans interacting with me just because i know a good number of chibnall fans with decent reach in the fandom really don't like me. like anyone is welcome to interact of course, but my takes on doctor who can be really polarizing, especially to chibnall era fans, and this has been a dealbreaker for entire groups of people.
probably at this point what it is is that i really do want to talk about the stuff that meant something to me, especially thirteen and yaz, but i honestly don't think chibnall era as a whole was very well executed. and the negative aspects cut deeper because some of the era really meant something to me. and i don't think it would be right to not criticize it, and that is personal on some level, but i also find criticism fun to an extent-- it scratches a similar itch to academia for me, but that's not how a lot of people want to engage.
and i am very much going to post critical takes on chibnall era, and i have the kind of autism where i'm not very good at making my phrasing less direct/blunt. nor do i think i should have to be honestly when stating my opinions, especially on my own blog, but i also know i can come off abrasive. (i promise i really really like good faith discussion!)
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onedepressoespresso · 9 months
I stg nothing makes me feel more like a sim than meeting new people
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prettylittledemonboy · 10 months
I see so many subs on here I want to be friends with but I get sooo scared to message themmm 😭
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scentedluminarysoul · 10 months
So for the last two years or so, I've been watching a channel that is exclusively voice over. Never seen the speakers face.
Today was the day.
I *thought* it was a young guy, you know how most YouTube channels are now run by 15yo kids and shit? I also never looked up their social media
It's a woman! A trans woman! I'M SO EXCITED AAAAAH!!!
This is AWESOME!!!
It's giving all the FEELS right now!!!
My mind screeched to a halt when she just suddenly appeared on screen!
Most people I follow turn out to be some kind of queer and I love it! We just tend to find each other, don't we?
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banannabethchase · 1 year
Me: I'm gonna message this cool person! I can tell them how much I appreciate their work!
Me thirty seconds later: How...do...words work?!?!?! They will think I am weird and strange??? What if I say accidental Mean?!?!?!
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wings-of-flying · 1 year
if i call you bestie either i hate your guts or you're the love of my life. there's no in between :)
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thefact0rygirl · 1 year
I'm only admitting this on anon but ever since you started posting more about your eating disorder and struggles with recovery, I felt more connected to you. I am going through my own recovery journey and hearing someone else struggle is...helpful. Recovery is glamorized but you post about things no one talks about. Even if they are meant to be vents, they help me feel less alone in my recovery. Thank you for that.
Well. I wasn't expecting this from my vents 🥲 But all the less I'm glad they're comforting! Recovery is such an isolating process. It's either glorified or people use it as an excuse to drop baity comments any chance. It definitely feels like I'm screaming into the void sometimes, so this was relieving to read.
Anonymously tell me what you think of me. Don’t sugarcoat it.
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koumeowkami · 1 year
kinning so many tsundere characters made me realize i'm a bit of a tsundere as well...
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rustedskyprisms · 1 year
I actually hate being referred to by my name
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